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A13<3 0==BG:717=CA 03/@>@723 6CAB:/0/:: 2C1973 0:/191/> 5/G @C50G¸A0755/GAB/@ 5/@3B6 B6=;/A 7<A723@C>3@BA;7B6D7D/:/AD35/A>@723:=<2=< 5@/<1/</@7/<3EA3/A=<AE7;E3/@ EEE=Cb;/51=C9 7AAC34=@BGBE=$ 4@33 B63C:B7;/B35C723B=5/G:=<2=< =CbT`]\b EDITORIAL// ADVERTISING PAGE 43 OUT THERE Upcoming scene highlights for June, plus coverage of Hustlaball, Bootylicious, Duckie, G-A-Y and the Black Cap PAGE 24 GARETH THOMAS Editor David Hudson [email protected] +44 (0)20 7258 1943 Staff writer John O’Ceallaigh [email protected] Design Concept Boutique Marketing Graphic Designer Ryan Beal Sub Editor Kathryn Fox Contributors Adrian Foster, Daniel Fry, Edward Gamlin, David Hadley, Mark Palmer-Edgecumbe, David Perks, Max Skjönsberg, Richard Tonks Photographer Chris Jepson Publishers Sarah Garrett//Linda Riley PAGE 67 OUTREACH Torbay Pride, Stonewall FC and community listings PAGE 70 OUTNEWS All the gay news from home and abroad PAGE 04 LETTERS Send your correspondence to [email protected] ISDN: 1473-6039 Head of Advertising Rob Harkavy [email protected] + 44 (0)20-7258 1777 Head of Business Development Lyndsey Porter [email protected] + 44 (0)20-7258 1777 Senior Advertising Executive Dan Goodban [email protected] +44 (0)20 7258 1777 Senior Advertising Executive Maz Ogden [email protected] +44 (0)20 7258 1777 Cover image © Christopher Thomond Guardian News & Media Ltd 2010 Square Peg Media Ltd. 37 Ivor Place London NW1 6EA Phone +44 (0)20 7258 1777 Fax +44 (0)20 7258 1787 The content of this publication, either in whole or in part may not be reproduced, stored in a data retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior permission from the publishers. Opinions expressed in Out In The City are not neccessarily those of the publishers. © Square Peg Media Ltd 2000 - 2009. Square Peg Media Ltd t/a Out In The City magazine will not take any responsibility for any loss/claim resulting from a transaction with one of our advertisers/ Media Partners. HUDSON’S LETTER One of the best things about editing Out In The City is the opportunity to interview so many of my heroes and people who inspire me. After Sir Ian McKellen last month, this month I had the pleasure of a one-to-one session (oo-er!) with rugby player Gareth Thomas. I have to admit that prior to Gareth coming out last December, I hadn’t heard of him, and it wasn’t until I was doing research for my piece that I realised what a star he is in the world of rugby – playing more matches for the Welsh rugby team than any other player in Welsh history. In short, the guy’s a legend, and it was a pleasure to discover what a down-to-earth bloke he remains – despite his success. He’s enjoying his heightened profile since going public about his sexuality, but at the end of the day, he remains deeply passionate about rugby. Check out the interview on page 24. I also chatted with Marc Almond – who I have to admit to being rather obsessed with back in the 80s. Now in his 50s, Marc continues to turn out amazing material, as exemplified by new album Varieté. This time last month, we were gearing up for the General Election. Now we’ve got a new prime minister – with the Lib Dem’s propping up the Conservatives in a hung parliament. The jury remains out on exactly how gay-friendly this new government will prove to be, and I, for one, will be interested to see exactly how many – if any – of the Lib Dem’s LGBT manifesto pledges (widely publicised before 6 May) are now realised. Watch this space! [email protected] PAGE 06 MY LONDON Author Rupert Smith gives us his capital highlights PAGE 08 SHOPPING Fizzy vodka, Pride jewellery and new swimwear PAGE 13 DIARY June’s cultural highlights in and around London, plus a preview of the upcoming Pride London festival PAGE 24 GARETH THOMAS The gay rugby star speaks exclusively to David Hudson about his life post-coming out, his career and charity work PHOTO © CHRIS JEPSON CONTENTS PAGE 46 G-A-Y Ahead of the UK release of his brand new album, the impish cult singer reveals why it might be his last… PAGE 32 FILM The Killer Inside Me, Brooklyn’s Finest and Shrink reviewed PAGE 36 THEATRE Hair reviewed plus theatre news PAGE 38 FOOD Circus reviewed plus Donald MacInnes – acclaimed hair and make-up artist PAGE 78 PROPERTY Living in Victoria, and the latest products for the home PAGE 88 MOTORING We test drive the new Škoda Yeti PAGE 88 TRAVEL Las Vegas and a Postcard From Gran Canaria PAGE 96 HOROSCOPES PAGE 28 MUSIC New albums from Scissor Sisters, Sia and Kele Okereke PAGE 30 MARC ALMOND PAGE 74 CAREER Mark PalmerEdgecumbe on the implications of the new Equality Bill, PAGE 88 LAS VEGAS PAGE 97 HEALTH Body Dysmorphic Syndrome, and Men’s Cancer Awareness Month ! =CbT`]\b :3BB3@A MANOHMAN KYLIE Back, back, back… our favourite Aussie popstar returns with the gorgeous ‘All The Lovers’ in mid June, followed by new album Aphrodite on 5 July. MARRAKECH One of our favourite holiday escapes receives a boost in popularity following a starring role in the new Sex & The City film. THE GREEN PARTY Celebrate the achievement of their first elected MP, with party leader Caroline Lucas being elected in Brighton. WHAT’S HOT AND WHAT’S NOT THIS MONTH’S RISE AND FALL TACTICAL VOTING Voted Liberal Democrat to try and keep the Conservatives out? Oops… didn’t quite work out that way, did it? THE LABOUR PARTY Forced to retire to the back benches to lick their wounds, choose a new leader and rebuild their popularity. MICHAEL BARRYMORE Not gay anymore apparently, according to The Sun. The paper reports he’s fallen for a woman and has joked about throwing a “going back in” party to celebrate his return to straightsville. 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VODKA FIZZ Vodka queens rejoice! Camitz Sparkling Vodka is here! Yes, the makers of this new tipple have combined bubbles with premium-strength vodka. Made in Sweden, it’s distilled five times before the carbonation process. Use it to create a sparkling twist on cocktail classics… but don’t leave it open in your fridge for too long. Like Champagne, once opened, it will only stay bubbly for a limited period. Available priced £13.99 for a small 200ml bottle, or £29.99 for 700ml – from Selfridges and online specialists DrinkEmporium. com, and DISCO HEAVEN The Gods of disco are truly spoiling us this month! Following the success of their first disco quartet of albums last autumn, another four compilation albums get released this month in the Disco Discharge series. Each features extended mixes of original disco classics, rarities and forgotten gems. Titles in the series include Diggin’ Deeper, European Connection, Disco Boogie and – one for us all lovers of gay disco – Pink Pounders (including the likes of Patrick Cowley, The Flirts and Divine). Each title is out 7 June on Harmless Records ( If that weren’t enough, the Horse Meat Disco crew are set to release their second compilation album. Like its predecessor, Horse Meat Disco II will feature forgotten rarities from the disco and Italo scene, all mixed by residents James Hillard, Jim Stanton, Severino and Filthy Luka. It’s released by the Strut label on 28 June. WITH THIS RING… In one of this year’s more unusual Pride hook-ups, Star Jewellers of Hatton Garden are celebrating Pride 2010 – and the 40 years since the formation of the Gay Liberation Front – with the creation of some special jewellery. As this year’s Pride theme is ‘Painting The Town Red’, this historic jewellers has fashioned an official ‘Pride London 2010 Commemorative Ruby Ring’, featuring a 2.5 carat ruby set in 18 carat white gold. The ring will be on display over the festival fortnight, and will be available to purchase after the event. Star Jewellers are happy to design replicas, or offer a bespoke design service for anyone wanting to design their own commemorative or personal piece of jewellery. Star Jewellers, 70 Hatton Garden, London, EC1. & MAN OF WORDS What words best sum up the man in your life? That’s the basis for a new range of commissioned art pieces from artist Rudy de Belgeonne. This month, he exhibits an expansive piece at London’s Future Gallery (5 Newport Street, WC2), composed of 1,000 hand-painted panels that each carry a word linked to manliness or malerelated attributes (‘Hero, Love God’, ‘Scoundrel’, ‘Stallion, ‘Geek’, etc). To coincide with the show, he’s also offering you the chance to commission a unique ‘portrait in words’. Special commissioned pieces start from £495 for a framed set of four handpainted panels (15cm x 20cm) up to £3,495 for a framed set of 64 hand-painted panels (120cm x 80cm). They’re available to order now via the website www. – while the exhibition ‘Who’s The Man’ runs 3-8 June 2010. =CbaV]^ >@=2C1BA ALL AT SEA B67AAC;;3@¸A 6=BB3AB<3E AE7;;7<5B@C<9A¬ ES SEXY CUT CLONE ZONE £44.99 HOM PIXEL SHORTS SELFRIDGES £40 ES RACING STRIPES CLONE ZONE £49.99 ORLEBAR BROWN BULLDOG SHORTS WWW.ORLEBARBROWN.COM £125 COCK SOX SWIM BRIEF CLONE ZONE £25.99 ES ROCKY BOXER CLONE ZONE £54.99 AUSSIEBUM WONDERJOCK WWW.AUSSIEBUM.EU.COM £19.32 =CbT`]\b 27/@G CALENDAR EVENTS// JUNE 2010 10 JUNE-12 SEPT: John Bock in an earlier performance piece: Fischgrätenmelkstand kippt ins Höhlengleichnis Refugium (2008) Following French artist Céleste Boursier-Mougenot filling the space with musical Zebra Finches, the latest site-specific installation to grace the Curve Gallery at the Barbican comes from internationally-acclaimed German artist John Bock. Bock is renowned for his humorous, eccentric and chaotic interventions which combine sculpture, film and his trademark performances known as “lectures”. For this new installation he’s creating a madcap interpretation of experimental architecture. Curve-Vehicle incl. π-Man-(.) will feature metal pod-like structures adorned with plastics, fabrics and found materials – the end result aiming to resemble a kind of utopian, plug-in city. Bock and a select group of actors will periodically deliver live “lectures” using the installation as a set, and these performances will be filmed and replayed on screens throughout the exhibition. It promises to be anything but dull! Admission is free. www. []`SW\T]`[ObW]\ QVSQYbVSeSPaWbS ObeeebVb]`UcY ]`S[OWZ[WQVOSZ ZW\W\Ub]\.bVb]`UcY 24 MAY-19 JUNE In pop culture terms, he may be best remembered here as the ex-husband of Marilyn Monroe, but across the Atlantic, Arthur Miller remains one of America’s most venerated essayists and playwrights. Reintroducing one of his most celebrated works to British audiences, the Open Air Theatre in Regent’s Park (pictured) stages The Crucible this month. Based around the infamous Salem witch trials, this production is directed by Timothy Sheader and stars Patrick O’Kane, Emma Cunniffe and Oliver Ford Davies. WED 02 JUNE:3\X]gO R`W\YO\R`OWaSa][S []\SgT]`OU]]R QOcaS/\\cOZa]W`{S BVS1]QYbOWZ1ZcPeWZZ PSbOYW\U^ZOQSObbVS 1]\aS`dOb]`gOP]dS BVS0O`PWQO\1S\b`S 31 ³Ob`]^WQOZ]OaWa W\bVSVSO`b]TbVSQWbg /ZZ^`]QSSRaT`][ bWQYSbaOZSaeWZZU] RW`SQbZgb]bVSBS``S\QS 6WUUW\aB`cabb]VSZ^ Tc\RWba]\U]W\U QO[^OWU\ab]`OWaS OeO`S\SaaO`]c\R aSfcOZVSOZbVO\R67D <]eW\Wba\W\bVgSO` bWQYSbaT]`bVWagSO`¸a SdS\bQ]ab#eVWQV W\QZcRSaT`SSQO\O^{a O\RQ]QYbOWZa4]` SAT 05 JUNE: BVS [OW\ab`SO[PWPZS ]TTSbWaVWabaO\R TO\bOaWaba0WhO``S [OUOhW\SP`W\UaWba `SORS`ab]USbVS` bVWagSO`eWbVbVS `Sbc`\]TWba0WhO``S 0OZZObBVS1]`]\Sb EWbVSdS`gbVW\UO\R SdS`g]\SbVObTOZZa]cb ]TbVS[OW\ab`SO[ eO`[Zg`SQSWdSR Sf^SQb`Wa_c{ Pc`ZSa_cSaV]ea Qc`W]caQOPO`SbOQba O\RZWdS[caWQOZ ^S`T]`[O\QSa³bVS 5OZZ]eaBVS6]``]`a O\R8]RWS6O`aV O`SO[]\UbV]aS O^^SO`W\UBVWagSO` ^`]QSSRW\UaeWZZ T]ZZ]eOQW`QcabVS[S a]^O`bWQW^O\baO`S b]ZRbVSgaV]cZR SUN 06 JUNE Readers of this magazine will most likely assume that the Vauxhall Art Car Boot Fair takes place somewhere between Fire and the RVT but, in this case, Vauxhall refers to the make of car rather than that infamous district of London. A sophisticated car-boot sale that takes place at the Old Truman Brewery on Brick Lane, the event sees artists, designers and performers congregate in east London to showcase and sell their wares, as well as engage in one-off performances. ! =CbT`]\b 27/@G CALENDAR EVENTS// JUNE 2010 SAT 05 JUNE: Avant-garde performance artist and guerilla dragster, Jonny Woo, is hosting a new monthly event, Fete Surprise, at the gorgeous 1901 restaurant, in the Andaz Hotel, Liverpool Street. Expect a ‘riotous night of theatrical folly’, with glamorous costumes, spectacular prizes and outrageous party games. DONALD MCGILL, A STICK OF ROCK, COCK 1952 OZa]Sf^SQbQ`SS^g QZ]e\aaSfgb`O^ShS O`bWabaO\R`cPPS`g `W\U[OabS`aeee PWhO``S[OUQ][ 07 JUNE-05 SEPT: WED 09 JUNE Releasing fabulous new album Varieté this month, the brilliant Marc Almond will be performing at the Jazz Café as part of the series of MOJO Honours List gigs. Expect new material plus a selection of hits from his extensive back catalogue –and check out our interview on page 30. " 3fbS\RW\UTO`PSg]\R bVSacUUSabWdS Vc[]c`]TbV]aS aOcQgaSOaWRS ^]abQO`Ra]T]ZRO \SeSfVWPWbW]\Ob BObS0`WbOW\³@cRS 0`WbO\\WO(0`WbWaV 1][WQ/`b³Sf^Z]`Sa 0`WbWaVQ][WQO`b T`][bVS$ab] bVS^`SaS\bROgO\R Q]\aWRS`aWbabOYS]\ []`OZWbg^]ZWbWQaO\R bVSOPac`R1`SObSR eWbVOaaWabO\QS T`][a][S]TbVS Q]c\b`g¸aPSabY\]e\ QO`b]]\WabaO\R Each month will feature a different theme, with the June outing being titled ‘Everybody’s Birthday’… so expect some cake and renditions of ‘Happy Birthday’! Tickets are £49, which includes canapés, a threecourse meal and drinks. The evening will start at 7:30pm with cocktails and dinner commencing at 8pm. Q][SRge`WbS`aWb W\QZcRSa^OW\bW\Ua aQcZ^bc`SaTWZ[O\R ^V]b]U`O^VgOaeSZZ OaU`O^VWQO`bO\R Q][WQP]]YaEWZZWO[ 6]UO`bV5S`OZRAQO`TS O\RAbSdS0SZZO`S O[]\UbV]aSTSObc`SR eVWZSQ][SRWO\ 6O``g6WZZWa]\S]TbVS Qc`Ob]`a eeebObS]`UcY THUR 10 JUNE:7b aSS[aZWYSOZ]\UbW[S OU]\]ebVOb0`Wb OZb`]QYS`aAc^S`U`Oaa aSbbVSac[[S` OZWUVbeWbVbVSW`VWb ·/Z`WUVb¸/\RWbeOa ³bVObeOaW\''# 4W\OZZgVOdW\Ua^ZWbW\ /^`WZ]TbVWagSO`bVS PO\R¸aTO`SeSZZb]c` aSSabVS[^ZOgbVSW` ZOabSdS`C9UWU]\ 8c\SObbVS= /QORS[gW\0`Wfb]\ eeeac^S`U`OaaQ][ 11-21 JUNE: =\S]T bVS[]ab`SZWOPZg W\\]dObWdSO\R W\bS`SabW\UTSabWdOZa 09 JUNE Winner of the BBC’s Sound of 2010, Ellie Goulding wraps up her two-month UK tour with a performance at London’s Shepherds Bush Empire. Expect material from her debut album Lights, released in March. VSZRW\bVSQO^WbOZ ;SZbR]e\`Sbc`\a b]:]\R]\¸aA]cbV 0O\Y1S\b`SbVWa []\bVeWbVO\]bVS` SfQWbW\U^`]U`O[[S O\RO\]bVS`\Se Qc`Ob]`4]ZZ]eW\U W\bVST]]babS^a]T acQVZc[W\O`WSaOa =`\SbbS1]ZS[O\ 2OdWR0]eWSO\R ;]``WaaSgbVWagSO`Wb Wa@WQVO`RBV][^a]\ eV]VOabVSV]\]c` ]T]dS`aSSW\USdS\ba <O[SR]\S]TbVS PSabUcWbO`Waba]TOZZ =CbT`]\b 27/@G CALENDAR EVENTS// JUNE 2010 22-23 JUNE: After a longerthan-expected hiatus, muchloved group the Scissor Sisters finally return to London, playing two gigs at Brixton Academy. If you manage to get a ticket you’ll be amongst the first to hear tracks from their new album, Night Work, released 28 June. bW[SPg@]ZZW\U Ab]\S[OUOhW\S VSVSORaOaS`WSa ]TSdS\babVObOZa] W\QZcRS^S`T]`[O\QSa T`][3ZdWa1]abSZZ] >O]Z]<cbW\WO\R ]c``SQS\bQ]dS`abO` @cTcaEOW\e`WUVb 12, 14 & 16 JUNE : 7\RWa^cbOPZgbVS []abTO[]ca]TOZZF 4OQb]`OZc[\W:S]\O :SeWaaV]eaXcab V]eTO`aVS¸aQ][S eVS\aVS`Sbc`\ab] VS`V][Sb]e\eWbV OVcUS`S^S`b]W`S ]TUZ]POZVWbaO\R Sfb`OdOUO\babOUS aV]eAVS^ZOgabVS= /`S\OT]`bV`SS\WUVba eee ZS]\OZSeWa[caWQQ]cY 17-19 JUNE 14 JUNE-22 AUG: =\S]TbVS[]ab SOUS`ZgO\bWQW^ObSR SdS\baVSZRPgbVS @]gOZ/QORS[g]T /`babVWagSO`aSSa bVSO\\cOZAc[[S` 3fVWPWbW]\`SOQVWba " \RPW`bVROg<]e TcZZg`SQ]U\WhSROa bVSe]`ZR¸aZO`USab ]^S\acP[WaaW]\ Q]\bS[^]`O`gO`b SfVWPWbW]\bVWagSO`Wb eWZZOUOW\aV]eQOaS OeWRS`O\US]T `SQS\be]`YPgP]bV SabOPZWaVSRO\R S[S`UW\UO`bWabaeee `]gOZOQORS[g]`UcY 17 JUNE Her first London gig in two years, Swedish popstar Robyn plays a one-off gig at heaven this month. As well as some of her older hits, fans can expect to hear new material from her latest album Body Talk Pt 1, released June 14. 17 JUNE: /]\S The fabulous Katy Brand brings her UK tour to London with three dates at the Leicester Square Theatre off Leicester Square. Expect appearances from many of her best-loved characters and impersonations. SUN 13 JUNE:6S¸ZZ ^`]POPZgOZeOga PSPSabY\]e\T]` ·EWQYSR5O[S¸O\RWba WQ]\WQ6S`P@WbbadWRS] Pcb gSO`aOTbS`bVOb `SZSOaS1V`Wa7aOOY $ WaabWZZ[OYW\U[caWQ >`][]bW\UVWaZObSab OZPc[;`:cQYgVS ^ZOgaOVSORZW\UUWU ObAVS^VS`R¸a0caV 3[^W`SbVWa[]\bV eeeQV`WaWaOOYQ][ ROgTSabWdOZbOYW\U ^ZOQSW\dS\cSa bV`]cUV]cb0`WQY:O\S ;OQ[WZZO\¸a0`WQY :O\SBOYS]dS``OWaSa dWbOZTc\RaT]`bVS QO\QS`QVO`Wbg/TbS` PcgW\UOe`WabPO\R TSabWdOZU]S`aUOW\ T`SSOR[WbbO\QSb] ^S`T]`[O\QSaPSW\U WED 30 JUNE Although it’s 18 months since its release, we’re still loving the Kings Of Leon’s Only By The Night album – which truly propelled them into rock’s premier league. The boys perform their biggest date yet at Hyde Park on 30 June, supported by the Black Keys and The Drums. =CbT`]\b 27/@G MAIN PICTURE – DAN. FAR RIGHT, INFLIGHT ASTRO - BOTH BY WOLFGANG TILLMANS CALENDAR EVENTS//JUNE 2010 26 JUNE-29 AUG: Former Turner Prize winner, and all-round nice bloke, photographic artist Wolfgang Tillmans will be showcasing new work at the Serpentine Gallery from the end of June till the end of August. Having moved to the UK 20 years ago, Tillman reflects on his longstanding relationship with London in this new show with both new works made specifically for this exhibition, as well as a range of images from throughout his career. Expect both figurative and abstract pieces; from unconventional yet intensely eloquent portraits, to large-scale, colour-saturated abstractions. GREEN DUCK © NEIL YOUNG VSZRW\PO`a\]b]\Zg bV`]cUV]cb0`WQY:O\S PcbOZa]ObA^WbOZTWSZRa O\RW\6]fb]\eee P`WQYZO\SbOYS]dS` Q][ 28 JUNE-03 JULY Guys Hanging is the title of a short, debut exhibition from the Gay Photographers’ Network. The group show will feature a variety of work from both professional and accomplished amateur photographers, many of whom will be exhibiting for the first time. Around 20 artists are featured, with work ranging in subject matter from uniquely personal observations of the human form to abstract work, from landscapes to simple images that capture a ‘moment in time’. The Gay Photographers’ Network is an organization for men who have a passionate interest in photography. It was launched with the aim that members (beginners, enthusiasts and professionals) can share ideas and knowledge and get together on a regular basis. For more details, check www. ‘Guys Hanging’ takes place at the Coningsby Gallery, 30 Tottenham Street, W1T 4RJ, with the gallery open daily from 9am till 6pm. & TUE 15 JUNE:BVSg [OgPSOeOZYW\U `]QY¸\¸`]ZZQZWQV{Pcb eV]R]Sa\¸baSQ`SbZg VOdSOTOd]c`WbS /S`]a[WbVa]\U- BVSCAPO\RaeSS^ W\b]:]\R]\Oa^O`b ]TbVSW`QVO`[W\UZg bWbZSR·1]QYSR:]QYSR @SORgB]@]QY¸b]c` 1ObQVbVS[·eOZY bVWaeOg¸ObbVS= /`S\OW\A3eee OS`]a[WbVQ][ ]T\SeaW\UZS·/ZZWUOb]`¸ ]\ 8c\SO\RZOab gSO`¸aQ`WbWQOZZg^`OWaSR OZPc[AOW\bV]]R BWQYSbaQ]ab%# eeebSUO\O\RaO`O Q][ 24-25 JUNE: 4]ZZ]eW\UacQQSaaTcZ ^S`T]`[O\QSaObbVS 3RW\Pc`UV4`W\US 4SabWdOZZOabgSO` :SWQSabS`A_cO`S BVSOb`SO\RbVS@]gOZ THUR 24 JUNE:1cZb DOcfVOZZBOdS`\ 1O\ORWO\ZSaPWO\beW\ Q][SRWS\\S@]aWS aWabS`T]ZY^]^abS`a( EWZPgP`W\UaVS` BSUO\O\RAO`OVSOR OQQZOW[SR]\Se][O\ POQYb]bVSaSaV]`Sa aV]eBVSAQWS\QS=T b]^ZOgbVSW`PWUUSab ASfb]bVS2`WZZ6OZZ$ Q]\QS`bgSb³bOYW\U 1VS\WSaAb`SSbE1 ]dS`bVS@]c\RV]caS ]\ " #8c\SBWQYSba W\1O[RS\]\ "8c\S Q]ab&Q]\Qa 7bT]ZZ]eabVS`SZSOaS eeeR`WZZVOZZQ]cY 21 JUNE-4 JULY Taking place as part of the Pride 2010 festival fortnight, ‘King of cabaret’ Paul L Martin will be celebrating 20 years on the cabaret scene by hosting ‘Cabaret Gold’ aboard the Battersea Barge (Riverside Walk, Nine Elms Lane, SW8). Expect appearances from the likes of Adele Anderson, Scales of the Unexpected, Sarah-Louise Young, David Mills, Hilda Eusébio, Earl Okin, The Lorraine Bowen Experience and Holly Penfield (pictured above). Doors open at 7.30pm, with the shows running nightly at 8.30pm. Tickets £12 from www.ticketweb. and ' =Cb\]e 27/@G PRIDE LONDON >@723:=<2=<9719A =44E7B6B6343AB7D/: 4=@B<756B@C<<7<5 4@=;'8C<34=::=E32 0GB63075>@723>/@/23 =<A/BC@2/G!8C:G=CB 7<B6317BG>@3D73EA A=;3=4B67AG3/@¸A /BB@/1B7=<A¬ BVWagSO`¸a>`WRS>O`ORSeWZZT]ZZ]ebVSaO[S `]cbSbV`]cUVb]e\OaZOabgSO`PSUW\\W\UOb 0OYS`Ab`SSbO\R[OYW\UWbaeOgdWO=fT]`R Ab`SSbO\R>WQQORWZZg1W`Qcab]B`OTOZUO`A_cO`S O\REVWbSVOZZ7beWZZPST]ZZ]eSRPgbVSB`OTOZUO` A_cO`S`OZZgeWbV^S`T]`[S`abVWagSO`W\QZcRW\U bVS4`SS[Oa]\a9g[;OhSZZS:WdW\¸8]g ;OaaWdS3U]>OZS2OgO\RbVSQOabT`][VWb [caWQOZ6OW`>`WRSVOaU`]e\[OaaWdSZgT`][Wba SO`ZgROgaO\R]`UO\WaS`aaOgbVObO\SabW[ObSR [WZZW]\^S]^ZSSWbVS`b]]Y^O`bW\]`eObQVSRZOab gSO`¸aTSabWdOZBVSg¸`SV]^W\UT]`aW[WZO`\c[PS`a bVWagSO` 4SabWdOZ4]`b\WUVbeOaZOc\QVSRb]Q]W\QWRS eWbV:]\R]\V]abW\U3c`]>`WRSW\ $O\ReOa dOabZgSf^O\RSRZOabgSO`BVSQc`Ob]`a^`][WaS O\SdS\PWUUS`TSabWdOZbVWagSO`W\QZcRW\UOeWRS `O\US]TSdS\baO\RQcZbc`OZUS[aOQ`]aabVS QO^WbOZ PHOTO © JAYEFF Sandra Bernhard Stewart Who? BVS5:4O\\WdS`aO`geWZZPS]TTWQWOZZg[O`YSR ]\8cZgeWbVOQSZSP`Ob]`gSdS\bS\bWbZSR ·4cQYES¸`S4]`bg¸³µOQ][SRgO\R[caWQOZ `]OabW\U¶bOYW\U^ZOQSObbVS:SWQSabS`A_cO`S BVSOb`S/^^SO`W\U]\abOUSeWZZPSAO\R`O 0S`\VO`RAQ]bb1O^c``]>]ZZg@OS0]c`US]Wa O\R;Oc`WQSO\RbVS:]\R]\5OgAg[^V]\g =`QVSab`OO[]\U]bVS`aBWQYSbaQ]ab# # BVS5OZSa/`QVW\0SbV\OZ5`SS\3 eWZZQSZSP`ObS>`WRSc\RS`bVSbWbZS·@]cUVO\R 2O\Rg¸PSbeSS\%8c\SO\R8cZg2SaQ`WPSR OaOT]`b\WUVb]TµO`b[caWQQ][SRgQOPO`Sb W\\]dObW]\a^]YS\e]`RaV]`bTWZ[O\R ^S`T]`[O\QSaeWbVa^SQWOZUcSabaQSZSP`ObW\U "gSO`a]TZWPS`ObW]\¶/R[WaaW]\eWZZPST`SSPcb R]\ObW]\aO`SeSZQ][S >S`T]`[S`a]TOZZYW\RaeWZZU`OQS=ZR1][^b]\ Ab`SSbObbVSVSO`b]TA]V]]\ $8c\S >O`bWQW^O\baW\bS`SabSRW\bOYW\U^O`bW\·Ab`SSb AQS\Sa¸O`SS\Q]c`OUSRb]Q]\bOQbbVSQc`Ob]` ;ObbVSe:SS9\]eZSa[ObbVSeMZSSMY\]eZSa. gOV]]Q]cYO\RORVS`Sb]bVSbVS[S·>OW\bBVS B]e\@cPg@SR¸ =\bVSaO[SROg $8c\SObbVS3ZSQb`WQ 1W\S[OW\<]bbW\U6WZZg]cQO\bOYS^O`bW\ ·1][SB]USbVS`¸O\OTbS`\]]\]TTWZ[O\R RSPObSQ]]`UO\WaSRPg>`WRSO\R@]gOZDOcfVOZZ BOdS`\¸a?cSS`?cSabW]\BW[SbSO[6]abSRPg AbSeO`bEV]-bVSSdS\beWZZZ]]YObbVS5:4¸a ]`WUW\OZRS[O\RaO\RSfO[W\SeVgeSO`SabWZZ eOWbW\UT]`a][S]TbVS[b]PSTcZTWZZSRBVSSdS\b eWZZ`c\T`][!!