PERPUSTAKAAN SULTAN ABDUL SAMAD CUSTOMER SATISFACTION SURVEY 2009 PURPOSE To evaluate customer satisfaction on the services of Perpustakaan Sultan Abdul Samad (PSAS) and identify ways to improve or enhance our services. METHODOLOGY A questionnaire with 17 questions designed by the Reference Division, was distributed to UPM staff and students. The survey was conducted from 19th January – 6th March 2009. RESULTS A total of 1505 questionnaires were returned, which is about 40.9% of the 3684 questionnaires distributed. The following charts summarize the results of the survey. BR/ CSS 2009 (1) DISTRIBUTION OF RESPONDENTS Academic staffs, 8.7% Postgraduates, 20.5% Non academic staffs, 11.8% Undergraduates, 59% BR/ CSS 2009 (3) DISTRIBUTION OF RESPONDENTS BY FACULTY/DEPARTMENT FACULTIES / DEPARTMENTS Faculty of Agriculture Faculty of Forestry Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Faculty of Economics and Management Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Educational Studies Faculty of Science Faculty of Food Science and Technology Faculty of Human Ecology Faculty of Modern Language and Communication Faculty of Design and Architecture Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology Faculty of Biotechnology and Molecular Sciences Faculty of Environmental Studies Institutes (7 entities) Schools (2 entities) Centers (5 entities) Others (9 entities) PERCENTAGE (%) 11.6 % 5.3 % 3.1 % 8.7 % 5.5 % 10.9 % 12.9 % 3.1 % 6.9 % 6.7 % 1.4 % 5.3 % 2.3 % 2.7 % 1.6 % 2.8 % 1.0 % 2.1 % 6.1 % BR/ CSS 2009 (4) BOOK COLLECTION BR/ CSS 2009 (5) PRINTED JOURNAL COLLECTION BR/ CSS 2009 (6) SHELVING OF BOOKS / JOURNALS BR/ CSS 2009 (7) COMPUTER FACILITIES FOR OPAC BR/ CSS 2009 (8) PHOTOCOPYING & PRINTING SERVICES BR/ CSS 2009 (9) SELF CHECK MACHINE BR/ CSS 2009 (10) ELECTRONIC REFERENCE ROOM BR/ CSS 2009 (11) WIRELESS NETWOK SERVICE BR/ CSS 2009 (12) BOOK DROP BR/ CSS 2009 (13) LIBRARY WEBSITE BR/ CSS 2009 (14) ELECTRONIC DATABASES / JOURNAL BR/ CSS 2009 (15) EVALUATION OF STAFF: HELPFUL BR/ CSS 2009 (16) EVALUATION OF STAFF: APPROACHABLE & FRIENDLY BR/ CSS 2009 (17) EVALUATION OF STAFF: COMMUNICATION SKILLS BR/ CSS 2009 (18) WHAT IS THE LIBRARY DOING ABOUT IT? PSAS would like to thank you for your response to our survey. Your comments and suggestions are very much appreciated and will be very helpful for us to improve our services. Action will be taken if the satisfaction level is below 60%. In 2009, our survey results indicate that satisfaction level is above 60% for all services and facilities. Some related statistics for services/facilities with satisfaction level within 60-70% are shown below: BR/ CSS 2009 (19) SERVICES / FACILITIES CUSTOMER SATISFACTION FACTS AND FIGURES Total expenditure for printed journals for the whole library are: JOURNAL COLLECTION VL – 61.8% MDL – 63.2% Expenditure (RM) No. of titles Yr 2008 Yr 2009 3.3 million 3.5 million 802 775 Total number printed journals subscribed: No. of titles MDL – Medical Library Library Yr 2008 Yr 2009 MDL 69 69 VL 48 48 VL – Veterinary Library BR/ CSS 2009 (20) SERVICES / FACILITIES CUSTOMER SATISFACTION FACTS AND FIGURES The statistics for acquisition and processing of books at the Medical Library is as below: BOOK COLLECTION Jan-Dec 2008 Jan-Sep 2009 Allocation (RM) 795,000.00 600,000.00 Expenditure (RM) 750,369.99 501,189.80 MDL – 67.7% Activities Number of book titles Jan-Sep 2008 Jan-Sep 2009 Order 2213 1612 Received 2003 1329 Catalog 2908 1583 MDL – Medical Library BR/ CSS 2009 (21) SERVICES / FACILITIES CUSTOMER SATISFACTION FACTS AND FIGURES New machines were acquired for photocopying, printing, and scanning of document, photo, image, etc. Printing can be done via the internet and users are free to get the printed materials at any locations as stated below. Effective Date Location No. of units PHOTOCOPYING & PRINTING SERVICES ML – 67.7% MDL – 65.7% ML MDL VL EL Total ML – Main Library MDL – Medical Library A Block 1st Floor – 2 units BW B Block Ground Floor – 4 units BW B Block 1st Floor – 1 unit BW B Block 2nd Floor – 6 units BW, 1 unit color 2 units BW 2 units BW 2 units BW, 1 unit color 21 units VL – Veterinary Library Jun 08 Nov 08 Nov 08 Nov 08 EL – Engineering Library BR/ CSS 2009 (22) SERVICES / FACILITIES CUSTOMER SATISFACTION FACTS AND FIGURES One self check machine is placed at the Medical Library. For January – September 2008 & 2009, the circulation statistics as shown below: SELF CHECK MACHINE MDL – 60.3% Location Purpose Borrow Circulation Renew counter Return Self Check Borrow Machine Renew Circulation count Yr 2008 Yr 2009 13,043 8,810 2,787 1,817 14,731 10,713 4376 4,261 57 28 MDL – Medical Library BR/ CSS 2009 (23)