Program - Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists


Program - Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists
iaAutozoophiliaSadism 2O14 Conference
liaMysophilia Is there anything forensic
nia psychiatrists don’t know about sex?
stistophiliaToxophilia 12-15 August 2O14
Hong Kong
mSymphorophilia Academy of Medicine
a PygophiliaTransvestophiliaLactophilia
iaMechanophiliaProgram & Registration
ormicophiliaEarly Bird Registration Closes
liaErotophonophilia Friday 27 June 2O14
This conference will be relevant
to all psychiatrists as well as
psychologists, lawyers,
criminologists, and other
mental health
Secure online registration for delegates paying by Mastercard or Visa is available at
Welcome to the
2O14 Forensic Conference
We are going to Hong Kong again after the success of the conference held there
two years ago. We are delighted to have excellent keynote speakers and trust that
you will find the topic both stimulating and relevant to your clinical practice.
We hope you’ll join us in Hong Kong, a city of diversity where old meets new at
every turn, a kaleidoscopic, sophisticated fusion of East and West. It’s a unique
experience shaped by a distinctive past and dreams of the future; an age-old
synthesis of cultures and traditions that opens a window into what will be,
while embracing what has passed.
The conference will have a great social program as
usual and we invite all to attend, especially the
Conference Dinner.
John Chalk and Ness McVie (Convenors)
Conference Venue
Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (
Situated at 99 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Wong Chuk Hang
on Hong Kong Island South, the 10-storey building
of the Academy occupies 4,300 m2 of land area
and 15,000 m2 of gross floor area. Named after the
Jockey Club, the building contains a multipurpose
grand hall, two function rooms an auditorium, and
seven meeting rooms.
The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine is the highest
academic organisation in Hong Kong, established
by statute in 1993. It has the mandate to maintain
the standard of specialist training and specialist
continuing medical education (CME) and continuous
professional development in the territory.
The Academy has 15 Medical and Dental Colleges
and over 5,000 Fellows who have gone through at
least six years of structured training in accredited
centres, and have passed the intermediate and exit
examinations. Within these 15 Colleges, there are
currently 60 specialties and subspecialties.
For more information about Hong Kong, visit:
Program Outline
Tuesday 12 August 2014
Optional Workshops
There is a choice of full day workshops presented by
Professors John Bradford and Park Deitz.
Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14 August 2014
Conference, Welcome Reception and Dinner
The Conference includes plenary and parallel sessions
consisting of keynote and invited addresses and
papers, brief presentations, clinical teach-ins and a
The Welcome Reception takes place at the Hong
Kong Medical Academy on the Wednesday, and the
Conference Dinner on the Thursday evening at The
Verandah Restaurant.
Friday 15 August 2014
Optional Workshops
There is a choice of a full day workshop presented
by Professors Paul Mullen and James Ogloff and a
half-day workshop presented by Dr Joseph Sakdalan
and Ms Sabine Visser.
Dinner Venue
The Repulse Bay residential community and The
Verandah Restaurant are built on the former site of
Hong Kong’s famous Repulse Bay Hotel (1920–1982).
In its 62-year history, the hotel was the centre of
charm, chic and the Charleston. Not only was it a
popular holiday spot for locals, it was also a favourite
haunt for expatriates working in the Far East and a
choice destination for international travellers.
Royalty and celebrities found refuge at the hotel
including George Bernard Shaw and Noel Coward.
Actor Marlon Brando was a guest in the 1950’s.
Spain’s Crown Prince Juan Carlos and Crown
Princess Sofia spent their
honeymoon here while
other royal guests included
Prince Axel of Denmark and
Prince Peter of Greece.
The Repulse Bay residential
community of today continues
to be an oasis of tranquility
and nostalgia, offering the
style and service of a
bygone era.
Participants in the RANZCP
CPD Program may claim credits
for CPD activities that are in
accordance with his/her CPD
Plan and that are in line with
the principles and obligations
of the RANZCP CPD Program.
Evidence of attendance should
be retained for use in the case
of an Audit of Claim.
