Nord Sud West Est - Jerry Gordon Entertainment
Nord Sud West Est - Jerry Gordon Entertainment
752462 752512 19988759 752568 19988760 752597 752590 752430 752446 752447 752591 752432 752433 752444 752450 752448 752475 752443 752508 752449 752445 752442 752486 752491 752434 752493 19988761 752592 752503 752461 752435 752507 752436 752455 19988762 752451 752574 19988763 19988764 752496 752557 752604 752473 19988765 19988766 19988767 19988768 752431 752550 752438 752439 752560 19988769 19988770 752569 752500 752467 752468 752469 19988771 19988772 752470 752513 19988773 752612 19988774 19988775 752573 19988776 19988777 752494 DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU Nord Sud West Est Man Muss Nicht Immer Verheieratet Sein Ja, Mir San Mit'm Radl Da Keiner Liebt Dich Aloha Heja He Heisse Nachte In Palermo Kuss Die Hand Schone Frau Fett wie ein Rasierer Die Gefuhle Haben Schweigepflicht Dieser Sommer Mit Dir Du hast mich 1000 mal belogen Ein Schiff wird kommen Ein Tag mit Dir im Paradies Es War Nur Eine Nacht Geh Doch Wenn Du Sie Liebst Ich Sterbe Nicht Noch Mal In Dieser Nacht Nah Am Feuer Spiel Noch Einmal Fur Mich Tango Amore Und Ich Nahm Meine Traume Wirst Du's In Meinen Augen Seh'n Wovon Traumst Du Komm Lass Uns Reden Zweite Chance Alle Blonden Madchen Adios Amor Das Spiel Wenn Der Hafer Sticht Nichts In Der Welt Ich kann Dich heilen Auf Einer Wolke So eine Liebe gibt es einmal nur Du Bist Mein Stern Verdam Lang Her Herz Aus Glass Mit dir ist das anders Ohne Krimi Geht Die Mimi Nie In's Bett Ich Kauf' Mir Lieber Einen Tirolerhut Ich Komm Zuruck Nach Amarillo Kreuzberger Nachte Rudi Schuricke Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weenie Quando Quando Tipitipitipso Du Kannst Nicht Immer 17 Sein Es Fährt Ein Zug Nach Nirgendwo Geh nicht vorbei Ich Wunsch Dir Die Holle Auf Erden Du gehst mir langsam unter die Haut Ich lebe Ohne Dich Spaniens Gitarren Du, Ich Lieb Dich Ich Darf Mich Nicht In Dich Verlieben Ich Liebe Dich Ein Freund Ein Guter Freund Mei Kleiner Gruner Kaktus Veronika Der Lenz Ist Da Barcarole In Der Nacht Zwei Kleine Italianer Du Hast Ja Tranen In Den Augen Ich Zeige Dir Das Paradies Die Da Der Steuersong Bombe Millionär Eine Nacht (Ist Mir Zu Wenig) Love, Peace Und Vollgas Sag, Kannst Du Mir No An Hunderter Borg'n Tanz den Rehakles 883 3 Colonias, Die 3 Lustigen Moosacher Achim Petry Achim Reicjel Allgemeine Verunsicherung Allgemeine Verunsicherung Ambros & Fendrich Andrea Berg Andrea Berg Andrea Berg Andrea Berg Andrea Berg Andrea Berg Andrea Berg Andrea Berg Andrea Berg Andrea Berg Andrea Berg Andrea Berg Andrea Berg Andrea Berg Andrea Berg Andrea Jurgens Andreas Andreas Martin Andy Borg Anett Louisan Antonia Arzte, Die Aschenputtel Atlantis Axel Becker Ayman Bap Ben Bernd Clüver Bill Ramsey Billy Mo Blanco Roberto Blattschuss Gebruder Capri Fischer Catarina Valente Caterina Valente Caterina Valente Chris Roberts Christian Anders Christian Anders Christian Franke Christina Bach Christina Bach Christina Sturmer Cindy & Bert Claudia Jung Claudia Jung Clowns & Helden Comedian Harmonists Comedian Harmonists Comedian Harmonists Connie Francis Conny Costa Cordalis Costa Cordalis Die Fantastischen Vier Die Gerd Show Die Prinzen Die Prinzen Die Räuber DJ Otzi DJ Otzi Dj Ötzi Pagina 1 752548 19988778 19988779 19988780 19988781 19988782 19988783 752483 19988784 19988785 19988786 19988788 19988789 752479 752495 752595 752572 752515 752441 752484 752586 752587 752588 752510 752589 19988790 752601 752611 752549 752454 752464 752465 752575 752607 752596 752498 752511 752576 752577 752585 752472 19988791 752565 752528 752610 19988792 752518 752521 752478 19988793 752563 19988794 19988795 752594 19988796 752529 752598 752527 19988797 19988798 752476 19988799 752566 752535 752541 752543 752530 752540 752542 752533 752536 DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU Warst Du Doch In Dusseldorf Marmor, Stein Und Eiser Bricht Ein Bett Im Kornfeld Dschinghis Khan EAV - An Der Copacabana Heisse Nächte (In Palermo) Märchenprinz So Ein Tag So Wunderschon Wie Heute Huurra, Hura, Die Schule Brennt Der Kommissar Jeanny Rock Me Amadeus Es Lebe Der Sport Heut Ist Dein Geburtstag Sonne Von Capri, Die Emanuela Kein Weg Zu Weit Trane Du ich liebe dich Einmal hüh Einmal hott Kali Spera Griechenland Stern an der Playa del Sol Wir haben die ganze Nacht Sehnsuchtmelodie Frag doch den Sommerwind Bruttosozialprodukt Pure Lust Am Leben Engel Ich Will & Nen Cowboy Als Mann Wenn Das Liebe Ist Brauner Bar Und Weisse Taube Da Sprach Der Hauptling Der Alte Indianer Das Kleine Wunder Der Mann im Mond Auf der Reeperbahn Nachts um Hande Zum Himmel Manner Aus Den Bergen Berlin, Berlin My Way (deutscher Text) Blau blüht der Enzian Wir Lagen Vor Madagaskar Ich Brech' Die Herzen Der Stozesten Frau'n Du Fangst Mich Auf Und Lasst Mich Fliegen I'm Wagen Vor Mir Mensch Männer Was Ich An Dir Mag Alles Was Ich Will Holzmichl Hello Again Na Und Ti Amo Tür An Tür Mit Alice Engel 07 Bungalow In Santa Nirgendwo Du Erinnerst Mich An Liebe Geile Zeit Regen Und Meer Am Tag Als Conny Kramer Starb Wer Soll Das Bezahlen So Wie I'm Film Einmal Um Die Ganze Welt Das Geheimnis Der Drei Worte Alle Meine Entlein Alle Vogel Sind Schon Da Backe Backe Kuchen Dornroschen Ein Mannlein Steht I'm Walde Es Klappert Die Muhle Es Tanzt Ein Bi Ba Butzemann Fuchs Du Hast Die Gans Gestohlen Dorthe Drafi Deutscher Drews Jürgen Dschinghis Khan EAV EAV EAV Ernst Neger Extrabeit Falco Falco Falco Fendrich Fernando Express Fernando Express Fettes Brot Flippers, Die Florian & Francine Jordi Ast G.G Anderson G.G Anderson G.G Anderson G.G Anderson G.G Anderson Gaby Albrecht Gaby Baginsky Geier Sturzflug Geier Sturzflug Gim Ben Gitte Henning Glashaus Gus Backus Gus Backus Gus Backus Gus Backus Hans Albers Hansi Hinterseer Hansi Hinterseer Harald Juhnke Harald Juhnke Heino Heino Heinz Rühmann Helene Fischer Henry & Uschi Valentino Herbert Gronemeyer Herbert Grönemeyer Hilbert Lukas Hohner Holzmichl Howard Carpendale Howard Carpendale Howard Carpendale Howard Carpendale Hubert Kah Ibo Ich & Ich Juli Juli Juliane Werding Jupp Schmidtz Jurgen Drews Karel Gott Kastelruther Spatzen, Die Kinderlied Kinderlied Kinderlied Kinderlied Kinderlied Kinderlied Kinderlied Kinderlied Pagina 2 752545 752531 752532 752534 752538 752537 752539 752546 752547 752544 19988800 752509 752485 752564 19988801 752526 752600 752555 752482 19988802 752505 752477 19988803 752599 19988804 752481 19988805 19988806 752460 19988807 19988808 752556 752578 19988809 752579 19988810 19988811 752480 752520 19991081 19988812 752525 752552 19988813 752553 752584 19988814 752524 752459 19988815 19988816 752554 752609 752463 752561 19988817 752440 752523 19988818 19988819 19988820 752567 19988821 19988822 752602 752608 752502 752501 752489 19988823 752471 DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU Grun Grun Grun Hanschen Klein Hansel Und Gretel Haschen In Der Grube Hoppe Hoppe Reiter Kuckuck Kuckuck Laterne Mude Bin Ich Schlaf Kindlein Schlaf Zeigt Her Eure Fusse An Der Nordseeküste Shalali Shalala Bam Bam Schiffbruch In Meiner Seele Tranen Machen Stark Ein Schiff Wird Kommen Ob Es So Oder Anders Kommt Lale Anderson Schuld War Nur Der Bossa Nova Geburtstagsjodler-Der Er Gehört Zu Mir Kauf Dir Einen Bunten Luftballon Hier In Der Kneipe Ich Will Spass Kleine Taschenlampe Brenn Ich Hab Noch Einen Koffer In Berlin Johnny Wenn Du Geburtstag Hast Ich Hab Getraumt Von Dir Verdamt Ich Lieb Dich Hungriges Herz El Lute Mendocino Tranen Lugen Nicht Der Nippel Heiser Sand Pigalle, Pigalle Ohne Dich Tausendmal Du Zum Geburtstag Alles Gute Um Deine Liebe Kampf Ich Nicht 99 Luftballons Leuchtturm Willst Du Mit Mir Geh'n Hallo Klaus (I Wui Nur Zruck) Wenn I Mit Dir Tanz Schmidtchen Schleicher Wer schläft den gern allein Jenseits Von Eden Amadeus In Love Augen Auf Kribbeln Im Bauch Mit 17 Hat Man Noch Träume Babysitter Boogie Feierabend Kleine Kneipe-Die Wien Wien Nur Du Allein Reif Für Die Insel Du Halt Dich An Mir Fest So Bist Du Uber Seben Brücken Must Du Geehn Azzurro Joana Kleine Seen Itsy Bitsy Teenie Wienie Honolulu Strand Bikini Babysitter Boogie Du Hast Die Lustigen Holzhackerleit Do Pfeift Dr Fuchs Engel Weil I Di Mog Speedy Gonzales Kinderlied Kinderlied Kinderlied Kinderlied Kinderlied Kinderlied Kinderlied Kinderlied Kinderlied Kinderlied Klaus & Klaus Klostertaler, Die Kristina Bach Kristina Bach Lale Anderson Lena Valaitis Lili Marleen Manuela Margot & Maria Hellwig Marianne Rosenberg Marika Rock Marius Muller Westernhagen Markus Markus Marlene Dietrich Marlene Dietrich Matthias Reim Matthias Reim Mia Michael Holm Michael Holm Michael Holm Mike Krüger Mina Mireille Mathieu Münchener Freiheit Münchener Freiheit Musikanten Mooswalder Nadine Norell Nena Nena Nena Nickerbocker & Biene Nicki Nico Haak Nicole Nino Di Angelo Nockalm Quintett Oomph Pe Werner Peggy March Peter Alexander Peter Alexander Peter Alexander Peter Alexander Peter Cornelius Peter Maffay Peter Maffay Peter Maffay Peter Maffay Peter Rubin Peter Wackel Purple Schulz Rainer Bertram Ralf Bendix Rammstein Randfichten Randfichten Reinhard Fendrich Relax Rex Gildo Pagina 3 19988824 752580 752466 752581 752582 752583 19988825 752522 752487 752490 752458 752474 752605 752504 752571 752559 752519 19988826 19988827 19988828 19988829 19988830 752457 19988831 752551 19988832 752558 752615 752616 752618 752619 752621 752613 752614 752617 752620 19988833 19988835 19988836 752606 752562 752499 752492 19988837 19988838 19988839 19988840 752514 752570 752417 19988841 752418 19988842 752416 19988843 752420 752421 19988844 752419 19988845 19988846 19988847 19988848 752622 752623 752624 19988849 752488 752497 752506 752453 DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU DU Arrivederci Hans Der Puppenspieler von Mexiko Ein Bisschen Spass Muss Sein Wer trinkt den gern den Wein allein Aber was das kostet Lieb mich ein letztes mal Midnight Lady Santa Maria Mit Dem Nachsten Flieger Ich Will Mich Verlieben Liebe Ist Alles Du Liebst Mich Nicht Schnappi, Das kleine Krokodil Manches Geht Niemals Voruber Lass Meine Arme Dein Zu Hause Sein Das Beste Viel Zu Oft Schickeria Wo Bist Du Carbonara Keine Angst Hat Der Papa Mir Gesagt Keine Sterne In Athen Ein Kompliment Fürstenfeld Tanze Samba Mit Mir Auf Der Strasse Nach Süden Schone Maid Bier Her, Bier Her Der Treue Husar Ein Heller Und Ein Batzen Ein Prosit Der Gemutlichkeit Freut Euch Des Lebens Schwarzbraun Ist Die Haselnuss So Lang Der Alte Peter Tiroler Holzhackerbuam Trink, Trink, Bruderlein Trink Da Da Da Ich Lieb Dich Night Herz Ist Trumpf Ich Will Keine Shokolade Sommersprossen Engel Am Morgen Schenk Mir Noch Eine Stunde Wenn Ein Stern Vom Himmel Fallt Greiechischer Wein Merci Chérie Mit 66 Jahren Siebzehn Jahr, Blondes Haar Du Musst Nicht Weinen Genau Wie Du Alle Jahre wieder Eviva Espana Ihr Kinderlein Kommet La Paloma Ade Leise rieselt der Schnee Nur Geträumt Oh du Fröhliche Stille Nacht Sugar Baby Süßer die Glocken nie klingen Verlieben, Verloren, Vergessen, Verzeih'n Theo, Wir Fahr'n Nach Lodz Er Hat Ein Knallrotes Gummiboot Er Steht Im Tor Da Hofer Du verstehst mi net Langsam wachs mer zam Resi, I Hol' Di Mit Meim' Traktor Ab Glaubst Du Ich Bin Blod Irgendwie Und Irgendwann Typisch Frau Typisch Mann Bevor Du Gehst Rita Pavone Roberto Blanco Roberto Blanco Roberto Blanco Roger Whittaker Roland Kaiser Roland Kaiser Roland Kaiser Rosanna Rocci Rosenstolz Rosenstolz Sabrina Setlur Schnappi Schurzenjager Semino Rossi Silbermond Simone Spider Murphy Gang Spider Murphy Gang Spliff Stephan Remmler Stephan Remmler Stiller Sportfreunde STS Tony Holiday Tony Marsh Tony Marshall Traditionell Traditionell Traditionell Traditionell Traditionell Traditionell Traditionell Traditionell Traditionell Trio Trio Trude Werner UKW Udo Jurgens Udo Jurgens Udo Jurgens Udo Jürgens Udo Jürgens Udo Jürgens Udo Jürgens Ulli Martin Uwe Busse Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Vicki Leandroz Wenke Mhyre Wenke Mhyre Wolfgang Ambros Wolfgang Ambros Wolfgang Ambros Wolfgang Fiereck Wolfgang Petry Wolfgang Petry Wolfgang Petry Xavier Naidoo Pagina 4 752452 752456 752516 19988850 19803860 806322 19803862 19803863 806450 19803865 810818 19803867 19803868 19803869 19803870 806332 806333 806334 19989929 19990587 19989567 19992202 19987786 19991154 806315 2721462 806317 806318 806319 806320 806321 1243089 19803824 19803825 19803826 19803827 19803828 19987543 19803829 19803830 1241041 19991001 19989592 19991048 19803777 19803778 19803779 19803780 19803781 19803782 19813824 19803831 1242519 811256 2389670 806325 806326 19803785 19803786 19803787 811540 19803789 811332 1242960 19803792 810934 810813 19803795 19803796 19803797 811541 DU DU DU DU ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Sie Sieht Mich Nicht Fur Dich Sag Mir Was Meinst Du Ich Weiss, Es Wird Einmal Ein Wunder Gescheh'n Cupid Dance with me It's Over Now Peaches & Cream You allready know All Mixed Up Don't Tread On Me First Straw Love Song You Wouldn't Believe Where My Girls At A little bit more Party people Private number Chocolate Love Me Robbers Somebody Else The City The Sound Donna Dreadlock Holiday I'm Mandy I'm not in love Rubber Bullets The Things We Do For Love The Wall Street Shuffle Through The Iris Wasteland Because The Night More Than This Trouble Me Dunkie Butt Teh Way I Feel We Are One Mark Wills Simon Says UGH We Own It She's After My Piano Doo Wah Diddy We Want Some P### Y California Love Thugz Mansion Until The End Of Time You Know Me She Got It Short Dick Man When will I se you again Woman In Love Joy To The World Away from the sun Be like that Behind Those Eyes Duck & Run Every Time You Go Here Without You It's Not My Time Kryptonite Landing In London Let Me Be Myself Let Me Go Live For Today Loser Road I'm On The Road I'm On When I'm Gone Xavier Naidoo Yvonne Catterfeld Yvonne Catterfeld Zarah Leander 112 112 112 112 112 311 311 311 311 311 702 911 911 911 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 10 CC 10 CC 10 CC 10 CC 10 CC 10 CC 10 CC 10 Years 10 Years 10,000 Maniacs 10,000 Maniacs 10,000 Maniacs 12 Gauge 12 Stones 12 Stones 19 Somethin' 1910 Fruitgum Co 1975, The 2 Chainz & Wiz Khalifa 2 Fabiola 2 Live Crew 2 Live Crew 2 Pac 2 Pac 2 Pac 2 Pistols & Ray J 2 Pistols & T-Pain 20 Fingers 3 Degrees, The 3 Degrees, The 3 Dog Night 3 doors down 3 doors down 3 Doors Down 3 Doors Down 3 Doors Down 3 Doors Down 3 Doors Down 3 Doors Down 3 Doors Down 3 Doors Down 3 Doors Down 3 Doors Down 3 Doors Down 3 Doors Down 3 Doors Down 3 Doors Down Pagina 5 1678227 806327 19803801 19991866 19991034 19803832 19991874 19991873 19991867 19991868 19991876 19991869 1243092 19991870 19991872 19991875 19991871 806646 19985836 19803834 18507096 19803836 19803802 19803803 19803805 2058911 19803806 19987434 19987436 19987435 19987433 19987528 806813 19803808 19803837 19803838 19989593 19989594 19989595 19992138 19989596 19989597 19992008 19988449 19990471 19989598 19989599 810925 5380954 19803840 19803841 806328 5380860 19803843 19803844 5380914 19803846 810811 19803847 1242873 19803849 19986414 806329 806330 806331 809374 809376 809380 809373 809379 1242556 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG When You're Young Arizona rain Love Is Enough A Beautiful Lie Attack Closer To The Edge Hurricane Night of the Hunter R-Evolve Savior Search & Destroy The Fantasy The Kill The Story This is War Vox Populi Was it a Dream Starstruck Back Where You Belong Hold On Loosely Second Chance Teacher, Teacher No More (Baby I'm A Do Right) Double Vision Follow Me Down Anything Tease Me For Future Generations Sacred Highway The Basics Of Life The Measure Of A Man Who You Are What's Up Sukiyaki Lullabye Of Broadway Party's Over Amnesia Beside You Don't Stop Girls Talk Boys Good Girls Heartbreak Girl Jet Black Heart She Looks So Perfect She's Kinda Hot Voodoo Doll Hearts Upon Our Sleeve (World Cup 2014) Disco Inferno (Radio Version) Hustler's Ambition I get Money If I Can't In da club Just A Lil' Bit P.I.M.P. Wanksta Window Shopper Patiently Waiting Outta Control (remix Version) 21 Questions Best Friend How We Do My Life If youre gettin down It's the things you do Keep on movin Aquarius I Didn't Get To Sleep At All (Last Night) Never My Love One Less Bell To Answer Stoned Soul Picnic Up Up & Away 3 Doors Down 3 of hearts 3 Of Hearts 30 Seconds to Mars 30 Seconds to Mars 30 Seconds To Mars 30 Seconds to Mars 30 Seconds to Mars 30 Seconds to Mars 30 Seconds to Mars 30 Seconds to Mars 30 Seconds to Mars 30 Seconds To Mars 30 Seconds to Mars 30 Seconds to Mars 30 Seconds to Mars 30 Seconds to Mars 30h!3 & Katy Perry 38 Special 38 Special 38 Special 38 Special 3LW 3OH!3 3OH!3 & Neon Hitch 3T 3T 4 Him 4 Him 4 Him 4 Him 4 Him 4 Non BLondes 4 PM 42nd Street 42nd Street 5 Seconds Of Summer 5 Seconds Of Summer 5 Seconds Of Summer 5 Seconds Of Summer 5 Seconds Of Summer 5 Seconds Of Summer 5 Seconds Of Summer 5 Seconds Of Summer 5 Seconds Of Summer 5 Seconds Of Summer 5 Seconds Of Summer & Scott Mills 50 Cent 50 Cent 50 Cent 50 Cent 50 cent 50 Cent 50 Cent 50 Cent 50 Cent 50 Cent & Eminem 50 Cent & Mobb Deep 50 Cent & Nate Dogg 50 Cent & Olivia 50 Cent & The Game 50 Cent Feat. Eminem & Adam Levine 5ive 5ive 5ive 5th Dimension, The 5th Dimension, The 5th Dimension, The 5th Dimension, The 5th Dimension, The 5th Dimension, The Pagina 6 809372 809375 19803815 806335 19803851 19803852 19803853 19803854 19803855 806336 806337 19803857 19803858 19991035 806462 806338 806339 19990181 19988600 19803880 19991821 19803881 19991359 19991822 19803882 19803883 19803884 19803886 806348 806349 806350 806351 807316 806352 19803892 19803893 19803894 806353 19803896 19803897 806354 806355 19803900 19803901 19803902 19803903 19803904 19803905 19803906 19803907 19803908 19803909 19803910 1241841 806342 19803912 19803913 19803914 19803915 806343 19803916 19803917 806344 19803919 806345 19803921 19803922 19803923 19803924 19803925 19803926 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Wedding Bell Blues You Don't Have To Be A Star & Marilyn McCoo Question Everything Because of you Give Me Just One Night Hardest Thing I Do (Cherish You) Invisible Man My Everything The hardest thing The way you want me to This Gift True To Your Heart You Had Me at Hello Want you back in my life Wishing LIfe less ordinary Say Something Say Something Never Rains In S California A Stranger Hollow The Hollow The Noose Weak And Powerless Jai Ho (You Are My Destiney) Sukiyaki Baby Got Back Caught in the middle No more Nothing Ready or not Runaway (I'm a walkin' in the rain!) Summertime of our lives Woke Up This Morning Journey To The Past Miss You More than a woman Music Of The Heart One I Gave My Heart To Rock the boat Try again Come Over Crazy Luv Aaron's Party Bounce How I Beat Shaq I Want Candy Spending All My Time All The Places I Will Kiss You Outside Don't Take Away My Heaven Tell It Like It Is When Something Is Wrong With My Baby Always was Door For You I Will Her Honky Tonk Superman I get a kick out of you I'm Leaving If Her Lovin' Don't Kill Me Kiss this My Blue Angel People Like Us There Ain't Nothin' Wrong With The Radio What This Country Needs Where The Stars And Stripes And Eagle Fly Working Man's Ph.D. You've Got To Stand For Something Love Like There's No Tomorrow 5th Dimension, The 5th Dimension, The 8 Stops 7 98 degrees 98 Degrees 98 Degrees 98 Degrees 98 Degrees 98 Degrees 98 degrees 98 degrees 98 Degrees 98 Degrees A Day to Remember A Deejay A Flock of seagulls A Gardner A Great Big World & Christina Aguilera A Great Big World Ft. Christina Aguilera A Hammond A Perfect Circle A Perfect Circle A Perfect Circle A Perfect Circle A Perfect Circle A R Rahman & Pussycat Dol A Taste Of Honey A.L Ray A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A3 Aaliyah Aaliyah Aaliyah Aaliyah Aaliyah Aaliyah Aaliyah Aaliyah & Tank Aaron Alexander Aaron Carter Aaron Carter Aaron Carter Aaron Carter Aaron Fresh Aaron Hall Aaron Lewis & Fred Durst Aaron Neville Aaron Neville Aaron Neville And Linda Ronsta Aaron Tippin Aaron Tippin Aaron Tippin Aaron Tippin Aaron Tippin Aaron Tippin Aaron Tippin Aaron Tippin Aaron Tippin Aaron Tippin Aaron Tippin Aaron Tippin Aaron Tippin Aaron Tippin Aaron Tippin Aaron Tippin Aaron Tippin & Thea Tippin Pagina 7 19803927 806359 806360 806361 811854 806362 806356 806363 806364 806365 811277 1241046 1241047 806366 806367 806768 1241048 806357 806368 806369 806370 806371 806372 1241049 806373 806374 806375 806376 806378 806379 806358 806380 806381 806382 806346 809871 806377 806383 1242149 19803955 1241058 807637 806409 806384 809160 809169 1242309 809166 19803962 1241051 809984 809170 809159 1241052 809167 1241053 809165 9103539 19803967 1241054 1241055 19803968 810744 1241056 1241057 809164 809168 19803972 809162 809163 809158 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Remedy Angel Eyes As good as new Chiquitita Dancing Queen Day before you came Does Your Mother Know Fernando Gimme gimme gimme Happy new year Hasta Manana Head Over Heels Honey Honey I do I do I do I have a dream Knowing Me Knowing You Lay All Your Love On Me Mama Mia Money money money Name of the game One of us RIng ring Rock me So Long Sos Summer night city Super trouper Take a chance on me Thank You For The Music The day before you came The Name Of The Game The winner takes it all Voulez vous Waterloo Bouncing of the ceiling Mama Mia Thank ABBA for the music Look Of Love Poison Arrow Four Leaf Clover Balls to the Wall Analogue Back In Black Big Balls Big Gun Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap For Those About to Rock Girls Got Rhythm Hard As A Rock Heatseeker Hells Bells High Voltage Highway To Hell It's A Long Way To The Top Jailbreak Let There Be Rock Money Talks Problem Child Ride On Rock & Roll Ain't Noise Pollution Rocker Safe In New York City Shoot To Thrill Sin City Sink the Pink Stiff Upper Lip Thunderstruck TNT Who Made Who Whole Lotta Rosie You Shook Me All NIght Long Abandoned Pools ABBA ABBA ABBA ABBA ABBA ABBA ABBA ABBA ABBA ABBA ABBA ABBA ABBA ABBA ABBA ABBA ABBA ABBA ABBA ABBA ABBA ABBA ABBA ABBA ABBA ABBA ABBA ABBA ABBA ABBA ABBA ABBA ABBA ABBA TEENS ABBA TEENS ABBA TEENS ABC ABC Abra Moore Accept ACDC ACDC ACDC ACDC ACDC ACDC ACDC ACDC ACDC ACDC ACDC ACDC ACDC ACDC ACDC ACDC ACDC ACDC ACDC ACDC ACDC ACDC ACDC ACDC ACDC ACDC ACDC ACDC ACDC ACDC Pagina 8 806799 19803977 806385 19803979 19803980 806386 2058913 2058914 19803982 806387 19803984 806388 806390 2721614 19803990 19986491 19803991 19803992 19986509 19986626 807118 19986629 811239 19985748 19992003 19803994 19989071 806392 19803996 808207 2058934 19991507 3283875 3283877 3283878 19986552 3283873 19990575 3283879 19991508 19986592 19991509 3283876 19991510 8477750 2610847 19991525 19991526 3283824 3283874 19991527 3283880 19985969 3283882 3283881 19991528 19991529 19991823 19804008 1241059 1241060 1241061 806394 1241062 19804013 1241063 806395 1241064 806396 1241065 811398 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG How Long Ride All that she wants Beautiful Life Cruel Summer Don't turn around Happy Nation Living in Danger Lucky love The sign Boy From New York City Ant Music Prince Charming Stand And Deliver Goody Two Shoes Strip Ready For Love Crazy Days A Loaded Smile Fever For Your Entertainment If I Can't Have You If I Had You Never Close Our Eyes The Original High Time For Miracles Lost Stars I breathe again At A Medium Pace Ode To My Car Killer All I Ask Chasing Pavements Cold Shoulder Daydreamer Don't You Remember He Won't Go Hello Hometown Glory I Miss You I'll Be Waiting Love in the Dark Make You Feel My Love Million Years Ago One And Only Promise This Remedy River Lea Rolling In The Deep Rumour Has It Send My Love Set Fire To The Rain Skyfall Someone Like You Turning Tables Water Under the Bridge When We Were Young Everyone Giving In System Of A Down Amazing Angel Angels eye Back In The Saddle Big Ten Inch Record Come Together Crazy Cryin Don't wanna miss a thing Draw the Line Dream On Ace Ace Hood & Trey Songz Ace of Base Ace of Base Ace of Base Ace of Base Ace of Base Ace of Base Ace of Base Ace of Base Ad Libs Adam & The Ants Adam & The Ants Adam & The Ants Adam Ant Adam Ant Adam Brand Adam Gregory Adam Lambert Adam Lambert Adam Lambert Adam Lambert Adam Lambert Adam Lambert Adam Lambert Adam Lambert Adam Levine Adam Rickett Adam Sandler Adam Sandler Adamski Adele Adele Adele Adele Adele Adele Adele Adele Adele Adele Adele Adele Adele Adele Adele Adele Adele Adele Adele Adele Adele Adele Adele Adele Adele Adele Adema Adema Aerials Aerosmith Aerosmith Aerosmith Aerosmith Aerosmith Aerosmith Aerosmith Aerosmith Aerosmith Aerosmith Aerosmith Pagina 9 19804019 1241066 1241067 806398 19804023 1241068 1241069 806399 806400 19804028 1241070 19804030 1242692 19804032 1241072 1241074 1241075 1241076 806402 806403 1241077 1241078 1241079 1241080 806393 1243106 806404 806405 19989600 19804048 19989601 3283947 19988264 19804049 806407 806960 806408 1242990 19988022 1242365 2721434 1242312 5380853 19804053 809261 809263 809262 809264 1242006 809259 809266 809267 809265 19813643 807137 19985323 806416 810928 811133 19804060 807574 19804061 1242082 1241760 809300 809297 808781 809293 809295 809299 1242210 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Dude Looks Like A Lady Eat the Rich Falling In Love Fly Away From Here Girls Of Summer Hole In My Soul I Don't Want To Miss A Thing Jaded Janies Got a Gun Just Push Play Last Child Living On The Edge Love In An Elevator Luv Lies Mama Kin Pink Rag Doll Same Old Song And Dance Sunshine Sweet emotion The Other Side Toys In The Attic What It Takes What Kind Of Love Are You On Walk this way Miss Murder Aqua playa Never let it go As Your Friend Take Over Control The Spark Give Me Everything Tha Spark Because I Got High Ready of Not Bluetones Der kommisar Beautiful Love Dance Your Pain Away Hunting High & Low Take On Me The Sun Always Shines On Tv Don't Leave Me Alone I've Got A Feeling I'm Falling All Out Of Love Even The Nights Are Better Every Woman In The World Here I Am Lost In Love Making Love Out Of Nothing At All Sweet Dreams The One That You Love Two Less Lonely People Sometime Around Midnight Angel Locked Up Lonely Lonely (Radio Version) Right Now (Na Na Na) Beautiful I Wanna Love You Locked Up (Radio Version) Alone With You Right Now Call Me (Come Back Home) Here I Am (Come And Take Me) How Can You Mend A Broken Heart L-O-V-E Let's Stay Together Sha-La-La (Make Me Happy) Tired Of Being Alone Aerosmith Aerosmith Aerosmith Aerosmith Aerosmith Aerosmith Aerosmith Aerosmith Aerosmith Aerosmith Aerosmith Aerosmith Aerosmith Aerosmith Aerosmith Aerosmith Aerosmith Aerosmith Aerosmith Aerosmith Aerosmith Aerosmith Aerosmith Aerosmith Aerosmith & Run DMC AFI Afrodite Afrodite Afrojack & Chris Brown Afrojack & Eva Simons Afrojack & Spree Afrojack And Nayer Pitbull Ft Ne-Yo Afrojack Feat. Spree Wilson Afroman After 7 After Hours After the fire Afters, The Agnetha Falstkog Aha Aha Aha Ahanti Ain't Misbehavin' Air Supply Air Supply Air Supply Air Supply Air Supply Air Supply Air Supply Air Supply Air Supply Airbourne Toxic Event, The Akon Akon Akon Akon Akon Akon & Kardinal Offishall & Co Akon & Snoop Dogg Akon & Styles P Al B Sure Al B Sure Al Green Al Green Al Green Al Green Al Green Al Green Al Green Pagina 10 809298 808782 808816 808482 808483 2721384 808478 808479 808481 808476 808477 808480 809057 808757 809060 809059 809058 809061 809062 806417 808831 806418 19804069 1678243 19804071 19804072 19804073 19804074 19804075 19804076 19804077 19804078 19804079 19804080 19804081 19804082 19804083 19804084 806419 19804086 19804087 19804088 19804089 19804090 19804091 19804092 19804093 19804094 19804095 19804096 811447 19804098 19804099 19804100 19804101 19804102 19804103 19804104 19804105 19804106 19804107 19804108 811704 19804110 19804111 19804112 19804113 19804114 19804115 19804116 19804117 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG You Ought To Be With Me Put A Little Love In Your Heart We're In This Love Together After You've Gone April Shower Beautiful Dreamer California Here I Come I'm Sitting On Top Of The World My Mammy Rock-A-Bye Your Baby Swannee Toot-Toot-Tootsie Daddy's Little Girl I've had the time of my life Mary In The Morning More Than The Eyes Can See My Foolish Heart Spanish Eyes Wanted Year of the cat Show And Tell The snake Angels Among Us Are you sure Hank done it this way Between The Two Of Them Born Country Cheap Seats Close Enough To Perfect Dancin' Shaggin' On The Boulevard Dixieland Delight Down Home Fallin' Again Feels So Right Forever's As Far As I'll Go Forty Hour Week Give Me One More Shot God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You Here We Are High Cotton Hometown Honeymoon How Do You Fall In Love I'm In A Hurry I'm In The Mood In Pictures Jukebox In My Mind Katy Brought My Guitar Back Today Keepin' Up Lady Down On Love Love In The First Degree Maker Said Take Her Mountain Music Of Course I'm Alright Old Flame Once Upon A Lifetime Pictures and memories Reckless Roll On Eighteen Wheeler Sad Lookin' Moon Say I She Ain't Your Ordinary Girl She's Got That Look In Her Eyes Small Stuff Song Of The South Southern Star T.L.C.A.S.A.P. Take A Little Trip Take Me Down Tennessee River The Closer You Get The Maker Said Take Her Then again Al Green Al Green & Annie Lennox Al Jarreau Al Jolson Al Jolson Al Jolson Al Jolson Al Jolson Al Jolson Al Jolson Al Jolson Al Jolson Al Martino Al Martino Al Martino Al Martino Al Martino Al Martino Al Martino Al Stewart Al Wilson Al Wilson Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Pagina 11 19804118 19804119 19804120 19804121 19804122 19804123 19804124 19804125 19804126 19804127 19804128 806420 19804129 19804130 19804131 19804132 806421 19804134 806422 19986446 19804136 806423 19986447 806424 806425 19986448 19804141 811238 806426 19804144 19804145 19986449 19804146 806427 19804148 19804149 19804150 19804151 19985814 1242807 806428 19804154 806429 19804156 19804157 19804158 19804159 19804160 806430 19804162 19804163 19804164 19804165 19804166 19804167 806431 19804170 19804171 19804172 806432 19804174 19804175 19804176 810837 806433 19804179 811710 19804181 19804182 806434 2389739 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG There's No Way Touch Me When We're Dancing Twentieth Century We Can't Love Like This Anymore We Made Love When It All Goes South When We Make Love Why Lady Why Will You Marry Me Woman He Loves You've got the touch Whole New World Between The Devil & Me Blues Man Buicks To The Moon Chasin That Neon Rainbow Chattahoochee Country Boy Dallas Dixie Highway Don't Rock The Jukebox Drive (For Daddy Gene) Every Now And Then Gone country Gone crazy Gonna Come Back As A Country Song Good Time Hard Hat & A Hammer Here in the real world Home House With No Curtains I Could Get Used To This Lovin' Thing I'd Love You All Over Again I'll go on loving you It Must Be Love It's Alright To Be A Redneck It's Just That Way Let It Be Christmas Life Keeps Bringin' Me Down Like Red On A Rose Little bitty Little Man Livin on love Mercury blues Midnight In Montgomery Monday Morning Church Pop A Top Remember When Right on the money She's Got The Rhythm Sissy's Song Small Town Southern Man Someday Song For The Life Still Like Bologna Summertime blues Tall Tall Trees That'd Be Alright The Talkin' Song Repair Blues There goes To Do What I Do Tonight I Climbed The Wall Too Much Of A Good Thing USA Today Wanted When Love Comes Around When Somebody Loves You Where I Come From Where Were You (When The World Stopped Turning) Who's cheatin who Work In Progress Pagina 12 Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Alabama Aladdin Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson 811713 19804186 19804187 9103419 19804190 806435 19804191 811861 19991712 19804193 19804194 19986717 19986718 1242535 1242945 19804197 811342 810805 811503 806436 1242228 806438 19804204 19804205 19804206 19804207 19804208 806439 19804210 19804211 1242200 19804213 19986505 811253 806340 809183 806451 806452 19804216 19804217 811191 806453 19804219 19804220 19804221 811132 807684 19992011 19991678 19990153 19990035 19990097 19989602 19990119 19986450 5960073 806454 19804222 19804223 2721608 811127 2721604 19985319 17766313 4171637 806455 1678253 2888554 19804225 806456 806457 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Www.Memory You Can't Give Up On Love Designated Drinker Five O'clock Somewhere Don't Answer Me Eye In The Sky Games People Play Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah Faded 32 Flavors Crazy Hand In My Pocket Uninvited All I Really Want Crazy Forgiven Hand In My Pocket Hand In My Pocket (Acoustic Version) Hands Clean Head over feet Ironic Joining you Let The Good Times Roll Mary Jane Perfect Return Of The Mack Right Through You Thank u Uninvited You learn You Oughta Know Black Velvet Love Is Free Electric Band It Never Rains in Southern California Born Under A Bad Sign Crying at the discotheque Not a sinner nor a saint I'm Diggin' It You Wanna What Drummer Boy Lipstick Breathe Slow Drummer Boy Let`s Get Excited The Boy Does Nothing To Love Again Here Wild Things Cool Heroes Cool If I Lose Myself Make Me Feel Better Too Close What A Feeling Don't give me your life Dont Give Me Your Life Fairytale All Night Long Hallelujah Silence Elephant Get Back Mr Saxobeat Ullo John Got A New Motor Good Girl Hush Hush There's A New Girl In Town Be my lover Elected Alan Jackson Alan Jackson Alan Jackson & George Strait Alan Jackson & Jimmy Buffett Alan Parsons Project Alan Parsons Project Alan Parsons Project Alan Sherman Alan Walker Alana Davis Alana Davis Alanis Morisette Alanis Morisette Alanis Morissette Alanis Morissette Alanis Morissette Alanis Morissette Alanis Morissette Alanis Morissette Alanis Morissette Alanis Morissette Alanis Morissette Alanis Morissette Alanis Morissette Alanis Morissette Alanis Morissette Alanis Morissette Alanis Morissette Alanis Morissette Alanis Morissette Alanis Morissette Alannah Myles Alannah Myles Albert Hammond Albert Hammond Albert King Alcazar Alcazar Alecia Elliott Alecia Elliott Alesha Alesha Alesha Dixon Alesha Dixon Alesha Dixon Alesha Dixon Alesha Dixon Alessia Cara Alessia Cara Alesso & Roy English Alesso Feat. Tove Lo Alesso ft Roy English Alesso vs One Republic Alex Adair Alex Clare Alex Gaudino & Kelly Rowland Alex Lora Alex Party Alexander Rybak Alexandra Burke Alexandra Burke Alexandra Burke Alexandra Burke & Erick Morillo Alexandra Stan Alexandra Stan Alexi Sayle Alexis Jordan Alexis Jordan Alice Alice Cooper Alice Cooper Pagina 13 806458 19804230 19804231 806459 19804233 806460 806866 19804236 806461 1241240 809304 1241081 19986697 19804240 19986698 19986699 19986700 19986701 19986702 19986703 19986704 19986705 19804243 19986416 19804244 3283956 5380940 811470 19986098 19992031 811723 806463 1242849 19804245 19804246 19804247 1242576 19804248 807604 806464 811172 806465 19804242 811096 19804249 19989603 19804250 19986027 19804251 806466 806467 810758 19804254 19804255 19804256 19804257 19804258 19804259 19804260 19804261 19804262 19804263 19804264 19804265 19804266 19804267 811357 19804268 19804269 19804270 19804271 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Feed My Frankenstein I'm Eighteen It's me No more Mr. Nice guy Only Woman Bleed Poison School's Out Under My Wheels Welcome to my nightmare You & Me Better Off Alone Again Angry Chair Check My Brain Dam That River Dirt Grind Junkhead Man In The Box No Excuses Rooster Them Bones A Woman's Worth Brand New Me Diary Doesn't Mean Anything Every Little Bit Hurts Fallin' Girl On Fire Hallelujah How Come You Don't Call If I Ain't Got You If I Was Your Woman Jane Doe Karma Like You'll Never See Me Again No One Teenage Love Affair Try Sleeping With A Broken Heart Unbreakable Unthinkable You don't know my name Put It In A Love Song Another Way To Die Lesson Learned It's On Again My Boo Girl On Fire (Inferno) Movies Smooth criminal I am i feel Baby Mine Baby Now That I've Found You Every Time You Say Goodbye Forget About It Ghost In This House I Give You To His Heart I'll Fly Away (High Harmony) I'll Fly Away (Low Harmony) If I Didn't Know Any Better Let Me Touch You For A While Lucky One Maybe New Fool Restless Sitting In The Window Of My Room When You Say Nothing At All I'll Fly Away Find My Way Back To My Heart How's The World Treating You Let Me Touch You For A While Alice Cooper Alice Cooper Alice Cooper Alice Cooper Alice cooper Alice Cooper Alice Cooper Alice Cooper Alice Cooper Alice Cooper Alice Deejay Alice in Chains Alice In Chains Alice In Chains Alice In Chains Alice In Chains Alice In Chains Alice In Chains Alice In Chains Alice In Chains Alice in chains Alice In Chains Alicia Keys Alicia Keys Alicia Keys Alicia Keys Alicia Keys Alicia Keys Alicia Keys Alicia Keys Alicia Keys Alicia Keys Alicia Keys Alicia Keys Alicia Keys Alicia Keys Alicia Keys Alicia Keys Alicia Keys Alicia Keys Alicia Keys Alicia Keys Alicia Keys & Beyonce Alicia Keys & Jack White Alicia Keys & John Mayer Alicia Keys & Kendrick Lamar Alicia Keys & Usher Alicia Keys Feat. Nicki Minaj Alien Ant Farm Alien Ant Farm Alishas Attic Alison Krauss Alison Krauss Alison Krauss Alison Krauss Alison Krauss Alison Krauss Alison Krauss Alison Krauss Alison Krauss Alison Krauss Alison Krauss Alison Krauss Alison Krauss Alison Krauss Alison Krauss Alison Krauss Alison Krauss & Gillian Welch Alison Krauss & James Taylor Alison Krauss & James Taylor Alison Krauss & James Taylor Pagina 14 19804272 19804273 19985578 1242284 806468 806469 1242357 806470 19987807 1242356 1241082 19804276 19804277 19804275 19988271 810621 19813628 3283967 1243040 19804279 19804280 19804281 19813656 19804283 19804284 9103561 9103560 9103551 9103552 9103548 9103549 19991704 806471 9103563 806473 9103562 806474 19804285 19804286 19990159 19991185 19804289 1241083 19804290 19804291 19804292 19804293 19804294 19804295 19804296 19804297 19804298 19804299 19804300 19804301 19804302 19804303 19804304 19804305 9193761 3283948 19989605 19987590 19804306 807738 19804307 806477 806478 19991726 19987644 19989606 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Oh, Atlanta Two Highways All Cried Out Love Insurrection Love letters Old devil called love That Ole Devil Called Love Weak presence of beauty When I Was Your Girl Zing Went The Strings Of My Heart P.o.d I can love you like that I Swear I Will Be Right Here Higher Dirty Little Secret Gives You Hell I Wanna It Ends Tonight Last Song Move Along Swing, Swing The Wind Blows Chuck Wicks Sugarland All Hooked Up Black Coffee Bootie Call Chick Fit I Know Where It's At Never Ever One Strike Pure Shores Rock Steady Under the bridge War Of Nerves First man in space What's Going On Damned If I Do Ya Kids In The Dark Swing, swing Crazy Downtown Twelve Days Of Christmas Alabama Song Send Down An Angel Set You Free Soft Place To Fall Think It Over Up This High Ain't Wastin' Time No More Blue Sky (Radio Version) It's Not My Cross To Bear Melissa Midnight Rider One Way Out Ramblin' Man Southbound Whipping Post All I Cried Out Green Lights I Need A Dollar The Man Sing Loud Boyfriend Big In Japan Forever Young Happy birthday Uptown top ranking I'm in Control Attracting Flies Your Drums, Your Love Alison Krauss & James Taylor Alison Krauss & James Taylor Alison Moyet Alison Moyet Alison Moyet Alison Moyet Alison Moyet Alison Moyet Alison Moyet Alison Moyet Alive All 4 One All 4 One All 4 One All About She All American Rejects, The All American Rejects, The All American Rejects, The All American Rejects, The All American Rejects, The All American Rejects, The All American Rejects, The All American Rejects, The All I Ever Wanted All I Want To Do All Saints All Saints All Saints All Saints All Saints All Saints All Saints All Saints All Saints All Saints All Saints All seeing eye All Star Tribute All Time Low All Time Low All-American Rejects Allan Sherman Allan Sherman Allison Moorer Allison Moorer Allison Moorer Allison Moorer Allison Moorer Allison Moorer Allman Brothers Band Allman Brothers Band Allman Brothers Band Allman Brothers Band Allman Brothers Band Allman Brothers Band Allman Brothers Band Allman Brothers Band Allman Brothers Band Allure & 112 Aloe Blacc Aloe Blacc Aloe Blacc Alpha Rev Alphabeat Alphaville Alphaville Altered Images Althea N Donna Aluna George ft Popcaan AlunaGeorge Alunageorge Pagina 15 806479 1242324 1242986 19985287 1242879 19804308 19804309 19804310 19804311 19804312 811530 19804313 1242961 19804314 809309 19804315 19804316 810679 19989607 19987617 19985799 811025 19804317 19804318 19804319 2389653 19804320 19804321 19804322 1242094 19813638 19988453 19804323 811487 19991187 810973 19804324 19804325 19804326 5380899 19804327 19804328 807364 19804329 19804330 19804331 806724 1242950 19804332 19804333 2389646 19987413 2389645 19804334 19804335 19804336 19804337 19987414 19987415 19804338 19804339 19987416 19804340 19804341 9103593 2721567 2721568 2721569 19804342 2721570 19531892 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG My coo-ca-choo Pretend Rush Alone Again Oooh... Beautiful Goodbye Birmingham Dark Horse Everybody's Got A Story Let It Rain Angel Gone From Love Too Long Just Like That (Ballad Version) Sexual (Li Da Di) This Is Your Night I'll Try Anything Journey To The Center Of The Mind Biggest part of me California Party Over You Bring Me Joy Bend Me, Shape Me Daisy Jane From A Moving Train Horse With No Name I Need You Sister Golden Hair Tin Man Ventura Highway You Can Do Magic Fall Out Boy Best Day Of My Life Another Perfect Day Flavor Of The Weak Flavor of the week The Geeks Get The Girls God Bless The USA Gotta Work Heard 'Em All Talkin' About Talkin' To Me Why Don't We Fall In Love Knock on wood Cherish Windows Are Rolled Down Men Don't Change Baby Baby Believe Big Yellow Taxi El Shaddai Every Heartbeat Fathers Eyes Galileo I Will Be Your Friend I Will Remember You Like I Love You Lucky One Saved By Love Sing Your Praise To The Lord Takes A Little Time Things We Do For Love Thy Word Winter Wonderland House Of Love Mister Rock & Roll Addicted Back To Black Cupid F### Me Pumps He Can Only Hold Her Just Friends Alvin Stardust Alvin Stardust Aly & AJ Alyssa Reid & Jump Smokers Alyze Elyse Celinski Amanda Marshall Amanda Marshall Amanda Marshall Amanda Marshall Amanda Marshall Amanda Perez Amanda Wilkinson Amber Amber Amber Amber Dotson Amboy Dukes Ambrosia Amelia Lily Amelia Lily Amelia Lily Amen Corner America America America America America America America America America's Suitehearts American Authors American Hi Fi American Hi-Fi American Hi-Fi American Hi-Fi American Idol Finalists Amerie Amerie Amerie Amerie Amerie Amii Stewart Amnesia Amos Lee Amy Dalley Amy Grant Amy Grant Amy Grant Amy Grant Amy Grant Amy Grant Amy Grant Amy Grant Amy Grant Amy Grant Amy Grant Amy Grant Amy Grant Amy Grant Amy Grant Amy Grant Amy Grant Amy Grant & Vince Gill Amy MacDonald Amy Winehouse Amy Winehouse Amy Winehouse Amy Winehouse Amy Winehouse Amy Winehouse Pagina 16 17766278 809963 19531894 17766325 9103590 9103591 19531897 19531898 19531899 19804344 806480 19804345 806481 4171653 19804347 19804348 19804349 811092 807758 19804350 19804351 19804353 19804354 19804355 807368 806482 19804356 1242205 810859 19804357 19804358 19804359 19804360 1242110 4171665 807539 806483 812175 806484 812176 812177 19992044 19990107 19990265 19804361 19804362 19804363 19804364 19804365 19804366 19804367 19804368 19804369 19804370 806863 806903 1242035 19804371 19804372 19804373 1242298 19804374 1241933 1242033 1242034 19804375 19804376 1242661 1241934 1241935 19804379 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Like Smoke Love Is A Losing Game Me And Mr Jones Our Day Will Come Rehab Tears Dry On Their Own Valerie Wake Up Alone You Know I'm No Good Boom Crazy Heavy on my heart I'm outta love Left outside alone Made for lovin you Not That Kind One Day In Your Life Pieces of a dream Sick & Tired Welcome To My Truth You'll Never Be Alone Why'd you lie to me Oslagbar Soon And Very Soon More more more Glorious Lonely Boy Never Let Her Slip Away Thank You For Being A Friend Beer Barrel Polka Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy Don't Sit Under The Apple Tree Lullaby Of Broadway Woodpecker Song Do it with Madonna Hang up An Everlasting Love Don't Throw It All Away (Our Love) Flowing Rivers I Just Want To Be Your Everything Shadow Dancing Back Home Honey I'm Good Honey, I'm Good Keep Your Head Up How Cool Is That I'll Go Crazy If Heaven She Thinks She Needs Me She's More Tonight I Wanna Be Your Man Waitin' On Sundown You Made Me That Way You Won't Ever Be Lonely Rock Me Gently Almost There Aloha Oe And I Love You So Born Free Can't Get Used To Losing You Can't Take My Eyes Off of You Catch A Falling Star Charade Days of Wine and Roses Hawaiian Wedding Song It's Impossible Lonely Street Moon River More Music To Watch Girls By Silver Bells Amy Winehouse Amy Winehouse Amy Winehouse Amy Winehouse Amy Winehouse Amy Winehouse Amy Winehouse Amy Winehouse Amy Winehouse Anastacia Anastacia Anastacia Anastacia Anastacia Anastacia Anastacia Anastacia Anastacia Anastacia Anastacia Anastacia Anastasia Anders J Andre Crouche Andrea True Connection Andreas Johnson Andrew Gold Andrew Gold Andrew Gold Andrews Sisters Andrews Sisters Andrews Sisters Andrews Sisters Andrews Sisters Androids, The Andy Abraham Andy Gibb Andy Gibb Andy Gibb Andy Gibb Andy Gibb Andy Grammer Andy Grammer Andy Grammer Andy Grammer Andy Griggs Andy Griggs Andy Griggs Andy Griggs Andy Griggs Andy Griggs Andy Griggs Andy Griggs Andy Griggs Andy Kim Andy Williams Andy Williams Andy Williams Andy Williams Andy Williams Andy Williams Andy Williams Andy Williams Andy Williams Andy Williams Andy Williams Andy Williams Andy Williams Andy Williams Andy Williams Andy Williams Pagina 17 19804380 1241937 19804381 806486 19989608 19985793 19804382 1243112 1242118 19804384 19804385 19804386 19804387 2058936 806660 806766 19804389 808875 19804390 808873 19804391 808874 808877 19985822 808876 808879 808878 808872 19804392 19804393 19804394 1242341 1241981 806773 19986605 806488 806490 1241961 806489 19988053 19804396 1242946 1243030 19804398 2555565 2555571 9103341 2555566 9103337 1241805 2555562 811458 9103335 9103339 19804400 2555567 9103342 2555569 2555570 2555564 9103343 9103340 810587 2555558 2555559 2555563 9103344 9103336 2555568 2555560 2555561 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Speak Softly Love Theme From Love Story Where Do I Begin Sommaren i city Time After Time Wonderful Picture Perfect The Adventure My Boyfriend's Back Snow On The Sahara Coast 2 Coast (Suavemente) If I Could Go Baby Suddenly And The Boys House Of The Rising Sun We Gotta Get Out Of This Place Body And Soul Caught Up In The Rapture Fairy Tales How Does It Feel I Apologize Just Because Lately No One In The World Same Ole Love Soul Inspiration Sweet Love For Crying Out Loud Will You Be Here After All These Years Trains & Boats & Planes Take The A Train Ring My Bell Mr. Brightside Pal of my cradle days Two times Bye Bye Birdie ABC Cups (Pitch Perfect's When I'm Gone) Breathe (2 AM) In The Rough Wreck Of The Day ('06) Lie Ryde - En San Karl A Little Good News A Stranger In My Place Another Sleepless Night Blessed Are The Believers Bridge Over Troubled Waters Broken Hearted Me Cotton Jenny Could I Have This Dance Danny's Song Daydream Believer Do You Hear What I Hear He Thinks I Still Care How Great Thou Art I Can See Arkansas I Just Fall In Love Again I'll Be Your Baby Tonight Just Another Woman In Love Just One Look Little Drummer Boy Love Song Nobody Loves Me Like You Do Put Your Hand In The Hand Shadows In The Moonlight Snowbird Son Of A Rotten Gambler Sweet Little Jesus Boy There Goes My Everything Andy Williams Andy Williams Andy Williams Angel Angel Angel Angela Via Angels & Airwaves Angels, The Anggun Angie Martinez & Jean Wyclef Angie Martinez & Lil' Mo & Sac Angie Stone Angry Anderson Angus & Julia Stone Animals Animals Anita Baker Anita Baker Anita Baker Anita Baker Anita Baker Anita Baker Anita Baker Anita Baker Anita Baker Anita Baker Anita Baker Anita Cochran Anita Cochran Anita Cochran & Jim Brickman Anita Harris Anita O'Day Anita Ward Anka, Paul Ann Breen Ann Lee Ann Margaret Anna Book Anna Kendrick Anna Nalick Anna Nalick Anna Nalick Anne Anne Murray Anne Murray Anne Murray Anne Murray Anne Murray Anne Murray Anne Murray Anne Murray Anne Murray Anne Murray Anne Murray Anne Murray Anne Murray Anne Murray Anne Murray Anne Murray Anne Murray Anne Murray Anne Murray Anne Murray Anne Murray Anne Murray Anne Murray Anne Murray Anne Murray Anne Murray Anne Murray Pagina 18 2555557 9103338 811831 810773 19804401 19804402 809596 809601 809600 809595 19804404 806491 809594 806492 809598 806493 806494 806495 806496 19992331 19986743 19986745 19804405 5380944 19804406 19804407 808750 808746 808731 808749 808732 808748 808747 808733 808730 808734 808751 19804408 19804409 1241084 19804410 19804411 19804412 806497 19804413 18136276 18136270 18136272 18136277 18136269 18136274 18136273 18136271 18136275 18136278 811050 810667 19804416 811048 806498 806499 19804418 806500 1242978 19804421 19986597 19804422 1241782 806860 19988451 807580 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG You Needed Me You Won't See Me Tomorrow You're Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile No Business Like Show Business They Say It's Wonderful A Whiter Shade Of Pale Little Bird No More I Love Yous Put A Little Love In Your Heart Thin Line Between Love And Hate Train in vain Walking On Broken Glass Why Wonderful Be alone no more Bomb diggy From the heart I want you for myself Good God Nobody's Wife Sacrifice 4 Evermore Can't Let Go Please Stay Cool Gonna Build Me A Mountain It Isn't Enough Nothing Can Stop Me Now Once In A Lifetime Talk To The Animals The Candy Man The Good Old Bad Old Days The Joker This Time The Dream's On Me What Kind Of Fool Am I Who Can I Turn To Bringin' Back The Sunshine Antisocial Caught In A Mosh Got The Time I'm The Man Don't Look Back Heart go boom Tell Me When Cum Hear The Band Enough Is Enough I Like To Rock I Wouldn't Want To Lose Your Love Just Between You And Me Rock And Roll Is A Vicious Game Roller Tonite Is A Wonderful Time To Fall In Love Whole World's Goin' Crazy You Won't Dance With Me Around The World Barbie Girl Candy Man Cartoon Heroes Disturbia Doctor jones My Oh My (Duo) Turn back time Brighter Than Sunshine No Cars Go Wake Up Election Day Dark End of the Street Sugar, Sugar Arabella Brianstorm Anne Murray Anne Murray Annie Annie (Movie Version) Annie Get Your Gun Annie Get Your Gun Annie Lennox Annie Lennox Annie Lennox Annie Lennox Annie Lennox Annie Lennox Annie Lennox Annie Lennox Annie Lennox Another Level Another Level Another Level Another Level Anouk Anouk Anouk Anthony David & Algebra Anthony Hamilton Anthony Hamilton Anthony Hamilton & David Banne Anthony Newley Anthony Newley Anthony Newley Anthony Newley Anthony Newley Anthony Newley Anthony Newley Anthony Newley Anthony Newley Anthony Newley Anthony Newley Anthony Smit Anthrax Anthrax Anthrax Anthrax Antigone Rising Apollo 440 Applejacks April Wine April Wine April Wine April Wine April Wine April Wine April Wine April Wine April Wine April Wine Aqua Aqua Aqua Aqua Aqua Aqua Aqua Aqua Aqualung Arcade Fire Arcade Fire Arcadia Archie Campbell & Lorene Mann Archies, The Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Pagina 19 19989609 4171639 1243095 19985313 19989558 807627 19988033 19804425 1241785 19804427 1241789 19804429 19804442 19804430 19804431 19804432 19804433 811013 1241825 19804434 811809 806502 19804437 19804438 19804439 19804440 19804441 808100 811141 19991720 19990585 19991989 19989610 19990101 19989611 19992378 19992412 19989908 19989612 19989563 19989072 19989613 19804443 19804444 19989614 19804445 811630 809194 806503 19989615 19987661 806504 19990103 19804448 809735 808704 2058895 811049 19804449 806505 19804451 19804452 810159 810190 19804454 3283929 19804456 811537 807625 19804459 19804460 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Do I Wanna Know Don't Sit Down Cause I've Moved Your Chair I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor R U Mine Snap Out Of It When the Sun Goes Down Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High A Rose Is Still A Rose Ain't No Way Baby I Love You Chain of Fools Do Right Woman Do Right Man Dr. Feelgood Freeway Of Love Here We Go Again Higher Ground I Never Loved A Man I Say A Little Prayer I'm in Love Killing Me Softly Natural Woman R.E.S.P.E.C.T Rock Steady Rose Is Still A Rose Think Until You Come Back To Me You Make Me Feel Like A Natural Woman Hold Your Head Up Candy Dangerous Woman Focus Into You Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart One Last Time Best Mistake Side To Side Side to Side Love Me Harder Break Free Problem Break Free Love Me Harder Video 4 The Lovers Sticks and Stones Alice's Restaurant City of New Orleans Coming Into Los Angeles You don't know me This Is What It Feels Like This Is What It Feels Like Rosen I'm an Albatraoz Tennessee Hot Hot Hot I Only Have Eyes For You Re-Wind (When The Crowd Say Bo Selecta) Movin' Too Fast Sweet Soul Music Eloise Sometimes I Still Believe In That Stuck Baby Dreams Foolish Good Good Happy Only You Rain On Me Rock With U (Awww Baby) Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys Aretha Franklin Aretha Franklin Aretha Franklin Aretha Franklin Aretha Franklin Aretha Franklin Aretha Franklin Aretha Franklin Aretha Franklin Aretha Franklin Aretha Franklin Aretha Franklin Aretha Franklin Aretha Franklin Aretha Franklin Aretha Franklin Aretha Franklin Aretha Franklin Aretha Franklin Aretha Franklin Argent Argro Santos & Kiberly Wyatt Ariana Grande Ariana Grande Ariana Grande Ariana Grande Ariana Grande Ariana Grande & Big Sean Ariana Grande & Nicki Minaj Ariana Grande & Nicki Minaj Ariana Grande & The Weeknd Ariana Grande and Zedd Ariana Grande Ft Iggy Azalea Ariana Grande ft Zedd Ariana Grande ft. The Weeknd Arie India Arika Kane Arlissa Arlo Guthrie Arlo Guthrie Arlo Guthrie Arman van Helland Armin Van Buuren Armin Van Buuren Ft Trevor Guthrie Arne Quick AronChupa Arrested Development Arrow Art Garfunkel Artful Artful Dodger Arthur Conley Arvirgarna Ash Ash Bowers Ash Bowers Ashanti Ashanti Ashanti Ashanti Ashanti Ashanti Ashanti Ashanti Pagina 20 19804461 19804462 19804463 806507 19804465 810977 1243009 19804468 810974 806508 19804471 19804472 2721395 1678232 19804474 1242997 1243039 810177 19804478 19804479 19985860 1241085 1241086 19991854 19991855 19991853 19804480 809484 809487 809485 809483 809486 1242221 806516 19804485 2058891 19804486 19804487 19804488 19804489 19804490 808142 808141 1242237 19804492 19804493 806517 9103570 806518 9103571 806519 9103572 807612 19804500 19804501 9103569 806520 19987544 806521 811551 1243062 19804506 19990576 19987972 19985582 19804507 1242885 19804509 19804510 19804511 2721409 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Way That I Love You Be By Myself Aint No Mountain Solid Autobiography Boyfriend (Radio Version) Invisible La La Love Pieces of me Shadow Can You Hear Me When I Talk To You Five More Minutes What You Think About Us Satisfied Let U Go Where Did You Go Look It Up Sounds So Good Takin' Off This Pain Don't Cry Heat of the Moment Only Time Will Tell I Wont Give In Moving On The Black Cherokee Maiden Along Comes Mary Cherish Everything That Touches You Never My Love Windy Don't Turn Around Shine Boys Of Summer Killer Around The World (La La La La What I Didn't Know Hurricane You Got The Style Doraville Imaginary Lover So Into You Always Masterpiece Secret Lovers Be with you Eternal Flame If you come to me It's Okay Ladies night Love Doesn't Have To Hurt The Last Goodbye The Tide Is High Walking On The Water Whole Again Ooa hela natten Dirty I'm the highway Like A Stone Out Of Exile I-95 Song Half The World Away What About Love Oh No, Not You Again Testify To Love 4 Minutes Don't Take Your Love Away Kiss Goodbye Separated Your Body Is The Business Ashanti Asher Roth & Cee Lo Ashford N Simpson Ashford N Simpson Ashlee Simpson Ashlee Simpson Ashlee Simpson Ashlee Simpson Ashlee Simpson Ashlee Simpson Ashlee Simpson Ashley Gearing Ashley Gearing Ashley Gearing Ashley Monroe Ashley Parker Angel Ashley Parker Angel Ashton Shepherd Ashton Shepherd Ashton Shepherd Asia Asia Asia Asking Alexandria Asking Alexandria Asking Alexandria Asleep At The Wheel Association Association Association Association Association Aswad Aswad Ataris ATB ATC Athenaeum Athlete Athlete Atlanta Rhythm Section Atlanta Rhythm Section, The Atlanta Rhythm Section, The Atlantic Starr Atlantic Starr Atlantic Starr Atomic Kitten Atomic Kitten Atomic Kitten Atomic Kitten Atomic Kitten Atomic Kitten Atomic Kitten Atomic Kitten Atomic Kitten Atomic Kitten Attack Audio Adrenaline Audioslave Audioslave Audioslave August & Spur Of The Moment Ba Aurora Austin Mahone Australian Crawl Avalon Avant Avant Avant Avant Avant Pagina 21 1241087 19804515 19991029 806819 19804517 19990056 19988458 19988260 19990091 19990231 19989616 19988013 19988620 19989892 19988226 19989617 806669 806523 806543 2721565 806524 2721560 806525 19804523 806526 806527 807579 806528 2721561 806529 19804529 2721556 19804530 2721563 811525 2721562 2721566 19804532 811526 806530 806531 806532 806533 806534 2721564 2721557 806535 806536 2610840 806537 2721558 806538 806539 806540 806541 810316 2721559 806542 19531883 19988272 19804547 19804548 806544 19804550 19804551 1241802 19804552 4171647 806567 806568 806569 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Bat Country Nightmare Dear God Let's Go Round Again Work To Do Nights Addicted To You Hey Brother The Nights Waiting For Love You Make Me Wake Me Up Addicted To You The Days You Make Me The Days Alice (Underground) Anything But Ordinary Complicated Contagious Don't Tell Me Everything Back But You Fall To Pieces Falling Down Forgotten Freak Out Girlfriend He Wasn't Hot How Does It Feel I Always Get What I Want I Can Do Better I Don't Give I Don't Have To Try I'm With You Innocence Keep Holding On Knockin' On Heaven's Door Losing Grip Mobile My Happy Ending My World Nobody's Fool Nobody's Home One Of Those Girls Runaway Sk8er Boi Slipped Away Smile Take Me Away The Best Damn Thing Things I'll Never Say Together Tomorrow Unwanted What The Hell When You're Gone Who Knows Wish You Were Here Sail Sail [Karaoke] Hard To Say I'm Sorry Somewhere in my heart Ghost Of You And Me Aint Nobodys Bizness As Long As We Got Each Other Debbie Love Shack Private Idaho Roam Rock Lobster Avenged Sevenfold Avenged Sevenfold Avenged Sevenfold A7X Average White Band Average White Band Avicci Avicii Avicii Avicii Avicii Avicii AvicII & Aloe Blacc Avicii Feat. Audra Mae Avicii Feat. Robbie Williams Avicii Feat. Salem Al Fakir Avicii ft. Robbie Williams Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne AWOLNATION Awolnation Az Yet Aztec Camera B B Mak B Holiday B J Thomas & Springfield B-52's, The B-52's, The B-52's, The B-52's, The B-52's, The Pagina 22 12409640 12409642 12409643 12409645 12409641 809175 809171 19804559 19804563 19985316 811244 807600 19804566 19804567 19804568 19804569 19804570 19986584 19804571 19804572 19804573 19988009 1242313 810846 19804574 1242855 19804576 19804578 19804577 807378 811027 17766270 17766264 17766266 17766268 17766263 17766259 17766267 17766261 17766269 809124 17766260 19531848 17766265 17766262 809126 808563 808564 19804585 19804586 19804587 19804588 1841374 811945 19804591 806570 19804593 19804594 806571 19804596 19804597 19804598 806448 811783 19804601 19804602 806572 19804604 19804605 19804606 806573 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Bang Bang Knocked It Off Kool In The Kaftan To Be Or Not To Be Hold Me Rock Me Baby The Thrill Is Gone My Hood Don't Let Me Fall So Good Magic Nothin' On You Gots Ta Be Uh Huh Bump Bump Bump Do That Hydrolic (Meet) The Flintstones Rush You Suga Suga What Is It Bump Let Me Be Your Fantasy Mayor Que Yo Every Time I Close My Eyes Grown & Sexy When Can I See You Head First Every Time I Think Of You Yes sir I can boogie Charmaine Four Wheel Drive Gimme Your Money Please Give It Time Hey You Hold Back The Water Let It Ride Lookin' Out For #1 Not Fragile Rock Is My Life, & This Is My Song Roll On Down The Highway Take It Like A Man Takin' Care Of Business Thank You For The Feelin' The Letter You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet All I Have To Do Is Give As Long As You Love Me Back To Your Heart Boys Will Be Boys Call Don't Leave Me Drowning Everybody Everytime I Close My Eyes Fool again Hey Mr. Dj I Wanna Be With You I want it that way I'll Never Break Your Heart If I Don't Have You If You Want It To Be Good Incomplete Larger Than Life Let's Have A Party Like A Child More than that Nobody But You One Perfect Fan Quit playin games B.A Robertson B.A Robertson B.A Robertson B.A Robertson B.A Robertson & Maggie Bell B.B. King B.B. King B.G. & Mannie Fresh & Gar B.o.B B.O.B B.O.B & Rivers Cuomo B.O.B. & Bruno Mars B2K B2K B2K & P. Diddy B2K & P. Diddy B5 & Bow Wow B52's Baby Animals Baby Bash & Frankie J. Baby Bash & Kingston Baby Blue Baby D Baby Ranks, Daddy Yankee, and Co... Babyface Babyface Babyface Babys Babys, The Baccara Bachelors, The Bachman Turner Overdrive Bachman Turner Overdrive Bachman Turner Overdrive Bachman Turner Overdrive Bachman Turner Overdrive Bachman Turner Overdrive Bachman Turner Overdrive Bachman Turner Overdrive Bachman Turner Overdrive Bachman Turner Overdrive Bachman Turner Overdrive Bachman Turner Overdrive Bachman Turner Overdrive Bachman Turner Overdrive Bachman Turner Overdrive Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys Pagina 23 808561 811334 19804610 811087 808562 2389731 806838 2058909 807746 809113 809112 809114 809119 809117 809116 809115 809118 19804617 1242469 12409646 9914938 19991856 19991857 807542 19804618 19804619 19804620 19804621 19804622 810749 811785 19804624 19990065 1242449 1241043 806574 806575 806576 806577 806578 806579 806580 806581 806582 806583 806584 1242007 19804629 806586 19990040 810162 3283911 811401 809568 809567 1242575 809569 806587 806588 19804637 19804638 806590 806589 19804640 19804641 19804642 19804643 19804644 19804645 19804646 808910 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Shape Of My Heart Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely That's What She Said The Call The One The Perfect Fan Want It That Way We've Got it Goin' On You're A Woman I'm A Man Bad Company Can't Get Enough Of Your Love Feel Like Making Love One Night Ready For Love Rock And Roll Fantasy Rock Steady Shooting Star When I See You Smile Special Brew Walking in the Sunshine Lighters (Clean Version) It Struck a Nerve Were Only Gonna Die from Our Own Arrogance Three lions Baby Blue Come And Get It Day After Day No Matter What Without You In A Dream Who Let The Dogs Out A Fool Such As I Teach Me Lionel Richie Tarzan Boy Bananarama Medley Cruel Summer Help I Heard A Rumour I Want You Back Love In The First Degree Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye Nathan Jones Really Saying Something Robert De Niro's Waiting Shy Boy Venus The Weight Do they know it's Christmas Do They Know It's Christmas If I Die Young You Lie The Weight Eternal Flame Hazy Shade Of Winter Hero Takes A Fall In Your Room Manic Monday Walk like an egyptian Freakshow On The Dance Floor Allt Som Jag Ser Bye bye C-allt som jag ser Kom Hem Baby I'm Yours Make Me Your Baby I Was Country When Country Wasn't Cool If Loving You Is Wrong Sleeping Single In A Double Bed Tonight My Baby's Comng Home Yes, I'm Ready Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys Bad Boys Blue Bad Company Bad Company Bad Company Bad Company Bad Company Bad Company Bad Company Bad Company Bad English Bad Manners Bad Manners Bad Meets Evil & Bruno Mars Bad Religion Bad Religion Baddiel Skinner & The Lightning Seeds Badfinger Badfinger Badfinger Badfinger Badfinger Badlands Baha Men Baillie & The Boys Bakermat Ballerina Girl Baltimora Bananarama Bananarama Bananarama Bananarama Bananarama Bananarama Bananarama Bananarama Bananarama Bananarama Bananarama Bananarama Band Band Aid Band Aid 30 Band Perry, The Band Perry, The Band, The Bangles, The Bangles, The Bangles, The Bangles, The Bangles, The Bangles, The Bar Kays Barbados Barbados Barbados Barbados Barbara Lewis Barbara Lewis Barbara Mandrell Barbara Mandrell Barbara Mandrell Barbara Mandrell Barbara Mason Pagina 24 810707 19804647 806910 19804649 19804650 19804651 19804652 19804653 808949 19804654 19804655 19804656 810509 19804658 19804659 19804660 19804661 1241874 806804 19804665 19804666 806592 19804668 19804669 806565 806566 19804670 19985907 19804671 19804672 19804673 19804674 806593 19804675 19991193 19804676 806594 19804677 806595 806596 19804680 19804681 19804682 19804683 19804684 19804685 19804686 808709 19804687 811803 806602 811859 1242444 19804692 810699 1242388 1242443 1242395 806603 19804694 19804695 19804696 811255 19804697 807344 19804698 1242252 1242216 806823 807379 19989619 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG A Woman In Love Don't Rain On My Parade Evergreen For All We Know Higher Ground I'm In The Mood For Love I've Dreamed Of You Kiss Me In The Rain Main Event Memory My Heart Belongs To Me On A Clear Day Over The Rainbow People Somewhere Stoney End The Main Event Fight The Way We Were Woman In Love You Dont Bring Me Flowers Guilty Enough is enough You Don't Bring Me Flowers If You Ever Leave Me Tell him No more tears Another Postcard (Chimps) Big Bang Theory Theme (The History Of Everything) Brian Wilson Call And Answer Falling For The First Time Get In Line (Solo Version) I'ts all been done If I Had $1,000,000 illion dollars It's All Been Done Million dollars Old Apartment One week Pinch me Sell Sell Sell Too Little Too Late Idas Sommarvisa Klappa Handerna Mors Lilla Lathund Pippi Langstrump Snickerboa Money Can't Smile Without You Copacabana Could it be magic I Write The Songs It's A Miracle Love Is A Many Slendored Thing Mandy One Voice Somewhere In The Night When October Goes You see trouble with me Who Put The Bomp Hummers In Heaven Eve Of Destruction Eloise Ballad Of The Green Berets Can't get enough of your love babe I'm Gonna Love You Just A Little Just The Way You Are Let The Music Play You See The TroubLe With Me You're the first the last my everything Hopeful Pagina 25 Barbra Streisand Barbra Streisand Barbra Streisand Barbra Streisand Barbra Streisand Barbra Streisand Barbra Streisand Barbra Streisand Barbra Streisand Barbra Streisand Barbra Streisand Barbra Streisand Barbra Streisand Barbra Streisand Barbra Streisand Barbra Streisand Barbra Streisand Barbra Streisand Barbra Streisand Barbra Streisand Barbra Streisand & Barry Gibb Barbra Streisand & Donna Summer Barbra Streisand & Niel Diamon Barbra Streisand & Vince Gill Barbra Streisand and Celine Dion Barbra Streisand and Diana Ross Barenaked Ladies Barenaked Ladies Barenaked Ladies Barenaked Ladies Barenaked Ladies Barenaked Ladies Barenaked Ladies Barenaked Ladies Barenaked Ladies Barenaked Ladies Barenaked Ladies Barenaked Ladies Barenaked Ladies Barenaked Ladies Barenaked Ladies Barenaked Ladies Barn Barn Barn Barn Barn Barrett Strong Barry Manilow Barry Manilow Barry Manilow Barry Manilow Barry Manilow Barry Manilow Barry Manilow Barry Manilow Barry Manilow Barry Manilow Barry Manilow Barry Mann Barry Martin Barry McGuire Barry Ryan Barry Sadler Barry White Barry White Barry White Barry White Barry White Barry White Bars & Melody 19990075 811286 19986618 806604 19804702 19804703 811108 1242489 19989564 19989620 19988434 19992130 19988267 19989623 19992139 12409644 19804704 19804705 810595 19804706 19804707 19804708 19804709 19804710 807149 808160 809005 19804713 808159 19804714 809003 19804716 808994 809004 19804719 809002 19804721 808993 19804722 808998 19804723 808997 809001 809000 808996 808999 808995 19804727 5380863 19992206 19804728 19804729 19804731 19804732 19804733 1241089 19804734 1242461 806765 807387 811616 1241090 812064 811595 19804738 808763 1241879 1242573 812061 812063 1241092 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Keep Smiling I Don't Feel Like Dancin' Umbrella Red alert Where's Your Head At Time And Tide Angel In The Night Now You're Gone Bad Blood Bad News Flaws Good Grief Of The Night Torn Apart (Bastille VS. Grades) Sunday Love Bump Give A Little Love Saturday Night Merry Christmas Baby Back Here Ghost Of You And Me Out Of My Heartt Still On Your Side 409 Barbara Ann Be True to Your School California Girls Darlin Do You Wanna Dance Don't Worry Baby Fun Fun Fun God Only Knows Good Vibrations Help Me Rhonda Heroes And Villains I Get Around In My Room Kokomo Little Deuce Coup Rock And Roll Music Sail on sailor Sloop John B. Surfer Girl Surfin' Safari Surfin' USA When I Grow Up Wouldn't It Be Nice Roc The Mic Don't Stop Auld Wives Brass Monkey Check It Out Hey Ladies Intergalactic Make Some Noise Sabotage Don't Play No Game That I Can't Win Mirror In The Bathroom 8 Days A Week A Day In The Life A hard day's night Across The Universe Act Naturally Al you need is love All My Loving All You Need Is Love And I Love Her And Your Bird Can Sing Anna (Go To Him) Another Girl Any Time At All Bars & Melody Baseballs, The Baseballs, The Basement Jaxx Basement Jaxx Basia Basshunter Basshunter Bastille Bastille Bastille Bastille Bastille Bastille Bat For Lashes Bay City Rollers Bay City Rollers Bay City Rollers BB King BBMak BBMak BBMak BBMak Beach Boys, The Beach Boys, The Beach Boys, The Beach Boys, The Beach Boys, The Beach Boys, The Beach Boys, The Beach Boys, The Beach Boys, The Beach Boys, The Beach Boys, The Beach Boys, The Beach Boys, The Beach Boys, The Beach Boys, The Beach Boys, The Beach Boys, The Beach Boys, The Beach Boys, The Beach Boys, The Beach Boys, The Beach Boys, The Beach Boys, The Beach Boys, The Beanie Sigel & Freeway Beanie Sigel & Snoop Dogg Bear's Den Beastie Boys Beastie Boys Beastie Boys Beastie Boys Beastie Boys Beastie Boys Beastie Boys & Santigold Beat, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Pagina 26 812066 1241093 1241094 812286 812287 1241095 809738 811896 808769 811619 19804750 1241096 1241097 812058 1241098 812278 1241099 1241100 1241101 808771 1241102 19804760 1241909 812285 811900 1241103 1241104 1241105 1241106 1241896 1241107 1241108 1241109 1241110 1241903 811620 808761 1241111 811621 1241898 1241113 1241972 1241114 1241115 812067 811622 808764 808768 812062 1241116 1241117 812060 1241118 1241119 1241120 1241121 1241122 1242538 1241124 811623 811871 812276 1241125 808770 19804797 1241905 19804799 1241126 19986499 1241880 812059 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Baby It's You Back In The Ussr Ballad Of John And Yoko Beatles Medley 1 Beatles Medley 2 Being For The Benefit Of Mr Kite Birthday Blackbird Can't Buy Me Love Come Together Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill Day Tripper Dear Prudence Devil In Her Heart Do You Want To Know A Secret Don't Bother Me Don't let me down Don't Pass Me By Drive my car Eight Days A Week Eleanor Rigby Fool On The Hill For No One For You Blue For your love Free as a bird From Me To You Get Back Getting Better Girl Glass Onion Golden Slumbers Carry That Weight The End Good Day Sunshine Got To Get You Into My Life Hard Days Night Hello Goodbey Help Helter Skelter Here comes the sun Here, There And Everywhere Hey Bulldog Hey Jude I Am The Walrus I Feel Fine I Need You I saw her standing there I Should Have Known Better I Want To Hold Your Hand I Will I'll Cry Instead I'll Follow the Sun I'll Get You I'm a Loser I'm Down I'm Happy Just to Dance with You I've Just Seen a Face If I Fell In My Life It's All Too Much Lady Madonna Let It Be Little Child Long and Winding Road Love Me Do Lovely Rita Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds Magical Mystery Tour Maxwell's Silver Hammer Me Mine, I Michelle Misery Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Pagina 27 812283 1241128 808766 806607 1241129 1241130 812068 19804808 811627 811626 812282 808762 1241132 1241133 808772 1241895 1241134 1241135 1241136 806608 19804820 19804821 811009 1241137 1242319 811283 1241139 1241140 812065 1241141 812275 1241142 1241143 811628 19804834 812284 1241145 812279 806609 19804839 811419 808765 1241146 1241147 1241148 1241149 812280 808767 812277 811813 1241150 1241151 1241152 812281 1241153 806610 19804854 806612 806613 806614 806615 806617 806618 806611 806619 806620 806621 806622 806623 806624 806625 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Money (That's What I Want) Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) Nowhere Man Obladi oblada Octopus' Garden Oh Darling Old Brown Shoe P.S. I Love You Paperback writer Penny Lane Please Mr Postman Please Please Me Rain Real Love Revolution Rock And Roll Music Rocky Raccoon Roll Over Beethoven Run for Your Life Saw here standing there Sexy Sadie Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band She Loves You She's a Woman She's Leaving Home Something Strawberry Fields Forever Taxman Tell Me What You See Tell Me Why Thank You Girl The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill The Fool on the Hill The long & winding road The Night before There's A Place Things We Said Today This Boy Ticket to ride Till There Was You Twist & Shout We Can Work It Out When I'm Sixty Four While My Guitar Gently Weeps Why Don't We Do It in the Road With a Little Help from My Friends Words Of Love Yellow Submarine Yes It Is Yesterday You Can't Do That You're Gonna Lose that Girl You've Got to Hide Your Love Away You've Really Got A Hold On Me Your Mother Should Know A little time Blackbird On The Wire Closer than most Don't marry her Dream a little dream Dumb Good as gold How longs a tear dry lackbird on the wire Old red eyes is back One last love song Perfect 10 Root of all evil Rotterdam Song for whoever You keep it all in Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beatles, The Beautiful South Beautiful South Beautiful South Beautiful South Beautiful South Beautiful South Beautiful South Beautiful South Beautiful South Beautiful South Beautiful South Beautiful South Beautiful South Beautiful South Beautiful South Beautiful South Pagina 28 19804869 810802 810807 19804872 19804873 19804874 19989624 812288 812297 812293 812174 812292 812105 806772 19804878 812289 19804880 812107 810248 812295 812106 807371 806626 812296 812294 812291 807374 19804884 812108 812173 812109 19804886 810249 812290 19804889 19804890 19804891 19804892 806627 806628 809577 809578 806629 806630 19804898 806889 19804900 806632 9103368 8477765 806633 19804904 19804905 811421 19986593 19804908 1242543 19804910 810728 19990034 19990590 19991532 19804911 19987650 19985916 19989625 19804912 19988181 19991677 2721473 2721472 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Never Thought E-Pro Girl Loser New Pollution Sexx Laws Shower Alone Bee Gees Boogie Medley Emotion Fanny (Be Tender With My Love) For Whom The Bell Tolls How Can You Mend A Broken Heart How Deep Is Your Love I've Gotta Get A Message To You Jive Talkin' Lonely Days Love You Inside Out More Than A Woman My World New York Mining Disaster 1941 Night fever Run to me Saved By The Bell Secret Love Spicks & Specks Stayin' alive This Is Where I Came In To Love Somebody Tragedy Tragedy, Night Fever, Stayin' Alive (medley) Wedding Day You Should Be Dancing You Win Again Feel It Boy Can't Believe Poison Summer Rain Circles in the sand Heaven is a place I Get Weak Mad About You One of us Same thing Ex-Files If I Said You Had A Beautiful Body Inside Of My Guitar Let your love flow Redneck Love Girls Up Clapping song I Who Have Nothing Spanish Harlem Stand By Me Bruised Army Brick Rockin' The Suburbs Song For The Dumped Something I Need Second Hand Heart Second Hand Heart Steal My Kisses Keep Your Head Up Old Pine Only Love Everything Burns What I Might Do Paradise Andalucian Gypsies Jose's Cantina BeBe & CeCe Winans Beck Beck Beck Beck Beck Becky G Bee Gees, The Bee Gees, The Bee Gees, The Bee Gees, The Bee Gees, The Bee Gees, The Bee Gees, The Bee Gees, The Bee Gees, The Bee Gees, The Bee Gees, The Bee Gees, The Bee Gees, The Bee Gees, The Bee Gees, The Bee Gees, The Bee Gees, The Bee Gees, The Bee Gees, The Bee Gees, The Bee Gees, The Bee Gees, The Bee Gees, The Bee Gees, The Bee Gees, The Bee Gees, The Bee Gees, The Beenie Man & Janet Bei Maejor Bel Biv Devoe Belinda Carisle Belinda Carlisle Belinda Carlisle Belinda Carlisle Belinda Carlisle Belinda Carlisle Belinda Carlisle Bellamy Brothers, The Bellamy Brothers, The Bellamy Brothers, The Bellamy Brothers, The Bellamy Brothers, The Belle Amie Belle Stars Ben E King Ben E King Ben E. King Ben Folds Ben Folds Five Ben Folds Five Ben Folds Five Ben Folds Five Ben Haenow Ben Haenow & Kelly Clarkson Ben Haenow ft Kelly Clarkson Ben Harper & Innocent Criminal Ben Howard Ben Howard Ben Howard Ben Moody Feat. Anastacia Ben Pearce Benny Benassi And Chris Brown Benny Hill Benny Hill Pagina 29 2721474 806634 1242045 19804914 19804915 19804916 19804917 19804918 19804919 19804920 19804921 806635 19804923 811391 811829 19804926 810471 19804928 19804929 19804930 19804931 1242537 19804932 19804933 19985330 19992129 19992201 806836 806636 806637 19990048 18507068 5960064 12409648 4171656 19804938 19991711 19804939 19804940 19991668 811122 19804941 807564 19065186 806638 806639 19988459 1242926 3283944 806412 19804947 19804948 19988601 19989626 19804949 1242909 1242933 19989627 19804950 19804951 807578 5380912 19988422 19804954 19990645 19804955 19992140 19987648 19986425 811269 811274 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG What A World Take my breath away Casablanca Just Another Day In Paradise Key Largo L.A.Song Stolen Car Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy Do You Wanna Dance From A Distance Gift Of Love Lullaby In Blue My True Friend The Rose The Wind Beneath My Wings Under The Boardwalk Wind Beneath My Wings At The Stars Desperately Wanting Extra Ordinary One More Murder Doin' The Do It's In His Kiss Clean Up Woman Keep This Fire Burning Middle Of Love Private Number Promise Me Blame it on weatherman Jessie hold on 7-11 Ave Maria Best Thing I Never Had Countdown Crazy In Love Ego Formation (Superbowl 2016) Green Light Halo Hold Up If I Were A Boy Irreplaceable Listen Love On Top Me myself and I Naughty Girl Partition Ring The Alarm Run The World (Girls) Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It) Sweet Dreams Work It Out XO Back To Black Bonnie & Clyde Deja Vu Upgrade You Drunk in Love Closer I Get To You Baby Boy Beautiful Liar Check On It Drunk In Love Sway Love Yourself Moment Of Weakness Animal Style Biblical Black Chandelier Bubbles God & Satan Benny Hill Berlin Bertie Higgins Bertie Higgins Bertie Higgins Beth Hart Beth Orton Bette Midler Bette Midler Bette Midler Bette Midler Bette Midler Bette Midler Bette Midler Bette Midler Bette Midler Bette Midler Better Than Ezra Better Than Ezra Better Than Ezra Better Than Ezra Betty Boo Betty Everett Betty Wright Beverley Kight Beverley Knight Beverley Knight & Jamie Cullum Beverly Craven Bewitched Bewitched Beyonce Beyonce Beyonce Beyonce Beyonce Beyonce Beyonce Beyonce Beyonce Beyonce Beyonce Beyonce Beyonce Beyonce Beyonce Beyonce Beyonce Beyonce Beyonce Beyonce Beyonce Beyonce Beyonce Beyoncé & Andre 3000 Beyonce & Jay-Z Beyonce & Jay-Z Beyonce & Jay-Z Beyoncé & Jay-Z Beyoncé & Luther Vandross Beyonce & Sean Paul Beyonce & Shakira Beyonce & Slim Thug Beyonce Ft. Jay-Z Bic Runga Bieber, Justin Bif Naked Biffy Clyro Biffy Clyro Biffy Clyro Biffy Clyro Biffy Clyro Pagina 30 19985999 19991732 1242789 19804957 19804958 810908 19804960 19804961 1242749 19804963 19804964 19804965 19804966 19804967 810767 19804968 811777 806679 19987532 19804971 19804972 19804973 19804974 809782 19804976 19804977 19804978 19804979 808760 19804980 19804981 19804982 808248 19804984 809180 811876 19804986 19804987 811843 809083 808822 809084 809085 811080 19804992 19804993 806545 19804994 19804995 19804996 806681 811887 806682 806680 19804999 19805000 806706 19805002 806707 19805004 806834 19805006 19985481 19805007 807127 19805008 810157 1242753 19805011 19805012 19805013 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Stingin' Belle Wolves of Winter 8th Of November Big Time Deadwood Mountain Holy Water Kick My Ass (Radio Version) Live This Life Never Mind Me Rollin' (The Ballad Of Big & Rich) Save A Horse (Ride A Cowboy) Six Foot Town Wild West Show (Duet Version) You & Me & The Bottle Makes 3 Tonight ABC-DEF-GHI Sumthin's Gotta Give Chantilly Lace In a big country In Christ You're Worthy Of My Praise Please Don't Tell Her Faith You Ain't Lonely Yet Baby I Love Your Way I Do It My Last Still Fly Oh Yeah! Time Of My Life I've Had Love It I Get The Fever Southern Fried Rock Around The Clock Shake, Rattle & Roll Is You Is, Or Is You Ain't I've Had The Time Of My Life Nine Pound Hammer Blue Moon Of Kentucky Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone Just The Two Of Us Lean On Me Lovely Day Use Me Day & Night Honey To The Bee She Wants You Ain't nobody's bizness All Of Me All The Way Come Rain Or Come Shine God bless the child Good Morning Heartache He's funny that way Honey to the bee Night & Day 57 Chevrolet Blanket on the ground Sing Me An Old Fashioned Song What I've got on my mind Few Words Too Many Kiss The Rain Tell Me The Evil Scotsman Easy As Pie Let Me Down Easy People Are Crazy That's How Country Boys Roll Why Why Why Billy The Kid I'm In Love With You Innocent Bystander Biffy Clyro Biffy Clyro Big & Rich Big & Rich Big & Rich Big & Rich Big & Rich Big & Rich Big & Rich Big & Rich Big & Rich Big & Rich Big & Rich Big Bad Voodoo Daddy Big Bird Big Boi & Mary Blige Big Bopper, The Big Country Big Daddy Weave Big Daddy Weave & Barlow Girl Big Head Todd & The Monsters Big House Big House Big Mountain Big Sean Big Sean and Chris Brown Big Tymers Big Tymers & Gotti & Boo & Tat Bil Medley & Jennifer Warnes Bilal Bill Anderson Bill Anderson Bill Haley & The Comets Bill Haley & The Comets Bill King Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes Bill Monroe Bill Monroe & His Bluegrass Bo Bill Withers Bill Withers Bill Withers Bill Withers Bill Withers Billie Billie Billie Billie Holiday Billie Holiday Billie Holiday Billie Holiday Billie Holiday Billie Holiday Billie Holiday Billie Holiday Billie Holiday Billie Jo Spears Billie Jo Spears Billie Jo Spears Billie Jo Spears Billie Myers Billie Myers Billie Myers Billy Connolly Billy Crash Craddock Billy Currington Billy Currington Billy Currington Billy Currington Billy Dean Billy Dean Billy Dean Pagina 31 19805014 19805015 19805016 19805017 19805018 19805019 806683 806684 806685 806686 806687 806688 806689 806690 806691 806692 806693 806694 19805021 19805022 19805023 19805024 19805025 19805026 812208 806695 809684 812209 1241410 1241411 806698 812210 812211 809682 809681 812212 812213 812214 812215 19985929 19805037 19805036 19805038 808861 1242377 19805039 19805040 808858 19805042 808870 19805044 808867 19805045 19805046 808859 808223 808225 806699 1241887 808864 808862 19805052 808868 808217 808218 808214 808869 808222 811846 808865 808216 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Let Them Be Little Real Man Thank God I'm A Country Boy There Goes My Heart We Just Disagree Keep Mom And Dad In Love Wonderous place Cross My Heart Do You Really Love Me Too Forget Him Halfway To Paradise I'd Never Find Another You It's Only Make Believe Jealousy Last Night Was Made For Love Like I've Never Been Gone Run To My Lovin' Arms When Will You Say I Love You Oklahoma One Voice She's My Girl Snake Song There's A Hero You're The Ticket Cradle Of Love Dancing with myself Eyes Without A Face Flesh For Fantasy Hot In The City I Forgot To Be Your Lover Innocent man L A Woman Mony Mony Rebel Yell Scream Shock To The System Sweet Sixteen White Wedding White Wedding, Rebel Yell, Mony Mony (medley) Do you want to know a secret Bad To Me I'll Keep You Satisfied Down In The Boondocks A Matter Of Trust A Minor Variation Alexa The Downeaster All About Soul An Innocent Man And so it goes Big Shot Captain Jack Don't Ask Me Why Goodnight Saigon Hey Girl Honesty I Go To Extremes It's Still Rock & Roll To Me Italian restaurant Just The Way You Are Keeping The Faith Leave A Tender Moment Alone Lullabye (Goodnight My Angel) Modern Woman Movin' Out (Anthony's Song) My Life New York State Of Mind One Word Only The Good Die Young Piano Man Say Goodbye To Hollywood Scenes From An Italian Restaurant Pagina 32 Billy Dean Billy Dean Billy Dean Billy Dean Billy Dean Billy Dean & Suzy Bogguss & Jillian Billy Furry Billy Fury Billy Fury Billy Fury Billy Fury Billy Fury Billy Fury Billy Fury Billy Fury Billy Fury Billy Fury Billy Fury Billy Gilman Billy Gilman Billy Gilman Billy Gilman Billy Gilman Billy Hoffman Billy Idol Billy Idol Billy Idol Billy Idol Billy Idol Billy Idol Billy Idol Billy Idol Billy Idol Billy Idol Billy Idol Billy Idol Billy Idol Billy Idol Billy Idol Medley Billy J. Kramer Billy J. Kramer & The Dakotas Billy J. Kramer & The Dakotas Billy Joe Royal Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel 808866 19805060 808860 808863 19805062 808871 1242392 19805063 806701 808220 810708 806702 806703 19805067 806741 808221 808224 19805071 19805072 809450 19805074 806414 809455 809453 809454 1242529 808821 809451 809452 808830 19805077 19805078 2888528 2888542 2888531 2888533 2888535 2888539 2888540 19805084 2888538 19805085 19805086 2888534 19805088 19805089 19805090 2888541 19805091 2888536 19805093 2888537 2888529 2888532 2888530 19805095 19985862 810890 19805096 808823 2721594 811381 19805100 19805101 808490 1241975 808486 808487 808491 808488 808484 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Shameless She's Always A Woman To Me She's Got A Way Sometimes A Fantasy Still Rock N Roll To Me Stilletto Storm Front Stranger Tell her about it The Entertainer The Longest Time The river of dreams The stranger To Make You Feel My Love Uptown Girl We Didn't Start The Fire You May Be Right You're Only Human Baby Grand Carribean Queen Colour Of Love Get Outta My Dreams Love Zone Loverboy Mystery Lady Red Light Spells Danger Suddenly There'll Be Sad Songs When The Going Gets Tough Me And Mrs. Jones Nothing From Nothing With You Im Born Again Achy Breaky Heart Always Sixteen Burn Down The Trailer Park Busy Man Could've Been Me Crazy 'bout You Baby Give My Heart To You In The Heart Of A Woman It's All The Same To Me One Last Thrill Ready, Set Don't Go She's Not Crying Anymore Some Gave All Somebody New Somebody Said A Prayer Southern Rain Storm In The Heartland Talk Some Under The Hood We The People Where am I Gonna Live Words By Heart You Won't Be Lonely Now In The Dark Lonely Is The Night My Kinda Lover The Stroke Summer Time I Can Help At This Moment Flowers What Do You Want From Me Now Around The World Begin the Beguine Deep In The Heart Of Texas Pennies From Heaven Silver Bells Singing In The Rain Swinging On A Star Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel Billy Joel & Ray Charles Billy Ocean Billy Ocean Billy Ocean Billy Ocean Billy Ocean Billy Ocean Billy Ocean Billy Ocean Billy Ocean Billy Ocean Billy Paul Billy Preston Billy Preston & Syreeta Billy Ray Cyrus Billy Ray Cyrus Billy Ray Cyrus Billy Ray Cyrus Billy Ray Cyrus Billy Ray Cyrus Billy Ray Cyrus Billy Ray Cyrus Billy Ray Cyrus Billy Ray Cyrus Billy Ray Cyrus Billy Ray Cyrus Billy Ray Cyrus Billy Ray Cyrus Billy Ray Cyrus Billy Ray Cyrus Billy Ray Cyrus Billy Ray Cyrus Billy Ray Cyrus Billy Ray Cyrus Billy Ray Cyrus Billy Ray Cyrus Billy Ray Cyrus Billy Squier Billy Squier Billy Squier Billy Squier Billy Stewart Billy Swan Billy Vera & The Beaters Billy Yates Billy Yates Bing Crosby Bing Crosby Bing Crosby Bing Crosby Bing Crosby Bing Crosby Bing Crosby Pagina 33 808489 808492 806705 810461 808485 1242981 810199 19805106 5381011 12409656 19989630 19988235 19990254 808810 808814 808809 808815 808811 808808 808813 808812 19804562 19986727 806708 19986726 1242314 5380890 1241154 1241155 1241157 19805117 1241158 1241159 19805120 1241160 1241161 19805122 810964 810967 5960069 806918 806676 2721385 19805127 1243141 807690 19805130 807629 807644 19805133 806667 4171648 4171657 806919 19988480 19531872 810319 19805137 806920 19805139 12409637 12409636 1241044 19805140 19805141 1241162 806924 811260 19805143 9103538 806923 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG True Love White Christmas White Christmas (Long Remix) White Christmas (Original) You Are My Sunshine In The Deep Written On Her Pop Bottles Stuntin' Like My Daddy People Help The People Skinny Love Wings Wings (Acoustic) Another Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Song Hooked On A Feeling I Just Can't Help Believing I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry Mama Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head Rock And Roll Lullaby The Eyes Of A New York Woman Two Car Garage Army Of Me It's oh so quiet Violently Happy Ride On Time Rock-A-Bye Go Faster Hard to Handle Kicking My Heart Around Lickin' Only a Fool Remedy Seeing Things She Talks to Angels Soul Singing Boom Boom Pow Don't Lie Don't Phunk With My Heart Don't Stop The Party Hey mama Imma Be Just Can't Get Enough Let's Get It Started Mas Que Nada Meet Me Halfway Missing You My Humps Pump It Request Line Rock That Body Shut up Where is the love Inget kan stoppa oss nu Fever Lonely Boy Tighten Up Time Ago Agadoo Hokey Cokey I Am The Music Man Superman The Hokey Cokey You See The Trouble With Me Jim Dandy Children of the Grave Don't phunk with my heart Iron Man N.I.B. Neon Knights Paranoid Bing Crosby Bing Crosby Bing Crosby Bing Crosby Bing Crosby Bird York Birdman & Jay Sean Birdman & Lil Wayne Birdman & Lil Wayne Birdy Birdy Birdy Birdy Bj Thomas Bj Thomas Bj Thomas Bj Thomas Bj Thomas Bj Thomas Bj Thomas Bj Thomas BJ Thomas Bjork Bjork Bjork Black Box Black Buddafly Black Crowes, The Black Crowes, The Black Crowes, The Black Crowes, The Black Crowes, The Black Crowes, The Black Crowes, The Black Crowes, The Black Crowes, The Black Eyed Peas Black Eyed Peas Black Eyed Peas Black Eyed Peas Black Eyed Peas Black Eyed Peas Black Eyed Peas Black Eyed Peas Black Eyed Peas Black Eyed Peas Black Eyed Peas Black Eyed Peas Black Eyed Peas Black Eyed Peas Black Eyed Peas Black Eyed Peas Black Eyed Peas Black Jack Black Keys Black Keys, The Black Keys, The Black Lab Black Lace Black Lace Black Lace Black Lace Black Lace Black Legend Black Oak Arkansas Black Sabbath Black Sabbath Black Sabbath Black Sabbath Black Sabbath Black Sabbath Pagina 34 1241163 810751 1241164 1241165 1241166 19991835 19805146 19805147 19805148 19805149 19805150 1241167 19805152 19805153 1241168 19805155 1241169 19805157 806925 19805159 19805160 1242811 810783 19805162 19805163 19805164 19805165 19805166 19805167 19805168 3283808 19805169 19987967 19805170 19805171 19805172 810713 19805174 2389738 810165 810164 1678242 806926 19805178 19805179 19805180 806927 19805183 19805184 19805185 19805186 19805187 19805188 19805189 19805190 806928 19805192 9103577 19805194 811490 19805196 19991681 19991864 19805197 19805198 19805199 19805200 19805201 19805202 9103578 1241171 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Sabbath Bloody Sabbath Snowblind Sweet Leaf The Mob Rules War Pigs Perfect Weapon Days Of America Down In Flames Every Once In A While Goodbye Says It All Hole In My Heart I Need You All the Time I Sure Can Smell The Rain I'm Not Strong Enough To Say No Postmarked Birmingham There You Have It Your Own Little Corner of My Heart Don't Leave Me No diggity Best Man How Do You Get That Lonely I Don't Know What She Said The Best Man Lips Of A Bottle Have Fun Go Mad Another Perfect Day All Over Me Austin Goodbye Time Home Honey Bee I'll Just Hold On Mine Would Be You Nobody But Me Ol' Red She Wouldn't Be Gone Some Beach Sunny In Seattle The Baby Who Are You When I'm Not Looking Mama's Song I'va got thid feeling Living on the ceiling I Do Bring It All To Me Dancin' (Radio) Crossroads I Am In Love With The McDonald Girl Hey Leonardo I Believe I Wanna Be There Let Me Be The One Light In Your Eyes Standing At The Edge Of The Earth That's The Girl I've Been Telling You About Can't find my way home No Rain Adam's Song Aliens Exist All The Small Things Always Bored To Death Don't Tell Me That It's Over Down Feeling This First Date I Miss You Man Overboard Not Now Rock Show Stay Together for the Kids Black Sabbath Black Sabbath Black Sabbath Black Sabbath Black Sabbath Black Veil Brides Blackhawk Blackhawk Blackhawk Blackhawk Blackhawk Blackhawk Blackhawk Blackhawk Blackhawk Blackhawk Blackhawk Blackstreet Blackstreet Blaine Larsen Blaine Larsen Blaine Larsen Blaine Larsen Blaine Larsen & Gretchen Wilso Blair Blake & Brian Blake Shelton Blake Shelton Blake Shelton Blake Shelton Blake Shelton Blake Shelton Blake Shelton Blake Shelton Blake Shelton Blake Shelton Blake Shelton Blake Shelton Blake Shelton Blake Shelton Blake Underwood Blake Wise Blancmange Blaque Blaque & N Sync Blaque & N Sync Blazin Squad Blenders Blessid Union Of Souls Blessid Union Of Souls Blessid Union Of Souls Blessid Union Of Souls Blessid Union Of Souls Blessid Union Of Souls Blessid Union Of Souls Blind Faith Blind Melon Blink 182 Blink 182 Blink 182 Blink 182 Blink 182 Blink 182 Blink 182 Blink 182 Blink 182 Blink 182 Blink 182 Blink 182 Blink 182 Blink 182 Pagina 35 1241170 811079 19986728 811909 807568 19991727 19990045 19990137 806931 806929 806932 806933 806934 806935 806936 806937 806930 810706 806938 2721464 806940 9103527 9103510 9103534 9103535 9103528 19805223 19805224 810726 811060 811476 19805226 806942 806943 806944 807614 19805230 19986866 807760 19805231 811021 19991022 1243090 1241172 19805234 19985864 18136262 18136265 18136268 18136267 18136263 18136266 18136264 806941 806945 806946 812181 806947 19805239 806948 806949 812180 806950 806951 806952 806954 806953 806955 806956 806957 812178 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG The Rock Show What's My Age Again Reckless Abandon Banquet The Prayer Nothing Like This I Loved You All Cried Out Atomic Blondie Medley Call Me Denis Denis Hangin' on the phone Heart of glass Maria Nothing is real but the girl One Way Or Another Rapture Sunday girl The Tide Is High Union city blue And When I Die God Bless The Child Hi De Ho That Old Sweet Roll The Spinning Wheel You've Made Me So Very Happy Bad Touch (The Mammal Song) Fire Water Burn Lap Dance Is So Much Better When The Stripper The Bad Touch Hit 'Em Up Style All Rise Breathe Easy One love Signed sealad delivered Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word Good Little Girls Ramona Break My Stride Sideshow Melting Pot Congratulations Hate Me Burning for You Don't Fear The Reaper Godzilla 5 Days In May Bad Timing Hasn't Hit Me Yet Head Over Heels Lost Together Rain Down On Me Try Hooked on a feeling Young at heart 634-5789 Do You Love Me Everybody need somebody Expressway To Your Heart Funky Nassau Gimme some lovin' Hey Bartender John the revelator Minnie the moocher New Orleans R.E.S.P.E.C.T Rawhide Riders in the sky Shake a tail feather She caught the katy Soul Man Blink 182 Blink 182 Blink-182 Bloc Party Bloc Party Blonde & Craig David Blonde Feat. Melissa Steel Blonde ft Alex Newell Blondie Blondie Blondie Blondie Blondie Blondie Blondie Blondie Blondie Blondie Blondie Blondie Blondie Blood, Sweat & Tears Blood, Sweat & Tears Blood, Sweat & Tears Blood, Sweat & Tears Blood, Sweat & Tears Bloodhound Gang, The Bloodhound Gang, The Bloodhound Gang, The Bloodhound Gang, The Blu Cantrell Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue & Elton John Blue County Blue Diamonds Blue Lagoon Blue Magic Blue Mink Blue October Blue October Blue Oyster Cult Blue Oyster Cult Blue Oyster Cult Blue Rodeo Blue Rodeo Blue Rodeo Blue Rodeo Blue Rodeo Blue Rodeo Blue Rodeo Blue Swede Bluebells Blues Brothers Blues Brothers Blues Brothers Blues Brothers Blues Brothers Blues Brothers Blues Brothers Blues Brothers Blues Brothers Blues Brothers Blues Brothers Blues Brothers Blues Brothers Blues Brothers Blues Brothers Blues Brothers Pagina 36 806958 1241173 806959 812179 19986637 812182 812183 808084 19805253 19805254 19805255 806961 806962 806963 806964 806965 806966 1242315 1242969 19805263 19805264 19805265 19985961 19805268 810731 19805269 810729 808698 19805271 809444 809434 809441 809436 809440 809438 809443 809439 808372 808370 808371 811926 808373 806967 808368 808369 806968 810870 809442 809435 19805283 1241751 809765 809763 806970 810950 809762 809783 810944 19985412 809757 810954 809756 806972 809764 806973 809069 809758 809769 810958 810702 809761 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Sweet home chicago The Blues Don't Bother Me Think Who's Making Love New Orleans Everybody Needs Somebody, Gimme some Lovin', Shake Your Tailfeather Soul Man, Who's Making Love, Seet Home Chicago (medley) Ride Captain Ride Carolina Blues Most Precarious After Hours Bugman Coffe n tv Girls n boys No distance left to run Song 2 Tender There's No Other Way The Real Thing You Take Yourself With You Bo Diddley I'm A Man Twelve Days Of Christmas, The Airplanes Blow Me A Kiss Buzz Buzz The Vibrator Song Prisoner Of Love Butterfly Kisses Lately (Dreaming About Babies) A Hard Rain's A Gonna Fall All Along The Watch Tower Blowing In The Wind Don't Think Twice (It's Alright) Forever Young Hurricane It Ain't Me Babe It's All Over Now Baby Blue Just Like A Woman Knocking On Heaven's Door Lay Lady Lay Like a rolling stone Maggies Farm Mr Tambourine man Positively 4th Street Rainy Day Woman Shelter from the storm Subterranean Homesick Blues Tangled Up In Blue The Times They Are A-Changin' Thanks For The Memory Elusive Butterfly 3 Little Birds Bad Card Buffalo soldier Could You Be Loved Don't Rock The Boat Exodus Get Up Stand Up I Shot The Sheriff Iron Lion Zion Is This Love Jammin' Lively up yourself Natural Mystic No woman No cry (Regae Version) No Woman No Cry (Slow Version) One Love Original Version Positive Vibrations Redemption Song Stir It Up Sun Is Shining Pagina 37 Blues Brothers Blues Brothers Blues Brothers Blues Brothers Blues Brothers 2000 Blues Brothers Medley Blues Brothers Medley Blues Image, The Blues Traveler Blues Traveler Bluetones Blur Blur Blur Blur Blur Blur Blur Bo Bice Bo Bice Bo Diddley Bo Diddley Bob & Doug McKenzie BOB & Hayley Williams Bob & Tom Band Bob & Tom Band Bob & Tom Band Bob Carlisle Bob Carlisle Bob Dylan Bob Dylan Bob Dylan Bob Dylan Bob Dylan Bob Dylan Bob Dylan Bob Dylan Bob Dylan Bob Dylan Bob Dylan Bob Dylan Bob Dylan Bob Dylan Bob Dylan Bob Dylan Bob Dylan Bob Dylan Bob Dylan Bob Dylan Bob Hope Bob Lind Bob Marley Bob Marley Bob Marley Bob Marley Bob Marley Bob Marley Bob Marley Bob Marley Bob Marley Bob Marley Bob Marley Bob Marley Bob Marley Bob Marley Bob Marley Bob Marley Bob Marley Bob Marley Bob Marley Bob Marley 809776 809785 1242527 806969 809760 809759 19985963 808450 19805298 808460 808462 19805300 808461 19805301 808455 808451 808456 808449 19805305 808463 19805307 808459 808458 19805308 808453 811361 19805310 808452 808454 18507105 1241931 811014 19805312 19805313 19805314 809177 809173 19805315 19805316 806974 19805318 19805319 19805320 19805321 2721378 2721597 19805323 2721595 2721596 2721598 19805326 811441 19805328 19805329 19805330 806857 1241777 806975 19805333 19805334 1241849 811774 810906 806976 19805340 19805341 19805342 19805343 810823 812137 812130 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Taking Blues Them Belly Full (But We Hungry) Three Little Birds Turn the lights down low Waiting In Vain War I Am Santa Claus Against The Wind Beautiful Loser C'est La Vie Fire Lake Her Strut Hollywood Nights Horizontal Bop Katmandu Mainstreet Night Moves Old Time Rock And Roll Ramblin' Gamblin' Man Shake Down Shame On The Moon Still The Same The Fire Down Below The Horizontal Bop Tryin' To Live My Life Without You Turn The Page Wait For Me We've Got Tonight You'll Accompany Me Ebony Eyes San Antonio Rose I'll Never Fall In Love Again Ode To Billy Joe Jogger Marie Laveau Stormy Monday Blues St. James Infirmary Monster Mash Humpin' Around My perogative Roni What You Won't Do For Love Baby Face Beyond The Sea Clementine Dream Lover If I Were A Carpenter Mack The Knife Splish Splash Things You're The Reason I'm Living Rockin' Robin Rebound Do You Wanna Dance I Fought The Law Honey Me And The Elephant Summer Sunny Jingle Bell Rock My Special Angel Don't Worry Be Happy Don't Ask Me How I Know Sway Wild One Words Grab Somebody Slow Down Tell Me Come Back When You Grow Up Devil Or Angel Bob Marley Bob Marley Bob Marley Bob Marley Bob Marley Bob Marley Bob Rivers & Twisted Radio Bob Seger Bob Seger Bob Seger Bob Seger Bob Seger Bob Seger Bob Seger Bob Seger Bob Seger Bob Seger Bob Seger Bob Seger Bob Seger Bob Seger Bob Seger Bob Seger Bob Seger Bob Seger Bob Seger Bob Seger Bob Seger Bob Seger Bob Welch Bob Willis Bobbie Gentry Bobbie Gentry Bobby Bare Bobby Bare Bobby Bland Bobby Blu Band Bobby Boris Pickett Bobby Brown Bobby Brown Bobby Brown Bobby Caldwell Bobby Darin Bobby Darin Bobby Darin Bobby Darin Bobby Darin Bobby Darin Bobby Darin Bobby Darin Bobby Darin Bobby Day Bobby Dean Bobby Freeman Bobby Fuller Four Bobby Goldsboro Bobby Goldsboro Bobby Goldsboro Bobby Hebb Bobby Helms Bobby Helms Bobby McFerrin Bobby Pinson Bobby Rydell Bobby Rydell Bobby V Bobby V & Twista Bobby Valentino Bobby Valentino Bobby Vee Bobby Vee Pagina 38 812133 812132 812139 812131 812136 812134 812135 808707 812138 810205 812141 812140 2721414 2721412 1241772 2721415 1241985 19805348 2721413 19805350 2721416 808920 1241174 1242465 1242485 2058897 1241175 19805352 19805353 19805354 1241176 806978 1241177 808511 1241178 1241179 806981 1241180 808512 808516 1241182 19805365 806982 808513 806983 811778 808509 1241184 2389749 1241185 19986524 1241186 808514 808517 806984 19805375 1241187 806985 806986 1241188 806987 1241189 19805380 1241190 811857 1241191 1241193 1242730 1242163 812103 812104 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG How Many Tears More Than I Can Say Please Don't Ask About Barbara Rubber Ball Run To Him Sharing You Stayin' In Take Good Care Of My Baby The Night Has A Thousand Eyes Words Devil Or Angel, Please Don't Ask About Barbara, More Than I Can Say Take Good Care Of My Baby, Rubber Ball, How Many Tears Blue On Blue Blue Velvet Halfway To Paradise Mister Lonely Mr. Lonely My Melody Of Love Roses Are Red My Love Sealed With A Kiss There I've Said It Again Mr. Lee Walkin' Round in Women's Underwear I Like The Way What Planet You On Another Level 19 And Crazy Country Music Love Song Fight Like A Girl Just Fine All About Loving You Always Bad Medicine Bed Of Roses Blaze of Glory Born to be my baby Everyday Have a Nice Day I'll Be There For You In And Out Of Love It's My Life Janie Don't Take Your Love To Town Keep the faith Lay Your Hands On Me Lie to me Livin' On A Prayer Living In The Sun Midnight in Chelsea Misunderstood Never Say Goodbye No Apologies One Wild Night 2001 Only Lonely Please Come Home For Christmas Queen of New Orleans Raise Your Hands Real Life Runaway Say it isn't so Sleep When I'm Dead Someday ill be saturday Something for the Pain Thank You For Loving Me This Ain't A Love Song Wanted Dead Or Alive Welcome to Wherever You Are You Give Love A Bad Name Who Says You Can't Go Home Belfast Boney M. Megamix [Duet Version] Boney M. Megamix [Solo Version] Pagina 39 Bobby Vee Bobby Vee Bobby Vee Bobby Vee Bobby Vee Bobby Vee Bobby Vee Bobby Vee Bobby Vee Bobby Vee Bobby Vee Medley Bobby Vee Medley Bobby Vinton Bobby Vinton Bobby Vinton Bobby Vinton Bobby Vinton Bobby Vinton Bobby Vinton Bobby Vinton Bobby Vinton Bobettes, The Bod River Bodyrockers Bodyrox Feat. Luciana Bomb Diggy Bomshel Bomshel Bomshel Bomshel Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi Bon Jovi & Jennifer Nettles Boney M Boney M Boney M 1242229 1242201 1242695 2721430 2721431 2721425 809635 19805390 19805391 19805392 19805393 809637 809638 809631 809636 809629 809624 809633 19805400 809623 809625 809632 19805403 19805404 809628 809627 809622 19805407 809626 809634 19805410 19805411 19987664 809571 808984 809570 1242167 806782 806991 806992 19805417 806993 2721427 1242478 19805420 808438 806994 808436 808437 808435 808439 811629 19805426 19805427 809325 19810293 5380924 19805428 5380893 19805429 5380869 19805430 810203 806995 19805433 19805434 19805435 19805436 19805438 19805437 19805440 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Brown Girl in the Ring Daddy Cool Mary's boy child Rasputin ( Duet) Rasputin (Female Solo) Rivers Of Babylon All At Once Blue For No Reason Come to me Give It Up Or Let Me Go Guilty Have A Heart I Can't Make You Love Me I Will Not Be Broken Love Has No Pride Love Letter Love Me Like A Man Love Sneakin' Up On You Lovers Will Nick Of Time No Way To Treat A Lady Not The Only One One Belief Away One Part Be My Lover Runaway Since I Fell For You Something To Talk About Storm Warning Thing Called Love You Rock Steady Angel From Montgomery (Live Version) Believe In Me (Eurovision Song Contest 2013) Have You Ever Seen The Rain Heaven Must Have Sent You Holding Out For A Hero (Up Tempo) It's A Heartache Total Eclipse Of The Heart New day Freestyler Wreckoning I don't like mondays Rat Trap Some Kinda Rush We Live A Man I'll Never Be Amanda Don't Look Back Long Time More Than A Feeling Peace Of Mind Rock & Roll Band We're Ready Sara Bareilles Be My Lover Sweet Dreams Fresh Azimiz Let's Get Down Like You Girlfriend Let Me Hold You Marco Polo Ain't Thinkin Bout It I want candy 1985 Almost Turbulence Cry Like A Baby Sweet Cream Ladies The Letter Crying Game Boney M Boney M Boney M Boney M Boney M Boney M Bonnie Raitt Bonnie Raitt Bonnie Raitt Bonnie Raitt Bonnie Raitt Bonnie Raitt Bonnie Raitt Bonnie Raitt Bonnie Raitt Bonnie Raitt Bonnie Raitt Bonnie Raitt Bonnie Raitt Bonnie Raitt Bonnie Raitt Bonnie Raitt Bonnie Raitt Bonnie Raitt Bonnie Raitt Bonnie Raitt Bonnie Raitt Bonnie Raitt Bonnie Raitt Bonnie Raitt Bonnie Raitt & Bryan Adams Bonnie Raitt & John Prine Bonnie Tyler Bonnie Tyler Bonnie Tyler Bonnie Tyler Bonnie Tyler Bonnie Tyler Bono n Wycleaf Jean Boomfunk MCs Boomkat Boomtown Rats Boomtown Rats Booty Luv Bosson Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Bottle It Up Bouche, La Bouche, La Bow Wow Bow Wow & Baby Bow Wow & Ciara Bow Wow & Omarion Bow Wow & Omarion Bow Wow & Soulja Boy Tell'em Bow Wow Ft Chris Brown Bow Wow Wow Bowling For Soup Bowling For Soup Bowling For Soup Box Tops Box Tops Box Tops Boy George Pagina 40 19805441 18507094 19986452 19986596 19805443 19805445 19805446 19805447 806788 806846 2389643 1242124 19805452 19805453 19805454 5380877 2058908 806998 806999 2721607 9103585 807000 19988444 19988254 9103584 806915 807001 2058907 807002 2389694 19805461 19805462 810909 810167 19986453 19805466 810831 19805468 19805469 19805470 19805471 811699 19986454 19805473 1242825 810608 811236 3283895 811692 19805478 811177 19805479 19805481 19805482 19805483 9103420 19805485 810598 2555507 3283805 1241217 19805488 1241218 3283815 1241219 19805492 19805493 807003 19805495 807004 19805497 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG She'd Give Anything Waiting For A Star To Fall It Will Rain Perfect Ill Make Love To You Love Drunk Thunder Can't Take My Eyes Off You End Of The Road I'll Make Love To You It's So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday On Bended Knee Pass You By Song For Mama Water Runs Dry Den Boyz A Different Beat All that i need Baby can i hold you tonight Gave It All Away I Love The Way You Love Me Key to my life Light Up The Night Love Will Save The Day No Matter What Picture Of You When going gets tough Words You needed me We're All Alone Before I Knew Better One Of Those Days Alcohol Anything Like Me Camouflage Celebrity Flowers He Didn't Have To Be I Wish You'd Stay I'm Gonna Miss Her Little Moments Me Neither Mr. Policeman Mud On The Tires She's Everything The World Then This Is Country Music Two People Fell In Love Waitin' On A Woman Water We Danced Who Needs Pictures World Wrapped Around Whiskey Lullaby Too Country When I Get Where I'm Going New Again Old Alabama Tan Lines Love Oughta Be Perfect Grown Man Mr. Bartender Been There Drunk that Best Is Yet To Come Drinking In L.A Midnight at oasis Sometimes You got a friend Turpentine Boy Howdy Boy Meets Girl Boyce Avenue Boyce Avenue Boys II Men Boys Like Girls Boys Like Girls Boystown Gang Boyz Ii Men Boyz Ii Men Boyz II Men Boyz II Men Boyz II Men Boyz II Men Boyz II Men Boyz N Da Hood Boyzone Boyzone Boyzone Boyzone Boyzone Boyzone Boyzone Boyzone Boyzone Boyzone Boyzone Boyzone Boyzone Boz Scaggs Brad Martin Brad Martin Brad Paisley Brad Paisley Brad Paisley Brad Paisley Brad Paisley Brad Paisley Brad Paisley Brad Paisley Brad Paisley Brad Paisley Brad Paisley Brad Paisley Brad Paisley Brad Paisley Brad Paisley Brad Paisley Brad Paisley Brad Paisley Brad Paisley Brad Paisley Brad Paisley Brad Paisley Brad Paisley Brad Paisley & Alan Jackson Brad Paisley & Bill Anderson & Brad Paisley & Dolly Parton Brad Paisley & Sara Evans Brad Paisley feat. Alabama Brad Wolf Brad Wolf and Pete Rose Brad Youngd Bradley Gaskin Brady Seals Brady Seals Bran Van 3000 Brand new heavies Brand New Heavies Brand new heavies Brandi Carlile Pagina 41 811186 19805499 1242122 19805502 19805504 19805505 807006 19805507 19805508 807005 19805510 806883 19805511 807007 19988055 19805513 810982 19989633 809268 809270 809271 809274 809273 809269 806864 809272 19991828 19991825 19991826 19991829 19991030 19991824 1243116 19991830 19805520 19991827 807008 807009 807010 807011 807012 808916 807020 807014 19985953 807015 807016 807017 807018 807019 1242389 19988054 3283901 19805523 19805524 809285 19990520 19805526 19805527 19985830 807021 19805529 19805530 19805531 19805532 19805533 19805534 19805535 19805536 811267 19805538 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Crossfire Just A Good Friend Baby Full Moon I Wanna Be Down Sittin' Up In My Room What about us Almost Doesn't Count Angel In Disguise Boy is mine Have You Ever The Boy Is Mine U Don't Know Me Kom och ta mig More Than Miles You Don't Know Her Like I Do Unconditional Jack Baby I'm A Want You Diary Everything I Own If It Don't Matter To Me Lost Without You Love Make It With You The Guitar Man Breakdown Dance with the Devil Evil Angel Failure Had Enough Home The Diary Of Jane Unknown Soldier Until The End Water All Alone Am I As Usual Brenda Lee Medley Fool Number One Here Comes That Feeling I Want To Be Wanted I'm Sorry Is It True Jingle Bell Rock Let's Jump The Broomstick Losing You Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree Speak To Me Pretty Sweet Nothin's Piano In The Dark Don't Ya Raymond After All Chasin' Amy One Toke Over The Line Talk To Me Matchstalk Men & Matchstalk Cats And Dogs Skies Wide Open Still Here Sealed with a kiss A Better Man 99.9% Sure (I've Never Been Here Before) I Could Never Love You Enough Middle Of Nowhere Night Disappear With You Chemical Rush 6, 8, 12 Anytime Back At One Everytime You Go Away Brandon Flowers Brandon Jackson Brandy Brandy Brandy Brandy Brandy Brandy & Monica Brandy & Monica Brandy & Monica Brandy & Monica Brandy & Monica Brandy & Monica Bransta City Slackers Brantley Gilbert Brantley Gilbert Bravery, The Breach Bread Bread Bread Bread Bread Bread Bread Bread Breaking Benjamin Breaking Benjamin Breaking Benjamin Breaking Benjamin Breaking Benjamin Breaking Benjamin Breaking Benjamin Breaking Benjamin Breaking Benjamin Breaking Benjamin Brenda Lee Brenda Lee Brenda Lee Brenda Lee Brenda Lee Brenda Lee Brenda Lee Brenda Lee Brenda Lee Brenda Lee Brenda Lee Brenda Lee Brenda Lee Brenda Lee Brenda Russell Brett Eldredge Brett Eldridge Brett James Brett James Brewer & Shipley Brewer, Nick & Bibi Bourelly Brian & Michael Brian Culbertson & Avant Brian Culbertson & Vivian Green Brian Hyland Brian Kennedy Brian McComas Brian McComas Brian McComas Brian McComas Brian McFadden Brian McKnight Brian McKnight Brian McKnight Brian McKnight Pagina 42 19805539 807151 19805541 19805542 19805543 5381013 810194 809587 807022 19985937 19986560 19985490 810490 19805546 19992038 