Training of trainers and Maritime inspectors on the application
Training of trainers and Maritime inspectors on the application
ILO MARITIME LABOUR ACADEMY Track 1: Training of trainers and maritime inspectors on the application of the ILO Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 TRAINING REPORT Programme on International Labour Standards, Rights at Work and Gender Equality 2 Contents PROJECT SUMMARY 3 BACKGROUND AND JUSTIFICATION 4 OBJECTIVES 4 TARGET GROUP 5 CONTENT 5 STRUCTURE, METHODOLOGY AND MATERIALS 6 CERTIFICATION 7 EVALUATIONS 7 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 8 ANNEXES 1. List of participants and Resources Persons 2. Timetables 3. Activities Evaluation Main Results Project Summary Project title Training of trainers and maritime inspectors on the application of the ILO Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 Code A905105 and A905106 Venue Turin, Italy Dates From 18 to 29 June (A905105) and from 17 to 28 September 2012 (A905106) Language(s) English Participating countries Interregional Number of participants 48 (16 participants from the SafeMed II) Activity Manager Thierry Marchandise Activity Secretary Federica Bertolino Secci Collaborating/Partner Institutions Italian Coast Guard Agency, Australian Maritime Safety Agency, ITF, ILO NORMES Department 3 Background and Justification In 2001, in response to concerns about significant structural changes and increased globalization of the maritime sector, the international shipowners and seafarers organizations, meeting in the ILO's Joint Maritime Commission, came to an historic agreement "the Geneva Accord" calling upon the ILO to adopt a major new legal instrument that would more effectively address these changed conditions. For the seafarers the concern was to ensure decent work including more ability to enforce these rights. For shipowners the concern was to ensure a "level playing field" (fair competition) for the shipowners that provide decent working conditions. The shipowners' and seafarers' recommendations, which were subsequently endorsed by governments, were accepted by the ILO and led - after five years of intensive tripartite discussions - to the adoption of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (hereinafter "MLC, 2006") by the 94th International Labour Conference (ILC). The MLC, 2006 was adopted by an almost unprecedented vote of 314 in favour and none against and four abstentions (for reasons unrelated to the substance of the Convention). In accordance with resolutions adopted by the 94th ILC at the time of the MLC, 2006, a tripartite body of experts adopted (in September 2008) guidelines for flag State inspections as well as guidelines for port State control officers. In another resolution adopted at the same time as the MLC, 2006, the ILC called upon the ILO to give due priority to, inter alia, the development of training materials for inspectors and other staff and the training of inspectors. A training material for trainers of maritime labour inspectors has been produced by the ILO and its Training Centre. This training material was extensively used in the courses. The Convention demanding entry into force requirements (ratification by at least 30 States representing at least 33 per cent of the world gross tonnage) was met in 2009 for the tonnage element and on 20 August 2012 with the 30th ratification. The MLC, 2006 will enter into force on 20 August 2013. In its 2006-2011 “Action Plan to achieve rapid and widespread ratification and effective implementation”, the ILO called for all countries with a maritime interest to take steps to prepare for, and implement, their inspection obligations under the Convention. The Mediterranean area, ruled by several MoUs (Paris MoU, Mediterranean MoU) and characterized by discrepancy in the inspection regimes, is a priority to the ILO. Objectives The development objectives of the “Training of trainers and maritime inspectors in the application of the ILO MLC, 2006” activities under the ILO Maritime Labour Academy (MLA) were to ensure quality and consistency in national ship inspection systems worldwide and to train a core group of Flag State/Port State Control Officers to build capacity within national maritime inspectorate. Specifically, the courses aimed to strengthen the capacity of trainers to train maritime labour inspectors on the MLC, 2006. At the end of the courses, participants were able to: demonstrate a good level of understanding of the MLC, 2006 and explain its key concepts as well as its implications and practical application in the professional