The Rhyming Reader
The Rhyming Reader
The Rhyming Reader Book Four [email protected] Copyright © 2011 The Rzeppa Family 1 INSTRUCTIONS 0 1 2 3 Print some pages. Do just a couple at a time to start. Later, you can do a half-dozen or more in one sitting. Have your kid sound out all the words on the pages. You can help with the letter sounds, but don't say the words. Make the kid sound them out. Send the kid off to a nice quiet place with a big fat pen to trace all the words. If you must watch, watch from a distance. The kid will digest the stuff better alone. Have your kid sound out all the words with you again. Review the pages the next day and repeat them as necessary. Don't rush. The tortoise always wins in this race. 2 HINT And now we come to the nasty part of written English, where a single vowel sound is spelled with two or more letters. Fortunately, our rhyming approach makes it easy for your kid to learn the necessary combos. We cover the easy ones first, then the more difficult and unusual combos, in this book and the next. Just encourage your kid, as you've been doing all along, to see words in two parts, beginning and ending, where each part makes a single sound. The rest will happen automatically. 3 BAR FAR JAR STAR The bars in the jar are under a not-so-far star. ar un-der 4 CARD HARD LARD YARD SHARD some cards in the yard sum 5 BARK DARK PARK SHARK I met a shark in the park after dark. af-ter 6 BARN DARN YARN "Darn yarn!" 7 CARP HARP TARP SHARP a sharp carp 8 CARP HARP TARP SHARP a sharp carp plucks a harp 9 HARP CARP TARP SHARP harps and accordions uh-cor-dee-uns 10 ARM FARM HARM CHARM arm charms 11 ARM FARM HARM CHARM farm arms are charming charm-ing 12 ART DART START CHART HEART HART Art got a dart in his heart. hiz hart 13 BART CART FART MART PART Bart at the mart with a cart 14 ARCH MARCH PARCH STARCH a march under an arch un-der 15 OR FOR NOR THOR "I just got done thundering and boy are my arms thor." dun thun-der-ing ar 16 CORD FORD LORD CHORD SWORD CORD SORD a chord sword with a cord cord sord 17 FORK PORK CORK YORK STORK The stork left a spork. 18 FORM DORM NORM STORM A storm forms over Norm. o-ver 19 CORN HORN BORN TORN WORN I love corn in the morn. luv 20 SIGN-UP FOR BASKETBALL! FORT PORT SORT SNORT SPORT Not a sport for the short. 21 FORTH NORTH YOU ARE HERE I went forth, North. 22 PORCH TORCH SCORCH a torch on the porch 23 ORDER BORDER Tex and Mex order at the border. 24 HORSE NORSE MORSE FORCE •••• --•-• ••• • FORSE A Norseman taps "HORSE" in Morse with the Force. Norse-man Forse 25 CARL SNARL SHORT SNORT Carl snarls and Carl snorts. Mort is in his best red shorts. iz hiz 26 HER PER WERE WER Her furs were $1000 per. wer 27 HERB VERB rub itch scratch pick dig Which verb for Herb? 28 HERD NERD a herd of nerds uv 29 TICKETS JERK PERK CLERK The clerk was a jerk. 30 BERM PERM TERM GERM JERM a germ gets a perm jerm 31 FERN KERN VERN TERN STERN Vern spots a tern on a fern. 32 PERP TWERP 6'6" 6' 5'6" 5' 4'6" 1 2 3 4 The perp was a twerp. wuz 33 FIR SIR STIR Yes, sir! Stir, stir, stir! 34 BIRD GIRD THIRD The third bird is missing. miss-ing 35 IRK DIRK QUIRK SHIRK SMIRK NC C- 1 7 01 The Klingons irked Kirk. Kling-ons irk-d 36 GIRL SWIRL TWIRL WHIRL WIRL The girl twirls and whirls. 37 FIRM SQUIRM "I think I will squirm if the mattress is firm." mat-tress 38 DIRT FLIRT SHIRT SKIRT SQUIRT a squirt of dirt on a shirt uv 39 BIRTH GIRTH MIRTH Jill had a dill and a bit of birth girth. uv 40 FUR CUR BLUR SLUR SPUR a spur in the fur for the cur 41 SURF TURF surf and turf 42 LURK TURK I lurk with a Turk. 43 CURL FURL HURL EARL URL Earl, master of the curl Url mas-ter 44 CURL FURL HURL EARL URL Thor, master of the hurl mas-ter 45 URN BURN TURN CHURN SPURN MILK churned to the dark side churn-d 46 BURP SLURP Slurp. Slurp. Slurp. Burp! 47 BURR PURR "It's a burr, not a Velcro Seed." 48 JERK! BURT BLURT CURT KURT HURT Burt's blurt hurt Kurt. 49 SPURT SPLURT Spurt and splurt are a lot like squirt. ar 50 LURCH CHURCH CH_ _CH What's missing? miss-ing 51 LET US PRAY! ? DAY PLAY PRAY STAY SPRAY Stay and spray all day. 52 AID MAID PAID BRAID The cats played with the maid's braids. 53 MAIL PAIL QUAIL SNAIL A snail and a quail get mail in a pail. 54 AIM MAIM CLAIM "Aim, Dad! Aim!" 55 RAIN MAIN SPAIN PLAIN "The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain." main-ly 56 BRAIN TRAIN CHAIN VAIN "You're so vain, you probably think this page is about you." pro-bab-ly 57 PAIN BRAIN DRAIN SPRAIN STRAIN "A brain sprain?" 58 FAINT PAINT SAINT TAINT QUAINT MICHELANGELO! the saint painter as a boy paint-er 59 BAIT GAIT TRAIT STRAIT WAIT bait and wait (fishing) fish-ing 60 BE HE ME WE SHE He, she, and me are we. fam-i-ly 61 B BB BEE SEE TREE THREE KNEE NEE I see three bees on my knee. nee 62 FEED SEED NEED GREED WEED The seed was full of weeds. 63 BEEF REEF beef on a reef 64 PEEK WEEK MEEK SEEK GEEK Geek of the Week 65 REEK CHEEK CREEK GREEK a Greek with a leek and big fat cheeks 66 EEL HEEL PEEL REEL KNEEL NEEL An eel cannot kneel. can-not 67 C T A 3 5 0 FEEL KEEL STEEL KNEEL WHEEL NEEL WEEL the first wheel 68 DEEM SEEM TEEM It seems to be teeming with germs. teem-ing jerms 69 DEEP KEEP JEEP SLEEP The sheep in the jeep went beep, beep, beep! 70 GREEN QUEEN SCREEN BETWEEN The screen is between the red and green queens. 71 BEER DEER JEER CHEER SNEER a cheer and a jeer 72 CANDY FUDGE ICE CREAM FEET MEET SHEET SWEET STREET The sweet meets the street. 73 BEECH BREECH LEECH SPEECH SCREECH a speech on leeches lee-chez 74 PEA SEA TEA FLEA PLEA a flea in the tea 75 EAT HEAT MEAT CHEAT TREAT We heat the meat and then we eat. What a treat! GET YOUR BUNS ! Wut 76 L RU BEAD LEAD READ PLEAD KNEAD ES NEAD The reader is the leader. read-er lead-er 77 SQUEAK! I'M A BIRDBRAIN PEAK WEAK SNEAK SPEAK The freak had a leak in his beak. 78 $1 OINK HEAL REAL SEAL ZEAL STEAL a meal deal that squeals 79 TEAM CREAM DREAM STEAM SCREAM The dream team on the beam. 80 BEAN LEAN MEAN JEAN CLEAN Dean was a clean green bean. 81 $5 HEAP LEAP REAP CHEAP a cheap heap 82 EACH BEACH BLEACH REACH TEACH a peach on the beach 83 WEST EAST BEAST FEAST LEAST YEAST EAST I like the east beast least. 84 HEATH SHEATH WREATH REATH We hung the wreath in the heath. reath 85 FEAR REAR YEAR SMEAR "I fear you have a smear on your rear, dear." yur 86 EAR DEAR HEAR NEAR CLEAR "Can you hear me now?" 87 BEARD a man with a beard 88 I TOLD YOU TO WEAR A BOWTIE DIE LIE PIE TIE a tie in the pie 89 DIES FLIES FRIES TRIES The flies try for the fries... ...and die. 90 SPOT I TOLD YOU NOT TO LET HIM EAT YOUR HOMEWORK. DIED LIED CRIED PRIED TRIED I cried when he died. 91 BRIER CRIER FLIER PLIERS I got the flier from the brier with the pliers. 92 DIET QUIET the quiet diet 93 BY CRY DRY TRY SKY My, oh my! Why can't I fly? 94 BYE DYE EYE LYE RYE The Catcher in the Rye ketch-er 95 KYLE LYLE STYLE Kyle (rear) Kyle with style (front) frunt 96 HYPE TYPE I TYPED HYPE Yipes! I typed "I typed hype". type-d type-d 97 GO HO NO SO So... a ho-ho yo-yo. Way to go, Joe! 98 ROAD TOAD LOAD GOAD a toad, stuck by the road 99 OAF LOAF The oaf loafs. 100 CROAK OAK SOAK CLOAK CROAK a soak and a croak under an oak 101 GOAL COAL FOAL The foal heads for the goal. heds 102 FOAM ROAM roaming and foaming roam-ing foam-ing 103 LOAN MOAN JOAN GROAN $1,800 A MONTH FOREVER See Joan moan and groan as she hears about the loan. az a-bout 104 BOAT COAT GLOAT THROAT The goat was in a boat floating in a moat. 105 COAX HOAX Coaxing or hoaxing? 106 PUT IT IN THE SLOT GET A PIECE OF BREAD PRESS DOWN THE LEVER TOAST BOAST COAST ROAST AND THE WIRES GET HOT... got toast! Coast to coast! 107 OAR BOAR HOAR ROAR SOAR The boar is ready to soar. redy 108 COACH BROACH ROACH POACH a roach broach on a coach on a coach 109 DOE FOE HOE JOE TOE a woeful poem from Poe 110 JOEL NOEL Joel at the First Noel 111 BOTH GROWTH growth for both 112 DON'T WON'T I don't and I won't. 113 OH WHOA Oh, boy! Whoa, boy! 114 MOO TOO SHOO WOO ZOO Cindy Lou Who goes boo-hoo. 115 FOOD MOOD BROOD in the mood for food 116 GOOF ROOF SPOOF PROOF The goofy roofer built a goofy roof. bilt 117 KOOK SPOOK Casper is a kooky spook. 118 COOL FOOL TOOL SPOOL STOOL Be cool. Don't drool in the pool! 119 BOOM DOOM ZOOM BLOOM GROOM My room needs a broom. 120 MOON GOON LOON SWOON Get your spoon. It will be noon soon! yur 121 GOOP HOOP LOOP SCOOP TROOP a snoop behind the coop 122 HOOT TOOT SCOOT SHOOT Put the loot in your boot and scoot. yur 123 GOOSE LOOSE MOOSE NOOSE a moose with a goose on the loose 124 POOCH MOOCH HOOCH SMOOCH BROOCH a smooch from a pooch 125 BOOST ROOST Boost and his friends roost at Wal-Mart. 126 SMOOTH SOOTHE a soother and a smoother soother 127 DENTIST BOOTH TOOTH O PEN wide a tooth booth 128 BOOZE SNOOZE Too much booze and you will snooze. 129 MEW NEW DEW CHEW SCREW I blew a few in the pew. Who knew? NEW 130 DEW JEW CREW GREW SPEW I threw the stew at the shrew. 131 FLU THRU GNU NU a gnu with the flu nu 132 CUE DUE SUE GLUE TRUE A clue! A clue on Blue! 133 PLEASE, SIR, CAN I HAVE SOME MORE ? CRUEL DUEL FUEL GRUEL A master cruel serves the gruel. 134 DUET SUET a duet on the suet 135