^[eWbVOR[WaaW]\%# eWbV^`]QSSRaU]W\Ub]>`WRS³bWQYSbaT`][ eeebWQYSbeSPQ]cY 7Tg]cTO\Qgg]c`aSZTOaOPcRRW\UTWZ[[OYS` O\ReO\bb][OYSg]c`]e\Q][[S\bOP]cb UOgZWPS`ObW]\]`>`WRSbVS\g]c[WUVbTO\Qg g]c`QVO\QSaW\bVS·"&V]c`4WZ[4Sab¸OUOW\ $8c\SeVS\^O`bWQW^O\baO`SW\dWbSRb][OYS bVSW`]e\TWZ[W\Xcab"&V]c`aBVS`SacZbaeWZZPS aV]e\bVST]ZZ]eW\UROgObBVS1`]e\O\RBe] 1VOW`[S\^cPW\2SO\Ab`SSbA]V] 4O\a]TaW\US`a]\Ue`WbS`@cTcaEOW\e`WUVb QO\Q]\QZcRSbVSW`>`WRSROgPgQObQVW\UbVS abO`W\Q]\QS`bW\bVSU`O\Rac``]c\RW\Ua]T 9S\e]]R6]caS<E!BWQYSbaQ]ab! "#PcbR]\¸b[WaabVSQVO\QSb]eW\Oa^SQWOZ ^OQYOUSQ]c`bSag]TbVS4SabWdOZ4]`b\WUVb4]` bV]aS]TO[]`SQZOaaWQOZPS\bbVS:]\R]\5Og =`QVSab`OeWZZPS^S`T]`[W\U]\bVSROgOTbS`bVS >`WRS:]\R]\>O`ORSObbVSAVOeBVSOb`S<E eWbVbWQYSbaOb# BVS0ObbS`aSO0O`USW\DOcfVOZZeWZZV]ab\]ZSaa bVO\\W\SRWTTS`S\bQOPO`SbabO`aPSbeSS\bVS 8c\SO\R"8cZgabO`bW\UeWbVZ]QOZTOd]c`WbS 2OdWR;WZZaO\RTW\WaVW\UeWbVbVS[cZbWbOZS\bSR 3O`Z=YW\eVWZSW\bVSaO[SO`SOUSbOZ]\Ub] bVS@]gOZDOcfVOZZBOdS`\]\ 8c\ST]`O>W\Y >WQ\WQT`][\]]\]\eO`Ra We’ll bring you full details about the parade and the Trafalgar Square rally in the next issue, but in the meantime, keep checking the website at: If you want to get involved in London Pride – contact the Pride Team through their website. As always, they’re particularly keen to hear from potential stewards for the parade. WORDS BY MAX SKJÖNSBERG >`WRS:]\R]\WaQ][W\UBVSQO^WbOZ¸aPWUUSab :50BQSZSP`ObW]\`Sbc`\aObbVSPSUW\\W\U]T8cZg ^`SQSRSRPgbVS\]eb`ORWbW]\OZ>`WRS:]\R]\ 4SabWdOZ4]`b\WUVbeVWQVYWQYa]TT]\'8c\SO\R QcZ[W\ObSaeWbVbVSb`ORWbW]\OZU`O\R^O`ORS]\ !8cZg BVWagSO`¸a>`WRS:]\R]\bVS[SeWZZPS·>OW\bBVS B]e\@cPg@SR³1SZSP`ObW\U"gSO`a]TbVS 5Og:WPS`ObW]\4`]\b¸<]b]\ZgR]]`UO\WaS`a eO\bbVSSdS\bb]OQY\]eZSRUS]\S]TbVSC9¸a ^W]\SS`W\UUOgU`]c^aPcbbVSgOZa]eO\bWbb] PS]\S]T:]\R]\¸a[]abdWacOZZga^SQbOQcZO` >`WRSTSabWdOZa BVS5Og:WPS`ObW]\4`]\b5:4[Og\]bVOdS PSS\bVSTW`abUOg]`UO\WaObW]\W\bVSC9PcbWb eOabVSPWUUSabO\RbVS[]abVWUV^`]TWZSW\bVS W[[SRWObSOTbS`[ObV]TbVSRSQ`W[W\OZWaObW]\ ]TV][]aSfcOZWbgW\bVWaQ]c\b`gW\'$%5WdS\ WbaT]`[ObW]\W\'%bVSU`]c^eOabVSTW`ab b]RS[O\R[]`SbVO\bVS[S`SZSUOZWaObW]\]T V][]aSfcOZWbgeVWQVVORPSS\OZ`SORgPSS\ U`O\bSRPg>O`ZWO[S\bbV`SSgSO`aSO`ZWS`BVS 54:eO\bSR^`]^S`aSfSRcQObW]\T]`aQV]]Z YWRabVS`WUVbb]aV]eOTTSQbW]\W\^cPZWQO\RbVS T`SSR][b]PS^`]cR]TbVSW`aSfcOZWbg)[O\g]T bVSaO[S`SOa]\abVObeSQ]\bW\cSb]QSZSP`ObS >`WRSb]ROg 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He was apparently planning to take a break from music for 12 months, but with time on his hands, found that he couldn’t keep away from the studio. Leaving his guitar at home, he found himself experimenting with synthesisers and drum machines, resulting in demos that were heavy on programmed beats, techno flourishes and squiggly sound effects. He duly teamed up with acclaimed New York bedroom-producer XXXchange to complete The Boxer; ten tracks that will probably delight and surprise most Bloc Party fans in equal measure. Opener ‘Walk Talk’ sets the template for what’s to follow. It’s a brooding, uncommercial but grooveladen beast, complete with handclaps, synthesised vocals and buzz-saw effects. It’s the military ‘shout-out’ anthem from hell. ‘On The Lam’ sounds like something that’s been lifted from an electro pirate radio station circa 1991. Lead single ‘Tenderoni’ offers more dance beats and house-club synths. It’s quite similar to Depeche Mode – a band whose sonic template re-appears on other tracks (‘All The Things I Could Never Say’, ‘New Rules’). Elsewhere, the spirit of Kid A era Radiohead is channelled on ‘Unholy Thoughts’, while ‘Rise’ kicks off with pulse-like beats before dissolving into a riotous techno meltdown. ‘Everything You Wanted’ is probably the album’s most melodic offering, with Kele reflecting on a failed love affair (“I could have given everything you wanted, everything you needed”). There’s more optimism on closing track, ‘Yesterday’s Gone’, an upbeat, ambient number that finds Kele’s vocals refreshingly pushed to the fore, even if the sentiment is self-empowering and saccharine (“open the window, let the sunlight back into your room”). The Boxer may not be a knock-out victory, but it wins on points. DH ALBUMS OUT IN JUNE KELE The Boxer (Wichita) In an interview in 2007, Marc Almond announced that he only intended to make one more album of original material, simply because he “preferred to sing other people’s songs”. Lyrically at least, Varieté feels like he’s bringing the curtain down on an era of his career. “All I need is a glittery curtain to sing a cheap but potent song, on a small wooden stage at the back of a bar, that’s where I belong”, he opens the album with, pretty much setting the standard for the numbers that follow, which takes in Victorian music hall, Vaudeville and Eastern European folk, all backing some of Almond’s wittiest lyrics. ‘Trials Of Eyeliner’ is a typical Almond ode to a pan-sexual waif of yesteryear: ‘In 1980s New York town, where leather boys could all be found, you tried to get into their club but the doorman gave you quite a snub, pointed to a sign above the door, only denim and leather to be worn – far too much black eyeliner dear, not a chance of coming in here!’ Or on ‘Lavender, a pean to 70s confused queer culture: ‘you splashed on some Brut and lowered your voice, when Charlie was really your choice’! Varieté makes for his most personal work to date… and his most heartbreaking. ‘My time has passed, I no longer belong, so I’m singing goodbye and I’ll be gone,’ on the appropriately named ‘Swan Song’. It won’t fail to prompt a tear in the eye of all gutterhearts. DH +++++ Out: 7 June Out: 21 June SCISSOR SISTERS Night Work (Polydor) Creating one of the past decade’s biggest selling debut albums has proved a tough act to follow for the Scissor Sisters. Although 2006’s Ta-Dah included the brilliant ‘I Don’t Feel Like Dancin’’, much of the rest of the album sounded lacklustre compared to its predecessor. Four years since the release of that material and it would appear that the creation of the their third album has not been without setbacks. Original drummer Paddy Boom quit in 2008, and the remaining band members apparently recorded a whole album’s worth of material but subsequently scrapped it in mid 2009, opting instead to start again. By recruiting Stuart ‘Confessions On A Dancefloor’ Price as producer, Night Work is – predictably – an 80s-influenced, synth-storm of disco grooves. The honky tonk of Ta-Dah has thankfully been rejected, but the light and shade of their debut has been jettisoned in favour of consistently upbeat, syncopated beats. The opening title track is classic Scissor Sisters, and lead single ‘Fire With Fire’ should comfortably place them back in the top ten. Further highlights include ‘Skin Tight’ and the Giorgio Moroder-ish closer, ‘Invisible Light’. Sadly, too much of the rest of the album lacks soul or intimacy. It’s got BPM, but some bigger choruses and heartfelt lyrics wouldn’t have gone amiss. There’s nothing to match ‘Mary’ or ‘Take Your Mama Out’. Instead, SS have created their underground disco epic. It will do their credibility no harm, but don’t be surprised if it doesn’t hang around the charts for long. DH +++++ Out: 28 June & SIA We Are Born (RCA) Sia really should be more famous by now. The Adelaideborn singer and songwriter is the voice behind much of Zero 7’s work; the girlfriend of JD Samson from Le Tigre; has written tracks for artists like Christina Aguilera, and is now back again with her fourth solo effort, the album We Are Born. A collection of 12 new songs and one cover, the album may or may not succeed in introducing Sia to a wider audience but her existing fanbase is likely to consider it confirmation that she’s something special. Current single ‘Clap Your Hands’ showcases the album at its best, being that rare kind of up-tempo and instantly catchy tune that can lend desirability to dull mobile-phone adverts. Potential future hits ‘The Fight’ and ‘You’ve Changed’ are similarly charged, with Sia displaying a more assured and confident side. They all show her talent for crafting lush chords and memorable melodies but it’s on later tracks that Sia’s distinctly dreamy voice is most noticeable. ‘I’m in Here’ is lush and lovely, with Sia’s soft tones drifting lazily through the track; ‘Oh Father’, the album’s closing song and a cover of the Madonna track, is both heartfelt and poignant and a fresh take on the 21year-old original. The whole album’s a thoroughly satisfying amble through Sia’s creative quirks and endearing ingenuity and although some tracks skirt into filler territory We Are Born could be the album that finally broadcasts Sia’s talents to a wider audience. J’O’C +++++ Out: 7 June REVIEWS: DAVID HUDSON AND JOHN O’ CEALLAIGH MARC ALMOND Varieté (Cherry Red) +++++ ' PHOTO © MIKE OWEN ;CA71 ! =Cb\]e =Cb\]e ;CA71 LIFE IS A CABARET… B63:353<2/@G;/@1/:;=<27A0/19E7B667A47@AB/:0C;=4<3E ;/B3@7/:7</:;=AB/231/236316/BB32B==CB7<B6317BG/0=CBB63 @C;=C@AB6/B7B;/G0367A:/AB¬ G]cUOdSO\W\bS`dWSeb]BW[S=cb[OUOhW\S W\ %O\RaOWRbVObg]c]\Zg^ZO\\SRb] `SZSOaS]\S[]`SOZPc[]Tg]c`]e\[ObS`WOZ 7aDO`WSb{bVObOZPc[O\RO`Sg]cabWZZ\]b ^ZO\\W\Ub]`SZSOaSO\g[]`SaSZT^S\\SR a]\Ua- 7¸ZZOZeOgae`WbSa]\UaPcbW\Tcbc`SWT7R] O\OZPc[Wb¸a[]`SZWYSZgb]PSO[Wf]T[g ]e\O\Ra]\Uae`WbbS\Pg]bVS`a7¸[bVSTW`ab b]OQY\]eZSRUSbVOb7¸[\]bbVSU`SObSab a]\Ue`WbS`W\bVSe]`ZRbV]cUV7QO\Q][Sc^ eWbVOTSeb`cSUS[aO[]\UabbVS`VW\Sab]\Sa BVS`SO`SPSbbS`a]\Uae`WbbS\Pg]bVS`abVO\7 QO\Sf^`Saa[gaSZTbV`]cUVA][SbW[Sa7QO\TSSZ QZOcab`]^V]PWQeWbVW\[g]e\a]\Ua/a7USb ]ZRS`7^`]POPZgVOdSZSaab]aOgbVOb¸a]`WUW\OZ 7¸[b`gW\Ub]USb]cb]TbVS%¸abSS\OUSe]`ZR 7¸[abcQYW\a][SbW[Sa³]TPSW\UObSS\OUS` O\RQ][W\Ub]:]\R]\O\RA]V]A]V]WaO ZWbbZSe]`ZR7¸dSaSbOZ]b]T[ga]\UaW\BVWagSO` 7¸dSe`WbbS\OTW\OZZ]b]TA]V]a]\UaW\QZcRW\U ·A]V]A]:]\U¸]\DO`WSb{O\RORRSRO12 ]TA]V]a]\Uab]OP]]Y]T^]S[aPg^]Sb 8S`S[g@SSR)bVOb¸a]cbW\AS^bS[PS`O\RQOZZSR >WQQORWZZg0]\U]O\RbVOb¸aWbOaTO`OabVObe]`ZR WaQ]\QS`\SR7Q]cZRVOdSU]bOPWUUS`RSOZ eWbVO[OX]`ZOPSZbVWabW[SWT7¸ROU`SSRb]R] []`SQ]dS`a]\bVSOZPc[Pcb7eO\bSRbVWab] PSO\OZPc[WT[gZOabR]\S[geOgBVSe]`ZR R]Sa\¸b`SOZZg\SSR[]`S;O`Q/Z[]\Ra]\Ua 7b¸aPSS\bS\gSO`aaW\QSg]cZOab`SZSOaSRO\ OZPc[¸ae]`bV]Tg]c`]e\[ObS`WOZ³eVgbVS Z]\UP`SOY;gZOabOZPc[]TOZZ]`WUW\OZa]\UaeOa=^S\ /ZZ<WUVbeVWQVVOaXcabPSS\`SWaacSReWbVO\ OZPc[]TP]\cab`OQYa³WbeOaOdS`g^`]ZWTWQ bW[ST]`[SAW\QSbVS\]bVS`^`]XSQbaVOdSTWZZSR [gbW[S7RWRO\OZPc[W\7QSZO\ReWbV7QSZO\RWQ ^`]RcQS`8]VO\\8]\O\\a]\O\RbVObTSObc`SR a][S]TVWaa]\UaO\Rbe]OZPc[a]T@caaWO\ 4]ZY·`][O\QS¸a]\Ua)6SO`b]\A\]eO\R =`^VScaW\3fWZS7a^S\bOQ]c^ZS]TgSO`aZWdW\U W\;]aQ]eb]`SQ]`RbVS[O\RbVS\PSQOcaS]T bVS[]b]`PWYSQ`OaV7eOaW\d]ZdSRW\7ab]^^SR bVW\UaT]`OeVWZSEVWZS7eOa`SQ]dS`W\U7 `SQ]`RSRAbO`R][@]OReVWQVeOaO\OZPc[]T Q]dS`a]\UaAbO`R][@]OReOa`SOZZgO`SQ]dS`g OZPc[W\SdS`geOg;gd]WQSeOa\¸b_cWbSPOQY [gQ]\TWRS\QSeOaaV]bO\R7eOaabWZZeSOYO\R W\^OW\2Sa^WbSbVSOQQWRS\bbVSZOabRSQORSVOa aSS\OU]]RP]Rg]T`SQ]`RSRe]`Y 7\0`WbOW\eS[cabO^^`SQWObSV]eZcQYgeSO`S O\RV]e]bVS`aVOdSacTTS`SRa]bVObg]c\UUOg ^S]^ZSQO\VOdST`SSR][aEVObOU`SObUOg VWab]`gO\RQcZbc`SbVS`SWaA][S]\S`SQS\bZg aOWRµBVS`SWa\]acQVbVW\UOaUOgQcZbc`S]\ZgO `OW\P]eTZOUO\ROPc\QV]TRWaQ]`SQ]`RabVOb¸a \]bQcZbc`SWb¸aOTOR¶BVSgeS`Sa]e`]\U EVObWag]c`dWSe]\QWdWZ^O`b\S`aVW^a-1]cZR g]cW[OUW\SbgW\UbVSY\]bg]c`aSZT]\SROg=\SbVW\U7Z]dSROP]cbPSW\UUOgeOa7RWR\¸b VOdSb]R]bVSbVW\UaVSbS`]aSfcOZaR]ZWYS USbbW\U[O``WSR]`VOdW\UQVWZR`S\7bXcabTSSZa OPWb·SabOPZWaV[S\b¸b][S(a][SbVW\UbVS U]dS`\[S\be]cZReO\bg]cb]R]b]YSS^bOPa ]\g]cO\R[OYSg]cQ]\T]`[6OdW\UaOWRbVOb 7O^^`SQWObSbVObWb¸aXcab\]bT]`[S7b¸aU`SObbVOb eSZWdSW\OQcZbc`SbVObOZZ]eaUOgQ]c^ZSabVS T`SSR][b]QV]]aS5Og^S]^ZSaV]cZRVOdSbVOb `WUVbO\RV]eRO`S]bVS`aSa^SQWOZZg`SZWUW]ca \cbbS`aRS\gcabVOb7bVW\YbVS`S¸aRSTW\WbSZgO QOaST]`OUOgQ]c^ZSb]VOdSOZSUOZZgPW\RW\U R]Qc[S\b³Q]c^ZSaeV][OgVOdSPSS\ b]USbVS`OZ]\UbW[SO\ReO\bb]^`]bSQbbVSW` OaaSbaZSUOZZg]`aW[^Zgb]Sf^`SaabVSW`Z]dSO\R ^`]bSQbbVSW`^O`b\S`¸a`WUVba;]ab]TbVSbW[S 7R]\¸baSSbVS^]W\bW\VSbS`]aSfcOZ[O``WOUS SWbVS`>S]^ZSUSb[O``WSRb]]_cWQYZga][SbW[Sa A][S]TbVSa]\Uab]cQVc^]\eVObQ]cZRPS O\R7TSSZXcabT]`STTSQb7bVOa\]ab`]\U RSS[SRbVS·_cSS`QcZbc`S¸]TgSabS`gSO`2] g]c[WaabVSUOgacPQcZbc`S]TbVS%aO\R&a T]c\RObW]\O\RUS\S`OZZgS\RaW\RWd]`QS]` c\VO^^W\Saa=\QSWb¸aZSUOZZgPW\RW\UWbQ`SObSaO ]`R]g]cbVW\YbVW\UaO`SPSbbS`\]eOROga[W\STWSZR]T^`]PZS[a7¸[Xcabb]]·=ZRAQV]]Z¸³7 7ac^^]aS7¸[O^S`a]\P`cWaSRO\ROTTSQbSRPg abWZZ^`STS`PSW\UQOZZSRV][]aSfcOZb]UOg [gbW[S(bVSbW[S7U`Sec^W\bVS#a7YW\R EVObO`Sg]c`^ZO\aT]`bVSTcbc`S\]e³aV]`b ]TZWYSR³W\OeOg³PSW\UOaSfcOZ]cbZOe(bVS bS`[O\RZ]\UbS`[acPbS`TcUSO\RZWdW\UOaSQ`SbZWTSPSW\U]cbaWRS 7¸dSU]bDO`WSb{Q][W\U]cbeVWQV7¸[SfQWbSR bVSSabOPZWaV[S\b/bbW[SaWb¸aPSQ][SOPWb V][]US\WaSR³\]^c\W\bS\RSR³O\RWTg]c OP]cbO\RO\]bVS`OZPc[PSW\UTW\WaVSRT]` R]\¸bTWbW\b]bVS[]cZR]TO<c5Ogg]c¸`SZSTb \SfbgSO`QOZZSR4SOabW\UeWbV>O\bVS`a7b¸a ]cb=TQ]c`aSbVW\UaO`SPSbbS`T]`UOg^S]^ZS Q]ZZOP]`ObW]\eWbV[caWQWO\O``O\US`;WQVOSZ \]e)bVS^`SXcRWQSO\RV][]^V]PWOQ]cZRPS 1OaV[]`S³WbeWZZPSV][]S`]bWQO\RRSQORS\b _cWbSbS``WPZSbVS\7Sf^S`WS\QSRWbOZZ[gZWTS ac\U^]Sb`gPgbVSZWYSa]T5S\SbO\R1]QbSOc O\RQS`bOW\ZgW\bVSSO`Zg&a6]``WPZSVc`bTcZ ^cbb][caWQ6O`RZgQ][[S`QWOZ7Y\]e7VOdSO V][]^V]PWQab]`WSaeS`Sa^`SOROP]cb[S)bVS VWbaO\RaW\UZSab]c`W\bVS/cbc[\³O·!gSO`a ^`SaaO\RQ][SRWO\a]\BD^]YSRTc\W\O\Oabg W\[caWQ¸QSZSP`ObW]\QOZZSR·;g0Sab0Wba¸O\R eOg7eOaPcZZWSRObaQV]]Z)7ZSO`\SRb]ac`dWdS bVS\\SfbgSO`7abO`be]`Y]\Oa]\UQgQZSPg O\RUSbbV`]cUVWbPcb7¸[RSTW\WbSZgaQO``SRPg ^ZOge`WUVb;O`Y@OdS\VWZZ [gbW[S QOZZSRBS\>ZOUcSa:WTS¸a 6][]^V]PWOaSS[ab]PS]\bVS`WaSOUOW\BVS`S PcagPcb7e]cZR\¸bVOdS VOdSPSS\a][SbS``WPZSW\QWRS\ba`SQS\bZg7USb WbO\g]bVS`eOg bVSTSSZW\Ua][SbW[SabVObeWbVbVWa\Seab`]\U Varieté is out 7 June on Cherry UOgdWaWPWZWbgbVS`SQ]cZRPSOPOQYZOaV7babWZZQO\ Red records. PSPORT]`]bVS`UOg^S]^ZSO`]c\RbVSe]`ZR ;O\g]TbVS\Sea]\Uaa]c\RdS`g^S`a]\OZ ³WabVS`SO\g]\Sa]\U]\DO`WSb{bVOb¸a ^O`bWQcZO`ZgQZ]aSb]g]c`VSO`bBVS`SO`SO\c[PS`]T^S`a]\OZa]\Ua]\DO`WSb{ ·AO\RP]g¸eVWQVWaOa]\UbVObZ]]YaPOQYb] QVWZRV]]RZWYS[O\g]T[ga]\Ua·1OPO`Sb 1Z]e\¸eVWQVWa_cWbSP`cbOZ7bVW\Y·BVSB`WOZa]T 3gSZW\S`¸Wa[g[]ab^S`a]\OZO\RTOd]`WbSb`OQY ]\bVSOZPc[7bS\Rb][Wf^S`a]\OZSZS[S\ba eWbV]bVS`^S]^ZS7¸dSeObQVSRO\R]PaS`dSR ³ZWYSO^S`dgabOZYS`³b]Q`SObSQVO`OQbS`aO\R bVS\PZc`XcabeVObSfOQbZg`STS`ab][S THE WORLD DOESN’T REALLY NEED MORE MARC ALMOND SONGS ! =Cb\]e 47:; FILMS OUT IN JUNE THE BEST DVDS JUNE ’10 THE WOLFMAN THE KILLER INSIDE ME This remake of the classic 1941 horror film The Wolfman may have the stars (Benicio Del Toro, Anthony Hopkins, Emily Blunt), the special effects and several scenes to make you jump, but those expecting edge-of-the-seat horror may find it all a bit too camp and gothic to feel a shiver down the spine. Although it looks suitably atmospheric, director Joe Johnson brings little new to a tale that will probably scare anyone under the age of 14, but leave anyone older a little non-plussed. OUT: 7 JUNE +++++ ! bVObWbVOaPSS\ORO^bSRT`][O^cZ^TWQbW]\\]dSZ ³O\RBVS9WZZS`7\aWRS;S\SdS``SOZZg`WaSaOP]dS bVSa]c`QS[ObS`WOZbVObWbQV]]aSab]V]\]c`B] bVSQVOU`W\]Ta][SbVS^Z]bbeWabaO\Rbc`\a O\ROcRWS\QSaeWZZ\SSRb]Q]\QS\b`ObSQO`STcZZg b]YSS^OP`SOab]TbVSOQbW]\BVWaWa\]PORbVW\U ;]`SaS`W]caZgbV]cUVbVSPWUUSabWaacSWabVOb ]TdW]ZS\QSBVS9WZZS`7\aWRS;SR]SaTSObc`S aSdS`OZP`cbOZaQS\SaC\ac`^`WaW\UZgbVSTOQbbVOb e][S\W\bVSTWZ[O`SaV]e\b]S\X]gOPWb]T `]cUV^ZOgVOa]cb`OUSRa][SOcRWS\QSa³Oa VOdSbVSbVcUUWaVO\Rc\^ZSOaO\b[c`RS`a7\ b`cbVEW\bS`P]bb][R]SaU]OZWbbZSb]]TO`ES c\RS`abO\RbVOb:]cWaO^agQV]:SOdW\UOZWbbZS PWb[]`Sb]bVSW[OUW\ObW]\e]cZRVOdS^S`VO^a [ORST]`O\SdS\aQO`WS`]TTS`W\U/aWbWaT]` a][SbVSU`O^VWQdW]ZS\QS[OgRSb`OQbT`][ eVObWaOQbcOZZgO\W[OUW\ObWdSO\RO``SabW\U Q`W[SbV`WZZS`/TTZSQYP`W\UaOPSZWSdOPZSQVWZZb] bVS`]ZS]T:]ceVWZS9ObS6cRa]\SfQSZaW\bVS []`SQ][^ZWQObSR`]ZS]T/[gOaSS[W\UZgU]]R UW`ZeV]¸a\SSRT]`Z]dSZSOdSaVS`]^S\b]OPcaS BVS]dS`PZ]e\S\RW\UWaa^]WZbPga][SQVSO^ a^SQWOZSTTSQbaPcbbVObOaWRSBVS9WZZS`7\aWRS;S WaO\STTSQbWdSO\RVOc\bW\U\]W`WaVSf^S`W[S\b T]`eVWQVEW\bS`P]bb][aV]cZRZO`USZg³Pcb\]b TcZZg³PSO^^ZOcRSR26 =cb("8c\S +++++ A SINGLE MAN Colin Firth won a BAFTA and Oscar nomination for his portrayal of Californiabased English professor George Falconer. The film is set in 1962, and Falconer is struggling to adapt to the death of his gay partner. Does he resign himself to suicide or can he find a reason to live? A languid, beautifully shot debut movie by Tom Ford, it rightly picked up critical plaudits and box office success upon its cinematic release. OUT: 7 JUNE +++++ END OF LOVE The second feature from Hong Kong’s Simon Chung, End Of Love is an intriguing, coming-of-age drama about a young gay man, Ming, who finds himself in a Christian ‘rehabilitation’ camp, reflecting upon his past, hedonistic lifestyle as a male escort, and the more settled, older lover, who ended their relationship when he learned how Ming made his living. It’s an explicit, subtle and tenderly told tale. OUT: 7 JUNE +++++ WRANGLER – ANATOMY OF AN ICON This bizarre, charming and entertaining story examines the life of Jack Wrangler – one of the biggest gay porn stars of the 1970s. The documentary recounts Wrangler’s early years, mid70s success in the early adult film industry, and his surprising shift to hetero porn at the turn of the 80s. Most shocking of all – if only because he remains an openly gay man – is his later romance and marriage to songstress Margaret Whiting – a woman over 20 years his senior. OUT: 14 JUNE +++++ REVIEWS: DAVID HUDSON ;WQVOSZEW\bS`P]bb][WaOQQZOW[SROa]\S]T 0`WbOW\¸a[]`SW\bS`SabW\UO\ROQQ][^ZWaVSR RW`SQb]`aeWbVVWae]`Y]TbS\Sf^Z]`W\U b`cSbOZSa]TQ]\TZWQbO\R^]ZWbWQOZZgQVO`USR R`O[OESZQ][SB]AO`OXSd]BVS@]ORB] 5cO\bO\O[]6]eSdS`VSVOaOZa]ROPPZSR W\]bVS`US\`Sa^S`VO^aT]`a][SZWUVb`SZWST ³O\RQS`bOW\Zgb]U`SObacQQSaaeWbV "6]c` >O`bg>S]^ZSVWaPW]^WQ]T;O\QVSabS`¸a4OQb]`g @SQ]`RaO\RZSaaa]eWbVbVS #Q][SRg/ 1]QYO\R0cZZAb]`gBVWaW\Q`SOaW\USQZSQbWQWa[ VOaT`cab`ObSRbV]aSQ`WbWQaO\RTO\aeV]VOdS ab`WdSRb]TW\ROQ][[]\bVS[S`c\\W\U bV`]cUV]cbVWae]`YA][S]TbVS[VOdSVOR O^O`bWQcZO`^`]PZS[eWbVbVWaZObSab]TTS`W\U PSQOcaSWbaWU\OZagSbO\]bVS``ORWQOZQVO\USW\ RW`SQbW]\O\RPSQOcaS]TbVSTWZ[¸aQ]\bS\b 0OaSRc^]\O\]dSZPg^cZ^TWQbW]\[OabS`8W[ BV][^a]\BVS9WZZS`7\aWRS;SWaQS\b`SR]\ aSS[W\UZg[WZR[O\\S`SRO\Rc\Oaac[W\Ua[OZZ b]e\aVS`WTT¸aRS^cbg:]c4]`R1OaSg/TTZSQY :]cWaRObW\U/[g9ObS6cRa]\PcbPSQ][Sa S\bO\UZSRW\O`SZObW]\aVW^eWbVZ]QOZ^`]abWbcbS 8]gQS8SaaWQO/ZPO0]bVe][S\`SOZWaSbVOb :]cVOaOT]\R\SaaT]``]cUVaSfPcb\SWbVS` 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Seeking a way to die, he finds a solution to his problems in a married gay couple that happen to practice cannibalism. In the process of preparing to be eaten by the hungry lovers, he falls in love with one of them and finally finds a reason to stay alive… something that proves to be easier said than done. Fresh Meat is a dark comedy directed by Manolis Emmanouel and written by Dylan Costello. The play warns – or promises – to contain male nudity and scenes of sexual nature. It will run for a month at the Courtyard Theatre (Hoxton, N1) between 8 June and 4 July, with tickets at £13. Box Office: 08444 771 000 BEND IT LIKE BEAUTY T]`PSW\U&O\R5OdW\1`SSZ[OabS`TcZZgQO``WSa bVSS\bW`S^Z]bO\RRS^bV]TbVSaV]e]\VWa aV]cZRS`aOabVSQ]\TZWQbSR1ZOcRS7b¸aOZa]OX]g b]eObQV2O`Wca<WQV]Za:cbVS`1`SSYO\R9OWbZW\ 9WgO\abSOZbVSaV]eeVS\SdS`bVSg¸`SUWdS\O QVO\QSb]abS^T]`eO`R/\RgSabVS`S¸a[cQVb] O^^`SQWObSW\bVSP`WST\cRSaQS\S 7b¸aXcabO^WbgbVS\bVObbVSaV]ebVSg¸`SW\Wa 6OW`GSaWbeOaOU`]c\RP`SOYW\U[OabS`^WSQS W\bVSZObS'$¸aGSabVSaQ]`SWaTcZZ ]TU`SOba]\UabVObVOdSU]\S PSg]\RbVSaV]eO\RgSa Wb¸aU]]Rb]aSSWRSOZWa[Z]dS OQQS^bO\QSO\ROZZbVSbVW\Ua bVSVW^^WSaab]]RT]`]\abOUS O\RPOQYW\]c`^]^cZO`QcZbc`S 6]eSdS`eVS\bVSab]`gWa a]bVW\O\RbVS`S¸a]\Zg]\S US\cW\SQVO`OQbS`W\bVS ^WSQSWb¸aVO`Rb]O^^`]OQV 6OW`Oa[cQV[]`SbVO\O `SdcS]`OeSZZabOUSRQ]\QS`b 7b[OgOZa]PSVO`RT]`O\gP]Rg c\RS`"b]O^^`]OQV6OW` eWbV]cbOVSOZbVgaS\aS]T Qg\WQWa[BVSbSS\OUS`a]T bVS'$¸a\]e`c\bVSe]`ZR ³eWbV[cQV]TbVSW`VW^^WS WRSOZWa[OPO\R]\SRZ]\UOU] 6OW`^`]dWRSaO\ROTTSQbW]\ObS O\R\]abOZUWQa\O^aV]b]TO TZSSbW\Ua]QW]^]ZWbWQOZ^S`W]R W\CAVWab]`g³]\SbVObeOa c\T]`bc\ObSZgR]][SRb]TWhhZS ]cb +++++ The South African satirist Ben Voss’s drag queen alter ego Beauty Ramapelepele hits the Oval House Theatre in May. Ms Beauty is rich, opinionated, botox-ed and described as one of the most ‘controversial comic creations’ from South Africa. Her stage show Beauty and the BEE has celebrated huge success in venues from Johannesburg to Cape Town and she also has her own nationwide broadcasted radio show. Bend It Like Beauty is specially written for the Oval House Theatre as a run-up to the World Cup in South Africa, one of the show’s major themes. Bend It Like Beauty runs between 25 May and 12 June and tickets costs £12 (concessions £6). Box Office: 020 7582 7680 TAP DOGS The legendary dance show Tap Dogs returns to the West End this summer – the first time in over a decade. The show – which was originally created by Australian choreographer and dancer Dein Perry –offers a combination of workmen’s strength and masculinity and tap dancers’ precision and elegancy. Since its world premiere in 1995 it has been enjoyed by 11 million people worldwide and won 11 major awards. It also featured prominently during the opening ceremony of the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney. This production will be led by Aussie actor, dancer and talent show-judge Adam Garcia, and directed by Nigel Triffitt. It will be running for 12 weeks, from 15 June to 5 September, at the Novello Theatre (Aldwych, WCB2). Tickets cost £17.50-£49.50. Box Office: 0844 482 5170 and =CbbVS`S 4==2 Babbo space it is! The dining room boasts floor-to-ceiling glass panels that give way to views over the lush greenery of Kensington Gardens, flooding the restaurant with natural light by day and providing a backdrop of silhouetted trees against the sunset as night falls. The interior is modern; IWAN WATSON REVIEWS PARK TERRACE kitted out with luxurious materials and rich textures in the RESTAURANT 2 Kensington High Street, W8 ‘international style’ tradition. As you would expect from a 020 7937 8000 five-star hotel, the clientele are rather well turned out, too. Everything looks and feels über-elegant, setting the scene After complete refurbishment, The Park Terrace restaurant for things to come. – located in the impressive five-star Royal Garden Hotel The menu offers British cuisine with a strong focus on on High Street Kensington – re-opened three months ago. locally sourced ingredients. The captions on the menu The newly transformed airy space is divided into three promise the use of high- quality ingredients sourced stylish areas: the restaurant, a lounge area for informal from the UK, such as cured Carmarthen ham, organic East dining and afternoon tea and a bar that offers a fabulous Anglian beef, New Forest venison and scallops from the of choice of drinks and cocktails. And what a beautiful Dorset coast. FIT FOR A QUEEN ROLLUP! ROLL UP! JOHN O’CEALLAIGH REVIEWS CIRCUS 27-29 Endell Street, WC2. 