innovation for industry
innovation for industry
innovation for industry sommaire About Leti page 10 Highlights Applications page 22 Enabling technologies e 11 and devices pag page 8 nko in collaboration with Shi 3D 300mm Si interposer n nt solar-power conversio World record for eff icie net works com ers for superfast tele III-V/silicon photonics las in-package strates optical net workHubeo+ project demon loiting TV white space ces technolog y for exp van ad t jec pro OS SM Qo ustry pipe for the energy ind A nex t-generation smart y breakthrough cop ros technique offers mic ing ag -im ee sfr len w Ne technolog y node advantages at the 14nm Demonstrating FD-SOI’s sen sors for smart phones aller, low-power MEMS sm er, ap che ves dri y Leti M&NEMS technolog and wearables system for smart phones A very precise location ing nts using len sfree imag Building smart instrume system tion tec l for an explosive-de An swering the EU’s cal ide-voltage-range DSP Superfast FD-SOI ultraw sen sors el packag ing for inf rared Revolutionary pixel-lev tion system Light success in IR detec Ex tending SEEL and En Ear th’s magnetic field A Swarm of data about rof luidic dev ices n Collider with silicon mic dro Ha RN CE ge Lar Cooling in the living lab Spain’s smart city and page 32 Awards page 38 Startups page 42 Leti’s of the year offer page 58 General organization page 60 History 4 5 Leti Activity Report > 2013 © dar t CEA-Leti /L. Go edito Laurent Malier, Director of Leti, , Carnot In stitute pus m Ca EC MINAT Energy, Communication, Health and Well-being bears major challenges for our society. LETI’s reseach areas are driven from them, resulting in innovative processes, devices and systems. In 2013, remarquable results were achieved with our industrial partners, and several of them entered production. Demonstrating FD-SOI’s industrial availability Digital processing and CMOS technologies drive the performance of most data-based applications, and its energy-efficiency is a critical requirement, from servers to large-scaled deployed sensor networks for Internet of Things. In this global race to powerfull and efficient CMOS, Grenoble ecosystem took a daring path some years ago, which proved to be a leading solution, known as FDSOI technology. Unmatched results were demonstrated at 28nm generation, in terms of speed and low-voltage operation, and this technology is now in production, while future generations are being developed, still proving major competitive advantages. A world of Sensors Size, performance, and cost determine the value of microelectronic devices for designers, OEMs, companies and, ultimately, end users. This was proven again in 2013. Leti’s deep and diverse sensor expertise, developed over many decades, has positioned it as a key supplier of technologies, components and systems that meet these requirements, along with innovative power-supply technologies. Imaging is one example, where Leti built a world-class global environment around its imaging platform serving industrial partners. Leti offers a wide and unique range of imaging opportunities covering the infrared and the visible spectrums, and extending to the fields of millimetric, terahertz and X-ray imaging, with platforms 6 to wafer-scale sensing materials m fro n tio va no wn to targeting in epts and going do g disruptive conc in lop ve De g. in ca ag pack sional appli tions Leti covers profes g, in ur ct fa nu ma ips transfer to through partnersh or consumer needs, e tiv mo to au as ll as we nics and EEV. fradir, STMicroelectro . Using with Trixell, ULIS, So are another example s or ns se er et om Inertial and magnet ned and manufac2013, Tronics desig in y log no ch te MS celeromeLeti’s M&NE chips with three ac MS ME m do ee -fr tured 6-degrees-of unique magnetoa single die. Leti’s on es op sc ro gy e re nched by ters and th tellites that were lau sa m ar Sw e re th e meters on board th ng unprecedented last fall are providi cy en Ag e ac Sp an field. This the Europe Earth’s magnetic of s ce ur so e th information about ckaging systems ce indefinitely in pa an rm rfo pe nt lle ce requires ex onment. e harsh space envir th d an st th wi n ca that ine Innovative Medece,ca joint initiative with the University inat s in mediInitiated by Leti, Cl thers competence ga d an , 13 20 in ed Hospital, was open eting the developd engineering. Targ an y log no ch te y, d on new cine, biolog dical protocols base me ive pt ru dis of ment and validation and neurodegenefocuses on cancer ec at in Cl , es vic nstrated a medical de ative, we first demo iti in is th h ug ro Th rative diseases. capture of key bio biopsy proving the or um -t ain br is r ol fo oc protocol sive. This new prot , and being less intru ion at rm ams, fo te in l al ica dic log ral me nated towards seve mi se dis d an ed at being valid model. te value of Clinatec dia me im e th g in ov pr tnerships The power of perars, we develop technologies that meet partn interconnecWorking with our in an increasingly s ed ne g sin es pr a wide range of ility to improving pporting sustainab su m fro g in ng ra , ted world king transport ty & security to ma fe sa g rin su en m health care, fro mentation of the fuel the rapid imple ng lpi he d an t, ien more effic Internet of Things. ry through coopeinnovation in Indust t or pp su to is ion rtners from LETI miss do work with our pa we l, de mo r ou to ll ration. Thanks e present report wi into production. Th r fe ns tra e th an to erships d research lights of these partn gh hi d an s ple am provide many ex t-ups or with large all companies, star sm th wi ed ev hi ac ck to us with results, a look and come ba ke Ta s. ion at or rp international co shape the future of e solutions will help os wh s ge en all ch the next th microelectronics. s capabilities in bo ts stem from Leti’ en em ev hi o ac als nt ey joi ns; th These d systems applicatio an n tio va no in cs microelectroni s to the success of itment of Leti team mm co ng ro st e th te illustra their partners. ur success is our Simply because yo success. 7 Leti Activity Report > 2013 • 280 M€/8 0% from con tracts • 39 M€ Cap Ex Team: tion and By creating innova industry, transferring it to between Leti is the bridge producbasic research and d nanotion of micro- an improve technologies that around the lives of people by its the world. Backed patents, portfolio of 2,500 large inLeti partners with d startdustrials, SMEs an vanced ups to tailor ad tr en gso lu ti on s th at s pe ti ti ve th en t he ir c om launched positions. It has tups. Its more than 50 star neration 8,000m² of new-ge feature cleanroom space m wafer 200mm and 300m icro and processing of m applicanano solutions for space to tions ranging from ti’s staff smart devices. Le includes of more than 1,700 partner 250 assignees from based in companies. Leti is and has Grenoble, France, d Japan. offices in US, an for more Visit information. 0 • Researchers: 1,70 0 and post-PhDs: 40 • PhD students: 20 : 37% • Foreign students ed ner companies host rt pa om fr s er ch ar • Rese 0 in Leti facilities: 25 About Leti About Leti Budget: Patents: • Patents (2013): 306 • Patents in portfolio: 2,500 • Under licence: 40% Collaborators: • Startups: 50 • Common labor atories: 50 • Industrial par tners: 350 Platforms: m² • Cleanroom space: 8,000 . Ph ti / /Le © 8 pa op Str A CE 9 Leti Activity Report > 2013 1 Enabling technolog ies and dev ices Highlights Highlights Enabling 1 technologies and devices 2 Application s 10 CEA/Leti / Ph. Stroppa © 11 Leti Activity Report > 2013 Enabling technologies and devices Highlights Thierry MOURIER & Jean CHARBONNIER [email protected] & [email protected] By Eric Guiot, R&D process development manager, Soitec [email protected] / Thierry Salvetat / [email protected] 0.1mm Silicon interposer Stacked Chip 40mm Organic substrate CEA/Leti © 3D 300mm Si interposer in collaboration with Shinko For the past three years, Leti and Shinko Electric Industries have worked on development, prototyping and technology transfer of 300mm silicon interposers. In 2013, their common lab demonstrated the world’s first 3D 300mm Si interposer with world-class electrical and reliability test results, and established the Leti-Shinko partnership among the most significant developments in this field. Wide interposer integration causes very high device warpage that is incompatible with further chip soldering and board mounting due to high stresses induced by a thin silicon core and thick integrated materials. To overcome that, mechanical properties and thermal behavior of deposited layers on both 12 Enabling technologies and devices Final integrated device. CEA/Leti © Silicon interposer tech nology offers a number of compelling advantages for nextgeneration applications. These passive intermediate layers can be used to boost the useable performance and reduce the footprint of advanced silicon chips, providing much of the benefit of 3D packaging without requiring wholesale changes to design and manufacturing processes. sides of the wafer must be balanced to account for global technological integration of multichip stacking. Leti’s 300mm pilot line The lab’s primary work in 2013 involved setting up measurement and modeling of the properties and thermomechanical behavior of each material to establish a material database. With that data, a predictive model was built, taking into account the complete integration and design of the targeted device and leading to a technological adaptation of materials. On that foundation, full integration was achieved, starting from bulk silicon processing on Leti’s 300mm pilot line to a mounted device at Shinko’s site in Japan. The common lab’s realization of a 3D 300mm silicon interposer demonstrator allows Shinko to propose a high-end prototype and even first products to meet its customers’ requests for this technology. “The French-Japanese collaboration and the strong team spirit that was focused on meeting the big challenges of the 3D 300mm pilot-line ramp up were very exciting,” said Fabrice Geiger, head of Leti’s Silicon Technology Division. “It has been a rich human and scientific experience that produced top-level results.” World-record solar-cell 44.7% efficiency, made up of four solar subcells based on III-V compound semiconductors for use in concentrator photovoltaics. Fraunhofer ISE © World record for efficient solar-power conversion Par t ne r’s per spe ctive In 2013, Soitec and Leti marked another R&D milestone in their long history of collaboration and innovation. The four-year Smart Cell project achieved a world record of 44.7 percent efficiency at converting sunlight into electricity using a new solar cell structure with four solar subcells. That conversion rate is a major competitive breakthrough in the photovoltaic industry and a big step toward achieving Soitec’s goal of 50 percent efficiency. based multi-junction solar cells in which different types of cells are stacked on top of one another. Each cell type is designed to convert a certain range of the solar spectrum, such as shortwave radiation, mediumwave radiation and infrared. development and integration experience, and epitaxy technologies and expertise, the project also leveraged Leti’s versatile technology platform for process, integration and characterization, and its expertise in bonding and Smart Cut™ technology. Bringing space technology to Earth When integrated in Soitec’s Concentrix™ technology, this new generation of solar cells will solidify Soitec’s products as one of the most efficient means of converting sunlight to electrical power, which means a lower cost per watt for end users. This technology uses optimized III-V- This technology, which was originally developed to power spacecraft, is especially effective in solar power plants in sun-rich regions with a high percentage of direct radiation. Soitec has CPV installations in 18 different countries. Building on Soitec’s product- Fraunhaufer ISE developed epitaxy technology and characterization thanks to its 20 years of expertise in those fields, and Helmholtz Center Berlin contributed by developing some subcells epitaxy. the roadmap towards higher solar-cell efficiencies,” said André-Jacques AubertonHervé, Soitec’s chairman and CEO. This achievement also underscores the continuing benefits Soitec obtains through its successful collaborations with Leti. “This world record confirms the great potential of our four-junction solar-cell design and dramatically supports acceleration of 13 Leti Activity Report > 2013 Enabling technologies and devices Highlights José-Luis GONZALEZ-JIMENEZ & Yvain THONNART [email protected] & [email protected] By François Luc, president, III-V Lab [email protected] & [email protected] / Laurent Fulbert / [email protected] Enabling technologies and devices 3D-stacked die with RF copper-pillar assembly. CEA-Leti / Olivier Castany, DOPT/STM/LPA © Integration of an electro-optical transceiver includinq 8Gb/s/wavelength modulation, decoding, thermal tuning and f low-control, along with a computing die on an optical interposer providing wavelength