2008 Pt 1 - Bunbury Cathedral Grammar
2008 Pt 1 - Bunbury Cathedral Grammar
BUNBURY CATHEDRAL GRAMMAR SCHOOL bonifacian 2008 Contents Our School Secondary School From the Editor 2 From the Headmaster 3 From the Board 4 Chaplain 5 Staff 6 Board & Staff List 9 Library 10 Parents and Friends’ Association 11 Peer Support Student Executive Goldsmith House Knight House Redding House Wilson House Primary School Student Council Head of Primary 13 15 Year Reports Kindergarten PrePrimary Year 1D Year 2F Year 3F Year 3M Year 4P Year 5PL Year 5PO Year 6A Year 7H Year 7D Year 7K 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 30 Specialty Areas Primary Sport Christian Education and RaPS Primary Art Challenge and Extension Creative Writing Primary Music Primary LOTE 32 35 36 39 40 42 44 Sport 46 47 48 52 56 60 Departments Archives Art English Creative Writing Drama Health and Physical Education LOTE Music Maths Society and Environment RaPS Vocational Education Science Technology and Enterprise 65 66 69 70 74 76 77 78 81 82 83 84 85 86 97 98 99 99 100 101 102 103 103 104 105 105 106 108 Boarding Head of Boarding From the Boarders Boarding Collage School Ball School Ball Collage 110 112 113 114 Year Reports Clubs and Activities Duke of Edinburgh Award Squiggly Liners SCUBA Club Worsley Energy Challenge Debating Calm Bush Ranger Cadets Community Service Tournament of Minds Round Square Exchange Swimming Cross Country Badminton Cricket Football - Boys’ and Girls’ Athletics Soccer - Boys’ and Girls’ Smart Sports Volleyball Netball Basketball Rowing Country Week Hockey - Boys’ and Girls’ 89 89 90 91 91 91 92 93 94 95 Year Year Year Year 8 9 10 11 117 118 119 120 Leavers ‘08 Year 12 Report Year 12 Individual Photos Year 12s - Last Days Class of 2008 - Looking Back Honour Board 122 124 128 130 132 Awards Speech Day Awards 2007 133 Credits Editor: Margaret Paterson | Proofreaders: Kym Ashby, Glynis Biggar, Maria Melchiorre, Ann Osborne and Margaret Paterson Student Editor: Grace Jilley | Editorial Committee: Alec Barron-Sullivan, Lilli-Mae Chester, Rachel Connolly, Sheridan Duke, Briar Dunnet, Dani Hanlon, Verity Hughes, Georgia Johnstone, Jaimee Kain, Claudia Keane, Brodie MacArthur, Katie McDonald, Michaela Mitchell, Nell Mitchell, Sarah Pantlin and Amy Weston. | Photographers: Kym Ashby, Sue-Ellen Brookes, Margaret Paterson, Photo Hendriks, Maverick Photography (School Ball) plus numerous staff and students | Design: www.the-globe.com.au | Our School 1 | From the Head During the past year the School has grown but remained true to its Mission Statement to provide excellence in all-round education within a unique environment. From the Editor As I plough through, editing the articles of this my 7th Bonifacian, I contemplate its future. I feel the joy of our Kindy students as they see their own faces beaming from the Kindy page and I see the smiles on the faces of their parents and grandparents as they read their little gems of wisdom. At the other end of the spectrum I feel a buzz of excitement as the Year 12s launch themselves into the ‘big world’ and I feel their apprehension and even grief as they farewell their teachers and friends plus the security they have known at the School. The Bonifacian is certainly for the now and no doubt it will be pored over by many students, parents and staff in the coming weeks. Perhaps it will even earn a place on the kitchen bench or coffee table. But will it endure? Master Plan 2 for the School’s buildings and facilities is now well underway. Extension of our Boarding facilities to allow us to cater for up to about 110 Boarders is complete, with three new Boarding Units and a new Common Room for Marie Palmer Boarding House in use from the start of this year. Special thanks must go to my support crew and proofreaders, Kym Ashby, Maria Melchiorre, Ann Osborne and Glynis Biggar, and also to Student Editor Grace Jilley and the 2008 Bonifacian Committee; Alec Barron-Sullivan, Lilli-Mae Chester, Rachel Connolly, Sheridan Duke, Briar Dunnet, Dani Hanlon, Verity Hughes, Georgia Johnstone, Jaimee Kain, Claudia Keane, Brodie MacArthur, Katie McDonald, Michaela Mitchell, Nell Mitchell, Sarah Pantlin and Amy Weston, for their immense spirit, their energy, and undying persistence in chasing up articles. Mrs Margaret Paterson :: Editor It is pleasing to know that often our Bonifacians do endure. In fact many are kept fondly for years to come. It is surprising how many former students turn up at OGA Reunions with Bonifacians tucked under their arms. I am also aware of their usefulness in Archives, our Bonifacians are a vital record of the School’s history. Hardly a day goes by that I don’t refer back to an old Bonifacian to check a detail or research an issue. In fact our old publications are so valuable that we are busy summarising them to produce a Finding Aid to assist with such research. Thank you to everyone who has contributed an article or photo for this year’s Bonifacian. You have contributed to a publication that will bring pleasure to many over the next few weeks and you have also helped to document the history of our wonderful School. | Our School 2 | Fun Social Special Creative Stressed Annoyed Confused Freelance Awesome Encouraging (nagging) the teachers !!Cool Bananas!! Bonifacian Committee The former Dining Room is currently being refurbished and extended as a Year 12 Common Room, additional Boarding facilities and a large classroom sized Gymnasium. We are currently finalising the design for a new Year 7 Centre, to be built during 2009 for use in 2010, which will enable us to operate a Transition Programme for four classes of Year 7 students and ensure a smooth change from Primary to Secondary education. From 2010 Year 7 will be our initial entry point to our Secondary section. As a whole, the Year 12 class of 2007 worked hard, with strong support from our teaching staff, to ultimately achieve its potential and we were very proud of the achievements of these students. 92.9% of our Tertiary Entrance Examination (TEE) students achieved a Tertiary Entrance Rank (TER) greater than or equal to 65, placing them in the top 35% of the State and exceeding the TER needed to qualify for university courses which were the easiest to enter. 70.8% achieved a TER placing them in the top 20% of the State, the minimum necessary for entry to the University of Western Australia, the most difficult university to enter in this State. 39.8% were placed in the top 10% and 13.3% in the top 2.5%. Seven students won Certificates of Distinction for being in the top 0.5% of the State for English. Certificates of Excellence for achieving at least 10 A grades for Years 11 and 12 were awarded to 7 TEE students and 1 non-TEE student. Our non-TEE students, about 17% of the Year 12 population, also performed well, with one student winning the Westscheme Award for Excellence in Vocational Education and Training, and another a 2007 Australian Vocational Student Prize. The vast majority of our non-TEE students gained entry to the TAFE course of their choice. We believe that our strong pastoral care and co-curricular programmes help to prevent our students from becoming alienated from the School, allowing them to achieve their potential in our academic programme. Some sporting highlights of the year have included winning the South West Independent Schools’ Sports Association (SWISSA) Interschool Cross Country Carnival for the fourth time in the last five years, winning the WA Schools’ Orienteering Championship for the ninth time in the last ten years, winning the White Cup for the State-wide ‘Smarter Than Smoking’ Competition for girls’ football, and our senior girls’ and boys’ hockey teams being Associated and Catholic Colleges’ champions, for the fourth year in a row for the boys. Music, Art, Drama and Debating continue to be very strong activities at the School, with student involvement in the Bunbury Eisteddfod and our annual Arts Festival again being major highlights of the year. At the international conference of the Round Square Association (RSA) in Vancouver from 3 to 9 October the School was inducted as a full member of the RSA, after being a regional member since 2005. Full membership of the RSA will lead to many exciting opportunities for both staff and students to participate in international conferences, exchanges and service projects, helping to overcome our insularity, which is one of the dangers of our privileged lifestyle in this wonderful part of the world. From 27 September to 2 October the School hosted the regional conference of the RSA, with our students playing crucial leadership roles. I am grateful for our exceptionally strong and supportive School Community. Many thanks to the P&F Association, lead by Dr Ian Spencer, for its hard work on behalf of the School. Our second Annual Giving Campaign raised $46,105 from 229 donors, an improvement in both respects from last year. I sincerely thank everyone who has supported the School in any way during 2008. Dr Bruce Matthews :: Headmaster | Our School 3 | From the Board Our School has enjoyed a very busy and positive year. The fundamental reason for the continuing strength and success of our School is the contribution of the School family during the year and indeed for the life of the School. The Board and Dr Matthews were delighted to mutually agree to an extension of Dr Matthews’ contract as Headmaster to the end of the 2011 school year. Dr Matthews’ contribution to development of all elements of our School and his administration have been and continue to be outstanding. I also acknowledge the contribution of Mrs Matthews to our School and her support of Dr Matthews. Our Bursar, Mr Vince Evans will retire at the end of this year. On behalf of the Board and School family, I thank Mr Evans for his tireless efforts managing the School’s business. In particular Mr Evans has personally project managed the School’s building programme that has always been on budget and on time. This is an outstanding achievement. Thank you Mr Evans for your strong contribution. We wish you and Mrs Evans a rewarding and happy retirement. We are fortunate indeed to have appointed Mrs Jennifer Nobbs as our new School Bursar. Mrs Nobbs’ previous position was Regional Manager, South West for the Department of Housing and Works. She brings a wealth of administrative skills and project management experience to the role. The Board and the School family are highly appreciative of the commitment and professional dedication of all Teaching and Support staff. We are fortunate to have such a highly professional group of people. The Board and School family thank you for your continuing dedication. Our Master Plan 2 continues its progress. We have completed three new Boarding Units and a new Common Room. The refurbishment and extension of the former Dining Room for Year 12 Common Room, a large classroom-sized Gymnasium and a multipurpose facility for our Boarders will enhance the quality of all of our students’ experience at the School. The new dedicated Year 7 Centre will be completed for the commencement of the 2010 school year. The extension of U Block will provide additional teaching and administration facilities and space. We continue the planning approvals process for our new oval. A strategic analysis of the School’s future needs will be undertaken by expert external consultants in 2009. We look to the future with certainty and optimism. Mr Derek Peterson retired from the Board at our April AGM. Our thanks and gratitude goes to Derek for his very fine contribution to the School. We have been pleased to welcome Mrs Jo-anne Norton to the Board. Jo-anne is a former student and current parent of the School. I am grateful for the very dedicated work of Dr Ian Spencer and the P&F members and Ms Beth Ferguson and the OGA for their continuing tireless support of the School. Thank you to the members of the Board and co-opted members of sub committees for their tireless dedication to the School. I wish all our graduating and departing students the very best of success for their futures. On behalf of the Board I wish all School family members a holy, happy and safe Christmas and New Year. Mr Peter Manolas :: Board Chairman | Our School 4 | Chaplain Recently in someone’s home I saw on their coffee table a book entitled Extraordinary Uses for Ordinary Things. Such a title could be used to describe the Chaplain’s role in our School. Putting it simply, I’m an ordinary person whose role it is to point to the extraordinary. Bread and wine point to the presence of Christ amongst us. Pouring water expresses the possibilities of new life in God. Holy oil applied to the bandaged and broken speaks of a God who cares. Words spoken hopefully express something of the Word. The extraordinary found in the ordinary. This too would be a good metaphor for all that we do in the School. All of us, students, staff and parents - ordinary people doing extraordinary things. One of the things concerning Religious Educators around the world is the lack of stillness and silence in children’s lives. The fast pace of society, the loss of sacred spaces, and the increasing availability of noise (television, radio, iPod, etc), is eroding our capacity for awe and wonder. We need to sit and watch the silent sunset, we need to ‘kick down the cobble stones’ and relearn the art of simple pleasures. Perhaps we need to rediscover the ordinary in us all; the ordinary which, when we really contemplate