Voices Winter 2012 - Congregation B`nai B`rith


Voices Winter 2012 - Congregation B`nai B`rith
Congregation B’nai B’rith
Winter 2012 Quarterly Journal Vol. 86 No. 1
Tevet - Nisan 5772
One Family - Three Generations
by Debbie Hartzman
Congregation B’nai B’rith has always played an important
role in the lives of our family. My father-in law, Dr. Robert
Hartzman, was CBB president during the construction of
our CBB building in 1969. My husband, Steve, was one of
the first to become Bar Mitzvah in the building. We believe
that Steve and our son, Daniel, were the first father and son
to become Bar Mitzvah at CBB since the building was built
in the early 1970’s.
from left: grandmother Ruth, father Steve, new daughter-in-law
Samantha, son Daniel, mother Debbie and Daniel’s sister Randy
Robert z”l & Ruth Hartzman
Steve and I were married at CBB in 1980. Our children
attended preschool through confirmation, joined SBORTY,
and worked at Jewish camps sponsored by CBB. Daniel
was very active in SBORTY leadership and is a past Harry
Kirsch Scholarship Award winner. The importance of our CBB community was recently felt
on the occasion of Daniel’s wedding. Like his father before
him, Dan was a child of CBB. He was placed on the
waiting list for Beit HaYeladim preschool before he was
even born. When we moved back up to Santa Barbara
in 1988, Daniel started preschool. The warm and loving
environment of Beit HaYeladim set the stage for the
essence of our Jewish lives and the lives of our children.
Dan’s life long journey began with his first day at school
when he came home to announce that he had met a
friend, Craig Silverman.
Debbie & Steve Hartzman
1980 wedding at CBB
continued page 20
Critical Issues Facing Israel
with Rabbi Youdovin
A member of CBB, chair of the Jewish
Community Relations Council of SB,
and board member of the national
board of Jewish Council on Public
Tuesdays in January - 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
January 17: Israel, the Arab Spring and the United Nations:
Is there light at the end of this tunnel?
January 24: Why is Israel Losing the War of Words?
These sessions are open to all. No reservations necessary. Each session is stand-alone; attend any or all of them.
Toby’s Tournament: An Afternoon of Mah
Honoring Toby Parisse z”l - a Mah Jongg maven & devoted community volunteer
Sunday, January 29 | 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm | CBB
$36 includes a light lunch - payable to Hadassah by January 20
RSVP: Cheryll Welkowsky | 1096 Cambridge Drive, Santa Barbara 93111
Questions: Madelyn Palley - 961-4535 | Cheryll Welkowsky - 967-9651
Anyone who loves the game is encouraged to participate!
Bernie Taran z”l Memorial
Poker Tournament
February 18
| Congregation B’nai B’rith
$50 Buy-in for the Tournament (beer, wine, snacks & dessert provided)
RSVP online at www.cbbsb.org | Questions: Benjie at 964-7869 or [email protected]
January 20 & March 9 | 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Yoga Shabbat
Shabbat Blessings, followed by a Dairy Potluck
with Rabbi Alyson Solomon
Yoga Soup - 28 Parker Way, Santa Barbara
Shabbat Shira
February 3
with the Temple
Adult & Youth Choirs
6:00 pm
CBB Voices Winter 2012 Journal
February 10
Rabbi Arthur Gross Shaefer
6:00 pm
delivers the sermon this Shabbat
Children of CBB
Mitzvah Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7
Ask the Rabbi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
A Personal Odyssey . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Passover at CBB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Taubman Symposia
for Jewish Studies at UCSB . . . . . . 20
CBB Resource Guide . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Hillel Hall of Fame . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Poem by Al Anolick . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Camp Haverim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
by Leonard Wallock
Our Year of Living Torah . . . . 10-11
by Elizabeth Gaynes
Rock ‘N Roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
by Laurie Deans
Pick-a-Pasuk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
by Judy Mannaberg Goldman
Solar at CBB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Ubumwe Preschool Update . . . . . 14
by Ellen Hunter & Pam Gunther
Toby Ann Parisse z”l
Art Education Fund . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Scholarship Committee: A Model of
Community Cooperation . . . . . . . 19
Shira Min Halev:
Songs from the Heart
CBB’s Poetry Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Sisterhood Cookbook . . . . . . . . . . . 9
CBB Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-17
Mazel Tov . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
May Their Lives be for a Blessing . . 19
Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Todah Rabah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Voices is a quarterly publication
offered free of charge
Congregation B’nai B’rith
1000 San Antonio Creek Road
Santa Barbara, CA 93111
805/964-7869 | www.cbbsb.org
Voices Deadlines
Spring 2012 deadline February 1
Submissions to:
Benjie Baker at [email protected]
by Richard Silver
www.cbbsb.org | page 3
Ask The Rabbi
Women's Seder
Seder Sponsors: Women’s Division of Jewish Federation of
Greater Santa Barbara, Hillel, Sisterhood and Hadassah
Led by Rabbi Alyson Solomon and Judy Karin
Ages “Bat mitzvahs to Bubbies”
Bat Mitzvah aged girls and up
Tuesday, March 20 - 5:30 pm
Why do we welcome a young person as an
“adult” at age 13? Wouldn’t 18 or 21 make
more sense, especially in this day and age?
In the eyes of Jewish tradition, “adulthood” is
not a matter of physical development, financial
independence, completing one’s education, or
moving away from home.
To be an adult Jew is a matter of mind, heart
and imagination.
$25 per person payable to Sisterhood
RSVP by March 12 (your check is your reservation)
send your check to Sisterhood, c/o Marti Schwartz
633 N. Kellogg Avenue, Santa Barbara, CA 93111
Questions: Rachelle Geiger - 805/968-4969
Bobbi Kroot - 805/969-2397
First night of Passover
Seder led by Rabbi Cohen
An adult Jew is able to think through a
problem and to discuss a question thoughtfully
with another person.
Friday, April 6
An adult Jew is able to look into the future and
to anticipate the consequences of his or her
An adult Jew is able to empathize, to feel
another person’s pain or sorrow.
Led by Cantor Childs
An adult Jew is able to control his or her urges
and impulses, to make the right choice even
when faced with great temptation.
Co-sponsored by The Interfaith Initative
An adult Jew is able to recall distant memories
from his own life and to imagine the lives, the
joys, the hopes and the fears of people who
lived long ago.
Our entire lives are a journey from childhood
to adulthood. But Jewish tradition recognizes
that at around age 13, we are ready to make
adult choices. And this is just as true today as it
was 1,000 years ago.
