Year End 2009-10 - St. Mary`s International School


Year End 2009-10 - St. Mary`s International School
St. Mary’s International School
Year-End 2010
Inside this issue
SMA President
A Message from our Headmaster
Elementary School
Middle School
Learning Support Center
ES/MS Counselor
IB Coordinator
ES Library
MS/HS Library
Athletics Department
Swim Team
Development Office
SMA News
SMA Vice President
SMA Treasurer
SMA Room Parent
SMA Int’l Ball Chairs
SMA Carnival Chairs
SMA Raffle Chairs
SMA Donations Chairs
SMA Carnival
SMA Raffle Results
Dates to Remember
The end of the school year rapidly approaches. The teachers and
students are looking forward to a well-deserved vacation. Some of our
students will be leaving us, and I would like to wish them success in
their new location. Our graduates are getting ready for the big transition
to college life, and for most of them it will be the first time they will spend
long periods of time away from their families. We believe they are ready
for this important time in their lives, and prepared to make future
contributions to society. We are thankful they chose St. Mary’s to help
them get there.
We value each child as a unique person, a very special learner, and we
strive to provide the environment and the expertise to help him acquire
knowledge, have confidence in himself, and empathy for others. As W.B.
Yeats said, “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.”
As educators, we believe that our students have an innate potential to
grow in intelligence, character, ability, motivation, and responsibility
through effort, perseverance and encouraging support.
The most important factors for social adjustment and higher academic
success are related to developing social-emotional competencies,
balancing autonomy and responsibility, self-guidance, and regulation.
The child who has empathy and positive relationships with his peers will
have more chance to succeed in school and in life.
Our task as educators is very subtle, and when we try to reduce it to
simple learning of facts we distort our objective and devalue our
We teach, we educate, and we impart Christian values.
-Br. Michel Jutras, Headmaster
Greetings from the St. Mary’s Association President
This is the SMA’s final newsletter for the year, and one in which we traditionally extend our
thanks to everyone who has helped with the various events and activities over the past
First, it’s been an absolute pleasure to work with this year’s Board, some of whom were on
the preceding year’s Board and some of whom joined the Board this year. Ben, Miwa,
Etsuko, Miho, Chie, Hisako, Rika, David, Naomi, Chigusa, Janette, Akane, Miyuki, Mihoko,
Josie, Noriko, Saeko, Aki, Yoon Sun, Michal, Caterina and Roula, I’ve learned so much
from your professional approach, attention to detail, creative ideas, dedication, good humor,
and patience. You are an amazing team of people to work with and I enjoyed every
moment. Thank you to Therese, Yukari and Tomoko who were a strong support team for
Donations, and Susanna who stepped in to help Janette in organizing the Spring Luncheon,
and who did a superb job in a very short space of time. I’ve enjoyed working with each and
every one of you, and wish you all the best wherever you find yourselves in the next school
I would also like to thank Br. Michel, whose door was always open for me and who was
generous with his time and advice whenever I approached him. The Main Office staff
always greeted us with smiles and a willingness to help with whatever we needed, while
the maintenance staff were another essential part of every event we staged, and took care
of all of our logistical needs and much more.
A huge thank-you must go to every single faculty member. Your support was important to
the success of all our events. Whether it allowing the RP boys to decorate cake boxes,
allowing students to help fold our fliers, encouraging the boys to sell Raffle Tickets, or going
the extra mile to ensure we had artwork displays for the Spring Luncheon and art pieces for
the Carnival Art Auction, you have supported the SMA in a myriad of ways.
This year, we brought back Carnival, which was a new challenge, since we went into
planning with a completely new area while dealing with the ongoing construction. Again,
every single member of the St. Mary’s faculty helped in some way to support this
event—working in country booths, as “ice men”, as performers, with the White Elephant
Sale, and keeping an eye on areas to make sure there were no problems. Whatever role
you played, we truly could not have done it without you. Although there are too many
people to name individually, please know that we offer our heartfelt thanks to you all.
To all parents who came forward to help, whether it was baking for the Bingo Bake Sale or
cooking for the Staff Appreciation Lunch, helping with the High School Ice Cream Bash, or
joining one of the numerous committees needed to put together Bingo, the International
Ball, Raffle, Carnival, the Spring Luncheon and the High School and Elementary School
Graduations, I would like to extend my most sincere appreciation. Again, there are so many
people to name, but we could not have done it without each and every one of you.
Lastly, but by no means the least, thank you very much to our countless donors whose
generous contributions contributed to a successful fundraising effort, and who support
made all of our plans a reality. I’m sorry if I missed anyone, but please know your part in
supporting the SMA is no less valued.
Next year, there will be a brand new school following the completion of most of the facilities
on the South Campus. The torch will also be passed on to a new SMA Board to continue
the planning and execution of the school’s annual events. I encourage as many of you as
possible to come forward and join the SMA Board, or volunteer your time and participate on
any one of the events. It is a wonderful way to meet new people, learn new skills and be
part of St. Mary’s on a deeper level, all for the benefit of our boys.
Finally I would like to say how much I have enjoyed my role as president for the past two
years. It has given me the chance to interact with so many people, and this is something
that I will miss. I wish next year’s SMA Board a successful and enjoyable year and I hope
that you all have a safe and happy summer.
Warm regards,
-Gillian Kinjo, SMA President
From the Elementary School Assistant Principal
Summer vacation is almost here. These final hectic weeks of school have been quite busy
but we all know that our hard work will pay off with excellent results in the end. We also
know that we will be in our new buildings when we return to school in August. Yes, the
South Campus Fine Arts/Gym and Pool/Cafeteria buildings will be finished over the
summer and ready for us to move into when we return for the 2010-2011 school year. Then
we will only have to wait until March for the final phase (Multipurpose Room and parking
lot) of the building to be completed. The time has gone quickly and soon we will have our
entire new campus finished! Thanks so much for your patience and understanding during
the building phases. We are almost there!
Of course, we all know that the new buildings are only part of the story. The real story is not
the buildings but what occurs within them each day of school. All of our students have
learned a great many things this year and have grown not only physically, but also in
knowledge and character. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for the
support and cooperation you have given us. We have stated many times that the school
cannot accomplish its mission of forming young men who are Knowledgeable, Globally
Aware, Effective Communicators, Critical and Creative Thinkers and Of Good Character on
our own. We always depend upon the teamwork we create with you, our St. Mary’s parents,
to make sure that each child in our care receives everything he needs to fully realize his
potential and to find success in all he does. Please accept our sincere gratitude for all your
support and for helping us give your son the fine educational experience he deserves.
Now that summer vacation is almost upon us, I would like to suggest, as I do every year,
that you make sure that any activities your son may participate in over the summer be at
least a balance of study and fun. The summer months are a great opportunity for simple
reading for pleasure and, of course, for family travel, which is both educational and fun. If I
may suggest that you encourage your son to participate in our Elementary School Library’s
“Catch the Reading Wave” summer reading challenge (each student should read 800
pages) this summer since it is a great way for him to keep up his reading skills while he is
away. Please have a fun and relaxing summer.
Finally, to those who are leaving us at the end of this year, we wish you every success in
your new school; we hope you take many fond memories of St. Mary’s with you as you
leave. For all those coming back to St. Mary’s in August, we look forward to seeing you
return refreshed and ready to meet the challenges of the coming school year. Have a safe,
fun and restful holiday!
- Michael DiMuzio, Elementary School Assistant Principal
From the Middle School Principal
As the end of another school year draws close and the temperature begins to climb,
thoughts turn to the long summer vacation that is just around the corner. Because of the
South Campus reconstruction project, school will not open for students again until August
30th. For parents, this means finding a way to keep your children busy for more than 11
Many Middle School boys will be enrolling in summer school in Japan or overseas. This is a
great way to keep learning during the long vacation. In addition, a lot of programs include a
physical fitness component where boys and girls can participate in outdoor activities like
hiking, swimming, kayaking and team sports in beautiful wilderness surroundings.
Summer studies can keep the mind alert and active, as well as helping your son to retain
some of his prior knowledge during the long period when school is closed. However, it is
also very important that families build in some extended “down time,” when they can spend
quality time together. This is often very difficult during the school year as family members
may have after-school or work commitments that leave everyone tired by the end of the
day and in no mood for family activities.
I would encourage you to look for ways to spend time this summer as a family on things
that have nothing to do with work or school. This may be challenging for parents who have
limited vacation time. However, even a few simple family routines like playing a board
game in the evening or cooking dinner together can help family members to re-connect.
Such activities may be much easier to organize during vacation time when there are fewer
demands on everyone’s time.
My wish for each of our Middle School families is a summer vacation that leaves you
refreshed and energized for the school year to come. To all of our departing families, the
Middle School staff and I send you our best wishes for the future, and our sincere thanks
for being part of our community.
-Andrew Cross, Middle School Principal
From the Learning Support Coordinator
Summer is the time to pursue a passion
At an early age, JK Rowling’s parents constantly read to her and to her sister and
surrounded them with books: fairy tales, fantasies, classics. Her most vivid memory of
childhood was her father sitting and reading The Wind in the Willows when she was sick
with the measles. She was also an enthusiastic teller of made-up stories to her younger
sister who would ask her to tell the same story again and again (although they were never
the same after each retelling). Soon after she turned six, Joanne finally sat down to put her
first story down on paper.
Jane Goodall as a child received a lifelike chimpanzee toy from her mother. This toy chimp
was named Jubilee, after the first chimp that was born in the London Zoo; and thus began
her lifelong love of animals. From a very early age, she was enthralled with all kinds of
animals — squirrels, birds, insects — and she was said to be immensely curious about
their lives. She would spend hours watching them and writing notes on everything she
Michael Jordan spent days and days on end playing basketball with his older brothers.
Single-minded and dedicated, and eager to make the basketball team in high school, he
spent a big part of one summer hanging on monkey bars to try to grow or, at least, hope to
stretch by a few extra inches. His talent and ability, combined with an amazing work ethic
on and off the court, transformed him into one of the best players, if not the best basketball
player the world has ever seen.
Environmentalist Doug Tompkins, founder of two retailing giants, The North Face and
Esprit, is an avid rock climber and adventure-seeker. Way back when rock-climbing was
not as popular as it is these days, he fashioned his own rock climbing equipment because
the ones available were not quite good enough. To make money on the side, he sold rock
climbing and camping equipment that he had designed and made, and thus began the
iconic retail company, The North Face.
A donation from the Mothers’ Club to buy a teletype terminal and a block of computer time
when he was in 8th grade started Bill Gates’ interest in programming. His grandmother
loved card games and believed that they improved the ability to strategize; so she taught
Bill how to play card games like “Go Fish.” No wonder the first few computer programs Bill
Gates wrote were games to be played against the computer.
What are all these stories about? Clearly, each one of these people has taken an interest in
something quite ordinary, and then pursued these ordinary interests with extraordinary zeal.
By doing so, they have gradually transformed these interests into lifelong passions that
have led to unheard-of achievements, even fame and, for most of them, huge fortunes.
Indeed, as you read about people who have done amazing things, you will also find that
these people have experienced crushing disappointment along the way. We have all heard
stories about Michael Jordan being cut from the varsity basketball team when he was in
10th grade. Some of them, like the famous artist Grandma Moses, led very ordinary and
dutiful lives; but began pursuing a different path much later in life. Grandma Moses started
painting in earnest when she was about 70 years old. Stories like these are not uncommon;
and behind each of these are certain circumstances, people, and environments that
somehow encouraged the pursuit of these passions.