19805547 19805548 19987631 19805549 19805550 19987808 809701 19989634 19991675 19991858 19990591 806652 2389622 807023 1242299 808291 19805556 19805555 19805557 808578 19805559 807024 9914934 808583 19805562 808574 808580 1242302 807025 808292 809967 808582 810314 8477768 807873 2721388 1242301 2389629 2389630 807026 807728 19805575 19805576 811944 19805578 19805579 807027 808576 811786 19805583 807028 19988269 1242481 19805586 808573 808572 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Fall 5.0 Find Myself In You Love Of My Life Stay Or Let It Go Still Used To Be My Girl What I've Been Waiting For Love Is Matchstalk men Someone Someone Mack The Knife Pennsylvania 6-5000 Jump Jive An' Wail This Cat's On A Hot Tin Roof The Right Time Your Imagination Gift Ready Or Not Hillbilly Rockstar That's Love Y'all Hurricane Time To Say Goodbye (DUET) Drown Follow You Happy Song True Friends 3 Autumn Goodbye Baby one more time Beat Goes On Born To Make You Happy Boys Boys (remix) Break The Ice Can't Make You Love Me Circus Crazy Criminal Dear Diary Do Somethin' Don't Go Knocking Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know Email My Heart Everytime From The Bottom Of My Broken Heart Gimme More Girl In The Mirror Hold It Against Me I Can't Get No Satisfaction I love rock and roll(remix) I Wanna Go I Will Be There I Will Still Love You I'll Never Stop Lovin' You I'm a slave 4 u I'm Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman If U Seek Amy Im A Slave 4 U Lucky Mail My Heart My Prerogative Not yet a woman One Kiss From You Oops! I Did It Again Outrageous Overprotected Perfume Piece Of Me Radar Satisfaction Soda Pop Brian McKnight Brian McKnight Brian McKnight Brian McKnight Brian McKnight Brian Mcknight Brian McKnight Brian Mcknight & Vanessa Williams Brian Michael Brian Poole Brian Setzer Orchestra Brian Setzer Orchestra Brian Setzer Orchestra, The Brian Setzer Orchestra, The Brian Wilson Brian Wilson Brickman & Rave Bridget Mendler Bridgette Tatum Bridgette Tatum Bridgit Mendler Brightman & Bocelli Bring Me The Horizon Bring Me The Horizon Bring Me the Horizon Bring Me The Horizon Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Pagina 43 807029 808581 2389621 807030 2389619 2610830 807031 2721393 808575 808579 808577 811113 19989636 19988232 808290 19805598 19990164 19805599 19805600 19992193 19988437 810827 19987722 19987724 19987703 19987695 19987696 19987700 19987732 19987711 19987743 19987697 19987754 19987715 19987708 19987692 19987714 19987716 19987707 19987674 19987725 19987746 19987699 19987770 19987729 19987701 19987719 19987668 19987756 19987712 19987691 19987675 19987744 19987745 19987753 19987763 19987759 19987683 19987676 19987752 19987726 19987671 19987720 19987762 19987718 19987731 19987727 19987741 19987737 19987730 19987713 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Sometimes Stronger The Beat Goes On The last to know Thinkin' About You Till The World Ends Toxic Up'N Down What You See Is What You Get When Your Eyes Say It Where Are You Now Womanizer Work Bh Work Bitch You Drive Me Crazy You Got It All Pretty Girls Me Against The Music Boom Boom (I Got That) Make Me It Should Be Easy Where We Both Say Goodbye (Duet) Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed All Hail The Power Amazing Grace Are You Washed In The Blood At The Cross Blessed Assurance Blessed Be Thy Name Brethren, We Have Met To Worship Bringing In The Sheaves Christ Receiveth Sinful Men Christ The Lord Is Risen Today Close To Thee Come, Thou Fount Face To Face Fairest Lord Jesus Footsteps Of Jesus Glory To His Name Have Faith In God Have Thine Own Way, Lord He Keeps Me Singing Heavenly Sunlight Here They Come Higher Ground His Way With Thee Holy Bible, Book Divine Holy, Holy, Holy How About Your Heart How Firm A Foundation I Am Resolved I Am Thine, O Lord I Love To Tell The Story I Will Sing The Wondrous Story I've Found A New Way If Jesus Said It In The Shelter Of His Arms It Is Well With My Soul Jesus Is Calling Jesus Loves Me Jesus Paid It All Jesus Saves Jesus! The Very Thought Of Thee Keep Walkin' Lead On, O King Eternal Leaning On The Everlasting Arms Let The Lower Lights Be Burning Love Lifted Me Near The Cross Near To The Heart Of God Nearer, My God To Thee Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears & Iggy Azalea Britney Spears & Madonna Britney Spears & Ying Yang Twins Britney Spears ft G-Eazy Britney Spears Ft Will.I.Am Britt, Catherine & Elton John Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Pagina 44 19987750 19987755 19987766 19987723 19987738 19987710 19987673 19987717 19987751 19987742 19987687 19987685 19987705 19987739 19987670 19987698 19987749 19987694 19987690 19987672 19987740 19987728 19987706 19987748 19987736 19987693 19987761 19987677 19987684 19987767 19987682 19987757 19987769 19987688 19987686 19987758 19987734 19987689 19987768 19987764 19987735 19987679 19987747 19987669 19987702 19987765 19987760 19987709 19987733 19987704 19987678 19987680 19987721 19987681 19805601 807032 19805603 1242336 808827 810666 1242918 19805606 5380888 19805607 19805608 19805609 19805610 19805611 1242722 806745 19805614 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Nothing But The Blood Nothing Can Compare Oh Say But I'm Glad On Jordan's Stormy Banks Only Believe Only Trust Him Onward, Christian Soldiers Pass Me Not Praise Him, All Ye Little Children Praise Him! Praise Him Redeemed Rescue The Perishing Rock Of Ages Saved, Saved Savior, Like A Shepherd Lead Us Send The Light Shall We Gather At The River Since I Have Been Redeemed Softly & Tenderly Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus Sweet By & By Sweet Hour Of Prayer Take My Life, & Let It Be Take The Name Of Jesus With You Take Time To Be Holy Tell It To Jesus Thanks To Calvary The Banner Of The Cross The Haven Of Rest The Last Mile Of The Way The Old Rugged Cross The Other Side Of Jordan The Peace Of Prayer The Solid Rock The Uncloudy Day The Way That He Loves Me There Is A Name I Love To Hear There Shall Be Showers Of Blessings There's A God Somewhere Til The Storm Passes By Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus To The Work Trust And Obey We're Marching To Zion What A Friend We Have In Jesus When God Dips His Love In My Heart When I See Jesus When I Survey The Wondrous Cross When We All Get To Heaven Where He Leads Me Who Is On The Lord's Side Will Jesus Find Us Watching Work, For The Night Is Coming Ye Must Be Born Again Koppebavisan Heartbreak city Smalltown Boy A House Is Not A Home A Rainy Night In Georgia It's Just A Matter Of Time About Us Falling Long As You Come Home Worst That Could Happen A Man This Lonely Against The Wind Ain't Nothing 'Bout You Beer Thirty Believe Boot Scootin Boogie Brand New Man Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broadman Hymnal, The Broderna Djup Brolle Jr Bronski Beat Brook Benton Brook Benton Brook Benton Brooke Hogan & Paul Wall Brooke Hogan & Stacks Brooke Valentine Brooklyn Bridge Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Pagina 45 1242788 19813636 19805616 19805617 19805618 19805619 19805620 19805621 19805622 19805623 19805624 19805625 810913 19805628 19805629 19805630 19805631 19805632 19805633 19805634 9103365 811696 810780 810501 19805639 19805640 19805641 19805642 19805643 19805644 19805645 19805646 19805647 19805648 19805649 19805650 19805651 9103418 19805653 807033 1242188 2058937 19805656 19805657 19805658 19805659 2721436 2721424 19805661 811986 1241945 1241870 1242111 1241946 1241950 1241947 1241948 806820 19805665 1242352 19805666 19805667 19805668 19805669 19805670 19805671 19805672 19805673 806546 806547 19985682 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Building Bridges Cowgirls Don't Cry Every River God Must Be Busy Good Girls Go To Heaven Hard Workin' Man He's Got You Honky Tonk Truth How Long Gone Husbands & Wives I Can't Get Over You I'll Never Forgive My Heart It's Getting Better All The Time Little Miss Honky Tonk Long Goodbye Lost and found Missing You My Heart Is Lost To You My Maria My Next Broken Heart Neon Moon Only In America Play Something Country Red Dirt Road (Radio Version) Rock My World She Used To Be Mine She's Not The Cheatin' Kind South Of Santa Fe That Ain't No Way To Go That's What It's All About That's What She Gets For Loving Me Unloved We'll Burn That Bridge Why Would I Say Goodbye You Can't Take The Honky Tonk Out Of The Girl You'll Always Be Loved By Me You're Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone If You See Him If You See Her Workin' For A Livin' Drop the boy I Owe You Nothing When Will I Be Famous Got No Shame I Lie In The Bed I Make Machete Ever Changing Woman Angelo Figaro My Sweet Rosalie Save Your Kisses For Me Green Leaves Of Summer Greenfields Michael Row Your Boat Ashore Seven Daffodils Try To Remember Where Have All The Flowers Gone Yellow Bird Stomp Step That Step The Three Bells 5 Miles To Empty If You Love Me Hey Baby Across The River Fields Of Gray Way It Is Good Life Travelin' Soldier Backstreets Badlands Blinded By The Light Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn Brooks & Dunn & Reba McEntire Brooks & Lewis Bros Bros Bros Brother Cane Brother Cane Brother Cane Brother Phelps Brotherhood Of Man Brotherhood Of Man Brotherhood Of Man Brotherhood Of Man Brothers Four Brothers Four Brothers Four Brothers Four Brothers Four Brothers Four Brothers Four Brothers Johnson, The Brown Sawyer Browns Brownstone Brownstone Bruce Channel Bruce Hornsby Bruce Hornsby Bruce Hornsby Bruce Robison Bruce Robison Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Pagina 46 1242668 806548 811796 806549 806550 1242669 806551 19985680 19985686 806552 806553 19988426 19805685 1242448 806554 19985672 1242671 19986455 806555 1242672 19985678 806556 19985676 19805691 19805692 806557 806558 1242673 806559 806560 806561 19985670 806562 806563 806564 19985674 19985684 19986456 3283886 19988252 19989637 18507109 3283884 19985981 3283892 19986099 3283893 3283889 3283888 3283887 19988058 3283891 3283890 3283894 9103501 3283885 19805705 1242151 809612 807055 807056 807057 811045 809611 19805711 19991887 807058 809607 809608 19805715 19805716 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Bobby Jean Born in the USA Born To Run Brilliant disguise Cadillac ranch Cover Me Dancing in the dark Darlington Country Fade Away Fire Glory days High Hopes Hometown Human Touch Hungry heart I'm Going Down I'm on Fire If I Should Fall Behind Jersey girl Lonesome Day Look But Better Not Touch My hometown No Surrender Pink Cadillac Rising Rosalita Secret garden Sherry Darling Streets of philadelphia Tenth avenue The rising The River Thunder road Tougher than the rest Tunnel of love Two Hearts War We Take Care Of Our Own Count On Me Gorilla Grenade It will rain Just The Way You Are Locked Out Of Heaven Marry You Moonshine Runaway Baby Talking To The Moon The Lazy Song Today My Life Begins When I Was Your Man Nothing on You The other side Liquor Store Bleus Lighters Billionaire Can't Get Enough 18 'Til I Die All For Love Back to you Best of me Can't stop this thing Cloud No.9 Cuts Like A Knofe Do I Have To Say The Words Do What Ya Gotta Do Everything I do Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman Heaven Here I am I'll Always Be Right There Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen Bruno Mars Bruno Mars Bruno Mars Bruno Mars Bruno Mars Bruno Mars Bruno Mars Bruno Mars Bruno Mars Bruno Mars Bruno Mars Bruno Mars Bruno Mars Bruno Mars & B.o Bruno Mars & Cee & B.o Bruno Mars & Damian ''Gong Jr” Bruno Mars & Eminem & Royce Da 5'9 Bruno Mars & Travis McCoy Brutha Bryan Adams Bryan Adams Bryan Adams Bryan Adams Bryan Adams Bryan Adams Bryan Adams Bryan Adams Bryan Adams Bryan Adams Bryan Adams Bryan Adams Bryan Adams Bryan Adams Pagina 47 807059 19805718 19805719 809609 19805722 809610 809606 19805725 808117 19805726 19991877 19805727 19805728 810718 19805730 807060 19986457 19805732 807061 811038 19805734 19805735 19805736 19805737 19805738 19805739 19805740 19805741 19805742 19805743 19805744 19805745 19805746 807062 1242901 19805751 5380951 807063 19805753 1241914 19805755 19986458 19805756 19805757 19805758 19805759 808089 19805760 19805761 1242322 19805762 19805763 19805764 19805765 809178 807064 807065 807066 807067 812238 807068 807073 812240 807074 807069 812226 807075 812235 807070 812241 812232 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Inside out Let's Make A Night To Remember On A Day Like Today Run To You Somebody Straight From The Heart Summer Of 69 The Only Thing That Looks Good This Time I'm In It For Love Thought I'd Died And Gone To Heaven You Belong to Me I Finally Found Someone When You're Gone It's Only Love All For Love Angel eyes Kiss and Tell Let's Stick Together Slave to love Ernie Bad Day To Let You Go Between Now & Forever Eugene You Genius God Gave Me You How Long I'm Not Supposed To Love You Anymore Love Is The Right Place One Small Miracle Rebecca Lynn Sittin' On Go Someone Else's Star Tree Of Hearts You're Still Beautiful To Me Drowning Heat It Up Ugly Ms. New Booty TKO Lit Up Act Naturally Excuse Me Keys In The Mailbox My Heart Skips A Beat For The Movies Ridin' Sorry Don't You Cry Hey Baby Kind Of A Drag Land Of Make Believe Making Your Mind Up A Father's Love I'll Walk Dad's Army Money Baby I Don't Care Brown Eyed Handsome Man Buddy Holly Medley 3 Buddy Holly Medley 4 Crying, Waiting, Hoping Early In The Moring Everyday Fools Paradise Heartbeat I'm Gonna Love You Too It Doesn't Matter Anymore It's so easy Learning The Game Listen To Me Look At Me Love Is Strange Bryan Adams Bryan Adams Bryan Adams Bryan Adams Bryan Adams Bryan Adams Bryan Adams Bryan Adams Bryan Adams Bryan Adams Bryan Adams Bryan Adams & Barbra Streisand Bryan Adams & Melanie C Bryan Adams & Tina Turner Bryan Adams, Rod Stewart & Sting Bryan Ferry Bryan Ferry Bryan Ferry Bryan Ferry Bryan Hill Bryan White Bryan White Bryan White Bryan White Bryan White Bryan White Bryan White Bryan White Bryan White Bryan White Bryan White Bryan White Bryan White BSB Bubba Sparxxx Bubba Sparxxx Bubba Sparxxx & Ying Yang Twins Bubbles Buck Cherry Buck Owens Buck Owens Buck Owens Buck Owens Buckcherry Buckcherry Buckcherry Buckinghams, The Buckinghams, The Buckinghams, The Bucks Fizz Bucks Fizz Bucky Covington Bucky Covington Bud Flanagan Buddy Guy Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Pagina 48 812237 807076 812234 807077 807078 811804 807071 812227 812228 812233 812242 807079 812229 807080 812239 807081 812236 807072 807082 812230 812231 810500 19805780 19805781 810876 19805782 1241791 1242437 19805785 19805786 19805787 1242347 19805788 19805789 19805790 19805791 19805792 19805793 19805794 19805796 1242892 5380935 5380907 19805798 19805799 19805800 19805801 806476 19805803 806729 1241807 1241522 807084 2610841 810888 811512 19991986 19990066 8477761 19988477 19991666 19988268 19989641 19988006 19990479 19989642 5960074 19985306 19991511 19987642 19989902 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Love's Made A Fool Of You Maybe baby Midnight Shift Not fade away Oh Boy Peggy Sue Peggy Sue Got Married Raining In My Heart Rave On Reminiscing Take Your Time That'll be the day Think It Over True love ways Valley Of Tears Well alright What To Do Wishing Words of love Oh Boy, Peggy Sue, That'll Be The Day (medley) True Love Ways, Raining In My Heart, Heartbeat (medley) Help Pour Out The Rain One Step At A Time Sweet Southern Comfort Them Changes Nothin' Less Than Love For What It's Worth Video Killed The Radio Star Live To Love Again Say Yes Don't Get No Better Than That God Give Me Strength My Own Way To Rock Your Backyard Chemicals Between Us Greedy Fly Letting The Cables Sleep Machinehead Warm Machine Break Ya Neck I Love My Chick Touch It Where's Your Money Pass The Courvoisier Part II Make It Clap Ray Charles Blame It On Weatherman Forever young Wolf Creek Pass Minnie The Moocher Come Rain or Come Shine Wilkommen Gamle svarten Shake Me Down I Will Survive Wherever You Will Go Dancing On My Own Pray To God Feel So Close Summer This Is What You Came For Under Control Thinking About You Thinking About You How Deep Is Your Love Blame Bounce Let's Go How Deep is Your Love I Need Your Love Outside Pagina 49 Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Medley Buddy Holly Medley Buddy Jewell Buddy Jewell Buddy Jewell Buddy Miles Buffalo Club Buffalo Springfield Buggles Burnin' Daylight Burnin' Daylight Burns & Poe Burt Bacharach & Elvis Costell Burton Cummings Burton Cummings Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Busta Rhymes Busta Rhymes Busta Rhymes Busta Rhymes & Odb Busta Rhymes & P. Diddy & Phar Busta Rhymes & Spliff Star Busted Bwitched C C W McCall Cab Calloway Cabaret Cabaret Cacka Israelsson Cage The Elephant Cake Calling, The Calum Scott Calvin ft Haim Calvin Harris Calvin Harris Calvin Harris Calvin Harris & Alesso Feat. Hurts Calvin Harris & Ayah Marah Calvin Harris & Ayah Marar Calvin Harris & Disciples Calvin Harris & John Newman Calvin Harris & Kelis Calvin Harris & Ne-Yo Calvin Harris & The Disciples Calvin Harris Feat. Ellie Goulding Calvin Harris Feat. Ellie Goulding 19985979 19986110 19988216 19985913 19991892 19989643 19989640 807041 806816 807085 807086 19991006 19987587 807380 19985818 807087 2058903 807088 807089 811923 808300 809829 808297 807090 808298 808301 1242310 19990651 807091 19987780 19987778 19987779 807092 807093 807094 2721581 807096 807097 19985348 19990024 19985973 19987629 806734 811375 811794 1242383 809708 19986498 807098 807099 807100 807101 807102 1242796 810170 810282 812247 812251 812249 812250 812244 812243 812248 807103 806760 812245 807104 812246 806827 1242751 810153 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Sweet Nothing Drinking From The Bottle Under Control We'll Be Coming Back This is What You Came For Outside Under Control Who Do You Think You Are She's Strange Strange Word up I Know What You Did Last Summer Now Or Never Young hearts run free That Thing You Do Goin' up the country Jamiroquai On the road again Oh yeah Do that to me one more time Lonely Night (Angel Face) Love will keep us together Muskrat Love One more time Shop Around The Way I Want To Touch You Happy Talk Here Efter plugget Life Less Ordinary Only A Mountain What About Everything Erase n rewind Lovefool My favourite game Kung Fu Fighting Drommen om elin Every little thing Call Me Maybe I Really Like You This Kiss Tonight I'm Getting Over You Nobody Does It Better You're So Vain Mockingbird More More More Don't Fall In Love With A Dreamer (DUET) A Night Like This Fangad av en stormvind Framling Mitt i ett aventyr Tommy tycker om mig It's too late Get Outta My Way The Whole Thing You'll Never Walk Alone All You Get From Love Is A Love Song Close To You Goodbye To Love Hurting Each Other Jambalaya Only Yesterday Please Mr Postman Rainy days Solitaire Superstar Top of the world We've Only Just Begun Yesterday Once More Before He Cheats Cowboy Cassanova Calvin Harris Feat. Florence Calvin Harris feat. Tinie Tempah Calvin Harris Ft Alesso & Hurts Calvin Harris ft Example Calvin Harris ft Rihanna Calvin Harris ft. Ellie Goulding Calvin Harris, Alesso & Hurts Camberwick Cameo Cameo Cameo Camila Shawn & Cabello Mendes Camryn Candi Staton Candy Coburn Canned Heat Canned Heat Canned Heat Caprice Captain & Tenille Captain & Tenille Captain & Tenille Captain & Tenille Captain & Tenille Captain & Tenille Captain & Tenille Captain Sensible Cara, Alessia Caramell Carbon Leaf Carbon Leaf Carbon Leaf Cardigans, The Cardigans, The Cardigans, The Carl Douglas Carl Jularbo Carlene Carter Carly Rae Jepsen Carly Rae Jepsen Carly Rae Jepsen Carly Rae Jepsen Carly Simon Carly Simon Carly Simon & James Taylor Carmel Carnes & Rogers Caro Emerald Carola Carola Carola Carola Carole King Carolina Rain Carolyn Dawn Johnson Carousel Carpenters, The Carpenters, The Carpenters, The Carpenters, The Carpenters, The Carpenters, The Carpenters, The Carpenters, The Carpenters, The Carpenters, The Carpenters, The Carpenters, The Carpenters, The Carrie Underwood Carrie Underwood Pagina 50 1242760 19985356 19813644 810775 1242718 4171619 1678211 811229 807105 809755 19985870 1242209 809754 810892 19985869 1243037 810179 19985521 807106 807107 1243023 1242480 1242154 19985991 19989644 19988591 19992375 5380849 1243000 2058902 809691 809687 809692 807108 809688 807109 809693 809686 809689 809690 807110 807111 807112 807113 807114 807115 811227 1242066 1242071 17766320 19986526 2610831 19986638 19989645 19986645 811195 8477757 811214 19990582 807181 1242056 807182 807183 811468 19986634 811528 3283922 2389636 807184 19988253 806786 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Don't Forget To Remember Me Good Girl Home Sweet Home Inside Your Heaven Jesus, Take The Wheel Some Hearts Songs Like This Undo It Drive Good Times Roll Moving In Stereo My Best Friend's Girl Shake It Up Since You're Gone You're All I've Got Tonight Honestly A Kittle Less Comfortable Young Love Doo dah Witch doctor Miracle (Radio Mix) What Hurts The Most Rhythm Of The Rain Crying On A Suitcase Take Me Home Take Me Home Millionaire I'm A Hustla Me & U Beat Mama Another Saturday Night Father And Son Hard Headed Woman Longer boats Moonshadow Morning Has Broken Oh Very Young Peace Train Sitting Where Do The Children Play Wild world Dead from waist down Karaoke queen Londinium Mulder n Scully Road rage Can't Change A Thing Just Another Dream Too Many Walls Anyway (Clean Version) Bright Lights Bigger City Bright Lights, Bigger City F**k You Forget You Forget You! Forget You(clean) I Want You (Hold On To Love) It's Ok Music To My Soul All by myself Any Other Way Because you loved me Colour of my love God Bless America Happy Xmas (War Is Over) I Drove All Night I'm Alive If You Asked Me To Like a natural woman Loved Me Back To Life My Heart Will Go On Carrie Underwood Carrie Underwood Carrie Underwood Carrie Underwood Carrie Underwood Carrie Underwood Carrie Underwood Carrie Underwood Cars, The Cars, The Cars, The Cars, The Cars, The Cars, The Cars, The Cartel Carter's Chord Carter's Chord Cartoons Cartoons Cascada Cascada Cascades Casey James Cash Cash & Bebe Rexha Cash Cash Ft Bebe Rexha Cash Cash, Digital Farm Animals & Nelly Cassidy Cassie Cast Cat Stevens Cat Stevens Cat Stevens Cat Stevens Cat Stevens Cat Stevens Cat Stevens Cat Stevens Cat Stevens Cat Stevens Cat Stevens Catatonia Catatonia Catatonia Catatonia Catatonia Catherine Britt Cathy Dennis Cathy Dennis Cee Lo Green Cee Lo Green Cee Lo Green Cee Lo Green Cee Lo Green Cee Lo Green Cee Lo Green Cee Lo Green Cee Lo Green Cee Lo Green Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Pagina 51 811502 807185 807186 811052 811805 807187 807188 807189 807190 808907 808906 808900 811516 19991713 19992198 19991676 809780 807191 807192 1241783 19986610 5381016 5380936 1242883 807193 1241757 807044 807045 2610829 1242018 810696 1242063 811037 19990522 19990154 19992240 19992224 19992227 19992258 19992232 19992236 19992251 19992256 19992267 19992262 19992241 19992235 19992231 19992264 19992234 19992244 19992254 19992272 19992229 19992228 19992243 19992242 19992230 19992226 19992273 19992250 19992265 19992237 19992245 19992259 19992286 19992255 19992247 19992261 19992248 19992238 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG New Day Has Come Power of love Power of the dream The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face The Power Of Love The prayer The reason Think twice Treat her like a lady When I Fall In Love Beauty & The Beast Whole New World Hero Roses Closer Don't Let Me Down Murder She Wrote Ain't nobody I feel for you This Is My Night Through The Fire Ghetto Story Turn It Up Ridin' How 'bout us Love's Taken Over Rhinestone Cowboy Stand By Your Man Pyramid I've Never Been To Me A House Is Not A Home Would I Lie To You She The Old Fashioned Way New York Raining All His Children All I Have To Offer You Is Me Amazing Love Burgers & Fries Crystal Chandeliers Does My Ring Hurt Your Finger Don't Fight The Feelings Of Love Easy Part's Over Every Heart Should Have One Happiness Of Having You Honky Tonk Blues Hope You're Feeling Me Like I'm Feeling You I Can't Believe That You've Stopped Loving Me I Don't Think She's In Love Anymore I Know One I'd Rather Love You I'll Be Leaving Alone I'm Just Me I'm So Afraid Of Losing You Again Is Anybody Goin' To San Antone It's Gonna Take A Little Bit Longer Just Between You & Me Kaw-liga Kiss An Angel Good Morning Let Me Live In The Light Of His Love Let The Chips Fall Missin' You Mississippi Cotton Pickin' Delta Town More To Me Mountain Of Love My Eyes Can Only See As Far As You Never Been So Loved (In All My Life) Night Games Roll On Mississippi She's Just An Old Love Turned Memory She's Too Good To Be True Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion & Clive Griffin Celine Dion & Peabo Bryson Celine Dion & Peabo Bryson Chad Kroeger & Josey Scott Chainsmokers & Rozes Chainsmokers ft Halsey Chainsmokers, The Chaka Demus & Pliers Chaka Kahn Chaka Kahn Chaka Khan Chaka Khan Cham & Keyes Chamillionaire Chamillionaire Krayzie Bone Champaign Chante Moore Chapz Chapz Charice & Iyaz Charlene Charles & Eddie Charles & Eddie Charles Asnavour Charles Aznavour Charles Hamilton & Rita Ora Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Pagina 52 19992246 19992225 19992252 19992260 19992270 19992249 19992266 19992239 19992269 19992233 9103440 19992263 9103431 19992268 19992257 19986065 19986090 19989646 19989647 809278 809277 809279 811405 809280 809276 809275 19985810 19990993 19992131 19990257 1241767 810497 9103468 9103467 9103470 9103469 9103466 2721591 9103465 19990061 19985908 19985943 19985910 19985911 19985905 19985944 19985909 19985912 3283952 19992037 19989648 807195 810533 1242065 810534 809685 810527 810532 810530 810531 810528 810529 19991993 810730 807622 807623 19805804 807048 19805805 19805806 19805807 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Shoulder To Cry On Snakes Crawl At Night Someone Loves You Honey Then Who Am I We Could When I Stop Leaving I'll Be Gone Where Do I Put Her Memory Whole Lotta Things To Sing About Why Baby Why Wonder Could I Live There Anymore Wonder If I Could Live There Anymore You Almost Slipped My Mind You Win Again You're So Good When You're Bad Your My Jamaica Pick Me Up On Your Way Down Who will buy the wine Boom Clap Break The Rules In America Long Haired Country Boy Still In Saigon The Devil Went Down To Georgia The Legend Of Wooley Swamp The South's Gonna Do It Again Uneasy Rider Let The Meter Run One Call Away We Don't Talk Anymore Marvin Gaye A Very Special Love Song Behind Closed Doors I Don't See Me In Your Eyes Anymore I Love My Friend Nice 'N' Easy Rollin' With The Flow She Called Me Baby The Most Beautiful Girl There Won't Be Anymore Doing It Ain't No Pleasing You Gertcha London Girls Margate Rabbit Snooker Loopy The Sideboard Song Wallop Time Everybody We Know Does Count On Me Halla hela pressen Ain't That A Shame Can't Help Falling in Love Can't Stop Fallin' Into Love Don't Be Cruel Dream Police I Want You To Want Me She's Tight Surrender The Flame You're All I Wanna Do Sex Earache My Eye Cheeky Song Hooray Hooray (It's A Cheeky Holiday) Chocolate Salty Balls Stand By Me Horoscope I Already Do It Was Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Pride Charley Walker Charley Walker Charli XCX Charli XCX Charlie Daniels Charlie Daniels Charlie Daniels Charlie Daniels Charlie Daniels Charlie Daniels Charlie Daniels Charlie Mars Charlie Puth Charlie Puth Charlie Puth Feat. Meghan Trainor Charlie Rich Charlie Rich Charlie Rich Charlie Rich Charlie Rich Charlie Rich Charlie Rich Charlie Rich Charlie Rich Charlie XCX ft Rita Ora Chas & Dave Chas & Dave Chas & Dave Chas & Dave Chas & Dave Chas & Dave Chas & Dave Chas & Dave Chase & Status Ft Delilah Chase Rice Chase Status & Moko Chattanoga Cheap Trick Cheap Trick Cheap Trick Cheap Trick Cheap Trick Cheap Trick Cheap Trick Cheap Trick Cheap Trick Cheap Trick Cheat Codes X Kris Kross Amsterdam Cheech & Chong Cheeky Girls Cheeky Girls Chef Chelle Chely Wright Chely Wright Chely Wright Pagina 53 19805808 19805809 19805810 19805811 19805812 19805813 19805814 19990263 807196 809307 807197 807198 806865 19805820 19805821 19988246 19988413 807199 807200 19805825 19805826 807202 808954 807201 19805828 19986559 19805829 1678223 809588 19989649 19989650 19989651 19989652 19985311 19989653 14722037 5380990 19805832 19985928 19805834 5381014 19805833 19805835 19805836 19805837 811360 19989884 19990074 19985726 19989654 811136 811210 811197 19989655 806677 19989566 19985971 808946 1241525 19987610 19991859 19805841 19805842 19991021 1243005 19805844 808986 807351 808983 807361 807366 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Jezebel Just Another Heartache Never Love You Enough She Went Out For Cigarettes Shut Up And Drive Single White Female Til I Was Loved By You Go All or nothing Believe Dark lady Dove l amore Gypsies Tramps And Thieves Half-Breed Heart Of Stone I Hope You Find It I Walk Alone If i could turn back time Just like jesse james Song For The Lonely Star Spangled Banner Strong Enough Take Me Home The Shoop shoop song This Is A Song For The Lonely Welcome To Burlesque Working Girl You Haven't Seen The Last Of Me After All Bind Your Love Human Sirens Swagger Jagger Want U Back I Wish With Ur Love I Love You Portrait Of Love I'm Ready Amnesia Unappreciated Do It To It Killa Brown Derby Jump Here Comes The Snake Zoot Suit Riot I Don't Care Only Human Under The Sun Call My Name Fight For This Love Flood Promise This Crazy Stupid Love 3 Words Crazy Stupid Love Screw You Got To Be Real One Night In Bangkok No Diggity Letter from a Thief Red [Karaoke] Send The Pain Below Sleep Apnea Hanging On Have You Seen Her Dance Dance Dance Everybody dance Good Times I want your love Le Freak Chely Wright Chely Wright Chely Wright Chely Wright Chely Wright Chely Wright Chely Wright Chemical Brothers, The Cher Cher Cher Cher Cher Cher Cher Cher Cher Cher Cher Cher Cher Cher Cher Cher Cher Cher Cher Cher Cher & Peter Cetera Cher Lloyd Cher Lloyd Cher Lloyd Cher Lloyd Cher Lloyd & Astro Cher Lloyd and T.I. Cher Lloyd Feat. Mike Posner Cheri Dennis Cheri Dennis & Yung Joc & Gori Cherie Cherish Cherish Cherish & Sean Paul Cherish & Yung Joc Cherry Poppin' Daddies Cherry Poppin' Daddies Cherry Poppin' Daddies Cheryl Cheryl Cheryl Cheryl Cole Cheryl Cole Cheryl Cole Cheryl Cole Cheryl Cole & Tinie Tempah Cheryl Cole & Will.I.Am Cheryl Cole Ft Tinie Tempah Cheryl Feat. Wretch 32 Cheryl Lynn Chess Chet Faker Chevelle Chevelle Chevelle Chevelle Cheyenne Kimball Chi Lites Chic Chic Chic Chic Chic Pagina 54 19990147 9103602 809642 9103603 809641 9103601 808153 809647 809646 19805850 19805851 19805852 807203 809639 19805854 809640 9103600 809643 809644 9103599 809645 807204 2058893 807205 807649 807206 19985581 807208 19805861 19991037 19805862 19805863 19805864 19805865 807043 19805866 5381015 5380984 810526 19805869 807686 811156 2610837 807209 19992324 1242099 1242100 19805872 19805873 19805874 807211 19985825 19985742 19805876 19989656 810200 807638 5381003 19985295 19805878 19989657 807133 5380937 19989658 19805879 19989659 19989660 19805882 5380957 2058926 19990060 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG I'll Be There Along Comes A Woman Baby What A Big Surprise Beginnings Call On Me Color My World Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is Feeling Stronger Everyday Hard Habit To Break Hard To Say I'm Sorry Here In My Heart I Don't Wanna Live Without You If you leave me now Just You 'N Me Look Away Make Me Smile No Tell Lover Old Days Question 67 And 68 Saturday In The Park Wishing You Were Here You're the inspiration Don't Give Up I'm in love with the world It's Chico Time Son of my father Ray Charles He's so fine One Fine Day Oops I Did It Again For Those Tears I Died Fly At Night My Girl Whatcha Gonna Do Show Me Heaven Missy Elliott Dem Jeans Pulling Me Back Right Thurr (Radio Version) Fly Like Me Oopsy Daisy Until you were gone In The Air Dag efter dag Cowboy Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Truly Scrumptious Lollipop Mr. Sandman One Yesterday man Don't Judge Me Don't Wake Me Up Forever I Can't Win No BS Run It Say Goodbye Turn Up The Music With You X Yeah 3X Yo (Excuse Me Miss) Don't Think They Know Beautiful People Next To You Loyal I Can Transform Ya Gimme That Best Love Song Ayo Chic ft Nile Rodgers Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicane & Bryan Adams Chicken Chico Chicory Tip Chiddy Bang Chiffons Chiffons Children of Bodom Children Of The Light Chilliwack Chilliwack Chilliwack Chimera Ching-A-Ling Chingy Chingy Chingy Chingy & Amerie Chipmunk Chipmunk & Esmee Denters Chipmunk Ft. Keri Hilson Chips Chipz Chitty Chitty Bang Chitty Chitty Bang Chordettes Chordettes Chorus Line Chris Andrews Chris Brown Chris Brown Chris Brown Chris Brown Chris Brown Chris Brown Chris Brown Chris Brown Chris Brown Chris Brown Chris Brown Chris Brown Chris Brown & Aaliyah Chris Brown & Benny Benassi Chris Brown & Justin Bieber Chris Brown & Lil Wayne Chris Brown & Lil Wayne & Swiz Chris Brown & Lil' Wayne Chris Brown & T-Pain Chris Brown & Tyga Pagina 55 810303 19989588 19805884 2721390 2721405 19989661 19805889 19805890 19805891 19805892 19805893 19805894 19805895 1242766 19805897 19805898 19805899 19805900 808834 19805902 19805903 19805904 807212 19987948 19805906 19986459 19805907 19805908 19805909 19987791 806900 2721439 19805911 2721514 2721513 2721511 2721512 19987529 19805915 19805916 19805917 19805918 19987964 19805919 19805920 2058925 19805922 19805923 19805924 19805925 808028 807973 808029 808012 808000 808002 808031 808023 808005 807985 808016 807992 807978 807995 808027 808004 808040 807976 808030 808033 807984 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Deuces New Flame One Night Stand Next 2 You Wet The Bed New Flame Chicks Dig It Country By The Grace Of God I Breathe In I Breathe Out I'd Be Lying Laredo Miss Me Baby My Love Goes On And On Wal-Mart Parking Lot What A Beautiful Day Kind Of Heart That Breaks A Spaceman Came Travelling Don't Pay The Ferryman Lady In Red American Boy Baby Did A Bad Thing Please Wicked game Better I Don't I Like It Like That Even Cowboys Like A Little Rock And Roll Horsepower Slow Down Stampede So Good To Me The More I See You Let's Dance Driving Home For Christmas Fool If You Think It's Over Julia Let's Dance On The Beach On The Other Side Of The Radio When Did You Fall Holy Is The Lord How Great Is Our God I Got That Love Aw Naw Gettin' You Home Man I Want To Be Tomorrow Voices What You Do I'm A Star The House Rules A Wonderful Time Up There Amazing Grace (Countryversion) Amen Are You Washed In The Blood At The Calvary At The Cross Because He Lives Children Go Christ Arose Count Your Blessings Daddy Sang Bass Do Lord Down By The Riverside Every Time I Feel The Spirit Everybody Ought To Know Everybody Will Be Happy Over There Farther Along Give Me Oil In My Lamp Go Tell It On The Mountain Great Getting Up Morning He Lives Chris Brown & Tyga & Kevin McCall Chris Brown & Usher & Rick Ross Chris Brown and Keri Hilson Chris Brown feat Justin Bieber Chris Brown feat Ludacris Chris Brown, Usher & Rick Ross Chris Cagle Chris Cagle Chris Cagle Chris Cagle Chris Cagle Chris Cagle Chris Cagle Chris Cagle Chris Cagle Chris Cummings Chris De Burgh Chris De Burgh Chris De Burgh Chris Isaak Chris Isaak Chris Isaak Chris Isaak Chris Janson Chris Kenner Chris LeDoux Chris Ledoux Chris Ledoux Chris Ledoux Chris Malinchak Chris Montel Chris Montez Chris Rea Chris Rea Chris Rea Chris Rea Chris Rea Chris Rice Chris Rice Chris Tomlin Chris Tomlin Chris Walker Chris Young Chris Young Chris Young Chris Young Chris Young Chrisette & Ne Yo Chrisette Michele Christian Kane Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Pagina 56 808003 807997 808021 807990 807981 808007 808020 808035 808032 808037 807988 807991 808006 808013 807979 807986 808041 807989 808018 807999 807975 807993 808025 807996 808036 807983 808038 807980 807982 808039 807987 807998 807977 808008 808043 808044 808026 808024 808009 808001 808034 807974 808019 808010 808015 808011 808014 807994 808022 808042 1243007 807215 810522 809302 807216 19986525 807575 808585 19805932 19805933 19805934 811780 807217 19805937 811251 811069 19805940 19986574 19986460 811123 19805942 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG He's Got The Whole World In His Hands I Came To Praise The Lord I Just Feel Like Something Good I Know Who Holds Tomorrow I Love To Tell The Story I Must Tell Jesus I'll Fly Away I'm So Glad Jesus Lifted Me If We Never Meet Again It Keeps Getting Better Jesus Loves Me Joshua Fought The Battle Of Jericho Just A Closer Walk With Thee Leaning On The Everlasting Arms Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory Near The Cross Noah Found Grace In The Eyes Of The Lord Nothing But The Blood Old Time Religion One Day At A Time Onward Christian Soldiers Peace In The Valley Put Your Hand In The Hand Ride That Glory Train Rock A My Soul Shall We Gather At The River Shoutin' Time In Heaven Stand Up For Jesus Standing On The Promises Steppin' On The Clouds Sweet By And By Sweet, Sweet Spirit Swing Low Sweet Chariot Ten Thousand Years Testify The King Is Coming The Lighthouse The Old Rugged Cross There Shall Be Showers Of Blessings This Little Light Of Mine Through It All Victory In Jesus We'll Understand It Better By And By When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder When We All Get To Heaven Will The Circle Be Unbroken Will There Be Any Stars In My Crown Wing Of A Dove You Can't Be A Beacon You've Got To Walk That Lonesome Valley Ain't No Other Man Be lonely Beautiful Beautiful (Up Tempo Version) Blessed Bound To You Candyman Come On Over Dirrty Dynamite Fighter Genie In A Bottle Hold us down Hurt I Hate Boys I Turn To You Impossible It's A Man's Man's Man's World Just A Fool Keeps Getting Better Love Will Find A Way Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera Pagina 57 811897 1242482 808586 19805944 8477785 19805945 807218 19805947 8477786 19805948 810152 19986030 19805950 2610828 19805951 809585 19805952 811717 19805954 5380963 19531864 14722053 19531856 19986633 19805957 19992133 19805958 19805959 19806000 1242024 19986492 19806002 19806003 809195 807220 807219 811869 807221 809741 1242042 19806008 19986461 811870 2389666 19806011 19806012 19806013 19806014 1678219 807222 807223 19988236 19990157 810980 19806018 807122 5380991 19806019 19806020 810921 810927 19806023 19806024 19806025 1241226 1241227 1241228 1241230 19806029 1241231 19806031 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Not myself tonight Oh Mother Reflection So Emotional Soar Somebody's Somebody The voice within Voice Within Walk Away We're A Miracle What A Girl Wants Your Body Can't Hold Us Down Woohoo Lady Marmalade Nobody Wants To Be Lonely Car Wash From A.M. To P.M. Dip It Low Say I A 1.000 Years A Thousand Years Arms Jar Of Hearts Take Me Away Tilted Got A Hold On Me What I Live For Sailing Arthur's Theme Never Be The Same Ride Like The Wind Treat 'Em Right Who The Fuck Is Alice Johnny B Good Let's twist again Limbo Rock Rock n Roll music The Twist Johnny B. Good Maybelline Memphis, Tennessee My Ding A Ling Rock & Roll Music Roll Over Beethoven School Days Sweet Little Sixteen All I Ever Wanted Old School Amnesia Tubthumpin Mother We Share I Bet Pick Up The Phone Promise Speechless Get Up Ahh Oh 1, 2 Step Goodies Go Girl Something Tells Me Step Inside Love Don't Know What You Got Gypsy Road Heartbreak Station Nobody's Fool Shake Me Somebody Save Me Freddy My Love Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera & Lil' Kim Christina Aguilera & Nicki Minaj Christina Aguilera & Pink & Mya & Lil'Kim Christina Aguilera & Ricky Martin Christina Aguliera & Missy Ell Christina Milian Christina Milian & Fabolous Christina Milian & Young Jeezy Christina Perri Christina Perri Christina Perri Christina Perri Christina Vidal Christine And The Queens Christine McVie Christine Vanhoy Christopher Christopher Cross Christopher Cross Christopher Cross Chubb Rock Chubby Brown Chubby Checker Chubby Checker Chubby Checker Chubby Checker Chubby Checker Chuck Berry Chuck Berry Chuck Berry Chuck Berry Chuck Berry Chuck Berry Chuck Berry Chuck Berry Chuck Wicks Chuck Wicks Chumbawamba Chumbawamba Chvrches Ciara Ciara Ciara Ciara Ciara & Chamillionaire Ciara & J. Hood Ciara & Ludacris Ciara & Missy Elliott Ciara & Petey Pablo Ciara & T-Pain Cilla Black Cilla Black Cinderella Cinderella Cinderella Cinderella Cinderella Cinderella Cindy Bullens Pagina 58 19806032 808139 19806033 19806034 19806035 19806036 1241747 1678261 2888562 19806037 9103361 19806039 19806040 19806041 809748 1241232 809746 809747 810879 1241233 809491 809490 809488 809489 19806047 19806048 19806049 810478 19806051 19806052 19806053 19806054 811539 19806057 19806058 19806059 19806060 810503 19806061 19806062 19806063 19806064 19806065 19806066 19806067 19806068 19806069 19806070 19806071 19806072 19806073 19806074 19806075 19806076 19806077 19806078 19989663 19990140 19990182 19989907 19989664 19988633 19991995 19988590 19988414 19806079 19806080 19806081 19806082 19806083 19806084 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG It's Raining On Prom Night War Better Days What Would You Do Caramel God Of Wonders Just A Deeper Love The Last Dance The Shield And The Sword Kiss You All Over Strokin' Going Away Meanwhile Back At The Ranch Standin' Still I Fought The Law London Calling Rock The Casbah Should I Stay Or Should I Go The Magnificent Seven Train in Vain Spooky Stormy Sunny Traces Home In My Heart (North Carolina) It's All Your Fault What's The Matter With You Baby Bridge Over Troubled Water I Will Carry You Invisible Solitaire The Way This Is The Night Only On Days That End In Y I Can't Lie To Me Sometimes Unconditional A Few Questions Chain Of Love Dreaming With My Eyes Open Few Questions Hypnotize The Moon I Can't Sleep If I Could Make A Living If You Ever Feel Like Lovin' Me Again Live Laugh Love Once In A Lifetime Love One Two I Love You Ordinary People Rumor Has It Say No More She's Always Right Then What Watch This What's It To You You're Beginning To Get To Me Real Love Stronger Rather Be Real Love Extraordinary Rather Be Tears Extraordinary Rather Be In Heaven There Is No Beer Breath Goodbye Squirrel Granpa Got Run Over By A John Deere Indian In Laws It's A Great Day To Be A Guy Cindy Bullens Cisco Kid, The Citizen King City High City High & Eve City On A Hill Civilles & Cole Clare Maguire Clare Maquire Clarence Carter Clarence Carter Clark Family Experience Clark Family Experience Clark Family Experience Clash, The Clash, The Clash, The Clash, The Clash, The Clash, The Classic IV Classic IV Classic IV Classic IV Claudia Church Claudia Church Claudia Church Clay Aiken Clay Aiken Clay Aiken Clay Aiken Clay Aiken Clay Aiken Clay Anderson Clay Davidson Clay Davidson Clay Davidson Clay Walker Clay Walker Clay Walker Clay Walker Clay Walker Clay Walker Clay Walker Clay Walker Clay Walker Clay Walker Clay Walker Clay Walker Clay Walker Clay Walker Clay Walker Clay Walker Clay Walker Clay Walker Clay Walker Clean Bandit Clean Bandit Clean Bandit & Jess Glynne Clean Bandit & Jess Glynne Clean Bandit and Sharna Bass Clean Bandit Feat. Jess Glynne Clean Bandit ft Louisa Johnson Clean Bandit Ft Sharma Bass Clean Bandit Ft. Jess Glynne Clean Living Cledus T Judd Cledus T Judd Cledus T Judd Cledus T Judd Cledus T Judd Pagina 59 19806085 19806086 19806087 19806089 19806090 1242954 810819 1242976 812189 812185 1241510 812069 812070 807225 807226 807244 807227 812184 19806096 807228 807229 1241508 19986462 807230 807231 812193 807232 807233 1241502 1241514 1241506 807234 1241504 1241509 1241517 812192 807236 807237 19986463 1241512 807247 807238 1241518 807239 812190 807240 807245 1241520 1241516 1241515 807241 811110 1241513 812191 1241505 1241507 812263 812186 807242 807246 812187 1241503 807243 1241511 1241519 1242178 812194 812195 19806103 808151 19806104 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG More Beaver Paycheck Woman I Love Nascar Cleopatra's Theme Love Or The Lack Thereof Catch Your Wave Just The Girl Pop Princess A Little In Love A Voice In The Wilderness Bachelor Boy Cliff Richard Medley 1 Cliff Richard Medley 2 Cliff Richard Medley 3 Cliff Richard Medley 4 Congratulations D In Love Dancing Shoes Day I Met Marie Devil Woman Do You Wanna Dance Don't Talk To Him Dreamin' Fall In Love With You Gee Whiz It's You Goodbye Sam Hello Samantha High Class Baby I Could Easily Fall (In Love With You) I Love You I Still Believe In You I'm Looking Out The Window In The Country It'll Be Me It's All In The Game It's In Everyone Of Us Lessons In Love Livin' Lovin' Doll Living Doll Lucky Lips Miss You Nights Mistletoe and Wine Move It My Pretty One Next Time On The Beach Please Don't Tease Power to all our friends Silhouettes Some People Suddenly Summer Holiday Thank You For A Lifetime The Best Of Me The Day I Met Marie The Minute You're Gone The Next Time The Young Ones Theme For A Dream Travellin' Light We don't talk anymore We Say Yeah When The Girl In Your Arms Willie & The Hand Jive Wind Me Up Let Me Go Wired For Sound All I Ask Of You Dancing Shoes, On The Beach, We Say Yeah (medley) Theme for A Dream, Don't Talk To Him, Lessons In Love (medley) Precious & Few Couldn't Get It Right I Love You Pagina 60 Cledus T Judd Cledus T Judd Cledus T Judd & Toby Keith Cleopatra Cleve Francis Click Five, The Click Five, The Click Five, The Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard Cliff Richard & Sarah Brightma Cliff Richard Medley Cliff Richard Medley Climax Climax Blues Band, The Climax Blues Band, The 807248 19806106 19806107 19806108 19806109 19806110 19806111 19806112 19806113 2389635 19806114 19806115 19806116 19806117 19806118 19806119 19806120 19806121 19806122 811709 19806124 19806125 19806126 19806127 19806128 9103416 19806130 19806131 19806132 19806133 19806134 19806135 19806136 1242369 19806137 19806138 19806139 811836 19806140 19806141 19806142 19806143 19806144 806642 19531857 19806146 1242328 19986511 1243044 19806148 19806149 3283825 19987387 2113328 1243068 19806153 19806154 19991851 807249 19989665 19988171 19985296 807250 807251 5960077 810814 1241234 19985806 807252 19806162 811125 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Love changes everything A Better Man A Good Run Of Bad Luck Better Man Burn One Down Galaxy Song I Raq And Roll Killin' Time Like The Rain Live And Learn Long Cool Woman Loosen Up My Strings Love She Can't Live Without Money Or Love No Time To Kill Put Yourself In My Shoes Spend My Time The Shoes You're Wearing Walkin' Away When I Said I Do When My Ship Comes In You Don't Need Me Now Easy For Me To Say Chain Of Fools Been There A Bad Goodbye Fool's Progress When I Grow Up Grindin' When The Last Time Love Sex Magic Jack In The Box Substitute Do The Hucklebuck Along Came Jones Charlie Brown Little Egypt Love Potion #9 Poison Ivy Searchin' Smokey Joe's Cafe Yakety Yak Young Blood Good Girls Go Bad You Make Me Feel Congratulations Songs Nice One Cyril Welcome Home The Suffering Brighter Than The Sun Fallin' For You I Do I Never Told You Realize A Different Kind Of Pain Just Got Wicked Stupid Girl First A rush of blood to the head A Sky Full Of Stars Atlas Charlie Brown Clocks Don't panic Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall Fix You God Put a Smile Upon Your Face Hurts like heaven In my place Life In Technicolour 2 Lost Climie Fisher Clint Black Clint Black Clint Black Clint Black Clint Black Clint Black Clint Black Clint Black Clint Black Clint Black Clint Black Clint Black Clint Black Clint Black Clint Black Clint Black Clint Black Clint Black Clint Black Clint Black Clint Black Clint Black & Lisa Hartman Clint Black & Pointer Sisters Clint Black & Steve Wariner Clint Black & Wynonna Clint Daniels Clint Daniels Clipse Clipse Clira & Justin Timberlake Clodagh Rodgers Clout Coast to Coast Coasters, The Coasters, The Coasters, The Coasters, The Coasters, The Coasters, The Coasters, The Coasters, The Coasters, The Cobra Starship & Leighton Meester Cobra Starship & Sabi COC Cockerel Chorus Coheed & Cambria Coheed And Cambria Colbie Caillat Colbie Caillat Colbie Caillat Colbie Caillat Colbie Callait Cold Cold Cold Cold War Kids Coldplay Coldplay Coldplay Coldplay Coldplay Coldplay Coldplay Coldplay Coldplay Coldplay Coldplay Coldplay Coldplay Pagina 61 19988456 9914932 19988583 807253 810936 807639 1243017 1241236 810787 1241237 807590 19806171 807255 19989667 19065183 1678252 19806174 19806175 19806177 19806178 19806179 19806180 19806181 1243083 19806183 19806184 19806185 19806186 19806187 19806188 19806189 19806190 14722054 19806191 19806192 19806193 19806194 19806195 19806197 19806198 19806199 19806200 19806201 19806202 19806203 19806204 19806205 19806206 19806207 19806208 19806209 19806210 19806211 19806212 19806213 19806214 19806215 19806216 807256 19806218 19806219 19985813 19806220 19806221 4171642 19806223 807259 811819 807260 1241843 809805 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Magic Paradise Sky Full Of Stars Smile upon your face Speed Of Sound Talk The Hardest Part The Scientist Till Kingdom Come Trouble Violet Hill Viva La Vida Yellow Princess of China Princess Of China Everyone Grow Young With You Who I Am To You Better Now Blame December Gel Heavy How Do You Love Listen Needs (Radio Version) No More No Less Precious Declaration Run The World I Know Why Pt. 2 World I Know Teardrop Ain't Nobody Gonna Take That From Me Anyone Else Couldn't Last A Moment Eleventh Commandment Every Second I Can Still Feel You I Think About You I Want You Bad If I Were You In This Life Little Red Rodeo Little Rock Love Me My Kind Of Girl Not That Different One Boy One Girl She's All That Someone You Used To Know Start Over Georgia That's My Story What If Jesus Comes Back Like That What The Heart Wants You Still Take Me There Tired Of Loving This Way Gift Trapped I Wanna Sex You Up Remember When Back Cold Beer Islands In The Stream Mustang Sally Treat Her Right Try a little tenderness Brick House Easy Nightshift Sail on Coldplay Coldplay Coldplay Coldplay Coldplay Coldplay Coldplay Coldplay Coldplay Coldplay Coldplay Coldplay Coldplay Coldplay and Rihanna Coldplay Feat Rihanna Cole, Cheryl & Dizzee Rascal Coley McCabe Coley McCabe Collective Soul Collective Soul Collective Soul Collective Soul Collective Soul Collective Soul Collective Soul Collective Soul Collective Soul Collective Soul Collective Soul Collective Soul Collective Soul Collective Soul Collective, The Collin Raye Collin Raye Collin Raye Collin Raye Collin Raye Collin Raye Collin Raye Collin Raye Collin Raye Collin Raye Collin Raye Collin Raye Collin Raye Collin Raye Collin Raye Collin Raye Collin Raye Collin Raye Collin Raye Collin Raye Collin Raye Collin Raye Collin Raye Collin Raye & Bobbie Eakes Collin Raye & Susan Ashton Colonel Abrams Color Me Badd Color Me Badd Colt Ford & Jake Owen Colt Ford & Jamey Johnson Comic Relief Commitments, The Commitments, The Commitments, The Commodores, The Commodores, The Commodores, The Commodores, The Pagina 62 1242022 19806228 5380892 5380920 5380872 19988595 19989931 807745 19988599 19806230 19806231 19806232 19806233 19806234 19806235 19806236 19806237 9103367 19806239 809548 809549 809551 809542 809547 809545 809550 809552 809539 809546 809538 809540 809544 809541 809536 809537 19806245 1241929 807261 807262 19985320 19988175 19990123 19985728 19985891 19989668 19986419 808716 19806248 19806249 19806250 19806251 19806252 19806253 19806254 808246 810686 19806258 19806259 19806260 19806255 19806261 19806262 19806263 19806264 810766 19806265 806784 19806267 19806268 19806269 19985400 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Still Three Times A Lady Go Testify The Corner Calm After The Storm (Eurovision 2014) Calm After The Storm Don't Leave Me This Way Rise Like A Phoenix (Eurovision 2014) Monkey Bars Cowboy Cadillac Daddy Never Was The Cadillac Kind Elvis & Andy Jesus And Mama Queen Of Memphis She Never Cried That's What Brothers Do Trashy Women When You Leave That Way You Among My Souvenirs Besame Mucho Everybody's Somebody's Fool For Mama Hollywood Io Che Non Lipstick On Your Collar Mama My Happiness My Yiddish Mama Stupid Cupid Three Coins In The Fountain Vacation When The Boys Meet The Girls Where The Boys Are Who's Sorry Now Ain't Had No Lovin' Once A Day Earthbound My fathers son Can't Say No R U Crazy Talking About Vegas Girl Turn Around Animal Animal Do You Love Me Boogie Grass Band Clown Happy Birthday Darling Hello Darlin' I Love You More Today I May Never Get To Heaven I'd Love To Lay You Down It's Only Make Believe Linda On My Mind Red Neckin' Love Makin' Night Slow Hand That's My Job The Image Of Me Tight Fittin Jeans To See My Angel Cry You've Never Been This Far Before Rainy Night In Georgia C' Is For Cookie Don't Say Nothin' Bad Gangstas Paradise Never Surrender Sunglasses At Night Twenty-One Breathless Commodores, The Commodores, The Common Common Common Common Linnets Common Linnets, The Communards, The Conchita Wurst Coney Hatch Confederate Railroad Confederate Railroad Confederate Railroad Confederate Railroad Confederate Railroad Confederate Railroad Confederate Railroad Confederate Railroad Confederate Railroad Connie Francis Connie Francis Connie Francis Connie Francis Connie Francis Connie Francis Connie Francis Connie Francis Connie Francis Connie Francis Connie Francis Connie Francis Connie Francis Connie Francis Connie Francis Connie Francis Connie Smith Connie Smith Connor Reeves Connor Reeves Conor Maynard Conor Maynard Conor Maynard Conor Maynard Conor Maynard & Ne Yo Conor Maynard & Wiley Conor Maynard Feat. Wiley Contours, The Conway Twitty Conway Twitty Conway Twitty Conway Twitty Conway Twitty Conway Twitty Conway Twitty Conway Twitty Conway Twitty Conway Twitty Conway Twitty Conway Twitty Conway Twitty Conway Twitty Conway Twitty Conway Twitty Conway Twitty & Sam Moore Cookie Monster Cookies Coolio Corey Hart Corey Hart Corey Smith Corinne Bailey Rae Pagina 63 19985401 19985404 19985402 19985398 1678222 19989669 807640 19985403 19985399 807263 807264 807265 807266 807267 807268 19806277 807269 19806279 19991880 811327 19990655 807270 19806283 19806284 807271 19806286 19806287 807751 806793 19806289 19806290 19806291 19987606 19806292 19806293 19986510 19806294 19806295 19806296 19806297 19806298 19806299 19806300 19806301 19806302 19986464 19806303 19990271 19806304 807272 19985796 9193766 19985383 19065189 19806307 19987931 19806308 19806309 19806310 810799 19986565 808930 19987513 19987511 19806312 19806313 807273 811059 2389748 19806317 19991005 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Butterfly Choux Pastry Heart Enchantment I'd Like To Is This Love Like A Star Put Your Records On Till It Happens To You Trouble Sleeping Cecilia Lind Honan agda Inatt jag dromde Koloniën Med trasiga skor Turistens klagan Treat Her Like A Lady Brimful of asha Rhythm Of The Night Bring on the Night Breathless Bring On The Night I never loved you anyway On My Father's Wings One night Radio Right Time So Young Summer Sunshine What Can I Do Would You Be Happier When The Stars Go Blue Brand New Me 2 Chainz Feat. Chris Brown Accidentally In Love Angels Of The Silences Colorblind Daylight Fading Hanginaround Long December Mr Jones Rain King Round Here American Girls Big Yellow Taxi Fox On The Run Cotton-Eyed Joe Caught In The Sun Dead Fox Mono One tin soldier Explode Lick Ya Down Sparks Twilight Wishing On A Star Wicked Game Hillbilly Nation Jenny Says Whatcha Gonna Do I Play Chicken With The Train (Duet Version) Hair Hair Please Come Down To Me The Walk I Hate My Generation Low 7 days Fill Me In Hidden Agenda Walking Away When The Bassline Drops Corinne Bailey Rae Corinne Bailey Rae Corinne Bailey Rae Corinne Bailey Rae Corinne Bailey Rae Corinne Bailey Rae Corinne Bailey Rae Corinne Bailey Rae Corinne Bailey Rae Cornelis Vreeswijk Cornelis Vreeswijk Cornelis Vreeswijk Cornelis Vreeswijk Cornelis Vreeswijk Cornelis Vreeswijk Cornelius Brothers Corner Shop Corona Corrs Corrs, The Corrs, The Corrs, The Corrs, The Corrs, The Corrs, The Corrs, The Corrs, The Corrs, The Corrs, The Corrs, The Corrs, The & Bono Cory Morrow Countdown Counting Crows Counting Crows Counting Crows Counting Crows Counting Crows Counting Crows Counting Crows Counting Crows Counting Crows Counting Crows & Sheryl Crow Counting Crows & Vanessa Carlt Country Gentlemen Country Standards Course Of Nature Courtney Barnett Courtney Love Coven Cover Drive Cover Drive Cover Drive Cover Drive Cover Girls Coves Cowboy Crush Cowboy Mouth Cowboy Mouth Cowboy Troy & Big & Rich Cowsills Cowsills, The Crabb Family, The Crabb Family, The Cracker Cracker Craig David Craig David Craig David Craig David Craig David & Big Narstie Pagina 64 19992367 1242821 19806319 19806320 19985989 19806321 19806322 1242743 19806324 19806325 19806326 810791 19806328 19806329 19806330 19806331 19985820 19806333 810258 808299 19806335 807274 19806337 19806338 807275 807276 2721410 19806341 19806342 808092 19806344 19806345 808689 19806347 19806348 807277 808688 808685 811515 811514 19806354 808684 19806355 19806356 808687 808686 808683 806855 811839 807171 807172 1241241 807173 807174 1241242 807175 807176 807177 1241243 1241244 807178 811436 1241245 19806376 808090 807179 807180 1241246 2721417 2721420 811424 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Ain't Giving Up A Little Bit Of Life Almost Home Bonfire Corn Star Every Friday Afternoon God Family & Country I Got You I Want Us Back Love Remembers Paradise Redneck Yacht Club Something To Write Home About That's What I Love About Sunday This Ain't Nothin' Tough Doin' Country Free To Decide Just My Imagination Linger Ode To My Family Promises Salvation When You're Gone Zombie Mmmm Aaron Alexander Butterfly Crossroads Sunshine Of Your Love Tales Of Brave Ulysses White Room Are You Ready Bullets Don't Stop Dancing Higher I'm Eighteen My Own Prison My Sacrifice One Last Breath Signs The One To Whom It May Concern Torn What If What's This Life For With Arms Wide Open Bad Moon Rising Born On The Bayou Cotton fields Down On The Corner Fortunate Sun Green River Have You Ever Seen The Rain Hey Tonight I Heard It Through The Grapevine I Put A Spell On You Lodi Long As I Can See Lookin' Out My Back Door Midnight special Proud Mary Run Trough the Jungle Someday Never Comes Suzei Q Travelin' Band Up Around The Bend Who'll Stop the Rain 16 Candles My Juanita Sixteen Candles Craig David & Sigala Craig Morgan Craig Morgan Craig Morgan Craig Morgan Craig Morgan Craig Morgan Craig Morgan Craig Morgan Craig Morgan Craig Morgan Craig Morgan Craig Morgan Craig Morgan Craig Morgan Craig Morgan Craig Morrison Cranberries, The Cranberries, The Cranberries, The Cranberries, The Cranberries, The Cranberries, The Cranberries, The Cranberries, The Crash Test Dummies Crazy Luv Crazy Town Cream Cream Cream Cream Creed Creed Creed Creed Creed Creed Creed Creed Creed Creed Creed Creed Creed Creed Creed Creedence Clearwater Revival Creedence Clearwater Revival Creedence Clearwater Revival Creedence Clearwater Revival Creedence Clearwater Revival Creedence Clearwater Revival Creedence Clearwater Revival Creedence Clearwater Revival Creedence Clearwater Revival Creedence Clearwater Revival Creedence Clearwater Revival Creedence Clearwater Revival Creedence Clearwater Revival Creedence Clearwater Revival Creedence Clearwater Revival Creedence Clearwater Revival Creedence Clearwater Revival Creedence Clearwater Revival Creedence Clearwater Revival Creedence Clearwater Revival Creedence Clearwater Revival Crests, The Crests, The Crests, The Pagina 65 2721421 2721418 2721419 811429 19991992 808131 19806382 810878 19806383 19806384 19806385 19806386 811898 19806390 808156 19806392 19806393 19806394 19806395 808149 19806387 19806388 19806397 19806398 1241247 1243125 19985526 811225 811226 807278 1242307 19806403 19806404 811456 807083 19806407 19806408 19806409 19806410 807279 807280 807281 19806414 19987604 19806416 19806417 19806418 807283 19806419 807282 809742 809744 811994 809745 809743 1242244 19986561 811020 19986706 807284 1242433 19806426 807285 19806428 19806429 19806430 1242208 807286 19814569 807287 810826 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG The Worst That Could Happen Welcome Me Love You'll Never Walk Alone Sh-Boom One More Time The Pied Piper Simple Little Words Carry On Find The Cost Of Freedom Helplessly Hoping Just A Song Before I Go Long Time Gone Love the one you're with Marrakesh Express Ohio Only Waiting For You Our House Suite: Judy Blue Eyes Teach Your Children Wasted On The Way Wooden Ships Woodstock 17 Long Way Home Cold Invincible Make You Mine It's Only Natural Sister Madly Weather with you Please Stay Don't Touch Me There Up To The Mountain Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue Talking in your sleep Too Many Lovers Why Have You Left The One You Left Me For You Can Let Go 100% Pure Love Da doo ron ron He's A Rebel Then he kissed me Tracy You're My Music Love Removal Machine Rise She Sells Sanctuary Mr Vain Take Me Away Church of poison mind Do You Really Want To Hurt Me I'll Tumble 4 Ya Karma Chameleon Miss Me Blind Time (Clock Of The Heart) Victims Cupid Shuffle Yesterday Has Gone Burn A letter to elise Boy's Don't Cry Fascination Street Friday im in love In Between Days Just Like Heaven Letter To Elise Love Cats Love song Lullaby Pictures of you Must Be Doin' Somethin' Right Crests, The Crests, The Crests, The Crewcuts, The Criag David Crispian St. Peters Cristy Lane Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Cross Canadian Ragweed Cross Canadian Ragweed Crossfade Crossfade Crossin Dixon Crowded House Crowded House Crowded House Crying Shames Crystal Bernard Crystal Bowersox Crystal Gayle Crystal Gayle Crystal Gayle Crystal Gayle Crystal Shawanda Crystal Waters Crystals, The Crystals, The Crystals, The Cuff Links Culbertson, Brian Feat Noel Gourdin Cult Cult Cult Culture Beat Culture Beat Culture Club Culture Club Culture Club Culture Club Culture Club Culture Club Culture Club Cupid Cupid's Inspiration Cure Cure, The Cure, The Cure, The Cure, The Cure, The Cure, The Cure, The Cure, The Cure, The Cure, The Cure, The Currington, Billy Pagina 66 19806433 810868 807288 19806435 807289 807290 19806437 1242011 807291 19806439 19806440 807292 806736 19806443 19806444 19806445 19806446 19806447 19806448 808124 809095 19806449 1242316 1242067 19806450 19806451 807753 19992371 19985558 19806454 19806452 810978 19806455 19806456 810734 19806457 810843 5380891 810839 1242896 19806460 19987636 19987928 807293 19806462 19806463 19806464 19806465 809590 19806466 19806467 810824 19989670 1241793 807294 19806471 809515 809516 809519 809517 809518 1242074 806750 807295 19806476 2721455 19987535 1242547 19987611 809314 807618 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Pretty Little Angel Eyes Freddie's Dead Your'e all that matters Raheem DeVaughn Died in your arms I Just Died In Your Arms All Through The Night Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (Original) Girls just wanna have fun (Remix) Money Changes Everything She Bop Time after time True Colours Who Let In The Rain If You Could Only See I Always Liked That Best I'm Gone Things I Would Do What I Really Meant To Say Red Rubber Ball Little Girl Blue A Little Naughty Is Nice Shoot Me With Your Love C'mon and Get My Love Between You And Me Parents Just Don't Understand Not Without Us Broccoli Oliver Twist Purple Hills Betcha Can't Do It Like Me Laffy Taffy (Radio Version) In Love Wit Chu Let Me Love You Enormous Pns Dirty Style Brugal (Remix) Like You Lo Que Paso, Paso Rompe One More Time Get Lucky Lose Yourself To-Dance Popitop Gettin' Back To You Don't Grow Up Too Fast Another Day Goes By Promise I Make I'm Leavin It All Up To You Country My Ass Lean On Me Welcome To Jamrock Cannonball High Enough Love song It's Sad To Belong Hard To Say Leader Of The Band Longer Run For The Roses Same Old Lang Syne I Can Dream About You Sometimes When We Touch Love to see you tonight Bop All Kinds Of Everything Thinking Over Bohemian Like You I Look To You Gotta Get Thru This If You're Not The One Curtis Lee Curtis Mayfield Curtis Stigers Customer Cutting Crew Cutting Crew Cyndi Lauper Cyndi Lauper Cyndi Lauper Cyndi Lauper Cyndi Lauper Cyndi Lauper Cyndi Lauper Cyndi Lauper Cyndi Thompson Cyndi Thomson Cyndi Thomson Cyndi Thomson Cyndi Thomson Cyrkle, The D D J Miller D Ream D. Nobb D.C. Talk D.J. Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince D.J. Otzi D.R.A.M. & Lil Yachty D'banj D12 D4l D4L Da Brat & Cherish Da Buzz Da Vinci's Notebook DaCav5 Daddy Yankee Daddy Yankee Daddy Yankee Daddy Yankee Daft Punk Daft Punk Feat. Pharrell Williams Daft Punk Ft.Pharrell Williams Dag Vag Daisy Dern Daisy Mallory Dakota Moon Dakota Moon Dale & Grace Dale Watson Dallas Holm Damian Marley Damien Rice Damn Yankees Damned Dan England & John Ford Coley Dan Fogelberg Dan Fogelberg Dan Fogelberg Dan Fogelberg Dan Fogelberg Dan Hartman Dan Hill Dan N Coley Dan Seals Dana Dana Glover Dandy Warhols Danetra Moore Daniel Bedingfield Daniel Bedingfield Pagina 67 19806480 19806481 1243159 19806483 19806484 811000 19806486 1242716 19806488 1242934 1243123 19806491 19806493 19806494 19806495 19806496 807296 808247 19806499 811890 19806501 19986617 19806502 19985882 9914923 19986105 19985291 807297 19806504 810154 19806505 1678233 19806507 19985995 1243063 19991222 19991223 19985954 1241248 1243057 19806512 19806513 810907 19806515 19806516 19806517 2389742 19806519 19806520 19806521 19806522 19806523 19806524 19806525 19806526 19806527 19806528 19806529 1242381 1242335 19806530 808375 808147 19806533 808144 808145 19806534 19806535 19806536 19806537 1241249 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Beautiful Sunday Red [Karaoke] Crush on You Danny Boy Isle Of Innisfree Bad Day Free Loop I Don't Damaged Show Stopper First Date 29 Nights House Of Pain I Don't Feel That Way Anymore If The Jukebox Took Teardrops Sometimes All I wanna do At The Hop Rock & Roll Is Here To Stay Mary's Prayer Alley Oop Besame mucho Mother Good Intentions No Regrets Yin Yang (Clean) Rock Star Let there be love Don't Think I Don't Think About It History In The Making I Got Nothin' This Together Anything's Possible True Believers Pieces I Believe In A Thing Called Love Love Is Only A Feeling Chritsmas Time (Don't let the bells end) I Believe in a Thing Called Love One Way Ticket Winter Wonderland Cowboy Up and Party Down Awful Beautiful Life Best Of Both Worlds Family Tree Good Day To Run Have You Forgotten I Miss My Friend I Need A Breather I Will Hold My Ground If Something Should Happen Nothin But A Love Thang Second Wind Sideways Tennessee River Run Tequila On Ice When You Need My Love Whistle Dixie Boy from New York City Come Back My Love I'm In A Philly Mood Kiss On My List One On One Out Of Touch Sara Smile She's Gone You Make My Dreams I Let Her Lie Too Much Fun Note Belle of the Boulevard Daniel Boone Daniel Merriweather Daniel O'Donnell Daniel O'Donnell Daniel O'Donnell Daniel Powter Daniel Powter Danielle Peck Danity Kane Danity Kane Danko Jones Danni Leigh Danni Leigh Danni Leigh Danni Leigh Danni Leigh Dannii Minogue Danny & The Juniors Danny & The Juniors Danny Wilson Dante & The Evergreens Dany Brillant Danzing Dappy Dappy Dappy Dappy & Brian May Darius Darius Rucker Darius Rucker Darius Rucker Darius Rucker Darius Rucker Darius Rucker Dark New Day Darkness Darkness Darkness, The Darkness, The Darkness, The Darlene Love Darren Warren Darryl Worley Darryl Worley Darryl Worley Darryl Worley Darryl Worley Darryl Worley Darryl Worley Darryl Worley Darryl Worley Darryl Worley Darryl Worley Darryl Worley Darryl Worley Darryl Worley Darryl Worley Darryl Worley Darts Darts Daryl Hall Daryl Hall & John Oates Daryl Hall & John Oates Daryl Hall & John Oates Daryl Hall & John Oates Daryl Hall & John Oates Daryl Hall & John Oates Daryl Singletary Daryl Singletary Daryle Singletary Dashboard Confessional Pagina 68 1243120 19806540 19806541 19806542 807299 19531860 19806544 19531884 19806545 19806546 19806547 19806548 809679 809675 809674 809680 809673 809678 809676 809677 809957 19806552 19806554 806849 19806555 19806556 19806557 19806558 19806559 19806560 19806561 19806562 19806563 19806564 19985938 19987384 19987380 19987382 19987378 19987374 19985855 19987377 19987373 19806565 19987381 19987376 19987372 19987383 19987379 19987375 809286 19806567 1678209 19806568 19806569 19806570 19806571 19806572 19806573 5380884 19806574 19806575 5380939 1241194 807301 1241195 1241196 1241197 807302 19990643 1241198 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Don't Wait Hands Down Screaming Infidelities Vindicated Om du forlater mig Crawling Back To You Feels Like Tonight Renegade September What About Now Golden Tears Little Things Because Bits And Pieces Can't You See That She's Mine Catch Us If You Can Do You Love Me Glad All Over I Like It Like That Over And Over The Legend Of Xanadu Six Days On The Road Girls Talk I Hear You Knocking Please Come To Boston Crash Into Me Crush Stay (Wasting Time) Too Much Everyday Gravedigger I Did It Space Between Where Are You Going Hold Tight Divers Do It Deeper Get A Little Dirt On Your Hands Hank Williams Junior Junior If That Ain't Country Jack Daniels If You Please Jimmy Buffett Don't Live In Key West Just To Prove My Love To You Long Haired Redneck Mona Lisa Lost Her Smile Now I Lay Me Down To Cheat Tennessee Whiskey The Ride This Bottle (In My Hand) What Made You Change Your Mind Willie Waylon And Me You Never Even Called Me By My Name Crush Elevator Something 'Bout Love I'll Never Make It Through This Fall Riding With Private Malone Thinkin' Problem Watching My Baby Not Coming Back When The Thought Of You Catches Up With You Play Be With You Get Like Me Touchin' Absolute Beginners All young dudes Ashes to Ashes Cat People (Putting Out Fire) Changes China girl DJ Drive-In Saturday Dashboard Confessional Dashboard Confessional Dashboard Confessional Dashboard Confessional Date Daughtry Daughtry Daughtry Daughtry Daughtry Dave & Sugar Dave Berry Dave Clark Five, The Dave Clark Five, The Dave Clark Five, The Dave Clark Five, The Dave Clark Five, The Dave Clark Five, The Dave Clark Five, The Dave Clark Five, The Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick And Tish Dave Dudley Dave Edmunds Dave Edmunds Dave Loggins Dave Mathews Band Dave Mathews Band Dave Mathews Band Dave Mathews Band Dave Matthews Band Dave Matthews Band Dave Matthews Band Dave Matthews Band Dave Matthews Band Dave, Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Trich David Allan Coe David Allan Coe David Allan Coe David Allan Coe David Allan Coe David Allan Coe David Allan Coe David Allan Coe David Allan Coe David Allan Coe David Allan Coe David Allan Coe David Allan Coe David Allan Coe David Allan Coe David Allan Coe David Archuleta David Archuleta David Archuleta David Ball David Ball David Ball David Ball David Ball David Banner David Banner & 9Th Wonder & Lu David Banner & Chris Brown David Banner & Jazze Pha David Bowie David Bowie David Bowie David Bowie David Bowie David Bowie David Bowie David Bowie Pagina 69 1242364 1241201 19806581 810855 1241203 19991010 806795 1241205 811910 19806584 1241207 1241208 1241209 19987620 1241211 1241212 19988048 19986410 1241214 809993 1241215 19989671 19806587 19806588 19806589 19806590 19806591 19806593 19806592 1242513 19806594 19806595 19990503 19806596 19806597 1242428 807619 19806598 2888558 806644 19985750 807603 19806600 19806601 19531885 19990151 811223 19985889 8477755 19987663 19989673 19989894 19986104 19990057 3283946 19990100 19989070 12409660 19992000 19989674 19065173 19989672 811093 19806606 19806607 1241926 19806608 19806609 19806610 19806611 19806612 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Fashion Golden Years Heroes Jean Genie Jump They Say Lazarus Let's Dance Life on Mars Modern love Rebel Rebel Rock & Roll Suicide Sorrow Space Oddity Stars Are Out Tonight Suffragette City Tonight Valentine's Day Where Are We Now Young Americans Ziggy Stardust Dancin' in the Streets Slough Could It Be Forever Daydreamer I Am A Clown No Bridge I Wouldn't Cross Jeans On A Winter's Tale Rock On Silver Dream Machine I'm Gonna Hire A Wino You're The Reason God Made Oklahoma Rattle That Lock Babylon Hospital Food Say Hello, Wave Goodbye The Other Side You're The World To Me Sweat Sexy Bitch I Can Only Imagine Gettin' Over You When Love Takes Over Memories Turn Me On Hey Mama Who's That Chick She Wolf (Falling To Pieces) Little Bad Girl Play Hard Titanium Dangerous Just One Last Time What I Did For Love Where Them Girls At Hey Mama Lovers On The Sun Without You This One's for You Dangerous Titanium Play Hard Jump In My Car With One Exception You Mean The World To Me My Elusive Dreams Another You Day In Day Out If I Never Stop Loving You Something To Think About Wonderful Tonight David Bowie David Bowie David Bowie David Bowie David Bowie David Bowie David Bowie David Bowie David Bowie David Bowie David Bowie David Bowie David Bowie David Bowie David Bowie David Bowie David Bowie David Bowie David Bowie David Bowie David Bowie & Mick Jagger David Brent David Cassidy David Cassidy David Cassidy David Cassidy David Dundas David Essex David Essex David Essex David Frizzell David Frizzell & Shelly West F David Gilmour David Gray David Gray David Gray David Gray David Gray David Guetta David Guetta & Akon David Guetta & Chris Brown & Lil' Wayne David Guetta & Chris Willis David Guetta & Kelly Rowland David Guetta & Kid Cudi David Guetta & Nicki Minaj David Guetta & Nicki Minaj & Afrojack David Guetta & Rihanna David Guetta & Sia David Guetta & Taio Cruz And Ludacis David Guetta And Ne Yo And Akon David Guetta and Sia David Guetta Feat. Sam Martin David Guetta Feat. Taped Rai David Guetta ft Emeli Sande David Guetta Ft Flo Rida And Nicki Minau David Guetta ft Nicki Minaj & Afrojack David Guetta ft Sam Martin David Guetta Ft Usher David Guetta ft Zara Larsson David Guetta ft. Sam Martin David Guetta Ft. Sia David Guetta, Ne-Yo & Akon David Hasselhoff David Houston David Houston David Houston & Tammy Wynette David Kersh David Kersh David Kersh David Kersh David Kersh Pagina 70 19806613 19806614 19806615 19806616 19806617 19806618 1242660 807303 19806621 19806622 19806623 19806624 19806625 19987963 808953 811858 19806627 807304 2389667 2721437 19806630 19806631 807306 19991153 808308 807307 809768 19806634 19806635 19992374 19806636 19806637 19806638 19806639 19806640 807308 9103547 807054 19985478 19806642 810884 2721619 19806644 810193 9103505 19806646 808845 19985698 19806647 19806648 808848 808849 19985718 19985692 19985696 19985688 19985708 19065209 19065210 19806651 19985700 19806652 19985714 807764 19985690 808846 19985712 19985704 19806654 19985706 19985716 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG All Lit Up In Love Breakfast In Birmingham Genuine Rednecks Just Don't Wait Around 'til She's Leavin' Loco She's Really Something To See Just A Gigolo Just like paradise Yankee Rose Bread Dust On The Bottle I'm About To Come Alive Let It Rain Whatever She's Got Making It Witch Doctor Chipmunk Song Bla container Don't Give Up On Us Silver Lady Alone In The Univers Black Black Heart The last kiss Dessert (Remix) Knock Three Times Candida You Don't Love Me (No, No, No) Got Me Going Since You've Been Gone Sit Still Look Pretty Down Town Enemy Shelf In The Room Touch Peel And Stand Song For Ireland Dignity Real Gone Kid Twist And Shout Holiday In Cambodia Too Drunk To F*** Brand New Lover (Radio Version) You Spin Me Round New Age Girl Drop It Low Ain't That A Kick In The Head Baby It's Cold Outside Buono Sera Dream Everybody Loves Somebody Gentle On My Mind Houston I Will I Wish You Love I'll Always Love You I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm Imagination In The Chapel In The Moonlight Innamorata (Sweetheart) Kiss Let It Snow Let It Snow! Let It Snow Let Me Go Lover Little Ole Wine Drinker Me Mambo Italiano Memories Are Made Of This Object Of My Affection On An Evening In Roma Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone Powder Your Face With Sunshine Return To Me Send Me The Pillow That You Dream On Someday (You'll Want Me To Want You) David Lee Murphy David Lee Murphy David Lee Murphy David Lee Murphy David Lee Murphy David Lee Murphy David Lee Roth David Lee Roth David Lee Roth David MacKay & Cast David Murphy Lee David Nail David Nail David Nail David Naughton David Seville David Seville & The Chipmunks David Shutrick David Soul David Soul David Usher David Usher Davis Cassady Dawin & Silento Dawn Dawn Peem Dawn Penn Day 08 Day 26 Daya Days Of The New Days Of The New Days Of The New Days Of The New De Danann & Mary Black Deacon Blue Deacon Blue Deacon Blue Dead Kennedys Dead Kennedys Dead Or Alive Dead Or Alive Deadeye Dick Dean & Brown Dean Martin Dean Martin Dean Martin Dean Martin Dean Martin Dean Martin Dean Martin Dean Martin Dean Martin Dean Martin Dean Martin Dean Martin Dean Martin Dean Martin Dean Martin Dean Martin Dean Martin Dean Martin Dean Martin Dean Martin Dean Martin Dean Martin Dean Martin Dean Martin Dean Martin Dean Martin Dean Martin Pagina 71 19985710 19065211 808844 810246 19065212 810245 19985702 808843 19985694 19806658 808847 19806659 19806660 19806661 19806662 19806663 811356 19806665 19806666 810514 19806669 19806670 1243087 19806672 19806673 19807264 1242202 19807265 808754 19806675 19806676 807310 807311 19806679 19806680 19806681 19806682 19806683 19806684 809323 19806686 19806687 19806688 806829 807312 19985835 19985833 809663 1241250 19806692 1241251 1241252 19806694 807313 19806696 19985866 1241253 1242577 19806697 19806698 1241255 807314 1241256 1241257 19806701 1241258 809985 1241259 1241260 810741 1241261 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Somewhere There's A Someone Standing On The Corner Sway That's Amore Under The Bridges Of Paris Volare You Belong To Me You're Nobody Till Somebody Loves You Two Sleepy People My Rifle, My Pony And Me Sam's Song Nowhere USA Wake Up And Smell The Whiskey Absence Of The Heart Angels Working Overtime Count Me In Did I Shave My Legs For This How Do I Get There I'm Just A Girl There's No Limit We Danced Anyway You Still Shake Me Crooked Teeth Little Bribes Soul Meets Body Second Chance Who's Holding Donna Now Lay With You You Light Up My Life Only In My Dreams Out Of The Blue French kissin in usa I want that man Did You Evah Dance With Me Anything Other Than Love Baby I Lied I've Been Wrong Before It's Over Now Nobody's Suppose To Be Here Sentimental Where Do We Go From Here Who Do You Love Groove Is In The Heart Breakfast at Tiffany's Anthem Burn Highway Star Hush Kentucky Woman Knocking at Your Back Door Never Before Perfect Strangers Smoke on the water Spacetruckin' Stormbringer Woman from Tokyo Animal Armegeddon It Bringin On The Heartbreak Foolin' Hysteria Let's Get Rocked Love Bites Now [karaoke] Photograph Pour Some Sugar On Me Promises Rock of Ages Rock Rock (Till You Drop) Rocket Dean Martin Dean Martin Dean Martin Dean Martin Dean Martin Dean Martin Dean Martin Dean Martin Dean Martin & Renaud Dean Martin & Ricky Nelson Dean Martin & Sammy Davis Jr Dean Miller Dean Miller Deana Carter Deana Carter Deana Carter Deana Carter Deana Carter Deana Carter Deana Carter Deana Carter Deana Carter Death Cab for Cutie Death Cab For Cutie Death Cab For Cutie Debarge Debarge Debarge & Faith Evans Debbie Boone Debbie Gibson Debbie Gibson Debbie Harry Debbie Harry Debbie Harry & Iggy Pop Debelah Morgan Deborah Allen Deborah Allen Deborah Allen Deborah Cox Deborah Cox Deborah Cox Deborah Cox Deborah Cox Dee-Lite Deep Blue Deep Purple Deep Purple Deep Purple Deep Purple Deep Purple Deep Purple Deep Purple Deep Purple Deep Purple Deep Purple Deep Purple Deep Purple Def Leppard Def Leppard Def Leppard Def Leppard Def Leppard Def Leppard Def Leppard Def Leppard Def Leppard Def Leppard Def Leppard Def Leppard Def Leppard Def Leppard Pagina 72 19986739 19986707 19806705 1241262 19806707 811509 19806709 19806710 807315 9103546 1242552 19806712 1242511 9103545 19806714 19806715 810700 1242038 19985939 810871 19806717 19806718 809311 19806719 12409653 19987533 19806720 19806721 19806722 19985328 5380932 5380971 19806724 5380905 19806726 19992046 19990581 19990268 19989675 19806727 19989572 19991709 19987951 19989676 1242406 19806730 19806731 19806732 19806733 19990217 1241276 1241277 1241263 1241264 1241265 807317 1241266 1241267 1241268 1241269 807318 1241270 1241271 1241272 1241273 1241274 18507103 807320 1241278 1241279 1241280 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Slang Stand Up (Kick Love Into Motion) Too Late For Love Two Steps Behind When Love And Hate Collide Wasting My Time Back To School Digital Bath Always last to know Driving With The Brakes On Here & Now Not Where It's At Nothing Ever Happens Roll To Me Spit In The Rain Rain & Snow Hats Off To Larry Runaway Swiss Maid Never Ending Song Of Love Givin' It Up For Your Love When Rita Leaves Silence La La Means I Love You Go Touch Come Go With Me Oh What A Night Born To Try Mistaken Identity Lean Wit It, Rock Wit It Ridin' Rims Turn Heads Oh I Think Dey Like Me Skyscraper Body Say Confident Cool For The Summer Heart Attack La La Land Neon Lights Stone Cold Really Don't Care Really Don't Care Let's Hear It For The Boy Desert Moon Hey Hey Arse Hole Minder Five More Hours A Question Of Lust A Question Of Time Barrel of a Gun Dream On Dreaming of Me Enjoy the silence Everything Counts Home I Just Can't Get Enough In Your Room It's no good Master and Servant Never Let Me Down Again Only When I Lose Myself People Are People Personal Jesus Policy Of Truth Precious Somebody Useless World In My Eyes Def Leppard Def Leppard Def Leppard Def Leppard Def Leppard Default Deftones Deftones Del Amitri Del Amitri Del Amitri Del Amitri Del Amitri Del Amitri Del Amitri Del McCoury Del Shannon Del Shannon Del Shannon Delaney & Bonnie Delbert McClinton Delbert McClinton Delerium & Sarah Mclachlan Delfonics Delilah Delirious Dell Vikings Dells Delta Goodrem Delta Goodrem Dem Franchize Boyz Dem Franchize Boyz Dem Franchize Boyz & Lloyd Dem Franchize Boyz Et Al Demi Lavato Demi Lovato Demi Lovato Demi Lovato Demi Lovato Demi Lovato Demi Lovato Demi Lovato Demi Lovato & Cher Lloyd Demi Lovato and Cher Lloyd Deniece Williams Dennis DeYoung Dennis Ferrer Dennis Leary Dennis Waterman Deorro & Chris Brown Depeche Mode Depeche Mode Depeche Mode Depeche Mode Depeche Mode Depeche Mode Depeche Mode Depeche Mode Depeche Mode Depeche Mode Depeche Mode Depeche Mode Depeche Mode Depeche Mode Depeche Mode Depeche Mode Depeche Mode Depeche Mode Depeche Mode Depeche Mode Depeche Mode Pagina 73 19806752 19806753 19806755 19806754 19806756 19806757 19806758 19806759 19806760 19806761 19806762 19991679 19806764 807321 808295 807322 807323 19806769 807324 19806771 811472 807325 810935 807326 19986424 807327 807328 19806778 1241823 1241792 19806779 807329 19985809 4171636 19985786 19986422 19806782 19806783 809752 810864 19806785 19806786 19806787 806714 19806789 810937 19806791 19806792 1242775 19806794 19806795 19806796 19806797 19806798 19806799 19806800 19806801 19806802 19806803 19806804 19806805 19806806 2389655 19806807 19806808 19806809 19806810 19806811 809737 19806813 1242987 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Bar Exam Right Place Bell Bottom Blues Layla Truth Talks Too Much When You Come Around Bitter End Friends Don't Drive Friends Good Idea Tomorrow John Roland Wood Shaddap A You Face Panda Israelites You gotta be Bills, Bills, Bills Bootylicious Bug a boo Cater 2 U Emotion Girl Independent Woman Jumpin jumpin Lose My Breath No no no Nuclear Say my name Survivor Soldier I'll Be Around They Just Cant Stop It Could It Be I'm Falling In Love Working my way back America Bass Down Low (Clean) Watchtower (All Along The) Rewind Girl U Want Through Being Cool Whip It Working In The Coal Mine I Could Not Ask For More Leaving Town Because Of You Come On Eileen Geno Listen To Your Heart (Unplugged Version) Beautiful Mess Can't You Tell God Only Cries How Your Love Makes Me Feel I Believe I Know How The River Feels Imagine That In A Week Or Two Love A Little Stronger Meet In The Middle Mirror Mirror Night Is Fallin' In My Heart Stuff Sweet Summer That's Just That Unbelievable Walking Away We All Fall Down Wrinkles You're Gone Working Man Blues Little Darlin' Stroll The Stroll Colour Everywhere Derailers Derailers Derek & The Dominos Derek & The Dominos Derek O'Bannon Deric Ruttan Deryl Dodd Deryl Dodd Deryl Dodd Deryl Dodd Deryl Dodd Desiigner Desmond Dekker & The Aces Desree Destiny's Child Destiny's Child Destiny's Child Destiny's Child Destiny's Child Destiny's Child Destiny's Child Destiny's Child Destiny's Child Destiny's Child Destiny's Child Destiny's Child Destiny's Child Destiny's Child & T.I. & Lil' Detriot Spinners Detriot Spinners Detroit Spinners Detroit Spinners Deuce Dev Ft The Cataracs Devlin & Ed Sheeran Devlin Feat. Diane Birch Devo Devo Devo Devo Dewin McCain Dexter Freebish Dexy's Midnight Runners Dexy's Midnight Runners Dexy's Midnight Runners DHT Diamond Rio Diamond Rio Diamond Rio Diamond Rio Diamond Rio Diamond Rio Diamond Rio Diamond Rio Diamond Rio Diamond Rio Diamond Rio Diamond Rio Diamond Rio Diamond Rio Diamond Rio Diamond Rio Diamond Rio Diamond Rio Diamond Rio Diamond Rio Diamond Rio & Wariner & Parnel Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds Dian Diaz Pagina 74 807330 9103513 9103514 19985393 9103515 19985397 19985389 19985396 19985395 9103516 19985390 9103517 9103518 19985391 19985392 9103519 9103520 19985394 9103521 9103522 19806816 806740 19806817 19806818 19806819 807331 807332 811420 19806823 807333 807334 811390 811046 810564 19987811 811201 807595 19806827 19806828 19806829 19806830 19806833 19806831 810213 5381000 807679 2721501 811474 19806836 807335 2721499 2721500 2721498 811473 2721497 2721502 3283806 810609 810792 19806842 1242799 19806844 19806845 19806846 19806847 19806848 1242748 19806850 19806851 19987552 19806852 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG I say a little prayer A Blossom Fell Boulevard Of Broken Dreams East of the sun (and west of the moon) Fly Me To The Moon Garden in the rain Gee baby, ain't I good to you How deep is the ocean I miss you so I'll String Along With You I'm thru with love I've Got You Under My Skin If I Had You Is you is or is you ain't my baby Let's fall in love Pick Yourself Up S Wonderful The best thing for you (would be me) This Can't Be Love You're Looking At Me Ain't No Mountain High Enough Chain Reaction Do You Know Where You're Going I'm Missin' You Love Child Love hangover Not over you yet Stop! In The Name Of Love Take Me Higher Where you going to You tell me you love me Endless Love You Are Everything Reflections Cinderella My Wicked Heart Once What A Difference A Day Makes Laurie Patches Rocky Loving You No More Coming Home Ass On The Floor Come To Me Don't Believe In Love Don't Leave Home Here With Me Hunter Life for rent Mary's In India See You When You're 40 Stoned Thank You White Flag Who Makes You Feel Am I the only one Come A Little Closer Domestic, Light And Cold Draw Me A Map Every Mile A Memory Feel That Fire Free And Easy How Am I Doin' Lot Of Leaving Left To Do My Last Name Settle For A Slowdown Sideways Tryin' To Stop Your Leaving Up What Was I Thinkin' Diana King Diana Krall Diana Krall Diana Krall Diana Krall Diana Krall Diana Krall Diana Krall Diana Krall Diana Krall Diana Krall Diana Krall Diana Krall Diana Krall Diana Krall Diana Krall Diana Krall Diana Krall Diana Krall Diana Krall Diana Ross Diana Ross Diana Ross Diana Ross Diana Ross Diana Ross Diana Ross Diana Ross Diana Ross Diana Ross Diana Ross Diana Ross & Lionel Richie Diana Ross & Marvin Gaye Diana Ross & The Supremes Diana Vickers Diana Vickers Diana Vickers Diana Washington Dickey Lee Dickey Lee Dickey Lee Diddy & Dirty Money & Drak Diddy & Dirty Money & Skylar G Diddy & Dirty Money & Swizz Beatz Diddy & Nicole Scherzinger Dido Dido Dido Dido Dido Dido Dido Dido Dido Dido Dido Dierks Bentley Dierks Bentley Dierks Bentley Dierks Bentley Dierks Bentley Dierks Bentley Dierks Bentley Dierks Bentley Dierks Bentley Dierks Bentley Dierks Bentley Dierks Bentley Dierks Bentley Dierks Bentley Dierks Bentley Pagina 75 19992419 19987777 19806854 807336 19806856 19806857 807337 806737 19806859 809110 19806860 1241281 1241282 1241283 808237 808242 19806863 808238 808239 808241 808240 811413 808236 19806868 1242345 19806870 19806871 19806872 807338 19806874 19806875 811385 19806876 19806877 19806878 19806879 807339 1242344 19990584 1242308 2721510 19806882 19806883 2721509 2721508 19985837 19985838 1241284 1241286 1241287 1241288 1241289 1241290 1241291 1241292 1241293 1241294 1241295 1241296 19806886 19989679 19990659 19989680 19989681 19986037 19990476 19987662 19806887 19806888 1241299 1241300 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Millionaire Forget You The Humpty Dance I'm sorry Dooley Don't Be A Stranger Without love The Perfect Year Broken Hearted Melody What A Difference A Day Makes I Like It Holy Diver Rainbow In The Dark The Last in Line A Teenager In Love Abraham, Martin And John Donna The Prima Donna I Wonder Why Lonely Teenager Lovers Who Wander Ruby Baby Runaround Sue The Wanderer Hopeless Alfie All The Love In The World Do You Know The Way To San José Don't Make Me Over Heartbreaker I Say A Little Prayer I'll Never Love This Way Again That's What Friends Are For Then Came You Trains & Boats & Planes Valley Of The Dolls Walk On By Way to San Jose You'll Never Get To Heaven Be Right There Brothers in Arms Money For Nothing Romeo & Juliet So Far Away Sultans Of Swing Walk Of Life Why Worry Your Latest Trick Be My Baby Do You Love Me Hey Baby Hungry Eyes In The Still Of The Night Love Man Overload She's Like The Wind Stay Where Are You Tonight Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow Yes Days Go By You Me Magnets F For You Disclosure and Sam Smith - Latch (Karaoke Version).mp4 Latch Omen You & Me Counting Blue Cars Once In A While Be Our Guest (Skönheten & Odjuret) Beauty & The Beast (Skönheten & Odjuret) Pagina 76 Digital Farm Animals & Cash Cash Digital Summer Feat. Clint Lowery Digital Underground Dilba Dillards Dina Carroll Dinah Carol Dinah Carroll Dinah Washington Dinah Washington Dino Dio Dio Dio Dion Dion Dion Dion Dion Dion Dion Dion Dion Dionne Farris Dionne Warwick Dionne Warwick Dionne Warwick Dionne Warwick Dionne Warwick Dionne Warwick Dionne Warwick Dionne Warwick Dionne Warwick Dionne Warwick Dionne Warwick Dionne Warwick Dionne Warwick Dionne Warwick Diplo And Sleepy Tom Dire Straits Dire Straits Dire Straits Dire Straits Dire Straits Dire Straits Dire Straits Dire Straits Dirty Dancing Dirty Dancing Dirty Dancing Dirty Dancing Dirty Dancing Dirty Dancing Dirty Dancing Dirty Dancing Dirty Dancing Dirty Dancing Dirty Dancing Dirty Dancing Dirty Vegas Disclosure Disclosure & Lorde Disclosure & Mary J Blige Disclosure & Sam Smith Disclosure Feat. Sam Smith Disclosure Feat. Sam Smith Disclosure Ft Eliza Doolittle Dishwalla Dishwalla Disney Disney 1241301 1241302 1241304 1241305 1241306 1241307 1241308 1241309 1241310 1241311 1241312 1241297 1241313 1241314 1241315 1241316 1241317 1241318 1241319 1241320 1241321 811183 19991016 19991848 19986708 19991399 19806889 19986709 19991849 19991231 19991798 19986710 19986711 19806891 19806892 19986712 19806893 19806894 19986676 19991850 19813646 19986713 19806895 19986714 19806896 19806897 807381 19806899 19987976 19987989 19987978 19806900 19806901 19806902 19987983 1242782 19987993 19987985 810505 807382 19806906 19806907 19987990 19806908 19806909 19987974 19987992 19806910 1242663 19806912 19987982 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Bella Notte (Lady & Lufsen) Can You Feel The Love Tonight (Lejonkungen) Colours Of The Wind (Pochahontas) Cruella De Vill (101 Dalmatiner) Friend Like Me (Aladdin) Hakuna Matata (Lion King) He Lives In You (Lejonkungen) Home (Skönheten & Odjuret) I Just Can't Wait To Be King (Lejonkungen) Just Around The Riverbend (Pochahontas) Once Upon A Dream (Törnrosa) Part Of Yor World (Lilla Sjöjungfrun) Queen Of The Jungle (Lejonkungen) Reflection (Mulan) So This Is Love (Askungen) Someday My Prince Will Come (Snövit) The Bare Necessities (Djungelboken) Under The Sea (Lilla Sjöjungfrun) Warthog Rapsody (Lejonkungen) Winnie The Pooh (Nalle Puh) You've Got A Friend In Me (Toy Story) Another Way To Die Awaken Believe Conflict Disturbed Down With The Sickness Fear Intoxication Land Of Confusion Living After Midnight Meaning Of Life Numb Prayer Remember Shout 2000 Stricken Stupify Ten 1,000 Fists The Animal The Night Violence Fetish Voices Want Lately One More Try National express I Touch Myself A Home Baby Hold On Bitter End Cold Day In July Cowboy Take Me Away Don't Waste Your Heart Easy Silence Everybody Knows Favorite Year Give It Up Or Let Me Go Godspeed (Sweet Dreams) Goodbye Earl Heartbreak Town Hello Mr Heartache Hole In My Head I Believe In Love I Can Love You Better I Hope I Like It If I Fall You're Going Down With Me Landslide Let 'er Rip Let Him Fly Disney Disney Disney Disney Disney Disney Disney Disney Disney Disney Disney Disney Disney Disney Disney Disney Disney Disney Disney Disney Disney Disturbed Disturbed Disturbed Disturbed Disturbed Disturbed Disturbed Disturbed Disturbed Disturbed Disturbed Disturbed Disturbed Disturbed Disturbed Disturbed Disturbed Disturbed Disturbed Disturbed Disturbed Disturbed Disturbed Divine Divine Divine Comedy Divinyls Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Pagina 77 2389733 19806914 19987986 19987977 19987979 19987973 19806916 810630 19987988 19806918 19987991 19806919 19987975 807384 19806921 19987981 19806922 2389734 810518 19806924 19987984 19806929 19806925 811712 19806927 19987980 811714 19987987 19806930 19806931 19989682 19806932 19806933 19806934 19806935 19985785 19987789 19988179 807385 19806938 12409638 19989053 19988447 19989683 19989684 19985887 19985303 19990050 19989077 19989693 19989685 19989686 19806939 19806940 19806941 19806943 807051 19806946 19806947 809301 19989687 19991730 19992192 5381010 810816 19992329 19991723 19991882 19992203 19988241 808706 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Long Time Gone Loving Arms Lubbock Or Leave It Lullaby More Love Not Ready To Make Nice Once You've Loved Somebody Ready To Run Silent House Sin Wagon So Hard Some Days You Gotta Dance The Long Way Around There's your trouble Tonight The Heartache's On Me Top Of The World Tortured, Tangled Hearts Travelin' Soldier Travelin' Soldier (Live Version) Truth No. 2 Voice Inside My Head Walk Softly White Trash Wedding Wide Open Spaces Without You You Can't Hurry Love You Were Mine Roly Poly Chapel Of Love Iko Iko Bassline Junkie Bonkers Dirtee Cash Dirtee Disco Holiday Scream Goin' Crazy Something really bad Chihuahua Flashdance (What A Feeling) Cha Cha Slide Make The World Go Round Calling All Hearts Calling All Hearts Flashlight The Feeling Hot Right Now Gravity Flashlight Earthquake Make U Bounce Dibby Dibby Sound Let Me Clear My Throat Between Sundays Whatever It Takes Don't You Just Know It My Bonnie Sunlight The Boys Of Summer Heaven Turn Down For What Middle Let Me Love You Walk It Out Whoop That Trick Eyahe Cake by the Ocean Cake by the Ocean [Clean] Toothbrush Lady Gaga Ft R Kelly Drift Away Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The Dixie Chicks, The & Asleep At The Wheel Dixie Cups Dixie Cups Dizzee Rascal Dizzee Rascal Dizzee Rascal Dizzee Rascal Dizzee Rascal Dizzee Rascal & Pepper Dizzee Rascal & Robbie Williams Dizzee Rascal Ft Will.I.AM DJ Bobo Dj Bobo DJ Casper DJ Cassidy & R Kelly DJ Cassidy & Robin Thicke & Jessie J DJ Cassidy, Robin Thicke & Jessie J DJ Fresh & Ellie Goulding DJ Fresh & Ravaughn DJ Fresh & Rita Ora DJ Fresh ft Ella Eyre DJ Fresh ft Ellie Goulding DJ Fresh VS Diplo & Dominique Young Unique DJ Fresh vs TC DJ Fresh vs. Jay Fay & Ms Dynamite DJ Kool DJ Miller DJ Miller Dj Otzi Dj Otzi DJ Sammy Dj Sammy & Loona Dj Sammy & Yanou DJ Snake & Lil Jon DJ Snake ft Bipolar Sunshine DJ Snake ft Justin Bieber Dj Unk Djay Djumbo DNCE DNCE DNCE Do What U Want Dobie Gray Pagina 78 807390 19806962 19806963 1241322 1241323 810742 1242268 807391 19806965 19806966 19806967 19806968 19806969 19806970 19806971 19806972 808897 19806974 19806975 19806976 810468 19806978 19806979 19806980 19992196 19806981 19806982 19806983 19806984 19806985 19806986 19989063 19806987 19806988 19806989 807392 2389656 19806991 19806992 19806993 19806994 19806996 19806997 19806998 810683 807037 19807000 808650 1076115 807393 808635 1076117 1076118 1076119 1076120 1076121 1076122 19807003 1076123 808637 808636 1076124 19807004 811801 807394 807395 19807008 19986082 19807009 19807010 19807011 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Solglasogon Baby If You're Ready Breaking The Chains Burning Like a Flame In My Dreams It's Not Love Love's Got A Hold Of Me 9 to 5 A Few Old Memories A Tender Lie Apple Jack Coat Of Many Colors Dagger Through The Heart Eagle When She Flies Few Old Memories Hello God Here You Come Again Honky Tonk Songs I Will Always Love You It's All Wrong But It's All Right Jolene Little Sparrow Nine To Five PMS Blues Pure & Simple Shine Silver & Gold Stairway To Heaven Starting Over Again Tender Lie Travelin' Prayer Try Two Doors Down Welcome Home Why'd You Come In Here Lookin' Working man Yellow Roses Whenever Forever Comes Romeo Islands In Stream I Am Strong Rockin' Years I'm In Love Again Heavy Metal (Takin' A Ride) Blue Blue Day Oh, lonesome me Touch The Morning A New York Minute All She Wants To Do Is Dance Boys of summer Dirty Laundry End Of The Innocence Heart Of The Matter I Will Not Go Quietly Last Worthless Evening New York Minute Not Enough Love In The World Sit Down You're Rocking The Boat Sunset Grill The Boys Of Summer The Heart Of The Matter You Don't Know Me At All Tiny Bubbles American Pie Crying Rosie Amanda Back in my younger days Come Early Morning Falling Again Good Ole Boys Like Me Docenterna Doggy's Angels & Latoya Willia Dokken Dokken Dokken Dokken Dollar Dolly Parton Dolly Parton Dolly Parton Dolly Parton Dolly Parton Dolly Parton Dolly Parton Dolly Parton Dolly Parton Dolly Parton Dolly Parton Dolly Parton Dolly Parton Dolly Parton Dolly Parton Dolly Parton Dolly Parton Dolly Parton Dolly Parton Dolly Parton Dolly Parton Dolly Parton Dolly Parton Dolly Parton Dolly Parton Dolly Parton Dolly Parton Dolly Parton Dolly Parton Dolly Parton Dolly Parton & Collin Raye Dolly Parton & Friends Dolly Parton & Kenny Rogers Dolly Parton & The Grascals Dolly Parton, Ricky & Van Shel Domino Don Felder Don Gibson Don Gibson Don Gibson Don Henley Don Henley Don Henley Don Henley Don Henley Don Henley Don Henley Don Henley Don Henley Don Henley Don Henley Don Henley Don Henley Don Henley Don Henley Don Ho Don McLean Don McLean Don Partridge Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Pagina 79 807396 19807012 1241754 19807014 19807015 19807016 19986073 19986087 19987602 19807017 19986085 19986076 19986079 19986080 810688 19986070 19807020 19986088 19807021 19986077 19986084 19807022 19807023 19986075 19807024 19807025 19986072 19807026 19986091 1242342 19807027 19986074 19986093 19807028 19986068 19807029 19986069 19986092 19986071 807399 19986078 19985868 19985872 19985873 19807031 19807032 19807033 19807034 19807035 19807036 19807037 19807038 19807039 19807040 811837 19807042 807401 807359 811818 808992 808947 2389614 806752 806738 2389692 19807047 19807049 19807050 19991444 19807051 812197 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Gypsy woman Heartbeat In The Darkness I Believe In You I Recall A Gypsy Woman I Wouldn't Want To Live If You Didn't Love Me I'm Just A Country Boy I've got a winner in you If hollywood don't need you Infinity It Must Be Love It's Who You Love Lay down beside me Listen to the radio Lord have mercy on a country Lord I Hope This Day Is Good Love Is On A Roll Love Me Over Again Love me tonight Mercy On A Country Boy Miracles My Rifle, My Pony & Me Nobody But You One Good Well Rake & ramblin' man Say It Again Shadow Land She never knew me Some Broken Hearts Never Mend Stay Young Story Of My Life That's The Thing About Love The ties that bind Then It's Love Til The Rivers All Run Dry True Love Tulsa Time Turn out the light and love me Walkin' A Broken Heart We should be together You're my best friend If I needed you Maxine New Frontier Ruby Baby U Know What's Up You Know That I Love You Another Goodbye Funny Face Happiest Girl In The Whole USA I Could Be The One Love Him Mother At The Beginning Any Way At All Bad Girls Dim All The Lights Hot stuff I feel love Last Dance McArthur Park On The Radio She Works Hard For The Money State Of Independence This Time I Know It's For Real You Should Hear How She Talks About You Heaven Knows Fall Behind Me Take It Off Take it off Good Life Puppy Love Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams Don Williams & Emmylou Harris Donald Fagen Donald Fagen Donald Fagen Donell Jones Donell Jones Donna Fargo Donna Fargo Donna Fargo Donna Lewis Donna Lewis Donna Lewis Donna Lewis & Richard Marx Donna Summer Donna Summer Donna Summer Donna Summer Donna Summer Donna Summer Donna Summer Donna Summer Donna Summer Donna Summer Donna Summer Donna Summer Donna Summer & Brooklyn Dreams Donnas Donnas Donnas, The Donnie & Marie Osmond Donny Osmond Pagina 80 812198 812199 812196 812207 809446 809445 809449 809447 809448 811380 19807053 19807054 19807055 2888544 810852 810858 808114 19807058 807403 19807060 19807061 808314 808315 808313 808323 808317 19807065 808312 808310 806767 808319 808320 808321 808322 808324 808318 808316 19807075 808311 19807076 19807077 812099 812098 812100 812092 812095 812091 812090 812101 812097 810459 810460 812093 812094 812096 809093 812102 808908 19807082 19807083 807404 19807085 19807086 19807087 19807088 19807089 19807090 19807091 19807092 19807093 19807094 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG The Twelfth Of Never Why Young Love Puppy Love, Young Love, Why, Twelfth Of Never (medley) Catch The Wind Hurdy Gurdy Man Mellow Yellow Seasons Of The Witch Sunshine Superman Black Water China Grove Jesus Is Just Alright Listen To The Music Long Train Runnin' Rockin' Down The Highway South City Midnight Lady Take Me In Your Arms What A Fool Believes Straight from the heart Wanted 20th Century Fox Alabama Song Back Door Man Been Down So Long Break On Through Crystal Ship End [Karaoke] Hello I Love You L.A. Woman Light My Fire Love Her Madly Love Me Two Times People Are Strange Riders On The Storm Roadhouse Blues The Unknown Soldier Touch Me Unknown Soldier When The Music's Over Wild Child A Guy Is A Guy Bewitched, Bothered & Bewildered Everybody Loves A Lover If I Give My Heart To You Move Over Darling Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps Pillow Talk Que Sera, Sera Ready, Willing & Able Secret Love Sentimental Journey Tea For Two Teacher's Pet The Black Hills Of Dakota The Deadwood Stage The Lullabye Of Broadway Sugarbush Just One Look Are You Happy Baby Sometimes When We Touch Captain of her heart Come In Out Of The Pain Faith In Me Faith In You Fourteen Minutes Old I'd Be Better Off In A Pinebox Little Houses Make Up In Love More Love Surprise Take A Letter Maria Why Didn't I Think Of That Pagina 81 Donny Osmond Donny Osmond Donny Osmond Donny Osmond Medley Donovan Donovan Donovan Donovan Donovan Doobie Brothers, The Doobie Brothers, The Doobie Brothers, The Doobie Brothers, The Doobie Brothers, The Doobie Brothers, The Doobie Brothers, The Doobie Brothers, The Doobie Brothers, The Doolally Dooleys Doors, The Doors, The Doors, The Doors, The Doors, The Doors, The Doors, The Doors, The Doors, The Doors, The Doors, The Doors, The Doors, The Doors, The Doors, The Doors, The Doors, The Doors, The Doors, The Doors, The Doris Day Doris Day Doris Day Doris Day Doris Day Doris Day Doris Day Doris Day Doris Day Doris Day Doris Day Doris Day Doris Day Doris Day Doris Day Doris Day Doris Day & Frankie Laine Doris Troy Dottie West Dottie West Double Doug Stone Doug Stone Doug Stone Doug Stone Doug Stone Doug Stone Doug Stone Doug Stone Doug Stone Doug Stone 19807095 19807096 19807097 19807098 19807099 19807100 1241324 3283827 19807101 19807102 19990144 19807103 19807104 807405 809190 809191 9103529 810866 807406 809188 807407 19806955 809187 807408 809184 809189 19806958 19806959 807410 807409 19992410 19990500 19989688 19991160 19989689 19990509 19531878 19989690 19988192 19991985 19985914 19991719 810886 810877 807412 19807106 19807107 19807108 19807109 19807111 1242346 19807112 19807113 807413 3283941 19807116 1241817 2721495 19807118 810593 19986465 19807120 1241325 19807122 19807123 19807124 19807125 19807126 19807127 811263 19991988 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG I Don't Call Him Daddy Not Enough Hours In The Night Reno State Fair You Never Even Call Me By My Name Catch The Sun Trust Company I Need A Doctor Right Place Wrong Time Makin' Whoopie Can't Stop Playing (Makes Me High) remix Forgot About Dre (duo) Nuthin But A G Thang A Little Bit More Better Love Next Time Carry Me Carrie Cover Of A Rolling Stone Freaking at the Freakers' Ball I Don't Want To Be Alone Tonight If I Said You Had A Beautiful Body If Not You Knowing She's There Little Bit More More Like The Movies Only Sixteen Sharing The Night Together Silvia's Mother Storms Never Last When you're in love with a beautiful Years From Now Controlla Hotline Bling Started From The Bottom Summer Sixteen Trophies Jumpman Take Care Hold On, We're Going Home Hold On, We're Going Home Too Good Crew Love One Dance Anything, Anything (I'll Give You) Whatcha See Is Whatcha Get Vill du bli min fru Falsetto He Loves You Not I Luv Your Girl In My Dreams Life In A Northern Town Down On The Beach Hello Happiness On Broadway Saturday night at the movies Save the last dance for me Some Kind Of Wonderful This Magic Moment Under The Boardwalk Up On The Roof White Christmas Kiss Me, I'm Shitfaced Tell me Bodies I Should Be In My Bed Never Make A Promise Tell Me These Are The Times We're Not Making Love No More Let's Go Surfing Hotter Than Hell Doug Supernaw Doug Supernaw Doug Supernaw Doug Supernaw Doug Supernaw Doves Downfall Dr Dre, Eminem, Skylar Grey Dr John Dr John & Rickie Lee Jones Dr Kucho & Gregor Salto ft Ane Brun Dr. Dre & Eminem Dr. Dre & Snoop Doggy Dogg Dr. Hook Dr. Hook Dr. Hook Dr. Hook Dr. Hook Dr. Hook Dr. Hook Dr. Hook Dr. Hook Dr. Hook Dr. Hook Dr. Hook Dr. Hook Dr. Hook Dr. Hook Dr. Hook Dr. Hook Drake Drake Drake Drake Drake Drake & Future Drake & Rihanna Drake and Majid Jordan Drake Ft Majid Jordan Drake ft Rihanna & Popcaan Drake ft The Weeknd Drake ft Wizkid & Kyla Dramarama Dramatics, The Drangarna Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Academy Drifters, The Drifters, The Drifters, The Drifters, The Drifters, The Drifters, The Drifters, The Drifters, The Drifters, The Drifters, The Dropkick Murphys Drops Of Jupiter Drowning Pool Dru Hill Dru Hill Dru Hill Dru Hill Dru Hill Dru Hill Drums, The Dua Lipa Pagina 82 19807128 19807129 807414 19989691 9103592 2721573 19807132 2721575 807589 810133 19807134 19990501 19990221 19989692 19988021 19987640 19988625 19807135 19807136 810482 19807138 19807139 806777 2389725 807415 19807142 807416 19807144 807417 806796 1242017 807418 19807147 19992035 19807148 19807149 19807150 811022 9103499 809017 19807152 807420 809019 2721578 809018 809015 809020 807419 19988461 19988638 19807156 19807157 19807158 19807159 19807160 19807162 811454 19807164 19807165 19807166 19807167 19807168 19986466 19807169 19807170 19807171 19807172 19807173 19807174 19807175 19807176 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Seven Drunken Nights The Black Velvet Band I will be your girlfriend NRG Mercy Rain On Your Parade Serious Stepping Stone Warwick Avenue Well Well Well Dazzey Dukes Ocean Drive The Giver (Reprise) I Got U Hold-On Need U (100 ) I Got U (Duet Version) Barely Breathing Bite Your Tongue A View To A Kill Girls On Film Hungry Like The Wolf Notorious Ordinary World Reflex Rio Save a prayer Someone Else Not Me Something i should know The Reflex Union Of The Snake Wild boys Step Into The Light Seein' Red And Then Smaller Pieces Have To Say You Love I Close My Eyes And Count To Ten I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself I Only Want To Be With You Look Of Love Only wanna be with you Silver Threads And Golden Needles Son Of A Preacher Man The Look Of Love What Have I Done To Deserve This Wishin' And Hopin' You don't have to say you love me Tsunami (Jump) Tsunami (Jump) I'm Cheatin' A Thousand Miles From Nowhere Ain't That Lonely Yet Back Of Your Hand Claudette Gone (that'll Be Me) Guitars, Cadillacs Here Comes Santa Claus Honky Tonk Man I Got You I Sang Dixie I Want You To Want Me Little Sister Little Ways Long white Cadillac Nothing Please, Please Baby Pocket Of A Clown Sitting Pretty Sorry You Asked Streets Of Bakersfield Dubliners Dubliners Dubstar Duck Sauce Duffy Duffy Duffy Duffy Duffy Duffy Duice Duke Dumont Duke Dumont Duke Dumont & Jax Jones Duke Dumont & Mnek Duke Dumont Feat. A M E Duke Dumont Feat. Jax Jones Duncan Sheik Duncan Sheik Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Dust For Life Dustin Lynch Dusty Drake Dusty Drake Dusty Springfield Dusty Springfield Dusty Springfield Dusty Springfield Dusty Springfield Dusty Springfield Dusty Springfield Dusty Springfield Dusty Springfield Dusty Springfield Dusty Springfield Dusty Springfield DVBBS & Borgeous & Tinie Tempah DVBBS And Borgeous Feat. Tinie Tempah Dwele Dwight Yoakam Dwight Yoakam Dwight Yoakam Dwight Yoakam Dwight Yoakam Dwight Yoakam Dwight Yoakam Dwight Yoakam Dwight Yoakam Dwight Yoakam Dwight Yoakam Dwight Yoakam Dwight Yoakam Dwight Yoakam Dwight Yoakam Dwight Yoakam Dwight Yoakam Dwight Yoakam Dwight Yoakam Dwight Yoakam Pagina 83 19807177 19807178 19807180 19807181 19807182 19807183 9103363 19807184 19807186 5380973 809253 19807271 809258 19807273 809254 810704 2721521 1242578 19807274 19807275 811924 19807276 808148 19807277 809257 1242434 809256 811081 19807187 807422 808644 19807189 812222 812074 811394 812073 812301 808630 812078 812299 811797 811982 812220 808632 808634 19807195 812223 812218 812080 808648 812077 810806 812216 812072 808643 808647 812300 812075 808645 812217 806812 812219 19807201 812082 812079 808646 808633 812081 808631 812071 19807203 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG The Back Of Your Hand The Heart That You Own Try Not To Look So Pretty Turn It On, Turn It Up, Turn Me Loose What Do You Know About Love You're The One Fast As You Things Change Life U And Dat Can't Get You Out Of My Head Do Ya Don't Bring Me Down Easy Money Evil Woman Hold On Tight Livin' Thing Ma Ma Ma Belle Mr Blue Sky Rockaria Roll Over Beethoven State Of Mind Strange Magic Sweet Talkin' Woman Telephone Line The Diary Of Horace Wimp Turn To Stone Are You Still Having Fun Falling In Love Again Save tonight After The Thrill Is Gone Already gone Best Of My Love Certain Kind Of Fool Desperado Doolin-dalton Eagles Medley 3 Get Over It Good Day In Hell Greeks Don't Want No Freaks Heartache Tonight Hotel California Hotel California (Full Version) I Can't Tell You Why In The City Love Will Keep Us Alive Lyin' Eyes New Kid In Town Nightingale Ol' 55 On The Border One Day At A Time One Of These Nights Out Of Control Peaceful Easy Feeling Please Come Home For Christmas Sad Cafe Saturday Night Seven Bridges Road Take It Easy Take It To The Limit Tequila Sunrise The Best Of My Love The Eagles Medley 3 The Greeks Don't Want No Freaks The Last Resort The Long Run The Sad Cafe Too Many Hands Wasted Time Witchy Woman Dwight Yoakam Dwight Yoakam Dwight Yoakam Dwight Yoakam Dwight Yoakam Dwight Yoakam Dwight Yoakum Dwight Yoakum E Type E-40 & T-Pain & Kandi Girl E.L.O. E.L.O. E.L.O. E.L.O. E.L.O. E.L.O. E.L.O. E.L.O. E.L.O. E.L.O. E.L.O. E.L.O. E.L.O. E.L.O. E.L.O. E.L.O. E.L.O. Eagle