Keynote Speakers
Professor John Bradford
Dr. Bradford is Professor of Psychiatry and Acting Clinical Director of the Forensic
Treatment Unit South East, Professor of Psychiatry Faculty of Medicine, University of
Ottawa, with a cross appointment as Professor in the Department of Criminology. He
is also a Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, Queen’s University, and Adjunct
Professor of Psychiatry at the Universities of Saskatchewan and Alberta.
Dr. Bradford’s research interests focus on the assessment and treatment of the
paraphilias, as well as impulse control disorders. He has published over 120 peerreviewed papers; more than 30 chapters in academic publications and presented at over 250 international
and national conferences, and co-authored two books. He was part of the task force on Dangerous Sexual
Offenders published by the APA, and is a scientific advisor to the DSM V Sexual Disorders work group.
Dr. Bradford’s expertise in the field of forensic psychiatry is well recognized, not only from his peers, media
and judiciary but from many levels of government as well. He has sat on task forces, expert panels, served
as expert witness and provided special consultation to national and international working groups.
He has received numerous awards from professional associations for his work in the field of Forensic
Psychiatry and was also inducted as a Member of the Order of Canada in 2011.
Professor Park Dietz
Park Dietz, M.D., M.P.H., Ph.D., is Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral
Sciences at the UCLA School of Medicine, president of Park Dietz & Associates, a
75-expert forensic consulting firm, president of Threat Assessment Group, the first
company devoted to workplace violence prevention, and a consultant to the FBI.
Dr. Dietz has conducted pioneering research on sexual sadism, sexual masochism,
threats, and stalking. He was educated and trained at Cornell, Johns Hopkins, and the
University of Pennsylvania and previously taught at the Harvard Medical School and
the University of Virginia School of Law and School of Medicine. He is a past president of the American
Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. In 2009, Dr. Dietz was named one of the “Top 25 Most Influential
People in the Security Industry” by Security magazine. In 2010, he was awarded the “Seymour Pollack
Award for Distinguished Contributions to Education in Forensic Psychiatry” by the American Academy
of Psychiatry and the Law. He is best known for his work as a forensic psychiatrist in such high profile
cases as Jeffrey Dahmer and more than 25 other serial killers and the assassination attempts on
President Reagan and on Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.
How to Register
and Book
ABN: 22 099 054 060 (The Conference Organiser)
Early Bird Registration Closes
To obtain the discounted rates, payment must be
received by this date.
Delegates paying by Mastercard or Visa are encouraged
to use the secure, online registration process by going to:
Dr Elizabeth Ness McVie
Ness McVie, FRANZCP MBA MA Criminology & Criminal Justice, Chair Faculty
of Forensic Psychiatry 2012-2014, is a clinical forensic psychiatrist and University
of Queensland graduate, currently Director of Forensic Psychiatry for the Hunter
New England District Mental Health Service. She holds appointments as Assisting
Psychiatrist to the Mental Health Court, Supreme Court Queensland, the General
Medical Assessment Tribunal (Work-Cover Queensland) and the Queensland
Medical Panel of Assessors, Medical Board of Australia, AHPRA. Over the past
20 years she has worked in various public and private roles in forensic psychiatry including Clinical
Director for the Community Forensic Mental Health service and Principal Advisor in Psychiatry for
the Queensland Government.
Dr McVie has presented over 30 conference papers, invited papers and workshops over the past 10 years.
Her research interests are in the ethical aspects of the intersection of psychiatry and law. Her background
includes being a medical officer for ANARE on Macquarie Island and the MV Nella Dan voyage to
Antarctica in 1986-1987, with interest in psychiatry stimulated by the complexities of isolated small
group living including penguin paraphilia.
Please Note:
Your online credit card payment will appear on your credit
card statement as a transaction with Mie Software Pty Ltd
Port Melbourne. A confirmation letter/tax invoice will be
emailed to you within 3 working days of your online
registration being completed.
If you’re unable to register online, a registration form can
be downloaded from our website (,
completed, and either faxed, emailed or posted to
The Conference Organiser.