division multiplexing using resonant modulators. CEA-Leti / Yvain Thonnart, DACLE/LISAN © Automatic testing of a silicon photonics wafer. CEA/Thales/Alcatel-Lucent © Hubeo+ project demonstrates optical network-in-package III-V/silicon photonics lasers for superfast telecom networks Increased communication bandwidth made possible by silicon photonics allows a denser integration of process-ors and memories, while maintaining a tight energy budget. This is good news for major semiconductor manufacturers that want to leverage optical functions to increase the integration and computing capabilities of current multiprocessor devices. The integration of III-V material with silicon is a breakthrough that will bring new functions to silicon – functions that can only be delivered by III-V semiconductors – at a much lower cost compared to III-V materials. A typical example is silicon photonics, in which lasers are manufactured using III-V material as active material and silicon as a waveguide. III-V Lab is focusing on this most effective and economical way to create a new generation of very high-rate optical communication links that the telecommunications industry needs. The lab, jointly owned by Thales, Alcatel-Lucent and CEA, is one of the main players in Europe for III-V materials R&D. Leti brings its world-leading expertise and experience in the field of silicon photonics and molecular bonding to the partnership. Key achievements of this collaboration include the world’s first demonstration of an integrated tunable transmitter on silicon incorporating a hybrid III-V/Si laser 14 fabricated by direct bonding, and a silicon Mach-Zehnder modulator with high extinction ratio. These results clearly position the lab among the top world players in silicon photonics R&D. 100Gb/s data transmission rates Typical applications for this technology range from longhaul telecommunications to shorter links for data centers, all at the highest possible data transmission rates: 100Gb/s or higher. In 2013, we manufactured the first tunable continuous indium-phosphide (InP) laser on Si with system-grade specification that could be used within a telecommunication system. This sets the stage for one of our key objectives in 2014: to increase the power of Si photonics-based lasers and demonstrate their reliability. III-V Lab aims to support and secure the supply chain of strategic electronic or electro-optic components that give Thales and AlcatelLucent a strong differentiator and competitive advantage at system level. The combined skills and knowhow of the lab’s partners are key to achieving those goals. Par t ne r’s per spe ctive The primary uses for these devices are data centers and high-performance computers, because they provide improved computing power on the same footprint without increasing energy use. Secondary applications include desktop computers requiring very high computing power for graphics and gaming. Building on previous Leti success at realizing photonics devices for high-speed communications using silicon-compatible technology, the Hubeo+ Carnot project at Leti is building a demonstrator for an optical network-in-package to interconnect microprocessors and memories integrated in a silicon interposer. a broad range of expertise In 2013, the team from three Leti departments completed the system architecture and preliminary tests of the 3D packaging technology required to combine optics and electronics on the same device. The project requires the use of highly advanced and sometimes unique design, fabrication, and test platforms available at Leti. Design tools that allow complex modeling of high-frequency interconnection structures, and multiphysics combining electronics and photonics are necessary to integrate the basic building blocks into a formal circuitlevel and system-level design environment. Fabricating the optical components and the 3D assembly of electronics and optics on the interposer requires specialized platforms that combine standard CMOS processing steps with dedicated process developments for the optical components. Finally, measuring the basic building blocks and the complete system requires highly advanced electro-optical test benches. “Realizing feasible and economically viable optical links in the packages requires a broad range of expertise, and the Hubeo+ project is a very good example of how Leti combines research activities underway in various departments to achieve big results for our partners and for industry,” said Yvain Thonnart, Hubeo+ project leader. 15 Leti Activity Report > 2013 Enabling technologies and devices Highlights Dominique NOGUET [email protected] By Patrick Le Stanc, department manager, integrity management, Technip [email protected] / Nathalie Saguin / [email protected] T-FleX FBMC transceiver for TVWS in presence of DVB-T adjacent transmission. CEA-Leti © Technip © T-FleX f lexible digital prototyping board. CEA-Leti © QoSMOS project advances technology for exploiting TV white space TVWS utilization relies on dynamic spectrum access (DSA), where systems have to assess channel vacancy before they can use it. Currently, this is managed through a geo-location database that maps allowed transmit powers at any location. In 2010, Leti and 14 partners in the European FP7 QoSMOS project set out to develop a flexible radio to enable DSA. In 2013, the team developed the TVWS FleXible radio (T-FleX), a programmable board, similar to software-defined radio, to test radio systems in the UHF and other bands. 16 Enabling technologies and devices In the project Leti also developed a specific TVWS air interface, based on filter bank multi carrier (FBMC), which is very well suited to DSA and prevents radio interference on adjacent channels. Allocate frequencies in real time With the T-Flex radio, Leti demonstrated that FBMC could be used to dynamically allocate spectrum fragments in real time, and thus enable better spectrum usage than classic radio systems. The switch to digital technology by TV broadcast systems has freed spectrum in the UHF bands in some countries. In the U.S., the freed spectrum, known as TV white space (TVWS), can be exploited by opportunistic unlicensed systems to provide broadband communications, as long as they do not create harmful interference with TV services. In practice, this means that devices operating in the TVWS must guarantee low power leakage in adjacent channels. The U.S. FCC prescribes that this leakage must be at most 55dB under the TVWS transmitted power. Moreover, Leti observed with FBMC that the error-free level of an adjacent Digital Video Broadcasting — Terrestrial (DVB-T) video broadcast was reached with a 9dB transmit power margin, compared to orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM). This means that FBMC can be used either to significantly reduce interference for the same transmitted power or that coverage can be increased for a given interference level. In addition, QoSMOS demonstrated the low adjacent leakage levels prescribed by the U.S. FCC. Par t ne r’s per spe ctive A next-generation smart pipe for the energy industry The ability to monitor underwater oil and gas pipelines’ condition and response to events is a critical issue facing pipe manufacturers and global energy producers. Technip, a world leader in engineering and construction for the energy industry, launched the Morphopipe project with Leti in 2011 to develop an integrated solution that allows continuous monitoring of the dynamic response and condition of subsea flexible pipelines. Focusing primarily on ways to detect 3D curvature and twisting of pipes, the system will be integrated in Technip’s future flexible pipes that are targeting new markets in the offshore industry. Key features of this new technology include the ability to detect one-time extreme events as well as monitor pipe fatigue over time. These capabilities will both improve safety and potentially extend the service life of pipelines. Technip chose Leti for this R&D project because of Leti’s ability to develop a specific curvature algorithm based on the appropriate and best-in-class MEMs technology to meet stringent application requirements for flexible pipe. Combining that expertise with Technip’s manufacturing experience and extensive knowledge of pipe design and behaviour, the project team in 2013 tailored the algorithm for Technip’s needs and extensively tested a prototype monitoring system. The prototype system has been delivered to Technip for fullscale testing. The project also defined a concept for integrating the system into our new flexible pipe during manufacturing. ‘A big differentiator’ This project’s success stems from Leti and Technip’s ability to apply leadingedge electronics and highly advanced mathematics for flexible-pipes monitoring. The partnership also has given Leti the opportunity to participate in full-scale testing of flexible pipe behaviour in representative conditions. Technip’s ultimate goal is to provide our clients a smart, dynamic flexible pipe that is suitable for most platform configurations. The monitoring capabilities that this solution offers do not exist today, so integrating this system in our pipe has the potential to be a big differentiator for Technip. 17 Leti Activity Report > 2013 Enabling technologies and devices Highlights Claude VAUCHIER [email protected] Enabling technologies and devices Olivier WEBER [email protected] & [email protected] Cross section TEM picture of a 14nm technology node FD-SOI MOS transistor. CEA-Leti © First generation of video-rate lensfree-imaging prototype. CEA-Leti © New lensfree-imaging technique offers microscopy breakthrough Developed by Leti in 2009, lensfree imaging provides a unique opportunity for companies to implement a technological breakthrough in optical imaging. The technique provides multi-scale observation capability across two orders o f m a g n i t u d e , a l l o w i n g researchers to differentiate between tissues and cells, and bacteria and viruses. It opens a range of applications in pharmacology and biotechnology, including drug screening and bioprocess monitoring, as well as portable diagnostics and air and water monitoring. Moreover, the lensfree optical imaging system is much smaller than standard microscopes, and less expensive because it is made of low-cost components. The technique generates holographic images of microparticles, cells, viruses, or bacteria by employing a light- 18 emitting diode to illuminate objects, and a CMOS digital sensor array to capture their image. Images are analyzed by computer, so results are available instantaneously. The process has an extremely large field of view (24mm2), allowing simultaneous observation of thousands of organisms. Transfer to industry Leti has developed one of the world’s more advanced labs in lensfree-imaging technology. In keeping with its mission of creating innovation and transferring it to industry, Leti in 2013 achieved the first industrial valorization of the technique with the French startup IPRASENSE for pro- cess control of cell cultures applied to bio-production. Leti’s in-vitro diagnostics spinout Avalun also will use the technique. “Lensfree imaging has proven to be a major innovation in the field of microscopy, and it helps position Leti as a technological leader in instrumentation for biology, chemistry, and environment monitoring,” said Claude Vauchier, lab-on-chip program manager for biology and chemistry. “In addition, we have the opportunity to develop new tools and instrumentation for other applications using the lensfree building blocks.” Demonstrating FD-SOI’s advantages at the 14nm technology node Fully Depleted Silicon-on-Insulator (FD-SOI) is a differentiating technology: cheaper than bulk FinFET and simpler to manufacture, while providing excellent performance and superior energy efficiency. For the past two years, STMicroelectronics, IBM, and Leti have been working on a FD-SOI project to develop a 14nm-node technology platform for high-speed and energy-efficient CMOS products for mobile, multimedia, gaming, and networking applications. ST, which has been a global leader in adopting FD-SOI for its core CMOS technology, is leading the joint development project. In 2013, the team demonstrated the competitiveness of FD-SOI technology at 14nm compared to 28nm bulk and FD-SOI, and to 22nm and 16nm bulk FinFET technologies. The project achieved full flow-process construc- tion and development, and the definition of the device offer for the platform, making this the only FD-SOI technology in the world at this advanced node. N e w p ro c e s s e l e m e n t s compared to the 28nm FDSOI technology developed in this project include a strained-SiGe channel and dual source-drain SiC:P and SiGe:B in-situ doped epitaxies for performance boost. In addition, this technology features 84nm contacted poly-pitch, new contact interconnect constructs, and 64nm metal 1 pitch, providing 0.55x area scaling over the 28nm technology. A familiar path The current project, which builds on more than 15 years of advanced research on FD-SOI by Leti, ST, and IBM, involves more than 100 people, mostly at ST’s facility in Crolles, France, where the platform is being implemented. The path is familiar: ST started a 28nm production process at the Crolles manufacturing site in 2012. Leti has committed more than 20 full-time specialists to the project, as assignees in ST-Crolles, or contributing from Grenoble, or from Albany, N.Y., in the frame of the ST-IBM-Leti Joint Development Agreement (JDA) established in 2007. 