DOWNLOAD August 2016 Issue


DOWNLOAD August 2016 Issue
THE Lifestyle Magazine for Custom Vehicle & Music Enthusiasts
Based in Atlanta, Georgia and founded in 2001, Halcyon Way is the ultimate example of blue-collar
work ethic, self-reliant bootstrapping, and hard work
& perseverance in spite of nearly insurmountable
odds. With 4 albums under their belt they have signed
a worldwide management deal with Alpha and Omega Management.
We sat down with the boys to catch up and find out
about that and what else they are up to!
Page 12
Christmas In July:
Benefit For Linda Lomas Childrens Hospital
Press Release:
John 5 European Tour
Press Release:
Megadeth announce new drummer and tour dates
Jamie Paullus
Jamie Paullus continues to
WOW our readers with the BEST
Spokane has to offer - this month:
music greats CHRIS CORNELL
Page 30
Order in the Chaos:
Stage Presence Is Always An Asset
HAIR TRIGGER: a Comic from Anthony Hitaffer
Sherry Keith
Mystic Photography continues her up close and personal
view into the Vegas music scene
Page 4 & 20
CV WorldWide Magazine
Locally Owned / Nationally Known
Contact Us: [email protected]
CV WORLDWIDE MAGAZINE © 2012-15 is published monthly and NO reproduction of content is permitted without Publisher’s prior ap-
proval. Publisher assumes no financial responsibility for the errors in ads beyond the cost of space occupied by error. Publisher is not liable for:
any slandering of an individual, or group as we mean no malice or individual criticism at any time; nor are we responsible for the opinions or
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our attention on the good and not the bad side of
things. And the truth is despite any obstacles were
two life long friends that have been fortunate
enough to do this together and we've encountered
so many wonderful people have come out to help
and donate that it's been just beautifully overwhelming. And because of so many wonderful
people we've been able to donate roughly 10's of
thousands of toys and probably over $50,000 over
the years for sick children of all ages, races and
On July 30th we at CV WorldWide Magazine had genders. And to us that's 10's of thousands of
the extreme honor of being one of the sponsors for sweet smiles and that's what we do it.
this great event Christmas In July. A benefit to
raise money for the children in need at Linda Lomas Childrens Hopsital. We had a chance to sit <CV> Tell us about this years Christmas In July
down with Jeff Zazueta who is one of the main show. The Bands involved,sponsors,etc.
organizers for the event to get a little background <JEFF> This years Christmas in July was just
on Christams In July.
amazing! We had 8 total bands. Kee, Saints In Re<CV> Tell us how Christmas In July Originated.
<JEFF> It formed from the idea that Jason
Newhouse and myself had 15 years ago. So we
did the very first one in his backyard actually. The
next year we took it out if the backyard and eventually grew it into what it is now. Which to me is
a huge testimony of ingredients of really hard
work, some beautiful hearts from so many and
Gods good blessings.
hab, Zero 2 Hero, Anger The giant, Sin City Kiss
(Las Vegas best Kiss tribute band) Erotic Bandanas (an all star cover band with Jason and myself) my band As You Were and even the debut of
my country band Shotgun Jefferson. It was an absolutely epic night of music that offered entertainment of almost all genres. We had countless generous sponsors from EV to papa johns, to carnivore candy jerky and so much more that all donated prizes for our raffles or money for the kids. If
this event has a body, The sponsors are the blood
of this event.
<CV> Give us a little background on the past
shows and how many you have done thus far.
<CV> How much was raise in money and toys?
