The Palmetto Patriot - South Carolina Society Sons of the American
The Palmetto Patriot - South Carolina Society Sons of the American
Organized 18 April 1889 The Palmetto Patriot 2016 Issue 1 - Spring Special Announcement This and the next issue of The Palmetto Patriot will be the last issues mass produced in a hard copy print format. Starting with the Fall 2016 issue, this publication will be available as a digital publication. Those wishing a hard copy will have to subscribe at a cost of $5.00 for the remainder of 2016 and then $10.00 for 2017. Full details and subscription form are found inside on page 2. Pictured (l-r): K. Schemine , escort, Z. Ohanesian, A. Ottinger, escort, S. Kerdock, a. Noblitt, escort, W. French, V. Matsumoto, escort, S. Hinkley, R. Howell, escort J. Patron, H. Dixon, escort, Z. Bush, M.Crider, escort, M. Stacey, M. Camp, escort, A. Camp, IV. Photograph provided by Greg Ohanesian. South Carolina SAR 2015 Colonial Ball By: Greg Ohanesian, Colonial Ball Committee Chairman The South Carolina SAR held its twenty-second Colonial Ball and Debutante Presentation on December 19, 2015 in the Gold Ballroom of the Francis Marion Hotel overlooking Marion Square and festive downtown Charleston. The Ball finnancially supports the patriotic education programs of the society. The Colonial Ball was organized in 1976 in part to celebrate the Bicentennial anniversary of the founding of our country. Greg Ohanesian has served as Ball Chair since 1999. Each debutante presented is a direct descendant of a patriot, or patriots, who fought in or supported the American Revolution. Eight debutantes from across the southeast took part in a colorful, dramatic presentation before more than one hundred and fifty guests. The Ball opened with the Presentation of Colours by Citadel Cadets followed by the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of the National Anthem. Then, walking the length of the extensive ballroom in white ballgowns with white tie presenters and then floating though a sword arch of six Citadel Cadets in full dress uniforms, each debutante took a formal bow and was seated at the front of the ballroom by her escort. Harp music accompanied the formal presentation. Afterward, the debutantes exited with their escorts to the rousing chords of “Scotland the Brave.” Debutantes, presenters and escorts included Maggie Elizabeth Camp presented by Colby William Furtick, Jr. and escorted by Alfred Banks Camp, IV; Murray Kate Crider presented by Bennie Voyde Crider and escorted by Maxwell Daniel Stacey; Haleigh Ellen Dixon presented by Mr. Thomas Mark Dixon and escorted by Zachary Tyler Bush; Rebecca Reed Howell presented by Mr. Scott Cullom Howell and escorted by Joaquin Basile Patron; Virginia Scarlette Elena Matsumoto presented by the Hon. Glenn Victor Ohanesian and escorted by Samuel Hinkley; Anne-Marie Gunter Noblitt presented by Mr. John Gunter Noblitt and escorted by William Raven French; Allie Morgan Ottinger presented by Dr. William Stanely Ottinger and escorted by Spencer Quimby Kerdock; and Kathryn Dianne Schemine presented by Mr. Mark Allen Schemine and escorted by Zachary Brice Ohanesian. Guests were served a three course dinner which included she crab soup, an entrée of three items (filet mignon, filet of salmon,and chicken wellington), and a dessert of French cheesecake with a raspberry and blueberry topping. Following dinner, a nine-piece orchestra played until midnight. Each debutante first danced the waltz with her presenter, followed by a waltz with her escort. Special recognitions during the Ball were as follows: Ms. Diane Culbertson, Regent, SCSDAR; Mrs. Ann Salley Crider, Chaplain General, NSDAR; Cmpt. and Mrs. T. Rex Legler for their generous financial support of the Ball; all Ball contributors; Mrs. Greg (Barbara) Ohanesian and all former Debutantes in attendance. Also aiding in Ball preparations were Karolan Ohanesian (Glenn’s wife), Mandy Johnson Shaw and husband, Marcus Shaw of Wallace, Kelly Byrd of Blenheim, and Cmpt. and Mrs. Bill Prewitt. The evening prior to the Ball featured a formal reception held at the Carolina Yacht Club overlooking the Cooper River and Charleston Harbor. Page 2 The Palmetto Patriot The Palmetto Patriot is published four times a year by the South Carolina Society of the Sons of the American Revolution © 2016. Subscriptions are sent automatically to South Carolina SAR members. President: Gregory A. Greenawalt Senior Vice President: Wayne Cousar Low Country VP: James Y. Robinson Midlands VP: Douglas Doster Piedmont VP: Norman B. Pigeon Pee Dee VP: Fredericke Oakes Upstate VP: Robert H. Krause VP - Chapter Formation & Development: Redding I. Corbett VP - Chapter Renewal & Revitalization: Wayne Cousar Secretary: Daniel K. “Dan” Woodruff Treasurer: Greg Ohanesian Registrar: Wm E. “Edd” Richburg Genealogist: John Ingle Historian: Donny C. Carson Chancellor: Bryan Caskey Chaplain: Lawrence Peebles National Trustee: Daniel K. Woodruff Alternate National Trustee: Carroll L. Crowther Editor: Mark C. Anthony Webmaster: Eric Lilling Website: Send articles and photos for The Palmetto Patriot to [email protected]. Postmaster: please send Form 3579 to PO Box 399, Williamston, SC 29607 Still looking for Patriot Graves The Patriot Graves Committee requests members provide photographs, GPS coordinates and locational data of any Revolutionary War Patriot Graves located in their respective communities. Please send any such information to co-chairman Carroll Crowther at crowthercarroll@gmail. com. Membership Applications Chapter registrars are reminded to mail all new member and supplemental applications to State Registrar Edd Richburg at 23 Buckingham Dr, Charleston, SC 29407. All applications should be processed through the local chapter registrar prior to mailing to the state registrar. Spring 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS The Palmetto Patriot Upcoming Events: “Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.” George S Patton (1885-1945) NEXT ISSUE DEADLINE 1 JUNE 2016 All event times and dates are subject to change. Please visit the South Carolina SAR website for details or attend to the published invitations. March 12 March 17-19 March 19 Apr 2-3 Apr 23 Apr 29-30 May 13-15 May 20 May 28 June 11 June 15-19 June 28 July 8-13 10:00 am All Day 10:00 am All Day 11:00 am All Day All Day 12 noon 10:30 am 10:00 am All Day 10:00 am All Day Guilford Courthouse Greensboro, NC SC Society DAR Annual Meeting Columbia Thomas Creek Jacksonville, FL South Carolina SAR Annual Meeting Columbia Fort Watson Santee North Carolina SAR Annual Meeting Charlotte, NC Florida SAR Annual Meeting Orlando, FL Mecklenburg Declaration Day Charlotte, NC Bufords Massacre Lancaster Ramseur’s Mill Lincolnton, NC NSDAR Annual Congress Washington DC Carolina Day Charleston 126th National SAR Annual Congress Boston, MA *Chapters are requested to not schedule meetings or events on established State and National meeting dates which are shown in italics above. Join us on Facebook: Battle of Fort Watson Commemoration The Matthew Singleton Chapter in Sumter will host the Commemoration of the Battle of Fort Watson at 11:00 am on Saturday, 23 April 2016. The event will occur at the Fort Watson Monument located in the Santee National Wildlife Refuge located near the Interstate 95 bridge over Lake Marion. Organizations wishing to present a wreath should forward their name and point of contact to Glenn Givens at [email protected] or 803-418-0800 ext. 108 no later than 16 April 2016. Palmetto Patriot moving to Digital editions At the January 2016 Board of Governors meeting, the Board accepted a report from a special ad hoc committee to change the publication format of The Palmetto Patriot from hard copy to digital beginning with the 2016 Fall issue. Thus there are only two hard copy issues (including this one) left. All compatriots who have provided an email address will automatically recieve The Palmetto Patriot and do not need to take any further action. There were approximately 717 out of 880 compatriots who have provided an email address. The remaining compatriots who have not provided an email address, but who wish to continue to recieve The Palmetto Patriot, must either supply an email address to their chapter president or the state secretary to be entered into the membership database or complete the subscription form below and return it with a check for $5.00 for the Fall and Winter 2016 issues to the Editor. This change is being made to reduce every increasing expenses to the society in terms of printing and postage, anticipate the near future when there will no longer be a commercial printer available to produce the newslette and to produce a better quality newsletter that is not subject to space limitations that exist with printed newsletters. Subscription Form: The Palmetto Patriot I acknowledge that I wish to continue to receive The Palmetto Patriot in a hard copy format. The cost for an annual subscription is $10.00 per year. Delivery of The Palmetto Patriot may be changed at anytime to the regular electronic delivery method by providing that South Carolina SAR with a current email address. No monies will be refunded if the delivery format is changed to an electronic format Name: ________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________ Subscription (please mark): 2016: $5.00 (2 issues) 2017: $10.00 (4 issues) 18 months (6 issues): $15.00 Please remit a copy of this form to the Editor along with a check made payable to “South Carolina SAR” to the following address Mark C Anthony, Palmetto Patriot Editor, 12 Misty Oaks Dr, Greer, SC 29651. Page 3 Spring 2016 Your personal invitation to the 2016 Annual State Meeting By: Greg Greenawalt, President One of the items we learned from our membership survey was that 78 % of our members have never attended one of our annual state membership meetings. Many have said they have not attended because no one has invited them. Our state meeting is an opportunity to network and get to know other SAR members that share the same values and ideals that you do. It is an opportunity for comradery and sharing of best practices. We honor each other and our chapters with annual awards for their hard work and best of all you get to meet the winners of our state youth programs, Eagle Scout, JROTC, Knight Essay contest,state history teacher of the year and SC state high school scholarship winner. You will hear various candidates of the Rumbaugh Oration program give their speeches and enjoy a very educational banquet with key note speaker Dr Christine Swager. Bring your spouse or an interested friend and join us this year. I would like to personally invite each and every South Carolina SAR compatiot to join us for this year’s state meeting on April 2-3rd in Columbia. If you want to understand how your society really works and to see some of the great work that your fellow Compatriots throughout the state do, please join us for this years state membership meeting. Please visit