MS200 Norman Painting book collection (uncatalogued)


MS200 Norman Painting book collection (uncatalogued)
Handlist of books in the Norman Painting collection
bold type = only copy in University collections
CRL = Cadbury Research Library
ML = Main Library
OLRC = Orchard Learning Resource Centre
Store (BA) = Store (Barnes Library)
E.A. (Edwin Abbott) ABBOTT. A Shakespearian grammar : an attempt to
illustrate some of the differences between Elizabethan and modern English ;
for the use of schools. New ed. London : Macmillan and Co., 1873 [Signature of
NP on pastedown] [Earlier eds in Shakespeare Institute ; later ed. in Store]
Daniel ABSE. Poems, Golders Green. London : Hutchinson, 1962
Peter ACKROYD. Hawksmoor. London : Hamish Hamilton, 1985 [Newspaper
article on author with inscription to NP tipped in] [Copies in OLRC ; later ed. im
----------------------- The diversions of Purley and other poems. London :
Abacus, 1990
----------------------- The house of Doctor Dee. London : Hamish Hamilton, 1993
[Another ed. in OLRC]
------------------------ English music. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1993 [Some
markings in text] [Copy in OLRC]
Alexander ADAM. Roman antiquities, or an account of the manner and sustoms of
the Romans. 5th ed., corr. London : Cadell and Davies, F.C. and J. Rivington [and
9 others], 1814 [Later ed. in CRL]
Joseph ADDISON. Richard STEELE [and others]. The spectator. Vol. 1 [only].
Everyman’s library 164. London : J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1907 [Signature of NP
on pastedown] [Shakespeare Institute]
James AGATE. Their hour upon the stage. Cambridge : The Mandarin Press, 1930
[Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copy in Shakespeare Institute]
-------------------- Immoment toys : a survey of light entertainment on the London
stage, 1920-1943. London : Jonathan Cape, 1945 [Copy in Shakespeare Institute]
May AGATE. Madam Sarah. [London] : Home & Van Thal Ltd., 1945 [Copy in
Shakespeare Institute]
Thomas A’KEMPIS. Of the imitation of Christ. New ed. London : James
Finch & Co., 1902
Mark AKENSIDE. The poems of Mark Akenside, M.D. London : J. Dodsley, 1772
[Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copies in CRL ; later eds in ML, Store, CRL]
ALDEBURGH FESTIVAL. Aldeburgh Festival of music and the arts 12-28
June 1987 [programme] [Aldeburgh : Aldeburgh Festival, 1987] [Note by
NP on p. 176]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10-26
June 1988 [programme] [Aldeburgh : Aldeburgh Festival, 1987] [Few
markings in text]
Edward C. (Cox) ALDEN. Alden’s Oxford guide : with key-plan of the
University and city, and numerous illustrations. 38th ed. Oxford : Alden & Co.
Ltd., Bocardo Press, 1911 [Earlier ed. in CRL ; later ed. in Shakespeare
Brian W. (Wilson) ALDISS. Penguin Science Fiction. Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books, 1962 [Includes, amongst others : John Steinbeck, The shortshort story of mankind ; Brian W. Aldiss, Poor little warrior ; Isaac Asimov,
Nightfall ; J.G. Ballard, Track 12]
Harry G. (Gidney) ALDIS. The printed book ; the second ed. rev. & brought up to
date by John Carter and E.A. (Ernest Addenbrooke) Crutchley. Cambridge :
University Press, 1941 [Copy in Shakespeare Institute ; later copy in ML]
Marc ALEXANDER. Paint, brush and spirit : the fascinating story of the
British Mouth and Foot Painting Artists. London : The Mouth and Foot
Painting Artists, 2002
Princess ALICE, Duchess of Gloucester. The memoirs of Princess Alice,
Duchess of Gloucester. Londo : Collins, 1983
A.J. ALLAN. [pseud. Leslie Harrison Lambert.] Good evening, everyone! 2nd
edition. London : Hutchinson, c1925
Arthur B. (Bruce) ALLEN. Graphic art in easy stages. London : Wells
Gardner, 1940
Kenneth ALLOTT (editor). The Penguin book of contemporary verse 1918-1960 ;
selected with an intro. and notes. 2nd ed. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1974
[Earlier eds in Shakespeare Institute, OLRC]
Montagu C. (Charles) ALLWOOD. Carnations and all dianthus ; with a
foreword by F.W. Alesworth. 3rd ed. Hayward’s Heath : Allwood Bros. Ltd.,
AMERICAN FILM INSTITUTE. Duane BYRGE. Private screenings :
insiders share a century of great moments ; foreword by James Stewart.
Atlanta : Turner Publishing, 1995
Kingsley AMIS. What became of Jane Austen? and other questions. London :
Panther Books, 1970
Martin AMIS. Nina BAWDEN. John BETJEMAN [and 9 others]. My Oxford
; ed. and introduced by Ann Thwaite. Rev. ed. London : Robson Books, 1986
[Note on back endpaper and marks in text by NP]
ANCIENT Spanish ballads, historical and romantic. Translated by J.G. (John
Gibson) Lockhart. 4th edition. London : John Murray, 1853 [Later eds in CRl,
CRL (Store)
A.W. (Alexander Walter) ANDERSON. How we got our flowers (formerly
entitled : The coming of the flowers) ; with a foreword by Roy Hay. London :
Ernest Benn Ltd., 1956
E. (Edward) Bertram ANDERSON. Gardening on chalk and limestone.
London : The Garden Book Club, 1965
Hans Christian ANDERSEN. The complete fairy tales and stories ; translated from
the Danish by Erik Christian Haugaard ; foreword by Naomi Lewis. London :
Gollancz children’s paperbacks, 1974 [Copy in Education Library]
Cyrus ANDREWS. Radio and television who’s who. 3rd ed. London : George
Young, 1954 [Pamphlets, photographs enclosed, now at MS 200/15/4]
Mick ANGLO. The thirties quiz book. London : New English Library, 1978
The ANGLO-SAXON CHRONICLE. Ed. and translated by G.N. (George
Norman) Garmonsway. Everyman Library. London : J.M. Dent, 1953 [NP
signature; notes on Anglo- Saxon studies] [Copy in OLRC ; earlier eds in ML,
OLRC, History Records ; later eds. in ML, OLRC]
Joseph ANGUS. Handbook of the English tongue ; for the use of students and
others. London : The Religious Tracts Society, [1872] [Signature of NP on
pastedown] [Copies in CRL]
ANNALS of English literature 1476-1925 : the principal publications of each year
together with an alphabetical index of authors with their works. Oxford :
Clarendon Press, 1936 [Copy in Store ; later ed. in Shakespeare Institute, Store]
Harold ANSON. Spiritual healing : a discussion of the religious element in
physical health. London : University of London Press, 1923
John ANTHONY. Joseph Paxton : an illustrated life of Sir Joseph Paxton
1803-1865. Lifelines 21. Princes Risborough : Shire Publications Ltd., 1973
The Antique Dealers’ Fair and Exhibition in the Great Hall, Grosvenor
House, Wednesday, June 10th to Thursday, June 25th, 1959 [London : British
Antique Dealers’ Association Ltd., 1959]
APICIUS. The Roman cookery of Apicius ; translated and adapted for the
modern kitchen by John Edwards. London : Century, 1988
William APPLEBY. Frederick FOWLER. Sing together! : 100 songs for
unison singing. Oxford songs books. London : Oxford University Press,
[1967] [Ownership label of NP on inside cover]
Fred ARCHER. A lad of Evesham Vale. London : Coronet Books, 1974
William ARCHER. Play-making : a manual of craftsmanship. 4th ed. London :
Chapman and Hall, 1930 [Signature of NP on pastedown, with Bath / 20 June
1952] [Earlier eds. in Shakespeare Institute, Store]
ARISTOTLE. DEMETRIUS Phalereus. HORACE. Poetics of Aristotle ; On style
by Demetrius and selections from Aristotle’s Poetics, with Hobbes’ digest and Ars
poetica by Horace ; edited by T.A. (Thomas Allen) Moxon. Everyman’s library
901. London : J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1941 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
[Earlier ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
Reginald ARKELL. Bridge without sighs : a harmless handbook to the game ;
together with an appendix, Bridge among the poets, and a complete glossary
of bridge terms. London : Hebert Jenkins, [1934]
-------------------------- Meet these people. Revised and enlarged edition. London
: Herbert Jenkins, 1930
-------------------------- Green fingers : a present for a good gardener. London :
Herbert Jenkins, 1934 [[N.P. signature]
-------------------------- More green fingers : another present for a good
gardener. London : Herbert Jenkins, 1938 [N.P. signature]
-------------------------- Collected green fingers : a present for all good gardeners.
London : Hebert Jenkins, 1956 [Inscription on pastedown : To : Dodo / From
: Dodo / February 1966]
------------------------- Green fingers again : a further present for a good
gardener. London : Herbert Jenkins, 1942 [[N.P. signature]
George ARLISS. On the stage : an autobiography. London : John Murray, 1928
[Copy in Shakespeare Institute]
-------------------- George Arliss. London : John Murray, 1940 [Copy in
Shakespeare Institute]
John ARLOTT. Arlott on wine ; edited by David Rayvern Allen. London :
Willow Books Collins, 1986
Matthew ARNOLD. Essays in criticism : first series. London : Macmillan and Co.,
1898 [Signature of NP on pastedown ; presentation plate of Evening Continuation
School, Dalston, on pastedown to Henry S.L. (Solomon Leon) Polak, 2 November
1900] [Copies in OLRC, ML, Store]
------------------------------------------------ : second series. London : Macmillan and
Co., 1898 [Signature of NP on pastedown ; ownership of Henry S.L. Polak on
first endpaper ; inscription on second endpaper : Queen’s Road Dalston, N.E. /
Evening Commercial School [stamp] / Presented to / Henry Solomon Leon Polak /
for general excellence / R.[?] Flint / Principal Nov. 2 1900] [Copies in ML,
-------------------------- The poems of Matthew Arnold 1840 to 1866 ; with an
intro. by R.A. (Rolfe Arnold) Scott-James. Everyman’s Library, no. 334.
London : J.M. Dent & Co., 1912
Oscar ASHE. Oscar Asche his life. London : Hurst & Blackett Ltd., [1929] [Copy
in Shakespeare Institute]
Daisy ASHFORD. The young visiters, or Mr Salteenas plan. London : Chatto
& Windus, 1919 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
Jack ASHLEY. Acts of defiance. London : Reinhardt Books in association
with Viking, 1992 [Some markings in text]
Leigh ASHTON (editor). Style in sculpture. London : Geoffrey Cumberlege, 1947
[Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copies in OLRC, Store]
Jehoshaphat ASPIN. A picture of manners, customs, sports and pastimes of
the inhabitants of England, from the arrival of the Saxons down to the
eighteenth century. London : J. Harris, 1825
Margot ASQUITH, Countess of Oxford and Asquith. The autobiography of
Margot Asquith. 2 vols. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books Ltd., 1937
[Notes by NP inside back cover ; some marginal notes in pencil in text]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; with
an intro. by Mark Bonham Carter. London : Methuen, 1985
Margot ASQUITH, Countess of Oxford and Asquith. Off the record.
London : Frederick Muller Ltd., 1943 [Marks and notes in text]
Anthony ASTBURY. Just the two of us : verse and prose poems. London :
Only Poetry Publications, 1981 [Inscription : from the author to N.P.]
R.J.C. (Richard John Copland) ATKINSON. C.M. (Cecily Margaret)
PIGGOTT. N.K. (Nancy Katherine) SANDARS. Excavations at Dorchester,
Oxon. First report : sites 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 ; with a chapter on Henge
monuments by R.J.C. Atkinson. Oxford : Ashmolean Museum, 1951
ATLAS of ancient & classical geography. London : J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1907
[Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copies in OLRC, ML]
Donald ATTWATER. St John Chrysostom : pastor and preacher. London : Harvill
Press, 1959 [Notes by NP on back endpaper ; markings and comments in margin
and text] [Copy in ML]
---------------------------- The Penguin dictionary of saints. Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books, 1965 [Copies in OLRC, Shakespeare Institute ; later eds in
Theology Ref., OLRC]
AUCASSIN & Nicolette, and other medieval romances & legends ; translated from
the French by Eugene Mason. Everyman’s library. London : J.M. Dent and Sons
Ltd., 1910 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copy in ML]
W.H. (Wystan Hugh) AUDEN. Paul Bunyan : the libretto of the operetta by
Benjamin Britten ; with an essay by Donald Mitchell. London : Faber and Faber,
1988 [Earlier eds. in CRL, Barber Music]
---------------------------------------- Christopher ISHERWOOD. The dog beneath
the skin, or Where is Francis? : a play in three acts. London : Faber and Faber,
1935 [Signature of NP on pastedown ; signature of Carl Winter / 1936 on
--------------------------------------- Another time : poems. London : Faber & Faber
Ltd., 1940 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Another copy in CRL]
W.H. (Wystan Hugh) AUDEN. Christopher ISHERWOOD. Journey to a war.
London : Faber & Faber Ltd., 1939 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copy
in ML]
---------------------------------------- Louis MACNEICE. Letters from Iceland.
London : Faber and Faber, 1937 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copy in
---------------------------------------- Chester KALLMAN. An Elizabethan song
book : lute songs, madrigals and rounds ; music edited by Noah Greenberg.
London : Faber and Faber, 1957 [Copy in Shakespeare Institute]
Claude AUGÉ. Paul AUGÉ. Petit Larousse illustré : nouveau dictionnaire
encyclopédique. Paris : Librairie Larousse, 1951 [Later eds in ML, OLRC.
Language and Literature Reference]
Marcus AURELIUS. The meditations of Marcus Aurelius ; with an introduction by
W.H.D. (William Henry Denham) Rouse. Everyman’s Library, no. 9. London :
J.M. Dent & Co., 1906 [Markings in text] [Copy in Shakespeare Institute,
Alfred AUSTIN. The garden that I love. 3rd ed. London : Macmillan and Co.,
---------------------- The garden that I love : second series. London : Macmillan
and Co., 1907
Young AUSTIN. Amusing stories for speakers. London : George Routledge &
Sons Ltd., 1930 [Signature of NP on inside cover, as ‘Painting’]
AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION (Great Britain). Road book of England and
Wales : with gazetteer, itineraries. maps and town plans. London :
Automobile Association, 1953
------------------------------------------------------------------ AA handbooks : exclusive
to members. 51st edition. Basingstoke : Automobile Association, 1992
[Signature of NP on front cover]
Leslie AYRE. The wit of music ; with an intro. by John Barbirolli. London :
Leslie Frewin, 1966 [Inscription on half title : Easter – 1971 - / Peter &
Marjorie – with all my / love – and a / world of beautiful Thank-yous / for all
your wonderful / exquisite fun & kindness / Ever Angus]
Pam AYRES. Some of me poetry. London : Galaxy Records, 1976
----------------- Thoughts of a late-night knitter. London : Arrow Books, 1978
Samuel AYSCOUGH. An index to the remarkable passages and words made use
of by Shakespeare : calculated to point out the different meanings to which the
words are applied. 2nd ed., rev. and enlarged. London : Thomas Tegg [and 5
others], 1827 [Copy in CRL ; earlier ed in CRL]
Margaret A. (Agnes) BABINGTON. The romance of Canterbury Cathedral ; with
a foreword by his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury [Cosmo Lang]. London :
Raphael Tuck & Sons Ltd., 1932 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Later ed.
in OLRC]
Carl Philipp Emanuel BACH. Essay on the true art of playing keyboard
instruments. Translated and ed. by William J. (John) Mitchell. 2nd ed. London :
Cassell and Company Ltd., 1951 [Later ed. in Barber Music Library, OLRC]
------------------------------------- Concerto per due pianoforti e orchestra ;
piano reduction ; herausgegeben von Gábor Darvas. Zurich : Edition
Eulenburg, 1969 [2 scores]
A.L. (Alfred Louis) BACHARACH. Lives of the great composers 1 : From
Byrd to Mozart and Haydn the classics. Pelican books. West Drayton :
Penguin Books, 1947 [Signature of NP on inside cover]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 :
Beethoven and the romantics. Pelican books. West Drayton : Penguin Books,
1947 [Signature of NP on inside cover]
Francis BACON. A harmony of Lord Bacon’s essays, &c. London : [Edward
Arber], 1871 [Bookplate on pastedown of Friends’ Reading Society,
Birmingham] [Copies in Store ; later ed. in CRL, Store, Shakespeare Institute]
Michael BAIGENT. Richard LEIGH. The Dead Sea scrolls deception. London
: Corgi Books, 1992
------------------------------------------------- Henry LINCOLN. The holy blood and
the holy grail. London : Corgi Books, 1983 [Notes and marginal markings
on back endpaper and in text]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Messianic
legacy. London : Corgi Books, 1987 [Marginal markings in text ; envelope
with notes tipped in]
Nathan BAILEY. An etymological English dictionary . . . 2nd edition, with large
additions. London : E. Bell, J. Derby [and 8 others], 1724 [Later eds in SC, CRL
(Wedgwood Collection)]
Deborah BAKER. In extremis : the life of Laura Riding. London : Hamish
Hamilton, 1993
George BAKER. The way to Wexford : the autobiography. London :
Headline, 2002
Henry Barton BAKER. Our old actors. 2 vols. London : Richard Bentley and Son,
1878 [Later eds in Shakespeare Institute, Store]
Janet BAKER. Full circle : an autobiographical journal. London : Julia MacRae,
1982 [Pencil notes by NP on back endpaper] [Copy in OLRC]
A.P. (Archibald Park) BALFOUR. Annual and biennial flowers. Penguin
handbooks. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1959
R.M. (Robert Michael) BALLANYTNE. Martin Rattler. London : John F.
Shaw, n.d.
---------------------------------------------------- The gorilla hunters : a tale of the
wilds of Africa. London : Ward, Lock & Co., Ltd., n.d. [Copy in OLRC ; other
eds in OLRC, CRL]
J.P.V.D. (John Percy Vyvian Dacrew) BALSDON (editor). Roman
civilization. Pelican books. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1965
1972-1981. Edited by T.G. (Trevor G.) Easterbrook. [Banbury : Banbury
Ornithological Society], 1983 [Address of editor added by NP on title page]
Squire BANCROFT. Marie BANCROFT. Mr & Mrs Bancroft : on and off the
stage. A new ed., being the sixth. London : Richard Bentley and Son, 1889 [Copy
in Shakespeare Institute]
Sara BANERJI. Writing on the skin. London : Black Swan, 1994
Tallulah BANKHEAD. Tallulah : my autobiography. London : Victor Gollancz
Ltd., 1952 [Copy in Shakespeare Institute]
BAPTIST CHURCH. The Baptist hymn book companion. Ed. by Hugh
Martin ; rev. ed. by R.W. (Ronald William) Thomson. London : Psalms and
Hymns Trust, 1967
Evelyn BARBIROLLI. Life with glorious John. London : Robson Books, 2002
Philip BARRETT. Barchester : English Cathedral life in the nineteenth
century. London : SPCK, 1993
The life of Florence L. BARCLAY : a study in personality ; by one of her
daughters. London : Putnam & Co. Ltd., 1937
Cuthbert BARDSLEY. Sundry time sundry places : a selection of talks and
addresses given to all sorts and conditions of people, at various times, and in
many places. London : A.R. Mowbray & Co. Ltd., 1962
Richard Harris BARHAM. The Ingoldsby legends, or, mirth and marvels, by
Thomas Ingoldsby, esquire. New ed. London : Richard Bentley, 1869 [Signature
of NP on pastedown] [Earlier ed. in CRL ; later eds in Store]
S. (Sabine) BARING-GOULD. Grettir the outlaw : a story of Iceland. London
: Blackie and son, [1890?]
--------------------------------------- The vicar of Morwenstow : being a life of Robert
Stephen Hawker, M.A. 10th ed. London : Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1933 [Earlier ed.
in Store]
George BARKER. Emscote anthology 1972-1982 ; selected with an
introduction by George Barker. Warwick : the Greville Press, 1982
[Inscription on half title : For Norman / gratefully from / Emscote / Anthony /
Harley Granville BARKER. The Voysey inheritance : a play, in five acts. London
: Sidgwick and Jackson, 1923 [Signature of NP on inside cover, markings and
notes throughout text]
---------------------------------- Preface to Shakespeare : second series [Romeo and
Juliet ; The merchant of Venice ; Antony and Cleopatra ; Cymbeline] London :
Sidgwick & Jackson, 1946 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Earlier eds in
OLRC, Shakespeare Institute, Store]
Pat BARKER. Regneration. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1992 [Few
comments and notes in text] [Copies in OLRC, ML]
Ronnie BARKER. Dancing in the moonlight : early years on the stage.
London : Coronet Books, 1994
Harold BARLOW. Sam MORGENSTERN. A dictionary of musical themes ;
introduction by John Erskine. London : Williams & Norgate Ltd., 1950
[Signature of NP on pastedown ; label pasted on endpaper : If found please return
to / Norman Painting / BBC / Broad St / Birmingham 1]
Francis Pierrepont BARNARD. T. (Thomas) SHEPARD. Arms & blazons of the
colleges of Oxford. London : Oxford University Press, 1929 [Signature of NP on
pastedown] [Copy in Shakespeare Institute]
J.M. (James Matthew) BARRY. Peter Pan and Wendy. London : Hodder &
Stoughton, [19--] [ Inscription : ‘Norman George Painting from Mr Matthews
Sept. 14th 1930 28, Grove Street, Leamington Spa’] [Copy (?) in CRL]
Michael BARSLEY. The wolf at the door. London : Michael Joseph Ltd.,
-------------------------- (compiler). Modern American humour : an anthology.
London : The Pilot Press, 1943 [Some notes and markings in text]
Bruce BARTON. The man nobody knows : with an intro. by James Adderley.
London : Constable & Co. Ltd., 1927 [Copy in OLRC]
---------------------- The book nobody knows. London : Constable & Co. Ltd., 1937
[Earlier ed. in OLRC]
Douglas BARTRUM. Evergreens for your garden. London : The Garden
Book Club, 1967
---------------------------- Water in the garden. London : The Garden Book Club,
--------------------------- Climbing plants and some wall shrubs. London : The
Garden Book Club, 1968
--------------------------- From garden to kitchen. London : The Garden Book
Club, 1969
Godfrey BASELEY. The Archers : a slice of my life. London : Sidgwick &
Jackson, 1971 [Some pencil corrections to text by N.P. ; enclosed letters now
at MS 200/15/43]
-------------------------- A village portrait. London : Sidgwick & Jackson, 1972
Gwen Berryman. The life and death of Doris Archer (large print edition).
Bath : Chivers Press, 1981
------------------------------------------------- London : Eyre Methuen, 1981
John BATCHELOR. John Ruskin : no wealth but life : a biography. London :
Pimlico, 2001 [Dates of birth and death added by NP on title page]
Daphne Thynne, Marchioness of BATH. Longleat from 1566 to the present time.
Longleat : The Longleat Estate Company, 1949 [Later eds in CRL, Shakespeare
Charles BAUDELAIRE. Les fleurs du mal. Oeuvres complètes. Paris :
Librairie Alphonse Lemerre, 1925
Charles BAUDELAIRE. Les fleurs du mal : édition intégrale revue sur les
textes originaux ; préfacées et annotée par Ernest Raynaud. Classiques
Garnier. Paris : Éditions Garnier frères, [1952] [Inscription on endpaper :
Alan H. Wilson / Leeds / 21-1-55]
B. (Basil) Anthony BAX. The English parsonage. London : John Murray, 1964
[Copies in OLRC, Shakespeare Institute]
Eric G. BAXTER. Dr Jephson of Leamington Spa. Edited by Joan Lane and
Robert Bearman. Leamington Spa : Warwickshire Local History Society, 1980
[Copy in Store (BA)]
W.J. (William Jackson) BEAN. Ornamental trees for amateurs. 2nd ed., rev. and
enlarged by S.A. (Sydney Albert ) Pearce. London : The Garden Book Club, 1958
--------------------------------------- Trees and shrubs hardy in the British Isles. 8th
ed., fully rev. 4 vols. London : John Murray, 1970 [Copies in OLRC, Botany
Ref. Coll.]
Francis BEAUMONT and John Fletcher. The Spanish curate : a comedy, in five
acts . . . as performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. London : Fairbrother,
[c1840] [Earlier eds in CRL, Shakespeare Institute]
Bound with:
2. Colley CIBBER. The double gallant, or The sick lady’s cure : a
comedy . . . as it is performed on its revival at the Theatre Royal,
Covent Garden. London : J. Duncombe, [c1840] [Earlier eds in
Shakespeare Institute]
3. Arthur MURPHY. Know your own mind : a comedy . . . as it is
performed at the Theatres Royal. London : W. Simpkin, R. Marshall,
C. Chapple, 1821 [Later ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
4. George COLMAN and David GARRICK. The clandestine
marriage : a comedy . . . as it is performed at the Theatre Royal by W.
Oxberry. London : W. Simpkin, R. Marshall, C. Chapple, 1823
[Earlier eds. in CRL ; later eds in Store, Shakespeare Institute,
5. Isaac POCOCK. Rob Roy MacGregor, or, Auld lang syne . . . as it
is performed at the Theatre Royals by W. Oxberry. London : W.
Simpkin, R. Marshall, C. Chapple, 1833 [Later ed. in Shakespeare
Francis BEAUMONT and John Fletcher. The Spanish curate : a comedy, in five
acts Bound with [cont.] :
6. Susannah CENTLIVRE. The wonder : a comedy . . . as it is
performed at the Theatre Royal by W.Oxberry. London : W. Simpkin,
R. Marshall, C. Chapple, 1823 [Earlier ed. in CRL ; later eds. in Ml,
OLRC, Shakespeare Institute]
7. Hannah COWLEY. The belle’s stratagem : a comedy . . . as it is
performed at the Theatres Royal by W. Oxberry. London : W.
Simpkin, R. Marshall, C. Chapple, 1819 [Later eds. in ML,
Shakespeare Institute]
8. Isaac BICKERSTAFF. Love in a village : a comic opera . . . as it is
performed at the Theatres Royal by W. Oxberry. London : W.
Simpkin, R. Marshall, C. Chapple, 1819 [Earlier eds CRL ; later eds
Barber Music, Shakespeare Institute]
9. Mark LEMON. Fashionable arrivals : a petite comedy . . . as it
is performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. London : J.
Pattie, n.d.
10. Edward FITZBALL. The lord of the isles, or, The gathering of
the clans : a grand national opera . . . produced at the Theatre
Royal, Covent Garden. London : John Miller, 1835
Samuel BECKETT. Happy days : a play in two acts. London : Faber and Faber,
1962 [Copy in OLRC ; later eds in Store, OLRC]
Cuthbert BEDE. The adventures of Mr Verdant Green. London : Herbert Jenkins
Ltd., n.d. [Other eds in CRL]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another
The Venerable BEDE. The Venerable Bede’s Ecclesiastical history of England ;
also the Anglo-Saxon chronicle ; with illustrative notes, a map of Anglo-Saxon
England and a general index ; edited by J.A. (John Allen) Giles. 5th ed. Bohn’s
Antiquarian Library. London : Bell & Daldy, 1871 [Earlier ed. in Shakespeare
Thomas BEECHAM. A mingled chime : leaves from an autobiography. London :
Arrow Books, 1961 [Earlier eds in Barber Music Library]
Max BEERBOHM. The poet’s corner ; with an intro. by John Rothenstein. London
and New York : King Penguin books, 1943 [Signature/inscription on pastedown :
N.G. Painting / [in another hand] from Elspeth Woolley] [Copies in Store,
Shakespeare Institute ; earlier ed. in Barber Fine Art Library]
------------------------- Zuleika Dobson, or an Oxford love story. London : William
Heinemann Ltd., 1947 [Signatures of NP on dustjacket flap and on pastedown
(with ‘Christ Church’ on flap)] [Copy in ML, OLRC]
Martin BELL. In harm’s way. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1996
Robert BELL. The deputy physician : a complete household guide for the
preservation of health and treatment of diseases. Glasgow : R.L. Holmes,
1900 [Signature of NP on pastedown ; signature of H.G. Painting / Royal
Naval Ambulance Train no. 3 / Chatham Depot / 1918 on second endpaper
R.C. (Robert Charles) BELL. Discovering mah-jong. 2nd ed. Aylesbury : Shire
Publications Ltd., 1978
C.F. (Charles Francis) BELL. Drawings by the old masters in the library of Christ
Church Oxford : an alphabetical list of the artists represented in the collection
(mounted series). Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1914 [Bookplate of E. Parsons on
pastedown] [Copy in Barber Fine Art Library]
Hilaire BELLOC, John BETJEMAN [and 13 others] Press gang! : crazy
world chronicle. Edited by Leonard Russell. [London] : Hutchinson, 1937
[Signature : NP]
Saint BENEDICT. The rule of Saint Benedict ; translated by David Parry. London
: Darton, Longman & Todd, 1984 [Copy in OLRC]
----------------------- The rule of Saint Benedict ; [translated by] David Parry;
[intro. by] Esther de Waal. Leominster : Gracewing, 1993
Alan BENNETT. The laying on of hands : a story. London : Profile Book in
association with the London Review of Books, 2001
Arnold BENNETT. Literary taste : how to form it ; with detailed instructions for
collecting a complete library of English literature. 8th ed. London : Hodder and
Stoughton, 1914 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Earlier ed. in Shakespeare
Institute, Store ; later ed. in CRL]
------------------------- The journals ; selected and edited by Frank Swinnerton ; now
published with the addition of Journal Volume 6, newly discovered, covering the
periiod 21 September 1906-18 July 1907 and Florentine Journal covering the
period 1 April 1910-25 May 1910. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1971
[Copy in OLRC]
---------------------- Edward KNOBLOCK. Milestones : a play in three acts. 13th
ed. London : Methuen & Co., 1926 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copy in
Shakespeare Institute ; earlier eds. in OLRC, Shakespeare Institute, Store]
---------------------- The ghost. Daily Express fiction library. London : Daily
Express, [1936]
Dennis J. BENNETT. Nine o’clock in the morning. London & Eastbourne :
Coverdale House Publishers, 1976
F.W. BENNETT. Tiddyoody pie. [Warwickshire? : F.W. Bennett, 193-?]
[Inscription on front endpaper : Xmas 1936 / Hoping I am / not sending ‘coals
/ to Newcastle.’ / Best wishes / & lve ? from / [illegible]]
E.F. (Edward Francis) BENSON. Mapp and Lucia ; foreword by Micheál
Mac Liammór. (Large print ed.) Bolton-by-Bowland : Magna Print Books,
------------------------------------------- As we were : a Victorian peep-show ; new
intro. by T.J. (Timothy John) Binyon. London : The Hogarth Press, 1986
[Earlier ML]
Stella BENSON. Tobit transplanted. London : Macmillan and Co., 1931 [Copies
in OLRC, Store]
Michael BENTINE. The long banana skin. London : Granada, 1982
Michael BENTINE. The door marked summer ; foreword by Professor E.R.
(Eric Roberts) Laithwaite. London : Granada, 1982
E.C. (Eric Clerihew) BENTLEY. Baseless biography. London : Constable
and Company Ltd., 1939 [Inscription on endpaper : Betty / with love from
An / Christmas 1943]
-------------------------------------------- Those days. London : Constable & Co.
Ltd., 1940
Nicolas BENTLEY. Die? I thought I’d laugh : a book of Nicolas Bentley’s
pictures. 3rd edition. London : Methuen and Co., 1930
-------------------------- How can you bear to be human? ; with an intro. by
Malcolm Muggeridge. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1961
-------------------------- Golden sovereigns and some of lesser value from
Boadicea to Elizabeth II. London : Mitchell Beazley, 1970
The tale of BEOWULF sometime king of the folk of the Weber Geats ;
translated by William Morris and A.J. Wyatt. London : Longmans Green,
1904 [Inscription from A.J. Wyatt to Dr Wright ; signature : N.P.]
BEOWULF: an Anglo-Saxon poem, and The fight at Finnsburg. Translated
by James M. Garrett. 4th edition. Boston : Ginn and Co., 1912 [Signature :
BEOWULF ; translated by Seamus Heaney. London : Faber and Faber, 1999
[Inscription on endpaper : Norman – Happy Christmas 2000 / Edmund] [Copies
in ML, OLRC]
BEOWULF and the Finnesburg fragment : a translation into modern English prose
by John R. (Richard) Clark Hall ; new ed., completely rev., with notes and an
introduction by C.L. (Charles Leslie) Wrenn, with prefatory remarks by J.R.R.
(John Ronald Reuel) Tolkein. London : George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1940
[Signature of NP on pastedown] [Later eds in Store, OLRC]
BEOWULF with the Finnesburg fragment ; edited by C.L. (Charles Leslie) Wren.
London : George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd., 1953 [Later eds in Store, OLRC]
Edward BERDOE. The Browning cyclopaedia : a guide to the study of the works
of Robert Browning ; with copious explanatory notes and references on all
difficult passages. 8th ed. London : George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1920 [Signature
of E.M. Spencer on endpaper] [Earlier ed. in Store]
Hector BERLIOZ. Life and letters of Berlioz ; translated from the French by
H. Mainwaring Dunstan. 2 vols. London : Remington and Co., 1882
Louis de Bernières. Captain Corelli’s mandolin. London : Minerva, 1995
[Ownership label of NP on inside cover] [Copies in ML, OLRC]
Judith BERRISFORD. Rhododendrons and azaleas. London : Faber and
Faber, 1966 [Notes by NP on back endpaper and a few markings in text]
A.K. (Arthur Keeling) BERRY. Building a greenhouse and potting shed.
The Commonwealth and International Library. Oxford : Pergamon Press,
Michael F. (Francis) BERRY. D.W.E. (David William Errington) BROCK.
Hunting by ear ; with recording by D.W.E. Brock and Ludwig Koch. London
: H.F. & G. Witherby Ltd., 1937 [With gramophone record in pocket on
inside back cover]
Gwen BERRYMAN. Doris Archer’s farm cookery book. London : Museum
Press, 1958. [Inscribed by GB to NP]
--------------------------- The life and death of Doris Archer. (Large print
edition). Bath : Chivers Press, 1981
--------------------------- The life and death of Doris Archer. London : Eyre
Methuen, 1981
Anthony BERTRAM. William Hogarth. The world’s masters : new series.
London & New York : The Studio publications, 1949
John BETJEMAN. Continual dew : a little book of bourgeois verse. London : John
Murray, 1937 [Later ed. in ML]
John BETJEMAN. Ghastly good taste, or, A depressing story of the rise and fall of
English architecture. London : Anthony Blond, 1970 [Copies in ML, OLRC,
Shakespeare Institute]
------------------------ A pictorial history of English architecture. London : John
Murray, 1972
BIBLE. English. BIBLIA sacra, sive testamentum vetus . . . . Amstelodami :
apud Iohannum Iacobi Schipper, 1669
--------------------- The holy BIBLE, containing the old and new testaments . . . .
Oxford : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1838 [Enclosures : Painting family
signatures and notes ; Painting family ephemera, now at MS 200/15/39]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Oxford : British
and Foreign Bible Society, 1883 [Inscription on endpaper : Given to me, by Mr
Goodway / June 18 1936 / M. [Maud]Painting]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- London : The
British and Foreign Bible Society, n.d. [Signature of NP, and 28 Grove Street /
Leamington Spa / From Miss Ellerton / 1932, on pastedown ; inscription on
endpaper (verso) : To dear Norman / from Miss Ellerton / April 23rd 1932 / 2
Timothy 3.15]
------------------------------ the Authorized or King James version of 1611 ; with
an introduction by James Drury. Everyman’s Library 240. London : David
Campbell Publishers Ltd., 1998
--------------------- The revised version without the marginal notes of the revisers.
A new ed., indicating the paragraphs of the revisers and divided into verses.
London : Henry Frowde Oxford University Press, 1911 [Signature of NP on
---------------------- Latin. Biblia sacra vulgatae editionis Sixti V Pontificis
Maximi ; jussu recognita et Clementis VIII auctoritate edita. Nova ditio
accuratissime emendata. London : David Nutt, [1868]
---------------------- French. La BIBLE, qui est toute la saincte escriture du vieil &
du nouveau testament . . . Geneve : Matthieu Bujon, 1605 [Copy in CRL]
BIBLE. Old Testament. Psalms. The book of Psalms ; written out by Helen
E. Hinkley. Westminster : The Folio Society, 1952
------------------------------------------- Sing a new song : the Psalms in today’s
English version. London : Collins Fontana Books, 1974
------------------------------------------- The Psalms ; translated by Peter Levi,
with an intro. by Nicholas de Lange. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books,
1985 [Comment in text]
------------ New Testament. The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus
Christ, according to the Authorised Version ; with a brief commentary by
various authors. The four gospels, with maps and plans, by W. (William)
Walsham How. London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1877
[Inscription on first endpaper (verso) : ‘Elizabeth Ward / from her sincere
friend / Janet Atkinson / Jan. 28th 1878’] [Later ed. at OLRC]
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another
copy [Signature on second endpaper : ‘Mary Swindell / 69, Oxford Street /
Rugby’ and ‘Mary Swindell / Form Lower IIIb / Rugby High School’] [Later
ed. at OLRC]
------------------------------ arranged in the order in which its parts came to those
in the first century who believed in Our Lord ; a chronological arrangement
by Thomas Martin Lindsay. Everyman’s Library. London : J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd.
1920 [Copy in OLRC]
------------------------------ : a new translation by James Moffatt. London :
Hodder and Stoughton, 1935
----------------------------- The Acts, Epistles, and Revelations ; with map.
London : Societyfor Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1881
------------------------------ French. Le nouveau testament ; traduction d’après lde
texte grec par Louis Segond. Nouvelle edition revue. Paris : s.n., 1937 [Signature
of NP on endpaper]
BIBLE. New Testament. Gospels. Anglo-Saxon. Da halgan godspel on Englisc
= The Anglo-Saxon version of the Holy Gospels ; edited from the original
manuscripts, by Benjamin Thorpe. London : J.G.F. and J. Rivington, 1842
[Copies in CRL, CRL (Wedgwood)]
------------------------------- St John. The gospel of St John adapted to the
Hamiltonian system . . . . London : for the author, 1825
G.J. (George Joseph ) BINDING. About comfrey. Wellingborough : Thorsons
Publishers Ltd., 1976
Madeleine BINGHAM. The making of Kew. Folio miniatures. London :
Michael Joseph, 1975 [Inscription on endpaper (recto) : To Norman and
John / I must have missed your Pagoda / when I called, perhaps I’ll see it /
next time! / Best wishes for Christmas / and 1976 to you both / John (Reece)]
BIRMINGHAM POST & MAIL. The Birmingham Post & Mail year book and
who’s who 1996. 46th issue. Birmingham : Kingslea Press Ltd., [1996] [Copy
in ML]
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47th
issue. Birmingham : Kingslea Press Ltd., [1997] [Copy in ML]
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48th
issue. Birmingham : Kingslea Press Ltd., [1998] [Copy in ML]
Augustine BIRRELL. Obiter dicta. First and second series complete. London :
Duckworth & Co., 1910 [Copy in Store (HA)]
William BIRKIN. Interest tables at five per cent., showing at one view the
interest of any number of pounds from £1 to £300 and up to £9000 . . . . 6th
edition. Derby : John and Charles Mozley, [185-?]
John BIRT. The harder path : the autobiography. London : Time Warner,
2002 [Includes newspaper cutting, now at MS 200/15/7]
J. (James) BISSET. A descriptive guide of Leamington Priors . . . . Coventry :
Merridew and son ; London : Longmans and Co., 1814 [Address label: NP]
L.A. (Laurence Adophus) BISSON. Des vers de France : a book of French
verse. Harmondsworth : Penguin Book, 1942 [Signature of NP on inside
BLACK’s travelling map of Scotland. Edinburgh, A. & C. Black, [18--]
J. (James) Harvey BLOOM. Shakespeare’s garden. London : Methuen, 1903.
[Bookplate : Percy J. Pond] [Copy in Shakespeare Institute]
Paul BLOOMFIELD. BBC. London : Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1941
James BOADEN. An inquiry into the authenticity of various pictures and prints
which . . . have been offered to the public as portraits of Shakespeare . . . . London
: Robert Triphook, 1824 [Copy in Shakespeare Institute ; later ed. in Store]
[Bound with] :
Samuel JOHNSON. George STEEVENS. The works of
Shakspear, from the text of Johnson, Steevens, and Rees.
London : Sherwood, Jones & Co., n.d. [Prefatory material only]
R.V.C. (Ronld Victor Courtney) BODLEY. Indiscretions of a young man.
London : Harold Shaylor, 1931
Dirk BOGARDE. A postillion struck by lightning. St Albans : Triad Panther
Books, 1978
Henry G. (George) BOHN. A hand-book of proverbs ; comprising an entire
republication of Ray’s collection of English proverbs, with his additions from
foreign languages and a complete alphabetical indiex ; in which are introduced
large additions, as well of proverbs as of sayings, sentences, maxims, and phrases.
London : George Bell and Sons, 1879
Marc BOLAN. Marc Boland lyric book. London : Essex Music International
Ltd., 1972
Bridget BOLAND. Gardener’s magic & other old wives’ lore. London : The
Bodley Head, 1977
Alan BOLD (editor). Making love : the Picador book of erotic verse ; with an
intro. by Alan Bold. London : Picador, 1978
Josephine BONAPARTE. Pierre-Joseph REDOUTÉ. Roses for an empress.
London : Sidgwick & Jackson, 1983 [Inscription and poem from Viola on
title page]
John BOND (editor). The good food growing guide : gardening and living
nature’s way. Newton Abbot : David & Charles, 1976
Gavin BONE. Anglo-Saxon poetry : an essay with specimen translations in
verse. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1944 [Signature of Cicely Martin on
Abel BONNARD. Saint Francis of Assisi ; by Florence Simmonds. London :
The Medici Society, 1930 [Bookplate of Dora J. Owen on pastedown] [French
original in Store]
The BOOK of common prayer . . . . Oxford : W. Jackson ; London : S.
Crowder, 1775 [Stamp of Doddlington Hall on upper board]
------------------------------------------------ Oxford : University Press, n.d. [Signature
of NP on pastedown]
------------------------------------------------- The order for Holy Communion, also
called the Eucharist and the Lord’s supper : rite A. Cambridge : Cambridge
University Press, 1970
The first and second prayer BOOKS of King Edward the sixth. Everyman’s
library. London : J.M. Dent & Sons, [1910] [Signature of NP on pastedown]
Anthony BORGIA. Life in the world unseen. London : Corgi, 1954
------------------------- More about life in the world unseen. London : Odhams
Press Limited, 1956
Reginald BOSANQUET (with Wallace REYBURN). Let’s get through
Wednesday : 25 years with ITN. London : New English Library, 1981
James BOSWELL. Selections from James Boswell’s Life of Samuel Johnson :
chosen and edited by R.W. (Robert William) Chapman. Oxford : Clarendon Press,
1927 [Signature of NP on pastedown and marginal notes and marks in text]
[Copy in ML]
Joseph BOSWORTH. A compendious Anglo-Saxon and English dictionary.
London : John Russell Smith, 1852 [Bookplate of St Peter’s /Scarborough, on
A.C. (Alan Coates) BOUQUET. Comparative religion : a short outline. 5th ed.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1956 [Copy in OLRC]
Charles BOUTELL. Heraldry : ancient and modern ; including Boutell’s
Heraldry ; ed. and rev., with adds. by S.T. (Stephen Thomas) Aveling.
London and New York : Frederick Warne and Co., 1890 [Book catalogue
cuttings on pastedown ; signature of O. Jones and label on pastedown : Rev.
Canon Owen Jones / Bodelwyddan / Rhuddlan, R.S.O. ; inscription on second
endpaper : C.B. Taylor / from / M. Owen Jones / Xmas 1904]
Lorna F. BOWDEN. Wild flowers of Europe. London : Paul Hamlyn, 1969
Elizabeth BOWEN. English novelists. Britain in pictures : the British people in
pictures. 2nd ed. London : William Collins, 1945 [Earlier ed. in Shakespeare
------------------------- The little girls. London : Jonathan Cape, 1964 {Pencil notes
by N.P. for radio adaptation] [Copies in Store, OLRC]
------------------------- Bowen’s Court & Seven winters : memories of a Dublin
childhood ; intro. by Hermione Lee. London : Vintage, 1999 [Few markings
in text]
------------------------- (editor). The Faber book of modern stories ; edited with
an intro. London : Faber and Faber Ltd., 1941
John BOWEN. After the rain. London : Faber and Faber, 1958 [Later ed. in
Shakespeare Institute]
------------------ The birdcage : a novel. Contemporary fiction. London : Faber
and Faber, 1964
John BOWEN. The centre of the green. London : Faber and Faber, 1959
Alfred BOWKER (editor). Alfred the Great, containing chapters on his life and
times by Frederick Harrison, the Lord Bishop of Bristol [George Forrest Browne],
Charles Oman [and four others] ; also containing an intro. by Sir Walter Besant
and a poem by the Poet Laureate [Alfred Austin]. London : Adam & Charles
Black, 1899 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copy in CRL]
C.M. (Cecil Maurice) BOWRA. From Virgil to Milton. London : Macmillan & Co.
ltd., 1945 [Signature of NP on pastedown and blank bookplate on endpaper]
[Copies in ML, OLRC ; later ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
Eddie BRABEN. The best of Morecambe and Wise. London : The Woburn
Press, 1974
Ray BRADBURY. The wonderful ice cream suit and other plays. London :
Bantam Pathfinder Editions, 1972
Anne BRADBY. Shakespeare criticism 1919-35 ; selected with an introduction by
Anne Bradby. London : Humphrey Milford Oxford University Press, 1941
[Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copy in Store]
Henry BRADLEY. The making of English. London : Macmillan and Co. Ltd.,
1916 [Signature of Constance Darnsley on endpaper ; few notes in text ;
loose examination paper and notes transferred to archives] [Earlier ed. in ML,
Shakespeare Institute ; later eds. in ML, OLRC]
W. (Walter) Russell BRAIN. Tea with Walter de la Mare. London : Faber and
Faber, 1957
James Henry BREASTED. A brief history of ancient times ; abridged and
edited from the author’s ‘Ancient times’ by W. (William) Hughes Jones ;
with a foreword by F.S. (Francis Sydney) Marvin. Rev. ed. London : Ginn
and Company Ltd., [1935] [Signatures of NP on pastedown and endpaper
with (on the latter) no. 124 / 4a]
Walter BRETT (editor). The rose encyclopaedia. London : C. Arthur Pearson
Ltd., [1938]
Ebenezer Cobham BREWER. Brewer’s dictionary of phrase and fable. Rev. ed. by
Ivor H. (Henry) Evans. London : Book Club Associates, 1981 [Copy in ML]
R.F. (Robert Frederick) BREWER. Orthometry : the art of versification and the
technicalities of poetry ; with a new and complete rhyming dictionary. New and
rev. ed. Edinburgh : John Grant, 1923 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
[Earlier eds in Store, Shakespeare Institute]
D.G. (Douglas Geoffrey) BRIDSON. Prospero and Ariel : the rise and fall of
radio : a personal reminiscence. London : Victor Gollancz, 1971
Robert BRIDGES. The testament of beauty : a poem in four books. Oxford :
Clarendon Press.,1941 [Signature of NP on pastedown ; bookplate of Rugby
School] [Earlier eds in CRL, OLRC, Store]
Geoffrey BRIGGS (editor). Civic & corporate heraldry : a dictionary of
impersonal arms of England, Wales & N. Ireland. London : Heraldry
Today, 1971
Lyn BRIGGS (editor). A Shropshire Christmas. Stroud : Alan Sutton, 1993
[Inscription on half title : With love & best wishes / To Viola / From Betty /
Xmas 1993]
BBC annual 1936. London : British Broadcasting Corporation, 1936
BBC children’s annual. Ed. Freda Lingstrom. London : Burke, 1957
[N.P. telephone label]
BBC children’s annual. Ed. Freda Lingstrom. London : Burke, 1958 [N.P.
telephone label]
BBC handbook. London : British Broadcasting Corporation, 1928
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1929
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1966
The BBC Woman’s Hour book. Ed. by Joanna Scott-Moncrief and Madge
Hart. Kingswood : The world’s work, 1957
The BBC year-book 1933 : the programme year covered by this book is from
November 1, 1931 to October 31, 1932. London : British Broadcasting
Corporation, [1933 ]
BBC year book 1945[-1952]. London : British Broadcasting Corporation,
The BRITISH drama : a collection of the most esteemed dramatic productions ;
with biography of the respective authors and critique on each play by R.
Cumberland. 13 vols. London : C. Cooke, 1817 [Bookplate of E. Thompson on
pastedowns throughout ; signature of N.P. on endpaper (verso) of vol. 1, with
signature of F.E. Thompson, 17 Feb. 1818, and (without date) throughout]
Volume one:
Nicholas ROWE. Tragedy of Jane Shore, adapted for theatrical representation, as
performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden and Drury-Lane
Joseph ADDISON. Tragedy of Cato, adapted for theatrical representation, as
performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden and Drury-Lane ; with the life of
the author, by Dr Johnson
Thomas SOUTHERN. Tragedy of Isabella ; or, the fatal marriage adapted for
theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden and
Drury- Lane
George LILLO. Tragedy of George Barnwell adapted for theatrical representation,
as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden and Drury-Lane ; with the life
of the author
Volume two:
Hugh KELLY. Comedy of the School for wives adapted for theatrical
representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden and DruryLane with the life of the author
Masque of COMUS adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the
Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden, in the year 1744 ; with the life of the author by Dr
Sir John VANBURGH. The comedy of the city wives’ confederacy adapted for
theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden and
The BRITISH drama. Volume two [cont.]
George FARQUHAR. The comedy of The inconstant adapted for theatrical
representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden
The BRITISH drama
Volume three:
Francis BEAUMONT and John FLETCHER. Comedy of The chances, as altered
by his Grace the Duke of Buckingham, adapted for theatrical representation, as
performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden and Drury-Lane ; with the lives
of the authors
William CONGREVE. Comedy of The way of the world adapted for theatrical
representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden
Benjamin HOADLY. Comedy of The suspicious husband adapted for theatrical
representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden and DruryLane ; with the life of the author
Oliver GOLDSMITH. Comedy of She stoops to conquer ; or, the mistakes of the
night adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal,
Covent-Garden and Drury-Lane ; with the life of the author
Volume four:
George FARQUHAR. The comedy of The beaux stratagem adapted for theatrical
representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden and DruryLane : with the biography of the author
Arthur KELLY. Comedy of All in the wrong adapted for theatrical
representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden and DruryLane ; with the life of the author
George FARQUHAR. Comedy of The constant couple, or, a trip to the Jubilee
adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, CoventGarden and Drury- Lane
George COLMAN. David GARRICK. The comedy of The clandestine marriage
adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, CoventGarden and Drury- Lane
Volume five
Sir Richard STEELE. Comedy of The conscious lovers adapted for theatrical
representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden
----------------------- Comedy of The tender husband, or the accomplished fools
adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, CoventGarden and Drury- Lane
William CONGREVE. The comedy of Love for love adapted for theatrical
representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden and DruryLane ; with a life of the author
Henry FIELDING. The miser adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at
the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden and Drury- Lane ; with the life of the author
Francis BEAUMONT. John FLETCHER. Comedy of Rule a wife and have a wife
adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, CoventGarden and Drury- Lane
Arthur MURPHY. Comedy of The way to keep him adapted for theatrical
representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Drury- Lane
Sir John VANBRUGH. Colley CIBBER. The comedy of The provok’d husband ;
or, a journey to London adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the
Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden and Drury-Lane ; with the life of the author
Volume seven
James SHIRLEY. Charles JOHNSON. David GARRICK. Comedy of The
gamesters adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the TheatresRoyal, Covent-Garden and Drury- Lane
Susanna CENTLIVRE. Comedy of The wonder, a woman keeps a secret adapted
for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden
and Drury- Lane
Richard CUMBERLAND. The comedy of The West Indian adapted for theatrical
representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden and DruryLane
George COLMAN. Comedy of The jealous wife adapted for theatrical
representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden and DruryLane
Volume eight
Isaac BICKERSTAFF. The comic opera of Lionel & Clarissa ; or, the school for
fathers adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal,
Covent- Garden and Drury- Lane
---------------------- The comic opera, of The maid of the mill adapted for theatrical
representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden
John GAY. The beggar’s opera : a comic opera, adapted for theatrical
representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden & DruryLane
Isaac BICKERSTAFF. The comic opera of Love in a village adapted for theatrical
representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden
Volume nine
Ben JONSON. The comedy of Every man in his humour adapted for theatrical
representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden and DruryLane
Sir John VANBRUGH. Comedy of The mistake adapted for theatrical
representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden
Richard CUMBERLAND. Comedy of The brothers adapted for theatrical
representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden and DruryLane
Samuel FOOTE. Comedy of the minor adapted for theatrical representation, as
performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden and Drury-Lane ; with the life of
the author
Volume ten
William WYCHERLEY. David GARRICK. Comedy of The country girl adapted
for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Drury- Lane ;
with the life of the author
Susanna CENTLIVRE. Comedy of The bold stroke for a wife adapted for
theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden and
----------------------- The comedy of The busy body adapted for theatrical
representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden and DruryLane
The BRITISH drama. Volume ten [cont.]
Colley CIBBER. Comedy of She wou’d and she wou’d not ; or, the kind impostor
adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, CoventGarden and Drury- Lane
Volume eleven
Ambrose PHILIPS. Tragedy of The distrest mother ; from the Andromache of
Racine adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal,
Covent-Garden and Drury- Lane ; with the life of the author, by Dr Johnson
Thomas OTWAY. Tragedy of Venice preserved ; or, a plot discovered adapted for
theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden and
Drury- Lane
Thomas SOUTHERN. Tragedy of Oroonoke adapted for theatrical representation,
as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden and Drury- Lane
Nicholas ROWE. Tragedy of The fair penitent adapted for theatrical
representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden and DruryLane
Volume twelve
John HOME. Tragedy of Douglas adapted for theatrical representation as
performed at the Theatres-Royal Covent- Garden and Drury-Lane
Edward MOORE. Tragedy of The gamester adapted for theatrical
representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden and DruryLane
William CONGREVE. Tragedy of The mourning bride adapted for theatrical
representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden and DruryLane
James THOMSON. Tragedy of Tancred and Sigismunda adapted for theatrical
representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden and DruryLane
Volume thirteen
Thomas OTWAY. Tragedy of The orphan ; or, the unhappy marriage adapted for
theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden and
Drury- Lane
The BRITISH drama. Volume thirteen [cont.]
Aaron HILL. Tragedy of Zara adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at
the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden and Drury- Lane
Nicholas ROWE. Tragedy of Tamerlane adapted for theatrical representation, as
performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden and Drury- Lane
Arthur MURPHY. Tragedy of The Grecian daughter adapted for theatrical
representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden and DruryLane
Volume fourteen
Aaron HILL. Tragedy of Alzira adapted for theatrical representation, as performed
at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden ; with the life of the author
Colley CIBBER. The comedy of The careless husband adapted for theatrical
representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden and DruryLane
Sir John VANBRUGH. The comedy of The provok’d wife adapted for theatrical
representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden and DruryLane ; with the life of the author
George FARQUHAR. The comedy of The recruiting officer adapted for theatrical
representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Covent-Garden and DruryLane
Vera BRITTAIN. Testament of youth : an autobiographical study of the years
1900-1925. London : Victor Gollancz, 1945 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
[Earlier and later eds in ML, OLRC]
Lewis BROAD. Sir Anthony Eden : the chronicles of a career. London :
Hutchinson, 1955 [Copy in ML]
------------------ The truth about Oscar Wilde. London : Arrow Books, 1957
Louis BROMFIELD. Until the day break. London : Cassell and Company
Ltd., 1043
Eleanor BRON. John FORTUNE. Is your marriage really necessary? London
: Eyre Methuen, 1972
Charlotte BRONTE. The professor, to which are added, The poems of Currer,
Ellis, and Acton Bell, and Country poems by Patrick Bronte. London : Smith
Elder, 1889 [Copy in ML]
John BROOKES. Living in the garden. London : The Queen Anne Press Ltd.
in association with The Gardening Centre, 1970
Horatio F. (Forbes) BROWN. Life on the lagoons. 3rd ed. London :
Rivingtons, 1900
Ivor BROWN. The way of my world. London : Collins, 1954 [Copy in
Shakespeare Institute]
------------------ How Shakespeare spent the day. London : The Bodley Head, 1963
[Copies in Shakespeare Institute, OLRC]
James Duff BROWN. Characteristic songs and dances of all nations ; edited,
with historical notes and a bibliography ; the music arranged for the
pianoforte by Alfred Moffat. London : Bayley & Ferguson, 1901
Sir Thomas BROWNE. The Religio medici & other writings of Sir Thomas
Browne. Everyman’s library 92. London : J.M. Dent & Co., 1906 [Signature of
NP on pastedown] [Copies in Store, OLRC]
Elizabeth Barrett BROWNING. The poetical works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning
; with two prose essays. London : Humphrey Milford Oxford University Press,
1920 [Copy in OLRC]
Robert BROWNING. Poems of Robert Browning : containing Dramatic lyrics,
Dramatic romances, Men and women, dramas, Pauline, Paracelsus, Christmaseve and Easter-day, Sordello and Dramatis personae. Oxford edition. London :
Henry Frowde Oxford University Press, 1910 [Signature of NP on endpaper]
[Later eds in ML, OLRC]
Ferdinand BRUNOT. Charles BRUNEAU. Précis de grammaire historique de
la langue française. 3. éd., entiérement refondue. Paris, Masson et Cie, 1949
Mark BRYANT (editor). The complete Colonel Blimp. London : Bellew
Publishing, 1991
John BUCHAN. The magic walking-stick and Stories from the Arabian nights
; selected, edited and arranged for young people by Frances Jenkins Olcott.
London : Associated Newspapers, [19--] [Signature: Alan Nosworthy,
Christmas 1937]
---------------------- Midwinter. London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1960 [Pencil
notes on back endpapers and notes and cuts marked in text for radio reading and
radio dramatic adaptation] [Earlier ed. in Store]
Andrew BUCHANAN. Going to the cinema. Excursion series for young
people. London : Phoenix House, 1947 [Signature of NP]
Georges Louis Leclerc BUFFON. Bar’s Buffon’s natural history, containing a full
and accurate description of all the animated beings on nature. London : J.S. Pratt,
1846 [Earlier ed. in CRL]
The BUILDER’S dictionary: or, gentleman and architect's companion : explaining
not only the terms of art in all the several parts of architecture, but also containing
the theory and practice .... 2 vols [Vol. 1 only] London : A. Bettesworth and C.
