canada - International Security Cooperation Summit
canada - International Security Cooperation Summit
PCAN 2015: THE ONLY PEER-LED, INTERACTIVE SOURCING EVENT IN CANADA CANADA 30 March – 1 April 2015 Hyatt Regency Toronto Toronto, ON Hear From Your Peers At: SEE INSIDE FOR THE FULL 2015 SPEAKING FACULTY! Sponsored By: Organized By: “I’m very much looking forward to this year’s ProcureCon conference. I love reconnecting with my industry peers and learning new and exciting strategies in supply chain and strategic sourcing.” Jill Button, Director Supply Chain and Strategic Sourcing Shaw Communications PCAN 2015: THE ONLY PEER-LED, INTERACTIVE SOURCING EVENT IN CANADA PAGE 3 CANADA Dear Colleague, 3URFXUHPHQWLVXQGHUJRLQJUDSLGWUDQVIRUPDWLRQEH\RQGSDSHUSXVKLQJFXWWLQJSXUFKDVHRUGHUVDQGDFWLQJDVWKHVXSHUQHJRWLDWRUV of our companies. We are now tasked with creating value for our organizations, including driving revenue. Many of us are struggling WRRYHUFRPHUHVLVWDQFHWRFKDQJHIURPLQWHUQDOVWDNHKROGHUVDVZHDOLJQPRUHFORVHO\ZLWKEXVLQHVVXQLWVWRH[HFXWHSURFXUHPHQW strategy. As we move away from a transactional approach to vendor management to fostering true partnerships with suppliers we PXVWFRQVLGHUWKHEHVWPHWULFVWRVHWRXUVXSSOLHUVXSIRUVXFFHVVZKLOHGULYLQJFRQWLQXRXVLPSURYHPHQW7KHFRQVWDQWO\HYROYLQJ JOREDOPDUNHWSODFHLVNHHSLQJXVRQRXUWRHVQRZPRUHWKDQHYHUZLWKȵXFWXDWLRQVLQWKH&DQDGLDQ'ROODURVKRULQJDQGUHVKRULQJ DFWLYLWLHVDQGSRWHQWLDOGLVUXSWRUVWRWKHVXSSO\FKDLQIURPQDWXUDOGLVDVWHUWRSROLWLFDOFRQȵLFWDQGPRUH :HȇYHZRUNHGFORVHO\RQWKHSURJUDPWRKHOSFUDIWDSHHUOHGLQWHUDFWLYHDQGVROXWLRQVGULYHQDSSURDFKWRVKDULQJVRXUFLQJEHVW SUDFWLFHV6HQLRUSURFXUHPHQWH[HFXWLYHVIURPDGLYHUVHUDQJHRILQGXVWULHVZLOORHUVROXWLRQVGULYHQLQVLJKWVIRUDOLJQLQJZLWK EXVLQHVVXQLWVVWDɝQJWKHSURFXUHPHQWGHSDUWPHQWIRUVXFFHVVSDUWQHULQJZLWKVXSSOLHUVWRRSWLPL]HYDOXHDQGGULYHLQQRYDWLRQ DQGUHPDLQLQJFRPSHWLWLYHLQDFRQVWDQWO\FKDQJLQJJOREDOPDUNHWSODFH Day 1: Mastering Procurement Operations Day 2: Structuring Relationships for Maximum Competitiveness Day 3: Practical Strategies for Sourcing in a Global Environment 7KHLQWHUDFWLYHIRUPDWRIWKHHYHQWZLOORHU\RXWKHRSSRUWXQLW\WRSDUWLFLSDWHLQDSURFXUHPHQWSUDFWLWLRQHUZRUNVKRSGD\GULYHQ E\SHHUHQJDJHPHQWDQGNQRZOHGJHVKDULQJ7DUJHWHGSUHVHQWDWLRQVZLOOHQVXUH\RXPD[LPL]H\RXUOHDUQLQJRSSRUWXQLWLHVZLWK the nation’s most innovative procurement executives, panel discussions will present diverse insights to help you meet your current REMHFWLYHVDQGURXQGWDEOHGLVFXVVLRQJURXSVZLOORSHQXSLQWLPDWHQHWZRUNLQJDQGNQRZOHGJHVKDULQJRSSRUWXQLWLHVZLWK\RXU SHHUVWRGHYHORSEHVSRNHVROXWLRQVWRWKHFKDOOHQJHV\RXȇUHIDFLQJ :HKRSH\RXȇOOMRLQXVLQ7RURQWRDWWKHHQGRI0DUFKWRHQJDJHLQSHHUWRSHHUNQRZOHGJHVKDULQJWRJDLQEHVWSUDFWLFHVWRGULYH value for your organization. Sincerely, The ProcureCon Canada 2015 Advisory Board Munish Dhanker Associate Director, Strategic Procurement Bell Canada Eugene Fernandez IT Procurement & Contract Management Comtech Group Hersh Glass *OREDO&RPPRGLW\ Procurement Specialist SAP Canada Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS Sheraz Kashif Sr.Procurement Manager Indirect & Logistics, 3URFXUHPHQW6XVWDLQDELOLW\ 0RQGHOÕ]ΖQWHUQDWLRQDOΖQF Kathy Simon Director, Indirect Procurement !ndigo Books & Music, Inc. Michael C. Johnson Senior Contracts Manager Shell Canada Limited Rachel Wolfe Owner, Bottom Line Procurement, Formerly Senior Procurement Specialist Teck Resources Limited -H5XVVHOO Director, Procurement Crane Supply Welcome .......................................................3 $ERXW2XU0HGLD3DUWQHUV .................... 20 Speaker Faculty ...........................................6 Venue And Accommodation ................. 21 Agenda At A Glance....................................9 Registration Information And Team Discounts ............................... 22 The Solutions Zone ................................. 18 $ERXW2XU6SRQVRUV ............................... 19 RUȏSURFXUHFRQ#ZEUHVHDUFKFRPȏSURFXUHFRQFDȏ3URFXUH&RQ&RPPXQLW\ȏ#3URFXUH&RQ Call: 866-691-7771 or 416-597-4777 416-598-1452 Email: [email protected] Web: Learn more and register at our bestFax: rates: 416-597-4702 - 866-691-7771 - [email protected] MEET YOUR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Points for SCMP Designation 6XSSO\&KDLQ0DQDJHPHQW$VVRFLDWLRQ6&0$KDVTXDOLȴHG3URFXUH&RQ &DQDGDDVDQHYHQWWRRHU&3'SRLQWVWR6XSSO\&KDLQ0DQDJHPHQW 3URIHVVLRQDO6&03'HVLJQDWLRQKROGHUV3OHDVHFRQWDFW\RXUSURYLQFLDO LQVWLWXWHWRGLUHFWO\FRQȴUPHOLJLELOLW\ PCAN 2015: THE ONLY PEER-LED, INTERACTIVE SOURCING EVENT IN CANADA PAGE 5 YOUR CHALLENGES ADDRESSED Aligning with business units and collaborating with internal stakeholders +RZDUHZHRYHUFRPLQJUHVLVWDQFHWRFKDQJHZLWKLQWHUQDOFOLHQWVZKHQDOLJQLQJZLWKEXVLQHVVXQLWV to deliver value? *DLQVROXWLRQGULYHQEHVWSUDFWLFHVIURP · .ULVWRSKHU3LQQRZ9LFH3UHVLGHQWDQG&KLHI3URFXUHPHQW2ɝFHUBombardier Inc. · &DUULH8KO, Vice President of Procurement, the Americas, Magna International · 7LP+HUURG6U'LUHFWRU*OREDO6RXUFLQJ052&DSLWDOPotash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc. · Natalie Loy, Director, Vendor Management Governance, Manulife Financial Maximizing supplier relationships +RZFDQZHPRYHEH\RQGWUDQVDFWLRQDOYHQGRUPDQDJHPHQWWRWUXHVXSSOLHUSDUWQHUVKLSVWKDWZLOO achieve savings and drive innovation? *DLQVROXWLRQGULYHQEHVWSUDFWLFHVIURP · -HUHP\*LEEV, Associate Vice President, Professional Services Procurement & Vendor Management Strategy, TD Bank · Jean Tsach, Head of Sourcing Canada, Novartis · Cathy Kutch, Director of Supplier Relations and Diversity, Kellogg Company · 0DWKHZ0RRUH'LUHFWRURI6RXUFHWR3D\Blackberry Managing risk in global sourcing How can we manage risk in emerging markets, supply disruption and ensure a compliant and HɝFLHQWVXSSO\FKDLQZKHQVRXUFLQJJOREDOO\" · (GRXDUG2U\, Director, Telecom Procurement, RBC · 0DQRM$JJDUZDO, Director of Procurement, SNC-Lavalin Group · %DUU\0F.LOORS Group Lead, Category Management Supply Chain Management, Cenovus Energy · 5\DQ0DUN)HUQDQGHV, Director of Supply Chain, Sun Rich Fresh Foods RUȏSURFXUHFRQ#ZEUHVHDUFKFRPȏSURFXUHFRQFDȏ3URFXUH&RQ&RPPXQLW\ȏ#3URFXUH&RQ Call: 866-691-7771 or 416-597-4777 416-598-1452 Email: [email protected] Web: Learn more and register at our bestFax: rates: 416-597-4702 - 866-691-7771 - [email protected] PCAN 2015: THE ONLY PEER-LED, INTERACTIVE SOURCING EVENT IN CANADA PAGE 6 MEET YOUR PROCURECON CANADA 2015 SPEAKING FACULTY Kristopher Pinnow Vice President and Chief 3URFXUHPHQW2ɝFHU Bombardier Inc. *HR3DUVRQV &KLHI3URFXUHPHQW2ɝFHU Deloitte Erin Geldard &KLHI3URFXUHPHQW2ɝFHU Cogeco Edouard Ory Director, Telecom Procurement RBC Natalie Loy Director, Vendor Management Governance Manulife Financial 0DQRM$JJDUZDO Director of Procurement SNC-Lavalin Group Andrea Jong Executive Director, Procurement OLG Jean Tsach Head of Sourcing Canada Novartis Peter Carr President & General Manager Flextrack Warren Jestin Senior Vice President and Chief Economist Scotiabank