The Santa Clara, 2013-01-31


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Thursday, January 31, 2013
Trouble with Tech
Engineers Go Global
What’s holding our generation
Club supports sustainability
Since 1922
One free copy
Graduating seniors
unsure about paper
Angeles Oviedo
The Santa Clara
This past Monday marked the soft
deadline for the Pathway Reflection Essays, and roughly half of the graduating
class has yet to submit their work.
According to Assistant Provost for
Undergraduate Studies Phyllis Brown,
270 students submitted their assignment
over the past weekend and on the day of
the deadline, joining 265 others whose
assignments have already been approved
and 36 who are expected to revise and
resubmit their essays.
Last week Associate Student Government Representative Jesse Wackerbarth
met with Brown to discuss postponing the
deadline due to students’ concern with the
deadline date. According to Brown, the
deadline remained unchanged in order
to avoid further confusion among seniors,
but that there would be no penalty for
missing the deadline.
“The deadline was set very explicitly to
Senior Jackie Gage and musicians Will Bohrer and Chris Main, three of the five members of “The JurassiC,” performed at the kick-off event for Club Bronco,
last night. The first Club Bronco event of the year, called SCU Unplugged, was part of the kick-off for The Office of Sustainability’s Energy Challenge. Students
were able to earn points for their Residential Learning Communities for the challenge, make crafts with Locatelli Late Night Events, listen to live band performances sponsored by KSCU, and win raffles from the Office of Sustainability. Performances at Club Bronco will occur weekly for the rest of the school year.
Cowell Battles to Meet Vaccine Demands
Number of flu
patients dramatically increased
Mallory Miller
The Santa Clara
Forget Zumba. The big health
craze at Santa Clara this year is the
flu vaccination.
The Cowell Student Health Center has administered 271 vaccinations so far this year, three times
the amount given out last year.
They’ve been in such high demand
that sometimes Cowell can’t even
keep a full stock for a day.
“At one point, Cowell received
a shipment of 50 vaccinations,”
said staff physician, Dr. Lauren Hi-
dalgo. “Two hours later we ran out
because so many students rushed
in to get the shot. But now we are
currently stocked with more vaccinations.”
Cowell wasn’t the only center
to run out of vaccines. Local pharmacies ran out of stock this year
as well. In fact, numbers from the
Center for Disease Control show
that the western region of the United States are still seeing widespread
flu cases.
Students that live in dorms are
especially at risk for the flu due to
the tight living quarters. Students
who go to class sick also risk exposing classmates to the virus, although the fast-paced quarter system can make it difficult to miss
“I just got over the flu about a
week ago,” said freshman Connor
Yim. “I still went to class when I
Back on Track
Men’s basketball wins 4th straight
had it though because I didn’t want
to miss lectures and get counted
absent by my professors.”
Students who are not feeling
well, especially those with fever,
should not be attending class and
exposing healthy students to the
virus, according to experts.
“This requires cooperation and
understanding from professor and
administrators,” said Hidalgo. “If
students don’t go to class sick, it
would be really helpful in preventing the spread of the virus.”
Every year, anywhere between
five and 20 percent of people living in the U.S. will get the influenza
virus. This year the flu has been
spreading more quickly, about five
weeks ahead of the average season.
Contact Mallory Miller at
[email protected] or call (408)
Flu vaccines from Cowell have already been administered three times more than last
year. This year, the flu has been spreading faster and is more aggressive than most.
News ................................. 1 – 4
Opinion ............................ 5 – 6
Scene ............................... 7 – 9
Sports ............................10 – 12
2 / News
The Santa Clara
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Serving Santa Clara University
Since 1922
Volume 92, Issue 12
Matthew Rupel
Mandy Ferreira
Carolyn Entress
Claire Ingebretsen
Matthew Rupel
Chris Glennon
Samantha Juda
Vishakha Joshi
Stefan Hsiao
Daniel Nally
Henry Gula
Nick Ostiller
Angeles Oviedo
Ryan Mahoney
Liz Wassmann
Mallory Miller
Andrew Cox
Ryan Selewicz
Malu Veltze
Sarah Garman
Alaina Murphy
Eliza Lamson
Lauren Tanimoto
Athan Hsiao
Katherine Usavage
Genna Megnan
Ellen Yun
Mohit Kochar
Digital Editions:
Navjot Grewal
Samantha Juda
1. Brazil police say outdoor flare
started club fire: Penny-pinching
by a band known for its onstage pyrotechnic displays may have cost
more than 230 people their lives at
a nightclub in southern Brazil, according to a police inspector leading
the investigation into this weekend’s
deadly blaze.
Inspector Marcelo Arigony told
reporters at a news conference
Tuesday that members of the band
knowingly purchased flares meant
for outdoor use because they cost a
mere $1.25 a piece, compared with
the $35 price tag for an indoor flare.
The blaze began at around 2:30
a.m. local time, during a performance
by Gurizada Fandangueira, a country
music band that had made the use
of pyrotechnics a trademark of their
shows. The band’s guitarist told media that the 615 square-meter (6,650
square-foot) club was packed with an
estimated 1,200 to 1,300 people. The
police have said the capacity for a
club of that size is under 700 people.
The Rio Grande do Sul state forensics department raised the death
toll Tuesday from 231 to 234.
From AP Reports.
Megan Knudson
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On the Web:
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2. Australians clean up from
floods, supplies dwindle: Military
personnel headed to flood-ravaged
northeast Australia on Wednesday
to help clean up the sludgy aftermath
of floods that damaged thousands of
homes and businesses, leaving communities short of power, food and
Floodwaters were receding in
most areas, bringing relief to a region
that was battered by worse floods two
years ago. But there were concerns
about food and water shortages in
some communities, thousands were
without power and police were desperately hunting for two men who
vanished while traveling through
floodwaters earlier this week. Four
flood-related deaths were confirmed
The flooding, caused by the
remnants of a tropical cyclone, forced
around 7,500 Bundaberg residents
from their homes, inundated 2,000
houses and 200 businesses with
murky water and prompted helicopter evacuations of 1,000 people.
From AP Reports.
Editors and departments can also be
reached via email at [email protected] (e.g. sports@thesantaclara.
com). For a complete list, visit us on
the Web.
Mailing Address:
Box 3190
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The Santa Clara is the official
student newspaper of Santa Clara
University. The Santa Clara is written,
edited and produced by students once
weekly, except during holidays, examination periods and academic recesses.
The Santa Clara welcomes letters to
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be delivered to the Benson Memorial
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Our letters policy:
Submissions must include major
and year of graduation and/or job
title, relation to the university and a
phone number for verification.
Letters should not exceed 250
words. Those exceeding the word limit
may be considered as publication as
an article or in some other form.
Anonymous letters will not be
considered for publication.
The Santa Clara reserves the
right to edit letters for grammar, clarity and accuracy, or to shorten letters
to fit the allocated space.
All letter submissions become
property of The Santa Clara.
The deadline for publication
in Thursday’s edition is the prior
Nothing on the opinion pages necessarily represents a position of Santa
Clara University. Letters, columns and
graphics represent only the views of
their authors.
