from the principal`s desk - Wirrabirra Education Support Centre
from the principal`s desk - Wirrabirra Education Support Centre
Newsletter No. 20 5 December 2015 Primary School 9398 7233 Ed Support 9398 1936 SCHOOL PURPOSE To provide a learning environment in which students are given the opportunity to develop their individual potential and to acquire skills, attitudes and knowledge to enable them to become responsible members of a changing society. progress. On behalf of all staff I thank you and look forward to your ongoing commitment to our school next year. Fri 4 Dec Kindergarten 2016 Parent Information Session—9.15am School Library Mon 7 Dec Volunteer Thank You Morning Tea— 10.40am Fri 11 Dec Celebration Day Mon 14 Dec Year 6 Graduation at Don Russell Performing Arts Centre Wed 16 Dec School Councillor Lunch Thur 17 Dec Presentation Assembly—10.30am Last day for students Fri 18 Dec School Development Day (students do not attend) Mon 1 Feb Students commence Term 1 2016 Wirrabirra School is an ALLERGY FRIENDLY SCHOOL. What does this mean? It means that we will respect the individual needs of students who have identified allergies (with care plans) to such products as nuts, kiwi fruit, milk and eggs to name a few. In particular, food products that have nuts or are made from nuts should NOT come to school - ie: peanut paste, Nutella and nut bars. Our canteen is “nut free” and “kiwi fruit free” to accommodate individual students with special needs. FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK Dear Parents and Carers END OF THE YEAR This will be the last newsletter before the end of the year except for the flyer we send home on the last day with award winners and Student Councillors for 2016, who will be announced at the Presentation Assembly. I would like to thank all the Parents and Carers of our students this year who have provided great support and a partnership with our teachers to best meet the needs of your children. I hope you realize just how much your support is appreciated by the staff and what a difference it can make to how children CONGRATULATIONS MS DOEPEL AND MUSIC STUDENTS Today the assembly centred on a music theme and we were treated to the Choir singing “Wings to Fly”, our flute students playing “Rigaudon” and the guitar group playing “Russian Girl”. Music is a big part of our learning program at Wirrabirra and, under the direction of Ms Doepel, our assemblies always have a musical element. All classes have specialist time each week and build skills to use throughout their lives. Ms Doepel also identifies students to be part of the guitar and flute program with visiting teachers. This is in addition to the opportunities Ms Doepel provides with instrumental groups which form part of her learning program. Thank you music students and Ms Doepel for a lovely assembly to finish the year in what is a very busy time as you support classes to prepare for the Presentation Assembly on 17 December. STAFFING CHANGES FOR 2016 I am currently in the process of securing teachers for 2016. We have a number of staff away from the school on various forms of leave. These teachers’ positions are filled by what we term Fixed Term Contracts. As we are part of a bigger system we need to have positions cleared before we can re-employ current Fixed Term teachers as much as we wish to have them back with us. At this stage most of these positions have not been cleared or filled for 2016. What we do know is that we are losing some really fantastic teachers who are taking up positions in other schools on permanent contracts or closer to their homes. Given some travel over an hour each day to get to school this is understandable. Miss Armstrong, who has been with us since 2005, will be taking up a position at Wembley Downs Primary School. Many of you will remember the outstanding contribution Nicole has made to our school with her knowledge and skills in behaviour management through the CMS coaching and the huge impression she has made with all the students she has come in contact with. Nicole willingly undertook the role of teaching the Academic Extension class and achieved terrific outcomes with the students as well as winning the Governor’s “Do Without Challenge” We will greatly miss Nicole but wish her every success in her new school. Also leaving us is Miss Stewart who has worked across our school since 2009 in many roles including Junior Primary, Blue Earth Sports and Upper Primary. Miss Stewart has had a wonderful influence on many students and provided many memorable experiences for her students. Her classes have always been very productive with a positive and happy outlook. Miss Stewart heads north of Perth to Butler Primary REMINDER: SCHOOL CLOSES EARLY 2.30pm EVERY WEDNESDAY NE WS LE T T E R NO . 2 0 PAGE 2 School and we wish her the very best. Miss Mohr, who has taught our Kindergarten students over the past two years and provided what has been an incredible start to their school life, leaves us to take up a position at Doubleview Primary School. Miss Mohr is an outstanding teacher and person and her new school is so lucky to have her join their team. We also say goodbye to Miss Seawright who joined us in third term to start our new Kindergarten. Ms Seawright made an instant hit with the new children and families and has assisted them greatly to be prepared for full time school in 2016. We have other fixed term teachers whose positions have not been finalised as yet but I am hoping to secure them and continue the great work they have been doing next year. Having said all this, you will realize I am unable to finalize classes and teachers for 2016 at this stage. As plans are firmed up I will let you know through teachers and assemblies. We will post class lists and teachers on Friday 29 January before school starts outside the office. VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS AND