our state website at for more details and costs. Print out the meeting registration form there or use the one found to the right and return it to State Secretary Dan Woodruff. I hope to see each of you at this year’s upcoming state membership meeting in Columbia. Dates: Saturday April 2nd & Sunday April 3rd 2016 Location: Doubletree Hotel, 2100 Bush River Road, Columbia, SC 29210 SAR Group Rate: $125.00 for Saturday night, April 2nd Reservations: Call (803) 731-4892 and ask for th SAR Group Rate Agenda: Saturday, April 2nd 10am -1pm Meeting Registration lobby 1pm – 5pm General session Posting of Colors, Pleges, Roll Call Welcome & Introduction of VIPs and guests Outgoing Presidential address to membership Election of officers Rumbaugh candidate speech Give award after address Chapter and Individual member awards 6pm - 7pm Reception cash bar 7pm - 9pm Dinner followed by Dr Christine Swager speaking on How the British lost the War in South Carolina Sunday, April 3rd 9am-10am 10:30am-11:30am 12noon - 1:30pm 1:30pm - 2:15 pm 2:15pm - 2:30pm Breakfast on own in hotel restaurant Memorial and worship service Youth Awards Luncheon Induction of new officers New State President addresses membership The Palmetto Patriot Registration for the 127th Annual Meeting South Carolina Society Sons of the American Revolution Saturday April 2nd and Sunday April 3rd 2016 Doubletree Hotel 2100 Bush River Road Columbia, SC 29210 Hotel Phone: (803) 731-0300 Name ______________________________________ Title _________________________ Chapter ______________________________________ Name of spouse or guest (s)_____________________________ ____________________ Address: ____________________________________________ City _________________________ State _____ Zip ________ Ph.#______________________ Email ____________________________________ Hotel Reservations: A limited amount of rooms have been reserved for Sat, April 2nd at a group discount rate of $125 plus tax. The rate includes breakfast buffet for two and free internet access. To reserve your guest room call the hotel at the number above and let them know you are attending the SC State Society Son of the American Revolution Annual Meeting. Check in time is 3pm so you may have to store your luggage if rooms are not available when you arrive. Reservation must be made by March 9th to guarantee group discount rate. Full SAR member registration: _____ x $105.00 = $________ (Includes registration and both meals) Registration fee (members only): _____ x $25.00 = $________ (applies to SAR members only attending either Saturday or Sunday events or just the meeting to cover meeting room expenses) Saturday April 2nd Evening banquet only SAR Member: ________ x $47.00 = Spouse/Guest: _________ x $47.00 = $________ $________ Sunday April 3rd Youth Awards Luncheon SAR Member: __________ x $33.00 = Spouse/Guest: ___________ x $33.00 = $ ________ $________ Total amount Enclosed: $________ Dietary Restrictions: __________________________________ Please make checks payable to “SCSSAR” and send checks along with the completed registration form to: South Carolina SAR Secretary Dan Woodruff PO Box 399 Williamston, SC 29697-0399 The National Park Service turns 100 on August 25, 2016! The Centennial will kick off a second century of stewardship of America’s national parks and engaging communities through recreation, conservation, and historic preservation programs. Join the celebration to explore, learn, discover, be inspired, or simply have fun in over 400 national parks. Page 4 Spring 2016 Membership Report (pending final reconciliation) 1/1/2015 Chapter Membership New Battle of Eutaw Springs 23 0 Cambridge 36 0 Col Joseph Kershaw 7 0 Col Lemuel Benton 39 0 Col Philemon Waters 11 4 Col Robert Anderson 44 8 Col Thomas Taylor 65 1 Col William Bratton 25 6 Daniel Morgan 60 7 Dr George Moose 47 14 Gen Andrew Pickens 22 2 Gen Francis Marion 15 1 Gen James Williams 18 2 Godfrey Dreher 21 2 Gov Paul Hamilton 64 4 Henry Laurens 12 1 Maj Gen Wm Moultrie 113 13 Matthew Singleton 26 0 Thomas Lynch 17 0 At Large Membership 125 24 TOTALS 790 89 Reinstated 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 6 19 Deaths 0 0 0 (1) (1) (1) 0 0 (1) (1) (1) 0 0 0 (1) 0 0 0 (1) (7) (15) Interstate Intrastate Transfers, Net Transfers, Net 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 (1) 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 (2) (1) 4 0 The Palmetto Patriot 12/31/2015 Membership 23 38 8 40 14 52 67 34 66 61 24 18 20 23 69 14 131 26 17 144 889 Change from 1/1/2015 0 2 1 1 3 8 2 9 6 14 2 3 2 2 5 2 18 0 0 19 99 The increase to 889 members represents an 12.35% increase in membership. The 889 members is 25 more than the all-time record of 864 members at 12/31/2014. Welcome to our new members The following 7 compatriots representing 3 chapters have been approved for membership between December 1, 2015 and January 31, 2016. Colonel Robert Anderson: William Howell Williamson, patriot ancestor Reuben Weed Sr Major General William Moultrie: James Michael Herritage, patriot ancestor William Martin Herritage At Large: Allen Jon DeRiemacker Jr, patriot ancestor George Earnhart; Allen Jon DeRiemacker III, patriot ancestor George Earnhart; Andrew Joshua DeRiemacker, patriot ancestor George Earnhart; Verlon Joseph Hill, patriot ancestor Abraham Christman; William Miller Van Dresser III, patriot ancestor Jacob Plunk The South Carolina SAR also welcomes the following member by transfer from another state society between December 1, 2015 and January 31, 2016. Colonel Lemuel Benton: Robert Mead Perry, patriot ancestor James Ruddell/Ruddle Colonel William Bratton: John McKinney Wilkerson, patriot ancestor Turner Wilkerson Daniel Morgan: Thomas Charles Chochran, patriot ancestors Sarah Bowman Wright & John Daniel Doctor George Mosse: David Herman Luellen Jr, patriot ancestor John Curreton Sr The South Carolina SAR welcomes back the following compatriot who reinstated his membership between December 1, 2015 and January 31, 2016. Colonel William Bratton: Robert Franklin Palmer Jr, patriot ancestor Samuel Ferguson Roll Call of the Departed The South Carolina SAR is saddened to announce that it has been notified since the publication of the last issue of The Palmetto Patriot of the following compatriot who has passed away: Thomas Lynch: James Benjamin Black III – 5 December 2015 Pictured to the right are past and present National SAR general officers and state officers at the October South Atlantic District Meeting. (l-r): Past Vice President General Mark Anthony, Secretary General J Michael Tomme Sr, Past President General Lindsey Brock, President General Tom Lawrence, Vice President General Ed Rigel Sr, Treasurer General Larry Guzy, Surgeon General Larry Leslie, Georgia President Tom Owens and South Carolina President Greg Greenawalt. Photo by JD Norris. South Carolina SAR salutes the following anniversaries These South Carolina SAR members have reached the following membership anniversaries during the second quarter of 2016. Members having anniversaries in the third quarter of 2016 will be recognized in the next issue of The Palmetto Patriot. 45 Years: Thomas K Lawton Jr 40 Years: Kenneth L Waddell 30 Years: John T Austell, Neil R Baer, Phillip A Kilgore, Thomas K Somers 20 Years: Max B Trout 15 Years: James P DeLuca, James B McGill, Francis G Risher, Donald E Wilder Jr 10 Years: Charles R Heyward, Matthew C Hofstra, Robert P Smith, Brian C Truluck, Ivin O Wilson Jr, James L Young 5 Years: William D Anderson, Gregory M Alford, Paul S Bartley, James W Bell, Thomas W Black, Brian C Burnette, Stuart P Burnette, Thomas L Burnette, Samuel B Davis, Beau B Evans, Charles T Floyd, Joseph C Harden, Edwin H Hicks, Joel T Horry, Paul R Kinsey, William E Smart, Frank M Stanley, Frank M Stanley Jr, Franklin L Wood These anniversaries are from the date that the membership application was approved and is not necessarily reflective of the number of years that dues have been paid. For purposes of consideration for certain medals as well as Emeritus Status, dues payments are the determining factor. Page 5 Spring 2016 Minutes of the 9 January 2016 Board of Governors Meeting These are the draft minutes. Final approval will be at the 2 April 2016 meeting. 1. Call to Order by President Greg Greenawalt at 10:00 am 2. Presentation of Colors by South Carolina SAR Color Guard 3. Pledge to the U.S. Flag led by Past President Carol Crowther; Salute to the S.C. Flag led by Past President Mark Anthony and Pledge to the SAR led by Senior VP Wayne Cousar 4. Invocation by Chaplain Lawrence Peebles 5. Roll Call by Recording Secretary Nat Kaminski and quorum declared with 14 of 16 Officers present and 10 of 19 Chapters represented 6. Guests in Attendance: SAR South Atlantic Regional Vice President General Edward P. Rigel, Sr. 7. Approval of Minutes from 17 October 2015 Board of Governors Meeting by President Greenawalt after motion made and seconded 8. Review of Published Report Packages of Officers, Chapters, and Committees. Reports accepted as submitted unless changes/additions/comments noted below: a. Officers’ Reports: i. Secretary Dan Woodruff a) Announced that the annual conflict of interest forms should be signed & returned by every state officer and by the officers of every chapter. b) Announced that it was time for every chapter to get its annual IRS 990-n (e-postcard) filed. Each Chapter is asked to send the State Secretary written notice that the 990-n form had been successfully filed. c) Announced that collection of membership dues has been somewhat slower than normal because of a five-dollar under-billing error, but only 22 members still owed the five-dollar amount. Almost all of the chapters had made arrangements to collect or pay for the five-dollar difference. d) Announced that the Society has 798 compatriots who are paid in full (which includes the 22 members whose five-dollar payment is still outstanding) including reinstatements, transfers in, and life memberships. This is an increase of 8 members over last year’s total. b. Chapter Reports i. Cambridge Chapter submitted a corrected written report. All other chapter reports accepted as submitted. c. Committee Reports: i. Americanism Committee a) Chairman Anthony announced that he had been delayed in compiling chapter standings for the Americanism competition. 