Hitch, 1734 [Lacks rear board] [Copy in CRL]
Gerald BULLETT (editor). The testament of light : an anthology. London :
J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1932 [Post-it note on endpaper signed Tony]
W.H. (William Henry) BULLOCK. [The dogs of Devon, or Foiled
again : a new and original comic opera in three acts]. [London :
J. Curwen, c1914] [Lacks covers]
John Thackray BUNCE. Josiah Mason : a biography. Birmingham : ‘Journal’
Printing Works, 1882 [NP signature; inscription from Orphanage Trustees]
[Copies in Shakespeare Institute, CRL; later ed. in CRL]
Jacob BURCKHARDT. The civilization of the Renaissance. London : Allen &
Unwin Ltd., 1944 [Marginal notes and markings in text] [Earlier ? ed. in ML,
Barber Fine Art Library]
Alan BURGESS. Warwickshire. London : Robert Hale Ltd., 1950 [Copies in
OLRC, Shakespeare Institute]
Frederick BURGESS. English churchyard memorials. London : Lutterworth Press,
1963 [Copy in Shakespeare Institute ; later ed. in OLRC]
Thomas BURKE. English night-life : from Norman curfew to present
black-out. London : B.T. Batsford Ltd., 1941
BURLESQUE plays and poems : Chaucer’s Rime of Thopas ; Beaumont &
Fletcher’s Knight of the burning pestle ; George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham’s
The rehearsal ; John Philips’s Splendid shilling ; Fielding’s Tom Thumb the Great
; Henry Carey’s Namby Pamby and Chrononhotonthologos ; Canning, Frere &
Ellis’s Rovers ; W.E. Rhodes’s Bombastes furioso ; Horace & James Smith’s
Rejected addresses ; and some of Thomas Hood’s Odes and addresses to great
people ; with an introduction by Henry Morley. Morley’s universal library.
London : George Routledge and Sons, 1885 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
[Copy in Shakespeare Institute]
F.H. (Frances Hodgson) BURNETT. Little Lord Fauntleroy. London : Frederick
Warne and Co., n.d. [Copies and later eds. (?) in CRL]
Hugh BURNETT. Nothing sacred. London : Merlin Press, 1962
----------------------- Beware of the abbot. London : Merlin Press, 1965
----------------------- Book of the monk. London : Merlin Press, 1968
Robert BURNS. The poetical works of Robert Burns : with notes, glossary, index
of first lines and chronological list ; edited by J. (James) Logie Robertson. London
: Humphrey Milford Oxford University Press, 1942 [Signature of NP on
pastedown] [Earlier ed. in OLRC, ML]
--------------------- Burns birthday book ; compiled by Jean Howie. The
Windsor birthday books. Collins : London and Glasgow, [1956]
Peter BURRA. Wordsworth. Great lives. London : Duckworth, 1936
[Signature of NP on pastedown]
Robert BURTON ,1577-1640. The anatomy of melancholy, what it is, with all the
kinds, causes, symptoms, prognostics, and several cures of it ; in three partitions ;
with their several sections, members, and subsections, philosophically, medically,
historically opened and cut up. New ed., corr., and enriched by translations of the
numerous classical extracts by Democritus minor. London : William Tegg & Co.,
1849 [Earlier eds in CRL ; later eds in ML, Shakespeare Institute, OLRC, Store]
Robert BURTON, 1941- . Birdfeeder handbook. The Royal Society for the
Protection of Birds. London : Dorley Kindersley, 1990
Douglas BUSH. English literature in the earlier seventeenth century 1600-1660.
Oxford history of English literature. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1946 [Signature of
NP on pastedown] [Copy in OLRC, Shakespeare Institute ; later eds. in
Shakespeare Institute, OLRC. Store]
Alban BUTLER. Butler’s lives of the saints ; edited, revised and supplemented by
Herbert Thurston and Donald Attwater. 4 vols. London : Burns & Oates, 1956
[Copy in ML]
--------------------- A dictionary of saints : being also an index to the revised
edition of Alban Butler’s ‘Lives of the saints’ by Donald Attwater. 2nd ed. London
: Burns Oates & Washbourne Ltd., 1948 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copy
in Store ; earlier ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
Alban BUTLER. The lives of the saints (Butler) ; first supplementary
volume by Donald Attwater. London : Burns Oats & Washbourne Ltd., 1949
Joseph BUTLER. The works of the Right Reverend Father in God Joseph Butler. 2
vols. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1820 [Earlier ed. in CRL ; later eds in CRL, CRL
(Store), OLRC]
Douglas BYNG. As you were : reminiscences. London : Duckworth, 1970
George Gordon, Lord BYRON. The letters of George Gordon 6th Lord Byron ;
selected and edited by R.G. (Robert Guy) Howarth, with an introduction by
Andre Maurois. Everyman’s library 931. London : J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd.,1936
[Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copies in ML, OLRC]
Cecil John CADOUX. The life of Jesus. West Drayton : Penguin Books, 1948
Caius Julius CAESAR. The commentaries of C. Julius Caesar on the civil war
; edited by Charles E. (Edward) Moberly. New illustrated ed., with an
introduction by Hugh Last. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1925 [Signature and
pencil notes of NP on pastedown, with further notes on endpaper and some in
Hall CAINE. Life of Christ. London : Collins, 1938
C.S. (Charles Stuart) CALVERLEY. The complete works of C.S. Calverley ; with
a biographical notice by Sir Walter J. (Joseph) Sandall. London : George Bell and
Sons, 1901 [Signature of NP on pastedown, and bookmark with note on p. 56]
[Copies in Store]
Mary Lovett CAMERON. Old Etruria and modern Tuscany. London :
Methuen & Co., 1909
John CAMP. Portrait of Buckinghamshire. London : Robert Hale, 1972
R.J. (Reginald John) CAMPBELL. The story of Christmas. London and
Glasgow : Collins, [1935?] [Signature of NP on pastedown]
Josef CAPEK. The land of many names : a play in three acts and a
transformation ; authorised translation from the Czech by Paul Selver.
London : George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1926 [Inscription on endpaper :
‘From Edna [Painting, NP’s sister] / St George’s Day / 1944’]
Karel CAPEK. The mother : a play in three acts. London : George Allen &
Unwin, 1939 [Inscription on endpaper : ‘From Edna [NP’s older sister] / St
George’s Day / 1944’]
Neville CARDUS (editor). Kathleen Ferrier 1912-1953 : a memoir. London :
Hamish Hamilton, 1954 [Inscription : From Evie, on endpaper, Phyllis]
Jacques CARELMAN. Catalogue of extraordinary objects ; translated from
the French by Rosaleen Walsh. London : Abelard-Schuman, 1974
Maud CAREW [pseud. Florence M. King] Two little B’s. London : SPCK,
Peter Carington, baron CARRINGTON. Reflect on things past : the memoirs
of Lord Carrington. London : Fontana Paperbacks, 1989
Thomas CARLYLE. Sartor resartus. On heroes and the heroic in history.
Everyman’s library. London : J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1911 [Signature of NP
on pastedown]
Dorothy CARNEGIE. How to help your husband get ahead in his business
and social life. Kingswood : The World’s Work (1913) Ltd., 1954
Humphrey CARPENTER. The inklings : C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkein, Charles
Williams, and their friends. London : Unwin paperbacks, 1981 [Signature of
the author on title page ; inscription on p. [i] : From John and Helen / on a day of
moderate entropy / 3 v 87] [Copy in OLRC ; earlier ed. in ML]
-------------------------------- OUDS : a centenary history of the Oxford University
Dramatic Society 1885-1985 ; with a prologue by Robert Robinson. Oxford :
Oxford University Press, 1985 [Signature of author on title page] [Copy in
Shakespeare Institute]
-------------------------------- The Brideshead generation : Evelyn Waugh and his
friends. London : Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1989 [Inscription from author on
endpaper : Norman / with all good wishes / Humphrey] [Copy in OLRC]
-------------------------------- Benjamin Britten : a biography. London : Faber and
Faber, 1992 [Inscription from author on title page : ‘Norman – with all good
wishes / as ever / Humphrey; Sunday times book review, 27 September 1992,
tipped in] [Copies in OLRC, Barber Music Library]
-------------------------------- (with research by Jennifer Doctor). The envy of the
world : fifty years of the BBC Third Programme and Radio 3 1946-1996. London
: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1996 [Inscription on title page from author : To
Norman / with greeting & thanks! / Humphrey]
-------------------------------- A great, silly grin : how Peter Cook, Dudley
Moore, Michael Frayn, Jonathan Miller, Alan Bennett, David Frost, and the
British "invasion" changed the face of comedy. New York : Public Affairs,
Samuel CARR (editor). The poetry of dogs. London and Sydney : B.T.
Batsford Ltd., 1975
Lewis CARROLL [pseud. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson]. Alice’s adventures
underground : facsimile of the author’s manuscript book with additional
material from the facsimile edition of 1886. New York : Dover Publications,
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Alice’s adventures in
wonderland and Through the looking glass. London : William Clowes, n.d. [Other
eds in all libraries]
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lewis Carroll’s
bedside book. Edited by Edgar Cuthwellis. London : J.M. Dent, 1979
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Alice nello specchio.
Milan : Bompiani, 1963
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Alice nel paese delle
meraviglie. Milan : Bompiani, 1963
Fergus CASHIN. Mae West : a biography. London : W.H. Allen, 1981
George CAVENDISH. The life and death of Thomas Wolsey. The Temple
classics. London : J.M. Dent & Sons, 1899 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
[Copy in OLRC, Shakespeare Institute, Store]
---------------------------- The life of Cardinal Wolsey ; to which is added Thomas
Churchyard’s Tragedy of Wolsey ; with an introductin by Henry Morley. 2nd ed.
Morley’s universal library. London : George Routledge and Sons, 1887
[Signature of NP on pastedown] [Earlier ed. in Store ; later ed. in Shakespeare
Institute, Store]
David CECIL. The stricken deer or, the life of Cowper. London : Constable &
Company Ltd., 1944 [Signature of NP, Christ church, on endpaper] [Copy in
OLRC ; earlier ed. in Store]
Elisabeth Felicie CELNART. Nouveau manuel complet des demoiselles…
Nouvelle edition. Paris : La Librarie encyclopedique de Roret, 1837
Miguel de CERVANTES. Don Quixote de la Mancha ; translated from the
Spanish by Charles Jarvis. 2 vols. London : Henry G. Bohn, 1842
Steve CHALKE (compiler). Oh God . . . 120 celebrities’ prayers. Oxford :
Lion Publishing Company, 1998
CHAMBERS’S world gazetteer and geographical dictionary. Ed. by T.C.
(Thomas Charles) Collocott and J.O. (John Oliver) Thorne. Edinburgh and
London : W. & R. Chambers Ltd., 1954
David CHAMBERS. Joan Hassall : engravings and drawings. Pinner : Private
Libraries Association, 1985 [Enclosed note to NP from J.H. now at MS
200/15/20] [Copy in CRL]
E. (Edwin) Beresford CHANCELLOR. The history of the squares of London
topographical and historical. London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1907
[Bookplate : Sir Alfred Edward Codrington]
Kevin CHAPPLE. Jane THORNE (editors). Reflected light : the story of the
Savoy Theatre. [London : DeWynters plc, 1992?] [In a slip case]
Charles CHAPLIN. My autobiography. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1966
[Copy in OLRC]
Clive CHAPMAN. The blue room : being the absorbing story of the
development of voice-to-voice communication in broad light with souls who
have passed the Great Beyond. London : Psychic Book Club, [1928?]
George CHAPMAN. The works of George Chapman : plays ; edited, with notes,
by Richard Herne Shepherd. London : Chatto and Windus, 1874 [Bookplate of
Bache Matthews on front endpaper] [Copies in Store, Shakespeare Institute]
Graham CHAPMAN. John CLEESE. Terry GILLIAM. Eric IDLE. Terry
JONES. Michael PALIN. Monty Python’s The life of Brian (of Nazareth).
[S.l.] : Python (Monty) Pictures Ltd., 1979
Jennifer CHAPMAN. Made in heaven : talking about marriage. London :
Virgin Books, 1993
Bruce CHATWIN. On the black hill. London : Picador Pan Books, 1983
Bruce CHATWIN. What am I doing here. London : Picador Pan Books, 1990
Geoffrey CHAUCER. Troilus and Criseyde ; The hous of fame ; The legend of
good women ; from the text of W.W. (Walter William) Skeat. The world’s
classics. London : Humphrey Milford Oxford University Press, 1930
[Signature of NP on pastedown with pencil marks and notes in text]
---------------------------- The prologue, the Knightes tale, the Nonne Preestes tale,
from the Canterbury tales ; edited by Richard Morris ; a new ed. with collations
and add. notes by Walter W. (William) Skeat. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1931
[Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copy in Shakespeare Institute ; earlier ed. in
--------------------------- The Canterbury tales ; translated into modern English by
Nevill Coghill. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1951 [Signature of NP on
inside cover] [Copy in OLRC ; later eds in OLRC, ML, Shakespeare Institute]
--------------------------- The complete works of Geoffrey Chaucer. The
Cambridge poets. Student’s Cambridge edition. Edited by F.N. (Fred Norris)
Robinson. London : Humphrey Milford Oxford University Press, 1933
[Signature of NP on pastedown]
Alan CHEDZOY. Sheridan’s nightingale : the story of Elizabeth Linley.
London : Allison & Busby Ktd., 1998 [Dates of birth and death by NP on title
page ; some marks in text, additions to index]
Anton CHEKHOV. Plays and stories. Everyman’s library, no. 941. London :
J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1942
------------------------- Three sisters and other plays ; from the Russian by Constance
Garnett. Phoenix library. London : Chatto and Windus, 1938 [Signature of NP on
pastedown] [Copy in Shakespeare Institute ; earlier eds. ML, OLRC]
Lewis CHESTER. Magnus LINKLATER. David MAY. Jeremy Thorpe : a
secret life. London : Fontana, 1979
G.K. (Gilbert Keith) CHESTERTON. The man who was Thursday : a nightmare.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books Ltd., 1938 [Signature of NP on inside cover
and book cover flap] [Copy in CRL ; earlier eds in CRL ; later ed. in OLRC]
G.K. (Gilbert Keith) CHESTERTON. Charles Dickens. 17th ed. London : Methuen
& Co. Ltd., [1928] [Earlier eds in Store]
---------------------------------------------- The collected poems of G.K. Chesterton.
London : Methuen & Co.Ltd., 1933 [NP bookmark pp.200-201 : G Chesterton /
Wine & / Water / comic poem / reads / aloud well] [Later ed. in ML]
--------------------------------------------- Stories, essays, & poems. Everyman’s
library, no. 913. London : J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1941
---------------------------------------------- The wisdom of Father Brown. Bath :
Lythway Press, 1978
Sandro CHIERICHETTI. Assisi : an illustrated guide-book ; with plan
showing the position of the monuments. Milano – Roma : Industrie grafiche
N. Moneta, 1959
The CHILD’S own magazine. 1874-76 [Inscription: ‘Phyllis and Jack Ross
from Daddy Monday 7th April 1913. Because they were good’]
Charles CHILTON. Riders of the range. London : Juvenile Productions Ltd.,
Michael CHINERY. The natural history of the garden. London : Fontana/Collins,
1978 [Copies in OLRC]
Deepak CHOPRA. Perfect health : the complete mind/body guide. London :
Bantam Books, 1990
CHRIST CHURCH ASSOCIATION. The Christ Church Association
directory 1998. Oxford : Christ Church Association, 1998
CHRIST CHURCH, Oxford. Christ Church Oxford address list 1950. Oxford
: Charles Batey, printer, at the University Press, [1951 ?] [Includes typed
‘First list of corrigenda – to 20 June 1950’ ; notes by NP on half title]
------------------------------------ Christ Church Oxford address list 1959. Oxford :
University Press, 1960
CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY, Oxford, . Pictures by the old masters in the library
of Christ Church Oxford : a brief catalogue with historical and critical notes on the
pictures in the collection. Edited by Tancred Borenius. London : Oxford
University Press Humphrey Milford, 1916 [Signature of M.M. Crowhurst / Dec,
1943 N.C.] [Copy in Barber Fine Art Library]
Garth CHRISTIAN. The Country Life countryman’s pocket book. London :
Country Life Ltd., 1967
CHURCH OF ENGLAND. The text of the thirty-nine articles of 1553, 1563,
1571 interleaved ; intended chiefly for the use of students in theological
colleges. London : Rivingtons, 1889
------------------------------------ Coventry diocesan directory A.D. 1974 ; fiftyfourth year of issue. Ramsgate : Corbett & Dixon Ltd., 1974
Richard CHURCH. Calling for a spade. London : Dent, 1939 [Signature of
Charles CHURCHILL. The poetical works of Charles Churchill ; with memoir,
critical dissertation, and explanatory notes, by George Gilfillan. Edinburgh :
James Nichol, 1855 [Copy in Store]
Winston S. (Spencer) CHURCHILL. Great contemporaries. London : Readers
Union Ltd. and Thornton Butterworth Ltd., 1939 [Later ed. in ML]
--------------------------------------------- Painting as a pastime. Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books, 1965
Marcus Tullius CICERO. Laelius ; sive de amicitia dialogus = Laelius ; or a
dialogue on friendship ; with translation and notes, by the editors of the analytical
series of Greek and Latin authors. The Latin-English seriesof classical authors.
London : Simpkin , Marshall & Co., 1884 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
[Earlier eds in ML, Shakespeare Institute, CRL ; later eds in ML]
------------------------------- Selected works : against Veres 1 ; Twenty-three letters ;
The second Philippic against Antony : On duties 3 ; On old age ; translated with
an intro. by Michael Grant. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1967 [Markings in
text] [Copy in OLRC]
Walter CITRINE. ABC of chairmanship : all about meetings and conferences.
London : The Co-operative Printing Society Ltd., 1943 [Inscription on pastedown
: Father / Scotland / 8.44]
Paolo CIURCINA. Syracuse : historical town. Siracusa : Edizioni esclusiva,
Reginald CLARENCE. ‘The stage’ cyclopaedia : a bibliography of plays : an
alphabetical list of plays and other stage pieces of which any record can be found
since the commencement of the English stage, together with descriptions, author’s
names, dates and places of production, and other useful information, comprising
in all nearly 50,000 plays, and extending over a period of upwards of 500 years.
London : ‘The stage’, 1909 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copy in Store]
Alan CLARK. The last diaries : in and out of the wilderness ; transcribed and
edited, with intro, and notes, by Ioan Trewin. London : Weidenfeld and
Nicolson, 2002 [Later ed. in ML]
Areon CLEMENT. The cold moons. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1988
Muzio CLEMENTI. Sonaten für Pianoforte. Neue Ausgabe. [Vol. 1] London :
Augener & Co., s.d.
Paul CLIFFORD. Look up in Oxford. Hardwick : Gemma Books, 1987
Arthur Hugh CLOUGH. Poems of Arthur Hugh Clough. London : Macmillan and
Co., 1890 [Earlier eds in ML, CRL ; later ed. in OLRC]
Henry COCKERAM. The English dictionarie, or, An interpreter of hard English
words. 10th edition, revised and enlarged. London : A. Miller, 1651 [Later ed. in
Jean COCTEAU. La machine infernale : piece en 4 actes. London : Thomas
Nelson, 1944 [NP his annotations re his 1947 production] [Later eds in OLRC,
Shakespeare Institute, Store]
---------------------- Professional secrets : an autobiography drawn from his
lifetime writings. New York : Farrar, Strauss & Giroux, 1970 [NP address
label; includes 2 postcards, now at MS 200/15/8]
Jean COCTEAU. Drawings : 129 drawings from ‘Dessins’ ; with a new
foreword by Edouard Dermit. New York : Dover Publications, 1972
Morton N. (Norton) COHEN. Lewis Carroll : a biography. London : Papermac,
1995 [Note by NP on back endpaper]
[Copy in OLRC]
John COLE. As it seemed to me : political memoirs. Rev. and updated ed. London
: Phoenix, 1996 [Copy in OLRC ; earlier ed. in ML]
Samuel Taylor COLERIDGE. The poems of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Edited
by Derwent and Sara Coleridge. London : Edward Moxon, 1859
--------------------------------------- Osorio : a tragedy, as originally written in 1797.
London : John Pearson, 1873 [Signature : J.D. Walker] [Copy in CRL]
--------------------------------------- Biographica literaria. Edited with his aesthetical
essays by J. (John) Shawcross. 2 vols. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1907 [Signature
of NP on pastedown] [Copies in ML, Shakespeare Institute ; earlier eds. in
Shakespeare Institute, ML ; later ed. in ML]
---------------------------------------- The complete poetical works of Samuel Taylor
Coleridge ; including poems and versions of poems now published for the first
time ; edited with textual and bibliographical notes by Ernest Harley Coleridge.
2 vols. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1912 [Signature of NP on pastedowns ; with
(in vol. 2) address on endpaper : Please return to : N.G. Painting / The Old
Library / Fritwell / Bicester Oxon ; pencil notes on ‘Remorse’ and ‘Osorio’ in vol.
2 as part of NP’s research for B.Litt. thesis ] [Copies in ML, Shakespeare
Institute ; later eds in OLRC, ML]
--------------------------------------- Poems of nature and romance 1794-1807 ; edited
by Margaret A. Keeling. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1923 [Pencil notes throughout
the text] [Copy in ML ; earlier ed. in ML]
--------------------------------------- Coleridge : poetry & prose ; with essays by
Hazlitt, Jeffrey, DeQuincy, Carlyle & others ; with an intro. and notes by H.
W. (Heathcote William) Garrod. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1945 [Signature of
NP on pastedown and pencil notes in text] [Earlier ed. in OLRC]
A COLLECTION of poems by several hands. 6 vols. London : J. Dodsley, 1775
[Earlier ed. in CRL, CRL (Foulis collection) ; later eds in CRL, Store]
Stuart Dodgson COLLINGWOOD. The life and letters of Lewis Carroll. London :
Thomas Nelson, [1898] [with a press cutting, now at MS 200/15/19] [Copy in
-------------------------------------------- The life and letters of Lewis Carroll. New
York : Century Company, 1899 [NP’s signature]
V.H. (Vere Henry) COLLINS. Poems of action. Oxford : Clarendon Press,
1932 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
William COLLINS. Oriental eclogues. [Lacks t.p.]
Robert COLLISON. Newnes dictionary of dates. 2nd rev. ed. London : Newnes,
1966 [Earlier eds in OLRC, Shakespeare Institute]
Carlo COLLODI. Pinocchio. New York : Books, Inc.,1939 [Later eds in ML,
Education Library)]
Norman COLQUHOUN. Paint your own pictures. Penguin handbooks PH 22.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1954
John COLVILLE. The fringes of power : Downing Street diaries 1939-1955.
Vol. 1 : September 1939-September 1941. London : Sceptre, 1986 [Pencil notes
by NP on title page and throughout text] [Earlier ed. in ML[
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vol.
2 : October 1941-1955. London : Sceptre, 1987 [ Pencil notes by NP on title page
and throughout text] [Earlier ed. in ML]
Howard COLVIN. Unbuilt Oxford. New Haven and London : Yale University
Press, 1983
The CONCISE dictionary of national biography from earliest times to 1985. 3
vols. London : The Softback Preview, 1994 [Earlier eds in History (Ref),
Shakespeare Institute, OLRC, Store (HA)] [In a slip case]
praise. London : Independent Press Ltd., 1958 [Signature on endpaper (verso) of
B. Massen / 43, Lillington Close / Leamington Spa] [Copies in OLRC]
Marc CONNELLY. The green pastures : a fable ; suggested by Roarke Bradford’s
southern sketches , ‘Ol’ man Adam an’ his chillun’ ; with an introduction by
Vincent Long. Penguin Books. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1941 [Earlier
eds in Shakespeare Institute, OLRC]
Cyril CONNOLLY. Enemies of promise. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books,
1961 [Pencil marks and notes in text] [Copy in OLRC]
----------------------- The unquiet grave : a word cycle by Palinurus ; rev. ed.
with an intro. by Cyril Connolly. London : Arrow Books, 1961 [Notes by NP
on p. 142 and back endpaper ; some markings in text]
Joseph CONRAD. The rover. London : Grayson & Grayson, n.d. [Signatures
of NP on inside cover and pastedown] [Other eds in CRL, OLRC, ML, Store]
Mabel CONSTANDUROS. Shreds and patches. London : Lawson & Dunn,
CONSUMERS’ ASSOCIATION. Pregnancy month by month. London :
Consumers’ Association, 1968
------------------------------------------- What to do when someone dies. 3rd ed.
London : Consumers’ Association,, 1969
------------------------------------------- Getting a divorce. Rev. ed. London :
Consumers’ Association, 1972
G.H. (George Henry) COOK. Medieval chantries and chantry chapels. London :
Phoenix House Ltd., 1947 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copies in OLRC
ML ; later ed. in OLRC]
Judith COOK. The golden age of the English theatre. London : Simon & Schuster,
1995 [Copy in Shakespeare Institute]
James Fennimore COOPER. The last of the Mohicans : a narrative of 1757.
London : J.F. Pratt, 1846 [Signature : W. Nowell 1847] [Earlier ed. in CRL ;
later eds in ML, Store, OLRC, CRL]
Tommy COOPER. Tommy Cooper’s Just like that! : jokes and tricks. London
: Jupiter Books, 1975 [Partially obliterated inscription from NP on
C. (Constant) COQUELIN. The art of the actor. London : George Allen & Unwin,
1932 [Inscription] [Copies in ML, Store, Shakespeare Institute ; earlier ed. in
Albert S. (Stanburrough) COOK. A first book in Old English : grammar,
reader, notes, and vocabulary. 3rd ed. London : Ginn and Company Ltd.,
1921 [Few markings in text]
David COOK. Albert’s memorial. London : Arena Books, 1989
Olive COOK. The English country house : an art and a way of life. London :
Thames and Hudson, 1974 [Copies in OLRC, Shakespeare Institute]
Geoffrey COOPER. Caesar’s mistress: the BBC on trial. London : Venture
Publications, 1948
Aaron COPLAND. Vivian PERLIS. Copland 1900 through 1942. New York : St
Martin’s Griffin, 1984 [Other copies in OLRC]
-------------------------------------------- Copland since 1943. New York : St
Martin’s Griffin, 1989 [Copy in OLRC ; later ed. in Barber Music Library]
Jean-Claude CORBEIL. Martin MANSER. The Facts on File visual
dictionary. Oxford : Facts on File publications, 1988
John CORNFORTH. Pyne’s royal residences. Folio miniatures. London :
Michael Joseph, 1976
John CORNWELL. A thief in the night : the death of Pope John Paul I.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1990 [Copy in OLRC ]
Felicitas CORRIGAN. Benedictine tapestry. London : Darton, Longman and
Todd, 1991
Peter COTES. George Robey : ‘The darling of the halls’ ; with a foreword by
Neville Cardus. London : Cassell, 1972
Joseph COTTLE. Reminiscences of Coleridge and Southey. London : Houlton and
Stoneman, 1847 [inc. postcard to NP, now at MS 200/15/9 ; inscribed by the
author to Mrs Elizabeth Green] [Copy in CRL]
---------------------- Another copy
John COULSON (editor). The saints : a concise biographical dictionary ; with
an intro. by C.C. (Cyril Charles) Martindale. London : Burns & Oates, 1958
Barbara COULTON. Louis MacNeice in the BBC. London : Faber and Faber,
1980 [Copy in ML]
Treasury, 1991
Georges COURTELINE. The plays of Georges Courteline. Vol. 1. London :
Heinemann, 1961 [Later ed in Store]
Robert COURTNEIDGE. ‘I was an actor once’. London : Hutchinson & Co.,
[Copy in Shakespeare Institute]
COVENTRY EVENING TELEGRAPH. The Coventry Evening Telegraph
year book and who’s who 1996. 30th issue. Birmingham : Kingslea Press Ltd.,
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32nd
issue. Birmingham : Kingslea Press Ltd., [1998]
Noel COWARD. Private lives : an intimate comedy in three acts. London :
William Heinemann Ltd.,1930 [US copy in CRL ; later ed. in OLRC]
--------------------- Collected sketches and lyrics. London : Hutchinson & Co. Ltd.,
[1931?] [Copy in Shakespeare Institute]
Noel COWARD. Present indicative. London : William Heinemann Ltd., 1937
[Bookplate of the Book Society on pastedown with NP’s signature] [Copies in
CRL (Coward collection), Shakespeare Institute, Store]
William COWPER. The poetical works of William Cowper. Edited by Robert Aris
Willmott. 2nd ed. London : George Routledge, 1855 [Inscription on endpaper :
‘Presented to / Maria Footman / in / grateful remembrance / of kiness ; / from / her
affecate Friend / Francis Phillips / Septer 13th 1836’ and signature of E.M. Flack /
Feb 13, 1886] [Later eds in Store, CRL]
------------------------ The poetical works of William Cowper. Edited by H.S.
(Humphrey Sumner) Milford. 4th ed. Oxford editions of standard authors. London
: Oxford University Press Humphrey Milford, 1934 [Copy in OLRC]
------------------------ The task and selected other poems ; edited by James
Sambrook. London and New York : Longman, 1994 [Inscription on title page :
For Norman Painting / from James Sambrook / 10.9.94] [Copy in ML]
------------------------ The letters of William Cower ; selected and arranged by
William Hadley. Everyman’s library 774. London : J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1926
[Signature of NP on pastedown] [Earlier ed. in Store]
Thurlow CRAIG. The up-country year book ; illustrated by Biro. London :
Andre Deutsch, 1964 [Signature of NP on book jacket flap]
Emma Jane CRAMPTON. Letters to Emma Jane ; with notes by William
Donaldson and a preface by Kenneth Tynan. Milton Keynes : Robin Clark,
Marion CRAN. The garden of experience. London : Herbert Jenkins, 1922
--------------------- Hagar’s garden. London : Herbert Jenkins, 1941
Patrick CREAGH. A row of Pharoahs. London : Heinemann, 1962
Mandell CREIGHTON. Cardinal Wolsey. London : Macmillan and Co., 1921
[Earlier ed. in Store, CRL (Store)]
Michael CROFT. Spare the rod. London : Longmans, Green and Co., 1954
[Inscription on endpaper : To Dick the Rover / from Rus & Balbino / August
H.A. (Helen Augusta) CROFTON. How to trace a pedigree. London : Elliot
Stock, 1911 [Bookplate of W.E. Tate on pastedown and signature on
Richmal CROMPTON. William at war – a collection of Just William’s
wartime adventures ; story selection and foreword by Richmal C.
(Crompton) Ashbee. London : Macmillan Children’s Books, 1995 [Notes on
p. [244]]
CROSBY’s Irish musical repository : a choice selection of esteemed Irish
songs ; adapted for the voice, viola & German flute. [London] : B. Crosby,
Margaret CROSLAND. Jean Cocteau. London : Peter Nevill, 1955 [Few marginal
notes in text, note on back endpaper] [Copy in Store]
John E. (Edward) CROSS. Pelargonium for all purposes. London : The
Garden Book Club, 1965
John Keir CROSS. Juniper Green. [London] : Panther Books, 1962
John R. (Redgwick) CROSSLAND. Laurel and gold : an anthology of poetry.
London : Collins’ clear-type press, 1933 [Signature of NP, 3a, on pastedown
with sketches and doodles on pastedown and endpapers]
Nathaniel CULPEPER. Culpeper’s complete herbal : with nearly four hundred
medicines made from English herbs . . . Halifax : William Milner, 1848 [Earlier
ed. in CRL ; later eds in OLRC, CRL]
------------------------------ Culpeper’s complete herbal : a book of natural
remedies for ancient ills. Ware : Wordsworth Reference, 192007
A.J. (Arthur John) CUMMINGS. The Moscow trial. London : Victor
Gollancz Ltd., 1933
Don CUPITT. Peter ARMSTRONG. Who was Jesus? London : British
Broadcasting Corporation, 1977
Nehemiah CURNOCK. The father of Methodism ; or, the life of the Rev.
John Wesley, M.A. ; written for children. 4th ed. London : Charles H. Kelly,
1903 [Sutton Coldfield Wesleyan Methodist Sunday School presentation
plate on endpaper of Harry Painting, 28 June 1903]
Alice CURTAYNE. A recall to Dante. London : Sheed & Ward, 1932
[Inscription on endpaper : To Mary / from Dick 1933, and signature (in
pencil) of Richard Evans / Coulsdon 1948 ; some markings in text]
Luis Diego CUSCOY. The book of Tenerife (guide) : with the collaboration
of Peder C. Larsen ; translated into English by Eric L. Fox. 5th ed. Santa
Cruz de Tenerife : Instituto de Estudios Canarios, 1971
J.A. (Joseph Alois) DAISENBERGER. The passion-play at Oberammergau : a
religious play in three sections and 24 tableaux vivants. Diessen von Munchen :
Jos. C. Huber, 1930 [Copy in Shakespeare Institute ; earlier eds in Shakespeare
Institute ; later eds in Shakespeare Institute] [Signature of NP on inside front
John DALE. The prince and the paranormal : the psychic bloodline of the
royal family. London : Star Book, 1986
Ebba DALIN (editor). The zephyr book of American verse ; introduction by
Frederic Prokosch. Zephyr books. Stockholm and London : Continental
Book Company, 1945 [Signature of NP on book cover flap]
DAN Archer : the Ambridge years. London : Michael Joseph, 1984
Clemence DANE. A bill of divorcement : a play in three acts. London : William
Heinemann, 1921 [Signature of NP on front cover] [Later ed. in Shakespeare
---------------------- Wild Decembers : a play in three acts. Leipzig : Bernhard
Tauchnitz, 1933 [Earlier ed in OLRC]
DANTE Alighieri. The inferno of Dante Alighieri. London : J.M. Dent and
Co., 1900
DANTE Alighieri. Dante’s Inferno : selected cantos and episodes ; translated
and annotated by H.B. (Henry Bernard) Cotterill. Bilingual series. London :
George G. Harrap & Company Ltd., 1947
------------------------ Ad astra : selections from the Divine Comedy. London :
Collins Clear-Type Press, [c1920] [Enclosures : letter to NP from Viola Barrett,
birthday card , now at MS/200/15/34 ; signature : Viola Barrett, May 1922]
[Earlier ed. in CRL]
----------------------- La divina commedia di Dante Alighiere. Vol. 2 : Purgatorio
; con il commento di Tommaso Casini ; sesta edizione rinnovata e accresciuta
per cura di S.A. Barbi. Firenze : G.C. Sansoni, 1922 [Signature on half title
of Richard Evans / Florence 1949]
Helen DARBISHIRE (editor). The early lives of Milton ; edited with intro. and
notes. London : Constable & Co. Ltd., 1932 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
[Copies in ML, Store ; later ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
Richard DARK. The hilarious universe ; being Angela’s guide to Einstein and
that crush. Oxford : Basil Blackwell. 1932 [Signature : NP]
F.J. (Frederick Joseph) DARTON. Charles DICKENS. Vincent Crummles : his
theatre and his times ; with an historical introductory note and appendix from
Nicholas Nickleby. London : Wells Gardner, Darton & Co. Ltd., 1926 [Copy in
Store ; later ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
Elizabeth DAVID. A book of Mediterranean food. Harmondsworth : Penguin
Books, 1958
------------------------ French country cooking. Harmondsworth : Penguin
Books, 1959 [Inscription on half title]
Hugh DAVID. The Fitzrovians : a portrait of Bohemian society 1900-55.
London : Sceptre, 1989
Donald DAVIE. Events and wisdoms : poems 1957-1963. London : Routledge
and Kegan Paul, 1964 [Copies in ML]
J.G. (John Gordon) DAVIES. The secular use of church buildings. London : SCM
Press, 1968 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copies in ML, OLRC]
Keri DAVIES. Who’s who in the Archers 2008. London : BBC Books, 2007
Thomas DAVIES. Memoirs of the life of David Garrick. 2 vols. London :
Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1808 [inc. signature J.B. Moulding] [Copy in
CRL ; earlier ed. in CRL ; later eds in ML]
W.H. (William Henry) DAVIES. Common joys and other poems. London :
Faber and Faber, 1941 [Signature : NP]
Bette DAVIS (with Michael HERSKOWITZ). This ‘n that. New York : G.P.
Putnam’s Sons, 1987 [Signature on pastedown of Jane Clarke / May, 1987,
and inscription (in another hand) : To Dora - / With affection and /
appreciation for her kindness / Summer – 1987 / (July)
Gordon DAVIOT. Richard of Bordeaux : a play in two acts. London : Victor
Gollancz Ltd., 1933 [Signature of NP on jacket flap ; signature of Marjorie P.
Hervey on endpaper] [Copies in OLRC, Store ; later ed. in Store]
C.S. (Charles Sherwill) DAWE. King Edward’s realm : story of the making of
the Empire. London : Educational Supply Ltd., [1902] [Lacks t.p. and
opening pages of text] [Presentation plate for Coronation of King Edward
VII, 26 June 1902, of Harry Painting ; presentation plate of St Michael’s Day
School, Lichfield, of Harry Painting, July 1902]
R.B. (Robert Basil) DAWSON. Livingstone : the hero of Africa. London :
Seeley, Service, 1918
---------------------------------------- Lawns for garden and playing field. Penguin
handbooks. Rev. ed. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1963
Michael DAY. Prayer and the present moment : some thoughts on the
teaching of St Thérése of Lisieux. London : George Chapman, 1958
Robin DAY. Grand inquisitor : memoirs. London : Pan Books, 1990
Richard DEAKIN. Flora of the Colosseum of Rome. London : Groombridge
& Sons, 1855
Percy DEARMER. The cathedral church of Oxford : a description of its
fabric and a brief history of the episcopal see. Bell’s cathedral series. 2 nd ed.,
rev., 1899 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
DEBRETT’S handbook 1986. Editor : Lucinda de Laroque. London :
Debrett’s Peerage Ltd., 1986
DEBRETT’S people of today 2000. Editors : Antonio Brodie ; John Crookes ;
Alistair Graham ; Alison Green. London : Debrett’s Peerage Ltd., 2000
-------------------------------------- 2005 : review Spring/Summer. London :
Debrett, 2005
Jeanne DE CASALIS. Mrs Feather’s diary. London : William Heinemann
Ltd., 1936
J.M. (Jean) DÉCHANET. Christian yoga. London : Burns & Oates, 1964
[Signature of NP on inside cover] [Copy in OLRC]
Daniel DEFOE. The life and strange surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe of
York, mariner. [Part 2 only] Harmondsworth : Penguin Books Ltd., 1938
[Signature of NP on inside cover] [Earlier ed in CRL]
E.M. (Edmée Elizabeth) DELAFIELD. Diary of a provincial lady. London :
Macmillan and Co., 1930 [Copy in ML]
--------------------------------------------------- The provincial lady in war-time.
London : Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1940 [Bookplate on endpaper of Bridget
Goodman, February 1940]
Michael DE-LAY-NOY. Exploring Oxford. London : Headline, 1992
Robert L. (Léon) DELEVOY. Brueghel : étude historique et critique.
Genève : Albert Skira, 1959
William DE MORGAN. Joseph Vance : an ill-written autobiography. London :
Thomas Nelson and Sons, Ltd., [1919?] [Earlier ed. in Store]
John DENNIS (editor) Robert Southey : the story of his life written in his
letters. Boston : D. Lothrop, 1887 [NP signature]
Rodney DENNYS. Heraldry and the heralds. London : Jonathan Cape, 1982
Alan DENT. Mrs Patrick Campbell. London : Museum Press Ltd., 1961 [Cutting
from Daily Telegraph, letter from Rodney Barrie, 5 March 1968, and his signature
on endpaper ; few pencil notes by NP on back endpaper] [Copy in Shakespeare
Institute ; later ed. in Store]
Anthony DENT (editor). International modern plays. Everyman’s library 989.
London : J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1961 [Consisting of : August Strindberg, Lady
Julie ; Gerhart Hauptmann, Hannele ; Karel and Josef Capel, The life of the
insects ; Jean Cocteau, The infernal machine ; Luigo Chiarelli, The mask and the
face] [Copy in OLRC]
Thomas DE QUINCEY. Reminiscences of the English lake poets. Everyman’s
Library 163. London & Toronto : J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1917 [Signature of NP
on pastedown] [Earlier ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
------------------------------ De Quincey : selections ; with essays by Leslie
Stephens and Francis Thompson ; with an intro. and notes by M.R. (Maurice
Roy) Ridley. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1927 [Signature of NP on
pastedown and D. Chapman & E. Webster on endpaper]
Giacomo DEURINGER. Ischia : guida turistica dell’isola. Napoli : Renata
Conte, 1959
Indra DEVI. Yoga for you : a complete 6 week’s course for home practice.
Preston : A. Thomas & Co., 1960
Colin DEXTER. The jewel that was ours. London : Macmillan, 1992
Charles DICKENS. A Christmas carol. The Kings treasuries of literature. London
& Toronto : J.M. Dent & Sons ltd., 1930 [Signature of NP on inside cover]
[Earlier ed. in ML]
------------------------ A tale of two cities. London : Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd.,
n.d. [NP’s notes on Contents page and a few in text for possible radio
adaptation?] [Other copies in ML, Education Library, OLRC,Shakespeare
Institute, Store]
Emily DICKINSON. The selected poems of Emily Dickinson ; with an intro.
by Emma Hartnoll. Wordsworth poetry library. Ware : Wordsworth editions
Ltd., 1994
G. (Goldsworthy) Lowes DICKINSON. A modern symposium. London : J.M.
Dent & Sons Ltd., 1920 [Signature of NP, Rugby School bookplate with signature
of W.L. Smith, on pastedown ; inscription on endpaper : To Leonard / from his
loving uncle / Theodosius ; heavy marginal notation between pp. 50 and 106, with
other comments elsewhere ; notes on back endpaper] [Earlier copies in Store]
Lovat DICKINSON. Half-breed : the story of Grey Owl (Wa-Sha-Quon-Asin).
London : Peter Davies, 1939
Patric DICKINSON. This cold universe : poems. Chatto and Windus The Hogarth
Press, 1964 [Copy in ML]
A DICTIONARY of modern English usage. Ed. H.W. (Henry Watson) Fowler. 2nd
ed., rev. by Ernest Gowers. Oxford : Clarendon Press Humphrey Milford, 1965
[Copies in ML ; later eds in ML, OLRC, Barnes Library, Shakespeare Institute]
Francis DILLON (editor). Country magazine : book of the BBC.
programme. London : Odhams Press, [1950]
Jonathan DIMBLEBY. Richard Dimbleby : a biography. London : Book Club
Associates, 1976
Benjamin DISRAELI. Sybil, or The two nations ; edited by Sheila M. Smith.
The world’s classics. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1981
I. (Isaac) D’ISRAELI. Curiosities of literature. A new ed., in one volume. London :
George Routledge and Sons, [1867?] [Inscription on endpaper (verso) : H. Isaac
/ from C.J. / July 1885] [Copy in CRL]
Austin DOBSON. Fielding. English men of letters. Pocket edition. London :
Macmillan and Co. Ltd., 1909 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
[Earlier ed.
in ML]
Robert DODSLEY (editor) A select collection of old plays. London : R. Dodsley,
1744 [Later eds in OLRC, Shakespeare Institute, Store] [Signatures of N.P. in
each vol.]
Volume 1 :
John BALE. A tragedye or enterlude, manifesting the chefe promyses of God unto
man. 1538 [Later ed in CRL]
A new enterlude no less wittie, than pleasant, entituled New custom. 1573 [Later
eds in Shakespeare Institute]
John HEYWOOD. The four P’s. [c1530] [Later eds in CRL, OLRC, Shakespeare
Institute, Store]
A pithy, pleasant and merry comedy intituled, Gammer Gurton’s needle [1575]
[Later eds in Shakespeare Institute, CRL, Store]
Robert GREENE. A pleasant conceyted comedie of George a Greene, or The
pinner of Wakefield [1599] [Later eds in Shakespeare Institute, Store, CRL,
Richard EDWARDS. Damon and Pithias : a comedy [1571] [Later ed in
Shakespeare Institute]
Volume 2
Thomas SACKVILLE and Thomas NORTON. The tragedy of Gorboduc [c1571]
[Earlier eds in Shakespeare Institute ; later eds in Shakespeare Institute, Store,
John LILLY. Campaspe ; a comedy [1584] [Earlier ed in CRL ; later ed in
Shakespeare Institute
Christopher MARLOWE. The troublesome reign and lamentable death of Edward
II [1594] [Later eds in ML, Shakespeare Institute, OLRC]
Thomas KYD. The Spanish tragedy ; or Hieronimo is mad again [c1592] [Later
eds in Shakespeare Institute, ML, Store, OLRC]
Fulke GREVILLE. Mustapha : a tragedy [1609] [Later eds in Shakespeare
Institute, Store, CRL]
Volume 3
Joseph COOKE. Green’s Tu quoque, or, The city gallant. 1614 [Later ed in
Shakespeare Institute]
Robert DODSLEY (editor) A select collection of old plays. Vol 3 [cont.]
Thomas DEKKER. The honest whore : a comedy, with the humours of the patient
man and the longing wife [1599] Later eds in Shakespeare Institute, Store,
Robert TAILOR. The hog hath lost his pearl. [1614] [Later eds in Shakespeare
Institute, Store, OLRC]
Jasper FISHER. Fuimus Troes : the true Trojans being a story of the Britaines
valour at the Romanes first invasion. 1633 [Later eds in Shakespeare Institute,
John WEBSTER. The white devil, or Vittoria Corombona, a lady of Venice : a
tragedy. 1612 [Later eds in OLRC, Shakespeare Institute, ML, Store]
Volume 4
John MARSTON. The malcontent : a tragedy-comedy. 1604 [Later eds in
Shakespeare Institute, ML, Store, OLRC]
Thomas HEYWOOD. A woman kill’d with kindness. 1607 [Later eds in CRL,
Shakespeare Institute, OLRC, ML]
Ben JONSON, George CHAPMAN, John MARSTON. Eastward hoe ; a comedy.
1607 [Later eds in Shakespeare Institute, Store, ML]
George CHAPMAN. The widow’s tears : a comedy. 1612 [Later eds in Store,
Shakespeare Institute
[Thomas MIDDLETON] The revenger’s tragedy. 1607 [Later eds in Shakespeare
Institute, ML, OLRC, Store]
Volume 5
[Thomas TOMKIS] Lingua, or, The combat of the tongue and the five senses for
superiority. 1607 [Later eds in Store, Shakespeare Institute]
Thomas MIDDLETON. A mad world, my masters. 1608 [Shakespeare Institute,
John FORD. ‘Tis pity she’s a whore. 1633 [Shakespeare Institute, ML, CRL,
Grim, the collier of Croyden, or the devil and his dam, with the devil and St
Dunstan. 1662 [Later ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
Robert DODSLEY (editor) A select collection of old plays. Volume 5 [cont.]
Thomas NABBES. Microcosmus : a moral mask. 1637 [Later eds in Shakespeare
Institute, CRL]
Volume 6
Thomas MIDDLETON. The widow: a comedy. 1652 [Later eds in Shakespeare
Institute, OLRC, CRL]
William ROWLEY. A match at midnight : a comedy. 1633 [Later ed. at
Shakespeare Institute
Gervase MARKHAM and Lewis MACHIN. The dumb knight : an historical
comedy. 1608 [Later ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
Thomas RANDOLPH. The muse’s looking-glass : a comedy. 1630 [Later ed. in
Richard BROME. The jovial crew, or The merry beggars : a comedy. 1652 [Later
eds in Shakespeare Institute, Store, ML, OLRC]
Volume 7
Thomas MAY. The heir : a comedy. 1622 [Later ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
------------------- The old couple : a comedy. 1658 [Earlier eds in Shakespeare
Institute ; later eds in Shakespeare Institute]
Shackerley MARMION. The antiquary : a comedy. 1641 [Later eds in
Shakespeare Institute, Store, ML]
Sir John SUCKLING. The goblins : a comedy. 1646 [Later eds in Shakespeare
Institute, Store]
Joseph RUTTER. The shepherd’s holiday : a pastoral tragi-comedy. 1635 [Later
eds in Shakespeare Institute, Store]
Volume 8
Philip MASSINGER. The city-madam : a comedy. 1658 [Later eds in
Shakespeare Institute, Store, OLRC, ML, CRL]
----------------------- A new way to pay old debts : a comedy. 1633 [Later eds in
Store, Shakespeare Institute, OLRC]
----------------------- The guardian : a comical history. 1655 [Later eds in Store,
Robert DODSLEY (editor) A select collection of old plays. Volume 8 [cont.]
------------------------ The unnatural combat : a tragedy. 1639 [Later eds in Store,
Shakespeare Institute, CRL, ML, OLRC]
Philip MASSINGER. The picture : a tragic-comedy. 1630 [Later eds in Store,
Shakespeare Institute, ML, OLRC]
Volume 9
Thomas TOMKIS. Albumazar : a comedy. 1615 [Later ed. in Shakespeare
James SHIRLEY. The gamester : a comedy. 1637 [Later eds in Shakespeare
Institute, CRL]
----------------------- The bird in a cage : a comedy. 1633 [Laters eds in
Shakespeare Institute, CRL]
Robert DAVENPORT. The city night-cap : a comedy. 1661 [Later eds in
Shakespeare Institute, ML]
Thomas KILLIGREW. The parson’s wedding : a comedy. 1664 [Later eds in ML,
OLRC, ML, Shakespeare Institute, Store, CRL]
Volume 12
George, Lord DIGBY. Elvira : or, The worst not always true : a comedy. 1667
[Later ed. in Shakespeare Institute
Love will find out the way : an excellent comedy. 1661
James HOWARD. All mistaken : or, The mad couple : a comedy. 1672 [Later ed
in Shakespeare Institute, Store],
Sir Samuel TUKE. The adventures of five hours : a tragic-comedy. 1662 [Later
eds in Store, Shakespeare Institute, CRL]
Aphra BEHN, and others. The revenge : or, A match in Newgate : a comedy. 1680
[Later Shakespeare Institute]
John DONNE. The poems of John Donne ; edited by H.J.C. (Herbert John
Clifford) Grierson. London : Humphrey Milford Oxford University Press, 1942
[Signature of NP on pastedown] [Earlier ed. in OLRC, Shakespeare Institute
ML, Store ; later ed. in OLRC]
------------------- John Donne : a selection of his poetry ; edited with an intro. by
John Hayward. The Penguin poets. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1958
[Copy in OLRC]
John DONNE. Liriche sacre e profane ; Anatomia del mondo ; Duello della
morte ; a cura di Giorgio Melchiori. Milano : Arnoldo Mondadori Editore,
Frances DONALDSON. Evelyn Waugh : portrait of a country neighbour.
London : Readers Union Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1968
Yolane DONLAN. Shake the stars down. [London] : Hodder and Stoughton
Coronet Books, 1978
DORIS Archer’s diary : selections from 21 years of The Archers. London :
BBC, 1971
DORIS Archer’s Ambridge diary. London : BBC, 1972 [2 copies; one
inscribed to Mrs [Maud] Painting by the cast]
Alfred DOUGLAS. The tarot : the origins, meaning and uses of the cards.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1979 [Thumb index cut into book by NP]
Robert DOUGALL. In and out of the box : an autobiography. London :
Fontana/Collins, 1975
Robert P. (Percival) DOWNES. Woman : her charm and power. London :
Robert Culley, [1900] [Signature on pastedown : Painting, and prize label of
Wesleyan Church, Y.W.S.A. class, 13 March, 1910]
Arthur Conan DOYLE. Sherlock Holmes’s greatest cases. Crome
masterworks. London : Orion Books, 2002
Phil DRABBLE. My beloved wilderness. London : Pelham Books, 1971 [inc.
Christmas cards; change of address card; newspaper cutting; photo etc.,
now at MS 200/15/10]
---------------------- One man and his dog. London : Michael Joseph, 1978
[DRAMAS. Consisting of] :
Volume 1
John Baldwin BUCKSTONE. Billy Taylor, or The gay young fellow : a
nautical burlesque burletta . . . as now performed at the Theatre Royal,
Adelphi. London : John Cumberland, [c1829]
Benjamin WEBSTER. Paul Clifford : the highwayman of 1770 : a drama . . .
as now performed at the metropolitan minor theatres. London : John
Cumberland, [c1832]
John Baldwin BUCKSTONE. Damon and Pythias : a farce, in one act . . . as
now performed at the metropolitan minor theatres. London : John
Cumberland, [183?]
Benjamin WEBSTER. The golden farmer : or, The last crime : a domestic
drama . . . as performed at the metropolitan minor theatres. London : John
Cumberland, [c1832]
John Baldwin BUCKSTONE. John Street, Adelphi : a farce . . . . as
performed at the metropolitan minor theatres. London : John Cumberland,
--------------------------------------- The happiest day of my life : a farce . . . as
performed at the Theatres Royal, London. London : John Cumberland,
Richard Brinsley PEAKE. Ten thousand a year : a drama . . . as performed at
the metropolitan minor theatres. London : John Cumberland, [1842?]
----------------------------------- The haunted inn : a farce . . . as performed at the
Theatres Royal, London. London : John Cumberland, [c1828]
----------------------------------- The duel, or, My two nephews . . . as now
performed at the Theatres Royal, London. London : John Cumberland,
John Baldwin BUCKSTONE. Popping the question : a farce . . . . as now
performed at the Theatres Royal, London. London : John Cumberland,
Richard Brinsley PEAKE. Comfortable lodgings, or, Paris in 1750 : a farce .
. . as now performed at the Theatres Royal, London. London : John
Cumberland, [1831?]
John Baldwin BUCKSTONE. Open house, or, The twin sisters : a farce . . .
as now performed at the Theatres Royal, London. London : John
Cumberland, [1833?]
[DRAMAS. Vol. 1 [cont.] :
Richard Brinsley PEAKE. The hundred pound note : a farce . . . as now
performed at the Theatres Royal, London. London : John Cumberland,
Volume 2
Douglas JERROLD. The hazard of the die : a tragic drama . . . as performed
at Drury-Lane Theatre. London : John Duncombe, [1835]
Gilbert Abbott A BECKETT. The revolt of the workhouse : a burlesque ballet
opera . . . as performed at the metropolitan minor theatres. London : John
Cumberland, [c1834]
--------------------------------------- Unfortunate Miss Bailey : an interlude, in one
act . . . as performed at the minor metropolitan theatres. London : John
Cumberland, n.d.
Douglas JERROLD. The golden calf : a comedy . . . as performed at the
metropolitan minor theatres. London : John Cumberland, [c1832]
Gilbert Abbott A BECKETT. The roof scrambler : a grand burlesque ballet
opera . . . . as performed at the metropolitan minor theatres. London : John
Cumberland, [1835?]
--------------------------------------- The man with the carpet bag : a farce . . . . as
performed at the metropolitan minor theatres. London : John Cumberland,
Douglas JERROLD. Sally in our alley : a drama . . . . as performed at the
metropolitan minor theatres. London : John Cumberland, [c1845]
Theodore Edward HOOK. Tekeli : or, The siege of Montgatz : a melo-drama .
. . as now performed at the Theatres Royal, London. London : John
Cumberland, n.d.
----------------------------------- The invisible girl : a comic piece . . . as now
performed at the Theatres Royal, London. London : John Cumberland, n.d.
Theodore Edward HOOK. Killing no murder : a farce . . . as now performed
at the Theatres Royal, London. London : John Cumberland, n.d.
Gilbert Abbott A BECKETT. Jack Brag : a farce . . . as performed at the
Theatres Royal, London. London : John Cumberland, [1850?]
Theodore Edward HOOK. Catch him who can : a musical farce . . . as
performed at the Theatres Royal, London. London : John Cumberland, n.d.
Volume 3
William MACREADY. The Irishman in London : a farce . . . as performed at the
Theatres Royal, London. London : John Cumberland, [1829] [Earlier ed. in
Shakespeare Institute]
Gilbert Abbott A BECKETT. The Siamese twins : a drama . . . as performed
at the metropolitan minor theatres. London : John Cumberland, n.d.
James KENNEY. Ella Rosenberg : a melo-drama . . . as performed at the Theatres
Royal, London. London : John Cumberland, [1828?] [Earlier ed. in CRL]
William Baile BERNARD. The old regimentals : an historical drama . . . as
performed at the Theatres Royal, London. London : John Cumberland,
Thomas James SERLE. The parole of honour : a drama . . . as performed at
the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. London : W. Strange, 1837
Charles SELBY. Marceline, or, The soldier’s legacy : a domestic burletta . . .
as performed at the London theatres. London : J. Duncombe, [1839?]
J. (Joseph) Stirling COYNE. The signal : a drama . . . as performed at the
London theatres. London : J. Duncombe, [1844?]
Edward STIRLING. Martin Chuzzlewit : a drama . . . as performed at the
London theatres. London: J. Duncombe, [c1845]
John Madison MORTON. The milliners’ holiday : a farce . . . as performed at
the London theatres. London : J. Duncombe, [1844?]
---------------------------------- Young England : a farce . . . as performed at the
London theatres. London : J. Duncombe, [1844]
DRAUGHTS of life ; delivered through the Foursome. Woking : Verstage and
Hills, [c1938]
Charles DRELINCOURT. The Christian’s consolations against the fear of death . .
