E-rr`r-c`: Br cof - Military Engineer Services
E-rr`r-c`: Br cof - Military Engineer Services
E-rr'r-c':Br cof/ reb : 0141-2233192 ChiefEngineer SouthWesternCommand PtN-908546 c/o 56 APO 39004/VVLR/SWC/ 6 t /E8 ^ ^ /.w lln rnlA "" -"'" WORK LOAD RETURN OF 'D' TO 'S' CLASS AND UNENLISTED CONTRACTORS HAVINGTOTAL WORK LOAD MORE THAN RS.50 LAKHS AND UPTO RS. 15 CRORE IN HAND FOR THE QUARTER ENDING M A r2 0 1 6 1. The subjectwork load returnof this Commandfor the quarterendingl\4ar 2 0 1 6i s e n c l o s e a dsunder:(a) PART-I : Lisi of contractorshaving work load and considered capable/not capableof handling moreload (b) PART-ll: List of contractors not havingwork load bui bannedfor issuedof tenders 2. Somecontractors are not considered capableof handlingmoreloadas per remarksgivenin Part-l& Part-llof the subjectreport.lf thereis any courtorderfor issueof tendersto any such contractors, actionshouldbe taken as per court directive to avoidcontempt of courtordersandthisHQ be informed accordingly. 3. The subjectwork load return (WLR) is being uploadedon web site w$!r'.mes.oov.in whichcan be referredto and printouttakenfromihai stte.In case of any grievances the contractor may approachconcerned Acceptingofficer(s) for change/amendment of remarksabouttheirperformance. This HQ shallconsider the casesonly if receivedthroughZonal ChiefEngineers with properjustification in supporiof change. 4. RemarksunderColumns6 & 7 of Part-land Columns4 & 5 of Part-llhave beenapproved by the CommandChiefEngineer. 5. PleasenotethatthisWLR is beinguploaded on MESwebsite.All formations underAoR of CE SWC are expectedto downloadthe full reportand keep on records. 6. Hardcopyof this reportis beingsentto Dte of Contractlvlanagement, E-inC's Branch/ ALL CE Commands/ ADG (OF & DRDO),DG NiIAPand ZonalCEs underCE SWConly. 7. All CE Zonesof otherCE Command/ CCES/DGNP(V), DGNP(N,4umbai), DGBRandotherlowerformations maydownload and keepprintout on theirrecords. E n c l s : A sa b o v e (Pan-l- 16 sheets) (Part-ll- 2 sheets) (S K Pathak) S u p e r i n t e n dE i nngg i n e e( Q r S&C) (Contracts) Director for ChiefEngineer Copyto :V Dte of Contractl\,lanagement MilitaryEngineer Services Engineer-in-Chiefs Branch Integrated HQof MoD(Army) Kashmir House,RajajiMarg N e wD e l h-i 1 1 0 0 1 1 2. CESouthern Command 3. CEEastern Command 4. CEWesternCommand 5. CENorthern Command 6. CECentral Command 7. ADG(OF& DRDO), Mudfort, Secunderabad 8. DGMAP,NewDelhi L CEJaipurZone 1 0 . CEBathinda Zone 1 1 . CE(AF)candhinagar -. %-' (Ref He CE PARTI SWC tetter No dt o :::or4l1/v6lR/swc/-dl-iEa" Ayg+tY WAEKLoApRETURN i qIAEIEBENptNGMAR2016i Llsr oF ALL,p, ro ,s, rygqp65@@6-1n4g-6gsggg 9!-tss_c SEltFrE! corurnecrons FrFryLAKHs ANDLESSTHANRS 15 CRORES Ser No Nameof Conttactor IndexNo TotalValueof wk in hand(inLakhs)Rs Approx Whether Remarks valueof considered comple- capable ted(in of Lakhs)Rs handling more load 1 3 6 7 'S'CLASS 1 t\4/SNitisha s-02/Acwc Constructions s-101/VVC s-1025/CESC cE(AF) CEBZ M/SHarcharanS-os/SWC (Not CEJZ Singh& Co reclassified for cyale2011-15) l\4/SVishnu S-11/SWC Prakash R Punglia' M/SUllra s-13/SC cE(AF) Dimensions Pvt Ltd [,4/SBuildef lndia M/SBharat Shah s-16/EC s-20/cc s-17/SWC 532.32 61.46 180.30 774.08 | 42.91 319.39 61.46 117.20 498.05 42.06 Yes Workis under arbitraUon. 555.25 294.28 Yes Wk in progress 348.00 Yes Wk completed Yes CEBZ 1225.32 284.27 Yes CEJZ 1 6 1 8 . 6 6 825.52 Yes CEBZ 3006.73 6 8 1 . 