In Custody - Pierce County
In Custody - Pierce County
Pierce County Jail In Custody List PIERCE COUNTY INMATES IN CUSTODY FROM Sunday, October 9, 2016 at 12:00 am THROUGH Sunday, October 9, 2016 at 11:59 pm Housed At Pierce County 1 2 Altman, Matthew David DOB: 10/18/1988 Battin, Donald Fay DOB: 01/09/1959 Address: W6402 450th Ave Ellsworth, WI 54011 04/01/2016 Date and Time of Booking: Date and Time of Release: Custody Status: 4 Baum, Kristin Leigh DOB: 05/21/1987 Denzer, Jacob Jeffrey DOB: 07/06/1994 Bail $0.00 Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Substantial Battery Sentenced N5305 Cty Tk O Ellsworth, WI 54011 09/21/2016 Date and Time of Booking: Date and Time of Release: Custody Status: at at Bail $0.00 Arresting Agency: Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: 2nd Deg Sexual Assault Of A Child >16 Sentenced Address: N502 300th St Maiden Rock, WI 54750 09/19/2016 Date and Time of Booking: Date and Time of Release: Custody Status: 3:31 pm Bail $0.00 Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Probation/parole Hold P.O. Hold W6578 Hwy 35 Date and Time of Booking: Date and Time of Release: Custody Status: at at IN CUSTODY Arresting Agency: Address: 7:55 pm IN CUSTODY Status: 3 8:05 pm IN CUSTODY Arresting Agency: Address: at at Bay City, WI 54723 10/06/2016 IN CUSTODY Arresting Agency: Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Probation/parole Hold P.O. Hold Page 1 of 9 at at 12:00 pm Bail $0.00 5 6 7 Hohmann, Benjamin John DOB: 03/05/1985 Hurlbert, Christopher Emmanuel DOB: 05/04/1967 Knuth, Colisha Loretta DOB: 04/12/1979 Address: W6387 Main St Bay City, WI 54723 10/07/2016 Date and Time of Booking: Date and Time of Release: Custody Status: 9 Lee, William Douglas DOB: 11/01/1978 Meixner, Kenneth Arnold DOB: 04/12/1991 Bail $0.00 Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Probation/parole Hold Court/Pending 933 Southgate Dr Ellsworth, WI 54011 08/19/2016 Date and Time of Booking: Date and Time of Release: Custody Status: at at 7:03 pm Bail $0.00 IN CUSTODY Arresting Agency: Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Operating While Intoxicated - 5th And Su Sentenced Address: W6387 Main St Bay City, WI 54723 10/07/2016 Date and Time of Booking: Date and Time of Release: Custody Status: Charges: Failure To Appear - Warrant Court/Pending 914 Coulee Trl Hudson, WI 54016 10/06/2016 Date and Time of Booking: Date and Time of Release: Custody Status: Charges: Status: Probation/parole Hold P.O. Hold Date and Time of Booking: Date and Time of Release: Custody Status: 7:16 pm Bail $0.00 Ellsworth PD Homeless at at IN CUSTODY Arresting Agency: Address: 9:58 pm Bail $0.00 Pierce County Sheriff's Office Address: at at IN CUSTODY Arresting Agency: Status: 8 9:26 pm IN CUSTODY Arresting Agency: Address: at at , 09/29/2016 at at 4:30 pm IN CUSTODY Arresting Agency: Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Arresting Agency: Violate Temp Restrain Order - Dom Abuse Cash Bond Set Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Misdemeanor Bail Jumping Signature Bond Page 2 of 9 Bail $500.00 10 11 Moede, Raini Lynne DOB: 09/16/1991 Reichert, Jedidiah Michael DOB: 02/15/1994 Address: 730 S Main St Apt #: 13A River Falls, WI 54022 Date and Time of Booking: Date and Time of Release: Custody Status: 13 Swanson, Amanda Lee DOB: 01/04/1982 Williams, Willow Shalon DOB: 05/01/1984 at at 12:30 am Bail $0.00 IN CUSTODY Arresting Agency: Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Arresting Agency: Possession Of Methamphetamine Signature Bond Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Arresting Agency: Probation/parole Hold P.O. Hold Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Arresting Agency: Obstructing Or Resisting An Officer Signature Bond Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Misappropriation Of Personal Identifying Signature Bond Address: 1431 Wildcat Ct Apt #: 304 River Falls, WI 54022 Date and Time of Booking: Date and Time of Release: Custody Status: 10/08/2016 Charges: Failure To Appear - Warrant Court/Pending 350 Quinnell