CAN DO - Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay
CAN DO - Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay
CAN DO ANY Highest Awards THIN Girl Scouts Bronze, Silver and Gold Award recipients: G 13 58 161 Total Girl Membership 9651 Imagine Your STEM Future was launched at Christiana High School in the winter, then expanded to five high schools – Newark, Glasgow, Christiana, Milford and Seaford – in the 2014-2015 school year. Thanks to sponsors such as RGK, Ashland and AstraZeneca, this innovative program brought hands-on science activities to high school girls outside of the traditional classroom. 45.9% retention 15th “The Annu Pow al Ce er of Total Adult Membership lebra Ima tion gina 4 tion .” 0 7 65.8% retention 31.1% $87,537 Percentage served through restricted grant funding Total given in financial assistance 751 tota 24 Wherever a Girl Scout goes, she can be recognized by the uniform she wears. Whether it’s a sash or a vest, the pins, badges and patches tell stories about the individual Girl Scout’s experience. You’ll see some of the things she learned, how she served the community, and the fun she’s had with her friends. Maybe she went kayaking in the Sassafras River; or earned the Digital Movie Maker badge at Camp Country Center’s Digital Media Center; perhaps she received her Girl Scout Gold Award at On My Honor; or delivered Girl Scout Cookies to a local charity as part of Operation Taste of Home. In this year’s Annual Report, we use the Girl Scout uniform to tell our stories of 2014. Our membership, program, property and financial information are represented by the badges and patches on the Girl Scout uniform. There were many wonderful events and activities, including the tri-annual National Convention and Girl Scout Leadership Institute (GSLI) in Salt Lake City, Utah. GSCB was represented by six teen Girl Scouts, including two official teen delegates. We’ve also illustrated our expanded STEM programming, and new additions to the Girl Scout Cookie Program, which included carts at three regional malls. As with recent years, 2014 was a challenging year. Faced with a financial deficit, we tightened budgets, restructured staff and considered new sources of revenue. Thanks to our generous donors, and alignment of both financial and human resources to key council strategies and focus, Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay is turning the corner. As we finish our first century on the Delmarva Peninsula, we recognize the new beginnings that this year offered our council, represented by the troop crest patch on the front cover—the white rose. The white rose symbolizes new beginnings. A very important new beginning for Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay is the Northern Resource Center. In 2014, we finalized the purchase of land, started the capital campaign and planned for a busy 2015 of breaking ground and building. By this time next year, we plan to be in our new building, celebrating the 100th year of Girl Scouting on the Delmarva Peninsula, and serving a new generation of girls. As always, we look forward to sharing the year with our Girl Scouts, adult volunteers, families, donors and friends. Sincerely, Anne T. Hogan Chief Executive Officer 9 Financials* l number of troops ed through 167 total p ls serv rogr r i g a 24 ms . ers, 22% by GSCB st aff, 5 volunte y b d 0% e t a by v it l i c en fa % do 28 s a e b d rs M p E ro T grams 43% S Revenue and Support althy Living program 12% He s 11% Outdoor programs Oth 44% er (Includes highest awards and 823 arts ) Product Program..........................................32% Capital Campaign.........................................28% Miscellaneous Income............................... 18% Public support................................................. 6% United Way, Federal and State Funds..... 4% Camping and Program Fees....................... 4% Investment Income....................................... 3% Special Events................................................. 2% Sale of Merchandise...................................... 2% In-Kind Donations........................................... 1% Total Revenue and Support........$6,523,705 Expenses Program Services........................................70% Management and General......................... 11% Fundraising.....................................................10% Capital Funding...............................................9% Total Expenses..............................$3,969,011 Change in net assets.................$2,554,694 Net assets: Beginning of the year...............$10,281,848 End of the year...........................