- Huntwood
- Huntwood
2 6 Choose Your Color ® Then if you wish, add a Special Finish W O O D mojave cinnamon chestnut colonial white ridgestone brazilian cayenne driftwood eggshell sterling spice ginger canyon hazelnut vanilla phantom honey pecan sienna garnet blackberry linen graphite cordovan kodiak butternut north sea vintage black heirloom eggshell heirloom dove heirloom col.white heirloom graphite heirloom vanilla white artisan heirloom vin. black 3 auburn arctic grey platinum artisan black artisan Heirloom Finishes Heirloom utilizes sand-thru, over-sanding, artisan glaze and rag marks to simulate an aged, antique look. (Not shown: Heirloom Linen, Phantom, Mocha and Butternut.) autumn I T S F I N E S T F O R M dove natural nutmeg I N brown artisan D O O R S T Y L E S W O O D S P E C I E S C O L O D O O R O V E R L A Y S E D G E P R O F I L E S R S Huntwood lets you customize your look in 6 easy steps. Instead of limiting your choices, Huntwood allows you to design a kitchen that is uniquely yours. Simply make one selection from each category: Artisan Glazes A subtle decorative effect for both flat surfaces and recessed details. 1 2 3 4 5 6 mocha charcoal NOTE: Colors shown are approximate and will vary from actual physical colors due to photography and printing limitations. Please see a current sample door or wood chip in your desired wood and stain color before ordering cabinets. Choose Your Overlay cottage brown black antique brown antique white antique 1 cottage black platinum antique Choose your Wood Specie Choose your Stain or Paint Color Choose your Door Overlay Choose your Edge Profile Choose your Door Style Then if you wish, add a Special Finish Choose Your Wood Specie Black Maple Hic Qua t Walnu r ter- saw n Sa ko black furniture Std Overlay 4 Width Overlay Full Overlay Flush Inset Flush Beaded Frameless brown furniture white furniture Antique & Furniture Glazes Antique Glaze concentrates in the corners and recessed details of doors. Furniture Glaze uses less pigment, for a more subtle treatment. Choose Your Edge Profile #11 #22 #78 #80 #81 #82 #83 carriage house brown carriage house black Cottage & Carriage House #84 #98 old world distressing light distressing ry Quarter- saw n Black Waln ut Beech Oak Quarter-saw n White Oak Soft halo effect, darker at edges of panels. Carriage House includes Artisan Glaze. (Not shown: Platinum, White) ® heavy distressing #10 platinum furniture Alder Che rry Ru sti c Rus tic A lde Distressing Distressing simulates decades of wear and tear with random dents, marks and gouges. wood in its finest form 23800 E. Appleway Avenue, Liberty Lake, WA USA 509.924.5858 • 800.873.7350 www.huntwood.com PCDS RP15K6/16 80% Waste Reutilizaton Committed to Sustainable Resources pele r Hi ck or y 5 SLAB Skyline 4 Novus 4 Executive 5 Shown in Cherry, Natural ( Napoli 5 has vertical grain drawer front) Shown in MDF, Phantom Shown in Cherry, Honey Pecan Choose Your Door Style R E C E S S E D Estate 3 Sunderland 4 Chateau 4 Shown in Cherry, Nutmeg 3 Donnington 5 Chalet 4 Black Walnut, Natural Enhanced Shown in Cherry, Cinnamon (Shown with optional 5-piece drawer front) Shown in Maple, Spice Shown in Alder, Nutmeg A RT S & C R A F T S Veneer Center Panels Hamlet Shown in Oak, Spice applied moulding Bristol 4 Covington 5 Claremont 4 Shown in Maple, Hazelnut Shown in European Beech, Autumn Reverse-raised center panel. Shown in Cherry, Natural Shaker 3 Savannah 4 Mission 4 Shown in Maple, Natural Shown in Alder, Chestnut Shown in Hickory, Canyon Sonora 3 Haven 4 Springfield 4 Shown in Cherry, Nutmeg Shown in Maple, Ginger ARTS & CRAFTS Veneer Center Panels Shown in Alder, Ridgestone (Shown with optional 5-piece drawer front) Nantucket 3 Laredo 4 Casa 4 Shown in European Beech, Kodiak Shown in Maple, Brazilian Shown in Cherry, Cayenne (Shown with optional 5-piece drawer front) Quaker 5 Hanover 5 Teton 5 European Beech, Cinnamon, #84 Edge Quarter-sawn Saple, Natural ( Belforte 6 has Roman arch center panel ) R A I S E D Reverse-Raised Center Panels Yuma 5 Tahoe 5 Villager 6 Shown in Alder, Honey Pecan Shown in Maple, Natural Shown in Rustic Alder, Honey Pecan Quarter-sawn Black Walnut, Hazelnut ( Pueblo 4 has recessed center panel ) Monterey 5 Woodland 5 Shown in Maple, Nutmeg Shown in Oak, Spice Cottage Grove 7 Shown in Hickory, Chestnut ( Fernwood 7 has raised center panel ) Marquis 6 Regency 5 Lexington 6 Concorde 5 Mesa 5 Lorraine 6 Beaumont 5 Shown in Hickory, Natural Shown in Maple, Ginger Shown in Maple, Honey Pecan ( Marseilles 6 has an easy arch ) Cherry, Autumn, Black Antique Avondale 5 Black Walnut, Natural Enhanced Rustic Alder, Cordovan, Black Antique Geneva A PPLIE D Raised Center Panels 5 Hartford 6 Hampton 5 Vienna 6 Shown in European Beech, Sienna Shown in Oak, Spice Shown in Maple, Honey Pecan Shown in Cherry, Canyon Shown in European Beech, Mojave Shown in Maple, Ginger ( Bettencourt 6 has arched top panel ) Tucson 5 Chaparral 5 Rio 5 Shown in Maple, Canyon Shown in Maple, Nutmeg Black Walnut, Natural Enhanced MOULDING Stafford 6 Cambridge 7 Montego 6 Carlisle 7 Genoa 6 Albany 7 Shown in Alder, Autumn Shown in Cherry, Sienna ( Durham 7 has raised center panel ) Catalina 7 Tuscany 7 New Castle 7 Shown in Hickory, Nutmeg ( Calais 6 has recessed center panel ) Shown in Maple, Spice Maple, Cinnamon, Black Antique Maple, Vanilla, Brown Antique Shown in Maple, Ginger ( Monaco 7 has raised center panel ) Shown in Maple, Cinnamon ( Lancaster 6 has recessed center panel ) M I T E R E D Shown in Black Walnut, Autumn Savona 6 Innsbruck 6 Hampshire 6 Seville 7 Madrid 7 Merida 7 Shown in Maple, Heirloom Colonial White Shown in Quarter-Sawn Sapele, Autumn ( Versailles 7 has raised center panel ) ( Verona 6 has recessed center panel ) Shown in Alder, Sienna ( Wakefield 7 has raised center panel ) Shown in Cherry, Autumn ( Devonshire 7 has raised center panel ) Shown in European Beech, Mojave ( Milan 6 has recessed center panel ) Maple, Autumn, Black Antique ( Calisto 6 has recessed center panel )