Effects of Ear Plugging on Single-Unit Azimuth Primary Auditory
Effects of Ear Plugging on Single-Unit Azimuth Primary Auditory
JOURNALOF Vol. 71, No. NEUROPHYSIOLOGY 6, June 1994. Printed in U.S.A. Effects of Ear Plugging on Single-Unit Azimuth Sensitivity in Cat Primary Auditory Cortex. II. Azimuth Tuning Dependent Upon Binaural Stimulation FRANK K. SAMSON, PASCAL BARONE, JANINE C. CLAREY, AND THOMAS J. IMIG Department of Physiology, Kansas University Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas 66160- 7401 provided inhibitory AND CONCLUSIONS SUMMARY 1. Single-unit recordings were carried out in primary auditory cortex (AI) of barbiturate-anesthetized cats. Observations were based on a sample of 13 1 high-best-frequency (~5 kHz), azimuthsensitive neurons. These were identified by their responses to a set of noise bursts, presented in the free field, that varied in azimuth and sound-pressure level (SPL). Each azimuth-sensitive neuron responded well to some levels at certain azimuths, but did not respond well to any level at other azimuths. 2. Unilateral ear plugging was used to infer each neuron’s response to monaural stimulation. Ear plugs, produced by injecting a plastic ear mold compound into the external ear, attenuated sound reaching the tympanic membrane by 25-70 dB. The azimuth tuning of a large proportion of the sample (62/ 13 1)) referred to as binaural directional (BD), was completely dependent upon binaural stimulation because with one ear plugged, these cells were insensitive to azimuth (either responded well at all azimuths or failed to respond at any azimuth) or in a few cases exhibited striking changes in location of azimuth function peaks. This report describes patterns of monaural responses and binaural interactions exhibited by BD neurons and relates them to each cell’s azimuth and level tuning. The response of BD cells to ear plugging is consistent with the hypothesis that they derive azimuth tuning from interaural level differences present in noise bursts. Another component of the sample consisted of monaural directional (27 / 13 1) cells that derived azimuth tuning in part or entirely from monaural spectral cues. Cells in the remaining portion of the sample (42/ 131) responded too unreliably to permit specific conclusions. 3. Binaural interactions were inferred by statistical comparison of a cell’s responses to monaural (unilateral plug) and binaural (no plug) stimulation. A larger binaural response than either monaural response was taken as evidence for binaural facilitation. A smaller binaural than monaural response was taken as evidence for binaural inhibition. Binaural facilitation was exhibited by 65% ( 40/ 62) of the BD sample ( facilitatory cells). Many of these exhibited mixed interactions, i.e., binaural facilitation occurred in response to some azimuth-level combinations, and binaural inhibition to others. Binaural inhibition in the absence of binaural facilitation occurred in 35% (22/62) of the BD sample, a majority of which were EI cells, so called because they received excitatory (E) input from one ear (excitatory ear) and inhibitory (I) input from the other (inhibitory ear). One cell that exhibited binaural inhibition received excitatory input from each ear. 4. EI cells responded vigorously throughout much or all of one frontal quadrant (preferred side) and responded poorly throughout the other. Plugging of the ear on the nonpreferred side caused an increase in the cell’s responsiveness, showing that the ear on the preferred side provided excitatory input and that the other ear 2194 0022-3077/94 $3.00 Copyright input. For a majority ( 86%, 18/2 1), the preferred side was located contralateral to the recording site in AI. 5. The binaural facilitation group was composed of midlinepreferring (23%, 9/40) and lateral field (LF) cells (77%, 3 l/40) that responded selectively to midline and lateral locations, respectively. The LF sample included slightly more ipsilateral-than contralateral-preferring cells (55% vs. 45% and 17/ 3 1 vs. 14/ 3 1). 6. Patterns of monaural excitation varied among cells in the binaural facilitation group. All midline cells and a few LF cells failed to respond or responded very weakly to monaural stimulation of either ear. Many LF cells were excited exclusively or predominantly by the ear on the preferred side. Plugging of the non(or less) excitatory ear caused an increase in responsiveness on the nonpreferred side and a decrease in responsiveness on the preferred side showing that the binaural response was a result of mixed interactions. 7. Monaural and binaural thresholds to noise stimulation were obtained at preferred azimuths (locations where binaural azimuth function values were 275%). Most ( 18/ 19) EI cells exhibited monaural and binaural thresholds that differed by less than 5 dB, as was the case for 39% ( 11/28) of the LF sample. The remaining LF cells and all midline cells exhibited higher monaural than binaural thresholds. 8. A level function for binaural noise stimulation was obtained at the azimuth where maximum response occurred. As level increased from 0 to 80 dB SPL, response magnitude (spikes/stimulus) commonly increased to a maximum and then decreased, i.e., it was a nonmonotonic function of level. Nonmonotonic strength, defined as the reduction in response magnitude at the highest SPL tested (80 dB unless the cell ceased to respond at lower levels), ranged from 0 to 100%. For descriptive purposes, level functions with nonmonotonic strengths of >50% were classified as NM-type functions ( 37 /62,60%, of the BD sample), and the remainder as M-type functions. Under binaural conditions, EI cells more commonly exhibited NM-type ( 8 l%, 17/2 1) than M-type level functions whereas equal numbers of facilitatory cells exhibited M- and NM-type level functions. 9. Nonmonotonic level tuning exhibited by different cells to binaural noise stimulation could result from nonmonotonic level tuning from the excitatory ear, binaural inhibition, or Ievel-dependent binaural facilitation. Monotonic level tuning could result from monotonic level tuning from the excitatory ear or binaural facilitation over a broad range of levels. Monaural stimulation of the excitatory ear can account for the level tuning of many EI cells, as their responses at preferred azimuths were unaffected by plugging the inhibitory ear. Most facilitatory cells exhibited binaural and monaural level functions that had different thresholds and/ or form (monotonic or nonmonotonic) showing that binaural mechanisms strongly contributed to level tuning. 0 1994 The American Physiological Society BINAURAL DIRECTIONAL CELLS IN AI 2195 put from one ear, exhibit a mixture of binaural facilitation and inhibition, and are similar to EI cells in their preference for ILDs favoring the excitatory ear (Benson and Teas 1976; Brugge et al. 1969; Kelly and Sally 1988; Phillips and Irvine 198 1; Reale and Kettner 1986; Semple and Kitzes 1993a,b). Some cells, referred to as TWINS (two-way intensity networks), exhibit facilitation or mixed interactions and are selective for a specific combination of tonal SPLs presented to each ear (Semple and Kitzes 1993b). The results of dichotic studies support a widely accepted binaural disparity hypothesis that interrelates azimuth tunINTRODUCTION ing, ILD tuning, monaural inputs, and binaural interacAuditory cortex (AI) plays an important role in sound tions. PB cells should be selective for midline sound localization. Cats, dogs, ferrets, monkeys, and humans can sources, EI cells and those exhibiting mixed interactions respond to sounds after destruction of auditory cortex, should be selective for sound sources on the side of the showing that they are not deaf, but their accuracy of local- excitatory ear, and TWINS should be selective to narrow ization in the horizontal plane (azimuth) is impaired se- ranges of level and azimuth. A goal of this study was to verely (Heffner and Master-ton 1975; Jenkins and Master- determine whether the responses of AI neurons to noise ton 1982; Jenkins and Merzenich 1984; Kavanagh and stimulation were consistent with this hypothesis. The monaural inputs and binaural interactions of azimuth-sensitive Kelly 1987; Klingon and Bontecou 1966; Sanchez-Longo and Forster 1958 ) . Single-unit studies using loudspeakers neurons were characterized by studying the effect of ear to present sounds in the free field have demonstrated that plugging on unit responses, a simple technique exploited by many neurons in the high-frequency representation of AI Middlebrooks ( 1987 ) in his study of the cat’s superior collicare azimuth sensitive, meaning that they respond vigor- ulus. Unilateral ear plugging attenuates sound reaching the ously at some directions but not others (cat: Barrett 197 1; tympanic membrane and thus allows testing a cell’s response to simulated monaural stimulation. Binaural interEisenman 1974; Evans 1968; Imig et al. 1990; Middlebrooks and Pettigrew 198 1; Rajan et al. 1990; Sovijarvi and actions may be inferred by comparing responses to monHyvarinen 1974; monkey: Benson et al. 198 1). Such neu- aural and binaural stimulation. The results of the study revealed two classesof azimuthrons are presumably important for the representation of sensitive cells, referred to as binaural directional (BD) and sound source azimuth in the auditory system. Although these studies demonstrate the existence of azimuth-sensimonaural directional (MD). BD cells, described in this retive neurons in AI, they reveal nothing about the mecha- port, are insensitive to the azimuth of monaurally presented noise bursts, and their azimuth tuning is completely nisms that underlie directional tuning. Many AI neurons in cats and other mammals are sensi- dependent upon binaural stimulation. Their azimuth tuntive to interaural time and level differences present in tone ing and patterns of monaural inputs and binaural interacbursts (reviewed by Clarey et al. 1992; cat: Brugge et al. tions are largely consistent with the binaural disparity hy1964, 1969; Hall and Goldstein 1968; Kitzes et al. 1980; pothesis. In contrast, the azimuth tuning of MD cells is Phillips and Irvine 198 1, 1983; Reale and Brugge 1990; derived in part or entirely from monaural directional cues, Reale and Kettner 1986; Semple and Kitzes 1993ab; mon- not from ILD sensitivity ( Samson et al. 1993 ). key: Brugge and Merzenich 1973; rat: Kelly and Sally 1988; AI neurons vary in breadth of tuning to noise level. Many chinchilla: Benson and Teas 1976), and such sensitivity is a neurons with nonmonotonic level functions are selective for limited ranges of level, and most of these are azimuth fundamental mechanism of azimuth tuning. High-frequency AI neurons, which are sensitive to interaural level sensitive (Imig et al. 1990). Other azimuth-sensitive neudifferences (ILDs) present in tone bursts, exhibit several rons are more broadly tuned to level, including those with characteristic patterns of monaural inputs and binaural in- monotonic level functions. Ear plugging revealed several teractions. EI neurons, so called because they receive excit- distinctive patterns of monaural input and binaural interatory (E) input from one ear and inhibitory (I) input from actions that were associated with monotonic and nonmonthe other, exhibit binaural inhibition, i.e., their response otonic functions. A preliminary report has been presented decreases when sound-pressure level (SPL) at the inhibielsewhere (Samson and Imig 1990). This work represents a tory ear exceeds that at the excitatory ear (Brugge and Mer- part of the PhD research conducted by Frank Samson. zenith 1973; Brugge et al. 1969; Kelly and Sally 1988; Phillips and Irvine 198 1) . Other ILD-sensitive cells exhibit bin- METHODS aural facilitation, i.e., their binaural response is larger than Single-unit recordings were obtained from 36 healthy adult cats their monaural response from either ear (Benson and Teas with clean external ears and normal thresholds, estimated from 1976; Hall and Goldstein 1968; Kitzes et al. 1980; Phillips auditory brain stem responses or cortical unit responses. The samand Irvine 198 1; Reale and Kettner 1986). Binaural facilitaple of BD cells that is described in this report was obtained from 25 tion occurs at ILDs near zero in predominantly binaural cats. Anesthesia was induced with sodium pentobarbital(40 mg/ ( PB ) cells, so called because they respond to binaural stimu- kg ip), a venous catheter was inserted in the cephalic vein for lation but not to monaural stimulation (Kitzes et al. 1980; infusion of drugs and fluids, and a tracheal cannula was inserted. Phillips and Irvine 198 1). Other cells receive excitatory in- A deep level of anesthesia, sufficient to produce miosis and to 10. Some NM-type facilitatory cells, including those with midline and LF azimuth preferences, may receive binaural facilitation that is a nonmonotonic function of level at each ear. This type of binaural interaction was described by Semple and Kitzes in AI of the cat using dichotic tonal stimulation. The monaural responses and binaural interactions that were revealed by ear plugging, and the binaural selectivity of NM-type facilitatory cells to limited ranges of level and azimuth are consistent with this type of binaural mechanism. 