Influence of Heavy Fuel Properties on Spray Atomization for Marine
Influence of Heavy Fuel Properties on Spray Atomization for Marine
2009-01-1858 Influence of Heavy Fuel Properties on Spray Atomization for Marine Diesel Engine Applications Nikolaos Kyriakides, Christos Chryssakis, Lambros Kaiktsis National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) Dept. of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering Copyright © 2009 SAE International ABSTRACT In the present work, a model with the thermophysical properties of Heavy Fuel Oil, typically used in marine diesel engines, has been developed and implemented into the KIVA CFD code. The effect of fuel properties on spray atomization is investigated by performing simulations in a constant-volume high-pressure chamber, using the E-TAB and the USB breakup models. Two different nozzle sizes, representative of medium- and low-speed marine diesel engines, have been considered. The simulations have been performed for two values of chamber pressure, corresponding to operation at partial and full engine load. The results indicate that, in comparison to a diesel spray, the Heavy Fuel spray is characterized by comparable values of penetration length, and larger droplet sizes. These findings are correlated to experimental results from the literature. INTRODUCTION Current research efforts on optimizing diesel engine operation attempt in minimizing pollutant emissions without sacrificing fuel economy. To this end, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations are a valuable tool. The computed levels of pollutant concentrations and engine output are heavily dependent on a proper description of spray atomization processes. Currently used physical models of spray atomization are based on conditions representative of small automotive engines. In large marine diesel engines, the nondimensional parameters affecting the spray dynamics differ substantially, due to both the larger size of injectors and the use of Heavy (or Residual) Fuel Oil (HFO). Roughly 2/3 of all merchant ships are operated with HFO. Commonly, the composition of HFO varies substantially, introducing many uncertainties in modeling. Reported values of the kinematic viscosity of HFO at 50oC can range between 50 cSt and 800 cSt, compared to approximately 3 cSt for automotive diesel fuel. Furthermore, surface tension values are substantially higher for HFO (by order 20%). It is expected that the differences in fuel properties affect the dynamics of spray atomization, droplet evaporation and fuel-air mixing in marine diesel engines. Thus, validation and further development of the existing models is necessary for modeling spray dynamics in these large engines. With reference to medium-speed marine engines, a first experimental study performed by Fink et al. [1] suggests that, in comparison to automotive diesel sprays, HFO sprays exhibit small differences in terms of tip penetration, with the deviations in droplet sizes being significant. For large (low-speed) marine diesel engine conditions, a constant-volume combustion chamber has been developed [2], and experiments are currently underway. In 2006, Goldsworthy [3] presented a simplified model for heavy residual fuel, with constant viscosity, density and latent heat of evaporation, in which the surface tension was defined as a function of temperature. The model was used in CFD simulations for two representative fuels, and good agreement was reported between measured and computed data for ignition delay, burning rate, and spatial form of the spray and flame. More recently, Struckmeier et al. [4] adopted Goldsworthy’s approach, and elaborated it by adding multi-component droplet evaporation. This was achieved The Engineering Meetings Board has approved this paper for publication. It has successfully completed SAE’s peer review process under the supervision of the session organizer. This process requires a minimum of three (3) reviews by industry experts. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE. ISSN 0148-7191 Positions and opinions advanced in this paper are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of SAE. The author is solely responsible for the content of the paper. SAE Customer Service: Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) Tel: 724-776-4970 (outside USA) Fax: 724-776-0790 Email: [email protected] SAE Web Address: Printed in USA by applying different saturation pressures for light and heavy fuel components. The comparison of spray simulations with experimental measurements showed good agreement in terms of spray penetration, evaporation, and flame lift-off length. Motivated by similar studies in automotive engines, recent attempts in optimizing pollutant emissions and engine performance of marine diesel engines exploit advanced injection strategies with pilot injection [5-6]. Typically, CFD studies as these of [5-6] rely on diesel oil properties for modeling spray dynamics. Thus, future