1 0 Yes Construction Co M/SPawansutS-18/SWC Enlerprlses M/SDasmesh S-1g/SWC Buildcon [,4/SJanakRaj s-20/Acwc Gumber s-31A\/C 1 0 M/SNafref s-21^,^/C Engineers Pvt 5527.52 4744.55 Siow progress 2921.65 0.00 8449.17 | 4744.s5 I 1080.00 1047.60 Yes 14E7.44 218.95 Yes 218.95 185.74 176.97 C E A Z 4637 24 2239.24 CEJZ u")29 cE(AF) Lto CEBZ 1 t M/SKrlshan Lal S-21/ACWC Doomra S-291/VC 1 2 Nr/SMadanLal S-24,^iVC Bansal No 1590.17 - 1 - Wk completed. M&Oinprog Yes PART. 1 13 14 15 16 17 1B 19 2A 21 22 2 3 4 7 lt4/SRam s-25/ACWC CEBZ 432.54 Prakash Constns-129AryC PvtLtd Itl/SSharrna & s-26/ACWC CEBZ 1715.31 Co s-77A^/C M/SSood s-27lACWC )EJZ 2239.42 Enterprlses s-22tr'vc M/SVerma s-28/ACWC OEBZ 181441 Brolhers s-135A/VC Nl/SAshish s-29/ACWC CEBZ 1822.36 K!marJindal s-130/vvc [4/sGauri S.32lACWC 3EBZ 208.39 Shankar s-88irr'Vc Aggarwal [4/SWal]a jEBZ s-33/ACWC 3489.37 Buildefs s-55,4/VC t!1/sDt\4R jEBZ s-34/SWC 1388.48 Builders lV/SLotus s-42lSC CE(AF) 230.49 Conslfucl ons tul/SLKAgarwals-45/SC CE(AF) 1201.45 2 3 ll/S S C Manglas-66/CC &Co 24 Nl/SAtul s-87/CC Construction 2 5 r\4/s cEPs s-91/SC Projects 2 6 N4/S Agga|wat & s-108/sc Co. 27 It4/SChaman s-114/SC Construction Co. 2 8 Nl/SMohantal s-133/SC Matharani ConstnPvtLtd 2 9 lVl/SGujarat s-1009/sc ConstnCo. 3 0 M/SVraj& Vaj s-1028/SC Constn 3 1 M/SDipesh s-1054/SC ConstrLtctton 32 Nl/SParth s-1062isc Infraslruclure 244.19 Yes 1543.78 Yes 2023.70 Yes 146967 YES 874 73 Yes 31.95 Yes 2420.63 Yes 958.05 Yes 234.49 Yes 236.80 res cE(AF) 2055.00 1 4 2 .73 0 Yes jEJZ 2048.08 1 1 3 18 8 Yes cEtz 4 06 0 40.60 Yes oE(AF) 39.05 19.13 Yes CE(AF) 33500 335.00 Yes oE(AF) 74 45 Yes 428.09 No 788.82 CE(AF) 561.80 Wk completed OE(AF) 2539.88 695.38 YCS CE(AF) 1715.39 1614.54 Yes cE(AF) 5195.5S 2 5 1 7 . 2 0 Yes Wk compleled Slow progress Pvt Lld ,A'CLASS 33 [r/SSiya A-01/SWC Construction 34 [4/SSwaslik A-04/SC nduslres 35 [,4/SPratap A-06/5C Cholhu Ram 36 M/SSheodayalA-OB/SWC cupta CEJZ 66 24 47.78 Yes CE(AF) 89.65 72.77 Yes CE(AF) 215.40 75.39 Yes )EJZ 369.69 -2- "nry."" -l{Co 1 2 3 37 M/Sl\4ohan Lal A-09/SWC Gupta 38 M/SKhanna A-'16/SWC Enterprises 39 M,lSML Trehan A-17lCEWC 6 C EJ Z 415.38 CEBZ 2494.70 1 3 4 0 . 5 5 Y e s 221.56 cE(AF) '1815.41 911.45 67.34 67.68 40 l\,4/S Sethi A-18/SWC Constfuction Co 41 M/SUttsav IndiaLtd A-2o/ACSC A-251lSC fiil/SRajinder A,24tACWC Singh 4 3 M/SWalia A-25lSWC Projects PvtLtd M/s NewOm A-33/ACWC ConstnCo a-5g/v\/C 4 5 l\4/SJeetConstnA-36/SWC Co. A-1018/SC 46 N4/S Kataa A-37lACWC ConstnCo A-203/vVC 47 l\,4/S Tarsem A,38/ACWC Chand & Co A,'157lWC 48 M/SPal A-39/SWC Builders 1883.09| 2 2 7 4 5. 7 CEJZ 2524.65 4 7 9 5 . 4 0i cE(AF) 1809.5,1 CEJZ 427.28 2236.79| 112.37 CEBZ 44 M/SN,4atadeen A-4o/SWC Ramchandra 492.73 YCS No 154.68 'r463.98 Yes 1618.66 1154.17 341.42 No Slow progress .t495.99 15.40 221.72 Yes No cE (AF) 6554.37 3544.16 Yes 2837.93 1755.46 Yes 539.90 394.13 Yes 719.77 NO cE(AF) 43B4.63 2764.44 Yes cE(AF) 259.64 228.08 Yes CEBZ 32.51 0.00 Yes 276.14 Yes cE(AF) Slow Progress 978.79 2346.69 1863.37 CEBZ 7 SlowProgress Showcause noticeissued for notgiving detailsof pendingcourt Aga|Wal 50 M/S Mepani A-41/SWC Construction Co. 5 1 I\4/SN K 4,51/NC Builders 52 M/S N4aheswariA-94/SC Enterprises 5 3 M/SAshoka A-96,4'iVC Furniture 54 Nl/SDuwell A-125lSC Agency 55 It4/Sl\4adan A-140/SC MohanJain& Sons 56 M/SRaman A-141/WC ElectricTrading Co 57 M/SChouhan A-1434/VC Associates cE(AF) 1016.40 cE(AF) Yes cE(AF) 62.81 61.65 Yes CE(AF) 69.18 69.18 Yes CEBZ 329A1 176.90 YES CEJZ 108.00 100.0U. Yes -3- Wk compleled Wk completed 58 M/SJas Raj& Co A-153^iVC 59 M/SKhurana A-165ivVC Industries 60 i\//SNanakBuildA-196^,ryC Tech 6,I IV/SS&A A-225lSC Engineers ConslnCo. 