The Santa Clara has a minimum newspaper circulation of 2,000.
One free copy. Additional copies are
4. Dutch Queen Beatrix abdicating, son will be king: The Netherlands’ Queen Beatrix announced
Monday that she is ending her reign
after 33 years and passing the crown
to her eldest son.
The widely expected abdication
comes at a time of debate over the
future of the largely ceremonial
Dutch monarchy, but also as calm
has descended upon the Netherlands after a decade of turmoil that
saw Beatrix act as the glue that held
together an increasingly divided society.
3. Genetics may explain severe
flu in Chinese people: A genetic
variant commonly found in Chinese
people may help explain why some
got seriously ill with swine flu, a
discovery scientists say could help
pinpoint why flu viruses hit some
populations particularly hard.
Less than one percent of Caucasians are thought to have the gene
alteration. Yet about 25 percent of
Chinese people have the gene variant, which is also common in Japanese and Korean people.
Researchers analyzed 83 patients
admitted to a Beijing hospital during
the 2009-2010 swine flu pandemic.
Of those with serious complications
like pneumonia or kidney failure, 69
percent had the genetic alteration.
Director of the Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine at Oxford
University Andrew McMichael estimated that people with the genetic
variant were five more likely to get
severely ill once they are infected.
The gene alteration doesn’t make
people more likely to catch the flu,
since that depends on other factors
like previous immunity.
From AP Reports.
The queen, who turns 75 in just
a few days, said she will step down
from the throne on April 30. That
same day, her eldest son, WillemAlexander, will be appointed king at
an inauguration in Amsterdam. He
will be the Netherlands’ first king
since Willem III died in 1890.
Willem-Alexander is a 45-yearold father of three young daughters,
an International Olympic Committee member, a pilot and a water
management expert.
From AP Reports.
In “Igwebuike Presents ‘For Colored Boys and Black Girls,’” Simone
Jackson was incorrectly identified as Symone Jackson (Jan. 24, 2013).
The Santa Clara strives to correct errors fully and promptly.
If you see an error, email [email protected] or call
(408) 554-4849.
News / 3
The Santa Clara
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Homelessness Issues Raised This Week
Clubs collaborate
to educate the
student body
Rachel Davidson
The Santa Clara
This week marks Santa Clara’s
first ever Homelessness Awareness
Week, organized by a coalition of
seven students and supported by
various departments on campus.
The goal is to shed light on the poverty that surrounds the Bay Area and
the rest of the world.
One of the creators of this project, junior Katya Nemac, found her
inspiration from the work she did
in the Tenderloin district of San
“I thought it’d be really awesome
if we brought something like that to
campus to give people the chance to
serve,” said Nemac. “A lot of people
would like to serve but don’t know
how to...I’ll help get rid of those excuses for them.”
Nemac has been planning this
week-long event since fall quarter,
using resources from Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles to
get suggestions and references from
their annual HAW. While a national
HAW already exists in November,
the students involved felt that January would be a more appropriate
time for this project because the
coldest time of the year brings to
life the realities of being homeless.
HAW has organized an event for
each day of the week, sponsored
by the Multicultural Club, Santa
Clara Community Action Program,
various groups in Campus Ministry, Core Christian Fellowship and
Christian Life Community.
One of the most anticipated
nights of the week was Wednesday,
where the “Faces of Homelessness”
panel was held, showcasing three
homeless people who discussed
their thoughts, challenges and stereotypes that they have faced.
Director of the Multicultural
Center Michelle Tang encourages
students to stay involved beyond
HAW in ongoing opportunities with
SCCAP and Campus Ministry if the
events of this week spark their interest. Her own department hosted the
first event of the week by screening
“The Soloist,” a 2009 movie based
on a true story of a musician who develops schizophrenia and becomes
Educating university students is
the first step to solving the homelessness problem in our backyard.
According to the 2011 Santa Clara
County Homeless Census and Survey, 7,045 people are homeless in
Santa Clara any given night. Correcting misconceptions is the second largest part of this education.
Some of the most prevalent causes of
homelessness include those struggling with post-traumatic stress syndrome, who are often veterans, lowincome individuals or immigrants
who didn’t quite make it, patients
ejected from institutions and families who struggle to find affordable
“It’s so easy in our college bubble
to turn the other way to issues of
The Faces of Homelessness Panel took place on Wednesday, where individuals shared their stories and experiences of homelessness.
homelessness,” said senior Laura
Snowden, who is a program coordinator for SCCAP’s San Jose Family
Shelter placement. “There’s a really
visible presence of poverty in this
country that people just choose to
SCCAP hosts five programs to
help the homeless, which attract a
total of 40 to 60 volunteers every
week. While this department hosts
fairs and tables, the staff has found
that most students who volunteer
have heard of the programs from
word-of-mouth, or they participate
in these as part of the university’s
Arrupe requirement.
“I want to make serving cool,”
said Nemac. “I feel like there’s a stigma attached change
it from that viewpoint to something
like, hey, there’s an injustice here
and we need to do something about
it. Especially if they have the skills
to do something instead of sitting
around and hoping it gets better.”
Thursday’s event will be working
with underprivileged kids and teens
and is hosted by SCCAP from 6 to 9
p.m. This Friday, HAW will set up
a Tent City on the Benson Lawn to
help students learn about the realities of homelessness through stories,
statistics, and students’ volunteer
experiences. Saturday marks the last
day of the week, where students are
offered the opportunity to join CLC,
Interfaith, and Christians in Action
as they make, serve and enjoy a meal
with local individuals experiencing
homelessness in San Jose.
Contact Rachel Davidson at
[email protected] or call (408)
Alcohol Related
Medical Emergency
Master of Social Work and
Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology:
Marriage and Family Therapy
1/26: A student was found
intoxicated and unresponsive in
his room. SCU EMS, SCPD, SCFD
and paramedics were contacted
and responded. The student was
transported to O’Connor Hospital
by paramedics.
1/27: A student was reported
intoxicated and unconscious at
an off-campus location on Alviso
Street. CSS, SCFD and paramedics
were contacted and responded.
The student was transported to
O’Connor Hospital by paramedics.
Drug Violation
1/23: A student was found
smoking and in possession of
marijuana in his room. The
marijuana was confiscated and
disposed of.
Impounded Bicycle
1/25: An abandoned bicycle was
impounded from the Leavey
Center bike racks.
1/26: An abandoned bicycle was
impounded from the Bannan
Engineering Laboratory bike
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1/23: A student injured his finger
when it got caught inside a cement
mixer in the Bannan Engineering
Laboratory. He was escorted to
Cowell Health Center.
1/24: A student was reported
feeling ill during a class session in
St. Joseph’s Hall. CSS, SCFD and
paramedics responded. She was
transported to Good Samaritan
Hospital by paramedics.
1/30: A student reportedly lost
consciousness and was lying on
the floor of the women’s restroom
in Sanfilippo Hall. CSS, SCU EMS,
SCFD and paramedics responded.
She was transported to Good
Samaritan Hospital by paramedics.
