BYC_Summer 2016.indd


BYC_Summer 2016.indd
summer 2016
in this issue
From the editor .................................................................... 2
eight Bells............................................................................ 2
From the Bridge ................................................................... 3
General manager’s repor .................................................... 4
Port Captain’s report ........................................................... 5
Fleet Captain’s report.......................................................... 6
angler Fleet ......................................................................... 7
mayor’s report .................................................................... 8
membership news .............................................................. 9
Governor’s Cup regatta..................................................... 10
Governor’s Cup alumni regatta........................................ 12
Governor’s Cup Fleet Christening ..................................... 13
Governor’s Cup awards Ceremony ................................... 14
Governor’s Cup monday dinner ....................................... 15
Governor’s Cup movie Premiere ....................................... 15
Governor’s Cup Friday reception ..................................... 16
Governor’s Cup Thank You ................................... 17, 18, 19
sailing ................................................................................ 20
racing ............................................................................... 21
Cruise Fleet - mallorca ...................................................... 22
racing ................................................................................ 23
Cruise Fleet long Beach & san diego .............................. 24
around the Club - whiskey Plank .................................... 25
short Tacks ........................................................................ 26
Bulletin Board ................................................................... 26
Calendar ............................................................................. 27
The Talewind staff ............................................................. 27
Officers and directors of
B a l b o a Ya c h t C l u b
Officers and Directors
Commodore douglas west
Vice Commodore Tom mooers
rear Commodore willliam Bloomberg
Chief Financial Officer Jim Young
Fleet Captain molly lynch
Port Captain Bob stevens
secretary denise Petersen
Judge advocate roger Grable
Fleet surgeon dr. lawson mcClung
eric Bozza, michael Brooks, Tim Cannon, Brett hemphill,
Paul loubet, ed watson
Front: U.S. Marines from Camp Pendleton guard the three
Cups. by Mary Longpré
Back: Spinnakers up at the Gov Cup Alumni Regatta
“A Pound of Pluck is Worth a Ton of Luck”
1801 Bayside drive • Corona del mar, Ca 92625
Phone: (949) 673-3515 • Fax: (949) 673-8937 and [email protected]
byc radio station - whw 835 channel 69
15” north
59” west
From the Editor, Cathy Pazemenas
ongratulations to everyone involved
in Governor’s Cup. it was a huge
it was eight days of fun,
competition, tradition, and elegance--and
highly photogenic, as you will see in the
following pages. it was a grand, memorable
event. we don’t know what happened
behind the scenes, but by all appearances,
everything happened flawlessly. Thank
you to everyone past and present who helped to make the 50th
anniversary celebration possible and a wonderful event. it was
a great payoff to the many hours planning and executing.
and now it’s august, time to relax and enjoy life at a slower
pace. we can take a bit of a break now from all the activity. we
know that fall is coming and with it a more serious schedule.
But for now, we can still enjoy the beach, the island, Twilights
and BeerCans. The weekly barbecues that signify summer at
the Club will continue for just a month more. we can extend
the shorts and sandals feeling of summer and seek out every bit
of sunshine we can.
Things will change in the Fall. But we have a few more weeks,
a few more weeks of unscheduled time and fewer commitments.
august is a great month.
Eight Bells
Member Name
Barry hoeven
stanley “stan” Bunker
william smith
Betty Jane lang
BalBOa YaChT CluB
June 16, 2016
June 19, 2016
June 23, 2016
July 21, 2016
Member Since
It’s in Our DNA
by Doug West, Commodore
mid our celebration of 50 years of
Governor’s Cup, and the christening
of the fine new fleet of 12 Andrews Gov
Cup 22s, it’s important to pause for some
reflection on these important milestones in
the life of Balboa Yacht Club. There are few
other clubs that can point to achievements
at this level of sustained commitment to
excellence in the sport of sailing. I’ve written
on this theme before, but I’m bringing it up
again because it’s important to think about
the essence of our Club, particularly in the
context of the Club Heritage work now
underway in preparation for our Centennial.
So, how do we best understand what
drives these remarkable accomplishments
that define and distinguish Balboa Yacht
Club? I believe the answer is found at the
core of our DNA, which springs from the
determination our founding Commodore,
Isaac Potter, and several other prominent
members of the Newport Harbor Yacht
Club who, in 1922, formed a new club
where small boat sailing would be better
Our founders believed passionately in
the importance of getting young people and
their families on the water in small boats,
and so the Southland Sailing Club was
born. The founders somehow knew that a
great yacht club must be grounded in the
fundamental skills and passion first instilled
by experience in small boats. Several
years later the Southland Sailing Club was
renamed Balboa Yacht Club, but the
Club’s DNA as primarily a family sailing
club was by then indelible and it endures
today. It’s remarkable to see how, over the
years, so many young BYC racers have
carried the names of the dozens of the
multi-generational BYC Legacy Families
we recognize at Opening Day each year.
Our founders understood that family
involvement is what makes it stick with the
kids. And how especially important that is
in today’s often hectic world where young
people have so many competing activities
and distractions.
In 1967 BYC members and
parents, Chet and Glee Purcell,
were inspired to start a junior match
race series modeled after the then
newly-established Congressional
Cup at Long Beach Yacht Club.
Andy Rose has joked that the
Purcell’s were mostly interested in
coming up with something to keep
young Tom (later Commodore
Purcell) off the streets. But in
retrospect it’s clear that Chet and
Glee were motivated by the values
our founders had so well established
forty-five years before.
Over the ensuing 50 years,
Governor’s Cup has grown to
become the International Youth
Match Racing
and attracts many of the very best
youth match racers in the world.
Many Gov Cup alumni (like twotime America’s Cup winning
skipper James Spithill) have
gone on to become some of the
The Talewind - summer 2016
finest competitive sailors in the world of
America’s Cup, Olympic, World Match
Racing Tour and round the world race
winners. The Governor’s Cup is quite
literally the “Pathway for Champions.” How
fitting it was that we were able to display the
America’s Cup, the Congressional Cup and
the Governor’s Cup trophies together for
the first time at this year’s opening dinner. It
was a wonderful salute to a shared heritage,
and the exciting future of match racing.
And this year’s line up of competing teams
from Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and
the United States was, without question,
the best and most competitive in Gov Cup
history. Certainly, with many of these
young racers, “we ain’t seen nothing yet.”
The success and enduring strength of
Governor’s Cup as Balboa Yacht Club’s
signature event comes from the core of who
we are as a Club. This regatta stands as one
of the best examples of what sets our Club
apart as a leading yacht club in the United
States, or anywhere. Boundless thanks to
everyone—members and staff alike—who
contributed their energy, time, and talents
to making the 50th Governor’s Cup our best
From the Heritage Committee
After weathering the 1930’s depression,
Balboa Yacht Club Commodore E. G.
Sherman proposed “A Pound of Pluck is
Worth a Ton of Luck” as the Club motto.
It was attributed originally to President
James A Garfield. When adopted it
was lettered above the fireplace in the
Balboa Island clubhouse.
FROM THE general manager
Memorable Summer in Full Swing!
by David Robinson, General Manager, CCM
ith the wrapup of the 50th
Governor’s Cup, we
can barely catch our
collective breath as
we head to the next
event on the list. The
Governor’s Cup this
year has to have been the biggest and the
best. From the christening of the new fleet
of GC 22s, to the Alumni Regatta featuring
past winning skippers from around the
world and won by our own BYC coach
and Clydesdale, Mike Pinckney, with
Christophe Killian and Jack Martin
as crew, to the Welcome Dinner with
special guests the America’s Cup and the
Congressional Cup (with the Governor’s
Cup, it was the first time all three trophies
have been on the same table!), to the onthe-water action over the course of the
week, it could not have been better. It was
topped off with foggy finals and our own
Christophe Killian, Harrison Vandervort
and Jack Martin finishing 3rd for the third
year! What will next year bring?! I will
leave the rest of the recap to other writers in
this issue, but from me personally…wow!
In my many years of club management, I
have been associated with many superior
events, from Olympic Trials to Big Boat
Racing, but nothing comes close to this 50th
Governor’s Cup.
On to other topics...have you taken a look
at the new “compass rose” surrounding the
flagpole? This latest improvement to your
club was a gift from an anonymous member
and was in the works for at least 18 months.
Ten feet in diameter, it is made of three
different types of American granite that
were precision cut by waterjet and separated
by inlaid brass strips.
You will also see inlaid
brass N-S-E-W direction
letters, the Club name,
founding date and our
club’s official slogan, “A
pound of pluck is worth a
ton of luck!” Fabricated
on the East Coast and
trucked here, it was expertly installed by
S/C Ray Lewis. Be sure to notice the
donor’s brass dedication plaque! It is of
exceptional quality and will grace our Club
for a very, very long time!
With generous members like this
anonymous donor, BYC continues to be a
special place, and one of which I am proud
to be a part.
Out at Whites Cove, the Catalina Island
Conservancy has completed the construction
and installation of the new float! Now, with
the new pier and ramp, access to the Station
is made easier and safer. All reports are that
the float is perfect! Remember though,
dinghy docking is on the port side (as you
face the beach) of the float only, and please
give yourself at least a 14’ painter, to allow
maximum dinghy tying. Now, get out there
and enjoy our Station!
Addressing one important issue though:
parking. As you are aware, the gated
lots (North and South) are benefits of
membership and restricted to members only
and vehicles with current parking decals.