A free vegetarian potluck dinner
details to follow
Second night Interfaith Seder
Saturday, April 7
$36 per person
details to follow
3rd Friday Ruach !
with the
Temple Band
January 20
Februry 17
March 16
6:00 PM
For a complete list of CBB events go to www.cbbsb.org
Page 4 | CBB Voices Winter 2012 Journal
CBB Sisterhood
Gift Shop
The Gift Shop is open during “Sunday Morning
Live” (usually the first Sunday of the month 9:30
am to 11:00 am), by appointment and prior to
holidays. For more information call Jessica Glick at
696-6289 or check out the gift shop’s online store
at www.cbbsb.org.
CBB Staff
Rabbi Steve Cohen
[email protected] or ext 15
Cantor Mark Childs
[email protected] or ext 16
Creative Consultant and Graphic Designer:
Karen Greenberg
Rabbi Alyson Solomon
Editors: Deborah Naish & Benjie Baker
Deborah Naish
Al Anolick
Rabbi Steve Cohen
Laurie Deans
Julie Fishman
Elizabeth Gaynes
Rachelle Geiger
Pam Gunther
Debbie Hartzman
Ellen Hunter
Deborah Naish
Linda Schwartz
Richard Silver
Leonard Wallock
Judy Mannaberg Goldman
[email protected] or ext 23
Executive Director
[email protected] or ext 12
Ruth Steinberg
Religious School Director
[email protected] or ext 27
Julie Ehrnstein
Director of Early Childhood Education
[email protected] or ext 36
Rhoda Colman
For Advertising Opportunities
and rates, please contact
Benjie Baker at [email protected]
Community Connections
[email protected] or ext 21
Audrey Okaneko
Office Manager
[email protected] or ext 13
Ashley Monser
Ideas for a story? Photos to share?
be a part of
contact Benjie Baker
[email protected]
Facility and Event Manager
[email protected] or ext 25
Becca Okaneko
Religious School Secretary
[email protected] or ext 28
Kara Hochner
Young Families Coordinator
[email protected] or ext 37
Contact Benjie Baker at
[email protected] or 964-7869 x 21.
Benjie Baker
Copy Editors:
Alisse Block
Becca Okaneko
Interested in
CBB Resource Guide
CBB Mission Statement
CBB is a diverse, inclusive community of individuals
and families building together a warm and vibrant
house of living Judaism.
Our clergy
would like to
visit and offer
their support
and encouragement. If someone you know is
in the hospital,
please call the
Temple office.
Privacy policies
prevent hospital
staff from automatically calling
the Temple.
Terry Grimes
[email protected] or ext 19
www.cbbsb.org | page 5
: Wendy ker
d Vicky
Gary an
from le
ft: Loui
se Gerb
Saffan r and Elaine
ms, her
Sally Sim r
grandau iedman
and Kar
abecker and
from left: Dan H
Carl Steinberg
from left: Suzy K
aufer and
her son, Coby
by Julie Fishman
Mitzvah Day Co-Chair
from left: Mitzvah Day Chairs,
Marina Stephens and Julie Fishm
Page 6 | CBB Voices Winter 2012 Journal
I was touched by what Rabbi Cohen said at the opening
ceremony of this year’s Mitzvah Day. He spoke about how we
can get overwhelmed with the concept of healing the world,
it can feel like a very big statement and can stir up feelings of
“How can I help, it is so big!” His message was for all of us
to dial it closer to home, as close as our world at CBB. There
were projects for all ages and interests, like gardening and
painting ceramic butterflies. Some projects touched seniors,
like Singing for the Ages, and others touched children, since
the entire Religious School participated with their own projects.
This year our community showed its huge heart once again
and repaired what we could; many hands make for light work.
from left: D
aryl W
Marilyn & est, Amy West
Joel Weixel
Marcy O
from left: Sandi Sterl
ing, Robbie Elconin an
from left:
and Nadin e Taran-Freund
e Zysman
(Sissy Ta
from le
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Norma ce Gelberg an
d Helga Carden
n’s daugh
Lotte Wein
from left:
i Ira Youd
and Rabb
www.cbbsb.org | Page 7
Poetry at CBB
Shira Min Halev:
Songs from the Heart
CBB’s New Poetry Book
edited by Linda Schwartz
In May, I approached Deborah
Naish about the idea of
creating a collection of poems
written by members of CBB
and the Jewish community. I
envisioned a volume of
poems that reflected the diverse viewpoints, traditions,
values, and life experiences of the people in our
community. I wanted poems that showed the way we
celebrate holidays, pray, and observe our religion with
our families and friends as well as to showcase the
amazing talent of poets in Santa Barbara.
Al Anolick and his wife Ronit
My Golden Years
by Al Anolick
My eyesight’s dim,
my body’s slim.
I can’t read,
I can’t drive –
maybe that’s why
I’m still alive.
These are my Golden Years?
My mind and brain are bright,
my hearing and other senses are alright.
I’m eighty three and free
to have time to enjoy the rest of my life.
Time to take courses at the Braille Institute
in Independent Living, and other educational courses
with warm and caring staff, teachers, and volunteers.
I spend time with friends and relatives, community,
and members of my Temple Congregation;
time to spend time with my daughters and
granddaughters and dog.
Time to be with my wife of 50 years, Ronit,
my caretaker, my lover, my queen
who brings sunshine and cheer into my life.
Three cheers to my Golden Years.
Page 8 | CBB Voices Winter 2012 Journal
The call went out for entries and the result is a
poignant, beautiful book of poetry called Shira Min
Halev: Songs from the Heart. The poems of more
than thirty poets, ranging in age from nineteen to
ninety are featured.
Our beloved Margaret Singer is the book’s featured
poet. Margaret, a ninety-year-old Holocaust survivor,
is not only a gifted poet but an outstanding artist as
well. Several of her paintings are featured in the book.
This project has been a labor of love and everyone
jumped on board to make this dream a reality. Sheila
Golburgh Johnson, who teaches a poetry class at
CBB, graciously volunteered to serve as judge for
the poems. Rabbi Cohen wrote the introduction, and
Cathy Feldman of Blue Point Books designed and
typeset our creation.
Two former poet laureates of Santa Barbara wrote
moving testimonials for Shira Min Halev. Barry
Spacks says, “ …read, laugh, learn, weep– it’s all
here.” Perie Longo says, “These poems are like the
“weaving” of a grandfather’s tallis…but far more
complex, each a thread that contributes to the whole
fabric of a remarkable people as put to song by a
community of remarkable poets.”
