2014 Hareline Catalog - Ripples on the Water
2014 Hareline Catalog - Ripples on the Water
New Products for 2013-2014 from Hareline Dubbin, Inc. USF&W Saltwater Neck Hackle SN Finn Raccoon Zonker Great for Tarpon, Muskie and Bass flies. 11 23 54 114 125 142 165 187 per pkg. BLACK BLUE CHARTREUSE FIERY BROWN FL BLUE FL YELLOW GRAY HOT ORANGE 188 198 263 298 310 377 383 HOT PINK KELLY GREEN OLIVE PURPLE RED WHITE YELLOW FRZ Nice long hair with great underfur. 11 54 199 263 271 289 Barred Ostrich Plume Piece BP A few strands is all that is needed to spice up your flies. per strip BLACK CHARTREUSE KINGFISHER BLUE OLIVE ORANGE PINK 298 310 369 377 383 PURPLE RED TAN WHITE YELLOW per piece 54 CHARTREUSE 298 PURPLE 310 RED 263 OLIVE 377 WHITE 271 ORANGE Marabou Strung Blood Quills MSBQ MSBQZ pkg. Ounce pkg. per pkg. MSBQL per pound BLACK BLUE BRIGHT PURPLE BROWN BURNT ORANGE CHARTREUSE CREAM DAMSEL GREEN DARK BLUE DARK OLIVE FL. CERISE FL. FLAME FL. GREEN FL. ORANGE FL. RED FL. YELLOW GINGER GOLDEN OLIVE GRAY 187 188 200 228 263 265 271 281 289 298 310 323 340 367 369 373 377 380 383 Arctic Fox Tail Hair per oz. Pound 11 23 35 40 48 54 72 79 83 95 126 130 132 137 139 142 149 159 165 USF&W HOT ORANGE HOT PINK LAVENDER MEDIUM BROWN OLIVE OLIVE BROWN ORANGE PEACH PINK PURPLE RED RUSTY BROWN SHELL PINK SUNBURST YELLOW TAN WHIT. TURQUOISE WHITE WINE YELLOW AFT Strung Guinea Feathers SGF Collars, tailing, wingcases and cheeks. 6 54 63 184 188 200 242 263 per pkg. BABY BLUE CHARTREUSE CLARET HIGHL. GREEN HOT PINK LAVENDER NATURAL OLIVE 271 298 310 323 343 347 369 383 ORANGE PURPLE RED RUSTY BROWN SHRIMP PINK SIL. DOC. BLUE TAN YELLOW Select length, soft and ties in easily. Great for winging and tails. 11 40 54 187 199 263 USF&W Lady Amherst Center Tail Feather LAC per feather Barred CDC BCD Buggy look and floats like only CDC does. per pkg 208 LIGHT DUN 263 OLIVE 377 WHITE 383 YELLOW 242 6 BABY BLUE 298 54 CHARTREUSE 184 HIGHLANDER GREEN 310 323 187 HOT ORANGE 343 188 HOT PINK 367 199 KINGFISHER BLUE 369 200 LAVENDER Toll Free Fax NATURAL PURPLE RED RUSTY BROWN SHRIMP PINK SUNBURST YELLOW TAN 1•877•448•9966 per pkg BLACK BROWN CHARTREUSE HOT ORANGE KINGFISHER BLUE OLIVE 289 298 310 369 377 383 PINK PURPLE RED TAN WHITE YELLOW USF&W EP 1.5” Short Foxy Brush FXS A mixture of EP fibers and real fox tail fibers. per pkg. 11 BLACK 23 BLUE BLACK 40 BROWN SPECKLED 54 CHARTREUSE 133 FL HOT PINK 187 HOT ORANGE 199 KINGFISHER BLUE 265 OLIVE BROWN 271 ORANGE BLACK 278 298 320 322 331 343 369 377 383 PALE OLIVE PURPLE ROOT BEER RUST SAND SHRIMP PINK TAN WHITE YELLOW 1 New Products for 2013-2014 from Hareline Dubbin, Inc. USF&W Deer Belly Hair Dyed over White EP Anadromus Brush EP Fibers A trilobal antron mixed with ice wing material. Great colors! Enrico Puglisi fibers are 10” in length, amazingly translucent, and have an action between marabou and bucktail. EPJ DBHD Great spinning hair and bright colors. 11 20 40 51 54 125 165 188 198 each BLACK BLEACH. WHITE BROWN CAMEL CHARTREUSE FL BLUE GRAY HOT PINK KELLY GREEN 200 263 271 298 310 325 383 385 LAVENDER OLIVE ORANGE PURPLE RED RUSTY ORANGE YELLOW YEL. CHARTREUSE USF&W Large Northern Bucktails NB Great colors and quality! 11 35 40 51 54 83 125 126 142 144 165 167 187 188 each BLACK BRIGHT PURPLE BROWN CAMEL CHARTREUSE DARK BLUE FL. BLUE FL. CERISE FL. YELLOW FOREST GREEN GRAY GRAY GHOST HOT ORANGE HOT PINK 200 203 212 214 218 263 298 310 320 325 369 377 383 EPA per pkg. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SKY BLUE FUCHSIA LAVENDER PURPLE RASPBERRY RED BLACK FL. PINK 9 10 11 12 329 340 377 383 FL. ORANGE FL. RED GREEN CHARTREUSE YELLOW CHARTREUSE SALMON PINK SHRIMP PINK WHITE YELLOW EP Tarantula Hairy Legs Brush 1/2” fiber length EPR Two fiber length let’s you tie on and fish. The base material is Enrico’s EP Fiber with longer leg material mixed in. LAVENDER LIGHT BLUE LIGHT OLIVE LIGHT PINK LIME GREEN OLIVE PURPLE RED ROOT BEER RUST TAN WHITE YELLOW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 11 13 16 21 22 23 24 25 28 31 33 34 35 37 38 39 per pkg. WHITE POLAR WHITE SAND YELLOW BEIGE TAN BROWN PINK GREY RED ORANGE RUST LT. YELLOW LIME GOLD GREEN CHARTR. SAGE TURQUOISE STEEL BLUE SKY BLUE ROYAL BLUE NAVY BLUE LAVENDER 40 41 42 45 87 101 103 104 108 109 110 112 113 114 116 120 153 158 260 278 329 361 365 PURPLE SILVER GREY BLACK BUCKTAIL WHITE DARK BROWN EMERALD GREEN DEEP GREEN SUNRISE LT. OLIVE OLIVE DARK OLIVE HOT PINK BRONZE MINNOW GOLDEN OLIVE YEL. CHARTREUSE GOLDEN GOLD. OLIVE MINNOW OCEAN GREY PALE OLIVE MINNOW SALMON PINK SPEARMINT GREEN SULPHUR per pkg. of 6 BLACK BLACK/OLIVE BLACK/PURPLE BROWN BROWN/OLIVE CHARTREUSE FUCHSIA HOT ORANGE PINK/YELLOW 10 OLIVE 11 RED/BLACK 12 RED 13 SCULPIN 14 TAN 15 WHITE 16 YELLOW 321 ROYAL BLUE 355 SKY BLUE Brush n Wing Fibres BWF EP Tarantula Hairy Legs Brush 1” fiber length EPT After winding you will have hairy 1” legs with a shorter core fiber. EP Wooly Critter Brush EWC Wiggly two tiered brush for wooly critter flies. 2 11 13 15 40 54 95 per pkg. BLACK BLACK/PURPLE BLACK/RED BROWN CHARTREUSE DARK OLIVE 187 263 264 337 369 377 HOT ORANGE OLIVE OLIVE/BLACK SCULPIN TAN WHITE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 per pkg. of 6 BLACK/HOT PINK BLACK BLACK/OLIVE BROWN CHARTREUSE FUCHSIA HOT ORANGE HOT PINK/YELLOW OLIVE PURPLE/BLACK PURPLE/PINK 12 PURPLE 13 RED/BLACK 14 RED 15 SCULPIN 16 TAN 17 WHITE 18 WHITE/RED 19 YELLOW 20 YELLOW/SUNRISE 321 ROYAL BLUE 355 SKY BLUE Toll Free Phone Order Line Great material to make your own brushes or great winging material. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 per pack WHITE SILVER YELLOW ORANGE WILD OLIVE SHRIMP CAMO MISTY BLUE SEA BLUE RAINBOW HERRING BACK VIOLET NIGHT MIDNIGHT CHARTREUSE OLIVE REDFISH ELECTRIC YELLOW GOLDEN BROWN RED 1•800•448•9966 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 PEACOCK BAITFISH GREEN LIGHT OLIVE AQUAMARINE PRAWN PINK BLEEDING BLACK BLEEDING YELLOW BLEEDING PURPLE BLEEDING RED BLEEDING ORANGE BLEEDING GREY HOT ORANGE TAN UV BLACK UV PURPLE NATURAL ANCHOVY BRONZE BACK HOT PINK New Products for 2013-2014 from Hareline Dubbin, Inc. Flash N Slinky FNS Great wave for a full profile wing with subtle flash. Slinky Fibre ZSF The perfect substitute for Super Hair. Nice crimp to give you body without the build up. 01 02 03 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 OFF WHITE GREEN LIGHT PURPLE GREY DARK PURPLE ORANGE LIGHT PINK OLIVE PINK ROYAL BLUE BROWN CHARTREUSE per pack 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 DARK ORANGE SHRIMP BLACK DARK GREEN YELLOW RED SEA BLUE WHITE ELECTRIC YELLOW BUVKTAIL WHITE FL CHARTREUSE 01 02 03 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 DARK PURPLE GREEN GREY DARK ORANGE DARK GREEN LIGHT PINK ROYAL BLUE BLACK LIGHT PURPLE WHITE ORANGE YELLOW RED SEA BLUE PINK OLIVE BROWN CHARTREUSE SHRIMP MISTY BLUE MISTY GREEN per pack 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 CAMO SHADED CHARTREUSE CHARTREUSE MOTTLED AQUAMARINE OFF WHITE NATURAL SEAWEED WILD OLIVE SILVER BACK ELECTRIC YELLOW REDFISH BUCKTAIL WHITE MULLET BROWN RAINBOW MACKERAL PEACOCK ANCHOVY HOT ORANGE FL CHARTREUSE BRONZE BACK Long White Slinky Fibre 12” Fluoro Fibre A 12 inch version in white. Put this on a hook and strip it! Fine fluorescent fibers will add extreme color to your patterns. ZSF2112 per pack Steve Farrar UV Blend SFUV We have wanted to carry this range for years and we have finally been able to add it to our line up. Try it, your customers will love it! 01 02 05 09 13 15 18 per pack UV WHITE UV GREY UV OFF WHITE UV SHRIMP UV SHADED CHARTREUSE UV RAINBOW UV HERRING BACK 21 22 25 28 29 45 UV CHARTREUSE UV OLIVE UV PINK UV PEACOCK UV MACKERAL UV BLACK FLF 01 02 06 11 13 per pack 15 16 18 20 26 WHITE FL PINK BROWN GREY CHARTREUSE SHRIMP HOT PINK BLACK HOT ORANGE ELECTRIC YELLOW Steve Farrar SF Blend FBL Subtle wave mixed with fine flashy strands of ice dub fibers. The Farrar blends are awsome! per pack Frizz Fibre FZF A thinner version of slinky fiber with tighter shallower crimp. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 12 13 14 15 16 Fish Scale FSC per pack YELLOW NATURAL ROYAL BLUE SEA BLUE RED RAINBOW GREEN CHARTREUSE HOT PINK BLACK ELECTRIC YELLOW DARK GREEN WHITE LIGHT PINK LIGHT OLIVE 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MISTY BLUE AQUAMARINE OLIVE PURPLE PRAWN PINK ORANGE PEACOCK BLACK HOT ORANGE GOLDEN BROWN WILD OLIVE REDFISH TAN BRONZE BACK Long wispy fibers mixed with flash. per pack 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 WHITE BLACK GREY SHRIMP BROWN DARK GREEN RED ORANGE YELLOW LIGHT OLIVE Toll Free Fax 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PINK ROYAL BLUE BAITFISH GREEN SEA BLUE DARK PURPLE REDFISH OLIVE CHARTREUSE WILD OLIVE AQUAMARINE 01 WHITE 02 GREY 03 YELLOW 04 ORANGE 05 OFF WHITE 06 WILD OLIVE 07 LIGHT PURPLE 08 LIGHT PINK 09 SHRIMP 10 NATURAL 11 CAMO 12 MISTY BLUE 13 SHADED CHARTREUSE 14 SEA BLUE 15 RAINBOW 16 BUCKTAIL WHITE 17 MULLET BROWN 18 HERRING BACK 19 VIOLET NIGHT 20 MIDNIGHT BLITZ 21 CHARTREUSE 22 OLIVE 23 REDFISH 1•877•448•9966 24 ELECTRIC YELLOW 25 PINK 26 BROWN 27 RED 28 PEACOCK 29 MACKERAL 30 BLEEDING BLACK 31 BLEEDING YELLOW 32 BLEEDING PURPLE 33 BLEEDING RED 34 BLEEDING ORANGE 35 BLEEDING GREY 36 HOT ORANGE 37 BLEEDING MACKERAL 38 ANCHOVY 39 DARK GREEN 40 AQUAMARINE 41 SEAWEED 42 BRONZE BACK 43 FL CHARTREUSE 44 CHARTREUSE MOTTLED 45 BLACK 46 DARK PURPLE 3 New Products for 2013-2014 from Hareline Dubbin, Inc. Senyo’s Chrome Chaser Intruder Mirror Image Grizzly Fibre A unique mix of bright trilobal and dull opaque fibers giving a very fishy look. A no holds “barred” wispy winging material. MI 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 per pack HOT PINK STEELHEAD SILVER WILD OLIVE SHADED CHARTREUSE MISTY GREEN MULLET BROWN WHITE MISTY BLUE AQUAMARINE GREEN RAINBOW ELECTRIC YELLOW NATURAL BELLY BLOOD RED LIGHT PURPLE SEA BLUE 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 REDFISH LIGHT PINK CHARTREUSE TURQUOISE DARK PURPLE HOT ORANGE MISTY BLACK MISTY CAMEL YELLOW PRAWN PINK RED BLACK BROWN OLIVE ORANGE GF per pack 01 WHITE 02 SHRIMP 03 BROWN 04 WILD OLIVE 05 BAITFISH GREEN 06 LIGHT PURPLE 07 08 09 10 11 12 TEAL RED ORANGE HOT PINK DARK PURPLE ROYAL BLUE PW1 Deadly Dazzle DDZ Great deadly winging material with subtle flash. Pearl Core Braid PCB 11 40 54 79 167 263 271 per 3 yard pkg. BLACK BROWN CHARTREUSE DAMSEL BLUE GRAY GHOST OLIVE ORANGE 284 289 298 310 320 369 383 PEARL WHITE PINK PURPLE RED ROOT BEER TAN YELLOW 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 per pack HOT PINK STEELHEAD SILVER WILD OLIVE MISTY GREEN MULLET BROWN WHITE MISTY BLUE AQUAMARINE GREEN RAINBOW ELECTRIC YELLOW NATURAL BELLY BLOOD RED LIGHT PURPLE SEA BLUE 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Senyo’s Predator Wrap A few winds is all you need to add movement to your flies with the Predator Wrap. Six neutral ranges which are easily colored with our copic or cad markers. Can also be wound with fibers facing foward and then folded back to give you pronounced shoulders as pictured below. Puncture a hole in the center of a Loon mixing cup, insert the eye, apply some new Clear Cure Goo Hydro Flex, UV cure it and you have a very translucent durable fly shape. LIGHT PINK CHARTREUSE TURQUOISE HOT ORANGE MISTY CAMEL PRAWN PINK MISTY BLACK ORANGE BLACK OLIVE BROWN RED DARK PURPLE SHADED CHARTREUSE PW3 PW2 BPW FPW2 FPW1 8” Ice Wing Fiber IW Micro Pearl Core Braid MPC per pkg. 4 11 40 54 79 167 263 271 4 yards per pkg. BLACK BROWN CHARTREUSE DAMSEL BLUE GRAY GHOST OLIVE ORANGE 284 289 298 310 320 369 383 PEARL PINK PURPLE RED ROOT BEER TAN YELLOW 8 11 23 24 127 133 140 153 165 169 187 200 203 212 233 per pkg. BAITFISH MIX BLACK BLUE STEELIE BLUE PURPLE BACK FL. CHARTREUSE FL. HOT PINK FL. SHELL PINK GOLD GRAY GREEN HOT ORANGE LAVENDER LT. BLUE SMOLT LIGHT OLIVE MIDNIGHT 234 263 282 283 284 285 286 290 296 298 310 344 376 387 MINNOW BACK OLIVE PEACOCK EYE PEACOCK GREEN PEARL GREEN HUE PEARL RED HUE PEARL UV HUE PINK PEARL POLAR WIND PURPLE RED SILVER MINNOW MIX YELLOW PEARL Toll Free Phone Order Line Senyo’s Predator Wrap PW Can add life to all your flies. per pack PW1 CLEAR PW2 UV PEARL 1•800•448•9966 PW3 UV SILVER New Products for 2013-2014 from Hareline Dubbin, Inc. Poly Pro Braid PPB Bodies, wings and more. Senyo’s Barred Predator Wrap BPW 11 47 54 79 per pkg. BLACK BURLAP TAN CHARTREUSE DAMSEL BLUE 142 153 271 377 FL YELLOW GOLD ORANGE WHITE Two wraps is about all you will need to create very cool looking collars and bodies. BPW1 BPW2 per pkg. BLACK BARRED CLEAR BLACK BARRED UV Half Round Rib Small DR1 2 11 21 40 54 65 90 140 165 209 per pkg. AMBER BLACK BLOOD RED BROWN CHARTREUSE CLEAR DK GOLD STONE SHRIMP PINK GRAY LT GOLD STONE 212 263 265 271 281 298 310 322 369 383 Real Fake Jungle Cock FJ A new approach to a classic material. Double sided and tear proof. Two sizes per pack. 1 2 3 4 5 per pack of 32 eyes PURPLE FLAME / SHADY GRAY CHARTREUSE / SUNSHINE ORANGE FLAME / PINK PURPLE BLUE / WHITE COLOR YOUR OWN COMPLETE COLOR RANGE 8 EYES PER COLOR LIGHT OLIVE OLIVE OLIVE BROWN ORANGE PEACH PURPLE RED RUST TAN YELLOW Half Round Rib Medium DR2 Senyo’s Freckled Predator Wrap FPW A lion’s share of fibers to mess with. 4” long fibers. Collar it, Palmer it - it breathes! per pack FPW1 UV SPECKLED GOLD FPW2 UV SPECKLED SILVER 2 11 21 40 54 65 90 140 165 209 212 per pkg. AMBER BLACK BLOOD RED BROWN CHARTREUSE CLEAR DK GOLD STONE SHRIMP PINK GRAY LT GOLD STONE LIGHT OLIVE 263 265 271 281 289 298 310 322 369 383 OLIVE OLIVE BROWN ORANGE PEACH PINK PURPLE RED RUST TAN YELLOW Predator Tails PTM PTL PTX Medium Large X-large A new rubbery durable material that loves the challenge of large toothy critters. 1 2 3 4 5 6 per pkg. of 6 CHARTREUSE BLUE GLITTER CLEAR BLACK DOTS SILVER GLITTER CLEAR RED DOTS SILVER GLITTER FL YELLOW BALCK DOTS SILVER GLITTER GLOW IN THE DARK GREEN RED WITH RED GLITTER Micro Hollow Tubing TUB1 Minnow Body Wrap MBW Chockletty good game changing stuff! per pkg 284 PEARL WHITE 375 UV WHITE 11 23 21 40 402 54 65 72 90 165 209 212 per pkg. BLACK BLUE BLOOD RED BROWN BUCKSKIN CHARTREUSE CLEAR CREAM DK GOLD. STONE GRAY LT GOLD. STONE LIGHT OLIVE e-mail 221 263 265 271 282 401 298 310 322 369 377 383 MAHOGANY OLIVE OLIVE BROWN ORANGE PEACOCK PHEASANT TAIL PURPLE RED RUST TAN WHITE YELLOW [email protected] J:Son Realskins JRS Skin that feels real. per pkg. 5 New Products for 2013-2014 from Hareline Dubbin, Inc. Barred Mayfly Tails BMT Really makes your fly tails stand out. BMT1 BMT2 per pkg WHITE BLACK BARRED LT DUN BLACK BARRED Synthetic Quill Body Brass Cone Heads CH5 CH3 5/32” X-Small 3/16” Small CH7 CH1 7/32” Medium 1/4” Large SQB B C G N Snip a strip, tie in, wind, Clear Cure Goo Hydro, hit it with the UV light and fish! per pack 1 ADAMS GRAY 28 BLUE WINGED OLIVE 49 CADDIS GREEN 206 LIGHT CAHILL 310 365 366 383 RED QUILL SULPHUR ORANGE SULPHUR YELLOW YELLOW per pkg. of 24 BLACK NICKEL COPPER GOLD NICKEL O P W ORANGE FL PINK FL WHITE Prism Scale Film PSF Adhesive backed clear vinyl film with fishy prism scale effects. Mega Fly Tying Pad MTP per pkg. PSF1 SMALL SCALE PSF2 MEDIUM SCALE PSF3 LARGE SCALE Bigger is better! each Hot Tipped Crazy Legs CLT We have been tying some great Steelhead & Chinook flies with this product. per pkg. of 5 skirts Veiny Wing Material VW Micro thin veiny sheets for wing cut outs. per pack of 3 colors 9 BLACK / BLUE TIPPED 10 BLACK / FL ORANGE TIPPED 11 BLACK / YELLOW CHARTREUSE TIPPED 23 BLUE / HOT PINK TIPPED 16 BLACK / RED TIPPED 131 FL FUCHSIA / PURPLE TIP 137 CLEAR PEARL / FL ORANGE TIP 188 HOT PINK / FL ORANGE TIPPED 297 PURPLE / FL ORANGE TIPPED 298 BLACK / PURPLE TIPPED 320 ROOT BEER / ORANGE TIPPED 329 SALMON PINK / HOT PINK TIPPED 385 YELLOW CHART. / GREEN CHART. TIPPED 386 YELLOW CHART. / FL. ORANGE TIPPED Pro Needle Glue Gun for 5/16” Mini Glue Sticks GUN For more heads, eggs and whatever you can hot glue! each SBS Shell Backs SBM SBL Small Medium large Pre formed shell backs. Wind some ostrich or teased out dubbing and then Clear Cure Goo the shell on and fish. per pkg. of 9 6 90 DARK PINK 283 PEACOCK 284 PEARL 289 PINK Fish Skull Crawbody FCBS Small FCBL Large FCBM Medium FCBX Extra Large Pre Cut ready to tie in. per pkg. of 8 40 BROWN 263 OLIVE Toll Free Phone Order Line Mini Glue Sticks STK We have added the top selling colors back into our line up. 53 54 60 99 CHAMPAGNE CHARTREUSE CLEAR DARK ROE 1•800•448•9966 per pack 271 272 289 327 ORANGE ROE OREGON CHEESE PINK LADY SALMON New Products for 2013-2014 from Hareline Dubbin, Inc. Tube Cone Heads TCHM TCHL Medium 7/32” Large 1/4” Large diameter center hole to fit over tubes. 11 67 137 138 per pkg. of 20 BLACK NICKEL COPPER FL ORANGE FL PINK 153 GOLD 261 NICKEL 284 FL PEARL WHITE Fish Skull Living Eyes Senyodelic Bead Chain 3LE* 4LE* 5LE* 6LE* 7LE* 3mm 4mm 8LE* 8.5mm 5mm 6mm 10LE* 7mm 15LE* 10mm 15mm Realistic fish eyes manufactured using the latest laser holographic technology SBCM SBCL Medium Large A beautiful pearly metallic and rainbow sheen will add that “je nais ce quois” to your flies. per pkg. 306 RAINBOW 23 BLUE 289 PINK per pkg. *20 per pack *16 per pack *12 per pack 1 EARTH (GOLDEN BROWN 3 FIRE (ORANGE-RED) 2 WIND (GOLDEN) 4 ICE (SILVER) Clear Cure Adhesive Eyes CA5 5mm 3/16” CA10 CA6 CA8 6mm 1/4” 8mm 5/16” CA12* CA15* Fish Skull Fish Masks 10mm 3/8” 12.7mm 1/2” 15mm 5/8” Move over Zorro, there’s a new people’s hero! •12 per pack, •10 per pack, •8 per pack, •6 per pack per pkg. 20 eyes *16 per pack FFM 3 4 5 6 • • • • The most realistic eyes available on the market! They look amazing! 1 2 3 4 5 6 per pack per pack FOR SIZES 1-2/0 FOR SIZES 10-6 7• 85• FOR SIZES 1/0-3/0 FOR SIZES 8-4 10• FOR SIZES 4/0-6/0 FOR SIZES 4-1 FOR SIZES 2-1/0 15• FOR SIZES 5/0-9/0 AGATE CHAMELEON LAVA MONSTER PEACOCK RAPTOR 7 8 9 10 11 Glow in The Dark Flashabou Accent FLA Groovy glow in the dark colors. SOLAR FLARE GOLD SILVER STEEL RAVEN per pack 7953 BLUE 7954 ORANGE 7955 GREEN 7950 WHITE 7951 PINK 7952 YELLOW Clear Cure Dumbbell Eyes CD5 CD6 5mm 3/16” 6mm 1/4” CD8 8mm 5/16” Big Game Dumbbell Eyes Fish Skull Sculpin Helmet FSHX Mini FSHL FSHS CD10 Large Small Mini’s are a great addition. per pkg. of 8 *only available in Mini size. 40 BROWN 263 OLIVE *344 SILVER CD12* CD15* 10mm 3/8” 12.7mm 1/2” 15mm 5/8” 1 2 3 4 per pkg. of 6 *4 per pack ANGEL GHOST LAVA SMOKE Toll Free Fax 5 STEEL 6 STERLING 7 RAVEN Lateral Scale Solid Colors LSC A single strand on each side of the fly and BAM! 1•877•448•9966 each 1701 SILVER 1702 GOLD 1711 RED 1712 BLACK 7 New Products for 2013-2014 from Hareline Dubbin, Inc. This tough mighty thread from Denmark is broadening the fly tying horizon with a constant expanding range of different thread, tinsel styles, strengths and colors. We cannot wait to see what Veevus has up their sleeve but know it will be unique and an improvement on what is out there. 30 Denier GSP White Veevus Thread 30G377 The world’s strongest and thinnest thread! Close to 18/0 in size. 67% more thread than comparable products on the market. per 75 meter spool 100 Denier GSP Veevus Thread 100G Ideal for spinnig hair. 67% more thread than comparable products on the market. Flies tied by our very own Tracy Peterson using Veevus iridescent thread for the tail. 11 per 75 meter spool BLACK 377 WHITE Veevus Holographic Tinsel VHS Small VHM VHL Medium large Great colors, greater breaking strength and more tinsel per spool than the norm. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 per spool 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 CHARTREUSE RED SILVER GOLD COPPER PURPLE FUCHSIA TEAL BLUE GREEN LIGHT PURPLE BLACK ORANGE CRANBERRY BROWN YELLOW PINK Veevus Mono Thread VJ1 VJ2 .1 mm .004” .2mm .008” Great for scuds and shrimp flies. per spool 8 1 BLACK 2 CLEAR 150 Denier GSP Veevus Thread 150G Even stronger! 67% more thread than comparable products on the market. 11 Veevus Pearl Tinsel VPS VPM VPL Small Medium large Greater breaking strength and more tinsel per spool than the norm. per spool Toll Free Phone Order Line per 75 meter spool BLACK 377 WHITE 200 Denier GSP Veevus Thread 200G Hook bending strength. 67% more thread than comparable products on the market. 11 per 75 meter spool BLACK 1•800•448•9966 377 WHITE New Products for 2013-2014 from Hareline Dubbin, Inc. 6/0 Veevus Thread 6V A pleasure to tie with and incredibly strong! per 100 meter spool 11 206 289 310 323 RUSTY BROWN 347 SILVER DOC BLUE 377 WHITE BLACK LT CAHILL PINK RED 14/0 Veevus Thread 14V A pleasure to tie with and incredibly strong! 11 106 165 206 263 271 per 100 meter spool 289 310 323 369 377 40 BLACK DUN GRAY LT CAHILL OLIVE ORANGE PINK RED RUSTY BROWN TAN WHITE BROWN Hex Dubbing Whirler HX Nice heavy wire and weighted whirler that will not roll off your tying bench. each 8/0 Veevus Thread 8V Not your standard strength 8/0. per 100 meter spool 11 40 206 263 271 289 310 323 369 377 BLACK BROWN LT CAHILL OLIVE ORANGE PINK RED RUSTY BROWN TAN WHITE 16/0 Veevus Thread 16V As strong as most companies 6/0. 11 102 106 165 206 per 100 meter spool 263 266 310 377 40 BLACK DARK TAN DUN GRAY LT CAHILL OLIVE OLIVE DUN RED WHITE BROWN Zuddy’s Leg Puller ZLP Designed with Matt Zudweg for easy leg threading. Will tackle foam, hair, cork and fingers if you are not careful. each 10/0 Veevus Thread 10V A pleasure to tie with and incredibly strong! 11 40 187 206 263 271 per 100 meter spool 289 310 323 367 377 BLACK BROWN HOT ORANGE LT CAHILL OLIVE ORANGE PINK RED RUSTY BROWN SUNBURST YELLOW WHITE Iridescent Veevus Thread IV Sparkly. Perfect for ribbing and bodies. per 30 meter spool 11 23 67 153 263 289 298 310 344 359 BLACK BLUE COPPER COLD OLIVE PINK PURPLE RED SILVER SMOLT BLUE Tyflyz Tools Hackle Tweezer HTZ Holds your hackle and does not let go! each 12/0 Veevus Thread 12V A pleasure to tie with and incredibly strong! 11 95 106 206 per 100 meter spool BLACK DARK OLIVE DUN LT CAHILL 212 310 369 377 LT OLIVE RED TAN WHITE Underfur Hair Comb Stonfo Elite Rotodubbing Twister Ideal for removing underfur from hair for spinning. Wire will cock to a 90 degree to easily wind on hook. Ballbearings. UHC each Toll Free Fax 1•877•448•9966 FO612 each 9 New Products for 2013-2014 from Hareline Dubbin, Inc. We’ve got Regal, yes we do. We’ve got Regal, how about you? Clear Cure Goo Hydro Flex CG17 Flexible and thin!! Now we have it all! each Regal Aluminum base Travel Vise TRA50 If you travel this is the solution to your hook holding needs. each Regal Revolution Vise with Traditional Jaw and Bronze Pocket Base Clear Cure Goo Premium Starter Kit R20010P CG16 The ultimate regal experience! each This kit contains the best light and the top CCG products to get your Goo going! each kit Regal Medallion Vise with C-Clamp and Traditional Jaw RCR4 The classic Regal all around c-clamp vise. each Loon 1/2 oz. Thick Uv Clear Finish LN98 Thick uv finish. Regal Medallion Vise with Traditional Jaw and Bronze Traditional Base each RPBR10T The traditional model with bronze base. each Stonfo Elite Stainless Steel Bodkin FO590 Nice tapered needle and good heavy feel! 10 each Griffin Odyssey Spider Cam Vise GT71 Nice light weight design with hook holding power each Toll Free Phone Order Line Loon 1/2 oz. Thin Uv Clear Finish 1•800•448•9966 LN99 Thin uv finish. each New Products for 2013-2014 from Hareline Dubbin, Inc. Important Note Copic products can only be sold in North America which includes Canada and Mexico. They cannot be sold by dealers elsewhere. Copic Sketch Markers Articulated Fish Spines Can be used as is or with the airbrushing kit. Four lengths that will give your fly boundless swimming action. The Game Changer fly designed and tied by Blane Chocklett. Try the Minnow Body Wrap but any material that you can wind around the shank will work. CSK 2 AMBER 11 BLACK 23 BLUE 40 BROWN 49 CADDIS GREEN 83 DARK BLUE 89 DARK DUN 95 DARK OLIVE 125 FL BLUE 127 CHARTREUSE 138 FL PINK 142 FL YELLOW 165 GRAY 188 HOT PINK 208 LT DUN AFS each 217 LIGHT OLIVE 238 GREEN 263 OLIVE 271 ORANGE 298 PURPLE 310 RED 322 RUST 325 RUSTY ORANGE 342 SHRIMP ORANGE 343 SHRIMP PINK 367 SUNSHINE ORANGE 369 TAN 375 VIOLET 383 YELLOW per pack Copic Airbrush Starter Set ABS2 Great for coloring minnows, poppers or adding unique patterns to any fly. per set BIG GAME SHANKS Copic Aircan for Airbrushing ACD60 Refill for the Copic Airbrush System. per can HMH Poly Tubes HPT Great colored tubes that will withstand extreme cold without breaking. Pattern Coloring Patches PCP For spray painting bodies, feathers and flies. per pkg. of 5 patterns per pack 163 GRAPE PURPLE 44 BUBBLE GUM PINK 170 GREEN APPLE 65 CLEAR 73 CREAMSICLE ORANGE Toll Free Fax 1•877•448•9966 BGS Heavy duty shanks for Pike, Muskie and Saltwater or larger patterns in general 28 40 per pack of 16 28MM SHANK 40MM SHANK 80 80MM SHANK Alec Jackson Phanttom Covert Nymph Hook AJP Sizes 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 High Carbon Steel, 2x stout, forged Needle Point, Mini Barb, Chemically Sharpened. Black finish. Uses: wets and chironomids per pkg. of 25 11 New Products for 2013-2014 from Hareline Dubbin, Inc. J:Son Short Shank Ultimate Dry Fly Hook JSS Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 Super short wide gape for all those extended body patterns. per pkg. of 24 Tapered Slip Strike Indicators TIS TIM TIL Small 3/4” Medium 7/8” large 1” No matter the length of the leader these slip indicators hold firm during casting and retrieving until the hook is set. Then they release and slide down the leader letting you bring the fish to the net. Tapered Slip Strike Indicator Color Combo pack TISC Small 3/4” TIMC Medium 7/8” TILC large 1” One of each color in each pack per pkg. 5 per pkg. 4 127 FL CHARTREUSE 137 FL ORANGE 138 FL PINK 139 FL RED 142 FL YELLOW J:Son Ultimate Dry Fly Hook JUD Sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 Shorter shank for extended bodies. per pkg. of 24 Mega Fly Tying Pad MTP Bigger is better! each Half and Half Thingamabobbers Size Medium 3/4” 3/4” Thingamabobbers Red/White in Jug THHJ Contains 125 3/4” Thingamabobbers. each Daiichi Straight Eye Streamer Hook 3/4” Thingamabobbers Black/White in Jug D1750 Sizes 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 Round bend, straight-eye, 1X-heavy wire, 4X-long shank, forged 25 pack Uses: Muddlers, Streamers, Zonkers, Bucktails per pack THHJB Contains 125 3/4” Thingamabobbers. each Hareline Oval STicker HOS “Fly the colors” each Daiichi 4X-Long Streamer Hook D2220 Sizes 1*, 2*, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 Round bend, down-eye, 1X-heavy wire, 4X-long shank, forged 25 pack *20 pack *15 pack Uses: Streamers, Muddlers, Woolly Buggers, Zonkers, Bucktails 12 per pack Hareline Boat Bumper Sticker HBS Do not drive or drift without one! each Toll Free Phone Order Line 3 Pack of the Half and Half Thingamabobbers 3/4” THH per 3 pack THH1 RED/WHITE 1•800•448•9966 THH2 BLACK/WHITE New Products for 2013-2014 from Hareline Dubbin, Inc. Large Leather Amadou Dryer LLA Omnispool Switchbox System The Omnispool Switchbox makes your life a lot easier when you need to change, clean, organize, or just mess around with your fly lines! Smartly designed to interlock together to store different fly lines when they are not on the reel, they also have a cleaning pad that attaches to the front of the Omni Spool. Lines are buffed, cleaned stored or fished in seconds! Sucks water from your wet dry flies like a sponge. each Small Leather Amadou Dryer SLA Small sucker. each Omnispool Complete Switchbox kit OKIT All in one kit. Linecare Box, Switchbox and crank handle. each kit Large Foam Amadou Dryer LFA each Designed to interlock for easy transport and access. Omnispool Switchbox OSB Light, tough, see through shell contains an integrated spool. each Small Foam Amadou Dryer LFA each Amadou Pad AP Squeeze your waterlogged fly in this super absorbent material and it will be ready to float again. per piece Omnispool Linecare Box Omnispool Crank handle Cleans, coats and can be used as is. Specially grooved crank handle for spooling. Toll Free Fax OLC each 1•877•448•9966 OCH each 13 e-mail• [email protected] India Hen Necks Coq de León 5-7” Dyed over White Strung Saddle Hackle These saddles are a mainstay for all fly tyers. They are used for tails, wings, throats, collars and palmered hackles on larger flies. They are versatile and the colors are sharp and true. SCSD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 per pkg. of 12 LIGHT (CLARO) MEDIUM (MEDIO) DARK (OSCURO) BARRED SPECKLED (ACONCHADO) BLACK SPECKLED (CORZUNO) GINGER SPECKLED (FLOR DE ESCOBA) DUN SCSDZ pkg. CDL 11 45 54 78 114 121 126 165 187 188 199 212 per pkg. HC Ideal for soft hackles, wing cases and upright wings. 6 11 148 263 BADGER BLACK FURNACE OLIVE each 374 VARIANT 377 WHITE 395 PRINCE NYMPH BROWN Ounce pkg. BLACK BRIGHT PURPLE CHARTREUSE CRIMSON FIERY BROWN FIRE ORANGE FL. CERISE GRAY HOT ORANGE HOT PINK KINGFISHER BLUE LIGHT OLIVE per pkg. 218 263 298 310 321 341 347 369 373 377 383 LIME GREEN OLIVE PURPLE RED ROYAL BLUE SHRIMP SIL. DOCTOR BLUE TAN WHIT. TURQUOISE WHITE YELLOW 6 - 7” Woolly Bugger Saddle Hackle SCSH pkg. METZ™ Cock Necks 2METN 3METN Grade #2 Grade #3 11 40 72 106 each BLACK BROWN CREAM DUN 176 204 209 227 each GRIZZLY LT BLUE DUN LT GINGER MED BLUE DUN 11 21 63 per pkg. BLACK BLOOD RED CLARET SCSHZ Ounce Pkg. per pkg. 244 NATURAL BROWN 298 PURPLE Grade #1 METZ™ Hen Saddles 1MHS 176 GRIZZLY 11 BLACK 72 CREAM Schlappen 5-7” SCHL pkg. METZ™ Saddles 1METS Grade #1 6 11 40 72 106 14 each BADGER BLACK BROWN CREAM DUN per pkg. 2METS Grade #2 each 176 GRIZZLY 204 LT BLUE DUN 209 GINGER 227 MED.BLUE DUN METZ™ Hen Necks 1MHN Grade #1 11 BLACK 72 CREAM each 106 DUN 176 GRIZZLY 11 114 127 131 140 187 188 Toll Free Phone Order Line Soft and long webby fibers. BLACK FIERY BROWN FL. CHARTREUSE FL. FUCHSIA FL. SHRIMP PINK HOT ORANGE HOT PINK 199 263 298 310 377 383 KINGFISHER BLUE OLIVE PURPLE RED WHITE YELLOW 1•800•448•9966 www.hareline.com Cathy Beck’s Super Bugger India Hen Back IHB 11 BLACK 242 NATURAL 263 OLIVE each 271 CRAWFISH ORANGE 395 PRINCE NYMPH BROWN Grizzly Soft Hackle GS As used on Kathy Beck’s Super Bugger. 