Jill Button Director, Supply Chain and Strategic Sourcing Shaw Communications Ann Dolan Executive Director Strategic Sourcing FacilicorpNB Carrie Uhl Vice President of Procurement, the Americas Magna International Mathew Moore 'LUHFWRURI6RXUFHWR3D\ Blackberry Monica Feregrino Sr. Director Purchasing & Supply Chain Westport -HUHP\*LEEV Associate Vice President, Professional Services Procurement & Vendor Management Strategy TD Bank Alain Roy Associate Vice President, Procurement AECOM Brad Chittick Associate Vice President, Supply Chain Facilities & Maintenance Canadian Tire Corporation Ltd. Dimitrios Manolopoulos Senior Director, Strategic & IT Sourcing National Bank of Canada Tim Herrod 6U'LUHFWRU*OREDO6RXUFLQJ MRO & Capital Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc. Barry McKillop Group Lead, Category Management Supply Chain Management Cenovus Energy Kathy Simon Director, Indirect Procurement !ndigo Books & Music Inc. Cathy Kutch Director of Supplier Relations and Diversity Kellogg Company -HYDQ*HHO Director of Strategic Sourcing 3M Canada Company Claire Caloren Associate Assistant Deputy Minister, Acquisitions Branch Public Works and Government Services Canada Michael Haynes Head of Procurement and Supply Chain Management, 0RELOLW\'LYLVLRQ Siemens Canada Limited Carman Ciciretto Head of Procurement, Integrated Supply Chain IBM Canada Julia Fournier President and CEO HCMWorks Shawn Fitzgerald Director of Corporate Procurement The Co-operators Group Limited Marnie Banting Director, Procurement and 6XVWDLQDELOLW\ Walmart Canada Logistics Call: 866-691-7771 or 416-597-4777 416-598-1452 Email: [email protected] Web: RUȏSURFXUHFRQ#ZEUHVHDUFKFRPȏSURFXUHFRQFDȏ3URFXUH&RQ&RPPXQLW\ȏ#3URFXUH&RQ Learn more and register at our bestFax: rates: 416-597-4702 - 866-691-7771 - [email protected] PCAN 2015: THE ONLY PEER-LED, INTERACTIVE SOURCING EVENT IN CANADA PAGE 7 MEET YOUR PROCURECON CANADA 2015 SPEAKING FACULTY continued Michael Power Editor PurchasingB2B 3DOODEHH%HUD Director of Procurement Acosta Mosaic Group Lis Anderson Director, Supply Chain Management URS Corporation Stefane Belleau Director of Contracts and Procurement Laurentian Bank Sean Smith Category Director, Dairy Ingredients Agropur Dipesh Pattni Director of Procurement The Niagara Parks Commission Gina Barrell Director, Supply Chain Secure Energy Services Munish Dhanker Associate Director, Strategic Procurement Bell Canada 3ULVFLOOD1HVELWW Director, Supply and Studio Design, Canada Best Western International Austin Noronha Director of Strategic Procurement McMaster University Kyle Brown Director of Supply Chain Management ATB Financial .LP7HLFKURHE Director of Procurement The Brick Group Ryan Mark Fernandes Director of Supply Chain Sun Rich Fresh Foods 0DUF$QGUH/DEHOOH Director, IT and Procurement Ubisoft -H5XVVHOO Director Procurement Crane Supply Eugene Fernandez IT Procurement & Contract Management Comtech Group Jack Bradley Director, Logistics and Supply Chain Strongco Boris Tsinman Director of Procurement and Supply Chain Rouge Valley Health System Cheryll Cruz General Manager Supply Chain and Trade Compliance Weatherford Sheraz Kashif Sr. Procurement Manager Indirect & Logistics, 3URFXUHPHQW6XVWDLQDELOLW\ 0RQGHOÕ]ΖQWHUQDWLRQDOΖQF David Menezes 0DQDJHU*OREDO6RXUFLQJ Steel Products Kinross Gold Corporation Chris Partridge Manager, Canada Supply Chain Talisman Energy Brian Petrie Manager, Procurement Canadian Tire Corporation Ltd. James Skuza 6XVWDLQDELOLW\ Procurement Specialist Canadian Tire Corporation Ltd. “I think the bleeding is over. We still have competitive pressures, but what I’m saying is that the industry is in position to take advantage of the stronger U.S. economy and the fact that the dollar has depreciated by 10 per cent is also VLJQLȴFDQWȋ %HQMDPLQ7DO'HSXW\&KLHI(FRQRPLVW&Ζ%&$SULO Call: or 416-597-4777 416-598-1452 Email: [email protected] Web: RUȏSURFXUHFRQ#ZEUHVHDUFKFRPȏSURFXUHFRQFDȏ3URFXUH&RQ&RPPXQLW\ȏ#3URFXUH&RQ Learn866-691-7771 more and register at our bestFax: rates: 416-597-4702 - 866-691-7771 - [email protected] PCAN 2015: THE ONLY PEER-LED, INTERACTIVE SOURCING EVENT IN CANADA PAGE 8 ΖQGXVWU\EUHDNGRZQRIWKLV\HDUȇVVSHDNHUV 14% Financial Services 8% Food Products 12% Mining/Energy 6% Manufacturing Materials 14% Other 10% Construction/ Engineering 12% Retail 8% Telecommunications 6% Pharmaceuticals/ Healthcare 6% Public Sector 4% Gaming -REIXQFWLRQEUHDNGRZQRISDUWLFLSDQWV 68% Procurement 16% Business Management 11% Marketing/Advertising 5% Other 6HQLRULW\RISDUWLFLSDQWV 46% VP/Director/Head of 28% Senior Manager/Manager 15% Specialist/Consultant 11% C-Level/President/Partner RUȏSURFXUHFRQ#ZEUHVHDUFKFRPȏSURFXUHFRQFDȏ3URFXUH&RQ&RPPXQLW\ȏ#3URFXUH&RQ Call: 866-691-7771 or 416-597-4777 Fax: 416-598-1452 Email: [email protected] Web: PCAN 2015: THE ONLY PEER-LED, INTERACTIVE SOURCING EVENT IN CANADA PAGE 9 Monday, 30 March 2015 DAY 1: PRACTITIONER-ONLY WORKSHOP DAY MASTERING PROCUREMENT OPERATIONS 8:00 Continental Breakfast & Registration 8:40 Welcome Remarks 10:15 Technology plays a critical role in procurement LQQRYDWLRQE\HQDEOLQJSUDFWLWLRQHUVWRIRFXVPRUH RQVWUDWHJ\DQGOHVVRQWKHGD\WRGD\WUDQVDFWLRQV 7KHFRQVWDQWȴUHȴJKWLQJFUHDWHVFKDRVDQGWDNHVDZD\ from planning and staying ahead of strategic initiatives. )LUHȴJKWLQJPD\QRWGLVDSSHDUEXWLWFDQEHVLJQLȴFDQWO\ minimized. Get creative during this working group VHVVLRQWRȴQGRXWKRZWRJDLQFRPSHWLWLYHDGYDQWDJH E\VWUHDPOLQLQJ\RXURSHUDWLRQVWRNHHS\RXWKLQNLQJ strategically, while tending to the tactical things, at the same time. Marissa Alvord Event Director ProcureCon Canada 8:45 Chairperson’s Opening Address Peter Carr President & General Manager Flextrack 9:00 Getting To Know You: Procurement Practitioners Ice Breaker ΖQWKLVDOOQHZQHWZRUNLQJVHVVLRQZHZLOOGLVSOD\D series of pain points on the screen, and you’ll have WRGHWHUPLQHZKLFK\RXUPRVWSUHVVLQJEXVLQHVV PDWWHULVIRUDQGȴQGRWKHUVZKRDOVRVKDUH that pain point. You’ll have 10 minutes to chat ZLWKRWKHUVLQ\RXUJURXSEHIRUHDQHZJURXSRI challenges is displayed. This is an exciting way for you to meet other ProcureCon attendees who share the same challenges, make new connections, DQGFROODERUDWHRQQHZZD\VWRVROYHWKHP 9:30 Stefane Belleau Director of Contracts and Procurement Laurentian Bank 11:00 Morning Refreshment & Networking Break 11:15 Staffing Procurement To Deliver Value to the Business Procurement has come a long way from pushing POs and working within a tactical, purchasing function. Today’s SURFXUHPHQWSURIHVVLRQDOVPXVWDOLJQZLWKQHZEXVLQHVV models, equipped with strong negotiation skills, knowledge RIFRPPRGLWLHVDQGPDUNHWVDQGVRIWVNLOOVWREXLOG relationships internally and externally. Think holistically DERXW\RXUEXVLQHVVDQGWKHGHPDQGVDWKDQGWRPDNH the most of this workshop. Gain strategies to identify and VHHNRXWWKHULJKWFRPSHWHQFLHVLGHQWLI\WUDQVIHUDEOHVNLOOV in other industries and