Let us be the environment-shapers, the people who inspire future success stories; for,
indeed, summer could be a good time to pursue a passion. Or at least start one.
-Mitos Molina, Learning Support Coordinator
From the Elementary/Middle School Counselor
Saying Goodbye (Read whether you are staying or moving)
It’s that time of year again. Many people will be taking off for summer vacation to visit exotic
lands. Others will be traveling to see their friends and relatives. Some will be staying in
Tokyo and some will be moving away for good. Whatever category your family is in,
inevitably you will end up having to say goodbye to someone.
Often “saying goodbye” advice focuses on those who are moving. There is a lot of literature
written to help families and children deal with “moving issues.” (In fact I have some good
books in my office if you’re moving and would like to borrow them.) But saying goodbye
really affects those who are “staying behind” as much as it does those who are moving
away. In fact sometimes, especially with children, it can be more difficult if your best friend
leaves than if you yourself were to move.
I recommend talking to your son about moving (even if you aren’t). Ask him if anyone he
knows is leaving at the end of the year, and then ask him how he feels about it. Share your
own experiences and feelings of times when you had to say goodbye to friends and family.
Point out the different feelings that you had at the time. Often it can be difficult for boys to
decipher what they are actually feeling. It helps if you can name the feeling first and then
ask if they are experiencing that emotion. Boys will sometimes tell you about an experience
or “state of being” instead of an actual feeling. Help them to put a “feeling word” with what
they tell you. For example a boy might say, “I’m really going to miss my friend.” You can
respond, “So are you feeling sad about him going?” This will help your son associate a
feeling to what is happening to him. Often saying goodbye can bring up a multitude of
different feelings all mixed together. If you can name and acknowledge those feelings it can
help reduce the anxiety that often goes along with the feelings. You can also then tell
yourself (or a parent can tell their child) that they are “just feelings.” They are normal,
neither right nor wrong, and that they will eventually go away. This can be very comforting
to children and adults as well.
One of my lessons that I give to the elementary school boys is on the topic of “feelings.”
Most of the boys initially feel that it is wrong to feel sad, angry, etc. By the end of the lesson
they have learned that it’s “OK” to have any feeling, as long as it is expressed appropriately
(i.e. it’s OK to be angry and even to state it, but it’s not OK to hit).
We all know that you feel sad when you have to say goodbye to someone who is special.
But often there are also feelings of anger, frustration, fear and worry (just to name a few).
Those tend to be the emotions that we don’t talk about, but they are very important to
Finally, all those “goodbye rituals” really do help. No matter what age you are, don’t
downplay the importance of a Sayonara party. Take and give photos to each other. Have a
special book and get everyone to write down addresses, e-mail addresses and phone
numbers (they can get scattered and lost on little business cards and scraps of paper).
Give a special gift to your friend. You don’t need to go buy one. Give away your favorite
seashell or plant (it actually has more meaning than a store-bought item). Do plan to call
and visit one another in the future, if possible.
Well, I hope that helps. As always, please contact me if you’d like some additional help with
this topic. And now it is time for me to say “goodbye” to the end of the 2009-2010 school
newsletter. I must admit I feel a sense of joy and relief having finished this last article of the
-Julie Gordon, Elementary/Middle School Counselor
From the IB Coordinator
IB News
‘Creativity, Action and Service,’ or ‘CAS,’ is a core curriculum component for all IB Diploma
students. While it is a requirement, it is also an opportunity to get involved in non-academic
pursuits, and to give back to the community in a meaningful way. This, of course, is not
restricted to the IB Diploma students ... anyone can get involved! Hands on Tokyo, an
association of Tokyo schools working on various relief projects around the city, is the
newest service program we have introduced to the program. The projects are varied and
fun. Amnesty International is also a new group within the school, attracting students with an
interest in human rights. The International Association of Volunteer Effort is going strong,
with students helping to cook meals for the elderly in Yutenji on Sunday mornings. Room to
Read is another active group, and other new groups, like Greenpeace, are also in the
works. Check out the bulletin board on the third floor for more information.
As technology advances, we stay with it as best we can and use it to our advantage. At St.
Mary’s, I’ve observed the proliferation of laptops or ‘netbooks’ for daily use in school. As IB
Coordinator, I endorse and encourage their use, particularly among Juniors and Seniors.
Presently, a majority of IB students regularly use the school’s wireless system to access
the Internet for research, and use laptops/netbooks for writing notes and research papers
during class or their free periods. These tools are indispensible for the modern student, and
I strongly encourage parents of upcoming Juniors and Seniors to invest in one. Having said
that, I must also warn the risk of loss or theft is very real. Students must protect their
laptops/netbooks in secure lockers when they are not using them, and must be ready to
assume full responsibility in event of their loss.
Summer is a great time for relaxation, but also for looking ahead to the following year.
Class of 2011 IB Diploma students will be busy with their Extended Essays, and
researching and touring prospective colleges. Others may use it to strengthen skill bases in
certain subject areas. Whichever way the next ten weeks are used, this time should be
both productive and leave you rejuvenated. Make the most of them!
-Cris Copping, IB Coordinator
From the Elementary School Library
Did you know that young readers who don’t continue to read over the summer may actually
lose the reading level they achieved during the school year? Research suggests that
reading as few as four to six books over the summer helps students to maintain the level of
reading they achieved during the previous school year. With this in mind, we are once
again offering a generous summer checkout limit for St. Mary’s families and created
another exciting Summer Reading Program that will be fun for the whole family.
Summer Checkout
This year’s Summer Checkout will take place on June 1, 2 and 3. Parents are asked to
accompany their children in grades RP to 3 during the allotted checkout time for each class
or during one of the many Open Checkout times. Students in grades 4 to 5 may check out
independently provided they have a signed permission slip on file.
Please bring your own bag to carry your summer books. Remember students
may check out 15 books and parents may check out 25 books! That’s a lot of
reading pleasure for the summer months.
Parents who have not registered with the library are asked to register before the Summer
Checkout dates. It takes about two minutes to fill in the form. We look forward to meeting
Summer Reading Program 2010
Join our Elementary School Library “Catch the Reading Wave” summer
reading program this summer! Our students, currently in RP to 4th grade,
have been challenged to read at least 800 pages and record the books and
pages read in their summer reading logs.
When the Elementary School students read a combined total of 200,000 pages, the entire
Elementary School will earn a FREE DRESS day! Students who reach the 800 page goal
will earn a prize, as will our top readers from each grade level.
We are striving for 100% participation by our students this year. The ES students are
excited about this year’s reading program. With a little help from parents and older siblings,
I am certain each child can attain the 800 page goal. I am looking forward to seeing their
reading logs this fall.
The program begins on June 4 and ends on August 30. Please turn in the completed
reading logs by September 3 in the ES Library. We can’t wait to see how many pages the
fantastic St. Mary’s readers have read!
A Fond Farewell
The Library Staff and I wish to thank Mrs. Tsetan Berman for three exciting years as the ES
Library Circulation Assistant. What can I say about such a valued member of the ES Library
Staff? Her dedication, artistic skills, patience and her warm smile will be deeply missed.
With much gratitude we bid her a fond farewell and look forward to hearing about the
exciting next chapter in her life. Thank you Mrs. Berman!
Happy Summer Reading Elementary Students and Parents!!!!!
-Tammy Hays, Elementary School Librarian
From the High School Library
It’s a pleasure to announce the 2010 Sakura Medal Award winning
books. And the winners are: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
(Middle School book winner) and Numbers by David A. Poulsen
(High School book winner).
We also had our very own winner at St. Mary’s: Radoslaw Szyk, grade 12, won
the coveted Sakura Medal Art Competition in the high school book art
category! International students participating across Japan voted for Rad’s
fantastic artwork online. It will be presented to author David Poulsen together
with the 2010 Sakura Medal.
To see all the winning artwork and for more details on the 2010 Sakura Medal
Award program, participating schools, pictures of the voting at St. Mary’s and
the celebration pizza party that followed, please visit our website at
Momentum for The Sakura Medal Award program is stronger than ever at St. Mary’s, and we had
many, many MS and HS students participating this year. By the end of April, 97 MS and HS boys
were eligible to vote! St. Mary’s voters made clear and definitive choices and were key players
among the participating international students in choosing this year’s winning book titles.
Congratulations and well done, Titans!!!
Both libraries were busy with end of the year inventory in early May, and summer checkouts began
on Monday, May 24th. Materials checked out over the summer may be kept until September 1.
We hope that everyone will take advantage of the extended summer checkout period to have plenty
of good reading material to take the mind off the long, hot summer months ahead. Be sure to check
our website for new books and great summer reading ideas for all ages.
Have a wonderful summer break, safe travels, and as always, happy reading!
- Anna Fernicola, MS/HS Librarian
From St. Mary’s Athletics
Spring Sports
Varsity Baseball
The Baseball Titans captured the Kanto Plain League and Tournament titles for the third
year in a row. The last time the baseball team achieved this feat was back in the 1990-1992
seasons. This is the fifth double crown in ten years for St. Mary’s.
In their first game, the Titans defeated Zama 8-1 as Jae Min Cho scattered four hits and
limited the Trojans to only one unearned run. In the semi-finals, the Titans had to come
back from a 4-run deficit in the last inning to score 6 runs and sneak by Yokota to gain a
berth in the finals. Jack Cavanaugh pitched seven solid innings and earned the win. In the
finals against ASIJ, the Titans were down by one at the bottom of the fifth inning but quickly
tied in the sixth with back-to-back singles and a sacrifice fly by Hio Miyazawa. Daiki
Matsunaga then delivered the coup de grace with a single down the middle to drive in the
winning run. Taiki Hirata went the distance and held the Mustangs scoreless in the final two
innings to earn the victory.
Congratulations to all players for a job well done!
MS/HS Track and Field
The Middle School track and field team had a very good season, missing out on the league
title as it finished tied for second. In the finals, the team finished third behind ASIJ and
High School track and field, meanwhile, finished fourth in the league and in the tournament.
A highlight during the season was Kelly Langley’s record-breaking performance in the 800
meter run. Kelly’s time of 1:59.86 broke the old school record of 2:01 set by Marcus Pereira
in 1985.
As the 2010 sports season draws to a close, on behalf of the sports coaches, I would like to
thank all parents, teachers, office staff, and the school administration for all of the support
they have extended to our sports program. The past three years have not been easy since
some of our teams had to practice and compete without the advantage of a home field. But
in spite of this, our players have remained steadfast in their resolve to be competitive and
win in the name of St. Mary’s. And they could not have done this without the concerted
efforts of everyone involved. And so as we end the year, we look forward with excitement to
the next school year and to our brand new sports facilities!
- Tom Molina, Athletic Director
From the Swim Team
Japanese Age Group National Swimming Championships at Tatsumi
5,136 swimmers from 978 clubs packed into the International Swimming Complex at
Tatsumi for the annual March 27-30 JOC Cup - Age Group National Short Course
Championships. Qualifying to swim at the Nationals is tough enough, but this year proved
to be a breakthrough season as Buc swimmers set new standard by advancing to finals
from their morning preliminary swims.
Day 1
Three Buc swimmers advanced to finals on the first day of the competition; Kelly Moodie
finished sixth overall in the evening finals of the 400 meter Freestyle. Kelly’s 3:48.12 prelim
swim set a new All Tokyo record, surpassing Tokyo Swimming Center’s Kai Kohata’s 2009
standard. The mark also shattered his existing Open + Area Record by 3.81 seconds.