Shira Min Halev: Songs from the Heart are available
at the Sisterhood gift shop, online at www.cbbsb.org.
and at Chaucers Books. Shira Min Halev: Songs from
the Heart retails for $15.00 with all proceeds going
to Beit HaYeladim, the Temple’s preschool.
Sisterhood Cookbook
Congregation B’nai B’rith
Sisterhood is publishing a
Jewish cookbook in the
Spring 2012.
A Personal
Jewish recipes have been
passed down from one
generation to the next
generation for millenia. We
are all familiar with many
traditional dishes, but each
family has its own variations.
Geographic and ethnic
backgrounds have resulted in
a wondeful wealth of variety
- “We’re standing on the
shoulders of those who came
before us.”
by Leonard Wallock
This cookbook, L’Dor Vador
continues and preserves
tradition. Many of the recipes
were first published in earlier
Sisterhood cookbooks, while
others were contributed
by current members of the
congregation. The source of
each recipe is noted.
L’Dor Vador will be
professionally published, hard
backed and ring bound. The
cost is $20.00.
Make sure you get a copy
of this very special book. No
home should be without it.
Think about friends, family
and don’t forget to add it to
your cookbook collection.
Preorder your cookbook now!
Contact one of the following
Sally Simms
[email protected]
Rachelle Geiger
[email protected]
Marti Schwartz
[email protected]
Lani Wolff
[email protected].
During our honeymoon excursion along the California
coast, my wife Dana and I paused for a couple of days in
Santa Barbara, awestruck by its natural beauty, architectural
charm, and cultural sophistication. Not realizing that I would
soon be offered the job of a lifetime at UCSB, we concluded
that it would be the perfect place to retire in about thirty
years! A mere seven months later, we were back again not
as weekend tourists but as actual residents of America’s
Riviera. In just two weeks we had vacated our rental house
in La Jolla--where I was spending a sabbatical year at UC
San Diego--packed all of our belongings, including the big
orange cat and begun an entirely new life! I had been hired
at UCSB as the Associate Director of the Interdisciplinary
Humanities Center. Dana was already pregnant which only
added to our sense of adventure and concerns about the
Having spent the last twenty years in Chicago and New
York City, I experienced intense culture shock in our
newfound paradise. What happened to the Loop or the
Village, the foreign accents, the ethnic neighborhoods, the
racial minorities and, most importantly, the Jews? Raised
in a big city (Oakland, CA) with a small Jewish population
and educated in a conservative synagogue (Temple Beth
Abraham), I began to worry what it would be like for our
own children to grow up in Santa Barbara, not to mention
how Dana and I would feel living isolated from the
intellectual riches of great cities. In just a matter of months,
I decided to experiment by organizing some free, public
events in Jewish Studies at UCSB with the help of Professor
Richard Hecht and Rabbi Steve Cohen. An instant success,
they quickly attracted a large, ecumenical audience and
dramatically increased the visibility and cohesion of the local
Jewish community.
The personal odyssey that resulted in my founding the
Taubman Symposia in Jewish Studies at UCSB was partly
religious and partly secular. As a child, I witnessed firsthand
the inspiring effect of the Sunday morning “Coffee and
Conversation” led by Rabbi Harold Schulweis and the stark
beauty of silent prayer at Camp Ramah. In my college years,
I spent a glorious summer at the Brandeis-Bardin Camp
and also joined Hillel. During graduate school at Columbia
University, I developed a passionate interest in public
continued page 25
www.cbbsb.org | Page 9
From Sofer Neil Yerman:
In order to prepare communities to write in
Torah, there is a period of immersion necessary.
At CBB, you are already there, in the zone. I see
it in the closeness of the community and the way
in which you hold this Czech Torah as precious.
You are engaged on every level and this is a
wonderful thing.
Sylvia Glass holding the Torah
by Elizabeth Gaynes
Project Chair
Parchment made from the skin of an animal, wrinkled
and torn with age.
Thousands of small characters written in an ancient
hand in a language that few can understand.
A mysterious history that is hidden deep within the
Something old and perhaps forgotten.
On Sunday, October 30, 2011, the Czech Memorial
Scroll ignited a spark of life at CBB. We gathered,
representing all generations, to begin a process
of restoring the physical parchment and ink of our
Holocaust Memorial Torah, but we also reestablished
a relationship with what the Scroll represents to our
community. The book of our people. A connection to
our past. The hope for our future.
Page 10 | CBB Voices Winter 2012 Journal
There were so many moments of connection during the
opening celebration. Sylvia Glass, CBB’s Woman of
the Book, brought in the Torah surrounded by religious
school children holding their own Torah letters.
Kindergartners received their first mini Torahs, marking
the beginning of their Hebrew studies. Sofer Yerman
shared his insights about the history and origin of our
Scroll and the possibility that someone in our own
family tree may have come in contact with this Torah.
Then we shared the exciting moments of the first letters
re-inked by representatives of our Santa Barbara
We got curious about the history of our Scroll, and
the people left behind in the community of Pribram,
Czechoslovakia. We got talking and began examining
our own histories with the help of the Santa Barbara
Geneological Society. We made new connections to
Torah by finding a pasuk or passage in the Torah with
guidance from Rabbi Cohen and Rabbi Solomon.
And all along, our teens documented the stories that
Throughout the opening weekend, 260 people
participated in letter writing sessions with Sofer Neil
Yerman. Our Sofer will be back in February, and letter
writing sessions are scheduled for Thursday, February
9th and Sunday, February 12th. Sign up at cbbsb.
org or contact Kara Hochner: [email protected]. If you
can’t make it in February, Sofer Yerman is returning
again April 17-19. For more information about Our
Year of Living Torah events, contact Elizabeth Gaynes:
[email protected].
Member Responses to Their
Letter Writing Experience:
Our portion was called “the song
of the sea.” I thought that was very
appropriate since we live so close
to the ocean. Sofer Yerman used
a short goose quill pen and we put
our hand over his on the pen as
his hand directed the writing of the
letter. Mine was a “Yud.” I actually
felt the spirit of my grandpa--my
mom’s dad who took me to shul
in Brooklyn when I was a little girl-while I was up there writing. The Rabinowitz Family
Alan Levy
Dorie Kirtman
It was awesome, and wonderful; a
Holy Moment, I’ll never forget! As
a Jew by Choice, that far surpassed
any Mitzvah in my Jewish life.
Michele Nelson
I saw this as a rare opportunity to
experience a part of our heritage
that is also central to our faith. It
put us in touch with our own, very
long, history.
Joni Meisel
Abbie Mintz
I was struck by the ways in which
writing one letter could become a
gateway to an entire world of culture
and practice. From the rituals before
beginning writing, to the tools (quill,
ink, paper), from the connection of
each letter to a long history, that one
letter was a portal to so much more.