internal talent, draft strong roles DQGUHVSRQVLELOLWLHVIRUSURFXUHPHQWSRVLWLRQGHVFULSWLRQV develop skills in commodities and markets and identify soft skills including communication to negotiate and manage relationships internally and externally. How To Build A Successful Strategic Sourcing Organization From The Ground Up If you have a mature strategic sourcing RUJDQL]DWLRQRUDUHMXVWEHJLQQLQJWREXLOGRQH learn how to create maximum savings value for your organization: · Building the team—hiring true sourcing professionals -HYDQ*HHO Director of Strategic Sourcing 3M Canada Company · Training the organization of the philosophy of strategic sourcing and sourcing levers · %XLOGLQJDQGGHȴQLQJDJOREDOWHDPȃFXOWXUDO challenges · 'HȴQLQJVDYLQJVPHWKRGRORJ\DQGJDLQLQJ RUJDQL]DWLRQDODFFHSWDQFH7KHVFRUHRIWKH game · Purchasing tools and technology—where to start · Data analysis and gathering · Getting the message out to the organization · 7UDFNLQJVXFFHVVDQGSXEOLVKLQJUHVXOWV Tim Herrod 6U'LUHFWRU*OREDO6RXUFLQJ052&DSLWDO Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc. Automation of The Tactical To Focus on the Strategic 12:00 Uncovering Hidden Opportunities and Making Bolder Bets in Procurement Many people feel that the low hanging fruit is gone. What are some of the harder to get categories, such as legal and marketing, that procurement can handle to drive value to WKHERWWRPOLQHDQGDFKLHYHVDYLQJV"7KLVZRUNVKRSZLOO explore how to ensure no stone is left uncovered to tap LQWRQHZFDWHJRU\DUHDVWRGULYHYDOXHIRUWKHEXVLQHVV Gain strategies on how to access these areas of spend and KRZEHVWWRZRUNZLWKLQWHUQDOFOLHQWVWREXLOGNQRZOHGJH LQWKHVHDUHDVWRPDNHLQIRUPHGEX\LQJGHFLVLRQV Munish Dhanker Associate Director, Strategic Procurement Bell Canada RUȏSURFXUHFRQ#ZEUHVHDUFKFRPȏSURFXUHFRQFDȏ3URFXUH&RQ&RPPXQLW\ȏ#3URFXUH&RQ Call: 866-691-7771 or 416-597-4777 416-598-1452 Email: [email protected] Web: Learn more and register at our bestFax: rates: 416-597-4702 - 866-691-7771 - [email protected] PCAN 2015: THE ONLY PEER-LED, INTERACTIVE SOURCING EVENT IN CANADA PAGE 10 DAY 1: PRACTITIONER-ONLY WORKSHOP DAY continued 12:45 Luncheon For All Attendees 1:45 Creating and Implementing a Robust Professional Services Category Strategy To Drive Value This workshop is designed to help you develop strategies for handling and managing the complex category of professional services. You will learn SUDFWLFDODQGDFWLRQDEOHVWUDWHJLHVWRKHOS\RXDQDO\]H your category spend, conduct market research and OHDUQHHFWLYHVWUDWHJLHVWRGULYHLQLWLDWLYHVWKDWZLOO help you to address this complex and challenging VSHQGFDWHJRU\WRGULYHUHVXOWV<RXZLOOKHDUDERXW critical considerations when developing your strategy DQGOHDUQKRZWRFROODERUDWHZLWK\RXULQWHUQDO stakeholders to drive success. Jill Button Director, Supply Chain and Strategic Sourcing Shaw Communications 2:30 Maximizing Relationships with Business Partners Throughout the Procurement Lifecycle To Ensure Compliance and Drive Innovation 7KHVWDJHIURP5)3WRVLJQDWXUHFDQEHOHQJWK\ZLWK DORWRIIRFXVIURPFURVVRUJDQL]DWLRQDOWHDPV+RZ can you maintain the spotlight on a lengthy contract to ensure terms are delivered and that further LPSURYHPHQWVFDQEHPDGH"ΖQWKLVZRUNVKRS\RXZLOO explore a range of methods for supplier relationship management and contract ownership. Determine DSSURSULDWHUHVSRQVLELOLWLHVWREXVLQHVVXQLWVRURWKHUV DQGKROGWHDPVDFFRXQWDEOH(QVXUHYHQGRUPDQDJHUV and contract owners understand what is expected and WKDWFKDQJHVDUHQȇWPDGHWRGULYHXSSULFHEHQHȴWVDUH UHDOL]HGDQGVXSSOLHULPSURYHPHQWVDUHEHLQJGULYHQDW the internal level. · :KDWDUHWKHEHVWPHWKRGVWRDXGLW\RXUVXSSOLHUV" · At what point do you determine your suppliers need WREHDXGLWHGȃLVWKHUHDUHJXODUVFKHGXOHRUUHYLHZ process? · Techniques to work with underperforming suppliers WREULQJWKHPEDFNXS · .3ΖVPHWULFVDQGVFRUHFDUGVWRGHYHORSDQHHFWLYH supplier ratings system · %HQHȴWVDQGGUDZEDFNVRIFHUWLȴHGVXSSOLHU processes Cathy Kutch Director of Supplier Relations and Diversity Kellogg Company 4:30 Category-Specific Benchmarking Roundtables %HVXUHWRMRLQWKHVHLQWHUDFWLYHURXQGWDEOHVHVVLRQV VSHFLȴFWRFDWHJRU\DUHDVDQGWDNHDGHHSGLYH LQWRWKHVSHFLȴFFDWHJRULHV\RXȇUHORRNLQJWRWDFNOH Opportunities to sit and learn from executives like these do not exist elsewhere. Take control of your RZQHYHQWH[SHULHQFH'RQȇWEHVK\$VNTXHVWLRQVRU DQVZHUWKHPRIRWKHUFRQIHUHQFHDWWHQGHHVZKRDUH dealing with the same challenges as you. Don’t miss out on the discussions you want to participate in— you’ll get to select a new topic after 30 minutes. Choose from: · IT 0DUF$QGUH/DEHOOH Director, IT and Procurement Ubisoft · Facilities Management Sean Smith Category Director, Dairy Ingredients Agropur · Marketing Jean Tsach Head of Sourcing Canada Novartis Kathy Simon Director, Indirect Procurement !ndigo Books & Music Inc. 3:15 Afternoon Refreshment & Networking Break 3:30 Leveraging The Supplier Performance Process To Take Supplier Relationships To The Next Level Kellogg has a novel take on reviewing and auditing VXSSOLHUSHUIRUPDQFHWKDWSURGXFHVYLDEOHLQIRUPDWLRQ to make informed decisions. In fact, their process has actually changed how suppliers interact with the company. Cathy Kutch will lead this interactive session DORQJZLWKRQHRIKHUEX\HUVDQGRQHRIKHUVXSSOLHUV to take you through Kellogg’s evaluation process and WKHUHVXOWVDFKLHYHG7KHQ\RXȇOOEUHDNLQWRJURXSVIRUD mock evaluation exercise. · +56WDɝQJ Munish Dhanker Associate Director, Strategic Procurement Bell Canada · Travel Kathy Simon Director, Indirect Procurement !ndigo Books & Music Inc. · Additional Topics To Be Announced 5:30 Cocktail Reception in The Networking Lounge 6:30 End Of Day One RUȏSURFXUHFRQ#ZEUHVHDUFKFRPȏSURFXUHFRQFDȏ3URFXUH&RQ&RPPXQLW\ȏ#3URFXUH&RQ Call: 866-691-7771 or 416-597-4777 416-598-1452 Email: [email protected] Web: Learn more and register at our bestFax: rates: 416-597-4702 - 866-691-7771 - [email protected] PCAN 2015: THE ONLY PEER-LED, INTERACTIVE SOURCING EVENT IN CANADA PAGE 11 Tuesday, 31 March 2015 DAY 2: STRUCTURING RELATIONSHIPS FOR MAXIMUM COMPETITIVENESS 8:00 Continental Breakfast & Registration In The Networking Lounge 10:00 Morning Refreshment & Networking Break In The Networking Lounge 8:40 Welcome Remarks 10:45 PANEL DISCUSSION: Getting a Seat at the C-Suite Table Marissa Alvord Event Director ProcureCon Canada 8:45 Chairperson’s Opening Address 9:00 CPO Perspective: What is the Road Ahead for Procurement? $VSURFXUHPHQWHYROYHVEH\RQGWKHUROHRIVXSHU negotiator of goods and services, CPOs and SURFXUHPHQWKHDGVDUHQRZVHHQDVWKHEXVLQHVV DGYLVRUVRIDQRUJDQL]DWLRQRHULQJLQVLJKWLQWR supply management, contract negotiations and overall customer service. As procurement shares UHVSRQVLELOLW\ZLWKWKHEXGJHWRZQHUVRIDQ organization for managing spend and delivering YDOXHKRZFDQSURFXUHPHQWEHVWDOLJQZLWKEXGJHW owners to identify what skillsets are needed to manage relationships? How can procurement act