Bruno Ortiz placed sixth overall in the 50 meter Free with a finals time of 23.07, after a
morning swim of 23.14. Bruno’s effort was just 0.13 off his newly established Open + Area
record. Senior Ryutaro Kamiya just missed with just 10 seconds off from making the A final
with a prelim swim in the 200-meter backstroke. Ryutaro took 10th overall, taking 2nd in the
consolation final with a 1:56.09 knocking 2.15 seconds off his Open + Area record.
Day 2
Again Buc swimmers advanced to the finals. Ryutaro’s 50.02 swim qualified 5th overall for
the “A” final. In a freak accident, the back of Ryutaro’s swimsuit ripped as he was sitting
down during the swimmers introduction just before the start to the final. Clearly unable to
swim and forced to scratch was a huge disappointment. Bruno made it to the “B” final going
51.18 to take 16th place.
Day 3: Bucs relay team takes 3rd in the nation!
For the 2nd consecutive year the Buccaneers relay team made it to the awards podium,
finishing with a bronze medal. After qualifying in 4th place in the morning preliminaries, the
St. Mary’s Swim Team (SMST) foursome stepped it up for the finals in a race that was
incredibly tight to the finish with just 0.70 seconds separating the 2nd - 6th place teams.
Twelve-year swim team veteran Ryutaro Kamiya got things going with a strong lead-off leg,
going 50.22. Junior Bruno Ortiz followed with a 49.89 swim. Kelly Moodie pulled the Bucs
closer to Osaka’s Itoman with a 49.27 leg. Christian Brown closed with a 51.79 effort to
secure the 3rd place finish. SMST’s 3:20.96 surpassed their 3:22.23 time at last year’s
Nationals and established a new all-time Tokyo record!
Finals standings for the 4 x 100 Freestyle Relay:
Itoman (Osaka, new National High School record)
Toyokawa High School (Nagoya)
St. Mary’s Swim Team
NEC Green (Kanagawa)
Miyukigahara Swim Team (Ibaraki)
Marine Toneri (Tokyo)
Kanamachi Swim Team (Tokyo)
Gunma Swimming School (Gunma)
Seventh grader Mokhtar Al-Yamani swam a swift 26.17 in the 11 + 12 Boys 50 meter
Freestyle finishing in 9th place overall. It was a real heartbreaker as Mokhtar missed
qualifying for the afternoon finals by just .01 seconds.
Day 4
Kelly advanced to the finals, placing seventh in the preliminaries with a 1:48.29 swim. The
afternoon finals are always nerve-wracking, particularly on the 4th day of the competition.
Kelly finished fifth overall in the finals with an impressive 1:47.94. Ishikawa-Ken’s Yuki
Kobori won the event with a new High School national record in 1:46.02. Ryutaro placed
21st overall with a 1:49.93 morning swim. Mokhtar bettered his own Open + Area record
with a 57.75 in the Boys 11 + 12 100 meter Freestyle, finishing 21st overall.
SMST Results at Nationals:
SMST 4 x 100 meter
Kelly Moodie (16)
Ryutaro Kamiya (18)
Free Relay
200 meter Free
100 meter Free
Kelly Moodie (16)
Bruno Ortiz (17)
Mokhtar Al-Yamani (12)
Ryutaro Kamiya (18)
Mokhtar Al-Yamani (12)
Bruno Ortiz (17)
Kelly Moodie (16)
Ryutaro Kamiya (18)
Mokhtar Al-Yamani (12)
Christian Brown (16)
Christian Brown (16)
Bruno Ortiz (17)
400 meter Free
50 meter Free
50 meter Free
200 meter Back
50 meter Fly
100 meter Free
100 meter Free
200 meter Free
100 meter Free
50 meter Free
50 meter Breast
50 meter Fly
3:20.96 (3rd place) / 62 entries
1:47.94 (5th place) / 93 entries
50.02(5th place) in Prelims / 97
3:49.11 (6th place) / 87 entries
23.07 (6th place) / 84 entries
26.17 (9th place) / 92 entries
1:56.09 (10th place) / 91 entries
28.34 (13th place) / 122 entries
51.18 (16th place) / 97 entries
50.86 (20th place) / 97 entries
1:49.93 (21st place) / 93 entries
57.75 (23rd place) / 75 entries
23.92 (51st place) / 84 entries
29.46 (58th place) / 105 entries
25.64 (67th place) / 102 entries
Prelim time
Prelim time
Finals scratched
Prelim time
Prelim time
Prelim time
Prelim time
2010 March Age Group Swimming Champs at St. Mary’s
The Swim Team played host to 17 teams in the major event of the year on March 13-14.
496 athletes competed with 2,276 individual entries and 136 relay entries. The coaches
thank all the volunteers who helped make the weekend a success – your hard work is
greatly appreciated ! The Buccaneers finished the two-day Invitational in 2nd place overall
with 3,114 points. Setagaya-Ku’s Shindaita Swimming School took the Championship
crown with a total of 3,809.5 points. The Bucs finished 40 points ahead of 3rd place Taiyo
Kyoiku Sports Center. The Okinawa Dolphins took 4th and Mishuku Sakura placed 5th
overall. The Bucs dominated in boys scoring finishing in 1st place (2,273.5) with Shindaita
in 2nd (1,877.5).
It was great to have a number of nationally ranked swimmers at the meet. Six new OPEN
records were broken. The Bucs 400 meter Crescendo relay set a new OPEN + AREA
mark; the Crescendo features five swimmers from each age group on the team. Naoki
Martin (8 + Under – 50m), Joshua Brown (9/10 – 50m), Mokhtar Al-Yamani (11/12 –
100m), Shawma Chun (13/14 – 100m), and Kelly Moodie (15/18 – 100m) combined to
shatter the existing record by nearly 5 seconds finishing in 3:59.10. The Bucs also easily
won the 200 meter Medley Crescendo relay. The team of Ryoya Wakamatsu (11/12 - Back),
Shawma Chun (13/14 - Breast), Bruno Ortiz (15/18 - Butterfly) and Joshua Brown (9/10 Free) finished in an impressive 2:04.00.
High Point trophies are awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishers in each age group
based on six events individual events over two days. Kelly Moodie + Bruno Ortiz tied for the
15 – 18 High Point trophy finishing with 117 points each. Christian Brown finished with the
3rd high point. In the 13 + 14 Boys age group, 8th grader Shawma Chun captured the High
Point with 110 points. Seisen 8th grader Kana Moodie took the 3rd high point for the 13 –
14 girls. Seventh grader Ryoya Wakamatsu won the 11 – 12 Boys 2nd high point.
Other Buccaneers finishing in the top 8 in total scoring were: Josef Budde (5th place - 15 –
18), Arun Janssens (7th place – 15 – 18), Lisa Torio (7th place - 15 – 18 girls), Toshiki
Takahashi (8th place - 11 – 12 Boys), Joshua Brown (7th place – 9 + 10), Naoki Martin (5th
- 8 + Under Boys), and Sophie Mitchell (8th - 8 + Under Girls).
Bruno Ortiz, Kelly Moodie, Ryutaro Kamiya, Mokhtar Al-Yamani, Christian Brown, and
Toshiki Takahashi turned in US Swimming AAAA standards. AAA times came from
Shawma Chun, Kana Moodie, Ryoya Wakamatsu, and Joshua Brown. Junu Baik, Nicolas
Flint, Keila Mitchell, Shunichi Ichimura, Haruto Ima, Adam Mason, and Emiko Mason
produced AA swims. A times came from Arun Janssens, Josef Budde, Masaya Takeda,
Lisa Torio, Kacey Ries, Hirokazu Kamei, Kazuki Martin, Yuri Hayashi, Coco Yamamoto,
Miki Kamei, Kaitlin Rossman, Joshua Ries, Naoki Martin, and Kota Uchino.
Kanto Shunki Finals Swim Meet at Tatsumi
Eight swim team members qualified earlier in April for the finals of the Kanto Shunki Swim
Meet. The Shunki meet is an annual contest with a long tradition dating back to 1965. The
competition featured 1,551 swimmers from 171 teams from Tokyo and the seven
surrounding prefectures of Kanagawa, Chiba, Saitama, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, and
Yamanashi. Many new meet records were established with the meet held in a short course
25 meter format for the first time since 2002.
Swimmers needed to finish in the top 8 in the morning preliminary rounds to qualify for
afternoon finals. Three Buccaneers advanced to the finals; Bruno Ortiz, Kelly Moodie, and
Mokhtar Al-Yamani. Bruno took 1st place in a new meet record for the 50 meter Free by a
mere .01 seconds over Kanagawa’s Yugo Kawamata from Tachibana High School. Kelly
finished in 3nd place in the 200 meter Free in a tight race with just .39 seconds separating
the top 3. All 3 finishers broke the meet record and bettered Japan’s 2011 Senior National
Championships qualifying time. Miguel Molina holds the previous meet mark from 2002. In
his last meet as a 12 year old, Mokhtar Al-Yamani tied for 1st place in the 50 meter Free
(26.54) with Gunma Fujioka’s Taiki Suehiro. Moku’s prelim time of 26.20 was a new meet
record. Mokhtar also took 2nd in the 100 meter Butterfly taking his own OPEN + AREA
mark down to 1:02.31. Bruno O. also finished in 4th with a 51.10 effort in the 100 meter
Freestyle. 6th grader Toshiki Takahashi also improved his AREA record in the 11 + 12 100
meter Breaststroke to 1:14.77.
Bucs results from Afternoon Finals
Bruno Ortiz (17)
Mokhtar Al-Yamani (12)
Kelly Moodie (16)
Mokhtar Al-Yamani (12)
Bruno Ortiz (17)
50 Freestyle
50 Freestyle
200 Freestyle
100 Butterfly
100 Freestyle
1st place
1st place (tied)
3rd place
2nd place
1st place
(new meet record)
(new meet record)
Preliminaries swims for Bucs
Mokhtar Al-Yamani (12)
Bruno Ortiz (17)
Kelly Moodie (16)
Shawma Chun (14)
Kana Moodie (14)
Christian Brown (16)
Toshiki Takahashi (12)
Joshua Brown (10)
50 Freestyle (new meet record)
50 Freestyle
200 Freestyle
200 Freestyle
200 Freestyle
50 Freestyle
50 Breaststroke
50 Butterfly
100 Butterfly
100 Freestyle
100 Backstroke
100 Breaststroke
100 Backstroke
100 Freestyle
100 Breaststroke
50 Freestyle
Japan Swim 2010 — Senior National Swimming Championships
Japan held its Senior National Championships at Tatsumi’s International Swimming
Complex from April 13-18. The meet was in a 50 meter long course format and televised
nationally. Nihon Senshuken serves as the selection meet for the major competition of the
year – The Pan Pacific Championships scheduled for late August in Irvine, California. This
year marked the first time three athletes from the St. Mary’s Buccaneers Swim Team
qualified for “Seniors”.