. to which is prefixed, The life of the author, and The relation of the apparition of
Mrs Veal. Edinburgh : J. Fairbairn, 1806 [Earlier ed. in CRL ; later ed. in CRL]
Elizabeth DREW. Jane Welsh and Jane Carlyle. London : Jonathan Cape,
John DRINKWATER. Selected poems of John Drinkwater. London : Sidgwick &
Jackson, 1925 [Bookplate of A.M. Bramley on pastedown ; inscription on
endpaper : ‘With love from / mother / 29.12.31’] [Earlier ed. in CRL (Drinkwater
Andre DRUCKER. Ach! to be in England! : the D-reports on the peculiar
behaviour of John Quixote, Esq. ; compiled and illustrated by Andre
Drucker. London : Frederick Muller Ltd., 1957 [Signature of NP on
John DRURY. The burning bush ; with a foreword by the Archbishop of
Canterbury [Robert Runcie]. London : Collins Fount Paperback in
association with Fair Press, 1990
--------------------- Painting the word : Christian pictures and their meanings. New
Haven and London : Yale University Press ; National Gallery Publications Ltd.,
1999 [Inscription on title page : Norman / with love / John / 12 6 00] [Copies
in Barber Fine Art, ML]
John DRYDEN. The dramatick works of John Dryden, esq. Vol. 4. London : Jacob
Tonson, 1725 [Later ed. in CRL]
[consisting of] :
The state of innocence, and the fall of man : an opera, written in heroick verse
Aureng-zebe : a tragedy, as it is acted at the Theater-Royal by His Majesty’s
servants [Earlier eds in Shakespeare Institute, CRL ; later eds Shakespeare
Institute, Store, ML]
All for love : or, the world well lost : a tragedy, as it is acted at the Theater-Royal
by His Majesty’s Servants [Later eds in Shakespeare Institute, Store, OLRC,
The kind keeper : or, Mr Limberham : a comedy, as it is acted at His Highness the
Duke of York’s theatre [Earlier ed in Shakespeare Institute]
[With Nathaniel Lee] Oedipus : a tragedy, As it is acted at His Highness the Duke
of York’s theatre [Later ed. in CRL]
------------------- John Dryden ; edited, with an introduction and notes by George
Saintsbury. The mermaid series. 1 vol. only [of 2] London : T. Fisher Unwin,
1904? [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copies in OLRC. Store]
John DRYDEN. Dryden : poetry and prose ; with essays by Congreve, Johnson,
Scott and others ; with an intro. and notes by David Nichol Smith. Oxford :
Clarendon Press, 1925 [Signature of NP on pastedown ; pencil marks and
comments in text and on back book jacket flap] [Later ed. in Shakespeare
--------------------- The poems of John Dryden ; edited with an introduction and
textual notes by John Sargeaunt. London : Oxford University Press Humphrey
Milford, 1935 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Earlier eds in ML, OLRC,
Shakespeare Institute]
--------------------- Dramatic poesy & other essays. Intro, by William Henry
Hudson. Everyman’s library 568. London : J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1939
[Signature of NP on pastedown ; note on book jacket back flap] [Earlier eds in
Shakespeare Institute, Store]
AL DUBIN. HARRY WARREN. 42nd street [Souvenir programme of the
production at Theatre Royal, Drury Lane ; first performance, 8 August
Shirley DU BOULAY. Cicely Saunders : founder of the modern hospice
movement. London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1984 [Ownership label of NP on
inside cover] [Copies in OLRC, Store]
---------------------------- Teresa of Avila. London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1991
[Some pencil markings in text] [Copy in OLRC]
Alfred DUGGAN. Leopards and lizards. London : Faber and Faber, 1960
[Notes by NP for possible radio adaptation]
Margaret DUGGAN. Runcie : the making of an archbishop. London : Hodder
and Stoughton, 1985 [Few pencil markings in text]
Alexandre DUMAS. Twenty years after. London and New York : Frederick Warne
& Co., n.d. [Signature of NP on inside cover] [Other copy in Store]
Edmondstoune DUNCAN. Melodies and how to harmonize them : with
illustrations drawn from ancient and modern sources. London : The Vincent
Music Company Ltd., [1907]
William R. DUNCAN. A guide to Japan. London and Sydney : Ward Lock
Ltd., 1970
Katherine DUNCAN-JONES. Sir Philip Sidney, courtier poet. London : Hamish
Hamilton, 1991 [Pencil note in text by NP] [Copy in Shakespeare Institute ;
another ed. in ML]
Leslie Alan DUNKLING. Our secret names. London : Sidgwick & Jackson,
Douglas DUNN. Terry Street. London : Faber and Faber, 1969 [Copy in ML]
---------------------- Love or nothing. London : Faber & Faber, 1974 [Notes by NP
on back cover flap] [Copy in Store]
Mary DUNN. The world of Lady Addle ; comprising The memoirs of Mipsie.
and Lady Addle at home ; with an intro. by Simon Hoggart. London : Robin
Clark Ltd., 1985
Bruno DURAND. Grammaire provençale. Aix-en-Provence : J. Fabre, 1941
Lawrence DURRELL. Clea : a novel. London : Faber and Faber, 1960 [Copy in
Friedrich DÜRRENMATT. The visit : a tragi-comedy ; translated by Patrick
Bowles. London : Jonathan Cape, 1973 [Copies in OLRC, Shakespeare Institute]
CHARLES DYER. Wanted – one body : a farcical chiller. [London : The
English Theatre Guild, 1961?] [Lacks cover and t.p. ; production notes
throughout and inscription on final page : To Norman / Many thanks for /
an interesting / & entertaining week / Kind regards / Terry Cooke / Lighting]
Dorothy EAGLE. Hilary CARNELL. The Oxford literary guide to the British Isles.
Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1978 [Copies in ML, OLRC ; later ed. in ML]
C.W. (Charles William) EARLE (Mrs) (Maria Theresa Villiers). Pot-pourri
from a Surrey garden ; with an appendix by Lady Constance Lytton. London
: Thomas Nelson & Sons, [1897?] [Signature of Millicent Kerr / Dec : 1913,
on endpaper]
John EARLE. Anglo-Saxon literature. The dawn of European literature. 2nd ed.
London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1910 [Signature of NP on
pastedown] [Earlier eds in OLRC, Store]
Eric ECCLESTONE. Sir Walter Ralegh. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1941
[Copy in Shakespeare Institute]
P.P. (Peter Pendleton) ECKERSLEY. The power behind the microphone.
London : J. Cape, 1941
Roger ECKERSLEY . The BBC and all that. London : Sampson Low,
Marston, [1946] [Signed by N.P.]
F. (Frederick ) Sydney EDEN. Ancient stained and painted glass. Cambridge :
University Press, 1913 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copy in ML]
Marriott EDGAR. Albert, ‘arold and others. London : Francis, Day &
Hunter, [c1938] [NP signature 1938]
------------------------ Albert and Balbus and Samuel Small ; (‘Sam’s medal’ by
Mabel Constanduros and Michael Hogan) ; with 42 character illustrations by
John Hassall. London : Francis, Day & Hunter Ltd., [1938?] [Signature of
NP on pastedown]
EDWARD, Duke of Windsor. Letters from a prince : Edward, Prince of
Wales to Mrs Freda Dudley Ward, March 1918-January 1921 ; edited by
Rupert Godfrey. London : Warner Books, 1999
D.J. EDWARDS. Gardening explained. London : The Garden Book Club,
Gordon EDWARDS. Roses for enjoyment. London : W.H. & L. Collingbridge
Ltd., 1962 [Bookplate of A.P. Sly on pastedown]
Paul EDWARDS. English garden ornament. London : G. Bell & Sons Ltd., 1965
[Inscription on front endpaper : To Norman Painting / with very best wishes / Paul
Edwards] [Copy in OLRC]
Ralph EDWARDS. L.G.G. (Leonard Gerald Gwyne) RAMSEY (editors). The
connoisseur’s complete period guides to the houses, decoration, furnishings and
chattels of the classic periods. London : The connoisseur, 1968 [Copy in OLRC]
Rosa EHRENREICH. A garden of paper flowers : an American at Oxford.
London : Picador Original, 1994
Edward ELGAR. Letters to Nimrod : Edward Elgar to August Jaeger 1897-1908.
Ed. and annotated by Percy M. (Marshall) Young. London : Dennis Dobson, 1965
[Copies in OLRC]
---------------------- A future for English music and other lectures. Ed. by Percy M.
(Marshall) Young ; foreword by Anthony Lewis. London : Dennis Dobson, 1968
[Copies in Barber Music, OLRC]
George ELIOT. The works of George Eliot. Standard edition. 8 vols of 21.
Edinburgh and London : William Blackwood and Sons, [1878?] [Signatures
of NP on pastedowns, except in two vols of Romola ; Christ Church added
in Silas Marner, Lifted veil, Brother Jacob, volume], consisting of :
Scenes of clerical life (2 vols.), Adam Bede (2 vols.), Romola (2 vols.), Jubal
and other poems, Silas Marner, The lifted veil, Brother Jubal
-------------------- George Eliot’s life as related in her letters and journals ; arranged
and edited by her husband J.W. (John Walter) Cross. New ed. Edinburgh and
London : William Blackwood and sons, [n.d.] [Signature of NP on pastedown]
[Other eds in ML, Store]
------------------- Impressions of Theophrastus Such. 3rd ed. Edinburgh and
London : William Blackwood and Sons, 1889 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
[Copy in CRL ; later ed. in ML]
------------------- Felix Holt the radical ; introduction by Sid Chaplin. London :
Panther Books, 1965 [Few markings in text] [Copy in OLRC]
T.S. (Thomas Stearns) ELIOT. Murder in the cathedral. 2nd edition. London : Faber
and Faber, 1936 [NP signature] [Earlier ed. in CRL ; later eds in ML,
Shakespeare Institute, OLRC]
T.S. (Thomas Stearns) ELIOT. Murder in the cathedral. 3rd edition. London : Faber
and Faber, 1937 [Signature of NP on pastedown ; director’s notes throughout in
another hand] [Copies in OLRC, ML ; earlier eds in CRL ; later eds in
ML,Shakespeare Institute, OLRC]
------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th edition. London :
Faber and Faber, 1943 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copies in OLRC, ML ;
earlier eds in CRL ; later eds in ML, Shakespeare Institute, OLRC]
-------------------------------------- Essays ancient & modern. London : Faber and
Faber Ltd., 1936 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copies in CRL, Shakespeare
Institute, Store]
--------------------------------------- The family reunion : a play. London : Faber and
Faber, 1939 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copies in CRL, ML, OLRC]
---------------------------------------- Later poems 1925-1935. London : Faber & Faber
Ltd., 1941 [Signature of NP, August 1942, on pastedown] [Copies in CRL,
---------------------------------------- Four quartets. London : Faber and Faber, 1944
[Signature : NP] [Copies in CRL, OLRC ; earlier ed. in CRL ; later eds in
-------------------------------------- The cocktail party : a comedy. London : Faber and
Faber, 1950 [NP signature ; playbill for Coventry People’s Theatre Repertory
Company] [Copies in CRL, ML, OLRC ; later eds in OLRC, ML, Shakespeare
Charles ELLIOTT. The potting shed papers. London : Francis Lincoln Ltd.,
G. (Graeme) Maurice ELLIOTT. Spiritualism in the Old Testament. London
: Psychic Press Ltd., 1938 [Signature of K. Hall on pastedown]
------------------------------------------- The psychic life of Jesus. London : Psychic
Press Ltd., 1946 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
W.H.( Wallace Harold) ELLIOTT. Rendezvous : the life that some call death.
London : J. Murray, [1942]
W.H.( Wallace Harold) ELLIOTT. Day by day ; a thought for every day in
the year. 4th ed. London : Student Christian Movement Press Ltd., 1944
[Inscription on endpaper : Mother / for her birthday, / Dec 21 1944 / frp, /
Laurence ELVIN. The Harrison story : Harrison and Harrison, organ
builders, Durham ; foreword by Ernest Bullock. 2nd ed., rev. and enlarged.
Lincoln : Laurence Elvin, 1977 [Inscription on endpaper : For Viola / with
love from / the author, / Laurence Elvin / 12/12/1977]
------------------------- Family enterprise : the story of some north country organ
builders ; foreword by Roy Massey. Lincoln : Laurence Elvin, 1986 [Inscription
on endpaper : For Viola / with the author’s love / Laurence / 17th August, 1986]
[Copy in Barber Music Library]
Malcolm ELWIN. Landor : a replevin. London : Macdonald, 1958 [One sheet by
NP tipped in possibly in relation to unperformed play on WSL written by him in
1973] [Copy in Store]
Ralph Waldo EMERSON. The conduct of life. Author’s edition. 2nd ed. London :
Smith, Elder and Co., 1860 [Copy in CRL]
ENGLISH ASSOCIATION. England : an anthology ; with an intro. by
Harold Nicolson. London : for the English Association by Macmillan &
Co.Ltd., 1944 [Inscription on endpaper : To Alan with best / wishes /
Maureen and Ditty / 24/7/44]
ENGLISH 18th century cookery. [S.l.] : Roy Bloom, [1975?]
D.J. (Dennis Joseph ) ENRIGHT. Academic year : a novel. London : Secker &
Warburg, 1955
------------------------------------------- Bread rather than blossoms : poems. London :
Secker & Warburg, 1956 [Copy in Store]
------------------------------------------- Heaven knows where : a novel. London :
Secker & Warburg, 1957
D.J. (Dennis Joseph ) ENRIGHT. Collected poems. Oxford : Oxford University
Press, 1981 [Later ed. in ML]
Katharine A. (Ada) ESDAILE. English church monuments 1510 to 1840 ; with an
introduction by Sacheverell Sitwell. London : B.T. Batsford Ltd., 1946 [Signature
of Gwen Berryman on endpaper] [Copies in ML, OLRC, Shakespeare Institute,
Barber Fine Art Library]
Leopold D. ETTLINGER and R.G. HOLLOWAY. Compliments of the
season. King Penguin Book. London : Penguin Books, 1947
EURIPIDES. The Trojan women ; translated into English rhyming verse with
explanatory notes by Gilbert Murray. London : George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1941
[Signature of NP on pastedown] [Earlier eds in ML, Shakespeare Institute]
B. (Benjamin) Ifor EVANS. Keats. Great lives. London : Duckworth, 1934
[Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copy in ML]
Edward R.G.R. (Ratcliffe Garth Russell) EVANS. South with Scott. Library of
classics. London and Glasgow : Collins Clear-type Press, [1924] [Inscription : To
NP, March 1939 ; signature : NP] [Earlier eds in CRL]
Herbert A. (Arthur) EVANS. Highways and byways in Oxford and the Cotswolds ;
with illustrations by Frederick L (Landseer) Griggs. London : Macmillan and Co.
Ltd., 1927 [Earlier eds in Store, Shakespeare Institute]
B. (Benjamin) Ivor EVANS. Keats. Maurice ASHLEY. Marlborough. Charles
WILLIAMS. Queen Elizabeth. Geoffrey WEBB. Wren. London : Readers Union
Ltd., 1941 [Copy in Shakespeare Institute]
C.F. (Christopher Francis) EVANS. D.E. (Dennis Eric) NINEHAM. C.F.D.
(Charles Francis Digby) MOULE. G.W.H. (Geoffrey William Hugo)
LAMPE. The New Testament gospels : four lecture given on BBC television.
London : British Broadcasting Corporation, 1965
Tony EVANS. Candida Lycett GREEN. English cottages ; introduction by
John Betjeman. London : Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1982
John EVELYN. The diary of John Evelyn. 2 vols. Edited by William Bray ;
prefatory note by George W.E. (William Erskine) Russell. Everyman’s library
220-221. London : J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1930 [Signatures of NP on
pastedowns] [Copies in OLRC]
G. (George) Bramwell EVENS. A Romany in the fields. London : The
Epworth Press, 1941
EVERYMAN and other interludes. Everyman’s library 381. London : J.M. Dent &
Sons Ltd., 1935 [Signature of NP on pastedown, pencil marks in text] [Earlier
ed. in OLRC, Store, ML, Shakespeare Institute]
EVERYMAN’S LIBRARY. Everyman’s encyclopaedia. Ed. by E.F. (Ernest
Franklin) Bozman. 4th ed. 12 vols. London : J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1958
Ronald EYRE. Ronald Eyre on the long search : Ronald Eyre’s own account of a
three-year journey. London : Collins Fount Paperbacks, 1979 [Copy in OLRC]
M.A. (Margaret Alice) FAIRCLOUGH. The ideal cookery book. London :
George Routledge and Sons Ltd., [1935]
Quentin FALK. Albert Finney in character : a biography. London : Robson
Books, 2002
Henry FARMER. Henry Farmer’s tutor for the American organ and
harmonium. London : John Williams Ltd., 1915
John FARMER (editor). Gaudeamus : a selection of songs for colleges and
schools. London : Cassell and Company Ltd., 1909
FARMERS WEEKLY. Farm workshop and maintenance : the book of the
Farmers Weekly series. 2nd ed. ; revisions by Bill Butterworth. London :
Granada Publishing, 1979
George FARQUHAR. The works of Mr George Farquhar, vol. 2. 10th edition.
London : John Rivington, W, Johnston [and 7 others], 1772 [Earlier ed. in CRL ;
later eds in CRL, Store, ML, Shakespeare Institute]
[consisting of ]:
The inconstant : or, The way to win him : a comedy ; as it is acted at the TheatreRoyal in Covent Garden [Earlier ed. in Shakespeare Institute ; later eds in
Shakespeare Institute, CRL]
The twin-rivals : comedy ; as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-lane, by His
Majesty’s Servants [Later eds in Shakespeare Institute, Store, OLRC, CRL]
The recruiting officer : a comedy ; as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Covent
Garden [Earlier ed. in CRL ; later eds in Shakespeare Institute, Store, OLRC,
[bound with]:
George COLMAN. The surrender of Calais. [lacks t.p.]
John O’KEEFE. Wild oats, or, The strolling gentlemen. A comedy in five
acts as performed at the Theatre-Royal Covent Garden. Dublin : B. Smith
and P. Byrne, printers, 1792 [Later eds in OLRC, Store]
Frederick REYNOLDS. Notoriety : a comedy. Dublin : P. Byrne,
printer, 1792
Thomas HOLCROFT. The road to ruin : a comedy ; as it is acted at the
Theatre Royal, Covent- Garden. Dublin : T. Wilkinson, P. Wogan [and 11
others], 1792 [Later ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
Bertie GREATHEED. The regent : a tragedy ; as it is acted at the
Theatre Royal in Drury-lane. Dublin : Burnet, Colles, [and 14 others],
John HOME. Douglas : a tragedy ; marked with the variations in the
manager’s book, at the Theatre Royal in Covent-Garden. London : W.
Lowndes, W. Nicoll, and S. Bladon, 1789 [Earlier ed. in CRL ; later eds
in Shakespeare Institute, Store]
William SHAKESPEARE. Macbeth : a tragedy with the additions set to
music by Mr Locke and Dr Arne ; marked with the variations in the
manager’s book, at the Theatre Royal in Drury- lane. London : C.
Bathurst, W. and A. Strahan [and 28 others], 1785
----------------------------- Othello, the moor of Venice : a tragedy ; marked
with the variations in the manager’s book, at the Theatre Royal in Drurylane. London : C. Bathurst, W. and A. Strahan [and 28 others], 1784 [Copy
in CRL]
George FARQUHAR. George Farquhar ; edited, with an intro. and notes by
William Archer. The Mermaid series. London : T. Fisher Unwin, [19--]
[Signature of NP on pastedown and brief pencil note on back endpaper] [Copy
in OLRC, Shakespeare Institute ; later ed. in OLRC, Store]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another
copy [Some production notes and markings in The beaux’ stratagem]
F. (Francis) Hadfield FARTHING. Saturday in my garden : a practical guide
to the cultivation of small gardens, with hints on their care and management ;
with eight plates in colour and many practical diagrams illustrating all the
important gardening operations of the year. 10th ed., rev. by A. (Aubrey)
Cecil Bartlett. London : The Richards Press Ltd., 1938
Harold Underwood FAULKNER. Tyler KEPNER. American history : course
one : The rise of American democracy 1492-1840 ; based on America : its
history and people. Education manual 200. Madison, Wisconsin : for the
United State Armed Forces Institute by Harper & Brothers, 1944
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- course
two : Democracy’s coming of age 1840-1942. Education manual 201.
Madison, Wisconsin : for the United State Armed Forces Institute by Harper
& Brothers, 1944
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ course
four : Part 1. Social and cultural America ; Part 2. America becomes a
world power. Education manual 203. Madison, Wisconsin : for the United
State Armed Forces Institute by Harper & Brothers, 1944
Trader FAULKNER. Peter Finch : a biography. London : Pan Books, 1980
Gabriel FAURE. The land of St Francis of Assisi : Assisi and Perugia. London
and Boston : The Medici Society, 1925
P.H. (Percy Harrison) FAWCETT. Exploration Fawcett ; arranged from his
manuscripts, letters, log-books, and records by Brian Fawcett. London :
Hutchinson, 1953
Robin FEDDEN. Rosemary JOEKES. The National trust guide. London :
Jonathan Cape, 1975
Keith FEILING. In Christ Church Hall. London : Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1960
[Copy in Shakespeare Institute]
F.E. (Friedrich Ernst) FELLER. Nuovo dizionario portatile italiano-inglese
e inglese-italiano. 34e. ed. Lipsia : B.G. Teubner, 1894 [Signature on p. [iii] ;
E. Nowell / Church St / Nuneaton]
Bartomeu FERRÁ. Chopin and George Sand in Majorca : preceded by an
extract from ‘The memoirs of Aurore Sand’ ; translated from the Spanish
by R.D.F. Pring-Mill. Palma de Mallorca : Antigua Imprenta Soler, 1961
Sally FESTING. Gertrude Jekyll. London : Viking, 1991 [Copy in OLRC]
A. FIELDING [pseud. Dorothy FEILDING]. Scarecrow. London : The Crime
Club by Collins, [c1937]
William FIELD. An historical and descriptive account of the town & castle of
Warwick ; and of the neighbouring spa of Leamington : to which are added, short
notices of the towns, villages, &c. within the circuit of ten miles. Warwick : H.
Sharpe, 1815 [Signature of Philip Styles on front endpaper] [Copies in CRL]
Henry FIELDING. Tom Thumb the great. Edited, with intro. and note on
production, by John Hampden. The Garrick playbooks. London : Wells Gardner,
Darton and co. , [1925] [Earlier eds in Shakespeare Institute, Store ; later eds in
Shakespeare Institute, ML]
William J. (John) FIELDING. Strange customs of courtship and marriage.
New York : Permabooks, 1949 [Signature of NP on inside cover / Chicago
Aug 1950]
Gracie FIELDS. Sing as we go : the autobiography. London : Frederick
Muller Ltd., 1960
Louis FIGUIER. The day after death or, our future life, according to science.
London : Richard Bentley, 1884 [Lacks t.p. : stamp of William Clayton,
Harleyford House, on front board]
Margery FISH. We made a garden. London : W.H. & L. Collingbridge Ltd.,
-------------------- Cottage garden flowers. London : W.H. & L. Collingbridge
Ltd., 1961 [Signature of the author on title page]
Margery FISH. A flower for every day. London : Studio Vista, 1965
--------------------- Ground cover plants. London : W.H. & L. Collingbridge Ltd.,
1965 [Marginal note by NP on p. 79] [Later ed. in OLRC]
--------------------- Carefree gardening. London : W.H. & L. Collingbridge
Ltd., 1966
--------------------- Gardening in the shade. London : W.H. & L. Collingbridge Ltd.,
John FISHER. Why does my dog . . . ? London : Souvenir Press, 1991
Seymour FISHER. Understanding the female orgasm. Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books, 1977
Roger FISKE. Beethoven’s last quartets. The musical pilgrim. London :
Oxford University Press, 1940
Adam FITZ-ADAM [pseud. Edward Moore] (editor). The world. Vols. 1-3. A new
edition. Edinburgh : Alexander Donaldson, 1774 [Earlier ed. in CRL,
Shakespeare Institute ; later eds in CRL]
Percy (Hetherington) FITZGERALD. Henry Irving : a record of twenty years at
the Lyceum. London : Chapman and Hall, 1893 [Later ed. in Shakespeare
Gustave FLAUBERT. The first temptation of Saint Anthony; translated by
Rene Francis ; with an intro. by E.B. (Edward Bolland) and illustrated in
colour & black and white by Jean de Bosschère. London : John Lane The
Bodley Head Ltd., 1924
H.K. (Horace Kingston) FLEMING. The day they kidnapped Queen Victoria.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1973 [Signature of Brian Whitten on
author biography page]
Cyril FLETCHER. Nice one Cyril : being the odd odysseyand the anecdotage
of a comedian. London : Barrie and Jenkins, 1978
H.L.V. (Harry Lutf Verne) FLETCHER. The pleasure garden. London : The
Garden Book Club, 1967
John FLETHAM. The picture of London for 1819 ; being a correct guide to
all the curiosities, amusements, exhibitions, public establishments, and
remarkable objects, in and near London . . . . 20th edition. London :
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Ormer, and Brown, [c1819]
J.M. (Joseph Mary) FLOOD. Cardinal Newman and Oxford. London : Ivor
Nicholson and Watson, 1933 [Notes by NP on back endpaper] [Copy in Store]
Newman FLOWER (editor). The history of the Great War. 8 vols. London :
Waverley Book Company, [1915-1921]
Michael FOOT. H.G. : the history of Mr Wells. London : Black Swan, 1996
[Some notes in text by NP] [Copies in Ml, OLRC]
Noel FORD. Golf widows : a survival course ; foreword by Alan Coren. North
Ride, NSW : Angus & Robertson, 1988 [Inscription on title page : To
Norman / with best wishes / Noel]
Carl FOREMAN. Young Winston : the screenplay of the film. [London] :
Fontana Collins, 1972
E.M. (Edward Morgan) FORSTER. Room with a view ; edited by Oliver
Stallybrass. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1987 [Markings on author
biography page ; notes on p. 256] [Earlier eds in ML; later eds in ML, OLRC]
Emily FORSTER. Everybody’s vegetarian cookery book ; revised and
enlarged ed. including a special chapter on wartime food. Foulsham’s
cloth-bound pocket library. London : W. Fousham & Co. Ltd., [1942]
FOUGASSE [pseud. Cyril Kenneth BIRD]. W.D.H. (William Donald
Hamilton) McCULLOUGH. You have been warned : a complete guide to the
road. 3rd ed. London : Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1935 [Signature of NP on
H.W. (Henry Watson) FOWLER. F.G. (Francis George) FOWLER. The King’s
English. 3rd ed. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1936 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
[Copies in ML]
Arthur Charles FOX-DAVIES. The complete guide to heraldry ; illustrated by
nearly 800 designs, mainly from drawings by Graham Johnston. London : Thomas
Nelson and Sons Ltd., 1961 [Earlier eds in ML, Shakespeare Institute]
-------------------------------------- The art of heraldry : an encyclopaedia of armory.
London : Bloomsbury Books, 1986 [Earlier ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
S. FRANCIS of Assisi. St Francis of Assisi : his life and writing as recorded by
his contemporaries : a new version of The mirror of perfection together with
a complete collection of all the known writings of the saint ; translated by
Leo Sherley-Price. London : A.R. Mowbray & Co. Ltd., 1959 [Notes by NP
on back endpaper and in text]
Darryl FRANCIS. Leonard HODE. Philip NELKON. Allan SIMMONS.
OSW : Official Scrabble words. 2nd ed. Edinburgh : W. & R. Chambers Ltd.,
1990 [Ownership label of NP on inside cover]
H. (Henri) and H.A. (Henrietta Antonia) FRANKFORT. John A. WILSON.
Thorkild JACOBSEN. Before philosophy : the intellectual adventure of ancient
man : an essay on speculative thought in the ancient near East. Pelican book.
Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1946 [Signature of NP on inside cover]
[Copies in OLRC]
David FRANKLIN. Basso cantata : an autobiography. London : Gerald
Duckworth, 1969
Antonia FRASER. King James VI of Scotland, I of England. London : Sphere
Books Ltd., 1977 [Earlier eds in OLRC, Shakespeare Institute]
----------------------- (editor). Love letters : an anthology. Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books, 1977
---------------------------------- Oxford and Oxfordshire in verse ; with an intro.
by Antonia Fraser ; with the collaboration of Flora Powell-Jones.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1983 [Markings in text]
Elizabeth FRASER. Life in early days. Edited by John MacKenzie Wood. Life
in past ages 1. London : James Nisbet and Co.Ltd., 1932 [Inscription on
pastedown : To Norman / with love from R.G. [illegible] / Milverton Junior
School / Nov. 1932 ; signature of NP (with Leamington Spa address), 8
November 1932, on endpaper]
James George FRAZER. The golden bough : a study in magic and religion.
Abridged edition. London : Macmillan and Co. Ltd., 1933 [Signature of NP on
pastedown] [Earlier (abridged) eds in ML, OLRC]
H.W. (Harold Webber) FREEMAN. Round the island : Sardinia re-explored.
London : Chapman & Hall, 1956 [Signature of NP on endpaper]
William FREEMAN. The life of Lord Alfred Douglas : spoilt child of genius.
London : Herbert Douglas Ltd., 1948
Timothy FREKE. WA’NA’NEE’CHE (Dennis Renault). Thorsons principles
of native American spirituality. London : Thorsons HarperCollins, 1996
Amato Pietro FRUTAZ. Il complesso monumentale di Sant’Agnese. 2a
edizione riveduta e ampliata. Roma : Tipografia Poliglotta Vaticana, 1969
Christopher FRY. A phoenix too frequent : a comedy. London : Hollis & Carter,
1946 [Mary Joyce signature] [Later eds in Shakespeare Institute, Store]
---------------------- The lady’s not for burning : a comedy. London : OUP, 1949
[NP signature] [Later eds in Shakespeare Institute, Store]
---------------------- Venus observed : a play. London : Geoffrey Cumberlege
Oxford University Press, 1950 [Signature of Graham Gould / Foyers / Wise Lane
/ Mill Hill / Foyes / April 1950, on endpaper ; notes by NP on back endpaper ;
directorial notes and markings in text [in another hand?]]
---------------------- Three plays : The firstborn ; Thor, with angels ; A sleep of
prisoners. London : Oxford University Press, 1960
Roy FULLER. Buff. London : Andre Deutsch, 1965 [Signature : NP]
Roy FULLER. New poems. London : Andre Deutsch, 1968 [Copy in ML]
John FULLEYLOVE. Oxford watercolours. London : A. and C. Black, 1916.
[Inscription : Winifred Rennie from Mum. Easter 1923]
William FURNEAUX. Human physiology. 11th ed. London : Longmans, Green,
and Co., 1904 [Signatures, notes, and scribblings throughout] [Later ed. in
Iain GALE. Waugh’s world : a guide to the novels of Evelyn Waugh. London :
Sidgwick & Jackson, 1990 [Copy in OLRC]
John GALSWORTHY. The plays of John Galsworthy. London : Duckworth, 1929
[Signature of NP on pastedown, with inscription |(in another hand) ; A present
from my wife : August 4th 1941] [Copies in CRL, Shakespeare Institute, Store]
GARDENS in art. London : Aurum Press, 1994
George GASCOIGNE. Gascoigne’s princely pleasures with the masque, intended
to have been presented before Queen Elizabeth at Kenilworth in 1575. London :
J.H. Burn ; R. Triphook ; C. and W. Baldwin ; C. Smith, 1821 [Copy in CRL]
Elizabeth GASKELL. Cranford. London : G.C. Harrap, 1940 [Earlier eds in
Store, CRL ; later eds in ML, OLRC, CRL]
William GAUNT. The Pre-Raphaelite tragedy. London : Jonathan Cape, 1942
[Bookplate and signature of Aileen Bowater on endpaper] [Later ed. in OLRC]
---------------------- The Pre-Raphaelite dream. London : The Reprint Society,
---------------------- The aesthetic adventure. London : Jonathan Cape, 1945
[Notes in text, marginal marks, and notes on back endpaper]
---------------------- Oxford. London : B.T. Batsford Ltd., 1965 [Bookplate of
Leonard Cottrell on endpaper] [Copy in Shakespeare Institute]
Sir GAWAIN at the grail castle. Arthurian legends unrepresented in Malory’s
‘Morte d’Arthur’, 6 ; translated by Jessie L. (Laidlay) Weston. London :
David Nutt, 1903 [Signature : NP]
Sir GAWAIN and the green knight : a Middle English Arthurian romance in
modern prose ; with introduction and notes by Jessie L. Weston. London : David
Nutt, 1909 [Signature : NP] [Later eds. in ML, OLRC, Shakespeare Institute,
Education Library]
John GAY. Plays written by Mr. John Gay : viz. The captives, . . . The beggar's
opera, Polly, . . . Achilles, . . . The distress'd wife, . . . The rehearsal at Goatham,
... to which is added, An account of the life and writings of the author. London : J.
and R . Tonson, 1760 [Abingdon Club Library presentation plate of Isaac Pitman,
on pastedown] [Copy on CRL ; later copies in ML, Store]
-------------- The beggar’s opera : as it is performed at the Lyric Theatre,
Hammersmith ; with new settings of the airs and additional music by
Frederic Austin ; arranged for the voice and pianoforte. Rev. ed. London :
Boosey & Co. Ltd., 1926 [Some notes on front cover and title page]
Peter GAY. Age of Enlightenment. Great ages of man : a history of the
world’s cultures. [S.l.] : Time-Life, 1966
Shura GEHRMAN. The silent circles of truth ; with an intro. by Colin
Wilson. London : Andre Deutsch, 1995
William Edgar GEIL. The great wall of China. London : John Murray, 1909
[Signature of Ada Mary G. Weiss / Xmas 1909, on endpaper]
Angus GELLATLY. Oscar ZARATE. Introducing mind & brain ; edited by
Richard Appipgnanesi. Duxford : Icon Books Ltd., 1999 [Copies in OLRC]
GEOFFREY of Monmouth. The history of the kings of Britain ; translated with an
intro. by Lewis Thorpe. London : The Folio Society, 1969 [In a slipcase] [Copy
in ML]
Edward GIBBON. The decline & fall of the Roman empire ; edited by
Oliphant Smeaton. 6 vols. Everyman’s Library, nos. 434-476. London : J.M.
Dent & Co., 1911
Edward GIBBON. The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire :
twenty-eight selected chapters ; ed. and annotated, with an intro. by Antony
Lentin and Brian Norman. Wordsworth classics of world literature. Ware,
Wordsworth Editions Ltd., 1998
J. (Joseph) Arthur GIBBS. A Cotswold village, or country life and pursuits in
Gloucestershire. London : John Murray, 1903 [Later ed. in Shakespeare Institute,
Michael GIBSON. Shrub roses for every garden. London : Collins, 1973
----------------------- Shrub roses, climbers & ramblers. London : Collins,
John GIELGUD. Early stages : a new and rev. ed. with a preface by Ivor Brown.
London : The Falcon Press, 1948 [Earlier ed. in Shakespeare Institute, Store ;
later ed. in OLRC, Store]
W.S. (William Schwenck) GILBERT. Original comic operas (first series) :
containing The sorcerer, H.M.S. Pinafore, Pirates of Penzance, Iolanthe,
Patience, Princess Ida, The mikado, Trial by jury. London : Chappell & Co.,
------------------------------------------------ Sir Arthur SULLIVAN. Songs of two
Savoyards ; words and illustrations by W.S. Gilbert ; music by Arthur
Sullivan. London : George Routledge and Sons, n.d. [Signature and
ownership label of NP, Christ Church, Oxford, on pastedown]
Herbert A. (Allen) GILES. The civilization of China. Home university of modern
knowledge. London : Williams and Norgate, [1911?] [Copies in OLRC]
Eric GILL. Twenty-five nudes. London : J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd. for Hague &
Gill Ltd., 1938 [Signature of David Roberts Oct. 38]
--------------- First nudes. London : N. Spearman, 1954
Maud GILL. See the players. 2nd ed. Birmingham : George Ronald, 1948 [Copy
iin Shakespeare Institute]
Michael GILL. Image of the body : aspects of the nude. New York :
Doubleday, 1989
Laurence GILLIAM (editor). BBC features. [London] : Evans Bros., 1950.
[2 copies, one signed by John Bosworth]
H.M. (Henry Martin) GILLETT. Walsingham and its shrine ; preface by F.C.
(Francis Charles) Devas. London : Burns Oates & Washbourne Ltd., 1934
Lauren GILMOUR. Margaret SHUFFREY. J.A. Shuffrey 1859-1939 : an
Oxford artist’s life remembered. Witney : Rural Publications, 2003
Hermione GINGOLD. The world is square. [London} : Home & Van Thal,
----------------------------- How to grow old disgracefully ; tidied up by her friend
Anne Clements Eyre. London : Victor Gollancz Ktd., 1989
Victoria GLENDINNING. Elizabeth Bowen : portrait of a writer. London :
Phoenix, 1977 [Signature of the author on title page ; pencil marks and marginal
comments in text]
C. Gordon GLOVER and Phil DRABBLE. Tom Forrest’s country calendar.
London : BBC, 1978 [Inscription on half title : For Norman / gratefully from
Chris [illegible] / January 1978]
Nicholas GODDARD. Harvests of change : The Royal Agricultural Society of
England 1838-1988. London : Quiller Press Ltd., 1988
Joseph GOEBBELS. The Goebbels diaries 1939-1941 ; translated and edite d by
Fred Taylor. London : Sphere Books Ltd., 1983 [Markings throughout text]
[Earlier ed. in ML]
Johann Wolfgang von GOETHE. Goethe’s autobiography : poetry and truth
from my life ; translated by R.O. (Robert Oswald) Moon. London : Alston
Rivers Ltd.,1932 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
Oliver GOLDSMITH. The poems and plays of Oliver Goldsmith. Edited by Austin
Dobson. London : J.M. Dent and Co., 1891 [Earlier ed. in Store ; later eds in
Store, OLRC]
Victor GOLLANCZ. My dear Timothy : an autobiographical letters to his
grandson. London : Gollancz, 1952
--------------------------- More for Timothy : being the second instalment of an
autobiographical letter to his grandson. London : Gollancz, 1953
Mandi GOMEZ. Essential Constable ; introduction by Karen Hurrell. Bath :
Parragon, 2003
Colin GORDON. Beyond the looking glass : reflections of Alice and her
family. London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1982
Leslie GORDON. A year of flowers. A Webb & Bower miniature. Exeter :
Webb & Bower, 1983
---------------------- Old roses. A Webb & Bower miniature. Exeter : Webb &
Bower, 1983
Margaret GORE-BROWNE. Let’s plan a vineyard : 6000 vines or 600 or 60
or 6. London : Mills & Boon Ltd., 1967 [Label of the Wine Book Club on
Edmund GOSSE. Gray. English men of letters. London : Macmillan and Co., 1916
[Signature of NP on pastedown]
Elizabeth GOUDGE. Three cities of bells : Wells – Oxford – Ely ; containing
in one volume three famous cathedral novels. London : Hodder and
Stoughton, 1965
Ronald GOW. Gallows glorious. S.I. (Shih-I) HSIUNG. Lady precious stream.
Gordon DAVIOT. Richard of Bordeaux. Penguin plays. Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books, 1958 [Copy in OLRC]
John GOWER. Tales of the seven deadly sins ; being the Confessio Amantis of
John Gower ; edited by Henry Morley. Carisbrooke Library. London : George
Routledge and Sons, 1889 [Signature of Alfred Martin-Lanyon / Febry 22nd 1890
/ Greenbank / St Columb Minor on endpaper] [Copy in ML]
Burton GRAHAM. A do you remember book : television. A golden hands
book. London : Marshall Cavendish, 1974
Harry GRAHAM. The world we laugh in : (more deportmental ditties). 9th
ed. London : Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1936
Malcolm GRAHAM. Oxford old and new. Wakefield : EP Publishing Ltd.,
Winifred GRAHAM. I introduce : being the companion volume of That
reminds me; and Observations, the trinity of an autobiography. London :
Skeffington and Sons Ltd., [1948] [Few marginal markings and notes by NP]
W.S. (William Sydney) GRAHAM. Malcolm Mooney’s land. London : Faber
and Faber, 1970 [Enclosure : Poetry Book Society Bulletin no. 64, Spring
1970, now at MS 200/15/36]
Kenneth GRAHAME. The golden age. London : John Lane, 1928 [Enclosures : 2
photographs, MS 200/15/18 ; bookplate : Elmwood School Harrogate Junior
Spring prize / presented to Pauline Rich / Dec 1932] [Earlier ed. in CRL]
--------------------------- The Kenneth Grahame book : The golden age ; Dream
days ; The wind in the willows. London : Methuen & Co. ltd., 1943
[Signature of NP on inside cover]
--------------------------- First whisper of ‘The wind in the willows’ ; edited, with
an intro., by Elspeth Grahame (Mrs Kenneth Grahame). 3rd ed. London :
Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1946
--------------------------- The wind in the willows. A pop-up book. Treasury
collection. Godalming : Colour Library Books Ltd., 1988 [Consisting of four
books in a slipcase, viz. : The wild wood ; The river bank ; Home sweet home
; The open road]
G.M. (George Munro) GRANT. Religions of the world in relation to Christianity.
London : A. & C. Black, 1896 [Signature of NP on second endpaper, with 2
Trinity Walk / Nuneaton] [Copy in OLRC]
Michael GRANT (editor). Greek literature in translation : translations from Greek
prose and poetry. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1973 [Later ed. in OLRC]
Robert M. (Macqueen) GRANT, with David Noel FREEDMAN. The secret
sayings of Jesus ; with an English translation of the gospel of Thomas by William
R. (Richard) Schoedel. London : Fontana Books Collins, 1960 [Copy in OLRC]
Günter GRASS. The plebeians rehearse the uprising : a German tragedy ; with an
introductory address by the author ; translated by Ralph Manheim.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1972 [Copy in OLRC ; earlier ed. in OLRC,
Shakespeare Institute
Robert GRAVES. The pier-glass. London : Martin Secker, [1921] [Signature :
----------------------- ; poems selected by himself. Harmondsworth : Penguin
Books, 1957 [Copies in OLRC]
Terence GRAY. Cuchulainn : an epic drama of the Gael. Cambridge : W. Heffer,
1925 [Signature : NP] [Copy in ML]
William Gordon GRAY. The Rollright ritual. Cheltenham : Helios Book
Services, 1975
A. C. (Anthony Clifford) GRAYLING. The quarrel of the age : life and times
of William Hazlitt. London : Phoenix Press, 2000
GREAT authors from Goldsmith to Wordsworth : Goldsmith – Johnson –
Gibbon – Burke – Burns – Cowper – Byron – Scott – Southey – Wordsworth.
The royal upper class readers. London : T. Nelson and Sons, 1887
GREAT BRITAIN. Admiralty. A seaman’s pocket book June 1943. London :
HMSO, 1943
-------------------------- Royal Navy. Manual of instruction for the Royal Naval
Sick Berth staff. London : HMSO, 1914 [Signature of H.G. Painting / Lower
berth / HMS / Lowestoft ; medical notes on back endpapers and pastedown
Carol GREEN. Tack explained. A horseman’s handbook. London : Ward
Lock Ltd., 1979
F. (Florence) Mary GREEN. Biology for town and country. London : John
Murray, 1954
Jonathon GREEN. The book of rock quotes. Rev. ed. London : Omnibus
Press, 1978.
Roger Lancelyn GREEN. The wonderful stranger : a holiday romance.
London : Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1950
A.H.N. (Adrian Howell North) GREEN-ARMYTAGE. A portrait of St Luke ;
with an intro. by R.A. (Ronald Arbuthnot) Knox. London : Burns & Oates,
Barbara GREENE. Victor GOLLANCZ. God of a hundred names : prayers of
many peoples and creeds. London : Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1962
Hugh GREENE. The third floor front : a view of broadcasting in the sixties.
London : The Bodley Head, 1969 [Copy in OLRC]
Robert GREENE. The honourable history of Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay ;
prepared for reading by G.B. (George Bagshaw) Harrison. The Fortune play
books. London : Robert Holden & Co. Ltd., 1927 [Signature of NP on
pastedown] [Copy in Shakespeare Institute]
Paul GREENHALGH. The essence of art nouveau. New York : Harry N.
Abrams, 2000
S.L. (Stanley Lawrence) GREENSLADE. The work of William Tindale ; with an
essay on Tindale and the English language by G.D. (Gavin David) Bone. London
and Glasgow : Blackie & Son Ltd., 1938 [Signature of NP on pastedown, with
bookplate ; few notes on pastedown and back endpaper]
Joyce GRENFELL. In pleasant places. London : Macdonald Futura, 1980
Fulke GREVILLE. Selected writings of Fulke Greville ; edited by Joan Rees.
London : the Athlone Press, 1973 [Ownership label of NP on inside cover]
[Copies in Shakespeare Institute, Store]
John GRIERSON. Grierson on documentary ; edited with an introduction by
Forsyth Hardy. London : Collins, 1946 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copies
in ML, OLRC ; later ed. in ML]
Alan GRIFFIN. Lest we forget ; the Southam men in the Great War. Studley :
Brewin Books, 2002
J.K. GRIFFITH. A general Cheltenham guide upon an entirely new plan . . .
Cheltenham : Chronicle Office, [1815?]
Geoffrey GRIGSON. New verse : an anthology. London : Faber and Faber, 1939
[Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copy in ML]
-------------------------- The romantics : an anthology. London : George Routledge &
Sons Ltd., 1945 [Signature of NP, Christ Church Oxford, on pastedown] [Copy
in Shakespeare Institute]
-------------------------- The Englishman’s flora. London : Phoenix House, 1960
-------------------------- (with contributions by John MASON, Ernest NEAL, and
W.J. (William Jayne) WESTON). The Shell country book. London : Phoenix
House Ltd., 1962
-------------------------- The Shell country alphabet. [London] : Michael Joseph,
-------------------------- A dictionary of English plant names (and some products
of plants). London : Allen Lane, 1974
Freddy GRISEWOOD. Our Bill : guide – counsellor – friend ; with illustrations by
Joan Hassall. London : George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd., 1939 [Copy in CRL]
---------------------------- The world goes by : the autobiography of Frederick
Grisewood. London : Secker & Warburg, 1952
---------------------------- My story of the BBC. London : Odhams, 1959
[BMAG postcard, now at MS 200/15/5 ; photocopies]
Peter GROSVENOR (editor). ‘We are amused’ : the cartoonists’ view of
royalty ; foreword by H.R.H. [Charles] the Prince of Wales. London : The
Bodley Head, 1978 [Inscription on endpaper : To Brendan and Sarah / from
Richard / Christmas 1978]
Bill GRUNDY. That man : a memory of Tommy Handley. London : Elm Tree
Books, 1976
Rosalie Glynn GRYLLS. Portrait of Rossetti. Carbondale and Edwardsville :
Southern Illinois University Press, 1964 [Signature of the author, Rosalie Mander
/ Wightwick / 1985, on title page] [Copy in Barber Fine Art Library]
GUIDE to Ilfracombe, Barnstaple, Bideford, Woolacombe, Clovelly, and
north-west Devon. London and Melbourne : Ward, Lock & Co. Ltd., n.d.
[Signature of NP on inside front cover]
GUIDE to London : with large section plans of central London ; map of
London and twelve miles round ; railway maps ; main roads out of London ;
Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens, and sixteen other maps and plans. 58th
ed. London and Melbourne : Ward, Lock & Co., Ltd, [1951]
Alec GUINNESS. My name escapes me : the diary of a retiring actor ; with a
preface by John le Carré. London : Hamish Hamilton, 1997 [Copy in OLRC,
Shakespeare Institute]
----------------------- A positively final appearance : journal 1996-98. London :
Hamish Hamilton, 2001
Sacha GUITRY. If I remember right : memoirs of Sacha Guitry ; translated from
the French by Lewis Galantière. London : Methuen & Co. Ltd., [1935] [Copy at
Shakespeare Institute]
Peter GUNN. My dearest Augusta : a biography of the Honourable Augusta
Leigh, Lord Byron’s half-sister. London : The Bodley Head, 1968
Tyrone GUTHRIE. A life in the theatre. London : Hamish Hamilton, 1961 [Copy
in Shakespeare Institute]
Stephen GWYNN. Thomas Moore. English men of letters. London : Macmillan &
Co. Ltd., 1905 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copy in Store]
Richard HACKETT. A brief historical notice of the church of St Gregory,
Offchurch. Leicester : A. Hammond, printer, [1881?] [Signature : NP ;
enclosure : letter to NP from Henry Johnson]
Mark HADDON. The curious incident of the dog in the night-time. London :
Jonathan Cape, 2003 [Later eds in Education Library, OLRC]
Miles HADFIELD. A history of British gardening. London : Spring Books,
------------------------- Discovering England’s trees. Tring : Shire Publications,
------------------------- Pioneers in gardening. London : The Garden Book Club,
n.d. [Another ed. in OLRC]
Eric HAGUE. In the shadow of nine dragons : Hong Kong sketches. London :
The Highway Press, 1958
J.B.S. (John Burdon Sanderson) HALDANE. A banned broadcast and other
essays. London : Chatto and Windus, 1946
George Savile, marquess of HALIFAX. The complete works of George Savile,
first marquess of Halifax ; edited with an introduction by Walter Raleigh. Oxford :
Clarendon Press, 1912 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
James Norman HALL. Doctor Dogbody’s leg. London : Chapman & Hall
Ltd., 1941 [Bookplate of D. Cowley on endpaper]
John R. (Richard) Clark HALL. A concise Anglo-Saxon dictionary. 4th ed., with
a supplement by Herbert D. (Dean) Meritt. Cambridge : University Press, 1966
[Copy, and earlier eds, in ML]
Michael HALL. Oxford. Pevensey heritage guides. 3rd rev. ed. Newton
Abbot, 1993
Radclyffe HALL. A Saturday life. 2nd ed. London : Arrowsmith, 1930
Willis HALL. The long and the short and the tall : a play in two acts ; with an
intro. and notes by E.R. (Edward Rudolf) Wood. The Hereford Plays.
London : Heinemann Educational Books, 1973
Winifred HALL. Canting and allusive arms of England and Wales ; with a
foreword by A. (Alexander) Colin Cole. Canterbury : Achievement Ltd., 1966
Louis HALSEY. Basil RAMSEY (editors). Sing nowell : 51 carols new and
arranged. London : Novello & Company Ltd., [1963]
Richard HAMER. A choice of Anglo-Saxon verse ; selected, with an intro. and
a parallel verse translation. London : Faber and Faber Ltd., 1981 [Some
emphasis marks in text] [Copy in ML]
George Heard HAMILTON. Painting and sculpture in Europe 1880-1940.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1967 [Note by NP on front endpaper]
[Copies in Barber Fine Art Library ; later ed. in OLRC]
Ian HAMILTON. The visit : poems. London : Faber and Faber, 1970 [Copy in
Ronald HAMILTON. Now I remember : a holiday history of Britain. London
: Chatto & Windus, 1964
John HAMPDEN (editor). Nine modern plays. London : Thomas Nelson &
Sons Ltd., 1927
[Consisting of] : Norman McKinnel, The bishop’s candlesticks ; Harold
Chapin, The philosopher of Butterbiggins ; Maurice Baring, The rehearsal ;
Harold Brighouse, The price of coal ; B.M. (Beulah Marie) Dix, Allison’s lad ;
Bernard Gilbert, The old bull ; John Galsworthy, The little man ; Clifford
Bax, The poetasters of Ispahan ; J.M. (John Millington) Synge, Riders to the
George Frideric HANDEL. Crystal Palace Handel Festival 1883 : the selection
to be performed on Wednesday, June 20, 1883 ; printed in the order of
performance by authority of the Crystal Palace Company. London : Novello,
Ewer and Co., [1883]
Tommy HANDLEY. Handley’s pages. London : Stanley Paul, [1938]
Helen HANFF. Apple of my eye. London : Futura Publications Ltd., 1978
Jiro HARADA. The gardens of Japan. London : The Studio Ltd., 1928
Gilbert HARDING. Along my line. London : Putnam & Co., 1953
--------------------------------------------- London : The Popular Book Club, 1955
James HARDING. Sacha Guitry : the last boulevardier. London : Methuen & Co.
Ltd., 1968 [Date of birth and death added on title page] [Copy in Shakespeare
Institute, Store]
Sir Cedric HARDWICKE. A Victorian in orbit : the irreverent memoirs. London :
Methuen. 1961 [Copy in Shakespeare Institute]
Denis HARDWICKE. Roy HAY. Ilford book of gardens in colour. London :
Ebery Press in association with George Rainbird, 1967
E.J. (Edward John) HARDY. How to be happy though married. The novel library.
[London] : The London Book Co. Ltd., n.d. [Another copy in CRL]
Evelyn HARDY. The conjured spirit Swift : a study in the relationship of
Swift, Stella, and Vanessa. London : The Hogarth Press, 1949
Thomas HARDY. Collected poems of Thomas Hardy. London : Macmillan and
Co. Ltd., 1923 [Signature of NP on pastedown ; a few pencil marks on contents
list] [Copy in ML ; later eds in OLRC]
George Lascelles, Earl of HAREWOOD. The pocket Kobbé opera book ;
edited by the Earl of Harewood with Michael Smith. London : Ebery Press,
1994 [Some markings in the text]
W.N. (William Norman) HARGREAVES-MAWDSLEY. Oxford in the age of
John Locke. The Centers of Civilization Series. Norman : University of
Oklahoma Press, 1973
Jack L. (Leigh) HARKNESS. Growing roses. London : The Garden Book
Club, 1967
Frank HARRIS. Frank Harris on Bernard Shaw : an unauthorised biography ;
based on firsthand information by Mr Shaw. London : Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1931
[Copy in Store]
Mary Dormer HARRIS. Unknown Warwickshire ; illustrated by J.E.(James
Edward) Duggins. London : John Lane The Bodley Head, 1924
-------------------------------- Plays and essays. Leamington Spa : Courier Press,
Mollie HARRIS. A kind of magic. London : Chatto & Windus, 1969 [Inscription:
from author to NP ; signed notelet from author to NP, now at MS 200/15/12]
-------------------- Another kind of magic. London : Chatto & Windus, 1971
[Signature of the author ; inscription from author to NP]
-------------------- From Acre End : portrait of a village. London : Chatto &
Windus, 1982 [Inscription on title page ; Mollie Harris 1982 / To Norman /
from Mollie]
Paul HARRIS. R.I.P. : a light-hearted look at life through death. London :
Harrap, 1983 [Note by NP on back free endpaper]
Robert HARRIS. Enigma. London : Arrow Books Ltd., 1996
---------------------- Archangel. Arrow Books Ltd., 1999
R.F. (Roy Forbes) HARROD. The Prof : a personal memoir of Lord Cherwell.
London : Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1959 (Markings in the text and notes on back
endpaper by NP] [Copy in Store]
Dorothy HARTLEY. Food in England. London : Macdonald and Jane’s, 1975
[Ownership label of NP on inside cover]
David HARVEY. A nostalgic look at Birmingham trams 1933-1953. Volume
1 : the northern routes. Kettering; Silver Link Publishing Ltd., 1993
Graham HARVEY. The carbon fields : how our countryside can save Britain.
Bridgwater : GrassRoots, 2008 [Markings in text]
N.P. (Noel Philip) HARVEY. The rose in Britain ; foreword by W.E.
Harkness. 3rd ed. London : Plant Protection Ltd., 1953
Christopher HASSALL. Bell Harry and other poems. London : Longmans,
1963 [LAMDA programme, photograph of CH plaque now at MS 200/15/22]
-------------------------------- Devil’s Dyke ; with compliment and satire. London :
Heinemann, [1936] [Signed and annotated by the author Oct. 36] [Copy in CRL]
-------------------------------- Crisis. London : W. Heinemann, 1939 [Copy in Store]
-------------------------------- Christ’s comet: the story of a thirty years' journey
which began and ended on the same day ; a play in three acts. London : William
Heinemann, 1937 [Copies in Shakespeare Institute, Store]
--------------------------------- Penthesperon. London : Heinemann, 1938 [Includes
LAMDA Theatre Club; photograph of CH’s grave ; photocopy, now at MS
200/15/22] [Copy in CRL]
--------------------------------- Sir Edward MARSH. Ambrosia and small beer :
the record of a correspondence between Edward Marsh and Christopher
Hassall. London : Longmans, 1964 [Annotations by N.P?]
Tom HASSALL. Oxford : the buried city. Oxford : Oxford Archaeological
Unit, 1987
Selina HASTINGS. Nancy Mitford : a biography. London : Papermac, 1986
------------------------- Evelyn Waugh : a biography. London : Sinclair-Stevenson,
1994 [Pencil notes by NP on back endpaper] [Copy in ML]
Roy HATTERSLEY. Who goes home? : scenes from a political life. London :
Warner Books, 1997 [Pencil comment by NP on p. 307] [Earlier ed in ML]
Bernard HAUSSOULLIER. Greece. Hachette world guides. Rev. by Francis
Baulier and adapted under the direction of G.Langham. Paris : Hachette,
Beatrice HAWKER. Look back in love. London : the Catholic Book Club,
Robert Stephen HAWKER. The poetical works of Robert Stephen Hawker ; now
first collected and arranged with a prefatory notice by J.G. (James Gowing)
Godwin. London : C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1879 [Signatures of Amos Beardsley /
1879 on pastedown and t.p.] [Copy in Store]
Michael HAWORTH-BOOTH. The moutan or tree peony. London : The
Garden Book Club, 1963
Charles HAWTREY. The truth at last. Edited by W. (William) Somerset
Maugham. London : Thornton Butterworth Ltd., 1924 [Signature of NP on
pastedown] [Copy in Shakespeare Institute]
Roy HAY. Gardening the modern way saving time and labour. Penguin
handbooks. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1962 [Notes by NP on p. [136]
-------------- Patrick M. (Millington) SYNGE. The dictionary of garden plants in
colour ; with house and greenhouse plants ; with a foreword by the Lord
Aberconway. London : Ebury Press and Michael Joseph, in association with
the Royal Horticultural Society, 1969 [Copy in OLRC]
Arthur HAYDEN. Chats on old silver ; ed. and rev. by Cyril G.E. (George
Edward) Bunt. The chats series. 2nd ed., rev. London : Ernest Benn Ltd., 1949
[Later ed. in OLRC]
Hiram HAYDN. Edmund FULLER. Thesaurus of book digests : digests of the
world’s permanent writings from the ancient classics to current literature. New
York : Avenel Books, 1978 [Earlier ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
Joseph HAYDN. A dictionary of dates relating to all ages and nations : for
universal reference : comprehending remarkable occurences, ancient and modern.
. . . 9th ed., rev. and greatly enlarged, by Benjamin Vincent. London : Edward
Moxon and Co., 1860
Benjamin Robert HAYDON. Neglected genius : the diaries of Benjamin Robert
Haydon 1808-1846 ; edited by John Jolliffe. London : Hutchinson, 1990 [Dates
of birth and death added to title page by NP]
Brian HAYLES. Spring at Brookfield. London : Allan Wingate, 1975.
[Inscription by the author]
Arthur L. (Lawrence) HAYWARD. Colloquial Italian ; revised and brought
up to date by C. McFarlane. London : Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd., 1959
John HAYWARD. Charles II. Great lives. London : Duckworth, 1933
[Signature of NP on pastedown]
William HAZLITT. Characters of Shakespear’s plays. Everyman’s library. London
: J.M. Dent & Sons, 1921 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Earlier eds in ML,
Shakespeare Institute, OLRC]
Seamus HEANEY. Sweeney astray. London : Faber and Faber, 1990
------------------------ The spirit level. London and Boston : Faber and Faber, 1996.
[Inscription on endpaper : Norman / Merry Christmas / & a good ’98 / E]
Royton E. (Edward) HEATH. Rock plants for small gardens. London : The
Garden Book Club, 1970
Heinrich HEINE. Italian travel sketches, &c. The Scott library. Translated by
Elizabeth A. Sharp. London : Walter Scott, [1892?] [Enclosure :
Birmingham tram ticket, now at MS 200/15/42 ; signature : J. Robinson,
---------------------- translated and ed. by T.J. (Terence James) Reed and David
Cram. Everyman’s poetry. London : J.M. Dent, 1997
A.G.L. (Arthur George Lee) HELLYER. Flowers in colour : an amateur
gardening encyclopaedia. London : W.H. & L. Collingbridge, 1965
----------------------------------------------------- Garden plants in colour : an
amateur gardening encyclopaedia. London : W.H. & L. Collingbridge, 1966
----------------------------------------------------- Plant propagation. Amateur
gardening picture book no. 4. London : W.H. & L. Collingbridge Ltd., 1966
HELPS to the study of the Bible : including introductions to the several books, the
history and antiquities of the Jews, the results of modern discoveries, and the
natural history of Palestine ; with copious tables, concordances, and indices and
a new series of maps. Oxford : Oxford University Press, [1893] [Copy in CRL
W.E. (William Ernest) HENLEY. A collection of verses. 6th edition. London :
David Nutt, 1908
Adrian HENRI. Roger McGOUGH. Brian PATTEN. The Mersey sound. Rev. ed.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1986 [Copy in OLRC]
T. (Thomas) Geoffrey W. (Wall) HENSLOW. The gardener’s calendar : a
garden guide for every day of the year. London : Dean & son, 1925
Philip HEPWORTH. Royal Sandringham ; edited and designed by Michael
Shaw. Norwich : Wensum Books, 1978
George HERBERT. The works of George Herbert in prose and verse. Edited
by Robert Wilmott. London : Routledge, Warne, and Routledge, 1861
Ian HERBERT (editor). Who’s who in the theatre : a biographical record of the
contemporary stage. 16th ed. London : Pitman, 1978 [Copy in ML, Shakespeare
Institute ; later ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
HERON HOUSE ASSOCIATES. The book of numbers. London : Pelham
Books, 1979
Robert HERRICK. Hesperides or, works both human divine ; together with
his noble numbers or his pious pieces. London : George Newnes Ltd., 1905
----------------------- The poems of Robert Herrick. The world’s classics 16. London
: Oxford University Press, 1933 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Earlier ed.
in Shakespeare Institute]
D.G. (David Gerald) HESSAYON. The rose expert. Waltham Cross : PBI
Publications, 1981
-------------------------------------------- The flower expert. Waltham Cross : PBI
Publications, 1984
D.G. (David Gerald) HESSAYON. The vegetable expert. Waltham Cross :
PBI Publications, 1985
------------------------------------------- The garden expert. Waltham Cross : PBI
Publications, 1986
------------------------------------------- The rose jotter. Waltham Cross : PBI
Publications, 1989
Harriet H. (Hammond) HESTER. 300 sugar saving recipes. New York : M.