We ask that you have a 2016 decal affixed
to your windshield and resist letting nonmember vehicles park in the Club lots. On
the Saturday of 4th of July weekend, your
dock staff conducted a walk-through of
the lots and registered about 15 vehicles
that either had expired decals, or no decals
at all. There were many vehicles parked
illegally, or blocking other vehicles or gates
to the yard, which need to be kept clear
for emergency vehicles. The Commodore
has asked that, effective immediately, we
tow any vehicles without current decals,
or those vehicles not parked in designated
parking spots. It is unfortunate that we have
to result to towing, but we have no choice.
balboa yacht club
We are proud of longtime BYC member
David Ullman, recently selected into
the U.S. National Sailing Hall of Fame
Besides being past Board
Member of U.S. Sailing, Dave has touched
the sport of sailing as competitor, coach
and sailmaker. Dave grew up at BYC and
has been an active member since 1967. He
and his wife Linda are part of BYC legacy,
from his father-in-law S/C Bill Taylor to
his son, Racing Member Charles Ullman.
He is founder of Ullman Sails, was named
Rolex Yachtsmen of the Year in 1996, and
formally coached the U.S. Olympic Sailing
Team. We are proud of his accomplishments
and titles and even prouder that he represents
all that BYC is about!
We recently hosted our latest Winemaker’s
Dinner hosted by event Chair Charlie Foss.
Thirty members enjoyed several fine wines
by J.Lohr, represented by their National
Sales Manager Richard Blatterman (son
of S/C Richard and Sandy Blatterman).
Chef Joseph matched a pretty fabulous
meal with these wines as we enjoyed dinner
under the stars, al fresco, on the brick patio.
This event has become an instant sell-out,
so look for info on the next dinner after the
date is finalized.
One more thing, get ready to attend our
next Theme Dinner, the Clam Bake, to be
held on Sunday, August 21. Event Chair
Cherie Hemphill is planning a great dinner
with the creative influence of Chef Joseph.
Call Gracie, as usual, for your reservation.
The theme of the September 11 dinner is by
“member vote.” Look for info on how you
can vote on the origin of our next Theme
There is so much going on at your Club.
I look forward to seeing you where the
action is!
pORT capTaIn’s REpORT
Good news
on the docks
by Bob Stevens, Port Captain
e are in the
summer and there are
a few changes that
you may have noticed
around the port.
The biggest (and
best!) change is that for
the first time in recent memory, the marina
was completely full for the month of June.
we all hope that this trend continues, but
we are not nearly out of the woods yet.
Currently, there is virtually no wait list
for marina slips and 14% of our slips are
occupied by non-member tenants. without
the non-member tenants, we would be
experiencing a large loss in operating
income. every time a slip opens up we must
“scramble” to find a new tenant quickly, as
the loss mounts fast. also, the Club just
received a slip rental rate increase, which
will only add to the challenge of keeping
the marina full.
The mooring field is looking fairly good
too with 96% occupancy for June. unlike
the slips, we don’t offer moorings to nonmembers due to the need for Club shore
boat service and parking. we have a small
wait list here for the very large (60’ – 50’)
moorings, but we also have several smaller
vessels up for sale, so this continues to be
of significant concern going forward.
north and south yard occupancy is
looking fine with some wait lists in both.
so as a member, how can you help?
simple - purchase a bigger vessel and keep
it in the port!
By the time you read this, the
dockmaster’s office will have been moved
from the north yard to the south yard near
the south crane. This will give dockmaster
matt stanley and his team better access to
the main docks and improve efficiency.
The small dock house at the top of the main
dock gangway will stay and continue to be
used as in the past.
enjoy the remainder of summer. see you
around the docks!
The Talewind - summer 2016
fleet captain’s Report
Summer Fun on the Water!
by Molly Lynch, Fleet Captain
here is a lot
happening on the
water this summer!
Balboa Yacht Club
members are actively
sailing, cruising and
fishing near and far.
The Anglers, chaired
by Bob Hoose, are catching lots of fish
and gearing up for the Interclub Challenge
Fishing Tournament in August. The
Cruising Fleet, led by Irene Ziebarth, has
been cruising up and down the coast and
to faraway Mallorca. The sailors have been
active hosting regattas here at BYC and
sailing in and winning others.
The biggest sailing event this summer is
the 50th Anniversary Governor’s Cup! This
event was a huge success thanks to the
Chairs, Staff Commodore Tom Purcell,
Paul Blank and Susan Kenney, and their
teams of BYC volunteers!
In June the Senior Sabot Nationals
was chaired by Nancy Mellon and
hosted 32 racers, five from BYC. And
Judy Weightman chaired the Harbor
20s Midsummer Regatta with 30 entries,
including seven BYC racers. The Laser
sailors were racing throughout the Newport
Harbor in the 81st Flight of the Lasers. BYC
members numbered among four of the top
eight finishers. Christian Rosene won the
Flight of the Lasers for the 3rd time! He
was closely followed by Porter Killian in
4th, S/C Alan Andrews in 7th, and Gator
Cook in 8th. Claire Rosene and Kelsea
Cook won the “Youngest Girl,” Pierce
Hemphill won the “Youngest Boy,” and
Chuck Ullman and Gabriella Reis won
“First Couple” trophies. BYC had a great
showing that also included Robert Bents,
Jon Novak, Rich Luttrell, and Scott Poe.
Thanks go to NOSA with Brett Hemphill
helping and Bob Strang performing Race
Committee duties! The Wednesday night
Twilights dinghy races and Thursday night
BeerCans continue to draw both members
and visitors for some fun competition
and camaraderie afterwards. These races
will continue into September, thanks to
Pinky Greene and Bev Roberts and their
respective race committee members. There
Buying a new
boat or needing
to sell your
present yacht?
After the BeerCans, competitors Chris
Hemans (Varuna) and Roy Jones (Tango) are
friends once again.
It’s a jungle out there....
is more fun ahead with the Caribbeanthemed Long Point Race Week in late
August. Hope to see you on your boats and
enjoying the various activities!
Another big congratulations to Dave
Ullman! It was recently announced that
Dave will be inducted into the National
Sailing Hall of Fame. The NSHOF
continues to fulfill its mission by drawing
recognition to Americans who have made
outstanding contributions to the sport of
sailing. Dave is currently working with the
women’s 470 team in Rio for the Olympics
in August.
Call Staff
Morrie Kirk
Broker, CPYB
Boats are selling! Let me help you
with your boating plans.
balboa yacht club
“I’m King of the World!”
angler fleet
Mid-Summer Angling
by Bob Hoose, Angler Chair
photo opposite page by by Stacie Brandt (monkey); Gloria Sullivan (Hemans & Jones). illustration this page by Paul Darrow.
he 2016 season
is shaping up to
be one of the best big
bluefin tuna seasons
While last
season a 100 pound
bluefin received lots of
angling recognition –
this season the bluefin
are averaging 100 to 250 pounds! These
are trophies of a lifetime and the first time
we have seen fish of this size in local
waters in decades. They are not “jumping
into the boat” and social media sites make
it look like easy fishing. For every boat that
lands a trophy there are dozens of boats that
come home empty or with tales of broken
rods and lines.
front office, or send me an email.
BYC Web Updates
I am providing members with a local
and a Catalina Island fishing report every
Monday through the 2016 season. This
report will be posted on the BYC web
page weekly.
Angler eBlast
If you would like to be added to our
Angler eBlast, send me an email at
[email protected].
Until the next tide!
Nick Johnson with First Tuna Flag of 2016
season – a 51 lb yellowfin tuna aboard Surly
First Flags Update
Congratulations to Surly Mermaid and
Nick Johnson for winning First Tuna
Flag. He caught a 51 pound yellowfin tuna
with his mom Ali Johnson at the helm.
As of July 16, the First Dorado, Billfish,
Swordfish, and Wahoo Flags are still
available. Please email a photo of the catch,
time of capture, and angler information to
[email protected].
Catalina Classic Tournament Results
The Catalina Classic was rescheduled
for October due to a big south swell
hitting Whites Cove the weekend of the
tournament. With the moorings closed and
a dangerous landing scenario, we decided
to reschedule the tournament for early
October with dates to be determined and
posted in the next Talewind.
Save the Date – Inter Club Challenge
Friday, August 12 – Saturday, August
13 Inter Club Challenge. Balboa Yacht
Club is the hosting club in our annual
competition with Newport Harbor Yacht
Club. We decided to make the adult class
an offshore species only but will continue
to include inshore gamefish in the junior
division. Entry forms are available at the
The Talewind - summer 2016
Mayor’s report
Fouth of July at Whites Cove
by Bill Powers, Catalina Station Mayor
he summer is in full
swing at Whites
Cove. The new float
was installed just in time
for the Fourth of July
What a great weekend
we had. Over 80
members and guests
attended. The Kliem family supervised
by Karen and Ed with the help of Cam,
Mandy, and Anna decorated the Cove
in the appropriate patriotic theme. Doris
and Don Stoughton did their usual stellar
job of preparing our annual Fourth of
July barbecue. The fare was traditional
Kobe dogs and buffalo burgers cooked
splendidly by Commodore Doug West
with wife Irene Ziebarth and Director
Ed Watson. The cooking team of West
and Watson manned the grill for almost
three hours, cooking the last burger at 2:45
Kleim Family: Ed, Karen, Mandy, Anna & Cam
4th of July chefs
pm. They did a terrific job and everyone
appreciated it.
balboa yacht club
The early morning produced some wind
chop in the Cove, however that did not
deter the annual dinghy parade featuring
members in outrageous costumes. We all
knew that the Fourth was going to be a fun
day, and it lived up to our expectations.
