Family Historian - Arkansas Genealogical Society
Family Historian - Arkansas Genealogical Society
The Arl(ansas Family Historian Volume 10, No.3, July/Aug/Sept 1972 THE ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN JULY - VOL, :1;, NO,3 AUG. • • I • j , pu1lished Quarterly .. By . ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Box 1033 CONWAY, ARKANSAS - SEPT •• 1972 72 OFFIQERS DIRECTORS Mrs. Glen BUlings Mrs. Duncan B. Brown, Jr. Alonzo D. Camp A. Nils Florent:!; Mrs. H. R. Garner Capt. John C. Hammock Miss Mary Hudgins Mrs. Mark T. Jordan J. B. Lemley Miss Jennie Belle Lyle Mrs. Lillian McGowen Mrs, Gerald B. McLaJ;le Mrs. M. A. Neel Major Perkins Nunnally . Mrs. Edward Westbrooke Alonzo D. Camp President LitUe Rock, ArkaI1sas Mrs. Willma H. Newton Vice~President . Hamilton, Arkansas Mrs. Elaine Cia Rec. Sec . .,. Treas. Little Rock, Arkansas Miss Annie Laurie Spencer Corres. Sec. EI Dorado, Arkansas Historian Dr. James S. Upton Conway, Arkansas Capt. John C. I:lammock Dermott, Arkansas Herald Nashville: Little Rook Little Rock' Little Rock Rison Dermott Hot Springs Little Rock Russellville Little Rock . El Dorado Hot Springs Hazen Pine Bluff Jonesboro • THE ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN Cqpyright 1973 Arkansas Genealogical Society Box 1033 Conway, Arj{ansas 72032 Mrs. Dolo'res Murphy, Editor .. strimAMli;. LIST ~.,. LIST SURNAME LIST ,,~ SURNAM~ 18.50 CENSUS, ARKANSAS COUNTY, ARKANSAS 1850 CENSUS, ASHLEY COUNTY, ARKANSAS 1850 CENSUS, BENTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS by Mrs. Leister E. Presley DISAPPEARED IN ARKANSAS ... . •. McDERMOTT FAMILY CEMETERY by. Louiee Mixon Griffin . .. '. by John C. Hammock ANNl~S CHApEL GEMETERY, JOHNSON com-iTY, ARKANSAS Page 73 76 78 82 82 83 MINNOW CREEK .CEMETERY, JOHNSON COUNTY, ARKANSAS FORT 'DOUGLAS CEMETERY,' JOHNSON COUNTY, ARKANSAS SAEE~LCEiMETERU:S. JOHNSON COUNTy, ARKANSAS AI)AMSCEME~ERY. POPE COUNTY, ARKANSAS GOWEN CEMETERY, POPE COUNTY, ARKANSAS . BRAIlLEY AND BROOKS CEMETERIES, POPE COUNTY, ARKANSAS SEJ;FCEM:ETERY, POPE COUNTY, ARKANSAS RICHLAND CEMETERY,. NEWTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS W},l'EELER.CEMETER);. POPE COUNTY, ARKANSAS VICTORRGAD (lr ~ORTH FORK CEMETERY, POPE COUNTY, ARKANSAS by Gra)lville J. Ross and Ben C. Rose 89 96 99 103 105 106 106 107 108 108 . N.EW MEMBERS 108 QUERIES' lOS . 1 73 SU~NAl'4E L~ST 1850 CJ';NSUS. AR~ANSAS COUNTY. ARKANSAS by Mrs. Leis~er E. Presley This list is designed to be used with the microfilm of the 18/iO census. The names are \isted as they appear on the census and the number preceeding the name is the family number. When more than one name is listed U\lder a number there were People of more than one name in the household. All names of townships are liste!i also. (*) before a name indicates the readin~ Of the name is uncertain. The names are given as nearly as spelled as possible and all names are listed. If a name ill entirely unreadable, this is indicll-ted. Arkansas Townehip H!lins 2. Stillwell 3. ~illwell 4. Klpler 5. Young :aringle 6, Vaugins 7. :Fplzier 1. • 8. 9. iO. 1~. 12, .. 13. l4. i5. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. ~rown MlU{Well HaUlhurtoll :Qringle Refel!i L,arguier Jacob lfAllibl\rton . McQee King ,rlB.cobs Flsller Wolf 'Va'sssur Parritt 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. , Lil>~e 37. 38. 39. :Ford 40. Armstrong Maxwell Hagler Larol'S Landrum Larguier Laross Landrum Maxwell Thetford Tarlton Cameron Bringle )foung :arent Bringle Hackerton :P.iriot Drown ~rris Hains Clayton Maxwell p,helps Compton Haller 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. Phelps Rodgers McGraw McGraw Lemon Maxwell Lemon Young Thetford Jean Hand Somers ijains Stillwell Laross ijagler Taylor Hains Hagler Mitchell Refeld Pertuis Derrisseau Dumas Mitchell Brinsback 61. Vasseur 62. Periot 63. Vasseur 64. Goliot 65. Nadi 66. Imbeau Periot 67. Morton 68. Notrebe 69. Billette 70. CrosS 71. Fargas :aillette 72. Billette 73. Vasseur 74. Vizart Witt 75. Kimbrough 76. F,arrelly Brunson 77. fliggins Mitchell Hackerton 78. Bogy 79. Bogy 80. Toney Villemont Township 1. Lauder<;lale 2. Lauderdale 3. Johnson 4. Turner Lamb 5. Prioe 6. Duval Bridd1e George Crowder 8. 'Dimond Rodgers 9. ~epler 10. Hartley 6. 7. 11. Johnson Dinsmore 12. Johnson Patterson 13. Johnson Harrington 14. Woods 15. 16. 17 .. 18. 19. East Hartley Vick Barkman Mills Quiet Counce 74 1850 CE;NSUS, ARKANSAS SURN:A)'IE-MS'l' Villemont Townehil! 21). Young 2l. Royl 22. Connell Douglass Township L 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 14. Thetford 2. Imbeau 3 .. Lynch Connell Lamb 24. McGee 22. 23. Hudgins Johnson Morgan Davis Fletcher Snyder Nixon Simpson Simpson Harris 15. 16. 17. 18. 19 .. 20. ~ennington Moore Cross Jordelas 11. Carter 12. Jones Sample H\lghes 13. Jordelas Doherty 9. 10. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. COUNTY, ARKANSAS Rodgers King Frazier 26. Young 25. Toombly Power Terry Jordelas Jordon Moss McKenzie Walden Lynch Lynch Hamilton Long York Cross Cross Day Harrington Douglass Stanford Douglass Moore Douglass Stanford Foster Smith Dye Felts Williams Shultz Smith Slick Lafargue Mitchell Lenox TerrY Toombly Gibson Mitchell Poole Hollingsworth Craig Craig Craig Craig Tarlton Lanair Clay Fletcher 28. Smith Smith Sansom Young Johnson Cannon Adams Jones Childress Rhodes Johnson Nicks Klirkpl!-trick Mitchell 19. Wilson 20. Brent 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. Dimond Stillwell 27. Peeler 28. Johnson 26. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46, 47. 48. 49, 50. 5l. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56, 57. 58. 59. Piercy Lamb Lee Piercy Lee Price Curran OWen McEwen Lee Lee Reddy Harvey Jordalas Rice Shirley George Douglass Lynch Kuykendall Dunnington Swel.lringer Mitchell Old· River Township l. 2. 3. 4. 5. :6. 7. 8. lIynum Fry Smith Hartly Quertemus ',. Dllll1as fertius Bradshaw Doage Racine 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ~hompson Gocio . :\?eriot Newton 16. 17. 18. Riddles Thompson Bennett Bramble Hynum Sloan Rowsey Patterson Brent 27. Curran Cook 28. Brent Brown 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34 . 35. 36. Patterson O'Kelly Mirex Thompson Robertson McNeil Kimbrough Paxton Perry Bickers. Cook Baugh Harrington Cook 75 SUR:NACM'~Ll a 'f 1850 CEN~U~. ARKANSAS QOUloI'TY. ARKANSAS Prairie· Town$hlg • 1. St!,phens Vineyard . Tarlton 2. Cottrel 3. Kirkp;1tric\!: 4. Lewis Gilmore 5,. Synco Trulock 6. Jones TanksI!ly 7. Daniel 8. Lowe Stephenson 9. Walton 10. Lowe Walker Johnl'lon 11. Saunderfil 12. Richmond Hopper 13. Holderfield 14. Benton Fields Crockett Townsblg 15. Miller 16. Ranes 17, Ragan McCauly ;L8. English 19. Richmond 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. ;25. 26. 27. 28, 29. 8. ~. ~ogers 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. .' 10. Barker Polk Township 1. West Connell 2. Holly Tinley Holdway Hanna Jones Tarlton Gilmore Page Jones Holdway Tankesley McGraw Holdway · Richmond Cottrell English Lowe · Rust · Kenedy Deaver 11. Dunn 1. . Dugan Worthen Price Bagwell Hill Hl.Il!;hes Clayton Rogers SWart Miller Wooten Davis Fer:guson 29. 30. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Sinclair · Morris ,Craig .Hughes Morrison Sinclair Day Smith Price Hardin 'J:urner Lingo Vlneyard Meedeet Oables .3. Threat 4. Bolton H;l.tch Grooms 31, 32, 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. Tunstall Thomas Gowens Snowdy McGuire Ridge Bullocks Lewis • Thompson Robinson Grimes Willis Tarlton Denend McCoole McNew Joseph McCoole Dansbury Cross Burden Draper Ward Fulford Nobles 19, . Hill 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Meedeet Haden Pierman Maize Lingo Grover Maize .Morrow Lingo Ewell Thompson H.oldway fjutchins McGuffy Trott 6. Walker 7. Allen 8. Nobles 5. 42. 43 . 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. · 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Scruggs Lowe Walton Rogers Garrison Tarlton Garrison Haynes Offatt Marcus Shaw Relish Aikerd Garrison Leggett Anders Dillard Bellnap Holdway Deane Leverett Anderson Barnett Funnel McGraw Gordon Lacats · McCoy · Maize Gordon McCoy McCoy Harrell Hardin Light Turpin Lowe Clawson . SWart Turpin Cherry Radgesky Solomon 10. Russel 11. Ransel 9. 76 1850 CENSUS, ARKANSAS COUNTY, ARKANSAS SURNAM'E·LIST Polk TownshiE 12. Jones 13. Allen Campbell 14. Pepper Miller 15. Chase Golden 16. Pickens Henderson Howard S'URNAME 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21- Espy Rambeau Golden Gatlin Marsh Young Leonard Dromgoole Chandler Smith Williams 1850 CENSUS, LIST Hittright Decker Johnson 23. Spradlin Miller 24. Pike 25. Montgomery 26. Stahl 27. Mooring Fisher McCown 2122. ASHLEY COUNTY, 27. Lewis 28. . Sullivan Walker Smith 29. Henderson 30. Hartman 31- Craddock 32. Clarke Pike 33. Roach 34. Baugh ARKANSAS White TownshiE 12. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1112. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Savage Ducker Holloway Cook Willson Shelton Denson Davis Colborn Riley Neason Boyd De Glaze Denson Denson Martin Bull Bull Bull Lee Stroope Sanders Godfrey Leigh Briggs Thurmond Phillips Wigley Wheeler Wood Daniel 19. 20. 2122. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28 29. 30. 3132. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Griffith Cothorn Griffith Derton Pennington Rickard Arnold Cooper Shiron Fogle Shiron Duval Carcruff Coker Kenady :Ooddrige Sparks Sims Deal Watkins dates , Hartness Dillan Martin Anderson Jordon Bull Hannah Pankey Gray Sullivan Boyd ~ogle 41- Hamilton 42. Allen 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 5152. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 6162. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. Thurmond Smith Roberts Fisher Hinkson Journigan O'Hara Withers Daniels Burton Denson Denson Hawkins Ross McShan Long Thompson Martin Jackson Murphy Logan Denson Lee Medley VYorthington Herod $ocum Hitt Flewellen Medley Rickard Downey White 71. Willis 72. 73. 74. 75, 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. Gillespy Files Cohn staats stuart steers Denson Willis Willis Dickie Hamblet Estill Denson Mill TownshiE 81- Thompson Sanders 82. Gillespie 83. Hubble Carter Owens 84, Brinson 85. Noble 86. Bradford 87. Stallings 88. Willis 89. Willis 90. Agee 91- Thompson 92. Shelton 93. Newton 94. Agee • 77 SU~'NAldE J,.lST MHl Townllhlll 95, da,rlin 96. ThomplilPIl Finch 97. Heslep Ferrell 98. lUll 99. Gurtis Wright 100. Heslep 101. eartright 102. W,ppen 103. J!Lppen 1p4. Jiloyle 10.5. i ~6 . ~ryant E\mitl:\ iP7 .~ndersoll 108.' f1inkson , • .' I09'.!lirkpatl!'ic~ Uker l9on :Allen * 1l1),Lee ill,. ,l(8-me/i! li2. I¥ms ~owell U3 114. aUlS Srooks 115. I,fill.espie nurt . ~itchel\ 116 . liow ling . ~umphries 117. B,nildoll Wheeler Hamqlet Bookllr Vancleve 119. pavis , .120. NOrris Sappingtpn. 121. Ailes .. Gribbs Winfrey 122. HundillY 123. Hundley 124. Hundley 125. Hundley 126. Sims 127. Sirp.s 128. Pippen 11s. ---/ ~~ 1850 CENSUS. 129. 130. 131. 132. 13::1. 134. 135. Shelton Owens Armstrollg Shelton Tucker Griffith Shelton . Brady 136. Yeager 137. ,¥oung Wyatt 138. ~ke Wade 139. 1>eele 1~0. Grubbs i i : fludduth 141. Gouldson i 142. Hammock E:fp!t Township .1 Stevens 144. Fleming ,Tones 145. Dllward 146. PIiar , 147. Guy 148. :Aliar 149. Skinner :Nevels 150. Herrin 151·. J,errell !-rnold 152. Gilliam 1~3. Willson 154 .. Dawkins 155. Denson 156. McGanis T. Extrll Township 157. ~ws 15S.MUler 159. Honeycut· 160. Barnett 161. Miller '162. Fairis 163. Tiner 164. Mimms 16li, Hill 166. Laws 167. Honeycut ASH;LEY CQUNTY,.,Al'IKANSAS 16~. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173 .. 174. 175. 1'4dison Sawyer McDer",.tt Reid Laws Gan,n Segarll Neal Tiner Undsay Johnson Beac)! C;:reek;:rw~. 176. Holt 177. Mooney 178, Mott 179. Smith 180. Dent()ft 181. White 182. McGary 183. White 184. WUlian)s 185. Wiley 186. Collins 187. Stephens 011 188 .. Cranforp 189 .. Cooper 190. Hoggue 191. ~ogguE! De$man 192. Adams Crollt Pindev Ashcake 193. Hawkins Fritter 194. TatUn) 195. McRight Taylor 196, steven/! 197 .. ~uble 198. . Hopkin~ 199. Baker . Scarlet 200. Gilder 201, Mains Smith 202. Carter 203. Adams 204. Mauney 205. Adams 206. Chrtstmas Bond 207. Morris 208. Oats 209. Dade Urry Johnson 210. Smith 2oll. Crawford .DeBastrop TWp. 212, Silor 213. Stephenson 214. Doughty 215 .. Kilgore 216. Ward Fleming 217. Estes Hall 21~. Dabney Z19. Kimbrough 220. Chambent 221, . Jones Placker 222. Hawkins 223. Cameron 224. Dean ·225. Dean 226. Gregory 227. Willson 228. Clark Placker 229. stanley 230. Boytt 231. Sawyer 232. McGary . Union Township 233. Sanders 234, Laughrens 235. Cunningham 236, GlIY 237. H~slep Garner 238. Holloway Steedley 239. Venters . Scarlet Brady 78 STJRNA'Mie ~~~T Union· Townshil2 240. Brady 241. "Bagley 242. Lacy 243. Brown Hamilton 244. Barnett .245. . Roberts 246. Brady 247. Trammell SURNAME LIST BeatIe Townshil2 1. Hix 2. Armstrong Bryant 3. Whinery Ronkin 4. Boten 5. Staly 6. Thomason Whinery 7. Cockrll 8. Stern 9. Wallace 10... Belvin 11. Belvin 12. Nedeavor 13. Dicky 14. Evens 15. Wilcox Cox 16. Rice 17. Won 18. Denton 19. Kelly 20. Woody 21. Rhea 22. Woody 23. McFall Bramblett 24. Hizer DobbinI'! 25. Smith 26. Rice *" 2tj. Large Tinsley 26. Hayden 1850 CENSUS, 248. Sawyer 249. Wallace 250. Winans Scarlet 25l. ;McCall 252. McCall Eathaway 253. Wallace 254. Bell 1850 CENSUS, .. 29. Singoe 30. Dicky 3l. Woody 32. May 33. Scott Sutherlin 34. Kelly 35 McFail 36. Cunningham 37. Caywood McDaniel ·l'4arr May '" 38. Lewkins 39. Crabtree 40. Dorn Balch 41. Drake 42. Parr 43. Campbell H, Freeman 45. Phillips 46. Thompson 47. Whinery 48. Harmon 49. Edwards 50. . Hastings Younger 5l. Ross 52. Sellers 53. Phillips 54. Balch 55. Wallace 56. Earp 57. Graham 58. English A~HI,.EY COU~TY , ARKANSAS Carter Township 255. ;Mains Shackleforu Hudson Shanks Hazard 256. Riley 257. Barrett 1l58. Green 259. Beasley BENTON COUNTY, 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81, 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. o Melton Cooper English Gardnel.' Boyd MCFall Alexander Crabtree Keth McFaMen McBell Blackstone England Pinson Smith Keith Moor Repatoe Cox Isabell CoatIS Louks McFauden Hastings Miller Walker McCorkle White Pierce Davis Thomas McCauslin Rotramell Rotramell Reed Lauderdale 260. Greathouse 261. Mason 262. Hays 263. Trammell 264. Guthrie 265. Williams 266. Byrd 267. Thompson 268. Mozlj 269. Roax ARKANSAS 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. Qualls * Lustree Harris Hastings January Ross Heaslett McMillon Hastings Burgess Phillips January James Beasly Blagg Walker Walker Walker Yarberry Roberts Nesbett Powell Phagan Chandler Montgomery Thomason . Walker. Brown . Ball. 110. 111. 112. Townshi12 Walker Wilson Robinson Sterms 113. Jones 114. Basely " 79 SUR:'NA"M:1il'L~ST Ba'U"'l'ownshte . It5. Yell ., 116. WHson George Hs. Neal li9. cantrell l2El. Bricky :L21. 'Alderson J22. 'SUdmore 123. 'Wilson ~24,. Gtbson 12(i. ~clli-ir 1~; Robinson 'illy. Wilson. j 1118. l!l/)ty 129. Riddle l~q. Twa.mmell ·~i:ft. )4cKenza . '" 13l!. King Bagtlf 133. ! . ii7. ' '* l34, ~$ed i:l5, . R,*ed ~36, ".,qll.ylor 137.·fian:iel ., ... ·'1 . J~B. Daniel 139. . Qapland " , : ,j , , . *+10, Bagur * i41. MCKenr", 142. tr1)rner H3. G)ithry . 1- 44 , pttle U5. Copeland i46. Guthry ,\ Magelin . l. ! 147. Guthry 14'8: Walker :).49. N"6rwood i1lf). rrice . Kellen I . i51. Abbott 11l2. james 153. Norwood i54. Culberth i55. Snodgrass 156. Wilson 157. -'Mathas 158. Carnahan Cantrell 159, ,Cantrell 160. Cantrell 1850 CENSUS. 161. Hutcheson Cantrell 162, Abbott 163. Chamber" 164. Ames Ulsnun 165. Tittle 166. Couch 167. Kenchelow Woolsy 168. Gamble 169. Mulhollen 170 . Wallace 171. ~st 172. smith 173. Morison 174. Morison .. 175 . E.dwards 176, Burgess 177, ~urgess 178. Walker ''-'J', Whiteaiver·Twa· 179. p1)ckworth 180. Graham fJ,lark 181. ·Oalahan , 182, ~tner 183, Hendricks 184. Seager 185. Green Bucher 186. Ellis 187. Bellmear 188. Ford Hl9. Thornsbury 190. Russell 191. . Brown . 192. Riley 193. pwsy 194. Peng 195. Robinson 196. Kendricks 197.- Laney 198. . Phillips 199. Phillips 200. Hendricks 20l. Sherod 202. Wolf 203. ·McCartney BENTON COUN'l;'Y. 204. 205, 206. 207. 208. 209 , 210. 211, 212, Ingram Anderson Graham Phillips Phillips White White Easly Star Jo)mson McCoy 213. Martin 214. Graham' 215. Graham 216. Brumfield 217. Galaway 218. Ferrell 219. Ferrell 220, Venlers 221. Graham 2211. MCGarrah 223 . Graham 224, Ingram 225, Gwinn 226, Stephens 227. Baker 228. Graham 229, Mayfield 230. Graham 231, Millerson 232. Cowen 233 .. Sprague 234, Sprague 235 . Millerson 236. , Brown "237, Avestine Qsa&e Township 238. Henry 239. Henry 240. ~axwell . King 241. Maxwell .242. Howard 24,3. ,Johnson 244. Cox 245. Ingram 246, Crawford 247. Nail 248. Pearson AR~ANSAS 248, StClair 249. Dinsmore 259, Holmes Peterson 251. Holmes 252. Washburn Thompson 253. Ridge 254,. Washburn 255. Jackson 29 6 . parmer 257. Williams 258, Williams 259. Clark 260. Blaylock Hye 261. Spencer 262, Elliott 263. Morison 264. McLane 265. Osi:mrn 266, Jackson 2!i7, Moor 268 . Jellett 269. Chambers 270. Perkins 271. May 272· Fields 273, Patton 274, Langston 275. Featherston 276. Kirby Throckmorton :alake 277, Wight 278, Broom 279. Foster ~80, l):qward 2S1. Case 282. . Brown 283. Rogers 284. Gamble '" 285. cart 286, Jackson 28'7, McL~ne 288. Stringfield :)89. Gilbert King ~90. Burg"n 291. Jackson 80 SUllHfAME J.,IST Osage Townshi~ 292. Rich 293. Kirklin 294. Wood 295 . White . ..' 2'96. Smoot 297... Owry 298. Ennis ':299. - Sea.ssin 300. Garrett n ;' 301. Garrett .",". 302. Debenport 303. Nail ~94. Nail GQmble 3U5. FArar :)06. C'-,ol1rd 307. Nail ,.". 308. "woodard 39\'l: ;Peterson . :fiQ: WUliams ., ,'J: ':'.:., 311. 312. ~aggerty Gibson Howard ,ij:H. White ~r5. forsythe -'316. Baker '!h7. Bl.\rgess "$18. .Burrow 3i:l. 3't9, ~erkins ·3ai). WilBon 321:: Anderson -i22; Weod Whipple 3~3. • '324. - smith Spring ',Parks 32'5- .swaggerty 3Zt. SWaggerty "327. Seaton ~28. Graham ~29. Owry 330. Ingram 331. McDaniel 332. Cowen Criger Hubbard 33.5. Daniel • 3;)6. Liub 334. 1850 C E NSVS. Cowan Hubbard -* llanister Powell 339. Mays 340. Graham 341. Pryer 342. Colville 343. Irba 344. pickson ~5. Dickson 346. Pace' 347. Slocum :H8. puckworth 337. 338. M9. ~cDaniel 31iO. ¥cDaniel 351. ;ijickson ~5!l. Hammock 353. Hammock 3lJ4. Itubbard ~55 . stroud 356. · E;lsy 357. · Stroud 358. Richerdson 359. McClenden Loones ~60. · .Ford < J,ackson ~62. JJ,owry. a63. Ilubbard ~64. ,.Hubbard Lee ~65. , ,366. Qwen ~67. _~anks 368. Banks ::169. Davis 370. Banks 371. Phillips 372. Lowry Gwinn 373. ' Phillips 374. Cowen Stroud 375. McGQrrah 376. . Colville Gavin 377. Ford 378. Nail , 379. Hester 380. Horton ''','n- i ' a61. BENTON _COUNTY. 381. Woods 382. Hastings 383. pavidson 384. Kessic\< 385. 386. .... "fT· ~- ,.... , 387. 388.' 389. 390. 391. ::192. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. - 398. 399. 400. 401. 402. 403, 404. Clark Kessick Copeland Williams Centre Cowen Howard S!lipes G,olbraith Munds Powterson Bacon Greenwood Dickson Waters Moor Breathwart Dickson Covy Morison qlark Dickson Jilolmes ~ack Wallace 405 .. McDaniel 406. 407. 408 . 409. 410. 411; 412. 413. 414. 415 . 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. Oox Dickson Foster Woeds Underwood Wood Farrer Farrer Poster Harston Duff McLone Caveniss Caveniss Burnett Butler stephens Perkins Heath Heath ARKANSAS 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. .. 436. 437. 438. 439. 440. 441. 442. 443. 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 450. 451. 452. 453. 454. 455. 456. 457. 458. 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. Cook Mehuron Maxwell Smith Silvertooth Corder Williams Bees .Jackson Williams Williams Williams Gorden Sumers Huckaby Wight :HQrnback Tuggle Jefferson Jone Young Woods Arnold Mahuron Foster Mahuron Hardwick Hardwick Hardwick Miser Pace Hendricks Wallace Holland Forsythe Larson Wallace Blair Booth FosterPaschal Springer Foster Crowell McKessick Burnett Bullard Bolen Gamble Herald 81 ·'S1JRNAM.E- .. LLS T . Osage TownahiE 46.4., ~us!lll . Copland 465, Hastings ltussell . 466. Roberts James 467. White 468. Spring 469 . . Cook 470 .. Redic 471. Walls 472. 'Deheven 472, . Burton *Croncer 474., .:Logan 47fi· keIth *476. Esqurres Ballard 477. Dorneal 478. Gordon Sugar Creek TWE' 479. Reynolds 480. Pewitt 48.1. Mayfielq 482. Graham 483. Reynolds 484. Roseberry 485 .. Anderson 400. Roseber;ry Reynolds. '*487 ; Lossen 1850 488, 489, 490, 49L 492, 493, 494. 495. 496. 497. 498. 499. 500. 50L 502. 503. 504. 505. 506. ·507. 508. 509. 510. 51L 512. 513. !)14. C'ENSUS, Martin Barnhill Barnhill Barnhill Barnhill Jenings Boylston Whitely Venable Rippy Teague Reed Ash Ledford Evens Redic Benry 1!Tott McNeal Smily lVJoor Ford Burks Crane Movgan Williams Briscoe Woods Davidson Johnson Sternburg Harris BENTON COU'NT'Y; 'ARKANSAS 515. 516, 517, 518, 519, 520. 52L 522. 523. 524. q25. ~26. $27. :28. 29. 530. &3L Corden Guest Hardwick Wilson Ford Armstrong Shettiff Wardlow Striplen Wilson N,laherron Wardlow llumley Stephens Freeman Washburn Stephens 'ryn~r 532. 533. 534. 535. 536. 537. 538. 539. 540. 54!. 542. 543. 544. ford Ford Ford /ford Gunner Gentry Ford Gentry I\oller Derham Briscoe Clenon Briscoe Briscoe Forgy 545, 546, 547. 548, 549, 550. 55L !'j52, 553. 554. 555. 556. 557. 558. 559. 560. 56L 562. 563. 564. * 565. 566. 567. 568. 569. 570. 571. 572. 573. Curtis Roller Roller Rutherford Roller Roller Hunter White Owen Scott Maberry Martin Batty Frazer Baley Ford Corden Fleming Redic Redic Pratt Marsh Rose Cranmer Marsh Jordon Caviness Caviness Dunigan Shelton Deen Landers It is not possible to read all names correctly, and I am sure tpere are mistakes in this transcription .. The census taker often misspelled names, and many of the letters look alike. Some of these are: J and I, Y and Z, Sand L and G~ by and leY, tt and it and tl, i and e, ie or ei and u, a.and 0, r and n, and others. The 1850 census gives the name of each person in the household. age, sex and place of birth. If the microfilm of the census is not available to you, I will ft\rnish this information for. 10<; per family and a minimum order of five families. These do not have to be all the same name. Mrs. Leister E. Presley 1708 W. Center St. 72143 Searcy. Arkansas DlSi\PPEARED IN ARKAN~AS by Louise Mixon Griffi~ A hundred years ago Maud Ellen Duff Burnett, Ii widoW, with several of her children, among.which was II married son whose wife was a ~c>nner Mise W,.Uaee, left Giles County, Tennessee, in a covered wagon headt;ld for Al;"kltnsa~ Where they crossed the Mississippi River har> no~ peen revealed, ~u~ they did make it to Arkltnsas is a known fact. Mrs. Burnett wrote a IElt~er ~ol),er qau!!b~er, ~t~e, wllo had been left with a friend, that the partY ha.cJ. arrived at Ma):'Vell Station l.n phill!ps Cqunty, Ark. The letter was dated January 18, 1872. It was tile l/lst lilYer hea:r;d f:r;om any memQer of the family. . " Beside the married son, Narvern, and two sil;ltlOlrs, I;li~ and Fralwes Jilurflett,' there were . two or three small boys Ill. the party whose names have fadec;i fr01ll memqr:y dowll. the years. Katie grew tq Qe a YOlJ./lg lady and married David. Cro(,lkliltt Neal and lived on a farm seven miles soutil. {rom .Pulaski, Tenn. 