DVDQDGYLVRUWREXVLQHVVXQLWVWREXLOGDVWUDWHJLF approach for managing spend and delivering value? Procurement has evolved from a transaction driven IXQFWLRQWRDEXVLQHVVGULYHQGHSDUWPHQWWKDWKDV WKHSRWHQWLDOWRDGGPRUHWRWKHERWWRPOLQHTXLFNO\ WKDQDQ\RWKHUGHSDUWPHQW+RZFDQ\RXEXLOG WUXVWDFURVVDOOEXVLQHVVXQLWVDQGKHOSWKHPWR understand your value proposition to achieve savings DQGJHWDVHDWDWWKHWDEOH"7KLVSDQHOZLOOVKDUH success stories and lessons learned for: · 'HPRQVWUDWLQJFUHGLELOLW\ · Aligning the corporate strategy to cross functional FROODERUDWLRQWKDWPD[LPL]HVDQGGHOLYHUVYDOXH · (QJDJLQJH[HFXWLYHVWREHFRPHDFKLHIPHPEHURI decision making Kristopher Pinnow 9LFH3UHVLGHQWDQG&KLHI3URFXUHPHQW2ɝFHU Bombardier Inc. Erin Geldard &KLHI3URFXUHPHQW2ɝFHU Cogeco Carrie Uhl Vice President of Procurement, the Americas Magna International *HR3DUVRQV &KLHI3URFXUHPHQW2ɝFHU Deloitte 9:20 Carman Ciciretto Head of Procurement, Integrated Supply Chain IBM Canada Establishing a Supplier Management Center of Excellence To Optimize Value This case study will outline the creation of a vendor management center of excellence that SURYLGHVRQJRLQJWRROVEHVWSUDFWLFHVWUDLQLQJDQG methodologies with metrics for engagement to set vendor managers up for success. Gain insights for identifying product improvement enhancements, maintaining transparent relationships with suppliers and driving continuous improvement. -HUHP\*LEEV AVP Professional Services Procurement & Vendor Management Strategy TD Bank 9:40 Industry Presentation From Ariba 6HQLRUH[HFXWLYHWREHFRQȴUPHGAriba 11:30 Working with Internal Stakeholders To Identify And Manage Supply Chain Disruptors To Maintain Competitive Edge 2QHRIWKHNH\LGHQWLȴHUVRIDQLQQRYDWLYH VRXUFLQJRUJDQL]DWLRQLVWKHDELOLW\IRUWKH+HDG of Procurement and the entire strategic sourcing team to stay at least one step ahead of the trends. New technology developments have the potential WRFRPSOHWHO\GLVUXSWHQWLUHZD\VRIGRLQJEXVLQHVV FKDQJLQJZKDW\RXEX\FUHDWLQJQHZVXSSOLHUVDQG forcing new sourcing requirements. This session will discuss how technology has impacted sourcing needs, and how you can look ahead and provide that LQWHOOLJHQFHEDFNWR\RXUEXVLQHVV Eugene Fernandez IT Procurement & Contract Management Comtech Group Call: or 416-597-4777 416-598-1452 Email: [email protected] Web: RUȏSURFXUHFRQ#ZEUHVHDUFKFRPȏSURFXUHFRQFDȏ3URFXUH&RQ&RPPXQLW\ȏ#3URFXUH&RQ Learn866-691-7771 more and register at our bestFax: rates: 416-597-4702 - 866-691-7771 - [email protected] PCAN 2015: THE ONLY PEER-LED, INTERACTIVE SOURCING EVENT IN CANADA PAGE 12 DAY 2: STRUCTURING RELATIONSHIPS FOR MAXIMUM COMPETITIVENESS continued 11:50 12:10 Utilizing Contingent Labour Best Practices To Achieve Your Business Objectives With an increase in young procurement professionals entering the workforce at a time when seasoned procurement executives are looking toward UHWLUHPHQWKRZFDQ\RXEHVXUH\RXKDYHDGHTXDWH WUDLQLQJLQSODFHWRGULYHYDOXHWRDOOEXVLQHVVXQLWV" How can you identify weaknesses and provide training to ensure new skills are developed to overcome the challenges sourcing departments face? This presentation will outline internal training EHVWSUDFWLFHVDQGUHTXLUHPHQWVIURPDSURFHVV SHUVSHFWLYHWRHQVXUHDFRPSHWLWLYHDQGUREXVW procurement department in any setting. Business expansion and technologically demanding SURMHFWVDUHGULYLQJDQHHGIRUFRQWLQJHQWODERXU SURMHFWEDVHGVHUYLFHVDQGLQGHSHQGHQWFRQWUDFWRUV How does a VMS help companies hire and manage WKHEHVWZRUNHUVTXLFNO\DQGHɝFLHQWO\"*DLQLQVLJKW ȴUVWKDQGIURPFXUUHQW906XVHUVKRZEHVWWRDOLJQ \RXUSURJUDPJRDOVWRWKRVHRI\RXUEXVLQHVVEHVW practices for contingent workforce program design and implementation and top reporting strategies for ongoing improvement. Methodologies for Procurement Training To Improve Staff Retention and Aid Succession Planning 6HQLRUH[HFXWLYHWREHFRQȴUPHGFieldglass Gina Barrell Director, Supply Chain Secure Energy Services Inc. 12:30 Luncheon In The Networking Lounge Concurrent Sessions Begin Stream 1: Supplier Relationship Management Stream 2: Internal Stakeholder Relationship Management 1:30 Chairperson’s Afternoon Address Chairperson’s Afternoon Address 1:35 Developing and Implementing a Vendor Pre-Qualification Program to Drive Continuous Improvement Engaging Internal Stakeholders To Improve Relationships and Increase Efficiency ΖPSOHPHQWLQJDKROLVWLFYHQGRUSUHTXDOLȴFDWLRQ program is a critical activity that reduces risk in your supply chain and encourages vendor rationalization to drive savings. It can also strengthen your customers’ FRQȴGHQFHLQ\RXUDELOLW\WRGHOLYHUTXDOLW\FRVW HɝFLHQWSURGXFWVWRWKHP+RZHYHUGHYHORSLQJD ȊJRRGȋSURJUDPRQHWKDWVDWLVȴHV\RXULQWHUQDO stakeholders as well as making it easy for suppliers WRSDUWLFLSDWHFDQEHFKDOOHQJLQJ)LQGRXWKRZRQH FRPSDQ\VWDUWHGWKHMRXUQH\DQGKRZZHSODQWR FRPSOHWHLWE\LPSOHPHQWLQJDEHVWLQFODVVSURJUDP WKDWHQVXUHVRXUFRPSDQ\RQO\ZRUNVZLWKWKHEHVW PRVWTXDOLȴHGVXSSOLHUV 5HODWLRQVKLSEXLOGLQJLQWHUQDOO\DQGH[WHUQDOO\LVNH\ WRHHFWLYHSURFXUHPHQW([SORUHPHWKRGVWRFRQYH\ YDOXHWRLQWHUQDOFOLHQWVEHWWHUXQGHUVWDQGWKHLUQHHGV VHWSULRULWLHVWRLPSURYHWKHUHODWLRQVKLSDQGHVWDEOLVK DFRPPLWWHHFRPSRVHGRIPXOWLSOHEXVLQHVVXQLWVZLWK regular touch point meetings to implement strategic procurement improvements as a team to senior management. Marnie Banting 'LUHFWRU3URFXUHPHQWDQG6XVWDLQDELOLW\ Walmart Canada Logistics Cheryll Cruz General Manager Supply Chain and Trade Compliance Weatherford RUȏSURFXUHFRQ#ZEUHVHDUFKFRPȏSURFXUHFRQFDȏ3URFXUH&RQ&RPPXQLW\ȏ#3URFXUH&RQ Call: 866-691-7771 or 416-597-4777 416-598-1452 Email: [email protected] Web: Learn more and register at our bestFax: rates: 416-597-4702 - 866-691-7771 - [email protected] PCAN 2015: THE ONLY PEER-LED, INTERACTIVE SOURCING EVENT IN CANADA PAGE 13 DAY 2: STRUCTURING RELATIONSHIPS FOR MAXIMUM COMPETITIVENESS continued 1:55 PANEL DISCUSSION: Developing a Balanced Procurement Scorecard for the Future PANEL DISCUSSION: Overcoming Resistance To Change When Aligning With Business Units Engaging with suppliers and monitoring the relationship is front and center to driving improvement. What does the future look like for scorecards and supplier relationship management? This panel will discuss: Getting all internal stakeholders on the same page is no easy feat. This panel will share successes and strategies for handling and managing change internally. Find out how your peers are: · 7KHPRVWHHFWLYHPHWKRGVIRUWUDFNLQJ performance · Demonstrating value to the company · Key components of a scorecard, including quality, responsiveness, delivery and cost · Identifying how suppliers can add value and improve the environment · Supplier risk sharing · 0RYLQJEH\RQGTXDUWHUO\EXVLQHVVUHYLHZVDQG fostering true partnerships Mathew Moore 'LUHFWRURI6RXUFHWR3D\ Blackberry Jean Tsach Head of Sourcing Canada Novartis Andrea Jong Executive Director, Procurement OLG Chris Partridge Manager, Canada Supply Chain Talisman Energy 2:40 Afternoon Refreshment Break