$12,836,542 $15,916 588 girls were served through our Summer Camp Amount given in financial aid for Summer Camp. pathway for a total of 823 experiences at Country Center, Grove Point and Camp Todd (6% of membership) 926,461 Lynne S. Shand Board Director GS Cookie Program total boxes sold 154 average number of boxes sold per girl 5,877 girls participated $665, 329 troop proceeds $84,635 girl proceeds The first National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend was held, with special early booths planned for the weekend including kiosks at Christiana Mall, Dover Mall and the Centre at Salisbury, which remained for the duration of the program. Girls solicited donations for 32,116 boxes of cookies for Operation Taste of Home to be distributed through the USO to active duty military as well as to food banks along the Delmarva Peninsula. The Inaugural Punkin Fling and Fall Festival was held at Camp Todd. The event sold out and featured catapults and a trebuchet flinging pumpkins, a chili cook-off and videography via drone coverage. Fund Development Fund development raised approximately $847,000 or 24% of total revenues through public support, United Ways, United Fund, Government Funds, In-Kind Donations and special fundraising events, such as the Women of Distinction program and Thin Mint Run. The Women of Distinction program honored Terri Kelly, President and CEO, W.L. Gore & Associates as Northern Honoree, I. Sharon Dobson, President/CEO Priceless Industries, Inc. as Mid-Shore Honoree, Ginnie Malone as Lower-Shore Honoree and Susan Wilson Krick as Sussex County Honoree. Capital Campaign The new Northern Resource Center will be “A Beacon For All Girls,” preparing us for our second century on the Delmarva Peninsula. In 2014, we purchased seven beautiful acres for the Northern Resource Center and launched the Capital Campaign to begin raising the necessary funds. You can help Build the Beacon by visiting The financial statements of the Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay are audited annually. Cover & Rossiter conducted the 2014 audit. EVENTS SUPPORTERS A Friend of the Family, Inc. AAA Mid-Atlantic Mr. and Mrs. Rodney M. Abbott Mrs. Marianne B. Abdul Ms. Jennifer R. Acord Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Adams Agilent Technologies, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ahtes Mr. and Mrs. William R. Allan Mrs. Judith M. Allen Ms. Donna S. Altvater Ms. Carol A. Ammon Anonymous Arena’s Deli Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Arentz Artesian Water Company, Inc. Arthur C. Hall, Inc Artisans’ Bank AstraZeneca LP Atlantic Oceanside Motel Mr. Frank Aversa Avery Hall Insurance Ms. Rita S. Ayers Mr. Donald E. Bailey Myrna L. Bair, Ph.D Bancroft Construction Company Mr. Richard S. Barr Sr. Ms. Myra Bates Baxter Enterprises, Inc. BB&T Beach Babies Child Care, Inc. Beckford Properties, LLC Mr. Craig Bell Mr. Dale Bellinger Mr. and Mrs. Randall C. Bendler Dr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Berry Ms. Charlene Bertheard Big Fish Restaurant Group Mrs. Sandra Bihary-Waltz Ms. Carol R. Boncelet Mr. and Mrs. Julian H. Booker Ms. Jennifer Borsello Mr. and Mrs. Mickey E. Bounds Ms. Audrey C. Boys Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Bozick Brite-Line Technologies, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Brittingham Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Broadman Ms. Cris Brookmyer Ms. Dawn C. Brown Mr. and Mrs. George H. Bunting, Jr. Ms. Carolyn S. Burger Ms. Sharrell Callaway Capital One Mr. James Carlo Ms. Kathleen H. Carmean Mr. and Mrs. Francis S. Carnes, Jr. Ms. Sharon M. Carrick The Hon. Kimberly Jean and Mr. Mark Cascia The Honorable and Mrs. Michael N. Castle Mr. and Mrs. Wallace G. Catlin Cato Gas and Oil, Inc. Christiana Care Health System Citizens Bank, N.A. City of Wilmington - Mayor’s Office Mr. Joey Clark Mr. and Mrs. Wolfgang N. Clayton Dr. and Mrs. James L. Clifford Ms. Ann S. Coates Ms. Bitsy Cochran Cockey, Brennan & Maloney, P.C. The Honorable and Mrs. Richard F. Colburn Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Cares Foundation Coldwell Banker Waterman Realty Community Foundation of the Easten Shore, Inc. Ms. Connie L. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Cope Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Corbett Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Corcoran County Bank Mr. and Mrs. George Cunzeman, Jr. Patricia Curtin, MD & Family Cypress Capital Management, LLC D K Design, Inc. Ms. June T. Dashiell David A. Bramble, Inc. Mrs. Sara J. Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Davis, Jr. Ms. Ann M. Debrabander Delaware Commission for Women INDIVIDUAL DONORS Platinum Circle – ($2,500 +) Anonymous Blanchard Family Foundation Mr. and Ms. Michael E. Kullman Ms. Regina M. Mullen Mrs. Margaret A. Rose Talcott-Gran Charitable Trust Ms. Trudie E. Thompson Gold Circle - ($1,000 - $2,499) Judith Armstrong Mrs. Edna P. Bennett-Pierce Uma Chowdhry, PhD Ms. Gail A. Graham Robin Gribbon Shauna T. Hagan, Esq. Ms. Anne T. Hogan Mrs. Mary E. Hughes June MacArtor Ms. Katya A. Nieburg-Wheeler Donald J. Puglisi Lisa L. Quadrini, CFP® The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. James J. Shand Ms. Diane M. Sparks Mr. and Mrs. William A. Trala Ms. Kathryn Washburn Ms. Jessica T. Wilson Silver Circle - ($500 - $999) Ms. Jennifer R. Acord Ms. Lyzbeth M. Arellano Ms. Rita S. Ayers Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Blakey Ms. Audrey C. Boys Ms. Gloria Zook Diodato Mr. Irénée du Pont, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Garner Diane and Ed Gulyas The Honorable Jane P. Maroney Mrs. Susanne S. Morris Dr. Matthew A. Page Mrs. Susan M. Rowe Ms. Janet Rzewnicki Mrs. Melanie L. Stefursky Michael A. Trolio, CPA Edith P. Villasenor, D.M.D. Mr. Norman J. Wagner Lynn W. Williams Honor Circle - ($100 - $499) Mrs. Marianne B. Abdul Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ahtes Ms. Mary Jo Anderson Ms. Grace Bank Reverend Grace R. Batten The Honorable Paul S. Baumbach Ms. Beverley V. Baxter Ms. Barbara Beaman