Linda Adler
Doris Stein
Sign up to
write a letter
in our Torah
Feb. 9 or Feb 12
Nancy Barasch
Amy Locke
You do not need to know
Hebrew to participate
www.cbbsb.org | Page 11
by Judy Mannaberg Goldman
Rock ‘N Roll
by Laurie Deans
I’ve been a diehard rock and roll fan since I
heard Led Zeppelin and the Rolling Stones as an
impressionable grade-schooler. But seven years
ago I even surprised myself when I suddenly
announced to my astonished family, “I have to
play electric guitar!” My son Avery found me a
beat-up Strat, my husband Joe (Medjuck) bought
me a little amp, and with only a year of recorder
in grade 7 this writer/editor took a huge leap out
of her comfort zone and started lessons. Now I
play lead guitar in a local all-woman rock band,
MYNX (where four of five of us are novices). We
play an eclectic mix of rock covers from the ’60s
to the present—from Blondie and Aerosmith to
modern rockers Jet, Neon Trees and Band of
Skulls—and are developing our own material.
In the past year we’ve played Soho, the Wildcat,
the Avocado Festival, on the Condor Express
and at private events. Our biggest thrill so far:
headlining Women’s Rock Night at LA’s Whisky a
Go Go in October.
I often hear adults tell of taking up some new
pursuit—frequently an instrument—and after six
months declaring they have no “natural ability”
and abandoning it. I say it’s more about your
passion for something, and how much practicepractice-practice you’re willing to give it than
anything else. That, and making sure you find
people to support you on your journey. Mine’s
been immensely rewarding, and I’m not looking
for it to end anytime soon.
Page 12 | CBB Voices Winter 2012 Journal
On December 7, 1963, I stood on the bimah
of Temple Emanuel in Johannesburg, South
Africa, and became Bat Mitzvah. My parshah
was Vayeshev, Genesis 37:1 - 40:23. In those
days I didn’t know the difference between an
aleph and a bet and without the vowels, I
was hopeless. I, therefore, learned the entire
portion by heart! Some 48 years later I can
distinguish my gimels and lameds, even
sometimes without the vowels. I’ve chosen
this parshah as a means of reconnecting to
my Jewish roots in South Africa with mindful
kavanah, intention, that I didn’t possess as a
12 year-old.
My pasuk (passage) of choice is 37:15 –
16, which was made by Rabbi Cohen at my
request. The story line is that Joseph is sent to
visit his brothers and encounters a man who
asks, “What do you seek?” And he said, “My
brothers do I seek.”
My plan is to continue studying this pasuk.
Who is the man who speaks to Joseph?
Why is he there? What/who is Joseph really
“seeking?” The path that I have chosen in
life is really not too different than Joseph’s,
seeking, discovering, revealing and
concealing. It’s all part of that journey and I
want to connect to it all.
Pick a Pasuk Events:
Sunday, January 22
Paper Collage - Laurie Greene
Sunday, February 12
Sunday, March 11
Paint Jam - Jana Brody
Join us anytime between 12 noon and 3 pm
to creatively explore Torah.
Solar at CBB
Religious School Roof
Thanks to the commitment and efforts of many people,
CBB has turned on its newly installed photo voltaic solar
CBB worked with Wiser Solar, a local third-party solar
financing company founded by synagogue member
Stephen Honikman, and the Girsh and Hochman
Families, founding members of CBB, who became the
investors in the operation. A private business entity was
set up specifically to develop and operate the system and
sell the electricity the system generates to the synagogue
under the terms of a “Power Purchase Agreement” (PPA).
Wiser Solar coordinated the project and worked closely
with the synagogue and the Girsh and Hochman Families
to ensure that the project was a win-win.
Daniel Hochman, who is also President of CBB’s Board
of Trustees said, “We are so excited to be able to be
involved in this wonderful project. We see it as an
example of the good that teamwork can do, using the
private sector to satisfy a non-profit’s needs. This system
will provide inexpensive electricity to the synagogue for
decades to come. The Girsh and Hochman Families
hope that others see this and are inspired to do good
deeds for their favorite not-for-profit causes and
By installing photo voltaic (PV) solar panels, CBB
helps fulfill the Jewish responsibility towards tikkun
olam, healing our world and our planet. CBB also
sets an example of how non-profits might become
solar sites through third-party arrangements, brokered
by companies such as Wiser Solar, who specialize in
assisting non-profits to take advantage of solar energy
saving methods and simultaneously provide tax benefits
for investors. This project is wholly funded by investors
and has negligible start-up or operating costs to CBB.
During Rosh Hashanah in 2010, Rabbi Alyson Solomon’s
sermon emphasized that our earth is not only our home,
but also our sacred temple. She said, “It is our sense of
awe of the natural world, what Rabbi Abraham Joshua
Heschel calls “radical amazement” that must catalyze
us to create a greener CBB
and a greener world. We
are called, loudly, by our
We gratefully
tradition to honor and guard
acknowledge the
the earth. Today we must
contribution of Barry
take even bolder, more
Mosesman z”l who was
courageous steps toward
an active member of
tikkun olam, to protect and
CBB’s Green Team and
heal our earth.” Rabbi
helped make our solar
Solomon is thrilled that CBB
project a reality.
is on the forefront of the
continued on page 25
www.cbbsb.org | Page 13
Frederick and now Zachary. They all remembered
last year’s visit with Frederick and easily
reconnected with both him and Zachary through
art, conversation and play. What more can we ask
for than our youngest members of our community
making friends across continents? As Frederick
always says at the end of every e-mail, “G-d is
great”. Yes, Frederick, G-d is great and thank you
for reminding us.
Frederick and Zachary with CBB’s Religious School children
CBB partnered with the Ubumwe Center to help
raise $100,000 to build a preschool in Rwanda.
We have raised over $35,000 and built the
foundation for the school. The walls are next.
Please consider donating to make this dream
a reality. For more information and to make a
donation go to www.cbbsb.org.
Preschool Update
by Ellen Hunter and Pam Gunther, Co-Chairs, Ubumwe
Preschool Project, CBB Global Justice Committee.
Our Rwandan friendship web keeps growing! In the
last issue of Voices, we talked about how it is going to
take a team of people to reach our goal of building a
preschool in Gisenyi, Rwanda, with our friends Frederick
Ndabaramiye and Zachary Dusingizimana. Well, the
good news is that during their California visit in October
and November, the web of people surrounding Frederick
and Zachary grew tremendously.
