November 2014 State Newsletter


November 2014 State Newsletter
Old Line State Herald
MDSSAR, Founded on April 20, 1889 at Annapolis, Maryland
State President Douglas C. Favorite
November 2014 Issue
Presidents Message
Half way through my year as your president and I have visited 12 of our 15 chapters and for most I’ve attended at
least 2 events and sometimes 3 or 4. I continue to reinforce that this is our 125th anniversary and I urge you to
advertise this fact to your friends and family. This is an amazing milestone and a great opportunity to advertise to
others who we are and what we do. I am also asking for greater participation in state committees. I’ve had several
folks offer assistance and I thank you for your offers of assistance. As Veterans Day approaches, this is the perfect
time to thank all of you who have served our country in the Armed Forces. We appreciate your service and
sincerely thank you for your honor and dedication to our American Values. Your sacrifices have assured that our
nation remains free. The Semi-annual meeting was held a few weeks ago and by all accounts it was one of the best we’ve had.
Many thanks to 2nd VP Jim Engler for organizing this very successful meeting. It was a great venue, a great tour, a great
speaker and the meal was great too. Also thanks to 1st VP Bill Batton for helping with a silent auction and regular auction to
further make money for the society. With the Semi-annual meeting now in the books we turn our attention toward the
Patriots’ Ball. We have significantly re-tooled this event to increase its appeal among our membership as well as outside of our
membership. Please consider attending this event. We really want this to be a fun and enjoyable event and your attendance or
lack thereof will determine the fate of this event in the future. I thank you for your time and membership in our organization.
Have a wonderful holiday season and remember to keep the spirit of the SAR in your hearts. Doug Favorite, MDSSAR President
Patriots’ Ball
December 13th, 2014
The Maryland Society Sons of the American Revolution and the
Maryland Hereditary Societies
Request the pleasure of your company at the
Fifty-Third Patriots’ Ball
And Presentation of Debutantes
Saturday, the Thirteenth of December, Two Thousand Fourteen
Six o’clock in the evening
Hilton Garden Inn-Baltimore/White Marsh
White Marsh, Maryland
Social Hour/Cash Bar at 6pm
Black Tie Optional, Evening Dress Required, Decorations and Uniform
RSVP by December 7 to Ed Foreman, 40 Lyndale Ave., Nottingham, MD 21236-4322
Hotel Reservations are due by November 15th and Dinner Reservations are due by December 7th.
To Help defray the costs of this event, please consider making a tax deductible donation.
Contributors will have their names appear in the program. Donor Levels are as follows:
Sponsorships have long been a part of this event; however, support has been waning over the
past few years. Your attendance is the best sign of your support; however, if you cannot
attend, please consider donating to show your support for our Society and for this event.
Changes Being Made to this Year’s Patriots’ Ball
At this year’s first Board of Manager’s Meeting, there was significant discussion regarding the need to make changes to the
Patriots’ Ball to make it a more viable event. Some ideas floated at that time included; changing the time and location,
changing the debutants part of the program, joining with the Washington DC Society and having a joint event. A committee
was created and the following decisions were made;
 Continue with the previously advertised location and date—this will be Dec. 13th at the Hilton Garden Inn, White Marsh
 Form a committee to review what is done this year so any changes can be initiated quickly for next year’s event
 Limit the Debutants portion of the program. Put an emphasis on the fact that this is a “Ball”
 Look for sponsorship opportunities early and often
 Limit entrance time by having the receiving line go directly into the room without significant entrances
 Announce plans & send paper invitations out early
 Involve the CAR and DAR
 Invite other patriotic and historic organizations to join us
 Have the leader do introductions with remarks from a very select few dignitaries
 Advertise changes early & encourage everyone to attend
I have created email addresses for our new website ( All of the email addresses and the compatriots’ who will
receive them can be found via this link: Members will need to create an account on the
website in order to access this page. I urge everyone to take a look at these email addresses as soon as possible in case
any of the information is incorrect. The old email addresses (those that end in will no longer be
supported as they will expire when our old hosting service does. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Important Reminder to each Chapter:
If you have not already submitted the EPostcard (990) for your chapter, it is already late. Please make sure to submit it
immediately to stay current with the IRS. Your viability as a chapter depends on this!
