Significant pressures identified in the Sava River Basin
Significant pressures identified in the Sava River Basin
Sava River Basin Management Plan Background paper No. 3 Significant pressures identified in the Sava River Basin version 3.0 Zagreb November, 2011 Sava River Basin Management Plan Table of contents 1 Introduction............................................................................................................................. 11 2 Criteria for assessment of point pollution sources .................................................... 13 2.1 Agglomerations and Urban Wastewaters Treatment Plants – Criteria of significance, load and efficiency of wastewater treatment ................................ 13 2.2 Food industry – Criteria of significance ......................................................................... 14 2.3 Industrial wastewaters - Direct and indirect discharges ........................................ 14 2.4 Application of criteria for identification of significant industrial pollution sources ................................................................................................................... 17 2.5 Water abstractions ................................................................................................................ 18 2.6 Pollution sources - data collection .................................................................................. 19 3 Pressures and measures - Data overview by countries .......................................... 20 3.1 Urban wastewater disposal in agglomerations ≥ 2,000 PE in the Sava River Basin ............................................................................................................................... 20 3.1.1 Slovenia ................................................................................................................................ 21 Reference year 2007 ....................................................................................................... 21 Pollution reduction scenarios ..................................................................................... 23 3.1.2 Croatia .................................................................................................................................. 24 Reference year 2007 ....................................................................................................... 24 Pollution reduction scenarios ..................................................................................... 26 3.1.3 Bosnia and Herzegovina ................................................................................................ 28 Reference year 2007 ....................................................................................................... 28 Pollution reduction scenarios ..................................................................................... 30 3.1.4 Serbia .................................................................................................................................... 31 Reference year 2007 ....................................................................................................... 31 Pollution reduction scenarios ..................................................................................... 33 3.1.5 Montenegro ........................................................................................................................ 35 Reference year 2007 ....................................................................................................... 35 Pollution reduction scenarios ..................................................................................... 37 3.1.6 Sava River Basin ............................................................................................................... 38 Reference year 2007 ....................................................................................................... 38 Pollution reduction scenarios ..................................................................................... 51 Organic pollution reduction ......................................................................................... 51 Nutrient pollution reduction ....................................................................................... 59 3.2 Industrial pollution sources in Sava River Basin ....................................................... 61 3.3 Agriculture ............................................................................................................................... 66 4 Assessment of impact from diffuse pollution sources .............................................. 69 4.1 Description of the proposed risk assessment methodology for nutrient diffuse pollution estimation............................................................................................... 69 4.2 Advantages and disadvantages of the proposed methodology ............................. 71 4.3 Risk analysis of the impact from diffuse pollution sources .................................... 72 4.4 Quantification of nutrient emissions from diffuse pollution sources ................. 75 4.5 Conclusions .............................................................................................................................. 76 5 The Sava River Basin MONERIS results .......................................................................... 77 5.1 Overview of methodologies................................................................................................ 77 5.2 MOdelling Nutrient Emissions in RIver Systems ........................................................ 77 5.3 OECD Modified methodology - Slovenian case study ............................................... 78 5.3.1 Calculation of nitrogen balance .................................................................................. 79 2 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan 5.3.2 Phosphorus balance ........................................................................................................ 80 5.4 Soil and Water Assessment Tool - SWAT ....................................................................... 82 5.5 QUAL2K Model ........................................................................................................................ 86 5.6 Methodology for risk analysis of diffuse pollution sources (DPS RA) ................. 88 5.7 Advantages and disadvantages of the used models................................................... 88 5.7.1 MONERIS ................................................................................................................................... 88 5.7.2 SWAT .......................................................................................................................................... 89 5.7.3 QUAL2K...................................................................................................................................... 89 5.7.4 OECD modified methodology ............................................................................................ 89 5.7.5 Methodology for risk analysis of diffuse pollution sources (DPS RA) ............... 89 5.8 The Sava River Basin nutrient balance – MONERIS results..................................... 92 5.9 Estimation of Sava River contribution of nutrients into the Danube River ........................................................................................................................... 92 5.10Comparison of various approaches of nutrient pollution balance assessment in the Sava RB .................................................................................................. 93 References ........................................................................................................................................ 94 List of Tables Table 1: List of pollutants to be reported if threshold values are exceeded (IPPC, Annex II) ................................................................................. 15 Table 2: Simplified criteria for determination of significant industrial pollution sources............................................................................. 16 Table 3: Criteria for identification of significant agricultural point sources ..................................................................................................................... 17 Table 4: Relevant industrial sectors in ME and BA (Republika Srpska) for identification of significant industrial sources .................. 17 Table 5: SI - Overview of agglomerations in the Sava RB ........................................ 21 Table 6: SI - Level of urban wastewater collection - ref. year 2007 .................... 22 Table 7: SI - Level of urban wastewater treatment - ref. year 2007 .................... 22 Table 8: SI - Pollution from agglomerations emitted into environment .......................................................................................................... 23 Table 9: SI - Overview of pollution emissions reduction ........................................ 23 Table 10: HR – Overview of agglomerations in the Sava RB ..................................... 25 Table 11: HR - Level of urban wastewater collection ................................................. 25 Table 12: HR - Level of urban wastewater treatment - ref. year 2007 ................. 26 Table 13: HR - Pollution from agglomerations emitted into environment .......................................................................................................... 26 Table 14: HR - Overview of pollution emissions reduction ...................................... 27 Table 15: BA - Overview of agglomerations in the Sava RB ...................................... 28 Table 16: BA - Level of urban wastewater collection - ref. year 2007 .................. 29 Table 17: BA - Level of urban wastewater treatment - ref. year 2007 .................. 29 3 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Table 18: BA - Pollution from agglomerations emitted into the environment .......................................................................................................... 30 Table 19: BA - Overview of pollution emissions reduction ...................................... 30 Table 20: RS - Overview of agglomerations in the Sava RB ...................................... 32 Table 21: RS - Level of urban wastewater collection - ref. year 2007 ................... 33 Table 22: RS - Level of urban wastewater treatment - ref. year 2007 .................. 33 Table 23: RS - Pollution from agglomerations emitted into environment .......................................................................................................... 33 Table 24: RS - Overview of pollution emissions reduction ....................................... 34 Table 25: ME - Overview of agglomerations in the Sava RB ..................................... 35 Table 26: ME - Level of urban wastewater collection - ref. year 2007 .................. 36 Table 27: ME - Level of urban wastewater treatment - ref. year 2007 ................. 36 Table 28: ME - Pollution from agglomerations emitted into the environment .......................................................................................................... 37 Table 29: ME - Overview of pollution emissions reduction ...................................... 37 Table 30: Sava RB countries – population ...................................................................... 39 Table 31: Number of agglomerations and generated pollution load in agglomerations in the Sava RB – ref. year 2007 ........................................ 39 Table 32: Urban wastewater disposal in agglomerations > 2,000 PE in Sava RB – reference year 2007 ........................................................................ 40 Table 33: Level of urban wastewater collection in agglomerations above 2,000 PE in the Sava RB......................................................................... 41 Table 34: Level of urban wastewater treatment in agglomerations above 2,000 PE in the Sava RB – reference year 2007 ............................ 42 Table 35: Collection and urban wastewater treatment in the Sava RB reference year 2007 ............................................................................................ 43 Table 36 Generated organic pollution load and emissions into the Sava RB from agglomerations >2,000 PE – reference year 2007 .................. 44 Table 37: Generated organic pollution load and emissions into the Sava RB from agglomerations >10,000 PE – reference year 2007 .......................................................................................................................... 45 Table 38: Quantification of organic pollution load discharged from significant urban sources in the Sava RB into surface waters – reference year 2007......................................................................................... 46 Table 39: Generated load and emissions of nutrients from agglomerations >2,000 PE in Sava RB - reference year 2007 .............. 47 Table 40: Nutrient emission into the Sava RB from agglomerations >10,000 PE – reference year 2007 ................................................................. 48 4 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Table 41: Nutrient discharges into the Sava RB from agglomerations >2,000 PE – reference year 2007.................................................................... 50 Table 42: Number of agglomerations for which collection systems and/or UWWTPs will be constructed or upgraded by 2015 ................ 51 Table 43: Number of agglomerations and level of urban wastewater treatment after implementation of planned measures by 2015 .......................................................................................................................... 52 Table 44: Pollution load collected by sewerage systems and treated in UWWTPs after implementation of the planned measures by 2015 .......................................................................................................................... 52 Table 45: Situation in UWWT in the Sava countries after implementation of the Midterm (II) scenario............................................ 53 Table 46: Pollution load collected by sewerage systems and treated in UWWTPs after implementation of planned measures of the Midterm (II) scenario ......................................................................................... 53 Table 47: Situation in UWWT in the Sava countries after implementation of the scenario III ................................................................ 54 Table 48: Pollution load collected by sewerage systems and treated in UWWTPs after implementation of planned measures of the scenario III ............................................................................................................. 54 Table 49: Number and structure of industrial pollution sources in the Sava RB .................................................................................................................... 62 Table 50: Discharged organic load from the industry facilities into the Sava RB .................................................................................................................... 62 Table 51: Hazardous substances load from the significant industrial pollution sources into the surface water in the Sava RB – reference year 2007 ............................................................................................ 66 Table 52: Total number of livestock in the Sava countries* .................................... 66 Table 53: Average nutrient excretion coefficients per head of animal ................ 66 Table 54: Total amount of nitrogen production via animal manure in the Sava RB ............................................................................................................. 67 Table 55: Total amount of phosphorous production via animal manure in the Sava RB ....................................................................................... 67 Table 56: Potential of agriculture as a point nutrient pollution source .............. 68 Table 57 : Classes of nutrient load risk from the DPS ................................................. 70 Table 58: Pollution sources emission coefficients (specific load) ......................... 71 Table 59: Summary of advantages/disadvantages of the RA Methodology .......................................................................................................... 71 Table 60: Sub-basins with high level of risk from diffusion pollution sources ..................................................................................................................... 73 5 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Table 61: Sub-basins with middle level of risk from diffusion pollution sources ..................................................................................................................... 73 Table 62: Sub-basins with low and no level of risk from diffusion pollution sources ................................................................................................. 74 Table 63: Emissions of Nt from diffusion pollution sources .................................... 75 Table 64: Emissions of Pt from diffusion pollution sources..................................... 75 Table 65: Nutrient emissions from agglomerations > 2000 PE in the Sava RB .................................................................................................................... 76 Table 66: The list and frequency of needed data for SWAT model simulation............................................................................................................... 84 Table 67: QUAL2K model variables .................................................................................. 87 Table 68: Summary of advantages/disadvantages of described models ............ 90 Table 69: Key used for rating of the models .................................................................. 90 Table 70: Summary of results ............................................................................................. 91 Table 71: Nutrient pollution balance assessment in the Sava RB – results ...................................................................................................................... 93 List of Figures Figure 1: SI - Share of generated load by agglomeration size classes .................. 22 Figure 2: SI - Organic pollution reduction after implementation of scenarios ................................................................................................................. 24 Figure 3: SI - Nutrient pollution reductions after implementation of scenarios ................................................................................................................. 24 Figure 4: HR - Share of generated load by agglomerations size classes .............. 25 Figure 5: HR - Organic pollution reduction after scenarios implementation .................................................................................................... 27 Figure 6: HR - Nutrient pollution reductions after scenarios implementation ................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 7: BA - Share of generated load by agglomerations size classes .............. 29 Figure 8: BA - Organic pollution reduction after implementation of scenarios ................................................................................................................. 31 Figure 9: BA - Nutrient pollution reductions after scenarios implementation .................................................................................................... 31 Figure 10: RS - Share of generated load by agglomerations size classes ............... 32 Figure 11: RS - Organic pollution reduction after implementation of the scenarios ................................................................................................................. 34 Figure 12: RS - Nutrient pollution reductions after the scenarios implementation .................................................................................................... 35 6 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Figure 13: ME - Share of generated load by agglomerations size classes.............. 36 Figure 14: ME - Organic pollution reduction after implementation of scenarios ................................................................................................................. 38 Figure 15: ME - Nutrient pollution reductions after scenarios implementation .................................................................................................... 38 Figure 16: Number (A) of agglomerations > 2,000 PE and share (B) of generated load by the countries in the Sava RB ........................................ 40 Figure 17: Level of urban wastewater collection in agglomerations above 2,000 PE by the Sava countries .......................................................... 42 Figure 18: Wastewater disposal in the Sava RB – reference year 2007................. 43 Figure 19: Generated and emitted organic pollution load in the Sava RB from agglomerations > 2,000 PE by Sava countries – reference year 2007 ............................................................................................ 45 Figure 20: Generated and emitted organic pollution load in the Sava RB – share of agglomerations 2,000 – 10,000 and above 10,000 PE – reference year 2007 .................................................................................. 46 Figure 21: Organic pollution load discharged from agglomerations >2,000 PE in the Sava RB into surface waters – reference year 2007 ................................................................................................................ 47 Figure 22: The total emission contribution of nutrients from agglomerations >2,000 PE - reference year 2007 .................................... 48 Figure 23: The total emission contribution of nutrients from agglomerations >10,000 PE by countries - reference year 2007 .......................................................................................................................... 49 Figure 24: Generated and emitted nutrient pollution load in the Sava RB – share of agglomerations 2,000 – 10,000 and above 10,000 PE – reference year 2007................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 25: Nutrient pollution load discharged from agglomerations >2,000 PE in the Sava RB to surface waters – reference year 2007 .......................................................................................................................... 50 Figure 26: Development in urban waste water treatment in agglomerations >2,000 PE in the Sava RB .. Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 27: Planned developments in collection and treatment of generated load ...................................................................................................... 57 Figure 28: Development of organic pollution reduction............................................. 58 Figure 29: Changes in emissions of Nt from significant urban pollution sources - reference year 2007 and proposed scenarios ........................ 59 Figure 30: Changes in emissions of Pt from significant urban pollution sources - reference year 2007 and proposed scenarios ........................ 59 Figure 31: Development of nutrient pollution reduction ........................................... 60 7 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Figure 32: Development of urban waste water collection and treatment in the Sava RB in agglomerations >2,000 PE .............................................. 61 Figure 33: Organic load discharged into the Sava RB from significant industrial pollution sources – reference year 2007 ................................ 63 Figure 34: Nutrient pollution load discharged into surface waters by significant industrial sources in the Sava RB – reference year 2007 .......................................................................................................................... 64 Figure 35: Number of sub-basins in the Sava RB possibly at risk caused by diffuse pollution ............................................................................................. 75 Figure 36: Pathways and processes in MONERIS ........................................................... 78 Figure 37: Weighted average nitrogen balance (kg of N/ha/a) for the surface water bodies........................................................................................... 80 Figure 38: Weighted average phosphorus balance (kg of P/ha/a) for the surface water bodies ................................................................................... 81 Figure 39: Schematic representation of the mass balance equation used in the OECD modified methodology .............................................................. 82 Figure 40: Potential pathways of the water movement simulated in SWAT ........................................................................................................................ 83 Figure 41: SWAT Algorithm ................................................................................................... 85 Figure 42: QUAL2K Segmentation scheme ....................................................................... 86 Figure 43: Distribution of diffuse sources flows to the model .................................. 87 Figure 44: Estimation of the Sava River contribution of nutrients into the Danube River ................................................................................................. 92 List of maps Map 1: Land use in sub-basins of the Sava River Basin......................................... 72 List of annexes 1. Urban wastewater disposal in Slovenia, ref. year 2007, scenarios BP_UWW_SLOVENIA UWW_SI_REFYEAR_2007 UWW_SI_2015 UWW_SI_scII UWW_SI_scIII 2. Urban wastewater disposal in Croatia, ref. year 2007, scenarios BP_UWW_CROATIA 8 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan UWW_HR_REFYEAR_2007 UWW_HR_2015 UWW_HR_scII UWW_HR_scIII 3. ios Urban wastewater disposal in Bosnia&Herzegovina, ref. year 2007, scenar- BP_UWW_BOSNIA&HERZEGOVINA UWW_BA_REFYEAR_2007 UWW_BA_2015 UWW_BA_scII UWW_BA_scIII 4. Urban wastewater disposal in Serbia, ref. year 2007, scenarios BP_UWW_SERBIA UWW_RS_REFYEAR_2007 UWW_RS_2015 UWW_RS_scII UWW_RS_scIII 5. Urban wastewater disposal in Montenegro, ref. year 2007, scenarios BP_UWW_MONTENEGRO UWW_ME_REFYEAR_2007 UWW_ME_2015 UWW_ME_scII UWW_ME_scIII 6. Significant industrial pollution sources in the Sava River Basin – ref. year 2007 BP_IPS_2007 7. Risk analyses of diffuse pollution impact in the Sava river Basin BP_DPS Sub-basins landuse RA_nutrients_DPS 9 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan RA1_RESULTS RA2_RESULTS Nt_EMISSIONS Pt_EMISSIONS 8. Data requirements for mathematic models of DPS assessment BP_DPS_DATA MONERIS OECD_COUNTRY OECD_TNMN QUAL2K SWAT 10 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan 1 Introduction According to the Framework Agreement on the Sava River Basin (FASRB), the establishment of sustainable water management in the Sava River Basin is one of the principal objectives of the cooperation of the Parties to the Agreement. Development of the Sava River Basin Management Plan, in line with the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) and under the coordinating role of the International Sava River Basin Commission (ISRBC) is currently a key water management activity in the Sava River Basin. The International Sava River Basin Commission (ISRBC) is the coordinating platform to compile basin-wide issues of the Sava River Basin Management Plan (RBMP). The first milestone of the Sava RBMP was the Sava River Basin Analysis Report (SRBA Report, 2009) that reflected a comprehensive analysis of the Sava River Basin including the characterisation of transboundary surface- and groundwater bodies, identification of their significant anthropogenic pressures/impacts as well as the aspects of water quantity, water use, flood management and navigation. The following analysis carried out in the frame of a project has consolidated the data base from Sava countries in the reference year 2007. Results of this work have confirmed pollution, by nutrients, and organic and hazardous substances as significant pressure in the Sava RB. Many agglomerations in the Sava RB have no, or insufficient, wastewater treatment and are therefore key contributors to organic and nutrient pollution. Direct as well as indirect discharges of industrial wastewaters contribute substantially to organic and hazardous substances pollution. Very often industrial wastewaters are insufficiently treated or are not treated at all before being discharged into surface waters (direct emission) or public sewer systems (indirect emission). Agriculture is a very important contributor of nutrient (nitrogen) and also hazardous substances (pesticides) pollution. Phasing out discharges for untreated wastewater from agglomerations and from major industrial and agricultural installations is based on the EU level on requirements mainly of following directives implementation (the basic measures of the Programme of measures). Water Framework Directive - 2000/60/EC Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive - 91/271/EEC Sewage Sludge Directive - 86/278/EEC Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Directive - 2008/1/EC Nitrates Directive - 91/676/EEC Dangerous Substances Directive - 2006/11/EC); Directive on environmental quality standards in the field of water policy 2008/105/EC Other regulations should be taken into account as well: Directive 91/414/EEC on regulation of plant protection products Directive 98/8/EC on regulation of biocidal products REACH - regulation of chemicals (EC 1907/2006) Programme of Measures responds to all significant pressures in order to achieve the agreed management objectives and visions on the basin-wide scale. It builds upon the results of the pressure analysis, the water status assessment and includes the measures 11 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan of basin-wide importance oriented on the agreed visions and management objectives. It is based on the national programmes of measures (which in the EU MS shall be made operational until December 2012). 12 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan 2 Criteria for assessment of point pollution sources 2.1 Agglomerations and Urban Wastewaters Treatment Plants - Criteria of significance, load and efficiency of wastewater treatment The criterion for identification of significant urban pollution source (agglomeration) and collection data about urban waste water disposal is based on the Directive 91/271/EEC. This Directive requires collecting and treatment of all urban wastewaters from the agglomerations with nominal load ≥2000 PE. Whereas this criterion was selected at the Europe wide scale and also at the Danube River Basin wide scale for identification of significant urban pollution sources requiring wastewater treatment, this threshold has been taken also for the Sava RB. Specific production of pollution by one population equivalent (PE) per day equal to following values was used for calculation of generated loads for main parameters of urban wastewater pollution: BOD5 COD Ntot Ptot 60 g/PE/day 110 g/PE/day 8.8 – 11 g/PE/day 1.5 – 2.05 g/PE/day The level of wastewater treatment (reduction of pollution in %) for discharged loads of BOD5, COD, Ntot and Ptot is available to account for all discharges with wastewater treatment (UWWTPs) or without treatment (No WWTPs). No treatment: generated loads are reported as discharged/emitted ones. Primary treatment: BOD5 reduction: 20% (UWWT Directive 91/271/EEC) COD reduction: 25% (ATV A131.2000) Ntot reduction: 9% (ATV A131.2000) Ptot reduction: 10% (ATV A131.2000) Secondary treatment: BOD5 reduction: 70% (UWWT Directive 91/271/EEC) COD reduction: 75% (UWWT Directive 91/271/EEC) Ntot reduction: 35% Ptot reduction: 20% (ATV A202.1992) More stringent treatment: BOD5 reduction: 95% COD reduction: 85% Ntot reduction: 70% (UWWT Directive 91/271/EEC) Ptot reduction: 80% (UWWT Directive 91/271/EEC) 13 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan 2.2 Food industry – Criteria of significance The criterion for food industry waste water data collection is based on the Directive 91/271/EEC, requiring to control wastewater disposal from food industry activities with nominal load ≥4,000 PE through permitting process and verification parameters of discharged water. 2.3 Industrial wastewaters - Direct and indirect discharges For discharges from industrial activities according to the IPPC Directive permitting process criteria (Annex I pp 19-22) of the DIRECTIVE 2008/1/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 15 January 2008 concerning IPPC advanced for other activities (*) by the E-PRTR reporting criteria: IPPC Directive Annex I - activities advanced by the E-PRTR reporting criteria: 1. Energy industries 1.1 Combustion installations > 50 MW 1.2 Mineral oil and gas refineries 1.3 Coke ovens 1.4 Coal gasification and liquefaction plants *1(e) Coal rolling mills with a capacity of 1 tonne per hour; *1(f) Installations for the manufacture of coal products and solid smokeless fuel. 2. Production and processing of metals 2.1/2.2/2.3/2.4/2.5/2.6 Metal industry and metal ore roasting or sintering installations; installations for the production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. 3. Mineral industry *3(a) Underground mining and related operations; *3(b) Opencast mining and quarrying where the surface of the area effectively under extractive operation equals 25 hectares; 3.1/3.3/3.4/3.5 Installations for the production of cement clinker (>500t/d), lime (>50t/d), glass (>20t/d), mineral substances; (>20t/d) or ceramic products (>75t/d); 3.2 Installations for the production of asbestos or asbestos-based products. 4. Chemical industry and chemical installations for the production of: 4.1 Basic organic chemicals 4.2/4.3 Basic inorganic chemicals or fertilisers; 4.4/4.6 Biocides and explosives; 4.5 Pharmaceutical products. 5. Waste management 5.1/5.2 Installations for the disposal or recovery of hazardous waste (>10t/d) or municipal waste (>3t/h); 5.3/5.4 Installations for the disposal of non-hazardous waste (>50t/d) and landfills (>10t/d); *5(g) Independently operated industrial wastewater treatment plants which serve one or more activities of Annex I of the E-PRTR Regulation with a capacity of 10,000 m3 per day. 14 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan 6. Annex I other activities: 6.1 Industrial plants for pulp from timber or other fibrous materials and paper or board production (>20t/d); *6(b) Industrial plants for the production … and other primary wood products (such as chipboard, fibreboard and plywood) with a production capacity of 20 tonnes per day; *6(c) Industrial plants for the preservation of wood and wood products with chemicals with a production capacity of 50 m3 per day; 6.2 Plants for the pre-treatment of fibres or textiles (>10t/d); 6.3 Plants for the tanning of hides and skins (>12t/d); 6.4 Slaughterhouses (>50t/d), plants for the production of milk (>200t/d), other animal raw materials (>75t/d) or vegetable raw materials (>300t/d); 6.5 Installations for the disposal or recycling of animal carcasses and animal waste (>10t/d); 6.6 Installations for poultry (>40,000), pigs (>2000) or cows (>750); 6.7 Installations for surface treatment or products using organic solvents (>200t/y); 6.8 Installations for the production of carbon or graphite; *7(b) Intensive aquaculture with a production capacity of 1,000 tonnes of fish or shellfish per year; *9(e) Installations for the building of, and painting or removal of paint from ships with a capacity for ships 100 m long. Table 1: List of pollutants to be reported if threshold values are exceeded (IPPC Directive, Annex II) No Pollutant name Threshold values for releases (kg/a) 1 Total nitrogen (N) 50,000 2 Total phosphorus (P) 3 Arsenic and compounds (as As) 5 4 Cadmium and compounds (as Cd) 5 5 Chromium and compounds (as Cr) 50 6 Copper and compounds (as Cu) 50 7 Mercury and compounds (as Hg) 1 8 Nickel and compounds (as Ni) 20 9 Lead and compounds (as Pb) 20 10 Zinc and compounds (as Zn) 100 11 Dichloroethane – 1,2 (DCE) 10 12 Dichloromethane (DCM) 10 13 Chloro-alkanes, C10-C13 1 14 Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) 1 15 Hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD) 1 5,000 15 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan No Pollutant name Threshold values for releases (kg/a) 16 Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) 1 17 Halogenated organic compounds (as AOX) 18 Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes (as BTEX) 19 Brominated diphenylethers (PBDE) 1 20 Organotin compounds(as total Sn) 50 21 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) 22 Phenols (as total C) 23 Total organic carbon (TOC) 24 Chlorides (as total Cl) 2,000,000 25 Cyanides (as total CN) 50 26 Fluorides (as total F) 1,000 200 5 20 50,000 2000 Industrial pollution sources are significant if their capacity is equal or exceeds the value of the capacity given in the IPPC Directive, Annex I advanced by the E-PRTR reporting criteria or their discharges exceed the threshold values given by IPPC Directive, Annex II. Because not in all countries the monitoring of wastewater covers all required parameters for each industrial activity, it is possible to apply the following simplification for determination of significant industrial pollution sources: an industrial wastewater source is significant if at least one parameter exceeds the value set in Table 2 (E-PRTR criteria). Table 2: Simplified criteria for determination of significant industrial pollution sources COD >2 t/d Pesticides >1 kg/a Heavy metals and compounds: As total > 5 kg/a Cd total > 5 kg/a Cr total > 50 kg/a Cu total > 50 kg/a Hg total > 1 kg/a Ni total > 20 kg/a Pb total > 20 kg/a Zn total > 100 kg/a Agricultural point sources (livestock farms) are significant if at least one parameter of their discharge exceeds criteria set in Table 2 (E-PRTR criteria). 16 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Table 3: Criteria for identification of significant agricultural point sources N tot > 50,000 kg/a P tot > 5,000 kg/a 2.4 Application of criteria for identification of significant industrial pollution sources For application of criteria for determination of significant pollution sources the main industrial sector was identified as relevant for Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina (Republika Srpska). The industrial pollution sources are significant if their nominal production exceeds the significant IPS limit (Table 3) or if their discharge exceeds values for one of the parameters in Table 1 or Table 2. Based on this rule and using information provided by Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina (Republika Srpska), following industrial sectors in those two Sava RB countries were assessed as relevant industrial sectors (RI) for identification of significant industrial pollution sources (Table 4). Overview of pollution sources in the Sava RB countries is provided in Annexe 6 (SI_IPS, HR_IPS, BA_IPS, RS_IPS and ME_IPS). Table 4: Relevant industrial sectors in ME and BA (Republika Srpska) for identification of significant industrial sources Industry Significant IPS- nominal production limit ME 1(a) Mineral oil and gas refineries all 1(c) Thermal power stations and with a heat input of 50 other combustion installations MW BA_(Republika Srpska) RI RI 2(f) Installations for surface volume of treatment vats treatment of metals and plastic ma- equals 30 m3 terials using an electrolytic or chemical process RI RI 3(a) Underground mining and re- all lated operations RI RI 3(b) Opencast mining and quarry- where the surface of the ing area effectively under extractive operation = 25ha RI RI 4(e) Installations using a chemi- all cal or biological process for the production on an industrial scale of basic pharmaceutical products RI 5(d) Installations for the disposal with a capacity of 50 of non-hazardous waste t/day RI 7(b) RI Industrial plants for the with a production capac- 17 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Industry Significant IPS- nominal production limit production of paper and board and ity of 20 t/day other primary wood products (such as chipboard, fibreboard and plywood) ME BA_(Republika Srpska) 7(a) Installations for the inten- i. with 40,000 places for sive rearing of poultry or pigs poultry/ ii. with 2,000 places for production pigs (over 30 kg)/ iii. with 750 places for cows RI RI 7(b) Intensive aquaculture with a production capacity of 1,000 t/day RI RI 8(b) Treatment and processing intended for the production of food and beverage products from animal raw materials (other than milk) (i) and vegetable raw materials(ii) i. with a finished product production capacity of 75 t/day, ii. with a finished product production capacity of 300 t/day (average value on a quarterly basis) RI 8(c) Treatment and processing of with a capacity to receive milk 200 t/d of milk (average value on an annual basis) RI 9(a) Plants for the pre-treatment with a treatment capacity or dyeing of fibres or textiles of 10 t/d RI RI Legend: IPS – industrial pollution source; RI - industry sector relevant in the country for identification of significant pollution sources 2.5 Water abstractions The water “reserves” are the natural water sources that exist in a particular territory on a specific date, and these include both surface volumes (rivers, lakes, snow, etc.), and groundwater (aquifers). These water reserves vary in time, as a function of the differences between the territory inflows and outflows. The reserves that exist in a system throughout a period that is sufficiently long to be considered representative are taken to be the average reserves. Such a period must fulfil the requirement that the average inflows and outflows are roughly the same, thereby ensuring a balance in the system. Water resources management has shifted from flow regulation applications designed to protect public health to applications that include restoration of natural flow regimes and protection of aquatic ecosystems. The ecological flow regime uses a regime-based approach that considers hydrologic variability instead of focusing on identifying flows or flow targets for aquatic ecosystems. The ecological flow regime recognizes that flow magnitude, duration, frequency, timing, and predictability must be incorporated into any flow management strategy. The ecological status of rivers must be maintained by maintaining a minimum flow. Rivers must not dry-up nor have their physical regimes significantly altered in order to conserve the hydrological and ecological functions of their drainage networks. 18 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan This question must be in mind when planning and managing the water resources. As a criterion for assessing the significance of abstractions of surface water in the Sava River Basin the amount of abstraction ≥ 50% of the river flow guaranteed for 347 days of the year (Q95) has been set up. Significant abstraction = amount of abstraction (l/s) ≥ 50% of the guaranteed for 347 days of the year river flow (Q95) in the abstraction site or flow below dam. 2.6 Pollution sources - data collection Proposed criteria based on the requirements of the UWWTD Directive 91/271/EC for agglomerations, UWWTP including the food industry and IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC for assessment of other significant industrial pollution sources were agreed by the Sava RB countries. For the collection of data on significant pollution sources following questionnaires were used and are available on the ISRBC ftp site “SRBMP_UrbanWW_Quest_template” for collection of data on urban pollution sources; “RBMP_Industry_Quest_template” for collection of data on industrial pollution sources; “SRBMP_Abstractions_Quest_template” for collection of data on the water abstractions; “SRBMP_DiffusePollution_Quest_template” for collection of data on the diffuse pollution; “SRBMP_Abandoned_sites_Quest_template” for collection of data on the abandoned sites and for preparation of the “List of abandoned sites and mining sites”. The data collection process revealed serious gaps and inconsistencies in the following data: Identification of abandoned sites Identification of mine sites Quantity of applied fertilizers and pesticides Diffuse pollution data Quantification of industrial pollution discharges Quantification of hazardous substances disposal All collected data from the Sava RB countries are available on the ISRBC ftp site 19 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan 3 Pressures and measures - data overview by countries 3.1 Urban wastewater disposal in agglomerations ≥ 2,000 PE in the Sava River Basin Whereas the Sava River is one of the largest tributaries of the Danube River it was found as important to use an approach similar to those used for the Danube RBMP preparation. Implementation of the Directive 91/271/EC is one of the key “basic” measures for organic and nutrient pollution reduction at the European scale. The secondary effect of urban waste water treatment is decreasing emissions of hazardous substances into water environment from industrial sources, wastewaters of which can be treated together with sewage and other wastewaters from agglomerations. Based on the collected data an up-to-date analysis has been developed for the reference year 2007 concerning urban waste water disposal as identified in Chapter 3 of the Sava RBMP. In order to estimate the effectiveness of specific measures regarding the reduction of organic pollution on the basin-wide scale a scenario approach has been used. The scenario approach is relevant for both organic and nutrient pollution when point sources are addressed. The scenario approach describes - as a starting point - the current status in 2007 regarding wastewater treatment in the Sava RB (Reference Situation) and further its potential future development (three scenarios) using different assumptions. The Reference Situation in 2007 is analysed in Chapter 3 and provides an overview of the current situation regarding wastewater treatment and treatment efficiency in the Sava RB (see Map 5 attached to the Sava RBMP). The analysis shows that situation in pollution control within the Sava RB is not satisfactory and one of the serious challenges is waste water disposal. The scenarios were based on the following assumptions: - Priority for the 1st planning cycle (2015) is to arrive to an agreed lists of agglomerations with wastewater infrastructure in the Sava RB (Baseline scenario I); - Priorities for the next scenarios: Midterm scenario II – wastewater collection and treatment in agglomerations >10,000 PE; Scenario III - wastewater collection and treatment in agglomerations >2,000 PE; - The UWWTPs capacity will be constructed for the entire generated pollution load; - The entire pollution load will be collected by sewerage collecting system in agglomerations having UWWTP. National master plans for construction of wastewater infrastructure shall take into consideration a more precise scale of prioritisation of UWWTPs construction (construction of UWWTP in agglomerations with collecting system already in place is of higher prior20 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan ity for surface water protection than in agglomerations without waste water collection). Such approach is also preferable from the financial point of view. According to the Danube RBMP, the entire Danube RB is considered as a catchment area for the sensitive area under Article 5(5) of the UWWTD in order to protect the Black Sea environment against eutrophication. This implies that discharges from UWWTPs situated in the Danube catchment area, including the Sava RB, need to apply a more stringent treatment for urban wastewater from agglomerations >10,000 PE. As an alternative approach, these provisions do not apply to individual plants if it can be shown that the minimum percentage of reduction of the overall load in that area is at least 75% for total P and 75% for total N. The following chapters provide the detailed information on pressures and pollution reduction scenarios per the Sava RB countries. 3.1.1 Slovenia Reference year 2007 Slovenia provided information on 89 agglomerations > 2000 PE. Table 5 shows the distribution of number of agglomerations and generated pollution load into the size classes of agglomerations in the Sava RB part of Slovenian territory. The total number of agglomerations in the Slovenian part of the Sava River basin is 1364. Table 5: SI - Overview of agglomerations in the Sava RB No of agglomerations generated load, PE generated load, % > 2000 PE 89 964,966 100.00% > 10,000 PE 18 668,392 69.27% > 100,000 PE 1 302,293 31.33% > 2,000 – 10,000 PE 71 296,574 30.73% 17 366,099 37.94% Size of agglomerations 10,001 -100,000 PE As shown in Table 5, from 89 reported agglomerations ≥ 2,000 PE in the Sava RB for the reference year 2007, 71 agglomerations (296,574 PE) are between 2,000- 10,000 PE. 18 agglomerations (668,392 PE) are > 10,000 PE from which one agglomeration (302,293 PE) generates load more than 100,000 PE. Share of generated load by agglomeration´s size classes is presented in the Figure 1. 21 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Figure 1: SI - Share of generated load by agglomeration size classes There are 672,102 PE (70%) of the generated load in the SI part in the Sava River Basin collected by sewer systems. Table 6 shows that out of 66 agglomerations with sewer system 17 agglomerations collect less than 60%, 15 agglomerations more than 60% but less than 80 % and 34 agglomerations more than 80 % of the generated load. Table 6: SI - Level of urban wastewater collection - ref. year 2007 Number of agglomerations with collected generated pollution load Size of in sewerage system agglomerations <60% 60 - 79,9% ≥ 80% with collecting system no collecting system 2,000 -10,000 16 10 25 51 21 10,001 – 100,000 1 5 8 14 2 > 100,000 0 0 1 1 0 Total 17 15 34 66 23 55% of the generated pollution load (527,750 PE) is treated in two primary, 41 secondary and 9 tertiary urban wastewater treatment plants. 