020 7420 9300. Covent Garden is a mixture of fact and fiction. Guidebooks wax lyrical about it as the heart of London’s theatre land and the capital’s creative enclave. More often, the reality is buskers wailing ‘Wonderwall’ and overpriced chain stores. However, make your way to the recently launched Circus restaurant and you’ll see this often contrived district can still put on a show. A new concept for London’s expansive dining scene, Circus terms itself a ‘performance restaurant’, where cabaret and cocktails are shaken with acrobatics and American cuisine to create a venue that’s part easygoing eatery and part super-stylish showstopper. Diners walk through a mirrored corridor before arriving in the main dining room, lavishly decorated !& in silvers, blues and blacks, and with a constellation of shimmering disco balls hanging from the ceiling. The focal point of the room is a huge, banquet-style dining table with cement steps at its base. As impressively imposing as it is, it’s probably best to sit elsewhere as it’s up these steps that contortionists later ascend, twisting and turning as diners sip and slurp beneath them. A complement to the entertainment on show rather than a distraction from it, the menu is short and simple, with solid, straightforward American dishes on offer. We chose grilled cornbread with plum tomatoes and feta (£5.95) and tuna and salmon tartare (£9.95) to start. The cornbread was excellent, toasty, warm and homely; less successful was the tartare, which tasted indistinct and forgettable. For main courses we ordered the Josper beef fillet steak (£23.95) and the Churrasco sirloin (£20.50). Both were impressively hefty slabs of perfectly cooked meat offset by what are possibly the nicest chips we’ve had in a London restaurant. And, as you know, when chips are good they’re very, very good. It was before our main course that the We started with oven-roasted wood pigeon, apple chicory and beetroot caponata, all of which were beautifully cooked, and my partner opted for the Cromer crab ravioli and samphire with shellfish bisque which was mouthwatering. Keeping with the seafood theme, my partner went for the Anglesey organic sea bass, razor clams, hazelnut ragoût, sweet potato purée and buttered spinach. The sea bass flesh had a wonderful firm texture and melted beautifully on the tongue. My partner ate the lavender and herb-crusted rump of Suffolk organic lamb, broad bean purée, French bean bundle and confit of potatoes. The meat was pink, moist and tender and was complimented by the fresh vegetables. Needless to say, that the presentation of the dishes was faultless. The restaurant staff were all outstandingly helpful and we were just to happy to follow their enthusiastic recommendations. For pudding, my partner went for the White Mozzo coffee tart with mascarpone cream and coffee crisp which was incredibly sweet and absolutely satisfying. The balanced taste and texture of my hot milk chocolate pot with warm macerated morello cherry Bakewell was chocolate/cherry heaven. All of it was exceptional. The food in the Park Terrace is impressive, both in presentation, flavour and price. The dinner menu offers two courses for £26.50 and three for £31.50, which is good value for money. If you are in the area shopping and fancy a break, The Park Terrace Restaurant has a great variety of cocktails priced from £8.50 to £11.50. Most cocktails are named after various things relevant to the hotel and adjacent Kensington Gardens. We tried the Orangery (in honour of Sir Christopher Wren, who designed the building for Queen Anne in 1702) and the Betwixt & Between (referencing Peter Pan, which was inspired by JM Barrie’s strolls in Kensington Gardens). So whether it’s for a three-course evening meal, a cocktail with friends or afternoon tea, The Park Terrace offers something for everyone. A wonderful discovery. first performer arrived. Heralded by the dimming of the lights, an acrobat bounded onto the banquet table and proceeded to spin and swirl from a hoop that descended from the ceiling. He was followed at staggered intervals throughout the night by a flame-throwing ballerina and a duo of female contortionists who wowed the audience and performed an incredibly impressive and intricate routine. It was at these times that the restaurant came to life and the performers are obviously the focal point of any visit. With most tables seemingly ordering their fair share of cocktails and champagne, the audience reacted to the acts’ performances with spontaneous whoops and bursts of applause. We concluded by ordering more cocktails ourselves and ended up staying with the party until curtain call. =CbdWSe 1=:C;<7AB MAN’S WORLD 2/D726/2:3G27A1=D3@AB6/B/AB@/756BAB/5<756B1/<03 4C::=4AC@>@7A3A¬ EVS\7eOaTW`abOaYSRb]U]]\Oab`OWUVb·abOUR]¸7eOa Sf^SQbW\UO^c\QVZW\S0cb\]/e]`YQ]ZZSOUcS³eV]Q]cZR TWZZO`]][eWbVbSab]abS`]\SaW[^ZgPgSfVOZW\U³eO\bSR[S b]X]W\VW[VWa[ObSaO\RbVS`Sab]TbVSZORaW\bVS]TTWQS]\ VWaµZOab\WUVb]TT`SSR][¶ EVg-µ3dS`g]\S¸aQ][W\U2]\¸bPSO^caag¶/\ReWbVbVOb 7OQQS^bSRESZZeV]Q]cZR`STcaS acQVOVSO`bTSZbW\dWbObW]\/ZZ[gT`WS\Ra³UOgaUW`ZaO\R ab`OWUVba³T]c\RWbVWZO`W]ca µ/`Sg]cac`Sg]cU]bWb`WUVb- AV]cZR\¸bg]cPSeWbVbVSVS\a-¶eOa bVScacOZ`Sa^]\aS7R]\¸bY\]eeVg WbeOaa]abOUUS`W\UZgVO`RT]`bVS[ b]PSZWSdS7O[a]QWOPZSUSb]\eWbV OZ[]abSdS`g]\S\]bQO[^eVg bVObaV]cZR[OYSORWTTS`S\QS7¸[\]b ac`SO\R7R]VOdSa][SQ]\bOQb eWbVab`OWUVb[S\ 6]eSdS`Oa[cQVOa7Z]ObVS OR[WbbW\UWb7RWRYW\R]TOU`SSeWbV bVS[7V]\SabZgQ]cZR\¸b`S[S[PS` bVSZOabbW[S7eS\b]cbeWbVOU`]c^ ]TSfQZcaWdSZgab`OWUVbPZ]YSaT]`O \WUVb]cb³WTSdS`¬:SbOZ]\S]\O abOU^O`bgeVS`SSdS`g]\SWab`gW\U b]]cbR`W\Y]cbaVOUO\R]cbd][Wb SOQV]bVS` 7¸[U]]RObVS\^O`bWSa7\TOQbaV]cZR 2OdWR/bbS\P]`]cUVSdS`eO\bb]TWZ[ µUOgaW\bVSW`\Obc`OZVOPWbOb¶OVS\ ^O`bgQ]cZReSZZPSbVSWRSOZaSbbW\U Ab`OWUVbUW`ZaOa^OOU]]R[SOZ Z]ba]T_cOZWbgR`W\YU]aaW^PWbQVW\U UOgaW\ORdS`bS\bZgPSW\UbVSQS\b`S ]TObbS\bW]\OVW\b]TR`SaaW\Uc^ O\RRO\QW\UOZZ[OYSbVS^S`TSQb W\U`SRWS\baT]`[]ab]TcaBVOb W\RSTW\OPZSUOg[O\ab`OWUVb e][O\P]\RWa]TbS\PSabRWa^ZOgSR ObO·VS\R]¸ ;g\Sfb[OX]`Vc`RZSeOabVSRW\\S`/aOdSUSbO`WO\ O\ROaZWUVbZgaSZTQ]\aQW]caUOgO[SOZeWbVOabOU^O`bg eOaOZeOgaU]W\Ub]PSb`WQYg/ZZbVSVO`Re]`Y]TTW\RW\U Q][[]\U`]c\R[OZSP]\RW\Ue]cZRPSc\R]\SOaa]]\ OabVS[S\cO``WdSR<]bVW\Ue]cZRaQ`SO[µ?cSS\¶[]`S b]bVWaZ]bbVO\OdSUSbOPZS`]cZORS =\QSOUOW\7eOa^`]dSRe`]\U 5`OVO[aObbe]^ZOQSaOZ]\UT`][[S eOaOZa]OdSUUWSEV]Y\Se0OQYW\bVSTcZZaeW\U]TbVW\UaVOdW\U VORaSdS`OZR]cPZSd]RYOaO\RdO`W]ca aV]ba]T\OabW\Saa7PSUO\b]aSbbZSW\b] bVSSdS\W\U/[WRabbVST]]bPOZZbWba QO`aO\RSfSaPO\bS`TZgW\UOQ`]aabVS bOPZSbVSgeS`SUS\cW\SZgW\bS`SabSRb] Y\]e[]`SOP]cb[S[g^O`b\S`bVS UOgaQS\SQWdWZ^O`b\S`aVW^O\RQ][W\U ]cb7b]]eOaQc`W]cab]Y\]e[]`S OP]cbbVS[OaeSS\UOUSRW\OaS`WSa ]TQ]\dS`aObW]\aOP]cbSdS`gbVW\UO\R \]bVW\U7VOR\¸baSS\WbQ][W\UPcb7eOa OVOdW\UOU`SObbW[SO\R\]eTSSZW\UOa Q][T]`bOPZSOa7e]cZRVOdSR]\SObO VS\^O`bg 0cbXcabOa7bV]cUVbeS¸RP`]YS\ bV`]cUVa][SW\bO\UWPZSPO``WS`bVS abS`S]bg^SaQO[STZ]]RW\UPOQYOaeS eS\bW\b]OQZcP <]b]\ZgeOa7aV]QYSRObV]ebVSg ·RO\QSR¸VOdSg]caSS\OT`]UW\O PZS\RS`-PcbbVSQVObc^ZW\SabVSg eS`ScaW\Ub]OQ`]eR]Te][S\eS`S c\PSO`OPZgQ`W\USe]`bVg=\SU`]c^ ]TUW`ZaeOaPZObO\bZgbOYW\UbVS^Waa]cb ]Tca³W\QZcRW\U[W[WQYW\Ua][S]TbVS RO\QS[]dSa7SdS\VSO`R]\S]TbVSW` ^O`bgaOg(µ7b¸ab`cS¬ab`OWUVb[S\QO\¸b RO\QS¶7U]bab`O\USZg^`]bSQbWdS]dS`bVS P]gaSdS\bV]cUVbVObWaXcabbVSYW\R]T `S[O`Y7e]cZRVOdS\]`[OZZgaOWRPcb7 RSQWRSRb]YSS^aQVbc[7RWR\¸beO\bb] ·]cb¸[gaSZTb]bVS[ 7aV]cZR\¸bVOdSe]``WSR=\S]TbVS ZORaVORU]bZcQYg[W`OQcZ]caZgeWbV ]\S]TbVSZORWSaO\RQO[Sb]W\b`]RcQS [Sb]VWa\SeT`WS\RµBVWaWabVSUOg Ucg7eOabSZZW\Ug]cOP]cb¶VSaOWR aV]cbW\U]dS`bVS[caWQµG]cbe]eWZZ Z]dSSOQV]bVS`¶ BVSRO\QW\UO\RbVSZO[S^cZZW\UbOQbWQaOaWRS7eOa `SZWSdSRbVOb\]\S]TbVSQZWQV{a]TbVSb`ORWbW]\OZ ab`OWUVbabOU\WUVbeS`S]\RWa^ZOgBVSZORa[ORS[STSSZ W\Q`SRWPZgeSZQ][SO\ReS\b]cb]TbVSW`eOgb]aV]eO\ W\bS`SabW\UOgZWTSabgZSa7TSSZOZWbbZSOaVO[SRb]OR[WbbVOb WbeOa[SeV]VOR[]`SWZZXcRUSR^`SQ]\QS^bW]\a BVScZbW[ObSbSabeWZZPSeVS\7W\dWbSbVS[b][gabOU \WUVb/\RbVSRS^`SaaW\Ub`cbVWabVObbVSg¸R^`]POPZg Obb`OQb[]`SObbS\bW]\ObBVS6]WabbVO\[SO\R[g[ObSa I HONESTLY COULDN’T REMEMBER THE LAST TIME I WENT OUT WITH A GROUP OF EXCLUSIVELY STRAIGHT BLOKES FOR A NIGHT OUT A]WbeOaeWbVOU]]RR]ZZ]^]T b`S^WRObW]\7eOZYSRW\b]bVSPO` bVSTW`ab]T[O\gb][SSbbVSabOU ^O`bg¬ /ZZab]]RZSUaaSbTO`O^O`bObbVS PO`BVObdS`ga^SQWOZZSdSZ]T\]WaSO [S\]\ZgQ`]eR[OYSaeOaOZ`SORg RSOTS\W\UBVO\YTcZZgbVSU`]][aOe [SO\RP]c\RSR]dS`7abcQY]cb[g VO\Rb]OR[W\WabS`O[O\ZgVO\RaVOYS)Pcbb][gac`^`WaSVS ^SQYSR[S]\bVSQVSSYO\RUOdS[SOPSO`VcU 7eOaOZa]bOYS\OPOQYb]aSS7eOa\¸bbVS]\Zg]\S]\bVS d]RYOb]\WQa=\SSdS\VOROQ]QYbOWZW\O\]\^]\QSgUZOaa \Obc`OZZg 7¸[ac`SSdS`g]\SVORPSS\^`SeO`\SRbVObbVS`Se]cZR PSOV][]aSfcOZX]W\W\UbVS[O\RWbaSS[SROabV]cUV SdS`g]\SeOa]\bVSW`PSabPSVOdW]c`b`gW\Ub][OYS[STSSZ OaW\bSU`ObSROa^]aaWPZSµEV]R]g]cac^^]`b[ObS-¶eOa\¸b SdS\cbbS`SRW\[gRW`SQbW]\]\QS " CLUBS>BARS>FASHION>GOSSIP>NEWS>TRENDS>SCENES>QUEENS>FACTS> PHOTO © CHRISJEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND. =CbbVS`S PAGE 44-45 HUSTLABALL For those that like their clubbing with a side portion of raunch, the annual Hustlaball returned to Vauxhall in early May... PAGE 46 G-A-Y Jeremy Joseph celebrated his marathon success with a couple of special celebrity guests at G-A-Y in Charing Cross... SISTERS IN ARMS /;G:/;pE3:1=;32/D3@GA>317/:5C3ABB= 2C19737<;/GA/@/60@=E< PAGE 55-51 BOOTYLICIOUS The monthly urban party was heaving for the final of its Next Top Model competition... The then Prime Minister's wife has met Amy on several previous occasions, and happily accepted Ms Lamé's invitation to visit her long-running and famous Royal Vauxhall Tavern club night. Check out our full review on pages 48... "! @3D73E "" =CbbVS`S =CbbVS`S @3D73E HUSTLABALL WORDS AND PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM :=<2=<¸A07553AB/<2;=AB 230/C1632/<<C/:>/@BG 6CAB:/0/::@3BC@<32B= D/CF6/::7<3/@:G;/G There can be no more hedonistic way to close a debauched bank holiday weekend than with a big gay circuit party, and they don’t come much bigger and gayer than Hustlaball London, as presented by and Alex Erfan. As one of the world’s most infamous cruise parties, Hustla is know for terrific DJs and sensationally sexy shows, and the London version didn’t disappoint as the main stage hosted a scorchingly hot performance every 15 minutes for four full hours. The production opened with a religious orgy tableau featuring legendary director Chi Chi La Rue and some 40 ‘adult’ performers including Logan McCree, Michael Lucas and Jonathan Agassi, and continued with themed scenes that catered to almost every fetish interest and minority perversion imaginable. There were boxers, scally lads, highway men, commandoes and super hot city boys. Guys in swimwear wrestled, Flavaworks stars paraded in pants that were carelessly discarded and lost to the audience and Expectations presented a leather and latex orgy. More than a dozen top DJs kept the hot and horny crowd bubbling along at boiling point on the brink of an Icelandic-like explosion of hot ash. For those new to, and possibly intimidated by, the fetish scene, there was a guidance dress code but it wasn’t strict which made for an attractively diverse array of outfits from just jeans to just a smile, and made us wonder why we can’t have a party like this every month! "# G-A-Y 5/GB6@3E/>/@BGB=13:30@/B3>@=;=B3@ 83@3;G8=A3>6¸A;/@/B6=<AC113AA¬ Just a few days after the terrific achievement of completing the London Marathon, Jeremy Joseph said a big ‘thank you’ to all his loyal customers for their support and fundraising help by abolishing the door charges and making every night at G-A-Y free entry for the whole week. Not only did he hand over a cheque for £30,000 to Amnesty International, but also welcomed a couple of old friends to the stage for some pop-tastic fun. First up was the bad boy of Blue, the über sexy Lee Ryan, with his new track ‘Secret Love’ and four super hot dancers. He was followed by the charming Sophie Ellis-Bextor with a full show featuring the hits, ‘Groovejet’, ‘Murder On The "$ Dancefloor’, ‘Heartbreak’, and new single ‘Bittersweet’ – exclusively available to purchase at G-A-Y before it was even in the shops. For the cheque presentation, Jeremy was joined on stage by staff from G-A-Y/Heaven, G-A-Y Bar and G-A-Y late as well as others who had helped, cajoled, supported or bullied him around the 26 miles 385 yards. Then everyone retired to the Departure Lounge for cocktails and champers, or lost themselves on one of the many dancefloors that continue to make G-A-Y the busiest party night week after week. WORDS AND PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM =CbbVS`S @3D73E =CbbVS`S @3D73E DUCKIE /;G:/;pE3:1=;32/D3@GA>317/:5C3ABB= B63AB/53/B2C1973/BB630357<<7<5=4;/G¬ After a tip off from someone ‘in the know’, we popped along to Duckie at the RVT at the beginning of May in anticipation of a very special guest. On the dot of 10.30pm, Sarah Brown, the wife of then Prime Minister Gordon Brown, was welcomed on stage to draw the winning ticket in the raffle – which was a pink No.10 incidentally! Officially marking 13 years to the day that New Labour won the 1997 general election, Duckie Mother Amy Lamé explained afterwards, “I asked Sarah if she would come down to Duckie to draw our winning raffle ticket – I had done Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life earlier that day and we had a champagne raffle at Duckie "& to continue fundraising efforts. I also thought it would be a great opportunity for Sarah to remind us of all the amazing things the Labour Government have done for LGBT people since 1997… the list is very impressive and would never have happened under any other party. Sarah is a big champion of equality, and she had never been to the RVT before, so when she said yes I was just thrilled. She wowed the audience – the roar of the crowd was deafening! Everyone was so surprised to see her in our spit & sawdust boozer – they gave her the best Duckie welcome ever!” WORDS AND PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM Sarah Brown =CbbVS`S @3D73E BOOTYLICIOUS B63;=<B6:GC@0/<<756BE/A>/1932 =CB4=@B6347</:=47BA/<<C/:<3FB B=>;=23:1=<B3AB7<;/G¬ Bootylicious enjoyed one of its busiest parties of the year in May. The reason? The gang were hosting the grand final of their annual ‘Bootylicious Next Top Model’. Running for almost nine years, the night – jointly promoted by Kim and Thomas – always pulls in a huge number to Vauxhall’s Club Colosseum. The team have three rooms to play with, with top jocks Jeffrey Hinton, Tyron and the lovely Sugabear spinning the hip hop, house, dancehall, r’n’b, old-skool and slow jams. The club pulls in customers from all over London and beyond, and boasts a vibe that’s truly unique. Never was this more so than at # May’s party. The contest was co-hosted by MC Brandy and last year’s winner of the title, Calvin Opaleye. They introduced to the stage each of the finalists, before the audience decided on the winner by roaring their approval. The winner was decided to be 20-year-old Performing Arts student Freddie Wilson, who took to the catwalk like a pro. A clearly delighted Freddie walked away with this year’s title, a cash prize, and prizes donated by sponsors, including fashion label Rio Beach. Bootylicious returns to Club Coloseum on Saturday 19 June – check for full details. PHOTOS © WWW.LAURENCEJAUGEY-PAGET.CO.UK al =CbbVS`S @3D73E Top Model winner Freddie Wilson # THE BLACK CAP B631/;23<7<AB7BCB7=<@313<B:G63:27BA /<<C/:B@70CB3B==<3=47BA23/@:G;7AA32 :353<2A676@357</4=<5¬ It has been too many years to count since we lost the immense talent that was Her Imperial Highness Regina Fong, but every year around her birthday, fans (or Fongettes as they are known), gather at the Black Cap on the traditional Tuesday night for the ‘Regina Fong Winter Palace Gala’ in aid or Reg’s favourite charity: Marie Curie Cancer Care. Impeccably organised every year by Titti La Camp with help from others, the crème de la crème of the cabaret circuit squeeze themselves into the broom cupboard that doubles as a dressing room to pay homage. For this, the 8th memorial, the line-up included Black # Cap guv’nor Russell as Billie Trix, Sandra, Titti, Mrs Moore, Millie Turner, Nicky Vixen, Trindy and Rose Garden, among others. Hosted and almost held together by Dave Lynn, we were treated to a plethora of great Fong moments… Thora Hird, Night Train, Skippy, the typewriter, Janet Smith, Cilla and any number of Coronation Street sketches. For those of us privileged enough to have witnessed Reg in full flight back in the day, it was a touching and loving tribute by friends, and for those newbies in the audience it was the briefest insight into a great showman, and wherever he is now I’m sure there was much waving of Jungle Red nails! WORDS AND PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM =CbbVS`S @3D73E =CbbVS`S A13<3 VOR[O\OUSRb]OaQS`bOW\bVObbVSUcgeOaQcbS PcbWbabWZZeOa\¸bQZSO`eVSbVS`VSeOaOb`WaY]T PSQ][W\UV]abWZS /a[gPca\SO`SR<SeW\Ub]\5`SS\WbVOR abO`bSRb]S[^bgeWbVbVSVS\^O`bga_cOeYW\U ]TTW\b]bVSab`SSba]T7aZW\Ub]\7Q]^^SRO\]bVS` THIS GUY KNOWS THAT I’VE TRIED TO CRUISE HIM AND NOW HE’S GOING TO FOLLOW ME HOME AND KILL ME PRIVACY SETTING @716/@2B=<9A=<:GA6/@3A 7<4=@;/B7=<=</<332B=9<=E 0/A7A¬;=AB=4B63B7;3 7¸[dS`gQO`STcZOP]cbbVSW\T]`[ObW]\7aVO`S ]\ZW\SO\RW\^S`a]\bVSaSROga³\]ebVOb a][O\gOa^SQba]T]c`ZWdSaOb`OQSRZ]UUSR O\R·ZWYSR¸OQ`]aaO^ZSbV]`O]T[SRWOG]cVOdS b]Q]\aWRS`SdS`g^]aaWPZSW[^OQbg]c`aVO`SR W\T]`[ObW]\[OgVOdSPST]`Sg]cQ]\aWU\Wbb] bVSdOcZba]TQgPS`a^OQS/\RWb]QQc``SRb][S `SQS\bZgbVObbVWaSdS`W\Q`SOaW\U^`]bSQbWdS\Saa ]T[g]e\^`WdOQgVOaa^`SORb][]`SROgb] ROgaWbcObW]\a1]cZRWbPSbVOb7¸[PSQ][W\U Z]QYSRW\O^`Wa]\]T[g]e\^agQV]Z]UWQOZ ^`WdOQgaSbbW\UaB]WZZcab`ObSbVWa^]W\b7eOaaWbbW\Uc^abOW`a]\bVS \]`bVP]c\R!"PcaT`][EObS`Z]]OTbS`O`ObVS` QWdWZWaSR\WUVbObbVSbVSOb`S7eOa[W\RW\U[g PcaW\SaaeVS\Wb]QQc``SRb][SbVObbVSg]c\U [O\eV]VORX]W\SR[gaSObOb7aZW\Ub]\5`SS\ eOaS\X]gW\UOZWbbZSb]][cQV]T[g^S`a]\OZ a^OQSBVSPcaeOaOPa]ZcbSZg^OQYSRPgbVWa ^]W\b³O\ReSeS`S^`Sbbg[cQVaO\ReWQVSRW\ bVSS^WQS\b`S]TOVS\\WUVbU]\Se`]\U³OZZ]T eV][eS`SbcQYW\UW\b]YSPOPa7VOR\]bWQSR bVObVWaZSTbbVWUVVORPSS\SRUW\UQZ]aS`b] [W\S]dS`bVSQ]c`aS]TbVSX]c`\Sg/TbS`OTSe [W\cbSabVWaVORa^`SORb]bVSS\bW`S]TbVSZSTb VO\RaWRS]TVWaP]RgZSO\W\UW\b][W\S>S`VO^a VSVORTOZZS\OaZSS^-=`^OaaSR]cb7b`WSRb]UZSO\O`STZSQbW]\W\bVSeW\R]e]T bVSPcaPcbQ]cZR\¸b_cWbSUSbbVS`WUVbO\UZS /\ROTbS`U]W\UW\T]`eVOb7ZObS`RSQWRSReOa bVS[]abc\acPbZSQVSQYW\U]TaV]SZOQSaSdS` [ObQVSReWbVOUcWZbgUZO\QSW\VWaRW`SQbW]\7 #" UZO\QSb][OYSOPa]ZcbSZgac`S7eOaOQbcOZZg PSW\UQ`cWaSRO\R\]bZc`SRW\b]O[W\]`_cSS` POaVW\UBVWabW[SVSRSTW\WbSZga[WZSR ESW`R-GSa6]`\g-A]`b]T B][gac`^`WaS7T]c\R[gaSZTRWUUW\UO`]c\RW\ [gaObQVSZT]`O^S\O\RO^WSQS]T^O^S`4`][ [g\Se^]aWbW]\^W\QVSRc^OUOW\abbVSeW\R]e 7Q]cZRaS\aSbVObVSeOaW\bS\bZgeObQVW\U[g SdS`g[]dSESeS`SZSOdW\U<SeW\Ub]\5`SS\ ³XcabOTSeab]^abWZZV][S³a]bW[Sb][]dS 7T]c\RO\]ZR`SQSW^bO\ROTbS`[OYW\UOPa]ZcbSZg ac`SbVS`SeOa\]SdWRS\QS]TO\gYW\R]T ^S`a]\OZW\T]`[ObW]\7e`]bS[g\c[PS`]\bVS POQYBVS^ZO\eOab]VO\RWb]dS`O\R`W\UbVS PSZZ0cbObbVSaO[SbW[SOa[SbVSUcg[]dSR b]bVSP]bb][RSQYb]] EWbVbVSSfVWZO`ObW]\aZ]eZgSPPW\UOeOg[g bV]cUVbabc`\SRb]µaVWbbVWaUcgY\]eabVOb 7¸dSb`WSRb]Q`cWaSVW[O\R\]eVS¸aU]W\Ub] T]ZZ]e[SV][SO\RYWZZ[SO\R^`]POPZgYWZZ[g TZOb[ObSb]]¶ESRWaS[PO`YSRObbVSaO[SbW[S O\ROa7bV]cUVb7¸R[OYSO`c\T]`WbVSU`OPPSR [S]\bVSaV]cZRS` ·6Sg¸ ·3`[VW¸ ·6]eO`Sg]c-¸ ·GSOV³7¸[TW\S¸ ·G]ceO\bb]UWdS[Sg]c`\c[PS`-¸ BVS`SQSW^beOaabWZZW\[gVO\R7VO\RSRWb]dS` ·3`[7eOa\¸bac`SgSOVS`[eVS`SO`Sg]cT`][·/ZPO\WO<]e7ZWdS]dS`bVSbVS`S¸I^]W\bab] ]^^]aWbSRW`SQbW]\b]bVSeOg7¸[eOZYW\UK ·1]]Z7ZWdS]dS`bVS`S6S`S¸a[g\c[PS`BSfb[S [OgPS-¸ /\RbVOb¸a^`Sbbg[cQVV]eeSZSTbWbEVS\7 U]bPOQYW\7`Sb]ZRbVSeV]ZSOTTOW`b][gTZOb[ObS O\RaVS`SOZZgQ]cZR\¸baSSeVOb7¸RU]ba]e]`YSR c^OP]cbA]7¸RPSS\^`S^O`SRb]UWdS]cb[g \c[PS`]\OPca³eOabVWaO\g[]`S`WaYgbVO\ bVSYW\R]TW\T]`[ObW]\7¸[[]`SbVO\VO^^gb] aVO`SOTbS`Ob`OaVg\WUVb]\bVSW\bS`\Sb-EVOb eOaa]`WaYgOP]cbUWdW\U]cbg]c`\c[PS`b] O\]bVS`UcgeV]¸RaV]e\O^O`bWQcZO`ZWYW\Ub] g]c``WUVbbVWUV3fQS^b]TQ]c`aSbVSRWaO^^]W\b[S\b]TVW[ \SdS`QOZZW\U- GET ON THE GUEST LIST London’s indie boys and girls go dirty on Friday night/Saturday morning 4 June as the Popstarz crew go fetish with a special ‘Bondage Birthday’ party at The Den. To make it a birthday not to forget, this will be followed by the launch of their new after-hours shindig ‘Popstarz After Dark’. Let your fetish fantasies run wild – helped along by the cheap drink and and free give-aways. After Dark promises a darker soundtrack, which should keep the mixed-up crowd of students, indie boys and riot grrls partying till the early hours. Popstarz’ Bondage Birthday and After Hours launch is Friday night/ Saturday morning 4 June at The Den (formerly The End), West Central Street, WC1. www.popstarz. org. The annual Clapham Street Party is on Saturday 27 June from 1pm in Edgeley Road, next to Kazbar in Clapham High Street, with performers Lola Lasagne, Rose Garden, Lady Imelda, Jacquii Cann, Titti La Camp and more. Entry is free but a minimum donation of £1 is expected for charity. Clapham Street Party is on Saturday 27 June from 1pm-1am in Edgeley Road, next to Kazbar in Clapham High Street, SW4. =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A A13<3 QUEER BANK HOLIDAY DJ Ben Manson GLOBAL DJ TALENT PHOTO © CHRIS JEPSON The London Global Dance Festival is a major bank holiday event hitting London at the end of May. It’s ambitiously billing itself as “the largest international gay clubbing festival ever to be held in the UK”, and will be running from 28-31May. It will consist of no less than eight parties, each with their own international theme, culminating with the ‘LGDF: Sagat The Main Event’ on Bank Holiday Sunday 30 May 2010. A staggering 30Francois international gay DJs are being flown in from all over the world, representing nine international clubs. Names lined up to take part include Alex Taylor, Danny Verde, Steven Redant, Baby Marcello, DJ Eros, Leroy Taylor, Tony Key, Aurel Devil and Leomeo, to name just a few. International clubs taking part include Scream (Paris), Space of Sound presents Infinita (Madrid), Muccassassina (Rome), Propaganda (Moscow), Sorry Shoes Recordings (Cologne), Delice (Lilles), Club Crew (Cape Town), Spirit of Star (Paris) and NightKomm (Cologne). The eight dance events will take place in and around Vauxhall, kicking off at Onyx at Area on Friday 28 May, followed by A:M at Fire on the morning of Saturday 29 May (3am onwards). Beyond will take up the torch at Area on Sunday morning (30 May – 6am-1pm), followed by another party at Later at Fire from noon till 8pm. The big party – the LGDF Main Event – will take place at Fire on the evening of Sunday 30 May from 10.30pm till 7am, featuring DJs Danny Verde, Phil Romano, Steve Redant, Pagano, Ben Manson (pictured), Tony Key, Danny Tuval and others. That bash will be followed by an official after-party at Orange (Fire) from 6am till 2pm on Monday 31 May. There will be a ‘Best Of British: LGDF Recovery Party’ on the evening of Monday 31 May at Area from 10pm till 5am… although how much recovering you get to do whilst throwing your arms in the air on the dancefloor is open to debate! Easy-access wristbands, allowing entry to all parties, are available, or you can pay admission per party. For full details about this exciting weekend of clubbing, check the website at SHABBA DABBA DA #$ CLAPHAM STREET PARTY PHOTO © CHRIS JEPSON A successor to the likes of Boombox and Foreign, east London gets a new monthly club night this month with the launch of Shabba Dabba Da at Avalon on Shoreditch High Street. Promising to provide a sanctuary for both East End club kids and the capital’s most fashion-forward denizens, the night is the brainchild of Buster Bennett, Larry Tee and Daniel Lismore. Club promoter Buster Bennett has been a stalwart on the London club scene for the past decade and was previously involved in both Antisocial and Nuke Them All. Daniel Lismore comes from the fashion industry and has contributed to club nights such as Beach Blanket Babylon’s Slave to Fashion and Work! @ Heaven. Relatively new to London’s club scene, Larry Tee featured in our May issue and is a legendary New York DJ who has worked with the likes of Lady GaGa and New Order. Together the trio are aiming to re-inject a sense of vitality into the city’s clubbing scene and although it’s likely punters will have to dress to impress in order to fit in, the playlist is decidedly unpretentious. Pop, classic pop and dance pop are the order of the day, with everything eventually winding down at 6am. The monthly party launches on 12 June with tickets costing £15. DJ Larry Tee Now a traditional part of the Pride London calendar, this year’s Clapham Street Party is set to take place on Saturday 26 June. The sixth such party to take place, this annual get-together is run in conjunction with local gay venues Kazbar and the Two Brewers. It takes place between 1pm and 1am on Edgeley Road (the road that runs along Kazbar), and will feature community and market stalls, plus a stage hosting live entertainment between 3 and 9pm. Hosted by the incomparable Sandra, this year’s line-up includes Mrs Moore, Tanya Hyde, Cookie, Rose Garden, Lola Lasagne, Lady Imelda, Maisie Trollette, Dave Lynn, Titti La Camp, The Drag With No Name, SBANDXXX and the winner of Drag Idol 2010, among others. Next door, Kazbar DJs on the day will include Jason E, Disco Queen Yonika, DJ Mark and new kid on the block, DJ Chris. They’ll be spinning the best in disco gems, dance anthems and camp classics. Special guest Sherrie Hewson, of Loose Women fame, will be hosting a charity auction at around 6pm on the main stage: all proceeds go to the three designated beneficiaries, with a fabulous array of fantastic prizes up for grabs. Entry to the street party is free, but a minimum donation of £1 to the Street Party’s aforementioned beneficiaries – GMFA, Albert Kennedy Trust and Eddie Surman Trust – is appreciated. WORDS BY LOREM DELOREM | PHOTOGRAPH BY MAET IPSUM HIGHLIGHTS Long-running, seminal Barbara Tucker club night Queer Nation returns on the late May bank holiday weekend, with another one-off date at Fire in Vauxhall. Taking place on Saturday 29 May, from 11pm till 7am, the event has been confirmed as being part of the London Global Dance Festival. Promoter Patrick Lilley’s urban and disco extravaganza promises three rooms of music, with special guest DJ Robert Owens in room one spinning NYC soulful house alongside Supadon and DJ Pierre Nedd. Guy Williams and Monsieur Dimanche (D-Boyz) will spin the European house sounds Sophie Ellis-Bextor will appear at G-A-Y in the second room, while Jeffrey Hinton and Alan X take care of the disco in room three. There will also be a ‘Hot Body Contest’ and special live PA from Barbara Tucker (‘Beautiful People’, ‘Precious Love’, ‘Stop Playing With My Mind’). Joint tickets allowing entry to Queer Nation and Beyond cost £20. Purchase online in advance or at the door. Queer Nation is £12, or £8 with a flyer before 1am (£10 after). To enter the Hot Body contest, text 07931424905. =CbbVS`S HEY MISTER DJ :7AB7<5A GOING=Cb Lady Lloyd Beginning in June, the award-winning Ku Bar is offering a special opportunity to all would-be DJs. It’s new ‘DJ Quest’ competition launches on Friday 4 June, and will run throughout the summer. Anyone interested in taking part should send a 30-minute CD and current photo (include a tracklisting with your CD and a short note saying why you should be a DJ at Ku Bar) to Gary Henshaw, Ku Bar, 30 Lisle Street, London WC2H. You’re also free to drop of your CDs in person at the bar. Successful applicants get a chance to play an hour-long set at O Zone, the Ku’s busy Friday nightclub session. The best three will go forward to the venue’s Grand Final DJ Play Off in August. A word of advice – we hear that some people have been sending mixes of hard dance – but you’re not likely to get a set at O Zone spinning something more suited to a Vauxhall afterhours – pop along to the night if you wanna check out what sort of tunes keep the punters happy. Before that kicks off, there are plenty of other attractions at the Ku. Get down there on the second May bank holiday weekend to catch some more May Pole dancing – when sexy, skimpily dressed studs throw themselves around the bar’s very own poles! If you go down there on Saturday 29 May, you’ll also catch Lady Lloyd’s Annual Eurovision Party. Taking place in the basement, Lady Lloyd will host proceedings, introducing live coverage of the contest on the bar’s big screens. The bar will be specially decorated and special drinks deals will be available. Lady Lloyd will be on hand to play your favourite Eurovision songs from the past both before and after the show, and you’ll also get free entry to Fabulous, the Ku’s late-night Saturday session. If you love Eurovision parties (and can’t be bothered to throw your own), then this is unmissable. The Ku Bar, 30 Lisle Street, WC2. VENUES: CENTRAL LONDON 79 CXR, 79 Charing Cross Road, WC2. 020 7734 0769. Leicester Square tube. Mon-Sat 1pm-3am, Sun 1pm-10.30pm. Cover charge after 11pm. Large, cruisy, late-night bar - always busy after 10.30pm with those who don’t want to head home too early. ADMIRAL DUNCAN, 54 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7437 5300. Leicester Square tube. Friendly, famous, traditional gay pub - just look out for the purple and pink exterior! BARCODE, 3-4 Archer Street, W1. 020 7734 3342. www. Piccadilly Circus tube. Mon-Sat 4pm-1.30am. Sun until 10.30pm. Dance bar on three floors, with club-style basement. Comedy Camp stand-up night each Tuesday, and more danceoriented sessions at weekends. THE BOX, 32-34 Monmouth Street, Seven Dials, WC2. 020 7240 5828. Leicester Square tube. 11am-11pm. Stylish and awardwinning gay café bar popular with scene and muscle queens. Frequent exhibitions on the walls and great food. CANDY BAR, 4 Carlisle Street, W1. 020 7494 4041. Tottenham Court Road tube. Mon-Thu 5-11.30pm. Fri & Sat 5pm-2am. Sun 5-11pm. Longrunning and famed lesbian bar. COMPTONS, 52 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7479 7961. Leicester Square tube. Noon-11pm. A Soho institution. Large, traditional gay boozer on two floors, attracting a butch and manly crowd. www. THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON, 77 Wardour Street, W1. 020 7439 1274. Piccadilly Circus tube. Mon-Thu noon-11pm, Fri & Sat noon-midnight, ‘til 10.30pm on Sun. Traditional and fun gay pub over two floors, attracting a good cross-section from across the scene. THE EDGE, 11 Soho Square, W1. 020 7439 1313. Tottenham Court Road tube. Noon-1am, Sun 2pm-11.30pm. Stylish, hip gay bar spread over four intimate floors, with regular nights from top DJs, regular piano bar and tasty food. ESCAPE, 10a Brewer Street, W1. 020 7734 2626. Piccadilly Circus tube. 5pm-3am. Cover charge after 11pm. Every night’s a party at this late-night video dance bar. FIRST OUT CAFÉ, 52 St Giles High Street, WC2. 020 7240 8042. Tottenham Court Road tube. 10am-11pm. Sun 10.30pm. Over 20 years old and still going strong. Long-running community café bar. FREEDOM, 66 Wardour Street, W1. 020 7734 0071. Piccadilly Circus tube. Opulent style bar, with late-night club promotions for a mixed, metrosexual crowd. FRIENDLY SOCIETY, 79 Wardour Street, WC1. Trendy and unique, intimate basement bar with quirky decor and fun atmosphere – attracts a mixed crowd. G-A-Y BAR, 30 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7494 2756. Leicester Square tube. 12pm12am. Huge, poptastic gay bar, with a multitude of video screens, pop tunes and drinks promotions. G-A-Y LATE, 5 Goslett Yard, off Charing Cross Road, WC2. Tottenham Court Road tube. 11pm-3am. Late-night sister venue to G-A-Y Bar – more video screens, camp pop fun and cheap drinks.Gets very busy most nights of the week. THE GREEN CARNATION, 4-5 Greek Street, Soho, W1. 020-7434 3323. Stylish, three-floored late night gay venue, with bar, dancefloor and nightly promotions. Attracts a very mixed crowd. www.greencarnationsoho. HALFWAY TO HEAVEN, 7 Duncannon Street, WC2. 020 7321 2791. Charing Cross tube. Mon-Thu noon-11pm, Fri & Sat 12pm-12am. Old-style gay pub spread over two floors. HEAVEN, The Arches, Villiers Street, WC2. Charing Cross Road tube. Huge, world-famous gay club, which is now home to G-A-Y, along with mixed/studenty Monday nighter Popcorn. Check for details THE KINGS ARMS, 23 Poland Street, W1. 020 7734 5907. Oxford Circus tube. Mon-Thur 12pm–11pm, Fri-Sat 12pm-12am, Sun 12pm-11.30pm. London’s bar for bears and blokes. Traditional atmosphere plus pool table. Sunday night karaoke very popular. KU BAR, 30 Lisle Street, Leicester Square, WC2. 020 7437 4303. Leicester Square tube. Large, award-winning, upmarket gay bar spread over three floors, open till 3am daily and always busy throughout the week. www. KU BAR SOHO, 25 Frith Street, W1. Leicester Square tube. New, smaller sister venue to Lisle Street Ku Bar, with entrances on Old Compton Street and Frith Street - open till 11pm daily. The first floor houses a Gay Tourist Office from noon-6pm throughout the week ( KUDOS, 10 Adelaide Street, WC2. 020 7379 4573. Charing Cross tube. 3pm-11pm, Sat noon-11pm, Sun noon-10.30pm. Beautiful and stylish café bar, with clubbier vibe and video screens in the basement. Popular with Asian crowd upstairs, plus a basement women’s bar. LO-PROFILE, The Basement, 84-85 Wardour Street, W1. Swanky, sophisticated, 400-capacity late-night basement bar and club space – from the people that bring you Open 10pm-4am on Fridays and Saturdays. LONG YANG CLUB, long-running social group for East Asian gay guys and friends. Regular parties and social events. Check website at for full details. MADAME JO JO’S, 8-10 Brewer Street, W1. Long-running, late night gig venue, nightclub and cabaret bar - open to very mixed crowd. Home to popular Wednesday nighter Trannyshack. MOLLY MOGG’S, 2 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7434 4294. Tottenham Court Road tube. Small, intimate little gay pub, with regular drag shows attracting a mixed crowd of theatre folk and tourists. PENDULUM, 56 Frith Street, Soho, W1. 0207 734 8300 . Tottenham Court Road tube. Stylish, big gay bar – spread over three floors, with food, drink, art displays and pre-club promotions. PROFILE, 84-84 Wardour Street, W1. 020 734 3444. Piccadilly Circus tube. Upstairs bar above Lo-Profile, owned and run by the team behind Gaydar. Stylish gay bar/diner, COME TOGETHER Come Together is a special, oneoff event taking place ahead of this year’s Pride festival. It’s been organised by the same people who run the quarterly Queer Question Time at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern, and will be taking place at the Electric Cinema (pictured) in Notting Hill between 1 and 3.30pm. Like this year’s Pride London festival, the event will be commemorating 40 years since the formation of the Gay Liberation Front. More specifically, it will be looking back at the GLF’s original manifesto and political demands, examining what has been met and what may still need to be achieved. Stewart Who? Will host a debate that will include former members of the GLF and there will be film screenings of interview footage of GLF members from the early 1970s, along with a Panorama programme originally broadcast in April 1971. Admission will be £7.50 (NUS and unwaged get two-for-one admission), with all door proceeds to go to Pride London. More details and tickets at pride365events - #% =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A open for food and drink from early morning through till 11pm – when the action moves downstairs. THE QUEBEC, 12 Old Quebec Street, WC1. 020-7629 6159. Marble Arch tube. Long-running and huge pub, on two floors, attracting an older crowd. Open till 3am at weekends. Off the beaten Soho track but well worth checking out. THE QUEEN’S HEAD, 25 Tryon Street, SW3. 020-7589 0262. Sloane Square tube. Popular, very long-running, cosy gay pub – a Chelsea institution. RETRO BAR, 2 George Court, WC2. 020 7321 2811. Charing Cross tube. Mon-Fri noon-11. Sat 5pm-11pm, Sun 5pm-11pm. A traditional boozer for the gay scene’s indie, alternative and student-types – Tuesday’s pop quiz is an institution. MILEY AND GOLDFRAPP FOR G-A-Y Fresh from his success in running the London Marathon, it’s back to the day job for promoter Jeremy Joseph; namely, running London’s most high-profile gay club. This June, he’s managed to pull in another exclusive for G-A-Y, with a headline PA from none other than Miley Cyrus! The US teen starlet and popstar will be hitting the stage on Saturday 5 June, promoting new album Can’t Be Tamed and no doubt treating the audience to past hit single, such as ‘Party In The USA’. Other G-A-Y Goldfrapp dates for your diary include a guest appearance from Emmerdale bad boy Aaron Dingle (aka actor Danny Miller) at G-A-Y Porn Idol on Thursday 27 May (unfortunately only on the judging panel and not competing on stage!), followed by Scootch at the G-A-Y Camp Attack on Friday 28 May for a preEurovision Party. Both the G-A-Y Bar on Old Compton Street and G-A-Y Late venue will be screening the Eurovision Song Contest on Saturday 29 May, while you can catch an exclusive appearance from Goldfrapp (‘Rocket’, ‘Ooh La La’, ‘Strict Machine’) at the club on that same evening. Heaven will host the G-A-Y Porn Idol final on Thursday 12 June, while Swedish popster Robyn will perform live on Saturday 19 June. G-A-Y, the club, takes place at Heaven, Under the Arches, Villiers Street, London WC2. In a separate development, Jeremy (who is currently considering embarking on another mammoth fundraising event) has announced that for the next year, G-A-Y will be affiliated to the Elton John AIDS Foundation, with a new fundraising target of £50,000.To make a donation to the EJAF, just go to or drop money in the collecting buckets at all G-A-Y venues. RUPERT STREET, 50 Rupert Street, W1. 020 7292 7141. Piccadilly Circus tube. 12-11pm, Sun 10.30pm. Large, designer-style bar, popular with professional gay boyz and post-work drinkers. 020 7437 2652. Piccadilly Circus tube. Mon-Thur 4pm-11pm, Fri & Sat 1pm-11pm, Sun 1pm10.30pm. Busy gay bar with hugely popular courtyard area, outdoor balcony and cosy loft bar. SHADOW LOUNGE, 5 Brewer Street, W1. 020-7287 7988. Piccadilly tube. Exclusive, gorgeous, late-night bar and club for A-list gays and celeb-spotters. Open from late each evening. CHARIOTS WATERLOO, 101 Lower Marsh, Waterloo, SE1. 020 7401 8484. Waterloo tube. Wellpresented, popular sauna, open 24/7. SWEATBOX, 1-2 Ramillies Street, Soho, W1. 020-3214 6014. Exclusively gay gym (ground floor) and sauna (first floor), with occasional late-night parties. Open Sun-Thurs noon-2am, and till 7am Friday and Saturday. www. VAULT 139, 139 Whitfield Street, W1. 020-7388 5500. Central, daytime and evening intimate cruise club, for a men-only crowd. Open 4pm-1am seven days a week. VILLAGE, 81 Wardour Street, W1. 020 7434 2124. Piccadilly Circus tube. 12-1am, Sun 11.30pm. Late night door charge. Soho’s original gay café bar, spread over four floors, and now with basement dancefloor and discos. Popular with a youngish crowd of boys and girls. THE YARD, 57 Rupert Street, W1. #& SAUNAS PLEASUREDROME, 124 Cornwall Road, Waterloo, SE1. Waterloo tube. Big venue with lots of different areas – open 24 hours, 365 days of year. SAUNABAR PORTSEA, 2 Portsea Place, Marble Arch, W2. 020 7402 3385. Marble Arch tube. Small and friendly gay sauna with masseurs. SAUNABAR COVENT GARDEN, 29 Endell Street, Covent Garden, WC2. 020 7836 2236. Covent Garden tube. Basement sauna with pool, sauna and rest rooms. Check website for discount entry. SWEATBOX SOHO, Ramillies House, 1-2 Ramillies Street, Soho, W1. 020 3214 6014. Oxford Circus tube. Gay-owned and run gym and basement sauna. NORTH LONDON THE BLACK CAP, 171 Camden High Street, NW1. 020 7485 0538. Camden Town tube. Shufflewick Bar: Mon-Thu Noon-1am, Fri-Sat 12noon-2am, Sun Noon-10.30pm. Club: Mon-Thu 10pm-2am, Fri-Sat 10pm-3am, Sun 10pm-1am. Longrunning, famed gay pub – probably the most famous cabaret pub in London. CENTRAL STATION, 37 Wharfdale Road, N1. Tel: 020 7278 3294. Kings Cross tube. Big, late-opening gay bar on three floors, with ground floor cabaret and infamously cruisy cruise nights in basement. Upstairs restaurant offering gastropub menu, plus B&B accommodation. www. CLUB KALI, The Dome, 1 Dartmouth Park Hill, Tufnell Park, N19. World’s biggest lesbian and gay Southern Asian music night, running every third Friday of the month. Always busy and rather unique. EGG, 200 York Way, King’s Cross, N7. 