dart`s n ew iron eagle heads anchor a major bolt
dart`s n ew iron eagle heads anchor a major bolt
+ i'n" f-'t,i offeringus new technologyfor 4.6-powered DART'SNEW Mustangs,so you can imaginehow excited 'Stangbangers your OG like tech editor IRONEAGLEHEADSand EditorSteveTurnerget when we hear ANCHOR A MAJOR aboutanythingnew for good ol' 5.0-liter engines-the bulletsthat helpedlaythe BOLT-ON 5O groundworkfor the Mustangmadnesswe all thrive on today. POWERGAIN Dart Machineryis recognizedby cast-ironcylinderheads,at that. Dart's Windsor andWindsorJuniorheadswere amongthe limitednumberof must-have Fox Mustangperformanceparts back in the day.The5.0 in your tech editor's '84 nitrous-injected GT sporteda pair of that helped carry the street/strip Juniors 'Stang to lO-seconde.t.'sin the mid '90s. The heads'compositionmadethem eepingtrack of all the high-flowing Mustangracersand enthusiasts as the much heavierthan the all-hallowedalucylinderheads,high-rewingcam- makerof the lron Eagleseriesof 302 and minum headsthat haveruled the 5.0 shafts,and high-performance 35lW engineblocks.Thecompanyis betroost sincethe mid-to-late'90s.Desoite cold-airsystemsavailable for ter known for its blocksthan for producing that, high-volumeports, larger valves,and Two-,Three-,and Four-Valve small-blockFord cylinderheadsway back combustionchamberimprovements(over 'Stangs is no easytask in our predominately in 'Stangbanging's early years. Fords ETTEs)enabledDart's headsto flow modularworld. Manufacturers are constantly That's right:cylinder heads-and a lot of air.Whencombinedwith camshafu Text by KJ Jones Photoscourtesyof Greg and HannahMontoya A DartMachinery's new lronEaglecylinderheadshighlight GregMontoya's H/C/lswap.Thecast-iron heads(PNI 3301182; $1,053.95) featurebeautifully radiused, 1.17S-inch widex 2.050-inch tall,180ccintakeportsthatflow 247 ctm at 0.500-inch lift. ANot bad,for DlY.That'sright:Thisis the stock5.0thatwas nestledbetweenthefrontfendersof Greg's 'Stang at the outsetof ourproject.Gregbuiltthis enginehimselfafterscoringthe caras a rollerin a multileveltradedealthat rivalsthatof professional athletes. We'restilltryingto figureoutthe details,but based '89 on the appearance of the clean,white Gl the carwill be a coolstreetcruiser, andhopefully a Ponythat will holdits own on the trackas well. AMarkingthe rotor'spositionat top deadcenteris procedure an important disassembly whenyou're swappingcamshafts andintakemanifolds. The distributor mustbe removedunlessyou'reonly changing the intakemanifold. Makingthisreference ensures the distributor is reinstalled at the same positionin thetrmingsequence, andthe engine shouldfirerightup. A0nce allol the necessarv disconnections are made,Gregliftsthe lowerintakemanifold fromthe block.Thestockfuelrailsand19-lb/hrinlectors can remainin placeduringthisstep.They'llbe replaced with BBK'sbigfuelrailsand24lb/hrinjectors, whichGregwon in an eBayauction. 7A 5.O AUGUST 2(,(,a APullingthe stockheadsrequires somemuscle,as will loweringDart'snew ironheads.Gregactually usedheadsfroman'87 302 (E7lfor hisrebuild. At 1.05incheswidex 1.90inchestall.the intakeDorts on the stockheadsareconsiderably smallerthan thoseon the headsbeingusedfor ourupgrade. and intake manifolds that comolement their capabilities,they sent many streetand drag-race'Stangs into the low-e.t. zone for a relatively small monetary and time investment. Fast-forward to today, and Dart is once again giving us a good reason to be interested in its cylinder heads.No, there hasn't been any improvement in its Pro-l CNC aluminum heads.What we're amoed about are Dart's new cast-iron heads,whichsimilar to its popular blocks-are also called lron Eagle. Once