62 M/SAnand A-240lSC TradingCo 63 l\,4i S Agarwal A-246lSC Furniture 64 NI/SRising A-254lSC Electricals 65 [4/SRavindra A-257lSC Brothers 66 lM/SRasam A-1005/SC EnggCo. 67 lVl/SBrindavan A-1034/SC Energy& Infra Pvt Ltd 68 M/S Dhariwal A-1066/5C Traders 69 M/Sl\.4icfo A-1074iSC Project 70 N,4/S Reena A-1076/5C Conskuction 71 N4/SVijay A-1077lSC ConstnCo. 72 M/SBfite A-1090/SC Industries 73 M/SShfiRam A-1096/5C Laxman SthapiyaCo. 'B'CLASS 74 l\,4/S UnitedSainiB-04/SWC Builders 75 M/SBaghla B-o5/SWC Trading Company 76 r\,1/S RK B-09/SC Enterpfises 77 M/SRamdev B-10/SWC ConstnCo 78 Ivl/SPioneer 8,14lSWC Enterprises 79 M/SNlakhan B-16/SWC 80 M/sShfeeGuru 8,17|SWC NanakConstn Co 81 lt4/SPrem B-1g/ACSC Associates B-1023/SC CE(AF) 222.68 2.23 CEBZ 1204.24 57804 1426.92 | 580.27 CEJZ 111.35 0.00 Tes Yes CEJZ 347.00 347.00 Yes CEJZ 690.01 9 01 1 Yes cE(AF) 172.85 43.79 Yes CE(AF) 51.65 0.00 Yes 300.56 127.21 Yes cE(AF) 734.84 556.57 Yes cE(AF) 294.47 1' 1 9 . 8 1 Yes cE(AF) 1 2 9 3 . 5 8 592.04 No cE(AF) 644.46 112.08 Yes cE(AF) 77 00 0.00 res cE(AF) 87.47 56.03 Y,.S cE(AF) 115.84 69.40 Yes cE(AF) 48.52 43 67 Yes cE(AF) 475.31 441.52 Yes 0.00 Yes 64.'15 64.15 Yes cE(AF) 113.28 45.87 Yes cE(AF) 9244A CEBZ cE(AF) 5 4 0 9 . 1 3 3445.31 Yes c z 417.89 141.11 Yes CEBZ 1 0 5 1 . 3 0 658.54 Yes CEBZ 84871 692.62 Yes CEJZ 523.86 773*ls Wk compleled Slow Progress Wk completed 1 7 4 2 B-21|SC 82 MiSN4K Engineers & co CE(AF) 439.S8 184.51 Yes 83 M/SUniversal B-21/SWC CEIZ 205.00 CE(AF) 83.76 7.50 8s.76 Yes IniraPeroject (P)Ltd 288.76 | 91 26 CEJZ 144.81 57.67 Yes CEBZ 140.25 63.81 Yes CE(AF) 388.74 248.9S Yes CEJZ 399.22 269.69 Yes CEJZ 5.48 0.00 Yes B-3o/SWC Bg lvl/SShree Shakti Enterprises B-32iSWC 90 l\.4is Anil Enlerprises CE(AF) 671.43 38.04 Yes CEJZ CE(AF) CEBZ 55.01 43.32 98.33 32.10 Yes 91 N.4/S R D BansalB-33n/vC 169.52 43.32 212.84| 52.75 92 l\illsYogesh B-41|SC Builders 93 lVl/SSinghvi B-51/SC Enterprises B-54/CC 94 M/SNeeraj Conslruction Shyam B-8olr'VC 9s l\,4/S Bansal Sunder M/SNeelesh B-81/SC Engineers B-114|CC 96 N4/S Singh Engineefing Corpn 97 M/SKhajuna B-'123|SC lnduslries 98 M/SAzufe B-168AiVC lnfrastructure & ConstrCo 99 M/Sl/ukul B-213/SC Engineefing 100 M/SSarswati B-22AMC Constfuction Co CE(AF) 43.95 11.22 Yes CE(AF) 53.65 52.6'l No CEIZ 60.05 57.05 Yes CEJZ 129.38 12.94 Yes CE(AF) 75.28 4390 Yes CEJZ 308.20 138.25 Yes CE(AF) 141.67 63.75 Yes CEBZ 99.64 53.12 Yes CE(AF) 134.77 89.47 Yes CEBZ 38.85 33.07 Yes 101 l\,4/S Surender B-221MC Kumar Bansal 102 M/SJai Maa B-2271\NC Associates QEBZ 70.77 70.77 Yes CEBZ 268.38 0.00 No B-23lSWC 84 Nr/s Shreekri6hna lnfrastructures 85 l\.4/s Khanna B-24/ACWC Constructions 8-237MC 86 lvl/SBombay B-27|ACSC NoveltyStoresB-1191/SC 87 [4/SHariDeva B-29|SWC Builder Lachman B-2q|CC 88 l\,4/S uas Ljovtno cE(AF) 821.64 221.84 ry4- Wk completed Yes Slow progress Slow progress c P 1 3 7 1 0 3 M/SHydroteck B-233/wC Paryavaran (lndia)PvtLtd 144 l\A /S Uniled B-234lSC SalesCorp 1 0 5 M/SGupta B-250/SC Constn Co. CE (AF) 129.84 cE(AF) CEBZ B-251lSC cE(AF) 725.21 54.37 779.58 | 4B.10 cE(AF) 106 liI/S Shri Ram Traders 107 M/SAgarwal& B-252lSC Co 108 N4/S NavBharat 9-254MC Timber 1 0 9 [ . 4 / S S G E n g gB-258/SC '110 lV/SCapital 8-264MC Conskuction Co B-273lSC CEBZ cE(AF) CEJZ cE(AF) 409.95 0.00 67.38 563.08 | 67.38 97.38 Yes 8 16 Yes 654.80 368.48 YCS 101.24 0.00 Yes 519.65 59.73 97.35 145.49 259.58 0.00 '14.60 Yes 159.60 Slowprogress Yes 13 . 