020 7609 8364. King’s Cross tube. Bespoke club space on three floors, hosting occasional gay club nights and after-hours sessions (mixed afterhours every Saturday night/Sunday morning). www. =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A diverse gay bar with late-night club promotions, and open ‘til 3am at weekends. Very popular with lesbians and male friends. club, open till 11pm throughout week, with regular boots-only and underwear parties. Check website for full listings. PLAYPIT, 357 Caledonian Road, N7. Caledonian Road tube. 0333 700 1231. Intimate, King’s Cross sleaze club – basically a basement darkroom. Open Thur-Sat 9pm3am, Sun 3pm-1am. Take your own booze. FIRE, South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8. Vauxhall tube. Infamous, late-night gay venue beneath the Vauxhall railway arches, host to the likes of Orange, A:M, Later and Juicy. Open around the clock at weekends. or or SOUTH LONDON AREA, 67-68 Albert Embankment, SE1. Gorgeously-designed, hard dance club and cabaret rooms, with eclectic roster of different gay nights and one-off promotions, including Jason’s Jukebox on Thursdays, and Friday nighter Onyx, amongst others. BARCODE VAUXHALL, Arch 69, Albert Embankment, SE11. 0207 734 3342. Vauxhall tube. Open 7 days a week. Mon-Thu 4pm-1am, Fri-Sun 4pm-4am. Very popular club bar, with dancefloor and mezzanine chill-out space - gets busy at weekends. SCANDAL ROCKS SHADOW LOUNGE The late May bank holiday weekend brings with it another dose of Scandal. That’s Scandal, the occasional, glamorous dance event from Steve Elliot at the Shadow Lounge in Soho! The night will return on Sunday 30 May, Robert between the hours of 10pm and 3am, with DJ Oliver M and very special guest jock Leroy Taylor flying in all Owens the way from South Africa for this very special party. They’ll be spinning the upbeat house sounds to keep you glued to that exclusive dancefloor. The night will be hosted by Pieers, while Raul Gonzalez will be providing the sexy dancers. If you’ve got a birthday to celebrate, you can email for a VIP table and free tickets for your group by emailing [email protected] - otherwise admission is free for members, £5 for everyone else before midnight and £10 after. The Shadow Lounge recently celebrated its birthday, and it remains one of Soho more discerning late-night haunts. Originally a members-only club, it’s earned a reputation as an intimate A-gay hangout, although the door policy is a little more relaxed these days. Regular promotions include Inferno with DJ Andrew Elmore each Saturday night, and Shadow Couture – an informal, open-mic and performance night on Mondays. Shadow Salon takes place on Tuesdays, with DJ Mark Bambach and £5 Bellini cocktails all night. Shadow Boxer on Wednesdays sees the club link up with Covent Garden bar The Box. Visit the bar first to enjoy free entry at the Shadow Lounge afterwards. DJ Mark Bambach rules the roost at Thursdays Glitz & Glamour, spinning the latest floor-fillers. $ THE GREEN, 74 Upper Street, N1. 020-7226 8895. Angel tube. London’s first ‘gay gay-stropub!’ Stylish, Islington bar, serving full food menu and wide range of cocktails. Mixed, chilled crowd - now run by the same team as The Edge in Soho. KING EDWARD VI, 25 Bromfield Street, N1. Tel: 020 7704 0745. Angel tube. Sun-Thu 12noon12midnight, Thu 12noon-1am, Fri-Sat 12noon-2am. Very long-running gay pub, with ‘local’ atmosphere and character, plus popular beer garden. KW4, 77 Hampstead High Street, NW3. 020-7435 5747. Large, cosy, traditional old gay pub, with regular entertainment, beer garden and food. One of London’s longestrunning gay establishments. THE LOAD OF HAY, 207 Pinner Road, Watford, 01923-441113. Watford’s only gay pub, with big beer garden and regular entertainment. THE OAK BAR, 79 Green Lanes, N16. 020-7354 2791. Manor House tube. Friendly, CABLE, 33a Bermondsey Street, SE1 2EG. 020 7403 7730. London Bridge tube. Huge, purpose-built clubbing venue in railway arches. Host to occasional one-offs and monthly promotions such as Matinee. CLUB COLOSSEUM, 1 Nine Elms Lane, Vauxhall, SW8. Huge, late-night venue for after-hours crowd – hosting various monthly promotions. THE EAGLE, 349 Kennington Lane, SE11. 020 7793 0903. Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat 9pm-late, Tue 9pm-2am, Sun 9pm-late. Vauxhall tube. Large, club-bar with nightly promotions. Tonker (Fridays) and Horse Meat Disco (Sundays) are particularly popular. EXILIO, Bar Rez, Club Colosseum, 1 Nine Elms Lane, SW8. Vauxhall tube. Long-running, Friday night gay Latin and salsa night. Open 11pm till 4am. FACTORY, 65 Goding Street, SE11. Stylish, railway arch Vauxhall venue, hosting occasional dance and cruise nights. THE FORT, 131 Grange Road, SE1. 020-7237 7742. Small cruise THE FRIDGE, Town Hall Parade, Brixton, SW9. 020 7326 5100. Brixton tube. Large and legendary venue - formerly a theatre. Now home to occasional gay club nights such as Love Muscle. www.fridge. and THE GEORGE & DRAGON, 2 BlackheathHill, Greenwich, SE10. 020 8691 3764. Deptford Bridge DLR. Mon-Thu 4pm-1am, Fri & Sat 4pm-4am, Sun 4pm-2am. Late-night pub with nightly entertainment and cabaret. HIDDEN, 100 Tinworth Street, SE11. Railway arch venue, home BEAR DELIGHTS The annual orgy of furriness that is Bear Pride takes place over the late May bank holiday, offering six-days of bearrelated fun and mayhem. Things kick off on Wednesday 26 May at the London Bridge Arches with the XXL Bear Pride Pre-Party, followed by a ‘Bears and Boots’ party at Oink on 27 May, and then a Friday Night social at the Kings Arms on Poland Street – London’s most famed bears bar. XXL’s Alex Logan will be spinning the sounds from 8pm till late. Boys in Birmingham can get in on the action on Friday 28 May, with a big ‘XXL British Brummie Bear Ball’ at the Nightingale club on Hurst Street. The fun moves back down south on Saturday for the possibly the biggest event of the whole festival – the ‘Bear Pride – Attack Of The Beards’ party at the Saturday XXL club in London. Special guest DJ for the night will be Cahill – otherwise known as producers and remixers Tim Condran, Anton Powers and Scott Rosser. They’ll be joining residents Christian M, Mark Ames, Alex Logan and Joe Egg, while the outdoor space will play host to the CaBEARet stage. Bank Holiday Party Fusion takes up the torch on Sunday 30 May, with another special guest appearance from the Freemasons, while those scamps from Kimono Krush (‘the alternative gay disco with a tranny edge’) will be hosting the back bar, laying down their own trashy yet cool, retro soundtrack. There will be a ‘Wet Bears’ sauna closing the festival on Monday 31 May – check the Bear Pride website ( for full details about this and the rest of the festival. A limited number of XXL Bear Pride weekend tickets are available that will allow you access to all the events taking place at the The Arches of the weekend. These cost £18 for members and £25 for guests, and are available exclusively at Proceeds from all Bear Pride events will be donated to the Terrence Higgins Trust and Albert Kennedy Trust. XXL takes place at the Arches, 51-53 Southwark Street, SE1. Other June dates for your diaries include an ‘XXL RETROspective’ party on 4 June and a ‘Daddies Night’ on 19 June. $ =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A to infamous Hard On night once a month (, and now also Megawoof (www. and popular urban night Work on Wednesdays. THE HOIST, Arch 47c, South Lambeth Road, SW8. 020 7735 9972. 10pm-late. Door charge and strict dress code. One of London’s most famous dress-code and cruise clubs - busy with a men-only crowd. Open Friday-Sunday and occasional Thursdays (SM Gays every third Thursday of the month - JACKIE’S JUKEBOX, Rivoli Ballroom, 350 Brockley Road, SE4. First Saturday of the month, 7pm-midnight (£7). Gay ballroom and Latin dancing night, attracting up to 300 dancers a month to the glam 1950s-style Rivoli Ballroom. Crofton Park BR. KAZBAR, 50 Clapham High Street, SW4. 020 7622 0070. Clapham North tube. Mon-Thu 4pmmidnight, Fri 4pm-1am, Sat noon1am, Sun noon-midnight. Clapham video bar, popular throughout the week, with DJs at weekends. LITTLE APPLE, 98 Kennington Lane, SE11. 020 7735 2039. Kennnigton tube. Open 7 days a week. Small, traditional gay boozer for local gay boys and girls - open SUMMER LOVIN’ The Royal Vauxhall Tavern has plenty of entertainment arranged for the month of June… but before we get to that, don’t forget that you can enjoy a double helping of S.L.A.G.S/Chill-Out on the late May Bank Holiday. Simon Le Vans, Andy Almighty, Sean Sirrs and Rob C will be spinning the uplifting dancefloor anthems from 2pm till midnight (with entertainment from the D.E Experience at 5.30pm) on both Sunday 30 May and Monday 31 May. Arrive early to enjoy the special drinks offers - £2 pints of beer and £2 for a vodka and mixer between 2 and 4.30pm. Regular events in June include the Bingo Pub Night on Mondays, the fantabulous Bar Wotever on Tuesdays – with free admission and eclectic cabaret for ‘boys, girls and wotevers’ – and the ever popular Duckie on Saturdays. David Hoyle’s limited run of shows – Licking Wounds 2 – continues on 3, 10 and 17 June, with the inimitable Mr Hoyle offering topical debate, forthright opinion and avant garde cabaret. The show starts at 8.30pm and admission is £8.50. It’s worth every penny. If you’ve still never caught Timberlina his act, what are you waiting for? The run finishes 17 June, and will be followed by more avant-garde cabaret on 24 June – “Tricity Vogue’s Uke-Off! - A Night of Duelling Ukuleles”. Special Wednesday night presentations this month include ‘Being With Timberlina’ (2 June), in which the bar’s resident dragster (Timberlina - pictured above) offers an evening of “testimony-meets-performance moments that confront indifference and challenge the status quo”. Doors open 7pm till midnight, with the show at 8.30pm (£5 entry). Bookings for 9 and 16 June were still being confirmed at the time of going to press, while Dr Sketchy returns on 23 June with special guests Tricity Vogue, dancing and posing for the live drawing class, and musical comedian Mister Meredith. Fridays in June will offer more entertainment from the Magic Faraway Travel Agency on Friday 4 June (with their show – ‘The Tina Turner Prize’), followed by one-off party Fire Island, promising retro sounds from the likes of Inner City, Yazz, CeCe Peniston and Robin S (10.30pm-2am). The brilliant Kimono Krush returns on 11 June, with guest cabaret from Holestar, followed by the Anthem – Old Skool Reunion on Friday 18 June, when Andy Almighty will be spinning the floorfillers for the S.L.A.G.S/Chill-Out devotees. That special party will run 9pm till 6am. The Kitten Club returns on Friday 25 June, followed by the first birthday of Splosh-A-Rama between 10pm and late. Fans of Queer Question Time, the RVT’s quarterly debate night, should also note that the organisers are hosting a very special event – Come Together – an afternoon of film and debate on the 40th anniversary of the Gay Liberation Front – on Saturday 26 June at the Electric Cinema in Notting Hill. A fundraiser for Pride, for more details and tickets: - tickets also soon available via www. For more details about any events at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern, check $ till 1.30am Fri-Sat. SPLISH SPLOSH PARIS GYM, 73 Goding Street, Vauxhall, SE11. 020 7735 8989. Vauxhall tube. Huge, well-equipped men-only gym with large, devoted following. Regular classes. Tourists welcome. Check website for entry details and membership. Splosh-A-Rama – the monthly custard-pie and cream fest from eccentric club promoter Boogaloo Stu – will be celebrating its first birthday on Friday 25th June. Stu and his cast of entertainers and saucy sidekicks will be celebrating celebrate a whole year of slapstick tomfoolery with a very special splosh-fest, which as usual, will feature a host of titillating cabaret followed by the inevitable food fight finale. For the birthday, Stu’s promises us that things are going to get extra messy… so perhaps it would be a good idea to leave your Dolce & Gabbana at home! Splosh-A-Rama runs every fourth Friday of the month at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern, 372 Kennington Lane, SE11. Expect trashy pop and disco sounds between 10.30pm and 3am, plus the chance to, “Decorate your own minigateau and then push it in someone’s face...” What other club night offers you that opportunity! Entry is £5 with a flyer, £7 without. Check ‘Splosh-A-Rama’ on Facebook for more details. ROYAL VAUXHALL TAVERN, 372 Kennington Lane, SE11. 020 7840 0596. Opening times vary. Vauxhall tube. Door Charge. Huge, traditional and historic gay pub, with long history of hosting cabaret. Packed to rafters on Saturday (Duckie) and Sunday (S.L.A.G.S/Chill-Out). Check or the facebook group RV Taverners for information. THE STAG, 15 Bressenden Place, SW1. 020 7828 7287. Victoria tube. Mon & Tue midday-midnight, Wed-Fri midday-2am, Sat 5pm2am, Sun 4pm-midnight. Dark and atmospheric gay bar in Victoria, with occasional cabaret and DJs at weekends, and now an upstairs theatre space. 286, 286 Lewisham High Street, SE14. 020-8690 7648. Large, lateopening gay venue, with regular entertainment, DJs and cabaret. Open till 2am Sun-Thur and 4am Fri-Sat. THE TRAFALGAR ARMS, 148 Tooting High Street, SW17. 020-8767 6059. A spacious, lively, attitude-free pub. Excellent food served all day. Weekly DJs on Friday and Saturday nights. Karaoke on Wednesdays. THE TWO BREWERS, 114 Clapham High Street, SW4. 020 7819 9539. Clapham Common tube. Mon-Thu 5pm-2am, Fri & Sat 5pm-4am. South London’s most famed gay cabaret venue. Large bar and separate dancefloor room. An institution for over 20 years. UNION, 66 Albert Embankment, SE1. 020-7793 9262. Cruisy dance club which hosts regular promotions. Plays areas and hot go-go’s. and XXL, The Arches, 51-53 Southwark Street, SE1. www.xxl-london. com. London Bridge tube. Huge world-famous club for bears, big men and admirers, on Saturday and Wednesday. Pulls in 1,000+ customers each Saturday with uplifting dance anthems and occasional guest DJs. SAUNAS CHARIOTS STREATHAM 292 Streatham High Road, SW16. 020 8696 0929. Streatham station. Large sauna, with weekly theme nights (bears, men of colour, etc). CHARIOTS VAUXHALL 63-64 Albert Embankment, Vauxhall, SE1. 020 7247 5333. Vauxhall tube. Large, modern sauna in converted railway arch. THE LOCKER ROOM, 8 Cleaver Street, Kennington, SE11. 020 7735 6064. Kennington tube. Long-running, intimate gay-owned and run sauna. cabaret, DJs and disco nights. THE BACKSTREET, Wentworth Mews, off Burdett Road, E3. 020-8980 8557. Over 25 years old – small but legendary East End dress code leather club, open Thur-Sun. Very strict rubber and leather dresscode, ensuring a wide and loyal following. www. BISTROTHEQUE, 23-27 Wadeson St, E2. Tel: 020 8983 7900. Bethnal Green tube. Very mixed, gay/straight crowd of trendy metrosexuals. Great bar, restaurant, plus separate cabaret room. CHARLIE’S BAR, 124 Globe Road, E1. Tel: 020 7790 1007. Whitechapel tube. Recently refurbished, Moroccan style – friendly, local gay bar. EAST LONDON DALSTON SUPERSTORE, 117 Kingsland High Street, E8. 020 7254 2273. Highbury & Islington tube. New, two-floor mixed gay-straight venue - café by day and fashionable performance space and club promotions at night. Open noon-2am seven days a week. THE ANGEL, 21 Church Street, E15. Tel: 020 8555 1148. Stratford BR and tube. Big gay pub, always popular at weekends, with regular DANDY BOYS, Visage, 442 Cranbrook Road, Gants Hill, IG2. 020 8554 003. www.Visage80sBar. Gay club night running STEAMWORKS, 309 New Cross Road, New Cross, SE14. 020 8694 0606. New Cross/New Cross Gate station. Small, long-running establishment. =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A every Wednesday night at a fab 80s-themed venue. Open 8pm1am. Regular entertainment. Email [email protected] EASTERN BLOC, 58 Old Street, EC1. 020-7287 3726. Trend-setting gay club venue, spread over two floors. Bar upstairs with small dancefloor, and grond floor dance space. Regular promotions at weekends. GAY LICK, Club Lick, 58 Hoe Street, E17. Walthamstow tube. Twice-monthly gay promotion at a cruisy club space. Every first and third Friday from 9pm-4am. Entry £4 before midnight and £7 after. THE JOINERS ARMS, 116 Hackney Road, E2. Tel: 020 7739 9854. Debauched decadence – old-skool boozer popular with post-club crowd at weekends. Gets busy later in the evenings. KINGS HEAD, 11 Church Street, E15. Tel: 020 8534 0197 Stratford BR and tube. Intimate and welcoming East End gay pub – regular cabaret. Open till late throughout the week. THE OLD SHIP, 17 Barnes Street, E14. Tel: 020 7790 4082. Limehouse DLR. Small, local, traditional gay pub, with regular cabaret - five minutes’ walk from BJ’s White Swan (see below). BJ’s WHITE SWAN, 556 Commercial Road, E1. Tel: 020 7780 9870. Limehouse DLR. A large, legendary, long-running gay pub and club, open throughout the week. Wednesday’s Amateur Strip is an institution. www. SAUNAS CHARIOTS LIMEHOUSE, 574 Commercial Road, E14. 020 7791 2808. Limehouse rail station. Multi-level, well-established sauna. Themed parties such as ‘Big and chunky’ each Monday evening, amongst others. CHARIOTS SHOREDITCH, 1 Fairchild Street, Shoreditch, EC2. 020 7247 5333. Liverpool Street station. Biggest gay sauna in UK, with a maze of rest rooms. E15 CLUB, 6 Leytonstone Road, Stratford, E15. 020 8555 5455. Stratford tube. Deceptively large ACTING UP Censorship and culture have always been uneasy bedfellows. From the fig leaves that were required to cover the genitalia of pre-Raphaelite sculptures to the scandalised response to Robert Mapplethorpe’s sexually explicit photographs, there’s a recognised history of disharmony between the art world and the authorities. Examining this enduring friction and its implications, the biannual Act Art event marks its first 2010 appearance with an exhibition dedicated entirely to the theme of censorship. Curated by Marc Massive and Oliver Frost (pictured), the current incarnation continues Act Art’s mandate of presenting an experimental, radical and challenging programme, but this time the works on show will be especially provocative. Stalwarts of the gay scene, such as Jonny Woo and David Hoyle are among those participating, but artists lesser known in London are likely to make the most shocking and challenging impressions. Alex Fear will perform a rendition of Sheryl Crow’s ‘If It Makes You Happy’ before jumping “all over a pile of dead animal organs… stripping off… and fucking a decapitated pig’s head.” Nicola Canavan will lie in a room as visitors dip lilies in a bowl of her blood before throwing them at her naked body. A total of 100 artists perform at the event, held at the Islington Metal Works on 9 July; tickets £10-£12. $" sauna behind a discreet facade. WEST LONDON BRIGHTON THE CULVERT, 54 Cowley Mill Road, Uxbridge. 01895 256 690. Uxbridge tube. Mon-Wed 4pm-1am, Thu noon-2am, Fri & Sat noon-3am, Sun 3pm-1am. Regular discos, cabaret, karaoke and one-off events. Established, local gay venue. ESCAPE, 184 London Road, Kingston-Upon-Thames, Surrey, KT2. 020 8549 9911. Revamped, longrunning gay club open WednesdaySunday. THE HOPE & ANCHOR, 20 Macbeth Street, Hammersmith, W6. (020 8748 1873). New gay pub for Hammersmith and Chiswick. Traditional boozer with nightly entertainment – open noon-11pm throughout week, with popular karaoke at weekends. INFINITY, 294 Old Brompton Road, SW5. 020 7370 3494. Earls Court tube. Big gay pub and disco, formerly Bromptons. Open late throughout the week, with weekend cabaret. THE RICHMOND ARMS, 20 The Square, off Princes Street, Richmond. 020-8940 2118. Longrunning, traditional gay pub, with regular cabaret and entertainment. One of gay London’s better locals. TED’S PLACE, 305a North End Road, West Brompton, W14. 0207 385 9359. Earls Court or West Brompton tube. Mon-Fri from 7pmlate, closed Sat & Sun. Small, West London cruise club. Dark and sleazy. WEST 5, Popes Lane, South Ealing, W5. 020-8579 3266. Large, popular gay pub with Piano Room and cabaret bar, open till late at weekends with entertainment and DJs. Attracts a big local crowd - particularly at weekends. WINDSOR CASTLE, 152 Bath Road, Hounslow, TW3. 0208577 6590. Large, local gay pub with regular cabaret and entertainment throughout the week. TO UPDATE LISTINGS, PLEASE SEND INFORMATION TO [email protected] AUDIO, Marine Parade, BN1. Club venue with outdoor terrace – making it a summer favourite. Hosts regular club nights such as Sunday Sundae (www. AMSTERDAM BAR, 11-12 Marine Parade, BN2. www. 01273 688825. Long-running establishment, with an adjoining hotel and sauna. Great outdoor terrace for the summer months. AQUARIUM, 6 Steine Street, Brighton. 01273 605525. www. the-aquarium-theatre-bar. Long-running, traditional style pub popular with gay guys. Regular entertainment. BLANCH HOUSE, 17 Atlingworth Street, Brighton, BN2. 