regular meeting, board of commissioners, glynn county, georgia
regular meeting, board of commissioners, glynn county, georgia
REGULARMEETING, BOARDOF COMMISSIONERS,GLYNN COUNTY, GEORGIA, HELD THURSDAY, NOVEMBER17, 1983, AT 6:30 P.M. PRESENT: Chairman John M. McClurd, Sr. Commissioner Michael E. Harrison Commissj-oner J. lfayne Hutcheson Commissioner W. Harold Pate Commissioner lVillou C. Smith Commissioner Alton L. Wooten ABSENT: Commissioner Ronald W. Young ALSO PRESENT: Administrator Charles T. Stewart County Attorney Thomas J. Lee {61 Opening Ceremony. Chairman McClurd opened the meeting with and pledge invocati-on of allegiance to the f1ag. Approval of Mj-nutes. Upon motion duly made and s e c o n d e d , t h e m j - n u t e s o f November 3, 1983, were unanimously Resolutions Presented Mr. Bill PubIic for held approved. President presented public his meeting to Commi.ssioners Hutcheson and Wooten. Keltner, Affairs, regular service of the Brunswick-Glynn a resolution and efforts gratitude of County Committee of to Commissioner Tfayne Hutcheson the Glynn County Board of as a member of Commissioners, ** Chairman McClurd presented Conservation years of Service dedicated and outstanding to Lila Resolution a special during a group of Brunswick that annual the resolutions ticipants. Chairman McClurd then Chairman of the County Commission during her to following of the for completion the Satilla of ten Soil Speakman. November 10, 1983, and special introduced Wooten for Soil . positions county L. as a Supervisor serviee Chaj-rman McClurd explained several recej-ved from the U.S. resolutj-on commending Commissioner Alton District Conservation >k**,k *X<* * ***>k High students had fi1led on "Youth In Government Day" aetivities would be presented to each of these parLil-a announced that Speakman, who had served was present, activity, this and presented the Commissj-on and audience as whereupon he her with a framed copy resolution: RESOLUTION TO LILA W H E R E A S ,L i l a SPEAKMAN Speakman was selected Glynn County Commission during the post fill to of Chairman of on November 10, In Government Day" activities "Youth the 1983; and W H E R E A S ,L i l a assuming the post a great exhibited of Chief deal Official Elected leadership of and initiative ability in the Glynn County Government on this of day; and W H E R E A S ,i t todayrs tal-ented is the hope of students Lila will this Commission that fill our governmental positions who wil-l become one of in the future. NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVEDby the Board of Glynn County, commend Lila Chairman of Georgia, in regular Speakman for the Status In-Take Officer Juvenile grant a framed to commemorateher outstanding of she displayed and ability while serving we as the Glynn County Board of Commissioners. BE IT FURTHERRESOLVED, that to Lila LTth day of November, 1983, that meeting this interest Commissioners, covering Court the 1983, which result who were sent to Position of his In-Take facilities Resolution be presented Court O. Pearson informed Officer in a hardshi-p because this detention this service. in Juvenile Judge Clincon salary copy of would be expiri-ng officer primari-1y the Commisslon that transported in lfaycross. a two-yea on December 31, 90% of the juveniles Judge Pearson explained that this problem would continue until current renovatj-on of the Glynn County Detentio center was compreted' and juvenile cel1s put back into service, and he suggested that '/ 4S2 the Commission might Pursuant with Administrator salary information relatlve Officer position, and report re Holiday Conflict provided upon services employees fo1lowed back at In-Take to his and cj-tizens staff these he and his the constitutional some of observed by the holidays holidays extra that by the County Commisslon ' that as on other on these dates as well Two of fact by the had offices the County who relied Judge Pearson related sched.ule established the holiday of between disparity the that employees and constitutional state were Columbus Day in October the authority to set Attorney He said employees. that for holidays that the offices state were set by the schedule observed by state and back a recommendation on this matter" was between the and the conflict legislature, offices. to be observed by constitutional the holidays Lee replied the Commission had Tom Lee if Commissloner Wooten asked County Attorney county the Day in November, Judge Pearson said. and Veterans state of develop to meeting. O. Pearson reported ny these agencies. governments. and federal staff extension temporary the next employees were perturbed his closed offices a possible Judge Clinton perplexing become extremely however, to schedule observed by county the holiday Judge Pearson said or Fj-nance Office Stewart time. that until Schedule. Court Juvenile position this recommendation from Chairman McClurd, to he wou1d. confer funding in be interested he would bring Brunswick and Glynn County Development Authority the Glynn Place Mal1. on behalf of the Brunswick and Glynn County Attorney Joseph A.lVhittle, Development Authority, asked the Commission to approve three bond issues for Adopted Approving Resolutions Bonds for Developments Within Georgia, Belk-Hudson Company of Brunswlck, project, and D. Scott Mr. Whittle development. a new requirement for l{udgens project noted these bonds, particularly to tempting Ltd. , now approaching these bond issues of Commj-ssion approval that was the County would not be responsible there was some urgency in approving although He explained that the Glynn Place construction their expedite the Glynn Place Mall in imposed by Congress, the bonds 1n any way. Glynn Place Associates, Inc., issue, schedule because the developers were atin order to provide much needed shopping facilities. Since this said he would like Litigation ltem was not to defer Committee could had made a trip Transportation proiect, in the and he could until review Chairman McClurd Staff it listed on the first the to road system for this to their a delegatlon solicit see no reason meeting and present it commented that to Atlanta agenda, Commissioner Hutcheson in December so that the recommendati-on. from the Commission and assistance from the Department of new ma11 j-n order to expedite the defer any item that would. constitute a delay. Motion approving resolutions Mr. Whittlets request spread below