it, is the image of God. Now that’s really extraordinary. Or as some might say: That’s awesome! Father Geoff :: Chaplain Staff BeiCGSing Olympics Much anticipation marked the start of the BeiCGSing Olympics for 2008. The Opening Ceremony took off with a bang with the Staff Conference at Wyndham Holiday Resort. Gathered together were the athletes, coaches, trainers and workers who would represent the School. The Ceremony saw the introduction of many new faces, fresh with promise and potential, ready to strive for their Olympic goals. A renowned mental gymnast and Tournament of Minds facilitator, Mrs Denise Mason, stepped forth as our new Head of Primary to carry the flag for the team in 2008. She led a team jam-packed with past Olympians alongside many welcome newcomers. All team members had rings in their eyes (not under them, that would come later), as they dreamed their Olympic dreams. As always, the competition was fierce and intense as we struggled to achieve personal bests and break records, to take home the Gold. Many spectacular moments touched the hearts and minds of the spectators, both at the games and watching at home through Kid-TV. The first day of competition saw the Science Department produce an excellent score in Cake Dressage. They were on track for the Gold until the Library Ladies pipped them at the post with a perfect 10. In Vehicle Sports, Mrs Brigden scored Gold with gobsmacking accuracy in Stationery Tractor Annihilation. The Grounds Staff took Silver in Vehicle Hide’n’Seek with a stunning finish that saw the Police called in. The Coxless Pairs birthing event was contested by the Maag, Dale and Slater teams. Gorgeous girls from their respective partners tied Mr Maag and Mr Dale for the Silver medal, but Mrs Slater took out the Gold with a Beautiful Bouncing Boy. The fifth day saw Gold awarded to Father Geoff for his Synchronised Bible Reading, of a small bible on top of a huge one (he misplaced under the small one). The Year 11 and 12 girls Synchronised Giggling was far too widespread and disorganised for a medal. In Gymnastics, Mrs Fahie was on track for the Gold, but lost it during her ‘walk the floor’ routine when she stumbled on split carpet, falling spectacularly and earning suspected concussion instead. Mrs Herbert cleverly combined winter and summer events in Downhill Slalom Tree Wrestling, finishing with a Silver medal, but also three broken ribs which delayed her return to active competition. On the final day, the prestigious Marathon event was won by Mrs Osborne for her 10 year anniversary of cancer survival. A truly inspirational effort. The closing ceremony drums started. Some athletes took to the field for what would be their last time. Ms Barbara Sheils has left behind big shoes to fill in Admissions Judo, but Mrs Kathy Schulze has been training hard to take her place. Mr Vince Evans will need to start training his replacement in the Money Boxing and Wrestling events. Long-time Musical Pentathlete Mr Phil Luke left early in the year. Ms Maria Melchiorre will give up her captaincy of the Languages while Mrs Shannon Allen from the English team will also be moving on. Early Childhood stalwart Julie Membrey will leave us after 9 years nuturing the youngsters of the School. All in all it was a fantastic 2008 BeiCGSing Olympics, with everyone chasing the dream. Mr Chris Coman :: Olympic Staff Association President BACK Mr R Brooksbank, Mr N Poole, Mr T Plester, Mr P Good, Mr M Stapleton, Mr G Collins, Mr B Worthington, Mr A McMillan, Mr R Dawson, Mr P Schulze, Mr C Coman ROW 5Mrs G Biggar, Mrs L Sutherland, Mrs C Cowan, Mrs R Eaton, Mr K Green, Mr B Goerling, Mr J Reid, Mr J Bancroft, Mrs P Mulder, Ms H Easton, Mrs S Allen, Mr A Cowan ROW 4Mr J Poller, Mrs M Pirie, Mr D Meredith, Ms A Crossland, Mr S Spottiswood, Mrs K Schulze, Mrs N Jones, Ms K Urkko, Mr M Dabrowski, Mrs S Brookes, Mr H Johnstone, Mr G Dunbar, Mrs K Peisley ROW 3Ms T Cicchillitti, Mr R Raynor, Mrs L Taylor, Mrs G McGill, Mrs S Kokir, Mrs R Trichet, Mr E Douglas, Mr G Barradell, Mr R Marshall, Mrs B Walker, Mrs B Herbert, Mrs L Sullivan, Mrs J McIntosh, Mrs T Daggett, Mrs J Pocock, Mrs T Triscari ROW 2Ms S D’Ath, Mrs K Grieve, Ms Y Carlson, Mrs E Royce, Mrs A Shaw, Mrs J Muir, Mrs S Adams, Mr G Cartwright, Mrs J Wall, Ms G Triscari, Mrs A Osborne, Mrs M Paterson, Mrs C McGeoch, Mrs J Ashbolt, Mrs S Kinkella, Mrs S Millington, Mrs J Fagents, Mrs S Hensby FRONT Mr I Dale, Mr B Kurz, Mr A Lincoln, Mr J Krause, Mrs K Ashby, Mr K Taylor, Mrs D Mason, Dr B Matthews (Headmaster), Miss K Clark, Mr V Evans, Fr G Chadwick, Mr A Bandy, Mrs L Fahie, Dr P Whitla, Ms J Stevenson | Our School 7 | Board & Staff Staff Board Head of School (Headmaster) Dr B A Matthews, BSc (Hons), PhD, BEd, MACE Visitor The Bishop of Bunbury, The Right Reverend W D H McCall, ThL Board Of Governors Visitor The Bishop of Bunbury Chair Mr P Manolas, BBus, CPA, MTax Secretary Mr V J Evans Honorary Solicitor Mr C Young, LLB Honorary Life Members Mrs I Bourne Mr E C Clarke Mrs A Dungey Mr W E Davis Mr M E C Eastman, FCA, AASA (deceased) Mr E M Jenour Mr I V Lishman, FRACS Mrs J Lishman The Reverend B C Newing, ThL Mr R Palmer, OAM (deceased) Members Mr M Ansell, BCom, CA, CPA Mr S G Biggar, BBus, CPA Mr R Firth, BSc (Hons), GradDipOutEd Mr S Jacob, LLB Mr K J Lamb, THC, MACEA, MIEA Dr S Macliver, MBBS, DRANZCOG The Bishop of Bunbury, The Right Reverend W D H McCall, ThL Mrs J Norton (June 2008) Mr T Partridge, BComm, CA Mr D Peterson (Retired April 2008) The Very Reverend G Rippon, HNC.Min Mrs M Saw, BA (Psych), Dip Teach Staff Teaching Staff (with qualifications and year of commencement) Head of School (Headmaster) Dr B A Matthews, BSc (Hons), PhD, BEd, MACE, 1998 Head of Primary Mrs D Mason, DipEd (Primary), BEd, MACE, 2008 Deputy Head (Pastoral) - Secondary Mr J A Cowan, BSc (Hons), GradCE, 1988 Deputy Head (Academic) - Secondary Dr C A Hogan, BA (Hons), MA, PhD, DipEd, EdD, MACE, (S1), 2000 Ms K E Clark, BSc (Hons), PGCE, MEd,(S2), 1999 Deputy Head - Primary Mr J Krause, B PrimEd, 2007 Chaplain The Revd G P Chadwick, BD (Hons), BSc, DipEd, 2005 Staff Mrs S M Adams, BEd, DipEd, 2001 Ms S K Allen, BA, DipEd, MA, 2006 Mr J Bancroft, BA (Theatre & Drama), DipEd 2008 Mr A G Bandy, BSc, DipEd, 1999 Mrs G Biggar, BEd, DipT, GradDipAppSc, 2000 | Our School 8 | Mr R J Brooksbank, BA, BSc, Dip Ed, 2005 Ms Y Carlson, BMus Ed, 2008 Mrs K Chidgzey, BEd, DipT, 1990 Miss K E Clark, BSc (Hons), MEd, PGCE, 1999 Mr G R Collins, BProfStud, DipEd, 2007 Mr C J Coman, BCompSci, Grad Dip Ed, 2006 Mr D R Connellan, BSc, MSc, Grad Dip Ed, 2005 Mrs A C Cowan, BSc, GradCE, 1990 Miss A Crossland, BMusEd (Hons), 2007 Mr M B Dabrowski, BEd, Assoc Dip Ind Arts, DipEd, MEd, DipT, 2004 Mr I A Dale, BPE, DipEd, 1991 Mr R D Dawson, BPHE, DipEd, 2006 Mrs C L de Boer, BEd, DipT, 2000 Mr E W Douglas, BSc, DipEd, 2008 Mrs J Downie, BEd Prim, 2005 Mr G W Dunbar, DipT, BEd, 2002 Ms H Easton, Dip RS, BA, PGCE, 2004 Mrs R Eaton, BA (ECE), BEd, 2008 Mrs J Fagents, BEd (Prim), BA (EC), 2007 Mrs L C Fahie, BA, DipEd, 2000 Ms M Farrell, BA, DipEd, 2003 Ms J M Flemming, BA, 2001 Mr N B Goerling, BA, DipEd, MEd, 1981 Mr P A Good, BEd, 2006 Mr K W Green, BAppSc, DipEd, 2005 Mrs C Harvie, DipTeach, 2008 Mrs L Healey, BA, BEd, 2005 Mrs S J Hensby, TC, BEd, PGradCert TESOL, 2003 Mrs B M Herbert, BEd, DipEd, 2003 Mr H A Johnstone, BSc, DipEd, 2006 Mrs D S Kaeser, BA, DipEd, 1988 Mrs S P Kokir, BA, DipEd, 2007 Mr B E Kurz, BA, DipEd, 2002 Mrs J Lockhart, DipT, 2008 Ms L Lonergan, BEd, 2007 Mr L M Maag, BEd, GradCert Special Needs, 2001 Mr R W Marshall, DipT, 1997 Mrs G McGill, BEd (Prim), GradCert (EC), 2008 Mr A B McMillan, DipT, 2000 Mrs J C Membrey, BEd, CertEd, 2000 Mrs M C Melchiorre, BA (Hons), Dip Ed (France), 2005 Mrs S Millington, BSc (Hons), PGCE, 2003 Mrs J A Muir, BEd, DipT, 2005 Mrs P A Mulley, BA, DipEd, 2006 Mrs A Osborne, BA, DipEd, TC, 1991 Mrs M Pirie, BA, DipEd, 2007 Mr T J Plester, BEd, 2001 Mr J Poller, BEng (Hons), PGCE, 2008 Mr N X Poole, BA (Design)(Hons), DipEd, 2005 Ms J Pocock, BEd, DipT, 2006 Mr J S Potter, BA, BEd, 2007 Mrs E Royce, TCert, DipT, BEd (Art), 2008 Mr P Schulze, AssocArtT, BEd, 1994 Mrs A K Shaw, BAppSc, DipEd, TC, 1989 Mrs J A Smith, BA, DipEd, 2000 Mr S Spottiswood, BA (AsianStudies), MA (InternationalStudies), DipEd, 2008 Mr M J Stapleton, BCom, DipEd, MEd (Hons), 2000 Ms J M Stevenson, BCom, BA, 1999 Mrs L P Sutherland, BEd, 1982 Mr K R Taylor, HDipT, 2007 Ms K Teal, BA (AsianStudies/SecEd), 2008 Mrs B J Walker, BEd, 2005 Mrs J M Wall, BA, DipEd, 1983 Dr P D Whitla, BA (Hons), BEd (Hons), MA, MEd, EdD, PhD, 2005 School Counsellor Mr A G Lincoln, BPsych, MPsych, DipEd, 2007 Sports Co-ordinator Mr J Reid, BA, BEd, 2004 Visiting Contract Teachers Mr N Davies, Music Mrs J Faed, Music Ms C Gomme, Music Mr R Hansen, Music Mr A Jenkins, Music Mr J Johnston, Music Mrs L Kitson, Music Mr G Larkin, Music Mr J Maguire, Tennis Mr J Mercer, Golf Mrs M Monagle, Music Mrs L Newman, Music Miss J Ross, Music Mr G Sellar, Music Mr G Tayler, Music Mr D Telfer, Music Boarding Staff Head of Boarding Mr K R Taylor, 2007 Heads of Boarding House Mr K R Taylor, 2007 Mr P Schulze, 1997 Assistant Heads of Boarding House Mr A McMillan, 2008 Mrs J Smith, 2005 Junior Boarders’ Coordinator Mr G Dunbar, 2008 Boarding Supervision Mrs J Ashbolt, 2003 Mrs C Bandy, 2001 Mrs C Cartwright, 2005 Mr G Cartwright, 2005 Fr G Chadwick, 2005 Mr D Connellan, 2006 Ms J Flemming, 2008 Mrs S Hogan, 2006 Mr H Johnstone, 2006 Miss M Kay, 2001 Mrs J McIntosh, 2000 Mrs K Miller, 2005 Mrs K Schulze, 1997 Mrs L Taylor, 2007 Administration Bursar Mr V J Evans, 2001 Administration Staff Mrs J Ashbolt, Assistant to the Deputy Heads - Secondary, 1997 Mr G Barradell, Snr Finance Officer, 2008 Mrs V Brigden, Accounts Assistant, 2004 Mrs T Depiazzi, Clerical Assistant - Primary, 2006 Mrs K Grieve, Receptionist, 2005 Ms N Jones, Assistant Bursar, Accountant, BBus, 2001 Mrs C McGeoch, Assistant to the Headmaster, 2007 Mrs J McIntosh, Administration Assistant (VET), 2007 Mrs H Nicholson, Assistant to Primary, 2007 Mrs M Paterson, Archivist, BPE, DipEd, GradCertIS, 2001 Mrs K Peisley, Administration Assistant Music, BCom, 2000 Mrs K Schulze, Registrar, 2008 Mrs K Sibly, Accounts Assistant, 2007 Mrs R Trichet, Receptionist, (S2), 2004 Ms K Urkko, Finance Officer, 1998 Ms A Walker, Administration Assistant, BCom, (S2), 2008 Marketing & Community Relations Mrs K Ashby, Manager, BCom, 2005 | Our School 9 | Mrs S Brookes, Marketing Administration Assistant, 2007 Information Technology Systems Mr J Princi, Manager, 1997 Mr R Senderu, Technical Officer, 2007 Mr B Worthington, Technical Officer, 2004 Assistants Mrs C Bandy, Special Education, 2006 Mrs L Barron-Sullivan, PrePrimary, 2005 Ms T Daggett, Kindergarten, 2008 Mrs E Grieve, Home Economics, 1986 Miss T Kiley, Special Education, (S1), 2008 Mrs S Kinkella, Laboratory Technician, 1997 Mrs J Lewis, Special Education, 2001 Mrs J McIntosh, Special Education, 2007 Ms J Morrow, Art, 2007 Ms P Mulder, Primary, 2008 Mrs V Newbold, Laboratory Technician, 2007 Ms B Paans, Before & After School Care Supervisor, 2008 Mr R Rayner, D&T Assistant, 2006 Ms L A Retallack, Special Education, 2005 Mrs R Trichet, Library, 2004 Miss G Triscari, Sports Assistant, 2008 Mrs T Triscari, Library Assistant, 2005 Catering Mr D Sibly, Catering Supervisor, 2003 Mrs L McNaughton, Canteen Manager, 1995 Ms J Butson, 2008 Mrs R McMerrin, Canteen, 2006 Mrs N Monkhouse, 2004 Mr J Rickersey, 2003 Mr J Robins, 2008 Ms S Taylor, 2001 Mr P Walker, Morning Chef, 2007 Ms P Warren, 2001 Cleaning Mrs S Cargill, Coordinator, 1988 Mrs G Adamson, 2007 Mrs T Bailey, 2000 Mrs J Buswell, 2002 Mrs V Chalk, 2002 Ms T Cicchillitti, 2007 Mrs S Cook, 2002 Mrs S D’Ath, 2007 Mrs D Fennell, 1986 Mr B Fleay, 2006 Mrs K Gendall, 2006 Mrs J Hills, 2006 Mrs R Kirby, 2007 Mrs J Lange, 1997 Mrs G MacKellar, 1999 Ms W Matthews, 2007 Mr P Oliver, 2005 Mrs B Powell, 1999 Mrs D Whalen, 1998 Grounds/Maintenance Mr G Cartwright, Grounds & Maintenance Manager, 2004 Mr P Davey, Senior Grounds Person, 2007 Mr J Grant, Grounds, 2002 Mr D Meredith, Grounds, 2007 Mr D Ward, Maintenance, 2000 Mr F Wells, Maintenance, 2007 Services Mrs G Panizza, Clothing Shop Manager, 2002 Mrs J Palmer, Clothing Shop Assistant, 2002 Staff On Leave Ms C Slater, BEd, 2006 Mrs A-M Strother, BEd, 2001 The Library! Artist: BCGS Library Staff To the tune of Sorrow by David Bowie Borrow With our amazing books and CDs too The only thing we ever want to do is borrow Borrow Stapo acted funny trying to spend Library money Kids are playing lots of games they want to borrow Borrow We’ve the latest books to read the ones you oughta Shakespeare, Austen and every author Borrow, borrow Ahhh. Oo, oooo The Reading Café is the place to be With milo, cake and cups of tea There’s the newest mags From Vogue to Tracks so Borrow, borrow With Library classes going to A&R The greatest reads are never far so Borrow, borrow With our fantastic books You couldn’t sleep last night With our fantastic books Mrs Julie Muir :: Librarian Parents & Friends This has been a year of change for the P&F. A virtually new Executive was given a clean slate and has tried to build something new and exciting for the future. Besides our normal commitments of supplying food for the Sports Carnivals and the Craft Fair, we conducted a very successful second running of the Fun Run, followed by breakfast for the 130 runners. Various sub-committees have been very active throughout