Do you have a copy of your chapters By-laws?
If so, and you have not already spoken with 2nd VP Jim Engler, please contact him as soon as possible. He is working to
confirm each chapter has their By-laws available to them.
Chapter Americanism Reporting
We would like every chapter to be able to report their Americanism efforts via the online Americanism Reporting Form.
1st VP Bill Batton will be in charge of submitting this for the State Society and again 2nd VP Jim Engler is offering assistance to
chapters to help them get started in this process. Once you get started it is much easier to keep the process going rather than
trying to do everything all at one time at the end of the year. Check out the NSSAR website for more information.
Calendar of Events:
November 8
November 8
November 8
November 8
November 9
November 16
November 22
November 22
December 6
December 7
December 13
December 13
January 17
February 21
Col. Tench Tilghman Chapter Luncheon Meeting, Heron Pt of Chestertown
DAR Defense Luncheon
Col. Nicholas Ruxton Moore Veterans Day Luncheon
Wreath Laying at Arlington
Thomas Johnson Society of CAR and Col. John Eager Howard Chap. Joint
event at Ft. McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine
John Hanson Chapter (unconfirmed at press time)
Col. Aquila Hall Annual Dinner Meeting, Josef’s Country Inn, Fallston, MD
Charles Carroll of Carrollton Veterans Luncheon, Ellicott City, MD
Little Meadows Chapter Meeting, Perkins Restaurant, McHenry, MD
John Paul Jones Chapter (unconfirmed at press time)
Wreaths Across America (unconfirmed at press time)
Patriots’ Ball, Hilton Garden Inn, White Marsh, Maryland
Board of Managers Meeting, Maryland Club, Baltimore, Maryland
George Washington Birthday Luncheon, Towson Golf and Country Club, Towson, MD
Chapter Reports
Sgt Lawrence Everhart
The Chapter is pleased to report the acquisition of office space in the historic downtown area of Frederick.
Through the efforts of 1st VP Don Deering, the Downtown Frederick Partnership has graciously allowed the Chapter use
of the third floor of their building. With the assistance of Chancellor Chris May a contract was developed that gives use
of the space to the chapter at no cost. The address is: 19 East Church Street, Suite 1776 (3rd Floor), Frederick, MD
21701. This address may be used for all chapter correspondence via the USPS. 1st VP Deering donated considerable
time and money to outfit the work area. Special recognition goes to Compatriot Ron Harbaugh for his assistance in
setting up furniture in the office. The guest speaker for the Chapter’s Annual Meeting, held 2 October 2013 at Dutch’s
Daughter Restaurant, Frederick, Maryland, was Compatriot Ryan C. Bass on the topic “Maryland: The Road to
Revolution” detailing the actions and reactions to the 1765 Stamp Act. The primary focus was on the activities in
Frederick County that led to what became known as the Repudiation Act issued on 23-Nov-1765 by the “Twelve
Immortals”; the judges of Frederick County who blocked implementation of the law in Frederick County. Following the
presentation, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Sandra Duncan, read an excerpt from this most unique historical document.
Compatriot George Delaplaine spoke for a few minutes about his recollections from the 200th Anniversary celebration
held in Frederick on 23-Nov-1965. A major activity of the Sergeant Lawrence Everhart Chapter in the coming year will be
the November, 2015, celebration of the 250th Anniversary of the Repudiation Act. The chapter has formed a joint
committee with both Frederick Chapters of the DAR to develop planning for our involvement in the ceremonies and any
festivities that follow. The Chapter participated in the “Frederick Under The Flag” ceremonies on 23-Aug-2014 held at
the Hessian Barracks. Participants included representatives from the Revolutionary War (including SAR and DAR), War of
1812, the American Civil War and the Spanish-American War. One highlight of the program was the raising of an exact
replica (size-wise) of the American flag that flew over Fort McHenry during the British bombardment of 13/14-Sep-1814.