36 agglomerations above 2,000 PE in the Slovenian part of the Sava RB emit wastewaters into the environment without any treatment (Table 7). Table 7: SI - Level of urban wastewater treatment - ref. year 2007 Number of agglomerations with UWWTP Size of agglomerations Primary Secondary Tertiary total no 2,000 -10,000 1 31 6 32 1 10,001 – 100,000 1 9 3 4 1 >100,000 0 1 0 0 0 22 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Number of agglomerations with UWWTP 2 Total 41 9 36 2 Level of wastewater treatment is insufficient (Table 8) and reaches about 49% for BOD, 44% for COD, 1 % for Nt and 13% for Pt. A pollution from agglomerations emitted into the environment represents 10,717 t/a BOD, 21,531 t/a COD, 3,179 t/a total nitrogen and 615 t/a of total phosphorus. Table 8: SI - Pollution from agglomerations emitted into environment BOD5 COD Nt Pt Generated load, t/a 21,133 38,743 3,874 704 Emissions – ref. year 2007, t/a 10,717 21,531 3,179 615 Emissions – ref. year 2007, % 50,71 55,57 82,06 87,30 Overview of wastewater collection and treatment status in agglomerations ≥2000 PE in the reference year 2007 is presented in the annex 1 (SI–UWW-reference year 2007). Pollution reduction scenarios Until 2015 Slovenia plans UWWTP reconstruction for seven agglomerations and new UWWTP construction for 23 agglomerations. Implementation of this measure will improve collection and treatment of wastewaters up to 80% (775,458 PE) and 73% (707,674 PE) respectively. Pollution from agglomerations emitted into environment will decrease and will achieve 5,399 t/a BOD, 11,765 t/a COD, 1,969 t/a total nitrogen and 410 t/a of total phosphorus. Level of wastewater treatment will increase up to 75,5% for BOD, 70% for COD, 49% for Nt and 42% for Pt. Table 9 and Figures 2 and 3 show overview of pollution emission reduction after implementation of the planned scenarios. Table 9: SI - Overview of pollution emissions reduction Emissions from agglomerations > 2000 PE Scenarios BOD5, t/a COD, t/a Nt, t/a Pt, t/a Generated load 21,133 38,743 3,874 704 Emissions – Ref. year - 2007 10,717 21,531 3,179 615 Emissions - Scenario I - 2015 5,399 11,765 1,969 410 Emissions - Scenario II 3,349 9,095 1,590 256 Emissions - Scenario III 2,177 6,596 1,454 235 23 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Figure 2: SI - Organic pollution reduction after implementation of scenarios Figure 3: SI - Nutrient pollution reductions after implementation of scenarios Detailed overview of the status of agglomerations after implementation of the proposed scenarios is in annexes 1 (SI–UWW-scI-2015, SI –UWW-scII and SI –UWW-scIII). 3.1.2 Croatia Reference year 2007 Croatia reported information on 104 agglomerations > 2,000 PE. Table 10 shows the distribution of number of agglomerations and generated pollution load into the size classes of agglomerations in the Sava RB part of Croatian territory. The whole number of agglomerations in the Croatian part of the Sava River Basin is 295. 24 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Table 10: HR – Overview of agglomerations in the Sava RB No of agglomerations generated load, PE generated load, % > 2,000 PE 104 2,442,741 100 > 2,000 – 10,000 PE 76 303,212 12 > 10,000 PE 28 2,139,529 88 10,001 -100,000 PE 25 726,120 30 > 100,000 EO 3 1,413,409 58 Size of agglomerations As can be seen from Table 5 Croatia reported 104 agglomerations ≥ 2,000 PE in the Sava RB for the reference year 2007, out of which 76 agglomerations (303,212 PE) are between 2,000 - 10,000 PE. 28 agglomerations (2,139,529 PE) are > 10,000 PE and three (1,413,409 PE) agglomerations have more than 100,000 PE. The share of load generated by agglomerations of different size is presented in Figure 4. Figure 4: HR - Share of generated load by agglomerations size classes There are 1,423,964 PE (58%) of the generated load in the HR part in the Sava River Basin collected by sewer systems. Table 11 shows that from 56 agglomerations with a sewer system 41 agglomerations collected less than 60%, 14 agglomerations collected more than 60% but less than 80% and only one agglomeration collected more than 80% of the generated load. Table 11: HR - Level of urban wastewater collection Number of agglomerations with collected generated pollution load Size of agglomerations 2,000 -10,000 in sewerage system <60% 60 - 79,9% ≥ 80% 25 4 1 with collecting no collecting system system 30 46 25 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Number of agglomerations with collected generated pollution load Size of in sewerage system agglomerations with collecting no collecting system system <60% 60 - 79,9% ≥ 80% 10,001 – 100,000 >100,000 15 8 0 23 2 1 2 0 3 0 Total 41 14 1 56 48 56% of the generated pollution load (PE) is treated in eight primary and seven secondary urban wastewater treatment plants. 89 agglomerations in the Croatian part of the Sava RB emit wastewaters into the environment without any treatment (Table 12). Table 12: HR - Level of urban wastewater treatment - ref. year 2007 Number of agglomerations with UWWTP Size of agglomerations Primary Secondary Tertiary total no 2,000 -10,000 2 2 0 4 72 10,001 – 100,000 5 4 0 9 16 >100,000 1 1 0 2 1 Total 8 7 0 15 89 The level of wastewater treatment is insufficient (Table 13) and reaches about 34% for BOD, 32% for COD, 15% for Nt and 10% for Pt. A pollution from agglomerations emitted into the environment represents 35,514 t/a BOD, 73,122 t/a COD, 6,617 t/a total nitrogen and 1,756 t/a of total phosphorus. Table 13: HR - Pollution from agglomerations emitted into environment BOD5 COD Nt Pt Generated load, t/a 53,496 106,992 7,846 1,935 Emissions – ref. year 2007, t/a 35,514 73,122 6,617 1,756 Emissions – ref. year 2007, % 66.39 68.34 84.33 90.76 Overview of wastewater collection and treatment status in agglomerations ≥2000 PE in the reference year 2007 is presented in annex 2 (HR–UWW-reference year 2007). Pollution reduction scenarios Until 2015 Croatia plans to upgrade UWWTPs in three agglomerations and to construct new UWWTPs in 11 agglomerations. The implementation of this measure will improve 26 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan collection and treatment of wastewaters up to 69% (1,679,401 PE) and 67% (1,632,012 PE) respectively. Pollution from agglomerations emitted into environment will decrease and will achieve 24,646 t/a BOD, 53,802 t/a COD, 5,414 t/a of the total nitrogen and 1,408 t/a of the total phosphorus. The level of wastewater treatment will increase to 54% for BOD, 50% for COD, 31% for Nt and 27% for Pt. Table 14 and Figures 5 and 6 show overview of pollution emission reduction after the implementation of the scenarios. Table 14: HR - Overview of pollution emissions reduction Emissions from agglomerations > 2000 PE Scenarios BOD5, t/a COD, t/a Nt, t/a Pt, t/a Generated load 53,496 106,992 7,846 1,935 Emissions – Ref. year - 2007 35,514 73,122 6,617 1,756 Emissions - Scenario I - 2015 24,646 53,802 5,414 1,408 Emissions - Scenario II 9,857 28,831 3,140 603 Emissions - Scenario III 4,265 17,321 2,680 520 Figure 5: HR - Organic pollution reduction after scenarios implementation 27 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Figure 6: HR - Nutrient pollution reductions after scenarios implementation A detailed overview of the status of agglomerations after implementation of the proposed scenarios is in annexes 2 (HR–UWW-scI-2015, HR –UWW-scII and HR –UWWscIII). 3.1.3 Bosnia and Herzegovina Reference year 2007 Bosnia and Herzegovina provided information on 248 agglomerations > 2000 PE. Table 15 shows the distribution of agglomerations according to the size and the generated pollution load in the Sava RB part of Bosnia and Herzegovina territory. The total number of agglomerations in the BA part of the Sava River basin is 722. Table 15: BA - Overview of agglomerations in the Sava RB Size of agglomerations No. of agglomerations Generated load, PE Generated load, % > 2,000 PE 248 26,342,37 100,00 > 10,000 PE 60 1,890,730 71,78 > 2,000 – 10,000 PE 188 743,507 28,22 10,001 -100,000 PE 56 1,151,230 43,70 > 100,000 PE 4 739,500 28,07 Table 15 shows that out of 248 agglomerations ≥ 2,000 PE in the Sava RB in the reference year 2007, 188 agglomerations (743,507 PE) are between 2,000 - 10,000 PE. 60 agglomerations (1,890,730 PE) are > 10,000 PE, out of which four agglomerations (739,500 PE) generate higher load than 100,000 PE. The share of load generated by agglomerations of different size is presented in Figure 7. 28 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Figure 7: BA - Share of generated load by agglomerations size classes There are 1,410,843 PE (55.5% of generated load in the BA part in the Sava River Basin) collected by the sewer systems. Table 16 shows that out of 166 agglomerations with sewer system 104 agglomerations collect less than 60%, 35 agglomerations more than 60% but less than 80% and 27 agglomerations collect more than 80% of the generated load. Table 16: BA - Level of urban wastewater collection - ref. year 2007 Number of agglomerations with collected generated pollution load Size of in sewerage system agglomerations <60% 60 - 79,9% with collecting system ≥ 80% no collecting system 2,000 -10,000 86 12 16 114 81 10,001 – 100,000 17 21 11 49 1 > 100,000 1 2 0 3 0 104 35 27 166 82 Total 1.5% of the generated pollution load (39,411 PE) is treated in five urban wastewater treatment plants using biological treatment. In BA 243 agglomerations >2,000 PE discharges wastewaters into the Sava RB without any treatment (Table 17). Table 17: BA - Level of urban wastewater treatment - ref. year 2007 Number of agglomerations with UWWTP Size of agglomerations Primary Secondary Tertiary total no 2,000 -10,000 0 3 0 0 185 10,001 – 100,000 0 2 0 0 54 >100,000 0 0 0 0 4 Total 0 5 0 0 243 29 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan The level of wastewater treatment is insufficient (Table 18) and practically all generated pollution is emitted into the environment. The pollution load represents 57,199 t/a of BOD, 114,327 t/a, 114,327 t/a of COD, 8,425 t/a of total nitrogen and 1,966 t/a of total phosphorus. Table 18: BA - Pollution from agglomerations emitted into the environment BOD5 COD Nt Pt Generated load, t/a 57,357 114,667 8,437 1,968 Emissions – ref. year 2007, t/a 57,199 114,327 8,425 1,966 Emissions – ref. year 2007, % 99.7 99.7 99.8 99.9 Overview of the wastewater collection and treatment status in agglomerations ≥2000 PE in the reference year 2007 is presented in annex 3 (BA–UWW-reference year 2007). Pollution reduction scenarios Until 2015 Bosnia and Herzegovina plans to construct new UWWTPs in four agglomerations. Implementation of this measure will improve the collection and treatment of wastewaters up to 59% (1,551,277 PE) and 19,5% (513,845 PE) respectively. Pollution from agglomerations discharged to water will decrease to 51,858 t/a BOD, 99,237 t/a COD, 7,875 t/a of total nitrogen and 1,968 t/a of total phosphorus. The level of wastewater treatment will improve by 10% in terms of BOD, by 15% in terms of COD, by 7% in terms of Nt and by 4% in terms of Pt. Table 19 and Figures 8 and 9 show the expected pollution reduction after implementation of the planned scenarios. Table 19: BA - Overview of pollution emissions reduction Emissions from agglomerations > 2000 PE Scenarios BOD5, t/a COD, t/a Nt, t/a Pt, t/a Generated load 57,357 114,667 8,437 1,968 Emissions – Ref. year - 2007 57,199 114,327 8,425 1,966 Emissions - Scenario I - 2015 51,858 99,237 7,875 1,881 Emissions - Scenario II 19,216 44,331 4,229 901 Emissions - Scenario III 7,011 20,683 3,378 729 30 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Figure 8: BA - Organic pollution reduction after implementation of scenarios Figure 9: BA - Nutrient pollution reductions after scenarios implementation Detailed overview of the status of agglomerations after implementation of the proposed scenarios is in annex 3 (BA–UWW-scI-2015, BA –UWW-scII and BA–UWW-scIII). 3.1.4 Serbia Reference year 2007 Serbia provided information on 108 agglomerations > 2000 PE. Table 20 shows the distribution of agglomerations and the generated pollution load according to the size of agglomerations in the Serbian part of the Sava RB. 31 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Table 20: RS - Overview of agglomerations in the Sava RB Size of agglomerations No. of agglomerations Generated load, PE Generated load, % > 2,000 PE 108 698,663 100 > 10,000 PE 15 353,117 50,54 0 0 0,00 > 2,000 – 10,000 PE 93 345,546 49,46 10,001 -100,000 PE *Belgrade is not included 15 353,117 50,54 > 100,000 PE* Table 20 shows that in the reference year 2007out of 108 agglomerations ≥ 2,000 PE, 93 agglomerations (345,546 PE) have between ≥ 2,000 - 10,000 PE, 15 agglomerations (353,117PE) have > 10,000 PE. At present, the urban wastewater from Belgrade is partially discharged into the Sava RB and partially into the Danube RB. Wastewater pollution load to the Sava River represents approximately 30-40% of the load generated from the central part of Belgrade. All discharge points on the Sava River are located near the confluence of the Sava with the Danube (not more than 2 and therefore these discharges cannot have a significant impact on water quality of upstream parts of the Sava ver. The share of load generated by agglomerations of different size is presented in Figure 10. Figure 10: RS - Share of generated load by agglomerations size classes In the Serbian part of the Sava river basin there are 293,440 PE (42 % of the generated load) collected by sewer system. Table 21 shows that out of 34 agglomerations with sewer systems in 10 agglomerations there is less than 60% of the generated load collected in 15 agglomerations between 60% - 80% load is collected while in 9 agglomerations the collected load is above 80%. 32 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Table 21: RS - Level of urban wastewater collection - ref. year 2007 Number of agglomerations with collected generated pollution load Size of in sewerage system agglomerations <60% 60 - 79,9% with collecting system ≥ 80% no collecting system 2,000 -10,000 9 9 6 24 71 10,001 – 100,000 1 6 3 10 3 > 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 Total 10 15 9 34 74 10% of the generated pollution load (68,954 PE) is treated in two primary and two secondary urban wastewater treatment plants. 102 agglomerations above 2,000 PE in Serbia discharge wastewaters into the Sava RB without any treatment (Table 22). Table 22: RS - Level of urban wastewater treatment - ref. year 2007 Number of agglomerations with UWWTP Size of agglomerations Primary Secondary Tertiary total no 2,000 -10,000 2 2 0 4 89 10,001 – 100,000 0 2 0 2 13 >100,000 0 0 0 0 0 Total 2 4 0 6 102 Level of wastewater treatment is insufficient (Table 23) and practically all generated pollution is discharged into the environment. The UWWTPs treat up to 5% of the generated load. The total pollution load is 14,382 t/a BOD, 27,734 t/a COD, 2,158 t/a of total nitrogen and 481 t/a of total phosphorus. Table 23: RS - Pollution from agglomerations emitted into environment BOD5 COD Nt Pt Generated load, t/a 15,301 29,528 2,244 489 Emissions – ref. year 2007, t/a 14,382 27,734 2,158 481 Emissions – ref. year 2007, % 94.00% 93.93% 96.14% 98.37% An overview of wastewater collection and treatment in agglomerations ≥2000 PE in the reference year 2007 is presented in annex 4 (RS–UWW-reference year 2007). Pollution reduction scenarios Until 2015 Serbia plans to construct new tertiary UWWTPs for two agglomerations. Implementation of these measures will improve collection and treatment of wastewaters up to 44,4 % (310,379 PE) and 20,6 % (143,828 PE) respectively. 33 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Pollution from agglomerations discharged into the environment will decrease down to 12,824 t/a BOD, 24,946 t/a COD, 1,989 t/a, total nitrogen and 437 t/a total phosphorus. The level of wastewater treatment will increase to 17% in terms of BOD, 16% in terms of COD, 12% in terms of Nt and 11% in terms of Pt. Table 24 and Figures 11 and 12 show overview of pollution emission reduction after the implementation of the planned scenarios. Table 24: RS - Overview of pollution emissions reduction Emissions from agglomerations > 2000 PE Scenarios BOD5, t/a COD, t/a Nt, t/a Pt, t/a Generated load 15,301 29,528 2,244 489 Emissions – Ref. year - 2007 14,382 27,734 2,158 481 Emissions - Scenario I - 2015 12,824 24,946 1,989 437 Emissions - Scenario II 7,799 16,210 1,443 287 Emissions - Scenario III 1,984 3,451 875 211 Figure 11: ios RS - Organic pollution reduction after implementation of the scenar- 34 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Figure 12: tion RS - Nutrient pollution reductions after the scenarios implementa- Detailed overview of the status of agglomerations after implementation of the proposed scenarios is in annexes 4 (RS–UWW-scI-2015, RS –UWW-scII and RS–UWW-scIII). 3.1.5 Montenegro Reference year 2007 Montenegro provided information on seven agglomerations > 2000 PE. Table 25 shows the distribution of agglomerations and the generated pollution load according to the size of agglomerations in the Sava RB part of the Montenegrian territory. Table 25: ME - Overview of agglomerations in the Sava RB Size of agglomerations No. of agglomerations Generated load, PE Generated load, % > 2,000 PE 7 76,750 100 > 2,000 – 10,000 PE 4 16,750 22 > 10,000 PE 3 60,000 78 10,001 -100,000 PE 3 60,000 78 > 100,000 PE 0 0 0 Table 25 shows that in the reference year 2007 out of seven agglomerations ≥ 2,000 PE in the Sava RB four agglomerations (16,750 PE) have between 2,000 - 10,000 PE, three agglomerations (60,000 PE) have more than 10,000 PE. The share of the load generated by agglomerations of different size is presented in Figure 13. 35 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Figure 13: ME - Share of generated load by agglomerations size classes There are 47,090 PE (61.4%) of the load generated in ME part of the Sava River Basin collected by the sewer systems. Table 26 shows that all agglomerations have sewer systems. Less than 60% of the generated load is collected in four agglomerations, while one agglomeration collects between 60%-80% and two agglomerations collect more than 80% of the generated pollution load. Table 26: ME - Level of urban wastewater collection - ref. year 2007 Number of agglomerations with collected generated pollution load Size of in sewerage system agglomerations <60% 60 - 79,9% with collecting system ≥ 80% no collecting system 2,000 -10,000 3 1 0 4 0 10,001 – 100,000 1 0 2 3 0 > 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 Total 4 1 2 7 0 4.9 % of the generated pollution load (3,750 PE) is treated in one secondary urban wastewater treatment plant. Six agglomerations above 2,000 PE in Montenegro emit wastewaters into the Sava RB without any treatment (Table 27). Table 27: ME - Level of urban wastewater treatment - ref. year 2007 Number of agglomerations with UWWTP Size of agglomerations Primary Secondary Tertiary total no 2,000 -10,000 0 1 0 1 3 10,001 – 100,000 0 0 0 0 3 >100,000 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0 1 0 1 6 36 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan The level of wastewater treatment is insufficient (Table 28) and practically all generated pollution is discharged into water bodies (only 3,5% of the generated load is treated by UWWTPs). The total pollution load is 1,314 t/a BOD, 2,628 t/a COD, 192,7 t/a of total nitrogen and 39 t/a of total phosphorus. Table 28: ME - Pollution from agglomerations emitted into the environment BOD5 COD Nt Pt Generated load, t/a 1,681 3,362 247 50 Emissions – ref. year 2007, t/a 1,623 3,238 242 50 Emissions – ref. year 2007, % 96,6 96 98 99 An overview of wastewater collection and treatment status in agglomerations ≥2000 PE in the reference year 2007 is presented in annex 5 (ME–UWW-reference year 2007). Pollution reduction scenarios Until 2015 Montenegro plans to construct the new tertiary UWWTP in one agglomeration. Implementation of this measure will improve collection and treatment of wastewaters up to 65.7% (50,405 PE) and 10.4% (8,000 PE) respectively. Pollution from agglomerations discharged into water will be reduced to 1,535t/a BOD, 3,080t/a COD, 233 t/a of total nitrogen and 48 t/a of total phosphorus. The level of wastewater treatment will increase to 9% in terms of BOD, 9% in terms of COD, 5.5% in terms of Nt and 5.5% in terms of Pt. Table 29 and Figures 14 and 15 show overview of pollution emission reduction after the implementation of the prepared scenarios. Table 29: ME - Overview of pollution emissions reduction Emissions from agglomerations > 2000 PE Scenarios BOD5, t/a COD, t/a Nt, t/a Pt, t/a Generated load 1,681 3,362 247 50 Emissions – Ref. year - 2007 1,623 3,238 242 50 Emissions - Scenario I - 2015 1,535 3,080 233 48 Emissions - Scenario II 287 846 98 16 Emissions - Scenario III 152 559 88 15 37 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Figure 14: ME - Organic pollution reduction after implementation of scenarios Figure 15: ME - Nutrient pollution reductions after scenarios implementation Detailed overview of status of agglomerations after implementations proposed scenarios is in annexes 5 (ME–UWW-scI-2015, ME–UWW-scII and ME–UWW-scIII). 3.1.6 Sava River Basin Reference year 2007 Population in the Sava RB (excluding Albania) is approx. 9.0 million inhabitants and its activities in urban areas are the main pressure on the environment. The number of in38 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan habitants for each Sava country, national population in the Sava RB and in the agglomerations above 2,000 PE is presented in Table 3030. Table 30: Sava RB countries – population SI HR BA RS*** ME Total* Total country population** 1,978,000 4,437,460 3,815,297 7,498,001 627,428 18,356,186 Population of the country in the Sava RB 1,030,116 2,213,337 3,373,951 1,947,322 195,300 Population of the country in the Sava RB in agglomerations >2000 PE 742,282 1,837,275 2,288,389 8,760,026 741,400 61,638 5,670,984 38 32 65 Share of population in agglomerations >2000 PE to population of the 72 83 68 Sava RB part of the country[%] *Total number does not include the share of population of Albania **Source of data – statistical agencies of the Sava countries *** RS data without Kosovo A total of 556 agglomerations >2,000 PE are located in the Sava RB with 5.671 million of resident inhabitants. As it is shown in Table 6 they represent approximately 70% of the population living in the Sava RB and generate a pollution load of 6,817,357 PE. The load generated by agglomerations with less than 2,000 PE was estimated for 3 million PE provided that 1 inhabitant is equal to 1 PE. Out of those, 440 agglomerations (1,705,589 PE) have PE between 2,000 -10,000 and 116 agglomerations can be classified with a PE >10,000 (5,111,768 PE) (Table 31). This table presents also distribution of agglomerations according to their size and contribution of agglomerations of a given size to generation of pollution in the Sava RB. Table 31: Number of agglomerations and generated pollution load in agglomerations in the Sava RB – ref. year 2007 Size category of agglomeration % of generated load in Sava RB agglomerations All size categories > 2,000 PE No. of agglomerations in the Sava RB Generated load, PE ≤ 2,000 PE n/a 3,000,000* 30.56 - > 2,000 PE 556 6,817,357 69.44 100.00 > 2,000– 10,000 PE 440 1,705,589 17.7 25.02 > 10,000 PE 116 5,111,768 52.07 74.98 >10,000–100,000 PE 109 2,656,566 27.06 38.97 > 100,000 EO 7 2,455,202 25.01 36.01 Sava RB - total n/a 9,817,357 100 69.44** n/a – data not available. * Generated load (PE) in agglomerations in category < 2,000 PE was estimated (1 inhabitant = 1 PE), **% of generated pollution load in agglomerations size > 2,000 PE. 39 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan The number of agglomerations above 2,000 PE and the share of load generated by the Sava RB countries is visualised in Figure 16. The highest number of agglomerations > 2,000 PE is in Bosnia and Herzegovina (248). They generate pollution load of 2,363,009 PE, which represents more than 1/3 (39%) of the generated pollution load in the entire Sava RB. Approximately the same part of pollution (36%) is generated in 104 agglomerations of Croatia. The smallest input – less than 1% is from Montenegro (six agglomerations with size more than 2000 PE); they produce 72,500 PE. Figure 16: Number (A) of agglomerations > 2,000 PE and share (B) of generated load by the countries in the Sava RB Collection and treatment of urban waste water is one of the main priorities in the whole Danube River Basin, which has been declared as a sensitive area with the aim of protection of its lower part and the Black Sea against eutrophication. Since the Sava RB belongs to the Danube catchment, the criteria established for sensitive areas have to be respected. The transition period in Slovenia for implementation of UWWTD until 2 017 and the results of the Croatian accession negotiation process with deadlines until 2 023 was taken into consideration. There are approximately 56.44% (3,847,439 PE) of the generated load in agglomerations >2,000 PE in the Sava RB is connected into the sewer system and 46.52 % of this load is treated. From the whole generated pollution load 30.2% is treated in all types of UWWTPs. Table 32: Urban wastewater disposal in agglomerations > 2,000 PE in Sava RB – reference year 2007 GPL collected into sewerage system but not treated, PE GPL collected into sewerage system & treated, PE GPL not collected & not treated, PE Sava countries GPL, PE GPL collected into sewerage system, PE SI 964,966 672,101 144,409 527,692 292,865 HR 2,442,741 1,423,964 274,076 1,149,888 1,018,777 BA 2,634,237 1,410,843 1,371,432 39,411 1,223,394 RS 698,663 293,440 224,486 68,954 405,223 40 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan GPL collected into sewerage system but not treated, PE GPL collected into sewerage system & treated, PE GPL not collected & not treated, PE Sava countries GPL, PE GPL collected into sewerage system, PE ME 76,750 47,090 43,340 3,750 29,660 Sava RB - total, PE 6,817,357 3,847,438 2,057,743 1,789,695 2,969,919 56.44 53.48* 46.52* 43.56 Sava RB - total, % GPL – generated pollution load. * % is counted from the GPL collected into sewerage system, PE. The level of wastewater collection by the sewerage systems in agglomerations with more than 2,000 PE in the Sava RB is summarised in Table 33 and presented according to countries in Figure 17. Table 33: Level of urban wastewater collection in agglomerations above 2,000 PE in the Sava RB No. of agglomerations with connection of generated pollution load (PE) to the sewerage system at the following range Country/Sava River Basin Less than 60% 60 – 79.9 % >80% Total number of agglomerations with sewerage system Number of agglomeration with no sewerage system SI 17 15 34 66 23 HR 41 14 1 56 48 BA 104 35 27 166 82 RS 10 15 9 34 74 ME 4 1 2 7 0 Agglomerations > 2,000 PE 176 80 73 329 227 Agglomerations > 10,000 PE 36 44 25 105 8 There is still a high number of agglomerations >2,000 PE that are neither connected to a sewerage collecting system nor to a wastewater treatment plant. In total, wastewaters are not collected and not treated at all in 227 agglomerations, 8 of them are agglomerations >10,000 PE. Approximately 255 further agglomerations (>2,000) have collection systems that require extension (176 of these systems serve 60% of generated load in the agglomeration only) and treatment. The construction of sewerage collecting systems for agglomerations >2,000 PE will reduce the pollutants emitted directly and infiltrating into the ground; but at the same time this could also lead to a significant increase in the amount of organic pollutants if proper treatment is not applied before being discharged to surface waters. Table 33 also shows that only 25 agglomerations >10,000 PE have appropriate collecting system (>80%), sewerage systems in 80 agglomerations need extension (36 of them collect less than 60% generated load (PE) in the agglomeration). Figure 17 indicates that the best situation in wastewaters collecting systems is in Slovenia. In Serbia 68% of agglomerations have no infrastructure for providing wastewater treatment services. 41 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Figure 17: Level of urban wastewater collection in agglomerations above 2,000 PE by the Sava countries Urban wastewaters from 86% of the agglomerations above 2,000 PE in the Sava RB (477 out of 556) are not treated. Table 34 shows that urban wastewaters are treated in 79 such agglomerations, 67 agglomerations are equipped with UWWTPs with biological treatment processes, and nine of them with nutrient removal. The best situation is in Slovenia; where before discharging the urban wastewaters into the water these are treated in 52 agglomerations (out of 89). However, many of the existing UWWTPs need an upgrade applying more stringent treatment level or extension, as well. Table 34: Level of urban wastewater treatment in agglomerations above 2,000 PE in the Sava RB – reference year 2007 No. of agglomerations with Country primary treatment secondary treatment tertiary treatment with treatment - total no treatment SI 2 41 9 52 37 HR 8 7 0 15 89 BA 0 5 0 5 243 RS 2 4 0 6 102 ME 0 1 0 1 6 Sava RB total >2,000 PE 12 58 9 79 477 >10,000 PE 7 19 3 29 87 Table 34 provides an overview of existing wastewater treatment plants, existing treatment levels and the degree of connection to the wastewater treatment throughout the entire Sava RB per country (wastewater treatment of the generated load from agglomerations > 2,000 PE and from agglomerations > 10,000 PE, reference year 2007; existing 42 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan wastewater treatment plants; existing treatment levels and degree of connection to wastewater treatment). From the Figure 18 it is apparent that a large volume of urban wastewater is discharged through sewerage system into the surface waters without any treatment. Agglomerations above 10,000 PE need systematic construction of wastewater treatment plants, mainly in Bosnia and Herzegovina where pollution load of 1,174,789 PE is discharged into the surface waters without any treatment, but also in Croatia (239,183 PE) and Serbia (173,129 PE). Figure 18: Wastewater disposal in the Sava RB – reference year 2007 The majority of the existing UWWTPs in the Sava RB are equipped with the secondary biological process of wastewater treatment; they serve 1,603,036 PE in the region (Table 35). 2 % of the generated wastewater load in the Sava RB is treated by primary/preliminary mechanical treatment (121,595 PE), 23% of the generated pollution load by the secondary biological processes – (1,507,410 PE) and 1% of generated pollution load (65,065 PE) is treated by tertiary treatment. Most of WWTPs are located in agglomerations above 10,000 PE. In general, the capacity of WWTPs is insufficient and, consequently, from agglomerations > 10,000 PE pollution load of 3,438,308 PE (in terms of urban wastewaters) is discharged into the environment without any treatment while pollution load from agglomerations > 2,000 PE is 5,027,662 PE. Table 35: Collection and urban wastewater treatment in the Sava RB reference year 2007 Country Generated pollution load, PE GPL collected in sewerage system & primary treated, PE SI 964,966 13,153 GPL collected in sewerage system & secondary treated, PE GPL collected in sewerage system & tertiary treated, PE GPL collected in sewerage system & treated – total, PE 449,474 65,065 527,692 GPL collected in GPL no colsewerage lected & no system but treated, PE no treated, PE 144,409 292,865 43 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Country Generated pollution load, PE GPL collected in sewerage system & primary treated, PE GPL collected in sewerage system & secondary treated, PE GPL collected in sewerage system & tertiary treated, PE GPL collected in sewerage system & treated – total, PE GPL collected in GPL no colsewerage lected & no system but treated, PE no treated, PE HR 2,442,741 104,644 1,045,244 0 1,149,888 274,076 1,018,777 BA 2,634,237 0 39,411 0 39,411 1,371,432 1,223,394 RS 698,663 3,798 65,156 0 68,954 224,486 405,223 ME 76,750 0 3,750 0 3,750 43,340 29,660 Agglomerations >2,000 PE in the 6,817,357 Sava RB – total, PE 121,595 1,603,035 65,065 1,789,695 2,057,744 2,969,918 Agglomerations >10,000 PE in the 5,111,768 Sava RB – total, PE 109,508 1,507,410 56,542 1,673,461 1,712,007 1,726,301 In total there was pollution load of 6,817,357 PE generated in agglomerations above 2,000 PE in the Sava RB in 2007 equal to 149 kt/a BOD5 and 294 kt/a COD. A contribution to the pollution load by agglomerations >2,000 PE was 119 kt/a BOD5 (80 % of generated pollution load) and 240 kt/a COD (81.6%) (Table 36). “Emission” means all pollution load emitted into the environment (ground waters, surface waters and soil) and it represents potential pollution for ground and/or surface waters via all pathways. Table 36 Generated organic pollution load and emissions into the Sava RB from agglomerations >2,000 PE – reference year 2007 Country Generated load BOD5, t/a Emissions BOD5, t/a Emissions Generated load Emissions BOD5, % COD, t/a COD, t/a Emissions COD, % SI 21,133 10,717 50.71% 38,743 21,531 55.57% HR 53,496 35,514 66.39% 106,992 73,122 68.34% BA 57,690 57,199 99.15% 115,380 114,327 99.09% SR 15,301 14,382 94,00% 29,528 27,734 93.93% ME Sava RB total 1,681 1,623 96.58% 3,362 3,238 96.34% 149,300 119,436 80.00% 294,004 239,952 81.62% 44 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Figure 19 shows data from Table 36 and indicates total generated and emitted load of organic pollution in the Sava RB from agglomerations > 2,000 PE by the Sava countries. Figure 19: Generated and emitted organic pollution load in the Sava RB from agglomerations > 2,000 PE by Sava countries – reference year 2007 Results of the analysis (Table 37) show that the COD and BOD5 loads generated in large agglomerations ( above 2,000 PE) are 221 kt/a and 112 kt/a, respectively. The COD and BOD5 emissions from agglomerations above 10,000 PE in the Sava RB are 171 kt/a and 84 kt/a, respectively. Table 37: Generated organic pollution load and emissions into the Sava RB from agglomerations >10,000 PE – reference year 2007 Country Generated load BOD5, t/a Emissions BOD5, t/a Emissions Generated load Emissions Emissions BOD5, % COD, t/a COD, t/a COD, % SI 14,638 5,665 38.70% 26,836 11,950 44.53 HR 46,856 29,016 61.93% 93,711 60,124 64.16 BA 41,407 41,102 99.26% 82,814 82,161 99.21 SR 7,733 6,967 90.09% 15,308 13,800 90.15 ME 1,314 1,314 100.00% 2,628 2,628 100.00 45 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Sava RB - total 111,947 84,064 75.09% 221,297 170,662 77.12 Comparison of relevant data from Tables 36 and 37 shows, that COD and BOD5 (organic) load generated in agglomerations >10,000 PE represents 77% and 75%, respectively, from the pollution load generated in all significant urban pollution sources (in agglomerations above 2,000 PE). Emissions from these large agglomerations represent approx. 75% of organic emissions from agglomerations above 2000 PE. Total generated organic load and emissions from significant urban pollution sources in the Sava RB (above 2,000 PE) and share of agglomeration >10,000 PE is presented in Error! Reference source not found. 20. Figure 20: Generated and emitted organic pollution load in the Sava RB – share of agglomerations 2,000 – 10,000 and above 10,000 PE – reference year 2007 The analysis clearly indicates that the construction and extension of wastewater infrastructure in agglomerations >10,000 PE is a principal issue for ensuring a substantial reduction of organic pollution in the Sava RB. Table 38 and Figure 21 document the real pollution load discharged into surface waters by collected and non-treated urban wastewaters (2,057,744 PE; see Table 3532) and UWWTPs discharges from agglomerations > 2,000 PE (point sources of pollution) in the reference year 2007. Organic pollution load discharged into surface waters by urban agglomerations > 2,000 PE (considered as point sources) is 56 kt/a BOD5 and 111 kt/a COD (see also Figure 19). Table 38: Quantification of organic pollution load discharged from significant urban sources in the Sava RB into surface waters – reference year 2007 Discharged load, BOD5 (t/a) Discharged load, COD (t/a) SI 4,304 9,772 HR 15,514 28,519 46 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan BA 30,212 60,366 SR 5,464 10,597 ME 974 1,939 Sava RB total 56,468 111,193 The table does not contain data on the pollution load from agglomerations entering surface waters by diffuse processes. Figure 21: Organic pollution load discharged from agglomerations >2,000 PE in the Sava RB into surface waters – reference year 2007 2,969,918 PE of the generated load in agglomerations above 2,000 PE (43,6%) are either using individual systems of wastewater treatment or have no appropriate collecting or treatment system and they pollute surface and ground water by diffuse pollution processes (see Table 35). Out of this pollution load 1,726,301PE (58%) is generated in agglomerations above 10,000 PE. Urban wastewaters are also the significant source of nutrients N and P. An overview of urban wastewater treatment levels is provided in Table 3436. Processes for nutrient removal are implemented (reference year 2007) in the Sava RB only at UWWTPs in Slovenia. The capacity of the tertiary WWTPs is used for N and P removal of generated pollution of 65,065 PE, what represents 1.7% of collected load of urban wastewater by public sewerage system and only 1% of the overall generated pollution load in Sava RB (Table 38). Nutrient pollution load from agglomerations >2,000 PE is shown in Table 39. Table 39: Generated load and emissions of nutrients from agglomerations >2,000 PE in Sava RB - reference year 2007 47 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Country Generated load, PE Generated Generated Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions load Nt, load Pt, t/a Nt, t/a Nt, % Pt, t/a Pt , % t/a SI 964,967 3,874 704 3,179 82.06 615 87.30 HR 2,442,741 7,846 1,935 6,617 84.33 1,756 90.76 BA 2,634,237 8,461 1,971 8,425 99.57 1,966 99.76 RS 698,663 2,244 489 2,158 96.14 481 98.37 ME 72,500 247 50 242 98.29 50 99,02 6,813,357 22,672 5,150 20,597 90.95 4,863 94.53 Sava RB - total The total emissions contribution from agglomerations >2,000 PE is 20.6 kt/a for Nt and 4.9 kt/a for Pt. It is presented by the countries in Table 39 and Figure 22. Figure 22: The total emission contribution of nutrients from agglomerations >2,000 PE - reference year 2007 Nutrient removal is the key objective of the Directive 91/271/EC concerning urban wastewater treatment for this size of agglomerations located in the sensitive areas. Situation in agglomerations >10,000 PE in the Sava RB is shown in Table 40 and Figure 23. Table 40: Nutrient emission into the Sava RB from agglomerations >10,000 PE – reference year 2007 Country Generated load, PE Generated Generated Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions load Nt, load Pt, t/a Nt, t/a Nt, % Pt, t/a Pt , % t/a SI 613,604 2,684 488 2,052 76.45 340 69.67 HR 2,139,329 6,872 1,703 5,652 82.25 1,526 89.60 BA 1,890,730 6,073 1,415 6,051 99.63 1,412 99.79 48 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan RS 309,634 1,134 255 1,052 92.77 245 96.07 ME 60,000 193 39 193 100 39 100 5,013,297 16,956 3,900 15,000 88.46 3,622 91.33 Sava RB - total Input of nutrients from these large agglomerations into the Sava RB by countries is presented in Table 40. Emissions of N and P represent 88.5% and 91.3% of generated load in agglomerations above 10,000 PE, respectively. Figure 23: The total emission contribution of nutrients from agglomerations >10,000 PE by countries - reference year 2007 Error! Reference source not found. shows, that the share of agglomerations > 10,000 PE on N and P pollution load generated in agglomerations above 2,000 PE represents approx. 75%. 49 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan As in the case of organic pollution also nutrients are not removed from the wastewaters. Untreated wastewater discharges from collecting systems and effluents from the UWWTPs without nutrient removal are considered as a point source´s pollution load for surface water. Table 41 and Error! Reference source not found. show quantity of nutrients from significant urban point sources of pollution in the Sava RB discharged into surface water. These data do not include information on pollution load from agglomerations to the surface water transferred through diffuse processes. Table 41: Nutrient discharges into the Sava RB from agglomerations >2,000 PE – reference year 2007 Country Discharged load Nt, t/a Discharged load Pt, t/a Nt - share discharge: emission, % Pt – share discharge: emission, % SI 2,003 401 63.02% 65.23 HR 3,484 988 52.65% 56.23 BA 4,462 1,042 52.96% 53.01 SR 1,016 180 47.09% 37.52 ME 147 30 60,68% 60,97 Sava RB - total 11,112 2,642 53.89% 54.27 Nutrient pollution load discharged into surface water from urban agglomerations > 2,000 PE (considered as point sources) is 11 kt/a N and 2.6 kt/a P (see Table 41 and Figure 24). Figure 24: Nutrient pollution load discharged from agglomerations >2,000 PE in the Sava RB to surface waters – reference year 2007 50 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Nutrient discharges into watercourses in the Sava RB represent 54% from the total emitted pollution load into environment from urban wastewaters produced by agglomerations above 2,000 PE. 46% of emissions pollute surface and ground water by diffuse processes. Pollution reduction scenarios Organic pollution reduction Scenario I - year 2015 This scenario describes the agreed measures for the first cycle of the WFD implementation on the Sava RB scale until 2015. Measures that are legally required for EU MS and other measures that are realistic to be implemented by the Non EU MS have been taken into account. The following assumptions for measures to be implemented by 2015 were considered: • EU MS (SI) and Accession country (HR): Implementation of results of negotiations with the EC for the year 2015 through realization of their waste water collection and treatment systems in national operational programmes for implementation of the UWWTD; • Non EU MS (BA, RS, ME): Implementation of national strategies – taking into consideration reported number of wastewater treatment plants with secondary or more stringent treatment to be constructed by 2015. Number of agglomerations for which WWTPs will be constructed or rehabilitated by 2015 is summarised in Table 42. According to this scenario 65 UWWTPs will be constructed or upgraded. Table 42: Number of agglomerations for which collection systems and/or UWWTPs will be constructed or upgraded by 2015 Country No. of agglomerations SI HR BA RS ME Sava RB - total 37 14 4 2 1 58 51 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan As shown in Table 43, urban wastewaters from agglomerations above 2,000 PE will be treated in 120 UWWTPs, out of which 110 will have biological treatment (55 with secondary and 55 with a more stringent treatment with nutrient N and P removal process). Table 43: Number of agglomerations and level of urban wastewater treatment after implementation of planned measures by 2015 No. of agglomerations > 2,000 PE with Country UWWTPs UWWTPs UWWTPs II I III UWWTP - total Without UWWTP SI 1 35 39 75 14 HR 6 8 12 26 78 BA 1 7 1 9 239 RS 2 4 2 8 100 ME 0 1 1 2 5 Sava RB total 10 55 55 120 436 519,480 new PE will be connected to sewer collection systems and by implementation of these measures the connection rate in agglomerations > 2000 PE in the Sava RB will increase from 4,366,919 PE (56.4%; ref. year 2007) to 64.1%. Collection systems and/or UWWTPs will be constructed or upgraded in 58 agglomerations. UWWTPs will serve pollution load of 3,070,399 PE in 2015 (see Table 44). Secondary and tertiary (advanced removal of nutrients – N & P) biological treatment and/or chemical precipitation of phosphorus will be used in the new UWWTPs. Within the RBMP period the capacity of UWWTPs will increase by 947, 616 PE and the wastewater treatment will improve from 30,2% to 44% (in terms of generated pollution load). Table 44: Pollution load collected by sewerage systems and treated in UWWTPs after implementation of the planned measures by 2015 Size of agglomerations, PE Collected load, PE Collected & treated load, PE UWWTP-I UWWTP-II UWWTP-III >2,000 -10,000 542,722 226,332 12,087 150,040 64,147 >10,000 – 100,000 1,819,577 963,018 86,691 219,679 656,648 > 100,000 2,004,620 1,816,010 0 1,579,962 236,048 >2,000 - total 4,366,919 3,005,360 98,778 1,949,681 956,843 Organic emissions from urban wastewaters will decrease during the RBMP period in terms of BOD5 and COD by ca. 28,6 kt/a (26,4%) and 56,6 kt/a (25.6%), respectively (Figure 28). Midterm (II) scenario This scenario has no deadline and it is based on the requirements of the UWWTD for N and P removal in agglomerations >10,000 PE in order to achieve the management objec52 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan tives. This measure would clearly be a major step towards achieving the vision, because agglomerations >10,000 PE generate approximately 75% of the total pollution load. Scenario II plans upgrade of seven UWWTPs equipped with primary treatment, upgrade or construction of 17 UWWTPs with secondary treatment and construction of 91 new UWWTPs with tertiary treatment in the Sava RB. Table 45 summarize number of urban wastewater treatment plants per country after implementation of these measures. Table 45: Situation in UWWT in the Sava countries after implementation of the Midterm (II) scenario No. of agglomerations > 2,000 PE with Country UWWTPs UWWTPs I II UWWTPs III UWWTP total Without UWWTP SI 1 27 47 75 14 HR 2 4 24 30 74 BA 0 7 49 56 192 RS 2 2 15 19 89 ME 0 1 4 5 2 Sava RB - total 5 41 139 185 371 Realisation of this scenario in the Sava RB will allow for an increase of the connection rate to the public sewerage system from 64.10% (planned for 2015) to 82.80% (1,281,083 new PE) and will reach 5,648,003 PE in agglomerations >2,000 PE. Capacity of UWWTPs will increase in this period by 2,254,981 PE. Wastewater treatment will improve from 44% to 78% (in terms of generated pollution load). As it is shown in Table 46, the connection rate in agglomerations > 10,000 PE is planned to achieve more than 85% (4,967,819 PE) with the assumption that all collected load will be treated. Tertiary treatment processes will be applied for 90.7% of the treated load. If necessary it is possible to divide this scenario into other sub-scenarios according to national priorities and available capital funds. Table 46: Pollution load collected by sewerage systems and treated in UWWTPs after implementation of planned measures of the Midterm (II) scenario Size of agglomerations, PE Collected load, PE Collected & treated load, UWWTP-I UWWTP-II PE >2,000 -10,000 580,183 272,960 12,087 142,832 117,984 >10,001 – 100,000 2,612,618 2,597,219 0 34,993 2,562,226 >100,000 2,455,202 2,455,202 0 400,000 2,055,202 >10,000 total 5,067,819 5,052,420 0 434,993 4,617,428 >2,000 total 5,648,003 5,325,380 12,087 577,825 4,735,412 UWWTP-III 53 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Emissions of organic pollutions from urban wastewaters in terms of BOD5 and COD will decrease after implementation of measures planned by the Midterm (II) scenario by ca. 36 kt/a (45%) and 59 kt/a (36%), respectively (Figure 27). Scenario III is based on the assumption that the full technical potential of wastewater treatment regarding the removal of organic influents and nutrients is exploited for all Sava countries. If such a scenario is to be realised, it is assumed that agglomerations >10,000 PE are equipped with N and P removal (secondary/tertiary wastewater treatment), whereas all agglomerations >2,000 PE to 10,000 PE are equipped with secondary treatment. It represents upgrade of five UWWTPs with primary treatment and construction of 373 UWWTPs with secondary treatment. Table 47 summarize number of urban wastewater treatment plants in the Sava RB after implementation of these measures. Table 47: Situation in UWWT in the Sava countries after implementation of the scenario III No. of agglomerations > 2,000 PE with Country UWWTPs UWWTPs I II UWWTPs III UWWTP total no UWWTP SI 0 42 47 89 0 HR 0 74 30 104 0 BA 0 196 52 248 0 RS 0 93 15 108 0 ME 0 3 4 7 0 Sava RB - total 0 408 148 556 0 Implementation of measures of this scenario in the Sava RB will provide collection and treatment of all urban wastewaters in agglomerations >2,000 PE. Capacity of UWWTPs will increase in this period for 6,807,340 PE. Wastewater treatment will improve from 76.6% to 100% (in terms of generated pollution load). As it is presented in Table 48, the connection rate in agglomerations >2,000 PE is planned to achieve 99,9% (6,807,340 PE) under the assumption that all collected load will be treated. Tertiary treatment processes will be applied for 76% of treated pollution load. Table 48: Pollution load collected by sewerage systems and treated in UWWTPs after implementation of planned measures of the scenario III Size of agglomerations, PE Collected load, PE Collected & treated load, UWWTP-I UWWTP-II UWWTP-III PE >2,000 -10,000 1,701,167 1,701,167 0 1,582,959 118,208 >10,001 – 100,000 2,655,221 2,655,221 0 0 2,655,221 >100,000 2,455,202 2,455,202 0 0 2,455,202 >2,000 - total 6,811,589 6,811,589 0 1,582,959 5,228,631 54 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan In this period UWWTPs with secondary biological processes will be constructed in agglomerations smaller than 10,000 PE. Emissions of organic pollutions from urban wastewaters will decrease after implementation of measures planned within the scenario III in comparison with scenario II in terms of BOD5 and COD by ca. 26.6 kt/a (61%) and 53.6 kt/a (51%), respectively (Figure 26). If necessary, it is possible to phase this scenario into other sub-scenarios according to national priorities of the Sava countries and available capital funds. Summary of measures of basin-wide importance The implementation of the UWWTD in the EU MS and the development of wastewater infrastructure in the Non EU countries are the most important measures to reduce the organic pollution in the Sava RB by 2015 and also beyond. At present extensive improvements in urban wastewater treatment are under implementation throughout the basin. For full implementation of the UWWTD in the Sava RB for EU MS, facilities >10,000 PE have to be subject to a more stringent treatment since the Danube RB as a whole discharges into the sensitive area. Alternatively, requirements for individual plants need not apply for sensitive areas in cases when the minimum percentage of overall load reduction entering all UWWTPs in that area is at least 75% for total P and at least 75% for total N. The overall application of nutrient removal technologies is expanding, particularly in response to the UWWTD in the new EU MS. It is necessary to take into account that the investments in wastewater collection and treatment in Non EU countries should also consider nutrient removal technologies during an upgrade or construction of new UWWTPs. This approach is essential to prevent discharge of excessive amounts of nutrient pollution in situations when the overall increase in wastewater flow occur as a result of more communities being connected to sewerage collection systems. There are approx. 