The water has warmed up, the fish are back,
and as we know, the sun always shines at
Whites Cove. Hope to see you soon.
June new members
by Kristi Underwood, Communications and Membership Manager
ummer has really brought in new members! another great group
was accepted in June. Check the bulletin board to see who came in
during July, and the august round is close behind. Our ambassadors
recently met to design ways to make new members feel like at home
here and to reach out to prospective new members. Try to welcome
recent members – a smile and a wave can go a long way.
andrea and James marquez
V/C Tom mooers, r/C Bill Bloomberg
Welcome Aboard - New Members
Zachary maxam
Jr. Flag
Chris hemans
F/C molly lynch
suzi luke
ernie Johanson
Gary Calacci
Kristal leonard
Jr. Flag
al Kirsch
r/C Bill Bloomberg
Beth and ron darling
Couple Flag
Barry Zimmerman, John weatherwax
Gary and Cindy allen
Kelly Carr
mike hay
wayne rodgers
al Kirsch
r/C Bill Bloomberg
The membership Committee also accepted another Couple Flag conversion applicant. Congratulations to s/C ed and Carolyn
diOrio on their new Couple Flag membership!
Cost for cruise is just $250
Includes meals, shore boat service, goodie bag, crafts, casino night and
more! Massages are available for an additional charge. Transportation
and onshore accomodations are available for those without a boat.
Join us for planing training and good company!
Aug 17 Training Class
Aug 24 Planning Meeting
Sept 14 Planning Meeting
Sept 16 Training Class
Training is graciously provided by West Marine
Contact Pattii at (949) 673-3515 x132 or the hens at [email protected] for more info.
The Talewind - summer 2016
Nevin Snow finishes ahead of Australia’s Sam Gilmour to win 50th Gov Cup
GOvERnOR’s cup
snow wins Governor’s Cup in Best Fleet ever
by Andy Rose, Governor’s Cup Steering Committee Chairman
nevin snow of san diego Yacht Club made stands 4th in the world sailing open match
history at the 50th anniversary Governor’s racing rankings.
sam has won two
Cup international Youth match racing Governor’s Cups and the world sailing
Championship becoming the first u.s. Youth match racing Championships.
sailor to win after five years of domination
Conditions for the regatta were among
by australian and new Zealand teams. in the best—and most unusual—seen by BYC
fact, no american had won since…nevin Principal race Officer, Dr. Don Becker,
snow! nevin thereby becomes the oldest and his experienced race committee. it
GovCup winner at 22 after being the second was a perfect sailing breeze of 7-12
youngest winner at 17 in 2011.
knots. The 12 new Governor’s Cup 22s,
Balboa Yacht Club’s Christophe which were completed the month before,
Killian and his veteran crew
Harrison Vandervort and
Jack Martin finished in
third place for the third year
in a row. Christophe and
crew beat 2015 winner harry
Price from the Cruising
Yacht Club of australia, 2-1
in their petit final match to
secure their 3rd position. The
BYC team has a few years
left of Gov Cup competition
and will be considered one
of the favorites from now
second in this year’s
regatta was sam Gilmour
of western australia who Waiting for the fog to lift before finals.
BalBOa YaChT CluB
performed as expected to the universal
approval of the competitors. designed by
S/C Alan Andrews and built locally by
westerly marine, they are longer, lighter
and have more sail area than the GovCup
21s that served BYC and the regatta so well
for twelve years.
despite favorable forecasts, the wind
speed decreased as the week proceeded.
most days, the race Committee was able to
get in the full “double round robin” where
every boat sails against every other skipper
twice. But on Friday, it was not able to
get in any semi-final races, as normally
would be the case. Overall, the lighter air
benefited Killian and his crew. They had a
brilliant Thursday outing after a slower start
in the round robins. a few wins on Friday
and they were in the semi-finals beating,
among other skippers, reigning world
sailing Youth match racing Champion
will dargaville of the royal Prince alfred
YC in Pittwater, which is north of sydney
in australia. Christophe sailed in the same
world Championship event that will won
and struggled a bit due to very high winds
and a lighter crew. The lighter airs of
newport Beach obviously helped him even
the score.
saturday, July 23, dawned sunny on shore
but with a thick fog near shore, unusual
these days for newport Beach. BYC’s
committee boat, Defiant¸ towed the fleet
past the newport Pier and waited for more
breeze and greater visibility. eventually
the breeze picked up and the first race of
the semi-finals, pitting sam Gilmour and
harry Price in one event and Christophe
and nevin in another, was held. Visibility
came and went but the boats were able to
find the marks and finish line
due to horn signals given
by committee and weather
mark boat. in fact, nevin hit
a near perfect “lay line” (the
most direct line on a tack to
the mark) without actually
seeing it. when asked
afterwards how he did it, his
bowman Chuck eaton said,
“it was the bowman!” well,
whoever’s decision it was, it
led to nevin jumping out to
a 1-0 lead in the best of three
despite some exciting
starting tactics, Christophe
was not able to overcome
photos this page and opposite page by tom walker and mary longpré
nevin and his crew who avoided mistakes
and kept their boat moving fast. Christophe
lost his second race and the semi-finals.
nevin ending up losing only two races out
of the 26 he sailed in total to win the Cup.
sam Gilmour won his semi-final and
the right to face snow in the finals. nevin
was not to be denied, however, and sailed
nearly flawlessly beating sam 2-0. The
second race was extremely tight with the
boats overlapped at the leeward mark after
two legs. nevin was able to round that
mark and establish a position to leeward
of sam with right-of-way as leeward boat.
a small luff convinced sam to tack away.
Both boats “split” to opposite sides of the
course, not coming back together until
they were nearing the last windward mark.
at that “cross” of the two boats, nevin had
established a four boat-length lead, which
he never relinquished, and won his second
Governor’s Cup.
Trophies were awarded “under the
tent” which had been up since monday’s
opening dinner.
Balboa Yacht Club, the co-chairs, regatta
chair and all the fantastic volunteers have
a right to be very proud of the Club for
making possible eight of the most historic
days in Club history. since 1967, at its
inception, the Governor’s Cup started
the careers of many world-class sailors.
Once again, it has earned its nickname,
“Pathway to Champions.”
This Year’s Sponsors:
presentinG sponsor
Farmers & merchants Bank
Fleet sponsors
north sails
Telescope Peak risk management
admiral sponsors
newport/Balboa sailing and seamanship association
newport harbor shipyard
team sponsors
Kimco staffing services
Boatswain’s locker
lido Yacht anchorage
Pretend City Children’s museum
law offices of lemkin, Barnes & row, inc.
hirsch Pipe and supply
david and Paul latona
Fairmont Private schools
marshall laitsch and Carolyn Powell & Jim and Pam Young
ContriButinG sponsors
Cr&r environmental services
Parr lumber Company
Fritz duda Company
The Pazemenas Family
rick ingold and dean Kiser
BesT life and health insurance Company
Gordon Cowan and dwight spiers
Knobbe martens – arthur s. rose
The roach Family
Jill Golden
armite lubricants
automobile Club southern California
in Kind ContriButions
Visibility improves a bit in classic crossing
island marine Fuel
sea Bags * maine
John wayne Cancer Foundation
lBs distributors
The Talewind - summer 2016
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west marine
rolf’s wine
newport Beach Brewery Company
Governor’s cup
BYC Head Coach Mike Pinckney
Wins Governor’s Cup 50th Anniversary
Alumni Regatta
by Andy Rose, Steering Committee Chairman
n Saturday, July
16, twelve Gov
Cup alumni skippers
proved just how good
they are as they sailed
the new Governor’s
Cup 22s in the 50th
Anniversary Alumni
Regatta. Anticipation
was high as the new boats were to be sailed
for the first time by some of the best sailors
in the world.
In a victory for “old age and treachery”
over “youth and enthusiasm”-- three of the
four skippers in the petit and final races were
over 50--the winner was Mike Pinckney,
Balboa Yacht Club head coach, who won the
final match race between skippers, finishing
1-2 in the fleet race portion of the event.
While Mike’s victory was well deserved
and decisive, spectators would have been
forgiven for not predicting his win given
that his opponent was Taylor Canfield, the
#1 ranked match racing skipper in the world.
Canfield actually won the three-race fleet
race portion handily, winning two of the
three races while Pinckney, Governor’s
Cup winner in 1982 and 1983, had to come
from behind on the last downwind leg of
the last fleet race to pass Dennis Durgan,
a Governor’s Cup veteran from the early
1970s, two-time Congressional Cup winner
and winning America’s Cup tactician
in 1980, sailing with Dennis Conner on
Freedom. Pinckney was able to pass Durgan
by executing a perfect gybe just a second or
two before Durgan responded and was able
to disturb the wind on his rival and pass him
with spinnakers up some 300 feet from the
That set up the final “sudden death”
match race between Pinkney and Canfield
and it was very close as the boats traded the
lead in the 8-10 knot breeze off Newport
Pier. But, at the weather mark, Pinckney’s
boat was positioned to slow Canfield down
by throwing disturbed air onto Canfield’s
sails and it was just enough to contribute
was provided by America’s Cup winner
and member of the National Sailing and
America’s Cup Halls of Fame, Gary Jobson,
and two-time Gov Cup winner Andy Rose
(1969-1970). Many of the spectators
enjoyed the fun “give and take” between
the tacticians, Rose having served in that
role on Australia against Gary and his
skipper Ted Turner in the 1977 America’s
Cup match. Eleven time America’s Cup
management figure and Honorary BYC
member, Tom Ehman, and BYC member
Chris Bretschger contributed Facebook
Live coverage tied to Gary and Andy’s
commentary which proved very popular
with thousands of views during and after
the action.
