Republic of the Philippines CENTRAL MINDANAO UNIVERSITY
Republic of the Philippines CENTRAL MINDANAO UNIVERSITY
Republic of the Philippines CENTRAL MINDANAO UNIVERSITY University Town, Musuan, Bukidnon Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Vision and Mission Performance Pledge and Feedback and Redress Mechanism LIST OF FRONTLINE SERVICES Administration Instruction Research and Extension Production Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 An academic paradise of higher learning actively committed to the total development of people for a globally sustainable environment and a humane society To advance the frontiers of knowledge for economic prosperity, moral integrity, social and cultural sensitivity, and environmental consciousness through equitable access to quality instruction, research, extension and production Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 IN THE CONTEXT of its Vision and Mission, CMU commits itself to the following Thrusts: Relevant curricular programs Democratic access to education Community involvement through extension services Expansion of linkages Clean and green program Stable student population Faculty development program student scholars/grant-in-aid Production of high-yielding rice and corn and other agri-products Generate technologies and information dissemination through research and development Effective operational strategies and implementation Drug abuse prevention program State-of-the-art equipment Productivity and Entrepreneurship Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Feedback and Redress Mechanisms Please let us know how we have served you by doing any of the following: Accomplish our Feedback Form available in the offices and put it in the drop box at the Mamamayan Muna in Action Center Send your feedback through e-mail [email protected] or text us at 090639900222 or 09173325000 Talk to our OFFICER OF THE DAY. If you are not satisfied with our services, your written/verbal complaints shall immediately be attended to by the Officer of the Day at the Public Assistance and Complaints Desk. THANK YOU for helping us continuously improve our services. Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 ADMINISTRATION Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 ADMINISTRATION Office of the President List of Frontline Services PROCESSING TIME PERSONS RESPONSIBLE/ LOCATION (Under normal circumstances per transaction) Upon receipt and approval OP Staff Attends telephone calls and receives fax messages 1 min / seconds as it rings OP Staff Facilitates documents for OIC signature and disseminates the same to concerned offices / units Upon receipt and approval OP Staff Prepares / keeps records pertaining BOR, ADCO and other related meetings After the schedule UBS Staff Acts on all communications / reports relevant to the implementation of the fourfold functions of the University, i.e. Instruction, Research, Extension and Production activities. Upon receipt and or after a meeting Officer-In-Charge Upon receipt and or after a meeting Officer-In-Charge TYPES OF FRONTLINE SERVICES Receiving/releasing of communications and other documents Work-out with linkages in both local, national and foreign institutions or agencies for financial assistance. FEES FORMS Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Office of the Vice President for Administration List of Frontline Services PROCESSING TIME TYPES OF FRONTLINE SERVICES Provide recommendations, comments and actions on various communications FEES FORMS (Under normal circumstances per transaction) 1 hour / document PERSONS RESPONSIBLE/ LOCATION VPA Signed various official documents such as: Checks amounting to 50,000.00 pesos and below Obligation Request for Administrative Expenditures DTR’s of Key Administrative Officials Job Orders Certificate of Travel Completed Payroll of Administrative Units Reports of Waste Materials Application for Water Connection Application for Socialized Tuition Fees Application for Income Outreach Project (IOP) Trip Tickets and Request Issue Slip (RIS) Application for Gate Pass 10 minutes / document VPA 10 minutes / document VPA 10 minutes / document 10 minutes / document 10 minutes / document 10 minutes / document 10 minutes / document 10 minutes / document 10 minutes / document VPA VPA VPA VPA VPA VPA VPA 10 minutes / document VPA 10 minutes / document VPA 10 minutes / document VPA Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Financial Management Office List of Frontline Services PROCESSING TIME (Under normal circumstances per transaction) From the time to time and last week of the month PERSONS RESPONSIBLE/ LOCATION TYPES OF FRONTLINE SERVICES FEES FORMS 1. Supervise the function of the units heads of the Accounting Office, Budget Office and Cashiers Office. 2. Monitor the Utilization of all funds, cash balances, collections and deposits in all depository balances. 3. Make the final review of all financial reports prepared and submitted by Accounting, Cashier and Budget Office and all reports / documents 4. Review the financial reports of all incomegenerating projects. 5. Help prepare and review all budget proposals for the General Fund to be submitted to DBM, NEDA & CHED, Congress and Senate 6. Conduct budget hearing for the budget proposal of all projects under BMRDO 7. Prepare the special Budget for Fund 164-STF - - - - From time to time Accounting and Cashier Office - - Every first and Second Week of the month Budget and Accounting Office - Financial Form - Budget Form Every third week of the month 3rd quarter of the year FMO, Budget and Accounting Office Budget Office - Budget Form 4th quarter - Special Budget Form 1st week of the month Accounting Office and BMRDO project heads FMO & Accounting Office 8. Indicate funding source for all purchase Request for Fund 101 and 164 9. Attend BAC meeting and bidding activities 10. Sign Abstract of Bids and other BAC documents 11. Attend to referrals by the President and Vice President for Administration 12. Attend to Committee meetings - PR Form 5 to 10 minutes FMO - - 4 hours a week 3 min per document FMO FMO - - Form time to time FMO - - From time to time FMO FMO Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Internal Audit Services List of Frontline Services PROCESSING TIME PERSONS RESPONSIBLE/ LOCATION None (Under normal circumstances per transaction) 4 hours Internal Audit Staff None 1 month Internal Audit Staff None 1 day Internal Audit Staff None 1 month Chief/ Head Financial and Head Operation Audit Section Internal Audit Staff TYPES OF FRONTLINE SERVICES FEES FORMS Conduct cash Examination for all accountable officers of the university Conduct Financial and operation audit of the different units of the university Conduct spot audit onn the different income generating project (IGPS) of the university Preparation of internal audit report Preparation of cast examination report Consultation and advises None None 10 minutes Request for Preparation of communication letter None 5 minutes General Form # 74(A) 2 days Chief/ Internal Audit Staff Chief / Internal Audit Staff Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Management Information System Office List of Frontline Services ● ● ● PROCESSING TIME (Under norman circumstances per transaction) PERSONS RESPONSIBLE/ LOCATION TYPES OF FRONTLINE SERVICES FEES FORMS Encoding of subject offerings for enrolment of nine (9) degree courses None MIS Form 1.2 1 minute per subject Computer Operator None Enrolment Assessment Form 5 - 20 minutes per student Computer Operator None Enrolment Assessment Form 1 minute per student Computer Operator Assist irregular students arrange subjects with schedule conflicts during enrolment Update enrolment assessment of student in cases where no fees are posted during enrolment ● Generate ID No. for Graduate School, Special Course and High School students None Personal Data Sheet Form ● Reproduce partial and final classlists for nine (9) degree courses None - 2 days Computer Operator ● Generate e-file of classlist None - As requested Computer Operator 2 minutes per student Computer Operator Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Schedule transfer form ● Set students who opted to transfer schedule None ● Technically assists minor connection error to other online working stations None ● Encoding and downloading of faculty teaching load to generate faculties gradesheets None ● Uploading of midterm and final grades None e-file of gradesheet ● Retrieval in cases of lost. O.R. and ID nos. None - 1 - 3 minutes per student Computer Operator As requested Computer Operator 1 - 3 minutes per faculty Computer Operator 1 minute per faculty Computer Operator Less than a minute Computer