MICCI Welcomes Newly Elected General Committee


MICCI Welcomes Newly Elected General Committee
MICCI - The Premier Advocate for the Business Community
C-8- CI
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Edition 17/2014
7 July 2014
MICCI Welcomes Newly
Elected General Committee
Berita MICCI
highlights the latest
initiatives and
advocacy undertaken
by the Chamber and
its Councils on behalf
of MICCI Members.
The Chamber’s recent 41st Annual General Meeting, which took
place on 24 June 2014 at the Sime Darby Convention Centre,
witnessed the re-election of Simon Whitelaw (Managing
Director of CMA CGM Sdn Bhd) as its President along with a
few additional appointments to the General Committee.
In his statement, Whitelaw provided an overview of the past
year’s economy touching briefly on the global economic
conditions and the nation’s growth en route to achieving highincome status by 2020.
He further reflected on certain areas of the Chamber’s core
focus primarily through its engagement with the government,
and membership efforts towards the changing needs of its
members and the overall economic and demographic
Simon Whitelaw, President
“While MICCI continues to support
the government's objectives for
economic growth and high income
economy status through the
economic and government
transformation programmes (ETP
& GTP), the Chamber also
promotes the position that
additional fundamental structural
reform to sustain Malaysia's ability
to remain internationally
competitive is critical to lasting
The President expressed his gratitude to the Members of the
General Committee and most importantly, to all MICCI
Members who have given their time, energy and expertise
throughout the year on behalf of the Chamber. MICCI remains
committed to delivering the best value possible to its Members.
MICCI General Committee 2014/2015
MICCI Welcomes Newly Elected
General Committee
Budget 2015 To Focus On Rising Cost
Of Living
PMHA Strives For More
Government Grants and Financial
Assistance For Malaysian Businesses
Addressing Crime In Perak
Contacts & Links
MICCI General Committee 2014/2015
Additional Members
• Simon Whitelaw (CMA CGM Malaysia Sdn Bhd)
• Hans Essadi (Guinness Anchor Berhad)
• Tan Sri Mustafa Mansur (ITCO Niaga Sdn Bhd)
• See Kok Yew (ExxonMobil Subsidiaries in Malaysia)
• Rajan Mittal (Metrod (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd)
• Tay Beng Chai (Tay & Partners)
• Datuk A. Arulpragasam (Chairman, MICCI Sabah)
• Datuk Abang Hj Abdul Karim (President, SCCI, Sarawak)
• Dato’ Yasmin Mahmood (YTL Communications Sdn Bhd)
• Dato' Hari Das Nair (Consultant, Membership Development)
• Dato' Lim Si Boon (Chairman, MICCI Perak)
• Peter Lim (Chairman, MICCI Malacca & Negeri Sembilan)
• Michael Loke (Chairman, MICCI East Coast)
• Amnah Shaari (Beyond Corporate House Sdn Bhd)
• Georg Fischer (Tesco Stores (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd)
• Brian Tan (Chairman, MICCI Penang & North)
• Christina Tee (Chairman, MICCI Johor)
• Christopher Boyd (CB Richard Ellis (M) Sdn Bhd)
• Alois Hofbauer (Nestlé (Malaysia) Berhad)
• Dato' Kamil Noor Ariff (KASK Holdings Sdn Bhd)
• Wolfgang Laabs (Schenker Logistics (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd)
Ex-Officio Members
• Stewart Forbes (Executive Director, MICCI)
• Bill Lisle (AIA Berhad)
• Jenny Shabudin (Travcheq Travel Sdn Bhd)
• Dr. Veerinderjeet Singh (Taxand Malaysia Sdn Bhd)
• Chris Thiagarajah (Skybus Ventures Sdn Bhd)
For further information please contact
Shirley Chim at [email protected].