CHARGES This week a one page summary of Voluntary Contributions and Charges was sent home with each family. This is an important document and if you didn’t receive it please call in to the office or go to the school website and find it in the Parent Information Book. The purpose of sending this to you will allow you to see what monies are required next year to support your child’s education and budget these into your household expenses. In particular, the start of the year will have both Swimming and Edu-Dance charges. Both these activities are significant learning experiences for children and I urge you to be aware of this early expense. We don’t get to negotiate the timing of these as we have to be considered along with all other schools, although having swimming in the middle of summer has its benefits. If you think you will have problems meeting any charges next year please talk with us early so your child does not miss out on valuable learning experiences. NB: The amounts quoted in the Contributions and Charges are maximum amounts and may be reduced. CELEBRATION OF SUCCESS DAY small profit to cover ongoing costs and replacement of equipment. I urge you to be a part of our school community and offer an hour or two regularly to help out and maintain this great service. While talking about volunteers and helpers, next Monday morning Wirrabirra Staff will be hosting a Thank You Morning Tea for all those who have helped out this year. Invitations have been sent home but, if for some reason you did not receive yours, I would like to invite you to join us at 10.40am on Monday, 7 December. DISCO FUN Last night the staff and Student Councillors hosted three discos as a celebration for the students. The first disco was the first time our Kindergarten students join us and what a great success this was. Congratulations to everyone for providing a safe and fun experience for all. I want to acknowledge all the Teachers and Education Assistants who gave their time away from families to make the evening such a success. Special thanks to Gary Williams, Mrs Williams’ husband, who once again gave up his time and equipment to provide the music and lights. Thanks also to the Student Councillors who continue to impress me with the way they conducted themselves and hosted the discos. Well done to everyone. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND SAFE HOLIDAYS As we get close to the end of the year, on behalf of all staff, I would like to wish all families a very safe holiday away from school and ask that you keep a watch over our school. If you see any suspicious activities please contact School Security on 92644771 or Police on 131441. The school year for students starts on Monday 1 February 2016. If you need to contact the school we will be open in the week before. Thanks again for your support and we look forward to working with you in 2016. Please check the reminders to make sure you don’t miss events in the last two weeks In line with our Positive Behaviour Program, we will be holding a Celebration Day for students’ efforts in adopting the expected behaviours set by the school. This term we will be going on an excursion to see the movie, ’Snoopy and Charlie Brown: The Peanuts Movie’ at Hoyts Theatre Carousel on Friday 11 December 2015. Notes will be coming home tomorrow. Regards, Steve Richards, Principal SCHOOL UNIFORMS I would like to congratulate all families on the way our students look in their uniforms. We have 100% of students in uniform and we are very proud of this. Not only do your children look the part, they feel a part of our school. Could I ask that if you are leaving the school, your child is graduating or you have uniforms that are too small, you consider donating these uniforms to help support other families in our school that may be struggling financially. This would be a gesture to support our children and, being before Christmas, a generous act. Thanks for considering others. 2016 Term 1 Monday 1 February - Friday 8 April Term 2 Wednesday 27 April - Friday 1 July Term 3 Tuesday 19 July - Friday 23 September Term 4 Tuesday 11 October - Thursday 15 December CANTEEN I would like to acknowledge the huge effort that the P&C and especially Rebecca McBride have made to keep our Canteen operating. Bec has been working as a volunteer on a daily basis for over a term to make sure we can operate financially and to ensure the service to families and our students is maintained. The canteen has always operated to provide a valuable service to families who are busy or work and ensure no child goes without food. It has only ever made a very The Clothing Pool will open early in 2016 on Friday 29 January from 9am until 1pm to get your child’s school uniform ready for their first day back at school. ESC NEWS Dear Parents/Carers As the school year comes to an end and I sit back and reflect I have come to the conclusion it has been an amazing year. We came on board and paired up with Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Project to help put more purpose into the gardening and to allow students to see the links between growing, caring, harvesting and cooking/eating what we grow. Led my Mrs Naomi Teichelman and Mrs Jodi Belton, the gardens have flourished. The students have learned what is required to take care of the plants including weeding, watering and harvesting. We also partnered up with Kalamunda ESC to assist us in implementing the TEACCH station work to be utilised when delivering our Literacy and Numeracy programs. Led by Miss Alicia Ylias, Mrs Tina Allen, Mrs Sharon Millson and Mrs Janine Bridge the school has made good progress in working towards building this program and building the resource required within our school. Mrs Jo Sutton was given an initiative to develop the speech program with all students. Each week she sees every child in the centre where she assesses, devises