Jobson was not finished.
alumni skippers and 2016 competitors
moved to West Marine Plaza in Newport
Beach for a reception followed by the world
premiere at the Lido Theater of a movie on
the Gov Cup produced by Gary and his team
at Jobson Sailing. The sold out crowd was
amazed at the quality of Gary’s work and
reacted with laughter and applause. As BYC
to Canfield hitting the mark and incurring
a penalty from the on-the-water umpires.
This was the second penalty for Canfield and
required him to do a full circle immediately,
which ultimately cost him the race.
Like all the alumni skippers, Pinckney
had drawn from this year’s Governor’s Cup
teams for his crew. Perhaps it was an omen
when he drew his own BYC Gov Cup team.
Christophe Killian and Jack Martin sailed
with Mike (since the total crew was three).
The third BYC Gov Cup team member,
Harrison Vandervort, sailed with another
of the alumni skippers. This “home team”
kept calm and held on for a tight win in the
downwind finish to cheers and horn blasts
from the large
Pinckney said after
the race, “Taylor’s
fast! I am happy
we had only one
In the petit
won his match
a bit of coaching
from his crew,
Sam Gilmour, #5
in world racing
rankings. Dennis
Alum Mark Christiansen with selected crew from Royal Freshwater Bay
said he hadn’t Yacht Club reach the weather mark.
match raced in
decades and wasn’t familiar with recent
race requirements. Evidently Sam is a pretty member Rob Vandervort said, “Wow, he
good coach as Dennis quickly dispatched made a subject that you might not think was
Jack Franco, the 1980 Gov Cup winner from that fascinating into an exciting movie”.
The alumni events ended Sunday morning
BYC, to claim third in the series. Franco
was very gracious after racing, saying, “I with brunch. Oregon Pinot Noir magnums
wouldn’t have missed this for the world.” with the Governor’s Cup logo provided by
Durgan added that “the boats are flawless,” BYC member Charlie Foss were given out
a great vote of confidence for the many to the four petit and final skippers as well as
BYC members and others who contributed to skippers representing the five decades of
the Gov Cup.
to the funds used to build them.
Live commentary for the spectator fleet
balboa yacht club
Governor’s cup
New Governor’s Cup 22
Fleet Christened
by Paul Blank, Governor’s Cup
50th Anniversary Celebration Co-Chair
photo opposite page by Mary Longpré. Photos this page by Tom Walker.
welve new and
racing sloops designed
by S/C Alan Andrews
were launched and then
christened by the major
donors at a ceremony on
the Flag Deck, Friday,
July 15, 2016.
A major donation to this second (and
unprecedented) campaign to fund the
construction and commissioning of the
Governor’s Cup fleet came with the right
to name a boat. Betty Andrews referenced
a legacy of Balboa Yacht Club winning by
naming her boat Antares. Harry and Wendy
Atterbury engaged their son Tucker and his
education in philosophy to come up with
Eudaimonia meaning happiness, welfare
and accomplishment for the second boat
christened. Lew and Pat Beery kept up a
family tradition naming their boat IT’S OK!
Jack Croul (a two-time boat donor) wisely
named King-King after his lovely and loyal
wife Kingsley. Besame Express references
the speed and swiftness of this addition to
the string of Besame boats named by Keith
and Sally Huyzak. Valentine remains
true to the naming convention used in the
Bob and Mary Longpré fleet as Mary’s
birthday is February 14 and her signature
color is red. Terry and Carol Rienhold
combined two loves to
come up with the name of
their boat, Maui Jack. The
Rienholds love spending
time on the island of Maui
and with their grandson
Jack Dowd who helped
christen their boat. In (L-R) Deborah and David Lake, S/C Tom Purcell, Andy and
Kahoots was a reference Carrie Purcell, all descendants of Governor’s Cup Founders
to the mischief Kerry Chet and Glee Purcell, prepare to christen two boats named
Deaver and S/C Bob Chet and Glee.
Williamson (deceased)
got up to when they were
sailing together. Kerry
christened the boat they
donated in Bob’s memory.
Quick to make fun of
my own name whenever
and wherever it gets me
a laugh, the name Blank
by Design is a bit tonguein-cheek and a bit a play
on words as the boat is
literally left blank with
no name on it. Don and
Doris Stoughton named
their boat Fang which was
Don’s nickname in college Kerry Deaver christens Kahoots.
and served him well in
his chosen profession,
granddaughter-in-law of Chet and Glee,
orthodontia, as well as the name of the Lido christened boat #11 Chet. Godfather of
14 which they successfully raced over a the Governor’s Cup Andy Rose was also
couple of decades. a major donor to this campaign. He felt
The descendants it only appropriate that if Chet were going
of the founders sailing, Glee should too, so boat #12 was
of the Governor’s christened Glee by Tom’s son Andy Purcell.
Cup, Chet and
These boats were purpose-built for
Purcell conditions generally experienced in
combined forces Newport Beach. They perform very well in
to donate a boat in as little as 4-5 knots of wind and are very
their honor. S/C exciting in a breeze. The sail area is larger
Tom Purcell, son than that on other boats of this size and
of Chet and Glee, includes a square top mainsail.
and David and
Deborah Lake,
The new Gov. Cup 22 boats come down wind in the Alumni Regatta
The Talewind - summer 2016
Governor’s cup
Awards Ceremony
by Paul Blank, Governor’s Cup 50th Anniversary
Celebration Co-Chair
fter a fantastic five days of great
sailing, the tallies were taken and
awards were presented under the tent
Saturday, July 23.
With input from the Race Committee,
umpires, fellow competitors and the
regatta committee, S/C Tom Purcell
presented the Purcell Sportsmanship
Award to the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club team from
Newport, Australia, William Dargaville, Evelyn Foster
(L-R) Governor’s Cup Winners Scott Sinks, Nevin Snow, Rebecca McElvain
and Malcom Parker.
Regatta Chair Susan Kenney and Commodore Doug and Chuck Eaton raise the Cup alongside Commodore Doug West.
West then presented the sailing awards to all semifinalists in their order of finish:
4th Place – Cruising Yacht Club of Australia, Harry
Price, Murray Jones, Ben Robinson
3rd Place – Balboa Yacht Club, Christophe Killian,
Harrison Vandervort, Jack Martin
2nd Place – Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club, Sam
Gilmour, Adam Negri, Storm Brown
1st Place – San Diego Yacht Club, Nevin Snow, Scott
Sinks, Rebecca McElvain, Chuck Eaton
In addition to winning the Governor’s Cup, the team
from SDYC was presented with an invitation to sail
in the 2017 Ficker Cup at Long Beach Yacht Club by
America’s Cup winner Bill Ficker and Event Manager
Eric Dickerson.
S/C Tom Purcell presents the Purcell Sportsmanship Award to the crew from
Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club
In 3rd place, BYC team Christophe Killian, Harrison Vandervort and Jack
Martin with Commodore Doug West.
balboa yacht club
Governor’s cup
Monday Night
Welcome Dinner
by Susan Kenney, Regatta Chair
photos opposite page by mary longpré (award presentation)
alking onto the Balboa Yacht Club
Flag Deck, I looked across to the
lawn area and gazed onto three of the most
famous trophies in match racing history.
A breathtaking scene of polished silver
set against our beautiful harbor with three
distinguished members of our armed forces,
US Marines out of Camp Pendleton.
It was the first time the Governor’s Cup,
the Congressional Cup and the America’s
Cup have been seated together. It was the
first time the Congressional Cup has ever
left the Long Beach Yacht Club. Fun fact:
since the America’s Cup has to be secured
at all times, the Cup spent the night at
the Newport Beach Police Department,
courtesy of Police Chief Jon Lewis.
The Big Tent, as you entered, was
gleaming with sparkling lights and the slight
glimmer of gold on the tables. Gordon
Cowan, who chaired this lovely evening,
made sure the setting was quite beautiful.
With sailing and city dignitaries, our special
sponsors, the Governor’s Cup sailors, host
families, hostesses and members alike, the
festivities were off and running.
One of the highlights of each year’s event
is when our own Andy Rose roasts the
sailors. It’s always entertaining with loads
of laughter from the room!
All in all, the evening was quite special
honoring the 50th Anniversary of the
Governor’s Cup. Sometimes, magic just
Andy Rose welcomes Giselle Camet, the
only female Gov Cup winner.
Governor’s Cup Movie Premiere
by Patrick Leber
n the evening of Saturday, July 16,
nearly 400 fans gathered in the historic
Lido Theater for a cinematic treat created
by Gary Jobson and his excellent team of
filmmakers and videographers. Narrated
by Jobson himself, the documentary
celebrated 50 years of Governor’s Cup
history—from its inception as a youth
match-racing championship modeled on
the Congressional Cup to the international
event that the Governor’s Cup has become
today. The world-class sports documentary
features classic footage from the early
years of the event, interviews with former
winners, and commentary on the “Pathway
for Champions” heritage of the cup. When
the end credits finally rolled, the entire
theater erupted in a standing ovation for the
remarkable film.