10 of 19 chapters submitted an Americanism Report along with the quarterly Board of Governors Report. Compatriot Anthony noted every chapter is supposed to submit its updated Americanism report on a quarterly basis. Chairman Anthony will assist any chapter that has questions about this report. b) President Greenawalt noted that it was important for each chapter to accurately compile and submit its own Americanism report. On the state society website (, there is a document under the “Membership/Best Practices” tab that details how each chapter earns Americanism points. The points reflected in each chapter’s Americanism report are rolled up in the State Americanism report which is then submitted to the national SAR. This Americanism reporting system reflects how well each state society is supporting the mission of SAR. In the past the Americanism committee chair was compiling these points for each chapter. That has changed in the 2015-16 year and each chapter is now responsible for compiling its own Americanism Report and submitting it. In this last quarter, nine chapters did not submit an Americanism report which hurts the state society when it compiles the state report that is supposed to reflect all chapter activities. ii. Medals and Awards Chairman Cousar reported that he has called each regional vice-president and requested the names for consideration by his committee. iii. Rumbaugh Oration & Scholarship Chairman Dr. Rick Corbett announced that new dates for the Rumbaugh Oration & Scholarship application submission had been sent for posting on the website. Dr. Corbett said the Chapter oration contests should be completed by the end of February. The Palmetto Patriot iv. C.A.R. Liaison Chairman Doug Doster announced that the State C.A.R. convention is February 26-27 in Myrtle Beach. The information concerning this is on the C.A.R. website ( The Society needs to support that organization. President Greenawalt asked the SAR membership to support and attend the Saturday banquet. 9. Old Business a. The Palmetto Patriot Newsletter Committee Report - President Greenawalt, serving as Chair of the Newsletter Committee, reported on the work of the Committee and its recommendations. A written report of the Newsletter Committee meeting on November 4, 2015 was provided and is attached to these minutes. President Greenawalt discussed the advantages of transitioning the newsletter to a digital format. Based on this information, the Committee recommended: i. The Society transition to an all-digital newsletter. ii. Advance notice would be provided to members on this change to prepare them for it. iii. The Spring and Summer 2016 editions of the newsletter would continue as printed editions. iv. The newsletter would transition to an electronic digital version only with the Fall 2016 edition. Treasurer Greg Ohanesian commented that notice of this transition will begin with the next edition of the newsletter. A subscription fee would be charged to those members who continue to receive a paper edition. The editor of the newsletter will determine and report back an appropriate subscription fee to cover the cost of mailing and printing the newsletter. Compatriot Anthony said he believed that he had previously estimated an annual subscription fee of $10.00 if all of the current members who had no email addresses wanted to continue to receive a printed edition. However, those members would have to actively subscribe to receive it in that form, and the actual number who subscribed would govern the actual cost associated with printing and mailing. All of this would be spelled out in the upcoming editions of the newsletter and could be e-mailed to the membership as well. Compatriot Anthony noted that all 2015 printed editions of the state newsletter have been submitted to the National Periodicals & Newsletter committee for judging purposes. In response to a question, Compatriot Anthony noted that he would have to continue to send in a printed version of the newsletter to the national committee. For information, he noted that an electronic version of the newsletter is much cheaper and can be circulated to the membership in a timely fashion. MOTION is made by the committee to transition The Palmetto Patriot to a completely electronic format in the fall of 2016 with multiple advance notices to the Society membership with a subscription fee of approximately ten-dollars a year for those who want to continue to receive a printed copy. Motion passed by majority vote. 10. New Business a. Approval of 2016-17 South Carolina SAR Annual Budget - State Treasurer Ohanesian provided a proposed 2016-17 budget showing estimated receipts and disbursements. This is a guideline which provides flexibility to include programming changes. Treasurer Ohanesian made a MOTION for the adoption of the proposed 2016-17 budget. During discussion, it was noted that the line item “Nat’l Parks-ETV project” should be shown as a separate line item and not under The Palmetto Patriot disbursement items. The motion to adopt the proposed budget with the one modification noted is seconded by Compatriot Bob Krause and passed unanimously. b. Nominating Committee Chairman Woodruff reported the following nominations: i. State President: Wayne Cousar ii. Senior Vice President: Bill Vartorella iii. Low Country VP: Ken Stock iv. Midlands VP: Howard Knapp v. Pee Dee VP: Greg Ohanesian vi. Piedmont VP: Norm Pigeon vii. Upstate VP: Robert Krause (continued on page 6) Page 6 Spring 2016 9 January Board of Governors Minutes (continued from Page 5) viii. VP for Chapter Formation: Rick Corbett ix. VP for Chapter Revitalization: Doug Doster x. Secretary: Dan Woodruff xi. Treasurer: Greg Ohanesian xii. Registrar: Edd Richburg xiii. Recording Secretary: Nat Kaminski xiv. Genealogist: John Ingle xv. Historian: Donny Carson xvi. Chaplain: Lawrence Peebles xvii. Chancellor: Bryan Caskey xviii. National Trustee: Dan Woodruff xix. Alternate National Trustee: Rick Corbett Compatriot Anthony was recognized to request a parliamentary ruling on whether it was in order to nominate someone for the position of Recording Secretary when that position is not in the current state constitution and bylaws. President Greenawalt asked Compatriot Corbett, the chairman of the Bylaws Committee, if this was going to be addressed in his upcoming report and he stated that it was included in the recommendations of the Bylaws Committee that would be taken up at the State Annual Meeting. The Nominating Committee’s report was accepted unanimously with the notation that the nomination for the position of Recording Secretary is made subject to approval of the proposed bylaw changes establishing that position. c. Bylaws Committee Chairman Corbett stated that the proposed amendments to the bylaws was circulated electronically to the Board of Governors. Chairman Corbett requested that the Board of Governors review these proposed bylaw amendments and submit any suggested changes or additions within 21 days by e-mail at [email protected] for the Bylaw Committee to review. He asked that these suggested changes, deletions, or additions include the exact wording of the proposed change, with the reason for the change. These suggested changes will be reviewed by the five member Bylaws Committee and each suggested change will be voted on by the committee either 1) recommending the change; 2) not recommending the change; or 3) taking no position on the proposed change (neutral). All proposed changes to the committee report and the committee’s response will be published for the Board of Governors to review. The final set of revised bylaws will then be sent to the membership. Adoption of the revised bylaws would be considered at the Annual Meeting. Question was raised whether these proposed changes would be published in The Palmetto Patriot newsletter. Editor Anthony said he had concerns that the entire bylaw amendment proposal would consume almost the entire next edition of the newsletter which by necessity would be lengthy, with few or no photos, and expensive. Treasurer Ohanesian said he thought the 2016-17 budget had enough funds built in to cover this added expense. Compatriot Corbett pointed out the current constitution and bylaws require that the proposed bylaws amendments be “sent to” the membership but does not specify how. So the changes can be e-mailed or mailed. Question was raised about the basis for establishing an on-line quorum for the Board of Governors for voting. Chairman Corbett said that a quorum could be established by the Recording Secretary based on the number of state officers and chapter representatives voting. But no changes to the bylaws could be made under any circumstances unless approved by two-thirds of the voting members at the annual meeting. Pursuant to the bylaws, President Greenawalt appointed Compatriot Ohanesian to serve as parliamentarian in the absence of the Chancellor. Ohanesian stated that the Board could provide the procedure for establishing a quorum electronically. Point of inquiry was made about what constituted the “Board of Governors.” This was determined to be the State Officers, the Chapter Presidents and one additional chapter member, committee chairmen, and past Society Presidents. A point of clarification was made that a quorum determines if there are sufficient numbers to conduct business at a meeting (50% of state officers and 25% of the state Chapters represented by at least one member). Once the quorum is established, all members of the Board of Governors can vote. MOTION is made by Chairman Corbett and unanimously approved to move The Palmetto Patriot forward with the Bylaws Committee recommendations as proposed. d. Compatriot Ohanesian is recognized to ask that the Nominating Committee report previously accepted be amended to nominate Compatriot Sanford Graves for Chancellor. A majority of the Nominations Committee then voted to approve that amendment to its report. The amended report was then accepted unanimously by the Board of Governors. e. Compatriot Corbett is recognized to make a MOTION to approve a permanent new chapter in Berkley County named the Col. Hezekiah Maham Chapter The chapter is operating under an approved constitution and bylaws and has a number of prospective members. Keith Gourdin is serving as President and has provided active leadership since October. Compatriot Anthony is recognized on a point of order whether the Board of Governors’ Executive Committee has received the written application and has voted to forward that to the Board of Governors for its approval. The Executive Committee was asked by President Greenawalt to formally act on the chapter application. The Executive Committee by unanimous vote endorsed the chapter application and waived the requirement of a written report/application prior to the Board of Governors vote. Compatriot Ohanesian is recognized to ask that the President of an adjacent chapter be permitted the privilege and opportunity of endorsing a new chapter’s formation. Ken Stock, President of the adjacent Maj. Gen. William Moultrie Chapter, endorsed the approval of this new chapter. The vote by the Board of Governors to approve the certification of the new chapter was unanimous. President Greenawalt welcomed the new chapter into the Society. f. President Greenawalt appointed a Patriot Medal Committee consisting of five previous medal recipients: Compatriots Bill Vartorella, Doug Doster, Ted Morton, Rick Corbett, and Greg Ohanesian. g. Statewide Membership Survey Report – President Greenawalt provided a summary of the results of the recent membership survey which was one of the action items from the Camden Leadership meeting. 