Operator - Faculty teaching load Website Administration and Update None None Subject Offerings Encoding None SUC-NF Forms Consolidation to be submitted to Regional CHED Office OPIF Forms Consolidation to be submitted to DBM Regional Office Provide Information System Solution for the different Offices None None MIS Form A1 SUC-NF Forms OPIF Forms None None 1 hour (provided content is ready for upload) 1 week Webmaster 1 week MIS Head 1 week MIS Head 4 months to 1 year (depends on the system to produce) MIS Head / System Administrators/ Programmers Computer Operator Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Human Resource Management Office List of Frontline Services PROCESSING TIME TYPES OF FRONTLINE SERVICES 1.Publication of bulletin of vacant positions FEES FORMS (Under normal circumstances per transaction) PERSONS RESPONSIBLE/ LOCATION None CS format 2 days HRMO staff, Chief, President and CSC Field office None CS format 212 3 days HRMO staff, Chief, VPA, VPAA, CSC Field office 1. Processing of appointments 2. Processing of leaves 3. Processing of retirement documents (prior to submission to GSIS) None 1 day None 1 day HRMO staff, Chief 4. Leave Certification 30 minutes HRMO staff, Chief, President 1 hour HRMO staff, Chief 1 hour HRMO staff, Chief 1 hour HRMO staff, Chief 1 hour HRMO Chief 5. Loan Certification 6. Employment Certification 7. Issuance of Service records 8. Counseling / Assistance on civil service matters Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Legal Office List of Frontline Services PROCESSING TIME TYPES OF FRONTLINE SERVICES FEES FORMS (Under normal circumstances per transaction) PERSONS RESPONSIBLE/ LOCATION Provide legal advices, recommendation, comments and actions on documents forwarded to the legal office None 1 hr. per document Legal Officer Provide legal counseling and assistance to the legal concerns of the University None 1 hr. per session Legal Officer To represent CMU in Court litigations involving the University None 4 hrs. per hearing Legal Officer Drafting of contracts and agreements as per instruction of the University President where CMU is one of the contracting Parties None 1-8 hrs Legal Officer Conduct Preliminary Investigations of Administrative cases assigned to the legal Office None Within the period provided To act as prosecutor in behalf of CMU in Administrative cases for formal investigation involving students, and employee of the university None Within the period provided Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Security Office List of Frontline Services PROCESSING TIME TYPES OF FRONTLINE SERVICES 1. Issuance of Gate Pass Sticker 2. Issuance of Gate Pass A. Road Right of the Way 1. Ten Wheelers 2. Six Wheelers 3. PUJ 4. Motorcycle B. Impoundment Fees 1. Large Animals (Cow, Horse & Carabao) 2. Small Animals (Goat, Pig & others PERSONS RESPONSIBLE/ LOCATION FEES FORMS (Under normal circumstances per transaction) 1.100 1. Application for gate sticker 1. 1-2 days 1. VPA, CMU SS Dir., Asst. Dir & staff of Admin Section 2A. Gate Pass form of Road Right Way 2A. 30 Mnutes to one hour 2A. CMUSS Director, Officer of the Day and Radio Operator P50.00 P30.00 P20.00 P10.00 P150/Head/Day P30/Head/Day 2B. 30 Minutes to one hour 2B. Gate Pass form of Impoundment Fee 2B. CMUSS Director, Officer of Day and Radio Operator Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 University Hospital List of Frontline Services TYPES OF FRONTLINE SERVICES I. Medical check –up(OPD) Dental services A.Oral prohylaxis II. B. 1.Filling (light cure ) 2. Filling (amalgam) 3. Filling Temporary FEES Student -free Employee-free Dependent-20.00 Private-P60.00 OPD card PROCESSING TIME (Under normal circumstances per transaction) 20 min/patient Student –P50.00 Employee-70.00 Dependent100.00 Private-180.00 OPD card 30-45min. /patient Student -260.00 Employee-280.00 Dependent300.00 Private-320.00 OPD card 45-1 hr./cavity Dentist/Hospital OPD card 30min/cavity Dentist/Hospital OPD card 20 min/cavity Dentist/Hospital Student -80.00 Employee-100.00 Dependent120.00 Private-160.00 Student -40.00 Employee-60.00 Dependent-80.00 Private-100.00 4. Composite filling (FUJI) Student -140.00 FORMS PERSONS RESPONSIBLE /LOCATION Dentist/Hospital Physician/Hospital Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 C) Tooth extraction > Permanent >Temporary Employee-160.00 Dependent180.00 Private-200.00 Student -Free Employee-Free DependentP50.00 Private-P80.00 OPD card OPD Card 30 min/cavity 25-30 min/tooth Dentist/Hospital Dentist/Hospital DependentP30.00 Private- P50.00 OPD card 15-20 min/tooth Dentist/Hospital Student-Free Employee-Free DependentP20.00 Private-P40.00 OPD card 10 min/patient Dentist/Hospital Student – 30 Employee-40 Dependent-60 Private-80 OPD card/ laboratory forms 30 min/patient Medical technologist/ hospital C.Hemoglobin Student-P30.00 Employee-P40.00 DependentP60.00 Private-P80.00 OPD card/ laboratory forms D.WBC Student-P30.00 Employee-P40.00 DependentP60.00 Private-P80.00 D.) Dental Consultation Laboratory Services A.Complete Blood Count III. B.Hematocrit (Hct) Medical technologist/ Hospital OPD card/ laboratory forms 30 min/patient Medical technologist/ Hospital 30 min/patient Medical technologist/ hospital Medical technologist/ Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 E.Platelet Count F.Blood Typing Student-P30.00 Employee-P40.00 DependentP60.00 Private-P80.00 OPD card/ laboratory forms 30 min/patient hospital Student-P30.00 Employee-P40.00 DependentP60.00 Private-P80.00 OPD card/ laboratory forms 30 min/patient Medical technologist/ hospital Medical technologist/ hospital G.Pregnancy test H.Hepa-B Surface Antigen test I. Urinalysis J.Fecalysis Student-P120.00 EmployeeP120.00 DependentP120.00 Private-P120.00 OPD card/ laboratory forms Student-P100.00 EmployeeP100.00 DependentP100.00 Private-P100.00 OPD card/ laboratory forms Student-P200.00 EmployeeP200.00 DependentP200.00 Private-P200.00 OPD card/ laboratory forms Student-P30.00 Employee-P40.00 DependentP60.00 OPD card/ laboratory forms 30 min/patient Medical technologist/ Hospital 5 min/patient Medical technologist/ Hospital 20 min/patient Medical technologist/ hospital 30 min/patient Medical technologist/ hospital Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Private-P80.00 K.Micral test L.Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS) M.Random Blood Sugar (RBS, Hgt, CBS) N.Creatinine O.Cholesterol(Total) P.Triglyserides Student-P30.00 Employee-P40.00 DependentP60.00 Private-P80.00 OPD card/ laboratory forms 30 min/patient Student-P150.00 EmployeeP150.00 DependentP150.00 Private-P150.00 OPD card/ laboratory forms 30 min/patient Student-P150.00 EmployeeP150.00 DependentP150.00 Private-P150.00 OPD card/ laboratory forms 5 min/patient Student-P150.00 EmployeeP150.00 DependentP150.00 Private-P150.00 OPD card/ laboratory forms Student-P150.00 EmployeeP150.00 DependentP150.00 Private-P150.00 OPD card/ laboratory forms 30 min/patient Student-P150.00 Employee- OPD card/ laboratory 30 min/patient Medical technologist/ hospital Medical technologist/ hospital Medical technologist/ hospital Medical technologist/ hospital 30 min/patient Medical technologist/ Hospital Medical technologist/ hospital Medical technologist/ Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Q.HDL-C R.LDL-C S.Blood Uric acid P150.00 DependentP150.00 Private-P150.00 forms Hospital Student-P200.00 EmployeeP200.00 DependentP200.00 Private-P2000.00 OPD card/ laboratory forms Student-P150.00 EmployeeP150.00 DependentP150.00 Private-P150.00 OPD card/ laboratory forms Student-P150.00 EmployeeP150.00 DependentP150.00 Private-P150.00 OPD card/ laboratory forms Student-P150.00 EmployeeP150.00 DependentP150.00 Private-P150.00 Student-P150.00 EmployeeP150.00 DependentP150.00 Private-P150.00 OPD card/ laboratory forms 30 min/patient OPD card/ laboratory forms 30 min/patient 30 min/patient Medical technologist/ Hospital Medical technologist/ Hospital 30 min/patient Medical technologist/ Hospital 30 min/patient Medical technologist/ Hospital T.SGPT /ALT U.SGOT/AST Physicians, Nurses, and Midwives/Hospital Ward Physicians, Nurses, and Midwives/ Minor Operating Room Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 V.Alkaline Phosphatase Nursing Care and Emergency Treatment A.Confinement Student-P150.00 EmployeeP150.00 DependentP150.00 Private-P150.00 OPD card/ laboratory forms Student-P150.00 EmployeeP150.00 DependentP150.00 Private-P150.00 OPD card/ laboratory forms 30 min/patient Physicians, Nurses, and Midwives/ Minor Operating Room Physicians, Nurses, and Midwives/Minor Operating Room 30 min/patient Physicians, Nurses, and Midwives/ Emergency room IV. Physicians, Nurses, and Midwives/ Emergency