01273 603504. www. Plush, hip, mixed hotel cocktail bar that’s popular with a cross-section of Brighton residents and visitors. Open late at weekends. BRIGHTON TAVERN, 100 Gloucester Road, North Laine, BN1. 01273 680365. A stylish but homely venue with wooden flooring, open fire, real ales and a friendly welcome. THE BULLDOG, 31 St. James Street, Brighton, BN2. 01273 696996. www.bulldogbrighton. com. Legendary scene bar (nearly 30 years old!), attracting a bloke-ish crowd with drinks promotions, entertainment and long hours thanks to a 24-hour licence in operation at weekends. CHARLES STREET BAR, 8 Marine Parade, BN2. 01273 624091. www.charles-street. com. Large, stylish and popular gay bar overlooking the seafront – particularly busy with pre-club crowds at weekends. DOCTOR BRIGHTONS, 16-17 Kings Road, BN1. 01273 208113. Another long-running scene institution, ideally placed for the seafront, shopping on The Lanes, or Brighton’s club life. THE HONEYCLUB, 214 Kings Road Arches, BN1. 01273 202807. Acclaimed club venue, which hosts occasional gay nights and parties. THE KING’S ARMS, 56 George Street, BN2. 01273 245128. Brighton’s bar for bears and blokes, with promotions throughout the week and occasional dress-code parties. LEGENDS, 31-32 Marine Parade, BN2. 01273 624462. www. A true scene stalwart, and part of the New Europe hotel complex. Longrunning bar that’s still going strong – open late throughout the week. MARINE TAVERN, 13 Broad Street, BN2. 01273 681284. www. Small, cosy, traditional-style bar. QUEEN’S ARMS, 7 George Street, BN2. 01273 696873. Long-running scene pub with camp tunes and fun entertainment throughout the week. R-BAR, 7 Marine Parade, BN2. 01273 608133. www.revenge. Sister bar to the longrunning and famous Revenge nightclub. A hip and stylish establishment that’s popular with its own crowd of regulars. REVENGE, 32-34 Old Steine, BN1. 01273 606064. www. Brighton’s famous, long-running, full-time gay club, offering two floors of music and club promotions. Attracting a wide range of customers from all sections of the city’s gay scene, and a hot spot for visitors. VAVOOM VIDEO BAR, 31 Old Steine, BN1. 01273 603010. As its name suggests, a bight and glitzy video bar, next door to Club Revenge. WILD FRUIT, Tru, West Street, BN1. 01273 327083. The biggest gay night on the south coast. A huge, monthly party that’s been running for years – pulling in clubbers from far and wide. Check the website at www.aeonevents. for details of upcoming dates and ticket prices. THE ZONE, 33 St James’s Street, Brighton, BN2. 01273 682249. Friendly, mixed venue with regular entertainment and laid-back attitude. =Cb`SOQV 1=;;C<7BG RAINBOW RIVIERA =CB7<B6317BG>@3D73EA8C<3¸A>@723B=@0/G ³B/97<5>:/13!8C<37<B=@?C/G¬ 7Tg]cO`SZ]]YW\Ub]SaQO^SbVSVcabZSO\R PcabZS]TbVSQWbgT]`OeSSYS\R]TaOcQg aSOaWRSaVS\O\WUO\abVS\g]cQ]cZRR]\] PSbbS`bVObVSORR]e\b]bVS3\UZWaV@WdWS`OT]` >`WRSB]`POgBVSC9¸aV]bbSab\Se>`WRSTSabWdOZ ZOc\QVSRZOabgSO`b]U`SObOQQZOW[O\RbVS ]`UO\WaS`aVOdSSdS\[]`SO[PWbW]ca^ZO\ac^ bVSW`aZSSdSabVWagSO` >`WRSB]`POg`c\aT`][4`WROgbVb]Ac\ROg !bV8c\SO\RWaOT`SaVbOYS]\bVScacOZ^`WRS T]`[cZOeWbV[]`SbVO\OR]hS\c\W_cSSdS\ba bOYW\U^ZOQSO\RUWdW\UbVSeV]ZSeSSYS\R OaSOaWRSTSabWdOZTSSZBVS]`UO\WaS`aOZa] VOdSSdS\babOYW\U^ZOQSW\a][Sb`cZgRWdS`aS Z]QObW]\aeVWQV`SOZZgaV]eQOaSbVSabc\\W\U \Obc`OZVS`WbOUS]TbVWaPSOcbWTcZPOg 6WUVZWUVbaW\QZcRSOaOcQgP]Obb`W^O^]]Z PO`PSQcSW\bVSabc\\W\UU`]c\Ra]TbVSC9¸a ]\ZgUOg`Sa]`bV]bSZOUOg^WQ\WQO\R UO`RS\^O`bgOT]]bPOZZb]c`\O[S\b OW[SRObbOQYZW\UV][]^V]PWOW\ a^]`bbVS[SRQZcP\WUVbaOQOPO`Sb ab`SSb^O`bgO\RBVS0WU0O\U³bVS PWUUSabUOgQZcP\WUVbSdS`VSZRW\ bVSA]cbVESab BVSeSSYS\RYWQYa]TT]\4`WROg \WUVbbV8c\SeWbVOeWZRP]Ob ^O`bgBVSSdS\beOaacQVO PWUacQQSaaZOabgSO`RSa^WbS `]cUVQ]\RWbW]\abVObO[cQV PWUUS`P]ObVOaPSS\O``O\USR Q][^ZSbSeWbVO\W\R]]`RO\QS O`SOBVSTc\Q]\bW\cSaZObS` bVObSdS\W\UeWbVbVS=TTWQWOZ >`WRS:Oc\QV>O`bgOb 1O\RgTZ]aa\WUVbQZcP3f^SQbbV`SSTZ]]`a]T S\bS`bOW\[S\bW\QZcRW\UR`OUOQbaab`W^^S`aO\R OeV]ZSV]ab]Tac`^`WaSa BVSQS\b`S^WSQS]TbVSeV]ZSeSSYS\RWa1W`_cS Rca]5OgAObc`ROg bV8c\S]\B]``S/PPSg ;SOR]eaBVWaa^SQWOZZgRSdSZ]^SRUOgQW`Qca eWZZbOYS^ZOQSW\OTcZZaWhSR^W\YPWUb]^O\R bVSOcRWS\QSWaPSW\US\Q]c`OUSRb]µR`Saa ]cb`OUS]caZg¶T]`eVObWaPSW\URSaQ`WPSROb bVSµQO[^SabaV]e]\SO`bV¶1W`_cSRca]5Og P]OabaW\bS`\ObW]\OZQW`QcaOQbaaSfgRO\QS`aZWdS RWdOaO\RSdS\^S`T]`[W\UµPSO`a¶0]]UOZ]] Abc^WQbc`SRWaUcSab`W\U[OabS`T]`bVS ^S`T]`[O\QSX]W\SRPgbVSA^O`YZS[]bW]\UW`Za a]Sf^SQbZ]ba]T[ORQO^O\bWQaO\ROcRWS\QS ^O`bWQW^ObW]\ /a^SQWOZ@W\U;OabS`1VO`Wbg0O`eWZZPS]^S\ PST]`SO\ROTbS`bVS^S`T]`[O\QSeWbVSdS\ []`SS\bS`bOW\[S\bW\QZcRW\UORcZbPOZZ]]\ []RSZW\UOb`O\\gPO\R\OcUVbgXcUUZS`a [OUWQWO\aO\RR`OUS\bS`bOW\[S\bBVS`S eWZZOZa]PSTOW`U`]c\R`WRSaO\RO\]cbaWRS abOUSO\RPSS`UO`RS\[OYW\UbVWa Ob`cZg[S[]`OPZSOTbS`\]]\O\R SdS\W\U]TS\bS`bOW\[S\b :ObS`W\bVSSdS\W\UbVSbS\beWZZ PSb`O\aT]`[SRW\b]Ob`cZgc\W_cS \WUVbQZcPT]`BVS0WU0O\U³bVS PWUUSabUOgQZcP\WUVbSdS`aSS\W\ bVSA]cbVESab/aO\OZbS`\ObWdS bV]aS]TOVW`acbSO\R^]`bZg ^S`acOaW]\]`bVSW`OR[W`S`a QO\eO\RS`c^b]9SgESabT]` ^]^cZO`PSO`\WUVb1][SB] 2ORRg B]`_cOgVOaPSS\OUOgV]ba^]bT]`RSQORSa =aQO`EWZRSeOaOT`S_cS\bdWaWb]`O\ROa^SQWOZ :50BVWab]`gO\RVS`WbOUSeOZYQOZZSREOZYEWbV >`WRSeWZZPSZOc\QVW\UObbVSTSabWdOZ]\Ac\ROg !bV8c\S=\bVSAc\ROgOTbS`\]]\bVSTc\ Q]\bW\cSaeWbVO0WU5Og>WQ\WQW\bVSabc\\W\U U`]c\Ra]TB]``S/PPSg>S]^ZSO`SS\Q]c`OUSR b]P`W\UbVSW`]e\T]]RO\RR`W\Yb]bVWaT`SS SdS\bO\RS\X]gO\OTbS`\]]\]TZWdS[caWQO`ba O\RQ`OTbaabOZZaQ`]_cSb^S`T]`[O\QSO`bO\RO `ObVS`c\cacOZb`SOac`SVc\b /Za]]\bVSAc\ROgOTbS`\]]\bVSbSO[Ob9Sg ESabeWZZPSV]abW\UO[S\]\Zg^]]Z^O`bgO\R PO`PSQcSW\bVSU`]c\Ra]TbVS`Sa]`bV]bSZ BVS`S¸ZZPS[caWQOQVO`WbgPO`PSQcSO\RZ]ba]T ^]]ZaWRSTc\O\RT`]ZWQa 7b¸abVS\]\]dS`b]bVS;SORT]]b7\\Ab`SSb >O`bgO\RO\O[OhW\USdS\W\U]TQOPO`Sb S\bS`bOW\[S\bT`][bVSZWYSa]T6OhSZZ2SO\ AVOh;<WQYW4`S\QV2`0SdS`ZSg0OZZQ`caVS` 0`ORZSgO\R;Waa:WPS`bgG]c`#e`WabPO\ReWZZ OZa]USbg]cT`SSS\b`gW\b]1O\RgTZ]aaT]`bVS ]TTWQWOZQZ]aW\U^O`bg >`WRSB]`POgObb`OQbSRZO`USO[]c\ba]T`SdSZZS`a T`][bVS:]\R]\O`SOZOabgSO`O\R\c[PS`aO`S aSbb]`WaSaWU\WTWQO\bZgbVWagSO`B]`_cOgWaXcab OQ]c^ZS]TV]c`aT`][:]\R]\Pgb`OW\OZ]\U a][S]TbVS[]ababc\\W\UQ]OabOZb`OQYW\bVS C9]`eVg\]bR`WdS]`SdS\TZgb]\SO`Pg3fSbS` /W`^]`b-4]`[]`SW\T]`[ObW]\W\QZcRW\U^ZOQSa b]abOgdWaWbeee^`WRSb]`POg]`U $% =Cb`SOQV :7AB7<5A GAY BUSINESS CONFERENCE Taking place on Tuesday 29 June 2010 at Central Hall Westminster is the Gay Business Conference – aimed at gay and mainstream businesses/organizations and professionals. It offers an opportunity to listen to talks from gay business experts, gain ideas for improving marketing and customer service, and network with other delegates. Admission costs from £95 per delegate – full details at: www. GROUPS//ORGS Albert Kennedy Trust: 020 7831 6562 (London). Housing advice for under 21s. Antidote: 020 7437 3523. Counselling, Thursday drop-in, complementary therapies around alcohol and drug issues. BKY - Alternative Jewish Community: www.bkylondon. Islington LGB Forum: Rachael: 07989 747824. An initiative between local police, the council and victim support. Regard: Regard, BM REGARD, London WC1N 3XX, secretary@ uk. Disabled LGBT group. Jewish Gay and Lesbian Group: 020 8952 0137. Step Out Tower Hamlets: Social & support group for LGBT and questioning young people. 5-8pm Tues 079 4633 7160 Kairos: 020 7437 6063, www. Soho project promoting health and wellbeing among LGBT community. Lesbian Gay Christian Movement: 020 7739 1249, [email protected]/www.lgcm. London Friend: 020 7837 3337. Groups in Islington. Quaker London Lesbian & Gay Fellowship: Religious group – 020 8675 6740. Metro Centre: 020 8265 3311, Greenwich-based LGBT support. Croydon Area Gay Society: Friendly social group in Croydon. 020 8645 0943 - One-Up: LGBT under-18 youth Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association, (GALHA): National campaigning organisation, founded 1979. Monthly meetings in central London, all welcome. www. - [email protected] - 0844 800 3067 Outrage!: 020 8240 0222. Political campaiging group. group, meets every Monday 4-7pm (based in Hendon - North West London) - contact Theresa (PACE) 07504226793 (mobile). OutZone: London-based social and support group for gay and bisexual young men under 25. Every Friday 6.30-9.30pm - [email protected] - www. PACE: 020 7700 1323. Counselling and support groups. Quest LGB Catholics: 0808 808 0234. MSC LONDON MOVES BACK “HOME” The long-running Motor Sports Club (MSC) London – a social group for guys into bikes and leather that’s been running for a whopping 37 years – has moved its monthly meeting venue back to the ‘gay friendly’ Princess of Prussia in the east end of London. The social club that caters for gay men who are into motorbikes, leather or rubber $& Stonewall: 020 7593 1850. Campaign group for LGBT rights. STONEWALL FOOTBALL CLUB Lesbian & Gay Immigration Group: – 020 7922 7811. - Every Mon 2-6.30pm, Tue 10am-5pm and Wed/Thur 10am-1.30pm. Helpline and meetings. Mosaic: 0800 0433 411. www. Youth group based in Brent. ELOP: 020 8509 3898. Support and community events in Walthamstow. Youth, advice, counselling and groups. South London Gays: 020 8672 5268/020 8674 5191. Friendly social group. HATE CRIME Gay Police Association: Action Line 07092 700 000 (24hrs), [email protected]. Galop: 020 7704 2040. www. Advice and support for victims of hate crime. HIV//AIDS Crusaid: 020 7539 3880, The football league season may be over, but because of the World Cup in South Africa, it feels like it just started. Stonewall Football Club became the UK’s first football club for gay men when it was founded in 1991. From the start, it proved a huge success, with the team winning the European Championship in Berlin in 1992. The winning tradition has continued ever since, and Stonewall FC became IGLFA World Champions in Washington last year. In 2006, they competed in the world’s biggest gay sport event: Outgames in Chicago, and beat Florida in the final (3-1). Not surprisingly, the club’s motto is to be ‘serious about soccer’. When the lads don’t compete on the world stage they participate in the Middlesex County Football League - the ‘Premier’ as well as the ‘Junior Reserve’ Division. The club also has regular training sessions, five-a-side nights and social evenings. Stonewall FC has three teams: the London Lions (who have brought the club most of its silverware), the London Apprentices and the Stonewall 3rds (a chiefly social Sunday team). The summer training starts in June on Thursday nights. Contact the website for full details. GMFA: 020 7738 6872. Gay men’s health charity. Grace’s Cricket Club: The National AIDS Trust: 020 7814 6767, world’s only gay cricket club! or 020 8376 0630. Terence Higgins Trust: 02078121777. Counselling Services. Irons: . Gay golfing, events for all levels. SPORTS King’s Cross Steelers Rugby Football Club: 07090 421 367, Gay men’s rugby. Cruisers basketball: 020 8960 0750 (Debbie)/ 020 7582 7009, (Jordi). Mixed basketball. Frontrunners: 07092 346340, Gay running group. Goslings Swimming: 07814 258 055. Gay social swimming group, Thur 8.30pm-9.30pm. meets every third Friday of the month for a social catch-up and pint in friendly surrounds. It’s one of the largest MSC clubs in the UK and a founder member of the European Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs (ECMC). There are branches of MSC all over Europe. The forerunner to modern ‘gay’ clubs of today, the ECMC network was created 35 years ago and now, in 2010, there are 45 London Amateur Wrestling: The London Royals Hockey Team: Mixed hockey for all levels. or email iainkimmins115@ Out to Swim: 07090 422 526, Gay swimming group. MSC branches around the UK and mainland Europe, from Iceland to Estonia and from Norway to Italy. Individual groups organise events with the aim of attracting visitors from fellow clubs and generating a genuine feeling of solidarity amongst all European members. MSC London also organise special events for members and their friends in the form of two annual dinners and a summer Presidents London Raiders: Gay and lesbian softball club – both beginners and experienced players welcome. www. Stonewall Football Club: 07090 422 390. Sunday soccer. 3337. Counselling service. PACE: 0808 1807 223. Helpline open Monday 9.30am-12.30pm and Thursday 6.30-8.30pm, offering structured telephone counselling or 30-minute counseling sessions. Or email [email protected] HELPLINES POSITIVELINE: 0800-1696806. Broken Rainbow: LGBT Domestic Violence Helpline. 0300 999 5428 (Mon and Thurs, 2-8pm/Weds, 10am-1pm). Dazz-elle: 020 8257 3068. London drug/alcohol support. HIV info and counselling (weekdays: 11am-10pm and weekends: 4pm -10pm). www. Stonewall Housing Advice: 020 7359 5767. Stonewall infoline: London Lesbian & Gay Switchboard: 020 7837 7324 London Friend: 020 7837 ‘uniform’BBQ in August. They host visiting members from other ECMC clubs and attend various events around Europe. For more information visit the MSC London website www. or pop over to the East End and join them in the Princess of Prussia, 15 Prescot Street, E1 (near Aldgate, Aldgate East or Tower Hill tube), from 9pm on the third Friday of the month. Information on all LGB rights WANT TO GET LISTED? Please send listings to [email protected] $' =Cb\Sea <3EA UK NEWS GAY COUPLE TO SUE B&B OWNERS A gay couple who were refused a room at a B&B because of their sexuality are planning to sue the owners of the establishment. When Michael Black and John Morgan – from Brampton, Cambridgeshire – were turned away from the Swiss B&B in Cookham, Berkshire, the case was widely reported in the press – chiefly because such discrimination was outlawed by the previous Labour Government in the 2007 Equality Act. The couple are being represented in their action by civil liberties organisation Liberty. Legal director James Welch, “This isn’t about money for them. Their only motive is to prove the point that it is unlawful and should not have happened. If they win, they have said they will give any money to charity.” STONEWALL EQUALITY WALK BREAKS RECORDS PHOTOS © MAZ OGDEN NEWS FLASHES Rikki Beadle Blair and other Stonewall supporters VETERAN CAMPAIGNER ANTHONY GREY DIES One of the UK’s longest active and respected gay rights campaigners, Anthony Grey, has died at the age of 82. He passed away on 30 April at King Edward VII Hospital in London after suffering for several years from leukaemia. Grey, born Anthony Edgar Gartside Wright, began his campaigning work in the 1950s, joining the Homosexual Law Reform Society in 1958 and vigorously campaigning for the then government to push through the 1967 Sexual Offences Act, which decriminalised homosexual activity between consenting adults. He wrote several books on gay rights and sexuality, and later became involved with counselling and training work. He lived with his partner, Eric Thompson, for 50 years, and Mr Thompson described his death as “the end of an era”. Laura Doughty, Ben Summerskill and Guinivere Turner GAY SIN PREACHER ARRESTED A Christian street preacher in Workington, Cumbria was arrested (20 April) after claiming in public that homosexuality is a “sin”. Dale McAlpine, 42, says that he did not mention homosexuality while delivering his stepladder sermon, but made the comments when approached by a woman and asked to clarify his views. A Police Community Support Officer (PSCO) overheard the comments, and warned Mr McAlpine that he could be arrested if he said anything racist or homophobic. Mr McAlpine admits telling the PCSO – who identified himself as an LGBT liaison officer – that homosexuality is a sin. He was then arrested. He pleaded not guilty to breaching the Public Order Act. He was released on bail, but charges were later withdrawn. The decision to drop charges was – surprisingly – welcomed by gay rights activist Peter Tatchell, who spoke out in defence of Mr McAlpine’s right to freedom of speech. “Although I disagree with Dale McAlpine and support protests against his homophobic views, he should not have been arrested and charged. Criminalisation is a step too far. Despite my opposition to his opinions, I defend his right to freedom of expression.” MANCHESTER PRIDE TICKETS NOW ON SALE Tickets for this year’s Manchester Pride are now on sale. The four-day Big Weekend will take place on the August bank holiday weekend (27-30 August). Early bird tickets are offered at a reduced rate of £12.50 plus booking fee, and will be available until 30 June. After that date they’ll cost £17.50. Jackie Crozier, festival director of Manchester Pride, told Out In The City: “Last year saw a record number of tickets sold, with Pride raising £135,000 for LGBT organisations and groups. I’m extremely proud of this figure and I hope we can raise as much money this year. I would encourage as many people as possible to come along and enjoy our fun filled weekend which supports LGBT groups and HIV charities.” For more information, visit: % Some people are gay... beneath umbrellas Dragging up for equality! It’s been announced that the latest Stonewall Brighton Equality Walk raised a record amount for the gay equality charity. Taking place on Sunday 2 May, and supported by American Express, 350 walkers braved the wet and windy bank holiday weather to embark on the 10km walk. They were joined by joined former Coronation Street star Charlie Condou and Brighton’s Chief Superintendent Graham Bartlett, while celebrity hosts launching the event were L Word actress and screenwriter Guinevere Turner and Rikki Beadle-Blair, director of FIT – Stonewall’s anti-bullying film for schools. The route led along the seafront, through Brighton’s gay village and finished at Brighton’s R-Bar for the post walk party and prize giving. After the event, organizers said that a record £55,000 had been raised for the charity. “Stonewall’s work can make an even greater difference to the lives of young lesbian, gay and bisexual people around the country, thanks to the success of this year’s Equality Walk,’ said Laura Doughty, Stonewall’s Deputy Chief Executive. ‘Money raised by our supporters at this walk will enable us to develop materials that primary schools can use when teaching and celebrating different families.” For more details about Stonewall, check www. WALK FOR LIFE RETURNS This year’s Walk For Life is scheduled to take place on Sunday 6 June. The annual Crusaid fundraiser has plenty of celebrity support from the likes of Dannii Minogue, Paul O’Grady and Four Poofs and a Piano. Participants are expected to raise sponsorship and embark on a ten-kilometre walk, beginning at Potters Field Park (between London Bridge and City Hall). This will be the 21st Walk For Life, and organisers are hoping to top the £325,000 raised by the 2009 event. To celebrate its 21 years, the walk will be complemented this year with an after-walk party, featuring live music from The Feeling (pictured). For more details, check The Feeling =Cb\Sea <3EA NEWS FLASHES SAME SEX COUPLE HIT PROM IN STYLE INTERNATIONAL NEWS OUTSPOKEN: CHINA LIFTS HIV TRAVEL BAN JORDAN HAY Following the news that the United States was lifting its ban on people infected with HIV from entering the country (a change in U.S. law which came into effect in January 2010), the Chinese government has also now announced that it plans to overturn its own ban on foreign nationals with HIV from entering the country. The ban has been in place for the past 20 years. BELARUS Be]GSO`UW`ZaObOaQV]]ZW\;WZb]\9Sg\Sa[ORSO\S\b`O\QSObbVSW` >`][W\;OgeVS\bVSgRSQWRSRb]bc`\c^W\O@OW\P]eQ]Z]c`SR 2]cPZS2SQYS`Pca/[gAbW[^a]\O\RVS`T`WS\RB]^OhAObbOc`VOR`SOR \Seaab]`WSa]TaO[SaSfQ]c^ZSaPSW\UPO\\SRT`][VWUVaQV]]Z^`][a W\/[S`WQOPcbbVSW`aQV]]ZAVS\ZSg0`]]Y3\RVOaaV]e\bVS[P]bV ac^^]`b/[gOZa]ObbS\Ra?