Gen William Smallwood
The General William Smallwood Chapter’s regularly scheduled quarterly dinner meeting was held September 4, 2014 at
the Knights of Columbus Council, Silver Spring, Maryland. This meeting was the first to be held by the chapter in the
Knights of Columbus banquet room, after many years at Alfio’s in Bethesda. The featured speaker was Mr. Steven
Wood, a former ranger at Ft. Frederick State Park. Mr. Wood, who was dressed in period attire, provided a very
informative and entertaining presentation on the living conditions of a typical Rev. War soldier. Following his
presentation, Mr. Saunders presented Mr. Wood with a SAR Certificate of Appreciation. Chapter Secretary Jack Carson
reported that recently visited the Monocacy Cemetery in Beallsville. Based on his research to date the Cemetery
contains the greatest number of patriot interments and headstones (nine) of any cemetery in Montgomery Co. The
purpose of the visit was to record the GPS coordinates for each patriot gravesite and marker, and photograph the six
new markers with the SAR logo installed this summer by the cemetery. The results of this data collection can be seen by
going to the Patriot Cemetery Inventory on the chapter website. The General William Smallwood Chapter and the John
Hanson Chapter, on 30 September 2014, participated in the Funeral Ritual for a Departed Compatriot for Compatriot
Joseph Edward Trimmer, a past president of the Smallwood Chapter, at the Beall Funeral Home in Bowie. Compatriot
Trimmer was one of the original members of the John Hanson Chapter when it was formed.
Christian Ardinger
Members of the Christian Ardinger Chapter, MDSSAR, presented a check for $5,000 to the city of Hagerstown at the City
council meeting held on October 21, 2014 at City Hall. The donation will go towards the George Washington statue
project. Pictured are: Davis S. Gysberts, mayor; Steve Bockmiller, planning department; Paul Banister, president; John
Turner, vice-president; Jim Ballard, past-president; and Mike Flohr, secretary.
"This past Sunday marked the 233rd anniversary of surrender of
Cornwallis at Yorktown which effectively ended the Revolutionary
War so this presentation couldn't be better timed," Banister said. The
statue will depict George Washington as he looked as a young colonel
in the Virginia militia during the French and Indian War. Washington
had sojourned in the county in that period and often visited here later
in life. "While our local chapter is the conduit through with these
funds are passed; this donation represents the generosity of the over
800 members of our state Society and its fifteen chapters. I wanted to
give special recognition to the past President-General of our national
Society, Joe Dooley, whose generous gift is included in this check,"
Banister further remarked. The statue is expected to be dedicated in the spring of 2016.
Col John Eager Howard
The chapter held a business meeting on 20 September 2014 at the home of its president, Chris Cortright. The chapter
sore in and welcomed a new member, Charles Zachary Hoffman. The annual clean-up at Old Saint Paul’s Cemetery was
reviewed, noting that it drew about 40 volunteers and that several new graves were discovered including 3 Confederate
sites. There was also a discussion of local sculptor Herbert C. Fooks and a statue attributed to him – “Bayonet Man”
(also known as “Spirit of the Bayonet”) – which had once stood at the Washington Monument in Mt. Vernon, but whose
location is not known currently; Compatriot Bob Cullen suggested that he would contact Schuler School to see if they
knew of the statue.
Col Nicholas Ruxton Moore
Chapter President Gary Neal attended the 124th NSSAR Congress in Greenville, SC. Our chapter received the President
General Initiative Streamer for the George Washington Portrait Program. Our chapter is making a $100 donation to
Veterans, and invites all to our Veteran’s Day Luncheon (see details on the MDSSAR Website and the end of this
Col Aquila Hall
Colonel Aquila Hall Chapter MDSSAR set up an information tent for two days of the Colonial Craftsman Event at
Jerusalem Mill. A poster board showing some of the different uniforms worn by the American soldiers drew attention of
the older visitors, while a drummer boy photo prop was a hit with the kids. Betsy Ross flags were given to all the
children, quizzing them, who made it, how many stars. Several attendees showed interest in becoming members.