<JEFF> We are proud to say we just celebrated <JEFF> I'm proud to say We had our best year to
our 15 year anniversary. We have performed in date! We took in hundreds of toys and raised
backyards all the way to venues like House Of $5,000 to buy more. We will form teams and go
Blues and M15. We've been blessed to perform for shopping so we can cover all ages and both genthousands upon thousands of wonderful people ders infant to 18. Jason and I will do that in the
over that time. Don't get me wrong, We have had coming weeks and then deliver them. I'm very exmany trials and obstacles over the years. We've cited!
had to deal with many people and bands with terrible egos, flakes and ulterior motives not about
the cause and that made the event suffer to some- <CV> Do you have plans to do this again next
times drastically by those types of people but Ja- year?
son and I persevered and kept going. We learned <JEFF> Well to be honest it's always in my plans
trial and error and continue to learn every year to every year. But I hope I will be out on tour by next
make each year better. And as I've always said this year. But if not..... Definitely! We'll see what God
type of show reveals the hearts of many people has in store for me.
good and bad So we honestly just try and focus
<CV> Let's start off with introducing the band
and their roles
<STEVE> Steve Braun – Lead Vocals
Jon Bodan – Lead Guitar, BGV and Growls
Skyler Moore – Bass, Growls and Screamer
Max Eve – Rythmn Guitar and BGV
Aaron Baumoel - Drums
<CV> I understand you are based in Atlanta
Georgia, and that you originally formed in 2001?
Tell us about that.
<STEVE> Jon formed the band back in 2001 and
is the only original member. I’ve been in the band
almost 6 years, Skyler and Max almost 3 years
and Aaron has been in for about 30 seconds.
<CV> Tell us how you came up with the name
for the band?
<STEVE> It was actually a street in a real nice
neighborhood where Jon grew up. For all of you
that are wondering its pronounced “HAL-SEEON WAY”, lol
Skyler is into Newer Metal like Lamb of God,
Bullet for My Valentine, etc
<CV> So give me a little background on each
Max is a Dream Theater and Dave Matthews
<STEVE> We each have our own influences.
Jon comes from an old school thrash and metal
Aaron is into polka and Britney Spears (I actually have no idea, lol)
I (Steve) come from tradition Hard Rock and Hair
<CV> What brought you all together and how
did you know this was a perfect fit?
<STEVE> I’m going to say fate brought us together…you know its right when everyone believes in the music and has openly committed to
sacrificing to make it work .
<CV> What got each of you into music and at
what age did you know this is what you wanted
to do?
<STEVE> I grew up having siblings 13 years
older than me, so I was exposed to music from a
very young age. I grew up listening to Billy Joel,
Christopher Cross, Pat Benetar, etc. It wasn’t til
I was about 16 did I decide this is what I want to
do with my life. So I started taking lessons and
practicing everyday.
<CV> Who would you consider your biggest music influences and why?
<STEVE> My 2 biggest influences are Tony
Harnell of TNT/Skid Row/Morning Wood and
Michael Sweet of Stryper. Both of those guys
have incredible voices and range. I play in an
acoustic duo and we actually play a couple of
Stryper and Morning Wood songs in our set.
Maybe one day I’ll be able to jam with them.
<CV> Tell us about your very first show together, how did it go and how were you received?
<STEVE> My first show was at Pathfinder Metal
Fest, we headlined Saturday night. That was a
magical show…everyone was out to see if the
new guy could pull it off. We had a blast!
<CV> You have 4 albums out currently “A Manifesto Of Domination, Building The Towers, Indoctrination, and Conquer. Give us some insight
on those albums, how were they received?
<STEVE> I think with each album we have
grown and so has our fan base. A Manifesto
came out a few years before I joined the band.
Building the Towers and Indoctrination came
out during a difficult time for the band. Jon was
diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and
was out of commission for well over a year. Dur
ing that time we started the writing process for
Conquer. Conquer is undoubtedly the most
success we’ve had. We debuted at #46 on the
Billboard Heatseeker Chart and we were in the
top 10 on the college radio charts for weeks.
<CV> Do you guys have plans for a new album, and if so anything you would like to
share about that?
<STEVE> We are in the midst of writing a
new album entitled “Burning the Summit”.
We are trying to grow as songwriters and musicians. We don’t wanna rehash anything…it
needs to be fresh.
<CV> Give us some insight on the song and
music writing process; is it a joined effort or
does one person do all the writing?