activity of maritime labour inspectors, including knowledge of the Guidelines for flag State inspections under the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 and Guidelines for Port State Control Officers carrying out inspections under the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006; 4 apply active learning methods in the delivery of workshops for maritime labour inspectors, on the basis of structured training materials expressly designed for the course and provided to participants (trainer's guides and resource packs); adapt the training materials to their own national laws and relevant local practices; and organize, manage, facilitate, monitor and evaluate training activities for maritime labour inspectors at country level. Target Group The courses were primarily intended for: trainers of maritime inspectors, including labour inspectors with experience in maritime inspections (maritime labour inspectors); members of classification societies that carry out maritime labour inspections on behalf of governments; and representatives of seafarers' and shipowners' organizations interested in inspection activities. Out of the forty-eight participants who attended the June and September editions of the ToT, the funding from the REMPEC / SAFEMED II Project allowed Sixteen (16) FSI and PSCOs from the Mediterranean MoU to attend the June and September 2012 training of trainers (ToT). Seven (2 from Egypt, 2 from Jordan, 1 from Lebanon and 2 from Turkey) attended the June 2012 ToT and 9 (1 from Algeria, 1 from Egypt, 2 from Israel, 1 from Lebanon, 2 from Morocco and 2 from Tunisia) attended the September 2012 ToT. The lists of participants are attached in ANNEX I. Content The course covered the following subjects: - Background information Main international labour Conventions and ILO approaches (particularly its tripartite approach and supervisory activities) Existing ILO maritime Conventions, with particular emphasis on ILO Convention No. 147 Conventions of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Overview of the Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) on Port State Control - The Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 Review of the relevant Articles Minimum requirements for seafarers to work on a ship Conditions of employment 5 Accommodation, recreational facilities, food and catering Health protection, medical care, welfare and social security protection Compliance and enforcement (including on-board complaint procedures) Certification and inspection systems under the MLC, 2006: similarities and differences with IMO Conventions Documentation under the MLC, 2006 (Maritime Labour Certificate and Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance II and II) Inspection of different types of ships (including ships not required to be certified (ships below 500 GT and ships that do not go on international voyages) Target factors of the inspection: ship construction, facilities, and equipment elements (e.g., cabin size, bedding, sanitary facilities, ventilation, lighting, food and catering) and operational aspects (e.g., seafarers' minimum age, medical fitness for duty, hours of work or rest, training, wages, medical care, occupational safety and health) Port State control inspections Complaint-handling mechanisms (including on-board complaint procedures and complaints by seafarers to flag State inspectors or port State officials on shore) In addition, the courses touched upon methodology with respect to the delivery of training and the evaluation of competence (knowledge, skills and professional attitude) of participants. Structure, methodology and materials The learning approach used in the course was interactive and participatory: The training methodology was based on the “Learning by teaching” approach. Participants were provided with theoretical and practical knowledge concerning the MLC, 2006 and its implementation and were in working groups to design and run training sessions on key aspects of the Convention. Each course had a duration of two weeks. Furthermore, evening sessions were devoted to individual and/or group preparation and study time. At least one month before the courses, participants were provided with material to enable them to increase their familiarity with the concepts and content of the MLC, 2006 and had the opportunity to assess their own knowledge through quizzes via a dedicated Web platform. During the courses, the active training methods included: guided study of the MLC, 2006; hands-on experience in the use of the training package and the management