What`s New April 2010 ~ Earth Day Issue!


What`s New April 2010 ~ Earth Day Issue!
l'VH;Tl Fl0il5E "GE]"s CLIA'\I"
As concems rise about the environment and new infonnation comes out oD
health and *'ellness issues, n.rore and more
pcople arc tuming to altemative ways of
living, or "going green." "Going green"
not only helps reduce envirorunental waste
and pollution, it also raises awareness of
what we are putting into ottl bodies and
wl]at surrounds our bodies. Recent
studies have lound that everyday
household products can be more
hatmful thrn keeping a loaded gun irr
the home, and can cause problems
liom asthma to cancer.
If everyday people are
safeguarding their homes
against toxic cleaners, then
$ hv not salesuard lhe
most guarded family in the
United States? The presidential homcs have donejust that.
In an inten,ie$,with Bar$ara Walters prior
to his inauguration. President Barack
Obama vowed to "green" the Wtite Housc.
including evaluating tl're mansion's energy
cfliciency and tumil'rg the lawn into an
organic garden.
In addition. to protect his oldest
daughter Malia from asthma attacks, the
President said he would sclect a natural,
toxin-frec line ofcleaning products for The
Whitc House stafl'to use. Shaklee CEO
Roger Bamett recently announced that The
White House and the Vice President's
residence (krown as The Admiral's
House) are now ./ using the Shaklee Get
Clean product '1" line. It is greatnews
that the First
and Second Families
can now enjoy
the benefits ola
healthy, safe,
and environmentally
,rt,rr llrr! r,l,"r - *iiiij
friendly home.
Thc Prcsidcnt and Vice President
aren't thc only VIPS to enjoy a Shaklee
"Get Clean" home. In 2007, Oprah listcd
the Get Clean starter kit as one ofhcr
fa " :rit,: pr i,duci.-. She has featured the
prodLlcts on many ofher "green"
cpisodes, including a recent "Going
Grccn" show. Oprah says she's a big fan
of Shaklee's H2 Organic Super Concentrated Clcancr. "Use a couple ofdrops of
tlris. rrrd rt s amazing." shc sa) c. "\ ou carr
ciean the windows. You can clean
the counters. ... You cal clean
Shaklee CEO Roger Barnett
was first introduccd to Shaklee
when his son developed
asthma. When the family
discovered that Bamett's
son had respiratory
issues, Bamett's wife,
Shaktee com
'i,:, ff
[ il.,t'r f"l
Sloan, began investigating what can
trigger her son's condition. Sloan was
horified to find that many household
cleaning products, such as bathroom
cleaners, disinfectants, floor cleanen and
oven cleaners. contain toxic chemicals
that can trigger an asthma attack. Atter
throwing out all oftheir household
cleaners, the Barnetts discovered the
Shaklee Corporation, a company that had
been producing natural cleaning products
Deidre Hall (Days of Our
Lives) - '7 /ove Shaklee and
what the company represenfs . / saw Shaklee on
Oprah and have been so
impressed by all that Shaklee represents- I think Roger
and S|oan are remarkable
and I love the company."
"We thought they worked terrifirs
that Spencer has never had to go back to
the hospital since we switched our
products and that really speaks it all for
us." Roger loved the products so much
that he bought the company!
At the 2007 Primetime Emmy
Awards, Shaklee@ Get Clean was
featured at the first Main Event Red
Carpet Lounge & Green Suite. Over one
hundred A-list celebrities stopped by the
Shaklee booth to check out the Get Clean
products. Many ofthe celebrities had a
Iot ofpraise for Shakleel
Kimberfy Estrada (Lost) "l ttould
lo|e a Starter Kit. I qm so excited to
ctlso tty the laundry products! I love
the packaging and c.ln't wqit
to get prodLlcts lo lt),."
. Chris Harrison (The
Cassandra Hepburn
(Actress) '7 ar?
concer ed about lhe
home. Thankyou,
Shaklee,./br this gi/t.
am so excited qnd
love the uipes!"