room B.Suturing of Wound C.Incision/Excision and Drainage D.Circumcision E.Dressing F.Injection Student-Free Employee-Free DependentP30.00 Private-P80.00 OPD card/ Chart Per Day Student-Free Employee-P40.00 DependentP40.00 Private-P100.00 OPD card/ Chart 15-30 min/patient Physicians, Nurses, and Midwives/ DR Student-Free Employee-P40.00 DependentP40.00 Private-P100.00 OPD card/ Chart 15-30 min/patient Physicians, Nurses, and Midwives/ DR Student-Free Employee-Free DependentP40.00 OPD card Physicians, Nurses, and Midwives/ Nurses’ Station DRIVER/ motorpool 30 min/patient Medicare In charge Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Private-P100.00 G.Nebulization H.Internal Exam I Deliveries AMBULANCE SERVICES PHILHEALTH PROCESSING Physical check up a.Incoming freshmen Physicians /hospital Student-Free Employee-P20.00 DependentP20.00 Private-P30.00 OPD card 10 min/patient Student-Free Employee-Free DependentP10.00 Private-P20.00 OPD card 5min/patient Student-Free Employee-P10.00 DependentP10.00 Private-P10.00 OPD card 5min/patient Student-Free Employee-P25.00 DependentP25.00 Private-P25.00 OPD card 10min/patient P1,500.00 OPD card/charts Depend on each patient progress BASED ON DISTANCE LOGBOOK DEPEND ON PLACE OF REFERRAL - PHIC Forms 20 min/ claim Physicians /hospital Physicians/hospital b. employees c.Athletes free PE forms 15min/pt. Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 free PE forms 15 min/pt. free PE forms 15 min/pt. Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Supply and Property Management Office List of Frontline Services TYPES OF FRONTLINE SERVICES Prepare Relief of Responsibility Prepare and Filed of Acknowledgement Receipt for Equipment Prepare yearly Inventory Report Insured government vehicle Submit univ. vehicle for smoke test Register univ. Vehicles to LTO FEES none Prepare Disbursement Voucher Prepare Purchase Order Prepared Obligation Request for Trust Fund File Approved Purchase Request Prepare Invitation to Bid (ITB) Prepare Agency Purchased Request (APR) prepared for Procurement Service, DBM Prepare & issue supplies, materials, equipments Prepared Sole Distributorship Certification for the direct purchased items Sign Inspection & Acceptance Report Serve approved Purchased Order Float Invitation to Bid none none none none none Prepare Waste Material Report Prepare and file Property Ledger Card Signed Stundent & Employees Clearance none none none none none none none none FORMS I&I ARE Disbursement Form P.O. OB PR ITB PROCESSING TIME (UNDER NORMAL CICUMSTANCES PER TRANSACTION) 5 minutes PERSONS RESPONSIBLE LOCATION Staff/Supply Office 5 minutes 1 month 1 day 1 day 1 day Staff/Supply Office Staff/Supply Office Staff/Supply Office Staff/Supply Office Staff/Supply Office 3 minutes 3 minutes 3 minutes 3 minutes 3 minutes Staff/Supply Office Staff/Supply Office Staff/Supply Office Staff/Supply Office Staff/Supply Office none APR Withrawal Slip 3 minutes 10 minutes Staff/Supply Office Staff/Supply Office none none none none Certificate IAR PO ITB Waste Material Report Ledger card 3 minutes 2 minutes 4 hours 4 hours Staff/Supply Office Staff/Supply Office Staff/Supply Office Staff/Supply Office 3 minutes 3 minutes 2 minutes Staff/Supply Office Staff/Supply Office Chief, Supply Office Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Post Public Bidding in PhilGEPS Haul and receive Supplies, materials & equipment Request Inspection for delivered Supplies, materials & equipment Prepared Consumption Report of the Diff. Units /Colleges Consolidate APP of Units & Colleges Prepare Purchase Request (PR) Issue Toga to Graduating Students none none 10 minutes 1 day Staff/Supply Office Staff/Supply Office none 2 minutes Staff/Supply Office 1 day 5 days 5 minutes 3 minutes Staff/Supply Office Staff/Supply Office Staff/Supply Office Staff/Supply Office none none none Php100 Monthly Report PR ARE Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Auxiliary Services Unit List of Frontline Services TYPES OF FRONTLINE SERVICES FEES CONVENTION CENTER *Booking *Billing INCOME OUTREACH PROJECT Loan (1% per month) *Processing of Loan *Billing of Loans COMMERCIAL COMPLEX *Collecting rental WATER *Meter reading *Issue water bill CONTRACTS and MOA’s MOA engaged in a small business in their houses MOA accepting boarder / lodger in their houses Housing Contract (private and Gov’t leaseholder Commercial Complex Contract BILLING & COLLECTION & ISSUANCES Examination Permit With approved MOA’s PROCESSING TIME (Under normal circumstances per transaction) PERSONS RESPONSIBLE/ LOCATION Booking form 1 day Billing form 5 minutes Head, Chief Adm. Officer, UFLS Manager, VP for Administration Encoder / Staff Loan Application form Billing Form 5 minutes FORMS 2 minutes Staff / Loan Facilitator / Head / VPA Loan Facilitator / Head Market Administrator 5 days Meter reader / Staff Meter reader / Staff P25 15 minutes Staff P25 P25 15 minutes 15 minutes Staff Staff P25 15 minutes Staff P20 As stipulated in the contracts & MOA’s 5 minutes 5 minutes Staff Staff Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 General Services List of Frontline Services TYPE OF FRONTLINE SERVICES FEES FORMS PROCESSING TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE (under normal circumstances per transaction) /LOCATION I. CONSTRUCTION, REPAIR & MAINTENANCE, CARPENTRY UNIT A. Construction Services 1. By Administration - Program of Work - Purchase Request of necessary materials - Hiring of Job Order Personnel - Implementation 2. By Private Contract (Whole Package) - Program of Work Preparation - Pre - Bidding/Bidding Notice Preparation, etc - Notice of Awards - Implementation 3. Repair/Maintenance of Government Buildings, Offices 4. Carpentry Work Services - Fabrication of Office tables, cabinets, chairs, None Approved Technical WP Personnel Checker None Approved 1 - 2 Months Civil Engineer Dependent upon type of Section Head WP None Job Order repair/size/volume of work None Job Order/ 4 - 6 Days/Skilled labor Section Head Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Approved Request furniture, etc. - Repair/Maintenance of Government offices, chairs, cabinets and the like None Job Order Skilled Workman Variable on the type of repair/ Section Head size and volume of work Skilled Workman Variable Section Head Variable and as provided in the contract Section head Variable and as provided in the contract Section head II. TRANSPORTATION SERVICES (MOTORPOOL) A. Department/Unit/College user for Official Business for all vehicles Free Approved trip tickets/request B. Special Projects (Funded/Private User) 1. School Bus - Booking Fee (Deposit) Php 1,000.00 Fixed Rentals: a. Outsider A with surcharge fee beyond 8 hrs Php 15,000.00 + 1875 + per hour + per diems Approved trip tickets/request/ contract b. Outsider B plus additional cost (30% TFC) Php 8,000.00 + additional cost + per diems Approved trip tickets/request/ contract Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 2. Coaster (Toyota) Php 1,200.00 day Approved trip Not applicable - do - tickets/request Php 750.00 day - do - - do - - do - Php 1,500.00 day - do - - do - - do - Php 1,000.00 day - do - - do - - do - 6. Land Rover Php 900.00 day - do - - do - - do - 7. Lawin Jeep Php 1,000.00 day - do - - do - - do - 8. Pathfinder 4 x 4 Php 900.00 day - do - - do - - do - 9. Strada - Mitsubishi Php 900.00 day - do - - do - - do - Php 1,200.00 day - do - - do - - do - 11. Toyota Pick -Up # 2 Php 750.00 day - do - - do - - do - 12. Toyota Wagoner Php 900.00 day - do - - do - - do - 3. AEOP Jeep 4. I.H. Truck 5. Isuzu Hilander 10. Toyota Hi-Ace (New) Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Php 900.00 day - do - - do - - do - Free Job Order 3 - 4 Weeks Free Job Order 1 - 2 Weeks Section Head Mechanics - do - 1. Engine Free Job Order 2 - 3 Weeks Section Head Mechanics @ shop/ outside mechanics 2. Differential Free Job Order 1 - 2 Days - do - 3. Transmission Free Job Order 2 - 3 Days - do - 4. Minor body repairs Free Job Order 1 - 3 Days Section Head Welder @ shop only 5. Refrigerators/Air conditioning unit Free Job Order 4 - 5 Days - do - Free Job Order Job Order and RIS ½ - 1 Hour Mechanics 1 - 2 Hours Assigned driver and Mechanics 13. Sports Van III. FABRICATION, REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE UNIT A. Fabrication - Body building - Minor auto parts/accessories B. Auto parts repair/replacement - General overhauling C. Auto maintenance - Vehicle engine check up - Change oil IV. POWER PLANT & ELECTRICAL SERVICES A. Plant operation Free Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 1. Government/official use 2. Private use Job Order/Request Variable operation Section Head Plant Operator Approved