SMST Results from Nihon Senshuken
Bruno Ortiz (17)
Kelly Moodie (16)
Kelly Moodie (16)
Ryutaro Kamiya (18)
Ryutaro Kamiya (18)
Ryutaro Kamiya (18)
50 Free
200 Free
400 Free
200 Free
200 Back
100 Free
52nd place out of 58 participants (4th among high schoolers)
46th place out of 97 participants (4th among high schoolers)
46th place out of 93 participants (8th among high schoolers)
55th place out of 93 participants
30th place out of 87 participants
60th place out of 73 participants
Kanto Shunki + Tokyo-To Kirokukai Swim Meet at Tatsumi
It was another busy weekend at the International Swimming Complex in Tatsumi. A total of
3,810 swimmers from 153 teams within the Kanto Plains participated in the annual Kanto
Shunki/Kirokukai Swim Meet. Two separate meets ran simultaneously: the Kanto Shunki
Yosen Meet and the Tokyo-To Kirokukai. Swimmers competing in the Kanto Shunki needed
to finish in the top 8 to qualify for the Kanto Shunki Finals scheduled at Tatsumi on April 24
+ 25. The Kanto Shunki preliminaries were run in a short course (25 meters) format and the
finals meet was in a long course 50 meter pool.
8 Buccaneers qualify for the Shunki Finals meet !
Bruno Ortiz (17)
Kelly Moodie (16)
Christian Brown (16)
Shawma Chun (14)
Kana Moodie (14)
Mokhtar Al-Yamani (12)
Toshiki Takahashi (12)
Joshua Brown (10)
200 Individual Medley
100 Freestyle
100 Breaststroke
100 Breaststroke
100 Backstroke
100 Freestyle
100 Breaststroke
50 Freestyle
1st place
1st place
3rd place
8th place
7th place
1st place
4th place
8th place
(new meet record)
(new meet record)
Toskiki Takahashi surpassed his own 11 + 12 Boys AREA record by more than a second in
the 100 meter Breast with a 1:14.94. Kana Moodie set a new 13 + 14 Girls OPEN +AREA
mark in the 50 meter Backstroke with a 33.15 split going out in the 100 Back.
Buccaneer Swimmers posting All-Star times at the Kirokukai meet were Josef Budde, Arun
Janssens, Alex Auvaro, Masaya Takeda, Emiko Mason, Adam Mason, Amelia Abe, Keila
Mitchell, Nicolas Flint, Junu Moon Baik, Shunichi Ichimura, Ryoya Wakamatsu, Kacey Ries,
Hirokazu Kamei, Naoki Martin, Yuri Hayashi, Coco Yamamoto, Takashi Kanazawa, Naoki
Martin, and Kota Uchino.
Nanbu Block Swim Meet at Tatsumi
The Swim Team had a lot of good performances in a long meet at the annual Tokyo South
meet. It was a small meet by Tatsumi standards with 1,458 swimmers from 39 teams.
Seventh grader Mokhtar Al-Yamani broke Ryutaro Kamiya’s 2004 AREA mark for the boys
11 + 12 200 Individual Medley with a 2:21.17 swim. Mokhtar’s time also was under the Age
Group national cut. Sixth grader Toshiki Takahashi set a new AREA record for the 11 + 12
Boys 50 meter Breaststroke, ripping a 35.60.
Swimmers turning in USS AAA times or better were Shawma Chun, Kana Moodie, and
Joshua Brown. Arun Janssens, Josef Budde, Alex Auvaro, Keila Mitchell, Junu Moon Baik,
Nicolas Flint, Shunichi Ichimura, Kazuki Martin, and Haruto Ima swam US AA standards.
Lisa Torio, Masaya Takeda, Amelia Abe, Yuuki Wood, Hirokazu Kamei, Yuri Hayashi, Coco
Yamamoto, and Kouki Wood all surpassed A time standards.
Swim Team Annual Award Recipients:
St. Mary’s Swimmer of the Year
Female Swimmer of the Year
Senior – 12 Year veteran Award:
Outstanding Swimmer:
High School Boys MVP:
High School Girls MVP:
Middle School Boys MVP:
Middle School Girls MVP:
Middle Boys Most Improved:
Elementary Boys MVP:
Elementary Girls MVP:
Elementary Boys Most Improved:
Elementary Girls Most Improved:
Achievement Awards:
Kelly Moodie
Kana Moodie
Ryutaro Kamiya
Bruno Ortiz
Kelly Moodie
Amelia Abe
Mokhtar Al-Yamani
Kana Moodie
Junu Moon Baik
Toshiki Takahashi
Yuri Hayashi
Kazuki Martin
Marina Chun
Ryoya Wakamatsu
Shunichi Ichimura
From the Development Office
Although Phase 2 of the Campus Reconstruction project, which will include the gym/fine
arts building, the pool/cafeteria building and the athletic field, is nearly complete, the school
still depends very much on your generous contributions. Here are several opportunities for
you to support this project.
Annual Giving
Each September, we send out the Annual Giving form. These donations are used for a
wide range of school needs. As of May 17, 2010, we raised ¥8,352,400 and $42,300,
respectively, this year from devoted parents and guardians. We are very grateful to those
donors, and we hope that those who are considering will support us in the future. Please
remember that every bit counts.
Construction Project Fundraising
In late January, we sent out to St. Mary’s families a packet of information on making
donations for the Construction Project. As of May 17, 2010, we raised ¥1,730,000 and
$7,000, respectively, from generous parents and guardians. These funds are earmarked for
the new school building under construction now. In recognition for those contributions,
donor names will be listed on a “Donor Wall” prominently located in the completed new
school building.
Corporate Contribution Program
Many parents’ companies pay their sons’ school fees through the Corporate Contribution
Program. Total contributions through this program for the 2009-2010 school year were
¥30,250,000. If you would like more information on how to participate in this program,
please have your company’s human resources department representative contact Mrs.
Yumi Shimokawa at [email protected].
Contributions from corporations and individuals are tax-free in Japan and the U.S. If you
have any questions, please contact the Development Office or e-mail to
[email protected]
SMAA (St. Mary’s Alumni Association) Fundraising
The SMAA, under the leadership of SMAA Chair Paul Guilfoile, initiated a Multi-Purpose
Hall Fundraising Project. You can sponsor one or more seats to be installed in the new
Multi-Purpose Hall, and reaction to the project has proven successful thus far. If you would
like further information, please contact the St. Mary’s Alumni Association at
[email protected].
SMAPA (St. Mary’s Alumni Parents Association)
Last year, a group of parents of St. Mary’s graduates formed the St. Mary’s Alumni Parents
Association. It is open to all parents and guardians whose sons attended St. Mary’s. Their
objective is to keep the St. Mary’s community connected between the past and the present.
This year they even had their first booth at Carnival. If you would like to join SMAPA, please
visit for further information.
The Development Office would like to express its heartfelt gratitude to all the parents and
guardians, faculty, and alumni who have generously contributed to support St. Mary’s
International School. Have a safe and relaxing holiday, and we look forward to welcoming
you back to newly completed facilities in September!
SMA Donates ¥8.2 million for New Gym Floor
The main role of the St. Mary’s Association is to raise funds to benefit the school. Bingo, the
International Ball, Carnival, and Raffle are the key events that we hold every year to
accomplish this goal. These funds directly subsidize student activities such as elementary
school field trips, travel for sports and fine arts teams, team uniforms, awards and trophies,
sports equipment, stage costumes and props, and the Sakura Medal Award program, just
to name a few.
It is also a tradition for the SMA to donate
money to the school for a specific purpose
whenever possible. This year, after much
thought and discussion, the SMA donated
¥8.2 million for the floor in the new gym,
which was dedicated to the memory of
Coach Sava. It is the SMA’s hope that the
activities which will occur on this new gym
floor will serve the young men of St. Mary’s
to develop into the Titans of the future.
Photo caption: From left, Ben Leibson,
SMA Vice-President, Gillian Kinjo, SMA
President, present a check for ¥8.2 million to Br. Michel for the new gym floor.
From the SMA Vice-President
So, it’s already finished — a two-year deal, two busy years, filled with uncertainty and
change and demolition and construction. We’ve seen the blessing of the new school, and
the celebration of the Grand Opening. We’ve held the last Bingo in the old gym and the last
Ice Cream Bash in the old cafeteria. We’ve seen the Newsletter go online and the
school-wide email system take a strong foothold. We’ve said goodbye to some of St.
Mary’s finest people — Mr. Hauet, Haku- san, and the legendary Coach Sava. In return,
we’ve welcomed the new Middle School Principal, the new High School Counselor and so
many others.
We’ve seen the sixth grade move into Middle School and the return of our annual Carnival.
It’s been somewhat turbulent at times with all this change. But the Christmas Concerts and
the Spring Sings have been nothing short of spectacular. The Artscape and IB Art Shows
have never been better. Academically, the students have never soared higher, with several
St. Mary’s graduates accepted to Princeton, Berkley, William and Mary, Brown, Colombia,
Stanford, and Yale — and the list goes on.
In sports, we’ve had an undefeated soccer season, swimmers breaking Tokyo Metropolitan
records, basketball players coming within two points of a championship repeat, and the
baseball team’s championship “three-peat.” We’ve seen great achievements from the
wrestlers, the tennis players, the runners, the hurdlers and the high jumpers. There were
the Fall Plays — Don’t Drink the Water, The Lady Vanishes, and the Spring Musicals —
South Pacific, Into The Woods; and the SMA International Balls — A Touch of Red, A Night
of Fascination.
It has been a great two years for the SMA, but it hasn’t always been easy. There have been
disagreements and obstacles, and there are still more that lie ahead. But it has all been
worth the effort and commitment, because the issues are important for our boys and our
These past two years have been all of this and more — organizing volunteers and events,
securing donations and donors, selecting senior scholarship recipients, and funding
extracurricular programs, all the while keeping it equitable and transparent.
It’s been a dynamic time in and around St. Mary’s and I want to say thank you, to all of you,
for allowing me to be a part of it — from the RP guys to the High School seniors, from the
crossing guards to our Headmaster, to the moms and the dads and the teaching staff —
thank you all for a great two years.
-Ben Leibson, SMA Vice-President
From the SMA Treasurer
St. Mary’s Association Treasury Report as of May 20th, 2010
SMA Income from March 15th 2010 to May 20th 2010
Spring Luncheon
Recycled Uniform
Newsletter Advert
Pocket Calendar Advert
Bank Interests
SMA Expense from March 15th 2010 to May 20th 2010
Donation to school for gym floor
Spring Luncheon
Sport Allocation
MS Tennis
Varsity Baseball to Okinawa
Swim team to Okinawa
Student Allocation
Grade 1
Grade 5
Grade 6
MS Science Fair
Room Parents
Ice Cream Bash
Staff Appreciation Lunch
Thanks gift
Appreciation lunch for volunteers
NOTE: Carnival, Raffle and Graduation related expenses will be reported at the first issue of 2010-2011
school year.
From the SMA Room Parents’ Coordinators
We offer our heartfelt thanks to those who supported us in all of the activities that we
organized or supported for other SMA Committees. Special thanks to:
• The Elementary and 6th Grade Room Parents, for being a fabulous team:
• The HS Liaisons for jumping in right away and working beyond the call of duty :
• All the volunteers who helped on the Bingo Bake Sale in October, the HS Ice Cream Bash in March, and
the Staff Appreciation Luncheon in March, and a special thank you to KEIKO FUKASAWA
• The HS Graduation Committee members who organized themselves with great expertise and efficiency,
and most of all, with great team spirit:
HIROMI SOH for their invaluable advice.