goals and then sets activities to assist the students to achieve these goals, which they then incorporate into their literacy program throughout the week. Mrs Jo Sutton and Miss Alicia Ylias partnered up with Malibu School to gain more knowledge in the area of Augmentative Communication with a view to give every child a voice in the school. Ms Rebecca Scoble Wood, together with Miss Alicia Ylias and Mrs Prithi Dias, partnered up with Riverside ESC to see how they implement protective behaviours across their curriculum and have got some valuable learning resources and tools to implement this into our programs. Once again, our Muffin Kitchen was in place this year with our senior students and year 6’s from C3 teaming up with Mrs Alyson Walker to take orders and cook muffins for staff. These are only some of the major things that have occurred throughout the year. Underlying all of this has been the day to day running and our core business of teaching and learning. All students have made progress of different levels across different areas. We at school are proud of each and every child and hope everyone at home feels the same. Your children are special and your trust in us and willingness to allow us to be part of their learning journey is an honour. Monday 1st February 2016 – First day for students 2016 I would like to wish all our graduation students well in their new endeavours into high school. I am sure you will make us proud and represent Wirrabirra positively. I would also like to take this opportunity to wish all families a safe and enjoyable festive season. Enjoy the break from routine during the holidays, take time to relax and refresh ready for the New Year. Kind regards Julie Dawson Principal Wirrabirra Education Support Centre Gifted and Talented Selective Entrance Programs Applications for Gifted and Talented Secondary Selective Entrance Programs are now open. These programs offer our brightest children the opportunity to study a selective academic, language or arts curriculum at one of 17 public secondary schools or online. Applications are now open to all Year 5 students for entry in Year 7 in 2017. Applications close on Monday 8 February 2016. For more information and to apply visit or you can contact the Gifted and Talented Selection Unit on 9264 4307 or at [email protected] Staffing for 2016 I am just in the process of finalising our staffing for 2016. Your child will receive a letter with their report to notify which class your child will be in for 2016 and who the teacher of the class will be. Disco Last night the disco was a great success and I would like to congratulate Mrs Melvin and the school councillors for the work that went into getting everything ready and running it on the night. The Ed Support students who turned up had a fabulous night and also managed to score a dance with one of their teachers. Photos will be posted on the website and displayed in our admin area. Dates to Remember: Friday 11th December - Celebration Day Excursions Monday 14th December – Year 6 Graduation Wednesday 16th December – Reports sent home Thursday 17th December – Presentation Assembly & last day Friday 29th January 2016 – Uniform Shop open 9:00am-1:00pm Go to itunes or android to download your free app: Absentees Canteen Menu Newsletter Term Planner Change contact details ASSEMBLY AWARDS Citizens of the Month Junior (D2), Kiran (A5), Taylor (C3), Charleigh (C1), Makayla (B3), Josh (A2) Honour Certificates were presented to: A2 - Farahnaz A3 - Dannii A4 - Chloe & Raza A5 - Bradley A6 - Ella B1 - Sakura B2 - Omid B3 - Logan TLC - Montell & Cheyanne C1 - Habib C2 - Skye C3 - Tyson C6 - Haylie D1 - Lucas & Toby D2 - Charlie D2 - Harley D2 - Jacob D2 - Logan Excellence Awards Jaimie (B1), Layla (C2), Charlie (A3), Kayla (A6), Seth (C6) Wirrabirra Dental Clinic will be open until 22 December and reopening on 27 January 2015. You can reach us on 9398 1636. Outside of these dates, for emergencies please phone The School Dental Service Emergency Clinic—Mt Henry Dental Therapy Centre—43 Mt Henry Rd, Como on Ph: 9313 0555. KAPTURE PHOTOGRAPHY Dear Parents We have been advised by Kapture Photography that all sports and/or special team photos taken this year will be removed from their website at the end of this term in readiness for next year’s photography. This is your last chance to view and purchase these photographs. Please visit and access the gallery using our school code—WZERHK Congratulations everyone P&C NEWS Hello everyone On behalf of the Wirrabirra School P&C Committee I would like to wish all the staff, students and parents a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. MONDAY 1 FEBRUARY 2016 CANTEEN NEWS Please note: The last day the canteen will be open is Wednesday, 16 December. All recess and lunch food must be pre-ordered that morning. The school canteen will be closed on the last day of term. Please ensure students bring a packed lunch. 2015 has been a busy year with the Lapathon, 5 cents challenge and discos. I cannot thank the Committee Members, especially Denise with uniforms and Bec in the canteen, enough for the giving of their time to ensure the school community can utilise these services throughout the year. We are already into full swing with planning for 2016 with Bunnings BBQ fundraiser booked for March plus the biannual fete in November, which is always a great night for the whole school community. I look forward to seeing you all afresh in the new year. Finally I'd like to wish our Year Six students all the best for your start into high school next year. Stay safe over the holidays and enjoy your family time. Thanks again to everyone who has helped through out the year. LIBRARY REMINDER Please return all library and reading books. We still have a large number of books overdue and would appreciate your help in locating and returning them. Regards Ange Bull, P&C President