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Thirty-Five Years and Beyond: Strengthening Collaboration for a Drug-Free ASEAN
ATCP DE 35t h Foundation Anniversary Souvenir Program
Thirty-Five Years and Beyond: Strengthening Collaboration for a Drug-Free ASEAN
Human Resource
Research and
Advocacy and
Social Mobilization
Unified Action for
a Drug-Free ASEAN
* Messages, 1
* Program, 5
* Accomplishments
1979-2014, 6
* DEC profile, 8
* 2013 review, 10
* ASEAN training, 11
* BKD training, 12
* Writeshop, 13
* Foto folio, 14
ATCP DE 35t h Foundation Anniversary Souvenir Program
Thirty-Five Years and Beyond: Strengthening Collaboration for a Drug-Free ASEAN
My warmest greetings to the ASEAN Training Center for Preventive Drug Education as you
celebrate your 35th Foundation Anniversary.
The continued resilience of the Philippines is borne of our collective efforts to achieve
positive change, and it is imperative that we sustain our newfound momentum by embodying compassion and excellence, and reviving a culture of integrity in our pursuits.
Your anniversary is a time to celebrate your contribution to nation-building, as well as
your accomplishments of the past 35 years; may this event once again provide a platform
for augmenting your knowledge and expanding your professional networks towards the
advancement of preventive drug education in the country. May this clear the path for even
more strengthened partnerships with ASEAN members, as we aim to establish not just a
drug-free community, but also an integrated, equitably progressive region by 2015.
Our rapidly shifting environment demands a convergence of strengths as we face the
challenges and adapt to the changes around us. Let us work as one collective, ready and
determined to uplift our society, for our solidarity and vigor will enable us to prevail over
all obstacles that may come our way.
May you have a happy and meaningful anniversary.
28 November 2014
ATCP DE 35t h Foundation Anniversary Souvenir Program
Thirty-Five Years and Beyond: Strengthening Collaboration for a Drug-Free ASEAN
Messages from DDB
On behalf of the Dangerous Drugs Board, I wish to
greet and congratulate the
officers and staff of the
ASEAN Training Center for
Preventive Drug Education
on your 35th Year. As an institution, ATCPDE has continued to exemplify excellence
and dedication in extending
programs and services in
line with drug abuse prevention and international coopI am honored to be part
of your 35th Founding Anniversary Celebration. On this
occasion, we get to commemorate the 35 years you
have spent extending the
much needed service not
only to the Philippines but
the whole ASEAN.
For this successful endeavor, congratulations!
ATCPDE's contribution to
the anti-drug campaign is
valuable as much as it is indispensable. Through the institution, we are able to benefit from programs of international scope and we are
able to learn from the chal-
Not only has the center
been the source of valuable
training programs and significant opportunities for
international collaboration
but also of pride and honor
for Filipino drug prevention
workers and the whole country.
With the Philippines as
the base of its operations
and Filipino educators and
experts at its forefront,
ATCPDE has definitely
strengthened cooperation
and collaboration among
ASEAN member states to-
lenges and successes of our
ASEAN neighbors.
Indeed, ATCPDE has been a
true partner not only of the Philippines but the whole ASEAN in
the fight against drugs.
For thirty-five years, you
have created a legacy of integrity and confidence. Integrity in attaining a vision
that benefits all and confidence that the whole ASEAN
can achieve whatever it aspire if there is unity and
team work among us.
ATCP DE 35t h Foundation Anniversary Souvenir Program
wards the attainment of a
drug-free region.
Thank you for the thirtyfive years of connecting every ASEAN member state
through facilitating learning and exchanges of best
practices on drug abuse
prevention education.
We look forward to more
years of working with you
and the whole ASEAN for the
realization of our common
Congratulations, once
again and more power!
Accept our best wishes
to more years of working
together and initiating
C on gr atulatio ns ,
Thirty-Five Years and Beyond: Strengthening Collaboration for a Drug-Free ASEAN
Messages from UP
Greetings and congratulations to the ASEAN Training Center for Preventive
Drug Education (ATCPDE) for
its 35th anniversary celebration!
As you commemorate
more than three decades of
tireless service, the University of the Philippines (UP)
joins the rest of the region
in thanking you for your positive influence on ASEAN's
many peoples and communities.
Many of my colleagues,
particularly those who are
now leaders in the field of
education, can look at the
ATCPDE's impressive track
record of successes, and
perhaps identify the appro-
Greetings to the ASEAN
Training Center for Preventive Drug Education on its
35th foundation anniversary.