19 Leti Activity Report > 2013 Enabling technologies and devices Highlights Patrice REY [email protected] By Jean-Marie André, BeSpoon CEO [email protected] / Laurent Ouvry / [email protected] SEM photograph of the nanogauge in an accelerometer. CEA-Leti © 6-axis structure fabricated by Tronics including 3 accelerometers and 3 gyrometers. With a size 1.6 x 2.5mm², is one of the smallest in the industry. Leti M&NEMS technology drives cheaper, smaller, low-power MEMS sensors for smartphones The explosive growth in consumer demand for versatile devices with functional and creative features has been a boon to the MEMS industry. More than a billion smartphones are manufactured annually and each can contain more than 10 MEMS for movement detection, and in the near future for augmented reality and pedestrian navigation. Tronics, a 1997 Leti spinoff, is an international full– service MEMS manufacturer offering an extensive portfolio of MEMS processes. It has helped multiple clients serve the growing global demand for sophisticated devices. consequently to significant price reduction. Besides its size advantage, the piezoresistive nanowire-based technology significantly decreases power consumption without sacrificing performance. To expand its offer for the promising global consumer market, Tronics and Leti started the ULTIMES project in 2012. The goal was to transfer to Tronics Leti’s new technology based on the M&NEMS concept that combines on one device a thick MEMS layer for the inertial mass, with a thin and narrow NEMS part as suspended strain piezoresistive gauge. This concept involves amplification effects that lead to much smaller devices than current state of the art, and Towards a universal technological platform The M&NEMS technology allows the manufacture through traditional methods of all sensor types required in a smartphone (accelerometers, magnetometers, gyrometers, pressure sensors, and microphones) on a single silicon chip using a common process flow (M&NEMS platform), leading to a high degree of integration. Less than two years after the beginning of the project, Tronics announced that it successfully designed and manufactured the first batch of 6DOF (6 degrees of freedom) MEMS chips, with three accelerometers and three gyroscopes on a single die. With a die size of less than 4mm2, this 6DOF MEMS chip is one of the smallest in the industry. As Pascal Langlois, CEO of Tronics Group, said: “This is a major step in the execution of our strategy to offer innovative technologies for consumer products with the intent to give IDMs and OEMs access to state-of-the-art inertial solutions in terms of process technology, size, power consumption and performance.” Par t ne r’s per spe ctive SpoonPhone and its tag. CEA-Leti © 20 Enabling technologies and devices BeSpoon © A very precise location system for smartphones and wearables The story behind the launch of BeSpoon began with the PinPointer project at Leti in 2009. The team set out to develop a new, more accurate way to locate objects and people indoors using handheld devices. Leti was one of only four labs in the world to have demonstrated a full-silicon proof-of-concept for IR-UWB (impulse radio-ultrawide band). BeSpoon brought its system knowhow and thorough understanding of smartphone architecture. IR-UWB is recognized as an ideal technology for indoor applications, both in terms of accuracy and robustness. Targeting smartphones and wearable devices, we integrated this technology on a full-blown IR-UWB CMOSintegrated transceiver that is able to measure distance – within a few centimeters – based on the time it takes the radio signal to travel, rather than signal strength. Unlike current solutions, our location technology also is extremely reliable. Walls, people or distance do not affect its accuracy. World record BeSpoon launched in 2010 and the BeSpoon and Leti collaboration continued. In 2013, we established a world record of operation range in IR-UWB. This was a particularly meaningful event, as this radio technology is tightly regulated. Its output power is limited to -41.3dB/Mhz. We demonstrated that this limitation was not a showstopper for us. Designed for straightforward integration within smartphones and set-top boxes, our chip will bring new use cases to smartphones and offer new services across wearables. It will also drastically increase the efficiency and decrease the cost of real-time location systems. In particular, it will allow far more precise location information than the beaconbased local positioning systems used in today’s smartphones. BeSpoon’s continuing work with Leti in 2013 also led to the introduction of SpoonPhone in early 2014. SpoonPhone is an Android smartphone containing the latest generation of our chip. Using special tags users place on their valuables and easy-to-misplace objects, the phone will put an end to those frantic searches that are the bane of our daily lives. SpoonPhone also is a powerful development kit to prototype new applications l e v e ra g i n g i t s p r e c i s e d i s t a n c e - m e a s u re m e n t capabilities. 21 Leti Activity Report > 2013 Highlights Applications By Geoffrey Esteban, CEO, Iprasense Claude Vauchier / [email protected] Health Building smart instruments using lensfree imaging Leti and Iprasense started the Quantacell project to conduct research and development on cell-monitoring techniques and instrument prototypes based on lensfree imaging. The lensfree technique, developed by Leti in 2009, generates holographic images of micro-particles, cells, viruses, or bacteria by employing a light-emitting diode to illuminate objects, and a CMOS digital sensor array to capture their images. This is a non-invasive technique, meaning no sensors come in contact with the cells media. Par t ne r’s per spe ctive 2 Applications Cell culture monitoring in petri dish with 4 lensfree video microscopes in incubator. CEA-Leti © Launched in 2013, Iprasense is targeting applications for monitoring, counting, and characterizing cells cultivated in incubators and bioreactors as part of the bioproduction process. Bioproduction is used in the fields of biopharmaceuticals, cell therapy, food manufacturing, cosmetics, and biofuels, as well as in bioindustries that produce enzymes, flavors, organic acids, antibiotics, vitamins, or organic polymers. of the cell culture, but also will instantly analyze the live recording to give researchers real-time information on cell numbers and confluence, or how well the cells have generated an even layer across a cell-culture flask. The lensfree-imaging technology is ideal for daily use in laboratories. It is faster than traditional techniques, because cell imaging is done in real time, and it improves both process control and the quality of cell production. Real-time information The common lab we have setup with Leti corresponds to one of the best research-and-innovation structures for our company size. It gives us access to high-level skilled personnel and, more important, to a very wide range of competencies. Our first product will be a next-generation, smart instrument for cell culture monitoring in a flask, a petri dish, or a microtiter plate, in bioreactors. It will not only capture every moment 22 CEA/Leti © 23 Leti Activity Report > 2013 Highlights Applications By Jens-Peter Schlomka, manager – systems engineering, Morpho Detection Security Christine HENNEBERT [email protected] Security / transmission Francis Glasser / [email protected] Answering the EU’s call for an explosive-detection system Spain’s smart city and living lab In the EU’s quest to create smart cities, the North Atlantic coastal town of Santander, Spain, has become a living laboratory for designing, creating and testing the infrastructure, applications and services that will make cities more efficient and improve people’s lives. Morpho Detection is a leading supplier of threat-detection systems for explosives, narcotics and CBRNe. Its customers include government, military, air-andground transportation, first-responder, critical-infrastructure and other publicsafety organizations. Devices are deployed in the city, along avenues, in the parks, on the front of houses, and form an infrastructure that allows executing both experimentation and user-addressed services. University of Cantabria Applications © Morpho Detection’s solutions that integrate advanced technologies, including X-ray diffraction (XRD), are already used in daily operation for screening passenger checked baggage for explosive threats. XRD is one promising technology able to meet EU criteria for a so-called “Type D” solution — capable of detecting liquid explosives in passenger carry-on bags. CEA-Leti / G. Cottet © Morpho Detection, which is part of Morpho, Safran Group’s security unit, has worked with Leti since 2010 to meet an EU deadline to deploy the “Type D” solution at airports for screening passenger carry-ons. Technology transfer The result of that effort is XDi™, a liquidexplosives detection solution developed by Morpho Detection. It includes photon-counting X-ray detectors developed in this collaboration, as well as ASICS and spectroscopic applications for high-energy resolution. The team met the deadline for first detector prototypes in 2013, and transferred this technology to Morpho Detection to enable future deployment of XDi at airports. In addition to increasing safety, the unique solution delivers low false alarm rates, reduces the need for hand searches, and could potentially lead to shorter passenger waiting times. 24 The SmartSantander project is building an experimental test-bed infrastructure at the scale of a city for R&D on Internet of Things architecture, and development of new and innovative services and applications based on key enabling IoT technologies. Par t ne r’s per spe ctive A network of 12,000 sensors and actuators connected wirelessly to the IoT and a city control facility will improve basic municipal services like traffic management, park maintenance, and environmental monitoring. Because smart cities require the active participation of people, the project also relies on “participatory sensing,” in which citizens use smartphones to share in real time what they see and experience, and “augmented reality,” such as computermerged information sensed in the physical environment, displayed on a map of the city, for instance, and accessed with smart devices. ‘Pulse of the City’ In 2013, the project released two innovative applications for smartphones. One provides information about tourism, and the scheduling of cultural events. It also provides locations of free parking spaces. A “pulse of the city” app is a participatory sensing experiment, in which citizens inform the city’s public agencies about accidents or problems. CEA-List and CEA-Leti were in charge of securing access to the SmartSantander infrastructure and communications over a wireless sensor network. This included ensuring the security of the transactions and protecting users’ privacy. Dr. Laurent Hérault, a Leti vice president and one of the founders of the project, said it will make Santander one of Europe’s first smart cities, as well as provide valuable experience and knowhow that will be used in other cities. “As SmartSantander begins to bring tangible benefits to residents in the coming months, it also will serve as a laboratory for researchers working on future technologies for the IoT,” he said. The project’s 15 partners include universities, research institutes and industrials. The 8.7 million-euro project has received about 6 million euros from the European Union. 