Alternatively, you can contact us and we can email or
post a copy of the form to you.
(email: [email protected] / phone: +61 3 9349 2220).
Professor Paul Mullen
Paul Mullen is Professor Emeritus of Forensic Psychiatry at Monash University,
Australia. He is an eminent forensic psychiatrist and internationally renowned as a
clinician and researcher, in both psychiatry and neurology. He is regularly invited to
speak about his research around the world. He was the Foundation Clinical Director
at the Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health in Australia. Professor Mullen has
an extensive clinical and research background. His research interests include the
relationship between mental disorder and criminal behaviour, stalking, the long-term
impact of childhood sexual abuse, jealousy, and litigious and chronic complainers. He has extensive
clinical and research experience in examining the prevalence of child sexual abuse, giving close attention
to the study of victims such as children, the risk factors for abuse and the influences and interventions that
may amplify or ameliorate the impact of child sexual abuse on the victim. He has also contributed to debate
on false memory syndrome, within the context of the phenomenon of child sexual abuse. He has some
180 publications in journals, has contributed over 40 chapters in books, including chapters in both of the
standard British textbooks on forensic psychiatry, and is the author of four books.
Professor James R.P. Ogloff
James R. P. Ogloff, JD, Ph.D., FAPS is trained as a lawyer and psychologist. He is
a Fellow of the Canadian, American, and Australian psychological societies. He
is the Foundation Professor of Clinical Forensic Psychology at Monash University
and Director of the Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science. He is also Director
of Psychological Services at the Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health
(Forensicare). He has worked in clinical and forensic psychology in a variety of
settings for almost 30 years. Professor Ogloff has specific expertise in the assessment
and management of offenders, including sexual offenders. He served as British Columbia’s first Director of
Mental Health Services for the Attorney General’s Ministry (Corrections Branch). He is the Past-President
of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law and a former Chair of
the College of Forensic Psychologists of the Australian Psychological Society. He is a Past-President of
the Canadian Psychological Association and a Past-President of the American Psychology-Law Society.
Professor Ogloff has published 16 books more than 225 scholarly articles and book chapters. He is the
recipient of the 2012 Donald Andrews Career Contributions Award for Criminal Justice Psychology
from the Canadian Psychological Association and the 2009 Award for Distinguished Contributions in
Forensic Psychology from the Australian Psychological Society.
Privacy Statement:
Your personal information on the registration form will be used by
The Conference Organiser Pty Ltd and RANZCP to administer the
conference and to notify you of similar future events. Your name,
organisation and email address will appear on the list of delegates
to be included in the Book of Abstracts. For those with special
requirements, your name may be disclosed to the conference
venue for access and catering requirements. Should you not wish
for your details to be used for these purposes, please contact
The Conference Organiser as soon as possible.
At the time of printing, all information contained in this brochure is correct;
however, the organising committee, its sponsors and its agents cannot be held
responsible for any changes to the final structure or content of the programs,
or any other general or specific information published in this brochure. In the
event of industrial disruption or other unforeseen circumstances that disrupt
the running of the conference, the organising committee, its sponsors and its
agents accept no responsibility.
Optional Pre & Post Conference Workshops
Please Note: Fees for optional workshops are not included in the conference fee; please see the General Information section for workshop charges.
Workshops will only proceed if minimum numbers are reached, and have limited numbers; places will be allocated in order of receipt of booking.
Tuesday, 12 August 2O14
Friday, 15 August 2O14
9.30am–5.30pm WORKSHOP 1
9.15am–5.00pm WORKSHOP 3
The Paraphilias and Paraphilic Disorders: What do we know about these
disorders? From the natural history, assessment, neurobiology, treatment,
recidivism and risk assessment
John Bradford
This workshop will cover the natural history of the disorders; the neurobiology of
sexually deviant behaviour; the assessment of the disorders; the pharmacological and
psychological treatment of the disorders. Paedophilia will be used as the model.