'l'hough KatlEl BUl;"n,ett Neal wa~ II b\l,sy farm 1ll0ther, she always grieved about what cOl,lld have happened to her {amU.y, Sjl,e always bOl;"e anxiety for the whereabouts pf hel;" mother and brothers and sillWrs, even all a U~le gi,rl while !!he Iltayed in the home of Bob Barber with whom her mother left her, She voiced. this anxiety to her childrefl as tlley grew to adults, anq ll<1w her grellt"granddau:giJ.ter, Annie Neal WHkinilon, is trying to locate the~e dillplaeep. rela,tiyell. 'rhe thrHl of a lifetime would C01ll1Ol to Neill Burnett if some~>ne in Arkansas whp iii! a ~l,lrn.ettqr know of this family of BUl;"netts would write her: Miss Annie Neal Wilkinson 125 E. Green ,"ere Road Hobbs" NElW Mexic;o 88249 ********************** McDERMOTT FAMILY CEM~TERY, DEBMO'rl', ARKANSAS (CmCO'l,' COt) Nl'Y) by Joh!! C· HammQQk Bprn .,.......,..,. Charles,.husband. of MattieS. McDermott Hettie S" wife of Cju1.rlel;l.Mcpermott 'Philander McDermott, Co. B, 2nd Ark. Cavalry EUa R.·, Wife of Phil.Mcl;lermott pr . Edward Qzan Mcl;l~rmott Nannie f., wife of E. O. McDermott Ma-rgaret, Wife of J. B. ~ereer Matt Alexander Shaw Ethel. Shaw . Hettie, wife of pro E. Baker (age 27) James W. Cloud Sept. ;!~, l.ep8 ,Nov. 18, ~818 1846 S!lpt. 27, 1878 186)) PeQ. 4, l864 J\1,1g. ~7, ~a54 ;Mar. 25, 186~ Pee. 15, 1867 1883 SIlPt, 27, 1862 Pied ..----,. Ollt, ~, 1884 Npy. p, 1880 Aug. 30, 1922 Nov H, 1893 1940 1926 4pril 3, 1889 Flilb, 12, 1863 Sept. 12, 1869 April 10, 1912 Jan. ~O, 1890 83 ANNIES CHAPEL CEMETERY, JOHNSON COUNTY, ARKANSAS by G. J. and Ben C. Ross This is a list of gravestnne'~llscriptions in the Annies Chapel Cemetery, located approximately one mile west of t~e Johnson County line on Route 164, Hagarsville, Johnson County, . Arkansas. BO,rn ASHER, John G. ~ Oct. 25, .1903 Nov. 10, 1911 BAILEY, Harvey L., born in St.Lawrence A\lg. 27, 1824 Co., Neow York, died at Silex, Ark. BAILEY, Mary E. Feb, 2, 1859 BEALE, (illegible) age 25 yrs. 10 mos. 7 days BELL, Milton B. Mar. 16, 1897 BENSTON, Barna (illegible) BERRY, Margaret S. 1857 Aug. 29, 1898 Jan. 29, 1921 Mar. 16, 1947 Oct. 25, 1937 BOZE, Glen William age 3 yrs. age 1 yr. BOZE, Mary Nadine BOZE, Jessie B. age 38 OOZE, Elvis BOZE, Ray 27 years old OOZE, Anna age 35 years BRADLEY, Gertie, wife of J. N. Bradley BRADLEY, Lester BRADLEY, Pearl BRADLEY, Lector BRANCH, Wilma July 23, 1941 Feb. 11, 1942 Apr. 19, 1952 Nov. 1, 1949 Apr. 13, 1940 Jan. 5, 1942 Oct. 20, 1907 Jan. 3, 1902 June 26, 1904 Sept. 15, 19Q6 1948 BREEDLOVE, Sarah BREEDLOVE, Ernest, son of W.V. and Ethel BREEDLOVE, Infant of A.M. and Fine BRIDENDINA, William M. BURGESS, Martha BURGESS, W. S. 1852 • 1936 age 82 yrs. 11 mos. 24 days BURGESS, William Josire BURGESS, Charley W. BURGESS, Jessie E. BURGESS, Amos, son of C. W. & J. E, BURGESS, Lillie M. (see Clark) BURGESS, Etta Priscilla (see Clark) Mar. 28, 1906 Mar. Jan. Dec. Apr. 6, 1876 15, 1899 26, 1903 17, 1905 1925 Sepe 12, 1875 Nov. 8, 1918 Nov. 19, 1908 (illegible) 1849 25, 1878 1882 1895 Feb. 26, 1917 Oc~. CALDWELL, Olive, dau. of Mr. &Mrs.J. J. Caldwell and wife of D. C. Strong, born Sept. 25, 1879; professed faith in Christ, Sept. 1895; married May 29, 1898; died Feb. 27, 1899 Jan. 9, 1904 CALDWELL, Carl C. SV U.S, Navy Ark. Feb, 26, 1884 CALDWELL, Carrie Owen, wife of Arch M. Caldwell; Died with Influenza. CALDWELL, Little Igo, son of A.M. & Carrie Oct. 30, 1913 CALDWELL, William E., husband Qf Bessie H. Feb. 7, 188S CALDWELL, Jas. J. Co. F, 12 Kansas INi 1851 CALDWELL, B. A., wife of J. J. Caldwell CALDWELL, Argus Owen, son of A.M. & Calirie Apr. 20,·1905 1914 Sept. 7, 1936 Dec. 16, 1936 Nov. 19, 1908 1932 May 25, 1935 Aug. 4, 1913 19 19 Jan. 18, 1919 June 12, 1924 26, 1918 Oct~ Nov. 19, 1914 Oct. 27, 1918 1921 Mar. 4, 1906 84 CHILDERS, Inhn~ of J. S./II J.. JI. CLARK, Verni~, IIltU4o( H.A, ~md J..~, CLARK, Ch_i. ~o" ch~l? of M.A. and ~.M. CLARK, Nonie, c:hil~ of a,A. and L.M. CLARK; Lectie, ~hi1d of a.A. and L.M. CLARK, Ett~ Prisci~la, wif~ of w. F. Clark, daughter of W.S. and M.A. Burgess CLARK, James CLARK, Minnte .' (slime stone as James) CLARK, Lil1i~ K., wife of H,A, qark, daughter of 1'1.5. & K.A. Burgess c:i.ARK, E~a .FJorenee CLARK, D. C. . "sed 66 yean Fell. 5, 1913 Mar. 25, 1906 Jan. 10, 1908 July, 1nO Aug. 10, 1911 Feb, Nov, Dec;, Oct. Nov. Nov. 28, 1892 1895 1895 Sept. 14, 1912 196'2 1960 Dec. 29, 1886 1866 Nov. 7, 1911 1940 June 19, 1919 COX, 'Mary E; COX, Cynthia Ellen CURTIS, Charley R. CURTIS',: Lo~a (same stone as Charley R.) · CURTIS, Infant son of W.T. & I.A. Curtis CURTIS,·W. l'. CURTIS, Infa~t sop 'of M.~. and H.H. Curtis CURTIS, Ira T., san <;If M. S. and H, H. Curti~ Mar. 9, 1840 Mar. 9, 1877 1893 1898 Mar. 7, 1888 Aug, 12, 1865 Beb. 23, 1906 Feb, 8, 1908 Apr. 9, 1930 · DOERR, C. . · DOERI!-,' Karie .. DOERR, Rj;nehjlrt DONALDS()~, Walt",; JaQ. 12, 1861 May ~4, 1870 Oct, 26, 1906 JUQe 4, 1884 ,July Apr, Oct. Apr. 13, 12, 30, 20, June 14, 1888 ApI;' 23, 1924 Mar .. 6, 1931 Sept. 2~, 1883 Aug. Nov. Jan. Apr. 9, 1951 15, 1962 7, 1910 16, 1911 · ENGLISH. ilOrllS~lIton ENGtISH,Floyd · EV~S,L. 1'1, . .. EVANS, ·A·10n ..o, son of. L.W.···aQd L.A. EvaQs .. FARRAR, Irene J/lne 5, 1913 7, 1911 24, 1911 12, 1910 26, 1911 1942 Mar. 7, 1888 Jun!! 10, 1910 Mar. 4, 1906 (Ulegib1e) 1933 1942 1945 1920 24 days 1872 1870 1874 1887 May 9, 19 58 1947 1956 1936 1855 1853 1856 5, 1891 1941 1929 1896 Dec. 11, 1891 GUDE, Anna' M", . si f.e of J.A. Gl,lde Apr, 14, 1867 Jl,lly 27, 1900 lIARMAN,:f;mma .L. HARMAN, JQlin W. HARMAN, Laura A. (&lIinestQt\e ~s John W,) HARMAN, Eml1\a HARMAN ,FIIUl, Jr... Infant d"u. (near stone of Harmans) Infant son (near stone Qf Harmans) Mar. 17, 1891 1864 1870 Aug, 24, 1888 J)ec, 2 1925 j\uS' 3, 18n 1940 1925 Jan. 28, 1959 July 4, 1928 Oct. 13, 1928 Ap~. 21, 1940 10 mos. aged 77 },rs. FREED, J.... N; FREED,· H •. G; (nmll stone as L,N.) FREEMAN,.Johq ·F.,· FREEMAN, ltal:>~c;pa (sa~e stone as JOhn F.) .. GIBBONS, GIBBONS; . GiBBONS, GIBBONS,: GIBBONS, Mr. ·&.~ts . (UJegib1e) Al1!and". C:! C.' .S. Maggi!!' 1,,' WilHs\II Pl\ri~ay, son of C,S. Dec~ 85 ANNlES CHAPE~ ~~~'E~Y, JO~NSO~COUNTY, ARKANSAS .!!.e.EE. HARDIE, Robert F. HARDIE, Maggie HILDERBRAND, John L. HOUSEMANN, Louis A. HOUSEMANN, Rebecca J, (Mason) (O.E,S.) HOWARD, Joe HOWARD, Mary F. (same atone as Joe) HOWARD, Joe HOWARD, Zoe E. HOWARD, Delfa C" dl;lU, of Mr. C. ami Mrs. M. M. Howard HOWARD, Idus L, , son of J.H, art<,l MT t. HULL, R9na1d L. HUTCHlNS, Epsie O. HUTCHINS, Luther M. HUTCHINS, Lanora Aug. 16, 1859 ~ov. 21, 1866 1866 1869 1875 Died May 23, 1950 June 9, 1916 1901 1947 Dec. 10; 1827 Jan. 14, 1838 May 10, 1864 1889 Jan. 17, 1913 Mar. 24, 1936 Nov. 9, 1903 1903 Sept. 27 1904 May 1, 1897 Dec. 18, 1904 May 2 1899 age 20 yrs. 1892 1886 1890 Oct. 29, 19-1915 1947 JAGGERS, Rev. Jam~s W. JAGGERS, Adeline (same stone as, Rev. James W.) Dec. 10, 1889 Sept. 29, 1929 JOHNSON, JOHNSON, JOHNSON, JOHNSON, JOHNSON, JOHNSON, 'George M. 1869 Martha (same stone as George M.) 1831 Anderson L. , Dec. 27 , 1870 Mary E. Jan. 16, 1879 M. Kate 1872 1854 GranvU R. (salUe stone liS M, Kate) 1957 1892 May 28, 1923 June 2, 1943 1956 1911 Aug, 24, 1892 KARSTETT~R, OilY Mar. 23, 1859 KARSTETTER, A. B. KELLEY, James M. Co. M,7 Ark, Cav. CSA KELLEY, Heste, M., dau. of LA. ar)d M.J. July 20, 1896 KEYTON, Bobby tee, Infant son of D~e & Est~r Feb. 27, 1909 Jan. 17, 1932 J. H. Laural Stumbaugh, wife of J.H. Lena Clyde and Dicie Kraus Ch1eo, sO,n of J .lI. and I,.aura Anna, dau. of J.H, and La\lra Infants of J.H. and ~.L. Kraus Milton, Son of W.M. al1li C,A, Emma L., dau. of W,M. anli C ,A. Alma M., dau. of W.M. ap<;i <;.A. Arther, -son of W.M. and C.A. Wesley Cynthia A. (same stone as Wesley) Clifford E. H. aged 68 Y"S. 2 \1IOS. ~ days Martha C., wife of E. H, Kraus Addie, dau. of E.H, sn<;l M.e. D. F. , son of E.». and M,C. Kral,!s Harlow W., son of !l.B. jeraus KRAUS, Roy D., son of H.B. Kraus KRAUS, Zea,l H., son of M., B. Kraus KRAUS, KRAUS, KRAUS, KRAUS, KRAUS, KRAUS, KRAUS, KRAUS, KRAUS, KRAUS, KRAUS, KRAUS, KRAUS, KRAUS, KRAUS, KRAUS, KRAUS, KRAUS, KRAUS, Nov. 13, 1871 Apr. 29, 1877 Sept. 15, 1897 Mar, 10, 1938 Aug., 23, 1908 Feb. 23, 1911 June 30, 1920 July 20, 1891 Sept;. 11, 1900 Apr. 8, 1896 1890 1868 1867 Feb. 4, 1902 June 13, 1842 Sept. 18, 1845 Jan. 30 1874 Sept. 29, 1869 1918 1919 1914 Feb. 10, 1900 Dec. 4, 1949 June Aug. Oct. Mar. Jan. Jan. June JIl1y Oct. Dec. Oct. Aug. July Aug. Mar. 11, 1934 10, 1948 5, 1959 11, 1938 21, 1923 17, 19-23 30, 19'10' 20, 189'2 9, 1901 3, 1901 1902 1936 1919 25, 1902 15, 1910 30, 1905 28 1886 20, 1888 1918 1925 1940 86 ANNIES CH.Al'EL CEMETERY, . JOHNSON COUNTY , A1UWISAS May 12, 1872 George Feb. 23, ~870 Nora Oc~. 20, 1894 Marriel1 (1), son of G.W. and N.A. 1904 Raymond H. His life was taken in the service of electricity, Sept. 12th LAPP, Earl J. Mat". 3, 1939 LEAVELL, Robert L. 1901 LEE, Bula, dau.·of J. H. and C.E. Lee Oct. 17, 1906 LEE, Zula, dau. of J. H. and C.E. Lee Al!g . 18, 1877 . LEE, Connie. wife of J.H. Lee LADD, Ll\DD, LADD, LADD, Mar. 3, 1949 1907 June 6, 1907 Feb. 8, 1918 1870 LEWIS, Charles C. (same stone as Charles C.) ·1880 LEWIS, Mary L. Mar. 24, 1848 LEWIS, Bettie 1952 Feb, 10, 1964 .Jan, 9, 1940 1660 Apr. 19, 1866 1952 Oct. 12, 1928 Aug. 11, 1891 Nov. 4, 1892 Sept. 7 1897 Sept. 8, 1911 Ma"'. 12, In6 Oct. 7 1899 May 27, 1938 Mar. 12, 1926 Sept. 3, 1878 Sept. 7, 1948 Feb. 14, 1962 LOVELADY, W. H. LOVELADY, Martha E., his wife LOVELADY, Sidney H., son, child of W. H. and M.E. Lovelady LOVELADY, Normer f., dau., child of W. H. and M. E. Lovela!i~;; LOVELADY, Gretchene LOVELADY, Infant dau. of Joe and Bessie McCLAIN, William]). age 30 yrs. McCLAINICE (?), Isabella .~ Died .Apr, 6,.19"46 July 29, 1916 Sept. ~, 1895 1929 23 days age 55 yrs. 5 mos. 14 days MASON, Clarence R. 1931 MASON, W. D. 1906 MASON, Nancy 1902 MASON, Clarence Jan. 27 1875 MATHEI-I,S, J. C. June 29, 1882 MAY, William Hardin MAY Inos, dau. of J.G. and R. May May 3, 1915 Sept. 28, 1956 1931 1931 1956 NoV. 1,' 1913 Aug. 6, 1931 Nov. 7, 1916 MORRIS, MORRIS, M0RRIS, MqRRIS, Dec, Edgar G. Beulah V. Rebah Bobby R~)7, son of Buster Morris Apr. 11, 1892 Nov. 4, 1895 Aug. 14, 1914 24, 1954 Feb .. 18, 1926 Aug. 27, 1930 . Apr. 25, 1874 ,NIWTON, H. A. NRWT0N, Emma Jan. 18, 1875 NEWT0N, Jessie Calvin 3 years old NICHOLAS, John P. 1875 NICHOLAS, Sallie· (same stone as John P.) 1880 IDct. 20, 1908 Mar. 5, 1925 Oct. 8, 1907 1953 1955 OWEN, OWEN, QWEN, OWEN, OWEN, OWEN, OWEN, OWEN, OWEN, Feb. 15, 1900 Jan. 8, 1945 May 7, 1944 July 15,1952 Jan. 13, 1912 Oct, 12, 1913 Mar. 17, 1920 May 15, 1891 Sept. 15, 1893 Sallie Eliza A. William .R. Nancy J. James A. Samuel i:uba Floyd Effie Sept. 19, 1896 Nov. 26, 1870 Jan, 1, 1863 Jan. 31, 1861 Mar. 2, 1858 Apr. 19,. 1913 Mar. 4, 1891 June· 21, 1890 Feb. 18, 1692 87 ~NN~E$ ~~p~~ ~~TE~V! ~OHN~N CpUNTY, ARKANSAS Born lli.!!. ~ OWEN, Ira Wilson OWEN, J. M. OWEN, Carr~e (see CalC\weU) OWENS, J. H. OWENS, Martha A. (same stone as J.H~) OWENS, Homer E. PVT. Q.M. Corps WWI OWENS, Mollie (same stone as Homer Il. ) OWENS, J. w. PAGE, C. W. C". C, 2nc\ Ark. CAV PATE, James Manre, son of W.L, anc\ S.C, PATE, William Lewis, aged 89 yealCs PATTEN, R. J. Co. D 9th lNIl. !NF. PATTEN, Minnie PATTEN, R. D. P~te 091: • 2, 1888 Jjllq. 4 , pee. Jan. Feb. Mar. A\,I$' 27, 25; 16, 29, 14, ~8!i9 1865 1867 1894 18?7 1836 J\,Ily 2'1, 1877 Feb. 13, 1962 Jan. U l 1928 Jan. 13, 1948 Dec. 6, 1947 Dec. 21, 1947 Feb. 17, 1914 , July 22, 1887 Apr. 9, 1948 3, 1873 Ap!, . 