Here in Santa Barbara alone, it is overwhelming how
many genuine friends they have. Part of the web that
grew was the many CBB families that offered to host
Frederick and Zachary during their stay in Santa Barbarathe Gross family, the Gelman-Gans family and the
Lewbel family. Without these families being part of our
team, we could not accomplish our goals. Of course, we
saw our team in action right here at CBB during Mitzvah
Day. Each and every one of you that welcomed Frederick
and Zachary with such a warm spirit is part of our
team. Both Frederick and Zachary commented on how
appreciative they are for everything that CBB is doing to
help them build the Ubumwe Preschool in Rwanda.
Frederick with CBB’s Religious School children
Finally, our preschoolers at Beit HaYeladim are even part
of our team as their friendship continues to grow with
Page 14 | CBB Voices Winter 2012 Journal
Zachary with CBB’s Preschool children
The Toby Ann Parisse
Art Education Fund
Established in loving memory by The Parisse family
When Toby and Richard Parisse
joined CBB in 1975 they both quickly
became involved in our community.
Toby had been an elementary school
art teacher and brought her passion
for art to teaching both children and
adults at the Temple. Just a few of
her contributions for which we are
grateful include her tallit workshops,
designing the seat cushions on the
bimah and leading a group of women
to do the needlepoint for them. She,
along with her stalwart companions,
created the merchandise displays and
ran the Sisterhood Gift Shop for more
than 20 years. Both Toby and Richard
served on the Board of Trustees, and
Richard is a past President. We thank
them for their gracious service at our
We have seen that many members of our congregation connect to Judaism, Torah, and the
Jewish community most deeply through hands-on artistic creation. Through The Toby Ann Parisse
Art Education Fund we will honor Toby’s memory by establishing an ongoing program of Jewish
connection and education through art. We will offer art workshops on Jewish themes led by local
artists in mediums such as painting, needlework, jewelry making, collage, and computer-design.
We plan to occasionally offer an “Artist-in-Residence” program with renowned artists from other
communities. The fund will also enable us to do some upgrades and provide additional supplies
for our Art Room, which is a favorite hangout for our Religious School children and likely to be the
workroom for some of our workshops.
We are grateful to the Parisse family who have made a very generous initial gift to establish this
fund. We invite your contributions as well.
The Parisse family also established The Toby Ann Parisse Memorial Education Fund for the benefit
of patients of The Cancer Center of Santa Barbara by enhancing the skills of physicians, nurses and
staff through the funding of continuing education.
Toby’s friends are honoring her and her love of Mah Jongg by hosting the first Toby’s Tournament:
An Afternoon of Mah Jongg scheduled for January 29. See page 2 for details.
www.cbbsb.org | Page 15
8:15 Best Darn Breakfast, PERIOD!
9:30 Presentation
February 5
Rabbi Arthur Gross Schaefer
Reshaping the Relationship:
Hugging and Wrestling
with Modern Israel
March 11
Rabbi Ofek Meir
Education for Jewish-Arab Co-Existence in
Israel: Challenges and Achievements
Also: Friday night, March 9
Rabbi Meir delivers the Sermon:
The Inspiring Future of Liberal Judaism in Israel
Rabbi Meir is Senior Rabbi at
Leo Baeck Education Center in Haifa, Israel
March 30-April 1
Brandeis-Bardin Institute
Simi Valley
A fun-filled, relaxing, inspiring and
community-building weekend with
programs for adults and children:
ropes course, mountain biking,
horseback riding, hiking and
nature walks, art, and more.
Sunday, April
11:00 am - 4:00 pm
$140 per adult - $50 per child
-$25 deposit per person reserves your spot
-Refundable up to two weeks prior Family Camp
-Scholarships available
RSVP on: www.cbbsb.org - Questions: [email protected]
Page 16 | CBB Voices Winter 2012 Journal
Great Food
Israeli Dancing
Jewish Music
Artisan Faire
Games for Kids
and more...
Sunday, January 22
The World to Come
by Dara Horn
Meet the author
Monday, January 23
Taubman Symposia Lecture
at Congregation B’nai B’rith
see page 20 for details
Sunday, March 18
A Woman In Jerusalem
by A.B. Yehoshua 9:30 am - Bagels & Coffee
Sunday, June 10
The History Of Love
by Nicole Krause
10:00 am to 11:45 am - Discussion
UCLA Professor
Charles Lynn Batten
A master teacher, immensely popular
and thought-provoking
additional information at www.cbbsb.org
Purim Shpiel/
Sunday, March
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Major Temple fundraiser
for Beit HaYeladim
and the Religious School
Silent Auction
Party Books
Erev Purim
Megillah Reading
March 7
7:00 pm
www.cbbsb.org | Page 17
Mazel Tov!
In Our Lives
Jackie Rotman, daughter of
Ken and Kate, who was named
one of Glamour Magazine’s
“Top Ten College Women” in the
October issue.
Harris and Bernice
Gelberg, on the birth
of their grandson
Samuel Meir Gelberg.
He was born to Grant
and Maureen Gelberg
on September 17.
Barbara Greenleaf on the publication of
Good-to-Go Café, her second book in her
series for business-minded teens.
Carol DeCanio on
The Stein family on the engagement
of Rachel Stein to Michael Rossol.
Rachel, the daughter of Beth Weinberg
and Michael Stein, grew up at CBB. Their wedding is currently
planned for August 2012.
Janet and Harvey Wolf for the
engagement of their daughter,
Jessica to Howard Simpson.
the birth of her first
grandson Cameron.
He was born to Erin
and Aaron DeCanio on
August 15.
Linda and Stan Schwartz on
the birth of their granddaughter,
Ella Schwartz. She was born to
Stephen and Sarah Schwartz on
September 26.
Michael Shor for being honored with the
Santa Barbara Family YMCA’s Joseph Herring
Memorial Youth Award.
Grant and Melodie Lee, on getting
married on November 11. If you
would like to share their joy, please
donate to the Judy Meisel Preschool
Scholarship fund. Melodie’s former
last name was Nelson.
Page 18 | CBB Voices Winter 2012 Journal
Vanessa Massel, on becoming a finalist in the
Santa Barbara Film Festival’s 10-10-10 screenwriting
competition. The movie with her screenplay will be
shown on February 5 at the Film Festival.
May Their
Lives Be
For A Blessing
We Mourn
Edie Bergholz, mother of Michal Lynch and
grandmother of Sean, Rebecca and Charlie
Zvi Gottesman, father of Oded Gottesman,
father-in-law of Anat, and grandfather to
Daniela, Meni, Oriel, Yael, and Yoni z”l.