the year. One has been formulating a better way for the funds raised by the Association to be distributed. A second sub-committee has carried out a survey on the problems facing some of the bus routes serving the School and intend taking their findings on safety and improvements to the relevant authorities. A number of new projects have been initiated this year. One of the main ones is the resurrection of the Class Representatives throughout the School. This has enabled most classes to be allocated a project for the year and the Class Representatives have organised the running of these. Examples of these were the excellent Mothers Day stall by the Kindy parents and the Fathers Day stall by the PrePrimary parents. The Secondary Sports Carnival was run by Year 11 parents and the Primary Sports Carnival by Year 2 parents. Spreading these across the School has put less of a burden on the P&F Executive to do everything and the parents helping actually enjoy doing it. I am sure this will grow further in the coming year. On the social scene, we had a wonderful Cocktail evening on 1 November, and the Breast Cancer Afternoon Tea on 16 November. Preparations are already well advanced for the Grammar Stampede Fun Run and Fete next year on 15 March with a ‘Country and Western’ theme. All in all, we have had a busy year with an even busier one planned for next year. If you want to have a great year, meet fantastic people and help your children, then why not get more involved with the P&F Association? This is the year when you don’t just think about it, but do it. Mr Ian Spencer :: P&F President The P&F started selling merchandise through the Clothing Shop at the beginning of the year. At present we sell sports bags, water bottles, umbrellas, raincoats and insulated coffee mugs in House colours. The range of items sold will increase as we discover what it is that the parents want. | Our School 11 | Student Council “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way”, John C Maxwell played many games and had a lot of fun. Thanks to Mr Dunbar for helping us run the social. The role of the Student Councillors is to lead by example, to organise and to be a support to the staff and the Head of Primary. Leadership should inspire and encourage. This wonderful opportunity has been an exciting challenge that has taught us a great deal. This year the Student Councillors have made many contributions to the School, as well as attending many events. Term 3 was a highlight for the new Council with the Canberra camp. During our visit to the War Memorial, Silas MetternickJones and Michaela Mitchell laid the wreath in the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on behalf of the Year 7s. It was a moving and significant ceremony. Aditya Sud read the Ode. In Term 1 we helped out with recording swimming trials and attended the Anzac Day ceremony, where Jeremy Brown and Ashleigh Workman laid the wreath on behalf of our Primary School. During our very busy Term 2, we sold many bears for Princess Margaret Hospital. Matthew Milenkovic and Annalise Daggett, together with the Council also organised an amazing social! The theme for PP to Year 4 was ‘Pyjamas’ and the Year 5 to 7s had ‘Black ‘n White Bling’. The social was a great fundraiser. We | Primary 12 | Throughout the year the Student Council was guided by the leadership of our Head Girls and Head Boys. During Term 1 we had Ashleigh Workman and Jeremy Brown, Term 2 Matthew Milenkovic and Annalise Daggett, Term 3 we had Silas Metternick-Jones and Michaela Mitchell and Term 4 we had Harry Main and Jamie Wright. Good luck to the 2009 Student Council! Silas Metternick-Jones, Ashleigh Workman, Matthew Milenkovic, Jeremy Brown and Annalise Daggett :: Year 7 | Primary 13 | Head of Primary Our shared language for being the best that we can be is The Habits of Mind and it turns out that it is also a great way to reflect on some of the year’s highlights. Persisting PrePrimary and Kindergarten children can now ride bikes, flat out and sometimes, without training wheels. Day after day, with grim determination, they have practised until they got it right. Thinking and communicating with clarity and precision & listening with understanding and empathy The Oracy programme ticks all the boxes here. The students created a speech, delivered it in set time, within the guidelines and in front of peers and judges. They performed beautifully, also supporting, listening to and congratulating their friends. Gathering data through all senses The Year 5 students created a permaculture garden, complete with all the sights and smells associated with good garden management - worm farms, rosemary and lavender and the rich warmth of the soil. Managing Impulsivity At our inaugural Gala Performance, our Primary students were models of best behaviour. They organised themselves, and remained quiet and respectful whilst waiting for others to perform. They were WONDERFUL! Thinking flexibly, responding with wonderment and awe Now if setting up tents in the Year 3 classroom, and throwing in some Thinkers’ Keys does not inspire students to think flexibly, then what will? This then inspired the ‘Dome of Fascination’ tent in the Year 1 and 2 students learning area, housing a horse skull, drifts of autumn leaves, a whale vertebrae and fabrics from around the world. Fascinating! Taking responsible risks Perhaps the clearest example of taking responsible risks this year was going over the edge on the abseiling course at Mornington Camp. Year 7s and Year 5s had this opportunity and they were pretty proud when they reached the bottom. Questioning and posing problems The Year 6 Inquiry into Respect was an opportunity to inquire. From questioning to action, the students undertook some deep investigation resulting in recognition of the respect that they feel for people in their lives. Striving for accuracy It is a difficult lesson to learn but sometimes you have to be told that you could do better, aim higher, give a little bit more. Our Year 7s have risen to this challenge as they prepare to leave us to join the Secondary School. Gosh, we’ll miss them! Thinking interdependently The Year 4s skeleton project combined the efforts of these clever people and resulted in the fabulous skeletons that were hanging in the office. And sure, paint them any colour you like. Green is good! Applying past knowledge to new situations Heather Nicholson and Tracy Depiazzi have been exemplary in this area. Nowhere more than in Administration has a new Head meant significant change. They have done a sterling job. Remaining open to continuous learning With their willingness to discuss best practice and to strive for better outcomes for our students, the Primary Staff are perfect examples of this habit. They have my sincere thanks for being such a terrific team. Finding humour Creating, imagining, innovating We had two art exhibitions this year and the exhibited works were so impressive they spoke for themselves. Thinking about thinking (metacognition) Brain Day was one of our opportunities to think about our thinking. We learnt about brainwaves and thought processes and learnt more about getting the most out of our own personal tools. This is a daily event and the whole year has been great fun. In fact, it has been a terrific first year for me and I cannot wait to do it all again. Mrs Denise Mason :: Head of Primary | Primary 15 | K Out of the Mouths of Babes We wish to share with you some words of wisdom ‘out of the mouths’ of the Kindergarten children. I posed the question, “What have you learned about life?” Not to kiss anyone because it spreads germs and I have a cold :: Erin I’ve learnt playing and painting. Life means you’re still not going to die :: Henry Try and be a good boy at school :: Emmett I’ve learnt to draw things and make foods like morning tea :: Imogen Dancing - its fun! I like Janella’s dance move :: Alex It’s important to leave my Dad alone when he’s doing computer work :: Janella When someone’s crying, I try to cheer them up :: Mikayla You’re not allowed to kiss everyone at Kindy :: Iliana To be good so we’re not babies at PrePrimary :: Joshua That when you make a mess, you clean up :: Jaida We should have lots of water in our body because it gives us good health :: Olivia Packing away and drinking water :: Hayden Blue Dog goes to school with me every day :: Layne To clean up. We get to make stuff :: Claire Cutting :: Daniel About my bull ant. You never touch them because they can nip you. Don’t kick people :: Grace I To run around because you’ll get energy :: Heini When someone hurts people, you have to say, “Stop! I don’t like it!” :: Cassandra If you hurt people, you get in trouble, so you have to be good :: Ben That I have to be good because Mum and Dad like it :: Grace L I’ve learnt to put my hand up to ask questions :: Charlee You have to bring your listening ears to Kindy :: Cooper To be nice and share so we can’t be mean to anybody :: Ava I like playing with my friends so I don’t get lonely :: Alby PP Dolphin Discovery Dolphin Discovery Centre Trip On a beautiful bright sunny Wednesday in May we left our classroom and boarded the bus. The children were very excited. Mrs Sullivan was our driver. We found our seats, fastened our seat belts and as we set off an enormous squeal of excitement arose, followed by the first of many renditions of The Wheels on the Bus. The children settled down and enjoyed the journey, pointing out and identifying some of the places we passed which they knew. Arriving at the Dolphin Discovery Centre, we made a very orderly line, met our guide and Education Officer, Erin and went into the Centre. In the little theatre room Erin showed the children a life sized model of a dolphin and explained its bottle nose, its fins and tail and gave more interesting information. She then showed us the aquarium and some fish including a rabbit fish which kept hiding and was tricky to see! Then we looked at another fish tank where nothing was living and Erin told us about how to care for the ocean and everything that lives in it. After that we lined up and walked on to the beach. Erin had drawn an outline of a dolphin on the beach and asked the girls to dig it out and for the boys she had drawn a turtle and they had to continue digging it. She then asked us to find things on the beach, some things were good and had to stay on the beach and some things were not good and we had to take them off the beach. Mrs Sue Hensby :: PrePrimary Don’t tell lies because that’s bad. And don’t hide when it’s pack away time :: Merrick BACK Mrs S Hensby, Hannah Hunt, Franco Van Zyl, Piper Collins, Madeleine Farrell, Felicity Pirie, Hayden Beetson, Brady Dillon, Mrs L Sullivan BACK Mrs R Eaton, Mrs T Daggett ROW 2 Cerys Donaldson, Strauss Janse van Rensburg, Armand La Grange, Luke Callaghan, Che Bailey, Max Avins, Joshua Griffin, Lachlan Harrington ROW 3 Charlee Jones, Alby Kongras, Jaida Bradbury, Mikayla Blackham, Heinrich Helm, Ava Hathaway, Emmett Giacci, Grace Inwood, Merrick Telder ROW 2 Imogen Harris, Grace Linaker, Alex Walkley, Joshua Harris, Olivia Pether, Claire Linaker, Cassandra Leu FRONT Taylah Hall, Miranda Fahie, Dylan Puzey, David Basham, Halle Mitchell, Lucy Wingate, Sarah Howe FRONT Layne Devenish, Iliana Roberts, Hayden Wilson, Henry Openshaw, Cooper Pearson, Janella Nicoli, Daniel Farrell ABSENT Ethan Gilfuis, Vlad Jeffery, Olivia Spencer ABSENT Ben Davie, Erin Lumsden | Primary 16 | | Primary 17 | 2F If I could swim underwater... 1D When I grow up... When I grow up, I am going to be... A model. I will be able to wear cool clothes and travel :: Lily A pet shopkeeper. I will have mice, cats, dogs, fish and even axolotls :: Maddison A footballer. After that I am going to be a doctor and look after people :: Charlie A soldier because you get to use a gun and you can go hunting :: Eli A shopkeeper. I will sell currant buns and fresh fruit :: Isabella A florist and make beautiful bunches with all sorts of flowers, even tulips :: Georgina A farmer like my Dad. Put out the hay, chase the bulls and ride the motorbike :: Tex A hairdresser, cut lots of people’s hair and make people look beautiful :: Hannah A famous Lego builder or stay in a space station and study things :: Angus A teacher because I like teaching like Mrs de Boer :: Janet If you could swim underwater, where would you go and why? I would: A rocket builder so I can fly into space and watch things float around :: Thomas A writer because I like writing. Lots of people will read my stories :: Amy Go to King Neptune’s castle so I could see all the people in his castle :: Katie A lifeguard because it is a very good idea. I will help save people :: Kyle An underwater scientist because I have seen a show about it and it is awesome :: Bailey Go to a place that has lots of beautiful coral :: Jess A hairdresser because my hairdresser has no one to help her :: Emma A digger who digs up sand and have big scoopers that pick up all the sand :: Cooper Swim and find Atlantis and see who lives there :: Matthew R A show jumping person. I think it would be fun and I love horses :: Ella A doctor who helps to fix legs so that it will help people walk properly :: Matt Swim to New Zealand and go to the snow :: Angus A book writer because I love to read and you can learn new things :: Rynhardt A horse rider because I like horses and I can ride a little bit :: Samantha Explore the Crusty Crab from Sponge Bob Square Pants :: Campbell A vet because I like looking after animals. My favourite animal is a horse :: Breanna A hair dresser because I like cutting my hair :: Dhrishti Swim to the Gold Coast because I would like to go to Movie World :: Oakley A scientist to study dinosaur bones and make my own museum :: Aarush I want to do hair for models. Lily is going to be a model and I will do her hair and make-up :: Beige Find the Titanic to see how big the ship was when it was built :: Aidan A potion man. I would make potions that would blow up :: Jye | Primary 18 | Swim to Perth to watch a football game with West Coast Eagles versus Hawthorn :: Levi Go to the most colourful coral reef to see the coral and all the animals that live in it :: Emily Swim to Tiffany’s house because she is my best friend and we dress up together :: Gabrielle Swim to Cairns because they have a coral reef and I can touch big fish :: Caitlyn Swim to an imaginary world because you would get to do whatever you want :: Alanna Swim to Peru because on the edge of Peru they have an underwater world :: Felicity Go to Shark Boy’s house so I can see what his house is like :: Sam Swim to Queensland so I can go to Movie World :: Matthew B Go to the Crusty Crab shop on Sponge Bob Square Pants to eat the crabby patties :: Harlee Go to Elizabeth’s house where the monster lives and see the boys that are asking ‘what’s for dinner?’ :: Quinn Swim to Coral Bay to go snorkelling and see how long I can swim underwater :: James Go to the Dolphin Discovery Centre to see if I could talk to the dolphins and learn how to ride on a dolphin’s back :: Jack Swim all around the Indian Ocean to India, Africa, America and Antarctica to see the ancient things :: Jordan Swim to London to swim on the beach :: Gauri Swim to Rottnest to see sharks and go on a ferry boat to see the sharks and other fish :: Tiffany Swim to the stadium of Atlantis to go in the sport of water boarding :: Ben Swim to a beach with a reef and big rocks because there would be lots of fish to see :: Hannah BACK Mrs L de Boer, Thomas King, Cooper McKee, Georgina Nadin, Samantha Blackham, Lily Roberts, Isabella Gilchrist, Eli Moffat-Evans, Dhrishti Shah, Mrs P Mulder BACK Mrs C Bandy, Benjamin Just, Felicity Vincent, Jordan Cary, Aidan Daggett, Mrs A Jilley, Quinn Shortland, Noah Cummins, Emily Graham, Campbell Collins, Mrs P Mulder ROW 2 Bailey Haffner, Breanna Cooke, Jye Jensen, Kyle Murray, Tex Pearson, Beige Harris, Rynhardt Dohse, Amy Murat, Charlie Thomas ROW 2 Caitlyn Howe, Tiffany Lake, Jess Adams, James Holborn, Levi Churcher, Harlee Shepherd, Katie McManus, Sam Linaker, Electra Panting FRONT Aarush Karingula, Maddison Seton, Janet Byrne, Ella Smith, Hannah Frank, Emma Shepherd, Leila Cummins, Matt Devenish FRONT Oakley Hands, Dylan Morris, Matthew Riley, Alanna McGregor, Gabrielle Long, Matthew Bowles, Angus Cavallo, Jack Harrington ABSENT Angus Wilson ABSENT Mrs J Flemming | Primary 19 | 3m If school was a food... 3F Creative Words Jessica just juggled juicy jellybeans joyfully. Alex ate an angry alligator at Aristos. Isobel included invisible icy-poles in India. Jaya juggled jumbo jellybeans in Jupiter. Lane laid licking large lollypops with little ladybugs. Katie K king cuddled kicking karate kelpie kindly. Katie O claims kelpies are kind and cuddly creatures. Abby ate Alex’s aqua apples at Aristos. Jordyn juggled jiggle jelly on Jupiter. Kurtis keeps kids’ keys on a kangaroo. David dodges dark and dotty dinosaurs. James just juggled jumping jellybeans. Conor got a computer on camp to cheer Kurtis. Mikayla made many magazines on Monday. Bronte’s breakfast brings beach butter birds. Matthew moulded mum’s marshmallows at Mr Mens on Monday. Cooper climbed the computer crazily. Jordan jumped over jellyfish in January, June and July, and ate jellybeans. Year 3F If school was a food it would be like... Meat because I like meat and love Maths :: Jarad A salad sandwich because it’s got both good and bad bits :: Luke An apple because apples make me happy :: Mitch Tomatoes because they can burst in your face when you do something wrong :: Willow Jelly beans because the different colours remind me of all my friends and the teachers :: Jessica Jelly Beans because they are colourful and nice tasting :: Daniel Chocolate because the pieces are stuck together like people at school :: Seth Chocolate because the bits stick together like we do for teams :: Marelize Ice-cream because you have fun eating it :: Lochie A stinky egg sandwich because I don’t like them :: Brennan Strawberry chocolate pudding because it’s fun and you can bite into it :: Sam Chocolate because I like chocolate and all the different teachers that melt :: Tahlia Broccoli because the little bits look the same but they are different, just like our class :: Dee-Jay Chocolate because it is sweet and some teachers are sweet :: Mackenzie Ice-cream because it is sweet and some teachers are really nice :: Darcy BACK Isobel Wynne, Conor Farrell, Bronte Greenhalgh, Jessica McKee Chocolate because I love chocolate and I love everything about school :: Isabel BACK Mackenzie Gumley, Seth Ligman, Luke McManus, Marelize Van Zyl, Mrs G McGill, Tahlia Jensen, Lochie Basham, Isabel Dubois St Marc, Dee-Jay Hands ROW 2 David Seton, Katie Kerrigan, Lane Goss, Mrs J Fagents, Jordan Murat, Katie Openshaw, Kurtis Pirie FRONT Mikayla Frank, James Rasmussen, Cooper Chamberlain, Matthew Johnstone, Alex Crofts, Jordyn Hall FRONT Willow Springate, Sam Anderson, Daniel Ellis, Darcy Smith, Brennan Wood, Jarad Evans, Jessica Pether ABSENT Abby Burrows, Jaya Polidano ABSENT Mitch Perry | Primary 20 | | Primary 21 | 5PL Our Buddies 4P Perfect 4P 4P has had a most fantastic year. We have learnt that we are happy and clever and motivated to try new things. We care about each other and always strive to do our best. We have learnt that we are great at having a go at hard things and developed some outstanding skills of perseverance and finding ways to solve problems. We are close and caring and concerned about each other but also tough and determined to be our very best. We have been on a fantastic camp to Pemberton, made some groovy skeletons and designed some Olympic stadiums. We have learnt about China, Tibet and human rights violations, read some wonderful books and written wonderful stories. We have made fantastic tiger cakes, worn our pyjamas to School and had a snuggle down reading day. Members of our class have excelled in areas of arts, drama, languages and on the sporting fields. We have had sport coaching with the secondary students, hockey coaching and some fantastic carnivals. We have discovered sensational mathematical problem solvers and talented creative writers and through our participation in Oracy we have discovered some excellent orators. We delight in listening to stories, hearing music and having a dance in class. We have laughed easily, loud and often. We have worked exceptionally hard and every one of us has improved and excelled in our own right. We are individuals who have great talents to share. We are a group that has shared, cared and developed as the year has gone on. Mrs Jan Pocock :: Class Teacher Over the past year 5PL have worked on many varied activities, from finding out more about ourselves and others, building cities on the laptops, becoming novelists, racing tiny cars powered only by a mouse trap to sharing a love of reading in the outdoors. By far one of the most exciting things that the whole class has been involved in has been the buddy programme or as we know it ‘our buddies’. This has meant sharing activities that we have been doing in class, then linking and sharing what we have done with Mrs Hensby and Mrs Sullivan’s PrePrimary class. This meant finding out who was who and how people work together. As Year 5s, we had to find out what the PrePrimary students thought about what we often took for granted, and the things we need to have a healthy, safe and contented life. Listening skills played a big part. Through the course of the year it also led to our class becoming authors, gardeners and inventors. Brainstorming ideas about what the PrePrimary class liked, creating drafts that would be appropriate, and then applying what we had discovered, played a huge part in what we were doing together. One of the other fantastic activities that we shared was the racing of our Mouse Trap Racers. In this case the Year 5’s built, using recycled materials, a model car that would travel five metres in the fastest posssbile time. Truly, ‘Our Buddies’ has been one of the biggest learning activites that the Year 5PL class has been involved with this year. Mr Tim Plester :: Class Teacher BACK Georgiana Newman, Blake Shortland, India Telder, Jacinta Patterson, Holly Fandry, Eva D’Vorak, Christian Long, Caitlin Connolly BACK Kate Campbell, Talecia McMillan, Lachlan Stainton, Tom Leighton, Cooper Brady, Courtney Vagg, Elkin Meleng, Yarlalu Thomas ROW 2 Campbell Eaton, Hannah Daggett, Cameron Lewis, Callem Sweetman, Morgan Halket, Mr T Plester, Hannah Holborn, Sam Smith, Jacqui Byrne, Caris Lake, Emma O’Donovan ROW 2 Jennifer Lim, Tobias Graham, Kel Reynolds, Aili Halket, Rory Kain, Ms J Pocock, Natalie Ducharme, Georgina Holborn, Elise Kay-Morton, Alexandra Just, John Miller FRONT Andie Gell, Claire Nicholson, Sebastian Wilson, Stephan Janse van Rensburg, Eamon McInerney, Callum Lawton, Tara Greenhalgh, Francesca Cary FRONT Curtis Mateljan, Lauren Wroth, Gabrielle Mulley, Jemmae White, Tiffany Smales, Shania Bailey, Darrylleen Koolmatrie, Ethan Park | Primary 22 | | Primary 23 | PO 5 Environmental Lessons The 5P Class have been looking at a range of environmental issues. In particular they have been actively involved with the Ribbons of Blue Catchments programme, looking at the health of our local waterways. Use less fertiliser because when it rains it washes into the water and kills things :: Timothy and Clare Fertiliser can be very dangerous for the environment if it is not used properly :: Corrine and Jane Cars are the main problem in global warming because they produce a lot of carbon dioxide in the earth’s atmosphere :: Fraser and George When you fertilise your grass and it rains the fertiliser can go into the drain. It can end up in the ocean and rivers :: Tanika and Bronte Litter is bad for animals as they eat it and that causes them to choke on it and die :: Cameron and Justin If oil gets into drains it can pollute the water by choking the fish :: Sam and Chad Fertiliser is bad for the environment because when it gets into rivers it creates algal blooms which can choke fish :: Morgan and Connor When you fertilise your lawn and it rains, it flows down the road and goes into the stormwater drain and pollutes the water :: Meg and Sarah We should reduce our use of electricity so that the ozone layer can recover :: Hamish and Jacob 6A Bright Days Our days are made brighter by: Brittany’s love of netball Olivia’s happy attitude Bonny’s gentle integrity Matthew’s firm assertion Sam’s caring nature Henry’s impish character Freyja’s moral stance Nell’s conscientious work ethic Tiahn-Jasmin’s thespian talents Lucas’ persistent approach Connor’s clever cartoons Jordan’s energy levels Luka’s honest sharing Greenhouse gases are bad for the environment because they cause global warming and Antarctica will melt :: Ainslie and Lydia Alec’s zest for learning Avijoy’s acceptance of self Lilli’s quiet reflection William’s questioning mind Tayla’s open friendship Tom’s gifted intellect Kate’s growing self-confidence And by my love of these uniquely special kids. The ozone layer is dying out along with the extinction of animals :: Kirsten and Courteney Rory’s dashing looks Kristi’s fitness commitment Thank you for a wonderful year. Reuben’s general knowledge Kelsey’s mature outlook Mrs Sue Adams :: Class Teacher Brodie’s vocabulary expertise Erin’s family bond Fertiliser can be bad because when you put it on your lawn it goes down the water system and pollutes the water :: Elana and Melannie Conserve electricity by turning off lights when you go out of a room :: Beatrice and Vincent BACK Justin Workman, George Ghasseb, Jane Edgeloe, Melannie Guest, Lydia Hemson, Bronte Abbott, Timothy Rasmussen, Meg Ferraz BACK Lilli Howard-Sear, Nell Mitchell, Brittany Wynne, Alec Barron-Sullivan, Kate Bessant, Avijoy Roy Choudhury, Kelsey Trench, Samantha Goerling ROW 2 Fraser Jilley, Vincent Poller, Chad Evans, Cameron Andrews, Mr J Potter, Hamish Halket, Morgan Staniforth-Smith, Clare Bandy, Elana Dillon ROW 2 Connor Sharp, Erin Hough-Davis, Rory Richardson, Tayla Kirby, Mrs S Adams, William Fletcher, Reuben King, Matthew Robertson, Luka Walker FRONT Sam Riley, Kirsten Seton, Sarah Bowles, Corrine Brislin, Tanika Armstrong, Ainslie Jolliffe, Courteney Cooper, Jacob Dubois St Marc FRONT Henry McCauley, Lucas Unsworth, Olivia Knotts, Freyja Schindler, Bonny Twigg, Tom Kerrigan, Jordan Smith ABSENT Kristi Ellis, Brodie Nettleton, Tiahn-Yasmin Worthington ABSENT Connor Burrows, Beatrice Wilson | Primary 24 | | Primary 25 | 7 H Out and About Scaling the Edge Skiing Where They Lay I’m climbing the creaky iron ladder. The frame shudders with every climb. I’m up the top, the sun is blazing down on my back and the wind is almost blowing me off the old, run down tower. The line of people is disappearing rapidly. There is only two, one, no people left. I look at the thin, worn rope in front of me with a rusty metal buckle that is supposed to hold me up. I am going to die. I slide down the