26, 1897 July 11, 1929 Dec 14, 1913 PATTERSON, John P. 1832 PATTERSON, Nancy C. (same stqqe as ~ohn P.) 1844 PATTERSON, G. L. 1886 PHILLIPS, James frank , June 30, 1871 PHILLIPS, Cordelia (same stone as James F , ) Mar. Q, 1877 PHILLIPS, Joy, da\,l. of J.L. and 'Carol~ne Apr. 21, 1928 PUCKETT, Shelby Nov. 2, 1891 1889 1920 1951 24, 1951 3, 1953 21, 1928 23, 1911 RAGSDALE, W. M. RAGSDAIJ;, RAGSDALE, RAGSDALE, RAGSDALE, (Bill~ PV~. CO.A Ark· Inf. 1843 1910 fllh. 2, 1&55 Oct. 15, 1857 ~ne\ CO. K, ~ f Jan. Feb. Apr. Mar. Ilmma NOV. 11, 1878 Silpt. 13, 1900 June 2, 187~ 15, 18n Oct. 9, 1897 Feb. 8, 1905 , Oct. 12, 1952 May 30, 19;>3 Nov. 29, 1897 Nov. 6, 1905 .l'1l11e 7, 1.841 AplT . 7, 1927 2, ~836 DeC. ~u~k 1925 1931 J\,Ily 21, 1912 Mar. '6, 1946 Oct. 23, 1902, Mar. 11, 1905 May 3, 1947 J\,Ily 1~, 1903 Mar. 10, .1906 ~r. AliceM. George W. Amos, son of J.H. anc\ E.A. R~sk Olive D., dau. of J.R. and E.A. SAGE, Nancy J. SANDERS, John M. CORP. SEEMAN, Victora Apn SLUSHER, J. H. ~ ~G. Angie PhilHps 1,. K. BeLlie H. (same stope a~ I,·K· ) E. J. aged 45 years RODGERS, J. R. ROGERS, Mipnie age 65 ROSS, Elma, wife Of Lllth!!!' RQss ROSS, Lillie B., dau. of Lllthe!' RUSK, RUSK, RUSK, RUSK, 2nd Dec 'Il!l:NN IN!. CSA 1962 18~5 (illegible) SMITH, Amanda, wife of Silas SmUh SMITH, B. F. SOSBEE, Willie E. SOSBEE, Stella S. aged 80 yl'ars Feb. 19, 18~4 Aug. 19, 1883 Allg. 18, 1903 SPARKS, James B. SPARKS, May r. (same stqne as June IS, Ja~e8 ~.) 18:;3 Alig. 20, 1854 1(;, 1908 Jan. 9, 1913 Feb. 16, 1905 May 19, 1964 Mar, Feb. IS, 1928 ,Dec. 11, 1941 88 ~1)!:~ CHAl')!:L. CE!iETElY, . JIilH~.SIilN>CIil1,JNTY, ~SAS 1ll:!lf !£E£ STANDllDGE, Jlev SaD\l,Iel O. STANDRIDGE., 1Ilirth, STANDRIDGE, lIe~\:)' I. STANDRIDGE, AIm\'! 0ct. IS, June 16, Sept. 7, J)ec~ 29, STARKS, Alva STARKS, Annie MIIr. 5, 1907 Dec. 7, 1909 f STRONG, STRONG, STRONG, STRONG, STRONG, Roy 0r,ell4o Dan !lolman O~ive <see Caldwell) Vivnil S. D. C. STUMBAUGH, STUMBAUGH, . STUMBAUGH, STUMBAUGH, STU~UGH, STUMBAUGH, STUMBAUGH, STUMBAUGH, . STUMBAUGH, .sTUMBAUGH, STUMBAUGH, STUMBAUGH, STUMBAUGH, STUMBAUGH. STUMBAUGH, STUMBAUGH, (n THOMAS, ''rennessee TH0MAS, Jamlls J, TH0MAS0N, W. J. (~son) TREAT, A.. J. (l1as<m) . TREAT, Mandy ($BD\e stone as A.J.) THROOP, M. s. THR00P, C. N. THROO!" , Ellis C. (same stone as Ellis C.) THROOP, Alma WATS0N, WATSON, WATS0N, WATSON, WATSON, Nov. 1, 1875 I.e. and M.A. Ark. Pvt, Co. B 101 Infantry WW I July ,T932 Feb. 9,'1920 .. Jl,l1y 14, 1907 Feb. 19', 1910· 1903 191'2 June 4, 1914 June 16, 1941 Dec. 25, 19'62 Dec. 8, 19'28 Oct. 31, 1886 Apr. 3, 1920 Sept. 8, 1924 Aug. 6, 1890 Mar. 24, 1911 Oct. 25, 1917 July 19, 1918 Dec. 23, 1947 Jan. 14, 1928 Dec. 24, 1897 .1846 Feb. 5 , . 1889 1901 May 6, 1960 June 20, 1860 Aug. 21, 1866 Feb. 4, 1861 Mar. 27, 1925 Oct. 3, 1949 July 25, 1916 July 2, 1841 Apr •. 25, 1846 May 31, 1858 Dec. 14, 1854 Feb. 10, 1895 Mar. 22, 1898 May P, 1916 (blank) Jan. 2, 1913 Apr. 13, 1910 0c t. 30, 1961 .Apr. 19, 1918 Dorris Agans, clal,l. of Jim and L.A. Jessie, dau. of Jim snd L.A. Waldo Jan. 3, 1920 Mar. 6, 1898., Linda (Ea~tern Star) Jan. 2, 1896 MOnroe (Mason) Corp. Boyc~ M.f ,Raclio.Gunner on B-17 Aug. 4, 1923 Ive C. Myrtle L. Infant. son Of Maggie May Hugh Wilson Slipt. 4, 1960 1902 1904 Sept. 25, 1879 F. 'r. Co.K, 142 IND •. INF. Mrs. Alina J. aged 68 years 0 mOS. 10 days Laur,,1 (see J. H. Kraus) Joseph A. aged 81 years, 5 months, 0 days 1898 J\llijS Aug.9, 1925 Jessie Lee, dau. of J.A. and Julia (illegible) Emma, dau. of G.N. and S.J. Dec. I, 1853 Susan J., wite of G.N. Sept. 23, 1854 G, N. Feb. 29, 1825 Anna Apr. 24, l824 (Mason) Rev •. A. J •. June 21, 1859 H. P. Mar, 12, 1848 N. J. Apr. 6, 1867 !lo,ace C· Lincla E. (same stone as Horace) May IS, 1872 Dec. 24, 1897 Ida SUMMNER, J, S, SWEENEY, Ch1",,,,! WALD0, WALDO, WALDO, WALDO, WALD0, 1882 1885 1926 1919 Apr. June July Dec. 20, 1886 19, 1892 IS, 1910 23, 1893 June 26, 1893 Oct. Oct. J:une Aug. Mar. 18, 1918 19, 1921 7, 1944 23, 1944 14, 1945 aged 12 days July 16, 1910 Aug. 8, 1958 , 89 ANNIES CHAPEL CEMETERY, JOHNSON COUNTY, ARIANSAS WATSON, WATSON, WATSON, WATSON, WATSON, WATl;>ON, WATSON, WATSON, Sarah A. (Mrs. ) INFANT so~ of J. W. Watson T. H. Era M. (same stone as T .H.) Floy4 Nqra (same stone as Floyd) John Julius White WHITE, Susie· Burges WHITTEN, Wi 11 iam J. WII,BANKS, Fred WILBANKS, Lavoy Born Nov. 15, 1854 Nov. 15, 1891 Dec, 13, 1884 Feb. 24, 1891 Feb. 6, 1881 Mar. 19, 1893 Oct. 6, 1877 Mar1 24, 1846 Died Mar. 29, 1895 Nov. 16, 1891 Apr, 28, 1962 Feb. 4,·1949 Dec, 1, 1963 Aug. 6, !1961 Oct. 26, 1941 July 23, 1927 Aug. 30, 1894 June 14, 1945 Dec. 12, 1947 1959 age 56 years (Mason) 1913 1915 MINNOW CR$EK CEMETERY, JOHNSON COUNTY, ARKANSAS Inscriptions of gravestones in the Minnow creek Cemetery, Johnson County, Arkansas, near Hagersvil1e. Copied by G. J. Ross and Ben C. Ross, June 14, 1964. Borq Feb. 23, 1921 ADAMS. Elmer ADAMS, Luia Died Jan. 9, 1936 (illegible) Dec. 9, 1912 Apr. 4, 1939 Mar. 10', 1933 age 66 years ALLEN, John H. ALLEN, Sarah E., wife of J. H. Allen ATKINSON, Doben Lee son of Audrey and Vera Mar. 28, 1879 Sept. 1, 1880 BAILEY, J. M. BARHAM, G. w. BARHi\.M, Ethel BEAN, John BEAN, Martha Oct, 10, 1837 Mar. 30, 1871 Aug. 3, 1893 1870 1872 Mar. 15, 1916 Jan. 4, 1896 Aug, 3, +893 1961 1947 BLACKBURN, Wallace Penkey BOZABTH. Nathan C. BRANNE~, Bessie (Johnson) 1853 Feb. 2, 1851 1916 1924 June 20, 1895 1946 BRIDGE, Hen;ry June 2, 1833 1875 BRIDGE, Addie 1860 BRIDGER, Julia P. BUSH, Alfred P. 1874 1881 BUSH, ~ollie P. BUS~, Alice dau. of Nettie and John Bush 1907 BUSH, Albert Harden, son of John and L\-\ciUe BUSH, John Ruben, son of John and Lucille Oct. 20, 1902 1912 1902 1959 1959 1908 Jan, 30, 1935 J.;ln. 30, 1935 CAREY, Sue CAREY, Nell CAREY, Sarah F. CARTER. Will CARTER, Sallie (blank) (blank) 1818 1945 (see Murray) CASEY, Ambler, husband of Nancy C. CASEY, Angeline A., wife of William Dec. Mar. 8, 1868 4, 1874 May 29, 1939 Dec~ 21, 1.945 Dec. 20, 1842 Jan. 22, 1850 June 29, 1899 Jan. 19, 1900 90 MINNOW CREEK CEMETERY, JOHNSON COUNTY, ARKANSAS Died Born Aug. 28, 1860 dau. of C.C. and Henrett July 30, 1880 Aug. 3, 1900 Paton, son of C.C. and Henrett Aug. 3, 1900 Daton, son of C.C. and Henrett Dec. 10, 1875 Ed (Mason) May 3, 1880 Marie C. (Murray), wife of Ed Oc t. 26, 1826 Winnie wife of James May 11, 1845 G. W. Henrecta, wife of Calvin C.(E.S) Oct. 18, 1858 Sept. 14, 1854 Calvin C. Mar. 28, 1843 J. D. May 12, 1899 John George Mar. 17, 1857 W. N., husband of Jane Mar. 20, 1855 Lydia Jane Feb. 15, 1890 William B., son of W.N. & L.J. Dec. 23, 1849 Henry W. 1903 Henry B. 1904 Ruth (same stone as Henry B.) Infant, Betty Gean 1898 Paul Oct. 19, 1875 Sept. 28, 1884 Apr. 30, 1879 Mar. 26, 1875 Aug. 18, 1935 Mar. 8, 1942 Feb. 27, 1913 DIXSON, Charles A. Feb. 26, 1878 Jan. 8, 1962 ELWOOD, Sam Jan. 20, 1809 May 30, 1882 FERRELL, Marces D. FERRELL, W. S. FERRELL, A. Manda Feb. 17, 1851 Nov. 19. 1919 July 12, 1944 1877 1876 1953 FREEMAN, W. R. FREEMAN, Paulina July 8, 1851 Apr. 22, 1844 June 29, 1940 Aug. 6, 1925 CHRONISTER, A. A. CHRONISTER, Rose Etta CHRONI STER, CHRONISTER, CHRONISTER, CHRONISTER, CHRONISTER, CHRONISTER, CHRONISTER, CHRONISTER, CHRONISTER, CHRONISTER, CHRONISTER, CHRONISTER, CHRONISTER, CHRONISTER, CHRONISTER, CHRONISTER, CHRONISTER, CHRONISTER, CROMER, CURTIS, CURTIS, CURTIS, Claude R. , wife of J.W. Fisher Huston Mary FERRELL, Charlie Ark. Pvt. 32 Div. May 29, 1890 Aug. 11, 1900 Aug. 11, 1900 June 6, 1953 May 8, 1942 Aug. 10, 1891 Dec. 1, 1863 June 4, 1935 Apr. 10, 1929 May ,1864 Oct. 11, 1961 June 1, 1942 Sept. 19, 1926 Sept. 29, 1890 Feb. 19, 1929 1960 1828 1926 107 AMM. Train GALENTINE, Lucy 1882 GALENTINE, Lee 1877 GARLAND, Kattie Jan. 24, 1859 GOFORTH, David Co. G, 3 MQ. Cav. CSA GRAY, Grace 1905 GUTHRIE, Walter Harrison, son of H.H. and Mary Sept. 18, 1894 GUTHRIE, Mary A., wife of H.H. Mar. 14, 1877 Aug. 8, 1895 Feb. 5, 1915 HARRIS, Iva l,orene, dau. of E.n. and Ona Mar. 2, 1918 Nov. 11, 1919 HATCHETT, F. M. (Mason) HATCHETT, Middy J. , wife of F.M. married Dec. 6, 1879 HATCHETT, James T. HATCHETT, Nora Ao Nov. 8, 1851 Apr. 2, 1852 Jan. 8, 1930 Feb. 17, 1920 1882 1889 1961 1960 Sept. 15, 1922 1905 1961 91 MINNOW CREEK CEMETERY, JOHNSON COUNTY, ARKANSAS Born HENCHEE, Mary Jane, wife of J.B. HENCHEE, J. B. HENDERSON, Olva Grey, grandson of T. Jame~ HENDERSON, Nellie (Eastern Star) HENDERSON, Allen (Mason) HENDERSON, Ettie aged 67 years HENDRICKSON, Henry H. HENDRICKSON, Ida Bell HENDRICKSON, R. T. 1825 1825 Nov. 3, 1914 1883 1872 1894 1905 Sept. 20, 1921 Oct. 26, 1882 June 22, 1878 Dec. 11, 1919 1951 1958 Jun~ 20, 1.951 Nov. 25, 1960 July 31, 1943 1871 1871 1891 1893 28, 1894 1959 1963 1892 1894 1895 HICKEY, John M. HICKEY, Eliza J. HICKEY, T. R. T., son of J.M. and E.J. H~CKEY, Tennie, Infant dau. of J.M. and E.J. HICKEY, Ava, Infant dau. of J.M. and E.J. J~ly HODGES, J. W. HODGES, Winnie E., wife of J.W. HODGES, Lizzie. dau. of J.W. and Winnie HOLLOWAY, Arch (Mason) HOLLOWAY, Pearl A. HOLLOWAY, E1izah C. HOLLOWAY, Doshia HORN, Oscar B. HORN, Jerome Ervin HORN, Evolin FeD. 18, 1861 May 2, 1873 1904 1904 1879 1872 1878 Apr. 5, 1883 Mar, 31, 1921 Dec. 11, 1885 Apr. 7, 1937 July 19, 1928 1905 1940 1932 1960 1898 Feb. 20, 1941 Feb, 20, 1941 Dec. 12, 1952 HUBBARD, John F. HUBBARD, Edith M. HUGHES, Ora, dau. of Mr. & Mrs. J.E. Hughes HUNNICUT, Effie dau. of James A. and A1t HUNNICUT, Ruth, dau. of J.A. and Malissie HUNNICUT, Malissie wife of J.A. HUNNICUT, (Illegible) Jan. 9, 1860 Aug. 3, 1874 Jan. 14, 1905 1908 1905 1881 1881 Aug. 9, 1923 June 8, 1943 Feb. 24, 1928 1909 1906 1935 1939 HUTCHIN S, Ma ry HUTCHINS, F. A., and his wife HUTCHINS, Ray E. ARK. PFC. 133 INF. 34 INF. DIV. WW II HUTCHINS, Jearld HUTCHINS, Robert Z. HUTCHINS, Lou HUTCHINS, L. C., son of Chartes D. & Lucy HUTCHINS, Alex (no dates) 1848 July 5, 1925 1922 Apr. S, 1945 Apr. July Feb. July 9, 1913 22, 1874 24, 1874 3, 1933 1896 Mar. July Mar. June Oct. 14, 25, 16, 1,5, 1935 1961 1963 1939 1896 JAMES, T. , JAMES, Elizabeth, wife of T. James JAMES, Infant son of G. D. James, grandson of T. James JAMES, James William JAMES, John ARK. PFC. CO. D; 126 INF. WW T, PH JAMES, George Dewey (Mason) Nov. 26, 1856 July 10, 1858 Feb. 28, 1931 i\.pr. 4, 1939 Feb. 29, 1923 Mar. 23, 1954 Mar. ~4, 1923 . Mar. 26, 1954 Jan. 31, 1891 Nov. 20, 1956 1898 1958 JELLON, Harold (no dateS) 92 MINNOW CREEK CEMETERY, JO~SO~ COUNTY, ARKANSA& ~ JENNINGS, Newt JENNINGS, Esther, wife of Newt Jennings JENNINGS, Charles Lawrence (Larry), Jr. JOHNSON, W. E., husband of Mary A. JOHNSON, Mary A. JONES, JONES, JONES, JONES, JONES, JONES, JONES, JONES, Rev. F. G. Sarah J. Manerva C. W. L., Sr. Christine, Elihu Hanie Ellis, son Mar. 31, 1887 Sep t, 11, 1888 Mar. 10, 1947 Feb. 12, 1874 1877 Sept. 17, 1857 May 1, 1860 1889 1882 dau. of Rev. and Mrs. M. N. Jones 1876 1887 1929 Mar. 29, of C.E. and Flora I!ied Sept, 27,1942 Oct. 22, 1949 Oct. 30,1917 1930 Feb. 20, 1939 1946 .Feb. 19, 191'9 1934 Oct. 2, 1929 Aug. 23, 1893 May;' 22, 1892 1881 1885 July 29, 1945 *LANDTHRYP, Garmon Searcy, son of C.D. & Floy Sept. 8, 1909 LOOPER, Jess 1883 LOOPER, Ada Nov. 26, 1884 Jan. 7, 1911 1948 1872 1947 KING, Harden A. KING, Cartie M. KLEIMSMITH, Henry C. KLEIMSMITH, Lula L. McAFEE, Lettie (Pearson) McALISTER, Sallie aged 79 years, 10 mOS. Mar. 25 days aged 46 yrs. , 3 mos., 6 days McALISTER, John Jan. McALISTER, Mamie Mar. . McALISTER, Hester Dec. McALISTER, L. R. McCARLEY, J. W. McGUIR, Sam McGUIR, Lee McGUIRE, E. Wing McGUIRE, Lena Ruth MATHEWS, MATHEWS, MATHEWS, MATHEWS, MATHEWS, MATHEWS, MATHEWS, MATHEWS, MATHEWS, MATTHEWS, MATTHEWS, MATTHEWS, MATTHEWS, MATTHEWS, *LANDTHRYF Martha Clara May, child of R. and Mary Mary Ruben Mary Edgar, child of R. and Mary Sarah Jane, child of R. and Mary Earl W., son of D.J. and Alice Sphronia Nicia Reuben A. Christopher Jacob Daniel 1. (uncertain of deciphering) 15, 1833 27, 1899 28, 1898 1, 1889 Mar. 4, 1842 Sept, 13, 1869 Aug. 7, 1871 1903 Nov. 10, 1909 1876 1882 1854 Nov. 3, 1852 Oct. 4, 1855 1887 1884 1956 Feb. Aug. Mar. Aug: Mar. 10, 1913 23, 1876 26, 1941 6, 1910 5, 1926 Oct. 19, 1927 Feb. 16, 1945 1930 Apr. 23, 1942 Apr. 14, 1873 1899 1882 1882 Dec. 18, 1923 Jan. 12, 1941 1888 1884 1894 Oct. 28, 1922 Mar. Jan. Jan. Mar. Oct. July July Jan. Oct. Dec. 15, 1883 31, 1872 1, 1874 13, 1860 28, 1823 18, 1884 15, 1880 2, 1874 16, 1872 1, 1826 93 MINNOW CREEI<:,CEMETERX, JOjiNSON COUNTY, ARlq\NSA~ .l!