Untitled - Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota


Untitled - Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota
A m a z i n g a d va n c e s ! Those are the two
words that sum up our work in 2012 and 2013. I
am so grateful to witness on a daily basis the staff
and volunteers of the Immigrant Law Center of
Minnesota, playing critical roles in building a better
future for Minnesota’s newest arrivals. Our clients,
who come from nearly 100 different countries, are
all at different points in their immigration journeys.
These new Americans include DREAMers, new
U.S. citizens, chronically ill Emergency Medical
Assistance patients, refugees, and victims of abuse
and torture from some of the most dangerous
places in the world. It is our honor to accompany
and empower them.
In June 2012 President Obama, as a result of years
of activism for systemic change and protection of
undocumented immigrants, created the Deferred
Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.
Sixty days later ILCM held its first DACA workshop
with over 700 attendees packed into a school
gymnasium! At last, a legitimate avenue forward
for these young DREAMers was found. Thousands
of young people like Islam and Karen, profiled later
in this report, are finally welcomed in the only
country they’ve ever known. DACA status protects
thousands of young people across the state and
nation from the omnipresent fear of deportation,
encourages them to finish high school, to go back
and get GEDs, and to pursue college or technical
school. DACA also grants federal, renewable work
authorization and the issuance of their first social
security cards. The state of Minnesota also formally
welcomed DREAMers by granting them access to
state driver’s licenses or ID cards, and later passing
one of the most inclusive state-based DREAM Acts
in the nation.
Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota
These life-changing advances have been hardwon victories. They are the first step of a journey
we are still working hard to complete. ILCM is
honored to have been part of a strong coalition
working to support Minnesota’s U.S. Senators to be
immigration reform champions and to help pass
the bipartisan S.744 in June of 2013 — a bill that
provides essential systemic changes to our broken
immigration system. Be sure to read about Joseph
Medina, a 99 year old WWII veteran who traveled
to DC to meet with Senator Klobuchar and to
advocate for today’s DREAMers and their parents.
These stories and victories give us hope; they are
truly historic, and we have no doubt will help lead
the way to full and lasting immigration reform.
Advances have occurred in other important
goal areas as well. Over the last two years, 1,014
clients obtained U.S. citizenship, were granted
DACA, or obtained U visas with the help of over
443 dedicated pro bono professionals. Similarly,
our intentional commitment to expand our reach
and services to Greater Minnesota has meant that
1,834 clients outside of the Metro accessed our
life-changing services. This work cannot be done
without your crucial support. This report is our
‘thank you’ for your trust in us, and support for
the new beginnings our clients are accomplishing.
I welcome you to read some of our stories in the
following pages. I also welcome you to visit our
work and our offices at any time – simply drop me
a line at [email protected] and I’d be happy to
make you a cup of coffee and share more of the
stories that make this such a special place.
My most sincere thanks,
John Keller
Executive Director
The Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota enhances
opportunities for immigrants and refugees through legal
representation for low-income individuals, and through
education and advocacy with diverse communities. In
its 17th and 18th years of independent operation, ILCM
worked with clients from 98 different countries. ILCM
provided legal services in a total of 4,635 cases in 2012
and 4,586 cases in 2013. On average, the outcome of
each case affects 2.5 family members, resulting in an
estimated 11,587 individuals served in 2012 and 11,465
in 2013.
• Assisted 493 individuals in applying for citizenship
• Provided representation for victims of violent crime or
abuse in 921 cases
• Represented 256 individuals in deportation proceedings
• Reunited 245 people with family members
• Helped 1,539 young people achieve DACA status
• Filed 114 applications for clients to remain in the United
States because of unsafe conditions in their home country
• Served 864 rural clients, accounting for 19 percent of our
total caseload
• 247 pro bono legal professionals represented
581 ILCM clients
FY 2013 Cases by Client Region of Origin
South America 4%
Other 4%
• Assisted 424 individuals to apply for citizenship
• Provided representation in 946 cases involving victims of
violent crimes or abuse
• Represented 486 individuals in deportation proceedings
• Reunited 192 people with family members
• Helped 1,227 young people achieve DACA status
• Filed 139 applications for clients to remain in the United
States because of unsafe conditions in their home country
• Served 970 rural clients, accounting for 21 percent of our
total caseload
• 196 pro bono legal professionals represented
433 ILCM clients
Annual Report 2012-2013
In June 2012, President Obama issued an executive
order called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
(DACA), a status which allows DREAMers, or certain
qualifying young people who were brought into the
United States as children, to receive a temporary work
permit and relief from the threat of deportation. The
policy of “Deferred Action” has the potential to help up
to 1.7 million people in the United States, and as many
as 20,000 in Minnesota.
With thousands of potential DACA applicants in
Minnesota alone, there was a surge in the demand
for legal services at the time of President Obama’s
announcement. In an effort to meet this need, ILCM
spearheaded the DREAMer Project, a program
established to provide free legal services to low-income
DACA applicants across Minnesota.
Through the DREAMer Project, seven Twin Cities
law firms and a host of current and retired immigration
attorneys have provided immediate pro bono services
to Minnesota’s immigrant youth. Within months of
the President’s announcement, ILCM trained over 50
of these pro bono attorneys to provide representation,
screened 1,242 individuals for eligibility, and filed 984
Deferred Action cases with full representation.
These DREAMers, who can now work and attend
college legally, are a compelling image of the need for
comprehensive immigration reform. After only one
year of holding their new DACA status, it was found
that 61 percent of recipients nationwide obtained a
driver’s license, 61 percent gained employment, and 54
percent opened their first bank account. Without fear of
deportation, DREAMers demonstrate a great capacity
for economic and social contribution as full members
of society.
old and did not know that she was undocumented
until she was a teenager. Once she was older, not
having legal status made it impossible to open a bank
account, drive a car, or maintain a legal and fair-wage
job; Karen’s dreams had to stay in the shadows as she
began to navigate adulthood as an undocumented and
unprotected immigrant.
In August 2012, she heard that Obama had created
DACA and that she may be eligible for legal status as
a DREAMer. She was nervous but excited to apply,
especially because her dream had always been to attend
college and become a psychologist, which she could
not do without legal status. Karen came to ILCM for
assistance and in the winter of 2012 she was granted
DACA status; ever since that moment, Karen says her
life has changed dramatically. “I was so excited because I
knew that I could go to college, get a job, drive a car, and
actually plan a real future for myself in this country.”
Having felt the tremendous impact that DACA made
on her and her family, Karen volunteers for ILCM as
an advocate for comprehensive immigration reform.
Karen speaks at press conferences and lobbying events,
specifically targeting the issue of allowing DREAMers
to serve in the U.S. military. Karen has dreamt of joining
the Navy since she was a child and hopes that one day
she will “have the same opportunities as everyone else
who works hard and stays on a good path. This country
has done so much for my family and me—I just want to
give something back, and I hope that one day it will be
Many of ILCM’s DREAMer clients are DACA success
stories. Karen Velez-Barron was brought to the United
States from Mexico when she was just three years
Karen Velez-Barron speaks at a press conference
on immigration reform
Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota
ILCM’s Legal Assitant Gail Martinson with Islam and his family
Islam Barrera Colin was awake and watching television
at 3:00 am one morning in 2012, worrying about how
he was going to pay for his infant son’s heart surgery.
As an undocumented immigrant living in the United
States, he had found it impossible to acquire a steady
job that paid a fair wage. Despite the challenges he faced
because of his undocumented status, Islam still thought
of Minnesota as his home. He was born in Mexico but
his mother sent him to live in the United States when
he was only six years old. He grew up in this country,
married his high school sweetheart, and is now raising
a family.
While Islam was watching television early that
morning, he noticed a commercial advertising the
assistance of a law firm in California – it was for young,
undocumented immigrants who wanted to receive
“DACA status.” Islam was curious and decided to call
the law firm. They told him that if he received DACA
status he could live and work legally in the United
States—all he had to do was mail them a few documents,
get his GED, and send them $3,500 for payment. Islam
knew that it would be almost impossible for him and
his wife to raise that much money, but they began to try.