Part 1: Aetiology and assessment
The first part of the workshop will cover what we know about the aetiology of the
disorders (genetic, neurobiological, and psychological); the assessment will cover
the typical sexual behaviours assessment with a sexual hormone profile; sexual
questionnaires and the assessment of deviant sexual arousal.
Part 2: Treatment
The second part of the workshop will cover the pharmacological and psychological
treatment of the disorders. This will cover in detail the World Federation of Biological
Psychiatry Task Force Report on the Biological Treatment of the Paraphilias in Adults
(2012). Psychological treatments typically used in the treatment of sexual offenders
will be covered.
Part 3: Recidivism and Treatment Outcome
The third part of the workshop will provide a basic review of sexual offender
recidivism research including the existing meta-analyses and the long-term recidivism
study is completed at the University of Ottawa.
Part 4: Completion of recidivism and treatment and future research
The Workshop will also include selected PDF handouts from the Sexual Behaviours
Team at the University of Ottawa Institute of Mental Health Research. A Self-help
Manual for the treatment of paedophilia will be included.
Child sexual abuse: Abusers and abused
From new data to clinical management
Paul Mullen and James Ogloff
Part 1:
Survey will be presented of our group’s recent research on the relationship between
having been sexually abused as a child and later psychiatric, psychological, and
behavioural problems (in particular criminal offending). The variables, such as the
age at abuse and other risk and protective factors, which determine the long term
outcomes in the abused will be examined.
Part 2:
The clinical implications of emerging research will be presented with a focus on:
1. Interventions to reduce the impact of child sexual abuse on sexual and
other criminal behaviors
2. The understanding of the abuser
3. The management of child molesters
4. The implications for current approaches to helping the abused.
9.30am–5.30pm WORKSHOP 2
Sexual sadism and sexual masochism
Park Dietz
Part 1: Sexual Sadism
The spectrum of sexually sadistic behaviors extends from secret fantasies, erotic
tickling, and “love bites” to horrific instances of torture, mayhem, and serial murder.
For over 100 years, clinicians and researchers have sought greater understanding
of these behaviors without achieving much more than competing schemes of
This workshop will review the history of knowledge of sexual sadism in the contexts
of popular culture, pornography, fantasy, contact with consenting partners, and
offending behavior. Case examples of sexual sadists drawn from the author’s forensic
practice are used to illustrate the application of these concepts in the forensic
analysis of individual cases and the presentation of evidence using demonstrative
exhibits in court.
Part 2: Sexual Masochism
The spectrum of sexually masochistic behaviors extends from secret fantasies, to
submissive erotic behaviors, to activities with a high risk of injury, mutilation, or
This workshop will review the history of knowledge of sexual masochism in the
contexts of popular culture, pornography, fantasy, contact with consenting partners,
and behaviors mistaken for criminal behavior or leading to death. Case examples of
sexual masochists drawn from the author’s forensic practice are used to illustrate
the application of these concepts in the forensic analysis of individual cases and the
presentation of evidence using demonstrative exhibits in court.
Part 3: A Coping Strategy Model of Sexual Sadism and Sexual Masochism
The author’s thesis is that sexually sadistic and sexually masochistic fantasies and
behaviors are far more common than encountered in clinical or forensic samples
and that the way sexually sadistic and sexually masochistic individuals cope with
their offbeat sexual desires is primarily a reflection of their character and values
rather than a necessary outcome of the paraphilia. A dozen coping strategies used by
those who find themselves aroused by sexually sadistic and/or sexually masochistic
imagery and activities illustrate the importance of character and values in setting
limits on the expression of these and other sexual desires.
9.15am–12.45pm WORKSHOP 4
Sexual offender risk assessment with forensic mental health and
intellectually disabled offenders: How do risk assessment findings inform
treatment and risk management within the forensic psychiatry setting?