In The Networking Lounge 3:25 ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONS %HVXUHWRMRLQWKHVHLQWHUDFWLYHURXQGWDEOHVHVVLRQV DQGWDNHDGHHSGLYHLQWRWKHVSHFLȴFDUHDV\RX came to discuss. Opportunities to sit and learn from executives like these do not exist elsewhere. Take FRQWURORI\RXURZQHYHQWH[SHULHQFH'RQȇWEHVK\ $VNTXHVWLRQVRUDQVZHUWKHPRIRWKHUFRQIHUHQFH attendees who are dealing with the same challenges as you. · Network with industry peers with very similar FKDOOHQJHVLQWHUHVWVDQGUHVSRQVLELOLWLHV · Take a deep dive into a niche topic in an intimate DQGLQIRUPDOVHWWLQJPRGHUDWHGE\DVXEMHFW matter expert · Building relationships internally · 6KHGGLQJWKHVWLJPDWKDWUHGXFHGFRVWFDQEHOLQNHG to deterioration of quality · Facilitating communication throughout the chain of command · *DLQLQJWUXVWZLWKLQWHUQDOEXVLQHVVXQLWV Natalie Loy Director, Vendor Management Governance Manulife Financial Jack Bradley Director, Logistics and Supply Chain Strongco Lis Anderson Director, Supply Chain Management URS Corporation .LP7HLFKURHE Director of Procurement The Brick Group Monica Feregrino Sr. Director Purchasing & Supply Chain Westport Roundtable Discussions: 1. Building a Talent Management Pipeline to Ensure Sound Succession Planning Michael Haynes Head of Procurement and Supply Chain 0DQDJHPHQW0RELOLW\'LYLVLRQ Siemens Canada Limited 2. Interactive Discussion Hosted by Ariba 3. Establishing a Supplier Management Center RI([FHOOHQFHWR2SWLPL]H9DOXH -HUHP\*LEEV Associate Vice President, Professional Services Procurement & Vendor Management Strategy TD Bank · Don’t miss out on the discussions you want to participate in—you’ll get to select a new topic after 30 minutes RUȏSURFXUHFRQ#ZEUHVHDUFKFRPȏSURFXUHFRQFDȏ3URFXUH&RQ&RPPXQLW\ȏ#3URFXUH&RQ Call: 866-691-7771 or 416-597-4777 416-598-1452 Email: [email protected] Web: Learn more and register at our bestFax: rates: 416-597-4702 - 866-691-7771 - [email protected] PCAN 2015: THE ONLY PEER-LED, INTERACTIVE SOURCING EVENT IN CANADA PAGE 14 DAY 2: STRUCTURING RELATIONSHIPS FOR MAXIMUM COMPETITIVENESS continued 4. Developing and Implementing a Vendor 3UH4XDOLȴFDWLRQ3URJUDPWR'ULYH&RQWLQXRXV Improvement Cheryll Cruz General Manager Supply Chain and Trade Compliance Weatherford ZKDWLVUHTXLUHGWRKDYHWKHULJKWVWDLQSODFHWR PHHWFXUUHQWREMHFWLYHVDQGGULYHYDOXH" This panel will explore the intersection of internal VWDNHKROGHUUHODWLRQVDQGVWDɝQJLQFOXGLQJ · $OLJQLQJZLWKEXVLQHVVPRGHOVWRXQGHUVWDQGWKHLU needs · ΖGHQWLI\LQJDQGPDSSLQJFXUUHQWFDSDELOLWLHVWR HQVXUHUREXVWVWDɝQJ 0D[LPL]LQJ5HODWLRQVKLSVZLWKΖQWHUQDO Stakeholders and Overcoming Resistance Shawn Fitzgerald Director of Corporate Procurement The Co-operators Group Limited · Understanding new demands to identify the right talent to support a changing environment Dimitrios Manolopoulos Senior Director, Strategic & IT Sourcing National Bank of Canada 8WLOL]LQJ&RQWLQJHQW/DERXU%HVW3UDFWLFHVWR Achieve Your Business Objectives 6SHDNHUWREHFRQȴUPHGFieldglass 4:25 Ann Dolan Executive Director Strategic Sourcing FacilicorpNB 7. Current Challenges and Opportunities in Logistics and Customs -H5XVVHOO Director Procurement Crane Supply 3DOODEHH%HUD Director of Procurement Acosta Mosaic Group PANEL DISCUSSION: Mapping Internal Stakeholder Requirements to Procurement Skills To Ensure the Right Staff are In Place Sheraz Kashif Sr. Procurement Manager Indirect & Logistics, 3URFXUHPHQW6XVWDLQDELOLW\ 0RQGHOÕ]ΖQWHUQDWLRQDOΖQF CEOs are looking for procurement to align with FRUSRUDWHVWUDWHJ\DQGFURVVRUJDQL]DWLRQDOEXVLQHVV XQLWV:LWKLQFUHDVHGVFUXWLQ\DQGDFFRXQWDELOLW\WR senior leadership, how can you ensure you know Dipesh Pattni Director of Procurement The Niagara Parks Commission 5:00 End Of Main Day Two Call: 866-691-7771 or 416-597-4777 416-598-1452 Email: [email protected] Web: RUȏSURFXUHFRQ#ZEUHVHDUFKFRPȏSURFXUHFRQFDȏ3URFXUH&RQ&RPPXQLW\ȏ#3URFXUH&RQ Learn more and register at our bestFax: rates: 416-597-4702 - 866-691-7771 - [email protected] PCAN 2015: THE ONLY PEER-LED, INTERACTIVE SOURCING EVENT IN CANADA PAGE 15 Wednesday, 1 April 2015 DAY 3: PRACTICAL STRATEGIES FOR SOURCING IN A GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT 8:00 Continental Breakfast In The Networking Lounge Alain Roy Associate Vice President, Procurement AECOM 8:40 Welcome Remarks 0DQRM$JJDUZDO Director of Procurement SNC-Lavalin Group Marissa Alvord Event Director ProcureCon Canada 8:45 Ryan Mark Fernandes Director of Supply Chain Sun Rich Fresh Foods Chairperson’s Opening Address Edouard Ory Director, Telecom Procurement RBC Michael Power Editor PurchasingB2B 9:00 David Menezes 0DQDJHU*OREDO6RXUFLQJ6WHHO3URGXFWV Kinross Gold Corporation The Canadian Economy – Adjusting to a World of Change What is the forecasted growth of the Canadian economy in 2015? What are the implications for FRPSDQLHVFRQVLGHULQJRVKRULQJDQGUHVKRULQJ" This presentation will examine rates of growth and SURMHFWLRQVIRUWKH&DQDGLDQ'ROODUWRKHOSLQIRUP VRXQGGHFLVLRQPDNLQJDERXWJOREDORVKRULQJDQG UHVKRULQJLQWKHFRQWH[WRIULVLQJODERUDQGHQHUJ\ costs in Asia and changes in government policy including customs, duties and trade actions impacting purchasing. 10:00 CASE STUDY: Establishing a 21st Century Contingent Labour Workforce :KDW\RXQHHGWRNQRZDERXWWKHULVNVDQG RSSRUWXQLWLHVRIPDQDJLQJGLHUHQWOHYHOVRI contingent employees: · +RZWRHHFWLYHO\UHRUJDQL]H\RXUFRQWLQJHQW workforce without impacting output · Centralizing and automating every aspect of independent contractor management Warren Jestin Senior Vice President and Chief Economist Scotiabank 9:20 · &RHPSOR\PHQWDQGFRPSOLDQFHLVVXHVZKRȇV UHVSRQVLEOHIRUYLRODWLRQV" · %HQFKPDUNLQJODERXUFRVWVDJDLQVWFXUUHQWPDUNHW trends · Achieving cost reductions for the management of these resources PANEL DISCUSSION: Overcoming Challenges Associated With Global Sourcing to Ensure a Compliant and Efficient Supply Chain 1RZPRUHWKDQHYHUWKHSURFXUHPHQWIXQFWLRQLVEHLQJ WDVNHGZLWKWKHFKDOOHQJHWRFRPSHWHDWWKHJOREDOOHYHO 5ROOLQJRXWDQGXSGDWLQJJOREDOSURFXUHPHQWSROLFLHV to sourcing across the world present their own unique challenges. This panel will explore a range of tactics XVHGWRRYHUFRPHFKDOOHQJHVRIJOREDOSURFXUHPHQW which may include: · &UHDWLQJDKDUPRQL]HGJOREDOSURFXUHPHQWVWUXFWXUH · 0DLQWDLQLQJTXDOLW\RQRYHUVHDVEX\RIFRPSRQHQWV and services · 2YHUFRPLQJODQJXDJHEDUULHULVVXHVDQG FRPSHQVDWLRQIRUGLHUHQWOHYHOVRIH[SHUWLVH · Vendor evaluation and ensuring lead times from overseas vendors · 0LWLJDWLQJULVNRIWKHJOREDOVXSSO\FKDLQ · &RPSO\LQJZLWKUHJLRQDODQGFRXQWU\VSHFLȴF UHTXLUHPHQWVLQDJOREDOFRPSDQ\ · ([DPLQLQJFRXQWU\UHJLRQDODQGJOREDOOHYHOVWR OHYHUDJHEHQHȴWVWR\RXURUJDQL]DWLRQ Julia Fournier President and CEO HCMWorks 10:20 Morning Refreshment Break In The Networking Lounge 11:05 Managing Risk, Sourcing Suppliers And Building Relationships In Asia China, and greater Southeast Asia, is at once the largest producer and the largest consumer of products and raw