june 2015-anm newsletter


june 2015-anm newsletter
JUNE, 2015
Vol. 1, Issue no. 1
Welcome note
Dear readers,
We are excited to present ANM’s first newsletter to our members and community. This
quarterly newsletter will keep you informed of various activities and progress of the society.
It will also share with you information related to the application of ICT in education which,
we believe it will be useful/ interesting information to all of you.
Members of ANM are proud to be part of this lively and wonderful community that works
passionately to improve education in Tanzania through the use of ICT.
Let’s work together in bringing the world to Tanzanian Students.
A word from the chairman
ANM as a non-profit making society was founded in 1994 and was a
pioneer Internet service Provider (ISP) in Arusha. After few years of
operation the society, in keeping with its vision, mission and goal,
decided to commit part of its revenue to provide free internet
connections to schools and institutions which needed the service but
not able to pay for such. This philanthropic support was managed by
Elimu online (EOL) a subcommittee of ANM’s Management
steering committee (MSC) which managed all ANM's activities
Our thanks go to the Subcommittee for excellent work done in liaising
between benefiting institutions and the MSC, in the years of its operations.
In 2010, ANM joined hands with AFAM Ltd to form a profit making company known as
Habari Node Limited (HNL). Most of ANMs activities and thus those of MSC were diverted
to those of philanthropic nature, and, as such, the subcommittee was phased out. Our
philanthropic activities have interchangeably been referred to as EOL activities.
In the years that followed the formation of HNL, the administrative work of ANM was
handled by a part-time coordinator, Mr. Christpher Tarimo. We thank him for his
In 2014 the MSC decided that it was time to have a full time coordinator and was able to
recruit and appoint Miss Monica John as our full time coordinator, with effect from February
1st 2015.
So far, we are very impressed and pleased with her interest and enthusiasm in her new job.
She has managed to visit all but nine (9) of our philanthropic institutions, and this first
newsletter detailed as it is, is the result of her efforts. We are looking forward to even better
work once she has fully settled in.
In our last Annual General Meeting (AGM), it was decided to arrange for an informal
members' gathering and use it as a forum to discuss ways of improving the society and its
operations. This event was held at UAACC on May 16. Reneal education Program was
introduced to the members during the event. Details of the meeting are part of this
newsletter’s stories and pictures section.
Our members and indeed a large part of the community are confused between our society
ANM and the new company HNL. In this first issue we have decided to show the differences
between the two for the advantage of all.
Happy reading!
Mr. Gilbert Maeda
 The two are related but are two different entities;
 ANM is a society (not for profit)
 HNL is a limited company (For profit)
 ANM is a major shareholder in HNL, currently holding 50% of its shares
 HNL provides internet services and other ICT services
 ANM, just like any other client buys internet and ICT services from HNL and
distributes them to philanthropic recipients in Arusha.
Philanthropic support is undertaken by
ANM in the form of
access and bandwidth,
and wherever possible
training and other
resources, to schools
other beneficiaries who just cannot afford
to pay for internet,
needing the service. It
was also agreed that
beneficiaries should be
paying for membership
involved in Society
Towards the end of
This was followed by
ICT workshop to philanthropic beneficiaries held
MSC at Open Univerisity of Tanzania-Arusha branch. the new philanthropic
decided to review the
service plan/agreement
ANM’S activities, particularly, its
which was sent to each beneficiary. A
relationship with the institutions which
number of beneficiaries agreed to the
were being supported under the
terms and conditions of the new service
philanthropic programme.
plan and are now enjoying the service.
A sub-committee consists of the younger
member of the MSC was given the
responsibility of carrying out an
assessment study and proposed a new pace
for the society.
The team studied the 23 institutions
supported in Arusha and were satisfied
that 90% of the institutions supported are
being put into good use, whereas, in 10%
students are only allowed to access
internet during computer classes.
A number of recommendations were
presented, one being the need to revise the
current selection criteria, so that those
beneficiaries, who have the ability to pay
for their internet services through other
means, should be encouraged to do so so
that free internet services can be given to
Currently, ANM is providing philanthropic
services to:
Arusha secondary school
Conservation Resource Centre,
Kilimanjaro Film institute,
Ilboru secondary school
St. Joseph Ngarenaro Secondary
Ngateu Secondary school
Mount Meru Mental Health Trust
Notre Dame school
Spiritan Missionary Seminary
Peace house secondary school
United Africa Alliance Community
Centre (UAACC).
Umoja Centre,
Development in Health Arusha
Open University of Tanzania,
Shepherd Junior schools.
ANM envisioned reaching more schools
in order to have a meaningful impact in
improving education in Tanzania. Thus,
sharing and achieving the national
ambition of having a well-educated and
connected society, among others, by 2025.