180 members responded to the survey representing about 36% of those receiving the electronic survey form. The survey used ten basic questions designed to elicit some useful feedback. President Greenawalt reviewed specific comments from members and suggested that a committee be utilized to develop recommendations based on the results of the survey. President Greenawalt appointed a Membership Survey committee consisting of Compatriots Ken Stock, John Ingle, Bill Vartorella, Mark Anthony, Ed Richburg, and Doug Doster to make recommendations and provide a written report at the Society’s Annual Meeting. 11. Retirement of the Colors by the SCSSAR Color Guard 12. Recess for lunch at 12:02 p.m. 13. Training Session – Social Media 101 a. President Greenawalt provided an informative afternoon program about using social media. This program resulted from the interest expressed at the Camden Leadership meeting in having some social media training. This discussion covered the use of social media related to Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter. A handout was provided and the information covered in the training session is posted on the State Society website at http:// 14. SAR Recessional led by President Greenawalt 15. Benediction given by Compatriot Peebles 16. Adjournment at 1:55 p.m. Minutes prepared by Recording Secretary Nat Kaminski “When even one American - who has done nothing wrong - is forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth - then all Americans are in peril.” Harry S Truman (1884-1972) “In times like these, it helps to recall that there have always been times like these.” Paul Harvey (1918-2009) Page 7 Spring 2016 The Palmetto Patriot Updated Nominating Committee Report The following is the updated report of the Nominating Committee. The nominee for Chancellor reflects an amendment made at the 9 January Board of Governors Meeting. Also, the nominee for the Piedmont VP position has been amended due to the withdrawal of the original nominee. The nomination for Recording Secretary is pending the approval of specific Constitution & Bylaws amendments. Finally, the nominees for National Trustee and Alternate Trustee will be approved at the National SAR Annual Congress in Boston. Officer / Nominee President Wayne Cousar Senior Vice President Bill Vartorella Treasurer Greg Ohanesian Low Country Region Vice President Ken Stock Midlands Region Vice President Howard Knapp Pee Dee Region Vice President Greg Ohanesian Piedmont Region Vice President Ted Morton Upstate Region Vice President Robert Krause VP for Chapter Formation Rick Corbett VP for Chapter Revitalization Doug Doster * Pending bylaws approval Officer / Nominee Secretary Treasurer Registrar Genealogist Historian Chaplain Chancellor Recording Secretary* National Trustee** Alternate National Trustee** Dan Woodruff Greg Ohanesian Edd Richburg John Ingle Donny Carson Lawrence Peebles Sanford Graves Nat Kaminski Dan Woodruff Rick Corbett ** Approval will be at Annual Congress, vote by South Carolina SAR is a nomination only SAR 1776 Campaign Advancing America’s Heritage Please Help us Finish Construction of Our Visionary Outreach Education Center, Museum Exhibits and National Headquarters The SAR 1776 Campaign recognizes donations in the amount of $1,776 and fractions or multiples thereof. Based on the cost of museum exhibits of the type we are building at about $600 per square foot, a donation of $1,776 will build approximately three square feet. Donation recognitions start at $25 for our car or refrigerator magnet. The Sons of the American Revolution Society has a story to tell, and your continued support will allow us to champion our rich heritage for all to hear and see. Donation Recognition Levels (Please Circle Category Desired): $25 Car / Refrigerator Magnet $148 Silver Sons of Liberty Pin $296 Gold Sons of Liberty Pin $592 Delegate Lapel Pin (1 square foot) $1,184 Drafter Lapel Pin (2 square feet) $1,776 Signer Lapel Pin (3 square feet) Wall-Mounted Quills will recognize donations at the levels of: $5,328 Bronze Quill $8,880 Silver Quill $17,760 Gold Quill Streamers will be awarded for: $592 from Chapters and $1,184 from State Societies Total Donation Amount: __________________ Name: _____________________________ National Number: __________ Current Address __________________________________ City __________________ State _____ Zip __________ Telephone: ________________ Email: __________________________________ The SAR Foundation, Inc. is recognized by the IRS as a 501c3 non-profit organization. All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Please make checks payable to: The SAR Foundation, Inc, 809 West Main Street, Louisville, KY 40202-2619 For Credit Card Donations: Please Indicate: Master Card _____ Visa _____ Discover _____ AMEX _____ Other ________________________ Amount: $___________ Name on Card: _________________________ Credit Card # ________________________________ Expiration Date: _______ Signature: ___________________________________ Date _________________ SC Society SAR 2015 Americanism Contest Update By: Mark C Anthony, Americanism Committee Chairman These chapter goals were established for 2015: (1) recording 1,000 Americanism points, (2) recording points in 12 of 16 categories, and (3) presenting at least 1 Flag Certificate to a deserving community member who properly displays the American Flag. Through 31 December the Col Joseph Kershaw, Dr George Mosse, Gen James Williams, Gov Paul Hamilton, Matthew Singleton and Thomas Lynch chapters reported presenting a Flag Certificate. Qualifications are that (1) the Flag is flown properly and (2) it is not used in a commercial manner. Please supply the name of the certificate awardee and date of presentation to the chairman. The committee will be compiling chapter points based on the Americanism Score Sheets filed along with its quarterly report. Each chapter is requested to name an Americanism Contest Chairman and report the name to the committee. This will enable the committee to provide timely feedback on corrections or the reassignment of points and provide training for each chapter contact. The committee can provide assistance or answer questions on how to maximize activity and points. Chapter chairs are encouraged to contact the committee with any questions they may have. Results through 31 Dec below are not final. Small Chapters Joseph Kershaw Thomas Lynch Andrew Pickens Francis Marion Eutaw Springs James Williams Henry Laurens Godfrey Dreher Philemon Waters Medium Chapters William Bratton Cambridge Lemuel Benton Matthew Singleton Large Chapters Daniel Morgan William Moultrie George Mosse Paul Hamilton Thomas Taylor South Carolina Society Robert Anderson Americanism President General PG Cup Categories 1,023 200 141.98 12 900 250 60.59 9 895 545 55.64 11 826 680 80.52 12 611 375 36.97 8 596 280 40.82 9 280 60 10.57 3 275 115 11.78 6 135 70 9.86 5 Americanism President General PG Cup Categories 1,255 600 53.31 12 823 755 36.89 10 810 541 31.47 12 568 275 31.41 11 Americanism President General PG Cup Categories 4,760 2,720 113.69 15 3,291 1,580 28.50 13 1,740 673 28.68 9 1,181 728 23.78 13 345 343 7.21 8 23,652 10,847 2,743 2,140 91.31 14 The Colonel Robert Anderson Chapter is reported separately per its stated request to no longer participate in the contest made at the July 2015 Board of Governors meeting. If it participated, it would be classified as a large chapter. Page 8 Spring 2016 APPLICATION FOR ENROLLMENT IN THE NATIONAL SAR LIFE MEMBERSHIP PLAN National Headquarters, 809 West Main St, Louisville, KY 40202 ________________________________ Name of Applicant ____________ National # ___________ Life Member # _______________________________________________ Address ________________________________ City __________________ Telephone ________ State _____________ Date of Birth ____________ Zip Code __________________________________________ Email I, ___________________________, age _____ years, a currently active member of the __________________________ Society, State Society Number _______, hereby apply for enrollment in the National SAR Life Membership Plan. My check in the amount of $__________, based on the chart below and made payable to “Treasurer General, National Society SAR,” is attached. I acknowledge that I am responsible for maintaining my annual State Society and Chapter dues, which are not incuded in the National Life Membership Plan. ____________________________________ Signature of Applicant ______________ Date I hereby acknowledge receipt of the foregoing Compatriot’s application for enrollment inthe National SAR Life Membership Plan. ____________________________________ Signature of State Secretary ______________ Date NATIONAL SAR LIFE MEMBERSHIP DUES In accordane with a motion made and passed at the 124th Congress in July 2014, the following rates for the National SAR Life Membership Plan were established per the following chart. In order to apply, the applicant must be currently active member and this application must be submitted to his (primary) State Society for forwarding to the National SAR Headquarters. Age = $ Cost 1 = $1,040 6 = $1,015 11 = $990 16 = $965 21 = $940 26 = $905 31 = $870 36 = $830 41 = $780 46 = $730 51 = $670 56 = $610 61 = $540 66 = $470 71 = $400 76 = $325 81 = $265 86 = $205 91 = $160 96 = $120 Age = $ Cost 2 = $1,035 7 = $1,010 12 = $985 17 = $960 22 = $935 27 = $900 32 = $860 37 = $820 42 = $770 47 = $720 52 = $660 57 = $595 62 = $530 67 = $460 72 = $385 77 = $315 82 = $250 87 = $195 92 = $150 97 = $90 Age = $ Cost 3 = $1,030 8 = $1,005 13 = $980 18 = $955 23 = $925 28 = $895 33 = $855 38 = $810 43 = $760 48 = $705 53 = $650 58 = $585 63 = $515 68 = $440 73 = $370 78 = $300 83 = $240 88 = $185 93 = $140 98 = $60 Age = $ Cost 4 = $1,025 9 = $1,000 14 = $975 19 = $950 24= $920 29 = $885 34 = $845 39 = $800 44 = $750 49 = $700 54 = $635 59 = $570 64 = $500 69 = $425 74 = $353 79 = $290 84 = $225 89 = $175 94 = $135 99 = $30 FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY DATE RECEIVED: ______________ Age = $ Cost 5 = $1,020 10 = $995 15 = $970 20 = $945 25 = $915 30 = $875 35 = $835 40 = $790 45 = $740 50 = $685 55 = $625 60 = $550 65 = $485 70 = $415 75 = $345 80 = $275 85 = $215 90 = $165 95 = $125 100 = $0 The Palmetto Patriot APPLICATION FOR ENROLLMENT IN THE SOUTH CAROLINA SAR LIFE MEMBERSHIP PLAN PO Box 399, Williamston, SC 29607 I, _________________________________, age _______ years, currently an active member of the ______________________________ Chapter, National Number ____________, State Society Number ________, hereby apply for enrollment in the South Carolina SAR Life Membership Plan. My check in the amount of $ _________, based on the chart below and made payable to “Treasurer, South Carolina SAR,” is attached. I acknowledge that I am responsible for maintaining my annual Chapter dues, which are not included in the National Life Membership Plan or the SCSSAR Life Membership Plan. _________________________________________ Name of Applicant (type