556 agglomerations >2,000 PE in the Sava RB, which generate a load of more than 6.8 million PE. Out of these are seven agglomerations >100,000 PE and 116 agglomerations >10,000 PE, which produce ca. 36% and 75%, respectively, of the total wastewater load. 55 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan provides an overview on the development in urban waste water treatment in the Sava RB in agglomerations >2,000 PE. It indicates changes in wastewater disposal which could be achieved by implementation of the proposed scenarios. Construction of infrastructure in 480 agglomerations and upgrade of UWWTPs in ca. 60 agglomerations will allow for full collection and appropriate treatment of wastewaters produced by agglomerations >2,000 PE. There are 76 agglomerations >2,000 PE in the Sava RB reported to be served by wastewater treatment plants. For the reference year 2007, wastewater treatment plants served a total of 27 agglomerations >10,000 PE. However, 329 agglomerations >2,000 PE with sewerage collecting systems are still lacking wastewater treatment plants (for parts or for the whole volume of the collected wastewater). 227 agglomerations >2,000 PE are not equipped with sewerage collecting systems and no wastewater treatment is in place for the entire generated load. By 2015, 120 agglomerations will have wastewater treatment plants. As a consequence, not all emissions of untreated wastewater from agglomerations with >10,000 PE will be phased out. 56 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan As can be seen from , the current situation in connecting the generated load into the sewerage system and treatment of urban wastewater is not balanced and further implementation of collecting systems (without treatment) for agglomerations >2,000 PE in the Sava RB will lead to a significant increase of organic pollutants and nutrients discharged to surface waters. In order to avoid any deterioration of the current situation, construction of collecting systems is recommended to be combined with the implementation of appropriate wastewater treatment techniques. Figure 25: Planned developments in collection and treatment of generated load 57 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan The results of calculations, effects of agreed measures until year 2015, as well as implementation of measures according to the Scenario II and Scenario III (BOD5/COD emissions) are presented in Figure 26. The figure also illustrates a potential for further reduction and input of the individual Sava countries into reduction of pollution in the Sava RB. Figure 26: Development of organic pollution reduction The effect of agreed measures implemented until 2015 will be as follows: Construction or upgrade of collecting systems and/or UWWTPs in 58 agglomerations will increase the capacity of urban wastewater treatment plants by 947, 616 PE. UWWTPs will serve pollution load of 3,005,360 PE in 2015 and wastewater treatment rate will improve from 30.2% to 44%. 58 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Connection of 519,480 new PE to the sewerage collecting system will increase the connection rate to 4,366,919 PE (from 56.4 to 64.1%). Reduction of organic pollution emissions by 26,4 % (28.6 kt/a) in terms of BOD5 and 25.6 % (56.6 kt/a) in terms of COD. Discharges of organic pollution into surface waters from agglomerations will increase by 22 % (17.9 kt/a) of COD and 7% (3.3 kt/a) of BOD5 as a consequence of unbalanced total connection rate to the sewerage systems and UWWTPs in the Sava RB. By realization of Midterm (II) scenario a full compliance can be achieved with Articles 3, 4 and 5 of UWWTD (91/271/EC) concerning collecting and treatment of urban wastewaters in agglomerations generating load from more than 10,000 PE. Constructing urban collection and wastewater treatment systems will satisfy the requirements of Articles 3 and 4 concerning agglomerations with less than 10,000 PE after implementation of measures in the proposed Scenario III. Implementation of measures from all three scenarios will result in reduction of organic pollution emissions in terms of BOD5 and COD by 91.64 kt (84.4%) and 169.23 kt (76.7%), respectively. Figure 26 illustrates the efficiency of implementation of measures for organic pollution reduction in the Sava RB. A comparison of the Scenario II with Scenario III shows an increase of emissions after implementation of the Scenario III, which is due to increased collection of discharge of pollution from all agglomeration more than 2,000 PE (previously released uncontrollably into environment and, thus, not accounted for). However, it should be emphasized here, that as a direct consequence of increased collection of wastewater the diffuse pollution will be decreased, which will lead to improvement of GWBs status. Nutrient pollution reduction Development of nutrients N and P emissions after implementation of planned measures proposed by the three scenarios is shown in Figure 27 and Figure 28, respectively. Figure 27: Changes in emissions of Nt from significant urban pollution sources reference year 2007 and proposed scenarios Figure 28: Changes in emissions of Pt from significant urban pollution sources reference year 2007 and proposed scenarios 59 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Estimated effects of national measures on the basin-wide scale are presented below. UWWT Scenarios for Nutrient Removal There is a high potential to reduce Nt and Pt emissions by connecting the generated pollution load to waste water treatment plants. The baseline scenario suggests a reduction potential of 1.8 kt Nt (9.4%) and 0.32 kt Pt (7.1%). Intensive measures according to the Midterm scenario will lead to a better reduction of Nt – 6.5 kt (37%, in comparison with year 2015) and Pt – 2.0 kt (47.4%) emissions. The implementation of the Vision scenario will lead to an additional reduction of 2.4 kt Nt (21.5%) and 0.45 kt Pt (20.7%) emissions. Final results of implementation of all proposed scenarios will lead to reduction of 10.7 kt of Nt and 3.1 kt of Pt with final effect of 55.1 % and 61.2%, respectively, in comparison to the reference year 2007 (see ). Figure 29: Development of nutrient pollution reduction 60 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Achievement of this effect is caused by connection of municipalities and other polluters to sewage systems. Figure 30 illustrates the development of urban waste water disposal and treatment in the Sava RB. It shows a significant shift from discharging non treated emissions into environment to the application of secondary and tertiary treatment, having in mind that ca. 30.2% of urban wastewater was treated in the reference year 2007. An additional P reduction can be achieved by banning phosphate in detergents (laundry and dishwashers detergents). Figure 30: Development of urban waste water collection and treatment in the Sava RB in agglomerations >2,000 PE 3.2 Industrial pollution sources in Sava River Basin Over the past two decades the political and economical situation has caused changes in industrial activities in the Sava RB countries. This process has influenced the generated pollution load and discharges of industrial wastewater into the environment. 61 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan The Sava RB is a region with numerous industrial activities. A preliminary inventory carried out at the development of the Sava RBMP identified 1,096 industrial enterprises. Out of this number following industrial sectors and industrial facilities were reported: i. energy (11 power plants), ii. chemical industry (38), iii. metal processing (93), iv. paper and v. wood industry (32), all of them having historically strong position in the area. Next to the above, also agriculture and intensive livestock production (11) followed by food industry (213) are well developed in the region. A large part of industrial wastewaters (266 industrial facilities) is still being discharged without any or with insufficient pre-treatment into the public sewerage network or into the environment. Due to the lack of information on the industrial pollution sources in the Sava RB, only the significant industrial pollution sources which fulfil the requirements of the IPPC Directive for reporting to the EPER have been taken into account in the analysis. Table 49: Number and structure of industrial pollution sources in the Sava RB Other food industry Other activities Total industrial pollution sources in Sava RB Waste and wastewater management 4 43 39 4 83 6 3 32 44 307 565 HR * 27 13 18 3 6 n/a 50 n/a 45 162 BA * 18 33 15 3 14 6 75 5 161 330 RS 6 4 4 1 n/a 1 2 2 1 n/a 21 ME 1 1 2 n/a 5 5 n/a 4 n/a n/a 18 Animal and vegetable products from the food and beverage sector Chemical industries Intensive livestock production and aquaculture Production and processing of metals SI Sava countries Mineral industries Energy sector Paper and wood production and processing No. of industrial pollution sources in the Sava RB SRB-total 11 93 91 38 94 32 11 163 50 513 1,096 N/A – no data available. *HR and BA didn’t indicate separately the number of energy sector plants and it is included in category “other activities”. It can be seen that a large portion of industrial wastewaters (266 industrial facilities, as a minimum) is still being discharged without any or with insufficient pre-treatment into the public sewerage network or into the environment. An analysis on industrial and food industrial sources of organic pollution identified a total number of 694 facilities emitting directly into the Sava RB and 402 facilities with indirect emissions to water through urban sewers. Discharged organic load of industrial wastewater represents 50 kt/a COD. Table 50: Discharged organic load from the industry facilities into the Sava RB 62 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan WW discharges from all industrial pollution sources in the Sava RB Country No. of direct discharges No. of in- No. of not direct distreated charges discharges WW discharges from significant industrial pollution sources Organic pollution load, COD, t/a No. of significant IPS Organic pollution load COD, t/a BOD5, t/a SI 43 295 227 7,500 89 3,709 1,904 HR 57 105 n/a 5,071 5 2,553 1,542 BA n/a n/a 24 14,478 31 5,568 2,357 RS** 8 2 3 19,818 10 19,818 2,856 ME 12 0 12 3,000 4 2,094 806 Sava RB - total - 402 266 49,867 139 33,742 9,465 IPS – industrial pollution source, n/a – data not available, ** incomplete data available Table 5050 and Error! Reference source not found.33 show the situation related to significant industrial pollution sources. Total number of 139 facilities in the Sava RB was identified as significant; they fulfil the requirements of the IPPC Directive for reporting into the EPER by discharged load. Their organic pollution load discharged into the Sava RB represents 33.74 kt/a COD and 9.5 kt/a BOD. Quantity of COD from significant pollution sources represents approximately 68 % of overall organic load of industrial sources. Their significance as pollution sources is confirmed by the fact that number of identified significant industrial pollution sources represents only approximately 12.7% from the overall numbers of industrial pollution sources in the Sava RB. Figure 31: Organic load discharged into the Sava RB from significant industrial pollution sources – reference year 2007 Many industrial facilities are sources of nutrient pollution. The chemical sector and intensive livestock production is the most important contributor. Input of nutrients from significant industrial pollution sources (IPS) is summarised by countries in Table 51. Table 51: Nutrient load discharged from the industry facilities into the Sava RB – reference year 2007 Country Significant industrial pollution sources 63 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Nt, t/a Pt, t/a SI 301.14 27.27 HR 37.62 3.18 BA 371.32 31.31 RS** 68.16 0.08 ME 17.81 n/a Sava RB - total 796.05 61.83 n/a – data not available, ** available data not complete Figure 34 shows the contribution of nutrients discharged from significant industrial sources by Sava countries. Figure 32: Nutrient pollution load discharged into surface waters by significant industrial sources in the Sava RB – reference year 2007 Hazardous substances include man-made chemicals, naturally occurring metals, oil and its compounds and numerous emerging substances such as, e.g., endocrine disruptors, personal care products and pharmaceuticals. Sources of hazardous substances are mainly industrial effluents, storm water overflow, pesticides and other chemicals applied in agriculture as well as discharges from mining operations and accidental pollution. For some substances atmospheric deposition may also be of significance. Article 16 of the WFD has put in place a mechanism through which a list of 33 priority pollutants has been created1.. From this list of 33 priority substances, a group of 11 priority hazardous substances has been identified, which are to be subject to cessation or phasing out of discharges, emissions and losses according to a timetable that shall not exceed 20 years. 1 According to WFD Article 2(30), priority substances mean substances identified in accordance with Article 16(2) and listed in Annex X. Among these substances there are priority hazardous substances, which are defined as substances identified in accordance with Article 16(3) and (6) for which measures have to be taken in accordance with Article 16(1) and (8). 64 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Directive 2008/105/EC has established the qualitative aims for surface waters by the environmental quality standards (EQSs). Achievement of compliance with them is the condition for achievement of good chemical status of surface water bodies. EU Member States are obliged to identify relevant substances for the water bodies in their river basin district i.a. via analysis of pollution from the industrial sector and should establish EQSs also for the other (river basin specific) relevant pollutants. Marketing and use of chemicals is subject to EU-wide regulations. These regulations consist of: • Regulation of plant protection products: Directive 91/414/EEC is the key document for defining the strict rules for authorisation of plant protection products (PPPs). • Regulation of biocidal products: The Biocidal Product Directive (Directive 98/8/EC). • Regulation of chemicals: REACH is a new European Community Regulation on chemicals and their safe use (EC 1907/2006). Regulation of discharged pollution from point sources is based on requirements of the following directives: • Integrated Pollution Prevention Control Directive (2008/1/EC); • Dangerous Substances Directive (2006/11/EC); • Directive 2008/105/EC on environmental quality standards in the field of water policy. The Sava RB is characterised by various industrial activities, including energy production (thermo and hydro power stations), mining (coal, lead, zinc, bauxite), production of aluminium oxide, metallurgy, engineering, glass production, chemical industry, pharmaceutical, textile, pulp and paper industry, tannery and lather industries, but also animal breeding and food industry – diaries, breweries, etc. There is also a lot of communal and industrial waste dumps in the Sava RB, leaching from which can contaminate surface and ground waters. The monitoring of industrial wastewaters is focused mainly on heavy metals and phenols in the Sava countries, in Slovenia also on other hazardous organic substances – PAH, AOX, pesticides. Monitoring of organic hazardous substances does not follow the requirements of Directive 2008/105/EC (priority substances) for surface waters. A number of specific organic substances have been monitored only in Slovenia. From 139 identified significant pollution sources in the Sava RB there were 55 sources having direct discharge into surface water and 38 sources were emitting the effluents into the public collection and/or treatment systems (indirect discharges). It has not been identified wastewaters disposal mode in 46 cases of significant industrial pollution sources. At least 39 of the 139 significant industrial sources have discharged theirs wastewater into recipients without treatment. Because only incomplete data are available it is reasonable to assume that number of not treated discharges will be considerably higher. An overview of the discharge of hazardous substances from the significant pollution sources into the surface water in the Sava RB is shown Table 51. 65 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Table 51: Hazardous substances load from the significant industrial pollution sources into the surface water in the Sava RB – reference year 2007 As, Cr, Ni, Pb, Zn, Phenols, Cd, Cu, Hg, Country kg/a kg/a kg/a kg/a kg/a kg/a kg/a kg/a kg/a SI 115 0.03 83 142 0,51 582 75 7,656 104.46 HR n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0,04 0.02 n/a n/a BA n/a n/a 1,380 983 n/a 21 n/a n/a n/a n/a 58 1,223 2,038 n/a n/a n/a n/a 246 1 n/a RS ME 2,010 n/a n/a n/a 13,629 1,656 n/a n/a – no data available Detailed data about discharges from significant industrial pollution sources in Sava River Basin by countries are available in annex 6 (IPS – 2007). 3.3 Agriculture Parts of agricultural production concerning mainly animal breeding can be considered as point pollution sources. Pollution potential is an estimate based on an assumption that small production units predominate in livestock production, especially for cattle, pig, sheep goat and horse keeping. On the other hand, poultry production is characterized by large-scale production units. The total number of livestock in Sava countries is summarised in Table 46. Since the precise data on the number of the animal per the national share of the Sava RB is not possible to be obtained, the total number of livestock for an entire country was divided with the percentage of the countries territory which belongs to Sava basin (SI – 52.8%, HR – 45.2%, BA – 75.8%, SR – 17.4% and ME – 49.6) and then multiplied with the input numbers presented in Table 53. Table 52: Animal Total number of livestock in the Sava countries* SI HR BA RS ME Cow 470,012 423,000 459,218 938,038 100,835 Sheep 138,958 717,000 1,003,514 1,475,295 199,764 Pig 432,000 1,236,000 502,197 3,488,738 12,377 4,575,277 9,372,000 16,184,730 20,156,110 N/A Poultry *data from country statistics agencies or FAOSTAT Table 53: Average nutrient excretion coefficients per head of animal 66 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan IPCC Report Animal (kg N/year) Cow Sheep Pig Poultry MONERIS and OECD Slovenian* MONERIS and OECD Slovenian* (kg N/year) (kg P2O5/year) 52 N/A 16 0.6 8.2 N/A** 3.2 0.3 70 16 20 0.6 * Data were extracted from the project which was carried out for Institute for water, Republic of Slovenia in 2005 and available MONERIS user’s manual; **Coefficient 3.2 for quantification content of P2O5 in sheep´s manure was used The amounts of 90.4 kt/a of Nt (table 48) and 8.8 kt/a of Pt (Table 49) of produced nutrients via livestock manure in the Sava RB. These amounts are not values of total annual emissions of nutrients in the Sava RB, they represent one of the nitrogen and phosphorous inputs into the equation of nutrient balance of the agricultural area. Table 54: RB Total amount of nitrogen production via animal manure in the Sava Animal SI HR BA RS ME Sava RB - total Cattle 12,968 10,976 8,863 9,835 2,964 45,606 Pigs 4,514 9,749 1,099 10,668 106 26,136 575 2,453 3,499 2,347 1,039 9,912 1,422 2,726 2,779 1,714 133 8,776 19,479 25,904 16,239 24,565 4,242 90,430 Sheep Poultry Nt - total, t/a Table 55: Sava RB Total amount of phosphorous production via animal manure in the Animal SI HR BA RS ME Sava RB - total 2,045 1,731 1,398 1,551 467 7,192 Pigs 903 1,950 220 2,134 21 5,227 Sheep 219 934 1,333 894 396 3,776 Poultry 711 1,363 1,390 857 67 4,388 P2O5 - total, t/a 3,878 5,978 4,340 5,436 951 20,583 Pt - total, t/a 1,666 2,568 1,864 2,335 409 8,842 Cattle The potential of agriculture as point nutrient pollution source is a possible estimate based on the number of animal and poultry heads and assumption that in livestock production small production units predominates, especially for cattle, pig, sheep goat and horse keeping. On the other hand, poultry production is characterized by large-scale 67 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan production units. Considering the precondition of 30% of nutrients production originating from the livestock manure of cattle, pigs and sheep and 90% of these of poultry stated as the potential of point pollution sources, it can be quantified that the related nutrient pollution amounts to ca. 32.4 kt/a and 3.8 kt/a for Nt and Pt, respectively (Table 50). Table 56: Potential of agriculture as a point nutrient pollution source Animal Nt, t/a Pt, t/a Cattle 13,682 927 Pigs 7,841 674 Sheep 2,974 487 Poultry 7,898 1,696 32,394 3, 784 Sava RB - total 68 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan 4 Assessment of impact from diffuse pollution sources Quantifying the pressure from diffuse pollution sources would be ideally assessed by using monitoring data. Such data do not exist due to missing information on application of fertilisers on the arable land. The existing tools use alternative information in order to quantify the pressure. For agricultural pressure information on soil type, agricultural activity and management strategy are processed whereas for sewage effluents it might require the population equivalent (PE) of the inputs to the plant and the type of processing. The output from the tool must be combined with another tool that combines the information on pressures, with a representation of the receiving water body. The currently implemented tools addressing pollution pressures (models such as, e.g. MONERIS, Nopolu, SENTWA, AQUATOX, WASP, SWAT, QUAL2, etc.) are not fundamentally different. In the framework of the DBA and DRBM Plan, MONERIS exercise was carried out in order to get results on emissions, loads, target concentrations and reduction emission scenario in order to tackle the issue of nutrient pollution in the DRBD. Slovenia used the OECD Modified methodology in a national case study. Slovenia is preparing to use their own approach based on the OECD Modified methodology with respect to its specific hydrogeology conditions, possibility of model calibration by varying of the runoff factor for diffuse pollution sources and account retention processes in the water bodies to prevent the underestimation of the diffuse pollution sources load. Due to a lack of data necessary for using the Slovenian model in other Sava countries, particularly the lack of fertiliser’s application data in all Sava RB countries (except SI) it was recommended by the members of the PEG RBM of the ISRBC to apply different approach for assessment of impact of the diffuse pollution sources on the water status. 4.1 Description of the proposed risk assessment methodology for nutrient diffuse pollution estimation Whereas the monitoring of diffusion pollution discharges and inputs, realisation of measures and also checking of effectiveness of implemented measures is rather complicated and costly, primary attention is focused on regulation of point sources of discharges. The amount of diffuse pollution, especially organics and nutrients (N, P) and in specific cases, hazardous substances requires implementation of the best practises to prevent this pollution. Regarding the analysed methodologies, a new methodology on assessment of risk from the diffuse pollution sources (DPS) was developed for this specific purpose, taking into account the current situation and availability of data in the Sava RB countries. This assessment was performed taking into account GIS mapping requirements and consists of the following steps: 1st step: to identify in the land use map (CORINE database) the 5 main categories of land use, such as: • intensive agricultural used areas; 69 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan • meadows and pastures; • forest and semi natural areas (are considered as a natural area without the anthropogenic pollution); • urban areas; • others. 2nd step: to combine this layers with the river sub-basins > 1,000 km2 layers 3rd step: to calculate the area (and percentage) for each of the above land use categories within each river sub-basin of the Sava River Basin 4th step: for DPS 1st round risk assessment performance for 5 classes of nutrient load risk proposed, shown in table 57: Table 57 : Classes of nutrient load risk from the DPS % OF THE Σ PASTURES, AGRICULTURE, NUTRIENT POLLUTION LOAD AND URBAN AREAS RISK LEVEL <20% no risk 20 - 40% low 40 - 60% medium 60 – 80% high ≥80% very high • Calculation the specific pollution load for every sub-basin. • Elaboration of risk analyses based on the following classes: Level of risk no risk low risk medium risk high risk very high risk Sub-basins with specific emissions of Pt <0,030 t/km2.a 0,03-0,04 t/km2.a 0,04-0,06 t/km2.a 0,06 - 0,07 t/km2.a >0,07 t/km2.a Sub-basins with specific emissions of Nt <0,25 t/km2.a 0,25-0,35 t/km2.a 0,35 - 0,40 t/km2.a 0,40 -0,50 t/km2.a >0,50 t/km2.a 5th step: Comparison with the results of the 1st risk cycle of the assessment. If the specific emission from the sub-basin is higher than average for the whole river basin, the result of risk assessment from the 1st cycle gets 1 stage worse and if it is lower 1 stage better in the 2nd cycle. 6th step: To estimate the nutrient pollution quantity emitted from diffuse pollution sources by using emission coefficients2 (Table 58). 2 Sava River Basin Analysis Report, 2009 70 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Table 58: Pollution sources emission coefficients (specific load) Land use Pt (kg/ha/a) Nt (kg/ha/a) Intensive agricultural used areas 1.0 8.0 Meadows and pastures 0.1 2.2 Forest and semi natural areas 0.06 1.1 Urban areas 1.0 6.6 Other 0 0 7th step: Presentation of results of the analysis on the map In order to be able to apply this method the ISRBC has provided the PT with the following shape files: • CLC 2000 for the entire Sava RB; • The borders of river sub-basins of the Sava RB (as shown in the Sava RBA Report 2009, page 15, Figure I-9). 4.2 Advantages and disadvantages of the proposed methodology The data collection process shows that there is a lack of data needed for updating the results of MONERIS prepared for the 1st DRBMP concerning diffusion pollution sources. In the Sava RB countries except Slovenia and Croatia the data on specific use of fertilisers and pesticides in individual geographic units (e.g., regions, cantons, etc.) are not available. The availability of information concerning other diffusion sources – e.g. abandoned industrial and mining sites - is also problematic. In this situation every model which would be used will work only with inputs based on technical expert judgement estimation and the accuracy of results would also depend on them. Moreover, some of the Sava River Basin countries did not support the outcomes from MONERIS since it showed relatively high uncertainty when applied in karst areas. Therefore the project team has proposed a new simple (PT) methodology. Advantages of the methodology are simplicity and possibility to provide potential risk assessment of the diffusion pollution without availability of exact data (Table 59). Methodology requests the lowest level of data availability to carry out the DPS risk assessment in the Sava RB. Table 59: Summary of advantages/disadvantages of the RA Methodology Characteristic Model purpose Data requirements Data availability Hardware requirements User requirements Time consumption Freeware or commercial aspect PT Methodology Yes* Low Complete** Medium Medium Low Free * DPS risk assessment only ** Support and cooperation with the ISRBC 71 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan A disadvantage of this approach is its ability to provide only an estimate in terms of quantification. It is necessary to stress that the achieved results will serve as the risk assessment with the low level of confidence. The more detailed assessment of impact of the DSP on water status should be performed in the next planning cycle based collection of needed information and data. Despite of efforts to eliminate gaps identified during elaboration of the Sava River Basin Analysis, the emissions data for the diffuse pollution sources are still a weak point for quantification of the pollution in the Sava River Basin. The results obtained by this approach are only a preliminary step in the planning process. It can be used as a basis for further improvement of quantification of pollution originating from anthropogenic activities. 4.3 Risk analysis of the impact from diffuse pollution sources The proposed methodology was approved by the 19th PEG RBM of the ISRBC meeting in January 2011. An appropriate GIS shapefiles and data by the ISRBC were prepared according to the CLC_2000 reclassification (into 5 main classes, Table 57). As a result, the GIS layer has been prepared with the five main classes of land use in the Sava RB combined with the GIS layer of borders the river sub-basins with area above 1,000 km2 (see also Map 1). Map 1: Land use in sub-basins of the Sava River Basin Calculation of the area in km2 (and %) for each class within rivers sub-basins (catchments) of the Sava River Basin was made. Using the methodology (Table 57 and 58) and the share of anthropogenic affected area the risk potential for each sub-basin (catchment) in the Sava river basin was determined. The results of these analyses are presented in the Annex 7. From 36 sub-basins (rivers catchments) in the Sava river basin one was identified as being without risk of pollution by diffuse sources and 16 sub-basins were at low risk that their surface waters will be polluted by diffuse pollution. More than 60% of the area of 72 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan these sub-basins is covered by forests. On the other hand, 11 sub-basins were found at medium risk and eight (Bošut, Glogovnica, Kolubara, Lonja, Solta/Sutla, Tinja, Ukrina, Česma) at high risk of the diffuse pollution. No sub-basin in the Sava river basin has achieved very high level of risk. It has to be emphasized that the accomplished work is based on a one-factor analysis, which is applied in case of insufficient data and result of this analysis has only a low level of confidence. Analysis insufficiently addresses the influence of urban areas. To improve the outcome of this method the specific pollution load for each sub-basin was calculated and compared with the results of the 1st risk assessment. If the specific emission from a sub-basin was higher than average for the whole Sava River Basin (P=0,043 t/km2 per annum, N=0,34 t/km2 per annum) , the result of the risk assessment from the 1st cycle got worse by one degree. In case the emission was lower than the average risk assessment it got improved by one degree in the 2nd cycle. Table 60 shows that nine sub-basins in the Sava River Basin are possibly at high risk caused by diffuse pollution. Based on the 2nd cycle of the assessment, also the direct Sava catchment can be in high risk, compared to the middle risk after the 1st cycle of assessment. Table 60: Sub-basins with high level of risk from diffusion pollution sources Σ 1+2+3, % Sub-basin of Risk assessment -1 Specific Pt emissions, t/km2.a Specific Nt emissions, t/km2 .a Risk assesment -2 Bosut 67% high risk 0,069 0,49 high risk Glogovnica 64% high risk 0,056 0,42 high risk Kolubara 74% high risk 0,073 0,51 high risk Lonja 64% high risk 0,059 0,44 high risk Sava direct catchment 59% medium risk 0,058 0,43 high risk Sotla/Sutla 65% high risk 0,057 0,42 high risk Tinja 77% high risk 0,076 0,53 high risk Ukrina 63% high risk 0,064 0,45 high risk Česma 61% high risk 0,058 0,42 high risk Using these methods 9 sub-basins were identified at medium risk of diffusion pollution (Table 61) and 17 at low or no risk (Table 62). Sub-basin of Pliva River was reclassified from medium to low risk. Table 61: sources Subbasin of Sub-basins with medium level of risk from diffusion pollution Σ 1+2+3, % Risk assessment -1 Specific Pt emissions, t/km2.a Specific Nt emissions, t/km2 .a Risk assesment -2 Glina 52% middle risk 0,049 0,37 middle risk Ilova 50% middle risk 0,047 0,36 middle risk Krapina 60% middle risk 0,051 0,39 middle risk Orljava 48% middle risk 0,047 0,36 middle risk Sana 50% middle risk 0,042 0,33 middle risk Savinja 41% middle risk 0,036 0,30 middle risk Spreča 48% middle risk 0,048 0,37 middle risk 73 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Subbasin of Σ 1+2+3, % Risk assessment -1 Specific Pt emissions, t/km2.a Specific Nt emissions, t/km2 .a Risk assesment -2 Uvac 58% middle risk 0,027 0,27 middle risk Vrbas 46% middle risk 0,038 0,31 middle risk Table 62: Sub-basins with low and no level of risk from diffusion pollution sources Subbasin of Σ 1+2+3, Risk as% sessment -1 Specific Pt emissions, t/km2.a Specific Nt emissions, t/km2 .a Risk assesment -2 Bosna 39% Low risk 0,038 0,31 low risk Dobra 17% no risk 0,020 0,20 no risk Drina 39% Low risk 0,038 0,30 low risk Drinjača 28% low risk 0,029 0,25 low risk Korana 37% low risk 0,031 0,27 low risk Krivaja 29% low risk 0,022 0,22 low risk Krka 37% low risk 0,034 0,28 low risk Kupa(Kolpa) 38% low risk 0,037 0,30 low risk Lasva 40% low risk 0,030 0,26 low risk Lim 30% low risk 0,027 0,24 low risk Ljubljanica 35% low risk 0,031 0,27 low risk Piva 33% low risk 0,016 0,19 low risk Pliva 48% middle risk 0,021 0,22 low risk Prača 33% low risk 0,021 0,21 low risk Tara 29% low risk 0,016 0,19 low risk Una 39% low risk 0,030 0,26 low risk Čehotina 33% low risk 0,029 0,25 low risk Figure 34 shows that from 36 sub-basins (rivers catchments) in the Sava RB one is not at risk by pollution by diffuse sources while 16 sub-basins are at low risk that their surface waters will be polluted by diffuse pollution. Nine sub-basins are at medium risk and nine sub-basins (Bošut, Glogovnica, Kolubara, Lonja, Sotla/Sutla, Tinja, Ukrina, Česma and Sava direct catchment) are at high risk of being polluted by the diffuse sources. 74 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Figure 33: Number of sub-basins in the Sava RB possibly at risk caused by diffuse pollution 4.4 Quantification of nutrient emissions from diffuse pollution sources Estimation of quantity of the nutrient pollution emitted from diffuse pollution sources was made using the emission coefficients (Table 58). This approach is also appropriate for weighing of impacts of single land uses. Total emission of Nt from diffuse pollution sources represents 32.7 kt/a; the share of intensively used agricultural areas is 23.3 kt/a (more than 70%) and from urban areas 1.9 kt/a - less than 6% from total amount of nitrogen (Table 63). Table 63: Emissions of Nt from diffusion pollution sources Nt emissions Nt emissions from urban from agriculareas, t/a tural areas, t/a SAVA RB 1,908.42 Nt emissions from pastures and meadows, t/a 23,380.25 Nt emissions from forest and semi natural areas, t/a 1,802.84 5,615.25 Nt emissions, total t/a 32,706.76 Total emission of Pt from diffuse pollution sources represents 4.15 kt/a; the share of intensively used agricultural areas is 3. 5 kt/a (more than 85 %) and that of urban areas is 0.2 kt/a - ca 0, 05% from total amount of phosphorus emissions from DPS (Table 64). Table 64: Emissions of Pt from diffusion pollution sources Pt emissions Pt emissions from urban from agriculareas, t/a tural areas, t/a SAVA RB 216.88 Pt emissions from pastures and meadows, t/a 3,542.46 81.95 Pt emissions from forest and semi natural areas, t/a 306.29 Pt emissions, total t/a 4,147.57 Detail information is summarized in Annex 7. Emissions from urban areas calculated by using of these coefficients (Table 58) are significantly lower then potential for diffuse pollution calculated based on specific pollution 75 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan of N and P produced by every population equivalent not connected to the sewerage system in agglomerations above 2000 PE in the Sava RB (Table 65). Table 65: Nutrient emissions from agglomerations > 2000 PE in the Sava RB Potential for polluCurrent Discharged Discharged Emissions Emissions diffuse tion from urload N load P t t status Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) ban area (t/a) (t/a) Nt (t/a) SI 2,003.46 401.15 3,179.31 614.95 1,175.85 HR 3,484.04 987.63 6,616.75 1,756.48 3,132.70 BA 2,833.73 663.17 8,425.14 1,966.27 5,591.41 RS 1,016.10 180.34 2,157.57 480.59 1,141.47 ME 10.44 2.63 228.65 47.14 218.22 Sava RB 9,347.77 2,234.92 20,607.42 4,865.42 11,259.65 - total Potential for diffuse pollution from urban area Pt (t/a) 213.79 768.85 1,303.10 300.25 44.51 2,630.50 Diffuse pollution from urban area is influenced both surface and ground waters as the final quantification of nutrients produced by urban agglomeration and influenced surface water was estimated as 30% of potential of diffuse pollution from urban areas – it represents 3.4 kt/a of Nt and 0.8 kt/a of Pt for reference year 2007. 4.5 Conclusions Nutrient emissions from diffuse pollution sources represent a significant impact on groundwater and surface water quality. Total emission of Nt from diffuse pollution sources represents 32.7 kt/a; the share of intensively used agricultural areas is 23.3 kt/a (more than 70%). Total emission of Pt from diffuse pollution sources represents 4.15 kt/a; the share of intensively used agricultural areas is 3, 5 kt/a (more than 85%). The input from urban areas represents 1.9 kt/a, which is less than 6% from the total amount of nitrogen. When this value is compared with the potential of diffuse pollution from urban area generated by not collected urban wastewaters in agglomerations > 2,000 PE in the Sava RB – (11.3 kt Nt/a), it represents only 11.5% share. The urban areas produce approximately 3.4 kt/a of Nt and 0.8 kt/a of Pt for reference year 2007. The impact of diffuse pollution sources (mainly from agricultural land use and urban areas) has to be taken into account in the assessment of status of water bodies and in designing the programme of measures in sub-basins of rivers which were found at high and medium risk of diffuse pollution and for which the highest nutrient emissions were calculated (Nt > 1,400 t/a or Pt > 1 80 t/a). 76 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan 5 The Sava River Basin MONERIS results 5.1 Overview of methodologies Quantifying the pressure would ideally be done using the monitoring data. However, such data often do not exist. Hence, the existing tools use alternative information to quantify the pressure. For agricultural pressures information on soil type, agricultural activity and management strategy are processed whereas assessing sewage effluents would require the population equivalent of the inputs to the plant and the type of treatment. The output from the tool must be combined with another tool that combines the information on pressures, with a representation of the receiving water body. The currently implemented tools addressing pollution pressures (models such as e.g. MONERIS, Nopolu, SENTWA, AQUATOX, WASP, SWAT, QUAL2, etc.) are not fundamentally different. This overview provides information about methodological approaches for using models applied at the Danube River Basin level (e.g. MONERIS), in the Sava RB (e.g. OECD Modified methodology in Slovenian case study) and worldwide (SWAT, QUAL2K). 5.2 MOdelling Nutrient Emissions in RIver Systems The MONERIS model (MOdelling Nutrient Emissions in RIver Systems) has been applied in the Danube River Basin to estimate nutrient emissions into surface waters from point and various diffuse sources. MONERIS is a semi-static emission model for point and diffuse sources of nutrients that can also be adapted in order to deal with heavy metals and some priority substances (e.g. Lindane). Conceptually, MONERIS calculates the emissions into surface waters via several independent pathways for separate catchments, which are topologically linked in a tree-like structure (see Figure 35 below). Input data are taken from various sources (e.g. statistical yearbooks, emission inventories, digital maps, etc.). Those data are preprocessed to give specific values for every catchment. A harmonized database was established for MONERIS by all Danube countries. Results were used in the Danube Roof Report 2004, Danube RBMP and Integrated RBMP for the Tisza River Basin. 77 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Figure 34: Pathways and processes in MONERIS Due to the lack of data necessary for using this model reliably in the Sava RB countries it was recommended by the members of the PEG RBM of the ISRBC to apply a different approach for assessment of impact from diffuse pollution sources on the water status. 5.3 OECD Modified methodology - Slovenian case study The first characterisation of Slovenian waters has been accomplished in 2005. Cognition of this research already serves as a basis for the elaboration of the national monitoring programmes, programme of measures and river basin management plan. Point and diffuse sources of pollution were identified, hydrological and morphological pressures to surface water bodies evaluated and impact of all pressure to water bodies analysed. 78 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Agricultural activities in Slovenia were described and results of calculation of nitrogen and phosphorus balance in the catchment areas of the water bodies presented. The analysis shows that hydro-morphological and chemical pressures from point sources and diffused pollution from agriculture are the main reasons for the non-attainment of environmental objectives. Though consumption of mineral fertilisers and plant nutrients in Slovenia has reached more or less steady state in the last years, the quantities were still too high to reduce the risk to water environment. Therefore, it was recommended that the measures for reasonable fertiliser applications should be developed into more details as to give more directions for a farm level management. Miscellaneous instruments should also be developed to initiate overall sustainable use of fertilisers and plant nutrients in agriculture. Diffuse sources of pollution play an important part as point sources from the aspect of input of plant nutrients, pesticides and other forms of pollution on entire catchment areas. Within the framework of the first review of pressures exerted waters from diffuse pollution sources, a survey of pressures with nitrogen and phosphorus in agriculture was prepared. The survey was based on the overall analysis of the agricultural activities in Slovenia, on which evaluation of the nitrogen and phosphorus balance for fields, vineyards, grasslands; orchards and heterogeneous agriculture land have been calculated. This OECD modified methodology can be used in different stages of river basin management plans, in particular: 1. For assessing different pollution sources – and estimating the quality of surface waters at the places where no monitoring data are available; 2. For supporting the selection of appropriate measures to achieve the water quality objectives by estimating the marginal impact of individual measures on water quality; 3. For production of illustrative material for discussion whit stakeholders and general public. This is a 0-dimensional, mass balance model design to assess nitrogen and phosphorous loads. In the mass balance all nitrogen and phosphorous pollution sources have to be taken in account. This can be done by measurements for point sources of pollution, however, for diffuse sources of pollution the runoff has to be estimated. 5.3.1 Calculation of nitrogen balance Nitrogen balance for field, vineyard, grassland, orchard and heterogeneous agriculture land has been calculated based on input and output parameters. Input parameters: a) Consumption of N mineral fertilizers in kg/ha/a; b) Livestock manure from number of pigs, chicken and cattle (kg/ha/a) on field and grassland) have been taken from statistical data from 2000. Other input parameters; c) Nitrogen from precipitation (kg/ha/a), d) humus mineralization (kg/ha/a) and c) biological fixation from Fabaceae for grassland (kg/ha/a) have been predefined. Outputs calculated are nitrogen crop uptake (kg/ha/a) and denitrification (kg/ha/a). Land use data have been gathered from Corine land Cover 2000 (CLC, 2000). 79 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Nitrogen balance for each agriculture land use has been calculated as a difference between inputs and outputs (kg/ha/a). The balance has been calculated as a weighted average for the second level hydro-geographical areas in Slovenia. The highest surplus (more that 120 kg N/ha per year) appeared toward the east of Slovenia, meanwhile the lowest surplus of nitrogen (less than 80 kg N/ha per year) appeared toward the west part of Slovenia (Figure 37). Figure 357: Weighted average nitrogen balance (kg of N/ha/a) for the surface water bodies 5.3.2 Phosphorus balance Phosphorus balance for field, vineyard, grassland, orchard and heterogeneous agriculture land use has been calculated based on the inputs and output parameters. The input parameters were: a) Consumption of P2O5 mineral fertilizers (kg/ha/a) (from statistical data for the year 2000); b) Livestock manure from number of pigs, chicken and cattle (kg/ha/a) on field and grassland (from statistical data for the year 2000); c) Phosphorus from precipitation (predefined values). The output parameter was phosphorus crop uptake (kg/ha/a). The procedure for phosphorus balance calculation has been the same as for the nitrogen. Figure 38 shows the weighted average of phosphorus balance (kg of P/ha/a) for contributory area of each surface water body. 80 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Figure 36: Weighted average phosphorus balance (kg of P/ha/a) for the surface water bodies The pattern of surpluses is almost the same for both pollutants. The highest surplus (more that 10 kg of phosphorus/ha per year) appeared more toward the east of Slovenia, meanwhile the lowest surplus appeared toward the west part of Slovenia. 81 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Figure 37: Schematic representation of the mass balance equation used in the OECD modified methodology The basic principle which is used to calibrate the model is to focus on the measured load and the various loads that are well known. These two variables can be used to estimate the diffuse load Ltot= Lpoint+Ldiff. The total load – Ltot, is derived from monitoring data (flow and concentration) and the data for point sources pollution – Lpoint, were taken from measurements and other sources of information. By varying the runoff factor for diffuse pollution sources the model can be calibrated. To prevent the underestimation of the diffuse load, retention processes in the water bodies were taken into account. To this point the OECD modified methodology does not allow calculations of the reduction scenarios. 5.4 Soil and Water Assessment Tool - SWAT SWAT is a conceptual, physically based, semi distributed and continuous time watershed scale simulation model developed by the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS). The model is mostly physically based and semi-distributed model. SWAT simulates all of the relevant hydrological processes for the study area including transmission losses. SWAT is developed to predict the impact of land management practices on water, sediment and agricultural chemical yields in large complex watersheds with varying soils, land use and 82 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan management conditions over long periods of time. It has an available GIS interface for ESRI ArcView® and has an active user network. SWAT simulates the hydrological cycle of a watershed in two phases, the land phase and the routing phase. The land phase of the hydrological cycle controls the movement of water, sediment, nutrient and pesticide loadings to the main channel in each sub-basin. Land phase hydrological cycle is simulated based on the water balance equation. It calculates the mass flows as they travel along the land phase to the receiving water body. Pollutants, originating from the land phase are generally called non-point or diffuse sources. The routing phase of the hydrological cycle simulates the movement of water, sediments, etc. through the channel network of the watershed to the outlet. Routing method is based on the continuity equation. Potential pathways of the water movement simulated in SWAT are shown in Figure 40. Figure 38: Potential pathways of the water movement simulated in SWAT SWAT models the nutrient cycles for nitrogen and phosphorus. The processes associated with water movement and nutrient cycling is directly modelled by SWAT using this input data. Rather than incorporating regression equations to describe the relationship between input and output variables, SWAT requires specific information about weather, soil properties, topography, vegetation and land management practices in the watershed. The list and frequency of needed data is shown in Table 66. 83 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Table 66: The list and frequency of needed data for SWAT model simulation Needed data Surface water quality data Discharge data Inhabitants equivalent Meteorological data Flow data DEM, Land use, Soil types Fertilizer data Discharge data estimations for small Industries Data point sources originating from Agriculture Frequency Monthly Multiple measurements per month Daily Daily Yearly Yearly Yearly Fully calibrated, the SWAT model is used for scenario analysis in order to predict the effects of pollution load reductions for different target groups. Pollutant load reductions are realised by reducing the emission loads in the point source input files and the diffuse source input files with steps of 10%. The SWAT is characterized as a flexible model, adaptable to different hydrometeorological, soil and land use conditions. The algorithm describing individual steps in the SWAT model simulation is shown in Figure 41. 