studies should take into account the effects of marine fuel properties. To this end, a new fuel model is developed and tested in the present study. The new model accounts for the thermophysical properties of a representative heavy marine fuel. The model is implemented into a KIVA-based CFD code, and evaluated for a prototype fuel spray in a constant volume combustion chamber. Results for HFO are compared to computational results for a conventional diesel fuel, as well as with the experimental measurements of [1], in terms of spray breakup behavior. SPRAY MODELING The developed HFO model has been implemented into a modified version of the KIVA code [7-8]. In order to study the effects of fuel properties on spray atomization, two different spray breakup models have been utilized. The breakup models under consideration are a modified version of the Enhanced - Taylor Analogy Breakup (ETAB) model [9], and the Unified Spray Breakup (USB) model [10]. The selection of the two spray models is motivated by the facts that the E-TAB model has been extensively tested for diesel spray simulations in marine engine applications [5, 6, 9, 11], while the USB model has been recently developed and validated under a wide range of conditions, yielding promising results for conditions applicable to typical diesel sprays. In the following, basic features of the two models are outlined. E-TAB MODEL The E-TAB model reflects a cascade of droplet breakups, in which the breakup condition is determined by the Taylor droplet oscillator dynamics. The droplet size is reduced in a continuous manner, until the product droplets reach a stable condition. The model maintains the droplet deformation dynamics of the TAB model [12]. According to this approach, the droplet distortion is described by a forced damped harmonic oscillator, in which the forcing term corresponds to the aerodynamic droplet-gas interaction, the restoring force is due to surface tension, while damping is attributed to the liquid’s viscosity. Breakup occurs when the normalized (with respect to the initial radius) droplet distortion exceeds the critical value of 1. The rate of droplet creation is d m(t ) = −3K br m(t ) dt where m(t) is the mean mass of a droplet’s product distribution, and Kbr a constant that depends on the breakup mechanism [9]. This correspondingly leads to an exponential relation between the product and parent droplet radius, r and α, respectively: r α = e − K br t . Droplets are initialized with a “negative” deformation velocity in order to avoid the almost immediate breakup of highly unstable initial ligaments, and to extend their lifetime to levels comparable with experimentally observed jet breakup lengths [9]. USB MODEL In this model, the spray breakup has been divided into three distinct sub-processes, namely, primary atomization, drop deformation due to aerodynamic drag, and secondary atomization [10]. The primary atomization is modeled based on the Huh et al. approach [13]. Here, the effects of both infinitesimal wave growth on the jet surface and jet turbulence (including cavitation dynamics) are considered. Initial perturbations on the jet surface are induced by turbulent fluctuations of the flow inside the nozzle. This approach overcomes the inherent difficulty of wave growth models, where the (exponential) growth of disturbances becomes zero at zero perturbation amplitude. The primary atomization model is based on two main assumptions: 1. The integral length scale of turbulence is the dominant length scale of primary atomization. 2. The time scale of the atomization is a weighted sum of a turbulent and a wave growth time scale. The drop deformation and secondary atomization model builds on top of already existing drops, generated by primary atomization. The secondary atomization has been further divided into four breakup regimes, based on experimental observations reported in the literature [14]. In accordance with the findings of [14], determination of the appropriate secondary atomization regime depends only on the Weber number of the droplets, defined as: We = ρ GU 2 d o , σ where ρG is the density of the ambient gas, U the droplet velocity, do the droplet initial diameter upon its creation, and σ the surface tension. For low Weber numbers (less than 12), atomization does not occur, and only droplet deformation takes place. For higher values of Weber number, the following regimes are identified in [14]: • • • • to 953.7 kg/m3, compared to 848 kg/m3 for the standard diesel fuel models in KIVA. It is noted that the liquid density is a decreasing function of temperature, which will be addressed in future development of the model. Bag breakup, 12<We<20 Multimode breakup, 20<We<80 Shear breakup, 80<We<800 Catastrophic breakup, 800<We In [10], the breakup times and resulting droplet sizes are estimated from experimentally verified correlations for each breakup regime. Once a droplet’s secondary breakup has been completed, further