They sold their most valuable possessions, they walked
instead of paying for transportation, and his wife cooked
hundreds of tamales for Islam to sell on the street. It still
wasn’t enough to raise $3,500.
One day at school, a teacher in his GED program gave
him the phone number of the Immigrant Law Center of
Minnesota, and Islam called and asked for help. During
his first appointment with Gail Martinson, a legal
assistant with ILCM, he learned that ILCM’s services
were free. Gail also told Islam that she could get him a
special permit that would allow him to apply for DACA
even though his GED diploma had not been processed
yet. After months of trying to save $3,500, Islam couldn’t
believe the good news. “Working with ILCM and Gail
were the greatest things that have ever happened to me;
I’ve never had anyone in my life support me like they
have. There aren’t enough words to express how much
they helped my family.”
Islam and his wife were both granted DACA status
and agree that their lives have since been transformed.
They have both become certified nursing assistants,
obtained their driver’s licenses, bought a car, and finally
began payment for their son’s expensive surgeries. Islam
was also offered a job at a local hospital—it is the first
full-time job he has ever had. “The best part about my
job is sitting with the patients and comforting them
when their family isn’t there. I know what it’s like to be
away from family during hard times, so I like to offer
any support I can.”
Today Islam says he walks tall. He has a purpose in
life, and doesn’t feel scared all the time. “My goal is to
keep going to school, because if I become somebody, my
kids will become more than somebody. I want them to
be better than we ever were.”
Annual Report 2012-2013
Irma Marquez Trapero
is a volunteer member of
ILCM’s board of directors.
At age nine, Irma came
from Mexico to the United
States with her parents.
She did not know that she
lacked documents until she
was denied a library card
and had to ask her parents
ILCM board member
why she did not have a
Irma Marquez Trapero
social security number.
Despite her undocumented status, Irma graduated
high school with honors. However, as a DREAMer
she was unable to apply for financial aid as she looked
towards college. She overcame this by securing
private financing and, with the help of her mom’s
savings and a few scholarships, became a student at
Gustavus Adolphus College.
Eddie’s parents abandoned
him in Honduras when he was
one year old. He lived with his
grandmother until she passed
away when he was ten years old.
He then moved in with an aunt
and uncle, but found himself in
a very unsafe living situation
and was forced to flee. As a
teenager, alone, he eventually
made his way to the United
Eddie, a former
States to try to find his father,
ILCM client
who he knew was living in
Minnesota. Unfortunately, his father refused to help him
and Eddie ended up alone and on the streets.
In 2012 Irma applied to and was accepted into
the DACA program, which finally gave her the
documentation necessary for legal employment.
She currently works at Hiawatha Academies as
the Recruitment Coordinator, dedicates herself to
passing immigration reform, and in addition to the
ILCM board, serves as a NAVIGATE board member.
Irma says that receiving DACA has been an
important step for her personal and professional
life in the United States. “It has allowed me to help
my family by providing an extra source of income.
I am finally putting my college education to good
use. I am more independent and I have choices about
where I want to be and where I want to go. Being
undocumented is uncertain and unstable since so
many important things depend on having a social
security number. Even though I am aware that having
DACA is a privilege, I also see it as a temporary ‘fix.’
It is not the solution that our community needs.
That is why I will continue to work towards a better
solution—one where people in my family and
community can receive a pathway to citizenship.”
Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota
Eddie spent his time at a park in Marshall, Minnesota,
playing soccer with the local kids. A local Marshall
woman, Kathy Bartz, regularly took her son to that park.
She came to know Eddie and eventually decided to try
to help him when she learned he had nowhere to go and
nobody to support him. She took him in to her family and
helped him start a new life.
Ms. Bartz enrolled Eddie in school, found counseling
to help him overcome the trauma he experienced as a
child, and generously took care of his medical needs. She
also contacted ILCM attorney Kathy Klos in Worthington
to seek legal support for his immigration status. Klos
collaborated with the Children’s Law Center and Faegre
Baker Daniels’s attorney Dianne Heins on Eddie’s Special
Immigrant Juvenile Status case. Thanks to all involved,
Eddie was awarded this uncommon, humanitarian
immigration status just one week before his 18th birthday.
Four months later, he received his green card.
Eddie is now enrolled in college. He loves being in
school and dreams of going into law enforcement, where
he can become a mentor for at-risk youth. “I was once
a lost kid, too, but was lucky enough to find people that
reached out to help me,” says Eddie. “Now I want to give
back by helping other kids and keeping my community
Hundreds Attend Workshop about DACA
On August 18, 2012, the Immigrant Law Center of
Minnesota and NAVIGATE co-hosted a community
meeting for those interested in learning more about
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or becoming an
ILCM client. More than 200 people lined up at the doors
of the Green Community School in Minneapolis before
they opened and over 700 people attended the meeting.
Additionally, the Minneapolis Foundation generously
undertook a campaign to help ILCM secure funds to
represent low-income DREAMers. In 2012, ILCM cohosted 41 additional trainings in hopes that they would
be able to educate and inform the Minnesota immigrant
community about the brand-new DACA opportunity,
as well as address concerns about applying for status.
Understanding the New Health Care System
When President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act
(ACA) into law in 2010, part of his goal for the new
healthcare system was to make health insurance more
accessible. However, ILCM found that many immigrants
and refugees were unaware that the ACA existed.
Because it is government-mandated, individuals who
failed to enroll by the deadline would suffer tax
penalties. Additionally, many immigrants and refugees
who became eligible for coverage under the new health
care laws were uninformed or misinformed about the
new eligibility for healthcare.
To combat misinformation and help immigrants
and refugees to take full advantage of the ACA, ILCM
partnered with Health Access MN. ILCM became the
only organization in the state that provides technical
expertise, beyond the enrollment guidance of a health
care navigator, to immigrant communities in Minnesota.
Fatema Haji-Taki, an attorney with an expertise in
immigration law and healthcare policy, spent 2013
lobbying for ILCM at the Minnesota state legislature
for increased immigrant access to healthcare. She
Agnes, a client of ILCM, becomes a U.S. citizen at the
Citizenship Day of Welcome
Citizenship Day of Welcome 2013
On June 29 2013, ILCM celebrated Minnesota’s diverse
heritage in front of the State Capitol at our first annual
Citizenship Day of Welcome. The festivities kicked off with
a naturalization ceremony for new citizens in which 50
new Americans from 30 different countries were sworn in
as citizens. Representative Keith Ellison greeted the crowd
with a stirring speech which linked the freedoms afforded
to our country’s newest members to America’s historic
struggle for equality.
“Citizenship is an opportunity to vote and fully
participate in our country,” said ILCM Executive Director
John Keller. “With the Citizenship Day of Welcome we
hoped to gather Americans of all cultures to embrace new
citizens as they join our immigrant nation.”
also developed a training program for other nonprofit
organizations who wished to give technical assistance
to the general public on the new ACA health care, as
well as specific tools for health care navigators to help
them give more informed assistance to the immigrant
community of Minnesota.
Fatema sees a pressing need for “greater access to
information that will clear up the confusion on the
Affordable Care Act and the new health care system
across all cultures. ILCM instantly saw this need,
achieved proper funding, and developed an efficient
training model for other organizations to utilize.”
Annual Report 2012-2013
Immigration Reform Bill from the Senate
Passes to the House
The year of 2013 was an exciting and busy time
at the Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota. With
comprehensive immigration reform taking center
stage on a national level, ILCM was engaged in a
flurry of advocacy activity. Expectations for positive
immigration reform had never been higher and ILCM
worked hard to advocate for new legislation that would
re-unify families and include a pathway to citizenship
for America’s 11 million undocumented immigrants.
On June 27, 2012, the Senate brought America
closer to historic immigration reform by passing their
bipartisan reform bill with a vote of 68-32. Fourteen
Republican Senators and all Democrats, including
Minnesota Senators Klobuchar and Franken, voted in
favor of the bill.