2196 F. K. SAMSON, P. BARONE, suppress withdrawal, pinna, and eye-blink reflexes, was maintained throughout the duration of the experiment by supplemental intravenous infusions of sodium pentobarbital ( 1/ 10 to l/ 15 of the initial dose diluted 1: 1 with Ringer solution) as needed. This translated into a rate between 1.5-4.0 mg. kg-’ hr-’ that usually decreased throughout the duration of the experiment. Atropine sulfate (0.1 mg/ kg im) and dexamethasone (2 mg/kg iv) were given at the beginning of an experiment as prophylactic measures to minimize respiratory congestion and brain edema, respectively. Body temperature was maintained at 38°C with a feedback heating pad. After induction of anesthesia, a midline incision was made in the scalp, and a craniotomy was performed to allow access to the middle ectosylvian gyrus in the left hemisphere. A ~4.75 photograph or a scale drawing of the cortical surface was used for recording the locations of electrode penetrations with respect to the cortical vasculature. A Lucite recording chamber and a stainless steel head-support tube were attached to the cranium with dental acrylic and anchor screws. The animal was supported in a frame, its body resting in a sling, and its head rigidly fixed by clamping the head-support tube to the frame. To approximate the head position of an alert cat looking straight ahead, the head was positioned with the horizontal Horsley-Clarke plane tilting forward and down. The angle between the Horsley-Clarke horizontal plane and the horizontal plane parallel to the floor was measured in 11 cats ( 18.5” t 3.1 O,mean t SD) by temporarily attaching a U-shaped plate to the head by means of blunt ear bars and orbit bars. Pinnae were pulled upright with silk threads glued to their outer surfaces. Single-unit recordings were carried out with the animal located in an electrically shielded, quasi-anechoic, sound-isolation chamber. Single-unit activity was recorded with glass-insulated, electrolytically sharpened, platinum-plated, tungsten microelectrodes with impedances between 1.O and 3.0 MQ. The bioelectrical signal was amplified, filtered, and displayed on an oscilloscope whose sweep was synchronized with the stimulus. It also was fed to an audiomonitor and to an amplitude-window discriminator that sent a pulse to the computer each time a single-unit waveform was detected. Microelectrodes were advanced by the use of a hydraulic micromanipulator mounted on top of a recording chamber and controlled from outside the sound chamber. The recording chamber was sealed hydraulically during the recording session to minimize pulsation of the brain because of breathing and blood circulation. Small marking lesions (5 PA X 5 s) were placed during electrode penetrations to aid in electrode track reconstruction. Electrode penetrations were oriented tangential to the cortical surface, in a sagittal vertical plane, or normal to the cortical surface. Tangential and sagittal penetrations were approximately parallel to isofrequency contours. Sound stimulation was presented in the free field using an array of loudspeakers located in the horizontal plane (parallel to the floor) that included the interaural line. The array was composed of 25 identical loudspeakers, spaced at 7.5 Ointervals along a semicircular arc, and each loudspeaker was located 0.79 m from the interaural midpoint (center of the array). The array could be rotated about a vertical axis passing through its center allowing presentation of sound from any direction in the horizontal plane. An optical encoder provided the computer with the angular position of the support frame holding the loudspeaker array. Sound was delivered from one loudspeaker of the array at a time, and loudspeaker selection for sound delivery was under computer control. Loudspeakers were adjusted to point toward the center of the array. In searching for single-unit responses, the azimuth and SPL of noise bursts were varied systematically to increase the chance of exciting cells that might be selective to narrow ranges of azimuth and/or level. Noise bursts were presented sequentially from loudl J. C. CLAREY, AND T. J. IMIG speakers spaced at 30” intervals throughout the hemifield in front of the interaural line. At each location, an ascending sequence of levels was presented that ranged from 0 to 80 dB in 20 dB steps before changing to the next loudspeaker. Auditory waveform synthesis, acoustic calibration, stimulus timing and sequencing, data collection, and data analysis were controlled by a PDP 11/73 computer. Stimulus waveforms were generated at an output sample rate of 100 kHz using a 16-bit D/A converter (Boys Town National Research Hospital), low-pass filtered at 40 kHz (Kemo VBF/8, - 180 dB/octave) to prevent aliasing, attenuated with computer controllable attenuators, and amplified. Each loudspeaker was calibrated by placing a microphone (B&K type 4 133 l/2 in) at the center of the loudspeaker array, aiming it at the loudspeaker, and performing a fast Fourier transform (FFI’) on the impulse response. Tables of maximum SPL attainable at different frequencies were derived from FFT data and stored in a computer-disk file for use during experiments. Calibration values were relatively independent of the rotational position of the array ( 2 1.5 dB maximum difference). The array loudspeakers were identical high-frequency drivers (Polydax, DTW 12X9T25) with fairly flat frequency responses between 1 and 20 kHz (,t5 dB) that rolled off at 20 dB/octave from 20 to 40 kHz and more steeply above 40 kHz because of the antialias filtering, so that at 50 kHz, the output was -67 dB with respect to the maximum level between 1 and 20 kHz. The frequency response characteristics of the loudspeakers were similar, and their maximum outputs at each frequency between 2 and 30 kHz varied <4 dB among speakers, and < 10 dB between 1 and 2 kHz. The noise waveform was generated using a random number generator that resulted in an electrical signal with a flat spectrum (O-50 kHz) and uniform amplitude distribution. We refer to this signal as broadband noise, and the actual spectrum of the noise delivered to the animal was shaped by the loudspeaker and the antialiasing filter. The maximum attainable SPL for broad-band noise was 93 & 0.5 dB (unweighted measurement). All surfaces of the sound-isolation chamber and animal support frame were covered with 3-inthick acoustical foam (Illbruck) to reduce echoes. Additional details related to the acoustics of the sound system have previously been reported (Imig et al. 1990). Fifty-ms-duration noise and tone pips had linear rise-fall ramps of 5 ms. For each unit, the number of stimulus repetitions at each azimuth-level combination was constant, and for different units, this number ranged from 10 to 20. Stimuli were presented at as high a rate as practicable (2-5 Hz) without causing a substantial decrease in unit responsiveness. During a recording session, poststimulus time histograms, dot rasters, and displays of spike counts plotted as a function of level and azimuth, or as a function of frequency, were available to the experimenters. The times of occurrence of action potentials were stored in computer-disk files with a resolution of 10 ps for later analysis. Data analysis was performed using a time window to eliminate the low rate of spontaneous discharge that was present in the response of a few single units. Unilateral ear occlusion was effected by injecting a plastic ear mold compound (All American Mold Lab, Ear Mold Impression Material) into the pinna and ear canal. It cured to a soft, plastic consistency that was easy to remove without leaving residues in the ear canal. Inspection of the plugs after their removal showed that they typically filled the external cavity of the pinna and external auditory meatus up to the sharp bend located - 13 mm from the tympanic membrane. In some cases they extended up to the tympanic membrane. New plugs were made each time the ear was occluded. Attenuations produced by ear plugs were estimated by two methods that gave comparable results. In the first, the external auditory canal was surgically opened near its junction with the BINAURAL DIRECTIONAL bulla, and a probe tube microphone was sealed in the opening with its tip near the tympanic membrane. The impulse response of a high-frequency driver (Radio Shack 40- 13 1OB) was measured with and without the ear plugged. The resulting frequency spectra were subtracted showing that attenuation varied between 32-70 dB in the range of 4-32 kHz (the usable frequency range for the measurements). At most frequencies, attenuations ranged between 40 and 60 dB, with lesser attenuations (32-40 dB) occurring over a narrow range of frequency that corresponded with a notch in the spectrum from the unplugged ear (e.g., Musicant et al. 1990). Ear-plug attenuation also was estimated by comparing auditory brain stem response (ABR) thresholds to tone bursts presented using the Polydax loudspeakers under unilateral and bilateral ear-plug conditions. Attenuations were measured in seven animals, and ranged between 55 and 70 dB at 4, 8, and 16 kHz, and between 35 and 55 dB at 2 kHz. Attenuation produced at 1 kHz (presented using a Braun Output C loudspeaker with a better low-frequency response than either the Polydax or Radio Shack loudspeakers) was measured once using cochlear microphonic potential recordings at the round window, and it was 25 dB. Thresholds to tone bursts (rise and fall ramps, 0.5 ms; duration, 3 ms) of 2, 4, 8, and 16 kHz were obtained from ABRs recorded under unilateral ear-plug conditions. The ABRs were obtained a few days before, or during, a recording session using a free-field sound source located in the horizontal plane and aimed at the opening of the unoccluded ear. When ABRs were recorded before the experiment, the animal was anesthetized (sodium pentobarbital, ip) and placed in the sling with its lower jaw supported to hold its head in roughly the same position as during a single-unit recording session. The ABR potentials were averaged over 500 or 1,000 stimulus repetitions. The level was varied in 5-dB steps, and threshold was defined as the lowest SPL that evoked a detectable response. Thresholds for stimulation of each ear in 20 normal adult cats at 2, 4, 8, and 16 kHz were 23 t 7.2, 11 t 7.0, 8 t 7.9, and 18 -+ 5.7 (SD) dB SPL, respectively. Threshold disparities between right and left ears calculated for each animal at each frequency (n = 77) were 5 10 dB (3 t 3.6 dB). We rejected animals with thresholds 220 dB above the normal mean or showing an interaural threshold disparity 2 15 dB. Each animal was given a lethal dose of anesthetic at the end of the experiment and perfused through the heart with a 10% solution of form01 saline. The brain was removed from the skull and placed in a 30% sucrose form01 saline solution for cryoprotection during histological processing. Brains were blocked in the plane of the electrode penetrations and cut frozen into sections 50-pm thick on a sliding microtome. Tissue sections were mounted on glass slides and stained with cresyl violet. Electrode tracks were reconstructed with the use of a drawing tube attached to a microscope. The location of single units in AI was confirmed from partial tonotopic maps obtained during each experiment. Statistical treatment of data Data sets consisted of single-unit responses to noise bursts that varied in azimuth and level. Data sets were compared statistically to determine whether treatment (ear plugging) had a significant effect on the cell’s response and if so, whether a cell exhibited binaural inhibition, binaural facilitation, or both. Cells typically fired one spike, if any, and infrequently two or more spikes to a noise burst. Nonparametric statistics were used because spike counts were not normally distributed. One of two methods was used depending on whether or not repeat data sets were obtained using one treatment condition. If replications were available, an analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used. Otherwise, a x2 test was used. CELLS IN AI 2197 The x2 test was based on number of spikes evoked by each stimulus repetition (response). To test the effect of ear plugging at each azimuth, responses at all tested levels at that azimuth were divided into plug and no-plug groups. Within each group the frequency of occurrence of responses consisting of zero, one, two, etc., spikes were used to build a contingency table that was subjected to a x 2test (Beyer 1968; Siegel 1956). A Bonferroni correction (Glantz 1987) of the significance level ((w) was used to control the error rate for multiple azimuth comparisons (corrected CY= uncorrected a/number of comparisons = 0.05 /n). An ANOVA was used to test for differences related to treatment if repeated data sets were available for one or both treatment conditions. Data for the analysis included only those azimuth-level combinations common to both treatment data sets. All responses (average number of spikes per stimulus repetition) for each azimuth-level combination in the