• The ES Graduation Committee members who worked with dedication and great teamwork:
As Room Parents’ Coordinators we were involved in many events organized by the SMA, calling for
volunteers and working with them. Thank you very much for the opportunity to meet so many wonderful
Last but not least, we would like to thank the constant and warm support given to us by the school staff to
all of our activities:
BROTHER MICHEL, Mr. TAKAMICHI, Ms. MIHA SUYAMA and the office staff, Mr. KUBO and the
maintenance crew, Mr. MIDORIKAWA and the kitchen staff, Ms. SUZUKI and the Accounting Office Staff.
To Mr. DJ FELDMEYER, who implemented the “Families” website, facilitating our communications
between the families, and being very patient with us.
To BROTHER LAWRENCE, Mr. DIMUZIO, Mr. CROSS and Mr. KAGEI and faculty members,
accommodating our requests and supporting us during your busy schedules.
On a parting note, we hope the school’s community spirit continues and strengthens. We encourage each
member of this community to establish a flowing communication to gain better understanding of each
To the dear families who are leaving the school this year, we wish you much success and happiness in
your new places.
-Caterina Tanaka and Roula Leggieri, Room Parent Coordinators
From the SMA Japanese Speaking Support Group (JSSG)
2009 2010 年の J.S.S.G.の活動に
チェア:吉田 理恵(現 RP)
コーチェア:吉末 奈美(現2B)
From the St. Mary’s International Ball Co-Chairs
From the St. Mary’s Carnival Co-Chairs
An enormous thank you to all the St. Mary’s community for the hard work, long hours and welcoming
smiles you put into making the 2010 St. Mary’s Carnival such an amazing success. The following list is in
no particular order.
Thanks to the Carnival organizing committee and the SMA President for their professional approach,
dedication, and wonderful support of the Carnival chairs.
Thanks to the Country Booth and SMIS organizations booth chairs and booth workers for serving such a
fantastic range of delicious food and drink and welcoming all attendees with their infectious smiles.
Thanks to the teaching staff for running games and activities, organizing our boys with setup and cleanup
duties, providing after school care for booth worker children, and even performing (what a talented bunch
of individuals).
Thanks to the Maintenance, Cleaning and Kitchen staff, security guards and bus drivers for the huge
amount of behind-the-scenes stuff most people don’t see.
Thanks to the Accounting and Administrative staff for their generous support through this busy time. The
Office staff blew us away with their never-ending and proactive assistance.
Thanks to parents who helped with White Elephant duties, food preparation and all the other duties
requires for such a mammoth event.
Last, but certainly not least, thanks to our wonderful sons who assisted with setup and cleanup, served as
Leos, helped at Games Booths, served on Country and other booths, entertained on stage, got soaked in
the Dunk tank, and enthusiastically spent our money on food and other things on offer at Festival. No
wonder we are so proud of them.
As a reward to you all, you are invited back next year to do it all again!
-Rika Atobe and David Taylor, Carnival Chairs
From the SMA Raffle Chair
Raffle 2010
A huge THANK YOU for everyone who made the Raffle 2010 an outstanding success!
Ticket Sales: This year’s Raffle would not have been possible without the effort St. Mary’s boys put forth
to sell tickets. A heartfelt thanks to each and every student who sold Raffle tickets (and to all of the
parents who bought them!) An extra-special ‘Thank You!’ to our top sellers:
Jinya Yamakawa (6S)
Jett Lay (4W)
Ryutaro Inui (4K)
Yuta Namba (1G)
Jacob Noddin (4C)
Jacob Finnucan (1J)
Maruta Kiyonaga (6D)
(71) Books
(22) Books
(15) Books
(12) Books
(12) Books
(11) Books
(11) Books
And the seller of the Grand Prize Winning Ticket: Elliott Henry (6T)
Thank you also to classes 2B, 2W and 4K for 100% student participation.
Volunteers: A tremendous amount of time is spent during Raffle season sending out the Raffle tickets,
preparing the prizes, counting incoming tickets and money. This year, we have few mums who gave up an
extraordinary amount of their time to do just that: Thank you, too, for your assistance: Therese Adachi,
Keiko Andrews, Keiko Fukumori, Mr. Haku, Noriko Hatton, Reiko Hayashi, Akiko Hiraishi, Akiko Inamine,
Yukiko Ishida, Rita Katashiba, Chiharu Kirch, Eiko Kim, Yukari Ko, Ben Leibson, Miwa Mogi, Janet Noddin,
Tomoko Shiiki, Yasuko Takahashi, Caterina Tanaka, Michiru Yamamoto, Nobue Valeo and — last but not
least — Gillian Kinjo. Thank you for always being there whenever we needed you! A personal note of
gratitude to St. Mary’s office, maintenance, security staffs and bus drivers: your smiles and helping hands
lightened the workload!
Prizes: With no prizes to be won, there would be no Raffle. Kudos to Naomi MacGuire and Chigusa Miura,
this year’s Donation Chair and Co-Chair, on a job well job done! Wonderful prizes come from wonderful
donors; we extend our gratitude to the donors who so generously support St. Mary’s Raffle.
Thank you for your generosity and enthusiastic support!
From the SMA Donations Co-Chairs
From the St. Mary’s Carnival Booth Committees
St. Mary’s Carnival
Japan Booth
Hi Everyone!
First and foremost, a heartfelt thank you from the Japan Booth Committee members for all your help at
the St. Mary’s Carnival.
It was a day blessed with glorious sunshine and a great turnout, and we had a very successful day at the
Japan Booth. This was a result of your efforts, commitment and donations.
We hope you all enjoyed the event as much as we did, and we thank you again for all your contributions.
Japan Booth Committee Members
ジャパンブース コミッティーメンバー一同
Thank you to the St. Mary’s
Community for the wonderful work at
Carnival. Special thanks to all who came and enjoyed our
food and drinks.
“A big thanks to Rika and David for the best organized Carnival! Hats off to an awesome team!!”
Bobbie Buntin & Unryu Haku
St. Mary’s Alumni Parents Association (SMAPA)
From the St. Mary’s Carnival Booth Committees
We would like to thank Mr. Midorikawa for his enormous help for our Overseas Chinese
Thank you to Rika for your kindness and patient explanation for every question we asked,
and for making us feel so warm and confident to be able to do our best for the Carnival!
And a special thank you to the Supply Coordinator, Nami Yoshizue, for helping us as we
had no experience in Carnival!
Thank you to each Overseas Chinese Booth member. Without your help, we could not
have run our booth successfully!!!
Thank you so much!!!!
Overseas Chinese Booth
Dandan & Linda
Many thanks to all of you who helped make the Philippine Booth
a great success at this year’s Carnival. Thanks to your hard
work and enduring smiles, we were able to net ¥450,000.
Congratulations to all! Mabuhay ang Pilipinas!
-Charo Ireton and Cecilia Herath, Philippine Booth Co-Chairs
From the USA Steering Booth Committee to all volunteers and
donors who assisted us in making the USA Carnival Booth the
best, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. It couldn’t
have happened without you!
From the St. Mary’s Carnival Booth Committees
Carnival Silent Art Auction A Success!
For the Carnival this year, the St. Mary’s Association ran a Silent Art Auction in the school cafeteria
featuring work from Elementary School artists and High School photographers.
It was a big success, and we owe it to Ms. Steel and her students, who committed many hours to making
beautiful artwork. The 2nd grade students made pop art lamp shades, the 3rd grade students contributed
large acrylics on canvas, and the 4th grade students donated tie-dyed patchwork cushions.
Several mothers from all grades graciously gave time to sew the cushions. Our heartfelt thanks to Leslie
Rosinski (2), Iwori Arai (1,4), Penny Dobson (11), Jolanta Grabarczyk (9, 11), Kiyoko Evanson (9), Rae
Piesner (3) and Cristine Musahl (non-SMIS parent). Thank you also to Dylan McGuire (11) for donating
two beautiful photographs for the Art Auction. Last but not least, thank you Tammy Ozeki for your
dedication and hard work in helping us all day at the Carnival.
Thank you to parents who purchased the artwork on display, and to the Orindo Booth across the way in
the cafeteria for bringing us delicious cake samples that kept us going all day!
-Caterina Tanaka, Room Parent Coordinator
St. Mary’s Carnival Raffle Winners
Prize No.
Round trip airfare for family of four to Macau / Two nights’ stay in the Hard Rock Hotel at City of
Dreams / The Gotoh Museum Admission Tickets / Aqua-Collagen-Gel / LEGO / Pajamas, Photo
Album / BOH Tea Set / ATTITUDE Laundry Detergent / Keshipon
MacBook Pro / Bag / The Gotoh Museum Admission Tickets / Aqua-Collagen-Gel / LEGO / BOH
Tea Set / ATTITUDE Laundry Detergent / English Comics Doraemon / House Curry Packs /
City Bicycle, 26" Silver/White, 7-speed / Tiffany Tulip plate / “Make Your Own Bear” Ticket / AquaCollagen-Gel / LEGO / BOH Tea Set / ATTITUDE Laundry Detergent / Scarf / Pajamas /
Spumante “Cricova” / One—night stay for two in Superior Room with Breakfast / Hair Cut Coupon
/ Gel Nail Coupon / The Gotoh Museum Admission Tickets / Aqua-Collagen-Gel / ATTITUDE
Laundry Detergent / Scarf / Keshipon
One Complimentary Room Certificate for 2 Nights’ Stay in a Grand Room / Japanese Handpainted Folding Screen / Tokyo Summerland Entrance Tickets / “Make Your Own Bear” Ticket /
Bag, Scarf / Wall Clock / Aqua-Collagen-Gel / T-shirt, Cap, Playing Cards, Rubik’s Cube /
ATTITUDE Laundry Detergent
Three Nights’ Stay for a Family of Four / Tokyo Cruise Invitations / “Under Armour” Apparel,
Accessory / COBUILD Dictionary and Workbook Set / Complimentary Invitations / Tiffany Tulip
plate / Candle, Photo Album, Pajamas / Bag, Scarf / DVDs / Aqua-Collagen-Gel / ATTITUDE
Laundry Detergent / T-shirt, Cap, Playing Cards, Rubik’s Cube
Organic Rice Delivery Tickets / Champagne / Tokyo Summerland Entrance Tickets /
Complimentary Invitations / Tokyo Cruise Invitations / Time “President Obama”, Time People
Tribute “Remembering Michael” / Bag, Scarf / AROMA TREATMENT, Hand-Made Towel /
Company T-shirt / ATTITUDE Laundry Detergent, Window & Mirror Cleaner
Omotesando Hills Shopping Voucher / Tokyo Summerland Entrance Tickets / Complimentary
Invitations / Company T-shirt / Tiffany Tulip plate / Bag, Scarf / DVDs / Picture Book / Tokyo
Cruise Invitations / ATTITUDE Laundry Detergent, Window & Mirror Cleaner
Interior Tea Box, Book / Sunday Dinner Buffet in the New York Suite, / including all-you-can drink
Champagne / Minton Tea Cup & Saucer / Edo Wonderland Free Pass Tickets / Complimentary
Invitations / English Comics Doraemon / Tokyo Cruise Invitations / Company T-shirt / DVDs /
Joba / Manicure, Pedicure Gift Certificate / Dinner Coupon / Time “President Obama”, Time
People Tribute “Remembering Michael” / Complimentary Invitations / Bag, Scarf / Company Tshirt / Tokyo Cruise Invitations
SpongeBob Items / Okabe Hotel Invitation Tickets / Fine ARF Silver Necklace / Baccarat Photo
Frame / ATTITUDE Laundry Detergent, Window & Mirror Cleaner / Candy Bowl, Scarf / Japanese
PSP / Papas Polo Shirt / Diners JCB Gift Card / The Gotoh Museum Admission Tickets / English
Comics Doraemon / Lady’s Handbag / DVDs / Pajamas / Candy Bowl, Scarf / ATTITUDE Laundry
Detergent, Window & Mirror Cleaner / Japanese Barrette / LEGO / House Curry
Certificate for Continuing Education Course / Papas Polo Shirt / Aqua-Collagen-Gel / Minton Tea
Cup & Saucer / Flower Vase / ATTITUDE Laundry Detergent, Window & Mirror Cleaner / English
Comics Doraemon / Candy Bowl, Scarf / Japanese Barrette / T-shirt, Cap, Playing Cards, Rubik's
Cube / LEGO / House Curry
Friend of St. Mary’s / The Hard Rock Hotel at City of Dreams / The Gotoh Museum / Dr.