Eye Cherry Eagle Eye Cherry Eagle Eye Cherry Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Eagles, The Pagina 84 812076 812224 812225 807749 19992005 19807205 19807206 19807207 1242282 807342 807737 808259 808256 807423 808257 808258 808260 808985 19985964 807424 807425 807426 807427 2058910 811228 1678235 19807218 19807219 807428 807429 19990036 19807223 19807224 19986467 19807225 19989694 19989695 19989696 19065177 19988249 19989697 19989698 19989699 5960076 19989701 8477753 19990113 19990013 1242174 807431 807432 2721475 807433 1242531 19992039 19807232 807434 1242207 1242686 807435 1242687 19807233 19807234 808087 19807235 809586 810651 19807236 19807237 19807238 19807239 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG You Never Cry Like A Lover Peaceful Easy Feeling, Lyin' Eyes, Take It Easy (medley) New Kid In Town, Best Of My Love, Tequila Sunrise (medley) Fuck It I Don't Want You Back Good Witch End (Of A Rainbow) Nobody Falls Like A Fool Right From The Start After The Love Has Gone Boogie wonderland Fantasy Let's Groove Reasons September Shining Star Sing A Song That's The Way Of The World Looking For My Man Santa Baby Around the world Someone to love Stay another day Steam If You Ever A Little More Country Than That I Can't Love You Back Get Low Hold Me 800 grader Staten o kapitalet Cool Kids My Cup Runneth Over Ever Never Lovin' You The Last Cowboy Song You're The Best Break This Old Heart Ever Had Afire Love Bloodstream Don't Drunk I See Fire Lego House Photograph SING The A Team Thinking Out Loud You Need Me I Don't Need You (Clean Version) Bloodstream Bloodstream Do Anything You Want To Do C'mon everybody Somethin' else Summertime Blues Three steps to heaven Twenty Flight Rock Easy Knock On Wood Baby come back Do You Feel My Love Electric Avenue Gimme hope Joanna I Don't Wanna Dance I Wanna Go Back Shakin' Think I'm In Love Party All The Time You And I Drinking My Baby Off My Mind Drivin' My Life Away Every Which Way But Loose Hearts On Fire I Love A Rainy Night Pagina 85 Eagles, The Eagles, The Medley Eagles,The Medley Eamon Earl Earl Grant Earl Thomas Conley Earl Thomas Conley Earth Wind & Fire Earth Wind & Fire Earth Wind & Fire Earth Wind & Fire Earth Wind & Fire Earth Wind & Fire Earth Wind & Fire Earth Wind & Fire Earth Wind & Fire Eartha Kitt Eartha Kitt East 17 East 17 East 17 East 17 East 17 ft Gabrielle Easton Corbin Easton Corbin Eastside Boys Lil Jon & Ying Y Ebba Forsberg Ebba Gron Ebba Gron Echosmith Ed Ames Ed Bruce Ed Bruce Ed Bruce Ed Sheeran Ed Sheeran Ed Sheeran Ed Sheeran Ed Sheeran Ed Sheeran Ed Sheeran Ed Sheeran Ed Sheeran Ed Sheeran Ed Sheeran Ed Sheeran & Rudimental Ed Sheeran ft Rudimental Eddie & The Hot Rods Eddie Cochran Eddie Cochran Eddie Cochran Eddie Cochran Eddie Cochran Eddie Eastman Eddie Floyd Eddie Grant Eddie Grant Eddie Grant Eddie Grant Eddie Grant Eddie Money Eddie Money Eddie Money Eddie Murphy Eddie Rabbit & Crystal Gayle Eddie Rabbitt Eddie Rabbitt Eddie Rabbitt Eddie Rabbitt Eddie Rabbitt 19807240 19807241 19807242 811001 19807244 1241915 1241916 19807245 9103484 9103486 810687 9103497 19807246 9103490 9103483 9103485 9103492 9103496 9103489 9103488 9103487 9103498 9103493 19807249 19807251 19807252 3283816 19807253 19807254 810256 810255 811905 19987615 19987613 19987614 19986615 811162 19986513 810755 19807255 19807256 19807257 19807258 808710 808951 1242689 807436 19807261 807437 19991018 807440 19807267 19807268 807441 19991163 19990592 19807279 19990139 19986737 808244 1242317 19807280 3283803 19807281 19807282 19989629 19988230 2721610 2721611 19807283 19807284 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Pour Me Another Tequila Step By Step You Don't Love Me Anymore Hard Sun You've Got To Hide Your Love Away Anytime Bouqet of Roses Cattle Call [Karaoke] I Really Don't Want To Know I Wanna Play House With You I'll Hold You In My Heart It's A Sin Just A Little Lovin' Will Go A Long Way Just Call Me Lonesome Make The World Go Away Misty Blue Somebody Like Me That Do Make It Nice The Cattle Call There's Been A Change In Me Turn The World Around Welcome To My World What's He Doing In My World You Don't Know Me Cowboys Don't Cry Get Over Yourself Amen Free Ride What I Am A Quoi Ca Sert L'Amour Mon Manege A Moi (Tu Me Fais Tourner La Tete) All Sparks An End Has A Start Blood Bullets Stereo Love Stereo love Home When You Wish Upon A Star Go Be Young I Could Not Ask For More I'll Be Sorry To A Friend 25 Miles Contact War A girl like you Never Met A Girl Like You Blue Victim Memory Leave A Mark Only A Woman's Heart Zwampen One Step At A Time When I Was A Boy Danger High Voltage Still In Love With You Forbidden City Little Star Heaven Must Have Sent You Always The Love Songs Crazy Girl Radio Waves No Regrets Big When I Was Little Let It Rain Moneybox Pack Up Stupid Things Don't Cry Out Loud Pagina 86 Eddie Rabbitt Eddie Rabbitt Eddie Rabbitt Eddie Vedder Eddie Vedder Eddy Arnold Eddy Arnold Eddy Arnold Eddy Arnold Eddy Arnold Eddy Arnold Eddy Arnold Eddy Arnold Eddy Arnold Eddy Arnold Eddy Arnold Eddy Arnold Eddy Arnold Eddy Arnold Eddy Arnold Eddy Arnold Eddy Arnold Eddy Arnold Eddy Arnold Eddy Raven Eden's Crush Eden's Edge Edgar Winter Group Edie Brickell Edith Piaf Edith Piaf Editors, The Editors, The Editors, The Editors, The Edward Maya Edward Maya & Vika Jigulina Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros Edwards, Cliff & The Disney Studio Chorus Edwin McCain Edwin McCain Edwin McCain Edwin McCain Edwin Starr Edwin Starr Edwin Starr Edwyn Collins Edwyn Collins Eiffel 65 Eighteen Visions Elaine Page Elbert West Eleanor McEvoy Electric Banana Band Electric Light Orchestra Electric Light Orchestra Electric Six Electro Velvet Electronic Elegants, The Elgins Eli Young Band Eli Young Band Eli Young Band Elisabeth Withers Eliza Doolittle Eliza Doolittle Eliza Doolittle Eliza Doolittle Elizabeth Cook Elkie Brooks 19989703 19990493 19989705 19990161 809102 19807285 809103 809106 19807286 19807287 809104 809105 19807288 19989556 19989706 19990012 19990038 19990586 19986501 19985972 19990997 19989707 19989708 19988001 19988440 19988222 1678260 19990514 19992016 19992368 19989709 19807289 2113329 19807290 19807292 807443 1241438 1241439 2721539 810853 812298 2721533 19807297 19807298 1241441 1241442 807445 19807302 806852 1241444 808842 1241326 19988237 808841 1241446 2721535 19807308 19807309 808839 807446 1241813 2721538 1241816 1241450 19807313 1241451 807447 2721537 2721536 1241454 19807320 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Comeback Good Times If I Go Together A Tisket A Tasket Cheek To Cheek I Only Have Eyes For You It's Alright With Me Nearness Of You Puttin' On The Ritz Stairway To The Stars They Can't Take That Away From Me Tisket A Tasket Ghost Glow Mirror Man Yours Ex's & Oh's We Belong To The Night Anything Could Happen Army Beating Heart Bittersweet Burn Goodness Gracious How Long Will I Love You Lights On My Mind Something In The Way You Move Still Falling For You Your Song Shattered Glass One Word One Minute Man Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer Believe Bennie & the Jets Blessed Blue Eyes Burn Down The Mission Can You Feel The Love Tonight Candle In The Wind Circle Of Life Club At The End Of The Street Crocodile Rock Daniel Don't let sun go down on me Empty Garden (Hey Hey Johnny) Goodbye Yellow Brick Road Harmony Healing Hands Ho! Ho! Ho! Who'd Be A Turkey At Christmas Home Again Honky Cat I Want Love I'm Still Standing Little Jeannie Love Tonight Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds Made in England Mama Can't Buy You Love Nikita One Part Time Love Philadelphia Freedom Please Recover your soul Sacrifice Sad Songs (Say So Much) Saturday Night's Alright Simple Life Ella Eyre Ella Eyre Ella Eyre Ella Eyre Ella Fitzgerald Ella Fitzgerald Ella Fitzgerald Ella Fitzgerald Ella Fitzgerald Ella Fitzgerald Ella Fitzgerald Ella Fitzgerald Ella Fitzgerald Ella Henderson Ella Henderson Ella Henderson Ella Henderson Elle King Ellen Foley Ellie Goulding Ellie Goulding Ellie Goulding Ellie Goulding Ellie Goulding Ellie Goulding Ellie Goulding Ellie Goulding Ellie Goulding Ellie Goulding Ellie Goulding Ellie Goulding Ellie Warren Elliot Yamin Elliot, Missy, Ludacris & Trin Elmo 'N Patsy Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Pagina 87 1241455 1241456 806840 1241457 1241458 806913 1241449 1241798 1241459 19807326 1241460 1241461 807449 1241463 1241464 19807330 2721534 19807332 19807333 19807334 19807335 19807336 19807337 19807338 19986005 19807339 2721463 19807341 19807342 19807343 19807344 19807345 1242143 812004 807608 1242144 807454 807455 4171616 19807351 811422 19807353 807456 19807355 1241864 807457 4171613 19807357 19807358 19807359 812009 812013 19985548 812012 19807364 811427 19807366 1242141 807460 19985563 4171612 1241863 812010 19807371 808756 807451 810591 812008 807461 19807376 19807377 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Someday Out Of The Blue Someone Saved My Life Tonight Something About The Way You Look Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word Step Into Christmas The Circle Of Life The One The Simple Life This Train Don't Stop Tiny Dancer Too Young True Love Yellow brick road You Can Make History Your Song Runaway Train Don't Go Breaking My Heart True Love Written In The Stars I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues Rocket Man Friends Never Say Goodbye Fooled Around & Fell In Love Alison Everyday I Write The Book I Can't Stand Up For Falling Down Oliver's Army Peace Love And Understanding Radio Radio Watching The Detectives Toledo (You're So Square) Baby I Don't Care A Big Hunk Of Love A Fool Such As I A Little Less Conversation A Mess Of Blues All shook up Always on my mind Amazing Grace American Trilogy Are You Lonesome Tonight Baby I Don't Care Be bop a lula Blue Christmas Blue Hawaii Blue suede shoes Blueberry Hill ~ I Can't Stop Loving (Medley) Bossa Nova Baby Bridge Over Troubled Water Burning Love Can't Help Falling In Love Crying In The Chapel Danny Boy Devil In Disguise Don't Don't Be Cruel Don't Cry Daddy Don't Leave Me Now Early mornin rain Find Out What's Happenin' Frankie And Johnnie G I Blues Good Luck Charm Hard Headed Woman Hawaiian Wedding Song Heartbreak Hotel Here Comes Santa Claus His Latest Flame Hound dog How Great Thou Art I Believe Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John Elton John & Eric Clapton Elton John & Kiki Dee Elton John & Kiki Dee Elton John & LeAnn Rimes Elton John & Mary J. Blige Elton John & Ryan Adams Elton John & The Backstreet Boys Elvin Bishop Elvis Costello Elvis Costello Elvis Costello Elvis Costello Elvis Costello Elvis Costello Elvis Costello Elvis Costello & Burt Bacharac Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Pagina 88 812003 812005 1242142 19807379 19807380 807452 806806 807389 19807384 807459 19807385 1241646 811068 807463 1241647 19807387 1241648 812007 1241649 19807390 811879 19807392 4171609 19807393 1241650 4171615 806748 809929 807464 19807396 1241651 809927 807465 812002 807466 4171611 4171614 19807401 4171608 811874 807467 811287 812011 752849 1241652 807468 1241653 807469 19807407 19807408 811868 1241815 1241658 1241655 807471 19807412 19807413 1241656 2721435 19807415 19807416 19807417 19807418 812006 19807419 19807420 19807421 4171610 19989710 19988442 810842 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG I Got Stung I Need Your Love Tonight I Wanna Be Free I Want You I Need You I Love You If I Can Dream In The Ghetto It's Now Or Never Jailhouse Rock Joshua Fit The Battle Just can't help believing Kentucky Rain King Creole Kiss Me Quick Known only to him Lawdy Miss Clawdy Lead Me Guide Me Little Less Conversation Little Sister Love Letters In The Sand Love Me Love Me Tender Loving You Make The World Go Away Memories Memphis Tenessee Money Honey Moody BLue My Boy My everything My Way Of His Latest Flame, (Marie's The Name) Oh Happy Day Old shep One Night One of those days boys Patch It Up Poor Boy Promised Land Proud Mary Return To Sender Rubberneckin Shake Rattle & Roll She's Not You Steamroller Blues Stuck On You Summer kisses winter tears Surrender Suspicious minds Swing Down Sweet Chariot Take My Hand Precious Lord Teddy Bear That's All Right The Wonder Of You There's A Fool Such As I, (Now & Then) Too much Treat Me Nice Trouble Viva Las Vegas Way Down Wear My Ring Around Your Neck Where Could I Go But To The Lord Who Am I Wonder Of You Wooden Heart Working On The Building [Karao You Don't Have To Say You Love Me You'll Never Walk Alone Your Cheatin' Heart A Billion Girls Do It All Over Again Vico C Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Elyar Fox Elyar Fox Emboscada Pagina 89 807472 1242464 19985326 807532 807541 8477762 19985298 19985783 19987651 14722051 809736 1242784 19807426 19807427 19807428 19807429 809948 807474 19807431 19807433 19807434 19807436 19988169 8477781 811517 19807439 19807440 811544 19986627 19807442 807475 19990222 807476 19807445 2721408 811545 2058884 19807448 1241327 1242846 811518 19807451 19807452 1242866 19990180 19988242 811942 807554 19807454 19807455 19807456 19807457 19807458 19807459 19807460 19807461 19807462 19807463 19807464 808989 19807466 1242158 19807468 2389644 19807470 19807471 19807472 19807473 19807474 808494 811768 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG All you good people Come Back to What You Know Looking As You Are Nature's law World at your feet Heaven Next To Me Read All About It Pt III Here It Comes Daddy Chicken Dance A Good Man Fall Into Me I Should Be Sleeping Lucky Man Unbelievable What Do You Want To Make Those Eyes At Me For Big big world I'd Love You To Love Me All The Boys Want Rocks In Your Shoes 8 Mile Berzerk Business Cleanin' Out My Closet Just Lose It Like Toy Soldiers Lose Yourself Love The Way You Lie Mosh My name is Phenomenal Real slim shady Sing For The Moment Space Bound Superman The Real Slim Shady Way I Am We Made You When I'm Gone Without Me Stan Encore Shake That Ass The Monster Monster Love The Way You Lie Downtown What Took You So Long Focus This Day Blue Kentucky Girl Born To Run Home Sweet Home Mister Sandman More Than This O Little Town Of Bethlehem Pearl Two More Bottles Of Wine Best Of My Love Walking On A Dream Don't Let Go Love Giving Him Something He Can Feel My Lovin' (You're Never Gonna Get It) No Fool No More Riddle Too Gone Too Long Whatever No Time For Tears A Man Without Love After The Lovin' Pagina 90 Embrace Embrace Embrace Embrace Embrace Emeli Sande Emeli Sande Emeli Sande Emeli Sande And Rick Smith Emeli Sande Feat. Naughty Boy Emeralds Emerson Drive Emerson Drive Emerson Drive Emerson, Lake & Palmer Emf Emile Ford And The Checkmates Emilia Emilio Emily Osment Emily West Eminem Eminem Eminem Eminem Eminem Eminem Eminem Eminem Eminem Eminem Eminem Eminem Eminem Eminem Eminem Eminem Eminem Eminem Eminem Eminem Eminem & Dido Eminem & Dr Dre & 50 Cent Eminem & Nate Dogg Eminem & Rihanna Eminem Ft Rihanna Eminem ft. Rihanna Emma Bunton Emma Bunton Emma's Imagination Emma's Imagination Emmylou Harris Emmylou Harris Emmylou Harris Emmylou Harris Emmylou Harris Emmylou Harris Emmylou Harris Emmylou Harris Emotions Empire Of The Sun En Vogue En Vogue En Vogue En Vogué En Vogué En Vogué En Vogué Enemy Engelbert Humperdinck Engelbert Humperdinck 808499 811064 808498 808502 808500 808503 808497 19807477 19985388 19807478 811063 808493 808505 808496 808504 808501 2389633 808506 808495 806775 807480 19807481 807478 19807483 19807484 19989712 19807486 19807487 19807488 19988438 19807489 3283923 19807491 19807492 19807493 19986539 810315 811275 19531852 19989713 19989586 5960075 19988626 1242955 19807496 2058935 810596 811475 19807499 19986613 2721451 1242194 19985573 19985571 19985574 19985570 1242218 19985572 5380923 1242889 19807503 19807504 811920 808103 19807505 19807506 19807507 19807508 19807509 19807510 19986468 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Another Time, Another Place Bella Italia By The Time I Get To Phoenix Call On Me Can't Take My Eyes Off You Domage Domage (Too Bad, Too Bad) From Here To Eternity Love Me With All Your Heart [k Love Will Set You Free (Eurovision 2012) Mona Lisa One World Please Release Me (And Let Me Love Again) Quando Quando Quando Stardust The Last Waltz The Shadow Of Your Smile The Spanish Night Is Over This Moment In Time What Now My Love Id Really Love To See You Tonight Rhytm divine Addicted Bailamos Be With You Don't Turn Off The Lights Heart Attack Hero I Like It I Will Survive I'm A Freak Love To See You Cry Maybe Rhythm Divine Sad Eyes She Be The One Tonight (I'm Fuckin' You) Tonight (I'm Loving You) Heartbeat I Like How It Feels I'm A Freak Bailando Dirty Dancer I'm A Freak Amarantine Marble Halls May It Be Oiche Chiun (Silent Night) Only Time Orinoco Flow Silent Night Baby Come Back A Little Respect Blue Savannah Chains Of Love Love To Hate You Oh L'Amour Sometimes Stop I Wanna Be Loved Pretty Baby Sometimes I Cry You're The Only One Never want to live without you Spill The Wine All By Myself Forever Man Hungry Eyes Make Me Lose Control Never Gonna Fall In Love Again Riding With The King Creepin' Engelbert Humperdinck Engelbert Humperdinck Engelbert Humperdinck Engelbert Humperdinck Engelbert Humperdinck Engelbert Humperdinck Engelbert Humperdinck Engelbert Humperdinck Engelbert Humperdinck Engelbert Humperdinck Engelbert Humperdinck Engelbert Humperdinck Engelbert Humperdinck Engelbert Humperdinck Engelbert Humperdinck Engelbert Humperdinck Engelbert Humperdinck Engelbert Humperdinck Engelbert Humperdinck England Dan & John Ford Coley Enrique Iglasias Enrique Iglesias Enrique Iglesias Enrique Iglesias Enrique Iglesias Enrique Iglesias Enrique Iglesias Enrique Iglesias Enrique Iglesias Enrique Iglesias Enrique Iglesias Enrique Iglesias Enrique Iglesias Enrique Iglesias Enrique Iglesias Enrique Iglesias Enrique Iglesias & Ludacris Enrique Iglesias & Nichole Sherzinger Enrique Iglesias & Pitbull Enrique Iglesias & Pitbull Enrique Iglesias & Sean Paul & Gente De Zona Enrique Iglesias & Usher & Lil Wayne Enrique Iglesias Feat. Pitbull Enya Enya Enya Enya Enya Enya Enya Equals Erasure Erasure Erasure Erasure Erasure Erasure Erasure Eric Benet Eric Benet Eric Benet Eric Benet Eric Benét Eric Burdon Eric Carmen Eric Carmen Eric Carmen Eric Carmen Eric Carmen Eric Carmen & BB King Eric Church Pagina 91 19807511 19807512 1242758 1242822 1241840 810492 19807516 19807517 807481 19807519 807482 807483 19807522 19807523 19807524 19807525 19807526 19807527 807484 19807529 1242549 19807530 19807531 19807532 19807533 806759 811431 19807536 19807537 19807538 19807539 19807540 19807541 1241328 19807543 810776 19807545 19807546 19807547 810770 808211 19807549 19807550 19807551 19807552 19807553 19807554 19807555 1241329 19807556 811175 807668 811023 807485 807486 809098 809100 809101 809099 807487 19807561 1241330 807488 809593 807489 1242572 809599 2721615 1242311 807490 809602 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Drink In My Hand Guys Like Me How 'Bout You Two Pink Lines After Midnight (Funky Version) After Midnight (Original Version) Before You Accuse Me Blue Eyes Blue Blues power Change The World Cocaine I am blessed I Shot The Sheriff I'm Tore Down I've Got A Rock N' Roll Heart If I Had Possession Over Judgement Day It's In The Way That You Use It Lay Down Sally Layla Let It Rain Motherless Child My Father's Eyes Promises Running On Faith She's Gone Tears In Heaven Wonderful Tonight Angels Fly Away Flowers On The Wall Wrong Five O'Clock Ok, It's Alright With Me One Foot In The Grave Never Really Wanted Borrow You Tell Me What You Think About Us I Break Things Soldier's Last Letter Walking The Floor Over You Waltz Across Texas Rubber Duckie Mother-In-Law Shout! Shout! Bag Lady Danger Honey Next Lifetime Turn Me Away (Get Munny) Love Of My Life Foreign Land Outta Here Love Dealer American Boy Cinderella Rockafella Angel of mine Stay At Last. I Just Want To Make Love To You If I Can't Have You Sunday Kind Of Love Wanna make love to you Da' Butt Carrie Final countdown Here Comes The Rain Again I save the world today It's Alright Baby's Coming Back Love Is A Stranger Sweet Dreams There Must Be An Angel Playing Thorn in my side Who's That Girl Eric Church Eric Church Eric Church Eric Church Eric Clapton Eric Clapton Eric Clapton Eric Clapton Eric Clapton Eric Clapton Eric Clapton Eric Clapton Eric Clapton Eric Clapton Eric Clapton Eric Clapton Eric Clapton Eric Clapton Eric Clapton Eric Clapton Eric Clapton Eric Clapton Eric Clapton Eric Clapton Eric Clapton Eric Clapton Eric Clapton Eric Durrance Eric Heatherly Eric Heatherly Eric Hutchinson Eric Idle & Richard Wilson Eric Paslay Eric Roberson Erica Nicole Erika Jo Ernest Tubb Ernest Tubb Ernest Tubb Ernie Ernie K. Doe Ernie Maresca Erykah Badu Erykah Badu Erykah Badu Erykah Badu Erykah Badu Erykah Badu & Common Eskimo Joe Esmee Denters Esmée Denters Estelle & Kanye West Esther And Abi Of Arim Eternal Eternal Etta James Etta James Etta James Etta James Etta James EU Europe Europe Eurythmics Eurythmics Eurythmics Eurythmics Eurythmics Eurythmics Eurythmics Eurythmics Pagina 92 809597 812018 807491 812021 812019 807492 807493 807494 807495 812022 807496 807497 807498 807499 807500 807501 812016 807502 810510 807503 812020 1242532 807504 807505 807506 812017 807507 807508 807509 807510 807511 807512 19807571 811533 19991239 807514 19991240 807515 807516 807517 807518 807519 19985346 807520 807521 19991238 807522 807523 807524 19987536 1243072 19807585 19807586 19807587 19807588 19807589 19807590 19807591 19807592 19807593 807525 807526 19807596 19807597 19807598 19807599 19807600 19807601 19807602 19807603 19807604 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Would I Lie To You Ain't No Sunshine American Tune At Last Autumn Leaves Danny Boy Dark Eyed Molly Drowning In The Sea Of Love Fever Fields Of Gold God Bless The Child Hallelujah I Love Him So I Know You By Heart I Wandered By A Brookside Imagine It Don't Mean A Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing) Kathy's Song Natural Woman Over The Rainbow Penny To My Name People Get Ready Songbird Time After Time Time Is A Healer True Colours Wade In The Water Water Is Wide Wayfaring Stranger Who Knows Where The Time Goes Yesterday You Take My Breath Away You've Changed Crazy For This Girl Bring Me To Life Call me when you're sober Call me when youre sober Everybody's fool Everybodys fool Going under Haunted Hello Imaginary My Heart Is Broken My immortal My last breath ring me to life Taking over me Tourniquet Whisper Bring Me To Life Cold (But I'm Still Here) Satisfaction Who's That Girl Gangsta Lovin' Here's To The Night Inside Out Leech On The Roof Again Open Road Song Promise Love come down Shame AM Radio Brown Eyed Girl Everything To Everyone Father Of Mine Heartspark Dollarsign I Will Buy You A New Life One Hit Wonder Santa Monica When It All Goes Wrong Again Pagina 93 Eurythmics Eva Cassidy Eva Cassidy Eva Cassidy Eva Cassidy Eva Cassidy Eva Cassidy Eva Cassidy Eva Cassidy Eva Cassidy Eva Cassidy Eva Cassidy Eva Cassidy Eva Cassidy Eva Cassidy Eva Cassidy Eva Cassidy Eva Cassidy Eva Cassidy Eva Cassidy Eva Cassidy Eva Cassidy Eva Cassidy Eva Cassidy Eva Cassidy Eva Cassidy Eva Cassidy Eva Cassidy Eva Cassidy Eva Cassidy Eva Cassidy Eva Cassidy Evan & Jaron Evanescence Evanescence Evanescence Evanescence Evanescence Evanescence Evanescence Evanescence Evanescence Evanescence Evanescence Evanescence Evanescence Evanescence Evanescence Evanescence Evanescence & Paul McCoy Evans Blue Eve Eve Eve & Alicia Keys Eve 6 Eve 6 Eve 6 Eve 6 Eve 6 Eve 6 Evelyn King Evelyn King Everclear Everclear Everclear Everclear Everclear Everclear Everclear Everclear Everclear 19807605 19807606 19807607 19807608 811426 812111 811309 806761 812110 812117 812115 812116 812118 812112 807527 812114 812113 808123 19807613 19807614 1242222 811279 806323 1242427 19989584 19989714 5960068 19985980 19989715 14722045 19989716 19986417 19985886 19807616 19807617 19807618 19807619 19807620 811814 2721375 19807622 1242095 1242085 19807623 19807624 1241333 811376 1242279 809042 809044 810922 19807628 19807629 19807630 19807631 19807632 19807633 19807634 19807635 807698 19807637 2058941 807699 19807639 19807640 19807641 19807642 19807643 5380889 1242836 5380847 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Wonderful Black Jesus Ends What It's Like All I Have To Do Is Dream Bird Dog (No Harmony) Bye Bye Love Cathys Clown Claudette (No Harmony) Cryin' In The Rain (No Harmony) Ebony Eyes (No Harmony) Temptation The Price Of Love (No Harmony) Till I Kissed You (No Harmony) Wake up little Suzie Walk Right Back (No Harmony) When Will I Be Loved (No Harmony) Come On Down To My Boat Good Thing St. Lucia Hooch I Don't Want To Talk About My Kz Ur Bf Oh la la la Your Song 10 Million People All The Wrong Places Changed The Way You Kissed Me Close Enemies Kids Again Midnight Run One More Day (Stay With Me) Perfect Replacement Say Nothing Stay Awake Kickstarts Tell Him It'll Be Me It's A Miracle Kiss You All Over Woke Up In Love I'll Never Get Over You Tell Me Why When I Looked At Him Let Me Be The One Get The Funk Out Hole Hearted More Than Words Words Tiger Turn Me Loose Breathe Young'n (Holla Back) Into You Baby Can't Let You Go Can't Deny It Trade It All Part 2 Tuff Enuff Wrap It Up Efter plugget Stuck On You Find My Love Perfect Again Ain't Nobody Gone Already I Love You Love Like This Mesmerized Tru Love Why You Wanna Everclear Everlast Everlast Everlast Everly Brothers, The Everly Brothers, The Everly Brothers, The Everly Brothers, The Everly Brothers, The Everly Brothers, The Everly Brothers, The Everly Brothers, The Everly Brothers, The Everly Brothers, The Everly Brothers, The Everly Brothers, The Everly Brothers, The Every Mother's Son Everything Everything Everything But The Girl Everything Everything Evisa Ewan Mcgregor (Moulan Rouge) Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example13 Exciters Exile Exile Exile Exile Expose Expose Expose Expose' Extreme Extreme Extreme F R David Fabian Fabian Fabolous Fabolous Fabolous & Ashanti Fabolous & Mike Shorey Fabolous & Mike Shorey & Lil' Fabolous & Nate Dogg Fabolous & P. Diddy & Jagged E Fabulous Thunderbirds Fabulous Thunderbirds Factory Failure Fairground Attraction Fairground Attraction Faith Evans Faith Evans Faith Evans Faith Evans Faith Evans Faith Evans Faith Evans Faith Evans Pagina 94 19807646 19807647 19807648 1242454 19807650 19807651 811507 810261 810260 19807654 19807655 19807656 19807657 810903 19807660 19807661 19807662 19807663 810833 19807664 810599 1242453 810262 19807658 809068 811707 810263 811506 811348 19807674 810513 2058938 19807676 19807677 19807678 19807679 19807680 810899 19807681 807700 1241334 19991028 1242989 1241335 19989893 19991246 19807684 19990076 19989717 810942 1241337 1241336 19991247 1241338 19991860 19987655 19987647 807647 19985941 19807688 19807689 5380887 5380855 1678215 19807690 19807691 1242349 19807692 19986551 19807693 19985794 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG You Get No Love Can't Believe A Man's Home Is His Castle Breathe Bringing Out The Elvis But I Will Cry If I Should Fall Behind If My Heart Had Wings It Matters To Me Let Me Let Go Let's Go To Vegas Love Ain't Like That Mississippi Girl Piece Of My Heart Red Umbrella Secret Of Life Someone Else's Dream Stealing Kisses Stronger Sunshine & Summertime Take Me As I Am That's How Love Moves The Lucky One The Secret Of Life The Way You Love Me There Will Come A Day There You'll Be This Kiss Way You Love Me When The Lights Go Down Where Are You Christmas Wild One You Can't Lose Her You're Still Here It's Your Love Let's Make Love Like We Never Loved At All Just To Hear You Say That You Love Me Epic Midlife Crisis F.C.P.R.E.M.I.X A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More Touch Me Candles Centuries Dance, Dance I Don't Care Immortals My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark Sugar, We! re Goin' Down Thanks For The Memories The Take Over, The Breaks Over This Ain't A Scene It's An Arms Race This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race Uma Thurman Young Volcanoes Young Volcanoes (Clean) Sugar We're Going Down Yeah Yeah Without Us Camel Toe Ain't Gon'Beg You Free Yourself I'm Doing Me Only One U Truth Is Something Old Something New Soon It's Gonna Rain Rocketeer Like A G6 Turn Up The Love Pagina 95 Faith Evans Faith Evans & Carl Thomas Faith Hill Faith Hill Faith Hill Faith Hill Faith Hill Faith Hill Faith Hill Faith Hill Faith Hill Faith Hill Faith Hill Faith Hill Faith Hill Faith Hill Faith Hill Faith Hill Faith Hill Faith Hill Faith Hill Faith Hill Faith Hill Faith Hill Faith Hill Faith Hill Faith Hill Faith Hill Faith Hill Faith Hill Faith Hill Faith Hill Faith Hill Faith Hill Faith Hill Faith Hill & Tim McGraw Faith Hill & Tim McGraw Faith Hill & Tim McGraw Faith Hill and Tim McGraw Faith no more Faith No More Fall of Troy Fall Out Boy Fall Out Boy Fall Out Boy Fall Out Boy Fall Out Boy Fall Out Boy Fall Out Boy Fall Out Boy Fall Out Boy Fall Out Boy Fall Out Boy Fall Out Boy Fall Out Boy Fall Out Boy Fall Out Boy Fallout Boy Fame, Georgie & The Blue Flames Family Ties Fannypack Fantasia Fantasia Fantasia Fantasia Fantasia Fantastiks Fantastiks Far East Movement Far East Movement & Cataracs & Far East Movement & Cover Drive 19985579 1678254 19807694 19807695 810682 1241753 19807696 19807697 19807698 19807699 19807700 811336 19807702 19807703 19988214 19807704 5380854 811520 19807706 1242176 806839 19807708 811437 810543 810541 19986469 810545 810547 810544 810542 19807713 810546 810548 19991831 19807716 811085 1242493 807651 807665 19986566 19807717 1242995 19990258 807701 19807719 19989718 19989913 1242908 19992136 19986568 810692 19807722 19990155 19990487 19807723 19807725 19807724 1242505 1241523 1241521 5380970 19990030 19990162 19991702 19992197 19991888 1243099 1242479 811078 19807730 806875 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Live My Life Rocketeer All Together Now Cornfields Or Cadillacs Alone With You Goin' Steady Hello Walls Swag Surfin' Top Down Fire Escape Out Of My Head The Way Way You're An Ocean Eat Sleep Rave Repeat (Calvin Harris Remix) Wipeout So Much More What's Luv I Won't Tell You Zoom Praise You Rockafeller Skank Ain't That A Shame Blue Monday Blueberry Hill Hello Josephine I Want To Walk You Home I'm In Love Again I'm Ready I'm Walkin' My Blue Heaven Walking To New Orleans Whole Lotta Loving Cars Janet Jackson Buck Rogers I Thought It Was Over Sewn Without You Stuttering Take Me Away This Is My Life Ain't Nobody (Loves me better) A good heart Finally L.A. LOVE L.A. Love (La La) London Bridge M.I.L.F Won't Let You Fall Wings Of A Dove Hollywood's Not America Trap Queen Six Seven Nine One Of These Days Out Of My Head Superstar Feels Like Heaven If I Were A Rich Man Matchmaker Matchmaker So What BO$$ Worth It Work From Home All In My Head (Flex) Work From Home [Solo Female] I Found Forever Anthem Best Thing Take A Picture Good Thing Far East Movement & Justin Bieber Far East Movement & Ryan Tedder Farm Farmer's Daughter Faron Young Faron Young Faron Young Fast Life Yungstaz Fast Ryde Fastball Fastball Fastball Fastball Fastball Fat Boy Slim Ft Riva Starr Fat Boys Fat Joe Fat Joe & Ashanti Fat Joe & J. Holiday Fat Larry's Band Fatboy Slim Fatboy Slim Fats Domino Fats Domino Fats Domino Fats Domino Fats Domino Fats Domino Fats Domino Fats Domino Fats Domino Fats Domino Fats Domino Fear Factory Feedback Feeder Feeling, The Feeling, The Feeling, The Fefe Dobson Fefe Dobson Fefe Dobson Felix Jaehn Feat. Jasmine Thompson Fergal Sharkey Fergie Fergie Fergie Fergie Fergie Fergie Ferlin Husky Ferras Fetty Wap Fetty Wap ft Remy Boyz FFH Fiasco & Lupe & Trey Songz Fiasco & Santos Fiction Factory Fiddler On The Roof Fiddler On The Roof Field Mob & Ciara Fifth Harmony Fifth Harmony & Kid Ink Fifth Harmony & Ty Dolla Sign Fifth Harmony ft Fetty Wap Fifth Harmony ft Ty Dolla $ign Fighting Instinct Filo & Perry Feat. Eric Lumiere Filter Filter Fine Young Cannibals Pagina 96 811981 807768 810930 19807734 19807735 19807736 19807737 19807738 19807739 19807740 808088 808091 19807742 19807743 19807744 19807745 19807746 19807747 19807748 19807749 19807750 19992383 19807751 19807752 19985616 1242409 811051 808127 19807754 19807755 19807756 19807757 811523 1243014 811399 811412 19807761 1243064 808104 1241780 1243137 808759 19807766 1242445 812034 812041 812038 807704 807537 807705 812045 807702 19807771 812035 812044 19807774 807706 812033 812042 19807776 19807777 806835 19807779 812040 812036 811368 812037 19807782 19807783 812039 812043 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Johnny Come Home She drives me crazy One Thing Thousand Mile Wish Criminal Fast As You Can Limp Sleep To Dream Babyface Bottle Of Wine Just Remember I Love You You Are The Woman Don't Treat Me Bad Hold The Dream I Live My Life For You Love Of A Lifetime Mama Didn't Raise No Fool When I Look Into Your Eyes Beach Baby I Will Love You Don't Gotta Work It Out HandClap Moneygrabber Everybody Get Up We will rock you When The Lights Go Out We Will Rock You Western Union 100 Years If God Made You Riddle Slice Superman The Riddle Signs In The Still Of The Night Ooh Child The Mess One Thing Leads To Another Saved By Zero Wand I Only Have Eyes For You Nobody Loves Me Like You Do Big Love Black Magic Woman Blue Letter Crystal Don't stop Dreams Everywhere Family Man Go your own way Gold Dust Woman Gypsy Hold Me Landslide Little lies Man Of The World Monday Morning Over My Head Rhiannon (Will You Ever Win) Sara Say You Love Me Second Hand News Seven Wonders Silver Springs Songbird Stand Back Stop Draggin' My Heart Around Sugar Daddy Tusk Fine Young Cannibals Fine Young Cannibals Finger Eleven Finger Eleven Fiona Apple Fiona Apple Fiona Apple Fiona Apple Fire & Rain Fireballs Firefall Firefall Firehouse Firehouse Firehouse Firehouse Firehouse Firehouse First Class Fisher Fitz & The Tantrums Fitz & The Tantrums Fitz & The Tantrums Five Five Five Five & Queen Five Americans, The Five For Fighting Five For Fighting Five For Fighting Five For Fighting Five For Fighting Five For Fighting Five Man Electrical Band, The Five Satins, The Five Stairsteps Fivespeed Fixx, The Fixx, The Flaming Lips Flamingos, The Flamingos, The Fleetwood Mac Fleetwood Mac Fleetwood Mac Fleetwood Mac Fleetwood Mac Fleetwood Mac Fleetwood Mac Fleetwood Mac Fleetwood Mac Fleetwood Mac Fleetwood Mac Fleetwood Mac Fleetwood Mac Fleetwood Mac Fleetwood Mac Fleetwood Mac Fleetwood Mac Fleetwood Mac Fleetwood Mac Fleetwood Mac Fleetwood Mac Fleetwood Mac Fleetwood Mac Fleetwood Mac Fleetwood Mac Fleetwood Mac Fleetwood Mac Fleetwood Mac Pagina 97 19807784 19807785 19807786 19807787 19991716 19990577 19807788 19807789 807748 17766312 19985877 19807796 19991715 19807790 19985732 19990218 19990120 19807792 807664 19807794 19807795 811102 19807798 807707 19807800 19986649 19990234 19985720 19990021 19065179 9914939 19985990 19987949 19987961 19985933 19991879 2721377 19991251 1243119 1243073 19807805 19807806 19807807 807708 1241339 19807810 1241340 19807812 19807813 1241341 1241342 1243019 807709 19807817 1243079 2610833 19989883 1241344 1241343 19807820 19807821 5960072 19807822 806653 19807824 808397 809989 808395 808393 19807829 808396 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG You Make Loving Fun Come Softly To Me Mr Blue Ugly Girl More & More Sax Chloroform The One You Love I'm Not Crying Passion Good Feeling I Cry Club Can't Handle Me Hello Friday Be On You Run I Don't Like It, I Love It G.D.F.R. Elevator Low Right Round Wild Ones Handlebars Rise I ran Say Yes Black Friday Rule Ship to Wreck Spectrum (Say My Name) (Calvin Harris Mix) What Kind of Man No Light, No Light What The Water Gave Me Cruise Hell Raisin' Heat Of The Summer Tell Me How You Like It Let's Go To San Francisco Never Be Like You Dark End Of The Street All Around Me Fully Alive I'm So Sick Preachin' To The Choir Got You Where I Want You Fool For The City Rescue me All My Life Big me Breakout DOA Everlong Learn To Fly Long Road To Ruin Miracle My hero Next Year No Way Back Rope Something From Nothing Stacked Actors The Pretender This Is A Call Times Like These Walk Walking After You Wheels Blue Morning Blue Day Cold As Ice Dirty White Boy Double Vision Feels Like The First Time Head Games Hot Blooded Fleetwood Mac Fleetwoods Fleetwoods Fleming & John Fleur East Fleur East Flickerstick Flight Of The Conchords Flirts, The Flo Rida Flo Rida Flo Rida & David Guetta Flo Rida & Jason Derulo Flo Rida & Ne-Yo Flo Rida & Redfoo Flo Rida & Robin Thicke & Verdine White Flo Rida & Sage The Gemini & Lookas Flo Rida & Timberland Flo Rida & TPain Flo Rida Feat.Kesha Flo Rida ft Sia Flobots Flobots Flock of seagulls Floetry Flogging Molly Florence & The Machine Florence & The Machine Florence & the Machine Florence And The Machine Florence And The Machine Florida Georgia Line Florida Georgia Line Florida Georgia Line Flowerpot Men Flume ft Kai Flying Burrito Brothers, The Flyleaf Flyleaf Flyleaf Flynnville Train Flys Foghat Fontella Bass Foo Fighters, The Foo Fighters, The Foo Fighters, The Foo Fighters, The Foo Fighters, The Foo Fighters, The Foo Fighters, The Foo Fighters, The Foo Fighters, The Foo Fighters, The Foo Fighters, The Foo Fighters, The Foo Fighters, The Foo Fighters, The Foo Fighters, The Foo Fighters, The Foo Fighters, The Foo Fighters, The Foo Fighters, The Foo Fighters, The Foreigner Foreigner Foreigner Foreigner Foreigner Foreigner Foreigner Pagina 98 808392 807710 808389 19807833 808394 807711 808390 807712 19807838 19807839 19807840 19807841 19807842 19807843 19807844 19807845 19987592 19991816 19807846 19807847 19807848 19807849 19807850 19807851 9914933 811365 19807855 19807856 19807857 19807858 1241769 1242114 807713 809029 809027 809025 809022 807714 809028 809030 809031 809032 809026 809023 809024 809021 808352 808348 808347 808345 811012 808350 808346 808351 808349 807715 19991008 19990478 19989058 19989721 19988421 19988218 808987 811070 808991 19807869 809999 811026 19989723 19987626 19807870 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG I Don't Want To Live Without You I wanna know what love is Juke Box Hero Long Long Way From Home Say You Will That was yesterday Urgent Waitin' for a girl like you With Heaven On Our Side Don't You I Fell In Love Again Last Night Lonely Alone Men That's What You Do When You're In Love Chris Brown Woah Oh! (Me vs. Everyone) [Ka Digital Summer Feat. Clint Lowery Petrified Where Did You Go Freedom Come Freedom Go Storm In A Teacup A Bunch Of Thyme After All These Years Maggie Pumped Up Kicks Build Me Up Buttercup Mexican Wine Stacy's Mom Heart & Soul Love Is A Many Splendored Thing Down By The Station Organ Grinder's Swing Big girls don't cry Big Man In Town Bye Bye Baby Candy Girl Dawn December '63 Don't Think Twice Let's Hang On Rag Doll Ronnie Save It For Me Sherry Walk Like A Man Working My Way Back To You Ain't No Woman Like The One I've Got Baby I Need Your Loving Bernadette I Can't Help Myself If I Were A Carpenter It's The Same Old Song Reach Out And I'll Be There Standing In The Shadows Of Love Walk Away Renee When she was my girl Amazing Body Talk Glorious Holding Onto Heaven Let Go For Tonight Youth Get Off Toca's Miracle Come To Me Love Me Something Stupid Confessin' Thinkin Bout You Sweatshirt Super Rich Kids (Clean) Don't Pull Your Love Foreigner Foreigner Foreigner Foreigner Foreigner Foreigner Foreigner Foreigner Foreigner Forester Sisters Forester Sisters Forester Sisters Forester Sisters Forester Sisters Forever Forever & The Sickest Kids Forget You Fort Minor Fort Minor & Holly Brook Fortunes Fortunes Foster & Allen Foster & Allen Foster & Allen Foster The People Foundations, The Fountains Of Wayne Fountains Of Wayne Four Aces Four Aces Four Preps Four Preps Four Seasons, The Four Seasons, The Four Seasons, The Four Seasons, The Four Seasons, The Four Seasons, The Four Seasons, The Four Seasons, The Four Seasons, The Four Seasons, The Four Seasons, The Four Seasons, The Four Seasons, The Four Seasons, The Four Tops, The Four Tops, The Four Tops, The Four Tops, The Four Tops, The Four Tops, The Four Tops, The Four Tops, The Four Tops, The Four Tops, The Foxes Foxes Foxes Foxes Foxes Foxes Foxy Fragma France Joli Frances Black Frank & Nancy Sinatra Frank Ifield Frank Ocean Frank Ocean & Earl Frank Reynolds & Joe Hamilton Pagina 99 1242608 1242027 808613 1242031 19807873 19807874 1242611 19807875 1242030 808602 1242612 808612 808598 811875 19807878 811867 808601 808600 808588 19807882 1242613 19807884 808609 1242614 19807885 1242615 808595 808597 808589 19807887 808603 811881 808615 808616 19807892 807716 1242616 1242610 808604 19807894 1242617 19807896 1242618 1242619 808614 807717 810486 808607 808610 808590 808599 808596 808593 808617 1242620 19807906 807761 19807908 1242621 808594 808608 1242622 811460 19807911 807719 1242623 808591 807720 19807914 19807915 1242624 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG After You've Gone All Of Me All Or Nothing At All All The Way Almost Like Being In Love Anything Goes Call Me Irresponsible Can I Steal A Little Love Cheek to Cheek Chicago Come Fly With Me Come Rain Or Come Shine Didn't We Embraceable You Flowers Mean Forgiveness Fly Me To The Moon Fools Rush In For Once In My Life From Here To Eternity Get Happy Girl From Ipanema Goody Goody Hey Jealous Lover High Hopes How Do You Keep The Music Playing I Get A Kick Out Of You I Had The Craziest Dream I Love Paris I'll Be Seeing You I'll Never Smile Again I've Got The World On A String I've Got You Under My Skin It Was A Very Good Year L A Is My Lady Learnin' The Blues Let it snow Let's Face The Music & Dance Like Someone In Love Love & Marriage Love Is A Many Splendored Thing Luck Be A Lady Makin' Whoopee More My Funny Valentine My Kind Of Town My way New York, New York Nice & Easy Night & Day One For My Baby Pennies From Heaven Second Time Around September Song Someone To Watch Over Me Something Stupid Staring At The Sun Strangers In The Night Summer Wind Taking A Chance On Love Tangerine Tender Trap That Old Black Magic That's Life The Lady Is A Tramp They all laughed They Can't Take That Away From Me This Love Of Mine Three coins fountain What Are You Doing For The Rest... Witchcraft Wives And Lovers Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Pagina 100 808587 808592 19807918 1241958 19807920 19807921 809043 809047 3283799 19807923 806798 19807926 810919 1242930 1242504 811062 809367 809368 809366 809369 809371 809370 808249 1242175 19807929 1242236 809035 809034 19807931 809033 809715 19987589 810969 1243150 19807934 19807935 19807936 811091 19807938 807585 19807939 19531881 807571 19807941 810619 19807943 19807944 19807945 19807946 19807947 19807948 19807949 807721 19807951 807722 810739 19807955 808343 808344 807724 807723 807725 19807956 19807957 9103458 9103464 9103461 9103459 9103462 9103463 2389661 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG You Make Me Feel So Young Young At Heart Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Far From Over Valley Girl Beauty School Dropout Bobby Sox To Stockings Venus A Buncha Girls Sea Cruise Relax Don't Wanna Try Obsession (No Es Amor) That Girl Cool Water High Noon Goody Goody I Want You To Be My Girl Little Pitty Pretty One Promise To Remember The Abc's Of Love Who Can Explain Why Do Fools Fall In Love Darlin' Double Dutch Bus Can't Take My Eyes Off of You Grease My Eyes Adored You Rag Doll Swearin' To God I Knew You Where Waiting (DUET) Destiny Do You Want To Eleanor Put Your Boots On Fallen No You Girls Take Me Out The fallen Ulysses Baby Fratelli Look Out Sunshine Heartbeat How To Save A Life Look After You Over My Head (Cable Car) Syndicate You Found Me Da' Dip Cheek To Cheek Le'ts Call The Whole Thing Off I'm Gonna Haunt You Monster In My Pants Band of gold I'm Telling You Now Giddy up a ding dong Pencil Neck Geek My Hang-Up Is You Rock Me Tonight For Old Times Sake You Are My Lady Living On My Own Living On My Own (Remix) The Great Pretender Cry To Me Tallahassee Lassie Before The Next Teardrop Falls I'm Leaving It All Up To You Secret Love Since I Met You Baby Talk To Me Vaya Con Dios Wasted Days & Wasted Nights Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra & Celeste Holm Frank Stallone Frank Zappa & Moon Unit Frankie Avalon Frankie Avalon Frankie Avalon Frankie Ballard Frankie Ford Frankie Goes To Hollywood Frankie J. Frankie J. & Baby Bash Frankie J. & Mannie Fresh & Chamillionaire Frankie Laine Frankie Laine Frankie Lymon Frankie Lymon Frankie Lymon Frankie Lymon Frankie Lymon Frankie Lymon Frankie Lymon & The Teenagers Frankie Miller Frankie Smith Frankie Valli Frankie Valli Frankie Valli Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons Franklin & Michael Franklin McKay Franz Ferdinand Franz Ferdinand Franz Ferdinand Franz Ferdinand Franz Ferdinand Franz Ferdinand Franz Ferdinand Fratellis, The Fratellis, The Fray, The Fray, The Fray, The Fray, The Fray, The Fray, The Freak Nasty Fred Astaire Fred Astaire Fred Schneider Fred Schneider Freda Payne Freddie & The Dreamers Freddie Bell Freddie Blassie Freddie Hart Freddie Jackson Freddie Jackson Freddie Mercury Freddie Mercury Freddie Mercury Freddie Scott Freddy Cannon Freddy Fender Freddy Fender Freddy Fender Freddy Fender Freddy Fender Freddy Fender Freddy Fender Pagina 101 9103460 809179 806802 19987504 809978 1242484 807726 1242088 19807960 807727 19807963 19807964 19807965 811481 19807967 19807968 19807969 19807970 807729 19807972 19807973 19985738 807730 1242568 19985317 19807974 19807976 19989724 19989725 19989897 19989571 19987605 19807977 807769 19991706 807770 807771 19989727 19807978 19807979 19988040 807772 807773 807774 807775 807776 807777 807778 807779 807780 807781 807782 807783 807784 807785 807786 19985610 807787 19989728 19986421 19986106 19989730 19807996 19807997 19807999 19808000 807788 19991667 19990489 19990150 19990096 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG You'll Lose A Good Thing I'm Tore Down All Right Now Master Of Grace Uninvited Rain Down Love Fantasi I Know There's Something Going Reach Out Of The Darkness Lyssna till ditt hjarta Bad Day Bittersweet Falls On Me Hemorrhage Innocent Last Time Shimmer Won't Back Down Killing me softly No Woman No Cry Back Into The Night Some Nights (Clean) It Ain't What You Do It's The Way The Way That You Do It Loco We Are Young Pull Up To The Bumper When You Were Sweet Sixteen Million Pound Girl (Badder Than Bad) T.I.N.A. TINA Dangerous Love Permanent Scar All Around Me Leaning on a lampost Me Myself & I Midnight train to georgia Way we were Ugly Heart Almost There Save The Lies Aplin Home Because of you Don't need sunshine Dreams Forget the world Give me little more time Going nowhere I wish If I walked away If you ever If you really cared Out of reach Rise Should I stay Sunshine Walk on by When a woman When a women Panic Cord Please Don't Say You Love Me Power Of Love Lighters (The One) Break Away Because He Lives Then Came The Morning Rumor Mill Let a boy cry No Money Peanut Butter Jelly Runaway (U & I) Runaway (U and I) Pagina 102 Freddy Fender Freddy King Free Freemans Freemasons & Bailey Tzuke Freemations Feat. Sideah Garrett Freestyle Frida Friend And Lover Friends Fuel Fuel Fuel Fuel Fuel Fuel Fuel Fuel Fugees Fugees Full Moon Bay Fun Fun Boy Three ft Bananarama Fun Lovin' Criminals Fun. & Janelle Monae Funkstar Deluxe & Grace Jones Fureys Fuse ODG Fuse ODG & Angel Fuse ODG feat Angel Fuse ODG Ft Sean Paul Future Fyleaf G Formby G-Eazy & Bebe Rexha G. Formby G. Knight G.R.L. Gabbie Nolen Gabriella Cilmi Gabrielle Gabrielle Gabrielle Gabrielle Gabrielle Gabrielle Gabrielle Gabrielle Gabrielle Gabrielle Gabrielle Gabrielle Gabrielle Gabrielle Gabrielle Gabrielle Gabrielle Gabrielle Gabrielle Aplin Gabrielle Aplin Gabrielle Aplin Gabz Gail Davies Gaither Trio Gaither Trio Gaither Vocal Band Gala Galantis Galantis Galantis Galantis 808122 19987503 19808002 810815 810923 19808004 19986514 2058928 19808005 807789 19808007 19808009 19808010 19808011 19808012 19808013 19808014 807790 19808016 19808017 19808018 807791 807792 807793 807617 19808022 3283899 2555525 19808025 2555524 19808027 19808028 2555526 811066 19808031 19808032 2555547 19808034 19808035 2555556 1242717 19808039 2555543 19808040 2555522 19808042 2555549 2555553 19808045 2555534 2555539 19808091 2555519 2555528 19808052 2555538 2555532 19808055 19808092 2555530 19808058 19808059 2555523 2555552 2555542 2555529 2555537 2555551 1242780 2555545 2555535 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Nice To Be With You Beyond The Grave Big Money Hate It Or Love It How We Do (Radio Version) Games Pain I Love A Man In Uniform Big Fun Early In The Morning Oops upside your head You Dropped A Bomb On Me I Think Im Paranoid Only Happy When It Rains Push It Queer Special Stupid Girl The world is not enough When I Grow Up Why Do You Love Me World Is Not Enough You look so fine Mack the knife Oh look at me now What My Heart Wants To Say I'm Yours Give In To Me Ain't Goin' Down Til The Sun Comes Up Alabama Clay American Honky-Tonk Bar Association Beaches Of Cheyenne Belleau Wood Callin' Baton Rouge Cowboy Cadillac Dance Dixie chicken Do What You Gotta Do Don't Cross The River Every Now And Then Friends In Low Places (Live Version) Good Ride Cowboy Hard Luck Woman How You Ever Gonna Know I Know One If Tomorrow Never Comes It Don't Matter To The Sun It's Midnight Cinderella It's Your Song Kickin' And Screamin' Learning To Live Again Long Neck Bottle Lost In You Much Too Young (Too Feel This Damn Old) Not Counting You Old Stuff One Night A Day Papa Loved Mama Pushing Up Daisies Right Now Rodeo Rollin' Same Old Story Shameless She's Every Woman She's Gonna Make It Somewhere Other Than The Night Standing Outside The Fire Tearin' It Up (And Burnin' It Down) That Girl Is A Cowboy That Ol' Wind That Summer Gallery Galloways Game Game & 50 Cent Game & 50 Cent Game & Keyshia Cole Gang Of Four Gap Band, The Gap Band, The Gap Band, The Gap Band, The Garbage Garbage Garbage Garbage Garbage Garbage Garbage Garbage Garbage Garbage Garbage Gareth Gareth Gareth Gates Garrett & Jones & Debarge Garrett Hendlund & Leighton Meester Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Pagina 103 2555550 19808069 811448 2555546 810585 2555540 19808073 19808074 2555527 19808076 19808077 2555517 2555554 2555521 2555536 2555520 19808082 2555533 2555531 19808085 2555548 19808086 19808087 19808088 19808089 2555544 19808093 19808094 1242747 19808096 19808097 810835 19808099 19808100 19808101 19808102 1242763 19808105 19808106 19808107 19808108 19808109 810916 19808113 19808114 19808115 19808116 19988173 807795 19808118 19988258 1241976 807796 807797 19808121 19808122 19808123 19808124 808129 19808125 1241568 1241569 1241570 1241571 19808126 1242800 1242248 19808128 2721579 19808130 19808131 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG The Beaches Of Cheyenne The Change The Dance The Fever The Gift The Night I Called The Old Man Out The Night Will Only Know The Red Strokes The River The Thunder Rolls Thicker Than Blood Thunder Rolls To Make You Feel My Love Two Of A Kind, Working On A Full House Two Pina Coladas Unanswered Prayers We Bury The Hatchet We Shall Be Free What She's Doing Now When You Come Back To Me Again Where Your Road Leads (duet) Why Ain't I Running Wild Horses Wolves Wrapped Up In You You Move Me Burnin' The Roadhouse Down In Another's Eyes Love Will Always Win Squeeze Me In Wild As The Wind Best I Ever Had From Where I'm Sitting I'll Take Today It Would Be You Kiss Me When I'm Down Life Ain't Always Beautiful Living In A House Full Of Love Lovin' You Against My Will Man Of Me Man To Man No Man In His Wrong Heart Nothing On But The Radio Smoke Rings In The Dark Songs About Rain The One Tough Little Boys Let Me Go Open road So Help Me Girl Face To Face Side By Side I love you love me love Leader of the gang Rock And Roll Part 2 Wonderful Mad World Rodeo Song Everybody Loves A Clown This Diamond Ring Cold Day in Hell Still Got The Blues The Sky Is Cryin' Out In The Fields I'll Never Stop Loving You Unbroken Ground Are Friends Electric Woman, Woman Young Girl Drinkin' Thing Quarter To Three Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks Garth Brooks & Steve Wariner Garth Brooks & Trisha Yearwood Garth Brooks & Trisha Yearwood Garth Brooks & Trisha Yearwood Garth Brooks & Trisha Yearwood Gary Allan Gary Allan Gary Allan Gary Allan Gary Allan Gary Allan Gary Allan Gary Allan Gary Allan Gary Allan Gary Allan Gary Allan Gary Allan Gary Allan Gary Allan Gary Allan Gary Barlow Gary Barlow Gary Barlow Gary Barlow & Elton John Gary Crosby Gary Glitter Gary Glitter Gary Glitter Gary Go Gary Jules Gary Lee & Showdown Gary Lewis & The Playboys Gary Lewis & The Playboys Gary Moore Gary Moore Gary Moore Gary Moore & Phil Lynott Gary Morris Gary Nichols Gary Numan Gary Puckett & The Union Gap Gary Puckett & The Union Gap Gary Stewart Gary U.S. Bonds Pagina 104 808143 808138 19989932 806449 810939 19808135 1242965 19808137 19811267 1241347 19992042 811835 1242108 19808139 812023 812030 807798 812024 812025 812026 812031 809041 812028 1241873 19808142 812032 807799 812027 807800 812029 807801 809046 19808145 19808146 19808147 19808148 19808149 807802 810575 810581 810576 808963 808960 1242544 810580 1242386 810579 810577 810578 1242387 810574 808962 1242393 19986604 809077 809075 1242351 809079 809076 809082 809073 806854 19808165 808820 809074 809078 809081 19808167 19808168 19989731 19989732 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Dream Weaver Love Is Alive 45 Chariot I Don! t Want To Be I'm In Love With A Girl We Belong Together Love Remains The Same Ain't No Mountain High Enough I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas Staying Together Duke Of Earl Moses Supposes Tongue Twisters Singin' In The Rain 24 Hours From Tulsa Backstage Every breath I take I Must Be Seeing Things I'm Gonna Be Strong It Hurts To Be In Love Just One Smile Liberty Valance Looking Through The Eyes Of Love Louisianna Mama Man Who Shot Liberty Valance Maria Elena Only love can break a hart Princess In Rags Puppy love Something's Gotten Hold Of My Heart The man who shot liberty Town Without Pity Twenty Four Hours From Tulsa Be Bop A Lula Farewell Party No Goodbyes Nothing Sure Looked Good On You King rocker Follow You Follow Me Hold On My Heart I Can't Dance In Too Deep Invisible Touch Jesus He Knows You Land Of Confusion Mama Man On The Corner Misunderstanding No Reply At All Nothin' Bout Me That's All Throwing It All Away Trick Of Tail Beyond The Sea (La Mer) Give Me The Night Greatest Love Of All In Your Eyes Love X Love Never Give Up On A Good Thing Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You On Broadway Something Standing Together The Greatest Love Of All This Masquerade Turn Your Love Around You Are The Love Of My Life My Name Lipstick Promises Blame It On Me Budapest Gary Wright Gary Wright Gaslight Anthem, The Gavin DeGraw Gavin DeGraw Gavin DeGraw Gavin DeGraw Gavin Rossdale Gaye Terrell Gayla Peevey Gene & Rhonda Vincent Watson Gene Chandler Gene Kelly Gene Kelly Gene Pitney Gene Pitney Gene Pitney Gene Pitney Gene Pitney Gene Pitney Gene Pitney Gene Pitney Gene Pitney Gene Pitney Gene Pitney Gene Pitney Gene Pitney Gene Pitney Gene Pitney Gene Pitney Gene Pitney Gene Pitney Gene Pitney Gene Vincent Gene Watson Gene Watson Gene Watson Generation X Genesis Genesis Genesis Genesis Genesis Genesis Genesis Genesis Genesis Genesis Genesis Genesis Genesis Genesis Genesis George Benson George Benson George Benson George Benson George Benson George Benson George Benson George Benson George Benson George Benson George Benson George Benson George Benson George Benson George Canyon George Ducas George Ezra George Ezra Pagina 105 19808169 19808170 1242507 19808172 807803 1241979 19808174 19808175 19808176 19808177 19986219 19986224 19986254 19986230 19808178 19808179 19808180 19808181 19986249 19808182 19986247 19986243 19986233 19986215 19986244 19808183 19986221 19986258 19986255 19986240 810493 19808186 19808187 19986227 19986236 19986241 19808189 19986253 19986226 19986222 19986239 19808184 19986246 19986216 19986217 19986218 19986257 810690 19808192 19808193 19808194 19986238 19986248 19808195 19986256 19808196 19986223 19986228 19986250 19986231 19986225 811233 19808198 807373 1243138 811387 807804 19808203 806742 19808205 19808206 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Leaning On A Lampost On The Corner Of The Street Abilene Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Got My Mind Set On You My mind set on you My Sweet Lord Something What Is Life 50,000 Names A Girl I Used To Know A Good Year For The Roses A Picture Of Me (Without You) Ain't Love A Lot Like That Bartender's Blues Choices Cold Hard Truth Finally Friday He Stopped Loving Her Today High-Tech Redneck I Always Get Lucky With You I Don't Need Your Rockin' Chair I'll Share My World With You If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me Her Memory Will Love Bug Loving You Could Never Be Better Man He Was Once You've Had The Best Our Bed Of Roses Real Deal She Loved A Lot In Her Time She Thinks I Still Care Sinners & Saints Still Doin' Time Take Me Tall, Tall Trees Tender Years Tennessee Whiskey The Cold Hard Truth The Door The Grand Tour The One I Loved Back Then The Race Is On The Right Left Hand The Window Up Above Walk Through This World With Me When The Grass Grows Over Me When The Last Curtain Falls White Lightnin' Who's Gonna Fill Their Shoes Why Baby Why Window Up Above Wine Colored Roses Writing On The Wall You Comb Her Hair You Never Know Just How Good You've Got It Beer Run Golden Ring Near You One Two Story House We Loved It Away We're Gonna Hold On You're A Grand Old Flag Rock your baby An Easier Affair Careless Whisper Faith Fast Love Father Figure Freedom Freeek Pagina 106 George Formby George Hamilton IV George Harrison George Harrison George Harrison George Harrison George Harrison George Harrison George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones George Jones & Garth Brooks George Jones & Tammy Wynette George Jones & Tammy Wynette George Jones & Tammy Wynette George Jones & Tammy Wynette George Jones & Tammy Wynette George Jones & Tammy Wynette George M Cohan George McCrae George Michael George Michael George Michael George Michael George Michael George Michael George Michael 1242373 810695 1242126 19808208 19808209 19808210 2389695 19988454 19808211 19808212 807806 19808214 19808216 19808218 19808219 19808220 810642 19808222 19808223 19808224 19808225 19808226 19808227 19808228 19808229 19808230 19808231 19808232 19808233 19808234 19808235 19808236 19808237 19808238 19808239 19808240 19808241 1242806 19808243 19808244 19808245 19808246 19808247 19808248 9103414 810506 810915 19808251 19808252 19808253 19808254 19808255 19808256 19808257 19808258 19808259 19808260 19808261 19808263 19808264 19808265 19808267 19808268 19808269 19808270 19808271 19808272 810834 19808273 19808274 19808275 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Heal The Pain I Believe I Want Your Sex I'm Your Man Jesus To A Child Kissing A Fool Last Christmas Let Her Down Easy One More Try The Edge Of Heaven You have been loved I Knew You Were Waiting As A Fire I Can't Put Out Ace In The Hole Adalida All My Ex's Live In Texas Am I Blue Amarillo By Morning Baby Blue Baby's Gotten Good At Goodbye Best Day Big One Blue Clear Sky Carried Away Carrying Your Love With Me Chair Check Yes Or No Chill Of An Early Fall Cowboys Like Us Desperately Does Fort Worth Ever Cross YouR Mind Drinking Champagne Easy Come Easy Go Famous Last Words Of A Fool Fireman Fool Hearted Memory Give It Away Go On Gone As A Girl Can Get Heartland Here For A Good Time Honk If You Honky Tonk I Can Still Make Cheyenne I Cross My Heart I Found Jesus On The Jailhouse Floor I Hate Everything I Just Want To Dance With You I Met A Friend Of Yours Today I Saw God Today I've Come To Expect It From You If I Know Me If It's Gonna Rain If You Can Do Anything Else Lead On Let's Fall To Pieces Together Love Bug Love Without End Amen Lovesick Blues Man In Love With You Meanwhile One Night At A Time Overnight Male Overnight Success Right Or Wrong Run Seashores Of Old Mexico She Let Herself Go She'll Leave You With A Smile So Much Like My Dad Somewhere Down In Texas George Michael George Michael George Michael George Michael George Michael George Michael George Michael George Michael George Michael George Michael George Michael George Michael & Aretha Frankl George Michael & Mary J Blige George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait Pagina 107 810790 19808277 19808278 9103358 1242756 19808280 19808281 19808282 19808283 19808284 811708 19808286 19808287 19808288 19808289 19808290 19808291 19808292 19808293 19808294 19808295 810536 810537 810540 810538 810535 810539 810861 1241348 19808303 19808304 811378 19808307 19808308 19808309 811100 19808310 19808311 19808312 807807 807808 19808315 19985934 19808316 2721428 19808318 9103604 1241040 19808319 19808320 19808321 19808322 19808323 19808324 1241982 19808326 19808327 19808328 19808329 19808330 19808331 19808332 19808333 19808334 19808335 19808336 19808337 19808338 19808339 19808340 19808341 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Texas The Big One The Chair The Fireman The Seashores Of Old Mexico Thoughts Of A Fool Today My World Slipped Away Twang Unwound We Really Shouldn't Be Doing This What Do You Say To That What's Going On In Your World When Did You Stop Loving Me Wrapped Write This Down You Can't Make A Heart Love Somebody You Know Me Better Than That You Look So Good In Love You'll Be There Murder On Music Row Good News Bad News Bad To The Bone Get A Haircut If You Don't Start Drinkin' (I'm Gonna Leave) Move It On Over One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer Who Do You Love I Drink Alone Rock And Roll Christmas Kick Down The Door No Place Like Home Keep Your Hands To Yourself Get Away Can't Help Myself Mr.Too Damn Good The Winner's Song Bag It Up Baker Street It's Raining Man Look at me Mi chico latino Scream If You Want To Go Faster I'm The One Don't Let The Sun Catch You Crying Baker Street V.I.C. You Know I'm No Good Que Sera Mi Vida Texas Tatoo Thank Heaven For Little Girls I'll Fly With You Famous First Words I Already Fell Let's Start Livin' Alone Again (Naturally) Matrimony Allison Road Day Job Follow You Down Found Out About You Til I Hear It From You Until I Fall Away Gimme Some Love Ooh Aah...Just A Little Bit I Just Wanna Stop Slow Love Differences In Those Jeans Love You More Pony So Anxious George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait George Strait & Alan Jackson George Strait & Lee Ann Womack George Thorogood George Thorogood George Thorogood George Thorogood George Thorogood George Thorogood George Thorogood & The Destroyers George Thorogood & The Destroyers Georgia Middleman Georgia Middleman Georgia Satellites, The Georgie Fame Gerald Levert Gerald Levert Geraldine McQueen Geri Halliwell Geri Halliwell Geri Halliwell Geri Halliwell Geri Halliwell Geri Halliwell Gerry & The Pacemakers Gerry Marsden Gerry Rafferty Get Silly Ghostface Killah feat. Winehou Gibson Brothers, The Gibson Miller Band Gigi Gigi D'agostino Gil Grand Gil Grand Gil Grand Gilbert O'Sullivan Gilbert O'Sullivan Gin Blossoms Gin Blossoms Gin Blossoms Gin Blossoms Gin Blossoms Gin Blossoms Gina G. Gina G. Gino Vannelli Gino Vannelli Ginuwine Ginuwine Ginuwine Ginuwine Ginuwine Pagina 108 19808342 19808343 19808344 19808345 19808346 1678216 19990072 19986096 809971 9103559 9103557 9103558 807557 19985985 807615 9103556 19808348 19808349 807569 19808350 812157 811842 19808351 19808352 19808353 806831 807809 19808355 19986679 19986471 19986532 19986576 19986520 19986472 19986578 811936 810275 19808356 811921 810280 806649 806650 807596 811259 811258 810276 810279 19808357 19808358 2888564 810278 810273 810277 810274 1241956 9103400 9103399 9103404 807309 9103393 9103397 9103392 9103394 9103403 9103401 810494 9103402 9103395 9103396 9103398 2721590 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Stingy Tell Me Do U Wanna There It Is Tribute To A Woman Trouble What Could Have Been Right Here Right Now Beautiful Cause You Love Me Call The Shots Life Got Cold No Good Advice Some Kind Of Miracle Something Kinda Ooooh Something New Sound Of The Underground Stay Another Day The Loving Kind Untouchable Walk This Way Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me Licence To Kill Midnight Train To Georgia Way We Were Midnight Train To Georgia Neither One Of Us The Way We Were Taboo Flowers And Football Tops Don't Rain On My Parade Home Just The Way You Are One Lov~(People Get Ready One Of Us Pure Imagination Valerie Alone Beth Borderline-Open Your Heart Confessions Don't Rain On My Parade Don't Stop Believin' (With Female Vocal) Don't Stop Believin' (With Male Vocal) Gives You Hell Gold Digger Halo / Walking On Sunshine Hello Goodbye I'll Stand By You Jessie's Girl Like A Virgin Loser Like Me My Life Would Suck Without You Take A Bow True Colors You Keep Me Hanging On By the Time I Get to Phoenix Dreams Of The Every Day Housewife Faithless Love Galveston Gentle on my mind I Love How You Love Me I Wanna Live I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry It's Only Make Believe Let It Be Me My Elusive Butterfly Rhinestone Cowboy She's Gone Gone Gone Southern Nights Try A Little Kindness Turn Around And Look At Me Wichita Lineman Ginuwine Ginuwine Ginuwine Ginuwine Ginuwine Ginuwine Giorgio Moroder ft Kylie Minogue Girls Aloud Girls Aloud Girls Aloud Girls Aloud Girls Aloud Girls Aloud Girls Aloud Girls Aloud Girls Aloud Girls Aloud Girls Aloud Girls Aloud Vs. Sugababes Gladys Knight Gladys Knight Gladys Knight Gladys Knight Gladys Knight & The Pips Gladys Knight & The Pips Gladys Knight & The Pips Glamma Kid n Shoa Ama Glasvegas Glee Glee Glee Glee Glee Glee Glee Glee Cast Glee Cast Glee Cast Glee Cast Glee Cast Glee Cast Glee Cast Glee Cast Glee Cast Glee Cast Glee Cast Glee Cast Glee Cast Glee Cast Glee Cast Glee Cast Glee Cast Glee Cast Glee Cast Glen Campbell Glen Campbell Glen Campbell Glen Campbell Glen Campbell Glen Campbell Glen Campbell Glen Campbell Glen Campbell Glen Campbell Glen Campbell Glen Campbell Glen Campbell Glen Campbell Glen Campbell Glen Campbell Glen Campbell Pagina 109 1242524 19808369 19808370 19808371 808642 808641 808654 808640 808655 19808372 807810 19808374 19808375 811782 19808377 1242227 807811 19808379 808955 19808380 19808381 19808382 19808383 19808384 19808385 19808386 1242162 4171640 807370 19808389 1241851 807654 19808390 19808392 19808393 1243151 19991669 809575 809574 809573 809572 19808399 1242858 19808401 19808402 19986473 19991434 19808403 19808404 19808405 2058921 19808407 19808408 19808409 19808410 19808411 19808412 19986474 19808413 19808414 810664 19992348 19808416 1242502 19808417 19990658 5380823 810961 19808419 19808420 807812 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Party Town Falling Slowly Chattanooga Choo Choo Heat Is On Smuggler’s Blues The Heat Is On The One You Love True Love You Belong To The City Don't You Forget It Nothing's gonna change my love for you Anything For You Coming Out Of The Dark Conga Cuts Both Ways Don't Wanna Lose You Everlasting love Get On Your Feet Heaven Is What I Feel Here We Are I See Your Smile It's Too Late Live For Loving You Nayib's Song Rhythm Is Gonna Get You Turn The Beat Around I Am What I Am I will survive Never can say goodbye Meet Me With Your Black Drawers On Friends & Lovers Crazy How Far Do You Wanna Go The World Is Ours Tonight Crazy Smiley Faces I Hate U, I Love U Head Over Heals Our Lips Are Sealed Vacation We Got The Beat King Of Wishful Thinking First Love Awake Cryin' Like A Bitch! Dead & Broken Godsmack Greed I Stand Alone Keep Away Love Hate Sex Pain Re-Align Running Blind Saints & Sinners Serenity Speak Straight Out Of Line Trippin' Voodoo Whatever The Wayward Wind Radar Love Twilight Zone A& E Ooh La La Same Old Love Who The F Is Alice (Techno Version) Better Days Big Machine Black Balloon Broadway Glen Feary Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova Glen Miller Glenn Frey Glenn Frey Glenn Frey Glenn Frey Glenn Frey Glenn Frey Glenn Lewis Glenn Medeiros Gloria Estefan Gloria Estefan Gloria Estefan Gloria Estefan Gloria Estefan Gloria Estefan Gloria Estefan Gloria Estefan Gloria Estefan Gloria Estefan Gloria Estefan Gloria Estefan Gloria Estefan Gloria Estefan Gloria Estefan Gloria Gaynor Gloria Gaynor Gloria Gaynor Gloria Hardiman Gloria Loring & Carl Anderson Gloria Trevi Gloriana Gloriana Gnarls Barkley Gnarls Barkley Gnash Go Go's, The Go Go's, The Go Go's, The Go Go's, The Go West Goapele Godsmack Godsmack Godsmack Godsmack Godsmack Godsmack Godsmack Godsmack Godsmack Godsmack Godsmack Godsmack Godsmack Godsmack Godsmack Godsmack Godsmack Gogi Grant Golden Earring Golden Earring Goldfrapp Goldfrapp Gomez, Selena Gompie Goo Goo Dolls Goo Goo Dolls Goo Goo Dolls Goo Goo Dolls Pagina 110 19808422 19808423 19808424 807117 19989735 1243004 19808428 19808429 19808430 810130 19808432 807813 19808434 19808435 19808436 19808437 19808438 19808439 810138 19808441 2058919 19808443 19808444 19808445 1242372 1242506 19808446 1242432 809514 809511 19065171 809513 809512 19988439 19989736 19989737 19989738 19990031 19988634 19988588 19808450 19808451 19808452 19991260 810929 19987474 19987475 19987491 19987470 19987489 19987464 19987485 19987466 19987483 19987454 19987493 19987451 19987469 19987468 19987495 19987497 19987477 19987492 19987463 19987478 19987471 19987467 19987496 19987490 19987453 19987498 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Dizzy Give A Little Bit Here Is Gone Home Iris Let Love In Long Way Down Naked Name Not broken Real Slide Stay With You Sympathy Anthem Girls & Boys Hold On I Just Wanna Live Last Night Lifestyles Of The Rich And Famous Like it's her birthday Predictable The Anthem We Believe Goodies Theme The Funky Gibbon Special Lady The Ying Tong Song Beautiful If You Could Read My Mind Rainy Day People Sundown Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald Ready For Your Love Here For You Ready For Your Love Unmissable Go All Night Ready For Your Love Here For You Hood Figga 19-2000 Clint Eastwood Feel Good Inc Feel Good Inc (Radio Version) Above All All Things Are Possible Ancient Of Days As The Deer Awesome God Better Is One Day Blessed Be The Name Of The Lord Change My Heart Oh God Come Into His Presence Come Just As You Are Come, Now Is The Time To Worship Every Move I Make Give Thanks God Is Good All The Time Hosanna I Sing Praises I Will Celebrate In That Day In The Secret Lamb Of God Let It Rise Mighty Is Our God My Life Is In You Lord Open Our Eyes, Lord Open The Eyes Of My Heart Lord Praise The Name Of Jesus Goo Goo Dolls Goo Goo Dolls Goo Goo Dolls Goo Goo Dolls Goo Goo Dolls Goo Goo Dolls Goo Goo Dolls Goo Goo Dolls Goo Goo Dolls Goo Goo Dolls Goo Goo Dolls Goo Goo Dolls Goo Goo Dolls Goo Goo Dolls Good Charlotte Good Charlotte Good Charlotte Good Charlotte Good Charlotte Good Charlotte Good Charlotte Good Charlotte Good Charlotte Good Charlotte Goodies Goodies Goodman Ray & Brown Goons Gordon Lightfoot Gordon Lightfoot Gordon Lightfoot Gordon Lightfoot Gordon Lightfoot Gorgon City Gorgon City & Laura Welsh Gorgon City & MNEK Gorgon City & Zak Abel Gorgon City Feat. Jennifer Hudson Gorgon City Feat. MNEK Gorgon City Ft Laura Welsh Gorilla Zoe Gorillaz Gorillaz Gorillaz Gorillaz Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Pagina 111 19987476 19987465 19987486 807815 19987494 19987473 19987487 19987472 19987484 19987452 19987488 19985315 19985722 19531886 19990647 19991535 19808456 19808457 19808458 19808459 811430 19808461 19808463 1242183 19808464 19808465 19808466 809561 808924 809562 809564 809563 811847 19808473 807816 1241350 807817 19808476 1241352 807819 1241353 19808479 807820 807821 1241356 807830 807831 807822 1241357 807833 807823 807824 807825 1241362 807834 1241363 19808487 19808488 1242051 1241364 1241365 19985464 19985470 1241366 19808492 19808493 19985468 19985465 19991261 19985475 19985467 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Rock Of Ages Shout To The Lord Surely The Presence Of The Lord Swing low sweet chariot Take My Life The Heart Of Worship The River Is Here This Is The Day This Is The Day That The Lord Hath Made Trading My Sorrows We Want To See Jesus Lifted High Eyes Wide Open I Feel Better Somebody that I used to know You Don't Own Me You Don't Own Me Happy Ever After Memphis Women & Chicken Never In A Million Tears Wine Into Water Some Kind Of Wonderful Bad Time Mean Mistreater The Message Truly Truly I Am Strong Viva Las Vegas Let's Live For Today Midnight Confessions Sooner Or Later Temptation Eyes Wait A Million Years Truckin' Uncle John's Band Beauty School Drop Out Blue Moon Born To Hand Jive Freddy My Love Grease Grease Megamix Greased Lightning Hopelessly Devoted To You Hound Dog It's Raining On Prom Night Look At Me, I'm Sandra Dee No sugar tonight Rock n roll is here to stay Rock N Roll Party Queen Sandy Summer nights Tears On My Pillow There Are Worse Things I Could Do Those Magic Changes We Go Together Worse things i could do You're The One That I Want Pour Me A Vacation San Isabella Once Bitten Twice Shy Rock Me Save Your Love 21st Century Breakdown American Idiot Basket Case Boulevard Of Broken Dreams Brain Stew East Jesus Nowhere Give Me Novacaine - She's A Rebel Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life) Having A Blast Homecoming Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gospel Gotye Gotye Gotye feat. Kimbra Grace & G-Easy Grace ft G-Eazy Graham Brown Graham Brown Graham Brown Graham Brown Grand Funk Grand Funk Railroad Grand Funk Railroad Grandmaster Flash Grant Lee Buffalo Grascals & Dolly Parton Grascals & Dolly Parton Grass Roots, The Grass Roots, The Grass Roots, The Grass Roots, The Grass Roots, The Grateful Dead, The Grateful Dead, The Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Great Divide Great Divide Great White Great White Great White Green Day Green Day Green Day Green Day Green Day Green Day Green Day Green Day Green Day Green Day Pagina 112 19808494 19985471 1241369 19985473 19985466 19985474 19985472 811337 1241370 811139 19808497 19808498 19985469 19985476 807836 1241368 807555 19991265 19985918 19987499 19808500 19808502 19808503 19808504 19808505 19808506 810676 810762 810836 1242792 19808508 19808509 19808510 19808511 1242719 19808513 810173 19808515 810602 19808517 19808518 19808519 810904 19808521 19808522 1242764 19990648 19990027 19989589 19808524 1241776 19808525 809553 809559 809560 809558 809555 19808529 809557 809554 809556 19990653 1241371 1241372 1241373 808536 1241374 19808534 19808539 808534 808533 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG I Fought The Law In The End Know Your Enemy Letterbomb Peacemaker Pulling Teeth Sassafrass Roots The Time Of Your Life Tired Of Waiting Twenty First Century Breakdown Wake Me Up When September Ends Walking Contradiction Welcome To Paradise Whatsername When I come around You Got The Love The Saints Are Coming Three Little Pigs Oh Love In The Morning Light When I Come Back For You They Don't Write That Way Anymore I Believe In Father Christmas Good Day Midnight Rider Shake you down When I See An Elephant Fly All Jacked Up California Girls Full Time Job Here For The Party Holdin' You Homewrecker I Don't Feel Like Loving You Today I Got Your Country Right Here I'd Love To Be Your Last If I Could Do It All Again One Bud Wiser Pocahontas Proud Redneck Woman What Happened When I Think About Cheatin' When It Rains Work Hard, Play Harder Politically Uncorrect Flesh Without Blood Lighthouse Ugly Heart Song 4 Mutya Lydia, The Tattooed Lady Hold Of Me American Woman Hand Me Down World Laughing No Sugar Tonight No Time Shakin' All Over Share The Land These Eyes Undun Bang My Head Back Off Bitch Civil War Don't Cry Knockin' On Heaven's Door Live And Let Die Mr Brownstone My Michelle November Rain Paradise City Green Day Green Day Green Day Green Day Green Day Green Day Green Day Green Day Green Day Green Day Green Day Green Day Green Day Green Day Green Day Green Day Green Day & U2 Green Jelly Greenday Greenes, The Greg Holland Greg Kihn Greg Kihn Greg Lake Greg Street & Nappy Roots Gregg Allman Gregory Abbott Gregory Isaacs Gretchen Wilson Gretchen Wilson Gretchen Wilson Gretchen Wilson Gretchen Wilson Gretchen Wilson Gretchen Wilson Gretchen Wilson Gretchen Wilson Gretchen Wilson Gretchen Wilson Gretchen Wilson Gretchen Wilson Gretchen Wilson Gretchen Wilson Gretchen Wilson Gretchen Wilson Gretchen Wilson Merle Haggard Grimes GRL GRL Groove Armada Feat Mutya Buena Groucho Marx GT Mayne and Dallas Blocker an Guess Who, The Guess Who, The Guess Who, The Guess Who, The Guess Who, The Guess Who, The Guess Who, The Guess Who, The Guess Who, The Guetta, David & Sia & Fetty Wap Guns 'N Roses Guns 'N Roses Guns 'N Roses Guns 'N Roses Guns 'N Roses Guns 'N Roses Guns 'N Roses Guns 'N Roses Guns 'N Roses Pagina 113 808538 808535 808539 1241378 808532 808537 19808545 19985321 809953 2721397 19990168 806640 806655 19808548 19987953 19808549 19989915 19808550 810803 1242973 19808553 19808554 19808555 19808556 9103586 19808558 19808559 1242935 19991707 19808561 19808562 19808563 19808564 807572 19991162 19808565 807152 19808547 810938 19808567 19808568 9914936 19531879 19985736 19808573 19808574 19808575 19808576 19808577 19808578 19808579 19808580 19991815 19991814 19808581 1787003 807838 19808584 19992377 19986426 19987624 19988446 19989739 19988178 1242234 19808585 19808586 19808587 19808588 19808589 19808590 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Patience Since I Don't Have You Sweet Child O' Mine Used to Love Her Welcome To The Jungle You Could Be Mine Fa Fa (Never Be The Same Again) Balada (Portugees) Singing The Blues Pray About Everything Like A Drum Like It Like That Art Of Love Ain't Nothing Goin' On But The Rent Suitcase V.I.P. (Barefoot Girl) Baby Don't Lie Bathwater Cool Crash Don't Speak Ex-Girlfriend Excuse Me Mr. Hella Good Hollaback Girl It's My Life Just A Girl Luxurious Make Me Like You New Running Simple Kind Of Life Spiderwebs Sweet Escape Used To Love You What You Waiting For Wind It Up Let Me Blow Ya Mind Rich Girl South Side Me & Tennessee Stereo Hearts Ass Back Home Fighter, The Cookie Jar Everything's Coming Up Roses I'm Always Chasing Rainbows Let Me Entertain You Small World Volare Baby I'm Getting Better Fallin' In Love Right Here In My Arms Sweet 666 Rock My Heart What Is Love Back together again Action Man Starving Don't Save Me - (BBC Sound Of 2013 Winners) Falling If I Could Change Your Mind The Wire Wire Fantastic Day Don't Let Go Hearts Are Gonna Roll I Saw The Light She Is Small Town Saturday Night Stay Forever Guns 'N Roses Guns 'N Roses Guns 'N Roses Guns 'N Roses Guns 'N Roses Guns 'N Roses Guster Gusttavo Lima Guy Mitchell Guy Penrod Guy Sebastian Guy Sebastian Guy Sebastian & Jordin Sparks Gwen Guthrie Gwen Sebastian Gwen Sebastian Gwen Stefani Gwen Stefani Gwen Stefani Gwen Stefani Gwen Stefani Gwen Stefani Gwen Stefani Gwen Stefani Gwen Stefani Gwen Stefani Gwen Stefani Gwen Stefani Gwen Stefani Gwen Stefani Gwen Stefani Gwen Stefani Gwen Stefani Gwen Stefani Gwen Stefani Gwen Stefani Gwen Stefani Gwen Stefani & Eve Gwen Stefani & Eve Gwen Stefani & Moby Gwyneth Paltro & Tim McGraw Gym Class Heroes & Adam Levine Gym Class Heroes & Neon Hitch Gym Class Heroes & Ryan Tedder Gym Class Heroes & The Dream Gypsy Gypsy Gypsy Gypsy Gypsy Kings Gyroscope H. & J. F. Reynolds H.I.M. H.I.M. Haddaway Haddaway Haddaway n Flack Hafdis Huld Hailee Steinfeld & Grey Ft Zedd Haim Haim Haim Haim Haim Haircut One Hundred Hal Ketchum Hal Ketchum Hal Ketchum Hal Ketchum Hal Ketchum Hal Ketchum Pagina 114 19808591 19992121 19992116 19992117 19992118 19992109 19992122 19992112 19992110 19992114 19992115 19992111 19992113 19992120 19992119 807840 19987814 19985527 19808593 808380 19808595 18507097 808379 808376 808374 807168 19808599 808378 808377 19808600 19808601 19808602 19808603 19808604 19808605 1241932 19986306 19986304 19986297 19986301 9103345 19986271 19986290 19986285 19986280 19986296 19808637 9103356 9103349 19986286 19986268 9103346 19808614 19986309 19986307 19986303 19986267 9103357 9103350 19986260 9103352 19986287 9103353 19986288 1241924 19986305 19986269 19986282 19986266 19986270 19986283 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Mind Control Apocalyptic Bad Romance Bet U Wish U Had Me Back Better Sorry Than Safe Break In Familiar taste of Poison Here's To Us I Get Off I Miss The Misery I'm Not An Angel It's Not You Love Bites (So Do I) Mz. Hyde Rock Show That ole devil called love Full Circle Devil And The Cross Do It For Love Maneater Method Of Modern Love One On One Private Eyes Rich Girl Sara Smiles Say It Isn't So She's Gone You Make My Dreams Come True You've Lost That Loving Feeling Thing Called Us Too Legit To Quit Please Help Me I'm Falling Send Me The Pillow That You Dream On I'm Movin' On Miller's Cave The Wild Side Of Life A Mansion On The Hill Alone And Forsaken Baby, We're Really In Love Calling You Cold Cold Heart Cool Water Crazy Heart Dear John First Year Blues Half As Much Hey Good Lookin' Honky Tonk Blues Honky Tonkin' Howlin' At The Moon I Can't Get You Off My Mind I Can't Help It If I'm Still In Love With You I Don't Know I Dreamed About Mama Last Night I Saw The Light I'll Never Get Out Of This World Alive I'm A Long Gone Daddy I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry Jambalaya Kaw-Liga Kawliga Lonesome Whistle Long Gone Lonesome Blues Lost Highway Lovesick Blues Message To My Mother Mind Your Own Business Moanin' The Blues Move It On Over My Bucket's Got A Hole In It Nobody's Lonesome For Me Hal Linton Halestorm Halestorm Halestorm Halestorm Halestorm Halestorm Halestorm Halestorm Halestorm Halestorm Halestorm Halestorm Halestorm Halestorm Haley Half Moon Run Halfway To Hazard Hall & Oates Hall & Oates Hall & Oates Hall & Oates Hall & Oates Hall & Oates Hall & Oates Hall & Oates Hall & Oates Hall & Oates Hall & Oates Hamilton Park Hammer Hank Locklin Hank Locklin Hank Snow Hank Snow Hank Thompson Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Pagina 115 19986273 19986300 19986281 19808619 19986289 9103348 19986299 9103351 19986308 19986292 9103354 9103347 9103355 19986275 2721593 19986298 19986291 19992041 9103369 19808626 19808627 19808608 9103378 19808629 9103376 19808636 9103380 9103382 9103375 9103370 9103383 19808610 9103377 19808631 9103371 9103379 19808638 9103373 19808639 9103374 19808640 19808641 19808642 9103384 19808633 9103372 19808635 1242759 19808624 9103381 19986475 1243012 811271 810746 3283795 807842 19808646 19808647 19808648 19808649 19808650 19986021 19986019 19986016 19986018 19986017 19986020 19986023 19986022 1243078 19808653 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Please Don't Let Me Love You Ready To Go Home Rockin' Chair Money Settin' The Woods On Fire Someday You'll Call My Name Take These Chains From My Heart The Angel Of Death There's A Tear In My Beer Wealth Won't Save Your Soul Weary Blues From Waitin' Wedding Bells Why Don't You Love Me You Win Again You're Gonna Change Or I'm Gonna Leave Your Cheatin' Heart Please Make Up Your Mind Ramblin' Man Od'd In Denver A Country Boy Can Survive All My Rowdy Friends Are Coming Over Tonight All My Rowdy Friends Have Settled Down All The Roads America Will Survive Big Top Women Buck Naked Cajun Baby Country State Of Mind Daytona Nights Dixie On My Mind Family Tradition Finders Are Keepers Gonna Go Huntin' Tonight Good Friends Good Whickey Good Lovin' Honky Tonkin' I'd Love To Knock The Hell Out Of You I'm One Of You Leave Them Boys Alone Liquor To Like Her Old Habits Outlaws Like Us Queen Of My Heart Stoned At The Jukebox Texas Woman There's A Tear In My Beard Thirsty Whiskey Bent And Hell Bound Why Can't We All Just Get A Long Neck That's How They Do It In Dixie F Word Naked Women And Beer Dinosaur Best of Both Worlds He Could Be the One Full Boulevard Of Broken Dreams Give A Little I will come to you If Only Mmmbop This Time Around Where's The Love Go Away Little Girl 24 Hour Party People Hallelujah Kinky Afro Loose Fit Step On Stinkin' Thinkin' Sunshine & Love Wrote For Luck Cash Machine Suburban Knights Pagina 116 Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams Hank Williams as Luke The Drifter Hank Williams as Luke The Drifter Hank Williams Jr Hank Williams Jr. Hank Williams Jr. Hank Williams Jr. Hank Williams Jr. Hank Williams Jr. Hank Williams Jr. Hank Williams Jr. Hank Williams Jr. Hank Williams Jr. Hank Williams Jr. Hank Williams Jr. Hank Williams Jr. Hank Williams Jr. Hank Williams Jr. Hank Williams Jr. Hank Williams Jr. Hank Williams Jr. Hank Williams Jr. Hank Williams Jr. Hank Williams Jr. Hank Williams Jr. Hank Williams Jr. Hank Williams Jr. Hank Williams Jr. Hank Williams Jr. Hank Williams Jr. Hank Williams Jr. Hank Williams Jr. Hank Williams Jr. Hank Williams Jr. & Gretchen Wilson Hank Williams Jr. & Kid Rock Hank Williams Jr. & Kid Rock Hank Williams, Jr. Hannah Montana Hannah Montana Hanoi Rocks Hanson Hanson Hanson Hanson Hanson Hanson Happenings Happy Mondays Happy Mondays Happy Mondays Happy Mondays Happy Mondays Happy Mondays Happy Mondays Happy Mondays Hard Fi Hard Fi 809534 809530 809531 809535 809532 809533 809529 807844 808775 811423 808776 808773 808777 808774 19808658 808838 19808660 19808661 19808662 19986507 19808663 809072 19808664 19808665 809071 19808666 809070 19808667 1242326 1242332 19808668 19808670 810812 1243081 806662 19986476 19986477 19986478 19986479 19986480 19808673 807845 19808675 19808676 19808677 19808678 1242009 19808680 19808681 19808682 19808683 19808684 19808685 19808686 19808687 19808688 19808689 19808690 811930 19808692 19808693 1242805 19986741 1242838 1242904 19808697 19808698 19808699 808948 19808701 807849 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Bad Luck (Part 1) Hope That We Can Be Together Soon I Miss You (Part 1) If You Don't Know Me By Now Love I Lost (Part 1), The Wake Up Everybody Where Are All My Friends Moviestar Cocoanut Woman Day-O (Banana Boat Song) Island In The Sun Jamaica Farewell Jump In The Line Mama Look A Boo-Boo 30000 Pounds Of Bananas Cat's In The Cradle Sequel Taxi WOLD (They Long To Be) Close To You A Wink and A Smile Give Me The Simple Life If I Could Only Whisper Your Name It Had To Be You Never The Less On The Street Where You Live We Are In Love Whisper Your Name Everybody's Talkin' At Me Without You Coconut Song Jenny Ohio Is For Lovers Saying Sorry Good Day Centerfold Fat Bottomed Girls Highway To Hell Walk This Way You Shook Me All Night Long Dance Desire Will you Whatever I Do (Wherever I Go) Graduation Day Don't It Make You Feel All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You Alone Barracuda Crazy On You Dog And Butterfly Dreamboat Annie Even It Up Heartless Magic Man Never Nothin' At All Straight On Tell It Like It Is These dreams What About Love Will You Be There I Loved Her First Always & Forever In My Mind Me Time Love Me A Little Bit Longer London Rain Always And Forever Boogie Nights Groove Line Temptation Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes Harpo Harry Belafonte Harry Belafonte Harry Belafonte Harry Belafonte Harry Belafonte Harry Belafonte Harry Chapin Harry Chapin Harry Chapin Harry Chapin Harry Chapin Harry Connick Jr. Harry Connick Jr. Harry Connick Jr. Harry Connick Jr. Harry Connick Jr. Harry Connick Jr. Harry Connick Jr. Harry Connick Jr. Harry Connick Jr. Harry Nillson Harry Nillson Harry Nilsson Harters Hawthorne Heights Hawthorne Heights Hayley Warner Hayseed Dixie Hayseed Dixie Hayseed Dixie Hayseed Dixie Hayseed Dixie Haywire Hazel O'Connor Hazell Dean Head Automatica Headpins Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heartland Heat Wave Heather Headley Heather Headley Heather Myles Heather Nova Heatwave Heatwave Heatwave Heaven 17 Pagina 117 2058929 19985486 1241035 19986529 19986641 19986639 19986481 19808703 3283807 19808704 1241963 1241750 19808705 2721438 1241524 807850 807851 807852 19808709 807865 19808713 809669 809672 807854 807855 809668 807856 807857 809667 811015 807858 809670 807859 807860 807861 807862 809671 807864 19992323 5380821 19992347 19808715 807866 1242424 807559 811285 19986540 19808717 19808718 19808719 19808720 19808721 19808722 19808723 810983 19808725 19808726 4171651 19808728 8477788 8477789 810822 19808730 1241758 19808731 807134 1243070 1243098 19808734 19991269 19808735 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Come Live With Me How You Like Me Now Bartender Hedwig's Lament Origin Of Love Wig In A Box Angry Inch Johnny & June Stay up late How Do You Talk To An Angel You'd Be So Nice To Come Home Delta Dawn I Am Woman Walking Back To Happiness Hello Dolly Cadillac Bugs I quit This Guy's In Love With You A groovy kind of love A Must To Avoid Can't You Hear My Heartbeat End Of The World Herman's Hermits Medley 1 Herman's Hermits Medley 2 I'm Henry The Viii, I Am I'm Into Something Good Listen People Mrs Brown You've Got A Lovely Daughter My Sentimental Friend No Milk Today Silhouettes Sleepy Joe Something's Happening Sunshine Girl There's A Kind Of Hush What A Wonderful World Years May Come Years May Go Country Roads I Will Survive Que Sera Sera Boys Like Girls Diggi loo Diggi Ley You'll Never Know Breaking Free Everyday A Night To Remember Honky Tonk Heart Walkin' Talkin' Cryin', Barely Beatin' Broken Heart Whiskey, If You Were A Woman Cotton Fields It Is What It Is Michael Row The Boat Ashore You'll Never Know Beat Of My Heart Come Clean Fly So yesterday Someone's Watching Over Me The Getaway Underneath This Smile Wake Up Why Not Marianne Wings Of A Butterfly All American Nightmare Get Stoned Lips Of An Angel The Life Hate to say I told you so Too Fake Pagina 118 Heaven17 Heavy, The Hed (Planet Earth) Hedwig & The Angry Inch Hedwig & The Angry Inch Hedwig & The Angry Inch Hedwig And The Angry Inch Heidi Newfield Heidi Newfield Heights Helen Merril Helen Reddy Helen Reddy Helen Shapiro Hello Dolly Hep Stars Hepburn Hepburn Herb Albert & The Tijuana Bras Herman's Hermits Herman's Hermits Herman's Hermits Herman's Hermits Herman's Hermits Herman's Hermits Herman's Hermits Herman's Hermits Herman's Hermits Herman's Hermits Herman's Hermits Herman's Hermits Herman's Hermits Herman's Hermits Herman's Hermits Herman's Hermits Herman's Hermits Herman's Hermits Herman's Hermits Hermes House Band Hermes House Band Hermes House Band Hero-Heroine Herreys Hi Gloss High School Musical High School Musical 2 High School Musical 3 Highway 101 Highway 101 Highway 101 Highwaymen Highwaymen Highwaymen Higloss Hilary Duff Hilary Duff Hilary Duff Hilary Duff Hilary Duff Hilary Duff Hilary Duff Hilary Duff Hilary Duff Hill Toppers Him Hinder Hinder Hinder Hinder Hives Hockey 19808736 1241392 1241393 1241394 1241395 1241396 812047 1242560 812051 812054 812052 812057 812049 19808742 812055 812048 812056 812050 19808745 810643 19991717 19808746 807621 19808747 19808748 19808749 19808750 19988109 19988121 19988115 19988077 19988119 19988101 19988107 19988079 19988111 19988092 19988093 19988083 19988124 19988122 19988117 19988100 19988080 19988108 19988113 19988091 19988112 19988089 19988099 19988087 19988120 19988097 19988090 19988098 19988103 19988104 19988084 19988106 19988095 19988125 19988105 19988094 19988085 19988086 19988096 19988076 19988102 19988088 19988110 19988118 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Another Dumb Blonde Awful Be A Man Celebrity Skin Doll Parts Malibu Bus Stop Carrie Anne He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother Here I Go Again I'm Alive Jennifer Eccles Just One Look Long Cool Woman On A Carousel Sorry Suzanne Stay The Air That I Breathe Daddy's Hands You Really Had Me Going Ascension These Are The Days Naughty Girl Mama My Future Ex-Boyfriend Alley Oop Hooray For Hollywood Always On My Mind Am I Blue And I Love You So As Time Goes By Autumn In New York Bless Your Beautiful Born Again But Beauteful Come In From The Rain Don Quixote Dulcinea Far Away Places I Cover The Waterfront I Don't Know Why ( I Just Do ) I Only Have Eyes For You I Won't Send Roses I'll Walk Alone I've Never Been To Me If If Ever I Would Leave You Macarthur Park Make Believe Memory My Defences Are Down My Funny Valentine Oh What A Beatiful Morning Ol' Man River People Will Say We're In Love Rosemarie Send In The Clowns So In Love Softly As I Leave You Some Enchanted Evening Someone To Watch Over Me Sorry With, The Fringe On Top Teh Impossible Dream The girl That I Marry They Say It's Wonderful This Nearly Was Mine Very Thought Of You Where Do I Begin Why Do I Love You Yesterday & Something (Medley) You Go To My Head Hoku Hole Hole Hole Hole Hole Hollies, The Hollies, The Hollies, The Hollies, The Hollies, The Hollies, The Hollies, The Hollies, The Hollies, The Hollies, The Hollies, The Hollies, The Holly Dunn Holly Dunn Holly Johnson Holly Lamar Holly Valance Holly Williams Holly Wynnette Hollywood Argyles Hollywood Hotel Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Pagina 119 19988114 19988123 19988081 19988078 19808751 19808752 19808753 19808754 807867 807868 19808757 19808758 19808759 1243091 1243111 19808762 19808763 19808764 19808765 19808766 809974 19808767 1242488 810891 19808768 19808769 19808770 19808771 19808772 19808773 19808774 19808775 19808776 19808777 19808778 19808779 19808780 19987502 18507100 810795 19808781 19531882 1242497 19808782 1242215 807869 807747 1242510 2721461 2721587 19808785 806441 19808786 19808787 809711 19808788 1242366 19808789 1242416 19808791 19808792 19808793 806844 19808795 19808796 19990223 19989906 19808797 19808798 807372 19808800 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG You Needed Me You Took Advantage Of Me You'll Never Know Yours Battle Of Kookamonga Sea Of Love Feel It Again New Girl Now Never let you down Won't take it lying down Silver Threats And Golden Needle Crawling In The Dark Disappear If I Were You Inside Of You Out Of Control Remember Me Running Away Same Direction The Reason Goodbye Mr. A Worried About Ray Worst Case Scenario All You Zombies Drowning Hannah Jane Hold My Hand I Go Blind I Will Wait Let Her Cry Old Man And Me Only Lonely Only Wanna Be With You Sad Caper Time Tucker's Town Wishing Written In Heaven Angel In Your Arms Hillbillies (Radio Version) Bleed I Like It Like That Ready For The Floor Brother Louie Emma Every one's a winner It Started With A Kiss No Doubt About It So You Win Again You Sexy Thing Goodnight Goodnight Middle of Nowhere Lookin' Boy Jump Around When You Believe (DUET) First Time Ever I Saw Your Face A Little Bit Of Snow Life In One Day Like To Get To Know You Well New Song No One Is To Blame Things Can Only Get Better What Is Love She'd Give Anything Collide Someone New Take Me To Church Labour Of Love Looking For Linda Rock the boat Doing It All For My Baby Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Hollywood Sound Stage Orchestra Homer & Jethro Honeydrippers Honeymoon Suite Honeymoon Suite Honeyz Honeyz Honky Tonk Angels Hoobastank Hoobastank Hoobastank Hoobastank Hoobastank Hoobastank Hoobastank Hoobastank Hoobastank Hoosiers, The Hoosiers, The Hoosiers, The Hooters, The Hootie & The Blowfish Hootie & The Blowfish Hootie & The Blowfish Hootie & The Blowfish Hootie & The Blowfish Hootie & The Blowfish Hootie & The Blowfish Hootie & The Blowfish Hootie & The Blowfish Hootie & The Blowfish Hootie & The Blowfish Hootie & The Blowfish Hootie & The Blowfish Hoskins Family, The Hot Hot Apple Pie Hot Chelle Rae Hot Chelle Rae Hot Chip Hot Chocolate Hot Chocolate Hot Chocolate Hot Chocolate Hot Chocolate Hot Chocolate Hot Chocolate Hot Hot Hea Hot Hot Heat Hot Stylz & Yung Joc House Of Pain Houston & Carey Houstonlma Howard Jones Howard Jones Howard Jones Howard Jones Howard Jones Howard Jones Howard Jones Howdy Boy Howie Day Hozier Hozier Hue & Cry Hue & Cry Hues Corporation, The Huey Lewis Pagina 120 809579 19808803 19808804 19808805 19808806 19808807 19808808 19808809 19808810 19808811 807735 19808813 1242005 19808816 19808817 1241848 806778 807871 807872 19808821 19808672 19988197 19808822 807874 19808824 807875 807876 1242206 809315 19989604 19989741 19989733 19808828 19808829 808115 19988430 19989743 19808831 19808832 19987608 809094 19989744 19991729 19989745 19989746 19989747 19988467 19990132 19808833 810863 807878 810887 19808835 1241853 810724 810485 1241778 2058931 19989748 19988011 19987641 19991865 19990094 807879 19808838 2389727 19808839 19808840 19808841 19808842 19808844 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Cruisin' But It's Alright Do You Believe In Love Feeling Alright Heart And Soul Heart Of Rock & Roll Hip To Be Square I Want A New Drug If This Is It Jacob's Ladder Power Of Love Some Kind Of Wonderful Stuck With You Walking On A Thin Line Working For A Living Rockin' Pneumonia & The Boogie Don't You Want Me Human Mirror man 30 Days In The Hole Storm Warning Cher Lloyd Ft T.I Distracted My star Get Shaky Clever trevor Wake up n make love Sex And Drugs And Rock And Roll Castles In The Sky All Night Get Lost Girlfriend I Like You So Much Better When Oh My God Vehicle Let It Go For The First Time In Forever Happy Xmas (War Is Over Minute Big K.R.I.T. Feat. Melanie Fiona If I Give My Heart To You Bounce Team Work Black Widow Change Your Life Fancy Trouble Lust For Life Real Wild Child The passenger Candy Rapture (Tastes So Sweet) I Want To Take You Higher Nutbush City Limits Proud Mary Peaches N Crème Flashback I Bet My Life It's Time Radioactive Roots Warriors Where are you Legend Of A Cowgirl Never Lie Watch Me Do My Thing It's All Right People Get Ready Stay The Night (Radio Version) Plumb Huey Lewis & Gwynth Paltrow Huey Lewis & The News Huey Lewis & The News Huey Lewis & The News Huey Lewis & The News Huey Lewis & The News Huey Lewis & The News Huey Lewis & The News Huey Lewis & The News Huey Lewis & The News Huey Lewis & The News Huey Lewis & The News Huey Lewis & The News Huey Lewis & The News Huey Lewis & The News Huey Smith Human League, The Human League, The Human League, The Humble Pie Hunter Hayes I Wish I5 Ian Brown Ian Carey Project Ian Dury Ian Dury Ian Dury & Blockheads Ian Van Dahl Icona Pop Icona Pop Icona Pop Ida Maria Ida Maria Ides Of March Idina Menzel Idina Menzel & Kristen Bell Idols Idrina Menzel If I Fall If I Give My Heart To You Iggy Azalea Iggy Azalea Iggy Azalea Iggy Azalea & Rita Ora Iggy Azalea & T.I. Iggy Azalea Feat. Charli XCX Iggy Azalea ft Jennifer Hudson Iggy Pop Iggy Pop Iggy Pop Iggy Pop & Kate Pierson IIO Ike & Tina Turner Ike & Tina Turner Ike & Tina Turner Ikettes Imagination Imagine Dragons Imagine Dragons Imagine Dragons Imagine Dragons Imagine Dragons Imani Imani Coppola Immature Immature & Smooth Ed Impressions Impressions Imx In My Arms Pagina 121 19986695 19986696 19985808 19991015 19808845 19987537 811486 19808847 19808848 19808849 19808850 19808851 19808852 19808853 19808854 807880 19986579 19808856 19808857 19808858 19989749 19808859 19808860 19986518 807531 2113334 19808862 4171632 809766 807881 809789 19808866 19808867 19991802 19991801 19986715 1242984 19808869 19808870 807882 19808872 3283940 19808873 1242471 1242936 19808876 808105 807473 19808877 807883 811371 19808880 19986683 19808881 19808882 19808883 19808884 19808885 19808886 810073 19808887 19808888 19808889 19808890 19808891 19808892 19808893 19808902 19808895 19808896 810075 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Breaking The Law Living After Midnight Blood Whore Down 4 U Mary Mary Drive I Wish You Were Here Megalomaniac Nice To Know You Pardon Me Stellar Talk Show On Mute Warning Wish You Were Here Last night a dj saved my life Beautiful Flower I Am Not My Hair There's Hope Video Solo Dancing Closer To Fine Shame On You Furry Walls From Paris to Berlin The Way I Am Here Comes The Hotstepper Sun Is Up Bad Boys Games people play Sweat Say No More Time After Time Fuck the World Hocus Pocus Forever Young Afterglow Don't Change Elegantly Wasted Need you tonight Never Tear Us Apart New Sensation One Thing Original Sin Pretty Vegas Suicide Blonde What You Need You're unbelievable Goodbye Lament Fame Flashdance Little Bluer Than That Wasn't That A Party A Little Bit Of Heaven Black Velvet Band Cockles And Mussels Danny Boy Dear Old Donegal Did Your Mother Come From Ireland Dirty Old Town Galway Bay Gypsy Rover I'll Take You Home Again Kathleen Isle Of Innisfree McNamara's Band Minstrel Boy Molly Malone Mountains Of Mourne Rose Of Tralee Spinning Wheel The Flight Of The Earls In The Style Of Judas Priest In The Style Of Judas Priest In This Moment In This Moment Inc. & Ja Rule & Ashanti & Cha Incredible Incubus Incubus Incubus Incubus Incubus Incubus Incubus Incubus Incubus Indeep India Arie India Arie India Arie India Arie Indiana Indigo Girls Indigo Girls Infant Sorrow Infernal Ingrid Michaelson Ini Kamoze Inna Inner Circle Inner Circle Inner Circle Innosense Inoj Insane Clown Posse ICP Insane Clown Posse ICP Interactiv INXS INXS INXS INXS INXS INXS INXS INXS INXS INXS INXS INXS Iommi & Dave Grohl Irene Cara Irene Cara Irene Kelley Irish Rovers, The Irish Traditional Irish Traditional Irish Traditional Irish Traditional Irish Traditional Irish Traditional Irish Traditional Irish Traditional Irish Traditional Irish Traditional Irish Traditional Irish Traditional Irish Traditional Irish Traditional Irish Traditional Irish Traditional Irish Traditional Irish Traditional Pagina 122 810074 19808897 19808898 19808899 19808900 19808901 1241794 1241413 19808903 1241414 1241415 1241416 1241417 1241418 19808906 19808907 19987509 1242083 19808908 19808909 19808910 1241835 19808911 19808912 19808913 19808914 19808916 19808917 811266 810659 810850 806413 811187 811152 807886 19808918 808448 808446 19808925 808447 808443 808445 808444 19808920 19808921 19808923 807889 807890 807892 19808926 19808927 19808928 19808929 3283916 19808931 19808932 19808933 19808934 19808935 19808936 19808937 19987432 19987429 19987430 19987431 19987516 19990994 19987568 19987573 19987580 19987577 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG The Wild Rover Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ra Whiskey In The Jar Who Threw The Overall's In Mrs. Murphy's Chowder Wild Colonial Boy Wild Rover In A Gadda Da Vida 2 Minutes To Midnight Aces High Can I Play With Madness Different World Run to the Hills The Number Of The Beast The Trooper Theme From Shaft Walk On By It Is Well (Elisha's Song) Between the Sheets It's Your Thing Just Came Here To Chill Shout Spend the Night Summer Breeze Tears This Old Heart Of Mine Contagious White Bird Caruso Big Rock Candy Mountain Since I Met You Baby Papi Te Quero Replay So Big SOLO Night they drove old dixie down Who Dat Centerfold Freeze Frame I Do Love Stinks Must Have Got Lost One Last Kiss Take It Back Suffocate Tipsy Old Wedding Ring Was New Farewell is a lonely sound What becomes of broken heart I get the sweetest feeling Old Home Place Clap Back Reign Always On Time Mesmerize Thug Lovin' Down A$$ Chick Between Me And You I Cry Put It On Me Rainy Dayz Bad Things Every Time I Fall God So Loved On My Knees We Can Make A Difference You're My God Breathe Life All The Time Back In The Arms Of Love I Need Somebody Bad If This Is Love Pagina 123 Irish Traditional Irish Traditional Irish Traditional Irish Traditional Irish Traditional Irish Traditional Iron Butterfly Iron Maiden Iron Maiden Iron Maiden Iron Maiden Iron Maiden Iron Maiden Iron Maiden Isaac Hayes Isaac Hayes Isaacs, The Isley Brothers, The Isley Brothers, The Isley Brothers, The Isley Brothers, The Isley Brothers, The Isley Brothers, The Isley Brothers, The Isley Brothers, The Isley Brothers, The & Ronald Isley It's A Beautiful Day Italian Songs Ives Burl Ivory Joe Hunter Ivy Queen Iyaz Iyaz IYAZ J. Baez J. Cole J. Geils Band, The J. Geils Band, The J. Geils Band, The J. Geils Band, The J. Geils Band, The J. Geils Band, The J. Geils Band, The J. Holiday J. Kwon J. Longthorn J. Ruffin J. Ruffin J. Wilson J.D. Crowe Ja Rule Ja Rule Ja Rule & Ashanti Ja Rule & Ashanti Ja Rule & Bobby Brown Ja Rule & Charli Chuck Baltimo Ja Rule & Christina Milian Ja Rule & Lil' Mo Ja Rule & Lil' Mo & Vita Ja Rule & Mary J. Blige Jace Everett Jaci Velasquez Jaci Velasquez Jaci Velasquez Jaci Velasquez Jaci Velasquez Jack Garratt Jack Greene Jack Greene Jack Greene Jack Greene 19987581 19987579 19987575 19987572 19987576 19808938 19987578 19987571 19987569 19987574 19987570 811933 19808939 19813657 19808941 1241419 19808943 1242791 19808945 1242728 807646 19808948 19808949 1242503 19988228 19808950 1242974 809049 809050 809052 1242455 809051 19808952 19991159 19808953 19808954 19985552 1242338 1242340 19808958 19808956 19808957 2555514 2555508 2555513 809694 2555515 809700 809695 809696 809698 2555512 2555509 806818 1241821 19808961 2721422 810597 19808965 19808966 19808967 19808968 19808969 19808970 19808971 1242887 19808973 19808974 19808975 19808976 19808977 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG It's Time To Cross That Bridge Lord Is That Me Love Takes Care Of Me Statue Of A Fool The Whole World Comes To Me There Goes My Everything There's A Whole Lot About A Woman Until My Dreams Come True What Locks The Door Wish I Didn't Have To Miss You You Are My Treasure Wherever you are Barbie Doll Barefoot And Crazy Flutter Free How Many Days Love You Maybe She'll Get Lonely Wherever You Are Better Together Flake Good People If I Had Eyes Radiate Sitting Waiting Wishing Upside Down A Day In The Life Of A Fool Lady Love Boat Theme The Impossible Dream Wives And Lovers Be The One Catapult What In The World's Come Over You All I Need Sixteen Saltines What The World Needs Now Make It Easy On Yourself Higher And Higher I Get The Sweetest Feeling Lonely Teardrops Boulevard Doctor My Eyes In The Shape Of A Heart Rock Me On The Water Rosie Running On Empty Somebody's Baby Stay Take It Easy Tender Is The Night The Pretender BLame It On The Boogie Enjoy Yourself I Want You Back Never Can Say Goodbye Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town Shake Your Body Lumberjack I'm Doing Alright Break Up Song Every Day Of The Week My Time Baby Good Luck Charm Goodbye Promise Walked Outta Heaven Where's The Party At Could It Be Jack Greene Jack Greene Jack Greene Jack Greene Jack Greene Jack Greene Jack Greene Jack Greene Jack Greene Jack Greene Jack Greene Jack Imgram Jack Ingram Jack Ingram Jack Ingram Jack Ingram Jack Ingram Jack Ingram Jack Ingram Jack Ingram Jack Johnson Jack Johnson Jack Johnson Jack Johnson Jack Johnson Jack Johnson Jack Johnson Jack Jones Jack Jones Jack Jones Jack Jones Jack Jones Jack Pentane Jack Savoretti Jack Scott Jack Wagner Jack White Jackie DeShannon Jackie Trent Jackie Wilson Jackie Wilson Jackie Wilson Jackson Browne Jackson Browne Jackson Browne Jackson Browne Jackson Browne Jackson Browne Jackson Browne Jackson Browne Jackson Browne Jackson Browne Jackson Browne Jacksons, The Jacksons, The Jacksons, The Jacksons, The Jacksons, The Jacksons, The Jackyl Jacob Lyda Jada Jade Jade Ewen Jagged Edge Jagged Edge Jagged Edge Jagged Edge Jagged Edge Jagged Edge & Nelly Jaheim Pagina 124 19808978 19808979 5380961 19808980 19808981 19808982 19988005 19991536 19808983 19987622 3283812 19808985 19808986 19808987 1242765 19989750 807893 807894 807895 807896 19808993 807898 807899 807900 807901 807902 807903 807904 807905 811676 807906 19809004 807552 807584 19991674 19809005 807909 19986095 19988606 19988185 19991883 19990032 19988167 19988189 810999 19988270 1243003 810139 19989886 19809010 810625 19809012 19809013 809238 809237 809232 809234 809243 809231 1242193 809240 809241 809239 809235 809242 809233 809236 1242691 809230 807607 19809018 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Have You Ever Never The Chosen One I've Changed Anything Fabulous Titanium Wasn't Expecting That At Seventeen Seen It All Barefoot Bleu Jean Night Eight Second Ride Something About A Woman [Karao Tell Me Yee Haw Fade Absolute beginners All around world Beat surrender Bitterest Pill David Watts Down in tube station Eton rifles Funeral pyre Going underground Modern world Start Strange town That's entertainment Town called Malice Who is five o'clock hero Tell Me Where It Hurts Beware Of The Dog No More Best Fake Smile Laid Sit down Impossible Recovery You're Nobody 'Til Somebody Loves You Best Fake Smile Hold Back The River Bonfire Heart Bonfire Hearts Goodbye My Lover Heart To Heart High Stay The Night When I Find Love Again Wise Men You're Beautiful (Radio Version) Naked To The Pain Swing Bewildered Cold Sweat Get Up Offa That Thing (Release The Pressure) Hot Pants I feel good, I Got You I Got The Feeling It's A Man's Man's Man's World Licking Stick Livin' In America Mother Popcorn Papa's Got A Brand New Bag Please Please Please Prisoner Of Love Say It Loud (I'm Black And I'm Proud) Sex Machine Super Bad Shout (England World Cup Song) Funk # 49 Jaheim Jaheim Jaheim Jaheim & Keyshia Cole Jaheim & Next Jaheim & Tha Rayne Jahmene Douglas Jaime Lawson Jains Ian Jake Bugg Jake Owen Jake Owen Jake Owen Jake Owen Jake Owen Jakwob & Maidy Jam, The Jam, The Jam, The Jam, The Jam, The Jam, The Jam, The Jam, The Jam, The Jam, The Jam, The Jam, The Jam, The Jam, The Jam, The Jamaica Jamelia Jamelia James James James James Arthur James Arthur James Arthur James Bay James Bay James Blunt James Blunt James Blunt James Blunt James Blunt James Blunt James Blunt James Blunt James Blunt James Bonamy James Bonamy James Brown James Brown James Brown James Brown James Brown James Brown James Brown James Brown James Brown James Brown James Brown James Brown James Brown James Brown James Brown James Brown James Corden & Dizzee Rascal James Gang Pagina 125 19809019 809495 809494 808818 809492 809493 19809021 19985565 809496 809498 809497 9914928 2721547 2721549 2721548 2721550 2721551 2721552 2721553 2721554 2721555 19809022 811130 19985337 19985334 19985335 19809831 19985336 19985338 19809025 19809026 810674 19809027 19809028 19809029 19809030 19809031 19809032 19809033 19809034 807908 19809035 19809036 19809037 19809038 1241431 19809040 19809041 19809042 810174 19809044 19809045 810161 19809047 1242721 2721503 2721504 2721505 2721506 812087 812088 19809048 19809051 19809053 5380922 5380955 1242832 19990505 19809055 19809056 1242732 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Little By Little Get Ready I Don't Have The Heart Just Once One Hundred Ways There's No Easy Way Forever More I'll Be The One Somewhere Out There Yah Mo Be There Baby Come To Me How Do You Keep The Music Playing I Won't Let You Go If The Rain Must Fall Letter One Last Chance Pieces Don't Fit Anymore This Boy Under The Influence Undiscovered Wonderful World You Give Me Something Up Broken Strings Ain't Gonna Stop Days Of Our Lives For You Just Got Started Lovin' You Sunday Morning & Saturday Night The Ball Angels Don't Fly Life Goes On Carolina in my mind Copperline Fire & Rain How Sweet It Is Little More Time With You Shower The People Steamroller Sweet Baby James Up On The Roof You got a friend You've Got A Friend Your Smiling Face Mockingbird Wide Open Spaces Jackson Hole Real Don't Play Any Love Songs Dollar Heartache High Cost Of Living Macon My Way To You Playing The Part The Dollar Blame It On My Youth But For Now I Could Have Danced All Night I Get A Kick Out Of You Singin' In The Rain What A Difference A Day Made Wheels Fly Love Fall For Your Type Unpredictable Dj Play A Love Song Extravaganza Wasn't Expecting That 50,000 Names Frantic I Love My Life James House James Ingram James Ingram James Ingram James Ingram James Ingram James Ingram & John Tesh James Ingram & Linda Ronstadt James Ingram & Michael McDonald duet James Ingram & Patti Austin duet James Ingram & Patti Austin duet James Morrison James Morrison James Morrison James Morrison James Morrison James Morrison James Morrison James Morrison James Morrison