ESL-IE-81-04-18 FREEZE CRYSTALLIZATION: IMPROVING THE ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF A LOW-ENERGY SEPARATION PROCESS James A. Heist Consulting Chemical Engineer Irlilmington, NC i i constant temperature and pressure on an enthalpy~ temperature-concentration diagram. Anyone of t~e colligative properties of the solution can also Qe measured and the thermodynamic properties calculated from that data. The result is always the same. 'A reversible process would require less than I BTU per pound of water to separate it from the salt. Th~ actual energy requirements of the various separation processes - membrane, crystallization, and evapora tive - are shown in Table 1. ABSTRACT . ,,\ Freeze crystallization is an efficient separa tion process that can potentially be used in any application now using fractional distillation or evaporation. Since most solvent extraction process es use distillation, it can also be substituted for that process. Freeze crystallization is a high energy efficiency separation process that can be applied to a wide variety of industrial requirements. It is demonstrated here that membrane processes are the only separation technology that can approach freezing for energy efficiency. Two versions of the basic freeze crystallization process are discussed that reduce energy consumption even further. In achieving the lower energy consumption they also provide other benefits that reduce costs. The various benefits are quantified and several applica tions are discussed as illustrations of the capabil ity of the two versions of the process. I Several conclusions can be derived from this com~ar ison. The significantly higher efficiency of thJ membrane processes indicates the importance thatl they will play in future industrial separations. Reverse osmosis and electrodialysis have technic~l limitations that are not necessarily inherent, b t merely reflect the infancy of the technology. Elec trodialysis can be used effectively only on electro lytes. Reverse osmosis is limited in applicability by the state-of-the-art of membrane technology; I commercial membranes are relatively fragile devi4es. The separation factor for small to intermediate sized non-electrolytes is relatively poor and little fractionation is possible between molecules of s~mi lar structure. The rapidly expanding range of a pli cations is proof that research in this area is , effective and profitable, as the efficiency would indicate. I INTRODUCTION The Problem Separation processes are a generally inefficient unit operation. When seawater desalting became a national priority nearly thirty years ago the technology developers in that fledgling industry realized that existing separation processes were inadequate for the task. The past decade has seen many of the desalting principles applied to numerous industrial applications. With the spiraling cost of energy and the conservation needs that it creates, all areas of industrial activity must be examined. One of the greatest energy use areas in the process industries is for separations, which makes improvements in this area a high priority research objective. When con sidering areas for research in separation processes it is useful to examine the capabilities of the various technologies, looking for those processes that provide the greatest utility at the lowest cost. i The evaporative processes, the backbone of indus+ trial separation processing, are relatively ineffi cient. With seawater, the evaporative separatio~ factor is very high and only one equilibrium state is needed to produce a high quality product. Wh¢n fractionation of components with similar volatili ties is required, the energy consumption of evap¢r ative processes increases still more. Fractionai distillation consumes at least the amount of thel single effect evaporator and often many times that amount. The principles of the higher efficiency! evaporative processes can be applied to fraction~l distillation in some cases, but even then it cantt approach the efficiency of the non-evaporative Pfocesses. ! A useful method of examining the alternative separa tions is to compare them on an application where they are equally capable of performing the separation. Seawater desalting is a useful example because its properties and those of the product, water, are familiar to engineers. The minimum energy required to make this separation is the difference in the free energy between the pure component and the solu ution. The difference in energy can be determined directly by reading the difference in enthalpy at Freeze Crystallization ii I crystalli~a The other process in Table I is freeze tion. While not as low in energy consumption asithe membrane processes, it has other advantages. Th~ first advantage is that crystallization is usually a single equilibrium stage process. Since it operates at lower temperatures and the latent heats of crys 97 Proceedings from the Third Industrial Energy Technology Conference Houston, TX, April 26-29, 1981 ESL-IE-81-04-18 TABLE 1 SEPARATION PROCESSES PERFORMANCE COMPARISON ENERGY CONSUMPTION ·SEPARATION FACTORS 3 eTectrical thermal equivalent organic electro BTUILBl KW-HR BTUILB volatile non-vola lytes 1000 GAL tile REVERSE OSMOSIS-energy recovery 22 REVERSE OSMOSIS-no energy recov'y 30 FREEZE CRYSTALLIZATION 50 - residue impurity concen tration 2 25 l. varies 50 10% 35 l. varies 50 10% 60 1000 1000 1000 20% 90 - 110 varies varies 10,000 t;VAPORATION 15 120 140 varies varies 10,000 unlimited MULTIEFFECT EVAPORATION 5 225 230 varies varies 10,000 unlimited SINGLE EFFECT EV_ilPORATION 1 1100 1100 varies varies 10,000 unlimited VAPOR COMPRESSION EVAPORATION ~lULTI-STAGE l. 2. 