• Tina Yeung (The University of Sheffield)
Budget 2015 To Focus On Rising
Cost Of Living
MICCI feels that low tax rate is the best incentive and hence
proposed for the lowering of corporate and personal tax rates
to about 20% or even slightly lower while at the same time
streamlining all other aspects of doing business in the
The Budget Consultation 2015 was held on 26 May 2014 at
the Ministry of Finance, Putrajaya, in which Prime Minister
Datuk Seri Najib Razak stressed that various measures
would be undertaken in the 2015 Budget to help the people
cope with the rising cost of living.
For further information please contact Wong Hin Wei at
[email protected].
It was mentioned that the Fiscal Policy Committee (FPC) set
up in June last year plans to come up with a medium-term
framework to ensure medium and long term fiscal
sustainability. The government is committed to reduce fiscal
deficit to 3.5 per cent this year and achieve a balanced
budget by 2020.
for your further information
we recommend…(click title to download)
The Prime Minister stressed that greater ASEAN and Asia
integration is one of the challenges faced by the country. In
addition, focus will be given to ensuring equitable growth as
well as empowerment of youth and women.
1. WEF: The Global Enabling Trade Report [3.7MB]
MICCI made several proposals mainly calling for improved
transparency and clarity in tax law. The Chamber is of view
that the government should consider reviewing and
revamping the tax incentives legislation, as one type of
incentive may not apply equally to various industries. Certain
incentives that have proven unattractive should be removed.
4. ADB: ASEAN Corporate Governance
ScoreCard 2013-2014 [1MB]
2. WEF: The Global Information Tech Report [8.3MB]
3. IMF: Finance & Development, June [7.5MB]
5. Business Opportunities - Overseas [700kb]
PMHA Strives For
The organising committee of the Prime
Minister’s Hibiscus Award (PMHA)
2014/2015 led by its Adviser, Dato’ Kok
Wee Kiat met with the Director General
of the Department of Environment
Malaysia (DOE), Dato’ Halimah Hassan
on 12 May 2014. Also in attendance
were Stewart Forbes, Executive
Director of MICCI, Tuan Hj Abdul Aziz
Long, President of ENSEARCH, and
Stirling Yiin, Executive Director of
The aim of the meeting was to touch
base with DOE on several issues with
regards to the enhancement of the
award. Among the matters raised were,
to award PMHA assessors with
Continuing Professional Development
(CPD) points in order to attract more
quality assessors, to commit a senior
representative from DOE on the award
committee, and to obtain critical
feedback from DOE on environmental
quality status that will enable the PMHA
participants to incorporate the input into
their future programmes.
To this end, Dato’ Halimah agreed to
award the CDP points while further
assuring the organising committee that
DOE will delve into the matters raised
and continue to provide its full support.
For further information please contact
Kavitha Muthiah at
[email protected].
Government Grants
and Financial
Assistance For
Malaysian Businesses
MICCI in collaboration with the
Malaysian Exporters Association
(MEXPA) jointly organised a one-day
seminar on the various grants, financial
assistance and other financial schemes
offered or coordinated by the various
government agencies for Malaysian
Held on 14 April at the MATRADE
Exhibition and Convention Centre, the
seminar was attended by close to 300
participants from various industries.
The speakers comprised of
representatives from MATRADE, MIDF
Finance Development, MTDC, EXIM
Bank, SME Bank, SME Corporation
Malaysia, Crewstone International Sdn.
Among the topics covered during the
seminar included, the Market
Development Grant Guidelines 2014,
Government Financial Assistance
Programmes under MIDF, Technology
Grants, Cross Border Financing and
Credit Insurance, SME Development
Programmes, Guidance to the Right
Financial Assistance, PreCommercialisation Fund and Venture
Capital Funding.
The seminar was indeed an informative
event as it provided participants with a
significant range of financial assistance
available for Malaysian businesses.
Addressing Crime in
MICCI Perak Chairman, Dato’ Lim Si
Boon led a delegation in a meeting with
the Deputy Chief of Police, Perak, SAC
Dato' Paramasivam Arunasalam in April
2014. The meeting allowed for both
parties to strengthen the continued
relationship and for the police to
provide an update on the latest
developments on the crime situation in
the State.