disintegration (tertiary breakup) is not possible [15], and droplets reach a stable condition. In experiments with isolated droplets, Faeth and coworkers [14-15] observed that, for sufficiently high values of the liquid’s viscosity, the limits of breakup regimes are affected. The effect of the liquid’s viscosity is accounted for in the Ohnesorge number, defined as: Oh = µL , (ρ L d oσ )1/ 2 where µL, ρL are the dynamic viscosity and density of the droplet, respectively. As the viscosity increases, the value of Weber number required for the onset of breakup increases. As a consequence, the transitions between the four above-mentioned regimes occur at higher Weber numbers; thus, breakup of the liquid droplets takes place at a slower pace. This is illustrated in Figure 1, where a map of the breakup regimes is presented, based on the findings of [14], as compiled by Chryssakis and Assanis [10]. On this map, the areas of typical gasoline and diesel sprays for automotive applications are identified. As illustrated in Figure 1, the dependence of breakup on Ohnesorge number is important only for values higher than order 1. Five other thermophysical properties have been accounted for, in the HFO model. These are the liquid’s dynamic viscosity, surface tension, vapor pressure, latent heat of evaporation, and specific enthalpy. Calculation of the five above-mentioned properties depends on molecular weight and critical pressure and temperature of an equivalent fuel. These values have been determined by considering the specific gravity of HFO (ratio of fuel density to water density) taken at 288 K, and its distillation curve, according to the ASTMD1160 standard (Dr. G. Bellos, private communication). The corresponding values for molecular weight and critical properties are determined by discretizing the distillation curve into small segments, and assuming one hydrocarbon for each segment. Finally, the fuel is treated as a mixture of these components, and its properties are calculated. Based on these calculations, the Molecular Weight of HFO has been set to 463. The critical temperature of HFO has been approximated by using the correlation [16]: Tc = 189.8 + 450.6 ⋅ S + Tb ⋅ (0.4244 + 0.1174 ⋅ S ) + + 14410 − 100688 ⋅ S Tb where Tb is the normal boiling point of the fuel and S the standard specific gravity, here set to 0.9537. The normal boiling point can be estimated from the relationship [16]: (1.8 ⋅ T ) 1 .3 Kw = Breakup Regimes 100000 Catastrophic Weber 1000 Shear 100 10 Multimode Gasoline Bag Osc. Deform. 1 0.001 0.01 0.1 Ohnesorge S , where Kw is the Watson characteristic factor, and can be taken equal to 11.7 for HFO (Dr. G. Bellos, private communication). Solving for Tcr, the value of 1033 K is obtained for the critical temperature of HFO. Diesel 10000 b 1 10 Figure 1: Map of secondary atomization regimes as functions of Ohnesorge and Weber numbers, in which the areas representative of automotive gasoline and diesel sprays are identified [10]. HEAVY FUEL OIL MODEL The fuel properties used in the present work are representative of an average residual fuel, typically used in large marine diesel engines. The liquid density is assumed to be constant. Here, the density has been set In Figures 2 and 3, the temperature dependence of the dynamic viscosity and surface tension is presented, both for automotive diesel and for HFO. It is evident that, depending on the temperature, the dynamic viscosity is 1-2 orders of magnitude higher for HFO, while the surface tension is 20%-30% higher for HFO. while heavy components evaporate at a slower rate. This effect should be taken into account in future development of the present model. Diesel 10000 HFO 1000 100 1.00E+00 10 1.00E-01 Vapor Pressure [bar] Dynamic Viscosity [cP] 100000 1 0.1 250 300 350 400 450 Temperature [K] Figure 2: Dynamic viscosity for diesel fuel and HFO, as a function of temperature. 1.00E-02 1.00E-03 1.00E-04 1.00E-05 Diesel 1.00E-06 HFO 1.00E-07 250 300 350 400 450 Temperature [K] 0.035 Figure 4: Vapor pressure for diesel fuel and HFO, as a function of temperature. HFO 0.03 0.02 0.015 250 300 350 400 450 Temperature [K] Figure 3: Surface tension for diesel fuel and HFO, as a function of temperature. As deduced from the previous discussion on atomization regimes, the increased liquid viscosity of HFO will raise significantly the Ohnesorge number; this effect will, to some extent, be counteracted by the increased liquid density and surface tension of HFO. On the other hand, the increased values of surface tension will lead to lower Weber numbers, resulting in slightly slower atomization. However, it should be noted here that marine fuels are typically injected at higher temperatures (of the order of 80oC), in order to reduce their viscosity, and enable the flow in the injection system lines. Thus, as deduced from Figure 3, the use of HFO has a minor effect on the surface tension values. In the following, an injection temperature of 353 K will be considered