materials in the world, impacting SULFLQJDQGVWURQJO\LQȵXHQFLQJRLOIRRGDQGUDUH earth metals. The region’s continuing reputation DVWKHLGHDOORZFRVWDUHDWRVRXUFHVXSSOLHUV LVFRXQWHUHGE\DQXPEHURISROLWLFDODQGVRFLDO FRQFHUQV)DFHWRIDFHUHODWLRQVKLSEXLOGLQJLVNH\WR ensuring your Asian suppliers are as strategic as they FDQEH%XWKRZGR\RXTXDOLI\DQGVRXUFHQHZ$VLDQ suppliers? How important is it to have a physical procurement team presence in the region? This Continued on page 16 RUȏSURFXUHFRQ#ZEUHVHDUFKFRPȏSURFXUHFRQFDȏ3URFXUH&RQ&RPPXQLW\ȏ#3URFXUH&RQ Call: 866-691-7771 or 416-597-4777 416-598-1452 Email: [email protected] Web: Learn more and register at our bestFax: rates: 416-597-4702 - 866-691-7771 - [email protected] PCAN 2015: THE ONLY PEER-LED, INTERACTIVE SOURCING EVENT IN CANADA PAGE 16 DAY 3: PRACTICAL STRATEGIES FOR SOURCING IN A GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT continued Roundtable Discussions: SUHVHQWDWLRQZLOOH[SORUH$VLDȇVXQLTXHUROHLQWKHJOREDO PDUNHWSODFHKRZWREHVWPDQDJHWKHULVNFUHDWHGE\ &KLQDȇVLQȵXHQFHDQGXQGHUVWDQGWKHRSSRUWXQLWLHVIRU HVWDEOLVKLQJDVWUDWHJLFJOREDOVRXUFLQJQHWZRUNDFURVV Asia. 1. Establishing a 21st Century Contingent Labour Workforce Julia Fournier President and CEO HCMWorks -H5XVVHOO Director Procurement Crane Supply 11:25 2. Mitigating Supply Disruption By Implementing A Security of Supply Program Barry McKillop Group Lead, Category Management Supply Chain Management Cenovus Energy Mitigating Supply Disruption By Implementing A Security of Supply Program 3. Handling, Managing and Eliminating Rogue Spend Kyle Brown Director of Supply Chain Management ATB Financial Making sure your goods and services reach your customers in a timely manner is paramount to your RUJDQL]DWLRQȇVYLDELOLW\%XWZKDWKDSSHQVLIWKHUHȇVD disruption? Is your supply chain equipped to identify disruptions and adapt quickly to minimize the impact? During this discussion, you will identify risks that could LPSDFW\RXUVXSSO\FKDLQGULYHEDFNLQWRYHQGRUVȇ supply chains to understand risks; understand the criticality of having a security of supply program in place; and design a comprehensive program to mitigate future supply risks. 4. Overcoming Challenges When Creating and Driving Revenue Brian Petrie Manager, Procurement Canadian Tire Corporation Ltd. James Skuza 6XVWDLQDELOLW\3URFXUHPHQW6SHFLDOLVW Canadian Tire Corporation Ltd. Barry McKillop Group Lead, Category Management Supply Chain Management Cenovus Energy 11:45 5. Handling and Managing the Challenges of Implementing a New ERP System Austin Noronha Director of Strategic Procurement McMaster University Integrating Game Theory into Strategic Sourcing Decision Making to Gain Value 6. Latest Opportunities for Green and Environmental Purchasing 3ULVFLOOD1HVELWW Director, Supply and Studio Design, Canada Best Western International When choosing the design of a sourcing event, how do you determine the rationale to select an RFP versus DUHYHUVHDXFWLRQ"+RZFDQ\RXJDLQWKHEHVWYDOXH" This presentation will explore a range of games and strategies that you can execute to gain incremental YDOXHRXWRIDELG)LQGRXWKRZ\RXFDQȴJXUHRXWWKH EHVWVFHQDULRWRDFKLHYHWKHJUHDWHVWUHVXOWV 7. Overcoming Contingent Labour Challenges In Your MSP and VMS Programs Peter Carr President & General Manager Flextrack Sean Smith Category Director, Dairy Ingredients Agropur 12:05 ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONS %HVXUHWRMRLQWKHVHLQWHUDFWLYHURXQGWDEOHVHVVLRQV DQGWDNHDGHHSGLYHLQWRWKHVSHFLȴFDUHDV\RXFDPHWR discuss. Opportunities to sit and learn from executives like these do not exist elsewhere. Take control of your RZQHYHQWH[SHULHQFH'RQȇWEHVK\$VNTXHVWLRQVRU DQVZHUWKHPRIRWKHUFRQIHUHQFHDWWHQGHHVZKRDUH dealing with the same challenges as you. · Network with industry peers with very similar FKDOOHQJHVLQWHUHVWVDQGUHVSRQVLELOLWLHV · Take a deep dive into a niche topic in an intimate DQGLQIRUPDOVHWWLQJPRGHUDWHGE\DVXEMHFWPDWWHU expert · Don’t miss out on the discussions you want to participate in—you’ll get to select a new topic after 30 minutes 1:05 Luncheon In The Networking Lounge 2:05 PROCUREMENT TRANSFORMATION SPOTLIGHT: Overhauling Procurement at the Federal Level 3XEOLF:RUNVDQG*RYHUQPHQW6HUYLFHV&DQDGD the federal procurement agency for the country KDVUHFHQWO\XQGHUJRQHDPDMRUSURFXUHPHQW WUDQVIRUPDWLRQ7KLVSUHVHQWDWLRQZLOOVKDUHEHVW SUDFWLFHVDQGOHVVRQVWKDWFDQEHDSSOLHGWRDQ\ corporate setting for overcoming talent shortages, implementing and updating ERP systems and HVWDEOLVKLQJVWUDWHJLHVWRGULYHVDYLQJV Claire Caloren Associate Assistant Deputy Minister, Acquisitions Branch Public Works and Government Services Canada RUȏSURFXUHFRQ#ZEUHVHDUFKFRPȏSURFXUHFRQFDȏ3URFXUH&RQ&RPPXQLW\ȏ#3URFXUH&RQ Call: 866-691-7771 or 416-597-4777 416-598-1452 Email: [email protected] Web: Learn more and register at our bestFax: rates: 416-597-4702 - 866-691-7771 - [email protected] PCAN 2015: THE ONLY PEER-LED, INTERACTIVE SOURCING EVENT IN CANADA PAGE 17 DAY 3: PRACTICAL STRATEGIES FOR SOURCING IN A GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT continued 2:35 This session will highlight how to: PRACTITIONER INNOVATION CASE STUDY: Leveraging Sustainable Intelligence to Drive Revenue and Increase Value · %UHDNGRZQEDUULHUVWRGULYHSURFXUHPHQWIRUZDUG to the next level · 'HYHORSUREXVWFURVVRUJDQL]DWLRQDOSURFHVVHVWR PDNHWKHPRVWRIYLUWXDOJURXSEX\V In today’s climate it’s not enough to create savings WRLPSURYHWKHERWWRPOLQH3URFXUHPHQWPXVWWKLQN innovatively to create new value and added revenue IRUWKHEXVLQHVV7KLVFDVHVWXG\ZLOOH[SORUHWKH SRWHQWLDOIRUXWLOL]LQJVXVWDLQDEOHLQWHOOLJHQFHWR inform purchasing decisions to create revenue and DOLJQZLWKFRUSRUDWHVXVWDLQDELOLW\LQLWLDWLYHV Brad Chittick Associate Vice President, Supply Chain Facilities & Maintenance Canadian Tire Corporation Ltd. 3:05 Leveraging Group Purchasing Through E-Commerce Platforms To Achieve Savings 'RZHQHHGEULFNVDQGPRUWDUWRGRJURXSEX\LQJ" As procurement continues to drive improvement WKHUHDUHVRPHEDUULHUVVWLOOKROGLQJXVEDFNIURP advancing the science of procurement to the next OHYHO(ɝFLHQFLHVDQGVDYLQJVFDQEHJDLQHGWKURXJK JURXSEX\VRQ(&RPPHUFHSODWIRUPV · Achieve economies of scale and realizing HɝFLHQFLHVWKURXJKFRPSHWLWLYHJURXSSXUFKDVLQJ Boris Tsinman Director of Procurement and Supply Chain Rouge Valley Health System 3:35 End of ProcureCon Canada 2015 Hope to see you again next year! “ProcureCon is a great place to network with other procurement professionals that face the same challenges and provides an outlet to discuss the issues of today. You can learn about innovation from suppliers in a passive way through SUHVHQWDWLRQVWKDWVKRZFDVHDFRQFHSWDQGQRWQHFHVVDULO\DVDOHVSLWFKȋ :D\QH6(YDQV+HDGRI3URFXUHPHQW$PHULFDV'HXWVFKH3RVW'+/ Call: 866-691-7771 or 416-597-4777 416-598-1452 Email: [email protected] Web: RUȏSURFXUHFRQ#ZEUHVHDUFKFRPȏSURFXUHFRQFDȏ3URFXUH&RQ&RPPXQLW\ȏ#3URFXUH&RQ Learn more and register at our bestFax: rates: 416-597-4702 - 866-691-7771 - [email protected] THE NETWORKING LOUNGE 7KLVLV\RXURSSRUWXQLW\WRQHWZRUNZLWKSHHUVDQGVXSSOLHUVZKRFDQKHOS \RXUHDOL]H\RXUVDYLQJVJRDOVVWUHDPOLQHDQGDXWRPDWHSURFHVVHVDQG SURYLGHHHFWLYHVROXWLRQVIRU\RXUVWUDWHJLFVRXUFLQJRSHUDWLRQV0HHW DQGJUHHWOHDGHUVLQWKHSURFXUHPHQWDQGVRXUFLQJFRPPXQLW\WKDWFDQ SURYLGHNH\LQVLJKWVWRKHOS\RXPHHW\RXUREMHFWLYHVIRUDQGEH\RQG Interested in showcasing your product or solution? 