11 40 54 187 247 per pkg. BLACK BROWN CHARTREUSE HOT ORANGE NATURAL GRIZZLY 263 298 310 369 383 OLIVE PURPLE RED TAN YELLOW Woolly Bugger Marabou WBM Very webby and perfect for Buggers! 11 35 40 63 95 127 131 132 133 187 199 212 per pkg. BLACK BRIGHT PURPLE BROWN CLARET DARK OLIVE CHARTREUSE FL FUCHSIA FL GREEN FL HOT PINK HOT ORANGE KINGFISHER BLUE LIGHT OLIVE 263 298 310 323 337 340 343 369 377 383 386 OLIVE PURPLE RED RUSTY BROWN SCULPIN OLIVE SHELL PINK SHRIMP PINK TAN WHITE YELLOW YELLOW OLIVE Saltwater Neck Hackle SN Great for Tarpon and Bass flies. 11 23 54 114 125 142 165 187 per pkg. BLACK BLUE CHARTREUSE FIERY BROWN FL BLUE FL YELLOW GRAY HOT ORANGE 188 198 263 298 310 377 383 HOT PINK KELLY GREEN OLIVE PURPLE RED WHITE YELLOW Marabou Strung Blood Quills MSBQ MSBQZ pkg. per pkg. Ounce pkg. MSBQL per oz. Pound Metz™ Hatchery Soft Hackle MH Use these for tails, throats and collars. As used on Kathy Beck’s Super Bugger. 11 54 63 114 131 162 165 184 187 per pkg. BLACK 188 HOT PINK CHARTREUSE 199 K. FISHER BLUE CLARET 263 OLIVE FIERY BROWN 298 PURPLE FL. FUCHSIA 310 RED GOLDEN YELLOW OLIVE 367 SUNBURST YELLOW GRAY 377 WHITE HIGHL. GREEN 383 YELLOW HOT ORANGE 11 23 35 40 48 54 72 79 83 95 126 130 132 137 139 142 149 159 165 per pound BLACK BLUE BRIGHT PURPLE BROWN BURNT ORANGE CHARTREUSE CREAM DAMSEL GREEN DARK BLUE DARK OLIVE FL. CERISE FL. FLAME FL. GREEN FL. ORANGE FL. RED FL. YELLOW GINGER GOLDEN OLIVE GRAY Toll Free Fax 187 188 200 228 263 265 271 281 289 298 310 323 340 367 369 373 377 380 383 HOT ORANGE HOT PINK LAVENDER MEDIUM BROWN OLIVE OLIVE BROWN ORANGE PEACH PINK PURPLE RED RUSTY BROWN SHELL PINK SUNBURST YELLOW TAN WHIT. TURQUOISE WHITE WINE YELLOW 1•877•448•9966 Extra Select Strung Marabou XS Very long and full. This is definitely a premium product. 11 35 40 48 54 95 125 131 142 165 187 per pkg. BLACK BRIGHT PURPLE BROWN BURNT ORANGE CHARTREUSE DARK OLIVE FL BLUE FL. FUCHSIA FL YELLOW GRAY MINNOW HOT ORANGE 188 263 265 271 298 310 323 341 369 377 383 HOT PINK OLIVE OLIVE BROWN ORANGE PURPLE RED RUSTY BROWN SHRIMP PINK TAN WHITE YELLOW 15 e-mail• [email protected] USF&W USF&W Cul De Canard Feathers CDC Selected grade feathers. per pkg. *USFW required for Natural Dun only! 11 BLACK 28 BWO 40 BROWN 50 CALLIBAETIS 54 CHARTREUSE 61 CINNAMON 89 DARK DUN 214 LIGHT PINK 215 LIGHT YELLOW 245* NATURAL DUN Grizzly Mini Marabou GRIZM Very popular for Bonefish, Nymph and Emerger flies. 40 48 54 157 247 per pkg. BROWN BURNT ORANGE CHARTREUSE GOLDEN BROWN NATURAL GRIZZLY 263 298 337 369 383 OLIVE PURPLE SCULPIN OLIVE TAN YELLOW 249 263 271 277 326 357 365 369 381 383 NATURAL WHITE OLIVE ORANGE PMD RUSTY SPINNER SLATE GRAY SULPHUR ORANGE TAN WOOD DUCK GOLD YELLOW Gadwall Feathers GW A great alternative to mallard for use on streamers and traditional wets. per pkg. USF&W USF&W Teal Flank Feathers TFF Solid black and white barmarks. CDC Oiler Puffs CDCO Hand selected! Great for Emergers. per pkg. per pkg. 63 CLARET 169 GREEN 242 NATURAL 271 ORANGE 298 PURPLE 310 RED *USFW required for Natural Dun only! 11 BLACK 28 BLUE W. OLIVE 40 BROWN 54 CHARTREUSE 149 GINGER 168 GRAY OLIVE 208 LIGHT DUN 229 MEDIUM DUN 245* NATURAL DUN 263 OLIVE Mini Marabou MM Great for Bonefish, Nymph and Emerger flies. 11 40 54 187 188 per pkg. BLACK BROWN CHARTREUSE HOT ORANGE HOT PINK 263 298 310 377 383 OLIVE PURPLE RED WHITE YELLOW 277 278 326 357 365 369 372 377 381 P. MORNING DUN PALE OLIVE RUSTY SPINNER SLATE GRAY SULPHUR ORANGE TAN TRICO WHITE W. DUCK GOLD USF&W Bronze Mallard Flank BM per pkg. of 24 USF&W Marc Petitjean Select CDC Feathers PCDC This is the best CDC we have ever seen! 1 gram packs. Barred CDC BCD Buggy look and floats like only CDC does. per pkg 16 208 LIGHT DUN 263 OLIVE 377 WHITE 383 YELLOW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 per pkg. BLUE DUN LT. MALLOW (LT. DUN) PINK (SALMON PINK) CREAM (TAN) WHITE BLACK (NAT. BLACK) BEIGE (NATURAL DUN) OLIVE (BROWN/OLIVE) 9 YELLOW (GOLDEN OLIVE) 10 LT. YELLOW (BRIGHT YEL.) 11 FL. RED 12 FL. GREEN 13 FL. BLUE (LIGHT BLUE) 14 DIRTY YELLOW(PALE OLIVE) 15 RED (RUST) Toll Free Phone Order Line Mallard Whole Wings 1•800•448•9966 MWW242 per wing pair www.hareline.com USF&W Stripped Goose Biot Combo Pack Mallard Flank Wings, collars, tailing and cheeks. 11 34 40 131 188 229 242 BLACK BRIGHT GREEN BROWN FL. FUCHSIA HOT PINK MEDIUM DUN NATURAL 263 271 298 310 381 382 383 Turkey Biot Quills per pkg. Our huge color selection will tie all your biot body, wing or casing patterns. TBQ An assortment of the most popular colors. MF per pkg. SGBC OLIVE ORANGE PURPLE RED WOOD DUCK GOLD WOOD DUCK TAN YELLOW Stripped Goose Biots SGB Stonefly tails, antennae, wings, bodies and wingcases. 2 11 40 153 165 per pkg. of 4 AMBER BLACK BROWN GOLD GRAY 263 310 369 377 395 OLIVE RED TAN WHITE PRINCE NYMPH BROWN 11 28 40 49 50 95 102 165 168 180 206 212 per pair MAHOGANY OLIVE PALE MORN. DUN PALE OLIVE PURPLE RED RUSTY SPINNER SULPH. ORANGE TRICO WHITE YELLOW YELLOW TAN 221 263 277 278 298 310 326 365 372 377 383 388 BLACK BL. WING OLIVE BROWN CADDIS GREEN CALLIBAETIS DARK OLIVE DARK TAN GRAY GRAY OLIVE HENDRICKSON LIGHT CAHILL LIGHT OLIVE USF&W Premo Turkey Flats PTF These are the best flats we have ever seen. 3”-4.5” in length and with beautiful tips. Big Bag Mallard Flank center bag regular size BMF Larger bag of the best selling colors. per pkg. 72 89 127 137 per pkg. CREAM DARK DUN FL CHARTREUSE FL ORANGE 208 229 369 377 Synthetic Quill Body LT DUN MEDIUM DUN TAN WHITE 382 WOOD DUCK TAN 242 NATURAL 381 WOOD DUCK GOLD SQB Snip a strip, tie in, wind, Clear Cure Goo Hydro, hit it with the UV light and fish! per pack 310 365 366 383 1 ADAMS GRAY 28 BLUE WINGED OLIVE 49 CADDIS GREEN 206 LIGHT CAHILL RED QUILL SULPHUR ORANGE SULPHUR YELLOW YELLOW USF&W Lemon Woodduck Flank Quill Body Quills II The best natural dry fly winging fibers. For quill bodied dry flies. For small quill bodied dry flies. QB WD1 per pkg. of 12 Barred Woodduck Flank WD2 Black and white barmarking. per pkg. of 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Toll Free Fax per pkg. of 25 WHITE BLACK BLUE QUILL BAETIS OLIVE B.W. OLIVE RED QUILL 7 8 9 10 11 12 GINGER QUILL LIGHT CAHILL PALE MORNING DUN MELON QUILL FRYING PAN PMD SULPHUR ORANGE 1•877•448•9966 Q 1 2 3 4 5 per pkg. of 25 WHITE BLACK BLUE QUILL BAETIS OLIVE BL. WING OLIVE 6 7 8 9 10 RED QUILL GINGER QUILL LIGHT CAHILL PALE MOR. DUN SULPH. ORANGE 17 e-mail• [email protected] USF&W USF&W USF&W Hungarian Partridge Feathers HPF These feathers are hugely popular for soft hackles and wet flies. 11 40 per pkg BLACK BROWN 242 263 NATURAL OLIVE Starling Skins STAR Wet fly hackle. 10-12” Ostrich Herl OH For scuds, streamers, winging and bodies. 11 40 54 92 126 137 187 199 210 each BLACK BROWN CHARTREUSE DARK GRAY FL CERISE FL ORANGE HOT ORANGE KINGFISHER BLUE LIGHT GRAY 263 289 298 310 333 335 336 377 OLIVE PINK PURPLE RED SCUD GRAY OLIVE SCUD ORANGE SCUD TAN WHITE each USF&W USF&W English Grouse Soft Hackle EG Hungarian Partridge Skin Natural Undyed 1HPS242 Grade #1 The ultimate soft hackle fly material. each Small dark mottled wet fly hackles. per pkg. Barred Ostrich Plume Piece BP A few strands is all that is needed to spice up your flies. USF&W per piece 54 CHARTREUSE 298 PURPLE 310 RED 263 OLIVE 377 WHITE 271 ORANGE Sharptail Wing Pairs USF&W SWP Ozark Oak Mottled Turkey Quills per pair OOMT USF&W per pair SGS USF&W Hand selected after dyeing. These are great for traditional Wet and Salmon fly feather wings. Cinnamon Tip Turkey Natural Emu Feathers Tail Feathers Perfect for gills on Hex nymphs. CTTF1 18 Select Goose Shoulder per pair EMU per pkg. Toll Free Phone Order Line 11 23 52 54 63 78 137 142 per pkg. of 6 BLACK BLUE CERISE CHARTREUSE CLARET CRIMSON FL. ORANGE FL. YELLOW 1•800•448•9966 169 188 271 298 310 377 383 GREEN HOT PINK ORANGE PURPLE RED WHITE YELLOW USF&W www.hareline.com Limited Sup ply! Blue Peacock Neck Feathers BPF Deep blue used for cheeks and collars. RHEA Intruder Feather RIF per pkg. of 10 Strung Peacock Herl A must have for every tying department. SPHERL1 SPHERL2 5-7” Small pkg. 5-7” Large pkg. per pkg. USF&W per pkg. For Spey and Intruder flies. We are not able to sell this product outside of the USA. 11 63 187 188 BLACK CLARET HOT ORANGE HOT PINK each 231 M.Y. CHARTREUSE 283 PEACOCK GREEN 298 PURPLE Strung Silver Pheasant Body Feathers SPF One of the best feathers for Cheeks and Collars. A must for the famous Grey Ghost Streamer. Very hard to find in quantity. Peacock Eyed Sticks USF&W PES SP 11 40 54 63 122 137 142 147 149 169 183 187 per package CHARTREUSE CLARET HIGHL. GREEN HOT ORANGE HOT PINK KINGF. BLUE 234 242 298 310 347 383 MINNOW GREY NATURAL PURPLE RED SILVER DOC BLUE YELLOW Use the eyes if you want the fullest herl. per pkg. of 4 * per pkg. of 3 Spey Plumes 2-4” Ostrich Plumes with a soft , windable or strippable center stem. Fibers can be cut from Stem and placed in Petitjean’s Magic Tool, or wound as they are for beautifully collard and patterned flies. 54 63 184 187 188 199 PES NATURAL 11* BLACK 310* RED per pkg. of 10 BLACK BROWN CHARTREUSE CLARET FLAMINGO RED FL. ORANGE FL. YELLOW FUCHSIA GINGER GREEN HIGHLANDER HERON GREY HOT ORANGE 188 199 229 242 263 298 310 321 343 347 367 383 HOT PINK KINGFISHER BLUE MEDIUM DUN NATURAL OLIVE PURPLE RED ROYAL BLUE SHRIMP PINK SILVER DOC BLUE SUNBURST YELLOW YELLOW Peacock Herl Brush PHB Peacock herl twisted with wire. $2.17 per pkg. Strung Guinea Feathers SGF Collars, tailing, wingcases and cheeks. Peacock Swords PS For tailing and winging. per pkg. of 4 Mottled Peacock Wing Quill MPW Toll Free Fax per pair 1•877•448•9966 6 54 63 184 188 200 242 263 per pkg. BABY BLUE CHARTREUSE CLARET HIGHL. GREEN HOT PINK LAVENDER NATURAL OLIVE 271 298 310 323 343 347 369 383 ORANGE PURPLE RED RUSTY BROWN SHRIMP PINK SIL. DOC. BLUE TAN YELLOW 19 e-mail• [email protected] USF&W USF&W Golden Pheasant Skin Less Tail GP1 For tyers who want the whole range of feathers from the Golden Pheasant. Complete GP Head GP3 For customers that will be using both the crest and tippets. USF&W each each Lady Amherst Complete Heads Grade #1 LA USF&W For tails, cheeks and wings. 1 11 54 184 187 each NATURAL BLACK CHARTREUSE HIGHL. GREEN HOT ORANGE 188 199 298 310 383 HOT PINK KINGF. BLUE PURPLE RED YELLOW Lady Amherst Head Grade #2 GP2 LA2 USF&W Golden Pheasant Skin Less Head & Tail each Lady Amherst Tippets Complete Nat. GP Tippet each LA3 GP5 per pkg. of 10 each USF&W USF&W Complete GP Crest USF&W GP4 each Dyed Complete GP Tippet DGPT Great colors and a great seller. each 11 BLACK 188 HOT PINK 271 ORANGE 310 RED USF&W USF&W Lady Amherst Center Tail Feather LAC USF&W Small GP Tippets GP8 Dyed Golden Pheasant Crest Medium GP Tippets For Salmon, Steelhead and Traditional flies. Large GP Tippets DGPC each 54 CHARTREUSE 184 HIGHLANDER GREEN 20 187 HOT ORANGE 310 RED These are all #1 full length center tail feathers. For large salmon fly wings. GP9 GP10 per pkg. of 10 Toll Free Phone Order Line 6 54 184 187 188 199 200 per feather BABY BLUE CHARTREUSE HIGHLANDER GREEN HOT ORANGE HOT PINK KINGFISHER BLUE LAVENDER 1•800•448•9966 242 298 310 323 343 367 369 NATURAL PURPLE RED RUSTY BROWN SHRIMP PINK SUNBURST YELLOW TAN www.hareline.com USF&W USF&W Ringneck Pheasant Complete Tail RPCT Natural Hare’s Mask Hand graded for quality! 1HM242 each Ringneck Pheasant Skin RPST Grade #1 each A great price for a huge variety of feathers for nymphs & wets. Also popular for artists looking for natural feathers. 2HM242 Grade #2 each This product contains the full range of spiky, buggy, variegated and mottled hairs that blend into the very finest dubbing for the Gold Ribbed Hare’s Ear family of flies. each USF&W Dyed Ringneck Pheasant Complete Tail Clump RPCT These beautifully dyed tails have endless uses for fly tying. 11 BLACK 40 BROWN 263 OLIVE each 310 RED 383 YELLOW USF&W USF&W Natural Ringneck Pheasant Rump patch RPRP 11 40 63 242 BLACK BROWN CLARET NATURAL each 263 271 310 383 Ringneck Pheasant Tail Feathers RPCP For nymphs, bodies, wings and wingcases. 11 40 169 242 263 OLIVE ORANGE RED YELLOW per pair 271 298 310 383 BLACK BROWN GREEN NATURAL OLIVE ORANGE PURPLE RED YELLOW Dyed Hare’s Mask Grade #1 HMD 11 18 49 87 106 each BLACK BLEACHED CADDIS GREEN DARK BROWN DUN 153 263 271 322 GOLD OLIVE ORANGE RUST USF&W Rabbit Strips Combos Ringneck Neck Patch RN The white collar feathers make USF&W a great substitute for some exotics. each 1 CHATTERER BLUE 2 CROW RED 3 TOUCAN YELLOW 4 NATURAL WHITE Hen Pheasant Tail Pair HP The tail fibers are used for traditional wet fly wings. Toll Free Fax per pair 1•877•448•9966 RSC A great way to get your customers to start using rabbit strips. per pkg. 6 colors 1 NATURAL WITH BLACK 2 DARK 3 BRIGHT 21 e-mail• [email protected] 1/8” FROSTIP™ Rabbit Strips FRS Bleached tips and then dyed. Mottled and fishy! per pkg. of 4 strips 1 BLACK/CHARTREUSE 2 BLACK/FUCHSIA 3 BLACK/OLIVE 4 BLACK/ORANGE 5 BLACK/WHITE Hareline Natural and Dyed Rabbit Strips RS 1/8” Strips Tiger Barred 1/8” Rabbit Strips per pkg. of 4 strips These strips sell themselves off the wall! All our strips are cut from Grade A hides. Our quality is by far the best available! 1/8” Crosscut FROSTIP™ Rabbit Strips CFR Bleached tips and then dyed. Mottled and fishy! per pkg. of 4 strips 1 BLACK/CHARTREUSE 2 BLACK/FUCHSIA 3 BLACK/OLIVE 4 BLACK/ORANGE 5 BLACK/WHITE 22 1* WHITE 23 2* CHARCOAL 3* LT BROWN (GINGER) 24 25 4* GRIZ. NAT. HARE 26 5* CHINCHILLA 27 6 BLACK 28 7 PURPLE 29 8 RED 32 9 OLIVE 33 10 YELLOW 36 11 CHARTR. GREEN 37 12 DARK OLIVE 38 13 DARK BROWN 39 14 GOLDEN OLIVE 40 15 BURGUNDY 41 16 FL. PINK 42 17 FL. ORANGE 43 18 FL. YEL. CHARTREUSE 44 19 CRAWF. ORANGE 45 20 RUST 46 21 GOLD VARIANT NAVY BLUE FL. FUCHSIA SALMON PINK OLIVE VARIANT SILVER GRAY FL. FLAME SAND VARIANT HOT ORANGE FLESH (LT TAN) PEACH FL. FIRE ORANGE BROWN BABY BLUE BRIGHT PURPLE CREAM GRAY GOLD TAN SHRIMP PINK STEELIE BLUE FL BLUE TSR per 4 strip pkg. 1 ORANGE BLACK BARRED OVER YELLOW (TIGER) 2 BLACK BARRED ORANGE OVER TAN (CREE) 3 BLUE BLACK BARRED OVER WHITE (MINNOW) 4 MAHI GREEN BLACK BARRED OVER CHARTREUSE 5 ORANGE BLACK OVER FL YELLOW CHARTREUSE 6 HOT ORANGE BLACK OVER WHITE 7 HOT PINK BROWN OVER SHRIMP PINK 8 HOT PINK BLACK OVER WHITE 9 HOT PINK BROWN OVER CHARTREUSE 10 HOT PINK BROWN OVER PEACH 11 PURPLE BLACK OVER WHITE 12 GREEN BROWN OVER OLIVE 13 OLIVE BLACK OVER LT OLIVE Silky Bunnybou Strips Micro Rabbit Strips MIC 1/4” FROSTIP™ Magnum Rabbit Strips MFR Just right for Saltwater, Pike and Musky flies. Bleached tips and then dyed. per pkg. of 3 strips 1 BLACK/CHARTREUSE 2 BLACK/FUCHSIA 3 BLACK/OLIVE 22 4 BLACK/ORANGE 5 BLACK/WHITE Cut narrower than our 1/8” and ideal for smaller leeches, zonkers and bonefish flies. per pkg. of 4 strips 11 BLACK 54 CHARTREUSE 123 FLESH 131 FUCHSIA 176 GRIZZLY 188 HOT PINK 187 HOT ORANGE Toll Free Phone Order Line 251 NAVY BLUE 263 OLIVE 298 PURPLE 310 RED 369 TAN 377 WHITE 383 YELLOW 1•800•448•9966 BB This Special breed of rabbit has hair that is soft, dense and undulates like crazy in the water. The hair length is shorter than regular rabbit and has no guard hair giving it its silky smooth look and unreal movement. 2 foot long strips. 11 123 127 187 188 per pkg. BLACK FLESH FL CHARTREUSE HOT ORANGE HOT PINK 263 298 369 377 OLIVE PURPLE TAN WHITE www.hareline.com Black Barred Rabbit Strips 1/8” 1/8” Crosscut™ Rabbit Strips BRS We know you, and your customers will like these barred strips. 6 35 54 57 71 125 154 176 187 per 4 strip pkg. BABY BLUE BRIGHT PURPLE CHARTREUSE CHINCHILLA CRAWFISH ORANGE FL BLUE GOLD VARIANT GRIZ. NAT. HARE HOT ORANGE 188 228 270 310 322 377 380 383 HOT PINK MEDIUM BROWN OLIVE VARIANT RED RUST WHITE WINE YELLOW CRS Two Tone Rabbit Flesh Strips Hair will lay back after each wind. FS per pkg. of 4 strips 1 BLACK 2 PURPLE 3 OLIVE 4 DARK BROWN 5 HOT PINK 6 FL. ORANGE 7 CRAW. ORANGE 8 WHITE 9 LIGHT BROWN 10 FL. FUCHSIA 11 CHARTREUSE 12 YELLOW 13 CHARC.. MOUSE GRAY 14 RED 15 GOLD VARIANT 35 BRIGHT PURPLE 38 BABY BLUE HOT colors for flesh flies and work great for saltwater patterns also. per pkg. of 4 strips 70 COTTON CANDY 281 PEACHY PINK 292 PINKY SHRIMP 76 CREAMY PINK 329 SALMON PINK ORANGE 123 FLESHY PINK 280 PEACHY ORANGE 57 72 95 123 125 143 153 165 247 270 281 322 329 343 362 369 CHINCHILLA CREAM DARK OLIVE FLESH FL. BLUE FL. YEL. CHARTREUSE GOLD GRAY GRIZZLY (NAT. H.E.) OLIVE VARIANT PEACH RUST SALMON PINK SHRIMP PINK STEELIE BLUE TAN Brown Barred Rabbit Strips 1/8” BRS Great fishy color mixes per 4 strip pkg. PEACH 123B FLESH (LT. TAN) 281 383B YELLOW 149B GINGER 263B OLIVE Two Toned 1/8” Rabbit Strips TT A great Seller for us. per pkg. of 4 strips Olive Barred Rabbit Strips 1/8” BRS Will make any fly more attractive and productive. per 4 strip pkg. 54O CHARTREUSE 123O FLESH (LT. TAN) 212O LT. OLIVE 377O WHITE 383O YELLOW 1 PURPLE / FL. FUCHSIA 2 PURPLE / HOT PINK 3 BLACK / RED 4 BLACK / FL. ORANGE 5 BLACK / FL CHARTREUSE 6 BLACK / HOT PINK 7 BLACK / OLIVE 8 HOT ORANGE / YELLOW 9 VIOLET / WHITE 10 BLUE / WHITE 11 HOT ORANGE / FL ORANGE 12 BRIGHT PURPLE / BABY BLUE Toll Free Fax Two Tone Rabbit Crosscut Flesh Strips FSX For collars and bodies. per pkg. of 4 strips 70 COTTON CANDY 281 PEACHY PINK 292 PINKY SHRIMP 76 CREAMY PINK 329 SALMON PINK ORANGE 123 FLESHY PINK 280 PEACHY ORANGE 1•877•448•9966 23 e-mail• [email protected] Tiger Barred 1/4” Magnum Rabbit Strips Rabbit Hide pieces Variety Pack RV TSM per pkg. of 10 pcs. per 3 strip pkg. Two Toned 1/8” Crosscut Rabbit Strips XTT 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 ORANGE BLACK BARRED OVER YELLOW (TIGER) 2 BLACK BARRED ORANGE OVER TAN (CREE) 3 BLUE BLACK BARRED OVER WHITE (MINNOW) 4 MAHI GREEN BLACK BARRED OVER CHARTREUSE 5 ORANGE BLACK OVER FL YELLOW CHARTREUSE 6 HOT ORANGE BLACK OVER WHITE 7 HOT PINK BROWN OVER SHRIMP PINK 8 HOT PINK BLACK OVER WHITE 9 HOT PINK BROWN OVER CHARTREUSE 10 HOT PINK BROWN OVER PEACH 11 PURPLE BLACK OVER WHITE 12 GREEN BROWN OVER OLIVE 13 OLIVE BLACK OVER LT OLIVE per pkg. of 4 strips PURPLE / FL. FUCHSIA PURPLE / HOT PINK BLACK / RED BLACK / FL. ORANGE BLACK / FL CHARTREUSE BLACK / HOT PINK 7 BLACK / OLIVE 8 HOT ORANGE / YELLOW 9 VIOLET / WHITE 10 BLUE / WHITE 11 HOT ORANGE / FL ORANGE 12 BRIGHT PURPLE / BABY BLUE Black Barred Magnum Rabbit Strips 1/4” BMR per 3 strip pkg. 54BL CHARTREUSE 187 HOT ORANGE 377BL WHITE 383BL YELLOW Hareline’s Complete Rabbit Hides Stripped All our hides are Grade A. Our quality is by far the best available! Zonker Cut Hide RHSB 32 1/8” strips per hide each Cross Cut Hide CRHB 48 1/8” strips per hide Brown Barred Magnum Rabbit Strips 1/4” BMR per 3 strip pkg. 1/4” Magnum™ Rabbit Strips MRS 1/4 inch wide and just right for Saltwater, Pike and Musky flies. They are especially effective for minnow imitations. 11 38 53 54 57 71 87 95 123 125 131 137 138 143 281 PEACH 383B YELLOW per pkg. of 3 strips BLACK BABY BLUE CHARCOAL CHARTREUSE CHINCHILLA CRAWFISH ORANGE DARK BROWN DARK OLIVE FLESH FL. BLUE FL. FUCHSIA FL. ORANGE FL. PINK FL. YELLOW CHART. 24 123B FLESH (LT. TAN) 149 GINGER 263B OLIVE 154 176 187 263 270 281 298 310 322 329 350 369 377 383 GOLD VARIANT GRIZ. (NAT. HARE) HOT ORANGE OLIVE OLIVE VARIANT PEACH PURPLE RED RUST SALMON PINK SILVER GREY TAN WHITE YELLOW Olive Barred Magnum Rabbit Strips 1/4” BMR per 3 strip pkg. 54 CHARTREUSE 123 FLESH (LT. TAN) 212 LT. OLIVE Toll Free Phone Order Line 377 WHITE 383 YELLOW each Magnum Cut Hide MRHB 18 1/4” strips per hide each 1 WHITE 2 CHARCOAL 3 LT BROWN (GINGER) 4 GRIZ. NAT. HARE 5 CHINCHILLA 6 BLACK 7 PURPLE 8 RED 9 OLIVE 10 YELLOW 11 CHARTR. GREEN 12 DARK OLIVE 13 DARK BROWN 14 GOLDEN OLIVE 15 BURGUNDY 16 FL. PINK 17 FL. ORANGE 18 FL. YEL. CHARTREUSE 19 CRAWF. ORANGE 20 RUST 21 GOLD VARIANT 1•800•448•9966 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 32 33 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 NAVY BLUE FL. FUCHSIA SALMON PINK OLIVE VARIANT SILVER GRAY FL. FLAME SAND VARIANT HOT ORANGE FLESH (LT TAN) PEACH FL. FIRE ORANGE BROWN BABY BLUE BRIGHT PURPLE CREAM GRAY GOLD TAN SHRIMP PINK STEELIE BLUE FL BLUE www.hareline.com USF&W USF&W EP 1.5” Short Foxy Brush FXS A mixture of EP fibers and real fox tail fibers. per pkg. 278 298 320 322 331 343 369 377 383 11 BLACK 23 BLUE BLACK 40 BROWN SPECKLED 54 CHARTREUSE 133 FL HOT PINK 187 HOT ORANGE 199 KINGFISHER BLUE 265 OLIVE BROWN 271 ORANGE BLACK USF&W Arctic Fox Tail Hair PALE OLIVE PURPLE ROOT BEER RUST SAND SHRIMP PINK TAN WHITE YELLOW Finn Raccoon Zonker FRZ Nice long hair with great underfur. per strip 11 54 199 263 271 289 BLACK CHARTREUSE KINGFISHER BLUE OLIVE ORANGE PINK 298 310 369 377 383 PURPLE RED TAN WHITE YELLOW USF&W AFT Select length, soft and ties in easily. Great for winging and tails. 11 40 54 187 199 263 per pkg BLACK BROWN CHARTREUSE HOT ORANGE KINGFISHER BLUE OLIVE 289 298 310 369 377 383 PINK PURPLE RED TAN WHITE YELLOW Squirrel Tails USF&W GST EP Foxy Brush EFX Just a couple of turns is all you need for the greatest looking collars. Killer for Intruders! per pkg. of 6 11 BLACK 23 BLUE/BLACK 54 CHARTREUSE 133 FL HOT PINK 140 FL SHRIMP PINK 187 HOT ORANGE 189 HOT ORANGE/BLACK 199 KINGFISHER BLUE 265 OLIVE BROWN 278 PALE OLIVE 298 PURPLE 320 ROOTBEER 322 RUST 331 SAND 361 SPECKLED BROWN 369 TAN 377 WHITE 383 YELLOW 23 145 169 242 each BLUE FOX SQUIRREL GREEN NATURAL GRAY 271 298 310 383 ORANGE PURPLE RED YELLOW USF&W Squirrel Tail Combo STC per combo USF&W USF&W USF&W Arctic Fox Zonker AZ Arctic Fox Body Hair per pkg A fine textured, durable hair for winging steelhead, sea-run cutthroat & streamer flies. Soft hair that is great for collars and wings on Steelhead & Salmon flies. 11 40 54 165 187 199 BLACK BROWN CHARTREUSE GRAY HOT ORANGE KINGFISHER BLUE 263 289 298 310 377 383 OLIVE PINK PURPLE RED WHITE YELLOW AF 11 54 165 184 199 263 each BLACK FL. CHARTREUSE GRAY HIGHL. GREEN KINGFISHER BLUE OLIVE Toll Free Fax 271 ORANGE 298 PURPLE 310 RED 369 TAN 377 WHITE 383 YELLOW 1•877•448•9966 Pine Squirrel Skin PSS per skin 25 e-mail• [email protected] USF&W USF&W Pine Squirrel Zonker Strips ZPS per pack Mule Deer Spinning Hair MDH Natural deer graded for its spinning quality. each USF&W USF&W Large Northern Bucktails NB Great colors and quality! Calf Tails CT For Hair Wing and Bonefish flies. 11 54 125 137 142 187 188 198 214 229 each BLACK CHARTREUSE FL. BLUE FL. ORANGE FL. YELLOW HOT ORANGE HOT PINK KELLY GREEN LIGHT PINK MEDIUM DUN 263 298 310 320 323 339 369 377 383 OLIVE PURPLE RED ROOT BEER RUSTY BROWN SEAL BROWN TAN WHITE YELLOW Comparadun Hair CO Good Comparadun wings can only be tied properly with superfine hair. This hair is the right texture & length to meet your needs. 108 DYED DUN each 242 NATURAL 11 35 40 51 54 83 125 126 142 144 165 167 187 188 each BLACK BRIGHT PURPLE BROWN CAMEL CHARTREUSE DARK BLUE FL. BLUE FL. CERISE FL. YELLOW FOREST GREEN GRAY GRAY GHOST HOT ORANGE HOT PINK 200 203 212 214 218 263 298 310 320 325 369 377 383 LAVENDER LIGHT BLUE LIGHT OLIVE LIGHT PINK LIME GREEN OLIVE PURPLE RED ROOT BEER RUST TAN WHITE YELLOW USF&W Coastal Blacktail Deer Body Hair CBD Calftail Combo CC 1 2 DARK MEDIUM each 3 4 USF&W Bucktail Combo Pack BLEACHED DYED BLACK BC Combo pack with 6 popular colors. per combo each Selected Hair Wing USF&W SHW White Calf Body Hair CBH377 Wulff wings, parachutes and tailing. 26 each Can easily tie almost two dozen flies per pack. per pkg. 1 WHITE GOAT HAIR 2 BLACK GOAT HAIR 3 BROWN PONY HAIR Toll Free Phone Order Line Fluorescent Bucktail Combo BCFL An assortment of bright colors. 1•800•448•9966 each www.hareline.com USF&W USF&W Dyed Deer Body Hair DD Dyed over natural deer hair. 11 23 87 157 165 169 242 each BLACK BLUE DARK BROWN GOLDEN BROWN GRAY GREEN NATURAL 263 271 298 310 323 383 Deer Belly Combo Pack USF&W DBC Sampler with 6 colors of dyed over white hair. OLIVE ORANGE PURPLE RED RUSTY BROWN YELLOW per combo Elk Mane EM Good for stacked wings on giant stoneflies and many steelhead skating patterns. each USF&W USF&W Premo Deer Hair Strips PDH Pieces are approximately 15 ”X 2 1/2 ” 11 23 87 157 165 169 244 each BLACK BLUE DARK BROWN GOLDEN BROWN GRAY GREEN NATURAL 263 271 298 310 323 383 Natural Elk Hair EH The Elk hair caddis is one of the most popular dry flies in the world and this is the hair. USF&W each OLIVE ORANGE PURPLE RED RUSTY BROWN YELLOW USF&W Moose Body Hair MBH If you use moose for tails on dries you will love this hair. each Bleached Elk Hair BE This blond bleached elk hair enhances visibility in rough water and low light conditions. each USF&W USF&W Moose Mane MM USF&W Deer Belly Hair Dyed over White DBHD Great spinning hair and bright colors. 11 20 40 51 54 125 165 188 198 BLACK BLEACH. WHITE BROWN CAMEL CHARTREUSE FL BLUE GRAY HOT PINK KELLY GREEN each 200 263 271 298 310 325 383 385 LAVENDER OLIVE ORANGE PURPLE RED RUSTY ORANGE YELLOW YEL. CHARTREUSE OZZIE Possum Fur Piece OZ Great for mosquito and other quill type bodies on dry & wet flies. each Great for sculpins and nymphs. 11 31 40 47 54 59 71 95 242 244 323 337 378 per pack BLACK BONEFISH TAN BROWN BURGUNDY CHARTREUSE FROSTED DARK OLIVE CHOCOLATE BROWN FROSTED CRAWFISH ORANGE DARK OLIVE NATURAL POSSUM NATURAL DARK POSSUM RUSTY BROWN VARIANT SCULPIN OLIVE FROSTED BLACK Toll Free Fax 1•877•448•9966 White Yak Hair YH377 per pack 27 e-mail• [email protected] Barred Pseudo Hair™ BPH A barred version of this great synthetic hair. per pkg. 127 FL. CHARTREUSE 281 PEACH Icelandic Sheep Hair IS Good for pike, musky and saltwater patterns. It has very long and soft hair. per pkg. 11 127 137 138 142 212 298 310 330 350 377 383 BLACK FL. CHARTREUSE FL. ORANGE FL. PINK FL. YELLOW LIGHT OLIVE PURPLE RED SALTW. BLUE SILVER GRAY WHITE YELLOW 331 SAND 377 WHITE Extra Select Craft Fur XCF The longest and fullest craft fur we have ever seen. Perfect for all your streamer and saltwater needs. 11 34 35 37 52 54 72 95 117 118 125 137 142 159 163 per 5”x5” piece BLACK BRIGHT GREEN BRIGHT ORANGE BRIGHT RED CERISE CHARTREUSE CREAM DARK OLIVE FIRE ORANGE FIERY HOT RED FL. BLUE FL. ORANGE FL. YELLOW GOLDEN OLIVE GOLDEN YELLOW 168 169 188 199 228 229 230 272 298 310 329 331 369 377 383 GRAY OLIVE GREEN HOT PINK KINGFISHER BLUE MEDIUM BROWN MED. DUN GRAY MEDIUM OLIVE ORANGUTAN RUST PURPLE RED SALMON PINK SAND TAN WHITE YELLOW Fishair FH After many requests from dealers we are adding Fishair which has endless uses for both saltwater & freshwater tying. 70 denier. 11 54 137 138 142 165 169 199 per pkg. BLACK CHARTREUSE FL. ORANGE FL. PINK FL. YELLOW GRAY GREEN KINGFISH. BLUE 263 271 296 298 310 321 377 383 OLIVE ORANGE POLAR BEAR PURPLE RED ROYAL BLUE WHITE YELLOW Sculpin Wool SW Great colors for Permit Crabs, Sculpins or Woolheads. 11 40 47 54 72 87 95 157 165 188 per pkg. BLACK BROWN BURGUNDY CHARTREUSE CREAM DARK BROWN DARK OLIVE GOLDEN BROWN GRAY HOT PINK 212 263 265 310 325 350 369 377 383 LIGHT OLIVE OLIVE SCULPIN OLIVE RED RUSTY ORANGE SILVER GRAY TAN WHITE YELLOW Pseudo Marabou™ PM Pseudo Hair™ PHR Thin, bright, 3 1/4” in length with underfur for correct taper on your flies. Rams Wool RW Great natural material for Sculpin or Woolheads. 11 40 54 95 212 271 28 each BLACK BROWN CHARTREUSE DARK OLIVE LIGHT OLIVE ORANGE 310 322 337 369 377 383 RED RUST SCULPIN OLIVE TAN WHITE YELLOW 11 34 40 72 95 118 127 137 159 168 188 per pkg. BLACK BRIGHT GREEN BROWN CREAM DARK OLIVE FIERY HOT RED FL. CHARTREUSE FL. ORANGE GOLDEN OLIVE GRAY OLIVE HOT PINK 199 263 272 281 298 310 331 369 377 383 KINGFISHER BLUE OLIVE ORANGUTAN RUST PEACH PURPLE RED SAND TAN WHITE YELLOW Toll Free Phone Order Line The ultimate synthetic substitute for marabou. A natural taper is achieved by pulling the fibers apart instead of cutting with scissors. Instructions are included with each pack. 11 30 31 40 125 130 131 132 133 142 per pack BLACK BONEFISH PINK BONEFISH TAN BROWN FL. BLUE FL. FLAME RED FL. FUCHSIA FL. GREEN CHARTREUSE FL. HOT ORANGE FL. YELLOW 1•800•448•9966 188 198 234 235 263 298 310 377 383 HOT PINK KELLY GREEN MINNOW BLUE MINNOW GREY OLIVE PURPLE RED WHITE YELLOW www.hareline.com EP Silky Fibers Big Fly Fiber EPC BFF These soft glistening 7” fibers can be used to imitate the intricate color patterns of any baitfish. One end of this fiber is curled to create more bulk without the weight. Does not absorb water. per pkg. 801 812 816 817 818 BLACK SILVER GRAY WHITE YELLOW GREEN 819 820 823 826 832 BLUE RED ORANGE HOT PINK NEON FL YELLOW 1 3 4 6 7 9 10 12 14 17 18 20 21 22 23 EP Fibers EPA Enrico Puglisi fibers are 10” in length, amazingly translucent, and have an action between marabou and bucktail. Magic Minnow Body Material Pearly white MMB1 15 Denier MMB2 30 Denier per pkg. EP SE Fibers EPW EP fibers with a crimp wave which will give you fuller bodied flies without the bulk. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 11 13 16 21 22 23 24 25 28 31 33 34 35 37 38 39 per pkg. WHITE POLAR WHITE SAND YELLOW BEIGE TAN BROWN PINK GREY RED ORANGE RUST LT. YELLOW LIME GOLD GREEN CHARTR. SAGE TURQUOISE STEEL BLUE SKY BLUE ROYAL BLUE NAVY BLUE LAVENDER 40 41 42 45 87 101 103 104 108 109 110 112 113 114 116 120 153 158 260 278 329 361 365 PURPLE SILVER GREY BLACK BUCKTAIL WHITE DARK BROWN EMERALD GREEN DEEP GREEN SUNRISE LT. OLIVE OLIVE DARK OLIVE HOT PINK BRONZE MINNOW GOLDEN OLIVE YEL. CHARTREUSE GOLDEN GOLD. OLIVE MINNOW OCEAN GREY PALE OLIVE MINNOW SALMON PINK SPEARMINT GREEN SULPHUR per pkg. 3 ANCHOVY 7 BAITFISH OLIVE 11 BLACK 40 BROWN 55 CHARTREUSE GREEN 165 GREY 231 MENHADEN 241 MULLET 262 OCEAN BLUE 263 OLIVE 296 POLAR BEAR 298 PURPLE 310 RED 337 SCULPIN 377 WHITE 383 YELLOW per pkg. WHITE TAN BROWN PINK RED BURGUNDY ORANGE YELLOW OLIVE SKY BLUE ROYAL BLUE PURPLE GREY BLACK NEON PINK 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 39 49 70 149 160 262 268 278 258 NEON ORANGE NEON YELLOW NEON GREEN GOLDEN OLIVE RED BROWN SILVER GREY NEON RED BRONZE CADDIS GREEN CORAL PINK GINGER GOLDEN ORANGE OCEAN BLUE OLIVE MINNOW PALE OLIVE SMOKE GREY EP Silky Fibers 3-D EPD Masterfully blended mix of colors. 7” in length. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 per pkg. GREY SULPHUR GOLDEN YELLOW RAINBOW ORANGE BROWN REDDISH BROWN OLIVE REDDISH OLIVE MUDDLER BLACK 12 13 14 15 16 17 159 278 331 343 364 CHARTREUSE TAN SPECKLED GOLD ROOT BEER PEARL OLIVE RUST GOLDEN OLIVE PALE OLIVE SAND SHRIMP PINK SQUIRREL TAIL EP Fibers 3-D EPB EP Ultimate Fibers EPU This 12” translucent and tough material is the ultimate big game fly material. 11 54 110 165 188 263 271 per pkg. BLACK CHARTREUSE EMERALD GREEN GREY HOT PINK OLIVE ORANGE 296 298 310 321 356 362 383 POLAR BEAR PURPLE RED ROYAL BLUE SKY BLUE STEEL BLUE YELLOW Beautifully blended EP Fiber colors to match the baitfish. 10” in length. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 per pkg. GREY SAND BROWN ORANGE BLUE PURPLE OLIVE GOLDEN OLIVE CHARTREUSE EVERGLADES PILCHARD ANCHOVY PINFISH Toll Free Fax 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MUTTON SNAPPER TARPON STREAMER BACK COUNTRY BLACK EEL GREEN OCEAN BLUE MENHADEN MULLET BAITFISH BELLY BAITFISH OLIVE BLUE STRATOSPHERE SARDINA 1•877•448•9966 EP Sparkle Brush EPE This brush will add the right amount of sparkle reflection to any pattern. 1 2 6 11 14 23 30 31 per pkg. of 6 SILVER PEARL CHARTRUESE PURPLE/FUCHSIA HOLOG. SILVER PEARL MAGIC BLACK/RED BLACK/PURPLE 32 37 38 57 67 73 92 160 OLIVE ROOTBEER BLUE MAGIC RED COPPER SPECKLED GOLD HOLOG. BLUE GOLDEN ORANGE 29 e-mail• [email protected] EP Wooly Critter Brush EWC EP Streamer Brush with Micro Legs EP Trigger Point Int’l FIbers The addition of micro rubber legs to these 6, 10” brushes will give you incredible action. These fibers have been designed to match a multitude of wing and body colors found in insects world wide. All have been treated with Water Shed, our permanent waterproofing liquid. EPF per pkg. of 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 TAN BROWN RUST ORANGE OLIVE REDDISH OLIVE 7 8 9 10 11 278 BLACK CHARTREUSE SPECKLED GOLD ROOT BEER PEARL OLIVE PALE OLIVE EPQ per pkg. 11 BLACK 28 BLUE WINGED OLIVE 62 CINNAMON CADDIS 89 DARK DUN 161 GOLDEN SULPHUR 172 GREEN DRAKE 201 LEMON GREY 211 LT. MARCH BROWN 223 266 277 278 306 322 362 388 Wiggly two tiered brush for wooly critter flies. 11 13 15 40 54 95 per pkg. BLACK BLACK/PURPLE BLACK/RED BROWN CHARTREUSE DARK OLIVE 187 263 264 337 369 377 HOT ORANGE OLIVE OLIVE/BLACK SCULPIN TAN WHITE MARCH BROWN OLIVE GREY DUN PALE MORN. DUN PALE OLIVE QUICK SILVER RUST SPINNER WING YELLOW SALLY EP Tarantula Hairy Legs Brush 1/2” fiber length EPR EP Streamer Brush EPG EP Short Fiber Streamer Brush per pkg. of 6 1/2” wide wire core brush ideal for crabs, smaller flies or minnow bodies. With 6, 10” brushes per pack you can tie quite a few patterns. 1 2 3 4 5 6 TAN BROWN RUST ORANGE OLIVE REDDISH OLIVE 7 8 9 10 11 278 BLACK CHARTREUSE SPECKLED GOLD ROOT BEER PEARL OLIVE PALE OLIVE EPM 11 40 54 65 263 271 276 278 Two fiber length let’s you tie on and fish. The base material is Enrico’s EP Fiber with longer leg material mixed in. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 per pkg. BLACK BROWN CHARTREUSE CLEAR OLIVE ORANGE PALE GREY PALE OLIVE 286 296 318 320 322 343 361 369 PEARL OLIVE POLAR BEAR REDDISH OLIVE ROOTBEER RUST SHRIMP PINK SPECKLED GOLD TAN per pkg. of 6 BLACK BLACK/OLIVE BLACK/PURPLE BROWN BROWN/OLIVE CHARTREUSE FUCHSIA HOT ORANGE PINK/YELLOW 10 OLIVE 11 RED/BLACK 12 RED 13 SCULPIN 14 TAN 15 WHITE 16 YELLOW 321 ROYAL BLUE 355 SKY BLUE EP Tarantula Hairy Legs Brush 1” fiber length EP Anadromus Brush EPJ A trilobal antron mixed with ice wing material. Great colors! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 30 SKY BLUE FUCHSIA LAVENDER PURPLE RASPBERRY RED BLACK FL. PINK per pkg. 9 10 11 12 329 340 377 383 FL. ORANGE FL. RED GREEN CHARTREUSE YELLOW CHARTREUSE SALMON PINK SHRIMP PINK WHITE YELLOW EP 3-D Minnow Fiber EPK Beautifully blended EP Fiber colors ideal for minnow flies. per pkg. 11 BLACK 23 BLUE 40 BROWN 45 BUCKTAIL WHITE 54 CHARTREUSE 165 GREY 169 GREEN 188 HOT PINK 234 MINNOW 263 OLIVE 271 ORANGE 289 PINK 296 POLAR BEAR 298 PURPLE 310 RED 369 TAN 377 WHITE 383 YELLOW Toll Free Phone Order Line EPT After winding you will have hairy 1” legs with a shorter core fiber. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 per pkg. of 6 BLACK/HOT PINK BLACK BLACK/OLIVE BROWN CHARTREUSE FUCHSIA HOT ORANGE HOT PINK/YELLOW OLIVE PURPLE/BLACK PURPLE/PINK 1•800•448•9966 12 PURPLE 13 RED/BLACK 14 RED 15 SCULPIN 16 TAN 17 WHITE 18 WHITE/RED 19 YELLOW 20 YELLOW/SUNRISE 321 ROYAL BLUE 355 SKY BLUE www.hareline.com Slinky Fibre EP Shrimp Dub Brush ZSF EPH The perfect substitute for Super Hair. Nice crimp to give you body without the build up. These 10” brushes are ready to use on your favorite shrimp and streamer patterns. 1 2 3 4 5 per pkg. of 6 6 7 8 9 10 CLEAR GRASS OLIVE LIGHT OLIVE TAN SHRIMP PINK Steve Farrar UV Blend GREY REDDISH BROWN PEARL GLOW IN DARK HOT ORANGE SFUV We have wanted to carry this range for years and we have finally been able to add it to our line up. Try it, your customers will love it! 01 02 05 09 13 15 18 per pack UV WHITE UV GREY UV OFF WHITE UV SHRIMP UV SHADED CHARTREUSE UV RAINBOW UV HERRING BACK 21 22 25 28 29 45 UV CHARTREUSE UV OLIVE UV PINK UV PEACOCK UV MACKERAL UV BLACK 01 02 03 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 OFF WHITE GREEN LIGHT PURPLE GREY DARK PURPLE ORANGE LIGHT PINK OLIVE PINK ROYAL BLUE BROWN CHARTREUSE per pack 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 DARK ORANGE SHRIMP BLACK DARK GREEN YELLOW RED SEA BLUE WHITE ELECTRIC YELLOW BUVKTAIL WHITE FL CHARTREUSE Grizzly Fibre GF Long White Slinky Fibre 12” A no holds “barred” wispy winging material. ZSF2112 per pack 01 WHITE 02 SHRIMP 03 BROWN 04 WILD OLIVE 05 BAITFISH GREEN 06 LIGHT PURPLE 07 08 09 10 11 12 A 12 inch version in white. Put this on a hook and strip it! TEAL RED ORANGE HOT PINK DARK PURPLE ROYAL BLUE per pack Steve Farrar SF Blend FBL Subtle wave mixed with fine flashy strands of ice dub fibers. The Farrar blends are awsome! per pack Deadly Dazzle DDZ Great deadly winging material with subtle flash. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 per pack HOT PINK STEELHEAD SILVER WILD OLIVE MISTY GREEN MULLET BROWN WHITE MISTY BLUE AQUAMARINE GREEN RAINBOW ELECTRIC YELLOW NATURAL BELLY BLOOD RED LIGHT PURPLE SEA BLUE 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 LIGHT PINK CHARTREUSE TURQUOISE HOT ORANGE MISTY CAMEL PRAWN PINK MISTY BLACK ORANGE BLACK OLIVE BROWN RED DARK PURPLE SHADED CHARTREUSE 01 WHITE 02 GREY 03 YELLOW 04 ORANGE 05 OFF WHITE 06 WILD OLIVE 07 LIGHT PURPLE 08 LIGHT PINK 09 SHRIMP 10 NATURAL 11 CAMO 12 MISTY BLUE 13 SHADED CHARTREUSE 14 SEA BLUE 15 RAINBOW 16 BUCKTAIL WHITE 17 MULLET BROWN 18 HERRING BACK 19 VIOLET NIGHT 20 MIDNIGHT BLITZ 21 CHARTREUSE 22 OLIVE 23 REDFISH Toll Free Fax 24 ELECTRIC YELLOW 25 PINK 26 BROWN 27 RED 28 PEACOCK 29 MACKERAL 30 BLEEDING BLACK 31 BLEEDING YELLOW 32 BLEEDING PURPLE 33 BLEEDING RED 34 BLEEDING ORANGE 35 BLEEDING GREY 36 HOT ORANGE 37 BLEEDING MACKERAL 38 ANCHOVY 39 DARK GREEN 40 AQUAMARINE 41 SEAWEED 42 BRONZE BACK 43 FL CHARTREUSE 44 CHARTREUSE MOTTLED 45 BLACK 46 DARK PURPLE 1•877•448•9966 Flash N Slinky FNS Great wave for a full profile wing with subtle flash. 01 02 03 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 per pack DARK PURPLE GREEN GREY DARK ORANGE DARK GREEN LIGHT PINK ROYAL BLUE BLACK LIGHT PURPLE WHITE ORANGE YELLOW RED SEA BLUE PINK OLIVE BROWN CHARTREUSE SHRIMP MISTY BLUE MISTY GREEN 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 CAMO SHADED CHARTREUSE CHARTREUSE MOTTLED AQUAMARINE OFF WHITE NATURAL SEAWEED WILD OLIVE SILVER BACK ELECTRIC YELLOW REDFISH BUCKTAIL WHITE MULLET BROWN RAINBOW MACKERAL PEACOCK ANCHOVY HOT ORANGE FL CHARTREUSE BRONZE BACK 31 e-mail• [email protected] Frizz Fibre FZF A thinner version of slinky fiber with tighter shallower crimp. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 12 13 14 15 16 per pack YELLOW NATURAL ROYAL BLUE SEA BLUE RED RAINBOW GREEN CHARTREUSE HOT PINK BLACK ELECTRIC YELLOW DARK GREEN WHITE LIGHT PINK LIGHT OLIVE 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MISTY BLUE AQUAMARINE OLIVE PURPLE PRAWN PINK ORANGE PEACOCK BLACK HOT ORANGE GOLDEN BROWN WILD OLIVE REDFISH TAN BRONZE BACK Ice Dub Minnow Back Shimmer Fringe IDM Ice Dub Shimmer Fringe ISF We fused the ends of our Ice dub fibers which allows complete ease of use for winging and fly bodies. Trim a piece off, tie in, add some eyes, hit it with some Clear Cure Goo and fish! Unique color mixes from light to dark will add life and mobility to your minnow patterns. We fused the ends of our Ice dub fibers which allows complete ease of use for winging and fly bodies. Trim a piece off, tie in, add some eyes, hit it with some Clear Cure Goo and fish! per pkg. 1 CHARTREUSE PEACOCK BACK 2 HOT PINK PURPLE BACK 3 PEARL BRONZE HERRING BACK 4 PEARL DARK UV BLUE BACK 5 PEARL GRAY BRONZE BACK 6 PEARL OLIVE UV BLUE BACK 7 PEARL PEACOCK BACK 8 PEARL YELLOW BRONZE BACK 9 PINK BRONZE BACK 10 SHELL PINK HOT PINK BACK 11 YELLOW PEARL CHARTREUSE BACK per pkg. Fluoro Fibre FLF Fine fluorescent fibers will add extreme color to your patterns. 01 02 06 11 13 11 BLACK PEARL 83 DARK UV BLUE 127 FL CHARTREUSE 133 FL HOT PINK 140 FL SHELL PINK 234 MINNOW MIX PEARL 281 PEACOCK EYE 282 PEACOCK GREEN 284 PEARL 285 UV PEARL 362 UV STEELIE BLUE 383 YELLOW per pack WHITE FL PINK BROWN GREY CHARTREUSE 15 16 18 20 26 SHRIMP HOT PINK BLACK HOT ORANGE ELECTRIC YELLOW 8” Ice Wing Fiber IW ICE Fur IF Fish Scale FSC Long wispy fibers mixed with flash. per pack 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 WHITE BLACK GREY SHRIMP BROWN DARK GREEN RED ORANGE YELLOW LIGHT OLIVE 32 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PINK ROYAL BLUE BAITFISH GREEN SEA BLUE DARK PURPLE REDFISH OLIVE CHARTREUSE WILD OLIVE AQUAMARINE Great colors, length and sparkle make this the ultimate replacement for craft fur. Ties in great and moves like marabou. 11 40 51 54 130 131 137 165 187 211 263 289 per pkg. BLACK BROWN CAMEL TAN CHARTREUSE FL. FLAME FL. FUCHSIA FL. ORANGE GRAY HOT ORANGE LT. MINN. BLUE OLIVE PINK BONE. WING 296 298 310 325 341 350 356 POLAR BEAR CRM. PURPLE RED RUST ORANGUTAN SKY BLUE SILVER GRAY SILVER TAN SUPER GOTCHA 369 TAN 377 WHITE 383 YELLOW Toll Free Phone Order Line Our ice dub material in longer fiber length for use in streamers, nymphs, emergers and any patterns that you want to add a little extra flash to. It is 8 inches in length and just the right thickness. 8 11 23 24 127 133 140 153 165 169 187 200 203 212 233 per pkg. BAITFISH MIX BLACK BLUE STEELIE BLUE PURPLE BACK FL. CHARTREUSE FL. HOT PINK FL. SHELL PINK GOLD GRAY GREEN HOT ORANGE LAVENDER LT. BLUE SMOLT LIGHT OLIVE MIDNIGHT 1•800•448•9966 234 263 282 283 284 285 286 290 296 298 310 344 376 387 MINNOW BACK OLIVE PEACOCK EYE PEACOCK GREEN PEARL GREEN HUE PEARL RED HUE PEARL UV HUE PINK PEARL POLAR WIND PURPLE RED SILVER MINNOW MIX YELLOW PEARL www.hareline.com Greg Senyo holding a Laser Yarn lover. Brush n Wing Fibres BWF Great material to make your own brushes or great winging material. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 per pack WHITE SILVER YELLOW ORANGE WILD OLIVE SHRIMP CAMO MISTY BLUE SEA BLUE RAINBOW HERRING BACK VIOLET NIGHT MIDNIGHT CHARTREUSE OLIVE REDFISH ELECTRIC YELLOW GOLDEN BROWN RED 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 PEACOCK BAITFISH GREEN LIGHT OLIVE AQUAMARINE PRAWN PINK BLEEDING BLACK BLEEDING YELLOW BLEEDING PURPLE BLEEDING RED BLEEDING ORANGE BLEEDING GREY HOT ORANGE TAN UV BLACK UV PURPLE NATURAL ANCHOVY BRONZE BACK HOT PINK Senyo’s Shaggy Dub SSD Senyo’s Laser Yarn SL A unique custom mix that we have developed along with fly designer Greg Senyo. It can be used as wings, collars, dubbed bodies or veiled-wool style heads. It is a mix of Ice Dub and 3/4” to 1” acrylic staple fiber. A must for Salmon / Steelhead patterns. Micro size Life Flex that can be mixed in with any dubbing or used as is. Inserting Shaggy Dub in a dubbing loop is the best method for working with this product. You will end up with crazy buggy flies. 11 54 165 187 188 228 263 per pkg. 263* OLIVE 11* BLACK 273* PALE BLUE 40* BROWN 276* PALE PINK 102* DARK TAN 298* PURPLE 125* FL. BLUE 310* RED 127* FL. CHARTREUSE 323* RUSTY BRONZE 131* FL. FUCHSIA 337* SCULPIN OLIVE 132* FL. HOT ORANGE 340* SHRIMP PINK 165* GREY 171* GREEN CHARTREUSE 352* SILVER MINNOW BELLY 369* TAN 188* HOT PINK 377* WHITE 200* LAVENDER 383* YELLOW 212* LIGHT OLIVE Mirror Image MI A unique mix of bright trilobal and dull opaque fibers giving a very fishy look. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 per pack HOT PINK STEELHEAD SILVER WILD OLIVE SHADED CHARTREUSE MISTY GREEN MULLET BROWN WHITE MISTY BLUE AQUAMARINE GREEN RAINBOW ELECTRIC YELLOW NATURAL BELLY BLOOD RED LIGHT PURPLE SEA BLUE 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 REDFISH LIGHT PINK CHARTREUSE TURQUOISE DARK PURPLE HOT ORANGE MISTY BLACK MISTY CAMEL YELLOW PRAWN PINK RED BLACK BROWN OLIVE ORANGE per pkg. BLACK CHARTREUSE GRAY HOT ORANGE HOT PINK MED BROWN OLIVE 288 298 310 369 377 383 PHEASANT TAIL BROWN PURPLE RED TAN WHITE YELLOW Senyo’s Laser Yarn DISPENSER Hare’e Ice Dub™ Dispenser 12 colors with the * mark. 12 colors with the * mark. DUB30 DUB28 each per dispenser Hare’e Ice Dub™ HI A perfect mix of Hare’s Ear and Ice Dub. This will be as good a seller as our ever popular Ice Dub. SLF Master Class Dispenser Senyo’s Laser Yarn DISPENSER II Loaded with the top 30 colors of SLF Master Class dubbing. 12 colors with the * mark. DUB7 per dispenser DUB31 Toll Free Fax 11* 40* 49* 157* 165* 177* 178* 1•877•448•9966 each per pkg. BLACK 263* OLIVE BROWN 265* OLIVE BROWN CADDIS GREEN 282* PEACOCK GOLDEN BROWN 322 RUST GREY 325* RUSTY ORANGE HARDER’S BLOODY BLACK 369* TAN HARE’E EAR 377 WHITE 33 e-mail• Krystal Dub Dispenser [email protected] DUB6 Hareline Dubbin Dispenser per dispenser 12 colors with the * mark. KD Hareline Dubbin™ Loaded with all 12 colors. DUB5 per dispenser Krystal Dub™ Rabbit and flashabou dubbing blended together. per pkg. 11 49 62 94 165 178 228 263 265 283 322 369 BLACK CADDIS GREEN CINNAMON CADDIS DARK HARE'S EAR GRAY HARE'S EAR MED. BROWN OLIVE OLIVE BROWN PEACOCK GREEN RUST TAN Hare’s Ear Plus Dispenser DUB4 Loaded with all 12 colors. per Dispenser Hare’s Ear Plus Dubbin HET Rabbit and guard hairs make it very spiky along with antron for some added sparkle. 1 2 3 4 5 6 HD 100% rabbit hair perfectly blended and available in every color including 3 Hares Ear blends. 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* 6 7* 8 9 10 11* 12 13 14* 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24* 25* per pkg. LIGHT CAHILL MARCH BROWN ADAMS GRAY HARE'S EAR DK HARE'S EAR DARK DUN BLACK PALE YELLOW YELLOW BRT YELLOW OLIVE LIGHT OLIVE INSECT GREEN CADDIS GREEN ORANGE HOT ORANGE RUSTY ORANGE BROWN GREEN DAMSEL RED LIGHT GRAY STONEFLY RUST CHOC. BROWN CINN. CADDIS 26 27 28 29 30* 31 32 33 34* 35 36 37 38 39 43 46 47 49 O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 DARK OLIVE AMBER ANTIQUE GOLD OLIVE DUN OLIVE BROWN PURPLE OLIVE TAN SEAL BROWN OLIVE HARE'S EAR PEACOCK WHITE CREAM GOLDEN BROWN DK OLIVE BROWN GINGER HENDR. PINK HENDR. NYMPH MCK. CADDIS GREEN FL. ORANGE FL. CORAL FL. YELLOW FL. PINK FL. LIME GREEN FL. RED Angora Goat Dubbing AGD Coarse, spiky and ideal for stoneflies, salmon, steelhead and leech patterns. 11 40 48 63 72 106 114 127 129 137 139 149 per pkg. BLACK BROWN BURNT ORANGE CLARET CREAM DUN FIERY BROWN FL. CHARTREUSE FL. FIRE ORANGE FL. ORANGE FL. RED GINGER WHD 11 40 43 per pkg. BLACK BROWN BROWNISH TAN 265 OLIVE BROWN 369 TAN 377 WHITE per pkg. 7 TAN 8 CHOCOLATE BROWN 9 GOLD 10 OLIVE BROWN 11 DARK OLIVE 12 RUSTY ORANGE HARE'S EAR DARK HARE'S EAR INSECT GREEN BLACK REDDISH BROWN OLIVE Quick Descent Dub™ Dispenser DUB20 DUB3 per dispenser 12 colors with the * mark. per dispenser Quick Descent Dub™ Custom Blend Dub Dispenser Hare-Tron™ Dubbin each Rabbit hair with just the right amount of antron. DUB27 Custom Blend Dub CB A unique mix of Angora Goat Hair and Ice Dubbing. 34 GREEN HIGHL. GREEN HOT ORANGE KINGFISH. BLUE LIGHT OLIVE OLIVE OLIVE BROWN PURPLE RED WHITE YELLOW Woolhead Dubbing Hare-Tron Dubbin Dispenser 41 127 131 139 140 169 184 187 199 212 263 265 298 310 377 383 per pkg. BROWN STONE FL. CHARTREUSE FL. FUCHSIA FL. SHELL PINK FL. SHRIMP PINK 161 187 266 298 GOLDEN STONE HOT ORANGE OLIVE DRAGON PURPLE HT 1 2 3* 4 5* 6 7* 8 9* 10* 11* 12 13 per pkg. LIGHT CAHILL MARCH BROWN GRAY GOLDEN BROWN LT OLIVE BROWN DARK DUN BLACK PALE YELLOW YELLOW GOLDEN STONE OLIVE CREAMY GRAY OLIVE DUN 14* 15 16* 17* 18 19 20* 21 22* 23 24 25* 26 CADDIS GREEN PALE OLIVE DARK BROWN BURNT ORANGE GINGER DARK OLIVE SEAL BROWN LIGHT GRAY CINN. CADDIS OLIVE TAN OLIVE BROWN PINK SHRIMP MCK. CAD. GREEN Toll Free Phone Order Line QD Quick Descent Dub will get your fly down to where the fish are quicker than any other dubbing on the market. It is an all aluminum metal dubbing that dubs like butter and sinks like a rock. You can dub down to size 32 avoiding the bulkiness of lead. 49 67 95 153 212 per pkg. CADDIS GREEN COPPER DARK OLIVE GOLD LT OLIVE 1•800•448•9966 263 278 310 322 344 OLIVE PALE OLIVE RED RUST SILVER www.hareline.com Ice Dub Dispenser DUB13 Trout Ice Dub Dispenser Ice Dub 12 colors with the * mark. per dispenser Polar Dub Dispenser DUB22 DUB25 per dispenser ICE per dispenser This has been one of our best selling products. Great Sparkle and dubs beautifully. 12 colors with the * mark. Polar Dub per pkg. PD Sparkles and easy to work with! per pkg. 11* BLACK 40* BROWN 49* CADDIS GREEN 54* CHARTREUSE 95 DARK OLIVE 102* DARK TAN 168 GRAY OLIVE 212* LT. OLIVE 263* OLIVE 265* OLIVE BROWN 12 colors with the * mark. 266* LT. OLIVE DUN 271 ORANGE 279 PALE YELLOW 289 PINK 298 PURPLE 310* RED 322* RUST 369 TAN 377 WHITE TRANSP. 383* YELLOW 11** UV BLACK 23 BLUE STEELIE(SOLID) 40 UV BROWN 49** CADDIS GREEN 50 UV CALLIBAETIS 54** CHARTREUSE 59** CHOC BROWN 61** UV CINNAMON 63 CLARET 67 COPPER (SOLID) 95 UV DARK OLIVE 106* UV DUN 110 EMERALD GREEN(SOLID) 133* UV FL HOT PINK 134 FL LIME GREEN 142 FL YELLOW 153 GOLD (SOLID) 157**GOLDEN BROWN 165 UV GRAY 187* UV HOT ORANGE 189**HOT YELLOW 200* UV LAVENDER 210 UV LIGHT GRAY 212**UV LT. OLIVE 215** UV LT. YELLOW 234* MINNOW BELLY 263**OLIVE 265* OLIVE BROWN 271**ORANGE 282**PEACOCK 283**PEACOCK BLACK 284**PEARL 285**UV PEARL 286 PEARL RED HUE 288 PHEASANT TAIL 289* UV PINK 298* UV PURPLE 300 RED (SOLID) 310* UV RED 322 UV RUST 323**RUSTY BROWN 340* FL SHELL PINK 343**UV SHRIMP PINK 344**SILVER HOLO 345 SILVER (SOLID) 350 SILVER GREY 369**UV TAN STS Trilobal Dub Trout Dispenser DUB14 12 colors with the * mark. per dispenser STS Trilobal Dub Salmon Steelhead Dispenser DUB15 12 colors with the * mark. Dave Whitlock SLF Dubbing Dispenser Colors 1-12 per dispenser DUB11 per dispenser Ice Dub dispenser II DUB23 Dave Whitlock SLF Dispenser colors 13-24 12 colors with the * mark. per dispenser DUB17 per dispenser SLF Dave Whitlock Series DWS per pkg. 1 RFS NYMPH THORAX 2 RFS NYMPH ABDOM. 3 SOWBUG GRAY 4 SOWBUG TAN 5 SCUD SHRIMP GRAY 6 SCUD SHRIMP OLIVE 7 SCUD SHRIMP TAN 8 SCUD SH .OR. PINK 9 DRAGONFLY OLIVE 10 DRAG. DK NYMPH 11 DAM. NYM. OLIVE 12 DAMSEL NYM.TAN 13 GOLD. ST. NYMPH 14 BROWN ST.NYMPH 15 DARK ST. NYMPH 16 HELLGRAMMITE 17 SCULPIN OLIVE 18 SCUL. GOL. BROWN 19 CRAY. BROWN 20 CRAY. SANDY GRAY 21 CRAY. ORANGE 22 MINNOW BELLY 23 STONE NYM. GILLS 24 MINNOW GILLS Steelhead Ice Dub Dispenser DUB24 12 colors with the * mark. per dispenser Toll Free Fax 1•877•448•9966 “STS” Trilobal Salmon, Trout & Steelhead Dub TRI This Trilobal dubbing will add life and translucency to all your patterns. Bob has put together a great color range. 11** 22* 41* 48* 49* 62 63* 72 79* 87* 95* 114 126* 127* 130* 137* 138* per pkg. BLACK BLDY BLK LEECH BROWN STONE BURNT ORANGE CADDIS GREEN CINN. CADDIS CLARET CREAM DAMSEL GREEN DARK BROWN DARK OLIVE FIERY BROWN FL. CERISE FL. CHARTREUSE FL. FLAME FL. ORANGE FL. PINK 140* FL. SHELL PINK 142* FL. YELLOW 153 GOLD 161* GOLDEN STONE 165 GRAY 184 HIGHL. GREEN 187* HOT ORANGE 199 KINGFISHER BLUE 263* OLIVE 264* OLIVE BLK LEECH 265* OLIVE BROWN 298* PURPLE 310* RED 322 RUST 369 TAN 377 WHITE 383 YELLOW 35 e-mail• [email protected] Micro Fine Dry Fly Dub Dispenser DUB21 Hare’e Wiggle Dub™ Dispenser per dispenser Loaded with all 12 colors. DUB29 12 colors with the * mark. per dispenser Micro Fine Dry Fly Dub SMF Micro Fine Dry Fly Dub is cut short so that even the novice can precisely place the right amount of dubbing onto the thread without unwanted bulk. Small or even micro sized flies are no problem with this dubbing. 6* 8* 11 27* 28* 40 49 50* 61 182 206 per pkg. BAETIS GRAY BAETIS TAN BLACK BWO GRAY OLIVE BWO OLIVE BROWN CADDIS GREEN CALLIBAETIS CINNAMON HENDRICK. PINK LIGHT CAHILL 221* MAHOGANY DUN 277* PMD OLIVE DUN 278* PMD YELLOW 316* RED QUILL 323 RUSTY BROWN 328 RUSTY SPINNER 365* SULPH. ORANGE 366* SULPH. YELLOW 369 TAN 372* TRICO Hare’e Wiggle Dub™ Scud Dub HW SCUD Super bright and easy to dub. Picks out perfectly for all your scud & shrimp needs. 2 165 168 169 208 263 per pkg. AMBER GRAY GRAY OLIVE GRAY TAN LT. DUN OLIVE 265 271 278 289 341 369 OLIVE BROWN ORANGE PALE OLIVE PINK SHRIMP SCUD TAN If you want some movement in your flies you must try this dubbing. Ideally used in a dubbing loop. For tied down wiggle material try using the Wishbone Cutter/Bodkin and it will only cut fibers that have tension on it not loose material that scissors would cut through. 21 40 157 165 178 263 per pkg. BLOODY BLACK BROWN GOLDEN BROWN GREY HARE’E EAR OLIVE 265 282 322 325 369 384 OLIVE BROWN PEACOCK RUST RUSTY ORANGE TAN YELLOW OLIVE Scud Dub Dispenser DUB26 All 12 Scud Dub colors. per dispenser Super Sticky Deluxe Orange Tube Dubbing Wax WAX per tube Superfine Dry Fly Dispenser Regular Dubbing Wax WAX2 per tube DUB9 12 colors with the * mark. per dispenser Super Fine Dry Fly Dubbing SFDF The finest synthetic dubbing available. 1* 2* 11* 24* 28* 40* 49 50 62 102 159 168 per pkg. ADAMS GRAY AMBER BLACK BLUE DUN BLUE WING OLIVE BROWN CADDIS GREEN CALLIBAETIS CINN. CADDIS DARK TAN GOLDEN OLIVE GRAY OLIVE 36 182* HENDRICK.PINK 206* LIGHT CAHILL 222* MAHOG. BROWN 263* OLIVE 265* OLIVE BROWN 275* PALE EVEN. DUN 277 PALE MORN. DUN 279 PALE YELLOW 323 RUSTY BROWN 365 SULPHUR ORANGE 369 TAN 377 WHITE Rainbow Scud Dub RSD Loon Swax We dye and mix 4 colors to get this product. Looks great wet! 1 LIGHT SHADE per pkg. 2 DARK SHADE Toll Free Phone Order Line LN each LN85 HIGH TACK 1•800•448•9966 LN90 LOW TACK www.hareline.com Senyo’s Chrome Chaser Intruder Hareline’s Low Tack Wax LTW1 Large Tube Our own blend for treating thread or floss. per tube Hareline’s Low Tack Wax LTW2 Oval Travel Tube Our own blend for treating thread or floss. Ideal for the tying kit. per travel tube Senyo’s Predator Wrap A few winds is all you need to add movement to your flies with the Predator Wrap. Six neutral ranges which are easily colored with our copic or cad markers. Can also be wound with fibers facing foward and then folded back to give you pronounced shoulders as pictured below. Puncture a hole in the center of a Loon mixing cup, insert the eye, apply some new Clear Cure Goo Hydro Flex, UV cure it and you have a very translucent durable fly shape. PW Can add life to all your flies. per pack PW1 CLEAR PW2 UV PEARL PW3 UV SILVER PW1 PW3 Senyo’s Barred Predator Wrap PW2 BPW Two wraps is about all you will need to create very cool looking collars and bodies. BPW BPW1 BPW2 FPW2 Hareline’s Touch Dub Wax TDW1 Large Tube A super tacky wax. Senyo’s Predator Wrap per pkg. BLACK BARRED CLEAR BLACK BARRED UV FPW1 per tube Senyo’s Freckled Predator Wrap Hareline’s Touch Dub Wax TDW2 Oval Travel Tube Tacky, tacky, tacky. Ideal for the tying kit. per travel tube FPW BOX2 12 Comp. Drilled Dubbing Box 6 X 3 X 1” Toll Free Fax each 1•877•448•9966 A lion’s share of fibers to mess with. 4” long fibers. Collar it, Palmer it - it breathes! per pack FPW1 UV SPECKLED GOLD FPW2 UV SPECKLED SILVER 37 e-mail• Minnow Body Wrap MBW Chockletty good game changing stuff! per pkg 375 UV WHITE 284 PEARL WHITE [email protected] Krystal Flash Chenille Cactus Chenille CCM CCL Medium Large Like Ice Chenille with pearlescent fibers which make it sparkle. KC This chenille is made with our Krystal Flash and will create great fish catching bodies on your flies. 11 21 30 31 40 54 131 187 263 per 3 yard pkg. BLACK BLOOD RED BONEFISH PINK BONEFISH TAN BROWN CHARTREUSE FL. FUCHSIA HOT ORANGE OLIVE 282 284 297 298 325 343 362 383 PEACOCK PEARL PUMPKIN PURPLE RUSTY BROWN SHRIMP PINK STEELIE BLUE YELLOW 11 31 34 54 95 131 187 263 281 per 3 yard pkg. BLACK BONEFISH TAN BRIGHT GREEN CHARTREUSE DARK OLIVE FL. FUCHSIA HOT ORANGE OLIVE PEACHY FLESH 284 234 289 298 310 320 343 383 PEARL MINNOW BLUE PINK PURPLE RED ROOT BEER SHRIMP PINK YELLOW Speckled Crystal Chenille SCC Regular chenille speckled with flashabou. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 per 4 yard pkg. BLACK / BROWN BLACK / DK OLIVE COPPER / BROWN LIME / BLACK LIME / OLIVE PRL / BLACK PRL / FL. F. ORANGE PRL / FL.GREEN PRL / FL. HOT PINK PRL / FL. ORANGE 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 PRL/FL. PINK PRL / FL.RED PRL / WHITE RED / BLACK HALLOWEEN MIDNIGHT FIRE COPPER/BLACK GOLD/BLACK COPPER&GOLD/BLACK Ice Chenille™ ICM ICL Medium Large Very translucent and no pearl hue. 38 11 23 54 65 87 117 131 188 198 per 3 yard pkg. BLACK BLUE CHARTREUSE CLEAR DARK BROWN FIERY ORANGE FL. FUCHSIA HOT PINK KELLY GREEN 263 281 298 310 320 343 380 383 OLIVE PEACHY FLESH PURPLE RED ROOT BEER SHRIMP PINK WINE YELLOW Medium Krystal Flash Chenille KM This chenille is made with a thinner version of our Krystal Flash and will be used for everything from blue gill to tarpon flies. 11 21 30 31 40 54 131 187 263 per 3 yard pkg. BLACK BLOOD RED BONEFISH PINK BONEFISH TAN BROWN CHARTREUSE FL. FUCHSIA HOT ORANGE OLIVE 282 284 297 298 325 343 362 383 PEACOCK PEARL PUMPKIN PURPLE RUSTY BROWN SHRIMP PINK STEELIE BLUE YELLOW Midge Cactus Chenille MCC This has been one of our favorite materials for tying streamers, nymphs and emergers. Just the right amount of pearl reflection that can be wound tight to the hook shank or built up for body. per 4 yard pkg. 11 BLACK 31 BONEFISH TAN 49 CADDIS GREEN 72 CREAM 87 DARK BROWN 106 DUN GRAY 127 FL. CHARTREUSE 228 MEDIUM BROWN 263 OLIVE 266 OLIVE DUN 282 PEACOCK 298 PURPLE 310 RED 320 ROOT BEER 322 RUST 369 TAN Ice Dub Chenille IDC We have mixed Ice Dubbing and Antron to create this sparkling chenille. 11 40 54 212 263 271 per 3 yard pkg. BLACK BROWN CHARTREUSE LT. OLIVE OLIVE ORANGE 282 298 310 343 369 377 PEACOCK PURPLE RED SHRIMP PINK TAN PEARLY WHITE Toll Free Phone Order Line Holographic Cactus Chenille HOC Will brighten up any fly. Has a mix of Silver and Gold Holographic fibers. per 3 yard pkg. 11 DYED BLACK 40 DYED BROWN 263 DYED OLIVE 282 DYED PEACOCK 344 SILVER / GOLD 1•800•448•9966 www.hareline.com Polar Chenille™ PC Long translucent fibers that undulate like marabou in the water. Can be used for Saltwater, Trout, Steelhead, Salmon and Warmwater patterns. 2 11 40 54 63 65 125 130 137 147 187 per 5 yard pkg. AMBER BLACK BROWN CHARTREUSE CLARET CLEAR FL. BLUE FL. FLAME FL. ORANGE FUCHSIA HOT ORANGE 188 214 263 265 298 310 320 321 340 369 383 HOT PINK LIGHT PINK OLIVE OLIVE BROWN PURPLE RED ROOT BEER ROYAL BLUE SHELL PINK TAN YELLOW Baitfish Emulator Flash UV Polar Chenille PCUV A unique and attractive hue is achieved by dying our UV Polar Chenille. 11 40 54 67 131 153 187 188 per 3 yard pkg. BLACK BROWN CHARTREUSE COPPER UV FL. FUCHSIA GOLD UV HOT ORANGE HOT PINK 263 265 275 298 310 323 344 375 OLIVE OLIVE BROWN OLIVE COPPER UV PURPLE RED RUSTY COPPER UV SILVER UV UV PEARL BEF A beautiful mix of differently textured thin mylars with a specially treated edge for winding. All you need to do to make baitfish and other patterns is wind Emulator Flash two or three turns, tie off, add some Holographic Eyes, Clear Cure Goo and you have a great fish & customer catching fly. per 1 yard pkg. 11 BLACK 40 BROWN 127 FL. CHARTREUSE 131 FL. FUCHSIA 133 FL. HOT PINK 167 GRAY GHOST 187 HOT ORANGE 263 OLIVE 282 PEACOCK 284 PEARL BAITFISH 298 PURPLE 310 RED 321 ROYAL BLUE 322 RUST 369 TAN Medium Sized Polar Chenille™ MDP Medium length translucent fibers that undulate like marabou in the water. 