Joseph Allan Sakdalan and Sabine Visser
Sexual Offender Risk Assessments is increasingly seen as a central part of clinical
practice particularly with forensic clients with mental health and/or intellectual
disabilities (ID). A wide variety of risk assessment measures have been used with
people with mental health and ID ranging from actuarial instruments to structured
clinical evaluations to ad hoc assessments. Presently there is a paucity of research
on the utility of these risk assessment instruments by way of informing treatment and
risk management particularly in a forensic psychiatry setting. Forensic mental health
and ID clients are complex such that they have risk issues related to their mental
health, cognitive impairment, personality and sexual offending issues.
There are also some concerns about whether existing ID and mental health
risk assessment and management frameworks assist in developing sound risk
management plans. Risk assessment process normally leads to the development
of risk management strategies. There has been very limited work conducted in
developing a more unified approach to risk assessment and management with sexual
offenders with mental health and/or ID.
This workshop aims to discuss the underlying principles governing sexual offender
risk assessment and management and proposes a more structured, descriptive
approach in conducting a risk assessment which can assist in developing a sensible,
practical, risk management plan for these client groups.
The goals of this workshop include:
• To provide a better understanding of the different sexual offender risk assessment instruments available and their strengths and limitations
• Develop a good understanding of the structured clinical risk assessment and management framework for forensic clients mental health and/or ID with
sexual offending issues
• Develop skills in formulating risks and sound risk management strategies
• Apply the concepts learnt through case examples.
Provisional Conference Program
Wednesday, 13 August 2O14
Thursday, 14 August 2O14
9:00am–11:00am PLENARY SESSION
Elizabeth Ness McVie
Keynote Address: The neurobiology and biological treatment of
deviant sexual behaviour
John Bradford
Keynote Address: Sex, insanity, discipline and ethics
Elizabeth Ness McVie
10:30am - 11:00am
Morning tea
11:00am–12:30pm PARALLEL SESSIONS 1A, 1B and 1C
Parallel Session 1A: Papers
11:00am When are you too old to wear diapers? Treating adults with developmental disorders and diaper fetish
Luke Hatzipetrou
11:30am Australian Guidelines for the biological treatment of paraphilic disorders
Jeremy O’Dea
12:00pm Contemporary perspectives on bestiality
Danny Sullivan and Justin Barry-Walsh
Parallel Session 1B: Papers
11:00am Forensic patients in New South Wales – Are their needs met by
the available services?
Jonathon Adams
11:30am Late-life homicide-suicide: A New Zealand case series
Gary Cheung, Susan Hatters Friedman and Frederick Sundram
12:00pm Key factors associated with self-harm in two metropolitan NSW prisons
Anthony Samuels
Parallel Session 1C: Symposium
How do I know that you are a pervert?: Current state of assessment of
sexual deviance
Sabine Visser (Convenor); Sabine Visser and Joseph Sakdalan (Presenters)
• Current advancement in assessment of sexual deviance
• Case studies on the use of instruments that measure and assess sexual deviance
• The use of psychometric instruments on sexual deviance to inform treatment
and risk management within the forensic psychiatry setting
12:30pm - 1:30pm
1:30pm–3:00pm PARALLEL SESSIONS 2A, 2B and 2C
Parallel Session 2A: Papers
1:30pm What do we know about males who rape males?
Jennifer Barton, Tanya Meade, Anthony Samuels and Steven Cumming
2:00pm Beyond the Procrustean Beds: A multidimensional model for differentiating rapists and their offences
Michael Davis
2:30pm Treatment of sexual offenders within inpatient forensic
mental health context: Are we sorted?