Prior to the premier, PJ Jacqueline put
on a reception in front of West Marine
located next to the theater, which was
attended by over 300 filmgoers. Special
thanks to Romeo Villarreal for the
excellent catering and Kelsey Gram, Tim
Leber, Jim Tyler, and Nolan Cannon for
heir help in setting up the reception.
Hope you tuned in to ESPN Classic on
Friday, August 5, at 7:00 p.m. PDT, and at
times during the following weekend, to see
the film. Footage from the 50th Governor’s
Cup was added to the already outstanding
film. Soon, DVD copies of it should be
available in the Club.
Nearly 400 people gathered to watch the film, narrated by Gary Jobson, himself.
The Talewind - early Summer 2016
Governor’s cup
Friday Night Reception and Press Conference
by Karen Stockman and Rob Vandervort
cool breeze brought the aroma of
savory food from under the shade
of the Big Tent on the Flag Deck Friday
evening. More than 300 Balboa Yacht
Club members, guests, and the press along
with our 12 teams of sailors just off the
water after the races enjoyed the evening.
There were four wonderful food stations,
representing signature dishes from each of
the countries represented at Gov Cup. Meat
pies (or pot pies) from Australia,
soba and shrimp salad with wasabi
tobiko from Japan, baby lamb
chops with apple and plum chutney
courtesy of New Zealand, and
beef sliders, fries, and mac and
cheese representing food of the
United States. Karen Stockman
and Jane Hoffner developed the
country themes . PieNot, the Aussie
bakery on 17th Street, donated the
Australian favorites. Our own Chef
Joe executed and created the remaining
Twelve posters in the tent had pictures of
each GovCup skipper and his crew along
with some fun facts; all to help us get
acquainted with these young, world-class
competitors from around the world. Paul Blank emceed the ceremonies prior
to the press conference. Since it was the
50th anniversary, we wanted to recognize
the many past and present volunteers in
attendance. Effortlessly, Paul was able
to coax and encourage most of these
volunteers over to the lawn for a group
photo by Mary Longpré. The incentive of
a free drink ticket energized the volunteers
to the lawn very quickly. Many thanks to
all the volunteers for their tireless efforts!
We were also able to get a group photo of
all the competitors from the inaugural years
through the current crop of international
racers who were in the audience.
Congratulations to all who have been able
to compete throughout the years.
USA table
Paul Blank emceed the ceremony.
Governor’s Cup participants
balboa yacht club
Thank You
photo this page by mary longpré. Photos opposite page by mary longpré and Tom Walker.
to all the volunteers who made this 50th anniversary Governor’s Cup a success
Dr. Don Becker, PRO
Jim Wentz
Jan Wentz
Gator Cook
Junior S/C Gary Davidson
Ken Dutcher
Charles Foss
Pinky Greene
Jane Hoffner
John Lee
Jeff Linden
Dir. Paul Loubet
Cory Myer
Cindy Minor
John Minor
S/C Dick Pacelli
Jeffrey Petersen
Bev Roberts
Audrey Simenz
David Stockman
Bob Strang
Rob Vandervort
Chris Wade
Steering Committee
Andy Rose
Bill Wakeman
Dr. Don Becker
S/C Tom Purcell, Anniversary Co-Chair
Paul Blank, Anniversary Co-chair
Susan Kenney, Regatta Chair
Andy Rose
Chris Bretschger
Larry Law
Patrick Leber
Randy Moreno
Tyler Wolk
Alumni Regatta
Andy Rose
Bob Strang
Dr. Don Becker
Jim Wentz
Jan Wentz
Patrick Leber
Rob Vandervort
Dir. Paul Loubet
Chris Becker
Zach Becker
Gracie Vandervort
Jeffrey Petersen
Porter Killian
Pre-Movie Reception/Movie
PJ Jacquelin, Chair
S/C Tom Purcell
Pattii Yanochko
Chris Bretschger
Nolan Cannon
DJ Cathcart
Marjorie Coner
Kristin Daniel
The Talewind - summer 2016
Cherie Hemphill
Mark Hunter
Porter Killian
Patrick Leber
Tim Leber
Kaj and Tricia Lea
Patrick McCormack
Max Moosman
Jessica Newman
Alan Oleson
Jeffrey Petersen
Scott Poe
Jimmy Tyler
Romeo Villarreal - Baja Sessions
Jean Wanlass
Rolf ’s Wine
Newport Beach Brewing Company
VIP/Sponsor Dinner - Sabatino’s
S/C Tom Purcell
DJ Cathcart
Gloria Sullivan
Jean Wanlass
S/C Ed DiOrio
Sponsor/Comptroller Liaison: Paul Blank
Pinky Greene Chair
Betty Andrews
Savannah Baron
Registration, cont.
Bayley Davidson
Doris Stoughton
Grace Vandervort
Sponsor/VIP Concierge
DJ Cathcart, Chair
Kari Bretschger
Charlotte Bennett
S/C Peter Bretschger
Kaj Lea
Tricia Lea
Cathy Pazemenas
Gloria Sullivan
Jean Wanlass
Judy Weightman
Pam Young
CFO Jim Young
Cindy Allen
Banners, Shirts and Decals
Nancy Davidson, Chair
Paul Blank
Support Boats
John Vyn - Drone support
Randy Taylor - Camera support
Julie Martin
Mary Vandervort
Bosun Support
Greg Newman
Patrick Leber
Tyler Wolk
Zack Maxam
Hostess Leader
Mary Vandervort
Sydney Lake
Megan Roach
Corinne Taylor
Sabrina Robertson
London Davis
Madeline Bubb
Katie McAllister
Grace Vandervort
Bianca Coon
Maura Cannon
McKenna Martin
Brooke Willke
Boat Logistics
Greg Newman
Boat Cleanup
Greg Newman
Patrick Leber
Tyler Wolk
Max Moosmann
Mike Pinckney
Randy Moreno
Becky Lenhart
Zack Maxam
Thank You
Sponsor/VIP Spectator Boats
Nordic Star: Captains Paul and Karen
Prioleau, EC - Lisa Eddy
Temptress: Kim & Carolyne Megonigal
Fifth Tuition: Bill & Meg Powers
Siesta: Danny Thompson
Bacco: Dave Johnson
Lioness: Don and Doris Stoughton
Coordination: Paul Blank
Stacie Brandt
Press Liaison
Nancy Mellon
Media Website Social
Chris Bretschger
Tom Ehman
Paul Blank
Max Moosmann
Jeffrey Petersen
SWAG Gatherer
Julie Martin, Chair
Jessica Newman
RIB Roundup
S/C Gary Davidson
Rob Vandervort
RIBs loaned
R/C Bill Bloomberg and Mark Mueller
Kim Megonigal
S/C Ed DiOrio
Mike Michel
Dave Ullman
Dir. Tim & Sally Cannon
Dave Willke & Bruce Miller
Zack Maxam
balboa yacht club
Jessica Newman, Chair
Mary Longpré
Mary’s Drivers: Scott Poe, S/C Judi Gorski.
Bud Elam
Tom Walker
Tom’s Drivers: Paul Blank, Becky Lenhart
Sponsorship Committee
David Latona, Chair
Curtis Barnes
Marshall Laitsch
Rich Fischbeck
Monday Night Welcome Dinner
Gordon Cowan, Chair
Rick Ingold
Dean Kiser
Andres D’Mirand
NB Police Chief Jon Lewis
US Marines Security - America’s Cup
S/C Art Mitchell
Bill Frederickson
Friday Night Member Reception
Karen Stockman, Chair
Jane Hoffner
Rob Vandervort
Nancy Thompson
David Stockman
Will Vandervort
Porter Killian
Sunday Night Sailor and Hostess
Jessica Newman
photos this page and opposite page by mary longpré and Tom Walker.
Doris Stoughton, Chair
Housing - Teams
Judy Weightman
Don and Doris Stoughton
Rob and Mary Vandervort
Jim and Cyndi Florance
Chas and Kate Mack
Kim and Carolyne Megonigal
David and Deborah Lake
Betty Andrews
Jill Golden
John and Janice Sclafani
Bud Elam and Diana Gold
Housing - Coaches
Don and Doris Stoughton
Jill Golden
Judy Weightman
Ginny Riley
Chris and Cathi Killian
Betty Andrews
Housing - Umpires
Dr. Don and Ann Becker
Susan and Don Lawrenz
S/C Alan Andrews and F/C Molly Lynch
Susan Kenney
Doug Campbell
Susan and Joel Arenson
Bill Wakeman
Jackie Smiley
Christine Robertson, Chair
Bruce Cook , CHUMP
Vicki Sodaro
Katie Maxim
Douglas Sloan
Kim Kymlicka
Kevin Hawkins
Ben Fels
John Pratt
Grant Baldwin
David Pelling
Roger Purdy
Martin Clasen
Glenn Oliver
The Talewind - summer 2016
Judy Weigthman, Chair
Lorri Smith
Megan Delaney
Sabrina Robertson
Bev Carmichael
Elsa Rosene
S/C Judi Gorski
Lori Bloom
Joanne Johnston
Melanie Nichols
Liz Mueller
To our amazing BYC staff - our sincere
David Robinson, General Manager
Becky Lenhart, Sailing Director
Mike Pinckney, Head Coach
Pattii Yanochko, Projects Manager
Donna Zegarski, Chief Accountant
Kristi Underwood, Communications
Brian Marshall, Facilities Manager
Chef Joseph Flores, Executive Chef
Israel Castell, Food & Beverage Director
Matt Stanley, Dockmaster
Gracie Kinder, Reception
Carmen Zuniga, Dining Room Manager
Liz Pappas, Dining Room Supervisor
dave ullman named to
national sailing hall
of Fame
Ullman was recently
named as one of
the 2016 inductees
into the national
sailing hall of Fame
(nshOF). honored
for their outstanding
contributions to the
sport of sailing, these nine sailing heroes
have at their root “a joy of sailing that has
inspired and affected countless sailors and
recreational boaters,” said Gary Jobson,
President of nshOF. The inductees,
joining 48 previously recognized sailors,
have made a significant impact on the
growth and development of the sport of
ullman, recognized as a yachtsman
and sailmaker, along with other inductees
including Bill Ficker, ed Baird, and Tom
Perkins will be inducted on October 30 at
st. Francis Yacht Club. nshOF, founded
in 2005, is located in annapolis, maryland.