or print) ______/______/_______ Date of Birth ________________________________________________________________ Street Address ________________________________________________________________ City, State, and Zip Code ____________________________________ Signature of Applicant _____________________ Date Signed I hereby acknowledge receipt of the foregoing Compatriot’s application for enrollment in the South Carolina SAR Life Membership Program and approve same. ____________________________________ Signature of South Carolina SAR Secretary _____________________ Date Signed SOUTH CAROLINA SAR LIFE MEMBERSHIP DUES In accordance with a motion made and passed by the South Carolina SAR Board of Governors in January 2014, the following rates for South Carolina SAR Life Membership were established per the following chart. In order to apply, the applicant must be a currently active member and his application for NSSAR National Life Membership must already be approved or be submitted to the State Society for forwarding to NSSAR Headquarters. Age = $ Cost 0-40 = $500 45 = $450 50 = $400 55 = $350 60 = $300 65 = $250 70 = $200 75 = $150 80 = $100 85 = $50 90+ = $40 Age = $ Cost 41 = $490 46 = $440 51 = $390 56 = $340 61 = $290 66 = $240 71 = $190 76 = $140 81 = $90 86 = $40 Age = $ Cost 42 = $480 47 = $430 52 = $380 57 = $330 62 = $280 67 = $230 72 = $180 77 = $130 82 = $80 87 = $30 Age = $ Cost 43 = $470 48 = $420 53 = $370 58 = $320 63 = $270 68 = $220 73 = $170 78 = $120 83 = $70 88 = $20 Age = $ Cost 44 = $460 49 = $410 54 = $360 59 = $310 64 = $260 69 = $210 74 = $160 79 = $110 84 = $60 89 = $10 FOR SC SOCIETY USE ONLY NATIONAL LIFE NUMBER: _________ “We need more of the Office Desk and less of the Show Window in politics. Let men in office substitute the midnight oil for the limelight.” Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933) Page 9 Spring 2016 The Palmetto Patriot From the Historian’s Desk the wreath presentation and the program was complete. Well it’s the start of a new year and what an active start it has been from the 235th Anniversary of Cowpens to the 235th Anniversary of Cowan’s Ford (celebrated for the first time as a National Event) to the 237th Anniversary of Kettle Creek. The weather was mostly cooperative and pleasant at each of these events. The Battle of Kettle Creek is always one of my favorite ceremonies to attend. The Georgia SAR goes all out. There is a Friday night lecture and on Saturday there is a parade around the town square, a history exhibition in a downtown building, a reenactment at a downtown park and the ceremony at War Hill. Everyone is friendly and ready to honor their ancestors. Huzzah to the Georgia Society and State President W Allen Greenly. By: Donny Carson, Historian The Battle of Cowpens kicked off three SAR remembrances and celebration. A tip of the hat goes to the Daniel Morgan Chapter and the South Carolina SAR for hosting such a well-organized weekend. National Park Service Rangers Katherine Lynn and Ginny Fowler worked with Compatriot Mark Anthony to keep everything running smoothly. Friday saw some rain which forced the cancellation of the wreath laying at the Daniel Morgan Statue in downtown Spartanburg. However, the rain did not dampen the spirits of those gathered at the Courtyard by Marriott for the quarterly South Atlantic District Meeting. Friday concluded with the annual lecture at Wofford College where Mark Schneider entertained over 200 attendees as the Marquis de Lafayette. Also recognized by the National Park Service was former Pacolet Mayor Elaine O Harris who received the Dr Bobby G Moss Southern Campaign of the American Revolution Enduring Patriot Award. She was recognized posthumously for her contributions and leadership in the annual Morgan’s March event. The National SAR was represented by President General Judge Thomas E Lawrence and Secretary General J Michael Tomme Sr. They placed the National SAR wreath at the beginning of a wreath laying ceremony that had over 90 wreaths from eight states and many other lineage organizations. Other activities during the day included ranger guided tours, weapons demonstrations, living history encampments and lectures on the battle and other historical topics of interest. There was also an impressive procession onto the battlefield by the National SAR Color Guard to the Washington Light Infantry Monument. The procession was led by National Color Guard Commander David Hoover. The President General laid a wreath at the monument following brief remarks by Group Superintendent, and SAR compatriot, John Slaughter. I’m sure Dr Lynwood Jordan would be proud to see his legacy continue to grow from its humble beginnings as the very first National SAR Historic Sites event in 1996. This year also marks the first time that the annual Battle of Cowan’s Ford commemoration in Huntersville, NC has been conducted as a National SAR Historic Sites event. I have been to several previous events and they were always enjoyable. However, the 2016 event was the best attended nearly filling the entire Hopewell Presbyterian Church sanctuary. Congratulations go out to the Mecklenburg Chapter, North Carolina SAR and to event planner Compatriot Ken Luckey for the fine work he did in putting this event together. The combined National SAR Color Guard was commanded by National Vice Commander Mark Anthony. They posted colors in the church and then led the attendees out to the graveyard for a wreath laying ceremony. During the program in the church, North Carolina SAR President Tim Berly recognized the patriots buried in the church yard. Treasurer General Larry Guzy brought greetings and later placed the National SAR wreath. The main program was a presentation by Mr Randall Jones, a local author and storyteller. His talk focused on “The Worthy Adversary” which focused on the British commanders Cornwallis, Tarleton and a local militia leader. The wreath laying ceremony included presentations by over 50 chapters and state organizations including North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Virginia SARs and one compatriot from California. Musket volleys followed Secretary General Tomme presented the National SAR wreath at War Hill, the actual site of the battle between South Carolina forces led by Col Andrew Pickens and Georgia forces led by Col John Dooly and Lt Col Elijah Clarke and Georgia Loyalists led by Col Boyd. Six states were represented including Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Florida, Ohio (DAR only) and Nebraska (C.A.R. only). Approximately 70 wreaths were presented. The Kettle Creek site improves every time I return and hopefully it will become a National Military Park in the future. Once again I would like to mention a new patriotic book that has come on the market. True for the Cause of Liberty: The Second Spartan Regiment in the American Revolution by Oscar & Catherine Gilbert focuses on the militia regiment raised in the present day Spartanburg and Union County area. The regiment participated in many battles such as Stono Ferry, Kings Mountain, Blackstocks and Cowpens. It is worth adding to your history book collection. Another older book is the Encyclopedia of the American Revolution which is a great reference book on the entire Revolutionary War. It is well worth the money to add it to your collection as well. Finally, I would like to ask if anyone has old issues of The SAR Magazine, The Palmetto Patriot and programs from the First (9/4/1976), Second (1977), Third (1978) and Fourteenth (sometime between 1997 and 2000) Colonial Balls that they are willing to part with or can let me borrow to make copies of. I am trying to put together a full set of each of these publications. Please bring them to the next Board of Governors meeting or mail them to me. Thank you. Photos from the 235th Anniversary of the Battle of Cowpens Photo to left: South Carolina President Greg Greenawalt brings greetings to the gatherd crowd at the U.S. Monument. Compatriot Jim Wryosdick stands behind President Greenawalt’s right shoulder while NPS Group Superintendent Compatriot John Slaughter stands to the left. Photo below: Combined National SAR Color Guard stands at attention on the battlefield. Photos by: Jay Joyce Page 10 Spring 2016 From the President’s Desk - Greg Greenawalt, President As I enter the last 60 days of my term as your President I reflect back on how fulfilling the last 10 months have been. I have had many unique opportunities to meet new SAR, DAR and C.A.R. members and community leaders around our great state and participate in some wonderful activities to honor our forefathers for their sacrifices for the liberty and freedoms we enjoy today. I have had the pleasure of attending and speaking at many of the battle sites around the state during my term including the Battle of the Waxhaws/ Buford’s Massacre-May 2015, the Battle of Ramsour’s Mill-June 2015, the Battle of Williamson’s Plantation/Huck’s Defeat-July 2015, the Battle of Camden-August 2015, the Battle of Musgrove’s Mill-August 2015, the Battle of King’s Mountain-Oct 2015, the Battle of Cowpens-January 2016 and I look forward to attending the Battle of Guilford Courthouse in March. My duties have included participation in two South Atlantic District meetings and two National Leadership Meetings representing South Carolina. I have served as the 2nd Senior Vice President for the South Carolina C.A.R. and assisted them in finding a hotel and negotiating an acceptable contract for their upcoming state meeting in Myrtle Beach, as well as finalizing a new hotel, The Doubletree Columbia, for our own annual state meeting in April. In addition, I have attended the C.A.R. state conference last year in Charleston on the USS Yorktown and have supported C.A.R. President Will Flint’s state charity fundraising project by helping him sell over $200 of lapel pins for the Canine Angels project providing support dogs to disabled veterans. Some of the other events that I have had the pleasure to participate in have included a patriot grave marking ceremony for Patriot James Howerton at Duncan Creek Presbyterian Church in Clinton and attending the funeral for historian and educator Dr. Bobby Gilmer Moss who contributed greatly to our knowledge of the Revolutionary War in South Carolina and the identification of numerous South Carolina Revolutionary War Patriots. I joined DAR Regent Diane Culbertson and C.A.R. President Will Flint on Veterans Day to pay honor to our veterans at Green Lawn Veterans cemetery in Spartanburg. I also inducted new members and chapter officers for the Col. William Bratton, Daniel Morgan and Gov. Paul Hamilton chapters this year. From an administrative standpoints I am proud of the State Leadership meeting held in Camden where 36 of our state leaders met to openly discuss the state society, what we do well, what we can do better and how to better serve our members. Many great ideas and suggestions were shared at this meeting. Many have already been implemented. It is my