hot, slippery metal. My shoes squeak as I slowly descend. I look down and my stomach drops to the ground. My eyes fill with tears but I grit my teeth and press on. As my confidence gains I speed down faster. My feet touch the ground. I am alive. The temperature down at Smiggins hole, Is minus five and extremely cold, The snow and ice is pelting down, But we’re not worried, we’re fun bound! We rip off our shoes, and snap on our boots, And pick up our stocks and skis. We run up the hill, and throw them all down, Can we have a snow fight per-lease?! Amongst all the chaos and clutter and fuss, I see our instructors approach, We meet them and greet them and slap on our skis And listen ‘coz’ their our new coach. The first slope we stumble upon, Is the simple, yet slippery pony run. We said it was easy and simple but yet, Not one of us made it down upright I bet! After several attempts, always falling, I eventually got it right! Then I was sent to the mighty J-bar, Of which was a genuine height! They stood there, The soldiers quiet and still. It was the expectations of Australia, They were scared they would not fulfil. They were ready to fight, Gun in their hand, But they knew they would fall, Man after man. The whistle was blown for them to go, But it was clear they would fall, row after row. The battle was over, the men disappeared All that was left was their blood, sweat and tears. And the Canberra Memorial is where they lay And that’s why we went there. For those men, we pray. Michaela Mitchell and Amy Weston Bernadette Wheeler John Yeoman, Jeremy Brown, Shyaam Patel, Jesse MacKenzie and Keegan Roberts BACK Bernadette Wheeler, Daniel Johnston, Lauren Edwardson, Annalise Daggett, Amy Weston, Lowana Blakiston, Keegan Roberts, Jeremy Brown ROW 2 Nikita MacDonald, John Yeoman, Andrea Cumming, Lucy Trevaskis, Mrs B Herbert, James Copeland, Charlotte Openshaw, Samuel D’Vorak, Amber Hurst FRONT Rigby Maxwell, Josh Titchener, Hannah Murphy, Tayla Boxall, Shyaam Patel, Michaela Mitchell, Lauren O’Donovan, Matthew Hall, Jesse MacKenzie ABSENT Christine Moffat-Evans | Primary 27 | no 7D Fitness Challenge Mr D suggests it’s easy to prove life on Mars. Myles suggests creating a fitness challenge. James explains that 7D would organise an activity where everyone would need to do 35 hours of exercise over an eight week period. Myles and James win WOOOO! Mr D becomes depressed. But, he gets over it. The Class gets split into six groups. These groups get straight to work. BORING! Arguing and confusion breaks out. But they get over it. Thanks to the help of the three little Mr Ds (the editors). Boring Stuff (This is what the groups did. Mr D made us add it in. You don’t have to read this bit!) Group 1 recorded how much exercise was done by each class. Group 2 organised visitors to come in and talk to us and made a pamphlet about healthy food. Group 3 updated Mrs Mason on the progress of the camp and wrote articles for the newsletter. Group 4 organised transport. Group 5 booked accommodation and the food. (Two trial runs in School Fried Rice ewwwwww, spag bog yummy.) Group 6 were the editors. Good Stuff Again! The Class decides that for our reward we will camp at Contos and walk for 26kms on the Cape to Cape. HUH!?!?! Myles says what kind of reward is that! James says hooray (sarcastically). Justin says I love walking with my mates on the beach. Mr D brainwashes the Class. Hooray, we’re going on a camp and walking says the Class. (not sarcastically) Eight weeks later. 73 out of 76 people finished the exercise. Myles, James and Justin finished WOOO!!!!! WOW tomorrow they go to the camp. Oh No! Here comes a depressed Mr D. Justin asks what’s wrong just as thunder strikes. ‘BADOOM!!’ Look outside, we can’t go camping it is really bad weather. We will have to do it next term. Everyone sighs very loudly. AWWWWW! But everyone gets over it. Myles Evernden, Justin Harrington and James Thomson :: 7D BACK Myles Evernden, Emily Northcott, Megan Andrews, Dylan Macnish, James Thomson, Kyla Hayres, Oscar McCauley, Courtney Eaton ROW 2 Lauren Francis-Benz, Silas Metternick-Jones, Phillippa Suter, Rachel Connolly, Mr G Dunbar, Ben Sibly, Ashleigh Workman, Ethan Maguire, Olivia Goode FRONT Jaxom McCreadie-Roe, Justin Harrington, Caitlin Smales, Lizzie McInerney, Claudia Keane, Phoebe Crofts, Sarah Wingate, Emil Doorman, Nik Epis-Wallrodt ABSENT James Lodge | Primary 29 | 7K Bonsais Under Rehabilitation This was the motto for our class. In short we sought to throw off some of the obvious and predictable ways of thinking in favour of developing more diverse strategies with which to approach all tasks. We sought to replace small contained ‘Bonsai’ thinking with ‘Giant Redwood’ thinking, metaphorically speaking. Peer Activities in Term 1 were great, with everyone making at least one new friend. Packed with adventures, it was an unforgettable time. The Year 7s set out for Camp Mornington where all students engaged in activities like raft building and orienteering that developed team work and co-operation. Students were also challenged on a personal level on the flying fox and the abseiling tower. Many culinary delights (and perhaps disasters) were created as all students planned, prepared and cooked their own evening meals. This year, students have been striving to be more creative in 7K. The challenge set was to expand our thinking and to discard some of the imagined restraints when approaching problem solving and projects. Along with our normal work students have made things like movies, painting, and models and even tried to generate their own power. This culminated in a display for parents early in Term 3. The class has been learning about refugees, the United Nations, the Snowy Mountains Hydroelectricity Scheme, our Australian Parliament, Genetically Modified Food, the history of the metric system and much, much more. Students have been involved in making robots, drawing designs with computers and creating all sorts of other things in Technology and Enterprise, with Go-carts in Term 4. As always the sporting calendar has been full with exciting carnivals end events. The JSHAA Lightning Carnival was a great highlight. Touch rugby was a new skill for most students but all soon grasped the concept and thoroughly enjoyed the inter class matches and for those lucky enough to be selected, the JSHAA Touch Rugby Carnival. The Canberra camp in Term 3 was an amazing experience, and one none of us will ever forget. Friendships were forged outside regular social groups, students visited some amazing places and learnt how to ski. Overall, this year has been very successful and jam-packed full of fun and excitement. Mr J Krause :: Class Teacher BACK Kieren Belton, Jaimee Kain, Monique Munro, Harry Main, Brooke O’Sullivan, Cory Bailey, Madeline Maguire, Breanna Dixon ROW 2 Annabelle Lyon, Damon Scurria, Cassidy Viola, Dani Hanlon, Mr J Krause, Brittney MacRae, Claire Godenzi, Matthew Milenkovic, Nicola Krinos FRONT Aditya Sud, Mitchell Rowe, Jacob Farrell, Jaimi Wright, Sam Oliver, Cameron Dickson, Nick Moscaliov, Jack Reynolds ABSENT Tommy Gunter | Primary 31 | 2008 was no different to any other year; very busy. Students were involved in events in every term from Busselton to Perth. Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics Carnivals were the major events that the whole School attended. JSHAA events that we attended in Perth were Basketball, Swimming, Touch Rugby and a winter carnival where we played Netball, Football, Hockey and Soccer. In Bunbury the School participated in the local Cross Country, Interschool Swimming and Athletics carnivals. Meelup Run This event is now in its fourth year and has quickly become part of the Primary culture. Students, teachers and a number of parents this year have taken up the challenge of running, walking, or even skipping around a 500m course 99 times. Students can run on Wednesday and Friday mornings before school or at lunchtime on Friday. By completing the run students are then taken to Meelup for a beach activity day in November. Last year 70 students completed the run. This year looks like being even bigger with over 150 students starting the run. SWPSA This year I initiated discussions into forming a new sporting association in the local area. Bunbury Grammar has never been part of one sporting association so in 2008 we participated in events in five different associations. All such groups have varying standards and regulations. 25 schools were invited to the first meeting and seven attended. After initial discussions it became very obvious that such an organisation would be extremely valuable. This organisation is set to go in 2009 with 13 schools participating in all events or just the events they wish to participate in. Like the Junior School Heads Association Australia (JSHAA), the events are not scored. Therefore there is no winning school but like the Olympics, students receive ribbons in Athletics, Swimming and Cross Country Carnivals. The beauty of such an approach is the inclusivity it allows, so no matter how big the school is, all students can compete in a healthy competitive environment. By joining SWPSA we are not dropping out of the JSHAA in Perth. The level of competition in Perth is something our swimmers especially need to see and experience. Besides, how could I deny those students the opportunity to get out of bed at 5am in the morning to catch a bus at 6am? Great days! Thanks to all parents, staff and students for their support and encouragement throughout the year. Mr Geoff Dunbar :: Primary Sport Co-ordinator | Primary 33 | Primary Sport Christian Education and RaPS This year, instead of a report we thought that we would interview students to ask them to share their highlights of Christian Education and the Religious and Philosophical Studies programme. The Year 4s learnt about Lent and made Lenten chains which helped them to count down to Good Friday. ‘We learnt about the importance of respect, forgiveness and courage, and that if you show these values, other people will start following your example. PrePrimary students were very excited about their artwork and ideas about God: ‘God’s skin is light and dark brown because God has different skins.’ ‘God is a girl because girls live for very long and God has been living for very long, so God must be a girl.’ Year 5 students learnt about Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday and also loved the story about Joseph. ‘Learning about heroes was also good. We now know that a hero is someone very special, who shows love, does kind, brave things and thinks about other people, someone like Mother Theresa and not just a person who is good at footy.’ The Year 1s loved learning about lifecycles and the gift of change and growth. It taught them some of the miracles that God has given us. ‘We also love it when Mrs Biggar lets us lie on the carpet and we close our eyes while she says things and we imagine special pictures in our heads. We think God puts those pictures into our heads.’ The Yr 2 students had a closer look at symbols that remind them of God. ‘We were surprised at how many things remind us of God, everywhere we looked there was something special.’ ‘We also liked it when we did work on love. We learnt that there are different ways of showing love.’ In Year 3 the students loved their topic of Who am I and Choices. They learnt a lot about themselves and other students in their class. Their most favourite topic was Jesus and Stillness. ‘We loved reading the book Grandfather’s Prayers for the Earth’. | Primary 34 | Year 6 students enjoyed studying symbolism in the different world religions and learnt about the symbols we use during Lent. ‘We spent lots of time learning about Moses. This topic made us think about racism, sexism, respect of others and about where our Holy Ground is.’ The Year 7s focused on the major world religions with emphasis on Islam. ‘We were fortunate that one of the staff members who is Islamic was one of our guest speakers.’ Another enjoyable topic was God should say Sorry. This was a hard but interesting topic with heated debates and plenty to think about. We are not sure if God should say sorry or we should say sorry to God. Aditya Sud, Jaimi Wright, Breanna Dixon, Harry Main :: Year 7 | Primary 35 | Primary Art There have been changes in the Primary Art Department this year with the departure of Ms Leanne Abdo, after eight years. Mrs Liz Royce, who was appointed for 2008, has had a long history with the School. She was the School’s first Primary Art Specialist in the 1990s and also the artist responsible for the floor design and painted wall plaques in the Early Childhood Centre. It has been a busy year, with preparation for both the annual joint departments Art Week Exhibition, and also the biennial JSHAA Art Exhibition in Perth. This year both exhibitions coincided, necessitating a double effort in the preparation and presentation of work. However, the students excelled in their production of high quality artworks, resulting in two full components of quality 2D, 3D and collaborative pieces of which all involved can be very proud. Themes suggested for the Perth exhibition included The Reef, which explains a proliferation of artworks dealing in some way with sea creatures and things sea and reef related, including the beautiful mural created by the Year 4 class. 