two treatment groups were pooled together, ranked, and a three-factor ANOVA on the ranks was performed (Glantz 1987). The three factors were treatment (T), level (L), and azimuth (A), and the dependent variable was the ranked response. The overall difference in response associated with T, as well as the treatment X azimuth X level interaction (TAL), the treatment X azimuth interaction (TA), and the treatment X level interaction (TL) were assessed.As this analysis was only concerned with the effects of treatment, azimuth X level interactions and the overall effects of changing azimuth or level within the same treatment are not discussed. T, TAL, TL, and TA were considered significant when their respective probabilities (PTY PTAL9P, , or PTL) were 10.05. Monaural and binaural data sets were considered significantly different if PT 5 0.05. The interaction terms were used to test for azimuth- or/and level-dependent differences that were not reflected by a significant overall mean difference associated with treatment. Post-hoc tests (x2 or the one-tailed Fisher exact probability test) (Beyer 1968; Siegel, 1956 ) , based on the frequency of occurrence of responses consisting of zero, one, two spikes etc., were applied to data sets collapsed across level and used to determine the azimuths at which responses were significantly different and whether monaural responses were greater or less than binaural responses (i.e., whether the binaural interaction was inhibitory or facilitator-y). Post-hoc tests were used to test further the significance of differences between monaural and binaural responses at each azimuth-level combination. A Bonferroni correction was applied for all post-hoc tests. RESULTS A set of noise bursts that varied in azimuth in the frontal hemifield (in front of the interaural line) was presented to each single unit. At each azimuth, noise bursts were presented over a broad range of SPLs. Responses to the stimulus set were displayed as an azimuth-level response area ( ALRA, e.g., no plug, Fig. 1A), a contour plot that represents response magnitude as a joint function of azimuth and level. Because azimuth tuning is level dependent, an azimuth function was calculated from an ALRA data set by averaging over level to provide a level-independent measure of azimuth tuning [e.g., NP (no plug) D was derived from the data in A]. Azimuth function modulation (difference between maximum and minimum values) was used as an index of azimuth sensitivity, and cells were arbitrarily classified as azimuth sensitive if modulation was 275%. Neurons that met this criterion (e.g., NP, Fig. 1D) responded well to some levels at certain azimuths, but relatively poorly regardless of level at other azimuths (e.g., Fig. 1A). F. K. SAMSON, 2198 ---120 -90 -60 IPSI -30 AZIMUTH 0 (DEGREE:; P. BARONE, 60 90 CONTRA J. C. CLAREY, 120 ~-.I20 AND T. J. IMIG -90 -60 IPSI -30 AZIMUTH 30 60 90 CONTRA (DiGREES) 120 90 C 70 - NP ---*-Ip .....0 .... cp . . . . /-?%I -120 -90 -60 IPSI -30 AZIMUTH 0 (DEGREE&O 60 90 CONTRA 12 *-----“‘0 0.0 1 I -10-l -120 0 -90 . .. .. . -60 IPSI 9 . .. .. ... .‘*_.._.. -30 0 AZIMUTH 1 90 60 30 120 CONTRA (DEGREES) F,$:::; ,,,/I ,,,,, ,111, z 50 ::::: jz,~ -90 -60 IPSI -30 AZIMUTH 0 (DEGREES) 30 60 90 CONTRA ,, -90 -60 IPSI ,, ,, -30 0 AZIMUTH (DEGREES) ,I 30 .,, 90 60 CONTRA RC. 1. M-type El cells with level-tolerant response borders. A-D: unit 89 1 l-l 1 [best frequency (BF), 12 kHz]. A-C: azimuth-level response areas ( ALRAs) obtained using the plugging conditions at top lefi corners. An ALRA displays response magnitude (% of maximum) as a joint function of azimuth and level. Small squares indicate stimulus azimuths and levels in the data set. Iso-response contour lines represent 5%. 25%, 50%, and 75% of maximum response (diamonds). Azimuth representation: median plane in front (0’) and behind (+ 180”) the head, contralateral, right (+90”) and ipsilateral, left (-90”) poles. ALRAs obtained under binaural (A), ipsilateral plug (B), and contralateral plug (C) conditions. Maximum responses were 1.O, 1.07, and 0.6 spikes/stimulus, respectively, based on 15 stimulus repetitions. D: azimuth functions for the binaural (NP), ipsilateral plug (IP), and contralateral plug (CP) conditions (numbers following such abbreviations in the figures that follow indicate replications). Identical levels were used for the average values in each azimuth function. Azimuth-level combinations at 0-dB SPL were excluded from the statistical tests if a unit was unresponsive at this level. A x2 test (corrected (Y = 0.05 / 7 = 0.007) showed that binaural responses were significantly smaller than ipsilateral plug responses at -90” and - 120” (circled minus signs, D). E: unit 9 102-29 (BF, 9 kHz); F: unit 9 102-2 1 (BF, 8.5 kHz). Binaural ALRAs for 2 M-type EI cells; 10 stimulus repetitions in both cases. For both units, analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed significant overall ( Pr- ) , azimuth-dependent (PTA), and level-dependent ( PTL ) effects of ipsilateral ear plugging (9102-29: Pz = 0.0001, PTAL = 0.20, P,, = 0.001, and PTL = 0.0001; 9102-21: P, = 0.0001, P,, = 0.34, PTA = 0.0001, and PTL = 0.048). Post hoc tests on data combined across level (corrected 01 = 0.05/7 = 0.007) revealed that binaural responses were significantly smaller than ipsilateral plug responses on the ipsilateral side. Binaural responses did not exceed ipsilateral plug responses at any azimuth tested. Post hoc tests on data for individual azimuth-level combinations (corrected LY = 0.05/28 = 0.0018) revealed azimuth-level combinations at which binaural responses were significantly smaller than the ipsilateral plug responses (circled minus signs). The effect of ear plugging on the responses of 131 azimuth-sensitive cells was studied. The responses of 42 of them were too unreliable to characterize. The remaining 89 cells were classified as MD (30%, 27/89) (Samson et al. 1993) or as BD (70%, 62/89), and this latter group is described below. Best frequency (BF), defined as the midpoint of the fre- quency range that excited a cell at lo-20 dB above lowest threshold, was determined at a preferred azimuth (azimuth function value 2 75% of maximum), which was often the maximal azimuth (corresponding to the maximum response in the ALRA data set). BFs of BD cells ranged between 5.0 and 24 kHz. All BD cells discharged at short latencies (8-25 ms) after the stimulus onset, and under cer- BINAURAL DIRECTIONAL tain stimulus conditions, a few of them (4/ 62) also responded at longer latencies (48-98 ms). These late responses were not included in the analysis, but their inclusion would not have altered any of our conclusions. Electrode track reconstructions allowed identification of the recording sites for 58% of the BD sample ( 36/62 cells), and a majority (30/ 36) was located in layers III and IV. The remainder was located in layers II, V, and VI. If a cell was determined to be azimuth sensitive for binaural (without ear plugs) stimulation, ALRAs also were obtained for monaural (unilateral ear plug) stimulation. If time permitted, ALRAs were obtained for monaural stimulation of each ear, and additional binaural and monaural ALRAs were obtained to test for reliability of the response. Binaural interactions were inferred by statistically comparing binaural and monaural responses to the same azimuths and levels of noise stimulation. A significantly larger binaural response than either monaural response was interpreted as evidence for binaural facilitation. A significantly smaller binaural than monaural response was taken as evidence for binaural inhibition. Cells that exhibited binaural facilitation composed 65% (40/62) of the BD sample, and many of these exhibited mixed interactions, i.e., binaural facilitation at some azimuth-level combinations and binaural inhibition at others. Binaural inhibition in the absence of binaural facilitation was exhibited by 35% (22/ 62) of the BD sample. Most were EI cells that received excitatory input (discharge of action potentials) from one ear (excitatory ear) and inhibitory input from the other (inhibitory ear). For each cell, a level function was obtained at the maximal azimuth. In most cases,response magnitude was a nonmonotonic function of level, i.e., as level increased from threshold, response magnitude increased to a maximum and then decreased (e.g., Fig. 3F). Each cell was tested using levels that varied from near threshold up to 80 dB SPL except for some nonmonotonic cells that ceased responding at lower levels. The decrease in response magnitude at the highest level tested (nonmonotonic strength) varied from 0% ( e.g., NP2, Fig. 11D) to 100% ( e.g., Fig. 30). For descriptive purposes, level functions with nonmonotonic strengths of >50% were classified as NM-type functions, and those with nonmonotonic strengths 150% were classified as M-type functions. Under binaural conditions, 60% of the sample (37/62) exhibited NM-type level functions, including 8 1% ( 17/2 1) of the EI sample and 50% (20/40) of the facilitatory sample. EI cells responded vigorously throughout much or all of one frontal quadrant (preferred side) and relatively poorly throughout the other quadrant (nonpreferred side, e.g., Fig. 1A). In each case, plugging the ear on the nonpreferred side caused an increase in responsiveness at locations where the cell had responded poorly to binaural stimulation and consequent loss of azimuth sensitivity. From this it was inferred that the ear on the preferred side provided excitatory input, the ear on the nonpreferred side provided inhibitory input, and that azimuth sensitivity depended upon binaural stimulation. The contralateral quadrant was preferred by the majority (86%, 18/21). An example of an M-type EI cell that was studied with CELLS IN AI 2199 unilateral plugging of each ear is shown in Fig. 1, A-D. ALRAs were obtained for each of three plugging conditions (A : no plug, B: ipsi plug, C: contra plug), and the corresponding azimuth functions are labeled NP, IP, and CP (D). Under binaural conditions, a response border can be identified ( no plug, A; NP, D) as a steep gradient in response magnitude that occurred between O” and -30° azimuth. The location of the response border was relatively invariant over a broad range of levels ( level tolerant) as reflected in near-vertical, near-parallel, 50% and 75% isoresponse contour lines (A). Monaural contralateral stimulation, simulated by ipsilatera1 plugging, was inferred to be excitatory because it produced vigorous responses to sound sources located throughout the entire frontal hemifield (ipsi plug, B; IP, D). Thresholds (defined in each ALRA by the 5% iso-response contour line) were lowest contralaterally, presumably reflecting diffraction of high-frequency sound by the head and pinna (Irvine 1987; Musicant et al. 1990). For most frequencies, direction-dependent acoustic gain at the tympanic membrane (TM) is maximum within the frontal quadrant ipsilateral to that ear, and it decreases more or less monotonically as the sound source is displaced through the contralateral frontal quadrant towards the contralateral ear. Stimulation of the ipsilateral ear was inferred to provide inhibitory input because the cell was less responsive in the ipsilateral quadrant under binaural conditions than under ipsilateral plug conditions [compare NP and IP (D), statistical comparisons are described in the figure legends]. Monaural ipsilateral stimulation (contra plug, C; CP, D) was ineffective at most azimuth-level combinations, but a response did occur at 80-dB SPL in the contralateral quadrant. This may have been a result of sound reaching the contralateral ear through the plug. The lowest threshold to contralateral ear stimulation was ~0 dB SPL (B) , so that even with a plug producing the maximum attainable attenuation of 70 dB, an 80-dB SPL sound in the free field would still achieve a level 10 dB above the cell’s threshold. Furthermore, if sound reaching the ipsilateral ear were the source of excitatory input at high levels, then acoustic gain should be greatest and consequently thresholds lowest at ipsilateral directions. However, thresholds were lowest in the contralateral field, suggesting that sound reaching the contralatera1 ear was driving the cell. Taken together, ear plugging suggests that stimulation of the contralateral but not the ipsilateral ear excited the neuron. Two additional examples of M-type, contralateral-preferring EI cells with level-tolerant response borders are illustrated in Fig. 1, E and F. Each cell responded nonselectively throughout the entire frontal field to monaural contralateral stimulation (ipsilateral plug) with lowest thresholds in the contralateral quadrant. The circled minus signs in the ALRAs indicate azimuth-level combinations at which the binaural response was significantly smaller than the monaural contralateral response, showing that ipsilateral ear stimulation had an inhibitory effect. Significant inhibitory effects of ipsilateral ear stimulation were found at ipsilateral and midline locations, but the responses at most contralatera1 directions were not significantly different. These findings showed that the cells received excitatory input from 2200 F. K. SAMSON, 80 P. BARONE, J. C. CLAREY, NO PLUG 3 60 . -20 8932-l -"-"- -90 2 -60 -30 AZIMUTH IPSI '1' 0 -1. 