1/27: A non-affiliate visitor injured
his knee while skateboarding on
campus. CSS, SCU EMS, SCFD
and paramedics responded. He
was transported to Valley Medical
Center by paramedics.
1/27: A student injured his ankle
while skateboarding and requested
medical assistance. CSS and SCU
EMS responded.
Suspicious Person
1/23: A suspicious unknown male
was reportedly found inside a
faculty member’s unlocked office,
without permission. CSS responded
and was unable to locate the
unknown male.
1/26: Four longboards were
reported stolen from outside of
students’ rooms in Dunne Hall. The
skateboards were returned to the
respective owners.
1/25: Graffiti was found written on
the light poles in the Third Mission
Lot and Music and Dance lots.
1/25: A computer keyboard was
found vandalized in the Harrington
Learning Commons.
Vehicle Towed
1/23: A vehicle was towed from
a reserved space for having no
parking permit displayed.
From Campus Safety reports. Email
[email protected].
4 / News
The Santa Clara
8 p.m. Locatelli Center
RLCA’s Art Fair
11:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.,
Library Lawn
MCC Presents 9 p.m.
The Bronco
Petting Zoo
1 p.m.
Kenna Lawn
Basketball Game
8 p.m. Leavey
Red & White Ball
9 p.m. - 11 p.m.
Adobe Lodge
Revisions Accepted
Continued from Page 1
help students,” said Brown. “We set
if far enough ahead, there’ll be time
for the readers to read the essays, get
it back to the students, and for the
students to revise and resubmit.”
This year’s graduating class is
the first class required to fulfill the
Pathway requirement, which was
established as part of the new core
in 2009 and is why there have been
difficulties surrounding the process,
from submission problems to deadline confusion.
“When they were freshmen, we
still hadn’t figured out how we were
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Clubs Increase
Number of student organizations sharply rise
Robert Wear
Associate Reporter
Registered Student Organizations, or student clubs, are getting
more popular every quarter. At the
beginning of this academic year,
over 120 clubs existed on campus,
a huge rise since 80 at the beginning
of the 2010 to 2011 school year.
An average of six to eight clubs
get approved each quarter. To get
approved, each club must pass a
number of simple guidelines, which
include having at least 15 members,
a constitution and at least two undergraduate club officers. It is very
rare for one to not be approved.
A reason for this, according
Tedd Vanadilok, director of Campus Programs, is that clubs offer
the chance for a student “to have
as many opportunities as possible
to be involved, fulfill their interests,
contribute to campus life and find
their sense of belonging.”
Getting involved is important to
campus life, and with the diversity
of these clubs it is easy for anyone
to find one they like.
With this increase, however,
the budget allotted to each club is
stretched thin. The amount each
club needs varies, and some clubs
find other funding sources and do
not rely on the Associate Student
Government for funding, though.
Despite a small budget, students
seem to be getting more and more
involved as the diversity of the organizations grows. “One reason for
the increase in the number of new
clubs,” said Vanadilok, “is that their
interests are becoming very specific
and also modern with hot topics and
For example, a group called
TEDxSCU, which focuses on the
popular TED Talks, has become an
Students are able to find a club
that fosters their specific interests,
whether it is wrestling, baking,
scuba diving, martial arts, humor,
history or even Quidditch. As long
as enough people are interested, any
type of club can be created.
Each club must also be renewed
every year, and the same rules apply
for renewal as the original approval
process. If a club has enough interest, and the interest remains strong,
then the club will have no problem
becoming successful.
Getting involved with an RSO is
easy. To find a club that suits you,
look online at the Center for Student Leadership page on the Santa
Clara website and go to the “Student
Organizations” tab to find step-bystep instructions on how to get involved.
Contact Robert Wear at rwear@ or call (408) 554-4852.
going to do this,” said Brown. “The
seniors this year have helped us
work through and improve our
Brown explained that in the future, classes’ Pathway process will
be much more clearly explained in
She encouraged students who
have not yet submitted their assignment to aim for submitting before
Feb. 22, when petitions for graduation are due.
Contact Angeles Oviedo at
[email protected] or call (408)
The “New Music Festival,”
featuring experimental composer
and a senior figure in contemporary American music, Pauline
Oliveros, began this Wednesday
and will continue throughout the
week. There is a workshop on Jan.
31 in the Music Department Rehearsal Hall at 2:00 p.m., as well as
two concerts during the weekend,
one on Feb. 1 and one on Feb. 2 at
7:30 p.m. in the Music Department Recital Hall.
Oliveros focuses her work on
what she considers “total music”
or the range of sounds that are
all around us. Her music revolves
around improvisation and she
stresses the importance of innerexploration when making music.
Her primary instrument is the accordion, which she approaches in
a very meditative and soulful way.
She tries to include the entirety
of sounds, attempting to open up
the audience’s awareness of the
universe through listening.
She is the founder of “Deep
Listening,” a form of sonic meditation that is meant to guide par-
ticipants into an inward exploration revolving around their sense
of hearing.
“Such intense listening includes the sounds of daily life,
of nature, one’s own thoughts,
as well as musical sounds. Deep
Listening is my life practice,” said
This phenomenon will be examined during the workshop on
Thursday afternoon.
From staff reports. Email news@
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Natasha Gupta
Five Tragedies of Our Tech-Filled Future
Both George Orwell, author of “1984,” and Albert Einstein, winner of the Nobel Physics Prize, predicted that future generations would become overly dependent on technology to communicate and socialize. Take a
look around: their forecasts had some merit. Nathan Wagner, Matt Miller and Sean Kenahan epitomize some of Orwell’s and Einstein’s theories, as they sit in the Bronco engrossed in their phones, not conversation.
oday, you can deposit checks
with a click of a photo or
meet your soulmate through
a website. Soon, you’ll be able to
travel using a car that drives itself.
The world we live in is extraordinary; it transcends technological
boundaries anyone might have
imagined 200 years ago. Not surprisingly, however, much of our
technological progress comes with
a few concerns.
1. Kids consumed by
If you’ve ever seen a baby play
with an iPhone, you know our society is done for. Fixated on the bright
colors and entranced by the screen’s
glow, the baby is consumed, and no
Fisher Price tool set can compare.
I’m also referring to 10-year-old
boys with Nintendo DS’s strapped
to their palms and 15-year-old girls
who haven’t stopped texting since
they turned 11.
Parents, please stop handing
your infant a cell phone when they
won’t stop crying. We are already
forced to be slaves to our devices.
Why start dependence earlier than
2. Bookstores
I have recently given up any
hope of taking my future children
to a bookstore.
Don’t get me wrong, I am just as
mesmerized by Amazon’s remarkable supply chain innovation as you
are, but the old Borders bookstore
in my hometown is a depressing
Boarded up, entirely abandoned,
letters falling and paint fading, this
crushed establishment used to be
a fundamental cornerstone of any
respectable urban shopping center
or downtown strip.
Now it’s concrete proof that
our world is truly becoming what
George Orwell feared in “1984” or
Ray Bradbury warned us about in
“Fahrenheit 451.”
It bothers me that my friends
can name the three closest bars before they can tell you where to buy
a brand-new book.