Sally A. and André G. Beaumont Catherine M. Beise, PhD Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Bilous Jerry and Michel Bilton Mrs. Mary A. Bolles Ms. Donna Bolte Mr. and Mrs. David R. Bonner Ms. Shavonne Brathwaite Ms. Cris Brookmyer Ms. Nancie B. Cameron Mr. Richard A. Carver Ms. Rosella M. Champion Ms. Bernice Chandler Ms. Tiffanie Chandler Laurie B. Chouinard Ms. Miranda D. Clifton Ms. Alycia B. Cloud Ms. Kathy Collins Mrs. Kimberly J. Collins Ms. Monica M. Conlin Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Corcoran Natalie Crawford Mrs. Sandra L. Crist Mary M. Culley, Esq. Patricia Curtin, MD & Family Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Czochor Mr. and Mrs. Stephan C. de la Veaux Ms. Stacy M. Dedinas Delaware State Chamber of Commerce Delaware State University Delmarva Power Delmarva Title Company Ms. Anne S. DeMarco Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Dempsey Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Deoudes Ms. Kathryn D. DeRenzo Ms. April Devlin Mr. and Mrs. Anthony V. DiFerdinando Mr. and Mrs. James DiGuglielmo Ms. Joanie DiNardo Ms. Valere Dinkins Ms. Gloria Zook Diodato Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Dipietro Mr. Anthony DiPilla Distinctive Designs Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Dobson Ms. Lynn W. Dobson Mr. and Mrs. Scott H. Dobson Ms. Donna Dolce Mr. and Mrs. David V. Downes Ms. Layne Drexel Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Duer, III Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Dunn E. I. duPont de Nemours & Co., Inc. The Honorable Adelaide C. Eckardt Mr. Robert Ellison Dr. Carolyn Elmore ERA Martin Associates Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Erskine Katherine L. Esterly, M.D. Ms. Rhonda A. Evans Ms. Roberta L. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Farley, Sr. Fehrenbach’s Flooring Plus, Inc. Fellows Helfenbein & Newman Funeral Home P.A. First State Orthopaedics, P.A. Fisher Architecture, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Fisher Mr. Peter Fitzpatrick Mr. and Mrs. David Fleming Mr. and Mrs. James R. Flowers Mr. and Mrs. Geary J. Foertsch Mr. and Mrs. Clyde W. Foltz Ms. Bobbi Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Friedel Mr. and Mrs. Steven Furman G2 Properties, LLC Ms. Jacklyn Gable Mr. Larry D. Gehrke Ms. Colleen Gilmore Mr. and Mrs. James H. Godfrey Ms. Jane S. Goldberg Goodwill of Delaware and Delaware County, Inc. Ms. Mary P. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. William Gordy Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goslee Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gough Dr. and Mrs. Mark J. Granada Great Dames, Inc. Ms. Cynthia A. Greenamoyer Ms. Regina B. Grier Mr. and Mrs. James P. Griffin Mr. Dustin Gros Deborah L. Grubbe, P.E., CEng Ms. Heather A. Guerieri Gunnip & Company CPAs Shauna T. Hagan, Esq. Ms. Ann R. Hancock Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hanna Mr. and Mrs. Kent H. Hannaman Mrs. Harriett H. Haugh Mr. Michael W. Hayman Hebron Savings Bank Dr. and Mrs. John H. Hedger Ms. Kimberly Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hiener, Jr. Ms. Pauline Higgins Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Delaware Mr. J. T. Hoffman Ms. Anne T. Hogan Mr. and Mrs. William F. Holtzclaw Hotel Rehoboth Mr. Todd Hudson Mrs. Mary E. Hughes Mrs. Jane F. Humphries Commissioner Mark Hunker Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey O. Hunsucker Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hyland Increte of Maryland, Inc. J. William Gordy Fuel Company J.C. Warner HVAC & Sheetmetal Fabrication Jack and Joan Powell Jack Lingo, Inc. Realtor Mr. and Mrs. George Jacob Jake’s Seafood House James M. Crouse, D.D.S., P.A. Janssen Biotech, Inc. Janssen Supply Group (Noramco, Inc.) Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Jasion Ms. Leslie N. Johnson Ms. Mary G. Jones JP Morgan Chase Kauffman & Forman, P.A. Kelleher & Laffey Ms. Susan Kerns Ms. Joy A. Kidd Mr. and Mrs. John K. Killian Kind To Kids Foundation Ms. Audrey L. Kirchner Ms. Kathleen Kowalski Ms. Karen Kram Ms. Deena L. Kreston Ms. C. A. Krusniewski Kuhn’s Jewelers, Inc. Kyle Edward Fine Jewelry Mr. Clinton S. Laird Ms. Victoria L. Land Ms. Corinne M. Larkin Ms. Gairda Lauterbach Law Firm of George G. Strott, Jr., P.A. Mrs. Virginia M. Lawrence Arch and Melody Layman Mr. Edward S. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Stuart R. Leer Mr. Clarke Lewis Ms. Charlotte Lister Logan Trucking Long Life Treated Wood, Inc. Ms. Denise Lovelady Ms. Rebecca W. Lowe Mr. and Mrs. Dexter G. Lunsford M & T Bank Mr. and Mrs. Scott Macglashan Macy’s Inc. Michael and Janet Maher Mr. and Mrs. Robert Malone Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mangum Ms. Jean Manis Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Mann Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mann Mr. Juan Manzano Mark John Granada, MD, P.A. The Honorable Jane P. Maroney Marshall, Wagner & Assoc., P.A. Mr. Giuseppe Martuscelli Maryland Paving, Inc. Ms. Ellen B. McAllen Ms. Meredith M. McAloon Ms. Joyce M. McCoy Mr. and Mrs. Mark McIver Meetings By Design Mr. and Mrs. George J. Mengason Mr. Alan S. Merritt and Mr. William D. Hyle Metropolitan Magazine Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Metz Mid-Shore Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Allan Mielke Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Miller Mr. Stan Mills Ms. Cathy Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Laurence S. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Monahan Moore & Company, P.A. Commissioner and Mrs. James J. Moran Morris James, LLP Mr. and Mrs. James F. Morris Mrs. Susanne S. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morsberger Ms. Regina M. Mullen Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Mulvanny Ms. Rose B. Murowany Murphy Electric, Inc. N & V II, LLC Nelson Insurance Agency, Inc. Mr. Mark E. Nelson Nemours Partnership for Children’s Health Ms. Katya A. Nieburg Wheeler Mr. Gary S. Nitsche Mr. George O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Oertel Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Osborne The Honorable Charles J. Otto Ms. Vera C. Palmatary Mrs. Mildred B. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Pappas Ms. Wilma B. Parks Mrs. Bonnie Pease Dr. Andrea R. Pedigo Peninsula Regional Medical Center Pete’s Steak Shop Mr. I. David Plaza PNC Bank (DE) Mr. Anthony Porreca Ms. Judith W. Price Ms. Pam Price Priceless Industries, Inc. Private Wealth Partners, LLC Mr. Jim Provo Mrs. Joan F. Przywara Mr. Jim Przywitowski Ms. Dorothy L. Quigley Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Ravalico Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Reis Rental Management, Inc. Richard A. Henson Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Rinnier Ms. Betty J. Rippel Mr. Sam Romirowsky Rotary Club of Wicomico County Mrs. Susan M. Rowe Mr. Hobart Rowland Ms. Carla L. Saltzman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Saquella Ms. Susan Schauer John Ms. Sheryl A. Schulte Ms. Jody Schulz Ms. Tracy Schulz Mr. and Mrs. John J. Scott The Hon. Maureen Scott-Taylor - Easton Town Council Mr. Jarrad Shader The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. James J. Shand Ms. Joan L. Sharp Shore Regional Health Mr. and Mrs. Franklin R. Shuman Mr. and Mrs. Lester Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Sisk The Honorable Michael D. Smigiel, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Smith Ms. Nina Sneeringer Ms. Liane M. Sorenson Sound Advice Audio Specialties, Inc. Mr. William C. Staats Mr. John Stacy Mr. Richard Stanaitis State Farm - Jeanine O’Donnell State Farm Insurance - Gamee Elliott Ms. Sharon Stauffer Mrs. Melanie L. Stefursky Ms. Pyda L. Sterling Ms. Laura Stimson Mr. and Mrs. John E. Storms Mr. and Mrs. William N. Sweet Ms. Margaret T. Taylor Ms. Maria Taylor TD Bank Anne Q. Teipelke The Bank of Delmarva, NA The Debbie Reed Team, Inc. The Dental Group The Dressing Room, Inc. The M & T Charitable Foundation The Talbot Bank Thomas Associates, Inc. Ms. Helen R. Thomas Ms. Brandi Tigani Mr. M. W. Tilghman and The Hon. Barrie P. Tilghman TNT Jewelers, LLC Ms. Nancy P. Tompkins Ms. Rita C. Turner UBS Financial Services United Way of Delaware United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore, Inc. University of Delaware Value Carpet One Mr. F. Van Velsor Vernon Powell Shoes Edith P. Villasenor, D.M.D. Mr. Michael Vincent Mrs. Phyllis A. Vinyard Ms. Patricia K. Vivalo Mr. David H. Vones Ms. Sandra L. Dennison-James Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Eberspeaker Ms. Barbara P. Emery Ms. Liz Farrell Richard and Lorraine Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Israel J. Floyd Anne Foster and Chip Pfleegor Mrs. Virginia E. Franta Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Gallagher Lee Galvin Ginnie Malone Realty, PA Mr. and Mrs. James H. Godfrey Mrs. Felicitas O. Gontang The Gulino Family Ms. Catherine S. Hackney Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Hadley Mrs. Rosemary Haines Ms. Nancy H. Handlin Mrs. A. G. Henderson Ms. Jacki Henderson The Honorable Margaret R. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Henselman Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Hershey Mrs. Kristina W. Hickerson Ms. Deborah L. Horn Ms. Cassandra L. Horner Mrs. Doris S. Hughes Mr. Stephen A. Irons Jane and Robert Jackson, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Johnson Ms. Cathy Johnson Ms. L. Rebecca Johnson-Melvin Mrs. Janice S. Kelley Debra F. King, SPHR Ms. Kathleen E. Kirvan Mrs. Sheila J. Koiv Mr. John A. Krol Mr. Dale E. Lenker Mrs. Candace J. Leonhard Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Levine Mrs. Nancy R. Linwood Lewis Dr. Kathryn G. Lloyd and Mr. Kerwin Dobbs Polly McCarthy Mr. Kevin C. McCormick Kathleen McDaniel Mr. Paul F. Medon Mr. Walter E. Meredith Mr. Frank W. Messick Ruthea Miller Betsy D. Moore Richard and Anne Morris Ms. Cynthia A. Mueller Mrs. Diane S. Murphy Mrs. Renee L. Naughton Ellen Nobles-Harris and Gerald Harris John and Linda Osoinach Ms. Kathleen Parisi Ms. Belinda Parsons Michelle and Jim Passwaters Mrs. Heather K. Patricco Ms. Martha Patridge Mrs. Tamala D. Paxton Ms. Susan M. Pierce Mrs. Elisabeth S. Poole Ms. Susan K. Purnell Ellen S. Rajacich Ms. Rebecca Rawheiser Mr. and Mrs. Glenn T. Regan Mr. and Mrs. William Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. John R. Richards Mr. Salvatore J. Ritrovato Mr. Mark L. Robin Mrs. Elizabeth P. Roe Ms. Elizabeth C. Rossi Mrs. June N. Roux Ms. Jane J. Schindewolf and Mr. Eric C. Romano Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. James R. Schneider Ms. Sheryl A. Schulte Ms. Carol J. Shahan Mrs. Cetta Shahan Mr. and Mrs. William H. Sharp, Jr. Carol A. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. David M. Shepherd Phyllis and Bill Shone Louise Smith Mr. Wayne A. Smith Mrs. Elizabeth W. Snyder Ms. Andrea J. Spurlock Mrs. Catherine Stafford Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Storer Mrs. Kara W. Streets Ms. Paige E. Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Sweeney Judy and Bob Taggart Ms. Maria Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Taylor Ann G. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. James R. Thompson Roger and Ellen Vandegrift Mr. Michael L. Vaughan Ann Vojvoda Katherine S. Ward Geni Washam Ms. Nancy E. Weldin Jean Williams Carol R. Wills Ms. Rosita M. Wilson Dr. Sanford and Margaret Young Ms. Frances Zeller Ms. Rachel Hesselink Mrs. Theresa Hoffmann Ms. Veronica L. Hopkins Ms. Catherine Houghton Mr. and Mrs. Patrick S. Ireland Mrs. Lois L. Joseph Ms. Helen J. Keeley Mr. Stanley Kihara Mr. Bret Lanan Ms. Paulette C. Lazzaro Ms. Kimberley A. Leary Mr. and Mrs. David O. Lewis Ms. Taunja Limberry Mr. Joseph Lorick Lexine Lowe Mr. William L. Lynch Ms. Kathleen Mangrelli Mrs. Morgan J. Mast Mr. Timothy M. McCardell Mr. James D. McDonald Mrs. Kathleen R. Mellon Mr. Joseph P. Melloy, Sr. David Milligan Joseph Mitchell Ms. Stephanie C. Mitman Ms. Bianca Mojica Garry Cap and Dorothy Moore Ms. Pamela Moore Ms. Alice H. Morse II Mrs. Amy L. Morton Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mossman Ms. Dana R. Mottley Ms. Jacqueline M. Nelson Dr. Emily W. Nicoll Ms. Diana Oddenino Ms. Valarie F. Osterhout Dr. and Mrs. Harry W. Otto Ms. Janice S. Payne Dr. Andrea R. Pedigo Ms. Eileen Pelham Ms. Robin J. Pender Mrs. June J. Peterson Joanne M. Pohlen Mrs. Patricia Ponzo Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Prost Mrs. Brenda K. Ptak Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Pyle Mrs. Ann M. Regacho Donald and Edelgard Reiman Ms. Venus Riley Mr. Andrew C. Ritchie Ms. Stacey Roberts Tracey N. Roberts Mr. Aaron A. Robinson Mr. Gil Ruiz Ms. Marie P. Rule Mr. and Mrs. William R. Russell, Jr. Ms. Dawn Samis Mr. and Mrs. Ed Santangelo Mr. Victor Santos Don and Barbara Schmid Mrs. Lisa M. Semans Ms. Anne S. Showell Ms. Virginia S. Shreve Mr. William F. Smith, III Mr. Randolph Stokes Janet H. Sullivan Ms. Kelly Swab Mrs. Kathryn W. Szegda Mr. Leon Talbot Brigadier General Carol A. Timmons Ms. Michele Tisher Ms. Sandra P. Tracy Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Van Gilder Mr. and Mrs. Steven Waldorf Ms. Ichelle Washington Ms. Doris O. Weaver Mr. and Mrs. George H. White Mrs. Susan J. White Ms. Sandra L. Witman Mrs. Diana P. Wojnisz Ms. Lisa J. Wolfgang Ms. Clara Zahradnik Daisy Circle - ($99 and under) Mr. and Mrs. Rodney M. Abbott Ms. Victoria Abel Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anderson Ms. Mary Jane Arden Ms. Beverly A. Bean Mrs. Karen Beeson Mrs. Patricia A. Bennett Ms. Mary C. Beyer Mr. Robert Biscaro Ms. Melissa Bittner Mr. Patrick L. Bollinger Ms. Carol R. Boncelet Ms. Sharisse Borst Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Boyd Ms. Margaret Bretz Mrs. Martha A. Brooks Wayne R. Brown, Sr. and Family Mrs. Eileen R. Cantoni Mr. and Mrs. Francis S. Carnes, Jr. The Honorable and Mrs. Thomas R. Carper Ms. Veronica Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Carter, Jr. Ms. Allison Cassidy Ms. Noriko Clement Ms. Sharon Cole Mr. Michael H. Collier Mr. and Mrs. C. Daniel Cotterman Ms. Patricia C. Crane Ms. Angelia M. Cright Arlene R. Daney Mrs. Kristen W. Dassel Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. De Felice Ms. Jeanette DeBright Ms. Kimberly Dickerson C. Ross Donovan, Jr. Ms. Lavante N. Dorsey Ms. Jacqueline Duncan Ms. Brandi N. Eckler Ms. Marianne Eleuterio Mr. and Mrs. James D. Esrey Mrs. Barbara Fallat Mrs. Kathleen J. Fintak Ms. Peggy A. Fisher Mrs. Rita H. Fisk Mrs. Tracy L. Fleetwood Mr. Bob Foote Ms. Donna Francisco Mrs. Jennifer M. Francois Ms. Beverly A. French Ms. Ann E. Fullerton Ms. Dianne Galloway Paula L. Gatos Ms. Mary E. George Ms. Colleen Gilmore Ms. Dorothy E. Gleason Ms. Mary Godfrey Ms. Debbie Goodchild Mrs. Alene Groll Mrs. Bonnie W. Haigh Mrs. Janice M. Haney Ms. Kim Hastings Mrs. Harriett H. Haugh W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. David Walker Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Wallner Ms. Paula Warner Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Weglein Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Welsh Mr. Thomas H. Welsh Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Whaley Ms. Kay W. Wheatley Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. White Ms. Robin R. White, P. A. Whiting-Turner Wicomico County - Executive’s Office Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Widdowson Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wierman Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Wilhelm Lynn W. Williams Mr. Ron Williams Ms. Connie Willoughby Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB Wilmington University Ms. Bonnie J. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Douglas H. Wilson Ms. Jessica T. Wilson Ms. Patti S. Wilson Ms. Judy E. Wink Mr. James B. Wright Ms. Elizabeth A. Wynne YWCA Delaware Ms. Bertha L. Zern Ms. Kristina Zern FEDERATED FUNDING SOURCES Combined Federal Campaigns (DE, MD) Maryland Charity Campaign SECC United Fund of Talbot County United Way of Caroline County United Way of Cecil County United Way of Delaware United Way of Kent County United Way of SEPA United Way of the Greater Triangle United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore United Way of the National Capital Area United Way of Virginia’s Eastern Shore GIFTS IN KIND A.R.Morris Jewelers AAA Mid-Atlantic Debbie Abbott Marianne Abdul Ace Adventure Resort Adventure Aquarium Ron Alessi Anytime Fitness of Bear Lyzbeth M. Arellano Ashby Hospitality Group Back Creek Grace Banks Basilio N Bautistia, M.D. BBC Tavern and Grill Big Fish Grill Blue Moon Carol Boncelet Tracy Branigan Brew Ha Ha! Capano Management The Hon. John Carney The Hon. Thomas R. Carper Chestertown Lumber Co., LLC The Hon. Chris Coons Corrective Chiropractic Mary M. Culley, Esq. Dale Carnegie Training Dr. Theresa del Tufo DE Local Food Exchange Delaware Children’s Museum Delaware Nature Society Delmarva Broadcasting Co. Delmarva Power Delmarva Power Dinner Group Delmarva Power Executives Delmarva Power - T & D Planning Area Dick’s Sporting Goods Dogfish Head Craft Brewery DuPont Hospitality DuPont Engineering Lea Edwards CORPORATE, FOUNDATION AND GOVERNMENT GRANTORS $50,000+ Delaware - Grant In Aid Discover Financial Services GSUSA $25,000- $49,999 Capital One RGK Foundation $10,000 - $24,999 Bank of America Delmarva Power $5,000- $9,999 United Way of Delaware – Summer Camp $2,500 - $4,999 Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore, Inc. TD Bank The Clifton Foundation Wilmington Flower Market, Inc. $1,000 - $2,499 Delaware City Refining Company, LLC Miles River Yacht Club Foundation The Phase Foundation $100 - $999 The Christmas Shop Foundation, Inc. Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB FAMILY PARTNERSHIP DONORS Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Bilous Mrs. Betty Jean Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brewster Mr. and Mrs. David Burns Ms. Lynn Calder Ms. Nichol Carroll Ms. Barbara Coleman Mrs. Shelly S. Coleman Ms. Diann Colose Ms. Joy Corbett Ms. Lisa Davis Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Diebold Ms. Donna Dolce Mr. and Mrs. James D. Esrey Ms. Judy Evans Mrs. Carol E. Ford Ms. Mariellyn Frank Ms. Barbara Gadbois Mr. and Mrs. John B. Garner Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Geist Mr. and Mrs. John Gerace Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gervay Ms. Ethelyn W. Gill Girl Scout Troop 280 Girl Scout Troop 722 Girl Scout Troop 1100 Girl Scout Troop 1106 Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Gulino Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Heck Dr. Jody Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Bob Holden Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey B. Howard Mrs. Brittney M. Huffer Mr. and Mrs. Zarir F. Irani Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Keighley Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kolodczak Mr. and Mrs. Bryan T. Krams Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lang Mr. and Mrs. John C. Leach Mr. and Mrs. John Lewicki Ms. Rebecca W. Lowe Ms. Stacey Lowery Ms. Clair M. Manerchia Ms. Vanessa C. Manges-Spence Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McHugh Ms. Michelle A. Metcalf Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. Middleton Mr. and Mrs. James Moore Ms. Laura Moylan-Janney Mr. and Mrs. Suman Mudumba Ms. Laurin O’Day Mrs. Thelma N. O’Grady Mr. and Mrs. Pierre L. Olivero Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Parker Mr. and Mrs. Shane Peiffer Ms. Susan M. Pierce Ms. Liliana Powell Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Proctor Mr. and Mrs. John S. Randolph Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rapczak Elite Island Resorts Sandy Fisher Feby’s Fishery Frank and Louie’s Italian Specialties Frank’s Wine Freakin Fresh Salsa Fresh Thymes Fulton Paper and Party Supplies The Hon. Thomas P. Gordon Govatos Gail A. Graham Grotto’s Pizza Harpoon Hanna’s Harry Louie Laundry and Dry Cleaners Harry’s Hospitality Group Henry’s Bicycle Shop Heritage Shores Golf Club Hidden Valley Resort Anne T. Hogan Cassandra L. Horner IG Burton Isaacs & Isaacs Family Dentistry Jen Mor Florist, Inc. Jerry’s Artarama Jewelers Loupe, Inc. Johnny Janosik Drs. Eduardo L. Jiloca & Rosalina L. De Jesus-Jiloca Leslie Johnson Jolly Roger Amusement Park Kalmar Nyckel Foundation Kilwin’s Rehoboth Beach Kreston Liquor Mart Kuhn’s Jewelers La Casta Pasta Lady’s Image Limestone Veterinary Hospital LouLou’s Whimsical Rooms Lums Pond Animal Hospital Made Ya Look Salon Mikimotos Sue Morris Mt. Cuba Center New Trend Hair Salon Newark Bike Line Ocean City Golf Club Orly Diamonds Pasqualini Bakery Lisa Seif Pearce Penn Cinema PHI Philadelphia 76ers Philadelphia Chocolate Tours Pizza by Elizabeths Jack and Joan Powell Sandra Rice River Expeditions Riverfront Development Corp. Lori Rochino Roundtop Mountain Resort Margaret A. Rose Runny Pinay Divas Salon by Dominic Seacrets Secure Storage, LLC The Rt. Rev and Mrs. James H. Shand Sheraton Suites Shoprite Lester Simpson Social Butterfly Diane M. Sparks Cathy Stafford Stanley’s Tavern Star Democrat/Chesapeake Publishing Company Melanie Stefursky Taylor Swift Patricia Teague The Bonfire Restaurant The Cleaning Girl The Cultured Pearl Restaurant The Enchanted Owl The Grand Opera House