1 9 3A257 | 111 M/SSackson B-270/WC Enterprises 112 M/SFifeEnvo B-272MC Safety Engineers 1 1 3 M / S M D B a b uB-275lSC KhanConst 114 [,,]/SDarshan B-27615C Construction Co 0.00 8.16 No 19.18 33.78 14.36 No Slow progress cE(AF) CEJZ 122.44 185.58 20.00 185.58 308.02 | 205.58 Yes Wk inprogress Wk completed cE(AF) 14.76 0.44 No Slow Progress cE(AF) 520.98 3 0 81 8 Yes '115M/SBS a-277tSC Constructions CEJZ cE(AF) 391.59 1 0 73 1 20.92 59.76 451.35 | 128.23 Yes 1,16M/SPVM B-282tSC Conslruclion 1 1 7 M / SA n i l B-285/SC Builders cE(AF) 419.90 299.84 Yes CEBZ cE(AF) cE(AF) 262.06 111.14 37320 438.20 Yes 118 [,1/S SLB B-295/SC Enterprises 119 Nl/SJamnagar B - 1 0 1 8 / S C Elect& lvlachinery Co 120 MiSVishal B-1020/SC Builders 121 N4/S Prem B-1023/SC Assoctates 122 M/SSneh 8,1027lSC Traders 123 N4/S Shree 8,1029/SC Constn Co '124N4/S IndoBuild B-1072lSC Enlerprise 125 [,4/SRa]an 8,1082/SC Traders 262.06 150.26 412.32 | 1021.53 cE(AF) 56444 454.12 cE(AF) 500.33 268.94 YCS CE(AF) 25.80 17.35 Yes cE(AF) 1 6 2 .47 106.61 Yes cE(AF) 73 34 60.87 Yes cE(AF) 54716 300.94 Yes C E ( A F ) 1 6 85 4 16.85 Yes 6- Yes PART-I 1 2 7 3 126 MiSC S B-1088/SC Sharma 127 M/SDhanraj B-1095/SC Construction 128 M/SRK B-1'121lSC Tayagis 129 '\.4/S Bohra B-1136/5C Construction Co. cE(AF) 1 3 0 N4/SJai Ja!,vala B-1148/SC CE(AF) 293.96 9.35 Yes 194.23 Yes cE(AF) 105.51 cE(AF) 44.92 29.95 Yes CE(AF) 1278 11.50 Yes No Slow Progress Contractor 1 3 1 M/SCranex B-1'154iSC Limited 1 3 2 [,4/SS K TradersB - 1 1 8 1 i S C CEJZ 14.95 0.00 Yes cE(AF) 1534.59 978.30 Yes 1 3 3 lV/SSheldon B-1'182lSC Constn 134 N4/SNitesh 8,1185/SC Enterprises 1 3 5 [.4/SSafe B-'1186/SC Construction Co cE(AF) 167.89 96.93 Yes CE(AF) 413.32 302.50 Yes cE(AF) 92210 294.63 136 M/SJagdish Prasad& Co cE(AF) 445.27 428.06 Yes CEJZ 40.00 20.11 Yes CEJZ 116.71 90.04 Yes CEJZ 175.17 8.76 Yes CEBZ 206.03 69.45 No CEBZ 103.05 5 7. 7 1 Yes 25.17 6.29 Yes 28 42 28.42 Yes CEBZ 16841 120.11 Yes c-15/SWC CEBZ CEJZ 14.74 6.19 Yes c-15^,ryC CE(AF) 20.93 I 64.28 0.00 4.95 4 95 64.28 Yes Wk completed cE(AF) 31.70 31.70 Yes Wk completed 187.97 Yes B-1190/SC 'c'clAss 137 N,4/S Om c-02tcc Pfakash Mangla 1 3 8 M/SSulakh c-03/Acwc Erothers 1 3 9 M/sPioneer c-07/Acwc ConstrCo c-170,^/VC 't40 M/sBhupindrac-08/swc EnggWorks 1 4 1 M/SBudhRam c-09/swc Bishnoi 1 4 2 M/SHorizon c-09i Nc Construction Co 143 Nrl/S Shishodia Enterprises 144 t\,,l/sJ & K Constn Co. 145 Nil/S Shakti Builders 1 4 6 lM/SVarinder c-1oisc c-l1iACWC c-296|r'VC PalSingh& Co 1 4 7 [4/SBharat c-16icc EnggCo 148 lV/SBalvinder c-17lSWC SingfEngr& Contractor CEBZ - 7- SlowProgress Wk completed PARTI {Contd. t 2 1 5 149 M/SGSBuilders C-17/}VC & Engineers CEBZ 149.82 57.46 Yes 150 M/SGill C-18/ACWC Conslruclion 151 l\,4/S Shiva C-1g/SWC ConstnCo 152 M/SDinesh C-2o|SWC Chandra l\4iltal 153 N4/S NRBuilders C-22|SWC CEBZ 146.53 91.17 Yes CEBZ 31.24 7.81 Yes CEJZ 18.91 6.61 Yer CEBZ 351.62 202.53 Yes 154 [4/SKamalDutt C-26|SWC Sharrna 155 l\illsVerma C-27/SWC Constn Co 156 M/SRamesh C-3s/SWC KumarVerma Conlraclor 157 M/SSadh C-3glr'VC Builders 158 M/St\,1 K C-44|SWC Creations 159 M/SR N C-48iACWC Construction Co C-229ruVC CEJZ 12.35 12.35 Yes CEBZ 108.50 8'1.16 Yes CEAZ 96.85 19.37 Yes CEBZ 26.60 0 00 Yes CEJZ 12.50 0.00 Yes CEBZ 22.95 8.61 Yes 160 l\4/S R L PafeekC-4g/SWC CEBZ 13191 3S.68 Yes 161 M/SS Amarjit C-s0/SWC Singh 162 [.4/S Karni C-57|ACWC Construction Co CEJZ 428.33 310.15 Yes CEBZ 103.13 32.81 Yes CEJZ 210.32 129.33 Yes CEJZ 29 33 29.33 Yes CEJZ 219.08 138.07 Yes CEJZ 606.30 200.02 Yes CEJZ 498.00 164.01 Yes CE(AF) 67.46 55.61 Yes CE(AF) 151.28 131.56 Yes CEJZ 142.19 38.73 Yes 110.23 CEJZ CE(AF) 65.45 74.53 26.65 Yes 163 M/SAditya C-58/ACSC Enterprises C-l203/SC 164 Nl/SShiv C-58,4/VC Shankar Nirman Co. 165 lM/S Singh C-60/SWC Enierprises 166 M/SLachman C-61/SWC Singh& Bros 167 [,4/s Amil C-62iSWC Rishabh Builders PvtLtd 168 l\.4/S Dagil C-64ISC Engineers 169 l\.4/S Cimcon C-66/SC (lndia) Software Pll Ltd 170 M/SDivya C-66/SWC Assocrates 171 ills Ravi C-67/SWC Enterprises | 1r/5.b6 | -8- lUl.lU L.