Charles Carroll of Carrollton
The chapter will be holding Veterans Day Luncheon on Saturday 8 November. We will be welcoming a new member and
discuss and plan the 2015 chapter agenda.
John Hanson
Compatriot Doug Stuart presented a wreath on behalf of the chapter at the annual French Monument Ceremony in
Annapolis on 16 October 2014. The annual event honors those members of the French army who died en route to the
Battle at Yorktown and were buried in Annapolis. The Chapter held a funeral ritual jointly with the GEN William
Smallwood Chapter for Compatriot Joe Trimer, member of this chapter and a past president of the Smallwood chapter.
Capt. John Smoot
A chapter meeting was held Saturday, October 18, 2014, at the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore.
Compatriot Mark Tyler invited Fife players Ken and Carolyn Farley and drummer Charles Smith, who opened the meeting
with selections from the American Revolution era. Our guest speaker was Maryland State Delegate Mike McDermott
who talked about the American Revolution and the freedoms we enjoy.
Westminster Chapter held two meetings since the last newsletter. On 4 September we had our Summer
Business/Dinner Meeting, at which the Westminster Chapter and MDSSAR’s Rumbaugh Orations Contest Winner
provided her observations of the experience of competing at the National Congress; VP Engler, who also attended
Congress provided further background on the events of the National Congress. On 21 October we held our regular Fall
Business meeting and elections, which elected a slate created by the Nominating Committee that President Massie
appointed. The new officers are:
James F. Engler, Sr.
Vice President: Patrick Trainor
Charles Hedges
Leonard Easton
Ryan Trainor
Thomas Stone
We have been very busy with the George Washington Portrait program this fall with presentations at Southern Middle
School, Calvert High School and Calvert Career and Technology Academy, sponsored by the Calvert County Lions Club
and Post 85 of the American Legion. We also have presentations set up for Calvert Middle School sponsored by
American Legion Post 206, Huntington High sponsored by American Legion Post 85, and Windy Hill Middle School
sponsored by American Legion Post 206. All of these will be done in November. We have 5 more presentations to
complete but have not settled on dates yet. We have now placed over 25 portraits in our schools. Our county
coordinators, Compatriots’ David Langford, Mike Mazzeo and Howard Booth have done an incredible job of finding the
sponsors and setting up the events. Our Color Guard has been at every presentation and has given much of their time to
bring back a little history to these young Americans.
Little Meadows
We recently awarded a Certificate of Appreciation to Ms. Mary Gallion, a resident of Cumberland, MD, in recognition for
her respect and patriotism to protect and honor the Flag of the United States of America. After an early morning
summer storm had knocked down her neighbors flag, Ms Gallion took an afghan from her house and placed it under the
flag stating she knew that no part of the US flag should touch the ground. On October 16 2014 Compatriot Jon Paul
Daddysman Sr. passed. The Chapter sent flowers and attended the viewing. The Little Meadows Chapter also presented
Jon’s family with a “Certificate of Remembrance” and will have a memorial service at our December meeting.
Committee Reports
American Flag
Compatriots, The Flag Award “Year” cycle is 1 January to 31 December. So far we have
Only two chapters have confirmed flag certificates being awarded. The certificate
categories are Individual, Commercial/Business and Institutional. Only an award in a
single award is required for a chapter to assist the State Society in reaching 100%
participation and be recognized by the National Society. Examples of the Institutional category would be a fire company,
rescue squad, community hospital or municipal building. The business and individual are self-explanatory. If your
chapter has awarded a certificate and not notified me, please send me an email the information. My email is [email protected]. Also awarding the Flag Certificate is one very easy and visible way to get the communities aware
of who we, the SAR, are and some of the objectives we stand for and promote. So let us try for 100% chapter
participation. Patriotically Submitted, Eugene Moyer, Flag Committee Chair, Maryland Society
[email protected] 301.305.5587
Reminder to all chapters: 2VP Jim Engler still wants to work with chapters on measuring chapter health. He has sent out
Excel spreadsheets to all chapters that provide a history of that chapter's activities since 2001, based on many sources.