3. 20% Electrical conversion: 10,000 BTU/KW-HR performance on seawater at 35% conversion. Maximum concentration of impurity in the unconverted solution. Separation factor ~ ratio of concentration in product and mother liquor as conversion approaces 0. tallization are always less than vaporization, the entropy change is smaller for this process than for an evaporative process. The lower temperatures also lessen corrosion effects so that less expensive materials of construction are required. Very high separation factors are the rule with crystallizing processes, so the purity of the product is excellent. When mother liquor is drained off there is still a layer of impurity coating the crystal surface. In addition to removing the bulk of the liquid, the crystal separation device must also wash the adher ing layer from the surface. A device that does this very effectively and efficiently, the wash column, has been devised and adopted in seawater conversion pilot plants. The principles of this device are also adopted in the multi-stage crystallization equipment now being marketed. FREEZE CRYSTALLIZATION PROCESS TECHNOLOGY General Process Description The crystals are melted either in direct contact with condensing refrigerant, or through a heat exchange surface, depending on the requirements of the process. Compressor work on the refrigerant is minimized by compressing it to the lowest possible equivalent condensing temperature. Direct condens ing on melting crystals is thus used when the melt ing temperature of the crystal is less than the temperature of cooling water. If the opposite is the case, energy is minimized by rejecting all heat from the refrigeration system to cooling water. All freeze cryst~llization processes, whether batch or continuous, operate in the same manner, perform ing the following functions: -crystallization from the solution, producing discreet crystals that are free from occlusions and produced to minimize bridging between indi vidual crystals. -separation of the crystals from the remaining mother liquor containing the concentrated impuri ties by a combination of draining and washing. -recovery of the refrigeration effect in the crystals by condensing refrigerant vapor and using the latent heat in the crystals to absorb the latent heat of the condensing vapor. -refrigeration, to remove heat from the crystal lizer and increase its pressure to condense in contact with the product crystals. A general process flow diagram is presented in Fig ure 1 illustrating how these functions fit together. The refrigeration system is adapted to fit the re quirements of the crystallization device. Indirect contact processes work with a closed refrigeration system where there is no problem with refrigerant contamination. Direct contact processes require either that the refrigerant be compressed directly or absorbed in an absorbent. The absorption refrig eration cycle trades heat transfer surface for the simplicity of a closed refrigeration cycle. A waste heat absorption cycle replaces the refrigeration system with a source of waste heat and cooling water. The required temperature difference often is less than 50 0 • Further description of each of the two low energy consumption processes will be presented in a discussion of each. A general description of all freeze crystallization technologies can be found in reference (1). The crystallizer is a device that removes heat from the process liquid, converting part of that flow to crystals. The heat removal mechanism can be either by direct contact with a refrigerant or through a heat exchange surface. Since the driving force is a major source of irreversibility in the process, the direct contact processes are much more efficient. Both of the process variations discussed in this paper are direct contact, one using the solvent in the process solution as the refrigerant and the other using a secondary refrigerant. THE WASTE HEAT ABSORPTION PROCESS This process contains all of the components common to freeze crystallization systems - crystallizer, wash ing device, refrigeration system, crystal melter, The crystals formed in the crystallizer are discreet particles and are pure, containing no occlusions. 