was made by Commissioner Wooten, and adopted by the following majority Aye: Commj-ssloners Smith, Nay: Commissioner Hutcheson. and adopting Smith, the three seconded by Commissioner vote: Wooten, Harrison, Pate and Chairman McClurd. *{< x<**{<* tr<x***>ft* ACTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERSOF GLYNN COUNTY, GEORGIA W H E R E A S ,a p u b l i c County Development Authority hearing on the was cond.ucted by the Brunswick loth day of November, 1983, otr the the proposed issuance of Flrst Mortgage Industrial (Belk-Hudson Company of Brunswick, G&., Inc. Project) of by the Brunswick amount not and Glynn County Development Authority, to exceed $10r0001000; and and Glynn subject Development Revenue Bonds Series in 1983 (the the "Bonds't) aggregate face W H E R E A S 'i t is noted that Belk-Hudson Company of Brunswick, finance to the cost of a commercial retail such portion containing is Georgia, of noted be used to assist (the "Companyr') of Glynn place, a portion and equipping the initial "Project"), deemed to constitute the of in that the 42 acres, shopping ma11 will more or 1ess, the unincorporated Scranton W H E R E A S ,i t is owner and operator of area of be located. on a tyaet approximately of 3 mj-1es northwest or Highway g0g near Glynn Countyr Road; and noted that the Bond.s, whenr &s and if issued, shall not be a debt or pledge of the faith and credit or the taxing power of Georgia, the City W H E R E A S ,n e i t h e r including will a Georgia corporation constructing shopping ma1l (the approximatety intersection State Inc., issued, to be the Company; and of Brunswick, the Ga., acquiring, W H E R E A S 'i t land the Bonds, if of Brunswick the the Authorityr State the City or the County of of Georgia any political nor of Brunswlck, Glynn; and subdivj-sion and the County of Glynn, thereof, shal1 be to pay the Bonds or the interest thereon or other costs incidental thereto except from the revenues and monies pledged therefor, and neither the faith and credit nor the taxing povfer of the County of Glynn, the City of Brunswickr or the State of Georgj-ar or any political subdivision thereof, is pledged to the payment of principal of the Bonds or the interest thereon or other costs incidental thereto; and obligated W H E R E A S ,f o l l o w i n g Development Authority County, hearing, h a s r e c o m m e n d e d .t o and Glynn County and the Project of Glynn to be financed with the be approved. N O WT H E R E F O R E ,t h e u n d e r s i g n e d , of Glynn County, the Brunswick the Board. of County Commissioners the proposed Bond Issue Georgj-a that proceeds thereof such public Georgia, being the highest elected representatives approve the proposed Bond Issue by the Brunswick do hereby and Glynn County Development Authorlty, and further proceeds of said Bond Issue as set forth herein. t<*****r<**xd<* approve the proposed use of the t r < *t < * ACTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERSOF GLYNN COUNTY, GEORGIA W H E R E A S ,a p u b l i c Development Authority posed issuance on the of First Hudgens Project) ment Authority' hearing l0th Mortgage was conducted day of Novernber, 1983r oil the by the Brunswick in the aggregate faee amount not W H E R E A S 'i t and Glynn County subject Scott and Glynn County Develop- exceed $10r0o0r000; to the pro- of Development Revenue Bonds (n. Industrial 1983 (tfre'rBonds'r) Series by the Brunswick and noted that the Bonds, if issued, will be used to assist D.Scott Hudgens ("Hudgens") to finance the cost of acquiring, constructing and equipping a portion of Glynn P1ace, a commercial retail shopping ma11 (ttre "Project"), the initial is such portion owner of I Y H E R E A S ,i t land contai-ning of Brunswick, near the Georgia, intersectj-on deemed to constitute the State of noted approximately W H E R E A S ,i t of is in to be Hudgens; and that the 42 acres, more or 1ess, the unj-ncorporated of Scranton is noted that the City W H E R E A S ,n e i - t h e r the area of be located approximately Glynn County, on a tract 3 miles of northwest otr Highway 303 Road; and the Bonds, when, as and if a debt or pledge Georgia, shopping mal1 will of the faith of Brunswick State or and credit issued, or the be power taxing the County of Glynn; nor any political of Georgia not shall and subdivision thereof, includi-ng the Authori.ity, the City of Brunswick and the County of Glynn, sha1l be obligated to pay the Bonds or the interest thereon or other costs incj-dental theret except from the revenues and monies pledged therefor, and neither the faith and credit nor the taxing power of the County of Glynn, the City of Brunswickr or the State of Georgiat or any political subdivision of the Bonds or the interest W H E R E A S ,f o l l o w i n g Development Authority County, Georgi-a that proceeds thereof thereon thereof, or other such public pledged to the payment of principal costs hearing, lncidental thereto; the Brunswick and and Glynn County has recommended to the Board of County Commissioners the proposed Bond Issue and the Project to be financed of Glynn with the be approved. N O WT H E R E F O R E ,t h e u n d e r s i g n e d , Glynn County, is Georgia, do hereby being the highest elected representati-ves approve the proposed Bond Issue by the Brunswick and Glynn County Development Authority, and further proceeds of said Bond rssue as set forth herei_n. >k****>F**>F)t<*{<* approve the proposed use of the of ACTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERSOF GLYNN COUNTY, GEORGIA W H E R E A S ,a p u b l i c Development Authority hearing on the 10th day of November, 1983, oo the posed issuance of First Mortgage Industrial H u d . g e n sP r o j e c t ) 1983 (the Series ment Authority, Hudgens ("Hudgens") a portlon equipping initial the in such portion W H E R E A S ,i t of land containi-ng northwest the is of noted that of Georgia, more or less, the including the Authority, obligated to pay the Bonds or the faith the City of the Bonds or the subdivision interest such public County, Georgia and subdivision and neither thereof, sha1l be lncidental thereto the faith and credit or of Brunswick, State the of incidental thereto; and and Glynn County the Brunswick of Glynn to be financed with be approved. Georgia, do hereby the highest being representatives elected approve the proposed Bond Issue by the Brunswick and Glynn County Development Authority, the