There are gaps, so please review and send as soon as possible. Some chapters have already provided input, which
greatly appreciated. The intents of the finished files are not only to have a handy source of information on the chapter’s
history, but a resource for planning future activities. Please contact Jim at [email protected].
Americanism Reporting
The NSSAR has announced the results of the 2013 Americanism contests, which can be found at
Participation has increased overall from the 2012 competition, with 111 of the 546 chapters submitting an entry while
14 of the 58 societies submitted entries. Of the 111 chapters 55 qualified for consideration for the President General's
Cup. The competitions use a score sheet to evaluate chapter and society activity levels. This year, MDSSAR has two
chapters that submitted score sheets:
Westminster Chapter: Came in 32nd out of 55 in the chapters size 1-49 category, with 670 points in the Liberty Bell
Competition (points for service to the community)for chapters, and 44 th out of 55 in the President’s Streamer Competition
(points for service to SAR), with 440 points.
Capt. John Smoot Chapter: Came in 52nd out of 55 in the chapter’s size 1-49 category, with 180 points in the Liberty Bell
Competition, and 31st out of 55 in the President’s Streamer Competition, with 715 points.
Neither chapter met the minimum criterion for consideration in the PG Cup competition: the score sheets are divided into 16
tabs and points must be scored in 12 tabs for consideration
Congratulations to both chapters for their participation in the 2013 competition. Our society had exactly one chapter in the
2012 competition (SGT Lawrence Everhart), so while the chapters involved differed, we did at least double our overall
We encourage all chapters to consider entering the competition that covers 2014. Consider the following:
In chapters 1-49 members in size (55 submissions), the maximum points for the Liberty Bell and Streamer were 7,801 and
6,260, the minimum 0 and 10, and the averages about 1,562 and 1,102. Two NSSAR chapters submitted 0 points.
In chapters 50-99 members in size (30 submissions), the maximum points for the Liberty Bell and Streamer were 11,350 and
7, 215, the minimum 0 and 20, and the averages about 3,256 and 3,095. One chapter submitted 0 points.
In chapters 100-199 members in size (22 submissions), the maximum points for the Liberty Bell and Streamer were 10,818
and 7,300, the minimum 1,126 and 540, and the averages about 4,034 and 3,729.
The submission is easy, especially if you track your events for the year. Whether or not your chapter wins in the
category, it can give you an idea of how your chapter is doing against your peers as well as a better idea of what more
your chapter could do for your community and SAR. If there are any questions, please contact 2VP Jim Engler at
[email protected]. Submittals to NSSAR for 2014 are due in by to the NSSAR Americanism Chairman by 1 March
2015 for the period 1 January to 31 December 2014.
Atlantic Middle States 2014 Conference
The AMS was a success for a program perspective. Representatives from all the states in the district came to the Hunt
Valley Inn in August. Besides talks for the ladies on McCormick Spices and the flag sewn by Mary Pickersgill, the entire
assembly had a great afternoon vising the Maryland Historical Society, where they saw the original draft of the National
Anthem, among other artifacts.
Medals & Awards
Work is on-going for a new Maryland medal for distinguished service to the Maryland Society. More on this after the
design and planning are completed.
The committee has two new members: Joseph B. Travers (John Paul Jones) and Mark E. Young, Sr. (Tench Tilghman).
The Membership Chairman, Christopher Smithson, would like to have either the Registrar of each chapter or another
representative from each chapter to serve on the committee in addition to those who already are serving. The
Committee has received inquiries for membership from individuals for the following chapters since the 31 May Board of
Managers meeting:
 SGT Lawrence Everhart: 1
 GEN William Smallwood: 2
 John Paul Jones: 4
 COL Nicholas Ruxton Moore: 1
 Thomas Stone: 3
 Capt. John Smoot:2
Patriots’ Ball (2013)
The Ball will be on 13 December 2014 at the Hilton Garden Inn in White Marsh, Maryland. Invitations have been sent
out. We encourage all Compatriots’ to attend and join us for a great time! If you can’t attend, please consider making a
tax-deductible contribution to this event. We have several levels of donation: Gold, $500; Patriot, $250; Sponsor, $100;
and Patron, $25. All contributors will be noted in the program and will be reported in the next newsletter. Checks for
the event, to attend and/or contribute, should go to our treasurer, Gary Neal.