84 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Figure 39: SWAT Algorithm Delineating the watershed and sub-basins Defining the hydrologic response units (HRUs) based upon land use, soils, and slope Defining the weather data Editing the default input files Setting up (specification of the simulation period, etc.) and running SWAT debuggin g the model NO YES Calibrating the model Validating the model Analyzing and graphing the SWAT model output 85 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan 5.5 QUAL2K Model The conceptual representation of a stream used in the QUAL2K model (Brown et al., 1987) is that of an element that has been divided into a number of unequally spaced reaches or computational steps equivalent to finite difference elements (Fig. 42). For each computational element, a hydrologic balance in terms of flow, a heat balance in terms of temperature, and a mass balance in terms of constituents' concentration are formulated. The model presently simulates the main stem of a river. In addition, multiple loadings and abstractions can be introduced for any reach. Tributaries are not modelled explicitly, but can be represented as point sources. Finally, any model reach can be further divided into a series of equally-spaced elements. Figure 40: QUAL2K Segmentation scheme The diffuse sources and withdrawals are modelled as line sources. As in Figure 43, the non-point source or withdrawal is demarcated by its starting and ending kilometre points. Its flow is then distributed to or from each element in a length-weighted fashion. 86 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Figure 41: Distribution of diffuse sources flows to the model Q npt 25% 25% 1 1 start 50% 2 end The model constituents are listed in Table 62. Table 67: QUAL2K model variables Variable Temperature Conductivity Unit OC mhos Inorganic suspended solids mg D/L Dissolved oxygen mg O2/L Slowly reacting CBOD mg O2/L Fast reacting CBOD mg O2/L Organic nitrogen g N/L Ammonia nitrogen g N/L Nitrate nitrogen g N/L Organic phosphorus g P/L Inorganic phosphorus g P/L Phytoplankton g A/L Phytoplankton nitrogen g N/L Phytoplankton phosphorus g P/L Detritus mg D/L Pathogen cfu/100 mL Alkalinity Mg CaCO3/L Total inorganic carbon mole/L Bottom algae biomass mg A/m2 Bottom algae nitrogen mg N/m2 Bottom algae phosphorus mg P/m2 87 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Variable Flow Unit (m3/s) Elevation m Weir height m Weir width m Manning formula Channel slope Side slope Bot width Reaches longitude and latitude Reaches upstream and downstream location km Reaches upstream and downstream elevation m Reaches upstream and downstream elevation m Air temperature OC Wind speed m/s Cloud cover % Shade % Diffuse sources location up and down km Diffuse sources abstraction m3/s Diffuse inflow m3/s 5.6 Methodology for risk analysis of diffuse pollution sources (DPS RA) The proposed DPS RA methodology for diffuse pollution sources risk analysis is described in Chapter 4. 5.7 Advantages and disadvantages of the used models 5.7.1 MONERIS MONERIS is an empirically based model which uses the annual water average for pathway adjustment and delivers the annual average load for the time-period. The model requires a large amount of input data. Nitrogen surplus is one of the most sensitive input data for MONERIS. No calibration was made for the Sava River Basin in order to get accurate outputs for Slovenia and Croatia. Information about the acceptance of the model outcomes for the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia calculated for the purpose of the Danube River Basin Management plan was not available. No modelling was 88 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan performed for the Montenegro part of the Danube basin. Once set up, MONERIS can be used to develop reduction management scenarios and it is easy to apply and learn also for an inexperienced user. 5.7.2 SWAT SWAT is physically based model which operates on a daily time step at the basin scale. Sensitive input data are manure (input as kg manure applied on the field), detailed description of the land use and partition of agricultural data over time. This specific section covers all management operations, such as fertilizer application, sowing and harvesting which have to be added in SWAT management files. Input data for this section are missing in most of the Sava countries. The model loaded with all necessary input data can be run for the purposes of the reduction management scenarios. 5.7.3 QUAL2K The Enhanced Stream Water Quality Model QUAL2K simulates the major reactions of nutrient cycles, algal production, benthic and carbonaceous demand, atmospheric re aeration and their effects on the dissolved oxygen balance in the stream. QUAL2E formulation derives directly from the U.S. regulatory framework. This can be an obstacle in the process of preparation of the RBMPs according to the requirements of the WFD. The user must supply more than 100 individual inputs, some of which require considerable expert judgment to be estimated accurately. The model is unsuitable for rivers that experience temporal variations in stream flow or where the major discharges fluctuate significantly over a diurnal or shorter time period. Nonpoint source loads are often driven by rainfall events and thus both the waste load and the stream flow vary significantly over time. Both types of variation may deviate significantly from the assumptions of QUAL2E. In addition, uncertainties are due to incomplete knowledge about the magnitude of various inputs and abstractions as well as about their precise location along the river. All these uncertainties may influence up to 15 state variables used in the model. 5.7.4 OECD modified methodology OECD modified methodology is a specifically developed model, presented in the Slovenian case study of Krka sub-basin. The uncertainty for usage of this concept on the larger scale, such as the Sava River Basin, is high. The model, even though providing outputs in terms of estimation of the pollution originating from diffuse sources of pollution, does not allow for scenario management, which is essential in the RBM planning in order to control fulfilment of the management objectives and setting the programme of measures. In general, the model does not seem to be suitable for at the development of the Sava RBMP. 5.7.5 Methodology for risk analysis of diffuse pollution sources (DPS RA) The data collection process showed that there is a lack of data on diffusion pollution sources needed for an update of outputs of MONERIS prepared for the 1st Danube RBMP. With the exception of Slovenia and Croatia, the data on specific use of fertilisers and pesticides in individual geographic units in the Sava RB countries (e.g. regions, cantons etc.) 89 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan are not available. The availability of information concerning other diffusion sources – e.g. abandoned industrial and mining sites - is also rather problematic. In this situation any model which would be used can work only with inputs based on technical estimates (expert judgement). Consequently, the accuracy of results will be influenced. Moreover, some of the Sava countries do not support the outcomes from the MONERIS since it showed relatively high uncertainty when applied in karst areas. Regarding the above, a simple approach was proposed, which is applicable according to the presented methodology (DPS RA) in chapter 4. Advantages of this approach are its simplicity and possibility to provide potential risk assessment of the diffused pollution without having exact data. On the other hand, the disadvantage is that the approach can provide only estimates and does not allow for precise quantification. All described models were tested for their suitability to be used at the development of the Sava RBMP. In the process, the tables for data requirements for the modelling of diffuse sources of pollution were filled out using inputs from the available documentation and expert estimates. A summary of advantages/disadvantages of the above described models is provided in Table 68. Full list of data requirements and data availability for the models are presented as an annex 8 (DPS_DATA). Table 69 represents the developed methodology for rating of the model characteristics while the table 70 shows the results of application of this methodology on the analysed models. Table 68: Summary of advantages/disadvantages of described models Characteristic MONERIS Model purpose Data requirements Yes Medium Not Complete Data availability OECD QUAL2K SWAT Model No No Yes Medium High High Not Not Not Complete Complete Complete Hardware requireMedium Medium Medium ments User requirements Medium Medium High Time consumption Low* Medium Medium Freeware or commerCommercial Free Free cial aspect *If the prerequisite data requested at the Danube Basin level are submitted. Methodology DPS RA Yes** Low Complete*** High Medium High High Medium Low Free Free ** DPS risk assessment. ***If CLC 2000 for the entire basin and river sub-basins of the Sava RB are available. Table 69: Key used for rating of the models Characteristic Model purpose Data requirements Possible answer Rating Yes No Low Medium 1 0 5 3 Maximum of weighing ratio 10% 20% Answer weighing ratio 10% 0% 20% 12% 90 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Characteristic Data availability Hardware Requirements User requirements Time consumption Freeware or commercial aspect Table 70: Possible answer Rating High Not Complete Complete Low Medium High Low Medium High Low Medium High Free Commercial 1 0 1 5 3 1 5 3 1 5 3 1 1 0 Maximum of weighing ratio 25% 10% 10% 15% 10% Answer weighing ratio 4% 0% 25% 10% 6% 2% 10% 6% 2% 15% 9% 3% 10% 0% Summary of results Characteristic Model purpose Data requirements Data availability Hardware Requirements User requirements Time consumption Freeware or commercial aspect Total score (%) 10 12 0 6 OECD Model 0 12 0 6 6 15 0 6 9 10 2 9 10 2 3 10 6 15 10 49 43 31 31 96 MONERIS QUAL2K SWAT 0 4 0 6 10 4 0 2 Methodology DPS RA 10** 20 25*** 10 ** Prepared for DPS RA. ***If GIS data are available (25%), if no (0). The results of the analysis (Tables 63 and 65) indicate that the proposed DPS RA methodology requires the lowest level of data availability to carry out the required risk assessment in the Sava RB. On the other hand it is necessary to stress that the achieved results will provide only the risk assessment with the low level of confidence. The more detailed assessment of the DPS impact on the water status should therefore be improved in the next planning cycle based on the currently missing data. Despite of the efforts to eliminate data gaps identified during the Sava River Basin Analysis elaboration, estimation of pollution from the diffuse sources remains problematic and requires to be further explored. Outputs of the DPS RA model can be used as a background for further improvement of quantification of pollution originating from anthropogenic activities. The use of SWAT model can be then considered in next cycles of the RBM planning, providing the gaps presented in annex 8 (DPS_DATA) are filled out. 91 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan 5.8 The Sava River Basin nutrient balance – MONERIS results The Sava River Basin is a part of the Danube River Basin and as such it was included into the calculation of nutrient balance at the development of the Danube RBMP. Calculations for a long term period (from mid of last century till 2004/2005) as well as for the single year (2004/2005) was used for the development of the Danube and Integrated Tisza RBMPs. The results show that altogether 114 kt of N and 8.9 kt of P are annually emitted into the Sava RB for a long term dataset. According to the model output the main pollution sources for both N and P emissions are agglomerations. For N pollution, the input from agriculture (manure, fertilizers, NOx Agri and NHyAgri) is the most important source with total contribution of 36.13% of the total emission. For P, input from urban settlements is the most important source with main contribution of 63.5% of the total emission. Main pollution pathway for N is via groundwater (55.7% of the total emission), whereas it is via point sources for P (42.8%). Nutrient input via atmospheric deposition, as a pathway, is less than 1% of the total emission for both N and P. 5.9 Estimation of Sava River contribution of nutrients into the Danube River The Sava River is the third longest and the largest by discharge tributary of the Danube River. Its contribution of nutrients into the recipient represents ca. 1,79 – 6,89 kt/a of total P and 37,86 – 85,59 kt/a of total N. The estimation (Figure 42) was calculated from the ICPDR TMMN qualitative data from the monitoring sites at Sremska Mitrovica and Ostružica and also using the hydrological data from the monitoring site at Sremska Mitrovica from the Yearbooks of the ISRBC and Serbian HMI for years 2005 – 2007. Figure 42: Estimation of the Sava River contribution of nutrients into the Danube River 92 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan 5.10 Comparison of various approaches of nutrient pollution balance assessment in the Sava RB Comparison of various approaches of nutrient pollution balance assessment in the Sava RB is presented in Table 71. This table shows that result of the calculation provides 30% less quantity of pollution load than that of MONERIS for nitrogen. The results for phosphorus are in high degree of compliance (16% difference). Table 71: Nutrient pollution balance assessment in the Sava RB – results Nutrient pollution sources Discharged Nt, t/a Urban (agglomerations) sources Discharged Pt, t/a 11,112 2,642 1,872 182 point pollution sources from agriculture 32,400 3, 784 diffusion pollution sources RA 34,198 3,932 79, 582 10,553 114 ,000 8 ,900 Industrial point sources RB - total (ref year 2007) Sava MONERIS (ref year 2004 -2005) SAVA river nutrient balance 38, 000 – 85, 000 1, 800 – 6, 900 93 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan References 1. Diffuse pollution sources and assessment of impacts: overview of methodologies. SRBMP - Discussion paper. 2. Behrendt H. et Al. (2007). The model system MONERIS. User manual v2.0. Leibniz Institute for Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Berlin, Germany. 3. ISRBC (2009), Sava River Basin Analysis Report. 4. Directive 2000/60/EC establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy. 5. Chapra S. And Pelletier G. (2003). QUAL2K: A Modeling Framework for Simulating River and Stream Water Quality. Documentation and users manual. Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Tufts University, Medford, U.S.A. 6. Birgand F. (2010). Evaluation of QUAL2E model. (Last assessed 25/11/2010). 7. Mohamed Mustafa Al Mulla (2005). Application of a hydrological model in data - poor arid region catchment: A case study of Wadi Ham, United Arab Emirates. PhD thesis. Carnfiled University, United Kingdom. 8. Somura H. (2010) Application of SWAT for nutrient load discharge estimation. 2010 International SWAT conference, Seoul,Korea. 9. Fogelberg S., Arheimer B. , Venohr, M. and Behrendt, H. (2006). Catchment modeling of nitrogen flow with two different conceptual models. 10. Aisha Michel Sexton (2007). Evaluation of SWAT model applicability for water body impairment identification and TMDL Analysis. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Meriland, College Park, U.S.A. 11. Nietsch S.L. et Al. (2005). Soil and Water Assessment Tool. Theoretical documentation. Temple, Texas, U.S.A. 12. Houston engineering Inc. (2010). Thief river SWAT modeling, Thief watershed modelling, Minnesota. Numerical modeling and evaluation of management scenarions. Maple Growe, Minnesota, U.S.A.. 13. Ecorys, Hidroinzenjering d.o.o., IEI (2005). Technical Assistance for the preparation of the Krka river basin management plan located in Krka river sub-basin. Conceptual note modelling Krka. EuropeAid/11881/D/SV/SI. 14. Brow L.c. and Barnwell T.O. (1987). The Enhanced Stream Water Quality Models QUAL2E and QUAL2E-UNCAS, EPA/600/3-87-007, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Athens, U.S.A. 15. Ganoulis J., Zardava K. and Kiourtsidis C. O. Modeling river water quality from diffuse sources at the catchment scale. Department of Civil Engineering. Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece. 16. ICPDR TNMN Yearbook (2007), Water quality in the Danube River Basin 2007. ICPDR Secretariat, Vienna, Austria. 17. TMMN Yearbook - 2005, 2006, 2007. 94 Background paper Significant pressures identified in the Sava RB Sava River Basin Management Plan Annex 1 Annex_SI_UWW_2007 Annex_SI_UWW_2015 Annex_SI_scII Annex_SI_scIII SLOVENIA Urban wastewater disposal - reference year 2007 and proposed scenarios Draft 5.0 Zagreb October, 2011 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration ANNEX_SI_UWW_2007 PE – PE – total in Name of No of inhabitants connected agglomeratio agglomeration in agglomeration to public n sewerage 16481 LJUBLJANA 4762 PE – %connected to connected public to public sewerage and sewerage to the UWWTP Code of UWWTP name of UWWTP UWWTP_LJUBLJANA (ZALOG) UWWTP_LJUBLJANA (ZALOG) UWWTP_LJUBLJANA (ZALOG) UWWTP_LJUBLJANA (ZALOG) UWWTP_CELJE UWWTP_CELJE UWWTP_KRANJ (ZARICA) Capacity Type of of UWWTD UWWTP, PE 232533 302293 287178 95% 285168 SI_KCN_00098 MEDVODE 6380 8294 5059 61% 5059 SI_KCN_00098 3666 TOMACEVO 2232 2902 2669 92% 2669 SI_KCN_00098 3644 20543 8824 PODUTIK CELJE STORE 1640 42382 1916 2132 55097 2491 2047 50689 1993 96% 92% 80% 2047 SI_KCN_00098 36243 SI_KCN_00240 80 SI_KCN_00240 20594 KRANJ 34834 45284 30069 66% 12388 SI_KCN_00031 3944 SENCUR BRITOF PREDOSLJE 3428 4456 1809 41% 512 SI_KCN_00031 UWWTP_KRANJ (ZARICA) II 3142 4085 719 18% 121 SI_KCN_00031 UWWTP_KRANJ (ZARICA) II 2045 2659 2201 83% 1941 SI_KCN_00031 UWWTP_KRANJ (ZARICA) II 20590 NAKLO MLAKA PRI KRANJU 1660 2158 975 45% 546 SI_KCN_00031 UWWTP_KRANJ (ZARICA) II 20598 BITNJE - ZABNICA 3348 4352 374 9% 51 SI_KCN_00031 UWWTP_KRANJ (ZARICA) II 20591 KOKRICA 1616 2101 609 29% 175 SI_KCN_00031 20709 VELENJE 25848 33602 21909 65% 20550 20791 SOSTANJ 3190 4147 2496 60% 2239 4115 DOMZALE 20828 27076 2600 10% 2600 SI_KCN_00099 20002 KAMNIK 16381 21295 0 0% 0 SI_KCN_00099 20004 MENGES 6523 8480 0 0% 0 SI_KCN_00099 20005 TRZIN 4061 5279 5279 100% 5279 SI_KCN_00099 20593 3805 2 UWWTP_KRANJ (ZARICA) UWWTP_SALEŠKE DOLINE UWWTP_SALEŠKE DOLINE UWWTP_DOMŽALE KAMNIK UWWTP_DOMŽALE KAMNIK UWWTP_DOMŽALE KAMNIK UWWTP_DOMŽALE KAMNIK II II II II III III 360000 85000 II II II II II no no II 100000 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 ANNEX_SI_UWW_2007 Code of agglomeration Code of related surface WB 16481 SI14VT97 6620.21 12137.06 1213.71 220.67 4762 SI1VT310 181.64 333.00 33.30 3666 SI1VT310 63.55 116.50 3644 20543 8824 SI14VT93 SI16VT97 SI168VT9 46.69 1206.62 54.55 20594 SI1VT150 3944 Generated load - BOD, t/a Generated load - COD, t/a Generated Generated Discharged load -Nt, load - Pt, UWWTP t/a t/a BOD, t/a 287.32 Discharged Discharged Discharged UWWTP UWWTP Nt, UWWTP Pt, COD, t/a t/a t/a 80.71 6.05 0.00 0.00 11.65 2.12 0.00 0.00 85.60 2212.13 100.01 8.56 221.21 10.00 1.56 40.22 1.82 39.40 160.65 40.12 10.91 0.00 316.37 41.89 0.00 580.02 76.80 991.72 1818.16 181.82 33.06 34.81 264.73 144.33 17.77 387.20 709.87 SI1VT170 97.60 178.92 17.89 3.25 28.41 52.09 20593 SI116VT7 89.45 164.00 16.40 2.98 13.08 23.99 3805 SI1VT150 58.22 106.74 10.67 1.94 5.69 10.43 20590 SI116VT7 47.26 86.64 8.66 1.58 9.40 17.23 20598 SI123VT 95.32 174.75 17.47 3.18 7.09 13.00 20591 SI116VT7 46.01 84.35 8.43 1.53 9.50 17.42 20709 SI162VT7 735.89 1349.14 134.91 24.53 134.67 205.74 53.49 11.97 29.75 54.54 20791 SI162VT9 90.82 166.50 16.65 3.03 14.71 22.48 5.84 1.31 5.63 10.32 4115 SI132VT7 592.97 1087.12 108.71 19.77 60.32 394.13 181.96 24.95 0.00 0.00 20002 SI1326VT 466.37 855.01 85.50 15.55 0.00 0.00 20004 SI1326VT 185.71 340.47 34.05 6.19 0.00 0.00 20005 SI1326VT 115.62 211.96 21.20 3.85 0.00 0.00 3 0.51 450.41 0.13 128.40 Discharged no treated COD, t/a 44.02 0.33 1145.51 Discharged no treated BOD, t/a 0.03 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of Discharged no agglomeration treated Nt, t/a Discharged no treated Pt, t/a Total discharged BOD, t/a ANNEX_SI_UWW_2007 Total discharged COD, t/a Total discharged Nt, t/a Total discharged Pt, t/a Emission BOD, t/a Emission COD, t/a Emission Nt, t/a Emisssion Pt, t/a 16481 8.07 1.47 331.34 1226.22 458.48 129.87 662.35 1833.07 519.17 140.90 4762 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 70.84 129.87 12.99 2.36 3666 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.08 9.32 0.93 0.17 3644 20543 8824 0.00 58.00 7.68 0.00 10.55 1.40 0.00 355.78 41.89 0.00 740.67 76.80 0.00 98.12 7.68 0.00 21.45 1.40 1.87 452.31 52.80 3.42 917.64 96.81 0.34 115.82 9.68 0.06 24.67 1.76 20594 70.99 12.91 422.02 974.59 215.32 30.67 755.23 1585.50 276.41 41.78 3944 5.21 0.95 28.41 52.09 5.21 0.95 86.38 158.37 15.84 2.88 20593 2.40 0.44 13.08 23.99 2.40 0.44 86.79 159.12 15.91 2.89 3805 1.04 0.19 5.69 10.43 1.04 0.19 15.70 28.79 2.88 0.52 20590 1.72 0.31 9.40 17.23 1.72 0.31 35.30 64.71 6.47 1.18 20598 1.30 0.24 7.42 13.51 1.43 0.27 94.54 173.23 17.40 3.17 20591 1.74 0.32 9.50 17.42 1.74 0.32 42.16 77.30 7.73 1.41 20709 5.45 0.99 164.42 260.28 58.95 12.96 420.51 729.78 105.90 21.50 20791 1.03 0.19 20.34 32.80 6.88 1.50 56.49 99.07 13.50 2.70 4115 0.00 0.00 60.32 394.13 181.96 24.95 596.36 1376.86 280.23 42.81 20002 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 466.37 855.01 85.50 15.55 20004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 185.71 340.47 34.05 6.19 20005 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 4 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration 4079 ANNEX_SI_UWW_2007 PE – PE – total in Name of No of inhabitants connected agglomeratio agglomeration in agglomeration to public n sewerage PE – %connected to connected public to public sewerage and sewerage to the UWWTP Code of UWWTP UWWTP_DOMŽALE KAMNIK 3862 5021 5021 100% 3556 3470 20570 KOMENDA SLOVENSKI JAVORNIK HRUSICA SKOFJA LOKA 17547 1782 17301 22811 2317 22491 20530 2131 15856 90% 92% 71% 6115 NOVO MESTO 16576 21549 19178 89% 6176 7540 3806 4120 16096 11164 5356 20925 14513 4874 0 13352 91% 0% 92% 4823 5628 3753 16497 3785 1449 1867 16483 NOVO MESTO TRBOVLJE LOKA VRHNIKA SINJA GORICA KOCEVJE RADOVLJICA ZIROVNICA ZGOSA POSTOJNA LOGATEC CRNUCE 10283 10230 8775 2430 2106 8742 8579 8191 13368 13299 11408 3159 2738 11365 11153 10648 8523 11982 10495 790 548 10796 7695 10329 64% 90% 92% 25% 20% 95% 69% 97% 20007 LITIJA - SMARTNO 7858 10215 8274 81% 7622 8235 5025 ZAGORJE OB SAVI POLZELA GROSUPLJE 7437 6847 6571 9668 8901 8542 9185 0 8000 95% 0% 94% 12161 9429 GORNJI LENART ZALEC 6331 6030 8230 7839 6173 0 75% 0% 5838 20003 CRNOMELJ RADOMLJE HRASTNIKCENTER VNANJE GORICE SEVNICA 5595 5172 7274 6724 7200 0 99% 0% UWWTP_ZAGORJE OB 1920 SI_KCN_00109 SAVI (KOTREDEŽ) 0 8000 SI_KCN_00014 UWWTP_GROSUPLJE UWWTP_BREŽICE4630 SI_KCN_00003 STARA 0 SI_KCN_00064 UWWTP_ŽALEC UWWTP_VOJNA VAS 7200 SI_KCN_00113 (ČRNOMELJ) 0 5078 5056 4780 6601 6573 6214 0 0 5593 0% 0% 90% 0 0 5000 8360 16469 11509 5 5021 SI_KCN_00099 name of UWWTP 3156 SI_KCN_00020 UWWTP_JESENICE 104 SI_KCN_00020 UWWTP_JESENICE 15856 SI_KCN_00056 UWWTP_ŠKOFJA LOKA UWWTP_NOVO MESTO 19178 SI_KCN_00039 (LOČNA) UWWTP_NOVO MESTO 0 SI_KCN_00039 (LOČNA) 0 0 UWWTP_VRHNIKA 8523 SI_KCN_00063 (Tojnice) 10784 SI_KCN_00021 UWWTP_KOČEVJE 9970 SI_KCN_00295 UWWTP_RADOVLJICA 10 SI_KCN_00295 UWWTP_RADOVLJICA 274 SI_KCN_00295 UWWTP_RADOVLJICA 3494 SI_KCN_00045 UWWTP_POSTOJNA 5310 SI_KCN_00033 UWWTP_LOGATEC 10329 SI_KCN_00086 UWWTP_ČRNUČE 0 UWWTP_SEVNICA Capacity Type of of UWWTD UWWTP, PE II 200000 II II II 30000 85000 II 45000 no no no I II III III III II II III 4000 20000 17320 16500 4000 8000 no II no II 10000 I no 1500 18750 II no 4500 no no II 1900 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 ANNEX_SI_UWW_2007 Code of agglomeration Code of related surface WB 4079 SI1326VT 109.95 201.58 20.16 3.67 3556 3470 20570 SI111VT7 SI111VT7 SI123VT 499.56 50.73 492.56 915.87 93.01 903.03 91.59 9.30 90.30 16.65 1.69 16.42 14.12 88.54 39.12 5.53 12.34 100.70 53.58 6115 SI18VT77 471.92 865.18 86.52 15.73 13.56 106.05 63.56 6176 7540 3806 SI18VT77 SI1VT557 SI114VT9 117.30 458.25 317.84 215.04 840.13 582.70 21.50 84.01 58.27 3.91 15.28 10.59 4823 5628 3753 16497 3785 1449 1867 16483 SI14VT77 SI21332VT SI1VT137 SI1VT137 SI1VT137 SI144VT2 SI146VT SI1VT310 292.76 291.25 249.82 69.18 59.96 248.88 244.24 233.20 536.72 533.95 458.01 126.83 109.92 456.29 447.78 427.53 53.67 53.40 45.80 12.68 10.99 45.63 44.78 42.75 9.76 9.71 8.33 2.31 2.00 8.30 8.14 7.77 20007 SI1VT557 223.72 410.15 41.01 7.46 7622 8235 5025 SI1VT557 SI16VT70 SI18VT31 211.73 194.93 187.08 388.17 357.38 342.97 38.82 35.74 34.30 7.06 6.50 6.24 3.96 9.71 5 1 50.23 183.53 53.12 12161 9429 SI1VT913 SI16VT70 180.24 171.67 330.45 314.74 33.04 31.47 6.01 5.72 87.82 34.26 148.42 87.46 5838 20003 SI216VT SI132VT5 159.29 147.25 292.03 269.95 29.20 27.00 5.31 4.91 1.79 13.33 8360 16469 11509 SI1VT557 SI14VT77 SI1VT713 144.57 143.94 136.09 265.05 263.90 249.49 26.50 26.39 24.95 4.82 4.80 4.54 Generated load - BOD, t/a Generated load - COD, t/a Generated Generated Discharged load -Nt, load - Pt, UWWTP t/a t/a BOD, t/a Discharged no treated COD, t/a 0.00 8.84 380.48 44.39 0.00 697.55 81.38 0.00 7.89 0.00 0.00 106.74 0.00 292.41 195.69 0.00 536.09 0.00 26.24 11.49 17.07 6.00 159.91 52.24 0.00 0.00 48.11 21.07 31.30 10.99 293.17 95.78 0.00 181.21 332.22 10.08 159.11 0.00 0.00 291.69 0.00 0.00 17 19.86 3 4.74 33.80 0.00 61.96 0.00 19 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.98 0.00 0.00 23.79 153.49 96.13 40.81 42.66 14.37 13.45 3.08 2.45 3.85 17.46 11.36 6.66 78.70 62.87 24.31 23.68 21.42 7.28 3.97 2.13 3.72 51.46 Discharged no treated BOD, t/a 0.00 74.77 23.53 10.35 33.68 6 Discharged Discharged Discharged UWWTP UWWTP Nt, UWWTP Pt, COD, t/a t/a t/a 13.38 2.99 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of Discharged no agglomeration treated Nt, t/a Discharged no treated Pt, t/a Total discharged BOD, t/a ANNEX_SI_UWW_2007 Total discharged COD, t/a Total discharged Nt, t/a Total discharged Pt, t/a Emission BOD, t/a Emission COD, t/a Emission Nt, t/a Emisssion Pt, t/a 4079 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3556 3470 20570 69.75 8.14 0.00 12.68 1.48 0.00 394.60 44.39 12.34 786.08 81.38 100.70 108.87 8.14 53.58 18.21 1.48 8.84 444.56 48.45 157.65 877.67 88.82 367.09 118.03 8.88 80.22 19.88 1.61 13.68 6115 0.00 0.00 13.56 106.05 63.56 7.89 65.47 201.22 73.07 9.62 6176 7540 3806 19.57 0.00 53.61 3.56 0.00 9.75 106.74 0.00 292.41 195.69 0.00 536.09 19.57 0.00 53.61 3.56 0.00 9.75 117.30 458.25 317.84 215.04 840.13 582.70 21.50 84.01 58.27 3.91 15.28 10.59 4823 5628 3753 16497 3785 1449 1867 16483 0.00 4.81 2.11 3.13 1.10 29.32 9.58 0.00 0.00 0.87 0.38 0.57 0.20 5.33 1.74 0.00 74.77 49.77 21.84 17.07 6.00 177.37 63.61 6.66 153.49 144.24 61.88 31.30 10.99 371.87 158.65 24.31 42.66 19.18 15.55 3.13 1.10 53.00 30.99 7.28 3.08 3.33 4.24 0.57 0.20 9.30 3.87 3.72 180.86 78.60 41.82 68.96 53.96 189.81 139.32 13.66 348.00 197.10 98.52 126.42 98.93 394.68 297.47 37.14 62.11 24.47 19.22 12.64 9.89 55.28 44.88 8.56 6.62 4.29 4.90 2.30 1.80 9.71 6.40 3.96 20007 33.22 6.04 181.21 332.22 33.22 6.04 223.72 410.15 41.01 7.46 7622 8235 5025 29.17 0.00 0.00 5.30 0.00 0.00 163.07 0.00 50.23 301.40 0.00 183.53 34.18 0.00 53.12 6.42 0.00 10.08 173.65 194.93 62.11 320.81 357.38 205.31 36.12 35.74 55.30 6.78 6.50 10.47 12161 9429 6.20 0.00 1.13 0.00 121.61 34.26 210.37 87.46 23.11 19.86 4.17 4.74 166.67 205.94 292.99 402.20 31.37 51.33 5.67 10.46 5838 20003 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.79 0.00 13.33 0.00 18.79 0.00 4.20 0.00 3.40 147.25 16.28 269.95 19.09 27.00 4.26 4.91 8360 16469 11509 0.00 0.00 2.38 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.00 0.00 46.66 0.00 0.00 75.25 0.00 0.00 15.76 0.00 0.00 3.43 144.57 143.94 60.27 265.05 263.90 100.20 26.50 26.39 18.25 4.82 4.80 3.88 7 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration 13265 ANNEX_SI_UWW_2007 PE – PE – total in Name of No of inhabitants connected agglomeratio agglomeration in agglomeration to public n sewerage ROGASKA SLATINA KRSKO - LEVI BREG ZASIP PODHOM PE – %connected to connected public to public sewerage and sewerage to the UWWTP 4719 6135 3435 56% 4344 4289 3179 5647 5576 4133 5195 3844 3306 92% 69% 80% SADINJA VAS VOJNIK KRSKO - DESNI BREG IN LESKOVEC SENOVO BRESTANICA 4238 3901 5509 5071 992 4057 18% 80% 3810 4953 4408 89% 3554 4620 2587 56% 3420 3328 3254 3246 3189 4446 4326 4230 4220 4146 0 0 3765 3460 0 0% 0% 89% 82% 0% 16466 6810 20911 9101 16482 8550 CERKNICA RIBNICA METLIKA ZIRI ZELEZNIKI GORICICA POD KRIMOM TREBNJE SKOFLJICA SENTJUR TACEN LASKO 3116 3011 2827 2807 2740 2692 4051 3914 3675 3649 3562 3500 1482 3609 0 0 2921 1050 37% 92% 0% 0% 82% 30% 6074 4787 8186 20910 8413 3943 7835 1258 5283 VAVTA VAS SPODNJE PIRNICE MOZIRJE SMARJE-SAP RADECE CERKLJE SV. LOVRENC PIVKA RAKEK 2576 2506 2421 2306 2288 2189 2181 2115 2097 3349 3258 3147 2998 2974 2846 2835 2750 2726 2177 228 2518 0 2380 0 0 1650 2500 65% 7% 80% 0% 80% 0% 0% 60% 92% 11924 3475 3495 16488 16500 11870 12067 5286 5560 6039 2536 2818 8 Code of UWWTP name of UWWTP UWWTP_ROGAŠKA 3000 SI_KCN_00070 SLATINA 0 2499 SI_KCN_00305 UWWTP_BLED 132 SI_KCN_00305 UWWTP_BLED UWWTP_SOSTRO495 SI_KCN_00096 ZADVOR 2029 SI_KCN_00004 UWWTP_DOBRNA 0 Capacity Type of of UWWTD UWWTP, PE III 9000 no II II 14150 II II 150 4000 no 2199 SI_KCN_00281 UWWTP_BRESTANICA UWWTP_DOLENJA VAS 0 SI_KCN_00005 (CERKNICA) 0 SI_KCN_00049 UWWTP_RIBNICA 3765 SI_KCN_00036 UWWTP_METLIKA 2837 SI_KCN_00058 UWWTP_ŽIRI 0 SI_KCN_00057 UWWTP_ŽELEZNIKI II 4800 no no III II no 2500 4000 4500 5000 2500 1482 SI_KCN_00062 UWWTP_BOROVNICA 0 SI_KCN_00061 UWWTP_TREBNJE 0 0 2912 SI_KCN_00085 UWWTP_BROD 0 UWWTP_STRAŽA (SELA 0 SI_KCN_00043 PRI STRAŽI) 228 SI_KCN_00097 UWWTP_PIRNIČE 2014 SI_KCN_00073 UWWTP_MOZIRJE 0 0 0 0 37 SI_KCN_00242 UWWTP_PIVKA 2500 SI_KCN_00008 UWWTP_RAKEK II no no no II no 1000 8000 no II II no no no no II II 5000 300 3000 9000 150 500 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 ANNEX_SI_UWW_2007 Code of agglomeration Code of related surface WB 13265 SI192VT1 134.35 246.31 24.63 4.48 9.78 29.00 4.03 4.10 9.54 17.48 11924 3475 3495 SI1VT913 SI1VT137 SI1VT137 123.67 122.11 90.51 226.74 223.86 165.93 22.67 22.39 16.59 4.12 4.07 3.02 2.80 28.85 4.18 0.75 113.78 29.47 69.51 208.60 54.02 127.43 16488 16500 SI14VT97 SI1688VT2 120.66 111.06 221.20 203.61 22.12 20.36 4.02 3.70 7.85 1.10 21.32 4.86 2.41 5.46 0.29 0.87 10.87 44.42 19.93 81.45 11870 SI1VT913 108.47 198.86 19.89 3.62 96.54 176.99 12067 SI1VT739 101.18 185.50 18.55 3.37 3.10 9.62 2.40 0.99 8.50 15.58 5286 5560 6039 2536 2818 SI145VT SI18VT31 SI21VT70 SI121VT SI122VT 97.37 94.75 92.64 92.41 90.79 178.51 173.70 169.84 169.42 166.45 17.85 17.37 16.98 16.94 16.64 3.25 3.16 3.09 3.08 3.03 35.71 1.26 2.94 2.60 9.93 81.50 8.51 21.11 13.72 36.48 17.77 2.41 5 7 11.22 3.27 0.47 0.55 0.54 1.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.01 0.00 16466 6810 20911 9101 16482 8550 SI14VT77 SI186VT3 SI14VT77 SI168VT9 SI1VT310 SI16VT97 88.71 85.72 80.48 79.92 78.01 76.64 162.64 157.16 147.56 146.51 143.01 140.51 16.26 15.72 14.76 14.65 14.30 14.05 2.96 2.86 2.68 2.66 2.60 2.55 3.98 0.52 11.02 6.61 2.91 0.00 0.73 0.00 10.05 38.92 15.48 2.94 0.00 79.04 0.00 0.00 0.19 22.99 0.00 144.90 0.00 0.00 0.35 42.15 6074 4787 8186 20910 8413 3943 7835 1258 5283 SI18VT77 SI1VT310 SI16VT17 SI1476VT SI1VT713 SI1326VT SI16VT70 SI144VT1 SI145VT 73.34 71.35 68.93 65.65 65.14 62.32 62.09 60.21 59.70 134.45 130.80 126.36 120.36 119.42 114.25 113.84 110.39 109.45 13.45 13.08 12.64 12.04 11.94 11.43 11.38 11.04 10.95 2.44 2.38 2.30 2.19 2.17 2.08 2.07 2.01 1.99 0.34 1.62 35.14 2.51 3.78 105.14 2.68 0.67 20.14 0.49 0.13 3 2.35 5.27 6.52 1.46 47.67 0.00 11.03 0.00 52.11 0.00 0.00 35.32 0.00 87.40 0.00 20.22 0.00 95.54 0.00 0.00 64.75 0.00 Generated load - BOD, t/a Generated load - COD, t/a Generated Generated Discharged load -Nt, load - Pt, UWWTP t/a t/a BOD, t/a 9 Discharged Discharged Discharged UWWTP UWWTP Nt, UWWTP Pt, COD, t/a t/a t/a Discharged no treated BOD, t/a Discharged no treated COD, t/a SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of Discharged no agglomeration treated Nt, t/a Discharged no treated Pt, t/a Total discharged BOD, t/a ANNEX_SI_UWW_2007 Total discharged COD, t/a Total discharged Nt, t/a Total discharged Pt, t/a Emission BOD, t/a Emission COD, t/a Emission Nt, t/a Emisssion Pt, t/a 13265 1.75 0.32 19.31 46.48 5.78 4.41 78.43 154.86 16.62 6.38 11924 3475 3495 20.86 5.40 12.74 3.79 0.98 2.32 113.78 32.27 69.51 208.60 82.87 127.43 20.86 9.58 12.74 3.79 1.73 2.32 123.67 70.18 87.61 226.74 152.39 160.62 22.67 16.53 16.06 4.12 2.99 2.92 16488 16500 1.99 8.14 0.36 1.48 18.72 45.52 41.25 86.30 4.40 13.61 0.65 2.35 117.66 67.74 222.63 127.03 22.54 17.68 3.95 3.09 11870 17.70 3.22 96.54 176.99 17.70 3.22 108.47 198.86 19.89 3.62 12067 1.56 0.28 11.60 25.21 3.96 1.28 56.12 106.83 12.12 2.76 5286 5560 6039 2536 2818 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.00 35.71 1.26 2.94 16.24 9.93 81.50 8.51 21.11 38.72 36.48 17.77 2.41 4.53 9.91 11.22 3.27 0.47 0.55 0.99 1.43 133.07 96.01 13.13 32.87 100.72 260.01 182.21 39.79 69.22 202.93 35.62 19.79 6.40 12.96 27.87 6.52 3.63 0.89 1.55 4.46 16466 6810 20911 9101 16482 8550 0.00 14.49 0.00 0.00 0.04 4.22 0.00 2.63 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.77 3.98 79.56 0.00 0.00 10.25 22.99 11.02 151.51 0.00 0.00 39.27 42.15 2.91 14.49 0.00 0.00 15.52 4.22 0.73 2.63 0.00 0.00 2.95 0.77 60.23 86.25 80.48 79.92 24.29 76.64 114.15 163.77 147.56 146.51 65.02 140.51 13.22 15.72 14.76 14.65 18.09 14.05 2.61 2.86 2.68 2.66 3.42 2.55 6074 4787 8186 20910 8413 3943 7835 1258 5283 8.74 0.00 2.02 0.00 9.55 0.00 0.00 6.47 0.00 1.59 0.00 0.37 0.00 1.74 0.00 0.00 1.18 0.00 48.01 1.62 46.17 0.00 52.11 0.00 0.00 35.32 2.35 89.91 3.78 125.36 0.00 95.54 0.00 0.00 64.75 5.27 11.42 0.67 22.16 0.00 9.55 0.00 0.00 6.47 6.52 2.08 0.13 3.47 0.00 1.74 0.00 0.00 1.18 1.46 73.68 67.97 59.96 65.65 65.14 62.32 62.09 59.40 7.30 136.97 125.42 150.63 120.36 119.42 114.25 113.84 108.90 14.35 16.13 12.84 24.69 12.04 11.94 11.43 11.38 10.89 7.43 2.94 2.34 3.93 2.19 2.17 2.08 2.07 1.98 1.63 10 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration 9420 7514 5208 5926 11424 4613 16468 8476 3414 3637 6512 4887 12278 16394 4093 Total Total, % ANNEX_SI_UWW_2007 PE – %connected to connected public to public sewerage and sewerage to the UWWTP 0 0% 0 PE – PE – total in Name of No of inhabitants connected agglomeratio agglomeration in agglomeration to public n sewerage PETROVCE LOKE PRI ZAGORJU IG VRTACA PRI SEMICU VRH PRI SENTJERNEJU ZGORNJE STRANJE DRAGOMER DOL PRI HRASTNIKU BOHINJSKA BISTRICA ZGORNJE GAMELJNE 2095 2724 2087 2068 2713 2688 1953 2097 72% 78% 2014 2618 0 0% 1942 2525 631 1889 1867 2456 2427 1817 IVANCNA GORICA LOG PRI BREZOVICI VELIKI OBREZ SMARJE PRI JELSAH ZELODNIK Code of UWWTP name of UWWTP UWWTP_MARELA 0 SI_KCN_00325 KISOVEC 2097 SI_KCN_00090 UWWTP_IG Capacity Type of of UWWTD UWWTP, PE no no II 2400 0 SI_KCN_00010 UWWTP_SEMIČ no 1150 25% 0 no 0 1109 0% 46% 0 0 no no 2362 0 0% 0 no 1782 2317 1946 84% 1730 2249 1394 62% 1726 2244 0 0% 1644 1622 2137 2109 678 0 32% 0% 1586 1544 2062 2007 1526 0 74% 0% 742282 964967 672102 70% UWWTP_BOHINJSKA 1640 SI_KCN_00048 BISTRICA 1394 SI_KCN_00088 UWWTP_GAMELJNE UWWTP_IVANČNA 0 SI_KCN_00015 GORICA 58 0 UWWTP_ŠMARJE PRI 0 SI_KCN_00332 JELŠAH 0 527750 55% 11 II 2000 III 1500 no 15000 ?? no no no SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 ANNEX_SI_UWW_2007 Code of agglomeration Code of related surface WB 9420 SI16VT70 59.64 109.35 10.93 1.99 7514 5208 SI1VT557 SI1476VT 59.42 58.88 108.93 107.94 10.89 10.79 1.98 1.96 30.26 63.40 8 5926 SI21602VT 57.34 105.12 10.51 1.91 0.34 2.18 0.00 11424 SI18VT97 55.29 101.36 10.14 4613 16468 SI132VT5 SI14VT77 53.78 53.15 98.60 97.45 8476 SI1VT557 51.73 3414 SI112VT7 3637 Generated load - BOD, t/a Generated load - COD, t/a Generated Generated Discharged load -Nt, load - Pt, UWWTP t/a t/a BOD, t/a Discharged Discharged Discharged UWWTP UWWTP Nt, UWWTP Pt, COD, t/a t/a t/a Discharged no treated BOD, t/a Discharged no treated COD, t/a 0.00 0.00 2 42.78 0.00 78.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.84 13.82 25.34 9.86 9.74 1.79 1.77 0.00 24.29 0.00 44.53 94.84 9.48 1.72 0.00 0.00 50.73 93.01 9.30 1.69 3.36 8.42 4.28 0.96 6.69 12.27 SI1VT310 49.25 90.30 9.03 1.64 0.64 2.87 0.70 0.20 0.00 0.00 6512 SI18VT31 49.14 90.09 9.01 1.64 9.27 32.12 17.96 7.71 0.00 0.00 4887 12278 SI14VT77 SI192VT5 46.80 46.18 85.81 84.66 8.58 8.47 1.56 1.54 13.58 0.00 24.90 0.00 45.15 43.96 82.78 80.59 8.28 8.06 1.51 1.47 33.41 0.00 61.26 0.00 21133 38743 3874 704 3161 5796 16394 4093 Total Total, % 1142.39 12 3976.45 1423.89 295.78 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of Discharged no agglomeration treated Nt, t/a Discharged no treated Pt, t/a Total discharged BOD, t/a ANNEX_SI_UWW_2007 Total discharged COD, t/a Total discharged Nt, t/a Total discharged Pt, t/a Emission BOD, t/a Emission COD, t/a Emission Nt, t/a Emisssion Pt, t/a 9420 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 59.64 109.35 10.93 1.99 7514 5208 7.84 0.00 1.43 0.00 42.78 30.26 78.43 63.40 7.84 8.25 1.43 1.82 59.42 43.22 108.93 87.14 10.89 10.62 1.98 2.25 5926 0.00 0.00 0.34 2.18 0.00 0.00 57.68 107.30 10.51 1.91 11424 2.53 0.46 13.82 25.34 2.53 0.46 55.29 101.36 10.14 1.84 4613 16468 0.00 4.45 0.00 0.81 0.00 24.29 0.00 44.53 0.00 4.45 0.00 0.81 53.78 53.15 98.60 97.45 9.86 9.74 1.79 1.77 8476 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 51.73 94.84 9.48 1.72 3414 1.23 0.22 10.05 20.69 5.51 1.18 18.17 35.57 7.00 1.45 3637 0.00 0.00 0.64 2.87 0.70 0.20 19.35 37.18 4.13 0.83 6512 0.00 0.00 9.27 32.12 17.96 7.71 58.41 122.21 26.97 9.35 4887 12278 2.49 0.00 0.45 0.00 13.58 0.00 24.90 0.00 2.49 0.00 0.45 0.00 45.54 46.18 83.49 84.66 8.35 8.47 1.52 1.54 16394 4093 6.13 0.00 1.11 0.00 33.41 0.00 61.26 0.00 6.13 0.00 1.11 0.00 45.15 43.96 82.78 80.59 8.28 8.06 1.51 1.47 Total Total, % 580 105 4304 9772 2003 401 10717 50.71% 21531 55.57% 3179 82.06% 615 87.30% 13 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of Name of agglomeration agglomeration 16481 LJUBLJANA 4762 3666 ANNEX_SI_UWW_2015 No of PE – total in inhabitants in agglomeration agglomeration PE – connected % -connected to PE – connected Code of to public public sewerage to public UWWTP sewerage sewerage and to the UWWTP 232533 302293 287178 95% 285168 SI_KCN_00098 MEDVODE 6380 8294 5059 61% 5059 SI_KCN_00098 TOMACEVO 2232 2902 2669 92% 2669 SI_KCN_00098 3644 20543 8824 PODUTIK CELJE STORE 1640 42382 1916 2132 55097 2491 2047 50689 1993 96% 92% 80% 2047 SI_KCN_00098 36243 SI_KCN_00240 80 SI_KCN_00240 20594 KRANJ 34834 45284 45284 100% 45284 SI_KCN_00031 SENCUR BRITOF PREDOSLJE 3428 4456 4456 100% 4456 SI_KCN_00031 3142 4085 4085 100% 4085 SI_KCN_00031 2045 2659 2659 100% 2659 SI_KCN_00031 1660 2158 975 45% 546 SI_KCN_00031 20598 NAKLO MLAKA PRI KRANJU BITNJE ZABNICA 3348 4352 4352 100% 4352 SI_KCN_00031 20591 KOKRICA 1616 2101 2101 100% 2101 SI_KCN_00031 20709 VELENJE 25848 33602 21909 65% 20550 20791 SOSTANJ 3190 4147 2496 60% 2239 4115 DOMZALE 20828 27076 2600 100% 2600 SI_KCN_00099 20002 KAMNIK 16381 21295 0 100% 0 SI_KCN_00099 20004 MENGES 6523 8480 0 100% 0 SI_KCN_00099 20005 TRZIN 4061 5279 5279 100% 5279 SI_KCN_00099 KOMENDA 3862 5021 5021 100% 5021 SI_KCN_00099 3944 20593 3805 20590 4079 14 name of UWWTP UWWTP_LJUBLJA NA (ZALOG) UWWTP_LJUBLJA NA (ZALOG) UWWTP_LJUBLJA NA (ZALOG) UWWTP_LJUBLJA NA (ZALOG) UWWTP_CELJE UWWTP_CELJE UWWTP_KRANJ (ZARICA) UWWTP_KRANJ (ZARICA) UWWTP_KRANJ (ZARICA) UWWTP_KRANJ (ZARICA) UWWTP_KRANJ (ZARICA) UWWTP_KRANJ (ZARICA) UWWTP_KRANJ (ZARICA) UWWTP_SALEŠK E DOLINE UWWTP_SALEŠK E DOLINE UWWTP_DOMŽA LE - KAMNIK UWWTP_DOMŽA LE - KAMNIK UWWTP_DOMŽA LE - KAMNIK UWWTP_DOMŽA LE - KAMNIK UWWTP_DOMŽA LE - KAMNIK Capacity of UWWTP, PE 360000 85000 100000 200000 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of Code of related name of river Planed type of agglomeration surface WB UWWTP 2015 16481 SI14VT97 II ( 4762 SI1VT310 II (Y III) 3666 SI1VT310 II ( 3644 20543 8824 SI14VT93 SI16VT97 SI168VT9 20594 SI1VT150 3944 ANNEX_SI_UWW_2015 Generated load - Generated load - Generated load - Generated load Total Total BOD, t/a COD, t/a Nt, t/a Pt, t/a discharged discharged BOD, t/a COD, t/a 6620.21 12137.06 1213.71 220.67 331.34 1226.22 181.64 333.00 33.30 6.05 0.00 0.00 63.55 116.50 11.65 2.12 0.00 0.00 46.69 1206.62 54.55 85.60 2212.13 100.01 8.56 221.21 10.00 1.56 40.22 1.82 0.00 355.78 41.89 0.00 740.67 76.80 III (y, rec.) 991.72 1818.16 181.82 33.06 49.59 272.72 SI1VT170 III (y, rec.) 97.60 178.92 17.89 3.25 4.88 26.84 20593 SI116VT7 III (y, rec.) 89.45 164.00 16.40 2.98 4.47 24.60 3805 SI1VT150 III (y, rec.) 58.22 106.74 10.67 1.94 2.91 16.01 20590 SI116VT7 III 47.26 86.64 8.66 1.58 27.06 53.50 20598 SI123VT III (y, rec.) 95.32 174.75 17.47 3.18 4.77 26.21 20591 SI116VT7 III (y, rec.) 46.01 84.35 8.43 1.53 2.30 12.65 20709 SI162VT7 II ( 735.89 1349.14 134.91 24.53 134.68 205.77 20791 SI162VT9 II ( 90.82 166.50 16.65 3.03 14.73 22.50 4115 SI132VT7 III (y, rek+III) 592.97 1087.12 108.71 19.77 29.65 163.07 20002 SI1326VT III (y, rek+III) 466.37 855.01 85.50 15.55 23.32 128.25 20004 SI1326VT III (y, rek+III) 185.71 340.47 34.05 6.19 9.29 51.07 20005 SI1326VT III (y, rek+III) 115.62 211.96 21.20 3.85 5.78 31.79 4079 SI1326VT III (y, rek+III) 109.95 201.58 20.16 3.67 5.50 30.24 Ljubljanica Savinja Sava Kamniška Bistrica II ( III ( III ( 15 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of agglomeration Total discharged Nt, t/a ANNEX_SI_UWW_2015 Total Emission BOD, Emission COD, Emission Nt, Emisssion Pt, discharged Pt, t/a t/a t/a t/a t/a 16481 458.48 129.87 662.35 1833.07 519.17 140.90 4762 0.00 0.00 70.84 129.87 12.99 2.36 3666 0.00 0.00 5.08 9.32 0.93 0.17 3644 20543 8824 0.00 98.12 7.68 0.00 21.45 1.40 1.87 452.31 52.80 3.42 917.64 96.81 0.34 115.82 9.68 0.06 24.67 1.76 20594 54.54 6.61 49.59 272.72 54.54 6.61 3944 5.37 0.65 4.88 26.84 5.37 0.65 20593 4.92 0.60 4.47 24.60 4.92 0.60 3805 3.20 0.39 2.91 16.01 3.20 0.39 20590 5.94 1.01 52.96 100.98 10.68 1.87 20598 5.24 0.64 4.77 26.21 5.24 0.64 20591 2.53 0.31 2.30 12.65 2.53 0.31 20709 53.50 11.97 390.77 675.27 100.45 20.51 20791 5.85 1.31 50.87 88.77 12.47 2.51 4115 32.61 3.95 29.65 163.07 32.61 3.95 20002 25.65 3.11 23.32 128.25 25.65 3.11 20004 10.21 1.24 9.29 51.07 10.21 1.24 20005 6.36 0.77 5.78 31.79 6.36 0.77 4079 6.05 0.73 5.50 30.24 6.05 0.73 16 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of Name of agglomeration agglomeration 3556 SLOVENSKI JAVORNIK 3470 HRUSICA ANNEX_SI_UWW_2015 No of PE – total in inhabitants in agglomeration agglomeration PE – connected % -connected to PE – connected Code of to public public sewerage to public UWWTP sewerage sewerage and to the UWWTP 17547 22811 22811 100% 1782 2317 2131 92% 20570 SKOFJA LOKA 17301 22491 22491 100% 6115 NOVO MESTO 16576 21549 21549 100% 6176 7540 3806 4120 16096 11164 5356 20925 14513 5356 0 13352 100% 0% 92% 4823 NOVO MESTO TRBOVLJE LOKA VRHNIKA SINJA GORICA 10283 13368 13368 100% 5628 KOCEVJE 10230 13299 13299 100% 3753 RADOVLJICA 8775 11408 10495 92% ZIROVNICA 2430 3159 790 25% 3785 ZGOSA 2106 2738 548 20% 1449 POSTOJNA 8742 11365 11365 100% 1867 LOGATEC 8579 11153 11153 100% 16483 CRNUCE LITIJA SMARTNO 8191 10648 10329 97% 7858 10215 10215 100% 16497 20007 UWWTP_JESENI 22811 SI_KCN_00020 CE UWWTP_JESENIC 104 SI_KCN_00020 E UWWTP_ŠKOFJA 22491 SI_KCN_00056 LOKA UWWTP_NOVO 21549 SI_KCN_00039 MESTO (LOČNA) UWWTP_NOVO 5356 SI_KCN_00039 MESTO (LOČNA) 0 0 UWWTP_VRHNIK 13368 SI_KCN_00063 A (Tojnice) UWWTP_KOČEVJ 13299 SI_KCN_00021 E UWWTP_RADOV 9970 SI_KCN_00295 LJICA UWWTP_RADOV 10 SI_KCN_00295 LJICA UWWTP_RADOVL 274 SI_KCN_00295 JICA UWWTP_POSTOJ 11365 SI_KCN_00045 NA UWWTP_LOGATE 11153 SI_KCN_00033 C UWWTP_ČRNUČ 10329 SI_KCN_00086 E 10215 7622 8235 ZAGORJE OB SAVI POLZELA 7437 6847 9668 8901 9668 8901 100% 100% 9668 SI_KCN_00109 8901 5025 GROSUPLJE 6571 8542 8542 100% 8542 SI_KCN_00014 GORNJI LENART ZALEC 6331 6030 8230 7839 6173 7839 75% 100% 4630 SI_KCN_00003 7839 SI_KCN_00064 12161 9429 17 name of UWWTP UWWTP Litija UWWTP_ZAGORJ E OB SAVI (KOTREDEŽ) UWWTP KASAZE UWWTP_GROSU PLJE UWWTP_BREŽIC E-STARA UWWTP_ŽALEC Capacity of UWWTP, PE 30000 85000 45000 4000 20000 17320 16500 4000 8000 1900 10000 1500 18750 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of Code of related name of river Planed type of agglomeration surface WB UWWTP 2015 3556 SI111VT7 III 3470 SI111VT7 Sava Dolinka 20570 SI123VT 6115 SI18VT77 6176 7540 3806 SI18VT77 SI1VT557 SI114VT9 4823 SI14VT77 5628 SI21332VT 3753 ANNEX_SI_UWW_2015 Generated load - Generated load - Generated load - Generated load Total Total BOD, t/a COD, t/a Nt, t/a Pt, t/a discharged discharged BOD, t/a COD, t/a 499.56 915.87 91.59 16.65 24.98 137.38 III (y, sens) 50.73 93.01 9.30 1.69 2.54 13.95 Sora III (y, rec) 492.56 903.03 90.30 16.42 24.63 135.45 Krka III (y, rec+III) 471.92 865.18 86.52 15.73 23.60 129.78 III (y, rec+III) no ( no ( 117.30 458.25 317.84 215.04 840.13 582.70 21.50 84.01 58.27 3.91 15.28 10.59 5.86 0.00 292.41 32.26 0.00 536.09 Ljubljanica III (y, rec) 292.76 536.72 53.67 9.76 14.64 80.51 Rinža III (y, rec) 291.25 533.95 53.40 9.71 14.56 80.09 SI1VT137 III (y) 249.82 458.01 45.80 8.33 21.84 61.88 16497 SI1VT137 III (y) 69.18 126.83 12.68 2.31 17.07 31.30 3785 SI1VT137 Sava III (y) 59.96 109.92 10.99 2.00 6.00 10.99 1449 SI144VT2 Stržen III (y, rec, sens) 248.88 456.29 45.63 8.30 12.44 68.44 1867 SI146VT Logaščica III (y, rec, sens) 244.24 447.78 44.78 8.14 12.21 67.17 16483 SI1VT310 Sava III 233.20 427.53 42.75 7.77 6.66 24.31 20007 SI1VT557 III (y,new) 223.72 410.15 41.01 7.46 11.19 61.52 7622 8235 SI1VT557 SI16VT70 II(y,new) II(y,new) 211.73 194.93 388.17 357.38 38.82 35.74 7.06 6.50 63.52 58.48 97.04 89.34 5025 SI18VT31 potok Bičje II (y, rec) 187.08 342.97 34.30 6.24 56.12 85.74 12161 9429 SI1VT913 SI16VT70 Gabernica Savinja I ( II (yes, rec) 180.24 171.67 330.45 314.74 33.04 31.47 6.01 5.72 121.61 51.50 210.37 78.68 potok Kotredeščica 18 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of agglomeration Total discharged Nt, t/a ANNEX_SI_UWW_2015 Total Emission BOD, Emission COD, Emission Nt, Emisssion Pt, discharged Pt, t/a t/a t/a t/a t/a 3556 27.48 3.33 24.98 137.38 27.48 3.33 3470 2.79 0.34 2.54 13.95 2.79 0.34 20570 27.09 3.28 24.63 135.45 27.09 3.28 6115 25.96 3.15 23.60 129.78 25.96 3.15 6176 7540 3806 6.45 0.00 53.61 0.78 0.00 9.75 5.86 458.25 317.84 32.26 840.13 582.70 6.45 84.01 58.27 0.78 15.28 10.59 4823 16.10 1.95 14.64 80.51 16.10 1.95 5628 16.02 1.94 14.56 80.09 16.02 1.94 3753 15.55 4.24 41.82 98.52 19.22 4.90 16497 3.13 0.57 68.96 126.42 12.64 2.30 3785 1.10 0.20 53.96 98.93 9.89 1.80 1449 13.69 1.66 12.44 68.44 13.69 1.66 1867 13.43 1.63 12.21 67.17 13.43 1.63 16483 7.28 3.72 13.66 37.14 8.56 3.96 20007 12.30 1.49 11.19 61.52 12.30 1.49 7622 8235 25.23 23.23 5.65 5.20 63.52 58.48 97.04 89.34 25.23 23.23 5.65 5.20 5025 22.29 4.99 56.12 85.74 22.29 4.99 12161 9429 23.11 20.46 4.17 4.58 166.67 51.50 292.99 78.68 31.37 20.46 5.67 4.58 19 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of Name of agglomeration agglomeration ANNEX_SI_UWW_2015 No of PE – total in inhabitants in agglomeration agglomeration PE – connected % -connected to PE – connected Code of to public public sewerage to public UWWTP sewerage sewerage and to the UWWTP 5838 CRNOMELJ 5595 7274 7200 99% 20003 RADOMLJE HRASTNIKCENTER 5172 6724 0 100% 5078 6601 0 0% 16469 VNANJE GORICE 5056 6573 6573 100% 11509 4780 6214 5593 90% 4719 6135 3435 56% 11924 3475 3495 SEVNICA ROGASKA SLATINA KRSKO - LEVI BREG ZASIP PODHOM 4344 4289 3179 5647 5576 4133 5195 3844 3306 92% 69% 80% 16488 SADINJA VAS 4238 5509 992 18% 16500 VOJNIK KRSKO - DESNI BREG IN LESKOVEC SENOVO BRESTANICA 3901 5071 4057 80% 3810 4953 4408 89% 3554 4620 2587 56% 5286 CERKNICA 3420 4446 4446 100% 5560 RIBNICA 3328 4326 0 100% 6039 2536 METLIKA ZIRI 3254 3246 4230 4220 3765 4220 89% 100% 2818 ZELEZNIKI GORICICA POD KRIMOM 3189 4146 4146 100% 3116 4051 4051 100% 8360 13265 11870 12067 16466 20 name of UWWTP UWWTP_VOJNA 7200 SI_KCN_00113 VAS (ČRNOMELJ) UWWTP_DOMŽA 0 LE - KAMNIK Capacity of UWWTP, PE 4500 0 UWWTP VNANJE GORICE UWWTP_SEVNIC 5000 A UWWTP_ROGAŠ 3000 SI_KCN_00070 KA SLATINA 6573 0 2499 SI_KCN_00305 UWWTP_BLED 132 SI_KCN_00305 UWWTP_BLED UWWTP_SOSTRO495 SI_KCN_00096 ZADVOR UWWTP_DOBRN 2029 SI_KCN_00004 A 9000 14150 150 4000 0 UWWTP_BRESTA 2199 SI_KCN_00281 NICA UWWTP_DOLENJ A VAS 4446 SI_KCN_00005 (CERKNICA) UWWTP_RIBNIC 0 SI_KCN_00049 A UWWTP_METLIK 3765 SI_KCN_00036 A 4220 SI_KCN_00058 UWWTP_ŽIRI UWWTP_ŽELEZN 4146 SI_KCN_00057 IKI UWWTP_BOROV 4051 SI_KCN_00062 NICA 4800 2500 4000 4500 5000 2500 1000 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of Code of related name of river Planed type of agglomeration surface WB UWWTP 2015 5838 SI216VT 20003 Lahinja ANNEX_SI_UWW_2015 Generated load - Generated load - Generated load - Generated load Total Total BOD, t/a COD, t/a Nt, t/a Pt, t/a discharged discharged BOD, t/a COD, t/a II ( 159.29 292.03 29.20 5.31 1.79 13.33 SI132VT5 III (y, rek+III) 147.25 269.95 27.00 4.91 7.36 40.49 8360 SI1VT557 no ( 144.57 265.05 26.50 4.82 0.00 0.00 16469 SI14VT77 II (y,new) 143.94 263.90 26.39 4.80 43.18 65.97 11509 SI1VT713 II ( 136.09 249.49 24.95 4.54 33.70 51.49 13265 SI192VT1 SOTLA III 134.35 246.31 24.63 4.48 19.31 46.48 11924 3475 3495 SI1VT913 SI1VT137 SI1VT137 Sava no ( II II 123.67 122.11 90.51 226.74 223.86 165.93 22.67 22.39 16.59 4.12 4.07 3.02 113.78 32.27 69.51 208.60 82.87 127.43 16488 SI14VT97 Ljubljanica II ( 120.66 221.20 22.12 4.02 18.72 41.25 16500 SI1688VT2 Dobrnica II ( 111.06 203.61 20.36 3.70 45.52 86.30 11870 SI1VT913 no ( 108.47 198.86 19.89 3.62 96.54 176.99 12067 SI1VT739 Sava II ( 101.18 185.50 18.55 3.37 11.60 25.21 5286 SI145VT Cerkniščica III (rec, sens) 97.37 178.51 17.85 3.25 4.87 26.78 5560 SI18VT31 Bistrica III (y, sens) 94.75 173.70 17.37 3.16 4.74 26.06 6039 2536 SI21VT70 SI121VT potok Obrh III ( Poljanska Sora II (y, rec) 92.64 92.41 169.84 169.42 16.98 16.94 3.09 3.08 2.94 27.72 21.11 42.36 2818 SI122VT Selška Sora II (y, rec) 90.79 166.45 16.64 3.03 27.24 41.61 16466 SI14VT77 Borovniščica II (y, new) 88.71 162.64 16.26 2.96 26.61 40.66 21 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of agglomeration Total discharged Nt, t/a ANNEX_SI_UWW_2015 Total Emission BOD, Emission COD, Emission Nt, Emisssion Pt, discharged Pt, t/a t/a t/a t/a t/a 5838 18.79 4.20 3.40 16.28 19.09 4.26 20003 8.10 0.98 7.36 40.49 8.10 0.98 8360 0.00 0.00 144.57 265.05 26.50 4.82 16469 17.15 3.84 43.18 65.97 17.15 3.84 11509 13.38 2.99 47.31 76.44 15.88 3.45 13265 5.78 4.41 78.43 154.86 16.62 6.38 11924 3475 3495 20.86 9.58 12.74 3.79 1.73 2.32 123.67 70.18 87.61 226.74 152.39 160.62 22.67 16.53 16.06 4.12 2.99 2.92 16488 4.40 0.65 117.66 222.63 22.54 3.95 16500 13.61 2.35 67.74 127.03 17.68 3.09 11870 17.70 3.22 108.47 198.86 19.89 3.62 12067 3.96 1.28 56.12 106.83 12.12 2.76 5286 5.36 0.65 4.87 26.78 5.36 0.65 5560 5.21 0.63 4.74 26.06 5.21 0.63 6039 2536 4.53 11.01 0.55 2.46 13.13 27.72 39.79 42.36 6.40 11.01 0.89 2.46 2818 10.82 2.42 27.24 41.61 10.82 2.42 16466 10.57 2.37 26.61 40.66 10.57 2.37 22 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of Name of agglomeration agglomeration 6810 ANNEX_SI_UWW_2015 No of PE – total in inhabitants in agglomeration agglomeration PE – connected % -connected to PE – connected Code of to public public sewerage to