proceeds of power the taxing the Board of County Commissioners N O W , T H E R E F O R E ,t h e u n d e r s i g n e d , of Glynn County, or the proposed Bond Issue and the Project that the proceeds thereof costs hearing, has recommended to be pledged to the payment of principal is or other on i-ssued, shall costs or other thereon thereof, thereon W H E R E A S ,f o l l o w i n g Development Authority area of Glynn Countyr and the County of Glynn, from the revenues and monies pledged therefor, nor the taxj-ng power of the County of G1ynn, the City or any political 3 mifes or the County of Glynn; of Brunswick, interest on a tract approximately and credit except Georgiar be located the STate of Georgia nor any political 1 V H E R E A Sn,e i t h e r "Project"), Road; and of Brunswick the City maIT will the Bonds, whenr &s and if of and constructing and shopping Scranton assist shopping mal1 (the the unincorporated a debt or pledge constitute of the State in interesection W H E R E A S ,i t deemed to the 42 acres, Georgia, Scott be used to of acquirlng, the cost to be lludgens; that approximately of Brunswick, Highway 303 hear noted is will issued, of G1ynn P1ace, a commercial retail owner of the pro- of subject Development Revenue Bonds (p. the Bonds, if finance to and Glynn County "Bonds") by the Brunswick and Glynn County Developface amount not to exceed $10r000r00o; and the aggregate W H E R E A S ,i t j - s n o t e d t h a t D. Scott by the Brunswick was conducted approve the proposed use of and further said Bond Issue as set forth herei-n. d<{( * * * * * * * * t<* * r<r<>F* d<* ACTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY OF GLYNN COUNTY, GEORGTA COMMISSTONERS W H E R E A S ,a p u b l i c Development Authority posed issuance of Ltd. Associates, on the First Project) noted is Glynn Place Associates, finance Series was conducted fndustrial 1983 (the Ltd., the cost face amount not tlaat the Bonds, acquiring, if land approxi-mately of Brunswi-ck, Georgia, intersection W H E R E A S ,i t of Georgia, 42 acres, of Scranton Road; and is noted that the State including the Authority, obligated to pay the Bonds or the Georgiar of taxing owner of the City the faith and credit power of or any political the Bonds or the or taxing shall not be power of the and nor any political subdi-vision thereof, and the County of Glynn, shall be thereon or other costs j-ncidental thereto of Brunswick, interest the County of subdivision interest otr Highway 303 issued, the County of Glynn; of Georgia of northwest 3 miles approxj-mately area of Glynn Countyr from the revenues and monies pledged therefor, nor the "Comof on a tract be located the Bonds, whenr &s and if of Brunswick'or the City W H E R E A S ,n e i t h e r except a portion the initial "Project"), more or 1ess, lri the unincorporated a debt or pledge deemed to constitute State to be formed (the and equipping constructing assist of containing near the wi-l1 be used to partnership, to be the Company; and such portion W H E R E A S ,i t j - s n o t e d t h a t t h e s h o p p i n g m a l 1 w i l l and operator the pro* of exceed $10r0O0,000; and to issued, shopping ma11 (the Glynn P1ace, a commercial retail subject Development Revenue Bonds (Glynn Place I'Bonds") by the Brunswick and G1ynn County a Georgia limited of and Glynn County by the Brunswick day of November, 1983r oo the in the aggregate I I I H E R E A S ,i t to loth Mortgage Development Authority, pany") hearing thereon Glynn, thereof, or other the City is and neither of Brunswickr pledged to costs incidental the faith or the and credit State of the payment of principal thereto; and W H E R E A S ,f o l l o w i n g Development Authority proceeds thereof hearing, the proposed Bond Issue and the Project Glynn County, Georgia, do hereby of to be financed with the said Bond Issue as set being the highest representatives elected approve the proposed Bond Issue by the Brunswick and Glynn County Development Authority, proceeds of Glynn be approved N O I f T H E R E F O R E ,t h e u n d e r s i g n e d , of and Glynn County the Brunswick has recommended to the Board of County Commissioners Georgia that County, such public approve the proposed use of and further forth the therein. *** Mr. Whittle to set issues up a meeting stated with scheduled for that he would contact Committee to present the Litigatj-on Administrator Charles presented Stewart Beverage Licenses, in of Police There being on other bond Beverage Licenses: renewals of Alcoholic by the Chief information the near future. 1984 Renewals of Alcoholic order the next week Mr. Stewart wlthin a list of applicatlons which he explained for 1984 had been determined to be and License Department. no oppositj-on, motion approvi-ng said &s follows, applicationsr was made by Commissj-oner Wooten and seconded by Commissioner Harrison: 1. Altamaha Market, City, Brunswick, 2. Bennie's (Liquor, 3. The Bow Rider, 223 Mallory (Beer on premises only) 4. The Captaj-nrs Tab1e, Highway 17 North, (Liquor, Beer and Wine on premises) 5. Esther's (Liquor, 6. Southern Cafeteria FLETC Student Center, Glynco, (Liquor, Beer and Wine on premises only). 7. Howard Johnsonrs Rum Keg Publ, I-95 and U. S. 34L, Brunswick, (Liquor, Beer and Wine on premises only). Spores, appli-cant. B. Kennedy's Arco Amusement, 3904 Norwlch Street, (Beer on premises only). applicant. 9. M & B Liquors, Highway L7 & 84, Brunswj-ck, Georgia; (Liquor, Beer & Wine, Package Sales only) Route 3, Box ?OLK, Highway 341, Everett (Beer to go). Georgia; Robert E. Wentzr applicant Red Barn, Frederica Road, St. Simons Island; Beer and Wine on premises only). Street, St. Bennie Gentile, Peter Sj-mons Island; Brunswiek, Lounge, Highway 17 North, Brunswick, Beer and lVine on premises only). Nermoe, aptrlicant. Albert Georgia; Georgia; J. applicant. Crews, applicant. G. Dukes, applicant. Billy Georgj-a1 S. D. Hayward, applicant. Brunswick, Georgia; Faye D. Georgi-a; Jerry Martha Carney, Georgia; H. Kennedy applicant. Georgia Banks, applicant 10. Santa Maria, Box 73, New Jesup Hi-ghway, Brunswlck, (Beer on premises only). 1I. Liquors, U. S. 34L/gg Intersect j-on adjaeent to Jackt s Minit Market, Sterling (Liquor, Beer & Wine in packages Brunswick, Georgia; Joseph L. HalerSr. applieant. only ) . 12. Trophy Lounge, 3833 Altama Avenue, Brunswick, Georgia; Ned B. Young, aPPlicant. (Liquor, Beer and Wine on premises only - pursuant to terms of Amendment to the Alcoholic Beverage License Ordinance adopted October 20, 1983). 