for HFO. In Figure 4, the vapor pressure curves for diesel and HFO are presented. It is clear that HFO has 2-3 orders of magnitude lower vapor pressure, resulting in lower evaporation rates. Heat of Evaporation [kcal/kg] 180.0 0.025 160.0 140.0 120.0 Diesel 100.0 HFO 80.0 60.0 250 300 350 400 450 Temperature [K] Figure 5: Heat of evaporation for diesel fuel and HFO, as a function of temperature. The specific enthalpy of the heavy fuel is shown in Figure 6, and compared with the specific enthalpy of automotive diesel fuel. The thermal conductivity of HFO has been maintained the same as for the automotive diesel fuel. -400.0 Specific Enthalpy [kcal/kg Surface Tension [N/m] Diesel -420.0 Diesel -440.0 HFO -460.0 -480.0 -500.0 -520.0 -540.0 250 300 350 400 450 Temperature [K] In Figure 5, the heat of evaporation curves for diesel and HFO are presented. Only one value was available for HFO (at 273 K); as a simplifying assumption, the slope of this curve has been maintained the same as for the diesel fuel. It should also be noted that the utilized heat of evaporation is an average value. In reality, the fuel consists of many components, resulting in a gradual evaporation process: light components evaporate first, Figure 6: Specific enthalpy for diesel fuel and HFO, as a function of temperature. Finally, the effect of the thermophysical properties of HFO on engine operation is demonstrated by presenting simulation results for a large two-stroke marine diesel engine. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION TEST CASES The problem setup consists of a constant-volume chamber with dimensions 20cm×10cm×10cm (axial and two vertical directions). The chamber is filled with N2, the pressure is maintained at 100 bar (10 MPa) or 30 bar (3 MPa), and the gas and wall temperatures at 400 K. The temperature has been kept low so that only the liquid atomization of the fuel jets is investigated, by eliminating the effects of evaporation. The two different gas pressures correspond to full and partial load conditions in a marine diesel engine. Two different nozzle diameters are tested, one representative of large lowspeed two-stroke marine diesel engines, and one of medium-speed marine engines, as shown in Table 1. Table 1: Nozzle characteristics. Diameter [mm] Nozzle A Large, LowSpeed Engine 0.9 Nozzle B MediumSpeed Engine 0.37 14 Inj. Velocity [m/s] Nozzle A 12 Diesel p=30 bar HFO 10 8 6 Nozzle B 4 Nozzle A 2 0 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 Time [ms] 10 p=100 bar Diesel 8 Tip Penetration [cm] 600 400 An interesting observation is that for both pressures investigated, initially, the penetration of diesel fuel is slightly higher for Nozzle A, while the opposite trend is observed for Nozzle B. This indicates that the nozzle size and injection velocity (Weber number) affect the primary atomization mechanism. These effects need to be quantified experimentally. 16 The injection velocity profile for Nozzle A (Figure 7) is representative of a typical velocity profile of a two-stroke engine operating at full load, and has been measured by Wärtsilä Switzerland (Dr. G. Weisser, private communication). For Nozzle B, a simplified, constant injection rate has been used, with an injection velocity of 300 m/s, representative of injection in medium-speed marine engines [11]. In all cases the behavior of diesel and HFO fuels is investigated. Diesel fuel is simulated using C14H30, similarly to many typical engine simulations. 500 The effect of fuel properties on tip penetration is shown in Figure 8, for gas pressures of 30 and 100 bar, based on the USB model predictions. In both cases, the tip penetration is initially lower for Nozzle A (d=0.9 mm), since the injection velocity increases from zero to approximately 500 m/s, but settles at significantly higher values at around 2 ms after the start of injection. (In Nozzle B, the velocity is held constant at 300 m/s). Tip Penetration [cm] Application INFLUENCE OF FUEL PROPERTIES ON SPRAY ATOMIZATION HFO Nozzle A 6 4 Nozzle B 2 300 Nozzle B 200 0 0.00 100 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 Time [ms] 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Figure 8: Tip penetration vs. time, for diesel fuel and HFO, as predicted with the USB model. Time [ms] Figure 7: Injection velocity histories for Nozzles A and B. A grid sensitivity analysis was performed by the authors in [17], and showed that both the E-TAB and USB models are not grid sensitive for computational cell sizes smaller than 2 mm in the direction of the spray axis. In the present work, a resolution of 1.5 mm in the axial direction has been implemented. In Figure 9, the spray tip penetration lengths, as calculated from the E-TAB model, are presented, for Nozzle B (d=0.37 mm). The tip penetration prediction is significantly higher than the predictions of the USB model. The large discrepancies illustrate the need for experimental data, for validating both models under conditions relevant to marine diesel engines. In this context, the models can be optimized, see [18] for spray model adaptation for small nozzles. Interestingly, the ETAB model predicts consistently longer tip penetration lengths for the HFO, compared to diesel fuel. This behavior should be attributed to the larger droplet sizes predicted by the E-TAB model, as discussed subsequently. 