30 -I- -' 60 90 CONTRA (DEGREES) 80, 1 $20 0 I -60 -90 IPSI -30 AZIMUTH 0 30 60 I NP 1 - NP2 CPI IP . ..m.*.... !!j 0.8 ---&mm- 5 I 90 CONTRA (DEGREES) 0.6 . . . . I .e, . . . . - CP2 NP3 0.0 -90 IPSI -60 -30 AZIMUTH 0 30 (DEGREES) 60 90 CONTRA FIG. 2. An NM-type EI cell (8932- 12; BF, 8 kHz) with similar monaural and binaural level tuning. A and B: ALRAs obtained under binaural and contralateral plug conditions, respectively. Maximum responses were 1.1 and 1.3 spikes/stimulus, respectively; 10 stimulus repetitions. C: azimuth functions. The cell was unresponsive with the ipsilateral ear plugged. An ANOVA revealed significant effects of contralateral plugging (Pr = 0.025, PTAL= 0.026, PTA= 0.0008, and PTL = 0.0 14). Post hoc tests on data combined across level (corrected CY= 0.05 /7 = 0.007) revealed that binaural responses were significantly smaller than contralateral plug responses on the contralateral side. No other significant differences were found. Post hoc tests on data for individual azimuth-level combinations (corrected a! = 0.05 / 2 1 = 0.0024) revealed azimuth-level combinations at which binaural responses were significantly smaller than contralateral plug responses (circled minus signs, A ) . the contralateral ear and inhibitory input from the ipsilatera1 ear. Most NM-type EI cells were contralateral preferring, but a few were ipsilateral preferring, and one such example is shown in Fig. 2. The cell was tested on three different occa- AND T. J. IMIG sions under binaural conditions (e.g., Fig. 2: no plug 3 in A and NP l-NP 3 in C) and was found to be azimuth sensitive and ipsilaterally preferring each time. It did show a continuing decrease in responsiveness throughout the test period (e.g., Fig. 2: NP I-NP 3 in C). Monaural stimulation of the ipsilateral ear (Fig. 2: contra plug 2 in B and CP 1 and CP 2 in C) caused the cell to respond nonselectively to azimuth. Monaural stimulation of the contralateral ear did not produce a response (IP, Fig. 2C). Responses to contralateral directions were significantly smaller to binaural than to ipsilateral monaural stimulation ( circled minuses, Fig. 2A) indicating that stimulation of the contralateral ear was inhibitory. There was no significant difference between responses to binaural and monaural ipsilateral stimulation at midline and ipsilateral directions (0” to -9OO). Binaural and monaural level tuning at preferred azimuths was similar for most EI cells, including those with M-type level tuning (e.g., Fig. 1) and NM-type level tuning (e.g., Fig. 2) (for an example of a contralateral-preferring cell with similar properties, see Fig. 8 in Samson et al. 1993). On the other hand, five EI cells exhibited similar binaural and monaural responses at levels near threshold, but at higher levels, they were less responsive to binaural than to monaural stimulation. An example of a contralateral-preferring cell with such properties is illustrated in Fig. 3A. Monaural contralateral stimulation (ipsi plug, Fig. 3B) caused the cell to respond nonmonotonically and nonselectively to sound direction with lowest thresholds in the contralateral quadrant, indicating that the contralateral ear provided nonmonotonic excitatory input. The plug was removed, the cell was tested without plugs two more times, and its responses were similar to the first binaural response (Fig. 3, A and C). The cell was more responsive to monaural contralateral stimulation (ipsilateral plug) than under binaural conditions at most azimuths (significant differences indicated by circled minus signs, Fig. 3C), indicating that stimulation of the ipsilateral ear produced inhibitory input. The inhibition was most effective at ipsilateral sound directions and gradually diminished toward the contralatera1 pole. Level tuning within the contralateral quadrant was narrower to binaural (no plug 1, Fig. 3A) than to monaural contralateral stimulation (ipsi plug, Fig. 3 B) showing that inhibition from the ipsilateral ear sharpened the cell’s level tuning. Thresholds for binaural and monaural contralateral stimulation were similar, suggesting that the binaural response near threshold depended exclusively upon monaural stimulation of the contralateral ear. In contrast, the decline in responsiveness with increasing level (upper response cutoff) occurred at lower levels to binaural than to monaural contralateral (ipsilateral plug) stimulation showing that inhibition from the ipsilateral ear lowered the upper response cutoff. This effect also can be seen by comparing level functions obtained within the contralateral quadrant under binaural and ipsilateral plug conditions. At 30’ and 60’ (Fig. 3, D and E), level functions exhibited no differences at lower levels (e.g., O-20 dB) that could be attributed to ear plugging, but responsiveness at higher levels ( 30 and 40 dB in Fig. 3 D, 40 dB in Fig. 3E) was much less BINAURAL 0 DIRECTIONAL m n g si s E 2 0 -90 . 8944- 1.7 .‘,*.,*,,..,,.,,,’ -60 IPSI -30 AZIMUTH y” $ . . . 0 30 60 (DEGREES) 2201 -+ D 0.5 NO PLUG 1 n CELLS IN AI AT 30” 0.4- - NPl 0.3 - - NP2 NP3 0.2 - 0.1 - 90 30 SPL CONTRA 50 (dB) AT -90 -60 IPSI -30 AZIMUTH 0 30 (DEGREES) 60 -10 90 - 10 30 CONTRA AZIMUTH --Q--, - NPl IP NP2 - NP3 70 90 (dB) 0.6 AT 90” AZIMUTH - NPl - NP2 NP3 NPl 0 0.0 -90 IPSI 60” 50 SPL F AZIMUTH -60 -30 AZIMUTH 0 30 (DEGREES) 60 90 CONTRA 0.0 -10 10 30 \L 50 SPL 70 90 (dB) FIG. 3. An NM-type EI cell (8944-17; BF, 9 kHz) with binaural level tuning that reflected a combination of nonmonotonic monaural excitatory input and binaural inhibition. A and B: ALRAs obtained under binaural and ipsilateral plug conditions. Maximum responses were 0.55 spikes/stimulus in both cases; 20 stimulus repetitions. C: azimuth functions obtained under different treatment conditions. D-F: level functions obtained at 30”, 60”, and 90’ of azimuth, respectively. An ANOVA revealed that the overall effect of plugging the ipsilateral ear was significant and that the effect varied with level (PT = 0.0001, P*AL = 0.22, PTA = 0.11, and P, = 0.000 1). Post hoc tests on data combined across level (corrected a = 0.05 /7 = 0.007 ) revealed that binaural responses were significantly smaller than ipsilateral plug responses at most azimuths (circled minus signs, C) . Post hoc tests on data for individual azimuth-level combinations (corrected CY= 0.05 / 35 = 0.00 14) failed to show significant differences between binaural and monaural responses. under binaural than ipsilateral-plug conditions. Binaural and ipsilateral-plug level functions were similar at 90’ (Fig. 3 F), showing that ipsilateral inhibition did not affect level tuning at this location. In summary, the nonmonotonic level tuning that this cell exhibited under binaural conditions depended upon binaural inhibition and nonmonotonic excitatory input from the contralateral ear. Another cell whose level tuning was narrower to binaural than to monaural stimulation is shown in Fig. 4A. In response to binaural stimulation, it was selective to sound directions near the contralateral pole. The ipsilateral ear was then plugged (ipsi plug, Fig. 4B). The cell became nonselective to azimuth and significantly more responsive at all azimuths than it was under binaural conditions. This showed that the contralateral ear provided excitatory input, that the ipsilateral ear provided inhibitory input, and that azimuth sensitivity depended upon binaural stimulation. Furthermore the cell was more strongly nonmonotonic and narrowly tuned to level under binaural than under ipsilateral-plug conditions, as can be seen by comparing level functions obtained at 90* (Fig. 4C). Responses to low SPLs (O-20 dB) were similar under both conditions, but for SPLs at 40 dB and higher, the binaural response was significantly smaller than the monaural response. Responses to unilateral ear plugging of each ear were obtained for 4/2 1 of the cells classified as EI (e.g., Fig. 1, A-D), and in each case, unilateral plugging showed that the ear on the preferred side was excitatory and the other was not. For the remainder ( 17 /2 1 ), responses were obtained only with plugging of the ear on the nonpreferred side, but 2202 F. K. SAMSON, 90 A . NO PLUG P. BARONE, 2 m m 70- g50Y ii cn 301 o- m n m 8 m w n d 8 l n 1 / n m T -180 - 120 -60 AZIMUTH 0 120 60 180 (DEGREES) J. C. CLAREY, AND T. J. IMIG not with plugging of the other ear (e.g., Fig. 3). In this group of cells, comparison of binaural and unilateral earplug ALRAs were sufficient to demonstrate inhibition from one ear and excitation from the other. Nevertheless if monaural stimulation of each ear was excitatory, we would not have detected it. One cell (classified as EE/I), which is not included in the EI sample, exhibited such a response. It was excited by monaural stimulation of each ear and exhibited binaural inhibition and at some azimuths, binaural responses were smaller than either monaural responses. So we cannot rule out the possibility that some cells classified as EI on the basis of plugging only one ear may have been bilaterally excited. Facilitatory interactions WY B IPSI PLUG 70- g50u ;301 o- -1 80 C 2 -120 -60 AZIMUTH AT 90” 0 60 (DEGREES) AZIMUTH - NPI IP 1 w-m.*--. ---e-m, 10 30 50 SPL Midline cells IP 2 NP2 - -10 180 120 70 Cells exhibiting facilitator-y interactions exhibited a rich diversity of response profiles. Midline (22.5%, 9 /40) and lateral field (LF; 77.5%, 3 l/40) cells were distinguished on the basis of differences in azimuth selectivity. The azimuth functions of midline cells had maximum values (a peak) at locations 5 15 * from the midline (0’ azimuth) and reached minima of <25% of maximum on both sides of the peak in front of the interaural line (Figs. 5 and 6). LF cells were selective to lateral locations (e.g. Figs. 7- 13), and there were slightly more ipsilateral ( 5 5%, 17 / 3 1) than contralatera1 (45%, 14/ 3 1) preferring cells in the sample. LF cells were distinguished from midline cells by azimuth functions that decreased to ~25% of maximum only on one side of the peak in the frontal field ( 30 / 3 1) or by an azimuth function peak located > 15 * from the midline ( 1 / 3 1, Fig. 7A ) . Half of the facilitatory sample exhibited NM-type level functions, including cells with midline (5 /9) and LF ( 15 / 3 1) azimuth preferences. 90 (dB) FIG. 4. An NM-type EI cell (922 l- 11; BF, 7.8 kHz) with binaural level tuning that depended predominantly upon binaural inhibition. ,4 and B: ALRAs obtained under binaural and ipsilateral plug conditions, respectively. Maximum responses were 1.3 and 1.2 spikes/stimulus, respectively; 10 stimulus repetitions. C: level functions at 90’ azimuth. Replicated data were available only for azimuths from 0’ to 90”, and an ANOVA was calculated for that azimuth range to test the effect of plugging the ipsilateral ear. This analysis revealed a significant overall ear plugging effect and that the effect was azimuth and level dependent ( PT = 0.0001, PTAL= 0.65, PTA= 0.025, and PT,y= 0.000 1). Post hoc tests on data combined over azimuths (corrected CY= 0.05/5 = 0.01) revealed that binaural responses were significantly smaller than ipsilateral plug responses at 40., 60-, and 80-dB SPL (circled minus signs, C) showing the inhibitory effect of ipsilateral stimulation at these levels. There were no differences at 0- or 20-dB SPL. Post hoc tests on data for individual azimuth-level combinations (corrected CY= 0.05 / 20 = 0.0025) failed to show significant differences between binaural and monaural responses. Each midline cell was tested with unilateral plugging of each ear and was found to respond poorly, if at all, to monaural stimulation. An example of an M-type midline cell appears in Fig. 5A. The cell was selective for central field directions and also responded weakly to high levels at the contralateral pole. ALRAs were obtained under binaural conditions on four different occasions, and the resulting azimuth functions are shown in Fig. 5 D . The cell’s azimuth selectivity and responsiveness were relatively stable for the entire period that it was studied. With either the contralatera1 (Fig. 5 B) or ipsilateral (Fig. 5C) ear plugged, the cell responded only at relatively high levels on the side of the plugged ear. After removing the plugs from each ear, the cell regained its midline preference. These data show that this cell’s midline azimuth preference derived from binaural facilitation. Three other M-type midline cells had similar characteristics. One was nearly identical to that illustrated in Fig. 5, and with either ear plugged, it responded weakly at high levels on the side of the plugged ear. The other two cells were completely unresponsive with either ear plugged. Two examples of NM-type midline cells are shown in Fig. 6, A and B. The cell in Fig. 6A responded only to locations near the midline, and it was completely unrespon- BINAURAL DIRECTIONAL CELLS IN AI NO PLU CONTRA 2203 : . PLUG e 10 4 9 1 04 - -10 2.2 I -60 -90 IPSI n I -30 AZIMUTH m I 0 (DEGREES) . I 30 n I I 1 60 90 CONTRA -10 I - 90 IPSI 1’- 1.6 !i 2 t -60 -30 AZIMUTH I 0 (DEGREES) I 