of training activities in face-to-face courses. ILO materials were distributed during the courses. In particular each participant received a trainer's package to be used in training at national level. The package included information on how to organize a course on MLC, 2006, presented practical training methods and provided a final test to evaluate the competence of participants. All along the courses, participants were assisted in the preparation, delivery and evaluation of training sessions on each of the titles and relevant provisions of the MLC, 2006. At the end of the courses, an individual evaluation assessed the mastery of knowledge, skills and attitudes attained as a trainer of inspectors for the MLC, 2006. The resource persons who contributed to the courses were a pool of ILO experts supported by trainers from the Italian Coast Guard, from the Australian Maritime Safety Agency (AMSA) and from the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF). The timetables are attached in ANNEX II. 6 Certification Participants received a certificate of attendance in the training courses. In addition, trainers and professional inspectors who attended the courses on the nomination or with the endorsement of their governments/organizations and successfully completed the individual evaluation at the end of the training received a competency certificate from the ILO, which should assist them to obtain recognition from their competent national authority or organizations as professional trainers on the inspection of ships for compliance with the MLC, 2006, capable of providing training on this subject at national level. All participants from the REMPEC SAFEMED II Project sat the voluntary final assessment (exam) organized at the end of each session. Out of the 16 participants, 14 were successful. Two participants did not reach the 50 per cent passing mark, mostly due to a limited command of English. They were offered the possibility to take a supplementary exam at an ILO Office in their country. One successfully passed the supplementary exam. The supplementary exam for the second participant is being organized and the faculty is confident that the participant will be successful. Evaluations In the context of the Centre’s activities, evaluation is an important tool that allows for monitoring and introducing adjustments in the design, implementation and follow-up of an activity. An end-of-activity evaluation was conducted at the end of each training course. It aimed at measuring participants’ satisfaction and providing experts and organizers with suggestions for changes and possible improvements in the future. In terms of general results, and for the June and September courses in particular, the overall quality of the courses was very positively assessed by the beneficiaries. Participants also expressed satisfaction indicating that the workshop had achieved its objectives and had met their expectations. The courses received highly positive marks on both questions “How likely is it that you will apply some of what you have learned” as well as to the question “How likely is it that your institution will benefit from your participation in this activity?”., with an average of 94 per cent of the participants declaring that the course will help them and their organization in applying the ILO MLC, 2006 more efficiently. The learning methods as well as the lecturers were praised by a huge majority of participants. For 82 per cent of the participants in the June course and 84 per cent in the September one, the objectives were fully achieved. The learning methods were praised by 91 per cent of the participants in the June course and 85 per cent in the September one, showing strong adhesion to the selected approach The overall contribution of the resource persons was found fully satisfactory by 91 per cent of the participants in the June course and all participants t in the September one The quality of the training material was also highly appreciated with 100 per cent of positive opinion of the participants in the June course and 96 per cent in the September one 7 The organization of the courses was appraised by the participants with a high score, 95 and 96 per cent of the participants in both courses, while the professionalism of the administration of the workshop (secretariat) received very high marks. The main evaluation results for each activity is attached in ANNEX III. Conclusions and Recommendations 1. Concluding remarks The participants funded by the REMPEC SAFEMED II Project were particularly active and participative during the two