\-/ /1,'' 7 Wk completed Wk completed Ti {Co 2 1 6 4 3 1 7 2 l\.4/S Godara c-68/SWC Co. Construction CEBZ 145.37 59.78 Yes 173 M/SLakshmi c-69/SWC CEJZ 139.31 81.05 Yes CE(AF) 477.67 288.91 Yes 210.61 46.62 Yes 13.35 13.35 Yes cE(AF) 455.19 132.71 Yes CEBZ 84.08 54.39 res 232.80 154.53 Yes cE(AF) 183.70 54.35 ies CEJZ 13.58 13.35 Yes CEJZ 94.64 46.73 Yes 164.96 Yes 31.34 0.00 Yes RCManglac-91/SC 1 8 5 N,4/S 156.24 50.66 Yes 1 8 6 .4/SJagdish c-115/SC 864.85 480.18 Yes 187 M/SKachawaha c-116/SC Enterprises 101.74 64.16 Yes 62.73 Yes 7 Fnterprises 1 7 4 M/SElectricalsc-70/swc lndia 175 l\,4/S Shree c-71lSWC Ashapurc Conskuction 176 N4/S Raghav c-72isc Traders 1 7 7 lM/SKrishna c-72lSWC Engineering 178 [4/SFairdeal c-73iswc Co Consiruclion cE(AF) 179 lvl/SSaraswati c-74lSWC Constn '180 M/SDev c-75lSWC Industries 1 8 1 lVl/SRajconstn c-75/CC Co 182 M/SAlaknandac-7615WC Enterprises c-77lSWC 1 8 3 M/SSanjoli Construction c-'1173lSC 184 M/Sl\,4aharishic-78/SWC Gautam Constn CE(AF) 296.96 cE(AF) Machinery Slores 188 l!l/S Goyal c-117MC Enterprises c-'16/ACWC lBg M/STurtleInffa c-157lSC 190 M/SNoel c,158/SC Enterprises 191 t!l/SBS c-159/SC Conshuction 192 I\4/S c-215/SC Madhusudhan Kakhandiki 193 l\,4/S Mangnus c-24'1lSC 194 M/SD Bhafdwajc-26otr'vc & Company 195 N4/S Bansal Eniercrises c-27ltsc cE(AF) 69.49 14.45 66.48 12.28 Yes Yes CE(AF) 46.38 0.00 Yes CE(AF) 66.71 17.22 Yes 216.76 103.22 Yes CEJZ 34.58 1.73 Yes cE(AF) 96.19 -9- Wk compleled P 6 3 196 M/SDhruve C-274:SC Constfuction C-282|SC Nirmal 197 l\.4/S Constfuction 198 lvl/SS T lvlodi C-289/SC C-297MC Jag 199 l\.4/S Co Construction 2OOMiSBalwinderC-325IWC Singh& Sons 201 M/SR C Shah C-342|SC 202 MisApurva C-347iSC Constrution C-360,1/VC Vinod 203 lV1/S KumarBajaj C-376/SC 204 lVl/SBharat D-33/ACSC Buildefs 7 CE(AF) 48.90 31.79 Yes CE(AF) 89.39 89.39 Yes Wk completed CE(AF) CEBZ 376.76 35.34 209.77 35.34 Yes Yes Wk completed CEBZ 12.66 9.12 Yes 5.97 73.24 Yes No CE(AF) 19.91 CE(AF) 169.71 CEBZ 10347 91.95 Yes CEBZ CE(AF) 54.07 23.53 7 76 0 21.37 Yes SlowProgress C-384/WC 205 lvl/SSidhu Co Conslruction CEBZ 61.05 72.61 1 3 36 6 | 2 7. 4 8 Rajendra C-386/SC 206 l\,4/S Construction C-389/wC 207 M/SFontus WaterPvt Ltd C-392M/C 208 M/SGS Enterprises 2Og N4iS Jasvlinder C-406ruVC Singh& sons 210 M/SBhagwali C-425MC Co Construction CE(AF) 254.73 104.54 Yes CEBZ 174.35 101.12 No Slow Progress CEBZ 14.30 6.58 No Slow Progress CEBZ 260.99 151.04 Yes CEBZ 89.91 37.51 Yes BalwinderC-432/WC 211 [.4/S KUmar C-438/\ryC 212 M/SSaini Square C'448MC 213 M/SHAVC Co Engineering CEBZ 60.34 40.45 Yes CEJZ 15.38 6.15 Yes CEBZ CEBZ 23.53 72.06 9559 0.00 Yes 214 M/STechnical C-477MC Associates YashPaul C-496,ryVC 215 lV1/S Gulali 216 M/SUrjaTech C-1052/SC (l)Pvt.Ltd. 217 M/SVeerHigh C-1059/SC TechSolution C-1085/SC 218 MiSunited & Engineers Contraciors 219 M/SCityLisht C-1157lSC 220 N//SKrishna C-'l186iSC Associates 221 [//SBhawani C-1190iSC Constns 23.53 72.06 95.59 | 94.52 CEBZ 45.73 39.00 Yes CE(AF) 47.52 24.47 Yes CE(AF) 57.40 43.22 CE(AF) 30.45 13.09 Yes CE(AF) CE(AF) 70.04 13.21 67.44 13.21 Yes Yes 16.01 - 1 0- CE(AF) Yes Wk compleled Yes u7)"" Wk completed 3 PARTI {Con 7 4 28.39 Yes 456.03 Yes 36.76 8.48 No CE(A-) 22768 132.35 Yes CE(AF) 27.57 17.93 Yes