Much has happened in
those 35 years. On one hand,
we've seen how drug dependency has spread, taking a
heavy toll in terms of disrupting social institutions
and services, and of lives
being wasted, if not snuffed
out. In our region, injecting
drug use has become a ma-
priate, if not the best, practices in promoting a stronger youth sector and a
healthier citizenry.
Thus, on the ATCPDE's
35th anniversary, I am
pleased to reaffirm my support to your center, under
Prof. FRANCIS GRACE DUKAPANTE, and all its initiatives.
And, as your anniversary's
theme "Thirty-five Years and
Beyond: Strengthening Collaboration for a Drug-Free
ASEAN" suggests, I look forward to an even stronger
collaboration between the
UP System and the ATCPDE to
create a drug-free ASEAN.
I salute you on this special day, with the hope that
the ATCPDE's next 35 years
jor factor in the spread of
HIV/AIDS, taking away lives
not just of the drug users but
of their partners and
spouses, even children.
On the other hand, there
are some encouraging statistics showing that drug use
might be on the decline, as
the two most recent Philippine Young Adult Fertility
and Sexuality Surveys have
shown. Even then, the numbers of dependents remains
high, with consequences for
which societies will pay over
many years.
Now, more than ever,
preventive drug education
must be the centerpiece of
our countries' responses to
drug dependency. This must
be done not just in schools
would shine as brightly, if
not more so, as the previous
Mabuhay ang ATCPDE!
Mabuhay tayong lahat!
Padayon UP!
but in communities, tapping
into mass media.
We need more creativity
and innovation in our messages, as well as scientific
rigor in monitoring and
evaluating the campaigns.
I hope the ASEAN Training Center for Preventive
Drug Education can do more
to allow government and
non-government groups to
learn from each other, including exchanging Good
I wish you all the best in
the years ahead, as preventive drug education becomes both an art and a science.
UP Chancellor
ATCP DE 35t h Foundation Anniversary Souvenir Program
Thirty-Five Years and Beyond: Strengthening Collaboration for a Drug-Free ASEAN
Messages for ATCPDE at 35
An international alliance, the ASEAN Training Center for Preventive Drug Education (ATCPDE) was established thirty-five years ago as
a concerted effort of various sectors to address the problem of drug
menace. The training and research undertaken by the Dangerous
Drugs Board, Commission on Higher Education, the Department of
Education, the Department of Social Welfare and Development, the
Philippine Information Agency and the University of the Philippines
generate ideas to tackle the thorny problem of drug addiction. Creative problem analysis lead to a multidimensional understanding
which we hope can help detect and prevent drug-related problems.
The unwavering commitment of various agencies underpins the
strength of ATCPDE and the people behind it. Mabuhay kayong lahat!
Dean, UP College of Education
The ASEAN Training Center for Preventive Drug
Education (ATCPDE) has remain steadfast in playing
an active role as a drug prevention center both in
the national and international scene. With its 35
years of existence, it remains committed to its mandate of being a focal institution in drug prevention in
the Southeast Asian region.
The 35th Anniversary theme echoes the current
need for a stronger collaboration among prevention
experts and practitioners across nations and regions
in the world. With the escalating global threat of
psychoactive substances and soaring incidence of
substance use disorders, drug demand reduction
efforts need to be multi-strategic, more coordinated
and highly-focused.
Through the years, the Center has been privileged to gain the unwavering support of the ASEAN
member states, the Philippines' Dangerous Drugs
Board as its main funding agency and the University
of the Philippines College of Education as its home.
Its highly dedicated Drug Education Committee members and consultants remain as a valuable asset in
implementing the Center's programs and projects.
As the Center steers forward to the future, it
reanalyzes its drug prevention approaches and strategies based on current advances in the field of prevention science. Concomitant with its advocacy to
increase public awareness on the costs of ignoring
drug prevention is its focus on the urgent need to
capacitate prevention workers on evidence-based
interventions. The International Standards on Drug
Use Prevention published by the United Nations on
Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is a valuable resource.
Utilizing the available science to inform prevention
practices is crucial in ensuring that countries
im plem ent programs and pro jects th at a re
proven to work and are cost-efficient. However,
caution must be taken in adapting these interventions because context and mechanism vary
across countries.