3. Texting at dinner
When I accepted your invitation
to grab food. I didn’t realize I would
be competing with your Android
for your attention. Don’t be rude.
Don’t text during meals — learn to
put your phone away. If it’s an emergency call, you can take it outside
like we did in the good old days.
4. “16 and pregnant”
Where is the show about the
16-year-olds who work two jobs and
help watch their younger siblings
after school? The 16-year-olds who
attend class, don’t cut physics and
don’t get impregnated by the first
guy they see? I guess no one would
watch that show, and that’s a scary
5. Exergaming
The Nintendo Wii revolutionized exercise. For the first time, senior citizens trapped by their bodily
limitations could once again enjoy
golfing through virtual wonders
and a magic white wand. Friends,
if you are not over the age of 65, constrained by physical limitations or
trapped in house arrest, please get
outside, inhale some fresh air and
To the Editor,
Indonesian garment factory PT
Kizone closed in April 2011, leaving approximately 2,800 people
out of work. American companies
producing apparel in this factory
included Nike and Adidas — but
where Nike and the Dallas Cowboys paid severance to PT Kizone
workers, Adidas is refusing them
the money they are rightfully owed.
Adidas claims not to have been
operating out of the factory at its
closure, but the Worker Rights
Consortium, a monitoring company signed onto by Santa Clara,
has proven that Adidas garments
were being manufactured up until
the factory closed.
In 2011, Adidas made almost $18
billion in revenue; the severance
they owe the PT Kizone workers
is $1.8 million. For Adidas, this is
pocket change, but for the workers
and their families, the money they
would recieve amounts to half their
total yearly income.
The company also claims that
the food vouchers they distributed
— worth just $500,000 and only
good for one-time use — should
be accepted as alternate payment,
while PT Kizone workers have repeatedly stated the vouchers are
essentially useless.
Workers at PT Kizone have
gone into debt, pulled all their
children out of school, moved away
from family to afford housing and
faced living in extreme poverty, all
because Adidas refuses to pay the
workers the money they deserve.
Santa Clara’s campus bookstore
continues to sell Adidas merchandise, while universities across the
country have united to protest this
Santa Clara’s administration
should be particularly struck by
Georgetown’s voiced support of PT
Kizone workers, as we too are a
Jesuit institution whose mission
statement revolves around leadership, compassion, justice and
service to others.
To stop selling Adidas does next
to nothing if we do not stand boldly
beside other institutions and publicly speak out against Adidas,
showing how important our core
values are to this university.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
has just passed, and I’d like to remind Santa Clara’s students and
administration of one of the most
famous sentiments this civil rights
leader ever expressed: “In the end,
we will remember not the words
of our enemies, but the silence of
our friends.”
At least 2,800 people are owed
thousands of dollars — money that
will allow their families to survive.
There are times when what is right
is to stay quiet, but in this case to
stay silent will not only be harmful
but shameful.
Avery Unterreiner
Class of 2016
play your sports outdoors.
You’re living in sunny California, and San Jose was just voted the
third healthiest city for women in
America by Women’s Health magazine. So please, get up, get running
and try to embrace cardiac health
somewhere besides in front of a
television. Trade your white wand
for an actual tennis racket and feel
blessed to do so.
George Orwell wrote, “If you
want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face
— forever.” While I think George is
being a little extreme, there’s truth
in what he implies. We should embrace shifts in technology, but we
must commit to being aware of the
positive and negative ways they
shape our existence.
Natasha Gupta is a senior finance
Enraged? Annoyed? Write
a letter to the Editor:
Email: letters@thesanta
Mail: Box 3190, Santa Clara,
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Letters to the editor may
be edited for brevity, clarity
and accuracy. Please see
our letters policy on page 2.
Articles in the Opinion
section represent the
views of the individual
authors only and not the
views of The Santa Clara
or Santa Clara University.
6 / Opinion
The Santa Clara
Thursday, January 31, 2013
UWire Article
Women at War: Gender Equality in Military
As Leon Panetta prepares to step down from his position as Secretary of Defense, he leaves a record of institutional change in
the military. Panetta presided over the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” and the military has begun to allow women into combat.
ast week, Secretary of Defense
Leon Panetta announced the
U.S. military’s official ban on
women in combat positions would
be lifted. According to the Department of Defense, there are currently around 238,000 positions in the
military unavailable to women, and
with the lifting of the ban, many of
those spots are going to be opened
for women to apply.
According to Panetta, if a member is qualified to serve, they should
have that freedom. The pronouncement comes as another historic decision under Panetta’s leadership,
as he was a key player in repealing
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in 2011.
Obviously, the repeal of “Don’t
Ask, Don’t Tell” wasn’t without critics, and neither is Panetta’s most
recent choice to open up more combat positions to women. Rep. Tom
Cotton, a veteran, told a radio host,
“To have women serving in infantry could impair the mission’s central task in those units. That’s been
proved in study after study just as a
matter of nature.”
John Piper, a megachurch minister from Minnesota, has written
on his blog that coed combat is “cultural cowardice,” writing, “A man
who endorses women in combat is
not pro-woman; he’s a wimp.”
Wayne State University law pro-
fessor, Kingsley Browne, published
a book about the issue titled “Co-ed
Combat: The New Evidence That
Women Shouldn’t Fight the Nation’s
Wars.” Browne believes women
shouldn’t be allowed to be involved
in combat positions, because they
aren’t as physically fit as men, as well
as because women being mixed with
men in combat situations might
cultivate more situations of sexual
What Panetta — and countless
other proponents of military equality — has fought for is a new, inclusive American military. The repeal
of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and the
lifting of the combat ban represent
the military taking steps to offer the
type of equality for which America
should be known.
If there is one lesson America
should have learned by now, it’s
that a lack of diversity is not ideal
for decision making, and authority
without diversity is a recipe for oppression and stupidity. One only has
to recall President Barack Obama’s
mention of Seneca Falls, Selma and
Stonewall in his second inaugural
address to dwell on the poor, exclusive and dominating decisions the
country has made without different
voices offering advice.
While effective and courageous,
our nation’s military has earned a
controversial reputation. The military has often asked the nation to
take a “don’t ask, we don’t want to
tell” approach to its politics and
The 2012 Oscar-nominated documentary “The Invisible War” sheds
light on the rampant sexual abuse in
the armed forces. According to the
film, the Department of Defense estimates that over 19,000 instances of
sexual abuse happened in 2010, and
20 percent of women in the military
will be sexually assaulted. And while
the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”
was a big step in policy for gay military equality, documented harassment still occurs in the ranks of the
armed forces.
The most important impact of
the lift of the combat ban is that
combat duty and experience are
necessary for women to advance and
be promoted in military leadership.
Therefore, allowing women to apply
for more combat-intense positions
will increase the chance for diversity
in military authority, adding important voices to the conversation of
what our country will do and where
our country will go.
With North Korea testing nuclear missiles, controversy over the use
of both foreign and domestic drones,
and intervention in the Arab world
always on the table, more women
in the military will be better for the
Besides being of pragmatic benefit, increased opportunities for
women in the military helps realize part of the American experiment
and aids America in becoming the
exceptional country it so desperately wants to be.