James Morrison James Morrison & Jessie J James Morrison & Nelly Furtado James Otto James Otto James Otto James Otto James Otto James Otto James Prosser James Prosser James Taylor James Taylor James Taylor James Taylor James Taylor James Taylor James Taylor James Taylor James Taylor James Taylor James Taylor James Taylor James Taylor & Carly Simon James Taylor & Dixie Chicks James Wesley James Wesley Jameson Clark Jamey Johnson Jamey Johnson Jamey Johnson Jamey Johnson Jamey Johnson Jamey Johnson Jamey Johnson Jamie Cullum Jamie Cullum Jamie Cullum Jamie Cullum Jamie Cullum Jamie Cullum Jamie Cullum Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx & Drake Jamie Foxx & Ludacris Jamie Foxx & Twista Jamie Foxx feat. Kanye West Jamie Lawson Jamie O'Hara Jamie O'Neal Jamie O'Neal Pagina 126 19809058 810902 19809060 19809061 19809062 19990051 1243154 19809064 19809065 807911 19809068 19809071 19809072 19985816 19809073 19809074 3283906 19809075 19809076 19809077 811471 19809079 19809080 19809081 19809082 807914 19809084 19809085 19809086 19809087 19809088 1242125 19809090 19809091 806882 807915 19990521 807916 19809095 19809096 1242253 1242913 19809097 808410 808407 808408 808412 808411 19809100 808406 808409 810484 19809103 808413 19809104 19987520 1242403 1242419 1678234 19987394 19987395 19987396 19987523 19987547 1242814 810796 19809108 19988056 19809109 19809110 19809111 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Shiver Somebody's Hero There Is No Arizona Trying To Find Atlantis When I Think About Angels Rabbit Hole Something About You Canned Heat Virtual Insanity King for a day Little Old Lady From Pasadena Ooh Baby, Baby I Won't Give Up When You're Lonely Don't Wanna Fall In Love Rush Hour Wildflower Doesn't Really Matter Call On Me Again All For You Alright Because Of Love Black Cat Escapade I get lonely If Let's Wait Awhile Love Will Never Do Luv Miss You Much Nasty Pleasure Principle Someone To Call My Lover That's The Way Love Goes Together again Unbreakable What have you done When I Think Of You You want this The Best Things In Life Are Free Call on Me Down To My Last Broken Heart Ball And Chain Cry Baby Down On Me Get It While You Can Kosmic Blues Me & Bobby Mcgee Mercedes Benz Piece Of My Heart Summertime Try (Just A Little Bit Harder) Try Just A Little Bit Harder Could I Be Your Girl Greater Is He I Second That Emotion Quiet Life That's Beautiful To Me Crazy Times Fly I'm Alight Revolution Valley Song (Sing Of His Mercy), The Amarillo Sky Hicktown (Radio Version) Johnny Cash Night Train Relentless She's Country Tattoos On This Town Jamie O'Neal Jamie O'Neal Jamie O'Neal Jamie O'Neal Jamie O'Neal Jamie T Jamiela Jamiraquai Jamiraquai Jamiraquay Jan & Dean Jana Jana Kramer Jana Kramer Jane Child Jane Wiedlin JaneDear Girls, The Janet Janet & Nelly Janet Jackson Janet Jackson Janet Jackson Janet Jackson Janet Jackson Janet Jackson Janet Jackson Janet Jackson Janet Jackson Janet Jackson Janet Jackson Janet Jackson Janet Jackson Janet Jackson Janet Jackson Janet Jackson Janet Jackson Janet Jackson Janet Jackson Janet Jackson Janet Jackson Janet Jackson & Luther Vandros Janet Jackson & Nelly Janie Frickie Janis Joplin Janis Joplin Janis Joplin Janis Joplin Janis Joplin Janis Joplin Janis Joplin Janis Joplin Janis Joplin Janis Joplin Janis Joplin Jann Arden Janna Long Japan Japan Jaron & The Long Road To Love Jars Of Clay Jars Of Clay Jars Of Clay Jars Of Clay Jars Of Clay Jason Aldean Jason Aldean Jason Aldean Jason Aldean Jason Aldean Jason Aldean Jason Aldean Pagina 127 810156 1242731 1678210 19987593 19065176 5960070 17766319 19991156 806670 9914922 19987660 807602 19988460 19988250 19985746 19990026 807119 19988043 19989753 19989568 19809116 19989754 19813631 19809119 810821 19809121 19809122 19809123 811089 811443 19809125 19809126 1242492 807693 19809128 19809129 19809130 19809131 19809132 19809133 19809135 3283955 19809134 19988018 19809136 1241432 810198 17766295 19988217 19809138 19809139 19809140 810216 19809142 19809143 1241838 19985817 3283927 19809144 19809145 807755 807917 19809147 19987510 810784 19809149 3283802 19809150 807918 19809152 19986567 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG The Truth Why Don't You Wanna Stay Only A Mountain Breathing Don't Wanna Go Home Fight For You Get Ugly In My Head It Girl Other Side Ridin' Solo Stupid Love Trumpets Undefeated Want To Want Me What If Talk Dirty Wiggle Wiggle I Can Sleep When I'm Dead I Won't Give Up I'm Yours The Remedy Wordplay You And I Both Can't Help Calling Your Name Matter Of Time Touch My Fire Come A Little Bit Closer She Cried This Magic Moment Ride It Down 99 Problems Change Clothes Dirt Off Your Shoulder Excuse Me Miss Girls Girls Girls Just Wanna Love U (Give It 2 M Roc Boys Empire State Of Mind Modern Day Bonnie And Clyde Holy Grail I Know On To The Next One Real As It Gets Why I Love You Tom Ford I'm Gonna Make You Love Me Diggin' In 10 Seconds Excuse Me Love Will Stay The Same Need U Bad You're Gonna Make Me Love Some No Better Than This Blowin Me Up (With Her Love) When I Think About You Big Stuff Hold The Line Harper valley pta Satin Sheets Learn To Love Again Long, Slow Kisses Love Song One Day Closer Rainbow Man Hi ho silver lining I Ain't Superstitious Grace Jason Aldean Jason Aldean Jason Aldean & Kelly Clarkson Jason Castro Jason Derulo Jason Derulo Jason Derulo Jason Derulo Jason Derulo Jason Derulo Jason Derulo Jason Derulo Jason Derulo Jason Derulo Jason Derulo Jason Derulo Jason Derulo Jason Derulo & 2 Chainz Jason Derulo & Snoop Dogg Jason Derulo Ft Snoop Dogg Jason Michael Carroll Jason Mraz Jason Mraz Jason Mraz Jason Mraz Jason Mraz Jason Sellers Jason Sellers Javine Jay & The Americans Jay & The Americans Jay & The Americans Jay Sean Jay Sean - Lil Wayne Jay Z Jay Z Jay Z Jay Z Jay Z Jay Z Jay Z Jay Z & Alicia Keys Jay Z & Beyonce Knowles Jay Z & Justin Timberlake Jay Z & Pharrell Jay Z & Swizz Beatz Jay Z & Young Jeezy Jay Z Ft Kanye West & Mr Hudso Jay-Z Jayhawks Jayme Lynn Scott Jazmine Sullivan Jazmine Sullivan Jazmine Sullivan Jazmine Sullivan Jazzy Jeff JB & The Moonshine Band JC Chasez JD Myers Jean Knight Jeanette Jeanne C Riley Jeannie Pruett Jeff & Sheri Easter Jeff Bates Jeff Bates Jeff Bates Jeff Bates Jeff Beck Jeff Beck Jeff Buckley Pagina 128 810880 19809153 19809154 19809155 19809156 19809157 19809158 19809159 19985966 1242382 19809160 19809161 19809162 807919 807920 808419 19809164 807921 811406 19809166 19809167 808140 808417 19809169 19809170 809458 809464 809463 809460 809456 19809172 19809173 19986528 810243 1241684 19809174 19809175 19809176 19809177 19809178 19809179 807159 19809181 19809182 19809184 811104 810209 19987521 19809188 19991680 19809189 19809190 19809191 2058894 19989755 19809193 1242500 19809194 808294 19809197 2888547 19809198 810254 19809200 807888 19989756 2168598 19809203 3283951 3283919 19809187 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Last Goodbye Cheatin' On Her Heart Do It Again I Can Only Imagine Not On Your Love Real Life Shine On Until We Fall Back In Love Again Redneck 12 Days Of Christmas Confidence Man Angel Eyes Use Mine You Call That A Mountain Nothin's gonna stop us Sara Somebody To Love Volunteers We built this city White Rabbit Count On Me Find Your Way Back Jane Miracles Runaway Sara Don't You Get So Mad On The Wings Of Love Stay With Me Tonight We're Going All The Way You Should Be Mine (The Woo Woo Song) Place Where You Belong Somethin' In The Water Bring On The Men Someone Like You This Is The Moment Cool Me Down Blame It On Mama Red Dwarf Completely Fun Of Your Love What If It's Me Beautiful Goodbye Half A Heart Tattoo I Remember Me No One Gonna Love You Spotlight Where You At Breathe On Me Ain't It Funny Ain't Your Mama Alive Baby I Love You Could This Be Love Feelin' So Good First Love Get Right Hold It Don't Drop It I'm Glad If You Had My Love Love Don't Cost A Thing On the floor Play Promise Me You'll Try Should've Never Waiting for tonight Booty (Remix) I'm Real Jenny From The Block I'm Into You All I Have Do It Well Jeff Buckley Jeff Carson Jeff Carson Jeff Carson Jeff Carson Jeff Carson Jeff Carson Jeff Carson Jeff Foxworthy Jeff Healey Jeff Healey Band Jeff Wood Jeff Wood Jefferson Airplane Jefferson Airplane Jefferson Airplane Jefferson Airplane Jefferson Airplane Jefferson Airplane Jefferson Starship Jefferson Starship Jefferson Starship Jefferson Starship Jefferson Starship Jefferson Starship Jeffrey Osbourne Jeffrey Osbourne Jeffrey Osbourne Jeffrey Osbourne Jeffrey Osbourne Jeffrey Osbourne & Sheena Easto Jeffrey Steele Jekyll & Hyde Jekyll & Hyde Jekyll & Hyde Jenai Jenkins Jenna Russell Jennifer Day Jennifer Day Jennifer Day Jennifer Hanson Jennifer Hanson Jennifer Hudson Jennifer Hudson Jennifer Hudson Jennifer Hudson Jennifer Knapp Jennifer Lopez Jennifer Lopez Jennifer Lopez Jennifer Lopez Jennifer Lopez Jennifer Lopez Jennifer Lopez Jennifer Lopez Jennifer Lopez Jennifer Lopez Jennifer Lopez Jennifer Lopez Jennifer Lopez Jennifer Lopez Jennifer Lopez Jennifer Lopez Jennifer Lopez Jennifer Lopez & Iggy Azalea Jennifer Lopez & Ja Rule Jennifer Lopez & Jadakis & Styles Jennifer Lopez & Lil Wayne Jennifer Lopez & LL Cool J Jennifer Lopez & Ludacris Pagina 129 19809205 19985386 19987790 19986577 19809206 19809207 19809208 19809209 19809210 19809211 19809212 807922 19809214 810180 19809216 19809217 19809218 19989757 19809219 19989895 19809220 19987534 19809221 5380878 19809222 19809223 19809224 19809225 808828 2888546 19809226 19809227 19809228 5380840 5380833 5380836 811863 5380841 5380837 5380835 5380844 5380839 5380842 5380838 810644 5380834 5380843 5380832 19809232 19809233 810637 19809234 19809235 19809236 807923 19991155 19990269 19990122 19989561 19992009 19809238 19809239 1242948 19809241 1243031 810119 19809243 19809244 807924 19809246 19809247 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG I'm Gonna Be Alright Dance Again Live It Up On The Floor How Do I Deal Barenaked Always You Beautiful Crush Sober These Days The power of love Right Time Of Night Indescribable Ticket Out Of Kansas Birthday Sex I Like Don't Tell 'Em Down On Me Don't Tell 'Em This Man Understand You Make Me Feel Gotta Getcha Welcome To Atlanta If You Say My Eyes Are Beautiful What Do You Want Lover Lover For Your Precious Love Only The Strong Survive Don't Call Us We'll Call You Love Trip Look Another Place, Another Time Breathless Drinking Wine Spo-Dee O'dee Great Balls Of Fire Middle Age Crazy Once More With Feeling One Minute Past Eternity Rockin' My Life Away She Even Woke Me Up To Say Goodbey There Must Be More To Loe Than This Thirty Nine And Holding What Made Milwaukee Famous Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On Would You Take Another Chance On Me You Win Again East Bound & Down Good Woman's Love She Got The Goldmine, I Got The Shaft When You're Hot You're Hot If You Leave Me Tonight I'll Cry Primrose Lane Did I tell you Ain't Got Far To Go Don't Be So Hard On Yourself Hold My Hand Right Here Take Me Home Long Legged Hannah Beautiful Soul Because You Live Leavin' Right Where You Want Me Body Language You I'm Not Lisa Everytime we say goodbye Helplessly Hopelessly I Do Now Jennifer Lopez & Nas Jennifer Lopez & Pitbull Jennifer Lopez & Pitbull Jennifer Lopez ft PitBull Jennifer Love Hewett Jennifer Love Hewitt Jennifer Paige Jennifer Paige Jennifer Paige Jennifer Paige Jennifer Paige Jennifer Rush Jennifer Warnes Jenny & Ashley Jenny Simpson Jeremih Jeremih & Ludacris Jeremih & YG Jeremih and 50 Cent Jeremih Feat. YG Jeremy Camp Jeremy Camp Jeremy Toback Jermaine Dupri Jermaine Dupri & Ludacris Jermaine Jackson & Whitney Hou Jerrod Neimann Jerrod Niemann Jerry Butler Jerry Butler Jerry Corbetta & Sugarloaf Jerry Kigore Jerry Kilgore Jerry Lee Lewis Jerry Lee Lewis Jerry Lee Lewis Jerry Lee Lewis Jerry Lee Lewis Jerry Lee Lewis Jerry Lee Lewis Jerry Lee Lewis Jerry Lee Lewis Jerry Lee Lewis Jerry Lee Lewis Jerry Lee Lewis Jerry Lee Lewis Jerry Lee Lewis Jerry Lee Lewis Jerry Reed Jerry Reed Jerry Reed Jerry Reed Jerry Wallace Jerry Wallace Jerry Williams Jess Glynne Jess Glynne Jess Glynne Jess Glynne Jess Glynne Jesse Hunter Jesse McCartney Jesse McCartney Jesse McCartney Jesse McCartney Jesse McCartney & T-Pain Jesse Powell Jessi Colter Jessica Jessica Andrews Jessica Andrews Pagina 130 19809248 19809249 19809250 19809251 811711 19809253 19809254 19809255 806643 19809256 3283804 1243016 19809258 19809259 19809260 1243036 9103579 811076 809322 19809264 19809265 19809266 9103581 9103580 19809269 19989758 19989759 19989580 19989760 19989888 19989761 811211 19531863 19990095 19987997 19990088 2610834 19988248 19809271 19985384 19989581 19985797 1242057 1242053 19809272 19809273 19809274 2389649 2389648 19809275 807925 807926 1243002 807927 19809277 19809278 811346 807928 807929 19809281 811532 19809283 19809284 19809285 811494 19809287 807930 19809288 19809289 807931 811345 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG I Will Be There For You Karma There's More To Me Than You Unbreakable Heart Who I Am You Go First Boy Like Me Burn Up Down Even Angels Fall Flaming Red A Public Affair Angels Come On Over Fired Up I Belong To Me I Think I'm In Love With You I Wanna Love You Forever I Wanna Love You Forever (Up Tempo) Irresistible Sweetest Sin Take My Breath Away These Boots Are Made For Walking With You Where You Are It's My Party Who's Laughing Now Bang Bang Excuse My Rude Burnin' Up Wild Do It Like A Dude Domino Flashlight It's My Party Masterpiece Nobody's Perfect Thunder Who You Are Laserlight Say You Love Me Wildest Moments Real, Real, Real Right Here, Right Now Are You Gonna Be My Girl Cold Hard Bitch Look What You've Done Aqualung Cross-Eyed Mary Living In The Past 2 Become 1 2 Find U Again And Again Doin' Fine Don't Down So Long Foolish Games Fragile Heart Hands I'm Sensitive Intuition Jupiter Morning Song Near You Always Standing Still Sweet Home Alabama Sweet Temptation This Way What's Simple Is True Who Will Save Your Soul You Were Meant For Me Jessica Andrews Jessica Andrews Jessica Andrews Jessica Andrews Jessica Andrews Jessica Andrews Jessica Harp Jessica Mauboy Jessica Mauboy Jessica Riddle Jessica Ridley Jessica Simpson Jessica Simpson Jessica Simpson Jessica Simpson Jessica Simpson Jessica Simpson Jessica Simpson Jessica Simpson Jessica Simpson Jessica Simpson Jessica Simpson Jessica Simpson Jessica Simpson Jessica Simpson & Nick Lachey Jessie J Jessie J Jessie J & Ariana Grande & Nicki Minaj Jessie J & Becky G Jessie J feat 2 Chainz Jessie J, Big Sean & Dizzee Rascal Jessie J. Jessie J. Jessie J. Jessie J. Jessie J. Jessie J. Jessie J. Jessie J. Jessie J. & David Guetta Jessie Ware Jessie Ware Jesus Jones Jesus Jones Jet Jet Jet Jethro Tull Jethro Tull Jethro Tull Jewel Jewel Jewel Jewel Jewel Jewel Jewel Jewel Jewel Jewel Jewel Jewel Jewel Jewel Jewel Jewel Jewel Jewel Jewel Jewel Jewel Pagina 131 19809292 19809293 1242929 19809295 2389668 19809297 19809298 19809299 19809300 19809301 19809302 19809303 19809304 19809305 19809306 19809307 19809308 19809309 19809310 1242654 1241811 19809313 810678 19809315 19809316 19809317 19809318 19809319 19809320 806922 807933 807934 1241756 810655 807935 9103481 9103471 9103472 9103480 9103473 9103477 807936 810684 9103482 9103474 19809327 807937 9103478 811030 19809329 19809330 9103475 9103479 9103476 807938 19809332 19809333 19809334 19809335 809465 1241383 810869 1241385 809471 809466 1241387 2389647 809468 809470 807939 19809341 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG That's The Way Love Goes Birds & The Bees Chain Hang Low Dedication (Ay DJ) Sky High 98.6 Degrees And Falling Hand Me Down Heartache A Long Walk The Fact Is (I Need You) So In Love Jilted John Love I Found In You You Destiny Thank You Love Of My Life Change Of Heart Simple Things Next Step Bad Bad Leroy Brown I Got A Name I'll Have To Say I Love You In A Song Lover's Cross One less set of footsteps Operator Photographs & Memories Time In A Bottle Workin' At The Car Wash Blues You Don't Mess Around With Jim Black oak Arkansas Hi ho silver I should have known Just For Old Time's Sake The Green Door Adios amigo Am I Losing You Anna Marie Billy Bayou Bimbo Blue Boy Blue Side Of Lonesome Distant drums Four Walls He'll Have To Go Home I Guess I'm Crazy I love you because I Won't Come In While He's There I Won't Forget You I'm Gettin' Better I'm Gonna Change Everything Is It Really Over Not Until The Next Time Snow Flake Welcome to my world Cow Patti My Girl Bill Spiders & Snakes Wildwood Weed All Around The Watch Tower Angel Are You Experienced Crosstown Traffic Fire Foxy Lady Gypsy Eyes Hey Joe Little Wing Manic Depression Purple haze Red House Jewel & Merle Haggard Jewel Akens Jibbs Jibbs & Lloyd Jigsaw Jill King Jill King Jill Scott Jill Scott Jill Scott & Anthony Hamilton Jilted John Jim Brickman Jim Brickman & Jane Krakowski Jim Brickman & Jordan & With H Jim Brickman & Mat Giraud Jim Brickman & Michael Smith Jim Brickman & Olivia Newton J Jim Brickman & Rebecca Lynn Ho Jim Collins Jim Croce Jim Croce Jim Croce Jim Croce Jim Croce Jim Croce Jim Croce Jim Croce Jim Croce Jim Croce Jim Dandy Jim Diamond Jim Diamond Jim Ed Brown Jim Lowe Jim Reeves Jim Reeves Jim Reeves Jim Reeves Jim Reeves Jim Reeves Jim Reeves Jim Reeves Jim Reeves Jim Reeves Jim Reeves Jim Reeves Jim Reeves Jim Reeves Jim Reeves Jim Reeves Jim Reeves Jim Reeves Jim Reeves Jim Reeves Jim Reeves Jim Stafford Jim Stafford Jim Stafford Jim Stafford Jimi Hendrix Jimi Hendrix Jimi Hendrix Jimi Hendrix Jimi Hendrix Jimi Hendrix Jimi Hendrix Jimi Hendrix Jimi Hendrix Jimi Hendrix Jimi Hendrix Jimi Hendrix Pagina 132 1241389 1241384 1241390 809469 19809342 19809343 810653 19809344 9103422 17766303 17766300 17766304 17766298 17766307 17766301 17766302 1241433 811790 1241434 17766306 17766299 17766305 19809349 19809350 808205 19809353 19988057 810663 809784 808778 810943 811984 810952 19809356 19809357 808468 808469 808472 808470 808471 19809359 19991792 19809360 19809361 19809362 19809363 811513 19809365 19809366 2721468 1242262 1242190 807940 812202 19809368 19809369 807941 1242334 808783 19809372 19986067 19986089 19986066 19809373 19809374 19809375 19809376 19809377 2721401 19809379 19809380 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Stone Free The Burning Of The Midnight Lamp Voodoo Child (Slight Return) Wind Cries Mary Baywatch Honeycomb Kisses Sweeter Than Wine Do Right (RV) Trip Around The Sun Another Saturday Night Boat Drinks Changes In Latitude, Changes In Attitude Cheeseburger In Paradise Come Monday Fins Grapefruit - Juicy Fruit Ho Ho Ho And A Bottle Of Rum Margaritaville Mele Kalikimaka Pencil Thin Mustache Pirate Looks At Forty Son Of A Son Of A Sailor Volcano Weather Is Fine Why Don't We Get Drunk Piece Of Work Too Drunk To Karaoke Just A Dream Harder They Come I Can See Clearly Now Many Rivers To Cross Reggae Nights The Harder They Come She's All I Got Big Bad John As Time Goes By Inka Dinka Do September Song Smile The Glory Of Love Futures Hear You Me Middle Pain Praise Chorus Sweetness The Middle Work Sugar Shack I'll Go Where The Music Takes Me Now Is The Time Ain't No Doubt Crocodile Shoes Long Haired Lover From Liverpool Are You Jimmy Ray Farewell Is A Lonely Sound Hold on to my love I'll Say Forever My Love What Becomes Of The Broken Hearted If You Wanna Be Happy I Love You So Much It Hurts One Has My Name (The Other Has My Heart) One Has My Name The Other Has My Heart I Love You This Much I'll Be That Paper Angels Stay Gone You Are Katy Did Chains Evil Laugh Jimi Hendrix Jimi Hendrix Jimi Hendrix Jimi Hendrix Jimi Jamison Jimmie Rodgers Jimmie Rodgers Jimmie's Chicken Shack Jimmy Buffet & Martina McBride Jimmy Buffett Jimmy Buffett Jimmy Buffett Jimmy Buffett Jimmy Buffett Jimmy Buffett Jimmy Buffett Jimmy Buffett Jimmy Buffett Jimmy Buffett Jimmy Buffett Jimmy Buffett Jimmy Buffett Jimmy Buffett Jimmy Buffett Jimmy Buffett Jimmy Buffett & Toby Keith Jimmy Buffett & Toby Keith Jimmy Clanton Jimmy Cliff Jimmy Cliff Jimmy Cliff Jimmy Cliff Jimmy Cliff Jimmy Cozier Jimmy Dean Jimmy Durante Jimmy Durante Jimmy Durante Jimmy Durante Jimmy Durante Jimmy Eat World Jimmy Eat World Jimmy Eat World Jimmy Eat World Jimmy Eat World Jimmy Eat World Jimmy Eat World Jimmy Eat World Jimmy Gilmer & The Fireballs Jimmy James & The Vagabonds Jimmy James & Vagabonds Jimmy Nails Jimmy Nails Jimmy Osmond Jimmy Ray Jimmy Ruffin Jimmy Ruffin Jimmy Ruffin Jimmy Ruffin Jimmy Soul Jimmy Wakely Jimmy Wakely Jimmy Wakely Jimmy Wayne Jimmy Wayne Jimmy Wayne Jimmy Wayne Jimmy Wayne Jimmy White Jingle Jingle Pagina 133 19809381 19809382 19809383 19809384 19809385 19809386 19809387 19986542 19809388 19809389 19988220 17766311 811138 19986412 19985881 19989763 19985288 17766275 811142 807942 9103408 19809393 19809394 19809395 19809396 19809397 19809398 19809399 19809400 19809401 19809402 1242735 1242803 19809405 810898 19809407 19809408 19809409 1241435 811593 19809412 19809391 19809413 807565 807943 19809415 19809416 19809417 19809418 810882 19809419 19809420 807944 811791 19809423 19809424 19809425 19809426 19809427 19809428 19809429 19809430 1242073 1242097 1241755 1242058 19809431 19809432 19809433 19809434 19809435 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Girl Fear Screams It's Alive It's My Turn Montage Next Singer Ready For The Next Singer Thank You For Singing Swing The Mood No Charge Supersonic Billion Lights Do You Feel What I Feel Everybody In Love (Put Your Hands Up) Hold Me Down Hottest Girl In The World Love You More Proud Take A Chance On Me The club is alive Boxer beat Because You Love Me Burn Bye Bye Dare To Dream Downtime Even God Must Get The Blues He'd Never Seen Julie Cry Heads Carolina Tails California I Wish I'm Alright I'm Done I'm Not Going Down It's Too Late To Worry Lesson In Leavin' My Give A Damn's Busted No Time For Tears Not Going Down Stand Beside Me That's God That's The Way Was That My Life Bring On The Rain Not That Kinda Girl Too Little To Late Vacker utan spackel Night They Drove Old Dixie Down Bad Reputation Cherry Bomb Crimson & Clover Dirty Deeds Do You Wanna Touch Me Fake Friends Hate myself for lovin' you I Love Rock & Roll Light Of Day Crazy One Of Us Righteous Love Three Little Teardrops Seven Little Steps Since I've Seen You Last Jackson Joaquin Come & Talk to Me Forever My Lady I'm Still Waiting Stay Gold Digger Every Single Thing Queen Of The House Looking For A New Love Don't You Want Me Jingle Jingle Jingle Jingle Jingle Jingle Jingle Jive Bunny & The Mastermixers Jj Barrie JJ Fad JLS JLS JLS JLS JLS JLS JLS JLS JLS Jo Boxers Jo Dee Messina Jo Dee Messina Jo Dee Messina Jo Dee Messina Jo Dee Messina Jo Dee Messina Jo Dee Messina Jo Dee Messina Jo Dee Messina Jo Dee Messina Jo Dee Messina Jo Dee Messina Jo Dee Messina Jo Dee Messina Jo Dee Messina Jo Dee Messina Jo Dee Messina Jo Dee Messina Jo Dee Messina Jo Dee Messina Jo Dee Messina Jo Dee Messina & Tim McGraw Jo Jo Jo Jo Joakim Hillson Joan Baez Joan Jett & The Blackhearts Joan Jett & The Blackhearts Joan Jett & The Blackhearts Joan Jett & The Blackhearts Joan Jett & The Blackhearts Joan Jett & The Blackhearts Joan Jett & The Blackhearts Joan Jett & The Blackhearts Joan Jett & The Blackhearts Joan Osborne Joan Osborne Joan Osborne Joanie Keller Joanna Janet Joanna Janet Joaquin Phoenix & Reese Wither Jodeci Jodeci Jodeci Jodeci Jody Booth Jody Jenkins Jody Miller Jody Watley Jody Whatley Pagina 134 19809436 19809437 19809438 19809439 19809440 19809441 19809442 1241436 19991721 19809444 19985935 19809445 806845 807947 1242653 19809448 19809450 811386 806911 810470 19809453 19809454 19809455 19809456 19809457 19809458 19809459 19809460 19809461 19809462 19809463 19809464 19809465 19809466 19809467 19809468 19809469 19809470 19809471 19809472 19809473 19809474 19809475 19809476 19809477 18507099 806908 19809479 19809480 19809481 19809482 19809483 811203 811216 19809485 19809486 19809487 1242820 19809489 19808915 19809490 1242744 810610 19986482 19809493 19990482 19809494 808652 808639 808651 808638 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Closer Don't Wanna Be A Player E.R. (Emergency Room) I Wanna Know Let's Stay Home Tonight Majic My Love Worst Case Scenario You're Not Alone Stutter That's What Love Will Do Feelin' Alright Little Help From My Friends Summer in the city Unchain My Heart When The Night Comes With You I'm Born Again You Are So Beautiful You Can Leave Your Hat On Up Where We Belong Behind Closed Doors Bigger Than The Beatles C-O-U-N-T-R-Y Honky Tonk Attitude If I Could Only Bring You Back If The Devil Danced In Another World It's Always Somethin' John Deere Green Night To Remember Pickup Man Poor Me Prop Me Up Beside The Jukebox Quittin' Kind Ships That Don't Come In So Help Me Girl Something Like This Texas Size Heartache Third Rock From The Sun This Is Your Brain Tougher Than Nails Make Me An Island You're Such A Good Looking Woman Shaddup Your Face That's Livin' Alright Breaking Us In Two Is She Really Going Out With Him It's Different For Girls Look Sharp Steppin' Out See No More You Talk Too Much Ambitions Somebody Wake Me Up Brokenheartsville Cool To Be A Fool Gimmie That Girl I'll Wait For You If Nobody Believed In You It Ain't No Crime She Only Smokes When She Drink Size Matters Someday Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off This Ole Boy What's A Guy Gotta Do The Party (This Is How We Do It) Corrina Corrina Funk #49 Life's Been Good Ordinary Average Guy Rocky Mountain Way Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe & Jake Joe & Mystikal Joe Brown & Bruvvers Joe Cocker Joe Cocker Joe Cocker Joe Cocker Joe Cocker Joe Cocker Joe Cocker Joe Cocker Joe Cocker & Jennifer Warnes Joe Diffie Joe Diffie Joe Diffie Joe Diffie Joe Diffie Joe Diffie Joe Diffie Joe Diffie Joe Diffie Joe Diffie Joe Diffie Joe Diffie Joe Diffie Joe Diffie Joe Diffie Joe Diffie Joe Diffie Joe Diffie Joe Diffie Joe Diffie Joe Diffie Joe Dolan Joe Dolan Joe Dolce Joe Fagin Joe Jackson Joe Jackson Joe Jackson Joe Jackson Joe Jackson Joe Jonas Joe Jones Joe Mcelderry Joe McElderry Joe Nichols Joe Nichols Joe Nichols Joe Nichols Joe Nichols Joe Nichols Joe Nichols Joe Nichols Joe Nichols Joe Nichols Joe Nichols Joe Stone Feat. Montell Jordan Joe Turner Joe Walsh Joe Walsh Joe Walsh Joe Walsh Pagina 135 808653 807049 19809496 19809497 19809498 19809499 810511 808952 19809501 19809502 19809503 19809504 19986483 19809505 19809506 19809507 19809508 19809509 19809510 19809511 19809512 19809513 19809514 19809515 19809516 19809517 19809518 19809519 19809520 19809521 19809522 19809523 19809524 806665 808136 19809525 19809526 19809586 19809587 19809527 19809588 19809528 19809529 19809530 19809531 19809532 19809533 19809534 19809535 19809537 19809538 19809539 19809541 19809542 19809543 19809545 19809546 19809547 19809548 806895 808807 9103388 808803 1241977 808806 9103386 808804 811901 9103389 807950 808801 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Walk Away I Just Died In Your Arms To Say Goodbye Peppermint Twist I Love You Came Too Late Stay The Same What A Wonderful World Greatest American Hero Bend It 'Til It Breaks Big Revival Chicken Truck I Wish I Could Have Been There I'm Just An Old Chunk Of Coal Money In The Back Nobody's Got It All Seminole Wind Small Town Somebody Slap Me Straight Tequila Night Swingin' Takin' The Country Back You Ain't Hurt Nothin' Yet Better Than A Biscuit How Much Do You Love Me I Will If You Will Love Is For Giving Over My Shoulder Power Windows She's Taken A Shine Stone What's In It For Me You & Only You Your Love Amazes Me One Way Road On The Dark Side Busted Common Man Just Another Day Key West Intermezzo Pink Houses Wild Night Ain't Even Done With The Night Authority Song Cherry Bomb Crumblin' Down Dance Naked Emotional Love Get A Leg Up Hurts so good I'm Not Running Anymore Jack & Diane Junior Paper In Fire Rain On The Scarecrow What If I Came Knocking Your Life Is Now Yours Forever Peaceful World You're Only Lonely Annie's Song Back Home Again Blackbird Fly Calypso Country Road Fly Away Follow Me I'm Sorry Leaving On A Jet Plane Mr. Bojangles My sweet lady Rocky Mountain High Joe Walsh Joee Joey & Rory Joey Dee & The Starlighters Joey McIntyre Joey McIntyre Joey Ramone Joey Scarbury John Anderson John Anderson John Anderson John Anderson John Anderson John Anderson John Anderson John Anderson John Anderson John Anderson John Anderson John Anderson John Anderson John Anderson John Berry John Berry John Berry John Berry John Berry John Berry John Berry John Berry John Berry John Berry John Berry John Butler Trio John Cafferty John Conlee John Conlee John Cougar Mellancamp John Cougar Mellancamp John Cougar Mellancamp John Cougar Mellancamp John Cougar Mellencamp John Cougar Mellencamp John Cougar Mellencamp John Cougar Mellencamp John Cougar Mellencamp John Cougar Mellencamp John Cougar Mellencamp John Cougar Mellencamp John Cougar Mellencamp John Cougar Mellencamp John Cougar Mellencamp John Cougar Mellencamp John Cougar Mellencamp John Cougar Mellencamp John Cougar Mellencamp John Cougar Mellencamp John Cougar Mellencamp & India John David Souther John Denver John Denver John Denver John Denver John Denver John Denver John Denver John Denver John Denver John Denver John Denver John Denver Pagina 136 9103387 1242462 9103390 808800 19809556 808802 808805 19986484 807951 19985832 19809559 19809560 807952 19990177 19986622 810931 19986635 19986636 5380876 19986531 19809563 5380859 810202 19809565 1242273 19809566 19809567 811402 19809569 19809570 19809571 18507098 19809572 806781 19809574 19809576 806877 19809578 1242595 19989764 19809579 19809580 18507086 811549 19809582 19985343 1243018 19809584 3283921 19809589 19809601 19809590 19809591 19809602 19809592 19809603 19809604 19809605 19809606 19809607 19809594 19809595 19809608 808705 19809597 19809598 19809610 19809611 19809612 19809599 19809613 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Shanghai Breezes Some Days Are Diamonds Starry Starry Nights Sunshine On My Shoulder Sweet Surrender Take Me Home Country Roads Thank God I'm A Country Boy This Old Guitar You're the voice Centerfield Old Man Down The Road Premonition Judy in disguise All Of Me If You're Out There Ordinary People P.D.A. (We Just Don't Care) Save Room So High Stay With You Green Light Number One Shine (Just Like) Starting Over Ballad Of John & Yoko Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy) Happy Christmas (War Is Over) Imagine Instant Karma Jealous guy Just Like Starting Over Mind Games Nobody Told Me Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It) Watching The Wheels Whatever Gets You Thru The Night Woman Working Class Hero Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Anywhere for You Bigger Than My Body Clarity Heartbreak Warfare No Such Thing Say Shadow Days Waiting On The World To Change Why Georgia Your Body Is A Wonderland Letters From Home Angel In My Eyes Be My Baby Tonight Beer & Bones Cover You In Kisses Cowboy Love Goes Good With Beer Hello L O V E Hold On To Me Home To You How Was I To Know I Can Love You Like That I Love The Way You Love Me I Miss You A Little I Swear If You've Got Love Life's A Dance Little Girl Love Working On You Nothing Catches Jesus By Surprise Rope The Moon Sold John Denver John Denver John Denver John Denver John Denver John Denver John Denver John Denver John Farnham John Fogerty John Fogerty John Fogerty John Fred John Legend John Legend John Legend John Legend John Legend John Legend John Legend John Legend & Andre 3000 John Legend & Kanye West John Legend & The Roots John Lennon John Lennon John Lennon John Lennon John Lennon John Lennon John Lennon John Lennon John Lennon John Lennon John Lennon John Lennon John Lennon John Lennon John Lennon John Lennon & Yoko Ono John Martin John Mayer John Mayer John Mayer John Mayer John Mayer John Mayer John Mayer John Mayer John Mayer John Michael Montgomery John Michael Montgomery John Michael Montgomery John Michael Montgomery John Michael Montgomery John Michael Montgomery John Michael Montgomery John Michael Montgomery John Michael Montgomery John Michael Montgomery John Michael Montgomery John Michael Montgomery John Michael Montgomery John Michael Montgomery John Michael Montgomery John Michael Montgomery John Michael Montgomery John Michael Montgomery John Michael Montgomery John Michael Montgomery John Michael Montgomery John Michael Montgomery Pagina 137 19809614 19809615 19809600 19988191 19990256 19988418 19987934 19991513 19809617 807954 810103 19809620 19809621 19809622 19809623 19809624 19809625 19809626 19809627 19809628 19809629 807955 19809631 19809633 19809634 806713 807956 19809637 19809638 19809639 2721429 19809641 809731 19809643 1242429 810584 809722 19809645 809725 809721 809726 809732 19986485 19809649 809728 19809651 19809652 809720 19809653 3283973 19809654 809729 19809656 1242362 19809657 19809658 810495 809730 809724 19809661 19986486 809727 19986487 19809708 809723 19809663 19809709 19809664 19809665 19809666 808826 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG That's What I Like About You Til Nothing Comes Between Us You Are Cheating Come And Get It Losing Sleep Love Me Again Tiring Game Private Eyes St Elmos Fire Love is in the air Illegal Smile Country Done Come To Town Forever Loving You I Pray For You Shuttin' Detroit Down I've Been Around Enough To Know Angel Just Another Day Love's About To Change My Mind Stop Don't take clothes off Only Fools & Horses Mother I Miss You Give Me Forever (I Do) Your The One That I Want Missing you Has Anybody Seen Amy She's In The Bedroom Crying Somewhere In Love Love Is In The Air Just Walkin' In Rain A Boy Named Sue A Thing Called Love A Word Called Love Away In A Manger Ballad Of A Teenage Queen Ballad Of Ira Hayes Daddy Sang Bass Don't Take Your Guns To Town Flesh & Blood Folsom Prison Blues Frankie And Johnny Get Rhythm Ghost Riders In The Sky Give My Love To Rose Guess Things Happen That Way Hurt I Walk The Line In The Jailhouse Now Luther Played The Boogie Man In Black One On The Right Is On The Left One Piece At A Time Oney Orange Blossom Special Ring Of Fire So Doggone Lonesome Sunday Mornin' Coming Down The Ballad Of Ira Hayes The Night Hank Williams Came To Town Understand Your Man Wanted Man Father & Son Jackson (duet) September When It Comes Big River There Ain't No Good Chain Gang Mr. Bass Man It Couldn't Have Been Any Better My My My John Michael Montgomery John Michael Montgomery John Michael Montgomery John Newman John Newman John Newman John Newman John Newman ft Charlie Williams John Oates & Daryl Hall John Parr John Paul Young John Prine John Rich John Rich John Rich John Rich John Schneider John Secada John Secada John Secada John Secada John Stewart John Sullivan John Tesh & Dalia John Tesh & James Ingram John Travolta John Waite John Wiggins & Audrey John Wiggins & Audrey John Wiggins & Audrey Wiggins John Young Paul Johnnie Ray Johnny Cash Johnny Cash Johnny Cash Johnny Cash Johnny Cash Johnny Cash Johnny Cash Johnny Cash Johnny Cash Johnny Cash Johnny Cash Johnny Cash Johnny Cash Johnny Cash Johnny Cash Johnny Cash Johnny Cash Johnny Cash Johnny Cash Johnny Cash Johnny Cash Johnny Cash Johnny Cash Johnny Cash Johnny Cash Johnny Cash Johnny Cash Johnny Cash Johnny Cash Johnny Cash Johnny Cash Johnny Cash & Fiona Apple Johnny Cash & June Carter Johnny Cash & Rosanne Cash Johnny Cash & Trick Pony & Wayl Johnny Cash & Waylon Jennings Johnny Cymbal Johnny Duncan Johnny Gill Pagina 138 19809667 807957 1242280 19988128 19988132 19988130 19988127 19988133 19988142 19988140 19988141 19988135 19988129 19988131 19988143 19988144 19988136 19988138 19988134 19988139 19988126 19988137 19809669 19809670 19809671 19809672 19809673 19809674 19809675 809176 809182 19809677 19809678 808676 19809679 808672 808668 808670 19809680 808675 19809681 808674 19809682 808671 808673 808669 811388 810945 810957 19809687 19809689 19809690 810694 19809691 19809692 19986506 19986508 19809693 19809694 19809695 811416 808714 19809697 808824 807959 19809699 19809700 19990644 19809711 19809712 807960 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG It's Your Body Shattered dreams Turn Back The Clock Bei Mir Bist Du Schon By Myself By The Light Of The Silvery Moon Come Back To Me Don't Take Your Love From Me Don't Worry 'Bout Me Guess I'll Hang My Tears Out To Dry Here's That Rainy Day How About Me I Love You It's A Blue World Nevertheless Some Of These Days Stardust The Way We Were When Your Lover Has Gone Where Are You Who's Sorry Now You Leave Me Breathless Battle Of New Orleans Honky Tonk Man Johnny Reb North To Alaska Still Rainin' Hey Bartender Looking For Love Boom Boom One Scotch One Bourbon One Beer Hold Me Now What's Another Year Begin The Beguine Chances Are Gina It's Not For Me To Say Maria Misty Stranger In Paradise Twelfth Of Never What I Did For Love When A Child Is Born When Sunny Get's Blue Wild Is The Wind Wonderful Wonderful Too Much, Too Little, Too Late Hold Me Tight I Can See Clearly Now Hand Jive A 11 Friend Lover Wife I'm The Only Hell (Mama Ever Raised) Take This Job & Shove It Running Bear Dance With Me Darlin' Midnight Special Mountain Of Love Rockin' Pneumonia And The Boogie Woogie Flu Secret Agent Man The Poor Side Of Town Just Get Up & Close The Door Who's Making Love Poetry in motion Without You Brickyard Road Forever Young Leave Too Little Too Late Babt it's you Johnny Gill & Roger Troutman Johnny Hates Jazz Johnny Hates Jazz Johnny Holiday Johnny Holiday Johnny Holiday Johnny Holiday Johnny Holiday Johnny Holiday Johnny Holiday Johnny Holiday Johnny Holiday Johnny Holiday Johnny Holiday Johnny Holiday Johnny Holiday Johnny Holiday Johnny Holiday Johnny Holiday Johnny Holiday Johnny Holiday Johnny Holiday Johnny Horton Johnny Horton Johnny Horton Johnny Horton Johnny Lang Johnny Lee Johnny Lee Johnny Lee Hooker Johnny Lee Hooker Johnny Logan Johnny Logan Johnny Mathis Johnny Mathis Johnny Mathis Johnny Mathis Johnny Mathis Johnny Mathis Johnny Mathis Johnny Mathis Johnny Mathis Johnny Mathis Johnny Mathis Johnny Mathis Johnny Mathis Johnny Mathis & Deniece Williams Johnny Nash Johnny Nash Johnny Otis Johnny Paycheck Johnny Paycheck Johnny Paycheck Johnny Paycheck Johnny Preston Johnny Reid Johnny Reid Johnny Rivers Johnny Rivers Johnny Rivers Johnny Rivers Johnny Rivers Johnny Rodriguez Johnny Taylor Johnny Tillotson Johnny Tillotson Johnny Van Zant Johnson, Louisa JoJo JoJo Jojo & Lil Bow Wow Pagina 139 19065180 19809714 19809715 19809716 19809717 19809718 19809719 19809720 1242941 19809722 19992123 19991150 19809723 3283970 19809724 1243033 19809726 807961 19809728 3283966 19809729 19809730 5960079 19985826 19809731 19985824 811109 19809732 1242943 1242761 19809736 19809737 810785 19809739 810590 19809740 19809741 19809742 807962 19809744 1242979 19809746 1678231 19809747 12409635 12409639 12409665 12409664 1678229 12409662 12409663 12409633 12409632 12409661 810158 1242787 810626 12409634 19809755 19809756 19809757 807599 806444 807561 810801 19809758 808398 808401 808403 808106 19809763 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG On My Mind Boom I Would Party On The Patio Don't Talk They Don't Know Cold Coffee Morning She Don't Believe In Fairy Tales Window To My Heart Stop The Cavalry Perfect Strangers Fast Car When You Look Me In The Eyes Shanty Help Me Anything's Possible If Tomorrow Never Comes Give it to you I Could Never Take The Place Of Your Man S.O.S. (Let The Music Play) Lately Battlefield I Am Woman Love Will One Step At A Time One Wing Tattoo No Air Where Is Your Heart Tonight Favorite State Of Mind I Want To Live Nothin' To Lose Stay With Me (Brass Bed) We Weren't Crazy O Holy Night (Live Version) Si Volvieras A Mi To Where You Are When You Say You Love Me You raise me up You're Still You Almost Honest Amazing Won't Be Lonely Long Beer On The Table All Over Me Backwoods Boy Everything Is Fine Firecracker I Wouldn't Be A Man Long Black Train Me And God No Rush She'll go on you What It Ain't Why Don't We Just Dance Would You Go With Me Your Man Another Try Beautiful In My Eyes Jessie Picture Postcards From L.A. I'd Rather Be With You Right to wrong Tell me Bout it You Had Me After The Fall Any Way You Want It Be Good To Yourself Don't Stop Believin' Faithfully Girl Can't Help It Joker Feat William Cartwright Jolie & Wanted Jolie & Wanted Jolie & Wanted Jon B. Jon B. Jon Randall Jon Randall Jon Secada Jona Lewie Jonas Blue Jonas Blue & Dakota Jonas Brothers Jonathan Edwards Joni Mitchell Jonny Lang Joose Jordan Knight Jordan Knight Jordan Sparks Jordeci Jordin Sparks Jordin Sparks Jordin Sparks Jordin Sparks Jordin Sparks Jordin Sparks Jordin Sparks & Chris Brown Jordon Knight Josh Gracin Josh Gracin Josh Gracin Josh Gracin Josh Gracin Josh Groban Josh Groban Josh Groban Josh Groban Josh Groban Josh Groban Josh Kelley Josh Kelley Josh Thompson Josh Tompson Josh Turner Josh Turner Josh Turner Josh Turner Josh Turner Josh Turner Josh Turner Josh Turner Josh Turner Josh Turner Josh Turner Josh Turner Josh Turner Josh Turner & Trisha Yearwood Joshua Kadison Joshua Kadison Joshua Kadison Joshua Radin Joss Stone Joss Stone Joss Stone Journey Journey Journey Journey Journey Journey Pagina 140 19809764 19809765 19809766 19809767 808402 1242019 807963 808405 808400 19809771 19809772 19809773 19809774 19809775 808399 807652 1242509 19809776 19987519 1242412 1242415 807964 810559 810753 810556 810748 810558 19991280 1241465 1241466 810560 810557 19809781 811450 19809783 19809784 19809785 19809786 19809787 19809788 19809789 19809790 810586 19809792 19809793 807965 19809795 19809796 19809797 19809798 1242113 811459 1242112 5380941 810984 19809800 19809803 811354 19809805 19809806 811355 19809809 19989766 19809810 19985874 19809811 19809812 810885 19809813 19809814 19809815 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG If He Should Break Your Heart Just The Same Way Lights Oh Sherrie Only The Young Open Arms Remember Me Send Her My Love Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) Still They Ride Stone In Love Suzanne Walks Like A Lady When You Love A Woman Who's Crying Now The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face Love Will Tear Us Apart Hide Surrender All And All Come into My Life Breaking The Law Green Manalishi (With Two-pronged Crown) Heading Out To The Highway Hell Bent For Leather Johnny B Goode Living After Midnight Revolution Screaming For Vengeance The Green Manalishi Turbo Lover You've Got Another Thing Comin' Girls Night Out Grandpa Had A Dream For The Heart Have Mercy John Deere Tractor Let Me Tell You About Love Love Can Build A Bridge Mama He's Crazy Rockin' With The Rhythm Of The Rain Stuck In Love What Child Is This Why Not Me Young Love Big seven Both Sides Now Send In The Clowns Don't Cry For Me Argentina Man That Got Away Meet Me In St Louis, Louis Over The Rainbow Trolley Song Oh Yes There It Go! (The Whistle Song) Back To The Crib Angel Of The Morning Break It To Me Gently Love's Been A Little Bit Hard On Me Queen Of Hearts The Sweetest Thing You Make Me Want To Make You Mine Shell Shocked (TMNT Theme) Day After Day Much Too Late For Goodbyes Salt Water To Late For Goodbyes Valotte My Sister Is That So Wrong My Hallelujah Song Journey Journey Journey Journey Journey Journey Journey Journey Journey Journey Journey Journey Journey Journey Journey Journey South Joy Division Joy Williams Joy Williams Joyce Sims Joyce Sims Judas Priest Judas Priest Judas Priest Judas Priest Judas Priest Judas Priest Judas Priest Judas Priest Judas Priest Judas Priest Judas Priest Judds, The Judds, The Judds, The Judds, The Judds, The Judds, The Judds, The Judds, The Judds, The Judds, The Judds, The Judds, The Judds, The Judge Dread Judy Collins Judy Collins Judy Covington Judy Garland Judy Garland Judy Garland Judy Garland Juelz Santana Juelz Santana Juelz Santana & Chris Brown Juice Newton Juice Newton Juice Newton Juice Newton Juice Newton Juice Newton Juicy J, Wiz Khalifa, Ty Dolla $ign Julian Lennon Julian Lennon Julian Lennon Julian Lennon Julian Lennon Juliana Hatfield Julianne Hough Julianne Hough Pagina 141 19809816 1241869 19809817 19809818 19809819 19809820 19809821 19809822 1242802 19809824 19809825 19986563 19809826 807966 807967 19986006 19809827 19809828 19809829 807566 19989767 3283853 19985339 19809832 19989768 19992012 19809833 19991514 17766279 810300 19987960 3283855 19987586 19986530 3283856 19809834 3283857 19990588 3283858 811207 19990486 19989769 3283854 3283851 19989770 3283800 3283852 19986029 806843 19809836 19987969 19809837 2389747 807609 19989771 19989772 4171667 19989773 19988212 19987929 807573 19814692 19989774 807556 19986413 19809841 19809842 5380930 19809843 19809844 19985525 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG That Song In My Head Sound Of Music Cry Me A River It's About Time Trouble Is A Woman What I Need Break Down Here Chance Girl Next Door Men And Mascara Wake Up Older My Love Keep On The Sunny Side Bare Necessities I Wanna Be Like You Time I Hung It Up Move Your Feet Messin' With The Kid Starz in their Eyes All That Matters Born To Be Somebody Boyfriend Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Heartbreaker I'll Show You Love Me Love Yourself Mistletoe Never Let You Go Nothing Like Us One Less Lonely Girl One Love One Time (Acoustic Version) Pray Santa Claus Is Coming To Town Somebody To Love Sorry That Should Be Me U Smile What Do You Mean As Long as You Love Me Never Say Never Baby Beauty And A Beat That Should Be Me Eenie Meenie Beauty And A Beat Forever Autunm How I Got To Be This Way [Kara Point At You Small Town USA Cry Me A River Like I Love You Mirrors Not A Bad Thing Rock your baby Take Back The Night TKO Tunnel Vision What Goes Around Comes Around Until The End Of Time Suit Tie My Love Suit & Tie Back That Thang Up Drop That Thang Rodeo In My Life Slow Motion I Don't Love You Like That Julianne Hough Julie Andrews Julie London Julie Reeves Julie Reeves Julie Reeves Julie Roberts Julie Roberts Julie Roberts Julie Roberts Julie Roberts Julio Iglesias June Cash Carter Jungle Book Jungle Book Jungle Love Junior Brown Junior Senior Junior Wells Just Jack Justin Bieber Justin Bieber Justin Bieber Justin Bieber Justin Bieber Justin Bieber Justin Bieber Justin Bieber Justin Bieber Justin Bieber Justin Bieber Justin Bieber Justin Bieber Justin Bieber Justin Bieber Justin Bieber Justin Bieber Justin Bieber Justin Bieber Justin Bieber Justin Bieber Justin Bieber & Big Sean Justin Bieber & Jayden Smith Justin Bieber & Ludacris Justin Bieber & Nicki Minaj Justin Bieber & Rascal Flatts Justin Bieber & Sean Paul Justin Bieber Feat. Nicki Minaj Justin Hayward Justin Moore Justin Moore Justin Moore Justin Timberlake Justin Timberlake Justin Timberlake Justin Timberlake Justin Timberlake Justin Timberlake Justin Timberlake Justin Timberlake Justin Timberlake Justin Timberlake & Beyonce Justin Timberlake & Jay-Z Justin Timberlake & Timbaland Justin Timberlake Feat. Jay-Z Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile & Mannie Fresh Juvenile & Soulja Slim Jypsi Pagina 142 19809846 19809847 19809848 19809849 2721404 19809851 19809852 19809853 19809854 19809855 807666 809975 19986606 19809857 19809858 19809859 19809860 809970 19985331 19809861 19809862 19992036 808441 808440 19809865 808442 19809867 5380873 19809868 1242843 19809870 19809871 811105 5380913 1242495 19809874 5380943 19990124 19990069 19987505 19809875 19809876 19985788 19988423 19989562 17766297 19809877 811232 19809879 19809880 19809881 1242440 1242563 19809882 1242574 2721423 753583 806641 1242474 807767 19809883 810618 1243133 811035 19809886 19809887 19809888 19809889 19809890 19809891 19809892 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG All My Life Crazy Tell Me It's Real You Bring Me Up How Many Times I Just Can't Do This Please Don't Go Constant Craving Come Next Monday This Woman If Only Saving My Face Wavin' Flag Everything For Free Not An Addict Crazy Possessive Angry Mob Love's Not A Competition (But I'm Winning) Oh My God Naturally Don't Think I'm Not Ain't No Stopping Us Now Carry On Wayward Son Dust In The Wind Fight Fire With Fire Play The Game Tonight Point Of Know Return Diamonds Flashing Lights Heard 'Em Say Heartless Jesus Walks Love Lockdown Heard'En Say Homecoming Gold Digger Touch The Sky All Day Say Something Now That You Know 16 @ War I'm Having A Good Day Brokenhearted I Want It All Eez-Eh Re-Wired Where Did All The Love Go Bluebird Not Pretty Enough Runaway Train Dreaming Love Babooshka Man With The Child In His Eyes Running Up That Hill Sensual World Wuthering Heights Cinema Italiano Last Day On Earth Pumpkin Soup The Promise You Made 99 Times Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Radio Version) My Destiny Secret Love 455 Rocket BFD Eighteen Wheels And A Dozen Rose I'm On Your Side Lonesome Standard Time Maybe She's Human Patiently Waiting K Ci & JoJo K Ci & JoJo K Ci & JoJo K Ci & JoJo K Michelle K Michelle KWS K.D. Lang K.T. Oslin K.T. Oslin K.T. Tunstall K.T. Tunstall K'naan K's Choice K's Choice Kaci Battaglia Kaiser Chiefs Kaiser Chiefs Kaiser Chiefs Kalapana Kandi Kane Brown Kansas Kansas Kansas Kansas Kansas Kanye West Kanye West Kanye West Kanye West Kanye West Kanye West Kanye West & Adam Levine Kanye West & Chris Martin Kanye West & Jamie Foxx Kanye West & Lupe Fiasco Kanye West & Theophilus London Karen Harding Karen Peck & New River Karina Karli Whetstone Karmin Karmin Kasabian Kasabian Kasabian Kasey Chambers Kasey Chambers Kasey Chambers Kate & Kacey Kate Bush Kate Bush Kate Bush Kate Bush Kate Bush Kate Hudson Kate Miller Heidke Kate Nash Kate Ryan Kate Voegele Katharine McPhee Katherine McPhee Kathy Kirby Kathy Mattea Kathy Mattea Kathy Mattea Kathy Mattea Kathy Mattea Kathy Mattea Kathy Mattea Pagina 143 19809893 19809894 19809895 19809896 808911 810175 19809899 19809900 19990496 19809901 1241763 19809902 1678218 19809903 1242815 19809905 19988596 2610835 19988415 4171638 9914924 811219 19988479 811894 811184 19988409 3283789 807129 19809907 19809908 5960065 3283796 17766285 19985290 19992384 19988032 811248 19809910 19986598 19989064 19988240 1241467 19988624 19988172 5380974 808950 810631 808048 1242418 811825 807375 19809915 19990519 14722057 810320 19986415 1678213 19989777 19989781 19989782 810129 811249 806656 807138 18507090 1241468 14722058 14722056 19987812 19809919 1243015 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Trouble With Angels Walk The Way The Wind Blows Walking Away A Winner Everything Changes A Thousand Stars Best Song Ever Leaving Home Just Like Heaven Wonderful Life Love Shine A Light That's The Way Walking On Sunshine Dream Big I Want A Cowboy Love Is No End In Sight Still Broken Record Crying For No Reason Easy Please Me Witches Brew Lights On Birthday California Gurls Circle The Drain Dark Horse E.t Firework Hot N Cold I Kissed A Girl Last Friday Night (TGIF) Not Like The Movies One That Got Away Part Of Me Rise Roar Teenage Dream The One That Got Away The One That Got Away (acoustic) This Is How We Do Unconditionally Waking Up In Vegas Dark Horse (Duet Version) Dark Horse Impossible Boogie Shoes Get Down Tonight Give it up Please Don't Go Shake Your Booty (Shake Shake Shake) That's the way (I like it) Joker Turn The Music Louder (Rumble) Animal Blow C'Mon Cannibal Die Young Giant In My Heart No Enemiesz Sleazy Take It Off Tik Tok We R Who We R Your Love Is My Drug Blah Blah Blah My First Kiss Dirty Picture Crazy Kids Everybody's Changing Is It Any Wonder Kathy Mattea Kathy Mattea Kathy Mattea Kathy Troccoli Kathy Young & The Innocents Katie Armiger Katie Armiger Katie Melua Katie Melua Katrina & The Waves Katrina & The Waves Katrina & The Waves Katrina Elam Katrina Elam Katrina Elam Katrina Elam Katy B Katy B. Katy B. Katy B. Katy B. Katy B. & Ms Dynamite Katy Perry Katy Perry Katy Perry Katy Perry Katy Perry Katy Perry Katy Perry Katy Perry Katy Perry Katy Perry Katy Perry Katy Perry Katy Perry Katy Perry Katy Perry Katy Perry Katy Perry Katy Perry Katy Perry Katy Perry Katy Perry Feat. Juicy J Katy Perry Ft Juicy J. Kayne West & Twista & Cole KC & The Sunshine Band KC & The Sunshine Band KC & The Sunshine Band KC & The Sunshine Band KC & The Sunshine Band KC & The Sunshine Band KD Lang Kda & Tinie Tempah & Katy B Ke$ha Ke$ha Ke$ha Ke$ha Ke$ha Ke$ha Ke$ha Ke$ha Ke$ha Ke$ha Ke$ha Ke$ha Ke$Ha & 3Oh!3 Ke$ha & 3OH!3 Ke$ha & Taio Cruz Ke$ha Feat. Will.I.Am Keane Keane Pagina 144 19809921 811098 19809922 19992376 19809923 1242740 19809925 810781 810830 19809928 19809929 19809930 19809931 19809932 19809933 18507104 19809934 19809935 19809936 19809937 19809938 19809939 19809940 19809941 810171 810912 1242817 19809945 19809946 19809947 19809948 1242727 19809950 19809951 19809952 19809953 3283903 19809954 19809955 19809956 19809957 19809958 19986489 19809959 19809960 19809961 19809962 2058898 808049 808050 807570 5380975 19809966 19809967 19809968 19809969 1241469 811737 9103589 810477 810612 810941 19986107 19809976 19985318 19990018 1241470 19990230 810475 810476 19809980 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Somewhere Only We Know The Lovers Are Losing I Ain't Tryna Gangsta C'mon! Every Time I Hear Your Name I Still Miss You Pickin' Wildflowers XXL Bring It On Coming Back For You Papa Bear There Goes The Neighborhood Write It In Stone Get Up On It I Want Her Butterscotch SugaSugaSuga Better Life But For The Grace Of God Days Go By I Told you So I'm In It's A Love Thing Long Hot Summer Making Memories Of Us Once In A Lifetime Only You Can Love Me This Way Put You In A Song Raining On Sunday Somebody Like You Tonight I Wanna Cry Wavelength Whenever I Run Where The Blacktop Ends Who Wouldn't Wanna Be Me Without You You'll Think Of Me You're My Better Half Your Everything Don't Close Your Eyes Homecoming '63 I Never Go Around Mirrors I'm Over You It Ain't Nothin' When You Say Nothing At All Till Each Tear Becomes A Rose Caught Out There Milkshake Trick Me Lil Star Bossy At The End Of The Day Texas Plates Whatever It Takes When You Lie Next To Me Didn't You Know How Much I Loved You A Moment Like This Because Of You Before Your Love Behind These Hazel Eyes Breakaway Catch My Breath Cry Dark Side Heartbeat Song I Do Not Hook Up Invincible Low Miss Independent Moment Like This Keane Keane KeAnthony Kehlani Keith Anderson Keith Anderson Keith Anderson Keith Anderson Keith Anderson Keith Harling Keith Harling Keith Harling Keith Harling Keith Harling Keith Sweat Keith Sweat Keith Sweat & Athena Cage Keith Sweat & Paisley Bettis Keith Urban Keith Urban Keith Urban Keith Urban Keith Urban Keith Urban Keith Urban Keith Urban Keith Urban Keith Urban Keith Urban Keith Urban Keith Urban Keith Urban Keith Urban Keith Urban Keith Urban Keith Urban Keith Urban Keith Urban Keith Urban Keith Urban Keith Whitley Keith Whitley Keith Whitley Keith Whitley Keith Whitley Keith Whitley Keith Whitley & Lorrie Morgan Kelis Kelis Kelis Kelis & Cee Lo Kelis & Too Short Kellie Coffey Kellie Coffey Kellie Coffey Kellie Coffey Kellie Pickler Kelly Clarkson Kelly Clarkson Kelly Clarkson Kelly Clarkson Kelly Clarkson Kelly Clarkson Kelly Clarkson Kelly Clarkson Kelly Clarkson Kelly Clarkson Kelly Clarkson Kelly Clarkson Kelly Clarkson Kelly Clarkson Pagina 145 19989779 19813635 19992010 809313 810472 808051 810613 19531868 19809986 19990023 807352 19809987 19809988 19809989 19809990 19809991 19809992 19809993 19809994 810214 19809997 19809998 14722039 19810000 19985299 4171660 1242494 19810002 2113335 19810003 19992370 1242834 19810005 2721407 19810007 808052 19810009 19810010 19810011 19810012 19810013 19989891 19990110 19810014 19810015 19810016 810911 810789 19810019 19988070 19810020 19810021 19810022 19986490 19810023 19988067 19985992 19810024 19810025 19810026 19810027 19810028 19810029 19810030 19810031 19810032 810782 3283907 19810035 19988075 19810037 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Mr Know It All My Life Would Suck Without You Piece By Piece (American I... Since You Been Gone Some Kind Of Miracle Trouble with love Walk Away What Doesn't Kill You (Makes You Stronger) You Thought Wrong Run Run Run Feels like I'm in love One Word Papa Don't Preach Shut Up As We Lay Friend Of Mine Himaholic Tired You Should've Told Me Not My Daddy Broken Commander Down For Whatever Grown Woman Keep It Between Us Stole Work (Freemasons Mix) Lay It On Me Dream on If I Left You Peter Pan Find Your Way (Back In My Life) Share My Life If It's Love Postman Pat Everything I own I Can Bring Her Back Jukebox Junkie Rub A Dubbin' Heaven's Just A Sin Away You'd Make An Angel Wanna Cheat i King Kunta A Lot Of Things Different All I Need To Know All I Want For Christmas Is A Real Good Tan Anything But Mine Be As You Are Beer In Mexico Being Drunk's A Lot Like Loving You Better As A Memory Big Star Chance Come Over Don't Happen Twice Dreams El Cerrito Place Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven Fall In Love Good Stuff Guitars And Tiki Bars How Forever Feels I Go Back I Lost It I Will Stand Just Put A Ribbon In Your Hair Keg In The Closet Live A Little Live Those Songs Living In Fast Forward Lot Of Things Different Kelly Clarkson Kelly Clarkson Kelly Clarkson Kelly Clarkson Kelly Clarkson Kelly Clarkson Kelly Clarkson Kelly Clarkson Kelly Clarkson & Tamyra Gray Kelly Clarkson ft John Legend Kelly Marie Kelly Osbourne Kelly Osbourne Kelly Osbourne Kelly Price Kelly Price Kelly Price Kelly Price Kelly Price Kelly Price & Stokley Kelly Rowland Kelly Rowland Kelly Rowland Kelly Rowland Kelly Rowland Kelly Rowland Kelly Rowland Kelly Rowland & Big Sean Kelly Sweet Kelly Willis Kelsea Ballerini Kem Kem Kem feat Chrisette Michele Ken Barrie Ken Boothe Ken Mellons Ken Mellons Ken Mellons Kendalls Kendalls Kendrick Lamar Kendrick Lamar Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Pagina 146 19810038 19988065 19810039 19810040 19810041 19988071 19810042 19810043 19810044 19988068 810163 1242768 19810047 19810048 19810049 19810050 19810051 19810052 19987955 19988069 19815624 810838 19810054 9103406 1242816 19810057 19810058 19810059 19992373 9103424 808701 19810062 19810063 19810074 806743 19810065 19810066 808388 18507107 19810069 19810070 19810071 19810072 19810073 19810075 19810076 19810077 9103448 19810079 807158 9103443 9103450 19810083 19810084 1242733 9103451 9103449 19810087 9103447 1241957 19810090 9103444 808054 9103456 19810094 19810095 19810113 19810097 9103453 19810098 19810099 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Me and You Never Gonna Feel That Way Again Never Wanted Nothing More No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problem Old Blue Chair Outta Here Reality She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy She's Got It All Some People Change Somewhere With You Summertime That's Why I'm Here The Woman With You There Goes My Life Tin Man What I Need To Do When I Close My Eyes When I See This Bar When I Think About Leaving When the Sun Goes Down Who You'd Be Today Woman With You You Had Me From Hello You Save Me Young Shiftwork Luckenbach, Texas Setting The World On Fire When The Sun Goes Down For You If I Lose My Woman You Are My Starship Danger Zone Footloose For The First Time I Am Not Hiding I'm Alright Meet Me Half Way Nobody's Fool Return To Pooh Corner The Real Thing This Is It Whenever I Call You Friend I Like Dreamin' All My Life Beautiful Buried Treasure Buy Me A Rose Coward Of The County Crazy Greatest He Will She Knows Homeland I Can't Unlove You I Don't Need You I Will Always Love You I'm Missing You Just Dropped In Lady Love The World Away Love Will Turn You Around Lucille Morning Desire Ol' Red Reuben James Ruby, Don't Take Your Love To Town Scarlet Fever Share Your Love With Me She Believes In Me Slow Dance More Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney Kenny Chesney & George Strait Kenny Chesney & Kid Rock Kenny Chesney & Pink Kenny Chesney & Uncle Kracker Kenny Lattimore Kenny Lattimore Kenny Lattimore Kenny Loggins Kenny Loggins Kenny Loggins Kenny Loggins Kenny Loggins Kenny Loggins Kenny Loggins Kenny Loggins Kenny Loggins Kenny Loggins Kenny Loggins & Stevie Nicks Kenny Nolan Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Pagina 147 9103445 19810101 808053 19810103 808700 9103455 19810105 9103452 9103457 19810106 808901 19810108 9103446 19810110 19810111 808903 19810114 19810115 19810116 19810117 19810118 19810119 811891 19810121 810760 19810122 19810123 1243134 810737 19810125 19986628 19810126 19810127 19992034 19992043 19991722 19810128 19810129 810195 19810130 19810131 5380898 1242856 19810133 3283798 19810134 810204 19810136 19810137 808055 810208 19810140 1241471 19810141 19810142 19810143 807139 19810144 19810145 19810146 19810147 19810148 1241472 19810150 19810151 811335 19810153 811543 19987612 19989068 19988463 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Sweet Music Man Tell It All Brother The Gambler There You Go Again Through The Years Tomb Of The Unknown Twenty Years Ago Vows Go Unbroken Wind Beneath My Wings You Decorated My Life Islands In The Stream With Bells On Everytime Two Fools Collide What Are We Doin' In Love Don't Fall In Love With A Dreamer We've Got Tonight Blue On Black Everything Is Broken In 2 Deep Last Goodbye Somehow Somewhere Someway Dumas Walker Pretty Girl Rock Change Me Bein' Green Rainbow Connection Knock You Down Don't Mistake Me Kev's Courtin' Song Cadillac Tears I Made It (Cash Money Heroes) Let It Rock Welcome To The World Let Me Rock You To Sleep You Are The Reason Why All You Good Friends 247 No Love Oh Heaven Sent I Remember I Should Have Cheated Love Shoulda Let You Go Take Me Away Where This Love Could End Up I Ain't Thru No Mercy My Neck My Back Stool pigeon Marijuana Erase Me Day N Night All Summer Long American Bad Ass Bawitdaba Born Free Cocky Cold And Empty Cowboy Feel Like Makin' Love Forever I Am The Bullgod Jackson Mississippi Lonely Road Of Faith Only God Knows Why Wasting time Picture Indescribable Giant In My Heart Hideaway Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers Kenny Rogers & Dolly Parton Kenny Rogers & Dolly Parton Kenny Rogers & Dottie West Kenny Rogers & Dottie West Kenny Rogers & Kim Carnes Kenny Rogers & Sheena Easton Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band Kentucky Headhunters Keri Hilson Keri Hilson & Akon Kermit The Frog Kermit The Frog Kerri Hilson Ft Kayne West & N Keshia White Kevin Bloody Wilson Kevin Denney Kevin Rudolf Kevin Rudolf & Lil Wayne Kevin Rudolf & Rick Ross Kevin Sharp Kevin Sharp Kevin Simm Kevon Edmonds Kevon Edmonds Kevon Edmonds Keyshia Cole Keyshia Cole Keyshia Cole Keyshia Cole Keyshia Cole Keyshia Cole Keyshia Cole Keyshia Cole Ft Nicki Minaj Khaleel Khia Kid Creole and the Coconuts Kid Cudi Kid Cudi & Kanye West Kid Cudi Vs Crookers Kid Rock Kid Rock Kid Rock Kid Rock Kid Rock Kid Rock Kid Rock Kid Rock Kid Rock Kid Rock Kid Rock Kid Rock Kid Rock Kid Rock Kid Rock & Sheryl Crow Kierra Sheard Kiesza Kiesza Pagina 148 19989905 5380845 1242391 19988224 19991285 810810 19810157 19810158 811101 810933 19985924 806512 810932 19813648 810620 808056 811815 19810166 19810167 19810168 19810169 19810170 19810171 19810172 1242571 808057 19810175 19810174 19810176 19810177 19810178 808058 19810179 19810180 19810181 810750 9103502 19810182 807146 19810183 807145 807144 3283793 811198 19810187 19813630 19988012 807142 2610836 811111 19988000 1242553 19986519 19810191 19810192 19810193 19986684 810555 806862 19985940 810551 810553 19810197 810552 810554 810549 810550 19810200 19810201 19810202 19810203 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG No Enemiesz I've Got The Music In Me Star Shot At The Night Somebody Told Me All These Things That I've Done Boots Dustland Fairytale Human MR Brightside Runaways Smile like you meant it Somebody Told Me Spaceman When You Were Young Don't worry Bette Davis Eyes Sweet Tea Go For Soda Lager & Me Patio Lanterns Come Around I Know Way It Never Was Chequered Love Keep me hangin on 8th World Wonder Fall Girl From The Gutter Magic Happen Love And Pride Love n pride Groove Me Dancing In The Moonlight Detachable P-N-S It's Love Back Down South Birthday Fans Manhatan Notion On Call Pyro Radioactive Reveiry Sex On Fire Supersoaker The Bucket The Immortals Use Somebody Wait For Me Louie Louie MTA Scotch & Soda Sloop John B Tom Dooley Tom Dooley A Well Respected Man All Day & All Of The Night Autumn Almanac Celluloid Heroes Come Dancing Father Christmas Lola Sunny Afternoon Tired Of Waiting For You You Really Got Me Dance In The Boat I'm In Just Between You And Me My Heart Is Still Beating Kiesza Kiki Dee Kiki Dee Killers Killers Killers, The Killers, The Killers, The Killers, The Killers, The Killers, The Killers, The Killers, The Killers, The Killers, The Kim Appleby Kim Carnes Kim McLean Kim Mitchell Kim Mitchell Kim Mitchell Kim Richey Kim Richey Kim Richey Kim Wilde Kim Wilde Kimberly Locke Kimberly Locke Kina Kindred The Family Soul King King King Floyd King Harvest King Missile King's X Kings Of Leon Kings Of Leon Kings Of Leon Kings Of Leon Kings Of Leon Kings Of Leon Kings Of Leon Kings Of Leon Kings Of Leon Kings Of Leon Kings Of Leon Kings Of Leon Kings Of Leon Kings Of Leon Kings Of Leon Kingsmen, The Kingston Trio Kingston Trio Kingston Trio Kingston Trio Kingston Trio, The Kinks, The Kinks, The Kinks, The Kinks, The Kinks, The Kinks, The Kinks, The Kinks, The Kinks, The Kinks, The Kinleys Kinleys Kinleys Kinleys Pagina 149 19810204 19810205 19810206 19810207 19810208 19810209 19810210 19810211 810215 1241829 19810214 19810213 19810215 809140 809137 809139 1241474 808059 809130 1241476 1241477 1241478 19810224 809131 809133 809132 1241479 809141 808060 809134 809142 809135 809128 1241480 809138 809129 1241481 809136 1241482 19810239 19810240 19810241 19989783 19988188 19810242 808061 19987646 19987932 19990141 19810244 807536 807347 808252 808254 808255 808251 808250 810628 808253 807624 808062 19991836 19810252 19991289 19991839 19810254 19810255 19810256 19991837 1241483 19810258 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Please She Ain't The Girl For You Somebody's Out There Watching You Make It Seem So Easy You're Still Here Wet Dream Daddy's Little Girl I'd Be With You I Smile Love Is a Losing Game A New England Days There's A Guy Works Down The Chip Shop Swears He's Elvis Beth Calling Dr Love Christine Sixteen Cold Gin Crazy nights Detroit City Rock Deuce Domino Firehouse For Those About To Rock Forever God Of Thunder Hard Luck Woman Heaven's on Fire I Love It Loud I Was Made For Loving You Lick It Up Love Gun Psycho Circus Rock And Roll All Night Rock And Roll All Night (Unplugged) Rockey Ride Shout It Out Loud Strutter Tears Are Falling You Wanted The Best Amigo's Guitar It Wasn't God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels Makin' Believe Sonnentanz (Sun Don't Shine) Sonnentanz (Sun Don't Shine) Waving Flags My sharona High Hopes Love Like This The One After Party Naive Celebration Cherish Fresh Get Down On It Hollywood Swinging Jungle Boogie Ladies Night Too Hot Get Down On It (Remix) Night n day Are You Ready to Live Blind Coming Undone Did My Time Falling Away From Me Freak On A Leash Got The Life Hater Here To Stay Make Me Bad Pagina 150 Kinleys Kinleys Kinleys Kinleys Kinleys Kip Addotta Kippi Brannon Kippi Brannon Kirk Franklin Kirk Whalum Kirsty MacColl Kirsty MacColl Kirsty MacColl Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kitty Wells Kitty Wells Kitty Wells Klangkarussell & Will Heard Klangkarussell Ft Will Heard Knaan Knack Kodaline Kodaline Kodaline Koffee Brown Kooks, The Kool & The Gang Kool & The Gang Kool & The Gang Kool & The Gang Kool & The Gang Kool & The Gang Kool & The Gang Kool & The Gang Kool & The Gang & Blue Korben KoRn Korn Korn Korn Korn Korn Korn KoRn Korn Korn 19991838 1241484 19991841 1241485 19991840 19810261 19810262 809305 19989784 9193768 19990267 810132 810123 19810264 19992040 19810266 19810267 19989896 19810268 810124 19810269 1241491 810752 19810270 19810271 810611 807120 1243029 807648 19991984 807754 19987545 19810274 808063 19991004 19990149 19990145 19985327 809969 2721609 811247 807968 809983 809327 811498 808064 19985978 811189 808065 807969 808066 19988597 807671 808067 19989785 811989 19810284 19988428 807971 807970 807972 19985952 4171668 808068 808069 19992128 1242496 1242160 2058904 808070 19810288 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Right Now Somebody Someone Thoughtless Twisted Transistor Y'all Want a Single Don't Let Me Down Unbroken By You Hide U Way We Are Gucci Gucci Freak Of The Week Alright With Me Live Like We're Dying No Boundaries Jody And The Kid Jump What A Woman Knows Drunk and Incapable Let's Burn It Down Sabotage 15 Minutes Of Shame Eat the Rich Midnite Maniac Driving Crying Missing You Live Close By Visit Often Black Horse And The Cherry Tree Fade Like A Shadow Suddenly I See Grow This Girl Here She Comes Run Strong Tower Please don't go Stay Stole The Show Firestone (Can't Stop) Giving You Up 2 Hearts All The Lovers Aphrodite Better than devil you know Better Than Today Breathe Can't Get You Out Of My Head Come Into My World Flower Get Outta My Way Give Me Just A Little More Time Hand on your heart I should be so lucky I Was Gonna Cancel In My Arms In Your Eyes Into the Blue Locomotion Love At First Sight nto The Blue On a night like this Put yourself in my place Red blooded woman Santa Baby Slow Spinning Around Step Back In Time This Wheel's On Fire Wow Especially For You Kids Can't Get Blue Monday Out Of My Head Tic Tac Toe KoRn Korn Korn Korn Korn Kortney Kayle Kortney Kayle Kosheen Kove & Melissa Steel Kreayshawn Krept & Konan Feat. Jeremih Kris Allen Kris Allen Kris Allen Kris Kristofferson Kris Kross Kris Tyler Krishane Feat. Melissa Steel Kristin Garner Kristina Debarge Kristy Lee Cook Krokus Krokus KT Oslin KT Oslin KT Tunstall KT Tunstall KT Tunstall Kubb Kungs vs Cookin' on 3 Burners Kurt Nilsen Kutless Kutless KWS Kygo & Maty Noyes Kygo & Parson James Kygo ft Conrad Kylie Minogue Kylie Minogue Kylie Minogue Kylie Minogue Kylie Minogue Kylie Minogue Kylie Minogue Kylie Minogue Kylie Minogue Kylie Minogue Kylie Minogue Kylie Minogue Kylie Minogue Kylie Minogue Kylie Minogue Kylie Minogue Kylie Minogue Kylie Minogue Kylie Minogue Kylie Minogue Kylie Minogue Kylie Minogue Kylie Minogue Kylie Minogue Kylie Minogue Kylie Minogue Kylie Minogue Kylie Minogue Kylie Minogue Kylie Minogue Kylie Minogue & J Donovan Kylie Minogue & Robbie Williams Kylie Minogue vs New Order Kyper Pagina 151 808914 5380826 5380827 5380828 5380829 19810726 19810291 808076 1242306 807365 19810298 808072 19990044 19985302 19989585 811204 19985921 19986031 19985986 12409659 19810300 19810301 19810302 19986654 19810303 2721359 807124 2721356 2721357 19986623 2721355 2721354 2721358 19987950 811237 19987393 19810309 19987388 810272 14722065 19988031 806651 19986527 19810310 1678247 810267 4171628 19810311 14722064 19810312 14722067 19988473 8477747 2888553 810266 810268 14722066 810269 19810317 810271 5960080 14722063 18507070 811934 19985305 810265 3283942 807591 8477746 19810319 19989786 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Sukiyaki Going Back To Call Hey Lover I Need Love I'm That Type Of Guy Luv U Better Back In Love Again There she goes Something Inside So Strong Lady Marmalade On My Own So strong Jealous Last Time Let It Be Let The Sunshine Treatment Beneath Your Beautiful Beneath Your Beauteful Earthquake I Want A Man 16th Avenue Losing Kind Of Love Takin' It Easy Whisper American Honey Hello World I Run To You I Was Here Long Gone Lookin' For A Good Time Love Don't Live Here Need You Now Nothin' Like The First Time Our Kind Of Love Ready To Love Again We Owned The Night When You Got A Good Thing Alejandro Americano Applause Bad Romance Bad Romance (Acoustic) Beautiful Dirty Rich Born This Way Boys Boys Boys Edge Of Glory Eh Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say) Electric Chapel Fashion Fashion Of His Love G.U.Y Hair Judas Just Dance Love Game Marry The Night Paparazzi Paper Gangsta Poker Face Queen ScheiBe So Happy I Could Die Speechless Teeth Telephone The Edge Of Glory Telephone You And I Starstruck Do What U Want Kyu Sakamoto L.L. Cool J L.L. Cool J L.L. Cool J L.L. Cool J L.L. Cool J L.T.N. La's Labbie Siffre Labelle Labelle Mcdonald Labi Siffre Labrinth Labrinth Labrinth Labrinth Labrinth Labrinth Feat. Emeli Sande Labrinth Feat. Emeli Sandé Labrinth Ft Tinie Tempah Lace Lacy J. Dalton Lacy J. Dalton Lacy J. Dalton Lacy J. Dalton Lady Antebellum Lady Antebellum Lady Antebellum Lady Antebellum Lady Antebellum Lady Antebellum Lady Antebellum Lady Antebellum Lady Antebellum Lady Antebellum Lady Antebellum Lady Antebellum Lady Antebellum Lady Gaga Lady Gaga Lady Gaga Lady Gaga Lady Gaga Lady GaGa Lady Gaga Lady Gaga Lady Gaga Lady GaGa Lady Gaga Lady GaGa Lady Gaga Lady Gaga Lady Gaga Lady Gaga Lady Gaga Lady Gaga Lady Gaga Lady Gaga Lady GaGa Lady Gaga Lady Gaga Lady Gaga Lady GaGa Lady Gaga Lady Gaga Lady Gaga Lady Gaga Lady Gaga & Beyonce Lady Gaga & Brian May Lady GaGa & Flo Rida & Space Cowboy Lady Gaga & R. Kelly Pagina 152 19810320 19810321 19810322 19810323 12409654 808075 19992050 19985387 19989787 19990484 19986034 19989055 19988003 19986594 12409657 19989788 19989789 19810325 19810326 19810327 1241492 19810329 19810330 19810331 19810332 19810333 19810334 807167 807165 807166 807164 19810335 811882 19810337 19810338 19810339 19810340 19810341 19810342 808209 809312 19810344 809320 19987599 5380968 19810346 19810347 18507071 19810348 806739 19810350 19810351 19985828 19810352 19987632 19987630 19810353 19810354 19810355 808078 808079 1242994 19810358 19810359 19988187 19986108 19991703 19990220 19985976 19987938 19810360 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Chillin' Back Of The Van Paris Is Burning Sunshine reggae Natural Disaster Bimbo Art Deco Blue Jeans (Clean) Born To Die High By The Beach Ride Shades Of Cool Summertime Sadness This Is What Makes Us Girls Video Games West Coast Young And Beautiful Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop I Will Love Again Love By Grace Don't Let Me Go Don't Fence Me In John Wayne Walking Away Now I Know Stepping Stone Take Me That's My Baby Love Of A Lifetime Sure Feels Like Love Talkin' To The Moon What Are We Doin' Lonesome All The Gold In California One In A Million Alright Already Always A Woman Heart Like A Hurricane Losing Your Love Rockin' The Rock Why Can't You Mr. Custer Alone Pray Something Forever Man Torn They Cant Take That Away Drop On By Giddy On Up Didn't We Almost Win It All Gloria Solitaire I Would He'll Never Know Shine Green Garden Bastille If That's Love Surrender Wishing Well They can't take that away Nothing Even Matters Sinking Everything Is Everything Ex-Factor Juliet Learn To Love Again Money Roads Standing In The Dark Brokenhearted Call Me Lady GaGa & Wale Ladyhawke Ladyhawke Laid Back Laidback Luke Ft Example Lambretta Lana Del Rey Lana Del Rey Lana Del Rey Lana Del Rey Lana Del Rey Lana Del Rey Lana Del Rey Lana Del Rey Lana Del Rey Lana Del Rey Lana Del Rey Landon Pigg Lara Fabian Lara Fabian Lareau Lari White Lari White Lari White Lari White Lari White Lari White Larry Gatlin Larry Gatlin Larry Gatlin Larry Gatlin Larry Gatlin & The Gatlin Brot Larry Graham Larry Stewart Larry Stewart Larry Stewart Larry Stewart Larry Stewart Larry Stewart Larry Verne Lasgo Lasgo Lasgo Lathan Moore Latoya Laura Laura Bell Bundy Laura Bell Bundy Laura Branigan Laura Branigan Laura Branigan Laura Dawn Laura Izibor Laura Izibor Laura Mvula Laura Palmer Laura Pausini Laura Pausini Laura Warshauer Laura Zambo Flores Lauren Hill Lauren Mayhew Lauryn Hill Lauryn Hill Lawson Lawson Lawson Lawson Lawson Lawson Ft. B.O.B Le Click Pagina 153 809321 19989790 19989791 19810361 19810362 19810363 811350 19810365 811496 19810367 19810368 810168 19810370 19810371 19810372 811781 19810374 19810375 19810376 19810378 19810379 19810380 19810381 19810382 19810383 19810384 19810385 19810386 19810387 19810388 1242812 1242739 19810391 19810392 19810393 19992416 19810394 19810395 9103412 19810397 19810398 811351 19810400 19810401 19810402 19810403 808550 1241493 808553 19810406 808554 19810407 1241494 808551 808547 808555 808552 1241495 808559 1241496 19810412 808557 19810414 19810415 808560 808558 19810417 1241497 19985867 19810418 1241498 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Tonight Is The Night Cannonball Home On The Backroads Stormy Weather Big Deal Blue But I Do Love You Can't Fight The Moomlight Commitment Cowboy's Sweetheart Crazy Women Feels Like Home Give Good Friend And A Glass Of Wine How Do I Live Hurt Me I Need You I Want To Be A Cowboy's Sweetheart Life Goes On Light In Your Eyes Looking Through Your Eyes Nothin' New Under The Moon Nothing About Love Makes Sense On The Side Of Angels One Of These Days One Way Ticket Please Remember Me Probably Wouldn't Be This Way Right Kind Of Wrong Some People Something's Gotta Give Soon Suddenly Swingin' The Story These Arms Of Mine This Love Unchained Melody We Can What I Cannot Change You Light Up My Life Your Cheatin' Heart When You Love Someone Like That Last Thing On My Mind Gary Allan All My Love Babe I'm Gonna Leave You Black Dog Celebration Day Communication Breakdown Custard Pie D'yer Maker Dancing Days Dazed And Confused Dyer Maker Fool In The Rain Going to California Good Times Bad Times Heart Breaker (Living Loving Maid) Hey Hey What Can I Do [karaoke Houses Of The Holy How Many More Times I Can't Quit You Baby Immigrant Song Kashmir Living Loving Maid Mist Mountain Hop Night Flight Out On The Tiles Over the Hills and Far Away Le Click Lea Michele Leah McFall & Will.I.Am Leah Seawright Leana Horne LeAnn Rimes LeAnn Rimes LeAnn Rimes LeAnn Rimes LeAnn Rimes LeAnn Rimes LeAnn Rimes LeAnn Rimes LeAnn Rimes LeAnn Rimes LeAnn Rimes LeAnn Rimes LeAnn Rimes LeAnn Rimes LeAnn Rimes LeAnn Rimes LeAnn Rimes LeAnn Rimes LeAnn Rimes LeAnn Rimes Leann Rimes LeAnn Rimes Leann Rimes LeAnn Rimes LeAnn Rimes LeAnn Rimes LeAnn Rimes LeAnn Rimes LeAnn Rimes Leann Rimes Leann Rimes LeAnn Rimes LeAnn Rimes Leann Rimes LeAnn Rimes LeAnn Rimes LeAnn Rimes LeAnn Rimes LeAnn Rimes & Reba McEntire LeAnn Rimes & Ronan Keating Learning How To Bend Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin Pagina 154 808548 808556 806810 19810422 1241499 1241501 19810423 808549 19810424 19810426 19810427 19810428 19810429 19810430 19810431 19810432 19810433 1242823 19810435 19810436 810900 19810438 811504 19810440 810894 19810442 2721402 19810444 19810445 811698 19810447 19810448 19810449 19810450 19810451 1242734 19810453 19810454 19810455 19810456 1678230 19987600 19810458 19991020 810479 19810460 19810461 19987603 811231 19810463 19810464 19810465 19810466 19810467 19810468 807958 9734654 19985827 810680 19810470 19810471 19810472 19810473 811095 811042 19810474 19810476 19810477 809111 808161 19810479 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Ramble On Rock And Roll Stairway To Heaven The Crunge The Ocean What is and What Should Never Be When The Levee Breaks Whole Lotta Love Your Time Is Gonna Come Higher Than This In The Morning Stay Together A Little Past Little Rock Ashes By Now Buckaroo Does My Ring Burn Your Finger Don't Tell Me Finding My Way Back Home Fool Forever Everyday He Oughta Know That By Now He'll Be Back I Hope You Dance I Know Why The River Runs I May Hate Myself In The Morning I'll Think Of A Reason Later I'm A Honky Tonk Girl Last Call Little Past Little Rock Lord I Hope This Day Is Good Never Again, Again Now You See Me Now You Don't Something Worth Leaving Behind Stronger Than I Am There's More Where That Came From Twenty Years And Two Husbands Ago What Are You Doing New Year's Eve Why They Call It Falling Wrong Girl You've Got To Talk To Me Beautiful Every Time Seven Days A Thousand Times Upper Middle Class White Trash Sweet Serendipity God Bless The U.S.A Hearts Aren't Made To Break IOU Ute Me You Rock My World All That Matters Anymore I'm Holding My Own Lucky Me, Lucky You She Won't Be Lonely Long Take These Chains From My Heart You Can't Get There From Here I can see clearly now You'll never walk alone I'm Loving You More Every Day If You've Got The Money She's Gone Gone Gone Runaround Sue Need To Be Next To You Your Love's A Drug Someone Should Tell You Green Tambourine Into Your Arms Steal My Sunshine Satellite Stormy Weather One day at a time Dansa I Neon Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin Ledisi Ledisi Ledisi and Jaheim Lee Ann Womack Lee Ann Womack Lee Ann Womack Lee Ann Womack Lee Ann Womack Lee Ann Womack Lee Ann Womack Lee Ann Womack Lee Ann Womack Lee Ann Womack Lee Ann Womack Lee Ann Womack Lee Ann Womack Lee Ann Womack Lee Ann Womack Lee Ann Womack Lee Ann Womack Lee Ann Womack Lee Ann Womack Lee Ann Womack Lee Ann Womack Lee Ann Womack Lee Ann Womack Lee Ann Womack Lee Ann Womack Lee Ann Womack Lee Ann Womack Lee Ann Womack Lee Brice Lee Brice Lee Brice Lee Dewyze Lee Greenwood Lee Greenwood Lee Greenwood Lee Kernaghan Lee Kernaghan Lee Roy Parnell Lee Roy Parnell Lee Roy Parnell Lee Roy Parnell Lee Roy Parnell Lee Roy Parnell Lee Towers Lee Towers Leela James Lefty Frizzell Lefty Frizzell Leif Garrett Leigh Nash Leighton Meester Lemar Lemon Pipers, The Lemonheads Len Lena Lena Horne Lena Martell Lena Philipsson Pagina 155 808162 811058 811485 808163 1241486 808164 19810484 1241487 808165 1242517 1241488 19810488 19810489 1241489 1241490 19810492 19810493 19810494 19810495 808166 19810497 807641 2721572 1242486 19810498 19805182 9193757 19990224 19810500 811099 807681 19990498 19988247 811128 19991538 19985982 19986500 19810502 19810503 19810504 19810505 19810506 808167 19810508 19810509 1242562 19810510 19810511 19810512 1242117 19810513 811789 19810514 19065169 19810516 19810517 19989793 1242924 19810520 19810521 19810522 808168 19810524 808169 808170 19810527 19810528 19810529 19810530 807620 19810531 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Lucky number Sitting Down Here Again American woman Are You Gonna Go My Way Black velveteen Can't Get You Off My Mind Dig In Fly Away Heaven Help I Belong To You It Ain't Over 'til It's Over Lady Live (Radio Version) Stillness of Heart Thinking Of You Since I Fell For You Moonlighting More Than I Can Say When I need you You Make Me Feel Like Dancin' Thunder In My Heart Don't Call This Love When You Believe Six Pack To Go Bleeding Love Collide Fire Under My Feet Footprints In The Sand Forgive Me Happy I Am One More Sleep Run Thunder Trouble Dance Me To The End Of Love Walk On By Bring Him Home Castle On A Cloud I Dreamed A Dream In My Life On my own Stars Who Am I Vaya Con Dios It's My Party You Don't Own Me I'm Gone I'm Going Hi Lili Hi Lo California Nights It's My Party Judy's Turn To Cry Maybe I Know She's A Fool History Of A Boring Town The Drop She Don't Regret Dangerous Type Here and now It's over Running In The Family Something about you What a beautiful day Every Other Time Girl On Tv I Don't Wanna Kiss You Goodnight Summer Girls Holding On To You All In All Lene Lovich Lene Marlin Lenny Kravitz Lenny Kravitz Lenny Kravitz Lenny Kravitz Lenny Kravitz Lenny Kravitz Lenny Kravitz Lenny Kravitz Lenny Kravitz Lenny Kravitz Lenny Kravitz Lenny Kravitz Lenny Kravitz Lenny Kravitz Lenny Welch Leo Sayer Leo Sayer Leo Sayer Leo Sayer Leo Sayer Feat. Meck Leon Jackson Leon Jackson Leon Russell Leona Lewis Leona Lewis Leona Lewis Leona Lewis Leona Lewis Leona Lewis Leona Lewis Leona Lewis Leona Lewis Leona Lewis Leona Lewis Feat. Childish Gambino Leonard Cohen Leroy Van Dyke Les Miserables Les Miserables Les Miserables Les Miserables Les Miserables Les Miserables Les Miserables Les Paul & Mary Ford Lesley Gore Lesley Gore Lesley Roy Leslie Caron Leslie Gore Leslie Gore Leslie Gore Leslie Gore Leslie Gore Less Than Jake Lethal Bizzle & Cherri Voncelle Letoya LeToya & Ludacris Letters To Cleo Letters To Cleo Level 42 Level 42 Level 42 Levellers Lfo Lfo Lfo Lfo Liberty X Lifehouse Pagina 156 19991799 1242956 19987423 19810533 19991832 811480 19810535 19810536 19987546 19810537 2113327 19810539 809791 809792 809793 809794 19810544 809795 19810546 807551 19810547 5380966 19810548 5381012 19810549 19989796 19810550 19810551 19810552 19810553 19992408 5380942 19810554 19810555 19810556 19810557 19810558 19810559 5380952 19985304 19810561 19810562 19810563 19810564 19810565 19810566 19810567 19810568 19810569 19810570 19810571 19810572 19810573 19989797 19989590 2721602 19988412 2721603 19988255 19810576 2721601 2721600 19988476 19988238 2721599 1242533 19991842 1241527 1241528 1241529 1241537 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Between the Raindrops Blind Breathing Broken Everything Hanging By A Moment Sick Cycle Carousel Spin Take Me Away Take Me Away (Remix Edit) Whatever It Takes You And Me High Lifted Raincloud Champagne suprnova Lucky You Pure Bow Wow (That's My Name) Checkin' it out Hey Snap Yo Fingers Shawty Get Loose Money In The Bank Bad (That's Her) Twerk A Milli Mrs Officer Lollipop Got Money Sucker for Pain Whoa Magic Stick Jump Off Cell Block Tango How Many Licks Superwoman My Baby Hustler Musik Mirror Almost Over You Come A Little Closer Complete Crush Down Came A Blackbird I Wanna Fall In Love I Will Be Kiss Me Now To Get Me To You With You Yippy Ky Yay It's About Time What I Like About You Prayer In C Prayer In C 22 Air Balloon Fuck You Hard Out Here Just Be Good To Green Never Gonna Happen Not Fair Our Time Somewhere Only We Know The Fear Never Ending Story Almost Over Behind Blue Eyes Boiler Break Stuff Crawlin' Lifehouse Lifehouse Lifehouse Lifehouse Lifehouse Lifehouse Lifehouse Lifehouse Lifehouse Lifehouse Lifehouse Lifehouse Lighthouse Family Lighthouse Family Lighthouse Family Lightning Seeds Lightning Seeds Lightning Seeds Lil Bow Wow Lil Chris Lil Jon & 3OH3! Lil Jon, E40 & Seal Paul Lil Mama, Chris Brown & T Pain Lil Scrappy Lil Scrappy and Stuey Rock Lil Twist, Justin Bieber & Miley Cyrus Lil Wayne Lil Wayne & Bobby Valentino Lil Wayne & Static Major Lil Wayne & T-Pain Lil Wayne & Wiz Khalifa & Imagine Dragons Lil' Kim Lil' Kim & 50 Cent Lil' Kim & Mr. Cheeks Lil' Kim & Queen Latifah & Mac Lil' Kim & Sisqo Lil' Mo Lil' Romeo Lil' Wayne Lil' Wayne & Bruno Mars Lila McCann Lila McCann Lila McCann Lila McCann Lila McCann Lila McCann Lila McCann Lila McCann Lila McCann Lila McCann Lila McCann Lillix Lillix Lilly Wood & Robin Schulz Lilly Wood & The Prick & Robin Schulz Lily Allen Lily Allen Lily Allen Lily Allen Lily Allen Lily Allen Lily Allen Lily Allen Lily Allen Lily Allen Limahl Limp Bizkit Limp Bizkit Limp Bizkit Limp Bizkit Limp Bizkit Pagina 157 1241530 1241538 1241531 19810581 19991819 19991844 1241539 19991843 19991820 1241532 1241533 19810584 1241540 1241541 1241542 1241543 1241534 1241535 1241544 19991299 1241536 1241546 19991845 19810590 19810591 19810592 19810593 19810594 19810595 811369 1241806 19810609 19810610 19810596 808195 19810611 19810597 808193 808198 811811 808192 19810600 19810614 19810615 19810601 19810602 811466 811374 19810604 808196 19810606 808197 808899 808194 1242420 1242460 1242947 1242970 19810622 19810623 19985560 19987665 19810624 19810625 19986746 19810626 8477778 19810628 8477779 19986656 8477780 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Don't Go Off Wandering Forgotten Full Nelson Gold Cobra Hold On I'm Broke In The End Just Like This Lonely World My Generation My Way Nookie One Step Closer Papercut Points Of Authority Pushing Me Away Rearranged Rollin' Runaway Take A Look Around Take A Look Around (Theme From MI-2) What I've Done Red Light Green Light Not That Different From The Inside Out I Wanna Remember This I'm Yours Love Didn't Do It Neither One Of Us Blue Bayou Can't We Be Friends Different Drum Heat Wave How Do I Make You Hurt So Bad I've Got A Crush On You It's So Easy Just One Look Long Long Time My Funny Valentine Ooh Baby Baby Poor Poor Pitiful Me Silver Threads And Golden Need Someone To Lay Down Beside Me That'll Be The Day Tracks Of My Tears When I Fall In Love When Will I Be Loved When You Wish Upon A Star You're No Good All My Life Don't Know Much Somewhere Out There Different Drum Run For Home Trouble Confessions of a Broken Heart I Live For The Day Love Changes Everything You Can't Hide Beautiful Burn It Down Castle Of Glass Crawling In The End My December Numb One Step Closer Papercut Pushing Me Away Rolling In The Deep (live) Run Away Limp Bizkit Limp Bizkit Limp Bizkit Limp Bizkit Limp Bizkit Limp Bizkit Limp Bizkit Limp Bizkit Limp Bizkit Limp Bizkit Limp Bizkit Limp Bizkit Limp Bizkit Limp Bizkit Limp Bizkit Limp Bizkit Limp Bizkit Limp Bizkit Limp Bizkit Limp Bizkit Limp Bizkit Limp Bizkit Limp Bizkit & Snoop Dogg lin Raye Linda Davis Linda Davis Linda Davis Linda Davis Linda Davis Linda Ronstadt Linda Ronstadt Linda Ronstadt Linda Ronstadt Linda Ronstadt Linda Ronstadt Linda Ronstadt Linda Ronstadt Linda Ronstadt Linda Ronstadt Linda Ronstadt Linda Ronstadt Linda Ronstadt Linda Ronstadt Linda Ronstadt Linda Ronstadt Linda Ronstadt Linda Ronstadt Linda Ronstadt Linda Ronstadt Linda Ronstadt Linda Ronstadt & Aaron Neville Linda Ronstadt & Aaron Neville Linda Ronstadt & James Ingram Linda Ronstadt & Stone Poneys Lindisfarne Lindsay Buckingham Lindsay Lohan Lindsay Lohan Lines Aaron Lines Aaron Linkin Park Linkin Park Linkin Park Linkin Park Linkin Park Linkin park Linkin Park Linkin Park Linkin Park Linkin Park Linkin Park Pagina 158 2113331 1241545 810311 807733 809798 809799 5380820 2389662 19810632 809800 1242329 19810634 19810635 809801 1242923 19810638 807757 19810639 809803 9103531 809804 19810642 809806 809807 809808 809809 19810646 809810 1242450 809811 807042 1242421 19810649 19810650 19810651 19810652 19810653 19810654 19810655 19810656 19810657 19810658 19810659 19810660 1242541 810519 19810662 19810663 809812 809813 809814 811192 19810667 19810668 19810669 19810670 19810671 19810672 809359 809360 809365 809362 809361 809363 809364 808711 19810674 808718 810601 1242755 19810677 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Shadow Of The Day Somewhere I Belong Waiting For The End I Like Chopin Circle Of Life All night long Angel Ballerina Girl Brick House Dancing on the ceiling Do It To Me Don't Wanna Lose You Easy Hello I Call It Love I Hear Your Voice I Still Believe Night Shift Oh no Ordinary Girl Penny lover Sail On Say you say me Still Stuck on you Three times a lady Time Truly You Are Funkytown Back For Good Dance Yourself Dizzy I Wear Your Love Woman Gets Lonely Ain't Enough Roses How Do I Let Go Take That When You Get To Be You All Day I Do Let's Forget About It Stay (I Missed You) Do You Sleep Stay (I Missed You) Stay Lights Out (Radio Version) Sinking In Me Time Himlen runt hornet All around the world Change When I'm Alone Lipstick And Bruises Miserable My Own Worst Enemy Zip Lock Kiss Me Deadly Close My Eyes Forever Goin' Out Of My Head Hurts So Bad I Miss You So I'm On The Outside Looking In Shimmy Shimmy Ko-ko-bop Take Me Back Wishful Thinking Going Out Of My Head Those Oldies But Goodies Tears On My Pillow Boondocks Bring It on Home Don't Waste My Time Linkin Park Linkin Park Linkin Park Lion Lion King Lionel Richie Lionel Richie Lionel Richie Lionel Richie Lionel Richie Lionel Richie Lionel Richie Lionel Richie Lionel Richie Lionel Richie Lionel Richie Lionel Richie Lionel Richie Lionel Richie Lionel Richie Lionel Richie Lionel Richie Lionel Richie Lionel Richie Lionel Richie Lionel Richie Lionel Richie Lionel Richie Lionel Richie Lipps Inc. Lipstick Liquid Gold Lisa Angelle Lisa Angelle Lisa Brokop Lisa Brokop Lisa Brokop Lisa Brokop Lisa Loeb Lisa Loeb Lisa Loeb Lisa Loeb Lisa Loeb & The Nine Stories Lisa Loeb & The Nine Stories Lisa Loeb And Nine Stories Lisa Marie Presley Lisa Marie Presley Lisa Matassa Lisa Nilsson Lisa Stansfield Lisa Stansfield Lissie Lit Lit Lit Lit Lita Ford Lita Ford & Ozzy Osbourne Little Anthony Little Anthony Little Anthony Little Anthony Little Anthony Little Anthony Little Anthony Little Anthony & The Imperials Little Anthony & The Imperials Little Anthony And The Imperials Little Big Town Little Big Town Little Big Town Pagina 159 19810678 19810679 19990108 807125 19986657 19988059 19810681 807148 19810683 19810684 19810685 19810686 19990228 17766309 19986411 19986025 19990488 19987621 19988261 19990516 19988168 19988478 19985784 19989801 19990657 19992004 809816 19985965 19810690 19810691 19810692 19810693 808133 811931 19810695 19810696 811917 811935 811929 808093 811937 811895 811925 811939 811902 19810699 808135 808134 19810702 811927 811922 810955 19985960 19810703 19810704 19810705 19810706 19810707 19810708 19988233 19810709 19810710 19810711 19810712 19810713 19810714 19810715 1242516 810981 810976 19810718 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Everything Changes Fine Line Girl Crush Kiss Goodbye Tornado Your Side Of The Bed Keep Your Hands Off My Baby The Loco-Motion Country Boy May The Bird Of Paradise Fly Up Your Nose Under The Sea Grits Ain't Groceries Black Magic Cannonball Change Your Life DNA Hair How Ya Doin' Little Me Love Me Like You Move Salute Wings Word Up Secret Love Song Secret Love Song I Will Follow Him O White Christmas Good Golly Miss Molly Jenny Jenny Long Tall Sally Tutti Fruitti Cool Change Georgia Happy Anniversary Help Is On Its Way It's a long way there It's Over Jo Jo Lady Lido Shuffle Lonesome Loser Love look what you've done to me Lowdown Night Owl Other Guy Reminiscing Take It Easy On Me The Other Guy We're all alone What can I say I Am A Patriot I Farted On Santa's Lap Bad For Us God Blessed Texas Kick A Little My Love What Might Have Been Your Mama Won't Let Me Move Dolphin's Cry Heaven I alone Lightning Crashes Run To The Water They Stood Up For Love Turn My Head Love Rears It's Ugly Head Count On My Love Everything To Me Polyester Bride Little Big Town Little Big Town Little Big Town Little Big Town Little Big Town Little Big Town Little Eva Little Eva Little Jimmy Dickens Little Jimmy Dickens Little Mermaid Little Milton Little Mix Little Mix Little Mix Little Mix Little Mix Little Mix Little Mix Little Mix Little Mix Little Mix Little Mix Little Mix Little Mix & Jason Derulo Little Mix feat Jason Derulo Little Peggy March Little People Little Richard Little Richard Little Richard Little Richard Little River Band, The Little River Band, The Little River Band, The Little River Band, The Little River Band, The Little River Band, The Little River Band, The Little River Band, The Little River Band, The Little River Band, The Little River Band, The Little River Band, The Little River Band, The Little River Band, The Little River Band, The Little River Band, The Little River Band, The Little River Band, The Little River Band, The Little Steven & The Disciples Of Soul Little Stinkers, The Little Texas Little Texas Little Texas Little Texas Little Texas Little Texas Little-Mix Live Live Live Live Live Live Live Living Colour Liz Phair Liz Phair Liz Phair Pagina 160 810523 811800 19810723 19810724 19810725 19810727 19810728 5380953 19810729 1242894 19810730 19810731 19810732 19810733 19810735 19810736 5381006 19810737 17766318 19810738 19810739 19810740 19810741 19810742 19810743 19810744 2888557 12409652 19985360 2389608 1242196 19810748 19810830 19810749 809817 808382 808387 808385 808386 808383 808384 808381 14722042 1242851 809818 809819 809820 1242247 19989802 19810831 19810832 19810833 19991011 19986650 811359 811358 19810761 19810762 19810763 19810764 19810765 1242736 811524 19810768 19810769 1242797 19810771 19810772 19810773 19810774 19810775 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Why Can't I Cabaret Going Back To Cali Headsprung Imagine That Mama Said Knock You Out Paradise Control Myself Fatty Girl Freeze Lay It Down Cupid Girls Around The World How We Do It Karma On Fire (Radio Version) Hands Up Start It Up Dedication To My Ex (Miss That) (Clean Version) I'm Gonna Get Married Just Because Personality Stagger Lee Where Were You On Our Wedding Champagne Showers I'm In Miami Bitch Party Rock Anthem Sexy And I Know It Sorry For Party Rocking Don't Tell Me Goodnight I'd Love You To Want Me Me & You & A Dog Named Boo We Belong Together All The Kids Are Right I'm leaving Angry Eyes Danny's Song House At Pooh Corner Peace Of Mind Run River Run Va Hev Ala Your Mama Don't Dance Me Without You No Strings Mickey Viva la radio I've been thinking 'bout you London Nights Strong Diamonds Heaven How Far Is Heaven Dick in a Box I Just Had Sex Amazed (Ballad) Amazed (Uptempo) Class Reunion Come Cryin' To Me Every Little Thing She Does Everything's Changed Heartbroke Every Day I'll Die Tryin' I'm Already There Let Me Love You Let's Be Us Again Mountains Mr. Mom My Front Porch Looking In No News Not A Day Goes By Runnin' Away With My Heart Pagina 161 Liz Phair Liza Minelli LL Cool J Ll Cool J Ll Cool J LL Cool J Ll Cool J & Amerie Ll Cool J & Jennifer Lopez Ll Cool J & Ludacris & Keith Mur LL Cool J & Lyfe Jennings Lloyd Lloyd & Awesome Jones Lloyd & Lil Wayne Lloyd & Ludacris Lloyd Banks Lloyd Banks Lloyd Banks & 50 Cent Lloyd Banks and Kanye West Lloyd Feat Andre Three Thousand &Lil Wayne Lloyd Price Lloyd Price Lloyd Price Lloyd Price Lloyd Price LMFAO LMFAO LMFAO LMFAO LMFAO Lobo Lobo Lobo Lobos, Los Local H Lodger Loggins & Messina Loggins & Messina Loggins & Messina Loggins & Messina Loggins & Messina Loggins & Messina Loggins & Messina Loick Essien Lola Lolly Lolly London Beat, The London Boys, The London Grammar Lonely Boys, Los Lonely Boys, Los Lonely Boys, Los Lonely Island Lonely Island, The Lonestar Lonestar Lonestar Lonestar Lonestar Lonestar Lonestar Lonestar Lonestar Lonestar Lonestar Lonestar Lonestar Lonestar Lonestar Lonestar Lonestar 19810776 19810777 19810778 19810779 19810780 19810781 19810782 19810783 19810784 19810785 19810786 19810787 19810788 808204 19810790 19810791 811442 809821 19988183 19988225 19988465 19989914 1241547 19810794 808895 19810796 19810797 19810798 809822 19810800 19810801 19810802 19810803 19810804 19810805 19810819 19810806 19810807 19810808 19810809 19810810 19810811 19810812 19810813 19810814 19810815 19810816 19810817 19810818 19810820 19810821 19810822 19810823 19810824 19810825 19810826 19810827 19990255 19991539 19810834 19810835 19810836 1242810 1243118 809823 809824 19810841 19810842 19810843 19810844 19985967 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Saturday Night Say When Smile Tell Her Tell Her That You Love Her Tequila Talkin' Unusually Unusual Walking In Memphis What About Now Winter Wonderland With Me You Walked In Lonely Does Your Chewing Gum Lose It Favor Hot Stylz & Yung Joc Brandy Hangin' on a string Royals Team Tennis Court Yellow Flicker Beat Hard Rock Hallelujah Mummers' Dance Coal Miner's Daughter Country In My Genes Don't Come Home A-drinkin' I Can't Hear The Music Lonesome 77203 Miss Being Mrs. Table For Two You Ain't Woman Enough Louisianna Woman Mississippi Man Portland Oregon I'm A Honky Tonk Girl A Picture Of Me Without You Color Of Roses Except For Monday Five Minutes Go Away Half Enough Heart Over Mind Here I Go Again I Didn't Know My Own Strength I Guess You Had To Be There I'm Not That Easy To Forget If You Came Back From Heaven My Night To Howl One Of Those Nights Tonight Something In Red To Get To You Watch Me What Part Of No You'd Think He'd Know Me Better He Drinks Tequila I Finally Found Someone Maybe Not Tonight Are You With Me Reality Call Me Crazy Country Folks Livin' Loud Holler Back Why Me Rooftops I got a girl Mambo no5 Tricky, Tricky Two Faces Have I Just Between You And Me Midnight Blue Dominick The Donkey Lonestar Lonestar Lonestar Lonestar Lonestar Lonestar Lonestar Lonestar Lonestar Lonestar Lonestar Lonestar Long Reef Lonnie Donegan Lonny Bereal and Kelly Rowland Lookin' Boy Looking Glass Loose Ends Lorde Lorde Lorde Lorde Lordi Loreena McKinnett Loretta Lynn Loretta Lynn Loretta Lynn Loretta Lynn Loretta Lynn Loretta Lynn Loretta Lynn Loretta Lynn Loretta Lynn & Conway Twitty Loretta Lynn & Jack White Loretua Lynn Lorrie Morgan Lorrie Morgan Lorrie Morgan Lorrie Morgan Lorrie Morgan Lorrie Morgan Lorrie Morgan Lorrie Morgan Lorrie Morgan Lorrie Morgan Lorrie Morgan Lorrie Morgan Lorrie Morgan Lorrie Morgan Lorrie Morgan Lorrie Morgan Lorrie Morgan Lorrie Morgan Lorrie Morgan Lorrie Morgan & Sammy Kershaw Lorrie Morgan & Sammy Kershaw Lorrie Morgan & Sammy Kershaw Lost Frequencies Lost Frequencies ft Janieck Devy Lost Trailers, The Lost Trailers, The Lost Trailers, The Lost Trailers, The Lostprophets Lou Bega Lou Bega Lou Bega Lou Christie Lou Gramm Lou Gramm Lou Monte Pagina 162 809287 809291 809296 809294 1241834 809288 808333 809292 808784 809290 809289 809825 19810847 19810848 808467 808465 811465 808464 808466 1242458 810507 811806 808071 19985962 809181 807742 808473 811828 808475 808474 19810851 809827 809828 809826 19810855 19810856 19810857 19990656 19986601 19810858 19810859 19987806 19810861 1242092 19810863 19810864 810889 19810865 19810866 19985865 19810868 19810869 809462 809459 809457 809461 19810870 19810871 19989803 19989804 19989805 19989806 19810872 19810874 19810875 19810876 19810877 19991800 5380879 19810878 1242927 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG A Natural Man At Last Lady Love Love Is A Hurtin' Thing See You When I Get There Tobacco Road You Are My Lady You Made Me So Very Happy You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine Your Good Thing Is About To End Bring It On Home To Me Perfect day Sweet Jane Walk On The Wild Side A Kiss To Build A Dream Blueberry Hill Hello Dolly Mack The Knife Mame We Have All The Time In The World What A Wonderful World When The Saints Go Marching In Wonderful world Zat You, Santa Claus Saturday Night Fish Fry Buona Sera Closer To The Bone Just A Gigolo I Got You Under My Skin That Old Black Magic Rock 'n' Roll Party Queen Arms around the world Let's go round again Let the best man win I Wanna Say Yes I'm Not Through Loving You Yet Save Me Confident Ball Of Confusion So Alive Sweet Lover Hangover What A Night Heaven In Your Eyes Hot Girls In Love Lovin' Every Minute Of It Queen Of The Broken Hearts The Kid Is Hot Tonight This Could Be The Night Turn Me Loose When It's Over Do You Believe In Magic Summer In The City Everytime I Turn Around (Back In Love Again) Holding On Love Ballad Stranger And She Said Right In Time Last Night Lighthouse Someone Tea and Toast Dumb Girls Act A Fool Area Codes Get Back Number One Spot One More Drink Pimpin' All Over The World Rollout (My Business) Money Maker Lou Rawls Lou Rawls Lou Rawls Lou Rawls Lou Rawls Lou Rawls Lou Rawls Lou Rawls Lou Rawls Lou Rawls Lou Rawls & Sam Cook Lou Reed Lou Reed Lou Reed Louis Armstrong Louis Armstrong Louis Armstrong Louis Armstrong Louis Armstrong Louis Armstrong Louis Armstrong Louis Armstrong Louis Armstrong Louis Armstrong Louis Jordon Louis Prima Louis Prima Louis Prima Louis Prima & Keely Smith Louis Prima & Keely Smith Louis St Louis Louise Louise Louise Hoffsten Louise Mandrell Louise Mandrell Louise Mandrell Lovato, Demi Love & Rockets Love & Rockets Love & Rockets Loveable Rogues Loverboy Loverboy Loverboy Loverboy Loverboy Loverboy Loverboy Loverboy Lovin' Spoonful Lovin' Spoonful LTD LTD LTD LTD Lucas Prata Lucinda Williams Lucy Spraggan Lucy Spraggan Lucy Spraggan Lucy Spraggan Lucy Woodward Ludacris Ludacris Ludacris Ludacris Ludacris Ludacris Ludacris Ludacris & Pharrell Pagina 163 5380927 19810879 5381004 19810880 19810881 19810882 19810883 19992014 19991998 19985987 3283811 19810885 19810886 19810887 19986658 19810888 19810889 2721577 812160 810469 19810892 19986036 19990104 19985829 1243157 19810894 1242501 2721403 19810895 19810896 19810897 19810898 811888 809343 809330 809332 809329 809341 809338 808702 809342 19810903 809333 809339 809335 809344 809340 809334 809336 19810906 18507083 19810907 809331 806833 19991728 19986876 19990049 19989807 810820 1242912 19985347 19988587 809831 19810912 19810913 809154 809149 809150 809147 809156 809144 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Georgia Area Codes Money Maker Southern Hospitality Stand Up Saturday (Oooh! Oooh!) Holidae In 7 Years Mama Said Been There, Done That Country girl (Shake it) I Don't Want This Night To End Rain Is A Good Thing Someone Else Calling You Baby Take My Drunk Ass Home You Don't Know Jack Boom Bang A Bang Shout The Man With The Golden Gun To Sir With Love Never Leave You Ho Hey Bills Bitch Bad Daydreamin' Words I Never Said Superstar Out Of My Head Ladyfingers Naked Eye Under Your Skin I Don't Want To Be Right Always And Forever Best Things In Life Are Free Buy Me A Rose Creepin' Dance With My Father Don't Want To Be A Fool Give Me The Reason Here And Now How Many Times Can We Say Goodbye I Know If I Didn't Know Better Never Let Me Go Never Too Much Power Of Love & Love Power Since I Lost My Baby So Amazing Stop To Love Take You Out The Closer I Get To You Think About You Your Secret Love Ain't That Just The Way Best is Yet to Come You're The Greatest Lover Revive (Say Something) Resonance Must Be Nice S.E.X. I follow rivers No Rest For The Wicked Rose Garden Nights Like These Woman To Woman Ballad Of Curtis Loew Call Me The Breeze Don't Ask Me No Questions Double Trouble Freebird Gimme Three Steps Ludacris & Field Mob & Foxx Ludacris & Nate Dogg Ludacris & Pharrell Ludacris & Pharrell Ludacris & Shawnna Ludacris & Sleepy Brown Ludacris Chingy & Snoop Dogg Lukas Graham Lukas Graham Luke Bryan Luke Bryan Luke Bryan Luke Bryan Luke Bryan Luke Bryan Luke Bryan Lulu Lulu Lulu Lulu Lumidee Lumineers LunchMoney Lewis Lupe Fiasco Lupe Fiasco Lupe Fiasco and Skylar Grey Lupe Fiasco Feat Matthew Santos Lupe Fiasco feat Trey Songz Luscious Jackson Luscious Jackson Luscious Jackson Luther Ingram Luther Vandross Luther Vandross Luther Vandross Luther Vandross Luther Vandross Luther Vandross Luther Vandross Luther Vandross Luther Vandross Luther Vandross Luther Vandross Luther Vandross Luther Vandross Luther Vandross Luther Vandross Luther Vandross Luther Vandross Luther Vandross Luther Vandross Luther Vandross Luther Vandross Lutricia McNeal Luv Bug Luv' LuvBug LuvBug & Talay Riley Lyfe Jennings Lyfe Jennings LaLa Brown Lykke Li Lykke Li Lynn Anderson Lynns Lynns Lynyrd Skynyrd Lynyrd Skynyrd Lynyrd Skynyrd Lynyrd Skynyrd Lynyrd Skynyrd Lynyrd Skynyrd Pagina 164 809145 809153 19810918 809146 809157 809155 809151 809832 19810921 809143 19810922 809152 809148 1242390 1242410 19810925 19810926 809838 19986586 809839 809840 809841 809842 811107 19810933 19810934 19810935 19810936 19810937 19810938 18507108 1242498 19990490 19990194 19988443 19987639 19989808 19810939 19810940 806878 19810942 19810943 19810944 19810945 811083 19810946 19985740 19810947 809843 811978 2721618 3283913 809844 808979 19810951 807038 808968 811478 808969 809845 809857 19810955 18507072 808978 811392 809846 19810959 809847 808967 809848 809849 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG I Ain't The One I Know A Little Needle & The Spoon Poison Whiskey Saturday Night Special Simple Man Swamp Music Sweet home Alabama That Smell Tuesday's Gone What's Your Name Working For MCA You Got The Right Pop Muzik U Can't Touch This I'm So Sorry It Takes Two Angel street Don't Look Any Further Dreaming Itchycoo park Moving on up Sight for sore eyes Paper Planes Space Don't Say You Love Me Mirror Mirror Hooked On Music It's Hard To Be Humble Let's Keep It That Way One Hell Of A Woman Toothpaste Kisses Downtown White Walls White Walls Can't Hold Us Same Love Beauty In The World Do Something I Try When I See You Why Didn't You Call Me Still Sweet Baby Dirty Water Kind You Can't Afford Finale Let's Get Outta Here Don't call me baby Baggy Trousers House Of Fun One Step Beyond Wings of a dove Amazing American Life American Pie (Dance Mix) American Pie (Original) American Pie (Techno Mix) Beautiful Stranger Borderline Born To Be Somebody Causing A Commotion Celebration Cherish Crazy For You Deeper and deeper Die Another Day Don't cry for me Argentina Don't Tell Me Dress you up Drowned world Lynyrd Skynyrd Lynyrd Skynyrd Lynyrd Skynyrd Lynyrd Skynyrd Lynyrd Skynyrd Lynyrd Skynyrd Lynyrd Skynyrd Lynyrd Skynyrd Lynyrd Skynyrd Lynyrd Skynyrd Lynyrd Skynyrd Lynyrd Skynyrd Lynyrd Skynyrd M M C Hammer M C Potts M Gaye N K Weston M People M People M People M People M People M People M.I.A. M.I.A. M2M M2M Mac Davis Mac Davis Mac Davis Mac Davis Maccabees, The MacKlemore & Ryan Lewis Macklemore & Ryan Lewis & Schoolboy Q Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Ft Schoolboy Q Macklemore And Ryan Lewis Feat. Ray Dalton Macklemore Ryan Lewis & Mary Lambert Macy Gray Macy Gray Macy Gray Macy Gray Macy Gray Macy Grey Macy Grey Made In London Madeleine Peyroux Madeon Madina Lake Madison Avenue Madness Madness Madness Madness Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Pagina 165 808972 1241790 19810965 809851 1243011 19990128 19985308 19990082 809852 1241549 1242940 1241550 809853 809854 19990084 808971 809855 809856 806717 19810979 19990046 19810980 19810981 809858 19985340 809859 809860 808973 809861 808976 809862 809863 19810989 1241551 809864 19810992 808980 19810993 807628 806723 809865 19810996 1241839 1241552 19985730 809866 811377 808974 808977 19811002 809867 807658 19985292 19989809 19989933 8477759 809868 809869 809870 19987441 19987437 19987438 19987442 19987439 19811008 19811009 1241830 19991148 19990105 19992190 19990142 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Erotica Express Yourself Fever Frozen Get Together Ghosttown Girl Gone Wild Hold Tight Holiday Hollywood Hung Up I'll Remember Impressive instant Into the groove Joan Of Arc Justify My Love La isla bonita Like a prayer Like A Virgin Live To Tell Living For Love Love Don't Live Here Anymore Love Profusion Lucky star Masterpiece Material girl Music Nothing Really Matters Oh father Open Your Heart Papa don't preach Power of goodbye Pretty Fly For A White Guy Rain Ray of light Rescue Me Santa Baby Secret Sorry Stop Take a bow This Used To Be My Playground True Blue True Love Turn Up The Radio Used to be my playground Vogue What It Feels Like for a Girl Who's That Girl You Must Love Me You'll see 4 Minutes Give Me All Your Luvin' Rude Sunlight Anthemic Kung för en dag Nitar och lader Varning pa stan His Eye Is On The Sparrow How I Got Over I Love The Lord In Times Like These Take My Hand, Precious Lord 1-2-3 Everybody Plays The Fool Love Wont Let Me Wait Light It Up (Remix) Lean On Cold Water Lean On Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna Madonna & Justin Timberlake Madonna & Nicki Minaj & MIA Magic! Magician & Years, The Magnetic Man & P Money Magnus Uggla Magnus Uggla Magnus Uggla Mahalia Jackson Mahalia Jackson Mahalia Jackson Mahalia Jackson Mahalia Jackson Maimi Sound Machine Main Ingredient Major Harris Major Lazer & Nyla & Fuse ODG Major Lazer ft DJ Snake & MO Major Lazer ft Justin Bieber & MØ Major Lazer ft Mo & DJ Snake Pagina 166 807053 810281 1242325 809387 809385 809386 809382 809384 809377 809381 806762 809383 809088 811884 19811016 19811017 19811020 19811021 19811022 19811023 19811024 19811025 19811026 19811027 19985931 811410 2721496 808099 19811030 807169 809873 3283937 809874 19811034 811086 2888556 5960063 19811035 19811036 809875 19811038 19811039 19811040 19811041 19811042 811339 810253 19811044 19811045 19811047 809876 19811049 809734 19811051 808912 19811053 19985310 19811054 19811055 19811056 1678246 19989001 806916 19811058 19811059 809356 809877 1242397 809879 18507084 19811065 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Love Is All The Answer To Everything Dream A Little Dream Of Me California Dreaming Creeque Alley Dedicated To The One I Love Do You Wanna Dance Dream A Little Dream Of Me Go Where You Wanna Go I Saw Her Again Monday Monday Words Of Love Rosemary Clooney Impossible Dream I've Got A Right To Cry Whispering Wind (Blows On By) Cry Have A Little Faith In Me I Wanna Be With You In My Pocket Only Hope Saturate Me Walk Me Home (Radio Version) You Remind Me Come Tomorrow Do Wah Diddy Mighty Quinn Sha La La La Spirit In The Night Blinded By The Light Chanson d' amour Kiss & Say Goodbye You stole the sun Autumnsong Why So Sad Buzzin' Mack Peanut Butter Dimelo I need to know I Need You I've Got You My Baby You Tragedy When I Dream At Night