Request Variable - do - Free Job Order/Request Variable on the kind of apparatus Section Head Electricians Free Free Free - do - do - do - - do - do - do - Php. 6.20/Kwh or any rate with prior FIBECO notice of increase/de crease per Kwh energy Job Order - do - Free At cost depending on the prevailing market price/liter of fuel B. Electrical works 1. Government use - Installation - Apparatus, laboratory equipment, wiring etc - Repair/check up - Maintenance check up 2. Private use of energy V. WATER WORKS AND SEWERAGE SERVICES A. Installation works Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 - Main water pipeline 4" - 6" Ø pipes 1" - 3" Ø pipes 1" - 3" Ø pipes inclusive of excavation - Installation of water pipeline at residence - Comfort rooms with complete set - Water pipeline including shower and lavatory line, water closet, etc - Sewerage line w/ complete connection B. Deep well pumping plant operation Free Job Order 4 pipes/day Section Head Plumbers Free Job Order 8 pipes/day - do - Free Job Order 40 ft/day - do - Free Free - do - do - 2 - 3 Days 3 - 5 Days - do - do - Free - do - 4 - 5 Days - do - Free - do - 3 - 4 Days - do - Not applicable Daily At prevailing cost/cu.m of water at a certain minimum Auxiliary Services Section Head C. Repair and maintenance - Faucet/fixture replacement including broken threads - Lavatory faucet including other accessories - Replacement of tank fittings set inclusive of testing and observation - Comfort room accessories replacement including lavatory sink - Complete set of CR repair and Free - do - 1 Hour Section Head Plumbers Free - do - 2 - 3 Hours - do - Free - do - 6 Hours - do - Free - do - 1 Day - do - Free - do - 7 - 10 Days - do - Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 replacement or renovation - De-clogging of whole building sewerage system - De-clogging of residential sewerage system Free - do - 3 - 4 Days - do - Free - do - 4 Hours - do - Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 INSTRUCTION Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs List of Frontline Services PROCESSING TIME TYPES OF FRONTLINE SERVICES FEES Endorsement of requests of faculty and student N/A (Under normal circumstances per transaction) 30 minutes Processing of Incoming and Outgoing Communication N/A 30 minutes Processing / Approval of Faculty Teaching Loads Signing of DTRs, Clearances, Application for Leave, ets N/A Processing of Incoming and Outgoing Disbursement Vouchers, Travel Orders, Payroll, Purchase Request, Purchase Orders, and Others FORMS VPPAA 1,2 & 3 1 hour N/A 1 hour N/A 1 hour PERSONS RESPONSIBLE/ LOCATION VPAA/GDumancas VPAA EAvergonzado GDumancas VPAA/ EAvergonzado VPAA EAvergonzado GDumancas VPAA EAvergonzado GDumancas Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Office of the Director of Instruction List of Frontline Services PROCESSING TIME TYPES OF FRONTLINE SERVICES INFORMATION & RECORDS MANAGEMENT Response to inquires on Performance Evaluation Results Issuance of Certification of Teaching Performance Evaluation (TPE) Results Response to inquires and application on faculty scholarships and trainings. Response to inquires and application on student scholarships and loans. Response to inquires on student loan balances and deductions Response to inquires on faculty scholar status and updates. Processing of Applications for faculty Scholarship FEES FORMS None (Under normal circumstances per transaction) PERSONS RESPONSIBLE/ LOCATION 15 minutes Staff 30 minutes Staff None 30 minutes Director/Staff None 30 minutes Director/Staff None 30 minutes Staff None 30 minutes Staff None 1 month Director/Staff Processing of Applications for Student Scholarships/loan Processing of voucher for faculty scholars None 1 week Director/Staff None Voucher 1 hour Staff Processing of Payroll for faculty scholars Processing of Payroll for student scholarship Processing of Voucher for Student subsidy None None None Payroll Payroll Voucher 1 hour 30 minutes 15 minutes Staff Staff Staff 10.00 Certification Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Registrar’s Office List of Frontline Services TYPE OF FRONTLINE SERVICES Release of TORs for graduates starting 2008 Release of TORs for graduates or before 2008 Re-issuance of grade slips Release certification of enrollment Release Statement of Accounts 3 days for 20 req./day Staff/Evaluator/Registrar 5 days for 20 req/day Staff/Evaluator/Registrar FORMS P150.00-first 2 pages, P80.00 excess/ page P150-first 2 pages, P excess/ page request for records form P40.00/copy - 1 minute Staff P80.00/copy as required 5 minutes Staff P80.00/copy request for 1 day/10 req. Staff/Registrar 1 day/10 req. Staff/Registrar 1 day Staff/Registrar 1 day Registrar 5 days Deans/Board Sec./Pres. request for records form Release assorted certification P80.00/ copy Processing of CHED Forms P80.00/sets P80.00/sets Records forms request for Diploma Release of reconstructed Diploma PERSON RESPONSIBLE/ LOCATION FEES Records forms request for Records forms request for ( 3in 1) Authentication of TOR and PROCESSING TIME (Under normal circumstances per transaction) P150/doc Records forms request for Records forms Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Validation of COR during enrollment as required 1 minute Staff Change of Registration per school calendar as required 2 hours Staff/Registrar grades slip 5 minutes Staff 1 day Staff/Registrar 1 day, if all credentials are in order Staff/Registrar 5 min/clientele Staff/Registrar Release General Weighted Average (GWA) Released of TOR per school to school request Honorable Dismissal Attend to various clientele P250/sets request for records forms Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Office of Student Affairs List of Frontline Services TYPE OF FRONTLINE SERVICE A. Student Organization 1. Registration of Student Organization 2. Submission of Accomplishment Reports 3 Checking of Accomplishment Reports B. Student Scholarship Program 1. Filing of Scholarship Application Form 2. Processing and Classifying different categories of Scholarship Application Form 3. Providing Stipend to qualified scholars C. Student Housing Services in Private & Gov't Cottages 1. Processing of Permit to accept student lodgers FEES 50.00/Org none none FORMS OSA Org's Form No. 1 OSA Org's Form No. 2 OSA Org's Form No. 3 none OSA Scholarship Form 1 OSA Scholarship Form 2 none OSA Scholarship Form 1 none PROCESSING TIME (Under normal circumstances per transaction) PERSON RESPONSIBLE 25 mins/Organization Students 15 mins/Organization Student Organization 10 mins/Organization Assistanship Coordination (SOA-Coordinator) OSA Director VPAA Office of the President 10 mins/Student Student Scholarship Coordinator 10 mins/Student OSA Director VPAA 25.00/ application OSA UWHC PAL Form 1 15 mins/Student 1 hour Office of the President 1 day Coordinator- Student Housing & OSA Director Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 2. Conduct ocular inspection to private & gov't cottages accepting student lodgers 3. Tabulate and evaluate housing facilities to private & gov't cottages accepting student lodgers 4. Filling-up of application for dormitory occupants 5. Monitor the accommodation & collect rentals none OSA UWHC PAL Form 2 10 working days University Wide Housing Committee on House Occupants Accepting Lodgers none OSA UWHC PAL Form 3 15 working days University Wide Housing Committee on House Occupants Accepting Lodgers none OSA Dorm Form No. 1 30 mins Dormitory Managers with fee Ledger 20 mins Dormitory Manager, Cashier none none none none none none none none 10 mins 15 mins 30 mins Coordinator Student Assistanship Coordinator Student Assistanship Coordinator Student Assistanship none none OSA Form CS Form No. 48 30 mins 15 mins 15 mins Coordinator Student Assistanship Coordinator Student Assistanship Coordinator Student Assistanship to dormitory occupants D. Student Assistantship 1. Recruitment of Student Assistants 2. Information drive through posters 3. Interview 4. Orientation 5. Deployment of qualified applicants 6. Monitoring and Evaluation E. Student Welfare Services 1. Giving Assistance to sick/needy student residents in the dormitory 2. Plan and monitor environmental awareness in the dormitory 3. Enhancing the spiritual growth Cleaning Evaluation Coordinator Student Assistanship 3 mins/student Dorm Manager 25 mins/room Dorm Manager 30 mins/student Dorm Manager Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 and moral growth residents clients in the dormitories, counseling of student residents 4. Financial assistance to the needy at dormitory F. Clerical and Record Section 1. Clearing and signing of Student General Clearances 2. Issuance of Good Moral 3. Issuance of Certification of Lost ID Releasing of CMU Yearbook (Blazer) 4. Issuance of Clearance slip during exam G. Service Provider 1. Evaluate and record the request 2. Record all incoming & outgoing documents 3. Prepare Vouchers/Withdrawal of Property Deposit at MRH 4. Assist during clearing time 5. Assist during enrollment time for filing scholarship application H. University Student Conduct and Discipline 1 hour Dorm Manager none w/o form 15 mins Student, Clerk, OSA Director none w/ form 15 mins Student, Clerk, OSA Director none w/ form 10 mins Student, Clerk, OSA Director 5 mins Student, Clerk, OSA Director 10 mins Student, Clerk 25 mins Officer/students 15 mins OSA/Student none none w/ form 10.00 fo certification voucher forms /student clearance scholarship forms 5 mins 10 mins Students Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 1. Receive and evaluate the complaints and put into written form. 2. Encode and deliver communications to the different Colleges/Units 3. Prepare and distribution of communication of the taking down notes of the minutes 4. Conduct investigation for reconciliation meeting. 