The bill was a compromise and included a $46
billion increase in border security spending, which was
necessary to gain Republican support for the final Senate
vote. However, the bill included enormous strides in
immigration reform, like a pathway to citizenship for
the undocumented, an expedited pathway to citizenship
for DREAMers, and reunification for families separated
by deportation.
The debate moved to the House of Representatives
where Republican leadership threatened to not allow
a vote on the bill, despite a bipartisan majority in the
House that favored immigration reform, including a
pathway to citizenship. The House overwhelmed this
majority to attempt a piecemeal approach that stripped
a pathway to citizenship from any final legislation. The
House’s final decision on the bill remains to be seen.
The Congressional Budget Office, a non-partisan
governmental body, estimated that this bill, over the
next ten years, would cost the federal government
$33 billion but add $276 billion in revenue over the
next ten years. Recent polls suggest that a majority of
Americans – including a majority of conservatives –
support immigration reform that includes a way for
the 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the
shadows to earn citizenship.
ILCM has been working with a coalition of faith,
business, labor, and community leaders to sway
Minnesota House representatives in favor of reform
by meeting with representatives, organizing door
knocking campaigns, and generating phone calls to our
Advancing Reform
On October 5, 2013, over 2,800 people from Minnesota’s business, faith, labor,
education, and immigrant communities marched to urge the House of Representatives
to pass immigration reform. Non-traditional allies ranging from the Minnesota
Chamber of Commerce to the American Federation of Labor and Congress of
Industrial Organizations gathered at the Basilica of St. Mary in Minneapolis for an
interfaith prayer service and marched to the Hennepin County Government Center
Plaza. The march was one of over 100 events scheduled nationwide to pressure
members of Congress to pass reform that strengthens our economy, preserves the
unity of families, and protects the rights of workers.
Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota
Minnesota’s Prosperity Act
At the state level, ILCM worked to pass legislation
that would improve the life of many Minnesota
immigrants. The Prosperity Act qualifies DREAMers
that have attended and graduated from a Minnesota
high school for in-state college tuition. This legislation
was a necessary state-level action, as federal
immigration reform does not classify Minnesota
DREAMers as state residents.
Allowing DREAMers equal access to financial
aid is a boon to Minnesota’s economy. The Center
for American Progress estimated that passing the
Prosperity Act would create 1,600 jobs and add an
additional $359 million to Minnesota’s economy over
the next ten years.
Gov. Mark Dayton signed the Higher Education
Omnibus bill that included the MN Prosperity
(DREAM) Act on May 20, 2013. This was a historic
moment for Minnesota, which became the 15th state
to allow DREAMers that graduated from local high
schools to qualify for in-state tuition and only the 4th
one to provide state financial aid.
Governor Dayton signs Prosperity Act on May 20, 2013
Jose Antonio Vargas Shares His Story
On December 12, 2012, The Immigrant Law Center
of Minnesota hosted Pulitzer Prize winning journalist
and immigration reform activist Jose Antonio Vargas
at the Riverview Theater. The former Washington Post
reporter told his story as an undocumented immigrant
alongside DREAMers represented by ILCM that are
seeking a permanent solution to their immigration
status through immigration reform.
Vargas was brought to the United States from
the Philippines at age 12 and did not know he was
undocumented until age 16, when he attempted to get
a driver’s license and was told his green card had been
forged. In an effort to shed light on the United States
immigration system and promote the DREAM Act, he
wrote an essay in 2011 for The New York Times Magazine
that revealed his undocumented immigrant status.
Annual Report 2012-2013
Fiscal Years Ended
Furniture and Fixtures (less Accumulated Depreciation)
Net Assets
Temporarily Restricted
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilites and Net Assets
Fiscal Years Ended
Support :
Total Support
Total Support and Revenue
Program Services:
Legal Assistance
Community Education
Total Program Services
Net Assets - Beginning of Year
Total Assets
Government Grants and Contracts
Other Contracts
Earned Income
Events/Annual Banquet
Total Revenue
Support Services:
Management and General
Total Support Services
Total Expense
The figures on this page are taken from
our 2013 and 2012 audited financial
statements, which are available
upon request.
Aronson & Associates, P.A.
Sarah Stensrud
Arthur, Chapman, Kettering,
Smetak & Pikala, P.A.
Susan Larson
Briggs & Morgan
Brigid McDonough
Dorsey & Whitney, LLP
Hebba Aref
Lauren Hertz
Amber Lee
Faegre Baker Daniels, LLP
Peggy Abram
Alyn Bedford
Marybeth Brody
Kelly Campbell
Valerie Darling
Stefanie Galey
Soniel Han
John Haveman
Christa Head
Dan Herber
Sarah Kilibarda
Jenny Kruckeberg
Loralei Lannan
Cynthia Lee
Asim Mandhai
Thomas Morgan
Kathlyn Noecker
Annie Oneill
Andrew Ritten
Sudeep Simkhada
Lauren Steinhaeuser
Tom Tunheim
Katheryn Wasilyk
Sanjee Weliwitigoda
Graham Widmer
Bob Xiong
Fredrikson & Byron, PA
Christy Brusven
June Cheng
Loan Huynh
Patrick Kelly
Mia Mendoza
Ashley Roth
Debra Schneider
Dipak Shah
Masha Yevzelman
Gray Plant Mooty
Nancy Burke
Sarah Duniway
Ellen Durkin
Monica Kelly
Mark Mathison
Craig Miller
Brianna Mooty
Julia Offenhauser
Matthew Webster
Larson King, LLP
Stephen Laitinen
Latham & Watkins, LLP
Lori Alvino-McGill
Leonard, Street & Deinard,
Olga Andreyeva
David Kantor
Barbara Lindsey
Kristin Parker
Ana Pottratz Acosta
Katherine Roek
Amanda Schlitz
John Soshnik
Roger Zopfi
Lindquist & Vennum, L.L.P.
Cynthia Anderson
Catherine Courcy
Therese Feucht
Laura Graf
Paula Haight
Marilyn Hargens
Robert Hartman
Deanne Hilgers
Mike Medina, Senator Amy Klobuchar, Felipe Illescas,
Guillermo Illescas, Karen Velez, and Joseph Medina in
Washington DC
Joseph Medina
Goes to Washington
Joseph Medina came to St. Paul from Mexico
with his family in 1925 but only discovered
that he was not a citizen when he tried to
enlist in the United States Army in 1944.
Joseph eventually achieved citizenship and was
able to join the Army and serve in the Pacific
during WWII. Today, however, circumstances
for undocumented immigrants who wish to
join in the military have not changed. Even
DREAMers today are prohibited from serving
for their country.
When ILCM asked 99-year-old Joseph to
travel to DC in December of 2013 to advocate
for DREAMers who wish to serve in the
military, he was more than willing to take
on the mission. ILCM also sent two young
DREAMers to accompany Joseph, who both
aspired to serve in the United States Armed
Forces, just as Joseph did, and were also from
Minnesota Representative John Kline’s district.
Joseph relayed his story of service to members
of Congress and graciously asked that the
House of Representatives honor the history of
immigrants in the United States Armed Forces
by passing immigration reform to allow young
undocumented immigrants who have grown
up in the United States to enlist in the military
through DREAMer status.
Annual Report 2013-2014
Mike Kuhn
Michelle Laroche
Thomas Lovett
Anthony Lusvardi
James McCarthy
Mark McNeil
Marcus Mollison
Charles Moorse
Josh Natzel
Anne Olson
Thomas Pursell
Carrie Ryan Gallia
Christopher Smith
Sean Traynor
Karla Vehrs
Ed Wegerson
Sarah Zach
Maslon Edelman Borman &
Brand, LLP
Shauro Bagchi
Alex Cheng
Kathleen Crowe
John Darda
Bradley Pederson
Anna Petosky
Martin Rosenbaum
Julian Zebot
Medtronic, Inc.