You Sang To Me No Me Ames (Tropical Remix) I Want To Spend My Lifetime Loving You Walking In Memphis Country Rock Star Bleu Moon Heartaches Electric Boogie Electric Boogie (Electric Slid Bobby's Girl The Way I Do Seven Nation Army It's Saturday Saint Joe On The School Bus Sex & Candy Mississippi's Crying La Mamma Show Me Heaven You're The Only One Midnight At The Oasis Against All Odds All I want for Christmas is you All In Your Mind Always be my baby Angels Cry Anytime you need a friend Malcolm Roberts Malcolm Roberts Mama Cass Mama's & Papas, The Mama's & Papas, The Mama's & Papas, The Mama's & Papas, The Mama's & Papas, The Mama's & Papas, The Mama's & Papas, The Mama's & Papas, The Mama's & Papas, The Mambo Italiano Man Of La Mancha Mandy Barnett Mandy Barnett Mandy Moore Mandy Moore Mandy Moore Mandy Moore Mandy Moore Mandy Moore Mandy Moore Mandy Moore Manfred Mann Manfred Mann Manfred Mann Manfred Mann Manfred Mann Manfred Mann's Earth Band Manhattan Transfer Manhattans, The Manic Street Manic Street Preachers Manic Street Preachers Mann Mann & Iyaz & Snoop Dogg Marathons Marc Anthony Marc Anthony Marc Anthony Marc Anthony Marc Anthony Marc Anthony Marc Anthony Marc Anthony Marc Anthony & Jennifer Lopez Marc Anthony & Tina Arena Marc Cohen Marcel Marcels, The Marcels, The Marcia Griffin Marcia Griffiths Marcie Blane Marcos Hernandez Marcus Collins Marcy Playground Marcy Playground Marcy Playground Margaret Durante Maria Callas Maria Mckee Maria Mena Maria Muldaur Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Pagina 167 19988239 19987793 809346 1241787 809348 19986002 1242833 19811071 807153 19811073 19811074 1242877 19811076 809878 806719 19811079 809354 3283969 809355 19990165 809351 19811081 19811082 19811083 809350 809352 809353 19811086 809357 19811087 809349 809345 807672 19811090 809358 19986004 809880 19811092 19811093 19811094 19811095 809581 19811097 809834 812200 19811100 812201 19811101 809881 19811103 19991026 19991027 19991025 19991306 19811104 19811105 808905 809091 809092 19985358 5380881 811522 19811108 19811109 810196 19811111 5380902 3283960 19811112 19811118 19811120 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Art Of Letting Go Beautiful Butterfly Can't Let Go Can't Take That Away Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) Don't Forget About Us Dreamlover Emotions Endless Love (duo) Fantasy Fly Like A Bird Forever [karaoke] Heartbreaker Hero I Don't Want To Cry I Still Believe I Want To Know What Love Is I Wish I Knew Infinity It's Like That Looking In Love Takes Time Make it happen Mine Again My All Never Too Far One Shake It Off Someday Stay The Night Through The Rain Touch My Body Vision Of Love We Belong Together When I Saw You Without you Thank God I Found You One Sweet Day Whenever You Call Loverboy I'll Be There I Know What You Want Ballad of Lucy Jordan Paper Roses Meet Me In Montana I'm Leaving It All Up To You Real Bad Mood Kayleigh Disposable Teens Dried Up Tied & Dead to the World Kinderfeld Little Horn Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) Tainted Love Through His Eyes You Don't Have To Be A Star Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend I Wanna Be Loved By You Primadonna Here I Go Again Just A Friend 2002 Let Me Love You Music For Love Thinkin' About You Break Up Boom Thinkin' About You I Don't Wanna Know Hotwire Brother Jukebox Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey Mariah Carey & 98 Degrees Mariah Carey & Boyz II Men Mariah Carey & Brian McKnight Mariah Carey & Cameo Mariah Carey & Trey Lorenz Mariah Carey Busta Rhymes & Th Marianne Faithful Marie Osmond Marie Osmond & Dan Seals Marie Osmond & Donny Osmond Marie Sisters Marillion Marilyn Manson Marilyn Manson Marilyn Manson Marilyn Manson Marilyn Manson Marilyn Manson Marilyn Martin Marilyn Mccoo & Brian Davis Jr. Marilyn Monroe Marilyn Monroe Marina & The Diamonds Mario Mario Mario Mario Mario Mario & Gucci Mane & Sean Garr Mario & Juvenile Mario Winans Mario Winans & P Diddy Mark Ballas Mark Chesnutt Pagina 168 19811121 19811122 810638 19811123 19811125 19811126 19811127 19811128 19811129 19811130 19811131 19811132 19811133 19811134 19811135 19811136 19811137 19811138 19811139 19811140 19811141 19811143 811700 19811147 806785 19811149 19811150 19811151 19811152 807657 19990029 19987512 2389741 19811153 19811154 19811155 19811156 19811157 19811158 19811160 19811161 19811162 19811163 19811164 19811165 19811166 19811167 19811168 19811169 19811170 809882 809883 19811173 809833 1241965 19989910 19989810 807130 14722060 807586 19985807 19987796 19989811 2610825 810136 19985734 4171655 3283821 19990068 14722059 807756 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Bubba Shot The Jukebox Fallin' Never Felt So Good Goin' Through The Big 'D' Going On Later On I Don't Want To Miss A Thing I Just Wanted You To Know I Might Even Quit Lovin' You I'll Think Of Something I'm In Love With A Married Woman It Sure Is Monday It's Not Over Let It Rain Lost In The Feeling Lovin' Her Was Easier Rollin' With The Flow She Dreams She Was Thank God For Believers This Heartache Never Sleeps Wherever You Are Your Love Is A Miracle Three Words, Two Hearts, One Night Mrs. Steven Rudy That's A Plan Return Of The Mack Baby Ain't Rocking Me Right Used To The Pain Valerie The Bike Song Stop Me Uptown Funk Heaven 19 Somethin' Almost Doesn't Count And The Crowd Goes Wild Back At One Don't Laugh At Me Everything There Is To Know About You I Do (Cherish You) Jacob's Ladder Looking For America Loving Every Minute Nineteen Somethin' Places I've Never Been She's In Love That's A Woman When You Think Of Me Wish You Were Here I'm Not Gonna Do Anything Without You Just A Friend Gor det igen Vi drar till fjallen Good Vibrations Falling in love again Lil Marlene When The Beat Drops Out Animals Give A Little More Harder To Breathe It Makes Me Wonder Ladykiller Love Somebody Maps Misery Never Gonna Leave This Bed One More Night She will be loved Stutter Sugar Sunday Morning This Love Mark Chesnutt Mark Chesnutt Mark Chesnutt Mark Chesnutt Mark Chesnutt Mark Chesnutt Mark Chesnutt Mark Chesnutt Mark Chesnutt Mark Chesnutt Mark Chesnutt Mark Chesnutt Mark Chesnutt Mark Chesnutt Mark Chesnutt Mark Chesnutt Mark Chesnutt Mark Chesnutt Mark Chesnutt Mark Chesnutt Mark Chesnutt Mark Collie Mark McGuinn Mark McGuinn Mark Morrison Mark Nesler Mark Nesler Mark Ronson & Amy Winehouse Mark Ronson & Business Intl. Mark Ronson & Daniel Merriweather Mark Ronson Feat. Bruno Mars Mark Trammel Trio, The Mark Wills Mark Wills Mark Wills Mark Wills Mark Wills Mark Wills Mark Wills Mark Wills Mark Wills Mark Wills Mark Wills Mark Wills Mark Wills Mark Wills Mark Wills Mark Wills Mark Wills & Jamie O'Neal Markie Biz Markoolio Markoolio Marky Mark & Funky Bunch Marlene Dietrich Marlene Dietrich Marlon Roudette Maroon 5 Maroon 5 Maroon 5 Maroon 5 Maroon 5 Maroon 5 Maroon 5 Maroon 5 Maroon 5 Maroon 5 Maroon 5 Maroon 5 Maroon 5 Maroon 5 Maroon 5 Pagina 169 809968 9193756 14722061 19985556 5381008 5380875 5380986 19811185 19811186 19991308 806442 810211 19811189 19811190 809281 809282 19811192 809885 811264 3283981 808434 808433 808429 808430 19811196 808432 808431 19811198 809886 1242091 19990156 19992200 19811202 19986564 19985557 2721386 19990470 19811204 19811205 19811207 19811208 810515 19811210 19811211 810582 19811213 19986659 810604 19811215 19811216 19811217 9103405 19811219 19811220 19811221 19811223 811701 19811225 19811226 810893 3283810 811592 810517 1242786 19811231 19811232 19811233 19811234 19811235 19811236 1241553 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Won't Go Home Without You Moves Like Jagger If I Ever See Your Face Again Payphone Favorite Girl Naked Good Lookin' Out Pullin On Her Hair Pump Up The Volume The Widow The Widow Far Away She Ain't Gonna Cry You Can't See You Heard It In A Love Song Last Of The Singing Cowboys Third finger left hand Echo Beach Come And Get These Memories Dancing In The Street Heat Wave I'm Ready For Love Jimmy Mack Love Is Like A Heatwave Nowhere To Run Quicksand Third Finger Left Hand Take that look off I Feel The Earth Move Don't Look Down In the Name of Love In The House Of Stone & Light One 2 3 Four The Night Out (Madeon Remix) Hello Intoxicated A Broken Wing Blessed Cheap Whiskey City Of Love Concrete Angel God's Will Happy Girl Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas Heart Trouble Heartaches By The Number Help Me Make It Through The Night How Far I Just Call You Mine I Love You In My Daughter's Eyes Independence Day It's My Time Life No.9 Love's The Only House My Baby Loves Me Over The Rainbow (Live Version Phones Are Ringin' All Over Town Rose Garden, (I Never Promised You A) Teenage daughters There You Are This One's For The Girls Til I Can Make It On My Own Wearing White Whatever You Say When God Fearin' Women Get The Blues Where Would You Be Wild Angels Wrong Again Wrong Baby Wrong Maroon 5 Maroon 5 & Christina Aguilera Maroon 5 & Rihanna Maroon 5 & Wiz Khalifa Marques Houston Marques Houston Marques Houston & Mila J. Marques Houston & Rick Ross MARRS Mars Volta Mars Volta, The Marsha Ambrosius Marshall Dyllon Marshall Dyllon Marshall Tucker Band, The Marshall Tucker Band, The Marshall Tucker Band, The Martha Martha & The Muffins Martha & The Vandellas Martha & The Vandellas Martha & The Vandellas Martha & The Vandellas Martha & The Vandellas Martha & The Vandellas Martha & The Vandellas Martha & The Vandellas Martha & The Vandellas Marti Webb Martika Martin Garrix & Usher Martin Garrix ft Bebe Rexha Martin Page Martin Solveig Martin Solveig Martin Solveig & Dragonette Martin Solveig & GTA Martina McBride Martina McBride Martina McBride Martina McBride Martina McBride Martina McBride Martina McBride Martina McBride Martina McBride Martina McBride Martina Mcbride Martina McBride Martina McBride Martina McBride Martina McBride Martina McBride Martina McBride Martina McBride Martina McBride Martina McBride Martina McBride Martina McBride Martina McBride Martina McBride Martina McBride Martina McBride Martina McBride Martina McBride Martina McBride Martina McBride Martina McBride Martina McBride Martina McBride Martina McBride Pagina 170 19811238 19811239 19811240 19811241 809835 809887 809836 809837 19811247 19811248 19811249 19811250 1242431 810496 19811253 19811254 19811255 810689 19811257 19811258 19811259 19811260 1242318 808427 808426 19811261 809888 811820 19811264 811043 19811266 806898 809592 809889 19811271 19811272 19811273 19811274 19811275 19811276 19811277 19811278 19811279 19811280 19811281 19811270 19811282 2721452 810259 19811285 1242847 1242886 809890 19811287 19811288 19811301 19811289 1241554 2113333 19811291 809891 806892 19811293 19811294 19811296 19989812 19811303 19811284 1242920 807116 19811297 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Practice Life Chances Are I Still Miss Someone Valentine i've got you Love me Perfect moment Talking in your sleep Hearts Cracker Jack Diamond Begging To You Big Iron Devil Woman El Paso I Walk Alone Just Married My Woman, My Woman, My Wife Singin' The Blues Walking Piece Of Heaven White Sportcoat Hillbilly Rock Kiss Me I'm Gone I'll Pick A Rose For My Rose Don't Mess With Bill Please Mr. Postman Freak Of The Week Got to give it up I Heard It Through The Grapevine Let's Get It On Sexual Healing What's Going On It Takes Two Your Precious Love Groove machine Bug Down At The Twist & Shout Grow Old With Me Hard Way He Thinks He'll Keep Her I Feel Lucky I Take My Chances John Doe No. 24 Passionate Kisses Shut Up & Kiss Me Tender When I Want To Be Flesh And Blood Not Too Much To Ask Those Were The Days All That I Can Say Be Happy Be Without You Enough Cryin Everything Family Affair Give Me You Hurt Again I Can Love You I Feel Good Just Fine Love Is All We Need More than I can say No Charge No More Drama Not Gon' Cry Real Love Right Now Stay Down Stronger Take Me As I Am Work That You Remind Me Martina McBride & Andy Griggs Martina McBride & Bob Seger Martina McBride & Dolly Parton Martina McBride & Jim Brickman Martine McCutcheon Martine McCutcheon Martine McCutcheon Martine McCutcheon Marty Balin Marty Raybon Marty Robbins Marty Robbins Marty Robbins Marty Robbins Marty Robbins Marty Robbins Marty Robbins Marty Robbins Marty Robbins Marty Robbins Marty Stuart Marty Stuart Marv Johnson Marvelettes, The Marvelettes, The Marvelous 3 Marvin Gaye Marvin Gaye Marvin Gaye Marvin Gaye Marvin Gaye Marvin Gaye & Kim Weston Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell Marvin n Tamera Mary Chapin Carpenter Mary Chapin Carpenter Mary Chapin Carpenter Mary Chapin Carpenter Mary Chapin Carpenter Mary Chapin Carpenter Mary Chapin Carpenter Mary Chapin Carpenter Mary Chapin Carpenter Mary Chapin Carpenter Mary Chapin Carpenter Mary Chapin Carpenter & Shery Mary Chapin Carpenter & Joe Di Mary Hopkin Mary J. Blige Mary J. Blige Mary J. Blige Mary J. Blige Mary J. Blige Mary J. Blige Mary J. Blige Mary J. Blige Mary J. Blige Mary J. Blige Mary J. Blige Mary J. Blige Mary J. Blige Mary J. BLige Mary J. Blige Mary J. Blige Mary J. Blige Mary J. Blige Mary J. Blige Mary J. Blige Mary J. Blige Mary J. Blige Mary J. Blige Pagina 171 19811298 2058887 19811307 811912 1242897 19811310 19811311 809892 808428 808917 19811313 19811314 19811315 809893 19811317 19811319 19811320 19811321 19811322 19811323 19811324 19811325 19811327 19811328 19811329 19811330 19811331 19811332 811338 19811334 19811335 810951 19992420 19811347 19811348 19811349 19988417 19989813 809894 809895 19811352 1242402 19985289 19985974 9914925 17766317 811209 19989814 19988195 19811353 19987392 19811354 19811355 19811356 19811357 19811358 19811360 806904 812159 809896 811033 19811363 19991670 808083 19811364 19811365 19811366 809897 809898 19989815 19811369 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG One Shackles (Praise You) Survive Walking Yesterday God In Me Torn Between Two Lovers Feed The Birds My Guy Two Lovers Anything Can Happen Ooohhhwee Closer To Love Rocabilly rebel 3 A.M. Angry Back 2 Good Bed Of Lies Bent Black & White People Bright Lights Disease Downfall Feel If You're Gone Last Beautiful Girl Long Day Mad Season Push Real World Unwell King Without A Crown False Alarm Back In The Saddle That Train Don't Run Won't Let Go Control Control Inte latt att va odmjuk Pinne i brasan Block After Block Get Out Of Your Lazy Bed Amazing It's Only Love Run For Your Life Starlight When We Collide Loving You Loving You Nothing Left To Lose The Call You Can Still Wear White From Your Knees Rub It In Woman Like You Woman's Tears On Days Like These Born Free, as free as the wind blows From Russia With Love Softly as i leave you Portrait Of My Love Come On Get Higher Catch & Release (Deepend Remix) Break my Stride Can You Read My Mind Morning After We May Never Love Like This Again Stay Sara Emotion (Ain't Nobody) Let Me Go Mary J. Blige & Drake Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary & Kierra Sheard Mary McGregor Mary Poppins Mary Wells Mary Wells Mason Douglas Master P Mat Kearney Matchbox Matchbox 20 Matchbox 20 Matchbox 20 Matchbox 20 Matchbox 20 Matchbox 20 Matchbox 20 Matchbox 20 Matchbox 20 Matchbox 20 Matchbox 20 Matchbox 20 Matchbox 20 Matchbox 20 Matchbox 20 Matchbox 20 Matchbox 20 Matisyahu Matoma & Becky Hill Matraca Berg Matraca Berg Matraca Berg Matrix & Futurebound Ft. Max Marshall Matrix Futurebound & Max Marshall Mats Radberg Mats Radberg Matt and Kim Matt Bianco Matt Cardle Matt Cardle Matt Cardle Matt Cardle Matt Cardle Matt Cardle & Melanie C Matt Cardle Ft Melanie C. Matt Kearney Matt Kennon Matt Kennon Matt King Matt King Matt King Matt King Matt Monro Matt Monroe Matt Monroe Matt Monroe Matt Munroe Matt Nathanson Matt Simons Matthew Wilder Maureen McGovern Maureen McGovern Maureen McGovern Maurice Williams Mauro Scocco Maverick Sabre Maverick Sabre Pagina 172 19065184 19811371 19811372 2721478 19811374 19811375 19986603 19811376 19811377 19811378 809899 19811380 19811381 19811382 19811384 810381 19985915 19811385 19811386 19811387 19811388 19811389 19985345 19986625 19811390 19811391 19811392 19811393 19989816 19990078 806674 19811394 807341 19988245 19811396 811193 807558 809966 19985480 19811398 19811399 19987500 19987508 19811400 19986572 809900 812166 19811402 812172 812170 812164 5380824 19811403 5380825 806808 812167 812169 812163 812171 812165 4171646 1242526 1242123 811010 808837 812168 19811410 19811411 1241555 1242773 5380980 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG No One All That Heaven Will Allow All You Ever Do Is Bring Me Down Dance The Night Away Here Comes My Baby Here Comes The Rain Hey Good Lookin' I Don't Care If You Love Me Missing you Oh What A Thrill Someone should tell her There Goes My Heart To Be With You What A Crying Shame Lead Me On Right back where we started from I Wanna Rock Fortunate Get To Know Ya Lifetime Suitelady The Proposal Jam This Woman's Work The Walk Before I Let Go Hang On Sloopy U Can't Touch This I Know How The River Feels Hurry Sundown Air Guitar Get Over It Wrapped Up Good Among The Missing Ain't no stopping us now Love Is On The Radio One For The Radio Party Girl Star Girl The Heart Never Lies Umbrella When I'm Dead And Gone Sincerely Surely Goodness & The Mercies Of The Lord When Nothing But A Miracle Will Do Groove With Me Tonight Sweet Caroline 2 out of 3 ain't bad A Kiss Is A Terrible Thing To Waste All Revved Up With No Place To Go Bat Out Of Hell Couldn't Have Said It Better Dead Ringer For Love Everything Louder Than Everything Heaven Can Wait Hot Patootie Bless My Soul I'd Do Anything For Love I'd Lie For You (And That's The Truth) Midnight At The Lost And Found Modern Girl No Matter What Not A Dry Eye In The House Paradise By The Dashboard Light Read 'Em and Weep Rock And Roll Dreams Come True Runnin' For The Red Light Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad You Took The Words Right Out Of My Mouth Angry Again Peace Sells Symphony of Destruction Ain't What It Used To Be The One You Need Maverick Sabre Mavericks, The Mavericks, The Mavericks, The Mavericks, The Mavericks, The Mavericks, The Mavericks, The Mavericks, The Mavericks, The Mavericks, The Mavericks, The Mavericks, The Mavericks, The Maxine Nightingale Maxine Nightingale Maxsta Maxwell Maxwell Maxwell Maxwell Maxwell Mayer Hawthorne Maze Mc Coys MC Hammer McAlyster McBride & The Ride McBusted McBusted McClymonts, The McDonald & Mattea McFadden & Whitehead McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McFly McGuinness Flint McGuire Sisters McKameys, The Mcraes, The MDO Me First & The Gimme Gimmes Meat Loaf Meat Loaf Meat Loaf Meat Loaf Meat Loaf Meat Loaf Meat Loaf Meat Loaf Meat Loaf Meat Loaf Meat Loaf Meat Loaf Meat Loaf Meat Loaf Meat Loaf Meat Loaf Meat Loaf Meat Loaf Meat Loaf Meat Loaf Meat Loaf Megadeth Megadeth Megadeth Megan Mullins Megan Rochell & Fabolous Pagina 173 5380999 19989817 19991009 19990059 19991889 19990037 19991999 19991725 19991890 19985604 809903 809904 809317 809905 809906 809907 2058939 19811418 810685 19811419 19811420 811280 8477776 9914937 19811422 19989818 19989819 808988 19811424 19811425 19811426 19811427 19811428 811384 19811430 1241556 1242939 19811433 811344 19811435 19811436 19811450 19811437 19811438 19811439 19811440 19811441 19811442 19811443 19811444 19811445 808203 808201 808200 808202 808697 808199 19811451 19811452 809908 19986493 809909 1242076 1242093 19811455 19811456 19989934 808758 806728 19987398 19811458 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Floating All About That Bass Better When I'm Dancin' Dear Future Husband Just A Friend to You [Solo Female] Lips Are Movin' Me Too No I Love Me [Solo Female] attn tex88 sunfly 163-08 never be the same again-mel c Gaga Goin' down I Turn To You Northern star Turn to you Word up Yeh Yeh Yeh Hold Me Thrill Me Kiss Me Baby's Got Her Blue Jeans On Coca Cola Cowboy Your Body Is An Outlaw Comin' Home Baby! Lay Down Think About It All I Ever Did Was Love You Carousel Dollhouse Never Can Say Goodbye This Is It An Unusual Kiss Angels Would Fall Bring Me Some Water Chrome Plated Heart Come To My Window Enough Of Me Fearless Love I Run For Life I Want To Be In Love I Want To Come Over I'm The Only One If I Wanted To Like the way I do Lover Please No Souvenirs Nowhere To Go Refugee Similar Features This Moment You Can Sleep While I Drive Your Little Secret Cry BabyPiece Of My Heart Come In From The Rain Don't Cry Out Loud Midnight Blue Theme From Ice Through The Eyes Of Love You Should Hear How She Ta Broken Wing [Karaoke] I Should've Known Sound of suburbs Be Good Johnny Down under It's A Mistake Overkill Who Can It Be Now Safety Dance Where Were You Wedding March Live It Up Here Am I Here With Me Pagina 174 Megan Rochelle Meghan Trainor Meghan Trainor Meghan Trainor Meghan Trainor Meghan Trainor Meghan Trainor Meghan Trainor Meghan Trainor ft Lunchmoney Lewis Mel C Mel C Mel C Mel C Mel C Mel C Mel C Mel C Mel Carter Mel McDaniel Mel Tillis Mel Tillis Mel Torme Melanie Melanie C Melanie Denard Melanie Martinez Melanie Martinez Melba Moore Melba Moore Melissa Etheridge Melissa Etheridge Melissa Etheridge Melissa Etheridge Melissa Etheridge Melissa Etheridge Melissa Etheridge Melissa Etheridge Melissa Etheridge Melissa Etheridge Melissa Etheridge Melissa Etheridge Melissa Etheridge Melissa Etheridge Melissa Etheridge Melissa Etheridge Melissa Etheridge Melissa Etheridge Melissa Etheridge Melissa Etheridge Melissa Etheridge Melissa Etheridge & Joss Stone Melissa Manchester Melissa Manchester Melissa Manchester Melissa Manchester Melissa Manchester Melissa Manchester Melodie Crittenden Melodie Crittenden Members Men At Work Men At Work Men At Work Men At Work Men At Work Men Without Hats Mend, The Mendelssolm Mental As Anything MercyMe MercyMe 19987397 19987399 19987400 1243001 19987525 19811460 811340 19811462 19811463 19811464 19811465 19811466 19811467 19811468 808212 19811469 19989821 19811470 19811471 19811472 19811473 19811474 19811475 19811476 19811477 19811478 19811479 19811480 811455 1241927 19811482 19811483 19811484 19811485 811230 19811486 19811487 19811488 19811489 19811490 19986007 19985942 19811491 808531 1241557 1241558 1241559 19992381 809910 19991036 1241560 808529 19811499 1241561 808527 808530 809911 9103536 1241562 1241563 9103537 808526 1241564 19991311 19986744 1241565 808528 1241566 19811510 19811511 19811512 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG How Great Is Your Love I Can Only Imagine I Worship You So Long Self Spoken For Word Of God Speak Bitch I Need Stop What Would Happen Lay Down (Candles In The Rain) A Rose Is A Rose Bird Song Rose Is A Rose Fuck Her Gently Telephone Man German Whip America First Branded Man Fugitive Going Where The Lonely Go Hungry Eyes I Take A Lot Of Pride In What I Am I Think I'll Just Stay Here And Drink If We Make It Through December It's Not Love But It's Not Bad Legend of Bonnie & Clyde Mama Tried Okie From Muskogee (Original) Okie From Muskogee (Up-Tempo) Rainbow Stew Sing Me Back Home Swinging Doors The Fightin' Side Of Me That's The Way Love Goes Popsicles And Icicles Lonely Miss You Mouth Under The Water Stone Roses I Think Of You Die Die My Darling Enter Sandman Fade to Black For Whom The Bell Tolls Fuel Hardwired Hero of the day Holier Than Thou I Disappear Master Of Puppets Memory Remains No Leaf Clover (Live) Nothing Else Matters One Sad but true Seek And Distroy St. Anger Stone Cold Crazy The Memory Remains The Unforgiven Turn The Page Unforgiven Unforgiven II Until It Sleeps Wherever I May Roam Whiskey In The Jar Part II I Want You It's Working MercyMe MercyMe MercyMe MercyMe Mercyme MercyMe Meredith Brooks Meredith Brooks Meredith Brooks Meredith Brooks Meredith Brooks & Queen Latifa Meredith Edwards Meredith Edwards Meredith Edwards Meri Wilson Meri Wilson Meridian Dan & Big H and Jme Merle Haggard Merle Haggard Merle Haggard Merle Haggard Merle Haggard Merle Haggard Merle Haggard Merle Haggard Merle Haggard Merle Haggard Merle Haggard Merle Haggard Merle Haggard Merle Haggard Merle Haggard Merle Haggard Merle Haggard Merle Haggard & Jewel Mermaids Merrill Bainbridge Merrill Bainbridge Merrill Bainbridge Merrill Bainbridge Mersey Paradise Merseybeats Metallica Metallica Metallica Metallica Metallica Metallica Metallica Metallica Metallica Metallica Metallica Metallica Metallica Metallica Metallica Metallica Metallica Metallica Metallica Metallica Metallica Metallica Metallica Metallica Metallica Metallica Method Man Redman & Toni Braxt Mexico 70 MGMT Pagina 175 811112 19811514 19811515 19811516 810160 19811517 1242379 19811518 12586981 19811519 19811520 19811521 12586978 12586980 12586975 806744 19811525 19811526 12586982 1241795 12586976 12586983 811552 19811532 19811533 19811534 12586977 1242380 19811535 19811536 19811537 19811538 19811539 12586979 12586984 19811542 19811543 810293 19065190 19065191 810284 19065192 19985539 19065193 810307 19065194 810285 810283 19065195 19985546 811928 19065196 3283791 810287 810295 19985544 19985540 19985542 810292 19987815 19065197 19985543 810288 810290 19065198 19065199 19985547 810289 19065200 810291 19065201 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Kids Bad Boy Conga Rhythm Is Gonna Get You Days You Live For Things A Mama Don't Know One Step Out Of Time A Love So Beautiful Ain't Got Nothing If I Ain't Got Love Back On My Feet Again Best Of Love Can I Touch You There Completely Georgia On My Mind Go The Distance How Am I Supposed To Live Without You How Can We Be Lovers I Found Someone I Said I Love You But I Lied Love Is A Wonderful Thing Love Is The Power Missing You Now Reach Out, I'll Be There River Safe Place From The Storm Said I Loved You, But I Lied Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay Soul Provider Steel Bars That's What Love Is All About The Best Of Love The Dock Of The Bay Time Love And Tenderness To Love Somebody When A Man Loves A Woman When I'm Back On My Feet Again Yesterday A Song For You All Of Me Baby (You've Got What It Takes) Can't Buy Me Love Come Fly With Me Comin' Home Baby Crazy Love End Of May Everything Feeling Good Foggy Day (In London Town) For Once In My Life Grown-Up Christmas List Haven't met you yet Heartache Tonight Hold On Home How Sweet It Is I'll Be Home For Christmas I'm Your Man I've Got The World On A String I've Got You Under My Skin It's A Beautiful Day Kissing A Fool Let It Snow Let It Snow Let It Snow Quando, Quando, Quando Save The Last Dance For Me Summer Wind That's All The Christmas Song The More I See You The Way You Look Tonight Try A Little Tenderness Whatever It Takes MGMT Miami Sound Machine Miami Sound Machine Miami Sound Machine Mica Roberts Mica Roberts & Toby Keith Michael Ball Michael Bolton Michael Bolton Michael Bolton Michael Bolton Michael Bolton Michael Bolton Michael Bolton Michael Bolton Michael Bolton Michael Bolton Michael Bolton Michael Bolton Michael Bolton Michael Bolton Michael Bolton Michael Bolton Michael Bolton Michael Bolton Michael Bolton Michael Bolton Michael Bolton Michael Bolton Michael Bolton Michael Bolton Michael Bolton Michael Bolton Michael Bolton Michael Bolton Michael Bolton Michael Bolton Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Pagina 176 19985545 19985541 810294 810286 19988265 19065202 19065203 3283982 811194 19987816 19986616 19986614 19988227 19992411 19811550 19811548 19811549 19811551 811036 809397 811992 19985662 809388 809389 809390 809913 809919 1241420 19811556 809914 809920 807400 809921 809392 809393 809398 809399 809915 809922 19811561 1241430 1241422 809394 809400 1241423 19985664 19986554 809395 1241424 811598 809917 809918 1241425 1241426 809396 1241428 811218 1241808 3283979 19988582 809912 19811572 19811573 19811574 19065188 19986533 19811576 19811577 19985861 2389665 19811579 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG White Christmas Wonderful Tonight You And I You Don't Know Me You Make Me Feel So Young You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine You're Nobody Till Somebody Loves You At This Moment Hollywood Some Kind of Wonderful Sway (Junkie XL Remix) This Love After All Nobody But Me I'll Be Waiting Say Hey (I Love You) Shake It Sound Of Sunshine Starrey Eyed ABC Ain't No Sunshine Another Part Of Me Bad Beat It Ben Billy Jean Black or white Butterflies Childhood Dirty Diana Don't really care Don't stop (till you get enough) Earth song Heal The World I Just Can't Stop Loving You I Want You Back I'll Be THere Leave me alone Man in the mirror Off The Wall [Karaoke] P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) Remember The Time Rock With You Rockin' Robin She's out of my Life Smooth Criminal State Of Shock The way You Make Me Feel They Don't Care About Us This is it Thriller Wanna be starting somethin' We Are The World Will You Be There You Are Not Alone You Rock My World Hold My Hand Ease On Down The Road Scream Love Never Felt So Good The girl is mine Bluer Than Blue Give Me Wings Second Hand Heart Home Again Take Me to Your Heart What's Forever For Ain't No Mountain High Enough I Keep Forgettin You Belong To Me Wildfire Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Buble Michael Bublé Michael Bublé Michael Bublé Michael Bublé Michael Bublé Michael Buble Feat. Bryan Adams Michael Buble ft Black Thought Michael Franti & Spearhead Michael Franti & Spearhead Michael Franti & Spearhead Michael Franti & Spearhead Michael Holliday Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Michael Jackson & Akon Michael Jackson & Diana Ross Michael Jackson & Janet Jackson Michael Jackson & Justin Timberlake Michael Jackson & Paul McCartney Michael Johnson Michael Johnson Michael Johnson Michael Kiwanuka Michael Learns to Rock Michael Martin Murphy Michael McDonald Michael McDonald Michael McDonald Michael Murphy Pagina 177 811241 19811581 19811582 19811583 19811584 19811585 19811586 19811587 19811588 1242191 19811589 19811590 19811591 19811592 19811593 19811594 19987447 19987448 19987449 19811599 18136343 19625480 19811610 810524 19811612 811493 811536 19811615 19811616 19811617 19811618 19811619 19811620 19811621 19811622 19811623 19811624 19811625 19811626 19811627 19811628 2721459 1242251 19989936 19989935 19811630 19811631 19986630 806822 809923 19811635 19811636 19811637 19811638 19811639 19811640 2721571 16011431 16011432 16011433 16011436 1242476 16011437 16011438 19811641 808112 809924 19811643 5380866 5380856 1242220 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Love The Fall By The Book Drink Swear Steal & Lie From Here To Eternity Modern Man Somethin' 'Bout A Sunday Sure Feels Real Good Too Good To Be True When The Bartender Cries Maniac Friends I Will Be Here For You Love Me Good Matter Of Time My Place In The World This Is Your Time For You Forever Love me good Maniac Ai se eu te pego (Portugees) Oh, If I catch you (Ai se eu te pego) All You Wanted Are You Happy Now Breathe Everywhere Goodbye To You Sooner Or Later Until I Get Over You Nowhere And Everywhere Take It Like A Man Your Love God Gave Me Everything Visions Of Paradise City Lights Don't The Girls All Get Prettier At Closing Time Honky Tonk Wine Put Your Dreams Away Talk To Me True Love Ways Window Up Above Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep If I Was UBERCVRRNT Booty Call Beds Are Burning Forgotten Years Midas Touch Operator Impression I get Rascal King So Sad To Say Mariah Carey & T-Pain [Karaoke Sure Thing All I Want Is You Blame It On The Girls Grace Kelly Happy ending Lollipop Love today Rain Relax Take It Easy We are golden We are young So In Love With 2 All I Need Is A Miracle Living years Silent Running Back Then Still Trippin' Moonlight Shadow Michael Paynter & The Veronicas Michael Peterson Michael Peterson Michael Peterson Michael Peterson Michael Peterson Michael Peterson Michael Peterson Michael Peterson Michael Sembello Michael W Smith Michael W Smith Michael W Smith Michael W Smith Michael W Smith Michael W Smith Michael W. Smith Michael W. Smith Michael W. Smith Micheal Sambello Michel Telo Michel Telo Michelle Branch Michelle Branch Michelle Branch Michelle Branch Michelle Branch Michelle Branch Michelle Branch Michelle Lewis Michelle Wright Michelle Wright & Jim Brickman Mick Jagger Mick Jagger Mickey Gilley Mickey Gilley Mickey Gilley Mickey Gilley Mickey Gilley Mickey Gilley Mickey Gilley Middle Of The Road Midge Ure Midnight Beast & The Hell, The Midnight Beast, The Midnight Oil Midnight Oil Midnight Star Midnight Star Mighty Boostones Mighty Boostones Mighty Boostones Migrate Miguel Miguel and J Cole Mika Mika Mika Mika Mika Mika Mika Mika Mika Mikaila Mike & The Mechanics Mike & The Mechanics Mike & The Mechanics Mike Jones Mike Jones Mike Oldfield Pagina 178 811180 19991878 19991700 810321 19811645 809580 19811647 19811648 19811649 19811650 19811651 19811652 19811653 811121 19988419 807606 19811656 19986660 19811657 19811658 18507075 806647 19811659 18507076 19987787 19988186 19989726 809925 1242278 1242277 19811662 19811663 809926 19811666 19811667 19811668 19811669 19811670 19811671 19811672 19811673 19811674 19811675 19811676 19811677 810778 19811678 806821 19811680 19811681 19811682 809414 809408 809410 809409 809406 809411 809407 809412 809415 809405 809403 19987994 1678217 19811683 19811684 1678237 4171618 19987386 19986534 19987391 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Cooler than me I Took a Pill in Ibiza (Original Version) I Took a Pill in Ibiza (SeeB Remix) Please Don't Go Walk On Faith Almost Paradise Honey Do Neon Wishing Well Closer To Heaven Dark Horse Strong One That's The Kinda Love This Heart 7 Things Adore You Can't Be Tamed Climb Every Rose Has Its Thorn Fly On The Wall I Cant Be Tamed I Hope You Find It Party In The Usa See You Again The Climb We Can't Stop Wrecking Ball Real and True Rytmen av ett regn Girl You Know It's True My Boy Lollipop Till Then A Groovy Kind Of Love Groovy kinda love A Girl's Gotta Do All I Want Is Everything Girl's Gotta Do Guys Do It All The Time Maybe, Maybe Not One In A Million Other Side Scream Ten Thousand Angels What If I Do You'll Never Know Come To Jesus One Moment More Daddy Wasn't There Loving You If You Love Me Nothing Left To Say You Don't Have To Hurt No More Baby, Baby Don't Cry Do It Baby Going To A Go-Go I Second That Emotion If You Can Want Love Machine Mickey's Monkey My Girl Has Gone Ooh Baby Baby Baby Shop Around You've Really Got A Hold On Me All Kinds Of Kinds Bad Angel Bring Me Down Gunpowder & Lead Heart like mine Kerosene Love Song Love Your Memory Makin' Plans Mike Posner Mike Posner Mike Posner Mike Posner Mike Reid Mike Renu & Ann Wilson Mike Walker Mike Ward Mila Mason Mila Mason Mila Mason Mila Mason Mila Mason Miley Cyrus Miley Cyrus Miley Cyrus Miley Cyrus Miley Cyrus Miley Cyrus Miley Cyrus Miley Cyrus Miley Cyrus Miley Cyrus Miley Cyrus Miley Cyrus Miley Cyrus Miley Cyrus & Mr Hudson Millas Mirakel Milli Vanilli Millie Mills Brothers Mindbenders Mindbenders Mindy McCready Mindy McCready Mindy McCready Mindy McCready Mindy McCready Mindy McCready Mindy McCready Mindy McCready Mindy McCready Mindy McCready Mindy McCready Mindy Smith Mindy Smith Ming Tea & Mike Myers (Austin Minnie Ripperton Mint Condition Mint Condition Mint Condition Miracles, The Miracles, The Miracles, The Miracles, The Miracles, The Miracles, The Miracles, The Miracles, The Miracles, The Miracles, The Miracles, The Miranda Lambert Miranda Lambert Miranda Lambert Miranda Lambert Miranda Lambert Miranda Lambert Miranda Lambert Miranda Lambert Miranda Lambert Pagina 179 19811686 19811687 1242783 19811689 1678228 17766256 17766257 19992204 17766258 19811700 19811701 19811702 19985997 19987623 19985744 19811703 5380989 19811704 3283918 19811706 19811707 810804 19811708 19811709 19811710 5380909 1242893 19811711 19811712 19811713 19811714 19811715 19811716 19811717 19811718 19987507 1241871 810665 19811720 808922 809739 19988019 19989060 19990517 19992135 19992015 19992191 1242400 19811722 19811723 19811724 19811725 19811726 19811727 19811728 19811729 809930 19987583 19811731 19811732 19986716 19988462 19811733 19811734 19988623 809931 19985598 19811737 19811738 1241567 19811740 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Mama's Broken Heart Me And Charlie Talking New Strings Over You That's The Way The World Goes 'Round The house that build me Time to get a gun Vice White Liar Can't Get It Back Scandalous Great Balls Of Fire Do You Think Of Me Here's To Everything (Ooh-La-La) Home Run Why God Why Love Song Destination Unknown For My People Get Ur Freak On I'm Really Hot Loose Control Lose Control Pass That Dutch Pussycat Teary Eyed We Run This Work It Burnin' Up Take Away Back In The Day Gossip Folks Where I Stood Get Ur Freak On Destiny There Is A Cross In Your Way She Wore A Yellow Ribbon The Yellow Rose Of Texas Sock It To Me Devil With The Red Dress On Mississippi Slide Flatline Classic Never Forget You Final Song Kamikaze Who Do You Think Of Drowning In Berlin Extreme Ways Natural Blue Southside We Are All Made Of Stars Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad I Melt With You Best Years Of Our Lives Float On Lady (hear me tonight) Home Is Where The Hurt Is Do Wah Diddy (dance) Down He's Mine Children Of The Universe (Eurovision 2014) Mountain Of Love Satisfied Man Children Of The Universe Sing it back The time is now All Eyez On Me Angel Of Mine Everything To Me For You I Will Miranda Lambert Miranda Lambert Miranda Lambert Miranda Lambert Miranda Lambert Miranda Lambert Miranda Lambert Miranda Lambert Miranda Lambert Mis Teeq Mis Teeq Misfits Misha B Misha B Misha B Miss Saigon Missez & Pimp C. Missing Persons Missy Elliott Missy Elliott Missy Elliott Missy Elliott Missy Elliott Missy Elliott Missy Elliott Missy Elliott Missy Elliott Missy Elliott Missy Elliott & Faith Evans Missy Elliott & Ginuwine & Twe Missy Elliott & Jay Z Missy Elliott & Ludacris Missy Higgins Missy Misdemeanor Elliott Mister Jones Misty Freeman Mitch Miller Mitch Miller Mitch Ryder Mitch Ryder & The Detroit Wheels Mixx Master Lee MKS, Mutya, Keisha, Siobhan MKTO Mnek & Zara Larsson MØ MØ MØ Mobiles Moby Moby Moby Moby Moby Modern English Modern Romance Modest Mouse Modjo Moe Bandy Moffatts Moke Mokenstef Molly Molly & The Heymakers Molly Hatchet Molly Smitten Downes Moloko Moloko Monica Monica Monica Monica Pagina 180 19811741 19811742 19811743 19811744 19811745 19811746 19811747 807529 809932 1242374 809933 809934 809935 810867 809936 809937 809938 809939 809940 809941 809942 19986685 19811762 19811763 19811765 19811764 19811766 19811767 19811768 19811769 19811770 19811771 19811772 19811773 19811774 19811775 19811776 19811777 19811778 19811779 19811780 1242720 1242808 810779 19811784 19811785 19811786 19811787 19811788 19811789 809943 19811791 19811792 809652 19811793 809654 809653 809649 809651 809650 809648 809655 809656 19811796 806867 19811797 809089 1242231 19811798 19987601 1242967 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Just Another Girl Knock Knock (Radio Version) Mirror So Gone Right Here Waiting Still Standing You Don't Have To Love Me A Little Bit Me A Little Bit You Daydream Believer Hey Hey We're The Monkees I'm a believer I'm Not Your Stepping Stone Last train to Clarksville Mary, Mary Pleasant Valley Sunday Randy Scouse Git Take A Giant Step Theme From The Monkees Valleri What Am I Doing Hangin' Round Words Drugs In My Pocket Book Of Love Someday Get It On Tonite This Is How We Do It That's What I Like About You All Night Long Back When I Knew It All Cold One Comin' On Daddy Won't Sell The Farm Fine Line Gone Hell Yeah Hillbilly Shoes I Got Drunk If You Ever Stop Loving Me Lonely And Gone My Town Self Made Man She Couldn't Change Me She Don't Tell Me To Some People Change Something To Be Proud Of Speed You Do Your Thing Bad Motor Scooter Alone Leave My Mama Out Of This Why'd You Start Lookin' So Goo Always Look On The Bright side of life Lumberjack Song Sit On My Face For My Lady Go Now I Know You're Out There Somewhere Legend Of A Mind Lost In A Lost world Lovely to See You Never Comes The Day New Horizons Ride My See-Saw The story In Your Eyes Your Wildest Dream Nights In White Satin Sincerely Sarah Vaughan Rome Wasn't Built In A Day Trigger Hippie Yellow Brick Road Nth Degree Monica Monica Monica Monica Monica & 112 Monica & Ludacris Monifah Monkees, The Monkees, The Monkees, The Monkees, The Monkees, The Monkees, The Monkees, The Monkees, The Monkees, The Monkees, The Monkees, The Monkees, The Monkees, The Monkees, The Monks, The Monotones Monte Warden Montell Jordan Montell Jordan Montgomery & John Michael Montgomery Gentry Montgomery Gentry Montgomery Gentry Montgomery Gentry Montgomery Gentry Montgomery Gentry Montgomery Gentry Montgomery Gentry Montgomery Gentry Montgomery Gentry Montgomery Gentry Montgomery Gentry Montgomery Gentry Montgomery Gentry Montgomery Gentry Montgomery Gentry Montgomery Gentry Montgomery Gentry Montgomery Gentry Montrose Monty Holmes Monty Holmes Monty Holmes Monty Python Monty Python Monty Python Moody Bleus, The Moody Bleus, The Moody Bleus, The Moody Bleus, The Moody Bleus, The Moody Bleus, The Moody Bleus, The Moody Bleus, The Moody Bleus, The Moody Bleus, The Moody Bleus, The Moody BLues, The Moonglows Moonlight In Vermont Morcheeba Morcheeba Morgan Frazier Morningwood Pagina 181 1241971 809944 19811802 808545 808546 808540 1241573 19811807 808542 808544 19811811 19991320 806815 810745 19811814 808543 808541 809945 1241574 1241575 1241576 1241577 1241578 1241579 1241580 19986575 1241581 19811818 807741 806886 19992332 19985930 1242459 809733 19811819 19988639 19811821 1242052 19811823 19985958 19811825 811047 808113 19811826 19811827 19988586 19989822 809996 19811828 2721467 2721584 809172 809174 19811833 1243076 19991322 19811836 19987795 19990131 19988044 19985892 3283822 19811838 810131 19987619 811276 19811839 19811840 19811841 19986548 19811843 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Feelings I'm a believer History DR Feelgood Girls Girls Girls Home Sweet Home If I Die Tomorrow Live Wire Looks That Kill Shout At The Devil Sick Love Song Smoking in boys room Smoking In The Boys Room Ten Seconds To Love Too Young To Fall In Love Wildside Without You Ace of spades Because We Can Come What May Diamond Dogs Lady Marmalade Nature Boy One Day I'll Fly Away Rhythm Of The Night The Pitch (Spectacular Spectacular) Your Song Mississippi Queen Is It Cause I'm Cool Horny How Do You Do Blackberry Way Romeo Cha Cha Slide Supernova Waves Just Take My Heart To Be With You Wild World That Swingin' Manger Lights Camera Action Broken Wings Is It Love Kyrie Coco jamboo Waves (Robin Schulz Radio Edit) Waves Lonely this Christmas The Cat Crept In The Secrets That You Keep Tiger Feet Got My Mojo Working Hoochie Coochie Man Mannish Boy Fall Into Sleep Happy Harmless Babel Believe Hopeless Wanderer I Will Wait Little Lion Man Roll Away Your Stone The Cave Whispers In The Dark Winter Winds Cave Galway Girl In The Summertime Bohemian Rhapsody La Di Da Morris Albert Mortimer Reeves Mos Def & Talib Kweli Motley Crue Motley Crue Motley Crue Motley Crue Motley Crue Motley Crue Motley Crue Motley Crue Motley Crue Motley Crue Motley Crue Motley Crue Motley Crue Motley Crue Motorhead Moulin Rouge Moulin Rouge Moulin Rouge Moulin Rouge Moulin Rouge Moulin Rouge Moulin Rouge Moulin Rouge Moulin Rouge Mountain Mousse T. & Emma Lanford Mousse T. & Hot N Juicy Mouth & Mcneal Move, The Mr Big Mr C Mr Hudson Ft. Kanye West Mr Probz Mr. Big Mr. Big Mr. Big Mr. Bob Francis Mr. Cheeks Mr. Mister Mr. Mister Mr. Mister Mr. President Mr. Probz Mr. Probz & Robin Schulz Mud Mud Mud Mud Muddy Waters Muddy Waters Muddy Waters Mudvayne Mudvayne Mulberry Lane Mumford & Sons Mumford & Sons Mumford & Sons Mumford & Sons Mumford & Sons Mumford & Sons Mumford & Sons Mumford & Sons Mumford & Sons Mumford and Sons Mundy Mungo Jerry Muppets Murmurs Pagina 182 19811844 19811845 19985477 19985487 19990136 19985485 1243129 19985926 19811847 19985484 19985917 806663 3283965 808121 19811851 19811852 810956 19811853 19811854 19811855 19811856 808990 19811858 19991803 19991804 19813642 19991805 19811859 1241582 1241583 3283836 1241584 1243045 1241585 19811869 19811870 19811871 8477777 19811873 19811874 19811875 811873 19811891 19811892 19811893 19811894 19811895 19811896 810056 19811897 12587019 12587022 12587021 808566 19811907 12587020 12587023 2389613 12587025 810057 19811899 19811900 808570 2389610 808569 810058 12587026 19811912 808565 808571 808568 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Wat Da Hook Gon Be One Night In Bangkok Butterflies and Hurricanes Can't Take My Eyes Off You Dead Inside Feeling Good Knights Of Cydonia Madness Neutron Star Collision New Born Survival Undisclosed Desires Uprising Little Bit O' Soul Seventy-Six Trombones Till There Was You Pass The Dutchie Halfcrazy Just Friends (Sunny) Love Radio Fly Robin Fly B Boy Baby Cancer Dead! Desolation Row Disenchanted Ghost Of You Helena I'm Not Okay (I Promise) Sing Teenagers The Ghost Of You Welcome To The Black Parade Case Of The Ex Fallen Free Miracles Happen My First Night With You My Love Is Like... Wo Take Me There Gimme Some Loving Bouncin' Back Shake It Fast Danger (Been So Long) We Dance On All My Life A Little More Time On You Bye bye bye Celebrity Crazy For You Everything I Own For The Girl Who Has Everything God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You Gone Here We Go I Drive Myself Crazy I Just Wanna Be With You I Need Love I want you back I'll Never Stop It Makes Me Ill It's Gonna Be Me Music Of My Heart No Strings Attached Pop Sailing Somewhere Someday Tearin' Up My Heart That's When I'll Stop Loving You This I Promise You Pagina 183 Murphy Lee & Jermaine Dupri Murray Head Muse Muse Muse Muse Muse Muse Muse Muse Muse Muse Muse Music Explosion, The Music Man Music Man Musical Youth Musiq Musiq Musiq Soulchild Musiq Soulchild Musique Mutya & Amy Winehouse My Chemical Romance My Chemical Romance My Chemical Romance My Chemical Romance My Chemical Romance My Chemical Romance My Chemical Romance My Chemical Romance My Chemical Romance My Chemical Romance My Chemical Romance Mya Mya Mya Mya Mya Mya Mya & Mase & Blackstreet & Bli Myles Davis Group Mystikal Mystikal Mystikal & Nivea N Dubz N Force N Sync N Sync N Sync N Sync N Sync N Sync N Sync N Sync N Sync N Sync N Sync N Sync N Sync N Sync N Sync N Sync N Sync N Sync N Sync N Sync N Sync N Sync N Sync N Sync 808567 810247 19811915 811116 810962 810844 811205 19811916 19811917 19811918 19811922 811851 812162 811281 809107 811860 19811926 19811927 19811928 19986001 19987597 19811929 19811930 808681 19811931 19811932 808677 1241938 806907 2721540 1241939 2721541 1241941 19811934 1241942 1241943 808678 2721542 808679 1241944 808680 19811936 808682 2721544 19985322 19811938 19811939 1241586 19811940 19811941 809109 19986544 19811942 19811943 1242213 19811945 810000 19811947 19811948 19811949 19811950 810001 808898 19987517 19811953 810002 19811955 19811956 806792 810003 19811959 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG You Drive Me Crazy You Got It Music Of My Heart Ouch Oye Mi Canto (Radio Version) Oye mi canto Insatiable 88 Lines About 44 Women Always Something There To Remind Me From Clare To Here Ton Visage These Boots Are Made For Walkin' You Only Live Twice Jackson The Best Is Yet To Come They're Coming To Take Me Away Awnaw Nasty Oochie Wally Cherry Wine When The Right One Comes Along Calabria 2008 Christmas Song Darling Je Vous Aime Beaucoup Don't Get Around Much Anymore Embraceable You For All We Know Its Only A Paper Moon Let There Be Love Love Letters Lover Come Back To Me Mona Lisa Nature Boy Our Love Is Here To Stay [Kara Pretend Ramblin Rose Route 66 Smile Straighten Up And Fly Right Too Young Too Young To Go Steady Unforgettable Walkin' My Baby Back Home When I Fall In Love Shiver Wonderland Goin' Crazy 1000 Stars Someday Soon Angel On My Shoulder Cry Me A River I Wish You Love Inseparable Jump Start My Heart Miss You Like Crazy Mr. Melody Pink Cadillac Smile Like Yours Snowfall On The Sahara This Will Be Very Thought Of You Wild women do Unforgettable I Will Be In Better Hands Big mistake Identify Smoke Torn Wish I was there Wrong Impression N Sync N Sync N Sync & Gloria Estefan N-Dubz N.O.R.E & Nina Sky & Daddy Yankee N.O.R.E. Nadine Coyle Nails Naked Eyes Nanci Griffith Nancy Dumais Nancy Sinatra Nancy Sinatra Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazlewood Nancy Wilson Napoleon XIV Nappy Roots Nas Nas & Qb's Finest Nas Feat. Amy Winehouse Nashville Cast Nastasja Enur & Mims Nat King Cole Nat King Cole Nat King Cole Nat King Cole Nat King Cole Nat King Cole Nat King Cole Nat King Cole Nat King Cole Nat King Cole Nat King Cole Nat King Cole Nat King Cole Nat King Cole Nat King Cole Nat King Cole Nat King Cole Nat King Cole Nat King Cole Nat King Cole Nat King Cole Nat King Cole Nataile Imbruglia Natalia Kills Natalie Natalie Bassingthwaigthe Natalie Bassingthwaigthe Natalie Cole Natalie Cole Natalie Cole Natalie Cole Natalie Cole Natalie Cole Natalie Cole Natalie Cole Natalie Cole Natalie Cole Natalie Cole Natalie Cole Natalie Cole Natalie Cole & Nat King Cole Natalie Grant Natalie Grant Natalie Imbruglia Natalie Imbruglia Natalie Imbruglia Natalie Imbruglia Natalie Imbruglia Natalie Imbruglia Pagina 184 19990497 19811960 19811961 19811962 19811963 19811964 19811965 19811966 19811967 19985324 807581 807662 19811969 1242985 19811971 807126 810800 19811973 810615 807663 807752 19811975 19990270 19991541 19991731 19990167 19811976 19990515 19989794 19989823 19988611 19987813 19991516 19986599 19811977 19811978 19811979 19811980 19811981 19811982 810304 3283792 19811987 19811983 19989824 19811984 5380985 5380928 19990111 19811988 19811989 19811990 810793 19811993 19811994 19811995 19811996 19811997 19811998 19811999 19812000 19812001 19812002 19812003 19812004 19812005 19812006 1242767 19812007 19987954 810004 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Around the World Abilene Break Your Heart Carnival Jealousy Kind & Generous Life Is Sweet Wonder Angel I Bruise Easily I Wanna Have Your Babies Love Like This Pocketful Of Sunshine Single Soulmate Strip Me These Words Touch Unwritten Love Like This (Duet) Save Your Kisses For Me Desperate Man Kiss Me Quick Over & Over Again Give It Up You Sammy Kershaw Runnin' (Lose It All) Lifted Home Think About It La La La Runnin Craziest OPP Feels Good Rexall [Karaoke] Hair Of The Dog Love Hurts Pocketbook (Remix) Beautiful Monster Cause I Said So Champagne Life Go On Girl Let Me Love You (Until You Learn to Love Yourself) One In A Million Sexy Love So Sick She Knows Legacy Right Down Through The Middle Of Us Beatin' It In Billy's Got His Beer Goggles On City Put The Country Back In Me Every Man For Himself For A Change Forever Works For Me Girls Of Summer I Was If You Can Be Good Be Glad Last Of A Dying Breed Love Happens Like That Luckiest Man In The World No Doubt About It Party On Shake That Woman Of Mine The Last Of A Dying Breed Wink Sweater Weather America Pagina 185 Natalie La Rose ft Fetty Wap Natalie Maines & Sheryl Crow Natalie Merchant Natalie Merchant Natalie Merchant Natalie Merchant Natalie Merchant Natalie Merchant Natasha Bedingfield Natasha Bedingfield Natasha Bedingfield Natasha Bedingfield Natasha Bedingfield Natasha Bedingfield Natasha Bedingfield Natasha Bedingfield Natasha Bedingfield Natasha Bedingfield Natasha Bedingfield Natasha Bedingfield & Sean Kingston Natasha Thomas Nathan Lee Jackson Nathan Sykes Nathan Sykes Nathan Sykes ft G-Eazy Nathaniel Willemse National Working Woman's Holid Naughty Boy & Beyonce & Arrow Benjamin Naughty Boy & Emeli Sandé Naughty Boy & Sam Romans Naughty Boy Feat Wiz Khalifa & Ella Eyre Naughty Boy Feat. Sam Smith Naughty Boy ft Beyonce Naughty By Nature Naughty By Nature Naughty By Nature & 3LW Navarro, Dave Nazareth Nazareth Ndegeocello, Meshell & Redman Ne Yo Ne Yo Ne Yo Ne Yo Ne Yo Ne Yo Ne Yo Ne Yo Ne-Yo ft Juicy J Neal Coty Neal Coty Neal McCoy Neal McCoy Neal McCoy Neal McCoy Neal McCoy Neal McCoy Neal McCoy Neal McCoy Neal McCoy Neal McCoy Neal McCoy Neal McCoy Neal McCoy Neal McCoy Neal McCoy Neal McCoy Neal McCoy Neal McCoy Neighbourhood, The Neil Diamond 19812009 19812010 19812011 2113319 2113321 2721456 19812015 812127 2113325 18507093 19812018 2113317 2113322 2113314 19812022 19812023 19812024 19812025 19812026 19812027 2113312 19812029 2113320 19812031 8477773 806771 8477774 2113315 19812036 2113324 2113316 2113323 2113318 19812041 4171644 19812043 19812044 19812045 812129 810006 810007 810008 1242289 1241959 810010 810011 19812053 810012 810013 19812056 810014 19812058 19812059 19812060 19812061 19812063 19812064 19812065 5380919 19989825 19987627 811546 811206 19812068 19812069 19812070 19812071 19812072 19812073 19812074 19812075 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG And The Grass Won't Pay No Mind Beautiful Noise Brooklyn Roads Brother Love's Traveling Salvation Show Cherry Cherry Cracklin' Rosie Desiree Forever In Blue Jeans Girl You'll Be A Woman Soon God Only Knows He Ain't Heavy He's My Brother Heartlight Hello Again Holly Holy I Am I Said I Believe In Happy Endings I Got The Feelin' (Oh No No) I Haven't Played This Song I'm A Believer I'm Alive I'm Glad You're Here With Me Tonight If You Know What I Mean Kentucky Woman Leave A Little Room For God Longfellow Serenade Love On The Rocks Morningside Play Me Red Red Wine September Morn' Shilo Solitary Man Song Sung Blue Soolaimon Sweet Caroline Thank The Lord For The Night Time Yesterday's Songs You Are The Best Part Of Me You Don't Bring Me Flowers Bad blood Breaking up is hard to do Calendar girl Happy Birthday Sweet Sixteen King Of Clowns Laughter in the rain Little devil Next Door To An Angel Oh Carol One way ticket to the blues Cinnamon Girl Heart of gold Let's Roll Ohio Old Man Rockin' In The Free World Country Grammar (Hot) EI Flap Your Wings Grillz Hey Porsche Hey Porshe (Clean) Hot In Herre Just A Dream Nellyville No 1 Wadsyaname Tilt Ya Head Back Ride Wit Me Party People My Place Work It (Remix) Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond Neil Diamond & Barbra Streisand Neil Sedaka Neil Sedaka Neil Sedaka Neil Sedaka Neil Sedaka Neil Sedaka Neil Sedaka Neil Sedaka Neil Sedaka Neil Sedaka Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Neil Young Nelly Nelly Nelly Nelly Nelly Nelly Nelly Nelly Nelly Nelly Nelly Nelly & Christina Aguilera Nelly & City Spud Nelly & Fergie Nelly & Jaheim Nelly & Justin Timberlake Pagina 186 811547 19812080 19812077 1242853 19812079 19990502 19988177 19985554 810015 19812082 19812083 807582 19812085 810617 19812087 810016 19812089 19988420 19989827 19989828 19988455 2058923 810312 2721389 19812093 4171626 19812094 19812095 19812096 19812097 19812098 19812099 19812100 1241768 1242059 1242075 1242061 1241765 1242069 1242081 19812101 810017 19812103 19812104 810018 19812106 19812107 810019 810020 808130 19812109 19987527 810021 19812111 19812112 19812113 19812114 810022 19812116 19987515 19812117 19812118 19812119 19990073 19990507 807534 19991733 1242548 810026 810023 807744 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Dilemma Gone Shake Ya Tailfeather Grillz Air Force Ones Fix Get Like Me Big Hoops (Bigger The Better) I'm like a bird Powerless (Say What You Want) S##T On The Radio Say It Right Turn Off The Light Promiscuous (Radio Version) Love And Affection 99 Red Balloons Buffalo Stance Braveheart Louder Trouble Welcome To The Jungle 1983 Animal Your Surrender Lapdance Guilt Break My Bank This Land Is Your Land Candy Girl I'm Still In Love With You One More Day Head On Collision My Friends Over You Cover Girl Hangin' Tough I'll Be Loving You Step By Step This One's For The Children Tonight You Got It Single Blue monday Yeah Yeah Yeah Someday We'll Know You get what you give Beg Steal Or Borrow I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing Never Ending Song Of Love New Seekers Medley Winchester Cathedral Bread & Butter He Reigns Sometimes when we touch Dream Catch Me I Still Love You Too Close Wifey 24 hours from you Brave (Radio Version) Holy We Are All The Winners Gigolo (Radio Version) Help Me Jealous Levels Who I am Close Riddle The one and only The riddle Wouldn't It Be Good Nelly & Kelly Rowland Nelly & Kelly Rowland Nelly & P Diddy & Murphy Lee Nelly & Paul Wall, Ali & Gipp Nelly & St Lunatics Nelly ft Jeremih Nelly Ft Nicki Minaj & Pharrell Nelly Furtado Nelly Furtado Nelly Furtado Nelly Furtado Nelly Furtado Nelly Furtado Nelly Furtado & Timbaland Nelson Nena Neneh Cherry Neon Jungle Neon Jungle Neon Jungle Neon Jungle Neon Trees Neon Trees Neon Trees NERD Nero New Boyz and Lyaz New Christy Minstrels New Edition New Edition New Edition New Found Glory New Found Glory New Kids On The Block New Kids On The Block New Kids On The Block New Kids On The Block New Kids On The Block New Kids On The Block New Kids On The Block New Kids On The Block & Ne-Yo New Order New Politics New Radicals New Radicals New Seekers New Seekers New Seekers New Seekers New Vaudeville Band, The Newbeats Newsboys Newton Newton Faulkner Next Next Next & Lil' Mo Next of Kin Nichole Nordeman Nichole Nordeman Nick Borgen Nick Cannon & R. Kelly Nick Carter Nick Jonas Nick Jonas Nick Jonas Nick Jonas ft Tove Lo Nick Kershaw Nick Kershaw Nick Kershaw Nick Kershaw Pagina 187 1242991 809584 19812123 19812124 19812125 19812126 19812127 19812128 19812129 19986678 1243061 810622 1241590 810024 811484 1241591 19812136 19986661 1241592 811938 19986675 810817 810025 19986677 19986673 1241593 1241594 18507077 1241595 811511 19531869 19812146 19812147 19989829 19812148 19812149 19989830 19985381 19812150 19985309 3283832 810128 19531873 19531862 19990022 809709 19989059 19989831 1242993 19812154 19812155 19989832 19989834 14722044 8477751 19989835 3283953 19812158 1241596 1241597 19986719 19986734 19986720 19986546 19812161 19812162 19812163 1241686 1241690 1241685 1241688 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG What's Left Of Me Where You Are Cruel To Be Kind Tjaba Tjena Halla Lighthouse's Tale Reasons Why Speak This Side When You Come Back Down All The Wrong Reasons Animals Far Away Feelin' Damn Good Figured you out How You Remind Me If Everyone Cared Leader Of Men Lullaby Never Again Never gonna be alone Photograph Photograph (radio Version) Rockstar Savin' Me See You At The Show Side Of A Bullet Someday This Afternoon This Is How You Remind Me Too Bad When We Stand Together Woke Up This Morning Saturday Night's Alright Anaconda Catch Me Did It On'em Pills N Potions Right By My Side Right Thru Me Starships Moment 4 Life Roman's Revenge Super Bass Fly Truffle Butter Leather & Lace (DUET) Am I Wrong Am I Wrong Crazy in Love One Day I'll Fly Away Come What May Don't Hold Your Breath On The Rocks Try With Me Wet Your Love Right There Lotta Love Don't Tell Me You Love Me Sister Christian Let's Push It Push The Feeling Surrender Your Love Oogie Boogie's Song Total Eclipse Of The Heart Too Little Too Much Tonight And The Rest Of My Lif Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood I Loves You, Porgy I Put A Spell On You Little Girl Blue Nick Lachey Nick Lachey & Jessica Simpson Nick Lowe Nicke O Mojje Nickel Creek Nickel Creek Nickel Creek Nickel Creek Nickel Creek Nickelback NickelBack Nickelback Nickelback Nickelback Nickelback Nickelback Nickelback Nickelback Nickelback Nickelback Nickelback Nickelback Nickelback Nickelback Nickelback Nickelback Nickelback Nickelback Nickelback Nickelback Nickelback Nickelback Nickelback & Kid Rock Nicki Minaj Nicki Minaj Nicki Minaj Nicki Minaj Nicki Minaj Nicki Minaj Nicki Minaj Nicki Minaj & Drake Nicki Minaj & Eminem Nicki Minaj & Ester Dean Nicki Minaj & Rihanna Nicki Minaj ft Drake & Lil Wayne Nicks & Henley Nico & Vinz Nico Vinz Nicol Sponberg Nicole Kidman Nicole Kidman & Ewan McGregor Nicole Scherzinger Nicole Scherzinger Nicole Scherzinger Nicole Scherzinger Nicole Scherzinger Nicole Scherzinger Ft 50 Cent Nicolette Larson Night Ranger Night Ranger Nightcrawlers Nightcrawlers Nightcrawlers Nightmare Before Christmas Nikki French Nikki Nelson Nina Gordon Nina Simone Nina Simone Nina Simone Nina Simone Pagina 188 1241687 1241694 1241689 19986571 1241692 1241693 1241691 19812164 811333 19812167 1241598 1241599 1241600 19812171 1241601 19812172 1241602 19812174 1241605 1241604 19812176 19986600 1241606 19812177 810028 1241608 19812180 19812181 19812182 19812183 19812184 19812185 19812186 19812187 19812188 19812189 809418 19812191 809421 811721 809425 809419 19812196 3283926 809422 810029 19812202 19812203 19812204 19812205 19812206 1678262 19812207 2888559 19812208 19812209 19812210 19812211 19812212 19986722 19812213 19812214 19812215 807362 1243074 810030 810031 810032 2721481 810520 810034 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Love Me Or Leave Me Nina Simone Mississippi Goddam Nina Simone My Baby Just Cares For Me Nina Simone My Way Nina Simone See-Line Woman Nina Simone Strange Fruit Nina Simone Wild Is The Wind Nina Simone Move Ya Body Nina Sky & Jabba Absolutely Nine Days If I Am Nine Days Closer Nine Inch Nails Deep Nine Inch Nails Every Day Is Exactly The Same Nine Inch Nails Head Like A Hole Nine Inch Nails The Hand That Feeds Nine Inch Nails About A Girl Nirvana All Apologies Nirvana Come As You Are Nirvana Grenade Nirvana Heart Shaped Box Nirvana In Bloom Nirvana Lake Of Fire Nirvana Lithium Nirvana Man Who Sold The World Nirvana Smells like teen spirit Nirvana You Know You're Right Nirvana Baby's Got A Hold On Me Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Bang Bang Bang Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Fishin' In The Dark Nitty Gritty Dirt Band I Saw The Light Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Long Hard Road Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Lowlands Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Mr Bojangles Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Will The Circle Be Unbroken Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Don't Mess With My Man [Karaok Nivea & Brian & Brandon Casey Bathwater No Doubt Don't Speak No Doubt Ex-Girlfriend No Doubt Excuse Me Mr. No Doubt Hella Good No Doubt It's My Life No Doubt Just A Girl No Doubt New No Doubt Running No Doubt Simple Kind Of Life No Doubt Sunday morning No Doubt Spiderwebs No Doubt & Garbage Underneath It All No Doubt & Lady Saw T.I. No Matter What Where Do You Go No Mercy Five Years Time Noah & The Whale L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N Noah & The Whale Life Is Life Noah & The Whale Tonight's The Kind Of Night Noah & The Whale The Death Of You & Me Noel Gallagher's High Flying B Beautiful Noel Gourdin One Love Noel Gourdin The River Noel Gourdin Once You Learn Noel Haggard We Threw Gasoline On The Fire And Now We Have Stumps For Arms And No Eyes NOFX Don`t Upset The Rhythm Noisettes Never Forget You Noisettes Attention To Me Nolans, The I'm in the mood for dancing Nolans, The Bullet with a Name Nonpoint Above Ground Norah Jones Be Here To Love Me Norah Jones Carnival Town Norah Jones Cold Cold Heart Norah Jones Come Away With Me Norah Jones Creepin' In (Solo Version) Norah Jones Pagina 189 811531 810035 810036 810037 810038 810039 810040 810041 810042 810043 810044 810045 810046 810047 810048 2721490 810049 810050 810051 810052 810053 810054 19812224 19987530 810055 19812226 5380934 19812228 807046 807047 19812229 810059 19812231 1242996 1241833 811446 1243140 807547 810060 807553 810061 19812232 808780 810062 810063 810064 810065 807353 810066 810067 19985920 19992366 810068 1241614 810069 1241615 1241616 810070 1241617 1243049 19991339 810071 1241619 810072 19986735 1241620 808120 808119 806917 1243034 2389676 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Don't Know Why Don't Miss You At All Feelin' The Same Way Humble Me I've Got To See You Again In The Morning Lonestar Long Day Is Over Long Way Home Nightingale One Flight Down Prettiest Thing Seven Years Shoot The Moon Sunrise The Long Day Is Over Those Sweet Words Toes Turn Me On What Am I To You Creepin' In (Duet Version) Vandraren Nothin' Great Light Of The World Spirit in the sky Hypnotize Nasty Girl It's Hard To Kiss The Lips At Night I Know Him So Well Tonight I Celebrate My Love Sweet Sexy Thing I cant wait Kiss Him Goodbye Love And Memories Put Your Hands Together Elvira Faster Kill Pussycat Acquiesce Some might say The Masterplan Wonderwall Got Some Teeth Little Green Apples A beautiful thing Better day Profit in peace Rhythm of the night Going back to my roots Inside out Use it up and wear it out Little Talks Trouble All I want Defy You Get a job Gone Away Gotta Get Away Kids aren't alright Million Miles Away Next To You Original Prankster Pretty fly Self Esteem She's got issues Smash It Up Why Don't You Get A Job Chewy Chewy Chewy Yummy Yummy Yummy Love Train Here It Goes Again The Surrey With The Fringe On Top Norah Jones Norah Jones Norah Jones Norah Jones Norah Jones Norah Jones Norah Jones Norah Jones Norah Jones Norah Jones Norah Jones Norah Jones Norah Jones Norah Jones Norah Jones Norah Jones Norah Jones Norah Jones Norah Jones Norah Jones Norah Jones & Dolly Parton Nordman NORE Norman Bebo Normann Greenbaum Notorious B.I.G. Notorious Big Notorious Cherry Bombs NRG Faze NRG Faze Nu Flavor & Roger Nu Shooz Nylons O.A.R. O'jays, The Oak Ridge Boys, The Oakenfold & Brittany Murphy Oasis Oasis Oasis Oasis Obie Trice Oc Smith Ocean Colour Scene Ocean Colour Scene Ocean Colour Scene Odbarge Odyssey Odyssey Odyssey Of Monsters & Men Offaiah Offspring, The Offspring, The Offspring, The Offspring, The Offspring, The Offspring, The Offspring, The Offspring, The Offspring, The Offspring, The Offspring, The Offspring, The Offspring, The Offspring, The Ohio Express, The Ohio Express, The Ojays, The OK Go Oklahoma Pagina 190 811370 19989836 806826 19989837 19990039 19989838 810078 810079 810080 810081 811379 810082 810083 810084 810077 19812233 19987656 19986100 4171627 14722041 19987799 19989840 19988213 1678250 19990508 19985312 19988046 19990017 19991003 8477760 19990033 19986032 19989889 19989841 1242919 5380910 1241621 5380857 19990102 810085 810086 19990606 19987996 19990468 19989900 14722038 19990652 19991543 19990511 19986111 19989843 19985888 19988431 19990041 17766316 19989844 19990589 19989845 19988244 19988468 19987957 19986423 19989847 2610839 19991987 807616 19988196 19990083 19990185 19992369 19989049 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Get Here Pushing On Get Down Saturday Night Gecko (Overdrive) Last All Night (Koala) Last All Night (Koala) A little more love Banks of the Ohio Hopelessly devoted to you I honestly love you Let Me Be There Magic Never been mellow Physical Xanadu You're The One That I Want Dear Darlin Army of Two Busy Dance With Me Tonight Dear Darlin Dear Darlin' Hand On Heart Heart On My Sleeve Kiss Me Oh My Goodness Right Place, Right Time Seasons Stevie Knows Heart Skips A Beat Up Troublemaker Wrapped Up Wrapped Up Entourage I'm Tryna Speedin' Touch Post To Be Enola gay Sailing on the seven seas Cheerleader Best Song Ever Drag Me Down Fireproof Gotta Be You History If I Could Fly Infinity Kiss You Little Things Live While We're Young Midnight Memories Night Changes One Thing One Way or Another (Teenage Kicks) Perfect Steal My Girl Story Of My Life You And I Counting Stars If I Lose Myself Love Runs Out Secrets Wherever I Go Sacred Trust Counting Stars I Lived If I Lose Myself Kids Love Runs Out Oleta Adams Oliver $ & Jimi Jules Oliver Cheatam Oliver Heldens & Becky Hill Oliver Heldens Feat. KStewart Oliver Heldens ft. KStewart Olivia Newton John Olivia Newton John Olivia Newton John Olivia Newton John Olivia Newton John Olivia Newton John Olivia Newton John Olivia Newton John Olivia Newton John Olivia Newton John & John Travolta Olly Murrs Olly Murs Olly Murs Olly Murs Olly Murs Olly Murs Olly Murs Olly Murs Olly Murs Olly Murs Olly Murs Olly Murs Olly Murs Olly Murs & Rizzle Kicks Olly Murs Feat. Demi Lovato Olly Murs Feat. Flo-Rida Olly Murs Feat. Travie McCoy Olly Murs ft. Travie McCoy Omarion Omarion Omarion Omarion Omarion ft Chris Brown & Jhene Aiko OMD OMD Omi One Direction One Direction One Direction One Direction One Direction One Direction One Direction One Direction One Direction One Direction One Direction One Direction One Direction One Direction One Direction One Direction One Direction One Direction One Republic One Republic One Republic One Republic One Republic One True Voice OneRepublic OneRepublic OneRepublic OneRepublic OneRepublic Pagina 191 1241572 810088 810087 807645 1241622 808137 808080 807535 807653 810089 810090 9103360 810768 812206 812203 812204 812205 19991797 807147 811408 810091 2721465 1241039 19991342 810092 1242899 19986653 19986495 19986602 810117 19985752 808152 1241628 809659 1241623 809657 1241624 1241625 809995 810754 810093 1241626 809661 1241627 809662 9103540 809658 19987810 19986409 811519 1242405 807734 19812236 19987425 19987427 19987428 19987426 19812587 19991349 1243053 1243107 19812588 19812589 19812590 19812591 1241629 5380901 19812239 810094 810095 19812242 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Live is life Lift it high Rip it up Boys Will Be Boys Fiction (dreams in digital) Dance With Me Still The One Bright Idea No Tomorrow Da star pojkarna pa rad Hellre jagad av vargar Rocky Top I Love Trrash Crazy Horses Going Home Let Me In Love Me For A Reason Soldiers Shout Dock Of The Bay Hard to handle D.I.S.C.O Hands Up Somewhere out there Hey ya Mighty 'O' Come Back My Love (Teeleybrewed) Have I Told You Lately Say What I Feel Fireflies Good Time Jackie Blue Changes Bark At The Moon Court of the King Caractacus Crazy Train Dreamer Gets Me Through Goodbye To Romance I Don't Know Mama I'm coming home Mr. Crowley No More Tears Over the Mountain Shot In The Dark You can't kill Rock and Roll Close My Eyes Forever True Love Just Give Me A Reason I Need A Girl Let's Get Ready To Rumble Happy Children Love Aint Enough Alive Boom Thinking about forever Youth of the nation Alive Boom Goodbye For Now (Radio Edit) Lights Out Rock The Party (Off The Hook) Satellite School Of Hard Knocks Sleeping Awake Youth Of The Nation I'm A King Whatcha Gonna Do You'll never walk alone I know him so well Only Difference Between Martyrdom And Suicide Pagina 192 Opus Orange Orange Juice Ordinary Boys, The Orgy Orleans Orleans Orson Orson Orup Orup Osborne Brothers, The Oscar The Grouch Osmonds, The Osmonds, The Osmonds, The Osmonds, The Otherwise Otis Day Otis Redding Otis Redding Ottawan Ottawan Our Lady Peace Outkast Outkast Overtones, The Overtones, The Overtones, The Owl City Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen Ozark Mountain Daredevils Ozzy & Kelly Osbourne Ozzy Osbourne Ozzy Osbourne Ozzy Osbourne Ozzy Osbourne Ozzy Osbourne Ozzy Osbourne Ozzy Osbourne Ozzy Osbourne Ozzy Osbourne Ozzy Osbourne Ozzy Osbourne Ozzy Osbourne Ozzy Osbourne Ozzy Osbourne & Lita Ford P!nk Feat. Lily Allen P!nk Feat. Nate Ruess P. Diddy & Usher P. J. & Duncan P. Lion P. Smyth N D Henley P.O.D P.O.D P.O.D P.O.D P.O.D. P.O.D. P.O.D. P.O.D. P.O.D. P.O.D. P.O.D. P.O.D. P.O.D. P$C & T.I Pablo Cruise Pacemakers, The Page Dickson Pain! At The Disco 19987591 19988425 19987588 19985998 19989848 19987968 19989911 19986620 19812243 19812244 19812245 19812246 19812247 19812248 19812249 19812250 19812251 19812252 19812253 19812254 19812255 19812256 19812260 19812257 19991351 19812258 19812261 3283788 1243131 19992137 19990999 1241630 1241631 1241632 810743 19989067 19988585 809786 19991813 19991817 19812263 19991012 19812264 19812265 19991812 19812266 1241634 19812268 19812269 2610843 19806402 19988273 19812270 807688 2113332 19989849 1678224 19987654 19814568 807123 1243035 1243008 19812273 811438 1242185 19987658 19988592 19988039 19987638 19812274 19812275 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Agony Can't Rely On You Freedom Never Tear Us Apart Only Love Can Hurt Like This Picking Up The Pieces Ready for the Good Life Upside Down After A Kiss All The Good Ones Are Gone Cleopatra Queen Of Denial Every Time I Said A Prayer For You In Between Dances Land Of The Living Maybe It Was Memphis Mi Vida Loca (My Crazy Life) Please Shake The Sugar Tree Spilled Perfume Thunder And Roses When You Walk In The Room Ballad Of Mona Lisa I Write Sins Not Tragedies Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Nine In The Afternoon Ready To Go The Ballad Of Mona Lisa Why Cry Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time Emperor's New Clothes Cemetery Gates Cowboys From Hell I'm Broken Walk Iron Sky Let Me Down Easy First Cut Is The Deepest Alive n' Out of Control Before I Die Between Angels And Insects Blood (Empty Promises) Broken Home Getting Away With Murder Hollywood Whore Last Resort Scars She Loves Me Not Night Chicago Died Louder Crush Crush Crush Daydreaming Decode Ignorance Misery Business Now Playing God Still Into You That's What You Get The Only Exception Nothing In This World Stars Are Blind Should We Fight Back I Think I Love You I'm Doing Fine Now Let Her Go Hearts On Fire Holes Let Her Go All fired up Fire & Ice Paloma Faith Paloma Faith Paloma Faith Paloma Faith Paloma Faith Paloma Faith Paloma Faith Paloma Faith Pam Tillis Pam Tillis Pam Tillis Pam Tillis Pam Tillis Pam Tillis Pam Tillis Pam Tillis Pam Tillis Pam Tillis Pam Tillis Pam Tillis Pam Tillis Pam Tillis Panic At The Disco Panic At The Disco Panic At The Disco Panic At The Disco Panic At The Disco Panic At The Disco Panic Channel, The Panic! At The Disco Panic! At The Disco Pantera Pantera Pantera Pantera Paolo Nutini Paolo Nutini Papa Dee Papa Roach Papa Roach Papa Roach Papa Roach Papa Roach Papa Roach Papa Roach Papa Roach Papa Roach Papa Roach Paper Lace Parade Paramore Paramore Paramore Paramore Paramore Paramore Paramore Paramore Paramore Paramore Paris Hilton Paris Hilton Parlotones Partridge Family, The Pasadenas Passanger Passenger Passenger Passenger Pat Benatar Pat Benatar Pagina 193 19812276 19985407 811848 19985405 19812279 19812280 19985411 19985408 19812281 1242078 19985410 19985409 19985778 19812283 19812284 19812285 1242295 19812286 19812287 1242794 19812290 19812291 19812292 1243160 19812294 19812295 811773 1242168 19812298 19812300 808888 811444 19812302 808892 806732 19812305 808889 808893 808894 1242294 19812308 808891 811793 808890 808887 19812311 19812312 19812313 19812314 810508 19812315 809583 19812316 19812317 1241949 810658 810662 19812318 1241867 811254 19812321 19812349 1241799 1242685 19986503 19812351 810097 810098 19812354 809037 19812360 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Heartbreaker Hell Is For Children Hit Me With Your Best Shot Love Is A Battlefield Promises In The Dark Sex As A Weapon Shadows Of The Night Treat Me Right True love We Belong We Live For Love You Better Run Don't Forbid Me I Almost Lost My Mind Love Letters In The Sand Remember You're Mine Speedy Gonzales Carry On Country Star Feels Just Like It Should Let Me Three Days Wave On Wave Way Back Texas What I'm For Texas On My Mind Born To Be Alive She's Like The Wind Walking In The Rain Back In Baby's Arms Blue Moon Of Kentucky Crazy Crazy Arms Faded Love I Fall To Pieces Imagine That Leavin' On Your Mind San Antonio Rose Seven Lonely Days She's Got You So Wrong Stranger In My Arms Sweet Dreams Three Cigarettes And An Ashtray Walkin' After Midnight Why Can't He Be You Baby Come To Me Lady Marmalade New Attitude Over The Rainbow When You Talk About Love On My Own Doggie In The Window How Much Is That Doggie In The Window I Went To Your Wedding Let Me Go Lover Old Cape Cod Steam Heat Tennesee Waltz Because The Night If We're Not In Love No Mistakes Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough Hey Paula Black Hole Sun Dance On Little Girl Diana Don't wanna sleep alone Goodnight My Love Having My Baby Hold Me Till The Mornin' Comes Pat Benatar Pat Benatar Pat Benatar Pat Benatar Pat Benatar Pat Benatar Pat Benatar Pat Benatar Pat Benatar Pat Benatar Pat Benatar Pat Benatar Pat Boone Pat Boone Pat Boone Pat Boone Pat Boone Pat Green Pat Green Pat Green Pat Green Pat Green Pat Green Pat Green Pat Green Pat Green & Cory Morrow Patrick Hernandez Patrick Swayze Patridge Family Patsy Cline Patsy Cline Patsy Cline Patsy Cline Patsy Cline Patsy Cline Patsy Cline Patsy Cline Patsy Cline Patsy Cline Patsy Cline Patsy Cline Patsy Cline Patsy Cline Patsy Cline Patsy Cline Patsy Cline Patti Austin & James Ingram Patti LaBelle Patti LaBelle Patti LaBelle Patti LaBelle Patti Labelle & Michael Mcdonald Patti Page Patti Page Patti Page Patti Page Patti Page Patti Page Patti Page Patti Smith Pattie Austin Patty Smyth Patty Smyth & Don Henley Paul & Paula Paul Anka Paul Anka Paul Anka Paul Anka Paul Anka Paul Anka Paul Anka Pagina 194 809039 810656 809038 809040 809036 808755 810661 19812358 19812359 19812361 19812362 19812363 19812364 19812365 19812366 19985858 19812367 19812368 2389689 19812370 19812371 19812372 1242371 19812373 19812374 19812375 19812376 810874 19812378 810480 19812380 806747 2389690 19985831 19812382 1242272 19812384 1242569 19812385 19812386 19812387 1241635 19812389 807386 810968 19812391 809326 19812392 19812393 810099 19812395 19812396 19812397 2389710 2389709 2389711 5380959 810100 810101 1242223 19812402 810102 1241797 810104 810105 1242055 19812406 810106 1242048 810107 19812409 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG It's Time To Cry Lonely Boy My Home Town Puppy Love Put Your Head On My Shoulder Times Of Your Life You Are My Destiny It's Hard To Say Goodbye You're Having My Baby It's A Beautiful Thing Little In Love Take It From Me That Hurts That's The Truth For Once In Our Lives 65 Love Affair I Go Crazy Another Day Band On The Run C Moon Coming Up Freedom Frog Chorus From A Lover To A Friend Goodnight Tonight Helen Wheels Jet Junior's Farm Let 'Em In Live And Let Die Maybe I'm Amazed Mull Of Kintyre My Love No More Lonely Nights Pipes Of Peace Silly Love Songs The World Tonight Tug Of War Uncle Albert & Admiral Halsey We All Stand Together With A Little Luck Wonderful Christmas Time World Tonight Ebony & Ivory Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Let Me Roll It Starry Eyed Surprise Daddy's Come Around Seein' My Father In Me My favourite waste of time Hungry Kicks Hi De Hi Holiday Rock Bridge Over Troubled Water Me & Julio Down By The Schoolyard Mother & Child Reunion Girl The changing man The wild wood You Do Something To Me Come Back And Stay Everytime you go away Oh Girl Senza una donna Wherever I lay my hat Blowing Kisses in the Wind Cold Hearted Opposites attract Rush Rush Straight up Will You Marry Me Paul Anka Paul Anka Paul Anka Paul Anka Paul Anka Paul Anka Paul Anka Paul Anka & Celine Dion Paul Anka & Odia Coates Paul Brandt Paul Brandt Paul Brandt Paul Brandt Paul Brandt Paul Carrack Paul Davis Paul Davis Paul McCartney Paul McCartney Paul McCartney Paul McCartney Paul McCartney Paul McCartney Paul McCartney Paul Mccartney Paul McCartney Paul McCartney Paul Mccartney Paul McCartney Paul McCartney Paul McCartney Paul McCartney Paul McCartney Paul McCartney Paul McCartney Paul McCartney Paul McCartney Paul McCartney Paul McCartney Paul McCartney Paul Mccartney Paul McCartney Paul McCartney Paul McCartney & Stevie Wonder Paul McCartney & U2 Paul Mccartney & Wings Paul Oakenfold Paul Overstreet Paul Overstreet Paul Owen Paul Revere & The Raiders Paul Revere & The Raiders Paul Shane & The Yellowcoats Paul Simon Paul Simon Paul Simon Paul Wall Paul Weller Paul Weller Paul Weller Paul Young Paul Young Paul Young Paul Young Paul Young Paula Abdul Paula Abdul Paula Abdul Paula Abdul Paula Abdul Paula Abdul Pagina 195 19812410 1242540 19812412 19812413 19812414 1242915 19812416 19812417 19812418 19812420 809502 809503 809499 809501 809500 809504 19812421 19812422 809703 19812424 19812425 19985364 19985373 19812426 19812427 19985369 19812428 19985368 19985372 19985363 19812429 19985371 19985365 19985370 19985367 19812430 19812431 19812432 1243117 19985374 1241636 19812434 1243088 19985366 19812436 19812437 809097 19812439 811892 19812440 811190 19812441 811841 810109 19812444 19812445 806901 810110 810111 810660 811061 806906 19812449 809753 1242522 1242186 19812451 19991671 806803 19812453 808125 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Feeling Love I Don't Want To Wait Me Where Have All The Cowboys Gone I Believe In Love Doing Too Much Baila Casanova Don't Say Goodbye Sexi Dance Todo Mi Amor Can You Stop The Rain Feel The Fire If Ever You're In My Arms Again Minute by Minute Show And Tell A Whole New World Tonight I Celebrate My Love On My Own Reunited (DUET) Shake Your Groove Thing [Karao Sing Little Birdie Alive Animal Better Man Black Breath Daughter Dissident Elderly Woman Behind The Counter Even Flow Fixer Glorified G Go Hail Hail Hunger Strike I Got I.d. Jeremy Last Kiss Life Wasted Not For You Smile Who You Are World Wide Suicide Yellow Ledbetter Mercedes Boy Come Rain Or Come Shine Fever I Will Follow Him Watercolour Earth Angel (Will You Be Mine) You Took My Heart I Got Loaded Stand By Me When A Man Loves A Woman You Have The Right To Remain Silent And I Love You So Catch A Falling Star Don't let the stars For the good times Hot Diggity (Dog Ziggity Boom) Kewpie Doll Magic Moments There's No Place Like Home Always On My Mind Go West It's A Sin Opportunities The Pop Kids West End Girls Let My Love Open The Door Lady Godiva Paula Cole Paula Cole Paula Cole Paula Cole Paula Cole Band Paula DeAnda Paulina Rubio Paulina Rubio Paulina Rubio Paulina Rubio Peabo Bryson Peabo Bryson Peabo Bryson Peabo Bryson Peabo Bryson Peabo Bryson & Regina Belle Peabo Bryson & Roberta Flack Peach Union Peaches & Herb Peaches & Herb Pearl Carr & Teddy Johnson Pearl Jam Pearl Jam Pearl Jam Pearl Jam Pearl Jam Pearl Jam Pearl Jam Pearl Jam Pearl Jam Pearl Jam Pearl Jam Pearl Jam Pearl Jam Pearl Jam Pearl Jam Pearl Jam Pearl Jam Pearl Jam Pearl Jam Pearl Jam Pearl Jam Pearl Jam Pearl Jam Pebbles Peggy Lee Peggy Lee Peggy March Pendulum Penguins Pepper and Piano Peppermint Harris Percy Sledge Percy Sledge Perfect Stranger Perry Como Perry Como Perry Como Perry Como Perry Como Perry Como Perry Como Perry Como Pet Shop Boys Pet Shop Boys Pet Shop Boys Pet Shop Boys Pet Shop Boys Pet Shop Boys Pete Townsend Peter & Gordon Pagina 196 19812454 19812455 19812456 1242179 19812457 19812458 19812459 19812460 809507 809506 809508 809510 809509 809505 19812463 19986662 19812464 810112 19812466 19812467 19812468 19812469 19812470 19812471 19812472 811019 809770 810953 19812473 19812474 809011 809013 809009 809006 1242456 809007 809008 809012 809014 810113 809702 19812480 19812481 19812482 19812483 19812484 1242952 1242829 1242910 19989073 19990264 19988257 19988445 810114 808956 810710 2389688 810115 19812491 19812492 19812493 19812494 808959 19812496 19812497 19812498 808964 19812500 810709 19812502 808957 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Behind Closed Doors Glory Of Love One Clear Voice The Glory Of Love Next Time I Fall In Love Hard To Say I'm Sorry Last Night I Wanna Take Forever Tonight All I Wanna Be Baby I Love Your Way Do You Feel Like We Do I Can't Stand It No More I'm In You Show Me The Way Book Of Love Here Comes The Flood Red Rain Sledgehammer Paddy's Road To Nowhere 500 Miles Blowin' In The Wind I Dig Rock & Roll Music If I Had A Hammer Leavin' On A Jet Plane Puff The Magic Dragon Where Do You Go To My Lovely Legalize It Stepping Razor Freek A Leek Raise Up A Sign Of The Times Color My World Don't Sleep In The Subway Downtown I Couldn't Live Without Your Love I Know A Place My Love Round The Corner The Other Man's Grass Is Always Greener This Is My Song All I Ask Of You (DUET-LATIN) Angel Of Music Phantom Of The Opera The Music Of The Night Think Of Me Wishing You Were Here California 2005 (From the O.C. Mix 5) Can I Have It Like That Number One Come Get It Bae Freedom Happy Marilyn Monroe Turn around A Groovy Kind Of Love Against All Odds Another Day Another day in paradise Both Sides Of The Story Can't Stop Loving You Can't Turn Back The Years Dance Into The Light Do You Remember Don't Lose My Number Everyday Groovy Kind Of Love I Don't Care Anymore I Missed Again In The Air Tonight It's In Your Eyes One More Night Peter Andre Peter Cetera Peter Cetera Peter Cetera Peter Cetera & Amy Grant Peter Cetera & Az Yet Peter Cetera & AZ Yet Peter Cetera & Crystal Bernard Peter Frampton Peter Frampton Peter Frampton Peter Frampton Peter Frampton Peter Frampton Peter Gabriel Peter Gabriel Peter Gabriel Peter Gabriel Peter Kay & Patrick McGuinness Peter Paul & Mary Peter Paul & Mary Peter Paul & Mary Peter Paul & Mary Peter Paul & Mary Peter Paul & Mary Peter Sarstedt Peter Tosh Peter Tosh Petey Pablo Petey Pablo Petula Clark Petula Clark Petula Clark Petula Clark Petula Clark Petula Clark Petula Clark Petula Clark Petula Clark Petula Clark Phantom Of The Opera Phantom Of The Opera Phantom Of The Opera Phantom Of The Opera Phantom Of The Opera Phantom Of The Opera Phantom Planet Pharrell Pharrell Kanye West Pharrell Williams Pharrell Williams Pharrell Williams Pharrell Williams Phats N' Small Phil Collins Phil Collins Phil Collins Phil Collins Phil Collins Phil Collins Phil Collins Phil Collins Phil Collins Phil Collins Phil Collins Phil Collins Phil Collins Phil Collins Phil Collins Phil Collins Phil Collins Pagina 197 3283976 808966 808965 19812503 1242226 806914 809582 1242384 19812507 19812508 19812509 19812510 19812511 810794 19812513 19812514 19812515 19812516 19812517 19812518 19812519 19812520 19812521 19812522 19990494 19990127 19985906 19987550 19812523 19812524 1241831 19990660 19990474 19812525 809976 1895757 806666 1241637 19985878 19531866 1895759 811501 1895760 19986647 811535 9103588 810305 810118 811718 811906 19812532 1895763 2888560 811940 811534 19991665 1895761 1895755 810227 1895764 807567 1895762 19986535 19812536 807135 1895756 19812538 19812539 1242975 19812541 19812542 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Something happened on the way to heaven Sussudio Tonight, Tonight, Tonight True Colors Two Hearts You'll Be In My Heart Separate Lives Easy Lover Town I Loved So Well American Child Bobbi With An I Carlene I Would I'll Take That As A Yes (The Hot Tub Song) In A Real Love Just Another Day In Paradise Last Day Of My Life Let's Get Together Rose Bouquet Six Pack Summer That's When I Love You This Is God Ultimate Love Woman In My Life Alone No More Wish You Were Mine Home My Praise Heavy Things Poetry Man Old Friend Touch Do It Again That Same Old Feeling I Found Out 18 Wheeler Ave Mary A Bad Influence Blow Me (One Last Kiss) Bridge Of Light Dear Diary Don't Let Me Get Me Eventually F**kin' Perfect Family Portrait Feel Good Time Fuckin' Perfect Funhouse Get The Party Started Glitter in the air God Is A DJ Gone To California Heartbreak Down I don't believe you Just Like A Pill Just Like Fire Lonely Girl Missundaztood Most girls My Vietnam Nobody Knows Numb One Foot Wrong Please Don`t Leave Me Raise Your Glass Respect So What Sober Stupid Girls There You Go Trouble Phil Collins Phil Collins Phil Collins Phil Collins Phil Collins Phil Collins Phil Collins & Marilyn Martin Phil Collins & Phil Bailey Phil Coulter Phil Vassar Phil Vassar Phil Vassar Phil Vassar Phil Vassar Phil Vassar Phil Vassar Phil Vassar Phil Vassar Phil Vassar Phil Vassar Phil Vassar Phil Vassar Phil Vassar Phil Vassar Philip George Philip George Phillip Phillips Phillips, Craig & Dean Phish Phoebe Snow Phyllis Hyman Pia Mia Pia Mia Feat. Chris Brown & Tyga Pickettywitch Pigeon Detectives, The Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink Pagina 198 19985975 807656 1242998 19812544 19989850 19812545 808798 808789 808799 808791 808786 808792 19812549 19812550 808793 19812552 19989916 808794 808795 808785 808788 808790 19812554 808796 808787 808797 19812556 19812557 810761 810757 810229 19812558 19812559 19812560 19986663 19986664 19986665 19986666 19986667 19987962 19985562 19990995 19812561 5960078 19990171 8477764 19990125 19812563 19985787 2058920 19987649 19988266 19986102 19988615 9193758 19812566 811278 807687 19989851 19065178 19989852 19988416 811265 14722043 810883 19812569 19812570 19812571 19813649 2113330 810322 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Try U And Ur Hand Who Knew You Make Me Sick True Love Misery Another Brick In The Wall Brain Damage Breathe Comfortably Numb Coming Back To Life Eclipse Great Gig In The Sky Have A Cigar Hey You Learning To Fly Louder Than Words Money Nobody Home See Emily Play Sheep Shine On You Crazy Diamond Take It Back The Final Cut Time Wish You Were Here Barbed Wire And Roses I Drove All Night Give A Little Whistle I've Got No Strings When You Wish Upon A Star Corner Of The Sky Feed Jake Honky Tonk Blues Boys From The South Family Feud Run Daddy Run The Hunter's Wife Trailer For Rent Unhappily Married Back In Time Freedom Hotel Room Service International Love Timber Rain Over Me Time Of Our Lives Give Me Everything Get It Started Hey Baby (Drop It To The Floor) Feel This Moment Timber Don't Stop The Party Timber All About Tonight Boys And Girls Broken Arrow Cry Me Out Heart Cry Kiss The Stars Lay Me Down Nasty Turn It Up What Do You Take Me For Here Comes Your Man Eternal Love Good Fortune Pure Morning 1,2,3,4 Our Time Now Rhythm Of Love Pink Pink Pink Pink Pink & Lily Allen Pink & Steven Tyler Pink Floyd Pink Floyd Pink Floyd Pink Floyd Pink Floyd Pink Floyd Pink Floyd Pink Floyd Pink Floyd Pink Floyd Pink Floyd Pink Floyd Pink Floyd Pink Floyd Pink Floyd Pink Floyd Pink Floyd Pink Floyd Pink Floyd Pink Floyd Pinmonkey Pinmonkey Pinocchio Pinocchio Pinocchio Pippin Pirates Of The Mississippi Pirates Of The Mississippi Pistol Annies Pistol Annies Pistol Annies Pistol Annies Pistol Annies Pistol Annies Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull & Chris Brown Pitbull & Ke$Ha Pitbull & Marc Anthony Pitbull & Ne Yo Pitbull & Ne Yo, Afrojack, Nay Pitbull & Shakira Pitbull & T-Pain Pitbull Feat. Christina Aguilera Pitbull Feat. Ke$ha Pitbull Feat. TJR Pitbull Ft. Ke$ha Pixie Lott Pixie Lott Pixie Lott Pixie Lott Pixie Lott Pixie Lott Pixie Lott Pixie Lott Pixie Lott Pixie Lott Feat. Pusha T. Pixies Pj & Duncan PJ Harvey Placebo Plain White T's Plain White T's Plain White T's Pagina 199 19985923 19985351 811182 807594 19812573 808281 12587007 12587006 808279 12587004 808278 811428 808276 12587005 808277 19812578 12587003 808280 19812580 808118 808208 19812583 19812584 1241638 19987443 19987444 19987445 19987446 19812586 810231 810232 19812593 19812594 1242466 810592 810233 19812597 19987518 808158 19812598 810652 19812600 806716 808157 810234 19812604 810235 1242212 1241639 1241640 1241641 19812609 1241642 1241643 1241644 1241645 810236 19992207 19812614 19812615 806797 1242250 19812618 811987 811850 19812620 19812621 19812622 2389654 19991834 19812623 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Deepest Shame Ill Manors Prayin' She Said Bartender Harbor Lights I Didn't Care I'm Sorry My Prayer On My Words Of Honor Only You Smoke Gets In Your Eyes The Great Pretender The Magic Touch Twilight Time With this ring You'll Never Know You've Got The Magic Touch Duffle Bag Boy Baby Come Back Beep Beep Did You Wrong Please Excuse My Hands Hang On Kick Me (When I'm Down) Let Me Be The One Start To Fly Written On My Heart I Had No Right Colours Of The Wind Just Around The River Bend Hello Hey Pretty Dirty Old Town Fairytale Of New York Irish rover How You Live Yes I Believe Automatic Dare Me Fire He's So Shy I'm So Excited Jump (For My Love) Neutron dance Slow Hand Slowhand Every Rose Has Its Thorn Fallen Angel I Want Action I Won't Forget You Look What The Cat Dragged In Nothin but a Good Time Something To Believe In Talk Dirty to Me Unskinny Bop Your mama don't dance Pokemon Theme De Do Do Do De Da Da Da Don't Stand So Close To Me Every Breath You Take Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic King Of Pain Message In A Bottle Roxanne Synchronicity II Wrapped Around Your Finger Born Too Late Crazy In Love Trenches Summertime Plan B Plan B Plan B Plan B Planet Earth Platters, The Platters, The Platters, The Platters, The Platters, The Platters, The Platters, The Platters, The Platters, The Platters, The Platters, The Platters, The Platters, The Playaz Circle & Lil Wayne Player Playmates, The Pleasure P Plies & Jamie Foxx & The Dream Plumb Plus One Plus One Plus One Plus One PM Dawn Pocahontas Pocahontas Poe Poe Pogues Pogues & Kirsty Maccoll, The Pogues and Dubliners Point Of Grace Point Of Grace Pointer Sisters, The Pointer Sisters, The Pointer Sisters, The Pointer Sisters, The Pointer Sisters, The Pointer Sisters, The Pointer Sisters, The Pointer Sisters, The Pointer Sisters, The Poison Poison Poison Poison Poison Poison Poison Poison Poison Poison Pokemon Police, The Police, The Police, The Police, The Police, The Police, The Police, The Police, The Police, The Ponytails Pop Pop Evil Porgy & Bess Pagina 200 19985792 17026869 17026871 17026879 17026872 17119439 17026877 17026874 17026867 17026878 17026876 17026870 17026868 17026873 17026866 17026875 19986723 806654 19812628 19812629 19987456 19987458 19987457 19987455 5380882 810238 1242515 810239 19812631 809605 810240 811322 19812634 19812635 809604 809603 19812637 811284 811270 5380861 19812638 5380933 810963 19812640 19812641 19812642 19812643 1241659 1241660 1241661 19812645 1241662 1241663 1241664 1241665 19812659 1241667 19986570 19812646 1241668 1241669 810487 1241671 1241674 1241675 2389639 1241676 1241677 1241678 19812660 1241680 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Language A Satisfied Mind Big Wind Company's Comin' Eat, Drink And Be Merry (For Tomorrow You'll Cry) Green Green Grass Of Home I'll Go Down Swinging I've Enjoyed As Much Of This As I Can Stand Misery Loves Company Skid Row Joe Sorrow On The Rocks The Carroll County Accident The Cold Hard Facts Of Life Tryin' To Forget The Blues Y'all Come Your Old Love Letters Glory Box All Of The Dreamers Some Like It Hot I Can Make It With You Celebrate Jesus Draw Me Close Jesus, Lover Of My Soul My Redeemer Lives Haven't Found Say it again The King Of Rock 'n' Roll With you im born again 2000 Miles Back On The Chain Gang Brass in pocket Don't get me wrong Goodbye Human I'll Stand By You Middle Of The Road Thin Line Between Love & Hate Light Me Up Make Me Wanna Die Grind With Me Love Like Honey Nothing But A Number Your Body (Radio Version) Cuddle Up Movin' On Up Standing Outside Crash 1999 Alphabet Street Baby I'm a Star Betcha By Golly Wow Controversy Delirious Diamonds & Pearls Erotic City Get Off Gold I Could Never Take The Place Of Your Man I Wanna Be Your Lover I Would Die For You Kiss Let's Go Crazy Little Red Corvette My Name Is Prince Pop Life Purple Rain Pussy Control Raspberry Beret Seven Sexy MF Sign of the Times Pagina 201 Porter Robinson Porter Wagoner Porter Wagoner Porter Wagoner Porter Wagoner Porter Wagoner Porter Wagoner Porter Wagoner Porter Wagoner Porter Wagoner Porter Wagoner Porter Wagoner Porter Wagoner Porter Wagoner Porter Wagoner Porter Wagoner Portishead Powderfinger Power Station Pozo-Seco Singers Praise & Worship Praise & Worship Praise & Worship Praise & Worship Pras Precious Prefab Sprout Preston Syreeta Pretenders, The Pretenders, The Pretenders, The Pretenders, The Pretenders, The Pretenders, The Pretenders, The Pretenders, The Pretenders, The Pretty Reckless, The Pretty Reckless, The Pretty Ricky Pretty Ricky Pretty Ricky Pretty Ricky Pretty Ricky & Butta Creame Primal Scream Primitive Radio Gods Primitives Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince 19812654 1242861 1241681 1241672 1241673 1241682 1241683 806848 810241 19812663 807577 810242 9103532 19812667 19990058 19986724 19986515 17766322 811150 17766277 19985922 19989854 19985879 19987634 18507106 19812671 19985893 19991366 19812672 19812673 811510 19812675 19812676 811550 810296 19812679 810297 810298 810299 19986547 19986562 809283 809284 19812684 5380864 5380925 19812685 806891 19812688 19812689 1243148 811134 9103525 19812692 807170 19812686 810926 19812695 807642 19812696 19812698 19812699 19812700 809310 1241695 810337 810338 1241696 810339 1241697 811383 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Somebody's Somebody Te Amo Corazon The Beautiful Ones The Morning Papers The Most Beautiful Girl In The World Thieves In The Temple U Got the Look When Doves Cry Whine n grine I Will Get There I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) Letter from America A Whiter Shade Of Pale Conquistador Nasty Smack My Bitch Up Springtime For Hitler Never Be The Right Time I need you tonight Read All About It Avalon Lullaby Gangnam Style Gentleman Pretty In Pink Fight The Power Harder Than You Think Bring The Noise Bring The Noise (Duet) Away From Me Blurry Control Drift & Die She Hates Me I'll be missing you Common People Disco 2000 Help the aged This is hardcore Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy I Can't Believe I'm Not a Millionaire Amie Falling In And Out Of Love Addicted To Bass Purify Me Kryptonite My Everything Mississippi Bottle Pop Hush Hush I Don't Need A Man I Hate This Part Stick Wit U Sway When I Grow Up Buttons Don't Cha (Radio Version) Whatcha Think About That Beep Brooks & Dunn C'mon n' ride it (the train) Stick 'em Up Harden My Heart Love Bites 7 Seas Of Rye Another One Bites The Dust Bicycle Race Body Language Bohemian Rhapsody Breakthru' Crazy Little Thing Called Love Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Buster Prince Of Egypt & Boyz II Men Proclaimers, The Proclaimers, The Procol Harum Procol Harum Prodigy Prodigy Producers Professor Green Professor Green & Ed Drewett Professor Green & Emile Sande Professor Green & Sierra Kusterbeck Professor Green & Tori Kelly Psy PSY Psychedelic Furs, The Public Enemy Public Enemy Public Enemy & Anthrax Public Enemy & Anthrax Puddle Of Mudd Puddle Of Mudd Puddle Of Mudd Puddle Of Mudd Puddle Of Mudd Puff Daddy Pulp Pulp Pulp Pulp Puppini Sisters Puppini Sisters Pure Prairie League Pure Prairie League Puretone Purify Me Purple Ribbon All Stars Push Play Pussycat Pussycat Dolls Pussycat Dolls Pussycat Dolls Pussycat Dolls Pussycat Dolls Pussycat Dolls Pussycat Dolls Pussycat Dolls & Snoop Dogg Pussycat Dolls & Busta Rhymes Pussycat Dolls & Missy El Pussycat Dolls & Will I Am Put A Girl In It Quad City DJ's Quarashi Quarterflash Que & Def Leppard Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Pagina 202 810340 810341 810342 810343 810344 810345 810346 19991489 1242189 1241698 1241699 810348 810349 810350 810351 810352 810353 1241700 810354 810355 810356 810357 810358 810359 810705 1241702 19985948 1241703 1241701 810361 1241704 1241705 810363 1241707 810364 810365 1241213 1243056 19986668 19986669 19986670 19985566 19812721 19985567 1241709 19985568 1241711 1241712 1241713 1241714 1241715 19812726 19990495 19812728 19812729 19812731 19985823 19812732 19812733 19812734 19812735 810368 4171659 810217 19812738 19812739 19812740 19812741 19812742 19812743 1841375 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Don't Stop Me Now Fat Bottomed Girls Friends Will Be Friends Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy Hammer To Fall Headlong I Want It All I Want to Break Free Innuendo It's A Kind Of Magic Keep Yourself Alive Killer Queen Kind Of Magic No-one But You Now I'm Here One Vision Play The Game Princess Of The Universe Queen Medley 1 Queen Medley 2 Queen Medley 3 Radio Ga Ga Save Me Seven Seas Of Rhye Somebody to love Stone Cold Crazy Thank Gos It's Christmas The Days Of Our Lives The Show Must Go On These Are The Days Of Our Lives Tie Your Mother Down Too Much Love Will Kill You We Are The Champions We Will Rock You Who Wants To Live Forever You're My Best Friend Under Pressure Burn the Witch Lost Art Of Keeping A Secret Regular John Song For The Dead Another Rainy Night (Without You) Empire Eyes Of A Stranger I Don't Believe in Love Jet City Woman Queen of the Reich Silent Lucidity Cum On Feel The Noize Metal Health Slick Black Cadillac Slow Jams Locked Away Bump N Grind Feelin' On Yo Booty Gotham City Green Light Hair Braider Happy People I Believe I Can Fly I Wish If I could turn back the hands of time Ignition (Remix) Just Like That Love Letter Number One Hit Radio Message Slow Wind Step In The Name Of Love Storm Is Over The world's greatest Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen Queen & David Bowie Queens of the Stone Age Queens Of The Stone Age Queens Of The Stone Age Queens Of The Stone Age Queensryche Queensryche Queensryche Queensryche Queensryche Queensryche Queensyche Quiet Riot Quiet Riot Quiet Riot Quincy Jones, Babyface & Tamia R City f Adam Levine R Kelly R Kelly R Kelly R Kelly R Kelly R Kelly R Kelly R Kelly R Kelly R Kelly R Kelly R Kelly R Kelly R Kelly R Kelly R Kelly R Kelly R Kelly Pagina 203 19812744 19812745 19812727 19812746 19812747 19812749 19812748 19991518 19812989 808184 19812990 808182 808180 808183 19985375 808186 19812994 19812995 808188 12409666 1241796 808185 19812999 19813000 808179 12409667 810375 19813002 808190 12409668 808181 808191 808189 19987405 19987408 19987406 19987407 19992045 19990480 19992013 19812750 19812751 19812752 1243038 1243105 19812755 19812756 19812757 19812758 19812760 19812761 1242224 810370 19812763 19812764 19812765 19812766 19990047 1241716 1241717 1241718 1241719 19986725 1241720 5380852 19812771 19812772 1241721 810371 19812774 19812775 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG When A Woman Loves When A Woman's Fed Up Pregnant Fiesta I'm Your Angel Sign Of A Victory Vindarna Viskar Mitt Namn Locked Away Aftermath At My Most Beautiful Bang And Blame Daysleeper Drive E. Bow The Letter Electric Blue Everybody Hurts Great Beyond Imitation Of Life It's The End Of The World As We Know It Losing My Religion Man On The Moon Night Swimming Orange Crush Radio Free Europe Radio Song Shiny Happy People Sidewinder sleeps tonite Stand Strange Currencies The One I Love The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonight Tongue What's The Frequency Kenneth Blessed I'm All Yours Live For You No Greater Love Better Place Fight Song Stand By You Days Like This Me And Emily Where I Belong Level Steady, As She Goes Bends Creep Fake Plastic Trees High & dry No Surprises Optimistic Paranoid Android There there Easier Said Than Done Everyday Angel Labour Of Love Texas In 1880 Under the Shadows Bulls On Parade How I Could Just Kill A Man Killing In The Name Renegades Of Funk Sleep Now In The Fire Testify Guess Who Loves You More Text Messages Indian Reservation All Night Long Since You've Been Gone Black Betty Dreamin' R Kelly R Kelly R Kelly & Tyrese & Robin Thic R Kelly & Boo & Gotti R Kelly & Celine Dion R Kelly and Soweto Spiritual R Pontare R. City ft Adam Levine R.E.M R.E.M R.E.M R.E.M R.E.M R.E.M R.E.M R.E.M R.E.M R.E.M R.E.M R.E.M R.E.M R.E.M R.E.M R.E.M R.E.M R.E.M R.E.M R.E.M R.E.M R.E.M R.E.M R.E.M R.E.M Rachael Lampa Rachael Lampa Rachael Lampa Rachael Lampa Rachel Platten Rachel Platten Rachel Platten Rachel Proctor Rachel Proctor Rachel Proctor Raconteurs, The Raconteurs, The Radiohead Radiohead Radiohead Radiohead Radiohead Radiohead Radiohead Radiohead Radney Foster Radney Foster Radney Foster Radney Foster & Pat Green Rae Morris Rage Against The Machine Rage Against The Machine Rage Against The Machine Rage Against The Machine Rage Against The Machine Rage Against The Machine Raheem Raheem DeVaughn Raiders Rainbow Rainbow Ram Jam Rambler Pagina 204 811044 810860 19812776 810865 19812778 19812779 806756 19812780 19987596 19812781 19985993 19812782 19987970 1678241 19812783 19812804 19812784 19812785 19812786 19812787 19812788 19812789 2721376 811449 19812792 19812793 19812794 19812795 19812796 19812797 810640 19812798 19812799 19812800 19812801 19812802 19812803 19812805 19812806 19812807 19812808 19812809 19812810 810589 19986671 810502 810649 19812812 19812813 19985821 19812814 19812815 19812816 19812817 808836 808111 19987609 19812818 19986451 810914 19986672 19812820 19812821 19812822 19812823 19813652 19812825 1678238 19812826 810606 19812828 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Baby I Love You Beat On The Brat Blitzkrieg Bop The KKK Took My Baby Away Guilty Just Some Love You Might Need Somebody A Man Like Me Absolutely Nothing Anything Goes How Country Feels I'm All About It Runnin' Outta Moonlight 1000 Faces Braid My Hair An Old Pair Of Shoes Angels Baptism Before You Kill Us All Better Class Of Losers Christmas Song Deeper Than The Holler Diggin' Up Bones Forever & Ever, Amen Forever Together He Walked On Water Hole I Told You So I'd Surrender All I'll Be Right Here Loving You Is It Still Over It's Just A Matter Of Time King Of The Road Little Left Of Center Look Heart No Hands Love Without Amen Man Ain't Made Of Stone On The Other Hand Out Of My Bones Pray For The Fish Promises Spirit Of A Boy, Wisdom Of A Man Stranger In My Mirror The Christmas Song The Storms Of Life Three Wooden Crosses Too Gone Too Long Where Can I Surrender Whisper My Name More Life Just When I Needed You Most Fare Thee Well You Feel The Same Way Too Good Man Get Ready I Just Want To Celebrate Cokelines Dance Wiv Me Banjo Bless The Broken Road Come Wake Me Up Every Day Everyday Love Feels Like Today Here Here Comes Goodbye I Melt I won't let go I'm Moving On Life Is A Highway Long Slow Beautiful Dance Ramones, The Ramones, The Ramones, The Ramones, The Ramsus Ranch Randy Crawford Randy Houser Randy Houser Randy Houser Randy Houser Randy Houser Randy Houser Randy Montana Randy Owen Randy Travis Randy Travis Randy Travis Randy Travis Randy Travis Randy Travis Randy Travis Randy Travis Randy Travis Randy Travis Randy Travis Randy Travis Randy Travis Randy Travis Randy Travis Randy Travis Randy Travis Randy Travis Randy Travis Randy Travis Randy Travis Randy Travis Randy Travis Randy Travis Randy Travis Randy Travis Randy Travis Randy Travis Randy Travis Randy Travis Randy Travis Randy Travis Randy Travis Randy Travis Randy Travis & Don Henley Randy Vanwarmer Rankins Rankins Raphael Saadiq Rare Earth Rare Earth Ras Kass Feat. Agallah Rascal Dizzee Calvin Harris & Rascal Flatts Rascal Flatts Rascal Flatts Rascal Flatts Rascal Flatts Rascal Flatts Rascal Flatts Rascal Flatts Rascal Flatts Rascal Flatts Rascal Flatts Rascal Flatts Rascal Flatts Pagina 205 19812829 19812830 1242777 1242818 811703 19812834 19812835 19812836 19812837 1242738 19812839 810155 19812841 19812842 19812844 19812845 19812846 19812847 19812848 19812849 810372 1241723 1241724 19812853 19986619 809740 19812856 809214 19812857 19812858 809223 809217 19812859 809215 811840 809222 19812861 810873 809224 809225 809216 809218 809219 809227 809212 809228 809220 809226 1242367 809221 19812865 810572 19989632 19812866 5380917 1243142 19812868 1243136 19812870 19812871 808713 19985530 1241917 811457 19812874 1241919 19985535 19985537 19812875 19812876 19985529 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Love You Out Loud Mayberry Me And My Gang My Wish Prayin' For Daylight She Goes All The Way Skin These Days This Everyday Love What Hurts The Most While You Loved Me Why Winner At A Losing Game [Karao Easy Good Lovin' People Got To Be Free In the shadows Go All The Way I Wanna Be With You Overnight Sensation Glad att det är över Back For More Round & Round Way Cool Jr. Moonlight Kiss Hokey Pokey A Song For You America The Beautiful Baby It's Cold Outside Busted Don't Set Me Free Drown In My Own Tears Georgia On My Mind Hallelujah I Love Her So Hit The Road Jack I Believe To My Soul I Can't Stop Loving You I Got A Woman It Had To Be You Let's Go Get Stoned Mess Around Nightime Is The Right Time Shake A Tail Feather Song For You Unchain My Heart What'd I Say Yesterday You Are My Sunshine Baby Grand Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Words Here We Go Again Seven Spanish Angels Boom Boom (Heartbeat) Last Wish One Wish What I Need Sexy Can I Trouble Ghostbusters Jamie Tell Laura I Love Her City Lights Crazy Arms For The Good Times Heartaches By The Numbers Help Me Make It Through The Night I Won't Mention It Again I'll Be There If You Ever Want Me I've Got A New Heartache Invitation To The Blues My Shoes Keep Walking Back To You Rascal Flatts Rascal Flatts Rascal Flatts Rascal Flatts Rascal Flatts Rascal Flatts Rascal Flatts Rascal Flatts Rascal Flatts Rascal Flatts Rascal Flatts Rascal Flatts Rascal Flatts Rascal Flatts & Natasha Beding Rascals Rascals Rasmus Raspberries Raspberries Raspberries Ratata Ratt Ratt Ratt Raul Malo Ray Anthony Ray Charles Ray Charles Ray Charles Ray Charles Ray Charles Ray Charles Ray Charles Ray Charles Ray Charles Ray Charles Ray Charles Ray Charles Ray Charles Ray Charles Ray Charles Ray Charles Ray Charles Ray Charles Ray Charles Ray Charles Ray Charles Ray Charles Ray Charles & Billy Joel Ray Charles & Elton John Ray Charles & Norah Jones Ray Charles & Willie Nelson Ray Foxx & Rachel K Collier Ray J Ray J Ray J Ray J & Yung Berg Ray Montagne Ray Parker Jr. Ray Parker Jr. Ray Peterson Ray Price Ray Price Ray Price Ray Price Ray Price Ray Price Ray Price Ray Price Ray Price Ray Price Pagina 206 19985536 19812877 19812878 19985532 19985533 19985531 19985528 19812879 19812880 19812881 19812882 19812883 19812884 1241726 808206 19812886 19812887 1243152 811097 19987565 19987562 19812889 19987559 19987557 19987553 19987560 19987563 19987554 19987555 19987561 19987556 19987558 19987566 19987564 19812890 810374 19985812 19812891 19812893 19812892 807343 2721580 19812895 810995 19812897 19812898 810897 19812902 810989 19812904 19812905 19812906 19812907 810986 19812909 810166 19812910 19812911 19812912 810647 1242769 19812915 19812916 19812917 19812918 19812919 19812920 19812921 19812922 810987 810645 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Night Life One More Time Pride Soft Rain Teh Same Old Me Touch My Heart You're The Best Thing That's Ever Ahab The Arab Everything Is Beautiful Guitarzan I'm My Own Grandpa Jeremiah Peabody's Pills Mississippi Squirrel Revival Santa Claus Is Watching The Streak Butterfly Kisses Way She's Looking America Wire To Wire Anywhere there's a jukebox Every time you cross my mind (you breal my heart) Friends I ain't got no business doin' my business today I can't get enough of you I keep coming back If love had a face Love's gonna fall here tonight Loving up a storm Midnight hauler Scratch my back (and whisper in my ear) She left love all over me Tonight she's gonna love me Too old to play cowboy What time do you have to be back to heaven Politics Of Dancing I Like To Move It Comin' After Your Love Another Night One More Time Run Away Can't get by without you You To Me Are Everything And Still Fancy For My Broken Heart Forever Love He Gets That From Me Holdin' How Blue How Was I To Know I Can't Even Get The Blues I'd Rather Ride Around With You I'll Be I'm A Survivor I'm Gonna Take That Mountain If I Were A Boy Is There Life Out There It's Your Call Just A Little Love Little Rock Love Needs A Holiday Mind Your Own Business My Sister [Karaoke] Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia One Honest Heart Only In My Mind Rumor Has It She Thinks His Name Was John She's Callin' It Love Somebody Somebody Should Leave Pagina 207 Ray Price Ray Price Ray Price Ray Price Ray Price Ray Price Ray Price Ray Stevens Ray Stevens Ray Stevens Ray Stevens Ray Stevens Ray Stevens Ray Stevens Ray Stevens Raybon Brothers Raybon Brothers Razorlight Razorlight Razzy Bailey Razzy Bailey Razzy Bailey Razzy Bailey Razzy Bailey Razzy Bailey Razzy Bailey Razzy Bailey Razzy Bailey Razzy Bailey Razzy Bailey Razzy Bailey Razzy Bailey Razzy Bailey Razzy Bailey Re Flex Real 2 Real Real Hooks, The Real McCoy Real McCoy Real McCoy Real Thing Real Thing Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire 19812924 19812925 19812926 19812927 810990 19812928 19812929 810993 19812930 19812931 19812932 19812933 19812934 19812935 810994 19812937 3283813 810991 19812939 19812940 810988 810829 810998 19812944 810996 19812946 19812947 19812948 2888549 19992409 19988259 19985385 17766292 19986595 19985294 19812950 19812951 19812952 19812953 19812949 19812955 19812956 19812957 19987412 19987409 19987411 19987410 19987542 19812958 1243110 19812960 