Nina Liff, longtime Temple member and
mother of Daniel Liff
Barbara Schonfeld, mother of Judi Koper,
mother-in law of Alex Koper and grandmother
to Rose, Hannah, Alex III and Amanda
Cuppy Wallace, husband of Anna, father of
Barry, Nate, Pamela and Nancy, and early
member of CBB.
Flora Codman, past CBB member, past
president of Sisterhood, teacher of Israeli folk
dance, and Director at UCSB Hillel.
Sylvia Seidman, grandmother of Nancy
Collins and her husband Michael Purvis, and
great-grandmother of Lily and Benjamin.
James Rudolph, brother of Paula Rudolph.
Ida Katz, mother of Judy Bernstein and
mother-in-law of Burt.
Hope Shapiro, wife of Jason Shapiro, mother
of Robbie Elconin, mother-in-law of Donnie,
and grandmother of Micah, Travis, & Jesse
David Deitch, husband of Carol Deitch
Edward Baimel, brother of Stephen Baimel
and brother-in-law of Zena Baimel.
Barry Mosesman, husband of Rhonda
Spiegel and long-time CBB board member
Ha’makom yenahem etkhem betokh
She’ar avelei Tziyon v’Yerushalayim.
May God console you among the
other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
A Model Of
by Richard Silver
Many studies have shown that attending a Jewish day or
overnight camp is one of the most effective and enduring
ways to create/solidify a child’s Jewish identity. It costs
a lot of money to run a camp and therefore the cost of
attending a camp is quite high. Families that would love to
send their children to a Jewish camp are not always able
to afford the full cost of the camp. I am happy to say that
our community has found a way to help parents address
that challenge.
The Santa Barbara Jewish Community Foundation,
the Jewish Federation of Greater Santa Barbara and
Congregation B’nai B’rith joined forces to create the Santa
Barbara Jewish Camp Scholarship Committee. (Camp
Haverim also contributes funds to help families send their
children to Camp Haverim.) It has been my honor to
serve as chair of the Committee for the past several years.
This past year, the Committee awarded scholarships to
28 children who attended Camp Haverim or a Jewish
overnight camp.
In addition to allowing the funding organizations to better
allocate their scholarship funds to the families who most
need assistance, the existence of the Committee makes
it much easier for families to navigate the scholarship
process. Rather than having to fill out a different form
(each requiring different back-up materials) to request
financial assistance from each of the three organizations,
families fill out one form. It is wonderful to see how this
model of community cooperation has benefitted the
funding organizations, our local families and – most
importantly – our community’s Jewish children. This truly is
a Win-Win-Win situation.
Special thanks to the Committee members - Ellen Bialis,
Barbara Kuhn and Deborah Naish - for their hard work.
Of course, special thanks also go to the people who
contribute to each of the funding organizations. They make
it possible for the Committee to exist.
How can you help? Please make a contribution to the
Freed Scholarship Fund at CBB (thank you to Evey Freed
for her continued generous support – although she has
moved to San Luis Obispo, she is still in our hearts) or
designate a portion of your gift to the Federation to be
used for scholarships.
www.cbbsb.org | Page 19
from left: Michael Ettenberg, Daniel Hartzman,
Craig Silverman, Josh Duvendeck
Award-winning novelist
Dara Horn
Monday, January 23
7:30 pm
Congregation B’nai B’rith
Ms. Horn will discuss the challenges and
opportunities facing American Jewish
writers, and will share many adventures
from her own work - including tales of
stolen paintings, kidnapped software
executives, a Confederate Jewish spymaster
who was saved by a talking parrot and the
possibility of the revival of the dead.
Join us for a festive brunch to honor
Laini and Peter Melnick &
Bernice and Louis Weider
at the
Santa Barbara Hillel Hall of Fame
Sunday, February 26, 2012
11 am to 1 pm
For more information or to
reserve a tribute page,
please contact Joanna Lovett at
[email protected]
or (805) 968-1280 x15
Rabbi Evan Goodman, Executive Director
Ron Gans, Board President
Page 20 | CBB Voices Winter 2012 Journal
left: Michael Ettenberg &
Daniel Hartzman in 2000
continued from front cover
From that moment on,
Dan started a journey
that culminated on his wedding day. Soon after he
met Craig, he created friendships with several of
the students who would become his life long pals. Besides Craig, Dan added Michael Ettenberg, Josh
Duvendeck, and Adam Abrams to his gang. The
group went through religious school and confirmation
together. We joined our Havurah, Yedidah, because
we had become close friends of the families of
Daniel’s friends. Along the way, the boys added
Adam Jacob to their group. Each of the boys had very
different personalities, but they had established strong
bonds of friendship during their young lives at CBB.
The boys attended different schools from elementary
school to college but remained extremely close. They
always talked about remaining friends, attending each
other’s weddings, and future family events.
Last year before Daniel proposed to his wife
Samantha, he asked his friends for their approval.
He was the first of his group to get married, but he
knew he couldn’t take this important step without his
buddies. On October 16 in Chicago, three of the
Havurah boys stood up at Daniel’s wedding, with
Michael as the best man. There was no doubt in our
minds that we wanted our Havurah there to share in
our simcha. After all, Dan had several moms and dads
as well as extended siblings from the Havurah. What
a wonderful feeling it was to watch not only our son,
but also three other young men whom we consider
family, walk down the aisle. As the years pass, I’m sure
that our son will maintain his close ties to the friends
he made during his formative years at CBB. Maybe
someday, Daniel will have the privilege to watch his
son get married, with the children of his childhood
friends participating in the ceremony. L’ dor Vador.
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Leonard Wallock: A Personal Odyseey continued from page 9
See page 20 for the January 23 Taubman Symposia event
Making Friends for Life
education as an outgrowth of my political activism. While
a young professor at Hunter College, CUNY, I began
presenting lectures to community groups on behalf of the
New York Council for the Humanities and I co-directed
the Seminar on the City at Columbia University, which
hosted distinguished guest speakers at monthly dinners. In
retrospect, it seems inevitable that I would have decided
to import internationally renowned Jewish writers, artists,
theologians, scholars, policymakers, critics, and activists to
my new home—Manhattan West!
Santa Barbara’s Jewish Day-Camp
Back for its
8th season!
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Session II:
July 16 - July 27
July 30 - August 10
Cate School in Carpinteria
Transportation available from Goleta and SB
Our camp, accredited by the American Camp
Association, has a non-denominational approach.