98 Proceedings from the Third Industrial Energy Technology Conference Houston, TX, April 26-29, 1981 ESL-IE-81-04-18 6 melted product ~ vapor refrigerant I ~:~~ctionl -- , Maln Compresso Compresso I 'Zolliiensed 'ref' I WASH COLUMN PRODUC "-------I FEED CONCEN.Lll.t1..J..L_---I FEED HEAT EXCHANGERS feed recycle Concentr~te Pump CRYSTALLIZE crystal slurry Slurry Pum FIGURE 1 , " con FREEZE CRYSTALLIZATION PROCESS SCHEMATIC illustrate the procedure for evaluating potenti~l absorbents for this process and predicting the ~e quired waste heat qualities that will be requir~d. An aqueous system is used because of the availabil ity of accurate temperature, composition, and v~por pressure data for both the process solution and: a suitable absorbent, in this case a caustic soda: solution. With pure water the triple point is at 32 0 F. and 4.6 ~n Hg absolute pressure (2). MOft solutes depress the freezing point by 2 to 40 F,. per molal and decrease the partial pressure of the water vapor by .1 to .2 ~n Hg (3). The effects are s6all er per molal concentration in strong solutions,' but at saturation of many materials in water the vapor pressure will be 3.0 mm Hg or less and the free~ing point will be depressed by 100 F. or more. To create the refrigeration effect, the vapor pressure of the absorbent must be about .3 mm Hg lower than that of the solution. The example in the figur~ uses a concentrated caustic solution with a vappr pressure of 3.0 mm Hg. and a 'cold' end operatipn of 95 0 F. As the absorbent performs i t is dilutedl by the water vapor, raising its vapor pressure and, making it unsuitable for further absorption. ~t is regenerated by raising its temperature to the ~egree needed to boil off the absorbed solvent. The rlegen eration temperature is determined by the vapor pressure at which the generated vapor will condense on cooling medium. Most of the generated vapor is condensed on the pure ice, with a vapor pressure of and energy recovery heat exchangers. The refrigera tion system is an absorption cycle using waste heat to regenerate the absorbent, shown schematically in Figure 2. Water vapor is the refrigerant, boiling from the process solution, producing ice crystals at the triple point of the (water) solvent. Note that all absorption freeze crystallization processes operate at the triple point of the solvent. Heat leaked into the system from ambient surroundings and mechanical energy put into the system must be removed by the refrigeration system. Most of this heat results in excess vapor boiled from the process solution. The excess vapor as well as that used to make ice in the crystallizer must be boiled from the absorbent. The excess portion will have no ice to condense upon, and must be rejected to an ambient receiver, usually cooling water. This receiver has a higher vapor pressure than does the crystal, and the heat required for regeneration must have a higher temperature than the bulk of the waste heat. This heat rejection loop is shown in Figure 2 with the rest of the refrigeration cycle. Most absorption systems have been designed for opera tion with aqueous systems, using water as the solven~ As will be discussed in the Research Needs section on this process, there is no reason that an absorp tion process can't use an organic as the triple point solvent/refrigerant. Cycle Analysis - An example is used here to 99 Proceedings from the Third Industrial Energy Technology Conference Houston, TX, April 26-29, 1981 ESL-IE-81-04-18 1% salt 30.5 UlW H~ 85° F densing temperature on the Haste heat absorbing medium, in this case a 10,000 mg/l coolin8 water. The vapor pressure is 30.5 rr~ Hg, and with a .5 mm driving force gives a minimum re generation vapor pressure for this portion of the absorbent of 31 Elm Hg. absolute. This is shoHn by the horizontal line marked C in the figure. D.T~e minimum absorbent concentration is esti mated from absorbent temperature and the re quired vapor pressure. The temperat~re of the absorbent is determined by a suitable temper ature rise in the cooling Hater (10 0 F. above the 80 0 F. cooling Hater here) and an approach temperature across the heat exchanger (50 F. here). Point A on the Figure shoHs that the minimum solution of caustic soda that will l.Jork is 49%. E.As the absorbent is heated it is also concen trated during regeneration. A final concentra tion is chosen that compromises betHeen waste 50% NaOH 31.0 nun Hg I 5° F Cooling wafer :;> CONDITIONS 50% NaOH .01% salt 5.0 mm Hg mm Hg II ° 4'8 F 34 F aste eat "'. CONDITIONS 49% NaOH 10~ Galt 3.0 mm fig 3.3 nun Hg 95° F 20° F FIGURE 2 Q) +J ~ WASTE HEAT ABSORPTION PROCESS REFRIGERATION SCHEMATIC .--l 0 1lro g' 4.6 m~ Hg. Absorbent circulation is determined by a trade-off of pumping energy and hig~er drivi~g force requirements in the generator, and here a 1% increase in absorbent concentration across the generator was arbitrarily set. The condensing vapor pressure and strong absorbent concentration set the temperature requirements needed in the waste heat source, in 0 this case l13 F. The steps to perform this analysis are shown graphically on Figure 3. A.The required water partial pressure of the absorbent is set .3 IPlll Hg beloH the triple point of the solvent in the process solution. B.The condensing vapor pressure is set .4 nm Hg above the triple point of the pure crystal, or at the cooling water temperature, which ever is lowest. Here the crystal is ice with a va90r pressure of 4.6 mm hg and a driving force of .4 rrun Hg, giving the minimum vapor pressure for regeneration of 5.0 mm Hg. This is represented by the line B in the figure. C.The vapor pressure required for rejection of heat fron the system is determined by the con ~ , Q) 3 'j) U) (j) ~ H 8 ~ 20 30 40 50 'l'eI!'percl ture, 60 °C. FIGURl, 3 h'l\S'I'l': HEAT ABSORPI'ION FP!·:r:Zr: PROCESS CYCLf. N. l\LYSIS 100 Proceedings from the Third Industrial Energy Technology Conference Houston, TX, April 26-29, 1981 70 uo ~'. ESL-IE-81-04-18 I I about 8% of the cost of a conventional absorptipn process. This cost is eliminated with the wast~ heat version and there is no incremental cost ip its place. Hhile this savings is not significant b~tween the various freezing processes (see reference (~)), it is sufficient when combined with the energy I savings to show a clear advantage for this over! the conventional absorption process where the wastelheat is available and process conditions allow the higher temperature operation. I heat quality and pumping requirements for circulation of the absorbent between the absorb er and generator. F.The absorbent regeneration temperature is determined by locating the strong absorbent con centration and the required vapor pressure for regeneration, determined in step B. At 50% caustic and 5.0 mm Hg, the required temperature is 113 0 F., as shown by point B and line F on the figure. G.The excess vapor absorbed in the crystallizer must be rejected to ambient, as demonstrated along the strong absorbent line G in the figure. The end point, C, is determined by the vapor pressure of the medium that condenses the excess vapor, in this case cooling water. H.The temperature for regeneration of the portion of the absorbent associated with the heat rejec tion loop is determined by constructing a ver tical line from point C. Usually this vapor is absorbed directly into cooling water so there is no requirement for a heat transfer driving force ab~ve the 50 F. in the heat rejection generator. The overall requirement in this example is for 175 0 F., or 6 psia steam. Research and Development Activity The absorption process is under development in several government sponsored programs in pilot plants with capacities up to 400,000 pounds of ~ce per day. Several process problems have been id~nti fied that would benefit from increased absorbent temperature, even with the conventional absorpt~on process. The existing electrolytes that are prpven absorbents have disadvantages ranging from thermo dynamic inefficiencies to corrosion characteristics requiring expensive heat transfer materials. He are presently conducting a study for the Office of Hater Research and Technology in the U.S. Department of the Interior which will define organic absorbents that eliminate many of these disadvantages. Antici pated results will be improved efficiency and better operations in conventional absorption systems and lower regeneration temperatures in waste heat systems. The principal advantage of the waste heat absorption process is the energy savings over similar processes using conventional refrigeration for cooling the absorbent. The energy requirements for the two alternatives are shown in Table 2 for applications with a 10 and 35 0 F. freezing point depression. Note that the advantages of a waste heat process are ever greater as the freezing point depression of pro cess solution over the pure solvent increases. The ability of any absorption process to achieve the very low vapor pressures associated with the upper freez ing point depression is somewhat questionable and is discussed in the next section. The absorption process is difficult even at an operating pressure of 3.5 rum HG. For applicability to high freezing point depression systems, \<Ihere the triple point vapor pressure is below 2.5 to 3.0 mm Hg, the process would benefit significantly fro. use of a secondary refrigerent that would increase the pressure of operation but still use the waste heat absorption refrigeration cycle. A computer program that will identify suitable secondary refrigerent absorbent combinations is being developed at this time. The same program will be capable of defi~ing absorbents for systems with non-aqueous solvents. The results should be available i~ the fall of this year. Haste Heat Conventional Absorption Absorption Freezing Freezing Power Requirement Freezing Point Depression Vi<' Kw-Hr/1000 Gal H2O 10 32 10 32 Pumps 8 8 7 7 Refrigeration - - 28 93 Non Condensibles Removal 5 5 5 5 5 18 to 21 5 5 18 45 to 60 5 110 !'lechanical Total TABLE 2 HASTE HEAT ABSORPTION FREEZE PROCESS ENERGY REQUIREMENT ADVANTAGES Another advantage of the waste heat process is that a major item of capital cost is removed. The refrig eration system, exclusive of the heat exchangers that must remain for a waste heat system, represents THE HYDRATE FREEZING PROCESS I In this process the phenomenon of hydrate cryst?l formation is used. A hydrate crystal contains mole cules of both water and the refrigerant. The ctystal is a clathrate; that is, the refrigerant molecuies are not chemically bonded to the water in thecnystal The guest (refrigerant) molecules stabilize theiice crystal, allowing it to exist at a higher tempeta ture. Most gases will form hydrates with water!in this manner but relatively few occur at conditions that make them appropriate for this process. C~ys tallization temperatures 50 0 F. above the normal freezing point of water are possible in this ma¢ner. The gaseous hydrates discussed here are a specia!l type of clathrate and the discussion that follows applies strictly to water solutions. Clathrates do exi$t in organic solutions and could conceivably be used 'in the manner that will be described for aqueous appli cations (4). An extension of the concepts of this process will be discussed below in the Process Extension sub-heading. 101 Proceedings from the Third Industrial Energy Technology Conference Houston, TX, April 26-29, 1981 ESL-IE-81-04-18 This process also contains the normal elements of the freeze crystallization process, plus some auxil iary items to meet the process needs unique to it. The process uses a vaporizing refrigerant to remove the heat from the process solution necessary to make the crystals. The refrigerant interacts with the solvent allowing crystal formation at a temperature above the normal freezing point of the solvent (water in the case of desalting). The crystal is melted by compressing the vaporized refrigerant to the point at which it will condense on the crystal and in giving up the latent heat of condensing will melt it. The refrigerant is chosen for minimum solubility in the solvent so that the two phases can be separated in a decanter. The liquid refrigerant is recycled to the crystallizer, but the product and rejected mother liquor must be stripped to recover the dissolved refrigerant. Non-condensibles also must be bled from the system to prevent vapor block ing of any coupled mass··hea t transfer surfaces. Cycle Analysis -The mechanics of this process are best understood by following the cycle on Figure 4. Phase equilibrium of the solution and the re frigerant are shown on this diagram. Line A-B repre sentsthe vapor liquid equilibria of pure refrigerant. Line C-D shows the temperature-pressure dependence of hydrate formation. Where the two intersect is called the hydrate critical point. It is significant because it represents the lowest temperature and pressure where compressed refrigerant will condense on the hydrate crystals to melt them. Of the four quadrants formed by the two equilibria lines in the diagram, hydrate crystals exist in two of them, regions I and II. In region I the refrigerant exists as vapor and in region II it is a liquid. The refrigeration cycle operates along line A-B, evapor ating to produce more crystal as the pressure is lowered and condensing to stop crystal formation if it is raised above the equilibrium line. Line C-D separates the regions of hydrate crystal formation from the regions with no solid phase. The critical point represents the conditions at which hydrate is formed from a pure water solution. In an organic clathrate system it would represent the conditions of f or'mation from pure solven t . The exis tance of a solute in the solvent that depresses the freezing point of the solvent also depresses the formation of the clathrate approximately equally. Thus, the dashed lines in the figure represent various levels of impurities in the solution with associated crystal temperature formation represented by the difference between the critical point and the intersection of the appropriate impurity level line with line C-D. The impurity lines represent tie-lines between the two equilibrium curves, with the intersection with the A-B line representing the refrigerant boiling conditions existing during crystallization. the compressor are determined directly from the refrigerant curve, line A-B. Suction and discharge pressures should allow vaporizing and condensing driving forces of 1 0 C. Compressor power is calcu lated using these conditions and the properties of the refrigerant and from mass flowrates determined from a mass and energy balance around the proposed process. Pumping costs can be estimated from the breakdown in Table 5 that follows in the discussion of advantages of this process. Heat rejection power requirements are calculated using the hydrate crit ical conditions as the suction conditions and cool ing water for discharge conditions. The quantity of heat to be rejected can be determined by converting the mechanical and pump power requirements into a thermal equivalent (3413 BTU per hour per kw load) and an estimate of the ambient heat leakage into the process. The ambient leakage will vary with the process conditions and the climate, and can be estimated from the main compressor power, since higher power there relates to both process size and crystallizing temperature. Use 20% of the main compressor load for systems whose main compressor power is 25 HP or lower and 10% if over 500 HP, with linear interpolation for points between. Again, for svstem costs and further discussion. see Reference 1. D IV II i kE liquid refrigerant process liquid crystal III A vapor refrigerant process liquid no crystal S C TEMP. .. FIGURE 4 HYDRATE PROCESS PHASE DIAGRM1 The most difficult part of analyzing this process is deriving the equilibrium data for the hydrate. The information exists for many gaseous clathrates in saline waters (5,6). This can be extended to other electrolytes in water. Extension to solutions con taining other organics is an uncharted area. Suit able results for a preliminary analysis can probably be obtained by predicting freezing point depressions from activity coefficient effects on the water by the dissolved solutes. Once the equilibrium curves are established the suction and discharge conditions of Advantages The difference in energy consumption between a hy drate process and its nearest physical correlary, the secondary refrigerant process, are demonstrated in Table 3 for two different conditions. The table illustrates the effect of freezing point depression on the power consumption of freeze crystallization processes. Operation at the higher temperatures of 102 Proceedings from the Third Industrial Energy Technology Conference Houston, TX, April 26-29, 1981 ESL-IE-81-04-18 The total reaction rate of hydrates remains constant as the solute concentration increases. Secondary Refrigerant Process Power Requirement Freezing Point Depression of 10 32 30 KW-Hr/lOOO gal H2O 10 12 8 6 Pumps 6 Hydrate Process 18 Refrigeration 50 20 2 2 2 2 Mechanical 1 1 1 2 27 to 35 61 30 to 40 The solubility of component 1 in component 2 for a binary organic system is given by the expression' 79 Non-Condensibles Removal Total Process Extension ln (l/alp'X) = (del H fus where alp X del H fus 95 R TABLE 3 T Tm HYDRATE FREEZE PROCESS ENERGY REQUIREMENT ADVANTAGES R T) x (1 - Tm/T) the activity coefficient of component 1 the mol fraction of component 1 the latent heat of fusion of component 1, cal per gram mol. the ideal gas constant, 1.987 cal per gram mole _ oK. the system temperature, oK. the melting temperature of component 1, oK. This equation shows that the crystallizing temper ature of component 1 dissolved in component 2 is increased at a given concentration by increasing: the activity coefficient of component 1. While thisiis not the mechanism of clathrate formation in the QY drate process with aqueous systems the effect of: the gaseous refrigerant is the same. In organic syste:lls, where clathrates have not been investigated or if the clathrating agent is not a suitable refrigerant, this phenomenon can be used to reduce the energy required for secondary refrigerant freeze crystalliz ation in much the way the host agent functions in the hydrate process. By adding a small fractioniof a component that increases the activity of cryst~l lizing compound, the temperature at which it canibe crystallized from the solution is raised. Tailoting the compound would then allow its recovery from the concentrated mother liquor. the hydrate process over a non-hydrating secondary refrigerant reduces energy in three ways: -operation at the higher temperature reduces the ambient heat leakage into the system, vaporizing less refrigerant and creating less load for the main refrigeration compressor. Depending on the ambient temperature and the crystallizing temper ature, the main compressor power can be reduced by at least 5% in this manner. -the lower ambient leakage results in less load on the heat rejection compressor, at least 60% of whose power requirements are created from this source. This can create as much as a 20% reduc tion in total process power requirements. -by operating at the higher temperature the vis cosity of the process fluid is lower and the pumping requirements for operation of the wash column are less. About 25% of the total pumping power is used for slurry transfer to the wash column at 1.5 poise. The total power required at varying viscosities is linearly proportional to the viscosity, so a reduction of the viscos ity by one half will produce a power savings of about 5% of the total process requirement. In some applications a four-fold reduction is possible with a 30 0 F. temperature change, resulting in a power reduction of over 15%. Research and Development Activity Two hydrate desalting processes were developed through pilot plant demonstration. Laboratory evaluation of numerous hydrating agents has been:pe~ formed in the seawater conversion program. Recently interest has increased in the clathrating phenomenon, as evidenced by presentations at technical meeti~gs and in the literature. While not directly addre$sed to development of freeze crystallization process~s, the activity will undoubtedly benefit this area ~s well. The energy and capital cost benefits of t~is process suggest that it should receive more attenhon than that justified by the desalting program. Ttle applications discussion to follow will demonstrate that it is the one freeze crystallization proces~ that might be technically capable of replacing e~ap orative crystallizers in many industrial separat~on applications. ' Another advantage created by the higher operating temperature is in capital cost reductions. It can be shown that wash column costs are approximately pro portional to the viscosity. The economy of scale exponent of .55 to .67 for tanks and process vessels is offset by the fact that wash column volume in creases with the 1.5 power of viscosity. Fabrication and installation costs of the wash column account for about 10% of the cost in a desalination plant, where the viscosity is about 1.5 poise. At high concentra tions and large freezing point depressions where a four-fold reduction in viscosity is feasible the effect on cost would be to reduce total plant capital requirements by as much as 25%. Further capital cost reduction is realized by the difference in crystal growth rates between the hydrate and conventional ice crystallization processes. The growth and nucleation rates are about equal at low freezing point depres sions, but as the solution becomes more concentrated the growth rate of ice crystals decreases substan tially, requiring longer residence times to achieve the necessary crystal size for economical washing. Application of the activity coefficient enhancement correlary in organic systems requires that fast 4nd inexpensive methods be derived for identifying the material that will effect the activity change. Addition of solid-liquid equilibrium predicit0nsto the data bases and physical property computer pro grams subscribed to by much of the process industry is making this a more realistic task. A great deal of work has been done on secondary refrigerant freeze crystallization that will be directly applicable to its use in this type of application. 103 Proceedings from the Third Industrial Energy Technology Conference Houston, TX, April 26-29, 1981 ESL-IE-81-04-18 APPLICATIONS Developing a list of all of the applications in all process industries for freeze crystallization tech nology would require a great deal of time and re search and take longer to present than allowed here. Rather, the variety of applications will be discussed generically by industry. Generally, with the extended capabilities of the two processes discussed above, freeze crystallization can be considered for any application that now uses an evaporator or fractional distillation process for separating and purifying one or more components from a solution. Conditions that are less favorable for freeze crys tallization include: -operations increasingly removed from ambient temperatures, which increase the power required for heat rejection. -applications with large freezing point depres sions, where the power required in the main compressor increases. Of course, the viability of any application is determined as much by the ability of the altern atives as by the capability of the freeze cyrstalliz ation process. Areas of application in various industries are discussed in the following paragraphs. Organic Chimicals Industry - There is a great deal of waste heat available in this industry at a quality of 150 to 350 0 F. that could be used to operate a waste heat process. The key to successful use of this process will be finding suitable absor bents for operation in each situation. There are many distillation columns that run with high reflux rates to separate material with similar volatilities. In many of these applications the energy use for distillation is so large that freeze crystallization can effect a 95% reduction even when the crystalliz ing point is depressed by 40 to 50 0 F. In other applications freeze crystallization can produce a higher quality product than distillation by excluding materials of similar volatility. Waste waters from many chemical processes that are conven tionally treated by biological oxidation or adsorp tion can be economically recovered by freeze crys tallization. One clJemical company is developing a freeze process for recovery of acetic acid from a waste stream. They found that freezing uses less energy tlJan aerating ponds and tlJat the value of the recovered acetic acid will provide a positive payout on the equipment. and non-citrus fruit juices and tomato sauces and pastes are examples. Other applications require concentration and sometimes crystallization of food products, such as in sugar refining. The industry lJas a great deal of waste lJeat available from steril izing and packaging operations. An example of how these two freeze crystallization processes could be used is presented by the beet sugar industry. There a waste heat process would be used to concentrate the 15% juice initially obtained to 40% sugar. About two tlJirds of the water is removed here. At this point the freezing point depression becomes too great for further operation of a triple point process and the viscosity is increasing rapidly. The hydrate process could then be used to remove the rest of the water and to crystallize the sugar directly. The advantage of this process in this industry is enhanced by the fact that single effect evaporative crystallizers are often required to minimize temperature effects on the food product. Power Industry - Many areas of the country require zero discharge of all liquid wastes from all industrial sources. For the power industry in the soutlJwest U.S. this has meant changes to much more efficient use of water and ponds for storing the dissolved residuals, mostly in the cooling tower blowdown. Evaporation from the storage ponds has been much less tlJan was originally predicted and environmental requirements have increased tlJe costs of the ponds. Waste water management has thus become a very expensive operation. The dissolved solids can be stored in a minimum volume when converted to mineral crystals and saturated brine. The waste heat process is especially well adapted to the requirements of this application because it can use heat from the boiler feed pump turbine drive to operate the system. This source is not large enough for an evaporative crystallizer because of the difference in heat requirement for the same flow of wastewater. An evaporative crystallizer that ties into the steam condenser directly is reduced in capacity when the plant goes to partial load, rapidly becoming ineffective. Since the boiler feed pump turbine runs with relatively constant steam flow, regardless of plant load, the freeze crystal lization system is not crippled by plant load reductions. Pulp and Paper Mills - This industry has both large quantities of waste heat and large flows of process fluids. The most concentrated of the streams, black liquor from digestion of the lignin in the wood, is concentrated for chemical recovery in most operations. A waste heat process has beeen demon strated to economically preconcentrate this flow to enhance evaporator operation, but becomes limited by viscosity. Thy hydrate process is uniquely suited for further concentration as the viscosity at all concentrations is very sensitive to temperature. Other process fluids that contain recoverable organics that are presently treated for BOD and color reduction include bleach plant effluents, evaporator condensates, and paper machine white water. Concentration of these streams with a waste heat process would be relatively inexpensive and would allow economical recovery of those chemicals by crystallization or extraction. Inorganic Chemicals Industry - Evaporation and crystallization are commonly used in this industry. In many of the applications a waste heat freeze crystallization process could be substituted, achieving the energy reduction indicated by Tables 1 and 2. In some cases the reduced operating temper ature improves the yield of product from solution. In potash and soda ash production, for example, the relative solubility of product is less at lower temperatures. An evaporative crystallizer starts to precipitate impurity along with the product crystals Where freeze crystallization recovers another 5 to 10% product. The waste heat freeze process is also attractive for concentrating wastewaters from this industry for product recovery or ultimate disposal. Food Industry - This industry has many applica tions that require concentration of juices. Citrus 104 Proceedings from the Third Industrial Energy Technology Conference Houston, TX, April 26-29, 1981 ESL-IE-81-04-18 BIBLIOGRAPHY Energy Industries - Petroleum refining and the emerging synfuels industry both produce process condensates that contain recoverable chemical values. Phenolics materials are the most abundant and valu able chemical. An evaluation of a typical waste at just over 1000 mg/l phenols showed that freeze crys tallization was the only process capable of treating the waste for discharge with a profit. The value of the chemical was great enough to pay for concentra tion and recovery. These industries also generate large amounts of waste heat that is dissipated in cooling towers. In some parts of the country they will face zero discharge requirements. The petro leum refining industry has numerous process conden sates containing sufficient organic content to make recovery feasible. 1. Heist, J.A., "Freeze Crystallizai ton," Chern.· Eng., Vol 81 (10) P 72, May 1979. 2. Perry, R.H. & C.H. Chilton, eds, Chemical Engineers Handbook, Ed 5, Table 3-275, p 3-205, McGraw-Hill (New York), 1973. 3. Barrow, G.M., Physical Chemistry, p 656, McGtaw Hill (New York), 1966. 4. Grayson, M. (ed), Kirk Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 3rd Ed. Vol 6, p 179, Wile~ New York (1979). 5. Barduhn, A.J., H.E. Towlson, & Y-C Hu, "The Properties of Gas Hydrates and Their Use in Demineralizing Seawater," OSW R&D Report No -44, NTIS No PB 171031, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, (1960k 6. Barduhn, A.J., N. Klausutis, R.W. Collette, ~ J.R. Kass, "Further Properties of Hydrates & Hydrating Agents," OSW R&D Report No 88, NTIS No 181583, U.S.Dept. of Commerce (1964). . Primary and Secondary Metal Production - Pick ling operations produce a liquor that has been depleted of its acid value. As this progressively occurs the capacity of the pickling line decreases. The industry has found it profitable to install recovery processes that evaporate the excess water and precipitate metal salts so the remaining acid can be recycled and capacity of the line maintained. The evaporative processes used for this purpose are single effect and quite expensive because of the corrosive nature of the liquor. A waste heat freeze process, since it would operate with 10% or less acid, would be very effective. Since it is a direct contact process it would eliminate the problem with tube plugging when temperatures aren't strictly maintained in the evaporative process. Coke produc tion condensates fall in the same category as the process condensates from the petroleum and synfuels industry discussed above. If this industry is forced to go to the extensive water recycle measures pro posed by the EPA there will also be a need for concentration devices there, with the waste heat freeze crystallization process ideally suited. 105 Proceedings from the Third Industrial Energy Technology Conference Houston, TX, April 26-29, 1981