public UWWTP sewerage sewerage and to the UWWTP TREBNJE 3011 3914 3609 92% 20911 9101 16482 8550 SKOFLJICA SENTJUR TACEN LASKO 2827 2807 2740 2692 3675 3649 3562 3500 3675 3649 2921 1050 100% 100% 82% 30% 6074 2576 3349 3349 100% 4787 VAVTA VAS SPODNJE PIRNICE 2506 3258 228 7% 8186 20910 8413 MOZIRJE SMARJE-SAP RADECE 2421 2306 2288 3147 2998 2974 2518 0 2380 80% 0% 80% 3943 7835 1258 5283 9420 CERKLJE SV. LOVRENC PIVKA RAKEK PETROVCE 2189 2181 2115 2097 2095 2846 2835 2750 2726 2724 0 2835 2750 2500 0 0% 100% 100% 92% 0% 2087 2068 2713 2688 2713 2688 100% 100% 2014 2618 0 100% 1942 2525 2525 100% 1889 1867 2456 2427 0 1109 100% 100% 1817 2362 0 100% 1782 2317 2317 100% 1730 2249 1394 62% 7514 5208 5926 11424 4613 16468 8476 3414 3637 LOKE PRI ZAGORJU IG VRTACA PRI SEMICU VRH PRI SENTJERNEJU ZGORNJE STRANJE DRAGOMER DOL PRI HRASTNIKU BOHINJSKA BISTRICA ZGORNJE GAMELJNE 23 name of UWWTP UWWTP_TREBNJ 0 SI_KCN_00061 E UWWTP_Grosuplj 3675 e 3649 2912 SI_KCN_00085 UWWTP_BROD 0 UWWTP_STRAŽA (SELA PRI 3349 SI_KCN_00043 STRAŽI) UWWTP_PIRNIČ 228 SI_KCN_00097 E UWWTP_MOZIRJ 2014 SI_KCN_00073 E 0 0 UWWTP_DOMŽA 0 LE - KAMNIK 2835 UWWTP KASAZE 2750 SI_KCN_00242 UWWTP_PIVKA 2500 SI_KCN_00008 UWWTP_RAKEK 0 UWWTP_MAREL A KISOVEC 2713 SI_KCN_00325 Zagorie 2688 SI_KCN_00090 UWWTP_IG 0 SI_KCN_00010 UWWTP_SEMIČ UWWTP 2525 Šentjernej UWWTP_DOMŽA 0 LE - KAMNIK 0 Capacity of UWWTP, PE 8000 9000 5000 300 3000 150 500 2400 1150 0 UWWTP_BOHINJ 2317 SI_KCN_00048 SKA BISTRICA UWWTP_GAMELJ 1394 SI_KCN_00088 NE 2000 1500 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of Code of related name of river Planed type of agglomeration surface WB UWWTP 2015 6810 SI186VT3 20911 9101 16482 8550 SI14VT77 SI168VT9 SI1VT310 SI16VT97 6074 SI18VT77 4787 ANNEX_SI_UWW_2015 Generated load - Generated load - Generated load - Generated load Total Total BOD, t/a COD, t/a Nt, t/a Pt, t/a discharged discharged BOD, t/a COD, t/a reka Temenica no (III)? (, sens) 85.72 157.16 15.72 2.86 79.56 151.51 III (yes, rec) II (yes,new) II ( no ( 80.48 79.92 78.01 76.64 147.56 146.51 143.01 140.51 14.76 14.65 14.30 14.05 2.68 2.66 2.60 2.55 4.02 23.97 10.25 22.99 22.13 36.63 39.27 42.15 reka Krka III (y, rec, sens) 73.34 134.45 13.45 2.44 3.67 20.17 SI1VT310 Sava II (y) 71.35 130.80 13.08 2.38 1.62 3.78 8186 20910 8413 SI16VT17 SI1476VT SI1VT713 Savinja II ( no II (y, new) 68.93 65.65 65.14 126.36 120.36 119.42 12.64 12.04 11.94 2.30 2.19 2.17 46.17 0.00 71.65 125.36 0.00 125.39 3943 7835 1258 5283 9420 SI1326VT SI16VT70 SI144VT1 SI145VT SI16VT70 III (y) II (y, rec) II (y, new) II (y) no ( 62.32 62.09 60.21 59.70 59.64 114.25 113.84 110.39 109.45 109.35 11.43 11.38 11.04 10.95 10.93 2.08 2.07 2.01 1.99 1.99 3.12 18.63 18.06 2.35 0.00 17.14 28.46 27.60 5.27 0.00 7514 5208 SI1VT557 SI1476VT II (y, new) II (, rec) 59.42 58.88 108.93 107.94 10.89 10.79 1.98 1.96 17.83 17.66 27.23 26.98 5926 SI21602VT II ( 57.34 105.12 10.51 1.91 0.34 2.18 11424 SI18VT97 III (y, new,sent) 55.29 101.36 10.14 1.84 2.76 15.20 4613 16468 SI132VT5 SI14VT77 III (y) II (y) 53.78 53.15 98.60 97.45 9.86 9.74 1.79 1.77 2.69 40.24 14.79 68.90 8476 SI1VT557 no ( 51.73 94.84 9.48 1.72 0.00 0.00 3414 SI112VT7 Sava Bohinjka II (y) 50.73 93.01 9.30 1.69 15.22 23.25 3637 SI1VT310 Sava III ( 49.25 90.30 9.03 1.64 0.64 2.87 Sava Ižica 24 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of agglomeration Total discharged Nt, t/a ANNEX_SI_UWW_2015 Total Emission BOD, Emission COD, Emission Nt, Emisssion Pt, discharged Pt, t/a t/a t/a t/a t/a 6810 14.49 2.63 86.25 163.77 15.72 2.86 20911 9101 16482 8550 4.43 9.52 15.52 4.22 0.54 2.13 2.95 0.77 4.02 23.97 24.29 76.64 22.13 36.63 65.02 140.51 4.43 9.52 18.09 14.05 0.54 2.13 3.42 2.55 6074 4.03 0.49 3.67 20.17 4.03 0.49 4787 0.67 0.13 67.97 125.42 12.84 2.34 8186 20910 8413 22.16 0.00 17.32 3.47 0.00 3.47 59.96 65.65 84.68 150.63 120.36 149.28 24.69 12.04 19.70 3.93 2.19 3.91 3943 7835 1258 5283 9420 3.43 7.40 7.18 6.52 0.00 0.42 1.66 1.61 1.46 0.00 3.12 18.63 18.06 7.30 59.64 17.14 28.46 27.60 14.35 109.35 3.43 7.40 7.18 7.43 10.93 0.42 1.66 1.61 1.63 1.99 7514 5208 7.08 7.02 1.58 1.57 17.83 17.66 27.23 26.98 7.08 7.02 1.58 1.57 5926 0.00 0.00 0.34 2.18 0.00 0.00 11424 3.04 0.37 2.76 15.20 3.04 0.37 4613 16468 2.96 10.79 0.36 2.23 2.69 40.24 14.79 68.90 2.96 10.79 0.36 2.23 8476 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3414 6.05 1.35 15.22 23.25 6.05 1.35 3637 0.70 0.20 19.35 37.18 4.13 0.83 25 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of Name of agglomeration agglomeration 6512 4887 12278 16394 4093 Total Total, % IVANCNA GORICA LOG PRI BREZOVICI VELIKI OBREZ SMARJE PRI JELSAH ZELODNIK ANNEX_SI_UWW_2015 No of PE – total in inhabitants in agglomeration agglomeration PE – connected % -connected to PE – connected Code of to public public sewerage to public UWWTP sewerage sewerage and to the UWWTP 1726 2244 0 0% 1644 1622 2137 2109 678 0 32% 0% 1586 1544 2062 2007 1526 0 74% 0% 742282 964967 775458 80% 26 name of UWWTP UWWTP_IVANČN 0 SI_KCN_00015 A GORICA 58 0 UWWTP_ŠMARJE 0 SI_KCN_00332 PRI JELŠAH 0 707674 73% Capacity of UWWTP, PE 15000 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of Code of related name of river Planed type of agglomeration surface WB UWWTP 2015 6512 SI18VT31 4887 12278 SI14VT77 SI192VT5 16394 4093 Total Total, % potok Višnjica II (, sens) ANNEX_SI_UWW_2015 Generated load - Generated load - Generated load - Generated load Total Total BOD, t/a COD, t/a Nt, t/a Pt, t/a discharged discharged BOD, t/a COD, t/a 49.14 90.09 9.01 1.64 9.27 32.12 ?? no ( 46.80 46.18 85.81 84.66 8.58 8.47 1.56 1.54 13.58 0.00 24.90 0.00 no ( no 45.15 43.96 82.78 80.59 8.28 8.06 1.51 1.47 33.41 0.00 61.26 0.00 21133 38743 3874 704 2937 7251 27 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of agglomeration Total discharged Nt, t/a ANNEX_SI_UWW_2015 Total Emission BOD, Emission COD, Emission Nt, Emisssion Pt, discharged Pt, t/a t/a t/a t/a t/a 6512 17.96 7.71 58.41 122.21 26.97 9.35 4887 12278 2.49 0.00 0.45 0.00 45.54 46.18 83.49 84.66 8.35 8.47 1.52 1.54 16394 4093 6.13 0.00 1.11 0.00 45.15 43.96 82.78 80.59 8.28 8.06 1.51 1.47 Total Total, % 1517 328 5399 25.55% 11765 30.37% 1969 50.81% 410 58.23% 28 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of Name of agglomeration agglomeration No of inhabitants in agglomeration ANNEX_SI_UWW_scII PE – total in agglomeration PE – connected to public sewerage 16481 LJUBLJANA 232533 302293 302293 4762 MEDVODE 6380 8294 8294 3666 TOMACEVO 2232 2902 2669 3644 20543 8824 PODUTIK CELJE STORE 1640 42382 1916 2132 55097 2491 2047 55097 2491 20594 KRANJ 34834 45284 45284 3944 SENCUR BRITOF PREDOSLJE 3428 4456 4456 3142 4085 4085 2045 2659 2659 1660 2158 2158 20598 NAKLO MLAKA PRI KRANJU BITNJE ZABNICA 3348 4352 4352 20591 KOKRICA 1616 2101 2101 20709 VELENJE 25848 33602 33602 20791 SOSTANJ 3190 4147 4147 4115 DOMZALE 20828 27076 27076 20002 KAMNIK 16381 21295 21295 20004 MENGES 6523 8480 8480 20005 TRZIN 4061 5279 5279 20593 3805 20590 29 % -connected to PE – connected Code of UWWTP name of UWWTP public sewerage to public sewerage and to the UWWTP UWWTP_LJUBLJA 100% 302293 SI_KCN_00098 NA (ZALOG) UWWTP_LJUBLJA 100% 8294 SI_KCN_00098 NA (ZALOG) UWWTP_LJUBLJA 92% 2669 SI_KCN_00098 NA (ZALOG) UWWTP_LJUBLJA 96% 2047 SI_KCN_00098 NA (ZALOG) 100% 55097 SI_KCN_00240 UWWTP_CELJE 100% 2491 SI_KCN_00240 UWWTP_CELJE UWWTP_KRANJ 100% 45284 SI_KCN_00031 (ZARICA) UWWTP_KRANJ 100% 4456 SI_KCN_00031 (ZARICA) UWWTP_KRANJ 100% 4085 SI_KCN_00031 (ZARICA) UWWTP_KRANJ 100% 2659 SI_KCN_00031 (ZARICA) UWWTP_KRANJ 100% 2158 SI_KCN_00031 (ZARICA) UWWTP_KRANJ 100% 4352 SI_KCN_00031 (ZARICA) UWWTP_KRANJ 100% 2101 SI_KCN_00031 (ZARICA) UWWTP_SALEŠK 100% 33602 E DOLINE UWWTP_SALEŠK 100% 4147 E DOLINE UWWTP_DOMŽAL 100% 27076 SI_KCN_00099 E - KAMNIK UWWTP_DOMŽAL 100% 21295 SI_KCN_00099 E - KAMNIK UWWTP_DOMŽAL 100% 8480 SI_KCN_00099 E - KAMNIK UWWTP_DOMŽAL 100% 5279 SI_KCN_00099 E - KAMNIK SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of Type of agglomeration UWWTP ANNEX_SI_UWW_scII Generated load - Generated load - Generated load - Generated load - Total discharged Total discharged Total discharged BOD, t/a COD, t/a Nt, t/a Pt, t/a BOD, t/a COD, t/a Nt, t/a 16481 III 6620.21 12137.06 1213.71 220.67 331.01 1820.56 364.11 4762 III 181.64 333.00 33.30 6.05 9.08 49.95 9.99 3666 III 63.55 116.50 11.65 2.12 3.18 17.47 3.49 3644 20543 8824 III III III 46.69 1206.62 54.55 85.60 2212.13 100.01 8.56 221.21 10.00 1.56 40.22 1.82 2.33 60.33 2.73 12.84 331.82 15.00 2.57 66.36 3.00 20594 III 991.72 1818.16 181.82 33.06 49.59 272.72 54.54 3944 III 97.60 178.92 17.89 3.25 4.88 26.84 5.37 20593 III 89.45 164.00 16.40 2.98 4.47 24.60 4.92 3805 III 58.22 106.74 10.67 1.94 2.91 16.01 3.20 20590 III 47.26 86.64 8.66 1.58 1.06 5.85 1.17 20598 III 95.32 174.75 17.47 3.18 4.77 26.21 5.24 20591 III 46.01 84.35 8.43 1.53 2.30 12.65 2.53 20709 III 735.89 1349.14 134.91 24.53 36.79 202.37 40.47 20791 III 90.82 166.50 16.65 3.03 4.54 24.98 5.00 4115 III 592.97 1087.12 108.71 19.77 29.65 163.07 32.61 20002 III 466.37 855.01 85.50 15.55 23.32 128.25 25.65 20004 III 185.71 340.47 34.05 6.19 9.29 51.07 10.21 20005 III 115.62 211.96 21.20 3.85 5.78 31.79 6.36 30 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of Total discharged Emission BOD, agglomeration Pt, t/a t/a ANNEX_SI_UWW_scII Emission COD, t/a Emission Nt, t/a Emisssion Pt, t/a 16481 44.13 331.01 1820.56 364.11 44.13 4762 1.21 9.08 49.95 9.99 1.21 3666 0.42 8.26 26.79 4.43 0.59 3644 20543 8824 0.31 8.04 0.36 4.20 60.33 2.73 16.26 331.82 15.00 2.91 66.36 3.00 0.37 8.04 0.36 20594 6.61 49.59 272.72 54.54 6.61 3944 0.65 4.88 26.84 5.37 0.65 20593 0.60 4.47 24.60 4.92 0.60 3805 0.39 2.91 16.01 3.20 0.39 20590 0.14 1.06 5.85 1.17 0.14 20598 0.64 4.77 26.21 5.24 0.64 20591 0.31 2.30 12.65 2.53 0.31 20709 4.91 36.79 202.37 40.47 4.91 20791 0.61 4.54 24.98 5.00 0.61 4115 3.95 29.65 163.07 32.61 3.95 20002 3.11 23.32 128.25 25.65 3.11 20004 1.24 9.29 51.07 10.21 1.24 20005 0.77 5.78 31.79 6.36 0.77 31 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of Name of agglomeration agglomeration 4079 No of inhabitants in agglomeration ANNEX_SI_UWW_scII PE – total in agglomeration PE – connected to public sewerage 3862 5021 5021 17547 22811 22811 1782 2317 2317 % -connected to PE – connected Code of UWWTP name of UWWTP public sewerage to public sewerage and to the UWWTP UWWTP_DOMŽAL 100% 5021 SI_KCN_00099 E - KAMNIK UWWTP_JESENIC 100% 22811 SI_KCN_00020 E UWWTP_JESENIC 100% 2317 SI_KCN_00020 E UWWTP_ŠKOFJA 100% 22491 SI_KCN_00056 LOKA UWWTP_NOVO 100% 21549 SI_KCN_00039 MESTO (LOČNA) UWWTP_NOVO 100% 5356 SI_KCN_00039 MESTO (LOČNA) 100% 20925 100% 14513 UWWTP_VRHNIK 100% 13368 SI_KCN_00063 A (Tojnice) UWWTP_KOČEVJ 100% 13299 SI_KCN_00021 E UWWTP_RADOV 100% 11408 SI_KCN_00295 LJICA UWWTP_RADOVL 100% 3159 SI_KCN_00295 JICA UWWTP_RADOVL 100% 2738 SI_KCN_00295 JICA UWWTP_POSTOJ 100% 11365 SI_KCN_00045 NA UWWTP_LOGATE 100% 11153 SI_KCN_00033 C 3556 KOMENDA SLOVENSKI JAVORNIK 3470 HRUSICA 20570 SKOFJA LOKA 17301 22491 22491 6115 NOVO MESTO 16576 21549 21549 6176 7540 3806 4120 16096 11164 5356 20925 14513 5356 20925 14513 4823 NOVO MESTO TRBOVLJE LOKA VRHNIKA SINJA GORICA 10283 13368 13368 5628 KOCEVJE 10230 13299 13299 3753 RADOVLJICA 8775 11408 11408 16497 ZIROVNICA 2430 3159 3159 3785 ZGOSA 2106 2738 2738 1449 POSTOJNA 8742 11365 11365 1867 LOGATEC 8579 11153 11153 16483 8191 10648 10329 97% 20007 CRNUCE LITIJA SMARTNO 7858 10215 10215 100% 7622 8235 ZAGORJE OB SAVI POLZELA 7437 6847 9668 8901 9668 8901 100% 100% 32 10329 SI_KCN_00086 UWWTP_ČRNUČE 10215 UWWTP Litija UWWTP_ZAGORJ E OB SAVI (KOTREDEŽ) UWWTP KASAZE 9668 SI_KCN_00109 8901 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of Type of agglomeration UWWTP ANNEX_SI_UWW_scII Generated load - Generated load - Generated load - Generated load - Total discharged Total discharged Total discharged BOD, t/a COD, t/a Nt, t/a Pt, t/a BOD, t/a COD, t/a Nt, t/a 4079 III 109.95 201.58 20.16 3.67 5.50 30.24 6.05 3556 III 499.56 915.87 91.59 16.65 24.98 137.38 27.48 3470 III 50.73 93.01 9.30 1.69 2.54 13.95 2.79 20570 III 492.56 903.03 90.30 16.42 24.63 135.45 27.09 6115 III 471.92 865.18 86.52 15.73 23.60 129.78 25.96 6176 7540 3806 III III III 117.30 458.25 317.84 215.04 840.13 582.70 21.50 84.01 58.27 3.91 15.28 10.59 5.86 22.91 15.89 32.26 126.02 87.41 6.45 25.20 17.48 4823 III 292.76 536.72 53.67 9.76 14.64 80.51 16.10 5628 III 291.25 533.95 53.40 9.71 14.56 80.09 16.02 3753 III 249.82 458.01 45.80 8.33 12.49 68.70 13.74 16497 III 69.18 126.83 12.68 2.31 3.46 19.03 3.81 3785 III 59.96 109.92 10.99 2.00 3.00 16.49 3.30 1449 III 248.88 456.29 45.63 8.30 12.44 68.44 13.69 1867 III 244.24 447.78 44.78 8.14 12.21 67.17 13.43 16483 III 233.20 427.53 42.75 7.77 6.66 24.31 7.28 20007 III 223.72 410.15 41.01 7.46 11.19 61.52 12.30 7622 8235 II II 211.73 194.93 388.17 357.38 38.82 35.74 7.06 6.50 63.52 58.48 97.04 89.34 25.23 23.23 33 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of Total discharged Emission BOD, agglomeration Pt, t/a t/a ANNEX_SI_UWW_scII Emission COD, t/a Emission Nt, t/a Emisssion Pt, t/a 4079 0.73 5.50 30.24 6.05 0.73 3556 3.33 24.98 137.38 27.48 3.33 3470 0.34 2.54 13.95 2.79 0.34 20570 3.28 24.63 135.45 27.09 3.28 6115 3.15 23.60 129.78 25.96 3.15 6176 7540 3806 0.78 3.06 2.12 5.86 22.91 15.89 32.26 126.02 87.41 6.45 25.20 17.48 0.78 3.06 2.12 4823 1.95 14.64 80.51 16.10 1.95 5628 1.94 14.56 80.09 16.02 1.94 3753 1.67 12.49 68.70 13.74 1.67 16497 0.46 3.46 19.03 3.81 0.46 3785 0.40 3.00 16.49 3.30 0.40 1449 1.66 12.44 68.44 13.69 1.66 1867 1.63 12.21 67.17 13.43 1.63 16483 3.72 13.66 37.14 8.56 3.96 20007 1.49 11.19 61.52 12.30 1.49 7622 8235 5.65 5.20 63.52 58.48 97.04 89.34 25.23 23.23 5.65 5.20 34 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of Name of agglomeration agglomeration 5025 GROSUPLJE 6571 8542 12161 9429 GORNJI LENART ZALEC 6331 6030 8230 7839 % -connected to PE – connected Code of UWWTP name of UWWTP public sewerage to public sewerage and to the UWWTP UWWTP_GROSUP 8542 100% 8542 SI_KCN_00014 LJE UWWTP_BREŽIC 6173 75% 4630 SI_KCN_00003 E-STARA 7839 100% 7839 SI_KCN_00064 UWWTP_ŽALEC 5838 20003 CRNOMELJ RADOMLJE HRASTNIKCENTER 5595 5172 7274 6724 7200 6724 99% 100% 5078 6601 0 0% 8360 No of inhabitants in agglomeration ANNEX_SI_UWW_scII PE – total in agglomeration PE – connected to public sewerage 7200 SI_KCN_00113 6724 0 16469 VNANJE GORICE 5056 6573 6573 100% 6573 11509 4780 6214 5593 90% 5000 4719 6135 3435 56% 3000 SI_KCN_00070 11924 3475 3495 SEVNICA ROGASKA SLATINA KRSKO - LEVI BREG ZASIP PODHOM 4344 4289 3179 5647 5576 4133 5195 3844 3306 92% 69% 80% 0 2499 SI_KCN_00305 132 SI_KCN_00305 16488 SADINJA VAS 4238 5509 992 18% 495 SI_KCN_00096 16500 3901 5071 4057 80% 2029 SI_KCN_00004 3810 4953 4408 89% 12067 VOJNIK KRSKO - DESNI BREG IN LESKOVEC SENOVO BRESTANICA 3554 4620 2587 56% 2199 SI_KCN_00281 5286 CERKNICA 3420 4446 4446 100% 4446 SI_KCN_00005 5560 RIBNICA 3328 4326 4326 100% 4326 SI_KCN_00049 6039 METLIKA 3254 4230 3765 89% 3765 SI_KCN_00036 13265 11870 35 UWWTP_VOJNA VAS (ČRNOMELJ) UWWTP VNANJE GORICE UWWTP_SEVNIC A UWWTP_ROGAŠK A SLATINA UWWTP_BLED UWWTP_BLED UWWTP_SOSTROZADVOR UWWTP_DOBRN A 0 UWWTP_BRESTA NICA UWWTP_DOLENJ A VAS (CERKNICA) UWWTP_RIBNICA UWWTP_METLIK A SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of Type of agglomeration UWWTP ANNEX_SI_UWW_scII Generated load - Generated load - Generated load - Generated load - Total discharged Total discharged Total discharged BOD, t/a COD, t/a Nt, t/a Pt, t/a BOD, t/a COD, t/a Nt, t/a 5025 II 187.08 342.97 34.30 6.24 56.12 85.74 22.29 12161 9429 I II 180.24 171.67 330.45 314.74 33.04 31.47 6.01 5.72 121.61 51.50 210.37 78.68 23.11 20.46 5838 20003 II III 159.29 147.25 292.03 269.95 29.20 27.00 5.31 4.91 1.79 7.36 13.33 40.49 18.79 8.10 8360 no 144.57 265.05 26.50 4.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 16469 II 143.94 263.90 26.39 4.80 43.18 65.97 17.15 11509 II 136.09 249.49 24.95 4.54 33.70 51.49 13.38 13265 III 134.35 246.31 24.63 4.48 19.31 46.48 5.78 11924 3475 3495 no II II 123.67 122.11 90.51 226.74 223.86 165.93 22.67 22.39 16.59 4.12 4.07 3.02 113.78 32.27 69.51 208.60 82.87 127.43 20.86 9.58 12.74 16488 II 120.66 221.20 22.12 4.02 18.72 41.25 4.40 16500 II 111.06 203.61 20.36 3.70 45.52 86.30 13.61 11870 no 108.47 198.86 19.89 3.62 96.54 176.99 17.70 12067 II 101.18 185.50 18.55 3.37 11.60 25.21 3.96 5286 III 97.37 178.51 17.85 3.25 4.87 26.78 5.36 5560 III 94.75 173.70 17.37 3.16 4.74 26.06 5.21 6039 III 92.64 169.84 16.98 3.09 4.12 22.67 4.53 36 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of Total discharged Emission BOD, agglomeration Pt, t/a t/a ANNEX_SI_UWW_scII Emission COD, t/a Emission Nt, t/a Emisssion Pt, t/a 5025 4.99 56.12 85.74 22.29 4.99 12161 9429 4.17 4.58 166.67 51.50 292.99 78.68 31.37 20.46 5.67 4.58 5838 20003 4.20 0.98 3.40 7.36 16.28 40.49 19.09 8.10 4.26 0.98 8360 0.00 144.57 265.05 26.50 4.82 16469 3.84 43.18 65.97 17.15 3.84 11509 2.99 47.31 76.44 15.88 3.45 13265 4.41 78.43 154.86 16.62 6.38 11924 3475 3495 3.79 1.73 2.32 123.67 70.18 87.61 226.74 152.39 160.62 22.67 16.53 16.06 4.12 2.99 2.92 16488 0.65 117.66 222.63 22.54 3.95 16500 2.35 67.74 127.03 17.68 3.09 11870 3.22 108.47 198.86 19.89 3.62 12067 1.28 56.12 106.83 12.12 2.76 5286 0.65 4.87 26.78 5.36 0.65 5560 0.63 4.74 26.06 5.21 0.63 6039 0.55 14.31 41.36 6.40 0.89 37 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of Name of agglomeration agglomeration No of inhabitants in agglomeration ANNEX_SI_UWW_scII PE – total in agglomeration PE – connected to public sewerage % -connected to PE – connected Code of UWWTP name of UWWTP public sewerage to public sewerage and to the UWWTP 4220 100% 4220 SI_KCN_00058 UWWTP_ŽIRI UWWTP_ŽELEZN 4146 100% 4146 SI_KCN_00057 IKI UWWTP_BOROV 4051 100% 4051 SI_KCN_00062 NICA UWWTP_TREBNJ 3609 92% 0 SI_KCN_00061 E 3675 100% 3675 3649 100% 3649 2921 82% 2912 SI_KCN_00085 UWWTP_BROD 1050 30% 0 UWWTP_STRAŽA (SELA PRI 3349 100% 3349 SI_KCN_00043 STRAŽI) 2536 ZIRI 3246 4220 2818 3189 4146 16466 ZELEZNIKI GORICICA POD KRIMOM 3116 4051 6810 20911 9101 16482 8550 TREBNJE SKOFLJICA SENTJUR TACEN LASKO 3011 2827 2807 2740 2692 3914 3675 3649 3562 3500 6074 VAVTA VAS SPODNJE PIRNICE 2576 3349 2506 3258 228 7% 228 SI_KCN_00097 MOZIRJE SMARJE-SAP RADECE CERKLJE SV. LOVRENC PIVKA RAKEK PETROVCE LOKE PRI ZAGORJU IG VRTACA PRI SEMICU VRH PRI SENTJERNEJU ZGORNJE STRANJE DRAGOMER DOL PRI HRASTNIKU 2421 2306 2288 2189 2181 2115 2097 2095 3147 2998 2974 2846 2835 2750 2726 2724 2518 0 2380 2846 2835 2750 2500 0 80% 0% 80% 100% 100% 100% 92% 0% 2014 SI_KCN_00073 0 2380 2846 2835 2750 SI_KCN_00242 2500 SI_KCN_00008 0 2087 2068 2713 2688 2713 2688 100% 100% 2713 SI_KCN_00325 2688 SI_KCN_00090 2014 2618 0 0% 0 SI_KCN_00010 1942 2525 2525 100% 2525 1889 1867 2456 2427 2456 2427 100% 100% 2456 2427 1817 2362 0 0% 0 4787 8186 20910 8413 3943 7835 1258 5283 9420 7514 5208 5926 11424 4613 16468 8476 38 UWWTP_PIRNIČE UWWTP_MOZIRJ E UWWTP KASAZE UWWTP_PIVKA UWWTP_RAKEK UWWTP_MAREL A KISOVEC UWWTP_IG UWWTP_SEMIČ UWWTP Šentjernej SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of Type of agglomeration UWWTP ANNEX_SI_UWW_scII Generated load - Generated load - Generated load - Generated load - Total discharged Total discharged Total discharged BOD, t/a COD, t/a Nt, t/a Pt, t/a BOD, t/a COD, t/a Nt, t/a 2536 II 92.41 169.42 16.94 3.08 27.72 42.36 11.01 2818 II 90.79 166.45 16.64 3.03 27.24 41.61 10.82 16466 II 88.71 162.64 16.26 2.96 26.61 40.66 10.57 6810 20911 9101 16482 8550 no III II II no 85.72 80.48 79.92 78.01 76.64 157.16 147.56 146.51 143.01 140.51 15.72 14.76 14.65 14.30 14.05 2.86 2.68 2.66 2.60 2.55 79.56 24.15 23.97 10.25 22.99 151.51 36.89 36.63 39.27 42.15 14.49 9.59 9.52 15.52 4.22 6074 III 73.34 134.45 13.45 2.44 22.00 33.61 8.74 4787 II 71.35 130.80 13.08 2.38 1.62 3.78 0.67 8186 20910 8413 3943 7835 1258 5283 9420 II no II III II II II no 68.93 65.65 65.14 62.32 62.09 60.21 59.70 59.64 126.36 120.36 119.42 114.25 113.84 110.39 109.45 109.35 12.64 12.04 11.94 11.43 11.38 11.04 10.95 10.93 2.30 2.19 2.17 2.08 2.07 2.01 1.99 1.99 46.17 0.00 19.54 18.70 18.63 18.06 2.35 0.00 125.36 0.00 29.86 28.56 28.46 27.60 5.27 0.00 22.16 0.00 7.76 7.43 7.40 7.18 6.52 0.00 7514 5208 II II 59.42 58.88 108.93 107.94 10.89 10.79 1.98 1.96 17.83 17.66 27.23 26.98 7.08 7.02 5926 no 57.34 105.12 10.51 1.91 0.34 2.18 0.00 11424 III 55.29 101.36 10.14 1.84 16.59 25.34 6.59 4613 16468 III II 53.78 53.15 98.60 97.45 9.86 9.74 1.79 1.77 16.13 15.95 24.65 24.36 6.41 6.33 8476 no 51.73 94.84 9.48 1.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 39 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of Total discharged Emission BOD, agglomeration Pt, t/a t/a ANNEX_SI_UWW_scII Emission COD, t/a Emission Nt, t/a Emisssion Pt, t/a 2536 2.46 27.72 42.36 11.01 2.46 2818 2.42 27.24 41.61 10.82 2.42 16466 2.37 26.61 40.66 10.57 2.37 6810 20911 9101 16482 8550 2.63 2.15 2.13 2.95 0.77 86.25 24.15 23.97 24.29 76.64 163.77 36.89 36.63 65.02 140.51 15.72 9.59 9.52 18.09 14.05 2.86 2.15 2.13 3.42 2.55 6074 1.96 22.00 33.61 8.74 1.96 4787 0.13 67.97 125.42 12.84 2.34 8186 20910 8413 3943 7835 1258 5283 9420 3.47 0.00 1.74 1.66 1.66 1.61 1.46 0.00 59.96 65.65 32.57 18.70 18.63 18.06 7.30 59.64 150.63 120.36 53.74 28.56 28.46 27.60 14.35 109.35 24.69 12.04 10.15 7.43 7.40 7.18 7.43 10.93 3.93 2.19 2.17 1.66 1.66 1.61 1.63 1.99 7514 5208 1.58 1.57 17.83 17.66 27.23 26.98 7.08 7.02 1.58 1.57 5926 0.00 57.68 107.30 10.51 1.91 11424 1.47 16.59 25.34 6.59 1.47 4613 16468 1.43 1.42 16.13 15.95 24.65 24.36 6.41 6.33 1.43 1.42 8476 0.00 51.73 94.84 9.48 1.72 40 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of Name of agglomeration agglomeration 3414 3637 6512 4887 12278 16394 4093 Total Total, % BOHINJSKA BISTRICA ZGORNJE GAMELJNE IVANCNA GORICA LOG PRI BREZOVICI VELIKI OBREZ SMARJE PRI JELSAH ZELODNIK No of inhabitants in agglomeration ANNEX_SI_UWW_scII PE – total in agglomeration 1782 2317 1730 2249 1726 2244 1644 1622 2137 2109 PE – connected to public sewerage % -connected to PE – connected Code of UWWTP name of UWWTP public sewerage to public sewerage and to the UWWTP UWWTP_BOHINJS 2317 100% 2317 SI_KCN_00048 KA BISTRICA UWWTP_GAMELJ 1394 62% 1394 SI_KCN_00088 NE UWWTP_IVANČN 0 0% 0 SI_KCN_00015 A GORICA 678 0 1586 1544 2062 2007 1526 0 742282 964967 912905 95% 41 32% 0% 74% 0% 58 0 0 SI_KCN_00332 0 885980 92% UWWTP_ŠMARJE PRI JELŠAH SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of Type of agglomeration UWWTP ANNEX_SI_UWW_scII Generated load - Generated load - Generated load - Generated load - Total discharged Total discharged Total discharged BOD, t/a COD, t/a Nt, t/a Pt, t/a BOD, t/a COD, t/a Nt, t/a 3414 II 50.73 93.01 9.30 1.69 15.22 23.25 6.05 3637 III 49.25 90.30 9.03 1.64 0.64 2.87 0.70 6512 no 49.14 90.09 9.01 1.64 9.27 32.12 17.96 4887 12278 ?? no 46.80 46.18 85.81 84.66 8.58 8.47 1.56 1.54 13.58 0.00 24.90 0.00 2.49 0.00 16394 4093 no no 45.15 43.96 82.78 80.59 8.28 8.06 1.51 1.47 33.41 0.00 61.26 0.00 6.13 0.00 21133 38743 3874 704 2209 7005 1381 Total Total, % 42 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of Total discharged Emission BOD, agglomeration Pt, t/a t/a ANNEX_SI_UWW_scII Emission COD, t/a Emission Nt, t/a Emisssion Pt, t/a 3414 1.35 15.22 23.25 6.05 1.35 3637 0.20 19.35 37.18 4.13 0.83 6512 7.71 58.41 122.21 26.97 9.35 4887 12278 0.45 0.00 45.54 46.18 83.49 84.66 8.35 8.47 1.52 1.54 16394 4093 1.11 0.00 45.15 43.96 82.78 80.59 8.28 8.06 1.51 1.47 Total Total, % 218 3349 15.85% 9095 23.47% 1590 41.03% 256 36.37% 43 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration Name of agglomeration ANNEX_SI_UWW_scIII No of PE – total in inhabitants in agglomeration agglomeration PE – connected to public sewerage % -connected to PE – connected Code of public sewerage to public UWWTP sewerage and to the UWWTP 16481 LJUBLJANA 232533 302293 302293 100% 302293 SI_KCN_00098 4762 MEDVODE 6380 8294 8294 100% 8294 SI_KCN_00098 3666 TOMACEVO 2232 2902 2669 92% 2669 SI_KCN_00098 3644 PODUTIK 20543 CELJE 8824 STORE 1640 42382 1916 2132 55097 2491 2047 55097 2491 96% 100% 100% 2047 SI_KCN_00098 55097 SI_KCN_00240 2491 SI_KCN_00240 20594 KRANJ 34834 45284 45284 100% 45284 SI_KCN_00031 3944 SENCUR BRITOF 20593 PREDOSLJE 3428 4456 4456 100% 4456 SI_KCN_00031 3142 4085 4085 100% 4085 SI_KCN_00031 3805 NAKLO MLAKA PRI 20590 KRANJU 2045 2659 2659 100% 2659 SI_KCN_00031 1660 2158 2158 100% 2158 SI_KCN_00031 20598 BITNJE - ZABNICA 3348 4352 4352 100% 4352 SI_KCN_00031 20591 KOKRICA 1616 2101 2101 100% 2101 SI_KCN_00031 20709 VELENJE 25848 33602 33602 100% 33602 20791 SOSTANJ 3190 4147 4147 100% 4147 20828 27076 27076 100% 27076 SI_KCN_00099 20002 KAMNIK 16381 21295 21295 100% 21295 SI_KCN_00099 20004 MENGES 6523 8480 8480 100% 8480 SI_KCN_00099 20005 TRZIN 4061 5279 5279 100% 5279 SI_KCN_00099 4115 DOMZALE name of UWWTP UWWTP_LJUBLJANA (ZALOG) UWWTP_LJUBLJANA (ZALOG) UWWTP_LJUBLJANA (ZALOG) UWWTP_LJUBLJANA (ZALOG) UWWTP_CELJE UWWTP_CELJE UWWTP_KRANJ (ZARICA) UWWTP_KRANJ (ZARICA) UWWTP_KRANJ (ZARICA) UWWTP_KRANJ (ZARICA) UWWTP_KRANJ (ZARICA) UWWTP_KRANJ (ZARICA) UWWTP_KRANJ (ZARICA) UWWTP_SALEŠKE DOLINE UWWTP_SALEŠKE DOLINE UWWTP_DOMŽALE KAMNIK UWWTP_DOMŽALE KAMNIK UWWTP_DOMŽALE KAMNIK UWWTP_DOMŽALE KAMNIK Type of UWWTP III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration ANNEX_SI_UWW_scIII Generated Generated Generated Generated load - BOD, load - COD, load -Nt, t/a load - Pt, t/a t/a t/a Total discharged BOD, t/a Total Total Total discharged discharged discharged COD, t/a Nt, t/a Pt, t/a Emissions BOD, t/a Emissions COD, t/a Emissions Nt, t/a Emissions Pt, t/a 16481 6620.21 12137.06 1213.71 220.67 331.01 1820.56 364.11 44.13 331.01 1820.56 364.11 44.13 4762 181.64 333.00 33.30 6.05 9.08 49.95 9.99 1.21 9.08 49.95 9.99 1.21 3666 63.55 116.50 11.65 2.12 3.18 17.47 3.49 0.42 8.26 26.79 4.43 0.59 3644 20543 8824 46.69 1206.62 54.55 85.60 2212.13 100.01 8.56 221.21 10.00 1.56 40.22 1.82 2.33 60.33 2.73 12.84 331.82 15.00 2.57 66.36 3.00 0.31 8.04 0.36 4.20 60.33 2.73 16.26 331.82 15.00 2.91 66.36 3.00 0.37 8.04 0.36 20594 991.72 1818.16 181.82 33.06 49.59 272.72 54.54 6.61 49.59 272.72 54.54 6.61 3944 97.60 178.92 17.89 3.25 4.88 26.84 5.37 0.65 4.88 26.84 5.37 0.65 20593 89.45 164.00 16.40 2.98 4.47 24.60 4.92 0.60 4.47 24.60 4.92 0.60 3805 58.22 106.74 10.67 1.94 2.91 16.01 3.20 0.39 2.91 16.01 3.20 0.39 20590 47.26 86.64 8.66 1.58 1.06 5.85 1.17 0.14 1.06 5.85 1.17 0.14 20598 95.32 174.75 17.47 3.18 4.77 26.21 5.24 0.64 4.77 26.21 5.24 0.64 20591 46.01 84.35 8.43 1.53 2.30 12.65 2.53 0.31 2.30 12.65 2.53 0.31 20709 735.89 1349.14 134.91 24.53 36.79 202.37 40.47 4.91 36.79 202.37 40.47 4.91 20791 90.82 166.50 16.65 3.03 4.54 24.98 5.00 0.61 4.54 24.98 5.00 0.61 4115 592.97 1087.12 108.71 19.77 29.65 163.07 32.61 3.95 29.65 163.07 32.61 3.95 20002 466.37 855.01 85.50 15.55 23.32 128.25 25.65 3.11 23.32 128.25 25.65 3.11 20004 185.71 340.47 34.05 6.19 9.29 51.07 10.21 1.24 9.29 51.07 10.21 1.24 20005 115.62 211.96 21.20 3.85 5.78 31.79 6.36 0.77 5.78 31.79 6.36 0.77 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration Name of agglomeration ANNEX_SI_UWW_scIII No of PE – total in inhabitants in agglomeration agglomeration PE – connected to public sewerage % -connected to PE – connected Code of public sewerage to public UWWTP sewerage and to the UWWTP name of UWWTP UWWTP_DOMŽALE KAMNIK Type of UWWTP 4079 KOMENDA SLOVENSKI 3556 JAVORNIK 3470 HRUSICA 3862 5021 5021 100% 5021 SI_KCN_00099 17547 1782 22811 2317 22811 2317 100% 100% 22811 SI_KCN_00020 2317 SI_KCN_00020 20570 SKOFJA LOKA 17301 22491 22491 100% 22491 SI_KCN_00056 6115 NOVO MESTO 16576 21549 21549 100% 21549 SI_KCN_00039 6176 NOVO MESTO 7540 TRBOVLJE 3806 LOKA VRHNIKA SINJA 4823 GORICA 5628 KOCEVJE 4120 16096 11164 5356 20925 14513 5356 20925 14513 100% 100% 100% 5356 SI_KCN_00039 20925 14513 10283 10230 13368 13299 13368 13299 100% 100% 13368 SI_KCN_00063 13299 SI_KCN_00021 UWWTP_VRHNIKA (Tojnice) UWWTP_KOČEVJE III III 8775 11408 11408 100% 11408 SI_KCN_00295 UWWTP_RADOVLJICA III 16497 ZIROVNICA 2430 3159 3159 100% 3159 SI_KCN_00295 UWWTP_RADOVLJICA III 3785 1449 1867 16483 2106 8742 8579 8191 2738 11365 11153 10648 2738 11365 11153 10329 100% 100% 100% 97% 2738 11365 11153 10329 UWWTP_RADOVLJICA UWWTP_POSTOJNA UWWTP_LOGATEC UWWTP_ČRNUČE III III III III 7858 10215 10215 100% 10215 UWWTP Litija III 7437 6847 6571 9668 8901 8542 9668 8901 8542 100% 100% 100% 9668 SI_KCN_00109 8901 8542 SI_KCN_00014 6331 6030 8230 7839 8230 7839 100% 100% 8230 SI_KCN_00003 7839 SI_KCN_00064 5595 7274 7200 99% 7200 SI_KCN_00113 3753 RADOVLJICA ZGOSA POSTOJNA LOGATEC CRNUCE LITIJA 20007 SMARTNO 7622 ZAGORJE OB SAVI 8235 POLZELA 5025 GROSUPLJE 12161 GORNJI LENART 9429 ZALEC 5838 CRNOMELJ SI_KCN_00295 SI_KCN_00045 SI_KCN_00033 SI_KCN_00086 UWWTP_JESENICE UWWTP_JESENICE UWWTP_ŠKOFJA LOKA UWWTP_NOVO MESTO (LOČNA) UWWTP_NOVO MESTO (LOČNA) UWWTP_ZAGORJE OB SAVI (KOTREDEŽ) UWWTP KASAZE UWWTP_GROSUPLJE UWWTP_BREŽICESTARA UWWTP_ŽALEC UWWTP_VOJNA VAS (ČRNOMELJ) III III III III III III III III II II II II II II SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration ANNEX_SI_UWW_scIII Generated Generated Generated Generated load - BOD, load - COD, load -Nt, t/a load - Pt, t/a t/a t/a Total discharged BOD, t/a Total Total Total discharged discharged discharged COD, t/a Nt, t/a Pt, t/a Emissions BOD, t/a Emissions COD, t/a Emissions Nt, t/a Emissions Pt, t/a 4079 109.95 201.58 20.16 3.67 5.50 30.24 6.05 0.73 5.50 30.24 6.05 0.73 3556 3470 499.56 50.73 915.87 93.01 91.59 9.30 16.65 1.69 24.98 2.54 137.38 13.95 27.48 2.79 3.33 0.34 24.98 2.54 137.38 13.95 27.48 2.79 3.33 0.34 20570 492.56 903.03 90.30 16.42 24.63 135.45 27.09 3.28 24.63 135.45 27.09 3.28 6115 471.92 865.18 86.52 15.73 23.60 129.78 25.96 3.15 23.60 129.78 25.96 3.15 6176 7540 3806 117.30 458.25 317.84 215.04 840.13 582.70 21.50 84.01 58.27 3.91 15.28 10.59 5.86 22.91 15.89 32.26 126.02 87.41 6.45 25.20 17.48 0.78 3.06 2.12 5.86 22.91 15.89 32.26 126.02 87.41 6.45 25.20 17.48 0.78 3.06 2.12 4823 5628 292.76 291.25 536.72 533.95 53.67 53.40 9.76 9.71 14.64 14.56 80.51 80.09 16.10 16.02 1.95 1.94 14.64 14.56 80.51 80.09 16.10 16.02 1.95 1.94 3753 249.82 458.01 45.80 8.33 12.49 68.70 13.74 1.67 12.49 68.70 13.74 1.67 16497 69.18 126.83 12.68 2.31 3.46 19.03 3.81 0.46 3.46 19.03 3.81 0.46 3785 1449 1867 16483 59.96 248.88 244.24 233.20 109.92 456.29 447.78 427.53 10.99 45.63 44.78 42.75 2.00 8.30 8.14 7.77 3.00 12.44 12.21 6.66 16.49 68.44 67.17 24.31 3.30 13.69 13.43 7.28 0.40 1.66 1.63 3.72 3.00 12.44 12.21 13.66 16.49 68.44 67.17 37.14 3.30 13.69 13.43 8.56 0.40 1.66 1.63 3.96 20007 223.72 410.15 41.01 7.46 11.19 61.52 12.30 1.49 11.19 61.52 12.30 1.49 7622 8235 5025 211.73 194.93 187.08 388.17 357.38 342.97 38.82 35.74 34.30 7.06 6.50 6.24 63.52 58.48 56.12 97.04 89.34 85.74 25.23 23.23 22.29 5.65 5.20 4.99 63.52 58.48 56.12 97.04 89.34 85.74 25.23 23.23 22.29 5.65 5.20 4.99 12161 9429 180.24 171.67 330.45 314.74 33.04 31.47 6.01 5.72 54.07 51.50 82.61 78.68 21.48 20.46 4.81 4.58 54.07 51.50 82.61 78.68 21.48 20.46 4.81 4.58 5838 159.29 292.03 29.20 5.31 1.79 13.33 18.79 4.20 3.40 16.28 19.09 4.26 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration Name of agglomeration 20003 RADOMLJE HRASTNIK8360 CENTER ANNEX_SI_UWW_scIII No of PE – total in inhabitants in agglomeration agglomeration PE – connected to public sewerage 5172 6724 % -connected to PE – connected Code of public sewerage to public UWWTP sewerage and to the UWWTP 6724 100% 6724 5078 6601 6601 100% name of UWWTP Type of UWWTP III 6601 II UWWTP VNANJE GORICE UWWTP_SEVNICA UWWTP_ROGAŠKA SLATINA 16469 VNANJE GORICE 11509 SEVNICA ROGASKA 13265 SLATINA KRSKO - LEVI 11924 BREG 3475 ZASIP 3495 PODHOM 5056 4780 6573 6214 6573 6214 100% 100% 6573 6214 4719 6135 6135 100% 6135 SI_KCN_00070 4344 4289 3179 5647 5576 4133 5647 5576 4133 100% 100% 100% 5647 5576 SI_KCN_00305 4133 SI_KCN_00305 16488 SADINJA VAS 16500 VOJNIK KRSKO - DESNI BREG IN 11870 LESKOVEC SENOVO 12067 BRESTANICA 4238 3901 5509 5071 5509 5071 100% 100% 5509 SI_KCN_00096 5071 SI_KCN_00004 3810 4953 4953 100% 4953 3554 4620 4620 100% 4620 SI_KCN_00281 3420 3328 3254 3246 3189 4446 4326 4230 4220 4146 4446 4326 4230 4220 4146 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 4446 4326 4230 4220 4146 3116 3011 2827 2807 2740 2692 4051 3914 3675 3649 3562 3500 4051 3914 3675 3649 3562 3500 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 4051 SI_KCN_00062 3914 SI_KCN_00061 3675 3649 3562 SI_KCN_00085 3500 6074 VAVTA VAS 2576 3349 3349 100% 3349 SI_KCN_00043 UWWTP_STRAŽA (SELA PRI STRAŽI) III 4787 SPODNJE PIRNICE 2506 3258 3258 100% 3258 SI_KCN_00097 UWWTP_PIRNIČE II 5286 5560 6039 2536 2818 16466 6810 20911 9101 16482 8550 CERKNICA RIBNICA METLIKA ZIRI ZELEZNIKI GORICICA POD KRIMOM TREBNJE SKOFLJICA SENTJUR TACEN LASKO UWWTP_BLED UWWTP_BLED UWWTP_SOSTROZADVOR UWWTP_DOBRNA II II III II II II II II II SI_KCN_00005 SI_KCN_00049 SI_KCN_00036 SI_KCN_00058 SI_KCN_00057 UWWTP_BRESTANICA UWWTP_DOLENJA VAS (CERKNICA) UWWTP_RIBNICA UWWTP_METLIKA UWWTP_ŽIRI UWWTP_ŽELEZNIKI UWWTP_BOROVNICA UWWTP_TREBNJE UWWTP_BROD II III III II II II II II III II II II SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration ANNEX_SI_UWW_scIII Generated Generated Generated Generated load - BOD, load - COD, load -Nt, t/a load - Pt, t/a t/a t/a Total discharged BOD, t/a Total Total Total discharged discharged discharged COD, t/a Nt, t/a Pt, t/a Emissions BOD, t/a Emissions COD, t/a Emissions Nt, t/a Emissions Pt, t/a 20003 147.25 269.95 27.00 4.91 7.36 40.49 8.10 0.98 7.36 40.49 8.10 0.98 8360 144.57 265.05 26.50 4.82 43.37 66.26 17.23 3.86 43.37 66.26 17.23 3.86 16469 11509 143.94 136.09 263.90 249.49 26.39 24.95 4.80 4.54 43.18 40.83 65.97 62.37 17.15 16.22 3.84 3.63 43.18 40.83 65.97 62.37 17.15 16.22 3.84 3.63 13265 134.35 246.31 24.63 4.48 40.30 61.58 16.01 3.58 40.30 61.58 16.01 3.58 11924 3475 3495 123.67 122.11 90.51 226.74 223.86 165.93 22.67 22.39 16.59 4.12 4.07 3.02 37.10 36.63 27.15 56.68 55.97 41.48 14.74 14.55 10.79 3.30 3.26 2.41 37.10 36.63 27.15 56.68 55.97 41.48 14.74 14.55 10.79 3.30 3.26 2.41 16488 16500 120.66 111.06 221.20 203.61 22.12 20.36 4.02 3.70 36.20 33.32 55.30 50.90 14.38 13.23 3.22 2.96 36.20 33.32 55.30 50.90 14.38 13.23 3.22 2.96 11870 108.47 198.86 19.89 3.62 32.54 49.72 12.93 2.89 32.54 49.72 12.93 2.89 12067 101.18 185.50 18.55 3.37 30.35 46.38 12.06 2.70 30.35 46.38 12.06 2.70 5286 5560 6039 2536 2818 97.37 94.75 92.64 92.41 90.79 178.51 173.70 169.84 169.42 166.45 17.85 17.37 16.98 16.94 16.64 3.25 3.16 3.09 3.08 3.03 4.87 4.74 27.79 27.72 27.24 26.78 26.06 42.46 42.36 41.61 5.36 5.21 11.04 11.01 10.82 0.65 0.63 2.47 2.46 2.42 4.87 4.74 27.79 27.72 27.24 26.78 26.06 42.46 42.36 41.61 5.36 5.21 11.04 11.01 10.82 0.65 0.63 2.47 2.46 2.42 16466 6810 20911 9101 16482 8550 88.71 85.72 80.48 79.92 78.01 76.64 162.64 157.16 147.56 146.51 143.01 140.51 16.26 15.72 14.76 14.65 14.30 14.05 2.96 2.86 2.68 2.66 2.60 2.55 26.61 25.72 24.15 23.97 23.40 22.99 40.66 39.29 36.89 36.63 35.75 35.13 10.57 10.22 9.59 9.52 9.30 9.13 2.37 2.29 2.15 2.13 2.08 2.04 26.61 25.72 24.15 23.97 23.40 22.99 40.66 39.29 36.89 36.63 35.75 35.13 10.57 10.22 9.59 9.52 9.30 9.13 2.37 2.29 2.15 2.13 2.08 2.04 6074 73.34 134.45 13.45 2.44 22.00 33.61 8.74 1.96 22.00 33.61 8.74 1.96 4787 71.35 130.80 13.08 2.38 21.40 32.70 8.50 1.90 21.40 32.70 8.50 1.90 SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration 8186 20910 8413 3943 7835 1258 5283 9420 7514 5208 5926 11424 4613 16468 8476 3414 3637 Name of agglomeration MOZIRJE SMARJE-SAP RADECE CERKLJE SV. LOVRENC PIVKA RAKEK PETROVCE LOKE PRI ZAGORJU IG VRTACA PRI SEMICU VRH PRI SENTJERNEJU ZGORNJE STRANJE DRAGOMER DOL PRI HRASTNIKU BOHINJSKA BISTRICA ZGORNJE GAMELJNE 6512 IVANCNA GORICA LOG PRI 4887 BREZOVICI 12278 VELIKI OBREZ SMARJE PRI 16394 JELSAH 4093 ZELODNIK Total Total, % ANNEX_SI_UWW_scIII No of PE – total in inhabitants in agglomeration agglomeration PE – connected to public sewerage % -connected to PE – connected Code of public sewerage to public UWWTP sewerage and to the UWWTP 100% 3147 SI_KCN_00073 100% 2998 80% 2380 100% 2846 100% 2835 100% 2750 SI_KCN_00242 100% 2726 SI_KCN_00008 100% 2724 name of UWWTP Type of UWWTP UWWTP_MOZIRJE II II II III II II II II 2421 2306 2288 2189 2181 2115 2097 2095 3147 2998 2974 2846 2835 2750 2726 2724 3147 2998 2380 2846 2835 2750 2726 2724 2087 2068 2713 2688 2713 2688 100% 100% 2713 SI_KCN_00325 2688 SI_KCN_00090 UWWTP_MARELA KISOVEC UWWTP_IG II II 2014 2618 2618 100% 2618 SI_KCN_00010 UWWTP_SEMIČ II 1942 2525 2525 100% 2525 UWWTP Šentjernej III 1889 1867 2456 2427 2456 2427 100% 100% 2456 2427 1817 2362 2362 100% 2362 1782 2317 2317 100% 2317 SI_KCN_00048 1730 2249 2249 100% 2249 SI_KCN_00088 1726 2244 2244 100% 2244 SI_KCN_00015 1644 1622 2137 2109 2137 2109 100% 100% 2137 2109 1586 1544 2062 2007 2062 2007 100% 100% 2062 SI_KCN_00332 2007 742282 964967 963661 100% 963661 100% UWWTP KASAZE UWWTP_PIVKA UWWTP_RAKEK III II II UWWTP_BOHINJSKA BISTRICA UWWTP_GAMELJNE UWWTP_IVANČNA GORICA II III II II II UWWTP_ŠMARJE PRI JELŠAH II II SLOVENIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration Total Total, % ANNEX_SI_UWW_scIII Generated Generated Generated Generated load - BOD, load - COD, load -Nt, t/a load - Pt, t/a t/a t/a Total discharged BOD, t/a Total Total Total discharged discharged discharged COD, t/a Nt, t/a Pt, t/a Emissions BOD, t/a Emissions COD, t/a Emissions Nt, t/a Emissions Pt, t/a 8186 20910 8413 3943 7835 1258 5283 9420 68.93 65.65 65.14 62.32 62.09 60.21 59.70 59.64 126.36 120.36 119.42 114.25 113.84 110.39 109.45 109.35 12.64 12.04 11.94 11.43 11.38 11.04 10.95 10.93 2.30 2.19 2.17 2.08 2.07 2.01 1.99 1.99 20.68 19.70 19.54 18.70 18.63 18.06 17.91 17.89 31.59 30.09 29.86 28.56 28.46 27.60 27.36 27.34 8.21 7.82 7.76 7.43 7.40 7.18 7.11 7.11 1.84 1.75 1.74 1.66 1.66 1.61 1.59 1.59 20.68 19.70 32.57 18.70 18.63 18.06 17.91 17.89 31.59 30.09 53.74 28.56 28.46 27.60 27.36 27.34 8.21 7.82 10.15 7.43 7.40 7.18 7.11 7.11 1.84 1.75 2.17 1.66 1.66 1.61 1.59 1.59 7514 5208 59.42 58.88 108.93 107.94 10.89 10.79 1.98 1.96 17.83 17.66 27.23 26.98 7.08 7.02 1.58 1.57 17.83 17.66 27.23 26.98 7.08 7.02 1.58 1.57 5926 57.34 105.12 10.51 1.91 17.20 26.28 6.83 1.53 17.20 26.28 6.83 1.53 11424 55.29 101.36 10.14 1.84 16.59 25.34 6.59 1.47 16.59 25.34 6.59 1.47 4613 16468 53.78 53.15 98.60 97.45 9.86 9.74 1.79 1.77 16.13 15.95 24.65 24.36 6.41 6.33 1.43 1.42 16.13 15.95 24.65 24.36 6.41 6.33 1.43 1.42 8476 51.73 94.84 9.48 1.72 15.52 23.71 6.16 1.38 15.52 23.71 6.16 1.38 3414 50.73 93.01 9.30 1.69 15.22 23.25 6.05 1.35 15.22 23.25 6.05 1.35 3637 49.25 90.30 9.03 1.64 14.78 22.57 5.87 1.31 14.78 22.57 5.87 1.31 6512 49.14 90.09 9.01 1.64 14.74 22.52 5.86 1.31 14.74 22.52 5.86 1.31 4887 12278 46.80 46.18 85.81 84.66 8.58 8.47 1.56 1.54 14.04 13.85 21.45 21.17 5.58 5.50 1.25 1.23 14.04 13.85 21.45 21.17 5.58 5.50 1.25 1.23 16394 4093 45.15 43.96 82.78 80.59 8.28 8.06 1.51 1.47 13.55 13.19 20.70 20.15 5.38 5.24 1.20 1.17 13.55 13.19 20.70 20.15 5.38 5.24 1.20 1.17 21133 38743 3874 704 2148 6544 1449 234 2177 10.30% 6596 17.03% 1454 37.53% 235 33.40% Sava River Basin Management Plan Annex 2 Annex_HR_UWW_2007 Annex_HR_UWW_2015 Annex_HR_scII Annex_HR_scIII CROATIA Urban wastewater disposal - reference year 2007 and proposed scenarios Draft 5.0 Zagreb October, 2011 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of Name of agglomeration agglomeration Water Body code 2007 2283 4029 6048 6054 4058 4036 101430 6013 7031 7040 101045 4043 2005 7037 7014 6011 Slunj Vrbovsko Dvor Luzani Novi Grad Moscenica Hum na Sutli Gradec Davor Nijemci Rajevo Selo Donji Kraj Konjscina Plitvicka jezera Privlaka Andrijasevci Cazma DSRN330003 DSRN420001 DSRI030001 DSRN130001 DSRI010002 DSRN935009 DSRI190003 DSRN165042 DSRI010003 DSRI110002 DSRI010001 DSRI190001 DSRN180003 DSRN330005 DSRN110003 DSRN110003 DSRN165011 6079 Slavonski Samac DSRI010001 4031 7021 4017 7027 4091 6061 4014 4063 4048 4037 7053 4002 4090 Glina Cerna Bedekovcina Gunja Zlatar Pleternica Velesevec Petrinja Krizevci Ivanic Grad Zupanja Rugvica Zabok DSRN320001 DSRN110004 DSRN180002 DSRI010001 DSRN180003 DSRN130001 DSRN010007 DSRN935009 DSRN165042 DSRN165010 DSRI010001 DSRN010007 DSRN180002 Population (inhabitants) 2,043 1,894 1,734 2,095 2,051 2,348 2,177 2,486 2,513 2,543 2,975 3,282 3,140 3,421 3,776 4,249 3,729 4,618 5,090 4,990 7,873 8,082 7,976 11,921 14,199 14,459 16,436 15,804 16,383 21,908 24,357 ANNEX_HR_UWW_2007 Date when the generated load % of generated generated load total generated Generated load collected in a load collected collected in a load of the (PE) collecting in a collecting collecting agglomeration (Estimated system and system system will be load) treated(estimat (estimate) (estimate), PE collected e), PE 2,043 2,044 2,094 2,095 2,120 2,348 2,414 2,486 2,513 2,543 2,975 3,282 3,357 3,421 3,926 4,429 4,529 2024 2024 2024 2024 2024 2015 2024 2024 2024 2024 2024 2024 2024 2013 2024 2024 2024 2024 5,150 5,390 5,440 7,973 8,432 9,073 13,121 14,199 14,459 16,895 17,615 18,739 21,915 27,423 2024 2015 2024 2024 2024 2015 2021 2015 2015 2019 2015 2015 2019 3 65.00% 8.00% 30.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 60.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 21.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 56.00% 0.00% 49.00% 0.00% 17.00% 0.00% 37.00% 28.00% 0.00% 76.00% 37.00% 39.00% 50.00% 32.00% 18.00% 1,328 164 628 0 0 0 0 0 1,508 0 0 0 705 0 0 0 2,536 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,641 0 1,355 0 3,357 3,674 0 10,989 6,251 6,870 9,370 7,013 4,936 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,251 6,870 0 0 0 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of type of UWWTP agglomeration capacity of UWWTP ANNEX_HR_UWW_2007 Generated load Generated load Generated load Generated load BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) 2007 2283 4029 6048 6054 4058 4036 101430 6013 7031 7040 101045 4043 2005 7037 7014 6011 no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no 44.74 44.76 45.86 45.88 46.43 51.42 52.87 54.44 55.03 55.69 65.15 71.88 73.52 74.92 85.98 97.00 99.19 89.48 89.53 91.72 91.76 92.86 102.84 105.73 108.89 110.07 111.38 130.31 143.75 147.04 149.84 171.96 193.99 198.37 6.56 6.57 6.73 6.73 6.81 7.54 7.75 7.99 8.07 8.17 9.56 10.54 10.78 10.99 12.61 14.23 14.55 1.64 1.64 1.68 1.68 1.70 1.89 1.94 2.00 2.02 2.04 2.39 2.64 2.70 2.75 3.15 3.56 3.64 6079 no 112.79 225.57 16.54 4.14 4031 7021 4017 7027 4091 6061 4014 4063 4048 4037 7053 4002 4090 no no no 118.04 119.14 174.61 184.66 198.70 287.35 310.96 316.65 370.00 385.77 410.38 479.94 600.56 236.08 238.27 349.22 369.32 397.40 574.70 621.92 633.30 740.00 771.54 820.77 959.88 1201.13 17.31 17.47 25.61 27.08 29.14 42.14 45.61 46.44 54.27 56.58 60.19 70.39 88.08 4.33 4.37 6.40 6.77 7.29 10.54 11.40 11.61 13.57 14.14 15.05 17.60 22.02 no no no no no 1 1 no no no 25,000 20,000 4 Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) Discharged load COD (t/a) 29.08 3.58 13.76 58.16 7.16 27.52 33.02 66.04 15.44 30.88 55.54 111.09 57.84 115.68 29.68 59.37 73.52 80.46 147.04 160.92 240.66 109.52 120.36 205.19 153.58 108.10 481.31 205.35 225.67 410.38 307.16 216.20 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration 2007 2283 4029 6048 6054 4058 4036 101430 6013 7031 7040 101045 4043 2005 7037 7014 6011 Discharged load Nt (t/a) Discharged load Pt (t/a) 4.27 0.53 2.02 1.07 0.13 0.50 4.84 1.21 2.26 0.57 8.15 2.04 6079 4031 7021 4017 7027 4091 6061 4014 4063 4048 4037 7053 4002 4090 8.48 2.12 4.35 1.09 10.78 11.80 2.70 2.95 35.30 18.27 20.08 30.09 22.53 15.85 8.82 4.52 4.96 7.52 5.63 3.96 Emmisions BOD5 (t/a) ANNEX_HR_UWW_2007 Emmisions COD Emmisions Nt (t/a) (t/a) Emmisions Pt (t/a) 44.74 44.76 45.86 45.88 46.43 51.42 52.87 54.44 55.03 55.69 65.15 71.88 73.52 74.92 85.98 97.00 99.19 89.48 89.53 91.72 91.76 92.86 102.84 105.73 108.89 110.07 111.38 130.31 143.75 147.04 149.84 171.96 193.99 198.37 6.56 6.57 6.73 6.73 6.81 7.54 7.75 7.99 8.07 8.17 9.56 10.54 10.78 10.99 12.61 14.23 14.55 1.64 1.64 1.68 1.68 1.70 1.89 1.94 2.00 2.02 2.04 2.39 2.64 2.70 2.75 3.15 3.56 3.64 112.79 225.57 16.54 4.14 118.04 119.14 174.61 184.66 198.70 287.35 310.96 316.65 341.14 355.68 410.38 479.94 600.56 236.08 238.27 349.22 369.32 397.40 574.70 621.92 633.30 671.55 700.17 820.77 959.88 1201.13 17.31 17.47 25.61 27.08 29.14 42.14 45.61 46.44 52.46 54.70 60.19 70.39 88.08 4.33 4.37 6.40 6.77 7.29 10.54 11.40 11.61 13.06 13.62 15.05 17.60 22.02 5 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of Name of agglomeration agglomeration 4011 6064 7050 4071 4010 6077 4009 4008 6008 6012 6020 6051 4089 4051 6047 4039 4060 4044 4007 2003 Samobor Pozega Vinkovci Sisak Velika Gorica Slavonski Brod Karlovac-Duga Resa Zapresic Zagreb Bjelovar Daruvar Đakovo Nova Gradiška Vrbovec Kutina Lipik - Pakrac Jastrebarsko Novska Krapina Glavničica Ogulin 4075 Sveti Ivan Zelina 7034 Otok (Vinkovci) 7029 4066 6099 6025 7032 7051 Ivankovo Popovača Vrpolje Garešnica Novi Jankovci Vođinci 4040 Water Body code Population (inhabitants) ANNEX_HR_UWW_2007 Date when the generated load % of generated generated load total generated Generated load collected in a load collected collected in a load of the (PE) collecting in a collecting collecting agglomeration (Estimated system and system system will be load) treated(estimat (estimate) (estimate), PE collected e), PE DSRN010009 DSRN130002 DSRN110003 DSRN010006 DSRN010007 DSRI010002 30,018 28,128 35,912 47,497 51,864 78,835 2015 2019 2019 2015 2015 2015 30,227 37,611 47,912 51,563 54,725 92,518 56.00% 77.00% 80.00% 70.00% 70.00% 67.00% 16,927 28,960 38,330 36,094 38,308 61,987 0 28,960 38,330 0 35,000 0 DSRN935009 DSRN010009 DSRN010008 59,867 43,806 780,911 36,832 13,243 32,776 22,379 12,038 20,892 12,445 15,254 11,502 19,849 11,200 14,753 2012 2015 2019 117,163 118,885 1,177,361 73,927 38,108 33,265 23,913 20,655 17,977 15,550 11,945 10,861 10,648 10,349 9,345 66.00% 32.00% 76.00% 59.35% 63.41% 51.04% 62.73% 34.33% 67.57% 54.19% 34.24% 54.77% 17.56% 3.49% 0.00% 77,328 38,043 894,794 21,861 8,398 16,730 14,038 4,133 14,117 6,744 5,223 6,300 3,485 391 0 38,043 894,794 50,000 23,000 0 0 0 14,117 6,744 0 0 0 0 0 8,801 7,980 22.04% 1,940 0 7,755 6,695 6,991 6,782 8,775 6,267 5,500 7,875 7,495 6,792 6,781 6,752 6,347 5,700 15.11% 0.00% 30.84% 0.00% 40.17% 0.00% 0.00% 1,172 0 0 0 0 3,525 0 0 6 2,156 3,525 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of type of UWWTP agglomeration 4011 6064 7050 4071 4010 6077 4040 4009 4008 6008 6012 6020 6051 4089 4051 6047 4039 4060 4044 4007 2003 capacity of UWWTP no 1 2 33,500 43,000 2 35,000 2 2 61,000 1,200,000 50,000 23,000 no no no Preliminary (1) 2 no no no 1 1 no no no no no 4075 no 7034 no 7029 4066 6099 6025 7032 7051 no no no 2 no no 25,000 20,000 7,000 ANNEX_HR_UWW_2007 Generated load Generated load Generated load Generated load BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) Discharged load COD (t/a) 661.97 823.68 1049.27 1129.23 1198.48 2026.14 1323.94 1647.36 2098.55 2258.46 2396.96 4052.29 97.09 120.81 153.89 165.62 175.78 297.17 24.27 30.20 38.47 41.41 43.94 74.29 370.70 507.39 251.83 790.46 251.68 1357.52 741.41 951.35 419.71 1580.92 419.47 2715.03 2565.87 2603.58 25784.21 1619.00 834.57 728.50 523.69 452.34 393.70 340.55 261.60 237.86 233.19 226.64 204.66 5131.74 5207.16 51568.41 3238.00 1669.13 1457.01 1047.39 904.69 787.39 681.09 523.19 475.71 466.38 453.29 409.31 376.33 381.86 3781.68 237.45 122.40 106.85 76.81 66.34 57.74 49.95 38.37 34.89 34.20 33.24 30.02 94.08 95.46 945.42 55.32 28.51 24.89 17.89 15.46 13.45 11.64 8.94 8.13 7.97 7.74 6.99 1693.47 666.52 5878.80 288.28 158.77 371.85 328.51 155.30 212.82 147.63 89.57 130.28 40.94 7.91 3386.95 1249.72 9798.00 480.47 264.62 743.71 657.01 310.61 399.04 276.81 179.14 260.56 81.89 15.82 174.76 349.52 25.63 5.97 38.52 77.05 172.46 164.14 148.74 148.50 147.87 139.00 124.83 344.93 328.28 297.49 297.01 295.74 278.00 249.66 25.29 24.07 21.82 21.78 21.69 20.39 18.31 5.89 5.61 5.08 5.07 5.05 4.75 4.27 26.06 52.13 45.87 91.74 17.82 29.70 7 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration Discharged load Nt (t/a) Discharged load Pt (t/a) Emmisions BOD5 (t/a) ANNEX_HR_UWW_2007 Emmisions COD Emmisions Nt (t/a) (t/a) Emmisions Pt (t/a) 54.37 84.65 80.02 115.93 79.98 199.10 13.59 20.93 24.62 28.98 24.61 49.78 661.97 696.83 419.71 1129.23 623.21 2026.14 1323.94 1330.24 923.36 2258.46 1323.12 4052.29 97.09 112.43 110.80 165.62 136.40 297.17 24.27 27.88 32.32 41.41 38.32 74.29 248.38 111.20 1868.15 91.61 50.45 54.54 48.18 22.78 35.51 24.63 13.14 19.11 6.00 1.16 62.09 27.49 574.82 26.27 14.47 12.70 11.22 5.31 8.18 5.67 3.06 4.45 1.40 0.27 2565.87 2436.95 11087.21 647.60 333.83 728.50 523.69 452.34 333.07 288.10 261.60 237.86 233.19 226.64 204.66 5131.74 4790.59 24134.02 1424.72 734.42 1457.01 1047.39 904.69 635.82 549.98 523.19 475.71 466.38 453.29 409.31 376.33 370.86 2775.76 170.97 88.13 106.85 76.81 66.34 53.74 46.49 38.37 34.89 34.20 33.24 30.02 94.08 92.41 801.72 46.47 23.95 24.89 17.89 15.46 12.42 10.74 8.94 8.13 7.97 7.74 6.99 4075 5.65 1.32 174.76 349.52 25.63 5.97 7034 3.82 0.89 6.73 1.57 5.66 1.62 172.46 164.14 148.74 148.50 59.15 139.00 124.83 344.93 328.28 297.49 297.01 130.12 278.00 249.66 25.29 24.07 21.82 21.78 15.61 20.39 18.31 5.89 5.61 5.08 5.07 4.24 4.75 4.27 4011 6064 7050 4071 4010 6077 4040 4009 4008 6008 6012 6020 6051 4089 4051 6047 4039 4060 4044 4007 2003 7029 4066 6099 6025 7032 7051 8 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of Name of agglomeration agglomeration 6055 2163 7020 Okućani Delnice Bošnjaci 101127 Križ - Novoselec 7016 101125 6002 6029 4018 Babina Greda Marija Bistrica Batrina Grubišno Polje Brckovljani 6016 Donji Andrijevci 6089 6045 101060 4088 4024 6032 7026 6069 6024 4053 101436 Velika Kutjevo Jakovlje Voloder Donja Zdenčina Hercegovac Gradište Rovišće Staro Petrovo Selo Garčin Lekenik Polonje 6009 Brodski Stupnik 4074 101114 6006 7052 Sunja Mala Buna Beravci Vrbanja 6081 Water Body code Population (inhabitants) ANNEX_HR_UWW_2007 Date when the generated load % of generated generated load total generated Generated load collected in a load collected collected in a load of the (PE) collecting in a collecting collecting agglomeration (Estimated system and system system will be load) treated(estimat (estimate) (estimate), PE collected e), PE 5,833 5,688 4,653 5,497 5,178 4,803 0.00% 52.74% 0.00% 6,471 4,262 6,612 4,418 5,979 4,637 4,539 4,412 4,327 4,324 4,282 4,065 11.78% 0.00% 15.91% 0.00% 19.62% 0.00% 4,015 4,473 3,600 3,952 3,897 4,927 2,619 3,382 5,262 4,015 3,995 3,981 3,952 3,732 3,705 3,673 3,532 3,441 42.22% 30.16% 62.81% 0.00% 4.98% 24.11% 24.21% 0.00% 0.00% 4,219 3,380 6,170 4,221 3,381 3,380 3,340 3,280 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 3,393 6,725 4,188 3,269 2,952 3,267 3,248 3,153 3,084 3,082 0.00% 2.08% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 9 3,000 762 1,052 1,173 1,695 1,349 2,261 194 1,188 634 0 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 140 0 0 0 0 0 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of type of UWWTP agglomeration 6055 2163 7020 no 1 no 101127 no 7016 101125 6002 6029 4018 no no no no no 6016 no 