Ci:Labo / LEGO Japan / CONCENT Corporation / Mr. James Ko / ATTITUDE / SAS
Institute Japan Ltd.
Friend of St. Mary’s / Scoragen Co., Ltd. / The Gotoh Museum / Dr. Ci:Labo / LEGO
Japan / Mr. James Ko / ATTITUDE / Shogakukan Inc. / House Foods Corp. / SAS
Institute Japan Ltd.
Volkswagen Japan / Time Inc. / Make A Friend Co., Ltd. / Dr. Ci:Labo / LEGO Japan /
Mr. James Ko / ATTITUDE / Scoragen Co., Ltd. / CONCENT Corporation / SAS Institute
Japan Ltd.
Mr. Shinta Kiyonaga / Four Seasons Hotel Tokyo at Marunouchi / A Cut Above /
Artigiano DUE / The Gotoh Museum / Dr. Ci:Labo / ATTITUDE / Scoragen Co., Ltd. /
SAS Institute Japan Ltd.
Grand Hyatt Seoul / Fuji-Torii Co., Ltd. / Tokyo Summerland / Make A Friend Co., Ltd. /
Scoragen Co., Ltd. / CONCENT Corporation / Dr. Ci:Labo / Bloomberg L.P. / ATTITUDE
Keith Henry
Ticket No.
Li W. F.
Suzuki Edward
Suzuki Shige
Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel / Tokyo Cruise Ship Co., Ltd. / DOME Corporation /
HarperCollins Publishers Limited / Fitness & Aqua ATRIO DUE / Time Inc. / CONCENT
Corporation / Scoragen Co., Ltd. / Warner Entertainment Japan Inc. / Dr. Ci:Labo /
ATTITUDE / Bloomberg L.P.
San-en-an / Allied Pickfords Japan / Tokyo Summerland / Fitness & Aqua ATRIO DUE /
Tokyo Cruise Ship Co., Ltd. / Time Inc. / Scoragen Co., Ltd. / Mr. Takeshi Adachi / Life
Fitness Japan Ltd. / ATTITUDE
Wu Linda
Yamao Zen
Mori Living / Tokyo Summerland / Fitness & Aqua ATRIO DUE / Life Fitness Japan Ltd. /
Time Inc. / Scoragen Co., Ltd. / Warner Entertainment Japan Inc. / BOOK HOUSE
Jinbocho / Tokyo Cruise Ship Co., Ltd. / ATTITUDE
Interior Chabako Club / Tokyo American Club / / Friend of St. Mary’s / Edo Wonderland
/ Fitness & Aqua ATRIO DUE / Shogakukan Inc. / Tokyo Cruise Ship Co., Ltd. / Life
Fitness Japan Ltd. / Warner Entertainment Japan Inc. / Scoragen Co., Ltd.
Jae Chang Ryu
Stern R.
Mr. Naoto Hosoda / Beauté absolue / Mexican Restaurant LA JOLLA / Time Inc. /
Fitness & Aqua ATRIO DUE / Scoragen Co., Ltd. / Life Fitness Japan Ltd. / Tokyo
Cruise Ship Co., Ltd.
MTV Japan K.K. / Okabe Hotel Group / Sally / Friend of St. Mary’s / ATTITUDE /
Scoragen Co., Ltd. / Kanzashi Sugino
Nelson Brian
Seto Aki
Global International School / Mr. Shinta Kiyonaga / Friend of St. Mary’s / The Gotoh
Museum / Shogakukan Inc. / MONOPIA Co., Ltd. / Warner Entertainment Japan Inc. /
CONCENT Corporation / Scoragen Co., Ltd. / ATTITUDE / Kanzashi Sugino / LEGO
Japan / House Foods Corp.
Temple University, Japan Campus / Mr. Shinta Kiyonaga / Dr. Ci:Labo / Friend of St.
Mary’s / CONCENT Corporation / ATTITUDE / Shogakukan Inc. / Scoragen Co., Ltd. /
Kanzashi Sugino / Bloomberg L.P. / LEGO Japan / House Foods Corp.
Cross Todd
Ozeki Tamy
Prize No.
4-Course Dinner with Coffee at Peter for 2 / Gel Nail Coupon / Lady’s Handbag / ATTITUDE
Laundry Detergent, Window & Mirror Cleaner / Tiffany Tulip plate / Candy Bowl, Scarf / Japanese
Barrette / DVDs / English Comics Doraemon / LEGO / T-shirt, Cap, Playing Cards, Rubik’s Cube
Sunday Dinner Buffet in the New York Suite, / including all-you-can drink Champagne / Dinner
Buffet for 4 / Gift Certificate / Tokyo Cruise Invitations / Picture Book / Aqua-Collagen-Gel /
ATTITUDE Laundry Detergent, Window & Mirror Cleaner / House Curry / Pajamas / Scarf / DVDs
Okabe Hotel Invitation Tickets / Super Deluxe Facial Beauty Treatment Course Certificate /
Flower Vase, Cushion Cover / Lady’s Handbag / Aqua-Collagen-Gel / ATTITUDE Laundry
Detergent, Window & Mirror Cleaner / Scarf / House Curry
Dinner Certificate for 2 at the Palazzo / Free Test Driving for 2 Days, Mug / Toy Truck, Ball /
ATTITUDE Laundry Detergent, Window & Mirror Cleaner, / Bathroom Cleaner / Candy Bowl,
Scarf / English Comics Doraemon / Japanese Barrette
Basketball Hoop / Weekend Brunch for 2 persons in ekki BAR & GRILL / Shopping Voucher / The
Gotoh Museum Admission Tickets / Gift Certificate / Aroma Shampoo, Aroma Treatment, Towel /
Cobuild Dictionary with Workbook / Lady's Handbag / Aqua-Collagen-Gel / ATTITUDE Laundry
Detergent, Window & Mirror Cleaner, / Bathroom Cleaner / English Comics Doraemon / Scarf /
House Curry
Brunch for 4 / Free Test Driving for 2 Days, Mug / Gift Certificates / “Year of the Tigers” Gift Bag
of ‘Tiger’ Items for the Family / Aqua-Collagen-Gel / Tiffany Tulip plate / ATTITUDE Laundry
Detergent, Window & Mirror Cleaner, / Bathroom Cleaner / Scarf / T-Shirt
Dinner Certificate for 4 / Member’s Box Gift Card / Pair Lesson Ticket / T-shirt, Nightdress / AquaCollagen-Gel / Lady’s Handbag / Scarf / House Curry / T-Shirt
Afternoon Tea at The Lobby for 2 / Member’s Box Gift Card / BOH Tea Set / Lady’s Handbag /
Aqua-Collagen-Gel / Cobuild Dictionary with Workbook / T-shirt, Cap, Playing Cards, Rubik’s
Cube / Pajamas / ATTITUDE Laundry Detergent, Window & Mirror Cleaner, / Bathroom Cleaner /
Picture Book, Time Bag / Scarf
“Legato” Restaurant Certificate / Edo Wonderland Free Pass Tickets / Tote Bag, Pouch, T-shirt /
Aqua-Collagen-Gel / ATTITUDE Laundry Detergent, Window & Mirror Cleaner, / Bathroom
Cleaner / Tokyo Cruise Invitations / English Comics Draemon / Time Bag / YOFiBAR Fruit
Masque Active Trial Set / Scarf / House Curry
Tokyo Disneyland/DisneySea Passports / & TDR Merchandise Item / Member’s Box Gift Card /
Birthday Cake / Tote Bag, Pouch, T-shirt / Aqua-Collagen-Gel / ATTITUDE Laundry Detergent,
Window & Mirror Cleaner / Candy Bowl, Scarf / Flower Vase / Time Bag / Diners JCB Gift Card /
YOFiBAR Fruit Masque Active Trial Set
3 Days at Tsumagoi Lodge for 8 / Member’s Box Gift Card / Tokyo Cruise Invitations / Tote Bag,
Pouch, T-shirt / Diners JCB Gift Card / Tiffany Tulip plate, Time Bag / Candy Bowl, Scarf /
Pajamas / Aqua-Collagen-Gel / ATTITUDE Laundry Detergent, Window & Mirror Cleaner /
YOFiBAR Fruit Masque Active Trial Set
Gift Item / Hair Cut Coupon / Candy Bowl, Scarf / BOH Tea Sets / Diners JCB Gift Card / Tokyo
Cruise Invitations / Pajamas / Time Bag, Book / ATTITUDE Laundry Detergent, Window & Mirror
Cleaner / YOFiBAR Fruit Masque Active Trial Set / House Curry
“Tableaux” Restaurant Certificate / Complimentary Invitations / Edo Wonderland Free Pass
Tickets / DVDs / Aqua-Collagen-Gel / Lady’s Handbag / Candy Bowl, Scarf / Cap, Playing Cards,
Rubik’s Cube / ATTITUDE Laundry Detergent, Window & Mirror Cleaner / Time Bag / House
The Peninsula Tokyo / Artigiano DUE / MONOPIA Co., Ltd. / ATTITUDE / Time Inc. /
Scoragen Co., Ltd. / Kanzashi Sugino / Warner Entertainment Japan Inc. / Shogakukan
Inc. / LEGO Japan / Bloomberg L.P.
Tokyo American Club / Hilton Tokyo / Triumph International (Japan) Ltd. / Tokyo Cruise
Ship Co., Ltd. / Shogakukan Inc. / Dr. Ci:Labo / ATTITUDE / House Foods Corp. /
CONCENT Corporation / Scoragen Co., Ltd. / Friend of St. Mary’s
Okabe Hotel Group / Garden Clinic Hiroo / CONCENT Corporation / MONOPIA Co., Ltd.
/ Dr. Ci:Labo / ATTITUDE / Scoragen Co., Ltd. / House Foods Corp.
Ticket No.
Choi Youn Sun
Royal Park Hotel / Volvo Cars Japan Ltd. / Allied Pickfords Japan / ATTITUDE /
Scoragen Co., Ltd. / Shogakukan Inc. / Kanzashi Sugino
Mokuzai K. K.
Friend of St. Mary’s / Four Seasons Hotel at Tokyo Marunouchi / National Den-en / The
Gotoh Museum / Triumph International (Japan) Ltd. / Friend of St. Mary’s / Time Inc. /
MONOPIA Co., Ltd. / Dr. Ci:Labo / ATTITUDE / Shogakukan Inc. / Scoragen Co., Ltd. /
House Foods Corp.