Deborah Hilke
Pankaj Mohan
Shelley Zacharias
Restovich Braun & Associates
Lisa Swenson
Richard Wright
Robins, Kaplan, Miller &
Ciresi, LLP
Katherine Barrett Wiik
William Bornstein
Matthew Frerichs
Cynthia Hernandez
Anne Lockner
Ari Lukoff
Heather McElroy
Colin Peterson
Philip Sieff
Sally Silk
Mahesha Subbaraman
Brandon Thompson
Randall Tietjen
Adam Welle
Target Corporation
Tinzing Artman
Amy Bromberg Funk
Angelita Hernandez
Jude Hockley
Mara Kaplan
Jodi Kovala
Anita Lindgren
David March
Joseph Nuñez
Lorraine Prindle
Lisa Riedesel
Jason Walbourn
TCF Bank
Sheri Ahl
Kristen Larson
Judy VanOsdel
Keith Harris
Jamie Hoff
Abigail Peterson
Scott Schweikart
3M Company
Emily Faber-Densley
UnitedHealth Group
Ramona Advani
U.S. Bank National
Richard Baker
Susan Davis
Paula Kanne
Ashley Krogh
Lydia Morley
Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota
Nick Richtman
Alona Rindal
Amy Sadoff
Cara Seeley
Annette Wawers
Private Law Offices
Catherine Bauer, Bauer
Immigration Law Firm, LLC
Angela Bortel, The Bortel
Firm, LLC
Jennifer Congdon, Jennifer
Congdon Law
Susana De León, De León &
Nestor, LLC
R. Mark Frey, Frey Law Office
Tim Hart, Hart Law Office
Justin Johnson, Lockwood
Law Office
Salima Khakoo, American
Dream Law, LLC
Rachel Lang, Law Office of
E.B. Lang
Daniel Le, Le Law Group
Edmundo Lijo, Law Offices of
Edmundo Lijo
Kaela Meyers, Meyers Law
Jenny Mojica, Myers
Bruce Nestor, De León &
Nestor, LLC
Khanh Nguyen, Khanh
Nguyen Law Office
Caroline Ostrom, Ostrom Law
Gigi Penn, Batten & Beasley,
Keri Phillips, Rinke Noonan
Susan Roberts, Roberts
Immigration Law Office, Ltd.
Adam Rohne, Rohne Law
Offices, P.A.
Steven Thal, Steven C. Thal,
Veronica Walther, Goss &
Walther Law Group LLP
Irina Abramovich
Attracta Abulu
Katilyn Adkins
Samira Afzali
Omolola Akanbi
Mary Alden
Joel Anderson
Susan Arefe
Stuart Arkley
John Barham
Michael Benninghoff
Betty Berger
Catherine Bishop
Melanie Boes
Sarah Brenes
Selena Britzius-Negash
Gennady Bronshteyn
Kate Bruce
Camille Bryant
Joel Button
Valerie Byrne
Cynthia Campos
Marisela Cantu
Sarah Carlson-Wallrath
Michael Carpenter
Julie Carson
Barry Cattadoris
Colleen Chambers
Scott Cloutier
Janet Coleman
Rosellen Condon
Stefanie Cossalter
Emily Cowing
Eric Day
Paula DeGrandis
Katie DeGrio Channing
Deb Detrick
Lindsay Diaz
Judge Joseph Dierkes
Lisa Dittmann
Susan Droegemueller
Elisa Edlund
Meghan Elliott
Rachel Engebretson
Leo Epee
Marcela Fatkhiyev
Cole Fauver
Geneva Finn
Kristen Finney
Katherine Flom
Thomas Gilde
Ana Maria Gomez
M. Graciela Gonzalez
Peter Gorman
Rose Grengs
Tracy Grundman Reza
Caitlin Guilford
Marcia Haffmans
Tim Hagedorn
Fatema Haji-Taki
Mawerdi Hamid
Dan Hammer
Erica Heikel
Kevin Heinz
William Hennessey
Shauna Holt
Kami Hopkins
Elsbeth Howe
Taneeza Islam
Veena Iyer
Manish Jain
James Jawdin
Elizabeth Jones
Roger Junnila
Christopher Keyser
Therese Kieffer
Anna Kim
Jordan Kimbel
Matt Kipp
Elizabeth Knoot
Susan Koberstein
Jennifer Kowski-Dahlberg
Marianne Krljic
Daniel Larmouth
Kara Lynum
Jeffrey Maas
Steven Marchese
Ryan McLaughlin
Suzette McNally
Calleigh McRaith
Mikael Merissa
Thomas Mielenhausen
Josie Mines
Stephanie Morales
Jessica Nault
Huong Nguyen
Graham Ojala-Barbour
Henry Ongeri
Andrea Palumbo
Bryan Penney
Anand Purushotham
Erika Ramirez
Iris Ramos
Marie Reigstad
Jess Reimer
Gabriela Reyes-Noyola
Mary Ellen Riehsen
Julie Ristau
Michelle Rivero
Azure Schermerhorn-Snyder
Malinda Schmiechen
Micaela Schuneman
Paula Schwartzbauer
John Scully
Sonya Seidl
Stephen Shakman
Emily Slagle
Richard Soli
Nikki Sommers
Philllip Stamman
Lexie Stein
Gwender Sterling
Matthew Streff
Sharifa Tharpe
Amber Thomas
Damien Toven
David Vander Haar
Jacqueline VanMoer
Lydia Villalva Lijo
Emily Wallace-Jackson
Rochelle Weber
Stacie Weeks
Carol Weissenborn
Wendy Welsh
Karen Westwood
Kimberley Woods Vanselow
Hannah Woolsey
Maisue Xiong
Pajjar Yang
Organizational Donors:
Blandin Foundation
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of
Minnesota Foundation
Embracing Immigration
Fund of The Minneapolis
Hardenbergh Foundation
Academy of Business
Immigration Lawyers
Archie D. and Bertha H.
Walker Foundation
Charlson Foundation
F. R. Bigelow Foundation
Consulate of Mexico in Saint
Paul, Minnesota
Faegre Baker Daniels LLP
Hennepin County Bar
Aronson & Associates
Immigration Law Firm
Endowment Fund
Art and Martha Kaemmer
Fund of HRK Foundation
Asian Women United of
Department of Justice, Office
on Violence Against Women
El Fondo de Nuestra
Comunidad of the Saint Paul
Fredrikson & Byron
The Funders’ Collaborative for
Strong Latino Communities
Gray Plant Mooty Foundation
Greater Twin Cities United
Heartland Alliance National
Immigrant Justice Center
Hugh J. Andersen Foundation
Ingber Family Philanthropic
Fund of Jewish Community
Jean and Mark Schroepfer
Fund of The Saint Paul
Annual Report 2012-2013
Larson King Charitable Fund
of The Saint Paul Foundation
Saint Joan of Arc Catholic
Plant Mooty Foundation
In-Kind Donors:
Lindquist & Vennum L.L.P.
Law Office of Abdinasir M.
Abdulahi, LLC
Saint Timothy Lutheran
William Mahlum
and Donna Allan
The Advocates for Human
Legal Services Advisory
Sieben, Grose, Von Holtum &
Carey LTD
Service Employees
International Union 26
Arbor Pointe Liquors
Leonard, Street and Deinard
Sisters of St. Joseph
Babani’s Kurdish Restaurant
Lindquist & Vennum, LLP
Southern Minnesota Regional
Legal Services
Service Employees
International Union
Minnesota State Council
Lutheran Immigration and
Refugee Services
State of Minnesota Board of
Public Defense
University of St. Thomas
School of Law
MAHADH Fund of the HRK
State of Minnesota Office of
Justice Programs
Zimmer Law Group L.L.C.
Management Improvement
Fund of The Saint Paul
State of Minnesota Office of
Refugee Resettlement
Borene Law Firm, P.A., Global
Immigration Group
Tilney-Kaemmer Fund of
HRK Foundation
Davis and Goldfarb P.L.L.C.
Maslon, Edelman, Borman &
Brand LLP
The Saint Paul Foundation
District Energy St. Paul
Midwest Community Hospice
Fund of The Minneapolis
United States Department of
Mardag Foundation
Minnesota Chapter Federal
Bar Association
Minnesota DREAMers Fund
of the The Minneapolis
Minnesota Hispanic Bar
Minnesota Justice Foundation
Minnesota Milk Producers
Minnesota State Bar
Otto Bremer Foundation
Presbyterian Church U.S.A.
Ramsey County Bar
Thomson Reuters
University of St. Thomas Law
Society Donation
Willmar Area Community
Wolkoff, Wilk & Associates
2012 Gala Sponsors:
Leader Level Sponsor
Faegre Baker Daniels L.L.P.
Ally Level Sponsor
Robins, Kaplan, Miller &
Ciresi L.L.P.
Advocate Level Sponsor
Fredrikson & Byron P.A.,
Immigration Team
Gray Plant Mooty, Mooty &
Bennett PA, and the Gray
Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota
Defender Level Sponsor
De León & Nestor, L.L.C.
Gilbert Mediation Center, Ltd.
Leonard, Street and Deinard
Christopher Middlebrook PA
Steven C. Thal, P.A.
The Dolan Company
Western Bank
Friend of ILCM
Bailey Nurseries, Inc.
Frey Law Office
Karam & Associates
Minnesota Hispanic Bar
Minnesota Nursery &
Landscape Association
Perman Law Firm
Professor Manju Parikh
Debra Schneider
Sisters of St. Francis,
Rochester MN
Barbette Restaurant
Bibelot Shops
Birchwood Café
Bloomington Theatre and Art
Boca Chica
Boyle Family
Brave New Workshop
Breathing Space
Bryn Mawr Soap Company
Café Latte
Cat Man Do
The Center for International
Coat of Many Colors
Coffee News Café
Common Roots Café
Cub Foods
Do Good Diapers
Dodge Nature Center
Dunn Brothers Coffee
Dunrovin Christian Brothers
Retreat Center
The Egg and I
El Loro Restaurant
Everest on Grand
Lisa Marie Figueroa
Flamingo Restaurant
La Perla
Precision Tune Auto Care
Individual Donors:
Tom Fletcher
Linden Hills Co-op
Punch Pizza
Muna Adani
Foci - Minnesota Center for
Glass Arts
Lindquist & Vennum, LLP
Ramona Advani
Lohmar Exel Family
Amy Rasmussen
Barbara Allan
Gertens Greenhouses &
Garden Center
Magers and Quinn Booksellers
Stacy Allan
Ginko Coffeehouse
Mall of America
Kendra Allen
Midway Party Rental
Scott Russell
Sally Anaya-Boyer
Midwest Mountaineering
Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra
Deborah Anderson
Mill City Museum
Saint Paul City Ballet
Melissa and Lue Andrie-Her
Minnehaha Free Space
Saint Paul Farmer’s Market
Brenda Anfinson
Highland Grill
Minnesota Jewish Theatre
The Saint Paul Hotel
Lee Atakpu
Highland Nursery
Saint Paul Saints
Anne Attea
Minnesota Opera
Holy Land Deli
Salsa del Soul
Gus and Debra Avenido
Minnesota Orchestra
Debra Schneider
Marcia Avner
Minnesota Timberwolves
Ingebretsen’s Scandinavian
Stages Theater Company
Tracy and Luke Babler
Mintahoe Catering and Events
Stepping Stone Theater
Nina Bacaner
Irish on Grand
Mosaic on a Stick
Summit Brewing Company
Rosita Balch
Sam Myers
Surly Brewing Company
Barbara Balkman Ruddick
Nature Built Homes
Taqueria La Hacienda
Kate and Roger Barr
Now Boarding Pets
Teresa’s Mexican Restaurant
Old Log Theater
The Toro Company
Katharine Barrett Wiik and
Norman Wiik
Olive Garden
Treadle Yard Goods
Joy Bartscher
One Yoga
Turtle Bread Co.
Mary Bellman
Renae Oswald-Anderson
Velasquez Family Coffee
Amy Bergquist
Walker Art Center
Elizabeth Bates Berry
The Wedge Co-op
Scott Borene
Panaderia La Loma
Wet Paint
Frank Bowden
Panda Express
Wild Rumpus
Lorraine Breitenbucher
Paper Patisserie
William A. Irvin Museum
Thaddeus Brink
Park Square Theater
World Buffet
Jeremy Britzius
The Park Tavern
Robyn Brown
Pedal Pub Twin Cities
Worthington Municipal
Liquor Store
Perfume Empire
Wuollet Bakery
Jerry Burg
Pfeiffer Family
YMCA Camp Saint Croix
Pizza Luce
Dennis and Diane Zimmer
N. Jean Burns and Elizabeth
Gorkha Palace
The Grand Hand Gallery
Great Harvest
It’s Greek To Me
Izzy’s Ice Cream Café
Jawaahir Dance Company
Jean Charles Duffaut
Jensen’s Café
Joe’s Garage
The Jungle Theater
Kabob’s Restaurant
Sara Karki
John and Maria Keller
Jane Keller Malenfant
Key North
Nancy Kleeman
The Liffey Irish Pub
Kathleen Lohmar-Exel
La Loma
La Mexicana
Al Pranke
Carolyn Brue
Guthrie Byard
Annual Report 2012-2013
Jonathan Bye
Stacy Endres
Brad Hasskamp
John and Carol Joslin
Philip Byrne
Matthew Entenza
Bret Hassler
Maggie Karl
Chris Castellano and Leticia
De la Cruz
Barbara Erlandson
Cathy Haukedahl
Lorraine Keller
Judson Haverkamp
Maria Keller
Manuel Cervantes
Katherine Evans and Ryan
Theresa Heath
Kevin Chavis
M. Sharon Exel
Dianne Heins
Stephen Keller and Kathleen
Fonda Christy-Ali
Shannyn Fagerstrom
Jessy Hennesy
Jane Keller-Malenfant
Steve and Christine Clemens
Katherine Fennelly
John Hernandez
Robert Kempainen
Linda Close
Amy Finnegan
Celia Hernandez-Payan
Salima Khakoo
Sarah Clyne
H.T. Fish
Heyzel Herrera
Duane and Mary Khronke
Paula Cooey
Linda and Robert Fisher
Kali and Jay Higgins
Sarah and Daniel Kilibarda
Bruce Corrie
Kathleen Fluegel
Amy Highness
Catherine Cory
Jeannie Fox
Lisa Knazan and Dennis
Renee Cosgrove
Barbara Frey
DeAnne Hilgers and
Christopher Sprung
Skye Coughlin
Luz Frias
Dennis and Gerri Hilgers
Jeff Kolnick and Rosa Tock
Katherine Crothers
Michael Friedman and Susan
Rita Holtum
Laura Danielson
Emily Kramer-Torres and
Jesus Torres-Garza
Valerie Darling
Kathleen Ganley
John Hottinger
Conrad Defiebre
Maritza Garcia
Rachel Horne
Flannery Delaney
Rita Garcia
Elsbeth Howe
Rebecca Desnoyers
Kate Garsombke
Jamie Hubbard
Susan Dicker
Peter Gavin
Lawrence Hubbard
Steve Dixon
David Gawthrop
Monica Hurtado
Kara Donnithorne
Mary Grace Gervacio
Monica Dooner Lindgren and
Miguel Lindgren
D. Gilchrist
Richard Ihrig and Colleen
Barbara Gilliand
Stephen and Felicia Irabor
Alison Douglas
Joan Gittens
Amy Ireland
Nick Doyle and Grania
Bonnie Goldsmith
Colleen Jacks
Peter Gorman
Nancy Jacks
Colt Edin
John Graham
Erica Edwardson
Isabel Graybow
Sharon Jacks and Kevin
Deborah Eide
Alison Griffith
Suzanne Jebe
Cathy Eilers
Adrian Jimenez
Ron Eldred
Ryder and Marie Galban
Joyce Ellingson
John Guttermann
Nancy Johnson-Maloney
Meghan Elliott
Lesley Guyton
Natela Jordan
Katherine and James Emery
Francy Hall
Susan Jorgensen Flores
Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota
Kami Hopkins
Dan Johnson
Susan Koberstein
Jennifer Kramm
Emily Lai
Maury and Julie Landsman
John Lange
Thomas Larson and Gina
Tracy Lawson
Ruby Lee
Jennifer Leighton-Davilla
Jeffrey Leppink and Jane
Jack Leveille
Anna Levenson-Falk
Sarah and William Lightner
Edmundo Lijo
David Lofstrom
Kathleen Lohmar Exel
Ka Lybliatia
Robert Lyman and
Karen Svien
William Mahlum and
Donna Allan
Steven Pederson
Cara and Steven
Abigail Weras
Claudia Perez
Drew Mahowald
Daniel Peterson
Paw Sei
Ray Wiedmeyer
Celeste Marin
Sarah Peterson Stensrud
Elizabeth Shaffer-Wishner
Victor Martinez
MacKenzie Petrie
Melanie Sinouthasy
Virgil Wiebe and
Susan Schmidt
Sarah Matze
Nicole Pettitt
Stanley Sledz
John and Susan Wiik
Terin Mayer
Anh Pham
Diana and Matthew Smith
Carolyn Will
Malcolm McLean
Ana Pottratz Acosta
Richard Soli
Claire Wilson
Judith and Frank McIlmail