In the past, there has been a
notion that military presence and
power make America great, but in a
21st century in which both methods
of warfare and ideas about equality have changed, giving women the
same opportunities as men should
make all Americans proud.
We cannot afford to be contrary
to cultural changes due to outdated
conceptions of gender and bravery, and we cannot shy away from
breaking down barriers just because
the systems set in place to protect
against sexual abuse aren’t solid.
Seneca Falls, Selma and Stonewall
were all leaps in American progress,
but occurred amidst controversy,
bigotry and violence.
We should be proud women
want to protect and serve, and in
response, we should applaud and
protect their thriving in military
Micah Conkling of West Virginia
Follow us on twitter
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Engineers Break Down International Borders
Student-run club
makes a difference worldwide
Liz Wassmann
The Santa Clara
Although the club name suggests
otherwise, Engineers Without Borders is not just for engineers. EWB is
open to all majors, since more than
just engineering skills are needed to
ensure the success of the projects.
Santa Clara’s club is just one
chapter of the national club, Engineers Without Borders-USA, which
designs and implements projects for
the benefit of marginalized communities in the developing world.
The Santa Clara chapter organizes a trip to Honduras every summer to work on a continuing project
that supplies water to a rural village.
Senior and club secretary Terra
Oldham, who went on the trip this
past September, explained that the
village of El Pital in the Cangrejal
River Valley does not have enough
water in general, let alone enough
clean water.
In El Pital, parasitic infections
and dysentery are the two main
sources of illness, and both originate
from contaminated water.
This summer, for the first time,
the club is planning two separate
trips to Honduras: one will focus on
Russell Williams, Rob Golterman, Elliot Martin and Colin Boyle (left to right) take water samples in rural Honduras to test for bacteria to reduce disease in neighboring villages.
sanitation and the other on surveying. A real focus is placed on educating the community about the water
system to ensure it stays productive
even after the students leave.
Over the past four years, the club
has tripled in size. There are now
about 25 regular members.
Throughout the year, EWB hosts
various fundraising events such as
a Honduran Culture Night and this
year, the first ever Engineering Kickball fundraiser, which is coming up
in February.
In addition, the club was given
the Most Sustainable Club Award
by the Office of Sustainability and
the Council of Sustainability for the
first time this year.
The club also contributes in rural
Honduras by tutoring local school
children in science, math and (of
course) engineering.
Senior Rachel Reid, EWB event
coordinator, stressed that students
from all majors all welcome. Because
of the recent addition of an educa-
tion committee, there is a real need
for students who are strong writers or have studied Spanish to help
teach the Honduran community
about the project.
Contact Liz Wassmann at
[email protected] or call (408)
Student a cappella group, Supertonic, performs as a part of Club Bronco last night. “The JurassiC” and “The Vanities” also performed at the event sponsored by Santa Clara’s student-run radio station KSCU,
the Office of Sustainability, Locatelli Student Activity Center and Associated Student Government. Their performances set the mood for the various activities going on in the Bronco like crafts and pool.
8 / Scene
The Santa Clara
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Scene Spotlight
Lauren’s Locales: Umigo Indoor Go Kart Racing
Get an adrenaline rush by speeding around the thrilling track at Umigo Go Kart Racing.
Lauren Bonney
Associate Reporter
Ever have a need for speed?
Then check out Umigo Indoor Go
Kart Racing. Located in Livermore,
Umigo is an indoor track that allows
for speeds up to 45 miles per hour
and guarantees you the best value
in racing.
Customers get to experience the
thrill of high performance “sport” go
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down
Students sound off on the best and
worst of Bronco life
Thumbs up to everybody who
helps contribute to our healthy
Thumbs up to all the cool
performances in the Bronco.
Thumbs down to being
stressed out about
Thumbs down to slow
internet connection on
Submit Thumbs up
or Thumbs down to
[email protected].
kart racing with help from knowledgeable staff. Never driven a go
kart? No problem. Most Umigo racers are have never raced anything
Umigo has bigger and wider
tracks for easy passing, the most
track variety of any indoor karting
facility in the U.S., and fewer karts
and less traffic out on the track during each race session.
Umigo offers longer race times
and sweetens the deal with a special discount for college students
with IDs. Umigo also offers special
packages which offer racers to participate in their own Mini, Regular,
or Ultimate Grand Prix.
The racetrack is always fun, the
speed is always fast and whether
you race against friends, family or
strangers, you are sure to have a
great time.
Johnny Garlic’s
Hungry after racing all day? Stop by one of
Dublin’s Hacienda Crossings’ restaurants
to refuel. Guy Fieri’s Johnny Garlic’s is a
California pasta grill that is sure to make
mouths water.
IMAX Theater
Hacienda Crossings also offers great shopping
and has an enormous IMAX theater. So shop ‘til
you drop, or sit back and catch a movie on the
massive big screen.
Contact Lauren Bonney at
[email protected].
Students Seek Leadership Spots
Hopeful applicants
endure demanding
Samantha Nitz
Associate Reporter
Many students this week will be
preparing to face yet another round
of interviews and activities that will
decide which few individuals will
become the Orientation Leaders
and Community Facilitators for
next school year.
Over a hundred people submitted applications, however there are
not that many spots available for
these competitive positions.
These positions are in high-demand partly because of their reputations as jobs that provide free room
and board. Community Facilitators
live within the dorms and build a
sense of community with the residents while upholding university
standards. Orientation Leaders live
on campus over the summer in order
to guide incoming freshmen at orientation and help facilitate a smooth
transition into the college lifestyle.
Each job has a different interviewing process. A typical student
applying for the positions can participate in anything from single and
group interviews to skits about different aspects of college life and the
Residential Learning Communities.
After each day of the interviewing
process, a series of emails are sent
out eliminating and advancing applicants.
Those who applied for Community Facilitator positions ranked the
top dorms and RLCs they would prefer working in and then attended the
subsequent interviews. Those who
advance are admitted into a smaller
selection pool for their top-ranked
While Swig Hall has the most CF
positions available, dorms such as
McLaughlin Hall and Walsh Hall
only have a total of six spots. When
there are over 100 applicants, the
challenge is daunting for the hopeful students.
In a similar process, those who
applied for Orientation Leader spots
are put through an interview process
which includes group interviews followed by one-on-one interviews.
This past year, there were only 27
students who remained on campus
during the summer to be OLs. This
year, the Office of Housing and Resident Life will need to find a way to fill
those positions with another group
of charismatic and diverse students.
No matter how competitive the
process may be, it’s guaranteed that
the jobs will all be filled with students who will work to make campus
life thrive next year.
Good luck to all the students who
are continuing on this week in the
interview process and congratulations in advance to all of those who
are chosen.
Contact Samantha Nitz at snitz@
What is one thing you want to
accomplish before the end of
the quarter?
Mariah Adcox, ’13
John Drayton, ’14
Anna Sarocco, ’16
Max Herrmannsfeldt, ’13
Anne McDonald, ’16
“Pass anatomy.
Dead or alive.”