£E.!! MATTHEWS, MATTHEWS, MATTHEWS, MATTHEWS, MATTHEWS, MATTHEWS, MATTHEWS, Margaret A. Absalom A. A. Sarah Jane Murray, wife of Aaron Emogene, dau. of S.a. and Emma Ben H., husband of Flara Lee Bennie Lee, dau. of Ben and Flara MAYS, Robert Lee MOBLEY, Ewell MOBLEY, Wilma MOBLEY, William MOONEY, John MOONEY, Effie MORRIS, MORRIS, MORRIS, MORRIS, MORRIS, MURRAY, MURRAY, Dec. 8, 1834 Mar. 7, 1854 May 30, 1850 May 29, 1854 Mar. 6, l.nZ Mar. 16, 1889 Oct. 23, 1918 Jan. 17, 1864 Nov. 21, 1932 Jan. 7, 1940 Apr. 8, 1929 June 30, 1924 Jan. 22, 1919 Jan. 17, 1919 May 5, 1925 May 25, 1906 1911 Oct. 18, 1880 1897 1895 July 9, 1961 1921 1919 Aug. 16, 1952 1958 R. J. Nov. 4, 1820 Serilda, wife of R. J. Morris Feb. 5, 1820 Christopher C. 1858 Nancy L. 1866 James H., son of C.C. and Nancy L. ,Jan. 29, 1891 Sarah F. Carey, wife of James ~urray Mar. 13, 1853 John L. Co. H, 26 Ark. Inf. CSA NEWTON, Dr. Isaac NEWTON, Mary E. NOE, Mollie J. NORTH, Infant son of Orville and Naomi NORTH, Orville P. NORTH, Naomi G. NORTH, H. B. (Dink) NORTH, Gay1and Leon NORTH, Ruth M. Taylor, wife of James A., Jr. May 13, 1834 Aug. 29, 1847 Feb. 9, 1868 Sept. 7, 1935 Jan. 17, 1909 Aug. 9, 1912 1922 May 31, 1927 1923 o 'KELLEY, Joe F. 1900 1903 1900 July 4, 1884 0' KELLEY, Una ORGAN, Carl' E. OVERBY, Jim OWEN, OWEN, OWEN, OWEN, OWEN, OWEN, OWEN, OWEN, OWEN, W. R. , husband of M. I- (W.O.W.) Oct. 4, 1855 M. 1., wife of W.R. Oct. 31, 1856 William Columbus, son of W.R. and M.I, Apr. 29, 1880 Nancy Lorinds, dau. of W.R. and M. IDec. 11, 1883 Minnie Myrtle, da\l. of W.R. and M.l. Jan. 12, 1882 Theodosia I.'; dau. of W.R. and M. I. Mar. 16, 1892 Nov. 26, 1896 Ollie Viola, dau. of W.R. and M.I. Lizzie, dau. of W.R. and M.I. Mar. 6, 1879 Aug. 12, 1899 Sherman, son of W.R. and M.I. o PATE, Norma, wife of O.W. Pate Jan. 30, 1878 PEARSON, James M. CO. C, L ARI<:. M+P RIFLES" c. S.A. Mar. 5, 1885 PEARSON, Thomas H. Dec. 16, 1853 PEARSON, J. W. PEARSON, Emma, wife of J.W. age<\ 76 yrs. 3 days Mar. 19, 1859 PEARSON, Alma (date illegible) PEARSON, Lot tie '(date illegible) Sept. 29, 1904 Nov. 20, 1886 1942 1953 Feb. 15, 1891 Nov. 27, 1928 (no dates) Sept. 30, 1899 Apr. 5, 1921 Feb. 16, 1946 Sept. 11, 1935 Sept;. 3, 1959 1937 July 26, 1960 1943 1950 1945 ' Dec. 16, 1957 Nov. 18, 1904 Feb. 25, 1919 1881 Dec. ll, 1884 Jan. 2, 1889 Sept. 28, 1893 Oct. 13, 1898 Oct. 15, 1921 Feb. 6, 1923 'May 28, 1912 (no dates) Mar. 25, 1916 Dec. 25, 1916 Nov. 1, 1935 94 MINNOW CREEK CEMETERY, JOHNSON COUNTY, ARKANSAS . Born PEARSON, Alford C. PEARSON, Dolly J. PEARSON, John W. PVT. 161 INF. WW I PEE, Lewis (Mason) PERSON, Ben H. PERSON, Moses 2d LT 2 ARK. INF. PITTS, PITTS, PITTS, PITTS, PITTS, PITTS, PITTS, PITTS, PITTS, PITTS, 1854 1859 July 29, 1891 July 13, 1846 1873 (no dates~ July 22, 1873 May 16, 1875 U. D. Feb. 24, 1942 Freddie Carl Jan. 8, 1879 E. Levi Aug. 3, 1881 Ida B. (same stone as Levi) Apr. 27, 1903 Erma L. May 11, 1911 H. C1yo Ellen Z., dau. of Chas. E. and Sylvia Sept. 24, 1920 Nov. 28, 1921 Houston F. Feb. 12, 1840 L. W. CO. H, 26 ARK. INF. CSA Ada, wife of U.D. Died 1948' 1930 Mar. 1, 1950 Apr. 2, 19.12 1954 Sept. 9, 1'900 July 19, 1962 Apr. 8, 1955 Dec. 21, 1958 Apr. 19, 1935 July 18, 1918 July 20, 1918 Nov. 12, 1920 Aug. 19, 1936 Aug. 14, 1921 1945 1945 1956 PRICE, Bask PRICE, Sallie PUCKETT, Ada PUCKETT, Marion PUCKETT, Elzie 1891 1893 1899 1894 Dec. 5, 1918 Jan. 5, 1919 RAGSDALE, J. B., husband of Sarah E. RAGSDALE, Sarah E. RAGSDALE, Nellie, dau. ofJ.W. and D.A. RICHARD, Kelvin L. Sept. 18, 1847 Dec. 1, 1850 1895 Oct. 27, 1954 Oct. 11, 1910 Nov. 12, 1943 1899 Sept. 18, 1955 ROBERTS, ROBERTS, ROBERTS, . ROBERTS, Jan. Nov. Nov. Mar. June 28, June 17, Apr. 10, Sept. 5, John F., son of W.L. and Elizabeth John W. George C., husband of H.A. Ella 26, 1888 29, 1889 8; 1858 12, 1895 1889 1943 1920 1895 June 10, 1946 Jan. 31, 1886 Feb. 26, 1960 Apr. 12, 1950 Sept. 18, 1925 May 21, 1960 1944 SAUCIER, Emmett SHACKELFORD, Nancy C., wife of J.C. SRAGGS, James T. SKAGGS, Abby Jane SMITH, Mathews O. SMITH, Infant of M.O. and S.V. SMITH, Ruby Lee Sept. 28, 1887 Mar. 4, 1838 1877 1880 Jan. 2, 1879 1914 Jan. 18, 1949 Dec, 18, 1930' 1957 19 Ft>b. 19, 1931 1914 1939 THOMAS, J. M. THRONE BURY , Rebecca E., wife of F.M. TILTON, Infant TOWE, Lue 1879 Jan. 16, 1856 Oct. 23, 1961 Mar. 17, 1894 1880 Sept. 18, 1942 Oct. 23, 1961 Mar, 28, 1940 ROBINSON, Donald Ray ROGERS, John Claud, husband of Nora ROWBOTHAM, Troy Lee RUSSELL, Mattie Belle age 50 years *_______ , Mary Jan aged 89 years * (This stone illegible to the extent the name could not be deciphered.) 95 Ml~OW TUMBLSON, TUMBLSON, TUMBLSON, TUMBLSON, TUMBLSON, TUMBLSON, TUMBLSON, VOSS, VOSS, V.OSS, VOSS, VOSS, • CREEK CEMETERY, JOHNSON COUNTY, ARKANSAS Born Minerva, wife of J.A. (Eastern Star) Dec.23,1848 Oct. 21, 1851 John (~~9Q) Robbie Etta Dec. 28, 1908 J;nfant GE\org~ HaSton James E. Nov. 8, 1878 Jan. 7, 1879 Stattie Winnie E. 1874 Levi L, 1875 Scott E. ;\R,K. WAGO/lER 6 CAV. WW I Nov. 21, 1887 Maude A, 1890 Leroy CO. C, NJ;XON'S REGT. TENN. CAV. GSA Sept. 19, 184~ July 8, 1926 May 1, 1940 Dec. 5, 1960 May 30, 1927 Mar. 25, 1928 Dec. 1O, 1958 1963 1959 Jan. 2O, 1952 1939 Dec. 17, 1927 WADLEY, Dave P. WADLEY, Ollie WALDO, Rebecca WALDO, Malcenia WALDO, Rhoede A. WALDO, James D. WALDO, /laney Feb. 10, 1876 Aug. 11, 1881 May 20, 1824 * Aug.· 29, 1854 1861 June 22, 1886 Apr. 4, 1826 Mar. Jan. Oct. Dec. WHISNANT, ~y, wife of M.A. (Eastern Sta,) WHISNANT, Rev. M. A. (Mason) WHISNANT,. Mary ~. r., wife of Ephraim WHITE, Sarah R, WHITE, Pat H. WHITE, Myrtie L.· WHITE, Ha rve O. WILLIAM, John WILLIAM, Nancy May 2, 1866 May 18, 1867 Sept. 27, 1834 1890 1882 May 23, 1916 Nov. 17, 1911 1864 1874 Aug. 12, 1939 July 27, 1942 Dec. 9, 1911 19 1948 June 17, 1871 Oct. 12, 1870 1900 Sept. ll, 1876 Sept. 21, 1884 Apr. 8, 1905 ·Mar. 21, 1938 July 11, 1906 May 17, 1911 Aug. 11, 1918 1880 1880 Feb. 28, 1856 June 14, 1877 Dec. 12, 1943 Sept. 3, 1942 1901 Mar. 11, 1958 WILLIS, WILLIS, WILLIS, WILLIS, WILLIS, WILLIS, WILLIS, WILLIS, WILLIS, WILLIS, WILLIS, WILLIS, WILSON, WILSON, J. T. Mannie E., wit!! of John T. DAU. OF J. T. anc! M. E. (Lell a) W. J. Rosa Lee. Ralph V. 01a Faye, >;Iau. of Henry an>;l Alma ZelIa Hiek~y, wife of Henry Willis Robbie M., dS\I. of J. S. andM·H, Mary Marie, dau. of J.S. and M.H. Martha I;!. Jacob S. Thomas L. Mattie E. 20, 14, 20, 31, 1954 1955 1938 1927 1898 Feb. 1, 1887 Sept. 18, 1912 Jan. 20, 1916 1951 Feb. Mar. July Apr. ·Dec. 4, 1935 21, 1938 6, 1929 3, 1917 2, 1921 1939 1949 Nov. 30, 1938 Jan. 23, 1961 WOOD, John Livingston, husban>;l of Vallie Ml,lrray; Father of John Gerald; Ethel; Grac~; Florence; Elsie; Robbi",; and Anne Nov. 6, 1869 July 22, 1907 Aug. 12, 1896 July 31, 1896 WOOD, ElSie, dau. of J.L. and Vallie Oct. 22, 1889 WOOD, Robert S. Oct. 24, 1866 Aug. 27, 1876 WOOD, Martha, da\l. of T. J. and Fannie Mar. 26, 1876 July 20, 1878 WOOD, Charlie, SOn of T. J, and Fannie July 20, 1878 * (Date is probably ~874) 96 FORT DOUGLAS CEMETERY, JOHNSON COUNTY, ARKANSAS • by Ben C. Ross .!llii Born 1898 1962 Mar. 25, 1859 Aug. 27, 1862 Press 1888 Josie May Aug. 27, 1891 Minnie L. May 13, 1892 Lillie 1893 John Sullivan 1895 Mattie Levana 1918 Elva Julian 1884 Oscar 1892 Lillie 1921 Maurice Dale 1914 Varnell Murphy, wife of Harry Bowman Nov. 8, 1932 June 30, 1942 1968 July 12, 1892 Dec. 6, 1970 1952 CLAYTON, Mary Keys Aug. 22, 1893 Feb. 11, 1918 DOUGLAS, George Apr. 15, 1842 Apr. 26, 1882 GREGORY, GREGORY, GREGORY, GREGORY, Oct. 27, 1898 Feb. 7, 1935 1927 Oct. .3, 1969 Dec. 28, 1960 Dec. 6, 1957 1928 GRAVES, Melita Elizabeth, wife of Jessie GRAVES, John N. Nov. 17, 1834 Feb. 22, 1866 Apr. 15, 1902 Apr. 22, 1885 HARRIS, William G. HARRIS, Andrew J. HARRIS, James B. May 1, 1825 Aug. 13, 1890 Feb. 23, 1870 Mar. 25, 1885 July 23, 1891 Sept. 15, 1900 BENNETT, Yell D. BOWMAN, BOWMAN, BOWMAN, BOWMAN, BOWMAN, BOWMAN, BOWMAN, BOWMAN, BOWMAN, BOWMAN, BOWMAN, BOWMAN, Caroline Albert S. Infant Guy L. Rayman Julian HUGHES, Thomas H. Nov. 8, 1848 HUGHES, Mary, dau. of Isaac and Polly McFaden, married Aug. 12, 1877 Oct. 12, 1857 HUGHES, Thomas, son of T.H. and Mary Nov. 1, 1887 HUGHES, Mary B., dau. of T.H. and Mary Nov. 4, 1883 HUGHES, George W.) son of T.H. and Mary Apr. 18, 1885 HUGHES, Ora, dau. of T.H. and Mary June 21, 1894 HUGHES, Harris G., son of T.H. and Mary Mar. 13, 1892 HUGHES, James Andrew, son of Thomas and Mary Nov. 8, 1878 HUGHES, Mary Elizabeth Jan. 26, 1942 HUGHES, James A. Nov. 8, 1878. HUGHES, Nora, wife of· James Oct. 22, 1881 HUGHES, Isaac Jackson Feb. 25, 1880 HUGHES, Robert Apr. 9, 1875 HYATT, Martha Ann, wife of F. M. Hyatt 1922 1922 1970 1936 1936 Mar. 27, 1900 Apr. 14, 1932 Jan. 14, 1907 Mar. 6, (1) Sept. 15, 1886 Apr. 9, 1897 Mar. 16, 1898 Aug, 27, 1949 Feb. 5, 1951 Sept. 20, 1966 Jan, 12, 1962 Aug. 16, 1893 1857 1927 JOHNSON, . Eliza J. Graves JONES, Lavanda Phillips Jan. 22, 1861 May 4, 1886 Mar. 28, 1885 Sept. 6, 1956 KEYS, James B. Oct. 13, 1887 Nov. 4, 1955 • 97 FORT DOUGLAS CeMETERY, JO~NSON COUNTY, ARKANSAS Born ..,........... Dec, Ocl:. 2, 1861 7, 1861 Died Sept. 5, 1947 Aug. 3, 1937 Oct. 27, 1887 Oct. 2, 1963 MICHELSEN, John C," M.D. D9C Charlie MILLSAPS, L. M. MILLSAPS, Amanda MOUNCE, Alice Roy MOUNCE, David Al PVT U.S. Army WWI MURPHY, Mary Jane age 63 years Mar. 4, 1855 May 11, 1882 Feb. 14, 1880 July 10, 1872 1893 Dec. Aug. Mar. Feb. PHILLIPS, PHILLIPS, PHILLIPS, PHILLIPS, PHILLIPS, PHILLIPS, PHILLIPS, John Nancy E. , wife of John Phillips Nora Arminta A. Sarah Jessie, born in North Carol~na Marion, born in North Carolina (husband of Jessie Phillips) Jasper V. Glen Garmon Effie V. W. J. Maggie C. C. Ches!;er A. WiUiam H. John L. Caroline Richard B. Alfred Andrew Charles F. Tennessee, wife of ,W.M. F,ancis A. W. M. Apr. 28, 1848 S!'pt. 27, 1850 Nov. 28, 1890 Dec. 26, 1881 Nov. 14, 1877 1811 1809 Aug. 19, 1904 Mar. 23, 1940 Aug. 15, 1891 Sept. 11, 1883 Nov. 25, 1878 Apr. 22, 1881 July 8, 1886 1902 July 26, 1920 Sept. 6, 1885 1879 1&85 Jl,1Oe 11, 1875 Apr. 2, 1868 1908 Jal).. 16,,1886 Jan. 31, 1889 Jan. 6, 1897 Sep\;. 21, 1875 Apr, 2, 1871 D<;!c. 15, 1892 Sel't. 25, 1852 Oct. 10, 1877 Mar. 2, 1851 1904 Aug. 5, 1920 Jan. 21, 1914 1960 1956 Sept. 17, 1923 DI'c. ,5, 1924 1945 May 12, 1948 (illegible) Jan. 12, 1897 Aug. 4, 1878 Feb. 9, 1900 Sept. 27, 1905 Aug. 23, 1910 May 30, 1913 Oct. 24, 1928 George Leonard ArbeUe A., wife of Leonard Park William C., son of L. and A.A. Park George R., son of L. and A.A,. Park Cleve Francis Howard, wife of Cleve parks Ella E.,) wife of Clevelan~ Park Mary E., wife of W. C. Parks Mary S. P. Ernie King Mollie, wife of R.L. Park Infant dau. of R.L. and Stella Park Leonard P., son of R.L. and Stella Charles E., son of R.L. and St\llla Infant dau. of R.L. and Stl'Ua Park (twin sister to Golda Mayre) PARK, Orville K., son of R.L. and MoUie M,ay 19, 1823 Jaq. 29, 1847 Dec. 16, 1845 1863 1865 Sept; 30, 1884 Dec, 12, 1893 Aug. 11, 1886 Oct. 5, 1869 Apr. 9, 1888 Feb. 3, 1877 1876 1882 July 10, 1909 Jl.l ne 16, 1911 Oct. la, 1913 Mar, 29, 1918 July 4, 1900 Mar. 9, 1918 Dec. 4, 1916 1922 1909 Dec. 3, 1955 Jan. 15, 1925 Aug. 4, 1919 Sept. 5, 1902 Aug. 19, 1899 Jan. 29, 1946 1906 1905 Mar. 3, 1910 July 28, 1913 Oct. la, 1914 M,ar. 29, 1918 Nov. 25, 1903 Feb. 16, 1923 KEYS, Marion KEYS, George B. KIMBRELL, Benjamin B. PHILLIPS, PHILLIPS, PHILLIPS, PHILLIPS, PHILLIPS, PHILLIPS, PHILLIPS, PHILLIPS, PHILLIPS, PHILLIPS, PHILLIPS, PHILLIPS, PHILLIPS, PHILLIPS, PHILLIPS, PHILLIPS, PHILLIPS, . , PARK, PARK, PARK, PARK, PARK, PARK, PARK, PARK, PARK, PARK, PARK, PARK, PARK, PARK, PARK, PARK, PARK, OKLA PVT Coast Art COJ;P. 9, 1919 7, 1924 24, 1961 24, 1943 1969 1937 98 Died ..