1 Particularly stunning were the painted umbrellas displayed at the JSHAA exhibition and created by the exceptional young artists of our Primary Art Club. They designed and painted the umbrellas over the period of Term 2 and 3 Art Club, using an animal theme for their inspiration. The students showed individuality in styles and real talent in their execution. Painting has been a major focus in Art Club activities this year, the first group in Terms 1 and 2, creating clay fish and decorating them by painting. The last group for the year will also develop painting skills in yet another application. 2 This year has been an exciting adventure. Next year can only be better! Mrs Liz Royce :: Primary Art Specialist 3 4 5 6 7 Art 1) Year 1 Class members; 2) Lauren Wroth :: Year 4; 3) Year 4 Class; 4) Justin Workman :: Year 5; 5) Ashleigh Workman :: Year 7 6) Breanna Cooke :: Year 1; 7) Georgina Nadin :: Year 1 | Primary 36 | | Primary 37 | Primary Art 1 3 2 5 4 6 Challenge & Extension 7 8 This year, the aim for our Challenge and Extension Programme was to work towards a whole School approach and to incorporate all of the Learning Areas. Included in this programme were the following initiatives: Meet the Mathematicians This programme was a Mathematics based Inquiry into the lives of Mathematicians who have created new maths. From Descartes to Fibonacci, Pythagoras to Mandelbrot, the students each researched a Mathematician, discovered their theories, and created activities to demonstrate their Mathematician’s work. Then, for one night only, they WERE that Mathematician. Outside the Box 1) Tara Greenhalgh :: Year 5; 2) Elkin Meleng :: Year 5; 3) Erin Hough-Davis :: Year 6; 4) Kindergarten Class; Take one cardboard box filled with foam and honkey nuts, wrapped in jelly bean paper and pop it on a table with some Early Childhood students and the outcomes will be Outside the Box! It took next to no time to move from “Whose birthday is it?” and “Can we unwrap it?” to genuine creative thought. For example, these clever people found 7 shapes (including an ellipse) in the wrapping alone! They then went on to create stories based on their imaginations, including Katie’s idea that there might be worms playing the piano very softly because they like the sound of music. Painting Pictures with Words Based on the descriptive writing of Tim Winton, this clever group of writers from Years 3, 4 and 5, developed their skills in writing descriptions that painted a picture with words. The end result was a book of their writings which included this short preliminary piece... The sun’s magnificent rays shone down from a crack in the heaven, like an angel was about to descend upon Earth. The mountain’s beauty somehow seemed insignificant within the raw power of the scene. The Muir Factor We all know that Mrs Muir LOVES books so who better to name our reading challenge after? Our passionate readers from Years 6 and 7 read the Children’s Book Council shortlisted books from 2008 and then challenged each other in a series of quizzes. Just like the ‘Einstein Factor’ they answered general questions as well as choosing an area of expertise. However, the real highlight of this programme may have been meeting once a week to discuss our reading and to spend some quality time on the couch with a book. We are hoping to have other schools join us next year. Mrs Denise Mason :: Head of Primary 5) Bronte Abbott :: Year 5; 6) Mackenzie Gumley :: Year 3; 7) Caitlyn Howe :: Year 2; 8) Samantha Goerling :: Year 6 | Primary 38 | | Primary 39 | Creative Writing Creative Writing My Gran First Day of Camp As she reaches for the lolly jar in the cupboard I notice her complexion and mannerisms more than I have before. Her hands are tired, filthy and sore from gardening all her life as she opens the lid. She asks me in her English accent what flavour I prefer, orange or lemon, my two favourites. The smile lines on her happy face complement the actual smile that almost reaches from ear to ear and the shine reaches everywhere lightening up the house. After I have finished my lollies she asks me if I want to ‘play Scrabble’, her favourite board game. She really likes English my gran, which would explain the countless number of books strewn around the house, all read. We sit down for the game of Scrabble and I notice what she is wearing today, all blue, her favourite colour in all shades. We finish the game. She wins, as usual and gets up to make us hot drinks; she walks steadily, with a noticeable back problem as she walks down the stairs. She comes back up the stairs with our drinks and we just sit down and read. I love everything about my Gran, and I hope she never leaves me, she knows that and she hopes she never leaves too. Jaimi Wright :: Year 7K Great, this is embarrassing. Lying here on the ground covered in dirt and twigs. The first day of camp. I thought I would be stacking it on the slopes but not on the first day of camp. Now you want to know what’s so embarrassing! So here it is. We stopped for a snack at some old government house and all the teachers and parents were enjoying the view. I went to sit with my friends then decided I was going to stand on the wall. My shoes weren’t the best for jumping. So as I jumped I knew I wasn’t going to make it. My foot got caught and suddenly my feet were where my head should have been and I could see the ground. I feel and hear the twigs snap as I go down and then I’m lying on the ground. The first person on the scene snaps more twigs as he lands next to me. Then my best friend arrives and finally the teachers are on the scene. I open my eyes. My path down from the wall looks like a hurricane hit, a branch as thick as my arm was snapped. But the real pain was in my back, it hurt when I moved. I inspect my body for damage. Scrapes on my fingers and I can feel a huge bruise under my jeans. We had doctors on camp so I was fine, but all I could think about was how embarrassing it was. Later everyone was telling me how they saw my legs just disappear. Rumours flew and suddenly I was doing back flips off the wall. I still can’t believe it was the first day of camp. Brittney MacRae :: Year 7K | Primary 40 | The Blue Beyond Saphira Smitten Kitten You hop from slippery rock to slippery rock. An occasional spray of cold salty mist reaching over the large rocks and dampening your face. You stop every now and then to admire the small delicate rock pools and to gaze at the small sea creatures they hold. You climb further towards the mouth of the sea. The large rocks in front are the only barrier keeping you from the mouth of the stirring sea. As you walk, more mist covers your already damp face. You reach a particularly large boulder and decide to climb. You start to clamber up the sides, trying to find some way up so you can see the surging ocean. One step after another and finally the top. Standing up straight looking into the sea. It is like a forever changing crystal that sprays small shards at you when it crashes violently onto the rocks. The wind picks up shards and carries it to the rock pools and surrounding rocks, giving them fresh water. The rock you are on is now your rock, and it feels like you are the only living soul for miles. Each wave is like giant, cold hands, reaching up to grab you and pull you to its icy depths. She hatches from the egg in hand, A journey together, across the land, Rider Eragon, Dragon Saphira, united together, create a new era. She spreads her wings, begins to fly, Sapphire scales, glint on high, Soaring through the starry night sky, Saphira is not afraid to die. He rides her through the dark night sky, Clinging so tight, up so high, His Gedwey Ignasia will never lie, Eragon is not afraid to die. A bloody battle will take place, In Farthen Dur, at a frantic pace, Joining together, from every race, To fight for Eragon, their saving grace. The battle is won, the enemy dead, But Eragon lies, on his death bed, Saphira frets, as her pierced wings mend, For without her rider, her life will end. I have a little kitten Who is called Little Smitten A tabby tiger look But inside she is a sook A short little meow And a long deep growl Allegic to fish Could not eat a dish But she is so great And she has a good fate I love Little Smitten Sam Oliver :: Year 7K Young Australians (to the tune of the Great Southland ) These young Australians, giving their lives, for our great nation, they will survive. They are fighting, for us, They’ll win this battle, this is our war. Chorus They are the brave ANZACS fighting for our country, they’ll keep their spirits high and see it through, Amy Weston :: Year 7H The Weird Family Once there was a weird and wacky family that lived in a weird sort of house. The Dad was called Sizzle and the Mum was called Spageasie. One brother was called Jellylegs and the other brother was called Longbottom. They were a very happy family because they were all the same size. Sometimes Sizzle got lazy and just slept on the lounge and snored all day. Mamma Spageasie loved to clean. She used her long hair to clean the house. Jellylegs and Longbottom loved playing outside on the twister and they would get themselves into a big muddle. These young Australians, giving their lives, despite these conditions, we wont see them cry. On Sundays the family would go to their favourite family restaurant. They would order their favourite spaghetti and eat it upside down. Every night they would brush their toes, go to their bedroom and curl up tight under their bed for the night. Many are lost, but we remember them, What a weird family! Always young, they will live on. Tahlia Jensen :: Year 3M In this desolate land they’ll be as one, And as our brave ANZACS they’ll return home. Repeat Chorus These young Australians, giving their lives, Every ANZAC day, we march with pride. And their hopes, and dreams for Australia. Lest we forget, those great Aussies. Repeat Chorus Katie Openshaw :: Year 3F Skulduggery Pleasant A living skeleton, Skulduggery Pleasant was his name, A wise cracking detective Was his claim to fame. A powerful magician, Of tricks and sorts, He played with criminals, By reading their thoughts. Stephanie Edgly a simple girl, She showed no fear by his side, A girl with no friends, But lots of pride. A girl whose determination, Would see them through, The fight against the serpine Who had discovered the clue. The Book of Names was mystical And the key to their power, Their true names and their family, Could be revealed within the hour. Skulduggery used his power, As natural forces to fight, His mission to find the Scepture, Had him searching day and night. Serpine was evil, And the power lay in his red hang, The Scepture could destroy anything, And turn people to sand Skulduggery wanted to hide, The scepture, for no one to find, While Serpine’s search for the book. In time took over his mind. A battle at the sanctuary, Is for sure and certain Stephanie’s courage nearly sees. Her die at the hand of Serpine. Skulduggery seizes the book, Of names as a shield, It’s destroyed by the Scepture, And it’s fate is sealed. Josh Titchener :: Year 7H James Copeland, Lucy Trevaskis, Bernadette Wheeler, Samuel D’vorak and Josh Titchener :: Year 7H | Primary 41 | Primary Music Year 5 Choir BACK: Talecia McMillan, Courtney Vagg, Lachlan Stainton, Jane Edgeloe, Melannie Guest, Lydia Hemson, Bronte Abbott, Tom Leighton, Timothy Rasmussen ROW 3: Morgan Staniforth-Smith, Hannah Holborn, Justin Workman, Elkin Meleng, Kate Campbell, Morgan Halket, Meg Ferraz, Hamish Halket, Chad Evans, Yarlalu Thomas, Miss A Crossland ROW 2: Mrs L Fahie, Elana Dillon, Tanika Armstrong, Jacqui Byrne, Hannah Daggett, Clare Bandy, Sam Smith, Campbell Eaton, Caris Lake, Ainslie Jolliffe, Callum Lawton, Sebastian Wilson FRONT: Kirsten Seton, Courteney Cooper, Corrine Brislin, Sarah Bowles, Jacob Dubois St Marc, Stephan Janse van Rensburg, Andie Gell, Claire Nicholson, Tara Greenhalgh, Francesca Cary ABSENT: Cameron Andrews, Cooper Brady, Connor Burrows, George Ghasseb, Fraser Jilley, Cameron Lewis, Eamon McInerney, Emma O’Donovan, Vincent Poller, Sam Riley, Callem Sweetman, Beatrice Wilson Junior Primary Choir BACK: Bronte Greenhalgh, Marelize Van Zyl, India Telder, Jacinta Patterson, Holly Fandry, Conor Farrell, Tahlia Jensen, Blake Shortland, Isobel Wynne ROW 4: Miss A Crossland, Aili Halket, Caitlin Connolly, Eva D’Vorak, Georgina Holborn, Elise Kay-Morton, Christian Long, Lane Goss, Rory Kain, Natalie Ducharme, Georgiana Newman, Jordan Murat ROW 3: Seth Ligman, Isabel Dubois St Marc, Katie Openshaw, Darrylleen Koolmatrie, Tobias Graham, Luke MacManus, Lochie Basham, David Seton, Alexandra Just, Katie Kerrigan, Jessica McKee, Darcy Smith, Ms Y Carlson ROW 2: Mackenzie Gumley, Jennifer Lim, Jordyn Hall, John Miller, Brennan Wood, Kurtis Pirie, Mikayla Frank, Daniel Ellis, James Rasmussen, Cooper Chamberlain, Shania Bailey, Gabrielle Mulley, Dee-Jay Hands FRONT ROW: Ethan Park, Willow Springate, Matthew Johnstone, Jarad Evans, Jessica Pether, Tiffany Smales, Sam Anderson, Curtis Mateljan, Jemmae White, Alex Crofts 2008 has been a busy year for the Primary music students! The year started with the annual Primary House Singing Competition. Students in Years 4 to 7 studied Beatles songs in preparation for the event. Mrs Mason, Mrs Fahie and Fr Geoff were invited to adjudicate and declared Wilson the winning House for the second year in a row with their rendition of Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da. In Term 3, the Senior Primary Choir was visited by 55 musicians from All Saints’ College