<STEVE> Jon writes a bunch of riffs…he’s a riff
machine. He will come to me with an idea/
complete song and we mold it into that traditional HW sound. Jon has always been the main
song writer but this time everyone is bringing
their ideas to the table.
<CV> Tell us about the recording process, anything you like or dislike?
<STEVE> I love recording…It’s always awesome to be creative. However, we have had our
times that make you wanna scream and break
something, lol
<CV> What is the motivation behind the songs
your write? Do any of them speak to you on a
personal level and if so why?
<STEVE> We try to have all of our songs have
a meaning that people can relate to. If I don’t believe in what I sing, how can I be passionate
about it on stage?
<CV> Tell us about the music industry today
and where you think "Halycon Way" fits in?
<STEVE> We are a straight up Metal band that
fits nicely with Killswitch Engage, Bullet for My
Valentine and All That Remains. It’s hard for a
band like us to get noticed cause everyone and
their brother has a band but we’ve been very
blessed in doing some big tours.
<CV> What are your thoughts on the use and
necessity of Social Media?
<STEVE> It’s a necessary evil…If you’re not in
peoples faces everyday they forget you. Sad but
<CV> How do you feel about music download
sales, would you prefer a return to CD's and Vinyl?
<STEVE> If there wasn’t illegal downloads
there would be a lot of bands like us that wouldn’t need day jobs. I personally still love CD’s. I
love the artwork, to see who they thank, what
gear they use, who the producer is, etc
<CV> You recently toured with Queensryche,
that had to have been great! Tell us how that
came to be and how the tour itself went.
<STEVE> We got that opportunity through
Milton at Infinity Concerts (he’s our booking
agent). It was incredible…The crowds accepted
us and the Queensryche guys were amazing to
us. We became like a family with them…Of
course we were the annoying little brother, lol
But hey that’s rock n roll!
<CV> I know you toured with Fozzy and Saxon in 2013. They are both great bands, in fact
we have interviewed Fozzy and worked with
them a few times, such great guys. What did
you take away from that experience?
<STEVE> Friendship…Both Saxon and Fozzy
became good friends and mentors to us. We got
to play in some amazing venues and meet awesome people, like you :) (Yes…I know I’m
sucking up, lol)
<CV> Tell us about some of the other shows you
have played so far, do you have a favorite place to
play and why?
<STEVE> Our best show ever was in Bogotá,
Columbia with Arch Enemy. The fans embraced
from the time we got off the airplane, to our hotel,
until we went back to the airport. Amazing, amazing time!
<CV> I see you guys have played overseas, how
was that? I know many artists love to play there,
the music scene is so different and the fans seem
much more dedicated. Is there a plan to go back?
<STEVE> We enjoy our time overseas and of
course can’t wait to go back!
<CV> Any funny stories to tell from tour life?
<STEVE> This story is from our last night on
tour with Delain and Trilium. The guys in Trillium threw a blow up doll on stage during our set.
Of course I threw it out in the audience. Somehow the doll ended up with the flight attendant are constantly moving all over the stage and infriend of ours. Needless to say she flew first class teracting with the crowd. We give 110% on stage
(in her own seat) back to the US. That made for a every night.
fun ending to a great tour.
<CV> To Date, is there any one show that is
<CV> I understand you recently signed a world- memorable for you and stands out and why?
wide management deal with Alpha and Omega
<STEVE> Bogata, Columbia because of those
Management. Congratulations!! Tell us about
crazy fans!
how this came about! Any big plans in the works
at the moment?
<STEVE> They approached us after hearing that <CV> Where do you think you are in the jourwe were pursuing a new management company. ney of "Halcyon Way"
They have brought some really cool things to the <STEVE> Hopefully we are on the verge of gotable already and a couple they are negotiating for ing to the next level…better label and bigger tours
us so I can’t tell you what it is just yet. Those guys (fingers crossed)
are awesome…They believe in our music and our
blue collar work ethic which is something our last
management team didn’t believe in.