30 I 60 90 CONTRA NPI _- NP2 - NP3 - NP4 0.8 W Y 1 z 0.4 cn -1 -90 -60 IPSI -30 AZIMUTH 0 (DEGREES) 30 60 90 CONTRA 0.0 90 IPSI -60 -30 AZIMUTH 0 30 (DEGREES) 60 90 CONTRA FIG. 5. An M-type midline cell ( 9 104-22; BF, 12 kHz) showing binaural facilitation. A-C: ALRAs obtained using the plugging condition shown in the top left corner. Maximum responses were 2.2,0.4, and 0.8 spikes/stimulus, respectively; 10 &imului repetitions. D : azimuth functions. sive with either ear plugged. Figure 6B shows a cell that responded over a broader level range than the example shown in Fig. 6A. It was most responsive at locations near the midline, but also responded weakly in a broad range of levels throughout the contralateral quadrant. It responded very weakly with unilateral plugging of either ear (Fig. 6C) showing that its binaural response was a product of strong binaural facilitation. LF cells Each LF cell was tested with unilateral plugging of the ear on the nonpreferred side, and most (25 /3 1) also were tested with unilateral plugging of the other ear. LF cells exhibited considerable variation in strength of monaural excitation. Two NM-type cells were unresponsive to monaural stimulation (Fig. 7). Each was tested with binaural stimulation following ear plugging to ensure that the unit had not been lost. None of the M-type LF cells in our sample was completely unresponsive to monaural stimulation, although several responded poorly to it. Most of the remaining LF cells were excited exclusively or predominantly by the ear on the preferred side. Plugging of the other ear caused an increase in responsiveness on the nonpreferred side and a decrease in responsiveness on the preferred side showing that the binaural response was a result of mixed interactions. Examples of LF cells with this type of response are shown in Figs. 8, 9, 11, and 13. A few LF cells responded securely to monaural stimulation, and their level tuning at preferred azimuths was similar for binaural and monaural stimulation (e.g., Fig. 8 ) . Under binaural conditions, the cell was ipsilateral prefer- ring (no plug 1, Fig. 84. It received nonmonotonic ipsilatera1 excitatory input (contra plug 2, Fig. 8 B; CP 1 and CP 2, Fig. 8C) and was not excited by monaural contralateral stimulation ( IP, Fig. 8C). The binaural response was significantly smaller in the contralateral quadrant and significantly larger in the ipsilateral quadrant (Fig. 8C, circled minus and plus signs, respectively) than the monaural ipsilateral response thus revealing mixed binaural interactions. Ear plugging had little effect on the threshold or breadth of level tuning at preferred azimuths. This shows that monaural ipsilateral input could, in large part, account for binaural level tuning. An M-type LF cell that exhibited similar monaural and binaural level tuning at preferred azimuths is shown in Fig. 9. This cell was tested under binaural conditions on three separate occasions and exhibited similar ALRAs each time (no plug 1, Fig. 9A ; NP l-NP 3, Fig. SC). It responded vigorously over a broad range of levels in the contralateral quadrant and was responsive only at high levels in the ipsilateral quadrant. The ipsilateral ear was plugged on two separate occasions. With the plug, the cell responded nonselectively to azimuth with lowest thresholds contralaterally ( ipsi plug 1, Fig. 9 B ; IP 1 and IP 2, Fig. SC) showing that monaural stimulation of the contralateral ear excited the cell. The cell was tested with ipsilateral monaural stimulation on one occasion and was found to respond weakly and sporadically over a broad range of azimuths and levels, as reflected in the azimuth and level functions (CP, Fig. 9, C and D). Comparison of azimuth functions (Fig. 9C) obtained to binaural (NP 1-NP 3) and contralateral monaural ( IP 1 and IP 2) stimulation revealed binaural facilita- F. K. SAMSON, 2204 P. BARONE, tion in the contralateral quadrant and binaural inhibition in the ipsilateral quadrant. The effect is shown in greater detail in Fig. 9A where the circled plus signs indicate azimuth-level combinations at which the binaural response was significantly greater than the monaural contralateral response and the circled minus signs indicate azimuth-level combinations at which the binaural response was significantly smaller than the monaural ipsilateral response. Level functions for monaural (IP) and binaural (NP) stimulation obtained at 30’ azimuth (Fig. 90) reveal that, within the limits of resolution of the measurements, thresholds and the monotonic form of the functions appear similar. 90 J. C. CLAREY, 4 -10 n I -90 -60 IPSI NO PLUG A AND T. J. IMIG 4 n I 8 I I -30 AZIMUTH n 0 I 30 60 CONTRA (DEGREES) 90 9 B 7 n m n I I I B 8940-22 -1 . w -90 I) -60 -30 AZIMUTH IPSI I I 0 30 I 60 90 CONTRA (DEGREES) 1 o4 5.0 -joy---8 9 4 3 - -,-90 IPSI -60 n 8 m I I I -30 0 AZIMUTH (DEGREES) 30 8 I 60 I 90 CONTRA FIG. 7. Two NM-type lateral field (LF) cells that were unresponsive to monaural stimulation of either ear. A : unit 8940- 18 (BF, 14 kHz); 20 stimulus repetitions. B: unit 8943-50 (BF, 17 kHz); 10 stimulus repetitions. Maximum responses were 0.6 and 1.4 spikes/stimulus, respectively. -10’ -90 8943-5.6 v - I -60 * IPSI = ’ I 0 ” I 30 - - I - 60 ’ 90 CONTRA (DEGREES) 8943-56 NP -60 IPSI I -30 AZIMUTH - -90 - -30 AZIMUTH 0 30 (DEGREES) 60 90 CONTRA FIG. 6. Two NM-type midline cells showing binaural facilitation. A: unit 8940-22 (BF, 17 kHz) did not respond with unilateral plugging of either ear. Maximum response was 0.3 spikes / stimulus; 20 stimulus repetitions. B: unit 8943-56 (BF, 17 kHz) responded weakly with unilateral ear plugging. Maximum response was 1.4 spikes/stimulus. C: azimuth functions for unit 8943-56; 10 stimulus repetitions. The majority of LF cells exhibited monaural and binaural level tuning at preferred azimuths that differed in threshold, function form (M-type or NM-type), or both. An M-type cell that exhibited lower thresholds to binaural than to monaural stimulation is shown in Fig. 10. It responded weakly to monaural contralateral ear stimulation in a broad range of azimuths (ipsi plug, Fig. 1OC). It also responded weakly to monaural ipsilateral ear stimulation at high levels near the contralateral pole (contra plug, Fig. lOB), although this response could represent acoustic leakage through the plug. Comparison of azimuth functions obtained under different plugging conditions ( Fig. 1OE) revealed strong facilitation throughout the contralateral quadrant. Level functions, obtained at the maximal azimuth (O”, Fig. 10 D), show that thresholds to binaural stimulation (NP) were 220 dB and as much as 40 dB lower than thresholds to monaural stimulation. An M-type cell for which binaural thresholds were only slightly lower than monaural thresholds is shown in Fig. 11. Under binaural conditions (Fig. 11 A), the cell responded to a broad range of levels in the ipsilateral quadrant and at high levels in the contralateral quadrant. Monaural ipsilatera1 stimulation (contra plug, Fig. 11 B) was excitatory, causing the cell to respond throughout both quadrants of the frontal field with lowest thresholds on the ipsilateral side. Monaural contralateral stimulation (IP, Fig. 11 C) produced no response, Comparison of azimuth functions BINAURAL DIRECTIONAL I 90 NO PLUG A 70- - -lo! -90 I I I 1 I 1 -30 0 30 60 90 AZIMUTH B70- PLUG CONTRA CONTRA (DEGREES) 2 l . -IO! I -60 -90 AZIMUTH IPSI C I 930 I 0 I I 30 I 60 90 CONTRA (DEGREES) 0.5 - NPI 0.4 0.3 0.2 IL ii m 0.1 8 0.0 -60 -90 IPSI -30 AZIMUTH 0 (DEGREES) 30 60 2205 B). Values of monaural and binaural level functions (Fig. 3 -60 IPSI 90 89324 1 CELLS IN AI 90 CONTRA FIG. 8. An NM-type LF cell with similar binaural and monaural level tuning ( 8932- 13; BF, 8.5 kHz). A and B: ALRAs obtained under binaural and contralateral plug conditions. The cell was unresponsive with the ipsilateral ear plugged. Maximum responses were 1.1 and 0.8 spikes/stimulus, respectively; 10 stimulus repetitions. C: azimuth functions. An ANOVA showed significant interaction terms indicating that the effect of contralatera1 ear plugging depended on azimuth and level (pT = 0.98, PTAL = 0.0009, PTA = 0.000 1, and PTL = 0.013). Post hoc tests on the data combined across levels revealed mixed interactions (corrected M = 0.05 /7 = 0.007 ) . Binaural responses were significantly smaller than contralateral plug responses at 30’ and 60° (circled minus signs, C) and significantly larger than contralateral plug responses at -60° and -90’ (circled plus signs). Post hoc tests on data for individual azimuth-level combinations (corrected (Y = 0.05/28 = 0.0018) failed to show significant differences between binaural and monaural responses. obtained under binaural and monaural conditions (Fig. 11 C) revealed binaural facilitation in the ipsilateral quadrant and binaural inhibition in the contralateral quadrant. This unit exhibited somewhat lower binaural than monaural thresholds at -3O* and 0’ azimuth (Fig. 11, A and 11 D) are most similar at higher SPLs (40-80 dB), and most different at 20 dB where facilitation is strongest. An example of an M-type cell that received bilateral monaural excitation is shown in Fig. 12A. Unlike most LF cells, it received stronger monaural excitation from the ear on the nonpreferred side. It responded vigorously over a broad range of levels within an azimuth range that included the midline and the adjacent part of the ipsilateral frontal quadrant and was also responsive at high levels elsewhere. With unilateral plugging of either ear, the cell responded throughout both quadrants of the frontal field (Fig. 12, B and C), showing that it received excitatory input from each ear. The azimuth functions (Fig. 12E) showed that facilitation was important in forming the response peak, as binaural responses were significantly greater than monaural responses at preferred azimuths (circled plus signs, Fig. 12E). Both ears produced monaural excitation, and the binaural response was smaller than the monaural contralatera1 response at 60* (IP, circled minus sign in Fig. 12E). This shows that stimulation of the ipsilateral ear produced both excitation and inhibition similar to responses of the EE/ I cell mentioned earlier. Monaural and binaural level functions that were obtained at the maximal azimuth (O”, Fig. 12 D) were quite different. At 20., 40-, and 60-dB SPL, the binaural response was greater than the response to monaural stimulation of either ear and also greater than the sum of the monaural responses. The threshold for monaural stimulation of the ipsilateral ear (CP) was higher than the binaural threshold. Although the thresholds to binaural and contralateral monaural stimulation (IP) may be similar, the forms of the level functions were quite different. Monaural and binaural level tuning was similar for a few NM-type LF cells (e.g., Fig. 8), but very different for the vast majority, as illustrated by two examples in Fig. 13. In both cases, the ear on the preferred side was excitatory. The first cell ( Fig. 13A ) was responsive throughout the contralatera1 quadrant, with the strongest (primary) response occurring at the midline. It also exhibited a relatively vigorous ( secondary) response at +90” at higher levels. Many cells in this group exhibited a primary response at relatively low levels in the central part of the frontal field and a secondary response at higher levels near a lateral pole. Monaural ipsilateral stimulation was not excitatory (CP, Fig. 13C). Monaural contralateral stimulation (ipsi plug, Fig. 13 B) produced M-type excitation throughout most of the frontal field with lowest thresholds in the contralateral quadrant. Similarity of binaural ALRAs obtained before and after ear plugging (not illustrated) revealed that the cell’s response was quite stable over the time that it was tested. Comparison of the binaural and monaural responses revealed mixed binaural interactions. Binaural responses (Fig. 13A) to ipsilateral directions (-30*, -6O*, -90') were significantly smaller than those obtained under ipsilatera1 plug conditions (Fig. 13 B), and binaural responses to midline and contralateral directions (O”, 60”, 90* ) were significantly greater than those obtained under ipsilateral plug conditions. The nonmonotonic level functions (Fig. 13C) obtained at the maximal azimuth show that facilitation was level dependent. Responses at 20 and 40 dB were much larger under binaural than ipsilateral plug conditions 2206 F. K. SAMSON, 90 I P. BARONE, J. C. CLAREY, AND T. J. IMIG 1 . . ..I. mm... CP NP3 41 8936-6 n I -60 -10 -90 IPSI B 9 0 IPSI PLUG I -30 AZIMUTH I 0 (DEGREES) I 30 1 I i 90 60 CONTRA u.u -901 IPSI I 40 40 AZIMUTH - 3'0 d (DEGREES) 6'0 9'0 CONTRA NPI 7 1 -10 AT I -60 I -90 IPSI I -30 AZIMUTH I 0 (DEGREES) I 30 I I 60 90 CONTRA -10 10 30” AZIMUTH 30 - 50 SPL 70 9 (cm) FIG. 9. An M-type LF cell with similar binaural and monaural level tuning (8936-04; BF, 7 kHz). A and B: ALRAs obtained under binaural and ipsilateral plug conditions. Maximum responses were 1.35 and 1.2 spikes/stimulus, respectively; 20 stimulus repetitions. C: azimuth functions. D : level functions at maximal ( 30” ) azimuth. An ANOVA revealed an azimuth-dependent ear