5. Filing/sorting of student complaints/case 6. Transcribing notes of the minutes conducted by the UCSCD 7. Prepare memorandum, notices to the client/s in Colleges/Units none Grievance Agreement form 20 mins. Members, UCSCD Members, Grievance Committee none Affidavit of Complaint 30 mins. Clerk, UCSCD none Grievance Agreement form 20 mins. none 1 hour none 20 mins. none 30 mins. none 5 mins. Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 College of Arts and Science List of Frontline Services PROCESSING TIME TYPES OF FRONTLINE SERVICES Releasing of Forms: Application for Leave Daily Time Record CMU Pass /Time Adjustment Slip Teaching Load Teachers Load Room Use Permit Barrower Slip –(AV Equipment) Activity Permit Conflict Form Clearances (Students) Clearances (Faculty) Logbook Room Use Permit Form Use of Speech Laboratory for Students’ oral Proficiency in English and Filipino Use of Laboratory Equipment by Outsider other than students taking Physics lab courses FEES FORMS (Under normal circumstances per transaction) PERSONS RESPONSIBLE/ LOCATION None By Transaction Clerks None By transaction Speech teachers, Laboratory technician Laboratory Technician Chair, Physics Dept. None Borrowers copy and letter of request of teacher concerned By transaction Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Psychological Testing and Guidance Center List of Frontline Services PROCESSING TIME FEES FORMS Testing - Standardized Test (Under normal circumstances per transaction) 1 hour Counseling - Theories/Techniques As the need arises Freshmen Orientation - Seminar/Workshop 8 hours P50 Seminar/Workshop 8 hours Job Fair - Recruitment 8 hours Peer Facilitators - Training / Seminar / Workshop 1 Semester P100 Battery of Standardized Tests 6 hours / client TYPES OF FRONTLINE SERVICES Career Guidance Job Recruitment Services PERSONS RESPONSIBLE/ LOCATION RGC/ Guidance Coordinators RGC/ Guidance Coordinators RGC/ Guidance Coordinators RGC/ Guidance Coordinators Companies / Agencies / Graduating / Students / Facilitators / Coordinators RGC/ Guidance Coordinators RGC/ Guidance Coordinators Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 College of Education List of Frontline Services PROCESSING TIME TYPES OF FRONTLINE SERVICES FEES FORMS (Under normal circumstances per transaction) PERSONS RESPONSIBLE/ LOCATION Releasing of Forms: Application for Leave Daily Time Record CMU Pass / Time Adjustment Slip Room Use Permit Borrower’s Slip (AVR Equipment) Activity Permit Clearances (Faculty/Staff) Logbook None By transaction Clerks None By transaction Administrative Aide/Dean Application of leave of Absence Certificate of Registration And Grade Slip Attendance Sheets of Students Waiver / Conflict Form Excuse Slip / Admission Request for Students documents i.e. Checklist Enrolment of Student Evaluation of Candidates of Graduation Filing and Updating of Students Records Seat Plan Release Of Assorted Certification Teaching Load Teacher’s Load Program None By transaction Use of Education Hall Records Clerk/ College Secretary Letter 500.00/ day Permit to Use Ed Per approval by the Clerk / Dean Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Hall Tour Visit of the College Conducts Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) Review Interview for Incoming Freshment None To be determined by LET Board LET form None COEd Form University President Per approval by the University President One month before / per approval by the University President Upon Enrollment Dean and Department Heads / Science Room, AVR, Library AACCUP LET Board Department Chairs Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 College of Engineering List of Frontline Services College Secretary’s Office PROCESSING TIME FEES FORMS (Under normal circumstances per transaction) GENERAL CLEARANCE NONE GENERAL CLEARANCE FORM 2 minutes PROSPECTUS NONE COURSE PROSPECTUS 2 minutes CHECKLIST NONE COURSE CHEKLIST 2 minutes ADMISSION SLIP NONE ADMISSION SLIP FORM 2 minutes WAIVER NONE WAIVER FORM 2 minutes LEAVE OF ABSENCE NONE LEAVE OF ABSENCE FORM 2 minutes WORKLOAD/TEACHING LOAD FOR FACULTY NONE WORKLOAD/TEACHING LOAD FORM 2 minutes PRE-REQUESITE FORM 2 minutes TYPES OF FRONTLINE SERVICES PERSONS RESPONSIBLE/ LOCATION ISSUANCE OF: NONE PER-REQUISITE FORM ROOM UTILIZATION / USE FOR MEETING NONE ROOM UTILAZATION / USE FORM 2 minutes SUJECT SCHEDULE TRANSFE FORM NONE SUBJECT SCHEDULE TRANSFER FORM 2 minutes GRADES FO STUDENTS AND 15 minutes Staff / College Secretary Staff / College Secretary Staff / College Secretary Staff / College Secretary Staff / College Secretary Staff / College Secretary Staff / College Secretary Staff / College Secretary Staff / College Secretary Staff / College Secretary Staff / College Secretary Staff / College Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 FACILITATE THE EVALUATION OF GRADUATION STUDENTS ‘ Secretary DROPPING, ADDING, CHANGING OF SUBJECT NONE SHIFTING FORM NONE CERTIFICATION OF BONA FIDE STUDENTS AND STUDENTS STANDING NONE CERTIFICATION OF AVERANGE GRADE FOR SCHOLARSHIP AND OTHER PURPOSSES NONE APPROVE POSTINGS AND POST IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT NONE 15 minutes Staff / College Secretary PERRATION OF VOUCHERS OF STUDENT WITHDRAWALS NONE 2 minutes Staff / College Secretary SHIFTING FORM 2 minutes Staff / College Secretary 2 minutes Staff / College Secretary Dean/College Secretary 15 minutes Dean/ College Secretary Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 College of Forestry List of Frontline Services TYPES OF FRONTLINE SERVICES FEES FORMS PROCESSING TIME (Under normal circumstances per transaction) PERSONS RESPONSIBLE/ LOCATION 1-3 mins/client Ms. Genara C. Odtohan/staff Annual reports it takes 3 – 4 days Dean 1. Office of the Dean Receives, releases and records all office correspondence, documents, endorsements, reports, memoranda, vouchers, job orders. Sorts out and files various important documents; None Room use permit/ Equipment use permit, locator slip, College Clearances, application for leave, DTR form, Job Orders None None Reports Dean 1 min/document None Various forms Dean 3-5 mins/doc * Preparation and submission of Reports (SemiAnnual, Monthly Accomplishment report, CHED annual report) * Signing of Faculty & staff DTR, Clearance, Application for leave, Job orders, contracts etc. Endorsements communication of requests from faculty, staff, and students Coordinate with faculty Endorsements None Dean none Monthly faculty meeting it takes 4 hours Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 members on making decisions regarding the affairs of the college 2. Office of the College Secretary or Registrar. Decentralized admission procedures administered by respective colleges during enrollment period for the freshmen. N PDF, Admission Form, Enrolment procedures form, interview form, & Enrolment assessment form. College Clearance Form 1c O N College Clearance for final exam, signing and release after verification from student records. E Release and notification of MIS form with reference to COR for student’s transfer of conflict schedules. Checking, signing and release of preliminary college clearance for Students’ filing TOR, for transfer, and related purposes before accomplishing the University general clearance. Record checking and release of Leave of absence form for students who need to file LOA. Secretary & encoding staff, and faculty advisers. Secretary & office staff 5-10 minutes/student 5 minutes/ student 5-10 minutes after checking student’s records Secretary and staff Secretary and Office staff, & OUR. College