<CV> What do you like to do in your down
time? Who do you like to listen to?
<CV> What can fans expect to see at a "Halcyon <STEVE> I play in a couple of cover bands, it
helps keep my voice strong. I love to work out
Way " show?
and spend time with my wife Tara and our 3 pup<STEVE> Energy… If you’ve come to watch pies. My favorite bands right now are Upon A
with your arms crossed please stay home. We Burning Body, All That Remains, Killswitch En-
gage and of course Stryper (though I’m not a fan
of the newest disc, not sure why).
<CV> Are your families supportive of your career?
<STEVE> They have to be…it would be too hard
if they didn’t.
<CV> What advice would you give a band just
starting out?
STEVE> Work hard and don’t rely on anyone
else to do the work for you. Promote your shows!
<CV> What is your favorite thing about being on
stage? What motivates you to do what you do?
<STEVE> Interacting with people is the reason
we do this. To make people feel your music is the
greatest accomplishment.
<CV> What does "Halcyon Way" have planned
for the rest of 2016? Any tours or projects in the
<STEVE> There may be a tour or couple shows
to announce…remember I can’t tell you yet;). Of
course we are going to finish writing the new album and hopefully have it in the can by the beginning of 2017 for a summer release.
<CV> What would you like to say to your fans
and our readers?
<STEVE> Please spread the word about
us. We are still up and comers and we need
your help to get to the next level. Like our
Facebook page and if we come to your
town come out and support. If you come
out please make sure you come to the
merch table and say HI!
10/28 TO 10/30
HOLLYWOOD, CA (July 31, 2016) – John 5 &
The Creatures are on fire with the fans from all
over the world! They will embark on a string of
dates in the U.K. and Europe starting October 5,
2016 in London, England. This tour includes an
exclusive VIP upgrade package giving you the experience of a lifetime with a one of a kind in person opportunity!! Tix and VIP Package Here:
tures VIP package – This is where you can get you
close and personal with the band! Alien Con Tix:
John 5 & The Creatures consist of John 5 (guitar),
Ian Ross (bass) and Rodger Carter (drums). Get
your tickets NOW!
John 5 & The Creatures have been slowly releasing new singles and videos since the beginning of Oct 05
the year. Their latest single release HELL HAW
debuts its counterpart video today! The single can
be downloaded on iTunes – Check out this CRA- Oct 06
ZY HELL HAW video produced and directed by
Matt Zane – Video Here: Oct 07
Spend the days before Halloween with John 5 &
The Creatures at Alien Con, October 28th to Oc- Oct 08
tober 30th at the Santa Clara Convention Center
in Santa Clara, CA. This Spooktacular event
weekend kicks off that Friday with a live perfor- Oct 10
mance by the band. These tickets are going fast so erlands
order here and upgrade to the John 5 & The Crea-
The Garage
The Corporation
London, UK
Sheffield, UK
Cathouse Rock Club
Glasgow, UK
Academy 3
Manchester, UK
De Helling
Utrecht, Neth-
Oct 11
Oct 12
Oct 13
Colos - Saal
Hamburg, Ger-
Cologne, Ger-
You do NOT want to miss these live shows. Full
Details and more can be found at
MEGADETH’S DYSTOPIA WORLD TOUR ROLLS Lamb of God, and to also have gotten a chance
to dance with my heroes at the ball. I still can't
believe it sometimes when I think of myself as a
WITH UPCOMING DATES TO BE ANNOUNCED kid, opening up my Megadeth albums...and now
I'm an alumni! I'm very proud of that - and I will
continue to be their biggest fan."
LOS ANGELES, CA – July 14, 2016 - MEGADETH are happy to announce the addition of
Dirk Verbeuren as the band’s new drummer.
Verbeuren, formerly of Swedish metal band Soilwork, has been performing with the band for
months, his first show was Rock on The Range
festival in May, to a crowd of 40,000 concertgoers.