As we urge ASEAN member states to continue
with their multifaceted approaches and adopt
the international standards in their drug prevention efforts, it is with sustained enthusiasm and
commitment that we look forward to more productive years of serving the Philippines and the
Southeast Asian region.
Director, ATCPDE
ATCP DE 35t h Foundation Anniversary Souvenir Program
Thirty-Five Years and Beyond: Strengthening Collaboration for a Drug-Free ASEAN
35 th Foundation Anniversary Celebration of the
ASEAN Training Center for Preventive Drug Education
University of the Philippines College of Education
November 28, 2014
Theme: "Thirty-Five Years and Beyond: Strengthening
Collaboration for a Drug-Free ASEAN"
Part I
Walk Against Drugs
University of the Philippines (UP) Academic Oval
6:00-7:00 AM
Part II
Opening Ceremonies
Benitez Theater, UP College of Education
10:00 AM
Philippine National Anthem
Welcome Remarks
Dr. Rosario I. Alonzo
Dean, UP College of Education
Introduction of Keynote Speaker
Prof. Francis Grace H. Duka-Pante
Director, ATCPDE
Keynote Address
Assistant Secretary Benjamin P. Reyes
Deputy Executive Director for Operations
Dangerous Drugs Board
Part III
Training on the Universal Prevention Curriculum for the
National Capital Region's National Drug Education Program
(NDEP) Coordinators
10:00 AM-5:00 PM
Benitez Theater
*Resource persons were all trained by the Colombo Plan International Centre for Certification and
Education of Addiction Professionals on the Universal Prevention Curriculum for Substance Use
Part IV
Training Introduction
Teresita C. Pineda
PETID Chief, Dangerous Drugs Board
DDB Representative for ATCPDE
Epidemiology, Physiology and
Pharmacology of Substance Use
Maria Corazon C. Dumlao
Health Division Chief, DepED HNC
DepED Alternate Representative for ATCPDE
Prevention Science
Little Jones B. Espeleta
Faculty, Pamantasan ng Muntinlupa
Evidence-Based Prevention
Interventions and Policies
Prof. Francis Grace H. Duka-Pante
Faculty, UP College of Education
Director, ATCPDE
Seminar on Basic Addiction Counseling
Knowledge and Skills
Resource Person:
1:00-5:00 PM
Training Center, UP College of Education
Aimee Rose A. Arguelles-Manda
Internationally Certified Addictions Counselor
ATCP DE 35t h Foundation Anniversary Souvenir Program
Thirty-Five Years and Beyond: Strengthening Collaboration for a Drug-Free ASEAN
ATCPDE Accomplishments:
1979 - 2014
Trainings, Seminar-Workshops and Conferences Conducted
Sep 10-30
Preventive Drug Education for Teacher Educators and Curriculum Designers
May 3-15
Preventive Drug Education for Teacher Educators and Curriculum Designers
Jan 12-Feb 9
ASEAN Study-Observation Program for Preventive Drug Education and
Community Information Personnel
Workshop on the Development of Manual for Drug Abuse
Mar 14-24
Prevention Education and Community Information
Regional Seminar on Drug Abuse Prevention
Nov 2-30
Program Development
ASEAN-EC Experts Seminar on Drug Abuse Prevention Education Feb 25-Mar 1
Training on Drug Abuse Prevention Education Information and
Counseling for Indonesian Officials
Jul 13-Aug 14
First ASEAN-EC Seminar Workshop on the Development and Validation of
Evaluation Instruments for Drug Abuse Prevention Education Programs
Sep 7-12
Second ASEAN-EC Seminar-Workshop on the Development and Validation of
Evaluation Instruments for Drug Abuse Prevention Education Programs
Apr 13-17
Second National Seminar-Workshop on Development and Validation of
Evaluation Instruments for Drug Abuse Prevention Education Programs
Jun 8-10
Study-Observation of DAP Scholars of the Colombo Plan Bureau
Trainings, Seminar-Workshops and Conferences Conducted
ASEAN Seminar-Workshop on Parent-Youth Movement Against Drug
Mar 13Third National Seminar-Workshop on the Development and Validation of
Evaluation Instruments for DAPE Programs
Third ASEAN-EC Workshop on the Validation of the Evaluation Instruments for DAPE
Oct 23-27
ASEAN Training on Effective Management Skills in Preventive Drug Education
Jun 17-21
Nov 29-Dec ASEAN-DDB Workshop on the Development of Training Modules on
Effective Management Skills for Preventive Drug Education
International Panel-Forum on Preventive Drug Education (ATCPDE's
Nov 29
20th Foundation Anniversary)
Training Program in Management Skills and Instructional
Leadership for Preventive Drug Education