again we're exploring the performance capabilitiesof heads/cam/intake combinations for 5.0 Mustangs.Howeven unlike other reports we've done on this topic that feature H/C/l packages offered by manufacturers,we've compiled pieces from individual companies we think make up a compatible, affordable packagethat will do well on a stock Fox Mustang engine. The lron Eaglesare flying at the front of this effort, along with a street/strip N-41 (Continuedon p.85) AAs H/C/lswapsgo,we'veevaluated formthat average combinations soldin package $3,000.Forthis (PN1706; project,we selected Dart'slronEaglecylinderheads;a BBKPerformance fuel-pressure regulator kit (PNI 557;$165.95),anda single-stage intakemanifold systemthat includes a 7Omm $99.95),cold-air throttlebodyandfuelrails(PN5002;$559.95); andAnderson FordMotorsports' N-41camshaft(PNAF-N41; NotshownareHarland Sharp'snew Diamond Series1.6ratio,%e-inch, stud-mount rollerrocker $29S.00). arms(PNSD4003-7; steppedheadbolts{PN254-3708; $177.161 $365.00)andthe ARP%- to1/z-inch required for installing the lronEagles. AUsinga littleRoyalPurpleMax Tuffas a prelube, the new camshaftis stabbedin place.Theprelubeisn'ta requirement with a hydraulic-roller camshaft, but it makesGregcomfortable. r :iS {l !I A S i n c ethe 302short-block hasonly220miles sinceits rebuild, the double-roller timingchainand -rollerliftersarereusedfor thiscamswap. hydraulic Alron Eagles'exhaust portsalsoblowawaythoseof stock5.0heads.Theseportsmeasure1.325inches widex 1.350inchestall,flowing159cfm at 0.500lift.We digthe standard exhaustboltpattern,which allowsGregto staywith shorttubesor eventually boltup anystandard long-tube Fox-body headershe desires. o ) AThis is a closelookat the 58cccombustion chamberof Dart'snew lronEaglecylinderheads. Theheadsfeature1.94{intake)/I.60 (exhaust} stain. lesssteelvalves,whicharetotallycompliant with the engine's stockpistonsandthe newAnderson camshaft. Thevalvesarealsoavailable with 2.02 intakevalves.Dartflat-millsits lronEagles0.006 inchpercubiccentimeter, andit anglemillsthe heads0.0075inchpercubiccentimerer. 5.O AUGUST 2()0a AStockheadboltscan'tbe usedto installDart's lronEaglecylinderheadson a standard 8.2-deck blockbecause theyrequirea %-inchbolt.ARP's steppedhead-bolt kit is calledintoactionandGreg torqueseachfastener with 75 lb-ftof toroue. AAfter installing the %rinchstudsincluded with the lronEagles, Gregtoppedoff the new headswith 16 of Harland Sharp'sDiamond Seriesrollerrockers. Perthe AFMcam card,we'restayingwith a 1.6 ratiofor the rockers, andas usualwith a hydraulicrollercam,lashis adjusted t0 zero.The1.437-inch doublespringsandsteelretainers on the headsare included, but the stockoushrods arereusedwith thrssetuD. ) Before positioning the BBK SSISeries intakeon the engine, its lower intake must be preassembled with the high-flow Iuel rails, regulator, crossover tube,and all of the variousEECsensors.Thislowermanifold leatureslongequal-length runnersthat depositairl Iuel into a huge,openplenumarea.Basedon the intake'soveralldesign,we thinkit shouldwork well with the headsand our selectedcamshaft. A BBKincludestwo O-ringsfor the fuel crossover tube. However,dueto the tube'slocationbelowthe uppermanifoldandthe difficultyGregwill havetryingto accessthetubeoncethe upperis installed, he addstwo additional 0+ings(oneon eachside) for addedinsurance againsta possible leak. AThe engine's original vacuumT mustbe trans fenedto the bossin the SSIupperintake. A Beforeloweringthe uppermanifold,the main enginehamessandotherwiringmustbezip-tied and movedcompletelyout of the way. TheSSI upperis a lot bulkierthana stock5.0's,so the more clearanceyou havewhen installingit, the better. a2 