Barrows and Company, 1942
Robert HEWISON. Under siege : literary life in London 1939-1945. London :
Quartet Books, 1979 [NP pencil notes on p.[221] and markings in text]
------------------------ Ruskin and Oxford : the art of education. Oxford :
Clarendon Press, 1996
Thomas HEYWOOD. Thomas Heywood . Edited by A. (Arthur) Wilson Verity ;
with an intro. by J. (John) Addington Symonds. The Mermaid series. London : T.
Fisher Unwin, [1903] [Signature of NP on endpaper (recto)] [Copies in CRL ;
earlier ed. in OLRC, Shakespeare Institute]
Stuart HIBBERD. ‘This – is London’. London : Macdonald and Evans, 1950
---------------------- (editor) The floral world and garden guide. London :
Groombridge and Sons, 1869
Christopher HIBBERT. The court at Windsor : a domestic history. Harmondsworth
: Penguin Books, 1966 [Copy at Shakespeare Institute]
----------------------------- Edward HIBBERT. The encyclopaedia of Oxford.
London : Papermac, 1992
Brian HIGGINS. The northern fiddler. London : Methuen and Co., 1966.
[Enclosure : Poetry Book Society Bulletin no. 49, May 1966, now at MS
Charles HIGHAM. Cecil B. DeMille. New York : Dell Publishing Co., 1973
Charles HIGHAM. Bette : a biography of Bette Davis. London : New
English Library, 1981
Percival Oakley HILL. A temple of the sun : a guide to the druidical remains
at Little Rollright, Oxon. Chipping Norton : W. Hayes, [1884]
Adrian HILL. Painting as a hobby. London : Stanley Paul, 1959
------------------ The beginner’s book of watercolour painting. London :
Blandford Press, 1959
Ralph HILL. The symphony. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1951 [Copy in
Bevis HILLIER. Young Betjeman. London : John Murray, 1988 [Few pencil
markings in text] [Copy in OLRC]
Walter HILTON. The ladder of perfection ; a new translation with an intro.
by Leo Sherley-Price. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1957 [Few
markings in text]
C. (Charles) Lewis HIND. Romney : illustrated with eight reproductions in
colour. Masterpieces in colour. London : T.C. & E.C. Jack ; SPCK, [1907]
[Signature of NP on pastedown ; inscription on endpaper : Genevieve
Graham / from H.P. de K. / 1907 / Agnes Wynne]
---------------------------------- 100 second best poems. London : A.M. Philpot
Ltd., 1925 [Inscription : Christmas 1929, on endpaper with note
accompanying present tipped in]
Thomas HINDE. Sir Henry and his sons. London : Macmillan, 1980
[Author’s inscription : letter to NP from Susan Chitty, author’s wife, now at
MS 200/15/12]
Cecil HINTON. MARK GOODALE. Using your home as capital 2004-05 : a
guide to raising money from the value of your home. London : Age Concern.
Robert von HIRSCH. Masterpieces from the Robert von Hirsch sale at
Sotheby’s ; with an article on the Branchini Madonna by Sir John PopeHennessey. London : Sotheby Parke Bernet, 1978
W.G. (Walter George) HISCOCK. A Christ Church miscellany : new chapters on
the architects, craftsmen, statuary, plate, bells, furniture, clocks, plays, the library,
and other buildings. Oxford : for the author, 1946 [Signature of NP on
pastedown, with Christ Church / Oct. 21st 1946 ; cutting from Times tipped in]
[Copies in ML, Shakespeare Institute]
HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION (Great Britain). Philips intermediate historical
atlas for schools (formerly published as ‘Philips’ junior historical atlas’ ; prepared
under the direction of the Historical Association. 7th ed. London : George Philip &
Son Ltd., 1934 [Signature of NP (with 3a) on front cover] [Copy in OLRC]
Janet HITCHMAN. ‘Such a strange lady’ : an introduction to Dorothy L. Sayers
(1893-1957). London : New English Library, 1975 [Copy in OLRC]
HITOPADESA. Fables and proverbs from the Sanskrit ; being the
Hitopadesa ; translated by Charles Wilkins ; with an intro. by Henry Morley.
London : George Routledge and Sons, 1885
Christopher HOBHOUSE. Oxford : as it was and as it is to-day. London : B.T.
Batsford Ltd., 1942 [Later ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
Michael HODGETTS. Secret hiding-places. Oscott series 3. Dublin : Veritas
Publications, 1989
R.H. (Robert Howard) HODGKIN. A history of the Anglo-Saxons. 2 vols. 3rd ed.
London : Geoffrey Cumberlege Oxford University Press, 1952 [Copy in OLRC ;
earlier ed. in Store]
Geoffrey HODGKINS (editor). The best of me : a Gerontius centenary companion.
[Rev. ed.] Rickmansworth : Elgar Editions, 2000 [Some markings in text] [Copy
in Barber Music Library]
Geoffrey HODSON. Fairies at work and at play. London : The Theosophical
Publishing House, 1930 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
Benjamin HOFF. The tao of Pooh. London : Methuen, 1984
Jaroslav HOFMAN. Ornamental shrubs. London : Spring Books, 1969
William HOGARTH. The works of William Hogarth, with descriptions and
explanations. Edited by John Trusler, John Nichols and John Ireland. London :
Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent ; Glasgow : Thomas D. Morison, n.d.
[Signature : NP] [Other eds in CRL, CRL (Art collection)]
David HOLBROOK. Old world new world : poems. London : Rapp &
Whiting, 1969
Anthony HOLDEN. The Queen Mother : a birthday tribute. London and
Sydney, Sphere Books Ltd., 1985
--------------------------- Tchaikovsky. London : Bantam Press, 1997 [Dates of
birth and death added by NP on title page]
Samuel Reynolds HOLE. The memories of Dean Hole. London : Thomas Nelson
& Sons, [19--] [Other eds in Store, CRL (Store)]
G.J. (Graham John) HOLLISTER-SHORT. Discovering wrought iron. Tring
: Shire Publications, 1970
Michael HOLROYD. Lytton Strachey and the Bloomsbury group : his work, their
influence. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1971 [Earlier versions in ML]
-------------------------- Lytton Strachey : a biography. Harmondsworth : Penguin
Books, 1971 [Earlier versions in ML]
Raphael HOLINSHED. Holinshed’s chronicles as used in Shakespeare’s plays.
Everyman’s library 800. London : J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1940 [Signature of NP
on pastedown] [Earlier eds in OLRC, Store ; later ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
Diana HOLMAN-HUNT. My grandmothers and I. London : Hamish Hamilton,
1962 [Note on endpaper : This clever ‘autobiography’ verges / very near to
fiction] [Earlier ed. in Barber Art Library]
Emily Sarah HOLT. Minster Lovel : a story of the days of Laud. New ed.
London : John F. Shaw and Co., [19--]
HOMER. The Iliad of Homer. Translated by Alexander Pope. 5 vols. London : J.
Whiston, Baker and Leigh [and 22 others], 1771 [Earlier ed. in CRL ; later eds in
CRL, CRL (Foulis collection), ML, Shakespeare Institute]
----------- The Odyssey of Homer. Translated by Alexander Pope. 4 vols. London :
J. Whiston, Baker and Leigh [and 22 others], 1771 [Earlier CRL, CRL
(Bengeworth) ; later eds in ML, Shakespeare Institute, CRL]
Basil HOOD. Saint George of England. London : George G. Harrap & Co.
Ltd., 1926
Frederic HOOD. The chapel of the Most Excellent Order of the British
Empire. Oxford : the Order of the British Empire, 1973 [NP ownership label
and inscription on pastedown : ‘To Norman, with congratulations / and all
love from Joana [Hassell] 9.6.76’]
Thomas HOOD. The comic annual. London : Charles Tilt, 1831 [Copy in CRL]
-------------------- Hood’s own, or laughter from year to year ; being former
runnings of his comic vein, with an effusion of new blood for general circulation.
London : E. Moxon, 1871 [NP signature] [Earlier ed. in CRL]
--------------------- Whims and oddities in prose and verse. London : John Camden
Hotten, n.d. [Signature: E.M. Painting] [Earlier eds (?) in CRL, Store]
---------------------- (editor) The gem : a literary annual. London : W. Marshall,
----------------------- Poems of Thomas Hood. 2 vols. 2nd ed. London : Edward
Moxon, 1846 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
[Copy in CRL ; later eds in
----------------------- Humorous poems ; with a preface by Alfred Ainger. London :
Macmillan and Co., 1893 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copy in CRL]
----------------------- The complete poetical works of Thomas Hood : edited with
notes by Walter Jarrold. London : Oxford University Press Humphrey
Milford, 1935
Thomas HOOD. The poetical works of Thomas Hood. Edited, with a critical
memoir, by William Michael Rossetti. London : Ward, Lock, n.d. [Other ed. in
Ascott R. (Robert) HOPE (MONCRIEFF). Animals that work : or, beasts
of business. London : A. & C. Black Ltd., 1925 [Signature of NP on
Courtney HOPE. Fun for the footlights : containing 25 sketches and 4
monologues ; with a preface by Anne Kennington. 3rd edition. London :
Frederick Muller, 1946
---------------------- Still more fun for the footlights. London : Frederick
Muller, 1949
Gerard Manley HOPKINS. Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins ; edited with notes
by Robert Bridges. 2nd ed., with an appendix of additional poems, and a critical
introduction by Charles Williams. London : Oxford University Press, 1944
[Signature of NP on endpaper] [Earlier ed. in CRL ; later ed. in CRL, OLRC]
William HORWOOD. Duncton wood. The Duncton chronicles 1. London :
Arrow Books, 1986
----------------------------- The willows in winter. London : HarperCollins, 1993
[Bound proof copy]
W.G. (William George) HOSKINS. Claude BERRY. Devon and Cornwall
in pictures. London : Odhams Press Ltd., [1950]
Richard HOUGH. Edwina Countess of Mountbatten of Burma. London :
Sphere Books Ltd., 1985
A.E. (Alfred Edward) HOUSMAN. Last poems. London : The Richards Press
Ltd., 1934 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Earlier eds in CRL, ML]
Laurence HOUSMAN. Victoria regina : a dramatic biography. London : The Right
Book Club, n.d. [Later ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
Laurence HOUSMAN. Little plays of Saint Francis. Vol. 1 [The revellers ; Fellowprisoners ; Brief life ; Fine feathers ; Blind eyes ; The bride feast ; Our Lady of
poverty ; The house of bondage ; The builders ; Naked truth ; Blind heart ; The
lepers ; Brother wolf] London : Sidgwick & Jackson, 1958 [Copies in OLRC ;
earlier eds in OLRC, Shakespeare Institute, Store]
---------------------------- Little plays of Saint Francis. Vol. 2 [Good beating ; Sister
Clare ; Sister Agnes ; Sister Gold ; Gate of death ; Brother sun ; Cure of souls ;
The chapter ; Brother Juniper ; The mess of pottage ; Juniper’s first sermons ;
Bond of fellowship ; The peace-makers ; Brother Elias ; Brother ass] London :
Sidgwick & Jackson, 1958 [Copies in OLRC ; earlier eds in OLRC, Shakespeare
Institute, Store]
Elizabeth Jane HOWARD. Marking time. Volume 2 of The Cazalet chronicle.
London : Pan Books, 1993
------------------------------------ Casting off. Volume 4 of The Cazalet chronicle.
London : Pan Books, 1996
Nicholas HOWARD. Costume at Castle Howard. [York] : Castle Howard
Estate, 1975
R.G. (Robert Guy) HOWARTH (editor). Minor poets of the seventeenth century :
Suckling, Lovelace, Carew & Herbert. Everyman’s library 873. London : J.M.
Dent & Sons Ltd., 1931 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copies in Shakespeare
Institute, OLRC]
A.G. (Alan George) Ferrers HOWELL. Franciscan days : being selections for
every day in the year from ancient Franciscan writings. Translated and
arranged by A.G. Ferrers Howell. London : Methuen & Co., 1906 [Signature
of NP on pastedown]
Frank HOWES. The music of Ralph Vaughan Williams. London : Geoffrey
Cumberlege Oxford University Press, 1954 [Inscription on endpaper : To
Norman, for helping me to / understand the music you love / so much / Graham /
23 October 54]
HULLO boys! A budget of good things by the uncles on the wireless. London :
Cecil Palmer, 1924 [NP name label]
J. (John) Trevor HUGHES. Thomas Willis 1621-1675 : his life and work.
Eponymists in medicine. London : Royal Society of Medicine Services Ltd.,
[c1991] [Signature of author on title page] [Copy and later ed. in Barnes]
---------------------------------- Aluminium and your health. Circencester : Rimes
House, 1992
Thomas HUGHES. Tom Brown’s school days. London : R.E. King & Co., [190-?]
[Prize plate on endpaper : Mission of the Good Shepherd. Lower Altofts, to R.
[Earlier eds in CRL, ML ; later eds in CRL]
Vera HUGHES. Word processing. Teach yourself books. London : Hodder
and Stoughton, 1985
Jack HULBERT. The little woman’s always right. London : W.H. Allen, 1975
Rod HULL. The reluctant pote. London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1983. [With
letter from the author to NP, transferred to archives]
Christmas HUMPHREYS. Buddhism. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1951
[Later ed. in OLRC]
Ted HUMPHRIS. Garden glory. London : The Country Book Club, 1970
Leigh HUNT. Imagination and fancy ; or, selections from the English poets,
illustrative of those first requisites of their art ; with markings of the best passages,
critical notices of the writers and an essay in answer to the question ‘what is
poetry?’ 4th ed. London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1871 [Signature of NP on
pastedown] [Copies in Store ; earlier ed. in CRl ; later eds. in ML, Shakespeare
---------------- Essays ; with biographical intro. by Hannaford Bennett. London
: John Long, 1907 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
---------------- The poetical works of Leigh Hunt. Edited by H.S.(Humphrey
Sumner) Milford. London : Humphrey Milford Oxford University Press, 1923
[Signature of NP on pastedown] [Earlier ed. in CRL]
Peter HUNT (editor). The Shell gardens book. London : Phoenix House, 1964
[Copy in OLRC]
Ian M.L. (Melville Logan} HUNTER. Memory. Rev. ed. Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books, 1964 [Copy in OLRC]
Norman HUNTER. The incredible adventures of Professor Branestawm.
Puffin Books. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1974
Douglas HURD. Andrew OSMOND. Send him victorious. London : Collins,
---------------------------------------------- The smile on the face of the tiger.
London : World Books, 1970
Herbert HURST. Oxford topography : an essay ; forming a companion
volume to the portfolio containing Agas’s map (1578-88) and other old plans
of Oxford and incorporating Leonard Hutten’s Dissertation on the antiquities
of Oxford (written about 1625-30). Oxford : Oxford Historical Society, 1899
[Signature of S.A. (Stephen Alfred?) Warner on pastedown]
David F. HUTCHINGS. QE2 : a ship for all seasons. Poole : Waterfront
Publications, 1991 [With bookplate of Queen Elizabeth II and book receipt
from ship’s shop]
W.H. (William Holden) HUTTON. Highways and byways in Shakespeare’s
country. London : Macmillan, 1927 [Inscription : 26 July 1937]
Aldous HUXLEY. The defeat of youth and other poems. Initiates series of
poetry. Oxford : B.H. Blackwell, 1918
------------------------ The perennial philosophy. London : Chatto & Windus,
1946 [Signature of R. Ruddock on endpaper ; some markings in the text]
W.H. (William Holden) HUTTON. London : Fontana Books, 1963
[Poem on title page, notes on p. 319 and inside back cover, pencil markings
throughout text by NP]
Edward HYAMS. The English garden. London : Thames and Hudson, 1966
[Copy, and earlier ed., in OLRC]
Edward HYAMS. Capability Brown and Humphry Repton. London : J.M. Dent
& Sons Ltd., 1971 [Signature of NP on front jacket flap] [Copies in ML, OLRC]
HYMNS ancient & modern revised. London : William Clowes and Sons Ltd.,
[1950] [Ownership label of NP on inside cover] [Copy in Barber Music]
Henrik IBSEN. The collected works of Henrick Ibsen. Vol. 4 : Peer Gynt : a
dramatic poem. Translated by William and Charles Archer. London : William
Heinemann, 1907 [NP signature] [Copy in ML, Shakespeare Institute]
-------------------- The collected works of Henrick Ibsen. Vol. 7 : A doll’s house and
Ghosts ; with an introduction by William Archer. London : William Heinemann,
1912 [NP signature] [Copy in ML, Shakespeare Institute]
----------------------------------------------------------------- Vol. 9 : Rosmersholm and
The lady from the sea ; with an introduction by William Archer. London : William
Heinemann, 1919. [NP signature] [Copy in ML, Shakespeare Institute]
------------------------------------------------------------------ Vol. 10 : Hedda Gabler and
The master builder ; with an introduction by William Archer. London : William
Heinemann, 1922 [NP signature] [Copy in ML, Shakespeare Institute]
----------------- Ghosts : a family tragedy in three acts. London : Samuel French,
1938 [Later eds in ML, OLRC, Shakespeare Institute]
------------------ The pillars of society : a play in four acts. London : Samuel
French, n.d. [Other eds in ML, CRL (Store)]
------------------ An enemy of society : a play in five acts. London :
Samuel French, n.d. [NP’s signature] [Other eds in OLRC, ML, Shakespeare
------------------ Four plays : A doll’s house ; The wild duck ; Ghosts ; The
master builder ; the authorised English edition edited by William Archer ;
with an introduction by Desmond MacCarthy. London : Thomas Nelson and
Sons Ltd., n.d. [Signature of NP on pastedown]
IDEAL commonwealths : Plutarch’s ‘Lycurgus’ ; More’s ‘Utopia’ ; Bacon’s ‘New
Atlantis’ ; Campanella’s ‘City of the sun’ ; and a fragment of Hall’s ‘Mundus alter
et idem’ ; with an introduction by Henry Morley. London : George Routledge and
Sons, 1885 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copies in OLRC, Store]
IDEAL HOME (magazine). Patios & pools. Ideal Home better living books.
London : Paul Hamlyn, 1969
Saint IGNATIUS, of Loyola. Sancti martyris. Ignatii Antiochiae
archiepiscopi, epistolae. Antwerp : ex officio Christiophri Plantini, 1566
Elizabeth INCHBALD. Memoirs of Mrs Inchbald : including her familiar
correspondence with the most distinguished persons of her time . . . 2 vols.
London : Richard Bentley, 1833 [Signature and bookplate of Joseph Knight]
Fay INCHFAWN [pseud. of Elizabeth Rebecca Ward]. Homely verses of a
home-lover. London and Melbourne : Ward, Lock & Co. Ltd., [1922]
[Signature on pastedown of Maud Painting, 254 Hillmorton Road, Rugby]
J.H. (James Henry) INGRAM. North Midland country : a survey of Cheshire,
Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire, and Staffordshire. The face of
Britain series. London : B.T. Batsford, 1948
Michael INNES [pseud. J.I.M. Stewart]. The daffodil affair. Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books, 1964
Eugene IONESCO. Plays. Vol. 1 : The lesson ; The chairs ; The bald prima
donna ; Jacques or obedience. London : John Calder, 1963
Henry IRVING. The drama : addresses. London : William Heinemann, 1893 [NP
and F.W. Sullivan signatures] [Copy in Store ; earlier ed. in Shakespeare Institute
; later ed. in Store]
Washington IRVING. The sketch-book of Geoffrey Crayon, gent. Cassell’s red
library. London : Cassell & Company, Ltd., [1885] [Earlier ed. in CRL ; later eds
in Store, OLRC, Shakespeare Institute]
---------------------------- Bachelors, or A bachelor’s confession. London :
William Heinemann, 1909
Washington IRVING. The old English Christmas. London and Edinburgh ;
Foulis Press, [1909]
----------------------------- Old Christmas. Facsimile edition. Facsimile classics
series. New York : Mayflower Books Inc., 1980
Chistopher ISHERWOOD. Diaries. Vol. 1 : 1939-1960. Edited and introduced
by Katherine Bucknell. London : Vintage, 1997 [Pencil notes by NP on back
endpaper] [Another ed. in ML]
The ISIS : magazine of Oxford University, January 20th-December 1st, 1894.
Oxford : Alden & Co., 1894
Stuart JACKMAN. The Davidson affair. London : Faber and Faber, 1970
[Another copy in OLRC]
Ada JACKSON. The widow and other poems. The Gateway poets. London :
Methuen, 1933 [Copy in CRL]
Francis JACKSON (editor). Anthems for choirs 1 : 50 anthems for mixed
voices. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1973
Nicola JACKSON. Building the BBC : a return to form. London : BBC,
Robert JACKSON. Before the storm : the story of Bomber Command 193942. London : Cassell & Co., 1972
Naomi JACOB. Me and mine (you and yours) ; with a preface by Canon W.H
Elliott. London : Hutchinson & Co. Ltd., [1949]
--------------------- Me – looking back ; with a foreword by Bransby Williams.
London : Hutchinson & Co., 1950
--------------------- Me – likes and dislikes. London : Hutchinson, 1954
--------------------- The Irish boy : a romantic biography. London : Hutchinson,
Arthur JACOBS. Henry J. Wood : maker of the Proms. London : Methuen,
------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2nd rev. ed.] London
: Methuen, 1995
Reginald JACQUES. David WILLCOCKS. Carols for choirs 1 : fifty Christmas
carols. London : Oxford University Press, 1961 [Ownership label of NP on inside
cover] [Copies in Barber Music Library ; notes on back endpapers]
Geoffrey JAGGARD. Blandings the blest and the blue blood : a companion
to the Blandings Castle saga of P.G. Wodehouse, LL.D. and a complete
Wodehouse peerage, baronetage & knightage. London : Macdonald, 1968
[Few notes in text]
Robert Rhodes JAMES. Bob Boothby : a portrait. London : Hodder & Stoughton,
1991 [Dates of birth and death added by NP on title page ; note on back endpaper
by NP] [Copy in ML]
W.O. (William Owen) JAMES. Background to gardening. London : George
Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1957
Tony JASPER. Rod Stewart. London : Octopus Books, 1977
Bodo W. JAXTHEIMER. How to paint and draw. London : Thames and
Hudson, 1985
M.J. (Michael Joseph) JEFFERSON-BROWN. The winter garden. London :
The Garden Book Club, 1969
Alan JENKINS. Stephen Potter : inventor of gamesmanship. London :
Weindenfeld and Nicolson, 1980 [Pencil notes by NP on back endpaper,
additions to the index, dates of birth and death on title page]
Roy JENKINS. Gladstone. London : Pan Books, 1996
[Copy in OLRC]
Gertrude JEKYLL. Wood and garden : notes and thoughts, practical and critical,
of a working amateur. London : Longmans, Green, and Co., 1904 [Copy in
Gertrude JEKYLL. Home and garden : notes and thoughts, practical and critical,
of a worker in both. New ed., reissue. London : Longmans, Green and Co., 1910
[Earlier ed. in CRL ; later ed. in OLRC]
------------------------ Colour scheme in the garden. London : Country Life, 1911
[Earlier ed. in Store ; later eds in OLRC]
------------------------ The gardener’s essential Gertrude Jekyll ; intro. by
Elizabeth Lawrence. London : Breslich & Foss, 1964
----------------------- A gardener’s testament: a selection of articles and notes.
London : Macmillan, 1984
------------------------- and Edward MAWLEY. Roses for English gardens. London :
"Country Life", 1902 [Later ed. in OLRC]
Richard JEFFERIES. Amaryllis at the fair. London : Classics Book Club,
1950 [Signature on endpaper : Norman]
------------------------------ A rook book : an anthology of writings. Market
Drayton : Tern Press, 1988. No. 32 of 110 numbered copies. [Enclosures: 2
letters now at MS 200/15/19]
Elizabeth JENKINS. Elizabeth the great. London : Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1958
[Copies in OLRC, Shakespeare Institute ; later ed. in OLRC]
Paul JENNINGS. The living village : a report on rural life in England and
Wales, based on actual village scrapbooks. London : Hodder and Stoughton,
Soame JENYNS. Selections from the three hundred poems of the T’ang
dynasty.Wisdom of the East series. London : John Murray, 1946 [Signature
on endpaper of Barbara Gregory / Nov. 1946]
Jerome K. JEROME. Stage-land : curious habits and customs of its inhabitants.
London : Chatto & Windus, 1890 [Earlier ed. in ML, Shakespeare Institute]
Walter JERROLD. Thomas Hood : his life and times. London : Alston Rivers
Ltd., 1907 [Copy in Store]
Walter JERROLD. R.M. (Robert Maynard) LEONARD. A century of parody and
imitation. London : Humphrey Milford Oxford University Press, 1913 [Signature
of NP on pastedown] [Copy in Store]
W. (William) Stanley JEVONS. Logic. Science primers. London : Macmillan
and Co., 1902
Ruth Prawer JHABVALA. To whom she will. Harmondsworth : Penguin
Books, 1985 [Signature on half title of Jane Moore / ix 85]
Adolphe JOANNE. Guide to Versailles, Saint-Cloud, Ville d’Avray . . . Paris :
L. Hachette & Co., [1858] [Signature : Phyllis J. Ross]
Humphrey JOHN. The skeptical gardener, or potterer’s end ; with a foreword
by J.W. (John William) Robertson Scott. London : George G. Harrap & Co.
Ltd., 1940
James Weldon JOHNSON (editor). The book of American negro spirituals ;
musical arrangements by J. (John) Rosamond Johnson ; additional numbers
by Lawrence Brown. New York : The Viking Press, 1925
M.M. (Maud Marian) JOHNSON (selector). These also : an anthology ; with
an intro. by Walter de la Mare. Cambridge : University Press, 1945
Raynor C. (Carey) JOHNSON. The imprisoned splendour : an approach to reality,
based upon the significance of data drawn from the fields of natural science,
psychical research and mystical experience. London : Hodder and Stoughton,
1961 [Signature of NP on pastedown and jacket flap] [Copy in OLRC]
Samuel JOHNSON. The history of Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia : a tale. London :
John Sharpe, 1828 [Earlier ed. in CRL ; later eds in ML, OLRC]
------------------------- Lives of the English poets. 2 vols. London : J.M. Dent &
Sons Ltd., 1941 [Signature of NP on pastedown on Vol. 2] [Earlier ed. (this
edition) in OLRC]
J. (John) Alfred JOHNSTONE. The art of expression in pianoforte playing : a
concise selection of practical rules for effective study, phrasing, and
expression. London : Weekes & Co., [c1900]
Christopher JONES. The great palace : the story of parliament. London :
BBC, 1984
Lawrence E. (Elmore) JONES. The observer’s book of old English churches.
Rev. ed. The observer’s books. London : Frederick Warne & Co. Ltd., 1969
Margaret E. JONES. House plants. Penguin handbooks. Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books, 1963
P. (Peter) Thoresby JONES. Welsh border country. 2nd ed., rev. London : B.T.
Batsford Ltd., 1946 [Notes by NP on back jacket flap and a few in text] [Copy
in ML]
Ben JONSON. The works of Ben Jonson ; with notes critical and explanatory, and
a biographical memoir, by W. (William) Gifford. London : G. and W. Nicol, F.C.
and J. Rivington [and 11 others], 1816. Vol. 1 : Memoirs of Jonson etc., Every
man in his humour [Earlier eds. in CRL ; later eds in Store, CRL, Shakespeare
----------------------------------------------------- Vol. 2 : Every man out of his humour
; Cynthia’s revels ; The poetaster
----------------------------------------------------- Vol. 3 : Sejanus ; The fox ; The
silent woman
----------------------------------------------------- Vol 4 : The alchemist ; Catiline ;
Bartholomew Fair
- --------------------------------------------------- Vol. 5. The devil is an ass ; The staple
of news ; The new inn
------------------------------------------------------ Vol. 6. The magnetic lady ; The tale
of a tub ; The sad shepherd ; The case is altered ; Entertainments, &c.
------------------------------------------------------ Vol. 7. Masques at court
------------------------------------------------------ Vol. 8. Masques, &c. ; Epigrams ;
Ben JONSON. The works of Ben Jonson. Vol. 9. Underwoods, translations, &c. ;
Discoveries, &c. ; Epigrams
--------------------------------------------------- Vol.10 English grammar ; Jonsonus
------------------- The complete plays of Ben Jonson. 2 vols. Everyman’s library
489-490. London : J.M. Dent & Sons, 1910 [Signature of NP on pastedown ;
production notes in text of ‘The alchemist’ in vol. 2] [Copies in OLRC,
Shakespeare Institute, Store]
-------------------- Ben Jonson. 3 vols. The Mermaid series. London : T. Fisher
Unwin, 1894 [Volume 2 only] [Consisting of : Bartholomew Fair ; Cynthia’s
revels ; Sejanus, his fall] [Notes by NP in text and on back endpaper] [Copies
in Store, OLRC]
James JOYCE. A portrait of the artist as a young man. London : Jonathan Cape,
1944 [Signature of NP on endpaper] [Later ed. in OLRC]
-------------------- Dubliners. Guild books no. 231. London : Jonathan Cape for the
British Publishers Guild, 1947 [Signature of NP on inside cover] [Earlier eds in
CRL, ML ; later eds in ML, OLRC]
-------------------- Ulysses ; with an intro. by Declan Kiberd. Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books, 1992 [Comments and note on final page] [Copies in ML]
Jeffrey KACIRK. Forgotten English. New York : Quill William Morrow, 1997
Frederick KARL. George Eliot : a biography. London : HarperCollins, 1995
[Some marginal comments] [Copy in OLRC]
George S. (Simon) KAUFMAN. Moss HART. Six plays ; with an intro. by
Brooks Atkinson : Once in a lifetime ; Merrily we roll along ; You can’t take
it with you ; The American way ; The man who came to dinner ; George
Washington slept here. New York : The modern library, 1942 [Signature
of NP / New York / 4 Sept 1930, on endpaper (recto)]
Patrick KAVANAGH. Come dance with Kitty Stobling and other poems.
London : Longmans, 1960
Ted KAVANAGH. Tommy Handley. London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1949
------------------------ The ITMA years. London : Futura Publications, 1975
Konstantinos Petrou KAVAPHES. Poems by C.P. Cavafy. Translated by John
Mavrogordato ; with an intro. by Rex Warner. London : Chatto & Windus,
Robert KEABLE. Recompense : a sequel to ‘Simon called Peter’. London :
Constable, 1926 [Signature : N. Somerville]
John KEATS. The poetical works of John Keats ; edited with an introduction and
textual notes by H. (Harry) Buxton Forman. London : Geoffrey Cumberlege
Oxford University Press, 1946 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Earlier eds
in ML, OLRC]
Stuart KEITH. John GORDON. Collins bird guide : a photographic guide to
bird of Britain and Europe. A Chanticleer Press Edition. London : Collins,
KELLY’s directory of Warwickshire. London : Kelly’s Directories Ltd.,
[1936] [Notes on tp]
Felix KELLY. Paintings by Felix Kelly ; intro. by Herbert Read. London :
Falcon Press Ltd., 1946
Charles W. (William) KENNEDY (translator). Early English Christian poetry ;
translated into alliterative verse ; with critical commentary. London : Hollis &
Carter, 1952 [Later ed. in OLRC]
Ludovic KENNEDY. On my way to the Club : the autobiography. London :
Fontana Paperbacks, 1990 [Few marginal comments and note on back
--------------------------- In bed with an elephant. London : Bantam Press, 1995
Michael KENNEDY. Mahler. The master musicians series. London : J.M. Dent &
Sons Ltd., 1983
--------------------------- Adrian Boult. London : Papermac, 1989
Michael KENNEDY. The works of Ralph Vaughan Williams. 2nd ed. Oxford :
Clarendon Press, 1999 [Note on subject’s birth and death by NP on title page]
[Copies in OLRC, Barber Music Library ; earlier eds in OLRC, Barber Music
Arthur KENNY. A path from Rome : an autobiography. London : Sidgwick &
Jackson, 1985 [Copy in OLRC]
Leslie KENTON. Ageless ageing : the natural way to stay young. London :
Arrow Books, 1987
John Coleman KENWORTHY. Tolstoy : his life and works. London and
Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1902 [Signature of N.P. on pastedown ; book
distribution plate of Leamington P.S.A. [Pleasant Sunday Association]
Brotherhood to NP on endpaper]
Ian KER. John Henry Newman : a biography. Oxford : Oxford University Press,
1990 [Enc: printed papers re Newman; photos Newman’s grave, now at MS
200/15/13] [Earlier eds in OLRC, ML]
Jerome KERN. The cabaret girl : a new musical comedy in three acts ; books
& lyrics by George Grossmith and P.G. (Pelham Grenville) Wodehouse.
London : Chappell & Co. Ltd., 1922
Ralph Francis KERR. Pippo Buono : a simple life of Saint Philip. London :
Harrison & Sons, [1903]
Omar KHAYYÁM. Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám rendered into English verse
by Edward Fitzgerald ; followed by Euphranor : a dialogue on youth, and
Sáláman and Absál : an allegory translated from the Persian of Jámi ; edited
by George F. (Frederick) Maine ; with an intro. by Laurence Housman.
London and Glasgow : Collins, 1977
Frank KIDSON. Martin SHAW (editors). 28 selected songs of Britain.
London : Boosey & Co., [1923]
Roger KILROY. ‘Kiss me, Hardy’ : quotations, ancient and modern.London :
Corgi Books, 1982
Arthur KING (compiler). The observer’s book of garden flowers ; from the
larger work ‘The book of garden flowers’ by G.A.R. (George Arthur Rigler)
Phillips. London : Frederick Warne & Co. Ltd., 1966
Stephen KING-HALL. King George V 1910-1936 : the story of a great reign.
London : Evans Brothers, [1936] [Lacks t.p.] [Nuneaton Public Library
bookplate on pastedown]
Charles KINGSLEY. Hereward the Wake. London & Glasgow : Collins’ ClearType Press, [19--] [Other copies in Store, CRL]
--------------------------- The heroes, or Greek fairy tales for my children.
Cambridge : University Press, 1913 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
Thomas KINSELLA. Downstream. Dublin : The Dolmen Press, 1962 [Copy in
Alice KIPLING. A.M. (Alice Macdonald) FLEMING. Hand in hand verses by
mother and daughter. London : Elkin Mathews ; New York : Doubleday,
Rudyard KIPLING. The five nations. London : Methuen, 1903 [Bookplate :
Carlos B. Lumsden ; Inscription : Centre Library 1935 ; The Retreat, York]
[Copies in CRL, Store, OLRC ; later eds in CRL, Store]
------------------------- Soldiers three ; The story of the Gadsbys ; In black &
white. London : Macmillan and Co., 1917
------------------------- Twenty poems. 3rd ed. London : Methuen and co., 1918
[Copy in ML]
------------------------- A Kipling anthology : verse. 4th ed. London : Methuen &
Co. Ltd., 1928 [Inscription on endpaper : To / My dearest sister / with all
best wishes / for a very happy / birthday. 1929]
-------------------------- A choice of Kipling’s verse made by T.S. (Thomas Stearns)
Eliot ; with an essay on Rudyard Kipling. London : Faber and Faber Ltd., 1973
[Copies in OLRC]
Rudyard KIPLING. The [poetical] works of Rudyard Kipling ; introductory
essay by George Orwell. The Wordsworth poetry library. Ware :
Wordsworth Editions Ltd., 1994
Lois KLEIN (editor). Banbury in old photographs. Gloucester : Allan Sutton,
Joseph KNIGHT. Life of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. London : Walter Scott, 1887
[Copy in Store]
Roy Gaveston KNIGHT. Acorns on the path : an anthology. Kenilworth :
Kenilworth Publishing Company, 1960 [Inscription : 2 letters to NP from
Leamington Boys’ Mission, now at MS 200/15/37] [Copy in CRL]
James KNOWLES. The legends of King Arthur and his knights. London :
Senate, 1995
Collie KNOX. Collie Knox calling! London : Chapman and Hall, 1937
Howard KOCH. The panic broadcast : portrait of an event ; with an
introductory interview with Arthur Clarke and the complete text of the radio
play ‘Invasion from Mars’. New York : Avon books, 1971 [Signature of NP
on inside cover]
J. (Jĩri) KOUŘIMSKY. The illustrated encyclopedia of minerals & rocks. Ed.
by Randolph Lucas. London : Promotional Reprint Co. Ltd., 1992
Herbert KUBLY. Stranger in Italy. London : Victor Gollancz, 1955
----------------------- Easter in Sicily. London : Victor Gollancz, 1956 [Signature
of NP on pastedown]
KUNSTMUSEUM LUZERN. Meisterwerke aus den Sammlingen des Fürsten von
Liechtenstein. Luzern : Kunstmuseum, 1948 [Signature of NP / Luzern 18.8.48 on
inside cover] [Copy in Barber Fine art Library]
Mark KURLANSKY. Salt : a world history. London : Jonathan Cape, 2002
[Uncorrected proof copy]
Robert LACEY. Danny DANZIGER. The year 1000 : what life was like at the
turn of the first millennium : an Englishman’s world. London : Abacus, 2000
The LADIES pocket magazine. 1833 [Lacks title page] [Earlier no. in CRL]
John LAHR. Notes on a cowardly lion : the biography of Bert Lahr. New York :
Ballantyne Books, 1970 [Inscription on title page : Love & all the best, / Eric /
Wonderful, wonderful] [British ed. in Shakespeare Institute ; earlier ed. in Store]
Charles LAMB. Specimens of English dramatic poets who lived about the time
of Shakspeare. New ed., including the extracts from the Garrick plays. London :
Henry G. Bohn, 1854 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copy in Shakespeare
Institute ; later eds in Shakespeare Institute, Store]
--------------------- The book of the ranks and dignities of British society ; lately
attributed in the press and elsewhere to Charles Lamb ; including an
introductory note by Clement Shorter. London : Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1924
------------------- Mary LAMB. The works of Charles and Mary Lamb ; edited by
Thomas Hutchinson. [Vol. 2 only]. London : Humphrey Milford Oxford
University Press, [1909] [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copy in ML]
Eleanor O. LAMBOURN. A simple guide to committee procedure and the
work of the officers of a society or club ; with a foreword by Lady Dorothy
Wood. Practical handbook series. London : George Allen & Unwin Ltd.,
John D. LAMOND. The malt file : the independent guide to single malt
whiskies and their distilleries ; tasting notes by John D. Lamond ;
background and history by Robin Tucek. London : Benedict Books, 1989
[Inscription by Robin Tucek on title page]
Osbert LANCASTER. Osbert Lancaster cartoons. London and New York :
Penguin Books, 1945 [Signature of NP on inside cover]
------------------------------ The Penguin Osbert Lancaster. Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books Ltd., 1964 [Signature of NP on inside cover]
H.C. (Howard Chandler) Robbins LANDON. The Mozart compendium : a
guide to Mozart’s life and music. London : Thames and Hudson, 1990 [NP’s
notes and markings in text] [Copy in Barber Music Library]
Walter Savage LANDOR. The shorter poems of Walter Savage Landor ;
selected, and ed. by J.B. (John Benson) Sidgwick. Cambridge : University
Press, 1946
Margaret LANE. The Brontë story : a reconsideration of Mrs Gaskell’s Life of
Charlotte Brontë. London : Heinemann, 1953 [Signed by Joan Hassall] [Copies in
CRL, OLRC ; later ed. in OLRC]
Jane LAPOTAIRE. Grace and favour. London : Macmillan, 1989 [Copy in
Philip LARKIN. The Whitsun weddings : poems. London : Faber and Faber, 1964
[Signature of NP on book jacket flap] [Copy in OLRC ; later eds in
Shakespeare Institute, ML, OLRC]
LAROUSSE encyclopedia of mythology ; with an intro. by Robert Graves. London
: Batchworth Press Ltd., 1959 [Copy in OLRC ; another ed. in Shakespeare
Institute, OLRC]
Marghanita LASKI. George Eliot and her world. London : Thames and Hudson,
1973 [Notes on back pastedown ; marginal comments in text] [Copies in ML,
A.P. (Arthur Pillans) LAURIE. Simple rules for painting in oils. Rev. ed.
London : Winsor & Newton Ltd., 1959
Ernest LAW. A short history of Hampton Court. 2nd ed. London : George Bell and
Sons, 1906 [Later ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
Barbara K. (Kiefer) LAWALSKI. The life of John Milton : a critical biography.
Oxford : Blackwell Publishers, 2000 [Notes and markings in text and on back
endpaper] [Copies in ML]
Sue LAWLEY. Sue Lawley’s desert island discussions. London : Mandarin,
D.H. (David Herbert) LAWRENCE. The ship of death and other poems. London :
Faber and Faber, 1941 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copy in OLRC ; earlier
ed. in CRL, CRL (Boulton collection]
--------------------------------------------- The lost girl. Harmondsworth : Penguin
Books, 1950 [Enclosures : Notes, drafts, correspondence, notes regarding
dramatization of novel, now at MS 200/10/3/42] [Copy in OLRC ; earlier eds in
CRL (Boulton collection), Store ; later eds in ML, OLRC, CRL (Boulton
---------------------------------------------- Selected poems : chosen with an
introduction by W.E. (William Emyrs) Williams. Harmondsworth : Penguin
Books in association with William Heinemann Ltd., 1950
Gertrude LAWRENCE. A star danced. London : W.H. Allen, [1945] [Signature
of NP on pastedown] [Copy in Shakespeare Institute]
T.A. (Thomas Arthur) LAYTON. The Wine and Cheese Society’s guide to
cheese and cheese cookery. London : The Cookery Book Club in conjunction
with the Wine and Food Society, 1971
Stephen LEACOCK. Sunshine sketches of a little town. London : John Lane The
Bodley Head, n.d. [Later ed. in ML]
-------------------------- Further foolishness : sketches and satires of the follies of
the day. London : John Lane The Bodley Head, 1917
-------------------------- Literary lapses. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1939
LEAMINGTON College : jubilee 1902-1952 : an account of the Leamington
Municipal School and its successor Leamington College for Boys. Leamington
Spa : Courier Press, [1952] [Copy in ML]
-------------------------------- Leamington College 1902-1977. [Introduction by
Norman Painting] [Leamington Spa? : s.n., c1977]
LEAMINGTON Literary Society. The Leamington we used to know : a
collection of memories of Leamington by members and friends of the
Leamington Literary Society. Kington : Roundwood Press, 1977 [Enclosure :
car sticker for Royal Leamington Spa]
Brian North LEE. Dearest Sydney : Joan Hassall's letters to Sydney Cockerell
from Italy & France, April-May 1950. Wakefield : Fleece Press, 1991 [One of
220 copies]
Laurie LEE. Laurie Lee. The pocket poets. London : Vista Books, 1960
Mollie LEE (editor). Woman’s hour : a selection. London : British
Broadcasting Corporation, 1967
Peter LEE. Images of England : Nuneaton. Stroud : Tempus Publishing, 2000.
[Inscription: author to NP]
-------------- Images of England : Nuneaton. Vol 2. Stroud : Tempus
Publishing, 2004 [Inscription: author to NP]
Winifred LEEDS. Herefordshire speech : the south-west Midland dialect as
spoken in Herefordshire and its environs. [Ross-on-Wye : M. Spurway,
1974?] [Inscription on t.p. : For the Archers and their friends / at Ambridge
/ from / [label] M. Spurway / Pound Cottage / Upton Crews . Ross-on-Wye
HR9 7UF]
Nadia LEGRAND. Roland GANT. Mésentente cordiale : a cock and bulldog
story ; with a preface by Peter Ustinov. London : Jarrolds Publishers Ltd.,
John LEHMANN (editor). New writing in Europe. Pelican books. Harmondsworth
: Allen Lane Penguin Books, 1940 [Copy in OLRC]
-------------------------------- Coming to London by William Plomer. Leonard
Woolf, V.S. Pritchett, George Barker [and 10 others]. London : Phoenix
House, 1957
Rosamund LEHMANN. The weather in the streets : a novel. London : Collins,
1936 [Later eds in ML, OLRC]
Ken LEMMON. Cool greenhouse plants. London : The Garden Book Club,
John LENNON. Yoko ONO. Andy PEEBLES. The Lennon tapes : John
Lennon and Yoko Ono in conversation with Andy Peebles 6 December 1980.
London : British Broadcasting Corporation, 1981
Giacomo LEOPARDI. Canti. Rizzoli : Bibliotheca universal Rizzoli, 1952
[Earlier ed. in CRL ; later eds in Store, ML]
Reginald LESTER. Towards the hereafter : with a special inquiry into
spiritual healing. London : G. G. Harrap, 1956
Reginald M. (Mounstephens) LESTER. The observer’s book of weather. The
observer’s pocket series. London : Frederick Warne & Co. Ltd., 1970
[Inscription on endpaper : To Norman with / Birthday greetings / and love
from Joana]
Matthew LELIÈVRE. John Wesley : his life and his work ; translated from
the French by A. (Alfred) J. French. London : T. Woolmer, 1871
T.C. (Thomas Charles) LETHBRIDGE. The essential T.C. Lethbridge ;
edited byTom Grave and Janet Hoult ; foreword by Colin Wilson. A Panther
Book. London : Granada, 1980
Bernard LEVIN. Speaking up. London : Jonathan Cape, 1982
Mervyn LEVY. Painting with sunshine : an introduction to oils for young
people ; with a foreword by John Lewson. London : Phoenix House Ltd.,
C.S. (Clive Stapes) LEWIS. Perelandra : a novel. London : John Lane the
Bodley Head, 1943 [Later ed. in OLRC]
------------------------------------ A preface to ‘Paradise lost’ : being the Ballard
Matthews lectures delivered at University College, north Wales, 1941 ; rev. and
enlarged. London : Oxford University Press, 1943 [Signature of NP on pastedown
and notes throughout text] [Copies in ML, OLRC, Shakespeare Institute ; later
ed. in Store]
------------------------------------ The allegory of love : a study in medieval tradition.
New York : Galaxy Book Oxford University Press, 1958 [Inscription on inside
cover : Gawain Bantock, / New College / Oxford ; marginal marks in text]
C. (Cecil) Day LEWIS. Selected poems. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1951
[Copy in OLRC]
D.B. (Dominic Bevan) Wyndham LEWIS. Charles LEE. The stuffed owl : an
anthology of bad verse ; with eight cartoons from the works of Max Beerbohm.
London and Toronto : J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd., 1930 [Signature of NP on
[Copy in Store ; later ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
Lionel Smithett LEWIS. St Joseph of Arimathea at Glastonbury or The apostolic
church of Britain. London : James Clarke & Co. Ltd., 1958 [Notes by NP on back
jacket flap and on back endpaper] [Copy in OLRC]
Matthew Gregory LEWIS. Tales of terror and wonder ; with an introduction
by Henry Morley. Morley’s universal library. London : George Routledge
and Sons, 1887 [Signature of NP on endpaper]
Peter LEWIS. The 50s. London : Book Club Associates, 1978
------------------- The facts about a theatre company : featuring the Prospect
Company ; intro. by Derek Jacobi. Fact books. Ultimo, NSW : G. Whizzard,
1978 [Copy in Shakespeare Institute]
The very interesting LIFE of the famous Oliver Cromwell. 4th edition, with
additions. Halifax : William Milner, 1842
Charles LINES. The book of Warwick. Buckingham : Barracuda Books, 1985
--------------------- Images of England : Nuneaton. Vol 2. Stroud : Tempus
Publishing, 2004 [Inscription: author to NP]
Arthur LING. Farmers’ breakfast. London : Michael Joseph, 1963
Eric LINKLATER. Sealskin trousers and other stories. London : Hart-Davis, 1947
[Includes Christmas card designed by JH, now at MS 200/15/23 ; signed by JH]
[Copy in CRL]
E. (Eugene) F. LINSSEN. The observer’s book of common British insects
and spiders : with sections on Trichoptera and Lepidoptera by L. (Leonard)
Hugh Newman. The observer’s pocket series. London and New York :
Frederick Warne & Co. Ltd., 1953 [Inscription to NP on endpaper]
La LITURGIE ou formulaire des priers publiques . . . . Nouvelle edition. La
Haye : Isaac Vaillant, 1721 [bound with] Les psalmes de David
Christopher LLOYD. The well-tempered garden. Penguin handbooks.
Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1978 [Copy, later ed., in OLRC]
Sir Oliver LODGE. Reason and belief. London : Methuen, 1910 [Copies in CRL
(Store), OLRC, Store]
------------------------ Raymond revisited : a new and abbreviated edition of
‘Raymond or life and death’ with an additional chapter. London : Methuen,
Leopold LOEWENSTEIN. William GERHARDI. Meet yourself as you really
are . . . detailed individual character studies through self-analysis.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1942
Christopher LOGUE. Prince Charming : a memoir. London : Faber and
Faber, 1999
The LONDON minstrel: a collection of esteemed English, Irish, and Scotch songs,
glees, duets &c. set to music. London : Dean and Munday ; A.K. Newman,
[c1810] [Later eds (?) in CRL]
S.L. (Sidney Luxton) LONEY. An arithmetic for schools. London : Macmillan
and Co. Ltd., 1904 [Signature of NP on pastedown ; other markings
Jenny LONG and Andrew BARBER (eds). Graciously pleased : Royal
Leamington Spa 150 years ; foreword and first article by Norman Painting.
Leamington Spa : Mayneset, 1988. [Enclosures : images of Leamington Spa,
now at MS 200/15/29]
Henry Wadsworth LONGFELLOW. The poetical works of Longfellow ;
including recent poems ; with explanatory notes, etc. London : Frederick
Warne & Co., n.d.
Frank Pakenham, Earl of LONGFORD. Diary of a year. London :
Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1982
Samuel LOVER. Legends and stories of Ireland. New edition. London : H.E.
Baker, 1853 [Signature: NP]
Jane LOUDON. The ladies’ companion to the flower-garden ; being an
alphabetical arrangement of all the ornamental plants usually grown in gardens &
shrubberies ; with full directions for their culture. 6th ed., with considerable adds.
and corrs. London : For the proprietor, 1853 [Earlier ed. in CRL]
Mary LOUDON. Unveiled : nuns talking. London : Vintage, 1993 [Copy in
John LOWE. Saint Peter. Oxford : Clarendon Press. 1956
Stephen LOWE. Arthur Lowe : Dad’s memory. London : Virgin Books, 2003
John Livingston LOWES. The road to Xanadu : a study in the ways of the
imagination. Revised ed. London : Constable, [1930] [Earlier ed. in ML,
Shakespeare Institute ; later eds. in OLRC]
You LU. The rapier of Lu : patriot poet of China ; translations and biography by
Clara M. (Margaret) Candlin (Mrs W.A. Young). The wisdom of the East series.
London : John Murray, 1946 [Copy in OLRC]
Clare Boothe LUCE. Saints for now. London and New York : Sheed and
Ward, 1952 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
John B. (Benedict) LUST. The herb book. London : Bantam Books, 1974
Archibald LYALL. Rome sweet Rome. London : Putnam, 1956
G.O.E. LYDALL. Anthology of gardens and flowers. London : Allman &
Sons Ltd., [1948]
Bohun LYNCH and Reginald BERKELEY. Decorations and absurdities. 4th
edition. London : W. Collins, 1923 [Signature and bookplate : Percival J.
Jonathan LYNN. Antony JAY. The complete Yes minister : the diaries of a
cabinet minister by the Rt Hon. James Hacker, M.P. London : British
Broadcasting Corporation, 1983 [Inscription on half title]
----------------------------------------- Yes Prime Minister : the diaries of the Right
Hon. James Hacker. Vol. 2. London : British Broadcasting Corporation, 1987
Edward Bulwer LYTTON, Baron Lytton. A strange story. Knebworth edition.
London : George Routledge, [1875?] [Bookplate : Sonning Working Men’s Club
J.D. (John David) MABBOTT. Oxford memories. Oxford : Thornton’s of
Oxford, 1986 [Pencil date by NP on inside cover : Oxford / 19.ix.86, and note
on back endpaper, marginal notes and markings in text]
Rose MACAULAY. Milton. Great lives. London : Duckworth, 1934 [Signatures
of NP on pastedown and book jacket flap] [Copies in Store, Shakespeare
Institute ; later ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
Thomas Babington Macaulay, baron MACAULAY. Critical and historical
essays, contributed to the Edinburgh review. 2 vols [in 1]. London : Longman,
Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1854 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Earlier
ed. in CRL ; later eds in Store, CRL (Cannock Chase collection, ML]
------------------------------------------------------------------ Macaulay’s speeches ;
with an intro. by the late W.E. (William Ewart) Gladstone. Everyman’s
library. London : J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1912 [Signature of NP on
George MacBETH. The transformation. London : Quartet Books, 1977
Fiona MacCARTHY. The simple life : C.R. Ashbee in the Cotswolds. London :
Lund Humphries, 1988 [Copy in OLRC]
John McCARTHY. Jill MORRELL. Some other rainbow. London : Corgi
Books, 1994
Primrose McCONNELL. The agricultural notebook : facts and figures for
farmers, students, and all engaged or interested in farming. [Rev. by Ian
Moore.] 15th ed. London : Iliffe Books Ltd., 1968
Derek McCULLOCH (editor). The Children’s hour annual. London :
Hutchinson, 1935.
--------------------------------------- Uncle Mac’s Children’s hour book. London :
Paulton and Sons, printers, n.d.
Jacqueline McDONNELL. Evelyn Waugh. Macmillan modern novelists.
Basingstoke : Macmillan, 1988 [Markings in text]
Duncan MACDOUGALL. August MACDOUGALL. The bond of music : an
anthology. London : Tuslove & Hanson, [19--] [Ownership label of NP on
pastedown] [Copy in Shakespeare Institute]
Aidan MACFARLANE. Ann McPHERSON. Fresher pressure : how to survive
as a student. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1994 [Copy at OLRC]
Phyllis McGINLEY. The love poems of Phyllis McGinley. New York : The
Viking Press, 1954
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- London : J.M.
Dent, 1955
Roger McGOUGH (editor). The Kingfisher book of comic verse. London :
Kingfisher Books, 1986
Dawn MACLEOD. A book of herbs. London : The Garden Book Club,
Compton MACKENZIE. Echoes. London : Chatto & Windus, 1954
[Signature of the author on title page]
K.R. (Kenneth Roderick) MACKENZIE. The English parliament. Pelican books.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1959 [Copy in OLRC]
Alan MACKINNON. The Oxford amateurs : a short history of theatricals at the
university ; with a foreword by the Hon. and Rev. James Adderley. London :
Chapman and Hall, 1910 [Later ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
H.R. (Hugh Ross) MACKINTOSH. The Christian experience of forgiveness.
London : Fontana Books, 1961 [Earlier eds in OLRC]
Joseph MACLEOD. A job at the BBC : some personal reminiscences.
[London]: William MacLellan, 1947 [press cuttings, inc. author’s obituary,
now at MS 200/15/6]
Ruari McLEAN (editor) The wood engravings of Joan Hassall. London : Oxford
University Press, 1960 [Includes postcard from JH to Viola, now at MS
200/15/24] [Copy in CRL]
ÓIR. Enter a goldfish : memoirs of an Irish actor, young
and old. London : Granada, 1981 [Note on back inside cover and in text by NP]
[Earlier ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
Kenneth M. (Mead) MACMORRAN. Kenneth J.T. (John Tristram)
ELPHINSTONE. A handbook for churchwardens and parochial church
councillors. London & Oxford : Mowbrays, 1971 [Ownership label of NP on
inside cover] [Earlier, and later ed., in OLRC]
Arthur Salusbury MacNALTY. Henry VIII : a difficult patient. Medical viewpoint
series. London : Christopher Johnson, 1952
Louis MACNEICE. The dark tower and other radio scripts. London : Faber and
Faber, 1947 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copy in ML]
------------------------- The string are false : an unfinished autobiography. London :
Faber and Faber, 1965 [Few markings in text by NP] [Copies in ML, OLRC]
Stewart MACPHERSON. The mike and I. London : Home & Van Thal, 1948
[Signed by the author]
W. (Walter) MACQUEEN-POPE. Twenty shillings in the pound. London :
Hutchinson & Co. Ltd., [1949] [Copy in Shakespeare Institute]
W. (Walter) MACQUEEN-POPE. Shirtfronts and sables : a story of the days when
money could be spent. London : Robert Hale Ltd., 1953 [Copy in Shakespeare
F.R. (Frederic Richard) McQUOWN. Carnations and pinks. London : The
Garden Book Club, 1965
Falconer MADAN. Oxford outside the guide-books. Oxford : Basil Blackwell,
1923 [Signature on endpaper of Lilias Wright / 1928 / Her Book]
Geoffrey MADAN. Geoffrey Madan’s notebooks : a selection ; edited by J.A.
(John Arthur) Gere and John Sparrow ; with a foreword by Harold
Macmillan. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1984
Francis MADDISON. Dorothy STYLES. Anthony WOOD. Sir William Dugdale
1605-1686 : a list of his printed works and his portraits with notes on his life and
the manuscript sources. 1953 [Enclosure : invitation to NP to Dugdale exhibition,
15 July 1953, now at MS 200/15/30 (see also MS 200/10/3/15] [Copies in Store,
Shakespeare Institute]
Charles MADGE. A.W. (Arthur Wilfred) COYSH. George DIXON. To start you
talking : a collection of scripts with introductory sections and a commentary on
the reactions of listening groups by Inez Madge. London : Pilot Press, 1945
[Copy in CL (Store)]
Philip MAGNUS. King Edward the Seventh. London : John Murray, 1964
in OLRC]
S.P.B. (Stuart Petre Brodie) MAIS. Gilliam MAIS. Roman holiday. London :
Alvin Redman Ltd., 1957
Stanley V. (Victor) MAKOWER. Richard Savage : a mystery in biography.
London : Hutchinson & Co., 1935 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
[Earlier ed. in ML]
Susan Hamilton MALESBURY. Old friends with new faces : English nursery
rhymes translated into French and set to music. London : Longmans, Green,
Thomas MALORY. Le morte d’Arthur ; with an introduction by Prof. (John) Rhys.
2 vols. Everyman’s Library, no. 45. London & Toronto : J.M. Dent & Sons, 1919
[Note at end of vol. 2] [Earlier ed. in OLRC ; later ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
Margaret MANNING. The hospice alternative : living with dying : with a
foreword by James Hanratty and a postscript by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. A Condor
book. London : Souvenir Press (E & A) Ltd.,1984 [Copies in OLRC]
Paolo MANTEGAZZA. Physiognomy and expression. The contemporary
science series. London : Walter Scott, [1890] [Signature of NP, as Norman G.
Painting, on pastedown]
Walter de la MARE. Memory and other poems. London : Constable & Co. Ltd.,
1938 [Bookplate of M.(Mildred) E. Forbes on pastedown ; signature of Mildred
E. Forbes / May 1938 on endpaper] [Copy in Store]
------------------------ Stories, essays and poems. London : J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd.,
1941 [Signature of E. [Edna] Painting on endpaper] [Earlier ed. in OLRC]
------------------------ Bells and grass. London : Faber and Faber, 1943
[Signature : N.P.]