ASEAN Conference on Models and Best
Jul 15-17
Practices on Preventive Drug Education,
NISMED, University of the Philippines
Strengthening the Navotas Anti-Drug Abuse Council,
Dec 7-10
Kimberly Hotel, Tagaytay City
Jan 23-27
ATCP DE 35t h Foundation Anniversary Souvenir Program
Thirty-Five Years and Beyond: Strengthening Collaboration for a Drug-Free ASEAN
ATCPDE Accomplishments:
1979 - 2014
Trainings, Seminar-Workshops and Conferences Conducted
1995 1996 1999 2005 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Training of Tanay High School Teachers in
May 30Preventive Drug Education, Tanay, Rizal
Training of Tanay Elementary School Teachers in
May 7-8
Preventive Drug Education, Tanay, Rizal
ASEAN Seminar-Workshop on CommunityBased Prevention of Drug Abuse, Luxent Sep 2-6
Hotel, Quezon City
Research and Evaluation
ASEAN-EC Development and Validation
of Evaluation Instruments for DAPE
Programs (1992-1996)
Review of
Preventive Drug
Education in the
Baseline Survey
of the ASEAN
Drug Prevention
Endeavors, ongoing
Opinions and
Perceptions on Drug
Abuse Prevention
Program: Bases for
Policy and Decisionmaking (Jan-Dec
Study on Preventive
Drug Education
Programs in the Asian
Region (June 1996)
Development and Publication of Instructional Materials
ASEAN Evaluation
Instruments on DAPE
ent Skills
and Health
RA 9165 Modules on
Primers for Barkada
and School Implement
Administra ation (ontors
ATCP DE 35t h Foundation Anniversary Souvenir Program
Thirty-Five Years and Beyond: Strengthening Collaboration for a Drug-Free ASEAN
Drug Education Committee (DEC)
Officers and Members
R os ar io I . Alo nz o
Dean, College of Education
University of the Philippines
She obtained her doctoral, master's and
bachelor's degrees from the University
of the Philippines. She is a Consultant of
the Department of Education and Technical Committee Member of the Commission on Higher Education. She has
presented papers in national and international conferences in Japan, Cambodia, China, Korea, Canada, USA, and UK.
She is also the Coordinator of the Intensive English Program of the College and
the English Trainers of the Foundation
for the Upgrading of the Standard of
Education (FUSE), an organization of
volunteer professionals.
M ar i a H el en S . De H i t ta Ca tal an
Chair, Biology Education WG
National Institute for Science
and Mathematics Education
University of the Philippines
Ms DeHitta-Catalan is a PhD in Biology graduate of the Institute of Biology, College of Science, University
of the Philippines. She has been a
member of the DEC since 2012.
Lalaine F. Div ina
Training Specialist II
PETID, Dangerous Drugs Board
B elina SB . C apul
Director, Human Resource
Development Division
Philippine Information Agency
She served in the late 80's as an officer
and Board Member of the Foundation
for Drug Information and Communication (FDIC) and principal Consultant for
Social Marketing for the project "ATS
Abuse Among the Youth in the Philippines and Thailand" of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
A Bachelor in Business Education
graduate of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Manila. She
earned her Master in Public Administration Degree from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Graduate School, Sta. Mesa, Manila.
Vir gilio M. Gaje
OIC Director for MIS
Philippine Information Agency
He has been involved with the DEC
since 2002, working with the
ATCPDE Newsletter, and development and maintenance of the official ATCPDE website.
ATCP DE 35t h Foundation Anniversary Souvenir Program
E lla C ecilia GamoloN a li p o n gu i t
Director III, Health and Nutrition
Center, Department of Education
Manages Public Health Program Policy,
Public Health Program Designs and
Health Program Management in the
Philippine Public School Setting. She collaborates with Government Agencies,
Non Government Organizations and
Civil Society Organizations involved in
Nutrition, Water, Sanitation,and Health.
Is abel F. Inlay o
Director IV, Office of Student
Development and Services
Commission on Higher Education
Her administrative responsibilities in
the past include being an Education
Supervisor II, Supervising Education Program Specialist, Chief Education Program Specialist, Director
III CHED Regional Office I, and Director IV CHED Regional Office IV-A.
Pau l M . M ab aqui ao
Faculty, University of the
Philippines Integrated School
An Assistant Professor from the
Health and Physical Education Department. He is currently the UPIS
representative to the DEC.
Thirty-Five Years and Beyond: Strengthening Collaboration for a Drug-Free ASEAN
Drug Education Committee (DEC)
Officers and Members
E den E . C asulla- M ar iño
Social Welfare Officer III
Department of Social Welfare and
A BS in Social Work graduate of
Bicol University, she has been a DEC
member since 2008.
Ter esita C . Pineda
Chief, Preventive Education,
Training and Information Division
Dangerous Drugs Board
A BS Nutrition and Health Education graduate of the Pamantasan
ng Lunsod ng Maynila. She got her
Master in Education Major in Health
Education degree from the Philippine Normal University. She is currently part of the Colombo Plan's
core trainees for the Master Trainers on the Universal Prevention
Curriculum for Substance Use.
Fr ancis G r ace H . Duk aPan te
Director, ATCPDE
Faculty, College of Education
University of the Philippines
Prof. Pante is a graduate of the UP
College of Education both for her
undergraduate and MA degrees in
Health Education. She is currently
part of the Colombo Plan's core
trainees for the Master Trainers on
the Universal Prevention Curriculum for Substance Use. She has
been the Director of the Center
since 2012.
E mm a R . P as tor f ide
Health Ed / Promotions Officer IV
PETID, Dangerous Drugs Board
A BS Nutrition and Health Education graduate of the Pamantasan
ng Lunsod ng Maynila. She has been
with the Dangerous Drugs Board
since 1982.
R os anelia T. Yangco
Faculty, College of Education
University of the Philippines
A BS Zoology and M.A.T Biology
graduate of the University of the
Philippines, Diliman. She earned her
Ph.D. in Science Education (Biology)
from the same institution. She was
Officer-in-Charge of ATCPDE from
June 2013 to January 2014.
E v angeline M . Zalamea
Executive Secretary, ATCPDE
Faculty, College of Education
University of the Philippines
Do ming o R . R ay co J r.
Faculty, College of Education
University of the Philippines
An Assistant Professor of Guidance
and Counseling. He has been a
member of the DEC since 2012.
C atalina S. Salaz ar
Retired Faculty, University of the
Philippines Integrated School
A BSEE graduate of the Philippine
Normal College. She earned both
her MA in Health Education and
PhD Major in Research and Evaluation degrees from the University of
the Philippines College of Education.
She has been serving as DEC Consultant since 2008.
An MA in Health Education and PhD
in Educational Psychology graduate
of the UP College of Education.
AT CPDE Dir ector fr om 2008 to
Fr an cia nne C . A ut or
Research Assistant
An alumna of UP Los Baños, she had
stints in coordination/volunteering
at other campuses of the University. She is the Preventive Drug Education Assistant of the Center since
ATCP DE 35t h Foundation Anniversary Souvenir Program
Thirty-Five Years and Beyond: Strengthening Collaboration for a Drug-Free ASEAN
ATCPDE Spearheads International
and Local Activities
2013 was a breakthrough year for the ASEAN Training Center for
Preventive Drug Education (ATCPDE) after a major training for
ASEAN member states was conducted with funding from the
Japan ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF).
Other local initiatives were conducted during the year. This
includes the revision of the management manual for preventive
drug education as well as the formation of a core group for the
DDB's Barkada Kontra Droga program among UP College of
Education students. This opened the way for peer leaders to
further hone their knowledge and skills in conducting drug
prevention work.
ATCP DE 35t h Foundation Anniversary Souvenir Program
Thirty-Five Years and Beyond: Strengthening Collaboration for a Drug-Free ASEAN
ATCPDE Trains ASEAN Member States in
Community-Based Drug Prevention
The organizers and participants of the ASEAN Training
The ASEAN Training Center for
Preventive Drug Edu cation
(ATCPDE) through the support of
the Japan ASEAN Integration Fund
(JAIF) conducted the ASEAN Seminar Workshop on CommunityBased Prevention of Drug Abuse
on September 2-6, 2013 at the
Luxent Hotel in Timog Avenue,
Quezon City.
Th e
semina r-wo rksh op
trained the ASEAN member state
participants in designing community-based drug abuse prevention programs through the identification of effective interventions and formulating a program
monitoring and evaluation system.
Each of the 9 ASEAN member
states had two representatives
each except for the Philippines
with four, to fill in the slots not
availed of by Singapore. Furthermore, a foreign expert each from
Malaysia and Thailand decided
to stay with their country representatives and worked actively
in the different activities just like
the rest of the group. Other foreign experts from Cambodia, and
Indonesia as well as eight local
exp erts fro m th e Da nger ous
Drugs Board, Department of Social Welfare and Development,
Department of Education, Japanese Embassy, University of the
Philippines Manila, and a representa tive from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
based in Manila, served as resource persons.
The topics were Drug problem Scenario in th e South east
Asian Region, Sharing of Community-Based Preventive Drug Education (Family Drug Abuse Preventio n Pr ogra m, Barka da
Ko ntra Dro ga ( Peers A gain st
Drugs) and Special Drug Education Center), Community-Based
Approaches to Drug Abuse Prevention, Designing an Effective
Preventive Drug Education Program at the Co mmunity Level,
Com munity-Based Preventive
Drug Education Program, Tech-
niques and Tools, Sourcing and
Networking for Comm unityBased Preventive Drug Education
Program, Development of Monitoring Scheme and Use of Evaluation Instruments and Strategic
Areas for Action.
The seminar-workshop was
actively supported by the Dangerous Drugs Board, Philippine
Drug Enforcement Agency, Vice
Mayor's Off ice of the C ity of
Marikina, Philippine Information
Agency, Department of Education, Commission on Higher Educa tion , Department of Social
Welfare and Development, University of the Philippines (UP)
National Institute of Science and
Mathematics Education, UP Integrated School and UP College of
Ms. Coprado
from DepEd
giving feedback
on country
action plan
ATCP DE 35t h Foundation Anniversary Souvenir Program
Thirty-Five Years and Beyond: Strengthening Collaboration for a Drug-Free ASEAN
ATCPDE Sponsors UP College of
Education BKD Core Group Training
The Barkada Kontra Droga
(BKD) is a flagship program of the
Dangerous Drugs Board. It utilizes
a peer-based approach in promoting drug awareness and developing life skills among young
people. Th e p roject w as
launched at the UP College of
Education o n Augu st 13, 2012
and its second phase which is the
organization and training of the
Barkada Kontra Droga Core group
was organized and hosted by the
ATCPDE on May 27-28, 2013.
Eighteen (18) participants,
mostly undergraduate students
specializing in Health Education,
Science and Health and Special
Education participated in the 2day training held at the Seminar
Room of UP NISMED. They were
(in alp habetica l or der) : Ka rl
Bru no A beno jar, Gen evieve
Alambra, Shamah Bulangis, Elena
Mae Bustamante, Curt Marvin
Cru z, Mara De Guzma n, Jan
Stephan ie
Ch arma ine Anneth Go, Joy
Beatriz Manlapaz, Bea Mariñas,
Patricia Paredes, Maria Angelica
Piñ on, Anto n Reloj, Diego
Ro driguez, Philipp e Ta ntoco,
Hir omi Urab e, Kathleen Mae
Villanueva, and Miguel Vitriolo.
Dr. Domingo Rayco Jr., a member
of the ATCPDE's Drug Education
Committee attended the training to learn more about the BKD
This 2-day Training of Trainers for Life skills Enhancement in
Drug Abuse Prevention Education was facilitated by the Dangerous Drugs Board Preventive
Education, Training and Information Division headed by its Chief,
Ms . Teresita Pined a wh o discussed Assertion Skills. The other
mem bers of the DDB Train ing
Team and their respective topics
ar e: Ms. E mma Pastorfide
(Course Overview and Decision-
ma king Skills) , Ms . Ed na
Villavicencio (Building Self- esteem a nd C omm unicatio ns
Skills), Ms. Delpha Denosta (Facilitation Skills) and Ms. Lalaine
Divina (Per sona l Skills ). The
ATCPDE Drug Education Committee Member from DSWD Ms. Eden
Mariño discussed HIV and AIDS
ATCP DE 35t h Foundation Anniversary Souvenir Program
Prevention while ATCPDE Director Prof. Francis Grace H. DukaPante facilitated the action planning workshop. The core group
prepared their plan for the academic year 2013-2014 which includes quarterly activities on life
skills enhancement among their
Thirty-Five Years and Beyond: Strengthening Collaboration for a Drug-Free ASEAN
ATCPDE Holds Writeshop for PDE
Management Modules Writing Team
The ATCPDE conducted a 2day writesh op on A pril 10-11,
2013 at the UP College of Education. The activity aims to conduct
a content review and assess the
need for updating the Training
Modules on Effective Management Skills in Preventive Drug
Education which was published
by ATCPDE and DDB in 1998.
The writing team agreed that
the modules need to be updated
in light of current trends and best
practices in ma naging preventive drug education programs.
Specific po ints raised include
updating of content, resources
and activities, inclusion of the
affective and psychomotor domains under the lesson objectives, inclusion of description of
diagrams, improvement of pictures and making them more gender -sen sitive, and deletion of
unnecessary figures. Some members also expressed the need to
get consultants for topics which
are quite technical in nature.
The writing team while doing the content review
The members of the writing team and their respective
topics include:
Ms. Ma. Theresa
Introduction to Planning and
Needs Assessment
Ms. Cynthia
Setting Goals and Objectives
Strategic Planning
Dr. Catalina Salazar
The Organization
Coordinating and Networking
Dr. Evangeline
Za lam ea
Staff Training, Appraisal, and
Development Motivation
Group Dynamics, Team Building,
and Decision Making
Dr. Rosanelia
Leading, Influencing, and
Negotiating / Basic Concepts &
Oral Communication/ Written
Business Communication
Prof. Francis Grace
Contingency Planning and Crisis
Monitoring and Evaluation
Writing a Technical Report
Dr. Domingo Rayco
Financial Accountability
Project Planning and Proposal
ATCP DE 35t h Foundation Anniversary Souvenir Program
Thirty-Five Years and Beyond: Strengthening Collaboration for a Drug-Free ASEAN
ATCPDE regularly joins Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Week celebrations
Preventive Drug Education Training for Tanay Elementary School Teachers
Venue: Simeon R. Bendaña Sr. Elementary School, Tanay, Rizal
Date: May 7-8, 2012
May 10-11, 2012
ATCP DE 35t h Foundation Anniversary Souvenir Program
Thirty-Five Years and Beyond: Strengthening Collaboration for a Drug-Free ASEAN
August 13, 2012
Using Art Forms
to Promote Preventive
Drug Education
ATCP DE 35t h Foundation Anniversary Souvenir Program
Thirty-Five Years and Beyond: Strengthening Collaboration for a Drug-Free ASEAN
ATCP DE 35t h Foundation Anniversary Souvenir Program
Thirty-Five Years and Beyond: Strengthening Collaboration for a Drug-Free ASEAN
Unified Action
for a Drug-Free
Attainment of a drug-free
ASEAN requires an integrated
and multi-disciplinary approach
that coordinates multiple programs and strategies in collaboration with the families,
students, community members, and decision and policy
makers in the program planning process. With great focus
on prevention, the planning process should consider primarily
priority behaviours that contribute to health, safety, and wellbeing of students, staff, and
families, as well as assess supportive and healthful environment that nurture decisionmaking skills and values for life.
To promote and protect the
well-being of children and youth
from the onslaught of drugs
through vigorous and unified
preventive drug education program. These programs aim to
enhance the quality of life of
all children and youth, and the
people who serve them by preventing, detecting, addressing,
and resolving drug-related
problems. These programs
make use of a balanced approach in unifying the efforts
of law enforcement, research,
treatment, and rehabilitation
with primary focus in preventive education.
The ASEAN Training Center
for Preventive Drug Education
(ATCPDE) is a product of a long
standing collaboration among
member countries who have
mutually agreed to accelerate
drug abuse prevention and control through education in the
ASEAN region.
The Center became a reality during the Fourth Meeting
of the ASEAN Drug Experts held
on November 26-30, 1979 in
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia through
a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), selecting the Philippines as the site of the
The choice of the appropriate site for the Center was formalized after Dr. Enrique M.
Garcia, then Health Secretary
and Chairman of the Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB) recommended on July 28, 1980 to
former Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary Carlos P. Romulo,
the University of the Philippines
(UP) College of Education as the
venue for the Center. This recommendation was acknowledged by UP President
Emmanuel Soriano, during the
933rd meeting of the UP Board
of Regents held on October 30,
ATCP DE 35t h Foundation Anniversary Souvenir Program
Thirty-Five Years and Beyond: Strengthening Collaboration for a Drug-Free ASEAN
ATCP DE 35t h Foundation Anniversary Souvenir Program