25 Leti Activity Report > 2013 Highlights Applications Applications By Jean-François Delepau, managing director, ULIS [email protected] / François Simoens / [email protected] Laurent Alacoque [email protected] Automation Revolutionary pixel-level packaging for infrared sensors Extending SEEL and EnLight success in IR detection system The infrared market continuously challenges IR sensor makers to provide devices that perform better at significantly lower cost. ULIS and Leti’s Pixel Level Packaging project are transforming the way future IR imaging sensors will be made, bringing new advantages in size, cost, and robustness. Standard low-cost motion detectors are unreliable for immobile objects because they typically “forget” the presence of something that has stopped moving. In addition, they are unable to provide a “map of presence”, or locations of people in a room. On the other hand, systems based on visible cameras cannot locate people in the dark. To provide a cheap, low-power detection device that is free of these limitations, Leti is developing a system based on an infrared camera with dedicated algorithms that allow autonomous detection of people even in the dark with reduced computing power. Extending the uses for an integrated circuit developed in the SEEL (See Awards, page 34) and EnLight programs, researchers believe they have produced the first embedded infrared presence localizationand-tracking system. The system uses the Internet protocol and Android application to transmit real-time thermal video or just “presence descriptors”, i.e. specific information about people in a room. In the early stages, an Ethernet port has been used for Internet connection, but as the system evolves, a Bluetooth or ZigBee communication link will be used. Par t ner’s persp ective Home automation, building and security applications Micro80 PLP sensor mounted and wire-bonded in a ceramic chip carrier. courtesy of ULIS © ULIS, a leading provider of high-quality thermal infrared image sensors that enable makers of consumer electronics and IR equipment to produce low-weight, low-power and cost-effective thermal cameras in large volumes, expects the project to provide competitive advantages in terms of sensor cost, time to market and patent protection. Leveraging new technologies developed in previous EU projects, we started the PLP project with Leti in 2011 to develop a process flow for vacuum thin-film encapsulation of 34-micron pixel pitch for sensors targeting the homeautomation market, a new application for ULIS. First demonstration in 2013 Major breakthroughs in the development of this revolutionary PLP technology in 2013 were the improvement in material adhesion at both capsule substrate and capsule anti-reflection coating interfaces. This led to a stable vacuum 26 Automation in the capsules and the first demonstration of this technology. These steps also helped our team anticipate two aspects of the PLP technology transfer to ULIS. The first is the creation of specifications to purchase an industrial-sealing tool needed to qualify a high-capacity PLP machine that is typically used in the optical industry. The second aspect of the transfer is introducing the current bolometers in Leti’s 200mm manufacturing line using ULIS bolometers. This expands research of an earlier EU project, MIRTIC, that produced a new type of affordable infrared 2D array. This second step required us to redesign our bolometers, taking into consideration PLP constraints, and validate the process flow using the 200mm line. In 2014, the team will focus on ensuring the long-term stability of the vacuum in the capsules to improve the life expectancy of the product, and making further progress in the PLP technology transfer. Even in its early stages, the “lab object” is sophisticated. It can broadcast presence descriptors globally on the Internet, and can be reprogrammed from anywhere using a firmware upgrade protocol. Android application: Real-time display of the presence in the room (two people detected and localized). This is directly sent by our system. The Android application only displays it. CEA-Leti © Close-ups of the SEEL and ENLIGHT circuits on a wafer (see anual report Leti 2012; p. 34). They are aligned in a column, the almost uniform blobs columns; are another circuit. Illustration on the right is one of the chips on the left, packaged by ULIS. CEA-Leti © Leti’s SEEL and EnLight task force will continue to improve the system’s marketability, primarily for home-automation, building and surveillanceand-safety applications, by reducing the size to 4x4cm² and lowering power consumption for battery operation. In addition to applying earlier successes to new applications, the development of the system highlights the value of Leti’s interdepartmental collaboration. “This would have been impossible without our across-the-board contributions,” noted Laurent Alacoque, Leti IC designer. “To get here, we have drawn from infrared bolometer technology, integrated circuits design, optics-for-infrared knowhow, analog and digital board design, embedded software programming, Internet protocol programming, and Android application design.” 27 Leti Activity Report > 2013 Highlights Applications edith beigne & Alexandre valentian [email protected] & [email protected] Power-efficient computing Superfast FD-SOI ultrawide-voltage-range DSP By Isabelle Fratter, CNES Toulouse, ASM/Swarm project manager [email protected] / Jean-Michel Leger / [email protected] A Swarm of data about Earth’s magnetic field When the European Space Agency (ESA) launched the Swarm mission in November, it set the stage for scientists to get unprecedented data about Earth’s magnetic field, and marked another major achievement in the fruitful collaboration between CNES and Leti to advance magnetometer technology. Applications Leti and STMicroelectronics launched the Frisbee project in 2012 to design and develop an extremely energy efficient circuit using UTBB FD-SOI technology. The goal was to design a circuit for 28nm with a maximum operating frequency greater than 2.5 GHz, while operating at supply voltages as low as 350mV. At 0.4V, the DSP exhibits 10x state-of-the-art operating frequency. In 2013, the project demonstrated a 32-bit digital signal processor, using ST’s breakthrough ultra-thin-body and box (UTBB) FD-SOI 28nm process technology. It allows body-bias voltage scaling from 0V to ±2V, decreases minimum circuit operating voltage and supports clockfrequency operation between 480MHz at 400mV and 2.6GHz at 1.3V. At 0.4V, the DSP exhibits 10x state-of-the-art operating frequency, and a minimum energy point of 62pJ. The demonstration DSP highlights FD-SOI’s high suitability for better portable and batterypowered products with more energy efficient integrated circuits at future technology nodes. This DSP is designed with embedded maximum frequency tracking and other design techniques provided by Leti’s Architecture, IP Design and Embedded Software Department (DACLE). This DSP shows how UTBB FD-SOI bridges the gap between bulk technology reaching its limits and new technologies at the 10nm node and below requiring expensive equipment for double-patterning or EUV lithography. 28 Swarm mission. CEA-Leti © ESA/illustration Pierre CARRIL © Targeted at mobile, Internet of Things and microserver applications, the DSP’s benefits include performance modulation in a wide range of operating points from low-power applications to very high-speed apps. In February 2014, the Leti and ST team presented its results at ISSCC 2014, the International Solid-State Circuits Conference in San Francisco, Calif., one of the most important circuit design events for industry and researchers. The paper, entitled “A 460MHz at 397mV, 2.6GHz at 1.3V, 32b VLIW DSP, Embedding Fmax Tracking,” received widespread praise from conference attendees. At the gathering, the team also showed a demonstration kit, which is now displayed in Leti’s showroom. “This demonstration DSP shows that FD-SOI is blazing the trail for better portable and batterypowered products, using more efficient semiconductor chips, all the way down to the 10nm node,” said Philippe Magarshack, ST’s executive vice president for design enablement and services. Space The foundation was built in the 1990s, when CNES commissioned Leti to build nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) magnetometers for the 1999 Ørsted space mission, which was followed by CHAMP in 2000. In 2005, we started the Absolute Scalar Magnetometer (ASM) Project whose main objective was to develop a newgeneration instrument for Swarm that would provide the highest precision, resolution, and absolute accuracy ever attained by a magnetometer in space. The four-year Swarm mission will gather data that for the first time will make it possible to distinguish between the various sources of the magnetic field: the Earth’s core, mantle, crust, and oceans, as well as the ionosphere and magnetosphere. These measurements will improve scientists’ understanding of the Earth’s magnetic-field structure, evolution and interaction with the solar wind. Par t ne r’s per spe ctive ASM instrument delivered by Leti. CEA-Leti / G. Cottet © France’s leadership in scalar magnetometry from space The magnetometers will collect simultaneous measurements of the magnetic field from the satellites’ orbiting positions 462 and 510 kilometers above Earth. For Leti, the November launch was followed by a four-month ASM in-flight commissioning phase, and on-going calibration of the instruments and validation of the products. CNES, which is responsible for shaping and implementing France’s space policy in Europe, commissioned Leti to produce the ASMs. It also worked closely with Leti throughout their development, primarily to guarantee high-quality manufacturing processes, ensure that performance could be reproduced on the different flight models, and verify the aptitude of the many innovative technologies in these instruments to resist conditions in space for the mission lifetime. The unequalled performance of these new instruments reinforces France’s leadership in scalar magnetometry from space. 29 Leti Activity Report > 2013 Highlights Applications By Alessandro Mapelli, microsystems engineering, CERN [email protected] / Jean-François Teissier / [email protected] Physics Cooling in the CERN Large Hadron Collider with silicon microf luidic devices Par t ne r’s per spe ctive the Applications The Engineering Office of the Detector Technologies Group (PH-DT) in CERN Physics Department in Geneva is investigating micro-technologies. This effort aims at developing novel types of detectors and implementing alternative approaches to on-detector services, such as cooling, and benefitting from standard micro-fabrication techniques. (a) IR images of bonded 8’’ silicon wafers with embedded microchannels for the LHCb Velo detectors at CERN. (a) Hydrophilic Direct Bonding and (b) Hydrophobic Direct Bonding. CEA-Leti © Planning for a major upgrade of the LHCb experiment in 2018, CERN invited Leti and other institutes to submit offers to supply silicon microfluidic devices used as demonstrators for cooling the LHCb Vertex Locator (Velo) detectors in CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The project objective was to demonstrate for the first time in the field of high-energy physics (HEP) the possibility of using silicon microfluidic devices for thermal management of silicon pixel detectors and their read-out electronics in LHC experiments. Exceeding expectations After Leti was selected to supply the microfluidic devices, CERN provided an initial fabrication process-flow based on which experts in Leti’s Silicon Specialty Solutions (Leti-3S) program implemented their own flow with their expertise in silicon processing, strictly following our technical specifications for the deliverables (which worked beyond expectations). 30 (b) In 2013, Leti’s microfluidic devices demonstrated the feasibility of an active silicon on-detector cooling system for the upgrade of the Velo detectors. The detectors are cooled with evaporative CO2, which requires the microchannels to hold internal pressures in the order of 150 bars. The Leti devices were successfully tested up to 700 bars with no failure. In 2014, Leti will provide silicon devices for ondetector thermal management in other HEP experiments at CERN. These devices are similar to those provided for the demonstration, but with a much more complex configuration and fabrication flow at Leti. The Leti-3S team has consistently provided microfluidic devices of outstanding quality, as well as a great working atmosphere. The transparency of their operations is of utmost importance for me as the contact between micro-fabrication foundries and CERN’s international collaborations. © eti -L CEA 31 Leti Activity Report > 2013 Awards health sentation Outstanding pre on bio-sen sing and bioMérieux ole Centrale de Lyon Ec ti, Le m fro ers the 3rd InternaA team of research Oral Presentation at ing nd ta ts Ou for s, Spain. They prereceived an award Technology in Sitge g sin en -S Bio on ferent bacterial tional Conference of discriminating dif y lit ibi ss po e th agar media, using sented results on e on thin layers of ag st h wt gro rly ea rre R. Marcoux and species at a very ing algorithms. Pie rn lea d an g rin te light forward-scat ers. the Leti team memb Mathieu Dupoy were tional Bu rly OSEO, in the Na by Bpifrance, forme red no ho ge startups s ta wa -s n rly Avalu innovative, ea es niz og rec ard aw e attracting ness Challenge. Th of succeeding and ® have a good chance ns pla s , a nextes ad sin bP bu La e whos any develops mp co e Th . rm te ort for e-health investors in the sh ) device designed OC (P are f-c -o int po t blood tests, generation mobile n perform differen ca ab nil mi ble rta po artups, page 39). applications. 