------------------------- The burning-glass and other poems. London : Faber & Faber,
1945 [Review note from publishers, 5 October 1945, tipped in] [Copy in Store]
MARIE, de France. Arthurian romances unrepresented in Malory’s ‘Morte
d’Arthur’, 3 : Guingamor, Sir Launfal, Tyolet, Bisclaveret ; four lais
rendered into English prose from the French by Jessie L. (Laidlay) Weston.
London : David Nutt, 1900 [Signature : NP (on pastedown) ; F. Bradley on
MARIE, Princess of Liechtenstein. Holland House. 2nd ed. 2 vols. London :
Macmillan and Co., 1874 [Copies in CRL, CRL (Art collection), Shakespeare
Institute ; later ed. in CRL]
Christopher MARLOWE. The works of Christopher Marlowe. Edited by C.F.
Tucker Brooke. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1910 [N.P. signature ; page markers
with notes, annotations, page numbers marked and left in place] [Copies in Store,
Shakespeare Institute, OLRC]
Derek MARLOWE. Nancy Astor : the lady from Virginia. London :
Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1982
J.W. (James William) MARRIOTT (editor). One-act plays of today : first series.
London : George G. Harrap, 1924 [Bookplate of King Edward VI School,
Birmingham] [Copies in Store, Shakespeare Institute, OLRC]
[consisting of:
A.A. {Alan Alexander) Milne. The boy comes home
Harold Brighouse. Followers
Arnold Bennett. The stepmother
Oliphant Down. The maker of dreams
John Galsworthy. The little man
Lord Dunsany. A night at an inn
J.A. (John Alexander) Ferguson. Campbell of Kimhor
Allan Monkhouse. The Grand Cham’s diamond
J.J. (John Joy) Bell. Thread o’scarlet
John Drinkwater. X = O: a night of the Trojan war
Jan MARSH. Christina Rossetti : a literary biography. London : Jonathan
Cape, 1994
Arthur MARSHALL. Nineteen to the dozen. London : Hamish Hamilton,
1953 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
----------------------------- Smile please : further musings from Myrtlebank.
London : Hamish Hamilton, 1982
----------------------------- Life’s rich pageant. [London] : Fontana, 1985
[Ownership label on inside cover]
----------------------------- Whimperings in the rhododendrons : the splendours
and miseries of the English prep school. London : Fontana Paperbacks, 1986
----------------------------- Sunny side up. London : Hamish Hamilton, 1987
----------------------------- Follow the sun : a further selection of the writings of
Arthur Marshall ; edited by Peter Kelland ; introduced by Frank Muir.
London : Sinclair-Stevenson, 1991 [Inscription on endpaper : E.M. Jelf –
from Prue, Christmas ‘91]
Carolyn MARTIN (compiler). A book of graces. London : W.I. Books Ltd.,
1985 [Verse grace added on p. 196]
E.L. (Eric Lionel) MASCALL. Pi in the high. London : The Faith Press, 1959
[Enclosure : typescript poem, now at MS 200/15/33]
---------------------------------------- Saraband : the memoirs of E.L. Mascall.
Leominster : Gracewing, 1992
John MASEFIELD. The collected poems of John Masefield. London : William
Heinemann Ltd., 1941 [Earlier eds in OLRC, ML ; later eds in OLRC]
James MASON. Before I forget : autobiography and drawings. London : Sphere
Books Ltd., [c1981] [Copy in OLRC]
Hugh MASSINGBERD (editor). The Daily Telegraph book of obituaries : a
celebration of eccentric lives. London : Pan Books, 1996
Philip MASSINGER. The plays of Philip Massinger ; from the text of William
Gifford ; with the addition of the tragedy ‘Believe as you list’ ; edited by F.
(Francis) Cunningham. London : Alfred Thomas Crocker, 1868 [Signature of NP
and bookplate of Sir John Martin Harvey on pastedown]
Betty MASSINGHAM. Miss Jekyll ; portrait of a great gardener. London :
Country Life, 1966 [Inscription: H. Keppe Barrett]
H.J. (Harold John) MASSINGHAM (editor). A treasury of seventeenth century
English verse : from the death of Shakespeare to the Restoration (1616-1660).
London : Macmillan and Co. Ltd., 1942 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
[Earlier eds in Store, Shakespeare Institute]
J.C. (John Cecil) MASTERMAN. To teach the senators wisdom, or, an Oxford
guide-book. London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1952 [Notes by NP on back
endpaper] [Copy in ML]
Brian MASTERS. The life of E.F. Benson. London : Chatto & Windus, 1991
John MASTERS. The deceivers. London : Michael Joseph, 1954 [Signature
on endpaper : Bryan Hewett / Calcutta 1956]
John MASTERS. Bhowani junction. London : Michael Joseph, 1954 [Bookplate
of Malcolm Saville on pastedown ; signature of MS on endpaper, with From R.P.S.
/ ? 21st 1956] [Copy, and later ed., in OLRC]
----------------------- Coromandel! London : Michael Joseph, 1955
----------------------- Far, far the mountain peak. Harmondsworth : Penguin
Books, 1967 [Pencil marks in text and notes on back endpapers and inside
back cover for possible radio adaptation (?)]
Brander MATTHEWS. Paul Robert LIEDER (editors). The chief British
dramatists excluding Shakespeare : twenty-five plays from the middle of the
fifteenth century to the end of the nineteenth. London : George G. Harrap
and Company, [1925?]
Denis MATTHEWS. Beethoven piano sonatas. BBC Music Guides. London :
British Broadcasting Corporation, 1967 [Signature of Viola Barrett on front
endpaper] [Copies in OLRC]
Doreen MATTHEWS. Summat-a-that : a country miscellany with celebrity
contributions. [With introduction by Norman Painting]. Presteigne : Artisan
Press, printers, 1986 [Inscription : To / Norman / sincere and heartfelt /
gratitude / for making time to see / where others failed to look / Doreen]
Jessie MATTHEWS (as told to Muriel Burgess). Over my shoulder : the
autobiography of Jessie Matthews. London : Star Book Wyndham
Publications Ltd., 1976
Neil MATTINGLEY. A whiff of leather. 3rd ed. for private circulation only ;
with illustrations in the text by Colin Hadley. London : The Partners
Publishing Co., 1886
W. (William) Somerset MAUGHAM. The summing up. London : William
Heinemann Ltd., 1938 [Pencil notes on back endpaper, few marginal markings
in text] [Copy in CRL]
------------------------------------------------- The complete short stories of W.
Somerset Maugham. Vol. 1. London : William Heinemann, 1951 [Pencil
notes by NP on pastedown, front and back endpapers]
André MAUROIS. Disraeli : a picture of the Victorian age ; translated by
Hamish Miles. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books Ltd., 1939
William (Fordyce) MAVOR. New description of Blenheim, the seat of the Duke of
Marlborough . . . . 4th edition, enlarged. London : Cadell and Davies ; E. Newbery,
1797 [Later ed? in CRL (Art Collection)]
Bruce MAWDESLEY. The terrible tale of Arsenic Lupin : a narrative poem.
Llanidloes : the Pen-y-Graig Partnership, 1996 [Inscribed by the author to
------------------------------ ‘It takes all sorts’ : a collection of character poems.
Trefeglwys ; Beaumaris Press, 1997
Madeleine MAYS. Blackie’s second book of Bible picture puzzles (nondenominational). London and Glasgow : Blackie, 1963
Arthur MEE. The children’s bible : the greatest book in the world in its own words
; illustrated from the art galleries of the world. London : Hodder and Stoughton,
1925 [Signature of NP, as N.G. Painting / 28 Grove Street / Leamington Spa /
Xmas 1931, on pastedown] [Copy in CRL]
----------------- (editor). Oxfordshire : county of imperishable fame. The King’s
England. London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1945 [Signature of NP on
pastedown and bookplate of Brenda M. Henderson]
Ved MEHTA. Continents of exile : up at Oxford. London : John Murray,
1993 [Notes by NP on back endpaper]
F.H. (Francis Horace) MELLOR. Holiday in Tangier ; illustrated with 32
photographs by Ian H. Selley. Tangier : Marshways Ltd., 1955 [Signature of
NP on jacket flap, with Tangier / 6 August 1956]
George MELLY. Owning up : the trilogy ; with a new intro. and afterword by
the author. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 2000
Vera MENDEL. Francis MEYNELL. John GOSS. The week-end book. London :
The Nonesuch Press, 1929 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Earlier ed. in
Shakespeare Institute]
Aubrey MENEN. Fonthill : a comedy. London : Hamish Hamilton, 1975
George MEREDITH. Modern love and other poems. Mickleham edition.
London : Constable & Company Ltd., [1922]
---------------------------- A reading of life and other poems. Mickleham edition.
London : Constable & Company Ltd., [1922]
METHODIST CHURCH. The Methodist hymn-book. London : Methodist
Conference Office, 1933 [Signature of NP / The Old Rectory / Warmington on
title page] [Copies in OLRC ; later ed. in OLRC]
-------------------------------- Another copy [Signatures of H.G. (Harry George)
Painting on endpaper (verso) ; a. 28 Grove St / Leamington Spa / March 17, 1935 ;
b. ‘Avalon’ / Trinity Walk / Nuneaton] [Copies and later ed. in OLRC ]
-------------------------------- Hymns & songs : a supplement to the Methodist hymn
book. London : Methodist Publishing House, 1969 [Signature of NP on
pastedown] [Copy in OLRC]
-------------------------------- The shorter book of offices : being a selection of
the orders of service authorized for use in the Methodist church. London :
Methodist Publishing House, 1936 [Signature of NP / The Old Rectory /
Warmington, on endpaper]
F. B. (Frederick Brotherton) MEYER. Paul : a servant of Jesus Christ.
London : Marshall, Morgan & Scott, 1953
MICHAELANGELO. The sonnets of Michael Angelo Buonarroti ; now for the
first time translated into rhymed English by John Addington Symonds. London :
John Murray, 1926 [Earlier ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
C.H. (Cecil Henry) MIDDLETON. Middleton’s all the year round gardening
guide & encyclopaedia of gardening : a detailed plan of work for every week
in the year & complete A to Z gardening encyclopaedia. Issued in support of
the Ministry of Agriculture’s ‘Dig for Victory’ campaign. London : Shaw
Publishing Co. Ltd., [1945]
Edgar MIDDLETON (editor). H.R.H. [ie Edward, Prince of Wales, later
Edward VIII, later Duke of Windsor] : a pictorial biography. London : John
Lane The Bodley Head Ltd., 1933
Kenneth MIDGLEY. Garden design. Penguin handbook. Harmsworth : Penguin
Books, 1966 [Later eds in OLRC]
Keith MILES. Ambridge summer. London : Tandem Publishing, 1975
[Inscribed by KM to NP]
John Guille MILLAIS. The life and letters of Sir John Everett Millais, President of
the Royal Academy. Vol. 2 [only]. 2nd ed. London : Methuen & Co., 1900 [Copy
(2 vols) in Barber ; earlier ed.(2 vols) in CRL (Store)]
Oliver MILLAR. The age of Charles I : painting in England 1620-1649. London :
The Tate Gallery, 1972 [Signature of NP on inside cover]
P.F. (Patrick Ferguson) MILLARD. Life drawing. The student’s art books.
London : Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd., 1947
Duncan MILLER. Interior decorating. ‘How to do it’ series, no. 13. London &
New York : The studio publications, 1947 [Signature of NP on endpaper]
F.M. (Faith Madeleine) MILLER. The physical basis of geography ; under the
editorship of E.G.R. (Eva Germaine Rivington) Taylor. 2nd ed. London :
George Philip & Son Ltd., 1936 [Signature of V. Painting on endpaper]
George MILLER. Rambles round the Edge Hills and in the Vale of the Red Horse ;
with a foreword by Anthony C. Wood. Kineton : The Roundwood Press, 1967
[Signature of NP on pastedown, with The Old Rectory / Warmington]
Henry MILLER. The world of sex and Max & the white phagocytes. London :
Star Book, 1959
A.A. (Alan Alexander) MILNE. The king’s breakfast. Music by H. (Harold)
Fraser-Simson ; decorations by E.H. (Edward Henry Archer) Shepard. London :
Methuen & Co., 1925
---------------------------------------- The house at Pooh Corner. London : Methuen,
1928 [Later eds in Ml, CRL]
A.A. (Alan Alexander) MILNE. Four plays. [To have the honour, Belinda,
Dover road, Mr Pim passes by] Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1939
[Signature of NP on inside front cover]
John MILTON. The poetical works of John Milton : edited after the original
texts by H.C. (Henry Charles) Beeching ; new ed. with translations of the
Italian, Latin and Greek poems from the Columbia University edition and a
reader’s guide by W. (Walter) Skeat. London : Humphrey Milford Oxford
University Press, 1941 [Signature of NP on endpaper ; pencil notes throughout
text and on back endpapers]
-------------------- The English poems of John Milton ; from the edition of H.C.
(Henry Charles) Beeching ; together with an introduction by Charles Williams and
a reader’s guide to Milton compiled by Walter Skeat. The world’s classics 182.
London : Geoffrey Cumberledge Oxford University Press, 1948 [Signature of NP
on pastedown] [Earlier ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
--------------------- Areopagitica and other prose works. Intro. by C.E. (Charles
Edwyn) Vaughan. Everyman’s library 795. London : J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd.,
1927 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
Anthony MINGHELLA. Michael ONDAATJE. The English patient : a
screenplay. Methuen screenplay. London : Methuen, 1997
Mary Russell MITFORD. Our village : country pictures. Glasgow : John
M’Gready, n.d. [Other eds in ML, CRL, OLRC]
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- London :
George Harrap, 1947 [Inscribed from JH to N] [Copy in CRL ; earlier eds in
CRL, OLRC ; later ed. in ML]
Nancy MITFORD. Evelyn WAUGH. The letters of Nancy Mitford and Evelyn
Waugh ; edited by Charlotte Mosley. London : Sceptre, 1997
Aldo Neppi MODONA. A guide to Etruscan antiquities. Pocket library of
studies in art. Firenze : Leo S. Olschki, 1968
Hubert MOELLER. What’s blooming where on Tenerife? Santa Cruz de
Tenerife : Bambi, 1968
James MOFFATT. He and she : a book of them. London : Hodder and
Stoughton, 1933 [Signature of H.W. Dobson on endpaper]
Lucia MOHOLY. A hundred years of photography 1839-1939.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1939 [Signature of NP on inside front
MOLIERE. Plays from MOLIERE by English dramatists ; with an introduction by
Henry Morley. 4th ed. London : George Routledge, 1885 [Signature of NP on
pastedown] [Earlier ed. in CRL (Store), Shakespeare Institute, Store]
J. (Joseph) Fitzgerald MOLLOY. The life and adventures of Edmund Kean
tragedian 1787-1833. London : Downey & Co. Ltd., 1897 [Signature of NP on
pastedown] [Earlier ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
James MONACO. The Virgin international encyclopedia of film. London :
Virgin Books, 1993
Harold MONRO (editor). Twentieth century poetry : an anthology. London :
Chatto and Windus, 1929 [Marks in the text for a poetry reading (?)] [Copy in
Store, Shakespeare Institute]
John MONTGOMERY. 1900 : the end of an era. London : George Allen and
Unwin Ltd., 1968
Carlotta MONTI (with Cy RICE). W.C. Fields & me. London : New English
Library, 1975 [Ownership label of NP on inside cover]
Jerrold Northrop MOORE. Edward Elgar : a creative life. Oxford : Oxford
University Press, 1987 [Copies in OLRC ; earlier ed. in Barber Music Library]
Charles MOORE. Christopher HAWTREE (editors). 1936 as recorded by
The spectator. London : Michael Joseph, 1986
John MOORE. Brensham village ; with a frontispiece by Clifford and Rosemary
Ellis. London : Collins, 1946 [Inscription on endpaper : E.M.G. Routh /
Christmas 1946] [Later ed. in OLRC]
John MOORE. Dance and skylark : a novel. London : Reprint Society, 1952
-------------------- September moon. London and Glasgow : Collins Fontana
Books, 1967
Patrick MOORE. The observer’s book of astronomy. Rev. ed. London :
Frederick Warne & Co. Ltd., 1971
Thomas MOORE. Lalla Rookh : an oriental romance. London : Longman, Brown,
Green, and Longmans, 1849 [Earlier eds in CRL ; later eds in CRL, Store]
Alberto MORAVIA. The woman of Rome : a novel. Harmondsworth : Penguin
Books, 1957 [Copy in OLRC]
Jasper MORE. The Mediterranean. London : B.. Batsford Ltd., 1956
[Inscription on endpaper : To Much too Much too Much / Wishing you Much
too Much too Much too Much / from N. & G. / November 1958]
Kenneth MORE. More or less. London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1978
Thomas MORE. Dialogue of comfort against tribulation. London and New York :
Sheed and Ward, 1951 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copy in OLRC]
Eric MORECAMBE. Ernie WISE. Eric & Ernie : the autobiography of
Morecambe & Wise ; referee : Dennis Holman. London : Star Book, 1974
Dewi MORGAN. Phoenix of Fleet Street : 2000 years of St Bride’s. London :
Charles Knight & Co. Ltd., 1973
R.B. (Robert Burns) MORGAN. H.T. (Hubert Turner) STROTHARD.
Modern English : a School Certificate course ; being a revised ed. of Morgan
and Lattimer’s ‘Higher course of English practice’ to meet the requirements
of the Northern Joint Board’s examination. London : John Murray, 1936
[Some notes in the text]
Thomas MORLEY. A plain and easy introduction to practical music. Edited by
R. (Richard) Alec Harman ; with a foreword by Thurston Dart. London : J.M.
Dent & Sons Ltd., 1952 [Copies in Barber Music Library, Shakespeare Institute ;
earlier ed. in Barber Music Library, Shakespeare Institute]
Hugh MORRIS. The art of kissing ; afterword by Dave Wagner. London and
Sydney : Pan Books, 1977
Jan MORRIS. Oxford ; fully updated by Mark Morris. Oxford : Oxford University
Press, 1987 [Marginal markings in text] [Copy in ML ; earlier ed. in OLRC]
Ian A. (Alexander) MORRISON. HRH Prince Charles. Loughborough :
Ladybird Books, 1981
K.P. (Karl Philipp) MORITZ. Travels in England in 1782. Cassell’s National
Library. London : Cassell & Co., 1886 ]Later eds in ML, OLRC]
George MORLEY. Warwick and Leamington. London : Blackie and Son, 1913
[Copy in Shakespeare Institute]
Sheridan MORLEY. A talent to amuse : a biography of Noël Coward.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1974 [Earlier ed. in CRL (Coward collection),
-------------------------- John G : the authorised biography of John Gielgud. London
: Sceptre, 2001 [Earlier ed. in Shakespeare Institite]
Ottoline MORRELL. Ottoline : the early memoirs of Lady Ottoline Morrell ;
edited with an intro. by Robert Gathorne-Hardy. London : Faber and Faber, 1963
[Copy in ML]
-------------------------- Ottoline at Garsington : memoirs of Lady Ottoline Morrell
1915-1918 ; edited with an intro. by Robert Gathorne-Hardy. London : Faber and
Faber, 1974 [Ownership label on endpaper] [Copies in CRL (Boulton
collection), ML]
Jan MORRIS. Heaven’s command : an imperial progress. Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books, 1981 [Notes by NP on final page] [Copies in OLRC ; earlier
ed. in ML, OLRC]
------------------ Conundrum ; [with a new intro. and an epilogue by the author]
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1987 [Earlier ed. in OLRC]
------------------ Lincoln : a foreigner’s quest. Harmondsworth : Penguin
Books, 2000
William MORRIS. News from nowhere, or an epoch of rest ; being some chapters
from a Utopian romance. London : Longmans, Green and Co., 1938 [Signature of
NP on inside cover] [Earlier eds in ML, CRL ; later eds in ML, OLRC]
------------------------------------------------- and selected writings and designs ; edited
with an intro. by Asa Briggs ; with a supplement by Graeme Shankland on
William Morris, designer. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1984 [Copies in
John MORTIMER. Edwin and other plays : Edwin ; Bermondsey ; Marble
Arch ; The fear of heaven ; The Prince of Darkness. Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books, 1984
Penelope MORTIMER. Queen Elizabeth : a life of the Queen Mother.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1987
H.V. (Henry Vollam) MORTON. A traveller in Rome. London : Methuen &
Co. Ltd., 1957 [Signature of NP on first endpaper (verso)]
Keith MOSSMAN. The Shell book of rural Britain. Newton Abbot : David &
Charles, 1978
Andrew MOTION. The Lamberts : George, Constant & Kit. London : The Hogarth
Press, 1987 [Earlier ed. in OLRC, Shakespeare Institute]
R.H. (Ralph Hale) MOTTRAM. Miss Lavington. London : Hutchinson,
Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART. Missa brevis in F major, K192 – 1774 : for
four solo voices, four part chorus of mixed voices, two violins and continuo ;
edited by Arthur Mendell. London : Chappell & Co. Ltd. ; New York : G.
Schirmer Inc., 1955 [Library plate of City of Westminster Public Libraries
on front endpaper]
Malcolm MUGGERIDGE. Conversion : a spiritual journey. London : Collins
Fount Paperbacks, 1989
Frank MUIR. A Kentish lad : the autobiography of Frank Muir. London :
Corgi Books, 1998
Frank MUIR. Denis NORDEN. The Glums : based on the original radio
scripts. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1980
----------------------------------------- The complete and utter ‘My word’ collection
: stories from the panel game devised by Edward J. (John) Mason and Tony
Shryane. London : Methuen Paperback, 1984
Gwendolen MURPHY (editor). The modern poet : an anthology. London :
Sidgwick & Jackson Ltd., 1942 [Signature of NP on inside front cover and
pencil notes on back endpaper ; inscription on front endpaper : With all good
wishes / July, 1943]
D.L. (David Leslie) MURRAY. Folly Bridge : a romantic tale. London :
Hodder and Stoughton, 1945
John Middleton MURRY. Countries of the mind : essays in literary criticism.
London : W. Collins Sons & Co.Ltd., 1922 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
[Copy in Shakespeare Institute ; later ed. in Store]
Gilbert MURRAY. Euripides and his age. Home university library. London :
Thornton Butterworth Ltd., 1937 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Earlier
eds in ML, OLRC ; later eds in ML, Shakespeare Institute]
Margaret A. (Alice) MURRAY. The splendour that was Egypt : a general survey
of Egyptian culture and civilization. London : Readers Union Sidgwick &
Jackson, 1951 [Signature of NP on endpaper (verso)] [Earlier ed. in ML, OLRC ;
later ed. in OLRC]
Pete MURRAY. One day I’ll forget my trousers. London : Everest Books
Ltd., 1975
Walter J.C. (John Campbell) MURRAY. Copsford. London : George Allen
and Unwin Ltd., 1948
------------------------------------------------------ A sanctuary planted. London : The
Country Book Club, 1954
The MUSE of monarchy : poems by kings and queens of England. London :
Eric Grant, 1937
The MUSICAL miscellany, being a collection of choice songs, and lyrick
poems . . . Vol 4. London : John Wate, 1730
The MUSICAL times. London : Novello and Co., [A mixed set of issues bound
together, consisting of:]
No.93. Thomas MORLEY. April is in my mistress’ face : madrigal for
four voices
No. 101. Luffman ATTERBURY. Adieu, ye streams : glee for four
No. 9. J. (Jonathan) BATTISHILL. Amidst the myrtles ; Pleasures of
No. 282. J.H. WALKER. Awake, my love, awake : a four-part song. 1
August 1866
No. 78. John DANBY. Awake, Aeolian lyre.
No. 191. Samuel WEBBE. Breathe soft, ye winds : glee for four voices ;
Henry PURCELL. Britons, strike home.; William H. (Hayman)
CUMMINGS. Oh, were I but a drop of dew.
No. 260. W. (William) HORSLEY. Come, gentle zephyrs. 1 October
No. 273 Joseph Thomas COOPER. A Christmas carol ; Samuel GEE. A
Christmas carol. 1 November 1865
No. 223. A Canadian boat song
No. 119. A selection of five catches by various authors. (William
HAYES. Wou’d you sing a catch with pleasure? ; Samuel WEBBE.
Would you know my Celia’s charms? ; Joseph or Thomas BAILDON.
Mister Speaker, tho’ ‘tis late ; J.W. (John Wall) CALLCOTT. Ah! how
Sophia can you leave? ; J.W. (John Wall) CALLCOTT. Have you Sir
John Hawkins’ Hist’ry?
No. 212. G. (Giachino) ROSSINI. The ‘carnovale’ : chorus for four
No. 252. Edward J. (John) HOPKINS. Chloe and Corinna : a choral
song. 1 February 1864 ; Wm. (William) BEALE. Come let us join the
roundelay. 1 January 1865
No. 210. Elizabeth STIRLING. The forester ; Stephen STORACE. Five
times by the taper’s light ; quartett. 1 January 1863 ; C.A. (Clara
Angela) MACIRONE. Good morrow to my lady bright : a choral song.
1 April 1860
The MUSICAL times [cont.]
No. 196. E.G. (Edwin George) MONK. Good night, beloved! : serenade.
1 June 1859 ; Henry R. (Rowley) BISHOP. Hark, ‘tis the Indian drum
No. 5. R. (Reginald) SPOFFORTH. Hail, smiling morn : glee for four
No. 203. Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART. Happy is our soldier band
(Bella vita militar). 1 January 1860
No. 220. Francesco BERGER. Hurrah for merry England : patriotic
No. 230. John SCOTLAND. Lightly tread, ‘tis hallow’d ground : glee
for three voices. 1 April 1862 ; Charles STOKES. Lines on the pleasures
of music as a social and recreational pasttime : an impromptu
No. 99. Carl Maria von WEBER. Lutzow’s wild chase : chorus for four
men’s voices
No. 208. Giachino ROSSINI. Lightly treading, onward creeping.
1 June 1869
No. 140. John Wall CALLCOTT. The May fly : glee for three voices
No. 128 -------------------------------- Mark the merry elves : glee for three
No. 21. Eliza FLOWER. Now pray we for our country : for four voices
No. 199. Elizabeth STIRLING. Now autumn strews on ev’ry plain. 1
September 1859
No. 218. J. (John) DOWLAND. Now, O now, I needs must part :
madrigal for four voices. 1 April 1861
No. 234. J. (Julius) BENEDICT. Old May-day. 1 August 1862
Thomas Attwood WALMISLEY. Sweete floweres, ye were too faire. 1
August 1865
No. 222. Benjamin CONGREVE. The sleep of the flowers. 1 August
No. 216. L. (Ludwig) van BEETHOVEN. Spring-time. 1 February 1861
No. 272. J. (Joseph) BARNBY. Sweet and low. 1 October 1865
No. 278. Arthur COTTAM. Snow-flakes. 1April 1866
No. 275. G.A. (George Alexander) MACFARREN. Sigh no more, ladies.
1 January 1866
No. 245. H.R. (Henry Rowley) BISHOP. Sleep, gentle lady. 1 July 1863
No. 232. Elizabeth STIRLING. The song of the poppies : for four voices
No. 197. Henry PHILLIPS. To our next merry meeting (The parting
glee). 1 July 1859
The MUSICAL times [cont.]
No. 113. Jean-Paul- Égide MARTINI. The tickling trio, or Vadasi via di
No. 226. Ann Sheppard Mounsey BARTHOLOMEW. ‘Take care’ :
answer to Longfellow’s ‘Beware’. 1 December 1861
No. 254 Ann Sheppard Mounsey BARTHOLOMEW. Tell me where
is fancy bread : a four-part song. 1 April 1864
No. 236. T. (Thomas) Forbes WALMISLEY. To fair Fidele’s grassy
tomb : eligiac [sic] glee for four voices. 1 October 1862
No. 250 Arthur S. (Seymour) SULLIVAN. The last night of the year :
part song for four voices
No. 215. Edward TAYLOR. Venetian boatmen’s evening song. 1
January 1861
No. 201. W.T. (William Thomas) BEST. Autumn thoughts : ‘What
mournful thoughts come o’er the mind’. 1 November 1859
Nos 14 and 15. Samuel WEBBE. When winds breathe soft : glee for
five voices
No. 246. G.A. (George Alexander) MACFARREN. Who is Sylvia?
No. 280. J. (John) Frederick BRIDGE. When the sun sinks to rest : a
four-part song. 1 June 1856
No. 242. J. (Joseph) MAZZINGHI. Ye shepherds, tell me (The wreath) :
a pastoral glee for three voices. 1 April 1863
Spencer C. MUSSON. Sicily : painted by Alberto Pisa. London : Adam &
Charles Black, 1911 [Bookplate : John Garstang]
Frederick C. MUTTON. Derbyshire. The Penguin guides 5. Rev. ed.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1949
Jerzy MYCIELSKI. Antoni Van Dyck 1599-1641. Krakowie : W. Drukarni,
1900 [Signature of NP on second endpaper ; inscription from author, 10
October 1902, on second endpaper]
F.W.H. (Frederic William Henry) MYERS. Wordsworth. English men of letters.
London : Macmillan and Co., 1881 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Later eds
in Store, ML]
Janet MYLES. L.N. Cottingham 1787-1847 : architect of the Gothic revival.
London : Lund Humphries, 1996 [Copy in Barber Art Library]
Kiyose NAKAE (and Charles YEAGER). Jiu jitsu complete. London : New
English Library, 1974
Owen NARES. Myself and some others : pure egotism. London : Duckworth,
1925 [NP’s signature]
Ogden NASH. I’m a stranger here myself. London : Victor Gollancz, 1938
NATIONAL GALLERY, London. One hundred masterpieces from the
National Gallery. London : for the Trustees, 1952
NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY (London). National Portrait Gallery :
complete illustrated catalogue 1856-1979. Ed. K.K. (Kai Kin) Yung, Mary
Pettman. London : National Portrait Gallery, 1981 [Copy (and later ed.) in
Barber Fine Art Library,ML]
NATIONAL TRUST (Great Britain). Sixteen portraits of people whose houses
have been preserved by the National Trust. Ed. L.A.G. (Leonard Alfred George)
Strong. London : Published for the National Trust by Naldrett Press, [1951]
[Inscribed by JH] [Copy in CRL]
----------------------------------------------- The Stourhead landscape [by] Kenneth
Woodbridge. London : The National Trust, 1971
----------------------------------------------- The National Trust year book 1976-77
: studies in art history and nature conservation relating to properties in the
care of the National Trust. London : for the National Trust by Europa
Publications, [1976]
----------------------------------------------- Erdigg Clwyd. London : The National
Trust, 1995 [Post-it note on p. 84 : This is where the / audience sat / (1000
plus. / My platform was by the / sundial]
Anna NEAGLE. ‘There’s always tomorrow’ : an autobiography. London :
Futura Publications Ltd., 1979
E. (Edith) NESBIT. The Wouldbegoods : being the further adventures of the
treasure seekers. Puffin Books. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1958
E. (Edith) NESBIT. The story of the amulet. Puffin Books. Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books, 1959
-------------------------- The story of the treasure seekers. London : Parragon
Book Service Ltd., 1994
Hanns NEUPERT. Harpsichord manual : a historical and technical discussion
; English translation by F.E. Kirby. London : Barenreiter Kassel, 1960
NEW English dramatists 4 ; ed. by Thom Maschler ; intro. by J.W. (Jack
Walter) Lambert : Michael Hastings, Yes, and after ; John Arden (in collaboration
with Margarette D’Arcy)), The happy haven ; Peter Schaffer, Five finger exercise.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1962 [Copy in OLRC]
------------------------------ 5 ; intro. by Alan Brien : Henry Livings, Stop it, whoever
you are ; Alun Owen, Progress to the park ; John Whiting, Marching song.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1962 [Copies in Shakespeare Institute, OLRC]
------------------------------ 6 ; intro. by Harold Hobson : Robert Bolt, A man for
all seasons ; John Whiting, The devils ; Henry Livings. Nil carborundum.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1963 [Copy in OLRC]
------------------------------ 9 ; intro. by Michael Billington : Donald Howarth, A
lily in Little India ; Barry Reckord, Skivers ; Arnold Wesker, The four seasons.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1966
Peter NEVILLE. Dog behaviour explained : a self help guide. [London] :
Parragon, 1991
Anthony S.B. (Sherwood Brooks) NEW. The observer’s book of cathedrals.
The observer books. London : Frederick Warne & Co. Ltd., 1972
John Henry NEWMAN. Verses on various occasions. New ed. London :
Longmans, Green, and Co., 1890 [Inscription on half title : ‘To / my much-loved
friend / & husband / in memory of 25 years / of faithful love & help / Oct. 26 1890
/ Kingswood’] [Earlier ed. in CRL ; later ed. in Store]
John Henry NEWMAN Apologia pro vita sua ; a history of his religious
opinions. With an introduction by Maisie Ward. London : Sheed and Ward, 1946
[Signature : G.A. Thomas, Aug ‘46] [Earlier eds in CRL, CRL (Store), ML, ML
Store, OLRC ; OLRC, ML]
----------------------------- Meditations and devotions. London : Longmans, Green
and Co., 1953 [Copy in OLRC]
------------------------------ Loss and gain : the story of a convert ; ed. with an intro.
by Alan G. (Geoffrey) Hill. The world’s classics. Oxford : New York : Oxford
University Press, 1986 [Marginal notes and markings in text] [Earlier ed. in
Teresa NEWMAN. Ray WATKINSON. Ford Madox Brown and the PreRaphaelite circle. London : Chatto & Windus, 1991 [Notes by NP on back
endpaper and marginal comments and markings in text] [Copy in Barber Fine
Art Library]
Eric NEWTON. European painting and sculpture. Harmondsworth : Penguin
Books, 1942 [Signature of NP on inside front cover] [Copy in Barber Fine
Art Library ; later ed. in OLRC]
Ian NIALL. The gamekeeper. London : The Country Book Club, 1966
John NICHOL. Byron. English men of letters. New ed. London : Macmillan and
Co., 1888 [Signature of NP on endpaper ; pencil notes on endpaper] [Earlier
and later ed. in Store]
Beverley NICHOLS. Down the garden path. London : Jonathan Cape, 1933
-------------------------- Are they the same at home? : being a series of bouquets
diffidently distributed ; with an introductory essay by the author. London :
Jonathan Cape, 1935
-------------------------- Twenty-five. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1939
-------------------------- The sweet and twenties. London : The Quality Book
Club, 1958 [Inscription on endpaper : To My Dearest George / June 1959 /
163 Hollow Way / Cowley Oxford]
G.F.(George Frederick) NICHOLLS. The Cotswolds water-colours. London :
A. and C. Black, 1933 [Enclosures : Christmas card ; publisher’s flyer]
John NICOLL. The Pre-Raphaelites. London : Studio Vista, 1970 [Copy in
C.B. NICOLSON. England’s greater churches : a pictorial survey with an
introduction. London : B.T. Batsford Ltd., [1937] [Copy in OLRC]
Hedli NIKLAUS and Trevor HARRISON. The Archers quiz book : fun and
games with The Archers. London : BBC Books, 2003 [Inscribed by TH to
Derek NIMMO. Oh, come all ye faithful! : a humour church collection.
London : Robson Ltd., 1986
Vivien NOAKES. Edward Lear : the life of a wanderer. Glasgow : Fontana,
Dudley NOBLE. G. Mackenzie JUNNER. Vital to the life of the nation : a
historical survey of the progress of Britain’s motor industry from 1896 to
1946. London : The Jubilee Committee of the Society of Motor
Manufacturers & Traders Ltd., 1946
Peter NOBLE (editor). The British film & television year book 1965.
[London] : British and American Film Press Ltd., [1966]
George NOBBS. The wireless stars. Norwich : Wensum Books, 1972
Bruce NORMAN. Footsteps : nine archaeological journeys of romance and
discovery. London : BBC Books, 1987
Felicity NORTH. Perennials in a cold climate. London : Garden Book Club,
The story of Oulton and Kibblestone. [S.l.] : Students Bookshops Ltd., [1975]
Mary NORTON. The magic bedknob. London : J.M. Dent, 1945 [Inscription:
author to NP]
Mary NORTON. The borrowers omnibus : containing, The borrowers ; The
borrowers afield ; The borrowers afloat ; The borrowers aloft. London :
Book Club Associates, 1977
----------------------- The borrowers avenged. Puffin Books. Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books, 1983
R.C. NOTCUTT LTD. Book catalogue of nursery stock. Vol. 2 1964.
Woodbridge, R.C. Notcutt Ltd., [1964] [Notes thoughout text]
------------------------------ Notcutts plants. 75th anniversary edition. Woodbridge,
R.C. Notcutt Ltd., [1972] [Notes throughout text]
City of NOTTINGHAM. Nottingham official handbook. 11th ed. Nottingham :
Nottingham Corporation, [1946?]
Robert NYE. Merlin. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1979 [Copy in OLRC]
Sean O’CASEY. The plough and the stars : a tragedy in four acts. London :
Macmillan, 1926 [NP signature] [Copy in CRL ; later eds ML, OLRC]
----------------------- Two plays : Juno and the paycock ; The shadow of a gunman.
London : Macmillan, 1926 [NP signature] [Copy in CRL (Store)]
----------------------- The silver tassie : a tragi-comedy in four acts ; with a portrait
of the author by Evan Walters. London : Macmillan and Co., 1929 [Signature of
NP on pastedown
----------------------- Windfalls : stories, poems, and plays. London : Macmillan and
Co., 1934 [Copies in Store, Shakespeare Institute]
----------------------- Five one-act plays : The end of the beginnings ; A pound on
demand ; Hall of healing ; Bedtime story ; Time to go [Copy in Shakespeare
Garry O’CONNOR. Ralph Richardson : an actor’s life. London : Hodder and
Stoughton, 1982 [Comments on half title and throughout the text] [Copies in
OLRC, Shakespeare Institute ; later ed. in ML]
Garry O’CONNOR. Alec Guinness the unknown : a life. London : Sidgwick
& Jackson, 2002
Sean O’ FAOLAIN. The Irish. Pelican books A184. West Drayon : Penguin books,
1947 [Signature of NP on inside cover] [Copies in OLRC]
(editor). North Africa. The world in colour series. New York and
London : McGraw-Hill, 1955 [Copy in OLRC]
Margaret OLIPHANT. The makers of Venice : doges, conquerors, painters, and
men of letters. London : Macmillan and Co., 1887 [Later eds in ML, CRL (Store),
Shakespeare Institute]
Eugene O’NEILL. The hairy ape and other plays. London : Jonathan Cape, 1923
[Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copy in Shakespeare Institute]
----------------------- The emperor Jones, The straw, and Diff’rent : three plays.
London : Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1925 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Earlier ed.
in ML, Store, OLRC ; later ed. in ML]
----------------------- Ah, wilderness! : a play in four acts. New play series. London :
Jonathan Cape, 1936 [Inscription on endpaper : From Edna [Painting] / St
George’s Day / 1944] [Earlier ed. in ML]
A.R. (Alfred Richard) ORAGE. Selected essays and critical writings. Edited
by Herbert Read and Denis Saurat. London : Stanley Nott, 1935
[ORDER for the administration of the Lord’s supper…] [Lacks t.p.] [S.l. :
s.n., c1710] [Inscription : This book was given me by my Lady Carmarthen
at Wimbledon July 5 1713 A. Hartley ; Signatures : A. Hartley on p. 2 ; NP]
Joe ORTON. The Orton diaries : including the correspondence of Edna Welthorpe
and others ; edited by John Lahr. London : Methuen Minerva, 1989 [Earlier
ed. in OLRC]
George ORWELL. Animal farm : a fairy story. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books
in association with Martin Secker & Warburg, 1979 [Inscription on inside
cover : To Phil Archer / I hope that the same thing / doesn’t happen at Brookfield !
/ With very best wishes / from ??]
A. (Arthur) OSBORN. Shrubs and trees for the garden. London and
Melbourne : Ward, Lock & Co. Ltd., 1966
Charles OSBORNE. W.H. Auden : the life of a poet. London : Papermac, 1982
[Some pencil notes and marks by NP in the text] [Copies in ML, OLRC]
Irene OSGOOD and Horace WYNDHAM. The garden anthology : a
collection of representative poems relating to gardens and their contents.
London : John Richmond, 1914
Ian OSWALD. Kirstine ADAM. Get a better night’s sleep. Positive health
guide. London : Martin Dunitz Ltd., 1983
OVID. The heroides, or epistles of the heroines, books 1-14 ; translated with
notes by Henry T. (Thomas) Riley. London : G. Bell and Sons Ltd., 1932
[Signature of NP on front cover, with IVa / 124]
--------- Selections from Ovid’s heroides ; edited by L.W.P. (Lionel William
Pelling) Lewis and C.H. (Cecil Hoyle) Broadbent. London : Edward Arnold
& Co., 1911 [Signature of NP on pastedown ; ownership signature on
endpaper of Philip L. Loyd L.5A / Leamington / College]
Wilfred OWEN. The poems of Wilfred Owen. Edited, with a memoir and notes, by
Edmund Blunden. London : Chatto & Windus, 1946 [Earlier eds in CRL, OLRC ;
later eds in ML, OLRC]
Concise OXFORD atlas. Under the general editorship of D.P. (David Pelham)
Bickmore ; with historical information and contemporary notes by
T.K.(Thomas) Kingston. 2nd ed. London : Oxford University Press, 1958
The concise OXFORD dictionary of art and artists. Ed. Ian Chilvers. 2nd ed.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1996 [Earlier eds in ML, OLRC]
The concise OXFORD dictionary of English place-names. 4th ed. Ed. Eilert
Ekwall. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1960 [Copy in OLRC ; earlier eds in OLRC,
ML, Shakespeare Institute]
The concise OXFORD thesaurus. Compiled by Betty (Elizabeth MacLaren)
Kirkpatrick. Godalming : The Book People Ltd., 1995
The OXFORD dictionary of English proverbs. 3rd ed. ; Ed. F.P. (Frank Percy)
Wilson ; with an intro. by Joanna Wilson. Newton Abbot, Readers Union, 1975
[Copies in OLRC, Shakespeare Institute, ML]
The OXFORD book of carols. Ed. by Percy Dearmer, R. (Ralph) Vaughan
Williams, Martin Shaw. London : Geoffrey Cumberledge Oxford University Press,
1954 [Inscription on endpaper : To Gwen / with all good wishes / from /
Norman] [Earlier eds in OLRC, Barber Music ; later ed. in Shakespeare
The OXFORD book of Christian verse. Ed. by David Cecil. Oxford : Clarendon
Press, 1940 [Signature of NP on pastedown and bookmarks throughout] [Copy
in OLRC]
The OXFORD book of English verse 1250-1918. New ed. Oxford : Clarendon
Press, 1942 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Earlier eds in Shakespeare
Institute, OLRC, Store ; later ed. in OLRC, Store]
The OXFORD book of political anecdotes. Ed. Paul Johnson. Oxford : Oxford
University Press, 1989 [Pencil notes by NP throughout text and inside back
cover] [Copy in ML Gen. Ref.]
The OXFORD book of science fiction stories. Ed. Tom Shippey. Oxford :
Oxford University Press, 1992
The OXFORD book of wild flowers. Illustrations by B.E. (Barbara Evelyn)
Nicholson ; text by S. (Sarah) Ary and M. (Mary) Gregory. Oxford : Oxford
University Press, 1965 [Copy, and later ed., at OLRC]
The OXFORD companion to classical literature. Compiled and edited by Sir Paul
Harvey. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1946 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
[Earlier ed. in OLRC ; later ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
The OXFORD companion to English literature. Compiled and edited by Sir Paul
Harvey. 3rd ed. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1946 [Signature of NP on inside cover]
[Copy in Store ; earlier ed. in OLRC, ML ; later ed. in OLRC, Barnes, Store,
Shakespeare Institute]
The OXFORD companion to English literature. Ed. by Margaret Drabble. 5th ed.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1985 [Copy in Shakespeare Institute, ML,
OLRC ; later eds in ML, OLRC, Shakespeare Institute]
The OXFORD companion to gardens. Consultant editors : Geoffrey Jellicoe, Susan
Jellicoe. Executive editors : Patrick Goode, Michael Lancaster. Oxford : Oxford
University Press, 1987 [Later eds in OLRC]
The OXFORD companion to music. Ed. by Percy A. (Alfred) Scholes. 10th ed.,
rev. and reset ; edited by John Owen Ward. London : Oxford University Press,
1972 [Copies in OLRC, ML ; earlier eds in Shakespeare Institute, ML]
The OXFORD dictionary of the Christian church. 2nd ed., edited by F.L. (Frank
Leslie) Cross and E.A. (Elizabeth Anne) Livingstone. Oxford : Oxford University
Press, 1985 [Copies in OLRC ; earliers eds in OLRC, Shakespeare Institute ;
later eds in OLRC]
The OXFORD dictionary of English Christian names. Ed. E.G. (Elizabeth Gidley)
Withycombe. 2nd ed. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1969 [Copies in OLRC,
Shakespeare Institute]
The OXFORD dictionary of humorous quotations. Ed. Ned Sherrin. Oxford :
Oxford University Press, 1995
The OXFORD dictionary of literary quotations. Ed. Peter Kemp. Oxford :
Oxford University Press, 1998
The OXFORD dictionary of medicines. Chief contributor : Jan Hawthorn ;
editor : Elizabeth Martin. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2000
The OXFORD dictionary of music. Ed. Michael Kennedy. 2nd ed.; associate editor
: Joyce Bourne. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1994 [Copies in OLRC,
Barber Music Library]
The OXFORD dictionary of nursery rhymes. Ed. by Iona and Peter Opie. Oxford :
Clarendon Press, 1952 [Copies in ML, OLRC, Shakespeare Institute]
The OXFORD dictionary of quotations. 3rd ed. London : Book Club Associates,
1980 [Inscription on endpaper : N. / from D. / W. / R. / 23 : 4 : 1980] [Earlier eds
in Hardling Law Library, Store,ML Gen. Ref., Shakespeare Institute ; later eds.
in Shakespeare Institute, Education library, ML Gen. Ref., Lang. and Lit. Ref.,
The OXFORD guide to Oxford. Ed. Peter Heyworth. Oxford : Oxford
University Press, 1981
The OXFORD handbook ; edited by Owen Barder. 9th rev. ed. Oxford :
Oxford University Student Union, 1986
OXFORD historical pageant, June 27 – July 3, 1907 ; book of words. Oxford : the
Pageant Committee, 1907 [Lacks front board] [Copy in CRL]
The OXFORD hymn book. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1908 [Signature of Edna
Purdie / Somerville College / Michaelmas 1916]
The OXFORD song book. Vol. 1. Collected and arranged by Percy C. (Carter)
Buck. London : Oxford University Press, 1955 [Ownership label of
NP on pastedown] [Earlier ed. in Barber Music Library]
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- London :
Oxford University Press, 1977 [Ownership label of NP on inside cover] [Earlier
eds in Barber Music, Store]
-------------------------------- Vol. 2. Ed. Thomas Wood. London : Oxford
University Press, 1956 [Address label of NP on inside cover] [Copy in CRL]
----------------------------------------------------------------- London : Oxford University
Press, 1975 [Address label of NP on inside cover] [Copy in CRL]
Kenneth G. (Gordon) PACKARD. Brother Edward priest and evangelist ;
with a foreword by Lord Elton. London : Geoffrey Bles, 1955
Thomas PACKENHAM. Meetings with remarkable trees. London : Cassell
Paperbacks, 2001
Norman PAINTING. Michael DAY. Stories of the saints. London : Burns
& Oates, 1956 [Proof copy ; enclosure : proof of dust jacket]
Norman PAINTING. Michael DAY. Another copy
-------------------------------------------------------- Another copy [Inscription on endpaper
from NP]
------------------------------------------------ More stories of the saints. London :
Burns & Oates, 1958 [Signature : NP]
------------------------------------------------ Another copy [Signature of NP on
------------------------------------------------ St Anthony: The man who found
himself. London : Burns & Oates, 1957
----------------------------------------------- Another copy [Inscription on endpaper
: ‘To Mother / with love from / Norman’]
------------------------------------------------- Antonio: Der mann, der sich selber
fand : roman. Koln : J.P. Bachem, 1959
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leipzig
: GMBH, 1963
------------------------------------------------- Une vie surgit de l’ombre. 1962
[Enclosure: t/s extract from NP entry in Who’s who in Europe 1964/5,
now at MS 200/15/41]
-------------------------- Forever Ambridge : twenty-five years of The Archers.
London : Michael Joseph, 1975 [uncorrected proof copy] 1975 [Copy in CRL]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Another copy
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ London : Sphere
Books, 1976 [3 copies] [Earlier ed. in CRL]
-------------------------- Forever Ambridge : thirty years of The Archers. London
: Michael Joseph, 1980 [Enclosure : postcard, now at MS 200/15/1]
Norman PAINTING. Reluctant Archer. Cambridge : Granta Editions, 1982.
Jean PALAISEUL. Grandmother’s secrets : her green guide to health from
plants; translated from the French by Pamela Swinglehurst. Harmondsworth
: Penguin Books, 1976
King PALMER. Teach yourself music. EUP teach yourself books. London :
Hodder and Stoughton, 1948 [Copy in OLRC]
The PARKER chronicle (832-900) ; edited by A.H. (Albert Hugh) Smith. 2nd ed.
London : Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1939 [Signature of NP on endpaper] [Earlier ed.
in ML]
Derek PARKER (editor). The anthology of erotic verse. London : Book Club
Associates, 1980 [Inscription on endpaper : Christmas 1980 / from D.R. & W.]
[Another copy in Store]
Anthony PARKIN. My life on your farm ; foreword by Ted Moult. Ipswich :
Farming Press, 1983 [Inscription by author on title page : To Norman / with
very best wishes / Tony / 30 – 10 -83 ; typed letter from author to NP, 18
November 1983 tipped in, transferred to archives]
Derek PARKER. Radio : the great years. Newton Abbot : David & Charles, 1977
[Pencil comment by NP on p. 61] [Copy in Store]
Dorothy PARKER. Here lies : the collected stores of Dorothy Parker.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1943 [Signature of NP on inside cover]
------------------------- The Penguin Dorothy Parker ; with an intro. by Brendan
Gill. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1978 [Earlier ed. in OLRC]
John Henry PARKER. ABC of Gothic architecture. 4th edition. London :
Parker and Co., 1886 [Signature : NP]
----------------------------- A concise glossary of architecture, or terms used in
Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic architecture. 7th edition, revised. London :
Parker & Son, 1888. [Signature : NP] [Earlier eds in Shakespeare Institute,
Barber, Shakespeare Institute]
Peter PARKER. For starters : the business of life. London : Jonathan Cape,
-----------------------Isherwood : a life. London : Picador, 2004 [Dates of birth
and death by NP on title page]
Anthony PARKIN. The Archer’s book of farming and the countryside.
London : BBC Books, 1989. [Inscription by AP to NP]
Denys PARSONS. It must be true : ‘it was in all the papers’. London :
Macdonald, 1957
Frances PARTRIDGE. Memories. London : Robin Clark, 1982
Kathleen PARTRIDGE. The Kathleen Partridge book of tranquil moments
depicted in pictures and verse. Norwich : Jarrold & Sons Ltd., [1972?]
Brian PARVIN. The singing tree. London : Robert Hale, 1985
Claude PASCAL. Quatuor à cordes : 2 violons, alto et violoncelle. Paris :
Durand & Cie, 1944 [Signature of NP on front cover]
----------------------- Octuor pour instruments à vent : deux flutes, hautbois,
clarinette en si, deux bassons, cor an F, trompette en ut. Paris : Durand et
cie, 1947 [Signature of NP on front cover]
PASS the port : the best after-dinner stories of the famous. Circencester :
Christian Brann, 1976 [Greetings label pasted onto inside front cover :
Greetings and best wishes for a happy Christmas ; To Norman / with love /
from William Robert & David]
Allen PATERSON. A history of the fragrant rose. London : Little Books Ltd.,
Cynthis and Brian PATERSON. Storie de boscoverde ; traduzione di
Manuela Lazzara. Milano : Valentina edizioni, 1987 [Italian translation
of Foxwood treasure and Robbery at Foxwood] [Inscription on endpaper]
Derek PATMORE. Italian pageant : a tour through the cities of Tuscany and
Umbria. London : Evans Brothers Ltd., 1949
Maureen PATON. Alan Rickman : the authorised biography. Rev. and
updated ed. London : Virgin Books, 2003
T. (Thomas) Meee PATTISON (editor). Murdoch’s schools songs : in two
parts specially arranged for the use of pupils ; staff and tonic sol-far notation
with pianoforte accompaniment. London : Murdoch, Murdoch & Co., [1905]
Thomas PAUL. Britain’s Queen Victoria : the story of her life and reign,
1819-1837-1901. New and enlarged ed. written up to date. London : John F.
Shaw and Co., 1901
Jeremy PAXMAN. The English : a portrait of a people. Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books, 1999
Robert PAYNE. The gold of Troy : a story of Heinrich Schliemann and the
buried cities of ancient Greece. London : Robert Hale Ltd., 1959
Irene Cynthia PEACOCK, Lady. The story of H.R.H. Princess Elizabeth
Duchess of Edinburgh : as told mainly for children. [London] : Hutchinson,
Thomas Love PEACOCK. Percy Bysshe SHELLEY. Robert BROWNING.
Peacock’s Four ages of poetry ; Shelley’s Defence of poetry ; Browning’s Essay
on Shelley ; edited by H.F.B. (Herbert Francis Brett) Brett-Smith. The Percy
reprints, no. 3. Oxford : Basil Blackwell, 1929 [Signature of NP on pastedown
and notes in text] [Copies in ML, Shakespeare Institute, OLRC]
S.A. (Sydney Albert) PEARCE. Flowering shrubs and trees. Ilford colour
book of flower identification. [London] : Ebury Press, in association with
George Rainbird, 1965
Tim PEARS. In the place of fallen leaves. London : Black Swan, 1994 [Copy
in OLRC]
Charles Buchanan PEARSON. Latin translations of English hymns. London :
Bell and Daldy, 1862 [Inscription on endpaper : From the author]
Hesketh PEARSON. The Smith of Smiths : being the life, wit, and humour of
Sydney Smith ; with an intro. by G.K. (Gilbert Keith) Chesterton.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, in association with Hamish Hamilton,
Nina PEARSON. Dominick BROWNE. Poems. London : The Mitre Press, 1974
[Inscription on endpaper : 1974 – a Xmas present from / Nina] [Copy in ML]
Gale PEDRICK (editor). The world radio and television annual : jubilee issue.
London : Sampson Low, Marston, 1947
C.S. (Dorothy Constance) PEEL. How we lived then 1914-1918 : a sketch of
social and domestic life in England during the war. London : John Lane The
Bodley Head Ltd., 1929
PEGGY Archer’s book of recipes. London : BBC, 1968
The PENGUIN book of comic and curious verse. Ed. J.M. (John Michael)
Cohen. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1954
The PENGUIN guide to compact discs and cassettes. Ed. Ivan March, Edward
Greenfield, Robert Layton. New ed. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books,
PENGUIN modern poets 7. [Richard Murphy, Jon Silkin, Nathaniel Tarn]
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1965 [Copy in OLRC]
The PENGUIN new writing 5. Ed. John Lehmann. Harmondsworth :
Allen Lane Penguin Books. 1941
Includes (selection only) :
Louis MacNiece. The way we live now – 4 ; C. Day Lewis, The fault ; V.S.
Pritchett, Many are disappointed ; F.G. Lorca, The dawn ; Alun Lewis, The
farewell binge ; W.H. Auden, Exiles ; Risamond Lehmann, Letter to a friend
; Stephen Spender, Books and the war – 4
The PENGUIN new writing 17. Ed. John Lehmann.Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books, 1943 [Signature of NP on inside cover]
Includes (section only) :
William Sanson. The witnesses ; Roy Fuller. Three poems from Africa ;
Henry Reed. The wall ; Norman Nicholson. Three poems ; Stephen Spender.
Two poems ; Laurie Lee. Night in Castelleja ; Rex Warner. The uses of
allegory ; William Plomer. Some books from New Zealand
---------------------------------- 18. Ed. John Lehmann. Harmondsworth : Penguin
books, 1943 [Signature of NP on inside front cover] [Copy in Store]
Includes (selection only) :
Alun Lewis. ‘O’ 3 (B) ; Stephen Spender. Three poems ; Laurie Lee. Two poems ;
Annabel Farjeon. The rose ; George Barker. Elegy on the eve ; V.S. Pritchett.
Aunt Gertrude ; Henry Reed. The making of ‘The dynasts’ ; Walter Allen. The
novels of Graham Greene ; John Lehmann. The heart of the problem ; poems by
Roy Fuller, John Heath-Stubbs, Terence Tiller
----------------------------------- 19. Ed. John Lehmann. Harmondsworth :
Penguin books, 1944 [Signature of NP on inside front cover] [Copy in Store]
Includes (selection only) : Roy Fuller. The people round about ; Edith Sitwell. One
day in spring ; Louis MacNeice. Two poems ; Allen Curnow. The unhistoric story
; W.H. Auden. Victor ; Stephen Spender. The crisis of symbols ; John Lehmann.
----------------------------------- 20. Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1944 [Lacks
front cover] [Copy in Store]
Includes (selection only) : Elizabeth Bowen. Mysterious Kos ; George Barker.
Three poems ; Edith Sitwell. Girl and butterfly ; John Lehmann. Three poems ;
William Plomer.An introduction to E.M. Forster ; Stephen Spender. The sensuous
world of Keats
The PENGUIN new writing 22. Ed. John Lehmann.. Harmondsworth : Penguin
books, 1944 [Copy in Store]
Includes (selection only) : Rosamund Lehmann. Wonderful holidays 1 ; Harold
Acton. A monopolist ; Rayner Heppenstall. The wild man of the woods ; Stephen
Spender. Oliveiro decides ; V.S. Pritchett. The undying Schweik
------------------------------------23. Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1945
[Signature of NP on inside front cover] [Copy in Store]
Includes (selection only) : Rosamund Lehmann. Wonderful holidays 2 ; Edith
Sitwell. A song of the cold ; William Plomer. The self-made blonde ; Laurie Lee.
Three poems ; V.S. Pritchett. Night worker ; Terence Tiller. Two poems ; Henry
Reed. Iseult la Belle ; Stephen Spender. The realist novel and poetic imagination ;
Philip Toynbee. The decline and future of the English novel ; John Heath-Stubbs.
The defeat of romanticism
----------------------------------- 24. Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1945 [Copy
in Store]
Includes (selection only) :Rosamund Lehmann. Wonderful holidays 3 ; A.S.J.
Tessimond. Two poems ; Terence Tiller. Three poems ; Frank O’Connor. A story
by Maupassant ; Kenneth Muir. Three hundred years of Milton’s poems ; Stephen
Spender. Prescriptions for a modern masterpiece ; John Lehmann. State art and
--------------------------------- 26. Ed. by John Lehmann. Harmondsworth : Penguin
books, 1945 [Pencil notes on endpaper by NP?] [Copy in Store]
Includes (selection only) : Terence Tiller. Roman portraits ; John Lehmann. Two
poems ; Henry Reed. Chrysothemis ; Kenneth Muir. Shelley’s heirs ; Edwin Muir.
