Trans-International Boundary Aquifers in SW NM_WRRI_200003
Trans-International Boundary Aquifers in SW NM_WRRI_200003
Trans-International Boundary Aquifers in Southwestern New Mexico, New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute, March 2000. Source Mimbres Basin Hydrogeology - Alluvial deposits - Fluvial deposits - Basin floor deposits - Piedmont slope deposits Hydrogeologic profile San Francisco River Basin Hydrostratigraphic Unit (HSU) Map Map-Unit Unit Definitions and Geomap-Unit Geomap Unit Correlations, San Francisco River (SFR) Basin, New Mexico and Arizona Compiled by John W. Hawley for NMWRRI and NMISC (May 2009) [email protected] Introduction: The Hydrostratigraphic-Unit (HSU) and Lithofacies-Assemblage (LFA) classification system used in this study (Hawley and Kernodle 2000, Hawley et al. 2000) is designed only for basin basin-scale scale characterization of hydrogeologic units in map and crosscross section formats. Primary hydrogeologic-data sources include reports by Trauger (1972) and Basabilvazo (1997). In addition, a large number of geologic field studies of a more general geologic nature still provide much useful information for hydrogeologic-model d l development (see ( Ci d References). Cited f ) Recent workk in four f parts off the h SFR S b basin is off particular importance: 1) Reserve-graben subbasin (Crews 1994, Ratté 2001), 2) Almagraben subbasin (Houser 1987,1994; Ratté 2008), 3) northern Mangas trench to Alma ggraben ((Mack 2004,, Mack and Stout 2004), ), and 4)) Clifton-Morenci, f , AZ area ((Ferguson g and Enders 2000, Ferguson et al. 2000). Post-Gila Group HSUs (Valley-Fill and Piedmont-Slope Deposits, and Basaltic V l i ) Volcanics) RG—Channel, floodplain, and low-terrace deposits of major perennial/intermittent streams of the San Francisco River basin ((includingg Blue and Tularosa Rivers); ) mostly y Lithofacies-Assemblage (LFA) a1-a2; with many small inclusions of unit VA (LFA b); saturated thickness as much as 60 ft (18m); Holocene and uppermost Pleistocene. Included in NM Statemap unit Qa. Notes: 1) Forms significant basin-fill aquifer system component along with HSUs-UMG HSUs UMG and GU; 2) Holocene + Pleistocene = Quaternary (base age: 1.8-2.6 Ma) VA—Valley-fill alluvium (undivided), deposits of larger ephemeral tributaries to major perennial/intermittent streams (RG) and some fluvial-terrace fill; LFA b, with some inclusions of unit RG (LFA a); as much as 60 ft (18m) thick; primarily in the vadose zone, but basal parts may be seasonally saturated or contain “perched-groundwater” bodies; Holocene and upper Pleistocene Pleistocene. Included in NM Statemap unit Qa
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