-Mar. la, 1954 Aug. 28, 1959 Apr. 2, 1954 RAGON, Heartsi11 ROSS, Ida, wife 'of J.W, Ross Nov. 3D, 1916 Apr. IS, '1886 Oct. 11, 1921 Jan. 17, 1911 RUTLEDGE, Loyd Dennis, son of W.C. RUTLEDGE"James M. RUTLEDGE, Tamer C. RUTLEDGE, Herbert L, Ark Pvt lnf WW 11 RUTLEDGE, Infant 8011 of J,C. and S,E. ROULSTON, David J. 1925 Aug. l3, 1870 Feb. 5, 1873 Dec. 29, 1915 July IS, 1941 Sept. 19, 1912 ,Dec. Dec, Oct. July Dec. PIERCE, James PEOPLES, Larry Edward age 65 years old SHOOK, Marion F. SHOOK, Infant son of M.F. and Mary Shook STONE, STONE, STONE, STONE, STObiE, STONE, STONE, STObiE, STONE, STONE, TERRY, TERRY, TE!qtY, TERRY, TERRY, TERRY, TERRY, TERRY, S., A. Cynthiae, ' wife of S·A· Stone Elmer C. Denver D. Lucy M. Zettie Ellen Creasey ' Julia Ann Richard Mandy May Florence Mattie R. Menie Miles William Jane Rier Annie TILTON, E. M. TlLT0N, E. H. WHEELER, WHEELER, WHEELER, WHEELER, WHEELER, WHEELER, M. C. E. C. Infant dau. of F.C. and A.J. Bessie A., dau. of F.C. and A.J. G. W., son of E,C. andM.C. Pear1ie, wife of George Wheeler WILLIAMS, Willie Ma,e WILLIAMS, Elizabeth WILLIAMS, Roten WOODARD, Mary WOODARD, David A. age 73 Years 'W00DARD, John Thomas 10 mos. 1925 5, 1918 20, 1959 13, 1942 IS, '1941 6, 1970 , Sept. 25, 1901 Jan. 27, 1927 Apr. 15, 1959 ,Jan. 31, 1927 May 6, 1879 Jan. 23, 1880 Dec, 12, 1908 ,Dec, 7, 1928 Sept. n, 1932 Oct. 9, 1939 Nov. 6, 1901 June 22, 1966 1918 Mar. 28, 1902 Jan. 17, 1925 June 17, 1940 Nov. 4, 1909 Dec. 24, 1928 May 31, 1934 Feb, 24, 1953 Oct. 3, 1953 Oct. 21, 1966 1971 Mar. ,29, 1968 Sept, 28, 1882 June 8, 1875 July 7, 1904 Oct. 8, 1880 Mar. 27, 1855 Dec, 4, 1854 Oct. 12, 1888 June 17, 1887 Dec. 28" 1882 Sept. 18, 1875 Dec. 10, 1904 .:July 3, 1912 Jail.' 4, 1933 NoV, 9, 1938 Dec. 19, 1958 Nov. ,19, 1967 Sept. 28, 1872 1872 July 25, 1927 1952 ,July 25, 185;3 Dec. 27, 1851 1909 1908 Jan. 6, 1877 1890 Feb. 25, 1936 June, 20, 1934 1909 1909 Feb. 5, 1888 1916 ,Dec. 22, 1903 May 3, 1875 Mar, 4, 1871 1920 June 22, 1938 ,Aug. 24, 1956 Mar. 20, 1857 1 day Feb. 26, 1907 >. ApI" 1, 1881 Sept. 10, 1958 Jan. 12, ,1970 99 SALEM CEMETERIES, JO~NSON COUNTY, ARKANSAS There are three cemeteries near the vil1age·ofHagerville, located oq the Fort Douglas - Clarksville Road, and to the best of my knowledge are ca~led Salem. The three cemeteries have been combined and included in this list. There are several unmarked graves and some have illegible stones. Inscriptions cppied by G. J, and Ben C. Ross, June 14, 1964. Born Died ~ ADKINS, Lucrellia (Ball), wife of Thomas M. Adkins 1853 ADKINS, Eulalie 1882 ADKINS, Lula M. 1880 ALDERSON, E. M. Jan. 1877 ALDERSON, Vester Lou May age 60 years ALLEN, Lewis A. Co. C, Jackman's Ark. Cav. C.S.A. 1894 1884 1943 Oct. 26, 1954 oct. 20, 1935 BACCHUS, BACCHUS, BACCHUS, BACCHUS, BACCHUS, BACCHUS, Jan. 14, 1801 Jan. 21, 1824 Oct. 26, 1821 1885 1883 Mar. 1, 1853 Jan. Z6, 1873 Oct. 1, 1879 J\lne 26, 1890 1886 1885 Mar. 4, 1893 (Mason) G. W. Martha J. , wife of G.W. Bradley (ES) Samuel W. Ruby A. Jane, dau. of S.J. and M.A. Samuel J. Mary A. John R. Ark. PICL 312 Guard & Fire Co. D, M C BRIDGER, Dave BRIDGER, Sallie J. BRIDGER, L. V. , wife of Dave (see Gilliand) Aug. Aug. Feb. Mar. Feb. Jan. Mar. Apr. Feb. Feb, BRIGHAM, David L. BRIGHAM, Mary L. BRIGHAM, Lillie (see Butts) BURTON, W. F. Aug. 12, 1836 Aug. 1, 1849 BUSH, BUSH, BUSH, BUSH, BUSH, BUSH, BUSH, Apr. 7, 1843 Oct. 7, 1845 Oct. 23, 1884 Sept. 24, 1885 Sept. 18, 1914 Feb. 19, 1921 Jap.. n, 1912 Feb. 4, 1922 Oct. 31, 1963 May 26, 1931 OOt. 27, 1915 Jl\ne 7, 1922 May 7, 1923 1851 May 6, 1853 1933 Sept. 12, 1916 Jan. 10, 1876 Nov. 25, 1914 1908 193- O. L. B. S. A. Elizabeth, wife of C.L. Bacchus C. L. Leemon Roy Ora l. G. L. (small stone with no dates) BRADLEY, BRADLEY, BRADLEY, BRADLEY, BRADLEY, BRADLEY, BRADLEY, BRIDGER, J. M. Maggie Grover C. Sallie, wife of G.C. Norman L., son of G.C. and Sallie Martha I., dau. of G.C. and Sallie Infant of G. C. and Sallie BUTTS, H. N. BUTTS, Martha Irenia Hickey, wife of H.N. BUTTS, Lillie, dau. of H.N .. and M.l. Butts, wife of G. D. Brigham CLARK, Laura A. 18, 1846 9, 1849 19, 1877 31, 1889 22, 1883 1883 1842 1900 1906 20, 1913 26, 19~0 . 10, 1951 24, 1959 7, 1885 1?04 1920 Sept. 21, 1922 1950 ·Mar. 26, 1903 Apr. 3, 1895 Apr·. 2 , (illegible) ioo SA~EM CEMEtER~ES, JOHNSON COUNTY, ARKANSAs Born DEEVERS, DEEVERS, DEEVERS, DEEVERS, DE EVERS , DEEVERS, DEEVERS, DEEVERS, (Orr AMAY)?, Lankford Mary (illegible) Floy Murray (one of W. Fred Infant of L. L. Mary Ann Charles Sr. Cora White th~se Mar. 12, 1896 Aug. 20, 1912 1822 dates wrong) 1876 Dec. 30, 1918 Dec. 13, 1912 1961 1953 1851 1861 1903 1934 1928 1935 Sept. 2, 1878 Dec. 26, 1963 Apr, 19, 1963 1947 Feb. Feb. 8, 1860 Apr. 28, 1887 Feb. 3, 1887 Feb .. 3, 1887 FERRELL, Eva Jane age 78 years FREEMAN, Mr s. Agne s FREEMAN, Infant dau. of Bill GEORGE, Frank Rank GILLIAND, L. V., wife of Dave Bridger Ora Lizziebeth, dau. of Dave and Lizzie Gilliand 1940 1880 GRASENS, Thomas Ray GRAVES, Stephen M., M.D. (Mason) age 88 years; 1 mo.; . and 3 days GRAVES, Mary 1. (Eastern Star) (same stone as Stephen M.) GRAVES, Jesse Monro~ (Mason) GRAVES, Hattie C., wife of Jesse M. 1870 Aug. 6, 1873 Feb. 1, 1959 Apr. 6, 1947 Apr. 3, 1892 Oct. 1893 Feb. 18, 1934 HARRIS, Joseph HARRIS, Grover S., son of T.J, and L.A. HAVENER, Henry, husband of A. E. HAVENER, Willie A., son of D.B. and Martha HAYHURST, Verla Lee HAYHURST, J. L. HENLY, Mollie Jan. 20, 1827 June 9, 1894 May 15, 1837 Oct. 6, 1891 1890 Apr. 9, 1866 1860 Jan. July July Jan. 31, 1891 18, 1899 26, 1909 11, 1911 1891 Apr, 25, 1893 1899 HICKEY, HICKEY, HICKEY, HICKEY, HICKEY, Dec. Margaret, wife of J,R. James M. Alvin N. Martha Irenia (see Butts) 14, 1824 July 2, 1831 Feb. 27, 1853 Aug. 19, 1849 Oct. 26, 1898 Mar. 22, 1881 Mar. 18, 1884 Mar~ 15, 1912 HOLMES, HOLMES, HOLTON, HOLTON, HOLTON, HOLTON, C. C. Mar. Orville, son of J.D. and M.A. Feb. W. N. Aug. Eddie, son of W.N. and E.J. age 5 mos. Alice, wife of S.H. Jan. Annie B. Oct. HUGHES, HUGHES, HUGHES, HUGHES, Sarah A. C. Sallie Kate Lin June 26, 1843 Oct. 21, 1889 Dec. 9, 1870 May 8, 1876 pee. 19, 1927 May 9, 1914 Jan. 2, 1932 Feb. 1, 1950 JOHNSON, C. J., Sr. JOHNSON, Annie E. 1879 1890 19-19-- JOHNSON, David Graves 1933 1934 J. R. 16, 1826 8, 1887 5, 1844· 24, 1861 3, 1878 AN •. 3, 1886 Sept, 28, 1889 July 13, 1884 Nov. 29, 1885 Dec. 1, 1893 Feb. 5, 1908 101 SALEM CEMETERIES, JOHNSON COUI:ITY, ARKAlISA;:l JOHNSON, JOHNSON, JOHNSON, JOHNSON, JOHNSON, JOHNSON, JOHNSON, JOHNSON, JOHNSON, JOHNSON, JOHNSON, JOHNSON, JOHNSON, JOHNSON, JOHNSON, JOHNSON, JOHNSON, JOHNSON, JOHNSON, JOHNSON, Born R. 1\. Jan. 9,- 18-29 WilHam Sept. 27, 1799 Eliza N. Jan. 9, 1801 Rebecca, wife of J.W. Aug. 10, 1853 Lola, dau. of J.W. and Rebecca Nov. 3, 1877 Anderson, DE, son of D. H. and I.M. Dec. 3, 1886 Lucy Imogene, dau. of D.H. and Ida M. Dec. 30, 1891 Pearl, dau. of R.J. and Alice 1882 Viola, wife of Teman Dec. 18, 1889 Viola, dau. of Teman and Viola Feb. 21, 1920 David McLin, husband of M.J. (Mason) June 19, 1811 Roy W. age 74 years T. R. Jan. 22, 1869 Ada July 22, 1870 Feb. 6, 1873 Frank James M. age 76 years Sept. 27, 1847 Sallie A. Infant son of J.M. and S.A. May 20, 1889 Sallie E. Trest Johnson, wife of N.C. Johnson July 21, 1853 July 11, 1874 Freddie L. Died .:r~ly 23, 1895 Allg~ 1!/, 1866 NClv. 5, 1876 Jan, 28, 1882 Dec! 26, 1889 OCt. 11, 1887 Aug, 22, 1892 1884 Mar. 30, 1920 July H, 1920 May 21, 1872 J~ly4, 1963 ~u\'le 18, 1954 Nov. 5, 1939 Jan. 7, 1912 Feb. 22, 1919 Feb. 25, 1893 Jl\ly 6, 1889 ~ Oct. 15, 1902 Oct., 16, 1875 LACGAN, Eliza LANFORD, Eddy Eugene, son of M.C. and S,E. LANFORD, M. C. LANFORD, Gena LANGFORP, Milford Nov. 23, 1885 Feb. 21, 1908 1874 1875 Oct. 9, 1909 ;Feb! 9, 1888 Oct. lQ, 1918 1947 19-'!-):al;. 30, 1941 LEE, Melton N. LEE, W. S., son of M. M. and Mary LEE, Wi son Dec. 23, 1853 Feb. 14, 1885 1916 Aug. n, 1909 D~c •. 29, 1917 1918 LUND, LUND, LUND, LUND, June 3, 1846 Jan. 7, 1862 1857 (no da-tes) OCt. 7, 1911 Feb. 23, 1940 1896 H. P., husband of Georgie Georgie King WID. M., brother of H.P. Lucy 1, 1855 ,J~n" f8, 1888' Jan. 4, 1903 Oct. 12, 1925 1860 18H Mar. 10, 1888 Sept. 8, 1950 1936 1947 Oct. 7, 1952 Nl'v. 30, 1950 MURPHY, Dr. J. M. MURPHY, Idus Lavern Dec. 22, 1849 June 19, 1916 .;Jan. 14, 1929 Mar. 9, 1961 NORTH, Charles T. NORTH, Sarah T., wife of C.T. Apr. 2, 1840 Jan. 26, 1858 Nl'v. 17, 1919 Jan. 15, 1917 MAGOM, Hannah M. McKINLEY, William, son of Dr. S. M. and Mary E. Graves Nov. MORROW, MORROW, MORROW, MORROW, William J. Ellen Justus LeRoy Gary E., son of J.L. Morrow, Jr. PARKER, SOph/i 1806 A,llg. 4Z, 1889 102 Died Born J., Afk_n~,~ Pvt, 9222 hc;h Svc Un~tWW II PEARSON, James M. (on·~omb'tone) (on ~uner.l Home tag) PEARSON, Edna Marrow PITTS, Jesse PITTS, Novella PITTS, Jas. Mitchell PEARSON, Wtl~iam Nov. 11, 1913 1883 Aug. 5, 1885 1887 1877 1881 POTEET POTEET, MaryAnn R. A. p. D. M. Dec. 5, 1955 1967 June·30, 1962 1920 1946 19-June 19, 1931 Jan. (inH!ah pn U!I\e /? .L. E. P. POTTER, John T. s~one) 01 01 01 " " " Co.~, 42 Ill. Inf. Oklahoma Pvt. 1940 01 " US .Army ~ I Mar. 17, 1884 Aug. 30, 1962 1869 1956 RICHARD, John E., son of C.C. l!I'ldJ,P. ROWBOTHAM, Bear1 Raymond RUSSELL, Ethel 1898 1898 Nov. 15, 1888 1937 Aug. 11, 1893 SCITZ, Marion SMITH, George W. Oct. 6, 1850 Aug. 8, 1873 1871 Aug. 18, 1952 SPEARS, . Mart in ~oyd SPEARS, Wi1liamao'l, born in South Garo1ina SPEARS, Howard W. May 13, 1822 Mar. il, 1809 Jan .. 7, 1819 (?) June 23, 18 (1876 7) Apr. 1, 1871 July 21, 1932 Jan. 8, 1935 RHODES, Mary E. RHODES, Corp. Otho STANLEY, Edgar L., son of L.~. and Beulah STEWART, John M., born in Scott Co., Va. STEWART. Sallie, wife of ~ohn M., born in B1edso Qo., Tenn. STEWART, Dr. James L. STEWART, Rhoda, wife of James L. STEWART, Martin L., son of James STEWART, Infant son of James Sept. 25, 1827 27, 1833 Nov. 11, 1912 May 8, 1915 June Feb. Aug. Dec. May 25, 1912 Mar. 3, 1930 1886 Dec. 23, 1884 VANES, T. D. O~ason) VANES, N. J., wife of T.D. VANES, Edna Feb. 13, 1853 Nov. 25, 1857 Dec. 8, 1893 WALTERS, Emma B. WALTERS, Clyde E. age ~O Yfs. Sep~. 19, 16, 15, 23, 20 days 1855 1861 1885 1884 1898 1900 WARE, A. L. Sapt. 25, 1912 Apr. 14, 1902 Oct. 5, 1896 June 7, 1948 19-Oct. 1931 Sept. 15, 1927 July 7, 1963 WARREN, Raymond.D. WARREN, Scott WARREN, Ana K. WEST, Basil C, Sept. 4, Apr. 10, Apr. 13, Feb. 18, WHITE, SalllUe 1 Nov. 5, 1810 Nov. 12, 1880 YOUNG, John B. Apr. 16, 1850 Sept. 3, 1879 1921 1891 1893 1919 Apr. 9, 1964 103 APAM& CEMETERY, POpE COUNTY, ARKANSAS This is "8 list of tombstClnes in the Mams Cemetery, located north of Dover, Arkansas, off Highway 164, one mile west of the Johnson County line and south 1.5 miles off the highway. There Ilre some \1nm;lrked I\rllves and some unreadable tombstones in this cemetery. (Co~ied by G. J. Ross and Ben C. Ross, June, 1964.) ~ ADAMS, Lha E. ADAMS, Francis Ellen ALLEN, Nancy E. /Iov. 30, 1871 (no c;iates) Feb. 10, 1844 BAGWELL, John (Ma~on) BITTICK, Clayton BITTICK, Clifford BOLEY, John F. BOLEY, Sonora C. (Ross) NOV. Sept, 8, 1915 Apr. 28, 1860 Feb. 20, 1869 Dec. 27, 1893 Dec. 20, 1961 Mar. 21, 1964 May 24, 1935 Aug. 30, 1958 CASEY, Monroe J. CASEY, Fannie (L) CASEY, Estell COON, Francis M. 15 BTRY Ind. L ARTY COON, Laura CROTTS, Ha~e1 Ann (Infant) CRUTCHFIELD, Doy1s J. CURTIS, Mella Age 63 yrs. 7 mos. Apr. 19, 1855 Dec, 24, 1892 Sep17. 29, 1918 NoV. 14, 1960 Nov. 23, 1918 DALE, Char lie DALE, Martha DALE, Leslie UGene, son of H.D, and L.A. Urs DOBBINS, W. P. June 1, 1862 1860 Sept. 11, 1912 May 1, 1832 28, 1820 Sept. 21, 1919 agec;i 66 yrs. FREEMAN, Abiga1 FREEMAN, Joe Ann, daughter Of GeQrge W. GRrFFlN, R. GRIFFIN, Carrie E. * ::-:-::=7 HARRIS, HARRIS, HARRIS, HARRIS, HARRIS, HARRIS, HARRIS, HARRIS, HARRIS, HARRIS, HARRIS, HARRIS, HARRIS, HARRIS, HARRIS, * Died Aug. 29, 1914 Aug. 13, 1861 Nov, 23, 1938 Sept. 7, 1944 Apr. 28, 1940 Dec. 23, 1939 Oct. 6, 1954 Feb. 18, 1942 1933 June 11, 1913 Feb. 23, 1916 Fr~eman 1864 July "22, 1868 Nellie Betty T. aged 66 yrs. 5 mOS. Etta L. Dec. 15, 1873 OC,t. 6, 1845 Eliza J., wife of G. Harris Mar. 16, 1842 S. G. (Mason) Infant of S. G. and M. F. Harris Jan. 1", 1891 Nov. 3D, 1881 Albert J., son of ~.G. and Eliza J. Rye, son of G.P. and S. A. Harris Jan. 12, 1904 E. T. Jan. 15, 1831 Martha, wife July 6, 1832 Mar. 3, 1866 Thomas, son of E.T. and M. Harris Dec. 28, 1896 Zear1 Byrun May 26, 1891 Henry Grady Romney Perefoy, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Harris Rachel JulY 23, 1830 Mar. 15, 1808 John July 20, 1922 Nov. 11, 1958 Apr. Nov. Aug. Dec. Jan. Oct. 23, 1962 18, 1893 18, 1885 29, 1930 14, 1891 5, 1894 1905 (7) Nov. 18, 1900 Mar. 31, 1900 July 30, 1886 June 19, 1897 Aug. 30, 1891 Sept. 6, 1923 June 27, 1913 Aug. 18, 1888 This footstone bearing the inscription Nellie is near Betty Harris' tombstone and may well be in the Harris plot. There i~ llO he;lc;istone nor is theri! any other evidence to indicate that the last name is Harris. i04 ADAMS CEMETERY, POPE COUNTY"ARKANSAS 1!2!!!. Died 1, 1814 8,.1915 16, 1938 21, 1858 2, 1862 1910 JUlle 22, 1915 Mar. 24, 1842 Nov. 8, 1874 Oct. 28, 1878 May 5, 1928 Apr. 6, 1940 May 4, 1931 Jan. 2, 1944 HENDERSON •. M. A. HENDRIX, Willia~ HUCKABEE, ~obert O. HUCKABEE, T. A. HUCKABEE, Sulta Ana HUCKABEE, Valdine HURST, Mary Lucil~ HYNES, ,Annie .R. HYNES, Lee, son of Carrett and Annie R. (Mason) Oct. Apr. Jan. Dec. Apr. JOHNSON, David M. JOHNSON, Billie B., wife JORDAN, Lem JORDAN, Ora, wife JORDAN, Belle JORDAN, Willhm JORDAN, Ben Apr. 2, 1872 June 22, 1870 May 7, 1878 Oct. 18, 1885 Mar. 24, 1948 Jan. 31, 1933 Apr. 2, 1952 1881 1876 1854 19-1957 1878 KARSTETTER, Le~a E. KARSTETTER, Farbin E. KEATE, James, son of Edwin and Jane May 23, 1891 Mar. 3, 1889 May 7, 1895 Nov. 9, 1954 May 20, 1908 LaRUE, T, D. LaRUE, S. J. LaRUE, IIthel LaRUE, Ja~es Starling Feb. Feb. Mar. Dec. Jan. Feb. Dec. Nov. 24, 13, 15, 29, 1836 1840 1898 1890 LEAVELL, Francis M. Co. D, 38 GA INF. C. S .A. LEAVELL, John F, Mar. 21, 1859 LEAVEI,L, PaUna Jan. 14, 1859 LEAVELL, Ruth M., wife of J. H. Jan. 22, 1895 LEAVELL, Alta 1878 LEAVELL, Billy Joe Dec. 26, 1931 LEAVELL, l:nfant d"ughter of Oscar and Autra LEAVEI,L. Riley 1870 LEAVELL, Lavonia 187,~' LEAVELL, Vera Jewell Apr. 6, 1903 LEAVELL, Buster O~ell, ~nfant of J. H. and Ruth Mar. 21, 1920 LIGHT, ~larence Light 1911 LOYD, J. C. June 8, 1919 MASON" Sam W. MASON, Baby Sammy MITCHELL, T. MITCHELL, Elizabeth 1914 June 22, 1915 Aug. 10, 1875 (1) Oct. 24, 1913 28, 1913 13, 1912 3, 1901 23, 1914 Feb. 10, 1933 Feb. 8, 1922 1913 Oct. 31, 1940 Oct. 24, 1929 1915 1930' Mar. 14, 1960 July 17, 1920 1913 Nov. 22, 1919 Oct. 7, 1920 Aged 3 months Apr. 8, 1813 Feb. 2, 1822 Mar. 30, 1832 May 22, 1873 PANKEY, John C. (Mason) POWELL, Marytle, daughter of G.W. and L.S. Apr. 30, 1817 Jan. 9, 1867 Apr. 17, 1884 Jan. 7, 1880 RATHBUN, I,ouise ROSS ROSS, Addie Josephine ROSS, Samuel Edward ROSS, Julia Sept. 1921 Oct. 29, 1950 1889 1860 1893 1963 1860 105 ADAMS CEMETERY, POPE COUNTY, ARKANSAS Born Dec. 20, 1865 1868 ApI;. 1863 1888 Died Oct. 27, 1875 1886 1863 ApI;. 1901 SELBY, Sam May 27, 1888 SELBY, Mary Sue, Infant; daughter of Earl and Nell SNOW, Emi~y Jane 1843 STANDRIDGE, S. P. STANDRIDGE, G. S. STUMBAUGH, Dora Aged 82 Yrs., 1 Mos., 21 Days STUMBAUGH, John Aged 70 Yrs., 5 ~o •• Oct. 26, 1888 Jan. 3, 1947 1920 THOMASON, Infant son of TREESE, Marcen Ray Aged TREESE, Elaine Aged TREESE, Emily Aged TREESE, S. T. Apr. 6, 1921 ROSS, ROSS, ROSS, RUSK, John M. Anna Henry Mollie N.A. and V.E. Apr. 6, 1921 2 Years, II ~onths, and 4 Days 61 Yrs., o Mos., 0 Days 66 Yrs., 6 Days Jan. 7, 1964 1949 May 26, 1936 S"pt, 26, 1934 Dec. 26, 1957 UMPHRES, James T. Aug. 24, 1873 Feb. 1, 1912 WILSON, WILSON, WILSON, WILSON, WILSON, WILSON, WILSON, WILSON, WILSON, WILSON, WILSON, WILSON, WILSON, Feb. 23, 1897 J"ly 22, 1899 Feb. 14, 1918 May 8, 1958 WILSON, WILSON, WILSON, WILSON, ,WILSON, WILSON, Robert Ruby Boyd Andy M. Johnny H" Jno. W. ' Zadie Age 47 son of J.W. and P.E. May 13, 1896 May 9, 1857 MIlY 6, 1861 F. E. 1882 Thomas C. 1894 Hattie V. 1899 Emiley Apr, 1, 1887 Ada Dec. 3, 1885 PVT Grover Sept. 24, 1877 10th CAC of Balboa, Ft. Amador CZ Panama Gorman S. (505 Ord. Co.) 1908 Flore B,) wife 1922 Meade S. ARK TECS BTRY F Mar f 18, 1914 206 CA (AA) WW II Marion Ruth Dec, 8, 1937 Johnie D. Aged 53 Years Jane Maiden name Jane Kennedy Mar. 27, 1828 Jan. 3-6 Aug. Jan. Aug. 5, 1932 (1) 28, 1899 3" 1913 1,1934 1939 1944 1957 1888 July 25, 1888 )lec. 20, 1918 1944 19 " Aug. 28, 1960 Nov. 21, 1942 Dec. 13, 1963 Mar. 14, 1908 GOWEN CEMETERY, POPE COUNTY, ARKANSAS Inscriptions of gravestones in t~e Gowen Cemetery on Indian Creek, Allen Township, Pope County, Arkansas. This ceme~ery has deteriorated to the extent that only a few gravestones can be read. Trees and b!,lshes have grown to cover what appears to have been a large cemetery. There are several unmarked graves. (June 9, 1964) GUNTER, L. M. TILLEY, Jas. W. TILLEY, Louisa JSH (or JWH) J, H. Aug. 9, 1866 Co. K, June 6, 1929 3 ARK CAV •. 1842 (small stone with no dates) (small stone with no dates) July 7, 1908 106 BRADLEY AND BROOKS CEMETERIES, POPE COUNT'I:, oI\RKANSAS Bradley Cemetery Inscriptions from gravestones in the Bradley Cemetery on the east side of Piney Creek, near Long Pool, Pope County, Ark. There are approximately 130 unmarked graves. Die.d ALLEN, Wm. J., 69 years old GRIMMITT, George GRIMMITT, Nona A., wife of G. W. Grimmitt HANKINS, Infant son of L. H. and Ada Hankins HICKEY, Charlie F. HICKEY, Eliza J., wife of Charlie F. HILDERBRP,ND, W. M. SHEFFIELD, L. S. TRANTHAM, Z. T. CO. E GORDON'S ARK CAY CSA 1853 1853 July 20, lQ4l 1938 1917 1871 1876 1838 1854 i932 1962 1920 1921 Up Piney Creek about a half mile on the west side is a few unmarked graves. It is believed that the bank has caved off int;o the creek, destroying some g7aves. Some marked graves are: WRIGHT, Silas WRIGHT, Mildred A. 1804 1816 1872 1882 BROOKS, Fount E. P. July 16, 1870 BROOKS, Mollie, wife of Fount E. P. 1875 (a Tomlinson before marriage) FRANKLIN, G. C. CO. E GORDON'S ARK CAY CSA AND WIFE (no dates nor name of wife) TOMLINSON, Margaret 1/l42 TOMLINSON, Van 1831 TOMLINSON, Addie 1854 1948 ·1932 (same stone as Silas C",) Brooks Cemetery (About 30 graves are unmarked.) 1871 1902 1932 by Ben C. Ross SELF CEMETERY, POPE COUNTY, ARKANSAS Inscriptions of gravestones in the Self Cemetery near P",lspr, Arkansas, on Road 123, going west toward Fort Douglas. Only a few of the graves hi-ve markers with inscriptions. Inscriptions copied by G. J. and Be" C. Ross, June 14, 1964. 1!2!.!! Luther E. Apr. 30, 1916 Minnie L. Aug. 17, 1906 Laura J. Oct. 21, 1881 William F., son of Wm. and A.M. Hull Oct. 26, 1902 (William Hull and Ann are buried in this cemetery without markers. Graves were identified by Arthur. Gunter.) SELF, Isaac W. Mar. 7, 1857 SELF, Mary C. Feb. 4, 1860 HULL, HULL, HULL, HULL, ~ Oct. Nov. Dec. July 30, 1916 30, 1916 7, 1916 18, 1903 May 2, 1904 Oct. 13, 1938 107 RICHLAND CE~lERY, NEWTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS This ce~etery is near the Pope County line, about three miles west of Road 16, with no access road for a car. There are several unmarked graves. Inscriptions copied by G.J. and ~en C. Ross, June 14, 1964. Born ANDERSON, Fred, son of P. G. and Amanda Apr. 4, 1906 Died Apr. 18, 1906 BEARE, Thomas E. 1871 BEARE, Jewell J. (same stone as Thomas E.) 1910 BOZE, Herbert age 38 years, 6 mOAths, 18 days about 40 years BRASSFIELD, E11izie James BRASSFIELD, A. j!'. Apr. 12, 1843 1934 1923 Feb. 18, 1942 1884 Feb. 27, 1933 CHANEY, Ambrose 1855 CHANEY, Infant daughter of C.M. and·B.J. May 21, 1921 CHANEY, 01 a , wife of Miles Chaney and Mar. 4, 1905 daughter of H.R. and P.M. Standridge COX, John C. June 28, 1835 1923 May 21, 1921 Jan. 7, 1929 GREGORY, GREGORY, GREGORY, GREGORY, GREGORY, GREGORY, George W. Sept. 15, 1849 Dec. 25, 1852 Bettie, wife of G.W. Samuel A. age 80 yrs., 4 mos., 12 days John Bailout; Dec. 24, 1877 Kattie C., wife of J.B. Samuel B., son of J.B. and K.C. Sept. 18, 1899 Aug. 22, 1895 Jan. 6, 1947 May 21, 1923 June 17, 1958 May 11, 1958 Jan. 3, 1940 Oct. 21, 1900 JONES, George W. age 67 JONES, Jennetie, dau. of M. M. and Vinie June 3, 1882 Feb. 6, 1953 July 14, 1899 LIGHT, John Feb. 19, 1843 Aug. 24, 1895 MASlERSIiN, Willie, son of Winfield and Ilena MAXVILLE, Malinda June 31, 1905 Dec. 18, 1872 Aug, 20, 1905 1873 ROSAMOND, Frederick M. ROSS, Maud ROSS, Luina ROSS, Mack ROSS, Luther July Apr. Dec. Aug. Apr. Apr. July Oct. SHELTON, Riley A,. Nov. 11, 1867 OVERTURE 8, 1897 7, 1931 29, 1931 9, 1933 STANDRIDGE, Alexander Sept. 13, 1826 STANDRIl;lGE, Alexander (Mason) Apr. 15, 1852 (On a smaller stone: Alec Standridge, 1851-1903) STANDRIDGE, Lue Sinda Nov. 25, 1856 (On a smaller stone: Cinda Standridge, 1851-1940) STANDRIDGE, Alvin, son of Alexander and LUCinda Mar. 25, 1892' STANDRIDGE, Ada, dau. of Alexander and Lucinda Nov. 4, 1888 STANDRIDGE, Alexander May 12, 1872 STANDRIDGE, Monroe May 12, 1876 STANDRIDGE, Mart aged 73 years, 4 mos. and 3 days STANDRIDGE, Elizabeth, dau. of G.J. and Tennessee May 5, 1890 STANDRIDGE, Mart (Mason) Oct. 1, 1835 1,7, 1937 27, 1931 10, 1932 5, 1933 Jan. 20, 1950 June 22, 1902 Apr. 24, 1903 Jan. 16, 1940 Apr. 18, 1.892 Dec. 27, 1910 Nov. 2, 1896 Dec. 23, 1896 Dec. 15, 1960 June 26, 1897 Apr. 2, 1910 108 RICHLAND CEMETERY, NEWTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS TAYLOR, Katie, wife of William H. Bqrn May .5, 1880 Died Feb, 2, 1911 YATE S, Arewi ne Sept. 15, 1815 June 9, 1886 WHEELER CEMETERY, POPE COUNTY, ARKANSAS Inscriptions of a family cemetery located on the Wheeler Homestead off the Fort Inscriptions copied by G. J. Douglas-Pelsor Road a distance of about three miles. and Ben C. Ross, June 14, 1964. . Born Aug, 9, 1834 Nov, 30 1860 SPARKS, William R. SPARKS, Mrs. Betty WHEELER, WHEELER, WHEELER, WHEELER, WHEELER, Died May 22, 1907 Nov. 30, 1935 Jan, 16, 1926 Apr. 5, 1880 Sept. 16, 1884 Mar, 27, 1882 June 12, 1892 Mar, 17, 1890 C. W. Lydia V. Nancy H. , dau. of W. B. and E. M. Susan J. , dau. of W. B. and E. M. Miles M., son of W. B. and E. M. Dec. 15, 1958 MaL 22, 1889 July 18, 1894 Mar. 22 1896 VICTOR ROAD or NORTH FORK CEMETERY, POPE COUNTY, ARKANSAS Only a few of the graves have inscriptions, and some of these are illegible. This cemetery is located off Forest Road 24, about five miles from the intersection with Highway 7, north of Dover, Arkansas, Inscriptions copied by G. J, and Ben C. Ross, June 9, 1964. BEK, Victory 7 yrs., 9 mos., 22 days FELKINS, Mary F., wife of J. H. MORSH (7) (illegible) PRINCE, Benjamin N., son of J,M. and G.A. * * * * * *. * Nov. 19, 1867 Oct. 5, 1867 Oct. 15, l8U Sept. 25, 1889 Granville J. Ross 1205 .t\ ltman :Orive Merritt Island, Fl. 32952 * * * * * * Sept. 11, 1875 July 23, 1907 Apr. 1.3, 1. 916 June 14, 1909 Ben C. RDss Route 2 Dover, Ark. 72837 * * * * * * * NEW MEMBERS Irene Harris Burton Mrs. o.sro Cobb Mrs, Harry Franke Bill Hyden Mrs. E. R. Lambert"Tr. Lana Lewis Mrs. Evelyn B. Mosley Mrs Lois Parks Stuck Miss Annie Neal Wilkinson Victor G. Winborn .Fort Smith, Arkansas Little Rock, Arkansas Milwaukee, Wisconsin Broken Arrow, Oklahoma Pine Bluff, Arkansas Tahlequah, Oklahom.a Pine Bluff, Arkansas Grapevine, Texas Hobbll, New Mexico Benton, Arkansas * * 109 QU ERIES BLAC~ . Matilda Blaak is buried at Bloomfield, Ark. Where is this place? She was born ca.1820. Mrs. J. M. Buchanan 1500 Royal Oaks Drive Waco, Texas 76710 BONNER - HOOVER - SCARLETT I am intere8~d in the Bonner, Hoover and· Scarlett families. Mrs. Charles Hoover 620 North Ridge West Helena, Ark. 72390 BROOKS - JONES - TA YLOR My grandmother,. Mary Frances Brooks, was born Sept. 28, 1872, in Texas, daughter of Enoch Elijah Brooks and Katherine Taylor French, Enoch Elijah Brooks was born in Johnson Co, , Ark., Oct 20, 1844, died in Burnet Co, , Texas, Dec 22, 1932 His parents were EUshaBrooks.andSarah Jones, Katherine Taylor French was born Feb, I, 1839 in Centralia, Ill. ,died Jan, 30, 1937, Her father was Wiley Taylor, She was .. married to Enoch Elijah Brooks, Oct. 26, 1865. I would like any information on Elisha Brooks, Sarah Jones and 'Wiley Taylor, as well as name of Katherine Taylor's mother. Betty J, Foster Rt. 2 Box 82-A . Burnet, Texas 78611 BUSH,gJ:::,grandfather, Horace Bush, died in Faulkner Co., Ark,. Sept. 18,.1918. There was no death cel'tificate filed for him and I am trying to find his birthdate.. From censns and marriage license, he was born between 1864 and 1869. Has the Mt, Olive Cemetery, south of Beryl in Faulkner County, been documented? Mrs. Elizabeth Gregory 807 W. 10th Stuttgart, Ark. 72160 CATES - TRAMMEL I am seelting information on James Cates in Arkansas ca,1850. He married EUza --and moved to Texas ca 1860. Thomas J. Trammel, born ca 1820, married Betsy ~-.-, had'daughter, Mathilda, born 1846, Will pay for information either in.. adv~ce or upon receipt. Betty Jean stout 1922 E. Jackson Harlington, Texas 78550 CLINE - CLARK Henry Clay Cline, born ca 1846 (where?), married PeaFlee Arminta·'Clark in 1881 in Cave City, Sharp Co., Ark. Parents of Pearlee Clark were Jonathan Clark and Minnerva. ---. Need parents and brothers and sisters of Henry Clay Cline. 'Pearlee (Clark) Cline died near Raiford, McIntosh Co., Okla, (Indian Territory), Nov. 1900. Henry Clay Cline died December, 1917 at Wetumka, Hughes' Co., Okla. Their children were; Robert Lee Cline, born'1882', Smithville, Ark.; Sarah Elizabeth, born 1884, Smithville, Ark.; Minerva·B., born 1886, Smi1;JlVille, Ark.; Wm. Henry Cline; born 1889, Smithville, Ark.; John Morgan Cline, born 1894, Checotah, Indian Territory, died 1962; Maybelle Cline, born 1899" Checotah, Indian Territory.. All these are buried in Oklahoma, except Wm. Henry and Maybelle, who were buried in California. Any information on these Cline and Clark ancestors will be appreciated. Will .gladly exchange information. Mrs. Dorat.ha (Cline) j'\llred 4008 Cartist Dr. Fort Worth, Texas 76116 110 Q.J,J E).{IE S DAVIS My grandfather was ,James Hannibal Davis, born Dec. 22, 1857, died Mar. 24, 1943 at Nashville, Ark. He was son of Jesse Davis and Bittie (or Bitsie) Miller. He was'married to Martha Elizabeth Jackson, born Sept. 21,.1861, died Mar. 10, 1940. Need any informati<)n on these people and their parents. My maternal grandfather was James Henry Coffman, born Nov. 20, 1866, died Jan. 20, Antlers, Okla. His parents were Daniel (Farabie?) Coffman and Christine Elizabeth HilL He was married Apr. 11, 1886 to Safrona Ellen Myers, bQrn Sept. 24, 1871, died Dec" 2Lor 22, 1932, daughter of William Myers and Francis Davis. Need any information. Mrs. Juanita' Davis Lanoue Rt.'2 . Box 520 Baker, La. 70714 HARRIS Need information about' Wiley M., Harris, born May 28 .. 1818, son of Edmond and Dicy (Mltngrum) Harris. Left either North Carolina or Mississippi and went to Arkansas 1836-45. Where in Arkansas? Mrs. J. Dexter Eoff 700 Eighth st. Ballinger, Texas 76821 JUSTICE - WILLIAMS A Margaret Williams married William Justice in 1859. They lived near Little Rock near Catania Creek and had silver mine. Justice was probably a Cherokee Indian; his people could have come from Tennessee. She died in East Texas in 1924, age 82. Joyce Calhoon 619 Milam liberty, Texas 77575 MAULDIN - LILE.,S , James Cornelius Mauldin was born in July, 1822, in limestone Co., Ala., married Martha Ann Lyle (Liles), Dec. I, 1842 in Hardeman Co. ,Tenn. They moved to Columbia, Ark. ca 185e" where their third child, William Edward Mauldin, was born Jan. 15, 1851. James CoraeliullMauldin was my 2nd great-'grandfather. Would appreciate, any information. I am a member of the Tip-O-TexGenealogical Society located at Harlingen, Texas, and live in Brownsville; Texas'; The surrounding areas available to me for research are Pharr, Brownsville, Olmito, Los, 'Fresnos, Harlingen, San Juan, Alamo, Mission" McAllen and Weslaco. If I may help any of your members, don't hesitate to let me know. Beth Mauldin Braesicke Rt. 2 Box 498 A Brownsville, Texas 78520 MORRIS William C., Morris died Aug. 6, 1871 in Johnson, Co., Ark. I could find no will in the recorder's office for him, except one made by a William Morri-s, in 1875. I have no idea where he is buried. I am trying to, find his gravestone so to get the date of birth. I am find information on Asenath (Fancher) Morris, 1818-1854. She was a wife to William above. She may have been buried in the' Fancher Cemetery at Osage, Carroll Co . . Also, there was a, John and Rachel Morris Who lived in Carroll Co. ,Ark. in the 1860's: they were 75 years old then. I would like their date~, too. Probably buried near Berryville. I am also interested in finding information about Elisha Bobo, 1828-1869, and his Wife, Olivia" 1832-1908+. They are both buried near Berryville. Hollin Golden 2320 P St. #202 Sacramento, Calif. 95816 111 QUERIES • MARTIN FrolIl the records at Charleston (Franklin Co.), Ark., Probate Book A, page 14: ".n the matter of Guardianship of George W., Robert and Charles Martin, aU whom , ,being"lIIlder the 21 years and over 14 years of age, David C, Martin presents his petition for Guardian of said minor heirs of Betsey (Ellison) Martin, and also bond as such Gtiardian which being examined by the court the petition is hereby granted and the Bond approved. (May 107, 1892)" This may be my grandfather, My grAndmother. BetseyAllisonl,'4artin, bore four sons., William, George W., Robert (my father). Charter. All were born in Tennessee. My grandfather married Sarah Allison (maiden name Clark) after death of Betsey Allison. Do not know when the family moved to Ark. Grandfather served in Tenn. Cavalry during Civil War. He died in Franklin, 'Ark., Mar. 11~ 1905. Would appreciate any information on this family, Lucille MartinSurdam 5128 Ruthelen St. Los Angeles. Calif. , 90062 MA Y - COCKCROFT N\le!i anqe~try of Alfred Hilliard May, born So. Carolina ca 1830, m. Catherine Amelia Cockcroft, borf! So. Carolina ca 1833, Show census 1860 Covington Co. , Ala. , Andalusia, Mrs. Edith May Rt. 2 Box 269-A Fordyce, Ark. ,71742 MOO:a:J1; I am tllying to locate proof of birth and locate parents of Elisha Lewis Moore, born in Arkadelphia, AIl~., June 7, 1867. I have marriage record for him and Hattier Fussell in Rusk Co., Texas, June 23. 1887. Believe his parents were John Moore and Lucy ---. Raymond Day .' ' p. O. Box 306 Armona, Calif. 93~02 NAVE I have wonqered about the name 'Nave's Crossing' on the White River .. It seemed to 'be in Arkansas in that area where the river' bounced back and forth from state to state.. With all the great dams it is no longer shown on current map!;. ,I had distant cousins named Nave' , who lived in east Tennessee and later turned up in Mari0l!ville, Lawr«;lnceCo.,. Ark." where, my father was brought at an early age. In the early days of my home town, the' NaVe Orches~, trjl. was qUlte noted. playing for many functions. I also find Abram and Jacob Nave listed' J.n' Marion Co., Ar/{. in 1840. Can anyone help me with this family? Johnson A., Neft 3965, S. Bannock Englewood, Colo. 80110-QUEEN - PASH My great,.grandparents. Nicholas Polk Queen and May Amanda' (Showers) Queen., homesteaded a farm in the vicinity of Harrison, Boone Co., Ark. 'Then, in the 1920',8, their oldest, son, James, was involved in a dispute between the railroad labor lodge and the Ku Klux Klan. I have been told that his name appears in a book about the Klan. My grandmother, Mary Alma (Cash) Queen. daughter of James Willis Cash and Martha ' E. (Booth) Oash, was born if! Eureka'Springs, Carroll Co. ,Ark. 'I would appreCiate !lny, information you might have on these families.' Mrs. Priscilla Anderson, 1114 Mojave Idaho 'ralls, Idaho 83401 112 QUERIES ROYCE Hiram .Royce came to Newton Co. , Ark. in 1894. His wife was Nancy Canzada Smith .. I would. lik-e-any information on this line, which has many descendants in Newton County. Mrs. Edward S. Arnold 1000 Southern Artery 728 Quincy, Mass. 02169 RUTLEDGE - WHEELER. - ijARRIS Would like any information on the following people: James C. Rutledge, Tamer Caroline Wheeler Rutledge.,. Silas Harris, Betty Thompson Harris and Lena Mae' Small Harris. Tommy Rutledge Box 132 Mountain View, Ark. 72560 TONCRAY I am trying t.o.locate any information on Rev. Silas Toncray, an ancestor of mine, who I undel'.sta.nd.was instrumental in starting a proposition io build a court house at Marion, Conway County in middle 1820's. I understand he was postmaster and agent for the Gazette in April•.,182!L-:c Does anyone have any record of this or any information on him?' • Meredith Gibson 261 20th Ave. Santa Cruz, Calif. 95060 TUCKER - HUMPHREYS - GANN I would like to contact anyone researching these families: Tucker and Humph,reys in G<)Uwayand Perry counties prior to 1840 and Gann in Benton County prior to 1860. R. G. Harless 1258 Cabrmo Ave. Burlingame, Calif. 94010 TYLER Iwould appreciate any leads in finding these people: George Ward Tyler, born July 30, 1873, in Arkansas; 'James Monroe Tyler, born Oct. 15, 1875, Ark.; Julia, born in ,Ark. , Their parents were William Ward Tyler and (we are told) the mother was E. V Tate. Mrs. Ethel Wilson R. R. 2 Box 297-A Felton, Delaware 19943 WA!I,.TERl> HART . . - DODSON I need information· about the following people, who are direct ancestors of my husband: 'AI~mndeXJackson Walters, born Sept. .2, 1848, no place given, married Dec. 20, 1870 to Fannie BeUe Hart, b;rn Jan. 19, 1856; Joel Hawson Walters and his wife, Martha' Dodson; Dr. DatidGilbert Hart and his wife, Martha Tennessee Allen Walters. Any information on . any of these people would be greatly appreciated. I am lookin~.for information on Alexander Joel Walters, who resided in Harrison and Bellefonte cities In Boone Co. ,Ark. I ~ed to know his birth date and the date he married " IdIiI· Ma:e, Tipton. I think he was born ca 1871-72, married between 1890 and 1900. , Mrso Hoger A. Walters 3320 E. Weldon . Phoenix, Arizona 85018 WIL.LIAMS 1 would like .informa.tion on Elizah Williams and his wife, Elizabeth. Nancy, Elizabeth and a son (name unknown) Mary Ida' Smith Children: Pa,ralee, 0 Ri;. 3 Box 639-A Mena, Ark. 71953 , • \
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