training courses. They showed commitment and full engagement in their respective groups for preparation and delivery of training sessions to other groups. The innovative learning methods used (learning the Convention by teaching it) as well as the training approach selected (participatory and exercise-based) proved to be effective and enabled the participants to acquire a sound knowledge of the Convention and exercise professional judgement in applying it. Participants praised the unique opportunity to exchange experience and best practice with FSI/PSCOs from different countries and MoUs. They clearly stated that attending the courses allowed them to better analyse and understand the different regional and national approaches to maritime inspection. Participants also appreciated the networking possibility with other maritime labour inspectors and ILO experts. 2. Recommendations The training courses were conducted in English and the command of the working language was the major challenge faced by the participants from the REMPEC SAFEMED II Project. The final assessment for certification was formulated in rather legal terms and the case study on professional judgement was quite demanding. Improving the language skills of FSI/PSCOs in the region is key to sound interregional cooperation and effective maritime inspection. Most of the participants from the REMPEC SAFEMED II Project immediately started to run training sessions for their colleagues upon return to their respective institutions. Their commitment to transfer the knowledge gained and to prepare for the entry into force of the Convention was particularly encouraging. They all stated that their national institutions needed further assistance in terms of legal advice and capacity building. The ILO and its International Training Centre were ready to assist them in building capacity for a full implementation of the MLC, 2006. 8 ANNEX I Lists of participants and Resources Persons A905105 ILO Maritime Labour Academy - Track 1: Training of trainers and maritime inspectors in the application of the ILO Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 - 18/06/2012 – 29/06/2012 COTE D’IVOIRE Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: 1 Mr. Lamine KEITA DIRECTION GENERALE DES AFFAIRES MARITIMES ET PORTUAIRE (DGAMP) FLAG AND PORT STATE INSPECTOR, DIRECTION DE LA SECURITE ET DE LA NAVIGATION MARITIME /INSPECTION TECHNIQUE DES NAVIRES TOUR A 1er ETAGE PLATEAU; BP V65 ABIDJAN; ABIDJAN; COTE D’IVOIRE +225 21240921 + 225 20223088 [email protected], [email protected] EGYPT Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: 2 Mr. Joseph Samir Saad LABIB Egyptian Authority For Maritime Safety flag state inspector, Flag Sate Egyptian Authority For Maritime Safety - port state control central department bab gomrok (1); 21513; Alexandria; EGYPT +203 4817649 +203 4817649 [email protected], [email protected] EGYPT Tel.: Fax: E-mail: 3 Mr. Mohamed Gaber Mohamed RAMADAN Egyptian Authority For Maritime Safety port state control manager, Port state control Egyptian Authority For Maritime Safety - port state control central department bab gomrok (1); 21513; Alexandria; EGYPT +2 -03 4817649 +2 -03 4817649 [email protected], [email protected] Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Mr. Ilpo MINKKINEN Finnish Seamens Union ITF-inspector/ Industrial relations officer John Stenbergin ranta 6; 00530; Helsinki; FINLAND +358 9 6152020 +358 9 615 20227 [email protected] Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: FINLAND 4 INDONESIA Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: 5 Ms. Lena KURNIAWATI MINISTRY OF MANPOWER AND TRANSMIGRATION Section Head of Electrical and Fire Prevention Norm Inspection, Directorate General of Labour Inspection Development JL.JENDERAL GATOT SUBROTO KAVLING 51; 12950; SOUTH JAKARTA; INDONESIA +62 21 5255733 +62 21 5268045 [email protected], [email protected] INDONESIA Tel.: Fax: E-mail: 6 Mr. Triyatmoko Directorate General of Labour Inspection Development - Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration Labor Inspector JL.JENDERAL GATOT SUBROTO KAVLING 51 ; 12950; South Jakarta; INDONESIA +62 2518430693 +62 215269964 [email protected] Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Mr. Stefano CANESTRI lgnazio Messina & C SpA Crew Director Via G. D’Annunzio 91; 16121 ; Genova; ITALY +39010 60391 +39010 6039445 [email protected] 7 Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Mr. Danilo CHIARUTTINI Premuda Spa Crew Manager Via Fieschi; 16121; Genova; ITALY +39 010 5444.1 +39 010 55 31 201 [email protected] 8 Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Mr. Mamoon Mustafa ALAJO JORDAN MARITIME AUTHORITY MARINE RADIO COMMUNICATION OFFICER, PORT STATE AL RASHEED STR.; PO Box: PORT STATE; 77110; AQABA; JORDAN +96 232015858 +96 232016110 [email protected], [email protected] 9 Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: ITALY ITALY JORDAN JORDAN Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: 10 Mr. Ra’ed Abdel Mon’em Hafeth SHEHADEH JORDAN MARITIME AUTHORITY PORT STATE CONTROL OFFICER, TECH.