6089 6045 101060 4088 4024 6032 7026 6069 no no no no no no no no 6081 no 6024 4053 101436 no no no 6009 no 4074 101114 6006 7052 no no no no capacity of UWWTP 4,500 ANNEX_HR_UWW_2007 Generated load Generated load Generated load Generated load BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) 120.38 113.40 105.19 240.77 226.80 210.37 17.66 16.63 15.43 4.11 3.87 3.59 99.40 96.62 94.76 94.70 93.78 89.02 198.81 193.25 189.52 189.39 187.55 178.05 14.58 14.17 13.90 13.89 13.75 13.06 3.40 3.30 3.24 3.24 3.20 3.04 87.93 87.49 87.18 86.55 81.73 81.14 80.44 77.35 75.36 175.86 174.98 174.37 173.10 163.46 162.28 160.88 154.70 150.72 12.90 12.83 12.79 12.69 11.99 11.90 11.80 11.34 11.05 3.00 2.99 2.98 2.96 2.79 2.77 2.75 2.64 2.57 74.04 74.02 73.15 71.83 148.09 148.04 146.29 143.66 10.86 10.86 10.73 10.54 2.53 2.53 2.50 2.45 71.55 71.13 69.05 67.54 67.50 143.09 142.26 138.10 135.08 134.99 10.49 10.43 10.13 9.91 9.90 2.44 2.43 2.36 2.31 2.31 10 Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) Discharged load COD (t/a) 47.85 89.71 11.71 23.41 15.08 30.15 18.40 36.80 37.12 74.24 26.39 54.76 52.77 109.51 4.07 19.56 19.47 8.14 39.13 38.94 1.48 2.96 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration Discharged load Nt (t/a) Discharged load Pt (t/a) 6055 2163 7020 7.98 1.84 101127 1.72 0.40 2.21 0.52 2.70 0.63 6016 5.44 1.27 6089 6045 101060 4088 4024 6032 7026 6069 3.87 8.03 0.90 1.87 0.60 2.87 2.86 0.14 0.67 0.67 7016 101125 6002 6029 4018 6081 6024 4053 101436 6009 4074 101114 6006 7052 0.22 0.05 Emmisions BOD5 (t/a) ANNEX_HR_UWW_2007 Emmisions COD Emmisions Nt (t/a) (t/a) Emmisions Pt (t/a) 120.38 95.93 105.19 240.77 183.14 210.37 17.66 15.48 15.43 4.11 3.58 3.59 99.40 96.62 94.76 94.70 93.78 89.02 198.81 193.25 189.52 189.39 187.55 178.05 14.58 14.17 13.90 13.89 13.75 13.06 3.40 3.30 3.24 3.24 3.20 3.04 87.93 87.49 87.18 86.55 81.73 81.14 80.44 77.35 75.36 175.86 174.98 174.37 173.10 163.46 162.28 160.88 154.70 150.72 12.90 12.83 12.79 12.69 11.99 11.90 11.80 11.34 11.05 3.00 2.99 2.98 2.96 2.79 2.77 2.75 2.64 2.57 74.04 74.02 73.15 71.83 148.09 148.04 146.29 143.66 10.86 10.86 10.73 10.54 2.53 2.53 2.50 2.45 71.55 71.13 69.05 67.54 67.50 143.09 142.26 138.10 135.08 134.99 10.49 10.43 10.13 9.91 9.90 2.44 2.43 2.36 2.31 2.31 11 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of Name of agglomeration agglomeration 6030 6040 4027 2002 Mali Zdenci Veliki Zdenci Paukovec Draganić Lipovljani Oriovac Krapinske Toplice Gudovac Kaptol Dubrava Josipdol 101441 Lipovec Lonjski 7049 6031 101387 4068 6036 4046 Tovarnik Gundinci Jasenak Pregrada Jakšić Krašić 101068 101437 4026 4054 6057 4045 Total Total, % Water Body code Population (inhabitants) ANNEX_HR_UWW_2007 Date when the generated load % of generated generated load total generated Generated load collected in a load collected collected in a load of the (PE) collecting in a collecting collecting agglomeration (Estimated system and system system will be load) treated(estimat (estimate) (estimate), PE collected e), PE 1,544 2,974 2,950 4,101 2,721 3,071 2,974 2,950 2,777 2,721 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 13.53% 0.00% 5,744 3,182 2,576 3,255 3,987 2,708 2,694 2,621 2,601 2,598 11.47% 0.00% 64.83% 0.00% 0.00% 2,452 2,326 2,294 2,301 7,165 2,003 4,384 2,452 2,396 2,344 2,301 2,100 2,053 2,039 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 11.54% 95.01% 13.55% 1837275 2442741 12 555 659 1,670 0 0 0 0 0 659 0 0 0 0 827 1,903 594 0 0 0 0 0 0 594 1423964 58% 1149888 47% CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of type of UWWTP agglomeration 101068 no 101437 4026 4054 6057 no no no no 4045 1 6030 6040 4027 2002 no no no no 101441 no 7049 6031 101387 4068 6036 4046 no no no no no 2 Total Total, % capacity of UWWTP 3,000 4,000 ANNEX_HR_UWW_2007 Generated load Generated load Generated load Generated load BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) 67.25 65.13 64.61 60.82 59.59 134.51 130.26 129.21 121.63 119.18 9.86 9.55 9.48 8.92 8.74 2.30 2.23 2.21 2.08 2.04 59.31 59.00 57.40 56.96 56.90 118.61 118.00 114.80 113.92 113.79 8.70 8.65 8.42 8.35 8.34 2.03 2.02 1.96 1.95 1.94 53.70 52.47 51.33 50.39 45.99 44.96 44.65 107.40 104.94 102.67 100.78 91.98 89.92 89.31 7.88 7.70 7.53 7.39 6.75 6.59 6.55 53496 106992 7846 13 Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) Discharged load COD (t/a) 8.23 16.46 5.44 10.21 37.21 74.42 1.83 1.79 1.75 1.72 1.57 1.54 1.53 5.31 42.72 1.82 10.62 85.43 3.03 1935 15514 28519 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration Discharged load Nt (t/a) Discharged load Pt (t/a) 101068 101437 4026 4054 6057 4045 6030 6040 4027 2002 1.21 0.28 0.91 0.21 5.46 1.27 101441 7049 6031 101387 4068 6036 4046 Total Total, % 0.78 6.27 0.58 0.18 1.46 0.17 3484 988 Emmisions BOD5 (t/a) ANNEX_HR_UWW_2007 Emmisions COD Emmisions Nt (t/a) (t/a) Emmisions Pt (t/a) 67.25 65.13 64.61 60.82 59.59 134.51 130.26 129.21 121.63 119.18 9.86 9.55 9.48 8.92 8.74 2.30 2.23 2.21 2.08 2.04 50.17 59.00 57.40 56.96 56.90 95.78 118.00 114.80 113.92 113.79 8.10 8.65 8.42 8.35 8.34 1.87 2.02 1.96 1.95 1.94 53.70 52.47 51.33 50.39 45.99 44.96 17.86 107.40 104.94 102.67 100.78 91.98 89.92 39.30 7.88 7.70 7.53 7.39 6.75 6.59 4.72 1.83 1.79 1.75 1.72 1.57 1.54 1.28 35514 66.39% 73122 68.34% 6617 84.33% 1756 90.76% 14 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of agglomer ation Name of agglomeration Generated load (PE) (Estimate d load) 2007 2283 4029 6048 6054 4058 4036 101430 6013 7031 7040 101045 4043 2005 7037 7014 6011 6079 4031 7021 4017 7027 4091 6061 4014 4063 4048 4037 7053 4002 4090 4011 6064 7050 Slunj Vrbovsko Dvor Luzani Novi Grad Moscenica Hum na Sutli Gradec Davor Nijemci Rajevo Selo Donji Kraj Konjscina Plitvicka jezera Privlaka Andrijasevci Cazma Slavonski Samac Glina Cerna Bedekovcina Gunja Zlatar Pleternica Velesevec Petrinja Krizevci Ivanic Grad Zupanja Rugvica Zabok Samobor Pozega Vinkovci 2,043 2,044 2,094 2,095 2,120 2,348 2,414 2,486 2,513 2,543 2,975 3,282 3,357 3,421 3,926 4,429 4,529 5,150 5,390 5,440 7,973 8,432 9,073 13,121 14,199 14,459 16,895 17,615 18,739 21,915 27,423 30,227 37,611 47,912 ANNEX_HR_UWW_2015 % of generated generated load generated load collected in a load collected in collecting type of collected in a collecting system and UWWTP a collecting system treated(estimat system (estimate), e), PE (estimate) PE no 65% 1328 0 no 8% 164 0 no 30% 628 0 no 0% 0 0 no 0% 0 0 2 100% 2348 2348 no 0% 0 0 no 0% 0 0 no 60% 1508 0 no 0% 0 0 no 0% 0 0 no 0% 0 0 no 21% 705 0 3 100% 3421 3421 no 0% 0 0 no 0% 0 0 no 56% 2536 0 no 0% 0 0 no 49% 2641 0 2 100% 5440 5440 no 17% 1355 0 no 0% 0 0 no 37% 3357 0 3 100% 13121 13121 no 0% 0 0 3 100% 14459 14459 3 100% 16895 16895 1 39% 6870 6870 3 100% 18739 18739 3 100% 21915 21915 no 18% 4936 0 3 100% 30227 30227 1 77% 28960 28960 2 80% 38330 38330 15 Generated load BOD5 (t/a) 44.74 44.76 45.86 45.88 46.43 51.42 52.87 54.44 55.03 55.69 65.15 71.88 73.52 74.92 85.98 97.00 99.19 112.79 118.04 119.14 174.61 184.66 198.70 287.35 310.96 316.65 370.00 385.77 410.38 479.94 600.56 661.97 823.68 1,049.27 Generated load COD (t/a) 89.48 89.53 91.72 91.76 92.86 102.84 105.73 108.89 110.07 111.38 130.31 143.75 147.04 149.84 171.96 193.99 198.37 225.57 236.08 238.27 349.22 369.32 397.40 574.70 621.92 633.30 740.00 771.54 820.77 959.88 1201.13 1323.94 1647.36 2098.55 Generated Generated load Nt load Pt (t/a) (t/a) 6.56 6.57 6.73 6.73 6.81 7.54 7.75 7.99 8.07 8.17 9.56 10.54 10.78 10.99 12.61 14.23 14.55 16.54 17.31 17.47 25.61 27.08 29.14 42.14 45.61 46.44 54.27 56.58 60.19 70.39 88.08 97.09 120.81 153.89 1.64 1.64 1.68 1.68 1.70 1.89 1.94 2.00 2.02 2.04 2.39 2.64 2.70 2.75 3.15 3.56 3.64 4.14 4.33 4.37 6.40 6.77 7.29 10.54 11.40 11.61 13.57 14.14 15.05 17.60 22.02 24.27 30.20 38.47 Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) 29.08 3.58 13.76 15.43 33.02 15.44 3.75 55.54 57.84 35.74 29.68 73.52 14.37 15.83 18.50 120.36 20.52 24.00 108.10 33.10 507.39 251.83 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 ANNEX_HR_UWW_2015 Code of Discharged Discharged Discharged agglomer load COD load Nt load Pt ation (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 2007 2283 4029 6048 6054 4058 4036 101430 6013 7031 7040 101045 4043 2005 7037 7014 6011 6079 4031 7021 4017 7027 4091 6061 4014 4063 4048 4037 7053 4002 4090 4011 6064 7050 58.16 7.16 27.52 4.27 0.53 2.02 1.07 0.13 0.50 25.71 4.90 1.51 66.04 4.84 1.21 30.88 22.48 2.26 3.30 0.57 0.55 111.09 8.15 2.04 115.68 59.57 59.37 8.48 11.36 4.35 2.12 3.49 1.09 147.04 86.20 10.78 12.64 2.70 2.11 95.00 111.00 225.67 123.12 143.98 216.20 198.59 951.35 419.71 13.93 16.28 20.08 18.06 21.12 15.85 29.13 84.65 80.02 2.32 2.71 4.96 3.01 3.52 3.96 4.85 20.93 24.62 Emmisions BOD5 (t/a) 44.74 44.76 45.86 45.88 46.43 15.43 52.87 54.44 55.03 55.69 65.15 71.88 73.52 3.75 85.98 97.00 99.19 112.79 118.04 35.74 174.61 184.66 198.70 14.37 310.96 15.83 18.50 355.68 20.52 24.00 600.56 33.10 696.83 419.71 16 Emmisions COD (t/a) 89.48 89.53 91.72 91.76 92.86 25.71 105.73 108.89 110.07 111.38 130.31 143.75 147.04 22.48 171.96 193.99 198.37 225.57 236.08 59.57 349.22 369.32 397.40 86.20 621.92 95.00 111.00 700.17 123.12 143.98 1201.13 198.59 1330.24 923.36 Emmisions Emmisions Pt Nt (t/a) (t/a) 6.56 6.57 6.73 6.73 6.81 4.90 7.75 7.99 8.07 8.17 9.56 10.54 10.78 3.30 12.61 14.23 14.55 16.54 17.31 11.36 25.61 27.08 29.14 12.64 45.61 13.93 16.28 54.70 18.06 21.12 88.08 29.13 112.43 110.80 1.64 1.64 1.68 1.68 1.70 1.51 1.94 2.00 2.02 2.04 2.39 2.64 2.70 0.55 3.15 3.56 3.64 4.14 4.33 3.49 6.40 6.77 7.29 2.11 11.40 2.32 2.71 13.62 3.01 3.52 22.02 4.85 27.88 32.32 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of agglomer ation Name of agglomeration Generated load (PE) (Estimate d load) 4071 4010 6077 4040 4009 4008 6008 6012 6020 6051 4089 4051 6047 4039 4060 4044 4007 2003 4075 7034 7029 4066 6099 6025 7032 7051 6055 2163 7020 101127 7016 101125 6002 6029 Sisak Velika Gorica Slavonski Brod Karlovac-Duga Resa Zapresic Zagreb Bjelovar Daruvar Đakovo Nova Gradiška Vrbovec Kutina Lipik - Pakrac Jastrebarsko Novska Krapina Glavničica Ogulin Sveti Ivan Zelina Otok (Vinkovci) Ivankovo Popovača Vrpolje Garešnica Novi Jankovci Vođinci Okućani Delnice Bošnjaci Križ - Novoselec Babina Greda Marija Bistrica Batrina Grubišno Polje 51,563 54,725 92,518 117,163 118,885 1,177,361 73,927 38,108 33,265 23,913 20,655 17,977 15,550 11,945 10,861 10,648 10,349 9,345 7,980 7,875 7,495 6,792 6,781 6,752 6,347 5,700 5,497 5,178 4,803 4,539 4,412 4,327 4,324 4,282 ANNEX_HR_UWW_2015 % of generated generated load generated load collected in a load collected in collecting type of collected in a collecting system and UWWTP a collecting system treated(estimat system (estimate), e), PE (estimate) PE 3 100% 51563 51563 3 100% 54725 54725 3 100% 92,518 92,518 3 100% 117,163 117,163 3 100% 118885 118885 2 76% 894794 894794 59.35% 21,861 50,000 2 63.41% 8,398 23,000 2 51.04% 16,730 0 no 62.73% 14,038 0 no 34.33% 4,133 0 no 67.57% 14,117 14,117 1 54.19% 6,744 6,744 1 34.24% 5,223 0 no 54.77% 6,300 0 no 17.56% 3,485 0 no 3.49% 391 0 no 0.00% 0 no 22.04% 1,940 0 no 15.11% 1,172 0 no 0.00% 0 no 30.84% 2,156 0 no 0.00% 0 no 40.17% 3,525 3,525 2 0.00% 0 no 0.00% 0 no 0.00% 0 no 52.74% 3,000 3,000 1 0.00% 0 no 11.78% 762 0 no 0.00% 0 no 15.91% 1,052 0 no 0.00% 0 no 19.62% 1,173 0 no 17 Generated load BOD5 (t/a) 1,129.23 1,198.48 2,026.14 2,565.87 2,603.58 25,784.21 1619.00 834.57 728.50 523.69 452.34 393.70 340.55 261.60 237.86 233.19 226.64 204.66 174.76 172.46 164.14 148.74 148.50 147.87 139.00 124.83 120.38 113.40 105.19 99.40 96.62 94.76 94.70 93.78 Generated load COD (t/a) 2258.46 2396.96 4052.29 5131.74 5207.16 51568.41 3238.00 1669.13 1457.01 1047.39 904.69 787.39 681.09 523.19 475.71 466.38 453.29 409.31 349.52 344.93 328.28 297.49 297.01 295.74 278.00 249.66 240.77 226.80 210.37 198.81 193.25 189.52 189.39 187.55 Generated Generated load Nt load Pt (t/a) (t/a) 165.62 175.78 297.17 376.33 381.86 3781.68 237.45 122.40 106.85 76.81 66.34 57.74 49.95 38.37 34.89 34.20 33.24 30.02 25.63 25.29 24.07 21.82 21.78 21.69 20.39 18.31 17.66 16.63 15.43 14.58 14.17 13.90 13.89 13.75 41.41 43.94 74.29 94.08 95.46 945.42 55.32 28.51 24.89 17.89 15.46 13.45 11.64 8.94 8.13 7.97 7.74 6.99 5.97 5.89 5.61 5.08 5.07 5.05 4.75 4.27 4.11 3.87 3.59 3.40 3.30 3.24 3.24 3.20 Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) 56.46 59.92 101.31 128.29 130.18 5878.80 288.28 158.77 371.85 328.51 155.30 212.82 147.63 89.57 130.28 40.94 7.91 38.52 26.06 45.87 17.82 47.85 11.71 15.08 18.40 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 ANNEX_HR_UWW_2015 Code of Discharged Discharged Discharged agglomer load COD load Nt load Pt ation (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 4071 4010 6077 4040 4009 4008 6008 6012 6020 6051 4089 4051 6047 4039 4060 4044 4007 2003 4075 7034 7029 4066 6099 6025 7032 7051 6055 2163 7020 101127 7016 101125 6002 6029 338.77 359.54 607.84 769.76 781.07 9798.00 480.47 264.62 743.71 657.01 310.61 399.04 276.81 179.14 260.56 81.89 15.82 49.69 52.73 89.15 112.90 114.56 1868.15 91.61 50.45 54.54 48.18 22.78 35.51 24.63 13.14 19.11 6.00 1.16 8.28 8.79 14.86 18.82 19.09 574.82 26.27 14.47 12.70 11.22 5.31 8.18 5.67 3.06 4.45 1.40 0.27 77.05 52.13 5.65 3.82 1.32 0.89 91.74 6.73 1.57 29.70 5.66 1.62 89.71 7.98 1.84 23.41 1.72 0.40 30.15 2.21 0.52 36.80 2.70 0.63 Emmisions BOD5 (t/a) 56.46 59.92 101.31 128.29 128.29 11087.21 647.60 333.83 728.50 523.69 452.34 333.07 288.10 261.60 237.86 233.19 226.64 204.66 174.76 172.46 164.14 148.74 148.50 59.15 139.00 124.83 120.38 95.93 105.19 99.40 96.62 94.76 94.70 93.78 18 Emmisions COD (t/a) 338.77 359.54 607.84 769.76 769.76 24134.02 1424.72 734.42 1457.01 1047.39 904.69 635.82 549.98 523.19 475.71 466.38 453.29 409.31 349.52 344.93 328.28 297.49 297.01 130.12 278.00 249.66 240.77 183.14 210.37 198.81 193.25 189.52 189.39 187.55 Emmisions Emmisions Pt Nt (t/a) (t/a) 49.69 52.73 89.15 112.90 112.90 2775.76 170.97 88.13 106.85 76.81 66.34 53.74 46.49 38.37 34.89 34.20 33.24 30.02 25.63 25.29 24.07 21.82 21.78 15.61 20.39 18.31 17.66 15.48 15.43 14.58 14.17 13.90 13.89 13.75 8.28 8.79 14.86 18.82 18.82 801.72 46.47 23.95 24.89 17.89 15.46 12.42 10.74 8.94 8.13 7.97 7.74 6.99 5.97 5.89 5.61 5.08 5.07 4.24 4.75 4.27 4.11 3.58 3.59 3.40 3.30 3.24 3.24 3.20 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of agglomer ation Name of agglomeration Generated load (PE) (Estimate d load) Brckovljani 4018 Donji Andrijevci 6016 Velika 6089 Kutjevo 6045 Jakovlje 101060 Voloder 4088 Donja Zdenčina 4024 Hercegovac 6032 Gradište 7026 Rovišće 6069 Staro Petrovo Selo 6081 Garčin 6024 Lekenik 4053 Polonje 101436 Brodski Stupnik 6009 Sunja 4074 Mala Buna 101114 Beravci 6006 Vrbanja 7052 101068 Mali Zdenci - Veliki Zdenci Paukovec 101437 Draganić 4026 Lipovljani 4054 Oriovac 6057 Krapinske Toplice 4045 Gudovac 6030 Kaptol 6040 Dubrava 4027 Josipdol 2002 Lipovec Lonjski 101441 Tovarnik 7049 Gundinci 6031 Jasenak 101387 Pregrada 4068 4,065 4,015 3,995 3,981 3,952 3,732 3,705 3,673 3,532 3,441 3,381 3,380 3,340 3,280 3,267 3,248 3,153 3,084 3,082 3,071 2,974 2,950 2,777 2,721 2,708 2,694 2,621 2,601 2,598 2,452 2,396 2,344 2,301 2,100 ANNEX_HR_UWW_2015 % of generated generated load generated load collected in a load collected in collecting type of collected in a collecting system and UWWTP a collecting system treated(estimat system (estimate), e), PE (estimate) PE 0.00% 0 no 42.22% 1,695 0 no 30.16% 1,349 0 no 62.81% 2,261 0 no 0.00% 0 no 4.98% 194 0 no 24.11% 1,188 0 no 24.21% 634 0 no 0.00% 0 no 0.00% 0 no 0.00% 0 no 0.00% 0 no 0.00% 0 no 0.00% 0 no 0.00% 0 no 2.08% 140 0 no 0.00% 0 no 0.00% 0 no 0.00% 0 no 0.00% 0 no 0.00% 0 no 0.00% 0 no 13.53% 555 0 no 0.00% 0 no 11.47% 659 659 1 0.00% 0 no 64.83% 1,670 0 no 0.00% 0 no 0.00% 0 no 0.00% 0 no 0.00% 0 no 0.00% 0 no 0.00% 0 no 11.54% 827 0 no 19 Generated load BOD5 (t/a) 89.02 87.93 87.49 87.18 86.55 81.73 81.14 80.44 77.35 75.36 74.04 74.02 73.15 71.83 71.55 71.13 69.05 67.54 67.50 67.25 65.13 64.61 60.82 59.59 59.31 59.00 57.40 56.96 56.90 53.70 52.47 51.33 50.39 45.99 Generated load COD (t/a) 178.05 175.86 174.98 174.37 173.10 163.46 162.28 160.88 154.70 150.72 148.09 148.04 146.29 143.66 143.09 142.26 138.10 135.08 134.99 134.51 130.26 129.21 121.63 119.18 118.61 118.00 114.80 113.92 113.79 107.40 104.94 102.67 100.78 91.98 Generated Generated load Nt load Pt (t/a) (t/a) 13.06 12.90 12.83 12.79 12.69 11.99 11.90 11.80 11.34 11.05 10.86 10.86 10.73 10.54 10.49 10.43 10.13 9.91 9.90 9.86 9.55 9.48 8.92 8.74 8.70 8.65 8.42 8.35 8.34 7.88 7.70 7.53 7.39 6.75 3.04 3.00 2.99 2.98 2.96 2.79 2.77 2.75 2.64 2.57 2.53 2.53 2.50 2.45 2.44 2.43 2.36 2.31 2.31 2.30 2.23 2.21 2.08 2.04 2.03 2.02 1.96 1.95 1.94 1.83 1.79 1.75 1.72 1.57 Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) 37.12 26.39 54.76 4.07 19.56 19.47 1.48 8.23 5.44 37.21 5.31 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 ANNEX_HR_UWW_2015 Code of Discharged Discharged Discharged agglomer load COD load Nt load Pt ation (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 4018 6016 6089 6045 101060 4088 4024 6032 7026 6069 6081 6024 4053 101436 6009 4074 101114 6006 7052 101068 101437 4026 4054 6057 4045 6030 6040 4027 2002 101441 7049 6031 101387 4068 74.24 52.77 109.51 5.44 3.87 8.03 1.27 0.90 1.87 8.14 39.13 38.94 0.60 2.87 2.86 0.14 0.67 0.67 2.96 0.22 0.05 16.46 1.21 0.28 10.21 0.91 0.21 74.42 5.46 1.27 10.62 0.78 0.18 Emmisions BOD5 (t/a) 89.02 87.93 87.49 87.18 86.55 81.73 81.14 80.44 77.35 75.36 74.04 74.02 73.15 71.83 71.55 71.13 69.05 67.54 67.50 67.25 65.13 64.61 60.82 59.59 50.17 59.00 57.40 56.96 56.90 53.70 52.47 51.33 50.39 45.99 20 Emmisions COD (t/a) 178.05 175.86 174.98 174.37 173.10 163.46 162.28 160.88 154.70 150.72 148.09 148.04 146.29 143.66 143.09 142.26 138.10 135.08 134.99 134.51 130.26 129.21 121.63 119.18 95.78 118.00 114.80 113.92 113.79 107.40 104.94 102.67 100.78 91.98 Emmisions Emmisions Pt Nt (t/a) (t/a) 13.06 12.90 12.83 12.79 12.69 11.99 11.90 11.80 11.34 11.05 10.86 10.86 10.73 10.54 10.49 10.43 10.13 9.91 9.90 9.86 9.55 9.48 8.92 8.74 8.10 8.65 8.42 8.35 8.34 7.88 7.70 7.53 7.39 6.75 3.04 3.00 2.99 2.98 2.96 2.79 2.77 2.75 2.64 2.57 2.53 2.53 2.50 2.45 2.44 2.43 2.36 2.31 2.31 2.30 2.23 2.21 2.08 2.04 1.87 2.02 1.96 1.95 1.94 1.83 1.79 1.75 1.72 1.57 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of agglomer ation Name of agglomeration 6036 4046 Jakšić Krašić Total total, % Generated load (PE) (Estimate d load) 2,053 2,039 ANNEX_HR_UWW_2015 % of generated generated load generated load collected in a load collected in collecting type of collected in a collecting system and UWWTP a collecting system treated(estimat system (estimate), e), PE (estimate) PE 95.01% 1,903 0 no 13.55% 594 594 2 104 2442741 Total Total, % 1679401 69% 1632012 67% 21 Generated load BOD5 (t/a) 44.96 44.65 53496 Generated load COD (t/a) 89.92 89.31 106992 Generated Generated load Nt load Pt (t/a) (t/a) 6.59 6.55 7846 1.54 1.53 1935 Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) 42.72 1.82 10252 19.16% CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 ANNEX_HR_UWW_2015 Code of Discharged Discharged Discharged agglomer load COD load Nt load Pt ation (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) Emmisions BOD5 (t/a) Emmisions COD (t/a) Emmisions Emmisions Pt Nt (t/a) (t/a) 6036 4046 85.43 3.03 6.27 0.58 1.46 0.17 44.96 17.86 89.92 39.30 6.59 4.72 1.54 1.28 Total total, % 20583 19.24% 3107 39.60% 846 43.69% 24646 46.07% 53802 50.29% 5414 69.00% 1408 72.78% 22 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration Name of agglomeration Population (inhabitants) 2007 2283 4029 6048 6054 4058 4036 101430 6013 7031 7040 101045 4043 2005 7037 7014 6011 6079 4031 7021 4017 7027 4091 6061 4014 4063 4048 4037 7053 4002 4090 4011 6064 7050 Slunj Vrbovsko Dvor Luzani Novi Grad Moscenica Hum na Sutli Gradec Davor Nijemci Rajevo Selo Donji Kraj Konjscina Plitvicka jezera Privlaka Andrijasevci Cazma Slavonski Samac Glina Cerna Bedekovcina Gunja Zlatar Pleternica Velesevec Petrinja Krizevci Ivanic Grad Zupanja Rugvica Zabok Samobor Pozega Vinkovci 2,043 1,894 1,734 2,095 2,051 2,348 2,177 2,486 2,513 2,543 2,975 3,282 3,140 3,421 3,776 4,249 3,729 4,618 5,090 4,990 7,873 8,082 7,976 11,921 14,199 14,459 16,436 15,804 16,383 21,908 24,357 30,018 28,128 35,912 Generated load (PE) (Estimated load) 2,043 2,044 2,094 2,095 2,120 2,348 2,414 2,486 2,513 2,543 2,975 3,282 3,357 3,421 3,926 4,429 4,529 5,150 5,390 5,440 7,973 8,432 9,073 13,121 14,199 14,459 16,895 17,615 18,739 21,915 27,423 30,227 37,611 47,912 ANNEX_HR_UWW_scII % of generated load generated load generated collected in a collected in a load collecting collecting system collected in a system and collecting (estimated), treated(estimate), system PE PE (estimated) 65% 1327.95 0 8% 163.52 0 30% 628 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 0 100% 2348 2,348 0% 0 0 0% 0 0 60% 1507.8 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 0 21% 704.97 0 100% 3421 3,421 0% 0 0 0% 0 0 56% 2536.24 0 0% 0 0 49% 2,641 0 100% 5,440 5,440 17% 1355.41 0 0% 0 0 37% 3,357 0 100% 13,121 13,121 0% 0 0 100% 14459 14,459 100% 16,895 16,895 100% 17,615 17,615 100% 18739 18,739 100% 21915 21,915 100% 27,423 27,423 100% 30,227 30,227 100% 37611 37,611 100% 47912 47,912 23 type of UWWTP no no no no no 2 no no no no no no no 3 no no no no no 2 no no no 3 no 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Generated Generated Generated load BOD5 load COD load Nt (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 44.7417 44.7636 46 46 46.428 51.4212 53 54 55.0347 55.6917 65 72 73.5183 74.9199 86 97 99.1851 112.785 118 119 174.6087 184.6608 199 287 310.9581 316.6521 370 386 410.3841 479.9385 601 662 823.6809 1049.2728 89.48 89.53 91.72 91.76 92.86 102.84 105.73 108.89 110.07 111.38 130.31 143.75 147.04 149.84 171.96 193.99 198.37 225.57 236.08 238.27 349.22 369.32 397.40 574.70 621.92 633.30 740.00 771.54 820.77 959.88 1201.13 1323.94 1647.36 2098.55 6.56 6.57 6.73 6.73 6.81 7.54 7.75 7.99 8.07 8.17 9.56 10.54 10.78 10.99 12.61 14.23 14.55 16.54 17.31 17.47 25.61 27.08 29.14 42.14 45.61 46.44 54.27 56.58 60.19 70.39 88.08 97.09 120.81 153.89 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration 2007 2283 4029 6048 6054 4058 4036 101430 6013 7031 7040 101045 4043 2005 7037 7014 6011 6079 4031 7021 4017 7027 4091 6061 4014 4063 4048 4037 7053 4002 4090 4011 6064 7050 Generated Discharged load Pt load BOD5 (t/a) (t/a) 1.64 1.64 1.68 1.68 1.70 1.89 1.94 2.00 2.02 2.04 2.39 2.64 2.70 2.75 3.15 3.56 3.64 4.14 4.33 4.37 6.40 6.77 7.29 10.54 11.40 11.61 13.57 14.14 15.05 17.60 22.02 24.27 30.20 38.47 Discharged load COD (t/a) ANNEX_HR_UWW_scII Discharged Discharged Emmisions Emmisions load Nt load Pt (t/a) BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) (t/a) 29.08 3.58 13.76 58.16 7.16 27.52 4.27 0.53 2.02 1.07 0.13 0.50 15.43 25.71 4.90 1.51 33.02 66.04 4.84 1.21 15.44 3.75 30.88 22.48 2.26 3.30 0.57 0.55 55.54 111.09 8.15 2.04 57.84 35.74 29.68 115.68 59.57 59.37 8.48 11.36 4.35 2.12 3.49 1.09 73.52 14.37 147.04 86.20 10.78 12.64 2.70 2.11 15.83 18.50 19.29 20.52 24.00 30.03 33.10 41.18 52.46 95.00 111.00 115.73 123.12 143.98 180.17 198.59 247.10 314.78 13.93 16.28 16.97 18.06 21.12 26.42 29.13 36.24 46.17 2.32 2.71 2.83 3.01 3.52 4.40 4.85 6.04 7.69 24 44.74 44.76 45.86 45.88 46.43 15.43 52.87 54.44 55.03 55.69 65.15 71.88 73.52 3.75 85.98 97.00 99.19 112.79 118.04 35.74 174.61 184.66 198.70 14.37 310.96 15.83 18.50 19.29 20.52 24.00 30.03 33.10 41.18 52.46 89.48 89.53 91.72 91.76 92.86 25.71 105.73 108.89 110.07 111.38 130.31 143.75 147.04 22.48 171.96 193.99 198.37 225.57 236.08 59.57 349.22 369.32 397.40 86.20 621.92 95.00 111.00 115.73 123.12 143.98 180.17 198.59 247.10 314.78 Emmisions Nt (t/a) 6.56 6.57 6.73 6.73 6.81 4.90 7.75 7.99 8.07 8.17 9.56 10.54 10.78 3.30 12.61 14.23 14.55 16.54 17.31 11.36 25.61 27.08 29.14 12.64 45.61 13.93 16.28 16.97 18.06 21.12 26.42 29.13 36.24 46.17 Emmisions Pt (t/a) 1.64 1.64 1.68 1.68 1.70 1.51 1.94 2.00 2.02 2.04 2.39 2.64 2.70 0.55 3.15 3.56 3.64 4.14 4.33 3.49 6.40 6.77 7.29 2.11 11.40 2.32 2.71 2.83 3.01 3.52 4.40 4.85 6.04 7.69 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II ANNEX_HR_UWW_scII % of generated load generated load generated Generated collected in a collected in a load load (PE) collecting collecting system collected in a (Estimated system and collecting load) (estimated), treated(estimate), system PE PE (estimated) 100% 51,563 51,563 51,563 100% 54,725 54,725 54,725 100% 92518 92,518 92,518 Code of agglomeration Name of agglomeration Population (inhabitants) 4071 4010 6077 Sisak Velika Gorica Slavonski Brod 47,497 51,864 78,835 4040 Karlovac-Duga Resa 59,867 117,163 4009 4008 6008 6012 6020 6051 4089 4051 6047 4039 4060 4044 4007 2003 4075 7034 7029 4066 6099 6025 7032 7051 6055 2163 7020 101127 7016 101125 6002 Zapresic Zagreb Bjelovar Daruvar Đakovo Nova Gradiška Vrbovec Kutina Lipik - Pakrac Jastrebarsko Novska Krapina Glavničica Ogulin Sveti Ivan Zelina Otok (Vinkovci) Ivankovo Popovača Vrpolje Garešnica Novi Jankovci Vođinci Okućani Delnice Bošnjaci Križ - Novoselec Babina Greda Marija Bistrica Batrina 43,806 780,911 36,832 13,243 32,776 22,379 12,038 20,892 12,445 15,254 11,502 19,849 11,200 14,753 8,801 7,755 6,695 6,991 6,782 8,775 6,267 5,500 5,833 5,688 4,653 6,471 4,262 6,612 4,418 118,885 1,177,361 73,927 38,108 33,265 23,913 20,655 17,977 15,550 11,945 10,861 10,648 10,349 9,345 7,980 7,875 7,495 6,792 6,781 6,752 6,347 5,700 5,497 5,178 4,803 4,539 4,412 4,327 4,324 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 34% 55% 18% 3% 0% 22% 15% 0% 31% 0% 40% 0% 0% 0% 53% 0% 12% 0% 16% 0% 117163 118,885 1,177,361 73927 38108 33,265 23,913 20655 17977 15,550 5,223 6,300 3,485 391 1,940 1,172 2,156 3,525 3,000 762 1,052 25 117,163 118,885 1,177,361 73,927 38,108 33,265 23,913 20,655 17,977 15,550 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,525 0 0 0 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 type of UWWTP 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 no no no no no no no no no no 2 no no no 1 no no no no no Generated Generated Generated load BOD5 load COD load Nt (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 1,129 1,198 2026.1442 2565.8697 2,604 25,784 1619.00 834.57 728.50 523.69 452.34 393.70 340.55 261.60 237.86 233.19 226.64 204.66 174.76 172.46 164.14 148.74 148.50 147.87 139.00 124.83 120.38 113.40 105.19 99.40 96.62 94.76 94.70 2258.46 2396.96 4052.29 165.62 175.78 297.17 5131.74 376.33 5207.16 51568.41 3238.00 1669.13 1457.01 1047.39 904.69 787.39 681.09 523.19 475.71 466.38 453.29 409.31 349.52 344.93 328.28 297.49 297.01 295.74 278.00 249.66 240.77 226.80 210.37 198.81 193.25 189.52 189.39 381.86 3781.68 237.45 122.40 106.85 76.81 66.34 57.74 49.95 38.37 34.89 34.20 33.24 30.02 25.63 25.29 24.07 21.82 21.78 21.69 20.39 18.31 17.66 16.63 15.43 14.58 14.17 13.90 13.89 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration Generated Discharged load Pt load BOD5 (t/a) (t/a) Discharged load COD (t/a) ANNEX_HR_UWW_scII Discharged Discharged Emmisions Emmisions load Nt load Pt (t/a) BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) (t/a) Emmisions Nt (t/a) Emmisions Pt (t/a) 4071 4010 6077 41.41 43.94 74.29 56.46 59.92 101.31 338.77 359.54 607.84 49.69 52.73 89.15 8.28 8.79 14.86 56.46 59.92 101.31 338.77 359.54 607.84 49.69 52.73 89.15 8.28 8.79 14.86 4040 94.08 128.29 769.76 112.90 18.82 128.29 769.76 112.90 18.82 4009 4008 6008 6012 6020 6051 4089 4051 6047 4039 4060 4044 4007 2003 4075 7034 7029 4066 6099 6025 7032 7051 6055 2163 7020 101127 7016 101125 6002 95.46 945.42 55.32 28.51 24.89 17.89 15.46 13.45 11.64 8.94 8.13 7.97 7.74 6.99 5.97 5.89 5.61 5.08 5.07 5.05 4.75 4.27 4.11 3.87 3.59 3.40 3.30 3.24 3.24 130.18 1289.21 80.95 41.73 36.43 26.18 22.62 19.68 17.03 89.57 130.28 40.94 7.91 781.07 7735.26 485.70 250.37 218.55 157.11 135.70 118.11 102.16 179.14 260.56 81.89 15.82 114.56 1134.51 71.24 36.72 32.05 23.04 19.90 17.32 14.98 13.14 19.11 6.00 1.16 19.09 189.08 11.06 5.70 4.98 3.58 3.09 2.69 2.33 3.06 4.45 1.40 0.27 38.52 26.06 77.05 52.13 5.65 3.82 1.32 0.89 45.87 91.74 6.73 1.57 17.82 29.70 5.66 1.62 47.85 89.71 7.98 1.84 11.71 23.41 1.72 0.40 15.08 30.15 2.21 0.52 130.18 1289.21 80.95 41.73 36.43 26.18 22.62 19.68 17.03 261.60 237.86 233.19 226.64 204.66 174.76 172.46 164.14 148.74 148.50 59.15 139.00 124.83 120.38 95.93 105.19 99.40 96.62 94.76 94.70 781.07 7735.26 485.70 250.37 218.55 157.11 135.70 118.11 102.16 523.19 475.71 466.38 453.29 409.31 349.52 344.93 328.28 297.49 297.01 130.12 278.00 249.66 240.77 183.14 210.37 198.81 193.25 189.52 189.39 114.56 1134.51 71.24 36.72 32.05 23.04 19.90 17.32 14.98 38.37 34.89 34.20 33.24 30.02 25.63 25.29 24.07 21.82 21.78 15.61 20.39 18.31 17.66 15.48 15.43 14.58 14.17 13.90 13.89 19.09 189.08 11.06 5.70 4.98 3.58 3.09 2.69 2.33 8.94 8.13 7.97 7.74 6.99 5.97 5.89 5.61 5.08 5.07 4.24 4.75 4.27 4.11 3.58 3.59 3.40 3.30 3.24 3.24 26 0 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration Name of agglomeration 6029 4018 6016 6089 6045 101060 4088 4024 6032 7026 6069 6081 6024 4053 101436 6009 4074 101114 6006 7052 Grubišno Polje Brckovljani Donji Andrijevci Velika Kutjevo Jakovlje Voloder Donja Zdenčina Hercegovac Gradište Rovišće Staro Petrovo Selo Garčin Lekenik Polonje Brodski Stupnik Sunja Mala Buna Beravci Vrbanja Mali Zdenci - Veliki Zdenci Paukovec Draganić Lipovljani Oriovac Krapinske Toplice Gudovac Kaptol Dubrava Josipdol Lipovec Lonjski Tovarnik Gundinci 101068 101437 4026 4054 6057 4045 6030 6040 4027 2002 101441 7049 6031 Population (inhabitants) Generated load (PE) (Estimated load) 5,979 4,637 4,015 4,473 3,600 3,952 3,897 4,927 2,619 3,382 5,262 4,219 3,380 6,170 4,221 3,393 6,725 4,188 3,269 2,952 4,282 4,065 4,015 3,995 3,981 3,952 3,732 3,705 3,673 3,532 3,441 3,381 3,380 3,340 3,280 3,267 3,248 3,153 3,084 3,082 1,544 3,071 2,974 2,950 4,101 2,721 5,744 3,182 2,576 3,255 3,987 2,452 2,326 2,294 2,974 2,950 2,777 2,721 2,708 2,694 2,621 2,601 2,598 2,452 2,396 2,344 ANNEX_HR_UWW_scII % of generated load generated load generated collected in a collected in a load collecting collecting system collected in a system and collecting (estimated), treated(estimate), system PE PE (estimated) 20% 1,173 0 0% 0 42% 1,695 0 30% 1,349 0 63% 2,261 0 0% 0 5% 194 0 24% 1,188 0 24% 634 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 2% 140 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 14% 0% 11% 0% 65% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 555 659 1,670 27 0 0 0 0 0 659 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 type of UWWTP no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no 1 no no no no no no no Generated Generated Generated load BOD5 load COD load Nt (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 93.78 89.02 87.93 87.49 87.18 86.55 81.73 81.14 80.44 77.35 75.36 74.04 74.02 73.15 71.83 71.55 71.13 69.05 67.54 67.50 187.55 178.05 175.86 174.98 174.37 173.10 163.46 162.28 160.88 154.70 150.72 148.09 148.04 146.29 143.66 143.09 142.26 138.10 135.08 134.99 13.75 13.06 12.90 12.83 12.79 12.69 11.99 11.90 11.80 11.34 11.05 10.86 10.86 10.73 10.54 10.49 10.43 10.13 9.91 9.90 67.25 65.13 64.61 60.82 59.59 59.31 59.00 57.40 56.96 56.90 53.70 52.47 51.33 134.51 130.26 129.21 121.63 119.18 118.61 118.00 114.80 113.92 113.79 107.40 104.94 102.67 9.86 9.55 9.48 8.92 8.74 8.70 8.65 8.42 8.35 8.34 7.88 7.70 7.53 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration 6029 4018 6016 6089 6045 101060 4088 4024 6032 7026 6069 6081 6024 4053 101436 6009 4074 101114 6006 7052 101068 101437 4026 4054 6057 4045 6030 6040 4027 2002 101441 7049 6031 Generated Discharged load Pt load BOD5 (t/a) (t/a) 3.20 3.04 3.00 2.99 2.98 2.96 2.79 2.77 2.75 2.64 2.57 2.53 2.53 2.50 2.45 2.44 2.43 2.36 2.31 2.31 2.30 2.23 2.21 2.08 2.04 2.03 2.02 1.96 1.95 1.94 1.83 1.79 1.75 Discharged load COD (t/a) ANNEX_HR_UWW_scII Discharged Discharged Emmisions Emmisions load Nt load Pt (t/a) BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) (t/a) 18.40 36.80 2.70 0.63 37.12 26.39 54.76 74.24 52.77 109.51 5.44 3.87 8.03 1.27 0.90 1.87 4.07 19.56 19.47 8.14 39.13 38.94 0.60 2.87 2.86 0.14 0.67 0.67 1.48 2.96 0.22 0.05 8.23 16.46 1.21 0.28 5.44 10.21 0.91 0.21 37.21 74.42 5.46 1.27 28 Emmisions Nt (t/a) Emmisions Pt (t/a) 93.78 89.02 87.93 87.49 87.18 86.55 81.73 81.14 80.44 77.35 75.36 74.04 74.02 73.15 71.83 71.55 71.13 69.05 67.54 67.50 187.55 178.05 175.86 174.98 174.37 173.10 163.46 162.28 160.88 154.70 150.72 148.09 148.04 146.29 143.66 143.09 142.26 138.10 135.08 134.99 13.75 13.06 12.90 12.83 12.79 12.69 11.99 11.90 11.80 11.34 11.05 10.86 10.86 10.73 10.54 10.49 10.43 10.13 9.91 9.90 3.20 3.04 3.00 2.99 2.98 2.96 2.79 2.77 2.75 2.64 2.57 2.53 2.53 2.50 2.45 2.44 2.43 2.36 2.31 2.31 67.25 65.13 64.61 60.82 59.59 50.17 59.00 57.40 56.96 56.90 53.70 52.47 51.33 134.51 130.26 129.21 121.63 119.18 95.78 118.00 114.80 113.92 113.79 107.40 104.94 102.67 9.86 9.55 9.48 8.92 8.74 8.10 8.65 8.42 8.35 8.34 7.88 7.70 7.53 2.30 2.23 2.21 2.08 2.04 1.87 2.02 1.96 1.95 1.94 1.83 1.79 1.75 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration Name of agglomeration 101387 4068 6036 4046 Jasenak Pregrada Jakšić Krašić Total Total,% Population (inhabitants) 2,301 7,165 2,003 4,384 1837275 Generated load (PE) (Estimated load) 2,301 2,100 2,053 2,039 ANNEX_HR_UWW_scII % of generated load generated load generated collected in a collected in a load collecting collecting system collected in a system and collecting (estimated), treated(estimate), system PE PE (estimated) 0% 0 12% 827 0 95% 1,903 0 14% 594 594 2442741 2150806 88% 29 2100514 type of UWWTP no no no 2 Generated Generated Generated load BOD5 load COD load Nt (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 50.39 45.99 44.96 44.65 53496 86% 100.78 91.98 89.92 89.31 106992 7.39 6.75 6.59 6.55 7846 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration 101387 4068 6036 4046 Total Total,% Generated Discharged load Pt load BOD5 (t/a) (t/a) 1.72 1.57 1.54 1.53 1935 Discharged load COD (t/a) ANNEX_HR_UWW_scII Discharged Discharged Emmisions Emmisions load Nt load Pt (t/a) BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) (t/a) Emmisions Nt (t/a) Emmisions Pt (t/a) 5.31 42.72 1.82 10.62 85.43 3.03 0.78 6.27 0.58 0.18 1.46 0.17 50.39 45.99 44.96 17.86 100.78 91.98 89.92 39.30 7.39 6.75 6.59 4.72 1.72 1.57 1.54 1.28 3399 6.35% 15900 14.86% 2186 27.86% 376 19.42% 9857 18.43% 28831 26.95% 3140 40.02% 603 31.15% 30 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomer ation Name of agglomeration Generated load (PE) (Estimated load) 2007 2283 4029 6048 6054 4058 4036 101430 6013 7031 7040 101045 4043 2005 7037 7014 6011 6079 4031 7021 4017 7027 4091 6061 4014 4063 4048 4037 7053 4002 4090 4011 6064 7050 4071 Slunj Vrbovsko Dvor Luzani Novi Grad Moscenica Hum na Sutli Gradec Davor Nijemci Rajevo Selo Donji Kraj Konjscina Plitvicka jezera Privlaka Andrijasevci Cazma Slavonski Samac Glina Cerna Bedekovcina Gunja Zlatar Pleternica Velesevec Petrinja Krizevci Ivanic Grad Zupanja Rugvica Zabok Samobor Pozega Vinkovci Sisak 2,043 2,044 2,094 2,095 2,120 2,348 2,414 2,486 2,513 2,543 2,975 3,282 3,357 3,421 3,926 4,429 4,529 5,150 5,390 5,440 7,973 8,432 9,073 13,121 14,199 14,459 16,895 17,615 18,739 21,915 27,423 30,227 37,611 47,912 51,563 ANNEX_HR_UWW_scIII generated load % of generated generated load collected in a load collected collected in a collecting system in a collecting collecting and system system treated(estimate), (estimate) (estimate), PE PE 100% 2,043 2,043 100% 2,044 2,044 100% 2,094 2,094 100% 2,095 2,095 100% 2,120 2,120 100% 2348 2348 100% 2,414 2,414 100% 2,486 2,486 100% 2,513 2,513 100% 2,543 2,543 100% 2,975 2,975 100% 3,282 3,282 100% 3,357 3,357 100% 3421 3421 100% 3,926 3,926 100% 4,429 4,429 100% 4,529 4,529 100% 5,150 5,150 100% 5,390 5,390 100% 5,440 5,440 100% 7,973 7,973 100% 8,432 8,432 100% 9,073 9,073 100% 13,121 13,121 100% 14,199 14,199 100% 14,459 14,459 100% 16,895 16,895 100% 17,615 17,615 100% 18,739 18,739 100% 21,915 21,915 100% 27,423 27,423 100% 30,227 30,227 100% 37,611 37,611 100% 47,912 47,912 100% 51,563 51,563 31 type of UWWTP 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Generated load BOD5 (t/a) 44.74 44.76 45.86 45.88 46.43 51.42 52.87 54.44 55.03 55.69 65.15 71.88 73.52 74.92 85.98 97.00 99.19 112.79 118.04 119.14 174.61 184.66 198.70 287.35 310.96 316.65 370.00 385.77 410.38 479.94 600.56 661.97 823.68 1,049.27 1,129.23 Generated Generated Generated load COD load Pt load Nt (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 89.48 89.53 91.72 91.76 92.86 102.84 105.73 108.89 110.07 111.38 130.31 143.75 147.04 149.84 171.96 193.99 198.37 225.57 236.08 238.27 349.22 369.32 397.40 574.70 621.92 633.30 740.00 771.54 820.77 959.88 1201.13 1323.94 1647.36 2098.55 2258.46 6.56 6.57 6.73 6.73 6.81 7.54 7.75 7.99 8.07 8.17 9.56 10.54 10.78 10.99 12.61 14.23 14.55 16.54 17.31 17.47 25.61 27.08 29.14 42.14 45.61 46.44 54.27 56.58 60.19 70.39 88.08 97.09 120.81 153.89 165.62 1.64 1.64 1.68 1.68 1.70 1.89 1.94 2.00 2.02 2.04 2.39 2.64 2.70 2.75 3.15 3.56 3.64 4.14 4.33 4.37 6.40 6.77 7.29 10.54 11.40 11.61 13.57 14.14 15.05 17.60 22.02 24.27 30.20 38.47 41.41 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomer ation 2007 2283 4029 6048 6054 4058 4036 101430 6013 7031 7040 101045 4043 2005 7037 7014 6011 6079 4031 7021 4017 7027 4091 6061 4014 4063 4048 4037 7053 4002 4090 4011 6064 7050 4071 Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) 13.42 13.43 13.76 13.76 13.93 15.43 15.86 16.33 16.51 16.71 19.55 21.56 22.06 3.75 25.79 29.10 29.76 33.84 35.41 35.74 52.38 55.40 59.61 14.37 15.55 15.83 18.50 19.29 20.52 24.00 30.03 33.10 41.18 52.46 56.46 Discharged load COD (t/a) 22.37 22.38 22.93 22.94 23.21 25.71 26.43 27.22 27.52 27.85 32.58 35.94 36.76 22.48 42.99 48.50 49.59 56.39 59.02 59.57 87.30 92.33 99.35 86.20 93.29 95.00 111.00 115.73 123.12 143.98 180.17 198.59 247.10 314.78 338.77 ANNEX_HR_UWW_scIII Discharged load Nt (t/a) Discharged Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions load Pt BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) (t/a) 4.27 4.27 4.37 4.37 4.43 4.90 5.04 5.19 5.25 5.31 6.21 6.85 7.01 3.30 8.20 9.25 9.46 10.75 11.25 11.36 16.65 17.60 18.94 12.64 13.68 13.93 16.28 16.97 18.06 21.12 26.42 29.13 36.24 46.17 49.69 1.31 1.31 1.35 1.35 1.36 1.51 1.55 1.60 1.61 1.63 1.91 2.11 2.16 0.55 2.52 2.85 2.91 3.31 3.46 3.49 5.12 5.42 5.83 2.11 2.28 2.32 2.71 2.83 3.01 3.52 4.40 4.85 6.04 7.69 8.28 32 13.42 13.43 13.76 13.76 13.93 15.43 15.86 16.33 16.51 16.71 19.55 21.56 22.06 3.75 25.79 29.10 29.76 33.84 35.41 35.74 52.38 55.40 59.61 14.37 15.55 15.83 18.50 19.29 20.52 24.00 30.03 33.10 41.18 52.46 56.46 22.37 22.38 22.93 22.94 23.21 25.71 26.43 27.22 27.52 27.85 32.58 35.94 36.76 22.48 42.99 48.50 49.59 56.39 59.02 59.57 87.30 92.33 99.35 86.20 93.29 95.00 111.00 115.73 123.12 143.98 180.17 198.59 247.10 314.78 338.77 4.27 4.27 4.37 4.37 4.43 4.90 5.04 5.19 5.25 5.31 6.21 6.85 7.01 3.30 8.20 9.25 9.46 10.75 11.25 11.36 16.65 17.60 18.94 12.64 13.68 13.93 16.28 16.97 18.06 21.12 26.42 29.13 36.24 46.17 49.69 1.31 1.31 1.35 1.35 1.36 1.51 1.55 1.60 1.61 1.63 1.91 2.11 2.16 0.55 2.52 2.85 2.91 3.31 3.46 3.49 5.12 5.42 5.83 2.11 2.28 2.32 2.71 2.83 3.01 3.52 4.40 4.85 6.04 7.69 8.28 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomer ation Name of agglomeration 4010 Velika Gorica 6077 Slavonski Brod 4040 Karlovac-Duga Resa 4009 Zapresic 4008 Zagreb 6008 Bjelovar 6012 Daruvar 6020 Đakovo 6051 Nova Gradiška 4089 Vrbovec 4051 Kutina 6047 Lipik - Pakrac 4039 Jastrebarsko 4060 Novska 4044 Krapina 4007 Glavničica 2003 Ogulin 4075 Sveti Ivan Zelina 7034 Otok (Vinkovci) 7029 Ivankovo 4066 Popovača 6099 Vrpolje 6025 Garešnica 7032 Novi Jankovci 7051 Vođinci 6055 Okućani 2163 Delnice 7020 Bošnjaci 101127 Križ - Novoselec 7016 Babina Greda 101125 Marija Bistrica 6002 Batrina 6029 Grubišno Polje 4018 Brckovljani 6016 Donji Andrijevci Generated load (PE) (Estimated load) 54,725 92,518 117,163 118,885 1,177,361 73,927 38,108 33,265 23,913 20,655 17,977 15,550 11,945 10,861 10,648 10,349 9,345 7,980 7,875 7,495 6,792 6,781 6,752 6,347 5,700 5,497 5,178 4,803 4,539 4,412 4,327 4,324 4,282 4,065 4,015 ANNEX_HR_UWW_scIII generated load % of generated generated load collected in a load collected collected in a collecting system in a collecting collecting and system system treated(estimate), (estimate) (estimate), PE PE 100% 54,725 54,725 100% 92,518 92,518 100% 117,163 117,163 100% 118,885 118,885 100% 1,177,361 1,177,361 100% 73,927 73,927 100% 38,108 38,108 100% 33,265 33,265 100% 23,913 23,913 100% 20,655 20,655 100% 17,977 17,977 100% 15,550 15,550 11,945 11,945 100% 10,861 10,861 100% 10,648 10,648 100% 10,349 10,349 100% 9,345 9,345 100% 7,980 7,980 100% 7,875 7,875 100% 7,495 7,495 100% 6,792 6,792 100% 6,781 6,781 100% 6,752 6,752 100% 6,347 6,347 100% 5,700 5,700 100% 5,497 5,497 100% 5,178 5,178 100% 4,803 4,803 100% 4,539 4,539 100% 4,412 4,412 100% 4,327 4,327 100% 4,324 4,324 100% 4,282 4,282 100% 4,065 4,065 100% 4,015 4,015 100% 33 type of UWWTP 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Generated load BOD5 (t/a) 1,198.48 2,026.14 2,565.87 2,603.58 25,784.21 1619.00 834.57 728.50 523.69 452.34 393.70 340.55 261.60 237.86 233.19 226.64 204.66 174.76 172.46 164.14 148.74 148.50 147.87 139.00 124.83 120.38 113.40 105.19 99.40 96.62 94.76 94.70 93.78 89.02 87.93 Generated Generated Generated load COD load Pt load Nt (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 2396.96 4052.29 5131.74 5207.16 51568.41 3238.00 1669.13 1457.01 1047.39 904.69 787.39 681.09 523.19 475.71 466.38 453.29 409.31 349.52 344.93 328.28 297.49 297.01 295.74 278.00 249.66 240.77 226.80 210.37 198.81 193.25 189.52 189.39 187.55 178.05 175.86 175.78 297.17 376.33 381.86 3781.68 237.45 122.40 106.85 76.81 66.34 57.74 49.95 38.37 34.89 34.20 33.24 30.02 25.63 25.29 24.07 21.82 21.78 21.69 20.39 18.31 17.66 16.63 15.43 14.58 14.17 13.90 13.89 13.75 13.06 12.90 43.94 74.29 94.08 95.46 945.42 55.32 28.51 24.89 17.89 15.46 13.45 11.64 8.94 8.13 7.97 7.74 6.99 5.97 5.89 5.61 5.08 5.07 5.05 4.75 4.27 4.11 3.87 3.59 3.40 3.30 3.24 3.24 3.20 3.04 3.00 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomer ation 4010 6077 4040 4009 4008 6008 6012 6020 6051 4089 4051 6047 4039 4060 4044 4007 2003 4075 7034 7029 4066 6099 6025 7032 7051 6055 2163 7020 101127 7016 101125 6002 6029 4018 6016 Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) 59.92 101.31 128.29 130.18 1289.21 80.95 41.73 36.43 26.18 22.62 19.68 17.03 13.08 11.89 11.66 11.33 10.23 52.43 51.74 49.24 44.62 44.55 44.36 41.70 37.45 36.12 34.02 31.56 29.82 28.99 28.43 28.41 28.13 26.71 26.38 Discharged load COD (t/a) 359.54 607.84 769.76 781.07 7735.26 485.70 250.37 218.55 157.11 135.70 118.11 102.16 78.48 71.36 69.96 67.99 61.40 87.38 86.23 82.07 74.37 74.25 73.93 69.50 62.42 60.19 56.70 52.59 49.70 48.31 47.38 47.35 46.89 44.51 43.96 ANNEX_HR_UWW_scIII Discharged load Nt (t/a) 52.73 89.15 112.90 114.56 1134.51 71.24 36.72 32.05 23.04 19.90 17.32 14.98 11.51 10.47 10.26 9.97 9.00 16.66 16.44 15.65 14.18 14.16 14.10 13.25 11.90 11.48 10.81 10.03 9.48 9.21 9.03 9.03 8.94 8.49 8.38 Discharged Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions load Pt BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) (t/a) 8.79 14.86 18.82 19.09 189.08 11.06 5.70 4.98 3.58 3.09 2.69 2.33 1.79 1.63 1.59 1.55 1.40 4.78 4.71 4.49 4.07 4.06 4.04 3.80 3.41 3.29 3.10 2.88 2.72 2.64 2.59 2.59 2.56 2.43 2.40 34 59.92 101.31 128.29 130.18 1289.21 80.95 41.73 36.43 26.18 22.62 19.68 17.03 13.08 11.89 11.66 11.33 10.23 52.43 51.74 49.24 44.62 44.55 44.36 41.70 37.45 36.12 34.02 31.56 29.82 28.99 28.43 28.41 28.13 26.71 26.38 359.54 607.84 769.76 781.07 7735.26 485.70 250.37 218.55 157.11 135.70 118.11 102.16 78.48 71.36 69.96 67.99 61.40 87.38 86.23 82.07 74.37 74.25 73.93 69.50 62.42 60.19 56.70 52.59 49.70 48.31 47.38 47.35 46.89 44.51 43.96 52.73 89.15 112.90 114.56 1134.51 71.24 36.72 32.05 23.04 19.90 17.32 14.98 11.51 10.47 10.26 9.97 9.00 16.66 16.44 15.65 14.18 14.16 14.10 13.25 11.90 11.48 10.81 10.03 9.48 9.21 9.03 9.03 8.94 8.49 8.38 8.79 14.86 18.82 19.09 189.08 11.06 5.70 4.98 3.58 3.09 2.69 2.33 1.79 1.63 1.59 1.55 1.40 4.78 4.71 4.49 4.07 4.06 4.04 3.80 3.41 3.29 3.10 2.88 2.72 2.64 2.59 2.59 2.56 2.43 2.40 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomer ation Name of agglomeration Generated load (PE) (Estimated load) 6089 Velika 6045 Kutjevo 101060 Jakovlje 4088 Voloder 4024 Donja Zdenčina 6032 Hercegovac 7026 Gradište 6069 Rovišće 6081 Staro Petrovo Selo 6024 Garčin 4053 Lekenik 101436 Polonje 6009 Brodski Stupnik 4074 Sunja 101114 Mala Buna 6006 Beravci 7052 Vrbanja 101068 Mali Zdenci - Veliki Zdenci 101437 Paukovec 4026 Draganić 4054 Lipovljani 6057 Oriovac 4045 Krapinske Toplice 6030 Gudovac 6040 Kaptol 4027 Dubrava 2002 Josipdol 101441 Lipovec Lonjski 7049 Tovarnik 6031 Gundinci 101387 Jasenak 4068 Pregrada 6036 Jakšić 4046 Krašić 3,995 3,981 3,952 3,732 3,705 3,673 3,532 3,441 3,381 3,380 3,340 3,280 3,267 3,248 3,153 3,084 3,082 3,071 2,974 2,950 2,777 2,721 2,708 2,694 2,621 2,601 2,598 2,452 2,396 2,344 2,301 2,100 2,053 2,039 ANNEX_HR_UWW_scIII generated load % of generated generated load collected in a load collected collected in a collecting system in a collecting collecting and system system treated(estimate), (estimate) (estimate), PE PE 3,995 3,995 100% 3,981 3,981 100% 3,952 3,952 100% 3,732 3,732 100% 3,705 3,705 100% 3,673 3,673 100% 3,532 3,532 100% 3,441 3,441 100% 3,381 3,381 100% 3,380 3,380 100% 3,340 3,340 100% 3,280 3,280 100% 3,267 3,267 100% 3,248 3,248 100% 3,153 3,153 100% 3,084 3,084 100% 3,082 3,082 100% 3,071 3,071 100% 2,974 2,974 100% 2,950 2,950 100% 2,777 2,777 100% 2,721 2,721 100% 2,708 2,708 100% 2,694 2,694 100% 2,621 2,621 100% 2,601 2,601 100% 2,598 2,598 100% 2,452 2,452 100% 2,396 2,396 100% 2,344 2,344 100% 2,301 2,301 100% 2,100 2,100 100% 2,053 2,053 100% 2,039 2,039 100% 35 type of UWWTP 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Generated load BOD5 (t/a) 87.49 87.18 86.55 81.73 81.14 80.44 77.35 75.36 74.04 74.02 73.15 71.83 71.55 71.13 69.05 67.54 67.50 67.25 65.13 64.61 60.82 59.59 59.31 59.00 57.40 56.96 56.90 53.70 52.47 51.33 50.39 45.99 44.96 44.65 Generated Generated Generated load COD load Pt load Nt (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 174.98 174.37 173.10 163.46 162.28 160.88 154.70 150.72 148.09 148.04 146.29 143.66 143.09 142.26 138.10 135.08 134.99 134.51 130.26 129.21 121.63 119.18 118.61 118.00 114.80 113.92 113.79 107.40 104.94 102.67 100.78 91.98 89.92 89.31 12.83 12.79 12.69 11.99 11.90 11.80 11.34 11.05 10.86 10.86 10.73 10.54 10.49 10.43 10.13 9.91 9.90 9.86 9.55 9.48 8.92 8.74 8.70 8.65 8.42 8.35 8.34 7.88 7.70 7.53 7.39 6.75 6.59 6.55 2.99 2.98 2.96 2.79 2.77 2.75 2.64 2.57 2.53 2.53 2.50 2.45 2.44 2.43 2.36 2.31 2.31 2.30 2.23 2.21 2.08 2.04 2.03 2.02 1.96 1.95 1.94 1.83 1.79 1.75 1.72 1.57 1.54 1.53 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomer ation 6089 6045 101060 4088 4024 6032 7026 6069 6081 6024 4053 101436 6009 4074 101114 6006 7052 101068 101437 4026 4054 6057 4045 6030 6040 4027 2002 101441 7049 6031 101387 4068 6036 4046 Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) 26.25 26.16 25.96 24.52 24.34 24.13 23.21 22.61 22.21 22.21 21.94 21.55 21.46 21.34 20.72 20.26 20.25 20.18 19.54 19.38 18.24 17.88 17.79 17.70 17.22 17.09 17.07 16.11 15.74 15.40 15.12 13.80 13.49 13.40 Discharged load COD (t/a) 43.75 43.59 43.27 40.87 40.57 40.22 38.68 37.68 37.02 37.01 36.57 35.92 35.77 35.57 34.53 33.77 33.75 33.63 32.57 32.30 30.41 29.79 29.65 29.50 28.70 28.48 28.45 26.85 26.24 25.67 25.20 23.00 22.48 22.33 ANNEX_HR_UWW_scIII Discharged load Nt (t/a) Discharged Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions load Pt BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) (t/a) 8.34 8.31 8.25 7.79 7.74 7.67 7.37 7.18 7.06 7.06 6.97 6.85 6.82 6.78 6.58 6.44 6.43 6.41 6.21 6.16 5.80 5.68 5.65 5.62 5.47 5.43 5.42 5.12 5.00 4.89 4.80 4.38 4.29 4.26 2.39 2.38 2.37 2.23 2.22 2.20 2.11 2.06 2.02 2.02 2.00 1.96 1.96 1.94 1.89 1.85 1.84 1.84 1.78 1.77 1.66 1.63 1.62 1.61 1.57 1.56 1.56 1.47 1.43 1.40 1.38 1.26 1.23 1.22 36 26.25 26.16 25.96 24.52 24.34 24.13 23.21 22.61 22.21 22.21 21.94 21.55 21.46 21.34 20.72 20.26 20.25 20.18 19.54 19.38 18.24 17.88 17.79 17.70 17.22 17.09 17.07 16.11 15.74 15.40 15.12 13.80 13.49 13.40 43.75 43.59 43.27 40.87 40.57 40.22 38.68 37.68 37.02 37.01 36.57 35.92 35.77 35.57 34.53 33.77 33.75 33.63 32.57 32.30 30.41 29.79 29.65 29.50 28.70 28.48 28.45 26.85 26.24 25.67 25.20 23.00 22.48 22.33 8.34 8.31 8.25 7.79 7.74 7.67 7.37 7.18 7.06 7.06 6.97 6.85 6.82 6.78 6.58 6.44 6.43 6.41 6.21 6.16 5.80 5.68 5.65 5.62 5.47 5.43 5.42 5.12 5.00 4.89 4.80 4.38 4.29 4.26 2.39 2.38 2.37 2.23 2.22 2.20 2.11 2.06 2.02 2.02 2.00 1.96 1.96 1.94 1.89 1.85 1.84 1.84 1.78 1.77 1.66 1.63 1.62 1.61 1.57 1.56 1.56 1.47 1.43 1.40 1.38 1.26 1.23 1.22 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomer ation Total Total, % Name of agglomeration Generated load (PE) (Estimated load) 2442741 ANNEX_HR_UWW_scIII generated load % of generated generated load collected in a load collected collected in a collecting system in a collecting collecting and system system treated(estimate), (estimate) (estimate), PE PE 2442741 2442741 100% 100% 37 type of UWWTP Generated load BOD5 (t/a) 53496 Generated Generated Generated load COD load Pt load Nt (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 106992 7846 1935 CROATIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomer ation Total Total, % Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) 4265 7.97% Discharged load COD (t/a) 17321 16.19% ANNEX_HR_UWW_scIII Discharged load Nt (t/a) 2680 34.16% Discharged Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions load Pt BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) (t/a) 520 26.89% 38 4265 7.97% 17321 16.19% 2680 34.16% 520 26.89% Sava River Basin Management Plan Annex 3 Annex_BA_UWW_2007 Annex_BA_UWW_2015 Annex_BA_scII Annex_BA_scIII Bosnia and Herzegovina Urban wastewater disposal - reference year 2007 and proposed scenarios Draft 5.0 Zagreb October, 2011 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of Name of agglomeration agglomeration 1048 391 607 110 111 45 131 396 827 636 313 623 309 552 326 237 671 134 338 531 291 858 1 495 389 427 442 214 535 87 Sarajevo A1 Tuzla Zenica Breza Cazin Bihać Bugojno Živinice Travnik Novi Travnik Gračanica Kakanj Gornji Vakuf Sanski Most Srebrenik Goražde Zavidovići Busovača Gradačac Tešanj Visoko Vitez Banovići-grad Lukavac A2 Tuzla Orašje Velika Kladuša Donji Vakuf Jelah Bosanska Krupa Water Body code BA_BOS_7 BA_BOS_SPR_1 BA_BOS_2 BA_BOS_5 BA_KOR_MUTN_2 BA_UNA_3 BA_VRB_7 BA_BOS_SPR_3 BA_BOS_LAS_3 BA_BOS_LAS_3 BA_BOS_SPR_1 BA_BOS_5 BA_VRB_7 BA_UNA_SAN_2 BA_SA_TIN_3 BA_DR_6 BA_BOS_2 BA_BOS_LAS_1 BA_SA_1 BA_BOS_3 BA_BOS_5 BA_BOS_LAS_2 BA_BOS_SPR_3 BA_BOS_SPR_1 BA_BOS_SPR_1 BA_SA_1 BA_GLINA_KLA_1 BA_VRB_7 BA_BOS_3 BA_UNA_3 ANNEX_BA_UWW_2007 Date when the generated load % of generated generated load total generated Generated load collected in a load collected collected in a Population load of the (PE) collecting in a collecting collecting (inhabitants) agglomeration (Estimated system and system system will be load) treated(estimat (estimate) (estimate), PE collected e), PE 340000 159375 80887 48450 35190 31394 25508 25500 24537 21038 20774 19573 19125 17872 17379 14299 13574 13388 13236 13025 12750 11987 11419 11124 10583 10431 10200 9757 9708 9190 2015 400000 187500 95162 57000 41400 36934 30010 30000 28868 24750 24440 23027 22500 21026 20446 16823 15970 15750 15572 15323 15000 14102 13434 13087 12450 12272 12000 11479 11421 10812 2015 2015 2 75.00 300000.00 0.00 42.77 94.58 43.74 68.12 21.66 99.97 66.67 62.67 36.36 53.19 62.10 29.81 21.40 61.14 72.52 96.60 26.67 93.42 64.46 66.67 65.95 75.79 95.52 0.00 30.96 52.00 41.08 24.52 86.15 80200.00 90000.00 24930.00 28202.00 8000.00 30000.00 20000.00 18090.30 9000.00 13000.00 14300.00 6708.00 4500.00 12500.00 12200.00 15427.00 4200.00 14547.00 9878.00 10000.00 9300.00 10182.00 12500.00 0.00 3800.00 6240.00 4715.00 2800.00 9315.