hope that this event set a positive precedent for our future state leaders to continue with an annual leadership meeting. One suggestion that came specifically from this meeting was to conduct a membership survey. This was done in late December to gain a better understanding of what our members value, like and dislike. We have formed a membership survey committee to follow up on the data collected from our survey and the committee will be reporting back to membership on their suggestions and recommendations at the annual state meeting. Guide and to make recommendations on how to rebrand our society for better public visibility and understanding of our societies work, goals and mission. I will be presenting our committee recommendations to the SAR National Trustees at the upcoming National leadership meeting in Louisville. And finally, a project that I have worked on for over two years tht I hope will become my legacy contribution to our scoiety, which is the South Carolina SAR, National Park Service and SC ETV collaborative video project on the Southern Campaigns of the American Revolution. Our state society along with the SAR George Washington Endowment Fund have jointly committed to contribute $16,000 to produce 7 videos that are currently being filmed by SC ETV. The videos include the Siee of Charleston, the Battle of Camden, Buford’s Massacre, Kings Mountain, the Battle of Cowpens, Ninety Six and the Battle of Guilford Courthouse. Each video will end with “Sponsored by the South Carolina Society, Sons of hte American Revolution. For more information please visit our website.” In addition, SC ETV will make the videos available for broadcast on other public broadcast stations across the nation and ou state and national society will have full access to these videos on our website for our own local educational purposed. $13,000 has already been contributed to the video production and I will be asking the SAR George Washington Endowment Fund to contribute the last $3,000 needed at the upcoming National Leadership meeting. This will complete the committement that was made for sponsorship. I have experienced a very productive and fruitful year. I will always cherish this experience. It has been my honor to represent you and the South Carolina SAR. I want to thank the members for your friendship and all of your hard work that you do to support the SAR’s mission and goals. I would like to leave you with this last thought - our society is changing, whether we like it or not, just as society around us is changing. The only constant in life is change. If we intend for our society to continue to grow and thrive, we must find new and better ways to communicate and represent our society’s work to the general public, existing members and potential new members. We must find new ways and opportunities to recruit the next generation of American Patriots. Continuing to act with yesterday’s logic can be very dangerous. Where there is resistance to change there is resistance to new ideas. When you always do what you have always done you will get what you have always gotten. Thank you again for your support this year. May God bless you, your families, the South Carolina SAR and the United States of America. Respectfully submitted by, Greg Greenawalt President, South Carolina SAR “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” At beginning of my term we hired a new state webmaster. C.A.R. member Eric Lilling has been doing a fantastic job updating and making necessary changes to our website. We also redesigned the look of the state Facebook page adding hundreds of new followers with my daily postings. I have developed several new resources that are available on the state website, such as a SAR PowerPoint presentation for recruiting and orientation of new members, a white paper on Why Should I Join SAR, and a new press release template and listing of local media contacts throughout South Carolina to make it easier for chapters to send out press releases on their local activities. Most recently I led a training session on the topic of how to use social media, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest. I also chaired our Palmetto Patriot newsletter committee which provided recommendations on its future direction that were adopted at the last Board of Governors meeting. One of my favorite contributions has been participating in the National SAR Rebranding Task Force where I had the pleasure to work with several talented SAR leaders from across the country to develop an SAR Brand Indentity The Palmetto Patriot John Quincy Adams (1767-1848) “The important conswquences to the American States from this Declaration of Independence, considered as the ground and foundation of future government, naturally suggest the propriety of proclaiming it in such a manner as that the people may be universally informed of it.” President Greg Greenawalt John Hancock (1737-1793) Page 11 Spring 2016 The Palmetto Patriot Report of the South Carolina SAR Bylaws Committee The Bylaws Committee recommends the following changes to the Society Bylaws and further recommends corresponding changes to the Constitution of the Society to maintain internal consistency in the governance documents. The following 27 (out of 67) members of the Board of Governors voted on recommending the proposals as follows: Officers (11 votes): President Greg Greenawalt, Senior Vice President Wayne Cousar, Upstate Region VP Robert Krause, Pee Dee Region VP Fred Oakes, Midlands Region VP Bill Vartorella, VP for Chapter Formation Rick Corbett, VP for Chapter Revitalization Doug Doster, Secretary Dan Woodruff, Registrar Edd Richburg, Chaplain Lawrence Peebles, Genealogist John Ingle Chapters (13 total votes): Col Hezekiah Mahem President Keith Gourdin, Col Philemon Waters President Chris Prince, Col Robert Anderson representative Dan Patton, Col Thomas Taylor President Howard Knapp, Daniel Morgan representative Charles Auger, Dr George Mosse representative Atlee Compher, Gen Andrew Pickens President James Norris, Gen Francis Marion representative Donald Hayes, Godfrey Dreher representative Don Simmons, Gov Paul Hamilton President Claude Dinkins and representative Carroll Crowther, Mathew Singleton President Frank Brown, Thomas Lynch President Nathan Kaminski Committee Chairs (1 vote): Eagle Scout Chairman Randy Potts Past State Presidents (2 votes): Mark Anthony, Ted Morton The Recording Secretary certified that a quorum for conducting business was established with 69% of the Officers participating and 60% of the Chapters represented. Proposed South Carolina SAR Bylaws Amendments: 1. Amend Bylaw 4: Officers by inserting a new Section 9, and renumbering all following sections, to read: SECTION 9: The Recording Secretary The Recording Secretary shall record the proceedings of the Board of Governors and the Annual Meeting of the Society and shall prepare and publish minutes. The Recording Secretary shall prior to the Annual Meeting and the Board of Governors meetings receive, edit and publish reports prepared by the officers, committee chairs, and chapters of this Society. He may distribute meeting agendas with these reports, but production of the agendas shall remain the duly of the State President. 2. Amend Bylaw 5: Permanent Committees, by inserting a new subsection (b) and renumbering all following subsections, to read as follows: (b) Bylaws – The Bylaws Committee shall consist of a chairman appointed by the President and additional members recruited by the chairman. The committee shall be the sole custodian of the governing documents of the Society and shall review these documents and recommend changes as advisable. No person may publish any version of these documents without the express permission and approval of this committee. The committee shall also review the governing documents of the Chapters of this Society and shall have the authority to require that they are consistent with the Bylaws of this State Society and the National Society. Proposed SCSSAR Constitutional Amendments: 1. Amend Article IV - Administration of the State Society, Section 2 (c) by inserting a new subsection “ii. Bylaws” and renumbering all following subsections. (Note: the 2015 Annual Meeting approved the addition of the Bylaws Committee as a permanent committee by adding it to the Bylaws, but failed to add it to the Constitution. This Amendment corrects that omission.) 2. Amend Article IV - Administration of the State Society, Section 4 Officers, by deleting subsection (a) and replacing it with the following: (a) The officers of this Society shall be a President, a Senior Vice President, five (5) regional Vice Presidents, a Vice-President for Chapter Renewal and Revitalization, a Vice-President for Chapter Formation and Development, a Secretary, a Recording Secretary, a Treasurer, a Registrar, a Chaplain, an Historian, a Chancellor, and a Genealogist. (Note this amendment adds the Recording Secretary as a constitutionally mandated officer. The 2015 Annual Meeting approved this concept by voting on this officer.) Additional Proposal: Other changes in the Bylaws as proposed earlier by the Bylaws Committee have been postponed for further study. After discovery of the 1925 Articles of Incorporation of the South Carolina SAR the Bylaws Committee recommends a complete study with possible revisions of both the Constitution and Bylaws of the South Carolina SAR. A report with recommendations for changes to the Constitution and Bylaws shall be made to the Board of Governors during the year and presented at the next Annual Meeting with the approval of the Board of Governors. The following is the results of the voting: Ballot Item 1: Ballot Item 2: Ballot Item 3: Ballot Item 4: Ballot Item 5: Amend Bylaw 4: Officers. 27 YES and 0 NO. Amend Bylaw 5: Permanent Committees. 23 YES and 4 NO Amend Article IV - Administration of the State Society, Section 2 (c). 26 YES and 1 NO Amend Article IV - Administration of the State Society, Section 4 Officers. 27 YES and 0 NO Additional Proposal. 26 YES and 1 NO Based on the balloting results, all five ballot items will be forwarded to the Annual State Meeting for discussion and final ratification on Saturday, April 2nd. “Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.” Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) Page 12 Spring 2016 The Palmetto Patriot Chapter Capsules Joint chapter meeting highlights SAR programs and honors By: Ted Morton, Past State President In their annual “joining of the forces,” the General James Williams Chapter and the Cambridge Chapter have once again produced an outstanding example of what SAR Chapters can accomplish working together. South Carolina SAR President Greg Greenawalt was the speaker for the meeting held Tuesday, February 23 at Bermuda’s, the Club House/Restaurant of the Stoney Point Golf Community near Greenwood. The “Patriot Dinner” saw more than fifty SAR Members, DAR Members, friends and guests fill the dining area and enjoy a buffet dinner prepared by restaurant staff. In addition to members of the sponsoring SAR Chapters many members form the six NSDAR chapters that serve the Greenwood, Abbeville, Clinton, McCormick and Laurens area were present. Among these special guests in attendance was Mrs. Dianne Culbertson, current State Regent of the SC State Society NSDAR. More than 15 years ago these DAR Chapters assisted with the reorganization of the Cambridge Chapter and have continued as participants in the “Patriot Dinner” held each February to highlight the birthday of George Washington. DAR and SAR members frequently invite prospective members to demonstrate what the Societies are doing in fulfillment of their stated missions. Lee Benjamin, President of the Williams Chapter, presided as special features contributed to a lively evening. A program highlight was presentation of the General James Williams “Outstanding Patriot” Award to Elaine Thorp of Clinton. Created by the Cambridge Chapter prior to the chartering of the Williams Chapter, the two Chapters now share the presentations made periodically. A graduate of Lander College, Ms. Thorp is currently Director of the Clinton Museum and serves as Historic Preservation Officer for the City of Clinton. She is Vice Regent of the Henry Laurens Chapter NSDAR, active in genealogical work in Laurens County and volunteers with State Park Service Staff at Musgrove Mill Historic Site in researching numerous aspects of Musgrove Mill history. She serves on the Committee that has developed and published the Discover Laurens County history series. Guests had opportunity to purchase copies of the most recent edition of the series. Everyone enjoyed the excitement of drawing for door prizes, including Gift Cards for meals at Outback Steak House and SAR pins. Grand prize in the drawings was an overnight stay at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in downtown Greenville contributed by President Greenawalt. All had fun, and some were winners! Compatriot Tommy O’Dell, Secretary of the Cambridge Chapter, conducted the drawings. An additional special feature of the 2016 “Patriot Dinner” was an anniversary celebration for the General James Williams Chapter. Birthday Cake was served to commemorate the 284th anniversary of the birth of President George Washington and the 8th anniversary of the Chartering of the General James Williams Chapter. The Cambridge Chapter assisted in organizing the Williams Chapter, and six members from Cambridge, residing in the Clinton/Laurens area, transferred their membership to help start the Chapter The evening’s festivities concluded with presentation to President Greenawalt of a framed copy of the Revolutionary War Frigate Randolph. Artist Nolan Van Powell’s classic work shows the ship resting at anchor in Charleston Harbor. The Old Exchange Building, now owned by the SC State Society NSDAR, appears in the background on the shoreline of Colonial Charleston. Cambridge Chapter is selling copies of the print to assist in funding its preservation program for Patriot gravesites in its service area. Photo below (l-r): John W. (Billy) Dukes, Jr, Registrar; L. Brabham Dukes, Jr, Genealogist; Eric K. Williams, Historian; Tommy L. O'Dell, Secretary; W. Furman Mauldin, Treasurer; Daniel (Danny) Culbertson, Vice President and Samuel B. Davis, Immediate Past President. Presdient Wayne B. Richey was out-of-State and could not be present. Ted R. Morton, Jr., a Past State and Chater President and current Chapter Chaplain conducted the Installation Ceremony on 12 January. The January Quarterly Cambridge Chapter Business Meeting is used to install new officers and to plan chapter work and activities for the new year. The chapter meets in the Conference Room of the Susanna Wesley Building, Main Street United Methodist Church in Greenwood. In the photo above, retiring Cambridge Chapter Vice President Brabham Dukes (right) presents a Certificate of Appreciation and Past President’s pin to outgoing President Samuel B. Davis. Photos by: Jeff O’Dell. Daniel Morgan Chapter members (l-r) Major Richard Augur USAF (Ret), CW4 Robert E Augur Jr, USA (Ret) and Charles A Augur participted in the Wreaths Across America in Black Mountain, NC on 12 December 2015. They are picured standing by the grave of their father, Lt Col Robert E. Augur USAF (Ret) who had 29 years 9 months and 3 days active duty. Photo provided by Charles Augur. Page 13 Spring 2016 The Palmetto Patriot At its 22 December 2015, the Daniel Morgan Chapter enjoyed a Christmas dinner at Gerhardt’s Cafe in downtown Spartanburg. President Greg Greenawalt was the guest of honor and inducted the 2016 Chapter Officers. Pictured above to the left are (l-r) Secretary Mark Anthony, Registrar Marc Oburg, Historian Donny Carson, Treasurer Charles Augur, President John Ingle and State President Greg Greenawalt. Picutred above to the right, John Smith (left) receives the Chapter Distinguished Service Medal from President John Ingle. Photographs provided by Greg Greenawalt and Cibby Krell. General Francis Marion Chapter President Greg Ohanesian was the guest speaker at a recent meeting of the Bennettsville Rotary Club. He talked about the SAR, of which he has been a state and national officer, and how South Carolina was affected by the American Revolution. He reviewed the SAR patriotic, historical, educational and genealogical purposes stating that SAR members are direct descendants of the men and women who fought and participated in the Revolution. He cited specific activities of the South Carolina SAR are to: (1) locate and preserve records of the American Revolution and information regarding Revolutionary War participants, (2) locate and mark patriot graves throughout South Carolina, (3) commemorate major battles in SC, (4) patriotic education focusing on the SC ETV/National Park Service/South Carolina SAR production of Revolutionary War battles for use by school teachers and (5) the Colonial Ball of debutantes who are lineal descendants of patriots with proceeds going to patriot education. Ohanesian said he has been in charge of this annual event in Charleston every other December for the last 17 years as the major South Carolina SAR fundraiser. He also listed some of the regularly commemorated battles fought in South Carolina: the Battle of Sullivan’s Island, Buford’s Massacre, the Battle of Camden, the Battle of Kings Mountain, the Battle of Cowpens, the Battle of Eutaw Springs and the British evacuation of Charleston. He noted there were 44 battles fought in South Carolina after the surrender in Yorktown and that there were more battles fought in South Carolina than in any other colony. In fact, there were two major American cities held by the British after 1781 - New York and Charleston. Ohanesian noted several significant events that occurred in Marlboro County (then District) during the American Revolution: Hunt’s Bluff on July 25, 1780 where Capt Tristram Thomas erected log cannons atop Hunt’s Bluff on the Great Pee Dee River to deceive Tory Captain Nairne’s British barges leading to the capture of much needed supplies, munitions and capturing 100 prisoners, General Nathanael Greene’s Camp of Repose Dec. 1780-Jan. 1781 in presentday Wallace gave the army a chance to rest and regroup after there sound defeat at the Battle of Camden, the assassination of Col Abel Kolb by his Tory neighbors on April 26, 1781, the battle of Cashua Ferry aka Brownsville Meeting House where patriots fought tories in a “Hoss Chase” of about three miles from the ferry to the church, the battle of Brown’s Mill aka Muddy Creek or Rogers’ Creek on August 1782, the signing of the Exchange of Prisoners of War Cartel signed at home of Claudius Pegues in upper Marlboro County on May 3, 1781 which was only cartel executed during the Revolution. He also discussed several events that occurred at Society Hill and its Long Bluff Courthouse. President Amber Bowen presided and thanked Ohanesian for his presentation and for bringing his Revolutionary type uniforms and rifles to display to the group. Pictured above (l-r): General Francis Marion President Greg Ohanesian, his wife, Barbara, Rotary Program Chairman Lon Lester and Colonial Ball Staff Members Mandy Shaw and Kelly Byrd at the Bennettsville Rotary Club meeting on 2 February 2016. Photo provided by Greg Ohanesian. Godfrey Dreher Chapter officers for 2016 (l-r): VP Don Simmons, Secretary Don Jones, President Wayne Roberts, Chaplain Randy Hallman and Treasurer Maxwell Treasurer. The chapter meets on the fourth Monday of each month (June, July, August excluded) at Lizard’s Thicket Oak Grove at 6:00 pm. Compatriots, guests, prospective members and the public are invited to share a meal, fellowship and listen to an informative speaker who will present a Revolutionary War or Patriotic program. Recently the chapter has pursued the erection of a highway marker at the site of the Battle of Tarrar Springs. Each year the chapter presents awards to Eagle Scouts and JROTC cadets. Photo provided by Don Simmons. Page 14 Spring 2016 The Palmetto Patriot “The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending against all hazards: And it is our duty to defend them against all attacks.” Samuel Adams (1722-1803) The Dr George Mosse Chapter met on 7 February 2016. In the photo to the right, chapter President Paul Walter (left) stands with C.A.R. Senior Leader Judy Romeo who was the guest speaker at the luncheon meeting. In the photo below to the right, the 2016 chapter board poses for a group picture. From left to right they are Past President Atlee Compher, Treasurer Nathaniel Jones, Chaplain Don Sager, Genealogist David Sanders, Secretary Larry Burke, President Paul Walter, 2nd Vice President Kenneth Michel and Registrar Bailey Keeling. The photo in the lower right is of new member Robert DeLuryea (left) who was inducted durinr the meeting and Registrar Bailey Keeling. Photos were provided by Atlee Compher. On Saturday, February 6, 2016, the Colonel Lemuel Benton Chapter hosted Major General H. Laurie Newton of the South Carolina National Guard and presented him with the National SAR Silver Good Citizenship Medal. The Silver Good Citizenship medal is awarded by a chapter after approval by the South Carolina SAR upon an individual’s showing of extensive, outstanding and unusual patriotic achievement and service. Major General Newton was commissioned as an Armor Officer in the South Carolina National Guard in March of 1973 graduating from the Palmetto Military Academy and the South Carolina Army National Guard Junior Officer School. He rose through the ranks serving as Platoon Leader, Executive Officer, and then Company Commander within the 263rd Armor Battalion’s A Company. Eventually he served as Commander of the 218th Enhanced Separate Brigade, Commander 59th Troop Command, and the Deputy Adjutant General of the South Carolina National Guard. Following the events of September 11, 2001, the United States took longterm measures to defend the Capital Region from further or future