Michigan Birds 1 - East Grand Rapids
Michigan Birds 1 - East Grand Rapids
- Worm-eating Warbler - Ovenbird - Northern Water Thrush - Kentucky Warbler - Connecticut Warbler - Mourning Warbler - Common Yellowthroat - Hooded Warbler - Wilson’s Warbler - Canada Warbler -New World Sparrows and Allies - Eastern Towhee - American Tree Sparrow - Chipping Sparrow - Field Sparrow - Savannah Sparrow - Fox Sparrow - Song Sparrow - Lincoln’s Sparrow - Swamp Sparrow - White-throated Sparrow - White-crowned Sparrow - Clay-colored Sparrow - Dark-eyed Junco - Snow Bunting -Cardinals,Grosbeaks and Allies - Summer Tanager - Scarlet Tanager - Northern Cardinal - Rose-breasted Grosbeak - Indigo Bunting -Blackbirds and Allies - Red-winged Blackbird - Rusty Blackbird - Common Grackle - Brown-headed Cowbird - Orchard Oriole - Baltimore Oriole - Finches and Allies - Pine Grosbeak - Purple Finch - House Finch - Pine Siskin - American Goldfinch - Evening Grosbeak -Old World Sparrows - House Sparrow Use the following space to record any new species seen in this area. Please contact Grand Rapids Audubon with your observations. If uncertain about the species, visit www.allaboutbirds.org/guide or www.macaulaylibrary.org for bird species and their descriptions. _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Michigan Birds: Grand Rapids Audubon Club Common Species found at Reeds Lake Combining nature appreciation, environmental education and wildlife conservation Mission Statement The Grand Rapids Audubon Club brings together people who enjoy nature, especially wild birds. We seek to protect and improve our natural environment and to advance nature education throughout West Michigan. For more questions, visit their website at www.glsga.org/grac or address e-mail to [email protected] East Grand Rapids Parks & Recreation Department Community Center 750 Lakeside Drive SE East Grand Rapids, MI 49506 Phone: 616.949.1750 Fax: 616.831.6144 [email protected] www.eastgr.org Courtesy of Grand Rapids Audubon Club www.glsga.org/grac Birding Checklist Location:______________ Date:_______________ Observers: _________________________________ Weather: ______________ Temperature:________ Time: ______________________________________ The following is a list of bird species which have been observed in the Reeds Lake area by a member of the Grand Rapids Audubon Club. Ducks, Geese and Swans (Anseriformes) - Canada Goose - Brant - Mute Swan - Tundra Swan - Wood Duck - Gadwall - American Wigeon - American Black Duck - Mallard - Blue-winged Teal - Northern Shoveler - Northern Pintail - Green-winged Teal - Redhead - Ring-necked Duck - Greater Scaup - Lesser Scaup - Surf Scoter - White-winged Scoter - Bufflehead - Common Goldenreye - Hooded Merganser - Common Merganser - Red-breasted Merganser - Ruddy Duck Geese, Quail, and Allies (Galliformes) - Wild Turkey Loons (Gaviiformes) - Red-throated Loon - Common Loon Grebes (Podicipediformes) - Pied-billed Grebe - Horned Grebe - Red-necked Grebe - Eared Grebe Pelicans and Allies (Pelicaniformes) - Double-Crested Cormorant Herons and Allies (Ciconiiformes) -Bitterns, Herons and Allies - American Bittern - Great Blue Heron - Great Egret - Green Heron - Black-crowned Night Heron -New World Vultures - Turkey Vulture Hawks, Falcons and Allies (Falconiformes) - Osprey - Bald Eagle - Sharp-shinned Hawk - Cooper’s Hawk - Northern Goshawk - Broad-winged Hawk - Red-tailed Hawk Cranes and Rails (Gruiformes) -Rails, Gallinules and Coots - King Rail - Virginia Rail - Sora - American Coot - Sandhill Crane Plovers, Sandpipers and Allies (Charadriiformes) -Plovers and Lapwings - Killdeer -Sandpipers, Phalaropes and Allies - Spotted Sandpiper - Solitary Sandpiper - Common Snipe -Gulls, Terns and Skimmers - Bonaparte’s Gull - Ring-billed Gull - Herring Gull - Caspian Tern - Black Tern - Common Tern - Forster’s Tern Pigeons and Doves (Columbiformes) - Feral Pigeon/ Rock Dove - Mourning Dove Cuckoos (Cuculiformes) - Yellow-billed Cuckoo - Black-billed Cuckoo Owls (Strigiformes) - Eastern Screech Owl - Great Horned Owl Nightjars (Caprimulgriformes) - Common Nighthawk - Whip-poor-will Swifts and Humming birds (Apodiformes) -Swifts - Chimney Swift -Hummingbirds - Ruby-throated Hummingbird Kingfishers and Allies (Coraciiformes) - Belted Kingfisher Woodpeckers (Piciformes) - Red-headed Woodpecker - Red-bellied Woodpecker - Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - Downy Woodpecker - Hairy Woodpecker - Northern Flicker Perching Birds (Passeriformes) -Tyrant Flycatchers - Olive-sided Flycatcher - Eastern Wood Pewee - Alder Flycatcher - Willow Flycatcher - Least Flycatcher - Eastern Phoebe - Great Crested Flycatcher - Eastern Kingbird -Shrikes - Northern Shrike -Vireos - White-eyed Vireo - Bell’s Vireo - Blue-headed Vireo - Warbling Vireo - Philadelphia Vireo - Red-eyed Vireo -Magpies, Jays and Crows - Blue Jay - American Crow -Larks - Horned Lark -Swallows - Purple Martin - Tree Swallow - Northern Roughwinged Swallow - Bank Swallow - Cliff Swallow - Barn Swallow -Chickadees and Titmice - Black-capped Chickadee - Tufted Titmouse -Nuthatches - Red-breasted Nuthatch - White-breasted Nuthatch -Creepers - Brown Creeper -Wrens - Carolina Wren - House Wren - Winter Wren - Marsh Wren -Kinglets - Golden-crowned Kinglet - Ruby-crowned Kinglet -Old World Warblers and Gnatcatchers - Blue-gray Gnatcatcher -Thrushes - Eastern Bluebird - Veery - Gray-cheeked Thrush - Swainson’s Thrush - Hermit Thrush - Wood Thrush - American Robin -Mockingbirds, Thrashers and Allies - Gray Catbird - Brown Thrasher -Starlings and Allies - European Starling -Waxwings - Cedar Waxwing -Wood Warblers - Blue-winged Warbler - Tennessee Warbler - Orange-crowned Warbler - Nashville Warbler - Northern Parula - Yellow Warbler - Chestnut-sided Warbler - Magnolia Warbler - Cape May Warbler - Black-throated Blue Warbler - Yellow-rumped/ Myrtle Warbler - Black-throated Green Warbler - Blackburnian Warbler - Pine Warbler - Palm Warbler - Bay-breasted Warbler - Blackpoll Warbler - Black and White Warbler - American Redstart - Prothonotary Warbler The ordering of this list conforms to the American Ornithologists’ Union (AOU) as represented in Checklist of North American Birds; 7th edition and supplements.
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