13. lfinn-Dj-xie applicant. L4. Vfinn-Dixie Store No. 1-59,508 New Jesup Highway, Brunswick, (Beer & 'lfine in packages only). applicant Jr., Georgia; 15. Ramada Inn./Cranes, Highway 341 at Beer, & Wine on premises only) applicant . (Liquor, Store No. 19, 220 Retreat Road, St. (Beer & lVine in packages only). I-95; William Simons Island; P. Portman, James L. Smith, James L. Jr., Smith, Unanimously adopted. GC-42-83; Richard Public application described to Brazell hearing I s AppIi-cation was continued rezone from MH Mobile property: to rezone. from the last regular Home Park to GR General meeti-ng on subiect Residential the following 24.32 acres immediately A tract of land containing with a total north of Azal-ea Gardens Subdivision frontage of 666.36 feet on the east side of Carteret Road and. 625.46 feet of frontage on the south si-de Emanuel Farm Road. at deferred last the order a Paving contract. County Attorney Tom Lee reported in right-of-way the Joint Planni-ng Cornmission when subject indicated a 60 foot showed the road to be 60 foot of offer an implied on this act same the County could matter also evidence of sufficient constituted as through Home usage Mobile deeds on record and several Attorney the County, road which was reportedly Plats filed with rezoning. was zoned for Lee said, These facts wide. dedicatj-on to a previous property Attorney right-of-way, said of side at the time of ded.icated by Mr. Harry Driggers dedication was no expressed deed of there along the northern 30 feet Emanuel Farm Road was although that, road, as a 30 foot established. the add.itional of a 60 foot issue to originally for of Emanuel the width for had been application this regarding requirement Transportation of Farm Road, and Department a question because of meetlng of consideration Chairman McClurd announced that and upon acceptance Lee said, Emanuel Farm Road \rere a 6O foot right-of-way. application the County Surveyor to determine the actaa1. right-of-way. and direct Motion accepting the 30 foot additional along the northern right-of-way of Emanual Farm Road prevously rezoning rezoning approve this the Commission to said he would tike Mr. Driggers application, subject d.edicated by Mr. Driggers, to the County Surveyor and approving Mr. Brazell's the 60 foot verj-fying side layout of Emanuel Farm Road. Unanimously adopted. GC-37-83i Applicantion to Amend Master Plan; P. I{ooker, Agent for John D. Baer, Will iam P. Harry I. Driggers, James A. Bishop, John Stubbs and William Q. Walker Jr .Portman, Pursuant to to public advertisement, hearing amend the PD-G Planned Development General from residential following to commercial useage to was held Zoning Text allow application on subject (GC-45-73) and Master Plan a commercial shopping on the center property: described A 7.39 acre tract fronting 1,326 feet on the south side of Demere Road 869 feet west of the Frederica Road and Demere Road Intersection. Joint for denial into of Planning request this a residential Bill St. their lay in homes because of a life urged the Commission to their residential black heritage community being else to go. of money in Gibson, this the this on behalf traet, a the danger of being that because their however, this only situatj-on the el-se to go. because they had no place for of residential black He stated developers particular of Jewtown residents, a shopping Jewtown as being the mid"st of in center part an important of the living many fourth generation families there. j-n some property ahd resulted owners in this with values tremendous sums of money for of into land values. speaking on behalf She described land for application of this and put increasing applieation Simons Island, offered Approval also deny this increased of the inhabitants Jewtown residents community. on St. that intrusion Mr. Dismer presented Jewtown area. or death matter the black Ms. Berthenia She stated a commercial to this who were being pressured investment for was different from the the plight describing zoning change was not interest residents Simons Island squeezed out of would constitute Dismer spoke in opposition group of black newspaper article area of because it Mahlman conveyed recommendation Craig area. Attorney a large Commission Director zoning request their land, but they would not be good planning had no place for growth, she said. CoI. Rj-chard Ludlow also conform to the Master Plan for along Demere road, the event specified of and affect approval, within the Col. St. the objected to this Simons Island, long established Ludlow implored Zoning Ordinance. proposal, commenting that would constitute black strip residential the Commission to require it did not zoning neighborhood. setbakcs as In Attorney delj-cate and fragile offered of large the Orion area whose residents sums of money for Island for On behalf of had gone into Joint Planning stick the deal of taxes Hooker, traffic point this interest and developing Craig of the proposed development, He related eration site. also being St. Walker, a fourth Simons and another that the member of generation dedication tract. He deal He advised commercial had put developers within a great that that of that developa great forth by Mr. Mahlman, as the this development would increase this including widely resident of to developing spaced curb cuts group, Simons Island, a quality with ro project width and gutter curb would construct development St. a plat Demere Road right-of-way the total developers the presented appll.cati-on, which would accommodate four-laning Mr. 