The natural man and the political man ; Alec Guinness. Money for jam
---------------------------------- 28. Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1946 [Copy in
Includes (selection only) : Laurie Lee. Two poems ; Patric Dickinson. Mankind
and star ; Alan Ross. Two poems ; Kenneth Muir. The future of Shakespeare
The PENGUIN new writing 29. Ed. John Lehmann. Harmondsworth : Penguin
books, 1947 [Copy in Store]
Includes (selection only) : Louis MacNeice. Two poems ; Lawrence Durrell.
Eternal contemporaries ; Jack Clemo. A Calvinist in love ; Osbert Sitwell. The
invader ; Walter Allen. Lawrence in perspective ; William Plomer. In the year of
the Jubilee ; Helen Gardner. Four quartets
-----------------------------------30. Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1947 [Copy in
Includes (selection only) : Louis MacNeice. Street scene ; Graham Greene. Across
the border ; Henry Reed. Antigone ; Norman Nicolson. Two poems ; Boris
Pasternak. The thrushes ; Giles Romilly. Two poems ; V.S. Pritchett. Men of the
world ; John Lehmann. The search for the myth
---------------------------------- 31. Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1947
[Signature of NP on inside front cover] [Copy in Store]
Includes (selection only) : Laurie Lee. Various temptations ; Annabel Farjeon. San
Spirito ; William Plomer. The Naiad of Ostend ; Terence Tiller. Two poems ; E.
Martin Browne. The poet and the stage ; Helen Gardner. Francois Mauriac : a
woman of the Pharisees ; Kenneth Muir. Arnold and the Victorian dilemma ;
Henry Reed. W.H. Auden in America
----------------------------------- 32. Ed. by John Lehmann. Harmondsworth : Penguin
books, 1947 [Copy in Store]
Includes (selection only) : Edith Sitwell. The bee-keeper ; C. Day Lewis. Seen
from the train ; Alan Pryce-Jones. Inheritance ; Louis MacNeice. Relics ; Norman
Nicolson. Song by an estuary ; Philip Hope-Wallace. Stratford at the crossroads ;
Rosamund Lehmann. A neglected Victorian classic ; V.S. Pritchett. The future of
fiction. John Heath-Stubbs. John Clare and the peasant tradition ; Lawrence
Durrell. From a winter journal
The PENGUIN new writing 33. Ed. John Lehmann. Harmondsworth : Penguin
books, 1948 [Copy in Store]
Includes (selection only) : Lionel Trilling. Of this time, of that place ; Terence
Tiller. Lilith ; George Barker. Sestina at 34 ; Louis MacNeice. Autolycus ; Andre
Gide. Paul Valery ; John Lehmann. Portrait of the artist as an escaper ; Alan Ross.
From a Corsican note-book
---------------------------------- 36. Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1949 [Copy
in Store]
Includes (selection only) : Peter Yates. The summer bird ; George Barker. Two
summer idylls ; Walter Allen. The future of fiction ; J.M. Cohen. Mr Thomson and
his wicked brother ; Peter Brook. Style in Shakespeare production
----------------------------------- 37. Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1949
Includes (selection only) :
Laurie Lee. Sunken evening ; Frank O’Connor. The landlady ; Patrick
Leigh- Fermor. Greek archipelagos ; Jacquetta Hawkes, Art in the
Crystalline Society
----------------------------------- 38. Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1949
Includes (selection only) :
Edith Sitwell. Medusa’s love song ; Terence Tiller. The swords of glass ; Saul
Bellow. The thoughts of Sergeant George Flavin ; T.C. Worsle. The Stratford
Festival, 1949 ; C.V. Wedgwood. John Ford
----------------------------------- 40. Ed. by John Lehmann. Harmondsworth : Penguin
books, 1950 [Copy in Store]
Includes (selection only) : Edith Sitwell. A song of the dust ; Tennessee Williams.
The difference between a violin case and a coffin ; George Barker. Channel
crossing ; Alan Ross. Antwerp ; John Wain. Ambiguous gifts
The PENGUIN dictionary of modern quotations. Ed. M.J. (Mark Julian) Cohen.
2nd ed. Harmsworth : Penguin Books, 1983 [Earlier ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
The PENGUIN dictionary of quotations. Ed. M.J. (Mark Julian) Cohen.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1981
The PENGUIN music magazine 1. Ed. Ralph Hill. Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books Ltd., 1946 [Signature of NP on inside cover]
----------------------------------------- 2. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books Ltd.,
1947 [Signature of NP on inside cover]
----------------------------------------- 3. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books Ltd.,
1947 [Signature of NP on inside cover]
----------------------------------------- 7. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books Ltd.,
PENGUIN parade 5 : new stories, poems etc. by contemporary writers. Edited
by Denys Kilham Roberts. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1939
The PENGUIN song book. Ed. by Leslie Woodgate. Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books, 1958
Frank S. (Stuart) PEPPER. Handbook of 20th century quotations. London :
Sphere Reference, 1985
Samuel PEPYS. Diary and correspondence of Samuel Pepys, F.R.S. Secretary to
the Admiralty in the reigns of Charles II & James Il ; the diary decyphered by J.
(John) Smith from the original MS in the Pepys Library, with notes by Richard,
Lord Braybrooke. 2 vols. Everyman’s library 53-54. London : J.M. Dent & Co.,
1906 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copies in Shakespeare Institute, Store]
Joseph PEQUIGNEY. Such is my love : a study of Shakespeare’s sonnets.
Chicago and London : The University of Chicago Press, 1985 [Review copy with
literature for reviewers from the Review of English studies and a pencil correction
on p. 121] [Copies in ML, Shakespeare Institute]
S.J. (Sidney Joseph) PERELMAN. The most of S.J. Perelman. London : Eyre
Methuen, 1979
Lucy Fitch PERKINS. The Puritan twins ; illustrated by the author. Boston
and New York : Houghton Miflin Company, 1921
Régine PERNOUD. Joan of Arc by herself and her witnesses ; translated from the
French by Edward Hyams. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1964 [Copy in
Shakespeare Institute]
Guido PEROCCO. Guide to the school of San Giorgio degli Schiavoni. Venice
: Scuola Dalmata of St George and St Tryphone, [1959]
Frances PERRY. Water gardens. Penguin handbooks. Harmondsworth : Penguin
Books, 1962 [Copy in OLRC]
W.G. (William Groves) PERRY. Plantae Warwicenses selectae, or, Botanist’s
guide through the county of Warwick. Warwick : for the author, 1820
Bound with E.A. Jennings. Manuscript botanical record [Copy in CRL]
Bill PERTWEE. Dad’s army : the making of a television legend. Newton
Abbot : David & Charles, 1989
Niklaus PEVSNER. The buildings of England, consisting of :
------------------------------------ Buckinghamshire. Harmondsworth : Penguin
Books, 1960 [Copies in ML, OLRC, Shakespeare Institute]
------------------------------------ Cambridgeshire. Harmondsworth : Penguin
Books, 1954 [Copy in ML ; later ed. in ML, OLRC, Shakespeare Institute]
------------------------------------ Edward HUBBARD. Cheshire.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1990 [Copies in Barber Fine Art
Library, ML, OLRC, Shakespeare Institute]
------------------------------------ Cumberland and Westmoreland.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1967 [Copies in ML, Shakespeare
------------------------------------ Derbyshire. Harmondsworth : Penguin
Books, 1953 [Copies in ML, OLRC, Shakespeare Institute ; later ed.
in ML]
Niklaus PEVSNER. The buildings of England [cont.] :
--------------------------------------- County Durham. Harmondsworth : Penguin
Books, 1953 [Copies in ML, OLRC, Shakespeare Institute ; later ed. in
Barber Fine Art Library, ML]
------------------------------------ North Devon. Harmondsworth : Penguin
Books, 1952 [Copies in ML, OLRC, Shakespeare Institute]
------------------------------------ South Devon. Harmondsworth : Penguin
Books, 1952 [Copies in ML, OLRC, Shakespeare Institute]
------------------------------------- John NEWMAN. Dorset. Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books, 1972 [Barber Fine Art Library, ML, Shakespeare Institute]
------------------------------------ Essex. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books,
1954 [Copies in ML, OLRC ; later ed. in ML, Shakespeare Institute]
------------------------------------ John NEWMAN. North East and East Kent.
3rd ed. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1991 [Copy in ML ; earlier ed.
in ML, OLRC, Shakespeare Institute]
------------------------------------ West Kent and the Weald. Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books, 1969 [Copies in ML, Shakespeare Institute ; later ed. in
------------------------------------- David VEREY. Gloucestershire : 1. The
Cotswold. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1970 [Copies in OLRC,
Shakespeare Institute, Store ; later eds in ML, OLRC]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2. The
Vale and the Forest of Dean. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1970
[Copies in OLRC, Shakespeare Institute, Store ; later eds in ML, OLRC]
------------------------------------- David LLOYD. Hampshire and the Isle of
Wight. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1973 [Copies in ML, OLRC,
Shakespeare Institute]
Niklaus PEVSNER. The buildings of England [cont.] :
------------------------------------- Herefordshire. Harmondsworth : Penguin
Books, 1963
[Copies in OLRC, History Ref., ML, OLRC, Shakespeare Institute]
------------------------------------- Hertfordshire. Harmondsworth : Penguin
Books, 1953 [Copy and later ed. in ML]
------------------------------------- Lancashire : 1. The industrial and
commercial south. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1969 [Copies in ML,
OLRC, Shakespeare Institute]
------------------------------------- Leicestershire and Rutland. Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books, 1960 [Copies in ML, OLRC, Shakespeare Institute ; later
ed. in ML]
------------------------------------- John HARRIS. Lincolnshire.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1964 [Copies in OLRC, ML,
Shakespeare Institute ; later ed. in ML]
------------------------------------- London : 1. The cities of London and
Westminster. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1957 [Copy in ML ; later
ed. in ML, OLRC, Shakespeare Institute]
------------------------------------- Middlesex. Harmondsworth : Penguin
Books, 1951 [Copies in ML, OLRC, Shakespeare Institute]
------------------------------------- Northamptonshire. Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books, 1961 [Copy in ML ; later eds in ML, OLRC, Shakespeare
------------------------------------- North-west and south Norfolk.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1962 [Copies in ML, Shakespeare
------------------------------------- North-east Norfolk and Norwich.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1962 [Copies in ML, OLRC,
Shakespeare Institute ; later ed. in ML]
Niklaus PEVSNER. The buildings of England [cont.] :
--------------------------------------- Nottinghamshire. Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books, 1951 [Copies in ML, OLRC, Shakespeare Institute ; later
ed. in ML]
--------------------------------------- Jennifer SHERWOOD. Oxfordshire.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1974 [Copies in OLRC, Shakespeare
Institute, Store]
--------------------------------------- Shropshire. Harmondsworth : Penguin
Books, 1958
[Copies in ML, Shakespeare Institute, OLRC, History
Ref. ; later ed. in ML]
--------------------------------------- North Somerset and Bristol.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1958 [Copies in OLRC, ML,
Shakespeare Institute]
--------------------------------------- South and west Somerset. Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books, 1958 [Copies in ML, OLRC, Shakespeare Institute]
--------------------------------------- Staffordshire. Harmondsworth : Penguin
Books, 1974 [Copies in ML, OLRC, Barner Fine Art Library,Shakespeare
Institute,History Ref.]
--------------------------------------- Suffolk. Rev. by Enid Radcliffe. 2nd ed.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1975 [Copy, and earlier ed. in ML]
---------------------------------------- Ian NAIRN. Surrey. 2nd ed. Rev. Bridget
Cherry. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1971 [Copies in ML,
Shakespeare Institute ; earlier ed. in ML]
---------------------------------------- Sussex. Harmondsworth : Penguin
Books, 1965 [Copies in ML, OLRC, Shakespeare Institute]
---------------------------------------- Alexandra WEDGWOOD. Warwickshire.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1966 [Copies in Barber Fine Art
Library, ML, OLRC, Shakespeare Institute, History Ref.]
Niklaus PEVSNER. The buildings of England [cont.] :
---------------------------------------- Wiltshire ; with notes on the prehistoric
and Roman antiquities by Derek Simpson. Harmondsworth : Penguin
Books, 1963 [Copies in ML, Shakespeare Institute ; later ed. in ML.
---------------------------------------- Worcestershire. Harmondsworth : Penguin
Books, 1968 [Copies in ML, OLRC, History Ref., Shakespeare Institute ;
later ed. in ML]
---------------------------------------- (with contributions from John
HUTCHINSON). Yorkshire : York and the East Riding. Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books, 1972 [Copies in ML, OLRC, Shakespeare Institute]
---------------------------------------- Yorkshire : The North Riding.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1992 [Copies in ML, Shakespeare
---------------------------------------- Yorkshire : The West Riding. 2nd ed. Rev.
by Enid Radcliffe. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1967 [Earlier ed. in
ML, Shakespeare Institute]
C.E. (Cecil Ernest) Lucas PHILLIPS. The small garden. New ed. London :
Pan Books Ltd., 1969
------------------------------------------------- Climbing plants for walls and gardens.
London : Garden Book Club, 1969
John PHILLIPS. The poetical works of John Phillips. London : Joseph
Wenman, 1786
J.B. (John Bertram) PHILLIPS. Your god is too small. London : Epworth Press,
1971 [Few marginal markings in text] [Copy in OLRC]
Don PHILPOTT. The guide to the vineyard of Britain. Ashbourne :
Moorlands Publishing Company, 1989
Pat PHOENIX. All my burning bridges. London : Star Book, 1976
[PHOTOGRAPHIC POSTCARDS with album of local views, famous people]
[Enclosure : Christmas card 1903, now at MS 200/15/31]
George PICKARD. 87 and what I can remember. Disley : Millrace, 2000
Sheila PICKLES. The fragrant garden. London : Pavilion Books, 1992 [In a
A PICTORIAL and descriptive guide to Royal Leamington Spa, Warwick . . . 13th
edition, revised. London : Ward, Lock & Co., n.d.
Chapman PINCHER. Their trade is treachery. London : Sidgwick & Jackson,
Arthur PINERO. Gay Lord Quex : a comedy. London : William Heinemann,
1907 [NP signature]
----------------------- The magistrate : a farce in three acts. London : William
Heinemann, 1907 [Earlier ed. in Shakespeare Institute ; later eds in OLRC,
Shakespeare Institute, Store] [Signature of NP on inside front cover]
W. PINNOCK. The young lady’s library, or, Useful and entertaining
knowledge. London : W.J. Sears, 1829
Harold PINTER. Party time. London : Faber and Faber, 1991 [Copy in OLRC]
Luigi PIRANELLO. The rules of the game ; The life I gave you ; Lazarus ;
introduced and edited by E. (Elliott) Martin Browne. Harmondsworth : Penguin
Books, 1959 [Copies in OLRC, Shakespeare Institute]
PITMAN’S book of synonyms and antonyms. London : Sir Isaac Pitman &
Sons Ltd., 1927
Ruth PITTER. Still by choice. London : The Cresset Press, 1966
------------------- End of drought. London : Barrie & Jenkins, 1975 [Times obituary
of RP, 3 March 1992, and Radio times clipping of Radio 3 programme, May
1992, tipped in] [Copy in ML]
PLATO. Selected passages ; chosen and edited by R.W. (Richard Winn)
Livingstone. London : Humphrey Milford Oxford University Press, [1940] [Notes
by NP on back endpaper, some notes in text]
----------- XENOPHON. Socratic discourses. Everyman’s library. J.M. Dent &
Sons, 1910 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copy in ML]
----------------------------- The life & death of Socrates. The bedside series.
Birmingham : E.F. Hudson Ltd., [c1930]
Nigel PLAYFAIR. Hammersmith boy : a book of minor revelations. London :
Faber & Faber Ltd., 1930 [Few markings in text] [Copy in Shakespeare
Charles PLUMMER and John EARLE. Two of the Saxon chronicles parallel (7871001 A.D.) with supplementary extracts from the others ; a revised text. Edited,
with introduction critical notes, and glossary, by Charles Plummer ; based on an
edition by John Earle. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1889 [Copy in CRL (Store)]
PLUTARCH. Plutarch’s lives englished by Sir Thomas North. Vol. 3. London
: J.M. Dent and Co., 1898 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vol. 5. London
: J.M. Dent and Co., 1899 [Signature of NP and bookplate of JAGB on
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vol. 7. London
: J.M. Dent and Co., 1899 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
Guy N. POCOCK (editor). Junior modern essays. London & Toronto : J.M.
Dent & Sons Ltd., 1934 [Signature of NP 4a 124 on endpaper ; signed
bookplate on pastedown]
A.F. (Albert Frederick) POLLARD. Wolsey ; with an intro. by G.R. (Geoffrey
Rudolph) Elton. London : Collins The Fontana Library, 1965 [Copy in
Shakespeare Institute ; earlier eds in OLRC, ML]
Alfred W. (William) POLLARD. W.W. (Walter Wilson) GREG. E. (Edward)
Maunde THOMPSON. J. (John) Dover WILSON. R.W.(Raymond Wilson)
CHAMBERS. Shakespeare’s hand in the play of Sir Thomas More ; with the text
of the Ill May Day scenes, edited by W.W. Greg. Cambridge : University Press,
1923 [Signature of NP on pastedown, with ‘Manchester Guardian’ obituary of
Sir E.M. Thompson ; cutting on endpaper re R.W. Chambers’s lecture on ‘Sir
Thomas More’ , May 1937] [Copies in Shakespeare Institute, Store]
Alfonso POMPEI. Costantino TROIANO. The sanctuaries of Assisi. Assisi :
Casa editrice Francescana, 1958
Alexander POPE. The works of Alexander Pope. 9 vols. London : A. Millar, J. and
R. Tonson, [and 9 others], 1756 [Earlier eds in CRL ; later eds. in Store, CRL,
CRL (Wigan)]
---------------------- Poems of Alexander Pope ; selected and edited by Douglas
Grant [Signature of NP on inside cover] [Later copies of this ed. in OLRC]
David POPLE. Growing vegetables. London : The Garden Book Club, 1968
John F. PORTE. Elgar and his music : an appreciation. London : Putnam &
Sons, 1933
Raymond POSTGATE. The plain man’s guide to wine. London : Michael
Joseph, 1959
Elizabeth POSTON (editor). The Penguin book of Christmas carols.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1972
Beatrix POTTER. The complete tales of Beatrix Potter : the 23 original Peter
Rabbit books. London : Frederick Warne, 1989
Ezra POUND. Guide to Kultur. London : Faber & Faber, 1938 [Signature :
Dilys POWELL. An affair of the heart. London : Michael Haag, 1984 [Pencil
note by NP on back endpaper ; few markings in text]
---------------------- The Dilys Powell film reader ; edited by Christopher Cook.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1992
Lawrence Clark POWELL. A passion for books. London : Constable, 1959
[Inscription on half title]
Robert Baden POWELL. Baden-Powell’s Scouting for boys. Boys’ edition.
London : C. Arthur Pearson, 1954 [Earlier eds in OLRC ; later eds in OLRC]
Anne PRATT. Flowering plants : grasses, sedges & ferns. 4 vols. London :
Frederick Warne & Co, 1899-1900 [Bookplate of John Hassall] [Copy in Store
A.S. (Arthur Simpson) PRATT. Junior test examinations in mathematics. 2nd
ed. London : Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1934 [Signature of NP on endpaper]
Samuel Jackson PRATT. Sympathy and other poems ; including Landscape in
verse, and Cottage- pictures. London : Richard Phillips, 1800 [Inscription : from
the author to Joseph Blacket, notes on provenance of volume ; poem by Blacket ;
signature : NP] [Earlier ed. in CRL]
------------------------------- Local and literary account of Leamington,
Warwick, Stratford, Coventry . . . Birmingham : Lewis Thomson, 1814
[Address label : NP]
Mario PRAZ. Motivi e figure. Torino : Giulio Einaudi, 1945
André PREVIN. No minor chords : my days in Hollywood. London :
Doubleday, 1991
J.B. (John Boynton) PRIESTLEY. Three time-plays : Dangerous corner ; Time and
the Conways ; I have been here before ; with an introductory note by the author.
Famous plays series. London : Pan Books Ltd., 1952
J.B. (John Boynton) PRIESTLEY. The Priestley companion : selections
from the writings ; with an introduction by Ivor Brown. Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books, 1951
------------------------------------------- Delight. London : Readers Union Wm
Heinemann, 1951
------------------------------------------- The Edwardians. London : Sphere
Books Ltd., 1970
John PRINGLE (editor) The radio listener’s week-end book : a selection from
notable broadcasts of the past five years. London : Odhams Press, n.d. [J.P.
Alabaster address stamp]
Ira PROGROFF. Jung’s psychology and its social meaning : a comprehensive
statement of C.C. Jung’s psychological theories and an interpretation of their
significance for the social sciences. 3rd ed. New York : Dialogue House Library,
[Copy in OLRC]
Linda PROUD. Valerie PETTS. Consider England. London : ShepheardWalwyn, 1994 [Signatures of co-authors on t.p. ; inscription on half title :
To Norman / A quintessential English / gentleman / with very best wishes /
Alan PRYCE-JONES. New voices. The pocket poets. London : Edward Hulton,
1959 [Copy in OLRC]
David PRYCE-JONES. Unity Mitford : a quest. London : Weidenfeld and
Nicolson, 1976 [Marginal notes and markings by NP in text, notes on back
endpaper] [Copy in ML]
Lionello PUPPI. Il Teatro Olimpico. Vincenza : Neri Pozza, 1963
Edna PURDIE. Olga M. RONCORONI (editors). Henry Handel Richardson :
some personal impressions. Sydney : Angus and Robertson, 1957
Barbara PYM. A glass of blessings. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1981 [Copy
in OLRC]
------------------ A few green leaves. London : Granada, 1981 [Copy in OLRC]
------------------ An unsuitable attachment. London : Pan Books in
association with Macmillan, 1993 [Copy in OLRC]
------------------ Civil to strangers and other writings. London : Flamingo,
Barbara PYM. The Barbara Pym omnibus : Some tame gazelle ; Excellent
women ; Jane and prudence. London : Pan Books in association with
Jonathan Cape, 1994
Peter QUENNELL. Byron. Great lives. London : Duckworth, 1934
[Signature of NP on pastedown and book jacket flap]
------------------------------ Byron : the years of fame. London : The Reprint Society,
1943 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
[Copy, and earlier ed., in ML ]
------------------------------ Spring in Sicily. London : George Weidenfeld and
Nicolson Ltd., 1952
Arthur QUILLER-COUCH. Hetty Wesley. New ed. Bristol : J.W. Arrowsmith,
1908 [Signature of E.G.A. Gardener / Norbiton / Jan. 1917, on pastedown]
[Later ed. in Store]
Peter QUINCE. Country life. Newton Abbot : Readers Union, 1976
Ernest RADFORD. Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Newnes’ art library. London :
George Newnes Ltd., [190-]
Raymond RADIGUET. Cheeks on fire : collected poems ; translated by Alan
Stone. London : John Calder, 1976
Anna RAEBURN. Talking to myself. London and Sydney : Sphere Books
Ltd., 1985
Sir Walter (Alexander) RALEIGH. Shakespeare. English men of letters. London :
Macmillan and Co., 1916 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Earlier eds in
Shakespeare Institute, OLRC, Store ; later eds in Shakespeare Institute, Store]
RAMAYANA : the epic of Rama Prince of India ; condensed into English
verse by Romesh Dutt. The Temple classics. London : J.M. Dent and Co.,
J. (John) RAMSBOTTOM. A book of roses : with sixteen plates after the
originals in Redouté’s ‘Roses’. The King Penguin books. Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books, 1939
Arthur RANSOME. Oscar Wilde : a critical study. London : Methuen, 1913
Terence RATTIGAN. The Winslow boy ; with two other plays : French
without tears ; Flare path. London : Pan Books Ltd., 1971
---------------------------- The deep blue sea ; with three other plays : Harlequinade ;
Adventure story ; The Browning version. Famous plays series. London : Pan
Books Ltd., 1955 [Copy in OLRC]
Ray RAWLINS. The Guinness book of autographs. Enfield : Guinness
Superlatives Ltd., 1977
Cyril RAY. The new Italian wines. London : Sidgwick & Jackson, 1982
Robin RAY. Robin Ray’s music quiz. London : B.T. Batsford Ltd., 1978
[Inscription on front endpaper : All good wishes Norman / my favourite
nephew – Phil / Bob [illegible] ; address label on title page]
Ted RAY. Raising the laughs. London : Werner Laurie, 1952
Ernest RAYMOND. In the steps of St Francis. London : Rich & Cowan Ltd.,
READER’S DIGEST. Reader’s digest pocket treasury of great quotations.
London : Reader’s Digest Association Ltd., s.d.
P.J. (Pierre Joseph) REDOUTÉ. Redouté’s fruits and flowers : with the
original preface by P.J. Redouté ; ed. and introduced by Eva Mannering.
Golden Ariels. London : The Ariel Press, 1964
Henry REED. Hilda Tablet and others ; four pieces for radio. London : British
Broadcasting Corporation, 1971 [Consisting of : A very great man indeed ; The
private life of Hilda Tablet ; A hedge, backwards ; The primal scene, as it were . . .
[Copy in Shakespeare Institute]
Langford REED. Mr Punch’s limerick book ; foreword by A.P. (Alan Patrick)
Herbert. London : Cobden-Sanderson, 1934 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
Thomas Baines REED. Fifth form at St Dominic’s : a school story. London :
Religious Tract Society, [1907?] [Bookplate : Sunday school presentation]
W.H. (William Henry) REED. Elgar. The master musicians. London : J.M.
Dent and Sons Ltd., 1949
NIgel REES. A dictionary of twentieth century quotations. London : Fontana
Collins, 1987
----------------- Cassell’s humorous quotations. London : Cassell, 2003
James REEVES (editor). The modern poets’ world ; edited with an intro. and
commentary. London : William Heinemann Ltd., 1957 [Signature of NP on
book jacket flap ; signature of J.V. Price / Culham College on pastedown ;
pencil notes throughout text]
Marcel REICH-RANICKI. Thomas Mann and his family ; translated from the
German by Ralph Manheim. London : Fontana Press, 1989 [Earlier German ed.
in ML]
Alec REID (editor). With great pleasure : an anthology of poetry and prose
from the BBC Radio 4 programme. London : Hutchinson, 1986 [Inscription
on endpaper : To Norman / with affection & every good wish / Alec Reid]
Salomon REINACH. Lettres a Zoé sur l’histoire des philosophies. 2. De la
scolastique a l’Encyclopédie. [Paris] : Hachette, 1926
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. De
l’Encyclopédie a nos jours. [Paris] : Hachette, 1926
James RENNIE. Insect architecture. The library of entertaining knowledge.
London : Charles Knight [and 6 others], 1830 [Later ed. in CRL]
Barbara REYNOLDS. Dorothy L. Sayers : her life and soul. London : Hodder
& Stoughton, 1993
John RHODES. Oxford : the university in old photographs. Gloucester :
Alan Sutton, 1988
Giuseppe RICCIOTTI. The age of martyrs : Christianity from Diocletian to
Constantine ; translated by Anthony Bull. London : Geoffrey Chapman, 1960
[Few notes in text]
Elmer RICE. A new life : a play in nine scenes. London : Victor Gollancz, 1945
[Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copies in ML, Shakespeare Institute ; later
ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
L. (Leonard) RICE-OXLEY. Oxford renowned ; illustrated in colour and
monotone by A.B. (Arthur Bedford ) Knapp-Fisher. London : Methuen &
Co. Ltd., 1934
Wendy RICHARD. No ‘S’ : my life story. London : Pocket Books, 2001
Alan J. RICHARDS. British birds : a field guide. Newton Abbot : David &
Charles, 1979
Alan RICHARDSON. The gospel according to Saint John : introduction and
commentary. Torch Bible commentaries. London : SCM Press Ltd., 1959 [Note
on back endpaper] [Copies in OLRC]
Edgell RICKWORD. Collected poems. London : The Bodley Head, 1947
[Signature of NP on pastedown ; signature of David R. Richards / Kensington.
1947 / Sent to review for the Isis] [Copies in ML]
------------------------------------------------ ; edited by Charles Hobday.
Manchester : Carcarnet Press, 1991
Antonia RIDGE. For love of a rose. London : Faber and Faber, 1965
Liz RIGBEY. Total eclipse. London : Orion Books, 1995
John RIGG. How to conduct a meeting : standing orders and rules of debate ;
parliamentary practice explained and adapted for the use of local governing
bodies, labour organizations, Friendly Societies, sports associations &
debating societies. Practical handbook series. London : George Allen &
Unwin Ltd., 1946
Mariangela RINALDI. Mariangela VICINI. Buon appetito, your holiness ;
translated from the Italian by Adam Victor. London : Pan Books, 2001
Tony RING. Geoffrey JAGGARD. Wodehouse in the clubhouse. Maidenhead
: Porpoise books, 1994 [Inscription on endpaper : To Norman - / from
Vallia [Jaggard]]
R.L. (Robert Lindsay) Graeme RITCHIE. Nelson’s third French course :
being a French grammar with exercises. London : Thomas Nelson and
Sons Ltd., 1934 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
Joseph RITSON. Robin Hood : a collection of all the ancient poems, songs, and
ballads, now extant, relative to that celebrated English outlaw : to which are
prefixed historical anecdotes of his life. London : Longmans, Hurst, Rees, Orme,
and Brown, 1820 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copy in CRL ; later ed. in
Brian RIX. My farce from my elbow : an autobigraphy. London : Star Book,
Graham ROBB. Rimbaud. London : Picador, 2000 [Date of birth added to title
page by NP and a few textual markings] [Copy in ML]
Michael ROBERTS (compiler). The Faber book of comic verse. London : Faber
and Faber, 1947 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Earlier ed. in Shakespeare
Institute ; later eds in Store, OLRC]
Alec ROBERTSON (editor). Chamber music. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books,
-------------------------- Denis STEVENS (editors). The Pelican history of music ; 2.
Renaissance and baroque. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1963 [Signature
of NP on inside cover] [Copies in Store, Shakespeare Institute]
E. (Eileen) Arnot ROBERTSON. Ordinary families. Harmondsworth : Penguin
Books, 1947 [Later ed. in OLRC]
(William) Heath ROBINSON. K.R.G. (Kenneth Robert Gordon) BROWNE.
How to make a garden grow. London : Hutchinson & Co., [1938?]
Robert ROBINSON. Landscape with dead dons. London : Victor Gollancz,
Robert ROBINSON. The dog chairman. London : Allen Lane, 1982
---------------------------- Skip all that : memoirs. London : Century, 1996 [Copy
in OLRC]
William ROBINSON. The English flower garden : design and arrangement shown
by existing examples of gardens in Great Britain and Ireland followed by a
description of the best plants for the open-air garden and their culture. 6th ed.
London : John Murray, 1898 [Later ed. in OLRC]
John Wilmot, Earl of ROCHESTER. James HAMMOND. Thomas SPRATT.
George LYTTELTON. Cabinet of love. London : Edwards & Knibb, 1821
Bruce RODGERS. The queens’ vernacular : a gay lexicon. London : Blond
and Briggs, 1972
Musée RODIN (Paris). Catalogue du Musée Rodin. 1. Hôtel Biron ; essau de
classement chronologique des oeuvres d’Auguste Rodin par Georges Grappe.
Paris : Musée Rodin, 1944 [Signature of NP on front cover]
Peter Mark ROGET. Thesaurus of English words and phrases : classified and
arranged so as to facilitate the expression of ideas and to assist in literary
composition ; enlarged by John Lewis Roget ; new ed. rev. and enlarged (1925)
by Samuel Romilly Roget. London : Odhams Press Ltd., 1925 [Later eds in
[Later eds in ML, OLRC, Harding Law Library, Barnes Library, Dental Library,
Fine Art and Music Libraries]
Eleanour Sinclair ROHDE. Eric PARKER. The gardener’s week-end book.
The week-end library. London : Seeley Service & Co. Ltd., [1939]
Fulvio ROITER. Venice = Venedig. Ponzano : Edizioni Grafische Vianello,
ROMA in Tasca : indicatore stradale auto-filo-tranviario e della rete
metropolitana ; con unito elenco indirizzi : ministeri – uffici pubblici –
teatri – cinematografi et altre notizie utili : corredato di una pianta della
città. Roma : E. Verdesi, 1958
Landon RONALD (editor). The music lovers’ portfolio. Vol. 1. London : The
Waverley Book Company Ltd., [1921?]
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vol. 3. London : The
Waverley Book Company Ltd., [1921?]
Alan ROOK. The diary of an English vineyard. London : Wine & Spirits
Publications Ltd., [1972]
Lanning ROPER. Hardy herbaceous plants. Penguin handbooks.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1961
Ned ROREM. A Ned Rorem reader ; foreword by J.D. McClatchy. New
Haven and London : Yale University Press, 2001 [Marginal note in text]
THE ROSE : a quarterly journal for all rose lovers [4 issues ; consisting of :
vol. 2, no. 1 (Autumn 1953)-vol. 2, no. 4 (Summer 1954)] [In a binder]
Léonie ROSENSTIEL. Nadia Boulanger : a life in music. New York and London :
W.W. Norton & Company, 1998 [Pencil note by NP on back endpaper ; date
of birth and death added on title page]
Gabrielle ROSENTHAL. Léon ROSENTHAL. Carpaccio : biographie
critique. 2e. éd. Paris : Henri Laurens, 1930 [Signature of NP on inside
Grace ROSHER. Beyond the horizon : being new evidence from the other side
of life communicated by Gordon Burdick in automatic writing. London :
James Clarke, [1961] [Inscribed by G.R. to NP, 2 April 1961]
Alan S.C. (Strode Campbell) ROSS. Nancy MITFORD. Evelyn WAUGH.
Noblesse oblige : an enquiry into the identifiable characteristics of the
English aristocracy. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books in association with
Hamish Hamilton, 1961
James Davidson ROSS. Margaret. London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1967
Christina ROSSETTI. Verse by Christina G. Rossetti. London : SPCK, 1898
Dante Gabriel ROSSETTI. The poetical works of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Ed. with
preface by William M. (Michael) Rossetti. New ed. in one volume. London : Ellis
and Elvey, 1893 [Earlier ed. in ML]
--------------------------------- ; with an intro. by John Buchan. London &
Edinburgh : Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd., [1924]
Edmond ROSTAND. Cyrano de Bergerac : a translation of Edmond
Rostand’s play by Edmond Wolfe. London : Hutchinson & Co., [1937]
[Signature of Gwen Berryman on endpaper]
---------------------------------------------------------- Bibliothèque verte. [Paris] ;
Hachette, 1939 [Signature of NP on endpaper (verso), with Marseille Nov’
John ROTHENSTEIN. The Tate Gallery. London : Thames and Hudson, 1964
J.-J. (Jean-Jacques) ROUSSEAU. Extraits de J.-J. Rousseau ; edited by H.E.
(Henry Edward) Berthon. London : Macmillan and Co., 1934 [Signature of
NP on pastedown]
A.L. (Alfred Leslie) ROWSE. The poet Auden. New York : Wiedenfeld &
Nicolson, [1989]
ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS (Great Britain). The king’s pictures : an
illustrated souvenir of the exhibition of the King’s pictures at the Royal Academy
of Arts, London 1946-47. [London] : Royal Academy of Arts, [1946] [Note by
NP on endpaper : Introduction (pp. viii and ix) by Anthony Blunt / at the time also
working as a spy for the RSSR. / See also pp. vi and vii] [Copy in Barber Art
ROYAL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY (Great Britain). The rhododendron
and camellia year book 1968 : number twenty-two. London : Royal
Horticultural Society, 1967
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal of the
Royal Horticultural Society. Vol. 91, part 10 (October 1966)-Vol. 92, part
12 (December 1967) [with indexes to Vol. 91 and 92] [In binder 92]
ROYAL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY (Great Britain). Journal of the
Royal Horticultural Society.Vol. 93, part 1 (January 1968)-Vol. 93 (December
1968) [October 1968 a duplicate] [In binder 93]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vol. 94,
part 1 (January 1969)-Vol. 94 part 12 (December 1969) [In binder 94]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vol. 95,
part 1 (January 1970)-Vol. 95 part 12 (December 1970) [In binder 95]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vol. 96,
part 1 (January 1971)-Vol. 96 part 12 (December 1971) [In binder 96]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vol. 97,
part 1 (January 1972)-Vol. 97 part 12 (December 1972) [In binder 97]
R.V.G. (Robert Vivian George) RUNDLE. Shrubs. Amateur gardening
picture book no. 14. London : W.H. & L. Collingbridge Ltd., 1965
Keith RUSHFORTH. Collins wildlife trust guide : trees : a photographic
guide to the trees of Britain and Europe. London : HarperCollins, 1999
John RUSKIN. Mornings in Florence : being simple studies in Christian art for
English travellers. New York : [s.n.], 1905 [Earlier eds in CRL, OLRC ; later ed.
in CRL]
------------------- The two paths : lectures on architecture and painting, PreRaphaelitism, and notes on the Turner gallery. The people’s library. London :
Cassell and Company Ltd., 1908 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Earlier eds
in CRL, OLRC ; later ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
Anthony RUSSELL. The country parish. London : SPCK, 1986 [Comments and a
few remarks by NP in text] [Copy in OLRC]
Gordon RUSSELL. Designer’s trade : autobiography of Gordon Russell.
London : George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1968 [Signature of NP on pastedown
; author’s signature on half title]
John RUSSELL. Shakespeare’s country. London : B.T. Batsford Ltd., 1942 [Later
ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
E. (Edward) John RUSSELL. English farming ; intro. by Henry Williamson.
Britain in pictures. London : Collins, 1942
Louis R. RUSSELL. Flowering shrubs and trees. London : The Garden Book
Club, 1967
Joseph Louis RUSSO. Practical Italian grammar. London : George G. Harrap
& Co. Ltd., 1964 [Signature of John Milner-Brown / 88, Kensington Park Rd
/ London W.11, on endpaper]
Mark RUTHERFORD [pseud. William Hale White]. The autobiography of Mark
Rutherford, and Mark Rutherford’s deliverance ; edited by Reuben Shapcott. The
Victorian Library ; with an introduction by Basil Willey. Leicester : Leicester
University Press, 1969 [Reprint of 1888 2nd ed.] [Copy (of original ed.) and
later ed. in Store ; earlier ed. in Store, CRL]
Paul SABATIER. Life of St Francis of Assisi ; translated by Louise Seymour
Houghton. London : Hodder & Stoughton, 1930 [Signature of NP on pastedown ;
inscription on endpaper : F.A. Pierrepont Edwards / from the members of the
Harrow / branch of the Scripture Union / MARCH 23RD / 1931] [Earlier eds in
V. (Victoria) SACKVILLE-WEST. Collected poems. Vol. 1. London :
Leonard and Virginia Woolf at the Hogarth Press, 1933 [Signature on
endpaper : John Read / Eastbourne – May 1948 / (from mother)]
--------------------------------------------- Harold NICOLSON (compilers). Another
world than this . . . ; an anthology. London : Michael Joseph, 1946 [Some pencil
notes in text] [Copy in Store]
---------------------------------------------- Vita Sackville-West’s garden book : a
collection taken from In your garden, In your garden again, More for your
garden, Even more for your garden, by Philippa Nicolson. London : Michael
Joseph, 1968
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- London :
The Garden Book Club, 1968 [NP’s initials on jacket front flap]
SACRUM commercium : the converse of Francis and his sons with holy
poverty ; [translated by H.D. (Hardwicke Drummond) Rawnsley]. The
Temple classics. London : J.M. Dent & Sons, 1926 [Inscription on half title :
K.G. / from C.G.M. / Feb / 1927]
Stanley SADIE. Handel. Illustrated Calderbook CB. 60. London : John Calder
Ltd., 1962 [Copies in OLRC]
------------------- (editor). The Grove concise dictionary of music. London :
Macmillan, 1988 [Copies in OLRC, Shakespeare Institute]
Antoine de SAINT-EXUPÉRY. Terre des hommes. Paris : Gallimard, 1939
[Signature of Marian Sperling and (different hand) The Victoria League / 51,
Leinster Square / London W.1, on half title]
Christopher ST JOHN. Ethel Smyth : a biography ; with additional chapters by V.
(Victoria) Sackville-West and Kathleen Dale. London : Longmans, 1959
[Comments and markings in text by NP and on back endpaper] [Copy in Barber
Music library]
George SAINTSBURY. Notes on a cellar-book. London : Macmillan and Co.,
1939 [Signature of NP, with Nottingham / 27 v. 45, on endpaper] [Later ed. in
Derek SALBERG. My love affair with a theatre [Alexandra, Birmingham] ;
foreword by Lord (Laurence) Olivier. Luton : Cortney Publications, 1978 [Copies
in OLRC, Store]
Elizabeth SALTER. Edith Sitwell. London : Bloomsbury Books, 1988 [Earlier
ed. in ML]
P.J. (Patrick Jeremy) SALTER. J.K.A. (John Kenneth Anthony) BLEASDALE.
Know & grow vegetables. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1979 [Copy in
James SAMBROOK. A poet hidden : the life of Richard Watson Dixon 18331900. London : the Athlone Press, 1962 [Inscription on endpaper : For Norman
Painting / with the warmest [?] / regards of the author / J. Sambrook / 18.v.35]
[Copy in ML]
James SAMBROOK. The eighteenth century : the intellectual and cultural context
of English literature, 1700-1789. London : London and New Yor, 1986
[Correction on half title and p. 208 (by the author?)] [Copies in NL, OLRC ; later
ed. in ML]
--------------------------- With the rank and pay of a sapper : the 216th (Nuneaton)
Army Troops Company, Royal Engineers, in the Great War. Nuneaton : Paddy
Griffith Associates, 1998 [Inscription on endpaper : To Norman Painting, OBE, /
in friendship, from the author / 10 v 98 / Nuneatonienses ambo ; and signature of
author on title page] [Copy in ML]
George SAMPSON. The concise Cambridge history of English literature.
Cambridge : University Press, 1941 [Signature of NP / October 1941, on front
cover flap] [Copies in OLRC, Shakespeare Institute ; later ed. in OLRC]
E.P. (Ed Parish) SANDERS. The historical figure of Jesus. Harmondsworth : Allen
Lane The Penguin Press, 1993 [Notes and markings throughout text] [Copies,
and later ed., in ML, OLRC]
Thomas William SANDERS. Sanders’ encyclopaedia of gardening ; with
supplement : a dictionary of cultivated plants, etc., giving in alphabetical
sequence the culture and propagation of hardy and half-hardy plants, trees
and shrubs, orchids, ferns, fruit, vegetables, hothouse and greenhouse plants,
etc., including their specific and common names ; rev. by A.G.L. (Arthur
George Lee) Hellyer. London : Collingridge Books, 1974
Ira D. (David) SANKEY. Sacred songs and solos : with standard hymns combined.
750 pieces. London : Morgan and Scott, [1915?] [Signature of M. [Maud]
Painting on pastedown] [Copy in OLRC ; earlier eds in OLRC ; later ed. in
------------------------------- Another copy [Signature of Mrs [Maud] Painting on
Giuseppe SANTARELLI. Loreto : its history and art ; with an introduction
by Archbishop L.F. (Loris Francesco) Capovilla. Bologna : La
Fotometalgrafica Emiliana, 1983
Loretta SANTINI. Venice : an illustrated guide to the city. [S.l.] : Edito e
stampato, 1971
W.E. (William Ewart) SARGENT. Teach yourself psychology. EUP teach
yourself books. London : Hodder and Stoughton Ltd. for the English
Universities Press Ltd., [1944]
Jean-Paul SARTRE. The flies (Les mouches) and In camera (Huis clos).
Translated by Stuart Gilbert. London : Hamish Hamilton, 1946 [Copies in ML,
OLRC ; later eds in Store, Shakespeare Institute]
Margaret SAWTELL. Christina Rossetti : her life and religion. London : A.R.
Mowbray, 1955 [Newspaper cutting, now at MS 200/15/14]
Grant Tracy SAXON. The happy hustler : my own story. New York : Warner
Paperback Library, 1975
Dorothy L. (Leigh) SAYERS. Gaudy night. London : Victor Gollancz, 1935
[Later eds in Ml, OLRC]
------------------------------------ The man born to be king : a play-cycle on the life
of our Lord and Saviour ; written for broadcasting ; presented by the British
Broadcasting Corporation Dec. 1941-Oct. 1942. London : Victor Gollancz, 1943
[Inscription on endpaper : From / Norman / 29.4.44] [Copies in OLRC, Store]
------------------------------------- Four sacred plays [The zeal of thy house ; The devil
to pay ; He that should come ; The just vengeance] London : Victor Gollancz,
1948 [Copies in OLRC]
A.W. (August Wilhelm von) SCHEGEL. Lectures on dramatic art and literature.
London : George Bell, 1876 [NP signature] [Later eds in Store, Shakespeare
Margaret R. (Roseman) SCHERER. Marvels of ancient Rome ; edited and with a
foreword by Charles Rufus Morey. New York and London : Phaidon Press for the
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1956 [Inscription on endpaper : ‘From Lorenzo to
Norman / wishing a merry Xmas and / a very Happy New Year 1961 / Lorenzo’]
[Copies in OLRC]
Frederich SCHILLER. The works of Frederick Schiller : early dramas and
romances : The robbers, Fiesco, Love and intrigue, Demetrius, The ghostseer, and The sport of destiny ; translated from the German, chiefly by Henry
G. Bohn. Bohn’s standard library. London : Henry G. Bohn, 1849 [Signature
of NP on pastedown]
Percy A. (Alfred) SCHOLES. The Radio Times music handbook : being a
complete book of reference giving both meaning and pronunciation of the
technical works found in programmes. London : Oxford University Press for
the BBC, 1936 [Signed W. S. Williams Birmingham University]
Hugh J. (Joseph) SCHONFIELD. The Passover plot : new light on the history
of Jesus. London : Macdonald Futura Book, 1977 [Markings in the text]
Clement SCOTT. The drama of yesterday and today. Vol. 1. London : Macmillan,
1899 [Copy in Shakespeare Institute]
Walter SCOTT. Kenilworth ; with introductory essay and notes by Andrew
Lang. Border edition, vols 22-23. 2 vols. London : John C. Nimmo, 1893
[Signatures of NP on endpaper (verso)]
---------------------- Ivanhoe. London : T. Nelson & Sons Ltd., n.d. [Inscription on
endpaper (recto) : To - / From E. Thornton / April 14th 1931 / N.G. Painting / 28
Grove Street / Leamington Spa / N.G. Painting / Form IIIA / School Number 124 ;
inscription on endpaper (verso) : Painting / IIIA / Number 124] [Other eds in
---------------------- Woodstock the cavalier : a tale of the year 1651. Everyman’s
library 72. London : J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1910 [Signature of NP on endpaper]
[Earlier ed. in CRL, ML ; another ed. in OLRC]
---------------------- The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott ; with the author’s
introductions and notes ; edited by J. (James) Logie Robertson. London :
Humphrey Milford Oxford University Press, 1913 [Signature of NP on
pastedown] [Earlier copies of this ed. in ML]
SCRAPIANA, or Elegant extracts of wit. 5th ed., considerably enlarged and
improved. 1824
Ronald SEARLE. Hurrah for St Trinian’s, and other lapses. Foreword by D.
(Dominic Bevan) Wyndham Lewis. London : Macdonald, 1948. [Signature :
NP ; inscription : to NP April 1952]
Harry SECOMBE. Goon for lunch. London : Michael Joseph and M. and J.
Hobbs, 1975 [Uncorrected proof copy]
Frederick SEEBOHM. Tribal custom in Anglo-Saxon law : being an essay
supplemental to (1) The English village community ; (2) The tribal system in
Wales. London : Longmans, Green, and Co., 1902 [Later eds. in CRL (Store),
Store (HA)]
W.C.(Walter Carruthers) SELLARS and R.J. (Robert Julian) YEATMAN. 1066
and all that : a memorable history of England comprising all the parts you can
remember . . . London : Methuen and Co., 1930 [Inscription : to N.G.R-S. from
W.C. Sellars, co-author ; signature : NP] [Later OLRC]
-------------------------------------------- And now all this ; being Vol. 1 of the Hole
pocket treasury of absolutely general knowledge [Lacks t.p.]
Joseph SELLARS. The return. Sturminster Newton : Wessex Aquarian, 1990
Ernest Thompson SETON. Wild animals I have known : being the personal
histories of Lobo . . . London : David Nutt, 1903 [Later eds in ML, Store]
Martin SEYMOUR-SMITH. Rudyard Kipling. London : Macdonald Queen
Anne Press, 1989 [Later ed. in ML]
Sirdar Ikbal Ali SHAH. The oriental caravan : a revelation of the soul and
mind of Asia. London : Denis Archer, 1933
William SHAKESPEARE. The plays of William Shakespeare, accurately
printed from the text of the corrected copy left by the late George Steevens,
Esq. With glossarial notes. New edition. 10 vols. London : F.C. and J.
Rivington ; T. Egerton [and 37 others], 1823. Vol. 1. The tempest ; Two
gentlemen of Verona ; Merry wives of Windsor ; Twelfth night, or What you
William SHAKESPEARE. The plays of William Shakespeare, accurately
printed from the text of the corrected copy. Vol. 2. Measure for measure ;
Much ado about nothing ; A midsummer night’s dream ; Love’s labour’s lost
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vol. 3. Merchant
of Venice ; As you like it ; All’s well that ends well ; Taming of the shrew
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vol. 4. Winter’s
tale ; Comedy of errors ; Macbeth ; King John
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Vol. 5. King
Richard II ; King Henry IV. Part one ; King Henry IV. Part two ; King
Henry V
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vol. 6. King Henry
VI. Part one ; King Henry VI. Part two ; King Henry VI. Part three
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vol.7. King
Richard III ; King Henry VIII ; Troilus and Cressida
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vol.8. Timon
of Athens ; Coriolanus ; Julius Caesar ; Anthony and Cleopatra
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vol. 9.
Cymbeline ; Titus Andronicus ; Pericles ; King Lear
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vol. 10.
Romeo and Juliet ; Hamlet
------------------------------------ The works of William Shakespeare in reduced
facsimile from the famous First Folio 1623. With an introduction by J.P.
Halliwell-Phillips. London : Chatto and Windus, 1876 [NP notes]
------------------------------------- The works of William Shakespeare gathered into
one volume. [London] : The Shakespeare Head Press, Odhams Press Ltd. and
Basil Blackwell, 1947
William SHAKESPEARE. The famous history of the life of King Henry VIII.
edited by C. (Charles) Knox Pooler. The Arden Shakespeare. 2nd ed. London :
Methuen and Co., 1936 [Signature of NP on pastedown, and Christ Church ; few
marginal notes in text] [Copies in OLRC, Shakespeare Institute, Store]
----------------------------------- Macbeth. Edited by Kenneth Muir, The Arden
Shakespeare. London : Methuen, 1951 [Enc : NP notes on TV play ‘The McBeth
takeover’] [Copies in ML, Shakespeare Institute, OLRC ; later eds in Shakespeare
Institute, OLRC]
------------------------------------ King Lear. Edited by Kenneth Muir. The Arden
Shakespeare. London : Methuen, 1951 [Later eds in OLRC, ML, Shakespeare
--------------------------------Hamlet. Edited by Harold Jenkins. The Arden
Shakespeare. London : Methuen, 1982 [annotations]
Shakespeare Institute]
[Copies in ML, OLRC,
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1982 (1994
------------------------------------- Measure for measure. Ed. from the original text by
G.B. (George Bagshawe) Harrison. The Penguin Shakespeare. Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books, 1954 [Copy in Shakespeare Institute]
------------------------------------- Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice. Ed. by
Evelyn Smith. London : Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd., 1940 [Signature of
Freda A. Rollaston 3a, on front cover and F. Rollaston / Form 3a 1941, on
------------------------------------- The ages of man : Shakespeare’s image of man and
nature ; arranged by George Rylands. London and Toronto : William Heinemann,
1939 [Inscription on endpaper : Broadstairs / 9/vi/62] [Later ed. in Shakespeare
------------------------------------- The bedside Shakespeare : an anthology ; selected
and arranged by Arthur Stanley. London : Victor Gollancz, 1948 [Copy in
Shakespeare Institute]
William SHAKESPEARE. Coriolanus ; with introduction and notes by W.J.
(William James) Craig. London : Methuen and Co., 1904
Theodore J. (Junior) SHANK (editor). A digest of 500 plays : plot outlines and
production notes. London : Collier-Macmillan Ltd., 1963
Olive SHAPLEY. Broadcasting a life : the autobiography of Olive Shapley.
London : Scarlet Press, 1996
Cecil J. (James) SHARP (editor). Folk-songs from Somerset. Set 1. Novello’s
school songs, book 201. London : Novello and Company Ltd., 1908
[Bound with]:
2. ------------------------------------------- Folk-songs from Somerset. Set 2.
Novello’s school songs, book 202. London : Novello and Company Ltd., 1908
3. ------------------------------------------- Folk-songs (various). Set 3. Novello’s
school songs, book 212. London : Novello and Company Ltd., 1909
4. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Set 4. Novello’s
school songs, book 213. London : Novello and Company Ltd., 1909
5. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Set 5. Novello’s
school songs, book 222. London : Novello and Company Ltd., 1910
6. R. (Ralph) Vaughan WILLIAMS. Folk-songs for schools. Set 6. Novello’s
school songs, book 232. London : Novello and Company Ltd., 1912
7. Cecil J. (James) SHARP (editor). Folk-songs for schools. Set 7. Novello’s
school songs, book 268. London : Novello and Company Ltd., 1922
8. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; collected by
H.E.D. (Henry Edward Denison) Hammond. Set 8. Novello’s school songs,
book 269. London : Novello and Company Ltd., 1922
9. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Set 9. Novello’s
school songs, book 274. London : Novello and Company Ltd., [19--]
10. ------------------------------------------ Folk-song carols. Novello’s
school songs, book 245. London : Novello and Company Ltd., 1913
11. ----------------------------------------- Ballads. Novello’s school songs, book 261.
London : Novello and Company Ltd., [1919?]
12. ------------------------------------------ Pulling chanteys. Novello’s school songs,
book 262. London : Novello and Company Ltd., [1926?]
13. ------------------------------------------ Capstan chanteys. Novello’s school
songs, book 263. London : Novello and Company Ltd., [1926?]
]Name label of NP on inside front cover]
Thomas SHARP. Oxford replanned. London : for Oxford City Council by the
Architectual Press, 1948 [Signature (faint) on front cover flap] [Copy in ML]
Geoffrey SHAW. The descant hymn-tune book. Book 1 : a collection of wellknown tunes. London : Novello and Company, [1932]
George Bernard SHAW. John Bull’s other island ; in four acts. London :
Constable and Company, 1921 [Signature of NP on jacket flap] [Earlier ed. in
Store ; later ed. in OLRC]
------------------------------- The intelligent woman’s guide to socialism and
capitalism. Popular edition. London : Constable and Company Ltd., 1929 [Book
label on pastedown of Leamington P.S.A. [Pleasant Sunday Association]
Brotherhood to H.G. [Harry George] Painting, 23 June 1929] [Earlier ed. in
Store ; later ed. in ML]
------------------------------ The apple cart : a political extravaganza. London :
Constable and Company Ltd., 1930 [Signature of NP on jacket flap] [Copy in
Shakespeare Institute, CRL, ML]
------------------------------ Plays pleasant and unpleasant ; the second volume
containing the four pleasant plays. London : Constable and Company Ltd., 1939
[Consisting of : Arms and the man ; Candida : a mystery ; The man of destiny : a
fictitious paragraph of history ; You never can tell : a comedy] [Inscription on
pastedown : To Norman / with best wishes / from Sam / Lichfield July 4/42 ;
poems in pencil by NP on back endpaper ; The man of destiny marked up for
production] [Copy in ML]
Joseph SHAYOR. In friendship’s garden. London : Truslove & Hanson Ltd.,
Sidney SHAYLOR. Joys of the garden. London : Truslove & Hanson, n.d.
[NP address label]
A.J. SHELDON. Edward Elgar. London : Musical Opinion, 1932
Percy Bysshe SHELLEY. Shelley in Italy ; an anthology selected with an
intro. by John Lehmann. [London] : John Lehmann, 1947
Percy Bysshe SHELLEY. Shelley on love : selected writings ; [selected by]
Richard Holmes. [2nd rev. ed.] London : Flamingo, 1996 [Earlier ed. in ML]
William SHEPPARD. The president [sic] of presidents, or, one general
president of common assurances by deeds. 4th edition, corrected and amended
; with many additional presidents. London : Isaac Cleave and Elizabeth
Pawlett, 1712
Richard Brinsley SHERIDAN. The dramatic works of Richard Brinsley
Sheridan ; with biographical and critical sketch by Leigh Hunt. London :
Edward Moxon, 1846 [NP signature]
----------------------------------------- The critic ; edited, with introduction and notes
by Robert Herring. London : Macmillan and Co., 1935 [Signature of NP on
pastedown] [Earlier ed. in CRL]
------------------------------------------ The plays of Richard Brinsley Sheridan.