7DNHDGYDQWDJHRIWKHIROORZLQJEHQHȴWVRIVSRQVRUVKLS · ([FOXVLYHDFFHVVWRVHQLRUOHYHOGHFLVLRQPDNHUVIURPOHDGLQJQDWLRQDO DQGJOREDOFRUSRUDWLRQV · &XVWRPL]HGEUDQGLQJWKURXJKRXULQGHSWKPDUNHWLQJFDPSDLJQ · /HDGJHQHUDWLRQWRDFFHOHUDWH\RXUVDOHVF\FOH · %XLOGOR\DOW\ZLWK\RXUFOLHQWVWRFRQVROLGDWH\RXUPDUNHWSRVLWLRQ · 'LHUHQWLDWH\RXUFRPSDQ\IURPRWKHUYHQGRUVIRUFRPSHWLWLYH DGYDQWDJH · 5DLVHDZDUHQHVVDQGUHPLQGWKHPDUNHWWKDW\RXDUHDQHVVHQWLDOSDUWQHU For more details on how you can showcase your solution, contact Alicia Upchurch at 646.200.7452 or email [email protected]. PCAN 2015: THE ONLY PEER-LED, INTERACTIVE SOURCING EVENT IN CANADA PAGE 19 ABOUT OUR SPONSORS $ULEDȏ Website: $ULEDLVWKHZRUOGȇVEXVLQHVVFRPPHUFHQHWZRUN$ULEDFRPELQHVLQGXVWU\OHDGLQJ FORXGEDVHGDSSOLFDWLRQVZLWKWKHZRUOGȇVODUJHVWZHEEDVHGWUDGLQJFRPPXQLW\WRKHOS FRPSDQLHVGLVFRYHUDQGFROODERUDWHZLWKDJOREDOQHWZRUNRISDUWQHUV8VLQJWKH$ULEDp 1HWZRUNEXVLQHVVHVRIDOOVL]HVFDQFRQQHFWWRWKHLUWUDGLQJSDUWQHUVDQ\ZKHUHDWDQ\ WLPHIURPDQ\DSSOLFDWLRQRUGHYLFHWREX\VHOODQGPDQDJHWKHLUFDVKPRUHHɝFLHQWO\ DQGHHFWLYHO\WKDQHYHUEHIRUH&RPSDQLHVDURXQGWKHZRUOGXVHWKH$ULED1HWZRUNWR VLPSOLI\LQWHUHQWHUSULVHFRPPHUFHDQGHQKDQFHWKHUHVXOWVWKDWWKH\GHOLYHU )LHOGJODVVȏ:HEVLWHZZZȴHOGJODVVFRP )LHOGJODVVQRZSDUWRI6$3SURYLGHVDFORXGEDVHG9HQGRU0DQDJHPHQW6\VWHP906 DOORZLQJRUJDQL]DWLRQVWREHWWHUSURFXUHDQGPDQDJHWKHLUJOREDOȵH[LEOHZRUNIRUFHV LQFOXGLQJFRQWLQJHQWODERUVHUYLFHVPDQDJHGWKURXJK6WDWHPHQWVRI:RUNDQG independent contractors. More than 250 customers leverage Fieldglass to optimize YLVLELOLW\VSHQGTXDOLW\FRPSOLDQFHDQGSURJUDPHɝFLHQFLHV )OH[WUDFNȏ:HEVLWHZZZȵH[WUDFNFD )OH[WUDFNLVDIXOO\DXWRPDWHGVRIWZDUHDQGEDFNRɝFHSURFHVVLQJVHUYLFHVFRPSDQ\WKDW KHOSV*OREDOFOLHQWVDQGHPSOR\PHQWDJHQFLHVPDQDJHWKHLUFRQWLQJHQWZRUNIRUFH :HRHUWDOHQWDFTXLVLWLRQPDQDJHPHQWVWUHDPOLQHGSURFHVVHVULVNPLWLJDWLRQDQG cost optimization strategies. Flextrack allows companies to transform their contingent ZRUNIRUFHLQWRDQLQVWUXnPHQWIRUGULYLQJWKHLURYHUDOOEXVLQHVVVWUDWHJ\ΖWDOORZVWRS PDQDJHPHQWWRVHWDGLUHFWLRQDQGNQRZGHȴQLWLYHO\WKDWWKHLUOLQHPDQDJHUVDUHPDNLQJ WKHDSSURSULDWHWUDGHRVLQWKHLUFRQWLQJHQWZRUNIRUFHGHFLVLRQVWKXVNHHSLQJFRVWV down and lowering risk. +&0:RUNVȏWebsite: +&0:RUNVZDVIRXQGHGLQDWWKHUHTXHVWRIRQHRIWKHODUJHVWXVHUVRIVWDɝQJ VHUYLFHVLQ&DQDGD7KH\KDGMXVWXQGHUJRQHDPDMRUWUDQVIRUPDWLRQLQLWLDWLYHDQG determined that they needed to have a neutral managed service provider to run the SURJUDP7KHYHQGRUVLQWKH&DQDGLDQPDUNHWLQWKH&RQWLQJHQW/DERU6SDFHZHUHOLPLWHG DQG+&0:RUNVZDVLGHQWLȴHGDVWKHSURYLGHURIFKRLFHWRPDQDJHWKHVHUHVRXUFHVDQG 62:ȇV6WDWHPHQWVRI:RUN+&0:RUNVKDVZRUNHGZLWKVRPHRIWKHODUJHVWXVHUVRI VWDɝQJΖ73URIHVVLRQDOVHUYLFHVDQG&DOO&HQWHUVWRDVVLVWWKHPWREHWWHUHQJDJHDQG manage their contractors and SOW’s overall. HCMWorks is a Tier 1 Diversity Supplier that UXQVRQGHPDQGSURJUDPVIRUVPDOOPLGVL]HDQGHQWHUSULVHFOLHQWVXVLQJYDULRXVYHQGRU management applications as a neutral managed service provider. They also provide FRQVXOWLQJVHUYLFHVWRDVVLVWFOLHQWVLQWKHFUHDWLRQRI3URJUDPV.3ΖȇV.H\3HUIRUPDQFH ΖQGLFDWRUVVHUYLFHOHYHOVDQGUDWHEHQFKPDUNLQJIRUDOOPDMRUPDUNHWVLQ&DQDGDDQG WKH86$5HFHQWO\+&0:RUNVKDVSDUWQHUHGZLWKWKH&R9HVW6RXUFLQJ1HWZRUNDQGFR FUHDWHGWKH&R9HVW7DOHQW([FKDQJHZKLFKHQFRPSDVVHVERWKWKH+&01RZDQG3D\PHQW 6HUYLFHVVROXWLRQVDYDLODEOHWRWKHLUQHWZRUN 2ɝFH0D[*UDQG7R\ȏ:HEVLWHZZZRɝFHPD[FDQDGDFRP 2ɝFH0D[*UDQG7R\LVDOHDGLQJSURYLGHURIZRUNSODFHSURGXFWVDQGVROXWLRQVVHUYLQJ EXVLQHVVHVLQ&DQDGDIRURYHU\HDUV)URPWKHODWHVWWHFKQRORJ\LQWHULRUVDQG IXUQLWXUHHYHU\GD\RɝFHVXSSOLHVDQGIDFLOLW\UHVRXUFHVWRDZLGHUDQJHRISULQWDQG GRFXPHQWVHUYLFHVZHSURYLGHZRUNSODFHLQQRYDWLRQWKDWHQDEOHVRXUFXVWRPHUVWR ZRUNEHWWHU$SDUWRIWKH2ɝFH'HSRWΖQFIDPLO\WKHFRPSDQ\KDVWKHH[SHUWLVHDQG FRQVROLGDWHGSURGXFWDQGVXSSO\FKDLQOHDGHUVKLSWRSURYLGHFXVWRPHUVELJDQGVPDOOZLWK DUDQJHRIVXSHULRUSURGXFWVDQGVHUYLFHVDFURVV1RUWK$PHULFDbZZZJUDQGDQGWR\FRP Call: 866-691-7771 or 416-597-4777 416-598-1452 Email: [email protected] Web: RUȏSURFXUHFRQ#ZEUHVHDUFKFRPȏSURFXUHFRQFDȏ3URFXUH&RQ&RPPXQLW\ȏ#3URFXUH&RQ Learn more and register at our bestFax: rates: 416-597-4702 - 866-691-7771 - [email protected] PCAN 2015: THE ONLY PEER-LED, INTERACTIVE SOURCING EVENT IN CANADA PAGE 20 ABOUT OUR MEDIA PARTNERS BlogsRelease BlogsRelease is the #1 Industry News %RDUGIRUEORJJHUVZRUOGZLGH:H JLYHEUDQGV35VRFLDODJHQFLHVWKHERDUGWRVKDUHFRQWHQWWR UHOHYDQWEORJJHUVLQWKHLURZQVSHFLȴFFDWHJRULHV%ORJV5HOHDVH LVOLNHDSUHVVUHOHDVHIRFXVLQJRQEORJJHUV+HUHEUDQGVIHDWXUH WKHLUODWHVWDQGPRVWLQWHUHVWLQJFRQWHQWWRLQVSLUHEORJJHUVWR ZULWHDERXWWKHP%\XVLQJWKH%ORJV5HOHDVH%RDUGEUDQGVFDQ ULVHDERYHDOORIWKHRQOLQHQRLVHFUHDWHGE\DFRQIXVLQJZHERI FRQWHQWGLVWULEXWLRQDQGGLUHFWO\UHDFKNH\EORJJHUYRLFHV¯WR spread their message. Buyers Meeting Point Buyers Meeting Point is an online knowledge and professional development resource for supply management and procurement professionals. We monitor the VRXUFHVRILQIRUPDWLRQDYDLODEOHWR\RXDQGVHUYHDVDȴOWHU KHOSLQJ\RXPDNHWKHPRVWRI\RXUVFDUFHWLPH6HHPRUHDW ZZZEX\HUVPHHWLQJSRLQWFRP CAMSC &$06&OLQNVPRUHWKDQPDMRUFRUSRUDWLRQV WRKXQGUHGVRIFHUWLȴHG$ERULJLQDODQG PLQRULW\RZQHGEXVLQHVVHVDFURVV&DQDGD 6LQFH&$06&FRUSRUDWHPHPEHUVKDYH spent more than $1.2 Billion with competitive DQGLQQRYDWLYHFHUWLȴHG$ERULJLQDODQGPLQRULW\VXSSOLHUV &RUSRUDWHPHPEHUVJDLQDFFHVVWRDJURZLQJQDWLRQDOGDWDEDVH RIVXSSOLHUVDORQJZLWKWKHRSSRUWXQLW\WREXLOGEUDQGOR\DOW\ DQGHQKDQFHPDUNHWSODFHUHVSRQVLELOLW\ZLWKWKHIDVWHVWJURZLQJ communities in Canada. CFO )RUDOPRVW\HDUV&)23XEOLVKLQJKDVEHHQ GHOLYHULQJDZDUGZLQQLQJFRQWHQWH[FOXVLYHO\IRU VHQLRUȴQDQFHH[HFXWLYHV7KURXJKRXUȵDJVKLS &)2PDJD]LQHZHRHUFRQWHQWZHOOEH\RQGWUDGLWLRQDO DFFRXQWLQJDQGȴQDQFLDOPDQDJHPHQW2Q&)2FRPZHRHU GDLO\VWRULHVJHDUHGVSHFLȴFDOO\IRUȴQDQFHH[HFXWLYHV Financial Operations )LQDQFLDO2SHUDWLRQVPDJD]LQHLVSXEOLVKHG E\/OR\GPHGLDΖQFD&DQDGLDQFRPSDQ\ HVWDEOLVKHGLQ/OR\GPHGLDDOVR SXEOLVKHV3D\PHQWV%XVLQHVVPDJD]LQH'LUHFW0DUNHWLQJ PDJD]LQH&RQWDFW0DQDJHPHQWPDJD]LQH&OLFN:HHNO\ HQHZVOHWWHUDQGWKHDQQXDOQDWLRQDOGLUHFWRULHV'0ΖQGXVWU\ 6RXUFHERRNDQG7KH/LVWRI/LVWV/OR\GPHGLDΖQFLVEDVHGLQ Markham, Ontario. The Logistics Institute The Logistics Institute is Canada’s leading source of ORJLVWLFVWUDLQLQJDQGFHUWLȴFDWLRQΖWVPLVVLRQLVWR teach, develop and promote the science of logistics WRWKHEXVLQHVVFRPPXQLW\DQGWRHQFRXUDJH practitioners along logistics career paths. The Institute delivers skills and leadership training in classroom, online and THE HUB, a dynamic private social network dedicated to developing and sharing industry knowledge. Today, more than 3,000 logistics practitioners from some RI&DQDGDȇVEHVWNQRZQFRPSDQLHVKDYHHDUQHGWKH3/RJ designation