Rajan Gupta and Joseph Sakdalan
Parallel Session 2B: Symposium
The metamorphosis of sex offenders rehabilitation services in Hong Kong
Sarina Lam (Convenor)
• The road of developing rehabilitative services for sex offenders in prison:
a fifteen-year experience sharing from Hong Kong
Jessica K.P. Chan
• Psychological treatment for incarcerated sex offenders in Hong Kong:
from relapse prevention to a positive treatment approach
Daisy H. M. Yeung
• Management of sex offenders in Hong Kong: Perspectives from psychiatry
Oliver Chan
• Facilitating the rehabilitation and community integration of people whom had sexually abused others – a non-mandatory community initiative
Kelvin C.K. Li
Parallel Session 2C: Clinical teach-in session
Getting off: Criminal responsibility in sexual offenders
Renee Sorrentino, Susan Hatters Friedman and Brad Booth
3:00pm - 3:30pm
Afternoon tea
3:30pm–4:30pm PLENARY SESSION
Keynote Address: What goes around comes around:
Sexual victimisation, predation, and victimisation again
James Ogloff
Hong Kong Academy of Medicine
Keynote Address: Sexual thought crimes
Park Dietz
Keynote Address: On sadism
Paul Mullen
11:00am - 11:30am
Morning tea
11:30am–1:00pm PARALLEL SESSIONS 3A, 3B and 3C
Parallel Session 3A: Papers
11:30am Procedural fairness, human rights and the current legislative trend towards preventative detention of high risk offenders
Andrew Ellis and Kerri Eagle
12:00pm Ethical issues in the prescription of anti-libidinal medication
Danny Sullivan
12:30pm A madam’s revenge – Murder by manipulation
Bob Wotton
Troilism E
Parallel Session 3B: Papers
11:30am Imminent aggression risk in adolescents – is it different to adults?
John Kasinathan, Christopher Marsland and Jonathan Adam
12:00pm Risk analysis for violent and sexual reoffending in adolescents
Barry Nurcombe
12:30pm Sexual sadism disorder in an adolescent male
John Kasinathan and Gillian Sharp
Parallel Session 3C: Clinical teach-in session
Heavy petting: a clinician’s guide to bestiality
Brad D. Booth, Susan Hatters Friedman, Sara Moore and Renee Sorrentino
1:00pm - 2:00pm
1:30pm–2:00pm AGM
2:00pm–3:30pm PARALLEL SESSIONS 4A, 4B and 4C
Parallel Session 4A: Papers
2:00pm Treatment of ADHD in the prison: proposed guidelines
James Gardiner
2:30pm Wise Mind – Risky Mind: A reconceptualisation of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) in sex offender treatment
Joseph Sakdalan and Rajan Gupta
3:00pm “Managing” the private; Sexual health and the sexual lives of
patients in secure forensic mental health care
Bree Wyeth
Parallel Session 4B: Brief Papers
2:00pm Length of hospitalization of psychiatric patients and its associated factors in Al-Amal Medical Complex
Nora Al Solami
2:20pm Incidents of violence and aggression in an acute forensic
inpatient setting
Elena Bhattacharya and Damian Smith
2:40pm Mental illness and insanity findings in New Zealand
Sunny Li and Susan Hatters Friedman
3:00pm Psychiatric aspects of homicide in Singapore: A five year review
Derrick Yeo Chen Kuan
3:20pm Discussion
Parallel Session 4C: Workshop
If you don’t ask, you don’t get. The role and extent of fantasy in the lives
of sexual offenders
Mark Hall
3:30pm - 4:00pm
Afternoon tea
4:00pm–5:15pm Closing Plenary Session
4:00pm Panel: The psychiatrist and the sex offender:
Voyeurism and countertransference
5:00pm Closing remarks
John Chalk
The Verandah Restaurant, Repulse Bay
Buses will depart from the conference hotels at 6:30pm.
General Information
Please Note: Places at the conference and the optional workshops are limited and will be allocated in order of receipt of paid registrations.
Separate fees are required for the Conference and for the Workshops.
Hong Kong Academy of Medicine
Jockey Club Building
99 Wong Chuk Hang Road
Aberdeen, Hong Kong
Accommodation at special conference rates has been reserved at two hotels that are a
short walk to the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, as follows:
Ovolo Hotel
All sessions will be in English. Translating services will not be provided.
If you have not submitted an abstract but wish to present at the conference, please
submit an abstract using the template that you can download from our website:
The conference committee will consider late submissions and allocate slots where
available and appropriate.
•To obtain the Early Bird rates, payment must be received by 27 June 2014,
otherwise the higher rates will apply.