“Passing my
“I want to be
actively involved in
a club.”
“Vanquish my hip
flexor injury for
good so I can play
ultimate (frisbee)
at full speed again.”
“I want to get a
Scene / 9
The Santa Clara
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Into the Wild: Forge Work Day
Time: 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Location: The Forge Garden
Why Go? Do you enjoy working
with your hands? We will be
preparing wood for making
planter boxes: cutting, de-nailing,
and pre-drilling will be from 10:30
a.m. to noon, and noon to 1:30
p.m. will be building boxes.
Men’s Basketball vs. University of
Time: 7 p.m.
Location: Leavey Center
Why Go? Support the Broncos
in their game against the Pilots.
Wear white for the whiteout, and
be prepared for a half-time 3 vs.
3 game.
Homelessness Awareness Week:
Volunteer with SCCAP
Time: 6 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Location: SCCAP Office, Locatelli
Student Activity Center
Why Go? Encounter the realities
of homelessness by working
with youth, followed by a dessert
reflection in the SCCAP office.
2/1 | FRIDAY
Forge Work Day
Time: 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Location: The Forge Garden
Why Go? Take a break and get
your hands dirty working in the
university’s urban garden.
Musical Mavericks Series: Santa
Clara New Music Festival
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Location: Recital Hall
Why Go? Celebrate the music
of Pauline Oliveros with guest
artists, Santa Clara faculty and
Cost: $5 for student tickets
Men’s Rugby vs. Stanford
Time: 7 p.m.
Location: Bellomy Field
Why Go? Cheer on the SCUTS
Rugby Team as they defend their
D1AA conference title in their
first game of the season against
Stanford. They are looking to
repeat last years 38-12 victory.
Homelessness Awareness Week:
Tent City
Time: All Day
Location: Benson Memorial
Center Lawn
Why Go? Stop by Tent City
to learn about the realities of
homelessness through stories,
statistics and students’ volunteer
experiences with homelessness.
Musical Mavericks Series: Santa
Clara New Music Festival
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Location: Recital Hall
Why Go? Celebrate the music
of Pauline Oliveros with guest
artists, SCU faculty and students.
Cost: $5 for student tickets
Women’s Basketball vs. Brigham
Young University
Time: 2 p.m.
Location: Leavey Center
Why Go? Support the Broncos in
their game against the Cougars.
Get your Saint Mary’s College
tickets and earn double Ruff Rider
points for the Pink Game.
2/3 | SUNDAY
Bronco Bench 5k Fun Run
Time: Registration opens at 9 a.m.
Location: In front of Benson
Memorial Center
Participate in the second annual
fun run put on by the Bronco
Bench Foundation. This run gets
you active and raises money for
student athlete scholarships.
Cost: $25 for students
2/4 | MONDAY
APB Presents: College Humor
Time: 8 p.m.
Location: Locatelli Student
Activity Center
Why Go? Come see College
Humor comedians Streeter
Seidell, Josh Rabinowitz and
Thomas Dale in a live comedy
performance. Tickets are on sale
in Benson Memorial Center.
Cost: $5
Food and Agribusiness Institute
Immersion Information Session
Time: 5:30 p.m.
Location: Lucas Hall 126
Why Go? Learn about this
summer’s immersion trip to
Club Bronco
Time: 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Location: The Bronco
Why Go? Club Bronco is back. It’s
a great opportunity come check
out some Bronco talent and enjoy
your favorite meal.
Food and Agribusiness Institute
Immersion Information Session
Time: 5:30 p.m.
Location: Benson Conference
Room 115
Why Go? Learn about this
summer’s immersion trip to
Music at Noon: Kristen Strom
Time: 12 p.m.
Location: Recital Hall
Why Go? Saxophonist Kristen
Strom performs songs from her
new album, “Sojourn,”
featuring Scott Sorkin on guitar,
John Shifflett on bass and Jason
Lewis on drums.
ABP Presents: Traveling Petting
Time: 1 p.m.
Location: Kenna Hall Lawn
Why Go? A zoo? Yes, a zoo! Swing
by and hang out with all of your
favorite animals.
To suggest events for the
calendar please contact
Samantha Juda at:
[email protected].
10 / Sports
The Santa Clara
Broncos Win on the Road Again
Men's Basketball
Gonzaga (No. 7)
Saint Mary’s
Brigham Young
Santa Clara
San Diego
San Francisco
Loyola Marymount
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Women’s Basketball
Saint Mary’s
Brigham Young
San Diego
Santa Clara
Loyola Marymount
San Francisco
Men's Basketball
Portland @ Santa Clara
Santa Clara @ Brigham Young
Saint Mary’s @ Santa Clara
Thu. 1/31 7:00 p.m.
Sat. 2/2 2:00 p.m.
Thu. 2/7 8:00 p.m.
Women's Basketball
Santa Clara @ San Diego
Brigham Young @ Santa Clara
Santa Clara @ Loyola Marymount
Thu. 1/31 7:00 p.m.
Sat. 2/2 2:00 p.m.
Thu. 2/7 7:00 p.m.
Women’s Water Polo
Hawaii @ Santa Clara
Santa Clara @ Monterey
Santa Clara @ Fresno Pacific
Fri. 2/1 3:30 p.m.
Sat. 2/2
Sat. 2/2
Ruff Riders
Head Coach of the men’s basketball team, Kerry
Keating, wants the Ruff Riders to be the team’s sixth
man. At Thursday’s game against the University of
Portland, he’s ready to put his money where his mouth
is. Keating is encouraging the Ruff Riders to attend
Thursday’s game with his latest idea — a series of $100
cash giveaways post-game.
For every 100 Ruff Riders in attendance, Keating
will have a drawing for $100 after the game.
Each Ruff Rider will be given a ticket for the postgame drawing. If there are 1,000 Ruff Riders there, he
will give away 10 $100 bills.
“I want to encourage all the Ruff Riders to come to
the game on Thursday. The more friends they bring,
the most chances they will have to win $100 after the
Portland game,” said Keating. “I want the Ruff Riders
there — they can help us win this game and they will
be rewarded for their attendance post-game.”
Men’s Tennis
The Santa Clara men’s tennis team, ranked No.
36 in the country, was picked to finish third in the
West Coast Conference preseason poll. Pepperdine
University and the University of San Diego were the
two teams that were picked to finish ahead of the
Broncos this year. Santa Clara is off to a 3-1 start,
including a big win over Boise State University (No.
38). They will next be in action on Friday against the
University of Washington (No. 22).
Santa Clara men’s basketball Head Coach Kerry Keating talks to his players during the second half of the Broncos’ home loss to Brigham Young University
earlier this year. The Broncos have turned their conference season around after losing three of their first four games and now sit at 4-3 in fourth place.
Team rebounds after
tough league start,
now tied for fourth
Nick Ostiller
The Santa Clara
The Santa Clara men’s basketball team
has come to rely on its unique core of Kevin
Foster, Marc Trasolini and Evan Roquemore, holding the distinction of being the
only team in the nation with three players
who have scored over 1,000 points in their
The game plan was no different Saturday afternoon, with the three standouts
shouldering the load while leading the
Broncos to a 64-50 road win against the
University of San Diego. It was the third
consecutive West Coast Conference victory for Santa Clara (16-6, 4-3 WCC), and
the team’s fourth in a row overall.