Heather Marie Marsden (Actress,
film and Broadway) "l have been
home qnd
Clean line. We hate been making our
home "green," so this is petfect."
reallt reading about toxins in the
Olja Hrustic (Spiderman 3) "I am
so inlo the environnenl. I;fov ! I
cdnnot \rdit to try Shqklee lv Gel
Bachelor host) "S&atlee
has an impressive history^
with the environment: I
am really looking
fontard to ttying these
Get Clean products."
products. I still cqnl believe that one
bottle ofBasic H2 makes all that
cleune\ that is amdzitlg."
Michelle Stafford (Th€ Young and
the Restless) "My mom is big into the
'green'products (mom wqs u,ilh her).
lle are so hoppy to.lind products like
your,s. We are really ov,are oJ our
heqlth and want to mctke our house
lolqlb) Green. Thank 1,ou for sending
lor 50 years.
cally," Roger says. "The great news
Sally Pressman (Army Wives) '7
don I v,ant to breathe in chemicals in
my home. Thank you;for these
qm so happ\' to hdve
products that I know are saJb.for my
dog's health and.for u'hen I lqter
have children."
Thomas Ian Nicholas (American
Pie) "My wife will love this! 'Green'
is reqlly importqnt lo her. She v'ill be
redlb) hdppy to get a Starter kit and
to get these giJis from Shaklee!"
Marisol Nichols (24 TV series) '7
have been making my home 'green'
and really.feel it i.s importqnt that we
oll do moke the eJfort, and I really
wqnt m),:[amil!- to be healthl,- Ifow,
hou' maqt holtles ofwindow cleaner
can Bqsic H2 make?"
Melanie Paxson (Notes from the
Underbelly) "I reqlb) v'ant to tD) a
Get Clean Starter kit. Wou,, what a
beautiful package and impressi,e
product. I cqnnot believe hov,
conce trated Blsic H2 is-- that
me a starter kit!"
Tanya Tucker ( Tuckerville) 'Ikrow
of Shctklee producls, and I love them.
Shaklee hqs been around a long time.
like that."
With the Get Clean household
cleaning line from Shaklee, you can be a
star in youl own home, breathing free,
ea.). and guilrless as 1ou Iive safe. clean.
and greenl
Get Clean Start Kit # 50444 #50426 (HE
laundry fragrance free)
Gel Cleon Quick Fscis
Gel Cleon products ore... .
Alwoys Safe
. Non-toxic
No hormful fumes
No vololile orgonic cleoning
. No hcrmful ingredienls
Always Powertul
. outpertorms or motches 22
notionol bronds
. 100% money-bock guo.oniee
Alwdys Grcen
. Susfoinoble ingredients tlom
nolurol sources
. Biodegrodoble surfoctanfs
. Recycloble pockoging, wipes,
dryer sheets
. No chlorine bleoch, phosphotes, nitroles, boroles, or
volotile orgonic cleoning compouncls
Shakiee's most lcvolu-
tiona4' product is now
available in kosher lbnlr.
Many other Shaklee
products are koshcr, and
now you can enJov Vivix serurn thc same
vitamin D nutrition lor maintaining cardio-
higher levels
vascular health. The rescarch shows that
lorver blood vitamin D levcls are associated
vitamin D.
rvith metabolic syndrone (a group ol
symptoms that can occur together and
promote the devclopntent of coronary a cry
disease, stroke. and type 2 diabetes) and
othcr risk factors 1br cardiovascular disease.
The findings ofthe study. which
was suppofted by Shaklee. suggest the
imporlant role of vitamin D in maintaining
cardiovascular hcalth. Padicipants in thc
study included 257 nen and women. most
of rvl'lom were attending Shaklee's national
conlerence in Ncrv Orleans in August of
2008. The study found that the "good
cholesterol" (HDL-c) concentrations
incteased as vitamin D levcls
cans have sribopti
u'ay! Shaklee scientists built on the years
ofresearch developing VivixiO to crcate a
powcrful kosher version ofthis revolLrtionlry proJrrct. Ko.hcr Vir ir F \onr.iins a
unique prolile of polyphenols tiorr.r
ingredjents shou.n in laboratory studies to
fight celiular aging.*
' 3,000 glasses ofred rvine: A 30-day
supply of Kosher Vivix delivers the
amount of resveratrol lound in 3,000
glasses ofred wine.