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and photonics -optics and photonics -optics and photonics -optics and photonics -optics and photonics -optics and photonics -optics and photonics -optics and photonics -optics and photonics -optics and photonics -optics and photonics -optics and photonics -optics and photonics -optics and photonics -optics and photonics -optics and photonics -optics and photonics -optics and photonics -optics and photonics -optics and photonics -optics and photonics -optics and photonics -optics and photonics -optics and photonics -optics and design t VAR I 2013 a r e p a P t n e d tu Best S th ard at the 4 Eurost Student Paper aw Be e th r, ed eiv rec e Germany. Th pape Lionel Vincent bility in Karlsruhe, ria Va OS st CM Co on wp Lo ing pean Worksho hip Monitoring Us Fast Voltage On-C of meeting ge en all ch “Temperature and e th research into on d se ba s wa ”, embedded systems. Digital Sensors ncy requirements of cie ffi r-e we po d an performance NE from CATRE Innovation Award cations project as for Mobile Appli nn te An d an rs fie for outstanding The Power Ampli E Innovation Award EN TR CA 13 20 e th wer amplifiers and (PANAMA) won and, multi-mode po -b lti mu t en ici eff ntributions of Leti, work on more recognized the co ard aw e Th s. em gne, IMS, Thales, transmitter syst Paris, Telecom Breta om lec Te O, TN , ics AMCAD Engineering, STMicroelectron ilent, ESIEE, IEMN, Ag , ve wa cro Mi n e led Leti’s team. KU Leuven, Orba ies. Dominique Morch log no ch Te 2MC d ELTA Systems, an ence Exhibition excell ergyers to develop en Leti and 23 partn ing olv ns, inv tio t ca pli jec ap pro SEEL, a ail and shop with a focus on ret ing ht n lig ea art rop Eu sm d 13 an efficient at the 20 Exhibition Contest e th in ple am ce ex pla an nd won seco The exhibit featured rum in Barcelona. the Nanoelectronics Fo sources adapted to , in which the light ing ht lig ng. ed tti ck se tra ail eret of presenc a mock-up havior of people in be d or, an ns se ion at ion loc at presence, ed people-loc -cost, infrared-bas ed uc red w ne a rk, Leti’s wo the demo. was at the heart of silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon com nents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -sili components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon compone -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon co ponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components licon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon com nents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -sili components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon compone -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon co ponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components licon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon com nents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -sili s nt ne components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon compone silicon compo -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon co ponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components licon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon com nents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -sili components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon compone at the ard aw r pe Pa t en ud -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon co the Best SOI St ed eiv rec ri nfe sk Co jew d ponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components Heimanu Niebo chnology unifie Te ics ron ct ele cro shold Mi licon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon com m FDSOI 10n for ts ac nt IEEE SOI-3D-Subthre Co d nents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -sili per, “Self-Aligne pa e Th ilif. ret Ca eo y, th ere d Heimanu NIEBOJEWSKI components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon compone ence in Mont nted a detaile se pre ”, ion at alu Ev -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon co to Circuit uction of rod int g lin ab Node: From Device en ts emen ponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components the technical requir delay. licon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon com cal investigation of t additional circuit ou th wi de no m 10n ts at the nents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -sili self-aligned contac components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon compone -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon co ponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components licon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon com nents -silicon components -silicon 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-silicon components ed how an em ow sh , s” em st Sy d ns an used to design licon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon com be n ca morphic Applicatio ry mo me nents -silicon SURIcomponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -sili y like phase-change ired com- Manan memory technolog components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon compone lerant, and bio-insp -to ity bil ria va t, en effici -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon co large-scale, energyponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components s. em st sy puting licon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon com nents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -sili components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon compone -silicon components 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valida- nents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -sili lay r ve sil ed brane Switch.” The int pr inkjet -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon compone ance between two ns. Leti components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon co the contact resist al contact applicatio ric ct ele for ial nt Daniele SETTE components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components y pote ponents -silicon ted inkjet technolog licon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon com n the award in 2012. wo er rci Me vid Da researcher nents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -sili components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon compone -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon co ponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components licon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon com nents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -sili per 12 Best Pa-silicon ULIS 20components components components -silicon components -silicon compone the -silicon ed eiv rec rs ho ut -a his co -silicon components e paper, -silicon components -silicon components -silicon co U.K. Thcomponents ry, -silicon Remi Coquand and Coventcomponents ce in -silicon ponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components 2013 conferen IS UL e down th at ors ist en trans components award, giv licon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon com nanowire -silicon I SO te ga Tri e at metal-g ate nents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -sili e tri-gcomponents th-silicon in es rti pe “Scaling of high-k/ pro rt nspo -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon compone that the tracomponents ed s ow ion sh ut , rib h” nt dt co wi -silicon -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon co Remi COQUAND to 10nm the additive ed bycomponents r ed are fully governponents -silicon are planacomponents components -silicon -silicon components -silicon components to wide d nanowire (TGNW) us mp Co s. all ew components -silicon componentsof-silicon components -silicon components -silicon com and (110) sidlicon ce rfa L) su p DIB to d an 0) rity (SS -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -sili of the (10 nents -silicon integcomponents tatic vement of electros components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon compone devices, the impro d. te tra ns mo components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon co FET was clearly de-silicon scaled-down TGNW ponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components licon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon com nents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -sili components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components 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-silicon co ponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components licon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon com Leti Activity Report > 2013 35 components nents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon -silicon components -sili components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon compone t Paper Best SOI Studen sentation re P l ra O d n a r e Best Pap at E/PCOS stigator IEEE Young Inve Award S 2012 Best Paper at ULI Awards nents silicon compo silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon comrd ponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon MINES-ParisTech – F ME CE d an components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon compocroelectronics Mi oST mp ti, Sy Le al m ion fro A team nents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -sithe 2013 Internat at t es nt co eo e vid rd licon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon comJose, Calif. The n Sa won 3 Place in th in A) TF (IS ponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components ilure Analysis Fa M d SE an o nd ing st era Te Op sium for -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon ion, “First in at nt se pre ’s am te the components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon compoStructures.” V TS in video was part of ids Vo d nents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -siSimon GOUSSEAU igration-Induce rom Sct NE Ele MI – of F n ME tio Observa licon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon comLeti, ST and CE of au se us Go on re Sim of ST, ponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components Team members we of Leti; Alexis Farcy -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon d Stéphane Moreau an hu Suc NE Bo MI – vid F Da ME ; CE ParisTech components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon compoFrançois Bay of d an l, Ina rim Ka , nnet nents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -siand Pierre Monmito licon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon com. ch ParisTe ponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components Line, was m gra Pro ls ria te -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon r of Leti’s Ma ge na ma lrt, co be s ge Au components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon compoJean-Jacques ty, which encoura cie So al tic Op h nc nents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -siof the Fre Among his s. nic tro lec elected president -e to licon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon comoptics and op in le op pe for n rm ee tfo tw ponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components laboration be a technology pla o, tim Pla ed lop ve ti, he de -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon e microchip th ing at cre achievements at Le in ed components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon compoand was involv s, em st y sy log Jean-Jacques AUBERT al no tic ch op te nents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -sipackaging of ty of opticalrie va a ld he s ha rt be Au al tic J.J licon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon comop y. in log laser techno as a lecturer ponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components including serving r, ree e ca th his of g er rin mb -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon positions du titute and as a me le Polytechnic Ins components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon compomaterials at Grenob nents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -sies magazine. iqu on ot Ph at ard licon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon comeditorial bo ponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon ty cie So MT CP components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon comporge of the IEEE -la at ermb me ed elect nufacturing nents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -siMa d an Gilles Poupon was ing ag ck Pa , components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon com. The Components tists and licon Board of Governors ponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components ional forum for scien at ern int g din lea e is th revolu- -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon Technology Society and development of e research, design th in d Gilles, components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon compoge g. ga rin en tu rs fac enginee nents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -siing and manu ag ck pa s em st sy micro tive in electro- licon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon comac en be tionary advances in s ha , ard bo ponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components tist to serve on the Gilles France’s first scien -siliconPOUPON components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon 9. 