d Seamanship Foundatio
rous donation to me
Thank you for your gene
d Will
er, Grace Vandervort, an
and my team of Lex Nass
of Wales Qualifier in San
tch race sailed in J22s. At
50 in
etitors ranked in the top
the regatta several comp
g, namely Nevin Snow, ra
the world in match racin
ing into
in the United States. Go
to beat at least one boat
the re
d. However, we ended
learn as mu
etitors and we where even
placing 2 out of 10 comp
which no one else in the
were very close both the
was ab
at we won. Not only did
ones that
ctations we also got an im
we outperform our expe
cing against people who
again for all the help an
very go
ven to me and my team.
support that you have gi
Porter Killian
BilGe BaZaar
a grand total of $8,100 was raised
this year at the annual Bilge Bazaar.
a salute to all of our generous BYC
members who donated. Proceeds are
used for our Junior sailing program,
via mssF, which has developed
some top notch sailors. minney’s
Yacht surplus during its swap meet
has provided a very successful
platform to sell our donations (300
to 400 people attend).
i can’t
say enough about our wonderful
members and volunteers.
sea ya next year. S/C Art
BalBOa YaChT CluB
2016 Senior and Masters Sabot Nationals
by Nancy Mellon, Chair, Senior Sabot Nationals
PHOTOs this page by Nancy Mellon and Tom Walker.
alboa Yacht Club
hosted the annual
Senior and Masters
Naples Sabot Nationals
the weekend of June 11
and 12 this year, with
racing held in Newport
Harbor. The weather
was unusual for the area, with occasional
drizzle and overcast. The winds cooperated
however, providing some challenging
competition. Racers were all members of
the International Naples Sabot Association,
the organizing group.
The Race Committee was led by Balboa
Yacht Club’s Dr. Don Becker, aided by
Pinky Greene, John and Cindy Minor
on the race committee boat with Greg
Newman, Steve Kent, Jessica Newman,
Tom Dessel, and many volunteers
providing support on the water and on land.
BYC’s Becky Lenhart made it all happen.
Racers represented ten yacht clubs, ranging
from San Diego to Santa Barbara. Three
races were held on both Saturday and
Sunday for all but the Grand Masters who
raced on Saturday only.
The Senior Division (over 18 years
of age) included 10 racers, with Chuck
Sinks of San Diego Yacht Club placing
first. In second was Mark Gaudio of Bahia
Corinthian Yacht Club. Third was Danny
North, SDYC. BYC’s Charles Ullman
placed fourth.
The largest class with 16 racers was the
Masters division for racers over 40 years
of age. Placing first was Scott Finkboner,
Mission Bay Yacht Club. Second was
BYC’s Mike Bartell. In third was Jeff
Lenhart, also from MBYC. In 4th place was
Fred Stevens of Alamitos Bay Yacht Club
while Betty Becker, of SDYC, placed fifth.
Many of the racers had been competing in
this event for many years. It is our annual
reunion, getting many sailors in their boats
The Clydesdale division for racers
weighing over 220 pounds was first raced
in 2010. There were
three entries this year.
Mike Pinckney, of
BYC and BCYC, will
have his name added
to the Perpetual trophy
for that division. INSA
Trophies were presented
on Sunday by INSA
Commodore Jeff Hatter,
with the help of INSA
Commodore Doug West
welcomed the racers and congratulated the
There were three entries for the Grand
Masters (over 65 years of age). They
completed three races on Saturday,
followed by refreshments and trophy
presentation by BYC’s Rear Commodore
Bill Bloomberg. Meredith Blair of SDYC
placed first and will have her name engraved
on the Perpetual trophy.
This championship regatta for adults who
race the 8 foot long Naples Sabot began in
1972 and has been raced every year since,
rotating throughout five Southern California
harbors. Every five years it is held at BYC.
Mission Bay Yacht Club will host the 2017
edition of the series. Go to
for additional information. Photographer
was Tom Walker, who was on the water
for the weekend, at http://www.tomwalker.
Thanks to
BYC’s Becky Lenhart, complete results are
available at [email protected].
Race Committee Boat near start of Sabot Nationals. Don
Becker at the wheel,Cindy Minor and Pinky Greene seated.
The Talewind - summer 2016
cruise fleet
Cruise to Mallorca, June 18 to 25
by Claire and Charlie Foss, Cruise Captains, Cruise to Mallorca
“Let’s go! We’re outta
Those the words
coming from many
in the early morning
hours of June 18, when
22 Balboa Yacht Club
cruisers and guests,
embarked on a one week cruise up the east
coast of Mallorca in the Balearic Islands of
Spain. But, there was “landlubbing” fun to
be had on the two days prior to picking up
our boats in Puerto Cala Nova, located in
the Bahia de Palma.
The Thursday before we picked up
the four catamarans and one monohull
that would serve as our “hotels” for the
coming week, we were guests of the
Real Club Nautico de Palma (“RCNP”)
for a wonderful dinner and a very special
presentation that all our fellow BYC
members should be aware of for the
future. BYC is now an official reciprocal
club to RCNP, by virtue of the formal
burgee exchange, conducted just prior to
our dinner. It included general manager
Viviane Mainemare, director Manuel Fraga
and me. RCNP is the oldest yacht club in
the Balearic Islands and counts as one of its
members the King of Spain. Each year it
hosts the prestigious Copa del Rey Regatta.
This Regatta is a showcase for some of the
biggest, fastest mega-yachts in the racing
world! The facility itself is truly wonderful
with the best location on the magnificent
Bay of Palma and includes several
restaurants, classy bars, workout facilities
and a beautiful Olympic-size swimming
pool--to name but a few of the amenities
which were available and offered to us.
On Friday, we boarded a private bus for
a 45 minute drive into the interior of the
island to the state-of-the-art winery, Vinyes
i Bodegues M. Oliver, owned by thirdgeneration winemaker, Pilar Oliver, whom
I first met 10 years ago on my first visit to
Mallorca. Pilar and her crew treated us to
an informative tour of her winery, followed
by an in-depth wine tasting and tapas. It
was also a great opportunity for all of us
to purchase some wonderful wine for the
coming week! Difficult choices between
Aia or the rose or Miquel O.
The boats we chartered for our cruise
included two 45’ catamarans, two 40’ cats
and one 37’monohull. Skippers of these
boats included Marvin Magee, Hugh
Bradley, Roger Grable, Laura Davick
and me. BYC members making up the
crews included Claire Cassidy-Foss,
Cecilia Matuschek, Dennis Moschella,
Kimberly Magee, Chris Bradley, Dick
and Gail Wheaton and Patt Grable.
Guests of BYC members were Bob and
Penny Brennan, Ed and Simone Dygert,
Chris and Jane Burchell, Connie Moore,
Bonnie Gregory and Tina Kameron.
Attending some of our events, but unable
to join us in the sailing part, were Alan
Oleson and Marjorie Corner, and Don and
Mary Bradbury. A great group of avid
Our first day out saw us making our way
In matching BYC tunics, Claire Foss, Penny
Brennan, Cecilia Matuschek, and Simone
Dygert in Mallorca
under sunny skies and clear blue water to
Ensenada Rapita, 24 miles up the east coast.
Most of us anchored in 76 degree water for
swimming and lunch before continuing
on to Cala d’Or with its beautiful and
protected marina and the Yacht Club Cala
d’Or, where Claire and I are members.
Dinner on that Saturday was on your own,
but there was no problem finding a fine
restaurant among the wonderful selection
ringing the marina. The next evening after
cruising to various
calas and harbors
during the day, we
were back at Yacht
Club Cala d’Or where
we were treated to a
splendid Mallorcanstyle barbecue dinner
under the stars in
a beautiful setting
looking out on mega
yachts and the lights
of the marina. A
perfect night!
The next day,
we were off again,
this time to Porto
Colom, a 12 mile
sail further up the
coast. Colom, which
is the Mallorcan
name for Columbus,
was named after
Christopher, and is
the place where he
Mallorca Cruise Chairs Charlie and Claire Foss
actually learned to sail.
balboa yacht club
Several of us enjoyed lunch there before
venturing a further 12 miles north to Bahia
de Arta, known for its beautiful setting and
the Caves de Arta, filled with stalactites
and stalagmites, perched on an imposing
cliff visible many miles out to sea. Touring
the caves was a highlight for many as was
the bay where we anchored that night.
After a day of sailing and swimming, we
had a progressive hors d’oeuvres party
going from boat-to-boat, before dingy-ing
to shore and dinner, again at one of the
many fine restaurants surrounding Cala de
Returning to Porto Colom on Wednesday,
we were berthed side-by-side for the night.