C-1238/SC 227 l\,1/S PM Godhaniya 228 \rlls<arni C'1242t5C Builders 229 N4/S Alpine C-12521sC Constructions 230 M/SAK C-1260/SC Enlerpr ses 231 N.4/S Sankalp C-1268/SC Enterprises 232 M/SShlbham C-1290/SC Electrcal & Nlaint Works 233 N4/S Dadhich C-1314lSC Engineers 234 l\,4/S Nissan C-1316/SC Electricals C13'17lsc 235 M/SViay Construction Co CE(AF) 93.61 0.00 Yes CE(AC) 503.16 503.16 Yes CE(AF) 24468 208.05 Yes CE(AF) 299.74 128.68 Yes CE(AF) 238.88 129.96 Yes 62.00 0.00 62.00 20.41 Yes 8585 Yes 37 14 Yes 236 Nil/S Suraj C-1318/SC Enterprises 237 r\ilisDr\,lA c-1321/SC Projects 238 t\r/StVlD C-1329/SC Conslruction 239 M/SSonr.r C'1333/SC Enterprises 240 lV/SKalikay C-1344/SC Enterprises 241 [,4/S Shree C-1346/SC Vaishno Enterprise 242 M/SNavkar C-1347/SC Enterprises 243 lVl/S Shree C-1350/SC Shyarn Construction Co 'D'CLASS CE(AF) 1297.88 1006.18 Yes CE(AF) 222 M/SNisa C-1202|SC Enterprises 223 l\4/S Nidhi C-1211lSC Constuction Co CE(AF) 224 M/SPerfrect c-12171sc Construction Co 225 l\,4/S Shant, C-1226t5C Enterprises 226 M/SO P VishnoiC-123715C CE(AF) 244 M/SSlrnrise D-o1/SWC Engfs& Contractors 28.39 CE(AF) 895.70 CE(AF) CEJZ CE(AF) 13S89 I 0s 1 4 89 8 | 26.17 CE(AF) 131.40 OE(AF) 73.65 Yes 333.25 207.58 Yes CE(AF) 277.65 146.76 Yes CE(AF) 59658 3BO 62 Yes CE(AF) 976.76 290.13 Yes CE(AF) 74.29 Yes 269.47 Yes CE(AF) 1 1 9 9 . 7 0 7 2 7. 7 4 CEIZ 3279 2.37 1232.49| 730.11 Yes 168.86 CE(AF) 427.14 CEBZ 20.75 - 1 1- at// / 11.24 Yes Wk completed SlowProgress Wk completed 7 245 M/SKLJindal&D-o2/SWC Co 246 [,4/SNlaniRam D-o4/ACWC D-341ANC Bishnoi D-o7|SWC 247 N,I/SBK Contractor D-11/SWC 248 [I/SSanjay Propcon PvtLtd CEBZ 71.35 15.39 Yes CEBZ 10558 5467 Yes CEBZ 12434 2096 Yes CEJZ 132.03 4030 Yes 249 l\4/S Mahavir D-12IACWC Construction Co D-423ly'VC CEBZ 111.13 4101 Yes D-16/SWC 250 Ll/SV K Contractor D-18/CC 251 N4/S Shyam Consiruction 252 M/SLakshmi D-1g/SWC Assocrales CEBZ 233.30 15767 Yes CEJZ 114.61 4077 Yes Yes CEJZ 53.94 2154 cEaz 102.30 47.41 CE(AF) D-'lgAryC 253 l\illsSingla Trading Company D-2o/SWC 254 l\4/STarun Traders 255 N//sKrishna D-23|SWC Associates RKGoyal& D-27|SWC 256 N,4iS Co D-28/SWC 257 M/SVishal Electric Stofes 258 N.4/S Randhir& D-3o/SWC Co. 259 [4/SKamalKantD-31iCC Aga|wal 260 [I/S Siddarth D-33/SC Construction D-35/SWC 261 N4/S Ajay Co Consiruciion D-37/SWC 262 M/SSidhu ConstnCo 263 [4/SJagdambaD'4o/SWC ConstnCo Ex D-4oANC 264 N.4/S Seryiceman Enterprises D-41|SWC 265 M/sBeenu Constn& Co D-43/SWC 266 M/SSmita Constfuction D-44|SWC 267 M/SNiman Builders 69.16 95 68 251.92 I 138.11 CEBZ 36.96 0.00 Yes CEBZ 189.69 14801 Yes CEJZ 79.47 8.83 Yes CEBZ 121.60 7346 Yes CEBZ 122.61 7063 Yes CEBZ 178.65 7581 Yes CElz 186.39 14064 Yes CE(AF) 115.27 93.85 Yes CEBZ 49.51 2951 Yes CEBZ 34.07 33.92 Yes CEBZ 169.70 91.51 Yes CEIZ 26.17 21 46 Yes CEBZ 127.40 110.97 Yes CEJZ 58.47 21.01 Yes CEBZ 377.31 17739 Yes Wk in progress ART-I 7 1 D-46/ACWC 268 M/SRohii Co D-373/lVC Construction CEBZ 284.23 16814 Yes 269 M/SAgarwal D-48/SWC Construction D-56isWC 270 lvl/SPunia Co Construclion CEIZ 38.55 36.22 Yes CEJZ 30.00 28 50 Yes D-s8/SWC 271 M/SAnjali Constn& Electricals D-63/SWC 272 tvl/SVijayKr GargConstn Suiit Singh D-68.ryVC 273 N,4/S & Sons D-71|SWC 274 l\.4/S Prime Decore 275 l\illsChander D-72|SC Sekar 276 M/SAggarwal D-73/SWC Brothers& Co CEIZ 77.67 3727 Yes CEBZ 137.42 51 50 Yes CEBZ 52.91 48 45 Yes CE(AF) 87.94 87 94 Yes CE(AF) 98 92 38 07 Yes CEBZ '144.52 96.67 No CEJZ 101.88 392S Yes CEJZ 13693 57.09 Yes CEBZ 49 42 4619 Yes CEJZ 147.60 86 65 Yes CEJZ 149.84 111.80 Yes CE(AF) 72.77 22.89 Yes CEJZ 