03_ Character Iceland_ppt [Modo de compatibilidad]


03_ Character Iceland_ppt [Modo de compatibilidad]
Lazytown - Latibær
• Lazytown is an Icelandic children´s television program. The
show has been highly successful airing in over 100 countries
and more than a dozen languages.
• The show is about character name Stephanie, who arrives in
town and urges her new friends Ziggy, Trixie, Stingy, and
Pixel to go outside and be active, instead of staying inside
and playing video games all day. Her uncle, the bumbling
Mayor, enlists the help of Sportacus 10, a self-described
"slightly-above-average hero". It is Sportacus' job to inspire
the kids to play outside, and to help solve low-key
emergencies that occur from time to time. However, all this
does not sit well with Robbie Rotten, a lazy man who lives in
an underground lair hidden just on the edge of town. Most of
the episodes involve Robbie Rotten dressing up in one of his
numerous costumes and trying to make Sportacus leave town
• Lazytown is part live
action, part puppetry, and
part CGI animation.
Stephanie, Sportacus, and
Robbie Rotten were the
only humans on the show.
• The show is produced in a
5067 m² studio in
Garðabær, Iceland which
contains one of the most
advanced HDTV facilities
in Europe.
• The super-healthy hero of the show is
Sportacus. Sportacus encourages the
kids of LazyTown to eat "sports
candy" (his term for fruits and
vegetables), and to play outside
instead of just sitting around indoors
playing video games or eating junk
food. He wants to make sure
LazyTown is happy, and knows that
they have to be healthy and fit to be
so. Sportacus is constantly engaged in
physical activity, and even does
gymnastics just to get from place to
place. Sportacus is always saving
people. His crystal beeps to let him
know that someone needs his help.
He's patient and understanding.
Sportacus doesn't think of himself as
a Superhero, but rather, a SlightlyAbove-Average Hero.
• The character who inspired
the citizens (and most
importantly, the children) of
LazyTown to get up and go.
She loves to play and her
hair, outfits and accessories
are pink. She came to town
to visit her uncle, the mayor
of LazyTown. Stephanie is
always encouraging the kids
to go outside and play, but on
each occasion she must
contend with Robbie Rotten's
attempts to sabotage her
efforts. But when she asked
for Sportacus' help, the
whole town worked together
to make LazyTown the best
place to live. Stephanie loves
to dance. She dreams of
studying dance at a famous
dance school.
Robbie Rotten
• Robbie is the antagoinbst of the
show. He is always trying to get
the kids to eat junk food and is
forever trying to banish
Sportacus from LazyTown. He
wants to make sure LazyTown
remains quiet and lazy, as it was
before the arrival of Sportacus
and Stephanie. Robbie devises
all sorts of plans to achieve this,
and sometimes comes very close
to succeeding, but in the end is
always defeated by Sportacus
with the help of Stephanie and
her friends.
Ziggy The character who loves to eat candy and
sweets. After Stephanie came along he found that
there is more to childhood than sugary treats. He is
now active and participates in any sport the gang
plays, but still enjoys candy. He can usually be seen
holding a lollopop.
Stingy As his name implies, the greedy and
possessive character. He still plays with the gang,
but he will always care about his stuff: especially his
car and his prized piggy bank. He often says "It's
mine!" and has his own song by that name (which
names everything in LazyTown as his). He can also
play the harmonica and recorder.
Trixie The trouble-maker character, though she
does like to play with everyone else. Trixie refers to
Stephanie as "Pinky" when trying to get her
attention. She also likes to draw moustaches the
mayor's posters. In "Crystal Caper", she kisses
Stingy, implying she might have a crush on him.
Pixel The character who plays too much on the
computer. He fixes up all sorts of gadgets to help
him avoid doing something himself, such as a machine
to tie his shoes or a remote that "does everything
for you." He loves anything to do with computers,
technology and gadgets.
• Lazytown has got a many
awards like BAFTA, EDDA
and German Emil awrds.
• Also has been nominated
for Day time Emmy award.
• All over the world kids and
parents really love
lazytown because it has a
good moral.
Lazytown in Suðurborg
The project approach
• The goal of the project approach is that children get
to know lazytown and healthy eating and exercising.
• They did there own research on Lazitown (3-5 years
old kids) and use planning web.
• First they put all the ideas together and talk about
them, and what they want to learn more about them.
• They use books, tv, radio, grocery stores and so on.
• More interest means better work in the project.
• The taechers role is to file all the work and to use it
in the end to talk with the children. What have they
• The project worked out because of the enthusiasm
and interest of both the students and the teachers.
• The project was very successful because the students
experienced the outcome of the project as they took
part during it´s course and they felt that their
contributions were welcomed and well regarded.
Childrens work
Fruit and vegetable party
• Parents thank the teacher
for all there help to
incourage the children to
eat more fruits and
vegetable and exercise.
They had increased a lot.
• The children learned new
names of fruits/vegetable
and also the shapes and
colors of them.
• They loved to taste new
• They love to exercise more
• They learned about
healthy food and unhealthy
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQRu8y7K70c norwiegen
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y49tiu3LAMA norwiegen
Love from all your friends in
Lazytown and Iceland
• We hope you like our Lazytown. We are very
proud of it. Almost all children in Iceland know
about how healthy Sportacus is. There are
many songs, stories, dances, and more and
more about Lazytown.
• Hugs and kisses to you all.