D’Ann Prior
Leah Solo
San Dar Win
Barbara McIlquham
Andrew Whitman
Thomas and Margaret Pursell
Liza Soto
Stephen Melcher
Maureen Ramirez
Suzanne Staudenmaier
Yoeuth Yan and Kim Leang
Kathleen Mitchell
Claudia Raymundo Miranda
Margaret Stokman
Kayva Yang
Abdi Mohamed
Marie Reigstad
Jennifer Stoos
Rosanne Zaidenweber
Meray Montes
P. Richard and Gail Bohr
Claire Stoscheck
Edith Zamboni
Julia Morgan
Jessica Riemer
James Street and Rachel Sibley
Carla Zelada
Lydia Morley
Judy and Keith Roberts
John Stuart
Solveig Zempel
Paul Moss
Debra Robison
Rose Stuhlman
Julie Zimmer
Renee Mueller Steinle
Vic Rosenthal
Sheila Stuhlman
Ann Mulholland and Steven
Ashley Roth and J.C. Kralik
Kartik Subbu
Honorary Donations
Howard Myers
Andrea and James Rubenstein
Mark and Marcy Syman
Stephanie Ruona
Jote Taddese
Lauren Ryan
Mohammad Taki
Anonymous Donor in honor
of Northfield’s Reaching Our
Goals Program
Amy Sadoff
Richard Taylor
Andrea Salazar
Rachel and Carlos Tellez
Angelia Sampson
John Terrazas
Lisa Sass Zaragoza
Kou Thao
Arline and Brian Satrom
Pa Thwa Mue
Michael Scandrett
Mary Turck
Jessica Schaetzke
Carl Valdez
Patricia Schaffer and David
Gabriella Vallejo
Dawn Schilling
Mary Vik
Holly Osterland
Phil and Mary Margaret
Jesus Vite-Melchor
Drucilla and Allan Osterud
Susan Schonfeld
Renae Oswald-Anderson
Karen Weiberg
Paula Schwartzbauer
Mary Pederson
Ben Wells
Rodney and Newell Searle
Lauren Nakamura
Jeffrey and Gloria Narabrook
Joy Nelson
Lisa and Nelson Peralta
Bruce Nestor
Michelle Nohner
Christine Nsajja
John O’Brien
Dan and Lynne O’Connell
Dennis and Linda O’Malley
Yasmin Odowa and Khadra
Hassan Yusuf
Megan Verdejz
Maria Ward
Katherine Brady in honor
of Judge Gail Chang Bohr
Sara Chute in honor of all her
undocumented friends living
in Minnesota
Sylvia Fink in honor of Jenny
Gerald Kahlert in honor
of Pablo Tapia
Cynthia Lee in honor of WenYing and Nai-Kao Chang
Christine Lim and Samuel
Schulhofer-Wohl in honor
of Brian Aust
Margaret Kallal in honor
of Irina Vaynerman
Annual Report 2012-2013
Sally Silk and Thomas Wolfe
in honor of John Stiles
Hang Dinh
Craig McKeen
Grace Skwira
Susan Droegemueller
Isbely McKeen
Samuel Smith
Sally Silk and Thomas Wolfe in
honor of Sarah Hudleston and
Rick Martin
Mares Duggan-Anderson
Calleigh McRaith
Jaime Soriano
Leaf Elhai
Monica Medrano
Karen St. Marie
Robert Emmet
Elizabeth Mendez
Robert St. Marie
Jenny Fink
Robin Meyer
Ben Stein
Laura Garlock
Josefina Montejo
Peggy Stokman
Victoria Gerdts
Bruce Nestor
Rebekah Tedrick Moutz
Oscar Gomez
Graham Ojala-Barbour
Luisa Tejada
Jessica Grady
Anisabel Palma
David Tillman
Adela Gross
Denise Perez
Jessica Velasco
Lois Gutierrez
Paul Pfeiffer
Anne Villalobos
John Gutterman
Lakeyta Potter
Alex Villegas
Cheryl Hellermann
Ana Pottratz Acosta
Efrain Villegas
Elizabeth Henley
Zach Pruitt
Enrique Villegas
Marissa Hill-Dongre
Juan Puentes
Fernando Villegas
Araceli Jimenez
Amanda Ray
Bobby Wenner
Lydia Kantor
Dan Read
Cassie White
Gabriel Keller
Raphi Rechitsky
Sheila Williams-Ridge
Johanna Keller Flores
Jessica Riemer
Joshua Witherspoon
Soudavone Khamvongsa
Carlos Rivera
Cole Woodward
Kelsey Klug
Susan Roberts
Grace Zaiman
Jaidy Kolander
Reina Rodriquez
Norma Komatsu
Delfina Rojas
Annie Levenson-Falk
Evan Romanoff
Janet Lewis Muth
Karina Romero
Steve Lohmar
Ariel Rosales
Fabio Lopez
Stephanie Ruona
Xong Lor
Maggie Sanchez
Consuelo Lozano
Ariel Santiago
Andrea Magana
Steve Schmidt
Natalia Manechan
Ana Schuneman
Celeste Marin
Elizabeth Shaffer-Wishner
Killa Martinez
Kristen Shepard
Gail Martinson
Aida Simon
Daniel Marx
Amarita Singh
Antonia Alvarez
Joseph Amerman
Karen Anaya
Abla Attisso
Hanna Backman
Mary Banker
Luciano Battaglini
Katie Bement
Maria Biurquiz
Nelson Bonilla
Carrie Briones
Dan Brown
Nathalie Buhendwa
Rosa Emilia Burgos
Cynthia Campos
Sarah Carlson
Elizabeth Carmona Ramos
Flor Casanova
Mirella Ceja-Orozco
Tucker Chambers
Soom Changdaswang
Jessica Chavez
Laura Code
Richard Coffin
Kristina Contreras
John Cooney
Areli Cordoza
Nysha Cornelius
Rosario De La Torre
Susana De León
Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota
Organizational Donors:
The Advocacy Fund
Guardian Angels Catholic
Ramsey County Bar
Valerie Aggerbeck
American Immigration
Lawyers Association –
Minnesota-Dakotas Chapter
Hardenbergh Foundation
Rinke Noonan, LTD
Sheri Ahl
Hennepin County Bar
Saint Timothy Lutheran
Barbara Allan
Archie D. & Bertha H. Walker
Holy Ground Catholic
School Sisters of Notre Dame
Nancy Allen
The Aronson Philanthropic
Hugh J. Andersen Foundation
Art and Martha Kaemmer
Fund of HRK Foundation
Boston Law Office
Candyce A. and David A. Gray
Family Foundation of the Saint
Paul Foundation
J. Peter Brull Fund of The
Minneapolis Foundation
Jean and Mark Schroepfer
Fund of The Saint Paul
Sieben, Grose, Von Holtum &
Carey LTD
Sisters of the Good Shepherd
Southwest Initiative
State of Minnesota Office of
Justice Programs
Law Office of Abdinasir M
Abdulahi, LLC
Center for Community
State of Minnesota Office of
Refugee Resettlement
Legal Services Advisory
Center for New Americans,
University of Minnesota
Susan B. Anthony Middle
Leonard, Street and Deinard
The Saint Paul Foundation
Consulate of Mexico in Saint
Paul, Minnesota
Lindquist & Vennum, LLP
Tilney-Kaemmer Fund of
HRK Foundation
Dayton Avenue Presbyterian
Department of Justice, Office
on Violence Against Women
El Fondo de Nuestra
Comunidad of the Saint Paul
Embracing Immigration
Fund of The Minneapolis
F. R. Bigelow Foundation
Faegre Baker Daniels LLP
Four Freedoms Fund of Public
Interest Projects
Fredrikson & Byron
Greater Twin Cities
United Way
Lutheran Immigration and
Refugee Services
MAHADH Fund of the HRK
Mardag Foundation
Thomson Reuters
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
United States Citizenship
and Immigration Services,
Department of Homeland
Anabela Aguilera
Stacy Allan
Cynthia Anderson
Sarah Anderson
Melissa and Lue Andrie-Her
Katherine Anthony and Ben
Susan Apollo
Anne Attea
Marcia Avner
Tracy and Luke Babler
Noah Balasubrahmanyan
Kate Barr
Betty Beier
Amy Bergquist
Bill Blazar and Mary
Frank Bowden
Lorraine Breitenbucher
Brenna Brelie
United Way of Nobles County
Elvis Brenes and Sarah Solz
Minnesota Chapter Federal
Bar Association
WCA Foundation
Chana Brickell
Webber Law Firm, LLC
Michelle and Hung Brown Ton
Minnesota DREAMers
Fund of The Minneapolis
Wells Fargo
Philip Byrne
Wilson Law Group
Ann Caspar
Xcel Energy
Gail Cederberg
Minnesota Board of Public
Minnesota Justice Foundation
Minnesota State Bar
Northern Tier Energy
Otto Bremer Foundation
Presbyterian Church U.S.A.