in Bullcreek. Students spent the day workshopping choral pieces with the results of the workshop presented at a combined concert later that night. The venture was a fantastic success, and was a wonderful opportunity for the students to learn from different teachers and to mix with other young musicians. In Term 2, we participated in the Musica Viva ‘Music in Schools’ programme. Students were introduced to percussion instruments within their class music lessons before attending a lively performance by the percussion group, Tetrafide. The concert featured a variety of traditional percussion instruments, as well as less conventional ones like the water bottle and garbage bin! A huge thank you to the P&F for funding the programme; it was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Term 3 also featured the BCGS Arts Festival, and the inaugural BCGS Gala concert. Students in the Primary Choirs, Band and String Ensemble all performed in the event which was held at the Bunbury Entertainment Centre. The students enjoyed entertaining their audience at a professional venue. The Year 3 to 7 ‘Mega Choir’ was also a crowd favourite. The next event on the primary music calendar was the Bunbury Performing Arts Eisteddfod. The three Primary Choirs all participated in the competition and performed brilliantly in their respective sections. The Senior Primary Choir was also invited to perform at the Eisteddfod Gala concert. ABSENT: Jaya Polidano, Mitch Perry, Kel Reynolds, Lauren Wroth Senior Primary Choir BACK: Claire Godenzi, Kelsey Trench, Brittany Wynne, Monique Munro, Lauren Edwardson, Annalise Daggett, Amy Weston, Megan Andrews, Lowana Blakiston, Brooke O’Sullivan ROW 3: Miss A Crossland, Lilli Howard-Sear, Nell Mitchell, Charlotte Openshaw, Ashleigh Workman, Brittney MacRae, Bernadette Wheeler, Dani Hanlon, Courtney Eaton, Lucy Trevaskis, Nicola Krinos, Samantha Goerling, Ms Y Carlson ROW 2: Aditya Sud, Matthew Robertson, Sam Oliver, Lizzie McInerney, Jaxom McCreadie-Roe, John Yeoman, Tayla Kirby, Nikita MacDonald, Olivia Goode, Nik Epis-Wallrodt, Phoebe Crofts, Claudia Keane, Nick Moscaliov Now, as the end of the year draws closer, students and teachers alike are preparing for the annual presentation events which are sure to be a fabulous end to an eventful, fun-filled year. It is such a privilege to work with such dedicated and creative students on a daily basis. I look forward to an even more musical 2009! FRONT ROW: Freyja Schindler, Bonny Twigg, Lauren O’Donovan, Tayla Boxall, Sarah Wingate, Michaela Mitchell, Hannah Murphy, Olivia Knotts, Jaimi Wright, Luka Walker, Christine Moffat-Evans Ms Anita Crossland :: Primary Music Specialist | Primary 42 | | Primary 43 | Primary LOTE This year, the students continued to learn about France and Japan. They learnt about language and culture. French Fashion The Year 6 and 7 students learnt about French fashion. They were lucky enough to talk to Domenica who taught them a lot about modelling, fashion and make-up. Frog Picnic The annual Year 3 frog Picnic was once again a highlight of the year. Year 3 French students met up for a morning of French games and fun. They also enjoyed the traditional pain au chocolat and orangina snack. French Club Over the year, students from Year 4 to 7 met after school on Thursdays for French club. We baked croissants, sampled cheeses, wrote plays, entered competitions, watched films, learnt about France, and got creative with decoupage and gift cards. Japanese Visit Students from 16 Japanese schools in Hyogo Prefecture visited out Primary School and joined in classes. They were hosted at home by students from Year 6 and 7. Languages Week We ate sushi and watched a Japanese anime with the high school students after school. It was called Sen to Chihiro no Kamikaku Shi (Spirited Away). We found out how to say ‘hello’ in almost every language. Students from the secondary school shared stories and games in French with the Year 1 and 2 students in the Early Childhood Centre. We worked out that we are a pretty lucky lot of people to have travelled so far around the world and visited so many different countries and seen so many different cultures. Madame Kaeser and Teal Sensei | Primary 44 | Student Executive Peer Support Leaders This year saw another group of keen and dedicated Year 11 students take on the role of Peer Support Leaders. These students provided an important older face for our new Year 8 students to be able to identify with. Hopefully they made the transition into Secondary School a lot easier, while at the same time developing their own leadership and organisational skills. The programme began back in 2007 during the Year 10 Camp. Time was set aside while in Perth for staff to train all the potential leaders. The Perth Zoo was the venue for the antics which kept most of the animals amused. As a result of this time and after much discussion back at School the 2008 Peer Support Leaders were chosen. The first meeting of Year 8s and their Peer Support Leaders took place during the Term 1 Year 8 Camp in Busselton. A pleasant Friday morning was spent on the Busselton foreshore with the Year 11s putting their groups through their paces. Much to the amusement of passing tourists there was a multitude of ‘get to know you’ style games, the highlight of which had to be the activity that required students to be mummified using toilet paper. During Semester 1, select Tuesday afternoon assembly periods were set aside for the Peer Support groups to get together. With groups spread across the Highway Oval the sessions were full of activity and appeared, even to the highly trained eye, like professionally run development sessions. The Year 8s enjoyed themselves greatly and got to know older faces around the School, while the Year 11s received a little taste of what their teachers go through every day. A big thank you must go out to all the Year 11 Leaders involved and also to Mr Marshall for all the organisational ‘behind the scenes’ work. Mr Ryan Dawson :: Peer Support Coordinator BACK Miranda Radunovich, Umberto Anderle, Callum Fleming, Nathan Blakely, Jack Stapleton, Rhys Nathanielsz, Tim Cooke, Cameron Tink, Emily Stretch Like those who’ve gone before us, the Student Executive of 2008 are a magnificent bunch. We form a peculiar crowd that hope to give a fair representation of a diverse cross-section of the students within the Grammar community. Together we’ve balanced heavy academic schedules, co-curricular demands and Exec responsibilities while still holding onto some form of a social life. Although we come from individual walks of life, we share a common link, a willingness to sacrifice one hard-earned lunchtime a week in the hope of making some positive changes to your schooling experience. Our year encompassed so many adventures that helped build the bond we’ve created as a group. It began with a Remembrance Day ceremony, when we were asked to harness all the well adjusted, mature, organisational skills we could muster. This became a frequent reality, as meetings became routine and preparations for the memorably fabulous Casino Royale 008 filled our heads, the reward of which, I can personally attest, was a truly special night of fun for all. As the year moved on the Auditorium became overrun by swashbuckling Year 8s who valiantly competed with the Exec for most-fun-had-on-the-night of the Year 8 social. Fundraising is always part of the Exec programme with support provided to the Salvation Army, In-Town Lunch Centre, the School Aid Burma Appeal and Anglicare WA. The rewards of the time we devote continue to live on through those we’ve helped. It is with pride that I declare 2008 as being a year of epic firsts. For the first time ever our School reached the top three in the state for blood donations, and Give A Damn, Give A Can reached an all time peak with Grammar donating more cans than the total collected by the whole region last year. There have been more participants in the 40 Hour Famine than ever before and creative differences were reconciled as Leavers jumpers arrived early this year. Such achievements would not have been possible without the countless hours of generous volunteers putting in their all. From our earliest experiences on Exec Camp to our final challenge of our last weeks in office, we are all proud of our role in the history of the BCGS Student Executive. Under the guidance of Ms Stevenson and Mr Cowan we’ve given and gained so much and we dare to hope our actions reflect our achievements. Perhaps all our dreams weren’t achieved, but we felt it necessary to leave something for Exec of 09 to whom I wish all the luck and dedication they need as it is now our turn to pass the torch on to them. Gina Ferreira :: Chairperson BACK Joshua Russell, David Prosser, Hamish Firth, Thomas Rodgers, Corey Rosher, Nick Evernden ROW 2 Lauren Webb-Martin, Jaycob Petering, George Davies, Graham Reinders, David MacLeay, Robert Puttman, Andrew Muir, Jacob Whiteaker, Hannah Shenton, Brooke Edwards ROW 2 Ms J Stevenson, Elizabeth Hogan, Imogen Kerruish, Samantha Arkell, Leilah Smith, Abby Telfer, Dr B Matthews FRONT Andrea Brown, Gina Ferreira, Christopher Breidahl, Belinda Guelfi, Ned Reilly, Hannah Kay FRONT Caitlin Dunnet, Haylene Goh, Eleanor Cryer, Adam Smith, Mr R Dawson, Rohan Loveland, Caroline Wilson, Renae Guelfi, Grace Roberts | Secondary 46 | | Secondary 47 | Goldsmith It is always a tough task staying on top, and we were ready for every hitch or hurdle that may come our way. Straight back to School and Term 1 kicked off with the BBQ’s firing up for the Welcome Back Brekkie, where the engaging smell of bacon, eggs and hash browns lingered around the School to give a warm greeting to all the Goldsmith members, new and old. With a vigorous approach to tackling our weakest area, the Swimming Carnival, the House pulled through in a solid third position. As new House Council with new ideas, we put our skills of fundraising to use by having a Gold Coin Line. There were enough funds raised to see the staff do a push-up competition and find out which teacher was the loudest in the School. We also had a cake stall and a number of BBQ’s to raise funds to adopt a Sun Bear for the Perth Zoo, and donate funds to the School of St Jude in Tanzania. As a Goldsmith tradition, we also participated in Daffodil Day, raising funds for the Cancer Council WA. Across the board in sport we performed at a superior level where we accumulated points in the tough, robust events, Cross-Country and the Lishman Lap, placing first in both and celebrating with a waffle and ice-cream breakfast. This was followed by a third in the Athletics Carnival. 2008 has taught us great skills, has been more than enjoyable and most successful. It wouldn’t have been the same without the help of the House Council, specifically the Year 11s, our Vice Captains James Palmer and Julia Galliers who were always by our side, and most importantly Mr Marshall and Ms Farrell whose continuous motivation helped us strive to be the best House we could possibly be. To the future Captains and Councillors of Goldsmith, best of luck in the coming year, as the good old Gold endeavours for perfection. Elizabeth Hogan and David Prosser :: House Captains | Secondary 48 | BACK:Cameron Tink, Elijah Scott, Andrew Prosser, William Harradine, Callum Fleming, Matt Rowe, Darcey Death, James Hastie, Patrick Crockford, Scott Thompson, Russell Morris, Brent Dorsett-Lynn, Braxton Pelusey, Tim Cooke, Matthew Shaw ROW 7:Selina Metternick-Jones, Robbie Lorrimar, Kaden White, Jarrad Osborn, Andrew Humble, Christian Condello, Lachlan Campbell, Zac Thompson, Ian Huisman, Paige Dallywater, Anna Sangmeister, Lachlan Newman, Guy Sangmeister, Julie Piesse, Amitava Chaudhury, Justin Kruger ROW 6:Chelsea McIntosh, Sam O’Sullivan, Chris Rose, Emma Wrobel, Caitie Andrews, Breeanna O’Dowd, Michael Edmeades, Enya Warfield, Jack Munro, Sharna Dallywater, Shana Thompson, Kilian Woulfe, Holly Peterson, Ben Williams, Shannen Bowen, Brooke Edwards, Yang Xia ROW 5:Grace Jilley, Ashley Burkett, Brayden Chapman, Verity Mace, Rosie Manolas, Kaitlyn McGinty, Alexia Karatamoglou, Asha Barrett, Madison Bromham, Michael Guelfi, Georgiana Copeland, Katelyn Rigden, Megan Riising, Meg Handley, Cody Dorsett-Lynn, Jaycob Petering, Marnix Doorman, Ciaran Dolan ROW 4:Bronte Ryan, Jennifer Sims, Abby Telfer, Tan Farquhar, Naomi Jansz, Ntula MacDonald, Paris Duffield, David Shaw, Kate Lindley, Lauren Webb-Martin, Asha Combes, Max McCall, Bronte Lyon, Adele Schultz, Madeleine Crockford, Becky O’Sullivan, Susie Williams, Emily Bekker, Alex Davis ROW 3:Scott Duncan, John Ballot, David Jansz, Lucy Kole, Rhys Edwards, Alice Wrobel, Claire Scott, Nikki Bonciani, Eleanor Huisman, Diana McLay, Rachel Kling, Kasi McKenzie-Stubbs, Hannah Metternick-Jones, Georgia Metternick-Jones, Shenae Peterson, James French, Thomas Hastie, Karina Kemp, Tom Gault, Cheng Zhu ROW 2:James Caiger, Shayley White, Laura Doorman, Matthew Rose, Matilda Mason, Cara Ellis, Claudia Schultz, Sean Webb-Martin, Jazmin Landgren, Katy DorsettLynn, Oli Ryan, Renae Guelfi, Alec McDonald, Zachary Newman, Jessica Edmeades, Chris Davis, Harry Scott, Josh Duncan, Leearna Chapman, Frances Warfield, Liam Van Aalen, Bradley Linfield FRONT:Conor Aitken, Chris Unsworth, Mr R Dawson, Mrs C Cowan, Mr E Douglas, Ms H Easton, James Palmer, Elizabeth Hogan, Mr R Marshall, Ms M Farrell, David Prosser, Julia Galliers, Ms J Stevenson, Dr P Whitla, Mrs S Allen, Mr J