285.10 181.83 Yes CEBZ 51.23 38.36 Yes CEBZ 151.68 4844 Yes 286 ,4/SRam D-160^/VC Prakash Swarup ConstnPvtLtd CEBZ 56.45 55.45 Yes 287 MiSv K CEJZ 68.65 63.46 Yes D-74|SWC Jindal 277 [,4/S Enterprises D-75|SWC 278 M/S Tarkeshwafdas Constn Co. D-76/SWC 27S M/SAjay Enterprises 280 1,4/S Pfakash D-78/SWC Engineering Corporalion D-86/CC 281 N4iS Ahmed Construction D-89/SC 282 M/SShri Swanayog Enierprises 283 M/SL P Singh& D-124/1VC Co 284 N,4/S New D-129/WC AmritsatConstn Co D-134/WC 285 IVI/S Gyan ChandI\,4arothia Construciion Builders D 164MC Wk completed Slow Progress & un-enlisted dueto change in constitution PA 7 3 1 CEBZ 58.77 52.27 Yes CE(AF) 57.41 34.49 Yes CE(AF) 87.65 48.19 Yes 291 l\.4/S Ganesh D-222|SC Electrical 292 l\4/S Harnam D-225|SC Singh& Co. 293 N,4/S Kiran D-274MC Construction Co CE(AF) 12.89 0.00 Yes 128.19 Yes CEBZ 12.43 4.35 Yes 294 M/SSoman D-311/SC Electromach EngineersPvt CE(AF) 98.71 17.36 No 288 lvl/STifathRam D-167ruVC & Sons 2Bg M/SRamdev&D-173/SC Sons 290 lillsl\4aa ShaktiD-214/SC EnggCo. CE(AF) 230.86 Slowprogress & contract cancelled Ltd 295 i\,4/S Vijay D-326/SC Construction 296 M/SLalit D-331/SC Enterptises 297 [.4/SStaf D-374|SC Electricals 298 l\,4/S JainPaintsD-391ANC & Hard\aare Stores CE(AF) 76.88 0.00 Yes CE(AF) 26.12 20.90 Yes CE(AF) 46.54 12.57 Yes CEBZ 108.30 87.46 Yes 299 M/SJayesh D-391iSC TradingCorpn 300 lV1/S Sohan& Co D-400/SC CE(AF) 37.79 37.79 Yes Wk completed CE(AF) 231.42 231.42 Yes Wk completed 301 lM/SShiv D-419^/vC Shankar Enterprises 302 M/SNishtha D-427MC Builders 303 |\,4/S Techno D-435lr'VC CEBZ 39.98 31.98 Yes CEBZ 27.32 7.46 Yes CE(AF) oEBZ 3679 45.19 81.98 | 11.04 44.29 55.33 Yes CEJZ 49.60 30.26 Yes CEBZ CEJZ 150.28 161.73 a2 67 126.47 Yes CEBZ 3 1 20 l | 2 0 9 . 1 4 144.13 72.18 CEBZ 85.47 70.86 Yes CE(AF) CE(AFI 47.64 50.63 2387 20.11 Yes tnola Enierprises 304 M/SGanesh D-448/SC Constructions 305 lVl/SSatish D-4514/C Kumar& Co 306 N,4/S lshaan D-459MC Conslructions 307 M/SGuirej D-466^,^/C Singh Coniracior 308 M/STradeway D-476/SC 309 M/SKSCrao'laD-484/SC & Sons ,o* Yes Yes T-l(c 7 4 Jeelani D-485/SC 310 1,4/S Electrical D-486/5C 311 N4i S Smruti Co. Construction D-5'10/sc 312 M/SRaj Brothefs D-513iSC 313 M/SGurmir Construction D-517/SC 314 lV/SAnil Enierprises 315 l\,4/S Gurbox& D-519/SC Constn D-535/SC Godara 316 l\.4/S Constn D-541/SC 3 1 7 M / SB S K Construction 318 M/SEngineer D-544/5C Associates 319 l\illsShriRam D-547^\/C Sons& Projecls CorP Sudesh D-550^/VC 320 N,4/S N//SHontech D-5524/VC india 322 N,4/S SSI DieselD-566^,ryC D-881/SC 323 M/SJangid Builders 324 M/SEverest D-1003/SC Powercontrol 19.41 000 Yes 88.54 59.19 Yes CE(AF) 26.49 26.49 Yes Wk completed 29.93 25.44 No Slow progress 173.80 Yes 116.60 103.09 Yes s6591 328.34 Yes 11.46 8.60 Yes cE(AF) 13.51 12.18 No Slow progress CEJZ 72.72 72.72 Yes Wk compleled 65.12 37.94 Yes CEJZ 19.12 0.96 Yes CEBZ 21.78 0.00 Yes cE(AF) CE(AF) CE(AF) 2 7 2 1 7 cE(AF) Yes 81.47 cE(AF) 204.38 100.01 Yes 325 Nl/SBhagwati D-1007/SC Constn Engrs D-1009/SC Pravin 326 l\,4/S Construction 327 l\4/SNangia& D-1087/SC Co 328 M/S[,4onarch D-1090/sc cE(AF) 1 73 5 17.35 Yes 37.51 34.88 Yes 2326 22.9s Yes 15.99 13.59 Yes 329 l\4isN,4!kesh D-1094/SC CE(AF) 285.44 41.73 Yes 330 lvl/SVikash D-1099/SC Co. Cosntruction cE(AF) 44.20 34 52 Yes 98.16 4 7. 