Semi-Annual Meeting*
The semi-annual meeting was very successful, held on 25 October 2014 at the Miller Senate Office Building in Annapolis.
Over 30 guests and members breakfasted before the Board of Managers meeting began. During the meeting, our guests
got a behind the scenes tour of the Maryland State house, led by Elaine Bachmann of the Maryland Archives. Over 50
Compatriots’ and guests attended the day’s luncheon, in which guest speaker Alexander “Sasha” Lorinn presented a
fascinating presentation on the research and work being done to restore the Old Senate Chamber in the State House –
where Congress ratified the Treaty of Paris and General George Washington formally resigned is commission – to look as
it did in the eighteenth century. The same chamber, where MDSSAR was formed on 20 April 1889, had been totally
redone several decades earlier and looked little like Washington had seen it.
Yearbook Editor
The 2013-2014 MDSSAR yearbook is now available. Yearbook Editor Christopher Raborg has hardcopies that that he can
give on request. Electronic copies are available on the MDSSAR website which can be found at this URL:
Officer Reports
1st Vice President
I have strongly supported the "Our Monuments" page to be included on the website to include ALL MDSSAR and
Chapter Monuments and statues erected in Md. The point of this is to publicize on the internet what we have done in
the past and what we continue to do and to give ideas to MDSSAR Compatriots’ who view our website. Due to the
nature of the internet, each monument is given potentially unlimited exposure to the public. Each monument or statue
should have a clear, impressive photo and a concise description of the contents of the plaque and background history of
both the subject matter of the monument and the details of the monument itself. I encourage all chapters to take an
inventory of the monuments in their chapter’s area of coverage and start working to include details of them on the state
2nd Vice President
I’d like to thank all the chapters whop have helped to increase the level of coverage we have in news announcements
here in this newsletter and the SAR Magazine. Thanks to your efforts, the summer issue saw announcements of
activities from 10 of our 15 chapters; I’ve looked at about 80% of the issues since 2001, and that is by far the largest
number we have ever had, and some coming from chapters who may never have previously submitted an entry. I
encourage all chapters to send me and to my successors details of your events as soon after the event as possible, and
to try to include interesting pictures of the events’ activities. I also encourage you to create press releases and get the
news of those events into your local newspapers, and again let me and my successors know that you’ve done so by
sending us copies of the articles.
Please remember to submit your articles for the
next Maryland State SAR Newsletter by:
January 23rd, 2015
Thank you!
MD #
At Large
At Large
First Name
Jason G. Ballard
Jayce C. Boyer
Kylen P. Boyer
Thomas A. Carr
Andrew B. Chichester
Ian H. Chichester
Douglas M. Dewitt
Morgan M. Dewitt
Parker L. Dewitt
David L. Frederick Sr.
Patriot Ancestor
Tompkins, Jacob
Young, Gideon
Young, Gideon
Karr, David
Edson, Nathan
Edson, Nathan
DeWitt, Peter
DeWitt, Peter
DeWitt, Peter
Downing, John
Tyler C. Haugen
Leon M. Lane III
Leon M. Lane Jr.
Christopher A.
Craig A. Mason
Joseph McCrary
Charles P. Nichols
William F. Parsons
Gillmore M. Perry
William R. Sarudy
Bankhead, James
Todd, Job
Todd, Job
Edson, Nathan
At Large
At Large
At Large
Mason C. Schiappa
Erik S. Scott
John F. Scott
John A. Shaw
Carl H. Sims
John R. Turner
Andrew J. Tyner
Jacob M. Tyner
Benjamin J. Vincent
James W. Vincent
William D. Vincent
Stewart S. Walker
Clarence D. Warner
Blake A. Young
Magnus A. Young
Mark E. Young II
Mark E. Young Sr
Thaeden X. Young
Terry R. Grove
William Smithson
John R. Turner
Ancestor Service
Pvt NY Mil
Pvt MA Mil
Pvt MA Mil
Pvt MA Mil
Pvt MA Mil
Pvt MA Mil
Pvt VA Mil
Pvt VA Mil
Pvt VA Mil
Pvt Washington Co MD
Pvt SC Mil
ENS Dorch MD Mil
ENS Dorch MD Mil
Pvt MA Mil
1st Sponsor
Ballard, James G III
Smithson, Christopher T.