Manuel Cervantes
Individual Donors:
Marit Aarsheim
Juan Chanco
Tedoh Adabunu
Stephen and Christine
Ramona Advani
Linda Close
Mary Ager
Bruce Corrie
Annual Report 2012-2013
Michael and Vernica Cromett
Manuel Guerrero
James Krapf
Stephen Melcher
Valerie Darling
John Guttermann
Brooke Darst Rice
Lesley Guyton
Theresa and Michael
Laura Melnick and Mark
Susan Davis
Jill Hall
Mary Jo Kvarnlov
Cathryn Middlebrook
Augusto Debra
Jana and Neil Hamilton
Maury and Julie Landsmen
Christopher Middlebrook
Monica Dooner
Kristin Hanson
David Miklethun
Diane Dube and Peter
Harry Hartigan
Thomas Larson and Gina
Ruby Lee
Sokhavuddh Moeun
Jack Leveille
T. Mohammad
Dennis Levendowski
Stephanie Morales
Anna Levenson-Falk
Julia Morgan
William and Sarah Lightner
Lydia Morley
Christine Lim
Paul Moss
Carole and Bob Lohmar
Susan and Tom Moss
Georgina Lopez-Quiroz
Mitchell Mosvick
Kathleen Lohmar Exel
Renee Mueller Steinle
Thomas Lovett
Patrick and Jody Lunemann
Ann Mulholland and Steven
Ka Ly Bliatia
Lorena Muñoz
William Mahlum and Donna
Gwen and Mason Myers
Celeste Marin
Khanh Nguyen
Chad Martinson
Julianne Ninteman
Jeanne Massey
Douglas Nopar
Michael Mattison
Dan and Lynne O’Connell
Janet Mayer
Kristen Olsen
Mary Jo Maynes
Elizabeth Oppenheimer
Mary McArdle and Joy
Grant and Terri Ostler
Suzanne McCurdy
Jazmin Perez Toriz
Robin Duff
Daniel Edwin
Meghan Elliott
Robert Hartman
Theresa Heath
Mary Ann Hennen
Cathy Heying
Marie Ellis
Margaret Hinton
Matthew Entenza
Rita Holtum
Barbara Erlandson
Rachel Horne
Lisa Erlandson
Sarah Imdieke
Kate Evans
Jerome Ingber
Richard Fairbanks
Stephen and Felicia Irabor
Anna Finstrom
Colleen Jacks
H.T. Fish
Nancy Jacks
Linda and Robert Fisher
Eric Jacobsen
Steve and Bonnie Francisco
Mark Jacobson and Jill Conda
Lynn Franz and Joseph
Suzanne Jebe
Jane Freeman and Jeff Leppink
R. Mark Frey
Stanley and Susan Furr
Stefanie Galey
Peter Gavin
David Gawthrop
Victoria Gerdts
Adam Gerhardstein
Annie and John Gibson
Barbara Gilliand
Joan Gittens
Clare Gravon
Rose and Paul Grengs
Daniel Griffith
David and Donna Jorgensen
John and Carol Joslin
Gerald Kahlert
Leslie Karam
Maggie Karl
Salima Khakoo
John and Maria Keller
Sarah Kilibarda
Jennifer Kleven
Kathy Klos
Kelsey Klug
Susan Koberstein
Denise Konen
Jennifer Kramm
Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota
Shannon McDonough
Frank and Judith McIlmail
Barbara McIlquham
Earl Rex McKee
Karen Miksch
Howard Myers
Drucilla and Allan Osterud
MacKenzie Petrie
Melissa and Paul Pfeiffer
Maya Pharris-Ciurej
Isbely McKeen
Elmer Pierre and Patricia
Grania McKiernan
Manuel Pizano-Carlo
Adrienne Meisel
Nancy and Joo-Hee Pomplun
Ana Pottratz Acosta
Stanley Sledz
D’Ann Prior
Diana and Matthew Smith
Thomas and Margaret Pursell
Diane Smith
Rita Quigley
Sue Smukler
Sara Rabolt
Polly Snider
Ann Rasmussen
Stephanie Spandl
Loraine Reichel
Jessica Reimer
Susan Stabile and David
P. Richard and Gail Bohr
Renee and Jeffrey Steinle
Michelle Rivero
Sarah Stensrud
Ethan Roberts
Jennifer Stoos
Keith Roberts
Elona Street-Stewart
Ann and Carroll Rock
J. Stuhlman
Stephanie Rosario Alvarez
Rose Stuhlman
Vic Rosenthal
Sheila Stuhlman
Sara Johnson Rothman
Judy and Deon Stuthman
Andrea F. Rubenstein
Sue Swanson
Barbara Ruddick
Marcy and Mark Syman
Rebecca Ryan
Rachel and Carlos Tellez
Lisa Sass Zaragoza
Donations made in honor of
the wedding of Julie Zimmer
and Tucker Carlson:
Marit Brock
Ed Butterfoss
Mary Duffy
Deanne Hilgers and
Christopher Sprung
Kim Hunter
Sharon Jacks and Kevin
Michael and Kathleen Martin
Anthony Mendoza and Dawn
Sam Walseth and Stephanie
Lein Walseth
Donations made in honor of
the wedding of Amy Micek
and Janet Bystrom:
Diane Bystrom and Marian
Arline Satrom
Alan Tsang
Patricia Schaffer and David
Mary Turck
Carl Valdez
Elizabeth and Patrick Schiltz
Jessica Vargas
Mary and Phil Schmidt
Sandra Vargas
Dana Schneider
Jose Vega
Donations made in honor of
the wedding of Anna Boyle
and Joe Finstrom:
Becky Boyle
Daniel Schneider
Kathleen Vellenga
Sue Finstrom
Debra Schneider and Steve
Robert and Maureen Vischer
Nathan and Ann Kjolhaug
Emily Wallace-Jackson
Leah Leyendecker
Linda Schneider
Esther Wattenberg
Ruth Lindquist
Robert Schumacher
Virgil Wiebe and Susan
Sarah Logan
Cara and Steven Seeley
Yoeuth Yan and Kim Leang
Elizabeth Shaffer-Wishner
Sherilyn Young
Christina and Henry Shea
Rosanne Zaidenweber and
Mary Lesourd
Donations made in honor of
Jardín Mágico:
Christian and Stephanie
Kenneth Simmons
Katrina Zabinski
Marcia Lagrander
James McBride and Maren
David McCarthy and Anne
Anne Marciniak
Carissa Slotterback
Additional Honorary
Diane Allan in honor of
William Mahlum’s retirement
from District Energy and
his years of service to the
Immigrant Law Center of
Sara Chute in honor of her
undocumented friends in
Richard and Marjorie
Dahlager in honor of Mark
Dahlager and Laura Melnick
Kathleen A. Fluegel, Ph.D.