19812961 808694 1241727 1241728 19991382 808692 19991383 19991384 19991385 1241730 1241731 808690 808696 19531876 1241732 19991390 1241733 808695 807439 19991393 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Starting Over Again Sweet Music Man Take It Back Take Me Back The Fear Of Being Alone The Greatest Man I Never Knew The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter The Last One To Know They Asked About You Til You Love Me Turn On The Radio Walk On We're So Good Together What Do You Say What If What If It's You When love get's a hold on you Whoever's In New England Why Haven't I Heard From You Wrong Night You Lie You're Gonna Be You're The First Time I've Thought About Leaving If You See Him If You See Her Does He Love You Since I Fell For You Every Other Weekend Heart Won't Lie Friday Bones Freedom Glitter And Gold Nothing's Real But Love Teach Me How To Be Loved Too Good To Lose Forgive I Need A Vacation Out Here In The Water Sing Cause I Love To That's Why I Hate Pontiacs This Love What A Shame When My Dreams Come True Breathe Reborn Song of love Wait for me I thank you Sin So Well Get Outta My Life Money Money Money Smoke On The Water Aeroplane Around The World By The Way Californication Californification Can't stop Dani California Fortune Faded Fortunes Faded Give It Away Higher Ground If You Have To Ask Monarchy Of Roses Otherside Road trippin Scar Tissue Sir Psycho Sexy Snow (Hey Oh) Soul to squeeze Pagina 208 Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire Reba McEntire & Brooks & Dunn Reba McEntire & Linda Davis Reba McEntire & Natalie Cole Reba McEntire & Skip Ewing Reba McEntire & Vince Gill Rebecca Black Rebecca Ferguson Rebecca Ferguson Rebecca Ferguson Rebecca Ferguson Rebecca Ferguson Rebecca Ferguson Rebecca Lynn Howard Rebecca Lynn Howard Rebecca Lynn Howard Rebecca Lynn Howard Rebecca Lynn Howard Rebecca Lynn Howard Rebecca Lynn Howard Rebecca Lynn Howard Rebecca St:James Rebecca St:James Rebecca St:James Rebecca St:James Rebecca St.James Rebekah Rebel Meets Rebel Red Cafe & Diddy & Fabolou Red Foley Red Hot Chili Peppers Red Hot Chili Peppers Red Hot Chili Peppers Red Hot Chili Peppers Red Hot Chili Peppers Red Hot Chili Peppers Red Hot Chili Peppers Red Hot Chili Peppers Red Hot Chili Peppers Red Hot Chili Peppers Red Hot Chili Peppers Red Hot Chili Peppers Red Hot Chili Peppers Red Hot Chili Peppers Red Hot Chili Peppers Red Hot Chili Peppers Red Hot Chili Peppers Red Hot Chili Peppers Red Hot Chili Peppers 808693 19812973 1241736 808691 19991397 19812975 810735 19985955 19812976 810854 811041 19991033 19986736 19812977 19812978 806730 19986581 19986573 19812981 808712 19812982 19812983 19991991 19812984 19812985 2113336 19989855 19812986 19812987 19812988 806753 1242868 5380978 19813007 19813008 19992333 1076170 19992337 810027 19992352 811972 19990020 19813009 19813010 19813011 19813012 19813013 19813014 19813015 19813016 19813018 19813019 19813021 808832 19813023 19813024 19813026 19813028 19813029 19813030 19813031 19813032 19813033 19813034 19813035 19813036 19813037 19813038 1243066 811057 19813040 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Suck My Kiss Tell Me Baby The Zephyr Song Under The Bridge Universally speaking Zephyr Song Ballad Of A Dog Named Stains Holy S--T, It's Christmas! You Promised The Moon Lunatic Fringe Witch Queen Of New Orleans Comeback How High If I Had A Nickel Squeezin' The Love Outta You Cotton Eye Joe Nothin' But A Good Time Take On Me Jackson Just Like Romeo And Juliet Sweetest Thing Problems New Girl Asking For The Moon More Than I Wanted To Know Better You've Got Time Bartender Song Therapy Who I Am Hates Who I've Been I'll Be There For You Conceited Feels So Good Perfect Memory Prophecy I Am A Singer I Who Have Nothing Just Say Hello Nimber One This Is De Moment Winter in America The Calling Roxie I Move On I'll Cover You Light My Candle Out Tonight Rent Seasons Of Love Take Me Or Leave Me Can't Fight This Feeling Don't let him in In Your Letter Keep On Loving You One Lonely Night Ridin' The Storm Out Take It On The Run They-Say Vision Big Dreams In A Small Town Fast Movin' Train For Lack Of Better Words Heartbreak Kid I'll Still Be Loving You Mending Fences No End To This Road That Rock Won't Roll When She Cries Why Does It Have To Be Wrong Or Rijght Slowburn Precious Don't Get Me Started Red Hot Chili Peppers Red Hot Chili Peppers Red Hot Chili Peppers Red Hot Chili Peppers Red Hot Chili Peppers Red Hot Chili Peppers Red Peters Red Peters Red Peters Red Rider Redbone Redlight King Redman & Method Man Redman & Vale Redman & Vale Rednex, The Reel Big Fish Reel Big Fish Reese Witherspoon & Joaquin Phoenix Reflections, The Refugee Camp All Stars & Laury Reggae Reggie 'N' Bollie Regina Regina Regina Regina Regina Spektor Regina Spektor Rehab Relient K Relient K Rembrandts, The Remy Ma Remy Ma & Ne Yo Remy Zero Remy Zero Rene Froger Rene Froger Rene Froger Rene Froger Rene Froger Rene Froger Rene LaVice ft Ivy Mairi Renée Zellweger Renée Zellweger & Catherine Ze Rent Rent Rent Rent Rent Rent Reo Speedwagon Reo Speedwagon Reo Speedwagon Reo Speedwagon Reo Speedwagon Reo Speedwagon Reo Speedwagon Res Restless Heart Restless Heart Restless Heart Restless Heart Restless Heart Restless Heart Restless Heart Restless Heart Restless Heart Restless Heart Revelation Theory Rewind Rhett Akins Pagina 209 19813041 19813042 19813043 19813044 19813045 19813046 19813047 810169 19813049 19813050 19985620 811053 807634 19986536 19986582 19986580 809618 19813052 809616 809620 809614 809619 809613 809621 19813059 19813060 809615 19813062 19813063 19813064 19813065 19813066 19813067 806671 19813068 19813069 19813070 19813071 807402 19813074 19813075 19992124 811988 19813077 19813078 19813080 3283787 5380969 19813083 19814084 19813084 19813085 19813086 19813087 19813088 19813089 19813090 19813091 811090 806879 19813095 19813096 1242300 810377 810378 810250 19813101 19813102 19813103 19813104 19813105 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Drivin' My Life Away Every Cowboy's Dream I Brake For Brunettes If Heaven Wasn't So Far More Than Everything She Said Yes That Ain't My Truck Taken That Just About Covers It Awesome God A song for lovers A Song For The Lovers Break the Night With Colour Gin & Juice Ice Ice Baby Like a Virgin Angelina Days In Avalon Don't Mean Nothing Endless Summer Nights Hazard Hold On To The Nights Now And Forever Right Here Waiting Satisfied Shine Should've Known Better Straight From My Heart Take This Heart The Way She Loves Me Too Late To Say Goodbye Until I Find You Again Way She Loves Me I Like That Six Foot Teddy Bear Hard Times Come Easy In It For Love Come On Let's Go Donna Hopelessly Hungry eyes Keep Singing Never Gonna Give You Up Together Forever Whenever you need somebody Disco Duck Super Freak Hustlin' Here I Am Speedin' Jessie's Girl Doctor Time I Only Get This Way With You Learning As You Go Looking For The Light Only Lonely Me See Rock City Come To Me I Don't Care Livin' La Vida Loca Loaded Maria Saint Tropez Shake your bon bon She Bangs She's All I Ever Need St. Tropez The Cup Of Life Volveras Vuelo Nobody Wants To Be Lonely Rhett Akins Rhett Akins Rhett Akins Rhett Akins Rhett Akins Rhett Akins Rhett Akinst Rhonda Vincent Rich McCready Rich Mullins Richard Ashcroft Richard Ashcroft Richard Ashcroft Richard Cheese Richard Cheese Richard Cheese Richard Marx Richard Marx Richard Marx Richard Marx Richard Marx Richard Marx Richard Marx Richard Marx Richard Marx Richard Marx Richard Marx Richard Marx Richard Marx Richard Marx Richard Marx Richard Marx Richard Marx Richard Vission & Static Revenger & Luciana Richie Mc Donald Richie Sambora Richie Sambora Richie Valens Richie Valens Rick Astley Rick Astley Rick Astley Rick Astley Rick Astley Rick Astley Rick Dees Rick James Rick Ross Rick Ross & Nelly & Avery Stor Rick Ross & R. Kelly Rick Springfield Rick Trevino Rick Trevino Rick Trevino Rick Trevino Rick Trevino Rick Trevino Ricky Martin Ricky Martin Ricky Martin Ricky Martin Ricky Martin Ricky Martin Ricky Martin Ricky Martin Ricky Martin Ricky Martin Ricky Martin Ricky Martin Ricky Martin Ricky Martin & Christina Aguil Pagina 210 810975 19813107 19813108 19813116 811396 810379 19813111 19813112 19813113 810380 19813115 19813117 19813118 19813119 19813120 19813121 19813122 19813123 19813124 19813125 19813126 19813127 19813128 19813129 19813130 19813131 19813132 19813133 19813134 810672 19813136 9103530 811776 19813140 811407 19990099 811294 3283845 9914927 19985970 811291 1242499 19531880 19986588 3283848 811292 19991673 3283833 19992195 3283842 807626 19531867 3283846 3283843 807691 810318 811288 19992126 807643 19986101 807670 811146 19990014 811289 811290 3283849 811293 19985307 19531858 19531849 19985341 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Drop It On Me Be Careful Private Emotion A Wonder Like You Garden Party Hello Mary Lou It's Late Lonesome Town Stood Up Sweeter than you Travelin' Man Cat's In The Cradle Cajun Moon Something In My Heart Uncle Pen Crime Of Passion I Am A Simple Man She Needs Me Statue Of A Fool Wherever She Is Blink Of An Eye Can't Stop Thinkin' Bout That Connected At The Heart Daddy's Money Do I Love You Enough Ease My Troubled Mind He Left A Lot To Be Desired Honky Tonk Baby She's Gone I'm Too Sexy You're My Mate Rock And Roll Heaven Unchained Melody You're My Soul And Inspiration You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling Bitch Better Have My Money Breakin' Dishes California King Bed Cheers (Drink To That) (Clean Version) Diamonds Disturbia Don't Stop The Music Drunk On Love Fading Fire Bomb If It's Lovin' That You Want Kiss It Better Man Down Needed Me Only Girl (In The World) Pon De Replay Roc Me Out Rockstar 101 Rude Boy Russian Roulette S&M Shut Up & Drive Sledgehammer SOS (Rescue Me) Stay Take A Bow Te Amo Towards the Sun Umbrella Unfaithful Wait Your Turn We Ride Where Have You Been You Da One We Found Love Birthday Cake Ricky Martin & Daddy Yankee Ricky Martin & Madonna Ricky Martin & Meja Ricky Nelson Ricky Nelson Ricky Nelson Ricky Nelson Ricky Nelson Ricky Nelson Ricky Nelson Ricky Nelson Ricky Scaggs Ricky Skaggs Ricky Skaggs Ricky Skaggs Ricky Van Shelton Ricky Van Shelton Ricky Van Shelton Ricky Van Shelton Ricky Van Shelton Ricochet Ricochet Ricochet Ricochet Ricochet Ricochet Ricochet Ricochet Ricochet Right Said Fred Right Said Fred Righteous Brothers, The Righteous Brothers, The Righteous Brothers, The Righteous Brothers, The Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna & Calvin Harris Rihanna & Chris Brown Pagina 211 3283819 807132 19991152 19531871 3283840 3283850 19990071 809980 810212 807150 3283847 3283844 19987801 1242327 19813157 19813158 810875 1241819 1242795 1243121 19813163 810481 810383 19813165 1241781 19989856 19985789 19989857 19990226 19986109 19985885 19989859 19985359 19989860 19988472 19990472 809087 19813166 19813167 19813168 19813169 19989861 19989862 19989863 19990229 8477763 19988198 17766315 19988219 19989865 19985293 12409658 19813172 19813173 19813174 19813175 1242958 806668 1241737 810940 806673 19813179 19813180 19813181 19813182 810384 1243223 810385 1243224 1243225 806645 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Who's That Chick What's My Name Work Talk That Talk Run This Town All Of The Lights Four Five Seconds Hate That I Love You Raining Men Break It Off Photograph Hard Right Now It Don't Come Easy La De Da No No Song Oh My My You're Sixteen Kill Me Now Ready To Fall No Air All Time High I'd Rather Leave Your Love Has Lifted Me Higher And Higher Somethin' Bout You Baby I Like How We Do How We Do (Party) I Will Never Let You Down Poison Radioactive Roc The Life Shine Ya Light R.I.P R.I.P. I Will Never Let You Down Body On Me Marilyn Monroe Breathless I Broke It I'll Fix It Nickajack Somebody Will Make Out Me And My Broken Heart Wait On Me We All Want The Same Thing Down With The Trumpets Lost Generation Mama Do The Hump (Clean Version) Skip To The Good Bit Tell Her Traveller's Chant When I Was A Youngster Family Man Girl On The Billboard It Takes Two Bad Boy For Life Ever The Same Give Me The Meltdown Her Diamonds Lonely No More Mockingbird Dragula Feel So Numb Living Dead Girl Never Gonna Stop A kick in the head Advertising Space Angels Better Man Beyond The Sea Bodies Rihanna & David Guetta Rihanna & Drake Rihanna & Drake Rihanna & Jay Z Rihanna & Jay Z & Kanye West Rihanna & Kanye West & Friends Rihanna & Kanye West ft Paul McCartney Rihanna & Ne-Yo Rihanna & Nicki Minaj Rihanna & Sean Paul Rihanna & Will I Am Rihanna & Young Jeezy Rihanna Feat. David Guetta Ringo Starr Ringo Starr Ringo Starr Ringo Starr Ringo Starr Rio Grand Rise Against Rissi Palmer Rita Coolidge Rita Coolidge Rita Coolidge Rita Coolidge & Glen Campbell Rita Ora Rita Ora Rita Ora Rita Ora Rita Ora Rita Ora Rita Ora Rita Ora & Tinie Tempah Rita Ora & Tinie Tempah Rita Ora Feat. Calvin Harris Rita Ora Feat. Chris Brown Rive Of No Return River Road River Road River Road River Road Rixton Rixton Rixton Rixton Rizzle Kicks Rizzle Kicks Rizzle Kicks Rizzle Kicks Rizzle Kicks Rizzle Kicks Rizzle Kicks Roachford Road Hammers Rob Base Rob Black & P Diddy & Mark Cur Rob Thomas Rob Thomas Rob Thomas Rob Thomas Rob Thomas Rob Zombie Rob Zombie Rob Zombie Rob Zombie Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Pagina 212 19985884 810386 810387 1243226 810388 810389 1243227 1243228 810390 1243229 810403 1243230 810409 810391 810392 1243232 1243233 810393 810394 807546 810395 19813206 810397 810398 806678 1243235 810399 810400 19813211 1243236 810402 19813213 1243238 810404 19988429 1243239 810405 810406 810407 1243237 1243242 810408 807694 19813220 810410 19813221 810369 1243243 19988262 19813223 810411 19813225 19813226 19813227 19813228 19813229 19985857 19813230 19813231 19813232 19813233 19813234 19813235 811326 806830 19813239 809589 19813240 811016 810412 19990580 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Candy Come Undone Eternity Feel Fly right Freedom Handsome Man Have You Met Miss Jones Hollywood will list Hot Fudge I don't wanna Rock DJ I Will Talk & Hollywood Will Listen It was a good year It's only us Karma killer Knutsford City Limits Let Love Be Your Energy Let Me Entertain You Love Be Your Energy Lovelight Mack the knife Me And My Monkey Met Miss Jones Millenium Morning Sun Mr Bojangles No Regrets Old Before I Die One For My Baby Radio Road To Mandalay Rock DJ Rudebox She's the one Shine My Shoes Sin Sin Sin Strong Supreme Take that away The Road To Mandalay Tripping Well did you ever You Know Me Shame Kids Me And My Shadow (Duet) Something Stupid She's Madonna Dream a Little Dream Walkin' Cane Addicted To Love Bad Case Of Loving You I Didn't Mean To Turn You On Mercy Mercy Me Simply Irresistible Sneakin Sally Through The Alley Big Log Darkness Darkness Tall Cool One Please Read The Letter Shine It All Around I Need More Love Feel Like Makin' Love Killing Me Softly With His Song The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face The Closer I Get To You Set The Night To Music Girl In Love Saved By The Bell Luv 4 Luv Sugar Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams Robbie Williams & Gary Barlow Robbie Williams & Kylie Minogue Robbie Williams & Nichole Kidm Robbie Williams & Nicole Kidman Robbie Williams & The Pet Shop Boys Robbie Williams Feat. Lily Allen Robert Earl Keen Robert Palmer Robert Palmer Robert Palmer Robert Palmer Robert Palmer Robert Palmer Robert Plant Robert Plant Robert Plant Robert Plant & Alison Krauss Robert Plant & Strange Sensati Robert Randolph & The Family B Roberta Flack Roberta Flack Roberta Flack Roberta Flack & Donny Hathaway Roberta Flack & Maxi Priest Robin English Robin Gibb Robin S Robin Schulz & Francesco Yates Pagina 213 19986608 19813243 19989734 19987804 810413 1242477 19813244 19813246 19813247 809977 19813248 1243132 19985524 1242724 19813251 19813252 19813253 811772 19985333 18136284 18136285 19813255 18136261 810415 18136301 18136286 19813259 19813261 19813262 19813263 18136279 811853 19813266 806853 18136324 18136331 19813268 18136287 19813269 808101 18136332 19990475 2721457 18136325 19813273 18136326 18136288 19813274 1241832 810675 18136289 16473026 19988030 18136320 18136321 12587008 18136327 810711 18136290 18136328 18136329 19813279 18136330 12587009 19813281 18136291 806770 18136292 12587010 18136322 18136282 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Lost Without U Magic Give It 2 U Blurred Lines I Believe Be Mine Call Your Girlfriend Do You Know Do You Really Want Me Handle Me Show Me Love Paralyzed I Can't Believe It's Me Lipstick Umma Do Me Dance Somebody's Watching Me Time Warp Broken arrow Angel Baby Jane Crazy Life Do Ya Think I'm Sexy Don't want to talk Downtown Train Every Beat Of My Heart Every Picture Tells A Story First Cut Is The Deepest Forever Young Good Morning Beautiful Have I Told You Lately That I Love You Having A Party Hot Legs I Don't Want To Talk About It I was only joking I'll Be Seing You If I Had You If Loving You Is Wrong I Don't Wan If We Fall In Love Tonight [Ka Infatuation It Had To Be You Love Is Maggie May Moonglow Motown Song Neamess Of You Oh No Not My Baby Ooh La La People Get Ready Reason to believe Rhythm Of My Heart Sailing (I am) She Makes Me Happy Some Guys Have All The Luck Stay With Me Superstar That Old Feeling The First Cut Is The Deepest The Killing Of Georgie The Very Thought Of You The Way You Look Tonight These Foolish Things They Can't Take That Away From Me This Old Heart Of Mine To Be With You Tonight I'm Yours Don't Hurt Me Tonight's The Night What Am I Gonna Do When We Were The New Boys You Wear It Well You're In My Heart Robin Thicke Robin Thicke Robin Thicke & Kendrick Lamar Robin Thicke Feat. T.I. & Pharrell Robson and Jerome Robyn Robyn Robyn Robyn Robyn Robyn Rock Kills Kid Rockie Lynne Rockie Lynne Rocko Rockwell Rockwell Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Rod Steward Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Pagina 214 18136323 19813285 18136280 19813286 19813288 1242741 19813290 19813291 19813292 19813293 19813294 19985968 19813295 19813296 19813297 19813298 19813300 19813301 19813302 2721445 19813304 19813305 19813306 1242261 19986555 19813307 806661 2058930 1242116 811148 19985859 808233 808228 808229 808622 808625 812261 808629 812254 1241738 19813313 808626 812258 1241739 812260 808620 808627 2721450 808232 808618 808230 812255 1241740 19813322 19813323 808231 812259 808619 19813326 19813327 812253 808621 810417 19813330 19813331 1241742 19813332 19813334 808624 808623 19986686 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Young Turks Bewitched Bothered & Bewildered Faith Of The Heart 15 Minutes Honesty (Write Me A List) If You're Going Through Hell In A Heartbeat Sing Along Letter To My P-N-S More Of A Man Show Them To Me Who Put The D--K On The Snowman (Adult) Lovin' All Night I Walk The Line Family Ness Chug A Lug Engine Engine Number Nine Husbands & Wives Kansas City Star King Of The Road Little Green Apples Walking In The Sunshine You Can't Rollerskate In A Buffalo Herd Don't Believe In Ifs Anymore You Are My Miracle Born Free Love Is A War Court Of King Caracticus Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport Good times Heart Of Stone 19th Nervous Breakdown Angie As Tears Go By Beast Of Burden Bitch Brown Sugar Chug All Night Come On Daddy Cool Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbrea Emotional Rescue Get Off Of My Cloud Gimmie Shelter Honky Tonk Women It's All Over Now It’s Only Rock And Roll But I Like It Jumpin' Jack Flash Last Time Let It Bleed Let's Spend The Night Together Little Red Rooster Love is Strong Miss You Mixed Emotions Mothers Little Helper Paint It Black Play With Fire Rip This Joint Rock And A Hard Place Route 66 Ruby Tuesday Satisfaction Shattered She's So Cold Sister Morphine Some Girls Star Star Start Me Up Street Fighting Man Sweet Virginia Rod Stewart Rod Stewart & Cher Rod Stewart with Splash Rodney Atkins Rodney Atkins Rodney Atkins Rodney Atkins Rodney Atkins Rodney Carrington Rodney Carrington Rodney Carrington Rodney Carrington Rodney Crowell Rodney Crowell & Johnny Cash Roger & Gavin Greenaway Roger Miller Roger Miller Roger Miller Roger Miller Roger Miller Roger Miller Roger Miller Roger Miller Roger Whitaker Roger Whittaker Roger Williams Rogue Traders Rolf Harris Rolf Harris Roll Deep Rolling Stones Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Pagina 215 808227 808628 812257 812262 19813333 812256 19813339 1241744 19813341 808234 812252 808226 19813345 19813346 19813347 810421 19991007 810418 19813350 810419 810420 810422 19813352 19813353 807611 810423 1243139 808919 19813356 19813357 19985950 19813358 19985949 811034 810172 19807137 811268 809710 19813374 19813375 19813376 19990163 807346 807377 19813378 19813379 19813380 810424 19988150 19988146 19988147 19988151 19988161 19988162 19988156 19988160 19988158 19988155 19988163 19988157 19988164 19988153 19988154 19988145 19988159 19988152 19988149 19988148 19989867 19988631 806658 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Sympathy For The Devil Tell Me High Tide The Last Time The Rolling Stones Medley The Spider And The Fly Time Is On My Side Tumbling Dice Under My Thumb Undercover Of The Night Wild Horses You Better Move On You Can't Always Get What You Want Talking In Your Sleep What I Like About You I Belong To You If Tomorrow Never Comes Let Me Love You Life Is A Rollercoster Lost for words Lovin' Each Day Say Nothing At All The Way You Make Me Feel Tomorrow Never Comes Way You Make Me Feel We've Got Tonight When you say nothing All Over Again Be My Baby Frosty The Snowman I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus Santa Claus Is Coming To Town Sleigh Ride Winter Wonderland Roses Are Red Bleed Red She's Acting Single How Come When Something Is Wrong With My Baby (DUET) My Baby Thinks He's A Train Seven Year Ache Tennessee Flat Top Box Somebody Car Wash Wishing on a star Anniversary Song Hey There Mambo Italiano Cheek To Cheek Come Fly With Me God Bless The Child How High The Moon I Apologize I Can't Get Started I Should Care I Wanna Be Around In Solitude It's A Blue World Nature Boy No More Blues Singing In The Rain Swinging On A Star The Candy Man The Way She Loves Me There'll Be Some Changes Made They Can't Take That Away From Me Volare Why Don't You Do Right You're Something My Love My Love Bulletproof Pagina 216 Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones, The Romantics Romantics Rome Ronan Keating Ronan Keating Ronan Keating Ronan Keating Ronan Keating Ronan Keating Ronan Keating Ronan Keating Ronan Keating Ronan Keating Ronan Keating Ronan Keating Kate Rusby Ronettes, The Ronettes, The Ronettes, The Ronettes, The Ronettes, The Ronettes, The Ronnie Carroll Ronnie Dunn Ronnie Dunn Ronnie Lane and Slim Chance Ronstadt & Neville Rosanne Cash Rosanne Cash Rosanne Cash Rose & Jeremih, La Rose Royce Rose Royce Rosemary Clooney Rosemary Clooney Rosemary Clooney Rosie Ross Murray Ross Murray Ross Murray Ross Murray Ross Murray Ross Murray Ross Murray Ross Murray Ross Murray Ross Murray Ross Murray Ross Murray Ross Murray Ross Murray Ross Murray Ross Murray Ross Murray Ross Murray Ross Murray Ross Murray Route 94 & Jess Glynne Route 94 Feat. Jess Glynne Roux, La 2058922 19989559 19810295 19989062 19813382 1242054 1242047 1242164 1242089 806754 2058915 2058917 2058916 810425 810426 19813391 810427 810428 810429 810430 810431 1242219 810433 810434 810435 810436 810693 19813403 2721470 810437 1241221 812083 2721469 810438 1241222 19813406 1242152 811435 810439 812084 812085 810440 810441 810442 812086 810264 2721441 810444 1241224 1242472 1241220 811409 1241225 810446 810447 810448 1241223 807140 19813415 19989079 19990115 19813416 19813417 19813418 19813419 2721396 2058906 19813423 1242917 810474 1241042 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG In For The Kill Let Me Down Gently Quicksand Uptight Downtown Almost Unreal Church of Your Heart Dangerous Dressed For Success Fading Like A Flower It Must Have Been Love Joyride Listen to Your Heart Sleeping in My Car Spending my time The Look Angel Eyes Avalon Dance Away Jealous Guy Let's Stick Together Love Is A Drug More Than This O Yeah Over You Same Old Scene Virginia Plain Wabash Cannonball Tips Of My Fingers Actress Blue Angel Blue Bayou Borne On The Wind Breakin' Up Is Breakin' My Heart California Blue Candy Man Claudette Communication Breakdown Crying Dream Baby Falling Goodnight I Drove All Night In Dreams It's Over Lana Love Hurts Oh Pretty Woman Only The Lonely Oooby Dooby Penny Arcade Pretty Paper Pretty Woman Ride Away Roy Orbison Medley 1 Roy Orbison Medley 2 Running Scared Sweet Dream Baby You got it Happy Trails Figure It Out Out Of The Black Zip Gun Bop Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron Snoopy's Christmas Short Shorts (Duet) Coal Minin' Man Everybody's Free Supermodel Change Me Superstar Sugar Baby Love Roux, La Roux, La Roux, La Roux, La Roxette Roxette Roxette Roxette Roxette Roxette Roxette Roxette Roxette Roxette Roxette Roxy Music Roxy Music Roxy Music Roxy Music Roxy Music Roxy Music Roxy Music Roxy Music Roxy Music Roxy Music Roxy Music Roy Acuff Roy Clark Roy Orbison Roy Orbison Roy Orbison Roy Orbison Roy Orbison Roy Orbison Roy Orbison Roy Orbison Roy Orbison Roy Orbison Roy Orbison Roy Orbison Roy Orbison Roy Orbison Roy Orbison Roy Orbison Roy Orbison Roy Orbison Roy Orbison Roy Orbison Roy Orbison Roy Orbison Roy Orbison Roy Orbison Roy Orbison Roy Orbison Roy Orbison Roy Orbison Roy Orbison Roy Orbison Roy Rogers & Dale Evans Royal Blood Royal Blood Royal Crown Revue Royal Guardsmen Royal Guardsmen Royal Teens Roys, The Rozalla Ru Paul Ruben Studdard Ruben Studdard Rubettes, The Pagina 217 811538 808913 19813425 19990506 19991158 19989868 19990183 19989870 19985559 19987643 19986035 19988616 19989871 19813426 19813427 19813428 19985956 9103550 19813430 19813431 1241852 19987501 1241746 19813432 810881 19813433 1241037 19813434 19992418 19813435 19813436 19813437 19813438 19813439 19813440 19813441 19813442 19813443 19813444 19813445 19987607 19813446 807732 19813447 19813448 810449 810450 19813451 811073 810451 1242305 19985951 1242536 19813453 19813454 19813455 807731 19989872 19813456 808886 810697 808880 19985332 808882 808883 2389634 19813460 808881 808884 19813463 19813464 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Flying Without Wing Our Day Will Come Little Bitty Crack In His Hear Lay It All On Me Rumour Mill Waiting All Night Free Right Here Feel The Love Waiting All Night Not Giving In Free Not Giving In No More Someone To Love You Tell Me Something Good Christmas In Hollis It's like that You Be Illin' Loch Lomond Escape (Pina Colda Song) Made By Mercy Limelight [Sc] One Little Victory Subdivisions I Can't Be Your Friend Atmosphere Real Thing Lost Boy Lucky Lips Cheese & Onions Answering Bell Everybody Knows Lucky Now New York, New York So Alive On The Way Down True Diamond Girl I Choose You Ups & Downs Addiction Dolce Vita Last Thing She Said Run, Run, Run Bring it all back Don't Stop Moving Never Had A Dream Come True Reach S Club party Stand By Me Sleigh Ride Just Be Good To Me I'm So Into You Right Here You're Always On My Mind Boys Can't Blame A Girl For Trying Every Day Hurts By Your Side Cherish The Day Giving You The Best I Got Kiss of life No Ordinary Love Paradise Smooth Operator Still In Love With You Sweetest Taboo Your Love Is King Get Around This On The Loose Rubin Studdard Ruby & Romantics Ruby Lovett Rudimental Rudimental & Anne Marie & Will Heard Rudimental & Ella Eyre Rudimental & Emeli Sande Rudimental & Foxes Rudimental & John Newman Rudimental Feat. Ella Eyre Rudimental Feat. John Newman & Alex Clare Rudimental Ft. Emeli Sand Rudimental, John Newman and Alex Clare Ruff Endz Ruff Endz Rufus Run DMC Run DMC Run Dmc Runrig Rupert Holmes Ruppes, The Rush Rush Rush Rushlow Russ Abbott Russell Morris Ruth B Ruth Brown Rutles Ryan Adams Ryan Adams Ryan Adams Ryan Adams Ryan Adams Ryan Cabrera Ryan Cabrera Ryan Leslie Ryan Leslie Ryan Leslie Ryan Leslie & Cassie & Fabolou Ryan Paris Ryan Tyler Ryan Tyler S Club 7 S Club 7 S Club 7 S Club 7 S Club 7 S Club 7 S Club Juniors S O S Band SWV SWV SWV Sabrina Sabrina Carpenter Sad Café Sade Sade Sade Sade Sade Sade Sade Sade Sade Sade SafetySuit Saga Pagina 218 19989066 12409649 19813465 19813466 19813467 19813468 19813469 19813474 19813470 19813471 808825 808819 19985919 19985790 19989873 19988274 19989874 1242520 19813476 19813477 19813478 808284 19813480 811866 19813482 808287 19813483 808282 19813485 808285 19813487 19813488 19813489 808288 808286 808283 808289 19990261 19989875 19990011 19990043 19988411 19988229 19989877 19990504 19991520 19990087 19990133 807669 809192 810452 19813495 19813496 19813497 19813498 19990169 19813499 19813500 808584 19813502 810453 808921 19813505 19813507 19813508 19813506 1241379 1241380 19813512 1241381 19813514 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG My Type Loca People Click Click Boom Survival Of The Sickest Your Disease Expression Let's Talk About Sex None Of Your Business Push It Whatta Man Hold On I'm Comin' Soul Man Bom Bom Bom Bom Compass Skyscraper Skyscrapers Stop A Change Is Gonna Come Another Saturday Night Bring It On Home Chain Gang Change Is Gonna Come Cupid Everybody Loves To Cha Cha Cha Frankie And Johnnie Good Times Having A Party Meet Me At Mary's Place Only Sixteen Send Me Some Lovin' She Was Only Sixteen Soothe Me The Shake Twisting The Night Away Wonderful World You Send Me Show Me Love I'm Not The Only One Lay Me Down Like I Can Money On My Mind Nirvana Stay With Me Writing's On The Wall Writings On The Wall Lay Me Down (Comic Relief) Lay Me Down Black & Gold Lil' Red Riding Hood Woolly Bully Happy With You I wanna have some fun Naughty girls Touch Me (I Want Your Body) Soldier Always Come Back To Your Love Baby Come On Over Body Ii Body Don't Need You To Gotta Tell You Help Me Make It Through The Night I Like It Candy Man I've Got To Be Me Mr Bojangles Heavy Metal I Can't Drive 55 Little White Lie Mas Tequila Serious Juju Saint Motel Sak Noel Saliva Saliva Saliva Salt 'N Pepa Salt 'N Pepa Salt 'N Pepa Salt 'N Pepa Salt 'N Pepa Sam & Dave Sam & Dave Sam & The Womp Sam And The Womp Sam Bailey Sam Bailey Sam Bailey Sam Brown Sam Cooke Sam Cooke Sam Cooke Sam Cooke Sam Cooke Sam Cooke Sam Cooke Sam Cooke Sam Cooke Sam Cooke Sam Cooke Sam Cooke Sam Cooke Sam Cooke Sam Cooke Sam Cooke Sam Cooke Sam Cooke Sam Cooke Sam Feldt Feat. Kimberly Anne Sam Smith Sam Smith Sam Smith Sam Smith Sam Smith Sam Smith Sam Smith Sam Smith Sam Smith And John Legend Sam Smith ft John Legend Sam Sparro Sam The Sham Sam The Sham Samantha Cole Samantha Fox Samantha Fox Samantha Fox Samantha Jade Samantha Mumba Samantha Mumba Samantha Mumba Samantha Mumba Samantha Mumba Sammi Smith Sammie Sammy Davis Jr. Sammy Davis Jr. Sammy Davis Jr. Sammy Hagar Sammy Hagar Sammy Hagar Sammy Hagar Sammy Hagar Pagina 219 1241382 19813516 19813517 19813518 19813519 19813520 19813521 9103411 19813523 19813524 19813525 19813526 19813527 19813528 19813529 19813530 19813531 810641 19813532 19987420 19987418 19987419 19987417 2721448 19813534 811916 2721398 808116 19991736 19813537 19813538 19813539 810454 19813541 19813542 19813543 810455 19813554 19813544 19813545 19813546 19813547 811527 810972 19813549 19813550 19813551 19813552 19813553 19813555 810901 2721400 810512 19813559 19813560 1242725 19813562 19813563 9103410 19813565 19813566 19813567 19813568 19813569 19813570 19813571 19813572 19813573 19813574 19813575 19813576 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Shag Your Love Is Driving Me Crazy Chevy Van Cadilliac Style Fit To Be Tied Down Honky Tonk America I Want My Money Back Love Of My Life Matches Me And Maxine National Working Woman's Holid One Day Left To Live Queen Of My Double Wide Trailer She Don't Know She's Beautiful Southbound Third Rate Romance When You Love Someone Yard Sale He Drinks Tequila How Excellent Is Thy Name More Than Wonderful Pour On The Power Via Dolorosa Puppet On A String Shadow Of Your Smile In The Heat of the Night Days Like These Smoke From A Distant Fire Anywhere You Want to Go Black Magic Woman Evil Ways Love Of My Life Maria Maria Open Invitation Oye Como Va Persuasion Smooth Into The Night Why Don't You and I Feels Like Fire Put Your Lights On Game Of Love The Game Of Love I'm Feeling You (Radio Version) Nothing At All America Smooth Just Feel Better Maria Maria Love Song A Real Fine Place To Start Alone Backseat Of A Greyhound Bus Bible Song Born To Fly Cheatin' Cryin' Game Fool I'm A Woman I Could Not Ask For More I Keep Looking My Heart Can't Tell You No No Place That Far O Come All Ye Faithful Perfect Real Fine Place To Start Saints & Angels Shame About That Suds In The Bucket That's The Beat Of A Heart Three Chords And The Truth Tonight Sammy Hagar Sammy Hagar Sammy Johns Sammy Kershaw Sammy Kershaw Sammy Kershaw Sammy Kershaw Sammy Kershaw Sammy Kershaw Sammy Kershaw Sammy Kershaw Sammy Kershaw Sammy Kershaw Sammy Kershaw Sammy Kershaw Sammy Kershaw Sammy Kershaw Sammy Kershaw Sammy Kershaw & Morgan Sandi Patti Sandi Patti Sandi Patti Sandi Patti Sandie Shaw Sandpipers Sandra Sandra Piller Sanford & The Townsend Band Santana Santana Santana Santana Santana Santana Santana Santana Santana Santana & Chad Kroeger Santana & Chad Kroeger Santana & Dido Santana & Everlast Santana & Michelle Branch Santana & Michelle Branch Santana & Michelle Branch & The Wreckers Santana & Musiq Santana & P. O. D. Santana & Rob Thomas Santana & Steven Tyler Santana & The Product G&B Sara Bareilles Sara Evans Sara Evans Sara Evans Sara Evans Sara Evans Sara Evans Sara Evans Sara Evans Sara Evans Sara Evans Sara Evans Sara Evans Sara Evans Sara Evans Sara Evans Sara Evans Sara Evans Sara Evans Sara Evans Sara Evans Sara Evans Pagina 220 1242824 811235 19813579 19813580 19813581 19813582 2721399 19813584 811343 811364 810456 19813588 19813589 2058933 811363 19813591 19813592 19813593 19813594 19987540 809108 810654 19813595 811124 19985549 19988170 19987785 19988427 19989052 19986418 8477754 19065181 807683 19813598 19813599 811106 19989937 1242157 19813603 19813604 19813605 810458 19813607 19813608 19813600 806794 19813610 19813647 19813611 19813612 810462 19813614 19813615 19813616 19813617 19813618 19813619 19813620 19813621 19813622 19813623 19813624 19813625 19813626 1242133 19813627 19813659 19813660 19813661 19986589 811246 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG You'll Always Be My Baby Calling Me Home Deliver Me I Lost My Heart To A Starship Bounce Something To Do With Your Hands Whenever It Rains In The Mean Time [Karaoke] Adia Angel Building A Mystery Do What You Have To Do Fallen Full Of Grace I Will Remember You Ice Cream (Live) Possession Stupid Sweet Surrender Running Into You Misty Whatever Lola Wants Look At Us Raindrops (Encore Une Fois) 30 Days Disco Love Gentleman Not Giving Up What Are You Waiting For What About Us All Fired Up Faster Forever Is Over If This Is Love Just Can't Get Enough Up What Are You Waiting For Affirmation Break me shake me Crash And Burn Hold Me I knew I loved you I Want You The Animal Song To The Moon & Back Truly Madly Deeply I Know 18 Days Girl Next Door Supergirl N17 800 Pound Jesus All These Years Cafe On The Corner Drive Me Wild I'm In Love With Her Lookin' For Love Six Days On The Road Small Talk Some Girls Do The Dirt Road This Missin' You Heart Of Mine This Time Trouble On The Line Wheels Of Steel Thank God For You Warrior Closure Scatman Conjunction Junction Fire With Fire Sara Evans Sara Storer Sarah Brightman Sarah Brightman & Hot Gossip Sarah Connor Sarah Darling Sarah Darling Sarah Marince Sarah McLachlan Sarah McLachlan Sarah McLachlan Sarah McLachlan Sarah McLachlan Sarah McLachlan Sarah McLachlan Sarah McLachlan Sarah McLachlan Sarah McLachlan Sarah McLachlan Sarah Sadler Sarah Vaughn Sarah Vaughn Sarina Paris Sash Saturdays Saturdays Saturdays Saturdays Saturdays Saturdays Feat. Sean Paul, The Saturdays, The Saturdays, The Saturdays, The Saturdays, The Saturdays, The Saturdays, The Saturdays, The Savage Garden Savage Garden Savage Garden Savage Garden Savage Garden Savage Garden Savage Garden Savage Garden Savage Garden Savannah Jack Saving Abel Saving Jane Saving Jane Saw Doctors Sawyer Brown Sawyer Brown Sawyer Brown Sawyer Brown Sawyer Brown Sawyer Brown Sawyer Brown Sawyer Brown Sawyer Brown Sawyer Brown Sawyer Brown Sawyer Brown Sawyer Brown Saxon Sayer Brown Scandal Scarlett Belle Scatman John Schoolhouse Rock Scissor Sisters Pagina 221 1243032 807583 19985300 19986740 19986738 19986750 19813664 809666 1242134 809665 1242136 811002 19813669 2721449 19813671 1243048 1242320 19813672 19985668 807676 811117 807597 19813673 19987625 19986516 19988020 19989065 19813676 19985880 811118 18507089 810127 19989912 19989938 19813675 807675 19813677 19813678 19813679 811004 19990661 19813681 19991000 19813682 19813683 19813684 19813685 19813686 19813687 8477787 19813689 810669 19813690 810206 19813691 19813693 19813694 19813695 9914929 807605 809781 810845 1242903 809772 19985379 1242867 810970 809775 812125 812120 811418 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG I Don't Feel Like Dancin' She's My Man Shady Love m Raving Rebel Yell Send Me An Angel Big City Nights No One Like You Rock You Like A Hurricane Still Loving You The Zoo Wind of change The Trouble With Girls San Francisco Great Divide The Great Divide Joanna I Can't Take You Anywhere The Trouble With Girls Heartbeat I Wish I Was James Bond This Ain't A Love Song Boogie King If You Could See Me Now If You See Kay Millionaire Superheroes Walk Away Hall Of Fame Break Even Breakeven For The First Time No Good In Goodbye Superheroes The Man Who Can't Be Moved We Cry Perfect Way Wood Beex Love Is The Law Crazy Do You Ever Don't Cry Every Time I'm With You Fly Like An Eagle Human Beings Kiss From A Rose Love's Divine Prayer For The Dying This Could Be Heaven Waiting For You Get Closer Summer Breeze Windflowers Feel Love Get It All Dumb Love Eenie Meenie Fire Burning Party All Night (Sleep All Day) Enie Meenie Get Busy Gimme The Light Give It Up To Me Like Glue She Doesn't Mind Temperature We Be Burnin' (Radio Version) I'm Still In Love With You Don't Throw Your Love Away Goodbye My Love Love Potion #9 Scissor Sisters Scissor Sisters Scissor Sisters Vs. Krystal Pepsy Scooter Scooter Scorpions Scorpions, The Scorpions, The Scorpions, The Scorpions, The Scorpions, The Scorpions, The Scott McCreery Scott McKenzie Scott Stapp Scott Stapp Scott Walker Scotty Emerick & Toby Keith Scotty McCreery Scouting For Girls Scouting For Girls Scouting For Girls Screamin' Cheetah Wheelies Script Script Script Script Script & BOB, The Script & Will.I.Am Script, The Script, The Script, The Script, The Script, The Script, The Script, The Scritti Politti Scritti Politti Seahorses Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Seals & Crofts Seals & Crofts Seals & Crofts Sean Garrett & Drake Sean Garrett & Nicki Minaj Sean Kingston Sean Kingston Sean Kingston Sean Kingston Sean Kingston & Justin Bieber Sean Paul Sean Paul Sean Paul Sean Paul Sean Paul Sean Paul Sean Paul Sean Paul & Sasha Searchers, The Searchers, The Searchers, The Pagina 222 808926 812124 812119 812126 811995 812122 812121 812123 19988008 19989878 19813705 812273 812264 812270 812266 812269 812271 812267 812274 812268 812265 812272 19813706 19813641 19531855 19813707 19813708 810808 1243096 19989879 19989880 19987939 19986612 19991708 19990055 19992127 19531874 807598 2610826 19988024 19990090 810122 8477748 19990483 811005 811006 2058892 19813712 19813713 807673 19813715 19813716 19813717 19991795 19991796 810769 19813718 19813719 19813720 19813721 19813722 19813723 19991409 19991410 811983 16011430 1242140 19985482 16011435 811295 19813726 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Needles & Pins Searchers, The Someday Were Gonna Love Again Searchers, The Sugar And Spice Searchers, The Sugar And Spice, Sweets For My Sweet, Needles And Pins, Don't Throw Your Love Away, Searchers, Someday The We're Gonna Love Again (medley) Sweets For My Sweet Searchers, The Take It Or Leave It Searchers, The What Have They Done To The Rain Searchers, The When You Walk In The Room Searchers, The Reload Sebastian Ingrosso & Tommy Trash & John Martin I Wanna Feel Secondcity Fall For You Secondhand Serenade Beg Steal Or Borrow Seekers, The Georgy Girl Seekers, The I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing Seekers, The I'll Never Find Another You Seekers, The Island Of Dreams Seekers, The Look What They've Done To My Song Seekers, The Morningtown Ride Seekers, The Seekers Medley Seekers, The The Carnival Is Over Seekers, The World Of Our Own Seekers, The You Won't Find Another Fool Like Me Seekers, The Broken (Duet Version) Seether Careless Whisper Seether Country Song Seether Fake It Seether Gift Seether Remedy Seether The Gift Seether Raggamuffin Selah Sue This world Selah Sue Come And Get It Selena Gomez Fly To Your Heart (Tinkerbell) Selena Gomez Hands to Myself Selena Gomez Heart Wants What It Wants Selena Gomez Kill Em With Kindness Selena Gomez Love You Like A Love Song Selena Gomez Naturally Selena Gomez Round And Round Selena Gomez Slow Down Selena Gomez The Heart Wants What It Wants Selena Gomez Falling Down Selena Gomez & The Scene Who Says Selena Gomez & The Scene Good For You Selena Gomez Feat. A$AP Rocky Closing time Semisonic Secret smile Semisonic Singing In My Sleep Semisonic Let Me In Sensations Can't Get Over September Cry For You September All For Love Serena Ryder Look Of Love Sergio Mendes & Brazil '66 Never Gonna Let You Go Sergio Mendez Empty Walls Serj Tankian The Unthinking Majority Serj Tankian Sing Sesame Street Drunk Chicks Seven Cumbersome Seven Mary Three Wait Seven Mary Three Black Sevendust Going Back To Cali Sevendust Praise Sevendust Anarchy In The UK Sex Pistols My Way Sex Pistols Anarchy In The U.K. Sex Pistols, The God save the queen Sex Pistols, The My Way Sex Pistols, The No Feelings Sex Pistols, The Pretty vacant Sex Pistols, The R.O.C.K Sha-boom Born To Hand Jive Sha-Na-Na Pagina 223 19813727 811296 19813728 809778 19813729 4171662 809774 810840 3283928 19813733 19990473 19813735 9103618 9103608 9103621 9103611 9103506 9103614 809947 9103507 9103610 9103615 9103619 2721507 9103612 9103541 9103333 9103622 9103607 9103508 2721546 9103616 9103526 9103605 2721466 9103613 9103620 9103509 9103542 9103609 19988593 807636 19988452 19813742 19813743 807685 2389745 19991164 811499 808045 809324 19989917 19990186 1242884 19988410 806817 807358 19813751 1242599 1242600 1242601 1242602 1242603 1242404 19813752 19813753 19813754 19988193 19813755 19813756 19813757 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Those Magic Changes Mucho mambo Sway (Mocho Mambo) Angel Dance & shout Hey sexy lady It Wasn't Me Oh Carolina Strength Of A Woman Freaky Girl I Need Your Love Metro Station A Letter To You A Love Worth Waiting For Breaking Up My Heart Cry Just A Little Bit Don't Tell Me Your Troubles Give Me Your Heart Tonight Green Door I Might I'll be home for Christmas I'll Be Satisfied It's Late It's Raining Marie Marie Merry Christmas Everyone My Cutie Cutie Now Listen Oh Julie Queen Of The Hop Shaky Medley 3 Shirley Singing The Blues The Best Christmas Of Them All This Ole House Turning Away from love What Do You Want To Make Those Eyes At Me For Why do you treat me this way You Drive Me Crazy A Rockin' Good Way Dare (La La La) Don't Bother Empire Inevitable Objection She Wolf The One Try Everything Underneath Your Clothes Waka, Waka (This Time For Africa) Whenever Wherever La La La Can't Remember To Forget You Hips Don't Lie Can't Remember To Forget You A Night To Remember I can make you feel good Second Time Around Angels With Dirty Faces Borstal Breakout Hersham Boys Hurry Up Harry If The Kids Are United Ebeneezer Goode Something Real This Time Yesterday Everything To Me Are Your Eyes Still Blue Run Away Say Anything Pagina 224 Sha-Na-Na Shaft Shaft Shaggy Shaggy Shaggy Shaggy Shaggy Shaggy Shaggy & Kraft Shaggy Feat. Mohombi, Faydee & Costi Shake It Shakin' Stevens Shakin' Stevens Shakin' Stevens Shakin' Stevens Shakin' Stevens Shakin' Stevens Shakin' Stevens Shakin' Stevens Shakin' Stevens Shakin' Stevens Shakin' Stevens Shakin' Stevens Shakin' Stevens Shakin' Stevens Shakin' Stevens Shakin' Stevens Shakin' Stevens Shakin' Stevens Shakin' Stevens Shakin' Stevens Shakin' Stevens Shakin' Stevens Shakin' Stevens Shakin' Stevens Shakin' Stevens Shakin' Stevens Shakin' Stevens Shakin' Stevens and Bonnie Tyler Shakira Shakira Shakira Shakira Shakira Shakira Shakira Shakira Shakira Shakira Shakira Shakira & Carlinhos Brown Shakira & Rihanna Shakira & Wyclef Jean Shakira Ft. Rihanna Shalamar Shalamar Shalamar Sham 69 Sham 69 Sham 69 Sham 69 Sham 69 Shamen Shana Petrone Shana Petrone Shancie Shane Filan Shane McAnally Shane McAnally Shane McAnally 19813758 19813759 19813760 19813761 811865 808425 808424 8477769 8477770 810895 806881 19813768 12587017 19813771 12587016 1242292 19813774 811297 12587015 12587014 19813778 19813779 19813780 12587013 809063 1242452 809065 19813785 811298 809064 2389736 19813789 1242451 19813790 811054 19813791 19813792 12587012 811299 811352 19813796 9103425 19813799 19813800 19813801 1242895 811300 811301 19813805 1242745 19813807 19813808 19813809 19813810 19813811 1243144 5381007 811302 19813814 811272 19813815 19813816 19813817 19813818 19991997 19992017 19813819 19813820 19813821 19813822 19813823 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG I Think You're Beautiful Ordinary Love Slave To The Habit Mark, Luke And Earnhardt Leader Of The Pack Remember Walking In The Sand The Leader Of Pack Any Man Of Mine Come On Over Don't Don't Be Stupid You Know I Love You Forever And For Always God Bless The Child Heart Is Blind Home Ain't Where His Heart Is Honey I'm Home I Ain't No Quitter I'm Gonna Getcha Good I'm Holdin' On To Love (To Save My Life) I'm Outta Here If You're Not In It For Love I'm Outta Here In My Car (Pop Version) It Only Hurts When I'm Breathing Love Gets Me Every Time Man I Feel Like A Woman No One Needs To Know Rock This Country She's Not Just A Pretty Face That Don't Impress Me Much The Woman In Me Up Waiter! Bring Me Water! What Made You Say That Whatever You Do When When You Kiss Me Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under You Win My Love You're Still The One You've Got A Way Coat Of Many Colors From This Moment On Party For Two I Love Your Smile Saving Forever For You Take Care Of U Sweet Like Chocolate Let the music play Baby I Lied Corn Fed I Won't Lie Playing With Fire True Friends Dream Your Way To Me Goodbye On A Bad Day Sensitivity Need A Boss Can you handle it David Duchovny What I've Been Looking For Nothin' On Me Sunny Came Home When The Rainbow Comes You And The Mona Lisa Treat You Better I Know What You Did Last S... Everywhere I Go Lullaby Shimmer Get Right Or Get Left Waitin' On Sunrise Shane Minor Shane Minor Shane Minor Shane Sellers Shangri-Las, The Shangri-Las, The Shangri-Las, The Shania Twain Shania Twain Shania Twain Shania Twain Shania Twain Shania Twain Shania Twain Shania Twain Shania Twain Shania Twain Shania Twain Shania Twain Shania Twain Shania Twain Shania Twain Shania Twain Shania Twain Shania Twain Shania Twain Shania Twain Shania Twain Shania Twain Shania Twain Shania Twain Shania Twain Shania Twain Shania Twain Shania Twain Shania Twain Shania Twain Shania Twain Shania Twain Shania Twain Shania Twain & Alison Krauss Shania Twain & Brian White Shania Twain & Mark McGrath Shanice Shanice Shanice Shanks Shannon Shannon Brown Shannon Brown Shannon Brown Shannon Curfman Shannon Curfman Shannon Lawson Shannon Lawson Shapeshifters Shareefa & Ludacris Sharon Redd Sharp Bree Sharpay & Ryan Shawn Colvin Shawn Colvin Shawn Colvin Shawn Colvin Shawn Mendes Shawn Mendes feat Camila Ca... Shawn Mullins Shawn Mullins Shawn Mullins Shawna Russell Shawna Russell Pagina 225 807655 1243077 1243122 808213 811303 19813829 1242729 1242790 19813833 19813834 19813835 811304 19813837 19813838 19813839 19813840 19813841 19813842 808918 19813844 19813845 19813846 19813847 19813848 19813849 19813850 19813851 19813852 19813853 19813854 19813855 19813856 19989579 19813857 811886 19813858 19813859 19813860 19813861 810504 806832 811305 19813865 19813866 19813867 811306 19813869 19988049 19813870 19813871 19813872 19813873 1242254 19813875 19813876 19813877 1243021 1242230 8477782 19813879 811492 8477783 8477784 19813883 19813884 806605 19813885 19813886 19813887 1242980 19989918 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG No Promises (Radio Edit) Tear You Apart These Things The Purple People Eater Disco down But I Will I'm Taking The Wheel In Terms Of Love Little Goodbye This Woman Needs Almost Over You For your eyes only I Wouldn't Beg For Water Strut When He Shines Gotta Get Back Telephone Wall In Your Heart Johnny Angel You Don't Lie Here Anymore Jose Cuervo Church On Cumberland Road Darned If I Don't I Want To Be Loved Like That I'll Go Down Loving You If Bubba Can Dance (I Can Too) Janie Baker's Love Slave Rock My Baby She Doesn't Cry Anymore Somewhere In The Vicinity Of The Heart Daddy's Home Baby Don't You Break My Heart Geronimo Howzat Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow Never Been Kissed When I'm With You Jolene Little Bird Streets Of Heaven A Change Would Do You Good All I Wanna Do Anything But Down C'mon C'mon Can't Cry Anymore Change would do you good Difficult Kind Easy Everyday Is A Winding Road First Cut Is The Deepest Hard To Make A Stand Home If It Makes You Happy Leaving Las Vegas Light In Your Eyes My Favorite Mistake Real Gone Run Baby Run Safe And Sound Shine Over Babylon Soak Up The Sun Steve Mcqueen Strong Enough Sweet Child O' Mine The Difficult Kind The First Cut Is The Deepest There Goes The Neighborhood It's So Easy Picture Always On Your Side I Know Shayne Ward She Wants Revenge She Wants Revenge Sheb Wooley Shed Seven SHeDaisy SheDaisy SheDaisy SHeDaisy SheDaisy Sheena Easton Sheena Easton Sheena Easton Sheena Easton Sheena Easton Shelby Lynne Shelby Lynne Shelby Lynne Shelly Fabares Shelly Fairchild Shelly West Shenandoah Shenandoah Shenandoah Shenandoah Shenandoah Shenandoah Shenandoah Shenandoah Shenandoah & Alison Krauss Shep & The Limelites Shepard & Sailers Sheppard Sherbet Sherelles, The Sherie Austin Sheriff Sherrie Austin Sherrie Austin Sherrie Austin Sheryl Crow Sheryl Crow Sheryl Crow Sheryl Crow Sheryl Crow Sheryl Crow Sheryl Crow Sheryl Crow Sheryl Crow Sheryl Crow Sheryl Crow Sheryl Crow Sheryl Crow Sheryl Crow Sheryl Crow Sheryl Crow Sheryl Crow Sheryl Crow Sheryl Crow Sheryl Crow Sheryl Crow Sheryl Crow Sheryl Crow Sheryl Crow Sheryl Crow Sheryl Crow Sheryl Crow Sheryl Crow & Don Henley Sheryl Crow & Kid Rock Sheryl Crow & Sting Shift K3y Pagina 226 19990028 19989919 1242604 19813890 19813891 807128 1243124 1243071 811913 19813895 19813640 1242605 811176 808420 808422 808421 808423 19813897 18136308 18136309 809096 18136318 2721494 18136315 812154 18136305 811029 18136313 1242439 812158 18136311 18136312 18136314 18136306 3283977 18136307 18136316 18136304 18136317 18136310 18136303 19813900 19813901 19813903 2721387 19813905 19985819 1242606 19813907 19813908 19813909 809954 19813910 2721545 809949 809950 2721588 809960 809956 19990510 19989051 19992006 19990062 19989920 19992125 19992379 19992413 19991417 810125 1242607 19990477 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Name & Number Touch 45 Burning Bright Crow and The Butterfly Diamond Eyes Heroes I Dare You If you only knew Save Me Second Chance Simple Man The crow and the butterfly Baby It's You Foolish Little Girl Mama Said Soldier Boy Will You Love Me Tomorrow As I love you As long as he needs me Big Spender Climb every mountain Diamonds Are Forever For all we know Goldfinger History Repeating I Who Have Nothing I'll get by Kiss Me Honey Honey Kiss Me Moonraker Never never never Reach for the stars Something Thank You For The Years The Show Is Over This Is My Life Tonight What Now My Love Where do I begin With these hands You'll Never Know Clapping Song Name Game Impossible Say Hello To Goodbye T Shirt The Real Me Heartbreak Blvd Shout A Little Bit Of Soap Dancin' Party Heartbeat I Wonder Why Medley 3 Pretty Little Angel Eyes Three Steps To Heaven Under The Moon Of Love When You Got What It Takes Alive Chandelier Cheap Thrills Elastic Heart Kill And Run Unforgettable The Greatest The Greatest All The Same Maybe Odd One Easy Love Shift K3Y Shift K3y Shinedown Shinedown Shinedown Shinedown Shinedown Shinedown Shinedown Shinedown Shinedown Shinedown Shinedown Shirelles, The Shirelles, The Shirelles, The Shirelles, The Shirelles, The Shirley Bassey Shirley Bassey Shirley Bassey Shirley Bassey Shirley Bassey Shirley Bassey Shirley Bassey Shirley Bassey Shirley Bassey Shirley Bassey Shirley Bassey Shirley Bassey Shirley Bassey Shirley Bassey Shirley Bassey Shirley Bassey Shirley Bassey Shirley Bassey Shirley Bassey Shirley Bassey Shirley Bassey Shirley Bassey Shirley Bassey Shirley Ellis Shirley Ellis Shontelle Shontelle Shontelle Shooter Jennings Shotgun Messiah Shout For England & Dizzee Ras Showaddywaddy Showaddywaddy Showaddywaddy Showaddywaddy Showaddywaddy Showaddywaddy Showaddywaddy Showaddywaddy Showaddywaddy Showaddywaddy Sia Sia Sia Sia Sia Sia Sia & Kendrick Lamar Sia ft Kendrick Lamar Sick Puppies Sick Puppies Sick Puppies Sigala Pagina 227 19991672 19990646 19991151 19988632 19990583 19990260 19990070 19989074 19991990 19990266 19813913 19813914 19813915 2389717 19813916 807458 19813918 811307 2389714 2389712 19813920 19813921 811852 2389715 2389718 19813923 2389716 811308 2389719 2389713 19813925 810703 811007 811310 19813929 19813930 19813931 19813932 19813933 19813934 19991418 19991419 806446 19813936 19813937 19813938 19985890 811311 811312 19813941 1242233 811313 806783 806801 807847 1242181 807870 807846 1242399 806807 19991682 1241774 19813946 1242534 19813947 808132 806347 19813949 19813950 19813951 19813952 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Give Me Your Love Sweet Lovin' Say You Do Nobody To Love Coming Home Glitterball Higher Changing Cry Watch Me (Whip - Nae Nae) Get A Job Freak Me If You 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover 59th Street Bridge Song Bridge over troubled water Bright Eyes Cecilia El Condor Pasa I Am A Rock Loves Me Like A Rock Mother & Child Reunion Mrs. Robinson Scarborough Fair Slip Sliding Away Sound Of Silence Still Crazy After All These Years The Boxer The Sound Of Silence What A Wonderful World Unconditional Alive & Kicking Don't You (Forget About Me) She's A River Addicted Crazy Don't Wanna Think About You I'd Do Anything Perfect Shut Up Shut Up! Untitled Untitled (How can this happen to me?) Welcome To My Life When I'm Gone Your Love Is A Lie Summer Paradise A new flame Ain't that a lot of love Air That I Breathe Every Time We Say Goodbye For Your Babies Holding Back The Years If You Don't Know Me By Now It's Only Love Money's Too Tight Mention Something Got Me Started You've Got It Do The Bartman Nothing Compares 2 U Drive It Like You Stole It Ja Da Ms. What's Her Name Dear Prudence Mendocino Ragazina She's About A Mover Baby got back Thong Song Know What You Mean Night Ranger All For You Sigala Sigala Sigala & Imani & DJ Fresh Sigma Sigma And Rita Ora Sigma Feat. Ella Henderson Sigma ft Labrinth Sigma ft Paloma Faith Sigma ft Take That Silento Silhouettes Silk Silk Simon & Garfunkel Simon & Garfunkel Simon & Garfunkel Simon & Garfunkel Simon & Garfunkel Simon & Garfunkel Simon & Garfunkel Simon & Garfunkel Simon & Garfunkel Simon & Garfunkel Simon & Garfunkel Simon & Garfunkel Simon & Garfunkel Simon & Garfunkel Simon & Garfunkel Simon & Garfunkel Simon & Garfunkel Simon Collins Simple Minds, The Simple Minds, The Simple Minds, The Simple Plan Simple Plan Simple Plan Simple Plan Simple Plan Simple Plan Simple Plan Simple Plan Simple Plan Simple Plan Simple Plan Simple Plan Simple Plan & Sean Paul Simply Red Simply Red Simply Red Simply Red Simply Red Simply Red Simply Red Simply Red Simply Red Simply Red Simply Red Simpsons Sinead O'connor Sing Street Singers Unlimitted Single Tree Siouxsie and the Banshees Sir Douglas Quintet, The Sir Douglas Quintet, The Sir Mix-A-Lot Sisqo Sister 7 Sister Christian Sister Hazel Pagina 228 807355 807367 807376 19813955 19986730 19813956 19813957 19987522 19813958 19987551 811317 19813960 19813961 19813962 19813963 811467 811181 1242626 1242627 1242628 1242629 19985666 19813968 19813969 19813970 19985561 19990158 19990098 19992380 19991017 19813971 808833 19813972 812150 812148 812151 19813973 811257 812146 811318 19813975 812147 812149 2721491 812153 19985489 19813976 19813977 19813978 19813979 19813980 19813981 19991847 19986674 19991846 19813982 19991420 19813983 19986537 809478 809477 809474 19813986 809473 809476 809472 809475 18507095 1242330 2721447 2721453 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG He's the greatest dancer Lost in music We are family How Much Longer Temple Of Love Best Damn Night Breathe Breathe Your Name Christmastime Is Here Don't Dream It's Over Kiss me There She Goes Us End Of The World I Can't Stay Mad At You The End Of The World Rescue me 18 & Life Monkey Business Wasted Time Youth Gone Wild Hero Answer To My Prayer Gospel According To Luke Mary Go Round Bangarang Where Are U Now Where Are U Now Purple Lamborghini Love the Way You Lie Wild Flower Wildflower Since I Don't Have You Coz I Luv You Cum On Feel The Noize Everyday Far Far Away Get Down Get With It Mama Weer All Crazee Now Merry Christmas everybody Run Runaway Skweeze Me Pleeze Me Take Me Bak 'ome The Slade Medley Mama We're All Crazee Now, Skweeze Me Pleeze Me, Cum On Feel The Noize Beautiful Dangerous Fly To The Angels Up All Night Seasons In The Abyss Get It Daddy I Can't Wait So Fly Dead Memories Duality Spit It Out Sulfur Wait And Bleed Beasts Sing A Simple Song Dance To The Music Everyday People Family Affair Hot Fun In The Summertime I Want To Take You Higher Stand Thank You You Can Make It If You Try Let's Go All The Way All Or Nothing Itchycoo Park Lazy Sunday Pagina 229 Sister Sledge Sister Sledge Sister Sledge Sister Wade Sisters Of Mercy Six D Sixpence None The Richer Sixpence None The Richer Sixpence None The Richer Sixpence None The Richer Sixpence None The Richer Sixpence None The Richer Sixpence None The Richer Skeeter Davis Skeeter Davis Skeeter Davis Skepta Skid Row Skid Row Skid Row Skid Row Skillet Skip Ewing Skip Ewing Skip Ewing Skrillex Skrillex & Diplo & Justin Bieber Skrillex & Diplo ft Justin Bieber Skrillex & Rick Ross Skylar Grey Skylark Skylark Skyliners Slade Slade Slade Slade Slade Slade Slade Slade Slade Slade Slade Slade Medley Slash & Fergie Slaughter Slaughter Slayer Sleeper Agent Sleepy Brown & Outkast Slim & Yung Joc Slipknot Slipknot Slipknot Slipknot Slipknot Slow Moving Millie Sly & The Family Stone Sly And The Family Stone Sly And The Family Stone Sly And The Family Stone Sly And The Family Stone Sly And The Family Stone Sly And The Family Stone Sly And The Family Stone Sly And The Family Stone Sly Fox Small Faces Small Faces Small Faces 2058900 19813989 19813990 19813991 19813992 19813993 19813994 19813995 1242630 1242631 1242632 1242633 1242634 19986742 1242635 1242636 1242637 1242638 1242639 19814003 1242640 1242641 1242642 1242643 1241748 1242060 19065206 19814007 19065207 19065208 1242545 19814008 2389663 809417 19814009 809413 809401 809402 19814011 19814012 812309 812312 812308 812306 812307 811321 812304 812303 812305 812310 812311 19990996 19992194 19814019 19814020 19814021 19986648 19814022 19814023 19814024 19814025 806447 19814026 9914931 1243013 1243114 19985479 19814029 19985483 17766294 19814030 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG All Star Can't Get Enough Of You Baby Hang On I'm A Believer Pacific Coast Party Then The Morning Comes Walkin' On The Sun Waste 1979 33 (Thirty-Three) Ava Adore Bullet With Butterfly Wings Disarm End Is The Beginning Of The End Everlasting Gaze Eye Muzzle Perfect Stand Inside Your Love The Everlasting Gaze Thirty Three Today Tonight Tonight Zero A Girl Like You Too Much Passion Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now How Soon Is Now Panic Sheila Take A Bow There Is A Light That Neve Goe This Charming Man Being With You Curisin' I Second That Emotion Just To See Her Never Can Say Goodbye Tears Of A Clown Tracks Of My Tears Changing All The Time Don't Play Your Rock 'N Roll To Me For A Few Dollars More If You Think You Know How To Love Me It's Your Life Lay Back In The Arms Of Someone Living Next Door To Alice Mexican Girl Oh Carol Poor Lady Something's Been Making Me Blue Wild Angels All My Friends Cruel Rhythm Is A Dancer What Is Love Pictures Lodi Dodi Sensual Seduction Sweat [Karaoke] Drop It Like It's Hot Life Of Da Party Signs Gin & Juice Called Out In The Dark Chasing Cars Hands Open How To Be Dead Planets Bend Between Us Shut Your Eyes This Isn't Everything You Are You Could Be Happy Smash Mouth Smash Mouth Smash Mouth Smash Mouth Smash Mouth Smash Mouth Smash Mouth Smash Mouth Smashing Pumpkins Smashing Pumpkins Smashing Pumpkins Smashing Pumpkins Smashing Pumpkins Smashing Pumpkins Smashing Pumpkins Smashing Pumpkins Smashing Pumpkins Smashing Pumpkins Smashing Pumpkins Smashing Pumpkins Smashing Pumpkins Smashing Pumpkins Smashing Pumpkins Smashing Pumpkins Smithereens Smithereens Smiths Smiths Smiths Smiths Smiths Smiths Smokey Robinson Smokey Robinson Smokey Robinson Smokey Robinson Smokey Robinson Smokey Robinson Smokey Robinson & The Miracles Smokie Smokie Smokie Smokie Smokie Smokie Smokie Smokie Smokie Smokie Smokie Smokie Snakehips & Tinashe & Chance The Rapper Snakehips ft ZAYN Snap Snap Sneaky Sound System Snoop Dogg Snoop Dogg Snoop Dogg Snoop Dogg & Pharrell Snoop Dogg & Too Short & Mista Snoop Dogg, Charlie Wilson & Justin Timberlake Snoop Doggy Dogg Snow Patrol Snow Patrol Snow Patrol Snow Patrol Snow Patrol Snow Patrol Snow Patrol Snow Patrol Pagina 230 807533 1242644 810759 810763 810756 811323 19991234 1242512 2721613 19814034 19814035 811017 19990649 807633 19814036 19814037 19814038 809306 811325 811771 1241786 19814043 810657 19814045 19814046 19814047 19814048 19814049 19814050 19814051 19814052 19814053 19814054 19814055 19814056 19814057 19814058 19814059 19814060 19814061 19988436 808982 19814063 19814064 19814065 19814066 19814067 811088 807763 19814068 1241809 2555506 19814069 1242491 12498321 19814070 1242645 810244 1242646 19814073 19814074 19814075 1242648 19991863 19991861 19814076 1242649 1242650 19991862 19814077 19814078 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG You're all I have Set The Fire To The Third Bar Heigh-Ho Some Day My Prince Will Come Whistle While You Work Sommarnatt Down Say Hello Wave Goodbye Tainted Love I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow Hippychick She Wears My Ring +1 Eddie's Song Better The Devil You Know I Want To Know You Can't Make Up My Mind It Feels So Good Sky I Got You Babe The Beat Goes On It's The Little Things Young Love Love Left To Lose Albuquerque Change What About You What I Did Right Tumbling Tumbleweeds Barefoot In The Grass How Can I Forget I've Forgotten How You Feel On My Way To You Lose Your Way As I Lay Me Down Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover Only Love Right Beside You Get Over You Today The Sun's On Us Young Blood Take Your Time Misery Promises Broken Runaway Train Somebody To Shove Without A Trace Strings Of Life Chocolate Circles Expressway To Your Heart Faded Soulja Girl Crank That The Way To Your Heart Creaking Climb Every Mountain Edelweiss The Sound Of Music Black Hole Sun Blow Up The Outside World Burdening My Mind Fell On Black Days Jesus Christ Pose My Wave Pretty Noose Spoonman Superunknown The Day I Tried to Live Baby's Got My Number Most Beautiful Girl Snow Patrol Snow Patrol & Martha Wainwright Snow White Snow White Snow White Snowstorm Socialburn Soft Cell Soft Cell Soggy Bottom Boys Soho Soloman King Solveig, Martin & Sam White Son of Dork Sonia Sonicflood Sonique Sonique Sonique Sonny & Cher Sonny & Cher Sonny James Sonny James Sons of Sylvia Sons Of The Desert Sons Of The Desert Sons Of The Desert Sons Of The Desert Sons Of The Pioneers Sonya Isaacs Sonya Isaacs Sonya Isaacs Sonya Isaacs Sophie B Hawkins Sophie B. Hawkins Sophie B. Hawkins Sophie B. Hawkins Sophie B. Hawkins Sophie Ellis Bextor Sophie Ellis Bextor Sophie Ellis Bextor Sos Band Soul Asylum Soul Asylum Soul Asylum Soul Asylum Soul Asylum Soul Central Soul Control Soul Coughing Soul Survivor Souldecision & Thrust Soulja Boy Souljah Boy Tell Em Soulsister Sound Effects Sound Of Music, The Sound Of Music, The Sound Of Music, The Soundgarden Soundgarden Soundgarden Soundgarden Soundgarden Soundgarden Soundgarden Soundgarden Soundgarden Soundgarden South 65 South 65 Pagina 231 19814079 19814080 1242651 19814081 809750 1242283 1242192 809749 811439 1242331 1242235 1242184 19814085 2721444 12586985 19985947 12586986 12586999 19814087 809965 811328 12587002 12587001 12586987 12586988 12586998 12586989 12586990 12586997 12586991 12586992 12586993 12587000 12586994 12586995 811784 1242470 1242666 811329 19814096 811330 19814099 810727 806842 19814100 1242430 19814101 1242667 19814103 19814104 19814105 19814106 19814107 19814108 19814109 19814110 19991422 1243024 19987539 810521 19814112 1241761 1243094 1242674 1243047 1242675 19991426 811488 19991427 19814117 19991364 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG No Easy Goodbye Random Act Of Sensless Kindnes I'm A Lonely Jew In The Meantime Gold Only When You Leave Through The Barricades True Goodnight Sweetheart Beat The Clock A Message To You Rudi Ghost Town Gimme Some Lovin' Keep On Running 2 Become 1 Christmas Wrapping Do It For All We Know Goodbye Headlines (Friendship Never Ends) Holler I Won't Last A Day Without You It's Going To Take Some Time More Over Never Give Up On Goodtimes Our Day Will Come Satturday Night Diva's Say You'll Be There Sing Something Kinda Funny Spice Up Your Life Stop There's A Kind Of Hush (All Over The World) Too Much Viva Forever Wannabe Who Do You Think You Are All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth Groovejet Bigger I Laugh The Harder I Cry Two Princes Big Bottom Sex Farm Could It Be Im Falling In Love More Today Than Yesterday The Chicken Song I Think God Can Explain Written In Reverse Black Coffee In Bed Cool For Cats Goodbye Girl Hourglass Pulling Mussels From The Shell Take Me I'm Yours Tempted Suits Are Picking Up The Bill Right Now I'm Not Missing You Security Stuck Makin' Good Time Romeo & Juliet Everything Changes Fade Falling For You It's been a while It's Been Awhile King Of All Excuses Not Again Price To Play South 65 South 65 South Park Spacehog Spandau Ballet Spandau Ballet Spandau Ballet Spandau Ballet Spaniels, The Sparks Specials Specials Spencer Davis Group Spencer Davis Group Spice Girls, The Spice Girls, The Spice Girls, The Spice Girls, The Spice Girls, The Spice Girls, The Spice Girls, The Spice Girls, The Spice Girls, The Spice Girls, The Spice Girls, The Spice Girls, The Spice Girls, The Spice Girls, The Spice Girls, The Spice Girls, The Spice Girls, The Spice Girls, The Spice Girls, The Spice Girls, The Spice Girls, The Spice Girls, The Spice Girls, The Spike Jones Spiller Spin Doctors Spin Doctors Spinal Tap Spinal Tap Spinners, The Spiral Starecase Spitting Image Splender Spoon Squeeze Squeeze Squeeze Squeeze Squeeze Squeeze Squeeze Squirrel Nut Zippers SR71 Stacie Orrico Stacie Orrico Stacie Orrico Stacy Dean Campbell Stacy Earl Staind Staind Staind Staind Staind Staind Staind Staind Staind Pagina 232 810960 19814118 19986494 19814119 19814120 19814121 19814122 1242677 19814123 811242 19987549 19986621 19986609 19987462 1241775 19987461 1241812 1241966 1242361 1242115 1241954 1241764 19987459 19987460 19814125 19985519 19814130 806779 808415 808416 19991032 19991031 19814133 808273 808275 808264 808268 808261 808263 808270 1242148 808269 19988027 808271 808262 808265 808272 810414 808267 808266 19814134 806769 811792 19986517 19814137 19814138 19814139 19987514 19814140 19985848 810857 19985850 19985844 19985841 811553 19985847 19985851 19985852 19985842 19985846 19985843 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Right Here So Far Away Tangled Up In You Carry Me Oh My Lady Playin' In The Band Sweet City Woman Nuttin' For Christmas Camouflage Choose You Everyday Sunday All Hail The Power Of Jesus Name Amazing Grace I Love You Lord Laura Lord, I Lift Your Name On High Make Someone Happy My Foolish Heart My Grandfather's Clock My Little Grass Shack Tenderly The Man On The Flying Trapeze Victory Chant We Bring The Sacrifice Of Praise I'll Take You There She's Pretty If You Could Read My Mind Nothings Gonna Stop Us Now Sara We Built This City Black & White Get to the Gone Flowers On The Wall Again & Again Anniversary Waltz Break The Rules Burning Bridges (On And Off And On Down Down Down The Dustpipe Going Down Down Tonight Ice In The Sun In The Army Now Looking Out For Caroline Marguerita Time Pictures Of Matchstick Men Rain Rock 'n Roll Rocking all over the world What Your Proposing Wild Side Of Life Paper Plane Stuck In The Middle With You Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye Long Live Rock & Roll Just By Being You Last Night Again Keep On Loving You By Grace Through Faith I'll Never Let You Go Any Major Dude Babylon Sisters Bad Sneakers Barrytown Cousin Dupree Do it again Doctor Wu Everyone's Gone To The Movies Gaslighting Abbie Green Earrings Jack Of Speed My Rival Staind Staind Staind Stampeders Stampeders Stampeders Stampeders Stan Freberg Stan Ridgway Stan Walker Stand Up Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Staple Singers Star De Azlan Stars On 54 Starship Starship Starship Static X Static-X Statler Brothers Status Quo Status Quo Status Quo Status Quo Status Quo Status Quo Status Quo Status Quo Status Quo Status Quo Status Quo Status Quo Status Quo Status Quo Status Quo Status Quo Status Quo Staus Quo Stealer's Wheel Steam Steel Dragon Steel Magnolia Steel Magnolia Steel Magnolias Steeles, The Steelheart Steely Dan Steely Dan Steely Dan Steely Dan Steely Dan Steely Dan Steely Dan Steely Dan Steely Dan Steely Dan Steely Dan Steely Dan Pagina 233 19985840 19814142 19814143 19985854 19985853 19985845 19985849 807759 809429 809428 809432 809431 809427 19987585 807588 19814144 19987598 19814145 19814146 19814147 3283972 811788 19814149 19814150 19986585 811554 19814152 19814153 811555 811556 19814156 19991428 19985325 811662 811651 811557 19990491 811644 811679 811657 811558 811658 811680 1242475 811684 811660 811685 19814159 19814160 19814161 19814162 19814163 19814164 19814165 811591 1242785 19814168 19814169 19814170 19814171 810176 19814173 1241771 809056 809055 809053 809054 19986587 19814175 811008 808154 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Pretzel Logic Reelin' In The Years Rikki Don't Lose That Number The Goodbye Look The Nightfly West Of Hollywood What A Shame About Me Space Taxi Luxurious Real Thing Rich Girl Serious What You Waiting For Yes To Love Chelsea Kiss Kiss Would U Be Mine It Might Be You Emily Love The One You're With Treetop Flye Born To Be Wild Magic Carpet Ride Pusher 5678 After the love has gone Here And Now It's The Way You Make Me Feel Love's got a hold of my heart Say you'll be mine Thank Abba For The Music Pain Dakota Everyday I Think Of Money Have A Nice Day Hurry up and wait I Wanna Get Lost With You I Wouldn't Believe Your Radio Just Looking Local Boy In The Photograph Madame Helga Mama Told Me Not To Come Mr Writer My Friends Step On My Old Size Nines The Bar Tender And The Thief Traffic Hard Road I Don't Have To Be Me Sunshine Copperhead Road Transcendental Blues This Could Be The Start Of... People Need The Lord Blue Moon Brand New Girlfriend Don't Make Me Beg Good Morning Beautiful Hunger I'm Not Breakin' Love Don't Run Rock A Bye Heart Footsteps Go Away Little Girl I Want To Stay Here I've Gotta Be Me Poor Little Rich Girl Wherever We Go King Tut Abracadabra Fly Like An Eagle Steely Dan Steely Dan Steely Dan Steely Dan Steely Dan Steely Dan Steely Dan Stefan Raab Stefani Gwen Stefani Gwen Stefani Gwen Stefani Gwen Stefani Gwen Stefano Stefy Stella Soleil Stephanie Grace Stephen Bishop Stephen Fretwell Stephen Stills Stephen Stills Steppenwolf Steppenwolf Steppenwolf Steps Steps Steps Steps Steps Steps Steps Stereomud Stereophonics Stereophonics Stereophonics Stereophonics Stereophonics Stereophonics Stereophonics Stereophonics Stereophonics Stereophonics Stereophonics Stereophonics Stereophonics Stereophonics Stereophonics Steve Azar Steve Azar Steve Azar Steve Earle Steve Earle Steve Gorme & Eydie Gorme Steve Green Steve Holy Steve Holy Steve Holy Steve Holy Steve Holy Steve Holy Steve Holy Steve Holy Steve Lawrence Steve Lawrence Steve Lawrence Steve Lawrence Steve Lawrence Steve Lawrence Steve Martin Steve Miller Band, The Steve Miller Band, The Pagina 234 811559 808082 806873 19814179 1242013 19814181 19814182 19814183 19814184 19814185 19814186 19814187 19814188 19814189 19814190 19814191 19814195 19814192 9103423 19814193 19814196 19987524 19814197 811074 19992205 19814198 19990146 19814199 19814200 19814201 811560 19814202 810677 1242446 19814204 19814205 19814206 811395 18136296 18136298 18136299 18136294 19814209 18136295 18136300 18136293 18136297 808338 810464 19814212 811562 19814214 808341 808327 810463 19814216 806510 808336 808339 808330 1242376 808331 1787002 808334 808328 811563 19986652 808703 808340 808332 808337 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Joker Rockin' Me The Joker Wide River Oh, Sherrie When You're In Love Drive Every Little Whisper Faith In You Holes In The Floor Of Heaven I'm Already Taken I'm Your Man Road Trippin' Snowfall On The Sand Starting Over Again Two Teardrops When I Could Come Home To You You Can Dream Of Me What If I Said Katie Wants A Fast One Roll With It All About Love Said & Done New Beginning I Make My Own Sunshine Because I Love You Lost Stars Edge Of Seventeen Everyday Love If You Ever Did Believe Landslide Planets Of The Universe Stand Back Talk To Me Trouble In Shangri-La Too Far From Texas Leather & Lace Stop Draggin' My Heart Around Crossfire Empty Arms Life By The Drop Pride & Joy Sky Is Crying Texas Flood The House Is Rockin' The Sky Is Crying Tightrope A Place In The Sun Another Star Boogi On Reggae Woman Don't You Worry Fingertips For Once In My Life For Your Love Happy Birthday Higher Ground I Just Called To Say I Love You I Was Made To Love Her I Wish If You Really Love Me Lately Living For The City Master Blaster My Cherie Amour Overjoyed Part Time Lover Pastime Paradise Ribbon In The Sky Shoo-Be-Doo-Be-Doo-Da-Day Signed Sealed Delivered I'm Yours Sir Duke Steve Miller Band, The Steve Miller Band, The Steve Miller Band, The Steve Miller Band, The Steve Perry Steve Perry Steve Wariner Steve Wariner Steve Wariner Steve Wariner Steve Wariner Steve Wariner Steve Wariner Steve Wariner Steve Wariner Steve Wariner Steve Wariner Steve Wariner Steve Wariner & Anita Cochran Steve Wariner & Garth Brooks Steve Winwood Steven Curtis Chapman Steven Curtis Chapman Steven Gately Steven Tyler Stevie B Stevie McCrorie Stevie Nicks Stevie Nicks Stevie Nicks Stevie Nicks Stevie Nicks Stevie Nicks Stevie Nicks Stevie Nicks Stevie Nicks & Dixie Chicks Stevie Nicks & Don Henley Stevie Nicks & Tom Petty Stevie Ray Vaughan Stevie Ray Vaughan Stevie Ray Vaughan Stevie Ray Vaughan Stevie Ray Vaughan Stevie Ray Vaughan Stevie Ray Vaughan Stevie Ray Vaughan Stevie Ray Vaughan Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder Pagina 235 811564 2888545 808329 808335 19986556 811565 808325 808752 811566 18507101 19814229 19814230 811567 19814232 811568 810594 19814234 1242546 19986502 19986497 19814235 19814236 19814237 19814238 19814239 19814240 19814241 19814242 19814243 19814244 19814245 19814246 19814247 19814248 19814249 19986013 19986008 19986010 19986011 19986012 19986015 19986014 19986009 19991430 19991258 19991431 19991432 19814251 19814252 19814253 19814254 19991793 1242678 19814256 1242679 1242680 809990 19814260 19814261 19814262 1242682 19992001 19814263 19987930 19987637 19985984 19985301 19988208 19991433 1243082 19814265 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Sunshine of my life Superstition These Three Words Uptight Everything's Alright We Can Work It Out Yester me yester you You and I You are the sunshine in my life Inside Be Still My Beating Heart Brand New Day Desert Rose Fields Of Gold Fill Her Up Fortress Around Your Heart Gabriel's Message If I Ever Lose My Faith In You It's Probaly Me Little Wing Moon Over Bourbon Street Russians Shape Of My Heart We'll Be Together When We Dance New Beginning Look At Me I'm Sandra Dee There Are Worse Things I Could Do Bud The Spud Consumer Hockey Song Ketchup Song Margo's Cargo Poor Poor Farmer Rubberhead Sudbury Saturday Night Elephant Stone Fool's Gold I Am The Resurrection I Wanna Be Adored Mersey Paradise Sally Cinnamon She Bangs The Drum Waterfall Bother Get Inside Silly World Through Glass All In The Suit That You Wear Between The Lines Big Bang Baby Big Empty Cracker Man Days Of The Week Hollywood Bitch Interstate Love Song Lady Picture Show Plush Sour Girl Take A Load Off Trippin' On A Hole In A Paper Vasoline All for One B. J. The D. J. My Man Music Slip Waterfalls Love Me Look Right Through Anthem Of Our Dying Day Take Me Back Angel's Son Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder Stiltskin Sting Sting Sting Sting Sting Sting Sting Sting Sting Sting Sting Sting Sting Sting Sting Stir Stockard Channing Stockard Channing Stompin' Tom Stompin' Tom Stompin' Tom Stompin' Tom Stompin' Tom Stompin' Tom Stompin' Tom Stompin' Tom Stone Roses Stone Roses Stone Roses Stone Roses Stone Roses Stone Roses Stone Roses Stone Roses Stone Sour Stone Sour Stone Sour Stone Sour Stone Temple Pilots Stone Temple Pilots Stone Temple Pilots Stone Temple Pilots Stone Temple Pilots Stone Temple Pilots Stone Temple Pilots Stone Temple Pilots Stone Temple Pilots Stone Temple Pilots Stone Temple Pilots Stone Temple Pilots Stone Temple Pilots Stone Temple Pilots Stones Roses Stonewall Jackson Stooshe Stooshe Stooshe Stooshe & Travie McCoy Storm Queen Story Of The Year Story Of The Year Strait Up & Lajon Pagina 236 9103597 9103595 9103598 9103596 9103594 810872 811569 808155 809707 806774 19991249 19814269 19814270 1243080 1243043 19991435 19814273 1242425 19065205 1242423 806841 807345 1241827 19990492 809245 809246 19814277 809251 19814279 809250 19814281 809244 19814282 19814283 19814284 809248 19985871 19814286 809247 19814288 19814289 19814290 19814291 809249 19989922 810946 1242554 9103568 807660 811094 9103576 9103554 19814293 9103565 9103567 9103553 811571 9103574 807650 9103564 807610 9103566 9103575 19814295 19814296 19814297 19814298 19814299 19814300 19814301 19814302 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Golden Brown Nice 'N' Sleazy No More Heros Skin Deep Strange Little Girl Incense & Peppermints Rock This Town She's Sexy & 17 Till I Loved You (DUET) Why Did You Do It Fell In Love With A Girl Letters Little Black Backpack Heart In A Cage Juicebox Last Night To Hell With The Devil Long Hot Summer Walls Come Tumbling Down You're The Best Thing Betcha By Golly Wow Can't give you anything (but my love) I'm Stoned in Love With You My Number One Babe Best Of Times, The Blue Collar Man Longs Nights Come Sail Away Crystall Ball Don't Let It End Fooling Yourself Lady Light Up Lorelei Miss America MR Roboto Mr. Roboto Renegade Show Me The Way Snowblind Suite Madame Blue The Best Of Times The Grand Illusion Too Much Time On My Hands Turn It Around Badfish Animal Nitrate Caught In A Moment Denial Easy Follow Me Home Freak Like Me Get Sexy Hole In The Head In The Middle New Year Overload Push The Button Red Dress Shape Stronger Too Lost In You Ugly If I Change Your Mind Answer The Phone Every morning Falls Apart Fly Mr Bartender Ours Someday Stranglers, The Stranglers, The Stranglers, The Stranglers, The Stranglers, The Strawberry Alarm Clock Stray Cats, The Stray Cats, The Streisand & Johnson Stretch Stripes White, The Stroke 9 Stroke 9 Strokes, The Strokes, The Strokes, The Stryper Style Council Style Council Style Council Stylistics, The Stylistics, The Stylistics, The Stylo G ft Gyptian Styx Styx Styx Styx Styx Styx Styx Styx Styx Styx Styx Styx Styx Styx Styx Styx Styx Styx Styx Styx Sub Focus & Kele Sublime Suede Sugababes Sugababes Sugababes Sugababes Sugababes Sugababes Sugababes Sugababes Sugababes Sugababes Sugababes Sugababes Sugababes Sugababes Sugababes Sugababes Sugar Sugar Ray Sugar Ray Sugar Ray Sugar Ray Sugar Ray Sugar Ray Sugar Ray Pagina 237 19814303 19814304 19814305 19814306 19814307 810896 1242771 18507078 18507079 1242708 18507080 19986558 19986538 19986591 19814311 810301 19814313 1242813 18507081 19814315 808085 806341 19814316 19814317 19814318 19814319 1243050 19814321 19814322 3283897 19814323 810207 19987541 811572 1243143 19814327 2721518 2721515 2721516 2721519 2721520 19814332 2721517 806506 2721440 810566 810568 19814336 810567 19986632 1242259 811823 806764 810565 1242559 19814341 19814342 1242070 2721616 19814345 19814346 19814347 19814348 19814349 19814350 811998 811999 812000 812001 1242742 19814352 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG When It's Over Rapper's Delight All I Want To Do Already Gone April Showers Baby Girl Down In Mississippi (Up To No Good) It Happens Joey Just Might (Make Me Believe) Keep You Mean Girls Red Dirt Road Sex On Fire Something More Stuck Like Glue These Are The Days Want To What I'd Give Life In A Northern Town Green Eyed Lady A taste of honey Fat Lip In Too Deep Pain For Pleasure Pieces Some Say Still Waiting What We're All About From A Table Away Heard It All Before Lie To Kick It Hero Pumping on your stereo Tell Me Why Bloody Well Right Breakfast In America Dreamer Give A Little Bit Goodbye Stranger It's Raining Again Take The Long Way Home The Logical Song Ain't No Mountain High Enough Baby Love Back In My Arms Again Come See About Me Everybody's Got The Right To Love I Hear A Symphony Medley Stoned Love Stop In The Name Of Love Where Did Our Love Go You Can't Hurry Love You Keep Me Hangin' On First Time Never Gonna Let You Down Shower Me With Your Love Eye Of The Tiger High On You I Can't Hold Back The Search Is Over Closer Faith Of The Heart You're Lucky I Love You Up To The Mountain Who I Was Born To Be Wild Horses You'll See Drinkin' In My Sunday Dress It Hurt So Bad Sugar Ray Sugarhill Gang Sugarland Sugarland Sugarland Sugarland Sugarland Sugarland Sugarland Sugarland Sugarland Sugarland Sugarland Sugarland Sugarland Sugarland Sugarland Sugarland Sugarland Sugarland & Little Big Town & Jake Owen Sugarloaf Sukiyaki Sum 41 Sum 41 Sum 41 Sum 41 Sum 41 Sum 41 Sum 41 Sunny Sweeney Sunshine Anderson Sunshine Anderson Superchick Supergrass Supermode Supertramp Supertramp Supertramp Supertramp Supertramp Supertramp Supertramp Supertramp Supremes, The Supremes, The Supremes, The Supremes, The Supremes, The Supremes, The Supremes, The Supremes, The Supremes, The Supremes, The Supremes, The Supremes, The Surface Surface Surface Survivor Survivor Survivor Survivor Susan Ashton Susan Ashton Susan Ashton Susan Boyle Susan Boyle Susan Boyle Susan Boyle Susan Haynes Susan Tedeschi Pagina 238 19814353 1242688 19985839 811574 1242550 19814356 19814366 19814358 19814359 19814357 19814360 19814361 19814362 19814363 19814364 19814365 19985362 19985983 5960071 19814369 2721477 810712 19814371 19814372 3283978 2721586 19814373 19991440 19814374 19814375 19985936 19814376 19814377 19814378 810979 1243084 19814380 1241837 807877 811577 1241804 806825 19814385 811389 19814387 1241045 809712 809713 1242696 19991806 19814389 19991807 1242697 19991809 1243059 19991808 19986607 19991810 19991811 19814392 806443 19814404 19814393 19814394 19814395 19814396 19814397 810965 19814405 1243147 19814398 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Rock Me Right Lying In The Arms Of Mary Marlene On The Wall My name is Luka Tom's Diner If You Can't Give Me Love Stumblin' In Aces Drive South From Where I Stand Goodnight Just Like The Weather Letting Go Outbound Plane Souvenirs Take It To The Limit Level Up Don't You Worry Child Save The World Antidote Blockbuster Fox On The Run Little Willy Love Is Like Oxygen The Lies In Your Eyes Wig Wam Bam Chains Of Gold Jimmy Eat World Breakout Double Shot You're No Good Hey now now Dare You To Move Meant To Live Stars (Radio Version) We Are One Tonight Everyday (Coolin') Weak If only I could Walls come tumbling Betcha by Golly Wow You Make Me Feel Mighty Real Drifter Nobody Pillow Talk Viva Espana Love Is Strange (DUET) With You I'm Born Again (DUET) Aerials ATWA B.Y.O.B. Bounce Chop Suey Deer Dance Hypnotize Jet Pilot Lonely Day Lost In Hollywood Needles Sugar B.Y.O.B Call It Stormy Monday [Karaoke Happy Ever After Memphis Women & Chicken Never In A Million Tears Wine Into Water Dead & Gone I'm Sprung Reverse Cowgirl U And Dat I'm In Luv (With A Stripper) Susan Tedeschi Sutherland Brothers & Quiver Suzanne Vega Suzanne Vega Suzanne Vega Suzi Quatro Suzi Quatro & Chris Norman Suzy Bogguss Suzy Bogguss Suzy Bogguss Suzy Bogguss Suzy Bogguss Suzy Bogguss Suzy Bogguss Suzy Bogguss Suzy Bogguss Sway & Kelsey Swedish House Mafia Swedish House Mafia Swedish House Mafia Vs Knife Party Sweet, The Sweet, The Sweet, The Sweet, The Sweet, The Sweet, The Sweethearts Of The Rodeo Sweetness Swing Out Sister Swingin' Medallions Swinging Blue Jeans Swirl 360 Switchfoot Switchfoot Switchfoot Switchfoot Swizz Beatz and Eve SWV Sydney Youngblood Syle Council Sylistics Sylvester Sylvia Sylvia Sylvia Sylvia Sylvia & Mickey Syreeta & Preston System of a Down System of a Down System Of A Down System of a Down System of a Down System of a Down System Of A Down System of a Down System Of A Down System of a Down System of a Down System Of A Down System Of Down T Bone Walker T Brown Graham T Brown Graham T Brown Graham T Brown Graham T I & Justin Timberlake T Pain T Pain T Pain & Kandi Girl T Pain & Mike Jones Pagina 239 19814406 19814399 812145 1242693 2721460 812142 19814402 812143 2721454 812144 2721492 812152 19990109 19814407 19814408 19814409 810648 5380874 19814622 1242921 19814623 1242881 19814412 5380964 19814625 19814624 19814413 806800 809045 810488 19814416 811174 4171630 19065174 14722049 1678214 807659 19985580 19814422 19814423 1242297 811993 811114 9103583 1678257 3283943 2058912 807543 809962 19814425 807560 9103582 811202 19989885 19814426 19814427 19814428 1243065 19814430 811580 807739 19814432 19814433 19814434 19814435 19814436 19814437 19814438 19814439 809308 19814441 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Booty Work Look At Her Go 20th Century Boy Children of the Revolution Get it on Hot Love I Love To Boogie Metal Guru Ride A White Swan Telegram Sam The T Rex Medley Get It On, Telegram Sam, 20th Century Boy (medley) Nasty Freestyle Devil In The Bottle Finally I'll Be Coming Back For More Party Time ASAP Bring Em Out Top Back U Don't Know Me What You Know Whatever You Like Why You Wanna Soldier Live Your Life China In Your Hand Heart & Soul Young Love Puttin' On The Ritz Whoomp! There It Is Dynamite Telling The World Troublemaker Hangover Higher Come On Girl There She Goes Alibi Something Within Me A Million Love Songs Back For Good Greatest Day How Deep Is Your Love Kidz Love Love Never Forget Patience Rule The World Said It All Shine Sure The Flood These Days Up All Night Chris Brown Make Damn Sure Set Phasers To Stun If You Sleep She's so high Such A Shame Talk Talk And She Said Once In A Lifetime Psycho Killer Take Me To The River Wild Wild Life Askin' Too Much Didn't We Love Stranger In My House Angels In Waiting Pagina 240 T Pain & Teddy Penderazdoun & T Pain ft. Chris Brown T Rex T Rex T Rex T Rex T Rex T Rex T Rex T Rex T Rex T Rex Medley T-Wayne T.G. Sheppard T.G. Sheppard T.G. Sheppard T.G. Sheppard T.I. T.I. T.I. T.I. T.I. T.I. T.I. T.I. & Destiny's Child & Lil' Wayn T.I. & Rihanna T'pau T'pau Tab Hunter Taco Tag Team Taio Cruz Taio Cruz Taio Cruz Taio Cruz & Flo Rida Taio Cruz & Kylie Minogue Taio Cruz & Luciana Taio Cruz & Pitbull Tait Take 6 Take That Take That Take That Take That Take That Take That Take That Take That Take That Take That Take That Take That Take That Take That Take That Take You Down Taking Back Sunday Taking Back Sunday Tal Bachman Tal Bachman Talk Talk Talk Talk Talking Heads Talking Heads Talking Heads Talking Heads Talking Heads Tamara Walker Tamara Walker Tamia Tammy Cochran 19814442 19814443 19814444 19814445 19814446 19814447 19814448 19814449 810646 19814451 810499 19814453 19814454 1242267 19814455 19814456 19814457 19814458 19814459 19814460 19814461 19814462 19814463 19814464 19814465 19814466 19814467 19814468 19814469 19814470 19814471 19814472 19814473 19814474 19814475 19814476 19814477 19814478 19814479 811582 19814481 19814482 19814483 807350 807356 19814485 807369 809767 2610842 1241820 808699 19814488 19814489 19814490 19990166 1243010 19986420 19989924 810332 19990148 19985988 810328 19989901 19987390 810326 810317 18507092 19814492 810334 19986103 19814493 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG He Really Thinks He's Got It I Cry If You Can Life Happened Love Won't Let Me So What Cool Water Dozen Red Roses D-I-V-O-R-C-E I Don't Wanna Play House Stand By Your Man Ways To Love A Man Your Good Girl's Gonna Go Bad Hey Girl Don't Bother Me I Can't Make You Love Me Maybe I Deserve Breakdown Between The Two Of Them Blood Red And Going Down Delta Dawn Don't Believe My Heart Can Stand Another You Down To My Last Teardrop I'll Come Back As Another Woman If Your Heart Ain't Busy Tonight It's A Little Too Late Jamestown Ferry Little Things Love Me Like You Used To Old Weakness (Coming On Strong Ridin' Out The Heartache Some Kind Of Trouble Soon Strong Enough To Bend Two Sparrows In A Hurricane Walking Shoes You Just Watch Me Don't Ever Let Me Go Stuff That Matters That's When You Came Along Boogie oogie oogie All The Things She Said Not Gonna Get Us Daydreamin' Don't take away the music Heaven must be missing an angel It Only Takes A Minute More than a woman Doller Wine Yeah Yeah Can't Get Enough of Your Love I Believe In Me And You I'll Always Love You Love Will Lead You Back With Every Beat Of My Heart Borrow My Heart Do I Make You Proud 22 All Too Well Back To December Bad Blood Begin Again Better Than Revenge Blank Space Change Crazier Enchanted Fearless Fifteen Haunted I Knew You Were Trouble I'd Lie Tammy Cochran Tammy Cochran Tammy Cochran Tammy Cochran Tammy Cochran Tammy Cochran Tammy Graham Tammy Graham Tammy Wynette Tammy Wynette Tammy Wynette Tammy Wynette Tammy Wynette Tams Tank Tank Tantric Tanya Tucker Tanya Tucker Tanya Tucker Tanya Tucker Tanya Tucker Tanya Tucker Tanya Tucker Tanya Tucker Tanya Tucker Tanya Tucker Tanya Tucker Tanya Tucker Tanya Tucker Tanya Tucker Tanya Tucker Tanya Tucker Tanya Tucker Tanya Tucker Tanya Tucker Tara Lyn Hart Tara Lyn Hart Tara Lyn Hart Taste of Honey TATU TATU Tatyana Ali Tavares Tavares Tavares Tavares Taxi Taylor Cole Ft. Travie McCoy Taylor Dayne Taylor Dayne Taylor Dayne Taylor Dayne Taylor Dayne Taylor Henderson Taylor Hicks Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Pagina 241 19531865 19814494 810330 810336 19814495 19986545 810327 19814496 19814497 19989925 19814498 19985994 19989574 810331 810329 19989926 19990016 19988251 3283910 1242804 810323 810333 19986681 19989927 19814500 19990469 1242698 19814501 810325 19989928 810324 19987800 5380870 19814502 19814503 19814504 19814505 19814507 1242683 1242407 811584 19814508 1242523 19814509 1242046 1242684 1241609 19814515 1241611 1241613 808915 1242977 1243146 809525 809521 809524 809526 809523 808342 809527 809522 809528 808126 19814519 810849 1678249 19814520 19814529 808353 808355 1787004 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG If This Were A Movie Invisible Jump Then Fall Last Kiss Love Story Mean Mine Our Song Ours Out Of The Woods Picture To Burn Red Shake It Off Sparks Fly Speak Now State Of Grace Style Sweeter Than Fiction The Story Of Us Tim McGraw Today Was A Fairytale Untouchable We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together Welcome To New York White Horse Wildest Dreams You Belong With Me You're Not Sorry Two Is Better Than One Everything Has Changed Half Of My Heart Everything Has Changed Make Her Feel Good Break It Down Again Call Me Mellow Change Everybody Want's To Rule The World Goodnight Song Head Over Heels Mad World Rule the world Shout Sowing the Seeds of Love We Shook Hands (Man To Man) Move This Pump Up The Jam Cat Scratch Fever Hey Baby Journey To The Center Of Your Mind Wango Tango To Know You (Him) Is To Love You (Him) For You I Will (Confidence) These Walls And If I Had Close The Door Come Go With Me I Don't Know You Anymore Joy Love T.K.O. Only You Turn Off The Lights When Somebody Loves You Back Ma Belle Amie Let's Shake Metele Sazon Wonderman Sweet Disposition A Song For You Ain't Too Proud To Beg Ball Of Confusion Get Ready Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift & Boys Like Girls Taylor Swift & Ed Sheeran Taylor Swift & John Mayer Taylor Swift Feat. Ed Sheeran Teairra Mari Tears For Fears Tears For Fears Tears For Fears Tears For Fears Tears For Fears Tears For Fears Tears For Fears Tears for Fears Tears For Fears Tears for Fears Tebey Technotronic Technotronic Ted Nugent Ted Nugent Ted Nugent Ted Nugent Teddy Bears, The Teddy Geiger Teddy Geiger Teddy Pendergrass Teddy Pendergrass Teddy Pendergrass Teddy Pendergrass Teddy Pendergrass Teddy Pendergrass Teddy Pendergrass Teddy Pendergrass Teddy Pendergrass Tee Set Teenage Head Tego Calderon Tempah, Tinie & Ellie Goulding Temper Trap Temptations, The Temptations, The Temptations, The Temptations, The Pagina 242 808358 811587 808356 806897 19814527 808354 808357 811883 811918 2389652 2389651 19986521 810733 19986682 19987584 810732 1242699 19814533 811065 19814534 1242084 1242197 19814535 809716 19814536 1242754 19814538 19814539 19814540 19814541 19814542 19814543 19814544 19814545 19814546 19814547 19814548 19814549 19814550 19814551 19814552 19814553 19814554 19814555 19814556 810668 19814558 1242555 1242700 1242701 19814560 1241749 19814561 19814562 19814563 811588 811589 811590 19814567 808981 19814572 19814573 19814574 19991024 19991023 1243100 1243052 19989947 19814577 19814578 1242703 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG I Know I'm Losing You Just my imagination Masterpiece My Girl Papa Was A Rolling Stone Psychedelic Shack Since I Lost My Baby Treat Her Like A Lady You're my everything I'd Love To Change The World Positive Vibrations Beelzeboss (The Final Showdown) Fuck Her Gently Kickapoo Rock Is Dead Tribute Wonderboy Sixteen Tons The Ballad Of Davy Crockett Swords Of A Thousand Men Sign Your Name Wishing Well Baby That's What Love Does You're All I Need To Get By (DUET) Better Things To Do Damn Right Emotional Girl Empty Everytime I Cry Getting There Girls Lie Too Gypsy Boots I Wanna Do It All Just The Same Little Gasoline No Fear Now That I Found You Pain To Kill Poor, Poor Pitiful Me Three Mississippi Unsung Hero World Needs A Drink You're Easy On The Eyes Somebody's Knockin' Lean Back Seasons in the sun Suspicion Floral Dance Modern Day Cowboy What You Give Can We Talk Confused Don't Say Goodbye Girl Smoke Smoke Smoke In Our Lifetime Say what you want Summer son When we are toghether I Loved 'Em Every One Don't Leave Me This Way Baby Please Don't Go Gloria [Karaoke] Here Comes The Night Hate My Life Hurricane Santa Monica Say Goodbye Boss Of Me Istanbul (Not Constantinople) Boys Are Back In Town Dancin In The Moonlight Temptations, The Temptations, The Temptations, The Temptations, The Temptations, The Temptations, The Temptations, The Temptations, The Temptations, The Ten Years After Ten Years After Tenacious D Tenacious D Tenacious D Tenacious D Tenacious D Tenacious D Tennessee Ernie Ford Tennessee Ernie Ford TenpoleTudor Terence Trent D'arby Terence Trent D'arby Teresa Terrell & Gaye Terri Clark Terri Clark Terri Clark Terri Clark Terri Clark Terri Clark Terri Clark Terri Clark Terri Clark Terri Clark Terri Clark Terri Clark Terri Clark Terri Clark Terri Clark Terri Clark Terri Clark Terri Clark Terri Clark Terri Gibbs Terror Squad & Fat Joe & Remy Terry Jackson Terry Stafford Terry Wogan Tesla Tesla Tevin Campbell Tevin Campbell Tevin Campbell Tex Williams & His Western Car Texas Texas Texas Texas TG Sheppard Thelma Houston Them Them Them Theory of a Deadman Theory of a Deadman Theory Of A Deadman Theory Of A Deadman They Might Be Giants They Might Be Giants Thin Lizzy Thin Lizzy Pagina 243 1242702 1242704 1242705 1242706 18136260 19814580 19814581 19987526 19814582 19814583 19814584 19814585 19814586 19991014 19814587 19814588 19991013 19814589 811245 19814590 19814591 19987965 19814592 19814593 19814594 19814595 19814596 19814597 19991791 1243060 19814599 19814600 5380950 5380918 19814603 19814604 19991833 19814605 19814606 19814607 1678225 19991450 19814609 19814610 19814611 808109 808108 19814613 810670 19814614 19814615 808110 19814616 810764 19814617 19814618 1243051 1243104 19814621 19990485 19992372 19992414 19989949 19989950 811599 1243006 811907 19814629 19814630 3283971 1242401 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Jailbreak Rosalie The Boys Are Back In Town Waiting For An Alibi Whiskey In The Jar Kellie Pickler Cry Out To Jesus Nothing Compares 10 Days Late Anything Deep Inside Of You How's It Going To Be Jumper Motorcycle Drive By Never Let You Go Semi-Charmed Life Slow Motion w~chorus Now That We Found Love Closer To The Edge Hyperactive She Blinded Me With Science It Goes Like this Are You Gonna Kiss Me or Not Let's Fight Doctor Doctor Hold Me Now Lay Your Hands On Me Lies Be Somebody Move Be Honest Between The Stones And Jones Poppin' My Collar Stay Fly Animal I Have Become Break Chalk Outline Home I Hate Everything About You Just Like You Lost In You Never Too Late World So Cold An Old Fashioned Love Song Celebrate Easy To Be Hard Eli's Comin' Joy To The World Liar Mama Told Me Not To Come Never Been To Spain Shambala Try A Little Tenderness Who's Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf Arizona Rain Love Is Enough Image Of The Invisible Red Sky Angels On The Moon Bring Me To The Horizon Sunshine Sunshine Red Lights Wasted I think we're alone now Start A Fire I'll be there I'm Grown Virginia, No One Can Warn You Alive & Kicking Fantasy Island Thin Lizzy Thin Lizzy Thin Lizzy Thin Lizzy Thin Lizzy Things That Never Cross A Man' Third Day Third Day Third Eye Blind Third Eye Blind Third Eye Blind Third Eye Blind Third Eye Blind Third Eye Blind Third Eye Blind Third Eye Blind Third Eye Blind Third World Thirty Seconds To Mars Thomas Dolby Thomas Dolby Thomas Rhett Thompson Square Thompson Square Thompson Twins Thompson Twins Thompson Twins Thompson Twins Thousand Foot Krutch Thousand Foot Krutch Thrasher Shiver Thrasher Shiver Three 6 Mafia Three 6 Mafia Three Days Grace Three Days Grace Three Days Grace Three Days Grace Three Days Grace Three Days Grace Three Days Grace Three Days Grace Three Days Grace Three Dog Night Three Dog Night Three Dog Night Three Dog Night Three Dog Night Three Dog Night Three Dog Night Three Dog Night Three Dog Night Three Dog Night Three Little Pigs, The Three Of Hearts Three Of Hearts Thrice Thrice Thriving Ivory Throne TIEKS & Dan Harkna Tieks ft Dan Harkna Tiesto Tiesto & Matthew Koma Tiffany Tiffany Affair Tiffany Evans Tiffany Evans & Bow Wow Tift Merritt Tig Tighter Tight Fit Pagina 244 19814631 19986687 19814634 811600 19814635 19814636 19814637 19814638 19814639 19814640 19814641 19814642 807160 19814632 19814644 811601 19814645 19814646 811602 19814647 1242772 19814649 811603 19814650 19814651 19814652 19814653 19814633 19814654 1242809 19814656 1242711 19814658 19814659 19813650 19814661 811702 811367 811604 811605 19814666 19814667 811606 19814669 9103366 19814671 19814672 19814673 811607 19814674 19814675 811608 811609 811610 19814677 19814678 19814679 811611 1242757 807162 811612 19814684 809706 19814686 19814687 19814688 19814689 9914935 811140 806675 19814691 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Voices Carry I Do The Rock All I Want Is A Life All We Ever Find Angel Boy Back When Can't be really gone Cowboy In Me Do You Want Fries With That Don't Take The Girl Down On The Farm Drugs Or Jesus Everywhere For A Little While Grown Men Don't Cry Home How Bad Do You Want It I Got Friends That Do I Know How To Love You Well I Like It I Love It I've Got Friends That Do If You're Reading This Illegal Indian outlaw Just To See You Smile Kill Myself Live Like You Were Dying Maybe We Should Just Sleep On My Best Friend My Little Girl My Next Thirty Years My Old Friend No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problems Not A Moment Too Soon Nothin' To Die For Old Town New One Of These Days Please Remember Me Real Good Man Red Rag Top Refried Dreams She Never Lets It Go To Her Heart She's My Kind Of Rain Some Things Never Change Something Like That Southern Voice Suspicions Telluride That's Why God Made Mexico The Cowboy In Me Things Change Tim Mcgraw Medley 1 Tim Mcgraw Medley 2 Tiny Dancer Trouble With Never Unbroken Walk Like A Man Watch The Wind Blow By When The Stars Go Blue Where The Green Grass Grows Who Are They Angry All The Time It's Your Love Crazy Life She Misses Him When You Love Me Ballad Of John Rocker Pass At Me Carry Out If We Ever Meet Again Scream Til' Tuesday Tim Curry Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw Tim McGraw & Faith Hill Tim McGraw & Faith Hill Tim Rushlow Tim Rushlow Tim Rushlow Tim Wilson Timbaland & David Guetta & Pitbull Timbaland & Justin Timberlake Timbaland & Katy Perry Timbaland & Keri Hilson & Nicole Scherzinger Pagina 245 19814690 807587 809972 1242551 19814694 19814695 811613 19985766 811614 19985768 19985774 19985776 19985760 19985770 19985764 19985772 19985756 19985762 19985758 807360 19814698 810722 810715 19814702 812156 810721 810716 810717 810723 810714 811787 19814710 1242072 19814700 806735 810720 810719 811615 810725 19814717 14722046 19814719 4171634 19814720 19814721 17766276 19814722 19814723 811158 19987995 811196 19989952 19990227 811217 19814725 19991701 19988231 19988176 19988435 19988618 19814727 1241818 19814728 19814729 19814730 19814731 19814732 811631 19814734 811632 19814736 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Way I Are Give It To Me Apologize Jungle Love The Bird One More Try What I am Burn Chains Heaven Help My Heart I Need Your Body I Want To Know What Love Is IItalian Love Song Now I Can Dance Sorrento Moon Soul Mate No 9 Symphony Of Life Wasn't It Good Whistle Down The Wind I love to love Who's Got Your Money A Fool In Love Better Be Good To Me Fool In Love Goldeneye I Can't Stand The Rain I Don't Wanna Fight Missing You Open Arms Private Dancer Proud Mary Something Beautiful Remains Steamy Windows The Best We Don't Need Another Hero Thunderdome What's Love Got To Do With It Whatever You Need When The Heartache Is Over Why Must We Wait Until Tonight Nutbush City Limits Off The Record Take Me Back Spaceship Number 1 Bright Lights Hang It Up Shut Up & Let Me Go We Walk Frisky Trampoline Written In The Stars Trampoline Not Letting Go Invincible Till I'm Gone Girls Like Children of the Sun Children Of The Sun Lover Not A Fighter Lover Not A Fighter Diary Tip Toe Through The Tulips Spend It Creep Damaged Dear Lie Girl Talk No scrubs Silly Ho Unpretty Waterfalls Timbaland & Kerri Hilson Timbaland & Nelly Furtado & Justin Timberlake Timbaland & One Republic Time Time Timmy T Tin Tin Out feat Emma Tina Arena Tina Arena Tina Arena Tina Arena Tina Arena Tina Arena Tina Arena Tina Arena Tina Arena Tina Arena Tina Arena Tina Arena Tina Charles Tina Parol Tina Turner Tina Turner Tina Turner Tina Turner Tina Turner Tina Turner Tina Turner Tina Turner Tina Turner Tina Turner Tina Turner Tina Turner Tina Turner Tina Turner Tina Turner Tina Turner Tina Turner Tina Turner Tina Turner & Ike Tinchy Stryder Tinchy Stryder Tinchy Stryder & Dappy Tinchy Stryder & N-Dubz Tinchy Stryder & Pixie Lott Ting Tings Ting Tings Ting Tings Tinie Tempah Tinie Tempah Tinie Tempah Tinie Tempah & 2 Chainz Tinie Tempah & Jess Glynne Tinie Tempah & Kelly Rowland Tinie Tempah & Wiz Khalifa Tinie Tempah & Zara Larson Tinie Tempah Feat. John Martin Tinie Tempah Ft John Martin Tinie Tempah Ft Labrinth Tinie Tempah Ft. Labrinth Tino Coury Tiny Tim Tity Boi aka 2 Chainz TLC TLC TLC TLC TLC TLC TLC TLC Pagina 246 19814737 19814738 19814739 811633 810607 19987389 19814742 810774 19814744 810832 811634 2058924 19986688 19814748 19814749 1242819 19814751 19814752 19814753 19814754 19987959 1242737 19814756 19814757 19814758 811636 19814760 2168590 811637 2168595 19985815 19814763 19814764 811638 19814766 19814767 2168592 2168594 19814768 19814769 19814770 19814771 19814772 19814773 19814774 811639 19814775 19814776 2168593 19814777 19814778 19814779 19814780 810910 19814782 810583 19814783 19814784 19814785 19814786 19814787 2168597 19814788 811640 811641 19814791 810788 810639 810828 19814795 2168596 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG All I Want Come Down Possum Kingdom A Little Less Talk & A Lot More Action A Little Too Late American Ride American Soldier As Good As I Once Was Beers Ago Big Blue Note Big Ol' Truck Bullets In The Gun Cabo San Lucas Country Comes To Town Courtesy Of The Red, White & Blue Crash Here Tonight Critic Does That Blue Moon Ever Shine On You Double Wide Paradise Dream Walkin' Drinks After Work Get Drunk And Be Somebody Get My Drink On Getcha Some Go With Her He Ain't Worth Missing Hell No Honky Tonk U How Do You Like Me Now I Got It Bad I Like Girls That Drink Beer I Love This Bar I Wanna Talk About Me I'm Just Talkin' About Tonight If A Man Answers If I Was Jesus Just The Guy To Do It Knock Yourself Out Little Too Late Lost You Anyway Made In America Me Too My List Night Before Christmas Note To Self Pull My Chain Red Solo Cup Rock You Baby She Left Me She Never Cried In Front Of Me She's A Hottie Should've Been A Cowboy Somewhere Else Stays In Mexico Taliban Song The Night Before Christmas Time For Me To Ride Trailerhood Upstairs Downtown We Were In Love When Love Fades Where You Gonna Go Whiskey Girl Who's That Man Who's Your Daddy Wish I Didn't Know Now You Ain't Leavin' (Thank God Are Ya) You Ain't Much Fun You Caught Me At A Bad Time You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This Your Smile Toad The Wet Sprocket Toad The Wet Sprocket Toadies Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Toby Keith Pagina 247 19814796 810798 811642 9103415 810142 19814802 19814803 19814804 19814805 19814806 811425 19814808 19814809 1242101 811643 808664 19814811 3283974 19814812 19814813 811646 19814815 19814816 811649 806850 19814818 3283975 811652 811653 811654 811011 808667 810627 811656 19814821 808657 19814822 808661 19814823 808658 808660 808666 808656 19814825 19814826 19814827 808663 19814828 812161 19814829 811664 808662 19814830 808659 1242396 808665 807034 19814832 19814833 19987944 19992415 19991996 19989899 19991735 1241770 808366 808362 811665 808361 17766281 808365 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Mockingbird She Ain't Hooked On Me No More I'm So Happy I Can't Stop Crying Beer For My Horses Hold On Somethin' With Some Attitude Bang The Drum All Day Hello It's Me I Saw The Light We Gotta Get You A Woman The Lion Sleeps Tonight Life Is A Highway Sinking Like A Sunset It's A Mad, Mad, Mad,Mad World A Boy From Nowhere Anniversary Song Believe Your Radio Born To Be Me Coming Around Dear Heart Delilah Driftwood Follow The Light Funny Familiar Forgotten Feelings Green Green Grass Of Home Have A Nice Day Hello Young Lovers Help Yourself I Who Have Nothing I'll Never Fall In Love Again I'm Coming Home If Loving You Is Wrong, I Don't Want To Be Wright It's Not Unusual Kiss Local Boy In Photograph Love Me Tonight Mama Told Me Not To Come Memphis Tennessee My Mother's Eyes Not Responsible Puppet Man Say You'll Stay Until Tomorrow She's A Lady Sing The Bartender & The Thief The Fear The Impossible Dream Think About Money Thunderball Tied To The 90's Till What The World Needs Now What's New Pussycat With These Hands You Can Leave Your Hat On You'll Never Walk Alone Young new Mexican puppeteer Masochism Tango Poisoning Pigeons In The Park Another Love Concrete Magnetised Real Love Wrong Crowd Englebert The Elephant American Girl Breakdown Don't Know How It Feels Free Fallin' I Won't Back Down Mary Jane's Last Dance Pagina 248 Toby Keith & Krystal Toby Keith & Merle Haggard Toby Keith & Sting Toby Keith & Willie Nelson Tobymac Todd O'Neil Todd Rundgren Todd Rundgren Todd Rundgren Todd Rundgren Tokens, The Tom Cochrane Tom Cochrane Tom Glaser Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Jones Tom Lehrer Tom Lehrer Tom Odell Tom Odell Tom Odell Tom Odell Tom Odell Tom Paxton Tom Petty Tom Petty Tom Petty Tom Petty Tom Petty Tom Petty 19986549 808359 808364 1243020 808363 808367 1241759 17766280 19814842 19814843 810691 19814844 1242467 811669 811670 808245 19814851 19814852 19814853 19814854 19814855 811862 19814856 19814857 19814858 19814860 19814861 19814859 1242355 1242363 19814862 806726 19814864 19814865 19814866 19814867 19814868 809328 19814870 19814871 19814872 19814873 19814874 19814875 1242842 811991 811673 806751 19814880 19814881 811674 19814883 19814884 19814885 19814886 19814887 19814888 19814889 19814890 19814891 808854 808851 811810 808853 806902 19814893 808850 19814895 808856 808857 808855 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Needles & Pins Refugee Runnin' Down A Dream Saving Grace Stop Draggin'my Heart Around You Don't Know How It Feels Needles And Pins Don't Come Around Here No More Don't Do Me Like That You Got Lucky I like beer Old Dogs Children & Watermelon Wine Going Out West Just nu Sensuella Isabella It's All In The Game Please Mr. Sun Crystal Blue Persuasion Draggin' The Line Hanky Panky I Think We're Alone Now Mony Mony Hold Me Down Heaven Is My Woman's Love Sheila Tell Me Where It Hurts What If She's An Angel What We're Gonna Do About It Brown Sugar Little White Bull 867-5309 Jenny Funky Cold Medina Wild Thing Mickey Angel Break My Heart Another Sad Love Song Breathe Again How Do I Live How Many Ways I Don't Want To I Love Me Some Him Just Be A Man About It Let It Flow Spanish Guitar Trippin' Unbreak My Heart (Club Version) Unbreak my heart (Original) You Mean The World To Me You're Making Me High How Could An Angel Break My Heart If you could only see Knock Down Walls Mean To Me Open Up Your Eyes Sugar Take Me As I Am You Wanted More Wearin' Of The Green As Time Goes By Because Of You Can You Find It In Your Heart From The Candy Store On The Corner I Left My Heart In San Francisco In The Middle Of An Island Just In Time One For My Baby Rags To Riches September Song Steppin' Out With My Baby The Shadow Of Your Smile When Joanna Loved Me Tom Petty Tom Petty Tom Petty Tom Petty Tom Petty Tom Petty Tom Petty & Stevie Nicks Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers Tom T. Hall Tom T. Hall Tom Waits Tomas Ledin Tomas Ledin Tommy Edwards Tommy Edwards Tommy James & The Shondells Tommy James & The Shondells Tommy James & The Shondells Tommy James & The Shondells Tommy James & The Shondells Tommy Lee Tommy Overstreet Tommy Roe Tommy Shane Steiner Tommy Shane Steiner Tommy Shane Steiner & Bridget Tommy Steele Tommy Steele Tommy Tutone Tone Loc Tone Loc Toni Basil Toni Braxton Toni Braxton Toni Braxton Toni Braxton Toni Braxton Toni Braxton Toni Braxton Toni Braxton Toni Braxton Toni Braxton Toni Braxton Toni Braxton Toni Braxton Toni Braxton Toni Braxton Toni Braxton & Kenny G Tonic Tonic Tonic Tonic Tonic Tonic Tonic Tony & The Rapparees Malone Tony Bennett Tony Bennett Tony Bennett Tony Bennett Tony Bennett Tony Bennett Tony Bennett Tony