Hilton Tokyo / Volvo Cars Japan Ltd. / Triumph International (Japan) Ltd. / Asian Tigers
Premier Worldwide Movers / Dr. Ci:Labo / Time Inc. / ATTITUDE / Scoragen Co., Ltd. /
MTV Japan K.K.
New Asia Chinese Restaurant / S-ing Himonya / Atelier Hara / CONCENT Corporation /
Dr. Ci:Labo / MONOPIA Co., Ltd. / Scoragen Co., Ltd. / House Foods Corp. / MTV
Japan K.K.
The Peninsula Tokyo / S-ing Himonya / Mr. James Ko / MONOPIA Co., Ltd. / Dr.
Ci:Labo / Time Inc. / Bloomberg L.P. / CONCENT Corporation / ATTITUDE / Time Inc. /
Scoragen Co., Ltd.
Fujino Yoko
Toyokawa Ryuta
Global Dining Inc. / Edo Wonderland / mamahula / Dr. Ci:Labo / ATTITUDE / Tokyo
Cruise Ship Co., Ltd. / Shogakukan Inc. / Time Inc. / A Better Communication Co., Ltd. /
Scoragen Co., Ltd. / House Foods Corp.
Tokyu Kensetsu
K. K.
Disney / S-ing Himonya / Hilton Tokyo / mamahula / Dr. Ci:Labo / ATTITUDE / Scoragen
Co., Ltd. / CONCENT Corporation / Time Inc. / Friend of St. Mary’s / A Better
Communication Co., Ltd.
Youn Joo Ran
St. Mary’s International School / S-ing Himonya / Tokyo Cruise Ship Co., Ltd. /
mamahula / Friend of St. Mary’s / Time Inc. / Scoragen Co., Ltd. / CONCENT
Corporation / Dr. Ci:Labo / ATTITUDE / A Better Communication Co., Ltd.
Bhanshali Nisha
Takashimaya Tamagawa / A Cut Above / Scoragen Co., Ltd. / Mr. James Ko / Friend of
St. Mary’s / Tokyo Cruise Ship Co., Ltd. / CONCENT Corporation / Time Inc. /
ATTITUDE / A Better Communication Co., Ltd. / House Foods Corp.
Global Dining Inc. / Fitness & Aqua ATRIO DUE / Edo Wonderland / Warner
Entertainment Japan Inc. / Dr. Ci:Labo / MONOPIA Co., Ltd. / Scoragen Co., Ltd. /
Bloomberg L.P. / ATTITUDE / Time Inc. / House Foods Corp.
Kataoka M.
Fukazawa Keiko
Prize No.
“Under Armour” Apparel, Accessory / Shopping Voucher / DVDs / Complimentary Invitations /
Phiten Neck Strap / The Gotoh Museum Admission Tickets / Lady’s Handbag / Aqua-CollagenGel / Candy Bowl, Scarf / Time Bag, Book / Stationary Set / LEGO / T-shirt, Cap, Playing Cards,
Rubik’s Cube / YOFiBAR Fruit Masque Active Trial Set / Keshipon / Gel Nail Coupon
Jewelry Gift Coupon / Coffee Maker / Diners JCB Gift Card / Edo Wonderland Free Pass Tickets /
DVDs / Candy Bowl, Scarf / The Gotoh Museum Admission Tickets / Complimentary Invitations /
LEGO / Scarf / T-shirt, Cap, Playing Cards, Rubik’s Cube / Time Bag / Lady’s Handbag / Phiten
Neck Strap / Keshipon
MIKIMOTO Table Clock, Dunhill Belt, / ALESSANDRA Ladies Watch / Picture Book / Italian
Pasta, Sauce, Oil Set / The Gotoh Museum Admission Tickets / Candy Bowl, Scarf / Lady's
Handbag / Time Bag / DVDs / LEGO / Keshipon
Digital Camera, Diners JCB Gift Card / Edo Wonderland Free Pass Tickets / Candy Bowl, Scarf /
Lady’s Handbag / DVDs / Time Bag / The Gotoh Museum Admission Tickets / T-shirt, Cap,
Playing Cards, Rubik’s Cube / LEGO / Keshipon / CD
Super Deluxe Facial Beauty Treatment Course Certificate / Hoody / Picture Book / The Gotoh
Museum Admission Tickets / DVD, Handkerchief Set / Candy Bowl, Scarf / LEGO / Time Bag, CD
/ T-shirt, Cap, Playing Cards, Rubik’s Cube / YOFiBAR Fruit Masque Active Trial Set / Keshipon
“Make Your Own Bear” Tickets / ATTITUDE Laundry Detergent, Window & Mirror Cleaner / Tokyo
Summerland Entrance Tickets / Perfume / Candy Bowl, Scarf / Lady’s Handbag / The Gotoh
Museum Admission Tickets / Time Bag, Book, CD / Towel / T-shirt, Cap, Playing Cards, Rubik's
Cube / Pajamas / LEGO / Picture Book / Keshipon
Tokyo Summerland Entrance Tickets / Dinner Coupon / “Make Your Own Bear” Tickets / Body &
Lip Cream / Time Bag, CD / The Gotoh Museum Admission Tickets / Candy Bowl, Bag, Scarf /
Pajamas / T-shirt, Cap, Playing Cards, Rubik’s Cube / LEGO / Keshipon
COBUILD Dictionary and Workbook Set / “Make Your Own Bear” Tickets / Men’s Skin Care Set /
DVDs / Candy Bowl, Scarf / Lady’s Handbag / Towel / The Gotoh Museum Admission Tickets / Tshirt, Cap, Playing Cards, Rubik’s Cube / CD / Keshipon / YOFiBAR Fruit Masque Active Trial Set
COBUILD Dictionary and Workbook Set / Candy Bowl, Scarf / Italian Pasta, Sauce, Oil Set /
Yoga/Pilates Mat, Exercise mini Ball / Aroma Treatment, Handmade Towel / DVDs / CD /
Pajamas / LEGO / T-shirt, Cap, Playing Cards, Rubik’s Cube / YOFiBAR Fruit Masque Active
Trial Set / Keshipon
Bath Towel, Mini Towel / Italian Pasta, Sauce, Oil Set / Candy Bowl, Scarf / ATTITUDE Laundry
Detergent, Window & Mirror Cleaner, / Bathroom Cleaner / DVDs / Aqua-Collagen-Gel / Lady’s
Handbag / The Gotoh Museum Admission Tickets / CDs / LEGO / YOFiBAR Fruit Masque Active
Trial Set / Keshipon
Eau de Toilette / Beach Sandals, Cosmetic Set / Tokyo Cruise Invitations / DVDs / Candy Bowl,
Scarf / Yoga/Pilates Mat, Exercise mini Ball / Lady’s Handbag / LEGO / Book / The Gotoh
Museum Admission Tickets / YOFiBAR Fruit Masque Active Trial Set / Keshipon
Lady’s Handbag / Candy Bowl, Scarf / Pajamas, Flower Vase / DVDs / Tokyo Cruise Invitations /
T-shirt, Cap, Playing Cards, Rubik’s Cube / Japanese Barrette / LEGO / Keshipon / House Curry
Lady’s Handbag / Candy Bowl, Scarf / Pajamas, Flower Vase / DVDs / Tokyo Cruise Invitations /
T-shirt, Cap, Playing Cards, Rubik’s Cube / Japanese Barrette / LEGO / Keshipon / House Curry
DOME Corporation / NATIONAL AZABU / Warner Entertainment Japan Inc. / Fitness &
Aqua ATRIO DUE / mamahula / The Gotoh Museum / MONOPIA Co., Ltd. / Dr. Ci:Labo
/ Scoragen Co., Ltd. / Time Inc. / Friend of St. Mary’s / LEGO Japan / Bloomberg L.P. /
A Better Communication Co., Ltd. / SAS Institute Japan Ltd. / Artigiano DUE
VÉRITÉ / CONCENT Corporation / Friend of St. Mary’s / Edo
Wonderland / Warner Entertainment Japan Inc. / Scoragen Co., Ltd. / The Gotoh
Museum / Fitness & Aqua ATRIO DUE / LEGO Japan / Scoragen Co., Ltd. / Bloomberg
L.P. / Time Inc. / MONOPIA Co., Ltd. / mamahula / SAS Institute Japan Ltd.
Friend of St. Mary’s / BOOK HOUSE Jinbocho / Mr. Go Imada / The Gotoh Museum /
Scoragen Co., Ltd. / MONOPIA Co., Ltd. / Time Inc. / Warner Entertainment Japan Inc. /
LEGO Japan / SAS Institute Japan Ltd.
Friend of St. Mary’s / Edo Wonderland / Scoragen Co., Ltd. / MONOPIA Co., Ltd. /
Warner Entertainment Japan Inc. / Time Inc. / The Gotoh Museum / Bloomberg L.P. /
LEGO Japan / SAS Institute Japan Ltd. / Time Inc.
Garden Clinic Hiroo / CONCENT Corporation / BOOK HOUSE Jinbocho / The Gotoh
Museum / Friend of St. Mary’s / Scoragen Co., Ltd. / LEGO Japan / Time Inc. /
Bloomberg L.P. / A Better Communication Co., Ltd. / SAS Institute Japan Ltd.
Make A Friend Co., Ltd. / ATTITUDE / Tokyo Summerland / Friend of St. Mary’s /
Scoragen Co., Ltd. / MONOPIA Co., Ltd. / The Gotoh Museum / Time Inc. / mamahula /
Bloomberg L.P. / CONCENT Corporation / LEGO Japan / Shogakukan Inc. / SAS
Institute Japan Ltd.
Tokyo Summerland / Mexican Restaurant LA JOLLA / Make A Friend Co., Ltd. / Friends
of St. Mary’s / Time Inc. / The Gotoh Museum / Scoragen Co., Ltd. / CONCENT
Corporation / Bloomberg L.P. / LEGO Japan / SAS Institute Japan Ltd.
HarperCollins Publishers Limited / Make A Friend Co., Ltd. / Friend of St. Mary’s /
Warner Entertainment Japan Inc. / Scoragen Co., Ltd. / MONOPIA Co., Ltd. / mamahula
/ The Gotoh Museum / Bloomberg L.P. / Time Inc. / SAS Institute Japan Ltd. / A Better
Communication Co., Ltd.
HarperCollins Publishers Limited / Scoragen Co., Ltd. / Mr. Go Imada / Mr. Zen Inoue /
Mr. Takeshi Adachi / Warner Entertainment Japan Inc. / Time Inc. / CONCENT
Corporation / LEGO Japan / Bloomberg L.P. / A Better Communication Co., Ltd. / SAS
Institute Japan Ltd.
mamahula / Mr. Go Imada / Scoragen Co., Ltd. / ATTITUDE / Warner Entertainment
Japan Inc. / Dr. Ci:Labo / MONOPIA Co., Ltd. / The Gotoh Museum / Friend of St.
Mary’s / LEGO Japan / A Better Communication Co., Ltd. / SAS Institute Japan Ltd.
Tanaka Satoshi
Ticket No.
Chung Jai Woo
Moon Dae-Chul
Community K.