and the recognition that comes with attaining FHUWLȴHGFRPSHWHQFHLQDSURIHVVLRQDOȴHOG My Purchasing Center 0\3XUFKDVLQJ&HQWHULVDZHEVLWH designed to provide the essential LQIRUPDWLRQUHTXLUHGE\SXUFKDVLQJDQG procurement management professionals to keep their FRPSDQLHVFRPSHWLWLYHLQDG\QDPLFJOREDOPDUNHWSODFH0\ Purchasing Centerô reports news, pinpoints trends, interprets events and presents proprietary pricing and supply data through XQLTXHFRQWHQWGHYHORSHGWKURXJKLWVHGLWRULDOVWDVWUDWHJLF FRQWHQWSDUWQHUVKLSVDQGE\FUHDWLQJDQRQOLQHKXEIRU LQIRUPDWLRQ0\3XUFKDVLQJ&HQWHU¶DOVRDGGUHVVHVVSHFLȴF informtion needs in the industry: · Fills an information and education gap in the purchasing and procurement marketplace for purchasing professionals · 3URYLGHVDFUHGLEOHWKLUGSDUW\HQYLURQPHQWWKDWRHUVXQLTXH content from industry experts, aggregated industry content and supplier representation · Creates a unique and informative experience for the SXUFKDVLQJSURIHVVLRQDOVWRFROOHFWLQGXVWU\UHODWHGKRZWR knowledge, engage with peers and suppliers, and keep up to date on trends. 7KH1$3&3LVDPHPEHUVKLSEDVHG professional association, serving as an impartial resource for more than 13,000 PHPEHUVDQGVXEVFULEHUVDWDOOH[SHULHQFH OHYHOVLQWKHSXEOLFDQGSULYDWHVHFWRUV7KH1$3&3SURYLGHV unmatched opportunities for continuing education and peer QHWZRUNLQJWKURXJKLWVFRQIHUHQFHV5HJLRQDO)RUXPVZHELQDUV ZHEVLWHYLUWXDOGHPRQVWUDWLRQVQHZVOHWWHUVDQGUHJXODU communication. The association sponsors research and SXEOLVKHVWLPHO\DQGUHOHYDQWZKLWHSDSHUVVXUYH\UHVXOWVDQG DUWLFOHV9LVLWZZZQDSFSRUJWROHDUQPRUHDERXW&RPPHUFLDO &DUGDQGSD\PHQWSURJUDPV3&DUGFHUWLȴFDWLRQWKHYDOXHRI PHPEHUVKLSFXUUHQWPHPEHUGHPRJUDSKLFVDQGXSFRPLQJ events. PurchasingB2B PurchasingB2B provides leadership to Canadian procurement and supply chain management professionals WKURXJKWKHGHOLYHU\RITXDOLW\LQGXVWU\QHZVDQDO\VLVDQGEHVW SUDFWLFHLQIRUPDWLRQ:HVXSSRUWWKHVXSSO\FKDLQFRPPXQLW\E\ providing multiple channels and thought leadership opportunities for our readers, association partners, and suppliers to connect and share their expertise and knowledge. SupplyChainBrain 6XSSO\&KDLQ%UDLQWKHZRUOG¯VPRVW comprehensive supply chain management information resource, is accessed year round through a wide range of ever evolving PXOWLPHGLDIRUPDWVE\KXQGUHGVRIWKRXVDQGVRIVHQLRUOHYHO industry executives. In addition to addressing the fundamental SULQFLSOHVRIVXSSO\FKDLQPDQDJHPHQW6XSSO\&KDLQ%UDLQ LGHQWLȴHVHPHUJLQJWUHQGVWHFKQRORJLHVDQGEHVWSUDFWLFHV IRUZDUGWKLQNLQJLGHDVDQGFXWWLQJHGJHVROXWLRQVDQGFRQWLQXHV WRZULWHDQGUHSRUWDERXWWKHVHDVWKH\HYROYHDQGPDWXUH Call: 866-691-7771 or 416-597-4777 416-598-1452 Email: [email protected] Web: Learn more and register at our bestFax: rates: 416-597-4702 - 866-691-7771 - [email protected] RUȏSURFXUHFRQ#ZEUHVHDUFKFRPȏSURFXUHFRQFDȏ3URFXUH&RQ&RPPXQLW\ȏ#3URFXUH&RQ PCAN 2015: THE ONLY PEER-LED, INTERACTIVE SOURCING EVENT IN CANADA PAGE 21 VENUE Hyatt Regency Toronto Highlights: 370 King Street West Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5V 1J9 Experience Hyatt Regency Toronto’s ORFDWLRQLQWKHFHQWHURIWKHFLW\ȇVYLEUDQW GRZQWRZQ)UHVKIURPDPXOWLPLOOLRQ GROODUUHQRYDWLRQ<RXUSHUIHFWKXEIRU EXVLQHVVRUSOHDVXUHWUDYHORXUGRZQWRZQ 7RURQWRKRWHODFFRPPRGDWLRQVDUHMXVW VWHSVIURPWKHEXVLQHVVDQGȴQDQFLDO districts, the convention centre and over UHVWDXUDQWVDQGEDUV7RURQWRKRWHO LVDGMDFHQWWRWKH7KHDWUH'LVWULFW7DNH a shopping trip to Eaton Centre, trendy Queen Street, or exclusive Yorkville. Whether you are visiting the Hyatt Regency 7RURQWRIRUEXVLQHVVRUSOHDVXUHRXU associates are ready to provide you with exceptional service and personal attention. Phone: +1 416 343 1234 Fax: +1 416 599 7394 Website:KWWSWRURQWRUHJHQF\K\DWWFRP Dates: 0DUFK$SULO Rate: $199 CAD ProcureCon Canada has secured a conference rate of $199 CAD (plus tax) for ProcureCon Canada attendees. 7KRVHZKRERRNXQGHUWKH3URFXUH&RQ &DQDGDEORFNRIURRPVZLOOUHFHLYHFRPSOLPHQWDU\ZLUHOHVVLQWHUQHWLQWKHLU JXHVWURRP5RRPVDUHOLPLWHGDQGRQDȴUVWFRPHȴUVWVHUYHGEDVLVVRERRN \RXUURRPDVVRRQDVSRVVLEOH7RPDNH\RXUUHVHUYDWLRQFDOOWKH+\DWWDW DQGLGHQWLI\\RXUVHOIDVD3URFXUHFRQ&DQDGDDWWHQGHH7KH FRQIHUHQFHUDWHH[SLUHV0DUFKΖI\RXKDYHPLVVHGWKHFXWRGDWH LQTXLUHZLWKWKHKRWHODVURRPVPD\VWLOOEHDYDLODEOH RUȏSURFXUHFRQ#ZEUHVHDUFKFRPȏSURFXUHFRQFDȏ3URFXUH&RQ&RPPXQLW\ȏ#3URFXUH&RQ Call: 866-691-7771 or 416-597-4777 416-598-1452 Email: [email protected] Web: Learn more and register at our bestFax: rates: 416-597-4702 - 866-691-7771 - [email protected] PCAN 2015: THE ONLY PEER-LED, INTERACTIVE SOURCING EVENT IN CANADA PAGE 22 March 31 - April 1, 2015 PROCURECON CANADA 2015 PRICING Conference Price Standard Price 2 Day Pass (March 31-April 1; Excludes the Practitioner Only Workshop Day) +67 Discounts for Procurement Practitioners Three Day Pass (March 30-April 1) 30/11/14 31/12/14 31/01/15 30/02/15 Standard Price $1099 +HST $1199 +HST $1299 +HST $1399 +HST +67 Group Discounts for Procurement Practitioners Standard Price Groups of 2 $GGLWLRQDORWKH GLVFRXQWHGUDWH Groups of 3 - 4 $GGLWLRQDORWKH GLVFRXQWHGUDWH Groups of 5+ $GGLWLRQDORWKH GLVFRXQWHGUDWH Solution Providers Include:$Q\VHUYLFHSURYLGHUWRSURFXUHPHQWVRXUFLQJSXUFKDVLQJH[HFXWLYHVΖQFOXGLQJVRIWZDUHYHQGRUVWHFKQRORJ\ YHQGRUVVROXWLRQSURYLGHUVFRQVXOWDQWVRUFRPSDQLHVZLWKSULPDU\UHYHQXHVUHVXOWLQJIURPFRPPLVVLRQVVXEVFULSWLRQVDQGRUDGYHUWLVLQJ :RUOGZLGH%XVLQHVV5HVHDUFKUHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWRHQIRUFHWKHUDWHIRUQRQSUDFWLWLRQHUV Please note: · To secure your team discount, register online at or contact Jack .LYLNDWRUMDFNNLYLN#ZEUHVHDUFKFRP · 7HDPGLVFRXQWVPXVWEHERRNHGDQGSDLGIRUDWWKHVDPH WLPH7HDPGLVFRXQWVGRQRWDSSO\WRVSRQVRULQJRUH[KLELWLQJ FRPSDQLHVRUQRQPDQXIDFWXUHUV · $OOGLVFRXQWVDUHWDNHQRWKHIXOOFRQIHUHQFHSULFH1RWZR GLVFRXQWVRURHUVFDQEHFRPELQHG · Payment is due in full at the time of registration. Your UHJLVWUDWLRQZLOOQRWEHFRQȴUPHGXQWLOSD\PHQWLVUHFHLYHG DQGPD\EHVXEMHFWWRFDQFHOODWLRQ VISIT WWW.PROCURECON.CA FOR THE WBR CANCELLATION, POSTPONEMENT AND SUBSTITUTION POLICY CONTACT US Production Sponsorship/Exhibit Sales Meeting Planning & Logistics Marissa Alvord Event Director ProcureCon Canada Alicia Upchurch Sponsorship Director Caitlin Vance Meeting Planner T: 646.200.7452 DOLFLDXSFKXUFK#ZEUHVHDUFKFRP T: 646.200.7827 FDLWOLQYDQFH#ZEUHVHDUFKFRP Sponsorship/Exhibit Sales Group Discounts & Sales Seth Weisleder Sponsorship Director Jack Kivik Delegate Outreach Team Lead Marketing & Media Partnerships T: 646.200.7493 VZHLVOHGHU#ZEUHVHDUFKFRP T: 416.597.4778 MDFNNLYLN#ZEUHVHDUFKFRP T: 416.597.4771 PDULVVDDOYRUG#ZEUHVHDUFKFRP Price Padgett Marketing Manager T: 646.200.7921 SULFHSDGJHWW#ZEUHVHDUFKFRP Call: 866-691-7771 or 416-597-4777 416-598-1452 Email: [email protected] Web: RUȏSURFXUHFRQ#ZEUHVHDUFKFRPȏSURFXUHFRQFDȏ3URFXUH&RQ&RPPXQLW\ȏ#3URFXUH&RQ Learn more and register at our bestFax: rates: 416-597-4702 - 866-691-7771 - [email protected]
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