Smithson, Christopher T.
Shircliffe, Ansel
Smithson, Christopher T.
Smithson, Christopher T.
Jensen, Gary
Jensen, Gary
Jensen, Gary
Smithson, Christopher T.
2nd Sponsor
Ballard, James G. Jr.
Christou, Christos Jr.
Christou, Christos Jr.
Hutter, Jeffrey
Christou, Christos Jr.
Christou, Christos Jr.
Irish, Michael
Irish, Michael
Irish, Michael
Christou, Christos Jr.
Smithson, Christopher T.
Christou, Christos Jr.
Christou, Christos Jr.
Smithson, Christopher T.
Christou, Christos Jr.
Almony, Guy E. Jr.
Almony, Guy E. Jr.
Christou, Christos Jr.
10/25/2014 9/12/2014
10/25/2014 8/20/2014
Pvt MA Mil
Pvt Worcester Co MD Mil
Pvt PA Mil
Boatswain's Mate VA
Pvt MA Mil
Pvt Washington Co PA Mil
Pvt Washington Co PA Mil
Ens MD Mil
Pvt SC Mil
Smithson, Christopher T.
McCreary, James
Deering, Donald
Smithson, Christopher T.
Perry, James
Neal, Gary R
Christou, Christos Jr.
Johnson, Cornelius
Bishop, Charles
Christou, Christos Jr.
Saunders, Michael
Christou, Christos Jr.
Edson, Nathan
Power, Michael
Power, Michael
Lowe, James
Bankhead, James
Voorhees, Garrett Van Jr.
Bannister, Silas
Pvt VT Mil
Bannister, Silas
Pvt VT Mil
Hearn, Benjamin
PS Somerset Co MD
Hearn, Benjamin
PS Somerset Co MD
Hearn, Benjamin
PS Somerset Co MD
Power, Michael
Pvt Washington Co PA Mil
Warner, George
Pvt MD Line
Young, Gideon
Pvt MA Mil
Young, Gideon
Pvt MA Mil
Young, Gideon
Pvt MA Mil
Young, Gideon
Pvt MA Mil
Young, Gideon
Pvt MA Mil
Van Horn, Isaiah
Pvt Drummer Pa Mil
Forwood, Samuel
PS Harford Co MD
Smithson, Christopher T.
Smithson, Christopher T.
Smithson, Christopher T.
Smithson, Christopher T.
Smithson, Christopher T.
Christou, Christos Jr.
Christou, Christos Jr.
Smithson, Christopher T.
Smithson, Christopher T.
Smithson, Christopher T.
Smithson, Christopher T.
Engler, James
Smithson, Christopher T.
Smithson, Christopher T.
Smithson, Christopher T.
Smithson, Christopher T.
Smithson, Christopher T.
Christou, Christos Jr.
Christou, Christos Jr.
Christou, Christos Jr.
Christou, Christos Jr.
Christou, Christos Jr.
Forwood, Samuel
Whitaker, Nathaniel
10/25/2014 10/2/2014
10/25/2014 10/14/2014
Edson, Nathan
Mason, George
Nichols, Samuel
Purnell, William
Estep, Robert
Thorp, James
PS Harford Co MD
Pvt NJ Mil
Almony, Guy E. Jr.
Almony, Guy E. Jr.
Christou, Christos Jr.
Christou, Christos Jr.
Christou, Christos Jr.
Christou, Christos Jr.
Easton, Leonard
Christou, Christos Jr.
Christou, Christos Jr.
Christou, Christos Jr.
Christou, Christos Jr.
Christou, Christos Jr.