Bennett Tony Bennett Tony Bennett Tony Bennett Tony Bennett Tony Bennett Pagina 249 808852 19814898 19814899 807035 807040 807039 19814901 2721583 19814903 1242473 808302 19814904 808305 19814905 808303 808307 808306 808309 808304 19814907 806884 19814909 19814910 19814911 19814912 19991453 19991794 810947 811077 19814916 19814914 19814915 19814917 19814918 811675 19985834 19814920 19986522 19814921 19985863 19814922 19990481 19990025 19990106 19989951 19986504 8477775 19814924 810797 19814926 1678240 19814927 19814928 19814929 19814930 1242709 19814932 19814933 19814934 19814935 3283814 19814936 19814937 19814938 19814939 19814940 19814941 1242781 19814943 19814944 19814945 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG With Plenty Of Money And You What A Wonderful World Avenues And Alleyways Daddy Don't You Walk So Fast Don't Go Down To Reno Drive Safely Darling I Did What I Did For Maria Is This The Way To Amarillo Las Vegas Merry Christmas Everyone Bless You Candida He Don't Love You (Like I Love You) Knock Three Times Look In My Eyes Pretty Woman Say Has Anybody Seen My Sweet Gypsy Rose Stepping Out Tie A Yellow Ribbon Around The Old Oak Tree Who's In The Strawberry Patch With Sally Leavin' Nobody Knows Part The Waves Let's Get Down Thinking Of You Schism Sober The Pot Pressure Drop Achilles Heel A Sorta Fairytale God Silent All These Years Spark Your Daddy Don't Know Africa Georgy Porgy Hold The Line Home Of The Brave I Won't Hold You Back I'll Be Over You Rosanna Pony (Jump On It) So Freakin' Tight Talking Body Stay High (Habits Remix) Soul With A Capital 'S' I Do A Lover's Concerto Arlington Big Time Brown chicken, Brown cow Chrome Don't Lie Every Light In The House Help Me Understand Honky Tonk Badonkadonk Hot Mama I Left Something Turned On At Home I'm Gonna Love You Anyway I'm Tryin' Just fishing' Lonely Won't Leave Me Alone More Muddy Water Rest Of Mine Rough & Ready Songs About Me Swing Then They Do This Ain't No Thinkin' Thing Time Is Everything Tony Bennett Tony Bennett & KD Lang Tony Christie Tony Christie Tony Christie Tony Christie Tony Christie Tony Christie Tony Christie Tony Christie Tony Orlando Tony Orlando & Dawn Tony Orlando & Dawn Tony Orlando & Dawn Tony Orlando & Dawn Tony Orlando & Dawn Tony Orlando & Dawn Tony Orlando & Dawn Tony Orlando & Dawn Tony Rich Project, The Tony Rich Project, The Tony Rich Project, The Tony Toni Tone Tony Toni Tone Tool Tool Tool Toots & The Maytals Toploader Tori Amos Tori Amos Tori Amos Tori Amos Toronto Toto Toto Toto Toto Toto Toto Toto Tough Love Tough Love Tove Lo Tove Lo & Hippie Sabotage Tower Of Power Toya Toys Trace Adkins Trace Adkins Trace Adkins Trace Adkins Trace Adkins Trace Adkins Trace Adkins Trace Adkins Trace Adkins Trace Adkins Trace Adkins Trace Adkins Trace Adkins Trace Adkins Trace Adkins Trace Adkins Trace Adkins Trace Adkins Trace Adkins Trace Adkins Trace Adkins Trace Adkins Trace Adkins Pagina 250 19814946 19814947 19814948 19814949 809416 19814950 19814951 19814952 19814953 806440 19814955 19814956 19814957 19814958 19814959 19814960 19814961 9103413 19814963 19814964 19814965 19814967 19814968 19814969 19814970 19814971 19814972 19814973 9103359 19814975 19814976 806733 19814978 19814979 19814980 811252 19814981 19814982 19814983 19814984 19814985 19814986 19814987 19814988 19814989 19814990 19814991 19814992 19814993 19814994 19814995 19814996 19814997 19814999 19815000 806874 1243163 19815085 19815001 1242358 19815004 19815005 19815007 19815008 19815010 19815011 19815012 19815013 19815014 19815015 19815016 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG You're Gonna Miss This They Dont Know House That Jack Built It's All About You Miracles Baby Likes To Rock It I Wouldn't Tell You No Lie Shortnin' Bread Mother Mother Something Beautiful Don't Love Make A Diamond Shine Drinkin' Bone First Step Holdin' Heaven I Wanna Feel That Way Again I'm From The Country Just Let Me Be In Love Keeper Of The Stars Lately Lifestyles Of The Not So Rich Love Lessons Love, You Ain't Seen The Last Of Me Put Your Hand In Mine Take Me With You When You Go Ten Rounds With Jose Cuervo The Keeper Of The Stars Truth About Men Walking To Jerusalem Watermelon Crawl When Mama Ain't Happy Good Way To Get On My Bad Side Fast Car Give Me One Reason Talkin' Bout A Revolution Telling Stories Tracy Chapman Alibis Can't Break It To My Heart Coast Is Clear How A Cowgirl Says Goodbye I See It Now I'll Never Pass This Way Again If I Don't Make It Back If The Good Die Young Lessons Learned Life Don't Have To Be So Hard Lonely My Second Home Paint Me A Birmingham Texas Tornado Til I Was A Daddy Too Time Marches On Today's Lonely Fool What A Memory While You Sleep They Don't Know Frosty The Snowman A Way In The Manger Abide With Me All At Once Anchors Aweigh Are You Washed In The Blood Auld Lang Syne Baa Baa Black Sheep Blessed Be The Name Caissons Song Camptown Races Carry Me Back To Old Virginny Christ Was Born On Christmas Day Clementine Danny Boy Trace Adkins Tracey Ullman Tracie Tracie Spencer Tracks Of My Tears, The Tractors, The Tractors, The Tractors, The Tracy Bonham Tracy Bonham Tracy Byrd Tracy Byrd Tracy Byrd Tracy Byrd Tracy Byrd Tracy Byrd Tracy Byrd Tracy Byrd Tracy Byrd Tracy Byrd Tracy Byrd Tracy Byrd Tracy Byrd Tracy Byrd Tracy Byrd Tracy Byrd Tracy Byrd Tracy Byrd Tracy Byrd Tracy Byrd Tracy Byrd & Mark Chesnutt Tracy Chapman Tracy Chapman Tracy Chapman Tracy Chapman Tracy Chapman Tracy Lawrence Tracy Lawrence Tracy Lawrence Tracy Lawrence Tracy Lawrence Tracy Lawrence Tracy Lawrence Tracy Lawrence Tracy Lawrence Tracy Lawrence Tracy Lawrence Tracy Lawrence Tracy Lawrence Tracy Lawrence Tracy Lawrence Tracy Lawrence Tracy Lawrence Tracy Lawrence Tracy Lawrence Tracy Ullman Trad Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Pagina 251 19815017 19815018 19815019 19815020 19815021 19815022 19815023 19815024 19815025 19815026 19815027 19815029 19815030 19815031 19815032 19815034 19815035 19815036 19815037 19815038 19987481 19987480 19815039 19987482 19815040 19815041 19815042 19815043 19815044 19815045 19815046 19815047 19815048 19815049 19815050 19815051 19815052 19815053 19815054 19815055 19815056 19815057 19815058 19815059 19815060 19815061 19815062 19815063 19815064 19815065 19815066 19815067 19987479 19815068 19815069 19815070 19815071 19815072 19815073 19815074 19815075 19815076 19815077 19815078 19815079 19815080 19815093 19815081 19815082 19815083 19815084 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Dixie Eensy Weensy Spider Farmer In The Dell For He's A Jolly Good Fellow Frere Jaques Frosty The Snowman God Bless America God Never Fails Goodnight Irene Hallelujah Chorus Happy Birthday Hark The Herald Angels Sing Hava Nagila He's Got The Whole World Head Shoulders Knees And Toes Hokey Pokey Home On The Range Home Sweet Home How Great Thou Art I Believe I Believe In Jesus I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever I Heard The Bells On Christmas I Will Serve Thee I'll Fly Away If You're Happy And You Know It In The Sweet By & By It Came Upon The Midnight Clear It's A Small World After All Jim'll Fix It Jingle Bells Joy To The World Let Me Call You Sweetheart London Bridge Is Falling Down Long Long Ago Lord's Prayer Marine's Hymn Mary Had A Little Lamb Mulberry Bush My Bonnie My Country Tis Of Thee My Old Kentucky Home My Wild Irish Rose Noel Noel O Holy Night O Little Town Of Bethlehem Oh Susanna Old Macdonald Had A Farm Old Rugged Cross On Top Of Old Smokey Polly Wolly Doodle Pop Goes The Weasel Rise Up And Praise Him Rock Of Ages Rocky Top Roll Out The Barrel Row Row Row Your Boat She'll Be Coming 'Round The Mountain Silent Night Skip To My Lou Star Spangled Banner Swing Low Sweet Chariot Take Me Out To The Ball Game The Greek Wedding Song The Hokey-Pokey The Wedding Song The Yellow Rose Of Texas This Land Is Your Land This Old Man Three Blind Mice Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Pagina 252 19815087 19815088 19815089 19815090 19815091 1242146 19815092 19815095 19815096 19815097 19815098 19815099 19815100 19815101 19815102 19815103 19815104 19815105 19815106 19815107 19815108 1242959 19815110 19985342 811482 19991454 19815112 1242999 810121 19815114 18507082 3283823 811483 19815118 19815119 19815121 807349 811677 19991455 811224 811678 811171 19991714 811645 811647 811648 811681 811682 811683 811659 811661 811663 811686 811687 806880 811688 19986689 810851 19985932 811024 808927 1242723 1242801 1242776 1242848 5380871 19985798 18507088 811903 1242713 19986081 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG What Child Is This Wheels On The Bus Go Round And Round When Irish Eyes Are Smiling When Johnny Comes Marching Home When The Saints Go Marching In When You Wish Upon A Star Yankee Doodle Hole In My Shoe 50 Mission Cap Ahead By A Century Blow At High Dough Boots Or Hearts Little Bones Locked In The Trunk Of A Car New Orleans Is Sinking Poets Silver Jet Twist My Arm Off THe Hillbilly Hook Shakin' That Tailgate Rockin' The Beer Gut Cab Calling All Angels Drive By Drops Of Jupiter Drops Of Jupiter (Tell Me) Free Give Myself To You Hey, Soul Sister I Am If It's Love Marry Me Meet Virginia Save Me San Francisco She's On Fire When I Look To The Sky Disco Inferno You're gonna get it Still Frame Surfing Bird End Of The Line Billionaire 3 Miles High Coming Around Driftwood Follow The Light Pick A Part Thats New Pipe Dreams Side Sing The Fear Tied To The 90's Turn U16 Girls Why Does It Always Rain On Me Writing To Reach You Southbound Train No Le Temas A El Even The Bad Times Are Good Number One Silence Is Golden Drunker Than Me One Wing In The Fire On Again Tonight Gotta Go Gotta Make It Simply Amazing Say Ahh Loves Faces Ain't Wastin' Good Whiskey On You I follow rivers Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traditional Traffic Tragically Hip Tragically Hip Tragically Hip Tragically Hip Tragically Hip Tragically Hip Tragically Hip Tragically Hip Tragically Hip Tragically Hip Trailer Choir Trailer Choir Trailor Choir Train Train Train Train Train Train Train Train Train Train Train Train Train Train Train Trammps, The Trance dance Trapt Trashmen Traveling Wilburys Travie Mcoy feat. Bruno Mars Travis Travis Travis Travis Travis Travis Travis Travis Travis Travis Travis Travis Travis Travis Travis Tritt Trebol Clan, Hector & Tito Lunytunes Tremeloes, The Tremeloes, The Tremeloes, The Trent Tomlinson Trent Tomlinson Trent Willmon Trey Songz Trey Songz Trey Songz Trey Songz & Fabolous TreySongz Trick Pony Triggerfinger Pagina 253 19815192 19815193 19815194 5380904 807762 19815196 19815197 19815198 19815199 19815200 810786 19815202 19815203 19815204 19815205 19815206 19815207 19815208 19815209 19815210 19815211 19815212 19815213 19815214 19815215 19815216 19985522 19815217 19815218 19815219 1241801 19815221 19815222 19815223 19815224 19815225 19815226 19815228 1243165 1243166 19815229 811855 19815231 19815232 19815233 19815234 19815235 19815236 19815237 19815238 19815239 19815240 19989953 811689 19987402 19987401 19987548 19987403 19987404 19815243 19815244 19815245 19815246 19989955 19986097 19985354 19985883 808909 19815248 19815249 806856 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Wreckin' Crew Friends & Family Single Again Here We Go If I Had A Hammer Horse To Mexico Wreckin' Crew Boom Come Back When It Ain't Rainin Down On My Knees Georgia Rain (Radio Version) How Do I Live I Don't Paint Myself Into Corners I Would've Loved You Anyway I'll Still Love You More I'm Still Alive Perfect Love Powerful Thing Real Live Woman She's In Love With The Boy Song Remembers When Sweetest Gift That's What I Like About You There Goes My Baby They Call It Falling For A Reason Thinkin' About You This Is Me You're Talking To Too Bad You're No Good Try Me Again Trying To Love You Walkaway Joe Where Your Road Leads Woman Before Me Wrong Side Of Memphis Xxx's And Ooo's You Say You Will You're Where I Belong In Another's Eyes Lay It On The Line Magic Power I Keed Wild Thing Boys In The Bright White Sport General Hand Grenade Janine Raise A Little Hell Round Round We Go Santa Maria The Boy With A Beat Thin White Line Three Dressed Up As A Nine Two For The Show Happy Little Pill Out Of Your Mind Jump, Jump, Jump Now & Forever Pray You Are The Way You Found Me Downfall Addictive Tell Me About It It's Up To You Living Without You Sight Of You_Guide Young Live It Up Happy, Happy, Birthday Baby Runnin' (Radio Version) Elenore Happy Together Triggs Trini Trik Turner Trina & Christina Milian Trina & Kelly Rowland Trini Lopez Trini Triggs Trini Triggs Trinket Trisha Yearwood Trisha Yearwood Trisha Yearwood Trisha Yearwood Trisha Yearwood Trisha Yearwood Trisha Yearwood Trisha Yearwood Trisha Yearwood Trisha Yearwood Trisha Yearwood Trisha Yearwood Trisha Yearwood Trisha Yearwood Trisha Yearwood Trisha Yearwood Trisha Yearwood Trisha Yearwood Trisha Yearwood Trisha Yearwood Trisha Yearwood Trisha Yearwood Trisha Yearwood Trisha Yearwood Trisha Yearwood Trisha Yearwood Trisha Yearwood Trisha Yearwood Trisha Yearwood Trisha Yearwood & Garth Brooks Triumph Triumph Triumph & The Insult Comic Dog Troggs, The Trooper Trooper Trooper Trooper Trooper Trooper Trooper Trooper Trooper Trooper Troye Sivan True Steppers True Vibe True Vibe True Vibe True Vibe True Vibe Trust Company Truth Hurts & Rakim Tucker & McClinton Tuesdays Tulisa Tulisa Tulisa Tulisa & Tyga Tune Weavers, The Tupac & The Notorious BIG Turtles, The Turtles, The Pagina 254 808128 1242145 19815251 19815253 19815254 19815255 19815256 19815257 19815258 19815260 19815261 19815262 19815263 19815264 19815265 19815266 19815267 19815268 19815269 19815270 19815271 19815272 19815259 19815273 19815274 19815275 19815276 19992047 19992033 19991818 19992048 19991994 19991157 19992049 19989573 19815278 1242870 1242828 1243176 19815281 1243177 811740 9103364 19988174 19815296 19815284 19815286 19815287 19815288 19815289 19815290 19815291 19815292 19815293 19815294 19985518 19815285 19815297 19815298 811741 5380880 1242860 19815301 19815302 19815303 19815304 1243178 19991457 1243179 1243180 1242275 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG It Ain't Me Babe Theme From Cheers Addams Family American Bandstand Beverly Hillbillies Brady Bunch Cheers Different Strokes Different World Fresh Prince Gary Shandling Show Gilligan's Island Good Times Greatest American Hero Green Acres Jeffersons Love Boat Moonlighting Mr. Rogers Rawhide Secret Agent Man Thank You For Being A Friend The Flintstones Three's Company Call Me Oops (Oh My) Birdie Song Goner Heathens Ode to Sleep Polarize Ride Stressed Out The Judge Heart And Soul Make A Movie So Lonely Girl Tonite Burn in Hell I Wanna Rock The price We're Not Gonna Take Dance Changing Of The Seasons All Of The Above Should've Asked Her Faster Hands Of A Working Man Heather's Wall I Have To Surrender It Must Be Love Livin' In A Moment Love Like That Loved Too Much Man Holdin' On No Mercy She Wants To Be Wanted Again Steam I Drove Her To Dallas Too Many Highways Barbados Get No Ooh Wee Still In Love Give Me A Rush How You Gonna Act Like That I Like Them Girls Sweet Lady All Along The Watchtower All along watchtower All Because Of You All I Want Is You Angel Of Harlem Turtles, The TV Theme TV Tunes TV Tunes TV Tunes TV Tunes TV Tunes TV Tunes TV Tunes TV Tunes TV Tunes TV Tunes TV Tunes TV Tunes TV Tunes TV Tunes TV Tunes TV Tunes TV Tunes TV Tunes TV Tunes TV Tunes TV Tunes TV Tunes Tweet Tweet Tweets Twenty One Pilots Twenty One Pilots Twenty One Pilots Twenty One Pilots Twenty One Pilots Twenty One Pilots Twenty One Pilots Twin Atlantic Twista & Chris Brown Twista & Mariah Carey Twista & Trey Songz Twisted Sister Twisted Sister Twisted Sister Twisted Sister Twister Alley Two Door Cinema Club Ty England Ty England Ty Herndon Ty Herndon Ty Herndon Ty Herndon Ty Herndon Ty Herndon Ty Herndon Ty Herndon Ty Herndon Ty Herndon Ty Herndon Tyler England Tyler England Typically Tropical Tyra Tyra Tyra B Tyrese Tyrese Tyrese U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 Pagina 255 1243181 811742 19815309 19815310 808172 1243182 1243183 1243184 1243185 1243186 19815315 811743 19815317 19815318 1243187 1243188 1243189 1243190 19815320 1243191 808174 19815322 808173 1242971 1243193 811744 806814 19986496 1243194 1243195 19815327 1243196 1243197 1243198 19815331 19815332 19815333 1243200 1243201 1243202 1243203 19815335 811745 809779 811746 811747 811748 19815341 811750 811751 811752 811753 811754 811755 811756 811757 19815350 811758 811759 811760 811761 809787 811762 811763 811765 19815357 811764 809771 19815359 810740 811766 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Bad Beautiful day Bittersweet Me Desire Discotheque Electrical Storm Elevation Even Better Than The Real Thing Ground Beneath Her Feet Helter Skelter Hold Me Thrill Me Kiss Me Kill I Still Haven't Found I Will Follow I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight In A Little While In Gods Country Last Night On Earth Lemon Magnificent Mothers Of The Disappeared Mysterious Ways New Year's Day One Original Of The Species Please Pride Pride In The Name Of Love Running To Stand Still Sometimes You Cant Make It One Your Own Staring At The Sun Stay Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out Of Sunday Bloody Sunday Sweetest Thing The Ground Beneath Her Feet Walk On Where The Streets Have No Name Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses Wild Honey Window In The Skies With Or Without You The Saints Are Coming Breakfast In Bed Can't Help Falling In Love Cherry Oh Baby Come Back Darling Don't Break My Heart Food For Thought Here I Am (Come And Take Me) Higher Ground Homely Girl I Got You Babe I'll Be Your Baby Tonight King Kingston Town Light My Fire Many Rivers To Cross One In Ten Rat In Mi Kitchen Red Red Wine Sing Our Own Song Tears In My Eyes Tell Me It Is True The Train Is Coming The Way You Do The Things Train Is Coming Until My Dying Day Way The Things You Do Doctor Doctor Only You Can Rock Me (Live Version) Everything About You U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 U2 & Green Day UB40 UB40 UB40 UB40 UB40 UB40 UB40 UB40 UB40 UB40 UB40 UB40 UB40 UB40 UB40 UB40 UB40 UB40 UB40 UB40 UB40 UB40 UB40 UB40 UB40 UB40 UFO UFO Ugly Kid Joe Pagina 256 811889 2058940 1242258 811479 19815364 811904 811548 3283898 19986732 19986731 1242905 19987802 19989048 19989903 19988184 19987659 19988263 811943 19815368 19815369 19815370 19987666 19815371 19986733 1242852 19815373 19815374 1243205 810671 811834 806513 19815377 19989959 806514 19992199 19989960 19985724 1678212 19815379 19815380 19815381 19815382 19989961 811179 811521 1841377 1841376 19815386 19815387 19815388 806515 19815394 19990116 19815389 811240 19815391 807593 19815393 19989956 19989957 19989958 810076 19815396 19990121 811028 811946 811120 19988182 19988450 19989046 19989943 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Oh la la Pretty Green Eyes Dancing with Tears in My Eyes Follow Me In A Little While Smile Drift Away Good To Be Me Baker Street Never Let Her Slip Away Back And Forth Carry You Tonight (We Live Forever) You Got It All Beautiful Life Carry You Loving You Is Easy Under ytan Something's Going On Rest Of My Life Seein' Red 30 Seconds To Mars Feel Alive Key It's You In The Morning Jump Right In Sweet Lorraine [Ah] Easy Livin' We Are The World Burn Caught Up Climax Confessions Part 2 Crash Good Kisser Lemme See More My Way Nice & Slow One Day You'll Be Mine Pop Ya Collar Scream There goes my baby U Don't Have To Call U Got It Bad U Remind Me You Don't Have To Call You Got It Bad You Make Me Wanna My bee Hot Tottie I Don't Mind Yeah DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love In My Bag Omg Love In This Club Beautiful Life Carry You Tonight (We Live Forever) Happy Saint Patricks Day Love Is The Answer Handsome Elusive Butterfly Paddy McGinty's goat A-Punk Can We Dance Last Night Somebody To You Somebody To You Ulf Lundell Ultrabeat Ultravox Uncle Kracker Uncle Kracker Uncle Kracker Uncle Kracker & Dobie Gray Uncle Kracker & Kid Rock Undercover Undercover Unified Tribe Union J Union J Union J Union J. Union J. Union J. Uno Svenningsson UNV Unwritten Law Unwritten Law Up In The Air UPO Urban Cookie Collective Urban Mystic Urban Mystic & MDMA Urge Uriah Heap Uriah Heep USA For Africa Usher Usher Usher Usher Usher Usher Usher Usher Usher Usher Usher Usher Usher Usher Usher Usher Usher Usher Usher Usher Usher & Alicia Keys Usher & Jay Z Usher & Juicy J Usher & Ludacris & Lil' Jon Usher & Pitbull Usher & T.I. Usher & Will.I.Am Usher & Young Jeezy Usher J Usher J Usher J Utility Utopia Vaccines Val Doonican Val Doonican Vampire Weekend Vamps Vamps Vamps & Demi Lovato Vamps & Demi Lovato, The Pagina 257 19989577 19989944 19991734 19989939 19989940 19989941 19990513 19988617 1243206 808524 1243207 1243208 808523 19815403 19815404 1243209 1243210 19815406 1243211 19815408 1243212 1243213 808521 19815412 808525 1243214 808522 1243215 19815416 1243216 808520 808519 19815420 810747 19815422 19815423 19815424 811947 19815426 19815427 19815428 811403 19815429 19815430 19815431 19815432 811948 19815434 19815435 19815436 19815437 19815438 19815439 19990129 810777 19988433 19815441 811243 806648 811495 19815444 19815445 19815446 1243041 19815448 19815449 19815450 1242240 19815452 1241828 19815454 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Oh Cecilia (Breaking My Heart) Oh Cecilia (Breaking My Heart) I Found a Girl Can We Dance Hurricane Last Night Wake Up Wild Heart Ain't Talking 'Bout Love And The Cradle Will Rock Beautiful Girls Dance the Night Away Dancing In The Street Don't tell me what love can do Dreams Everybody Wants Some Finish What Ya Started Hot For Teacher Humans Being I'll wait [karaoke] Ice Cream Man Jamie's Cryin' Jump Oh Pretty Woman Panama Poundcake Pretty Woman Right Now Runnin' With The Devil Unchained When It's Love Why Can't This Be Love Without You You Really Got Me Mama kin Dust And It Stoned Me Brown Eyed Girl Caravan Crazy Love Domino Gloria Gypsy Have I Told You Lately Into The Mystic Jackie Wilson Said Moondance One Irish Rover Someone Like You Tupelo Honey Warm Love Wavelength Wild Night Real Real Gone Help Somebody Riptide Gossip Holiday This Is Who I Am A 1,000 Miles A Thousand Miles Ordinary Day Pretty Baby Come Back to Me Dreamin' Happiness Oh How The Years Go By Save The Best 'Till Last Sweetest Days Love Is You Are My Home Vamps & Shawn Mendes Vamps & Shawn Mendes, The Vamps ft OMI Vamps, The Vamps, The Vamps, The Vamps, The Vamps, The Van Halen Van Halen Van Halen Van Halen Van Halen Van Halen Van Halen Van Halen Van Halen Van Halen Van Halen Van Halen Van Halen Van Halen Van Halen Van Halen Van Halen Van Halen Van Halen Van Halen Van Halen Van Halen Van Halen Van Halen Van Halen Van Halen Van Halen & Aerosmith Van Hunt Van Morrison Van Morrison Van Morrison Van Morrison Van Morrison Van Morrison Van Morrison Van Morrison Van Morrison Van Morrison Van Morrison Van Morrison Van Morrison Van Morrison Van Morrison Van Morrison Van Morrison Van Morrison & Michael Buble Van Zant Vance Joy Vanessa Amarosi Vanessa Amorosi Vanessa Amorosi Vanessa Carlton Vanessa Carlton Vanessa Carlton Vanessa Carlton Vanessa Hudgens Vanessa Williams Vanessa Williams Vanessa Williams Vanessa Williams Vanessa Williams Vanessa Williams & B. McKnight Vanessa Williams & Chayanne Pagina 258 806791 19815456 19815457 19991458 811461 810491 807843 811464 807155 2721380 810237 2721381 807157 807154 2721379 810466 807156 810465 19815459 19815460 1242249 19985538 811949 811950 19815463 19815464 2058899 2721526 2721530 2721531 2721529 2721527 2721523 2721524 2721528 2721525 19985329 19815467 19815468 19815469 19989898 811491 19815471 19815472 19815473 19815474 19815475 19815476 1242225 19815477 19815478 811816 19989962 1243167 19815479 19815480 19815481 19815482 19815483 1242368 19815484 807562 811954 19815487 811955 811872 19815489 19815490 19815491 2721369 19815493 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Ice Ice Baby Play That Funky Music (White B Hitchin' A Ride Turning Japanese Amazing Grace (Original) Auld Lang Syne Happy Birhtday to you VOCAL Happy Birthday To You Mary's Boy Child My Bonnie is Over The Ocean O Susanna Red River Valley Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer Santa Claus Is Coming To Town Swing Low, Sweet Chariot We Wish You A Merry Christmas White Christmas (Country Version) Winter Wonderland Nobody Greater Sultans Ghost Riders In The Sky Philadelphia Boom boom boom Kiss Shalala Lala We Like To Party We're Going To Ibiza A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy (Andrew Sisters) Don't Sit Under The Apple Tree (Andrew Sisters) Lili Marlene Now Is The Hour We'll Meet Again (with Choir) We'll Meet Again (without Choir) When The Lights Go On Again White Cliffs Of Dover Don't Play Nice Do You Believe Me Now I'm Still Crazy Untouched You Ruin Me Best I Ever Had Everything You Want You're A God Volcano Girls Bitter Sweet Symphony Love Is Noise Lucky Man Sonnet Freshmen Hero It Had To Be You Down On My Luck Beverly Hillbillies Turn The Beat Around Le Temps Des Fleurs [Karaoke] I'm Going To Be There A Mind Of It's Own Don't Move Ballad Of Barry And Freda Trickle, Trickle Same Jeans In The Navy Macho Man YMCA White Flag Don't Come Crying To Me Don't Let Our Love Start Slippin' Away Feels Like Love Go Rest High On That Mountain High Lonesome Sound Vanilla Ice Vanilla Ice Vanity Fare Vapors Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Vashawn Mitchell Vaten Vaugn Monroe Vaya Con Dios Vengaboys Vengaboys Vengaboys Vengaboys Vengaboys Vera Lynn & Friends Vera Lynn & Friends Vera Lynn & Friends Vera Lynn & Friends Vera Lynn & Friends Vera Lynn & Friends Vera Lynn & Friends Vera Lynn & Friends Vera Lynn & Friends Verbalicious Vern Gosdin Vern Gosdin Veronicas Veronicas, The Vertical Horizon Vertical Horizon Vertical Horizon Veruca Salt Verve Verve Verve Verve Verve Pipe Verve Pipe Vic Damone Vic Mensa Vic Mizzy Vickie Sue Robinson Vicky Victor Sanz Victoria Beckham Victoria Shaw Victoria Wood Videos View, The Village People Village People Village People Villiage People Vince Gill Vince Gill Vince Gill Vince Gill Vince Gill Pagina 259 2721365 2721371 19815496 19815497 19815498 2721363 2721364 19815500 2721361 19815501 2721372 19815502 19815503 2721362 2721370 19815505 19815506 19815507 2721374 19815508 2721368 2721360 2721373 2721367 19815513 19815514 19815515 1243217 1243102 19815517 1242426 811347 19815519 19815520 19815521 19815522 19815523 808923 809480 809481 809482 809479 19815524 19815525 19991790 19815526 19815527 19815528 19815530 19815531 19815532 19815533 19815534 19815535 19815536 19815537 19815538 19985957 19815539 19990219 811032 19815540 1678221 19815541 19815542 19815543 19815544 19815545 19815546 1242032 19815547 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG I Still Believe In You If You Ever Have Forever In Mind Kindly Keep It Country Let's Make Sure We Kiss Goodby Little More Love Liza Jane Look at us Loving You Makes Me A Better Man Never Knew Lonely Next Big Thing No future in the past Oklahoma Borderline One More Last Chance Pocket Full Of Gold Pretty Little Adriana Reason Why Shoot Straight From Your Heart Someday Tryin' to get over you What Child Is This What The Cowgirls Do When I call your name When Love Finds You Whenever You Come Around Young Man's Town Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing My Kind Of Woman, My Kind Of Man All I Want For Christmas Is You Don't Listen To The Radio Get Free Fade To Grey Graduation Itch Me, Myself And I Smile Emotional Rollercoaster Edge Of A Broken Heart Five O'clock World My Special Angel On Broadway Till Turn Around Look At Me Say It Wherever You Go A Warriors Call C'mon C'mon Searchin' My Soul Shark In The Water Saturday Night Goodbye Is The Wrong Way To Go How Do You Sleep At Night It's Over My Head Old Enough To Know Better Tore Up From The Floor Up Up North When The Wrong One Loves You R Wichita Lineman Christmas Wrapping Chillin' Shut Up & Dance The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore Kentucky Headhunters Pants 6th Avenue Heartache Difference Heroes One Headlight Sleepwalker Magnet And Steel September Song In The Middle Of A Heartache Vince Gill Vince Gill Vince Gill Vince Gill Vince Gill Vince Gill Vince Gill Vince Gill Vince Gill Vince Gill Vince Gill Vince Gill Vince Gill Vince Gill Vince Gill Vince Gill Vince Gill Vince Gill Vince Gill Vince Gill Vince Gill Vince Gill Vince Gill Vince Gill Vince Gill Vince Gill & Gladys Knight Vince Gill & Patty Loveless Vince Vance & The Valiants Vines, The Vines, The Visage Vitamin C Vitamin C Vitamin C Vitamin C Vivian Green Vixen Vogues Vogues Vogues Vogues Vogues Voices Of Theory Voices Of Theory Volbeat Von Bondies Vonda Shepard VV Brown Wade Bowen Wade Hayes Wade Hayes Wade Hayes Wade Hayes Wade Hayes Wade Hayes Wade Hayes Wade Hayes Waitresses, The Wale Ft. Lady Gaga Walk the Moon Walker Brothers, The Walker Dumas Walker Hayes Wallflowers Wallflowers Wallflowers Wallflowers Wallflowers Walter Egan Walter Houston Wanda Jackson Pagina 260 1241779 810673 810489 19989081 19988457 19985977 19988243 19987657 19988002 811941 19985349 2610844 811200 811215 19989945 14722050 19989946 19815550 19815551 19992422 19991459 19815552 19815553 19815554 19815555 19815556 19815557 19815558 19815559 19815560 19815561 811594 19815563 19815564 19815565 19815566 19815567 19985492 19815568 19815569 19985495 19815570 19815571 1241918 19985497 19985500 19815572 19985493 19985501 19985496 19815573 19815574 19985494 19815575 19815576 19986691 19985499 19985498 19815577 19815579 806763 808728 808723 808737 808725 808738 808719 808735 808743 808740 808741 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Right Or Wrong Dance Hall Days Everybody Have Fun Tonight My Head Is A Jungle Glow In The Dark I Found You Show Me Love (America) Walks Like Rihanna We Own The Night All Time Low Chasing The Sun Gold Forever Heart Vacancy Lose My Mind Walks Like Rihanna Warzone We Own The Night Cisco Kid Low Rider Carry You Home Incubus Cherry Pie Heaven I Saw Red Better Man Guilty Hey Mr President Move On Sell A Lot Of Beer She Wants To Rock Where Does It Hurt That's The Beat Of A Heart Werewolves Of London I Wanna Be Somebody Bridge To Your Heart Amanda America Are You Ready For The Country Are You Sure Hank Done It This Clyde Come With Me Drinkin' And Dreamin' Dukes Of Hazzard Theme Good Hearted Woman Good Ol' Boys (Theme From The Dukes Of Hazzard) Honky Tonk Heroes I'm A Ramblin' Man I've Always Been Crazy Lonesome, Orn'ry And Mean Lovin' Her Was Easier Lucille Luckenbach, Texas Mammas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys Only Daddy That'll Walk The Line Rainy Day Woman Storms Never Last Teh Eagle Wrong Wurlitzer Prize Ordinary Game Of Love But Not For Me Bye Bye Blackbird Call Me Irresponsible Can't Take That Away From Me Charade Daddy Don't You Walk So Fast Danke Schoen Games That Lovers Play Has Anybody Seen My Gypsy Rose Heart (I Hear You Beating) Pagina 261 Wanda Jackson Wang Chung Wang Chung Wankelmut ft Emma Louise Wanted Wanted Wanted Wanted Wanted Wanted, The Wanted, The Wanted, The Wanted, The Wanted, THE Wanted, The Wanted, The Wanted, The War War Ward Thomas Warning Warrant Warrant Warrant Warren Brothers Warren Brothers Warren Brothers Warren Brothers Warren Brothers Warren Brothers Warren Brothers Warren Brothers & Sara Evans Warren Zevon Wasp Wax Waylon Jennings Waylon Jennings Waylon Jennings Waylon Jennings Waylon Jennings Waylon Jennings Waylon Jennings Waylon Jennings Waylon Jennings Waylon Jennings Waylon Jennings Waylon Jennings Waylon Jennings Waylon Jennings Waylon Jennings Waylon Jennings Waylon Jennings Waylon Jennings Waylon Jennings Waylon Jennings Waylon Jennings Waylon Jennings Waylon Jennings Waylon Jennings Wayne Brady Wayne Fontana & The Mindbenders Wayne Newton Wayne Newton Wayne Newton Wayne Newton Wayne Newton Wayne Newton Wayne Newton Wayne Newton Wayne Newton Wayne Newton 808744 808745 808720 808722 808739 808742 808726 808721 1241936 808727 808736 808729 808724 19815582 809777 19815584 1241847 811812 19815586 5380868 19815587 19985564 19990499 19991523 19990077 19990259 19990650 19991544 19991852 19815588 19815589 19815590 19815591 19815592 1243046 19815594 19815595 1243101 19815597 811958 19815605 1243218 19815599 808210 810738 19815601 19815602 19815603 19985959 19815604 19815606 808753 19815607 807635 1242303 811959 809964 19985608 1242304 809982 19815610 807576 19815611 807696 19815612 19815613 1242242 811960 811961 19815616 19815617 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG I'll Be With You In Apple Blossom Time I've Got The World On A String Love More Morning After My Kind Of Girl Old Man Mose Playground In My Mind Red Roses For A Blue Lady Remember When Shangri-La Toot Toot Tootsie Goodbye Wives And Lovers Tragedy No Letting Go Perfect Proposal You Were On My Mind It's Raining Men In The Jailhouse Now Give Me That Independent Don't Know Much Hills Cant Feel My Face Earned It I Can't Feel My Face In The Night The Hills Back to the Shack Beverly Hills Buddy Holly Dope Nose Hash Pipe Island In The Sun Perfect Situation Photograph Say It Ain't So This Is Such A Pity Undone - The Sweater Song Achy breaky song Amish Paradise Christmas At Ground Zero Dare To Be Stupid Eat It Ebay I Think I'm A Clone Now Like A Surgeon Smells Like Nirvana The Night Santa Went Crazy Yoda I Feel Pretty One Hand One Heart Tonight Amazing Angels Wings Flying without wings Home I dont wanna fight Lonliness Knows Me By My Name Safe Swear It Again Total Eclipse Of The Heart Unbreakable What About Now You Raise Me Up Gangsta Nation If I Never See You Again Julia Says Love Is All Around Club Tropicana Everything She Wants Wayne Newton Wayne Newton Wayne Newton Wayne Newton Wayne Newton Wayne Newton Wayne Newton Wayne Newton Wayne Newton Wayne Newton Wayne Newton Wayne Newton Wayne Newton Wayne Thomas Wayne Wonder Wayne Wonder We Five Weather Girls, The Webb Pierce Webbie & Bun B. Webbie & Lil Boosie Wedding Songs Weeknd Weeknd, The Weeknd, The Weeknd, The Weeknd, The Weeknd, The Weezer Weezer Weezer Weezer Weezer Weezer Weezer Weezer Weezer Weezer Weezer Weird Al Yankovic Weird Al Yankovic Weird Al Yankovic Weird Al Yankovic Weird Al Yankovic Weird Al Yankovic Weird Al Yankovic Weird Al Yankovic Weird Al Yankovic Weird Al Yankovic Weird Al Yankovic West Side Story West Side Story West Side Story Westlife Westlife Westlife Westlife Westlife Westlife Westlife Westlife Westlife Westlife Westlife Westlife Westside Connection & Nate Dog Wet Wet Wet Wet Wet Wet Wet Wet Wet Wham Wham Pagina 262 811962 806758 19815619 811963 807743 809090 19815622 19815623 806787 19985520 19987506 1242398 19815626 19815627 19815628 19815629 1242263 19815630 810809 1242487 19815632 810966 19815634 1243069 19815635 19815636 19991464 811964 1243219 806811 1243220 811965 1243221 1243222 19985754 19815641 808934 1241397 19815643 810373 1241398 807438 806511 1242271 3283961 808944 1241400 811919 808938 806731 811830 808935 1241401 808933 1241402 808941 3283964 808939 1241403 2058901 808942 811824 19815664 808936 808943 811838 1241405 808945 19815669 811826 19815670 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Freedom I'm Your Man If You Were There Last Christmas Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go Sarah Vaughan A Little Respect Teenage Dirtbag Saturday Night Falling Into You What You Took From Me And The Beat Goes On It's A Love Thing Farewell To The Fairground To Lose My Life When The Children Cry Julie Do You Love Me My Baby Loves Lovin' Blue Orchid Conquest Denial Twist My Doorbell Seven Nation Army The Denial Twist You Look Better When I'm Drunk Your Woman Thunder Kiss '65 Fool For Your Lovin' Give Me All Your Love Tonight Here I Go Again In the Still of the Night Is This love Slide It In Slow An' Easy Celebrate Skinny Dippin' All At Once All The Man That I Need America The Beautiful Didn't We Almost Have It All Exhale Greatest Love Of All How Will I Know I Believe In Me And You I Didn't Know My Own Strength I Have Nothing I Learned From The Best I Look To You I Love The Lord (Preachers Wife) I Wanna Dance With Somebody I Will Always Love You I'm Every Woman I'm Your Baby Tonight If You Say My Eyes Are Beautiful It's Not Right But It's Okay Love Will Save The Day Million Dollar Bill Miracle My Heart Is Calling My Love Is Your Love My Name Is Not Susan One Moment In Time One Of Those Days Queen Of The Night Run To You Saving All My Love For You So Emotional Star Spangled Banner Superman (It's Not Easy) The Greatest Love Of All Try It On My Own Wham Wham Wham Wham Wham Whatever Lola Wants Wheatus Wheatus Whigfield Whiskey Falls Whisnants Whispers Whispers White Lies White Lies White Lion White Plains White Plains White Stripes, The White Stripes, The White Stripes, The White Stripes, The White Stripes, The White Stripes, The White Tie Affair White Town White Zombie Whitesnake Whitesnake Whitesnake Whitesnake Whitesnake Whitesnake Whitesnake Whitney Houston & Jordin Sparks Whitney Duncan Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Pagina 263 806912 19815671 808932 808937 1241406 19815674 19815676 1241407 1241408 1241409 3283818 17766272 17766327 19815680 19815681 808095 19815682 17766326 808094 17766335 17766331 19815686 17766274 808098 17766334 808096 17766332 17766329 17766328 1242566 19815692 17766330 808097 811967 19815695 19815696 3283939 19815698 19815699 19987792 19985782 19986033 19988215 19989963 19988441 19815701 19815700 19815702 19815703 19815704 19815705 19815706 19815707 19815708 811969 811970 19815711 19991724 19815712 19815714 19815715 19815716 806790 19815718 19815719 806837 19815721 19815722 807630 14722047 9914926 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Waiting To Exhale Whatchulookinat Where Do Broken Hearts Go Why Does It Hurt So Bad You Give Good Love You'll Never Stand Alone Same Script, Different Cast Could I Have This Kiss Forever When You Believe Heartbreak Hotel Black And Yellow Anyway Anyhow Anywhere Baba O'Riley Bargain Behind Blue Eyes Can't Explain Eminence Front Happy Jack I Can See For Miles I'm Free Kids Are Alright Love Reign O'er Me Magic Bus My Generation Old Red Wine Pinball Wizard See Me, Feel Me Squeeze Box Substitute The Seeker We're Not Gonna Take It Who Are You Won't Get Fooled Again Saterday Night Kansas City You Never Know Play That Funky Music I Will Survive Supernatural Lights On Heatwave Can You Hear Me (Ayayaya) Afterglow Dirty Love Too Close 1999 26 Cents Boy Oh Boy Fly (Angel Song) Fly The Angel Song I Wanna Be That Girl Jimmy's Got A Girlfriend Shame On Me Yodelin' Blues Beyond The Sea I Won't Dance Something Special Boys & Girls I Hope Heaven Has A Dirt Road Freakin' It Gettin' Jiggy Wit It Just The Two Of Us Men In BLack Miami Switch Wild Wild West Will 2K Black Suits Comin' All Time Love Come On Jealousy Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston Whitney Houston & Enrique Igle Whitney Houston & Enrique Iglesias Whitney Houston & Mariah Carey Whitney Houston & Price Evans Whiz Khalifa Who, The Who, The Who, The Who, The Who, The Who, The Who, The Who, The Who, The Who, The Who, The Who, The Who, The Who, The Who, The Who, The Who, The Who, The Who, The Who, The Who, The Who, The Wighfield Wilbert Harrison Wilco Wild Cherry Wild Horses Wild Orchid Wiley & Angel & Tinchy Stryder Wiley & Rymez & Ms D Wiley Feat. Skepta, JME & Ms D Wilkinson Wilkinson & Talay Riley Wilkinson Ft Detour City Wilkinsons Wilkinsons Wilkinsons Wilkinsons Wilkinsons Wilkinsons Wilkinsons Wilkinsons Wilkinsons Will Will Will Downing Will I Am ft Pia Mia Will Peppers Will Smith Will Smith Will Smith Will Smith Will Smith Will Smith Will Smith Will Smith & K-Ci Will Smith & Tra-Knox Will Young Will Young Will Young Pagina 264 19990518 19815724 19985314 19990143 19988619 19988016 19989570 5380967 19989964 19065182 19989965 19815725 19987635 19986094 19988424 19815726 19815728 19815729 806894 810569 810570 19815733 19815734 19815735 811234 806893 19985509 19985515 810573 19985504 19985502 19985507 19815738 19815739 811957 19815741 19985506 19815742 19815743 811807 19985503 19815745 19985505 19985511 19815746 811827 19985512 19815747 810571 19815749 9103417 19985516 19815752 19815753 19985513 19985508 19985514 19815754 19985510 19985517 810498 1678226 2610838 810771 810772 19815756 1242049 19815757 808929 19815758 19815759 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG Joy Let It Go Losing Myself Love Revolution Feelin' Myself Bang Bang It's My Birthday I Love My B**** It's My Birthday T.H.E. (The Hardest Ever) Feelin' Myself Check It Out # That POWER Scream and Shout (Clean) Feelin' Myself I Wanna Be Bad My Girl All Of Me Always On My Mind Angel Flying Too Close To The Ground Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain Blue Skies City Of New Orleans Cowboys Are Frequently Secretly Crazy Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Forgiving You Was Easy Georgia On My Mind Help Me Make It Through The Night If You Can Touch Her At All If You've Got The Money Honey, I've Got The Time Last Thing I Needed First Thing This Morning Let It Be Me Living In The Promised Land Mama grow up to be cowboys Maria (Shut Up And Kiss Me) Midnight Rider My Heroes Have Always Been Cow Nothing I Can Do About It Now On The Road Again Remember Me Stardust Sweet Memories The Uncloudy Day There You Are To All The Girls I've Loved Before Touch Me Uncloudy Day Whiskey River You Don't Know Me Mendocino County Line Heartbreak Hotel Pancho And Lefty Seven Spanish Angels Willingly Beer For My Horses Midnight Rider A Good Hearted Woman Highwayman Just To Satisfy You Mamas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys Whip My Hair 21st Century Girl Oompa Loompa Pure Imagination Hold On Release Me You're In Love Bring It On Home To Me Don't Let The Green Grass Fool I'm In Love Pagina 265 Will Young Will Young Will Young Will Young Will. I .Am Ft. Miley Cyrus French Montana Will.I.Am Will.I.Am Will.I.Am & Busta Rhymes & Kelis Will.I.Am & Cody Wise Will.I.Am & Jennifer Lopez & Mick Jagger Will.I.Am & Miley Cyrus Will.I.Am & Nicki Minaj Will.I.Am Feat Justin Bieber Will.I.Am Feat. Britney Spears Will.I.Am Feat. Miley Cyrus & French Montana Willa Ford William Robinson Willie Nelson Willie Nelson Willie Nelson Willie Nelson Willie Nelson Willie Nelson Willie Nelson Willie Nelson Willie Nelson Willie Nelson Willie Nelson Willie Nelson Willie Nelson Willie Nelson Willie Nelson Willie Nelson Willie Nelson Willie Nelson Willie Nelson Willie Nelson Willie Nelson Willie Nelson Willie Nelson Willie Nelson Willie Nelson Willie Nelson Willie Nelson Willie Nelson Willie Nelson Willie Nelson Willie Nelson Willie Nelson Willie Nelson Willie Nelson & Lee Ann Womack Willie Nelson & Leon Russell Willie Nelson & Mearl Haggard Willie Nelson & Ray Charles Willie Nelson & Shirley Collie Willie Nelson & Toby Keith Willie Nelson & Toby Keith Willie Nelson & Waylon Jenning Willie Nelson & Waylon Jennings Willie Nelson & Waylon Jennings Willie Nelson & Waylon Jennings Willow Willow Smith Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory Wilson Phillips Wilson Phillips Wilson Phillips Wilson Pickett Wilson Pickett Wilson Pickett 1241850 808715 810467 808717 19815764 19815765 811973 19985811 1678263 4171635 3283954 19987794 19990130 811974 1242105 810765 1242106 1242104 19815767 19815769 811273 1243109 1242483 19815772 19815773 1242779 19815775 19815776 19990042 19985553 19989966 19989967 17766314 3283950 9193759 19987645 19990512 811976 19815779 19815780 810701 1242714 19815782 19815783 19815784 19815785 19815786 810516 19815788 19815789 19815790 19815791 19815792 19815793 19815794 19815795 19815796 19815797 19815798 19815799 19815800 19990654 19992423 811126 807689 17766308 811977 19815802 19815804 1243244 1243245 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG In The Midnight Hour Land Of 1000 Dancers Mustang Sally Stagger Lee Monday Without You Miles Away Ohh la la Something About You Black & Yellow No Sleep (Clean) Roll Up We Own It See You Again I wish it could be Christmas ervery day Ding! Dong! The Witch Is Dead If I Only Had A Brain Merry Old Land Of Oz We're Off To See The Wizard Tusen & En Natt Party Hard Back Round Woman Moving To New York Size Of A Cow That Thing You Do Leave The Pieces My Oh My Rump Shaker 6 Words Hush Little Baby Doing OK Blackout Forgiveness (Clean Version) Unorthodox Don't Go Blackout (Clean) In2 New day Two Wrongs 911 It's Such A Pretty World Today Attitude Heaven Help Me I Saw The Light My Strongest Weakness Rock Bottom She Is His Only Need What The World Needs Always Will Can't Nobody Love You Come Some Rainy Day Freedom Girls With Guitars Going Nowhere My Strongest Weakness No One Else On Earth Tell Me Why When Love Starts Talking Woman To Woman Flies On The Butter I Saw The Light Renegades Unsteady (Erich Lee Gravity Remix) Hero You Are Not Alone Wishing On A Star Två av oss Arms Of The One Who Loves You Best Of Things Mean Streak Rescue Me Wilson Pickett Wilson Pickett Wilson Pickett Wilson Pickett Wilsons Winger Wiseguys Wisin & Yandel & Hris Brown & T-Pain Wiz Khalif Wiz Khalifa Wiz Khalifa Wiz Khalifa & Two Chainz Wiz Khalifa ft Charlie Puth Wizard Wizard Of Oz, The Wizard Of Oz, The Wizard Of Oz, The Wizard Of Oz, The Wizex WKAndrew Wolfmother Wolfmother Wombats, The Wonder Stuff Wonders Wreckers, The Wreckers, The Wreckx-N-Effect Wretch 32 Wretch 32 & Ed Sheeran Wretch 32 & Jacob Banks Wretch 32 & Shakka Wretch 32 Feat. Etta Bond Wretch 32 Feat. Example Wretch 32 Feat. Josh Kumra Wretch 32 Feat. Shakka Wstrn Wyclef Jean & Bono Wyclef Jean & Claudette Ortiz Wyclef Jean & Mary J. Blige Wynn Stewart Wynonna Wynonna Wynonna Wynonna Wynonna Wynonna Wynonna Wynonna Judd Wynonna Judd Wynonna Judd Wynonna Judd Wynonna Judd Wynonna Judd Wynonna Judd Wynonna Judd Wynonna Judd Wynonna Judd Wynonna Judd Wynonna Judd & Naomi Wyonna Judd X Ambassadors X Ambassadors X Factor Finalists X Factor Finalists X Factor Finalists (2011) X-models Xscape Xzibit Y&T Y&T Pagina 266 19815806 19815807 19815808 9103533 808102 19815809 4171624 19985576 1242378 19985575 19985577 1242245 19815810 1243086 19815812 19990579 19990225 19990052 19815813 19815814 1243067 19815816 1243108 19815818 811996 19815820 19815821 5380851 1242830 19988200 19815823 810588 19815824 19815825 1242831 811173 19989968 19815827 5380981 19815829 5380865 5380931 19815830 1242837 19815831 19815832 19815834 811372 19815836 19815837 19815838 19815839 19985344 19815840 19815841 19815842 1243135 1242925 19815845 807363 3283865 3283861 3283868 3283860 3283864 3283863 19986488 3283908 3283871 3283862 19986692 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG All Things Considered Another Nine Minutes This Time Around For Your Love Shapes Of Things Heart Full Of Soul Finish Line Don't Go Nobody's Diary Only You Situation The Only Way Is Up Racks Gold Lion Maps Eyes Shut Shine King Hang You Up Holly Lights And Sounds Ocean Avenue Rough Landing, Holly Long Distance Runaround Owner Of A Lonely Heart Naggin' Say I Yi Yi Wait Badd Fox Look In The Mirror Here Comes Santa Claus Be Still Open My Heart Someone Watching Over You We no speak Americano Lived A Lie Emerson Drive Shoulder Lean Can't Stop Won't Stop Set It Off My Hood Vacation Soul Survivor Put On Jizzle Carter's Chord Bust A Move Every Girl Good Lovin' Groovin' Slow Jukin Cough Syrup Get Together Damn! Sexy Lady It's Goin' Down I Know You See It I'm Not Feeling You If I can't have you As She's Walking Away Chicken Fried Cold Hearted Colder Weather Free Highway 20 Ride Jolene Keep Me In Mind Mary Sic 'Em On A Chicken The Wind Yankee Grey Yankee Grey Yankee Grey Yardbirds, The Yardbirds, The Yardbirds,The Yasmin Yazoo Yazoo Yazoo Yazoo YaZz & Plastic Population YC and Future Yeah Yeah Yeahs Yeah Yeah Yeahs Years & Years Years & Years Years And Years Yellow Card Yellowcard Yellowcard Yellowcard Yellowcard Yes Yes Ying Yang Twins Ying Yang Twins Ying Yang Twins Ying Yang Twins feat. Mike Jones Ylvis Yo Gotti Yoakam Yolanda Adams Yolanda Adams Yolanda Adams Yolanda Be Cool You Me At Six You Still Own Me Young Dro & T.I Young Gunz Young Gunz Young Jeezy Young Jeezy Young Jeezy & Akon Young Jeezy & Kanye West Young Jeezy & Lil' Jon Young Love Young M.C. Young Money Young Rascals Young Rascals Young Steff Young The Giant Youngbloods Youngbloodz & Lil Jon Yung Berg & Junior Yung Joc Yung Joc & Brandy 'Ms. B.' Hambrick Yvette Michelle Yvonne Elliman Zac Brown Band Zac Brown Band Zac Brown Band Zac Brown Band Zac Brown Band Zac Brown Band Zac Brown Band Zac Brown Band Zac Brown Band Zac Brown Band Zac Brown Band Pagina 267 3283867 3283869 3283870 3283809 19815850 19992007 19991149 19991710 19992018 19989969 19990232 19988432 19989970 19815851 19989971 19815852 810848 812302 808925 809566 809565 1243153 19815857 809207 809204 809203 812313 809201 809209 809206 19815862 809205 809211 809197 809200 809198 809202 19815868 809210 809199 810862 809208 19815870 19815871 592473 17027039 3058213 594185 593542 19985447 592818 592842 594212 592239 593156 3058052 593154 3057958 592614 592412 592310 592936 593152 593122 593112 592464 592948 593194 592951 593196 593314 ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP Toes Whatever It Is Where The Boat Leaves From Knee Deep In The Year 2525 Lush Life PillowTalk It's You Pillowtalk Stay the Night I Want You To Know Stay The Night Replay Destiny Faded Tomorrow People Yo Voy Get Happy She's Not There Tell Her No Time Of The Season Oh Stacey (Look What You've Done) Honestly Blue Jean Blues Cheap Sunglasses Double Back Gimme All Your Lovin' Got Me Under Pressure I Thank You I'm Bad, I'm Nationwide Jesus Just Left Chicago Just Got Paid La Grange Legs Pearl Necklace Rough Boy Sharp Dressed Man Tube Snake Boogie Tush TV Dinner Velcro Fly Viva Las Vegas Waitin' For The Bus What's Up With That Nunca mas podre olvidarte Perdicion Todo Me Gusta De Ti Los dos gilbertos Aum aum Fico Assim Sem Voce Si te vuelves a enamorar Y Volvere Prieta casada A partir de mañana Castillos en el aire Distancia En un rincón del alma Gracias a la vida Los ejes de mi carreta Mariana Mi arbol y yo No soy de aqui ni soy de allá Quando un amigose se va Perfidia Por los caminos del sur chiapas La Guaracha Sabrosona El pecador Historia de mi amor Olvídalo Significas todo para mi Uno de tantos Zac Brown Band Zac Brown Band Zac Brown Band Zac Brown Band & immy Buffett Zager & Evans Zara Larsson Zayn Zayn Malik Zayn Malik Zedd & Hayley Williams Zedd & Selena Gomez Zedd Ft Hayley Williams Zendaya Zero 7 ZHU Ziggy Marley Zion Y Lennox & Daddy Yankee Zoe Zombies, The Zombies, The Zombies, The Zutons Zwan ZZ Top ZZ Top ZZ Top ZZ Top ZZ Top ZZ Top ZZ Top ZZ Top ZZ Top ZZ Top ZZ Top ZZ Top ZZ Top ZZ Top ZZ Top ZZ Top ZZ Top Zz Top ZZ Top ZZ Top ZZ Top 4 Soles, Los 5e Estacion, La Aaron & Su Grupo Ilusion Acá entre nos Act 7 Adriana Calcanhoto Alacarnes musical Alain Barriere Albert Zamora Alberto Cortez Alberto Cortez Alberto Cortez Alberto Cortez Alberto Cortez Alberto Cortez Alberto Cortez Alberto Cortez Alberto Cortez Alberto Cortez Alberto Domíguez Alberto Domíguez Alberto Pedraza Alberto Vázquez Alberto Vázquez Alberto Vázquez Alberto Vázquez Alberto Vázquez Pagina 268 592678 3058019 3057858 593145 3057859 3057855 593142 3057860 3057857 3057861 3057856 593242 593144 3057745 593706 592758 594203 3057748 592424 592374 592301 592592 593091 3058102 3057888 592891 19985448 594009 17026953 17027037 592554 3058196 593058 17026978 592820 592324 3058100 3058098 594003 19985449 2888516 3058175 3058131 593067 592778 593110 592711 593221 593120 593825 592706 2888524 3057777 592248 592690 592306 592410 592665 592468 593787 592519 592629 592819 592586 592782 19065215 19065218 19065217 19065214 19065216 19065213 ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP Si la invitara esta noche Tu Forma De Ser Cuidado Con El Corazon Electricidad Eternamente Bella Hacer El Amor Con Otro La plaga Llama Por Favor Mala Hierba Reina De Corazones Rosas Rojas Toda la mitad Verano Peligroso Abrazame Como quien Pperde una estrella Me dedique a perderte No se me hace fácil Perfume De Gardenias Si tu no vuelves Tantita pena En el jardin Vas a acordarte de mi No hace falta Voy A Volverte Loca Pisando Fuerte Corazon Partio Cuando Nadie Me Ve Dame tu aire Labana Te Lo Agradezco Pero No DUELE EL AMOR Tu Necesitas Tu tienes lo que quiro Dos amantes Triste Cancion Sin miedo a nada Es Por Amor Usted Se Me Llevo La Vida Necesidad Voce Roubou A Minha Vida Carenza Ay Papacito El Ladron Sentimientos Tu ausencia Esa chica me vacila Peleas Sabor a mí Un poco mas Dos Amores Mi buen corazon Pst Tardo Vi Llover Beber De Tu Sangre Bandido Come me haces falta La trampa Loca Los besos no se dan en la camisa Mala Me Asusta Pero Me Gusta Nada Sacudeme Soledad Te regalo la lluvia Ya no te creo nada Que Te Vaya Bonito Rayando El Sol Valentin De La Sierra Vamanos Volver Volver Y Aqui Estoy Alberto Vázquez - Lety Salli Alberto Y Roberto Alejandra Guzman Alejandra Guzman Alejandra Guzman Alejandra Guzman Alejandra Guzman Alejandra Guzman Alejandra Guzman Alejandra Guzman Alejandra Guzman Alejandra Guzman Alejandra Guzman Alejandro Fernandez Alejandro Fernandez Alejandro Fernandez Alejandro Fernandez Alejandro Fernandez Alejandro Fernandez Alejandro Fernandez Alejandro Fernandez - Gloria Estefan Alejandro Jaen Alejandro Lerner Alejandro Montaner Alejandro Saenz Alejandro Sanz Alejandro Sanz Alejandro Sanz Alejandro Sanz Alejandro Sanz & Shakira Aleks Syntek Aleks Syntek Alex Alex ”El Bizcochico” Alex Lora Alex Ubago - Natali Alexander Pires Alexander Pires Alexandre Pires Alexandre Pires Alfredo Gutierrez Alicia Villarreal Alicia Villarreal Alicia Villarreal Alicia Villarreal - David Bisbal Alson Becket Cyrus Altemar Dutra Alvaro Carrillo Alvaro Carrillo Alvaro Davila Amanda Miguel Amando Mazanero Amantes De Lola, Los Ana Barbara Ana Barbara Ana Barbara Ana Barbara Ana Barbara Ana Barbara Ana Barbara Ana Barbara Ana Barbara Ana Barbara Ana Barbara Ana Barbara Ana Gabrelle Ana Gabrelle Ana Gabrelle Ana Gabrelle Ana Gabrelle Ana Gabrelle Pagina 269 593633 593637 593631 593632 593641 593638 593636 593630 594139 593634 593640 593642 593643 593635 593965 594084 17026909 592839 2888527 2888521 2888520 593969 592691 593645 3058161 3058163 3058162 592541 594064 594066 592653 592395 17026995 592620 593813 594060 3057925 3057926 593187 593604 3057923 593192 17026964 17026987 3057759 592637 17026972 17027027 593837 593839 593848 594011 593829 593826 3057953 592622 593811 592570 593819 593127 594120 593436 592316 17026944 594218 19988407 19988406 17026923 19988408 17027017 3058017 ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP A pesar de todos Ay amor Con un mismo corazon Es demasiado tarde Es el amor quien llega Evidencias Hablame de frente Huelo a soledad Leyes del Corazón Luna Mar Y Arena Pacto de amor Pecado original Quien como tu Simplemente amigos Por ti volaré Mi Bombón Son de amores Casi Te Envidio Me Lo Estas Poniendo Dificil Que Locura Enamorarme De Ti Quererte a ti Como Te Voy A Olvidar El Liston De Tu Pelo Mi Nina Mujer Atrapado En Tus Redes Mentiras A tu recuerdo Amor por ti Como quisiera decirte Dejeme si estoy llorando Deteneda ya - Emmanuel La Mentira Murio la flor Vamos A Platicar Y volvere A Donde Va Nuestro Amor Cuando Me Enamoro Edi edi Paso a pasito Reina Y Cenicienta Yo que no vivo sin ti La negra chula Quin te engano Tristes Recuerdos Tu camino y el mio La juala de oro Voy Pa'lla Fue En Un Cafe Anoche Me Enamoré No Está Aquí (It's Not Here) Te conozco Como Yo Te Ame Contigo Aprendi Esta Tarde Vi Llover Nada personal No No se tu Señor Amor Somos novos Niña de mi Corazón Te quiero Por que no fui tu amigo Florecita Rockera El Chingadazo Ciego De Amor El malo Obsesion Su Veneno Hermanita La Bomba Ana Gabriel Ana Gabriel Ana Gabriel Ana Gabriel Ana Gabriel Ana Gabriel Ana Gabriel Ana Gabriel Ana Gabriel Ana Gabriel Ana Gabriel Ana Gabriel Ana Gabriel Ana Gabriel Ana Gabriel Andrea Bocelli Andrés Cabas Andy & Lucas Andy Montanez Andy Montanez Andy Montanez Angela Carrasco Angeles Azules, Los Angeles Azules, Los Angeles Azules, Los Angeles De Charlie, Los Angeles De Charlie, Los Angeles Negros, Los Angeles Negros, Los Angeles Negros, Los Angeles Negros, Los Angeles Negros, Los Angeles Negros, Los Angeles Negros, Los Angeles Negros, Los Angeles Negros, Los Angelica Maria Angelica Maria Angelica Maria Angelica Maria Angelica Maria Angelica Maria Angelito Villalona Anthony Santos Antonio Aguilar Antonio Valdés herreta Antony Santos Antony Santos Apson Boys, Los Apson, Los Apson, Los Arjona Armando Manzanero Armando Manzanero Armando Manzanero Armando Manzanero Armando Manzanero Armando Manzanero Armando Manzanero Armando Manzanero Arrolladora Banda El Limón De Rene Camacho Arturo Macias Astros, Los Aterciopelados Autentica de Jerez, La Aventura Aventura Aventura Aventura Averntura Azul Azul Pagina 270 3058198 592799 3058193 17026881 594140 594204 594098 594174 594194 594163 594088 3058212 594175 594089 593033 594152 594109 593886 593860 593184 593858 592902 3058191 593257 17027009 593603 592540 3058145 19985444 3058146 19985445 593709 593712 593714 593719 593708 593716 593717 593713 593718 593710 593715 593711 594068 593149 592559 594020 3058214 593119 3057781 3057796 3057811 593854 592786 592251 592496 3057845 592751 592617 3057844 592810 592479 594024 19985457 594110 594141 594099 594195 594205 594186 594153 ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP Mentirosa Me piden Cara Luna Mi Primer Millon Olivdarte no será sencillo Acábame de Matar La Baraja Me gustan las viejas buenas No hay dinero, No estás tu Por una lágrima Ando Bien Pedo Me Llamo Raquel Te equivocas Daría todo por ti Diablo con vestido azul la plaga Eres mi necesidad Nada de más Niño Rosa Pastel Muriendo lento Ni Freud, Ni Tu Mama Vivir No Voy A Trabajar No rompas mi corazón La boda de ella COLINA AZUL Yo se que te acordaras Adoro Oro Que No Quede Huella Sed Amorcito norteño Carga ladeada El carro de la muerte El primer paso El sube y baja Flor del rio Hojita verde La carcacha Mi ultima carta Paso del norte Pescadores de ensenada Te traigo en mi cartera Tu cariño se me va COMO FUI A ENAMORARME DE TI Falso amor Eres La Ingrata Afuera La Celula Que Explota Perdi Mi Ojo De Venado Viento Coleccionista De Canciones Callados Con el viento a tu favor Donde estas, con quien estes El Amor De Mi Vida Has nacido libre Mi buen amor Perdoname Quieres ser mi amante Si tu te vas Vivir asi es morir de amor Supe Perder Amor de unas horas Cómo te llamas, Paloma Compréndala Con la misma espina El Juramento El peor de tus antojos Mi amanta Azul Azul Babys, Los Bacilos Bacilos Banda Carnaval Banda El Recodo Banda Jerez, La Banda Jerez, La Banda Jerez, La Banda Jerez, La Banda Los Recoditos Banda Machos Banda MS Banda Pequeños Musical Bandadosos, Los Bebeto, El Belanova Belanova Belanova Belinda Belinda Belinda Bermudas Billy Ray Cyrus Bobby Valentin Boppers, Los Brios, Los Bronco Bronco Bronco Bronco Broncos de Reynosa Broncos de Reynosa Broncos de Reynosa Broncos de Reynosa Broncos de Reynosa Broncos de Reynosa Broncos de Reynosa Broncos de Reynosa Broncos de Reynosa Broncos de Reynosa Broncos de Reynosa Broncos de Reynosa Buddy Rich Bukis, Los Bukis, Los Cafe Tacuba Cafe Tacuba Caifanes Caifanes Caifanes Caifanes Camila Camilo Sesto Camilo Sesto Camilo Sesto Camilo Sesto Camilo Sesto Camilo Sesto Camilo Sesto Camilo Sesto Camilo Sesto Camilo Sesto Caminantes, Los Cardenales, Los Cardenales, Los Cardenales, Los Cardenales, Los Cardenales, Los Cardenales, Los Cardenales, Los Pagina 271 594164 594129 594176 594121 594090 592303 593108 594001 594071 3057971 3058180 593583 593189 593129 17026938 594033 592240 592294 592345 592406 592462 592509 592564 592612 592666 592702 592773 592824 592597 593997 594010 593971 17026887 17026894 17026954 592716 592748 3058166 3058018 592327 592687 592546 592354 592467 592408 592513 592311 592763 592268 592672 592539 592684 19065224 592309 3058210 3058148 3057894 592291 594100 594111 3058005 593204 592431 594142 594154 593169 593665 593662 593668 593664 593672 ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP Nuevamente el amor Por las damas Qué no daria Y Qué ganaste Ya Lo Sé Fruta fresca La gota fria Luna Nueva Baño de mar a medianoche Dama Dama La Negra Tiene Tumbao La vida es un carnaval Mi pueblo Delirio Demoliendo Hoteles No me dejan salir A que le tiras cuando suenes Mexicana Cerro sus ojitos cleto El gato viudo Ingrata perjida La bartola La interesada La tertulia Las bodas de vecindad Los corrones Los quience aos de aspergencia Sabado distrito federal Voy en el metro Atado a tu amor Cuidarte El Alma Dejaria todo Torero Y Tu Te Vas Y Tu Te Vas (Salsa) Anacaona Puente de piedra Debut y despedida El Baile Del Gavilan Mayonesa Volver amar Agua Nueva AZUL Lloran las rosas Lloviendo estrellas Lo mejor de mi Mañana Mi vida sin tu amor No hace falta No podras Nunca voy a olvidarte Vuelveme a querer Ven commigo Nuestra Historia De Amor Mesa Que Mas Aplauda La Faldita El Baile Del Sapito Es Por Ti Cada vez que resuelles La desicion Vete a buscar aquel Perdoname Mi Amor El asuente Una noche Cuanto te amo Esperare Siluetas Bombón I Caminito de la ascuela Dis Por Qué El Chorrito El comal y la olla Cardenales, Los Cardenales, Los Cardenales, Los Cardenales, Los Cardenales, Los Carlos Vives Carlos Vives Carlos Vives Cecilia Cecilia Celia Cruz Celia Cruz Cesar Costa César portillo de la luz Charlie Garcia Charly Garcia Chava Flores Chava Flores Chava Flores Chava Flores Chava Flores Chava Flores Chava Flores Chava Flores Chava Flores Chava Flores Chava Flores Chava Flores Chayanne Chayanne Chayanne Chayanne Chayanne Chayanne Cheo Feliciano Chicanos, Los Chico Despedida Chicos Del Barrio, Los Chocolate Christian Castro Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christian Song Christina Aguilera Claudia Climax Coco Band Complices Complices Conjunto Oro Conjunto Oro Conjunto Oro Conjunto Primavera Consuelo Castro Corrs Y Alejandro Sanz, The Costumbre Costumbre Crewell Lugo Cri-Cri Cri-Cri Cri-Cri Cri-Cri Cri-Cri Pagina 272 593661 593667 593675 593673 593671 593666 593674 593669 593670 593663 593660 594005 594014 3057906 19985450 593098 593007 593011 593010 593008 593205 593012 593009 593013 3058211 17026947 592504 592800 592299 3057920 3057922 3057921 3057919 592488 594143 592338 592421 17027041 594206 593060 592563 592661 593680 594048 593821 19065229 17027008 17026897 592298 592343 592258 592474 17026960 592529 594101 592989 592990 592683 594130 3057775 3057876 3057877 3057875 3057878 19065221 593816 3057846 3058066 3058065 17026948 3058070 ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP El negrito bailarín El Ratón Vaquero El Ropavejero El Ropero La marcha de las letras La Merienda La muñeca fea La Negrita Cucurumbé La Patita Negrito Sandía Tema de Cri Cri Lloviendo Estrellas Por amarte asi Chas Y Aparezco Yo O Meu Amor Cuando ya no me quieras Anillo de compromiso Anoche estuve Llorando Fallasta coraźon Grítenme piedras del campo La cama de piedra No soy monedita de oro Pobre del pobre Que manera de perder La Colegiala Volvere Gasolina Mi amor es para ti De mi enamorate Para Que Te Quedes Conmigo Quiero Amanecer Con Alguien Sabor A Miel Todo Todo Todo Yo no te pido la luna 24 Horas Buleria Oye El Boom Quien Me Iba A Decir Mi pequeño lucero Persiana americana La Cumbia Del Garrote Hoy ten liedo de mi Comanchero Color Esperanza Dudas La Noche Ven tu Lloran Las Rosas Dale don dale Dile Ella o yo Perreando Pobre diabla Salvaje Hablar de ti Cara a cara Heridas Tu muñeca Inevitable En Algun Lugar Esos Ojos Negros La Casa Azul Palabras Sin Nombre Una Calle De Paris Corazon Magico El Que Mas Te Ha Querido Nosotros Que Locura Enamorarme De Ti Tu Me Quemas Demasiado Romantica Pegame Tu Vicio Cri-Cri Cri-Cri Cri-Cri Cri-Cri Cri-Cri Cri-Cri Cri-Cri Cri-Cri Cri-Cri Cri-Cri Cri-Cri Cristian Cristian Castro Cristina Cristina Branco Cuates Castilla Cuco Sánchez Cuco Sánchez Cuco Sánchez Cuco Sánchez Cuco Sánchez Cuco Sánchez Cuco Sánchez Cuco Sánchez Cumbia Colombiana D.L.G Daddy Yankee Daniel López Daniela Romo Daniela Romo Daniela Romo Daniela Romo Daniela Romo Daniela Romo David Bisbal David Bisbal David Bisbal David Bisbal David Lee Garza David Warren Del Garrote, Los Delgadillo Di Luna Raggio Diego Torres Diego Verdaguer Doltons, Los Domenic Marte Dominic Don Omar Don Omar Don Omar Don Omar Don Omar Don Omar Duelo Dulce Dulce Dulce Dulce Maria Duncan Dhu Duncan Dhu Duncan Dhu Duncan Dhu Duncan Dhu Dyango Dyango Eddie Gorme Y Los Panchos Eddie Santiago Eddie Santiago Eddy Herrera Eddy Herrera Pagina 273 594058 593452 3058227 593563 17026900 592370 593042 592326 593102 593027 593022 593029 593019 593021 593020 594131 594144 594155 592656 592459 592753 592351 592317 592530 593501 592280 592587 592821 593216 594053 3057813 3057798 594037 3057809 594032 17026942 593977 593041 593610 593175 593850 592958 592955 593174 593040 594002 17026891 593241 593043 593223 594187 593124 593054 593057 3057733 17027047 3057765 594112 592676 593066 592547 594022 17026934 592490 592787 592290 593601 592613 592417 592722 3057797 ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP Los Momentos Un sueño Abandonao Amoress de Barra Bandida Pintame Suavemente Tu sonrisa Mil besos Cómo Fue Consentida Gema Jacaranda Morenita mía Señora Bonita Eclipse Juntos Ya no me pone Esa triste guitarra Hay que arrimar el alma Insoportablemente bella La ultima luna Quiero dormir cansado Si ese tiempo pudiera volver Tengo mucho que aprender de ti Toda la vida Todo se derrumbo dentro de mi Tu y yo Vamos a amarinos despacio Aun sigo cantando Cordillera Guitarras Blancas La muralla verde Lamento Boliviano Tus viejas cartas Yo Te Vi En Un Tren Frente a frente Anoche no dormi Así que adiós El rock de la carcel Gloria Lo sé Payasito Presumida Quien puso el bump Escapar Mentiroso Por amarte Ritmo total Si tu te vas Madrecita santa No volvere Dejaria todo Salome Una Pagina Mas No Te Pido Flores Caminos De Michoacan Te amo y re amo Recuerdos de una noche Te lloré un rio Barco a Venus A rodar mi vida Llueve Sobre Mojado 20 Millas Corre, corre Flans Hoy por ti, mañana por mi Las mil y una noches No controles Timido Veneno Vil Eduardo Gatti Elbert Moguel Elefante Ellas Bailan Solas Elvis Crespo Elvis Crespo ELVIS CRESPO Elvis Crespo Ema Elena Valdelamar Emilio Gálvas Emilio Gálvas Emilio Gálvas Emilio Gálvas Emilio Gálvas Emilio Gálvas Emilio Navaira Emilio Navaira Emilio Navaira Emmanuel Emmanuel Emmanuel Emmanuel Emmanuel Emmanuel Emmanuel Emmanuel Emmanuel Emmanuel Emmanuel Enanitos Verdes, Los Enanitos Verdes, Los Enanitos Verdes, Los Enanitos Verdes, Los Enanitos Verdes, Los Enanitos Verdes, Los Enanitos Verdes, Los Enrique Bunbury Enrique Guzman Enrique Guzman Enrique Guzman Enrique Guzman Enrique Guzman Enrique Guzman Enrique Guzman Enrique Guzman Enrique Iglesias Enrique Iglesias Enrique Iglesias Enrique Iglesias Enrique Iglesias Espinoza Paz Espron Cortazar Estefano Estefano Ezequiel Pena Fanny Lu Felipe Arriaga Felipe Pelaez Fernando Arias Fernando Olvera Sierra Fey Fito Paez Fito Paez Flans Flans Flans Flans Flans Flans Flans Fobia Pagina 274 3057889 17026983 593051 593045 16288402 16288395 16288389 16288391 16288390 16288399 16288394 16288403 16288400 16288392 16288393 16288397 16288404 16288405 16288396 16288401 16288398 17026895 17027013 592342 592759 592281 3057874 594040 593215 17027004 594067 594196 594177 594188 592463 593206 594197 594165 594156 594145 594166 594057 593820 592860 17027010 17026907 17026899 17026975 17026968 17026941 593092 593214 17026957 3057939 3057942 3057937 592523 593240 3057940 3057938 17026961 592598 592552 592497 592256 592659 592407 592359 592315 592809 592776 ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP Eva Maria Curama Señora Vida loca Aqui Estas Otra Vez Calido Y Frio (Con Santiago Cruz) Donde Esta El Amor Fuera De Este Mundo Louis Mira Mas Alla No Me Lastimes No Se Olvida (Con Soledad) Si La Ves (Con Noel Schajris Y Leonel Garcia) Si Quieres Decir Adios (Con Debi Nova) Si Tu No Estas Tan Solo Tu (Con Alejandra Guzman) Te Amo Te Veo Venir Soledad (Con Gilberto Santa Rosa) Tu De Que Vas Un Buen Perdedor Y Te Pienso Nada De Nada Quien eres tu Dejenme llorar Me he quedado sin tu amor Tu Inilvidable sonrisa El Limite La calle es su lugar Amor amor amor Amor Por Ti Como deseo ser tu amor Tu me haces volar Sabes amor Te vas a acordar La colegiala Carabina 30-30 Alfredo Ortiz El Poema Las Tundras Soy tuyo Ay, Que Borrachera Con una pala y un sombrero Niña Magica Ayer Conciencia La Agarro Bajando Por Mas Que Intento Sombra Loca Yo no te pido Es Por Amor Angel Con los años que me quedan Hoy No Me Vuelvo A Enamorar No Sera Facil No Te Olvidare Por un beso Puedes llegar Renacer Si Voy A Perderte Tu fotografia Brincan los borregos Con los ojos cerrados Dr. Siquiatra El recuento de los daños Hoy me ire de casa La papa sin catsup Me siento sola Pelo suelto Que voy hacer sin el Siempre a mi Formula V Fran Reyes Francisco Cespedes Francisco Cespedes Franco De Vita Franco De Vita Franco De Vita Franco De Vita Franco De Vita Franco De Vita Franco De Vita Franco De Vita Franco De Vita Franco De Vita Franco De Vita Franco De Vita Franco De Vita Franco De Vita Franco De Vita Franco De Vita Franco De Vita Frank Reyes Frank Reyes Fredys, Los Fredys, Los Fredys, Los Frontera, La G.I.T Gabriel Ruíz Galos, Los Galos, Los Gamma Garcia Bros Gary Hobbs Gary Low Genaro Nuñez Gerardo Ortiz Gerardo Ortiz Gerardo Ortiz Gerardo Ortiz German Montero Gervasio Gil Rivera Gilberto Santa Rosa Gilberto Santa Rosa Gilberto Santa Rosa Gilberto Santa Rosa Gilberto Santa Rosa Gilberto Santa Rosa GIT Gloria Estefan Gloria Estefan Gloria Estefan Gloria Estefan Gloria Estefan Gloria Estefan Gloria Estefan Gloria Estefan Gloria Estefan Gloria Estefan Gloria Estefan & Don Omar Gloria Trevi Gloria Trevi Gloria Trevi Gloria Trevi Gloria Trevi Gloria Trevi Gloria Trevi Gloria Trevi Gloria Trevi Gloria Trevi Pagina 275 592484 592728 594065 17027024 17026966 17026984 17027014 592506 592428 594102 592634 17026905 17026896 17026986 17026971 3058143 3058144 592695 593760 593751 593752 593754 593755 593757 594189 592790 593817 593686 593682 17026980 17026951 593455 594157 17027011 17026981 3057782 3057873 593838 3057778 3057871 3057808 3057872 17026937 593609 593171 593172 593845 592602 592574 593125 593928 3058022 594113 17026991 592553 592696 592508 592803 592774 592427 592640 594091 593537 594092 594051 3057762 17026956 3058113 3058225 594207 592511 ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP Tu angel de la guarda Zapatos viejos Olvidarte Nunca Amor Perfecto Amame La muerte Vagabundo Hasta El Cielo Lloro Tiene Espinas El Rosal Te odio y te amo Sin ty amor Nina Bonita Un Beso Me miras Y Te miro Me mata la pena Piensa En Mi Tonta El peor de mis fracasos El Sube Y Baja Hoy Empieza Mi Tristeza Imposible Olvidarte Lagrimas De Cristal Lastima Es Mi Mujer Mi Gusto Es Abeja Reina El Gigante De Hierro Que Mal Amada Estas Soy Dragostea Din Tei Dejala que siga Mi Gente No son palabritas El Que se va La duena del swing Sube Y Baja Entre Dos Tierras Heroe De Leyenda Un Hombre Respetable Devuelveme A Mi Chica Marta Tiene Un Marcapasos Te Quiero Venezia Visite Nuestro Bar Acapulco rock Adios a Jamaica Agujetas de color de rosa El Gato Loco Dos Locos Obsesión Ojos españoles El Corrido De Los Perez 2 Eres Casado Que me lleve el diablo Porque Te Amo Cuando no es contigo El triste La cosa mas bella No basta Señora de las 4 decadas Te quiero tal como eres Una mañana Aire Con mis alas rotas En el ultimo rincón Puerto Montt El Puente Roto El Nasareno Como Tu Te Lo Pido Por Favor Como te llamas Lagrimillas tontas Gloria Trevi Gloria Trevi Golpes, Los Gran Combo Salsa, El Gran Combo, El Gran Combo, El Gran Combo, El Grupo Cañaveral Grupo Cañaveral Grupo Duelo Grupo Indio Grupo Mania Grupo Mania Grupo Maria Grupo Mateos Grupo Mojado Grupo Mojado Grupo Montez De Durango Grupo Montez De Durango Grupo Montez De Durango Grupo Montez De Durango Grupo Montez De Durango Grupo Montez De Durango Grupo Montez De Durango Grupo Pesado, Arnulfo López Grupo Soñador Gualberto Castro Gypsy Kings, The Haiducii Hector Lavoe Hector Lavoe Heleno Herederos De Nuevo León, Los Hermanos Rosario, Los Hermanos Rosario, Los Heroes Del Silencio Heroes Del Silencio Hitters, Los Hombres G Hombres G Hombres G Hombres G Hombres G Hooligans, Los Hooligans, Los Hooligans, Los Hooligans, Los Horoscopos de Durango, Los Horoscopos de Durango, Los Hugo Avendaño Huracanes Del Norte, Los Huracanes Del Norte, Los Huracanes Del Norte, Los I Camaleonti Internacional Internacional Internacional Internacional Internacional Internacional Internacional Intocable Intocable Invasores de nuevo Leon, Los Iracundos, Los Irma Serrano Ismael Rivera Jaguares Jaguares Jaime De Anda Jaime Velázquez Pagina 276 593558 593028 593003 592997 593005 593002 592995 593004 3057743 593006 592368 593000 593001 593624 592999 592998 17027029 3058000 594146 592544 593785 3058067 3058068 19988391 19988405 19988393 19988392 19988394 593851 19988395 19988396 19988398 19988402 19988401 19988403 19988397 19988399 19988404 19988400 19065231 592545 593158 592448 593157 592347 592263 593153 592582 593155 594178 3058004 592882 592884 3058003 592886 592876 592880 592878 593097 592644 17026967 17027023 2888518 593588 593115 592522 593836 17026884 593053 17027018 592458 ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP La flaca Ayudame dios mio Bésame y alvídame Carabela El loco En tu pelo Entrege total Esta trateza mía Gema Las rejas no matan Payaso Que se mueran de anvidia Si dios me quita la vida Sombras Vendval sin rumbo Y ... Cuentale A El El Dolor De Tu Presencia Qué me vas a dar si vuelvo Amor se paga con amor Amores Como El Nuestro Casi Un Hechizo Me Estoy Muriendo De Amor Aqui Voy Aqui Voy (Gracias) Como No Con Quien Se Queda El Perro Corre Espacio Sideral Gotitas De Amor La De La Mala Suerte Me Llora El Cielo Me Quiero Enamorar Me Voy Perfecta Quiero Que Me Quieras Tu Mi Poesia Una En Un Millon Veneno El Mundo Aquellas prequenas cosas Cantares De carton piedra Esos locos bajitos Fiesta Hoy puede se un gran dia Penélope Señora Tu nombre me sabe a hierba Contigo o sin ti El Idiota El taxista Juliantla Que Bonita Pareja Rumores Secreto de amor Tatuajes Un idiota Negra consentida Y nos dieron las diez Cartas de Verano Tonto Corazon Mascarado Laura no esta Otro dia más sin verte Por amor Bule Bule Tu No Sospechas El privilegio de amar Ay! Hombre Falsas esperanzas Jarabe De Palo Javier Solis Javier Solis Javier Solis Javier Solis Javier Solis Javier Solis Javier Solis Javier Solis Javier Solis Javier Solis Javier Solis Javier Solis Javier Solis Javier Solis Javier Solis Jeffrey, El Jeniffer Pena Jenni Rivera Jennifer Lopez Jerry Rivera Jerry Rivera Jerry Rivera Jesse & Joy Jesse & Joy Jesse & Joy Jesse & Joy Jesse & Joy Jesse & Joy Jesse & Joy Jesse & Joy Jesse & Joy Jesse & Joy Jesse & Joy Jesse & Joy Jesse & Joy Jesse & Joy Jesse & Joy Jesse & Joy Jimmy Furtado Joan Manuel Serrat Joan Manuel Serrat Joan Manuel Serrat Joan Manuel Serrat Joan Manuel Serrat Joan Manuel Serrat Joan Manuel Serrat Joan Manuel Serrat Joan Manuel Serrat Joan Sebastian Joan Sebastian Joan Sebastian Joan Sebastian Joan Sebastian Joan Sebastian Joan Sebastian Joan Sebastian Joan Sebastian Joaquin Pardave Joaquin Sabina Joe Veras Joe Veras Johnny & Ray Jon Jon Secada Jon Secada & Gloria Estefan Jonny Jets, Los Jordi Jorge Avandaño Jorge Celedon Jorge Luis Piloto Pagina 277 594070 17026979 593015 593018 593207 594062 3057732 593128 593211 3057749 593014 593212 593016 593220 594069 593213 593209 593228 19809734 19065219 592963 3057842 3057843 593690 593815 593978 593691 593688 592455 593692 593697 593693 593831 593694 593979 593689 593696 593695 592279 593989 593981 593986 593984 593982 593985 593983 593980 593987 593988 3058051 592358 3058047 593827 593742 593739 593737 593745 593741 593733 593738 593736 593740 593734 593746 593507 593743 593735 593744 593500 593224 593521 ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP Caprichito Hay amores Amaneci en tus brazos Cuando vivas conmigo Declárate inocente El Rey El Ultimo Trago Ella La enorme distancia Si Nos Dejan La media vuelta La qui se fue Pa' todo el año Que bonito amor Te perdi Tu y las nubes Echame a mi la culpa Motivos Feliz Navidad [Karaoke] La Copa Rota Feliz navidad Amar Y Querer Siempre Te Amare Almohada Amnesia Cuando vayas conmigo Cuidado El amor acaba Entre ella y tu La nave del olvido Lo pasado pasado Me basta Mujeriego Nadie simplemente nadie No me platiques mas Peor te extraño Quémama los ojos Sólo una mujer Te quiero asi Alguien Vendra Cosas Imposibles Del altar a la tumba Desesperado El triste Lo dudo Mi nina Mi vida Preso Solo yo seguire siendo tuyo America America Me llamas Y Como Es El Dueño De Nada 30 (Treinta) Anos Amor De Habitacion Celos Cuando Un Hombre Llora Despues De Tanto Ella Se Llamaba Eres Hombre Lena Verde Lo Que No Fue No Sera Los Dos Martha (Ella se llamaba) Mientras Llueve Pajarillo Sin Tu Amor Vivo La incondicional Noche de copas Jorge Pedreros Jose ”El Cabanrio” AlbertoJose Jose Alfredo Jimenez Jose Alfredo Jimenez Jose Alfredo Jimenez Jose Alfredo Jimenez Jose Alfredo Jimenez Jose Alfredo Jimenez Jose Alfredo Jimenez Jose Alfredo Jimenez Jose Alfredo Jiménez Jose Alfredo Jiménez Jose Alfredo Jiménez José Alfredo Jiménez José Alfredo Jiménez José Alfredo Jiménez José Angel Espinoza José Domingo Jose Feliciano Jose Feliciano José Filiciano Jose Jose Jose Jose José José José José José José José José José José José José José José José José José José José José José José José José José José José José José José José José & Lani Hall José José Con Trio José José Con Trio José José Con Trio José José Con Trio José José Con Trio José José Con Trio José José Con Trio José José Con Trio José José Con Trio José José Con Trio Jose Luis Perales Jose Luis Perales Jose Luis Perales Jose Luis Rodriguez Jose Maria Napoleon Jose Maria Napoleon Jose Maria Napoleon Jose Maria Napoleon Jose Maria Napoleon Jose Maria Napoleon Jose Maria Napoleon Jose Maria Napoleon Jose Maria Napoleon Jose Maria Napoleon Jose Maria Napoleon Jose Maria Napoleon Jose Maria Napoleon Jose Maria Napoleon Jose Maria Napoleon Jose Maria Napoleon Juan Carlos Calderon Juan Carlos Calderon Pagina 278 592593 592859 593762 592548 593763 592694 592655 593764 593765 592752 593766 593234 592510 593767 592365 593770 593772 592274 593774 592321 592817 592480 592435 3057890 17027007 593030 593023 593024 3057734 593231 17026883 3058095 592349 17027036 3058226 594167 592437 17027042 594018 593857 592238 592283 592729 593683 592333 592390 593681 592449 592561 593684 593685 2888514 19065225 592956 810251 810252 592626 592680 592373 592724 3057952 17026958 594122 592651 593753 593759 592361 593749 593758 592769 593756 ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP A mi guitarra Abrazame muy fuerte Amor Eterno Besame Costumbres El noa noa En esta primavera Fue Un Placer Conocerte Hasta Que Te Conoci He venido a perdite perdon Inocente Pobre Amigo La guirnalda La mas querida Me Nace Del Corazon No me vuelvo a enamorar No Vale La Pena Pero Que Necesidad Querida Se Me Olvido Otra Vez Sera mañana Si quieres Siempre en mi mente Yo no naci prar amar Como Abeja Al Panal Las avispa Cariño verdad Chacha linda Creí Desden Ahora que soy libre A Dios Le Pido Es Por Ti La camisa negra Lo Que Me Gusta A Mi Mala Gente Y no regresas Andar Conmigo Eres Para Mi Lento Me Voy A flor de piel A veces tu, a veces to A zar la vida Abrazame Alma llanera Caminito Divorcio El amor Hey La Paloma Manuela (espanol) Me Ovide De Vivir O Me Quieres O Me Dejas Pro el amor de una mujer Quiereme Mucho Quiero Quirreme Sono oi Soy un truhan soy un señor Un canto a Galicia Cenizas Piensa En Mi (Bachata) Sivuelves a besarme Con olor a hierba Jambalaya Los Ojos De Pancha Mi credo Mi Eterno Amor Secreto Necesito Una Companera Pero te vas a arrepentir Tengo A Mi Lupe Juan Gabriel Juan Gabriel Juan Gabriel Juan Gabriel Juan Gabriel Juan Gabriel Juan Gabriel Juan Gabriel Juan Gabriel Juan Gabriel Juan Gabriel Juan Gabriel Juan Gabriel Juan Gabriel Juan Gabriel Juan Gabriel Juan Gabriel Juan Gabriel Juan Gabriel Juan Gabriel Juan Gabriel Juan Gabriel Juan Gabriel Juan Luis Guerra Juan Luis Guerra Juan Mendoza ”El Tariacuri” Juan Mendoza ”El Tariacuri” Juan Mendoza ”El Tariacuri” Juan Valentin Juan y Juan Juanes Juanes Juanes Juanes Juanes Juanes Julieta Venegas Julieta Venegas Julieta Venegas Julieta Venegas Julio Iglesias Julio Iglesias Julio Iglesias Julio Iglesias Julio Iglesias Julio Iglesias Julio Iglesias Julio Iglesias Julio Iglesias Julio Iglesias Julio Iglesias Julio Iglesias Julio Iglesias Julio Iglesias Julio Iglesias Julio Iglesias Julio Iglesias Julio Iglesias Julio Iglesias Julio Iglesias Julio Jaramillo Junior & Jorge K-Libre K-Paz De LA Siera K-Paz De LA Siera K-Paz De LA Siera K-Paz De LA Siera K-Paz De LA Siera K-Paz De LA Siera K-Paz De LA Siera K-Paz De LA Siera Pagina 279 592486 593540 592804 592871 594103 3057905 19065227 593064 593063 19065230 592796 594208 594190 594198 3058016 594104 594114 594132 594179 594158 592416 594093 592628 594123 594168 2888519 3058132 594199 593087 17027012 592249 592295 592346 592957 592413 593830 592481 593812 592950 592588 592638 592276 592259 592928 17026996 592360 592414 592472 592520 592929 592627 594191 17026910 594017 3057793 17026940 3058118 594148 593966 19985455 19985456 593173 594192 593701 593227 3058079 17026999 593842 592992 593243 593146 ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP Volvere La vida que va No me quiero enamorar Tu corazon lo sabe Para volver a amar El Baul De Los Recuerdos Nectar De Verano Me estoy enamorando Pro amor Llora El Telefono Los hombres no deben llorar A que te pongo Azucar Boom Boom Cumbia Shh Desde que no es Dime quien Fuego Fuiste mala Insomnio Na na na (Dulce niña) No tengo Dinero Sabes a chocolate Shhh! Te quiero a ti Ven Devorame Otra Ves Suavecito Dispárame, Dispara Se fue Salsa Y Control Celia Como te extraño mi amor Fanny Marisa Mary es mi amor Sana Llamame Siempre estoy pensando en ella Solo Una Vez Te he prometido Toquen mariachis toquen Tu me pides que te olvide Solo le pido a dios Ella ya me olvido Fuíste mía un verano La Dicha Que Me Fue Negada Mi amante niña, Mi compañera Mi tristeza es mia Ni el clavel ni le rosa No juegues mas O quizá simplemente le regalé una rosa Quiero aprender de memoria Eras tu Te vi venir AquÌ El Duelo Fuera De Mi Mentira No te duele nada Por cobardía Esta vez Tu carcel Plovora Si me besas Cucurrucucu Paloma Dos amores El Rompeolas Para Que No Me Olvides Agítese, Haga Ruido Y Ruede Cuéntama Lazos de amor Que no quede huella K-Paz De LA Siera Kabah Kalimba Kalimba Kany Garcia Karina Kelagates Kike Santander Kike Santander Kine Calve King Clave Kumbia Kings Kumbia Kings Kumbia Kings Kumbia Kings Kumbia Kings Kumbia Kings Kumbia Kings Kumbia Kings Kumbia Kings Kumbia Kings Kumbia Kings Kumbia Kings Kumbia Kings Kumbia Kings Lalo Rodriguez Laura Leon Laura Pausini Laura Pausini Lebron Brothers, The Leo Dan Leo Dan Leo Dan Leo Dan Leo Dan Leo Dan Leo Dan Leo Dan Leo Dan Leo Dan Leo Dan Leon Gieco Leonardo Favio Leonardo Favio Leonardo Favio Leonardo Favio Leonardo Favio Leonardo Favio Leonardo Favio Leonardo Favio Leonardo Favio Leonel Garcia Leonel Garcia Ley, La Ley, La Ley, La Ley, La Leyenda, La Lila Deneken Limite Lo Bukis Locos del Ritmo, Los Lola Lola Beltrán Lolita de le Colina Loquillo Y Los Trogloditas Lorenzo Santamaria Loud Jets, Los Lucero Lucero Lucero Pagina 280 594063 3057956 3058053 3057955 3057985 3057986 593930 594056 593095 592482 3057893 593230 3058063 2888513 3058064 2888512 2888525 2888526 2888523 3058114 3058115 594046 592384 593959 593996 593581 3057841 19985451 3057839 593048 593960 593956 593958 3058116 3057824 593952 3057827 593953 3057828 3057826 593950 3057829 3057830 3057823 593961 593951 593955 593957 593046 593954 593236 3057825 3057766 592848 592456 592606 592845 592850 592849 592851 592312 592847 592762 592846 592526 592581 592726 3057903 593441 593861 593237 ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP Mi niña Bonita Historia De Un Amor Sabor A Nada Solamente Una Vez Corazon De Acero Se Acabo Era Cabron El Viejo 2 Muchacha ojos de papel Bonita Sin tu latido Al Alba Rosas en el mar Desesperado Desperado Lo Que Paso Entre Tu Y Yo Mi Mundo Que Sera De Ti Tu No Le Aas, Le Termes Yo No Pucdo Sar Tu Amanie Quisiera Poder Olvidarme Te Vas Mañana Amarte es un placer América Aun Te Amo Como es posible que a mi lado Contigo A La Distancia Cuando Calienta El Sol Cuando Vuelva A Tu Lado Dame Entrégate Fría como el viento Hasta que me olvides Hasta Que Vuelvas Inolvidable Isabel La Barca La chica del bikini azul La Mentira La Puerta Los muchachos de hoy Mucho Corazon No Me Platiques Mas No Se Tu Oro de ley Palabra de honor Pensar en ti Será que no me amas Sol, arena y mar Suave Sueña Usted Juan Colorado Disculpame Ese fue tu error Ese hombre Inocente pobre amiga Lo siento mi amor Mentiras Mi corazón es un gitano Mudanzas Ni guerra, ni paz Ni loca Que ganas de no verte nunca más Quien te crees tu Se viende esta casa Ya no regreso contigo No Me Importa Nada A 1000 por hora La Botella Verás Lucho Barrios Lucho Gatica Lucho Gatica Lucho Gatica Lucia Mendez Lucia Mendez Luis & Julian Luis Alberto Spinneta Luis Arcaraz Luis Auti Luis Eduardo Aute Luis Eduardo Aute Luis Enrique Luis Enrique Luis Enrique Luis Enrique Luis Enrique Luis Enrique Luis Enrique Luis Fonsi Luis Fonsi Luis Jara Luis Miguel Luis Miguel Luis Miguel Luis Miguel Luis Miguel Luis Miguel Luis Miguel Luis Miguel Luis Miguel Luis Miguel Luis Miguel Luis Miguel Luis Miguel Luis Miguel Luis Miguel Luis Miguel Luis Miguel Luis Miguel Luis Miguel Luis Miguel Luis Miguel Luis Miguel Luis Miguel Luis Miguel Luis Miguel Luis Miguel Luis Miguel Luis Miguel Luis Miguel Luis Miguel Luis Perez Meza Lupita D'Alessio Lupita D'Alessio Lupita D'Alessio Lupita D'Alessio Lupita D'Alessio Lupita D'Alessio Lupita D'Alessio Lupita D'Alessio Lupita D'Alessio Lupita D'Alessio Lupita D'Alessio Lupita D'Alessio Lupita D'Alessio Lupita D'Alessio Luz Casal Lynda Mach & Daddy Madonna Pagina 281 593784 594180 19985454 3058032 3057814 3057792 3058224 3058223 592971 593118 592976 592978 592972 592975 593856 592970 592973 592977 592969 592968 592974 593998 593454 592771 593186 592959 592953 593195 17026994 17026998 594072 593595 593597 593596 593598 593599 593082 592243 592650 592296 592788 592400 592517 592364 592721 592781 592244 17027030 17027022 17027005 17026914 592858 594094 592394 594105 594115 592881 594095 592465 592352 592270 592578 592883 592632 594159 3057731 593628 592674 592772 3057935 3057936 ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP Sera Que Si No lo hare Vida Angel De Amor Buscandola Como Te Deseo Eres Mi Religion Mariposa Traicionera Clavada en un bar Cómo diablos Cómo duele en los labios En el muelle de san blas Hechicera Huelle a tristeza Labios Compartidos Oye mi amor Perdido en un barco Rayando el sol Se me olvidó otra vez Te Solté la riena Vivir sin aire Sabanas Frias Luto en mi alma Que me perdone tu señora Ay preciosa En un rincón del alma Llamarada Pera madura Deja De Llorar El Lamento De Tu Voz La pera madura En carne viva Insoportablemente bella Pobre diablo Procuro olvidarte Un toque de locura Me voy a quitar de en medio Adoro Como yo te ame Contigo Aprendi Cuando estoy contigo Esta tarde vi llover Mia No Te extraño Voy a apagar la luz Ahora quien Se Esfuma Tu Amor Tu Amor Me Hace Bien Vailo la pena Cuando te acuerdes de mi A escondidas A dónde vamos a parar Cuando te acuerdes de mi De regreso a casa Deséame suerte El peor de mis fracasos Hay de amores a amores La pareja ideal La venia vendita O me voy, o te vas Que pena me das Sé que me vas a dejar Si te pudiera mentir Te me olviaste Venia Bendita Ya te alvidé Que bello Que nadie sepa mi sufrir Acariciame Noche De Copas Maelo Ruiz Mafia , La Mafia, La Mana Mana Mana Mana Mana Maná Maná Maná Maná Maná Maná Maná Maná Maná Maná Maná Maná Maná Maná con Ruben Blades Manny Delgado Manoella Torres Manola Muñoz Manola Muñoz Manola Muñoz Manola Muñoz Manolo Galvan Manolo Galvan Manolo Tena Manuel Alejandro Manuel Alejandro Manuel Alejandro Manuel Alejandro Manuel Alejandro Manuel Monterosas Manzanero Manzanero Manzanero Manzanero Manzanero Manzanero Manzanero Manzanero Manzanero Marc Anthony Marc Anthony Marc Anthony Marc Anthony Marc Antonio Solis Marciela Marco Antonio Solis Marco Antonio Solis Marco Antonio Solis Marco Antonio Solis Marco Antonio Solis Marco Antonio Solis Marco Antonio Solis Marco Antonio Solis Marco Antonio Solis Marco Antonio Solis Marco Antonio Solis Marco Antonio Solis Marco Antonio Solis Marco Antonio Solis Marco Antonio Solis Margarita Margarita Maria Conchita Alonso Maria Conchita Alonso Pagina 282 593099 593198 592855 592856 592585 592854 592285 592765 592595 592542 592801 592475 592323 592375 592433 17026985 3057970 593114 19985452 592265 17027000 2888522 593190 593188 594169 3058038 3057862 594077 593239 17026969 593699 593794 592286 594045 592692 592495 592411 592568 592619 592271 592814 592372 592681 592777 3057794 17026933 593150 594087 3058083 592630 594079 3057892 593222 3057972 19065232 592300 3057967 3057969 3057968 593853 3058084 17026902 3058147 593859 592608 593191 592489 3057891 592600 593814 593202 ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP Jurame Amor perdido Arrepentida Porque tengo ganas Sin el Sola con mi soledad Adios que te vaya bien Noma Cintigo Ahora no Amigo mio, Carino mio Mi problema Prefiero ie sola Si no te hubieras ido Tu dama de hierro Vete mejor Nosotros los Cubanos Hablame Del Mar Marinero Desesperada Devagar Devagarinho Lobo Perdon Carino Mio Cara Dura El gran tomas Vete con ella Que me lleven canciones Me Huele A Soledad Maquillaje Solo le pido a dios Enamoradismo El cuarto de tula La Malagueña La Ventanita Amante bandido Amiga Corazones Don Diablo Los chicas no lloran Morena mia Morir de amor Olvidame tu Salamandra Si tu no vuelves Te amare Te dire Cuando Seas Grande Mi Sombra En La Pared Quando seas grande Himno a la alegría Rock And Roll Bumerang Sancta Lucia Todo a pulmón Para Amarnos Mas Cuatro veces amor El Hombre Que Yo Amo Me Conformo El vendedor Eres Tu Secretaria Tomame O Dejame Sentimental Es Tu Turno Dos Locos Para No Verte Mas Olvidame Hasta el limite Tu cabeza en mi hombre Yo te voy a amar Chica De Ayer Conyigo si Recuerdo Apagado Capullito de alhelí Maria Greever María Luisa Landín Maricela Maricela Maricela Maricela Mario Pintor Mario Quintero Marisela Marisela Marisela Marisela Marisela Marisela Marisela Marisela Verena Marisol Marta Sanchez Martinho Da Vila Massias Massimo Ranieri Max Torres Mayte Goas Mayte Goas Mazz MDO Mecano Mercedes Sosa Mercurio Miami's Band Miguel Aceves Mejía Miguel Almanza Miguel Bosé Miguel Bosé Miguel Bosé Miguel Bosé Miguel Bosé Miguel Bosé Miguel Bosé Miguel Bosé Miguel Bosé Miguel Bosé Miguel Bosé Miguel Bosé Miguel Mateos Miguel Mateos Miguel Mateos Miguel Rios Miguel Rios Miguel Rios Miguel Rios Mijares Mijares y Lucero Miriam Hernandez Mitos, Los Mocedades Mocedades Mocedades Mocedades Moderatto Modestia Aparte Monchy & Alexandra Mosca Tse Tse, La Motel Myriam Myriam Hernandez N Sync Nacha Pop Nadia y Yahir Napoleon Naranjos, Los Pagina 283 19065222 593200 593197 593972 592242 592287 592288 592337 592391 592498 592451 592562 592669 592707 592764 592813 592835 592823 592841 592594 592423 592723 592537 3057812 592388 592292 592252 592450 592560 592700 592668 592534 592381 594209 592550 594029 19065226 594025 594050 17026904 592386 594061 3057904 17026885 17027021 3058176 17026949 593185 592447 593855 593994 593485 592514 592367 592625 592318 592590 593783 3058085 594027 592371 593781 593437 593625 592493 592767 592331 594074 3057988 3057987 594200 ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP Ansiedad Aquellos ojos verdes Quizás, Quizás, Quizás En el dis mil Adestes fideles Amarga navidad Arre borriquito Blanca navidad Campanas de belen El año viejo El niño del tambor Jingle bells Me estan robando la fantasia Mi burrito sabanero Noche de paz Rodolfo el reno Santa beso a mama Ven a cantar Ven a mi casa esta navidad A pesar de todo Quien eres tu Todavia duele Todo pasara Porque Te Vas Ay amor Cantares Contigo aprendi El breve espacio Fuego contra fuego Lo que no fue no sera Mariposa Teknicolor Te amo Y como es el Niña Callados Cartas amarillas Libre Un beso y una flor Entre la tierra y el cielo Amor Eterno R.E.S.P.E.C.T Cariño malo Supernatural Asi Es La Vida Bandolero Como Olvidar Cuando Tu No Estas Calendario de amor Cuidate Dulce Locura Geografia La playa Mariposa Paris Puedes contar conmigo Rosas Tu y yo Invierno En Primavera Caperucita Feroz Asi Por ti Lloraras Shabadabada Cuando caliente el sol Cuanto gane, cuanto perdi Para vivir Yolanda Caramelo de menta Beso A Beso Dulcemente Tu Me Acostumbraste La llama Nat King Cole Nat King Cole Nat King Cole Natalia Lafourcade Navidad Navidad Navidad Navidad Navidad Navidad Navidad Navidad Navidad Navidad Navidad Navidad Navidad Navidad Navidad Nelson Ned Nelson Ned Nelson Ned Nelson Ned Neon Nicho Nicho Nicho Nicho Nicho Nicho Nicho Nicho Nicho Nicho Hinojosa Ninel Conde - Jose Manuel Figuroa Nino Bravo Nino Bravo Nino Bravo Nocheros, Los Nueva Era Obie Bermudes Odilio Gonzalez Ole-Ole Olga Tanon Olga Tanon Olga Tanon Olga Tanon Onda Vaselina Oreja De Van Gogh, La Oreja De Van Gogh, La Oreja De Van Gogh, La Oreja De Van Gogh, La Oreja De Van Gogh, La Oreja De Van Gogh, La Oreja De Van Gogh, La Oreja De Van Gogh, La Oreja De Van Gogh, La Orquesta Guayacan Orquesta Mondragon, La Oscar Andrade Oscar Chavez Oscar De Leon OV7 Pablo Milanes Pablo Milanes Pablo Milanes Pablo Milanes Pakines Del Peru, Los Paloma San Bacilio Paloma San Bacilio Palominos, Los Pagina 284 3058006 3057954 3057951 592444 592339 592652 592253 592757 592569 3057764 594076 17026997 17026993 593747 592261 592913 592912 592907 592911 592906 592915 592908 593852 592914 593584 592910 592905 593993 593438 592909 3058181 593101 593100 3057750 593999 592761 593104 593111 19065220 594124 594210 594133 594149 594181 594106 594193 594170 594160 594096 594116 594201 3058182 594055 592527 3057973 592783 592262 592471 592671 592583 592779 594182 17026976 17026906 3057747 3057908 593561 19985459 594039 17026935 594034 ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP Te Quiero Mas Que Ayer Sabor A Mi Sin Ti Como te va mi amor Como una mariposa Con tu amor Cuando no estas conmigo Matame suavemente Ni yu ni yo Amor Perdido Alfonsina y el mar Mi Amor Imposible Soy Culpable Como Pude Enamorarme De Ti Eres divina Amor de mujer Él me engañó El ulyimo adiós Enamorada Lo haré por ti Mio Mírame a los ojos Ni una sola palabra Nieva mieva Si tu te vas Siempre tuya desde la raíz Te daria mi vida Te Quise Tanto Y yo sigoaqui Yi no soy esa mujer La Bala Obsesión Malgueña Las Mananitas Mas Alto Que Las Aguilas Miedo Si una ves Guadalajara Comienza A Amanecer A tu encuentro Asi es mi amor En Contra de mi Enamorate de mi Eso me gusta Lastima me das Mi peor enemigo Mira Mija No tengas miedo de ll Para que vuelva conti Pideme Poema Como Te Extrano Mi viejo Quitame ese hombre De Corazon A Corazon A que no Felicidad Mi segundo amor Mienteme Señora Veronica Los amantes Amor de lejos Un Monton De Estrellas Cielito Lindo Alma De Blues Como hemos cabiado Necesito Decirte El baile de los que sobran Muevan Las Industrias Paramar Palomo Y Aracely Arambula Panchos Y Eddie Gorme, Los Panchos, Los Pandora Pandora Pandora Pandora Pandora Pandora Paquita La Del Barrio Pasión Vega Pasteles Verdes, Los Patricio Renan Patrulla 81 Patrulla 81 Paulina Rubio Paulina Rubio Paulina Rubio Paulina Rubio Paulina Rubio Paulina Rubio Paulina Rubio Paulina Rubio Paulina Rubio Paulina Rubio Paulina Rubio Paulina Rubio Paulina Rubio Paulina Rubio Paulina Rubio Pedro Fernandez Pedro Flores Pedro Galindo Pedro Infante Pepe Aguilar Pepe Aguilar Pepé Astadilo Pepe Guizar Perla Pesado Pesado Pesado Pesado Pesado Pesado Pesado Pesado Pesado Pesado Pesado Pesado Pete Astudillo Piero Pilar Montenegro Pimpinela Piruli Piruli Piruli Piruli Piruli Piruli Playa Limbo Pochy Familia & Su Coco Band Polo Montanez Popular Presuntos Implicados Presuntos Implicados Primavera Prisioneros, Los Prisioneros, Los Prisioneros, Los Pagina 285 593750 17026950 17027019 592937 592938 592939 593707 592556 17026911 593166 594044 593626 594075 593925 593926 593929 593940 593103 17026989 593503 592715 592273 592328 17027015 592709 592289 592745 592501 592698 592269 592420 592476 592319 592816 592679 592636 592376 593606 593170 593844 594073 17027038 592393 594214 17026977 17026959 17027032 19985460 593991 17027046 3058229 593059 17026890 593178 593056 594081 593176 593093 594171 594107 594202 594211 594125 592892 594183 594097 594117 594150 17026882 594161 593219 ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP El Frijolito Juguette De Nadie Si pero no Dueño de nada Voy a conquistarte Voy a perder la cabeza por tu amor Algo Más El Sol No Regresa Dónde Irán Tus ojos En el amor todo es empezar Llorarás, Llorarás Mucho amor Asesino A Sueldo Chito Cano El Federal De Caminos Macario Leyva Tu Voz Te compo tu novia Como yo te amo Provocacion Que tal te va sin mi Y como es Quitate la mascara Muchachita Consentida Aun ha algo Cuando el amor se acaba Enseñame Fuego Nuestro amor Otro dia que va Rebelde Salveme Santa no soy Solo quedate en silencio Tenerte y quererte Un poco de tu amor Angelito (Rock del angelito) La hiedra venenosa Siluetas Al pasar esa edad Noviembre Sin Ti Como te extraño Novia mia El diablo anda suelto Creo en el amor No Me Acostumbro La mañana que se fue Amor del bueno A Ti Dame Dime que no El Problema Mujeres Olvidarte Primavera vez Quién diría Realmente no estoy tan solo A dónde va el amor Bésame en le boca Castillo azul Desesperado El poder de tu amor En el ultimo lugar del mundo Heridas de amor Hoy tengo ganas de ti Me va a extrañar Será Si Tuviera Que Elegir Sólo con un beso Tan enamorados Propiedad De Durango, La Puerto Rican Power Puerto Rican Power Puma, El Puma, El Puma, El Quinta Estación Quinta Estacion, La Quinta Estación, La Rafaél Acosta Rafaella Carrà Raffael Ramírez Ramblers, Los Ramon Ayala Ramon Ayala Ramon Ayala Ramon Ayala Ramón Cabrera Ramon Orlando Raphael Raphael Raphael Raphael Ray Barreto Rayito Colombiano RBD RBD RBD RBD RBD RBD RBD RBD RBD RBD RBD RBD Rebeldes del Rock, Los Rebeldes del Rock, Los Rebeldes Del Rock, Los Red Juniors, Los Reik Revolucion Emiliano Zapata, La Rey Reyna Rey Ruis Rey Ruiz Rey Ruiz Reyes Locos Reyli Barba Ricardo Arjona Ricardo Arjona Ricardo Arjona Ricardo Arjona Ricardo Arjona Ricardo Arjona Ricardo Arjona Ricardo Arjona Ricardo Arjona Ricardo Montaner Ricardo Montaner Ricardo Montaner Ricardo Montaner Ricardo Montaner Ricardo Montaner Ricardo Montaner Ricardo Montaner Ricardo Montaner Ricardo Montaner Ricardo Montaner Ricardo Montaner Ricardo Montaner Pagina 286 594134 593976 811775 593044 593062 593052 592836 592380 593995 593677 592832 593843 593065 593522 593225 592930 593502 3058049 592603 17026992 592932 13296396 3058048 594031 2888515 593605 594136 594172 593459 593964 592743 592648 593648 592987 593653 593659 592460 593657 592461 593658 593655 593649 593656 593654 592808 592525 593651 592639 592432 593652 3057990 3057974 592807 593031 593039 593846 593036 593226 593566 593047 593201 593456 17026988 592685 17027001 594059 594137 593167 19065223 593679 592967 ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP Vámos pa' la conga Yo puedo hacer La Bamba Fuego de noche nieve de dia La copa de la vida Livin' la vida loca (espanol) She bangs (Español) Vuelve Y Todo Queda En Nada Vamos A La Playa Mi amiga, mi esposa, mi amante Pan Con Mermelada Ponle remedio Nunca voy a olivdarte El final Amigo Concavo y convexo Detalles El gato que esta triste y azul Por Ella Propuesta Que sera de ti Un Gato En La Oscuridad Un millon de amigos Santado A La Vera Del Camino Amor de estudiante Ando Borracho El timido Cuarto Lágrimas Luna Mágica Amor en el aire Amor no, gracias Como Han Pasado Los Años Como tu mujer Fue Tan Poco Tu Cariño Fue Un Placer Conocerte Infiel Jamas Me Cansare De Ti Jamas te dejaré La Gata Bajo La Lluvia La Muerte Del Palomo Me Nace Del Corazon No Sirvo Para Estar Sin Ti Por Que Fue Que Te Ame Que ganas de no verte nunca mas Quédate conmigo esta noche Tarde Tu que fuiste Vestida de blanco Volver A Verte El Amor Acaba Si Amanece Por que me habras besado Bule bule Gloria Pata Pata Yuyu mata yuyu Sancta Lucía A fuego lente Si tu no estas Quiéreme mucho Por due no fui tu amigo Ligia elena Vieras cuantas ganas tengo Pequena & Fragil Con una lagrima en la garganta Un amor como el nuestro Melodia de amor Voy Abrazarme A Tus Pies Pople From Ibiza Corazón espinado Ricardo Montaner Ricardo Montaner Richie Valens Ricky Martin Ricky Martin Ricky Martin Ricky Martin Ricky Martin Ricky Martin Righeira RIGO TOVAR Rippers, Los Robert Blades Roberto Balester Saom Roberto Cantoral Roberto Carlos Roberto Carlos Roberto Carlos Roberto Carlos Roberto Carlos Roberto Carlos Roberto Carlos Roberto Carlos Roberto Carlos Roberto Carlos & Eydie Gorme Roberto Jordan Roberto Junior Y Su Bandeño Roberto Pulido Roberto Vilchis Rocio Banquells Rocio Durcal Rocio Durcal Rocio Durcal Rocio Durcal Rocio Durcal Rocio Durcal Rocio Durcal Rocio Durcal Rocio Durcal Rocio Durcal Rocio Durcal Rocio Durcal Rocio Durcal Rocio Durcal Rocio Durcal Rocio Durcal Rocio Durcal Rocio Durcal Rocio Durcal Rocio Durcal Rocio Jurado Rocio Jurado Rocio Jurado & Juan Pardo Rockin' Devils, Los Rockin' Devils, Los Rockin' Devils, Los Rockin' Devils, Los Roque Narvaja Rosana Rosana Arbelo Rosario Cantando Rosendo Montiel Ruban Blades Rubén Fuentes Sabu Salo Reyes Salserin Salvador Lanjean Sandro Sandy Marton Santana y Maná Pagina 287 594162 593589 594126 594118 3058128 593786 3058129 3058130 17027003 592254 593088 593810 592403 17026932 592793 17026946 592438 594021 592344 594047 592415 592575 592712 3058228 592531 593494 593539 17026888 19813746 17026990 592419 594054 592591 3058165 592246 593496 593704 594008 17027044 592477 17027040 3058195 593973 593647 3058149 593646 3058150 592485 592440 594038 592260 592356 3057776 594035 17026936 592425 17026939 592538 594119 592621 594127 17026928 3058133 3058134 592320 17026952 592335 592601 592399 592791 592457 ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP Dulce Venemo Rueda mi mente Mañana te acordarás Amigos De Parranda Amor Prohibido Como La Flor La Carcacha La Llamada Bailar Pegados Dalma bailar pegados Só para ti Un Tipo Como Yo Hay amores y amores Ni tu ni yo Fan enamorada Meniando La Cola Antologa Ciega sordomuda Donda estas corazon Estoy aquí Moscas en la casa Octavo dia Pies descalzos Que Me Quedes Tu Si te vas Suerte Te aviso te anuncio Te Dejo Madrid Tu Me Muero Por Estar Contigo Ojala Te doy una cancion Unicornio azul Uno Dos Tres Amor real Entra en mi vida Mientes Tan Bien Que lloro Sera Si la vez Si Tu No Estas Aqui Sirena Ves A Punto De Caramelo Amor De Internet Llorar Llorar Y Llorar Vamos a platicar Camaleon Cuando pase el temblor En la ciudad de la furia Lo que sangra (La cupula) Musica Ligera Nada personal Persiana Americana Sobredosis de tv Te Hacen Falta Vitaminas Tratame suavemente Dile la verdad Nada de ti Tal vez Micaele Escandalo Que Nadie Sepa Mi Sufrir Se me perdió la cadenita Fuego En El 23 Amor de cabaret Donde estas yolanda El mundo El orangutan Estoy pensando en ti Sasha Sokol Sasha Sokol Saul ''El Jaguar'' Saul El Jaguar Alarcón Selena Selena Selena Selena Sergio Dalma Sergio Dalma Sergio Dalma Sergio Esquivel Sergio Facheli Sergio Vargas Servando y Florentino Sex Appeal Shakira Shakira Shakira Shakira Shakira Shakira Shakira Shakira Shakira Shakira Shakira Shakira Shakira Silvana Di Lorenzo Silvio Rodriguez Silvio Rodriguez Silvio Rodriguez Simbolo, El Sin Bandera Sin Bandera Sin Bandera Sin Bandera Sin Bandera Sin Bandera Sin Bandera Sin Bandera Sin Bandera Socios Del Ritmo, Los Socios Del Ritmo, Los Socios Del Ritmo, Los Socios Del Ritmo, Los Socios Del Ritmo, Los Soda stereo Soda stereo Soda stereo Soda stereo Soda Stereo Soda stereo Soda Stereo Soda stereo Soda Stereo Soda stereo Solido Solido Solido Sonora Carruseles, La Sonora Dinamita, La Sonora Dinamita, La Sonora Dinamita, La Sonora Poncena Sonora Santanera Sonora Santanera Sonora Santanera Sonora Santanera Sonora Santanera Pagina 288 592305 592755 592512 592565 592670 592272 592714 593049 594052 3057907 593034 593835 593038 593834 593849 593032 593035 594138 3057999 19985446 3058086 592536 592241 592284 592245 592334 592387 592443 592500 592557 592611 592667 592710 17026901 17026886 17026926 592673 592812 592834 593094 592872 3057909 593927 592492 592572 593148 592478 593147 592430 3058082 594128 594108 17027028 17027006 2888517 592369 19985453 593203 17027016 594216 593678 17026973 17026982 19985461 17027002 17026955 17027031 593607 806415 593199 17026965 ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP La boa La cumbia del torero Luces de Nueva York Mi adios Mi razon Perfume de gardenias Por las calles de Mexico De repente Cancion Para mi muerte Espaldas Mojadas Buen rock esta noche Confidente De Secundaria El rock de la carcel La Plaga Personalidad Popotitos Sigue Llamando Amarte es mi pecado Una Lagrima No Basta En tu pelo Te Vi Correr Te juro que te amo A quen le importa Accion y reaccion Amar sin ser amada Amor a la mexicana Arrasando Cerca de ti En esta fiesta mando yo Entre el mar y una estrella La revancha Maria la del barrio Mujer latina No Me Ensenaste (Salsa) No Me Ensenaste (Slow) Nome enseñaste Piel morena Regresa a mi Rosalinda Sangre Tu y yo Tocare El Avion De La Muerte Corro vuelo me acelero Noches de Verano Princesa Tibetana Si no es ahora Soy un desastre Tu Y Yo Embrujada El Enamorado El prostipirugolfo Ese Meneito Fabricando Fantasias Sonambulo Perdona Eu Sei Que Vou Te Amar Paloma negra Te quiero tanto amor MI vida de borracho Kalimba De Luna Te extrano tanto amor Aparentemente Celoso Brindo Por Ti & Por Mi Loca Conmigo Melina Gloria Guantanamera La ultima noche Perdoname Sonora Santanera Sonora Santanera Sonora Santanera Sonora Santanera Sonora Santanera Sonora Santanera Sonora Santanera Soraya Sui Generis Tam Tam Go Teen Tops, Los Teen Tops, Los Teen Tops, Los Teen Tops, Los Teen Tops, Los Teen Tops, Los Teen Tops, Los Tema Musical Temerarios, Los Tempo, El Tennesse Terricolas, Los Thalia Thalia Thalia Thalia Thalia Thalia Thalia Thalia Thalia Thalia Thalia Thalia Thalia Thalia Thalia Thalia Thalia Thalia Thalia Thaures Zurdos Tigres Del Norte, Los Timbriche Timbriche Timbriche Timbriche Timbriche Timbriche Tino Casal Titanes De Durango, Los Titanes de Durango, Los Tito Gomez Tito Nieves Tito Nieves Tiziano Ferro Tom Jobim Tomas Méndez Tonny Tun Tun Tony de la rosa Tony Esposito Tony Tun Tun Tony Vega Topaz Tormenta Toros Band, Los Toros Band, Los Tradicional Traditional Trio Los Panchos Trio Rojas Pagina 289 3058021 3058080 592599 19985458 3057779 3058081 593863 593869 593867 593868 593865 593862 593864 593866 593572 593793 593791 593790 593798 593113 593802 593789 593578 593799 593797 593805 593808 593792 593795 592237 594086 593389 593788 593809 593800 593803 593611 593796 594085 593807 593806 593612 593393 593804 593801 593123 593840 3057730 592784 592543 592649 3057761 592255 592749 3057744 3057728 592353 592313 592418 592533 593703 3057795 593086 592811 3058054 593782 17026974 17027020 593116 593025 593457 ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP Jugo A La Vida Querida Milagros Claridad Cuando abras los ojos Hombre Lobo En Paris Mas Y Mas Como Me Duele La Gallina Ponedora La Papa Satisfaccion Tu Mirada Tu Pelo Y Tu Boca Vencedor Vete Ya Y Se Parece A Ti A media luz Al Norte Del Corazon Amor A La Mexicana Bidi Bidi Bom Bom Cielo Rojo Corrido de chihuahua El Aguacero El Chico Del Apartamento 512 El Choclo El Crucifico De Piedra El Hidalguense El Jinete El Mil Amores El Principe El Siete Mares Feliz Navidad Granada Hockey Pockey Juguete La Cantimplora La Verdolaga Los Camperos Muchachita Ni Contigo, Ni Sin Ti No llores por mi Argentina Que Bonita Es Mi Tierra Soldado De Levita Speedy Gonzáles Susanita tiene un ratón Tata Dios Tres Consejos Tristeza Muévanse Todos A Mi Manera Aca entre nos Amor de dos Aprendiste a volar Cruz De Olvido De que maera te alvido Entre el amor y yo Hermoso Carino La Ley Del Monte Las llaves de mi alma Mujeres Divinas No volvere Sublime mujer Volver, Volver El Esqueleto El loco Quiero abrazarte tanto Solo Pienso En Ti Ay Amor Llore llore Te Propongo La pachanga Motivos (Un motivo) Palabres tristes Tucanes De Tijuana Ultimo De La Fila, El Umberto Tozzi Unicos De Mexico, Los Union, La Union, La Valentin Elizalde Valentin Elizalde Valentin Elizalde Valentin Elizalde Valentin Elizalde Valentin Elizalde Valentin Elizalde Valentin Elizalde Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Vianey Valdez Vicente Fernandez Vicente Fernandez Vicente Fernandez Vicente Fernandez Vicente Fernandez Vicente Fernandez Vicente Fernandez Vicente Fernandez Vicente Fernandez Vicente Fernandez Vicente Fernandez Vicente Fernandez Vicente Fernandez Vicente Fernández Victimas Del Dr Cerebro Victor Cordero Victor Manuel Victor Manuel Victor Manuelle Victor Manuelle Victor Manuelle Vilma Palma e Vampiros Vincente Fernández Vincente Fernández Pagina 290 593026 594036 593084 593107 3058164 17026970 592297 592624 592663 594026 593833 592605 592991 592382 592487 593723 593720 593727 593725 593728 593721 594173 593731 593724 593495 593726 752644 752645 752646 752647 19990681 19990682 19990680 752648 19990683 752649 19990684 19990685 19987283 19990857 19990676 19988851 19990813 19985587 19990827 15826773 19985586 19990865 19988852 15826799 19990677 15826669 752650 15826751 752651 19988854 19988281 19988317 752652 752653 19988857 19988858 19988859 19988860 19988861 19988862 19988863 752698 752654 19987349 19988866 ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP ESP FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR Yo quiero ser Una luna de miel en la mano Cenizas El baile del perrito El Venado Oh que sera Corazoncito Pum Pum No Te Voy A Perdonar La locura Ella, ella ya me olvido Lo Que Paso, Paso Es ella mas que yo Maldita primavera Yo te pido amor Y amora juntos Ámame Ángel Así fue Como yo te amo Daria Déjame volver contigo En su lugar Mentira Mi forma de ser Si no te hubieres ido Sobreviviré Le Monde A Bien Changer Aucune Fille Au Monde Partir Un Jour Toujours Là Pour Toi A demain sur la lune A votre bon coeur monsieur Acciche une larme aux nuages Accroche Une Larme Au Nuage Alors reviens C'est Ma Vie Comme toujours Ensemble Inch' Allah J' aime J' avais oubliè que les roses sont roses La Nuit Les filles du bord de mer Mauvais Garcon Mes mains sur tes hanches Quand les roses San Toi Mamie Tombe la neige Une Larme Aux Nuages Une mèche de tes cheveux Vous Permettez, Monsieur Elle était si jolie Emporte Moi Ma vie Tu T'en Vas Osez Joséphine Allo Maman Bobo Géant Un Coin De Vie Romantique Avec Toi Au Revoir Ce N'est Qu'un Reve Combien Faut Il De Temps Hasta Manana Mon Amour Les Violons d'Acadie River Blue Une Chanson Italienne Maria Dolores Foule Sentimentale J'ai dix ans J'aurai Voulu te Dire Vincente Fernández Virus Wello Ravis Wilfredo Vargas Wilfredo Vargas Willie Colon Yaguaru Yaguaru Yahir YoÖñ Sandro Yoshio Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri - Oscar Athie Yuridia Yuridia Yuridia Yuridia Yuridia Yuridia Yuridia Yuridia Yuridia Yuridia Yuridia 1755 2 Be 3 2 Be 3 2 Be 3 Adamo Adamo Adamo Adamo Adamo Adamo Adamo Adamo Adamo Adamo Adamo Adamo Adamo Adamo Adamo Adamo Adamo Adamo Adamo Adamo Adamo Alain Barriere Alain Barriere Alain Barriere Alain Barriere & Nicole Croisille Alain Bashung Alain Chamfort Alain Chamfort Alain Chamfort Alain Delorme Alain Morisod & Sweet People Alain Morisod & Sweet People Alain Morisod & Sweet People Alain Morisod & Sweet People Alain Morisod & Sweet People Alain Morisod & Sweet People Alain Morisod & Sweet People Alain Morissod & Sweet People Alain Souchon Alain Souchon Alain Theo Pagina 291 19988867 752655 19986429 752656 752657 19988280 752658 752659 752660 752661 752662 