20 Tip Penetration [cm] Diesel p=30 bar HFO 15 10 p=100 bar 5 0 0.00 the control volume centered at 4 cm from the nozzle exit. For the diesel fuel, the SMD values are smaller but comparable to the predictions of the USB model. However, for HFO, the predicted SMD values are much higher, close to 200 µm. It is very likely that this is the reason for the consistently longer tip penetration lengths predicted with the E-TAB model, for HFO (larger droplets face smaller aerodynamic drag per unit volume). It is expected that the addition of a catastrophic breakup mechanism, in the context recently implemented by Tanner [19], as well as appropriate adaptation of the model, will lead to more realistic results. 500 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 Diesel 400 Figure 9: Tip penetration vs. time in the case of Nozzle B, for diesel fuel and HFO, as predicted with the E-TAB model. Further insight into the breakup process can be gained by examining the droplet size predictions. These are presented in the form of the Sauter Mean Diameter (SMD) at a control volume centered 4 cm downstream of the nozzle exit. Specifically, the control volume has a height of 6 mm, and all droplets found therein have been used to calculate the SMD value. In Figure 10, the SMD predictions of the USB model are presented for Nozzle B (d=0.37 mm), for both gas pressures of 100 and 30 bar. Under both pressures, the predicted SMD is significantly higher in the HFO case, as compared to diesel fuel. This is in agreement with the experimental measurements of Fink et al. [1], who measured higher SMD values for HFO, compared to pure diesel. For comparable conditions (the gas pressure was maintained at 14 bar in their experiments), they measured HFO droplet sizes of approximately 50 µm and diesel fuel droplet sizes of 3035 µm. For HFO, the increase in SMD values is attributed to the increased surface tension and viscosity values, compared to diesel fuel. 200 SMD [µm] Time [ms] HFO 300 200 100 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Time [ms] Figure 11: Sauter Mean Diameter vs. time, for diesel fuel and HFO, as predicted with the E-TAB model, for Nozzle B, for gas pressure of 30 bar. In order to understand the effects of the liquid’s viscosity and surface tension, the computational predictions can be presented in the form of Weber number vs. Ohnesorge number plots, combined with the secondary atomization regimes, in the context of Figure 1. In Figure 12, the secondary breakup regimes for Nozzles A and B are presented, as predicted with the USB model. Each point on the maps represents one computational parcel, corresponding to a number of identical fuel droplets. The Weber and Ohnesorge numbers for each droplet are calculated based on its diameter and velocity, at the onset of secondary breakup. (The limiting curves on the maps separate the different breakup regimes, see also Figure 1). Diesel SMD [µm] 150 HFO p=100 bar 100 50 p=30 bar 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Time [ms] Figure 10: Sauter Mean Diameter vs. time, for diesel fuel and HFO, as predicted with the USB model, for Nozzle B, for gas pressures of 100 bar and 30 bar. The SMD predictions of the E-TAB model are presented in Figure 11, for Nozzle B and gas pressure of 30 bar, at The clouds of droplets on the left hand side of the maps in Figure 12, with Ohnesorge numbers close to 0.1, correspond to the diesel fuel, while the clouds with Ohnesorge numbers close to 1.0 correspond to HFO. While the range of Weber numbers covered is comparable between the two fuels, the Ohnesorge number is roughly an order of magnitude higher for HFO. The difference in Ohnesorge number is due to the viscosity of HFO, which is significantly higher, even when the fuel is preheated. Furthermore, it can be observed that, for Nozzle A (d=0.9 mm), there are droplets with Weber numbers higher than 10,000, as opposed to Nozzle B, where 10,000 seems to be an upper limit. This is a result of both larger droplet sizes and higher droplet velocities for Nozzle A. It is noted that, in all cases, the catastrophic atomization mechanism is the dominant one, followed by the shear atomization mechanism, see also Figure 1. 10000 Weber [ - ] It is also observed in Figure 12 that, for Nozzle A, a small number of droplets is characterized by very low Weber numbers. This is due to the initial slope of the velocity profile, corresponding to the opening of the needle in the injector nozzle (Figure 7). As for Nozzle B, a constant injection velocity of 300 m/s was assumed, this effect is absent. It is noted here that droplets with low Weber numbers will break up at a slower rate, also leading to low evaporation rates. This may also result in combustion of liquid fuel, which, in engine operation, is likely to cause increased local soot formation rates. 