'Hooker said gi-ll occurring and agent for this this outlined was pecuniary. on the Jewtown area. when the need arose. at and the architect congestion. stated use of had been a part application. Mahlman had indicated nothing effect was 75 foot, lanes Jj.m Bishop a proper property, this He noted that 1ay-out minimize only to meet the requirements or have any adverse Bill at effort Planner. depicting whereas the developersr Commission Director responsible Countyfs these and deny this such as being people that the Master Plan Jewtown as a j-ntense pressures had suffered owners and developers, use of and described He stated to planning ment was an appropriate request, land. their a long time, asked the Commissj-on to effort Douglas opposed this acceLeration/decel- described himself as and expressed pride in that would be an asset to the area. Commissi-oner Smith asked JPC Director recommended approval Island of proposal this when it Mahlman why he had personally Craig guidelines was against of the St. Simons Master Plan. Mr. Mahlman responded that scheduled for of planning review for soon, and he had become extremely the County's Ricky Btazell supported that this as being discussion and the on the basis discussion the layout of economic growth that the had already surrounding in made roads. she consid.ered Jewtown to have a tremendous heritage environmentally would probably about the possibility enthusiastic atea under reason and because of Commissioner Smith said as well development this commercj-al areas, for document which was planned. commercial development. first a community created transition the Master Plan was a flexible and historically be developed at sensitive, some point in the property and while time, she was not sure the under time was right. Motion to deny this Smith w a s t h e n m a d e b y C o m m i s s i o n e r 1 a n d .s e c o n d e d b y application Commissioner lVooten. A substitute Commissioner Smith to order to give the motion defer was made by Commissioner Huteheson and seconded by action developers matter with speaking for he did not the opponents, feel the to work out time deferral had stated second meeting a compatible would serve that in December in solution. any purpose because they would not discuss this the applicants. The substitute no call item until and Jewtown residents Commissioner Pate said Orion Douglas, on this being made for motion the nays: was adopted by the followj-ng Commlssioners Hutecheson, affj-rmative Smith, vote, with Wooten and Chairman McClurd. Mr. Douglas developers said about anything the opposing except their group from the nqquest for J e w t o w n a n " e aw o u l d t a l k commercial zoning. to the P u r c h a s e o f U nj - f o r m s f o r t h e F i r e Purchasing for Fire the Uniforms, along with the amount of Motion Heiden presented Agent Charles Department, in Department. awarding recommendation a recap of bids for Shoes for Purchasing for Police the Fire, the low bidder, said Fire, bid to Harrison Police purchase and Sheriff's and Sheriff's Departments, their Harrison a list he thought said of bids adopted. recej-ved on Shoes recommendation for along with $32.00 per pair Shoes, dt and unanimously Departments. Heiden presented Commissioner Harrison should low bid,der, the &s recommended, was made by Uniformsr Agent Charles Isenbergrs on Uniforms $4,844.2O. Commissioner Wooten, seconded by Commissioner Harrison Purchase of award to received and totalling employees within award to $4,640.00. departments subject o \ r y ns h o e s . Motion awarding subject bid to Shoesr &s recommended, was made by Isenberg's Commissioner Wooten and seconded by Commissioner Pate. Aye: Commissioners Wooten, Pate, Nay: Commissioner Harrison Abstaining: Hutcheson and Chairman McClurd. Commissioner Smith Motion adopted. Award of Bid on Improvements at Demere/Sea Isl-and Road Intersection. Purchasing construction of Agent Charles the amount of a report improvements at the Demere/Sea Island reconunendation for including Heiden presented award to the on bids Road Intersectj-on low bidder, for received Simons, on St. Company, in Seaboard Construction $28,869.25. Motion awarding sai.l bid to Companyr &s recommended, was Seaboard Construction made by Commissioner Pate and seconded by Commission Wooten. Unanimously adopted. Proposed Overha,ul of Transmission Administrator Landfill Stei{art for Landfill related that Budget in September to repair These repairs anticipa,ted Trash Coupactor. the Connission had a,dded nonies to the wheels and brakes on the landfill bad been completed by Ca,alton Company at approximately cost, Mr. Stewart said, and at that Mr. Ste{4rt of said test earlier ln good condition Stealt with no need for suggested tha,t no action at this "epairs was needed on this hau1. resulting i4 a good p.essure that time. needed. Upon completion the transnission Based on tbis at a cost appeared to be report, Itr. item. he was present hold aud insufficient Commissioner l{ooten said he was satisfied servace. that piece of on this of the transniEsion, any, were actually in the day, Mr. Stewe.rt leported Codmlssioner lfooteu related sio4, if $9,OOO less than the the transnLssioo said he then e,uthorized testlng of up to $500, to determine vhat repairs, compa.ctor. time reconmeudation had been recei-ved fro[r said Company to look a.t a,n appareot need to overhaul equipment. trash for this during testing a,nount of netals of this transmis- to warlant over- equipment to be put back into Servic.e for on I{recker Award of Bid Purchasing to be the 1ow bidder' A & A l[recking indicating County Vehicles, on received on bids a report recommending award to Dj-xie Auto Transmi-ssion. but Administxator performance for doubt expressed said fulfi-l1 eould A & A Wrecking and commented that service, this that had submitted bidder to be excused from the bid. Motlon awarding following the Stewart requirements asking a letter to I{eiden presented Agent Charles for Wrecker Serv|ce County Vehieles. fee said to Dixie bid &s reconmended according Auto Transmissj-on, was made by Commisioner Hutcheson and seconded by schedule, Commissioner Harrlson : WRECKBRFEE SCHEDULE Light Vehicles --gI4,00 Mainland St . Simons-- f8.00 DolI j-e Charge------- 20.00 lVinching Charge-- 10.00 Per hour Htq"v_y.tt_&.leq --$40.00 Mai-n1and St. 45.00 Simons-- Dolli-e Charge------2O.O0 Per hour Winching Charge-Unanimously Rentavision adopted. Servi-ce Pursuant Stewart increase, County to cover and. the Commission had agreed to congress, Cablevision for Ridge Subdivision many promises includj-ng property, of his pay $eOOto get a letter Commisslon to Stewart to was a copyright exclude it current went to the fee. fees were mandated by an them from the terms of the their members of residence service to his former on Chapel Crossing Although Road, came to a cable residence the edge him he would have to house. President non-service the on numerous negotions employees had told Rentavision Smith made a motion to Rentavision assign of cablevi-sion had not been honored. that connected to his discuss Frank May reported extension and. to his Mr. May said Commissioner write Defense