plugging effect ( PT = 0.82, P,, = 0.13, PTA= 0.0001, and PTL= 0.083). Post hoc tests on the data combined across levels revealed mixed interactions (corrected a = 0.05 / 7 = 0.007 ) . Binaural responses were significantly smaller than ipsilateral plug responses on the ipsilateral side and significantly larger than ipsilateral plug responses on the contralateral side. Post hoc tests on data for individual azimuth-level combinations (corrected CY= 0.05 / 28 = 0.00 18 ) revealed azimuth-level combinations at which binaural responses were significantly smaller (circled minus signs, A ) and larger than ipsilateral plug responses (circled plus signs, A and II). revealing binaural facilitation at those levels, but there was no evidence of facilitation at 60 or 80 dB. The ALRA of another contralateral-preferring, NM-type cell (Fig. 13 0) was characterized by a primary response at low levels located at 30’ azimuth and a secondary response at higher levels at the contralateral pole. Monaural contralateral stimulation produced M-type excitation (ipsi plug 1, Fig. 13 E; IP 1 and IP 2, Fig. 13 F). Comparison of binaural and monaural ALRAs ( Fig. 13, D and E) revealed binaural inhibition in the ipsilateral quadrant and binaural facilitation in the contralateral quadrant (Fig. 13 D, statistically significant differences, circled minus signs, inhibition; circled plus sign, facilitation). Comparison of level functions obtained at the maximal azimuth under binaural and monaural conditions (Fig. 13 F) showed that binaural facilitation occurred at 40-dB SPL and binaural inhibition occurred at 80-dB SPL. There was not much difference between the monaural and binaural thresholds at most preferred azimuths for either cell, but the form of the monaural and binaural level functions was very different. M/B ratio The ratio of monaural to binaural responsiveness (M/B ratio) was used to quantify the relative effectiveness of monaural stimulation for each cell (see legend of Fig. 14). For EI cells, monaural responsiveness of the ear on the preferred side was compared with binaural responsiveness, and M/B values varied between 0.63-1.93, with an average of 1.18 (Fig. 14A). If responsiveness at preferred azimuths were exclusively a function of input from the excitatory ear, then an average M/B value of 1.O would be expected. If binaural inhibition caused decreased responsiveness at preferred azimuths, as was the case in some cells, then M/B ratios > 1.0 would be expected. Midline cells were either completely unresponsive to monaural stimulation at the preferred azimuth ( 6 / 9) or responded weakly as indicated by low M/B ratios ( mean 0.05, Fig. 14 B) . Lateral field cells exhibited considerable variation in strength of monaural excitation, and had M/B ratios that ranged from 0.0-0.77 (mean 0.38, Fig. 14C). Monaural responsiveness of the ear on the preferred side was available for 30 LF cells, and for 24/ 30, monaural responsiveness of the other ear was also available. If monaural stimulation of each ear was excitatory, the higher value was used for the M/B ratio. Most cells (83%, 20/24) for which responsiveness of both ears was available exhibited greater responsiveness to stimul;ition of the ear on the preferred side, and for the remainder the opposite was true (e.g., Fig. 12). Monaural and binaural thresholds For most cells, thresholds to monaural and binaural noise stimulation were available from ALRA data sets (see legend of Fig. 15 ) and are compared in a scatterplot (Fig. 15A). Monaural thresholds for the ear on the preferred side BINAURAL 90 DIRECTIONAL I 2207 CELLS IN AI I -c CONTRA PLUG n . . . . 18936-16 -90 . I -60 IPSI -30 AZIMUTH 0 30 (DEGREES) 60 90 -90 -60 -30 AZIMUTH IPSI CONTRA 0 30 (DEGREES) 90 C 70 -90 -60 IPSI -30 AZIMUTH 0 30 (DEGREES) E 60 - - NPI NP2 - NP3 0.0 -10 90 AT 10 30 CONTRA 50 SPL 60 9 CONTRA 0” AZIMUTH 70 90 (dB) 0.4 - NPl NP2 -- 0.0 -90 NP3 -60 IPSI -30 AZIMUTH 0 30 (DEGREES) 60 90 CONTRA FIG. 10. An M-type LF cell with lower thresholds to binaural than to monaural stimulation (8936-16; BF, 10 kHz). A-C: ALRAs obtained using the treatment condition shown in top left corner. Maximum responses were 0.55, 0.10, and 0.15 spikes/stimulus, respectively; 20 stimulus repetitions. D: level functions at maximal azimuth (0’ ). E: azimuth functions. Separate ANOVAs were used to test the effects of ipsi- and contralateral plugging. The overall effect of plugging each ear was significant (contralateral: &- = 0.000 1, PTA== 0.24, PTA= 0.000 1, and PTL= 0.000 1; ipsilateral: PT= 0.0001, PTAL= 0.08, PTA= 0.0001, and PTL= 0.06). Post hoc tests on the data combined across levels revealed binaural facilitation (corrected CY= 0.05 /7 = 0.007). Binaural responses were significantly larger than ipsi- or contralateral plug responses at -30’ to 90*. Post hoc tests on data for individual azimuth-level combinations (corrected cy = 0.05/28 = 0.00 18) showed significant differences between binaural and monaural responses for each ear at O*, 40 dB and 0°, 60 dB (circled plus signs on A and D) ; between binaural and ipsilateral monaural responses at 90”, 60 dB; and between binaural and contralateral monaural responses at 60”, 60 dB and 90”, 80 dB. were similar to binaural thresholds in EI cells (Fig. 15A, also see ALRAs in Figs. 1-4). Of the 19 EI cells for which thresholds were available, 18 showed differences ~5 dB. The average threshold difference for monaural and binaural stimulation was 1.O dB and was not statistically significant. Many midline cells were unresponsive to monaural stimulation at the preferred azimuths, and thus monaural thresholds could not be determined (“U” in Fig. 15A). The remaining cells had monaural thresholds that were 15-39 dB higher than the binaural thresholds. Thresholds were available for 28 LF cells. Monaural thresholds were available for the ear on the preferred side of all 28 cells, and were also available for the other ear in 2 1/ 28 cells. If monaural stimulation of each ear was excitatory, the lowest threshold of the two was plotted. In most cases ( 18 / 2 1 ), the ear on the preferred side had the lowest threshold and also gave the strongest monaural response. The strongest response for the remaining cells was produced by the ear on the nonpreferred side. For one of these, thresholds were also lowest on the nonpreferred side and for the other two, thresholds for the two ears were equal. Monaural/binaural threshold differences of 4 dB (e.g., Figs. 8 and 9) were exhibited by 39% ( 11/28) of the LF sample. Of the remaining 17 cells, 2 were completely unresponsive to monaural stimulation (i.e., Fig. 7) and 15 had monaural 2208 F. K. SAMSON, P. BARONE, J. C. CLAREY, , -in! -,“I -90 40 IPSI C -30 AZIMUTH 0 1 3‘0 I 6-O 90 t .I90 -60 1.5 - NPI - NP2 -30 AZIMUTH IPSI CONTRA (DEGREES) AND T. J. IMIG - AT -30” 0 (DEGREES) 30 60 4 0 CONTRA AZIMUTH . . . . . .*...-. NPl CP 11.1..*..... IP NP2 - 0.0 -90 IPSI -60 -30 AZIMUTH 0 30 60 (DEGREES) 90 0.0 -10 10 30 SPL CONTRA 50 (dB) 70 90 FIG. 11. An M-type LF cell with lower thresholds to binaural than to monaural stimulation (902 1- 10; BFs, 5 and 8 kHz). A and B: ALRAs obtained under binaural and contralateral plug conditions. Maximum responses were 2.3 and 2.0 spikes/stimulus, respectively; 10 stimulus repetitions. The cell was unresponsive with the ipsilateral ear plugged. C: azimuth functions. D: level functions at maximal (-30”) azimuth. An ANOVA revealed significant azimuth-dependent and leveldependent ear plugging effects (PT= 0.15, PTA== 0.003, PTL= 0.022, PTA= 0.00 1). Post hoc tests on the data combined across levels (corrected cy= 0.05 / 7 = 0.007 ) revealed that binaural responses were significantly larger than contralateral plug responses on the ipsilateral side and significantly smaller than contralateral plug responses on the contralateral side. Post hoc tests on data for individual azimuth-level combinations (corrected cy= 0.05 / 28 = 0.00 18) revealed azimuth-level combinations at which binaural responses were significantly smaller ( circled minus signs, A ) and significantly larger (circled plus signs, A and D) than contralateral ear plug responses. thresholds that were between 6 and 56 dB higher than binaural thresholds. Monaural thresholds averaged 27.1 dB higher than binaural thresholds for the combined sample of midline and LF cells, and the difference was statistically significant. EI and LF cells exhibit diferent ALRA architectures The orientation of iso-response contour lines in the preferred quadrant of EI and LF cell binaural ALRAs showed systematic differences. The orientation in EI (Figs. 1-3 ) and some LF (Fig. 8 and 9) cells paralleled excitatory thresholds to monaural stimulation of the ear on the preferred side showing that suprathreshold response magnitude was a function of monaural excitatory threshold. In contrast, contours were oriented obliquely in many LF cells and sloped from minimum levels at or near the midline to higher levels toward the lateral pole (Figs. 11A, 12A, and 13, A and D) . The contours did not parallel monaural excitatory thresholds, and this pattern differed from most EI cells for which contours exhibited shallower slopes and did not reach minima at the midline. DISCUSSION Two classes of high-BF, azimuth-sensitive neurons can be distinguished in AI on the basis of their responses to unilateral ear plugging. One class, described in this report, consisted of cells whose azimuth tuning depended entirely upon binaural stimulation (BD cells). Their responses under unilateral ear plug conditions were characterized by insensitivity to azimuth or, in a few cases, by striking changes in the location of the response peak in the azimuth function. This discussion compares patterns of monaural and binaural responses to noise bursts presented in the free field with patterns of responses to ILDs present in tone bursts * El mechanisms EI neurons in AI of the cat (Brugge et al. 1969; Phillips and Irvine 198 1, 1983; Reale and Kettner 1986; Semple and Kitzes 1993a; reviewed in Clarey et al. 1992) and other species ( Brugge and Merzenich 197 3; Kelly and Sally 19 8 8 ) are sensitive to interaural level differences (ILDs) present in high-frequency tone bursts. These cells cease to respond when level at the inhibitory ear exceeds that at the excitatory ear. Consequently, it has been suggested that EI cells should respond selectively to sound sources on the side of the excitatory ear. Our results are consistent with such predictions, even though they were obtained using noise stimulation. Unilateral plugging of the inhibitory ear revealed that EI BINAURAL A is m DIRECTIONAL 2209 CELLS IN AI 90 70 50 ti! cn 30 -10 -90 -60 IPSI -30 AZIMUTH 0 30 60 (DEGREES) 90 - 0 -60 -30 IPSI CONTRA . . . . .. 0.. . . -90 -60 IPSI -30 AZIMUTH 0 30 60 (DEGREES) E 90 0 AZIMUTH -10 AT NPI CP 30 IO CONTRA . . . . . .0 . . . . ---h-e 0 0” 90 CONTRA AZIMUTH 70 90 (cm) NPl CP IP NP2 - ---__ 60 50 SPL 0.6 30 (DEGREES) 0 & e- *--- CLH- 0 0 ..Q”‘---- ..-- I 90 IPSI 1 -60 ..--- -O..* l . ..-- I -30 AZIMUTH I I I 0 30 (DEGREES) I 60 90 CONTRA 12. A bilaterally excited, M-type LF cell ( 902 l-09; BF, 8 kHz). A-C: ALRAs obtained under different treatment conditions. Maximum responses were 1.O, 0.3, and 0.8 spikes/ stimulus, respectively; 10 stimulus repetitions. D: level functions obtained at maximal azimuth. E: azimuth functions. Separate ANOVAs were used to test the effects of ipsi- and contralateral plugging. There was a significant overall effect of plugging the contralateral ear ( PT = 0.000 1, PTAL = 0.18, P, = 0.0009, and P, = 0.14). Post hoc tests on the data combined across levels (corrected a! = 0.05 / 7 = 0.007) revealed that binaural responses were significantly greater than contralateral plug responses at 0’) -3O”, and -60’ (circled plus signs, E). Post hoc tests on data for individual azimuth-level combinations (corrected cy = 0.05/28 = 0.00 18) failed to show significant differences. The ANOVA showed a significant azimuth-dependent effect for ipsilateral ear plugging ( PT = 0.12, P TAL= 0.33, PTA = 0.0001, and PTL = 0.32). Post hoc tests on the data combined across levels (corrected CY= 0.05 /7 = 0.007) revealed that binaural responses were significantly larger at 0’ and -30' (circled plus signs, E) and significantly smaller (circled minus sign) than ipsilateral plug responses at 60’. Post hoc tests on data for individual azimuth-level combinations (corrected CY= 0.05 / 28 = 0.00 18) failed to show significant differences. FIG. cells utilized two different mechanisms of azimuth tuning. The azimuth tuning of BD-EI cells, described in this report, depended upon binaural stimulation, as they responded nonselectively to azimuth with the inhibitory ear plugged. In contrast, the azimuth tuning of most MD cells depended in part upon binaural inhibition and in part upon monaural spectral cues at the excitatory ear (MD-E1 cells) ( Samson et al. 1993). Binaural inhibition had a similar effect on the azimuth tuning of both types of EI cells, it suppressed responses to directions on the side of the inhibitory ear. A relatively small proportion of the sample of BD-EI cells exhibited azimuth tuning that was relatively independent of stimulus level over a range of 20-60 dB. EI cells with level-tolerant ILD sensitivity have been described in the lateral superior olive (LSO) (Boudreau and Tsuchitani 1968), the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (DNLL) (Brugge et al. 1970), the inferior colliculus (IC) (Irvine and Gago 1990), the medial geniculate body (MGB) ( Ivarsson et al. 1988), and AI (Brugge et al. 1969) of the cat’s auditory system. Such cells also have been found in the deep layers of the superior colliculus (SC) using dichotically presented noise and tonal stimulation (Hirsch et al. 1985; Wise 2210 F. K. SAMSON, P. BARONE, J. C. CLAREY, AND T. J. IMIG 90 A 0 70 0 8 m . -90 -60 -30 IPSI -90 0 AZIMUTH -60 -30 0 AZIMUTH IPSI 30 60 (DEGREES) 30 60 (DEGREES) 10 30 SPL 50 (dB) -90 -60 IPSI 90 -90 -30 AZIMUTH -60 IPSI CONTRA NPI IP - NPl ---..