Everyman’s library 95. London & Toronto : J.N. Dent & Sons, [1906] [Signature
of NP on pastedown]
Leo SHERLEY-PRICE (editor). Lent with Saint Francis : readings from early
Franciscan literature. London : A.R. Mowbray & Co. Ltd., 1958 [Notes by
NP on back endpaper ; notes and markings in text]
R.C. (Robert Cedric) SHERRIFF. Plays of a half-decade. London : Victor
Gollancz Ltd., 1933 [Consisting of : R.C. Sherriff, Journey’s end ; John Van
Druton, Young Woodley ; Reginald Berkeley, The lady with the lamp ; Monckton
Hoffe, Many waters ; Rudolf Besier, The Barretts of Wimpole Street ; James
B. (Bernard) Fagan, The improper duchess ; E.M. (Edmée Monica) Delafield,
To see ourselves ; John Van Druton, After all ; C.L. Anthony [pseud. Dodie
Smith], Autumn crocus ; Ronald Mackenzie, Musical chairs ; Clifford Bax, The
rose without a thorn] [Inscription on endpaper : To Daddy / Wishing you / Many
Happy Returns / Love Maisie / March 26th 1938] [Copy in Shakespeare Institute]
Ned SHERRIN. Sherrin’s year. London : Virgin Publishing Ltd., 1996
[Note on half title, correction in the index, by NP]
W.E. (Wilfred Edward) SHEWELL-COOPER. The royal gardeners : King
George VI and his queen. London : Cassell & Company Ltd., 1952
D. (Dmitrii) SHOSTAKOVICH. The golden age : ballet suite, op. 22. London :
Boosey & Hawkes, s.d. [Another ed. in Store}
William L. (Lawrence) S. SHIRER. Berlin diary : the journal of a foreign
correspondence 1934-1941. London : Hamish Hamilton, 1941 [Pencil notes
in text and on back endpaper for radio adaptation ?] [Copy in ML]
SHORTER novels : Elizabethan and Jacobean ; vol. 1. Intro. by George Saintsbury
; notes by Philip Henderson. Everyman’s library 824. London : J.M. Dent & Sons
Ltd., 1943 [Consisting of : Thomas Deloney, Jacke of Newberie ; Thomas of
Reading ; Robert Greene, Carde of fancie ; Thomas Nashe, The unfortunate
traveller] [Signature of NP on pastedown ; marginal note in introduction]
[Copies in Shakespeare Institute, OLRC]
Richard SIBBES. The bruised reede and smoaking flax: some sermons
contracted out of the 12 of Matt. 20 . . . London : R. Dawlman, 1630
Sir Philip SIDNEY. Sidney’s Apologie for poetrie ; edited with an intro. and notes
by J. (John) Churton Collins. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1907 [Signature of NP on
pastedown, with notes in text and on back endpaper] [Copies in Store,
Shakespeare Institute]
------------------------- The poems of Sir Philip Sidney ; edited with an introduction
of John Drinkwater. London : George Routledge & Sons Ltd., 1934 [Signature of
NP on pastedown ; few pencil notes in text] [Earlier eds in Store, Shakespeare
Institute ; later eds in Store, Shakespeare Institute, ML]
Lance SIEVEKING. The stuff of radio. London : Cassell & Co., 1934
-------------------------- The eye of the beholder. London : Hulton Press, 1957
Arnold SILCOCK. Verse and worse : a private collection. London : Faber and
Faber, 1958 [Inscription on endpaper : N. / from / M. / To cheer you a little at a /
rather sad time. / 23.4.59] [Copy in OLRC]
W.A. (William Augustus) SILLINCE. We’re all in it. London : Collins, 1941
George R. (Robert) SIMS. Prepare to shed them now : the ballads of George
R. Sims ; selected and edited by Arthur Calder-Marshall. London :
Hutchinson, 1968
Lesley SIMS. A visitor’s guide to ancient Rome. London : Usborne Publishing
Ltd., 1999
Jack SIMMONS. Southey. London : Collins, 1945 [Signature of NP on
pastedown] [Copy in ML]
John SIMPSON. Strange places, questionable people. London : Pan Books,
Donald SINDEN. The last word : a sparkling collection of put-downs,
epitaphs, final utterances, touching tributes and damning dismissals. London :
Warner Books, 1995
Frank SINGLETON. The English lakes ; illustrated from colour photographs
by Wilfred Elms. London : B.T. Batsford Ltd., 1954
Kenneth SISAM (editor). Fourteenth century verse & prose. Oxford : Clarendon
Press, 1944 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Earlier eds in ML, OLRC ; later
eds in OLRC, Shakespeare Institute]
Edith SITWELL. Green song & other poems. London : Macmillan & Co. Ltd.,
1944 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copy in Store]
--------------------- Selected poems ; [a selection by the author]. Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books,1952 [Copy in OLRC]
--------------------- Taken care of : an autobiography. London : Readers Union
Hutchinson. 1966 [Note by NP on back endpaper and few markings in text]
--------------------- Selected letters of Edith Sitwell. Edited by Richard Greene.
London : Virago Books, 1998
Osbert SITWELL. Laughter in the next room : being the fourth volume of Left
hand, right hand! : an autobiography. London : Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1949
[Copy in Store]
Sacheverell SITWELL. Arabesque and honeycomb. London : Robert Hale
Ltd., 1957 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
Robert SKIDELSKY. John Maynard Keynes. Vol. 1 : Hope betrayed 1883-1920.
London : Macmillan, 1983 [Few marginal markings] [Copies in ML, OLRC]
-------------------------------------------------------- Vol. 2 : The economist as saviour
1920-1937. London : Macmillan, 1992 [Copies in ML, OLRC]
Cornelia Otis SKINNER. Emily KIMBROUGH. Our hearts were young and
gay. New York : Dodd, Mead & Company, 1942
Douglas SLADEN. Sicily : the new winter resort : an encyclopaedia of Sicily :
with 2134 illustrations, a map, and a table of the railway system of Sicily,
showing under the heading of each station the monuments and scenery served
by it, either directly or by diligence. London : Methuen & Co., [1908]
Frank SLATER. Portrait painting : step by step. London : Herbert Jenkins,
1963 [Markings in text]
Elizabeth SMART. A bonus. London : Polytantric Press, 1977 [Later ed. in ML]
William SMETHURST (editor). The Archers : the first thirty years. London :
Eyre Methuen by arrangement with the BBC, 1980 [Uncorrected proof copy,
with notes on half title and some corrections in text]
------------------------------ Jennifer’s friends. London : Methuen, 1983
[Inscription to NP from author on half title : Norman – the three years / I
shared with you on the / Archers writing team were / never quite like this,
thank / goodness! I hope you are / amused, all the same . . . / William]
Adam SMITH. An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. 3
vols. 8th edition. London : A. Strahan and T. Cadell, jnr., 1796 [Later eds in CRL,
Harding Law Library, ML]
C.J. (Charles John) SMITH. Synonyms and antonyms, or kindred words and
their opposites ; collected and contrasted by C.J. Smith. Bohn’s reference
library. Rev. ed. London : G. Bell & Sons Ltd., 1921
D. (David) Nichol SMITH, Shakespeare criticism : a selection ; with an
introduction by D. Nichol Smith. The world’s classics 212. London : Humphrey
Milford Oxford University Press, 1944 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Earlier
eds in Shakespeare Institute, Store, OLRC]
J.C. (James Cruickshanks) SMITH (compiler). A book of verse for boys and
girls. A new ed. with many modern poems. Part 3. Oxford : Clarendon Press,
1936 [Signature of NP on front pastedown ; pencil notes on back pastedown]
Logan Pearsall SMITH. The English language. 17th ed. The home university
library of modern knowledge. London : Thornton Butterworth Ltd., 1941
[Signature of NP on endpaper] [Earlier ed. in OLRC ; later ed. in Shakespeare
C.P. (Charles Percy) SNOW. Time of hope : a novel. Stranger and brothers, no.
1. London : Faber and Faber, 1950 [Later ed. in ML, OLRC]
Henry SOAMES. The Anglo-Saxon church : its history, revenues, and general
character. 3rd ed., with adds. and corrs. London : John W. Parker, 1844 [Earlier
ed. in CRL ; later ed. in CRL (Store)]
Anthony STORR. Solitude. London : HarperCollins, 1988 [Notes by NP on
final page ; comments and markings throughout text]
Robin Langley SOMMER (editor). A guide to familiar Latin quotes and
phrases. [S.l.] : Dovetail books, 1995
SOPHOCLES. The tragedies of Sophocles : a new translation, with a biographical
essay, and an appendix of rhymed choral odes and lyrical dialogues, by E.H.
(Edward Hayes) Plumptre. London : Strahan & Co., 1871 [Earlier ed in ML]
------------------- The dramas of Sophocles rendered in English verse dramatic
& lyric by Sir George Young. Everyman’s library 114. London : J.M. Dent & Co.,
1906 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copies in ML, Shakespeare Institute,
------------------- Oedipus king of Thebes ; translated into English rhyming verse
with explanatory notes by Gilbert Murray. London : George Allen & Company
Ltd., 1912 [Signature of NP on inside front cover] [Earlier ed. in ML, OLRC,
Shakespeare Institute]
Richard SOUTHERN. The Georgian playhouse. London : Pleiades Book Ltd.,
1948 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copies in Shakespeare Institute, Store]
Robert SOUTHEY. Joan of Arc. 2 vols [in one]. [2nd ed.] Bristol : T.N. Longman,
and Joseph Cottle, 1798 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copy in CRL ; later
ed. in CRL]
The SOUVENIR : a token of remembrance. London : Thomas Nelson, 1850
[Inscription : To Norman on his birthday – this book which belonged to my
grandmother (Ellen Wilson) Apl 23, 1968. Doris L. Knott]
Frances SPALDING. Duncan Grant. London : Chatto & Windus, 1997 [Dates of
birth and death added by NP on title page] [Copy in Barber Art Library]
John SPARKS. The sexual connection : mating the wild way. Newton Abbot :
David & Charles, 1977
Kathleen SPEIGHT. Teach yourself Italian. The teach yourself books. London :
The English Universities Press Ltd., 1957 [Signature of NP on endpaper (verso)]
[Later ed. in ML]
Joseph SPENCE. Spence’s Anecdotes, observations, and characters of books
and men ; a selection, edited, with an intro. and notes, by John Underhill.
The Camelot series. London : Walter Scott, [1890] [Signature of NP on
Stephen SPENDER. Poetry since 1939. The arts in Britain : 1. London : for the
British Council by Longmans Green & Co., 1946 [Copy in OLRC]
Edmund SPENSER. The fairy queen. 2 vols. London : J. and R. Tonson, 1758.
[Signature : NP] [Earlier eds in CRL (Shakespeare collection) ; later eds in
CRL, Store, ML, Shakespeare Institute]
---------------------------------------------- 2 vols. Spenser’s Faerie Queene ; edited
by J.C. (James Cruickshank) Smith. 2 vols [of 3 vols. Poetical works] Oxford :
Clarendon Press, 1909 [Signature of NP on pastedown, and pencil notes
in text, of vol. 1] [Copies in Store, Shakespeare Institute]
Paul SPICER. Herbert Howells. Bridgend : Seren, 1999 [Copy in Barber Music
Iain SPROAT. Wodehouse at war. A Lythway book. (Large print ed.) Bath :
Chivers Press, 1982
Marion Howard SPRING. Memories and gardens. London : Collins Fontana
Books, 1966
Constance SPRY. How to do the flowers ; with a foreword by Beverley
Nichols. London : Atlantis Publishing Company, [1953]
J.C. (John Collings) SQUIRE. Tricks of the trade. London : Hodder &
Stoughton, 1922 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
Veronica STALLWOOD. Death and the Oxford Box. London : Headline,
Jon STALLWORTHY. Wilfred Owen. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1977
[Dates of birth and death added on title page by NP] [Copy, earlier, and later
ed. in OLRC ; earlier and later ed. in ML]
------------------------------ Louise MacNeice. London : Faber and Faber, 1995
[Dates of birth and death in pencil by NP on title page and notes and markings
in text] [Copies in ML, OLRC]
Arthur STANLEY (editor). Good company. London : Victor Gollancz Ltd.,
Malcolm STANNARD. Evelyn Waugh : the early years 1903-1939. London :
Paladin Grafton Books, 1988 [Earlier ed. in OLRC]
------------------------------ Evelyn Waugh : no abiding city 1939-1966. London :
J.M. Dent & Sons, 1992 [Post-it note on book jacket flap from ‘Bruno’]
Leslie STARKE. Starke and unashamed. London : Max Reinhardt, 1953
[Signature : NP]
STAY on a farm. Farm holiday bureau. Norwich : Jarrold Publishing, 1995
[Notes by NP on back endpaper and some markings in text]
William T. (Thomas) STEARN. Stearn’s dictionary of plant names for gardeners :
a handbook on the origin and meaning of the botanical names of some cultivated
plants. London : Cassell, 1994 [Earlier ed. in Store (BA)]
Gertrude STEIN. Everybody’s autobiography ; with a new intro. by Janet
Hobhouse. London : Virago, 1985
F.M. (Frank Merry) STENTON. Anglo-Saxon England. 2nd ed. Oxford :
Clarendon Press, 1947 [Signature of NP on pastedown ; notes on back endpaper,
markings in the text] [Copies in ML, OLRC ; earlier ML ; later edition ML,
OLRC, Shakespeare Institute]
Leslie STEPHEN. Samuel Johnson. English men of letters. London : Macmillan
and Co., 1882 [Signature of NP on pastedown ; inscription on endpaper :
University of Cambridge : / Local examn. (Senior) Dec 1883 / Presented to Mary
E. Denchfield / by the Misses Pratt / Welland House, / Forest Hill] [Copy in
Store ; earlier ed. in Store, Shakespeare Institute]
Theo. A. (Theodore Alfred) STEPHENS. A.T. (Arthur Tysilio) JOHNSON.
My garden’s choice of rock plants, trees and flowering shrubs and
herbaceous plants. London : C. Arthur Pearson Ltd., 1941
Iain STEWART. Brian DOWNES. The good sex guide. London : Ocean
Books, 1972
J.I.M. (John Innes Mackintosh) STEWART. Full term : a novel. London :
Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1978
Michael STEWART. Belladonna. London : Fontana, 1992 [Inscription on
title page : To Norman / With all fondest / regards – and, of / course, thanks! / Michael / Summer ‘94]
Richard STILGOE. The Richard Stilgoe letters : a jumble of anagrams.
London : George Allen & Unwin, 1981
J.C. (John Clarke) STOBART. Shakespeare’s monarchs. The broadcast
library. London : Hodder and Stoughton, ]1926?]
J.C. (John Clarke) STOBART. The glory that was Greece : a survey of Hellenic
culture and civilisation. 3rd ed., rev. by F.N. (Frederick Norman) Pryce. London :
Sidgwick & Jackson, 1960 [Signature of NP on endpaper] [Copy in Shakespeare
Institute ; earlier ed. in OLRC ; later ed. in ML]
Johanne M. STOCHHOLM. Garrick’s folly : the Shakespeare Jubilee of 1769 at
Stratford and Drury Lane. London : Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1964 [Copies in OLRC,
Shakespeare Institute]
Les STOCKER. The complete hedgehog ; foreword by John Craven. London
: Chatto & Windus, 1987
Laura STODDART. Up the garden path. London : Orion, 1999 [Inscription
on front endpaper (verso) : To / Uncle Norman / Love from / Michaela / xxx]
W.J. (William John) STOKOE. The observer’s book of trees. Rev. ed. London :
Frederick Warne & Co. Ltd., 1960 [Copy in OLRC]
Roger STOREY. Gilbert Harding. London : Barrie and Rockliff, 1961
Amedeo STORTI. Venice : a photographic guide. Venezia : Edizioni Storti,
Lytton STRACHEY. Eminent Victorians. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1971
[Pencil marginal marks in text by NP]
[Earlier and later eds in OLRC]
anthology for 2000 ; anthologist Paule Jones. Stratford-upon-Avon :
Stratford-upon-Avon Writers’ Circle, 2000
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Remembering war days.
Foreword by Norman Painting. Stibbington : Proprint, 2001
Arthur STRATTON. Introductory handbook to the style of English
architecture : a companion to the series of large scale comparative diagrams
. . . prepared for the use of schools, teachers, students and others. Part 1 : The
Middle Ages. London : B.T. Batsford Ltd., 1928 [Ownership label of V.
Volney STREAMER. What makes a friend ; with intro. by Richard Garnett.
3rd ed. London : Truslove & Hanson Ltd., 1908 [Notes by NP on p. [120] and
back endpaper ; some markings in text]
Jan STRUTHER. Mrs Miniver. London : Chatto and Windus, 1939
[Bookplate : Robert Gibbins]
Philip STYLES. Studies in seventeenth century West Midlands history. Kineton :
The Roundwood Press for the Philip Styles Memorial Fund, 1978 [Copies in
Richard SUDELL. Herbaceous borders and the waterside. London : The
English Universities Press Ltd., 1928
SUETONIUS. The twelve Caesars. Translated by Robert Graves. Harmondsworth
: Penguin Books, 1957 [Ownership label of NP on inside cover] [Later eds in
OLRC, ML, Shakespeare Institute]
J.P. (John Patrick) SULLIVAN (editor). Ezra Pound : a critical anthology.
Penguin critical anthologies. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1970
Ajahn SUMEDHO. Cittaviveka : teachings from the silent mind ; a selection of
Dhamma talks . . . with narratives of the monastic life. Hemel Hempstead :
Amaravati Publications, 1987 [Earlier ed. in OLRC]
John SUMMERSCALE (editor). The Penguin encyclopedia.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1965
R.H. (Robert Henry) SUPER. Walter Savage Landor : a biography. London :
John Calder, 1957 [Earlier (U.S.) ed. in Shakespeare Institute, Store]
W. E. (William Edward SURTEES. A sketch of the stock of Nevill, earls of
Northumberland, in the Saxon times ; and of its descendants, earls of
Westmoreland, &c. and territorial lords of Raby, Branspeth and Barnard
Castles, in the Palatinate. Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Richardson, 1843
[Inscription on endpaper : [Francis] Hopkinson / from the author / W.E.
Surtees DCL / about 1846 ; tipped in A.L.S. to [Francis] Hopkinson ;
inscription, copy signatures, on interleaves and back endpaper]
Rosemary SUTCLIFF. Sword at sunset. Peacock books. Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books, 1963
Douglas SUTHERLAND. Portrait of a decade : London life 1945-1955.
London : Harrap, 1988
Alfred SUTRO [and others]. Seven famous one-act plays. Alfred Sutro : A
marriage has been arranged ; Clifford Bax : The cloak ; A.P. Herbert : Two
gentlemen of Soho ; J.A. Ferguson : Campbell of Kilmohr ; Olphant Down :
The makers of dreams ; Stanley Houghton : The dear departed ; W.W. Jacobs :
The monkey’s paw. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books Ltd., 1938 [Signature of
NP on inside front cover and endpaper (verso)] [Copy in OLRC]
P. (Pravdomil) SVOBODA. Beautiful roses. London : Spring Books, 1966
Jerry BAKER. Make friends with your roses. [Inscription on title page :
Happy Valentine! / Tomideer VG Pkt / 14.2.’84]
Sally SWAIN. Great housewives of art revisited. London : Grafton, 1991
John SWENSON. The John Lennon story. New York : Leisure Books, 1981
Algernon Charles SWINBURNE. Swinburne’s collected poetical works.
Vol. 2 [only]. London : William Heinemann Ltd., 1924 [Bookplate of
Rosemary Edwards on pastedown]
Frank SWINNERTON. The Georgian literary scene. Everyman’s Library 943.
London : J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1938 [Copy, and another ed., in OLRC]
Jonathan SWIFT. The works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, D.D., Dean of St
Patrick’s, Dublin ; carefully selected with a life of the author and original and
authentic notes. London and Edinburgh : William P. Nimmo, [18--?]
------------------------ Gulliver’s travels ; retold for little folk. [Illustrated by
John Hassall] London : Blackie & Son, [1923] [Telephone label ; note by
NP re JH, now at MS 200/15/25]
Jonathan SWIFT. Travels into several remote nations of the world by
Lemuel Gulliver, first a surgeon, and then a captain of several ships . . . .
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books Ltd., 1938 [Pencil notes by NP on
-------------------------- Satires and personal writings ; ed. with intro. and notes by
William Alfred Eddy. Oxford editions of standard authors. London : Humphrey
Milford Oxford University Press, 1944 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
[Earlier eds in OLRC, Store]
Arthur SYMONS. Plays, acting and music. London : Duckworth, 1903 [NP
------------------------- Studies in seven arts. London : Constable and Company
Ltd., 1910 [Earlier ed. in Barber Fine Art Library ; later ed. in ML]
------------------------- Notes on Joseph Conrad. London : Myers & Co., 1925
[Copy in Store]
Julian SYMONS. The thirties : a dream revolved. Rev. ed. London : Faber and
Faber, 1975 [Notes by NP on p. 160 and markings in text] [Copy in OLRC ;
earlier ed. in ML]
John M. (Millington) SYNGE. Collected plays [The shadow of the glen ;
Riders to the sea ; The tinker’s wedding ; The well of the saints ; The playboy
of the western world ; Deidre of the sorrows] Harmondsworth : Penguin
books, 1952
Patrick M. (Millington) SYNGE. Plants with personality : illustrated with
plates from Dr Thornton’s Temple of Flora ; and with drawings by John
Nash. London : Lindsay Drummond Ltd., [1940?]
Roger TABOR. Cats : the rise of the cat. London : BBC Books, 1991
John TAMPION. The gardener’s practical botany. Newton Abbot : David &
Charles, 1972 [Copy in OLRC]
A.E. (Alfred Edward) TAYLOR. Socrates. [London] ; Peter Davies Ltd., 1932
[Signature of NP on pastedown]
Cyrl TAYLOR. Hymns for today discussed : a commentary on Hymns A & M
New Standard Edition (hymns 334-533). Norwich : The Canterbury Press
and The Royal School of Church Music, 1984
Gerald TAYLOR. Silver. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1956 [Copy in
Ina TAYLOR. Helen Allingham’s England. London : Caxton Editions, 2000
John Russell TAYLOR. Alec Guinness : a celebration. London : Pavilion Books
Ltd., 2000 [Earlier ed. in Shakespeare Institute, OLRC].
Robert Lewis TAYLOR. W.C. Fields ; his follies and fortunes. London :
Cassell & Company Ltd., 1950
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New York :
Signet Books, 1967 [Ownership label of NP, with Venice 1972 (handwritten),
on inside cover]
Roland TAYLOR. The Lake District : Britain’s largest National Park.
London : Geographica Ltd., n.d.
Robert TEAR. Singer beware : a cautionary story of the singing class. London
: Hodder & Stoughton, 1995
Alfred, Lord TENNYSON. The holy grail and other poems. London : Macmillan
and Co., 1884 [Earlier and later eds in Store]
--------------------------------- Maud and other poems. London : Macmillan and Co.,
1884 [Earlier eds in Store, CRL]
--------------------------------- The works of Alfred Lord Tennyson Poet Laureate.
London : Macmillan and Co., 1889 [Signature of NP on endpaper] [Later eds
in ML, Store, OLRC]
---------------------------------- The death of Oenone, Akbar’s dream, and other
poems. London : Macmillan and Co., 1892 [Signature of NP on pastedown,
and presentation plate of Wintersdorf, Southport, to Mary Irene Mawson,
4 October 1893] [Copy in CRL, Store]
Alfred, Lord TENNYSON. In memoriam ; annotated by the author. London :
Macmillan and Co., 1905 [Note by NP on t.p. ; poem on back endpaper ;
some marks and marginal notes in the text]
---------------------------------- The idylls of the king. London : Thomas Nelson
and Sons Ltd., [19--]
----------------------------------- Poems of Tennyson ; including The Princess, In
memoriam, Maud, Idylls of the king, Enoch Arden, etc. ; with an intro. by T.
(Thomas) Herbert Warren. Oxford edition. London : Henry Frowde Oxford
University Press, 1910 [Copy in OLRC]
St TERESA of Ávila. The life of Saint Teresa of Ávila by herself ; translated with
an intro. by J.M. (John Michael) Cohen. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1958
[Markings in text] [Copies in ML, OLRC]
A.S.J. (Arthur Seymour John) TESSIMOND. The walls of glass. The Gateway
poets. London : Methuen, 1934 [Signature : NP]
------------------------------------------------------------ Selection. London : Putnam,
W.M. (William Makepeace) THACKERAY. The four Georges and The English
humourists of the eighteenth century. The pocket edition of W.M. Thackeray’s
works. London : Smith, Elder, & Co., 1888 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
[Copy, earlier, and later eds in Store]
--------------------------------------------------------- Ballads and The rose and the
ring. London : Smith, Elder, & Co., 1890 [Earlier ed. in CRL]
---------------------------------------------------------- A Thackeray year-book ;
compiled by Helen and Lewis Melville. London : George G. Harrap &
Company, 1911 [Some markings in text]
William M. (Makepeace) THAYER. George Washington : his boyhood and
manhood. 5th ed. London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1895
THEATRE world annual (London) : a pictorial review of West End productions
with a record of plays and players. No. 1, 1st June 1949-31st May, 1950. Edited by
Frances Stephens. London : Theatre Book Club, 1950 [Copy in Shakespeare
------------------------------------------------------------------------- No. 2, 1st June, 195031st May, 19. London : Theatre Book Club, 1951 [Copy in Shakespeare
THEATRICAL digs : tales from the Green Room ; featuring the illustrious
members of the Lord’s Taverners’ Company. Newton Abbot : David &
Charles, [c1987]
Fred. V. (Frederick Vincent) THEOBALD. John RAMSBOTTOM. The
National Rose Society’s handbook on the insect and fungus pests of the rose,
entitled, The enemies of the rose. London : National Rose Society, 1925
St THÉRÈSÈ of Lisieux. The story of a soul : the autobiography of Saint
Thèrese of Lisieux in a new and revised ed. translated by Michael Day ; with
a foreword by Vernon Johnson. 2nd ed. London : Burns & Oates, 1955
[Inscription on endpaper : For Norman / with sincere affection / Michael /
June 1955]
THESAURUS dramaticus : containing all the celebrated passages, soliloquies,
similies, descriptions, in the body of English plays, antient and modern. Vol.
2. London : Thomas Butler, 1724
Caitlin THOMAS. Leftover life to kill. London : Putnam, 1957 [Signature of NP
on pastedown ; Boots’ library sticker on front cover] [Copy in Store]
Dylan THOMAS. Portrait of the artist as a young dog. London : Dent, 1940
[Copies in ML, OLRC ; later ed. in OLRC]
----------------------- Deaths and entrances. London : J.M. Dent, 1946 [Signature :
NP] [Copy in ML ; later ed. in CRL]
----------------------- Collected poems 1934-1952. London : J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd.,
1954 [Notes by NP on back pastedown and endpaper] [Earlier ed. in OLRC ;
later ed. in ML, OLRC]
Dylan THOMAS. Miscellany : poems stories broadcasts. London : J.M.
Dent & Sons Ltd., 1965
Edward THOMAS. Collected poems ; with a foreword by Walter de la Mare.
London : Faber and Faber Ltd., 1936 [Signature of NP on pastedown, 18. vii.42]
[Copy in Store ; later eds in ML]
Graham Stuart THOMAS. Climbing roses old and new ; with a chapter on
the botany and derivation of climbing roses by Gordon D. (Douglas) Rowley.
London : Phoenix House, 1967
------------------------------------ Colour in the winter garden. London : The
Garden Book Club, 1967 [Later eds in OLRC]
------------------------------------ Plants for ground-cover. London : J.M. Dent & Sons
Ltd., 1970 [Markings in text] [Later ed. in OLRC]
------------------------------------ The old shrub roses ; with chapters on the evolution
of our garden roses, by C.C. (Charles Chamberlain) Hurst ; foreword by V. (Vita)
Sackville-West. London : J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1971 [Later ed. in OLRC]
------------------------------------ Shrub roses of today ; with a key to the major
groups of cultivated roses by Gordon D. (Douglas) Rowley. Rev. ed. London :
J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd.,1974 [Copy in OLRC]
Gwyn THOMAS. High on hope : extracts from the ‘Western Mail’ articles ;
edited by Jeffrey Robinson and Brian McCann. Cowbridge : D. Brown and
Sons, 1985
Howard THOMAS. Britain’s Brain’s Trust. London : Chapman & Hall, 1944
Irene THOMAS. The bandsman’s daughter : an autobiography. London :
Macmillan, 1979 [Inscription on title page from author : For my favourite
Toxophilite - / with admiration and warmest / regards from / Irene / July ‘88]
William Beaxh THOMAS. Gardens. Pleasures of life series. London : Burke,
Paul THOMPSON. The work of William Morris. Oxford : Oxford University
Press, 1993 [Marginal comments and markings in text by NP] [Copy in ML]
D. Cleghorn THOMSON. Radio is changing us : a survey of radio
development and its problems in our changing world. London : Watts & Co.,
George L. (Lawrie) THOMSON. The art of calligraphy. London : Treasure
Press, 1986
William THOMSON. Orpheus Caledonius, or, a collection of Scots songs. [Vol. 1
only?] London : for the author, 1733 [Lacks all before p. 63, incl t.p.] [Another
copy in CRL]
Thomas THORNLEY. Aganella goddess of games, and other poems, being the
third edition. Cambridge : W. Heffer, 1936
James THURBER. The middle-aged man on the flying trapeze : a collection
of short pieces, with drawings by the author. 5th ed. New York and London :
Harper & Brothers, 1935 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
------------------------- Thurber’s men, women and dogs : a book of drawings ;
with a preface by Dorothy Parker. London : Hamish Hamilton, 1946
[Signature of NP on pastedown and jacket flap]
------------------------- Thurber country : a new collection of pieces about males
and females mainly of our own species. Hamondsworth : Penion Book in
association with Hamish Hamilton, 1977
John THURSTON. Illustrations of Shakspeare, comprising two hundred and
thirty vignette engravings by Thompson . . . adapted to all editions. London :
Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper, 1825 [Later eds in CRL, Shakespeare Institute]
Anne TIBBLE. Greenhorn : a twentieth-century childhood. London :
Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1974 [Inscription and note to NP from author,
now at MS 200/15/15]
F.J. (Frederick James) TICKNER (editor). Shakespeare’s predecessors :
selections from Heywood, Udall, Sackville and Norton, Lyly, Kyd, Greene,
and Marlowe. The ‘teaching of English’ series. London : Thomas Nelson &
Sons Ltd., 1929
Hans TIETZE. Treasures of the great National Galleries : an introduction to
the paintings in the famous museums of the western world. London : Phaidon
Press, 1955
Terence TILLER. Poems. The New Hogarth Library, no. 5. London : Hogarth
Press, 1941
----------------------- The inward animal. The New Hogarth Library, no.12.
London : Hogarth Press, 1943
John TILLEY. John Tilley’s monologues. London : Samuel French, 1936
John TIMPSON. Timpson’s English eccentrics. Norwich : Parke Sutton
Publishing Ltd., 1995
H. (Henry) Avray TIPPING. The garden of to-day. London : Martin
Hopkinson, 1933
M.A. TITMARSH [pseud. William Makepeace Thackeray]. The rose and the
ring, or, The history of Prince Giglio and Prince Bulbo : a fireside pantomime for
great and small children. London : Macmillan, 1929 [Signature: NP] [Earlier eds
in Store, ML, CRL,OLRC ; later eds in OLRC]
John TOBLER. Pete FRAME. 25 years of rock. London : Hamlyn Publishing
Group for W.H. Smith, 1980
James TODD. Janet Maclean TODD (editors). Voices from the past : a classical
anthology for the modern reader ; with a foreword by Maurice Bowra. London :
Readers Union Phoenix House, 1956 [Notes by NP on back endpaper] [Copies
in OLRC, Shakespeare Institute]
----------------------------------------------------------- Peoples of the past. London :
Arrow Books, 1963
John M. (Murray) TODD. John Wesley and the Catholic church. London : The
Catholic book club, 1958 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copy in ML]
William J. (John) TODD. A handbook of wine : how to buy, serve, store, and
drink it. London : Jonathan Cape, 1922
Leo TOLSTOY. Resurrection : a novel ; translated by Louise Maude ; with an
intro. by Aylmer Maude. London : Oxford University Press Humphrey Milford,
1928 [Earlier ed. in OLRC]
Claire TOMALIN. The invisible woman : the story of Nelly Ternan and Charles
Dickens. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1991 [Few marginal notes by NP]
[Copy in OLRC ; earlier ed. in ML]
------------------------ Jane Austen : a life. London : Viking, 1997 [Note by NP on
Charles TOMLINSON. American scenes and other poems. London : Oxford
University Press, 1966 [Copy in ML]
Michael TONER. Christopher WHITE. Lee ROTHERHAM. The bluffer’s
guide to the EU. Rev. ed. London : Oval Books, 1999
Barry TOOK. Marty FELDMAN. Round the Horne. London : The Woburn
Press, 1974
T.D. (Timothy Dymond) TOSSWILL (editor). Seven romantic poets [Blake,
Burns, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, Keats.] London : G. Bell and
Sons Ltd., 1964
TOURING CLUB ITALIANO. Sea-side resorts in Italy ; 160 bathing resorts,
with 109 photographs, 13 topographical maps, 11 town plans and a table of
distances. Rome : Touring Club Italiano, 1951
Paul TOWNEND. The modern world book of wonders. London : Sampson
Low, Marston & Co. Ltd., [1950]
Joanna TOYE. The Archers : the Ambridge chronicle. Part one : family ties
1951-1967. London : BBC, 1998
David A. TRAILL. Schliemann of Troy : treasure and deceit. Harmondsworth
: Penguin Books, 1996
Sheila TRACY. Who’s who on radio. Kingswood : World's Work, 1983
H.A. (Henry Arthur) TREBLE. G.H. (George Henry) VALLINS. An ABC of
English usage. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1968
THE TREE COUNCIL. Great British trees ; text by Jon Stokes. London :
The Tree Council, 2002
David TREE. Pig in the middle. London : Michael Joseph, 1966
Herbert Beerbohm TREE. Thoughts and after-thoughts. Popular edition. London :
Cassell and Company, 1915 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copy in
Shakespeare Institute, Store]
Humphrey TREVELYAN. Public and private. Newton Abbot : Readers
Union, 1980
William TREVOR. Matilda’s England. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books,
Hugh TREVOR-ROPER. Christ Church Oxford : the portrait of a college.
3rd ed. Oxford : the Governing Body of Christ Church, 1989
Roger TROISFONTAINES. Existentialisme et pensee chretienne. Paris : G. Vrin,
1946 [Signature of NP on front cover] [Translation in OLRC, Store (Ed)]
Anthony TROLLOPE. Barchester Towers. London : J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd.,
1945 [Signature of G. (Graham) C.N. Gault, L.H.6. U.C.S., on pastedown]
[Earlier eds in Store, ML, CRL ; later eds in ML, OLRC]
C.A. (Constantine Athanasius) TRYPANIS. Pompeian dog. London : Faber
and Faber, 1964
Mark TULLY. No full stops in India. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1992
[Copy in OLRC]
Michael R. (Ralph) TURNER (editor). The parlour song book : a casquet of
vocal gems ; the music edited by Antony Miall. London and Sydney : Pan
Books Ltd/. 1974
G. (Geoffrey) TURBERVILLE. Arva Latina : Book 2 : simple passages from
Latin authors. London : J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd., 1933 [Signature of J.B.
Bennett on half title ; notes on back endpaper and markings throughout text]
TWENTY-FIVE years of the Archers : a who’s who of Ambridge. London :
BBC, 1975 [Copies]
Kathleen TYNAN. The life of Kenneth Tynan. London : Methuen, 1988 [Dates of
birth and death added by NP on title page] [Earlier eds in Shakespeare Institute,
------------------------ Another copy. London : Phoenix, 1995 [Earlier eds in
Shakespeare Institute, OLRC]
Evelyn UNDERHILL. Practical mysticism : a little book for normal people.
London and Toronto : J.M. Dent & Sons, 1914 {Bookplate for Friends’ Reading
Society, Birmingham, on pastedown] [Copy in Store, OLRC]
------------------------------ Theophanies : a book of verses. London : J.M. Dent ;
New York : E.P. Dutton & Co., 1966
Mrs Desmond UNDERWOOD. Grey and silver plants. London : Collins,
UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. Handbook to the University of Oxford. Oxford :
Clarendon Press, 1947 [Signature on book jacket flap of NP / Christ Church]
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oxford :
Clarendon Press, 1965
-------------------------------------- The examination statutes (statt. Univ. Oxon.
Tit. VI and parts of other titles) revised to the end of Trinity term, 1948 ;
together with the regulations of the Boards of the Faculties . . . . Oxford :
Clarendon Press, 1948
Louis UNTERMEYER (editor). The albatross book of living verse : English
and American poetry from the thirteenth to the present day. London : The
Albatross William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd., [1933] [Signature of NP on
pastedown and pencil notes in text thoughout]
Louis UNTERMEYER (editor). Modern American poetry. Mid-century edition.
New York : Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1950 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
[Earlier and later eds in Store]
---------------------------------------- A treasury of ribaldry. Vol. 1 ; ed., with
notes and commentary, by Louis Untermeyer. New York : Popular library,
Diego VALERI. A sentimental guide to Venice. Padua : Le Tre Venezie, 1946
[Inscription : to NP Venice, September 1948 ; enclosures : postcard with
notes by NP ; newspaper cutting]
Paul VALÉRY. Poésies : Album de vers anciens ; La jeune parqie ; Charmes ;
Pièces diverse ; Cantate de Narcisse ; Amphion ; Sémiramis. 64. é. Paris :
Gallimard, 1944 [Signature of NP on inside cover] [Earlier ed. in ML]
Brian VESEY-FITZGERALD. The British countryside in pictures ; in four
illustrated sections. London : Odhams Press, [1946]
Elizabeth VON ARNIM. The enchanted April. London : Macmillan and Co.
Ltd., 1946 [Later ed. in OLRC]
Irene VANBRUGH. To tell my story. London : Hutchinson & Co. Ltd., [1949]
[Inscription on endpaper : To Daddy / with love from Diana / Christmas 1949]
[Copy in Shakespeare Institute]
Th. (Theodoor) H. (Hendrik) VAN de VELDE. Ideal marriage : its
physiology and technique. London : William Heinemann, 1957
Henry VAN DYKE. The story of the other wise man. London and New York :
Harper & Brothers, 1930 [Earlier ed. in CRL, OLRC]
John VAN DRUTON. The vicarious years. London : William Heinemann
Ltd., 1955
Hendrik Willem VAN LOON. Ancient man : the beginning of civilizations.
London : George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd., [1923] [Presentation plate of
Leamington P.S.A. [Pleasant Sunday Association] Brotherhood, 12 December
1926, on pastedown of Harry G. [George] Painting]
Hendrik Willem VAN LOON. Van Loon’s lives : being a true and faithful
account of a number of highly interesting meetings with certain historical
personages, from Confucius and Plato to Voltaire and Thomas Jefferson,
about whom we had always felt a great deal of curiosity and who came to
us as our dinner guests in a bygone year. New York : Simon and Schuster,
VATSYAYANA. The kama sutra of Vatsyayana ; translated by Sir Richard
Burton and F.F. (Forster Fitzgerald) Arbuthnot ; edited with foreword and
notes by John Muirhead-Gould ; intro. by Dom Moraes. London : Granada,
Adrian VAUGHAN. Isambard Kingdom Brunel : engineering knight-errant.
London : John Murray, 1993
Henry VAUGHAN. Sacred poems and pious ejaculations. London : Bell and
Daldy, 1858 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copy in Store ; later eds in ML]
Wynford VAUGHAN-THOMAS. Trust to talk. London : Hutchinson, 1980
[Newspaper cutting, now at MS 200/15/16]
Giuseppi VERDI. Il trovatore : opera in four acts ; (with Italian and English
words) ; edited by Arthur Sullivan. London : Boosey & Co., [1870?]
[Signature of Gwen Berryman on title page and her name stamp on front
----------------------- La traviata : a lyric drama in three acts. Novello’s original
octavo edition. London : Novello, s.d. [Lacks title page] [Signature of M.
Vaughan on front cover ; production notes for production by
Wolverhampton Opera Club throughout, with letter of instructions to cast
and crew, and cast lists]
Stephen VERNEY. Fire in Coventry. London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1964
VERSE. Edited by Robert Crawford, Henry Hart, David Kinloch, Richard
Price. Vol. 2, no. 2 ; summer 1994
VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM. A short history of English furniture.
London : HMSO, 1966
VIRGIL. The works of Virgil rendered into English prose ; with introductions,
running analysis, notes and an index, by James Lonsdale and Samuel Lee. The
Globe edition. London : Macmillan and Co., 1910 [Signature of NP on
pastedown] [Earlier ed. in ML, OLRC]
VOLTAIRE. Memoirs of the life of Voltaire ; written by himself ; with
introduction and sequel, condensed from the life of Condorcet. London :
Hunt and Clarke, 1826 [Lacks boards]
----------------- The history of Candide, or All for the best ; decorated by
Webster Murray. [London] : Richard Lesley & Co. Ltd., [1945]
Helen WADDELL. Mediaeval Latin lyrics. London : Constable & Co. Ltd., 1942
[Note by NP on endpaper with ref. to comment on p. 114] [Copies in ML,. OLRC
; later ed. in ML, OLRC]
----------------------- Lyrics from the Chinese. London : Constable and
Company Ltd., 1943
Max WADE-MATTHEWS. Wendy THOMPSON. The encyclopedia of music
: instruments of the orchestra and the great composers. London : Hermes
House, 2007
Anthony WAGNER. Heraldry in England. London and New York : the King
Penguin Books, 1946 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copy in CRL]
Terry WAITE. Taken on trust. Toronto : Seal Books, 1994 [Inscription on
title page : For Norman / With gratitude / for your / support / across the /
years / Terry Waite]
Geoffrey R. WAKEFIELD. Rhododendrons for every garden. London : W.H.
& L. Collingridge Ltd., 1965
George Graham WALKER. Churches of the Banbury area : drawings of the
churches in the Deanery of Deddington and some others ; with a foreword by
D.G. (David Goodwin) Loveday. Banbury : Porthkerry Publications, 1985
Kenneth WALKER. The physiology of sex and its social implications.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1945 [Copy (?) in OLRC]
Tom WALKER. Norma : a biography. London : Fourth Estate,1993
A.B. (Arthur Bingham) WALKLEY. Playhouse impressions. London : T.
Fisher Unwin, 1892 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
WALLACE COLLECTION (London). Pictures and drawings : text with historical
notes and illustrations. Wallace Collection catalogues. 15th ed. London : HMSO,
1928 [Signature of NP on inside cover] [Copy and earlier eds in Barber Fine Art
------------------------------------------------ Pictures and drawings (illustrations).
Wallace Collection catalogues . 3rd ed. London : the Trustees, 1949 [Signature of
NP on inside cover] [Copy in Barber Fine Art Library ; earlier and later eds in
Barber Fine Art Library]
Helen Rhodes WALLACE. How to enter the silence : making clear that
experience which clarifies perception, intensifies effort and establishes
prosperity. London : L.N. Gowler & Co. Ltd., [c1950] [Signature on
endpaper of Viola Barnett / 43 Wharf Rd / Pinxton]
Ian WALLACE. Discover birds ; foreword by Sir Peter Scott. London :
Whizzard Press, 1979
WALLACE. The intimate sex lives of famous people. London : Arrow Books,
Edmund WALLER. The poetical works of Edmund Waller : from Mr Fenton’s
quarto edition, 1729 ; with the life of the author. Cooke’s edition. London : C.
Cooke, [17--?] [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copy in CRL ; other eds in
ML, Store, Shakespeare Institute]
Edmund WALLER. Sir John DENHAM. The poetical works of Edmund Waller
and Sir John Denham ; with memoir and critical dissertation, by George Gilfillan.
Edinburgh : James Nichol, 1857 [Later ed. in ML]
Cecil (Francis) WALPOLE. Artist without hands : a memoir of John
Buchanan. London : Epworth Press, 1954
Horace WALPOLE. Historic doubts on the life and and reign of King Richard III.
2nd edition. London : J. Dodsley, 1768 [Press cuttings ; print ; ‘History today’,
August 1954, now at MS 200/15/27] [Later ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
------------------------- Horace Walpole’s England as his letters picture it ;
edited by Alfred Bishop Mason. London: Constable & Co. Ltd., 1930
[Marginal markings in the text]
W. (William) H. WALTER. The right way to ride a horse ; 9th ed. rev. and ed.
by Hugh Venables. Kingswood : Paperfront, 1976
Amy Catherine WALTON. Christie’s old organ, or, Home sweet home.
London and Redhill, [1948]
Izaak WALTON. The compleat angler ; with wood engravings by Gertrude
Hermes. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books Ltd., 1939 [Signature of NP on inside
cover] [Earlier eds in Shakespeare Institute, OLRC, ML, Store, CRL, CRL
(Bengeworth) ; later eds in ML, Shakespeare Institute]
Adophus William WARD. Chaucer. English men of letters. New ed. London :
Macmillan and Co., 1888 [Signature of NP on pastedown and bookplate of Jessie
Graham] [Earlier ed. in Store ; later ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
A.C. (Alfred Charles) WARD (editor). A miscellany of tracts and pamphlets ;
edited with a preface and introductory notes. The world’s classics. London :
Oxford University Press Humphrey Milford, 1927 [Copy in Shakespeare
------------------------------------------------ Specimens of English dramatic criticism
17- 20th centuries. London : Humphrey Milford Oxford University Press, 1945
[Signature of NP on pastedown]
[Copies in Shakespeare Institute, Store]
Audrey, Lady WARDINGTON. Superhints for life : personal, practical and
perspicacious. London : Michael Joseph, 1997 [Signature of author on title
WARMINGTON : the cook book. Banbury : Spot on Reprographics, printer,
George Townsend WARNER. C. (Clarence) Henry K. (Kennett) MARTEN. D.
(Dorothy) Erskine MUIR. The new groundwork of British history (The new
‘Warner and Marten’). London and Glasgow : Blackie & Son Ltd., 1947 [Copy
in Shakiespeare Institute]
Philip WARNER. Field Marshal Earl Haig. Cassell military paperbacks.
London : Cassell, 2003
Rex WARNER. Men and gods. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1952
Marie WASSILTCHIKOFF. The Berlin diaries, 1940-1945 of Marie
‘Missie’Vassiltchikov. London : Methuen paperback, 1987 [Notes on back
endpaper, markings and comments throughout text] [Earlier ed. in ML, later ed.
in OLRC]
WATCHMAN [pseud. of Samuel Vyvyan Trerice Adams]. Right honourable
gentlemen. London : Hamish Hamilton, 1939
John C.G. (Charles Graham) WATERHOUSE. La musica di Gian Francesco
Malipiero. Turin : Nuova Eri, 1990 [Inscription : To NP from the author,
September 1991]
Andrew WATERMAN. Living room : poems. London : The Marvell Press,
Laurence WATERS. Tony DOYLE. British Railways past and present : no.
15, Oxfordshire. Peterborough : Silver Link Publishing Ltd., 1992
E.I. (Edward Ingram) WATKIN. Neglected saints. London : Sheed and Ward,
Alfred WATKINS. The old straight track : its mounds, beacons, moats, sites and
mark stones. London : Abacus, 1974 [Copy, and earlier ed., in OLRC]
VernonWATKINS. The lamp and the veil : poems. London : Faber and Faber,
1945 [Signature of NP on book jacket flap] [Copy in Store]
E.W. (Edward William) WATSON. Cathedral church of Christ in Oxford.
London : Raphael Tuck, 1935 [Signature and address label : NP]
E.W. (Edward William) WATSON. Another copy [Enclosures : newspaper
cutting, typescript of NP’s foreword, now at MS 200/15/32]
William WATSON and Robert THOMPSON. The gardener’s assistant : a
practical and scientific exposition of the art of gardening in all its branches. 6
vols. London : Gresham Publishing Company, 1900-[1902]
Isaac WATTS. The improvement of the mind ; with a discourse on education, and
the remnants of time employed upon prose and verse. 2 vols. London : E. Cox and
son, 1815 [Earlier eds in CRL, CRL (Wigan), CRL (Bengeworth) ; later eds in
Alec WAUGH. The loom of youth. London : Cassell & Company Ltd., 1929
------------------- A year to remember : a reminiscence of 1931. Newton Abbot :
Readers Union, 1976 [NP notes on several back endpapers]
------------------- A spy in the family : an erotic comedy. St Albans : Mayflower
Books, 1977
Auberon WAUGH. Will this do? : the first fifty years of Auberon Waugh : an
autobiography. London : Arrow Books, 1992
Evelyn WAUGH. The loved one : an Anglo-American tragedy. London : Chapman
and Hall, [c1948] [Later eds in ML, OLRC]
----------------------- Black mischief. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1951 [Few
markings in text and on final advert. page]
---------------------- Work suspended and other stories ; together with ScottKing’s Modern Europe. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1951
---------------------- A handful of dust. London : Penguin Books, 1953 [Earlier
and later eds. in OLRC]
---------------------- Brideshead revisited : the sacred and prophane memories of
Captain Charles Ryder. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1959 [Small note
on back endpaper] [Later eds in OLRC, ML]
Evelyn WAUGH. Another copy. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1986
[Comments, markings in text]
----------------------- A little learning : the first volume of an autobiography.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1984 [Notes by NP on back page and
throughout text] [Earlier eds in OLRC, ML]
---------------------- The sword of honour trilogy : Men at arms ; Officers and
gentlemen ; Unconditional surrender. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books,
---------------------- Vile bodies. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1973 [Pencil
notes by NP on title page, inside back cover, final page, and throughout text]
[Earlier eds in ML, OLRC ; later ed. in ML]
---------------------- Put out more flags. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1985
[Comments throughout text and on back endpaper]
---------------------- Scoop : a novel about journalism. Harmondsworth : Penguin
Books, 1987 [One marginal marking in text] [Earlier and later eds in ML,
---------------------- The complete stories of Evelyn Waugh. London : Little,
Brown and Company, 1998
Leslie D. (Dixon) WEATHERHEAD. Life begins at death : Leslie D. Weatherhead
replies to questions put to him by Norman French. Redhill : Denholm House
Press, 1969 [Copy in OLRC]
Geoffrey WEBB. Edward J. (John) MASON. The Archers of Ambridge.
London : George Newnes, 1954 [2 copies]
Mary WEBB. Fifty-one poems hitherto unpublished in book form. [London] :
Jonathan Cape, [1947] [Inscription by JH : ‘With love to Norman / from Joana’ ]
[Copy in CRL]
Paul WEBSTER. Pétain’s crime : the full story of French collaboration in the
Holocaust. London : Pan Books, 2001 [Earlier eds in ML]
Roy WEEKS. Warwickshire countryside reflections ; foreword by Norman
Painting. Kineton : Round Press, 1978 [Signature: the author]
------------------ Another copy [Enclosure: newspaper cutting ; enclosure :
typescript of NP’s foreword]
Denton WELCH. A voice through a cloud. London : Readers Union, 1951
A. WELLINGTON. Darts : how to play this fascinating game : with sections
on shove ha’penny, Corinthian bagatte and bagatte. London : Universal
Publications Ltd., [1937]
A.W. (Alfred William) WELLINGS. Chemical symbols, formulae and
calculations. 2nd ed., rev. London : Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1932 [Marks and
notes in text]
Carolyn WELLS. Ptomaine Street : the tale of Warble Petticoat. Philadelphia
: J.B. Lippincott, 1921 [Annotated by NP for radio adaptation, script at MS
John WESLEY. Charles WESLEY. The bards of Epworth, or poetic gems of
the Wesley family . . . London : for the booksellers ; Nottingham : W. Bunny,
F.E. WEST. Warwickshire through the centuries. Exeter : A. Wheaton & Son,
n.d. [Signature : John Griffin]
Mae WEST. Peel me a grape ; edited by Joseph Weintraub. London : Futura
Publications Ltd., 1975
R.A. WEST (compiler). Stories of visions, dreams and voices. London : R.H.
Naylor, [1931]
J.A. (Jack Allen) WESTRUP. Schubert chamber music. BBC Music Guides.
London : Ariel Music BBC Publications, 1986
Stanley J. (John) WEYMAN. The red cockade. London : Longmans, Green, and
Co., 1895 [Later ed. in CRL]
Stanley J. (John) WEYMAN The Castle inn. London : Smith Elder, 1898
[Signature : E.A. Gwatkins- Graves October 1902]
-------------------------------------- Count Hannibal : a romance of the court of France.
London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1902 [Ownership stamp of N.T. & R.G.
Gordon on endpaper] [Another copy in Store]
--------------------------------------- The abbess of Vlaye. London : Longmans, Green,
and Co., 1905 [Earlier copy in CRL]
---------------------------------------- Chippinge. The works of Stanley J. Weyman.
Vol. 18. London : John Murray, 1911
----------------------------------------- Laid up in lavender. The works of Stanley J.
Weyman. Vol. 19. London : John Murray, 1914
------------------------------------------ A gentleman of France : being the memoirs of
Gaston de Bonne sieur de Marsac. New impression. London : Longmans, Green,
and Co., 1919 [Another copy in CRL ; earlier ed in Store]
------------------------------------------ Ovington’s bank. London : John Murray,
------------------------------------------ Starvecrow farm. The complete works of
Stanley J. Weyman, vol. 17. London : John Murray, 1922
------------------------------------------- The great house. The works of Stanley J.
Weyman. Vol. 21. London : John Murray, 1926
---------------------------------------- The lively Peggy. The works of Stanley J.
Weyman. Vol. 24. London : John Murray, 1931
----------------------------------------- Under the red robe. London : John Murray,
1949 [Signature of J. Dove / St John’s House / Ampleforth / York ; Lower
Heaven Cottage / Headley / Nr. Bordon / Hants.]
----------------------------------------- The traveller in the fur cloak. 7th edition.
London : Hutchinson, n.d.
W.H. SMITH world atlas ; ed. by Harold Fullard. London : George Philip &
Son Ltd., 1977
Edith WHARTON. The age of innocence ; The house of mirth ; Ethan Frome.
London : Chancellor Press, 1994
Eric WHELPTON. Barbara WHELPTON. Calabria and Aeolian Islands.
London : Robert Hale Ltd., 1957
Marcus WHIFFEN. Stuart and Georgian churches : the architecture of the Church
of England outside London 1603-1837. London : B.T. Batsford Ltd., 1948
[Signature of NP, Christ Church, Oxford, on pastedown] [Copies in ML,
OLRC, Shakespeare Institute]
Peter WHIGHAM. The blue winged bee : love poems of the VIth Dalai Lama ; the
ingathering of love. Northwood ; Anvil Press Poetry, 1969 [Copy in ML]
Vanessa WHITBURN. The Archers : the official inside story : the changing
face of radio’s longest running drama. London : Virgin Books, 1996.
[Inscribed by VW to NP]
Jon WHITELEY. Oxford and the Pre-Raphaelites. Ashmolean-Christie’s
handbooks. Oxford : Ashmolean Museum, 1989
Stanley B. (Bamford) WHITEHEAD. Basic gardening. London : The Garden
Book Club, 1968
Brand WHITLOCK. Abraham Lincoln. Rev. ed. London : Thomas Nelson
and Sons Ltd., [n.d.] [Signature of NP on pastedown ; presentation plate of
Leamington P.S.A. [Pleasant Sunday Association] Brotherhood on pastedown
of Harry Painting, 11 July 1926]
Florence WHITE. Good things in England : a practical cookery book for
everyday use, containing traditional and regional recipes suited to modern
tastes ; contributed by English men and women beteween 1399 and 1932.
London : Futura Publications Ltd., 1974
Gilbert WHITE. The natural history of Selborne ; edited, with a preface and notes,
by James Fisher. Harmondsworth : Allen Lane Penguin Books, 1941 [Signature
of NP on inner cover] [Earlier eds in CRL, Store ; later eds in Store (BA), CRL,
OLRC, Barnes, ML]
J.E. (John Ernest) Grant WHITE. Designing a garden today. London : Studio
Vista. 1966 [Note on back endpaper and markings in text by NP]
Roger WHITE. Nicholas Hawksmoor and the replanning of Oxford. Oxford :
Ashmolean Museum, 1997
John Humphreys WHITFIELD. Essays in honour of John Humphreys
Whitfield presented to him on his retirement from the Serena Chair of Literature
of the University of Birmingham. London : St George’s Press, 1975. No. 281 of
600 copies [Enclosure : editor’s compliment slip] [Copies in Shakespeare
Institute, ML]
Ralph WHITLOCK. A calendar of country customs. London : B.T. Batsford
Ltd., 1978
Walt WHITMAN. Selected poems of Walt Whitman ; edited with an intro. by
Ernest de Selincourt. The world’s classics. London : Oxford University Press
Humphrey Milford, 1936 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
Fred WHITSEY. The Sunday Telegraph gardening book. London : The
Garden Book Club, 1966
Tyler WHITTLE. The plant hunters : being an examination of collecting with an
account of the careers & the methods of a number of those who have searched the
world for wild plants. London : Picador, 1975 [Notes by NP on p. [258]] [Earlier
ed. in OLRC, Store]
WHO’S who : an annual biographical dictionary. London : Adam and Charles
Black, 1981 [Copy in ML]
Oscar WILDE. The works of Oscar Wilde ; drawings by Donia Nachshen. London
: Collins, [1932] [Copy in Shakespeare Institute]
Oscar WILDE. The picture of Dorian Gray ; The complete short stories ; De
profundis ; Poems ; The importance of being earnest and other plays.
Treasury of world masterpieces. London : Octopus Books Ltd., 1983
--------------------- The illustrated Oscar Wilde ; edited and with an intro. by Roy
Gasson. Poole : New Orchard Editions Ltd., n.d. [Another ed. in ML]
Thornton WILDER. The angel that troubled the waters, and other plays. London :
Longmans, Green and Co., 1928 [Signature of NP on pastedown and inscription
on endpaper : Alan with best love / & wishes for your / birthday / Pip 1947]
[Copy in OLRC, Store]
W.B. (William Beauchamp) WILDMAN. Life of S. Ealdhelm first bishop of
Sherborne. London : Chapman & Hall Ltd., 1905 [Bookplate of Walter E.
Hodgson (coat of arms) on pastedown]
Arnold WILES. Everything in the garden. London : Max Parrish & Co. Ltd.,
A.S. (Augustus Samuel) WILKINS. Roman antiquities. History primers :
classical antiquities 2. London : Macmillan and Co., 1896 [Signature of NP
on pastedown]
D.C. (Denys Cooper) WILKINSON (editor). Greek sculpture. Life and art in
photographs, no. 9. London : Chatto & Windus, 1936
David WILLCOCKS. John RUTTER. Carols for choirs 2 : fifty carols for
Christmas and Advent. London : Oxford University Press, 1970 [Ownership
label of NP on inside cover]
Alfred WILLIAMS. Folk songs of the Upper Thames, with an essay on folksong activity in the Upper Thames neighbourhood. London : Duckworth,
1923 [Inscription : Bob Arnold to NP]
Charles WILLIAMS. Three plays. London : Humphrey Milford Oxford University
Press, 1931 [Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copy in Shakespeare Institute]
-------------------------- The English poetic mind. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1932
[Copy in Store ; later ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
Charles WILLIAMS. Queen Elizabeth I. Great lives. London : Duckworth,
1936 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
----------------------------- Descent into hell. London : Faber and Faber, 1937 [Later
ed. in ML]
--------------------------- Taliessin through Logres, and,The region of the summer
stars. London : George Cumberlege Oxford University Press, 1938
[Pronunciation note by NP on back cover flap] [Copy in ML]
--------------------------- The descent of the dove : a short history of the Holy
Spirit in the church. London : Longmans, Green and Co., 1939 [Signature of NP
on pastedown ; inscription on endpaper : E.L.B. / from / A.H.B. / Christmas 1941]
--------------------------- The new Christian year. Chosen by Charles Williams.
London : Oxford University Press, 1941 [Signature of NP on inside cover]
[Later ed. in OLRC]
--------------------------- Shadows of ecstasy. London : Faber and Faber, 1948
--------------------------- Arthurian torso containing the posthumous fragment of
The figure of Arthur by Charles Williams ; and a commentary on the Arthurian
poems of Charles Williams by C.S. (Clive Staples) Lewis. London : Geoffrey
Cumberlege Oxford University Press, 1952 [Notes by NP on p. 191] [Copies
in ML]
--------------------------- The image of the city and other essays ; selected by Anne
Ridler with a critical intro. London : Oxford University Press, 1958 [Copy in
---------------------------- Selected writings ; chosen by Anne Ridler. London :
Oxford University Press, 1961
--------------------------- War in heaven. London : Faber & Faber Ltd., 1962 [Later
ed. in ML]
--------------------------- Collected plays ; with an introduction by John HeathStubbs. London : Oxford University Press, 1963 [Signature of NP on jacket flap]
[Copy in OLRC]
Charles WILLIAMS. Witchcraft. Wellingborough : The Aquarian Press Ltd.,
1980 [Ownership label of NP on inside cover] [Earlier eds in OLRC,
Shakespeare Institute]
David WILLIAMS. Mr George Eliot : a biography of George Henry Lewes.
London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1983 [Few marginal comments and marks]
[Copy in ML]
Emlyn WILLIAMS. Emlyn : an early autobiography ; a sequel to George (19051927). Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1976 [Copy in Shakespeare Institute]
H.C.N. (Harold Claude Noel) WILLIAMS (ed) A vision of duty : sermons
preached in Coventry Cathedral. London : Hodder & Stoughton, 1963
------------------------------------------------------- Twentieth century cathedral : an
examination of the role of cathedrals in the strategy of the church in the changing
pattern of a twentieth century community. [London} ; Hodder and Stoughton,
1964 [Copy in OLRC]
Ursula Vaughan WILLIAMS. R.V.W. : a biography. Oxford : Oxford University
Press, 1984 [Pencil marginal notes and markings in text] [Copies in OLRC,
Barber Music Library]
Hugh Ross WILLIAMSON. The great prayers : concerning the canon of the Mass.