Trasolini led the way with 23 points
and eight rebounds while Roquemore and
Foster finished with 18 points and 15 points
respectively. No other starter scored for
the Broncos, and the bench only provided
eight total points. Although the stat sheet
was lacking diversity, Santa Clara Head
Coach Kerry Keating is comfortable with
the leadership of his veteran players.
“Our seniors are doing a great job,” Keating said. “At this point they understand
the clock (on their careers) is ticking you
don’t have many more opportunities left.
They’ve been through a lot in their time
here, two of them being fifth-year guys and
two of them being guys who have started
part of their career. It’s only natural they
provide the type of leadership through
their experiences.”
Aside from helping the Broncos stay in
the WCC race, Trasolini and Foster both
ascended in the Santa Clara record books
during the team’s victory over the Toreros (11-11, 4-3). Trasolini recorded three
blocked shots in the contest, moving him
to No. 2 in career blocks for a Bronco. His
game-high 23 points also vaulted him to
No. 11 in career points, passing Bud Ogden
and Mike Stewart. Keating appreciated
the defensive intensity he received from
“(Trasolini) blocks shots, he provides
some sense of understanding back there,”
said Keating. “Trasolini has been through
a lot and can help the younger guys like
Rob Garrett and Yannick (Atanga) with
understanding things at times.”
Foster also eclipsed a Santa Clara milestone with his 15 points, passing Bill Cartwright (2,116 points, 1975-79) to become
No. 3 all-time in WCC history with 2,118
“It’s special,” said Foster of his accomplishment. “It’s been a good conference for
a lot of years. I’m looking at the big picture
now and I want to make sure we go out on
a winning note.”
While the scoring accolades are certainly impressive, the team realizes that
it is going to take more than offense in
order to finish with the success that Foster
is hoping for. The backcourt tandem of
Foster and Roquemore, who serve as the
Broncos’ first line of defense, have taken it
upon themselves to devote more attention
to holding down the opposition.
“I need to make sure I’m not a liability
on defense,” said Foster, who is averaging
a career-best 2.6 steals per game. While
the Broncos’ scoring machine from Texas
can fill it up with the best of them, he emphasized the importance of “watching film
and making sure I put the effort in on the
defensive side.”
Roquemore’s 1.5 steals per game is also
the best output of his three-year career. He
had two against the Toreros, and together with Foster, held San Diego’s starting
guards to just 17 points combined.
“We’re defending better,” said Keating.
“A lot of games get closer into January
and February. We’re doing a better job defending from the start of games and that’s
helped us at the end.”
Defense will be key for the Broncos if
they want to extend their four-game winning streak. The upcoming schedule for
the Broncos includes tonight’s matchup
with the Portland Pilots (8-14, 1-6) at the
Leavey Center followed by a road game
against the Brigham Young University
Cougars (16-6, 6-2) over the weekend. Although Portland is saddled in last place
in the WCC, Keating does not want his
team to overlook the matchup, despite
BYU looming on the horizon.
“We’ve done a good job of not looking ahead,” said Keating. “We’re overconscious of that. It’s all about Portland
on Thursday. We’ll worry about BYU at
9:30 (p.m.) on Thursday or whenever the
game ends.”
Contact Nick Ostiller at nostiller@scu.
edu or call (408) 554-4852.
Ricki Radonovich
Women’s Basketball
Recycle this
issue of TSC!
The junior posted a career high 24
points, including six 3-pointers,
during the Broncos’ 71-68 home
loss to the University of Portland.
How do you stay focused after two
tough losses?
Our emphasis has been on focus
and energy during practice so we
can get ready to play top teams.
What was working for you in the
Portland game?
I worked on my footwork Friday
before practice and we talked
about how I was going to shoot the
ball well.
Favorite pre-game routine?
Dance parties in our locker-room
always help. We also get hyped
when the band walks by — we love
playing at home.
Sports / 11
The Santa Clara
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Men’s Tennis Ready to Continue Past Success
Historic 2012
campaign brings
high hopes for 2013
Ryan Mahoney
The Santa Clara
Buzz around the Santa Clara
men’s tennis program has never
been louder.
Santa Clara’s men’s tennis team
is coming off their best season ever,
one that included an NCAA tournament berth, a 22-6 overall record,
and a first-round upset of the University of Texas.
The program came into the season ranked 35th in the country, the
best in the program’s history at Santa Clara. Although some challenges
lay ahead for the Broncos, hopes are
high among everyone involved that
last season was a building block, not
a high-water mark for the program.
Junior John Lamble is optimistic about the team’s chances this
season, despite losing Nicolas Vinel
and Maxime Armengaud to graduation.
“Even though we lost a few seniors from the team last year, we
still have a lot of old guys on the
team this year,” said Head Coach
Derek Mills.
Lamble said, “We still have a lot
of experience on the team.”
Lamble, a junior from nearby
Saratoga, plays as the No. 1 singles
player for the Broncos. Last season,
he garnered the program’s highest
ever preseason at No. 65. This season, he aspires to do even better.
“I think we’re just as motivated.
We want to do better than last year,
go one round further in the NCAA
Tournament,” said Lamble. “I feel
like we’re just as talented this year
if not more talented.”
The Broncos will look for
production from Ilya Osintsev, a
sophomore who was named the
West Coast Conference Freshman
of the Year last season. The team
also adds three new players in Ashot
Khacharyan, a freshman from Russia, Tomasz Soltyka, from Poland.
and Matt Kecki, a Sacramento native who will spend his final year
of eligibility here playing for Santa
Clara while pursuing a graduate degree. Kecki previously had a storied
career at the University of Southern
Mills, in his sixth season at the
helm at Santa Clara, is also optimistic that this season can be just
as good, or better, than last year.
“I think the guys still have a
chip on their shoulder. They want
to prove they can do it without the
guys we lost last year,” said Mills. .
“We’re trying to build the chemistry
right now and I think we’re getting
there. We started off 3-1.”
The Broncos have already
dropped a tough match against the
20th-ranked University of Michigan Wolverines in a tournament
at the University of California,
Berkeley, but won the consolation
match against No. 38 Boise State
University. The Broncos will continue their out of conference play
with a trip to No. 22 University of
Washington, another match with
Boise State in Seattle, and a visit
to Weber State University. Then
the Broncos must face the tough
WCC schedule, which includes the
7th-ranked Pepperdine University
The Santa Clara men’s tennis team is coming off of their best season ever, which included a trip to the NCAA Tournament and an upset
over the University of Texas. The team and Head Coach Derek Mills have their eyes set on a deeper run into the tournament this year.
Waves and the 22nd-ranked University of San Diego Toreros.
“Pepperdine, Brigham Young
University, and San Diego are the
top teams,” said Mills. “A lot of
the teams are getting better in the
WCC, they’ve seen our success and
its motivated some other teams, unfortunately, to get better. We know
we still have a lot of work to do.”