Activities include art, music, newspaper, drama,
talent shows, daily swimming (or an alternative
water activity, such as slip-n-slid) and lots of sports
for campers K-6. A separate program, with more
challenging activities, is available for 7th and 8th
For more information: visit www.camphaverim.com
or contact Camp Director Itzik Ben Sasson at
805/895-6593 or [email protected]
Solar at CBB continued from page 13
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Jewish community’s effort to be a “[solar] light unto
the nations.” As a result of this sermon, CBB’s Green
Team was invigorated. More than 50 congregants
joined Rabbi Solomon and met throughout the year.
The Solar Team included Ruelene Hochman, Stephen
Honikman, Blake Johnson, George Levinthal, Fran
Lewbel, Barry Mosesman z’l, Dan Rothschild, Facility
and Event Coordinator Ashley Monser, and Executive
Director Deborah Naish. CBB is currently applying to
become a Green Business of Santa Barbara.
Wiser Solar provided the engineering studies,
developed the financial plan and the tax and legal
strategies that will make this venture successful. Wiser
Solar works with accredited investors who can take
advantage of significant tax and depreciation benefits
that are a large part of the projects’ economic value.
As is the case with CBB, qualifying investors fund
an LLC created by Wiser Solar that then owns and
operates the PV system over the life of the PPA, during
which time the “host facility” purchases the energy
generated by the system from the LLC. The investor
is repaid over time plus receives an attractive after-tax
return on investment.
www.cbbsb.org | Page 25
Cantor’s Discretionary Fund: From: Oded and
Anat Gottesman, in memory of Zvi and Yoni 
Richard Parisse, in memory of Toby  The Schonfeld
Contributions - Thank You!
family & Sheryl and Winton Berci, in memory of
Barbara Schonfeld  Michael Trambert  Anna
Wallace and Family, in memory of Cuppy  Edward
and Vicki Slotnick  Linda and Stanley Schwartz, for
the beautiful High Holy Day services  Misha and
Dora Zilberman, in memory of Saul Zilberman 
Boris and Mina Berenstein, in memory of Momtza
Berenstein and Velvel Lechman 
Freed Campership Fund: From Maurice Kurland,
in honor of Norman Salzman 
General Fund: From the following, in memory of
Barbara Schonfeld: The Schonfeld Family; Curtis
Scott; Ken and Natalie Gaynes; Gloria Slosberg;
Shari Muszalski; Sharon and Albert Cohen; Jeffrey
and Mona Morris; David Rapaport and Kathy Garcia;
Kelly Adams; Kathy and Peter Mirich  Diane Siegel,
with gratitude for the Shabbat Service with SoulAviv
 Pearl Bloom, in memory of Lynne Kaufman and
Rose Oliphant  Mort Barrish, in memory of Renee
Barrish  Ruth Levine, in memory of Benjamin Harris
 Steve Nelson, in memory of Anita Nelson  Ken
and Natalie Gaynes, in memory of Zvi Gottesman
 Sara Miller McCune, in memory of Rose Mill 
Meredith, David and Michelle Taylor, in memory of
Bernice Meyers  Lisa Miller and Mike and Brenda
Stein, in memory of Nathan Stein  Natalie Myerson,
in memory of Minnie King Myerson, and in honor
of Rabbi Solomon’s birthday  Sheldon and Alice
Sanov  Malka Drucker, in loving memory of William
Treiber  Rachel and Walt Wilson, in memory of
Herman Lindenbaum  Allen Raichelle and family,
in memory of May Raichelle  Cheryll and Murray
Welkowsky, in memory of Morris Weissman 
Amylynne Girling, in memory of Nachum Edelman
and Clarence Lewis  Armando Quiros, in memory
of Jacob and Jennie Bobrov  Leon and Blanca
Presser & Abe and Molly Presser, in memory of
Raquel Presser  Sheila Kamhi  Nancy R. Chudy
 Jorgia Bordofsky  Barbara and David Mizes, in
memory of Ida Katz and wishing a complete recovery
to Al Wyner  Ken and Natalie Gaynes, to Al Wyner,
wishing you a speedy and full recovery and to Mandy
Hochman, mazel tov on becoming a U.S. citizen
 Allan S. Morton, in memory of Eva Morton 
Sanford and Beverley Brier, in memory of Morris Brier
 Lois Kaplan, in memory of Benjamin Kaplan and
Julius Union  Rita Gradstein  Joan and Steven
Siegel  May and Bert Karin, in memory of Ida
Katz  Sissy Taran, in honor of Sharon Landecker,
Page 26 | CBB Voices Winter 2012 Journal
Belinda and Steve Zola and Marina Stephens and
Len Homeniuk  Ruth and Jerry Harter, in memory of
Ida Katz  Barbara and Peter Sperry, in memory of
Toby Parisse  Pauline and Fred Linden, in memory
of Lois Linden  Spencer Winston  David and
Elaine Saffan, in memory of Paulette and Isaac 
Camille and Andrew Hollifield, in memory of Liliane
Schiff  Sara Miller McCune  Jerri Eigner  Elaine
Jacobs, in memory of Hermina Gropper  Gideon
Cohn  Blanca Presser, in memory of Herman Engler
 Marion and Kurt Anker, in memory of Jeanette
Schacher  Linda Robyn and Aaron Spechler, in
memory Dorothy and Sidney Spechler  Allen and
Roberta Gersho 
Janet Laichas Learning Fund: From Linda and
Darryl Perlin, in memory of Hope Shapiro and in
memory of Cuppy Wallace 
Judy Meisel Preschool and Scholarship Fund:
From the following, in honor of Grant and Fallyn’s
conversion and commitment to Judaism: Jaan Karsh;
Steve and Sandy Sterling; Lisa and Eric Miller; Lisa
Serby; Amy Locke  Linda and Darryl Perlin, in
memory of Ida Katz  Zena and Stephen Baimel,
in honor of the birth of Samuel Meir, grandchild of
Bernice and Harris Gelberg 
Oreskes Music Fund: From Linda and Darryl Perlin,
in honor of Daniel Hartzman’s wedding 
Preschool Special Projects Fund: From Susan J.