+.--.- CP NP2 - NP2 70 90 0 30 60 0 30 90 60 (DEGREES) CONTRA AT SPL 90 CONTRA (DEGREES) -30 AZIMUTH ---&--. - -10 90 CONTRA l 30” AZIMUTH (dB) FIG. 13. Two LF cells with NM-type level tuning that depended upon binaural stimulation. A and B: ALRAs of unit 8942-07 (BF, 17 kHz) obtained under binaural and ipsilateral plug conditions. Maximum responses were 1.6 and 1.05 spikes/stimulus, respectively; 20 stimulus repetitions. The cell was unresponsive with the contralateral ear plugged. An ANOVA showed significant azimuth- and level-dependent effects of ipsilateral ear plugging (P, = 0.97, PTA== 0.000 1, PTA= 0.000 1, and PTL = 0.000 1) . Post hoc tests on the data combined across levels (corrected a! = 0.05 /7 = 0.007) revealed that binaural responses were significantly smaller than ipsilateral plug responses at -9O”, -6O”, and -30’ and significantly larger than ipsilateral plug responses at 0’) 60”, and 90°. Post hoc tests on data for individual azimuth-level combinations (corrected CY= 0.05 /28 = 0.00 18 ) failed to show significant differences. C: level functions at maximal (0’ ) azimuth for unit 8942-07. D and E: ALRAs of unit 8942- 12 (BF, 17 kHz) obtained under binaural and ipsilateral plug conditions. Maximum responses were 1.4 and 1.1 spikes/stimulus, respectively; 20 stimulus repetitions. F: level functions at maximal ( 30° ) azimuth for unit 8942- 12. An ANOVA revealed a significant overall effect of plugging the ipsilateral ear ( PT = 0.000 1) and all interaction terms were also significant ( PTAL= 0.01, PTA = 0.0001, and PTL = 0.000 1 ), indicating that the effect of ear plugging depended on azimuth and level. Post hoc tests on the data combined across levels (corrected a! = 0.05 /7 = 0.007) revealed that binaural responses were significantly smaller than ipsilateral plug responses at -9O”, -6O”, -3O”, and O” and significantly larger than ipsilateral plug responses at 30°. Post hoc tests on data for individual azimuth-level combinations (corrected cx = 0.05/28 = 0.00 18 ) revealed azimuth-level combinations at which binaural responses were significantly smaller (circled minus signs) and larger (circled plus sign) than ipsilateral plug responses (D and F). and Irvine 1985 ) . The balance of excitation and inhibition that is maintained over a wide range of levels in these cells stands in striking contrast to inhibitory domination that occurs with increasing level in other EI cells (Figs. 3 and 4). Although the LSO is an initial site of EI response synthesis in the ascending auditory pathway, it is uncertain to what extent level-tolerant EI cells at higher levels of the auditory pathway might reflect binaural processing in the LSO. There are other sites of excitatory/inhibitory convergence besides the LSO (Glenn and Kelly 1992; Sally and Kelly 1992)) as shown by the finding of EI cells in the inferior colliculus after bilateral destruction of the LSO (Li and Kelly 1992). Iontophoresis of the y-aminobutyric acid (GABA) antagonist bicuculline blocks inhibitory input to some EI cells in the IC suggesting that excitatory/inhibitory convergence takes place in the IC (Park and Pollak 1993 ) . BINAURAL A DIRECTIONAL CELLS IN AI 2211 8 go- , u m 3 LIMA . ,a* 0’ ’ d ,’ .’ ,*’ ,’ a’ ,*’ ,,’ * . A 70. l 50- . ,’ .’ A ’ ,~i~/ .’ . a’ A% ,’ .’ *a’0 ,,’ I. ko CELLS * a’ -10 !.( b 12 % E; 10 30 n=30 ?I 2 (n=9) 50 70 THRESHOLD (dB SPL) 20 6 LF CELLS El (n=l9) MIDLINE LF (n=26) l BINAURAL B ,’ BD CELLS 0 A . ,/p n=9 ,a’ ,0’ *’ . 1 oMIDLINE ,’ t . ,*’ ,’ ,’ ,a’ . 33 o0 _- ,’ ,’ 10 a*’ ,‘A a ,,a; 0 ,’ .’ a’ ,- l ,.’ ,- **’ ,**” 0 ,’ #’ 80’ A&+ 1 P 0 A A O 0 ,*‘A .’ ,’ ,A#‘*0 2 5 ,’ l ’ 0 a’ *’ #’ l’ 0 A l BD-El MD-El MD-E0 (n=l9) (n=17) (n=6) -10 !.C MI0 RATIO RG. 14. Ratio of monaural to binaural responsiveness for facilitatory cells. Monaural and binaural responsiveness was measured at preferred azimuths, i.e., the locations where binaural azimuth function values were 275% of maximum. Responsiveness at each preferred azimuth was the value of the azimuth function in spikes/stimulus, and these values were averaged over preferred azimuths if there was more than one. This gave an estimate of responsiveness for each binaural and monaural ALRA data set. Responsiveness was averaged over repeated ALRA data sets, if repetitions were available. In the case of cells that received bilateral monaural excitation, the strongest monaural response was used to compute the monaural to binaural responsiveness (M/B) ratio. A: M/B ratios for EI cells. B: M/B ratios for midline cells. C: M/B ratios for LF cells. A majority of EI cells in our sample, including both BD and MD types, received strongly nonmonotonic input from the excitatory ear. Using dichotic tonal stimulation, Semple and Kitzes ( 1993a) described EI cells in AI whose nonmonotonic level tuning reflected nonmonotonic monaural excitatory input. Although nonmonotonic excitatory input is a common feature of cortical EI cells, it appears to be less common at lower levels of the auditory system. Nonmonotonic excitatory input is uncommon in EI cells in the LSO -10 0 10 20 30 BINAURAL THRESHOLD (dB SPL) RG. 15. Comparison of thresholds to binaural and monaural noise stimulation. Thresholds [sound-pressure levels ( SPLs) corresponding to the 5% iso-response contour] were averaged over preferred azimuths (binaural azimuth function values > 75%) to provide an estimate of threshold for each ALRA data set. Thresholds were averaged over repeated ALRA data sets, if repetitions were available. Diagonal lines indicate a5 dB differences. A: thresholds to binaural and monaural noise stimulation for 3 groups of BD cells. The letter “U” on the y-axis indicates cells (LF, 2; MIDLINE, 6) that were unresponsive to monaural stimulation. B: thresholds to binaural and monaural noise stimulation for binaural directional (BD)-EI, monaural directional (MD)-EI, and MD-E0 cells. A monaural threshold of SO-dB SPL was assigned to monaurally unresponsive cells in order to include them in the statistical analysis. A two-factor ANOVA on thresholds of the different cell groups revealed an overall significant difference between binaural and monaural thresholds (P < 0.0004)) an overall significant difference of thresholds between cell groups (P < 0.000 1 ), and a significant interaction term (P < 0.000 1)) indicating that the effect of ear plugging on thresholds was different for different cell groups. A t test showed that the means for monaural and binaural thresholds in BD-EI and MD (EO and EI) cells were not significantly different (BD-EI, mean difference 0.95 dB, P = 0.19; MD, mean difference 0.09 dB, P = 0.89). The combined sample of midline and LF cells had monaural thresholds that were significantly higher than binaural thresholds (mean difference 27.14 dB, P = 0.0001). 2212 F. K. SAMSON, P. BARONE, (Boudreau and Tsuchitani 1970) or in the DNLL (Brugge et al. 1970), although in this latter case, relatively few cells have been studied. EI cells that receive nonmonotonic excitatory input are present in the cat’s IC but in smaller proportion than in AI (e.g., Irvine and Gago 1990). There remains an element of uncertainty in our classification of EI cells because most ( 17/ 2 1) were classified on the basis of plugging only one ear. This was sufficient to determine that one ear was excitatory and the other was inhibitory. A minority ( 5 / 22) of cells that exhibited binaural inhibition was studied with unilateral plugging of each ear, and for four, only one of the two ears was found to be excitatory. However, one cell received excitatory input from both ears, and thus the cell was classified as EE / I. In the present study, one out of five cells that would have been classified as EI on the basis of plugging a single ear actually turned out to be an EE/I cell. This finding suggests that 20% of the EI sample (so classified on the basis of plugging only one ear) might in fact be EE/ I cells. Samson et al. ( 1993) studied 14 MD cells with unilateral plugging of each ear. All would have been classified as EI on the basis of plugging only the ear on the nonpreferred side, but one turned out to be an EE/I cell. This suggests that -7% of the MD cells classified as EI on the basis of plugging a single ear might actually be EE/ I cells. Cells with EE/I properties have previously been reported in dichotic studies in AI of the cat (Phillips and Irvine 1983; Semple and Kitzes 1993a), but previous dichotic studies suggest that they are relatively uncommon (Imig and Adrian 1977; Imig and Brugge 1978; Imig and Reale 198 1; Middlebrooks and Zook 1983; Middlebrooks et al. 1980). They also have been reported in the IC of the bat (Fuzessery et al. 1990). Midline cells J. C. CLAREY, AND T. J. IMIG Some midline cells exhibited high-threshold responses on the side of the plugged ear, and such responses also may be explained by selectivity to zero ILD. Midline stimulation produces zero ILD under binaural conditions, but with one ear plugged, level at the TM of the unplugged ear will exceed that at the plugged ear resulting in a nonzero ILD. Under unilateral ear plug conditions, ILD magnitude would be expected to reach a minimum at sound directions on the side of the plugged ear because the sound shadow produced by the head and the pinna reduce the level at the unplugged ear thus bringing it closer to the level at the TM of the plugged ear. If ILD is reduced sufficiently, the cell will respond. Higher thresholds would be expected for the unilateral plug response than the binaural response because sound reaching each ear would be attenuated either by the ear plug or by the sound shadow of the head. Midline-PB cells also are present in the MGB. In the cat, PB cells selective to zero ILD have been reported using dichotic noise (Ivarsson et al. 1988) and tonal (Aitkin and Webster 1972) stimulation. Midline cells also have been identified using free-field noise stimulation with ear plugs (Irons 1989). In contrast, dichotic (Hind et al. 1963; Irvine and Gago 1990; Rose et al. 1966) and free-field studies (Aitkin and Martin 1987; Calford et al. 1986; Moore et al. 1984a,b; Semple et al. 1983) suggest that these rarely are encountered in the IC or at lower levels of the cat’s auditory pathway (Brownell et al. 1979; Caird and Klinke 1983; Guinan et al. 1972; Tsuchitani 1977). This suggeststhat the MGB is a site of synthesis of PB responses, but there may be other sites as well. PB and midline cells have been described in the cat’s SC using dichotic noise stimulation (Wise and Irvine 1983, 1984), dichotic tonal stimulation (Hirsch et al. 1985 ) , and free-field noise stimulation with ear plugs (Middlebrooks 1987). Because the SC does not receive input from the MGB, this may represent an independent site of synthesis. Additionally, Kitzes and Dohery ( 1994) have shown that PB responses may be synthesized in AI by the convergence of thalamic and callosal inputs. Other species may exhibit different organizations, as PB cells are present in the IC of bats (Fuzessery et al. 1990) and kangaroo rats (Stillman 1972) in small numbers. Ear plugging demonstrated facilitation in midline-PB cells, however under other conditions, binaural inhibition may be seen. Midline cells in the cat’s MGB, studied under nitrous oxide anesthesia, are excited at zero ILD, and their spontaneous activity is inhibited at nonzero ILDs (Ivarsson et al. 1988). In our study, binaural inhibition was defined by an excitatory response that was larger under monaural than binaural conditions. Because midline cells were unresponsive to monaural stimulation, and were not spontaneously active, there could, by definition, be no demonstration of binaural inhibition. Midline cells were selective for locations near the midline, and they either failed to respond to any sound direction or responded weakly with either ear plugged. Midline cells appear functionally identical to the PB cells in AI described using dichotic tonal stimulation (Hall and Goldstein 1968; Kitzes et al. 1980; Phillips and Irvine 198 1, 1983; Semple and Kitzes 1993b). PB cells responded maximally to zero ILD (corresponding to the midline) and either failed to respond or responded poorly to monaural stimulation. In addition to low-threshold responses that occurred at the midline, some midline cells exhibited high-threshold responses at lateral azimuths (e.g., Fig. 5). Sensitivity to zero ILD, which