(OZZWO\QSOZ]QOZac^^]`bU`]c^T]`ZSaPWO\UOg PWaSfcOZO\Rb`O\a^S]^ZSBVSU`]c^^`]dWRSRbVSUW`ZaeWbVO·QO``WOUSb] bVSPOZZ¸eWbVORWTTS`S\QSW\bVST]`[]T@OW\P]e³·bVSPWUUSabUOgSabPca W\bVSe]`ZR¸@OW\P]eWaa^]\a]`SRPgZ]QOZ\WUVbQZcP>W\Y>c\bS`aO\R caSRT]`Z]QOZQ][[c\Wbge]`Y /[gSf^ZOW\SRV]ebVSWRSOQO[SOP]cb(µ>`][eOaQ][W\Uc^O\R7 RWR\¸bZWYSbVSWRSO]TOZW[]O\ReO\bSRb]R]a][SbVW\U[SO\W\UTcZ7V]^S bVWaW\a^W`Sa]bVS`bSS\OUS`ab]R]bVSaO[SW\bVSW`aQV]]Za¶ B]\g4S\eWQYQ]QVOW`]TAQV]]Za=cb^OWRb`WPcbSb]bVSUW`ZaO\RbVSW` aQV]]Z(µ7b¸ae]\RS`TcZb]aSSacQVO^]aWbWdSab]`gT]`OQVO\US/[gO\R B]^OhO`SO\W\a^W`ObW]\b]caOZZO\RVOba]TTb]bVSW`aQV]]ZT]`ac^^]`bW\U bVS[7Z]]YT]`eO`Rb]bVSROgeVS\aO[SaSfQ]c^ZSaW\SdS`gaQV]]ZTSSZ aOTSO\Rac^^]`bSRS\]cUVb]U]b]bVSW`^`][eWbV^`WRS¶ An impromptu Pride parade in the Belarus capital of Minsk ended in violence on Saturday 15 May 2010. Authorities had earlier ruled that Pride festivities could not go ahead, but a small number of gay activists decided to stage a small Pride demonstration. Reuters reports that local police broke up the march. Around 20 participants carried rainbow flags and signs, but police armed with batons moved in on them soon after the parade began, and took away several of those involved. ...AND FINALLY GAGA GOES FOR INTERNSHIP Gay icon and pop megastar Lady Gaga (pictured right) looks set to further develop her love of fashion further… by working as an intern for world-famous hat designer Philip Treacy! Vogue has reported that the bisexual singer is seeking to learn how to create her own unique headgear through working with the acclaimed milliner. The two have previously worked together on several headpieces to accompany Gaga’s extravagant stage outfits – including a wacky lobster headpiece. “The request came through quite a while ago,” a spokesperson for Treacy told Vogue. “They get on well and she has applied for an internship although nothing has been confirmed yet.” IMAGE © BBC ED BALLS IS EQUALITY FAVOURITE Following the resignation of Gordon Brown, and with the Labour Party set to decide upon its next leader, equal rights charity Stonewall has released details about the voting records of the most favoured contenders. The results are based on an analysis of 14 key votes on gay equality in the House of Commons between 2001 and 2010. Each candidate for the Labour leadership is ranked on the votes he could have cast during his time as an MP. Ed Balls, the former Education Secretary, scores 93%. Both David and Ed Miliband score 86%. Former health secretary Andy Burnham comes fourth, scoring just 71% after failing to support a range of equality measures during his nine years in Parliament. Full voting records are available at GRAHAM NORTON TAKES OVER JONATHAN ROSS’ RADIO SHOW The BBC has announced that Graham Norton (pictured left) is to take over the Saturday morning Radio 2 slot that will be left vacant by Jonathan Ross when his contract with the BBC expires this summer. Norton, who has recently covered for Chris Evans on the Radio 2 Breakfast show while the presenter was on holiday, will take over the Ross slot in October. Talking about his new role, he said: “I’m thrilled to be a part of it. My liver is also delighted that I’ll now have an excuse to leave the pub early on a Friday night.” CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF LEADING HIV AND AIDS CHARITY CRUSAID EXPLAINS WHY CRUSAID’S WORK IS SO IMPORTANT AND WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP PUT HIV AND AIDS ISSUES BACK ON THE NATIONAL AGENDA. As Chief Executive of Crusaid, I see the relationship between poverty and HIV on a daily basis. Although antiretroviral therapy treats the symptoms of HIV and can, in many cases keep people healthy, issues surrounding poverty still remain. Crusaid aims to break this link through targeted grants to address immediate need, thereby providing a stable platform from which individuals – or entire communities in the case of our international work – can lift themselves out of poverty. Since its creation, Crusaid’s work has helped to transform the lives of thousands of people living with this chronic illness. CRUSAID RECEIVES In the UK and internationally we NO GOVERNMENT offer vital help and hope to people living FUNDING AND with HIV and AIDS RELIES ENTIRELY experiencing poverty when they need it ON DONATIONS the most. It is our hope that, one day, AND MONEY THAT people affected by WE RAISE HIV and AIDS can live with dignity and have a decent quality of life. Crusaid receives no government funding and relies entirely on donations and money that we raise from our events such as Crusaid’s Walk For Life. The Walk is our single largest fundraising event and also Europe’s largest fundraising walk for HIV and AIDS. Since its launch in 1989, the event has raised millions of pounds to fight the global HIV and AIDS pandemic, with thousands joining us year after year for the 10km walk around central London taking in all the iconic sites. This year, Crusaid’s Walk for Life will celebrate its 21st Birthday and we are aiming to make the event bigger and better than ever before. We’ve got some exciting acts lined up for the after-walk party at Potters Fields Park. A number of other celebrity supporters will also be joining our walkers along the route helping us to raise important funds for people in hardship living with HIV and AIDS. Without the support of the public we would not be able to continue the vital work that we do. We’re really excited about the 21st Birthday of Crusaid’s Walk for Life and we want you there to help us to celebrate and raise much needed funds - we promise you a day out that you’ll never forget, and all for a fantastic cause. So please, get involved by registering now at www. for just £10. And spread the word – tell your friends, family and colleagues and even create your own walking team. The more the merrier – everyone is welcome! % =Cb\Sea <3EA NEWS FLASHES NEWS MALAWIAN COUPLE FOUND GUILTY A judge in Malawi has found a gay couple guilty of “unnatural acts and gross indecency” and sentenced them to 14 years in prison with hard labour. Steven Monjeza, 26, and Tiwonge Chimbalanga, 20, were arrested last December after throwing an ‘engagement party’ to celebrate their union. Homosexuality is outlawed in the southern African state, and the couple’s arrest and subsequent trial and treatment had drawn worldwide attention and condemnation. “I will give you a scaring sentence so that the public be protected from people like you, so that we are not tempted to emulate this horrendous example,” said Judge Nyakwawa Usiwa-Usiwa in the commercial capital, Blantyre. Veteran campaigner Peter Tatchell, who has been in contact with the men over the last few months, was amongst the first to denounce the guilty verdict. “This is an outrageous verdict. While Steven and Tiwonge freely confirmed their love for each other, there was no credible evidence that they had committed any illegal homosexual acts.” Michelle Kagari, deputy Africa director of Amnesty International, also called the sentence “an outrage”, and confirmed that the organization would continue to campaign to have the pair freed. Prior to the verdict, Tiwonge and Steven issued a defiant message from their prison cell. It affirmed their love for each other and thanked their supporters in both Malawi and worldwide. Tiwonge said: “I love Steven so much. If people or the world cannot give me the chance and freedom to continue living with him as my lover, then I am better off to die here in prison. Freedom without him is useless and meaningless.” POPE CALLS GAY MARRIAGE A ‘DANGEROUS THREAT’ The Pope has again spoken out against same-sex marriage, prompting anger among gay equality campaigners. During a visit to Fatima in Portugal, Pope Benedict said that same-sex marriage and abortion were “some of today’s most insidious and dangerous threats to the common good”, and called for the protection of the “family” based on the indissoluble marriage between a man and a woman.” Equality charity Stonewall were amongst those who criticised the remarks, with Director of Public Affairs Derek Munn telling the Daily Telegraph: “Some might say that it’s dangerous and insidious for the Pope to spend so much time publicly belittling gay, lesbian and bisexual people.” HOME OFFICE CRITICIZED FOR FAILING LGBT ASYLUM SEEKERS A report by the UK Lesbian and Gay Immigration Group (UKLGIG) has concluded that approximately 98-99% of asylum claims by LGBT people are being refused by the British Government, compared against 73% of claims made on other grounds. The report, entitled Failing The Grade, was highly-critical of the Home Office, and was based upon a review of 50 Home Office Reason for Refusal letters issued between 2005 and 2009 to claimants from 19 different countries who claimed asylum on the basis of their sexual orientation. The report does not purport to be a definitive piece of research but rather a study that indicates trends emerging from the Home Office’s consideration of LGBT asylum claims. Definitive statistics relating to LGBT asylum seekers are not known. In 2008, Scottish activist Robert McDowell asked the Home Office in a Freedom Of Information request how many LGBT asylum claims had been made the previous year, but was informed that the specific information he had requested was not collected and would be too expensive to retrieve. % GAY CANDIDATES GET AHEAD IN ELECTION ghghghghgh hghghghghgh hghghghghh hghghghgh hghghghhg ghghhghg On a largely positive night for many gay parliamentary candidates, Margot James became the first openly lesbian Conservative candidate to join parliament during the recent General Election. The most closely fought election in decades resulted in the Labour Government leaving office, and a Conservative Margot James and Liberal Democrat coalition taking power – after much post-election deal brokering. Conservative leader David Cameron became Prime Minister, with Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg as his Deputy Prime Minister. Margot James became the MP for Stourbridge in the West Midlands, convincingly beating the sitting Labour MP, Lynda Waltho, by over 5,000 votes. She becomes only the second openly lesbian MP in Parliament, after Angela Eagle, the Labour MP for Wallasey, who managed to hold on to her seat with an increased majority. Several gay Conservative MPs also held on to their seats, including Alan Duncan (Rutland and Melton, East Midlands), Nick Herbert (Arundel and South Downs, South East) and Greg Barker (Bexhill and Battle). Mr Duncan has now been appointed International Development Minister, while Mr Herbert has been appointed Policing Minister. On the Labour benches, Ben Bradshaw held on to his seat in Exeter, despite a strong challenge from the local Conservative candidate. Chris Bryant, MP for the Rhondda in Wales, comfortably retained his seat, taking over 55% of the local vote. Tory high-flyer Philippa Stroud, who, it was recently alleged, had once help found a church in Bedford in the late 1980s that “tried to ‘cure’ homosexuals by driving out their ‘demons’ through prayer” – failed to win her seat in Sutton and Cheam which was held by the Liberal Democrats. However, Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling, who recently expressed the view that people who run Bed & Breakfast establishments in their own home should perhaps be allowed to turn away gay customers if they so wish, managed to retain Ben Bradshaw his Epsom seat with a slightly increased majority. However, it’s believed that his comments may have cost him a promotion to the position of Home Secretary. Instead, the position of Home Secretary and Equalities Minister has been given to Theresa May – an appointment that has surprised and dismayed some gay rights campaigners. News website was among the first to highlight the fact that Mrs May has voted against LGBT equal rights on several occasions in the past. She has voted against the equalisation of the age of consent, against the repeal of Section 28, and against gay couples being able to jointly adopt. She has since defended her appointment to the role, promising to tackle inequalities across the board; “What we intend to do in government is taking forward an agenda on equalities across the whole range of equalities.” She highlighted homophobic bullying in schools as a particular area that needed attention. Out In The City interviewed four gay Prospective Parliamentary Candidates in its May issue, but all four of them failed to win their contested seats. These included Andrew Pakes (Labour candidate for Milton Keynes North), David Gold (Conservative candidate for Eltham), Jonathan Fryer (Liberal Democrat candidate in Poplar and Limehouse) and Christopher WarleighLack (Green candidate for Ealing North). =Cb\Sea 1/@33@ THE EQUALITY BILL AND YOU ;/@9>/:;3@32531C;03B/93A/1:=A3@:==9/BB63A7<5:3 3?C/:7B73A/1B/<2E6/B7B;756B;3/<4=@G=C Mark Palmer-Edgecumbe is the founder of Ari Consulting, and is one of the world’s leading diversity professionals, having been the Global Head of Diversity at Barclays Group. 7b[WUVbVOdSSaQO^SRg]c`\]bWQSPcbW\bVS RgW\UROga]TbVSZOab^O`ZWO[S\bbVS[]ab aWU\WTWQO\b^WSQS]TS_cOZWbWSaZSUWaZObW]\b]PS ^OaaSRW\bVSZOabRSQORSPSQO[SZOe E6/B7AB63A7<5:33?C/:7BG/1B/Za]Y\]e\OabVS3_cOZWbg0WZZbVS/QbP`W\Ua b]USbVS`OZZbVSSfWabW\US_cOZWbWSaZSUWaZObW]\ Q]dS`W\UbVSRWTTS`S\bOa^SQba]TRWaQ`W[W\ObW]\ O\RORRaa][S\SeZOeaeWbVbVSOW[]T Q`SObW\UOTOW`S`a]QWSbg]cbZOeW\URWaQ`W[W\ObW]\ ]\bVSU`]c\Ra]TaSfcOZ]`WS\bObW]\OUS`OQS 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PLACE TO BE: VICTORIA ;=@3B6/<8CAB/@/7:AB/B7=<D71B=@7/=443@A>:3<BG 4=@B6=A3E6=1/</44=@27BA@3A723<B7/:>@713A/A 8=6<=¸13/::/75627A1=D3@A¬ C\ZWYSa][S]TbVS[]`SacPc`PO\ ]cb^]abaeSa][SbW[SaTSObc`SW\ bVWaaSQbW]\Wb¸a[]`S]`ZSaaQS`bOW\ bVObg]c¸dS^OaaSRbV`]cUVDWQb]`WOOb a][SabOUS 9\]e\^`W[O`WZgT]`bVSW\\c[S`OPZS b`O\a^]`bZW\YabVObabS[T`][WbadO`W]ca abObW]\aDWQb]`WOWaV][Sb]:]\R]\¸a PWUUSabQ]OQVabObW]\bVSaSQ]\R[]ab caSR`OWZeOgbS`[W\caW\bVSQ]c\b`g OTbS`EObS`Z]]O\RbVSQO^WbOZ¸aPcaWSab c\RS`U`]c\RabObW]\<SO`Zg&[WZZW]\ ^OaaS\US`acaSbVSc\RS`U`]c\RabObW]\ SOQVgSO` 6]eSdS`RSa^WbSb`O\a^]`bZW\YabVObO`S []`S]`ZSaac\`WdOZZSRDWQb]`WO`S[OW\a ZO`USZgORSabW\ObW]\T]`]TTWQSe]`YS`a O\RQ][[cbS`aZWdW\UTc`bVS`OTWSZR `ObVS`bVO\OPOaST]`^S]^ZSZ]]YW\Ub] ZWdSQS\b`OZZg :]QObSRS\bW`SZgeWbVW\bVS1Wbg]T ESab[W\abS`DWQb]`WO¸aZW[WbSRQ]\TW\Sa SfQSZZS\bb`O\a^]`bZW\YaO\RQS\b`OZ VICTORIA WHAT YOU CAN BUY IN THE AREA 01 WILTON ROAD, SW1V £195,000 This first-floor studio (right) apartment is housed in a purpose-built block. Foxtons: 020 7591 9000 %& Z]QObW]\[SO\O\gOdOWZOPZSa^OQSVS`S WaVWUVZgdOZcSRPgPcaW\SaaSaO\RWa UWdS\^`W[O`WZgb]]TTWQSRSdSZ]^[S\b `ObVS`bVO\`SaWRS\bWOZ^`]^S`bg0cb `SaWRS\QSaVS`SR]]QQOaW]\OZZgPSQ][S OdOWZOPZSO\RbV]aSeV]ZWdSW\bVSO`SO O`SWRSOZZg^ZOQSRb]S\X]gbVSPSab bVOb:]\R]\VOab]]TTS`/Za]UWdS\ Wba^`]fW[Wbgb]ESab[W\abS`Wb¸a\]b ac`^`WaW\UbVObaSdS`OZ;>aVOdSbVSW` :]\R]\`SaWRS\QWSaVS`S 1cZbc`OZ^c`Waba]`TO\a]T[caWQOZa QO\TW\R[]`S`O`STWSRS\bS`bOW\[S\b \SO`Pg³DWQb]`WOWaOZa]bVSZ]QObW]\]T be]^`SabWUW]cabVSOb`Sa)bVS/^]ZZ] DWQb]`WOBVSOb`SV][Sb]EWQYSR O\RbVSDWQb]`WO>OZOQSBVSOb`S 0WZZg3ZZW]b7b¸aO\W[^`SaaWdS`O\US]T O[S\WbWSaT]`a]a[OZZO\O`SOO\RbVS _cO`bS`¸aRSaW`OPWZWbgWa`STZSQbSRW\bVS ^`WQSaQVO`USRT]`^`]^S`bWSaVS`S4ZOba bS``OQSaaS[WRSbOQVSRO\RRSbOQVSR ^`]^S`bWSaQO\OZZSOaWZgU]T]`[]`S bVO\[WZZW]\O\R]TbS\Q]abTO`[]`S /aeSZZOaW[[SRWObSOQQSaab]SdS`g bVO\bVOb ]bVS`^O`b]TbVSQWbgQS\b`S`SaWRS\ba O`SQZ]aSb]bVSU`SS\a^OQSaO\RZOYSa BVS`SO`S]bVS`PS\STWbab]ZWdW\U\SO`Pg b]]<SeAQ]bZO\RGO`RWaZ]QObSRPg ]T0cQYW\UVO[>OZOQS5O`RS\aO\RAb 8O[Sa>O`YeVWZSROgb]ROg\SQSaaWbWSa DWQb]`WOa]WTg]cTOZZdWQbW[b]Q`W[Sg]c aV]cZRW\bVS]`gObZSOabPSOaac`SR]TO O`SOZa]Z]QObSR\SO`Pg a^SSRg`Sa^]\aSBT:[SO\eVWZSWaOZa] AbWZZ`SZObWdSZg\Se1O`RW\OZ>ZOQS VSOR_cO`bS`SR\SO`Pga]³]\SV]^Sa aV]^^W\UQS\b`SWa]\S]TbVSTZOUaVW^ aV]^^W\URSabW\ObW]\aW\bVSZ]QOZWbgeWbV ³O\g^`]PZS[bVObab`WYSabVWa[]ab OTZOUaVW^;O`YaA^S\QS`ab]`SO\RbVS ^Wd]bOZ]Tc\RS`U`]c\RabObW]\aWaZWYSZg b]PSRSOZbeWbV_cWQYZg cacOZOZZ]QObW]\]TVWUVab`SSbP`O\Ra 02 PEABODY ESTATE, SW1V £355,000 03 ROCHESTER ROW, SW1P £995,000 Situated within a distinctive and well-maintained period mansion block on Vauxhall Bridge Road, this onebedroom, fourth-floor flat (right) is located just moments from Victoria Station - and also perfect for the nearby clubs and bars of Vauxhall. Foxtons: 020 7591 9000 Spacious and stylish, this three-bedroom maisonette is spread over three floors. As well as offering all standard amenities, the property has a separate shower room and guest cloakroom. It’s close to both Victoria and the river Thames. Foxtons: 020 7591 9000 THE LIBRARY BUCKINGHAM PALACE ROAD, SW1W Located within Rubens Hotel, The Library’s classic British menu make it a popular spot for a traditional feed. We recommend the Dover sole with chives and butter. THE STAG 15 BRESSENDEN PLACE, SW1E The only gay bar in SW1, The Stag’s popularity doesn’t rest on its monopoly. It offers a reliably raucous night out for locals and visitors to the area. ABOVE THE STAG, 15 BRESSENDEN PLACE, SW1E Directly above The Stag, obviously, this intimate fringe theatre stages a constantly changing programme of off-kilter productions. =CbV]caS >@=2C1BA 01 02 WE WANT B67A;=<B6¸A6=B >@=2C1BA4=@B636=;3 04 01 MÜLLER TROLLEY Strikingly elegant and reliably robust, Müller’s range of furniture is simple and stylish, as exemplified by this tea trolley. Made of handcrafted sheet metal, the unit is light in weight and features casters for easy manoeuvrability, while the highgloss surface is easily cleaned. Handy if you happen to drop clotted cream upon it. £383 & 02 ESPRESSO SET Espresso cups are usually boring, but this set of six mirrored espresso cups and saucers does revitalise what has always been an inconspicuous component of the crockery cupboard. Available from homeware and furniture store Dwell, the individual pieces are made from mirror-coated porcelain. 03 LA BOHÈME STOOL Italian company Kartell have won a legion of loyal fans and seen celebrity designers clamour to collaborate with them. Developed in partnership with Philippe Starck the ‘La Bohème’ stools shown here have been moulded from polycarbonate to resemble giant vases and come in a series of five translucent colours. £34.95 £91 WORDS BY JOHN O’ CEALLAIGH 03 =CbV]caS >@=2C1BA 05 06 07 08 04 BREAD BIN Why exactly do they call them ‘bins’ – isn’t that where you put mouldy rubbish? Disregarding the dodgy etymology of the product, this stylish storage solution is one of those hard-to-find pieces that manages to make a kitchen look both homely and modern. And flip it over and it functions as a slicing board. 05 MEASURING JUG Further ingenuity from Joseph Joseph comes in the form of this two-in-one measuring jug. Using a clever dual-chamber design, the smaller container accurately measures liquids from as little as 5ml (a single teaspoon), while larger volumes are measured by turning the jug upside down and using the larger chamber. 06 ‘DISCS’ BOWL As containers go we have to admit that this bowl isn’t the most practical – the series of discs that make up its form leave ample space for keys and random household minutiae to slip through the cracks. As a fruit bowl or ornamental focal point, however, the affordable John Rocha design gets full marks. 07 OTTO FAN Last year’s Met Office promise of a “barbecue summer” never came to fruition but optimists with cash to spare can invest in this Carlo Borer-designed fan. Solid and stylish, its three separate speed settings should be enough to cool you down whether this year’s summer turns out to be muggy, middling or mild. 08 SOLAR-POWERED LAMP An indoor lamp that’s powered by sunlight sounds about as useful as a chocolate fireguard but those savvy Swedes at IKEA have had another bright idea with this Solig table lamp. Placed outside, the lamp’s solar panel absorbs and stores energy, emitting approximately three hours of light once darkness falls. £42 £8 £17.60 £220 £19.99 &! =Cb\Sea /2D3@B=@7/: GO WEST MIDLANDS 0@=;4=@26=;3A7AA3BB=:/C<164=C@<3E23D3:=>;3<BA =D3@B63<3FBA7F;=<B6A0@7<57<5;C16<33232/44=@2/0:3 6=CA7<5B=B63E3AB;72:/<2A BVSC9¸aaSQ]\RZO`USabQWbg 0W`[W\UVO[eWZZPS^cZZW\UW\ bV]caO\Ra]TUOgdWaWb]`a]dS` bVSZObS;OgPO\YV]ZWROgeWbV WbaO\\cOZ>`WRSTSabWdOZ '! ;OgEVSbVS`g]cZWdSZ]QOZZg ]`TSSZg]c`aSZTbS[^bSRPgWba []`S^S`[O\S\bObb`OQbW]\a bVSQWbg]TTS`aQ]\aWRS`OPZg QVSO^S`V]caW\UbVO\:]\R]\ ³^O`bWQcZO`ZgWTg]cSf^Z]`SaVO`SR ]e\S`aVW^aQVS[SaT`][bVS ZWYSa]T0`][T]`R6]caW\UeVWQV VOa`SQS\bZgc\dSWZSRSfQWbW\U \SeRSdSZ]^[S\baW\bVSESab ;WRZO\Ra =dS`bVS\SfbaWf[]\bVabVS V]caW\U^`]dWRS`eWZZVOdSO `O\US]T"^`]^S`bWSaOdOWZOPZSOb RSdSZ]^[S\baW\ESab0`][eWQV <c\SOb]\0`WRU\]`bVO\RAbSQVT]`R W\0W`[W\UVO[eWbV^`WQSaabO`bW\U T`][Xcab "!%#caW\UWba]e\ 4ZSfW^c`QVOaSaQVS[S BVSO\\]c\QS[S\bQ][SaOTbS` 0`][T]`R`SQ]`RSROaWU\WTWQO\b W\Q`SOaSW\bVS\c[PS`]TS\_cW`WSa &" T]`OTT]`ROPZSV][SaPSbeSS\ 8O\cO`gO\R;O`QV AOZSaRW`SQb]`0Sd6OZZaOWR( µES¸ZZPSZOc\QVW\UO`O\US]T\Se RSdSZ]^[S\ba]dS`bVSQ][W\U []\bVa]TTS`W\U^S]^ZSOQ`]aabVS ESab;WRZO\RaO\OTT]`ROPZS`]cbS b]eO`RaV][S]e\S`aVW^¶ BVSbe]bV`SSO\RT]c`PSR`]][ V]caSaO\Rbe]PSR`]][ O^O`b[S\baeWZZPSOdOWZOPZSb]Pcg bV`]cUV0`][T]`R6][Sa¸aVO`SR ]e\S`aVW^]`B`g0ST]`SG]c0cg aQVS[SaRSaWU\SRb]UWdS^S]^ZS O`SOZWabWQOZbS`\ObWdSb]PcgW\U ]cb`WUVb 0SdS`ZSgSf^ZOW\SR(µAVO`SR ]e\S`aVW^OZZ]eaPcgS`ab] ^c`QVOaSOaVO`S]TPSbeSS\ # O\R%#^S`QS\b^OgW\UO`SRcQSR `S\b]\bVS]cbabO\RW\UPOZO\QS µB`g0ST]`SG]c0cgOZZ]ea^S]^ZS b]`S\bO\SePcWZR^`]^S`bgPSZ]e bVSQc``S\b[O`YSb`S\bc\bWZbVSg QO\OTT]`Rb]^c`QVOaSOaVO`S µ=c`bSO[]T^`]TSaaW]\OZaOZSa ORdWaS`aeWZZPS]\VO\Rb]UcWRS Birmingham ^`]a^SQbWdSV][S]e\S`abV`]cUV bVSdO`W]ca]^bW]\aOdOWZOPZS¶ 0`][T]`R5`]c^VOaPSS\ O`]c\RT]`]dS`"gSO`aO\RVOa RSdSZ]^SROTW`abQZOaaPcaW\Saa eWbVOb`OQY`SQ]`RT]`aS`dWQS SfQSZZS\QSO\R]cbabO\RW\U ^S`T]`[O\QS7b¸aOZSORW\U^`]dWRS` ]TOTT]`ROPZSV][SaO\RQO`S O\Rac^^]`baS`dWQSabV`]cUV]cb QS\b`OZ3\UZO\RA]cbV;WRZO\Ra O\RbVSQ]c\bWSab]bVSA]cbVESab O\RA]cbV3OabeWbV]dS` !