Dj-rector Rentavisi-on officials in River percent three Ordinance. County Civ1l with that copyright Tom Lee commented that County Attorney aet of and 1.4 percent fee, the franchise he had learned said fee Rentavision's and questj-ons concerning discussion to recent staff autlnorjzing County Attorney Mr. Leonard Tow asking to the community, to make a survey Commissioner Pate seconded the motion and it Tom Lee to him to come before this and aut},rotj-zing Administrator of unserved subdivj-sj-ons. was unanimously adopted. of Renovation Building for a proposed work outline Vernon Lewis presented Official the old of ilitation (O1d Glynn Academy Buifding). Community Building Sterling Community which 1s used as the Sterling Glynn Academy Building rehab- Building. Chairman McClurd said Education replacing in and Mr. Russell the roof Jacobs, would need a quitclaim of with this for the purpose of gai-ning their manner was forthcoming, existing roof wood shake shingles, with roof the they project. this about replaeing type that had indicated assist to she knew who had this roof with had a great deal participation to building deed this to replacing in whereupon Chairman McClurd suggested the Board of Education the roof in plans that an authentic to repair to proceed with Mr. Lewis Levelling, in-house including work, procedure for renovation of and to present a proposal on the bid HVAC System, and Roof Repair, project, the proceed. Smith Motion was made by Commissioner Wooten and seconded by Commissioner aathori-zing of it. the proposal of in order by the Board of authentic the Board of Education, she was concerned expensive maintenance problems with No support building the building Smith said because everyone shake shingles participation Chai-rman of deed to @mmissioner he had discussed back to the Commlssion at the building this on entire second meeting j-n December. adopted. Unanimously Chairman McClurd said interested. roof restoration Report Building at the County was not and ori-ginal the Board of Education, to would be considered on Benovation Building building in conveying this Mr. Jacobs that he would notify some time type the future. in of Gateway Building. Vernon Lewis reported Official of renovation that the Gateway was trx"ogressing well. County Attorney Gateway Building Tom Lee advised needed to be finalized, Chairman McClurd suggested the Finance and Litigation lease including review the ends relating to the to the Board of Health. Stewart Administrator that Committee to loose several that proposed set up a meeting lease of agreement and other 1tems. Architectural and Engj-neering Services Administrator Needs Committee at the Stewart j.zed at for that said time facilities. as prepared by the related second meeting improved and./or additional criminal to prepare for proposals Mr. Stewart that the Commissj-on had met with in August justice for Center Development. Detention for and the facilities, architectural then presented of a dj-scussion bid staff the the need for had been author- and engineering specifications Space services on said services staff: FOR THE NEXT STEP IN TIIE PLANNING RECOMMENDATION PROCESSFOR DETENTION CENTER DEVELOPMENT Select A. an Archltectural/Engineering firm to perform the Prepare a comparj-son of the building or renovation eosts between the followj-ng two opti-ons: 1) following cost work: and the operating Renovate the present Detention Center, which does not meet present State jail housing up to 150 and Federal standards, to become a constitutional j-nmates, includi-ng proper space for secured lnhouse kitchen facilities, a secured visitation medical c1j-ni-c, i-nmate intake, ample storage for supplies, areas, indoor and outdoor recreati-on, and a library as required by the Federal Court Order. Provide for the and all offices Thi-s comparison existing courts drives. to accommodate of an adjoini-ng building construction renovati-on. f o r d i s p l a c e d m u s t b e facilities that iail f o r all other s p a c e d e s i g n e d will include efficiently p a r k i ng and access w i t h and court records storage together and engineering Provide all the architectural the selected opti-on. B. necessary services implement to {<*>k*** Moti-on approving proceed with procedure bid for firm an Architectural/Engineerj-ng to this was made by Commissioner Hutcheson and seconded by Commissioner Pate. project adopted. Unanimously Ed Stelte, force a six-inch the County's gravity a l2-inch main with main at an estj-mated cost gravity l2-inch proposal the City's agreement with was in main as a long-range were no funds ava11ab1e to finance f ollowing solution inch six of Jord.on, Jones that force however, Mr. Furlow suggested the capacity or greater Return the pump station to its original the original by removi-ng the 15 hp motors and reinstalling 25 hp motors which were removed by the City in order to costs. lower electrical 2) and other fittings alternator Install will also become activated when flow 3) Repair one large into the lines. a proposal in leak the sewer system to the Commission for preparing areas of the unincorporated the County should take in a capital said that this he would improvement plan the County on the mainland, covering and recom- procedure. recommendation from Consulting to reduce infiltration Mr. Furlow Water/Sewer Equj-pment on St. of Additional Pursuant in so that second pump is heavy. from Chairman McClurd, request to to mending what role Installation a Since there 1) sewer service he main with problem. to the exlsting project, this the replace $150'O00 range solut j-on: short Pursuant submit to of reported Tommy Furlow representative Jones & Goulding sewer j-n replacing participation with the help Mr. Ste11e advised that the County Staff, $175,000. study of this problem. had assisted in a further 6 gsslding, Jordon, provi-ding problems were having they area and requested I-95/34L to the service that reported of Community Development, the Department of Director Commission had advised the City Area. I-95l341 to the Report on Sewer Service that acquire to staff the and authorizing above specifi-eations the Slmons Island. Engineer Tommy Furlow, motion a change Smith and seconded by Commissioner Pate to authorize presently engaged in the lVater Processing Company, contractor was made by Commissioner order to Mallory cost of contract Street with WelI project, include installation of the following equipment' $25,325: 1) Replacement and repair of some of the equipment at the grit chamber at the sewerage treatment plant on St. Sj-mons Island; 2) Addition Unanimously Mr. Furlow this to work,and prepare of an aerator on the airport well on St. at a and Simons Island. adopted. advised that the required he would authorize contract the contractor change order to facilitate to proceed wtth this addition. 