accounts for midline preference, also may account for these lateral responses. For many frequencies, ILDs are a nonmonotonic function of azimuth, increasing from zero at the midline to a maximum within a lateral frontal quadrant and then decreasing towards the lateral pole (Irvine 1987 ) . If the magnitude of the ILD at the lat- LF cells eral pole is sufficiently reduced, then cells selective for zero ILD might be expected to respond to sound directions near LF cells comprise a diverse group of neurons, and by definithe lateral pole. The higher threshold of the lateral compo- tion all had lateral azimuth preferences. Most received excitatory input from one or both ears, with the ear on the prenent of the cell’s response is consistent with the observation that acoustic gain is greater at the midline than at the lateral ferred side usually providing the strongest monaural input. Commonly, LF cells exhibited binaural facilitation on the poles. BINAURAL DIRECTIONAL side of the ear that produced the greatest excitatory input and exhibited binaural inhibition on the other side. Neurons with corresponding response patterns to tonal dichotic stimulation, i.e., exhibit binaural facilitation for ILDs that favor the excitatory ear and binaural inhibition for ILDs that favor the other ear, have been described in AI (Phillips and Irvine 198 1; Reale and Kettner 1986; Semple and Kitzes 1993a,b), the MGB (Aitkin and Dunlop 1968), and the IC (Benevento et al. 1970; Irvine and Gago 1990) of the cat’s auditory system. The existence of mixed interactions in the cat’s MGB also has been documented using free-field noise stimulation and ear plugging (Irons 1989). In other species, facilitatory and mixed interactions also have been demonstrated in AI (chinchilla: Benson and Teas 1976; rat: Kelly and Sally 1988 ) and in the IC (kangaroo rat: Stillman 1972; gerbil: Semple and Kitzes 1987; bat: Fuzessery et al. 1990; Park and Pollak 1993) using tonal, dichotic stimulation. Outside of the lemniscal auditory system, nonzero ILD selective (Hirsch et al. 1985; Wise and Irvine 1984, 1985) and azimuth-sensitive (Middlebrooks 1987) LF cells showing mixed interactions have been described in the SC of the cat. Park and Pollack ( 1993) have demonstrated that binaural facilitation is abolished in many ILD sensitive neurons in the bat’s IC by iontophoresis of bicuculline, a GABA-receptor antagonist. This suggeststhat binaural facilitation in many cells is a product of disinhibition that occurs in the IC. Nevertheless, there appear to be other sites of synthesis of facilitatory interactions as discussed above for midline-PB cells. A few LF cells were unresponsive or poorly responsive under unilateral plug conditions, similar to midline-PB cells. If studied using dichotic stimulation, these cells presumably would exhibit nonzero ILD selectivity. To our knowledge there are no previous reports of cells with lateral azimuth (or nonzero ILD) preferences that do not respond to monaural stimulation. CELLS IN AI 2213 are consistent with such a mechanism. First, facilitation was replaced by inhibition at high levels in some TWINS (Semple and Kitzes 1993b), as is the case in some NM-type facilitatory cells (Fig. 13). Second, TWINS and NM facilitatory cells exhibit similar patterns of monaural responses. Some TWINS, which responded maximally to 0 ILD, were unresponsive or poorly responsive to monaural stimulation (Semple and Kitzes 1993b), and these correspond to NMtype midline cells (Fig. 6). Other TWINS responded only to contralateral or ipsilateral stimulation, or to monaural stimulation of either ear, and monaural responses could be either monotonic or nonmonotonic as was the case for most NM-type LF cells (e.g., Fig. 13). Third, TWINS were most responsive to ILDs favoring the ear that provided the greater amount of excitatory input. Correspondingly, the maximal response of NM-type LF cells usually occurred on the side of the ear producing the greater amount of excitatory input (Fig. 13). It was not uncommon for NM-type LF cells to exhibit multipeaked responses, with one peak located at or near the midline and another near the lateral pole of the preferred side (e.g., Fig. 13). Multipeaked responses occurred to noise and, in one case, to tones (not illustrated), suggesting that they did not necessarily reflect sensitivity to spectral cues. Cells exhibiting TWIN tuning might be expected to exhibit multipeaked responses. This is because they respond maximally to a single ILD (corresponding to the best binaural combination) and submaximally at other ILDs. At most frequencies in the BF range of our sample, ILDs are a nonmonotonic function of azimuth, increasing from zero at the midline to a maximum within a lateral frontal quadrant and then decreasing towards the lateral pole (Irvine 1987). If the best binaural combination corresponds to a submaximal ILD, then there should be two (or possibly more) locations within a frontal quadrant corresponding with the best binaural combination. Mechanisms of azimuth sensitivity Bilateral nonmonotonic facilitation Bilateral nonmonotonic facilitation is seen in some highBF neurons in cat AI (Semple and Kitzes 1993b). Neurons displaying this type of interaction have been referred to as TWINS because they exhibited nonmonotonic tuning to both average binaural level (average of the levels delivered to each ear) and ILDs. TWINS were initially described in the gerbil’s IC ( Semple and Kitzes 1987 ), although they are less common there than in cat AI (Semple and Kitzes 1993b). Binaural facilitation in TWINS is a nonmonotonic function of level at each ear, and there is an optimal SPL at each ear (the best binaural combination) for which binaural facilitation is maximal (Semple and Kitzes 1993b). Increases or decreases from the optimal SPL at either ear cause a decrease in the neuron’s responsiveness. A model based on bilateral nonmonotonic facilitation and consistent with TWIN tuning can mimic some characteristics of NM-type facilitatory cells (including those with midline and lateral azimuth preferences), i.e., selectivity for restricted ranges of level and azimuth (Imig et al. 1990). Some NM-type facilitatory cells have characteristics that The effect of ear plugging provides evidence for two classes of high-frequency AI neurons that utilize different mechanisms of azimuth sensitivity. The azimuth sensitivity of BD cells, described in this report, appears to have substantial dependence upon ILDs present in noise. Dichotic studies have revealed the existence of AI neurons that are sensitive to ILDs present in tonal stimuli. If azimuth tuning is derived from ILD sensitivity, then these studies predict certain expected relationships between azimuth tuning, monaural inputs, and binaural interactions. The responses of BD cells are largely consistent with these predictions suggesting that they derive azimuth tuning from ILDs present in noise stimuli. Mechanisms by which neurons integrate the noise spectrum to extract ILDs are unknown, although ITD tuning of low-frequency IC neurons to noise stimulation is closely approximated by the linear summation of ITD tuning at individual frequencies (Chan et al. 1987; Yin et al. 1986). In contrast to BD cells, the azimuth sensitivity of MD cells is derived from monaural cues that are present in noise (Samson et al. 1993). In response to monaural tone bursts, MD cells lack azimuth sensitivity, suggesting 2214 F. K. SAMSON, P. BARONE, that the cells derive azimuth sensitivity from monaural spectral cues that are present in noise but not tones. Sensitivity to MD cues has been documented in neurons receiving strictly monaural input, as well as cells receiving EI input (Samson et al. 1993), but there is little evidence for such sensitivity in cells exhibiting binaural facilitation. Only one cell in a sample of 27 MD cells appeared to show binaural facilitation. As this was not confirmed by repeated testing, it could have been the result of uncontrolled variation in responsiveness that just happened to coincide with ear plugging (Samson et al. 1993). Sensitivity to MD cues was not evident in the monaural responses of any of the cells in our sample of BD facilitatory cells. Nevertheless, this does not mean that binaural facilitatory cells necessarily lack sensitivity to MD cues. It is possible that MD cues could play a role in direction specific expression of binaural interactions in some cells of this group. Level tuning Monaural stimulation of the ear on the preferred side can account for the binaural level tuning at preferred azimuths of many azimuth-sensitive cells. The vast majority of BDEI cells exhibited similar thresholds to monaural and binaural stimulation, as was the case for MD-E1 and MD-E0 cells (Fig. 15B). Furthermore the responses at suprathreshold levels of a majority of BD-EI cells and all MD cells ( Samson et al. 1993) were unaffected by plugging the inhibitory ear. Binaural inhibition can account for decreased responsiveness at high levels of noise stimulation in a minority of EI cells, as is the case for tonal response of some EI cells (Semple and Kitzes 1993a). Relatively few LF cells had monaural level functions that were similar to binaural level functions, both in terms of threshold and function shape. It was much more common for facilitatory cells to exhibit different patterns of monaural and binaural level tuning. All midline cells and some LF cells responded poorly, if at all, to monaural stimulation, so their binaural and monaural level tuning were not comparable. A majority of the LF sample exhibited lower thresholds to binaural than monaural stimulation. LF cells, including those with similar monaural and binaural thresholds, often exhibited different shapes of level functions to binaural and monaural stimulation. Binaural level function shape reflected level-dependent patterns of binaural interactions. Cells with NM-type level functions usually exhibited binaural facilitation at low levels and no facilitation or inhibition at high levels. Cells with M-type level functions exhibited facilitation over most or all of the range of levels to which they responded, although the level range over which facilitation was strongest varied among cells. Previous dichotic studies in AI using tonal stimulation have described level-dependent differences in strength of facilitation in NM-type mixed interaction neurons (cat: Reale and Kettner 1986; Semple and Kitzes 1993b, rat: Kelly and Sally 1988), but not in M-types. Most neurons with nonmonotonic level tuning are azimuth sensitive (Imig et al. 1990), showing that nonmonotonicity and directional tuning are linked together. Although the functional significance of this linkage is not J. C. CLAREY, AND T. J. IMIG known, ear plugging shows that nonmonotonic level tuning results from at least three different mechanisms. Nonmonotonic monaural excitatory input accounts for binaural nonmonotonic responses in MD-E1 and MD-E0 cells, in a majority of BD-EI cells, and in a few LF cells. Binaural inhibition contributes to nonmonotonicity in a minority of BD-EI cells. Level-dependent facilitation and inhibition produce nonmonotonic responses in midline and LF cells. Lateralized azimuth tuning is characteristic of both EI and LF cells, although there are differences in ALRA architecture. The orientation of iso-response contours in many EI cells generally paralleled excitatory ear thresholds showing that orientation reflected direction-dependent gain at the excitatory ear. In contrast, iso-response contours in the preferred quadrant of some LF cells coursed obliquely from low levels near the midline to higher levels at the lateral pole and do not seem to reflect directional gain at the ear on the preferred side. It was suggested previously that such an orientation may be a consequence of the effect of direction dependent gain at each TM and binaural facilitation (Imig et al. 1990). The finding that obliquely oriented iso-response contours are a characteristic of facilitator-y cells and not EI cells seems to support this idea. C. Bailey carefully prepared histological materials and graphics, D. Billheimer provided advice on statistics, and H. Cheng provided computer programming. Critical reviews by Dr. D. R. F. Irvine and another anonymous reviewer were very helpful. This work was supported by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communicative Disorders Grant DC-001 73 and BRSG SO7 RR05373 and 554855 awarded by the Biomedical Research Support Grant Program, Division of Research Resources, National Institutes of Health. Present addresses: P. Barone, Cerveau et Vision, INSERM Unite 37 1, 18 Avenue du Doyen L&pine, 69500 BRON, France; J. C. Clarey, Vision, Touch, and Hearing Research Centre, Dept. of Physiology and Pharmacology, University of Queensland, Queensland 4072, Australia. Address reprint requests to T. J. Imig. Received 7 September 1993; accepted in final form 17 February 1994. REFERENCES AITKIN, L. M. AND DUNLOP, C. W. Interplay of excitation and inhibition in the cat medial geniculate body. J. Neurophysiol. 3 1: 44-6 1, 1968. AITKIN, L. M. AND MARTIN, R. L. 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