# V][SaW\[O\OUS[S\b BVS\SeRSdSZ]^[S\baO`S Sf^SQbSRb]ZOc\QVT`][8c\S/ZZ ^`]^S`bWSaeWZZPS\SeZgPcWZbO\R Q]dS`SRPgbVS<ObW]\OZ6]caS 0cWZRW\U1]c\QWZ¸a<601gSO` eO``O\bg B]TW\R]cb[]`SOP]cb0`][T]`R 6][SaO\RWbac^Q][W\U^`]^S`bg RSdSZ]^[S\baQOZZ]\&"#$ &%&]`dWaWbbVSeSPaWbSOb( eeeP`][T]`RV][SaQ]cY AVO`Sa]TPSbeSS\ #%#^S` QS\bOdOWZOPZSb]PcgbV`]cUV 0`][T]`R6][Sa¸4ZSfW>c`QVOaS aQVS[SW\QZcRW\UaVO`SR ]e\S`aVW^O\RB`g0ST]`SG]c 0cg;]\bVZg`S\bO\RaS`dWQS QVO`USaOZa]O^^Zg=TTS`acPXSQb b]bS`[aO\RQ]\RWbW]\a &# =Cb`c\ ;=B=@7<5 CRUISING FASTEST EVER FERRARI /2@7/<4=AB3@27A1=D3@AB639=2/G3B77A4/@ 4@=;/0=;7</0:3 7VOdSPSS\Y\]e\b]VSO^aQ]`\]\QO` [O\cTOQbc`S`aeV]`caVb]^`]RcQSa] QOZZSR·a]Tb`]ORS`a¸³"f"Z]]YOZWYSabVObO`S RSaWU\SRT]`bVSaQV]]Z`c\O\ReWZZ\SdS`R`WdS ]\O\gbVW\U]bVS`bVO\bO`[OQ6]eSdS`W\ 8O\cO`gbVSVSOdga\]eaUOdSbVSY]ROGSbWO QVO\QSb]ZWdSc^b]Wba\O[S bVSa[]]bV^]eS`TcZ&BAW[]RSZeSbSabSR BVS`S¸abVS]^bW]\]TO\SZSQb`WQ^O\]`O[WQUZOaa ac\`]]TeVWQVab`SbQVSa\SO`ZgbVSS\bW`SZS\UbV ]TbVS`]]TUWdW\UbVSW\bS`W]`O\SdS\ZWUVbS`TSSZ RUGGED 1VO\QSaO`Sg]c¸ZZ\SdS`caSbVSGSbW¸a]TT `]ORR`WdW\UagabS[aPcbWTg]cTO\QgOZWbbZS VWZZQZW[PW\UWb¸aO\O[OhW\U[OQVW\S;]ab]T caO`S]TT`]OR\]dWQSaa]bVSGSbWbOYSaQO`S ]TbVS[cRRgabcTT]\Wba]e\bVO\Yab]T]c` eVSSZR`WdSQ]c^ZSReWbVa][SaS`W]caZgQZSdS` SZSQb`]\WQb`WQYS`g3aaS\bWOZZgg]c^`SaabVS·]TT `]OR¸Pcbb]\O\RbVSQO`Ocb][ObWQOZZg`SUcZObSa bVSbV`]bbZSP`OYSaO\RabOPWZWbgQ]\b`]Zb]UcWRS g]cc^R]e\]`bV`]cUVeVObSdS`g]cTW\R g]c`aSZTabcQYW\BVS`SWaObe]eVSSZR`WdS dS`aW]\O\RT]`[]ab]Tg]cbVOb¸ZZPS^S`TSQbZg ORS_cObSESaO[^ZSRbVS&ZWb`SBAW^Sb`]Z TW\WaVSRW\TSbQVW\U1]``WRO`SRW\T]c`eVSSZ R`WdSR`WdST]`[³bVS]\SeS¸R`SQ][[S\RWT g]cQO\ab`SbQVOZWbbZSTc`bVS` :Sb¸aPSV]\SabbVSGSbW¸abOZZ`WRSVSWUVbb]cUV aca^S\aW]\O\Rc^b]aSdS\OW`POUaWaWRSOZ OaO\c`PO\`c\OP]cb/\RbVS`S¸aZ]ba]TP]]b a^OQSb]]a]g]cQO\Z]ORc^eWbVa^]`baYWb PWYSabVSR]UO\RaV]^^W\U8]W\W\UbVSZWYSa]T bVS<WaaO\?OaV_OW4]`R9cUOO\R6]\RO1@D bVSGSbWQ][SaeWbVSWbVS`T`]\beVSSZ]`T]c` eVSSZR`WdSOZbV]cUVY]ROSf^SQbabVS[OX]`Wbg ]TC9PcgS`ab]]^bT]`be]eVSSZR`WdSabO`bW\U T`][PSZ]e" SUPERB RIDE BVS`SO`ST]c`b`W[ZSdSZa(3AA3O\R3ZSUO\QS /ag]c\]eSf^SQbT`][Y]ROSdS\bVSPOaS []RSZQ][SaeWbVORSQS\bZSdSZ]TS_cW^[S\b W\QZcRW\UVSWUVbO\R`SOQVdO`WOPZSabSS`W\U eVSSZb`W^Q][^cbS`O\RSZSQb`WQOZZgORXcabOPZS VSObSRR]]`[W``]`a/ZbV]cUVWb[WUVb\]bZ]]Y ^O`bWQcZO`ZgPWUT`][bVS]cbaWRSbVS`S¸aZ]ba]T `]][W\aWRSO\RU]]R`SO`^OaaS\US`a^OQS :SU`]][QO\PSOZWbbZSbWUVbeWbVaWfT]]bS`a aWbbW\UW\bVST`]\bPcbbVS`S¸a^ZS\bg]TVSOR O\RaV]cZRS`a^OQSO\RbVSaZWUVbZg`OWaSRaSOba UWdSOU]]RdWSe]cbT]`aV]`bS`^OaaS\US`a BVS`SO`SbV`SSW\RWdWRcOZaSObaW\bVSPOQYPcb bVS[WRRZS]\SWa_cWbS\O``]eO\RTW`[a]Wb¸a \]bWRSOZT]`Z]\Ub`W^aBVSac^S`P`WRS[SO\a []b]`eOgX]c`\SgaO`SQ][T]`bOPZSVSZ^SR PgZWbbZSeW\R]`S\UW\S\]WaS^O`bWQcZO`Zga]W\ &$ ALL-TERRAIN DRIVING WOULD WE BUY ONE? BVSa[]]bV`WRSUcbag^S`T]`[O\QSO\R b]^\]bQV`STW\S[S\b[OYSbVSY]ROGSbW Q][T]`bOPZSO\R`SZOfW\Ub]R`WdS7b¸aU`SObT]` QO``gW\U^OaaS\US`abVO\Yab]O[OaaWdSQOPW\ O\RdS`aObWZSaSObW\UO\RbVS`cUUSRabgZW\U eWZZO^^SOZb]OeWRS`O\US]TPcgS`a=\bVS R]e\aWRSbVSTcSZSQ]\][g]TbVS&ZWb`S^Sb`]Z dS`aW]\eSbSabSReOaRWaO^^]W\bW\UPcbaSS[a \]bOPZgPSbbS`W\RWSaSZS\UW\SdO`WO\ba6]eSdS` Q][^O`SRb]Wba`WdOZaWb]TTS`adOZcSbVObTSeQO\ [ObQV Range price: from £13,990 OTR For information visit: VOLKSWAGEN TO WATCH It’s called Spaceleader, and follows in a series of Fortis watches using spacey names since the ’70s. Why Volkswagen should lend its name and design team is anyone’s guess, but the result is a rather slick shape with the purity of line of the cars they manufacture and the technical know-how of a Swiss watchmaker. Presented in a polished steel case behind anti-dazzle sapphire glass, the automatic chronograph with its striking black dial and contrasting white accents is embedded in a black coautchouc rubber strap with a butterfly folding clasp. We quite like the styling, although the instrument face is a little cluttered and the sheer thickness of the watch might be a problem for some. Two thousand and twelve of these awardwinning watches will make it to the marketplace: a limited edition designed to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Fortis watches. Price: £3,240 (estimated) Visit: WORDS BY ADRIAN FOSTER/DRIVELINES COMING IN FROM THE COLD The Ferrari GTO is back. A scorching version of the 599 GTB Fiorano supercar is set to wear the Prancing Horse’s most famous initials for the first time in a quarter of a century. The 599 GTO will effectively be a road-going version of the track-only £1million Ferrari 599XX. Chiefly by raising the rev-limit of the 599’s Enzo-derived 6-litre V12 to 9000rpm, power has been boosted to a whopping 700bhp – an increase of 89bhp over the standard car. And with quicker gear changes (down from 100 milliseconds to around 60), expect the 060mph time to tumble from 3.7sec to around 3.2, while the top speed (205mph in the 599 HGTE) could rise to an Enzo-rivalling 217mph. That means there’s a very real chance the 599 GTO could be Ferrari’s fastest ever road car. The UK is set to get 50 cars, priced at £300K each, with deliveries expected to begin shortly. Price: from £300,000 Visit: cars =CbeO`R B@/D3: VIVA VEGAS 272G=CB67<9:/AD35/AE/A/::/0=CB5/;0:7<5-2/D726C2A=< 27A1=D3@A/23A3@B17BGB6/B7A1=<B7<C7<5B=3D=:D3/<25@=E¬ :OaDSUOaWa]\S]TbV]aSQWbWSaeWbVO e]`ZReWRS`S^cbObW]\3dS\WTg]c¸dS\SdS` dWaWbSRbVS^ZOQSg]c¸ZZVOdSO\WRSOOP]cbeVOb WbVOab]]TTS`6]eSdS`eVObWbVOab]]TTS`Wa QVO\UW\UO\RWb¸aQVO\UW\UTOabBVS<SdORO QWbg¸a^]^cZObW]\VOaOZ[]abR]cPZSRW\bVSZOab bS\gSO`a\]ec^b]O`]c\R%#[WZZW]\T]`bVS U`SObS`[Sb`]^]ZWbO\O`SOO\RWb¸aQc``S\bZg V]abW\U[]`SdWaWb]`abVO\SdS`³]TTS`W\U a][SbVW\UW\bVS`SUW]\]T$#UcSab`]][a OQ`]aabVSQWbgB]aObWaTgacQVOVWUVbc`\]dS`]T Sf^S`WS\QSVc\U`gb]c`WabaWbVOaSf^O\RSRO\R RWdS`aWTWSRWbaObb`OQbW]\aO\RWa_cWQYZgSRUW\U b]eO`Ra]TTS`W\Ua][SbVW\UT]`SdS`g]\S³\]b ZSOabWba[O\g:50BdWaWb]`a 6]eRWRbVS:OaDSUOaPSQ][SbVSQWbgWbWa b]ROg-BVSRWab`WQbeOaT]c\RSRW\'#O\R WbSO`\SRWbac\W_cS`S^cbObW]\bV`]cUVOaS`WSa ]TYSgVWab]`WQ[][S\ba7\bVSSO`Zg'a Z]QOZOcbV]`WbWSaZSUOZWaSRUO[PZW\UW\bVSabObS ³ZSORW\Ub]bVSO``WdOZ]TbVSSO`ZgQOaW\]a7\ bVS'!aO\]bVS`ZOeQVO\US[SO\bbVObWb PSQO[SbVS]\ZgQWbgW\bVSC\WbSRAbObSaeVS`S g]cQ]cZRUSb[O``WSReWbV]cbO\g\]bWQS^S`W]R O\ReWbV]cb\SSRW\UOPZ]]RbSabESRRW\U QVO^SZaa^`c\Uc^³Ob`ORWbW]\bVObQ]\bW\cSa b]bVWaROgeWbV[O\gV]bSZaOZa]]TTS`W\UZOdWaV eSRRW\UaOZ]\aO\RaS`dWQSaBVSQOaW\]a Q]\bW\cSRb]a^`SORRc`W\UbVS"aO\R#a PcbbVS`Sa]`bc\RS`eS\ba][SbVW\U]TOZcZZc\bWZ bVSO``WdOZ]T1OSaO`¸a>OZOQSW\bVSZObS$aBVS WQ]\WQSabOPZWaV[S\beOaQ]\aWRS`OPZga[OZZS` bVO\WbWa\]eOROga³WbVOaPSS\`S^SObSRZg SfbS\RSRb]bVS^]W\beVS`SWb\]e]TTS`aO abOUUS`W\U#UcSab`]][a =bVS`ac^S`V]bSZaT]ZZ]eSReWbVbVS;W`OUS W\'&']TTS`W\U!`]][aO\ROb]bOZ`Sa]`b Sf^S`WS\QSBVWaeOaT]ZZ]eSRPgbVSS`O]T ·bVS[SV]bSZa¸W\bVSSO`Zg'aacQVOa3fQOZWPc` bVS^g`O[WRaVO^SR:cf]`B`SOac`S7aZO\RO\R DS\SbWO\Q][^ZSbSeWbVW\R]]`QO\OZaBVS 0SZZOUW]`OWaSRbVSPO`Tc`bVS`W\Q]`^]`ObW\UO V]ab]TZcfc`g`SbOWZS`aacQVOa1VO\SZO\R5cQQW BVSO``WdOZ]TbVSEg\\W\ #VS`OZRSRO\Se S`OW\V]bSZa<]Z]\US`·bVS[SR¸OaacQVPcb ]TTS`W\UW\Q`SRWPZSZSdSZa]TZcfc`gS\bS`bOW\[S\b O\RRWhhgW\UW\bS`W]`RSaWU\7beOaT]ZZ]eSRPg aWabS`V]bSZ3\Q]`SO\RbVS\bVS\Se1Wbg1S\bS` RSdSZ]^[S\bW\ '³]TTS`W\U/`WOO\RDRO`O µESbV]cUVbOP]cbeV]Wa\¸bQ][W\Ub]:Oa DSUOaO\ReVg¶Sf^ZOW\a2OdWR5]\hOZShO >cPZWQ@SZObW]\a;O\OUS`T]`bVS;5;;W`OUS U`]c^eVS\bOZYW\UOP]cbbVSSd]ZcbW]\]T DSUOaV]bSZa DRO`OO\;5;;W`OUS`Sa]`bWa^]aaWPZgbVS e]`ZR¸aPWUUSabP]cbW_cSV]bSZ/Z[]abc\W_cSZg && W\DSUOaWbVOa\]QOaW\]O\RTSObc`Saab`WYW\U []RS`\O`bbV`]cUV]cbWba^cPZWQO`SOa 4]`bVSbW[SPSW\UbVS1Wbg1S\bS` RSdSZ]^[S\baO`SZWYSZgb]PSbVSZOab[OX]` V]bSZaT]`a][SbW[SBVSUZ]POZ`SQSaaW]\^cb O\S\Rb]Tc`bVS`^ZO\aO\R[O\gW\aWRS`aPSZWSdS bVObbV]aS$#UcSab`]][O`SS\]cUVT]` bVSbW[SPSW\UBVS`SeWZZ\SSRb]PSO\]bVS` ac`USW\dWaWb]`\c[PS`aPST]`S[O\g[]`Sac^S` V]bSZaO`SeO``O\bSR ;]abUcSab`]][aO`SQVSO^:cfc`W]ca`]][aOb 3\Q]`SabO`bObXcab 'O\WUVbO`]c\R%#& eVWZSg]cQO\`S^]`bSRZgUSbOdS`g\WQS`]][ Oba][S]TbVS]ZRS`V]bSZaT]`OaZWbbZSOa"O \WUVb;]abSabOPZWaV[S\baeO\bb]a^S\Rg]c` []\SgW\bVSQOaW\]abVSOb`Sa]``SabOc`O\baO\R a]YSS^bVSW``]][`ObSaRSZWPS`ObSZgZ]e GSabVS`S¸abVSUO[PZW\UPcb\]eOROgaDSUOa ]TTS`aa][cQV[]`ST]`bVSRWaQS`\W\Ub`OdSZZS`/ abOgOb1OSaO`¸a>OZOQSOZa]\]eW\QZcRSaOQQSaa b]BVS4]`c[[OZZ³O\Sf^O\aWdSaSZSQbW]\ ]Tab]`SabVObW\QZcRSaacQVZcfc`g`SbOWZS`aOa 0c`PS``g1V`WabWO\2W]`4S\RWO\RDS`aOQS DSUOaP]OababVSZO`USab:cWaDcWbb]\ab]`SW\ <]`bV/[S`WQOO\Rbe]]TbVSZO`USab]cbZSba ]TBWTTO\g¸aO\RB][4]`R7Tg]c¸`SaS`W]ca OP]cbg]c`RSaWU\S`ZOPSZa:OaDSUOaeWZZ[]`S bVO\YSS^g]caObSR3dS\PO`UOW\Vc\bS`aQO\ VOdSOTWSZRROg8c[^W\OQOPO\RVSORT]`bVS >`S[Wc[=cbZSb[OZZb]eO`RabVSR]e\bc`\ O`SOeVS`Sg]cQO\^WQYc^RWaQ]c\bSRab]QY T`][bVSZWYSa]T/[S`WQO\/^^O`SZ1OZdW\9ZSW\ O\R6cU]0]aaeee^`S[Wc[]cbZSbaQ][ 0SaWRSabVSaV]^^W\UO\RUO[PZW\UbVS`SO`S bV`SS]bVS`[OW\`SOa]\aT]`Ob`W^b]DSUOa)bVS aV]eabVSa^OaO\R`SabOc`O\ba³OZZ]TeVWQV VOdSQ]\aWabS\bZgQ][^SbSRb]U]]\SPSbbS` Paris Las Vegas bVO\bVSW`^`SRSQSaa]`a AV]eaW\:OaDSUOaO`S]TbS\_cWbSc\ZWYSbV]aS g]c¸ZZTW\RO\geVS`SSZaS@Sd]ZcbW]\O`gbVSOb`S U`]c^1W`_cS2cA]ZSWZ`c\O\W\Q`SRWPZSaSdS\ RWTTS`S\b^`SaS\bObW]\aOQ`]aabVSab`W^;O\g bVSOb`SaO`SPcWZbSa^SQWOZZgb]V]ab^O`bWQcZO` aV]eaOZZ]eW\UT]`ZOdWaVaSbRSaWU\/^S`a]\OZ VWUVZWUVbT]`[SeOa1W`_cS2cA]ZSWZ¸a9u³O\ Oab]c\RW\U^`]RcQbW]\bVOb`c\aObbVS;5; 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Q Encore, 3131 Las Vegas The pool at the Vdara Boulevard South, NV 89109. 001-702-770-7171. Q Vdara, 2600 West Harmon Avenue, Las Vegas - (866) 745-7111. Q Aria, 3730 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas, NV 89109. 001-866-359-7111 – Q Bellagio, 3600 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas, NV 89109. 001-702-737-3003. Q British Airways offers daily flights from London Heathrow to Las Vegas from £657 return including taxes travelling in June. To book visit or call British Airways on 0844 493 0787. ' =CbeO`R B@/D3: TRAVEL NEWS TEL AVIV PRIDE POSTCARD FROM GRAN CANARIA ;/A>/:=;/A>@7236/A<=E033</<25=<3³/<2B6=A3E6= 3<8=G32/E6=:3E339=4>/@BG7<5A/G7BE/A0G4/@B63 03ABG3B@3>=@BA3F>/B>/C:;C@>6G¬ EVS\WbQ][Sab]3c`]^SO\>`WRS <SfbgSO` [O`YabVSbS\bV SdS\ba5`O\1O\O`WO¸aWaOZeOga]\S O\\WdS`aO`g]T;Oa^OZ][Oa>`WRS ]TbVSTW`abO\RbVOb[OYSaaS\aS ³O\RbVS]`UO\WaS`aO`SRSbS`[W\SR UWdS\bVOb!RSU`SSVSObW\SO`Zg b][OYSWbSdS\PWUUS`O\RPSbbS` ;OgWa^`Sbbg[cQVUcO`O\bSSRW\ bVO\bVWagSO`¸aSdS\b6]e-ESZZ bVSa]cbV]TbVSWaZO\RA]Wb¸a\] T]`abO`bS`aPgSfbS\RW\UWbb]OTcZZ e]\RS`Wb¸aOZa]]\S]TbVSPWUUSab bS\ROgaW\abSOR]TbVSb`ORWbW]\OZ O\RPSab>`WRSaObb`OQbW\UUcga eSSYZ]\U^O`bg/\RbVSg¸dSOZ`SORg O\RUW`ZaT`][OZZ]dS`3c`]^S³O\R PSg]\R3dS\Pg5`O\1O\O`WO\ abO\RO`RabV]cUVbVWagSO`¸a>`WRS eOa[O\WQ/\R[OaaWdS7\TOQb 5:/G³bVS]`UO\WaS`aPSVW\R bVSO[OhW\UeSSY]TTc\T`]ZWQa O\RTSabWdWbWSa³`SQY]\bVS`SeS`S #^S]^ZS]cbW\T]`QS]\bVS AObc`ROgb]aSSbVS>`WRS>O`ORSOa Wbe]c\RWbaeOgO`]c\R>ZOgORSZ 7\UZSaPST]`SS\RW\Uc^]cbaWRSbVS TO[]caGc[P]1S\b`S BVS^O`ORSWaOZeOgaa^SQWOZeWbV []ab]TbVSPO`aW\bVSGc[P] VOdW\UbVSW`]e\TZ]Oba^caVW\U ]cbOZZbVSab]^ab][OYSbVSW`abVS P`WUVbSabO\RPSabW\b]e\/\RbVS aO[SU]SaT]`bVSbV]caO\Ra]\T]]b ³^O`bWQcZO`ZgbVS[O\gbOYW\U^O`b W\·2`OUOb]\WO¸eV]P`]YSO\]bVS` O\\]c\QSRbVSRObSa³WbOZZ `SQ]`RT]`bVSPWUUSabUObVS`W\U]T YWQYa]TT]\$;Og ³a]bVS`S¸a R`OU_cSS\aW\bVSe]`ZR5]UW`Za `SOZZg\]SfQcaST]`\]bObbS\RW\U =\S]TbVSPWUUSabVWUVZWUVba]T bVS[OW\abOUSW\bVSGc[P]eOa bVS/72A5OZOSdS\beWbVOP`WZZWO\b aV]e]TOQba^OgW\Ub`WPcbSb]acQV ZSUS\RaOa2WO\O@]aa5S]`US ;WQVOSZEVWb\Sg6]cab]\;WQVOSZ 8OQYa]\O\RSdS\2c`O\2c`O\7\ TOQbbVSabOUSaOe^S`T]`[O\QSa []ab\WUVba]TbVSeSSY ' 5/GB@/D3::3@A BVS;Oa^OZ][Oa>`WRS^V]b]U`O^Va g]caSS]\bVWa^OUSeS`SYW\RZg ac^^ZWSRPg5OgB`OdSZZS`a¸<Sbe]`Y ³[OW\ZgPSQOcaSg]c`\]`[OZZg b`cabg`S^]`bS`[O\OUSRb]Z]aSVWa QO[S`Oa][SeVS`Sc\a^SOYOPZgRO`Y O\]bVS`Z]\Uab]`g0cbbVOb¸aTW\S PSQOcaSWb¸a`S[W\RSR[Sb]UWdS5B< OaVO[SZSaa^ZcU³Sa^SQWOZZgOabVS eV]ZSaSbc^WabVSP`OW\QVWZR]T]\S BW[;O\\W\UO\Sf^ObeV]VOa PSS\W\5`O\1O\O`WOT]`aSdS`OZgSO`a \]eBW[aSbc^bVS5B<eSPaWbS O`]c\R&[]\bVaOU]O\RVOa OZ`SORgObb`OQbSR[]`SbVO\ [S[PS`aOZZ]dS`bVSe]`ZROZZ YSS\b]aeO^ab]`WSa^V]b]U`O^Va O\RSf^S`WS\QSa]TbVSW`b`OdSZa ]`aW[^Zgb]QVOb]\ZW\SO\R[SSb ]bVS`Ucga:]U]\b]eee UOgb`OdSZZS`a\Sbe]`YQ][b]aSS eVObWb¸aOZZOP]cb BOZYW\U]Tb`OdSZZS`aO\R b]c`WabObb`OQbW]\a]\S]T5`O\ 1O\O`WO¸a[cabaSSdS\cSa VOaVOROPWU[OYS]dS`W\ bVSZOabTSe[]\bVa>OZ[Wb]a >O`YaWbcObSRXcab]cbaWRS ;Oa^OZ][OaWaO\Obc`S`SaS`dS bVOb¸aeSZZe]`bVdWaWbW\UT]`Wba O[OhW\UO``Og]Tb`]^WQOZPW`Ra OaeSZZOaWbaO_cO`Wc[ZOYSa O\R^OZ[a<]ebVS`S¸aO\]bVS` U`SOb`SOa]\b]dWaWbbVO\Yab]bVS ]^S\W\U]TOR]Z^VW\O`Wc[³]\S]T bVSPWUUSabW\3c`]^STSObc`W\UTWdS R]Z^VW\aO\R`SUcZO`RWa^ZOga 7b¸aOb`WPcbSb]bVSabOTTO\R Q]\aS`dObW]\WabaPSVW\R>OZ[Wb]a >O`YbVObWb¸a]^S\ObOZZT]ZZ]eW\U bVSRSdOabObW\U5`O\1O\O`WO\TW`Sa ]Tac[[S` %eVWQVRSab`]gSR [cQV]TbVS^O`Y0cb]^S\WbWa³\Se W[^`]dSRO\RZ]]YW\UT]`eO`Rb]O\ SdS\[]`SacQQSaaTcZTcbc`SG]cQO\ dWaWbO\gROgT`]['O[eWbVS\b`g Q]abW\U$Sc`]a^S`ORcZb One of the world’s hottest Pride festivals is the annual celebration that takes place in Tel Aviv, the capital of Israel. The cosmopolitan city has a population of just over 390,000 and this year a record 100,000 people are expected to attend the Tel Aviv Gay Pride Parade on 11 June 2010. The parade, which was established in 1998, starts in the centre of Tel Aviv at 1pm and concludes in the city’s largest public park, Hayarkon Park. If you’re thinking of attending, EL AL last year flew over 200,000 passengers to and from Israel and flies direct from Heathrow and Luton. Israel’s prestigious international airline was ranked by IATA as one of the world’s three most efficient air carriers. The flight to Tel Aviv is under five hours, with return flights starting from just £323.40. Superstar Holidays, which has been providing holidays in Israel for over 25 years, is able to offer bespoke holiday packages from flights and hotels, spa breaks and cycling holidays to the jewel in the Superstar crown, its seven night – eight days Discover Israel Tour. Superstar’s price promise is that if a client is able to book a flight and hotel together more cheaply via any other UK tour operator. For bookings or more information on El Al, call 020 7121 1400 or check www. Superstar Holidays can be contacted on 020 7121 1500 or 0161 834 6553 – =CbRW`SQb]`g >@=>3@BG '! =CbRW`SQb]`g 43@B7:7BG To take advantage of our fabulous advertising opportunities, contact Dan Goodban on 0207258177 or [email protected] 5@==;7<5/<2A3@D713A :35/: '" 23A75<7<B3@7=@A =CbRW`SQb]`g 63/:B6 @31@C7B;3<B D3<C3A '# =CbaQ]^S AB/@A 23 AUG-22 SEP 23 SEP-22 OCT VIRGO LIBRA It may be time for you to toughen up a little Virgo. We know you’re the sensitive type and you don’t always have the thickest of skins, but you really need to be able to stand up for yourself. Now is definitely the time to be brave and let your voice be heard. People will respect you more for it. GEMINI Liam Neeson 07.06.52 The lovely Liam Neeson may be turning 58 on the 7 June but he seems to have let his more childlike Gemini side emerge recently with some great action movies (Taken, Clash Of The Titans and the upcoming A Team movie). Being an actor is perfect for those born under the sign of Gemini, who often exhibit dual personalities. However, it also means that Geminis are often restless, and you can never be sure what role they might inhabit next. There might be a lot of things happening in your life Libra, but that’s no excuse to take your eye off the ball. You’re getting lazy in some areas of your life. Get back down to the gym or pool, and reach out to some friends with whom you’ve not spoken with recently. Life shouldn’t revolve around the office alone. 22 DEC-19 JAN We all wear disguises sometimes – but, Capricorn, you’re starting to lose yourself behind one. It may be down to the company you’re keeping, but don’t bury your identity. Reconnect with people from your past – remind yourself where you come from, and re-consider your priorities and what’s most important to you at the moment. CAPRICORN 22 NOV-21 DEC SCORPIO SAGITTARIUS You need to re-ignite your ambitions, Scorpio. Some recent rejections have knocked your motivation and sense of self-esteem. However, don’t be dissuaded. Nothing will be achieved by waiting for life to happen. Set targets – even small ones. You need something to strive towards. You may have to take some time out from a relationship that’s been slowly going off the rails recently, Sagittarius. Distance yourself in order to clarify where you stand – you need some time to yourself to analyse the root of the problems and the beginnings of a solution for both of you. Things will work themselves out. 20 JAN-18 FEB Sometimes you can appear to be a little too stoic and unmoved by beautiful things, when – deep down – you really appreciate things on the inside. Allow this ‘hard man’ image to drop. We may all want to appear butch, but allowing your caring side to show through would do no harm. It might even impress a certain someone in particular... AQUARIUS 19 FEB-20 MAR 21 MAR-19 APR 20 APR-20 MAY 21 MAY-21 JUN 22 JUN-22 JUL 23 JUL-22 AUG PISCES ARIES TAURUS GEMINI CANCER LEO It really is a great month, Pisces; the ball is truly in your court. Don’t allow paranoia to drag you down. You’ve a tendency to dwell upon the worst possible outcome in any given situation –though such outcomes rarely come to pass. Relax and allow yourself some optimism. The future is looking brighter. '$ 23 OCT-21 NOV Throw a party Aries. You can be too meek for your own good. Show that you have a big personality to go with the looks and the brains. Try to have a laugh and don’t worry about tomorrow; live in the moment. Invite some sexy guys, from Facebook to widen your circle. (Ooh! Matron!) Although you’re confident regarding a forthcoming event at work don’t get your hopes raised too much. You’ll succeed in your plans, but not necessarily to the degree you expected. However, be happy with what you get as it’s a step in the right direction. Be patient; keep networking. Gemini, a change in your lifestyle is absolutely necessary if you don’t want to go out of your head with frustration. Prioritise and focus on those things that need changing urgently – including any bad habits. Don’t do everything on your own – ask friends for advice and help. There are changes that may seem difficult and jarring at the moment but keep the knee-jerk reactions to a minimum. After the dust settles you will be in a much better place. The universe is nudging things in the right direction so don’t be impatient. Go with the flow. Strive to be more proactive in your life this month Leo. It doesn’t mean you have to be more aggressive, just more focused and assertive. Do you know what you want? If so, make steps towards reaching for it. It might take effort, but few achieve people success through sheer luck alone. =CbTWb E6/B7A0=2G 2GA;=@>671AG<2@=;3 /<26=E1/<7B/4431B G=C-2/D72>3@9A @3>=@BA=</5@=E7<5 >@=0:3;¬ 63/:B6 MIRROR, MIRROR…? 4]`[O\gUOg[S\ a^S\RW\UOZ]\UbW[S W\T`]\b]TbVS[W``]` ^`SS\W\UO\R^ZcQYW\U Wa\¸bc\Q][[]\ EVS\WbPSQ][SaO ^`S]QQc^ObW]\]`eS T]Qca]PaSaaWdSZg]\ OQS`bOW\Oa^SQb]T ]c`O^^SO`O\QSbVS\ aS`W]cabV]cUVbWa \SSRSROab]eVSbVS` OVSOZbVgW\bS`SabW\]c`O^^SO`O\QSVOabc`\SR W\b]a][SbVW\U[]`S^`]PZS[ObWQ 0]Rg2ga[]`^VWQ2Wa]`RS`022WaRWOU\]aSR OaO\W\QSaaO\b^`S]QQc^ObW]\O\R]PaSaaW]\ eWbV]\S³]`[O\g³^S`QSWdSRTZOea]`RSTSQba W\]\S¸aO^^SO`O\QS7b¸a]TbS\bVS`SacZb]T O\fWSbg]`\SUObWdSPSZWSTaa][S]\S[WUVbV]ZR OP]cbbVS[aSZdSaBVSOaa]QWObSR\SUObWdS bV]cUVbaQO\PSa]Sfb`S[SbVObbVSgPSQ][S RSPWZWbObW\UO\RW[^OQbaWU\WTWQO\bZg]\bVSROWZg ZWdSa]TacTTS`S`a/d]WRO\QS]Ta]QWOZaWbcObW]\a O\fWSbgO\RRS^`SaaW]\O`S\]bc\Q][[]\ 7\Sfb`S[SQOaSaa][SacTTS`S`a]TbS\ Q]\bS[^ZObS]`ObbS[^bacWQWRS A][S]\SacTTS`W\UeWbV022QO\PS Q]\QS`\SReWbVO\g\c[PS`]TO`SOaO`]c\R 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Body Dysmorphic Disorder visit or '% =CbTWb 63/:B6 MALE CANCER – KNOW THE FACTS 8C<37A;/:31/<13@/E/@3<3AA;=<B6³6756:756B7<5 B632/<53@A/@=C<2B3AB71C:/@/<2>@=AB/B31/<13@¬ GONORRHOEA WARNING Take part in one of the 5k or 10k runs BVS[]\bV]T8c\SVOaPSS\RSaWU\ObSROa;OZS1O\QS` /eO`S\Saa;]\bVPgVSOZbVQVO`Wbg3dS`g[O\EVg VOaacQVO\SdS\bPSS\]`UO\WaSR-ESZZTW`abZgPSQOcaS bVS`SO`Sa][Sa^SQWTWQQO\QS`abVOb]\ZgOTTSQb[S\ acQVOabSabWQcZO`QO\QS`O\R^`]abObSQO\QS`ASQ]\RZg [S\O`S]TbS\ZSaaZWYSZgb]Q]\acZbbVSW`R]Qb]`OP]cbO VSOZbV^`]PZS[c\bWZbVSRWaSOaSVOa^`]U`SaaSR>S`VO^a bVSg¸`SS[PO``OaaSROP]cbbSZZW\Ua][S]\SOP]cbbVS ag[^b][a]`^S`VO^abVSg¸`SXcabPSW\U[OQV]O\Rab]WQ O\R^cbbW\Uc^eWbVWbW\bVSV]^SbVObbVW\UaeWZZUSb PSbbS`]TbVSW`]e\OQQ]`RC\T]`bc\ObSZgQO\QS`R]Sa\¸b USbPSbbS`eWbV]cbb`SOb[S\bO\RbVS SO`ZWS`WbWaRWOU\]aSRbVSPSbbS`bVS QVO\QSabVObg]ceWZZ`SQSWdSSTTSQbWdS b`SOb[S\b E6/B7AB3AB71C:/@ 1/<13@- QO\QS`]ca³PcbWbWaW[^]`bO\bb]USbg]c`aSZTQVSQYSR]cb Pgg]c`5>b]PSac`S 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RSbOWZa;]abW[^]`bO\bZg[OYSac`Sg]c¸`SOeO`S]TbVS WaWRS\bWTWSRO5>eWZZO``O\UST]`ORWOU\]abWQbSabb] ag[^b][a]TbVSaSQO\QS`aO\RQVSQYg]c`aSZT`SUcZO`Zg W\RWQObSWTbVSZc[^WaPS\WU\]`O^]aaWPZSQO\QS`]ca T]`O\gaWU\a]TbSabWQcZO`QO\QS`BSZZg]c`[ObSab]R]bVS bc[]c`>ZSOaSPSO`W\[W\RbVOb[]abZc[^aO`S\]b aO[SO\Ra^`SORbVSe]`R '& The World Health Organisation (WHO) has issued a worrying report about the spread of gonorrhoea, indicating that the infection could become untreatable as the improper use of antibiotics is reducing their ability to clear the infection. Gonorrhoea is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by bacteria called Neisseria gonorrhoeae or gonococcus. The problem with treating bacterial infections with antibiotics is that – over time – those bacteria can evolve resistance to the drugs. Research has discovered that some gonorrhoea bacterium are now displaying ‘widespread resistance’ to the cheaper first-line antibiotics that are most commonly prescribed to treat the disease. Even worse, WHO have reported an increase in treatment failure in Australia, Hong Kong and Japan with cephalosporin – a class of antibiotics that’s usually “the last line of defence against the disease”. Matthew Hodson, Head of Programmes at GMFA, the gay men’s health charity, commenting on the news, said: “Hearing this report is a major concern. Not only can gonorrhoea have major health consequences, but also it can considerably increase the likelihood of HIV being transmitted. HIV positive men with gonorrhoea will be more infectious. HIV negative men with gonorrhoea will be more vulnerable to HIV infection.” “It is a reminder that prevention is the best way to look after our sexual health. Gonorrhoea is easier to transmit than HIV and can be passed on by rimming or oral sex. Even if you always have safer sex, if you have lots of sexual partners you should get checked out regularly. As gay men, using condoms for anal sex, and reducing the numbers of men you have sex with, are the most reliable ways to protect ourselves and our partners.”