Lamble added, “Pepperdine is
always strong. They’ll be a top-5
team. They have a legitimate shot
to win the NCAAs so they’re going
to be tough. BYU is a good team.
San Diego has been good in recent
years, too. They will be big matches
for us.”
The Bronco will play all but
three of their matches at home after
Feb. 9, and hope to have a lot of support from local fans and especially
students. The Broncos posted an
impressive 10-1 home record last
year. Should they be able to do that
again this season, there’s no reason
to believe we won’t be following our
Broncos in the NCAA tournament
once again.
Contact Ryan Mahoney at
[email protected] or call (408)
It came down to the wire in consecutive home West Coast Conference games for the Santa Clara women’s basketball team, but the team ended up walking away from the weekend with a 0-2 record. They
dropped the first game to Bay Area rival Saint Mary’s College 56-50 before falling to the University of Portland 71-68. The team will be on the road tonight when they face the University of San Diego.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Henry Gula
Read Option
Ready for the
Super Bowl
ust one year and a few months
after the introduction of the
read-option system in the
NFL, the San Francisco 49ers have a
chance to win a title using it.
In early November of 2011, then
Denver Broncos starting quarterback
Tim Tebow began doing something
that nobody in the NFL had ever done
Instead of taking the snap, dropping back into the “pocket” created by
the offensive line, and searching for an
open receiver, he took the snap with the
intention of running up the middle, the
way a power running back would.
It not only incorporated the quarterback as a runner, but had plays specifically designed to allow the quarterback
the “option” to run, say left, and pitch
the ball out to a running back further
to his left if he “read” that there was an
opening for his teammate.
The “read-option” offense, long a
staple of the college game, had arrived
in the NFL.
“You have the option to run or pass,
and the read-option running plays cause
aggressive defenses to become slower,”
wrote Mike Preston of the Baltimore
Sun. “Teams are running more presnap motion with it and the offense is
tailor-made for a quarterback who is
athletic, instead of merely an athletic
Tebow and the Broncos made the
playoffs last year. This year, three quarterbacks operating under this scheme
made it. Russell Wilson of the Seattle
Seahawks, Robert Griffin III of the
Washington Redskins, and of course,
Colin Kaepernick of the Bay’s own San
Francisco 49ers.
The 49ers incorporated the readoption system into the “pistol” offense,
which has been in use for a few years
in the NFL.
The pistol is a combination of the
traditional shotgun and single-back
formation where the quarterback lines
up three to four yards behind the center
and the running back is three or four
yards behind the quarterback.
Kaepernick and the 49ers will look to
continue their tremendous success with
the pistol offense against the Baltimore
Ravens in this weekend’s Super Bowl.
“I think everybody saw what he did
last year,” Kaepernick said of Tebow at
Sunday night’s news conference after
the 49ers arrived in New Orleans from
San Francisco. “I was confident before
I saw what he was doing. At the same
time, that was also another opening for
me. To be able to use another tool to help
me on the field.”
CBS analyst Shannon Sharpe said,
“Until these defensive coordinators find
a way to take this particular element
away, you’re going to see more and more
guys come into the league that can do
this and teams are going to incorporate
that into their offense.”
There is no better sign that a new era
has come to the NFL. The days of the
Mannings and Bradys as strict pocket
passers is coming to an end. The new
generation of more dynamic and athletic quarterbacks has arrived.
Henry Gula is a sophomore
communication major.
The Leos, Lifelong Teammates
Vanessa and Lindsay
grew up with a basketball in their hands
Chris Glennon
The Santa Clara
Following in an older sibling’s
footsteps can be a daunting task,
one that some might avoid at all
costs. But for Vanessa Leo, a redshirt freshman for Santa Clara’s
women’s basketball team, the opportunity to do just that was something she embraced. Her older sister, Lindsay, is a senior and one of
the best players on the team.
Vanessa, four years younger, has
always followed in Lindsay’s path.
“It helped a lot to be able to see
what she went through,” Vanessa
said. “The coaches, players, the
school were all very important, but
having Lindsay here was also huge.”
They described their family as a
basketball family. Their father, Guy
Leo, played college basketball at
the University of California, Santa
“My dad has always played basketball,” said Lindsay. “He was the
one to put the ball in our hands. He
knows the game so well and has a
great passion for it. Our mom also
enjoys the game.”
Lindsay said her first memory
of basketball was in about second
grade, playing basketball out on the
blacktop with her dad. For Vanessa,
her first memory was playing at the
YMCA Club on 8-foot hoops. “They
had a six—point limit per player so
I always got taken out early,” Vanessa said. “I could almost dunk on
those things.”
Both sisters said that they have
always been taller than most, and
that it was clear basketball was going to be their sport. Height runs in
the family. Guy is 6 feet 8 inches,
and their mom, Barbara Leo, is 5
feet 11 inches.
“Our mom made us dance to get
a little balance in our life,” Lindsay
said. “That might be why we have
some coordination.”
Both played volleyball growing up, but when they got to high
school, it was time to dedicate
themselves to hoops.
“When we got to (Archbishop
Mitty High School) we kind of had
to pick one sport,” Vanessa said.
“They have a great basketball program.”
That tradition of Mitty’s program was something both Lindsay
and Vanessa helped continue. Lindsay played in three state championship games, winning two of them.
Vanessa, who was a freshman dur-
Vanessa and Lindsay Leo, sisters, have grown up playing basketball together. Both were forces to be reckoned with at
perennial powerhouse Archbishop Mitty High School before furthering their basketball careers in college at Santa Clara.
ing Lindsay’s senior year, was called
up from the junior varsity team
for the playoff and eventual state
championship run that Lindsay
helped lead.
When they weren’t playing for
Mitty, the Amateur Athletic Union
circuit was where the sisters refined
their games. “I just remember the
AAU days,” Lindsay said. “We put
in so much time there. The goal was
always to get a college scholarship.”
Lindsay did get a scholarship
right out of high school, but it was
with San Diego State University,
not Santa Clara.
“It just didn’t work out,” Lindsay said. “The atmosphere wasn’t
right for me.”
That experience was something
Lindsay said she tried to pass on to
Vanessa when she was making her
college decision.
“I was always like the guinea
pig,” Lindsay said with a chuckle.
“I’ve been where she’s been so
my experience can really help. I
definitely want to be a good role
Now with the two playing side
by side, Vanessa said she has picked
up a lot from Lindsay.
“This is my first full year practicing every day,” Vanessa said. “Sometimes I can get a little amped up,
but Lindsay is there to help me out
Must See: SCUTS Rugby
7:00 p.m. Friday, February 1 on Bellomy Field
For a complete schedule of games, see page 10.
when that happens.”
Lindsay seemed to agree. “We
know each other so well, we don’t
even have to be talking to each other to tell if something is a little off,”
she said. “If she is too excited, I let
her know she is giving good effort,
but controlling that energy is important too. I try to stay positive.”
Even though Lindsay’s playing
days are winding down, if the past
is any indication, Vanessa should be
ready and prepared to once again
fill her older sister’s shoes.
Contact Chris Glennon at
[email protected] or call (408)