412 Execution of Certlficates Paving Pro.iects. of Qwnership Upon recommendation of for Department approval of Transportation by County Attorney Conttact Tom tee, motion was made by Commissioner Smith and seconded by Commissioner Hutcheson authorizing the Chairman and Clerk to execute Certificate of ownership, Maintenance Agreement and Resolution covering Acquisition and clearanee of Rights-of-I[ay with control of Future Encroachments and Regulation of Vehicular Traffic Projectsr &S required by the Department of Transportation tract for pavi-ng on the following projects: 1) PH-6o-27(727) - Touchstone Parkway from Cate Road to Abbott Lane, 1.5b0 miles; on Highway construction prior to issuance of con- rntersection with Knight 2) 3) Road from cate Road to end of Road, .640 mile; Godley Road from SR-gg to end of Road, .g6L mi1e. PR-124-1 (L27) - Cate Street from Townsend Street to Intersection rvith Blain Street, .471- mi1e. - Hautala Road.from Cate Road to Blackberry PR-85 (L27) Street, .586 mile; oak Road and springfield Road. from Northwood. Drive to Hautala Road, .423 mile; Emanuel Farm Road from U.S. 17 to Carteret Road, .bgz mile. Unanimously adopted. Pa ment of Annual Dues to Motion Huteheson to Unanimously of for County Administrator the Chief that said job annual in the Coastal amount of Chief of police Charles Stewart of Police. He announced that description had been approved. Hesser had reviewed nt Pro.iect. Smith and seconded by Commissioner dues to the & Develo Georgia Resource, $474.9L. adopted. Job Description for Conservation was made by Commissioner payment of authorize & Development project conservation roval the Resource, presented a proposed job the Commission's records He also noted that description should reflect Chief Jeffry L. said document and had no problem with it. Chief Hesser was present and stated tinat he found this to be without fault. Motion approving said. job description, to be kept job descri-ption on file in the Commissioners Office and Personnel Office, was made by Commissioner pate, seconded by Commissloner Ilarrison, and unanimously adopted. roval Administrator Engineer, Stewart which he explained presented a proposed job had been reviewed description for the County and approved by County Engineer Roy Brogdon. Motion approving Commissioners Office said job and Personnel description Office, to be placed on file in the was made by Commissioner pate an6 seconded by Commissioner Smith. Unanimously Request for adopted. New Typewrj_ters. Administrator Stewart presented request for purchase from the Emergency Fund; one for the Tax Commissioner's Clerk of Superior Court's Office. offj.ce of four new typewri-ters and three for the Motion was made by Commissioner Hutcheson and seconded by Commissioner pate to defer purchase of any new typewriters until Mr. Stewart could make a survey of the number and location of typewriters presently owned by the county. Aye: Commissloners Ilutcheson, Nay: Commissioner Harrison. Motion adopted. Pate, Smith, lTooten and Chairman McClurd. N3 ReQuest f or Curb Cut on North Administrator I Golden Isles Stewart Glynn place Parkwa.'y Into ShoOOin* MrlI. reported that he and County Engineer Roy Brogdon had accompanied a commission delegation to Atlanta the previous day ro request permit for a curb cut on the east side of the North Golden Isles parkwaSr (F-00g Connector) into the Glynn Place Shopping MalI and for assistance in constructing two four-lane roads' DoT Commissj-oner Tom Moreland said he would not participate in constructing the connector a four-lane roads but he would consj-der a commitment from the County to construct westerly from Altama Avenue, crossing the Gol-den Isles access to the Glynn Place MaI1 and southwesterly acro connector Parkway and providing Cypress Mi11 Road to Community Road at the Habersham Street intersection, he said. Mr' Stewart then presented letters prepared by himself and Mr. Brogdon for the Chaj-rman's signature to both Mr. Moreland and Mr. J. o. Bacon requesting modification allowlng the connection on the east side of F-009, and placing four-lane west from this point to be placed in the Brunswick Area Transportation Study for evaluatj-o p o s s i b l e and funding sources. lit of the Brunswick Judicial County Administrator I Superior Court proposal before Circuit into Charles Judge A. Blenn Taylor, the Judicial Davis Counties, requesting of Georgia one circuit and the other presented. copies Stewart Jr., Council two circuits; Circuit. for of a 1etter from the Commission,s input splitting on a the Brunswj-ck Judicial to be composed of Appling, lfayne and Jeff circuit to consist of Glynn and CamdenCounties. Chairman McClurd commented that Glynn County had been sharing supplemental saLarj-es for Superior Court Judges, secretaries, court reporters, and the District Attorney and his assistants with the other four counties in the existing circuit, and the proposed split Commissioner Harrison share of these supplemental proposed split one Dj-strict concurred for with these his and cost savings County were in circuit to Glynn County. the other counties participation District in Attorney. a larger combined, salaries and the for one Judge, Commj-ssioner Hutcheson comments. Lee said he thought standpoint, favor of would grow if was a good idea it and he indicated the split. that He suggested Camden County continued having much in circuit further inland, eommonwith the the attorneys the pressure grow. to from an administrative most of that Tom Lee to He questioned of in Glynn split the Glynn and the counti-es in this and mentioned the long d.istance to the farther Attorney Lee said. the Judges probably spent a 1ot of time travelling the existing circuj-t when they could be in their offices handling matters located counties. throughout needing to bring in senior Commissioner Hutcheson motion cost Glynn County was paying all the County's and one Assistant Camden Counties without than greater in Commissioner