ANM still needs support in achieving this
cause. Let’s join hands in bringing the
Mount Meru Mental Health Trust.
Since 2001, MMMHT has been receiving
internet service from ANM as a
philanthropic support. The department has
benefited from the service as well as
benefiting the public in different ways.
According to the MMMHT director, Mr.
Emmanuel Bujulu, the department has a
resource centre which is equipped with
different kinds of books, and computers
connected with internet as another way to
access to different information and for the
creation of knowledge among users.
The department receives a number of
interns, volunteers and researchers from
within and outside the country. All of them
are benefiting from the service provided
by ANM in carrying out their duties
especially when seeking for more or new
information and knowledge with regards to
their carriers.
Moreover, MMMHT also carries out
philanthropic support, the activities are
being carried out easily because the
department can access and download
whatever materials and information they
need for the training or workshop.
“Our resource centre is open to the public
and they are allowed to access internet free
of charge”, Mr. Bujulu affirmed adding,
“This has brought about a significant
impact in our department because with the
service, stigmatization has been reduced in
the sense that people have realized that the
department is not only for people with
mental health issues but anyone can go
there for learning. The service has
challenged the taboo of coming to the
Furthermore, MMMHT director claimed
that he has been able to represent the
department to an online Africa Mental
health network for discussing various
issues related to mental health and so,
being able to engage with different mental
health professionals all over Africa for
helping mental health marginalized people.
“This couldn’t have been possible without
the internet service provided by ANM”, he
Accordingly, Mr. Bujulu appreciated the
service and the wonderful work that ANM
is doing in helping out the community of
Arusha. “We couldn’t afford the internet
cost on our own, it’s all thanks to ANM
we enjoy this wonderful service”, he
Speaking to ANM, the NNHM director,
Mama Felista F. Mangalu appreciated the
work of ANM in providing internet to
schools and other education institutions,
NNHM being one of them. “The free
internet service we receive from ANM
through its philanthropic service has been
very useful in carrying out our activities”,
she claimed.
Students from different schools being
among their visitors, Mama Mangalu
asserted that they are also benefiting from
the service. And in ensuring that happens,
they introduce the students to computer
and teach them some basics. This has been
an advantage to those students who have
no access to computer and those with no
basic computer knowledge.
“We allow students to access the museum
computer laboratory and use the internet
free of charge for studying during their
free time”, NNHM director said adding,
and “the service also gives a great
National Natural historical Museum
opportunity for those students who are
required to carry out projects before sitting
NNHM is one among the beneficiaries of
for their final national examination papers.
the philanthropic service provided by
A number of students visited the museum
Arusha Node Marie (ANM). This is the
for their project
papers and were
able to use the
organization that
relevant materials
conservation of
and data. This
natural heritage
has made it easier
including culture
for them because
it could have
resources through
been costly and
NNHM Director, Mama Felista F. Mangalu, the fourth
person from the left, at one of the teachers’ workshops
inefficient to use
conducted at the Museums
an internet cafe”.
He also, appreciated the cooperation from
responding to any technical issues that
students, Mama Mangalu said that even
teachers from different schools benefited
from the service through searching for
teaching materials. Also, some teachers for
some subjects, for instance Geography
teacher, have formed a group for solving
various geography related problems and
they use the internet free of charge for that
Consequently, she emphasised the fact that
the services has facilitated communication
among and between NNHM and other
stakeholders in promoting and conserving
the national cultural heritage.
ANM has made collaboration with Reneal
International Education Outreach (RIEO),
Arusha District education office and HNL
in providing the Reneal educational
program to schools in Arusha.
Such collaboration was imperative because
of the shared goal; ANM aims to bring the
schools which are not connected to
internet to access educational information,
which is being hold in a hard disc in the
fashion of internet connection.
The systems is installed into a server with
a network of client computers (computers
in which the students can access
information and works), and the
connection is done through a networkswitch.
For the program to be installed, it requires
a server to have at least 500 GB of hard
disc and 8 GB of Ram because other
computers (client computers) will be
operating from the server. Besides, the
client computers will not need any other
operating system such as windows.
This programme
world to Tanzanian students though the
use of ICT and RIEO aims to support
schools in developing countries, in terms
of providing Information Technology (IT)
expertise and assets such as computers
hardware, computer software and learning
The reneal program is one of the learning
resources provided by RIEO. It is the
computer based program designed to help
It helps students and teachers with
not access to internet become
conversant in the idea of using
internet by the time they get the
access to the internet.
By default, the server blocks
students and the user to access any
other kind of sites which are not for
If the server is connected to
internet(option), the client may
operate at as little bandwidth as
Since all the works done to the
client computers are been saved to
the server, the student can use any
other client computer and access
his/her work. The only thing to do
is to sign in to his/her account.