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12500 0.00 0.00 0.00 14547 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration 1048 391 607 110 111 45 131 396 827 636 313 623 309 552 326 237 671 134 338 531 291 858 1 495 389 427 442 214 535 87 type of UWWTP II In reconstruction no no no no no no no no no no no no II no no no II no no no no no no no no no no no Generated load Generated load BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) ANNEX_BA_UWW_2007 Generated load Nt (t/a) Generated load Pt (t/a) Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) Discharged load COD (t/a) Discharged load Nt (t/a) Discharged load Pt (t/a) 8760.00 17520.00 1284.80 299.30 6570.00 13140.00 963.60 224.48 4106.25 2084.04 1248.30 906.66 808.85 657.21 657.00 632.20 542.03 535.24 504.30 492.75 460.46 447.76 368.41 349.74 344.93 341.02 335.58 328.50 308.84 294.20 286.60 272.66 268.76 262.80 251.38 250.12 236.78 8212.50 4168.07 2496.60 1813.32 1617.70 1314.43 1314.00 1264.40 1084.05 1070.48 1008.59 985.50 920.92 895.52 736.83 699.48 689.85 682.03 671.16 657.00 617.68 588.41 573.20 545.31 537.52 525.60 502.77 500.24 473.57 602.25 305.66 183.08 132.98 118.63 96.39 96.36 92.72 79.50 78.50 73.96 72.27 67.53 65.67 54.03 51.29 50.59 50.02 49.22 48.18 45.30 43.15 42.03 39.99 39.42 38.54 36.87 36.68 34.73 140.30 71.20 42.65 30.98 27.64 22.45 22.45 21.60 18.52 18.29 17.23 16.84 15.73 15.30 12.59 11.95 11.78 11.65 11.47 11.22 10.55 10.05 9.79 9.32 9.18 8.98 8.59 8.55 8.09 1756.38 1971.00 545.97 617.62 175.20 657.00 438.00 396.18 197.10 284.70 313.17 146.91 98.55 59.17 267.18 337.85 91.98 45.07 216.33 219.00 203.67 222.99 273.75 3512.76 3942.00 1091.93 1235.25 350.40 1314.00 876.00 792.36 394.20 569.40 626.34 293.81 197.10 98.62 534.36 675.70 183.96 75.11 432.66 438.00 407.34 445.97 547.50 257.60 289.08 80.08 90.58 25.70 96.36 64.24 58.11 28.91 41.76 45.93 21.55 14.45 18.80 39.19 49.55 13.49 14.32 31.73 32.12 29.87 32.70 40.15 60.01 67.34 18.65 21.10 5.99 22.45 14.97 13.54 6.73 9.73 10.70 5.02 3.37 5.39 9.13 11.54 3.14 4.11 7.39 7.48 6.96 7.62 9.35 83.22 136.66 103.26 61.32 204.00 166.44 273.31 206.52 122.64 408.00 12.21 20.04 15.14 8.99 29.92 2.84 4.67 3.53 2.10 6.97 3 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration 1048 391 607 110 111 45 131 396 827 636 313 623 309 552 326 237 671 134 338 531 291 858 1 495 389 427 442 214 535 87 Emmisions BOD5 (t/a) ANNEX_BA_UWW_2007 Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) 8760.00 17520.00 1284.80 299.30 4106.25 2084.04 1248.30 906.66 808.85 657.21 657.00 632.20 542.03 535.24 504.30 492.75 460.46 309.69 368.41 349.74 344.93 174.30 335.58 328.50 308.84 294.20 286.60 272.66 268.76 262.80 251.38 250.12 236.78 8212.50 4168.07 2496.60 1813.32 1617.70 1314.43 1314.00 1264.40 1084.05 1070.48 1008.59 985.50 920.92 599.67 736.83 699.48 689.85 324.78 671.16 657.00 617.68 588.41 573.20 545.31 537.52 525.60 502.77 500.24 473.57 602.25 305.66 183.08 132.98 118.63 96.39 96.36 92.72 79.50 78.50 73.96 72.27 67.53 55.55 54.03 51.29 50.59 37.79 49.22 48.18 45.30 43.15 42.03 39.99 39.42 38.54 36.87 36.68 34.73 140.30 71.20 42.65 30.98 27.64 22.45 22.45 21.60 18.52 18.29 17.23 16.84 15.73 13.95 12.59 11.95 11.78 10.02 11.47 11.22 10.55 10.05 9.79 9.32 9.18 8.98 8.59 8.55 8.09 4 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of Name of agglomeration agglomeration Water Body code ANNEX_BA_UWW_2007 Date when the generated load % of generated generated load total generated Generated load collected in a load collected collected in a Population load of the (PE) collecting in a collecting collecting (inhabitants) agglomeration (Estimated system and system system will be load) treated(estimat (estimate) (estimate), PE collected e), PE 649 659 126 524 431 399 206 650 1067 Jajce BA_VRB_5 Kiseljak BA_BOS_5 Bosanski Petrovac Maglaj BA_BOS_2 Ključ BA_UNA_SAN_4 Dubrave BA_BOS_SPR_3 Klokotnica BA_BOS_SPR_1 Visoko II BA_BOS_5 Živinice Donje BA_BOS_SPR_3 8505 8480 8317 7897 7650 7443 6946 6835 6566 568 217 397 549 233 138 327 412 320 402 1069 842 210 490 741 95 164 967 569 492 683 209 Odžak Drvar Šerići Novi Miljanovci Fojnica Bužim Tinja Gornja Vitinica Orahovica Donja Tupković Donji Mionica Čukle Domaljevac Kladanj Željezno Polje Otoka Stijena Vukovije Svilaj Vareš Donja Lovnica Matuzići 6375 5826 5738 5719 5558 5527 5217 5191 4781 4667 4383 4186 4131 4109 4077 3984 3885 3771 3744 3690 3507 3460 BA_SA_2 BA_UNA_3 BA_BOS_SPR_3 BA_BOS_3 BA_BOS_5 BA_GLINA_GLI_BUZ_4 BA_SA_TIN_3 BA_DR_1 BA_BOS_SPR_1 BA_BOS_SPR_3 BA_SA_1 BA_BOS_LAS_3 BA_SA_1 BA_DR_DRNJ_5 BA_KOR_MUTN_2 BA_BOS_3 BA_UNA_2 BA_BOS_SPR_3 BA_SA_2 BA_BOS_5 BA_BOS_2 BA_BOS_2 10006 9977 9785 9291 9000 8756 8171 8042 7725 2015 7500 6854 6750 6728 6539 6503 6138 6107 5625 5490 5156 4925 4860 4835 4797 4688 4571 4437 4405 4341 4126 4071 5 93.55 45.11 35.77 86.30 88.89 0.00 61.19 0.00 0.00 9360.00 4500.00 3500.00 8018.00 8000.00 0.00 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 80.00 6000.00 0.00 22.00 0.00 34.18 62.71 27.44 0.00 98.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.92 82.74 96.00 0.00 0.00 45.08 45.41 80.63 0.00 49.13 1507.94 0.00 2300.00 4100.00 1784.00 0.00 6000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1454.00 4000.00 0.00 4500.00 0.00 2000.00 2000.00 3500.00 0.00 2000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration 649 659 126 524 431 399 206 650 1067 568 217 397 549 233 138 327 412 320 402 1069 842 210 490 741 95 164 967 569 492 683 209 type of UWWTP no no no no no no no no no II in construction no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Generated load Generated load BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) ANNEX_BA_UWW_2007 Generated load Nt (t/a) Generated load Pt (t/a) Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) Discharged load COD (t/a) Discharged load Nt (t/a) Discharged load Pt (t/a) 219.13 218.49 214.28 203.47 197.10 191.76 178.95 176.11 169.18 438.25 436.97 428.56 406.95 394.20 383.52 357.90 352.22 338.36 32.14 32.04 31.43 29.84 28.91 28.13 26.25 25.83 24.81 7.49 7.46 7.32 6.95 6.73 6.55 6.11 6.02 5.78 204.98 98.55 76.65 175.59 175.20 409.97 197.10 153.30 351.19 350.40 30.06 14.45 11.24 25.75 25.70 7.00 3.37 2.62 6.00 5.99 109.50 219.00 16.06 3.74 164.25 328.50 24.09 5.61 131.40 262.80 19.27 4.49 150.11 147.83 147.35 143.19 142.40 134.42 133.73 123.19 120.23 112.92 107.86 106.43 105.88 105.05 102.66 100.10 97.17 96.46 95.07 90.35 89.15 300.22 295.65 294.70 286.39 284.81 268.84 267.46 246.38 240.46 225.84 215.73 212.87 211.75 210.10 205.31 200.21 194.34 192.93 190.14 180.71 178.31 22.02 21.68 21.61 21.00 20.89 19.72 19.61 18.07 17.63 16.56 15.82 15.61 15.53 15.41 15.06 14.68 14.25 14.15 13.94 13.25 13.08 5.13 5.05 5.03 4.89 4.87 4.59 4.57 4.21 4.11 3.86 3.69 3.64 3.62 3.59 3.51 3.42 3.32 3.30 3.25 3.09 3.05 33.02 66.05 4.84 1.13 50.37 89.79 39.07 100.74 179.58 78.14 7.39 13.17 5.73 1.72 3.07 1.33 131.40 262.80 19.27 4.49 31.84 87.60 63.69 175.20 4.67 12.85 1.09 2.99 98.55 197.10 14.45 3.37 43.80 43.80 76.65 87.60 87.60 153.30 6.42 6.42 11.24 1.50 1.50 2.62 43.80 87.60 6.42 1.50 6 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration 649 659 126 524 431 399 206 650 1067 568 217 397 549 233 138 327 412 320 402 1069 842 210 490 741 95 164 967 569 492 683 209 Emmisions BOD5 (t/a) ANNEX_BA_UWW_2007 Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) 219.13 218.49 214.28 203.47 197.10 191.76 178.95 176.11 169.18 438.25 436.97 428.56 406.95 394.20 383.52 357.90 352.22 338.36 32.14 32.04 31.43 29.84 28.91 28.13 26.25 25.83 24.81 7.49 7.46 7.32 6.95 6.73 6.55 6.11 6.02 5.78 164.25 328.50 24.09 5.61 150.11 147.83 147.35 143.19 142.40 134.42 133.73 123.19 120.23 112.92 107.86 106.43 105.88 105.05 102.66 100.10 97.17 96.46 95.07 90.35 89.15 300.22 295.65 294.70 286.39 284.81 268.84 267.46 246.38 240.46 225.84 215.73 212.87 211.75 210.10 205.31 200.21 194.34 192.93 190.14 180.71 178.31 22.02 21.68 21.61 21.00 20.89 19.72 19.61 18.07 17.63 16.56 15.82 15.61 15.53 15.41 15.06 14.68 14.25 14.15 13.94 13.25 13.08 5.13 5.05 5.03 4.89 4.87 4.59 4.57 4.21 4.11 3.86 3.69 3.64 3.62 3.59 3.51 3.42 3.32 3.30 3.25 3.09 3.05 7 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of Name of agglomeration agglomeration 511 577 595 961 160 7 504 572 343 332 319 3 436 968 518 336 686 321 618 681 390 96 347 733 316 515 621 743 398 485 42 161 Dobošnica Kalesija Olovo Tojšići Pećigrad Podgorje Poljice Novo Selo Zelinja Donja Sladna Stjepan Polje Banovići Selo Sanica Petrovice Gnojnica Špionica Srednja Hajderovići Miričina Nemila Činovići A3 Tuzla Jezerski Vučkovci Donja Dubica Lukavica Puračić Orahovica Begov Han Suha Bašigovci Orašac Gornja Koprivna Water Body code BA_BOS_SPR_1 BA_BOS_SPR_3 BA_BOS_KRI_4 BA_BOS_SPR_3 BA_SA_1 BA_SA_TIN_3 BA_KOR_MUTN_2 BA_BOS_SPR_1 BA_BOS_SPR_3 BA_BOS_SPR_1 BA_BOS_1 BA_BOS_SPR_3 BA_UNA_SAN_4 BA_BOS_SPR_3 BA_BOS_SPR_1 BA_SA_TIN_3 BA_BOS_2 BA_BOS_SPR_1 BA_BOS_4 BA_BOS_2 BA_BOS_SPR_1 BA_UNA_2 BA_SA_1 BA_SA_2 BA_BOS_SPR_1 BA_BOS_SPR_1 BA_BOS_SPR_3 BA_BOS_SPR_3 BA_BOS_4 BA_BOS_3 BA_UNA_3 BA_KOR_MUTN_2 ANNEX_BA_UWW_2007 Date when the generated load % of generated generated load total generated Generated load collected in a load collected collected in a Population load of the (PE) collecting in a collecting collecting (inhabitants) agglomeration (Estimated system and system system will be load) treated(estimat (estimate) (estimate), PE collected e), PE 3440 3418 3401 3390 3378 3326 3296 3264 3249 3225 3212 3212 3194 3191 3114 2952 2868 2856 2856 2816 2720 2710 2693 2655 2611 2515 2448 2448 2448 2448 2415 2402 4047 4022 4001 3988 3974 3913 3878 3840 3822 3794 3779 3778 3758 3754 3664 3473 3374 3360 3360 3313 3200 3189 3168 3124 3072 2958 2880 2880 2880 2880 2841 2826 8 0.00 74.60 89.97 50.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 26.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 61.21 53.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 89.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 69.44 69.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3000.00 3600.00 2000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1000.13 0.00 2300.00 2000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2000.00 2000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration 511 577 595 961 160 7 504 572 343 332 319 3 436 968 518 336 686 321 618 681 390 96 347 733 316 515 621 743 398 485 42 161 type of UWWTP no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Generated load Generated load BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) 88.63 88.07 87.63 87.33 87.03 85.69 84.92 84.10 83.70 83.09 82.76 82.75 82.29 82.20 80.24 76.05 73.90 73.58 73.58 72.55 70.08 69.83 69.38 68.42 67.28 64.79 63.07 63.07 63.07 63.07 62.21 61.90 177.26 176.14 175.25 174.66 174.06 171.39 169.83 168.19 167.40 166.18 165.52 165.49 164.58 164.41 160.48 152.11 147.80 147.17 147.17 145.10 140.16 139.67 138.76 136.83 134.55 129.58 126.14 126.14 126.14 126.14 124.43 123.80 ANNEX_BA_UWW_2007 Generated load Nt (t/a) Generated load Pt (t/a) 13.00 12.92 12.85 12.81 12.76 12.57 12.45 12.33 12.28 12.19 12.14 12.14 12.07 12.06 11.77 11.15 10.84 10.79 10.79 10.64 10.28 10.24 10.18 10.03 9.87 9.50 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.12 9.08 9 3.03 3.01 2.99 2.98 2.97 2.93 2.90 2.87 2.86 2.84 2.83 2.83 2.81 2.81 2.74 2.60 2.52 2.51 2.51 2.48 2.39 2.39 2.37 2.34 2.30 2.21 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.13 2.11 Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) Discharged load COD (t/a) Discharged load Nt (t/a) Discharged load Pt (t/a) 65.70 78.84 43.80 131.40 157.68 87.60 9.64 11.56 6.42 2.24 2.69 1.50 21.90 43.81 3.21 0.75 50.37 43.80 100.74 87.60 7.39 6.42 1.72 1.50 65.70 131.40 9.64 2.24 43.80 43.80 87.60 87.60 6.42 6.42 1.50 1.50 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration 511 577 595 961 160 7 504 572 343 332 319 3 436 968 518 336 686 321 618 681 390 96 347 733 316 515 621 743 398 485 42 161 Emmisions BOD5 (t/a) 88.63 88.07 87.63 87.33 87.03 85.69 84.92 84.10 83.70 83.09 82.76 82.75 82.29 82.20 80.24 76.05 73.90 73.58 73.58 72.55 70.08 69.83 69.38 68.42 67.28 64.79 63.07 63.07 63.07 63.07 62.21 61.90 ANNEX_BA_UWW_2007 Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) 177.26 176.14 175.25 174.66 174.06 171.39 169.83 168.19 167.40 166.18 165.52 165.49 164.58 164.41 160.48 152.11 147.80 147.17 147.17 145.10 140.16 139.67 138.76 136.83 134.55 129.58 126.14 126.14 126.14 126.14 124.43 123.80 13.00 12.92 12.85 12.81 12.76 12.57 12.45 12.33 12.28 12.19 12.14 12.14 12.07 12.06 11.77 11.15 10.84 10.79 10.79 10.64 10.28 10.24 10.18 10.03 9.87 9.50 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.12 9.08 3.03 3.01 2.99 2.98 2.97 2.93 2.90 2.87 2.86 2.84 2.83 2.83 2.81 2.81 2.74 2.60 2.52 2.51 2.51 2.48 2.39 2.39 2.37 2.34 2.30 2.21 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.13 2.11 10 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of Name of agglomeration agglomeration 432 430 540 159 486 449 315 497 48 218 426 2 462 324 966 516 573 142 746 1070 553 317 175 401 738 655 530 861 434 400 954 662 Water Body code ANNEX_BA_UWW_2007 Date when the generated load % of generated generated load total generated Generated load collected in a load collected collected in a Population load of the (PE) collecting in a collecting collecting (inhabitants) agglomeration (Estimated system and system system will be load) treated(estimat (estimate) (estimate), PE collected e), PE Hadžići BA_UNA_SAN_4 Oštra Luka BA_SA_1 Šije BA_BOS_3 Šturlić BA_KOR_MUTN_2 Tarevo BA_BOS_SPR_3 Mala Kladuša BA_GLINA_KLA_1 Džakule BA_BOS_SPR_1 Smoluća Donja BA_BOS_SPR_1 Brekovica BA_UNA_3 Ustikolina BA_DR_6 Vidovice BA_SA_1 Tulovići BA_BOS_SPR_3 Vejinac BA_GLINA_KLA_1 Orahovica Gornja BA_BOS_SPR_1 Miljanovci BA_BOS_SPR_3 Devetak BA_BOS_SPR_1 Potočani BA_SA_2 Mrazovac BA_GLINA_GLI_BUZ_4 Brankovići BA_BOS_3 Donji Lukavac BA_SA_1 Donji Kamengrad BA_UNA_SAN_2 Soko BA_BOS_SPR_1 Konjoder BA_GLINA_GLI_BUZ_4 Lukavica Gornja BA_BOS_SPR_3 Žepče BA_BOS_3 Veliko Čajno BA_BOS_5 Kosova BA_BOS_4 Dubravica BA_BOS_LAS_2 Krasulje BA_UNA_SAN_4 Lukavica Donja BA_BOS_SPR_3 Pasci Donji BA_BOS_SPR_1 Bilalovac BA_BOS_5 2380 2285 2285 2215 2116 2101 2081 2073 2064 2040 2033 1977 1882 1877 1857 1851 1836 1831 1802 1795 1735 1730 1715 1714 1700 1691 1673 1647 1636 1632 1628 1579 2800 2688 2688 2606 2490 2472 2448 2439 2429 2400 2392 2326 2214 2208 2185 2178 2160 2154 2120 2112 2042 2035 2018 2016 2000 1990 1968 1938 1925 1920 1915 1858 11 17.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 83.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23.15 0.00 47.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2000.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 1000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration 432 430 540 159 486 449 315 497 48 218 426 2 462 324 966 516 573 142 746 1070 553 317 175 401 738 655 530 861 434 400 954 662 type of UWWTP no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no II no no no no no no no Generated load Generated load BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) 61.32 58.87 58.87 57.06 54.52 54.14 53.61 53.42 53.19 52.56 52.38 50.93 48.48 48.36 47.85 47.69 47.30 47.16 46.43 46.25 44.71 44.57 44.19 44.15 43.80 43.57 43.10 42.43 42.15 42.05 41.94 40.68 122.64 117.73 117.73 114.13 109.04 108.27 107.22 106.84 106.38 105.12 104.77 101.86 96.96 96.71 95.69 95.38 94.61 94.33 92.86 92.51 89.42 89.14 88.37 88.30 87.60 87.14 86.20 84.87 84.31 84.10 83.89 81.36 ANNEX_BA_UWW_2007 Generated load Nt (t/a) 8.99 8.63 8.63 8.37 8.00 7.94 7.86 7.83 7.80 7.71 7.68 7.47 7.11 7.09 7.02 6.99 6.94 6.92 6.81 6.78 6.56 6.54 6.48 6.48 6.42 6.39 6.32 6.22 6.18 6.17 6.15 5.97 12 Generated load Pt (t/a) 2.10 2.01 2.01 1.95 1.86 1.85 1.83 1.83 1.82 1.80 1.79 1.74 1.66 1.65 1.63 1.63 1.62 1.61 1.59 1.58 1.53 1.52 1.51 1.51 1.50 1.49 1.47 1.45 1.44 1.44 1.43 1.39 Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) Discharged load COD (t/a) Discharged load Nt (t/a) Discharged load Pt (t/a) 10.95 21.90 1.61 0.37 43.80 87.60 6.42 1.50 10.95 21.90 1.61 0.37 21.90 43.80 3.21 0.75 5.79 9.65 1.84 0.53 4.38 8.76 0.64 0.15 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration 432 430 540 159 486 449 315 497 48 218 426 2 462 324 966 516 573 142 746 1070 553 317 175 401 738 655 530 861 434 400 954 662 Emmisions BOD5 (t/a) 61.32 58.87 58.87 57.06 54.52 54.14 53.61 53.42 53.19 52.56 52.38 50.93 48.48 48.36 47.85 47.69 47.30 47.16 46.43 46.25 44.71 44.57 44.19 44.15 16.21 43.57 43.10 42.43 42.15 42.05 41.94 40.68 ANNEX_BA_UWW_2007 Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) 122.64 117.73 117.73 114.13 109.04 108.27 107.22 106.84 106.38 105.12 104.77 101.86 96.96 96.71 95.69 95.38 94.61 94.33 92.86 92.51 89.42 89.14 88.37 88.30 28.47 87.14 86.20 84.87 84.31 84.10 83.89 81.36 8.99 8.63 8.63 8.37 8.00 7.94 7.86 7.83 7.80 7.71 7.68 7.47 7.11 7.09 7.02 6.99 6.94 6.92 6.81 6.78 6.56 6.54 6.48 6.48 4.40 6.39 6.32 6.22 6.18 6.17 6.15 5.97 2.10 2.01 2.01 1.95 1.86 1.85 1.83 1.83 1.82 1.80 1.79 1.74 1.66 1.65 1.63 1.63 1.62 1.61 1.59 1.58 1.53 1.52 1.51 1.51 1.23 1.49 1.47 1.45 1.44 1.44 1.43 1.39 13 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of Name of agglomeration agglomeration Water Body code 406 Zukići BA_BOS_SPR_3 960 Kalesija Selo BA_BOS_SPR_3 955 Rainci Donji BA_BOS_SPR_3 689 Divičani BA_VRB_5 570 Novi Grad BA_SA_2 951 Dobrnja BA_BOS_SPR_1 685 Perovići BA_BOS_2 47 Turija BA_UNA_3 50 Srbljani BA_UNA_3 964 Hrasno Donje BA_BOS_SPR_3 395 Dokanj BA_BOS_SPR_1 527 Liješnica BA_BOS_3 429 Matići BA_SA_1 323 Doborovci BA_BOS_SPR_1 Total BA(fed) Total BA(fed), % 84 Amajlije BA_DR_1 55 Pucile BA_DR_1 246 Kotorsko BA_BOS_1 86 Stanari 226 Miljevina BA_DR_4 289 Vecici BA_VRB_1 384 Priboj BA_DR_1 354 Donja Tramosnica 586 Rudo BA_DR_4 232 Jezero VA_VRB_PLIVA_4 917 Glumina 945 Kozluk BA_DR_1 202 Cerani 204 Osinja 262 Sevarlije 793 Lukavica ANNEX_BA_UWW_2007 Date when the generated load % of generated generated load total generated Generated load collected in a load collected collected in a Population load of the (PE) collecting in a collecting collecting (inhabitants) agglomeration (Estimated system and system system will be load) treated(estimat (estimate) (estimate), PE collected e), PE 1564 1552 1521 1493 1491 1484 1477 1440 1435 1432 1429 1423 1408 1368 1406587 1840 1826 1790 1756 1754 1746 1738 1694 1689 1685 1681 1674 1656 1610 1654809 0.00 27.38 27.94 0.00 57.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1850 1850 1890 1890 1890 1890 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 10.00% 10.00% 30.00% 20.00% 50.00% 0.00% 30.00% 10.00% 75.00% 30.00% 10.00% 40.00% 20.00% 20.00% 20.00% 50.00% 14 0.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 1000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 893658 54.00% 200 200 600 400 1000 0 600 200 1500 600 210 840 420 420 420 1050 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29047 1.76% BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration type of UWWTP 406 960 955 689 570 951 685 47 50 964 395 527 429 323 Total BA(fed) Total BA(fed), % 84 55 246 86 226 289 384 354 586 232 917 945 202 204 262 793 no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Generated load Generated load BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) ANNEX_BA_UWW_2007 Generated load Nt (t/a) Generated load Pt (t/a) 40.30 40.00 39.19 38.46 38.42 38.25 38.05 37.11 36.98 36.90 36.81 36.67 36.27 35.25 36240 80.59 80.00 78.38 76.91 76.84 76.49 76.11 74.21 73.97 73.79 73.62 73.34 72.53 70.50 72481 5.91 5.87 5.75 5.64 5.64 5.61 5.58 5.44 5.42 5.41 5.40 5.38 5.32 5.17 5315 1.38 1.37 1.34 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.30 1.27 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.25 1.24 1.20 1238 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 15 Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) Discharged load COD (t/a) Discharged load Nt (t/a) Discharged load Pt (t/a) 10.95 10.95 21.90 21.90 1.61 1.61 0.37 0.37 21.90 43.80 3.21 0.75 10.95 21.90 1.61 0.37 19045 38053 2812 657 4.38 4.38 13.14 8.76 21.90 0.00 13.14 4.38 32.85 13.14 4.60 18.40 9.20 9.20 9.20 23.00 8.76 8.76 26.28 17.52 43.80 0.00 26.28 8.76 65.70 26.28 9.20 36.79 18.40 18.40 18.40 45.99 0.64 0.64 1.93 1.28 3.21 0.00 1.93 0.64 4.82 1.93 0.67 2.70 1.35 1.35 1.35 3.37 0.15 0.15 0.45 0.30 0.75 0.00 0.45 0.15 1.12 0.45 0.16 0.63 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.79 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration 406 960 955 689 570 951 685 47 50 964 395 527 429 323 Total BA(fed) Total BA(fed), % 84 55 246 86 226 289 384 354 586 232 917 945 202 204 262 793 Emmisions BOD5 (t/a) 40.30 40.00 39.19 38.46 38.42 38.25 38.05 37.11 36.98 36.90 36.81 36.67 36.27 35.25 35908 99.08% 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 ANNEX_BA_UWW_2007 Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) 80.59 80.00 78.38 76.91 76.84 76.49 76.11 74.21 73.97 73.79 73.62 73.34 72.53 70.50 71768 99.02% 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 5.91 5.87 5.75 5.64 5.64 5.61 5.58 5.44 5.42 5.41 5.40 5.38 5.32 5.17 5291 99.54% 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 1.38 1.37 1.34 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.30 1.27 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.25 1.24 1.20 1235 99.74% 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 16 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of Name of agglomeration agglomeration 673 981 976 860 424 33 744 921 100 103 229 812 1036 421 80 1038 30 802 211 302 1033 154 135 283 982 377 590 593 789 31 1009 1007 Jablan Milosevac Koprivna Donji Vijacani Donja Slatina Krupa na Vrbasu Kriskovci Trsic Korace Lijesce Han Pjesak Kozarac Strpci Lugovi Trnjaci Gornji Strpci Kola Boljanici Donji Zabar Maslovare Potocani Pobudje Crkvina Zabrdje Skugric Donji Koraj Srebrenica Milici Donje Vodicevo Rekavice Cecava Gornja Vrucica Water Body code BA_VRB_1 BA_BOS_1 BA_BOS_1 BA_UKR_2 BA_SA_1 BA_VRB_3 BA_VRB_1 BA_DR_1 BA_SA_2 BA_SA_2 BA_UNA_SAN_2 BA_UKR_2 BA_DR_1 BA_UKR_2 BA_VRB_1 BA_VRB_1 BA_UKR_2 BA_VRB_1 BA_DR_2 BA_VRB_3 ANNEX_BA_UWW_2007 Date when the generated load % of generated generated load total generated Generated load collected in a load collected collected in a Population load of the (PE) collecting in a collecting collecting (inhabitants) agglomeration (Estimated system and system system will be load) treated(estimat (estimate) (estimate), PE collected e), PE 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2130 2200 2200 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2500 2600 2689 2700 2700 2700 2700 2800 2800 2900 2900 3000 3000 3100 3100 3200 3300 3300 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1917 1980 1980 2160 2160 2160 2160 2160 2160 2250 2340 2420 2430 2430 2430 2430 2520 2520 2610 2610 2700 2700 2790 2790 2880 2970 2970 17 40.00% 20.00% 20.00% 20.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 10.00% 10.00% 20.00% 80.00% 30.00% 20.00% 20.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 20.00% 30.00% 20.00% 0.00% 20.00% 20.00% 0.00% 20.00% 30.00% 65.00% 55.00% 10.00% 20.00% 10.00% 10.00% 840 420 420 420 210 426 660 220 240 480 1920 720 480 480 0 0 0 540 810 540 0 560 560 0 580 900 1950 1705 310 640 330 330 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration 673 981 976 860 424 33 744 921 100 103 229 812 1036 421 80 1038 30 802 211 302 1033 154 135 283 982 377 590 593 789 31 1009 1007 type of UWWTP no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Generated load Generated load BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 46.65 48.18 48.18 52.56 52.56 52.56 52.56 52.56 52.56 54.75 56.94 58.89 59.13 59.13 59.13 59.13 61.32 61.32 63.51 63.51 65.70 65.70 67.89 67.89 70.08 72.27 72.27 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 93.29 96.36 96.36 105.12 105.12 105.12 105.12 105.12 105.12 109.50 113.88 117.78 118.26 118.26 118.26 118.26 122.64 122.64 127.02 127.02 131.40 131.40 135.78 135.78 140.16 144.54 144.54 ANNEX_BA_UWW_2007 Generated load Nt (t/a) 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.84 7.07 7.07 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 8.03 8.35 8.64 8.67 8.67 8.67 8.67 8.99 8.99 9.31 9.31 9.64 9.64 9.96 9.96 10.28 10.60 10.60 18 Generated load Pt (t/a) 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.59 1.65 1.65 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.87 1.95 2.01 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.10 2.10 2.17 2.17 2.24 2.24 2.32 2.32 2.39 2.47 2.47 Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) 18.40 9.20 9.20 9.20 4.60 9.33 14.45 4.82 5.26 10.51 42.05 15.77 10.51 10.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.83 17.74 11.83 0.00 12.26 12.26 0.00 12.70 19.71 42.71 37.34 6.79 14.02 7.23 7.23 Discharged load COD (t/a) 36.79 18.40 18.40 18.40 9.20 18.66 28.91 9.64 10.51 21.02 84.10 31.54 21.02 21.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 23.65 35.48 23.65 0.00 24.53 24.53 0.00 25.40 39.42 85.41 74.68 13.58 28.03 14.45 14.45 Discharged load Nt (t/a) 2.70 1.35 1.35 1.35 0.67 1.37 2.12 0.71 0.77 1.54 6.17 2.31 1.54 1.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.73 2.60 1.73 0.00 1.80 1.80 0.00 1.86 2.89 6.26 5.48 1.00 2.06 1.06 1.06 Discharged load Pt (t/a) 0.63 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.16 0.32 0.49 0.16 0.18 0.36 1.44 0.54 0.36 0.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.61 0.40 0.00 0.42 0.42 0.00 0.43 0.67 1.46 1.28 0.23 0.48 0.25 0.25 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration 673 981 976 860 424 33 744 921 100 103 229 812 1036 421 80 1038 30 802 211 302 1033 154 135 283 982 377 590 593 789 31 1009 1007 Emmisions BOD5 (t/a) 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 46.65 48.18 48.18 52.56 52.56 52.56 52.56 52.56 52.56 54.75 56.94 58.89 59.13 59.13 59.13 59.13 61.32 61.32 63.51 63.51 65.70 65.70 67.89 67.89 70.08 72.27 72.27 ANNEX_BA_UWW_2007 Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 93.29 96.36 96.36 105.12 105.12 105.12 105.12 105.12 105.12 109.50 113.88 117.78 118.26 118.26 118.26 118.26 122.64 122.64 127.02 127.02 131.40 131.40 135.78 135.78 140.16 144.54 144.54 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.84 7.07 7.07 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 8.03 8.35 8.64 8.67 8.67 8.67 8.67 8.99 8.99 9.31 9.31 9.64 9.64 9.96 9.96 10.28 10.60 10.60 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.59 1.65 1.65 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.87 1.95 2.01 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.10 2.10 2.17 2.17 2.24 2.24 2.32 2.32 2.39 2.47 2.47 19 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of Name of agglomeration agglomeration 1041 983 77 167 290 1027 353 375 410 1004 276 21 1022 74 947 27 679 980 72 974 75 1000 23 73 1006 889 971 425 642 641 303 605 Lisnja Vranjak Dvorovi Cajnice Vrbanjci Trnopolje Pelagicevo Lopare Sekovici Blatnica Knezevo Piskavica Omarska Batkovici Jasenica Dragocaj Trnovo Jakes Novo Naselje Branjevo Velika Obarska Pribinic Ivanjska Crnjelovo Donje Slatina Ugljevik Celopek Obudovac Petrovo Sipovo Kostajnica Laktasi II Water Body code BA_UKR_2 BA_BOS_1 BA_DR_1 BA_VRB_1 BA_UNA_SAN_2 BA_SA_1 BA_BOS_1 BA_VRB_4 BA_VRB_1 BA_UNA_SAN_2 BA_DR_1 BA_VRB_1 BA_BOS_1 BA_DR_1 BA_DR_1 BA_DR_1 BA_BOS_1 BA_VRB_1 BA_DR_1 BA_BOS_1 BA_DR_1 BA_DR_1 BA_SA_1 BA_VRB_PLIVA_4 BA_UNA_1 BA_VRB_1 ANNEX_BA_UWW_2007 Date when the generated load % of generated generated load total generated Generated load collected in a load collected collected in a Population load of the (PE) collecting in a collecting collecting (inhabitants) agglomeration (Estimated system and system system will be load) treated(estimat (estimate) (estimate), PE collected e), PE 3400 3480 3500 3500 3500 3600 3700 3900 4300 4300 4500 4550 4800 4900 4900 4918 5000 5000 5100 5100 5400 5400 5492 5500 5500 5600 5600 5900 6300 6600 7000 8000 3060 3135 3150 3150 3150 3240 3330 3510 3870 3900 4050 4095 4320 4410 4410 4428 4500 4500 4590 4650 4860 4900 4942 4950 4950 5000 5050 5310 5670 5940 6300 7200 20 0.00% 10.00% 30.00% 90.00% 0.00% 20.00% 20.00% 90.00% 46.00% 20.00% 40.00% 20.00% 30.00% 30.00% 10.00% 20.00% 70.00% 10.00% 0.00% 0.00% 30.00% 30.00% 20.00% 20.00% 10.00% 40.00% 20.00% 20.00% 20.00% 30.00% 85.00% 60.00% 0 348 1050 3150 0 720 740 3510 1978 860 1800 910 1440 1470 490 983.6 3500 500 0 0 1620 1620 1098.4 1100 550 2240 1120 1180 1260 1980 5950 4800 3500 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration 1041 983 77 167 290 1027 353 375 410 1004 276 21 1022 74 947 27 679 980 72 974 75 1000 23 73 1006 889 971 425 642 641 303 605 type of UWWTP no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no II no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Generated load Generated load BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) 74.46 76.21 76.65 76.65 76.65 78.84 81.03 85.41 94.17 94.17 98.55 99.65 105.12 107.31 107.31 107.70 109.50 109.50 111.69 111.69 118.26 118.26 120.27 120.45 120.45 122.64 122.64 129.21 137.97 144.54 153.30 175.20 148.92 152.42 153.30 153.30 153.30 157.68 162.06 170.82 188.34 188.34 197.10 199.29 210.24 214.62 214.62 215.41 219.00 219.00 223.38 223.38 236.52 236.52 240.55 240.90 240.90 245.28 245.28 258.42 275.94 289.08 306.60 350.40 ANNEX_BA_UWW_2007 Generated load Nt (t/a) 10.92 11.18 11.24 11.24 11.24 11.56 11.88 12.53 13.81 13.81 14.45 14.61 15.42 15.74 15.74 15.80 16.06 16.06 16.38 16.38 17.34 17.34 17.64 17.67 17.67 17.99 17.99 18.95 20.24 21.20 22.48 25.70 21 Generated load Pt (t/a) 2.54 2.60 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.69 2.77 2.92 3.22 3.22 3.37 3.40 3.59 3.67 3.67 3.68 3.74 3.74 3.82 3.82 4.04 4.04 4.11 4.12 4.12 4.19 4.19 4.41 4.71 4.94 5.24 5.99 Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) 0.00 7.62 23.00 68.99 0.00 15.77 16.21 76.87 43.32 18.83 39.42 19.93 31.54 32.19 10.73 21.54 22.995 10.95 0.00 0.00 35.48 35.48 24.05 24.09 12.05 49.06 24.53 25.84 27.59 43.36 130.31 105.12 Discharged load COD (t/a) 0.00 15.24 45.99 137.97 0.00 31.54 32.41 153.74 86.64 37.67 78.84 39.86 63.07 64.39 21.46 43.08 38.325 21.90 0.00 0.00 70.96 70.96 48.11 48.18 24.09 98.11 49.06 51.68 55.19 86.72 260.61 210.24 Discharged load Nt (t/a) 0.00 1.12 3.37 10.12 0.00 2.31 2.38 11.27 6.35 2.76 5.78 2.92 4.63 4.72 1.57 3.16 7.3073 1.61 0.00 0.00 5.20 5.20 3.53 3.53 1.77 7.19 3.60 3.79 4.05 6.36 19.11 15.42 Discharged load Pt (t/a) 0.00 0.26 0.79 2.36 0.00 0.54 0.55 2.63 1.48 0.64 1.35 0.68 1.08 1.10 0.37 0.74 2.0951 0.37 0.00 0.00 1.21 1.21 0.82 0.82 0.41 1.68 0.84 0.88 0.94 1.48 4.45 3.59 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration 1041 983 77 167 290 1027 353 375 410 1004 276 21 1022 74 947 27 679 980 72 974 75 1000 23 73 1006 889 971 425 642 641 303 605 Emmisions BOD5 (t/a) 74.46 76.21 76.65 76.65 76.65 78.84 81.03 85.41 94.17 94.17 98.55 99.65 105.12 107.31 107.31 107.70 55.85 109.50 111.69 111.69 118.26 118.26 120.27 120.45 120.45 122.64 122.64 129.21 137.97 144.54 153.30 175.20 ANNEX_BA_UWW_2007 Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) 148.92 152.42 153.30 153.30 153.30 157.68 162.06 170.82 188.34 188.34 197.10 199.29 210.24 214.62 214.62 215.41 104.03 219.00 223.38 223.38 236.52 236.52 240.55 240.90 240.90 245.28 245.28 258.42 275.94 289.08 306.60 350.40 10.92 11.18 11.24 11.24 11.24 11.56 11.88 12.53 13.81 13.81 14.45 14.61 15.42 15.74 15.74 15.80 12.13 16.06 16.38 16.38 17.34 17.34 17.64 17.67 17.67 17.99 17.99 18.95 20.24 21.20 22.48 25.70 2.54 2.60 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.69 2.77 2.92 3.22 3.22 3.37 3.40 3.59 3.67 3.67 3.68 3.22 3.74 3.82 3.82 4.04 4.04 4.11 4.12 4.12 4.19 4.19 4.41 4.71 4.94 5.24 5.99 22 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of Name of agglomeration agglomeration 412 Sapna 796 Srbac 172 Celinac 419 Samac 549 Novi Miljanovci 582 Pale 282 Kotor Varos 902 Vlasenica 1050 Janja 584 Visegrad 1059 Prnjavor 581 Rogatica 667 Sokolac 929 Mrkonjic Grad 304 Dubica 776 Novi Grad 222 Foca 975 Modrica 144 Bratunac 912 Zvornik 605 Laktasi 101 Brod 999 Teslic 186 Derventa 269 Gradiska 227 Doboj 53 Bijeljina 785 Prijedor 9 Banja Luka Total BA (rs) Total BA (rs), % Water Body code BA_SA_2 BA_VRB_1 BA_SA_1 BA_BOS_1 BA_BOS_6 BA_VRB_1 BA_DR_1 BA_DR_4 BA_UKR_2 BA_DR_4 BA_BOS_6 BA_VRB_4 BA_UNA_1 BA_UNA_SAN_1 BA_DR_5 BA_DR_1 BA_VRB_1 BA_SA_2 BA_BOS_1 BA_SA_3 BA_DR_1 BA_UNA_SAN_1 BA_VRB_1 ANNEX_BA_UWW_2007 Date when the generated load % of generated generated load total generated Generated load collected in a load collected collected in a Population load of the (PE) collecting in a collecting collecting (inhabitants) agglomeration (Estimated system and system system will be load) treated(estimat (estimate) (estimate), PE collected e), PE 8100 8600 8800 9000 8900 9600 10000 10000 10219 10500 10700 11100 12400 12500 15000 15000 16000 17400 18200 20200 22700 25500 26500 29500 37300 41650 62000 65800 152000 979428 7290 7740 7920 8100 8100 8640 9100 9100 9200 9450 9630 9990 11160 11250 13500 13500 14400 15660 16380 18180 20430 22950 23850 26550 33570 37485 55800 59220 136800 881802 23 20.00% 35.00% 78.00% 80.00% 10.00% 40.00% 45.00% 70.00% 30.00% 72.00% 68.00% 75.00% 60.00% 74.00% 76.00% 40.00% 10.00% 60.00% 75.00% 95.00% 69.00% 40.00% 90.00% 60.00% 84.00% 80.00% 40.00% 60.00% 70.00% 1620 3010 6864 7200 890 3840 4500 7000 3065.7 7560 7276 8325 7440 9250 11400 6000 1600 10440 13650 19190 15663 10200 23850 17700 31332 33320 24800 39480 106400 517185 52.80% 6864 10364 1.06% BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration type of UWWTP 412 796 172 419 549 582 282 902 1050 584 1059 581 667 929 304 776 222 975 144 912 605 101 999 186 269 227 53 785 9 Total BA (rs) Total BA (rs), % no no II no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Generated load Generated load BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) 177.39 188.34 192.72 197.10 194.91 210.24 219.00 219.00 223.80 229.95 234.33 243.09 271.56 273.75 328.50 328.50 350.40 381.06 398.58 442.38 497.13 558.45 580.35 646.05 816.87 912.14 1,357.80 1,441.02 3,328.80 21449 354.78 376.68 385.44 394.20 389.82 420.48 438.00 438.00 447.59 459.90 468.66 486.18 543.12 547.50 657.00 657.00 700.80 762.12 797.16 884.76 994.26 1,116.90 1,160.70 1,292.10 1,633.74 1,824.27 2,715.60 2,882.04 6,657.60 42899 ANNEX_BA_UWW_2007 Generated load Nt (t/a) 26.02 27.62 28.27 28.91 28.59 30.84 32.12 32.12 32.82 33.73 34.37 35.65 39.83 40.15 48.18 48.18 51.39 55.89 58.46 64.88 72.91 81.91 85.12 94.75 119.81 133.78 199.14 211.35 488.22 3146 24 Generated load Pt (t/a) 6.06 6.43 6.58 6.73 6.66 7.18 7.48 7.48 7.65 7.86 8.01 8.31 9.28 9.35 11.22 11.22 11.97 13.02 13.62 15.11 16.99 19.08 19.83 22.07 27.91 31.16 46.39 49.23 113.73 733 Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) 35.48 65.92 45.10 157.68 19.49 84.10 98.55 153.30 67.14 165.56 159.34 182.32 162.94 202.58 249.66 131.40 35.04 228.64 298.94 420.26 343.02 223.38 522.32 387.63 686.17 729.71 543.12 864.61 2330.16 11167 52.06% Discharged load COD (t/a) 70.96 131.84 75.16 315.36 38.98 168.19 197.10 306.60 134.28 331.13 318.69 364.64 325.87 405.15 499.32 262.80 70.08 457.27 597.87 840.52 686.04 446.76 1044.63 775.26 1372.34 1459.42 1086.24 1729.22 4660.32 22312 52.01% Discharged load Nt (t/a) 5.20 9.67 14.33 23.13 2.86 12.33 14.45 22.48 9.85 24.28 23.37 26.74 23.90 29.71 36.62 19.27 5.14 33.53 43.84 61.64 50.31 32.76 76.61 56.85 100.64 107.02 79.66 126.81 341.76 1650 52.43% Discharged load Pt (t/a) 1.21 2.25 4.11 5.39 0.67 2.87 3.37 5.24 2.29 5.66 5.44 6.23 5.57 6.92 8.53 4.49 1.20 7.81 10.21 14.36 11.72 7.63 17.85 13.24 23.44 24.93 18.56 29.54 79.61 385 52.59% BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration 412 796 172 419 549 582 282 902 1050 584 1059 581 667 929 304 776 222 975 144 912 605 101 999 186 269 227 53 785 9 Total BA (rs) Total BA (rs), % Emmisions BOD5 (t/a) 177.39 188.34 87.49 197.10 194.91 210.24 219.00 219.00 223.80 229.95 234.33 243.09 271.56 273.75 328.50 328.50 350.40 381.06 398.58 442.38 497.13 558.45 580.35 646.05 816.87 912.14 1357.80 1441.02 3328.80 21291 99.26% ANNEX_BA_UWW_2007 Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) 354.78 376.68 159.96 394.20 389.82 420.48 438.00 438.00 447.59 459.90 468.66 486.18 543.12 547.50 657.00 657.00 700.80 762.12 797.16 884.76 994.26 1116.90 1160.70 1292.10 1633.74 1824.27 2715.60 2882.04 6657.60 42558 99.21% 26.02 27.62 20.55 28.91 28.59 30.84 32.12 32.12 32.82 33.73 34.37 35.65 39.83 40.15 48.18 48.18 51.39 55.89 58.46 64.88 72.91 81.91 85.12 94.75 119.81 133.78 199.14 211.35 488.22 3134 99.63% 6.06 6.43 5.56 6.73 6.66 7.18 7.48 7.48 7.65 7.86 8.01 8.31 9.28 9.35 11.22 11.22 11.97 13.02 13.62 15.11 16.99 19.08 19.83 22.07 27.91 31.16 46.39 49.23 113.73 731 99.79% 25 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of Name of agglomeration agglomeration Total BA Total BA, % Water Body code ANNEX_BA_UWW_2007 Date when the generated load % of generated generated load total generated Generated load collected in a load collected collected in a Population load of the (PE) collecting in a collecting collecting (inhabitants) agglomeration (Estimated system and system system will be load) treated(estimat (estimate) (estimate), PE collected e), PE 2288389 2634237 26 1410843 53.56% 39411 1.50% BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration Total BA Total BA, % type of UWWTP Generated load Generated load BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) 57690 115380 ANNEX_BA_UWW_2007 Generated load Nt (t/a) Generated load Pt (t/a) Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) 8461 1971 30212 27 Discharged load COD (t/a) 60366 Discharged load Nt (t/a) 4462 Discharged load Pt (t/a) 1042 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration Total BA Total BA, % Emmisions BOD5 (t/a) 57199 99.15% ANNEX_BA_UWW_2007 Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) 114327 99.09% 8425 99.57% 1966 99.76% 28 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of agglomeratio n Name of agglomeration 1048 391 607 110 111 45 131 396 827 636 313 623 309 552 326 237 671 134 338 531 291 858 1 495 389 427 442 214 535 87 649 659 126 524 Sarajevo A1 Tuzla Zenica Breza Cazin Bihać Bugojno Živinice Travnik Novi Travnik Gračanica Kakanj Gornji Vakuf Sanski Most Srebrenik Goražde Zavidovići Busovača Gradačac Tešanj Visoko Vitez Banovići-grad Lukavac A2 Tuzla Orašje Velika Kladuša Donji Vakuf Jelah Bosanska Krupa Jajce Kiseljak Bosanski Petrovac Maglaj Generated load (PE) (Estimated load) 400000 187500 95162 57000 41400 36934 30010 30000 28868 24750 24440 23027 22500 21026 20446 16823 15970 15750 15572 15323 15000 14102 13434 13087 12450 12272 12000 11479 11421 10812 10006 9977 9785 9291 ANNEX_BA_UWW_2015 % of generated load generated generated collected in a load collected load collecting type of collected in in a collecting system and UWWTP system a collecting treated(estimat (estimate), PE system e), PE (estimate) 100.00% 400000 400000 II 42.77% 80200 0 no 94.58% 90000 0 no 43.74% 24930 0 no 68.12% 28202 0 no 100.00% 36934 36934 III 99.97% 30000 0 no 100.00% 30000 30000 I(prelim) 62.67% 18090 0 no 36.36% 9000 0 no 53.19% 13000 0 no 62.10% 14300 0 no 29.81% 6708 0 no 21.40% 4500 0 no 61.14% 12500 12500 II 72.52% 12200 0 no 96.60% 15427 0 no 26.67% 4200 0 no 93.42% 14547 14547 II 64.46% 9878 0 no 66.67% 10000 0 no 65.95% 9300 0 no 75.79% 10182 0 no 95.52% 12500 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 30.96% 3800 0 no 52.00% 6240 0 no 41.08% 4715 0 no 24.52% 2800 0 no 86.15% 9315 0 no 93.55% 9360 0 no 45.11% 4500 0 no 35.77% 3500 0 no 86.30% 8018 0 no 29 Generated load BOD5 (t/a) 8760.00 4106.25 2084.04 1248.30 906.66 808.85 657.21 657.00 632.20 542.03 535.24 504.30 492.75 460.46 447.76 368.41 349.74 344.93 341.02 335.58 328.50 308.84 294.20 286.60 272.66 268.76 262.80 251.38 250.12 236.78 219.13 218.49 214.28 203.47 Generated load COD (t/a) 17520.00 8212.50 4168.07 2496.60 1813.32 1617.70 1314.43 1314.00 1264.40 1084.05 1070.48 1008.59 985.50 920.92 895.52 736.83 699.48 689.85 682.03 671.16 657.00 617.68 588.41 573.20 545.31 537.52 525.60 502.77 500.24 473.57 438.25 436.97 428.56 406.95 Generated Generated load Nt load Pt (t/a) (t/a) 1284.80 602.25 305.66 183.08 132.98 118.63 96.39 96.36 92.72 79.50 78.50 73.96 72.27 67.53 65.67 54.03 51.29 50.59 50.02 49.22 48.18 45.30 43.15 42.03 39.99 39.42 38.54 36.87 36.68 34.73 32.14 32.04 31.43 29.84 299.30 140.30 71.20 42.65 30.98 27.64 22.45 22.45 21.60 18.52 18.29 17.23 16.84 15.73 15.30 12.59 11.95 11.78 11.65 11.47 11.22 10.55 10.05 9.79 9.32 9.18 8.98 8.59 8.55 8.09 7.49 7.46 7.32 6.95 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 ANNEX_BA_UWW_2015 Code of Discharged Discharged Discharged Discharged agglomeratio load BOD5 load COD load Nt load Pt n (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 1048 391 607 110 111 45 131 396 827 636 313 623 309 552 326 237 671 134 338 531 291 858 1 495 389 427 442 214 535 87 649 659 126 524 2628.00 1756.38 1971.00 545.97 617.62 40.44 657.00 525.60 396.18 197.10 284.70 313.17 146.91 98.55 59.17 267.18 337.85 91.98 45.07 216.33 219.00 203.67 222.99 273.75 4380.00 3512.76 3942.00 1091.93 1235.25 242.65 1314.00 985.50 792.36 394.20 569.40 626.34 293.81 197.10 98.62 534.36 675.70 183.96 75.11 432.66 438.00 407.34 445.97 547.50 835.12 257.60 289.08 80.08 90.58 35.59 96.36 87.69 58.11 28.91 41.76 45.93 21.55 14.45 18.80 39.19 49.55 13.49 14.32 31.73 32.12 29.87 32.70 40.15 239.44 60.01 67.34 18.65 21.10 5.53 22.45 20.20 13.54 6.73 9.73 10.70 5.02 3.37 5.39 9.13 11.54 3.14 4.11 7.39 7.48 6.96 7.62 9.35 83.22 136.66 103.26 61.32 204.00 204.98 98.55 76.65 175.59 166.44 273.31 206.52 122.64 408.00 409.97 197.10 153.30 351.19 12.21 20.04 15.14 8.99 29.92 30.06 14.45 11.24 25.75 2.84 4.67 3.53 2.10 6.97 7.00 3.37 2.62 6.00 30 Emmisions BOD5 (t/a) 2628.00 4106.25 2084.04 1248.30 906.66 1846.69 657.21 525.60 632.20 542.03 535.24 504.30 492.75 460.46 309.69 368.41 349.74 344.93 174.30 335.58 328.50 308.84 294.20 286.60 272.66 268.76 262.80 251.38 250.12 236.78 219.13 218.49 214.28 203.47 Emmisions COD (t/a) 4380.00 8212.50 4168.07 2496.60 1813.32 242.65 1314.43 985.50 1264.40 1084.05 1070.48 1008.59 985.50 920.92 599.67 736.83 699.48 689.85 324.78 671.16 657.00 617.68 588.41 573.20 545.31 537.52 525.60 502.77 500.24 473.57 438.25 436.97 428.56 406.95 Emmisions Emmisions Pt Nt (t/a) (t/a) 835.12 602.25 305.66 183.08 132.98 35.59 96.39 87.69 92.72 79.50 78.50 73.96 72.27 67.53 55.55 54.03 51.29 50.59 37.79 49.22 48.18 45.30 43.15 42.03 39.99 39.42 38.54 36.87 36.68 34.73 32.14 32.04 31.43 29.84 239.44 140.30 71.20 42.65 30.98 5.53 22.45 20.20 21.60 18.52 18.29 17.23 16.84 15.73 13.95 12.59 11.95 11.78 10.02 11.47 11.22 10.55 10.05 9.79 9.32 9.18 8.98 8.59 8.55 8.09 7.49 7.46 7.32 6.95 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of agglomeratio n 431 399 206 650 1067 568 217 397 549 233 138 327 412 320 402 1069 842 210 490 741 95 164 967 569 492 683 209 511 577 595 961 160 7 504 Name of agglomeration Ključ Dubrave Klokotnica Visoko II Živinice Donje Odžak Drvar Šerići Novi Miljanovci Fojnica Bužim Tinja Gornja Vitinica Orahovica Donja Tupković Donji Mionica Čukle Domaljevac Kladanj Željezno Polje Otoka Stijena Vukovije Svilaj Vareš Donja Lovnica Matuzići Dobošnica Kalesija Olovo Tojšići Pećigrad Podgorje Poljice Generated load (PE) (Estimated load) 9000 8756 8171 8042 7725 7500 6854 6750 6728 6539 6503 6138 6107 5625 5490 5156 4925 4860 4835 4688 4571 4797 4437 4405 4341 4126 4071 4047 4022 4001 3988 3878 3822 3794 ANNEX_BA_UWW_2015 % of generated load generated generated collected in a load collected load collecting type of collected in in a collecting system and UWWTP system a collecting treated(estimat (estimate), PE system e), PE (estimate) 88.89% 8000 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 61.19% 5000 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 100.00% 7500 7500 II 22.00% 1508 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 34.18% 2300 0 no 62.71% 4100 0 no 27.44% 1784 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 98.26% 6000 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 29.92% 1454 0 no 82.74% 4000 0 no 96.00% 4500 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 45.08% 2000 0 no 45.41% 2000 0 no 80.63% 3500 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 49.13% 2000 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 74.60% 3000 0 no 89.97% 3600 0 no 50.15% 2000 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 31 Generated load BOD5 (t/a) 197.10 191.76 178.95 176.11 169.18 164.25 150.11 147.83 147.35 143.19 142.40 134.42 133.73 123.19 120.23 112.92 107.86 106.43 105.88 102.66 100.10 105.05 97.17 96.46 95.07 90.35 89.15 88.63 88.07 87.63 87.33 84.92 83.70 83.09 Generated load COD (t/a) 394.20 383.52 357.90 352.22 338.36 328.50 300.22 295.65 294.70 286.39 284.81 268.84 267.46 246.38 240.46 225.84 215.73 212.87 211.75 205.31 200.21 210.10 194.34 192.93 190.14 180.71 178.31 177.26 176.14 175.25 174.66 169.83 167.40 166.18 Generated Generated load Nt load Pt (t/a) (t/a) 28.91 28.13 26.25 25.83 24.81 24.09 22.02 21.68 21.61 21.00 20.89 19.72 19.61 18.07 17.63 16.56 15.82 15.61 15.53 15.06 14.68 15.41 14.25 14.15 13.94 13.25 13.08 13.00 12.92 12.85 12.81 12.45 12.28 12.19 6.73 6.55 6.11 6.02 5.78 5.61 5.13 5.05 5.03 4.89 4.87 4.59 4.57 4.21 4.11 3.86 3.69 3.64 3.62 3.51 3.42 3.59 3.32 3.30 3.25 3.09 3.05 3.03 3.01 2.99 2.98 2.90 2.86 2.84 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 ANNEX_BA_UWW_2015 Code of Discharged Discharged Discharged Discharged agglomeratio load BOD5 load COD load Nt load Pt n (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 431 399 206 650 1067 568 217 397 549 233 138 327 412 320 402 1069 842 210 490 741 95 164 967 569 492 683 209 511 577 595 961 160 7 504 175.20 350.40 25.70 5.99 109.50 219.00 16.06 3.74 49.28 33.02 82.13 66.05 15.66 4.84 4.49 1.13 50.37 89.79 39.07 100.74 179.58 78.14 7.39 13.17 5.73 1.72 3.07 1.33 131.40 262.80 19.27 4.49 31.84 87.60 98.55 63.69 175.20 197.10 4.67 12.85 14.45 1.09 2.99 3.37 43.80 43.80 76.65 87.60 87.60 153.30 6.42 6.42 11.24 1.50 1.50 2.62 43.80 87.60 6.42 1.50 65.70 78.84 43.80 131.40 157.68 87.60 9.64 11.56 6.42 2.24 2.69 1.50 32 Emmisions BOD5 (t/a) 197.10 191.76 178.95 176.11 169.18 49.28 150.11 147.83 147.35 143.19 142.40 134.42 133.73 123.19 120.23 112.92 107.86 106.43 105.88 102.66 100.10 105.05 97.17 96.46 95.07 90.35 89.15 88.63 88.07 87.63 87.33 84.92 83.70 83.09 Emmisions COD (t/a) 394.20 383.52 357.90 352.22 338.36 82.13 300.22 295.65 294.70 286.39 284.81 268.84 267.46 246.38 240.46 225.84 215.73 212.87 211.75 205.31 200.21 210.10 194.34 192.93 190.14 180.71 178.31 177.26 176.14 175.25 174.66 169.83 167.40 166.18 Emmisions Emmisions Pt Nt (t/a) (t/a) 28.91 28.13 26.25 25.83 24.81 15.66 22.02 21.68 21.61 21.00 20.89 19.72 19.61 18.07 17.63 16.56 15.82 15.61 15.53 15.06 14.68 15.41 14.25 14.15 13.94 13.25 13.08 13.00 12.92 12.85 12.81 12.45 12.28 12.19 6.73 6.55 6.11 6.02 5.78 4.49 5.13 5.05 5.03 4.89 4.87 4.59 4.57 4.21 4.11 3.86 3.69 3.64 3.62 3.51 3.42 3.59 3.32 3.30 3.25 3.09 3.05 3.03 3.01 2.99 2.98 2.90 2.86 2.84 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of agglomeratio n 572 343 332 319 3 436 968 518 336 686 321 618 681 390 96 347 733 316 515 621 743 398 485 42 161 432 430 540 159 486 449 315 497 48 Name of agglomeration Novo Selo Zelinja Donja Sladna Stjepan Polje Banovići Selo Sanica Petrovice Gnojnica Špionica Srednja Hajderovići Miričina Nemila Činovići A3 Tuzla Jezerski Vučkovci Donja Dubica Lukavica Puračić Orahovica Begov Han Suha Bašigovci Orašac Gornja Koprivna Hadžići Oštra Luka Šije Šturlić Tarevo Mala Kladuša Džakule Smoluća Donja Brekovica Generated load (PE) (Estimated load) 3779 3974 3913 3840 3778 3758 3754 3664 3473 3374 3360 3360 3313 3200 3189 3168 3124 3072 2958 2880 2880 2880 2880 2841 2826 2800 2688 2688 2606 2490 2472 2448 2439 2429 ANNEX_BA_UWW_2015 % of generated load generated generated collected in a load collected load collecting type of collected in in a collecting system and UWWTP system a collecting treated(estimat (estimate), PE system e), PE (estimate) 26.47% 1000 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 61.21% 2300 0 no 53.28% 2000 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 89.29% 3000 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 69.44% 2000 0 no 69.44% 2000 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 17.86% 500 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 33 Generated load BOD5 (t/a) 82.76 87.03 85.69 84.10 82.75 82.29 82.20 80.24 76.05 73.90 73.58 73.58 72.55 70.08 69.83 69.38 68.42 67.28 64.79 63.07 63.07 63.07 63.07 62.21 61.90 61.32 58.87 58.87 57.06 54.52 54.14 53.61 53.42 53.19 Generated load COD (t/a) 165.52 174.06 171.39 168.19 165.49 164.58 164.41 160.48 152.11 147.80 147.17 147.17 145.10 140.16 139.67 138.76 136.83 134.55 129.58 126.14 126.14 126.14 126.14 124.43 123.80 122.64 117.73 117.73 114.13 109.04 108.27 107.22 106.84 106.38 Generated Generated load Nt load Pt (t/a) (t/a) 12.14 12.76 12.57 12.33 12.14 12.07 12.06 11.77 11.15 10.84 10.79 10.79 10.64 10.28 10.24 10.18 10.03 9.87 9.50 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.12 9.08 8.99 8.63 8.63 8.37 8.00 7.94 7.86 7.83 7.80 2.83 2.97 2.93 2.87 2.83 2.81 2.81 2.74 2.60 2.52 2.51 2.51 2.48 2.39 2.39 2.37 2.34 2.30 2.21 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.13 2.11 2.10 2.01 2.01 1.95 1.86 1.85 1.83 1.83 1.82 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 ANNEX_BA_UWW_2015 Code of Discharged Discharged Discharged Discharged agglomeratio load BOD5 load COD load Nt load Pt n (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 572 343 332 319 3 436 968 518 336 686 321 618 681 390 96 347 733 316 515 621 743 398 485 42 161 432 430 540 159 486 449 315 497 48 21.90 43.81 3.21 0.75 50.37 43.80 100.74 87.60 7.39 6.42 1.72 1.50 65.70 131.40 9.64 2.24 43.80 43.80 87.60 87.60 6.42 6.42 1.50 1.50 10.95 21.90 1.61 0.37 34 Emmisions BOD5 (t/a) 82.76 87.03 85.69 84.10 82.75 82.29 82.20 80.24 76.05 73.90 73.58 73.58 72.55 70.08 69.83 69.38 68.42 67.28 64.79 63.07 63.07 