in honor of John Keller and
ILCM Staff
Barbara Frey in honor of
Martin Palacios
Catherine Larsen in honor of
DeAnne Hilgers
Sally Silk and Thomas Wolfe
in honor of Anne Applebaum
and Adam Welle’s baby
Elizabeth Streefland in honor
of two DREAMers’ visits to
Washington, D.C.
Roger Taylor in honor of fallen
United States service members
who were working towards
Annual Report 2012-2013
Carol Woehrer in honor of
Bob Schiebel
Western Bank
Downtowner Woodfire Grill
La Perla
Friend of ILCM
Jean Charles Duffaut
Las Rosas
Frey Law Office
Dunn Brothers Coffee
Leonard, Street and Deinard
2013 Gala Sponsors:
Leader Level Sponsor
Minnesota Hispanic Bar
Dunrovin Christian Brothers
Retreat Center
Linden Hills Co-op
Faegre Baker Daniels L.L.P.
Professor Manju Parikh
Ally Level Sponsor
Sisters of St. Francis, Rochester
Eagles Nest Indoor
Playground – New Brighton
Parks and Recreation
William Mahlum and Donna
Lindquist & Vennum, L.L.P.
In Kind Donors:
5 Loaves, 2 Fishes Catering
Ellen Krug
Margarita’s Mexican
Everest on Grand
Mendota Liquor
Fredrikson & Byron P.A.,
Immigration Team
The Advocates for Human
Lisa Marie Figueroa
Midtown Global Market
Flamingo Restaurant
Midway Party Rental
Gray Plant Mooty Mooty &
Bennett, P.A. and the Gray
Plant Mooty Foundation
Afro Deli & Coffee
Tom Fletcher
Mill City Museum
American Swedish Institute
Fulton Brewing Company
Minnehaha Free Space/Busers
Lindquist & Vennum, P.L.L.P.
Architectural Alliance/20
Below Studio
Gerten’s Greenhouse &
Garden Center
Minnesota Jewish Theater
Myers Thompson, P.A.
Armadillo Sound and Light
Ghorka Palace
Minnesota Landscape
Service Employees
International Union Local 26
Grand Buffet
Mixed Blood Theater
Great Harvest Bread Co.
Service Employees
International Union
Minnesota State Council
Sam Myers
The New Riverside Ramblers
Herr Family
Now Boarding Pets
University of St. Thomas
School of Law
Bloomington Theatre and Art
Highland Nursery
The Blue Door Pub
Old Log Theater Company
Hola Arepa
Blue Nile
Olive Garden
Holy Land Deli
Boca Chica
Ichiban Steakhouse
Brave New Workshop
Park Square Theater
Breadsmith of the Twin Cities
Park Tavern
Izzy’s Ice Cream
Café Latte
Peace Coffee
Jawaahir Dance Company
The Cassandra School
Peking Garden
Jensen’s Café
Chiang Mai Thai
Pfeiffer Family
John and Maria Keller
Choo Choo Bob’s Train Store
Pizza Luce
Joy of the People
Coat of Many Colors
Punch Pizza
The Jungle Theater
Colossal Café
Keefer Court
Common Good Books
Amy Rasmussen
Key North
Common Roots Café
Red Balloon Bookshop
Nancy Kleeman
Damola’s Kitchen
Anders and Ewa Rydaker
La Loma Panaderia
Dodge Nature Center
Saint Paul City Ballet
La Mexicana
Saint Paul Saints
Robins, Kaplan, Miller &
Ciresi L.L.P.
Advocate Level Sponsor
William Mahlum
and Donna Allan
Zimmer Law Group, L.L.C.
Defender Level Sponsor
Bailey Nurseries, Inc.
Borene Law Firm, Global
Immigration Group
Davis & Goldfarb, P.L.L.C.
De León & Nestor, L.L.C.
District Energy Saint Paul
Karam Law Firm
Minnesota Lawyer
Steven C. Thal, P.A.
Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota
Salsa del Soul
Worthington Liquors
Victoria Gerdts
Yahaira Pinzon
Jill Sauber
Julie Zimmer
Laura Goetsch
Jess Reimer
Debra Schneider and Steve
Nothando Zulu
Jessica Grady
Mia Ritter
Megan Grady
Brooke Rogers
Skyzone Indoor Trampoline
Kamal Ali
Kenneth Granle
Emmett Ruff
Stages Theatre Company
Alicia Hernandez
Margarita Sandoval
Anastasia Armitage
Steppingstone Theater
Gabe Keller
Kristen Shepherd
Bethany Birdsall
Surly Brewing Co.
Eunjoo Kwak
Claire Sigford
Nathalie Buhendwa
Taqueria La Hacienda
Ian Landreau
Jaime Soriano
Cynthia Campos
Teresa’s Mexican Restaurant
Steve Lohmar
Mohammad Taki
Elizabeth Carmona Ramos
The Toro Company
Xong Lor
Zach Tauer
Claire Cech
Trans Surplus and Liquidation
Celeste Marin
Rebekah Tedrick Moutz
Mirella Ceja-Orozco
Treadle Yard Goods
Isaac Martin
Kia Thrasher
Mary Cerkvenik
Turtle Bread Company
Leah Mathews
Jose Valle
Sofia Cerkvenck
Vertical Endeavors Indoor
Rock Climbing
John Medeiros
Alex Villegas
Molly Duggan
Robyn Meyer-Thompson
Efrain Villegas
Jasmine Dupey
Tammy Villegas
Quinn Millibergity
Enrique Villegas
Erin Dyke
The Wedge Natural Foods
Rachel Mowry
Fernando Villegas
Kevin Dyke
Graham Ojala-Barbour
Susana Villezcas
West Indies Soul Food
Madie Esteb
Lole Omba
Joshua Witherspoon
Dan Federico
Elowyn Pfeiffer
Madeleine Wolfe
Carrie Feldman
Isabel Pfeiffer
Yinfei Wu
Anna Finstrom
Paul Pfeiffer
Joe Finstrom
Pounnaphone Phomtalikhith
Wet Paint
Wild River Outfitters
Sheila Williams-Ridge
World Buffet
Jhoseline Flores
Annual Report 2012-2013
Jeannie Fox
Sharon Jacks
Sandra Rathod (2013 only)
Debra Schneider
Thomas Jensen
Jote Taddese
Mario Hernandez
Thomas Larson
Tonya Tennessen (2012 only)
Julie Zimmer
William Mahlum
Enrique Vazquez (2013 only)
DeAnne Hilgers
Marcelo Ordaz-Cruz
Karen F. Ellingson - Emeritus
Grant Ostler
THE IMMIGRANT LAW CENTER OF MINNESOTA is a unique nonprofit 501(c)3 organization; in addition
to providing high-quality legal services to low-income immigrants and refugees in Minnesota, ILCM educates
immigrant and non-immigrant communities about immigration matters, and is a leader in legislative advocacy.
To learn more about ILCM, please visit our website at http://www.ilcm.org.
Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota
450 North Syndicate Street | Suite 200 | St. Paul, MN 55104
Phone: 651-641-1011 | Client intake line: 1-800-223-1368 | Fax: 651-641-1131
Email: [email protected]