2 11 40 54 63 65 137 147 187 per 5 yard pkg. 188 263 265 298 310 320 340 369 383 AMBER BLACK BROWN CHARTREUSE CLARET CLEAR FL. ORANGE FUCHSIA HOT ORANGE Medium Sized UV Polar Chenille™ HOT PINK OLIVE OLIVE BROWN PURPLE RED ROOT BEER SHELL PINK TAN YELLOW MUV This UV hued material can be incorporated into any pattern for a buggier and undulating movement when fished. 11 40 54 67 131 153 187 per 3 yard pkg. 188 263 265 298 310 344 375 BLACK BROWN CHARTREUSE COPPER UV FL. FUCHSIA GOLD UV HOT ORANGE HOT PINK OLIVE OLIVE BROWN PURPLE RED SILVER UV UV PEARL Krystal Hackle MKH Micro Polar Chenille PCM The micro size will allow you to tie smaller patterns like scuds, nymphs and bonefish flies 11 40 63 65 127 187 263 265 per 4 yard pkg. BLACK BROWN CLARET CLEAR FL. CHARTREUSE HOT ORANGE OLIVE OLIVE BROWN 310 325 332 333 343 369 383 LKH Medium Large This one sided synthetic hackle is easy to tie in and control. Can be used as hackle, legs and bodies. Swims like marabou when wet. Size medium is 1/2”-5/8” in fiber length and the large is 1”-1 1/4” in length. Micro UV Polar Chenille MU RED RUSTY ORANGE SCUD GRAY SCUD GRAY OLIVE SHRIMP PINK TAN YELLOW A micro version of our very popular UV Polar Chenille. per 4 yard pkg. 11 UV BLACK 40 UV BROWN 54 UV CHARTREUSE 147 UV FUCHSIA 187 UV HOT ORANGE 188 UV HOT PINK Toll Free Fax 263 UV OLIVE 265 UV OLIVE BROWN 298 UV PURPLE 310 UV RED 375 UV CLEAR 11 30 31 40 63 125 127 131 133 137 142 1•877•448•9966 per 3 yard pkg. BLACK BONEFISH PINK BONEFISH TAN BROWN CLARET FL. BLUE FL. CHARTREUSE FL. FUCHSIA FL. HOT PINK FL. ORANGE FL. YELLOW 165 187 263 265 298 310 325 343 377 383 GREY MINNOW/SHRIMP HOT ORANGE OLIVE OLIVE BROWN PURPLE RED RUSTY ORANGE SHRIMP PINK WHITE CLEAR YELLOW 39 www.hareline.com “Proof Hareline products Rock Big Fish!” Greg Senyo Mega BaitFish Emulator Flash Pearl MBEF The fiber length on this material is 5.5” and is fused on one edge to make winding easy. Perfect for larger streamers or intruder style flies. per pack Frizzle Chenille ZM Medium 3/8” 10mm ZL Large 5/8” 15mm ZW Wide 3/4” 20mm A full bodied mix of fiber and mylar that winds like a charm and will give you frizzy bodies. 11 31 40 54 131 187 188 263 per 1 yard pkg. UV BLACK BONEFISH TAN UV BROWN UV CHARTREUSE FL FUCHSIA UV HOT ORANGE UV HOT PINK OLIVE 265 282 283 284 298 310 343 375 OLIVE BROWN PEACOCK PEACOCK BLACK PEARL GREEN HUE UV PURPLE RED UV SHRIMP PINK UV PEARL Pearl Cactus Hackle LCH LARGE XCH X-LARGe Can be used in many ways for salt or freshwater patterns. per 3 yard pkg. Sparkle Pseudo Hackle™ 1/2” SPHN This product has cross fibers that need to be removed prior to tying in. These cross fibers create a wave in the trilobal fibers during heat treatment in the production stage. $1.77 per 4 yard pkg. Sparkle Pseudo Hackle™ 1 1/2” SPHW 1 1/2” wide for larger flies. Pseudo Hackle™ 1/2” PHN Pseudo Hackle™ is ready to use out of the package. Trim one edge to shape, tie in and wind away. We have had this product manufactured out of bright trilobal fibers for a nice bright sheen. per 4 yard pkg. Pseudo Hackle™ 1 1/2” 11 40 54 63 65 131 137 184 187 188 per 4 yard pkg. BLACK BROWN CHARTREUSE CLARET CLEAR WHITE FL. FUCHSIA FL. ORANGE HIGHLANDER GREEN HOT ORANGE HOT PINK 199 229 263 265 298 310 343 369 383 KINGFISHER BLUE MEDIUM DUN OLIVE OLIVE BROWN PURPLE RED SHRIMP PINK TAN YELLOW PHW 40 per 4 yard pkg. BLACK BROWN CHARTREUSE CLARET CLEAR WHITE FL. FUCHSIA FL. ORANGE HIGHLANDER GREEN HOT ORANGE HOT PINK 199 229 263 265 298 310 343 369 383 KINGFISHER BLUE MEDIUM DUN OLIVE OLIVE BROWN PURPLE RED SHRIMP PINK TAN YELLOW Woolly Chenille WC Very buggy! 11 40 95 per 5 yard pkg. BLACK BROWN DARK OLIVE WH Tie in a section on the top and bottom of the hook, comb out and you are done. Applied using a dubbing loop will give you beautiful hackle imitating effects. It is a multistrand flash material that will flow and taper nicely on any Intruder or wet style fly. At 1 1/2” wide it is ideal for larger patterns be it for fresh or saltwater. 11 40 54 63 65 131 137 184 187 188 Senyo’s Wacko Hackle 212 LIGHT OLIVE 263 OLIVE 278 PALE OLIVE Toll Free Phone Order Line 11 23 34 36 54 67 99 147 per pkg. of 4 yards BLACK BLUE BRIGHT PURPLE BRIGHT RED CHARTEUSE COPPER DARK RED FUCHSIA 1•800•448•9966 153 169 284 289 298 306 344 359 GOLD GREEN PEARL PINK PURPLE RAINBOW MIX SILVER SMOLT BLUE e-mail• [email protected] Variegated Chenille VC per pkg. 11 BLACK / BROWN 12 BLACK / COFFEE 13 BLACK / OLIVE 17 BLACK / YELLOW 43 BROWN / YELLOW 54 CHARTREUSE/BLACK Fine Carded Chenille CHF per pkg. Flies like the Polar Shrimp, Green Butt Skunk and Wooly Bugger call for this core product. 11 BLACK 40 BROWN 87 DARK BROWN 95 DARK OLIVE 149 GINGER 210 LIGHT GRAY 212 LIGHT OLIVE 129* FL. FIRE ORANGE 132* FL. GREEN 136* FL. NEON RED 137* FL. ORANGE 97 DK OLIVE / YELLOW 131 FUCHSIA / BLACK 137 FL ORANGE / BLACK 265 OLIVE / BROWN 271 ORANGE / BLACK 140* FL. SHRIMP PINK 141* FL. WHITE 142* FL. YELLOW 271 ORANGE 289 PINK 298 PURPLE 310 RED 369 TAN 377 WHITE 383 YELLOW Bulk Chenille Skeins BC Ultra Chenille UCMD UCS UCM Standard Medium Micro A velvety chenille with a nylon core. 11 40 48 49 95 126 127 129 137 138 139 142 per 5 yard pkg. *N/A in Medium *N/A in Micro BLACK BROWN BURNT ORANGE CADDIS GREEN DARK OLIVE FL. CERISE FL. CHARTREUSE FL. FIRE ORANGE FL. ORANGE FL. PINK FL. RED FL. YELLOW 210* LIGHT GRAY 212 LIGHT OLIVE 263 OLIVE 271 ORANGE 298 PURPLE 310 RED 369 TAN 377 WHITE 380 WINE 381 WORM BROWN 382 WORM GREEN 383* YELLOW Size Medium Only. Skeins are 72 yards. Medium Carded Chenille CHM per pkg. 11 BLACK 40 BROWN 66 COFFEE 72 CREAMY POLAR BEAR 87 DARK BROWN 95 DARK OLIVE 129* FL. FIRE ORANGE 132* FL. GREEN 136* FL. NEON RED 137* FL. ORANGE 140* FL. SHRIMP PINK 141* FL. WHITE 142* FL. YELLOW 147 FUCHSIA/PURPLE 149 GINGER 193 INSECT GREEN 210 LIGHT GRAY 212 LIGHT OLIVE 271 ORANGE 289 PINK 298 PURPLE 310 RED 362 STEELY BLUE 369 TAN 377 WHITE 383 YELLOW 11 40 87 95 129* 132* 136* 137* 140* 142* per skein BLACK BROWN DARK BROWN DARK OLIVE FL. FIRE ORANGE FL. GREEN FL. NEON RED FL. ORANGE FL. SHRIMP PINK FL. YELLOW 212 271 289 298 310 369 377 380 383 LIGHT OLIVE ORANGE PINK PURPLE RED TAN WHITE WINE YELLOW Solid & Krystal Tinsel Chenille STPC 11 67 69 95 127 137 138 153 VELF 11 BLACK 40 BROWN 66 COFFEE 87 DARK BROWN 95 DARK OLIVE 212 LIGHT OLIVE 271 ORANGE 298 PURPLE 310 RED 377 WHITE 383 YELLOW 187 263 284 298 306 310 344 383 HOT ORANGE OLIVE PEARL PURPLE RAINBOW RED SILVER YELLOW VELS Small Fine Micro This chenille has a sparkle like no other. Will work for everything from weaving Bitch Creek’s to Palomino Midges. Super strong and a great color selection. per pkg. BLACK COPPER COPPER BROWN DARK OLIVE FL. CHARTREUSE FL. ORANGE FL. PINK GOLD Velvet Chenille VELM Large Carded Chenille CHL per pkg. EZ Magic Dub EMD per 5 yard pkg. *not available in Small BLACK 11 BLOOD RED 21 44 BUBBLEGUM PINK 54 CHARTREUSE 63 CLARET 95* DARK OLIVE 129 FL. FIRE ORANGE 131 FL. FUCHSIA 133 FL. HOT PINK 187 HOT ORANGE Toll Free Fax 212 LIGHT OLIVE 226*MCKENZIE CAD. GREEN 263 OLIVE 265 OLIVE BROWN 286 POOPAH BROWN 298 PURPLE 323 RUSTY BROWN 331 SAN JUAN RED 382 WORM BROWN 383*YELLOW 1•877•448•9966 This is our new version of Magic Dub. Great for Palomino midges and small patterns. 11 49 54 59 229 263 265 per 2 yard pkg. BLACK CADDIS GREEN CHARTREUSE CHOCOLATE BROWN MEDIUM GRAY OLIVE OLIVE BROWN 271 310 322 331 369 383 ORANGE RED RUST SAND TAN YELLOW 41 e-mail• Trilobal Antron Chenille Vibrant and expansive color range available in three sizes. This product is manufactured exclusively for Hareline, using our highly reflective Trilobal Antron. Flat Diamond Braid FD Dyed Pearl Diamond Braid DP Trilobal Antron Chenille ACS Small 11 40 63 95 125 127 129 131 133 137 139 per 4 yard pkg. BLACK BROWN CLARET DARK OLIVE FL. BLUE FL. CHARTREUSE FL. FIRE ORANGE FL. FUCHSIA FL. HOT PINK FL. OREGON CHEESE FL. SHELL PINK 142 187 263 265 271 298 310 323 369 377 383 FL. YELLOW HOT ORANGE OLIVE OLIVE BROWN ORANGE PURPLE RED RUSTY BROWN TAN WHITE YELLOW [email protected] 11 23 31 49 63 124 127 133 137 140 142 147 181 182 per 4 yard package BLACK BLUE BONEFISH TAN CADDIS GREEN CLARET FL. CHUM GREEN FL. CHARTREUSE FL. HOT PINK FL. ORANGE FL. SHRIMP PINK FL. YELLOW FUCHSIA HOLO. BLACK HOLO. CLARET 183 184 185 186 228 263 271 282 284 298 310 320 383 HOLO. GOLD HOLO. GREEN HOLO. RED HOLO. SILVER MEDIUM BROWN OLIVE ORANGE PEACOCK PEARL PURPLE RED ROOTBEER YELLOW 11 54 153 271 284 298 per 4 yard pkg. BLACK CHARTREUSE GOLD ORANGE PEARL PURPLE 310 320 343 344 383 RED ROOTBEER SHRIMP PINK SILVER YELLOW Trilobal Antron Chenille ACM Medium 11 40 63 95 125 127 129 131 133 137 139 Pearl Core Braid per 4 yard pkg. BLACK BROWN CLARET DARK OLIVE FL. BLUE FL. CHARTREUSE FL. FIRE ORANGE FL. FUCHSIA FL. HOT PINK FL. OREGON CHEESE FL. SHELL PINK 142 187 263 265 271 298 310 323 369 377 383 FL. YELLOW HOT ORANGE OLIVE OLIVE BROWN ORANGE PURPLE RED RUSTY BROWN TAN WHITE YELLOW PCB Solid Diamond Braid Tinsel DBTE per pkg. 153 GOLD 218 LIME GREEN Trilobal Antron Chenille 287 PEARLESCENT 344 SILVER ACL Large 11 40 63 95 125 127 129 131 133 137 139 A thin pearl braid with a dyed core giving a dual color depth that will add that little extra to any Fresh Water or Salt Water pattern. 11 40 54 79 167 263 271 per 3 yard pkg. BLACK BROWN CHARTREUSE DAMSEL BLUE GRAY GHOST OLIVE ORANGE 284 289 298 310 320 369 383 PEARL WHITE PINK PURPLE RED ROOT BEER TAN YELLOW per 3 yard pkg. BLACK BROWN CLARET DARK OLIVE FL. BLUE FL. CHARTREUSE FL. FIRE ORANGE FL. FUCHSIA FL. HOT PINK FL. OREGON CHEESE FL. SHELL PINK 142 187 263 265 271 298 310 323 369 377 383 FL. YELLOW HOT ORANGE OLIVE OLIVE BROWN ORANGE PURPLE RED RUSTY BROWN TAN WHITE YELLOW Midge Diamond Braid MDB A midge version of our popular Diamond Braid. You can tie everything from midges to Bonefish flies with this material. Holographic Braid HOB A holographic version of our diamond braid. If you want to make your flies sparkle this will do it. per pkg. 42 BLACK HOLO. 11 63 CLARET HOLO. 153 GOLD HOLO. 169 GREEN HOLO. 310 RED HOLO. 345 SILVER HOLO. 11 23 31 49 63 72 87 106 124 127 133 140 142 per package BLACK BLUE BONEFISH TAN CADDIS GREEN CLARET CREAM DARK BROWN DUN GRAY FL. CHUM GREEN FL. CHARTREUSE FL. HOT PINK FL. SHRIMP PINK FL. YELLOW 228 263 266 271 282 284 298 310 320 322 369 383 MEDIUM BROWN OLIVE OLIVE DUN ORANGE PEACOCK PEARL PURPLE RED ROOTBEER RUST TAN YELLOW Toll Free Phone Order Line Micro Pearl Core Braid MPC This is a micro version of our very popular pearl core braid. The micro size will allow you to tie smaller patterns per pkg. 11 40 54 79 167 263 271 4 yards per pkg. BLACK BROWN CHARTREUSE DAMSEL BLUE GRAY GHOST OLIVE ORANGE 1•800•448•9966 284 289 298 310 320 369 383 PEARL PINK PURPLE RED ROOT BEER TAN YELLOW www.hareline.com Pseudo Herl™ 1/4” Chironomid Braid per 4 yard pkg. Pseudo Herl™ 1/2” A woven braid that will lay flat and give you just the right sheen. PRLN 11 54 153 282 PRLW This 1/2” herl will give you beautiful bodies. 11 21 40 65 127 131 133 137 140 187 214 per 4 yard pkg. BLACK BLOOD RED BROWN CLEAR WHITE FL. CHARTREUSE FL. FUCHSIA FL. HOT PINK FL. ORANGE FL. SHRIMP PINK HOT ORANGE LIGHT PINK 229 263 265 272 282 298 310 350 369 382 383 MEDIUM DUN OLIVE OLIVE BROWN OREGON CHEESE PEACOCK PURPLE RED SILVER GRAY TAN WORM BROWN YELLOW CH PolyPro McFlylon per pkg. Bright wavy Polypropoline. It floats! Can be used for strike indicators, parachutes, stonefly & terrestrial underwings. BLACK CHARTREUSE GOLD PEACOCK PEARL 284 310 344 369 FLY PEARL RED PEARL SILVER TAN PEARL 11 23 24 25 40 48 52 67 132 153 157 per pkg. BLACK BLUE BLUE DUN BLUE SEA BROWN BURNT ORANGE CERISE COPPER FL. GREEN GOLD GOLDEN BROWN 165 207 218 263 271 289 298 310 377 383 GREY TAN / LT COPPER LIME OLIVE ORANGE PINK PURPLE RED WHITE YELLOW Hareline Para Post Wing™ PPW Good for emerger cases, parachute post and split wing dry flies. Water Shed Treated! 40 62 92 127 137 142 Midge Ice Braid MIB A clear non iridescent version of our midge diamond braid. For a translucent look on flies. 11 40 63 65 95 125 126 127 133 137 140 per pkg. BLACK BROWN CLARET CLEAR DARK OLIVE FL. BLUE FL. CERISE FL. CHARTREUSE FL. HOT PINK FL. ORANGE FL. SHRIMP PINK 142 169 187 263 298 310 320 350 369 383 FL. YELLOW GREEN CADDIS HOT ORANGE OLIVE PURPLE RED ROOT BEER SILVER GRAY GHOST TAN YELLOW per pkg. BROWN CADDIS CINNAMON CADDIS DARK GRAY FL. CHARTREUSE FL. ORANGE FL. YELLOW 188 210 229 262 377 HOT PINK LIGHT GRAY MEDIUM DUN NORM WOODS SPECIAL WHITE Polypro Floating Yarn PF per 4.5 yard pkg. BLACK 11 210 LIGHT GRAY 271 ORANGE 377 WHITE Antron Yarn AY 11 48 49 63 72 87 95 134 137 140 per spool BLACK BURNT ORANGE CADDIS GREEN CLARET CREAM DARK BROWN DARK OLIVE FL. LIME GREEN FL. ORANGE FL. SHRIMP PINK 141 153 165 205 263 266 298 310 322 369 FL. WHITE GOLD GRAY LIGHT BROWN OLIVE OLIVE DUN PURPLE RED RUST TAN Uni Mohair UME A nice fuzzy material for leech patterns, steelhead & salmon flies. Easy to use! 11 40 72 165 per spool 210 263 310 380 BLACK BROWN CREAM GRAY LIGHT GRAY OLIVE RED WINE Ice Braid IB Uni Yarn A clear non iridescent version of our diamond braid. For a translucent look on flies. 11 40 48 63 65 72 95 125 126 127 133 per pkg. BLACK BROWN BURNT ORANGE CLARET CLEAR CREAM DARK OLIVE FL. BLUE FL. CERISE FL. CHARTREUSE FL. HOT PINK 142 169 187 263 298 310 320 350 369 383 UYE Darlon DAR FL. YELLOW GREEN CADDIS HOT ORANGE OLIVE PURPLE RED ROOT BEER SILVER GRAY GHOST TAN YELLOW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 per pkg. WHITE PEARL BLACK LIGHT DUN MEDIUM DUN OLIVE DARK GREEN TAN GOLD SHRIMP ORANGE DARK BROWN RUSTY BROWN Toll Free Fax 14 15 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 BRIGHT RED ORANGE YELLOW FL. GREEN FL. CHARTREUSE FL. HOT PINK FL. ORANGE AMBER DARK DUN CLARET LIGHT OLIVE BLUE DUN 1•877•448•9966 Great color selection. A very smooth yarn and a good choice for salmon, steelhead and traditional wet flies. 11 40 48 54 58 72 87 92 137 142 153 per spool BLACK BROWN BURNT ORANGE CHARTREUSE CHINESE RED CREAM DARK BROWN DARK GRAY FL. ORANGE FL. YELLOW GOLD 165 174 184 193 214 263 279 298 310 367 380 GRAY GREEN OLIVE HIGHL. GREEN INSECT GREEN LIGHT PINK OLIVE PALE YELLOW PURPLE RED SUN YELLOW WINE 43 e-mail• [email protected] Half Round Rib Small DR1 Stretchy like the tubing but a solid half round D shape. Poly Pro Braid PPB Bodies, wings and more. Sparkle Emerger Yarn SEY Nice crinkly trilobal antron dyed to match mayfly and caddis emerger colors. 2 11 40 48 65 72 95 142 149 per pkg. AMBER BLACK BROWN BURNT ORANGE CLEAR WHITE CREAM DK. OLIVE DUN FL YELLOW GINGER 165 212 215 263 265 271 279 369 11 47 54 79 GRAY LIGHT OLIVE LT. TAN OLIVE OLIVE BROWN ORANGE PALE YELLOW TAN per pkg. BLACK BURLAP TAN CHARTREUSE DAMSEL BLUE 142 153 271 377 FL YELLOW GOLD ORANGE WHITE Micro Hollow Tubing TUB1 2 11 21 40 54 65 90 140 165 209 per pkg. AMBER BLACK BLOOD RED BROWN CHARTREUSE CLEAR DK GOLD STONE SHRIMP PINK GRAY LT GOLD STONE 212 263 265 271 281 298 310 322 369 383 LIGHT OLIVE OLIVE OLIVE BROWN ORANGE PEACH PURPLE RED RUST TAN YELLOW Half Round Rib Medium DR2 2 11 21 40 54 65 90 140 165 209 212 per pkg. AMBER BLACK BLOOD RED BROWN CHARTREUSE CLEAR DK GOLD STONE SHRIMP PINK GRAY LT GOLD STONE LIGHT OLIVE 263 265 271 281 289 298 310 322 369 383 OLIVE OLIVE BROWN ORANGE PEACH PINK PURPLE RED RUST TAN YELLOW Great for Charleys, Nymphs and Stoneflies. Swiss Straw SS 2 11 65 40 54 67 per 4.5 yard pkg. AMBER BLACK CLEAR BROWN CHARTREUSE COPPER 72 87 95 165 271 CREAM DARK BROWN DARK OLIVE GRAY ORANGE Ice Stretch Lace SLS SLM Small Medium Clear solid round Ice Stretch does not have a memory and will taper under your command. Will tie from large saltwater to small midge flies. 44 2 11 40 54 65 263 per pkg. AMBER BLACK BROWN CHARTREUSE CLEAR OLIVE 271 289 310 320 369 ORANGE PINK RED ROOT BEER TAN 11 23 21 40 402 54 65 72 90 165 209 212 per pkg. BLACK BLUE BLOOD RED BROWN BUCKSKIN CHARTREUSE CLEAR CREAM DK GOLD. STONE GRAY LT GOLD. STONE LIGHT OLIVE 221 263 265 271 282 401 298 310 322 369 377 383 MAHOGANY OLIVE OLIVE BROWN ORANGE PEACOCK PHEASANT TAIL PURPLE RED RUST TAN WHITE YELLOW Midge Hollow Tubing TUB2 11 21 23 402 40 54 65 72 90 165 209 212 221 per pkg. BLACK BLOOD RED BLUE BUCKSKIN BROWN CHARTREUSE CLEAR CREAM DK GOLD. STONE GRAY LT GOLD. STONE LIGHT OLIVE MAHOGANY 263 265 271 282 401 289 298 310 322 369 377 383 OLIVE OLIVE BROWN ORANGE PEACOCK PHEASANT TAIL PINK PURPLE RED RUST TAN WHITE YELLOW VRS Midge 2 11 40 54 65 138 165 169 Vinyl Rib VRR VRM Nymph per spool AMBER BLACK BROWN CHARTREUSE CLEAR FL PINK GREY GREEN Medium 263 271 310 322 341 369 383 OLIVE ORANGE RED RUST SHRIMP TAN YELLOW Standard Hollow Tubing TUB3 11 21 23 40 54 65 90 165 209 212 221 per pkg. BLACK BLOOD RED BLUE BROWN CHARTREUSE CLEAR DK GOLD. STONE GRAY LT GOLD. STONE LIGHT OLIVE MAHOGANY 263 265 271 281 282 289 298 310 322 369 383 OLIVE OLIVE BROWN ORANGE PEACH PEACOCK PINK PURPLE RED RUST TAN YELLOW Toll Free Phone Order Line Clear Stretchy Fly Skin SFS65 SFM65 SFW65 Small 1/8” Medium 1/4” Wide 3/4” Crystal clear and very durable. Easily accepts colors from markers or can be used as is to show through the underlying body or fly color. 1•800•448•9966 per 1 yard pkg. www.hareline.com Prism Scale Film PSF Scud Back™ 8SB 4SB Adhesive backed clear vinyl film with fishy prism scale effects. 1/8” 1/4” This has been one of our top selling products and has many uses. 11 40 54 65 95 165 212 per pkg. PSF1 SMALL SCALE PSF2 MEDIUM SCALE per 1 yard pkg. BLACK BROWN CHARTREUSE CLEAR DARK OLIVE GRAY LIGHT OLIVE 271 289 310 366 369 383 ORANGE PINK RED SUMMER DUCK TAN YELLOW PSF3 LARGE SCALE Thin Wing TN Ideal for upright wing patterns. Thin enough to avoid the helicopter effect when casting. Cuts like butter with the RiverRoad Creations cutters. 3”x9” piece. Veiny Wing Material VW Micro thin veiny sheets for wing cut outs. 11 89 208 215 per pkg. 229 MEDIUM DUN 369 TAN 377 WHITE BLACK DARK DUN LT. DUN LT. YELLOW per pack of 3 colors UV Chewee Skin UV A UV-A reflective pliable material that can be cut to shape and used for bodies, wingcases or any way you please. 11 23 40 49 54 65 72 152 165 263 UV UV UV UV UV UV UV UV UV UV per pkg. BLACK BLUE BROWN CADDIS GREEN CHARTREUSE CLEAR CREAM GLOW IN DARK GRAY OLIVE 271 281 289 298 310 322 369 377 383 UV UV UV UV UV UV UV UV UV ORANGE PEACH PINK PURPLE RED RUST TAN WHITE YELLOW Thick Wing TK Crystal Skin Thin CSF This thin crystal clear skin is used for overcoating the medium and thick skin if marking pens multiple layers are used. per pkg. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PEARLESCENT OPAL HOLO SILVER HOLO GOLD Ideal for down wing patterns like caddis, hoppers and stoneflies. Cuts like butter with the RiverRoad Creations cutters. 3”x9” piece. 2 11 40 89 per pkg. AMBER BLACK BROWN DARK DUN 212 215 369 377 LT. OLIVE LT. YELLOW TAN WHITE HOLO BLUE MOSS GREEN COPPER CRYSTAL CLEAR Crystal Skin Medium CSM Fino Skin FN An elastic transparent fly tying material for use on Scudbacks, wing cases, nymph bodies, shrimp and crayfish shell bodies, etc. Has paper backing to facilitate cutting to desired shape. Can be used on flies from 2/0 to 22’s. 11 40 65 165 174 232 233 per pkg. BLACK BROWN CLEAR GREY GREEN OLIVE MOTTLED LT DUN MOTTLED MED DUN 234 235 236 271 310 369 383 MOTTLED OLIVE MOTTLED TAN MOTTLED YELLOW ORANGE RED TAN YELLOW 1 2 3 4 per pkg. PEARLESCENT OPAL HOLO SILVER HOLO GOLD 5 6 7 8 HOLO BLUE MOSS GREEN COPPER CRYSTAL CLEAR Crystal Skin Thick CST The thick Crystal Skin is ideal for larger saltwater and bass flies 1 2 3 4 per pkg. PEARLESCENT OPAL HOLO SILVER HOLO GOLD Toll Free Fax 5 6 7 8 HOLO BLUE MOSS GREEN COPPER NATURAL 1•877•448•9966 No-Fray Wing Material NF This material can be cut to shape without the worry of it falling apart. Ideal for Hoppers, Caddis and Salmon flies. Has a great sparkle! per pkg. 11 BLACK 89 DARK DUN 208 LIGHT DUN 229 MEDIUM DUN 369 TAN 377 WHITE 45 e-mail• [email protected] Adhesive Backed Ice Dub Shimmer Sheer Embossed pearl Flashback EF per pkg. AID Can be used for backs, cheeks and bodies. The adhesive back helps hold it in place to tie down or coat with Clear Cure Goo. Great Color Range! Web Wing WW 1 2 3 4 per pkg. WHITE LIGHT DUN MEDIUM DUN BLACK 5 6 7 8 TAN HOPPER YELLOW BROWN OLIVE per pkg. 11 BLACK 83 DARK UV BLUE 127 FL CHARTREUSE 133 FL HOT PINK 140 FL SHELL PINK 175 GREEN PEARL 234 MINNOW MIX PEARL 263 OLIVE 281 PEACOCK EYE 282 PEACOCK GREEN 284 PEARL 285 UV PEARL 310 UV RED 359 SMOLT BLUE 362 UV STEELIE BLUE 383 YELLOW Flashyback FBK Dyed Pearlescent sheets. 11 40 67 165 263 265 271 per pkg. BLACK BROWN COPPER GRAY OLIVE OLIVE BROWN ORANGE 282 284 289 310 322 369 383 PEACOCK PEARL PINK RED RUST TAN YELLOW Mottled Web Wing WW Mottled for realistic imitation. 9 TAN 10 LT. DUN 11 MED. DUN Clear Wing per pkg. CW 12 HOPPER YELLOW 13 BROWN per pkg. Ice Dub Shimmer Sheer IDS Can be used for backs, cheeks and bodies. Flattened, fused and sheer. per pkg. 11 BLACK PEARL 263 OLIVE 281 PEACOCK EYE 284 PEARL 285 UV PEARL Mirage Sheet FLA per pkg. 3390 OPAL SHEET 3391 CRINKLE OPAL SHEET Dura Skin DS Sparkle Organza SO Very bright strong fibers are easy to tease apart and can be used for emergers, dries and even streamer wings. per pkg. 46 36 BRIGHT RED 124 FL. BRIGHT GREEN 38 BRILLIANT WHITE 135 FL. NEON PINK 106 DUN 369 TAN A very thin textured vinyl that ties in nice and can be used as wing cases, shrimp shells or wound for bodies. 10 11 40 65 162 193 208 per pkg. BEIGE BLACK BROWN CLEAR GOLDEN YELLOW INSECT GREEN LT. DUN 229 263 271 310 340 369 383 Toll Free Phone Order Line MEDIUM DUN OLIVE ORANGE RED SHELL PINK TAN YELLOW Edge Bright™ EB Cut into thin strips then wrapped over silver tinsel will give you sharp glowing edges. per pkg. 132 FL. GREEN 137 FL. ORANGE 1•800•448•9966 139 FL. RED www.hareline.com Medallion Sheeting Adhesive Backed Thin Furry Foam MED ABF Thin film that has a slight mottled buggy look. Great for wings and wing cases. 40 65 89 208 per pkg. BUGGY BROWN CLEAR BUGGY DARK DUN BUGGY LT DUN 229 BUGGY MEDIUM DUN 263 BUGGY OLIVE 369 BUGGY TAN Great for bonefish & permit crabs. Can be wound on as fly bodies and sticks to virtually anything. Very durable and can be cut with our River Road cutters. 11 40 54 87 163 165 196 per pkg. BLACK BROWN CHARTREUSE DARK BROWN GOLDEN YELLOW GREY IVORY 212 263 271 322 331 369 LT. OLIVE OLIVE ORANGE RUST SAND TAN Thin Fly Foam 2mm 2FF 11 23 40 54 92 153 183 193 210 212 per pkg. BLACK BLUE BROWN CHARTREUSE DARK GRAY GOLD FLESH INSECT GREEN LIGHT GRAY LIGHT OLIVE 263 271 289 298 310 320 369 377 383 OLIVE ORANGE PINK PURPLE RED ROOT BEER TAN WHITE YELLOW Pearlescent Sheets PRS per pkg. Furry Foam FUF 11 40 72 87 95 127 per pkg. BLACK BROWN CREAM DARK BROWN DARK OLIVE FL. CHARTREUSE 1/8” Evazote Foam 212 238 271 322 369 383 LIGHT OLIVE MOSS GREEN ORANGE RUST TAN YELLOW EVA This closed cell foam floats great. Takes permanent markers well. 11 per pkg. BLACK 377 WHITE J:Son Colored WIng Material Set JCWM Colored wing material in four colors: olive, sulphur, tan and dun. All J:son’s wing materials are non-toxic and harmless to use when burning. per set Micro Thin Foam MTF Very thinly shaven foam. Great for underwraps or smaller flies 11 BLACK 263 OLIVE per pkg. 369 TAN J:Son Colored Foam Selections RC Frog Foam per set Pre marked and perfect for use with the River Road Cutters. Each package contains 6 sheets of 1 mm and 6 sheets of 2 mm foam in selected colors. RCC RCG RCM RCS CADDIS COLOR SELECTION GENERIC COLOR SELECTION MAYFLY COLOR SELECTION STONEFLY SELECTION FRF Ultra Thin (1.5mm) Fly Foam 1FF 11 BLACK Toll Free Fax per pkg. 377 WHITE 1•877•448•9966 per pkg. 263 OLIVE 369 TAN 383 YELLOW 47 e-mail• River Road Foam Cylinders CYX CYS CYM CYL CYXL X-Small Small Medium Large X-Large 1/4” 5/16” 3/8” 7/16” 1/2” For use with Krebs Popper Jig tool from River Road Creations. 1.5” in length. 11 23 54 263 per pkg. of 6 BLACK BLUE CHARTREUSE OLIVE 271 310 377 383 ORANGE RED WHITE YELLOW [email protected] Stealth Bomber Popper Diver Foam Body Cutter River Road Crawfish Bodies Cutter Set CBSET ESB Design for creating foam bodies for the Stealth Bomber. ESB2 ESB6 SIZE 2 SIZE 6 ESB10 ESBSET SIZE 10 COMPLETE SET STP Frog™ Foam Body Cutter STP This pattern was developed by Tony Tomsu, owner of River Road Creations, and has been catching everything from Bluegills, Bass, Snook Jacks and Permit. River Road Crawfish Claws Cutter set CCSET S M SMALL SIZE 10 MEDIUM SIZE 6 L LARGE SIZE 2 SET COMPLETE SET Tomsu’s Supreme Hopper complete matched set SHSET each Each set comes with a body, wing, leg and pronotum cutter sized to match. Very Cool! 4 6 8 10 12 per complete set SIZE SIZE SIZE SIZE SIZE 4 COMPLETE SET 6 COMPLETE SET 8 COMPLETE SET 10 COMPLETE SET 12 COMPLETE SET Universal Bug Wing Cutter UWC An all around wing shape. 4 SIZE 4 6 SIZE 6 8 SIZE 8 10 SIZE 10 Mayfly Foam Body Cutter Gary Krebs Popper Jig Sets GK Will allow you to create incredible custom popper bodies from foam cylinders in just minutes. per set 48 GKB BASS & BLUEGILL SET GKS SALTWATER SET 12 SIZE 12 14 SIZE 14 SET COMPLETE SET MBC For everfloating mayfly bodies. 10 12 14 16 SIZE SIZE SIZE SIZE 10 12 14 16 18 SIZE 18 20 SIZE 20 SET COMPLETE SET Toll Free Phone Order Line Hopper Leg Cutters HLC Cut great looking legs from foam for crickets and hoppers. S SMALL M MEDIUM 1•800•448•9966 L LARGE SET COMPLETE SET www.hareline.com Freshwater Capt. Joe Blados’ Crease Fly Cutter JB A great minnow pattern. Perfect for our High Tack Adhesive Foam. 1 2 SIZE 1/0 SIZE 2 4 SIZE 4 SET COMPLETE SET Chernobyl Round End Body Cutter CRC For those who prefer the look of a rounded end at the front and back of their Chernobyl ants. S M SMALL 10-12 MEDIUM 6-8 L LARGE 2-4 SET COMPLETE SET Mayfly Wing Cutter MWC Use on our 1mm foam, No Fray wing material, Web Wing and Mottled Web Wing. 10 12 14 16 SIZE SIZE SIZE SIZE 10 12 14 16 18 SIZE 18 20 SIZE 20 SET COMPLETE SET Hopper Wing Cutter HWC For a beautifully tapered hopper wing. Saltwater Capt. Joe Blados’ Crease Fly Cutter 4 6 8 10 SIZE 10 12 SIZE 12 SET COMPLETE SET SIZE 4 SIZE 6 SIZE 8 JBS Damsel / Dragonfly Body Cutter A great minnow pattern. Perfect for our High Tack Adhesive Foam. 1 2 DDC 3 SIZE 3/0 SET COMPLETE SET SIZE 1/0 SIZE 2/0 These cutters are dynamite for adult damsel and dragonfly patterns. 8 10 SIZE 8 SIZE 10 12 SIZE 12 SET COMPLETE SET Hopper / Caddis / Ant Body Cutter HCA A Very popular shape because of its versatility. 8 10 12 SIZE 8 SIZE 10 SIZE 12 14 SIZE 14 16 SIZE 16 SET COMPLETE SET Caddis Wing Cutter Chernobyl style tapered end Foam Body Cutter CFC This pattern is the king of foam flies. S M SMALL 10-12 MEDIUM 6-8 L LARGE 2-4 SET COMPLETE SET CWC You will be able to perfectly cut caddis wings from large Sedges to tiny caddis. Replacement Cutting Pad PAD For the River Road Creations cutters. per pkg. Toll Free Fax 1•877•448•9966 8 10 12 14 SIZE SIZE SIZE SIZE 8 10 12 14 16 SIZE 16 18 SIZE 18 SET COMPLETE SET 49 e-mail• [email protected] Stonefly Foam Body Cutter SFB Ideal shape for realistic stoneflies. bonefish / Permit Crab Foam Body Cutter BFC For making perfect furry and regular foam bodies for crab patterns. X X-SMALL 3/4” WIDE S SMALL 7/8” WIDE M MEDIUM 1” WIDE L LARGE 1 1/8” WIDE SET COMPLETE SET Shrimp Shellback Cutter CSC These cutters will make tying shrimp easy. S M SMALL 1 1/4” MEDIUM 1 1/2” 2 4 6 8 SIZE SIZE SIZE SIZE 10 SIZE 10 12 SIZE 12 SET COMPLETE SET 2 4 6 8 L LARGE 2” SET COMPLETE SET Universal Bug Body Cutter UBC An all around bug body shape. 12 SIZE 12 SET COMPLETE SET 4 SIZE 4 8 SIZE 8 Beavertail Body Cutter Spent Stonefly Wing Cutter SSC For the spent look on your stoneflies. 4 6 8 SIZE 8 SET COMPLETE SET SIZE 4 SIZE 6 BBC A versatile, generic terrestrial shape that includes a built-in thorax and head. S M SMALL 10-12 MEDIUM 6-8 L LARGE 2-4 SET COMPLETE SET Czech Nymph / Scud Cutters CZC A Very popular shape because of its versatility. 12 14 16 For tying realistic Stones. 50 2 4 6 8 SIZE SIZE SIZE SIZE 2 4 6 8 10 SIZE 10 12 SIZE 12 SET COMPLETE SET 18 SIZE 18 SET COMPLETE SET Beetle Foam Body Cutter Stonefly Wing Cutter Swc SIZE 12 SIZE 14 SIZE 16 BFB For fast and stress-free beetle patterns. Works great with our Pearl Embossed Beetle Foam. 12 14 16 SIZE 12 SIZE 14 SIZE 16 18 SIZE 18 SET COMPLETE SET Toll Free Phone Order Line Floating Minnow Head Cutters MHC Cut the heads for the Floating Minnow. S SMALL M MEDIUM 1•800•448•9966 L LARGE SET COMPLETE SET www.hareline.com J:Son Short Shank Ultimate Dry Fly Hook JSS Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 Super short wide gape for all those extended body patterns. J:Son Mayfly Nymph Body Burners RWBN per pkg. of 24 1 2 3 J:Son Detached Body Pins Set of 4 J:Son Ultimate Dry Fly Hook DBP JUD Tying flies using J:son detached body pins makes it easier to create realistic, extended insects bodies. Sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 Shorter shank for extended bodies. per pkg. of 24 per set of 4 J:Son Mayfly Emerger, Dun & Spent Wing Burners J:Son Caddis, Midge & Hopper Wing Burners RWBM 1 2 3 each LARGE WING MEDIUM WING SMALL WING 4 5 RWBG X-SMALL WING MICRO WING 1 2 3 each LARGE WING MEDIUM WING SMALL WING 4 5 X-SMALL WING MICRO WING each LARGE BODY MEDIUM BODY SMALL BODY 4 5 X-SMALL BODY MICRO BODY J:Son Mayfly Nymph Body Material RWMN 1 2 3 per pkg. LARGE BODY MEDIUM BODY SMALL BODY 4 5 X-SMALL BODY MICRO BODY J:Son Caddis Adult Wing Burners RWBC each 1 2 3 LARGE WING MEDIUM WING SMALL WING 4 5 X-SMALL WING MICRO WING J:Son Mayfly Emerger, Dun & Spent Wing Material J:Son Caddis, Midge & Hopper Wing Material J:Son Caddis Adult Wing Material per pkg. per pkg. per pkg. RWMM 1 2 3 LARGE WING MEDIUM WING SMALL WING 4 5 X-SMALL WING MICRO WING RWMG 1 2 3 LARGE WING MEDIUM WING SMALL WING Toll Free Fax 4 5 X-SMALL WING MICRO WING 1•877•448•9966 RWMC 1 2 3 LARGE WING MEDIUM WING SMALL WING 4 5 X-SMALL WING MICRO WING 51 e-mail• J:Son Spent Caddis, Stonefly Wing Burners J:Son Stonefly Nymph Body Burners RWBU RWBS each 1 2 3 LARGE WING MEDIUM WING SMALL WING [email protected] 4 5 X-SMALL WING MICRO WING 1 2 3 each LARGE BODY MEDIUM BODY SMALL BODY 4 5 X-SMALL BODY MICRO BODY J:Son Silicone Legs / Back for Caddis Larva RNBCL Will add a realistic look to your larva flies. 