Most recently, Lamb Of God drummer Chris Adler had performed all the drums on the band’s latest album, Dystopia, and had toured with MEGADETH when not otherwise busy with his band.
Said bandleader Dave Mustaine: "Chris Adler's
contributions are sure to be felt for years to come.
Megadeth has been revitalized by Chris' playing,
as well as his excellent suggestion of Dirk
Verbeuren to drum with us. Tremendous thanks
to Chris, and a big welcome to Dirk."
The global Dystopia tour, which is currently in
full swing, will have visited five continents by the
end of 2016. Current tour dates are included below, with full information available at
Dystopia originally debuted at No. 3 on the Billboard Top 200 chart, No. 1 album on the Hard
Music and Top Rock charts. and No. 2 on the
Top Album Sales chart. Globally, Dystopia also
achieved top 10 debuts in Canada (No. 2), Japan
(No. 2 international chart), Finland (No. 3), Mexico (No. 4), Czech Republic (No. 5), Australia
(No. 6), New Zealand (No. 6), Switzerland (No.
7), Poland (No. 8) and Germany (No. 10), which
along with Belgium, Ireland and Spain contributed to achieve MEGADETH’s highest ever chart
positions in their thirty year history in a total of
10 countries around the world. Other countries
with significant sales or chart debuts included
UK, Norway, Sweden, Italy, Netherlands, and
France. A truly worldwide success. Heralded by
fans and critics alike as ranking among MEGADETH’s strongest albums ever, Dystopia had already outsold the entire sales history of the band’s
previous album – in only it’s first two weeks of
New drummer Verbeuren had this to say: "Dave,
David and Kiko, I'm thankful for your warm welcome and thrilled at the opportunity to perform
and create badass music with you guys. Chris Adler, thank you for introducing me to Megadeth - Go to for ticketing
and for your encouragement and support."
info and up-to-date information.
Said Adler: "It has been an honor and a pleasure
to join my favorite band of all time, and to be a
part of their return to the top. I had an amazing MEGADETH DYSTOPIA WORLD TOUR
time with everyone involved, from the writing, 2016:
arranging and recording, to the touring and AUGUST
friendships built along the way. There was no arAug
gument or drama, no hidden story. Megadeth
Santiago, Chile
needs and deserves a full time drummer, and as
much as I'd like to be, I can't be in two places at
once. For my part, I am very lucky to be a part of A u g
Neuquen, Argentina
Monterrey, Mexico
Neuquen, Argentina
Aug 0 7
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Espa ço
A u g
0 9
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Brasilia, Brazil
E x p o m i n a s
A u g
1 3
Fortaleza, Brazil
Porto Alegre, Brazil
S i a r á
Sep 24 Ozzfest Meets Knotfest @San Manuel
Amp. San Bernardino, CA U.S.A.
MEGADETH burst onto the scene thirty years
ago, virtually inventing a genre with their debut
album Killing Is My Business… And Business Is
Good! (recently recognized by VH1 as the
Greatest Thrash Metal Debut Album of All
Time) sold more than 38 million albums worldwide, earning numerous accolades including 11
Grammy® nominations, scoring five consecutive platinum albums—including 1992’s twomillion-selling Countdown to Extinction.
H a l l
A u g
1 8
Curitiba, Brazil
Asuncion, Paraguay
S p a z i o
V a n
A u g
2 2
Buenos Aires, Argentina
L u n a
P a r k
A u g
2 3
Buenos Aires, Argentina
L u n a
P a r k
Aug 26
Estadio Jorge “El Magico” Gonzales
San Salvador, El Salvador
Mexico City, Mexico
Sep 01
Plaza de Toros
Santiago de Queretaro, Mexico
Maria |
Megadeth |
Order in the Chaos
Stage Presence is Always an Asset…
But, sometimes you can afford to tone it down a trying to work on new music and worse, during a
live show. Some folks get a rush out of playing,
which is a good thing. The problem is, it’s not
such a good thing when they begin to waste eveA friend of mine recently reached out to me seek- ryone else’s time in the room. It can squash the
ing advice on how he should handle showboat work ethic and productivity of the band pretty
players in his own bands. I was flattered he came quickly, and on stage it can ruin the bands credito me, honestly. I mean, he tours with some pret- bility with the audience DAMNED quick!
ty impressive talent, as well as has a couple killer
local bands he plays in. Why seek MY wisdom?