752663 752664 752666 19988876 752667 19988877 19988276 19988283 19988284 752922 752670 19988332 19988313 19987366 752671 752672 752673 19986436 19988882 752883 19988285 752674 19990812 752675 752676 19988308 19988343 19988287 19992313 15826641 19992314 19992315 19992316 19987329 752677 752678 752679 19988311 753105 752680 752681 752682 752683 752684 752685 752686 752687 752688 752689 752690 752691 752692 752693 752694 19988331 752695 19988291 752696 19988986 19988892 FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR Sing C'est La Vie Madelinot Dors Min P Tit Quinquin Qu'as Tu Fais De Moi Priere D'un Enfant Moi Lolita J'aurais Voulu Te Dire Lola Le Plus Beau Tango Du Monde Tico Tico L'amour Est Chose Du Passe C'est Dur D'etre Humble Un jour a la fois Dependre De Toi Minuit Si Exceptionnel Si Exceptionnelle A distance La Demoiselle Va Où Le Vent Te Mène Junkie De Toi La Moustache A Papa L'ile aux enfants Evangéline La bonne du curé Tomber A L'eau Un Ange Qui Passe Un homme La Marseillaise C'est Ma Fete J'entend siffler le train La Fille D'ipanema Poussiere D'ange Les filles du bord de mer Dis Moi Pourquoi Meme Les Anges Dès que le printemps revient Le rossignol anglais Sensualité A Quoi Ca Sert A Tâtons Elle Danse Seule Je T'attends Le Monde Tourne Mal Parceque c'est toi Sensualite L'aigle Noir La Joconde En tchatant All I Ever Wanted 23 Decembre A Toutes Les Fois Echappe Belle Ginette Harmonie D'un Soir À Châteauguay La Complainte Du Phoque En Alaska Le Blues De La Metropole Le Geant Beaupre Le Picbois Le Retour Du Flaneur Mefiez Vous Du Grand Amour Motel Mon Repos Tous Les Palmiers Tout Va Bien Le Rock Dans La Peau L'effect Papillon Madelinot Bienvenue a Paris C'est Dur D'etre Humble Sur ma route Un Soir De Pluie Alamo Frank Albert Babin Alexandre Desrousseaux Aline Grenier & Jean Jacques Aline Lamothe Alizée Allan Theo Allan Theo Allibert Alys Robi Andre & Ghislaine Andre Breton Andre Breton Andree Watters Andree Watters Andree Watters Andree Watters Andrée Watters et Sylvain Cossette Angelo Branduardi Angelo Branduardi Anik Jean Anna Belle Anne Germain Annie Blanchard Annie Cordy Annie Villeneuve Annie Villeneuve Annie Villeneuve Anthem National Anthony Richard Anthony Richard Antonio Carlos Jobim Arianne Moffatt Arno Audrey Demontigny Audrey Demontigny Aufray Hugues Aufray Hugues Axel Red Axelle Red Axelle Red Axelle Red Axelle Red Axelle Red Axelle Red Axelle Red Barbara Barbara Barbiche Basshunter Beau Dommage Beau Dommage Beau Dommage Beau Dommage Beau Dommage Beau Dommage Beau Dommage Beau Dommage Beau Dommage Beau Dommage Beau Dommage Beau Dommage Beau Dommage Beau Dommage Beau Flash Benabar Bernard Harvie Bill Baxter Billy Hunter Black M Blues Trottoir Pagina 292 752697 19988894 752699 19988896 752700 752701 752702 19988340 19988898 752704 752705 19988899 19988900 19988901 19988902 19988903 19988904 752706 15826684 15826720 752707 752708 19988908 752709 19988909 752710 752711 19988277 19988279 15826642 19988292 19988303 19988305 19988307 752712 19988319 752713 752714 15826725 15826744 19988349 19988354 19988368 15826782 19988286 19987342 19988366 19988378 19988911 752715 19988330 19987282 19988371 19988367 19988296 752716 752717 752718 19988915 752720 752721 752722 752723 752724 752725 752726 752727 752728 19988278 752729 19988301 FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR Mon Enfant Je Te Pardonne Maria Dolores Sans Chemise Sans Pantalon Au Nom De La Musique Dieu J'reviens Chez Nous Pour Te Voir Le deserteur Nos Vieilles Maisons Aimer D'amour Loin De La Ville Aimer D'amour Loin De La Ville Cette Voix Que J'ai La Femme D'or Toujours Vivant Les Yeux Du Coeur Cripine Harley Davidson La madrague Aime Depuis Que T'es Partie La Manic La Minac Le Temps Des Cathedrales Loin de chez moi Me Voila A pleins tubes Adieu jolie Candy Bay bay Bye bye Cindy Comme si Dernier baiser Et Tu Danses Avec Lui Himalaya Jerome C'est Moi Kiss Me La petite fille 73 Les laemes aux yeux Les manons de la nuit Manhattan Quand la mer se retire Rétro c'est trop Aussi Libre Que Moi En apesanteur Pomme C Si Seulement Je Pouvais Lui Manquer La Chicane La Vie Sans Toi L'amoureuse Quelqu'un m'a dit Raphaël Qu'est-Ce Que Tu Crois C'est pas facile Cowgirl De Ville C'est Juste D'l'amour Qu'est Ce Que T'attends Everytime We Touch Fermez Les Honky Tonk J'm'en Va R'viendre La Danse De La Limonade Si J'avais Un Char La Lune Est Au Ciel Peu Importe Grand Pere Maman Il M'aime Repond Moi A Quatre Pas D'ici Ce N'était Qu'un Reve Cherche Encore Bobby Hache Bois Joli Bois Joli Boom Desjardins Boom Desjardins Boom Desjardins Boom Desjardins Boris Vian Bottine Souriante Boule Noir Boule Noir Boule Noire Boule Noire Boulet Gerry Boulet Gerry Boulet Gerry Boulet Gerry & Marjo Bourbon Gauthier Brigitte Bardot Brigitte Bardot Bruno Pelletier Bruno Pelletier Bruno Pelletier Bruno Pelletier Bruno Pelletier Bruno Pelletier Bryan Adams C. Jerome C. Jerome C. Jerome C. Jerome C. Jerome C. Jerome C. Jerome C. Jerome C. Jerome C. Jerome C. Jerome C. Jerome C. Jerome C. Jerome C. Jerome C. Jerome C. Jerome Calogero Calogero Calogero Calogero Calvaire Carl William Carla Bruni Carla Bruni Carla Bruni Carla Bruni & Julien Clerc Carol Arnauld Carole Ann King Caroline Neron Caroline Neron Cascada Cassonade Cassonade Cassonade Cassonade Catherine Durand Catherine Durand Celine & Guylaine Royer Celine & Guylaine Royer Celine & Guylaine Royer Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Pagina 293 752730 752731 752732 752733 752734 752735 19988323 752625 752736 752737 752738 752739 752740 752741 752742 752743 752750 19988363 19987316 752744 752745 752746 19988380 19988918 19988919 19988920 752751 752747 752748 752749 752752 752753 752754 752755 752756 752758 752759 752760 752761 752762 752763 15826654 15826665 15826671 15826673 15826679 19988318 19988321 15826696 15826713 15826721 19988348 15826745 15826760 19988921 15826776 15826797 15826667 15826678 15826695 15826723 15826739 15826762 15826777 15826785 15826803 752765 752764 752766 753112 753113 FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR D'amour Ou D'amitie Delivre Moi Des mots qui sonnent Destin En Attendant Ses Pas Incognito J'irais Où Tu Iras Je Cherche L'ombre Je Danse Dans Ma Tete Je Ne Vous Oublie Pas Je Sais Pas L'amour Existe Encore Le Ballet Les Derniers Seront Les Premiers Lolita Mon Ami M'a Quitte On s'est aime a cause Parce Que Tu M'aimais Pour que tu m'aimes encore S'il Suffisait D'aimer Tellement J'ai D'amour Pour Toi Tout L'or Des Hommes Sous Le Vent Grand-Pere Maman Il M'aime Repond Moi I Believe In You J'irai Ou Tu Iras Plus Haut Que Moi Je Ne Sais Pas Pourquoi Je Sais Le Jour Du Dernier Jour Splish Splash Toi Et Moi Viens Me Faire Oublier Oublie Le Passer Voulez Vous Danser Grand Mere Je M'ennuie De Toi On A Besoin De Soleil Un Homme Ne Doit Pas Pleurer Melanie Comme ils disent Désormais Emmenez moi Et pourtant Formidable Hier encore Il faut savoir Je m'voyais deja La boheme La mama Les Comediens Les plaisirs démodés Mes emmerdes Plus Bleu Que Tes Yeux Que c'est triste Venise Trousse chemise Douce France Fleur Bleue Je chante La mer Le soleil et la lune Moi jaime le music-hall Que reste t'il de nos amours Route National 7 Vous qui passez sans me voir Corps a corps Puisqu'on Fait L'amour Ensemble C'est Pas Serieux Calvaire Juste Pour Voir Le Monde Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion Celine Dion & Garou Celine Dion & Guylaine Royer Celine Dion & Guylaine Royer Celine Dion & Guylaine Royer Celine Dion & Il Divo Celine Dion & J J Goldman Celine Dion & Mario Pelchat Celine Lomez Cesar & Les Romains Cesar & Les Romains Cesar & Les Romains Cesar & Les Romains Cesar & Les Romains Chantal & Rejean Masse Chantal Goya Chantal Pary Chantal Pary Chantal Pary Chantal Pary & Andre Sylvain Charles Aznavour Charles Aznavour Charles Aznavour Charles Aznavour Charles Aznavour Charles Aznavour Charles Aznavour Charles Aznavour Charles Aznavour Charles Aznavour Charles Aznavour Charles Aznavour Charles Aznavour Charles Aznavour Charles Aznavour Charles Aznavour Charles Trenet Charles Trenet Charles Trenet Charles Trenet Charles Trenet Charles Trenet Charles Trenet Charles Trenet Charles Trenet Châtelaine Châtelaine Chats Sauvages Chicane, La Chicane, La Pagina 294 753114 753115 19988992 753116 753117 19988373 19988383 19988922 19991063 752767 752768 19987280 19988302 19988333 19988337 19988339 752770 19988350 19988351 19988360 19988365 19988375 19988382 19990734 19987308 752771 19988342 19987353 752772 752773 752774 752775 752776 752777 752778 752779 19988923 752780 752781 752782 752783 752784 15826636 752785 15826650 752786 15826666 15826740 15826752 15826788 752787 19988275 19988282 19988289 19988290 19988293 19988294 19988295 19988298 19988299 19988300 19988304 19988306 19988309 19988310 19988312 19988314 19988320 19988322 19988324 19988325 FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR La Blessure Ma Taverne Tu M'manque Tu M'manques Viens Donc M'voir Retomber Amoureux Tellement Beau Il Est Libre Max Christine Il Pleut Des Larmes L'amour Interdit Aline Chiqué Chiqué La Dolce Vita Le Beau Bizarre Le Dernier Des Bevilacqua Les Marionettes Les Mot Bleus Les Paradis Perdus Minuit Boul'vard Petite Fille Du Soleil Señorita Succès Fou Ca fait mal Double jeu Aimes Moi Le Rital Madame Mais Ou Est La Musique Prend Bien Soin D'elle Bebe J'a Joue La Toune Besoin Pour Vivre Chasse-Galerie Comme un million de gens Femme De Reve Femmes Ou Filles Infidele L'artiste L'infidele Laisser L'ete Avoir 15 Ans Plein De Tendresse Tu Peux Pas Alexandrie Alexandra Avec La Tete, Avec Le Coeur Chanson populaire Comme D'habitude Dis lui Le téléphone pleure Magnolias for ever Si j'avais un marteau Une Petite Larme 17 Ans Alors Salut Belinda Belle, Belle, Belle C'est Comme Ca Que L'on C'est Aimer C'est De L'eau,C'est Du Vent C'est La Même Chanson Celui Qui Reste Cette Annee - La Cherche Clocher Du Village Danse Ma Vie Du Pain Et Du Beurre Ecoute Ma Chanson Et Je T'aime Tellement Fleur Sauvage Il Fait Beau, Il Fait Bon J'attendrai J'y Pense Et Puis J'oublie Je T'aime Trop Toi Chicane, La Chicane, La Chicane, La Chicane, La Chicane, La Chimene Badi Chimene Badi Christiani Hervé Christine and the Queens Christine Chartrand & Claude Steben Christine Chartrand & Claude Steben Christophe Christophe Christophe Christophe Christophe Christophe Christophe Christophe Christophe Christophe Christophe Christophe Christophe Maé Christophe Willem Claude Barzotti Claude Barzotti Claude Barzotti Claude Barzotti Claude Barzotti Claude Dubois Claude Dubois Claude Dubois Claude Dubois Claude Dubois Claude Dubois Claude Dubois Claude Dubois Claude Dubois Claude Dubois Claude Dubois Claude Dubois Claude Francois Claude Francois Claude Francois Claude Francois Claude Francois Claude Francois Claude Francois Claude Francois Claude Francois Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Pagina 295 19988326 19988327 19988328 19988334 19988335 19988336 19988338 19988345 19988346 19988347 19988352 19988353 19988355 19988357 19988361 19988364 19988369 19988370 19988372 19988374 19988376 19988379 19988384 19988386 19988387 19988388 19988389 752788 752789 752790 752791 752792 752793 752794 19988539 19988486 19988924 19988577 19988483 752795 752796 752797 752798 19988927 19988928 19988489 19988493 19988498 753118 753119 753120 753121 19988526 753122 19988533 19988534 753123 19988552 19988569 753124 19986430 19986435 19986438 19986439 19986441 19986431 19986427 19986432 19986434 19986428 19986442 FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR Je Te Demande Pardon Je Vais À Rio Je Viens Diner Ce Soir La Ferme Du Bonheur La Plus Belle Fille Du Monde La Solitude C'est Aprés Le Chanteur Malheureux Le Vagabond Les Choses De La Maison Les Cloches Sonnaient Les Silhouettes Maman Chérie Megamix Meme Si Tu Revenais Ne T'en Fais Pas Mon Vieux Pauvre Petite Fille Riche Quand Un Bateau Passe Quelquefois (Avec Voix Féminine) Reste Sale Bonhomme Sha La La Si Tu Veut Être Heureux Terry Tout Le Monde Rit D'un Clown Un Peu D'amour Beaucoup De Haine Une Petite Larme M'a Trahi Vénus En Blue-Jeans Ce Soir Diable Que Je T'aime Je M'ennuie De Toi Je Suis Un Romantique Juliana La Femme De Ma Vie Mal D'amour Le premier pas Armstrong Cécile Ma Fille Tu Verras Aide Moi À Passer La Nuit J'ai Dit Non Garde Moi Ton Amour L'appartement Hasta la vista Haut Les Mains Vive Le Douanier Rousseau Ba Moi En Tibo Bon Baiser De Fort-De-France C´est Bon Pour Le Moral Ca Fait Rire Les Oiseaux Celimene Collé Collé Haut Les Mains La Bonne Aventure La Machine A Danser Le 14 Juillet Le Bal Masqué Le Douanier Rousseau Ma Première Biguine Partie Soca Party Sur La Plage Un Cadeau Du Ciel A La Claire Fontaine Au Clair De La Lune Aupres De Ma Blonde Chevaliers De La Table Ronde Frere Jacques Gentil Coquelicot Il Etait Une Bergere Le Bon Roi Dagobert Quand Trois Poules Vont Aux Champs Savez-Vous Planter Les Choux Sur La Route De Louviers Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude François Claude Michel Claude Michel Claude Michel Claude Michel Claude Michel Claude Michel Claude Michel Claude Michel Schoenberg Claude Nougaro Claude Nougaro Claude Nougaro Claude Valade Claude Valade Claude Valade & Jerome Lemay Claudette Morisette Collage Compagnie Creole Compagnie Creole Compagnie Créole, La Compagnie Créole, La Compagnie Créole, La Compagnie Créole, La Compagnie Créole, La Compagnie Créole, La Compagnie Créole, La Compagnie Créole, La Compagnie Créole, La Compagnie Créole, La Compagnie Créole, La Compagnie Créole, La Compagnie Créole, La Compagnie Créole, La Compagnie Créole, La Comptine Comptine Comptine Comptine Comptine Comptine Comptine Comptine Comptine Comptine Comptine Pagina 296 19986433 19986443 19986444 752799 752800 19988930 19988931 19988488 19988491 19988492 15826652 19988500 15826661 19988511 15826683 19988512 19988514 752801 15826690 19988516 19988521 19988530 15826730 19988537 19987315 19988542 15826743 19988546 19988547 15826754 15826755 19988553 19988554 19988556 752802 19988559 19988560 19988566 19988578 19988579 752803 752804 752805 752806 752807 752808 752809 19988933 19987325 15826774 752810 752811 752812 752813 752814 752815 752816 19988939 752817 19988561 19988571 19988580 752818 752819 752820 752821 752822 752823 752824 19988942 752825 FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR Sur Le Pont D Avignon Un Jour La Troupe Campa Vent Frais Vent Du Matin Femme Liberee Maladie D'amour Parce Qu'on Vient De Loin Toune D'automne Avec Le Temps Bambino Bésame Mucho Come prima Comme Disait Mistinguett Darla dirladada Génération 78 Gigi l'amoroso Gondolier Il Faut Danser Le Reggae Il Venait D'avoir 18 Ans Itsi bitsi petit bikini J'attendrai Je Suis Malade La Dance De Zorba Laissez moi danser Le Jour Où La Pluie Viendra Le temps des fleurs Les Anges Noirs Les enfants du pirée Les Gitans Les Hommes De Ma Vie Mama blue Maman Mourir sur scène Nostalgie Parles Plus Bas Paroles Paroles Pour En Arriver Là Pour Ne Pas Vivre Seul Salma Ya Salama Une Femme À 40 Ans Voilà Pourquoi Je Chante La Serenite Les 3 Petits Cochons Pour Vous Aimer Tue Moi Blue Roses Jambalaya La Carte Postale Les Cowboys Du Québec Mon fils Ma bataille Quand on n'a plus rien a perdre La Folie En Quatre Un Peu D'innocence Je T'attendais L'amour Que J'ai Pour Toi La Dance Du Smatte Tension Attention Ne T'en Fais Pas Les Champs Elysees De La Main Gauche Quand Je Vois Tes Yeux Suzette Ya Qu'les Filles Qui M'intéressent Ecoute Moi Donc Faire La Paix Avec L'amour Histoire Du Bon Vieux Temps Sourire Voyeur Y'a Du Monde Reviens Moi Dis Moi L'enfant Du Divorce Comptine Comptine Comptine Cooky Dingler Corbeau Corneille Cowboy Fringant Dalida Dalida Dalida Dalida Dalida Dalida Dalida Dalida Dalida Dalida Dalida Dalida Dalida Dalida Dalida Dalida Dalida Dalida Dalida Dalida Dalida Dalida Dalida Dalida Dalida Dalida Dalida Dalida Dalida Dalida Dalida Dalida Dalida Dan & Lou Dan Bigras Dan Bigras Dan Bigras Dani Daraiche Dani Daraiche Dani Daraiche Dani Daraiche Daniel Balavoine Daniel Balavoine et France Gall Daniel Belanger Daniel Deshaime Daniel Hetu Daniel Hetu Daniel Lavoie Daniel Lavoie Daniel Malfara Daniele Vidal Danielle Messia Danny Brillant Danny Brillant Danny Brillant Dany Bedard Dany Bedard Dany Bedard Dany Bedard Dany Bedard Dany Bedard Dany Bedard & Anny Carrier Dany Brillant Dany Jeffrey Pagina 297 19988484 19987333 752826 752626 19988945 19987321 752827 752828 19988948 19988949 19988950 19988951 752829 752830 752831 752832 19988952 752833 752834 752835 752836 752837 752838 752839 19988954 19988955 19988956 753111 752840 752841 752842 752843 752844 753357 19990745 15826635 15826655 15826658 19988504 19988515 15826708 19987322 15826718 15826731 15826756 15826783 15826791 19988573 15826798 19988576 15826660 15826768 752845 19988513 19988957 752846 19988532 19987317 810257 19987287 752847 19987298 752848 19988524 19988563 19988572 19988958 19987346 752850 752851 752852 FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR Allo Elisa Du cote de chez Swann Le Chant Des Iles Souvenirs D'enfanc Souvenirs D'enfance Céliméne Sur Le Bord De La Greve La Danse Du P'tit Peteux Quand Vérité Voyage Voyage Ma Gueule Hollywood Freak J'ai Rencontre L'homme De Ma Vie Le Monde Est Stone Mon P'tit Boogie Woogie A Ma Maniere Gilberto Si J'etais Un Homme Tes Yeux Je Ne Suis Plus Rien Sans Toi Les Yeux D'une Femme Tu N'es Plus La Elle Boom Desjardins Femme Libérée La Peine Maximum L'Amour du Jour Changer Du Plaisir Les Femmes Seulement L'amour Manon Viens Danser Le Ska This Is Me Le petit pont de bois A credit et en stereo Comme quand j'étais môme Couleur menthe a l'eau Dix huit ans demain Il Ne Rentre Pas Ce Soir L'eche bottes blues La derniere seance La fille du motel Le cemetiere des éléphants Manque de toi Rio Grande Sur la route de Memphis Toujour Un Coin Qui Me Rappelle Tu parles trop Tu Peux Préparer L'café Noir Daniela On veut des légendes Paquetville Hymne a l'amour Immortelle L'hymne A L'amour La Foule La vie en rose Les Amants d'un Jour Non je ne regrette rien Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien Sous je ciel de Paris Ole Ole Jour De Niege Quelque Chose Dans Mon Coeur T'en Va Pas Capitaine Abandonné Je fais de toi mon essentiel Et C'est Pas Fini Le Monde A Lenvers Les Millionnaires Du Dimanche Dave Dave David Bernatchez David Jalbert David Jalbert David Martial Denis Cormier Denis Cote Deschamps Martin Deschamps Martin Desireless Diam Diane Dufresne Diane Dufresne Diane Dufresne Diane Dufresne Diane Juster Diane Tell Diane Tell Diane Tell Dick Rivers Dick Rivers Dick Rivers Didier Barbelivien Dieu Dingler Cookie Dix Commandements Dogiro Don Juan Don Juan Don Juan Don Juan Donald Lautrec Dream Duteil Eddy Mitchell Eddy Mitchell Eddy Mitchell Eddy Mitchell Eddy Mitchell Eddy Mitchell Eddy Mitchell Eddy Mitchell Eddy Mitchell Eddy Mitchell Eddy Mitchell Eddy Mitchell Eddy Mitchell Eddy Mitchell Eddy Mitchell Eddy Mitchell & Les chaussettes noires Eddy Mitchell et Johnny Hallyday Edith Butler Edith Piaf Edith Piaf Edith Piaf Edith Piaf Edith Piaf Edith Piaf Edith Piaf Edith Piaf Edith Piaf Eleven Thirty Elsa Elsa Elsa Emille & Image Emmanuel Emmanuelle Emmanuelle Enrico Macias Pagina 298 752853 752854 752855 752643 752856 752857 752858 752859 752860 752861 752862 752863 752864 752865 752866 752867 752868 752869 752870 752871 752872 752873 752874 752875 752876 752877 752878 752879 752880 752881 19988509 752882 19987367 19990733 752884 752885 752886 752887 752888 752889 752890 19988490 15826643 15826662 752891 19987343 752892 15826688 15826716 19987331 15826748 752893 752894 752895 752896 752897 752898 752899 752900 19988481 19988482 19988485 19988487 19988494 752901 19988496 19988497 19988499 19988501 19988502 19988503 FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR Mon coeur d'attache Tes Larmes Sont Mes Baisers Le Monde Est Gris 1500 miles Bobépine D'l'amour J'en Veux Pus Deux Fois La Meme Histoire Elle Dort Avec Moi L'exquise La Bartendresse Le Boys Blues Band Le Screw Les Boys Loader comme un gun Ma Gueule Marie Stone Mon Ange Motel 117 Naziland On Commence A S'quitter Priez Qu'est Ce Que Ca Peut Ben Faire Reste La Terre Promise Un Beau Grand Slow On Va Gagner Si Tu M'aimes A Toutes Les Filles Dansons Le Mambo N'oublie Jamais Felicie Aussi Savoir Aimer Y a pas un homme C' est si bon Toi Et Moi Amoureux Ailleurs Animal J'ai Plus Ma Place J'entends Ta Voix Je N'irais Pas Ailleurs Mon Frere Babacar Besoin d'amour Débranche Ella Ella Evidemment Homme Tout Petit Il jouait du piano debout La declaration d'amour Laisse tomber les filles Les succettes Musique Sacre Charlemagne Il Est Parti Souvenir Pense A Moi Souvenirs Retrouves Vivre Avec Celui Qu'on Aime Y'a Les Mots A L'encre De Tes Yeux African tour Animal Assis, sur le rebord du monde Bonne nouvelle C'est Ecrit C'est presque rien C'etait L'hiver Carte postale Dame d'un soir Des gens formidables Des Hommes Pareils Enrico Macias Enrique Iglesias Eric Charden Eric Lapointe Eric Lapointe Eric Lapointe Eric Lapointe Eric Lapointe Eric Lapointe Eric Lapointe Eric Lapointe Eric Lapointe Eric Lapointe Eric Lapointe Eric Lapointe Eric Lapointe Eric Lapointe Eric Lapointe Eric Lapointe Eric Lapointe Eric Lapointe Eric Lapointe Eric Lapointe Eric Lapointe Eric Lapointe Etienne Eve Felix Gray & Didier Barbelivien Fernand Gignac Fernand Gignac Fernandel Florent Pagny Florent Pagny Forever Gentlemen France Castel & Gilles Brown France D'amour France D'amour France D'amour France D'amour France D'amour France D'amour France Gall France Gall France Gall France Gall France Gall France Gall France Gall France Gall France Gall France Gall France Gall France Gall Francesca Francesca Francine Raymond Francine Raymond Francine Raymond Francine Raymond Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Pagina 299 19988505 752627 19988508 19988510 19988518 19988519 19988520 752902 19988523 752903 19988527 19988528 752904 19988531 19988535 19988536 19988538 19988540 19988541 19988543 19988544 752628 19988548 19988549 19988550 19988551 19988555 752905 19988558 752906 19988562 752907 752908 19988565 19988567 752909 19988575 752910 752912 19988961 19988962 752913 19988517 752914 752915 19990724 19990757 752916 19990758 19990759 19990760 19990761 19990762 19990763 19990764 19990765 752917 752918 752919 752920 752921 19990693 19990766 752925 752629 752926 752927 752928 752929 752930 752933 FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR Dormir debout Elle Écoute Pousser Les Fleurs Encore et encore Gardien De Nuit Je L'aime A Mourir Je pense encore à toi Je rêve Je T'aimais Je T'aime Et Je T'aimerai Je te suivrai L'encre De Tes Yeux La Cabane Du Pecheur La corrida La Dame De Haute Savoie La fille qui m'accompagne Le Chene Liege Le cygne blanc Le monde est sourd Le temps s'en allait Leila et les chasseurs Les cardinaux en costume Les chemins de traverse Les Chevaliers Cathares Les Murs De Poussièrre Les pantins de naphtaline Les passantes Ma place dans le traffic Octobre Petite Marie Petite sirène Quand J'aime Une Fois J'aime Pour Toujours Quelqu'un de l'intérieur Question D'equilibre Rosie Saïd et Mohamed Samedi soir sur la terre Sarbacane Tout le monde y pense C'etait L'hiver Le Ciel, Le Soleil Et La Mer Joue Pas Les Valses De Vienne Snack Bar Chez Raymond J'ecoute de la music soul Tous Les Garcons Et Les Filles Sing C'est La Vie Amapola C' est impossible Dites Lui Que Je L'aime Du côté de l' amour Je peux pas t' oublier Le blues de toi Le coeur qui s' accroche Le crooner On se quitte et pourtant Pour toujours et à jamais Qui plus que nous Toutes Les Femmes Sont Belles Pinto Je T'aime A L'italienne Le Telephone Pleure Mon Coeur Te Dis Je T'aime Aimer En plein soleil Aucune Fille Au Monde Dirladada Indigene Etcetera Le Big Bang Suivre L'etoile Un Mur Entre Nos Coeurs Demande Au Soleil Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel Francis Cabrel & Isabelle Boulay Francois Duguelt François Feldman François Feldman Francois Perusse Francoise Hardy Françoise Hardy Frank Alamo Frank Michael Frank Michael Frank Michael Frank Michael Frank Michael Frank Michael Frank Michael Frank Michael Frank Michael Frank Michael Frank Michael Frank Michael Frank, Dave, Steff Frederic Francois Frederic Francois Frederic Francois Frédéric François Frederiic Francois G Squad G.O. Culture Gabriel Marc Gabrielle Destroismaisons Gabrielle Destroismaisons Gabrielle Destroismaisons Gaetan Richard Garolou Pagina 300 752934 752935 752931 752936 752937 752938 752939 752940 752932 19988964 19988965 19988966 19988967 19988968 752941 752942 752943 19988969 19990735 752641 19990809 752944 19987326 15826733 19987360 19987363 19987324 752945 752946 15826789 19990697 19990695 752947 752948 752949 752950 752951 752952 752953 752954 19985463 752956 752957 15826764 15826771 752958 19988970 19987365 752961 752959 752960 752962 752963 752964 752965 19988971 752967 752968 752969 752970 752987 752971 752972 752973 752974 752975 752976 752977 752978 752979 752980 FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR Je N'attendais Que Vous L'aveu La Complainte Du Marechal Biron Ne Me Parlez Plus D'elle Passe Ta Route Que L'amour Est Violent Reviens (Où Te Caches Tu) Seul Victoria Demande Au Soleil L'aveu Ne Me Parlez Plus D'elle Passe Ta Route Reviens Le Sucre Et Le Sel Sous Le Vent Le Vieux Du Bas Du Fleuve Sans Le Comprendre Chanson pour l' Auvergnat Fernande Les copains d abord Je Bois Pour Oublier Il est trop tard Le meteque J'én rêve encore Tomber Une seule vie La Ballade Des Gens Heureux Le gentil dauphin triste Si j'etais president De toi Gentil dauphin triste On Est Fait L'un Pour L'autre Le Reflet De Ma Vie Cette Voix Que J'ai La Femme D'or Pour Une Dernière Fois Toujours Vivant Un Beau Grand Bateau Les Yeux Du Coeur Et Maintenant L'important C'est La Rose Les Cerisiers Sont Blancs Nathalie Quand il est mort le poete L'amour Est Mort On Va S'aimer Sous les sunlight des tropiques Trop jeune Tu M'monte C'a Tête Une Autre Chambre D'hotel Pourquoi Ne Pas Dire Que Tu M'aimes Je Suis Cool La Vie En Rose Un Peu De Soleil Un Mur Entre Nos Coeur A Ma Manière Comment Te Dire Des Croissants De Soleil Du Bleu Du Bleu Fais Moi La Tendresse J'ai Besoin D'un Ami Je Ne Suis Qu'une Chanson L'essentiel La Dernière Valse La Deuxieme Voix La Vie Laisse Pas Tomber Le Vieux Bluesman Laissez Moi Revenir Sur Terre Le Sable Et La Mer Leolo Garolou Garolou Garolou Garolou Garolou Garolou Garolou Garolou Garolou Garou Garou Garou Garou Garou Garou & Annie, Suzie Villeneuve Garou & Celine Dion Gaston Mandeville Gendarmes Georges Brassens Georges Brassens Georges Brassens Georges Hamel Georges Moustaki Georges Moustaki Gérald de Palmas Gérald de Palmas Geraldo de Palmas Gerard Lenorman Gerard Lenorman Gerard Lenorman Gérard Lenorman Gérard Lenorman Gerry & Johanne Gerry B Gerry Boulet Gerry Boulet Gerry Boulet Gerry Boulet Gerry Boulet Gerry Boulet & Marjo Gilbert Becaud Gilbert Becaud Gilbert Becaud Gilbert Becaud Gilbert Becaud Gilbert Becaud & Martine St Clair Gilbert Montagné Gilbert Montagné Gildor Roy Gildor Roy Gildor Roy Gilles Brown Gilles Valiquette Gilles Valiquette Gilles Valiquette Ginette & Raymond Lavoie Ginette Reno Ginette Reno Ginette Reno Ginette Reno Ginette Reno Ginette Reno Ginette Reno Ginette Reno Ginette Reno Ginette Reno Ginette Reno Ginette Reno Ginette Reno Ginette Reno Ginette Reno Pagina 301 752981 752982 752983 752984 752985 752986 19990698 752988 752989 19988972 752990 19987338 752991 752992 752993 19990714 19990819 19988973 19990782 19987318 19990973 19988974 752994 752995 15826649 15826676 15826694 15826699 15826710 15826729 752997 15826767 752998 752999 15826800 753001 753002 19990810 19988975 19990811 753004 19990786 753019 753006 753007 753008 753009 753010 753011 753012 753013 753014 753015 753016 753017 753018 753005 19988977 15826638 19987356 15826703 15826715 15826728 19987362 19987364 15826741 19987334 15826758 19987296 15826801 15826672 FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR Paris Quebec Remixer Ma Vie Tu Es La Tu Vivras Toujours Dans Mon Coeur Un Homme Ça Tient Chaud Un Peu Plus Haut Un Peu Plus Loin Je me souviens de toi Je Serai La Pour Toi Diana Respire La Vie En Rose Le feu sur les planches Devant Le Jukebox Pour Un Instant Un Musicien Parmis Tant D'autres Il y a trop de gens qui t' aiment Loin du froid de décembre Jardin D'hiver Juanita Banana Le lion est mort de soir Une Chanson Douce Flagrant Delit Pour Le Plaisir Pris En Flagrant Delit Capri c'est fini Fais la rire J'm'en balance Je t'aime tant L'idiot La vie est belle Mediterraneenne Nous Reviens Sayonara Va pour l'amour libre Celibataire Stewball Les crayons de couleur C'est Dur D'etre Humble Les démons de minuit J'ai Demande A La Lune L' aventurier Adrienne C'est Quoi C'est L'habitude Depuis Le Premier Jour Et Mon Coeur En Prend Plein La Gueule J'ai Mal À L'amour J'enrage Jamais Asser Loin La Lune Parles Moi Sans Toi Saule Tombee De Toi Un Jour Ou L'autre Vole Colombe Tout Au Bout De Nos Peines Au Bout De Nos Peines Amsterdam J'arrive Jef La chanson des vieux amants La valse a mille temps La ville s'endormait Le plat pays Les bonbons Les vieux Mathilde Ne me quitte pas Vesoul Et moi et moi et moi Ginette Reno Ginette Reno Ginette Reno Ginette Reno Ginette Reno Ginette Reno Ginette Reno et Marianne Molina Gino Qualico & Marilou Gloria Lasso Goldman Jones Fredericks Grace Jones Grégory Lemarchal Guy Boucher & Châtelaine Harmonium Harmonium Hélène Ségara Hélène Ségara Henri Salvador Henri Salvador Henri Salvador Henri Salvador Herbert Leonard Herbert Leonard Herbert Leonard Herve Villard Herve Villard Herve Villard Herve Villard Herve Villard Herve Villard Herve Villard Herve Villard Herve Villard Herve Villard Herve Villard Hugo Lapointe Hugues Auffray Hugues Aufray Hunter Billy Images Indochine Indochine Isabelle Boulay Isabelle Boulay Isabelle Boulay Isabelle Boulay Isabelle Boulay Isabelle Boulay Isabelle Boulay Isabelle Boulay Isabelle Boulay Isabelle Boulay Isabelle Boulay Isabelle Boulay Isabelle Boulay Isabelle Boulay Isabelle Boulay & J Halliday Isabelle Boulay & Johnny Halliday Jacques Brel Jacques Brel Jacques Brel Jacques Brel Jacques Brel Jacques Brel Jacques Brel Jacques Brel Jacques Brel Jacques Brel Jacques Brel Jacques Brel Jacques Dutronc Pagina 302 753020 15826687 15826693 15826709 15826711 15826735 15826736 15826742 15826746 15826759 15826761 753021 753022 753023 19988978 15826724 15826753 15826775 15826639 15826656 19987300 15826712 753024 15826769 15826772 15826793 753025 753026 753027 753028 753029 753030 753031 19990780 19990740 19990752 19987327 19988979 19988980 753032 19987319 19988981 19990703 19987332 19990785 19990852 19990861 753033 753034 753035 753036 753037 753038 19987309 753039 19990704 19987288 753041 753042 19990784 19990788 753043 19987341 19990801 753044 753045 19990821 753046 19990711 19988982 753047 FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR Gentleman Cambrioleur Il est 5 heures (Paris s'eveille) J'aime les filles L'hotesse de l'air L'opportuniste Le petit jardin Le plus difficile Les cactus Les playboys Merde in France Mode d'emploi Avec Toi Cindy Le Bonheur C'est Toi Ex-fan Du Sixtees La montagne Maintenant je sais Quand on s'promène au bord de l'eau Au bout de mes rêves Comme toi Famille Là bas La Vie Par Procuration Pas toi (version live 98) Quand la musique est bonne Tournent les violons Chante La Ta Chanson Rock & Roll Pauvrete L'amour Est Une Chanson Sans Toi Le Petit Roi T'es Belle Une Chance Qu'on S'a Compte pas sur moi Confidentiel Envole-moi Voila, c'est fini Femme Que J'aime Toute Première Fois T'es Mon Amour, T'es Ma M J'aimerais tellement Des Mots Qui Résonnent Donne moi le temps Donne-moi le temps L' amour & Moi Poupée de cire poupée de son Sur le fil Saint Tropez Ton Amour Est Trop Lourd Pour Moi T'es Jamais Partie Lâche pas la patate Repartir A Zero A Toi Aux Champs Elys'es Ca Va Pas Changer Le Monde Dans les yeux d Emilie Et si tu n'exitais pas Guantanamera Il Etait Une Fois Nous Deux L' Amérique L' équipe à Jojo L'ete Indien Le cafe des colombes Le chemin de papa Le Petit Pain Au Chocolat Les Yeux D'emilie Ma bonne étoile Salut Les Amoureux Siffler Sur La Colline Mamy Blue C'est Pas Encore Fait Jacques Dutronc Jacques Dutronc Jacques Dutronc Jacques Dutronc Jacques Dutronc Jacques Dutronc Jacques Dutronc Jacques Dutronc Jacques Dutronc Jacques Dutronc Jacques Dutronc Jacques Lepage Jacques Lepage Jacques Salvail Jane Birkin Jean Ferrat Jean Gabin Jean Gabin Jean Jacques Goldman Jean Jacques Goldman Jean Jacques Goldman Jean Jacques Goldman Jean Jacques Goldman Jean Jacques Goldman Jean Jacques Goldman Jean Jacques Goldman Jean Lapointe Jean Leloup Jean Nichol Jean Nichol Jean Pierre Ferland Jean Pierre Ferland Jean Pierre Ferland Jean-Jacques Goldman Jean-Jacques Goldman Jean-Jacques Goldman Jean-Louis Aubert Jean-Luc Lahaye Jeanne Mas Jeanpierre F & Ginette R Jena Lee Jenifer Jenifer Jenifer Jenifer Jenifer Jenifer Jenny Rock Jim Corcoran Jimmy Bond Jimmy C. Newman Joe Bocan Joe Dassin Joe Dassin Joe Dassin Joe Dassin Joe Dassin Joe Dassin Joe Dassin Joe Dassin Joe Dassin Joe Dassin Joe Dassin Joe Dassin Joe Dassin Joe Dassin Joe Dassin Joe Dassin Joe Dassin Joel Dayde Joel Denis Pagina 303 753048 753049 753052 753050 753051 753053 753054 753055 753056 753057 753058 753059 753060 753061 753062 753063 753064 753065 15826659 15826677 753066 753067 15826717 15826727 753068 15826757 15826765 753069 753070 15826779 15826781 15826784 19990722 19990690 15826681 15826686 15826701 19990800 15826734 19987305 19987351 15826778 19987286 15826796 15826802 753071 753072 753073 753074 753075 753076 753077 753078 753079 753080 753082 753083 753084 753085 753086 753087 753088 752757 753089 753090 753091 753092 753093 753094 753096 753097 FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR Hey Lolita Le yaya Danger (René) Le Bistro Du Coin Monsieur Le Clown Dors Caroline Je T'aime Dejà Just'au Bon Moment Sors Moi Donc Albert L'enfant Do Navigateur Solitaire Etre Naturel J'ai Ta Photo Dans Ma Chambre Je T'aime Je Te Veux Ma Poupee D'amour Parce Qu'elle Est La Trois P'tits Coups Un Soir Sans Toi Da dou ron ron Fils de personne J'ai Oublie De Vivre Joue Pas De Rock 'n Roll Pour Moi La fille de l'ete dernier La terre promise Les Portes Du Penitencier Marie Noël interdit Noir C'est Noir Que Je T'aime Quelques cris Retiens la nuit Rock n'roll attitude Allumer le feu Essayer Gabrielle Hey Joe Je te promets Le bon temps du Rock N Roll Le pénitencier Mon plus brau noel Pas cette Chanson Quelque chose de Tennessee Sang pour sang Toute la musique que j'aime Vivre pour le meilleur J'ai Un Probleme Ti Casse Ah Si Mon Moine & Prendre Un P'tit Coup C'est Dans Le Temps Du Jour De L'an Ce N'est Qu'un Aurevoir La Veillee Chez L'père Jos Le Bon Vin M'endort Le Reveillon Nos Vieilles Maisons Prendre Un Verre De Bière Mon Minou Si J'etais La Fin D'un Amour (Voix Homme) Aimer Souffrir Pardonner Oublier Es Tu Mienne J'suis Fauchee Je Voudrais Etre Madelinot Je Vous Aime Je Vous Adore L'hotel et la boisson La Chansons Du Prisonnier Le Jour De Ton Retour Les Cowboys Du Quebec Priere D'une Mere Que La Lune Est Belle Ce Soir Un Verre Sur La Table Billy C'est Zero Joel Denis Joel Denis Joelle Bizier Joelle Bizier Joelle Bizier Johanne Blouin Johanne Blouin Johanne Blouin Johanne Blouin Johanne Bond Johanne Bond Johnny Farago Johnny Farago Johnny Farago Johnny Farago Johnny Farago Johnny Farago Johnny Farago Johnny Halliday Johnny Halliday Johnny Halliday Johnny Halliday Johnny Halliday Johnny Halliday Johnny Halliday Johnny Halliday Johnny Halliday Johnny Halliday Johnny Halliday Johnny Halliday Johnny Halliday Johnny Halliday Johnny Hallyday Johnny Hallyday Johnny Hallyday Johnny Hallyday Johnny Hallyday Johnny Hallyday Johnny Hallyday Johnny Hallyday Johnny Hallyday Johnny Hallyday Johnny Hallyday Johnny Hallyday Johnny Hallyday Johnny Hallyday & Sylvie Vartan Johnny Lariviere Jour De L'an Jour De L'an Jour De L'an Jour De L'an Jour De L'an Jour De L'an Jour De L'an Jour De L'an Judith Berard Julie & Les Frères Duguay Julie Daraiche Julie Daraiche Julie Daraiche Julie Daraiche Julie Daraiche Julie Daraiche Julie Daraiche Julie Daraiche Julie Daraiche Julie Daraiche Julie Daraiche Julie Daraiche Julie Masse Julie Masse Pagina 304 19988983 19990705 19990754 753098 19990818 19988985 19990864 19987368 15826664 753099 19990776 19987335 19990846 19990872 752924 19987336 753103 752631 752632 753101 753102 753106 753107 752923 15826749 752633 19988987 753131 753108 753109 753110 19987291 19987312 19985946 19988341 19988356 19988988 19987330 753126 19987292 753130 19987314 753128 753129 19988994 753132 753133 753134 753135 753136 753137 753138 753139 19987320 19990799 753140 753141 19988996 19988997 753142 19990679 19990806 19990807 19990730 753143 753144 753145 753146 753147 753148 753149 FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR Eve Lève Toi Fais moi une place Femmes... Je vous aime La Fille Au Bas Nylon Lili voulait aller danser Ma Préférence This Melody Les bords de mer Deshabillez moi Il Faut Toujours Un Perdant Je n' ai pas changé Pauvres diables (Vous les femmes) Pauvres diables (Vous les femmes) Viens m embrasser Femme Like You Manhattan Adam & Ève Comme Dans Le temps Comme Une Étoile Embarque Ma Belle Parles Moi D'toi Desenchantee Ella Ella La Promesse Libertine Voyage Voyage (Avec Back) Chérie Reponds Moi Asereje Father On The Go Frequenter L'oubli Maudite Jalousie Aïcha C'est la vie C'est la vie (2012) (Francais - Arab) Le Jour Viendra Même Pas Fatigués Chic Planète Croire Immortelle J'y crois encore Je T'aime La difference Leila Pas Sans Toi Tu Es Mon Autre Au Nom De La Raison Corridor En Courant Encore Et Encore Jeter Un Sort Les Yeux Noirs Rage Tomber Belle ile en mer Le coeur grenadine Rockcollection Je T'aime Cindy Je Dis Aime Passer Ma Route Goodbye My Love A malypense Tu te reconnaîtras Avec le temps C' est extra L'envie D'aimer La Peine Maximum Monsieur Le Robot Donne Moi Ma Chance Fais Attention T'es Dans La Lune Le Coin Des Amours Julie Pietri Julien Clerc Julien Clerc Julien Clerc Julien Clerc Julien Clerc Julien Clerc Julien Doré Juliette Greco Julio Iglesias Julio Iglesias Julio Iglesias Julio Iglesias Julio Iglesias K'maro Kaboul Renaud & Axelle Red Kain Kain Kain Kain Kain Kate Ryan Kate Ryan Kate Ryan Kate Ryan Kate Ryan Kelly G Ketchup, Las Kevin Parent Kevin Parent Kevin Parent Khaled Khaled Khaled Khaled Khaled L'affair Louis Trio Lara Fabian Lara Fabian Lara Fabian Lara Fabian Lara Fabian Lara Fabian Lara Fabian Lara Fabian Laurence Jalbert Laurence Jalbert Laurence Jalbert Laurence Jalbert Laurence Jalbert Laurence Jalbert Laurence Jalbert Laurence Jalbert Laurent Voulzy Laurent Voulzy Laurent Voulzy Le Cowboy Des Iles Le Fleur Le Forestier Maxime Leandre Leny Escudero Leny Escudero Léo Ferré Léo Ferré Les 10 Commandements Les 10 Commandements Les Baby Spices Les Bb Les Bb Les Bb Les Bel Air Pagina 305 753150 753151 753152 753153 753154 753155 753156 753157 753158 753185 753159 753160 753161 753162 753163 753164 753165 753166 753167 753168 753169 753170 753171 15826766 753172 753173 753174 753175 753176 753177 753178 753179 753180 753182 753181 753183 753184 752634 19988998 19988999 19989000 753186 753187 753188 19990686 19990687 753189 753190 753191 753192 753193 753194 753000 753195 753196 753197 753198 753199 19987306 19990732 19990692 19990790 19990828 19990720 19987781 19990621 19990622 19990623 19990629 19990620 15826704 FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR Susie Darling Seul Dalila Marchant Dans La Plaine Si J'etais Millionnaire Ton Amour A Change Ma Vie Bon Yeu Julie La Rue Principale Mauvais caractere Mon Chum Remi Toune D'automne Fume,fume,fume Chante Et Danse C'est D'l'amour Prends Ca Cool Oh Carole Sans Le Comprendre Miss Boney Maronie Quand Les Roses Au Chant De L'alouette Sugar Town Trop Fragile Non, non, rien n'a changé Amalgame Hola Decadence L'argent Fait Le Bonheur Libre Ma Vie À L'heure Mele-Toi De Tes Affaires Souviens Toi C'est A Toi Que Je Pense En Fermant La Porte La Poupee Qui Fait Non Va T'en Hawaienne Saskatchewan Tout Nu Sur La Plage Entre Nous Voyage En Italie Quand Je Partirai Quand Je Partirai Jamais Fidele Le Plus Fort C'est Mon Pere Amoureux solitaires Banana split A 20 Ans J'ai Besoin D'amour Pres De Moi Sur Un Air Latino Toute Seule Dans La Prison De Londres Let It Go Cash City Sauvez Mon Ame Ce Qu'il Reste De Nous Quand On S'en Va Pour Oublier Soirs De Scotch Même si C' est magnifique Fandango La belle de Cadix Mexico A nos actes manqués J'me tire Brisé Est-ce que tu m'aimes Laissez Passer Sapés comme jamais Zombie Katy Les Bel Air Les Bel Canto Les Classels Les Classels Les Classels Les Classels Les Colocs Les Colocs Les Colocs Les Colocs Les Cowboys Fringants Les Cowboys Fringants Les Excentriques Les Forbans Les Frères A Ch'val Les Frères A Ch'val Les Gendarmes Les Gendarmes Les Habits Jaunes Les Hou Lops Les Karricks Les Myladys Les Parfaits Salauds Les Poppys Les Respectables Les Respectables Les Respectables Les Respectables Les Respectables Les Respectables Les Respectables Les Sultans Les Sultans Les Sultans Les Sultans Les Trois Accords Les Trois Accords Les Trois Accords Liah Foly Lilicub Lima Primard Lina Primard Linda Lemay Linda Lemay Lio Lio Lorie Lorie Lorie Lorie Lorie Louise Forestier Luba Luc De La Rochelleire Luc De La Rochelleire Luce Dufault Luce Dufault Luce Dufault Lucie Silvas & Grégory Lemarchal Luis Mariano Luis Mariano Luis Mariano Luis Mariano M. Pokora Maitre Gims Maître Gims Maître Gims Maître Gims Maître Gims Maître Gims Marc Aryan Pagina 306 15826719 19990738 19990748 753200 753201 753202 753203 753204 753205 753206 753207 753208 753209 753210 753211 753212 753213 753214 753215 753216 753218 753219 753220 753221 753222 753223 753224 753225 753226 753227 753228 753229 19990796 753231 753230 19990887 753232 753233 753234 753235 753236 753237 753238 752635 753239 753242 753240 753241 753243 753244 753245 753246 753247 753248 753249 753250 753251 19811115 753253 753254 19989002 753255 752636 753256 753257 752637 753258 753259 19990867 753260 19990755 FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR La lettre Chère amie (Toutes mes excuses) Elle a les yeux revolver Un Coin Du Ciel C'est La Faute Au Bossa Nova Donne Toi Entre L'ombre Et La Lumière L'aigle Noir Les Faits Contraire Cette Melodie Comment J'pourrais Te L'dire Maudit Bordel Naitre Non Negociable Reveille Sans Regret Soiree De Filles Toe C'est Moe Tout Effacer Entre La Tete Et Le Coeur Je M'imagine Pourquoi (Si Difficile De S'aimer) Si Demain (Turn Around) Aller Plus Haut Dans Chacun De Mes Silences Fille De Ville La Quete Le Ciel Est A Moi That's It, That's All Une Force En Toi Encore Une Fois Coeur De Maman La tendresse Emmene moi Encore Une Nuit L' oiseau et l' enfant Tu Es Comme Ca Je Roule Au Son Du Rock'n Roll Blues De Toi C'est La Vie Je N't'aime Plus Pleure Sous La Pluie Quitte Moi Sur Ta Musique Tants De Mots A Bout De Ciel Ailleurs Bohemienne Celle Qui Va Chats Sauvages Doux Illegal Impoesie J'lache Pas Je Sais, Je Sais Provocante Sans Toit Ni Loi Si C'est ça La Vie Ton Nom Trop D'amour Un Enfant De Toi Casanova Ma Blonde Est Tellement Quand Vérité J't'aimerai Encore Ce Soir L'amour Est Dans Tes Yeux On Va S'aimer Tout pour un seul homme Pas Gai La Pagaille Fleur de Paris Marc Aryan Marc Lavoine Marc Lavoine Marcel Martel Margot Lefebvre Marie Carmen Marie Carmen Marie Carmen Marie Chantal T & Boom D Marie Chantal Toupin Marie Chantal Toupin Marie Chantal Toupin Marie Chantal Toupin Marie Chantal Toupin Marie Chantal Toupin Marie Chantal Toupin Marie Chantal Toupin Marie Chantal Toupin Marie Chantal Toupin Marie Denise Pelletier Marie Denise Pelletier Marie Denise Pelletier Marie Elaine & Wilfred Marie Elaine Thibert Marie Elaine Thibert Marie Elaine Thibert Marie Elaine Thibert Marie Elaine Thibert Marie Elaine Thibert Marie Elaine Thibert Marie Elaine Thibert & Boom Desjardins Marie King Marie Laforêt Marie Mai Marie Mai Marie Myriam Marilou & Garou Mario Benjamin Mario Pelchat Mario Pelchat Mario Pelchat Mario Pelchat Mario Pelchat Mario Pelchat Mario Pelchat Marjo Marjo Marjo Marjo Marjo Marjo Marjo Marjo Marjo Marjo Marjo Marjo Marjo Marjo Marjo Marlène Duval Martin Deschamps Martin Deschamps Martin Deschamps Martin Deschamps Martin Giroux Martine St Clair Martine St Clair Maurane Mauranne Maurice Chevalier Pagina 307 19990747 19990925 19990678 19990933 19990858 19990889 19811409 753261 15826651 19990890 19990891 19990892 19990829 19990893 19990894 19987304 19990830 19987278 19987344 19990831 19990895 19990896 19990897 15826804 19990875 19811602 753262 19811603 19990777 19990793 753263 753264 19990873 19987361 19987290 19811605 753265 753003 753266 753267 19990699 19990898 19990712 19990883 19990899 753268 19987337 15826637 19990900 19990715 19987354 19990707 19990716 15826674 19990717 19989004 753269 15826702 19990902 19987328 19990718 15826732 15826738 19987359 19990719 19992339 19990901 15826763 15826794 15826726 753270 FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR Education sentimentale Mon frère Né quelque part Parachutiste San Francisco Hiro de la luna On Chante Avec Vous J'men Veux Chez Laurette Fan de toi La vie, la vie Le chasseur Le Loir et Cher Le roi de rien Les aveux Les divorces Loin d' ici Pour un flirt Quand j”etais chanteur Que Marianne était jolie Rimbaud chanterait Tu me fais planer Un coup de pied dans la montagne White is white Wight Is Wight Attention Mesdames Et Messieur Chante Comme Si Tu Devais Mourir Demain Fais Comme L`oiseau Je n' aurai pas le temps La fête Tout Va Changer Une Belle Histoire Viva la vida La boite de jazz Lucille La Dame En Bleue Ou Est Passe Ma Boheme A T'aimer J'entends Frapper T'es Pas Tout Seul A Soir Gloria Goodbye Marylou Je suis un homme La pupée qui fait non Lettre à France Les Boites A Gogo Afrique adieu Allons dancer Chanteur de jazz Dis-moi Dix ans plus tȏt Espérer Être et ne pas avoir été Être une femme (Remix 2010) Je n' oublie pas Je N'aurai Pas Le Temps Je Vais T'aimer Je viens de sud La java de Broadway La maladie d'amour Le Blues Black Brother Le java de Broadway Le rire du sergent Les bals populaires Les hommes du vent Les lacs du Conemara Les vieux mariés Musica Tous les bateaux s'envolent La première fois qu'on s'aimers Aucun Coeur Maxime Le Forestier Maxime Le Forestier Maxime le Forestier Maxime Le Forestier Maxime Le Forestier Mecano Medley Melanie Renaud Michel Delpech Michel Delpech Michel Delpech Michel Delpech Michel Delpech Michel Delpech Michel Delpech Michel Delpech Michel Delpech Michel Delpech Michel Delpech Michel Delpech Michel Delpech Michel Delpech Michel Delpech Michel Delpech Michel Delpech Michel Fugain Michel Fugain Michel Fugain Michel Fugain Michel Fugain Michel Fugain Michel Fugain Michel Fugain Michel Jonasz Michel Jonasz Michel Louvain Michel Louvain Michel Pagliaro Michel Pagliaro Michel Pagliaro Michel Polnareff Michel Polnareff Michel Polnareff Michel Polnareff Michel Polnareff Michel Richard Michel Sardou Michel Sardou Michel Sardou Michel Sardou Michel Sardou Michel Sardou Michel Sardou Michel Sardou Michel Sardou Michel Sardou Michel Sardou Michel Sardou Michel Sardou Michel Sardou Michel Sardou Michel Sardou Michel Sardou Michel Sardou Michel Sardou Michel Sardou Michel Sardou Michel Sardou Michel Sardou Michel Sardou & Sylvie Vartan Michel Stax Pagina 308 753271 19811607 19990832 19990770 19990903 19990833 19990834 19989005 15826640 753272 15826670 15826692 753273 19989006 19987297 19990835 19990904 19990905 19987369 19990910 19990906 19990911 19990912 19990907 19990913 19990881 19990914 19990915 19990916 19990917 19990908 19990918 19990919 19990920 19990921 19990866 19990922 19990923 19811644 19811690 19811691 19811692 19811693 19811694 753275 19811696 19811697 19811698 19811699 753276 753277 753278 753279 19985589 19811876 19811877 15826644 15826645 19811879 15826663 753280 19811881 15826668 15826698 19811883 15826705 15826707 19811884 15826750 15826770 19811885 FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR Oh Ma Lili Je Suis Libre Cette fille c' était moi J' en appelle à la tendresse La prière sévillanne Un enfant c est comme ça cree Une petite française Les Boites A Gogo Ave Maria Discomotion Emmene moi danser se soir J'aime Une Vague Bleu BOOM BOOM BOOM Elle me dit A corps perdu Attendez C' est comme ca que je t' aime Dis-lui (Feelings) Donne un peu de toi Elle a garde des yeux d' enfant Je vis la vie que j' ai choisie L' amour c' est ça, l' amour c' est toi L' oiseau noir, L'oiseau blanc La fille à aimer La musique au fond du coeur On se retrouve par hasard Parce que je t aime plus que moi Qui a tort Qui pourra te dire Qui Saura Rien qu une larme Sans amis Serre les poings et bats-toi Toi, moi, nous Tout donné, tout repris Un grand bonheur Viens ce soir Laisse-Moi T'aimer [Karaoke] Acropolis Adieu La Derniere Valse La Paloma Adieu Mon Credo Pardonne Moi Ce Caprice D'enfant Pourquoi Le Monde Est Sans Amour Qu'elle Est Belle Santa Maria De La Mer Trois Milliard De Gens Sur Terre Une Femme Amoureuse Bye Bye Mon Cowboy Je T'aime Et C'est Tout Toucher Le Ciel Tu T'en Va Corde à sauter A Quoi Je Sers Ainsi Soit Je Beyond my control Bleu noir Comme J'ai Mal Dégénération Desenchantee Déshabillez-Moi Du temps je suis vraiment bouré Je Te Rends Ton Amour L'âme-stram-gram L'amour n'est rien Libertine Lonely Lisa Porno graphiqeu Pourvu Qu'elles Soient Douces Michel Stax Michele Richard Michèle Torr Michèle Torr Michèle Torr Michèle Torr Michèle Torr Michelle Richard Michelle Torr Michelle Torr Michelle Torr Michelle Torr Michelle Torr MIKA Mika Mike Brant Mike Brant Mike Brant Mike Brant Mike Brant Mike Brant Mike Brant Mike Brant Mike Brant Mike Brant Mike Brant Mike Brant Mike Brant Mike Brant Mike Brant Mike Brant Mike Brant Mike Brant Mike Brant Mike Brant Mike Brant Mike Brant Mike Brant Mike Brent Mireille Mathieu Mireille Mathieu Mireille Mathieu Mireille Mathieu Mireille Mathieu Mireille Mathieu Mireille Mathieu Mireille Mathieu Mireille Mathieu Mireille Mathieu Mitsou Mixmania Mixmania Mixmania Moussier Tombola Mylene Farmer Mylene Farmer Mylene Farmer Mylene Farmer Mylene Farmer Mylene Farmer Mylene Farmer Mylene Farmer Mylene Farmer Mylene Farmer Mylene Farmer Mylene Farmer Mylene Farmer Mylene Farmer Mylene Farmer Mylene Farmer Mylene Farmer Pagina 309 19811887 19811888 15826787 15826790 19811889 19811890 19987295 19987303 19987299 19987293 19987301 753281 753282 753283 753284 753285 753286 753287 753288 753289 753290 753291 753292 19990769 19990773 19990926 753293 753294 19990753 19990859 19990927 19990928 19990709 753295 19990840 19989007 19990841 19990929 19990930 19990931 753296 753297 753298 753299 753300 753301 753302 753303 753304 753305 19986440 753306 753307 753308 753309 19989008 753310 753311 753312 19989009 753313 753314 753315 753316 753317 753318 753319 753321 753320 753322 753323 FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR Sans Contrefaçon Sans Logique Sextonik Si javais au moins revu ton visage Tristana XXL C'est dans l'air California Je t'aime mélancolie Oui mais... non Plus grandir Il N'y A Que Toi Parler Aux Anges Soudes À Jamais Lady Marmalade A Chacun Son Histoire Et La Fille Danse Je N'ai Que Mon Âme Je T'aime Encore Tu Trouveras Je L'aimerai Je Me Battrai Pour Moi Les Bras De Satan J' ai vu Je dois m' en aller Pendant que les champs brûlent J't'aime Tout Court L'echo De Mon Village Et mon père So Far Away From L.A. J' ai besoin de toi Téléphone moi Une femme avec toi Il Etait Une Fois Des Gens Heureux Il est mort le soleil Le Sud La maison près de la fontaine Le sud Le téléphon Mirza Au Royaume Du Bonhomme Hiver C'est La Valse De Noel il est ne le divin enfant J'ai Vu Maman Embrasser Le Pere Noel Le Renne Au Nez Rouge Les Anges Dans Nos Campagnes Minuit Chrétien Noel Blanc Pere Noel Arrive Ce Soir Promenade En Traineau Douce Nuit Sainte Nuit Le Vent A Tourne Malade On Jase De Toi Rack A Becyk Une Femme Cachée Belle Dieu Que Le Monde Est Injuste Le Temps Des Cathedrales Nougayork Vivre Dans La Nuit Caline De Blues (Longue Version) Mes Blues Passent Pus Dans Porte Seulement Qu'une Aventure Dis Moi Pas Ça Europe Irresponsable La Lune Pleure Le Bruit Des Origines La Solitudes Le Dernier Train Mylene Farmer Mylene Farmer Mylene Farmer Mylene Farmer Mylene Farmer Mylene Farmer Mylène Farmer Mylène Farmer Mylène Farmer Mylène Farmer Mylène Farmer Nancy Dumais Nancy Dumais Nancy Dumais Nanette Workman Natasha St Pier Natasha St Pier Natasha St Pier Natasha St Pier Natasha St Pier Nathalie Carbonneau Nathalie Carbonneau Nelson Mainville Niagara Niagara Niagara Nicola Ciccone Nicola Ciccone Nicolas Peyrac Nicolas Peyrac Nicole Croisille Nicole Croisille Nicole Croisille Nicole Martin Nicoletta Nino & Radiah Nino Ferrer Nino Ferrer Nino Ferrer Nino Ferrer Noel Noel Noel Noel Noel Noel Noel Noel Noel Noel Noël Noir Silence Noir Silence Noir Silence Noir Silence Nolwenn Leroy Notre Dame De Paris Notre Dame De Paris Notre Dame De Paris Nougaro Nuance Offenbach Offenbach Offenbach Okoume Okoume Okoume Okoume Okoume Ovila Landry Parfaits Salauds Pagina 310 19990783 19990934 19990820 19990935 19987281 19990713 19990842 19990750 19990843 19990936 19987310 753324 19990844 753325 19987285 19987311 19990938 19990774 19990772 19989010 19990838 19987355 19989011 19990937 19990939 753327 753328 753329 753330 753331 753332 753333 753334 753335 753336 753337 753338 753339 753340 753341 753342 753343 753344 753345 753346 753347 753348 753349 753350 753351 753352 753353 19990845 19990940 19990870 19989012 19990729 19990731 19990737 753354 19990795 753355 753356 19990675 19987307 19990727 19990701 19990847 19990746 19990749 753358 FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR Kilimandjaro La Plage Aux Romantiques Lucie Millésime Karaoké pour Théo Aigle noir Aigle noir Bessie Elle voulait jouer cabaret Il me dit que je suis belle Kennedy Rose Mademoiselle chante le blues Mon Mec À Moi Si tu rêves Alors Regarde Au café dse délices Chanter Décalé Je m' attendais pas a toi Je te l dis quand même Je Te Le Dis Quand Même Mon amant de St Jean Place des grands hommes Qui A Le Droit Tout s'efface Faut pas rêver C'est La Saison Chanter Pour Rien Elle S'en Va (Cha Cha) Elle S'en Va (Slow) L'hirondelle La Guitare De Jeremie La Plus Belle Chanson C'est Toi Lady Nous On Part Au Soleil Perce Les Nuages Si Il N'y Avait Plus De Lendemain Toi Le Soleil De Ma Vie Agadou Señor Meteo Appuis Ton Amour Sur Moi Perce Les Nuages T'envoler Car Je T'aime Château De Sable Essaye Donc Pas Heureux D'un Printemps J'appelle Au Loin Mon Joe Ne Fait Pas Ca Ses Yeux Sur Ma Peau Le monde est fou Oui, je l' adore Une fenêtre ouvert Besoin De Rien, Envie De Toi Besoin de rien, envie de toi C' est ma chanson Chariot Je Me Sens Bien Auprès De Toi La nuit n en finit plus Personne Ne Veut Mourrir Ensemble Un enfant de toi Les divas du dancing Avec les filles je ne sais pas Il tape sur des bambous C' est pour elle Ecris-moi Elle est d' ailleurs Elle Est D'ailleurs Pascal Danel Pascal Danel Pascal Obispo Pascal Obispo Patracia Kaas Patricia Kaas Patricia Kaas Patricia Kaas Patricia Kaas Patricia Kaas Patricia Kaas Patricia Kaas Patricia Kaas Patrick Bruel Patrick Bruel Patrick Bruel Patrick Bruel Patrick Bruel Patrick Bruel Patrick Bruel Patrick Bruel Patrick Bruel Patrick Bruel Patrick Bruel Patrick Juvet Patrick Norman Patrick Norman Patrick Norman Patrick Norman Patrick Norman Patrick Norman Patrick Norman Patrick Norman Patrick Norman Patrick Norman Patrick Norman Patrick Norman Patrick Norman Patrick Zabe Patrick Zabe Paul Daraiche Paul Daraiche Paul Daraiche Paul Piche Paul Piche Paul Piche Paul Piche Paul Piche Paul Piche Paul Piche Paul Piche Paul Piche Pauline Ester Pauline Ester Pauline Ester Peter & Sloane Peter et Sloane Petula Clark Petula Clark Petula Clark Petula Clark Petula Clark Phenomia Phil Barney Philippe Cataldo Philippe Lavil Philippe Lavil Pierre Bachelet Pierre Bachelet Pierre Bachelet Pierre Bachelet Pagina 311 19990756 19990941 19990706 19990975 19990848 19990851 19990849 19990850 753359 753360 753361 753362 753363 753364 753365 753366 810230 753367 753368 19990942 19989013 19989014 19989015 753369 753370 753371 19990952 19990953 19990954 19990944 19990943 19990736 19990945 19990742 19990955 19990743 19990949 19990751 19990956 19990957 19990946 19990958 19990826 19990789 19990794 19990950 19990947 19990959 19990960 19989016 19990886 19990948 19990836 19990961 19990962 19990951 19990963 19990976 753373 753374 753375 753376 753377 753378 753379 752638 753372 753380 753381 19990771 19990797 FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR Flo L' Atlantique Les Corons Marionnettiste Partis avant d avoir tout dit Pleure pas boulou Quitte moi Vingt ans Ma Blonde M'aime Savoir Aimer Lady Lay Attention La Vie Est Courte C'est Le Temps Des Vacances Donne Moi Ta Bouche Nous On Est Dans Le Vent Winnipeg Ca plane pour moi Stop Ou Encore Le Retour A La Terre Prenons Notre Temps Le Chat Le Lion Est Mort Ce Soir Tchouk Tchouk Musik La Pomme Quand Les Hommes Vivront D'amour Je Survivrai A la belle de mai Adieu minette Amoureux de Paname C 'est quand qu on va où C'est mon dernier bal Chanson pour Pierrot Dans mon HLM Dès que le vent soufflera Deserteur Docteur Renaud, Mister Renard Elle a vu le loup En cloque Germaine Hexagone It is not because you are Je suis une bande de jeunes Karaoké Manu La ballade Nord-Irlandaise La mère à Titi Laisse Béton Les aventures de Gérard Lambert Ma chanson leur a pas plu Ma Gonzesse Manhattan-Kaboul Marche à l' ombre Miss Maggie Mistral gagnant Mon beauf Mon bistrot préféré Morgane de toi Petit Pede Viens Chez Moi J' Habite Chez Une Copine Comment Ca Va L'oiseau C'est Notre Fête Aujourd'hui Le Debut D'un Temps Nouveau Le Tour De La Terre Tu Trouveras La Paix Stewball Cadeau Si On Pouvant Recommencer A Present Tu Peux T'en Aller C'est Ma Fete J' entends siffler le train La Terre promise Pierre Bachelet Pierre Bachelet Pierre Bachelet Pierre Bachelet Pierre Bachelet Pierre Bachelet Pierre Bachelet Pierre Bachelet Pierre Bertrand Pierre Flynn Pierre Groscola Pierre Lalonde Pierre Lalonde Pierre Lalonde Pierre Lalonde Pierre Lalonde Plastic Bertrand Plastic Bertrand Plume Latraverse Poetic Lover Pow Wow Priscilla Priscilla Projet Orange Raymond Levesque Regine Renaud Renaud Renaud Renaud Renaud Renaud Renaud Renaud Renaud Renaud Renaud Renaud Renaud Renaud Renaud Renaud Renaud Renaud Renaud Renaud Renaud Renaud Renaud Renaud Renaud Renaud Renaud Renaud Renaud Renaud Renaud Renaud Rene Simard Rene Simard Renee Claude Renee Claude Renee Claude Renee Claude Renee Martel Renée Martel Renée Martel Richard Anthony Richard Anthony Richard Anthony Richard Anthony Pagina 312 19990803 19990853 19987323 753382 753383 753384 753385 753386 753387 753388 753389 753390 753391 753392 19990689 19990855 19990856 753393 753394 753395 753396 753397 753398 753399 753400 19990775 753401 753402 753403 753404 753405 15826685 753406 19990863 753407 753408 753409 753411 753410 753412 753413 753414 753415 753416 19990965 13740000 753417 15826653 19987340 19987289 15826675 15826680 15826689 15826697 19987345 15826714 19987302 15826737 15826780 19987339 15826792 19989017 15826646 15826657 15826700 19990739 753418 753419 19990778 19990779 19990787 FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR Le coup de soleil Marguerite Pour elle Aux Portes Du Matin Avec Toi Entre Moi Et Lui Et Tu Marches Ici Comme Ailleurs Journee D'amerique Les Bouts De Papier Protest Song Rester Debout Sous Les Cheminees Tu Reviens De Loin Elle je ne veux qu' elle Andy Marcia Baila Cartier Cauchemar Conception J't'aime Comme Un Fou Je Rêve À Rio Je Reviendrai À Montreal Mon Ami Fidel The Frog Song Je me sens très seul Je Suis Un Mari Fidele Un Baiser De Toi Danse Avec Moi Comme J'ai Toujours Envie D'aimer Darlin Hélène La Berceuse Du Petit Diable Tant pis (Duo) Delivre Moi Le Feu Sauvage Le Dernier Convoi Aimer On Dit Dans La Rue Pardonne Moi Ces Mots Stupides Monsieur Cannibale Scandale dans la famille Toute La Pluie Tombe Sur Moi Le ruisseau de mon enfance J'aime La Vie Donne, Donne Comic strip Di doo dah Elisa Ex fan des sixties Fuir le bonheur de peur qu'il ne se sauve Initiales BB Je suis venu te dire que le m'en vais La ballade de Johnny Jane La chanson de prévert La javanaise Le poinçonneur des lilas Requiem pour un con Sea sex and sun Tandem Vieille Canaille Bonnie and Clyde Comme un boomerang Je t'aime, moi non plus Chez moi D'aventure En Aventure Femme Femme Femme Je suis malade Je voudrais tant que tu sois là L' enfant d' un autre Richard Cocciante Richard Cocciante Richard Cocciante Richard Seguin Richard Seguin Richard Seguin Richard Seguin Richard Seguin Richard Seguin Richard Seguin Richard Seguin Richard Seguin Richard Seguin Richard Seguin Ringo Willy Rita Mitsouko Rita Mitsouko Robert Charlebois Robert Charlebois Robert Charlebois Robert Charlebois Robert Charlebois Robert Charlebois Robert Charlebois Robert Charlebois Robert Cogoi Robert Demontigny Robert Demontigny Robert Gogoi Roch Voisine Roch Voisine Roch Voisine Roch Voisine Roch Voisine Roch Voisine & Véronique Dicaire Rock Et Belle Oreilles Rollando Romeo & Juliette Romeo & Juliette Ronald Beauchamp Sacha Distel Sacha Distel Sacha Distel Sacha Distel Salvatore Adamo Sandra Kim Sandy Serge Gainsbourg Serge Gainsbourg Serge Gainsbourg Serge Gainsbourg Serge Gainsbourg Serge Gainsbourg Serge Gainsbourg Serge Gainsbourg Serge Gainsbourg Serge Gainsbourg Serge Gainsbourg Serge Gainsbourg Serge Gainsbourg Serge Gainsbourg Serge Gainsbourg Serge Gainsbourg & Brigitte Bardot Serge Gainsbourg & Dani Serge Gainsbourg & Jane Birkin Serge Lama Serge Lama Serge Lama Serge Lama Serge Lama Serge Lama Pagina 313 19990791 19990966 19990814 19990817 19990967 19990839 19990767 19987347 19987357 19987350 19987358 19990824 19990874 19990869 753420 753421 19990702 19989018 19990804 15826747 19989019 19990977 753422 752639 19990744 19990888 753423 753424 753425 753426 753427 753428 753429 753430 753431 753432 753433 753434 753435 753436 753437 753438 753439 753440 753441 753442 753443 752640 753444 753445 19990968 753446 753447 753448 753449 753450 753451 753452 753453 753454 19814129 753455 753456 19990969 19988381 19988288 19988315 19988362 19988570 19988385 19987313 FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR FR La chanteuse a vingt ans Les ballons rouges live Les glycines Les petites femmes de Pigalle Marie, la polonaise Mon ami, mon maître Il suffirait de presque rien L'italien La java des bombes atomiques La putain Le barbier de Belleville Ma solitude Votre fille a 20 ans Un banc, un arbre, une rue Rien N'est Plus Beau Que L'amour Tu Sais Je T'aime Je l' aime à mourir L'école Est Finie Le folklore américain Les rois mages Première Surprise-partie Vous les copains C'est Beau Un Homme Victoire Du rhum, des femmes Martiniquaise Amene Toi Chez Nous Au Bout De Mes Rêves C'est Ta Chance Chante Danser Danser Droit Devant Et C'est Pas Fini Je Vais Changer Le Monde Jean Batailleur L'etoile D'amerique L'infidele La Vie Roule Et Coule Le Soleil Emmene Au Soleil Le Vieux Loup De Mer On Va Gagner Quand Je Vois Tes Yeux Quand On A Que L'amour Quand Tout Ca Sera Fini Quelle Belle Vie Salaud Un Nouveau Jour Va Ce Lever 1000 Coeurs Debout Banlieue Nord Besoin D'amour Complainte de la serveuse automate Ego Trip La Serveuse Automate Le Blues Du Businessman Le Monde Est Stone Les Uns Contre Les Autres Monopolis Naziland Quand On Arrive En Ville Quand On N'a Plus Rien A Perdre Sos Dun Terrien En Detresse Travesti Un Garcon Pas Comme Les Autres Déjeuner en paix Alors On Danse Batard Formidable Papaoutai Ta fête Tous les mêmes Apprends moi Serge Lama Serge Lama Serge Lama Serge Lama Serge Lama Serge Lama Serge Reggiani Serge Reggiani Serge Reggiani Serge Reggiani Serge Reggiani Serge Reggiani Serge Reggiani Séverine Shake Shake Shakira Sheila Sheila Sheila Sheila Sheila Shirley Theroux Shy'm Soldat Louis Soldat Louis Star Academie Star Academie Star Academie Star Academie Star Academie Star Academie Star Academie Star Academie Star Academie Star Academie Star Academie Star Academie Star Academie Star Academie Star Academie Star Academie Star Academie Star Academie Star Academie Star Academie Star Academie Star Académie Starmania Starmania Starmania Starmania Starmania Starmania Starmania Starmania Starmania Starmania Starmania Starmania Starmania Starmania Starmania Stephan Eicher Stromae Stromae Stromae Stromae Stromae Stromai Superbus Pagina 314 753457 753458 753459 19990691 753460 753461 753463 753464 753465 753466 753467 753468 753469 753470 753471 753472 753475 753473 15826706 15826722 19989020 753474 19990854 753476 19989021 19990802 19987352 753477 19986437 753478 753479 19990970 19990725 19990971 19990974 753480 19990862 19987294 19987284 19989022 753481 753482 19990728 19990823 19990726 753483 19990741 19990876 19990978 19987348 753484 19989024 19989025 753486 19990688 19990884 19990924 19990964 753487 19990877 19990721 19990805 19990885 19990816 19990860 19990868 753488 19987279 19989026 810632 810633 FR Au revoir FR Ce N'est Qu'un Reve FR Combien Faut Il De Temps FR Et j'ai le mal de toi FR Hasta Manana Mon Amour FR Les Violons D'acadie FR River Blue FR Une Chanson Italienne FR Blanc FR Harmonium FR Je Pense Encore À Toi FR Pas Besoin De Frapper FR Que Je T'aime FR Reste Si Tu Veux FR Si Dieu Existe FR Souvenirs D'un Coeur FR A chacun sa différence FR Comme Un Garcon FR L'amour c'est comme une cigarette FR La mariza FR La Panne D'essence FR La Plus Belle Pour Aller Danser FR Rien n' est parfait FR Lucile FR Le Jerk FR Le coup de folie FR Aimer jusqu'à l'impossible FR Iglou Iglou FR Le temps des cerises FR Hey Ho (Qualite Sonore Pourris) FR Sexy pour moi FR Pata Pata FR Antisocial FR Disco Samba FR Be My Baby FR Joe Le Taxi FR Tandem FR La Bohême FR Plaisir d'amour FR Temps Des Cathédrales FR J'irai Plus Haut Que Moi FR Amoureuse FR Besoin de personne FR Ma révérence FR Après toi FR Que Passent Les Saisons FR Dans un vieux rock n' roll FR Fier et fou de vous FR Le carnet à spirale FR Nicolas FR Mille Après Mille FR J'ai Encore Rêvé D'elle FR Dieu M'a Donné La Foi FR Ces soirées là FR Destination Ailleurs FR La voix des sages FR Mix Raggae FR Saga Africa FR Prendre Un Enfant Dans Ses Bras FR A bicyclette FR A Paris FR Le temps des cerises FR Les feuilles mortes FR Les grands boulevards FR Sous le ciel de Paris FR Trois petites notes de musique FR Jean Batailleur FR Je veux FR Tomber La Chemise HEBREWAl Kol Eleh HEBREWDayenu Sweet People Sweet People Sweet People Sweet People Sweet People Sweet People Sweet People Sweet People Sylvain Cossette Sylvain Cossette Sylvain Cossette Sylvain Cossette Sylvain Cossette Sylvain Cossette Sylvain Cossette Sylvie Jasmin Sylvie Rioux Sylvie Vartan Sylvie Vartan Sylvie Vartan Sylvie Vartan Sylvie Vartan Tal Tex Lecor Thierry Hazard Thierry Pastor Tina Arena Traditionnel Traditionnel Tragedie Tragedie Tributo a Miriam Makeba Trust Two Man Sound Vanessa Paradis Vanessa Paradis Vanessa Paradis Various Various Various Veronique Cloutier Veronique Samson Véronique Sanson Véronique Sanson Vicky Léandros Wilfred Leboutillier William Sheller William Sheller William Sheller William Sheller Willie Lamothe Willy Denzey Winter Ophélie Yannick Yannick Noah Yannick Noah Yannick Noah Yannick Noah Yves Dutell Yves Montand Yves Montand Yves Montand Yves Montand Yves Montand Yves Montand Yves Montand Zachary Richard Zaz Zebda Jewish Favorites Jewish Favorites Pagina 315 810635 810636 810634 13296523 13296581 13296600 13296476 13296597 13296399 13296501 13296452 13296601 13296602 13296603 13296322 13296599 13296540 13296508 13296560 13296347 13296350 13296346 13296349 13296344 13296345 13296589 13296588 13296488 13296503 13296313 13296390 13296534 13296511 13296415 13296388 13296444 13296280 19987385 13296570 13296378 13296400 13296371 13296561 13296504 13296381 13296335 13296544 13296303 13296304 13296486 13296462 13296610 13296609 13296460 13296463 13296393 13296567 13296541 13296445 13296337 13296305 13296554 13296526 13296377 13296480 809543 13296298 13296386 13296477 13296455 13296421 HEBREWHavah Nagilah HEBREWRojenkes Mit Mandlin HEBREWSiman Tov ITA La Notte ITA Non mi tenere il broncio ITA Azzurro ITA Chi non lavora non fa l'amore ITA Il ragazzo della Via Gluck ITA Il tempo se ne va ITA L'emozione non ha voce ITA L'ultima donna che amo ITA Oh Diana ITA Per averti ITA Sotto le lenzuola ITA Storia d'amore ITA Una carezza in un pugno ITA Soli ITA Figli delle stelle ITA Ty sei l'unica donna per me ITA E' la mia vita ITA Mattino ITA Nel sole ITA Un sasso nel cuore ITA Ci sarà ITA Felicita ITA Libertà ITA Nostaglia Canaglia ITA Non amarmi ITA La mia storia con te ITA Senza nuole ITA Stupida ITA Cambiare ITA La distanza di un amore ITA Biancaneve ITA A natale puoi ITA Qualcosa di te ITA Con te partiro ITA Ave Maria ITA La voce del silenzio ITA Per amore ITA O mare e tu ITA Vivo per lei ITA L'abitudine ITA Cogli la prima mela ITA Senza Pietà ITA Un'emozione da poco ITA Colpo di fulmine ITA Notte prima degli esami ITA Ogni volta ITA Stella ITA Domani ITA San Francisco ITA Siesta ITA Come due bambini ITA Estate ITA O solo mio ITA L'Ultimo bacio ITA Nessuno mi può giudicare ITA Sono bugiarda ITA Il pagliaccio ITA E tu ITA Mille giorno di te e di me ITA Buonasera dottore ITA Granada ITA Il tuo mondo ITA Al Di La ITA Mamy Blue ITA Dai che si può fa ITA Gliocchi miei ITA Piccola e fragile ITA Vado via Jewish Favorites Jewish Favorites Jewish Favorites Adamo Adamo Adriano Celentano Adriano Celentano Adriano Celentano Adriano Celentano Adriano Celentano Adriano Celentano Adriano Celentano Adriano Celentano Adriano Celentano Adriano Celentano Adriano Celentano Adriano Celestano Alan Sorrenti Alan Sorrenti Albano Albano Albano Albano Albano & Romina Power Albano & Romina Power Albano & Romina Power Albano & Romina Power Aleondro Baldi & Francesca Alotta Alessandra Amoroso Alessandra Amoroso Alessandra Amoroso Alex Baroni Alex Baroni Alexia & Mario Lavezzi Alicia Ana Tatangelo Andrea Bocceli Andrea Bocelli Andrea Bocelli Andrea Bocelli Andrea Bocelli & Dulce Pontes Andrea Bocelli & Giogia Andrea Bocelli & Helena Hellwig Anglo Branduardi Anna Oxa Anna Oxa Anna Tatangelo Antonello Vendetti Antonello Venditti Antonello Venditti Artisti uniti per l'Abruzzo Bobby Solo Bobby Solo Bottega dell'arte, La Bruno Martino Capurrro & Di Capua Carmen Consoli Caterina Caselli Caterina Caselli Cesare Cremonini Claudio Baglioni Claudio Baglioni Claudio Mori & Alberto Lupo Claudio Villa Claudio Villa Connie Francis Dalida Daniele Brogna Dino Drupi Drupi Pagina 316 13296543 13296293 13296528 13296546 13296440 13296321 13296461 13296478 13296520 13296578 13296297 13296524 13296284 13296379 13296315 13296308 13296579 13296565 13296328 13296492 13296374 13296402 13296439 13296413 13296569 13296364 13296375 13296360 13296527 13296505 13296333 13296550 13296490 13296352 13296549 13296373 13296356 13296343 13296563 13296542 13296435 13296370 13296432 13296441 13296332 13296341 13296323 13296300 13296336 13296351 13296287 13296429 13296397 13296320 13296522 13296427 13296465 13296485 13296434 13296431 13296410 13296585 13296583 13296586 13296587 13296582 13296372 13296584 13296376 13296324 13296575 ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA Sono solo canzonette Ancora Albronzatissima Ti vorrei sollevare Calore Davvero Sembra Strano Primavera a Sarajevo Un angelo blu Cose della vita La nostra vita Più bella cosa Più che puoi Se bastasse una canzone Solo ieri Stella gemella Terra promessa Ti ricordi ancora Don Raffae Giugno '73 Se ti tagliassero a pezzetti A chi Fumo e cenere Il Tempo di in minuto Quello che le donne non dicono Alice Cisarai Raccontami Tutto il resto è noia A Vucchella Sempre La mia storia fra le dita Sei nell' anima Banana e lamponi Canzone stonate In ginocchio da te Quando si fa sera Si pio' dare di piu' Grazie perchè La fisarmonica Se perdo anche te Non mollare mai Come saprei Girasole Io non mi seto Italiano Insieme a te non ci sto più La Bambola La scala Ma il cielo e' sempre piu blu Non ti scordar di me (Bachata) Tropicana Meravigliosamente Cicale Te amaré Mia martini Lasciala Andare Agnese Ilcerchio della vita ”Re Leone” La mia banda suona il rock Che sarà Amore scusami Baciami ancora Bella Ciao mamma Dove ho visto te Fango Le tasche piene di sassi Tanto Tutto l'amore che ho Manuela (italiano) Se mi lasci non vale Eduardo Bennato Eduardo De Crescenzo Eduardo Vianello Elisa Emma Marrone Emma Marrone Emma Marrone Enrico Ruggeri Equipe 84 Eros Ramazzotti Eros Ramazzotti Eros Ramazzotti Eros Ramazzotti Eros Ramazzotti Eros Ramazzotti Eros Ramazzotti Eros Ramazzotti Fabio Concato Fabrizio De Andre Fabrizio De Andrè Farizio De André Fausto Leaali Finley Finley Fiorella Mannoia Francesco De Gregori Francesco Renga Francesco Renga Franco Califano Gabriele D'Annunzio & Francesco Paolo Testi Gabriella Ferri Gianluca Grignani Gianna Nannini Gianni Morandi Gianni Morandi Gianni Morandi Gianni Morandi Gianni Morandi - Enrico Ruggeri - Umberto Tozzi Gianni Morandi & Amii Stewart Gianno Morandi Gianno Morandi Gigi D'Alessio Giorgia Giorgia Giorgio Gaber Giusy Ferreri Giusy Ferreri Giusy Ferreri Giusy Ferreri Giusy Ferreri Groupo Italiano Gugini Di Campagna Heather Parisi Il Divo Inno Irene Grandi Ivan Graziani Ivana Spangna Ivano Fossati Jimmy Fontana John Foster Jovanotti Jovanotti Jovanotti Jovanotti Jovanotti Jovanotti Jovanotti Jovanotti Julio Iglesias Julio Iglesias Pagina 317 13296359 13296519 13296559 13296482 13296367 13296566 13296512 13296362 13296483 13296580 13296291 13296290 13296437 13296353 13296532 13296331 13296389 13296556 13296553 13296459 13296571 13296518 13296494 13296533 13296547 13296311 13296306 13296515 13296507 13296500 13296472 13296457 13296406 13296369 13296464 13296498 13296408 13296453 13296299 13296509 13296577 13296425 13296479 13296535 13296513 13296537 13296412 13296510 13296416 13296458 13296366 13296288 13296292 13296312 13296418 13296454 13296447 13296307 13296475 13296289 13296405 13296411 13296430 13296423 13296484 13296424 13296414 13296446 13296525 13296419 13296558 ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA Adagio Amo solo Un angelo di cuore Antinello Ascotta il tuo cuore Dove l'aria è polvere E ritorno da te Il tuo nome in mainscolo In assenza di te Io canto La solitudine Non c'è Resta in Ascolto Strada facendo Uguale a lei Primavera in anticipo Amico di ieri Vieni da me Buonanotte all Italia Certe notti Le donne lo sanno Ti sento Cuore matto Ragazza acchi cielo Cattiva Ho perso le parole Acqua azzuro acqua chiara Jo vivrò Come foglie Come l'acqua Io Nascerò Supe Que me Amabas Canto Straniero Su quel giormale Teorema Perche' lo fai Credimi ancora Dove si vola Stanco Lisa dagli occhi blu Se adesso te ne vai L'istrione Perdere l'amore Se bruciasse la città Vent' anni Brivido caldo Figlio della luna Minnetto Ti senti sola stasera Amor mio E se domani Insieme L'importante è finire La voce del silenzio Lo e te da soli Prende una matita Tintarella di luna Parole Parole Aqua e sale Avevo un cuore che ti amava tanto Sul cucuzzolo - Guarda come dondolo - Il peperone La notte Mia Quello che non ti ho detto Arriverà Amore disperato Casa 69 Sing-hiozzo Cielo e terra Darei di più di tutto quel che ho In te Pagina 318 Lara Fabian Laura Bono Laura Esquivel Laura Pausini Laura Pausini Laura Pausini Laura Pausini Laura Pausini Laura Pausini Laura Pausini Laura Pausini Laura Pausini Laura Pausini Laura Pausini Laura Pausini Laura Pausini ft. James Blunt Le Orme Le Vibrazioni Ligabue Ligabue Ligabue Ligabue Little Tony Loredana Errore Loredana Errore & Loredana Bertè Luciano Logabue Lucio Battisti Lucio Battsti Malika Ayane Mango Mango Marcela Gandara Marcella Bella Marco Bocchino Marco Ferradini Marco Manzani Marco Mengoni Marco Mengoni Marco Mengoni Mario Tessuto Massimo Di Cataldo Massimo Ranieri Massimo Ranieri Massimo Ranieri Massimo Ranieri Matia Bazar Mecano Mia Martini Michele Mina Mina Mina Mina Mina Mina Mina Mina Mina & Albano Lupo Mina & Celentano Mino Reitano Mix Anni 60 Modà Modà Modà Moda feat. Emma Marrone Nada Negramaro Negramaro Nek Nek Nek 13296394 13296391 13296552 13296514 13296539 13296404 13296363 13296330 13296491 13296576 13296516 13296436 13296493 13296605 13296607 13296606 13296403 13296283 13296442 13296420 13296438 13296608 13296355 13296318 13296456 13296326 13296329 13296433 13296536 13296310 13296383 13296358 13296361 13296555 13296506 13296502 13296474 13296562 13296282 13296365 13296340 13296531 13296496 13296422 13296499 13296530 13296317 14722036 13296339 13296302 13296574 13296487 13296327 13296296 13296316 13296285 13296596 13296380 13296295 13296428 13296368 753531 13296595 13296591 13296338 13296592 13296594 13296593 13296572 13296529 753558 ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA Solos tu y yo Chitarra suona più piano Il cuore è uno zingaro L'amore si adia Dove si va Hey man Io vagabondo Donna felicità Mango Padre nostra L' appuntamento Impressioni di settembre A modo mio Bartali Genova per noi Via con me La bambola Mia Vita Ragazzo Triste Spunta la luna dal monte Lo ci Sarò Ma quale idea Mareluna Io che nin vivo (Senza te) Tanta voglia di lei Elle e le storie tese Su di noi Due Tuca Tuca Mambo Itaiana Tu vuo' fa' l'americano A braccia aperte Il trangolo Magari Nei giardini che nessuno sa Più su Unici Celeste nostalgia Margherita Cosa hai messo nel caffè? Storie di tutti i giorni Che sarà Mamma Maria Cuore La ragazza dell' amico mio Cu' mme Vincent Marina (italiano) No riesco a farti innamoare Un sabato Italiano Love show Alba mia età E Fuoei è buio Il regalo piu' grande Imbranato Rosso relativo Emozioni Gli amori L'italiano Serenata Solo noi Bella senz anima Dabadan, Dabadan Eva Gente di mare Gli altri siamo noi Gloria Ti amo Tu Ricordati di noi Addio Addio Nicalas Di Bari Nicola Di Bari Nicola Di Bari Noemi & F.Mannoia Nomadi Nomadi Nomadi Nuovi Angeli O.R.O O.R.O Ornella Vanoni P.F.M Paola e Chiara Paolo Conti Paolo Conti Paolo Conti Patty Pravo Patty Pravo Patty Pravo Pierangelo Bertoli Ft. Tazenda Piero Pelù Pino D' Angio Pino Daniele Pino Donaggio Pooh Pube, El Pupo Raf Rafaella Carrà Renato Carosone Renato Carosone Renato Zero Renato Zero Renato Zero Renato Zero Renato Zero Renato Zero Ricardo Cocciante Riccardo Cocciante Riccardo Del Turco - Antoine Riccardo Fogli Ricchi e Poveri Ricchi e Poveri Rita Pavone Roberto Carlos Roberto Murolo & Mia Martint Roberto Vecchioni Rocco Granata Sal Da Vinci Sergio Caputo Sonohra Tiziano Ferro Tiziano Ferro Tiziano Ferro Tiziano Ferro Tiziano Ferro Toto Cutugno Toto Cutugno Toto Cutugno Toto Cutugno Toto Cutugno Traditional Umberto Tozzi Umberto Tozzi Umberto Tozzi Umberto Tozzi Umberto Tozzi Umberto Tozzi Umberto Tozzi Vaerio Scann Various Pagina 319 753557 13296395 753542 753559 753540 753547 753539 13296319 753555 753545 753544 753537 13296314 753553 753556 753548 753535 753541 753552 753550 753554 753582 753543 753546 753549 753533 753551 753538 753560 13296497 13296568 13296469 13296409 13296471 13296382 13296392 13296468 13296470 13296467 1076186 1076184 9734621 19987115 19992101 18136333 19985902 19987165 19986899 19986913 19986915 19986921 1076133 19986958 19986964 19986971 1076132 19986990 19987005 1076190 19987028 19987031 19987059 19987088 19987103 19987111 19987169 1076134 1076135 19987238 19987237 19987243 ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA ITA NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL Arriverderci Roma Buon Compleanno Come Prima Core'ngrato Dio, Come Ti Amo Funiculi' Funicula Io Che Non Vivo Kasatschok Le colline sono in fiore Luna Rossa Mamma Maria Mari'! Memory Nel blu dipinto di blu Nin ti scondar di me Non ho L'Eta O Sole Mio Piove Ciao Ciao Bambina Quando m' innamoro Santa Lucia Se piangin Se ridi Sicilian Medley Sinno' Me Moro Ti Guardero' Nel Cuore Tintarella di Luna Torna A Ssurriento Un buco nella sabbia Una Lacrima Sul Viso Ventiquattro milla baci Alba chiara Comprami Baila Moreno Con le mani Così celeste E delicato Menta e rosmarino Occhi Senza una donna Un kilo Onderweg Niet Of Nooit Geweest Een bossie rooie rozen Leve De Lol Guus kom naar huus Big Bang Soulmates Op Een Mooie Pinksterdag Amor Amor Amor Blijf Bij Mij Bloed Zweet En Tranen Buono Sera~oh Marie De Hoogste Tijd De Vlieger Diep In Mijn Hart Droomland Een Vriend Eenzame Kerst Geef Mij Nu Je Angst Het Is Koud Zonder Jou Het Laatste Rondje Het Rode Licht Ik Meen Het Jij Bent Alles Kleine Jongen La Mamma Oranje Bovenaan Poei Poei Uit Mijn Bol Waarom Waarom Nou Jij Wat Is Dan Liefde Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Vasco Rossi Viola Valentino Zucchero Zucchero Zucchero Zucchero Zucchero Zucchero Zucchero Zucchero Abel Acda & De Munnik Alex Alex Alexander Curley Alexandra Alicia & Mariam Andre & Leen Andre Hazes Andre Hazes Andre Hazes Andre Hazes Andre Hazes Andre Hazes Andre Hazes Andre Hazes Andre Hazes Andre Hazes Andre Hazes Andre Hazes Andre Hazes Andre Hazes Andre Hazes Andre Hazes Andre Hazes Andre Hazes Andre Hazes Andre Hazes Andre Hazes Andre Hazes Andre Hazes Andre Hazes Pagina 320 19987248 19987251 1076136 19992100 19987268 19991079 19987229 19986967 19986895 1076178 1076179 19987068 19987178 19987250 1076137 19986951 1076368 19986920 19987175 19987105 1076138 19986908 19986935 19987134 19986847 9734629 19987044 19988753 19988754 19988755 19988756 19988752 19988716 19986953 19992317 19985800 19986836 1076086 1076139 19986987 1076140 19988645 810310 19986999 19986891 1076191 9734640 19990285 19987244 19992319 1076049 19986977 19988677 19992320 19987209 19986917 1076142 19986969 19987154 19987177 1076141 19988649 19990291 19986840 19987083 1076192 19987133 19990290 19987217 19987078 19986937 NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL Wees Zuinig Op M’n Meissie Wij Houden Van Oranje Zeg maar niets meer Zij gelooft in mij Zo Heb Ik Het Nooit Bedoeld Een beetje verliefd Voor Mij Geen Slingers Aan De Wand Donker Om Je Heen als de zon schijnt Een Echte Vriend Er Staat Een Paard In De Gang Ik Weet Het Niet Pizzalied Why Tell Me Why De Bostella Medley De Laatste Dans Meiden hebben meer fun Brandend Zand Paradiso Kleine Vogel Polonaise Hollandaise Ben Ik Te Min Dans Met Mij Tot Morgen Vroeg Meisjes Met Rode Haren Maar Vanavond Gaan We Stappen Ik doe wat ik doe Ian Thomas Ik Ga Dood Aan Jou Ogen Van Lood Slaap Mijn Kind Van De Wijs Zonder Meer Te Mooi Dansen In Bahia De Marie Louise Zeil Je Voor Het Eerst De heuveltjes van Erika Ga Met Me Mee (Jij Bent De Zon) De Clown Heerlijke Winter Een Vrijgezel Waarom fluister ik je naam nog Als Het Kerstmis Wordt The Time (Dirty Bit) Even Ann Me Moeder Vragen Alles Is Liefde Harder Dan Ik Hebben Kan Liefs uit London Open je ogen Wat Zou Je Doen Op De Purp'ren Hei Bob De Bouwer Een Hutje Op De Heide Ik Heb Eerbied Voor Jouw Grijze Haren Lichtjes Van De Schelde Tranen In Je Ogen Bonnie Kom Je Buiten Spelen Dokter Bernhard Douwe Morgen Wordt Alles Anders Pierrot Vlieg Niet Te Hoog Bananenlied Zeven dagen lang Het Land Van Maas En Waal Jan Klaassen De Trompetter Mag Ik Naar Je Kijken Meester Prikkebeen Testament Verdronken Vlinder Ik Zoek Een Meisje Darling Je T'aime Andre Hazes Andre Hazes Andre Hazes Andre Hazes Andre Hazes André Hazes André Hazes Andre Hazes & Wolter Kroes Andre Van Duin Andre Van Duin Andre Van Duin Andre Van Duin Andre Van Duin Anita Meyer Anita's Anja Anke, Jill & Laura Anneke Grönloh Anneke Grönloh Arie Passchier Arie Ribbens Armand Arne Jansen Arne Jansen Arri Ribbens Astrid Nijgh Baby Baby Bart Herman Bart Herman Bart Herman Bart Herman Bart Herman Bart Kaell Bart Kaell Bart Kaell Bart Vd Bossche Bart Vd Bossche Ben Cramer Ben Cramer Benny Neyman Benny Neyman Big Brother Black Eyed Peas Bloem Blof Blof Blof Blof Blof Bob Benny Bob De Bouwer Bobbejaan Schoepen Bobbejaan Schoepen Bobbejaan Schoepen Bobby Prins Bonnie St.Claire Bonnie St.Claire Bonnie St.Claire Bonnie St.Claire Bonnie St.Claire Bonnie St.Claire Boswachters Bots Boudewijn De Groot Boudewijn De Groot Boudewijn De Groot Boudewijn De Groot Boudewijn De Groot Boudewijn De Groot Carlo Vuur Charlene Pagina 321 19986994 19987013 19988697 19988688 19992322 19988717 19987148 18136334 19986858 19986822 19986823 19986827 19988656 19986833 19988665 1076143 1076144 19987782 19988730 19988714 19987014 19987095 19986986 19987045 19987019 19987102 19986955 19987187 19986886 19986887 19986843 1076296 19987087 19987117 19987152 19987069 19988731 19988734 19992325 19987025 19987066 19986845 19987230 19986947 19987234 19986904 19986832 19986839 19987030 19987188 19987236 19986877 19986824 19986916 19986968 19987047 19986848 19986859 19986818 19988651 19988652 19988742 19987063 19988701 19988748 19987256 19992326 19987264 19992350 19987180 19986933 NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL Elke Zonnestraal Ben Jij Griekse Nacht Een Optimist Koning Clown Onder De Toren Zeven Zonden Monica Disco Jo Jo Naar De Kermis Altijd Heb Ik Je Lief Anne Daar Gaat Ze De Nobelprijs Domino Heb Ik Ooit Gezegd Laat Me Nu Toch Niet Alleen Passie Samen Wat Een Leven Zie Me Graag Grote Beer Kangoeroe Eiland Een Roosje M'n Roosje Ik Ben Gelukkig Zonder Jou He Baby Kleine Blonde Mariandel De Nozem En De Non Rozen Die Bloeien Adio Adio Adio Adios Amor Huilen Is Voor Jou Te Laat Ik krijg een heel apart gevoel vanbinnen Je Moedertje Leven En Laten Leven Mooi Was Die Tijd Ik Wil Altijd Bij Jou Zijn Chihuahua Met De Tandem Naar Amerika De Oude Man En De Zee Het Is Een Wonder Ik Voel Me Zo Verdomd Alleen Met Kerstmis Hoor Je Bij Te Zijn Vrienden Voor Het Leven De Geur Van Je Huid De Vrijgezel Bananenlied Doe Een Stapje Naar Voren Het Feest Kan Beginnen Het Leven Is Goed In M'n Brabantse Land S'nachts Na Tweeen Waar Gaan We Heen Zak Eens Lekker Door Binnen Zonder Kloppen Bloedend Hart Doris Day Ik Ben Nergens Goed Voor Mag Het Licht Uit Nergens Goed Voor Als De Klok Van Arnemuiden Daar Bij De Waterkant Daar Bij Die Molen Het Vissersmeisje Ik Sta Liever Op De Ski s Nachts Na Tweeen We Gingen Met De Bus Wordt Nooit Verliefd Ik Wil Je Zij Maakt Het Verschil Viva De Romeo's Que Sera Sera Dans Je De Hele Nacht Met Mij Charlene Charlene Christoff Christoff Christoff Christoff Circus Custers Ciska Ciska Peters & Ronnie Tober Clouseau Clouseau Clouseau Clouseau Clouseau Clouseau Clouseau Clouseau Clouseau Clouseau Clouseau Cocktail Trio Cocktail Trio Connie Van Den Bos Connie Van Den Bos Cooldown Cafe Cooldown Cafe Cornelis Vreeswijk Corry En De Rekels Corry Konings Corry Konings Corry Konings Corry Konings Corry Konings Corry Konings Corry Konings Corry Konings & Koos Alberts Dalton Sisters Dalton Sisters Dana Winner Dana Winter Danny De Munck Danny De Munck Danny De Munck Danny Nicolay Dario De Boswachters De Deurzakkers De Deurzakkers De Deurzakkers De Deurzakkers De Deurzakkers De Deurzakkers De Dijk De Dijk De Dijk De Dijk De Dijk De Dijk De Havenzangers De Havenzangers De Havenzangers De Havenzangers De Havenzangers De Havenzangers De Havenzangers De Jantjes De Kreuners De Poema's De Romeo's De Selvera's De Sjonnies Pagina 322 19986912 19987241 19987093 19987080 19990288 19988750 1076145 19987170 3283980 19992321 9734614 19986907 19986942 16196068 19987081 19987172 19987197 19987246 19986910 19987214 19987130 19986965 19986826 19987018 1076146 19986864 19987193 19987079 19988657 19988676 19987043 19987116 19986927 19987037 19987164 14722035 19985414 19987371 19992327 19987783 19987022 19988687 19987271 1076299 19992328 19988710 18136336 19985803 19988664 19985895 18136335 18136341 19986934 19988740 19987219 19987108 19987109 19987120 19987218 19987277 19986956 19987009 1076147 19986881 1076148 19986975 19986983 1076193 1076194 19987071 19987167 NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL Bij Ons Staat Op De Keukendeur Wat Een Lekker Ding Jou Herken Ik In Het Zonnige Zuiden Rosamunde Zaterdagavond Bloody Mary Oranje Medley Burger Dance (Nederlands - Duits) Boy, I Like Ya 32 jaar (sinds een dag of twee) Belle Helene De Bom Doris Day Is Dit Alles Pa Sinds Een Dag Of Twee Watje Bij De Marine Twee Motten Maria Magdalena Dodenrit Carolien He Amsterdam Je Loog Tegen Mij Papa Schijn een lichie op mij In Gedachten Zie Ik Het Kerkje Weer De Pizzahut Ik Heb Een Toeter Op M'n Waterscooter Hup Daar Is Willem Met De Waterpomptang Leve De Lol Daar Bij De Waterkant Hoe Je Heette Dat Ben Ik Vergeten Op De Woelige Baren Als Marktkramer Ben Ik Geboren Cherie Jou herken ik met gesloten ogen Megamix Shanghai Heerlijk Naar M'n Zin Kom Uit De Bedstee M'n Liefste Zomer In De Stad Jammanee Veel Te Mooi Recht Door Zee Music in me Aya Hallo Mijnheer De Uil Acracadabra Een kusje meer Ze is nog niet van mij Dans Je Nog Eenmaal Met Mij De Vissers Uit San Juan Verliefd Verloofd Getrouwd Koud In Mijn Hart Kronenburg Park Linda Verjaardagsfeest Zwart Wit De Vissers Uit San Juan Gipsy Mama Leef Als Een Zigeuner 100 Sterren Stralen Als Sterren Aan De Hemel Staan Een Dag Uit Duizend Dromen Een Ons Geluk He Lekker Ding Heb Je Even Voor Mij I'm Still Standing Op Rode Rozen Vallen Tranen De Twee Pinten De Twee Pinten De Vrijbuiters Dennie Christian Dennie Christian Dennie Christian & Mieke Dick Swaneveld & Tom Poederbac Diverse Artiesten Dj Ötzi Djumbo Doe Maar Doe Maar Doe Maar Doe Maar Doe Maar Doe Maar Doe Maar Doe Maar Dorus Dorus Dries Roelvink Drs. P. Drukwerk Drukwerk Drukwerk Drukwerk Drukwerk Duo X Dynamite Dynamite Ed & Willem Bever Ed Nieman Eddy Cristiani Eddy Cristiani Eddy Cristiani Eddy Wally Eddy Wally Eddy Wally Eddy Wally Eddy Wally Eddy Walsh Egberts Douwe Els Bakker Emma Erik Van Neygen & Sanne Esther Evelyn Evi Hanssen Fabeltjeskrant Fabian Femke Flor Fouryo's, The Frank & Mirela Frank & Mirella Frank Boeijen Frank Boeijen Frank Boeijen Frank Boeijen Frank Boeijen Frank En Mirrela Frank Van Etten Frank Van Etten Frans Bauer Frans Bauer Frans Bauer Frans Bauer Frans Bauer Frans Bauer Frans Bauer Frans Bauer Pagina 323 19992330 19987181 19987207 1076187 19987269 19988709 19986889 19986897 1076149 19987196 19987242 19987157 19987089 19987098 19986998 19986919 19987051 19987155 19987192 19986870 9734652 19986996 19987054 1076151 19987124 19987046 19985801 19985415 19985802 19986817 19987052 19987011 19986825 19987057 1076152 19991091 19986909 19985899 19987206 19987141 1076195 19987024 1076266 1076182 19990282 19987176 19987179 19987208 19987220 1076153 19986862 19987118 19987126 19986852 19986855 19987146 19987195 19992102 19987055 19986869 19986860 19986835 19986849 19987091 19987260 1076197 19987020 19988674 19988679 19988684 19987136 NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL Ratatadadada Regenboog Torero Wat ik je zeggen wil Zo Is Het Leven Weet Dat Het Zonnetje Schijnt Al Duurt De Nacht Tot Morgenvroeg Als Ik Met Jouw Op Wolken Zweef De Regenboog Sha Lala Blijf Bij Me Wat Ik Zou Willen Nu Zijn We Alle Twee Artiesten Jij Denkt Maar Dat Je Alles Mag Van Mij Ketelbinkie Er Is Leven Na De Dood Ik heb een boot Ik Heb Een Toeter Op Mijn Waterscooter Niet Prate Nie & Nie Zinge Nie Schatje Mag Ik Je Foto Una Paloma Blanca t Is weer voorbij die mooie zomer Engel Van Mijn Hart Ik Hou Er Zo Van Liefde Op Het Eerste Gezicht Maak Me Gek Ik Ben Gerrit Bagagedrager Ik neem je mee Zijn Alle Duiven Op De Dam (Shalalie Shalala) Ik Heb Eerbied Voor Jouw Grijze Haren Goede Tijden Slechte Tijden Blijf Je Vannacht Bij Mij Ik Hou Van Jou Kon Ik Maar Even Bij Je Zijn Mia Besta Je Wel Echt Hart op het spel Toppertje Mijn Leven Begint Bij Jou Het Dondert En Het Bliksemt Het Is Altijd Lente In De Ogen Van De Tandarts Assistente Het is een nacht Ik Tel Tot 3 Jij bent de liefde Per Spoor (Kedeng Kedeng) Proosten Tranen Gelachen Verliefd Zijn Zo ver weg Ouwe Huis Liefde Is Lekker Maar Lekker Is Niet Altijd Liefde Maar Vanavond Heb Ik Hoofdpijn Mario Mijn Kijkdoos Mijn Tranen Zul Je Nooit Meer Zien Sex Mannen En Geld Annabel Ik Hou Van Alle Vrouwen Thuis Ben Oh Oh Den Haag Er Is Altijd Wel Iemand Die Van Je Houd Mama Johanna Zelfs Je Naam Is Mooi Beun De Beunhaas He Suzie Ik Ben Veel Liever Alleen Ik Moet Nog Wat Jaren Mee Kerstnacht Tesamen Met De Vlam In De Pijp Pagina 324 Frans Bauer Frans Bauer Frans Bauer Frans Bauer Frans Bauer Frans Bauer & Kabouter Plop Frans Bauer & Laura Lynn Frans Bauer & Marianne Weber Frans Bauer & Marianne Weber Frans Bauer & Marianne Weber Frans Bauer & Marianne Weber Frans Bauer & Vader Abraham Frans Duyts Frans Van Schaik Freek De Jonge Gebroeders Ko Gebroeders Ko Gebroeders Ko Gebroeders Ko George Baker Selection Gerard Cox Gerard Joling Gerard Joling Gerard Joling Gerard Joling Gerrit Dekzijl Gers Pardoel Gers Pardoel Gers Pardoel Gert & Hermien Gert & Hermien Goede Tijden Slechte Tijden Gordon Gordon Gordon Gorki Grad Damen Guillaume & Lieselot Guillermo & Tropical Danny Gunther Levi Guus Meeuwis Guus Meeuwis Guus Meeuwis Guus Meeuwis Guus Meeuwis Guus Meeuwis Guus Meeuwis Guus Meeuwis Guus Meeuwis Guus Meeuwis Han Wellerdieck Hanny Hanny Hanny Hanny Hanny Hanny Hans De Booij Hans De Booij Hans De Booij Harrie Klorkestein Harry Slinger Heintje Henk Elsink Henk Westbroek Henk Wijngaard Henk Wijngaard Henk Wijngaard Henk Wijngaard Henk Wijngaard Henk Wijngaard 19986945 1076347 19986898 19987050 9734632 19987213 19988698 19987036 19987168 19986906 19986868 19987232 19987254 1076198 1076056 19988733 19988735 19986925 19987225 1076345 19992334 19986981 1076199 19987174 19987131 19986946 19987258 19986893 19986894 19986918 19986926 19986932 19986992 19987029 1076159 19987139 19987166 1076160 19987200 19987265 19987212 19987231 19987085 19985894 19986930 19986972 1076154 19987001 19987002 1076155 1076156 19987122 1076157 1076158 19987183 19985897 1076305 19991972 19986039 19988690 19986819 19986851 19986856 19986828 19986970 19992335 19990283 19992336 1076181 19987158 19992312 NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL De Fiets Van Piet Lief klein konijntje Als Je Wint Ik Heb Alleen Nog Maar Die Foto Ik lig op mijn kussen stil te dromen Tulpen Uit Amsterdam Pappie Loop Toch Niet Zo Snel Hilversum 3 Opzij Belgie Stiekem Met Je Gedanst Vriendschap Wilt U Een Stekkie Van De Fuchsia Kiddy Kiddy Kiss Me Busje komt zo Pad Der Zeven Zonden Baby Baby Costa Del Sol Viva Espania Kusjes van mij De Wilde Boerendochter Een Man Mag Niet Huilen Manuela Pappie Loop Toch Niet Zo Snel Mariandel De Fles Ze Zeggen Als De Morgen Is Gekomen Als De Nacht Verdwijnt Boom Boom Bailande Cupido Dan Volg Je Haar Benen El Miditerraneo Het Land Van Mijn Dromen Ik Zing Dit Lied Voor Jou Alleen Mijn Dorp Aan De Zee Op Eigen Benen Pappie Waar Blijf Je Nou Stilte In De Storm Zing Lach En Leef Je Uit Tuintje In Mijn Hart Vrienden Voor Het Leven Je Bent Alles 3 2 1 GO Dam Dam Een Beetje Meer Eleonora Ga Dan Ga Maar Weg Ik Wil Naar Griekenland Lucky M'n Meisje Uit Arcadia Met Jou Kan Ik Het Leven Aan Van Casablanca Naar Napoli Rode Rozen Geloven in jezelf Jij bent zo Ik zit in een cafeetje Get up! Liefde Op Het Eerste Gezicht Als de zomer weer voorbij zal zijn Maria Mooi is het leven Dat Heet dan gelukkig zijn Drink Rode Wijn Rue De Bouchers Vlaamse Nachten Is Er Een Ander Het Vrolijke Kosterlied Och Was Ik Maar Aan Die Voet Van Die Ouwe Wester Henkie Henkie Hennie Vrienten & Herman Brood Hepie & Hepie Hepie & Hepie Herman Emmink Herman Van Keeken Herman Van Veen Herman Van Veen Het Goede Doel Het Goede Doel Het Goede Doel Hetty Blok Highway Höllenboer Huis Anubis Ian Thomas Imca Marina Imca Marina Ine Ivan Heylen Jacques Herb Jacques Herb Jacques Herb Jan & Zwaan Jan Boezeroen Jan Boezeroen Jan Smit Jan Smit Jan Smit Jan Smit Jan Smit Jan Smit Jan Smit Jan Smit Jan Smit Jan Smit Jan Smit Jan Smit Jan Smit Jan Smit & Damaru Jan Smit & jan Keizer Jan Ten Hoop Jana Jannes Jannes Jannes Jannes Jannes Jannes Jannes Jannes Jannes Jannes Jantje Koopmans Jens Jeroen van der Boom Jettie Pallettie Jill & Lauren Jo Depoortere Jo Vally Jo Vally Jo Vally Jo Vally & Ann Christie Joe Harris Johan Verminnen Johan Veugelers John Terra Johnny Johnny Hoes Johnny Jordaan Pagina 325 19992318 19986940 19986959 19986984 19987004 19987097 19987171 19987198 19987064 9734636 1076200 19987221 19987056 19985896 18136339 19991103 19986041 19988643 19988721 19986042 19988718 19986043 19986046 19986044 19986047 19986048 19986049 19988669 19988670 19986050 19988673 19991051 19986051 19986052 19986053 19986054 19986045 19988696 19986055 19986056 19986057 19986058 19986059 19986060 19988711 19988712 19986061 7495611 7495614 7495613 7495618 19987125 19987073 19990279 19990287 1076009 1076293 1076341 1076483 1076507 19988682 1076413 19986863 19986901 19986939 1076165 19986988 19987010 19987062 1076166 19987075 NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL Bij Ons In De Jordaan De Afgekeurde Woning De Vrolijke Koster Een Pikketanussie Geef Mij Maar Amsterdam Kerstmis In De Jordaan Over 25 Jaar Sophietje Ik Sta Op Wacht Jij bent de zon Jij Bent De Zon (Medley) Verliefdheid Ik Hou Van Holland Boom Boom Waka Waka Kei! Vet! Cool! 10.000 Luchtballonnen Alice in Wonderland Alle Kleuren Borst Vooruit De 3 biggetjes De Revolutie Dokter Dokter Eyo Feest Frans liedje Geloof in jezelf Hart verloren Heyah Mama Hippie Shake Hoofd naar boven I Love You Baby Jij Bent De Bom (met stem) Kuma Kuma He Kusjesdag Liefdeskapitein Mama Se Oma's Aan De Top Op Elkaar Oya Le Le Superhero Toveren Trouwen Waar zijn de engeltjes Ya Ya Yippee Yéké Yéké Yippie Yippie Zou er iemand zijn op Mars De Ganzenpas De Kabouterdans Het Ploplied Sjoebidoebidabidee Maar Nu Heb Ik Er Een Ik Wou Dat Ik Jouw Was Als je gaat Parijs Alle jongens, alle meiden Iedereen is Smoorverliefd Knop op 10 Vandaag is de dag Ik heb zo waanzinnig gedroomd In Vuur En Vlam Op een onbewoond eiland Over De Muur Apres Ski Medley Dat Bruine Cafe De Zomerzon Eenmaal In Je Leven Gisteren Heeft Zij Mij Verlaten Ik Slaap Vannacht Wel Op De Bank Ik Verscheurde Je Foto Ik Zal Er Alijd Voor Je Wezen Johnny Jordaan Johnny Jordaan Johnny Jordaan Johnny Jordaan Johnny Jordaan Johnny Jordaan Johnny Lion Johnny Lion Joop De Knegt Jop Jop Jordy Van Loon Josef Schmidt Juniors 2012 Juniors 2012 K3 K3 K3 K3 K3 K3 K3 K3 K3 K3 K3 K3 K3 K3 K3 K3 K3 K3 K3 K3 K3 K3 K3 K3 K3 K3 K3 K3 K3 K3 K3 K3 Kabouter Plop Kabouter Plop Kabouter Plop Kabouter Plop Katja Schuurmans Kemper & Veldhuis Kenny B. Kenny B. Ketnetpop Juniors Ketnetpop Juniors Ketnetpop Juniors Ketnetpop Juniors Kinderen voor kinderen Kinderen Voor Kinderen Kinderen voor kinderen Klein Orkest Koos Alberts Koos Alberts Koos Alberts Koos Alberts Koos Alberts Koos Alberts Koos Alberts Koos Alberts Pagina 326 19987092 19986873 11434119 19987053 19987110 19987205 19985900 19987267 19992338 1076064 1076553 19985901 19987245 19987144 19987223 19986831 19987100 19986885 19992340 19987222 19986857 19986850 19985898 19987211 19986931 19992341 19987184 1076297 19988724 19988727 19988725 19988691 19988726 19987204 19985904 19991748 19986880 19987090 19986846 19987160 19987067 19986844 19987114 19987150 19986888 19991572 19986941 19986954 19991571 19986960 19991573 9734631 19987086 19987129 19987185 19990289 19987201 19987233 1076510 19987255 19991574 19991570 19987249 19986890 19986950 19986952 19986982 19987003 19987017 19987048 19987194 NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL Jordaan Medley Wanneer Je Alles Hebt Verloren In Je Leven Zijn het je ogen Ik Heb Je Gewist Kus Gaat Los Topje Van Mijn Zus Ik ben verliefd Zinloos Jij Doet De Wolken Verdwijnen Cowboymeisje Zo verliefd (Yodelo) Ik wil de werled zien Wat zullen we drinken Mijn Opa Visite De Troubadour Kinderen Een Kwartje Ademnood Van 's Morgensvroeg Tot 's Avonds Laat Verrek Zeg Kerel Ben Jij 'T Naar De Bollen Margrietje (De Rozen Zullen Bloeien) Go Go Go Trouw Niet Voor Je 40 Bent Dan Gaan De Lichten Aan Hij Speelde Accordeon Rood Zijn De Rozen In mijn dromen Funky Monkey Halloween Jungle Song Mag Nie Dit, Mag Nie Dat Swingen Terug Naar De Kust Zo vrolijk was ik nooit Als de dag van toen Zo Ver Weg Jodeljongen & Ik Krijg Een Heel Apart Kleine Jodeljongen Oh Amsterdam Ik Weet Dat Er Een Ander Is Kamperen Bij De Boer Lekker Op De Trekker Mooi Man Afscheid Nemen Bestaat Niet Als alle lichten zijn gedoofd De Bestemming De Meeste Dromen Zijn Bedrog De speeltuin De Waarheid Dochters Ik leef niet meer voor jou Je Hoeft Niet Naar Huis Vannacht Margeritha Rood Samen voor altijd Stop De Tijd Vrij Zijn Waarom jij nu Wit Licht Zij Wat zou je doen Wereld Zonder Jou Alles In Het Leven De Italiaan De Leugenaar Een Meisje Huilt Geef Me Nog Een Laatste Kus Hartje Van Goud Ik Doe Wat Ik Wil Schrijf Me Nooit Geen Mooie Brieven Meer Koos Alberts Koos Alberts Koos Alberts Kus Kus Kus Lalaladies Lange Frans & Baas B Laura Lynn Laura Omloop Laura Omloop Laurens Lawineboys Leen Jongewaard Lennie Kuhr Lenny Kuhr Liesbeth List Linda Roos & Jessica Lindsay Lodewijk Van Avezaath Louis Davids Louis Neefs Lowie Lowland Trio Luc Steeno Luc Steeno Lucas & Gea Hullshof Luis M-Kids M-Kids M-Kids M-Kids M-Kids Maggie MacNeal Mai-Li Mama's Jasje Mama's Jasje Manke Nelis Manke Nelis Manke Nelis Mannenkoor Karrespoor Mannenkoor Karrespoor Mannenkoor Karrespoor Mannenkoor Karrespoor Marco Borsato Marco Borsato Marco Borsato Marco Borsato Marco Borsato Marco Borsato Marco Borsato Marco Borsato Marco Borsato Marco Borsato Marco Borsato Marco Borsato Marco Borsato Marco Borsato Marco Borsato Marco Borsato Marco Borsato Marco Borsato & Ali B. Marco Borsato En Trijntje Oosterhuis Marianne Weber Marianne Weber Marianne Weber Marianne Weber Marianne Weber Marianne Weber Marianne Weber Marianne Weber Pagina 327 19986911 19986993 19992342 19992343 19986875 19986944 19988719 19986978 19987252 19987076 18136340 19987216 19990281 19987038 19992344 19987121 19990286 19987186 19987000 19987039 19986974 19990284 19990430 19992345 19986936 19986842 19987159 19988667 1076177 19987094 19987104 1076180 19988737 19986957 19986878 19986943 19986838 19987072 19987228 19988746 19992346 19987140 19988741 19986896 19987101 1076201 19988642 1076188 19988732 7495616 7495615 19988720 19987224 19988715 19987275 19988729 19987042 19986816 19987113 19986867 19986874 19987266 19986865 19987082 19987119 19986892 19987235 9734615 19986928 19986966 19986922 NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL Bij Jou Alleen Elke Roos Oempalapapero Rode Rozen In De Sneeuw Weet Je Nog Wel Oudje De Eerste Keer Toby Toby Een Kind Zonder Moeder Wild Ik Zie Een Ster Niemand krijgt ons klein Ursula De Soldaat Hoe Lang Kijk omhoog Lippen Op De Mijne Pak maar m'n hand Rosanne Foxy Foxtrot Honkie Tonkie Pianissie Een Beetje Vrede Beauty & The Brains Sexy als ik dans Ik Hou Van U Daor Maak Ik Geen Probleem Van Hoe J 'T Ok Doet Oerend Hard Het Leven Is Goed In M'n Brabantse Land 10 Kleine Tuinkabouters Juffrouw Toos Kleine Tuinkabouters Tien Kleine Tuinkabouters Licht Uit De Vissers Van Capri Zandvoort De Doodgewoonste Dingen Hela Hola Ik Wil Niet Dat Je Liegt Vlieg Met Me Mee Naar De Regenboog Kleine Vogel Zeg 'ns Meisje Mijn Fiets Is Gejat Het Is Altijd Lente In De Ogen Van De Tandarts Assistente Als Ik God Was Klap Maar In Je Handen Kom Van Dat Dak Af Adem Mijn Adem He Hallo Mooie Meid Neem Me Mee Piet Piraat Piet Piraat is op vakantie Storm Op Zee Vissersmeisje Zij Maakt Het Verschil Zuiderzeeballade Ding Dong Huil Maar Niet Kleine Eva 5 Uur Laat Me Sammy We Zullen Doorgaan Zing Vecht Huil Bid Lach Werk En Bewonder Pastorale (Duet) Je Veux L'amour Liefde Voor Muziek Als De Dag Van Toen Vuile Huichelaar Alles kan een mens gelukkig maken Daar Sta Je Dan Doe Maar Gewoon C'est La Vie Pagina 328 Marianne Weber & Frans Bauer Marianne Weber & Frans Bauer Marva Marva Max Van Praag Maxine & Franklin Brown Mega Mindy Mieke Monigue Smit Mouth & Macneal Naomi New Four Nick & Simon Nick & Simon Nick & Simon Nick & Simon Nick & Simon Nick & Simon Nico Haak Nico Haak Nicole Nielson Nielson Noordkaap Normaal Normaal Normaal Oh Sixteen Oh Seven One Two Trio One Two Trio One Two Trio One Two Trio Opposites Orkest Zonder Naam Pasadena Dream Band Passe Partou Pater Moeskroen Paul De Leeuw Paul De Leeuw Paul Severs Paul Severs Paul Verhey Peter De Koning Peter Koelewijn Peter Koelewijn Peter Koelewijn Peter Schaap Peter Smulders Peter Van De Veire Piet Piraat Piet Piraat Piet Piraat Piet Tuinman Poema's Poons & Verschoor Popz Radi Ensemble Ramses Shaffy Ramses Shaffy Ramses Shaffy Ramses Shaffy Ramses Shaffy Ramses Shaffy & Liesbeth List Raymond Van Groenewoud Raymond Van Groenewoud Reinhard May Rene De Haan Rene Froger Rene Froger Rene Froger Rene Riva 19987191 19987240 19986830 19987070 19987084 19987210 19987147 19987106 19992349 19987112 19987259 1076032 19986929 1076202 1076183 16196074 19987127 19987182 19987261 19987273 19987276 19987016 19986995 19987061 19987049 19986853 19987135 19987132 19986997 1076171 19987123 19987007 19987065 19986872 19987058 19986949 19987190 19986914 19988757 19988683 19988660 19988641 19988654 19988722 19988662 19988728 19988675 19988678 19988685 19988692 19988700 19988702 19988704 19988707 19988680 7495617 7495612 19986820 19987272 1076203 19987074 18136338 19987021 19986924 19988646 19988653 19988658 19988052 1076458 19987151 19991069 NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL Samen Want Als Ik Haar Zie De Liefde Van De Man Gaat Door De Maag Ik Wil Een Cowboy Als Man Janus Pak Me Nog Een Keer Troela O Troela Mijn Wiegie Was Een Stijfsel Kissie Koffie Koffie De Allereerste Keer Laat Me Alleen Zegt Mijn Man Banger Hart Dag Zuster Ursula Het Werd Zomer Hou Me Vast Hou me vast (Uptempo Remix) Malle Babbe Ritme Van De Regen Zet Een Kaars Bij Je Raam Vannacht Zondag Zuster Ursula Haar Rode Lampje En Steeds Weer Huil Je Ik Mis Je Zo Ik Doe Wat Ik Wil Mazzel Meisjes Marina Engelen Bestaan Niet Gooi Je Schoonmoeder Uit Het R M'n Schoonmoeder Geweldig Ik Vind Je Geweldig Verboden Vruchten Ik Hou Van Jou De Hoogste Tijd Samen Een Straatje Om Blijf Bij Mij Trein k Heb De Zon Zien Zakken E Viva Espana 10 Miljoen De Bel Doet Het Niet De Wereld Is Mooi Er Zit Meer In Een Liedje Dan Je Denkt Heet Ik Ben Verliefd Ik Moet Kloppen Want De Bel Doet Het Niet Kijk Daar Heb Je Gert & Samson Niet Ver Weg Repeteren Samen Op De Moto Slaapliedje Verliefd Zijn Vrienden Voor Het Leven De Samsonrock Mooi, het leven is mooi Als Het Om De Liefde Gaat Zomer In Zeeland Blauw Ik Zal Alles Doen Hey hallo jij Heel Even Comment Ca Va Annemarie Dans Je De Hele Nacht Met Mij De Vrolijke Koster Lacht nor mij Spring Mooi Volendam Een Ster Rene Schuurmans Rene Schuurmans Ria Valk Ria Valk Ria Valk Ria Valk Rika Jansen Rita Corita Rita Deneve Rita Hovink Rita Hovink Rob De Nijs Rob De Nijs Rob De Nijs Rob De Nijs Rob de Nijs Rob De Nijs Rob De Nijs Rob De Nijs Rob De Nijs Rob De Nijs Rob Ronalds Rob Van Daal Rob Van Daal Rob Zorn Rob Zorn Rob Zorn Rocco Granata Ron Brandsteder Ronald Ronald Ronnie Tober Ronnie Tober Ronnie Tober Roxanne Hazes Rudy Carell Rudy Carell Ruth Jacott & Paul De Leeuw Sabien Tiels Sam Gooris Samantha Samson & Gert Samson & Gert Samson & Gert Samson & Gert Samson & Gert Samson & Gert Samson & Gert Samson & Gert Samson & Gert Samson & Gert Samson & Gert Samson & Gert Samson & Gert Samson & Gert Samson en Gert Samson en Gert Sandra & Andres Saskia & Serge Scene, The Schaamteloos Seppe Shirley Shorts, The Sjonnies Sjonnies Sjonnies Slongs Dievanongs Spring Stampvast Stan Van Samang Pagina 329 19987173 19986962 19986963 19986979 1076172 1076173 19987162 19987239 19986883 19987145 19987161 19992351 19986861 1076431 19988708 1076038 1076174 17581388 19987008 19987138 1076076 19988705 1076175 19987143 19986854 19988738 19986837 19988747 16196070 19991638 19986905 19987027 19987026 19987032 19986871 19987274 19986834 1076189 19988655 19988659 19988668 19988689 19988693 19988694 19988749 19988723 19988699 19988703 19988713 18136337 19986980 19987202 19988666 19988672 19988695 19988744 19988745 19988644 16196063 19986902 19986903 16196064 16196065 16196066 16196067 16196069 19986976 19986989 19986991 19987006 19987012 NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL Papa De Woonboot Die Griekse Melodie Een Koffer Vol Met Dromen Daar Bij Die Molen De Wandelclub Oh, Wat Ben Je Mooi Wandelclub Aan De Grens Van De Duitse Heuvelen Mijn Ouwe Amstelstad Oh Johnny Viva De Hetero's Oh, Darling Plots zo andres Een Tocht Door Het Donker Big City Achter De Rododendron Dos Cervesas Por Favor Gina Lollobrigida Mien Waar Is M'n Feestneus Dansen op mijn bed Stiekem Gedanst Vlieg Met Me Mee Mijn Naam Is Haas Met Hart En Ziel Bij Ons Staat Op De Keukendeur Geef Mij De Liefde En De Gein Wat Een Lekker Ding Heb ik ooit gezegd dat ik je lief heb K 13 Bedankt Lieve Ouders Het Kleine Cafe (House Versie) Het Kleine Cafe Aan De Haven Het Smurfenlied Vandaag Zal De Wereld Anders Zijn Zou Het Erg Zijn Lieve Opa En Nou Die Hèndjes De Lucht In Stil In Mij De Herdertjes Lagen Bij Nachten Dikkertje Dap Het Vissersmeisje Lang Zullen Ze Leven Nooit Komt Die Tijd Terug Oh Denneboom Oranje Bovenaan Oranjemedley Pipo De Clown Sinterklaasmedley Zallemenut Nog een Keertje Overdoen Freedom Een Kopje Koffie Susanne Het Is Over Hou Me Vast Onderweg Jou Herken Ik Met Gesloten Ogen Klappermelk Alleen Gaan Alleen op de wereld Arme Joe Arrivederci Maria De mannen van de nacht De noorderwind Doe de Line Dance Dona Carmela Draai dan 797204 Een huisje in Montmartre Eenzaam Zonder Jou El Bandido Geen Zomer Zonder Jou Goodbye Elvis Stef Bos Stef Ekkel Stef Ekkel Stef Ekkel Straatzangers Sugar Lee Hooper Sugar Lee Hooper Sugar Lee Hooper Sunstreams, The Tante Leen Tante Leen Tegen De Sterren Op Theo Diepenbrock Thomas & Lauren Thor Tol Hansen Tol Hansse Tom Waes Tony Bass Toon Hermans Toon, Jasper, Tim & Thomas Toontje Lager Trijntje Oosterhuis Trio Lowland Trockener Keyks Twee Pinten Twee Pinten Twee Pinten Udo Umesh Vader Abraham Vader Abraham Vader Abraham Vader Abraham Vader Abraham Vader Abraham & Wilma Van Alles Van Dik Hout Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Vince Vof De Kunst Vof De Kunst Volumia Volumia Volumia Vrijbuiters Wieteke Van Dort Will Tura Will Tura Will Tura Will Tura Will Tura Will Tura Will Tura Will Tura Will Tura Will Tura Will Tura Will Tura Will Tura Will Tura Pagina 330 16196071 16196072 16196073 19987040 19987060 16196075 19988686 19992353 19987149 16196077 19987227 19987033 19986923 19986961 19987153 1076409 19987199 19987203 19987253 1076176 19987163 19986938 19990529 19986985 19987107 19987215 19992354 19988739 19988736 19986841 19987784 16196076 19987189 19986879 19987262 19986821 19986882 19987023 1076185 19987226 1076196 19987041 1076497 19988650 19986884 19986829 19987035 19987096 19987128 19987137 19987142 19987270 NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL Hemelsblauw Het kan niet zijn Hij kan niet zonder jou Hopeloos Ik Mis Je Zo Je liegt Kom Doe De Line-Dance Megamix Mooi 't Leven Is Mooi Omdat ik vlaming ben Vlaanderen Mijn Land Het Staat In De Sterren Geschreven Carolientje De Winter Was Lang Morgen Ben Ik De Bruid Ome Jan Spiegelbeeld Telkens Weer Willem Niemand Laat Zijn Eigen Kind Aan Omdat Ik Zoveel Van Je Hou Dat Afgezaagde Zinnetje De glimlach van een kind Een Reisje Langs De Rijn Kom Zwarte Zigeuner Twee Ogen Zo Blauw Als Een Leeuw In Een Kooi Dans Met Mij Tot Morgen Vroeg Een Wonder Van Een Vrouw Het Water Is Veel Te Diep Ik geef me over Laat de zon in je hart Samba Carioca Ze Danste Met Haar Schaduw Zeven Anjers Zeven Rozen Als Op Het Leidsche Plein De Lichtjes Aan De Amsterdamse Grachten Het Dorp Ik Heb De Hele Nacht Liggen Dromen Viva Hollandia Wat een heerlijke dag Hou Me Vast Vive la fête Café De Zwaan Ach Vader Lief De Blinde Soldaat Het Was Aan De Casta Del Sol Keetje Tippel Mandolinen In Nicosia Mexico Mijn Leven Zomaar Een Hollands Liedje Will Tura Will Tura Will Tura Will Tura Will Tura Will Tura Will Tura Will Tura Will Tura Will Tura Will Tura Will Tura & Jody Willeke Alberti Willeke Alberti Willeke Alberti Willeke Alberti Willeke Alberti Willeke Alberti Willem Duyn Willy & Willeke Alberti Willy & Willeke Alberti Willy Alberti Willy Alberti Willy Alberti Willy Derby Willy Derby Willy Sommers Willy Sommers Willy Sommers Willy Sommers Willy Sommers Willy Sommers Willy Sommers Willy Sommers Willy Sommers Willy Walden Wim Sonneveld Wim Sonneveld Wolter Kroes Wolter Kroes Wolter Kroes Xander de Buisonjé Ymke Yves Seghers Zangeres Zonder Naam Zangeres Zonder Naam Zangeres Zonder Naam Zangeres Zonder Naam Zangeres Zonder Naam Zangeres Zonder Naam Zangeres Zonder Naam Zangeres Zonder Naam Pagina 331
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