100 1 0.01 1.00 10.00 Nozzle A, p=100 bar Weber [ - ] 10000 Diesel HFO 1000 100 10 1 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 Ohnesorge [ - ] Nozzle B, p=30 bar 100000 Diesel HFO 10000 Weber [ - ] 0.58 2.416 Common Rail 0.10 Ohnesorge [ - ] 1000 100 10 -96 1 0.01 120 0.10 1.00 10.00 Ohnesorge [ - ] 105 A full load operating condition, with a single fuel injection starting at 2o CA aTDC has been considered. This operating condition has been studied in previous work by the authors [5, 6], in which the computational results were validated by comparing against experimental data. The present simulations have been performed by using the same initial fuel temperature (320 K) for diesel (approximated by C14H30) and HFO, for direct comparison. However, under realistic engine operating conditions, higher fuel temperatures (of the order of 350 K) are used for HFO. The effect of fuel properties on evaporation is demonstrated in Figure 13, where isosurfaces of fuel-air equivalence ratio φ=2.0 are shown for both diesel and HFO. These areas include the regions φ>2.0. It is evident that the size of the fuel-rich regions is significantly smaller for HFO, demonstrating slow evaporation rates due to poor spray atomization. This leads to low burning rates and potentially to incomplete combustion, associated with lower temperatures, thus further contributing to low evaporation rates. Nozzle B, p=100 bar 100000 10000 Weber [ - ] Bore Diameter [m] Stroke [m] Injection System Exhaust Valve Closing, EVC [o aTDC] Exhaust Valve Opening, EVO [o aTDC] Engine Speed [RPM] HFO 10 APPLICATION OF THE HFO MODEL IN A MARINE ENGINE Table 2: Main engine characteristics Diesel 1000 100000 A preliminary calculation in a large-bore marine diesel engine has been performed, in order to demonstrate the effects of fuel properties on fuel evaporation and combustion. The engine geometry corresponds to the RT-flex58T-B Sulzer engine. Each cylinder has three injectors, located symmetrically on the periphery of the cylinder head; each injector has five orifices, to enhance dispersion of the liquid fuel into the cylinder. In general, the injection is in a co-swirl direction. The main engine characteristics are given in Table 2. Nozzle A, p=30 bar 100000 Diesel HFO 1000 100 10 1 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 Ohnesorge [ - ] Figure 12: USB model predictions: secondary breakup regimes for diesel fuel and HFO, for Nozzles A and B, under gas pressures of 100 bar and 30 bar. The effect of HFO on combustion is illustrated in Figure 14, where the calculated cylinder pressure traces for diesel and HFO are presented. Due to the lower evaporation rates, combustion is substantially weaker for HFO. Diesel for both fuels, the catastrophic breakup mechanism is the most relevant one, followed by the shear breakup mechanism. Finally, first simulations of combustion in a large two-stroke marine diesel engine have been performed with the HFO model. HFO Further work on HFO should include more detailed evaporation studies, as well as adaptation of the spray breakup models against experimental data. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank Dr. G. Bellos of Motor Oil Hellas (currently with KBC Process Technology Ltd., Netherlands) for providing the thermophysical properties data for Heavy Fuel Oil, and for helpful discussions. We would also like to thank Mr. C. Pantazis of NTUA for contributing to the engine simulations, and Dr. G. Weisser of Wärtsilä Switzerland for helpful discussions. The second author acknowledges the financial support by a Marie-Curie International Reintegration Grant, Agreement No. 207232. REFERENCES Figure 13: Isosurfaces of fuel-air equivalence ratio φ=2.0, at different time instants for diesel and HFO. Cylinder Pressure [bar] 160 140 120 100 80 60 HFO 40 Diesel 20 0 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 Crank Angle [deg. aTDC] Figure 14: Computed cylinder pressure traces for diesel and HFO. CONCLUSIONS A physical model for Heavy Fuel Oil, typically used in large marine diesel engines, has been developed. The main properties that affect spray atomization are the fuel viscosity and surface tension. The model has been implemented in the CFD code KIVA, and evaluated with simulations in a constant-volume chamber. Computational results for two nozzle sizes have been presented, using two different spray atomization models. Two different gas pressures have been considered. In agreement with the experimental data of [1], the present results illustrate that tip penetration lengths for HFO and diesel are comparable, while droplet sizes are significantly larger for HFO. It has been established that, 1. 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