. 2,500 rcsearch publications: Just
onc of lhe ing-redient. in Ko.her \ irir
alone has been refbrcnced in over 2.500
research publications. including multiplc
.luLlier cunducted b1 Hrn rrd ( nir er'iq.
the National Institute on
Aging, the National Cancer
Institute. and the National
lnstitute of Environmental
Health Sciences.
' Broad Spectrum of
Poll,phenols: In addition.
Shaklee Kosher Vivix
supplies other potent
polyphenols such
phenolic acids. ellagitarr.rins.
anthocyanins. and
proanthocyanidins thatcan
a1lbct cellular-longevity
In addition to including a
new kosher lbmula, both
bottles are norv packaged in a
single bottle-that means less
waste fbr you and the
Ce II ular
New Single-bottle
packaging # 21200.
Kosher livLr #2 291 I
F'lorida. ShakJec presented breaking
research that suggested the impoftant rolc of
Vitalizcr and
Vita Lea with
Many Amerr-
mal levels of
vitamin D, which
can have serious
implications. Make
sure you are getting all
yoLrr "D" uith Shaklee's Vita-Lea
(available rvith or without iron) and
Vitalizer (avarlable rn 3 lbrmulas: with
iron. without iron, and Vitalizer GoldrM
for thosc over 50).
\ itamin D lerels
Shaklcc CEO Roger
Bamett believes that "thc
findings may have significant
public health irrplications
rclated to new understanding
about benefits related to
vitamin D supplementation."
He adds that "Shaklcc's
heritage has always been about
inproving people's health and
well-bcing and we are proud of
supportilg this important
increased from.-.
600 IU to 1,000 IU
Shaklee Vitelizer v,ithout ircnrv
Shaklee llitalizer v,ith ironrM 24271
.1,000 IU to 1,200
Shaklee l/italizer GoldtM 20270
.400 IU to 800 IU
L'ita Lea v,ith iron 20267
Wta-Lea v,ithout iron 20269
.800 lU to 1000 lU
hta-Lea Gold@ without K 20265
Ilita-Lea Gold@ r,ith K 20264
have linked low
vitaurin D levels
to osteoporosis.
high blood
pressure, hearl
disease. autoin.1-
mune discascs,
and ceftaln
cancers. The
importance ofthis
-^--r*r* |
ffirmw ffi{ ffiKnrYWwww
Are you uncertain about your future?
Ifyou Iove Shaklee products, you
probably alrcady recommend them to your
family and friends. Did you klov, you can
get paid for your effofis rccommending
and selling Shaklee products? Shaklee's
new FAST TRACK program can help yon
and your lriends eam up to $ 100,000 in
total compensatron,
including up to
$34,000 in extra
bonu,es. In
ffiwffiuffiffiffiffi w$ttrx
Who is eligible for FAST TRACK?
. New GOLD ambassadors
. Current members and distributors
. Business leaders can take part by helping
their team grow to Executive Coordinators
. Porential ro eam $ 100.000 in tota
compensation. including $34,000 in extra
. New members and
existing business leaders
who haven't been a
director or above tbr the
past 5 years can qualify
\'-. w-.-.
paid trips
and more!
o Confbrencc rcgistration and,1 free nights'
hotel stay in Anaheim.
o VIP star achiever
o Luxurious cruise to
Westem Caribbean
o All expense paid trip
to the Future
Masters even as a
guest speaker, plus
an exclusive tfip to
Napa Valley. CA
Whafs New is owned and published by Donna Raichart. To contact Donna for information or to order the printed version, please contact her at
(tollfree) 866-987-0638, Fax to (707) 987-0638 or E-mail to [email protected].
Io view the newsletter or order the electronic verslon go tor wwwwhatsnewnewsletter.com
Or you may do either ofthe above by contacting the Frontrunners at (toll free) 800-237-5199, or email [email protected] or www-TheFrontrunners.com
NoIe: This is nol official company litenture. lt is fron publicly available sources and is intended for your persanal information.
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