Bancroft, Christopher Brown, Aidan Woulfe | Secondary 49 | Goldsmith Goldsmith | Secondary 50 | | Secondary 51 | Knight We have once again had a successful year filled with great achievements and packed with fun. Firstly we’d like to thank Mrs Sutherland and Mr Johnstone and all the Knight staff who have looked after and helped us throughout the year. To kick-start the year, we held a Knight House breakfast, welcoming everyone back to school for 2008, which was greatly enjoyed by all. Our main charity event ‘Give a Damn, Give a Can’ was our biggest yet, with everyone participating and donating generously. At the start of Term 2 we collected cans from all of the Secondary School, with strong competition between Boarding and Day students. Altogether we collected a HUGE 2000+ cans, an excellent increase from last year’s 400. This was an outstanding effort with our contribution making up about half of the total amount of cans donated by all of the participating South West schools. The collected cans were donated to a local charity that provides food for the less fortunate. It was great to see nearly everyone donating something sweet for our cake stall, with people bringing in a wide variety of goodies. Thanks go to everyone who put in the time to bring in something. The earnings went towards the water tank that Knight bought for a secondary school in Papua New Guinea a few years ago. This was such a great House effort and really enjoyable to organise, I’m sure it will reoccur in future years, so mums and dads be prepared to once again put your baking gloves on! We were rewarded for all our efforts throughout the year by a pizza lunch which saw us happily munching through lots of Domino’s pizzas. Other House activities included the famous mini Olympic Games we played to get ready to watch the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, with some great performances on the hang bar, basketball hoop, and theatrical weights. Unfortunately we didn’t take out the gold for Swimming, Crosscountry or Athletics, instead getting third, second and second respectively. But other Houses be warned; we are slowly building up and one of these years are going to take home the gold. The girls did a fantastic run once again in the Lishman Lap of Valour, winning it for the third year in a row. The boys came a close fourth, running their hardest but just not able to keep up with the other Houses. It was great to see such determination in representing the House. Thank you to all fellow ‘Knightians’, you have made this year very successful and we have enjoyed being your Captains. Good luck for the future guys! Keep the spirit going... Samantha Arkell and Hamish Firth :: House Captains BACK: ROW 7: ROW 6: ROW 5: ROW 4: ROW 3: ROW 2: FRONT: | Secondary 52 | Kael Lewis, Callan Sims, Emily Stretch, Nathanial Bandy, Luke Haysom, Billy Cherry, Lance MacArthur, Bradley Guest, Robert Puttman, Nathan Blakely, Rhys Nathanielsz, David Thomson, Brayden Miller, Ned Reilly, Alex Jones Jackson Curnow, Alex Hurst, Ben Meade, Danika Jurat, Claire Bott, Rebekah Dunkeld, Colin Worthington, Sarah Pruden, Miles Cattach, Alex Lowes, Monica Jenkins, John Teahan, Lance Redman, Mike Rudge, Joshua Russell, Ryan McGeoch Brodie Armstrong, Evan Jackson, Jackie Ferguson, Braden House, Tom Moorcroft, Denise Lindsell, Nardia Klem, Taylar Amonini, Madeline Seeley, Ebony Vukelic, Jack Biondi, Lucy Firth, Matthew Courtney, Callum Macoun, Mitchell Connop, Sam Jackson, Charlotte Butler Emlyn Hallett, Charles Stapleton, Laura Peisley, William Joyce, Blaine Mitchell, Lachlann Lawton, Thomas Wall, Nicole Hueppauff, Jay Wybrow, Bryn Twigg, Meg Gilomen, Gerald Dunbar, Mitchell Lindbeck, Corbin Fry, Jacob Pantlin, Sarah Peisley, Teghan Russell, Tim Moore Ashlee Connelly, Jessica O’Donovan, Sian Morgan, Belinda Guelfi, Hannah Kay, Astrid Van Kampen, Alice White, Hayley Campbell, Kate Mahony, Alex Tom, Kiran Patel, Connor McDougall, Ruby Watt, Gabrielle Golding, Luke Palmer, Jake Poller, Josh Poller, Rohan Gaunt, Christopher Macoun Christopher Arkell, Zara Webb-Martin, Olivia Lane, Caroline Wilson, Alannah Pimm, Alex Rohan, Tara Strapp, Thomas Hill, Eleanor Cryer, Tegan den Boer, Zoe Mitchell, Rebecca Brown, Elizabeth White, Jaimi Naylor-Gwynne, Sarah Webb, Rainey Pensini, Sarah Tencer, Jordi Lockhart, Bettina Craig, Cameron Russell Kristine Rayner, Sarah Pantlin, Emma Openshaw, Chloe Piparo, Sean Larkworthy, Mia Wunnenberg, Alice Fletcher, Kia Bevin, Ryan Redman, Cassandra Hall, Jennifer Briggs, Georgia Hanson, Brodie MacArthur Ryan Sharp, Jack Stapleton, Mr D Tan, Mr A Bandy, Mr I Dale, Mrs K Chidgzey, Olivia Lee, Hamish Firth, Mrs L Sutherland, Mr H Johnstone, Samantha Arkell, Josh Watt, Mr C Coman, Mrs J Wall, Mr J Poller, Brittany Cherry, Michael Terren, Troy Hladio | Secondary 53 | Knight Knight | Secondary 54 | | Secondary 55 | Redding 2008 has been a successful year for Redding both in the sporting and pastoral aspects. We have aimed to make Redding House a warm, friendly and fun house. Silent study periods have been interspersed with games for young Reddingites on Thursday mornings. A House competition has been run throughout the year with party style Home Group lunches being much sought after prizes. Competitions that contributed have included quizzes, paper plane competitions, mass pictionary and numerous “silly” games. Redding 1, Redding 2 and Redding 7 have been prominent in the prize winning. Helped by an influx of wonderful Year 8s, Redding powered to a win in the Interhouse Swimming Carnival for the second year in a row. This was followed by credible and hard fought fourths in the Interhouse Cross Country and Athletics Carnival. With support from with Mr Goerling and the other Redding teachers the House Council has been working hard for Redding this year, providing a number of lunches and breakfasts as well as running a successful Red Nose Day campaign raising a large amount of money for a very significant cause. 2008 is a very special year for Redding as it is the year that we farewell Mr Goerling as our Head of House, a position he has held for nine years. Distraught as we are to lose such a focal point of House tradition, Redding is overjoyed to welcome Mr Green as an eminently suitable replacement and hope that a new Redding dynasty can be built around him. We wish Mr Goerling well in his new position as Secondary Head of Pastoral and also wish everyone safe and happy holidays, especially members of the great Redding House. Good luck to it in all it’s future endeavours. Thomas Rogers and Imogen Kerruish :: House Captains BACK: ROW 7: ROW 6: ROW 5: ROW 4: ROW 3: ROW 2: FRONT: | Secondary 56 | Nila Conzen, Jasmine Klumpp, Aidan Hendry, Anton Olsthoorn, Kim Gallagher, Sean Duke, Mathew Nankivell, Andrew Kikeros, Max Walsh, Umberto Anderle, Hayden Bruinsma, Miranda Radunovich, James Caldow, Nicholas Clifford, Joe Winfield Danielle Hendry, Bridget Folley, Harry McCourt, Matthew Simmonds, Nick Evernden, Henry Sibly, Henry Davies, George Davies, Mitchell Lewis, Angus Sargent, Vaughan Carroll, Joshua Snow, Riley Wells, Andrew Muir, Verity Hughes, Kara Hanlon Amber Cochrane, Gina Ferreira, Kali Stein, Oliver Gomme, Gavin Fleay, Jordie Vagg, Geoffrey Goerling, Nic Blackburn, Alex Radovan, Wade Perkins, Ryan Evernden, Harley Radovan, Mercedes Lysaght, Sian Pepler, Kayla Clucas, Brianna Went, Kasie-Lee Devitt Cameron Melvin, Erin Lilly, Jackson Blackwell, Gracie Reynolds, Laura Vermeersch, Francis Winfield, Olivia Taylor, Sophie Baldwin, Sarah Edgeloe, Sheridan Duke, Karlia Dillon, Holly Broockmann, Katie Macliver, Stephanie Preen, David Nankivell, Jason Taylor, Thomas Giddy, Philip Harvey Hamish Sweetman, Katie McDonald, Hannah Stock, Annie Giddy, Andrea Brown, Emma Wilde, Alissa Tapper, James Kaeser, Richard Macliver, Sam Fleming, Krystle Mitchell, Haydn James, Ellen Davies, Rebecca Owen, Ryan Wilson, Annie Harris, Alex Taylor, Tiffany Blight, Joshua Goode Marcus Preen, Haylene Goh, Kyra Brown, Kym Irwin, Rohan Loveland, Jim Maxwell, Katherine Knotts, Lauren Jackson, Lyndon Gray, Thomas Monkhouse, Josh Boxall, Jeff Harrington, Sarah Robertson, Jacob Burt, Rebecca Gray, Jessica Taylor, Brooke Veitch, Stephanie Greco, Kate Robertson, Andrew Knotts Ashley Cary, Joss Loveland, Genevieve Mulley, India Greig, Jack Merrigan, Sian Watts, Rowie Tagliaferri, Brittany Adams, Nathan Hendry, Mollie Merrigan, Imogen Plester, Brody Lake, Marco Spadaccini, Sean Wilson, Lilli-Mae Chester, Sydnee Richardson, Caitlin Dunnet, Nicholas Monkhouse, Shelby Nobbs, Daniel Fleay, Florence McCauley, Isabel Owen Claire Giddy, Zac Loveland, Briar Dunnet, Mr B Kurz, Ms M Melchiorre, Mr P Good, Jess Hamdorf, Thomas Rodgers, Mrs S Millington, Mr B Goerling, Imogen Kerruish, Samuel Cochrane, Mrs J Muir, Mr R Brooksbank, Mrs P Mulley, Ms L Lonergan, Matthew Greco, Madelaine Stock | Secondary 57 | Redding Redding | Secondary 58 | | Secondary 59 | Wilson On top of these accurate descriptions, it is safe to say that Wilson would have to be the most relaxed House as our budget was soon dwindled away by the expenditure on free barbecues, ice-creams, table tennis tournament prizes and the like. Despite this somewhat laid back atmosphere, Wilson has achieved greatly throughout the year, both in sporting events and community projects. Under the guidance of first, Mr Green and Mr Dabrowski in Semester 1 and then Mr Stapleton in Semester 2; the House Council has been able to introduce a House Point System encouraging positive behaviour throughout the years in addition to the Inter Home Group Footy Tipping competition. The Wilson House Council has also organised breakfasts to raise funds for the annual Wilson Year 12 Breakfast at the end of the year which overall was a success and we hope this tradition will continue in the years to come. The Slave Auction this year was a great achievement raising $1,315. While traditionally these funds went to Amnesty International, this year the House Council made the decision to turn to a local charity in the Bunbury region, the In Town Lunch Centre, where the funds will make a huge contribution to those within our own community. It is our intention to maintain this support of a local charity that has been assisted by donations from the School Executive in the past. On the sporting side of things, Wilson showed a passionate yet calm attitude towards all competitions, obtaining comfortable thirds in the Swimming Carnival and Cross Country, and two thirds in the Lishman Lap of Honour. However the conclusion can be drawn that these results were merely to catch the other Houses off guard as we came through to win the Interhouse Athletics Carnival, taking home the trophy for the fourth year in a row. This would not have been possible without the dedication of all staff involved and the students’ willingness to participate. It is a strong belief in Wilson that it is not about being the best; it is about being the best team. It has been an honour to be part of the wonderful Wilson ‘family’ this year and we hope that next year all the Wilsonites will continue with the great traditions of involvement and teamwork and build on the achievements of this year. We wish you all the best for 2009. BACK: ROW 7: ROW 6: ROW 5: ROW 4: ROW 3: Leilah Smith and Corey Rocher :: House Captians ROW 2: FRONT: | Secondary 60 | Christopher Breidahl, Sam Travers, Ryan Walker, Stuart Longmire, Warwick Besso, Daniel Niven-Hulett, Phillip Watson, Thomas Sibson, Brett McCormick, Jack Opferkuch, Barney Skeggs, Nayton Colombera, Alex Davidson, Tahnee Roberts, Tessa Gartrell Hannah Shenton, Justice Keller, Graham Reinders, Sam Prater, Cameron Cody, Skye Ynema, Michael Scallan, Daniel Patterson, Josh Calais, Isaac Wedderburn, Lance Lefebvre, Adeline Brosnan, Josiah Wilkinson, Cameron Smith, Georgia Oliver, Alex Phillips Jordan Lomax, Louise Foley, Rachel Francis, Gabrielle Grist, Fiona Lucey, Katy Wedderburn, Jake Smith, Jacob Whiteaker, Faye Simmonds-Short, Monti Blechynden, Brodie Kammann, Madeline Abbott, Matthew King, Jared Herbert, Dave Phillips, Amy Gartrell, Rosanna Grist Martin Knox, Danielle Butson, Michelle Rumbold, Courtney Laporte, Rosie Carrington-Jones, James Davidson, Brodie Saw, Christopher Leeson, Ben Jones, Brady Schulze, Aysha Miller, Zoe Walker, Kaitlyn Besso, Angie Nathan, Nicole Robertson, Johanna Bohn, Tommy Smoker, Shanae Speck Molly Simmonds-Short, Niall Hayres, Ashlee Franklin, Bronte Evans, Nicola Ham, Courtney Taylor, Jordan Morris, Anne Bettens, Kasie Franklin, Michael Addis, Devan Job, Haig Colombera, Harriet Cohen, Lauren Reinders, Sophie George, Amy Bessant, Anais Rosher, Courtney Ferguson, Michelle Foley Callan Jolliffe, Adam Smith, Zan Ferguson, Jack Carrington-Jones, Freya d’Espeissis, Whitney O’Callaghan, Sheldon Smith, Sarah Taylor, Hannah Sullivan, Angus McColl, Gemma Wilkinson, Tessa Franklin, Tamara Atkins, Jono Miller, Lani Godenzi, Katherine Smith, Rosie Fandry, Justin Richards, Anthea Lefebvre, Michael Nicoli Leah McMerrin, Murray Buller, Dalton Cody, Linus Cohen, Michelle Butson, Ashleigh Richards, Vaughan Clark, Grace Roberts, Matt Fenech, Thom Skipworth, Cameron Clark, Harry Dawson, Georgia Johnstone Mitchell Lubcke, Thomas Addis, Mr S Spottiswood, Ms Y Carlsen, Mr M Dabrowski, Mrs A Osborne, Jessica Buller, Corey Rosher, Mr M Stapleton, Mr K Green, Leilah Smith, Tim Nathan, Mrs B Walker, Mr G Collins, Mr A McMillan, Mr N Poole, David MacLeay, Michael Wilson | Secondary 61 | Wilson Goldsmith | Secondary 62 | | Secondary 63 |