Student’s Clearance Application for LOA Form 20-30 mins/student MIS Form 3 University Adding form Secretary and office staff. Secretary and office staff 30 mins- 1 hr until delivered to OUR. 5-10 minutes/student Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Facilitate the advising of students during the adding /and or substitution of subjects with reference to student’s checklist. Release of notified Admission slip to students for possible excuse of undertaken absences from respective classes. Release of waiver form a s required to be accomplished by students before going out for a field trip. Issuance of conflict form to students during term exams with reference to the set schedule of examination. Semestral updating Students’ records secretary’s file folder. of at College WAIVER FORM College CHANGE OF SCHEDULE OF EXAMINATIO N form. Coordinate, Evaluate and endorse qualified students for possible application to a scholarship program for the College of Forestry. Evaluation and endorsement of students’ communications/request to higher authority on matters affecting their degree programs. ADMISSION SLIP Form from scholarship institution. Secretary or office staff Secretary & office staf Secretary & office staff Secretary & office staff 5 min/student One-day coordination, evaluation and endorsement. 30 min-1 hour Secretary and office staff Secretary and office staff 10-20 mins/student OUR form for adding/ or dropping. 1 minute/student Evaluation form and endorsement letter Student’s checklist at Secretary’s file folder. 5 minutes/student Secretary and staff 5-10 mins/student Secretary/Dept chairmen/ and office staff. Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 College Matrix form with reference to curricular programs offering. Advising students during dropping/ Substitution/& adding of courses with reference to student’s records. Preliminary preparations of semestral’s regular/ irregular curricular offering of courses in coordination with the respective department chairpersons. Final preparations of Semestral’s regular/ irregular curricular offering of courses. Matrix form with reference to curricular programs offering. Matrix form with reference to curricular programs offering. Preliminary and final scheduling of year levels subjects with reference to the established schedule of the general education courses offered at same year levels respectively. Preliminary distribution and balancing of teaching load of faculty members in coordination with the respective department chairpersons. Final distribution and preparation of faculty 1 whole-workday coordination, analysis and necessary setting of final offerings. Half-day final setting of the semestral courses offering . 2-day fittings and final scheduling. Secretary and office staff, with respective dept chairpersons. Secretary and office staff Secretary and office staff. Secretary, office staff, Dean, Faculty members. 2-day fitting of teaching load assignments in line with the set schedule of classes. College Tentative teaching load 2-3-days final encoding, signing, and approval of all College and University forms. Faculty, secretary. Office staff, MIS, &OUR. Faculty, secretary. Office staff, MIS, &OUR. One-week after midterm examination VPAA Form 1, etc. One-week after final examination. Secretary and office staff. Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 teaching Teacher’s program. Preparation and submission of Midterm grades to the MIS and OUR. Preparation and submission of Final examination grades to the MIS and OUR. Semestral updating of college statistical data and information on students concerns. Preliminary checking and evaluation of the graduating students with reference to the college official file of students’ documents. load, and workload Evaluation and coordination with OUR records for preliminary recommendation of graduating students to the respective Dept Chairpersons. Final listings of candidates for graduation for presentation to the College council assembly. MIS Grade module Secretary and office staff. 1-2 hrs /student Secretary and office staff 30-mins-1 hr/student Secretary and office staff Secretary and office staff MIS Grade module Matrix and Graphs APPLICATIO N for graduationFO R EVALUATION Form of the OUR. 1-2 days Approved Application for Evaluation and listings of Recommndee s. List of candidates at respective departments. \ 30-mins-1 hr 30mins-1 hr Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Final listings of approved graduates by the council and noted by the Dean for submission to OUR for University Academic council Approval. 3. Office of FRM Department Chairperson Final list of candidates for graduation approved by the College council. None Processing of student clearance College clearance Processing of endorsements and communication of requests from faculty members of the department and students Less than five (5) minutes Department Chair Maximum of one (1) hour Official Letter Teaching the assigned subjects Department Chair None As per schedule Academic advising of year level students Enrolment forms Concerned faculty members Utmost three (3) minutes per students Issuance of numerical grades of students after midterm and final examination Reviewing and recommending approval of teaching loads, petition subjects, and grade sheets 4. Office of the WST Department Chairperson Grade sheets Utmost five (5) working days after the examination Standard forms Less than 15 minutes per form/subject None 1 to 3 hours Faculty in the department assigned as academic adviser; Concerned faculty members of the Department Department Chair None Chairman Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Preparation of semestral courses offering Signing of student clearances Extension services in load identification None Clearance form 1 to 3 min/student Chairman P150 per sampl es Certification 30 mins to 1 hr per sample WST faculty member None 10 to 30 mins per person Chairman none Consultation 5. Office of the FBS Department Chairperson none none Endorsement of official communication in 2 hours Chair, FBS 6. Office of the ES Department Chairperson none None Endorsement of official communication in 2 hours Chair, ES Department 7. Research Coordinator Meetings as called for by the CMU Research Office Accept and endorse submitted research proposal of the college to the CMU Research Office Coordinate and facilitate the In-house review of the CMU research activities Facilitate/coordinate the packaging of completed research for possible technology dissemination 2 hours 2 hours N O N E N O N E 3 months none None Coordinates and facilitates 8 hours 8. Extension Coordinator 9. Curriculum Coordinator Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 progress of the proposed ES Curricular programs 10. University Library Board Member Member of the team on evaluating the existing library policies. Formulate possible proposal for revisions on the general library policy in relation to the development of resources for instruction and research . Advise in the allocation of book funds. Collaborate on decisions regarding the allocation of library space for maximum utilization and effectiveness. Help source out available free books and publications from funding agencies. Existing library policies Revised library policy based on the needs of time for improvement.. Based on library budgetary allocations of the university. Based on appropriate suggested concept and plan by the ULAB and implemented by the engineer for physical improvement of the CMU library. As needed ULAB members As needed at the university level on library concerns. ULAB members During budget allocations and planning. As needed Chairman, ULAB ULAB members As readily available Linkages of ULAB members, and other various sources. Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 From individual, group, or institutions as prospected donors. 