199 ce sin components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon compoing ag nic pack o contest v ide 3 Place in ISTFA president ty ie c o S l a c ti p O French rd of Governors IEEE CPMT Boa 2014-2016 ents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon licon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon compoomponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -sits -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon comcomponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components nents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon licon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon compoomponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -sits -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon comcomponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components nents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon licon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon compoomponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -sits -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon comcomponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components nents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon licon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon compoomponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -sits -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon comcomponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components nents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon licon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon compoomponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -sits -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon comcomponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components nents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon Simon DELEONIBUS licon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon compoomponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -sits -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon comcomponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components nents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon licon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon compoomponents -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -silicon components -si- 36 ev ices IEEE Electron D air Society v ice ch air of Region was elected vice ch us nib leo De on t Sim ) Electron Leti Chief Scientis ics Engineers (IEEE ctrical and Electron Ele of e ut fessional tit pro s Ins e rou 8 of th received nume s ha o wh , us nib leo urer since Devices Society. De Distinguished Lect r, has been an IEEE ree ca his EDS Board g E rin IEE du e rs hono s been on th w since 2006, and ha llo Fe E rica, and IEE Af an , ia, ss 04 Jan 20 ludes Europe, Ru inc 8 n gio Re . 09 20 of Governors since . st Ea le dd Mi the ting uished 10-year IEEE dis lecturer (IEEE) recognized ctronics Engineers Ele d an al ric ct Ele its Distinguished The Institute of as a lecturer with ce rvi se g a lon ’s Fellow, speaks on Simon Deleonibus us, who is an IEEE nib leo De . eard int aw s morie Lecturer 10-year ronics CMOS and me including nanoelect d materials, an es vic de variety of topics, us integration of eo en rog te he , ng Moore, More than gration and scali d integration, More an ing nd bo , ion rat M/NEMS, 3D integ CMOS devices. Moore, and beyond Awards logies silicon techno silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon te nologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies licon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon tech logies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -sili technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technolog -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon te Osaka, Japan, in 13 20 RF TX at nologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies st Poster award Be ray a n Xn wo tio by ec Ca r efl Bérenge licon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon tech nts in total-r me lop ve de w ne ed on logies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -sili RF combined GiX d an a conference focus RR “X technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technolog The poster, titled . ”, sis ns aly tio an ca pli ce ap en Bérenger CABY -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon te fluoresc -silicon technologies photovoltaic for s ure ct ru st CO tal/T nologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies zing-incidence gra d an analysis of TCO/me ity tiv lec licon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon tech t results in X-ray ref e oxide (TCO) presented the lates logies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -sili nsparent conductiv tra on sis aly an d ine technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technolog fluorescence X comb -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon te . les mp sa O TC d metal an nologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies licon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon tech logies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -sili technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technolog -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon te nologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies ster award Po st Be a n wo ls licon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon tech Applied Materia d an ics no ron ch ct te ele MP logies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -sili Leti, STMicro Planarization/C on ce ren nfe Co al ernation technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technolog Stop on Gate OI DS 14F at ICPT 2013, the Int w ne for -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon te “Challenges led Tit . ean ch iw in Ta , ma hu e nologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies logy in Hsinc research into th of s ult res ed nt se ster pre licon technologies technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon tech . Recipients ion rat eg Cédric PERROT -silicon & Catherine Euvrard int Oxide CMP”, the po OI DS logies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -sili allenges for 14F ch g r hin ge lis po sin l Hin ica r an vie technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technolog mical mech Maurice Rivoire, Oli Sébastien Gaillard, -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon te rd of Leti. vra Eu ne eri were Cédric Perrot, th Ca d nologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies ed Materials an pli Ap of ard Pit ric of ST; Frédé licon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon tech logies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -sili technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technolog -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon te nologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies onsored by licon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon tech sp t es nt co T AR Nano logies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -sili e 2013 December student technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technolog Cédric Thys won th A first-year Ph.D. le. ob en Gr in THYS n Foundatio -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon te anosili- Cédric the Nanosciences e realization of org th on ng rki nologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies wo is c dri Cé d , an um al lgi tic Be op in e licon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon tech from Liège, aracterization of th microcavities for ch identify the logies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -sili ll wi rk wo cate-based optical His ls. ria -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technolog rties of those mate their technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon te light-emission prope properties, allowing ce en sc ine lum e es ks derlie th -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies anosillicate microdis nologies mechanisms that un licon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon technologies -silicon tech applications. 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Its first product is E-Thread® yarn, which includes RFID tags. E-Thread® is an innovative microelectronic packaging technology that allows the direct connection of a chip to a set of two conductors, which can provide the functions of antenna, power and/or data bus. This allows a 10x improvement in size, assembly time and reliability compared to classic microelectronic packaging. The E-Thread® assembly can be incorporated inside a yarn and used by the textile and plastic industries using standard production tools. Electronics such as LEDs, RFIDs and sensors can then be truly integrated in materials and objects. Bpifrance, the French public investment bank, gave Primo1D a technologydevelopment award of €400,000 in 2013. See Award and Honors, page 33. RFID E-Thread® Primo1D © LabPad®, a minilab for point-of-care testing Vincent Poher [email protected] Created in 2013, the company Avalun currently develops the LabPad®, a next-generation mobile point-of-care (POC) device. Avalun targets the multi-billion-euro global market of mobile biology devices that allow monitoring patients at home or during an emergency situation away from a healthcare facility. Using the same imaging components as a smartphone to create a fully integrated miniature microscope, LabPad® is a minilab that can perform many tests on the same device, such as blood coagulation, glucose or cholesterol. A patient just needs to insert the appropriate microcuvette in the device, draw a droplet of blood from his finger and deposit it on the micro-cuvette. Designed for e-health applications, LabPad® also is a communication device that strengthens the link between patients and healthcare professionals. LabPad technology was developed in Leti’s Department of Microtechnology for Biology and Health (DTBS), at the boundary between physics, instrumentation, microfluidics, and biochemistry. See Award and Honors, page 33. Startups of the year health LabPad® CEA-Leti/SPICE © 38 39 Leti Activity Report > 2013 telecommunications ISKN: experience your digital world Jean-Luc Vallejo [email protected] ISKN, the first Leti startup to use crowdfunding, launched its smart cover for iPad with iSketchnote App in a Kickstarter program in the fall. The initial goal of $35,000 was reached in less than 14 hours, and altogether the company raised $346,127 from 2,395 global backers. ISKN’s technology is based on Leti’s expertise in field magnetometry and signal processing, especially developments in motion 3D controllers. ISKN Slate is an innovative, perceptive surface that combines the natural experience of familiar tools with the power of digital technology. The first application, iSketchnote App, allows users to digitize their sketches and notes in real time, and keep a hard copy for their files. The patented technology will be integrated into many new devices and used for multiple applications and markets, such as 3D animation and gaming. Startups in incubation Startups in incubation Startups of the year silicon components Frédéric Dupont [email protected] Power semiconductors with GaN materials from Soitec Exagan is developing power semiconductor transistors based on gallium nitride (GaN) materials from Soitec. They will be used to make a highly efficient electrical conversion system (AC/DC, DC/DC, DC/AC) for solar panel inverters, automotive electronics, power supplies, and industrial applications. This GaN high-electron-mobility transistor (HEMT) technology is a disruption of existing silicon transistor technologies, because it enables higher-frequency system operation for high-voltage (600-1,200V) and high-current (10-100A) regimes. In addition to transferring Soitec’s technology in 200mm on Leti’s epitaxy reactor, the collaboration demonstrated the first GaN-based, 600V transistors at 200mm. Leti is finalizing development of the transistor process and a first design will be industrialized by Exagan starting in 2014. A common lab will be established to develop new and innovative transistor designs, as well as acquire fundamental knowledge of this new material physics and master the physical mechanisms for high levels of reliability. ISKN will deliver its first smart cover for iPad with ISKN Slate and iSketchnote App this summer and prepare the next step with impressive 3D features. The thinness of the ISKN Slate, the first product of the startup ISKN ISKN © Exagan HEMT technology Exagan © 200mm GaN on silicon processed wafer using CMOS compatible fabrication f low Exagan © 40 41 Leti Activity Report > 2013 [email protected] Nanoelectronic and micro-nano systems CEA-Leti / G. Cottet © Leti’s mission: This platform bridges the gap between upstream R&D and new micro- and nanotechnology applications to optimize device performance, and power cons ump tion , an d de velo p fabrication processes that are transferable to partner sites. Create and transfer innovation to our partners Leti is a leading global provider of these services, which target smart objects, energy & environment, transport, biology & health, security, and space & defense. Whether you are a large company, an SME or a startup looking for new markets or a more competitive position, Leti helps you get there. The Silicon Technologies Division includes the nanotech plat form , wh ich prov ides 200 mm and 300 mm CMO S wafer processing for both semi- Solution provider We help you find the best solution to your request through: • R&D projects (from six months to three years) • Fea sibi lity stud ies on the opportunity to integrate micro and nanotechnologies in your products • Tran sfer ring prot otyp es to production lines • Specific services based on high performance equipment A dedicated team Leti’s team (business managers, engineers and researchers) will apply their dedication and expertise to your project. conductor and microsystem devices, and the MEMS200 platform, which produces nonCMOS components. The Silicon Components Division carries out research on nanoelectronics and heterogeneous integration on silicon. Among the many achievements in 2013 were making 28nm planar UTBB FD-SOI technology availability for production at ST-Crolles, and a world record for the conversion of sunlight into electricity using a new solar cell structure with four solar subcells with Soitec, the Fraunhofer ISE and the Helmholtz Center Berlin. State-of-the-art facilities Leti’s offer Leti’s offer s Nanoelectronics and micro-nanosystem A unique infrastructure gathering ten technology areas on a single site en able s re sear cher s an d companies to experiment, test and validate new ideas to make them a reality. • Integrated circuit design and embedded systems • Nan oele ctro nics and micr onanosystems • Photonics • Nanocharacterization • Clinatec • Nano biotechnologies • Sen sor netw orks and sma rt © CEA-Leti objects • Cyber security • Development and prototyping for SME s a nd inte grat ive companies • Experimentation through usages 42 43 Leti Activity Report > 2013 Leti’s offer Nanocharacterization Photonics One-stop shop for photonics The photonics platform combines Leti strengths in design, production, and characterization of photonics components for imaging (visible and IR cameras), and other applications like miniature displays for near-toeye applications, optical sensors for gas detection, silicon photonics for fast optical communications, and LED lighting. The goal is a one-stop shop covering the entire product-development chain, from material development to system evaluation, and from design to the characterization of photonic components. Co-located with other Leti platforms, including [email protected] those dedicated to embedded syst ems int egra tion an d micro- and nanoelectronics, the photonics platform utilizes a variety of technologies. These include crystal growth (solid and epitaxial) of compound semiconductor (III-V, II-VI), silicon microelectronics frontend fabrication, electro-optical and mechanical packaging and, at each step, partial and global characterization. Physical and chemical characterization PFNC, CEA Grenoble’s nanocharacterization platform, is unique in Europe because of the range of expertise and leadingedge systems it concentrates in one location. Drawing from talent and tools at Leti, Liten and Inac, the platform’s competence centers include ionbeam analysis, X-ray analysis, electron microscopy, scanning probe microscopy, surface analysis, optical characterization, NMR techniques, and sample preparation. Platform highlights in 2013 include development of a new MCT-based (HgCdTe) infrared camera prototype with a pitch array as low as 10 micrometers. [email protected] PFNC achieves state-of-the-art physical/chemical/structural characterization of materials and devices due to the synergy between these centers, the presence of the 300mm silicon technology platform, and the proximity to the ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility) and the ILL (Institut Laue-Langevin). In 2013, the platform installed new tools enabling 3D characterization, such as plasma FIB and tomography in SEM, and a ToF-SIMS with Argon cluster to meet characterization challenges of new materials for organic electronics and energy applications. LED spot lamp. © IR image (1024x768 HgCdTe) with a 44 10µm pitch. © CEA-Leti CEA-Leti ToF-SIMS cluster Argon. © CEA-Leti 45 Leti Activity Report > 2013 Leti’s offer Nanobiotechnologies Clinatec [email protected] Clinatec platform A cross-disciplinary biomedical research center The Clinatec biomedical research center, which opened in September 2012, is unique in the world. From doctors and surgeons to biologists and engineers, Clinatec brings together all of the necessary know-how for innovation in micro and nanosystems for healthcare. The platform possesses advanc ed i mag ing equi pme nt and molecular, behavioral, and electrophysiological observation capabilities, as well as a preclinical unit, an operating room, and six patient beds. Clinatec’s mission is to speed proof-of-concept for new testing, diagnostic, and treatment methods and promote the emergence of novel solutions by bringing together a range of disciplines. Clinatec also leverages the full potential of Grenoble’s hightech ecosystem, looking at way to integrate MEMS, NEMS, nanomaterials, and IR, X-ray, and terahertz imaging techniques into the solutions it develops. Current research projects focus on implantable neurostimulation devices and biomarkers for brain cancer, Parkinson and Alzheimer disease. Researchers from other disciplines can also come to Clinatec to work on their own projects, as well as R&D professionals from biomedical equipment manufacturers. A broad spectrum of biotech application s The 5,5002 sq. m nanobiotechnology platform houses all of the know-how required to develop innovative medical systems, with surface and sample preparation, biology, substrate functionalization, packaging, microfluids, microsystems, biological detection systems, and component-reading capabilities. The R&D carried out on the platform benefits researchers, hospitals, and biomedical firms. The innovative imaging solutions developed cover X-ray, gamma-ray, fluorescence, visible, and lensless techniques with a broad range of applications, from observing large sur- faces to examining tissue, particles, cells, and bacteria. The platform’s embedded and implantable in vivo microsystems respond to the new challenges of personalized medicine, nanomedicine, and point-of-care diagnostics. The platform is located near Clinatec. It is also near and works closely with iRTSV, further developing the basic research results produced by this life sciences research and technology center. The platform files some 35 patent applications per year, including those under joint R&D projects with around 30 industrial partners. © © 46 [email protected] CEA-Leti / G. Cottet CEA-Leti / P. Avavian 47 Leti Activity Report > 2013 Leti’s offer Development and prototyping for SMEs and integrative companies Cyber security Cyber security assessment and improvement Leti’s cyber-security platform is aimed at meeting the many growing security challenges that come with global interconnectedness. New e-health applications, sophisticated industrial (SCADA) systems and the Internet of Things, to cite a few examples, will require increasingly robust security systems. By p rovi ding sta te-o f-th eart testing of products such as smartcards and e-identity devices and, on a larger scale, communicating systems, Leti’s cyber-security platform can assess and certify the security level offered by those products. Besides certification, the plat- [email protected] form is focused on improving the security of objects and systems, including characterizing embedded countermeasures and implementing innovative solutions. Specific attention is paid to systems and objects that would be vulnerable if an attacker had access to a secured device. In 2013, the platform’s team improved test benches for assessing attacks on integrated circuits, and demonstrated electromagnetic-based fault injection on real products. In addition, test benches and evaluation capabilities were developed for automotive components. [email protected] Integ rating IT functionalit y in traditional industries The development and prototyping platform helps SMEs in traditional industry sectors like glass, concrete, and textile paper improve their products and develop competitive advantages by integrating sensors and communication systems. The platform makes available to customers all the technologies developed at Leti or CEA that are relevant to IT products, including smart sensors, wired or wireless networks, actuators, and man-machine interfaces. The platform staff of 30 engineers and technicians also provides a range of services from product analysis to advice about innovative, user- and environment-friendly functions to implement, as well as tuning proof-of-concept demonstrators for full testing and usage validation. Companies may improve their products by adding up-to-date green communication systems, including efficient antennas, dedicated RFID tags, and miniaturized sensors. The platform then tests the products on functional demonstrators in a lab setting that reproduces eith er a n u rban ne ighb orhood with facades, parking, sidewalks, intersections, and shops, or indoor environments, such as homes or offices. The Leti team also helps customers choose providers to industrialize their products, and file patent applications to protect their product innovations. in Leti’s ITSEF. Penetration testing on laser testbench ©CEA-Leti / G. Cottet onent. Security testing on automotive comp©CEA-Leti IT technology for the space industry (NovaNano). © 48 CEA-Leti 49 Leti Activity Report > 2013 Leti’s offer systems Integrated circuit design and embedded Sensor networks and smart objects Integ rating emerg ing technolog ies in complex systems Manufacturers and SMEs from virtually all industry sectors engage with the Sensor Networks Platform to equip their products with innovative features based on emerging technologies that can be integrated in complex systems. The platform, which supports many Internet of Things applications, covers the entire development cycle, from idea to industrialization, offering a multidisciplinary approach that has no equivalent in France. Applications that the platform supported in 2013 include securization schemes of the sensor network developped by Univer- sity of Cantabria in Santander, Spain; the magnetometers array for the Swarm space mission, location sensors in buried tubes, a window shutter that is 100 percent powered by solar energy, and a network of sensors to monitor the energy performance of a PVC pipe. The state-of-the-art technology platform offers very advanced and highly efficient radio communications, such as pulse-based ultra-wideband. It thus develops miniaturized and low energy-consuming functions such as detection, metrology, monitoring, localization, tracking, and traceability. [email protected] ww Uniq ue in Europe Integrated embedded systems are comprised of multiple functions squeezed into a single die, e.g. energy scavenging, sensing and/or imaging, highly efficient digital processing, wireless communication, reliability, and security. To efficiently serve the market for these complex and critical functions, the Design & Embedded Systems Platform covers the entire embedded systems design flow (front-end and back-end design), as well as test and characterization. This allows clients to interact with a single partner for the whole chain of competencies needed to develop a smart, integrated embedded system. [email protected] This organization avoids traditional know-how partitioning, and ensures development of optimized and innovative solutions. Moreover, the platform allows efficient management of coupling between highly advanced hardware and software. In addition to offering a wide range of competencies required to design embedded systems, the platform is built on stateof-the-art equipment. It is the only applied research center in Europe providing customers with access to a hardware emulation system. nder, Spain. Sensor network in Santa © ria University of Cantab e. rm: a unique facilit y in Europ © Desig n & Embedded Systems Platfo CEA-Leti 50 51 Leti Activity Report > 2013 [email protected] Ex perimentation through use Open innovation by usage emerged from the observation that it is rare for any one organization to possess all the skills required to address the complex problems encountered in fields such as the environment, energy, health, or transportation. It is in this respect that open innovation by usage, based on exchanging