The Upper Cut Trudie E. Thompson Jim Thornton Tidewater Inn Toppers Spa Total Wine Trader Joe’s University of Delaware Edith P. Villasensor, DMD Vincenzo’s Pizzeria and Gelato Mr. and Mrs. Glenn T. Regan Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Russell Mr. Frederick N. Hartman and Ms. Gail E. Schneiders Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Schulze Ms. Deshelle Scott Service Unit 11 Service Unit 13 Service Unit 14 Service Unit 15 Service Unit 18 Service Unit 19 Service Unit 24 Service Unit 25 Service Unit 27 Service Unit 30 Service Unit 31 Service Unit 33 Service Unit 34 Service Unit 89 Mrs. Lynne S. Shand Ms. Sarah T. Sieglen Mrs. Lisa M. Simmons Mrs. Jill S. Smith Mr. and Mrs. William Sparks Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Stewart Miss Jennifer O. Strickland Ms. Gianna Stucky Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Tarr Ms. Kamil Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Tobias Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. VanDuyne Ms. Alaina Walter Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Warren Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Wenny Ms. Christine F. Wright Mr. and Mrs. James W. Zurzolo MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES Donors arranged for Girl Scouts to receive matching gifts or employee giving from the following corporations: Access Group ACE Foundation Aetna AIG American Express Bank of America Beam Global Spirits & Wine, Inc. Boeing Capital One Delmarva Power ExxonMobil Foundation GlaxoSmithKline JPMorgan Chase Foundation Kraft Foods Liberty Mutual Pepco Holdings PNC Bank Foundation The SallieMae Fund UBS Financial Services Verizon Foundation W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. If the company you work for is not listed, ask your personnel office if your company matches charitable gifts. If they do match, get a corporate matching gift form so you (and your company) can give to Girl Scouts today! MEMORIALS AND TRIBUTES Gifts were given in memory of: Lula Brown by Donald, Delores and Donna Blakey Shirley Daisey by Wayne R. Brown and Family by Mr. and Mrs. Berardo Jurado by Ms. Dolores McNamee by Mrs. Judith A. Taggart Dr. Katherine “Kitty” Esterly by Ms. Judith Armstrong by Mary M. Culley, Esq. by Mrs. Elizabeth P. Roe Jean Fasnacht by Seaside Amusements, Inc. Laura LaRue Franta by Virginia (Gynnie) E. Franta Jane Groo by Ms. Lee J. Galvin Hobart Hughes by Mr. and Mrs. James R. Schneider Amy Konkiel by Ms. Beverly A. Bean Stephanie Kwolek Vinzencio’s W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc. Esther Wales Walt’s Chicken Express Mary C. Warren Katie Warren Wild Quail Golf Club Wilmington Blue Rocks Winterthur Woodside Farm Creamery Wright & Simon Frances Zeller CORPORATE, FOUNDATION, BUSINESS AND SERVICE ORGANIZATION DONORS $25,000 - $49,000 Capital One Delmarva Power Discover Financial Services $10,000 - $24,999 Anonymous (2) AstraZeneca LP Bank of America E. I. duPont de Nemours & Co., Inc. W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. $5,000 - $9,999 Barclaycard US JP Morgan Chase Nemours Partnership for Children’s Health University of Delaware $2,500 - $4,999 AAA Mid-Atlantic Artesian Water Company, Inc. Bancroft Construction Company Citizens Bank, N.A. Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore Delaware State University Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Delaware M & T Bank M & T Bank Foundation Morris James, LLP Mr. I. David Plaza Priceless Industries, Inc. TD Bank The Clifton Foundation UBS Financial Services Wilmington Flower Market, Inc. Wilmington University $1,000 - $2,499 Agilent Technologies, Inc. American Legion Susquehanna Post 135 Arthur C. Hall, Inc. Brite-Line Technologies, LLC Choptank Memorial Post 7460 Christiana Care Health System Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Cares Foundation Cypress Capital Management, LLC Delaware Commission for Women Gunnip & Company CPAs Janssen Biotech, Inc. Janssen Supply Group Jerry Skrivnek Post 8185 Kelleher & Laffey Macy’s, Inc. Miles River Yacht Club Foundation PNC Bank (DE) Selbyville, DE BPOE #2173 Shore Regional Health The Phase Foundation $100 - $999 A Friend of the Family, Inc. American Legion Mason-Dixon Post 194 American Legion Wicomico Post 64 Arena’ Deli Artisans’ Bank Atlantic Oceanside Motel Avery Hall Insurance Baxter Enterprises, Inc. BB&T Beach Babies Child Care, Inc. Big Fish Restaurant Group BPO Elks No. 1272 Broadkiln VFW Post 6984 Caroline Post 29 by Ms. Margaret Bretz by Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Carter, Jr. by Ms. Noriko Clement by Mrs. Rita H. Fisk by Mr. and Mrs. Patrick S. Ireland by Mr. John A. Krol by Ms. Marie P. Rule by Ms. Clara Zahradnik Alberta Melloy by Joseph P. Melloy Vicki McPeters by Mrs. Betty Jean Boyd Barbara Mitchell by Mr. Jopseph W. Mitchell Marilyn Nichols by Nancy Storer and Family M. Jean Rennbach by Ms. Doris O. Weaver Kathleen Ritrovato by Salvatore J. Ritrovato Heidi Marie Schmid by Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Schmid Blanche, Bill and Lois E. Smith by Ms. Louise Smith James M. Smith by Ms. Beverly A. French by Ms. Sandra P. Tracy Elizabeth Bartlett St. Clair by Ms. Virginia S. Shreve Mildred H. Thompson by Ms. Trudie E. Thompson Rosita M. Wilson by Kristina W. Hickerson & Family by Helen J. Keeley by Mr. and Mrs. William E. Shone, Jr. Gifts