Ave N Lakeland, MN 55043 Date and Time of Booking: Date and Time of Release: Custody Status: 10/06/2016 10/09/2016 at at 6:16 pm 6:20 am Bail $0.00 RELEASED Arresting Agency: Prescott PD Charges: Status: Probation/parole Hold PO Hold Dropped Address: 8:12 am Bail $0.00 Pierce County Sheriff's Office Address: at at IN CUSTODY Arresting Agency: Status: 12 09/24/2016 914 Coulee Trl Hudson, WI 54016 Date and Time of Booking: Date and Time of Release: Custody Status: 10/06/2016 IN CUSTODY Arresting Agency: Ellsworth PD Charges: Status: Probation/parole Hold P.O. Hold Page 3 of 9 at at 7:38 pm Bail $0.00 Housed At Dunn County 14 15 16 17 18 Donley, Brandon James DOB: 02/15/1978 Hines, Kristopher David DOB: 09/17/1984 Holt, Justin Marshall DOB: 12/05/1984 Koskie, Jason Christopher DOB: 06/19/1981 Peters, Justen Robey DOB: 11/01/1976 Address: 118 N Piety St Ellsworth, WI 54011 10/06/2016 Date and Time of Booking: Date and Time of Release: Custody Status: Bail $0.00 Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Probation/parole Hold P.O. Hold N4692 Cty Tk S Date and Time of Booking: Date and Time of Release: Custody Status: Elmwood, WI 54740 09/28/2016 at at Bail $0.00 Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Probation/parole Hold Sentenced N1024 385th St Maiden Rock, WI 54750 Date and Time of Booking: Date and Time of Release: Custody Status: 10/04/2016 at at Bail $0.00 Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Arresting Agency: Incest with Child by Stepparent X2 Sentenced Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Repeated Sexual Assault Of A Child Sentenced W4344 850th Ave Date and Time of Booking: Date and Time of Release: Custody Status: Spring Valley, WI 54767 04/01/2016 at at 5:03 pm Bail $5,000.00 IN CUSTODY Arresting Agency: Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Felony Bail Jumping Cash Bond Set Address: 3:26 pm IN CUSTODY Arresting Agency: Address: 3:38 pm IN CUSTODY Arresting Agency: Address: 12:16 pm IN CUSTODY Arresting Agency: Address: at at 123 1/2 S Main St Apt #: 300 River Falls, WI 54022 Date and Time of Booking: Date and Time of Release: Custody Status: 09/20/2016 IN CUSTODY Arresting Agency: Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Probation/parole Hold Sentenced Page 4 of 9 at at 4:20 pm Bail $0.00 19 20 Skordahl, Tejay Allen DOB: 10/30/1983 Todnem, Kaitlyn Suzanne DOB: 08/01/1996 Address: 112 Evergreen Estates St Ellsworth, WI 54011 Date and Time of Booking: Date and Time of Release: Custody Status: 09/30/2016 at at Bail $1,380.00 IN CUSTODY Arresting Agency: Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Contempt Of Court - Punitive Sanction Sentenced Address: 8:39 am 1917 W Maple St Hastings, MN 55033 Date and Time of Booking: Date and Time of Release: Custody Status: 09/26/2016 at at 11:57 am IN CUSTODY Arresting Agency: Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Arresting Agency: Misappropriation Of Personal Identifying Sentenced Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Felony Bail Jumping Sentenced Page 5 of 9 Bail Housed At Pepin County 21 22 23 24 Adams, George Herbert DOB: 06/29/1990 Aslakson, Stephen Wayne DOB: 07/27/1982 Condon, Michael Duane DOB: 04/18/1962 Dworshak, Christopher Lee DOB: 11/29/1987 Address: 454 High Point Dr Apt #: 15 Ellsworth, WI 54011 Date and Time of Booking: Date and Time of Release: Custody Status: 09/07/2016 Bail $0.00 River Falls PD Charges: Status: Probation/parole Hold P.O. Hold W6604 Maple St Bay City, WI 54723 Date and Time of Booking: Date and Time of Release: Custody Status: 08/29/2016 9:08 am Bail $0.00 Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Probation/parole Hold P.O. Hold W10822 690th Ave River Falls, WI 54022 Date and Time of Booking: Date and Time of Release: Custody Status: 09/07/2016 at at 3:04 pm Bail $0.00 IN CUSTODY Arresting Agency: Ellsworth PD Charges: Status: Probation/parole Hold P.O. Hold Address: at at IN CUSTODY Arresting Agency: Address: 10:14 am IN CUSTODY Arresting Agency: Address: at at 1455 Knox Path Path Hastings, MN 55033 Date and Time of Booking: Date and Time of Release: Custody Status: 09/08/2016 at at IN CUSTODY Arresting Agency: Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Arresting Agency: Uttering A Forgery Cash Bond Set Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Arresting Agency: Felony Bail Jumping Cash Bond Set Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Arresting Agency: Possession Of Methamphetamine Cash Bond Set Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Arresting Agency: Misdemeanor Bail Jumping Cash Bond Set Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia Cash Bond Set Page 6 of 9 10:01 am Bail $1,000.00 25 26 Field, Elliot Thomas DOB: 03/31/1990 Garcia, Terry Michael DOB: 09/28/1981 Address: N2001 690th St Bay City, WI 54723 Date and Time of Booking: Date and Time of Release: Custody Status: 4:03 pm Bail $0.00 IN CUSTODY Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Arresting Agency: Probation/parole Hold P.O. Hold Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Arresting Agency: Poss W/ Int To Man/dist/del Amp (>10-50g Cash Bond Set Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Arresting Agency: Possession Of Methamphetamine Cash Bond Set Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Arresting Agency: Knowingly Flee An Officer Cash Bond Set Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Arresting Agency: Obstructing Or Resisting An Officer Cash Bond Set Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia Cash Bond Set Address: 476 Fox Run St Apt #: A Clifton, CO 81520 Date and Time of Booking: Date and Time of Release: Custody Status: 08/13/2016 at at Bail $2,000.00 River Falls PD Charges: Extradition Cash Bond Set River Falls PD Status: Arresting Agency: Disorderly Conduct Cash Bond Set River Falls PD Charges: Status: Arresting Agency: First Degree Reckless Endangerment Cash Bond Set River Falls PD Charges: Status: Strangulation/Suffocation Cash Bond Set Address: 11:31 am IN CUSTODY Arresting Agency: Charges: Madland, Erik Mark DOB: 08/01/1995 at at Arresting Agency: Status: Arresting Agency: 27 09/28/2016 1125 Zweber Ln Hastings, MN 55033 Date and Time of Booking: Date and Time of Release: Custody Status: 10/04/2016 IN CUSTODY Arresting Agency: Prescott PD Charges: Status: Arresting Agency: Probation/parole Hold PO Hold Dropped Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Stalking Sentenced Page 7 of 9 at at 1:10 pm Bail $0.00 28 29 Mccluskey, Douglas Walter DOB: 06/12/1964 Myer, Michael Matthew DOB: 09/28/1987 Address: W4230 455th Ave Ellsworth, WI 54011 Date and Time of Booking: Date and Time of Release: Custody Status: Villalobos, Cesar Armando DOB: 11/18/1979 at at 9:24 am Bail $0.00 IN CUSTODY Arresting Agency: Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Arresting Agency: Operating While Intoxicated - 3rd Offens Sentenced Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Operating With Prohibited Alcohol Concen Sentenced Address: 123 E Winter Ave Elmwood, WI 54740 Date and Time of Booking: Date and Time of Release: Custody Status: 06/28/2016 at at Bail $0.00 Elmwood PD Charges: Status: Arresting Agency: Probation/parole Hold P.O. Hold Elmwood PD Charges: Status: Arresting Agency: Obstructing Or Resisting An Officer Signature Bond Elmwood PD Charges: Disorderly Conduct Signature Bond Address: 11:30 am IN CUSTODY Arresting Agency: Status: 30 09/28/2016 1207 2nd Av N Sauk Rapids, MN Date and Time of Booking: Date and Time of Release: Custody Status: 08/22/2016 at at IN CUSTODY Arresting Agency: Pierce County Sheriff's Office Charges: Status: Possession Of Methamphetamine Sentenced Page 8 of 9 9:24 am Bail $0.00 Housed At An Undisclosed Facility 31 Fisher, Adam Mikhail DOB: 01/14/1995 Address: 1352 Sycamore St River Falls, WI 54022 Date and Time of Booking: Date and Time of Release: Custody Status: 09/29/2016 at at IN CUSTODY Arresting Agency: River Falls PD Charges: Status: 1st Deg Sexual Assault Of A Child >13 Cash Bond Set Total Inmates in Custody on 10/09/2016: 31 Page 9 of 9 5:05 pm Bail $25,000.00
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