1 6 Yes 40.17 38.16 No 43 52 22.20 Yes 3 3 1 M/SSDConstnD-1138/SC Co M/SRavindra D-115'l/SC Constn Priya D-1185/SC 333 N4/S Co Construction cE(AF) Wk compleled Contract cancelled PART1 7 3 334 lVl/SBhagirathi D-'t208/SC Electricals cE(AF) 87.76 40.20 Yes 335 N,4iS Sukhi D-122slSC Electricals 336 M/SNew D-1244tsc Vishavkarma Udhyog 337 M/SPrakash D^1245lSC cE(AF) 74.27 70.29 Yes cE(AF) 229.62 66.20 Yes CF(AF) 5 01 1 19.74 YES 338 M/SSanjay Enterprises 339 M/SHariom Tfaders 340 M/SRaj D-1264lSC cE(AF) 96.97 23.29 Yes D-1'277tSC cE(AF) 122.07 97.62 Yes D-1287iSC CE(AF) 35.88 19.50 Yes 341 M/SEMControlD-1321/SC System cE(AF) '17.72 14.18 No Slowprogress 342 M/SRaghuraj D-1323/SC SlnghTejveer Singh D-1345iSC 343 l\,4/S Shree Construction 344 l\4/Sl\4ateswariD-1354/5C Engineering 345 t!l/SRS D-1377lSC Entefprises 346 lV/SDivyarsh D-1378/SC Enterprises 347 M/SNlaleswafi D-1388/SC Constn Co 348 M/SENYOY D-1406/5C 349 lVl/SPet D-1433/SC Electricals 350 [,4/SJyoti D-1434/SC Reffigeration 351 M/SNasafin D-1438/SC Enterprises 352 tV1/S R&M Unenlisted lnternational Pvt Ltd 353 M/SAmelech Unenlisled Electric CE(AF) 97.87 97.87 Yes Wk compleled CE(AF) 1'1.05 0.11 Yes CE(AF) 62.43 51.43 Yes cE(AF) 2346 21.35 Yes cE(AF) 16878 50.22 Yes cE(AF) 10157 43.17 Yes cE(AF) 24.35 112.24 0.00 61.11 ies Yes cE(AF) 92.16 46.08 Yes cE(AF) 185.03 129.73 Yes cE(AF) 338.15 87.92 NO cE(AF) 58.42 0.00 Slowprogress (Sudhir KumarPaihak) Superintending Enginee(QS&C) Director(Contracls) ForChiefEngineef PART-II (Ref HQ CE SWC letter No dt 39OO4MLR/SWC(L/E8 jaQ- Jun 2016 RETURN TERENDING HAVINGNOWORKLOADBUTBANNEDFOR LISTOF CONTRACTORS ISSUEOF TENDERS Nameoi contfactor No 1 2 N//sSingla& Sons. No PfesentStatus Remarks/Reasons Class/lndex of firm 5 4 3 cancelled. working Contract s-15/CEWC Not (ord) 2 M/Sl\reghaconstruciionCo (Unenlisted) UN-ENLISTEDNotworking s-16/SWC(Old) 3 [,1/SBB Poojara s-54/SC lvl/sFriendsConstnCo s-108/cEWCNotworking 5 M/SJohnsonEnlerprises s-1048/SC Notworkrng 6 N//SBrijEnterprises A-03iwc Notworking Defectsnot rectified.Risk& costcontraci concluded10rectify thedelects. Partnerof thefirm exprreo. 7 Co M/SGoyalConstruction Notworking Contract cancelled. 8 A-1g/ACWC A-154/VVC A-'1108/SC Structural lVl/Sl\,4adhav Engineers c-03/cEWc M/SBeeJayElectricals(lndia) Notworking Contract Cancelled. Contract cancelled. I Notworkrng Notworking from Firmremoved appvdlistof Contractors. Contract Cancelled. Contract Cancelled. Cancelled Contract (ord) (Unenlisted) 10 Co l\illsLaxmiConstruction 11 l\4/SRajasthanDecorators c-09/VVc Contract cancelled Risk& cost conlract concluded with Wk completed c-32/ADG(OF Notworking greal persuarron, &DRDO) ,,\-rl llt gativeattitude NotWorking '7-.-. 12 M/SParmanand & Co c-59/SWC Notworking 13 M/SAdarshKutirUdyog c-83/SC Banned 14 lVl/SHazari& Brothers c-167/CC Banned Contract cancelled. 't5 M/sSharmaFurnitures D-96Ar'VC Notworking M/SNatwarSinghDipSingh D-542lSC NotWorking Contract Cancelled. Proprieiorexpired 17 M/SShivShaktiSteel Industries D-553/r/VC Notworking 18 M/SRajasthanElectrical& Electronics Co D-'1386/3C NotWorking 19 M / S V K P a i e&lC o Unenlisted NotWorking Contract cancelled 20 M/SBusiness & Business UE NotWorking Involved in discp Unenlisted dueto changeIn constitution. Case for downgrading thefirmtakenup withE-in-C's Br Banneddueto involvement in Rectifiedthe defectswithgreat reluctance and blameon Organization. Contractcancelled on conlractors delault (SudhlrKumarPathak) Superintending Enginee(QS&C) (Contracts) Directof ForChiefEngineer PATHAK SUDHIR KUMAR MR Digitally signed by PATHAK SUDHIR KUMAR MR DN: c=IN, o=Personal, cn=PATHAK SUDHIR KUMAR MR, serialNumber=333884DD7682E 584F1F20E074732552548C82D BF6089106BD4B090CE4C7BCD CC, postalCode=302021, st=RAJASTHAN Date: 2016.06.22 06:37:38 +05'30'
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