were given in honor of: Audrey Boys by Patricia M. Curtin, MD and Family by Liz Farrell by Ms. Elizabeth C. Rossi Anne T. Hogan by Patricia M. Curtin, MD and Family by Liz Farrell Cathy McVeigh by Mr. and Mrs. James H. Godfrey In honor of her Mom by Robbie Raffish Megan Reynolds by Mr. and Mrs. William Reynolds Lynne S. Shand by Faith A. Harland-White, PhD by St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Worcester Parish Pat Toland by Dianne Prost Caroline Wilson by Rosita M. Wilson JULIETTE GORDON LOW SOCIETY For the Future of Girls… and the Girls of the Future The Juliette Gordon Low Society is a special group of individuals who plan to leave a future gift to Girl Scouts through bequests, trusts, charitable gift annuities, and other planned gifts. Audrey C. Boys Wilhelmina Laird Craven Betty Ann Dickson Gloria Zook Diodato Herbert Fincher Larry Gehrke Mary George Karen A. Gordy Gail Graham Deborah Grubbe Cinda Hallman Daniel J. Hernandez Anne T. Hogan Dr. Bentley A. Hollander Mary Elizabeth Hughes Donna Ignatavicius Janice Jessup Maxine M. L’Abbee Willy Lin June D. MacArtor Michael and Janet Maher Regina Mullen Joan Przywara Deborah Reinholz Lynne S. Shand Judith A. Taggart Ann Thomas Cato Gas and Oil, Inc. City of Wilmington - Mayor’s Office Cockey, Brennan & Maloney, P.C. Coldwell Banker Waterman Realty Community Foundation of the Easten Shore, Inc. County Bank David A. Bramble, Inc. Delaware BioScience Association, Inc. Delaware State Chamber of Commerce Delmarva Title Company Distinctive Designs Dixon Valve & Coupling Co. E.E. Streets Memorial VFW Post 5118 ERA Martin Associates Fehrenbach’s Flooring Plus, Inc. First State Orthopaedics, P.A. Fisher Architecture, LLC Flowers by Yukie Frank M. Jarman Post 36 G2 Properties, LLC Goodwill of Delaware and Delaware County, Inc. Grasonville Memorial Post 7464 Great Dames, Inc. Hebron Savings Bank Hotel Rehoboth Increte of Maryland, Inc. J. William Gordy Fuel Company J.C. Warner HVAC & Sheetmetal Fabrication Jack Lingo, Inc. Realtor Jakes Seafood House Kauffman & Forman, P.A. Kind To Kids Foundation Kuhn’s Jewelers, Inc. Kyle Edward Fine Jewelry Law Firm of George G. Strott, Jr., P.A. Logan Trucking Long Life Treated Wood, Inc. Marshall, Wagner & Assoc., P.A. Maryland Paving, Inc. Meetings By Design Metropolitan Magazine Moore & Company, P.A. Murphy Electric, Inc. N & V II, LLC Nelson Insurance Agency, Inc. Peninsula Regional Medical Center Pete’s Steak Shop Private Wealth Partners, LLC Richard A. Henson Foundation, Inc. Rotary Club of Wicomico County Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church, Worcester Parish Seaside Amusements, Inc. State Farm - Jeanine O’Donnell State Farm Insurance - Gamee Elliott Talbot Post 70 The Bank of Delmarva, NA The Christmas Shop Foundtion, Inc. The City of Wilmington The Debbie Reed Team, Inc. The Dental Group The Dressing Room, Inc. The Talbot Bank Thomas Associates, Inc. TNT Jewelers, LLC Trimpers Rides of Ocean City United Water Delaware Value Carpet One Vernon Powell Shoes Whiting-Turner Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB YWCA Delaware $99 and under a.s.a.p.r. inc. Beckford Properties, LLC Greenwood Memorial Auxiliary VFW Post 7478 James M. Crouse, D.D.S., P.A. Rental Management, Inc. Ms. Susan Schauer John The Honorable Michael D. Smigiel, Sr. Sobos Management, Inc. Sound Advice Audio Specialties, Inc Sussex Memorial Auxiliary VFW Post 7422 Wicomico County - Executive’s Office DAYS OF CARING AAA MidAtlantic Barclaycard US DuPont Public Allies NORTHERN RESOURCE CENTER CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Donors/Pledgers through 3/31/15 Beacon: $1,000,000+ Longwood Foundation Leader: $100,000-$249,000 Crystal Trust Welfare Foundation Volunteer: $50,000-$99,999 The Laffey-McHugh Foundation Promise: $25,000-$49,999 Delmarva Power New Century Club Lynn and Rodney Sharp Service: $10,000-$24,999 AAA Mid-Atlantic Kathleen H. Carmean Crestlea Foundation Mary M. Culley Gail A. Graham Anne T. Hogan Marmot Foundation Janet Rzewnicki The Rt. Rev. James J. and Lynne S. Shand Courage: $5,000-$9,999 Lyzbeth Arellano Carol and Charles Boncelet Lou and Holly Coxe Sue and Dave Rowe Diane M. Sparks Newlin W. and Helen A. Stevens Family Foundation in honor of Lynne S. Shand Drs. Roberto and Edith P. Villasenor Lon Wheeler and Katya Nieberg Wheeler Confidence: $1,000-$4,999 Audrey C. Boys Cris Brookmyer Jeanne Rapley and Thomas Coons Catherine Beise and Larry Hunt Michelle Metcalf Martha Ann Patridge in honor of Lynn W. Williams Margaret Rose Michael and Susan Trolio Lynn W. Williams Character: $1-$999 Jennifer and Jerry Acord Anonymous Dianne Beaty in honor of Girl Scout family members Catriona and Stuart Binder-Macleod Shavonne Brathwaite Linda Braune Peter and Frances Buttenheim in honor of Cam Yorkston R.R.M. Carpenter, III Corbett Family in memory of Marilyn N. Harris David and Jacqueline Dianich Shirley and John Erickson Faith and Todd Harland-White in honor of the Shands’ retirement Dee Heinmuller Marguerite Helminiak Dione B. Henkel Suzanne Hood Todd Hudson Michael Khait Hal and Deb King Jason Landry in memory of Mabel E. Loyd Joseph P. Melloy, Sr. Cynthia Mueller John C. Rogge in memory of Mabel E. Loyd Ann H. Sharp in memory of Zella M. Hardy Susan Trone You can help us “Build the Beacon” by visiting our website,
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