King Hamako
Ishii Aya
Okuno Marcus
Friend of St. Mary’s / mamahula / Tokyo Cruise Ship Co., Ltd. / Warner Entertainment
Japan Inc. / Scoragen Co., Ltd. / Mr. Zen Inoue / MONOPIA Co., Ltd. / LEGO Japan /
Time Inc. / The Gotoh Museum / A Better Communication Co., Ltd. / SAS Institute Japan
MONOPIA Co., Ltd. / Scoragen Co., Ltd. / CONCENT Corporation / Warner
Entertainment Japan Inc. / Tokyo Cruise Ship Co., Ltd. / Bloomberg L.P. / Kanzashi
Sugino / LEGO Japan / SAS Institute Japan Ltd. / House Foods Corp.
MONOPIA Co., Ltd. / Scoragen Co., Ltd. / CONCENT Corporation / Warner
Entertainment Japan Inc. / Tokyo Cruise Ship Co., Ltd. / Bloomberg L.P. / Kanzashi
Sugino / LEGO Japan / SAS Institute Japan Ltd. / House Foods Corp.
Kanaumi Chie
Litt Misako
Prize No.
Lady’s Handbag / Candy Bowl, Scarf / Pajamas, Flower Vase / DVDs / Tokyo Cruise Invitations /
T-shirt, Cap, Playing Cards, Rubik’s Cube / Japanese Barrette / LEGO / Keshipon / House Curry
Lady’s Handbag / Candy Bowl, Scarf / Pajamas, Flower Vase / DVDs / Tokyo Cruise Invitations /
T-shirt, Cap, Playing Cards, Rubik’s Cube / Japanese Barrette / LEGO / Keshipon / House Curry
Lady’s Handbag / Candy Bowl, Scarf / Pajamas, Flower Vase / DVDs / Tokyo Cruise Invitations /
T-shirt, Cap, Playing Cards, Rubik’s Cube / Japanese Barrette / LEGO / Keshipon / House Curry
Lady’s Handbag / Candy Bowl, Scarf / Pajamas, Flower Vase / DVDs / Tokyo Cruise Invitations /
T-shirt, Cap, Playing Cards, Rubik’s Cube / Japanese Barrette / LEGO / Keshipon / House Curry
Lady’s Handbag / Candy Bowl, Scarf / Pajamas, Flower Vase / DVDs / Tokyo Cruise Invitations /
T-shirt, Cap, Playing Cards, Rubik’s Cube / Japanese Barrette / LEGO / Keshipon / House Curry
Candy Bowl, Scarf / ATTITUDE Laundry Detergent, Window & Mirror Cleaner, / Bathroom
Cleaner / DVDs / Pajamas, Glass Pot / Lady’s Handbag / T-shirt, Cap, Playing Cards, Rubik’s
Cube / Tokyo Cruise Invitations / Japanese Barrette / LEGO / Keshipon
Candy Bowl, Scarf / ATTITUDE Laundry Detergent, Window & Mirror Cleaner, / Bathroom
Cleaner / DVDs / Pajamas, Glass Pot / Lady’s Handbag / T-shirt, Cap, Playing Cards, Rubik’s
Cube / Tokyo Cruise Invitations / Japanese Barrette / LEGO / Keshipon
Candy Bowl, Scarf / ATTITUDE Laundry Detergent, Window & Mirror Cleaner, / Bathroom
Cleaner / DVDs / Pajamas, Glass Pot / Lady’s Handbag / T-shirt, Cap, Playing Cards, Rubik’s
Cube / Tokyo Cruise Invitations / Japanese Barrette / LEGO / Keshipon
Candy Bowl, Scarf / ATTITUDE Laundry Detergent, Window & Mirror Cleaner, / Bathroom
Cleaner / DVDs / Pajamas, Glass Pot / Lady’s Handbag / T-shirt, Cap, Playing Cards, Rubik’s
Cube / Tokyo Cruise Invitations / Japanese Barrette / LEGO / Keshipon
Candy Bowl, Scarf / ATTITUDE Laundry Detergent, Window & Mirror Cleaner, / Bathroom
Cleaner / DVDs / Pajamas, Glass Pot / Lady’s Handbag / T-shirt, Cap, Playing Cards, Rubik’s
Cube / Tokyo Cruise Invitations / Japanese Barrette / LEGO / Keshipon
Lady’s Handbag / Pajamas / DVD / Scarf / T-shirt, Cap, Playing Cards, Rubik’s Cube / Time Bag /
Japanese Barrette / ATTITUDE Laundry Detergent / LEGO / Keshipon / House Curry
Lady’s Handbag / Pajamas / DVD / Scarf / T-shirt, Cap, Playing Cards, Rubik’s Cube / Time Bag /
Japanese Barrette / ATTITUDE Laundry Detergent / LEGO / Keshipon / House Curry
Lady’s Handbag / Pajamas / DVD / Scarf / T-shirt, Cap, Playing Cards, Rubik’s Cube / Time Bag /
Japanese Barrette / ATTITUDE Laundry Detergent / LEGO / Keshipon / House Curry
Lady’s Handbag / Pajamas / DVD / Scarf / T-shirt, Cap, Playing Cards, Rubik’s Cube / Time Bag /
Japanese Barrette / ATTITUDE Laundry Detergent / LEGO / Keshipon / House Curry
Lady’s Handbag / Pajamas / DVD / Scarf / T-shirt, Cap, Playing Cards, Rubik’s Cube / Time Bag /
Japanese Barrette / ATTITUDE Laundry Detergent / LEGO / Keshipon / House Curry
MONOPIA Co., Ltd. / Scoragen Co., Ltd. / CONCENT Corporation / Warner
Entertainment Japan Inc. / Tokyo Cruise Ship Co., Ltd. / Bloomberg L.P. / Kanzashi
Sugino / LEGO Japan / SAS Institute Japan Ltd. / House Foods Corp.
MONOPIA Co., Ltd. / Scoragen Co., Ltd. / CONCENT Corporation / Warner
Entertainment Japan Inc. / Tokyo Cruise Ship Co., Ltd. / Bloomberg L.P. / Kanzashi
Sugino / LEGO Japan / SAS Institute Japan Ltd. / House Foods Corp.
MONOPIA Co., Ltd. / Scoragen Co., Ltd. / CONCENT Corporation / Warner
Entertainment Japan Inc. / Tokyo Cruise Ship Co., Ltd. / Bloomberg L.P. / Kanzashi
Sugino / LEGO Japan / SAS Institute Japan Ltd. / House Foods Corp.
MONOPIA Co., Ltd. / Scoragen Co., Ltd. / CONCENT Corporation / Warner
Entertainment Japan Inc. / Tokyo Cruise Ship Co., Ltd. / Bloomberg L.P. / Kanzashi
Sugino / LEGO Japan / SAS Institute Japan Ltd. / House Foods Corp.
MONOPIA Co., Ltd. / Scoragen Co., Ltd. / CONCENT Corporation / Warner
Entertainment Japan Inc. / Tokyo Cruise Ship Co., Ltd. / Bloomberg L.P. / Kanzashi
Sugino / LEGO Japan / SAS Institute Japan Ltd. / House Foods Corp.
Scoragen Co., Ltd. / ATTITUDE / Warner Entertainment Japan Inc. / CONCENT
Corporation / MONOPIA Co., Ltd. / Bloomberg L.P. / Tokyo Cruise Ship Co., Ltd. /
Kanzashi Sugino / LEGO Japan / SAS Institute Japan Ltd.
Scoragen Co., Ltd. / ATTITUDE / Warner Entertainment Japan Inc. / CONCENT
Corporation / MONOPIA Co., Ltd. / Bloomberg L.P. / Tokyo Cruise Ship Co., Ltd. /
Kanzashi Sugino / LEGO Japan / SAS Institute Japan Ltd.
Scoragen Co., Ltd. / ATTITUDE / Warner Entertainment Japan Inc. / CONCENT
Corporation / MONOPIA Co., Ltd. / Bloomberg L.P. / Tokyo Cruise Ship Co., Ltd. /
Kanzashi Sugino / LEGO Japan / SAS Institute Japan Ltd.
Scoragen Co., Ltd. / ATTITUDE / Warner Entertainment Japan Inc. / CONCENT
Corporation / MONOPIA Co., Ltd. / Bloomberg L.P. / Tokyo Cruise Ship Co., Ltd. /
Kanzashi Sugino / LEGO Japan / SAS Institute Japan Ltd.
Scoragen Co., Ltd. / ATTITUDE / Warner Entertainment Japan Inc. / CONCENT
Corporation / MONOPIA Co., Ltd. / Bloomberg L.P. / Tokyo Cruise Ship Co., Ltd. /
Kanzashi Sugino / LEGO Japan / SAS Institute Japan Ltd.
MONOPIA Co., Ltd. / CONCENT Corporation / Warner Entertainment Japan Inc. /
Scoragen Co., Ltd. / Bloomberg L.P. / Time Inc. / Kanzashi Sugino / ATTITUDE / LEGO
Japan / SAS Institute Japan Ltd. / House Foods Corp.
MONOPIA Co., Ltd. / CONCENT Corporation / Warner Entertainment Japan Inc. /
Scoragen Co., Ltd. / Bloomberg L.P. / Time Inc. / Kanzashi Sugino / ATTITUDE / LEGO
Japan / SAS Institute Japan Ltd. / House Foods Corp.
MONOPIA Co., Ltd. / CONCENT Corporation / Warner Entertainment Japan Inc. /
Scoragen Co., Ltd. / Bloomberg L.P. / Time Inc. / Kanzashi Sugino / ATTITUDE / LEGO
Japan / SAS Institute Japan Ltd. / House Foods Corp.
MONOPIA Co., Ltd. / CONCENT Corporation / Warner Entertainment Japan Inc. /
Scoragen Co., Ltd. / Bloomberg L.P. / Time Inc. / Kanzashi Sugino / ATTITUDE / LEGO
Japan / SAS Institute Japan Ltd. / House Foods Corp.
MONOPIA Co., Ltd. / CONCENT Corporation / Warner Entertainment Japan Inc. /
Scoragen Co., Ltd. / Bloomberg L.P. / Time Inc. / Kanzashi Sugino / ATTITUDE / LEGO
Japan / SAS Institute Japan Ltd. / House Foods Corp.
Hatton Saya
Ticket No.
Ota Hayato
Kwon Tae Hoon
Mojumdar & Co.
Tokyo Kanko
Lee Hyo Sun
Ankita Basu
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St. Mary’s has no direct relationship with services or events advertised in this section of the Newsletter.
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St. Mary’s has no direct relationship with services or events advertised in this section of the Newsletter.
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St. Mary’s has no direct relationship with services or events advertised in this section of the Newsletter.
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St. Mary’s has no direct relationship with services or events advertised in this section of the Newsletter.
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Dates to Watch
31 Mon
No School for ES Students—ES Teachers Work Day
02 Wed
End of 4th Quarter
No School for MS Students—MS Teachers Work Day
03 Thu
ES Gr. 5 Graduation – 1:15 p.m.
Last Day for ES Students
04 Fri
Summer Holidays Begin for Grades 6-12
30 Mon
31 Tue
School Opens (Grades 2-12)
School Opens (Grades RP & 1)
St. Mary’s Association Newsletter Editor
Josie Schmidt
Thank you to Br. Michel, all of the SMA newsletter contributors and advertisers. Special thanks to
DJ Feldmeyer, Mitsuru Kasai, Etsuko Lam and Miho Nagano for their support.
St. Mary’s International School publishes this newsletter electronically each quarter and at the end
of each school year. For newsletter contributions and advertising opportunities, email inquiries to
[email protected] For more information, please visit the school’s website at:
“Summer afternoon, summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the
English language” – Henry James