• The student rates are only available to those who submit evidence of their full-time, non-salaried student status. Please fax this to us (+61 3 9349 2230) or email to:
[email protected]
•All fees are in Australian dollars and do not include Australian GST as this is an
off-shore activity.
•Workshop fees include morning and afternoon teas and lunches (with the exception
of Workshop 4, where lunch is not included).
•Conference registration includes the Welcome Reception and Conference Dinner (including wines and bus travel to and from the dinner), and morning and afternoon teas and lunches on both days of the conference.
•Partners are welcome to purchase tickets for the Welcome Reception (AU$65)
and Conference Dinner (AU$175).
Full Conference (2 days)
received by
27 June 2014
received after
27 June 2014
Faculty Member / Presenter / Registrar / Trainee /
Full-time Student / Retired RANZCP Fellow /
Asian delegate
64 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong
(The Ovolo is due to open at the end of June; we will post information on our website
as it becomes available.)
Standard Room (Queen bed or 2 single beds) AUD $233 per room per night
Suite (Queen bed or 2 single beds) AUD $369 per room per night
Included in the Ovolo room rate:
Free daily breakfast, free daily replenished mini bar, free happy hour at Lo Lounge at
18.00–20.00, all day free coffee/tea and soft drinks at lounge, 24 hour gym access,
use of self-laundry, complimentary high speed wi-fi and Apple TV in each room,
free local calls.
L’Hotel Island South
55 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong
Hill View Room (Queen or Single beds)
Single or Twin room only
Single or Twin room with 1 breakfast Twin room with 2 breakfasts AUD $150 per night
AUD $167 per night
AUD $184 per night
To obtain these rates, all accommodation must be booked through The Conference
Organiser and will be allocated on a strict priority of receipt basis.
Please book early as we have blocked a limited number of rooms and will
start releasing our block 6 weeks prior to the conference.
It is necessary to pay for all accommodation charges to obtain these rates.
Please Note: Special conference accommodation rates have been negotiated for the
conference prior to the printing of the Registration Brochure. The conference organisers
accept no responsibility if the hotel offesr “special rates” or “standby rates” at its
Getting to the hotels from Hong Kong Airport
Initially, workshops will only be open to those who are attending the conference. After
18 July, any available places will be offered to persons not attending the conference.
Please contact us (info@conorg. after 18 July for information regarding
availability and prices of workshops for persons not attending the conference.
Workshop 1, 2 or 3
Taxi: approximately AUD$60 - $70.
For further information about travelling from Hong Kong Airport to Ovolo Hotel
or L’hotel Island South, please go to: or
Currency Conversion
All fees shown are in Australian dollars. To covert amounts to other currencies,
we suggest using a currency conversion website such as:
Faculty Member / Presenter / Registrar / Trainee / Full-time Student /
Retired RANZCP Fellow / Asian delegate
Workshop 4
Faculty Member / Presenter / Registrar / Trainee / Full-time Student /
Retired RANZCP Fellow / Asian delegate
Delegates are advised to bring Hong Kong dollars with them or change money at
the airport as they may find it difficult to find an ATM near the Conference venue.
Further Information
The Conference Organiser Pty Ltd
146 Leicester Street
Carlton, Victoria 3053, AUSTRALIA
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: Australia: (03) 9349 2220
International: +613 9349 2220
Confirmation of Registration
Registration will be confirmed via email upon receipt of payment. Please check your
confirmation letter and advise us immediately of any changes.
Cancellations must be advised in writing by 27 June 2014; there is a AUD $150
cancellation fee per registration. After that date, refunds will only be issued in
exceptional circumstances, but substitute delegates will be accepted.
It is the responsibility of delegates to confirm visa requirements and make suitable
arrangements. For further information, please see Section 12 on the following website:
Conference registration fees do not include insurance of any kind. It is recommended
that you take out personal travel and medical insurance at the time you register for
the conference and book your travel, which includes loss or damage of personal
possessions, including loss of hotel payments and registration fees through
cancellation. The conference organisers cannot take any responsibility for
participants failing to arrange their own insurance.
If you need extra copies of
this brochure, you can download
it from our website: