School Performance Plan - Clark County School District
School Performance Plan - Clark County School District
Nevada Department of Education Schorr, Steve ES 2015-2016 Clark County School District School Performance Plan School Name Schorr, Steve ES Address (City, State, Zip Code, Telephone): 11420 Placid St Las Vegas, NV 89183, (702) 799-1380 Superintendent/Assistant Chief: Pat Skorkowsky / Kristy Keller For Implementation During The Following Years: 2015-2016 The Following MUST Be Completed: Served Title I Status: NA Designation: Elementary Grade Level Served: 4 Star Classification: Not Required NCCAT-S: *1 and 2 Star Schools Only: Please ensure that the following documents will be available upon request ☐ Use of Core Instructional Materials ☐ Scheduling ☐ Model School Visits Members of Planning Team * ALL Title I schools must have a parent on their planning team that is NOT a district employee. Name of Member Mireille Mamea Benilda Somes ElRae Carino rose Estrada Kathleen Timmons Chrisitine Hawkshaw Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 01/08/2016 Position Parent Parent K Teacher 4th grade Learning Strategist 2nd Grade Name of Member Teri Saldana Susan Gant Tonya Dalton Jacqueline Brown Jodi Jacobs Suzanne Henigan Page 1 Position Parent Assistant Principal 2nd grade Principal 1st Grade 5th grade Nevada Department of Education - June 2015 Nevada Department of Education Nicole Cortney Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 01/08/2016 Schorr, Steve ES 2015-2016 Clark County School District Library Kelly McKenrick Page 2 Resource Nevada Department of Education - June 2015 Nevada Department of Education Schorr, Steve ES 2015-2016 Clark County School District COMPONENT I: COMPREHENSIVE NEEDS ASSESSMENT (CNA) DATA REVIEWED & ANALYZED: Based on your schools NSPF results, identify what additional data have been reviewed and analyzed in development of the SPP. School Data For General Education Including FRL Interim Assessments Formative Assessments Practice NA NA NA Other: AIMSWEB Other: English Language Learner (ELL) Data Nevada School Performance Framework (NSPF) AMAOs/ELPA Analysis NA NA NA Other: AIMSWEB Other: Special Education Data Nevada School Performance Framework (NSPF) Special Education Procedures - Whole School Approaches to Testing Accommodations Service Delivery Models NA Other: AIMSWEB Other: Summary Statement: Please provide a brief description for how the analyzed data will impact your Inquiry and Action Planning process. The Nevada School Performance Framework (NSPF) showed an increase in the percentage of students at or above proficiency, as measured by the CRT in Reading, from 2012 to 2014 (71% in 2011-2012; 75% in 2012-2013; 80% in 2013-2014). Although, the school had an overall proficiency rate of 80%, there was a 28% gap between the highest performing subgroup (Asian - 91%) and the lowest performing subgroup (African American - 63%). AIMSWeb Fall 2015 Benchmark reading assessments reveal the following results for at grade level performance: Kindergarten - 63% (Letter Sound Fluency), 1st grade - 76% (Reading Curriculum-Based Measure), 2nd grade - 65% (Reading - Curriculum-Based Measure), 3rd grade - 89% (Reading - Curriculum-Based Measure). Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 01/08/2016 Page 3 Nevada Department of Education - June 2015 Nevada Department of Education Schorr, Steve ES 2015-2016 Clark County School District COMPONENT II: Inquiry Process & Action Plan Design- Priority Need/Goal 1 ☑ General Education Based on the CNA, identify all that apply: ☐ FRL ☐ ELL ☐ IEP ☐ Other Priority Need/Goal 1: Increase Grade 3 proficiency rates in reading. Root Causes: Results of the 2015 Reading Discovery Education Assessment C showed an increase in the number of third grade students who were proficient in 2015 (70%) as compared to 2014 (59%). 100% of third grade students must be proficient by 2019. Instructional staff must consistently use effective instructional strategies, including differentiated instruction, to meet the learning needs of individual students and student groups. Measurable Objective 1: Increase the percent of 3rd grade students proficient in reading from 70% to 80% by 2016 as measured by state assessments. Monitoring Status N/A ACTION PLAN MONITORING PLAN List Artifacts/Evidence of Resources and Amount Needed for Action Step Progress: Implementation (please only list one action step per box) (people, time, materials, funding sources) Information (Data) that will verify the action step is in progress or has occurred. List Timeline, Benchmarks, and Monitoring Position Responsible Status Continuation From Last 1.1 Professional Development (Required) NCCAT-S Indicators: Year: Instructional staff will participate in staff development focusing on the CCSD Literacy Framework shifts (non-fiction text-dependent reading) and differentiated instruction and will, as a result, incorporate the learned instructional strategies to meet the learning needs of all students PD in CCSS Literacy Framework (Learning Strategist and teacher leaders) - $12,450.00 in Title 1 funds; Certified Temporary Tutors - $19,800.00 in Title 1 funds and $9,000.00 in PASS funds; Kagan Structures (Kagan consultant) - $5,500; Technology (laptops, printers, headphones) - $29,640.00 Lesson plans, observation notes, post-observation conference notes, sign-in sheets, Learning Strategist, Teacher leaders, Administration, Librarian Monthly professional development during staff and grade-level meetings Kagan during November and February Staff Development days N/A Comments: Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 01/08/2016 Page 4 Nevada Department of Education - June 2015 Nevada Department of Education Schorr, Steve ES 2015-2016 Clark County School District Resources and Action Step Timeline and Position Monitoring Responsible Status List Artifacts/Evidence Amount Needed 1.2 Family Engagement (Required) Plan and execute family Literacy Nights in order to share strategies and resources for parents to use with students to promote literacy at home. Include family projects in monthly newsletters in preparation to assist in skill mastery. Continuation From Last Year: Lexia ($6,900.00) NCCAT-S Indicators: Agendas, sign-in sheets, evaluations, resource lists, newsletters Administration, Learning Strategist January and May 2016 parent nights N/A Comments: Continuation From Last 1.3 Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment (Required) NCCAT-S Indicators: Year: Align instruction with the CCSD Literacy Framework, including small group instruction, differentiated instruction, Kagan Structures, nonfiction materials Learning Strategist, Instructional staff, nonfiction books and materials, Accelerated Reader (Librarian and Instructional Staff) - $9,566.50 Lesson plans, observation notes, AR Summary reports, AIMSWeb benchmark results Administration, Learning Strategist, Instructional staff Benchmark assessments administered three times during the year Bi-monthly classroom observations, Weekly AR usage Comments: 1.4 Other (Optional) Continuation From Last Year: NCCAT-S Indicators: N/A Comments: Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 01/08/2016 Page 5 Nevada Department of Education - June 2015 N/A Nevada Department of Education Schorr, Steve ES 2015-2016 Clark County School District COMPONENT II: Inquiry Process & Action Plan Design- Priority Need/Goal 2 Based on the CNA, identify all that apply: ☑ General Education ☐ FRL ☐ ELL ☐ IEP ☐ Other Priority Need/Goal 2: Reduce the overall achievement gap percentage points between highest performing and ethnic/racial subgroups in both reading and math. Root Causes: According to 2014 CRT results in Reading, there was a 28% difference between the percentage of proficient students in the highest performing subgroup (Asian - 91%) and the lowest performing subgroup (African American - 63%). In Math, there was a 43% difference between the percentage of proficient students in the highest (Asian - 83%) and the lowest (African American - 40%). Students were not consistently provided with additional instruction/intervention in reading/math based on assessed needs. Measurable Objective 1: Reduce the math and reading proficiency gaps between the highest performing subgroup and lowest performing ethnic/racial subgroup from 28% to 23% in Reading and 43% to 35% in Math by 2016 as measured by state assessments. Measurable Objective 2: Reduce the math proficiency gap between the District's highest performing subgroup and lower performing ethnic/racial supergroup from 9.8 to 8.8 by 2016 as measured by state assessments. Monitoring Status N/A ACTION PLAN MONITORING PLAN List Artifacts/Evidence of Action Step (please only list one action step per box) Resources and Amount Needed for Implementation Progress: (people, time, materials, funding sources) Information (Data) that will verify the action step is in progress or has occurred. 2.1 Professional Development (Required) Instructional staff will participate in professional development in the implementation of ST Math and Lexia. Continuation From Last Year: Lexia licenses ($6,900.00), Lexia professional development (Learning Strategist - $12,450.00), ST Math licenses ($3,999.00 for the year), ST Math professional development/support (ST Math consultant), Technology (laptops, printers, headphones) - $29,640.00 Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 01/08/2016 Page 6 Sign-in sheets, ST Math and Lexia usage reports List Timeline, Benchmarks, Monitoring and Position Responsible Status NCCAT-S Indicators: Learning Strategist, Instructional staff, Administration Monthly review of usage reports N/A Nevada Department of Education - June 2015 Nevada Department of Education Schorr, Steve ES 2015-2016 Clark County School District Comments: Monitoring Action Step Resources and Amount Needed List Artifacts/Evidence Timeline and Position Responsible Status 2.2 Family Engagement (Required) Provide parents with information about Lexia and ST Math and with procedures for accessing available resources from home; Math and Science Connection newsletters sent home monthly Lexia licenses ($6,900.00), ST Math licenses ($3,999.00 for the year), Math/Science Connection subscription ($408 in Title 1 funds), copy paper ($623.00 in Title 1 funds) Continuation From Last Year: ST Math usage reports identifying school and home sessions, copies of information sent home to parents, sign-in sheets from parent meetings NCCAT-S Indicators: Administration, Learning Strategist September/October - information sent home November/December - PSTAPT discussions of progress September 2015-May 2016 - Connection newsletters sent home N/A Comments: Continuation From Last 2.3 Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment (Required) NCCAT-S Indicators: Year: Provide math and reading interventions to identified students, including Lexia and ST Math. Lexia ($6,900.00), ST Math ($3,999.00 for the year) Usage reports, benchmark assessments Learning Strategist, Classroom teachers Lexia - 60 minutes per week ST Math - 90 minutes per week Comments: 2.4 Other (Optional) Continuation From Last Year: NCCAT-S Indicators: N/A Comments: Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 01/08/2016 Page 7 Nevada Department of Education - June 2015 N/A Nevada Department of Education Schorr, Steve ES 2015-2016 Clark County School District COMPONENT II: Inquiry Process & Action Plan Design- Priority Need/Goal 3 ☐ General Education Based on the CNA, identify all that apply: ☐ FRL ☐ ELL ☐ IEP ☑ Other Priority Need/Goal 3: Increase the percentage of school-based personnel trained in cultural competency. Root Causes: As the demographics continue to change across the district, it is important to provide explicit training in working with diverse populations. The large achievement gap between the highest performing ethnic/racial subgroup and the lowest performing subgroup, is further support for the need for this training. Measurable Objective 1: By August 2016, 100% of school-based staff will participate in cultural competency training as measured by sign-in sheets and evaluations. Monitoring Status N/A ACTION PLAN MONITORING PLAN List Timeline, Resources and Amount Needed for Action Step Implementation (please only list one action step per box) (people, time, materials, funding sources) 3.1 Professional Development (Required) School-based staff will participate in professional development addressing the Cultural Competency, the Be Kind program will be implemented schoolwide, The Leader in Me book study Monitoring List Artifacts/Evidence of Progress: Information (Data) that will verify the action step is in progress or has occurred. Benchmarks, and Status Position Responsible Continuation From Last Year: Equity and Diversity Liaison will provide professional development during the 2015-2016 school year, The Leader in Me books ($800.00) Pathlore transcript, training notes, selfassessment Sign-in sheets, evaluations, discipline referrals NCCAT-S Indicators: Equity and Diversity Liaison, Counselor, Administration N/A Comments: Action Step Resources and Amount Needed Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 01/08/2016 List Artifacts/Evidence Page 8 Timeline and Position Responsible Monitoring Status Nevada Department of Education - June 2015 Nevada Department of Education 3.2 Family Engagement (Optional) Schorr, Steve ES 2015-2016 Clark County School District Continuation From Last Year: Yes NCCAT-S Indicators: N/A Comments: 3.3 Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment (Optional) Continuation From Last Year: NCCAT-S Indicators: N/A Comments: 3.4 Other (Optional) Continuation From Last Year: NCCAT-S Indicators: N/A Comments: Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 01/08/2016 Page 9 Nevada Department of Education - June 2015 Nevada Department of Education Schorr, Steve ES 2015-2016 Clark County School District COMPONENT III: Budget Plan COORDINATION OF FUNDS TO SUPPORT THE PLAN WITH OTHER PROGRAMS: Provide the sources of funds your school is currently receiving and identify the purposes for which those funds are spent. Sources of funds may include General Budget, Title I , Title II, Title III, Migrant, Immigrant, Neglected & Delinquent, 21st Century After School Programs, Gear Up, IDEA, McKinney-Vento/Homeless, Head Start, state-funded Pre-Kindergarten, Teacher Incentive Fund, Striving Readers, and other state/federal funds. Source of Funds applicable to Priority Amount Received for this School Purposes for which funds are used (include targeted audience, specific Need/Goal Year activities, intended outcomes, etc.) Applicable Goal(s) Title I 62,300 PASS 9,000 Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 01/08/2016 Learning Strategist add on days, certified temporary tutors, technology parent newsletter, copy paper. Certified temporary tutor Page 10 Goals 1, 2 and 3 Goal 1 Nevada Department of Education - June 2015 Nevada Department of Education Schorr, Steve ES 2015-2016 Clark County School District COMPONENT IV: REQUIRED ELEMENTS FOR TITLE I SCHOOLS: Title I Schools operating a Schoolwide Program must complete Items 1 through 5 on this page. 1. Describe the school's strategies to attract effective, highly-qualified teachers to your school. All teachers who are currently at Steve Schorr Elementary School are Highly Qualified. When positions become available, the interview process will be used to ensure that Highly Qualified teachers are attracted to our school. Teachers are provided leadership opportunities through committees and professional development. Grade levels collaborate weekly to share instructional strategies. 2. Describe the school's strategies to increase family engagement in accordance with Section 1118 of NCLB (see resource link), such as family literacy services and the provision to parents on how the school will share academic information in a language they understand. Monthly parent trainings are scheduled to address curricular and content area instructional strategies to assist students at home. PTA evening events are planned each semester. These events are advertised through the school's website calendar, flyers and ParentLink. Flyers and correspondence are sent home and posted on the website in English and Spanish, when available. Parents participate on school-based committees, including the Leadership Team that addresses curriculum and school performance. 3. Describe the school's plans for transition and articulation between school programs (ie: assisting preschool children from early childhood programs such as Head Start, Even Start, or a state-run preschool program to elementary school, elementary school to middle school, and middle to high school, etc.). There are Early Childhood classes at Schorr ES, so the students interact often. A kindergarten roundup is held in the spring to introduce students to the school, and we assist with transitions for Kindergarten (half day) to first grade (full day) students. The feeder middle schools hold orientation nights in the Spring and their counselors come to discuss registration. The counselor, as well as former students, meet with classrooms and students to discuss the Middle School transition. 4. Identify the measures that include teachers in decisions regarding the use of academic assessments. Weekly grade level meetings provide opportunities for teachers to discuss academic assessment results and make decisions about instructional strategies to implement. Common assessments and rubrics are developed during these meetings. 5. Provide assurance that federal, state, and local services are coordinated and integrated into the school improvement efforts Title I and PASS funds are coordinated so that they are aligned with the goals and action steps of the School Performance Plan. Funding for Kagan PD, technology, Learning Strategist, student books, and Accelerated Reader are used to support implementation of the Literacy Framework. Computer software licenses (Lexia and ST Math) are purchased to support closing the achievement gap. Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 01/08/2016 Page 11 Nevada Department of Education - June 2015 Nevada Department of Education Schorr, Steve ES 2015-2016 Clark County School District APPENDIX A - Professional Development Plan 1.1 Instructional staff will participate in staff development focusing on the CCSD Literacy Framework shifts (non-fiction text-dependent reading) and differentiated instruction and will, as a result, incorporate the learned instructional strategies to meet the learning needs of all students Goal 1 Additional PD Action Step (Optional) 2.1 Instructional staff will participate in professional development in the implementation of ST Math and Lexia. Goal 2 Additional PD Action Step (Optional) 3.1 School-based staff will participate in professional development addressing the Cultural Competency, the Be Kind program will be implemented school-wide, The Leader in Me book study Goal 3 Additional PD Action Step (Optional) Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 01/08/2016 Page 12 Nevada Department of Education - June 2015 Nevada Department of Education Schorr, Steve ES 2015-2016 Clark County School District APPENDIX B - Family Engagement Plan 1.2 Plan and execute family Literacy Nights in order to share strategies and resources for parents to use with students to promote literacy at home. Include family projects in monthly newsletters in preparation to assist in skill mastery. Goal 1 Additional Family Engagement Action Step (Optional) 2.2 Provide parents with information about Lexia and ST Math and with procedures for accessing available resources from home; Math and Science Connection newsletters sent home monthly Goal 2 Additional Family Engagement Action Step (Optional) 3.2 Goal 3 Additional Family Engagement Action Step (Optional) Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 01/08/2016 Page 13 Nevada Department of Education - June 2015 Nevada Department of Education Schorr, Steve ES 2015-2016 Clark County School District APPENDIX C - Monitoring/Evaluation Priority Need/Goal 1 Priority Need/Goal 1: Increase Grade 3 proficiency rates in reading. Measurable Objective(s): Increase the percent of 3rd grade students proficient in reading from 70% to 80% by 2016 as measured by state assessments. Status N/A Comments: 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Professional Development: Family Engagement: Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment: Other: Mid-Year 1.1 End-of-Year Instructional staff will participate in staff development focusing on the CCSD Literacy Framework shifts (non-fiction text-dependent reading) and differentiated instruction and will, as a result, incorporate the learned instructional strategies to meet the learning needs of all students Progress Barriers Next Steps 1.2 Plan and execute family Literacy Nights in order to share strategies and resources for parents to use with students to promote literacy at home. Include family projects in monthly newsletters in preparation to assist in skill mastery. Progress Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 01/08/2016 Page 14 Nevada Department of Education - June 2015 Nevada Department of Education Schorr, Steve ES 2015-2016 Clark County School District Barriers Next Steps 1.3 Align instruction with the CCSD Literacy Framework, including small group instruction, differentiated instruction, Kagan Structures, nonfiction materials Progress Barriers Next Steps 1.4 Progress Barriers Next Steps Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 01/08/2016 Page 15 Nevada Department of Education - June 2015 Nevada Department of Education Schorr, Steve ES 2015-2016 Clark County School District APPENDIX C - Monitoring/Evaluation Priority Need/Goal 2 Priority Need/Goal 2: Reduce the overall achievement gap percentage points between highest performing and ethnic/racial subgroups in both reading and math. Measurable Objective(s): Reduce the math and reading proficiency gaps between the highest performing subgroup and lowest performing ethnic/racial subgroup from 28% to 23% in Reading and 43% to 35% in Math by 2016 as measured by state assessments. Reduce the math proficiency gap between the District's highest performing subgroup and lower performing ethnic/racial supergroup from 9.8 to 8.8 by 2016 as measured by state assessments. Status N/A Comments: 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Professional Development: Family Engagement: Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment: Other: Mid-Year 2.1 End-of-Year Instructional staff will participate in professional development in the implementation of ST Math and Lexia. Progress Barriers Next Steps 2.2 Provide parents with information about Lexia and ST Math and with procedures for accessing available resources from home; Math and Science Connection newsletters sent home monthly Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 01/08/2016 Page 16 Nevada Department of Education - June 2015 Nevada Department of Education Schorr, Steve ES 2015-2016 Clark County School District Progress Barriers Next Steps 2.3 Provide math and reading interventions to identified students, including Lexia and ST Math. Progress Barriers Next Steps 2.4 Progress Barriers Next Steps Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 01/08/2016 Page 17 Nevada Department of Education - June 2015 Nevada Department of Education Schorr, Steve ES 2015-2016 Clark County School District APPENDIX C - Monitoring/Evaluation Priority Need/Goal 3 Priority Need/Goal 3: Increase the percentage of school-based personnel trained in cultural competency. Measurable Objective(s): By August 2016, 100% of school-based staff will participate in cultural competency training as measured by sign-in sheets and evaluations. Status N/A Comments: 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Professional Development: Family Engagement: Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment: Other: Mid-Year 3.1 End-of-Year School-based staff will participate in professional development addressing the Cultural Competency, the Be Kind program will be implemented school-wide, The Leader in Me book study Progress Barriers Next Steps 3.2 Progress Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 01/08/2016 Page 18 Nevada Department of Education - June 2015 Nevada Department of Education Schorr, Steve ES 2015-2016 Clark County School District Barriers Next Steps 3.3 Progress Barriers Next Steps 3.4 Progress Barriers Next Steps Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 01/08/2016 Page 19 Nevada Department of Education - June 2015
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