& MARITIME SAFETY DIRECTORATE ALRASHEED STREET; PO Box: PORT STATE CONTROL OFFICER; 77110 JORDAN; AL AQABA; JORDAN +962 3 2015858 +962 3 2031553 [email protected], [email protected] LEBANON Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: 11 Mr. Haytham CHAABAN Ministry of Public Works and Transport PSC Officer, Flag State Marine Surveyor, ISM/ISPS Lead Auditor, Directorate General of Land and Maritime Transport 4rth Fl., STARCO Bldg., Georges Picot St.; 00000; Beirut; LEBANON +96 11371644 +96 1372794 [email protected] MALAYSIA 12 Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Ms. Norhayati Binti IBRAHIM MARINE DEPARTMENT MARINE OFFICER, SEAFARER DEVELOPMENT UNIT, MARINE DEPARTMENT MALAYSIA; 42007; PELABUHAN KLANG; MALAYSIA +6 03 3346 7767 +6 03 33467778 [email protected], [email protected] Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Ms. Marte Bolette GLOSLI Det Norske Veritas Surveyor, Classification Society, Governance and Support 1322; Hovik; NORWAY +47 67 57 81 47 +47 67 57 99 11 [email protected] 13 Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Mr. Carlos GONZALEZ Panama Maritime Authority Legal Advisor, Merchant Marine Direction Albrook, Omar Torrijos Ave. Pan Canal Building, 3 floor, Office 308; 507; Panama; PANAMA +501-5008 +501-5007 [email protected] 14 Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: NORWAY PANAMA Tel.: Fax: E-mail: PANAMA Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Ms. Doris Daneska GUERRA DE POIDVEN Panama Maritime Authority Maritime labour inspector., Maritime Labour Affairs. PanCanal Plaza Building - Second floor office 201; 0843-0533; Panama; PANAMA +507 5015059 +507 5015210 [email protected], [email protected] 15 PANAMA Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: 16 Mr. Jose Ramon MACIAS panama maritime authority Deputy chief navigation and maritime safety department, navigation and maritime safety department p.o. box 00533 balboa ancon 0843 panama; 0843; panama; PANAMA +5075015090 +5075015035 [email protected], [email protected] ST KITTS-NEVIS Mr. Everette Sylvester MASON Nevis Air and Sea Port Authority Manager Marine Department/ Port State Control Officer, Marine No. 49 Keys Extension; WI001; Basseterre; ST KITTS-NEVIS +1869 668 0639 +1869 466 1999 [email protected] 17 Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Mr. Natan ELKIN ILO Coordinator, International Labour Standards Department, NORMES 4 route des Morillons; 1212; Geneva; SWITZERLAND +41 22 799 7089 +41 22 [email protected], [email protected] 18 Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Mr. Ali YAHMADI OFFICE DE LA MARINE MARCHANDE ET DES PORTS DIRECTOR OF SEAFARERS, DIRECTORATE OF SEAFARERS 14 Rue de Genes;; 2074; El Mourouj 4; TUNISIA +216 738036 +216 738036 [email protected] 19 Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: International Labour Office TUNISIA TURKEY Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: E-mail: 20 Mr. Mehmet Akif HOSANLI Ministry of Transport, Maritime and Communication Flag/Port State Control Officer, Kocaeli Harbor Master Office Atalar Mah. Sahil Yolu Cd. No:26 Yarimca/Korfez; 41000; Kocaeli; TURKEY +90 2625283754 (int:119) [email protected], [email protected] Full Name: Institution: 21 Mr. Fatih YILMAZ MINISTRY OF TRANSPOSTATION, MARITIME AFFAIRS AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNICAL OFFICER, SHIP INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL DIRECTORATE FOR MARITIME AFFAIRS AND INLANDWATER REGULATION GMK BULVARI 128/A ÇANKAYA-MALTEPE; PO Box: TECNICAL OFFICER; 06570; ANKARA; TURKEY +90 312 232 38 49 (EXT. 2492) +90 312 231 33 06 [email protected], [email protected] TURKEY Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: UNITED STATES Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Mr. Douglas B. STEVENSON The Seamen’s Church Institute of NY & NJ Director, Center for Seafarers’ Rights and Chairman, International Christian Maritime Association 118 Export Street; NJ 07114 ; Port Newark; UNITED STATES +1 973 589 5828 +1 973 817 8565 [email protected] International Labour Organization International Labour Standards Department (NORMES) - ILO/HQ Full Name: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Ms. Cleopatra DOUMBIA-HENRY Director 4, route des Morillons CH-1211 Geneva 22, Switzerland +41 22 799 6503 +41 22 799 6771 [email protected] International Labour Standards Department (NORMES) - ILO/HQ Full Name: Position: Address: Tel.: E-mail: Mr. Dominick DEVLIN Special Advisor on the Maritime Labour Convention Rome, Italy +39 06 90159644/909644 [email protected] 22 International Labour Standards Department (NORMES) - ILO/HQ Full Name: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Ms. Moira L. MC CONNELL Special Advisor on the Maritime Labour Convention Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada + 1 902 425 3376 + 1 902 405 2545 [email protected] International Labour Standards Department (NORMES) - ILO/HQ Full Name: Position: Address: Tel.: E-mail: Mr. Dierk LINDEMANN Special Advisor on the Maritime Labour Convention Humannstrasse 7 22609 Hamburg - Germany +49 40 82 47 88 [email protected] Italian Coast Guard Headquarters Full Name: Position: Address: Capt. (ITCG) Luigi GIARDINO Chief of Flag State Branch Italian Coastguard Headquarters – Safety Navigation Department – Viale Antonio Ciamarra n. 139 - 00173 Rome Viale dell’Arte n. 16 – 00144 Rome Tel.: Fax: +39 06 45 489 229 +39 06 96 51 9919 [email protected] E-mail: NSZZ Solidarnosc - National Commission Of Independent Self-Governing Trade Unions Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Mr. Adam Stefan MAZURKIEWICZ National Maritime Section NSZZ ‘Solidarnosc ITF Inspector ul. Szarotki 8, 70-604 Szczecin; 70-604; Szczecin; POLAND +48 91 422 33 11 +48 91 422 29 00 [email protected], [email protected] Full Name: Position: E-mail: Ms. Patricia Ann JANEGA Trainer, Facilitator [email protected] Consultant 12 International Training Centre of the ILO Gender and Non-Discrimination Training Programme - ITC-ILO, Manager Programme on Standards and Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work Manager (a.i.) Full Name: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Ms Simonetta CAVAZZA Viale Maestri del Lavoro 10 +39 011 6936 520 +39 011 693 6350 [email protected] Standards and Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work - ITC-ILO Full Name: Position Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Mr. Thierry MARCHANDISE Senior Programme Officer responsible for the MLC, 2006 Cluster Viale Maestri del Lavoro 10 +39 011 693 6308 +39 011 693 6906 [email protected] Standards and Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work - ITC-ILO Full Name: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Ms. Federica BERTOLINO Programme Secretary Viale Maestri del Lavoro 10 +39 011 693 6305 +39 011 693 6906 [email protected] A905106 ILO Maritime Labour Academy - Track 1: Training of trainers and maritime inspectors in the application of the ILO Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 - 17/09/2012 – 28/09/2012 ALGERIA Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Mr. Tahar BELASSEL Ministry of Transports Engineer, ports and merchant marine department Ibn badis El Mouiz El-Biar; +213 21 92 98 81 +213 92 60 96 [email protected] 1 ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: E-mail: Mr. Kelly Randolph, Malcolm THOMAS Government Labour Support Officer, Labour Department St.John’s; ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA +1 268 782 0874 [email protected] 2 Full Name: Institution: Position: 3 Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Mr. Bart HEYLBROECK Federal Public Service Mobility and Transport Naval Architect - Director, General Direction Maritime Transport/ Belgian Maritime Inspectorate Natienkaai 5; 8400; Oostende; BELGIUM +3259561450 +3259561474 [email protected], [email protected] Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Mr. Wei CHEN China Maritime Safety Administration Official, Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration 190,Si ping Road,; 200086; shanghai; CHINA +86-21-66073567 +86-21-66072775 [email protected], [email protected] 4 BELGIUM CHINA CHINA Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: 5 Mr. Bin LIU China Maritime Safety Administration (China MSA) Engineer, Secretary of Seafarers Subcommittee (China MSA Research Committee on International Maritime Affairs), Seafarers Management Dept. of Guangdong MSA 47 Yile Road Room 405, Haizhu District; 510260; Guangzhou; CHINA +86-20-8902-7877, +86 139 2832 9950 +86-20-8902-7271 [email protected], [email protected] Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: E-mail: Mr. Jacob DAMGAARD DFDS A/S Marine Superintendent, Marine Standards Sundkrogsgade 11; 2100; København Ø; DENMARK +4533423492 ; +45 232 80617 [email protected] Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: 7 Mr. Albert Phillip PETER Dominica Maritime Administration Assistant Maritime Administrator (Technical Services), Maritime Administration Dominica Maritime Administration, Ministry of Public Works, Energy and Ports, 3rd Floor, Government Headquarters, Kennedy Avenue; N/A; Roseau; Dominica +767 448 4722 / 767 266 3071/2 +767 448 0182 [email protected], [email protected] Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: 8 Mr. Amr Abd Elfattah KATAYA Landmark Marine Chairman, Marine Inspector, Consultant, Marine Survey 2A,Square 1157, Ministers District, Sheraton Heliopolis;; 11799; Cairo; EGYPT +20222682862 ; 201 27 1111481 +20222682862 [email protected], [email protected] Full Name: Institution: Position: Mr. Kaj-Peter Ari HELLSBERG Government of Finland, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health Inspector, The Occupational Health and Safety Division of the Regional Administrative Agency for Southwestern Finland Puutarhakatu 45; 20100; Turku; FINLAND +358 29 501 8141 +358 2 251 1820 [email protected], ([email protected]) Full Name: Institution: Position: DENMARK 6 DOMINICA EGYPT FINLAND Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: 9 HONG KONG, CHINA Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: 10 Mr. Richard Luis Francis DIAS INTERNATIONAL REGISTRIES (FAR EAST) LIMITED SENIOR SAFETY& TECHNICAL MANAGER 2210 HARBOUR CENTRE, 25 HARBOUR ROAD, WANCHAI; N/A; HONG KONG; HONG KONG, CHINA +852 25266641 +852 28450172 [email protected], [email protected] IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Mr. Rahim CHELDAVI Maritime ports&shipping org. FSC/PSC OFFICER, FSC/PSC DEP. BIK PORT COMPLEX; 159; BIK PORT; IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF +986522522481-3 +986522522465 [email protected] 11 Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Mr. Aleksander GERSON Ministry of Transport Administration of Shipping and Ports Deputy Director, Head Shipping and Ports Inspectorate Street 15a Pal Yam; PO Box: 31999; Haifa; ISRAEL +972 4 8632080 +972 8632118 [email protected] 12 Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: E-mail: Mr. Benyamin ROZANSKI Shipping & Ports Administration Marine and Port Inspector, Inspectorate & Safety 15A Palyam st.; 31999; Haifa; ISRAEL +972 57 7745923 [email protected], [email protected] 13 Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Mr. Hazem Samir SAAD Ministry of Public work and transport PSC Officer, Flag State Inspector Georges Picot Street .Starco Street Build 3rd Floor; Beirut; Lebanon +9613919271 +9611372794 [email protected] 14 ISRAEL ISRAEL LEBANON LIBERIA Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: E-mail: 15 Ms. Mother Yar KPUMEH United Seamen Ports and General Workers Union of Liberia (Uspogul), Seafarers Section President Seafarers Section, Seafarers Section Chocolate city new road junction gardners ville Somalia drive Monrovia Liberia.; po box: President Seafarers section; 1000 Liberia +231777361063 [email protected], [email protected] MOROCCO Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: E-mail: 16 Mr. Said BOUKRI Ministère de l’équipement et des transports, service de la Marine Marchante Inspector of Maritime Navigation and Work, Departement No 10 Rue Vouziers 1er étage Appartement 2 ; Belvedere ; 20010; Casablanca; Morocco +212665526002/276010 [email protected] MOROCCO Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Mr. Mustapha CHAYE Merchant Marine Directorate Inspector of Maritime Navigation and Work, Safety Division Appartement 2 Immeuble 15 Residence Hazem Inara Ain Chock; 20000; Casablanca; MOROCCO +212 6 65526002 +212 5 22273340 [email protected] 17 Ms. Hadiza MAINA NIGERIA MARITIME ADMINISTRATION AND SAFETY AGENCY (NIMASA) Assistant Chief Maritime Labour Officer NO. 4 BURMA ROAD, APAPA. LAGOS-NIGERIA; Lagos; NIGERIA +234 8023 140 526 [email protected], [email protected] 18 Mr. Anthony Preye PREGHAFI NIGERIAN MARITIME ADMINISTRATION AND SAFETY AGENCY (NIMASA) Personal Assistant to the Dg, Dg’s Office 4, BURMA ROAD, APAPA, LAGOS; 234; LAGOS; NIGERIA +234 80 235 44328 [email protected], [email protected] 19 NIGERIA Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: E-mail: NIGERIA Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: E-mail: NORWAY Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Mr. Kurt Inge ANGELL Norwegian Seafarers’ Union Union