London : Collins, 1955 [Note by NP on back endpaper]
Emlyn WILLIAMS. Night must fall : a play in three acts. London : Samuel French,
1935 [Other copies in Shakespeare Institute, Shakespeare Institute]
Shirley WILLIAMS. A job to live : the impact of tomorrow’s technology on work
and society. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1985 [Copy in OLRC]
A.N. (Andrew Norman) WILSON. The healing art. Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books, 1983
--------------------------------------------- Scandal, or Priscilla’s kindness.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1984 [Notes on back endpaper ; few
markings in text]
A.N. (Andrew Norman) WILSON. How can we know? Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books. 1986 [Inscription on inside cover : Norman, / Found in
Birmingham / during a larger pursuit / E. Febry ‘91]
---------------------------------------------- Hilaire Belloc. Harmondsworth : Penguin
Books, 1986 [Notes on p. 398 ; some markings in text]
---------------------------------------------- Tolstoy. London : Hamish Hamilton,
---------------------------------------------- Incline our hearts. Harmondsworth :
Penguin Books, 1990 [Note on back inside cover]
---------------------------------------------- C.S. Lewis : a biography. London :
Flamingo, 1991 [Ownership label of NP on inside cover]
Colin WILSON. Mysteries : an investigation into the occult, the paranormal
and the supernatural. London : Panther Granada Publishing , 1979 [Note
inside back cover]
Edmund WILSON. Notebooks of night. London : Martin Secker & Warburg,
1945 [Signature : N.P. ; enclosures : 2 bills, now at MS 200/15/38]
Eliane WILSON. Oxford : words & watercolours ; illustrations by Valerie
Petts. London : Shepheard-Walwyn, 1987 [Signature of illustrator on title
F.P. (Frank Percy) WILSON. Elizabethan and Jacobean. Oxford : Clarendon
Press, 1946 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
Richard WILSON (editor). Literature and labour : an anthology of effort.
The King’s treasuries of literature. London : J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd., [1922]
----------------------------------- Junior modern poetry. The King’s treasuries of
literature. London : J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1940
Ruth WINTER. Triumph over tension : 100 ways to relax. New York :
Charter Books, 1976
F.W. (Frederick William) WINTERBOTHAM. London : Weidenfeld and
Nicolson, 1974 [Notes by NP on back endpaper and in text] [Copies in ML,
Foster WISEMAN. The Penguin handyman. A Penguin handbook.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1945
WIT and mirth or pills to purge melancholy : being a collection of the best merry
ballads and songs, old and new. Vols 1, 2 and 4. London : J. Tonson, 1717.
[Bookplate : Lady Skipworth, Newbold Hall] [Later eds. in CRL]
P.G. (Pelham Grenville) WODEHOUSE. Week-end Wodehouse ; intro. by
Hilaire Belloc. London : Herbert Jenkins, 1951 [Inscription on endpaper : To
Brian, / With all good wishes / Auntie R. & Uncle H. / Xmas 1951]
----------------------------------------------------- Blandings Castle and elsewhere.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1966
----------------------------------------------------- Service with a smile.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1966
WONDERS of Italy : the monuments of antiquity, the churches, the palaces,
the treasures of art : a handbook for students and travellers. The Medici
Art Series. 5th ed., rev. and enlarged. Florence : G. Fattorusso, 1928
Ernest WOOD. Yoga. Pelican Books. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1964
Henry J. (Joseph) WOOD. My life of music ; with an intro. by Sir Hugh Allen.
London : Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1946
Jessie WOOD. The last years of Henry J. Wood ; with a foreword by Sir
Malcolm Sargent. London : Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1954
Victoria WOOD. Up to you, Porky : the Victoria Wood sketch book. London :
Methuen, 1985
---------------------- Mens sana in thingummy doodah, and five other nuggets of
homely fun. London : Methuen, 1990
Martha WOODFORD. The Archer’s country cookbook. London :
Hutchinson, 1977 [Inscribed by Mollie Harris to NP; inc. loose notes on
recipes for elderflower champagne, now at MS 200/15/3]
Raymond B. WOOD-JONES. Traditional domestic architecture of the Banbury
region. Manchester : Manchester University Press, 1963 [Copies in OLRC]
------------------------------------- Another copy. Banbury : Wyckham Books, 1986
[Earlier ed. in OLRC, CRL]
Leonard WOOLF. Letters of Leonard Woolf. Edited by Frederic Spotts.
London : Bloomsbury, 1992
Virginia WOOLF. Orlando : a biography. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1945
[Signature of NP on inside cover] [Earlier ed. in OLRC]
Alexander WOOLLCOTT. While Rome burns. Harmondsworth : Penguin
Books, 1941
A.R. (Arthur Russell) WOOLLEY. The Clarendon guide to Oxford. London :
Oxford University Press, 1963
William WORDSWORTH. The excursion, being a portion of The recluse : a
poem. London : Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1827 [Signature :
NP] [Earlier eds in CRL ; later eds in Store, ML]
----------------------------------- The prelude, or formation of a poet’s mind : an
autobiographical poem. London : Edward Morton, 1850 [Signature : NP] [Copies
in CRL ; later eds in ML, OLRC]
----------------------------------- The prelude, or growth of a poet’s mind. Temple
classics. 3rd ed. London : J.M. Dent and Co., 1900 [Signature of NP on
pastedown ; inscription on endpaper : J. Compton / from A.G. / Sep. 1904]
------------------------------------ The prelude, or growth of a poet’s mind ; edited
from the manuscripts with introduction, textual and critical notes by Ernest de
Selincourt. London : Humphrey Milford Oxford University Press, 1928
[Signature of NP on pastedown] [Later eds in ML, OLRC, CRL]
William WORDSWORTH. The prelude, or growth of a poet’s mind ; edited from
the manuscripts with introduction and notes by Ernest de Selincourt. London :
Humphrey Milford Oxford University Press, 1942 [Signature of NP / Christ
Church / Oxford, on pastedown ; pencil notes on back endpaper] [Earlier eds in
ML, OLRC ; later eds in ML, OLRC]
---------------------------------- The poetical works of Wordsworth ; with introduction
and notes ; edited by Thomas Hutchinson ; a new ed. rev. by Ernest de Selincourt.
Oxford : Humphrey Milford Oxford University Press, 1942 [Signature of NP on
endpaper] [Later ed. in ML]
---------------------------------- The deserted cottage. London : George Routledge &
Co., 1859 [Copy in CRL]
---------------------------------- The recluse. London : Macmillan and Co., 1888
[Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copy of this ed. in CRL]
---------------------------------- Samuel Taylor COLERIDGE. Lyrical ballads ;
reprinted from the first edition of 1798 ; edited by Edward Dowden. London :
David Nutt, 1890 [Signature of NP on endpaper] [Copy in ML]
---------------------------------- Dorothy WORDSWORTH. Home at Grasmere :
extracts from the journal of Dorothy Wordsworth (written between 1800 and
1803) and from the poems of William Wordsworth ; edited by Colette Clark.
Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1986 [Notes by NP on back endpaper and
some markings in the text] [Copies in OLRC ; earlier ed. in ML]
WORLD’S greatest short stories. London : Odhams Press Ltd., [1939]
C.L. (Charles Leslie) WRENN. The English language. Home study books.
London : Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1949 [Signature of NP on endpaper]
Charles H.H. (Henry Hamilton) WRIGHT. The intermediate state and
prayers for the dead ; examined in the light of scripture, and of ancient
Jewish and Christian literature. London : James Nisbet & Co., 1900
[Bookplate of John Cooper Wood on pastedown]
Frank Lloyd WRIGHT. The natural house. New York : New American
library, 1970 [Earlier ed. in OLRC]
Joseph WRIGHT. Elizabeth Mary WRIGHT. An elementary Middle English
grammar. London : Humphrey Milford Oxford University Press, 1923 [Signature
of A.M. Savage on endpaper (recto) ; inscription on endpaper (verso) : Oxford
17 v 24 d.d. C.T.O.]
Thomas WRIGHT. Biographia britannica literaria, or biography of literary
characters of Great Britain and Ireland, arranged in chronological order :
Anglo-Saxon period. London : John W. Parker, 1942 [Signature of NP and
bookplate of Thurstan C. Peter on pastedown]
William WYCHERLEY. William Wycherley ; edited with introduction and notes
by W. (William) C. Ward. The mermaid series. London : T. Fisher Unwin, [19--]
[Signature of NP on pastedown] [Copy in OLRC]
I.A.R. (Ida Alexa Ross) WYLIE. Vincent BENET [and 14 others] Penguin
parade 1 : new stories, poems etc. by contemporary writers. Edited by Denys
Kilham Roberts. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1927
Andrew WYNTER. Curiosities of civilization. 8th edition. London : Robert
Hardwicke, [1860?]
Johann David WYSS. The Swiss family Robinson. London : Thomas Nelson and
Sons, [1906] [NP label on pastedown ; inscription on endpaper : To Harry, / From
Jim, / Xmas 1911] [Earlier eds in CRL]
W.B. (William Butler) YEATS (editor). Irish fairy tales. Edited with an
introduction ; illustrated by Jack B. (Butler) Yeats. London : T. Fisher
Unwin, 1892
F.R. (Francis Rowland) YERBURY (ed). Modern homes illustrated. London :
Odhams Press, 1949
Andrew YOUNG. Collected poems. London : Jonathan Cape, 1950 [Inscription
from JH to NP] [Copy in CRL]
---------------------- A retrospect of flowers. London : Jonathan Cape, 1950
Edward YOUNG. Young’s Night thoughts ; with life, critical dissertation, and
explanatory notes, by George Gilfillan. Edinburgh : James Nichol, 1853
[Signature of NP on pastedown]
[Copy in Store]
Francis Brett YOUNG. Portrait of a village. London : W. Heinemann, [1937]
[Signature of H. Johnson] [Copies in CRL, Store]
Norwood YOUNG. The story of Rome.The medieval town series. London : J.M.
Dent & Sons Ltd., 1910 [Pencil notes by NP on endpaper] [Earlier ed. in CRL
(Store) ; later ed. in Shakespeare Institute]
Percy M. (Marshall) YOUNG. Tragic muse : the life and works of Robert
Schumann. London : Hutchinson, 1957 [Copy in Barber Music Library]
------------------------------------- Elgar O.M. : a study of a musician. London :
Purnell Book Services Ltd., 1973 [Copy in OLRC]
William YOUNGER. Gods, men, and wine ; with a foreword by James Laver.
London : The Wine and Food Society, Michael Joseph,1966 [Copy in
Shakespeare Institute]
Lin YUTANG. The importance of living. London : William Heinemann Ltd.,
1939 [Some marginal notes and markings]
------------------- With love and irony. London : William Heinemann Ltd., 1941
[Proof copy]
Steven ADAMS. The art of Pre-Raphaelites. London : The Apple Press, 1988
Megan ALDRICH. Gothic revival. London : Phaidon Press, 1994 [Copies in
OLRC, Barber Art Library]
Queen ALEXANDRA’s Christmas gift book : photographs from my camera.
London : The Daily Telegraph, 1908
Philip ALLISON. The New Forest : a photographic record of 100 years of
forest life ; introduction covering the history of the New Forest over 900
years by Maldwin Drummond. 2nd ed. Beaulieu : Pioneer Publications Ltd.,
Frank J. (Joseph) ANDERSON. The complete book of 169 Redouté roses.
New York : Abbeville Press, 1979 [Note by NP on front endpaper]
----------------------------------------- An illustrated treasury of cultivated flowers.
New York : Abbeville Press, 1979
----------------------------------------- An illustrated treasury of Redouté roses. An
Artabras book. New York : Crown Publishers, 1979 [Inscription on half title
: Mum / with love from John / 17 May 1982]
The ARCHER’s fifty years. [London] : BBC Radio 4, 2001
Russell ASH. Sir John Everett Millais. London : Pavilion Books, 1996
David AUSTIN. David Austin’s English roses. New ed. London : Conran
Octopus, 1996 [Inscription endpaper : With love to / NORMAN / from Viola
/ Xmas 1997]
Johann Sebastian BACH. Brandenburgische Konzerte für pianoforte zu vier
Händen bearbeitet von Max Reger. Bd 2, nos. 4-6. Leipzig : C.F. Peters.
Johann Sebastian BACH. Complete keyboard transcriptions of concertos by
baroque composers ; from the Bach-Gesellschaft edition. New York : Dover
Publications, Inc., 1987
---------------------------------- 48 preludes and fugues ; ed. and rev. by Carl Czerny.
Vol. 1. London : Augener Ltd., n.d. [Notes throughout] [Copy in Store]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vol. 2
Vol. 2. London : Augener Ltd., n.d
----------------------------------- Das wolhltemperirte Klavier : zweiter Theil ;
Klavier-werke = The well tempered Clavichord : first part ; pianoforte
compositions ; vol. 6 = Le clavecin bien tempéré ; deuxiéme partie ; mit
Fingersatz und Vortragszeichen zum Gebrauch im Konservatorium de Musik
zu Leipzig versehen von Carl Reinecke. Leipzig : Brietkppf & Härtel, [187-?]
[Signature of C. Blake on title-page]
Jerry BAKER. Make friends with your roses. [Inscription on title page :
Happy Valentine! / Tomideer VG Pkt / 14.2.’84]
S. (Sabine) BARING-GOULD. H. (Henry) Fleetwood SHEPPARD. F.W.
(Frederick William) BUSSELL. Songs of the west : folk songs of Devon &
Cornwall collected from the mouths of the people ; new and rev. ed. under
the musical editorship of Cecil J. (James) Sharp. London : Methuen and Co.,
[1905] [Signature of NP on pastedown ; signature of W.A. Clough / Nov.
1912 on endpaper with inscription : Stolen by me with his permission / from /
Bob Arnold / |Asthall / Burford / Oxford]
H.M. (Henry Mayo) BATEMAN. Rebound : a book of drawings. London :
Methuen & Co., 1927
The BEATLES. The Beatles complete. London : Wise Publications, s.d.
Kenneth A. (Albert) BECKETT. The love of trees. London : Octopus Books,
Ludwig van BEETHOVEN. Symphones ; arranged for pianoforte duet by E.
(Ernst) Pauer ; Vol. 2, symphonies 6 to 9. Augener’s edition. London :
Augener Ltd., [1915]
Ludwig van BEETHOVEN. Sonaten für Pianoforte : kritisch-instructive
Ausgabe ; mit erläuternden Bemerkungen und Fingersatzbezeichnung von
Eugen d’Albert = Edition critique-instructive avec des remarques explicatives
et doigtée par Eugen d’Albert = Instructive edition with critical and
explanatory remarks and fingering by Eugen d’Albert. Bd 1 [Sonatas 1-11].
Leipzig : Otto Forberg, s.d.
------------------------------------ Sonatas : edited & annotated by Orlando
Morgan. London : Edwin Ashdown Ltd., 1922 [Signature on front endpaper
: G. [Gwen] M. Berryman, 1924 / 22 Clark Rd., / Wolverhampton]
------------------------------------ Complete string quartets and Grosse Fuge : from the
Breitkopf & Härtel complete works edition. New York : Dover Publications Inc.,
1970 [NP’s pencil marks on Contents page
David BELLAMY. The Queen’s hidden garden : Buckingham Palace’s
treasury of wild plants. London : Newton Abbot, 1984
Julia S. BERRALL. The garden : an illustrated history from ancient Egypt to the
present day. London : Thames and Hudson, 1966 [Copy in Shakespeare Institute
; later ed. in OLRC]
Fanny BLAKE. Essential Charles Rennie Mackintosh. Bath : Parragon, 2001
Eric BOIS. Anne-Marie TRECHSLIN. Roses ; translated by Jean W. Little.
London : Nelson, 1962 [Inscription on pastedown : Rose T. Rogers. / Xmas
1963 / from Arthur Myrtle]
Tancred BORENIUS. Dutch indoor subjects : with an intro. and notes. The Faber
gallery. London : Faber and Faber, 1945 [Inscription on inside cover : To George
/ with best wishes / Gordon / April 23.46] [Copies in OLRC]
The BOYDELL Shakespeare prints ; with an introduction by A.E. (Antony Ernest)
Santaniello. New York : Arno Press, 1979 [Copy in Shakespeare Institute]
Errol BRATHWAITE. New Zealand. Christchurch and Auckland : Kowhai
Publishing Ltd., 1980 [Inscription on endpaper (verso) : 10th February 1982 /
To the cast and entire production team of ‘The Archers’ . . . . Sue Clifford &
Chris Bridges . . . . ]
W.H. (Walter Henry) BRIGHOUSE. ABC of Derbyshire : a photographic
alphabet of the county. Derby : Derbyshire Countryside Ltd., 1973
[Inscription on title page : With best wishes for Christmas 1974 / & the New
Year To / Norman & John ? from Pat & Harold (Wild) / and Mrs Stephenson
/ Pinxton P.O. / via Viola]
Lucy E. (Etheldred) BROADWOOD. J.A. (John Alexander) Fuller
MAITLAND. English country songs : words and music. London : The
Leadenhall Press, 1893 [Signature of NP on pastedown]
David Blayney BROWN. The art of J.M.W. Turner. Royston, Herts. : Eagle
editions, 2002
James Duff BROWN. Characteristic songs and dances of all nations ; edited,
with historical notes and a bibliography ; the music arranged for the
pianoforte by Alfred Moffat. London : Bayley & Ferguson, 1901
John BURDICK. William Morris : redesigning the world. London : Tiger
Books International, 1997 [Inscription on endpaper : Norman / Many happy
returns / Edmund 23.4.98]
Peter BURTON. Rod Stewart : a life on the town. [London] : New English
Library, 1977
Alberto BUSIGNANI. I mosaici ravennati. Forma e colore. Firenze : Sadea,
William BYRD. My Ladye Nevells booke of virginal music ; ed, with historical
and analytical notes, by Hilda Andrews ; preface by Richard Terry ; with a new
intro. by Blanche Winogron. New York : Dover Publications Inc., 1969 [Later Barber Music Library]
CAMBRIDGE review. Vol. 103 ; no. 2267; 26 February 1982 [Inscription on
front cover : E.E. Duncan Jones / containing my piece / given to Norman
Painting with love – on / June 18 1987 ; letter from ‘Jim’ [Prof. A.J. Smith?]
to NP returning photocopy of Elsie Elizabeth Phare [ake E.E. Duncan
Jones article]
David CARROLL. The Taj Mahal. New York : Newsweek, [c1972]
CHARLES, Prince of Wales. Charles CLOVER. Highgrove : portrait of an estate.
London : Chapmans, 1994 [Earlier ed. in OLRC]
Frédéric CHOPIN. Etuden. Fr. Chopin’s sämmtliche Pianoforte Werke :
kritisch revidirt und mit Fingersatz versehen von Hermann Scholtz. Leipzig :
C.F. Peters, n.d. [Signature of NP on front endpaper : stamp on front cover :
Chopin / Etuden / A.M.B.]
-------------------------- Nocturnes. F. Chopin complete piano works ; rev. by C.
(Charles) Klindworth and X. (Xaver) Scharwenka. Augener’s edition :
popular edition. London : Augener Ltd., n.d. [Signature of NP on front
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another
copy [Signature of Gwen Berryman on front cover]
-------------------------- 12 polonaises for the pianoforte ; edited by E. Pauer.
London : Augener & Co., [c1875] [Stamp on front cover dated 29 September
------------------------- Chopin-album : eine Sammlung der ausewähltesten
Compositionem = The most popular works ; E. (Eduard) Biehl. London :
Bosworth & Co., n.d.
------------------------- Chopin études : 27 études, complete ; 12 études, op. 10;
15 études, op. 25, and 3 new études ; carefully and conservatively revised by
Hans Semper. London : The B.F. Wood Music Co., n.d. [Signature of Louis
F. Johnson front cover]
CLARENDON music folio : copyright songs, piano pieces, dance music.
Preston : James Askew & Son, [c1923] [Signature of H.G. (Harry George)
Painting / 1932, on endpaper]
David E. CLARK. How to grow and use camellias ; with an intro. by David L.
Feathers. A Sunset book. London & Melbourne : Oak Tree Press, 1966
Peter A. (Arthur) CLAYTON. A companion to Roman Britain. Oxford :
Phaidon, 1980
Peter COATS. Great gardens of Britain. London : Spring Books, 1970 [Copies in
G.H. (George Henry) COOK. Portrait of Durham cathedral. London : Phoenix
House, 1948 [Inscription on endpaper : N from / E / 1950-51] [Copy in ML]
Robert COOKE. The Palace of Westminster ; Houses of Parliament. London :
Burton Skia, 1987
The COUNTRY life picture book of Wales. London : Country Life Ltd., 1955
[Signature and address of Gwen Berryman on endpaper]
François COUPERIN. Pièces de clavecin : revues par J. (Johannes) Brahms &
F. (Friedrich) Chrysander. Livre 1. London : Augener Ltd., n.d. [Some notes
in the score]
Charles CUVILLIER. The lilac domino : a new and original operetta in three
acts ; words by Robert B. Smith ; book by Harry B. (Bache) Smith. London :
Herman Darewski ; B. Feldman & Co., [c1914]
John DAWES. The swimming pool & the garden : an international illustrated
guide to the design and construction of swimming pools. Edinburgh and
London : John Bartholomew & Son Ltd., 1975
Emma DENT. Annals of Winchcombe and Sudeley. London : John Murray, 1877
Walt DISNEY. Lady and the tramp. Maidenhead : Purnell Books, 1977
William DUGDALE. The antiquities of Warwickshire illustrated ; from
records, leiger-books, manuscripts, charters, evidences, tombes, and armes.
2nd ed. ; the whole rev., augmented, and continued down to this present time
by William Thomas. 2 vols. London : John Osborn and Thomas Longman,
1730. Facsmile ed. Didsbury, Manchester : E.J. Morten Ltd., 1973
Ralph DUNSTAN. The organist’s first book : a practical guide to organ
playing. 9th ed., rev. and enlarged. London : J. Curwen & Sons Ltd., s.d.
Thomas H. EVERETT. Living trees of the world. London : Thames and
Hudson, 1969
W.C. (William Claude) FIELDS. ‘Godfrey Daniels!’ : verbal and visual gems
from the short films of W.C. Fields ; edited by Richard J. (Joseph) Anobile ;
intro. by Raymond Rohauer. A Darien House book. London : Michael
Joseph, 1975
Laurence FLEMING. Alan GORE. The English garden. London : Michael Joseph,
1979 [Copies, and later ed., in OLRC]
Maria Francesca GAGLIARDI. The magic fish ; illustrated by Štěpán Zavřel.
London : Macdonald, 1966
Jock GALLAGHER. The Archer omnibus : the BBC’s official companion to
radio’s most popular serial. London : BBC Books, 1990
Peter GALLOWAY. The Order of the British Empire. London : for the
Order of the British Empire, 1996 [Ownership label of NP on pastedown]
S. (Simpson) Millar GAULT. The dictionary of shrubs in colour ; foreword by
C.D. (Christopher David) Brickell. London : Elbury Press and Michael
Joseph Ltd. in collaboration with the Royal Horticultural Society, 1976
------------------------------------- Patrick M. (Millington) SYNGE. The dictionary
of roses in colour ; foreword by Frank M. Bowen. London : Rainbird
Reference Books Ltd., 1971 [Ownership label of NP on pastedown]
William GAUNT (editor). Hogarth (1697-1764) ; with an introduction and notes.
The Faber gallery. London : Faber and Faber, 1947 [Copy at OLRC]
-------------------------------- The restless century : painting in Britain 1800-1900.
London : Phaidon, 1972 [Copies in OLRC]
W.S. (William Schwenk) GILBERT. Arthur SULLIVAN. The immortal
operas of Gilbert and Sullivan : containing the stories of the plays and the
words and music of famous numbers from each opera ; with an appreciation
by Sir Henry Lytton. 3 vols. London : ‘News Chronicle’ Publications Dept.,
[1932] [Ownership labels of NP on pastedowns]
W.S. (William Schwenk) GILBERT. Arthur SULLIVAN. H.M.S. Pinafore, or,
The lass that loved a sailor ; an entirely original nautical comic opera in two acts.
London : Metzler & Co. Ltd., 1920 [Address label of NP on inside front cover]
[Earlier ed. in Barber Music Library]
----------------------------------------------------------------------- The pirates of
Penzance, or the slave of duty ; pianoforte score. London : Chappell & Co.
Ltd., s.d. [Signature on pastedown : Betty Heard / 22 Collingwood Rd. /
Liswerry / Newport / Mon / August 1931]
Brendan GILL. Cole : a biographical essay ; edited by Robert Kimball ;
designed by Bea Feitler. New York : Dell Publishing, [1992]
S. (Stephen) Louis GIRAUD. Songs that won the war. Daily Express
community song book no. 3. London : Lane Publications, [1930]
Chr. W. (Christoph Williband) GLUCK. Gluck-Album : Sammlung beliebter
Stücke für Pianoforte solo. Leipzig : C.F. Peters, s.d.
Frank GRAHAM (compiler). Warwickshire one hundred years ago ; from old
prints. Newcastle upon Tyne : Frank Graham, 1969
Harry GRAHAM. Ruthless rhymes for heartless homes. London : Edward
Arnold, n.d. [Signature of NP on pastedown]
Peter GWYNN-JONES. The art of heraldry : orders, symbols, designs.
London : Parkgate Books, 1998
Anne Mueller von der HAEGEN. Giotto di Bondone, about 1267-1337. Köln :
Könemann, 1998
Roy HAY. Patrick M. (Millington) SYNGE. The dictionary of garden plants
in colour ; with house and greenhouse plants ; with a foreword by the Lord
Aberconway. London : Ebury Press and Michael Joseph in collaboration with
the Royal Horticultural Society, 1969 [Copy in OLRC]
George Frederic HANDEL. The Handel album, for the piano forte :
containing above one hundred favorite oratorio & opera airs ; arranged by
William Hutchins Callicott. London : Boosey & Co., [1859]
George Frederic HANDEL. Handel : suites : nos. 1-8 ; edited by A. (Adolph)
Ruthardt ; piano solo. London : Novello and Company Ltd., n.d.
-------------------------------------------------------- nos. 9-16 edited by A. (Adolph)
Ruthardt ; piano solo. London : Novello and Company Ltd., n.d.
G.F. (Gustav Friedrich) HARTLAUB. Monet ; translated by Susan Bellamy.
Gallery of art series. Milan : The Uffici Press, n.d.
J.L. (John Liptrot) HATTON. J.L. (James Lyman) MOLLOY. Songs of
Ireland ; including seventy-eight of Moore’s Irish melodies and thirty
national songs. London : Boosey & Co., n.d. [Lacks to p. 28]
D.G. (David Gerald) HESSAYON. The armchair book of the garden.
Waltham Cross, 1986
Bevis HILLIER. John Betjeman : a life in pictures. London : John Murray in
association with the Herbert Press, 1984 [Copy in ML]
Thomas HINDE (editor). The Domesday book : England’s heritage, then &
now. Godalming : Coombe Books, 1996
Charles HOLME. The gardens of England in the southern & western
counties. London : Offices of ‘The studio’, 1907
J. (John) HOULDSWORTH. A new and enlarged edition of Cheetham’s psalmody
harmonised in score ; with an arrangement for the organ, or piano forte. 20 th ed.
Halifax : Pohlmann & Son, 1868 [Earlier eds in Barber Music Library, CRL]
Philip HOWARD. We thundered out : 200 years of The times 1785-1985.
London : Times Books 1985
Christopher HUSSEY. English gardens and landscapes 1700-1750. London :
Country Life Ltd., 1967
Andrew HUTH. The Proms in pictures : a pictorial history celebrating the
centenary of the Proms. Ed. by George Hall and Matías Tarnopolsky.
London : BBC Books, 1995
Edward HYAMS. English cottage gardens. London : Thomas Nelson, 1970
G.A. (Geoffrey Alfred) JELLICOE. Garden decoration & ornament for
smaller houses. London : Country Life Ltd. ; New York : Charles Scribner’s
Sons, 1936
Elton JOHN. Bernie TAUPIN. Goodbye yellow brick road ; [the songs of
Elton John and Bernie Taulin featured on the double album Goodbye yellow
brick road] London : Dick James Music Ltd., 1973
Stephen JONES. Christopher NEWALL. Leonée ORMOND. Richard
ORMOND. Benedict READ. Frederic Leighton 1830-1896. [Catalogue of
the Royal Academy of Arts, London, exhibition, 15 February-21 April 1996]
London : Royal Academy of Arts, with Harry N. Abrams, 1996
Peter KENNEDY (editor). Folksongs of Britain and Ireland : a guidebook to
the living tradition of folksinging in the British Isles and Ireland, containing
360 folksongs from field recordings sung in English, Lowland Scots, Scottish
Gaelic, Irish Gaelic and Manx Gaelic, Welsh, Cornish, Channel Islands
French, Romany and Tinkers’ Cants, etc ; musical transcriptions and guitar
chords by Raymond Parfrey. London : Cassell, 1975 [Inscription on title
page : To Norman / Bob Arnold]
Robert KESSLER. Lola PERGAMENT. O marry me! : a new musical (based
on Oliver Goldsmith’s ‘She stoops to conquer’). Vocal score. London :
Chappell & Co. Ltd., 1965
Edmund KING. Medieval England 1066-1485. London : Guild Publishing, 1988
[Inscription on endpaper : Norman / from E. 1989 / Happy Birthday] [Copy in
Rudyard KIPLING. The just so song book : being the songs from Rudyard
Kipling’s Just so stories ; set to music by Edward German. London : Macmillan
and Co., 1922 [Ownership label of NP on pastedown and signature on endpaper]
[Copy in Barber Music]
Gerald H. (Hocken) KNIGHT (compiler and editor). Accompaniments for
unison hymn-singing. Croydon : Royal School of Church Music, [1971] [NP
post-it note on front cover]
Birgit LASKOWSKI. Pierro della Francesca 1416/17-1492. Köln : Könemann,
James LAVER. Royal progress : a pageant of regal travel. London : Collins,
Brian North LEE(editor) Dearest Joana : a selection of Joan Hassall's lifetime
letters and art. 2 vols. Denby Dale : Fleece Press, c2000 [One of 300 copies]
Clare LEIGHTON. Four hedges : a gardener’s chronicle. London : Victor Gollancz
Ltd., 1935 [Later CRL]
F. (Franz) LISZT. Rhapsodies hongroises pour piano. Vol. 1. Nos 1 to 8 ;
revue et doigtée par O. (Otto) Thümer. Augener’s edition. London : Augener
Ltd., [19--] [Handwritten cover of Louis F. Johnson / 116 Regent Rd /
Tony LORD. The world guide to spirits, liquors, aperitifs and cocktails.
London : New Burlington Books, 1979 [Inscription on endpaper : To Norm /
lots of love / Trev / Xmas 1984 / xxx]
Richard MABEY. Flora Britannica. London : Sinclair-Stevenson, 1996 [Later
ed. in OLRC]
Neil McEACHARN. The Villa Taranto : a Scotsman’s garden in Italy.
London : Country Life Ltd.,1954
Patricia MACHIN. Favourite hymns. London : Collins, 1981
R.S. (Ronald Stuart) MAGOWAN. Rome ; with an introduction by Richard
Aldington. Famous cities of the world. London : Spring Books, 1960
Norma MAJOR. Chequers : the Prime Minister’s country house and its
history. London : HarperCollins, 1996
Guido A. (Achille) MANSUELLI. Le tombe di Tarquinia. Forma e colore.
Firenze : Sadea, [1965?]
MARGARETA, Crown Princess of Sweden. The garden that we made.
London : Offices of ‘The girl’s own paper & Woman’s magazine’, [1920]
Mark MELNICOVE. Kendall MERRIAM. The uncensored guide to Maine.
Augusta : Lance Tapley, 1984
Felix MENDELSSOHN. Lieder ohne Worter ; kritisch rividiert in Bezug auf
Textdarstellung, Tempo und Vortragsziechen, sowie mit Fingersatz für den
Studiengebräuch versehen von Heinrich Germer = critically revised, with
reference to notation, fingering and marks of expression, by Heinrich
Germer. Bosworth edition. London : Bosworth & Co., [c1910] [Notes on
front endpaper (verso)]
-------------------------------- Piano works. Vol. 2. [Capriccio, op. 5 ; Seven
characteristic pieces, op. 7 ; Six pieces, op. 72 ; Trois fantasies en caprices,
op. 16 ; Trois caprices, op. 33, no. 1, in A minor, no. 2 in E major, no. 3 in B
flat minor ; Andante cantabile e Presto agitato] Augener’s edition. London :
Augener Ltd., [1874]
MERRY songs for merry little singers. [Lacks title page] [S.l. : s.n., s.d.]
André MESSAGER. Véronique : opéra comique en trois actes de A. (Albert)
Vanloo & G. (Georges) Duval. Partition chant et piano. Paris : Éditions
Choudens, 1926
Archie MILES. Silva : the tree in Britain ; with contributions from John
White, Anne McIntyre, Stephen Daniels, and Simon Brett. A Felix Dennis
book. London : Ebery Press, 1999
Patrick MONTAGUE-SMITH. The Country Life book of the Royal Silver
Jubilee. London : Country Life Books, 1977
Jerrold Northrop MOORE. Elgar : a life in photographs. London : Oxford
University Press, 1972 [Copies in OLRC, Barber Music Library]
William MORRIS. Ornamentation and illustrations from the Kelmscott
Chaucer ; with an intro. by Fridolf Johnson. Dover Pictorial Archive Series.
New York : Dover Publications Inc., 1973
Keith MOSSMAN. Mary NORWAK. Home grown : a harvest of information
about growing, cooking and preserving food from your garden. London :
Spectator Publications Ltd., 1977
Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART. Sonaten ; herausgegeben von Louis Köhler
und Richard Schmidt. Neue revidirte Ausgabe. Leipzig : C.F. Peters, n.d.
------------------------------------------ Complete string quartets : from the
Breitkopf & Härtel complete works edition. New York : Dover Publications,
Inc., 1970 [Pencil notes on Contents page ; few markings in text]
Peter MULLEN. The history of the Proms : celebrating 100 seasons. High
Wycombe : CMM Publications, 1995
Adelaide MURGIA. The life and times of Chopin. London : Paul Hamlyn,
MUSIC portfolio, consisting of :
William SHIELD. Shakespear’s duel and loadstars set to music by Mr
Shield. London : printed and sold for the author by Preston & Son,
[1797] [Signature of composer on back cover]
Thomas ARNE. Six cantatas for the voice, harpsichord, and violins.
London : Harrison and Co., [1785]
--------------------- The fairy prince : a masque ; performed at the
Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden ; for the voice, harpsichord, and violin.
London : Harrison & Co., [1785?]
MUSIC portfolio (’Star folio’), consisting of :
Sydney SMITH. Danse napolitaine, op. 33 ; J.L. (Johann Ladislaus)
DUSSEK. La consolation ; Jules SCHULHOFF. The minuet and trio
(from Mozart’s Symphony in E flat ; R. (Robert) SCHUMANN.
Arabeske ; Jules SCHULHOFF. Grande valse brillante ; Sydney
SMITH. Morning dewdrops (morceau brillant) ; Sydney SMITH.
Chanson russe, op. 31 ; P. (Peter) TCHAIKOVSKY. Barcarolle, op. 37 ;
J . (Joseph) ASCHER. Danse nègre : caprice caracteristique, op. 109 ;
Langton WILLIAMS. Sparkling cascades : mazurka brillante ; T.P.
(Thomas Philander) RYDER. The blue bells of Scotland ; with
variations ; F. (Felix) MENDELSSOHN. The bees’ wedding (Lieder
ohne Worte, no. 4, Bk. 6) ; R. (Robert) SCHUMANN. Slumber song
(Schlummerlied). Chas. D. (Dupee) BLAKE. Waves of the ocean :
march. Charles MAYER. Grâce : étude melodique, op. 149 ; Brinley
RICHARDS. The bells of Aberdovey ; R. (Richard) WAGNER.
Romance : ‘O du meiner holder Abendstern : rev. by E. (Ernst) ;
transcribed by F. (Franz) Liszt ; R. (Robert) SCHUMANN. The merry
peasant ; R. (Robert) SCHUMANN. The reaper’s song ; R. (Robert)
SCHUMANN. Whims (Grillen), op. 12., no. 4 ; Frédéric CHOPIN.
Valse, op. 62, no. 1 ; G.F. (Georg Frideric) HANDEL. Handel’s largo ;
H.A. (Hermann Adolf) WOLLENHAUPT. Scherzo brillant ; Joachim
RAFF. Cavatina ; Réné FAVARGER. Fantasie from Faust. J. (Joseph)
ASCHER. La cascade de roses, op. 80 ; F. (Franz) SCHUBERT.
Impromptu in A flat, op. 90, no. 4 ; E. (Eugène) KETTERER. Gaëtana ;
Richard WAGNER. Grand march from Wagner’s Tannhäuser ; C.
(Giselle) GALOS. Chant du berger ; nocturne ; Richard WAGNER.
The bridal march ‘Lohengrin’ : arr. Ezra Read ; Franz SCHUBERT.
Serenade ; arr. Heller ; F. (Francis) Edward BACHE. Berceuse (Dors
mon enfant), op. 19, no. 7 ; Joachim RAFF. La polka de la reine ; A.
(Artur) RUBINSTEIN. Barcarolle, op. 30. no. 1 ; A. (Artur)
RUBINSTEIN. Romance, op. 44, no. 1
[MUSIC portfolio, consisting of :
1. Thomas ARNE. Ariel’s song ; arranged by S. Nelson
2. L. (Leonardus) DEVEREAUX. Come o’er the moonlit sea : duett
written by Charles Jeffreys. Songs of the gondola, no. 1. London :
Leoni Lee, [183--]
3. Thomas MOORE. A Canadian boat song : arranged for three voices.
New and enlarged ed. London : Cramer, Addison & Beale, [1825] [Copy
in CRL]
4. M.W. (Michael William) BALFE. Vive le roi, or Swearing death to
the traitor slave : grand chorus, in the Grand Opera The siege of
Rochelle ; performed at the Theatre Regal Drury Lane ; the words by
Mr [Edward] Fitzball. London : Cramer Addison & Beale, [1835]
5. M.P. (Matthew Peter) KING. The minute gun at sea : duetto sung by
Mrs Mountain & Mr Phillips, in Up all night, or The smugglers cave.
London : printed by T. Holloway, [183--?]
[6. and 7. The white squall, and Let me but call thee mine own,
according to Contents list]
8. W. (William) Vincent WALLACE. Stay, fleeting time : song, sung by
Miss Poole from the trio in the opera of Maritana, performed at the
Theatre Royal Drury Lane ; the words by E. (Edward) Fitzball. London
: Cramer, Beale & Co., [1845]
[MUSIC portfolio [cont.]
9. Jules BENEDICT. Ill-gifted ring, ballad, sung by Mr W. Harrison, in
the Grand Opera, The crusaders, performed at the Theatre Royal
Drury Lane ; the poetry by Alfred Bunn, Esq. London : Cramer, Beale
& Co., [1846?]
10. Vincenzo BELLINI. All is lost, now! : scena ; sing by Mr Templeton,
in the opera La Somnabula, at the Theatres Royal Drury Lane, &
Covent Garden ; adapted to the English stage by H.R. (Henry Rowley)
Bishop. 4th ed. London : T. Boosey & Co., [1843]
11. Comin’ thro’ the rye, popular Scottish ballad ; newly arranged with
an accompaniment for the piano forte, by Charles H. (Henry) Purday.
(Ballads of Scotland, sung by Mr Wilson, in his Scottish entertainments
newly arranged with accompaniments for the pianoforte). London :
Z.T. Purday, n.d.
12. When the day with rosy light, (Der muntere Alpen hirt) ; a
celebrated Swiss air, as sung by Madame Stockhausen, also by Madame
Vestris, the words by J. (Joseph) Augustine Wade, Esq. ; arranged with
an accompaniment from the piano forte or gap by F. Stockhausen.
London : S. Chappell, [1830?]
13. Edward F. (Francis) RIMBAULT. The hunter’s bride : Tyrolean ;
sung by Madame Stockhausen, also by Miss Clara Novello. London : J.
Williams, [1844?]
14. Gioacchino ROSSINI. Green hills of Tyrol, the celebrated Tyrolien,
in the Grand Opera of ‘Guillaume Tell’ ; sung by Miss Melton,
Madame Malibran, Miss Stephens, Madame Vestris, and Miss Turpin,
the poetry by George Linley, Esq. ; the alteration and expression by T.
(Tommaso) Rovedino. London : D’Almaine & Co., [1830?]
15. Charles E. (Edward) HORN. The forest fairy’s song, Through the
wood : cavatina, sung by Madame Malibran & Mrs W. Knyvett, the
poetry by W.H. (William Henry) Bellamy. London : Cramer, Addison
& Beale, [c1865]
16. Louis SPOHR. Amid the battles raging : song for bass voice & piano
forte, from the opera of Jessonda ; sung by Mr Kroff, Herr Standigl,
&c. ; translated & adapted by Miss Louisa Yarnold. London : Wessel
& Co., n.d.
17. Woo’d and married and a’, from Wilson’s edition of The songs of
Scotland and sung by him in his entertainments on Scottish music at
the Queen’s Concert Rooms, Hanover Square and the Music Hall, Store
Street, London. London : T . Holloway, [184--?]
[MUSIC portfolio [cont.]
18. Woo’d and married and a’. (The ballads of Scotland, sung by Mr
Wilson in his Scottish entertainments ; newly arranged for the
pianoforte. London : Zenas T. Purday, [184--?]
19. Auld Robin Gray : the favorite ballad ; as sung by Miss Stephens,
arranged with an accompaniment for the piano forte. London : T.
Holloway, [183--?]
20. The women are a’ gane wud ; from Wilson’s edition of The songs of
Scotland as sung by him in his entertainments on Scottish music at the
Queen’s Concert Rooms Hanover Square and the Music Hall Store
Street London. [London]; for Mr Wilson, n.d.
21. Charles DIBDIN. The sailor’s journal ; the symphonies and
accompaniments arranged with special permission by Wm. Horsley.
London : J.B. Cramer, n.d.
22. John DAVY. Auld lang syne, the popular Scotch air as sung by Mr
Sinclair in Rob Roy Macgregor, performed at the Theatre Royal
Covent Garden ; arranged expressly for that theatre. London : Z.T.
Purday, n.d.
23. Joseph de PINNA. What fairy like music! : a gondola song or duet ;
author Mrs Cornwall Baron Wilson. London : Keith Prowse and Co.,
24. John BARNETT. The spot where I was born : song of the Portugese
minstrel ; sung by Mr Wilson. London : Leoni Lee, [1840?]
25. Charles H. (Henry) PURDAY. Home of my fathers : song of the
Scottish exiles ; sung by Mr Hamilton Braham ; written by A. Dark . . .
London : Z. T. Purday, [1850?]
26. Of a’ the airts the wind can blaw ; (Ballads of Scotland, sung by Mr
Wilson, in his Scottish entertainments newly arranged with
accompaniments for the pianoforte). London : Z.T. Purday, [184--?]
27. Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART. Within these sacred bowers : aria in
the opera Il flauto magico ; arranged by John Parry, sung by Mr Parry,
junr. London : C. Lonsdale, s.d.
[28]. The trysting tree, according to Contents list]
29. G.A. (George Alexander) MACFARREN. Sweet were those hours of
infancy : ballad sung by Mr Allen, in the opera, Don Quixote, as
performed at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane ; the words by George
Macfarren. London : Chappell, [1840?]
[MUSIC portfolio [cont.]
30. V. (Vincenzo) BELLINI. Sun of freedom so long o’erclouded : bass
song, sung by Mr Leffler, in the opera of Norma; as performed at the
Theatre Royal Covent Garden ; written by J.R. (James Robinson)
Planché Esq. ; adapted by T. Cooke. London : Chappell’s Musical
Circulating Library, s.d.
31. Charles KELLER. Sing with me, I’ll comfort thee! : Die laute : song
of the lute ; the words by T. Arnold ; the music composed with the
accompaniment for the piano forte. London : T. Holloway, s.d.
32. Henry R. (Rowley) BISHOP. The chough & crow to roost are gone :
trio ; poetry by Baillie. (Trios composed and dedicated to the Glee &
Choral Societies of Great Britain). London L D’Almaine & Mackinlay,
33. F. (Franz) SCHUBERT. Thine is my heart : (Ungeduld) : sung at all
; the words translated from the German by Elizth. Masson. London :
Addison & Hodson, s.d.
34. Henry RUSSELL. The minstrel of the Tyrol ; the poetry by Jonas B.
Phillips. [S.l. : s.n., s.d.]
35. John BRAHAM. All’s well : duet, sung by Mr Braham, and Mr
Charles Braham. London : D’Almaine & Co., s.d.
36. T. (Thomas) ATTWOOD. The curfew : Hark! hark! the curfew’s
solemn sound : a glee for three voices ; the words by the late J. Tobin,
Esq. London : T. Holloway, n.d.
37. G.A. (George Alexander) HODSON. Artificial ice! : a new comic
song ; written by John Labern, and now singing at the London concerts.
London : John Innes, jnr., [c1842]
38. Original ballads. No. 1. John Orlando PARRY. The musical wife ;
sung by Mr Parry junr. London : C. Lonsdale, [c1840]
39. Frédéric BERAT. Ma Normandie : romance, with French & English
words ; the English words and adaptation by Charles H. Purday.
London : Z.T. Purday, [1845]
40. Samuel LOVER. The bird of St Patrick ; sung by Mr Power ; in the
extravaganza of The happy man, performed at the Theatre Royal
Haymarket. London : Duff & Hodgson, [1839]
41. Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART. The manly heart [from The magic
flute]. [S.l. : s.n., n.d.]
42. Samuel LOVER. Rory O’More, or good omens. No. 3 of The songs of
the superstitions of Ireland ; sung by Madame Vestris. London : Duff &
Hodgson, n.d. [Another copy in CRL]
[MUSIC portfolio [cont.]
43. The favorite Negro melody, Old Dan Tucker ; sung with rapturous
applause at the St James’s Theatre by the Ethiopian Serenaders, Pell,
Harrington, White, Stanwood & Germon. London : John Mitchell,
44. Thomas MOORE. Love’s young dream ; sung by Mr Braham, from
Moore’s selection of Irish melodies ; arranged wih symphonies and
accompaniment by Sir John Stevenson. London : Addison & Hodson,
45. Daniel François Esprit AUBER. Love’s call : the celebrated serenade
from the opera of Fra Diavolo. [S.l. : s.n., n.d.] [Another copy in CRL]
46. Thomas MOORE. And doth not a meeting like this ; sung by Mrs
Broadhurst, from Moore’s selection of Irish melodies ; arranged with
symphonies and accompaniment, by Henry R . (Rowley) Bishop.
London : Addison & Hodson, [183--?]
47. Edwin RANSFORD. The oak & the ivy : song, sung with unbounded
applause by Mr Ransford, at the London & provincial concerts, &c ;
written by J.E. (Joseph Edwards) Carpenter ; dedicated to Stephen
Glover, Esq. London : E. Ransford, [1843?]
48. Henry RUSSELL. The main, the flowing main : song ; the words by
Henry J. Sharpe, Esq. [S.l. : s.n., s.d.]
Mario NAPOLI. Paestum. Novara : Istituto geografico de Agostini, 1970
NATIONAL GALLERY, London. A few saints : from pictures in the
National Gallery ; with notes by Martin Davies. London : for the Trustees,
--------------------------------------------- A life of Christ from pictures in the
National Gallery ; with text according to the Authorized Version of the
Bible. London : for the Trustees, 1948
Nigel NICOLSON. Portrait of a marriage ; illustrated edition. London : Guild
Publishing, 1990 [Earlier eds in OLRC, CRL]
Hedli NIKLAUS. Images of the Archers. Chessington : VISI Group
Consultancy, 2001
Hedli NIKLAUS. Kate WILLMOTT. The Archers annual 2001 [Inscription
on endpaper : ‘With love from / Hedli Niklaus / Kathy / x’]
Marion OPITZ. Benozzo Gozzoli 1420-1497. Köln : Könemann, 1998
Linda PARRY. William Morris and the Arts and Crafts movement : a design
source book ; with an essay on textiles of the American Arts and Crafts
Movement by Gillian Moss. New York : Portland House, 1989 [Inscription
on endpaper (verso) : Happy birthday N. from E. 1992]
Claude PASCAL. Sonatine pour saxophone alto en mi [flat] et piano :
concours du Conservatoire National de Musique de Paris année 1948. Paris :
Dueand & cie, 1948 [Signature of NP on front cover]
Henry PERL. Venezia : adapted from the German by Mrs Arthur Bell ; with
an introduction by H.D. (Henry Duff) Traill. London : Sampson, Low,
Marston & Company, 1894
Frances PERRY. Flowers of the world ; foreword by the Lord Aberconway.
London : Hamlyn Publishing Group, 1972
Harry PHILLIPS. The magic wood. London : T.P.L. Productions, in cooperation with Religious Films Ltd., 1948 [with gramophone record in back
J. (Josuah) PITTMAN (editor). Songs from the operas : containing 50
favourite songs ; extracted from the Royal Operatic Albums, and
transformed into medium keys for the use of messo-soprano & contralto
voices ; with Italian and English words. Vol. 1. London : Boosey & Co.,
[Bound with] :
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; contains
50 favourite songs, transposed into medium keys, for tenor and baritone
voices. Vol. 2. London : Boosey & Co., [1890?] [Signature of NP on
Kim POOR. Genesis lyrics ; introductions by Jo Durden-Smith and Chris
Welch. London : Sidgwick & Jackson, 1979
Vanessa POTTS. Essential Monet ; introduction by Claire O’Mahony. Bath :
Parragon, 1999 [Inscription on front endpaper : Norman / Many happy
returns / Edmund]
Neil POWELL. The book of change : how to understand and use the I Ching.
London : Orbis Books, 1979
The PRE-RAPHAELITES. Bloomsbury Collection of Modern Art. London :
Bloomsbury Books, 1989
Giacomo PUCCINI. Sister Angelica : opera in one act ; libretto by
Giovacchino Forzano. English version by Herbt Withers. Vocal score
(English and Italian). London : G. Ricordi & Co., 1930 [Some pencil stage
directions in score]
PUNCH. Vol. 7, 1844 ; vol. 24, 1853 ; vol. 30, 1856 [Copies in CRL]
QUEEN (group). A night at the opera ; transcribed from the original
recording by Frank Metis. London : Trident Music, 1976
Andreas QUERMANN. Domenico di Tomasso di Currado Bigordi Ghilandaio
1449-1494. Köln : Könemann, 1998
Ronne RANDALL (editor). Nursery rhymes. [London] : Ladybird Books,
Pierre-Joseph REDOUTÉ. Roses ; selected and introduced by Eva
Mannering. London : The Ariel Press, 1954
Aileen REID. Beardsley. London : Magna Books, 1991 [Inscription on
endpaper : To Norman from fin to fine from Edmund Christmas 92] [Copy in
Barber Fine Art library]
James RIDDELL. The Holy Land. London : B.T. Batsford Ltd., 1954
Jasper RIDLEY. The Tudor age. London : Guild Publishing, 1988
[Inscription on endpaper : N from E Christmas ‘88]
Richard ROGERS. The songs of Richard Rogers. [New York} : Williamson
Music Co., [1974?]
Giandomenico ROMANELLI. Giuseppe PUGLIESE. José SASPORTES.
Patrizia VEROLI. Gran Teatro la Fenice. Köln : Evergreen, 1999
Landon RONALD (editor). The music lovers’ portfolio. Volume 1. London :
The Waverley Book Company Ltd., [1921?]
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Volume 3. London :
The Waverley Book Company Ltd., [1921?]
John ROTHENSTEIN. Vincent TURNER. London’s river : an anthology.
The Faber gallery. London : Faber and Faber, 1951
Andrea ROSE. The Pre-Raphaelites. Oxford : Phaidon, 1981
ROYAL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY (Great Britain). Gardeners’ encyclopedia
of plants and flowers. Editor-in-chief : Christopher Brickell. London : Dorley
Kindersley, 1990 [Later ed. in OLRC]
---------------------------------------------------------------------- The new Royal
Horticultural Society dictionary of gardening ; editor-in-chief : Anthony
Huxley ; editor : Mark Griffiths ; managing editor : Margot Levy. 2 vols. London :
Macmillan, 1992 [Copy in OLRC]
John RUSKIN. The stones of Venice ; with illustrations drawn by the author. 3
vols. 4th ed. Orpington : George Allen, 1886 [Another copy in CRL]
Ruth SANDYS. Numerous names nimbly narrated. [London : Oxford
University Press, 1930] [Lacks t.p.]
Domenico SCARLATTI. Sixty sonatas ; ed. in chronological order from the
manuscript and earliest printed sources, with a preface, by Ralph Kirkpatrick.
Vol. 1. London : Chappell & Co. Ltd., [1953] [With post-it by NP on title page]
[Bound with] :
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vol. 2.
London : Chappell & Co. Ltd., [1953]
Frans SCHUBERT. Songs with piano accompaniment ; English translation by
Theodore Baker. [First vocal album ; for low voice]. Schirmer’s library of musical
classics. New York and London : G. Schirmer, 1923 [Consisting of: The maid of
the mill ; Winter-journey ; Dying strains ; Twenty-four favorite songs] [Markings
on Contents, p.[2]]
------------------------ Dances for piano. Sc hirmer’s library of musical classics,
vol. 1537. London : Chappell & Co. Ltd. ; New York : G. Schirmer Inc.,
Robert SCHUMANN. Songs with pianoforte accompaniment ; edited and
annotated by Anton Rückauf ; the English words by Percy Pinkerton =
Lieder mit Klavierbegleitung zweihändig ; herausgegeben und revidiert von
Anton Rückauf. [Vol. 1 : mezzo soprano or baritone] Wien : UniversalEdition A.G., s.d.
The SCOTTISH students’ songbook. London and Glasgow : Bayley & Ferguson,
[19--] [Copies in Barber Music Library]
William SHAKESPEARE. The complete works ; editors : Stanley Wells,
Gary Taylor, John Jowett, and William Montgomery ; with intro. by Stanley
Wells. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1986
Cecil J. (James) SHARPE. One hundred English folksongs ; for
medium voice. New York : Dover Publications Inc., 1975
George Bernard SHAW. The complete plays of Bernard Shaw. London : Paul
Hamlyn, 1965
Frank SHAY (editor). Deep sea chanties : old sea songs. Introduction by
William McFee. London : W. Heinemann Ltd., 1925
Margaret SHERMAN (editor). Daily Mail ideal home book 1950-51. A Daily
Mail ideal home publication. London : Associated Newspapers Ltd., [1951?]
Julian SLADE. Salad days ; books & lyrics by Dorothy Reynolds & Julian
Slade. [Hayes] : EMI Music, 1954
William SMETHURST. The Archers : the official companion. Introduction by
Jock Gallagher. London : Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1985
J. (James) Russell SNEDDON. Nature cure for high blood-pressure. 2nd ed.,
rev. and re-set. Wellingborough : Thorsons Publishers Ltd., 1975
Demelza SPARGO (editor). This land is our land : aspects of agriculture in
English art ; an exhibition organised for the Royal Agricultural Society of
England ; Mall Galleries, London, 5th-29th January, 1989. [London : Royal
Agricultural Society of England, 1989]
Rod STEWART. Blonde s have more fun. London : RIVA Music Ltd., 1978
Charles F. STUCKEY (editor). Monet : a retrospective. Leicester : Galley
Press, 1988
The STUDIO. Londoners then and now as pictured by their contemporaries. Ed. by
Malcolm C. (Charles) Salaman. London :’The studio’, 1920 [Copy in
Shakespeare Institute]
Edward SULLIVAN (editor). The book of Kells ; described by Sir Edward
Sullivan ; with additional commentary from An enquiry into the art of the
illuminated manuscripts of the Middle Ages, by Johan Adolf Bruun. London :
Bracken Books, 1988 [Earlier eds in Barber Fine Art Library, CRL]
R.F. (Robert Frederick) SYMES. Rock & mineral. Eyewitness guides. London
: Dorling Kindersley, 1988
Godfrey TALBOT. The Country Life book of the royal family. London :
Country Life Books, 1980
TOURING CLUB ITALIANO. Venezia e la sua laguna. Milano : Touring
Club Italiano, 1963
Gianluigi TRIVELLATO (photographer). Venetian palazzi = Paläste in
Venedig = Palais Vénitiens. Text by Giuseppe Mazzariol [and] Attilia
Dorigato. Köln : Evergreen, 1998
TWENTY-FOUR Italian songs and arias of the seventeenth and eighteenth
centuries : for medium high voice ; for medium low voice. New York : G.
Schirmer, 1948 [Signature of NP on front cover] [Copy in Barber Music
W. (Wilhelm) UHDE. Vincent van Gogh ; in full colour. London : Phaidon Press,
1954 [Later eds in OLRC]
UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM. University of Birmingham historical
journal. Vol. 1, no. 1 (1947) [Signature of NP on pastedown]
Stanley UNWIN. Deep joy. Whitby : Caedmon, 1984
Jean VALLIN. The plant world. Basic biology in colour series, vol. 2. London
and Melbourne : Oak Tree Press Ltd., 1967
Oliver VAN OSS. Eton days. London : Lund Humphries, 1976
Eric W. (Wilfred) VINCENT. Percival HINTON. The University of Birmingham :
its history and significance. Birmingham : Cornish Brothers Ltd., 1947
[Inscription on endpaper : Norman / from / Edmund 1978] [Other copies in
Barnes, Education, CRL, CRL (Store), ML, Store (HA), Store (BA)]
John WATT. Max KESTER. Who is this man? (who looks like Charlie
Chaplin). [London] : Noel Gay, [1939]
Charles WHEATLY. A rational illustration of the Book of common prayer, and
administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the church,
according to the use of the Church of England . . . . 3rd ed., much enlarged and
improv’d throughout (but especially as to the rubricks) and now completed.
London : A. Bettesworth, 1720 [Bookplate of Richard Hooper Clerk on pastedown
; inscription on endpaper : Lionel Hanbury Jones, / with Richard Hooper’s kind
regards] [Copies in CRL,CRL (Wigan), CRL (Little Malvern Court ; later eds in
ML, CRL, CRL (St Mary’s)]
R.H. (Reginald Howard) WILENSKI. Mantegna (1431-1506) and the Paduan
school ; with an intro. and notes. The Faber gallery. London : Faber and Faber,
1947 [Copies at OLRC, Shakespeare Institute]
Malcolm WILLIAMSON. The brilliant and the dark : an operatic sequence
for women’s voices ; libretto by Ursula Vaughan Williams ; commissioned by
the National Federation of Women’s Institutes. Vocal score. London : Josef
Weinberger Ltd., 1966
Norman YOUNG. The complete rosarian : the development, cultivation and
reproduction of roses. Edited by L.A. Wyatt. London : Hodder and
Stoughton, 1971
Iain ZACZEK. Essential art deco ; introduction by Mike O’Mahoney. Bath :
Paragon Books, 2001