attacks. Major General Newton was called upon to continue and enhance this effort. From 2007 to 2012, as Theatre Commander, Major General Newton was responsible for the command, control, and coordination of subordinate Air Defense brigades, battalions, and other assigned units which were assigned to protect and defend the United States of America and her Capital. Major General H Laurie Newton (left) receives the National SAR Silver Good Citizenship Medal and framed certificate from Colonel Lemuel Benton Chapter President Sanford Graves. Photo by: Fredericke Oakes. The Georgetown Veterans Day Parade festivities on November 11, 2015 featured four chapters who proudly marched in their colonial and Revolutionary War attire. Pictured to the left are members of the Winyah Chapter SCDAR, the Thomas Lynch Chapter, the Major Gen. William Moultrie Chapter and the Col. Lemuel Benton Chapters. After the parade, the Thomas Lynch Chapter hosted a reception at the Stewart Parker house on Front Street, a 1740’s era home where local lore says George Washington was entertained on his visit to Georgetown in 1791. Photo by: Paige Sawyer Page 15 Spring 2016 The Governor Paul Hamilton Chapter remained active over the later part of 2015. In early September, Past President Jody Henson participated in and placed the chapter's wreath at the Battle of Eutaw Springs commemoration. Also attending from the chapter was South Carolina SAR Senior Vice President Wayne Cousar. During Constitution Week the chapter held its third quarterly meeting at The Tavern at Royal Pines Country Club. Over twentyfive chapter members participated with spouses as the chapter swore in new members Steve Melvin, Virginia SAR transfer Dr. John Kenney and Texas resident Tom Hewitt, son of Compatriot Capt. Dean Hewitt, USN (Ret) who pinned the SAR rosette on his son's lapel. President Michael Keyserling presented Royal Pines Country Club owner Jeff Fisher and Tavern Manager Patty Huckabee with the SAR Flag Certificate in recognition of meeting day and night flag etiquette and flying the flag for patriotic reasons. The meeting was highlighted by Compatriot Joe Riddle's detailed presentation on his Patriot Ancestor James McCracken of South Carolina followed by President Michael Keyserling honoring Veteran compatriots Paul Steele with a Vietnam Veterans Corps Certificate certificate and John Youmans with the Military Service Certificate. In the photo below, Secretary Claude Dinkins (left) stands with Patty Huckabee and Jeff Fisher of the Lady's Island CC as President Michael Keyserling presented the Flag Certificate. Photo by Jody Henson. The Palmetto Patriot Compatriot Jody Henson stands with the Gov Paul Hamilton Chapter wreath at the Eutaw Springs Battle Ground. Photo by Anita Henson. Capt. Dean Hewitt (left) places the SAR Rosette on the lapel of his son Tom Hewitt’s jacket as President Michael Keyserling (right) conducts the induction. Photo by Jody Henson. “It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by men of their own choice if the laws be so volumninous that they can not be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood.” James Madison (1751-1836) Compatriot Drew Wise (right in the photo to the left) of the Major General William Moultrie Chapter presents an SAR Award to Cadet PO2 Grant Domingo of the NSCC Hunley-Yorktown Division of the Naval Sea Cadets, on 30 January 2016 in Goose Creek. Cadet Domingo received an SAR Bronze Good Citizenship Medal along with a Citation recognizing the Cadet's leadership qualities, scholastic achievements and outstanding traits of a good citizen. The presentation is part of the ROTC/JROCT Awards chaired by Compatriot Wise, a recipient of the Bronze Star received during his service in Vietnam as an Army ROTC prepared officer. The Moultrie Chapter provides Annual Awards to 18 JROTC units in three counties as well as an Officer’s Sword awarded to the outstanding ROTC Junior at The Citadel. The Moultrie Chapter was originally “the Citadel Chapter” formed in 1939 as the first college chapter of the SAR. Its membership has always been comprised of Staff and Cadets of The Citadel as well as area-wide Compatriots. The Naval Sea Cadets is committed to providing American youth with a drug and alcohol free environment to foster their leadership abilities, broaden their horizons through hands-on training, and guide them to becoming mature your adults. The mission of the Hunley-Yorktown Division is to teach accurate seamanship, educate the next generation on the organization, function, and history of our country’s Navy and Coast Guard, instigate and aid each child in cultivating their own set of defined moral principles and ethics, and to foster and develop leadership in the hearts and minds of America’s youth. Article by Edd Richburg with picture provided by Andrew Wise. Page 16 Spring 2016 The Palmetto Patriot SAR GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH LIBRARY BEGINS OUTREACH SERVICES TO MEMBERSHIP By: C Bruce Pickette, National SAR Librarian General In November, after many years of development through Friends of the SAR Library and other monetary sources of funding, our national SAR Genealogical Research Library in downtown Louisville announced its ability to begin providing membership access services across the country to the entire membership. This member outreach service was launched with the recent purchase and ownership of two genealogical and Revolutionary War databases that can be accessed by SAR members anywhere and at anytime. The "Gale Genealogy Connect" database is a first quality e-Book collection consisting of 189 individual titles of on-line genealogical research on how-to materials and original sources. The "Sources in American History On-Line: The American Revolution” database contains nearly five hundred primary source documents exploring the American Revolution and featuring personal accounts, maps, pamphlets and monographs. To access these new databases from home, simply log in on the website and then go to the library site. Scroll down and you will see a block under the "Library Navigation" section on the left hand column entitled "Library Databases." The two new database links are listed below. Again, to see/access the database links, you must be logged into, then click on “Library” in the blue stripe on the main page. Many quality in-house library databases have been available for members visiting our library for quite some time but it has been the goal of our library staff, the national library committee and myself, as your Librarian General, to make a major and concentrated effort to step up membership services in a new direction by providing comprehensive service to all chapter and state society members of the Sons of the American Revolution. Additionally, the library staff and volunteers have been painstakingly digitally reconstructing the "Family History Files" housed in our facility comprising 850 individual family files of approximately 33,000 pages of written documentation and family information. Once our cleanup of the digital files is completed in the near future, the Family Files database will also be launched and will also be made available for outreach membership access. I would like to extend my thanks to members for voicing their needs and suggestions and thank all those volunteers who have work so hard to bring this new outreach program to the forefront for our entire membership. We hope many will begin to fully comprehend the value of our library and take ownership by extending your financial support so we may continue to improve our facility services to each of you! Members of the South Carolina SAR pose for a pictue with South Atlantic District Vice President General Ed Rigel Sr (front row, fifth from the left) and President General Tom Lawrence (center) at the 235th Anniversary of the Battle of Cowpens on 16 January 2016. Photo by: Cindy Anthony. Dr. Joseph Taylor Stukes , Noted S.C. History Professor dies By: Douglas Doster, VP for Chapter Revitalization Though he was never a member of SAR, Dr. Joe Stukes promoted the history of the American Revolution and especially the Revolution in South Carolina more than any other person I know. He received the South Carolina SAR Educator of the Year Award. He taught at Lander University, Erskine College and for many years as a distinguished Professor of History at Francis Marion University in Florence. This article is not written to be another obituary for Dr. Stukes. Instead it as a testimony by a former student (Erskine College, Class of 1971) and how he made American History come to life long after I had graduated college. He made many presentations at schools and historical events often portraying our revolutionary heroes in period costumes. Dr. Stukes was a speaker at one Battle of Eutaw Springs annual observances. He participated for many years in the annual Francis Marion Symposiums headed up by George and Carole Summers in Manning. He helped dedicate the SAR Patriot Marker for Col. John James at Indiantown Presbyterian Church in Williamsburg County, my childhood home church. Dr. Stukes' contribution of sharing his love of history with so many in his lifetime will be remembered by all who knew him. This is literally the last word for the issue of The Palmetto Patriot falling at the bottom of the last page. I will thus take this opportunity to remind you of some of the items you have already read. From the Editor Mark C Anthony (1) There are only two (2) print issues remaining of this publication as it will be moving to a digital format beginning with the Fall 2016 issue. Those who have not provided the South Carolina SAR with an email address will either need to supply an address or complete and return the paid subscription form for a printed copy (see page 2) to continue receiving the quarterly . This is being done to save the costs of printing and mailing. (2) Please accept my personal invitation in addition to the personal invitation of State President Greg Greenawalt to attend the upcoming Annual State Meeting on the weekend of April 2-3, 2016 in Columbia (see page 3 for the registration form). All members have the opportunity to speak and vote on the issues presented and in the election of the South Carolina 2016-2017 state officers. (3) In the chapter capsules you have read about the activities of the various chapters. These activities cannot succeed without your participation as well. As Louis V Gerstner Jr, CEO and Chairman of the Board at IBM from 1993 to 2002, said, “The real mechanism of corporate governance isthe active involvement of the owners.” Each compatriot is an owner of the South Carolina SAR much as it could be said that we are all the owners of the legacy of our patriot ancestors who established the United States of America through the American Revolution. Take this and every opportunity you can to honor their memory by being an active member in your chapter and state society.
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