Dato' Paramasivam stated that the
police would continue to foster a close
relationship with the industrialists in the
State and suggested that the Chamber
shares its members reported and
unreported crime incidence to enable
him to personally look into the cases. It
was also suggested that a half-day
briefing on police investigative powers
be organised for the benefit of
members. It would be very useful for
businesses and expatriates in the State
to understand how to handle crime
situations while allowing an opportunity
for the police from various districts to
engage with the Chamber and its
MICCI further proposed that more
CCTVs be installed in crime prone
areas taking into account the decrease
in crime rate in Manjung after CCTVs
were installed in the area. The meeting
concluded with both parties agreeing to
work hand in hand to tackle and reduce
crime in the State.
For further information please contact
Subasini Uthra at [email protected].
For further
information please
contact Kavitha
Muthiah at
[email protected].
Dato’ Kok presenting a memento
to Dato’ Halimah
MICCI delegation with Dato’ Paramasivam
MICCI Councils & Focus Groups
Economic Policy & Taxation Council
Chair: Kang Beng Hoe (Taxand Malaysia Sdn Bhd)
PIC: Wong Hin Wei ([email protected])
Logistics & Infrastructure Council
Chair: Chris Thiagarajah (SkyBus Ventures Sdn Bhd)
PIC: Chang Hou Yea ([email protected])
Human Capital Council
Chairs: Dato’ Kamil Noor Arif (KASK Holdings Sdn Bhd) &
Lokman Baharuddin (ExxonMobil Subsidiaries in Malaysia)
PIC: Chang Hou Yea ([email protected])
Trade & Investment Council
Chair: Tay Beng Chai (Tay & Partners)
PIC: Wong Hin Wei ([email protected])
Services (CSIM) Council
Chair: Ken Pushpanathan (MICPA)
PIC: Wong Hin Wei ([email protected])
Environment & Natural Resources Council
Chair: Dato’ Kok Wee Kiat (Bata (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd)
PIC: Ilyani Yusof ([email protected])
Joint Action Security Council (JASCO)
Chair: Rajan Mittal (Metrod Malaysia Sdn Bhd)
PIC: Ilyani Yusof ([email protected])
Domestic Affairs Council
Chair: Amnah Shaari (Beyond Corporate House Sdn Bhd)
PIC: Chang Hou Yea ([email protected])
--------------------------------------------Trade Facilitation Focus Group
Chair: Raja Kumaran (PricewaterhouseCoopers)
PIC: Wong Hin Wei ([email protected])
Education Focus Group
Chair: Tina Yeung (The University of Sheffield)
PIC: Chang Hou Yea ([email protected])
Legal & IP Council
Tourism Focus Group
Chair: Jenny Shabudin (Travcheq Travel Sdn Bhd)
PIC: Ilyani Yusof ([email protected])
Chair: Linda Wang (Zaid Ibrahim & Co)
PIC: Ilyani Yusof ([email protected])
MICCI Contacts
Headquarters (KL & Selangor)
Stewart Forbes
Executive Director
tel: 03-6201 7708
email: [email protected]
East Coast (Administrated by MICCI HQ)
Khamini Loganathan
Assistant Manager
tel: 03-6201 7708
email: [email protected]
Penang & The North
Priscilla Dawson
Branch Executive
tel: 04-227 0589
email: [email protected]
Malacca & N.Sembilan (Administrated by MICCI HQ)
Khamini Loganathan
Assistant Manager
tel: 03-6201 7708
email: [email protected]
Subasini Uthra
Branch Executive
tel: 05-253 2233
email: [email protected]
Nicole Struys
Branch Executive
tel: 07-221 2358
email: [email protected]
Stella Liew
Branch Executive
tel: 088-248 332
email: [email protected]
Associate Chamber
Datuk Abang Hj Abdul Karim, President
Sarawak Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCI)
tel: 082-237 148
email: [email protected]