Beller  In honor of Abe and Molly Presser, with love
from your children and grandchildren 
Rabbi Cohen’s Discretionary Fund: From Marian
and Elliott Breslar  Halina Silverman, in memory
of Leona Weinthal  Oded and Anat Gottesman,
in memory of Zvi and Yoni  Richard Parisse, in
memory of Toby  Warren and Julie Wood  Simi
and Andy Barrad, in honor of Riley’s Bar Mitzvah 
Michael Trambert  Ian Schiff, in memory of Liliane
 Anna Wallace and Family, in memory of Cuppy
 Paul and Joni Meisel  Judy and Burt Bernstein,
in memory of Ida Katz  The Schonfeld family, in
memory of Barbara Schonfeld  Carol Peterson
 Farideh Maho, in memory of Mack Maho 
Benjamin and Rita Lipman, in honor of their great
grandchildren  Bob and Leah Temkin, in loving
memory of Dr. Herman Eisenberg  Linda and
Stanley Schwartz, for the beautiful High Holy Day
services  Arlene and Les Schneider, for the honor
of being called to the bima on Yom Kippur  Malca
Lebell, for a stirring and meaningful Yom Kippur
service  Jeff Arch  Ellen Polinsky, for the beautiful and
moving High Holiday services  Robert and Esther Baum, in
memory of Warren Baum  Jonathan Cohen/Cohen Camps
 Daniel Simon  Jack and Sylvia Camiel  Amy Locke, in
memory of Fred Martinez  Misha and Dora Zilberman, in
memory of Frima Foygel 
Rabbi Solomon’s Discretionary Fund: From: Oded
and Anat Gottesman, in memory of Zvi and Yoni  Devora
Sprecher, in honor of Rabbi Solomon’s birthday  Richard
Parisse, in memory of Toby  Michael Trambert  The
Schonfeld family, in memory of Barbara Schonfeld  Amy
Locke, in memory of Frances Locke  Jeffrey and Linda
Cowen  Linda Robyn and Aaron Spechler, in honor of
Michael O’Kelley and Maeda Palius 
Todah Rabah to All
CBB is blessed with incredible members who give their time and talents. In September, October and
November we could not have put on the following programs without the generosity of our members.
High Holy Days:
Living Torah Project:
Ray Aronson and Laurie Greene, Bev Brier, Sarah Chase, Ellen
Chase, Burt and Wilma Chortkoff, Helene Glassman, Sheila
Golburgh Johnson, Gerald Harter, Richard Heimberg and
Karen Schloss-Heimberg, Joy Hill, Beverly Iles, Bob Ingrum,
Greg and Rocky Jacobson, Erika Kahn, Beth Katz, Mitchell
Kauffman, Dorie Kirtman, Audrie Krause, David Landecker,
Sharon Landecker, Mahela Morrow-Jones, Allan Morton
and Paula Steinmetz, Barry z’l and Rhonda Mosesman, Linda
Phillips, Bruce and Diane Phillips, Geren Piltz, Adele Rosen,
Eve Senn, Richard Silver, Julia Smith, Steve and Julie Solomon,
Mark and Pamela Toscher, Carrie Towbes, Stanley Weinstein,
Daryl West, and Mike Wolff. And we want to thank Helen and
Dan Curhan and Barbara and David Mizes for opening their
homes to break fasts.
Elizabeth Gaynes (Chair), Linda Adler, Jana Brody, Ellen
Chase, Burt Chortkoff, Nancy Collins, John Dent, Aaron
Ettenberg, Judy Mannaberg Goldman, Marilyn Goodman, Ken
Greenberg, Laura Habecker, Jane Honikman, Ellen Hunter,
Bobbi Kroot, Lisa Miller, Ann Pieramici, Marnie Pinsker, Karen
Polinsky, Ken Rotman, Debi Scott, Eve Senn, Harvey Silverberg,
Julia Smith, Rachel Stein, Kamila Storr, David Teton-Landis, and
Cheryll Welkowsky.
Mitzvah Day Project Leaders:
Julie Fishman and Marina Stephens (Chairs), Alexi Biener,
Alisse Block, Ellen Chase, Cantor Mark Childs, Burt Chortkoff,
Marian Cohen, Jessielee Coley, Cindy Feinberg, Laura
Habecker, Ruelene Hochman, Ellen Hunter, Elizabeth Gaynes,
Shikma Geffon, Samara Geiger, Linda Kaufman,
Dorie Kirtman, Corin Koren, Bobbi Kroot, Sharon Landecker,
Shani Leead, Jennifer Lewis, Dr. Gary Linker, Shanna Naim,
Yosi Nuralian , Marcy Oswald, Beverly Penner, Arinn Polinsky,
Karen Polinsky, Eve Senn, Kate Shevitz, Richard Silver, Julia
Smith, Rhonda Spiegel-Mosesman, Rachel Stein, Cheryll
Welkowsky, Rachel Wilson, and Lani Wolff.
Party Books Hosts
Felicia Capelle, Elizabeth and David Gaynes, Judy and
Sheldon Goldman, Lori and Evan Goodman, Fran and Mike
Lewbel, and Kathleen Zisser.
Poetry Book - Shira Min Halev: Songs from the Heart
Sheila Golburgh Johnson and Linda Schwartz.
Photographers: Nancy Barasch, Juli Shulem and
Dana Wallock.
Progressive Dinner:
Event Chairs: Lisa
Raphael and Marcy
Wimbish. Appetizer
Hosts: Marina
Stephens and Len
Homeniuk. Dinner
Hosts: Eve and Dannie
Briere, Susan Rose
and Allan Ghitterman,
Ruth and Blake
Johnson, Masha and
Len Homeniuk & Marina Stephens
Kevin Keating, Roberta
Progressive Dinner Hosts
and Tamir Keshen,
Judi and Alex Koper, Sharon Landecker, Rob and Ellen Raede,
Mark and Kate Shevitz, and Sarice and Mark Silverberg.
Dessert Hosts: Belinda & Steve Zola. Bakers and Helpers:
Hallie Avolio, Talia Anter, Michelle Brennan, Ellen Chase,
Erin Cross, Mimi Dent, Katherine Emery, Talia Feder, Melanie
Gaynes, Bari Glynn, Candy Hedrick, Veronica Ilko, Beth Katz,
Gail Teton-Landis, Becca Licha, Lisa Lenchner, Alix Rabinowitz,
Juli Shulem, Michelle Walsh. Teen Helpers: Eric Capelle, Ethan
Habecker, Hannah Raphael, Mark Raphael and Matthew
www.cbbsb.org | Page 27
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Join us for
Pick a Pasuk
Creatively Explore Torah
See page 12
for dates and creative opportunities
Sofer Yerman Returns
This trip, timed with Tu B’shvat,
is our celebration of Judaism’s tree of life, the Torah
Wed, February 8 - Sun, February 12
Wednesday, February 8 and Sunday, February 12 our
Religious School and Academy students will have an
opportunity to write a letter in the Torah
Community Torah Letter Writing sessions:
Open Writing sessions on Thursday, February 9 and
Sunday, February 12 – sign up online or call the office
Sofer Yerman will also be here April 17-19
when we commemorate Yom HaShoah