5.OAUGU6T20(,8 Awith the lowermanr SSIt radicaldual-plenum the its wild appearance, ing and built-inEGRspa tl featureson this intake ar the oEM valvecovers coverboltsaretoolong a shim is addedto each andnix1 ancedifference ing a majoroil leak.The vacuumhoses,andsen once the upperintakeis g AThis plenum-cove placebeforethecoveri ing screwsfor theplat to i a crisscross Pattern f I I AWiththelowermanilolddown,Greqinstallsthe l a d i cdaul a l - p l e n u Sm S Iu p p e irn t a k eI.n a d d i t i otno tuwildappearance, the 75mmthrottle-body 0pen ing a n db u i l itn E G Rs p a c ear r ea c o u p l e o f t h eo t h e r leatures onthisintakethatwe thinkarecool.Notice lheoEl\il valvecoversarern place.Thestockvalve cover boltsaretoo lonqfor the lronEagleheads,so r sa d d e dt o e a c hb o l tt o m a k eu p t h ec l e a r ashim a n cdei t f e r e nacnedn i xt h ep o s s i b i l iot yf e x p e r i e n c inqa maloroilleak.Thethrottlecable,PCVvalve, v a c u uhm o s e sa,n ds e n s o rasr ea l s or e c o n n e c t e d once theupperintakeis installed. t u s tb e s l i p p e idn l l h i s p l e n u m ' c o vgears k em place before the coveris installed. Gregsaysmountinqscrews for the platemustbe tightened evenlyin patternto avoida vacuumleak. acrisscross l s i n c et h ef a c t o r yt h e r m o s t ahto u s i n g onGreg's h a ds e e nb e t t e rd a y s w 5.0 , e d e c i d e tdo u p g r a d e w i t thh i sc l e a n15 - d e g r epei e c e( P N10 6 6 )f r o n r P e r f o r m aSntcaer n l e sSst e e lT. h eh o u s i n g is made hom C N C ' m a c h i n3e0d4s t a i n l e sasn ds n u g su p t 0t h en e wm a n i f o lw d i t h t h e i n c l u d eC d ometic gasket. t eKdc o l d - a sr ry s t e n r l A f e n d e r w e l l - m o uBn B outtheupgrade components we'reusingon j ounds Pony. ThehighJlowconicalairfilteris in the ] 0reg's andair is channeled up throughan 80mm | lender, C 8m L a s sa i rh o u s r ntgh a tf e a t u r eas s a m p l i ntgu b e sbedfor 241b/hrfuelinjectors. PowerBall 4Paint' The revolutionarynew tool made exclusively for your car! painted surfaces.* I I l'onttnued ftom D.78) hydraulic-rollercamshaft from Anderson FordMotorsport and high-flowing intake components(SSl Series manifold, 70mm throttle body, and a cold-air induction system) from BBK Performance. We know your thirst lies in how much power the assortment makes,so we won't dawdletoo much on the installation of this bolt-on package.The accompanying photos and captions illustrate highlightsand notes on the install from our buddy Greg 'Stangbanger Montoya,a do-it-yourself who was readyto takethe bone-stockpowerplant(savefor short-tubeheaders)in his '89 MustangGT to a budget-friendly but better levelof oerformance. Greg handledthe partsswappingin a few eveningsat his home garageafter work.As you'll seewhen you readfurther, the H/C/l packagewe selectedproved to be well worth his time and the impressively small monetary investments. 5.O PorerBall@ and PorirrerBallMini@ The perfect high-speedtools to cleanand polishyour car's metal and plastic surfaces. GT FX SynWaxo Gives paintedsur{aces uncompromisingshine and protection when used by hand or with the new PowerBall4PaintI' PowerMetal@ Cleans,shinesand polishes metal surfaces,including aluminum,billet,diamond plate and brass. PowerPlastic@ Allows you to quicklyand easilypolishand protect a wide variety of hard or flexible clear olastics. Pick up Mothers@ PowerBoll 4Point'^ ot your iocol o.rtomotive rctailer todoy. *Red PowerBollois designed metol ond plostk while for the Powerkll 4Point'" is designedfur pointed surfoces. il@t|l|ERs' motherspowerboll.com m others.com . d etoilguide.co m waxforum.com A'uGUsT 2(,(,a 5.o a!