th June 2015 Newsletter - Friends of Parkinson`s
th June 2015 Newsletter - Friends of Parkinson`s
Volume 2, Issue 7 June 2015 Friends of Parkinson THE PARKINSON POST Special points of interest: New dopamine pump is “huge step forward” for advanced Parkinson’s. On page 2 Parkinson’s Disease patient and caregivers symposium On page 4. Inside this issue: New dopamine pump is “huge step forward” for advanced Parkinson’s 2 Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson's Disease: Is it Right for Me? 3 2015 Friends Campaign 3 Save the Date 4 Support Groups 5 WHY A TULIP? 6 Show Stopper at the Baha- 7 Greetings From the Publisher 7 New Assistant State Director Jamillah Ali-Rahman, Executive Director of Friends of Parkinson‟s, has been named an Assistant State Director of the Parkinson‟s Action Network (PAN) for Nevada, a national nonprofit in Washington, DC that advocates for better treatments and a cure for Parkinson‟s disease. Ms Ali-Rahman joins more than 100 other leaders and thousands of volunteer grassroots advocates in PAN‟s efforts to educate elected officials and the public about the importance of public policy and advocacy in achieving better quality of life and eventually a cure for Parkinson‟s. Parkinson‟s disease is a chronic, progressive neurological illness that affects as many as 1.5 million Americans. No treatment or therapy current exists to stop or slow the progression of Parkinson‟s and it is currently the 14th leading death in the United States. We congratulate Ms Ali-Rahman for her commitment to the Parkinson‟s community in Southern Nevada. ABOUT PARKINSON‟S ACTION NETWORK The Parkinson‟s Action Network (PAN) is the unified voice of the Parkinson‟s community advocating for better treatments and a cure. In partnership with other Parkinson‟s organizations (Continued on page 6) THE PARKINSON POST From the Pharm New dopamine pump is “huge step forward” for advanced Parkinson’s Author: Parkinson's Life editors Published: 9 April 2015 eases or conditions affecting fewer than 200,000 patients in the US. According to AbbVie, the new treatment is the first and only treatment providing 16 continuous hours of carbidopa and levodopa for motor fluctuations in advanced Parkinson‟s. In a clinical trial, patients treated with DUOPA reportedly experienced significantly greater reduction in „off time‟ than patients treated with oral carbidopa-levodopa immediate release tablets. C. Warren Olanow MD, of the Department of Neurology Campaigners in the US have welcomed the approval of a new dopamine and Department of Neuroscience, Mount Sinai School of pump as “a huge step forward” for treatment of people with advanced Medicine, and lead investigator of the DUOPA trial, said: “There is an unmet need for treatment options for patients Responding to news that the US this advance being made available with advanced Parkinson‟s Food and Drug Administration had to patients all over the United disease. As the disease adapproved DUOPA – a portable inStates.” vances, it can be difficult to fusion pump that delivers carcontrol motor features. bidopa and levodopa directly into the small intestine – NPF national NPF is collaborating with AbbVie medical director Dr Michael S. in the development and delivery “In clinical trials, DUOPA Okun said: “The approval of the of comprehensive training prowas shown to significantly dopamine pump for the treatment grams for key stakeholders inreduce the amount of „off‟ of Parkinson‟s disease is a huge volved in managing treatment time people with advanced step forward for treatment of Parkwith DUOPA. Parkinson‟s disease experiinson‟s disease patients suffering enced.” from motor fluctuations and other disabling symptoms. The pump was approved by the FDA as an orphan drug, a designation granted to products intend“We are very enthusiastic about ed for the treatment of rare disPage 2 Volume 2, Issue 7 Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson's Disease: Is it Right for Me? Saturday, May 30, 2015 Sunrise Hospital Auditorium Located the First Floor 3186 S. Maryland Pkwy Las Vegas, NV 89109 10:30 - 11:00am: Check-In 11:00 - 1:00pm: DBS Info Session and Q&A. A light lunch will be served. This is a free event, but registration is required as space is limited. To register, please call Damon (702) 3544100 or Louie (702) 336-2829. Learn more about Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) from a local neurologist and neurosurgeon. They will discuss how DBS may help the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, who is a good candidate, details on the surgical procedure and follow up treatment. You will also hear a personal experience from someone who has had DBS therapy. Medtronic is hosting the session and encourages care partners and family members to attend. 2015 Friends Campaign In order for Friends of Parkinson‟s to continue to provide the services and care to the Parkinson‟s community, we need you to help us. We have an innovative campaign that is being launched June 1. It‟s our Friends Campaign. We are asking all the “friends” to support us by giving $20.15 for our basic membership so we can continue the Parkinson Post Newsletter. Our cost for printing and mailing is $4.96 each mailing. We mail four times per year, bringing the Page 3 cost to almost $20. We want to make sure those who don‟t use the computer or have access to the computer will be able to stay in touch with the community. We have other memberships as well; Active Membership, $100 per year; Associate Membership $150 per year and the Charter Membership $250 per year. Come by the office at 2400 North Tenaya Way, Monday through Friday 10am to 3pm for more information about the memberships, what we‟re doing and what‟s next. Looking forward to the Friend‟s Campaign kicking off June 1!!!!! THE PARKINSON POST Page 4 Volume 2, Issue 7 Support Groups Young Onset PD Support Group of Southern Nevada join our meetup group: Young-Onset-PDSupport-Group-ofSouthern-Nevada/ Caregivers Support People with Parkinson’s 2nd Friday 10am May 8, June 12 1st Saturday 9am May 2 Mountain View Hospital Mountain View Hospital 3150 N. Tenaya Way Ste. 114 3rd Tuesday May 19. June 18 Vida Training Center 1785 East Sahara Avenue Suite 430 Las Vegas 89104 3100 North Tenaya Way, First Floor 4th Tuesday 1:30 May 28 H2U Mountain View Office 3150 N. Tenaya Way Ste. 114 Parkinson Patients 2nd Thursday 9 am Mountain View Hospital 3100 North Tenaya Way, First Floor 3rd Saturday Life Care Center 6151 Vegas Drive Las Vegas 89107 Dance for Parkinsons exercise class Las Ventanas Summerlin, 10401 W.Charleston Blvd between Hualapai & Town Center Drive Wednesdays 12:30-1:30 in Fitness Center, check in at lobby reception desk Veteran Support Veteran Involve Parkinson (VIP) First Tues day 1:00 pm May 5, June 2 Location TBD Clear Breeze- Movement Therapies Introduces: Tai Chi for Balance Instructor: Melanie Huntley, Physical Therapist Assistant, for information: 702 278-1533 cell Time: Mondays & Wednesdays, 11:00-12:00 Noon Classes are sponsored by Las Ventanas Summerlin, so are free to participants Place: West Flamingo Active Adult Center 6255 W Flamingo Road Las Vegas, NV 89103 (702) 455-7742 Taught by Tamalyn Taylor, MS. (702) 528-6214 [email protected] Page 5 THE PARKINSON POST WHY A TULIP? APRIL 16, 2015 SHERRI WOODBRIDGE The tulip is described in detail as the exterior being a glowing cardinal red, small feathered white edge, the outer base whitish; the inside, a currant-red to turkeyred, broad feathered white edge, anthers pale yellow”. Developed by Dutch horticulturist and Parkinson‟s disease patient J.W.S. Van der Wereld, the new tulip was named after Dr. James Parkinson, the doctor who discovered Parkinson‟s disease. Not only did the tulip receive the Award of Merit that year from the Royal Horticultural Society in England, but it also was the recipient of the Trial Garden Award from the Royal General Bulb Growers of Holland. The James Parkinson Tulip If you were to see a yellow ribbon logo, you‟d think of supporting our troops. Likewise, a pink ribbon being in support/advocating for breast cancer awareness. But a tulip? Ah, the tulip. Red, at that. Unlike the red rose, the red tulip doesn‟t symbolize love, but is a symbol adopted by the Parkinson‟s community worldwide to bring awareness to Parkinson‟s disease. On April 11, 2005, the red tulip with a fringe of white was launched as the official symbol of PD at the 9th World Parkinson‟s disease Day Conference in Luxembourg (even though the red tulip had been associated with Parkinson‟s awareness since the early 1980‟s). Page 6 and our powerful grassroots network, we educate the public and government leaders on better policies for research and an improved quality of life for people living with Parkinson‟s. PAN has a unique structure as the one organization in Washington, DC advocating on behalf of the entire Parkinson‟s community. In addition to our network of grassroots volunteers from around the country, PAN represents The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson‟s Research, the Parkinson‟s disease Foundation, The Parkinson Alliance, the National Parkinson Foundation, and the Davis Phinney Foundation. Very few other disease communities have this distinct and effective structure. PAN‟s work spans a variety of issues from Medicare therapy to research funding to access to telehealth. PAN is a nonprofit 501(c) (3) organization. Contributions to PAN are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Tax ID: #943172675. PAN‟s History PAN was founded in 1991 by Joan Samuelson who, when diagnosed with Parkinson‟s in 1987, realized the disease was not receiving enough funding or attention from the Federal government. Joan left the practice of law and put her hard work and creativity into building PAN so that there would be an organization to educate those with Friends of Parkinson The Parkinson Post Editor Jon Carl Olson Greetings From the Publisher Friends of Parkinson 2400 N Tenaya Way Suite #102 Las Vegas, NV 89128 Thank You for Your Support We had our first major event as a new non profit during Parkinson‟s Awareness Month. “The Funny Bunny Race for Parkinson‟s” was a tremendous success!!! We could not have done it without you. Special Thanks and appreciation goes to the following organizations and individuals: Phone: 702-381-4141 Fax: 702-522-1863 E-mail: [email protected] We’re on the web First Person Care Clinics PDT Group, Inc. US World Meds Stavros Anthony Whole Foods, Inc. Lundbeck The Get Active Foundation Courage Unlimited NV SMP – Nevada Senior Medical Patrol S.H.I.P. – State Health Insurance Assistance Program CareMore Snazzy Booths Petting Zoo 2U DopaMind Massage by Kandis Smith‟s Food and Drugs Ossie Finks – Photographer for Friends of Parkinson‟s Show Stopper at the Bahama Breeze Restaurant Friends of Parkinson‟s held its annual Meet and Greet Thursday, April 23 at Bahama Breeze Restaurant. Dr. Eric Farbman, Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Nevada School of Medicine, presented a treatment option provided by US World Meds. Dr. Farbman is one of two movement disorder specialists here in Southern Nevada that deals with the neurological dysfunctions various diseases. The attendees had many questions about the newest treatments and modalities for Parkinson‟s disease. Jamillah Ali-Rahman, Founder and Executive Director, introduced the Board and the community supports. The Vision of FOP is to be a part of a united Parkinson‟s community that works in tandem to produce viable educational, recreational and outreach programs. The event was such a success with more attending than expected. The restaurant opened a new area to accommodate the guests.
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