11. College Library Cataloguing and indexing books and journals Charging and discharging books & journals Changing book cards Typing book cards and card catalog Shelving and arranging books and journals and other materials in the library Filing book cards Assisting library users in using the right books, journals, etc. Repairing wornout books and journals Clippings Binding journals Keep records in the library Library keeping/maintaining cleanliness 2 HOURS N O N E Ms. Angelie Sedenio-Longakit & NONE 1 hr Ms. Rubelyn Arcellias 1-3 minutes 5 minutes each College of Forestry library staff 2 hours 20 minutes Daily 2 hours 30 minutes 1 hr 20 minutes daily 30 minutes daily 12. Office of the Property Custodian none Borrower slip of materials issued form 5-30 minutes CF Custodian 13. College Herbarium none CF Herbarium form no. 1 5 minutes Dr. Damaso B. Figarola-CF Herbarium Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 14. General Services Staff 8 hrs Mr. Carlos R. Jubay Mr. Emeterio Bahan Mr. Gorgonio Bahan Mr. Dario C. Gamil 1 hr per day Mr. Jubay, Carlos 1 hr Mr. de Guzman Domingo Clean CF class rooms, offices, comfort rooms, lobby and surroundings, water plants of the 3 CF buildings (Administation, academic and extension building) Serve as messenger of the College Mimeograph all exams, laboratory exercises and other documents/papers forms for reproduction for the college 15. Year Level Advisers None None First year BSF – Prof. Policarpo E. Sedenio None Dropping/adding form 1 to 3 mins/student Adviser 1. Signing of dropping/adding forms None None 1 to 4 mis/student Adviser 2. None none 10 to 30 mins/student Adviser, Prof. Sedenio None 1.PRF form 2. Request for dropping of subject form 3. Application for change in registration 5 min/student 1-3 minutes Adviser, Dr. Puno/Casas Counseling 3. Consultation Forth year BSF – Dr. Casas/Puno 1. Issue PRF and advise student as to the number of units to be enrolled, assist student in arranging conflicting schedule. None 1-3 minutes 3-5 mins/student PRF form For. Rodriga G. Aguinsatan Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 First year BSF – For. Rodriga G. Aguinsatan None 15-30 min/student NONE 1. Issue PRF 15-30 mins/student 10-20 mins/student Third year BSES - Dr. Laarni F. Lacandula Semestral updating of advisees’ file folder of students’ checklist. Advising the students during the regular enrolment schedules. Advising the students Fourth year BSES – Prof. Marina J. Segumpan - Please refer to University Code. At the college level adviser function is only considered during registration. Note: At present year level advisers can only coordinate with the office of the College Registrar in issuing student records (if there is a request) and it is good within CMU only. In the university, we have a standing policy (verbal) that it is only the office of the Uuniversity Registrar that can issue formal student documents Respective year level advisers Year level advisers Year level advisors secretary Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 like Transcript of Records, Honorable Dismissal, etc., because, the office has the university seal. Please refer to the University Code. Maybe its time to sit down to determine empowerment of year level adviser. Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 College of Veterinary Medicine List of Frontline Services Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory and Microbiology Research Laboratory PROCESSING TIME TYPES OF FRONTLINE SERVICES FEES I. Necropsy a. Poultry (per case) b. Swine (max. of 3 animals) c. Bovine (per animal) 100.00 200.00 300.00 Necropsy -do-do- 1 hour 1 ½ hrs. 1 ½ hrs. 20.00 50.00 ADDL Result -do- 15 minutes 45 minutes II. Parasitology a. Direct Fecal Smear b. Nematode Fecal Egg Count c. Fluke Egg Count d. Fecal Culture e. Skin Smear f. Blood Smear g. Trypanosome Test - Hematocrit Centrifugation III. Microbiology a. Water Analysis b. Bacterial Isolation c. Antibiotic Sensitivity Tests d. Bacterial Cultures e. Standard Plate Count f. Media Preparation IV. Histopathology Oocyst 50.00 75.00 25.00 50.00 FORMS (Under normal circumstances per transaction) -do-do-do-do- 12 hours 1 week 10 minutes 30 minutes PERSONS RESPONSIBLE/ LOCATION Clinical Instructors -do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do- -do75.00 -do- 350.00 350.00 150.00 Lab. Exam. Report Billing Form Microbiology Lab. Result Form None Lab. Exam. Report None 50.00 150.00 150.00/ Plate 45 minutes 40 hours 36 hours 24 hours 1 hour 24 hours 2 hours Clinical Instructors with Registered Med. Technologist & Lab. Assistant -do-do- Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 a. Histopathological Slide (cutting) VETERINARY TEACHING HOSPITAL 1. Consultation 2. Transporation Campus Off Campus 3. Board/Lodging 4. Fecalysis 5. CBC 6. Direct Smear Mange Microfilaria 7. Urinalysis 8. ECG (Dog, Cat, Chicken) 9. Blood Chemistry (by arrangement) 10. x-ray 11. Surgery (by arrangement) 12. Necropsy (by arrangement) 13. Ultrasound (by arrangement) Laboratory In-charge 5.00/slide Billing Form 4 slides per minute P50.00 30 minutes 50.00 150.00 P50-100 P70-100 1 hour Laboratory Request Form 30 minutes 1-24 hours P50-150 4 hours 50.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 1 hour 1 hour 1 hour 2 hours 24 hours 150.00 24 hours 24 hours 2 hours 2 hours Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 College Secretary’s Office TYPES OF FRONTLINE SERVICES FEES FORMS PROCESSING TIME (Under normal circumstances per transaction) PERSONS RESPONSIBLE/ LOCATION STUDENT WELFARE SERVICES A. Issuance of permits for: 1. Admission to class None Admission Slip 30 minutes 2. Student applying Leave of Absence None Application for Leave of Absence 10-20 minutes 3. Student Waiver (educational field trip) 4. Shifting of students None 3-5 days Waiver None 10-20 minutes 10-20 minutes Prog. Adviser, Faculty Col.Sec., Dean Col. Secretary 1-2 days Col. Secretary 10-20 minutes -do30 minutes to 1 hr. Requisitioner, Adviser, Dean Adviser, Col. Sec., Panel Members, CRC Chair, Dept. Chair, Dean Assigned clerk Col. Secretary, Univ. Registrar Shifting Form 5. Transfer of Class Schedule None 6. Conflict schedule of examination 7. Room Utilization - VM Hall - Class Room 8. Thesis Outline/Manuscript Defense 9. Posting of documents/information 10. Application for Graduation 11. Clearance for: - examination - shifting/transferring students - graduates Guidance Counselor, Dean Prog. Adviser, Col. Sec., Dean Univ. Registrar Parent/Guardian None 125.00/hr 50.00/hr. None Class Schedule Transfer Form Conflict Form Room Permit -doSchedule of Defense None None None 5 minutes 1 month Approving Signature Application of Evaluation for Graduation 3-5 minutes 1 week Issuing Clerk/ Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Clearance Form 1 week Col. Sec. B. Issuance of documents 1. Checklist/grades/COR 2. Inquiry of Class Schedules and Examination Schedules (Midterm/Finals/Removal) 3. Individual Student Records 4. Certification of student status None 30 minutes None 1 hour None None 30 minutes 30 minutes Col. Registrar, Col. Secretary Col. Secretary Col. Secretary Col. Secretary Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 College Library TYPES OF FRONTLINE SERVICES FEES FORMS PROCESSING TIME (Under normal circumstances per transaction) LIBRARY SERVICES 1. Charge & discharge library reading material to clienteles (students, faculty, staff). PERSONS RESPONSIBLE/ LOCATION None Book card 3 minutes College Librarian 2. Receive students loaned out books. -do- Book card 2 minutes Assistant Librarian College Librarian 3. Sign student/faculty clearances. -do- Clearance form 2 minutes Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Graduate School List of Frontline Services TYPE OF FRONTLINE SERVICES FEES FORMS 1. ADMISSION - Issuance of Application Form - GS Form 1 - Issuance of Prospectus Issuance of Candid Appraisal Form Conduct GS Admission Test - Prospectus GS Form 2 - - Facilitate the admission of GS student for evaluation to the dept. concerned Facilitate the payment of the Application Fee Prepare Notice of Admission 2. Request for the course offering for consolidation and approval 3. Enrolment of Graduate Students new and old 4. Facilitate the distribution of teaching load, teacher’s load program and faculty workload summary P 400 GS Form 3 P 200 - P545/unit for MS P735/unit for PhD - Notice of Admission Form GS Memo Cert. of Registration Form for enrolment Teaching load & Teachers Load Program & PROCESSING TIME (Under normal circumstances per transaction) 1 month before the enrolment To be submitted w/ supporting TOR once the applicant desires to take GSAT 1 minute/ student To submitted once he/she passed the GSAT Exam. To be taken by any interested students seeking for admission To be forwarded to the Dept. concern for further evaluation PERSON RESPONSIBLE/ LOCATION Dean, GS Secretary & Ms. L. Catane GS Staff GS Staff GS Staff Dean/ GS Secretary / Ms.L. Catane Ms. L. Catane To be paid to the Cashiers office as processing fee On or before enrolment period OR to be check by Ms. L. Catane Ms. L. Catane & signed by the GS Dean 1 month before the enrolment GS Secretary & Ms. L. Catane GS Secretary for old students & Ms. L. Catane for new students Follow the Univ. Registrar’s enrolment schedule First week of classes GS Secretary / Ms. L. Catane Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 5. Follow-up the submission of accomplished teaching load, teachers load program, and faculty workload summary for