Most of us enjoyed a very casual dinner
at the Blue Bar, a local hang-out, at the
opposite end of the harbor, a good walk and
chance to stretch our legs after enjoying
paella, sangria and nice cold beers. Let’s
hear it for San Miguel!
On the last two sailing days most of us
headed in different directions and different
bays and calas. Some sailed to the Cabrera
Islands for the day, others making it back
down the coast closer to Palma. The
Cabrera Islands are in a national park and
access there is very controlled, with only
a maximum of 50 boats allowed to moor
overnight. Unable to secure permits for a
stay overnight, those on our catamaran
Kili Watch and those with Laura Davick
on Zlata were lucky enough to secure day
moorings in the Puerto de Cabrera. There,
we swam and hiked up to the imposing
castle which guards the entrance to the
Most of us made our way back to
Ensenada Rapita and the beach at Es Trench
for our last night’s stay before returning our
boats to Palma on Friday evening.
Harbor 20 Midsummer Regatta
by Judy Weightman, Regatta Chair
PHOTOs opposite page by cecilia Matuschek
Midsummer Regatta
July 12 at Balboa Yacht
Club was exciting for
every sailor participating.
The wind was up and
the waters were active as
the tide came in nearly
three feet during the race that started at M
mark. A few cruise boats passed us by, but
communication with the captains made for
a safe and swift regatta.
It’s interesting to note the turn-out for the
regatta from the various clubs in the bay.
BYC had seven entrants, including Gary
Thorne who came in 2nd and preserved his
A Division status. Carter Ford finished 5th
in A Division and Greg Newman was 7th.
The first place A skipper was Kurt Wiese
from Newport Harbor Yacht Club which
was represented by 12 skippers. Additional
BYC skippers included Matt Campbell
who trophied in C Division which also
included Per Trebler, Ed Watson, and
Bill Adams. BCYC sent 3 skippers – the
rest were one each from Seal Beach Yacht
Club, Alamitos Bay Yacht Club, WORSA,
American Legion Yacht Club, and UCISA.
The H20 Midsummer is a High Point
regatta. To be eligible, a skipper must be
a member of a recognized yacht club and
a member of the Harbor 20 Fleet. A High
Point regatta means sailors may move up or
down a division depending on how many
boats sail and how the boats finish. For
example, in order for a sailor to stay in a
division such as A, the following number of
boats need to race in that division that day:
0-4 boats no action
5-6 boats 1 Place
7-8 boats 2 Places
9-10 boats 3 Places
11-14 boats 4 Places
15 or more boats 5 Places
Therefore in Division A with 10 boats
entered but only 8 boats showing up to
race, only 1st and 2nd finishers maintained
their A status for one year from this date.
Seven boats were entered in B Division so
the first 2 boats maintained their status in B
and the first place boat skippered by Phillip
Thompson moved to A Division. Although
Phil does not own a Harbor 20, he is an
The Talewind - Summer 2016
The last night in Palma meant more
eating and drinking and we had our “last
supper” together in a private dining room at
La Bodeguilla Restaurante surrounded by
an impressive array of wine bottles, jamon
ham, artisanal cheeses and local delicacies.
Then, it was finally time to say goodbye
to Palma. Some of us decided to drive to
the west coast of Mallorca to finish off our
“cruise” and decompress near the towns of
Valldemossa and Deia.
Without exception, everyone had a
spectacular time. The weather and water
could not have been better or clearer, and
most of us are ready to do it again! Soon!
I’d like to thank all those who participated
and made it such a memorable destination
cruise! Let’s do it again!
For us, herding cats, is a lot of fun!
internationally known sailor and sought
after crew or skipper in every arena. For a
sailor to move up to B, he must win 2 High
Point Races in B Division. In the same
manner, for a sailor to become a B, he must
win 2 High Point regattas in C. For Helen
Duncan of NHYC, this regatta moved her
back to B Division.
Many thanks to Tom Dessel and Pinky
Greene for great courses for this important
regatta for the Harbor 20 Fleet. Also
we are always grateful for our Sailing
Administrator Becky Lenhart.
experience and thoughtfulness is a boon
to all sailors all year. We were honored
to have Vice Commodore Tom Mooers
handing out trophies. Originally a Lido 14
sailor, Tom represented us the next day at
the NOSA Commodore’s Regatta sailed in
Harbor 20’s.
The Newport Bay Fleet or Fleet 1 always
welcomes new participants. Our club has
H20s for rent. During the summer you
can sail every night with a 6 PM start
somewhere in the bay with other members
of the Fleet. Mondays ALYC runs the
Sundowner Series that starts in the 5 points
area; Tuesdays are by BCYC in the same
location. Our BYC Twilights start at M
mark and end at the tower. Thursday’s
races are run by NHYC and begin off the
east end of Lido. All the information for
these races is on the host club’s web site.
Hope to see you on the water!
cruise fleet
Long Beach Cruise
by P/C Bob and Arleen Stevens, Cruise Captains
he Balboa Yacht Club Cruise Fleet
launched a flotilla from June 3 through
June 5 to the Long Beach Yacht Club in
Alamitos Bay. The six boat fleet consisted
of Getaway (Diane Buchanan with son
Ron and his friend Stacey), Festival (Rick
Williams with Everett and Anne Fenton),
Tramonto (Jim and Sally McClure with
Claude and Laurie Jones), Legacy (Bud
and Barb McNair), Rejoice (S/C Norm and
Joyce Shepherd) and Sharmel (P/C Bob
and Arleen Stevens).
Boaters began arriving on Friday afternoon
and with lots of help and teamwork, med-tied
on the long dock safely. The weekend began
as boaters gathered for drinks and delicious
hors d’oeuvres on the beautiful yacht
Festival, owned by Rick Williams. Thank
you Rick!
At nine o’clock on Saturday morning,
cruisers met again
on the long dock
and took a brisk
Naples. The walk
lasted for an hour and everyone made it
back safely to the boats. With five dinghies
launched, most of the group then cruised
through the Naples canals, returning to the
dock in time for lunch. This was enjoyable
and a new experience for some of the
Saturday afternoon brought warm
sunshine, rest, relaxation, and a lot of time to
get to know one another while just hanging
out on the dock and chatting. Boaters
reconvened on the long dock for cocktails
that evening. Joining the other cruisers for
cocktails and dinner were Doug and Nancy
Teulie, John and Cindy Minor, and S/C
cruise fleet
on the dock along side Festival and uncorked
their “mystery bottles” of wine and put them
in brown paper bags for a “blind tasting.”
Sally provided instructions on scoring and
everybody enjoyed comparing notes as we
sipped and judged on clarity, aroma and
taste along with yummy appetizers that
everyone provided. The results were very
close but Rick’s “blend” was the winner.
This was a great opportunity to kick off our
four days together and enjoy fellowship.
Saturday morning found a few of us taking
a walk to stretch our sea legs. The rest of
the cruisers enjoyed a relaxing morning. By
lunchtime many of us were ready to explore
San Diego Cruise
July 8 -12
by Jim & Sally McClure, Cruise Captains
Balboa Yacht Club
packed their gear and a
mystery bottle of wine
for the four day cruise
to San Diego harbor.
Those participating this
(Commodore West & Irene), Festival
(Rick Williams with guests Everett and
Anne Fenton, Doug and Nancy Teulie),
Legacy (Bud and Barbara McNair), Proud
Bird (Steve & Deidre Bird) and Tramonto
(Jim and Sally McClure).
The cruise officially began at Southwestern
Yacht Club on Friday, however, Festival and
Tramonto started a day early so they could
enjoy Mission Bay and the fireworks at Sea
World off the stern of their boats.
On Friday at SWYC, the group gathered
Stan Cochran.
Cruisers formed small groups and had
delicious dinners at LBYC. The Club could
not have been more accommodating! We
all appreciated the warm hospitality and
look forward to returning in the future. On
Sunday morning, most ate breakfast at the
club. Then, one by one, boaters said their
farewells and headed home.
At the conclusion of the cruise, when asked
what were the best parts of the cruise were,
we were not surprised to hear that the overall
feeling was that this cruise was not only
enjoyable and relaxing, but more importantly
a perfect opportunity to really get to know
other cruisers. Fun was had by all!
San Diego. After a quick Uber ride, we
were at Anthony’s for lunch before it closes
for good—a bit sad but with great food as
always. Then a few steps away we made
the rounds at the Maritime Museum and its
historical California boats. That evening we
enjoyed a wonderful dinner at SWYC.
Sunday morning we cruised to San Diego
Yacht Club, a 15-minute journey. Many
of us arrived in time to enjoy SDYC’s
wonderful Sunday brunch and the rest of the
day was spent at leisure, exploring the local
area. Again, we enjoyed Rick’s hospitality
aboard Festival for hors d’oeuvers before
venturing up to the Club for “steak night”.
Thank you, Rick!
Monday was another beautiful day with
great weather, which prevailed the entire
cruise. Proud Bird, Legacy and Islander
headed for home in perfect weather. The
rest of us enjoyed the day “dinghy-ing”
around the bay and a final dinner at SDYC
before saying our good-byes.
Tuesday morning found the rest of us
heading for home at an early hour. The
L to R, Jim & Sally McClure, Deidre & Steve seas were not as calm as on the way down
Bird, Rick Williams, Everett & Anne Fenton, but with beautiful weather and dolphins for
Nancy & Doug Teulie, Bud & Barbara entertainment, the return trip was great.