Secondly, I define the showboat clown as the guy
who always acts like all eyes are on him and that
Maybe, it’s because when it comes to being in a he is the center of attention at all times. I used to
band, I tend to have a stronger work ethic than be that guy. In many ways, I still am. It’s the reamost. Or, perhaps it’s that I’m such an opinionat- son I play guitar. And probably a personality trait
ed guy… who knows. Either way, I think I gave that comes from being ignored by your parents as
good advice. I also told him that I would write a kid. Who knows. I’m not much of a psycholomy next article based on some of what we spoke gist in these matters, I just know that it took
of. So, here goes…
someone pulling me off to the side and gently
punching me in the gut with their honest words. I
still clown around and have an over-active huWe’ve all met those showboating egomaniacs… morous side when around others, but when it
the ones that cannot seem to stop playing unrelat- comes to rehearsal or live shows with a band, I
ed material or clowning around in rehearsal; and, turn it off. That is, until the next song starts.
even worse, on STAGE in front of a live audi- Then I subconsciously flip the switch back on
and perform.
I find those types of players highly annoying and
aggravating. Evidently, my pal does too. Sadly,
though, it is a touchy subject to broach with the
egocentric types. And they will often become
quickly irritated when confronted about these annoying habits. But, this article isn’t really about
how to sidestep hurting their feelings or pissing
them off, it’s about how to address it professionally and how to keep your sanity.
It really is a matter of professionalism that they
may not have put together yet. As a band member who knows this rule already, it can drive you
nuts trying to put up with it. And if you are anything like me, you are in rehearsal to WORK,
and playing a show to get more fans or to show
the public that your band is something special.
You need to talk to them and get them to understand that you appreciate their desire to play, but
that it is hurting your band. But do it singly.
First, let’s outline the constant jammer. That guy Maybe go have a beer with them, or a bite to eat.
that seems to never stop playing when you are Then ease into it and let them know how you feel
about it. That you enjoy that part of their personality, but that there is a time and place for it. And
that time is not when you are trying to work out
parts, learning a new song for your set list, or even
worse… while the Vocalist is addressing the audience between songs.
Brien DeChristopher
Custom Drum Wraps
If it bothers you, be the guy who gently punches
them in the stomach. But, don’t lose your shit.
And, don’t yell at them in front of the others. You
might find that you are the only one it bothers… if
that is the case, you could come off like an ass.
And if you are the ONLY one it bothers, and you
mention it to a deaf ear then you might be in the
wrong band. You might want to find another
group of guys a little more like you before you
lose your sanity.
But, trust me, that is no easy decision to make,
especially if your band has great potential and a
killer sound. You might just have to suck it up
and loosen up if that is the case. You’ll have to
make that decision on your own. Just be cool, either way and don’t leave like an ass or that stigma
(however unfair) may follow you around the scene and prevent others from being open to working
with you.
The same can be said of the guys who are the
clowns and over-active showboats. If you are one
of them… the audience has already seen it. So
have the other band members of the groups
you’ve done shows with. And your acceptance
level with them may have been shot before you
even knocked on their door. Word gets around,
and unfortunately the bad words about a person’s
lack of professionalism will get around a hell of a
lot faster than how good of a player you are. So
be careful. Appearance is everything in the music
world, and if the music world sees you as ugly
and unprofessional… you won’t have a chance at
working with others and might become the best
bedroom instrumentalist in the world.
Don’t risk it. It often takes years to gain a professional image and only seconds to lose it.
Wearable Art
Presented by CV WorldWide Magazine and PureSin Photography