Pate and Chairman McClurd then asked County Attorney opinion of this proposal. Attorney I result remarked that salarj-es would a1l-eviate Attorney might to write a l_etter A substitute as fol lows, to judges. said. he concurred Judge Taylor motion to with proposal, this and. made a endorsing same. proposal j-n the support this was made by Commissioner Harrison form of a resolution, and seconded by Commissioner pate: &EEq!UgLq\ W H E R E A S ,a r e q u e s t recommend that two circuits; t has been submitted the Georgj-a General to Assembly divide the Judicial the Brunswick Council Judicial of Georgia Circuit to into and W H E R E A S ,u n d e r t h i s a r r a n g e m e n t o n e c i r c u i t would consist of Glynn ano Camden Counti-es, and the other circuit would be composed of Appling, Wayne and Jeff Davis Counties; and WHEREAST we feel more cohesj-ve, efflcient that this proposal and economical for Judiciat smaller circuits Systenr for will each county provide a now included t-/ in Judicial the Brunswick W H E R E A S ,i t the most effective al1 Circuit; and our belief is Judicial the proposed that System possible for clrcuits smaller provide will and protection the benefit of citizens. NOlf, THEREFORE,BE IT AND IT Commissioners, Glynn County, November, 1983, that Georgia for Judicial Georgia, 77th day of the request pending before recommendation that the General Assembly approve dj-vj-sion of into Jr., Admj-ni-strative Judge of Judicial Council Unanimously adopted. the the Judicial Council of the Brunswick two ci-rcuits. B E I T F U R T H E RR E S O L V E Dt h a t member of meeting this in official we support Circuit Taylor, IS HEREBY RESOLVED, by the Board of of be presented resolution this the First GEorgia, Judicial as our formal Judge A. Blenn to District Administratj-ve request for and of support this proposal. Grand Opening for B1ythe Island Administrator Blythe Island he asked for Regional up to ceremony for Crews, dt Island the December 2, 1983, dt noon, and plans for a luncheon at Fund to cover the cost of this 100 seafood meals $5.50 each. Wooten and Chairman McClurd. "Smith, Harrison, Commissi-oner Hutcheson, who said he preferred to have County Employees mea1. Motion adopted. Appropriation for Motion Annual Legislative organized $500.00 from Emergency Funds for Seafood Reception Unanimously Turkeys Motion to allocate presented for Chamber of Commerce. County Employees Authorized. $7,0O0 from Emergency Funds for $6'OOO purchase of turkeys Smith to be Meeting to adopted. Set Tax Millage. a called Stewart presented meeting to be held the ad valorem tax millage for a request Annual Legislative from Tax Commissioner Curtis on Tuesday, November 22, 1983, dt 5:OO p.m. 1983. Chairman McClurd approved this'special called meeting. Meeting. Administrator legislative on Monday, January 16r 7984, Capitol to employees at Christmas. Tucker for set in the Annual was made by Commissioner Pate and seconded by Commissioner Administrator to Isles participation adopted. for Unanimously Call at the State by the Brunswi-ck-Golden Purchase of Seafood Receptj"on. was made by Commissioner Pate and seconded by Commissioner Wooten to allocate Legislative even Smith to Commissioners Pate, Nay: this grand opening was made by Commissioner Pate and seconded by Commissioner by Albert Aye: the from the Commission regarding $SSO from the Blythe to be provided prepare announced that Park had been scheduled for direction Motion allocate Stewart Park. Regional delegation Stewart during suggested that the Commission meet with the week of November 28 to discuss the legislation 1oca1 for the comi-ng year. Chairman McCIurd asked Mr. December 5, 1983, dt 5:00 p.m. Stewart to arrange this meeting for Monday, Traffic Light at Intersection of Highways 341/303. Commissi-oner Hutcheson noted Intersection had been out and he said he understood plan the to put light the for a month due to that County Traffic back into service light traffic road until located Situation Engineer Safety highway improve Entrance traffic conditions to County Landfill trucks Jimmy Horton State did. not improvements had been completed. at the a fol1ow-up that they thought a light were entering report on what had been done of Highway 34L and 99. intersection - Commissi-oner Pate asked Administrator that made by the at Highway 341l99 Intersection. Commissj-oner Hutcheson asked for to the Highway 341,/30 improvements being Both Commlssj-oner Hutcheson and Commissioner Pate stated should be put back into service immediately. Traffic at Stewart the Cate Road Landfill look to through into reports the wrong road, thereby damaging the road. Ilouse Moving Ordj-nance. Commissioner status Smith asked for a follow-up from the report staff on the the proposed House Moving Ordinance. of Appoj-ntment to the Historic Commissioner Preservation Council. Smith asked that Planning and Development Commissionts the list of pending appointments. a County vacancy on the Coastal Historic Preservation Council Area be added to Appearance of Garbage Trucks. Commj-ssioner Smith was constantly dirty and unsightly Commissioner be asked to obtain existed cost Chief out-of-state obtain Wooten to out-of-town with estimates tracks Authorized Commissioner to truck serving Simons Island St and needed to be washed. Smith asked that around railroad Chief Police a garbage that Boulevard. Crispen Police stated Jeffrey on resurfacing Smith expressed Hesser had called concern her to investigation, approval Motion was then made by Commissioner the Chief and out-of-state Administrator from the of Police trips entire where problems for j-ncident a recent over obtain approval to time was not available Smith and seconded by Commissioner to make his investigative required own decj-sions purposes only when budgeted Meeting Adjourned. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS GLYNN COUNTY. GEORGIA .fufr*h'n s{'Z^/ru lJohn M. McClurd, Chairman Prepared by Martha Tyre, Deputy Clerk regardj-ng in emergency situations; adopted. Charles T. Stewart, Administrator when send an officer exceeded. ATTEST: occurring Commi-ssion. authority or Commission approval Unanimously Flanagan Tri_ps. because sufficient formal grant Boulevard Crispen Keith and manholes. to Approve Out-of-State on a criminal Pub1ic IVorks Director Assistant Sr., amount is
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19. 1981. AT 7:30 PilI