and sharing knowledge among people from different backgrounds, proves particularly useful. Bringing together specialists from diverse fields helps to grasp and deal with multifaceted topics. During times of economic crisis, it works to pool resources and ideas to both cut costs and improve efficiency. Drawing on this constructive competition and related ideas, open inn ovat ion by u sage works towards achieving Leti’s goals for innovation by: searching for new applications suited to technology transfer predicting, experimenting with and testing future uses and practices ahead of technology development, and considering issues from the joint perspective of business units and partners. This success has led to support for the creation of the Open Innovation Center on Grenoble’s scientific peninsula. Leti through Carnot Institute Europe US Japan Find out more about the year’s achievements and key events by visiting the “Open Innovation” Activity Report on the Leti website. © 52 Leti’s offer Leti’s offer Experimentation through use CEA /Open innovation in practice 53 Leti Activity Report > 2013 Leti’s offer Contributing to preparation of EU Research and Innovation prog ramme Horizon 2020 Rendez-vous Carnot business convention. CEA-Leti © CEA-Leti is one of the 34 French Carnot research institutes. The Carnot label was created in 2006 to recognize and support French public research institutes that contribute significantly to the business community. Research that contributes to the development of innovative services and products in enterprises, creating wealth and employment in France and Europe. * (healthcare, information technologies, micro and nanotechnologies, materials and manufacturing processes, transportation, construction, energy and chemistry) 54 Carnot institutes improve the competitiveness and growth of their business partners by creating innovation and transferring it to industry. Their main mission is to increase industrial leadership and employment in France and Europe. Together, the 34 Carnot institutes represent 15% of France’s public research workforce and carry out 50% of all public R&D contracts financed by industry. They cover a very wide range of fields* serving all the major business sectors. Their industrial partners include large corporations, medium-sized companies, SMEs, very small enterprises employing less than 10 people, and start-up companies. The Carnot institutes share a common charter of professional standards and are capable of championing them individually and collectively. The Association des instituts Carnot or AiCarnot coordinates the Carnot network. Committed to developing research partnerships to best serve industry, the Carnot institutes can mobilize the skills and state-of-the-art techno- logical platforms of the network to meet their clients’ needs. The Carnot institutes also collaborate with their European and global counterparts such as the Fraunhofer institutes, TNO, VTT, CSEM, MIT… Carnot institutes conduct upstream research to maintain their scientific and technological excellence and leadership. A total of 60 M€ of French state funding is allocated each year to help the Carnot institutes invest in research projects whose aim is to anticipate future technological needs in their core subjects. These projects are carried out with top-notch academic partners world-wide. The resulting patented inventions become innovative technological solutions through co-development with industrial partners. Look for the Carnot symbol in this document to identify some of CEA-Leti’s many key results made possible thanks to Carnot funding. Leti was a key player in the FP7 European framework, participating in more than 140 collaborative projects. As a consequence, CEA Tech and Leti have played an important role in the structuring bodies in charge of preparing the new H2020 framework. For example, since 2010 CEA Tech has chaired the High Level Group on Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) in charge of producing recommendations to strengthen Europe’s capacity for industrial innovation and the development of new products and services needed to deliver smart, sustainable, and inclusive European growth. Moreover, through the ENIAC public-private nanoelectronics partnership, Leti has contributed to the preparation of a Joint Technology Initiative bringing together the EU and member states in Electronic Components & Systems (ECSEL); the new ENIAC project, PLACES2BE, is a good example of the implementation of the KETs strategy in nanoelectronics. [email protected] In the health domain, Leti is chairing the European Technology Platform on Nanomedicine. As for communication networks and services, Leti is a member of the steering board of the new European Technology Platform NetWorld2020. Leti has also actively contributed to the H2020 roadmap on high performance computing through the HiPEAC Network of Excellence. Leti also is member of the stakeholder group of the Photonics21 European Technology Platform. All these frameworks are gathering stakeholders in their respective domains and are excellent places to contribute efficiently to future relevant project proposals perfectly in line with the European Commission strategy in H2020. To find out more about the Carnot institutes, look us up at http:// or join us at the next Rendez-vous Carnot business convention in Lyon (October 8 and 9, 2014). In 2013, Leti’s director Laurent Malier was elected president of the AiCarnot. 55 Leti Activity Report > 2013 Leti’s offer Increasing oppor tunities in the US In 2013, the US office pursued an active policy of brand development through the participation trade shows, workshops and the organization of special Leti events during key conferences such as SEMICON West and IEDM. Leti is now clearly identified as a provider of key technologies for US research teams and our image benefits from the innovative Grenoble environment and from a large panel of partnerships that provide various paths to manufacturing. The partnership with Caltech is expanding with new projects discussed and launched in the field of assembly technologies for NEUROPROBES with Prof. Michael Roukes, as well as the integration of low-power electronic ICs with photonic devices for Prof. Azita Emami. As far as industrial partnerships are concerned, the actions with HP in the field of silicon photonics are expanding and new projects have been launched with Intel for the development of disruptive RF Components, and with Qualcomm for the development of Leti’s 3D monolithic integration technology. Some of these actions are carried out in partnership with AEPI (Grenoble-area development agency) and Invest In France Agency. US Hughes Metras, Leti representative in the [email protected] Increasing oppor tunities in Japan Bruno Paing, Leti representative in Japan [email protected] an Yann Gallais, deputy representative in Jap [email protected] positioned on consumer markets, such as OMRON in 2013. Furthermore, Leti’s expertise and unique research infrastructure on nanocharacterization led to a partnership with one of the largest automotive corporation in Japan. During the past decade, Leti dramatically increased its interactions with Japanese companies. After a few years focusing on microelectronics-related topics to develop collaborations, Leti is currently expanding the scope of possible topic collaborations with Japanese industry. Indeed, the first agreements were signed a few years ago with companies such as TEL, Sokudo, TOK, JSR, Nissan Chemicals through Leti’s affiliate programs « Ideal » (on direct self assembly) and « Imagine » (on maskless lithography). Leti has also developed a network of partners with equipment manufacturers (Sokudo, Yushin…) and materials suppliers (Mitsubishi Materials Corporation), and at the same time started collaborations with companies Every year since 2005, Leti has held LetiDay Tokyo in October, which gathers around 10 experts and top managers from Leti to give exclusive insight about Leti’s latest technology developments to an audience of 200+ Japanese industrial participants. LetiDay Tokyo has become a major event through the years and now enables Leti to strengthen its industrial network and initiate new collaborations with Japanese industry every year. Leti Day @SEMICON West 2013. © CEA-Leti . Sekig uchi-san at LetiDay 2013 in Japan © 56 CEA-Leti 57 Leti Activity Report > 2013 More than 40 years of history f o s © CEA-Leti n a h t e r Mo 1967 eti creation of L 1972 specialist Efcis spin off production nd for on-dema uits of MOS circ ST in 1992) (to become 1986 ated, Sofradir cre Leti a spin-off of 1983 lerometer silicon acce patented 1987 nology sensor tech to Terraillon transferred 1999 nsistor 1st 20nm tra eti yL produced b 2009 Alliance IBM CMOS 2012 & creation natec li C f o h c n u la of APIX, 1st startup 2010 te le p m o c a Leti/Caltech opening of d te a ic d de 300mm fab n tio ra 2008 to 3D integ e c n Caltech Allia 2006 of Minatec inaug uration Campus & new 200mm opening of a d to MEMS line dedicate 2002 yrometer first silicon g ped and lop MEMS deve transferred wafers on 200mm 2011 n opening of a innovative nromm moving clea k system to lin platforms 2013 Leti-UTSOI del compact mo created History 1963 tegrated first french in d by the uce circuit prod CENG section” “electronics 1976 scanner first French X uilt at Leti nd b desig ned a 1992 Soitec created, startup of Leti r a e y 40 y r o t s i h CEA-Leti / G. Cottet © 58 59 Leti Activity Report > 2013 General Organization Jean-René Lequepeys Fabrice Geiger Silicon Components Division Silicon Technologies Division Characterization: Power electronics: Daniel Vellou Micro Technologies for Biology and Healthcare Division N. Gambacorti [email protected] Lithography: Other Processes and Advanced Materials: E. Gouze [email protected] LETI-3S: S. Locatelli [email protected] S.Van [email protected] 3D IC integration: P. Leduc [email protected] Environment Monitoring: Embedded Micro Batteries: P. Pantigny [email protected] Sensors: P. Boisseau [email protected] Roland Blanpain Systems and Solutions Integration Division Wireless communications: L. Rudant [email protected] Security & Defence: J.-P. Polizzi [email protected] Systems for Process Monitoring: Passives & Interposers: Y. Lamy [email protected] Cl. Vauchier [email protected] Techno design: In vitro Diagnostic: Chr. Raynaud [email protected] A. Thermet [email protected] Medical Imaging: Fr. Glasser [email protected] A. Merle [email protected] Thierry Collette Embedded sensors and functionalization - Complexs systems: Architecture, IC Design and Embedded Software Division A. Paleologue [email protected] Digital processing systems & embedded software: P.Grève Sensor systems – Energy: J.-M. Leger [email protected] [email protected] SME: Analog, Imaging & wireless IC: M. Durr Céline Soubeyrat [email protected] [email protected] Embedded systems: B. Lucas-Leclin Claude Massit [email protected] VP Programs and Strategic Planning: Eric Dupont-Nivet [email protected] Smart Sensors IC design: C. Condemine [email protected] François Berger P. Rematier [email protected] VP European Partnerships: Laurent Herault [email protected] VP Industrial Partnerships: Wellness: C. Gallis [email protected] Transport and Mobility V. Roger [email protected] Internet of Things J.-M. Goiran [email protected] Bruno Mourey Optics and Photonics Division Integrated photonics on silicon: Visible optical imaging: New technologies for lighting: Bolometrers infrared & THz imaging: S. Menezo [email protected] P. Mottier [email protected] Display and optical sensors: S. Joly [email protected] A. Rochas [email protected] General organization Clinical Medical Devices & Neurosurgery: Olivier Peyret [email protected] 60 [email protected] Clinatec VP Scientific Affairs: Pierre-Damien Berger [email protected] C. Reita [email protected] Nanomedecine: J.-Fr. Teissier [email protected] VP Operational: Advanced microelectronics: Medical Devices: S. Tedesco [email protected] DIRECTOR Laurent Malier J.-J. Aubert [email protected] Fr. Simoens [email protected] Cooled infrared imaging detectors: G. Destefanis [email protected] 61 Leti Activity Report > 2013 Activity Report 2013 Publisher: Laurent Malier. Editorial design: Hélène Vatouyas, Pierre-Damien Berger, Olivier Peyret, Eric Dupont-Nivet. Coordination within Leti and implementation: Hélène Vatouyas. Editorial team: Jean-Baptiste David, Jean Marty, Denis Renaud, Jean-François Teissier, Raymond Campagnolo, André Rouzaud, François Vacherand. Written and edited by: Mahoney & Lyle Communication. Graphical layout: Valérie Lassablière, ça crée val. Thanks to all our partners who contributed to this report. > We invite you to discover the Leti’s Research Reports 2013 and the books written by Leti researchers: Research Reports 2013: Books: Laboratoire d’Electronique et de Technologie de l’Information MINATEC Campus Centre de Grenoble 17, rue des Martyrs F-38054 GRENOBLE Cedex 9 [email protected] Cover: ©CEA/Leti
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