1 2 per pkg. of 12 LARGE BACKS MEDIUM BACKS 3 4 SMALL BACKS X-SMALL BACKS J:Son Stonefly Nymph Body Material J:Son Spent Caddis, Stonefly Wing Material RWMU 1 2 3 per pkg. LARGE WING MEDIUM WING SMALL WING 4 5 X-SMALL WING MICRO WING RWMS 1 2 3 per pkg. LARGE BODY MEDIUM BODY SMALL BODY 4 5 X-SMALL BODY MICRO BODY J:son Realistic Antennas/tails RAM Micro J:Son Silicone Stonefly Nymph Legs RNLS J:Son Stonefly Adult Wing Burners RWBA 1 2 3 each LARGE WING MEDIUM WING SMALL WING 4 5 X-SMALL WING MICRO WING 52 1 2 3 per pkg. LARGE WING MEDIUM WING SMALL WING 4 5 per pkg. of 12 LARGE LEGS MEDIUM LEGS SMALL LEGS 4 5 X-SMALL LEGS MICRO LEGS RNLN Soft legs add a natural silhouette to the fly. X-SMALL WING MICRO WING per pkg. 11 BLACK 40 BROWN 242 NEUTRAL J:Son Silicone Mayfly Nymph Legs J:Son Stonefly Adult Wing Material RWMA For Stoneflies, Caddis or just for adding motion to your flies. Each pkg contains 96 antennas/tail fibers that are attached on a center stem. Soft silicone legs. 1 2 3 RAR Regular 1 2 3 per pkg. of 12 LARGE LEGS MEDIUM LEGS SMALL LEGS 4 5 Toll Free Phone Order Line X-SMALL LEGS MICRO LEGS 1•800•448•9966 J:Son Realskins JRS Skin that feels real. per pkg. www.hareline.com Rainy’s White Parachute Posts RP8377 RP16377 1/8” 1/16” per pkg. of 10 Mayfly Tails MT Nylon fibers for tailing on dries. Treated with Water Shed for floatability. Barred Mayfly Tails BMT 2 11 40 89 208 Really makes your fly tails stand out. BMT1 BMT2 per pkg WHITE BLACK BARRED LT DUN BLACK BARRED per pkg. AMBER BLACK BROWN DARK DUN LIGHT DUN 229 263 279 369 377 MEDIUM DUN OLIVE PALE YELLOW TAN WHITE FCX Foam Cylinders X-Small 1/16” Tinted Mayfly Tails TMT Unique color shades will make any of your flies more realistic. Fly Tying Unibobbers 1 2 3 4 UB A very unique idea and product to help float your flies and also to see them from afar. They are 1/4” in diameter and tie in securely to become one with your fly. Tyers, guides and big fish love them. Will also work great as a Micro Thingamabobber for delicate fishing on spring creeks. 54 118 per 6 pack CHARTREUSE FIRE RED UBPK FCM Medium 1/8” FCL Large 3/16” For use on Hoppers, ants & extended bodies. 11 23 40 54 165 263 per pkg. of 10 BLACK BLUE BROWN CHARTREUSE GRAY OLIVE 271 310 369 377 383 ORANGE RED TAN WHITE YELLOW USF&W 152 GLOW IN THE DARK 377 WHITE Fly Tying Unibobber Multicolored Pack per pkg. 5 LT CAHILL TO PMD BLACK 6 BROWN OLIVE CREAM DUN GOLD 8 BLACK BARRED WHITE CLEAR DUN CREAM CLEAR DUN CINNAMON FCS Small 3/32” Knotted Hopper Legs KL Hand tied from Pheasant tail fibers. per 9 pair 383 YELLOW 11 BLACK 242 NATURAL Rainy’s Float Foam RFFS RFFM RFFL Small Medium Large per 24” pkg. 11 BLACK 271 ORANGE (N/A IN SMALL) A color assortment with a bakers dozen per 13 pack 377 WHITE 383 YELLOW Rainy’s High-Viz Ant Bodies 1/16” HV per pkg. of 10 187 ORANGE TAG TBS Thingamabody TBM TBL Small Medium Large TBX X-Large Easy to tie on and buggy. 11 40 BLACK BROWN per pkg. 310 RED TAG 65 CLEAR 377 WHITE Rainy’s Bumble Bee Foam Poppers 3/16” BBP per pkg. of 6 Toll Free Fax 1•877•448•9966 EP Crab Claws EPSC EPLC Small Large Hand Tied and very realistic. per pkg. 40 BROWN 263 OLIVE 331 SAND 369 TAN 53 e-mail• Nature Skin Crab Bodies CBS CBM Small CBL Medium Large A great looking Crab Body immitation that Permit and Bonefish will hold on to. per pkg. of 6 40 BROWN 212 PEARLY LT OLIVE 263 OLIVE 369 TAN [email protected] Fish Skull Frantic Tails FRTS Small 11 54 FRTL* FRTM Large Medium per pkg. of 8 *6 per pkg BLACK CHARTREUSE 369 TAN 377 WHITE Real Fake Jungle Cock FJ A new approach to a classic material. Double sided and tear proof. Two sizes per pack. 1 2 3 4 5 SBS Shell Backs SBM per pack of 32 eyes PURPLE FLAME / SHADY GRAY CHARTREUSE / SUNSHINE ORANGE FLAME / PINK PURPLE BLUE / WHITE COLOR YOUR OWN COMPLETE COLOR RANGE 8 EYES PER COLOR SBL Small Medium large Pre formed shell backs. Wind some ostrich or teased out dubbing and then Clear Cure Goo the shell on and fish. per pkg. of 9 90 DARK PINK 283 PEACOCK 284 PEARL 289 PINK Fish Skull Crawbody FCBS Small FCBL Large Predator Tails FCBM PTM Medium FCBX Extra Large Pre Cut ready to tie in. per pkg. of 8 40 BROWN 263 OLIVE PTL PTX Medium Large X-large A new rubbery durable material that loves the challenge of large toothy critters. Marc Petitjean’s Magic Head™ for hook sizes 12-18 PMR0 per pkg. of 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 per pkg. of 6 CHARTREUSE BLUE GLITTER CLEAR BLACK DOTS SILVER GLITTER CLEAR RED DOTS SILVER GLITTER FL YELLOW BALCK DOTS SILVER GLITTER GLOW IN THE DARK GREEN RED WITH RED GLITTER For use on hook sizes 12-18 PMR1 per pkg. of 6 For use on hook sizes 6-14 Fish Reaper Tails Cut out of thin Ultra Suede when wet it moves like a leech tail. Three sizes allow you to tie flies for everything from bluegill to Pike! Killer on Trout also. FRS Small 54 11 54 FRM Medium per 6 pack BLACK CHARTREUSE 323 RUSTY BROWN 377 WHITE PMR2 per pkg. of 6 For use on hook sizes 2-8 PMR3 per pkg. of 6 For use on hook sizes 4-2/0 PMR4 per pkg. of 4 For use on hook sizes 1-5/0 Toll Free Phone Order Line Perfect Rubber Silicone Legs PR 6501 6502 6503 6504 6505 6506 6507 per pkg. PEARL BLACK BROWN AVOCADO GRAY SMOKE BROWN OLIVE 1•800•448•9966 6508 6509 6510 6511 6512 6513 6514 MOTOR OIL PURPLE FL. YELLOW FL. RED FL. CHARTREUSE FL. ORANGE FL. PINK www.hareline.com Silicone Flutter Legs SFL Great solid colors with a flat shape that will flutter with any current. Zuddy’s Leg Puller ZLP Designed with Matt Zudweg for easy leg threading. Will tackle foam, hair, cork and fingers if you are not careful. each 11 23 40 132 133 per pkg. of 5 BLACK BLUE BROWN FL GREEN CHART. FL HOT PINK 137 FL ORANGE 143 FL YELLOW CHARTR. 189 HOT YELLOW 263 OLIVE 377 WHITE Fly Enhancer Legs FE A very unique mix of colors that can be incorporated into an array of fly patterns. 23 40 54 153 203 263 271 289 298 377 383 per pkg. 4 skirts BLUE/BLACK BROWN/PUMPKIN CHARTREUSE/OLIVE/BLACK GOLD/AMBER/BLACK LT BLUE/PUMPKIN OLIVE/LT OLIVE ORANGE/PUMPKIN/YELLOW PINK/OLIVE/FL YELLOW PURPLE/PUMPKIN WHITE/CHARTREUSE YELLOW/WHITE BLACK SPOTTED Barred & Speckled Crazy Legs BL The barring and speckling will give you a more natural looking fly. Grizzly Flutter Legs GFL These Grizzly Silicone legs are as buggy as it gets. They are barred on both sides and are available in a wide color range. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 per pkg. of 4 BLACK BARRED INSECT GREEN BLACK BARRED CLEAR CHARTREUSE BLACK BARRED CLEAR PEARL BLACK BARRED CLEAR UV PEARL BLACK BARRED FL FIRE ORANGE BLACK BARRED FL GREEN CHARTREUSE BLACK BARRED GRIZZLY BLACK BARRED HOT PINK BLACK BARRED HOT YELLOW BLACK BARRED OLIVE BLACK BARRED ORANGE BLACK BARRED ROOTBEER BLACK BARRED SHRIMP PINK BLACK BARRED WHITE CHARTREUSE BARRED BLACK PURPLE BARRED HOT PINK 31 40 55 95 146 212 263 271 279 310 322 385 OLIVE ORANGE PUMPKIN RED RUST YELLOW CHART. Aqua Glow Crazy Legs AQ In the Dark it glows a cooool Aqua Blue! per pkg. of 5 skirts Barred Crazy Legs CLB Buggy Nymph Legs per pkg. of 5 skirts These silicone legs are half as thin and cut half the width of our crazy legs. Great looking silicone legs. 54 65 146 162 263 271 298 377 per pkg. 5 skirts BONEFISH TAN BROWN CHART. GREEN DARK OLIVE FROG GREEN LIGHT OLIVE BARRED CHARTREUSE / PEARL FLAKE BARRED CLEAR / PEARL FLAKE BARRED FROG GREEN / PEARL FLAKE BARRED GOLDEN YELLOW / PEARL FLAKE BARRED OLIVE / GREEN FLAKE BARRED ORANGE / GOLD FLAKE BLUE BARRED DEEP PURPLE / BLUE FLAKE BARRED WHITE / PEARL FLAKE Crazy Legs CL Silicone skirting that is used in many fly patterns for both fresh and saltwater. per pkg. of 5 skirts 12 BLACK / BLUE FLAKE 15 BLACK / RED FLAKE 23 BLUE / SILVER FLAKE 40 BROWN / ORANGE FLAKE 54 CHARTREUSE / BLACK FLAKE 55 CHARTREUSE / SILVER FLAKE 65 CLEAR / PEARL FLAKE 66 CLEAR / SALT-N-PEPPER FLAKE 160 GOLDEN SHINER / BLACK-GOLD FLAKE 212 LT OLIVE/PURPLE GREEN FLAKE 218 LIME / BLACK FLAKE 230 MED OLIVE/PURPLE RED GREEN FLAKE 235 MINNOW GREY / BLACK-PEARL FLAKE 263 OLIVE / BLACK FLAKE 271 ORANGE / ORANGE-BLACK FLAKE 284 PEARL 290 PINK / PEARL PEPPER 295 UV PUMPKIN/PURPLE FLAKE 297 PUMPKIN/OLIVE BLACK FLAKE 298 PURPLE / ELECTRIC BLUE FLAKE 310 RED / BLUE FLAKE 341 SHRIMP PINK / PEARL FLAKE 344 SILVER METALLIC 376 WATERMELON RIND / BLACK FLAKE 377 WHITE / SILVER FLAKE 385 YELLOW / GOLD BLACK FLAKE BNL 11 40 49 54 95 153 per pkg. of 4 skirts BLACK BROWN CADDIS GREEN CHARTREUSE DARK OLIVE GOLDEN Toll Free Fax 178 263 271 320 322 HARE’S EAR TAN OLIVE ORANGE ROOTBEER RUST 1•877•448•9966 Rainbow Shimmer Legs RSL Black crazy legs with a silver shimmering finish. Very Fishy. per pkg. 55 e-mail• [email protected] Fine Grizzly Barred Rubber Legs Loco Legs™ GRF377 LL per pack 4 skirts BONEFISH PINK CHARTREUSE DARK DUN GREY GREEN TURTLE GRASS OLIVE OLIVE DUN TUR. GRASS 272 292 297 331 369 370 375 GRM per pkg. 54 127 143 165 242 258 per pkg. Beautiful colors that will enhance any fly. Great for everything from bass to saltwater flies. 30 54 89 165 175 263 266 Grizzly Barred Rubber Legs Medium ORANGE SHRIMP PINK SHRIMP PUMPKIN SAND TAN TAN TURTLE GRASS UV VIOLETTE CHARTREUSE NEON GREEN FL. CHARTREUSE FL. YELLOW CHARTREUSE GRAY NATURAL NEON ORANGE 263 271 310 369 377 383 OLIVE ORANGE RED NEON TAN WHITE YELLOW Medium Round Rubber MRR Life Flex Great Colors! 11 40 54 90 218 242 per pack BLACK BROWN CHARTREUSE DARK GOLDEN STONE LIME GREEN NATURAL CREAM 271 289 298 310 377 383 ORANGE PINK PURPLE RED WHITE YELLOW lfx This Spandex material is oval in shape and wiggles like crazy in the water when tied in as legs. Also can be wound like floss for bodies on dries or nymphs. 11 21 40 67 72 95 127 138 149 199 Hot Tipped Crazy Legs CLT We have been tying some great Steelhead & Chinook flies with this product. per pkg. of 5 skirts 9 BLACK / BLUE TIPPED 10 BLACK / FL ORANGE TIPPED 11 BLACK / YELLOW CHARTREUSE TIPPED 23 BLUE / HOT PINK TIPPED 16 BLACK / RED TIPPED 131 FL FUCHSIA / PURPLE TIP 137 CLEAR PEARL / FL ORANGE TIP 188 HOT PINK / FL ORANGE TIPPED 297 PURPLE / FL ORANGE TIPPED 298 BLACK / PURPLE TIPPED 320 ROOT BEER / ORANGE TIPPED 329 SALMON PINK / HOT PINK TIPPED 385 YELLOW CHART. / GREEN CHART. TIPPED 386 YELLOW CHART. / FL. ORANGE TIPPED per pkg. BLACK BLOOD RED BROWN COPPER CREAM DARK OLIVE FL CHARTREUSE FL PINK GINGER KINGFISHER BLUE FRR Wider selection of colors! 11 BLACK 40 BROWN 298 PURPLE per pack 310 RED 377 WHITE SES 1 2 3 DLL These micro legs will add amazing movement to any fly. Can be used as wing, body or tailing. per pkg. 11 BLACK 40 BROWN 54 CHARTREUSE 131 FL FUCHSIA 187 HOT ORANGE 263 OLIVE 56 298 PURPLE 310 RED 369 TAN 377 WHITE 383 YELLOW LIGHT GRAY LIGHT OLIVE OLIVE OLIVE BROWN ORANGE PURPLE RED TAN WHITE YELLOW Fine Round Rubber Super Eggs Small 16-18 Daddy Long Legs 210 212 263 265 271 298 310 369 377 383 For wound bodies or legs. The flat shape generates more movement in the water. per 15 yard spool Toll Free Phone Order Line 4 5 6 CHEESE CHARTREUSE YELLOW SEL UFX 271 298 310 321 377 383 per pkg. of 12 ORANGE RED PINK Super Eggs for Alaska Salmon Steelhead Uni Flexx 11 BLACK 51 CAMEL 54 CHARTREUSE 87 DK BROWN 165 GRAY 184 HIGH. GREEN SEM Medium 12-14 ORANGE PURPLE RED ROYAL BLUE WHITE YELLOW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 per pkg. of 12 ORANGE DARK ORANGE RED CHEESE PEACH GOLDEN SALMON EGG DEAD EGG KING SALMON PECHEE KING 1•800•448•9966 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 DEAD KING SALMON GLITTER EYED PINK GLIT. EYED APRICOT 8MM GLIT. TR. ORANGE 10MM GLIT. TR. ORANGE RAINBOW ORANGE RAINBOW PINK RAINBOW CHEESE RAINBOW RED www.hareline.com Krystal Glo Balls KG LKG Standard Large per pkg. of 12 44* 54 56 126 271 289 *Not Available in Large BUBBLEGUM CHARTREUSE CHEESE FL. CERISE ORANGE PINK 310 RED 328 SALMON EGG 329 SALMON PINK ROE 375* FL. VIOLET 377* WHITE * Treated with Fluorescing Dye McFlyfoam Clown Package McFlyfoam Has all the colors needed for the Clown Egg. Also good to stock as an assortment pack for someone who wants a variety of colors. A strong, stretchy, continuous filament yarn which is dyed using colorfast dyes preventing it from fading. The easiest yarn to tie, cut & trim for eggs and sculpted patterns like sculpins and woolheads flies. MC MCCL per pkg. The Amazing Glo Bug Dispenser AGB per pkg. Mini Glue Sticks STK We have added the top selling colors back into our line up. McVeil MC To add some sack to your egg flies. per pkg. 53 54 60 99 CHAMPAGNE CHARTREUSE CLEAR DARK ROE per pack 271 272 289 327 ORANGE ROE OREGON CHEESE PINK LADY SALMON per pkg. 1* 2 3 4* 5 6 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13 14* 15 16 17 18* 19* 20* 21* 22* 23 24* 25 *Colors dyed with fluorescent dye BRIGHT RED CADDIS GREEN CERISE CHARTREUSE DARK ORANGE DEEP RED EARLY GIRL GOLDEN ILIAMNA PINK JANUARY LATE MCROE LATE PINK MCROE ORANGE PINK PURPLE RED RIPPLE STRAWBERRY TANGERINE WATERMELON WHITE YELLOW OR. MCCHEESE BROWN 26 27 28 29* 30 31 32 33 34 35* 36 37 38 39 40* 41 42* 43* 44 45* 46* 47 48 49* BLACK BURNT ORANGE COPPER CREAM FUDGE GOLD GOLDEN OLIVE GREY GREY OLIVE KELLY’S GREEN LIGHT OLIVE LIGHT YELLOW BABY BLUE FLATS CRAB TAN FL. CERISE DEAD EGG STEELHEAD ORANGE FL. GREEN CHARTREUSE CREAM DELIGHT FLAME FL. PEACH APRICOT FLESH FLO GLOW FLAME Egg Yarn EY 11 44 52 56 121 122 127 per pkg. BLACK BUBBLEGUM CERISE CHEESE FIRE ORANGE FLAME FL. CHARTREUSE 137 142 281 289 328 377 FL. ORANGE FL. YELLOW PEACH PINK SALMON EGG WHITE Pro Needle Glue Gun for 5/16” Mini Glue Sticks Egg Veil Milky White For more heads, eggs and whatever you can hot glue! Use a very small amount, spread and fold around thread before winding. GUN Toll Free Fax each 1•877•448•9966 EV per package 57 e-mail• [email protected] Cyclops Bead Eyes C Mega Fly Tying Pad MTP Bigger is better! each 116C 564C 332C 764C 1/16” 5/64” 3/32” 7/64” 18C 532C 316C 1/8” 5/32” 3/16” BL BR C per pkg. of 24 BLACK BRASS COPPER G N GOLD NICKEL MultiHued Rainbow Brass Beads MR Each bead has a kaleidoscope of color. Will reflect different color hues as your flies move through the water. MR564 MR332 MR764 MR18 MR532 5/64” 2MM 3/32” 2.4MM 7/64” 2.8MM 1/8” 3.3MM 5/32” 3.8MM Per pkg. of 25 Stow & Go Quad quad The ideal storage system for the tying bench. 24 shatterproof removable storage cups in a space saving turntable base. each Hareline Silicone Bead Pad HBP Will keep your hooks and beads from rolling or sliding away. The reverse side can be used for adhesives or epoxy and will not stick making it easy to clean. Great for shows! Small Push Squeeze Cap Material Tins PU1 per pkg. of 3 tins per pkg. of 24 each Bead Tweezer set of 3 T631 58 per set of 3 Dazzle Brass Beads Six new colors to choose from. These brass beads are countersunk to facilitate sliding around the hook bend. 564BB 332BB 764BB 18BB 532BB Quad Bead Dispenser QBD each Toll Free Phone Order Line 11 49 130 137 138 143 152 287 288 310 1•800•448•9966 5/64” 3/32” 7/64” 1/8” 5/32” BLACK METALLIC CADDIS GREEN FL FLAME FL ORANGE FL PINK FL YELLOW CHARTREUSE GLOW IN THE DARK PEARL WHITE METALLIC PHEASANT TAIL BROWN METALLIC RED www.hareline.com Tungsten Beads 564TB 3/32TB 764TB 18TB 5/64” 3/32” 7/64” 1/8” Plummeting Tungsten Beads TUNGSTEN BEADS in a complete color and size range to meet all your fly tying needs. per pkg. of 20 11 67 127 137 138 141 153 196 232 11 67 1/16” 1.5mm 116PT 564PT 5/64” 2.0mm 332PT 3/32” 2.3mm 764PT 7/64” 2.8mm 1/8” 3.3mm 18PT 532PT 5/32” 3.8mm 316PT 3/16” 4.6mm 732PT* 7/32” 5.5mm BLACK NICKEL COPPER FL CHARTREUSE FL ORANGE FL PINK FL WHITE GOLD JET BLACK METALLIC BLUE 233 234 235 236 237 238 261 310 329 532TB 316TB 732TB 5/32” 3/16” 7/32” If you want your beadhead flies to sink fast, tungsten will sink them the fastest. METALLIC BROWN METALLIC GREEN METALLIC OLIVE METALLIC PINK METALLIC PURPLE METALLIC RED NICKEL RED SALMON PINK per pkg. of 10 153 GOLD 261 NICKEL BLACK COPPER 116ST 564ST 332ST 764ST 18ST 532ST 316ST 732ST 11 67 132 137 138 per pkg. of 20 RPT116 1/16” 1.5mm RPT564 5/64” 2.0mm RPT332 3/32” 2.3mm RPT764 7/64” 2.8mm RPT18 1/8” 3.3mm RPT532 5/32” 3.8mm RPT316 3/16” 4.6mm RPT732* 7/32” 5.5mm PLEX X-Small PLES Small PLEM Medium PLEL Large Per pkg. of 10 54 CHARTREUSE 284 PEARL Slotted Tungsten Beads™ 1/16” 1.5MM 5/64” 2MM 3/32” 2.3MM 7/64” 2.8MM 1/8” 3.3MM 5/32” 3.8MM 3/16” 4.6MM 7/32” 5.5MM 141 142 153 344 BLACK COPPER FL. GREEN FL. ORANGE FL. PINK FL. WHITE FL. YELLOW GOLD SILVER Faceted Slotted Tungsten Beads™ 564FS 764FS 18FS 964FS 532FS 316FS 1364FS 732FS FS 5/64” 2MM 7/64” 2.5MM 1/8” 3MM 9/64” 3.5MM 5/32” 4MM 3/16” 4.5MM 13/64” 5MM 7/32” 5.5MM 20 beads per package 11 67 BLACK COPPER Toll Free Fax 153 GOLD 344 SILVER 1•877•448•9966 310 RED 383 YELLOW Lead Eyes ST 20 beads per package Rianbow Hued Plummeting Tungsten Beads A Tungsten Version of our popular Rainbow Brass Beads. Painted Lead Eyes WPL Plain Lead Eyes per 10 pack WPT Plated Lead Eyes 00 0 1 2 per 10 pack MIDGET MICRO MINI EXTRA SMALL 3 4 5 6 SMALL MEDIUM LARGE X-LARGE Brass Eyes The quickest way to add action and weight to any pattern. These Brass Barbell eyes come in a full range of sizes to meet your tying needs. Extra Small BEX 3/32” 2.4mm Small BES 1/8” 3.2mm Medium BEM 5/32” 4mm Large BEL 3/16” 4.8mm per pkg. of 20 eyes 11 BLACK NICKEL 153 GOLD 261 NICKEL 59 e-mail• HLS Heavy Lead Eyes HLM HLL Small Medium Large HLXL X-Large Lead eyes shaped like our popular Brass Eyes. 11 Pseudo Eyes Tie them in and you have it all. Brass Barbells with built in colored eyes with pupils. Small PS 5/32” 4mm Medium PM 3/16” 4.8mm Large PL 7/32” 5.5mm X-Large PX 1/4” 6.3mm per pkg. of 20 BLACK [email protected] 261 NICKEL per pkg. of 12 eyes C11 C261 R11 R261 Y11 Y261 Black with Chartreuse Eye Nickel with Chartreuse Eye Black with Red Eye Nickel with Red Eye Black with Yellow Eye Nickel with Yellow Eye Aluminum Sea Eyes 3D Holographic Eyes can be used to add more pizzazz to your flies. Medium ALM 1/4” 6.3mm Use 7/32” 3.5mm 3D eyes or smaller Large ALL 3/8” 9.5mm Use 5/16” 5mm 3D eyes or smaller Extra Large ALX 7/16” 11mm Use 3/8” 6mm 3D eyes or smaller per pkg. Medium come 20 per pack Large come 15 per pack X-Large come 10 per pack 261 NICKEL 11 BLACK Sunken Barbell Brass Eyes These Barbell eyes have a recessed end so you can insert either 3D or Adhesive Eyes with some Zap Jel or Zap-a-Gap. They look real on your flies. Extra Small SKX 1/8” 3.2mm Use 3/32” 1.5mm adhesive eyes Small SKS 5/32” 4mm Use 3/32” 1.5mm adhesive eyes Medium SKM 3/16” 4.8mm Tungsten Predator Eyes Colored tungsten eyes are ready to tie on and use. TPS TPM Small Medium per pkg. of 10 Use 1/8” 2mm 3D eyes or smaller 54 NICKEL CHARTREUSE EYE 310 NICKEL RED EYE 383 NICKEL YELLOW EYE Large SKL 7/32” 5.5mm Use 5/32” 2.5mm 3D eyes or smaller per pkg. of 20 eyes 11 BLACK NICKEL 153 GOLD 261 NICKEL Tube Cone Heads TCHM TCHL Medium 7/32” Large 1/4” Large diameter center hole to fit over tubes. 11 67 137 138 per pkg. of 20 BLACK NICKEL COPPER FL ORANGE FL PINK 153 GOLD 261 NICKEL 284 FL PEARL WHITE Flat-End Tungsten Hour Glass Eyes FT Nickle BallZeyes BZM 5/32” Medium BZL 3/16” Large Available in two pupil colors! per pkg. of 12 60 55 CHARTREUSE GREEN EYE 310 RED EYE FTXS X Small (83D)* FTS Small (83D)* FTM Medium (33D)* FTL Large $(33D)* All sizes come 12 eyes per package *(Size holographic eyes to use) 11 67 BLACK COPPER 153 GOLD 344 SILVER Toll Free Phone Order Line HMH Brass Coneheads For Tubes HMH Designed to fit over the tube and made for small(1/16”) and large(1/8”)diameter tubes. per pkg. of 10 10 BRASS SMALL 8 BRASS LARGE 9 BLACK NICKEL LARGE 11 BLACK NICKEL SMALL 1•800•448•9966 www.hareline.com Brass Cone Heads CH5 CH3 5/32” X-Small 3/16” Small CH7 CH1 7/32” Medium 1/4” Large B C G N per pkg. of 24 BLACK NICKEL COPPER GOLD NICKEL O P W ORANGE FL PINK FL WHITE Tungsten Cones TCS SMALL per pkg. of 10 TCM MEDIUM per pkg. of 10 TCL LARGE per pkg. of 10 For Streamer or Tube Flies. 11 67 Ribbed Tungsten Scud / Shrimp Bodies RT Can be tied in on the shank or on the bend for different effects. Tying them in is easy with the ribbing. 153 GOLD 261 NICKEL BLACK COPPER per 10 pack XS EXTRA SMALL S SMALL M MEDIUM L LARGE Slotted Tungsten Coneheads™ TC Rainbow Brass Cones Multihued brass cones. If you liked the beads you will love the cones. per pkg. of 20 RC532 RC316 RC732 RC14 5/32” 4mm 3/16” 4.8mm 7/32” 5.5mm 1/4” 6.3mm XSTC Extra Small STC Small MTC Medium LTC Large All sizes come 12 cones per package 11 67 132 137 138 BLACK COPPER FL. GREEN FL. ORANGE FL. PINK 141 142 153 344 FL. WHITE FL. YELLOW GOLD SILVER Senyodelic Bead Chain SBCM per pkg. 23 BLUE 289 PINK X-Eyed Cones If you want to get down deep and fast these are the heads for you. Used on many streamers and minnow imitations. Apply 3D eyes with Zap Jel or Zap -a- Gap. SBCL Medium Large A beautiful pearly metallic and rainbow sheen will add that “je nais ce quois” to your flies. 306 RAINBOW Gold Tungsten Predator Bodies Create sculpted larvae or nymph patterns. Grooved for easy adhesion onto hook shank. TPBS TPBXS X-Small Small TPBM per pkg. of 10 Medium Plastic Beady Eyes PBE Perfect for eyes, bodies or mardi gras. 4mm per pack Small XES 1/4” 6.3mm Use 1/8” 2mm 3D eyes or smaller Medium XEM 3/8” 9.5mm Use 3/16” 3mm 3D eyes or smaller Large XEL 7/16” 11mm Use 7/32” 3.5mm 3D eyes or smaller per pkg. of 10 eyes 11 BLACK 261 NICKEL Gold Tungsten Jig Head Hooks These will get down quick! Size 14 1/50oz TJ14 TJ16 per 20 pack Size 16 1/100oz per 20 pack Toll Free Fax 1•877•448•9966 Fluorescent Bead Chain FBC Great colors for Salmon, Steelhead or Bass Flies! 4mm per pkg. 127 FL. CHARTREUSE 132 FL. GREEN 137 FL. ORANGE 138 FL. PINK 139 FL RED 61 e-mail• [email protected] 3D Adhesive Holographic Eyes These domed eyes have always been great sellers so we have expanded the size and color range. The SUPER PEARL is an amazing color. It is a semi transparent hue that is influenced by the color it is placed over and yet keeps its super pearl qualities. You will love them! Bead Chain Eyes BCS BCM Small 11 153 Medium per pkg. BLACK GOLD BCL Large 344 SILVER per pkg. of 20 eyes 83D 32D 33D 73D 13D 53D Fish Skull Fish Masks Stainless Steel Bead Chain Eyes SSS Small SSM SSE Medium X-Large per pkg. FFM Move over Zorro, there’s a new people’s hero! •12 per pack, •10 per pack, •8 per pack, •6 per pack 153 GOLD 310 RED 344 SILVER per pack 3 4 5 6 • • • • FOR FOR FOR FOR SIZES SIZES SIZES SIZES 10-6 8-4 4-1 2-1/0 1/8” 5/32” 3/16” 7/32” 1/4” 5/16” 367 SUPER PEARL 383 YELLOW CHARTREUSE 7 85 10 15 • FOR SIZES 1-2/0 • FOR SIZES 1/0-3/0 • FOR SIZES 4/0-6/0 •* FOR SIZES 5/0-9/0 Mirage Dome Lure Eyes DE1 DE2 DE3 DE4 3/32” 5/32” 1/4” 3/8” Great realistic eyes with the color shifting Mirage film as a base. The iris of these new eyes will shift color tones when viewed from different angles. per pkg. of 20 eyes Fish-Skull Heads The Fish-Skull is a weighted head that has a realistic baitfish profile and is specifically designed for tying freshwater and saltwater streamer fly patterns. 3D eyes included with every pack. FKS FKSM FKM FKL Small 10 per pack Small\Medium 8 per pack Medium 8 per pack Large 6 per pkg. 23 BLUE BAITFISH 67 COPPERTONE 92 DARK GREY 62 per pack 211 GOLDEN CHARTREUSE 344 SILVER BAITFISH 369 TAN BAITFISH Fish Skull Sculpin Helmet FSHX Mini FSHL FSHS Large Small Mini’s are a great addition. per pkg. of 8 *only available in Mini size. 40 BROWN 263 OLIVE *344 SILVER Toll Free Phone Order Line Adhesive Eyes For our Sunken Barbell eyes we have added a new size and then also added the Super Pearl Color. per pkg. of 30 eyes AE2 AE1 AE3 AE4 170 GREEN BLACK 345 SILVER BLACK 3/32” 1/8” 3/16” 1/4” 367 SUPER PEARL BLACK 384 YELLOW BLACK 1•800•448•9966 www.hareline.com Clear Cure Adhesive Eyes CA5 5mm 3/16” CA6 6mm 1/4” CA10 CA8 8mm 5/16” CA12* CA15* 10mm 3/8” 12.7mm 1/2” 15mm 5/8” The most realistic eyes available on the market! They look amazing! 1 2 3 4 5 6 Clear Cure Dumbbell Eyes CD5 per pkg. 20 eyes *16 per pack AGATE CHAMELEON LAVA MONSTER PEACOCK RAPTOR 7 8 9 10 11 CD10 8LE* 10LE* 8.5mm 1 2 3 4 3D10 SILVER 3D10S SUPER PEARL ANGEL GHOST LAVA SMOKE 5 STEEL 6 STERLING 7 RAVEN 15mm per pkg. *20 per pack *16 per pack *12 per pack 1 EARTH (GOLDEN BROWN 3 FIRE (ORANGE-RED) 2 WIND (GOLDEN) 4 ICE (SILVER) Mono Nymph Eyes MNB MNO Black Olive Easy to work with and a great seller. 1 2 per pkg. of 20 X-SMALL SMALL 3 4 MEDIUM LARGE EP Crab & Shrimp Eyes 3D13 3D13 SILVER 3D13S SUPER PEARL per pkg. of 6 *4 per pack 15LE* 10mm 3D Big Fish Eyes per pkg. of 20 eyes *pkg. of 18 eyes CD15* Realistic fish eyes manufactured using the latest laser holographic technology CHARTREUSE EYE WITH RED OVAL PUPIL ORANGE EYE WITH BLACK OVAL PUPIL RED EYE WITH BLACK OVAL PUPIL SUPER PEARL EYE WITH PLACK PUPIL 3/8” *1/2” For the larger patterns. CD12* A revolutionary dumbbell system that is lighter than aluminum, more durable than lead, and less expensive than tungsten. Created by combining the detailed optics of the original Clear Cure Eye with a durable, high density resin dumbbell. This new system allows tiers to add realism without weight. per pkg. of 20 eyes 3D10 CD8 8mm 5/16” 10mm 3/8” 12.7mm 1/2” 15mm 5/8” OVAL PUPIL 3D Adhesive Eyes For even more realistic flies you will love these eyes. Great colors and have an adhesive back Fish Skull Living Eyes for placement on your fly. Once on the fly try Liquid Fusion for a crystal clear covering 3LE* 4LE* 5LE* 6LE* 7LE* 3mm 4mm 5mm 6mm 7mm to lock them in. 54 271 310 367 6mm 1/4” Big Game Dumbbell Eyes SOLAR FLARE GOLD SILVER STEEL RAVEN OP3 3/16” OP4 1/4” OP5 5/16” OP6 3/8” CD6 5mm 3/16” Doll Eyes DOLL4 4MM 14 16 per pkg. BLACK ORANGE BLACK WHITE Toll Free Fax 17 DOLL7 7MM BLACK YELLOW 1•877•448•9966 EPX EPS EPL X-Small Small Large Ready to use eyes for creating any crustacean pattern. 2 11 per pkg. of 6 pair AMBER BLACK 242 NATURAL 310 RED 63 e-mail• [email protected] Clear Cure Goo 1/2” EXPANDO Tubing Epoxy Mono Crab Eyes EMC Will add a realistic look to your Crab flies. per 6 pair *Transparent with Black Pupil Tyers Glass Beads TGBA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 EZMI284 Mini TGBB per pkg. IRR. CRYSTAL IRR. WHITE IRR. PURPLE IRR. GREY IRR. CAD. GREEN IRR. CAD. YELLOW ORANGE TR. RED TR. ROOT BEER 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Small sizes 12-18 EZS284 Small EZM284 Medium EZL 284 Large 343*SHRIMP PINK 369 TAN 383*YELLOW 11 BLACK 40 BROWN 137 FL ORANGE 310 RED Midge sizes 18-24 Pearl E-Z Body per pkg. EXL Expands to 1 1/4” and can be coated with Clear Cure Goo to create some cool fly bodies. per 1 yard pkg 344 SILVER 153 GOLD 284 PEARL E-Z Body XL Pearl Clear Cure Goo 1/4” EXPANDO Tubing There are some great patterns out there that use this thicker E-Z Body. Expands to 3/4” and can be coated with Clear Cure Goo to create some cool fly bodies. EZXL284 per pkg. S/L SILVER S/L GOLD OP. BLACK OP. DK BLUE DUN IRR. PINK IRR. OLIVE IRR. BLUE IRR. TAN EXM per 1 yard pkg 344 SILVER 153 GOLD 284 PEARL Tyers Glass Beads TGBC TGBD Medium sizes 8-12 1 2 3 4 5 Large sizes 8&up per pkg. IRR. CRYSTAL S/L SILVER S/L GOLD S/L RED ORANGE 6 7 8 9 10 TR. ROOT BEER S/L CHARTREUSE S/L BLUE IRR. WHITE OP BLACK Pearl Flashabou Minnow Body Flashabou Mirage Opal minnow Body Tubing per pkg. per pkg. PF S M SMALL MEDIUM L LARGE Flashabou Minnow Body Glass Rattles RAT 64 3 4 per pkg. of 12 3MM 4MM 5 5MM FMB88 FMB66 FMB36 Small Medium per pkg. 01 SILVERTONE 03 GREENTONE Large 02 GOLDTONE 06 COPPERTONE Toll Free Phone Order Line FLA8833 Flashabou Tubing FLTS FLTM Small Medium 153 GOLD 1•800•448•9966 per pkg. 344 SILVER www.hareline.com Mirage Accent Opal FLA 3379 per pkg. Krystal Flash™ KF Dura Flash Tubing DFT This tubing has a fishy look and feel. A perfect Re-flash substitute. 1 2 3 4 5 per pkg. PEARL BLACK OLIVE RED ORANGE 6 7 8 9 10 PURPLE CHARTREUSE PINK BLUE YELLOW Midge Flash MFL A Micro version of Krystal Flash. 11 72 127 142 153 204 263 Holographic Mylar Cord HMCS HMCM Small Medium 153 GOLD per pkg. per pkg. BLACK CREAM FL. CHARTREUSE FL. YELLOW GOLD LT. BLUE DUN OLIVE 282 284 289 320 344 369 PEACOCK PEARL PINK ROOT BEER SILVER TAN HMCL Large 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* 7* 8* 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 per pkg. SILVER GOLD RED GREEN ROYAL BLUE LIGHT BLUE COPPER PEARL PINK HOT YELLOW PURPLE MIXED COLORS PEARL BLUE BLACK HOT ORANGE PEACOCK LIME GREEN OLIVE SMOLT BLUE GRAY GHOST DARK PURPLE ROOT BEER 24 01 02 03 04 05 06 30 31 147 155 165 182 228 271 289 298 306 323 369 375 PEARL RED FL. ORANGE FL. CERISE FL. FIRE ORANGE FL. SHRIMP PINK FL. CHARTREUSE FL. YELLOW BONEFISH PINK BONEFISH TAN ALASKAN FUCHSIA UV BLUE UV GRAY UV HERRING BACK MEDIUM BROWN UV ORANGE UV PINK UV PURPLE RAINBOW RUSTY BROWN UV TAN UV PEARL 344 SILVER Grizzly Krystal Flash Iceabou Two colors twisted together add life & depth to any pattern. A clear non iridescent winging material. gkf Flashabou Mirage Slit Fringe Wind on the hook shank and you are done! FRG33 per pkg. per pkg. 1 BLACK/SILVER 2 COPPER/BLUE 3 BLACK/RED PolarFlash Flashabou Accent A mix of micro fibers with flashabou create fish catching flies. per pkg. FLA FLA 2001 2002 2003 2004 2006 (*solid colors) The original! Do not be fooled by imitations. Used on hundreds of patterns world-wide. per pkg. PEARL BLUE PEARL RAINBOW PEARL PINK PEARL GREEN PEARL 2009 SILVER 2010 GOLD 2015 BLACK RAINBOW 2016 CHARTREUSE 7901 7905 7908 7911 7912 7924 SILVER PEARL ELECTRIC BLUE RED BLACK RAINBOW Toll Free Fax 7961* 7962* 7965* 7966* 7969* IBU 11 63 65 95 125 126 127 133 137 per pkg. BLACK CLARET CLEAR DARK OLIVE FL. BLUE FL. CERISE FL. CHARTREUSE FL. HOT PINK FL. ORANGE 140 169 183 187 263 310 350 369 383 FL. SHRIMP PINK GREEN CADDIS HERRING BACK HOT ORANGE OLIVE RED SILVER GRAY GHOST TAN YELLOW Fl. Neon FLash FLA FL YELLOW CHARTREUSE PINK PURPLE OLIVE 1•877•448•9966 These fibers absorb the radiation of UV light waves then retransmit them in colors that are 3 times brighter than normal colors. per pkg. 6980 FL. WHITE 6983 FL. PINK 6981 FL. YELLOW 6984 FL. ORANGE 6982 FL. CHARTREUSE 65 e-mail• [email protected] Glow in The Dark Flashabou Accent Holographic Flashabou Flashabou Groovy glow in the dark colors. per pkg. per pkg. FLA per pack 7953 BLUE 7954 ORANGE 7955 GREEN 7950 WHITE 7951 PINK 7952 YELLOW FLA HFL 6940 6941 6942 6943 6977 6978 6979 6986 6987 6988 6989 YELLOW ORANGE CRANBERRY FIRETIGER LT PURPLE PERCH BRT RAINBOW COPPER BROWN PINK CHARTREUSE 6990 6991 6992 6993 6994 6995 6996 6997 6998 6999 SILVER ICE SILVER GOLD BLUE GREEN FUCHSIA RED BLACK RAINBOW PURPLE 6901 SILVER 6902 GOLD 6903 KELLY GREEN 6904 ICE PEARL BLUE 6905 PEARL 6906 COPPER 6908 ELECTRIC BLUE 6909 LIME GREEN 6910 DARK BLUE 6911 RED 6912 BLACK 6913 PURPLE 6914 FUCHSIA 6915 LIGHT BLUE 6916 GUN METAL 6917 BRONZE 6918 PINK 6919 GRAPE 6920 PURPLE CHUB 6921 FOUNTAIN BLUE 6922 OCEAN GREEN 6923 BULLFROG 6924 RAINBOW 6925 SALT N PEPPER 6926 JUNE BUG 6927 PERCH 6928 SUNBURST 6929 SEA FOAM 6935 CLEAR Dyed Pearl Flashabou Fuchsia Haze Holographic Flash Fibers FLA per pkg. FHZ 6960 BLACK 6961 FL. YELLOW 6962 CHARTREUSE 6963 LIGHT BLUE 6964 DARK BLUE 6965 PINK per pkg. 6966 PURPLE 6967 ORANGE 6968 LAVENDER 6969 OLIVE 6971 YELLOW 6972 PEACOCK Holographic Magnum Flashabou FLA Thicker and wider for a durable fly. Purple Haze Holographic Flash Fibers PH When the light hits this material you get a rainbow of purple red hues. per pkg. 3279 3282 3283 3285 3286 3289 3291 3292 per pkg. HOLO BT RAINBOW HOLO YELLOW HOLO ORANGE HOLO FIRETIGER HOLO COPPER HOLO CHARTREUSE HOLO SILVER HOLO GOLD 3293 3294 3295 3296 3297 3298 3299 HOLO HOLO HOLO HOLO HOLO HOLO HOLO BLUE GREEN FUCHSIA RED BLACK RAINBOW PURPLE Micro Pearl Flashabou 1/100” FLA10005 Micro cut width 30% thinner than Traditional Flashabou. Thickness has been added to each strand to provide more support and thus prevent curling. per pkg. Speckled Flashabou FLA The “muted grizzly” appearance of each strand gives a new unique look. Great for creating “buggy” looking wings and streamers. per pkg. 6932 SPECKLED SILVER 6934 SPECKLED COPPER 6933 SPECKLED GOLD 66 Holographic Fly Fiber HF 344 345 346 349 351 SILVER SILVER SILVER SILVER SILVER per pkg. BLACK BLUE GOLD GREEN Toll Free Phone Order Line 352 353 354 355 SILVER SILVER SILVER SILVER ORANGE PINK PURPLE RED 1•800•448•9966 Fire Fly Tie FIRE per pkg. 153 GOLD 282 PEACOCK 344 SILVER 377 WHITE PEARL www.hareline.com 1/69” Opal Mirage Lateral Scale FLA1733 each Lateral Scale LSC An embossed dyed pearl Saltwater Flashabou that will add life to any minnow or baitfish pattern. each 1703 PEARL 1760 BLACK 1761 YELLOW 1764 DARK BLUE 1765 PINK 1767 ORANGE Lateral Scale Solid Colors LSC A single strand on each side of the fly and BAM! each 1701 SILVER 1702 GOLD 1711 RED 1712 BLACK 1/16” Opal Mirage Lateral Scale FLA1735 A single strand will light up your fly. DNA Holo Fusion each DHF Saltwater Flashabou FLA 1/100 Micro Opal Mirage Flashabou FLA10033 each 1601 1602 1605 1606 1610 1611 per pkg. SILVER GOLD PEARL COPPER DARK BLUE RED 1612 BLACK 1613 PURPLE 1625 SALT & PEPPER 1662* CHARTREUSE 1664* PEARL BLUE 1665* PINK Saltwater Holographic Flashabou FLA 1691 1692 1693 1694 per pkg. SILVER GOLD BLUE GREEN 1695 1696 1697 1698 FUCHSIA RED BLACK RAINBOW This blended material is semi translucent and has a perfect mix of Holo Chromosome flash and DNA fibers. Perfect for Clousers or any baitfish / minnow patterns. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 14 per pkg. WHITE POLAR WHITE BLACK GREY SMOKE PINK NEON CHARTREUSE LAVENDER LT BLUE SKY BLUE ROYAL BLUE IRON BLUE 15 17 19 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 DARK OLIVE MEDIUM OLIVE SAGE SHRIMP TAN CARAMEL BRIGHT YELLOW RED PURPLE RUSSET BROWN ORANGE Saltwater Mirage FLA 1633 DNA Holo Chromosome Flash per pkg. HCF An enticingly flashy supported pearl mylar. That will add life to any pattern, especially baitfish flies. Each MIRAGE Flashabou FLA 3005 3061 3062 3063 per pkg. OPAL FL. YELLOW CHARTREUSE LT. BLUE 3065 PINK 3066 PURPLE 3067 ORANGE Mirage/Flashabou Blend FLA per pkg. 3301 OPAL/SILVER 3302 OPAL/GOLD 3303 OPAL/KEL. GREEN 3304 OPAL/ICE BLUE 3306 OPAL/COPPER 3311 OPAL/RED 3312 OPAL/BLACK 3313 OPAL/PURPLE 3315 OPAL/LT. BLUE 3328 OPAL/SUNBURST Glow in the Dark Flashabou UV Minnow Belly FLA per pkg. 6950 WHITE 6951 PINK 6952 YELLOW Toll Free Fax 6953 BLUE 6954 ORANGE 6955 GREEN UMB A supported thin mylar with a beautiful UV hue making it ideal for minnow flies. 1•877•448•9966 per pack 67 e-mail• [email protected] Lagartun U Tubraid UTB Veevus Holographic Tinsel Magnum Flashabou FLA Thicker and wider for larger profile flies. 3201 3202 3203 3204 3205 3206 per pkg. 3210 3211 3212 3213 3215 3233 SILVER GOLD GREEN ICE BLUE PEARL COPPER DARK BLUE RED BLACK PURPLE LT BLUE OPAL MIRAGE VHS Small VHM VHL Medium large Great colors, greater breaking strength and more tinsel per spool than the norm. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 per spool CHARTREUSE RED SILVER GOLD COPPER PURPLE FUCHSIA TEAL BLUE 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 GREEN LIGHT PURPLE BLACK ORANGE CRANBERRY BROWN YELLOW PINK Micro thin mylar tubing. Winds tight to the shank making it great for small flies or tags. Great color range. 11 47 125 127 137 138 per spool BLACK BURGUNDY FL BLUE FL CHARTREUSE FL ORANGE FL PEARL 139 142 263 284 310 FL RED FL YELLOW OLIVE PEARL RED Lagartun Micro Flat Braid MCF A thinner 1/32” version of the ever popular Mini Flat Braid. Great colors! Holographic Flat Tinsel HFTS Small 153 HFTM Medium GOLD per spool HFTL Large 344 SILVER Veevus Pearl Tinsel VPS VPM VPL Small Medium large Greater breaking strength and more tinsel per spool than the norm. BLACK BRONZE BURGUNDY COPPER FL. BLUE FL. CHARTREUSE FL. ORANGE FL. PEARL 139 142 185 186 195 263 284 FL. RED FL. YELLOW HOLO. GOLD HOLO. SILVER IRON GRAY OLIVE PEARL per spool Flat Mylar Gold/Silver Tinsel FMFE 11 39 47 67 125 127 137 138 per 5 yard spool FMSE FINE #16-18 FMME MEDIUM #12 SMALL #14 FMLE LARGE #10 Gold on one side silver on the other. per spool Lagartun Mini Flat Braid MFB Great colors! Uni-Mylar Double Sided Tinsel Pearlescent Flat Tinsel PFTE 68 1 2 per spool NARROW MEDIUM 3 WIDE UMY10 UMY12 UMY14 UMY16 size 10 size 12 size 14 per spool size 16 67 COPPER / BLUE 310 RED / GREEN 282 PEACOCK / ORANGE 344 SILVER / GOLD Toll Free Phone Order Line 11 67 125 127 137 138 139 142 153 169 per 5 yard spool BLACK COPPER FL. BLUE FL. CHARTREUSE FL. ORANGE FL. PEARL FL. RED FL. YELLOW GOLD GREEN 1•800•448•9966 185 186 212 216 263 284 310 322 344 HOLO. GOLD HOLO. SILVER LT OLIVE LILAC OLIVE PEARL RED RUST SILVER www.hareline.com Lagartun Flat Varnished Tinsel Small FS per spool 344 SILVER 153 GOLD UWS Lagartun Oval Tinsel X- Fine OXF FM per spool 344 SILVER 153 GOLD per spool 344 SILVER Lagartun Oval Tinsel Fine Lagartun Flat Varnished Tinsel Large OF FL 153 GOLD per spool 153 GOLD UWB Small Lagartun Flat Varnished Tinsel Medium 67 COPPER 153 GOLD Ultra Wire 344 SILVER per spool 344 SILVER UWM Brassie Medium per spool 2 AMBER 11 BLACK 23* BLUE 40 BROWN 54* CHARTREUSE 67 COPPER 69 COPPER BROWN 138* FL PINK 153* GOLD 169 GREEN 187* 189* 263 310 322 344* 369 377* 380 HOT ORANGE HOT YELLOW OLIVE RED RUST SILVER TAN WHITE (S&B ONLY) WINE Lagartun Oval Tinsel Small OS 153 GOLD per spool 344 SILVER Lagartun Oval Tinsel Medium OM Uni Flat Embossed French Tinsel UES 153 UEM Small 344 SILVER Lagartun Oval Tinsel Large Medium OL per 12 yard spool 344 SILVER 67 COPPER 153 GOLD GOLD per spool Ultra Wire Extra Small UWX per spool 153 GOLD 344 SILVER Tie down to size 32. 11 67 153* 169 BLACK COPPER GOLD GREEN per spool 310 RED 344* SILVER 380 WINE Lagartun Flat Embossed Tinsel size Medium FEM Lagartun Small Non Tarnishing Oval Tinsel per spool 344 SILVER 67 COPPER 153 GOLD NTS This new tinsel will not tarnish. 54 67 per 15 yard spool CHARTREUSE COPPER 153 GOLD 310 RED Fine Wire FINS per 20 yard spool 153 GOLD 344 SILVER Uni French Oval Tinsel UX US X-SMALL SMALL UM MEDIUM per spool 153 GOLD UL LARGE 344 SILVER Lagartun Varnished Wire VWX X-Fine Uni Silver French Twist UTW per spool VWF Fine VWS Small per spool * available in fine only 39* BRONZE 54* CHARTREUSE 67 COPPER Toll Free Fax 153 GOLD 216* LILAC 344 SILVER 1•877•448•9966 Stainless Steel Wire SSW Ideal for wire core dubbing brushes! per spool 69 e-mail• [email protected] Kevlar Natural Yellow Lead Wire Spooled L 10 15 20 per spool 0.010 0.015 0.020 25 30 35 0.025 0.030 0.035 KEV 30 Denier GSP White Veevus Thread per 50 yard spool 30G377 The world’s strongest and thinnest thread! Close to 18/0 in size. 67% more thread than comparable products on the market. per 75 meter spool Uni Big Fly Thread BFTE per 80 yard spool 11 BLACK 271 ORANGE 310 RED 100 Denier GSP Veevus Thread Round Lead Free Wire LF 15 20 25 per spool 0.015 0.020 0.025 30 35 0.030 0.035 377 WHITE 383 YELLOW 100G Ideal for spinnig hair. 67% more thread than comparable products on the market. 11 per 75 meter spool BLACK 377 WHITE Double Extra Strong Gel Spun THread XXS Great price on super strong gel spun thread for eggs to spinning hair. 50 Tungsten Stretch lace TSL 150 Denier GSP Veevus Thread per pkg. Even stronger! 67% more thread than comparable products on the market. This solid round stretch material has been impregnated with Tungsten powder, 025 Thick. per 50 yard spool 50 DENIER 100 100 DENIER 150G 11 per 75 meter spool BLACK 377 WHITE Uni 210 Denier Nylon Thread 210N 11 per 100 yard spool BLACK 377 WHITE Danville 210 Denier Flat Waxed Thread 200 Denier GSP Veevus Thread Fly Tying Spool Hands SPT1 For smooth removal of tinsel, floss or any material on small spools. Keeps material from unwinding. 70 per 4 pack 200G Hook bending strength. 67% more thread than comparable products on the market. 11 per 75 meter spool BLACK Toll Free Phone Order Line 377 WHITE 1•800•448•9966 DFWT 11 40 125 129 132 137 138 139 per 100 yard spool BLACK BROWN FL. BLUE FL. FIRE ORANGE FL. GREEN FL. ORANGE FL SHRIMP. PINK FL. RED (HOT PINK) 141 143 165 263 310 377 383 FL. WHITE FL. YEL. CHARTREUSE GRAY OLIVE RED WHITE YELLOW www.hareline.com Danville Flymaster Plus DFPE 10 11 40 72 129 132 137 139 140 143 per 100 yard spool BEIGE BLACK BROWN CREAM FL. FIRE ORANGE FL. GREEN FL. ORANGE FL. RED (HOT PINK) FL. SHRIMP PINK FL. YEL. CHARTREUSE 165 212 263 271 310 369 377 380 383 GRAY LIGHT OLIVE OLIVE ORANGE RED TAN WHITE WINE YELLOW Danville 6/0 Flymaster Waxed 6/0 Veevus Thread DFWE 1 10 11 40 72 87 129 132 137 139 140 143 per 200 yard spool ADAMS GRAY BEIGE BLACK BROWN CREAM DARK BROWN FL. FIRE ORANGE FL. GREEN FL. ORANGE FL. RED (HOT PINK) FL. SHRIMP PINK FL. YEL. CHARTREUSE 165 206 212 263 271 283 310 369 377 380 383 GRAY LIGHT CAHILL LIGHT OLIVE OLIVE ORANGE PEACOCK GREEN RED TAN WHITE WINE YELLOW 6V A pleasure to tie with and incredibly strong! 11 206 289 310 per 100 meter spool 323 RUSTY BROWN 347 SILVER DOC BLUE 377 WHITE BLACK LT CAHILL PINK RED Lagartun X-Strong Thread 95 Denier 95L Lagartun X-Strong Thread 150 Denier 150L This thread has the ideal amount of stretch allowing for complete control while tying. The strongest polyester thread for the denier. 2 10 11 48 55 95 129 139 per 100 yard spool 142 195 223 263 289 310 322 377 AMBER BEIGE BLACK BURNT ORANGE FL. CHARTREUSE DARK OLIVE FL. ORANGE FL. RED FL. YELLOW IRON GREY MARRON OLIVE PINK RED RUST WHITE The strongest polyester thread for the denier. Uni 6/0 Waxed Thread UNI6E 11 51 54 87 117 165 169 195 206 212 263 266 per 200 yard spool BLACK CAMEL CHARTREUSE DARK BROWN FIERY ORANGE GRAY GREEN IRON GRAY LIGHT CAHILL LIGHT OLIVE OLIVE OLIVE DUN 271 289 298 310 321 323 324 347 369 377 380 383 ORANGE PINK PURPLE RED ROYAL BLUE RUSTY BROWN RUSTY DUN SIL. DOC. BLUE TAN WHITE WINE YELLOW 2 10 11 48 55 95 129 139 per 100 yard spool AMBER BEIGE BLACK BURNT ORANGE FL. CHARTREUSE DARK OLIVE FL. ORANGE FL. RED 142 195 223 263 310 322 377 FL. YELLOW IRON GREY MARRON OLIVE RED RUST WHITE 8/0 Veevus Thread 8V Not your standard strength 8/0. Danville 3/0 Mono Waxed MWT 10 11 48 53 72 87 11 40 206 263 271 per 100 yard spool BEIGE BLACK BURNT ORANGE CHARCOAL CREAM DARK BROWN 127 165 263 310 377 383 FL CHARTREUSE GRAY OLIVE RED WHITE YELLOW UNI3E 11 40 87 127 165 169 206 263 per 100 yard spool BLACK BROWN DARK BROWN FL. CHARTREUSE GRAY GREEN LIGHT CAHILL OLIVE 271 289 310 369 377 380 383 ORANGE PINK RED TAN WHITE WINE YELLOW BLACK BROWN LT CAHILL OLIVE ORANGE 289 310 323 369 377 PINK RED RUSTY BROWN TAN WHITE Ultra Thread U70 70 Denier spool U140 140 Denier Spool Strong, smooth, flat, lightly waxed, slow building nylon thread. The 70 is the same size as Danville 6/0 & the 140 is slightly larger than Danville 3/0. Uni 3/0 Waxed Thread per 100 meter spool 11 24 72 87 126 127 129 137 138 165 174 per 100 yard spool BLACK BLUE DUN CREAM DARK BROWN FL CERISE FL. CHARTREUSE FL. FIRE ORANGE FL. ORANGE FL. PINK GRAY GREEN OLIVE Toll Free Fax 186 263 265 283 310 323 369 377 380 383 HOPPER YELLOW OLIVE OLIVE BROWN PEACOCK BLUE RED RUSTY BROWN TAN WHITE WINE YELLOW 1•877•448•9966 Uni 8/0 Waxed Thread UNI8E 11 51 54 87 117 137 165 195 206 212 263 per 200 yard spool BLACK CAMEL CHARTREUSE DARK BROWN FIERY ORANGE FL. ORANGE GRAY IRON GRAY LIGHT CAHILL LT OLIVE OLIVE 266 271 289 298 310 323 324 369 377 380 383 OLIVE DUN ORANGE PINK PURPLE RED RUSTY BROWN RUSTY DUN TAN WHITE WINE YELLOW 71 e-mail• 14/0 Veevus Thread 14V 10/0 Veevus Thread 10V A pleasure to tie with and incredibly strong! A pleasure to tie with and incredibly strong! 11 40 187 206 263 271 per 100 meter spool 289 310 323 367 377 BLACK BROWN HOT ORANGE LT CAHILL OLIVE ORANGE [email protected] 11 106 165 206 263 271 PINK RED RUSTY BROWN SUNBURST YELLOW WHITE per 100 meter spool BLACK DUN GRAY LT CAHILL OLIVE ORANGE 289 310 323 369 377 40 PINK RED RUSTY BROWN TAN WHITE BROWN Marc Petitjean complete set of 4 colors Split Second Thread MPST5 One spool of each color. per set Marc Petitjean Split Second Thread MPST Designed for easy splitting to apply dubbing. Lagartun X-Strong Thread 74 Denier Uni 70 Denier Nylon Thread The strongest polyester thread for the denier. per 200 yard spool per 100 yard spool 142 195 223 263 310 322 377 AMBER BEIGE BLACK BURNT ORANGE FL. CHARTREUSE DARK OLIVE FL. ORANGE FL. RED FL. YELLOW IRON GREY MARRON OLIVE RED RUST WHITE CREAM GREY 3 4 OLIVE BLACK 70N 74L 2 10 11 48 55 95 129 139 1 2 per 219 yard spool 11 BLACK 377 WHITE UNI GLO THREAD 3/0 UGT per spool 16/0 Veevus Thread 16V As strong as most companies 6/0. 12/0 Veevus Thread 12V A pleasure to tie with and incredibly strong! 11 95 106 206 per 100 meter spool BLACK DARK OLIVE DUN LT CAHILL 212 310 369 377 11 102 106 165 206 per 100 meter spool BLACK DARK TAN DUN GRAY LT CAHILL 263 266 310 377 40 OLIVE OLIVE DUN RED WHITE BROWN LT OLIVE RED TAN WHITE Danville Monofilament Thread .006 diameter DMT A thicker mono thread for heavier duty use. per 100 yard spool Danville 16/0 Spiderweb White Thread DANE per 100 yard spool Ice Thread IT Mono thread in some great colors for everything from scuds to tarpon flies. It is strong and a pleasure to tie with. Gordon Griffith’s 14/0 Sheer Ultrafine Thread GGE 11 40 61 63 106 165 72 per 100 meter spool BLACK BROWN CINNAMON CLARET DUN GRAY 169 263 271 297 310 377 GREEN OLIVE ORANGE PRIMROSE RED WHITE Uni White 17/0 Trico Thread UNI17E per 200 yard spool Toll Free Phone Order Line 11 40 54 161 per 100 yard spool BLACK BROWN GREEN GOLDEN YELLOW 1•800•448•9966 165 289 310 383 GRAY PINK RED YELLOW www.hareline.com Uni Nylon Stretch GLO Brite Floss A rather thick, stretchy material that compresses and lays flat & smooth. Ideal for shaping underbodies on scuds. The brightest floss on the market. UFSE Veevus Mono Thread VJ1 VJ2 .1 mm .004” .2mm .008” 5 11 40 51 54 58 147 169 188 210 Great for scuds and shrimp flies. per spool 2 CLEAR 1 BLACK per spool AQUA BLUE BLACK BROWN CAMEL CHARTREUSE CHINESE RED FL. FUCHSIA FL. GREEN FL. HOT PINK LIGHT GRAY 212 263 271 272 298 289 377 380 383 LIGHT OLIVE OLIVE FL. ORANGE PUMPKIN ORANGE PURPLE SOFT PINK WHITE WINE FL. YELLOW GB per Spool 125 127 129 130 131 132 133 137 FL BLUE (14) FL CHARTREUSE (12) FL FIRE ORANGE(5) FL FLAME (4) FL FUCHSIA (1) FL HIGH.GREEN (13) FL HOT PINK (2) FL ORANGE(7) 139 141 142 143 187 189 298 367 FL RED (3) FL WHITE (16) FL YELLOW (10) FL YEL CHARTREUSE (11) FL HOT ORANGE(6) FL HOT YELLOW (9) FL PURPLE (15) FL SUNBURST AMBER (8) Uni Neon Floss UNF Very bright floss. Uni Clear Mono 3/0 Thread per 15 yard spool UCME per 200 yard spool 54 CHARTREUSE 186 HOT GREEN 187 HOT ORANGE Uni Single Strand Super Floss USFE 10 11 37 40 48 53 72 83 87 93 99 157 165 169 Iridescent Veevus Thread IV Sparkly. Perfect for ribbing and bodies. per 30 meter spool 11 23 67 153 263 BLACK BLUE COPPER COLD OLIVE 289 298 310 344 359 BEIGE BLACK BRT YELLOW BROWN BRNT ORANGE CHARCOAL CREAM DARK BLUE DARK BROWN DARK GREEN DARK RUST GOLD. BROWN GRAY GREEN 184 211 263 271 289 298 310 321 322 325 347 369 377 380 HIGHL. GREEN LIGHT GREEN OLIVE ORANGE PINK PURPLE RED ROYAL BLUE RUST RUSTY ORANGE SIL. DOC. BLUE TAN WHITE WINE PINK PURPLE RED SILVER SMOLT BLUE DNF VS 289 PINK BLACK FL YELLOW CHART. 310 RED 377 WHITE FUCHSIA 383 YELLOW ORANGE DRF All 4 strands can be used for larger flies or it can be split for smaller flies. 4 Strand Fluorescent Nylon Floss Great Neon colors. Size Small for tags and bodies. per 100 meter spool 4 Strand Rayon Floss 11 48 66 87 198 263 282 289 Veevus Stomach/Body Thread 11 143 147 271 per 15 yard spool 125 129 132 137 FL. FL. FL. FL. per 10 yard spool BLUE FIRE ORANGE GREEN ORANGE Toll Free Fax 138 139 141 142 FL. FL. FL. FL. PINK RED WHITE YELLOW 188 HOT PINK 189 HOT RED 213 LIGHT ORANGE 1•877•448•9966 per 10 yard spool BLACK BURNT ORANGE COFFEE DARK BROWN KELLY GREEN OLIVE PEACOCK GREEN PINK 298 310 360 372 377 380 383 PURPLE RED SOLDIER BLUE TOBACCO BROWN WHITE WINE YELLOW Spooled French Silk Floss LAG 11 23 35 38 47 169 184 199 202 per 8 yard spool BLACK BLUE BRIGHT ORANGE BRILLIANT WHITE BURGUNDY GREEN HIGHL. GREEN KINGFISH. BLUE LEMON YELLOW 211 216 224 263 273 298 310 312 347 LIGHT GREEN LILAC MARIGOLD YEL. OLIVE PALE BLUE PURPLE RED RED CLARET SIL. DOC. BLUE 73 e-mail• [email protected] Pearsall’s Gossamer Silk Thread PGST The thread to use on traditional wet flies. per 45 meter spool Acetate Floss AC For bodies, tags, tails and by dipping in acetone you end up with fused floss bodies. per 10 yard spool 10 BEIGE 11 BLACK 21 BLOOD RED 23 BLUE 48 BURNT ORANGE 53 CHARCOAL 72 CREAM 87 DARK BROWN 95 DARL OLIVE 143 FL YEL CHARTREUSE 149 GINGER 165 193 212 263 271 279 289 310 377 380 383 GREY INSECT GREEN LT OLIVE OLIVE ORANGE PALE YELLOW PINK RED WHITE WINE YELLOW 1 WHITE 2 STRAW 3 PRIMROSE YEL. 5 LEMON YEL. 6 AMBER 6A GOLD 8 PURPLE 9 BLACK 9A GREY 11 GOLDEN YELLOW 11A SCARLET 12 CARDINAL 15 16 17 18 19 20 30 31 32 33 35 191 DARK CLARET OLIVE GREEN BROWN HIGHL. GREEN HOT ORANGE LIGHT OLIVE JAVA BROWN ANTIQUE GOLD CLAS. CHESTNUT JASPER SALMONBERRY CLARET LED Fly Tying Pro Lite with Magnifier FPL Finally a LED light that is very bright and has a wide enough illumination angle to tie with. Comes complete with magnifier, base and C-clamp. 2X Magnifier with spot. Each Uni GloYarn GY Each Phosphorescent yarn that has many uses. per 7 yard spool Alec Jackson’s Premium Japanese Silk Floss AJ Lagartun Genuine Beeswax per 18 meter spool Designed for treating floss and thread. The ultimate floss for Classic Salmon Flies. 05 08 09 12 13 14 26 27 28 29 30 31 HOT PINK CHARTREUSE HIGHL. GREEN SIL. DOCTOR BLUE ROYAL BLUE DARK ROYAL BLUE LEMON YELLOW BUTTERCUP YEL. PALE PEACH PEACH TANGERINE GLASSO ORANGE 32 35 38 48 49 50 57 59 60 61 72 76 LGB ORANGE DARK LAVENDER FUCHSIA BLACK WHITE RED BRONZE ORANGE RED ORANGE ORANGE RED CRIMSON GOLDEN OLIVE PURPLE each Dual LED Head Pro Light DPL Extra light power and flexibility. Great for lighting your flies in the vise for Digital Photography. You can mount this light directly to your vise or use the provided pedestal or c-clamp. each Crystal Clear Zip Lock Bags MGB Pearsall’s Marabou Silk Floss MSF You can split this floss into eight strands and apply to the smallest flies or leave whole for larger flies. 1 5 9 11A 74 per 8 meter spool WHITE LEMON YELLOW BLACK SCARLET 16 17 18 19 OLIVE GREEN BROWN HIGHL. GREEN HOT ORANGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 All zip locks in bags of 100 pcs. 2" 3" 3" 4" 4" 2" 6" 6" 6" X 3" X 4" X 5" X 6" X 8" X 8" X 10" X12" X 15" per 100 per 100 per 100 per 100 per 100 per 100 per 100 per 100 per 100 Toll Free Phone Order Line Marc Petitjean Daylight with Tool Rack MPLT Vise and tools not included. 1•800•448•9966 each www.hareline.com Hex Dubbing Whirler HX Nice heavy wire and weighted whirlier that will not roll off your tying bench. Renzetti Soft Foam Tool Caddy RZ310 each There is probably one of these on every tying bench in the world. A fantastic seller and if you do not alredy have this, you should. Marc Petitjean Magic Tool Clip Set MPMT each each Wishbone Dubbing Whirler WDW Machined out of brass and heavy wire used on split arms. Made in the USA. Changeable Tip and Battery Cautery each CTC Comes with batteries. each CTIP Marc Petitjean Magnum Magic Tool Clip Set each A large version of a clip and clamp for larger loops or longer materials. Replacement Cautery Tip For the CTC Cautery only. MPMAG each Stonfo Dubbing Twister FO469 A nice addition to the Stonfo line. each Cautery AA Perfect for removing loose fibers or burning Deerhair or wool to inlay eyes. You must let the tip burn the material before sweeping the tip through or the tip may break. each Stonfo Elite Rotodubbing Twister Marc Petitjean Loop Twister Wire will cock to a 90 degree to easily wind on hook. Ballbearings. Has a sliding band that gathers the loop and spins with a roll of your fingers. FO612 Toll Free Fax each 1•877•448•9966 MP5 each 75 e-mail• [email protected] Stonfo Rotodubbing #1 Y Dubbing Twister FO439 dubbing spinner set with hair packer T8611 High quality ball bearing twister. Comes with detailed instructions. each each Ultimate Stainless Steel Tearing Dub Brush USS In one or two swipes you are done teasing out any fiber. The Ripper. each Stonfo Y Dubbing Twister FO443 For manual twist control. each Renzetti Dubbing Twister RZ305 each Griffin Spinning Loop Tool GT34 Ultimate Dubbin Brush each UDB This brush will tease out dubbed bodies, wings and baitfish bodies. Stonfo Rotodubbing #2 Split Dubbing Twister each FO440 Split wire ball bearing dubbing twister. Comes with detailed instructions. each Griffin Dubbing Twister GT17 each Stonfo Split WIre Dubbing Twister FO444 Terra dubbing rake and teaser T8678 each For manual twist control on dubbing loops. each Standard Dubbit Tool 76 DT1 each Wasatch Small Fur Comb W3044 each Toll Free Phone Order Line Renzetti Dubbing Twister with teaser RZ303 1•800•448•9966 each www.hareline.com Underfur Hair Comb UHC Ideal for removing underfur from hair for spinning. Stonfo Elite Stainless Steel Bodkin FO590 deluxe bodkin each each Nice tapered needle and good heavy feel! each T8612 bodkin half hitch tool Stonfo Bodkin Dubbin Needle Renzetti Dubbing Teaser RZ304 FO445 T8608 each Unique tool with soft touch handle. each each Wasatch Cocobolo Wood Bodkin / Half Hitch Tool W3003 each Griffin Dubbing Teaser GT16 each Griffin Bodkin GT12 each 5” Stainless Steel Bodkin with Half Hitch DRS1 each Wasatch Cocobolo Wood Dubbing Pick Small W3006 each Dubbing Picker Medium W3005 each Aluminum Bodkin and holder T8617 Residue is removed from bodkin when inserted into holder. each Dubbing Brush W3004 each Small J. Dorin Bodkin JD5 each JD4 each Regular J. Dorin Bodkin Renzetti Dubbing Needle with Half Hitch RZ301 each Marc Petitjean thread Split & Dub Needle MP2 Nice handle and designed to aid in splitting thread. Toll Free Fax each 1•877•448•9966 Renzetti Midge Dubbing Needle with Half Hitch RZ302 each 77 e-mail• [email protected] Threader and Bodkin Chain attached Renzetti Long Tube Midge Diameter Ruby Tip Bobbin each For long reach with a thinner profile. T8494 RZ108 Renzetti Standard Ruby Tip Bobbin each RZ106 If you have never tied with one give one a try. each Stonfo Loop WIre Bobbin Threader FO447 Perfect for standard or larger size bobbins. each Renzetti Long Tube Large Diameter Ruby Tip Bobbin RZ107 Renzetti Midge Ruby Tip Bobbin Stonfo Single Wire Bobbin Threader FO446 Ideal for narrow tubed bobbins. each Longer and heavier tube for bass and saltwater tying. each RZ101 This is one of the best tying bobbins made. Smooth spool knobs and perfect for fine detail tying and lighter denier threads. each Rite Ceramic Shorty Bobbin RB1 For tyers who like to work in close to the fly. Complete thread tension control. each Stainless Steel Bobbin Threader DRS2 each Renzetti Lead, Wire and Tinsel Bobbin RZ105 Flared ends aid in tying with wires and tinsels. Also works well for floss. each Rite Ceramic STandard Bobbin RB2 The ideal all around bobbin with thread tension control. Terra BLACK HANDLED BOBBIN THREADER each T8493 each Griffin Threaders GT37 Wasatch Cocobolo Wood Loop Bobbin Threader 78 W3007 each each Rite Ceramic Magnum Bobbin each set A heavier duty frame with a ceramic insert. Longer reach with full thread tension control. Griffin Threader with Cleaners Toll Free Phone Order Line RB3 each 1•800•448•9966 www.hareline.com Marc Petitjean’s MP Thread Through Bobbin Rite 3” Magnum Bobbin RB4 MPTT A long reach all metal heavy duty bobbin with thread tension control. The bobbin of bobbins. You could thread this bobbin without even looking and can also adjust the thread tension to your liking. Thread spool replacement is a snap. The MP Bobbin incorporates a wire loop for thread dubbing loops and spins on axis. Swiss Made each 3” Titanium Bobbin DRS58 each each 4” Titanium Bobbin DRS59 each Rite Half Hitch Mag Bobbin RB5 AA standard sized bobbin but built for heavy synching down of thread for deer hair spinning or woolhead tying. NEW half hitch design built in. Stonfo Compact Disc Drag Bobbin FO579 each Shorter and finer tube for detail tying. each Griffin Standard Bobbin GT11 each Stonfo Elite 2 Saltwater Streamer Disc Drag Bobbin FO578 Larger diameter tube with disc drag. each Stonfo Elite Disc Drag Bobbin FO528 This machined bobbin has a hardened steel tip insert and countersunk feed that will allow thread to glide through the tube for threading and tying. The drag control has a large adjustment zone for fine tuning thread tension to your personal like. each Griffin Ceramic Supreme Bobbin Toll Free Fax GT6 each 1•877•448•9966 Griffin Flared Bobbin GT9 each 79 e-mail• 3” Ceramic Bobbin DRS9 each [email protected] ceramic tubed standard bobbin T8499 Stonfo Maxi Bobbin each FO457 Specially coated bobbin to prevent fraying. Longer than the regular bobbin. each Wasatch Mitch’s Bobbin Whirler 4” Ceramic Bobbin W4472 DRS10 This bobbin will bring countless possibilities to fly tying. each each Stonfo Regular Bobbin FO438 Specially coated bobbin to prevent fraying. Fits very comfortably in your hand. each 4.75” Ceramic Bobbin DRS11 each Wasatch S&M Long Bobbin W4421 We have had many special orders for these bobbins. each Eco 4” E Bobbin Wasatch S&M Short Bobbin W4429 DRS67 Economy Standard Bobbin T9401 each each each vWasatch Wood Trim Standard Bobbin Wasatch Standard Fine Tubed Bobbin W3038 each W3017 Economy Material Bobbin T9402 each each Ceramic inserts to protect thread. Bobbin Thread Keepers for Small Tubed Bobbins 80 Griffin Ceramic Bass/Saltwater Bobbin Griffin Ceramic Magnum Bobbin each each GT3 GT4 Toll Free Phone Order Line BTK1 Bobbin Thread Keepers for Larger Tubed Bobbins 1•800•448•9966 BTK2 per pkg. of 5 www.hareline.com Brassie Hair Packers Standard Whip Finisher Stonfo Half Hitch Set FO441 Comes with 3 interchangeable heads. each BHP each T8562 extended reach Whip Finisher each T8562EX 1 2 1/32" 10-18 3/64" 1-8 each 3 1/16" 1/0 OR LARGER Anvil Push Button Hair Packer Stainless Steel 3” Half Hitch Set APB each DRS20 each Griffin Whip Finisher Non Rotating each GT45 Griffin Rotating Whip Finisher half hitch tool set of 3 T8674 GT46 Marc Petitjean Loop Clamps each MP1 Designed to hold loops closed while preparing additional material to apply in the loop. per set per pair Stonfo Whip Finisher FO442 Will Whip finish any size head. each Stainless Steel Whip Finihser DRS61 each Marryat CDC Feather Winding Tool MCFT each Marc Petitjean Whip Finisher MP4 Great design and has spring tension which prevents thread breakage. each Wasatch Cocobolo Wood Whip Finisher W3000 each Wasatch Cocobolo Wood Extended Reach Whip Finisher W3001 Toll Free Fax each 1•877•448•9966 Stainless Steel 2.25” Hackle Pliers DRS22 each 81 e-mail• [email protected] Egg Hook Turner Pliers ETP per pkg. English Hackle Pliers T8303 Large T8305 Medium each T8306 Small J. Dorin Nickel Plated Teardrop Hackle Pliers Tyflyz Tools Hackle Tweezer JD10 Large HTZ each Holds your hackle and does not let go! each Stonfo Pinza Elite Hackle Plier FO577 Easy to use push button pliers. each Stonfo Short Spring Hackle Plier FO462S 4” Stainless Steel Rotary Hackle Plier with Half Hitch each each The spring will help prevent hackle breakage. DRS38 Marc Petitjean Pliers MP3 each Stonfo Long Spring Hackle Plier Large J. Dorin Teardrop Hackle Pliers JD3 FO462L Stonfo Soft Touch Ring Hackle Pliers Manufactured in the U.S.A. by Hareline Dubbin The spring will help prevent hackle breakage. each each FO503 Great holding power and the soft ring gives you much better winding control. Each Rubber sleeved hackle plier T8325 each Hook & Hackle Pliers HHP Swiss Plier with Spring Ring 82 T9310 each A perfect tool for hackling and handling your flies. each Toll Free Phone Order Line 1•800•448•9966 Griffin Rotating Hackle Pliers GT21 each www.hareline.com 2” Stainless Steel Rotary Hackle Plier DRS39 Renzetti Midge hair Stacker RZ201 For Caddis or comparaduns. each each Renzetti Double Ender Standard hair Stacker RZ204 Two in one! each Small Handled Rotary Hackle Plier with Silicone Sleeve T8316 each Renzetti Standard hair Stacker RZ202 For all around stacking. each Griffin Regular Stacker GT26 each Wasatch Cocobolo Wood Revolving Hackle Plier W3002 each Stainless Steel 2.25” Duplex Rubber Jaw Hackle Pliers DRS21 Renzetti Magnum hair Stacker Griffin Hair Stackers Adjustable Stacker each each RZ203 each GT24 non skid hackle plier T5183 each Bulldog Tweeser Clamp T9630 each Renzetti Double Ender Midge hair Stacker Griffin CHS Magnum Stacker with extra Tube For shorter hair stacking. Two in one! Perfect for Bucktail hair. Toll Free Fax RZ205 each 1•877•448•9966 GT70 each 83 e-mail• Stonfo Hair Stacker Set FO470 Comes with a short and long tube. each [email protected] Stainless Steel 1.75” Hair Stacker Curved 3.5” Arrow Scissor DRS73 each DRS28 each 1.75” Brass Hair Stacker DRS27 each Stainless Steel 2.75” Hair Stacker DRS24 Curved 4” All Purpose Scissor DRS74 each each 2” Brass Hair Stacker DRS25 each Curved 4.5” Hair Scissor DRS72 each Micro Tip Scissors MTS Back due to popular demand. each 2.75” Brass Hair Stacker DRS23 each 3.5” Arrow Scissor 4” Razor Scissor DRS43 each DRS55 each Aluminum Stackers Large hair Stacker T8645 each medium hair Stacker T8646 each small hair Stacker 84 T8647 each 5” Razor Scissor DRS56 Toll Free Phone Order Line each 4” All Purpose Scissor DRS47 1•800•448•9966 each www.hareline.com 4” All Purpose Open Loop Scissor DRS46 each 3.5” Tungsten Carbide Arrow Scissor DRS45 each Twisted Loop 3.5” Arrow Scissor DRS69 each 4” Bent Shaft Scissor DRS50 each 4” Tungsten Carbide All Purpose Scissor DRS49 each Twisted Loop 4” All Purpose Scissor DRS70 each 4.5” Hair Scissor DRS51 each 4.5” Tungsten Carbide Hair Scissor DRS52 each Twisted Loop 4.5” Hair Scissor 3.5” Micro Tip Arrow Scissor DRS71 DRS44 each 5” Synthetics Scissor each DRS57 each 4” Micro Tip All Purpose Scissor DRS48 each Anvil Ultimate Taperizer SC5 Ideal for trimming larger flies that use materials like EP Fiber. each Toll Free Fax 1•877•448•9966 Eco Arrow 3.5” Scissor DRS65 each 85 e-mail• [email protected] Anvil’s Straight Fine Point Scissors SC2 each Griffin All-Purpose Scissors GT1 each Griffin CHS Scissors GT62 Marc Petitjean Complete Tool Set with Both Scissors MP9 This set includes MP1,2,3,4,5,6,7. each each Griffin CHS Arrow Point Scissors Anvil’s Curved Fine Point Scissors SC3 GT63 Has a finer tip than the standard CHS. each each Marc Petitjean Tool Set with Small Scissors Anvil’s Offset Handle Straight Fine Point Scissors SC4 Terra 4” malleable open loop scissors T5148 MP8 This set includes MP1,2,3,4,5,6. each each each Anvil’s Mini Accutip Straight Scissors SC9 Marc Petitjean Small Curved Scissors DELUXE WOODEN FLY TYING TOOL KIT TZ798 MP6 each kit each each Anvil’s #70 Ultimate Straight Scissors 86 SC7 each Marc Petitjean Long Loop Trim Scissors MP7 each Toll Free Phone Order Line Standard Tool Kit with vise and pedestal base 1•800•448•9966 T9797 each www.hareline.com We’ve got Regal, yes we do. We’ve got Regal, how about you? Griffin Odyssey Spider Cam Vise GT71 Nice light weight design with hook holding power each Regal Aluminum base Travel Vise TRA50 Regal Revolution Vise with Traditional Jaw and Bronze Pocket Base If you travel this is the solution to your hook holding needs. each R20010P Griffin 1A C-clamp Superior Tying Vise each each GT41 The ultimate regal experience! Griffin 2A C-clamp Superior Tying Vise Griffin Montana Pro Vise GT69 each GT42 each Regal Medallion Vise with Traditional Jaw and Bronze Traditional Base RPBR10T The traditional model with bronze base. each Griffin Odyssey Spider Vise GT66 each Terra Rotary Vise T8191 each Regal Medallion Vise with C-Clamp and Traditional Jaw Super AA Vise The classic Regal all around c-clamp vise. each RCR4 each T9103 Toll Free Fax Griffin Montana Mongoose Pedestal Vise 1•877•448•9966 GT67 each 87 e-mail• [email protected] Renzetti Traveler C-Clamp Vise RZTV The vise every shop in the WORLD should stock! each Renzetti Apprentise Vise RZ1 The holding power of this vise is amazing. We have tyed from size 3/0 to 24’s on the Apprentise and find it one of the best all around tying vises available. Made in the USA Petitjean Master Swiss Vise SVM This can be transformed and used as a c-clamp, extended arm or base vise. Tube fly mandrels included. each each Petitjean Bobbin Rest for Swiss Vise SV2 HMH Standard Bench Vise HMHSTD Pedestal each HMHSTDC C-Clamp This is HMH’s top of the line. Solid as a rock. each HMH SX Pedestal Vise HMHSX Interchangeable jaws put this a step above the Silhouette vise. each HMH Micro jaw HMH2 Petitjean Profile Plate forSwiss Vise SV3 each each HMH Magnum Jaw HMH2MAG each Petitjean Swiss Vise Base Model HMH Spartan Vise HMH1 Pedestal 88 HMH1C C-Clamp A classic vise that will stand up to years and years of tying. each SVB HMH Profile Plate each Relieves eye strain. (Vise Not Included) This model comes with the heavy base and tube fly mandrels. Toll Free Phone Order Line HMH7 1•800•448•9966 each www.hareline.com Important Note Copic products can only be sold in North America which includes Canada and Mexico. They cannot be sold by dealers elsewhere. Griffin Extended Body Parachute Tool (Vise Not Included) GT18 each Copic Sketch Markers CSK HMH Bobbin Rest HMH6 For use with any HMH vise. (Vise Not Included) each Can be used as is or with the airbrushing kit. 2 AMBER 11 BLACK 23 BLUE 40 BROWN 49 CADDIS GREEN 83 DARK BLUE 89 DARK DUN 95 DARK OLIVE 125 FL BLUE 127 CHARTREUSE 138 FL PINK 142 FL YELLOW 165 GRAY 188 HOT PINK 208 LT DUN Copic Airbrush Starter Set ABS2 each 217 LIGHT OLIVE 238 GREEN 263 OLIVE 271 ORANGE 298 PURPLE 310 RED 322 RUST 325 RUSTY ORANGE 342 SHRIMP ORANGE 343 SHRIMP PINK 367 SUNSHINE ORANGE 369 TAN 375 VIOLET 383 YELLOW Great for coloring minnows, poppers or adding unique patterns to any fly. per set Griffin Pedestal Base Only GT40 each Copic Aircan for Airbrushing ACD60 Refill for the Copic Airbrush System. per can Zephr Pedestal Base T2005 each Chartpak AD Markers CAD The Tri-Nib tips on these permanent markers will allow you to color any shape or material with ease. Perfect for our extended bodies. Cordura Tying Club / Travel Vise and Tool Case T2076 each Pattern Coloring Patches PCP For spray painting bodies, feathers and flies. per pkg. of 5 patterns Toll Free Fax 130 46 62 64 5 7 126 36 34 1•877•448•9966 each PALE YELLOW GOLDENROD CHROME ORANGE CADMIUM ORANGE TRUE BLUE NAVY BLUE CELERY (OLIVE) CHARTREUSE PALE OLIVE 31 24 142 146 56 57 75 181 98 OLIVE DARK OLIVE SAND (TAN) DESERT TAN SEPIA DELTA BROWN) BURNT SIENNA GRAY BLACK 89 e-mail• [email protected] Griffin Glass Applicator Jar with Brush GT65 Penetrator Hard as Hull Cement Glass Applicator Jar with Needle Specially formulated to soak in and lock in your materials. each GT2 each Vise Fly Rack VFR PHH per bottle This foam rack will fit on any vise stem and stays out of the way while tying. Just place your flies in one of the 16 slits. Multiple racks Can also be rigged on a motorized rod and used as an epoxy fly turner. per 2-pack Hard as Hull Head Cement Applicator Bottle with Caps and Needles LN95 Per 1/2 oz bottle For your own cements or solvents. each Deluxe Garbag HHH This head Cement is made with acrylic polymers making it Hard as Hull. The Cap incorporates a brush applicator. HHHD Save $0.15 per bottle. T8686 Per 12 bottles each Lacquer Applicator Bottle LAB each Thinner for Hard as Hull Cements Griffin Collect All Trash Bin THH GT14 For use with either hard as Hull Cement. each per bottle Disposable Micro Brushes DMB Griffin Hook Hackle Gauge 90 GT30 each A micro Q-tip that can be used for epoxy work, eye painting and any other dirty or messy job. Container has 100 micro brushes. per container Toll Free Phone Order Line Softex™ SX 3.5 oz. jar of clear, flexible and fast drying coating liquid. Will not crack, peel or chip. Water proof and non yellowing. 1•800•448•9966 each www.hareline.com Fritz Von Schlegel Head Cement WB head Cement System LN70 Complete water base head cement system. each FV A very unique bottle incorporating a brush dispensing one drop at a time. Ideal for larger saltwater or bass and pike flies. each Clear Cure Goo Pro Curing Light CG1 WB head Finish System WB Thinner For building up glossy heads and bodies on your flies. Water Base. Water Base thinner for Loon WB Head Finish and WB Cement. LN75 each LN80 Be sure to use the Pro Curing Light with all Clear Cure Goo products to prevent material yellowing, cracking or chipping. This light has been designed specifically for the CCG products range. Three AAA batteries are required and not included. each each Hardheaded Water base Head Cement AEV1 A quick drying penetrating cement. each bottle Loon Hard Head Tying Cement LN For a smooth hard finish on your flies. Head Strong Flexible Tying Cement LN81 LN82 LN89 LN101 LN102 LN103 LN107 CLEAR RED BLACK PINK ORANGE YELLOW PEARL WHITE each LN108 PEARL RED LN109 PEARL UV LN110 PEARL GREEN LN111 BLUE LN112 GREEN LN113* PHOSPHORESCENT Clear Cure Goo Syringe KIT CG2 The perfect way to step into the magic world of Clear Cure Goo! Each kit comes with one thick syringe, one thin syringe, one LED Cure Light, tips and caps. Three AAA batteries are required and not included. per kit AEV2 A quick drying flexible cement. each bottle Thin Clear Cure Goo Syringe CG3 Head Strong Thinner Loon Soft head Thinner for flexible cement. each LN AEV3 each bottle LN96 CLEAR Toll Free Fax LN97 BLACK Clear Cure Goo Thin flows and smooths out much faster than the Flexible or the Thick and is one of our best selling products. It blends the ability to apply a good amount of material on a fly and to have it smooth out very nicely. Perfect for wing cases, nymphs, midges and just about anything. 1•877•448•9966 per 10ml syringe 91 e-mail• [email protected] We are very pleased to be able to bring you the great products from Clear Cure Goo. They are the leader in the UV curing industry. All Clear Cure Goo products are manufactured in the United States from 100% non-toxic and solvent free Chemicals. Clear Cure Goo Premium Starter Kit CG16 This kit contains the best light and the top CCG products to get your Goo going! each kit Pearly Fleck Clear Cure Goo Syringe CG5 Clear Cure Goo Fleck is similar to the consistency of the Thick but we have added flecks of gold, silver, green and blue pearlescent glitter. It provides just enough shimmer to a fly to get the fish’s attention but not enough to appear unnatural. per 10ml syringe Thin Squeeze Clear Cure Goo CG8 Clear Cure Goo Thin Squeeze flows and smooths out much faster than the Flexible or the Thick.This produces a smoother finish but also will penetrate materials like dubbing, and feathers, providing a stronger bond to them. per 15ml bottle Clear Cure Goo 3 Watt Premium Curing Light CG14 The strength of this light will set CCG products quicker and with less tack. Two CR123 Lithium batteries are required and not included. each Flexible Clear Cure Goo Syringe CG6 Tired of messing with flexible cements or Silicone? Don’t want to wait for it to dry? Clear Cure Goo Flexible is your answer. It cures in 10-12 seconds for the entire fly and is Soft, Chewy and supple. per 10ml syringe HYDRO Clear Cure Goo CG9 HYDRO Clear Cure Goo has the consistency of a watery head cement. It cures in just 5 seconds, it can be used as a top coat for any of the Clear Cure goo materials, you can use it to cover any and all freshwater flies. It not only gives durability to delicate flies but gives it a lifelike translucency . Clear Cure Goo Brushable KIT with Light CG15 per 15ml bottle The perfect way to step into the magic world of Clear Cure Goo! Each kit comes with the brushable CCG products, an LED Cure Light, tips and caps. Three AAA batteries are required and not included. per kit Brushable Clear Cure Goo CG7 Thick Clear Cure Goo Syringe CG4 Clear Cure Goo Thick is perfect for creating bait heads on flies or whenever you need to build up material in larger amounts as it does not flow as fast as the Thin or Brushable. per 92 10ml syringe The thought process behind creating the Clear Cure Goo Brushable was making a material you could use coating Crease Flies with and that would smooth out rapidly once applied. Perfect examples are when you are using an EZ Body fly and want it to stiffen up, bonding mylar to foam, waterproofing flies or coating poppers. per 15ml bottle Toll Free Phone Order Line Tack Free Squeeze Clear Cure Goo CG13 CCG Tack Free Products are best used in thin layers. Apply a small amount and cure. Continue to do so until you have reached the desired thickness. per 15ml bottle 1•800•448•9966 www.hareline.com Clear Cure Goo Hydro Flex Loon UV Cure Fly Paint Flexible and thin!! Now we have it all! Sets in seconds with a UV lamp. CG17 each LN each LN87 RED LN88 ORANGE LN92 YELLOW CG11 LN93 each Loon THIN UV Clear Fly Finish Tack Free Brushable Clear Cure Goo Clear Cure Goo Tack Free Brushable has the same consistency as the Clear Cure Goo Brushable. CCG Tack Free Products are best used in thin layers. Apply a small amount and cure. Continue to do so until you have reached the desired thickness. UV Clear Fly Finish Loon 1/2 oz. Thick Uv Clear Finish LN91 each LN98 Thick uv finish. each per 15ml bottle UV Power Light LNUV Extremely bright light and waterproof. each Tack Free Flexible Clear Cure Goo CG10 Clear Cure Goo Tack Free Flex is just that Tack Free. There is no need to add a top coat. It has the same consistency as the Clear Cure Goo Brushable. CCG Tack Free Products are best used in thin layers. Apply a small amount and cure. Continue to do so until you have reached the desired thickness. Loon 1/2 oz. Thin Uv Clear Finish LN99 Thin uv finish. each UV Mini Lamp LN5008 each per 15ml bottle Zap Flexy Tips Accessory Tips for Clear Cure Goo Products Loon Mixing Cup Extra tips for CCG products. each CG12 per set LN700 Toll Free Fax 1•877•448•9966 ZN7 For flow control and dry out prevention. per pkg. of 10 tips 93 e-mail• [email protected] Zap-O Odorless foam Glue ZO Zap A Gap WILL NOT BURN FOAM! Great for Durable foam flies. ZAP each Fly Fishing ZAP Quick Set Epoxy each ZF35 Great for coating fly heads and bodies. 5 minute formula. each Zap Gel Zap CA Super thin ZG ZCA Great for eyes on Hair. Deep penetrating formula each each Z Poxy 5 Minute Z5 each Fly Fishing ZAP Brush ON Fly Fishing ZAP GOO Zap-a-Gap with a brush. Spread it over large areas with ease or work it into nooks and crannies. Strong and flexible fly tying adhesive. Great for gluing eyes onto flies and even patching your waders. ZF13 each ZF12 each Crystal Clear Liquid Fusion LQF Fly Fishing ZAP A GAP ZF04 94 Great for Fly Tying, Knotless line & leader connections and improves knot strength and smoothness. Precision Micro Tips included. each Fly Fishing ZAP GEL ZF27 Extra thick formula. each Toll Free Phone Order Line This water based clear urethane glue works and looks like epoxy but without the mixing or smell. Great for coating eyes, heads and wingcases. Can be thinned down with water for a more penetrating thin formula for heads or wingcases. per 2 oz. bottle 1•800•448•9966 www.hareline.com Tube Cone Heads HMH Poly Tubes HPT Tear Mender TM For Gluing rabbit strips or any hides together for patterns like the double bunny. each Flex Coat BIG WHEEL Cordless Fly & Jig Turner FXBW Great colored tubes that will withstand extreme cold without breaking. TCHM 11 67 137 138 per pack 163 GRAPE PURPLE 44 BUBBLE GUM PINK 170 GREEN APPLE 65 CLEAR 73 CREAMSICLE ORANGE per pkg. of 20 BLACK NICKEL COPPER FL ORANGE FL PINK 153 GOLD 261 NICKEL 284 FL PEARL WHITE HMH Starter Tube Fly Tool HMH3 each Senyo’s Intruder trailer hook Wire each THW Large Diameter Tube Assortment HMH4 Flex Coat Pin Clips for Big Wheel TCHL Medium 7/32” Large 1/4” Large diameter center hole to fit over tubes. per assortment You can now match your trailer hook wire to your fly. Doubled over tests out at over 50lbs breaking strength and is stiff enough to hold the hook in position without fowling. For hook sizes 6 or larger. 11 23 54 165 per pkg. of 4 yards BLACK BLUE CHARTREUSE GRAY 271 289 298 310 ORANGE/COPPER PINK PURPLE RED FXPC6 per pkg. of 6 Small Diameter Tube Assortment HMH5 per assortment Senyo’s Thin Intruder trailer hook Wire SIW For hook sizes 6 or smaller. Nymph Head Articulated Wiggle Tail Shank HMH Micro Tubing Ideal for wiggle nymphs. Many requests for this size. NHA per pkg. of 20 HMHMT per pkg. Toll Free Fax 1•877•448•9966 11 23 54 165 per pkg. of 4 yards BLACK BLUE CHARTREUSE GRAY 271 289 298 310 ORANGE/COPPER PINK PURPLE RED 95 e-mail• [email protected] Articulated Fish Spines AFS Senyo’s Articulated Shank by Fish Skull 25SA 40SA 25mm Four lengths that will give your fly boundless swimming action. The Game Changer fly designed and tied by Blane Chocklett. Try the Minnow Body Wrap but any material that you can wind around the shank will work. per pack 40mm BIG GAME SHANKS BGS Heavy duty shanks for Pike, Muskie and Saltwater or larger patterns in general 28 40 per pack of 16 28MM SHANK 40MM SHANK 80 80MM SHANK Loop eye up, anodized and available in five fish catching colors. You will have the complete package by adding our new colored Intruder wire. 11 23 54 per pkg. of 20 BLACK BLUE CHARTREUSE 271 ORANGE 289 PINK J:Son Short Shank Ultimate Dry Fly Hook Alec Jackson Phanttom Covert Nymph Hook Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 Super short wide gape for all those extended body patterns. Sizes 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 High Carbon Steel, 2x stout, forged Needle Point, Mini Barb, Chemically Sharpened. Black finish. Uses: wets and chironomids JSS per pkg. of 24 Fish Skull ARTICULATED SHANK FAS Simplify the tying of articulated streamer and intruder flies 20 pack per pack of 20 96 FAS20 20MM 3/4” FAS35 35MM 1 3/8” FAS55 55MM 2 1/8” AJP per pkg. of 25 Alec Jackson Crystal Finish Covert Nymph Hook J:Son Ultimate Dry Fly Hook JUD Sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 Shorter shank for extended bodies. per pkg. of 24 Toll Free Phone Order Line CNH Sizes 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 High Carbon Steel, 2x stout, forged Needle Point, Mini Barb, Chemically Sharpened. Uses: wets and chiromids per pkg. of 25 1•800•448•9966 www.hareline.com Daiichi Short Shank Dry Fly hook D1310 Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 Round bend, 1X Short Shank, Down eye Forged, Bronze 25 pack Uses: Standard Dry Flies with Wide Gape & short bodied dry flies. per pack Daiichi Traditional Dry Fly hook D1170 Sizes 8, 10, 12 14, 16 Round bend, Standard Shank, Down eye Standard barb, Flat Forged, Bronze 25 pack Uses: Traditional Dry Flies per pack Daiichi Darrel Martin’s Dry Fly Hook D1222 Sizes 14, 16, 18, 20 Sproat bend, Low VIZ silver, Up turned tapered shank, down eye, forged, standard wire and mini barb. Uses: traditional dry flies per pkg. of 25 Daiichi Wide-Gape Dry Fly Hook D1100 Sizes 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 Model perfect bend, oversized down-eye, 1X-fine wire, “mini-barb” 25 pack Uses: Standard Dry Flies per pack Daiichi LOW VIZ Dry Fly Hook D1182 Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 Round bend, down eye, standard wire, standard length, “mini-barb”. Uses: Traditional Dry Flies LOW VIZ finish Daiichi Weamer’s Trueform Mayfly Hook D1230 Sizes 12, 14 per pkg. of 25 Round bend, down-eye, 2X long upturned shank, 25 pack Uses: Dry flies per pack Daiichi Wide-Gape Dry Fly Hook Daiichi Barbless Dry Fly Hook Model perfect bend, oversized straight-eye, 1Xfine wire, “mini-barb” 25 pack Uses: Standard Dry Flies Round bend, down eye, standard wire, standard length, “barbless” 25 pack Uses: Traditional Dry Flies D1110 Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 per pack D1190 Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 Alec Jackson’s Chironomid Fly Hooks per pack Sizes 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 High Carbon Steel, Needle point and mini barb, chemically sharpened 25 pack Uses: Buzzers, chironomids, midge larvae and pupae. CTH per 25 pack Daiichi Standard Dry Fly Hook Daiichi 2X-Long Dry Fly Hook Daiichi Short Shank Straight Eye Hook Round bend, down eye, standard wire, standard length, “mini-barb” 25 pack Uses: Traditional Dry Flies Round bend, down eye, 1X-fine wire, 2Xlong shank, “mini-barb” 25 pack Uses: Stoneflies, Hoppers, Damselflies, Long-Bodied Dry Flies Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 Round bend, straight eye, 2X-short shank. Ideal for use with the Magic Heads due to the straight eye and nice gape. D1180 Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20*, 22*, 24* per pack D1280 Sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 per pack Toll Free Fax 1•877•448•9966 D1640 per pkg. of 25 97 e-mail• [email protected] Daiichi Glass Bead Hook Daiichi Klinkhamer Hook Bronze D1160 Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 Continuous bend, Straight-eye, 1X-fine wire, emerger hook, bronze 25 pack D1250 Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18 Continuous bend, up-eye, standard wire, 1X-long, barbless, slightly offset Uses: Killer Caddis,TM Beaded Nymphs, Scuds, Shrimp, Grubs, Pupae 25 pack per pack Daiichi Heavy Wire Glow-Bug Hook D1520 Sizes 6, 8, 10 Sproat bend, down-eye, 2x heavy, 3X short shank, 25 pack Uses: Egg Patterns, Spiders, Ants per pack per pack Daiichi Wide Gape Scud Hook Daiichi Klinkhamer Hook Black Nickel D1167 Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 Continuous bend, Straight-eye, 1X-fine wire, emerger hook, black nickel 25 pack per pack Daiichi Heavy Wide-Gape Hook D1150 Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 Continuous bend, up-eye, 1X-heavy wire, forged, reversed 25 pack Uses: Scud, Shrimp, Grubs, Pupae, San Juan Worm, Nymphs per pack D1130 Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 Continuous bend, down-eye, 1X-fine wire, 1X-short shank, forged, reversed 25 pack Uses: Scud, Shrimp, Grubs, Pupae, San Juan Worm, Nymphs per pack D1140 Sizes 18, 20, 22 98 Continuous bend, up-eye, 1X-fine wire, 1X-short shank, forged, reversed 25 pack per pack JNC Sizes 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 High Carbon Steel, 2X short, Needle Point, Mini Barb, Chemically Sharpened 25 pack Uses: All Soft hackles, Midges, Spiders and Variants. per pkg. of 25 Daiichi Heavy Wire Scud Hook D1120 Sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 18, 20, 22 Continuous bend, down-eye, 2X Heavy , 1Xshort shank, forged, reversed 25 pack Uses: Scud, Shrimp, Grubs, Pupae, San Juan Worm, Nymphs per pack JSH Sizes 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 High Carbon Steel, 1 X Fine, 2X short, Needle Point, Mini Barb, Chemically Sharpened 25 pack Uses: All Soft hackles, Midges, Spiders and Variants. per pkg. of 25 Toll Free Phone Order Line Daiichi Heavy WIre Tube Fly Hook D1650 Sizes 4, 6, 8, 10 Round bend, straight-eye, 2X-heavy wire, 2X-short shank, forged, reversed, bronze 25 pack per pack Alec Jackson Crystal Soft Hackle Trout Fly Hook Daiichi Special Wide-Gape Hook Alec Jackson Crystal North Country Trout Hook Alec Jackson’s Tube Fly Hook D1648 Nickel 3, 5, 7 Ring straight eye, forged 10 pack Uses: Tube flies for steelhead and salmon fishing. Saltwater resistant. per 10 pack 1•800•448•9966 www.hareline.com Daiichi 2X-Long Bead-Head Nymph Daiichi Intruder Hook Black Nickel Finish D2557 Sizes 1, 2, 4, 6 Round bend, wide gape, slightly curved point, up eye, forged, offset and black nickel finish. Uses: Intruder style flies and trailing hooks per pkg. of 15 Daiichi Heavy Wet Fly Hook D1530 Sizes 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 Sproat bend, down-eye, 2X-heavy wire, 1X-short shank 25 pack Uses: Short-Bodied Wet Flies, Nymphs, Steelhead Flies D1260 Sizes 6, 8, 10, 12 14, 16 2X-Long, Round Bend, Straight-Eye, Curved Shank 25 pack Uses: Bead-Head Nymphs, Hoppers and easy to use with Beads of all types per pack per pack Daiichi Multi-Use Curved Hook Daiichi Wet Fly Hook Daiichi Intruder Hook Red Finish D2553 Sizes 1, 2, 4, 6 Round bend, wide gape, slightly curved point, up eye, forged, offset and red finish. Uses: Intruder style flies and trailing hooks D1550 Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 D1270 Sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 18, 20, 22 Sproat bend, down-eye, standard wire, standard length 25 pack Uses: Traditional Wet Flies York bend, straight-eye, 3X-long shank, forged 25 pack Uses: Hoppers, Terrestrials, Stonefly, Nymphs per pack per pkg. of 15 per pack Daiichi Traditional Nymph Hook D1560 Sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 Daiichi Steelhead Egg Hook DX510 Sizes 4, 6, 8, 10 Wide gape bend, 3x short shank, 3x heavy wire, straight eye, forged, XPoint. 25 pack Uses: Egg and Glo Bug Patterns; Short Steelhead and Salmon patterns. Daiichi RED Multi-Use Curved Hook Sproat bend, down-eye, 1X-heavy wire, 1X-long shank 25 pack Uses: Wet Flies, Traditional Nymphs per pack per pack D1273 Sizes 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 York bend, straight-eye, 3X-long shank, forged 25 pack Uses: Hoppers, Terrestrials, Stonefly, Nymphs per pack Daiichi 2X-Long Nymph Hook Daiichi Glow-Bug Hook D1510 Sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 Sproat bend, down-eye, 3X-short shank Uses: Egg Patterns, Spiders, Ants 25 pack per pack D1710 Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 Round bend, down-eye, 1X-heavy wire, 2X-long shank, forged 25 pack Uses: Wet Flies, Standard Nymph Patterns, Muddlers, Hoppers per pack Toll Free Fax Daiichi Curved Nymph Hook D1760 Sizes 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 Curved Nymph Hook heavy wire Uses: Nymphs for trout fishing. 25 pack v 1•877•448•9966 per pack 99 e-mail• Alec Jackson Phanttom Covert Nymph Hook AJP Sizes 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 High Carbon Steel, 2x stout, forged Needle Point, Mini Barb, Chemically Sharpened. Black finish. Uses: wets and chironomids per pkg. of 25 Daiichi Swimming Nymph Hook [email protected] Daiichi 3X-Long Nymph Hook D1720 Sizes 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 D1770 per 25 pack D2370 Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 Round bend, down-eye, 1X-heavy wire, 3X-long shank, forged 25 pack Uses: Muddlers, Long-Bodied Nymphs, Woolly Buggers, Small Streamers Modified Limerick Bend, Tapered Loop Eye, 3X Heavy wire Bronze 10 pack Uses: Classic Streamers Daiichi Long Shank Aberdeen Bronze Straight Eye Hook Daiichi X-Point WIde Gape “J” Hook per pack per pack D2460 Sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 Sproat Bend, STraight- Eye, forged 1X-Fine, 3X-Long Bronze Uses: Leeches, Nymphs & San Juan Worms. Daiichi 7X long Streamer hook Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 Aberdeen bend, straight eye, standard wire, 3X-long shank. A longer shank for use with the Magic Heads with a straight eye and nice gape. DX15 Sizes 3/0*, 2/0*, 1/0, 1, 2, 4 X-point, Black Nickel, offset shank, *5 pack 6 pack Uses: Bass and pike patterns per pack per pkg. of 25 Daiichi Long- Shank Black Aberdeen Hook Daiichi Larva Hook D1870 Sizes 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 York bend, Up eye, 2X Heavy wire 3X-long curved shank, 25 pack Uses: Swimming Nymphs and Larva Insect Patterns per pack Round bend, down-eye, bent down shank, 1X heavy wire, 3X-long shank, forged 25 pack Uses: Stonefly Nymphs, Crab Patterns 100 per pack Daiichi Straight Eye Streamer Hook D1750 Sizes 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 Round bend, straight-eye, 1X-heavy wire, 4X-long shank, forged 25 pack Uses: Muddlers, Streamers, Zonkers, Bucktails Aberdeen bend,straight-eye, 3X long shank, standard wire. **12 pack **15 pack **20 pack *10 pack *8 pack, *7 pack, *6 pack *5 pack Uses: Bass & Pike flies per pack per pack Daiichi Stonefly Nymph Hook D1730 Sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 D2461 Sizes 6/0*, 5/0*, 4/0*, 3/0*, 2/0*, 1/0**, 1**, 2**, 4**, 6** Daiichi 6X-Long Streamer Hook D2340 Sizes 4, 6, 8, 10 Limerick bend, down-eye, 1X-heavy wire, 6X-long shank 25 pack Uses: Classic Streamers, Bucktails per pack Toll Free Phone Order Line Daiichi 4X-Long Streamer Hook D2220 Sizes 1*, 2*, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 Round bend, down-eye, 1X-heavy wire, 4X-long shank, forged 25 pack *20 pack *15 pack Uses: Streamers, Muddlers, Woolly Buggers, Zonkers, Bucktails 1•800•448•9966 per pack www.hareline.com Daiichi Standard “J” Hook D4350 Sizes 3/0*, 2/0*, 1/0, 1, 2 Bronze finish, Offset shank, *8 pack 10 pack Uses: Bass and pike patterns per pack Daiichi 60 oJig Hook D2110 Sizes 4, 6, 8, 10 Limerick bend, down eye, wide gape, medium wire, forged and bronze finish. uses: Bomber flies Van Klinken Bomber Hooks Black finish per pack Limerick bend, down eye, wide gape, medium wire, forged and black finish. uses: Bomber flies Slotted Tungsten Beads are perfect for D2051 BLACK Sizes 3/0*, 1.5, 3, 5, 7 Tapered-loop up-eye, forged 10 pack Uses: Spey Patterns, Salmon/Steelhead Flies per pack per pkg. of 15 D4630 Sizes 4/0*, 3/0, 2/0 Wide Gap, round bend, bronze finish *6pack 8 pack Uses: Bass and pike patterns Daiichi Alec Jackson Spey Fly Hook Van Klinken Bomber Hooks Bronze finish D2117 Sizes 4, 6, 8, 10 Daiichi Alec Jackson Spey Fly Hook D2052 Nickel Sizes 3/0*, 1.5, 3, 5, 7 Tapered-loop up-eye, forged 10 pack Uses: Spey Patterns, Salmon/Steelhead Flies per pack per pkg. of 15 weighting this jig hook. Daiichi 90º Standard Jig Hook D4660 Sizes 1*, 2, 4, 6, 8 15 pack *10 pack Aberdeen Bend, Shank Bent 90º, Flat-Eye. Bronze Uses: Jigs, Flies for fishing with Floats. per pack Daiichi Wide Gape “Stinger Hook” D2720 Sizes 5/0 , 3/0 , 1/0 , 2 Wide-gape bend, straight eye, 1X-fine wire 15 pack *10 pack Uses: Deer Hair Bass Bugs, Divers, Frogs, Mice per pack Daiichi Alec Jackson Spey Fly Hook Low Water Salmon Hook D2421 Sizes 2*, 4, 6, 8 Tapered-loop up-eye, forged 15 pack *12 pack Uses: Low Water Patterns, Salmon/Steelhead Dry Flies D2055 Gold Sizes 3/0*, 1.5, 3, 5, 7 Tapered-loop up-eye, forged 10 pack Uses: Spey Patterns, Salmon/Steelhead Flies per pack per pack Daiichi Alec Jackson Spey Fly Hook Daiichi Alec Jackson Spey Fly Hook BRONZE Sizes 1.5, 3, 5, 7 Tapered-loop up-eye, forged 10 pack Uses: Spey Patterns, Salmon/Steelhead Flies Blue Sizes 1.5* , 3, 5, 7 Tapered-loop up-eye, forged 10 pack Uses: Spey Patterns, Salmon/Steelhead Flies D2050 per pack Toll Free Fax 1•877•448•9966 D2059 per pack 101 e-mail• Alec Jackson Heavy Wire Spey Fly Hook J2060 Bronze Sizes 1.5*, 3 Tapered-loop up-eye, forged 10 pack Uses: Spey Patterns, Salmon/Steelhead Flies per pkg. of 10 Alec Jackson Heavy Wire Spey Fly Hook J2061 Black Sizes 1.5*, 3 Tapered-loop up-eye, forged 10 pack Uses: Spey Patterns, Salmon/Steelhead Flies per pkg. of 10 Daiichi Traditional Salmon Hook D2441 Sizes 2/0*, 1/0, 2, 4, 6, 8 Tapered-loop up-eye, 1X heavy wire, forged 10 pack *8 pack Uses: Classic Atlantic Salmon Wet Flies, Hairwing Salmon/Steelhead Flies per pack Alec Jackson’s Black Steelhead Irons SIB Black Sizes 3, 5, 7, 9 Tapered-loop up-eye, forged 10 pack Uses: Traditional flies for steelhead and salmon fishing. J2062 per pkg. of 10 Gold Sizes 3, 5, 7, 9 Tapered-loop up-eye, forged 10 pack Uses: Traditional flies for steelhead and salmon fishing. Nickel Sizes 1.5*, 3 Tapered-loop up-eye, forged 10 pack Uses: Spey Patterns, Salmon/Steelhead Flies per 25 pack Daiichi Short Shank Salmon Hook D2450 Sizes 4, 6, 8 O’shaughnessy bend, straight-eye, forged, heavy wire, bronze finish 18 pack per pack D2151 Sizes 1, 2, 4, 6 SIG Tapered Loop Straight Eye, Forged, black 10 pack Uses: Salmon and Steelhead Flies per pack per 10 pack Alec Jackson Heavy Wire Spey Fly Hook Gold Sizes 1.5, 3 Tapered-loop up-eye, forged 10 pack Uses: Spey Patterns, Salmon/Steelhead Flies per pkg. of 10 BWH Sizes 1.5, 3, 5, 7 Tapered-loop straight-eye, forged 25 pack Uses: Flies for steelhead and salmon fishing. Daiichi Curved Shank Salmon hook Alec Jackson’s Gold Steelhead Irons J2065 Alec Jackson’s Blue Water Nickel Hook per 10 pack Alec Jackson Heavy Wire Spey Fly Hook 102 [email protected] Alec Jackson’s Nickel Steelhead Irons SIN Nickel Sizes 3, 5, 7, 9 Tapered-loop up-eye, forged 10 pack Uses: Traditional flies for steelhead and salmon fishing. per 10 pack Toll Free Phone Order Line Daiichi Double Salmon Hook D7131 Sizes 4*, 6, 8, 10, 12 6 pack *5 pack Double Salmon hook, limerick bend, loop eye up. Forged black finish. Uses: Traditional flies for steelhead and salmon fishing. per pack 1•800•448•9966 www.hareline.com Daiichi X-Point Saltwater Hook DX452 Sizes 4/0**, 3/0**, 2/0**, 1/0*, 2*, 4, 6, 8 O’Shaughnessy bend, straight eye, forged, XPoint. 15 pack *12 pack *10 pack Uses: Salt Water Fly Patterns per pack 10 Compartment Ribbed Hook Box Daiichi Circle-Wide™ Hook BOX4 D3847 each Sizes 1, 1/0, 2/0, 3/0, 4/0, 5/0 Wide-gape bend, beak point, straight-eye, 2X-short shank, forged, reversed. Perfect for larger Saltwater or pike flies using the Magic Head. per pkg. Size 1 13 hooks per pkg. Size 1/0 10 hooks per pkg. Size 2/0 8 hooks per pkg. Size 3/0 7 hooks per pkg. Size 4/0 6 hooks per pkg. Size 5/0 5 hooks per pkg. 20 Compartment Ribbed Hook Box BOX5 each Daiichi Saltwater Hook D2546 Sizes 2/0* , 1/0* , 2, 4, 6, 8 O’Shaughnessy bend, straight eye, forged 20 pack *15 pack *12 pack Uses: Salt Water Fly Patterns Gold Brooch Pin Size 1 PIN For Christmas or special gifts. each per pack 18 Compartment Hook Box BOX9 each Popper Bodies with Hooks POPT Daiichi BOSS Steelhead Black Hook D2571 Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8 Sproat Bend, 2X-Heavy Wire, 3X-Short Shank, Slightly turned down eye, Reversed Uses: Eggs, Glo-Bugs & Steelhead Flies per 25 pack per pkg. of 10 T1 TAPERED CUP SZ. 1 T4 TAPERED CUP SZ. 4 T8 TAPERED CUP SZ. 8 POPB 21 Compartment Hook Box BOX8 each per pkg. of 10 B10 BREAM SIZE 10 B12 BREAM SIZE 12 Popper Bodies with Hooks POPP Daiichi Straight Eye Salmon hook per pkg. of 10 Limerick bend, Tapered Loop Straight Eye, 1X heavy wire, black 10 pack Uses: Salmon and Steelhead Flies POPS D2141 Sizes 1, 2, 4, 6 per pack Stonfo Small Orange Magnetic Hook Box 3”X4.5” P1 PENCIL SIZE 1 P4 PENCIL SIZE 4 per pkg. of 10 S2 SALT W. SIZE 2 S2/0 SALT W. SIZE 2/0 Toll Free Fax FO267S Unbreakable magnetic hook box with 10 compartments. Comes with magnetic pencil to easily sort and remove individual hooks 1•877•448•9966 each 103 e-mail• [email protected] Pearsall’s Naples Rod Wrapping Silk NP Great thread for rod wrapping and in great colors for bamboo rods. Stonfo Super Magnetic Hook Box 4”X6” FO248S Unbreakable magnetic hook box with 14 compartments. Comes with magnetic pencil to easily sort and remove individual hooks each 2 9 11A 30 STRAW BLACK SCARLET JAVA per spool 31 32 33 35 ANTIQUE GOLD CLASSIC CHESTNUT JASPER SALMON Cliffs Day Worth Fly Box C1 each C2 each Cliffs Fly Box Flip Cap 6 Compartment Box BOX1 Flex Coat Nylon Finishing Brushes each FXB Made for applying flex coat products per package of 10 10L 1/8” WIDE BRUSH 10 1/4” WIDE BRUSH Flex Coat 4oz. Rodbuilders Epoxy Glue FXG4 Perfect for gluing reel seats, ferrules, handles, grips butt caps and general repairs. each 10 multi sized Compartment Box BOX6 each Flex Coat High Build Syringe Kit FXF1K each Fly Display Box DISP Flex Coat Lite Formula Syringe Kit FXF1KL Great for protecting your flies from unwanted stroking or handling. 3”X4” with glass cover. Flip Cap 4 small 2 large Compartment Box BOX7 each each each Flex Coat Tip Top Adhesive FXT2 104 This tip top glue will maintain a high strength bond in all temperatures and retains flexibility when cold. each Large Fly Display Box LDISP Great for large patterns or multiple smaller flies. per 6”X8” box Toll Free Phone Order Line On The Fly OTF A great fly and leader storage system. Ideal for the Drift Boat! 6 shuttle cups per unit. 1•800•448•9966 each www.hareline.com Cliff’s Articulator Box C12 each Cliff’s Pink C11 each Tungsten Tacky Weight TTW You can roll this product for your desired shape. Soft and malleable in cold or warm weather. Heavier than Lead. each Cliff Float Patch C10 Perfect for the boat! each Cliff’s Crab Shack C6 Dinsmores Weight Forward Cushion Egg Shot Ideal for crab or high profile flies. per box D5A 5 Shot Dispenser Sizes AB-06 per dispenser D4A 4 Shot Pot Sizes BB-06 The Bugger Beast per pot C4 D4B The Ultimate boat fly box 4 Shot Pot Sizes 04-10 each per pot Cliff’s Super Days Worth Box C7 A partitioned days worth box. per box The Bugger Beast Jr. C5 Great for pontoon boats. each Anchor Soft Lead Split Shot 8 Comp. Dispenser ABB sizes AAA-12 per dispenser 4 Comp. Dispensers ALD1 ALD2 ALD3 sizes AAA-4 Cliffs Bugger Barn C3 Ideal box for streamers and steelhead flies. Slit foam makes it easy to place and remove your flies. each BOX3 6 Compartment Divider Midge Box 3 1/4 X 2 X 1”. each Toll Free Fax ARP1 Size AAA 1•877•448•9966 sizes1-8 per dispenser Refill Pot ARP2 ARP3 Size BB Size 1 ARP5 ARP6 Size 6 sizes 6-12 ARP4 Size4 Size 8 per pot 105 e-mail• [email protected] Thingamabobbers Size Medium 3/4” 3/4” Thingamabobbers in Jug Deep Soft Weight THMJ LN105 Contains 125 3/4” Thingamabobbers. Non lead reusable weight putty. each each 25 Piece Refill bags 3/4” THM 117 FIRE RED 271 ORANGE 289 PINK each 10 Piece Refill bags 1.25” per 5 pack each THX 117 FIRE RED 271 ORANGE 289 PINK each 377 WHITE 383 YELLOW 3/4” retail 3 pack Multicolored 1.25” 2 pack per 3 pack per 2 pack THMP 11 117 152 271 THXJ each 377 WHITE 383 YELLOW THM5 LN201 1.25” Thingamabobbers Jug Contains 50 1.5” Thingamabobbers. Multicolored 3/4” 5 pack Brass head Soft Weight Thingamabobbers Size X-LARGE 1.25” BLACK FIRE RED GLOW IN THE DARK ORANGE THX5 289 PINK 377 WHITE 383 YELLOW 1.25” retail 2 pack THXP 11 117 152 271 per 2 pack BLACK FIRE RED GLOW IN THE DARK ORANGE 289 PINK 377 WHITE 383 YELLOW Thingamabobbers Size Small 1/2” Thingamabobbers Size Large 1” 1/2” Thingamabobbers in Jug 1” Thingamabobbers in Jug Thingamabobbers 9 piece Assortment pack Contains 150 1/2” Thingamabobbers. Contains 100 1” Thingamabobbers. per pack 30 Piece Refill bags 1/2” 20 Piece Refill bags 1” THSJ each THS 117 FIRE RED 271 ORANGE 289 PINK each 377 WHITE 383 YELLOW each THL 117 FIRE RED 271 ORANGE 289 PINK 377 WHITE 383 YELLOW Multicolored 1” 4 pack per 5 pack per 4 pack 1/2” retail 3 pack 1” retail 3 pack THL4 THSP 106 each Multicolored 1/2” 5 pack THS5 11 117 152 271 per 3 pack BLACK FIRE RED GLOW IN THE DARK ORANGE THLP 289 PINK 377 WHITE 383 YELLOW TAP THLJ 11 117 152 271 per 3 pack BLACK FIRE RED GLOW IN THE DARK ORANGE 289 PINK 377 WHITE 383 YELLOW Toll Free Phone Order Line 3 Pack of the Half and Half Thingamabobbers 3/4” THH per 3 pack THH1 RED/WHITE 1•800•448•9966 THH2 BLACK/WHITE www.hareline.com Mini Fish Pimp AEV Small & easy to use indicator. Half and Half Thingamabobbers Size Medium 3/4” 9 10 per pkg. 11 FL. ORANGE FL. WHITE FL. YELLOW Water Shed™ WS Each WSB Dozen in POS Box Water Shed is a pre-fishing treatment and must be applied at least 24 hours prior to fishing. 3/4” Thingamabobbers Red/White in Jug THHJ Contains 125 3/4” Thingamabobbers. each Regular Fish Pimp AEV 3/4” Thingamabobbers Black/White in Jug THHJB Contains 125 3/4” Thingamabobbers. each Easy to use indicator. 12 13 per pkg. 14 FL. ORANGE FL. WHITE FL. YELLOW Doc’s Dry Dust DDD Jumbo Fish Pimp AEV8 A floating aid for streamside use which will give you immediate result that will make your dry flies float higher and help your nymphs trap air. One of each color per package. per bottle per pkg. Tapered Slip Strike Indicators TIS TIM TIL Small 3/4” Medium 7/8” large 1” No matter the length of the leader these slip indicators hold firm during casting and retrieving until the hook is set. Then they release and slide down the leader letting you bring the fish to the net. Football Foam Indicators FOS Small FOM Medium FOL per pkg. of 4 137 FL. ORANGE 142 FL. YELLOW Large 138 FL. PINK 377 WHITE Loon Lochsa Floatant LN6 each per pkg. 4 127 FL CHARTREUSE 137 FL ORANGE 138 FL PINK 139 FL RED 142 FL YELLOW Tapered Slip Strike Indicator Color Combo pack TISC Small 3/4” TIMC Medium 7/8” TILC large 1” One of each color in each pack per pkg. 5 Loon Biostrike pink/yellow LN153 Toll Free Fax each 1•877•448•9966 Loon Hydrostop LN951 each 107 e-mail• Royal Gel LN20 $2.75 each [email protected] Loon Fly Spritz II Loon Stanley’s Ice Off Paste LN202 LN256 $4.48 each $3.75 each Top Ride LN25 $4.48 each Aquel Premium Floatant Loon Aluminum Caddy Loon’s biggest seller. This is a silicone based, temperature stable floatant that will not melt when it is hot or harden when cold. $7.45 each LN5 LN904 $2.75 each Blue Ribbon LN30 $3.75 each Loon Small Caddy LN901 $3.98 each Payette Paste Floatant Loon Medium Caddy Good all around floatant and ideal for leaders. $4.10 each LN10 $2.75 each Loon Large Caddy LN902 Bottoms UP Caddy $4.98 each LN246 $3.48 each Permafly Dry Fly Spray Henry’s Sinket LN953 108 $2.75 each LN935 AEV5 Pump spray for treating flies. Apply and fish within 2 minutes. $4.17 each bottle Toll Free Phone Order Line Fly Sauce Dry Fly Floatant AEV4 Odorless and temperature stable. $2.37 each bottle 1•800•448•9966 www.hareline.com Cover Your Butt Reel Seat Cushion Large Leather Amadou Dryer LLA Sucks water from your wet dry flies like a sponge. CYB A perfect add on to keeping your rods from slidding or getting nicked up $5.97 per pack $17.97 each Gehrke’s Gink GG3 $2.50 each GG1 $61.00 box of 25 Loon Reel Lube LN40 Small Leather Amadou Dryer $2.75 each SLA Small sucker. $9.99 each Renew Line Cleaning Solution Large Foam Amadou Dryer LFA $14.97 each AEV7 Waterbased cleaning and conditioning solution formulated with friction reducers. $3.57 each bottle Gehrke’s Xink GG4 $2.50 each GG2 $61.00 box of 25 Small Foam Amadou Dryer LFA $8.97 each Loon Line Speed LN115 $4.48 each Amadou Pad AP Gehrke’s PZ Line Cleaner GG6 $2.50 each GG5 $61.00 box of 25 Squeeze your waterlogged fly in this super absorbant material and it will be ready to float again. $7.77 per piece Toll Free Fax 1•877•448•9966 Loon Scandinavian Line Cleaner LN116 $4.48 each 109 e-mail• [email protected] Omnispool Switchbox System The Omnispool Switchbox makes your life a lot easier when you need to change, clean, organize, or just mess around with your fly lines! Smartly designed to interlock together to store different fly lines when they are not on the reel, they also have a cleaning pad that attaches to the front of the Omni Spool. Lines are buffed, cleaned stored or fished in seconds! Small Shark Tooth Tippet Cutter LN944 each Large Shark Tooth Tippet Cutter LN945 each Omnispool Complete Switchbox kit OKIT All in one kit. Linecare Box, Switchbox and crank handle. each kit Designed to interlock for easy transport and access. Omnispool Switchbox 1/8” tippet Spool Hands Light, tough, see through shell contains an integrated spool. For 2-2.5” spools. SPT3 OSB per 4 pack each Omnispool Linecare Box Omnispool Crank handle large tippet Spool Hands Cleans, coats and can be used as is. Specially grooved crank handle for spooling. For 3-4” diameter spools. OLC 110 each OCH each Toll Free Phone Order Line SPT2 per 4 pack 1•800•448•9966 www.hareline.com UV Power Light LNUV Extremely bright light and waterproof. each UV Knot Sense LN2 Clip On Reel Figure 8 Ring O Ring Pin On Reel DRS85 DRS42 each each Clip on Reel O Ring DRS86 Swivel Ring Pin On Reel each Apply in shade and let cure in direct sunlight. A light coat on newly tied knots will smooth and strengthen them. DRS40 each each Eco Pin on Reel UV Wader Repair LN3 DRS66 Eco Black Nipper with Pin Figure 8 ring. each Apply directly to your leak or tear, expose to sunlight and you are back to fishing. DRS68 each each UV Mini Lamp LN5008 Figure 8 Ring Pin On Reel Satin Off Set Cutter With File each each DRS41 For setting the UV products indoors at the tying bench or when sunlight is not available. DRS32 each D Ring Clip on Reel Pin on Retractor SPR each DRS64 Black Off Set Cutter With File each each Nylon Cord. Toll Free Fax 1•877•448•9966 DRS33 111 e-mail• [email protected] 4” Curved Clamp DRS Satin Nipper with Knot Tyer DRS30 Sierra Stream Combo Tool SCT each each DRS76 BLACK CLAMP DRS75 GOLD CLAMP each 5” Curved Clamp DRS 4” Diamond Dual Hook File Black Nipper with Knot Tyer DRS31 DRS18 each DRS78 BLACK CLAMP DRS77 GOLD CLAMP each each Sierra Stream Black Tie-Fast Knot Tyer KT 6” Diamond Dual Hook File DRS19 Tie-Fast Magnum Knot Tyer 4.75” Gold Barb Crusher Scissor Clamp each each Sierra Stream Silver Line Clippers LC 112 each DRS53 4.5” Gold Barb Clamp DRS DRS79 GOLD CLAMP each each MKT 5.5” Curved Clamp Toll Free Phone Order Line DRS80 BLACK CLAMP 6” Curved Clamp DRS DRS81 GOLD CLAMP each DRS82 BLACK CLAMP 5” Curved Spring Creek Clamp DRS DRS15 each each DRS83 GOLD CLAMP 1•800•448•9966 each DRS84 BLACK CLAMP www.hareline.com 4” Black Clamp 5.5” Black Clamp each each DRS3 5.5” Gold Clamp each each 5” Black Clamp DRS5 DRS14 each 4” Gold Clamp DRS4 5.5” Gold Mitten Clamp DRS62 5” Gold Slickrelease DRS63 DRS12 each 6” Black Clamp 5” Barb Plier each each DRS7 each DRS34 5” Gold Clamp 6” Gold Clamp 5.5” Satin Bullet Head Plier each each each DRS6 4” Gold Scissor Clamp DRS54 each DRS8 DRS35 5.5” Black Mitten Clamp 6” Satin Chain Nose Plier each each DRS13 Toll Free Fax 1•877•448•9966 DRS37 113 8.5” Satin Barracuda Plier DRS36 each Elastic Fishing Necklace DRS29 each Guides Choice Fish Release FR This is one of those “Why did’nt I think of this” products. It makes removing your fly a breeze and you never touch the fish. FR Each REGULAR SIZE SFR SMALL SIZE Tool Lanyard W3013 Have all your tools, floatant and tippet at the ready. each Hareline Oval STicker HOS “Fly the colors” each Mega Fly Tying Pad Hareline Boat Bumper Sticker Bigger is better! Do not drive or drift without one! MTP 114 each Toll Free Phone Order Line HBS each 1•800•448•9966 Hareline Dubbin, Inc. 24712 Territorial Hwy. Monroe, Oregon 97456 Bob Borden waiting for high tide and a fresh surge of Salmon on the Elk. r ato l mu E ish f k! t i or Ba w at b’s Bo Fly ACCENT 7,65,66 ACETATE FLOSS 74 ADHESIVE BACKED ICE DUB 46 ADHESIVE EYES 62 AIRBRUSH 11 ALUMINUM SEA EYES 60 AMADOU 13,109 AMHERST TAILS 20 ANADROMUS BRUSH 2,30 ANGORA GOAT DUBBING 34 ANT BODIES 53 ANTRON CHENILLE 42 ANTRON YARN 43 ANVIL SCISSORS 86 APPLICATOR JARS 90 ARCTIC FOX 1,25 ARTICULATED FISH SHANKS 96 ARTICULATED FISH SPINE 11,96 BAITFISH EMULATOR FLASH 39,40 BALLZEYES 60 BARRED CDC 1,16 BARRED CRAZY LEGS 55 BARRED MAYFLY TAILS 6,53 BARRED OSTRICH 1,18 BARRED PREDATOR WRAP 5,37 BARRED PSEUDO HAIR 28 BARRED RABBIT 22-24 BARRED WOOD DUCK 17 BEAD CHAIN 7,61,62 BEAD PAD 58 BEAD TWEEZERS 58 BEADS 58-61 BEESWAX 74 BIG FISH EYES 63 BIG FLY FIBER 29 BIG GAME SHANKS 11 BIOSTRIKE 107 BIOT QUILLS 17 BIOTS 17 BLEACHED ELK 27 BLUE PEACOCK NECK 19 BOAT STICKER 12,114 BOBBIN RESTS 88,89 BOBBINS 78-80 BODKINS 77,78 BODY WRAP 5,38 BOXES 37,103-105 BRASS CONEHEADS 6,60,61 BRASS EYES 59,60 BRONZE MALLARD 16 BROOCH PIN 103 BRUSH N WING 2,33 BRUSHES 76 BUCKTAIL 2,26 CACTUS CHENILLE 38 CACTUS HACKLE 40 CADDY'S 108 CALF BODY HAIR 26 CALF TAILS 26 CARDED CHENILLE 41 CAUTERY 75 CDC 1,16 CDC FEATHER TOOL 81 CEMENTS 90-95 CENTER TAIL PAIRS 21 CHARTPAK AD MARKERS 89 CHENILLE 38-43 CHENILLE SKEINS 41 CHEWEE SKIN 45 CHIRONOMID BRAID 43 CINNAMON TURKEY 18 CLAMPS 112,113 CLEAR CURE DUMBBELL EYES 63 CLEAR CURE EYES 7,63 CLEAR CURE GOO 10,91-93 CLEAR CURE GOO EXPANDO 64 CLEAR WING 46 CLIFF BOXES 104,105 CLIPPERS 111,112 CLOWN PACKAGE 57 COASTAL DEER 26 COCK NECKS 14 COLLECT ALL 90 COMBS 9,76,77 COMPARADUN HAIR 26 CONES 6,7,60,61,95 COPIC AIRBRUSH SET 11,89 COPIC MARKERS 11,89 COQ DE LEON 14 CORE BRAID 42 COVERT NYMPH HOOK 11 CRAB BODIES 43 CRAB CLAWS 53 CRAB SHRIMP EYES 63,64 CRAFT FUR 28 CRANK HANDLE 13,110 CRAWBODY 6,54 CRAZY LEGS 6,55 CROSSCUT HIDES 24 CROSSCUT RABBIT 23 CRYSTAL SKIN 45 CUSTOM BLEND 34 CUTTERS 48-50 CYCLOPS BEADS 58 D RIB 5,44 DADDY LONG LEGS 56 DAIICHI HOOKS 96-103 DANVILLE THREAD 70-73 DARLON 43 DAZZLE BEADS 58 DEADLY DAZZLE 4,31 DEER 2,26,27 DEER BELLY HAIR 27 DIAMOND BRAID 42 DINSMORES EGG SHOT 105 DISPLAY BOX 104 DNA HOLO FUSION 67 DOC'S DRY DUST 107 DOLL EYES 63 DR SLICK TOOLS 112,114 DRY FLY DUB 36 DUAL HEAD PRO LIGHT 74 DUBBIN 33-37 DUBBING BOX 37 DUBBING WAX 36,37 DUBBING WHIRLER 75,76 DUBBIT TOOL 76 DUMBBELL EYES 7 DURA FLASH TUBING 65 DURA SKIN 46 EDGE BRIGHT 46 EGG VEIL 57 EGG YARN 57 ELK HAIR 27 EMBOSSED PEARL FLASHBACK 46 EMBOSSED TINSEL 69 EMERGER YARN 44 EMU FEATHERS 18 ENGLISH GROUSE 18 EP BRUSH 1,2,30 EP FIBERS 2,29-31 EP SPARKLE BRUSH 29 EPOXY 94 EPOXY MONO CRAB EYES 64 EXPANDDO TUBING 64 EXTRA SELECT CRAFT FUR 28 EXTRA SELECT MARABOU 15 EYES 7,62-64 EZ BODY 64 EZ MAGIC DUB 41 FACETTED SLOTTED TUNGSTEN 59 FARRAR SF BLEND 3,31 FARRAR UV BLEND 3,31 FEATHERS 14-21 FINN RACCOON 1,25 FINO SKIN 45 FIRE FLY TIE 66 FISH MASKS 7,62 FISH PIMP 107 FISH RELEASE 114 FISH SCALE 3,32 FISH SKULL CRAWBODY 6 FISH SKULL EYES 7 FISH SKULL FISH MASKS 7,62 FISH SKULL FISH SPINE 11,96 FISH SKULL HEADS 62 FISH SKULL LIVING EYES 63 FISH SKULL SHANKS 11 FISH SKULL SPINES 11,96 FISH SPINES 11,96 FISHAIR 28 FLANK 17 FLASH N SLINKY 3,31 FLASHABOU 65-68 FLASHABOU ACCENT 65 FLASHABOU MINNOW BODY 64 FLASHBACK 46 FLAT BRAID 68 FLAT DIAMOND BRAID 42 FLAT END EYES 60 FLAT WAXED NYLON THREAD 70 FLATS 17 FLESH STRIPS 23 FLOAT FOAM 53 FLOATANTS 107-109 FLOSS 73,74 FLUORO FIBRE 3,32 FLUTTER LEGS 55 FLY BOXES 104,105 FLY DISPLAY BOX 104 FLY DRYERS 109 FLY FOAM 47 FLY WHEEL 95 FLYMASTER PLUS 71 FOAM 47,48 FOAM CYLINDERS 48,53 FOXY BRUSH 1,25 FRANTIC TAILS 54 FRECKLED PREDATOR WRAP 5,37 FRENCH OVAL TINSEL 69 FRIZZ FIBRE 3,32 FRIZZLE CHENILLE 40 FROG FOAM 47 FROSTIP RABBIT 22 FURRY FOAM 47 GADWALL 16 GEL SPUN THREAD 70 GINK 109 GLASS BEADS 64 GLASS RATTLES 64 GLO BRITE FLOSS 73 GLO YARN 74 GLOW IN THE DARK ACCENT 7,66 GLOW IN THE DARK FLASHABOU 67 GLUE GUN 6,57 GLUE STICKS 6,57 GLUES 90-95 GOLDEN PHEASANT 20 GOOSE BIOTS 17 GOOSE SHOULDER 18 GOSSAMER SILK THREAD 74 GRIFFIN VISE 10,87 GRIZZLY BARRED RUBBER LEGS 56 GRIZZLY FIBRE 4,31 GRIZZLY FLUTTER LEGS 55 GRIZZLY KRYSTAL FLASH 65 GRIZZLY MARABOU 16 GRIZZLY SOFT HACKLE 15 GSP THREAD 8,70 GUINEA 19 HACKLE 1 HACKLE GAUGE 90 HACKLE PLIERS 81-83 HAIR COMB 9 HAIR PACKERS 81 HAIR STACKERS 83,84 HAIR WING 26 HALF HITCH SETS 81 HARD AS HULL 90 HARE TRON DUBBING 34 HARE'E ICE DUB 33 HARE'E WIGGLE DUB 37 HARE'S EAR PLUS 34 HARELINE DUBBIN 34 HARELINE STICKERS 12,114 HARES MASKS 21 HEN PHEASANT TAIL 21 HEN SADDLE 14 HERL 19 HERL BRUSH 19 HEX WHIRLER 9,75 HIGH VIZ AND BODIES 53 HMH POLY TUBE 11,95 HMH VISES 88 HOLLOW TUBING 44 HOLOGRAPHIC BRAID 42 HOLOGRAPHIC CHENILLE 38 HOLOGRAPHIC EYES 62 HOLOGRAPHIC FLASHABOU 66 HOLOGRAPHIC MYLAR CORD 65 Hareline Dubbin, Inc. 24712 Territorial Hwy. Monroe, Oregon 97456 HOLOGRAPHIC TINSEL 8,68 HOOK BOXES 103,104 HOOK FILE 112 HOOKS 11,12,96-103 HOPPER LEGS 53 HOT TIPPED CRAZY LEGS 56 HUNGARIAN PARTRIDGE 18 HYDRO 92 ICE BRAID 43 ICE CHENILLE 38 ICE DUB 35 ICE DUB CHENILLE 38 ICE DUB SHIMMER FRINGE 32 ICE FUR 32 ICE STRETCH LACE 44 ICE THREAD 72 ICE WING 4,32 ICEABOU 65 ICELANDIC SHEEP HAIR 28 INDIA HEN NECK 14,15 INDICATORS 12,106,107 INTRUDER TRAILER HOOK WIRE 95 IRIDESCENT THREAD 9,73 J:SON HOOKS 12 J:SON REALSKIN 5,52 J:SON WING BURNERS 51,52 J:SON WING MATERIAL 47 JIG HEADS 61 JUNGLE COCK 5,54 KEVLAR 70 KNOT TOOLS 112 KRYSTAL DUB 34 KRYSTAL FLASH 65 KRYSTAL FLASH CHENILLE 38 KRYSTAL GLO BALLS 57 KRYTAL HACKLE 39 LADY AMHERST 1,20 LAGARTUN 68-70 LANYARDS 114 LASER DUB 33 LATERAL SCALE 7,67 LEAD EYES 59,60 LEAD FREE WIRE 70 LEAD WIRE 70 LED LIGHTS 74 LEG PULLER 9,55 LEMON WOOD DUCK 17 LIFE FLEX 56 LINE CLEANING SOLUTION 109 LINECARE BOX 13,110 LIQUID FUSION 94 LIVING EYES 7,63 LOW TACK WAX 37 MAGIC DUB 41 MAGIC HEADS 54 MAGIC MINNOW BODY MATERIAL 29 MAGIC TOOL 75 MAGNUM FLASHABOU 66,68 MAGNUM HIDES 24 MAGNUM RABBIT STRIPS 24 MALLARD 16,17 MANE 27 MARABOU 1,15,16 MARKERS 11,89 MAYFLY TAILS 6,53 MCFLYFOAM 57 MCFLYLON 43 MCVEIL 57 MEDALLION SHEETING 47 MEGA FLY TYING PAD 6,12,58,114 METZ 14 MICRO FINE DRY FLY DUB 36 MICRO FLAT BRAID 68 MICRO RABBIT STRIPS 22 MICRO TUBING 5,44 MIDGE CACTUS CHENILLE 38 MIDGE FLASH 65 MINI FLAT BRAID 68 MINI GLUE STICKS 6,57 MINI MARABOU 16 MINNOW BACK SHIMMER 32 MINNOW BODY WRAP 5,38 MINNOW FIBERS 30 MIRAGE ACCENT 65 MIRAGE DOME EYES 62 MIRAGE FLASHABOU 67 MIRAGE SHEET 46 MIRAGE SLIT FRINGE 65 MIRROR IMAGE 4,33 MITTEN CLAMPS 113 MIXING CUP 93 MOHAIR 43 MONO NYMPH EYES 63 MONO THREAD 8,71,72,73 MOOSE 27 MOTTLED PEACOCK WING 19 MOTTLED WEB WING 46 MYLAR TINSEL 68 NECK HACKLE 1, 15 NECKS 14 NEON FLASH 65 NEON FLOSS 73 NO FRAY WING 45 NYLON FLOSS 73 NYLON STRETCH 73 NYLON THREAD 70 OILER PUFFS 16 OMNISPOOL 13,110 ON THE FLY 104 ORGANZA 46 OSTRICH 1,18,19 OVAL PUPIL EYES 63 OVAL STICKER 12,114 OVAL TINSEL 69 OZARK OAK MOTTLED TURKEY 18 PAD 6,12,58,114 PAINTED LEAD EYES 59 PARA POST WING 43 PARACHUTE POSTS 53 PARACHUTE TOOL 89 PARTRIDGE 18 PATTERN PATCHES 11,89 PEACOCK 19 PEACOCK EYES 19 PEACOCK HERL 19 PEARL CORE BRAID 4,42 PEARL SHEET 47 PEARSALL'S MARABOU FLOSS 74 PEARSALL'S SILK THREAD 74 PEDESTAL BASES 89 PETITJEAN CDC 16 PETITJEAN MAGIC TOOL 75 PETITJEAN THREAD 72 PETTITJEAN TOOL SETS 86 PHEASANT 21 PINE SQUIRREL SKIN 25 PLATED LEAD EYES 59 PLIERS 113,114 PLUMES 19 PLUMMETING BEADS 59 POLAR CHENILLE 39 POLAR DUB 35 POLAR FLASH 65 POLY PRO BRAID 5,44 POLY TUBES 11,95 POLYPRO 43,44 POPPER BODIES 103 POSSUM 27 PREDATOR EYES 60 PREDATOR TAILS 5,54 PREDATOR WRAP 4,37 PREFECT RUBBER SILICONE LEGS 54 PREMO DEER HAIR STRIPS 27 PRISM SCALE FILM 6,45 PRO LIGHT 74 PROFILE PLATES 88 PSEUDO EYES 60 PSEUDO HACKLE 40 PSEUDO HAIR 28 PSEUDO HERL 43 PSEUDO MARABOU 28 PURPLE HAZE 66 QUAD BEAD DISPENSER 58 QUICK DESCENT DUB 34 QUILL BODY 6,17 QUILLS 17 RABBIT STRIPS 21-24 RAINBOW BEADS 58,59 RAINBOW BRASS CONES 61 RAINBOW SCUD DUB 37 RAMS WOOL 28 RATTLE 64 RAYON FLOSS 73 REAL FAKE JUNGLE COCK 5,54 REAL SKIN 5,52 REAPER TAILS 54 REEL LUBE 109 REEL SEAT CUSHION 109 REGAL VISES 10,87 RENZETTI BOBBINS 78 RENZETTI TOOL CADDY 75 RENZETTI VISES 88 RETRACTORS 111 RHEA FEATHERS 19 RIBBED TUNGSTEN BODIES 61 RINGNECK PHEASANT 21 RITE BOBBIN 78-79 2013-2014 Product Index RIVER ROAD CUTTERS 48-50 ROD BUILDING 104 ROTODUBBING TWISTER 9,75 ROUND RUBBER 56 RUBBER LEGS 56 RUMP PATCH 21 SADDLES 14 SALTWATER FLASHABOU 67 SCHLAPPEN 14 SCISSORS 84-86 SCUD BACK 45 SCUD DUB 37 SCULPIN HELMET 7,62 SCULPIN WOOL 28 SE FIBERS 29 SEA EYES 60 SELECT CDC 16 SELECT CRAFT FUR 28 SELECT GOOSE 18 SENYO WRAP 4,37 SENYO'S LASER DUB 33 SENYO'S PREDATOR WRAP 3,37 SENYO'S SHAGGY DUB 33 SENYO'S SHANKS 96 SENYO'S WACKO HACKLE 40 SENYO'S WIRE 95 SENYODELIC BEAD CHAIN 7,61 SHAGGY DUB 33 SHANKS 11,95,96 SHARK TOOTH CUTTER 110 SHARPENER 112 SHARPTAIL WINCS 18 SHELL BACKS 6,54 SHIMMER FRINGE 32 SHIMMER SHEER 46 SHRIMP DUB BRUSH 31 SHRIMP EYES 63,64 SILICONE LEGS 55,56 SILK FLOSS 73,74 SILKY BUNNYBOU STRIPS 22 SILKY FIBERS 29 SILVER PHEASANT 19 SLF MASTER CLASS 33 SLF WHITLOCK DUBBING 35 SLINKY FIBRE 3,31 SLIP STRIKE INDICATORS 12,107 SLOTTED TUNGSTEN BEAD 59 SOFT HACKLE 15 SOFT WEIGHT 105,106 SPARKLE BRUSH 29 SPARKLE EMERGER YARN 44 SPARKLE ORGANZA 46 SPARKLE PSEUDO HACKLE 40 SPECKLED CRYSTAL CHENILLE 38 SPECKLED FLASHABOU 66 SPEY PLUMES 19 SPIDERWEB THREAD 72 SPINES 11 SPLIT SECOND THREAD 72 SPLIT SHOT 105 SPOOL HANDS 70,110 SQUIRREL 25,26 SQUIRREL TAILS 25 STAINLESS STEEL BEAD CHAIN 62 STAINLESS STEEL WIRE 69 STARLING 18 STEVE FARRAR BLEND 3,31 STICKERS 12,114 STONFO BOBBINS 79,80 STOW AND GO 58 STREAMER BRUSH 30 STRETCH FLY SKIN 44 STRIKE INDICATORS 106,107 STRUNG GUINEA 19 STRUNG SADDLES 14 STS TRILOBAL DUB 35 SUNKEN BRASS EYES 60 SUPER EGGS 56 SUPER FLOSS 73 SUPERFINE DRY FLY DUB 37 SWAX 36 SWISS STRAW 44 SWISS VISE 88 SWITCHBOX 13,110 SWORDS 19 SYNTHETIC QUILL BODY 6,17 TAILS 21 TARANTULA BRUSH 2,30 TEAL 16 TEAR MENDER 95 TEASERS 76,77 THINGAMABOBBERS 12,106,107 THINGAMABODY 53 THREAD 8,9 THREADERS 78 TIGER BARRED RABBIT 22-24 TINSEL 69 TINSEL CHENILLE 41 TINTED MAYFLY TAILS 53 TIPPED CRAZY LEGS 6 TIPPETS 20 TOOL CADDY 75 TOOL KITS 86 TOOLS 74-90 TOUCH DUB WAX 37 TRAILER HOOK WIRE 95 TRASH BINS 90 TRICO THREAD 72 TRIGGER POINT FIBERS 30 TRILOBAL DUB 35 TUBE CONE HEADS 7,60,95 TUBE TOOL 95 TUBES 11,95 TUBING 5,44 TUNGSTEN BEADS 59-61 TUNGSTEN CONES 61 TUNGSTEN JIG HEADS 61 TUNGSTEN STRETCH LACE 70 TUNGSTEN TACKY WEIGHT 105 TURKEY BIOT QUILLS 17 TURKEY FLATS 17 TURKEY QUILLS 18 TURKEY TAIL 18 TWISTER 9,75,76 TWO TONED RABBIT 23,24 TYFLYZ HACKLE TWEEZERS 9,82 TYING CASE 89 ULTRA CHENILLE 41 ULTRA THREAD 71 ULTRA WIRE 69 UNI FLEXX 56 UNI GLO YARN 74 UNI MOHAIR 43 UNI THREAD 70-74 UNI YARN 43 UNIBOBBERS 53 UV BLEND 31 Fly 1 Fly 2 Fly 3 Fly 4 Fly 5 Fly 6 Fly 7 UV CHEWEE SKIN 45 UV KNOT SENSE 111 UV LIGHTS 91-93 UV MINNOW BELLY 67 UV POLAR CHENILLE 39 UV WADER REPAIR 111 VARIEGATED CHENILLE 41 VARNISHED WIRE 69 VEEVUS 68 VEEVUS 8,9,68-73 VEEVUS HOLOGRAPHIC TINSEL 68 VEEVUS MYLAR TINSEL 8,68 VEINY WING MATERIAL 6,45 VELVET CHENILLE 41 VINYL RIB 44 VISE AND TOOL KITS 86 VISE FLY RACK 90 VISES 86-89 WACKO HACKLE 40 WATER SHED 107 WAX 36,37 WEB WING 46 WHIP FINISHERS 81 WHIRLER 9,75,76 WHITLOCK SLF DUBBING 35 WIGGLE TAIL SHANK 95 WINGING MATERIAL 45-47 WINGS 16,18 WIRE 69,70 WOOD DUCK 17 WOOLHEAD DUB 34 WOOLY BUGGER HACKLE 14 WOOLY BUGGER MARABOU 15 WOOLY CHENILLE 40 WOOLY CRITTER BRUSH 2,30 X EYED CONES 61 YAK HAIR 27 YARN 43,44 ZAP PRODUCTS 93,94 ZINGERS 111 ZIP LOCK BAGS 74 ZONKER HIDES 24 ZUDDY'S LEG PULLER 9,55 Back Cover Credit Eyed Zudbubbler tied by Matt Zudweg Laser Dub Game Changer tied by Pat Cohen Chrome Chaser Intruder tied by Greg Senyo Slip N’ Slider tied by Pat Cohen Ostrich Intruder tied by Greg Senyo Blind Zudbubbler tied by Matt Zudweg Game Changer Tied by Blane Chocklett Check out their websites Greg Senyo www.steelheadalleyoutfitters.com Matt Zudweg www.boneyardflygear.com Pat Cohen www.rusuperfly.com Blane Chocklett www.newanglefishing.com Feel free to contact us for sales ranking by color or size for any one of our products. E-mail request to [email protected]
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