Internet is an option is this kind of
If the school is provided with
internet, then the internet will go
direct to the server and the client
computers will get the internet
through the server. Therefore, there
will be no needs a lot of routers,
network-switches and the like.
The presentation of this program to the
stakeholders was done on 16th of May,
2015 at UAACC gathering. The gathering
of Steering
as well as representatives of schools under
the Reneal program.
Gladys John is the teacher from Ilkiding’a
secondary school, one of the Reneal
program beneficiaries. She claimed that
the program has helped students in their
studies for they can access different kinds
of materials for their subjects. Saying,
“The program is more-less like an internet
because a student can search whatever
subject and be able to get detailed
In addition, she said that the program is
also useful for teachers because in it there
is a program called teacher’s shared
materials. The program helps teachers to
access materials for teaching and also,
helps teachers to exchange ideas.
However, according to teacher Gladys,
inadequate computers has been the
challenge in ensuring that all the students
in the schools are enjoying using the
program. “Out of 20 computers the school
has, less than 16 computers are being used
by the students”, she said.
Another teacher from Mwandet Sec
School, teacher Abihud Greepherson also,
mentioned inadequate computers to be the
challenge in his school, saying, “The
school has about 900 students and only 17
computers. Because of that, the school
grouped students to use the program. Form
one and form three students are
particularly using the program”.
According to teacher Abihud, Mwandet
Secondary School started to use the
program since june, 2014 and to him, the
program is such a wonderful discovery in
education field because with the program,
teaching and learning has become much
more easier.
“Our schools is in remote area and so,
difficult for students to get extra
knowledge and materials apart from what
they are learning in the class. However, the
program has given an opportunity to
students for Mwandet to access extra
knowledge and information from what
he/she has been taught in class. Thus, the
student is in a position to analysis
materials and understand the subject in
details”, he explained.
A councilor, Hon. Elibariki Malley, also
participated in the event representing the
Arusha City honorable Mayor. He
affirmed the importance of the Reneal
program for the teacher, students and
schools in the Arusha municipality.
“We are in a digital generation. Just like in
developed countries, Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) is very
necessary too in developing countries like
Tanzania. We need to recognize also its
implication in education and so,
emphasizing the use of ICT in improving
education”, he stressed.
Hon. Councilor also appreciated the work
done by ANM of providing Free or almost
free internet service to schools and other
education institutions in Arusha, aiming at
improving education through the use of
ICT. Besides, he said that he will suggest
to the government to search
computers and laptops and provide them to
And, the chairman of ANM, Mr. Gilbert
Maeda urged the participants and all
good-will individuals, who can donate
computer or laptops for schools, to join
hand with the society in ensuring many
students in many schools are enjoying
using the Reneal program as well as the
internet service provided by the society .
ANM stakeholders’ meeting at United African Alliance Community Centre (UAACC) on
May 16, 2015
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1. Mama Charlotte O’Neal, the Director of UAACC, the host of the event and also, ANM
Management Steering Committee (MSC) Vice-Chairperson, was entertaining while
welcoming the guests to UAACC.
2. UAACC leaders of tomorrow children staging a short drama about the usefulness of internet
in education and knowledge creation
3. Kilimanjaro Film Institute, one of ANM’s philanthropic service recipients, filming the event
as its contribution to the society.
4. A representative from Shepherd Junior School, one of ANM’s philanthropic service recipient,
sharing experience during discussion session
5. Hon. Elibariki Malley, the Councillor, representing Arusha Municipality Hon. Mayor.
6. Stakeholders at Malcom X theater and computer lab for Reneal Program presentation and
demonstration at Malcom X theater and computer lab
7. Mr. John Sasaga, ANM MSC Secretary, presenting Reneal Program to the stakeholders
8. From the left is ANM MSC Members -Jo Driessen, in the middle is Mr. Gilbert Maeda, ANM
Chairman and next to him is Mr. Justin Maeda- ANM member.
9. ANM stakeholders, including members, philanthropic recipients, MSC, government officials
and Schools under the Reneal program, on a group photo.
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 You are encouraged to read our constitution in our website
 Feel free to ask Questions regarding the society
 Your suggestions to the society will be worthy and appreciated
 Please share with us on how well we can raise finance for this cause
 Though we expect to get dividends from HNL in the near future, we don’t expect it
to be enough. Fundraising from members or any other good-will individual will be
ANM is a non-profit making society that provides free or almost free
internet to schools and educational institutions in order to improve
education in Tanzania.
Vision: Bringing the world to Tanzanian students
Mission: Access to knowledge
Goal: effective participation of students, teachers, researchers and general public in the use of
ICT in improving education.
For more information:
AICC building, Ngorongoro wing Fl. 5 Room 514,
P.O.Box 1215, Arusha.
Mobile: +255 656 596 007
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.arushanodemarie.or.tz
Like our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/arushanodemarie94
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