Officer, Head Office, Cruise Department Rosenkrantz Gate 15-17; N-0125; Oslo; NORWAY (Po Box 2000 Vika) +4722825800 +4722336618 [email protected], [email protected] 20 Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: E-mail: Ms. Ruth Margarita BONILLA LASONDE Panama Maritime Authority/PMA Attorney at law, Marine Accident Investigation Department Omar Torrijos Herrera Avenue; 0843; Panama; PANAMA +507-501-5087 [email protected], [email protected] 21 Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: 22 Ms. Vanessa Lisbeth PALACIO PITTY PANAMA MARITIME AUTHORITY Lawyer, Maritime and Safety Department Omar Torrijos Ave, Albrook, Pancanal Plaza; Po Box: Lawyer; 0843; Panama +507 501-5034 ; +507 6615 44 22 +507501-5035 [email protected], [email protected] Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Mr. Michael HENG Energycorp Global Pte Ltd Chief Executive Officer (CEO) 33 Ubi Avenue 3 #07-16; Singapore 408863; SINGAPORE +65 97 22 89 86 +65 67437952 [email protected],[email protected] 23 Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Mr. Mongi JENDOUBI Ministère du Transport Director of the Maritime Training Department Pres de l’aéroport Tunis -Carthage; 2035; Tunis; TUNISIA +216 71772110 +216 71806413 [email protected] 24 Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: 25 Mr. Mounir CHAABANE OFFICE DE LA MARINE MARCHANDE ET DES PORTS CHEF DE REGION MARITIME, REGION MARITIME DE GABES AVENUE HEDI CHAKER; PO Box: MARITIME AUTHORITY; 6000; GABES; TUNISIA +216 75270969 +216 75273422 [email protected] PANAMA PANAMA SINGAPORE TUNISIA TUNISIA Tel.: Fax: E-mail: UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Full Name: Institution: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: 26 Mr. Benny Kuruvilla ALEX Emarat Maritime LLC General Manager, Technical Services Emarat Maritime, Sharaf Building, Mina Road; 25859; Dubai; UNITED ARAB EMIRATES +97143599955 ; mobile +971 504 570 158 +97143599966 [email protected], [email protected] International Labour Organization International Labour Standards Department (NORMES) - ILO/HQ Full Name: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Ms. Cleopatra DOUMBIA-HENRY Director 4, route des Morillons CH-1211 Geneva 22, Switzerland +41 22 799 6503 +41 22 799 6771 [email protected] International Labour Standards Department (NORMES) - ILO/HQ Full Name: Position: Address: Tel.: E-mail: Mr. Dominick DEVLIN Special Advisor on the Maritime Labour Convention Rome, Italy +39 06 90159644/909644 [email protected] International Labour Standards Department (NORMES) - ILO/HQ Full Name: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Ms. Moira L. MC CONNELL Special Advisor on the Maritime Labour Convention Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada + 1 902 425 3376 + 1 902 405 2545 [email protected] International Labour Standards Department (NORMES) - ILO/HQ Full Name: Position: Address: Tel.: E-mail: Mr. Dierk LINDEMANN Special Advisor on the Maritime Labour Convention Humannstrasse 7 22609 Hamburg - Germany +49 40 82 47 88 [email protected] Australian Maritime Safety Authority Full Name: Position: Address: Tel.: E-mail: Mr. Tim KING Marine Surveyor/ISM Auditor GPO Box 2181; ACT 2601; Canberra; AUSTRALIA +61 2 62795935 [email protected] Consultant Full Name: Position: Address: E-mail: Mr. Joris DE HERT Senior Maritime Expert Antwerp; BELGIUM [email protected] Full Name: Position: E-mail: Ms. Patricia Ann JANEGA Trainer, Facilitator [email protected] Consultant International Training Centre of the ILO Programme on International Labour Standards, Rights at Work and Gender Equality Full Name: Position Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Ms Simonetta CAVAZZA Manager Viale Maestri del Lavoro 10 +39 011 6936 520 +39 011 693 6350 [email protected] Full Name: Position Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Mr. Thierry MARCHANDISE Senior Programme Officer responsible for the MLC, 2006 Cluster Viale Maestri del Lavoro 10 +39 011 693 6308 +39 011 693 6906 [email protected] Full Name: Position: Address: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Ms. Federica BERTOLINO Programme Secretary Viale Maestri del Lavoro 10 +39 011 693 6305 +39 011 693 6906 [email protected] ANNEX II Timetables ANNEX III Activities Evaluation Main Results For further information, please contact: International Training Centre of the ILO Programme on International Labour Standards, Rights at Work and Gender Equality Viale Maestri del Lavoro, 10 10127 Turin (Italy) Phone: +39.011.693.6305 - +39 011 693.6600 Fax: +39.011.639.1913 E-mail: [email protected] Website: