

Charles J. (Bud) Palmer, III
Vice President
Marketing and Business Development
18 Years of Service
Five years Naval Officer (Vietnam Veteran)
17 years in textile business
Building Excellence
Active in community: United Way Division Chair (twice); Scan
(Stop Child Abuse Now) board member; NC School of the Arts
Business Friends member; Northwest Council, Boy Scouts
Advisory Committee
Photography by Creative Communications
UNC-Chapel Hill graduate '66
The largest and most advanced
Initially built to support the Wake
District, BRF1 sets the stage for the
building at the Piedmont Triad
Forest Institute for Regenerative
Phase 1 expansion led by Wake Forest
Research Park in Winston-Salem, NC
Medicine, this impressive building has
University Health Sciences. The expansion
will open its doors in early 2006.
begun to attract top-notch biotechnology
plans will create 5.7 million gross SF of
Biotechnology Facility 1 (BRF1) is a
companies seeking scientific collaboration
developed space, revitalizing 200+
five-story 177,000 SF multi-tenant
in cutting-edge medicine. Positioned in
acres of Winston-Salem’s central core
structure with advanced wet lab and
a highly visible location on Technology
over the next 30 years.
class A office space.
Way in the core of the Park’s Central
Shelco, Inc.
Six Parkway Plaza
5016 Parkway Plaza Blvd., Suite 100
Charlotte, NC 28217
Dear Friends and Clients:
As we approach the end of another
successful year at Shelco, I would like to
thank you for the opportunities that you
have provided us. We are grateful for your
continued support in each of our markets.
Constructed by Shelco, Inc., and
for future fume hoods. There is 100%
designed by O’Brien Atkins, BRF1
outside lab air that is variable volume-
successfully captures the Park’s
capable, with up to 12 air changes
personality as an innovation community.
per hour. Non-potable hot and cold
Its stone and red brick veneer exterior
water systems provide for emergency
is reminiscent of the city’s rich
back-up to avoid contamination. A
manufacturing heritage, yet reflects
central tempered water system is
a new technology-led economy with
available for emergency eye-wash
the contemporary flair of a four-story
and/or showers. Laboratory waste is
glass and aluminum curtain wall.
managed with a Ph neutralization
Through the course of a construction
Two separate passenger
managers, and field superintendents
elevators will transport
all face many challenges that sometimes
personnel to all floors
seem overwhelming. There are daily
with an additional
frustrations to meet a schedule. These
oversized elevator for
Walker, the family is now living in a rental
to further assist the Hurricane Katrina
provide financial assistance as well.
property in southeast Charlotte. While
evacuees when she had an idea. She
Walker’s vision was now receiving
Linda and Warren Allen seek permanent
had already donated $500 through the
tremendous support.
employment, their children are enjoying
their new schools. Moncell Allen is enrolled
do more. So she pursued the idea of
Linda and Warren Allen had fled New
at Providence Day School, and his younger
“adopting“ a family. Walker soon began
Orleans with their two children – Moncell
sister Maria attends Carmel Middle.
the task of finding that family.
and Maria – the day before Katrina made
landfall. Like most of the country, they
Shelco would like to applaud the initiative
Ed Rose’s wife, Carla, first learned of
were not prepared for the devastation
and leadership displayed by Bertha Walker
Bertha’s undertaking and made a personal
that followed Katrina’s wake. With
and would encourage anyone reading
contribution to the effort. (As a result of
money running out, they left for Charlotte
this article to consider a contribution. The
school activities with their children and
where Warren Allen’s aunt lives.
family ultimately plans to return to New
David Walker’s and Ed Rose’s common
Photography by Creative Communications
freight. Two bay loading docks,
challenges in our daily routine,
decided that the company should
Red Cross Web site but felt she could
project, our general managers, project
Bertha Walker was searching for a way
Orleans, but that will take time. Financial
link through N.C. State, the families had
The Allen family had relocated to a
assistance is needed to help sustain the
become friends.) Upon hearing of Bertha
converted Sunday school classroom at
Allens for 12/18 months.
Walker’s idea and task at hand, Rose
Matthews-Murkland Presbyterian when
presented the situation to Shelco’s
Bertha Walker came to see them. Because
Bertha Walker can be contacted at
management team, and they quickly
of the assistance and compassion of
[email protected].
however, pale in comparison to those
The building was highly designed to
located on the first floor, are adjacent
faced by the people affected by the
meet the stringent criteria of world-
to the freight elevator. To ensure
hurricanes in the Gulf states.
class researchers while providing
energy needs are met, the building
adaptability to meet future needs.
incorporates 7.5 watts of emergency
People such as Bertha Walker, with whom
A four-story parking deck adjacent to
generators with twin 1000 KW stand-by
we are proud to be associated, should
the building provides ample space, and a
generators. Facility equipment
be congratulated for their efforts in
welcoming fountain-adorned walkway
requirements such as heating/air and
assisting those in need. As we face
leads to the building entrance.
water systems are centralized with
Liberty Property Trust:
Winston-Salem Womancare:
redundant systems in place.
Nearing completion of a 120,000 SF office/distribution
facility for Bosch Rexroth in Simpsonville, SC.
Broke ground on a 15,300 SF OB/GYN medical office
building in Winston-Salem, NC.
Completed the six-story Morehead Medical Plaza
office building in Charlotte, NC.
Tri Properties:
Charlotte-Mecklenburg School System:
Nearing completion of Paladian I, a 105,000 SF
office building in Durham, NC.
Preparing for the grand opening of “Shops at
Greenridge,” a 650,000 SF retail center in
Greenville, SC.
Began construction on the Winget Park Elementary
School in Charlotte, NC.
difficult situations on our construction
sites, we will certainly put them in
Building safety and security suitable for
perspective as they compare to the plight
the rigorous demands of biomedical
Within the bricks and mortar of this
of those displaced families struggling
research were also considered with good
highly designed facility is the research
to regain normalcy in their lives.
laboratory practice standards observed.
and development of world-class science
Saint John’s Lutheran Church:
Sixteen foot floor-to-floor heights, a
and technologies to treat human
Broke ground on a new gymnasium and family life
center in Winston-Salem, NC.
flexible multi-tenant core, and shell lab
diseases and disabilities with novel
space give flexibility for custom up-fit.
clinical therapies in regenerative
Again, thank you for providing Shelco
the opportunity to serve your
construction needs.
with 24/7 on-site security watch. Floor
growing the Piedmont Triad Research
Awarded Shelco the contract for a 415,000 SF
manufacturing plant upfit in Newberry, SC.
slabs and structural supports are two-hour
Park to be one of the largest urban
fire rated with automatic sprinklers
research parks in the nation.
throughout the facility. Clean air is
President &
provided with separate office and lab
Chief Executive Officer
HVAC systems and exhaust shafts
Ferguson Box:
Started construction on their 180,000 SF
office/manufacturing facility in Charlotte, NC.
Completed a fifth project, a 10,000 SF automobile
service center in Hardeeville, SC.
Saint Gregory the Great Catholic Church:
Health Systems Management:
Completed a 16,000 SF dialysis center in
Winston-Salem, NC.
Lindbrook Development Services:
Began construction on a 21,000 SF classroom
building in Greenville, SC.
American Asset Corporation:
Awarded Shelco the contract on a 25,000 SF medical
office building in Raleigh, NC.
To learn more, visit
Completed a 15,000 SF Rooms To Go Kids showroom
in Raleigh, NC.
First Team Properties:
Began construction on a five-story 137,500 SF office
building in Charlotte, NC.
others will be instrumental in
D. Edwin Rose
Awarded Shelco the $2,000,000 contract to
renovate the Sea Pines Center in Hilton Head, SC.
Beacon Partners:
medicine. These innovations and
BRF1 incorporates a security system
Lois Raleigh LLC:
701 Associates:
Highwoods Properties:
Began construction on Glen Lake II, a 160,000 SF
office building in Raleigh, NC.
Completed Brier Creek I & II office buildings that
included upfits for Schwarz Bioscience and Stock
Building Supply.
Freeman Commercial:
Started construction on a 62,000 SF office building in
Winston-Salem, NC.
Hilton Head
5016 Parkway Plaza Blvd. • Suite 100
Charlotte, NC 28217
[email protected]
10 Patewood Dr. • Suite 100
Greenville, SC 29615
[email protected]
3 Clark’s Summit Dr. • Suite 201
Bluffton, SC 29910
[email protected]
3201 Beachleaf Ct. • Suite 401
Raleigh, NC 27604
[email protected]
1381 Old Mill Circle • Suite 300
Winston-Salem, NC 27103
[email protected]
Dear Friends and Clients:
As we approach the end of another
successful year at Shelco, I would like to
thank you for the opportunities that you
have provided us. We are grateful for your
continued support in each of our markets.
Constructed by Shelco, Inc., and
for future fume hoods. There is 100%
designed by O’Brien Atkins, BRF1
outside lab air that is variable volume-
successfully captures the Park’s
capable, with up to 12 air changes
personality as an innovation community.
per hour. Non-potable hot and cold
Its stone and red brick veneer exterior
water systems provide for emergency
is reminiscent of the city’s rich
back-up to avoid contamination. A
manufacturing heritage, yet reflects
central tempered water system is
a new technology-led economy with
available for emergency eye-wash
the contemporary flair of a four-story
and/or showers. Laboratory waste is
glass and aluminum curtain wall.
managed with a Ph neutralization
Through the course of a construction
Two separate passenger
managers, and field superintendents
elevators will transport
all face many challenges that sometimes
personnel to all floors
seem overwhelming. There are daily
with an additional
frustrations to meet a schedule. These
oversized elevator for
Walker, the family is now living in a rental
to further assist the Hurricane Katrina
provide financial assistance as well.
property in southeast Charlotte. While
evacuees when she had an idea. She
Walker’s vision was now receiving
Linda and Warren Allen seek permanent
had already donated $500 through the
tremendous support.
employment, their children are enjoying
their new schools. Moncell Allen is enrolled
do more. So she pursued the idea of
Linda and Warren Allen had fled New
at Providence Day School, and his younger
“adopting“ a family. Walker soon began
Orleans with their two children – Moncell
sister Maria attends Carmel Middle.
the task of finding that family.
and Maria – the day before Katrina made
landfall. Like most of the country, they
Shelco would like to applaud the initiative
Ed Rose’s wife, Carla, first learned of
were not prepared for the devastation
and leadership displayed by Bertha Walker
Bertha’s undertaking and made a personal
that followed Katrina’s wake. With
and would encourage anyone reading
contribution to the effort. (As a result of
money running out, they left for Charlotte
this article to consider a contribution. The
school activities with their children and
where Warren Allen’s aunt lives.
family ultimately plans to return to New
David Walker’s and Ed Rose’s common
Photography by Creative Communications
freight. Two bay loading docks,
challenges in our daily routine,
decided that the company should
Red Cross Web site but felt she could
project, our general managers, project
Bertha Walker was searching for a way
Orleans, but that will take time. Financial
link through N.C. State, the families had
The Allen family had relocated to a
assistance is needed to help sustain the
become friends.) Upon hearing of Bertha
converted Sunday school classroom at
Allens for 12/18 months.
Walker’s idea and task at hand, Rose
Matthews-Murkland Presbyterian when
presented the situation to Shelco’s
Bertha Walker came to see them. Because
Bertha Walker can be contacted at
management team, and they quickly
of the assistance and compassion of
[email protected].
however, pale in comparison to those
The building was highly designed to
located on the first floor, are adjacent
faced by the people affected by the
meet the stringent criteria of world-
to the freight elevator. To ensure
hurricanes in the Gulf states.
class researchers while providing
energy needs are met, the building
adaptability to meet future needs.
incorporates 7.5 watts of emergency
People such as Bertha Walker, with whom
A four-story parking deck adjacent to
generators with twin 1000 KW stand-by
we are proud to be associated, should
the building provides ample space, and a
generators. Facility equipment
be congratulated for their efforts in
welcoming fountain-adorned walkway
requirements such as heating/air and
assisting those in need. As we face
leads to the building entrance.
water systems are centralized with
Liberty Property Trust:
Winston-Salem Womancare:
redundant systems in place.
Nearing completion of a 120,000 SF office/distribution
facility for Bosch Rexroth in Simpsonville, SC.
Broke ground on a 15,300 SF OB/GYN medical office
building in Winston-Salem, NC.
Completed the six-story Morehead Medical Plaza
office building in Charlotte, NC.
Tri Properties:
Charlotte-Mecklenburg School System:
Nearing completion of Paladian I, a 105,000 SF
office building in Durham, NC.
Preparing for the grand opening of “Shops at
Greenridge,” a 650,000 SF retail center in
Greenville, SC.
Began construction on the Winget Park Elementary
School in Charlotte, NC.
difficult situations on our construction
sites, we will certainly put them in
Building safety and security suitable for
perspective as they compare to the plight
the rigorous demands of biomedical
Within the bricks and mortar of this
of those displaced families struggling
research were also considered with good
highly designed facility is the research
to regain normalcy in their lives.
laboratory practice standards observed.
and development of world-class science
Saint John’s Lutheran Church:
Sixteen foot floor-to-floor heights, a
and technologies to treat human
Broke ground on a new gymnasium and family life
center in Winston-Salem, NC.
flexible multi-tenant core, and shell lab
diseases and disabilities with novel
space give flexibility for custom up-fit.
clinical therapies in regenerative
Again, thank you for providing Shelco
the opportunity to serve your
construction needs.
with 24/7 on-site security watch. Floor
growing the Piedmont Triad Research
Awarded Shelco the contract for a 415,000 SF
manufacturing plant upfit in Newberry, SC.
slabs and structural supports are two-hour
Park to be one of the largest urban
fire rated with automatic sprinklers
research parks in the nation.
throughout the facility. Clean air is
President &
provided with separate office and lab
Chief Executive Officer
HVAC systems and exhaust shafts
Ferguson Box:
Started construction on their 180,000 SF
office/manufacturing facility in Charlotte, NC.
Completed a fifth project, a 10,000 SF automobile
service center in Hardeeville, SC.
Saint Gregory the Great Catholic Church:
Health Systems Management:
Completed a 16,000 SF dialysis center in
Winston-Salem, NC.
Lindbrook Development Services:
Began construction on a 21,000 SF classroom
building in Greenville, SC.
American Asset Corporation:
Awarded Shelco the contract on a 25,000 SF medical
office building in Raleigh, NC.
To learn more, visit
Completed a 15,000 SF Rooms To Go Kids showroom
in Raleigh, NC.
First Team Properties:
Began construction on a five-story 137,500 SF office
building in Charlotte, NC.
others will be instrumental in
D. Edwin Rose
Awarded Shelco the $2,000,000 contract to
renovate the Sea Pines Center in Hilton Head, SC.
Beacon Partners:
medicine. These innovations and
BRF1 incorporates a security system
Lois Raleigh LLC:
701 Associates:
Highwoods Properties:
Began construction on Glen Lake II, a 160,000 SF
office building in Raleigh, NC.
Completed Brier Creek I & II office buildings that
included upfits for Schwarz Bioscience and Stock
Building Supply.
Freeman Commercial:
Started construction on a 62,000 SF office building in
Winston-Salem, NC.
Hilton Head
5016 Parkway Plaza Blvd. • Suite 100
Charlotte, NC 28217
[email protected]
10 Patewood Dr. • Suite 100
Greenville, SC 29615
[email protected]
3 Clark’s Summit Dr. • Suite 201
Bluffton, SC 29910
[email protected]
3201 Beachleaf Ct. • Suite 401
Raleigh, NC 27604
[email protected]
1381 Old Mill Circle • Suite 300
Winston-Salem, NC 27103
[email protected]
Charles J. (Bud) Palmer, III
Vice President
Marketing and Business Development
18 Years of Service
Five years Naval Officer (Vietnam Veteran)
17 years in textile business
Building Excellence
Active in community: United Way Division Chair (twice); Scan
(Stop Child Abuse Now) board member; NC School of the Arts
Business Friends member; Northwest Council, Boy Scouts
Advisory Committee
Photography by Creative Communications
UNC-Chapel Hill graduate '66
The largest and most advanced
Initially built to support the Wake
District, BRF1 sets the stage for the
building at the Piedmont Triad
Forest Institute for Regenerative
Phase 1 expansion led by Wake Forest
Research Park in Winston-Salem, NC
Medicine, this impressive building has
University Health Sciences. The expansion
will open its doors in early 2006.
begun to attract top-notch biotechnology
plans will create 5.7 million gross SF of
Biotechnology Facility 1 (BRF1) is a
companies seeking scientific collaboration
developed space, revitalizing 200+
five-story 177,000 SF multi-tenant
in cutting-edge medicine. Positioned in
acres of Winston-Salem’s central core
structure with advanced wet lab and
a highly visible location on Technology
over the next 30 years.
class A office space.
Way in the core of the Park’s Central
Shelco, Inc.
Six Parkway Plaza
5016 Parkway Plaza Blvd., Suite 100
Charlotte, NC 28217