consolidation & submission to VPAA 6. Issuance of Application for Leave of Absence 7. Issuance of Application for Evaluation and Graduation - VPAA Form 1 - 2nd week of scheduled classes GS Secretary / Ms. L. Catane & Messenger - GS Form 3 Within one month after enrolment GS Secretary / GS Staff P 600/ student Evaln. Form from the Univ. Reg. Within one month after enrolment GS Secretary/ GS Staff FORMS PROCESSING TIME (Under normal circumstances per transaction) After earning 12 units of course work After earning 12 units of course work After enrolment period or 1 month before the scheduled written compre exam. PERSON RESPONSIBLE/ LOCATION GS Secretary / GS Staff TYPE OF FRONTLINE SERVICES 8. Issuance of Nomination for Advisory Committee 9. Issuance of Plan of Course Work 10. Issuance of Application for Written Comprehensive Exam. 11. Request Written Test Questions for the scheduled written Comprehensive Examinations 12. Issuance of Application for Proposal Defense 13. Issuance of Application for Final Defense 14. Receiving of Accomplished forms for approval 15. Prepare Reports of Examinations FEES - GS Form 4 - GS Form 5 P600/ MS student P1,500/ PhD student - GS Form 6 Formal Letter 2 weeks before the scheduled written compre exam. GS Secretary - GS Form 7 GS Secretary & GS Staff P 6,000/ MS P 8,000/ PhD - GS Form 8 1 week before the scheduled proposal defense 2 weeks before the scheduled defense - Within one day of submission - - 1 day before the scheduled exam/defense GS Staff, GS Secretary & Dean GS Staff / GS Secretary GS Secretary / GS Staff GS Secretary / GS Staff GS Secretary & GS Staff Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 16. Checking of Thesis/Dissertation Manuscripts before final reproduction 17. Prepare Payrolls for Excess Load Honorarium of GS Faculty 18. Prepare Payroll for Completed Thesis/Dissertation Incentives 19. Prepare payroll for GSAT Board Incentives - - 1 day GS Secretary - Monthly Payroll - General Payroll Payroll - Payroll Once a year based on income from GSAT Fee, 50% of it. 20. Prepare Purchase Request, Job orders, Travel Order, Driver’s Trip ticket, Petty Cash Advance, Replenishment of Petty Cash, Liquidation, and Reimbursements. 21. Encoding of Graduate School Journal for Publication - Prescribed Forms needed Within a day or as needed/required Ms. L. Catane & Check by GS Secretary Ms. L. Catane & checked by GS Secretary Ms. L. Catane w/ the consultation of the Accounting Office based of records of GSAT Fees Ms. L. Catane / Ms. M. Marin P300/ GS student GS Journal P 300/ GS student - - 1 Publication / term Ms. M. Marin - Within 1 term Ms. M. Marin PPMP Form Within one week Ms. L. Catane 22. Encoding of Revised GS Student Handbook 23. Preparation of project Procurement Management Plan for Supplies & Materials At the end of the Semester/Term Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 RESEARCH AND EXTENSION Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Office of the Vice President for Research & Extension List of Frontline Services PROCESSING TIME PERSONS RESPONSIBLE/ LOCATION TYPES OF FRONTLINE SERVICES FEES FORMS (Under normal circumstances per transaction) Provide endorsements, recommendations, comments and actions on various communications None None 30 min./doc. Vice President for Research and Extension (VPRE) None None 10 min./doc. VPRE None None None None 10 min./doc. 10 min./doc. VPRE VPRE None None None None 10 min./doc. 10 min./doc. VPRE VPRE None None 10 min./doc. VPRE None None 15 min./doc. Administrative Officer Sign various official documents such as: Obligation Request for Research & Extension Expenditures Job Orders Travel Order Disbursement and Payrolls of Research & Extension Units RIS Other papers related to research and extension Authenticate various documents of faculty members and transcript of records of students University Extension Office Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 List of Frontline Services PROCESSING TIME TYPES OF FRONTLINE SERVICES FEES FORMS A. Information and Extension Communication (IEC) materials a. IEC Development (Under normal circumstances per transaction) PERSONS RESPONSIBLE/ LOCATION 1 hr/client DINAMPOLUNZAGA, EE NALLANO, TO 30 minutes/client BAUTISTA, JSB, SARAUSA,LA., NALLANO, TO B. Technology promotion (info drive) 30 minutes/client C. Documentation 30 minutes/client DINAMPOLUNZAGA, EE BAUTISTA, JSB, SARAUSA,LA. DINAMPOLUNZAGA, EE BAUTISTA, JSB, SARAUSA,LA. BAUTISTA, JSB, SARAUSA,LA. NALLANO, TO b. IEC for sale Primer @ P30 each Color Leaflet @ Black & White Leaflet @ P3.00 each D. Attend Office Calls/ Visitors E. Printing Services 1. Typesetting 7.00/page 12.00/page 2. Illustration -Manual 30.00/page 3. Lay outing -Electronic layout 90.00/page 4. Letterpress Printing -Receipts (triplicate) -Receipts (duplicate) 8.00/booklet 6.00/booklet 5. Copy Printer Printing 450.00/ream/master Log book Log book 30 minutes/client JO 30 minutes/client CURAYAG, HL JO 30 minutes/client CURAYAG, HL JO 30 minutes/client CURAYAG, HL JO 30 minutes/client TORTOLA, JGM JO 30 minutes/client TORTOLA, JGM Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 6. Book Binding 7. Cutting / Trimming 8. Digital Graphic Design -Logo/ seal -Others (Charts, graphs, etc) 9. Digital Imaging (Scanner) -Small image W/o Printing -Large image W/o Printing -Small image w/ Printing -Large image w/ Printing 1. Advisory Technical Services a. DXMU (radio program and production) b. Computer & peripheral maintenance 30.00/book JO 30 minutes/client TORTOLA, JGM 50.00 per 100.00cps and 10.00 excess of 100cps. JO 30 minutes/client TORTOLA, JGM JO 30 minutes/client CURAYAG, HL JO 30 minutes/client CURAYAG, HL Log book 30 minutes/client BAUTISTA, JSB, SARAUSA,LA. NALLANO, TO JO 30 minutes/client CURAYAG, HL 80.00/design(color) 40.00/page(color) 30.00/image 60.00/image 45.00/printout 75.00/printout Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 PRODUCTION Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Business Management and Resources Development Office (BMRDO) List of Frontline Services PROCESSING TIME TYPES OF FRONTLINE SERVICES FEES FORMS 1. Renewal of job Order contract None 2. Contract of Work Machinery Services 3. Land Cultivation / Excavation Services Approved Rate Application / Contract Contract/ MOA 4. Hauling / mowing services Hauler truck Tractor Mower Approved Rate 5. Milling / drying /storing services Rice Mill / Coffee/cacao/ Rubber Creep 6. Cereals seeds and products services Approved Rate 7. Plantation Crops Seeding and Product Services Approved Rate Approved Rate Approved Rate 8. Animal Product Services Beef Dairy Goat and sheep Swine Poultry Approved Rate Rate Set by BMRDO (Under normal circumstances per transaction) 20 days 20 days PERSONS RESPONSIBLE/ LOCATION Project Head /SAPBMRDO /President SAP , BRMDO/ President MEMU Head / SAP, BMRDO /President/ Cashier MEMU Head / SAP, BMRDO /President/ Cashier Job Order Form/ inspection Report form Job Order Form/ inspection Report form 5-10 days Job Order Form/ inspection Report form Purchase Request (PR) Official Receipts(OR) Purchase Request (PR) Official Receipts(OR) Purchase Request (PR) Official Receipts(OR) 5 days Project Head /SAPBMRDO /President 1-2 days Project Head /SAPBMRDO /President 1-5 days Project Head /SAPBMRDO /President 1-5 days Project Head /SAPBMRDO /President 5-10 days Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 Vermin compost 9. Forest Product Services Seedlings Lumber Furniture/fixtures Sawmilling 10. instruction , Research and Extension Services land Area Services technical Services Machinery Services Heavy equipment Services Hauling / transportation Services Approved Rate Rate Set by BMRDO Purchase Request (PR) Official Receipts(OR) 1-5 days Project Head /SAPBMRDO /President Rate Set by BMRDO Through BOM/BOR Letter Request / job orders /Official Receipt 1-5 days Project Head /SAPBMRDO /President Citizens’ Charter of CMU - 2009 University Food and Lodging Services List of Frontline Services PROCESSING TIME TYPES OF FRONTLINE SERVICES Canteen Caterings Grocery Lodging Services FEES FORMS 25.00/Serving (minimum) !40.00/ cover (minimum) 150.00/customer NON AIRCON ROOMS Rm. 1-9 (450.00/rm) Rm. 10-11(95.00/rm.) Rm. 27-30(Dorm type 60.00/ heads) Ledger Contract Ledger UFLS (Under normal circumstances per transaction) 5 min. / Customer 5 min / pax 5 min. / Customer PERSONS RESPONSIBLE/ LOCATION Cashier Walter Grocery in-charge Lodging in-charged AIRCON ROOMS Rm. 1-3 (900.00/rm) Rm. 4(1,000.00/rm) Rm. 5 (1,100.00/rm) Rm. 6&8(1,500.00/rm) Rm. 7 (1,300.00/rm) Training hall Swimming pool 10,000/day 30.00/head-entrance Contract Provisionary receipt and charge invoice 8 hrs 8 hrs FTC in – charge Swimming pool in charge