McNair enjoying San Diego Yacht Club. balboa yacht club
around the club
Whiskey Plank Gala in Sausalito:
The Matthew Turner Brigantine nears
by Stephanie Guyer-Stevens
Editor’s Note: Matthew Turner, a tall
ship entirely made of wood, is being built
by Educational Tall Ship, a non-profit, in
Sausalito. Member Terry Causey, a Board
Member of Educational Tall Ship, invited
Commodore Doug West and Irene Ziebarth
to the Whiskey Plan Gala. Ms.GuyerStevens, a correspondent for NPR,
submitted the article.
photos this page by Stephanie Guyer-Stevens.
n June 17, the sound of hammers and
saws in the huge white boathouse
by Sausalito harbor was briefly replaced
with the sounds of pitching tents, cooking
food, building tables and hanging displays
in preparation for the next day’s Whiskey
Plank Gala for Matthew Turner, a 132
foot brigantine now in the final stages
of construction. Named for the prolific
and visionary Bay Area boat builder who
expanded the maritime horizons of the San
Francisco Bay after the 1849 gold rush, this
boat of the 21st century is designed to bring
the children of the Bay Area back into a
relationship with the waters that define
their home.
Director of Educational Tall Ship, the
organization that is building Matthew
Turner. He confesses that the building
and sailing of this remarkable tall ship is a
dream come true. Having built and sailed
ships his entire adult life, he came to realize
how rare an opportunity it is for young
people today to experience the feel of salt
air, to be away from the daily pressures of
media, and to gain firsthand knowledge of
the marine environment. Matthew Turner
is designed to offer this opportunity for
thousands of schoolchildren over the
coming years.
Relying on a team of hundreds of
volunteers, under the direction of Olson
and Head Shipwright, Franz Baichl, the
building of Matthew Turner has become
a genuine community barnraising for this
small Marin County city. Steve Gertz,
Board Chair of Call of the Sea,
Educational Tall Ship’s sister
organization, points out that
the building of the Matthew
Turner is emblematic of
Sausalito’s strong community
spirit and dedication to its ship
building past. In addition to
the outpouring of volunteers,
The hull of the Matthew Turner, with the names of the volunteers and
supporters painted on the wood planks.
The Talewind - summer 2016
most of the building materials have also
been donated, from sustainably harvested
timber milled specifically for the ship to
bronze fittings hand machined in a Sausalito
Terry Causey is a Balboa Yacht Club
member and board member of Educational
Tall Ship. He’s committed to seeing this
beautiful brigantine come to life: “The idea
of creating a school ship is something dear
to my heart. It connects people to a whole
world of sailors, with the environment, and
with each other. There’s no age limits for
enjoying the ocean. It’s an all-inclusive,
open club.”
The gala, held June 18, was a huge
success for Matthew Turner, gathering
hundreds of people from across California,
dressed in jeans to gowns, into the boat
shed for dinner, auction, and of course,
plenty of whiskey. The grand finale was the
bolting of the whiskey plank, accompanied
by music and exuberant cheers from the
Olson predicts Matthew Turner will make
its shakedown cruise in February 2017.
For more information about Matthew
Turner and the Educational Tall Ship,
please visit their website: www.
Balboa Yacht Club member Terry Causey with his niece
and nephews on the deck, admiring the new wheel.
– by Irene Ziebarth
Flags Blake
Maxwell and
Kim Dootson
tied the knot on
Talbot, with five other
may 14 at his
city officials including
mother’s home
mayor diane dixon,
on Kauai in
completed a Fire Ops
Kalihiwai near
101 training exercise
Princeville. it
as part of a national program conducted
was a small
by fire departments
wedding with Just married, Blake
around the country
family and a few Maxwell and Kim
as an introduction
close friends.
Dootson in Kauai
to fire fighting
Alice Rose
starting at John
hosted a gorgeous
participants suited
reception in the
up for a rapid
Bayview room
response on a
for their daughter,
fire engine to a Mike Talbot suited up
Kelly and her
reported building
fire, rescued a
husband, michael
victim from a smoke filled upper room,
extinguished a car fire, and used the “jaws
of life.” it was an amazing and exhausting Kelly and Michael Durban celebrate their
marriage in the transformed Bayview Room.
Bulletin Board ads are $15 for copy only and $25 for copy plus photograph.
Bulletin Board ads are limited to boating-related items. Contact Talewind@ or the Club office for more information and deadlines for
upcoming issues.
WANTED: 12-14’ center console rib
- our old tired aquapro has seen its
final crossing. we’re seeking a good
used rib with 4-stroke engine for
whites pier landings and occasional
runs to avalon. contact Jr. s/c gary
davidson at [email protected].
WANTED: 40’ mooring in byc field.
please contact Jared gargano at
[email protected] or (203)
FOR SALE: 2001 catalina 42. 2
cabin, full raymarine electronics, chart
plotter, radar, auto pilot. wind, depth,
All smiles from Claire Cassidy,
Charlie Foss, and Stowaway Sam
anticipating Mallorca.
towaway Sam hit the jackpot once
again when he hopped a ride with
Claire Cassidy and Charlie Foss on their
way to mallorca with twenty-two friends
and members.
here in the world are John and
Nancy Kelso? Our Voyagers of the
Year are expected around Cape Cod this
summer. maybe they’ll see Gregg and
Robyn Moss who were aboard Redbird in
continued >
For Sale
speed. 56 hp. yanmar low hours.
windlass, with remote. Fresh water
wash down. dodger, new bottom
paint. original owner. call s/c art
mitchell (949) 548-3874
FOR SALE: lido 14 for sale. old,
fast, recently re-rigged. good trailer.
$1825. call carol prough.
FOR SALE: 2002 yamaha 3
horsepower 2 stroke engine. $450.00.
excellent condition. hardly used.
please contact lowell hauswald at
[email protected] or 714-9684822.
BalBOa YaChT CluB
Brisa, 48’ Peterson. Perfect family boat for Whites, large volume
interior, sleeps 9, Yanmar turbo
diesel, feathering prop, windlass
and chain. Make offer. Also 14-ft
Novurania w/70hp available.
GARY CHANDLER • 949 887 9837
photos this page by irene Ziebarth, Jessica clair, Jessica clair photography, inc./wedding planning: natalie good, a good aFFair wedding & event productions”
short Tacks
Short Tacks, cont.
Sept 31The
Men’s Regatta
ew member, Terry Causey, hosted
family and friends, including
Commodore Doug West and Irene
Ziebarth, at a Whiskey Plank Gala
laying the last wooden plank in the
tall ship, Matthew Turner in Sausalito.
Skilled shipwrights and volunteers are
building her to be used for teaching
adults and children to sail a tall ship. She
is a two masted brigantine, 100 feet long
and should be launched in about a year.
Cathy Pazemenas
Pat Lowe
Graphic Artist
Kathryn Berumen
photo opposite page by Kristi Underwood (Cupola)
Matthew Turner from the bottom up.
August Events
September Events
Aug 10 Heritage Committee Meeting
House Committee Meeting
LRPC Membership Information Meeting
Aug 11
Aug 12–13 InterClub Fishing Tournament
Aug 14LRPC Membership
Information Meeting
Aug 17Staff Commodore Luncheon
Membership Committee
Hens Rock Training Session
Aug 18 Finance and Audit
Committee Mtg
Model Room Dining Only
Aug 20 Model Room Dining Only
Aug 21
Theme Dinner
Aug 23 Board of Directors Meeting
Aug 24 Hens Rock Meeting
Aug 25 BeerCans
Aug 26-28Cruise Fleet to
Cabrillo Yacht Club
Long Point Race Week
Aug 31
The Talewind Deadline
Sept 1Port Committee Chairperson
Sept 3
Model Room Dining Only
Barbecue on Flag Deck
Bar closes at 2000
Sept 6
Fleet Activities & Race Council
Sept 7
Sept 8
Sept 9-11 JFlags at Whites
Sept 10Little Old Ladies Regatta
Model Room Dining Only
Sept 11
Theme Dinner
Sept 14
Heritage Committee Meeting
House Committee Meeting
Hens Rock Meeting
Sept 15
Sept 16
Hens Rock Training Session
Sept 16-18Cruise Fleet Around Catalina
Sept 21
Membership Committee
Sept 22 Finance and Audit Committee
Sept 23-25 Hens Rock Cruise
Sept 24 Model Room Dining Only
Sept 28Staff Commodore Luncheon
Board of Directors Meeting
Sept 30-31Catalina Fishing Tournament
The Talewind - summer 2016
Writers: Writers: Paul Blank, Charlie
Foss, Claire Foss, Stephanie GuyerStevens, Bob Hoose, Susan Kenney, Porter
Killian, Molly Lynch, Jim McClure, Sally
Nancy Mellon, Art Mitchell, Bill
Powers, David Robinson,
Andy Rose, Arleen Stevens, Bob Stevens,
Karen Stockman, Kristi Underwood, Rob
Vandervort, Judy Weightman, Doug West,
Irene Ziebarth
Photographers: Paul Blank, Stacie Brandt,
Jessica Claire, Jessica Clair Photography,
Planning: Natalie Good, A
Affair Wedding & Event Productions,
Ali Johnson, Mary Longpré, Nancy Mellon,
Bill Powers, Meg Powers, David Robinson,
Gloria Sullivan, Tom Walker, Irene Ziebarth
Proofreaders: Diane Buchanan, John
Cunningham, Pinky Greene, Cindy Minor,
Irene Ziebarth and Pat Lowe
presorted standard
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