63.07 63.07 62.21 61.90 61.32 58.87 58.87 57.06 54.52 54.14 53.61 53.42 53.19 Emmisions COD (t/a) 165.52 174.06 171.39 168.19 165.49 164.58 164.41 160.48 152.11 147.80 147.17 147.17 145.10 140.16 139.67 138.76 136.83 134.55 129.58 126.14 126.14 126.14 126.14 124.43 123.80 122.64 117.73 117.73 114.13 109.04 108.27 107.22 106.84 106.38 Emmisions Emmisions Pt Nt (t/a) (t/a) 12.14 12.76 12.57 12.33 12.14 12.07 12.06 11.77 11.15 10.84 10.79 10.79 10.64 10.28 10.24 10.18 10.03 9.87 9.50 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.12 9.08 8.99 8.63 8.63 8.37 8.00 7.94 7.86 7.83 7.80 2.83 2.97 2.93 2.87 2.83 2.81 2.81 2.74 2.60 2.52 2.51 2.51 2.48 2.39 2.39 2.37 2.34 2.30 2.21 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.13 2.11 2.10 2.01 2.01 1.95 1.86 1.85 1.83 1.83 1.82 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of agglomeratio n 218 426 2 462 324 966 516 573 142 746 1070 553 317 175 401 738 655 530 861 434 400 954 662 406 960 955 689 570 951 685 47 50 964 395 Name of agglomeration Ustikolina Vidovice Tulovići Vejinac Orahovica Gornja Miljanovci Devetak Potočani Mrazovac Brankovići Donji Lukavac Donji Kamengrad Soko Konjoder Lukavica Gornja Žepče Veliko Čajno Kosova Dubravica Krasulje Lukavica Donja Pasci Donji Bilalovac Zukići Kalesija Selo Rainci Donji Divičani Novi Grad Dobrnja Perovići Turija Srbljani Hrasno Donje Dokanj Generated load (PE) (Estimated load) 2400 2392 2326 2214 2208 2185 2178 2160 2154 2120 2112 2042 2035 2018 2016 2000 1990 1968 1938 1925 1920 1915 1858 1840 1826 1790 1756 1754 1746 1738 1694 1689 1685 1681 ANNEX_BA_UWW_2015 % of generated load generated generated collected in a load collected load collecting type of collected in in a collecting system and UWWTP system a collecting treated(estimat (estimate), PE system e), PE (estimate) 83.34% 2000 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 23.15% 500 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 47.17% 1000 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 100.00% 2000 2000 II 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 10.39% 200 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 27.38% 500 0 no 27.94% 500 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 57.00% 1000 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 29.68% 500 0 no 0.00% 0 0 no 35 Generated load BOD5 (t/a) 52.56 52.38 50.93 48.48 48.36 47.85 47.69 47.30 47.16 46.43 46.25 44.71 44.57 44.19 44.15 43.80 43.57 43.10 42.43 42.15 42.05 41.94 40.68 40.30 40.00 39.19 38.46 38.42 38.25 38.05 37.11 36.98 36.90 36.81 Generated load COD (t/a) 105.12 104.77 101.86 96.96 96.71 95.69 95.38 94.61 94.33 92.86 92.51 89.42 89.14 88.37 88.30 87.60 87.14 86.20 84.87 84.31 84.10 83.89 81.36 80.59 80.00 78.38 76.91 76.84 76.49 76.11 74.21 73.97 73.79 73.62 Generated Generated load Nt load Pt (t/a) (t/a) 7.71 7.68 7.47 7.11 7.09 7.02 6.99 6.94 6.92 6.81 6.78 6.56 6.54 6.48 6.48 6.42 6.39 6.32 6.22 6.18 6.17 6.15 5.97 5.91 5.87 5.75 5.64 5.64 5.61 5.58 5.44 5.42 5.41 5.40 1.80 1.79 1.74 1.66 1.65 1.63 1.63 1.62 1.61 1.59 1.58 1.53 1.52 1.51 1.51 1.50 1.49 1.47 1.45 1.44 1.44 1.43 1.39 1.38 1.37 1.34 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.30 1.27 1.26 1.26 1.26 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 ANNEX_BA_UWW_2015 Code of Discharged Discharged Discharged Discharged agglomeratio load BOD5 load COD load Nt load Pt n (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 218 426 2 462 324 966 516 573 142 746 1070 553 317 175 401 738 655 530 861 434 400 954 662 406 960 955 689 570 951 685 47 50 964 395 43.80 87.60 6.42 1.50 10.95 21.90 1.61 0.37 21.90 43.80 3.21 0.75 5.79 9.65 1.84 0.53 4.38 8.76 0.64 0.15 10.95 10.95 21.90 21.90 1.61 1.61 0.37 0.37 21.90 43.80 3.21 0.75 10.95 21.90 1.61 0.37 36 Emmisions BOD5 (t/a) 52.56 52.38 50.93 48.48 48.36 47.85 47.69 47.30 47.16 46.43 46.25 44.71 44.57 44.19 44.15 16.21 43.57 43.10 42.43 42.15 42.05 41.94 40.68 40.30 40.00 39.19 38.46 38.42 38.25 38.05 37.11 36.98 36.90 36.81 Emmisions COD (t/a) 105.12 104.77 101.86 96.96 96.71 95.69 95.38 94.61 94.33 92.86 92.51 89.42 89.14 88.37 88.30 28.47 87.14 86.20 84.87 84.31 84.10 83.89 81.36 80.59 80.00 78.38 76.91 76.84 76.49 76.11 74.21 73.97 73.79 73.62 Emmisions Emmisions Pt Nt (t/a) (t/a) 7.71 7.68 7.47 7.11 7.09 7.02 6.99 6.94 6.92 6.81 6.78 6.56 6.54 6.48 6.48 4.40 6.39 6.32 6.22 6.18 6.17 6.15 5.97 5.91 5.87 5.75 5.64 5.64 5.61 5.58 5.44 5.42 5.41 5.40 1.80 1.79 1.74 1.66 1.65 1.63 1.63 1.62 1.61 1.59 1.58 1.53 1.52 1.51 1.51 1.23 1.49 1.47 1.45 1.44 1.44 1.43 1.39 1.38 1.37 1.34 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.30 1.27 1.26 1.26 1.26 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of agglomeratio n Name of agglomeration 527 Liješnica 429 Matići 323 Doborovci Total BA(fed) Total BA(fed), % 84 Amajlije 55 Pucile 246 Kotorsko 86 Stanari 226 Miljevina 289 Vecici 384 Priboj 354 Donja Tramosnica 586 Rudo 232 Jezero 917 Glumina 945 Kozluk 202 Cerani 204 Osinja 262 Sevarlije 793 Lukavica 673 Jablan 981 Milosevac 976 Koprivna 860 Donji Vijacani 424 Donja Slatina 33 Krupa na Vrbasu 744 Kriskovci 921 Trsic 100 Korace 103 Lijesce 229 Han Pjesak 812 Kozarac 1036 Strpci ANNEX_BA_UWW_2015 % of generated load generated generated Generated collected in a load collected Generated load load (PE) collecting type of in a collecting load BOD5 collected in (Estimated system and UWWTP system (t/a) a collecting load) treated(estimat (estimate), PE system e), PE (estimate) 1674 0.00% 0 0 no 36.67 1656 0.00% 0 0 no 36.27 1610 0.00% 0 0 no 35.25 1654809 1034092 503481 36240 62.49% 30.43% 2000 10 200 no 43.80 2000 10 200 no 43.80 2000 30 600 no 43.80 2000 20 400 no 43.80 2000 50 1000 no 43.80 2000 0 0 no 43.80 2000 30 600 no 43.80 2000 10 200 no 43.80 2000 75 1500 no 43.80 2000 30 600 no 43.80 2100 10 210 no 45.99 2100 40 840 no 45.99 2100 20 420 no 45.99 2100 20 420 no 45.99 2100 20 420 no 45.99 2100 50 1050 no 45.99 2100 40 840 no 45.99 2100 20 420 no 45.99 2100 20 420 no 45.99 2100 20 420 no 45.99 2100 10 210 no 45.99 2130 20 426 no 46.65 2200 30 660 no 48.18 2200 10 220 no 48.18 2400 10 240 no 52.56 2400 20 480 no 52.56 2400 80 1920 no 52.56 2400 30 720 no 52.56 2400 20 480 no 52.56 37 Generated load COD (t/a) Generated Generated load Nt load Pt (t/a) (t/a) 73.34 72.53 70.50 72481 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 93.29 96.36 96.36 105.12 105.12 105.12 105.12 105.12 5.38 5.32 5.17 5315 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.84 7.07 7.07 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 1.25 1.24 1.20 1238 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.59 1.65 1.65 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 ANNEX_BA_UWW_2015 Code of Discharged Discharged Discharged Discharged agglomeratio load BOD5 load COD load Nt load Pt n (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 527 429 323 Total BA(fed) Total BA(fed), % 84 55 246 86 226 289 384 354 586 232 917 945 202 204 262 793 673 981 976 860 424 33 744 921 100 103 229 812 1036 14974 29114 2713 677 4.38 4.38 13.14 8.76 21.90 0.00 13.14 4.38 32.85 13.14 4.60 18.40 9.20 9.20 9.20 23.00 18.40 9.20 9.20 9.20 4.60 9.33 14.45 4.82 5.26 10.51 42.05 15.77 10.51 8.76 8.76 26.28 17.52 43.80 0.00 26.28 8.76 65.70 26.28 9.20 36.79 18.40 18.40 18.40 45.99 36.79 18.40 18.40 18.40 9.20 18.66 28.91 9.64 10.51 21.02 84.10 31.54 21.02 0.64 0.64 1.93 1.28 3.21 0.00 1.93 0.64 4.82 1.93 0.67 2.70 1.35 1.35 1.35 3.37 2.70 1.35 1.35 1.35 0.67 1.37 2.12 0.71 0.77 1.54 6.17 2.31 1.54 0.15 0.15 0.45 0.30 0.75 0.00 0.45 0.15 1.12 0.45 0.16 0.63 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.79 0.63 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.16 0.32 0.49 0.16 0.18 0.36 1.44 0.54 0.36 38 Emmisions BOD5 (t/a) 36.67 36.27 35.25 30567 84.35% 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 46.65 48.18 48.18 52.56 52.56 52.56 52.56 52.56 Emmisions COD (t/a) 73.34 72.53 70.50 56678 78.20% 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 93.29 96.36 96.36 105.12 105.12 105.12 105.12 105.12 Emmisions Emmisions Pt Nt (t/a) (t/a) 5.38 5.32 5.17 4741 89.20% 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.84 7.07 7.07 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 1.25 1.24 1.20 1150 92.85% 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.59 1.65 1.65 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of agglomeratio n 421 80 1038 30 802 211 302 1033 154 135 283 982 377 590 593 789 31 1009 1007 1041 983 77 167 290 1027 353 375 410 1004 276 21 1022 74 947 Name of agglomeration Lugovi Trnjaci Gornji Strpci Kola Boljanici Donji Zabar Maslovare Potocani Pobudje Crkvina Zabrdje Skugric Donji Koraj Srebrenica Milici Donje Vodicevo Rekavice Cecava Gornja Vrucica Lisnja Vranjak Dvorovi Cajnice Vrbanjci Trnopolje Pelagicevo Lopare Sekovici Blatnica Knezevo Piskavica Omarska Batkovici Jasenica Generated load (PE) (Estimated load) 2400 2500 2600 2689 2700 2700 2700 2700 2800 2800 2900 2900 3000 3000 3100 3100 3200 3300 3300 3400 3480 3500 3500 3500 3600 3700 3900 4300 4300 4500 4550 4800 4900 4900 ANNEX_BA_UWW_2015 % of generated load generated generated collected in a load collected load collecting collected in in a collecting system and system a collecting treated(estimat (estimate), PE system e), PE (estimate) 20 480 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 540 30 810 20 540 0 0 20 560 20 560 0 0 20 580 30 900 65 1950 55 1705 10 310 20 640 10 330 10 330 0 0 10 348 30 1050 90 3150 0 0 20 720 20 740 90 3510 46 1978 20 860 40 1800 20 910 30 1440 30 1470 10 490 39 type of UWWTP no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Generated load BOD5 (t/a) 52.56 54.75 56.94 58.89 59.13 59.13 59.13 59.13 61.32 61.32 63.51 63.51 65.70 65.70 67.89 67.89 70.08 72.27 72.27 74.46 76.21 76.65 76.65 76.65 78.84 81.03 85.41 94.17 94.17 98.55 99.65 105.12 107.31 107.31 Generated load COD (t/a) 105.12 109.50 113.88 117.78 118.26 118.26 118.26 118.26 122.64 122.64 127.02 127.02 131.40 131.40 135.78 135.78 140.16 144.54 144.54 148.92 152.42 153.30 153.30 153.30 157.68 162.06 170.82 188.34 188.34 197.10 199.29 210.24 214.62 214.62 Generated Generated load Nt load Pt (t/a) (t/a) 7.71 8.03 8.35 8.64 8.67 8.67 8.67 8.67 8.99 8.99 9.31 9.31 9.64 9.64 9.96 9.96 10.28 10.60 10.60 10.92 11.18 11.24 11.24 11.24 11.56 11.88 12.53 13.81 13.81 14.45 14.61 15.42 15.74 15.74 1.80 1.87 1.95 2.01 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.10 2.10 2.17 2.17 2.24 2.24 2.32 2.32 2.39 2.47 2.47 2.54 2.60 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.69 2.77 2.92 3.22 3.22 3.37 3.40 3.59 3.67 3.67 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 ANNEX_BA_UWW_2015 Code of Discharged Discharged Discharged Discharged agglomeratio load BOD5 load COD load Nt load Pt n (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 421 80 1038 30 802 211 302 1033 154 135 283 982 377 590 593 789 31 1009 1007 1041 983 77 167 290 1027 353 375 410 1004 276 21 1022 74 947 10.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.83 17.74 11.83 0.00 12.26 12.26 0.00 12.70 19.71 42.71 37.34 6.79 14.02 7.23 7.23 0.00 7.62 23.00 68.99 0.00 15.77 16.21 76.87 43.32 18.83 39.42 19.93 31.54 32.19 10.73 21.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 23.65 35.48 23.65 0.00 24.53 24.53 0.00 25.40 39.42 85.41 74.68 13.58 28.03 14.45 14.45 0.00 15.24 45.99 137.97 0.00 31.54 32.41 153.74 86.64 37.67 78.84 39.86 63.07 64.39 21.46 1.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.73 2.60 1.73 0.00 1.80 1.80 0.00 1.86 2.89 6.26 5.48 1.00 2.06 1.06 1.06 0.00 1.12 3.37 10.12 0.00 2.31 2.38 11.27 6.35 2.76 5.78 2.92 4.63 4.72 1.57 0.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.61 0.40 0.00 0.42 0.42 0.00 0.43 0.67 1.46 1.28 0.23 0.48 0.25 0.25 0.00 0.26 0.79 2.36 0.00 0.54 0.55 2.63 1.48 0.64 1.35 0.68 1.08 1.10 0.37 40 Emmisions BOD5 (t/a) 52.56 54.75 56.94 58.89 59.13 59.13 59.13 59.13 61.32 61.32 63.51 63.51 65.70 65.70 67.89 67.89 70.08 72.27 72.27 74.46 76.21 76.65 76.65 76.65 78.84 81.03 85.41 94.17 94.17 98.55 99.65 105.12 107.31 107.31 Emmisions COD (t/a) 105.12 109.50 113.88 117.78 118.26 118.26 118.26 118.26 122.64 122.64 127.02 127.02 131.40 131.40 135.78 135.78 140.16 144.54 144.54 148.92 152.42 153.30 153.30 153.30 157.68 162.06 170.82 188.34 188.34 197.10 199.29 210.24 214.62 214.62 Emmisions Emmisions Pt Nt (t/a) (t/a) 7.71 8.03 8.35 8.64 8.67 8.67 8.67 8.67 8.99 8.99 9.31 9.31 9.64 9.64 9.96 9.96 10.28 10.60 10.60 10.92 11.18 11.24 11.24 11.24 11.56 11.88 12.53 13.81 13.81 14.45 14.61 15.42 15.74 15.74 1.80 1.87 1.95 2.01 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.10 2.10 2.17 2.17 2.24 2.24 2.32 2.32 2.39 2.47 2.47 2.54 2.60 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.69 2.77 2.92 3.22 3.22 3.37 3.40 3.59 3.67 3.67 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of agglomeratio n 27 679 980 72 974 75 1000 23 73 1006 889 971 425 642 641 303 605 412 796 172 419 549 582 282 902 1050 584 1059 581 667 929 304 776 222 Name of agglomeration Dragocaj Trnovo Jakes Novo Naselje Branjevo Velika Obarska Pribinic Ivanjska Crnjelovo Donje Slatina Ugljevik Celopek Obudovac Petrovo Sipovo Kostajnica Laktasi II Sapna Srbac Celinac Samac Novi Miljanovci Pale Kotor Varos Vlasenica Janja Visegrad Prnjavor Rogatica Sokolac Mrkonjic Grad Dubica Novi Grad Foca Generated load (PE) (Estimated load) 4918 5000 5000 5100 5100 5400 5400 5492 5500 5500 5600 5600 5900 6300 6600 7000 8000 8100 8600 8800 9000 8900 9600 10000 10000 10219 10500 10700 11100 12400 12500 15000 15000 16000 ANNEX_BA_UWW_2015 % of generated load generated generated collected in a load collected Generated load collecting type of in a collecting load BOD5 collected in system and UWWTP system (t/a) a collecting treated(estimat (estimate), PE system e), PE (estimate) 20 983.6 no 107.70 II 70 3500 3500 109.50 10 500 no 109.50 0 0 no 111.69 0 0 no 111.69 30 1620 no 118.26 30 1620 no 118.26 20 1098.4 no 120.27 20 1100 no 120.45 10 550 no 120.45 40 2240 no 122.64 20 1120 no 122.64 20 1180 no 129.21 20 1260 no 137.97 30 1980 no 144.54 85 5950 no 153.30 60 4800 no 175.20 20 1620 no 177.39 35 3010 no 188.34 II 78 6864 6864 192.72 80 7200 no 197.10 10 890 no 194.91 40 3840 no 210.24 45 4500 no 219.00 70 7000 no 219.00 30 3065.7 no 223.80 72 7560 no 229.95 68 7276 no 234.33 75 8325 no 243.09 60 7440 no 271.56 74 9250 no 273.75 76 11400 no 328.50 40 6000 no 328.50 10 1600 no 350.40 41 Generated load COD (t/a) 215.41 219.00 219.00 223.38 223.38 236.52 236.52 240.55 240.90 240.90 245.28 245.28 258.42 275.94 289.08 306.60 350.40 354.78 376.68 385.44 394.20 389.82 420.48 438.00 438.00 447.59 459.90 468.66 486.18 543.12 547.50 657.00 657.00 700.80 Generated Generated load Nt load Pt (t/a) (t/a) 15.80 16.06 16.06 16.38 16.38 17.34 17.34 17.64 17.67 17.67 17.99 17.99 18.95 20.24 21.20 22.48 25.70 26.02 27.62 28.27 28.91 28.59 30.84 32.12 32.12 32.82 33.73 34.37 35.65 39.83 40.15 48.18 48.18 51.39 3.68 3.74 3.74 3.82 3.82 4.04 4.04 4.11 4.12 4.12 4.19 4.19 4.41 4.71 4.94 5.24 5.99 6.06 6.43 6.58 6.73 6.66 7.18 7.48 7.48 7.65 7.86 8.01 8.31 9.28 9.35 11.22 11.22 11.97 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 ANNEX_BA_UWW_2015 Code of Discharged Discharged Discharged Discharged agglomeratio load BOD5 load COD load Nt load Pt n (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 27 679 980 72 974 75 1000 23 73 1006 889 971 425 642 641 303 605 412 796 172 419 549 582 282 902 1050 584 1059 581 667 929 304 776 222 21.54 23.00 10.95 0.00 0.00 35.48 35.48 24.05 24.09 12.05 49.06 24.53 25.84 27.59 43.36 130.31 105.12 35.48 65.92 45.10 157.68 19.49 84.10 98.55 153.30 67.14 165.56 159.34 182.32 162.94 202.58 249.66 131.40 35.04 43.08 38.33 21.90 0.00 0.00 70.96 70.96 48.11 48.18 24.09 98.11 49.06 51.68 55.19 86.72 260.61 210.24 70.96 131.84 75.16 315.36 38.98 168.19 197.10 306.60 134.28 331.13 318.69 364.64 325.87 405.15 499.32 262.80 70.08 3.16 7.31 1.61 0.00 0.00 5.20 5.20 3.53 3.53 1.77 7.19 3.60 3.79 4.05 6.36 19.11 15.42 5.20 9.67 14.33 23.13 2.86 12.33 14.45 22.48 9.85 24.28 23.37 26.74 23.90 29.71 36.62 19.27 5.14 0.74 2.10 0.37 0.00 0.00 1.21 1.21 0.82 0.82 0.41 1.68 0.84 0.88 0.94 1.48 4.45 3.59 1.21 2.25 4.11 5.39 0.67 2.87 3.37 5.24 2.29 5.66 5.44 6.23 5.57 6.92 8.53 4.49 1.20 42 Emmisions BOD5 (t/a) 107.70 55.85 109.50 111.69 111.69 118.26 118.26 120.27 120.45 120.45 122.64 122.64 129.21 137.97 144.54 153.30 175.20 177.39 188.34 87.49 197.10 194.91 210.24 219.00 219.00 223.80 229.95 234.33 243.09 271.56 273.75 328.50 328.50 350.40 Emmisions COD (t/a) 215.41 104.03 219.00 223.38 223.38 236.52 236.52 240.55 240.90 240.90 245.28 245.28 258.42 275.94 289.08 306.60 350.40 354.78 376.68 159.96 394.20 389.82 420.48 438.00 438.00 447.59 459.90 468.66 486.18 543.12 547.50 657.00 657.00 700.80 Emmisions Emmisions Pt Nt (t/a) (t/a) 15.80 12.13 16.06 16.38 16.38 17.34 17.34 17.64 17.67 17.67 17.99 17.99 18.95 20.24 21.20 22.48 25.70 26.02 27.62 20.55 28.91 28.59 30.84 32.12 32.12 32.82 33.73 34.37 35.65 39.83 40.15 48.18 48.18 51.39 3.68 3.22 3.74 3.82 3.82 4.04 4.04 4.11 4.12 4.12 4.19 4.19 4.41 4.71 4.94 5.24 5.99 6.06 6.43 5.56 6.73 6.66 7.18 7.48 7.48 7.65 7.86 8.01 8.31 9.28 9.35 11.22 11.22 11.97 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of agglomeratio n Name of agglomeration 975 Modrica 144 Bratunac 912 Zvornik 605 Laktasi 101 Brod 999 Teslic 186 Derventa 269 Gradiska 227 Doboj 53 Bijeljina 785 Prijedor 9 Banja Luka Total BA(rs) Total BA(rs), % Total BA Total BA, % Generated load (PE) (Estimated load) 17400 18200 20200 22700 25500 26500 29500 37300 41650 62000 65800 152000 979428 2634237 ANNEX_BA_UWW_2015 % of generated load generated generated collected in a load collected Generated load collecting type of in a collecting load BOD5 collected in system and UWWTP system (t/a) a collecting treated(estimat (estimate), PE system e), PE (estimate) 60 10440 no 381.06 75 13650 no 398.58 95 19190 no 442.38 69 15663 no 497.13 40 10200 no 558.45 90 23850 no 580.35 60 17700 no 646.05 84 31332 no 816.87 80 33320 no 912.14 40 24800 no 1,357.80 60 39480 no 1,441.02 70 106400 no 3,328.80 517185 10364 21449 52.80% 1.06% 1551277 58.89% 43 513845 19.51% 57690 Generated load COD (t/a) Generated Generated load Nt load Pt (t/a) (t/a) 762.12 797.16 884.76 994.26 1,116.90 1,160.70 1,292.10 1,633.74 1,824.27 2,715.60 2,882.04 6,657.60 42899 55.89 58.46 64.88 72.91 81.91 85.12 94.75 119.81 133.78 199.14 211.35 488.22 3146 115380 8461 13.02 13.62 15.11 16.99 19.08 19.83 22.07 27.91 31.16 46.39 49.23 113.73 733 1971 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 ANNEX_BA_UWW_2015 Code of Discharged Discharged Discharged Discharged agglomeratio load BOD5 load COD load Nt load Pt n (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 975 144 912 605 101 999 186 269 227 53 785 9 Total BA(rs) Total BA(rs), % Total BA Total BA, % Emmisions BOD5 (t/a) Emmisions COD (t/a) Emmisions Emmisions Pt Nt (t/a) (t/a) 228.64 298.94 420.26 343.02 223.38 522.32 387.63 686.17 729.71 543.12 864.61 2330.16 11167 457.27 597.87 840.52 686.04 446.76 1044.63 775.26 1372.34 1459.42 1086.24 1729.22 4660.32 22312 33.53 43.84 61.64 50.31 32.76 76.61 56.85 100.64 107.02 79.66 126.81 341.76 1650 7.81 10.21 14.36 11.72 7.63 17.85 13.24 23.44 24.93 18.56 29.54 79.61 385 381.06 398.58 442.38 497.13 558.45 580.35 646.05 816.87 912.14 1357.80 1441.02 3328.80 21291 99.26% 762.12 797.16 884.76 994.26 1116.90 1160.70 1292.10 1633.74 1824.27 2715.60 2882.04 6657.60 42558 99.21% 55.89 58.46 64.88 72.91 81.91 85.12 94.75 119.81 133.78 199.14 211.35 488.22 3134 99.63% 13.02 13.62 15.11 16.99 19.08 19.83 22.07 27.91 31.16 46.39 49.23 113.73 731 99.79% 26141 51427 4363 1062 51858 89.89% 99237 86.01% 7875 93.08% 1881 95.43% 44 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration 1048 391 607 110 111 45 131 396 827 636 313 623 309 552 326 237 671 134 338 531 291 858 1 495 389 427 442 214 535 87 649 659 126 524 Name of agglomeration Population (inhabitants) Sarajevo A1 Tuzla Zenica Breza Cazin Bihać Bugojno Živinice Travnik Novi Travnik Gračanica Kakanj Gornji Vakuf Sanski Most Srebrenik Goražde Zavidovići Busovača Gradačac Tešanj Visoko Vitez Banovići-grad Lukavac A2 Tuzla Orašje Velika Kladuša Donji Vakuf Jelah Bosanska Krupa Jajce Kiseljak Bosanski Petrovac Maglaj 340000 159375 80887 48450 35190 31394 25508 25500 24537 21038 20774 19573 19125 17872 17379 14299 13574 13388 13236 13025 12750 11987 11419 11124 10583 10431 10200 9757 9708 9190 8505 8480 8317 7897 Generated load (PE) (Estimated load) 400000 187500 95162 57000 41400 36934 30010 30000 28868 24750 24440 23027 22500 21026 20446 16823 15970 15750 15572 15323 15000 14102 13434 13087 12450 12272 12000 11479 11421 10812 10006 9977 9785 9291 ANNEX_BA_UWW_scII % of generated load generated load generated collected in a collected in a load collecting collecting system collected in a system and collecting (estimated), treated(estimate), system PE PE (estimated) 100.00 400000.00 400000.00 100.00 187500.00 187500.00 100.00 95161.50 95161.50 100.00 57000.00 57000.00 100.00 41400.00 41400.00 100.00 36933.75 36933.75 100.00 30009.75 30009.75 100.00 30000.00 30000.00 100.00 28867.50 28867.50 100.00 24750.00 24750.00 100.00 24440.25 24440.25 100.00 23027.25 23027.25 100.00 22500.00 22500.00 100.00 21025.50 21025.50 100.00 20445.75 20445.75 100.00 16822.50 16822.50 100.00 15969.75 15969.75 100.00 15750.00 15750.00 93.42 14547.00 14547 100.00 15323.25 15323.25 100.00 15000.00 15000.00 100.00 14102.25 14102.25 100.00 13434.00 13434.00 100.00 13086.75 13086.75 100.00 12450.00 12450.00 100.00 12272.25 12272.25 100.00 12000.00 12000.00 100.00 11478.75 11478.75 100.00 11421.00 11421.00 100.00 10812.00 10812.00 100.00 10005.75 10005.75 45.11 4500.00 0.00 35.77 3500.00 0.00 86.30 8018.00 0.00 45 type of UWWTP II III III III III III III III III III III III III III II III III III II III III III III III III III III III III III III Generated Generated Generated load BOD5 load COD load Nt (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 8760.00 4106.25 2084.04 1248.30 906.66 808.85 657.21 657.00 632.20 542.03 535.24 504.30 492.75 460.46 447.76 368.41 349.74 344.93 341.02 335.58 328.50 308.84 294.20 286.60 272.66 268.76 262.80 251.38 250.12 236.78 219.13 218.49 214.28 203.47 17520.00 8212.50 4168.07 2496.60 1813.32 1617.70 1314.43 1314.00 1264.40 1084.05 1070.48 1008.59 985.50 920.92 895.52 736.83 699.48 689.85 682.03 671.16 657.00 617.68 588.41 573.20 545.31 537.52 525.60 502.77 500.24 473.57 438.25 436.97 428.56 406.95 1284.80 602.25 305.66 183.08 132.98 118.63 96.39 96.36 92.72 79.50 78.50 73.96 72.27 67.53 65.67 54.03 51.29 50.59 50.02 49.22 48.18 45.30 43.15 42.03 39.99 39.42 38.54 36.87 36.68 34.73 32.14 32.04 31.43 29.84 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration 1048 391 607 110 111 45 131 396 827 636 313 623 309 552 326 237 671 134 338 531 291 858 1 495 389 427 442 214 535 87 649 659 126 524 Generated Discharged load Pt load BOD5 (t/a) (t/a) 299.30 140.30 71.20 42.65 30.98 27.64 22.45 22.45 21.60 18.52 18.29 17.23 16.84 15.73 15.30 12.59 11.95 11.78 11.65 11.47 11.22 10.55 10.05 9.79 9.32 9.18 8.98 8.59 8.55 8.09 7.49 7.46 7.32 6.95 1157.63 205.31 104.20 62.42 45.33 40.44 32.86 32.85 31.61 27.10 26.76 25.21 24.64 23.02 59.17 18.42 17.49 17.25 45.07 16.78 16.43 15.44 14.71 14.33 13.63 13.44 13.14 12.57 12.51 11.84 10.96 98.55 76.65 175.59 ANNEX_BA_UWW_scII Discharged load COD (t/a) 1929.39 1231.88 625.21 374.49 272.00 242.65 197.16 197.10 189.66 162.61 160.57 151.29 147.83 138.14 98.62 110.52 104.92 103.48 75.11 100.67 98.55 92.65 88.26 85.98 81.80 80.63 78.84 75.42 75.04 71.03 65.74 197.10 153.30 351.19 Discharged Discharged Emmisions Emmisions load Nt load Pt (t/a) BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) (t/a) 367.87 180.68 91.70 54.93 39.89 35.59 28.92 28.91 27.82 23.85 23.55 22.19 21.68 20.26 18.80 16.21 15.39 15.18 14.32 14.77 14.45 13.59 12.95 12.61 12.00 11.83 11.56 11.06 11.01 10.42 9.64 14.45 11.24 25.75 46 105.47 28.06 14.24 8.53 6.20 5.53 4.49 4.49 4.32 3.70 3.66 3.45 3.37 3.15 5.39 2.52 2.39 2.36 4.11 2.29 2.24 2.11 2.01 1.96 1.86 1.84 1.80 1.72 1.71 1.62 1.50 3.37 2.62 6.00 1157.63 205.31 104.20 62.42 45.33 40.44 32.86 32.85 31.61 27.10 26.76 25.21 24.64 23.02 309.69 18.42 17.49 17.25 174.30 16.78 16.43 15.44 14.71 14.33 13.63 13.44 13.14 12.57 12.51 11.84 10.96 218.49 214.28 203.47 1929.39 1231.88 625.21 374.49 272.00 242.65 197.16 197.10 189.66 162.61 160.57 151.29 147.83 138.14 599.67 110.52 104.92 103.48 324.78 100.67 98.55 92.65 88.26 85.98 81.80 80.63 78.84 75.42 75.04 71.03 65.74 436.97 428.56 406.95 Emmisions Nt (t/a) 367.87 180.68 91.70 54.93 39.89 35.59 28.92 28.91 27.82 23.85 23.55 22.19 21.68 20.26 55.55 16.21 15.39 15.18 37.79 14.77 14.45 13.59 12.95 12.61 12.00 11.83 11.56 11.06 11.01 10.42 9.64 32.04 31.43 29.84 Emmisions Pt (t/a) 105.47 28.06 14.24 8.53 6.20 5.53 4.49 4.49 4.32 3.70 3.66 3.45 3.37 3.15 13.95 2.52 2.39 2.36 10.02 2.29 2.24 2.11 2.01 1.96 1.86 1.84 1.80 1.72 1.71 1.62 1.50 7.46 7.32 6.95 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration 431 399 206 650 1067 568 217 397 549 233 138 327 412 320 402 1069 842 210 490 741 95 164 967 569 492 683 209 511 577 595 961 160 7 504 Name of agglomeration Ključ Dubrave Klokotnica Visoko II Živinice Donje Odžak Drvar Šerići Novi Miljanovci Fojnica Bužim Tinja Gornja Vitinica Orahovica Donja Tupković Donji Mionica Čukle Domaljevac Kladanj Željezno Polje Otoka Stijena Vukovije Svilaj Vareš Donja Lovnica Matuzići Dobošnica Kalesija Olovo Tojšići Pećigrad Podgorje Poljice Population (inhabitants) 7650 7443 6946 6835 6566 6375 5826 5738 5719 5558 5527 5217 5191 4781 4667 4383 4186 4131 4109 3984 3885 4077 3771 3744 3690 3507 3460 3440 3418 3401 3390 3296 3249 3225 Generated load (PE) (Estimated load) 9000 8756 8171 8042 7725 7500 6854 6750 6728 6539 6503 6138 6107 5625 5490 5156 4925 4860 4835 4688 4571 4797 4437 4405 4341 4126 4071 4047 4022 4001 3988 3878 3822 3794 ANNEX_BA_UWW_scII % of generated load generated load generated collected in a collected in a load collecting collecting system collected in a system and collecting (estimated), treated(estimate), system PE PE (estimated) 88.89 8000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 61.19 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 7500.00 7500.00 22.00 1507.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.18 2300.00 0.00 62.71 4100.00 0.00 27.44 1784.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 98.26 6000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.92 1454.00 0.00 82.74 4000.00 0.00 96.00 4500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.08 2000.00 0.00 45.41 2000.00 0.00 80.63 3500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 49.13 2000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 74.60 3000.00 0.00 89.97 3600.00 0.00 50.15 2000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47 type of UWWTP II Generated Generated Generated load BOD5 load COD load Nt (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 197.10 191.76 178.95 176.11 169.18 164.25 150.11 147.83 147.35 143.19 142.40 134.42 133.73 123.19 120.23 112.92 107.86 106.43 105.88 102.66 100.10 105.05 97.17 96.46 95.07 90.35 89.15 88.63 88.07 87.63 87.33 84.92 83.70 83.09 394.20 383.52 357.90 352.22 338.36 328.50 300.22 295.65 294.70 286.39 284.81 268.84 267.46 246.38 240.46 225.84 215.73 212.87 211.75 205.31 200.21 210.10 194.34 192.93 190.14 180.71 178.31 177.26 176.14 175.25 174.66 169.83 167.40 166.18 28.91 28.13 26.25 25.83 24.81 24.09 22.02 21.68 21.61 21.00 20.89 19.72 19.61 18.07 17.63 16.56 15.82 15.61 15.53 15.06 14.68 15.41 14.25 14.15 13.94 13.25 13.08 13.00 12.92 12.85 12.81 12.45 12.28 12.19 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration 431 399 206 650 1067 568 217 397 549 233 138 327 412 320 402 1069 842 210 490 741 95 164 967 569 492 683 209 511 577 595 961 160 7 504 Generated Discharged load Pt load BOD5 (t/a) (t/a) 6.73 6.55 6.11 6.02 5.78 5.61 5.13 5.05 5.03 4.89 4.87 4.59 4.57 4.21 4.11 3.86 3.69 3.64 3.62 3.51 3.42 3.59 3.32 3.30 3.25 3.09 3.05 3.03 3.01 2.99 2.98 2.90 2.86 2.84 ANNEX_BA_UWW_scII Discharged load COD (t/a) Discharged Discharged Emmisions Emmisions load Nt load Pt (t/a) BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) (t/a) 175.20 350.40 25.70 5.99 109.50 219.00 16.06 3.74 49.28 33.02 82.13 66.05 15.66 4.84 4.49 1.13 50.37 89.79 39.07 100.74 179.58 78.14 7.39 13.17 5.73 1.72 3.07 1.33 131.40 262.80 19.27 4.49 31.84 87.60 98.55 63.69 175.20 197.10 4.67 12.85 14.45 1.09 2.99 3.37 43.80 43.80 76.65 87.60 87.60 153.30 6.42 6.42 11.24 1.50 1.50 2.62 43.80 87.60 6.42 1.50 65.70 78.84 43.80 131.40 157.68 87.60 9.64 11.56 6.42 2.24 2.69 1.50 48 197.10 191.76 178.95 176.11 169.18 49.28 150.11 147.83 147.35 143.19 142.40 134.42 133.73 123.19 120.23 112.92 107.86 106.43 105.88 102.66 100.10 105.05 97.17 96.46 95.07 90.35 89.15 88.63 88.07 87.63 87.33 84.92 83.70 83.09 394.20 383.52 357.90 352.22 338.36 82.13 300.22 295.65 294.70 286.39 284.81 268.84 267.46 246.38 240.46 225.84 215.73 212.87 211.75 205.31 200.21 210.10 194.34 192.93 190.14 180.71 178.31 177.26 176.14 175.25 174.66 169.83 167.40 166.18 Emmisions Nt (t/a) 28.91 28.13 26.25 25.83 24.81 15.66 22.02 21.68 21.61 21.00 20.89 19.72 19.61 18.07 17.63 16.56 15.82 15.61 15.53 15.06 14.68 15.41 14.25 14.15 13.94 13.25 13.08 13.00 12.92 12.85 12.81 12.45 12.28 12.19 Emmisions Pt (t/a) 6.73 6.55 6.11 6.02 5.78 4.49 5.13 5.05 5.03 4.89 4.87 4.59 4.57 4.21 4.11 3.86 3.69 3.64 3.62 3.51 3.42 3.59 3.32 3.30 3.25 3.09 3.05 3.03 3.01 2.99 2.98 2.90 2.86 2.84 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration 572 343 332 319 3 436 968 518 336 686 321 618 681 390 96 347 733 316 515 621 743 398 485 42 161 432 430 540 159 486 449 315 497 48 Name of agglomeration Novo Selo Zelinja Donja Sladna Stjepan Polje Banovići Selo Sanica Petrovice Gnojnica Špionica Srednja Hajderovići Miričina Nemila Činovići A3 Tuzla Jezerski Vučkovci Donja Dubica Lukavica Puračić Orahovica Begov Han Suha Bašigovci Orašac Gornja Koprivna Hadžići Oštra Luka Šije Šturlić Tarevo Mala Kladuša Džakule Smoluća Donja Brekovica Population (inhabitants) 3212 3378 3326 3264 3212 3194 3191 3114 2952 2868 2856 2856 2816 2720 2710 2693 2655 2611 2515 2448 2448 2448 2448 2415 2402 2380 2285 2285 2215 2116 2101 2081 2073 2064 Generated load (PE) (Estimated load) 3779 3974 3913 3840 3778 3758 3754 3664 3473 3374 3360 3360 3313 3200 3189 3168 3124 3072 2958 2880 2880 2880 2880 2841 2826 2800 2688 2688 2606 2490 2472 2448 2439 2429 ANNEX_BA_UWW_scII % of generated load generated load generated collected in a collected in a load collecting collecting system collected in a system and collecting (estimated), treated(estimate), system PE PE (estimated) 26.47 1000.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 61.21 2300.00 0.00 53.28 2000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 89.29 3000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 69.44 2000.00 0.00 69.44 2000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.86 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 49 type of UWWTP Generated Generated Generated load BOD5 load COD load Nt (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 82.76 87.03 85.69 84.10 82.75 82.29 82.20 80.24 76.05 73.90 73.58 73.58 72.55 70.08 69.83 69.38 68.42 67.28 64.79 63.07 63.07 63.07 63.07 62.21 61.90 61.32 58.87 58.87 57.06 54.52 54.14 53.61 53.42 53.19 165.52 174.06 171.39 168.19 165.49 164.58 164.41 160.48 152.11 147.80 147.17 147.17 145.10 140.16 139.67 138.76 136.83 134.55 129.58 126.14 126.14 126.14 126.14 124.43 123.80 122.64 117.73 117.73 114.13 109.04 108.27 107.22 106.84 106.38 12.14 12.76 12.57 12.33 12.14 12.07 12.06 11.77 11.15 10.84 10.79 10.79 10.64 10.28 10.24 10.18 10.03 9.87 9.50 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.12 9.08 8.99 8.63 8.63 8.37 8.00 7.94 7.86 7.83 7.80 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration 572 343 332 319 3 436 968 518 336 686 321 618 681 390 96 347 733 316 515 621 743 398 485 42 161 432 430 540 159 486 449 315 497 48 Generated Discharged load Pt load BOD5 (t/a) (t/a) 2.83 2.97 2.93 2.87 2.83 2.81 2.81 2.74 2.60 2.52 2.51 2.51 2.48 2.39 2.39 2.37 2.34 2.30 2.21 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.13 2.11 2.10 2.01 2.01 1.95 1.86 1.85 1.83 1.83 1.82 ANNEX_BA_UWW_scII Discharged load COD (t/a) Discharged Discharged Emmisions Emmisions load Nt load Pt (t/a) BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) (t/a) 21.90 43.81 3.21 0.75 50.37 43.80 100.74 87.60 7.39 6.42 1.72 1.50 65.70 131.40 9.64 2.24 43.80 43.80 87.60 87.60 6.42 6.42 1.50 1.50 10.95 21.90 1.61 0.37 50 82.76 87.03 85.69 84.10 82.75 82.29 82.20 80.24 76.05 73.90 73.58 73.58 72.55 70.08 69.83 69.38 68.42 67.28 64.79 63.07 63.07 63.07 63.07 62.21 61.90 61.32 58.87 58.87 57.06 54.52 54.14 53.61 53.42 53.19 165.52 174.06 171.39 168.19 165.49 164.58 164.41 160.48 152.11 147.80 147.17 147.17 145.10 140.16 139.67 138.76 136.83 134.55 129.58 126.14 126.14 126.14 126.14 124.43 123.80 122.64 117.73 117.73 114.13 109.04 108.27 107.22 106.84 106.38 Emmisions Nt (t/a) 12.14 12.76 12.57 12.33 12.14 12.07 12.06 11.77 11.15 10.84 10.79 10.79 10.64 10.28 10.24 10.18 10.03 9.87 9.50 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.12 9.08 8.99 8.63 8.63 8.37 8.00 7.94 7.86 7.83 7.80 Emmisions Pt (t/a) 2.83 2.97 2.93 2.87 2.83 2.81 2.81 2.74 2.60 2.52 2.51 2.51 2.48 2.39 2.39 2.37 2.34 2.30 2.21 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.13 2.11 2.10 2.01 2.01 1.95 1.86 1.85 1.83 1.83 1.82 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration 218 426 2 462 324 966 516 573 142 746 1070 553 317 175 401 738 655 530 861 434 400 954 662 406 960 955 689 570 951 685 47 50 964 395 Name of agglomeration Ustikolina Vidovice Tulovići Vejinac Orahovica Gornja Miljanovci Devetak Potočani Mrazovac Brankovići Donji Lukavac Donji Kamengrad Soko Konjoder Lukavica Gornja Žepče Veliko Čajno Kosova Dubravica Krasulje Lukavica Donja Pasci Donji Bilalovac Zukići Kalesija Selo Rainci Donji Divičani Novi Grad Dobrnja Perovići Turija Srbljani Hrasno Donje Dokanj Population (inhabitants) 2040 2033 1977 1882 1877 1857 1851 1836 1831 1802 1795 1735 1730 1715 1714 1700 1691 1673 1647 1636 1632 1628 1579 1564 1552 1521 1493 1491 1484 1477 1440 1435 1432 1429 Generated load (PE) (Estimated load) 2400 2392 2326 2214 2208 2185 2178 2160 2154 2120 2112 2042 2035 2018 2016 2000 1990 1968 1938 1925 1920 1915 1858 1840 1826 1790 1756 1754 1746 1738 1694 1689 1685 1681 ANNEX_BA_UWW_scII % of generated load generated load generated collected in a collected in a load collecting collecting system collected in a system and collecting (estimated), treated(estimate), system PE PE (estimated) 83.34 2000.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23.15 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.17 1000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 2000 2000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.39 200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27.38 500.00 0.00 27.94 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 57.00 1000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.68 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 51 type of UWWTP II Generated Generated Generated load BOD5 load COD load Nt (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 52.56 52.38 50.93 48.48 48.36 47.85 47.69 47.30 47.16 46.43 46.25 44.71 44.57 44.19 44.15 43.80 43.57 43.10 42.43 42.15 42.05 41.94 40.68 40.30 40.00 39.19 38.46 38.42 38.25 38.05 37.11 36.98 36.90 36.81 105.12 104.77 101.86 96.96 96.71 95.69 95.38 94.61 94.33 92.86 92.51 89.42 89.14 88.37 88.30 87.60 87.14 86.20 84.87 84.31 84.10 83.89 81.36 80.59 80.00 78.38 76.91 76.84 76.49 76.11 74.21 73.97 73.79 73.62 7.71 7.68 7.47 7.11 7.09 7.02 6.99 6.94 6.92 6.81 6.78 6.56 6.54 6.48 6.48 6.42 6.39 6.32 6.22 6.18 6.17 6.15 5.97 5.91 5.87 5.75 5.64 5.64 5.61 5.58 5.44 5.42 5.41 5.40 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration 218 426 2 462 324 966 516 573 142 746 1070 553 317 175 401 738 655 530 861 434 400 954 662 406 960 955 689 570 951 685 47 50 964 395 Generated Discharged load Pt load BOD5 (t/a) (t/a) 1.80 1.79 1.74 1.66 1.65 1.63 1.63 1.62 1.61 1.59 1.58 1.53 1.52 1.51 1.51 1.50 1.49 1.47 1.45 1.44 1.44 1.43 1.39 1.38 1.37 1.34 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.30 1.27 1.26 1.26 1.26 ANNEX_BA_UWW_scII Discharged load COD (t/a) Discharged Discharged Emmisions Emmisions load Nt load Pt (t/a) BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) (t/a) 43.80 87.60 6.42 1.50 10.95 21.90 1.61 0.37 21.90 43.80 3.21 0.75 5.79 9.65 1.84 0.53 4.38 8.76 0.64 0.15 10.95 10.95 21.90 21.90 1.61 1.61 0.37 0.37 21.90 43.80 3.21 0.75 10.95 21.90 1.61 0.37 52 52.56 52.38 50.93 48.48 48.36 47.85 47.69 47.30 47.16 46.43 46.25 44.71 44.57 44.19 44.15 16.21 43.57 43.10 42.43 42.15 42.05 41.94 40.68 40.30 40.00 39.19 38.46 38.42 38.25 38.05 37.11 36.98 36.90 36.81 105.12 104.77 101.86 96.96 96.71 95.69 95.38 94.61 94.33 92.86 92.51 89.42 89.14 88.37 88.30 28.47 87.14 86.20 84.87 84.31 84.10 83.89 81.36 80.59 80.00 78.38 76.91 76.84 76.49 76.11 74.21 73.97 73.79 73.62 Emmisions Nt (t/a) 7.71 7.68 7.47 7.11 7.09 7.02 6.99 6.94 6.92 6.81 6.78 6.56 6.54 6.48 6.48 4.40 6.39 6.32 6.22 6.18 6.17 6.15 5.97 5.91 5.87 5.75 5.64 5.64 5.61 5.58 5.44 5.42 5.41 5.40 Emmisions Pt (t/a) 1.80 1.79 1.74 1.66 1.65 1.63 1.63 1.62 1.61 1.59 1.58 1.53 1.52 1.51 1.51 1.23 1.49 1.47 1.45 1.44 1.44 1.43 1.39 1.38 1.37 1.34 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.30 1.27 1.26 1.26 1.26 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration 527 429 323 Total BA(fed) Total BA(fed), % 84 55 246 86 226 289 384 354 586 232 917 945 202 204 262 793 673 981 976 860 424 33 744 921 100 103 229 812 Name of agglomeration Liješnica Matići Doborovci Amajlije Pucile Kotorsko Stanari Miljevina Vecici Priboj Donja Tramosnica Rudo Jezero Glumina Kozluk Cerani Osinja Sevarlije Lukavica Jablan Milosevac Koprivna Donji Vijacani Donja Slatina Krupa na Vrbasu Kriskovci Trsic Korace Lijesce Han Pjesak Kozarac Population (inhabitants) 1423 1408 1368 1406587 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1850 1850 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1917 1980 1980 2160 2160 2160 2160 ANNEX_BA_UWW_scII % of generated load generated load generated Generated collected in a collected in a load load (PE) collecting collecting system collected in a (Estimated system and collecting load) (estimated), treated(estimate), system PE PE (estimated) 1674 0.00 0.00 0.00 1656 0.00 0.00 0.00 1610 0.00 0.00 0.00 1654809 1358801 1267037 82.11% 76.57% 2000 10 200 2000 10 200 2000 30 600 2000 20 400 2000 50 1000 2000 0 0 2000 30 600 2000 10 200 2000 75 1500 2000 30 600 2100 10 210 2100 40 840 2100 20 420 2100 20 420 2100 20 420 2100 50 1050 2100 40 840 2100 20 420 2100 20 420 2100 20 420 2100 10 210 2130 20 426 2200 30 660 2200 10 220 2400 10 240 2400 20 480 2400 80 1920 2400 30 720 53 type of UWWTP Generated Generated Generated load BOD5 load COD load Nt (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 36.67 36.27 35.25 36240 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 46.65 48.18 48.18 52.56 52.56 52.56 52.56 73.34 72.53 70.50 72481 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 93.29 96.36 96.36 105.12 105.12 105.12 105.12 5.38 5.32 5.17 5315 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.84 7.07 7.07 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration 527 429 323 Total BA(fed) Total BA(fed), % 84 55 246 86 226 289 384 354 586 232 917 945 202 204 262 793 673 981 976 860 424 33 744 921 100 103 229 812 Generated Discharged load Pt load BOD5 (t/a) (t/a) 1.25 1.24 1.20 1238 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.59 1.65 1.65 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 ANNEX_BA_UWW_scII Discharged load COD (t/a) Discharged Discharged Emmisions Emmisions load Nt load Pt (t/a) BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) (t/a) 4227 11618 1506 312 4.38 4.38 13.14 8.76 21.90 0.00 13.14 4.38 32.85 13.14 4.60 18.40 9.20 9.20 9.20 23.00 18.40 9.20 9.20 9.20 4.60 9.33 14.45 4.82 5.26 10.51 42.05 15.77 8.76 8.76 26.28 17.52 43.80 0.00 26.28 8.76 65.70 26.28 9.20 36.79 18.40 18.40 18.40 45.99 36.79 18.40 18.40 18.40 9.20 18.66 28.91 9.64 10.51 21.02 84.10 31.54 0.64 0.64 1.93 1.28 3.21 0.00 1.93 0.64 4.82 1.93 0.67 2.70 1.35 1.35 1.35 3.37 2.70 1.35 1.35 1.35 0.67 1.37 2.12 0.71 0.77 1.54 6.17 2.31 0.15 0.15 0.45 0.30 0.75 0.00 0.45 0.15 1.12 0.45 0.16 0.63 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.79 0.63 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.16 0.32 0.49 0.16 0.18 0.36 1.44 0.54 54 36.67 36.27 35.25 11078 30.57% 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 46.65 48.18 48.18 52.56 52.56 52.56 52.56 73.34 72.53 70.50 25308 34.92% 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 93.29 96.36 96.36 105.12 105.12 105.12 105.12 Emmisions Nt (t/a) 5.38 5.32 5.17 2516 47.34% 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.84 7.07 7.07 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 Emmisions Pt (t/a) 1.25 1.24 1.20 548 44.23% 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.59 1.65 1.65 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration 1036 421 80 1038 30 802 211 302 1033 154 135 283 982 377 590 593 789 31 1009 1007 1041 983 77 167 290 1027 353 375 410 1004 276 21 1022 74 Name of agglomeration Strpci Lugovi Trnjaci Gornji Strpci Kola Boljanici Donji Zabar Maslovare Potocani Pobudje Crkvina Zabrdje Skugric Donji Koraj Srebrenica Milici Donje Vodicevo Rekavice Cecava Gornja Vrucica Lisnja Vranjak Dvorovi Cajnice Vrbanjci Trnopolje Pelagicevo Lopare Sekovici Blatnica Knezevo Piskavica Omarska Batkovici Population (inhabitants) 2160 2160 2250 2340 2420 2430 2430 2430 2430 2520 2520 2610 2610 2700 2700 2790 2790 2880 2970 2970 3060 3135 3150 3150 3150 3240 3330 3510 3870 3900 4050 4095 4320 4410 Generated load (PE) (Estimated load) 2400 2400 2500 2600 2689 2700 2700 2700 2700 2800 2800 2900 2900 3000 3000 3100 3100 3200 3300 3300 3400 3480 3500 3500 3500 3600 3700 3900 4300 4300 4500 4550 4800 4900 ANNEX_BA_UWW_scII % of generated load generated load generated collected in a collected in a load collecting collecting system collected in a system and collecting (estimated), treated(estimate), system PE PE (estimated) 20 480 20 480 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 540 30 810 20 540 0 0 20 560 20 560 0 0 20 580 30 900 65 1950 55 1705 10 310 20 640 10 330 10 330 0 0 10 348 30 1050 90 3150 0 0 20 720 20 740 90 3510 46 1978 20 860 40 1800 20 910 30 1440 30 1470 55 type of UWWTP Generated Generated Generated load BOD5 load COD load Nt (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 52.56 52.56 54.75 56.94 58.89 59.13 59.13 59.13 59.13 61.32 61.32 63.51 63.51 65.70 65.70 67.89 67.89 70.08 72.27 72.27 74.46 76.21 76.65 76.65 76.65 78.84 81.03 85.41 94.17 94.17 98.55 99.65 105.12 107.31 105.12 105.12 109.50 113.88 117.78 118.26 118.26 118.26 118.26 122.64 122.64 127.02 127.02 131.40 131.40 135.78 135.78 140.16 144.54 144.54 148.92 152.42 153.30 153.30 153.30 157.68 162.06 170.82 188.34 188.34 197.10 199.29 210.24 214.62 7.71 7.71 8.03 8.35 8.64 8.67 8.67 8.67 8.67 8.99 8.99 9.31 9.31 9.64 9.64 9.96 9.96 10.28 10.60 10.60 10.92 11.18 11.24 11.24 11.24 11.56 11.88 12.53 13.81 13.81 14.45 14.61 15.42 15.74 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration 1036 421 80 1038 30 802 211 302 1033 154 135 283 982 377 590 593 789 31 1009 1007 1041 983 77 167 290 1027 353 375 410 1004 276 21 1022 74 Generated Discharged load Pt load BOD5 (t/a) (t/a) 1.80 1.80 1.87 1.95 2.01 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.10 2.10 2.17 2.17 2.24 2.24 2.32 2.32 2.39 2.47 2.47 2.54 2.60 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.69 2.77 2.92 3.22 3.22 3.37 3.40 3.59 3.67 10.51 10.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.83 17.74 11.83 0.00 12.26 12.26 0.00 12.70 19.71 42.71 37.34 6.79 14.02 7.23 7.23 0.00 7.62 23.00 68.99 0.00 15.77 16.21 76.87 43.32 18.83 39.42 19.93 31.54 32.19 ANNEX_BA_UWW_scII Discharged load COD (t/a) 21.02 21.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 23.65 35.48 23.65 0.00 24.53 24.53 0.00 25.40 39.42 85.41 74.68 13.58 28.03 14.45 14.45 0.00 15.24 45.99 137.97 0.00 31.54 32.41 153.74 86.64 37.67 78.84 39.86 63.07 64.39 Discharged Discharged Emmisions Emmisions load Nt load Pt (t/a) BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) (t/a) 1.54 1.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.73 2.60 1.73 0.00 1.80 1.80 0.00 1.86 2.89 6.26 5.48 1.00 2.06 1.06 1.06 0.00 1.12 3.37 10.12 0.00 2.31 2.38 11.27 6.35 2.76 5.78 2.92 4.63 4.72 56 0.36 0.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.61 0.40 0.00 0.42 0.42 0.00 0.43 0.67 1.46 1.28 0.23 0.48 0.25 0.25 0.00 0.26 0.79 2.36 0.00 0.54 0.55 2.63 1.48 0.64 1.35 0.68 1.08 1.10 52.56 52.56 54.75 56.94 58.89 59.13 59.13 59.13 59.13 61.32 61.32 63.51 63.51 65.70 65.70 67.89 67.89 70.08 72.27 72.27 74.46 76.21 76.65 76.65 76.65 78.84 81.03 85.41 94.17 94.17 98.55 99.65 105.12 107.31 105.12 105.12 109.50 113.88 117.78 118.26 118.26 118.26 118.26 122.64 122.64 127.02 127.02 131.40 131.40 135.78 135.78 140.16 144.54 144.54 148.92 152.42 153.30 153.30 153.30 157.68 162.06 170.82 188.34 188.34 197.10 199.29 210.24 214.62 Emmisions Nt (t/a) 7.71 7.71 8.03 8.35 8.64 8.67 8.67 8.67 8.67 8.99 8.99 9.31 9.31 9.64 9.64 9.96 9.96 10.28 10.60 10.60 10.92 11.18 11.24 11.24 11.24 11.56 11.88 12.53 13.81 13.81 14.45 14.61 15.42 15.74 Emmisions Pt (t/a) 1.80 1.80 1.87 1.95 2.01 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.10 2.10 2.17 2.17 2.24 2.24 2.32 2.32 2.39 2.47 2.47 2.54 2.60 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.69 2.77 2.92 3.22 3.22 3.37 3.40 3.59 3.67 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration 947 27 679 980 72 974 75 1000 23 73 1006 889 971 425 642 641 303 605 412 796 172 419 549 582 282 902 1050 584 1059 581 667 929 304 776 Name of agglomeration Jasenica Dragocaj Trnovo Jakes Novo Naselje Branjevo Velika Obarska Pribinic Ivanjska Crnjelovo Donje Slatina Ugljevik Celopek Obudovac Petrovo Sipovo Kostajnica Laktasi II Sapna Srbac Celinac Samac Novi Miljanovci Pale Kotor Varos Vlasenica Janja Visegrad Prnjavor Rogatica Sokolac Mrkonjic Grad Dubica Novi Grad Population (inhabitants) 4410 4428 4500 4500 4590 4650 4860 4900 4942 4950 4950 5000 5050 5310 5670 5940 6300 7200 7290 7740 7920 8100 8100 8640 9100 9100 9200 9450 9630 9990 11160 11250 13500 13500 Generated load (PE) (Estimated load) 4900 4918 5000 5000 5100 5100 5400 5400 5492 5500 5500 5600 5600 5900 6300 6600 7000 8000 8100 8600 8800 9000 8900 9600 10000 10000 10219 10500 10700 11100 12400 12500 15000 15000 ANNEX_BA_UWW_scII % of generated load generated load generated collected in a collected in a load collecting collecting system collected in a system and collecting (estimated), treated(estimate), system PE PE (estimated) 10 490 20 983.6 70 3500 3500 10 500 0 0 0 0 30 1620 30 1620 20 1098.4 20 1100 10 550 40 2240 20 1120 20 1180 20 1260 30 1980 85 5950 60 4800 20 1620 35 3010 78 6864 6864 80 7200 10 890 40 3840 45 4500 70 7000 100 10219 10219 100 10500 10500 100 10700 10700 100 11100 11100 100 12400 12400 100 12500 12500 100 15000 15000 100 15000 15000 57 type of UWWTP II II III III III III III III III III Generated Generated Generated load BOD5 load COD load Nt (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 107.31 107.70 109.50 109.50 111.69 111.69 118.26 118.26 120.27 120.45 120.45 122.64 122.64 129.21 137.97 144.54 153.30 175.20 177.39 188.34 192.72 197.10 194.91 210.24 219.00 219.00 223.80 229.95 234.33 243.09 271.56 273.75 328.50 328.50 214.62 215.41 219.00 219.00 223.38 223.38 236.52 236.52 240.55 240.90 240.90 245.28 245.28 258.42 275.94 289.08 306.60 350.40 354.78 376.68 385.44 394.20 389.82 420.48 438.00 438.00 447.59 459.90 468.66 486.18 543.12 547.50 657.00 657.00 15.74 15.80 16.06 16.06 16.38 16.38 17.34 17.34 17.64 17.67 17.67 17.99 17.99 18.95 20.24 21.20 22.48 25.70 26.02 27.62 28.27 28.91 28.59 30.84 32.12 32.12 32.82 33.73 34.37 35.65 39.83 40.15 48.18 48.18 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration 947 27 679 980 72 974 75 1000 23 73 1006 889 971 425 642 641 303 605 412 796 172 419 549 582 282 902 1050 584 1059 581 667 929 304 776 Generated Discharged load Pt load BOD5 (t/a) (t/a) 3.67 3.68 3.74 3.74 3.82 3.82 4.04 4.04 4.11 4.12 4.12 4.19 4.19 4.41 4.71 4.94 5.24 5.99 6.06 6.43 6.58 6.73 6.66 7.18 7.48 7.48 7.65 7.86 8.01 8.31 9.28 9.35 11.22 11.22 Discharged load COD (t/a) 10.73 21.54 22.995 10.95 0.00 0.00 35.48 35.48 24.05 24.09 12.05 49.06 24.53 25.84 27.59 43.36 130.31 105.12 35.48 65.92 45.10 157.68 19.49 84.10 98.55 153.30 11.19 11.50 11.72 12.15 13.58 13.69 16.43 16.43 ANNEX_BA_UWW_scII Discharged Discharged Emmisions Emmisions load Nt load Pt (t/a) BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) (t/a) 21.46 43.08 38.325 21.90 0.00 0.00 70.96 70.96 48.11 48.18 24.09 98.11 49.06 51.68 55.19 86.72 260.61 210.24 70.96 131.84 75.16 315.36 38.98 168.19 197.10 306.60 67.14 68.99 70.30 72.93 81.47 82.13 98.55 98.55 1.57 3.16 7.3073 1.61 0.00 0.00 5.20 5.20 3.53 3.53 1.77 7.19 3.60 3.79 4.05 6.36 19.11 15.42 5.20 9.67 14.33 23.13 2.86 12.33 14.45 22.48 9.85 10.12 10.31 10.70 11.95 12.05 14.45 14.45 1.53 1.57 1.60 1.66 1.86 1.87 2.24 2.24 58 0.37 107.31 214.62 0.74 107.70 215.41 2.0951 55.85 104.03 0.37 109.50 219.00 0.00 111.69 223.38 0.00 111.69 223.38 1.21 118.26 236.52 1.21 118.26 236.52 0.82 120.27 240.55 0.82 120.45 240.90 0.41 120.45 240.90 1.68 122.64 245.28 0.84 122.64 245.28 0.88 129.21 258.42 0.94 137.97 275.94 1.48 144.54 289.08 4.45 153.30 306.60 3.59 175.20 350.40 1.21 177.39 354.78 2.25 188.34 376.68 4.11 87.49 159.96 5.39 197.10 394.20 0.67 194.91 389.82 2.87 210.24 420.48 3.37 219.00 438.00 5.24 219.00 438.00 11.19 67.14 11.50 68.99 11.72 70.30 12.15 72.93 13.58 81.47 13.69 82.13 16.43 98.55 16.43 98.55 Emmisions Nt (t/a) 15.74 15.80 12.13 16.06 16.38 16.38 17.34 17.34 17.64 17.67 17.67 17.99 17.99 18.95 20.24 21.20 22.48 25.70 26.02 27.62 20.55 28.91 28.59 30.84 32.12 32.12 9.85 10.12 10.31 10.70 11.95 12.05 14.45 14.45 Emmisions Pt (t/a) 3.67 3.68 3.22 3.74 3.82 3.82 4.04 4.04 4.11 4.12 4.12 4.19 4.19 4.41 4.71 4.94 5.24 5.99 6.06 6.43 5.56 6.73 6.66 7.18 7.48 7.48 1.53 1.57 1.60 1.66 1.86 1.87 2.24 2.24 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration 222 975 144 912 605 101 999 186 269 227 53 785 9 Total BA(rs) Total BA(rs), % Total BA Total BA, % Name of agglomeration Foca Modrica Bratunac Zvornik Laktasi Brod Teslic Derventa Gradiska Doboj Bijeljina Prijedor Banja Luka Population (inhabitants) Generated load (PE) (Estimated load) 14400 15660 16380 18180 20430 22950 23850 26550 33570 37485 55800 59220 136800 881802 16000 17400 18200 20200 22700 25500 26500 29500 37300 41650 62000 65800 152000 979428 2288389 2634237 ANNEX_BA_UWW_scII % of generated load generated load generated collected in a collected in a load collecting collecting system collected in a system and collecting (estimated), treated(estimate), system PE PE (estimated) 100 16000 16000 100 17400 17400 100 18200 18200 100 20200 20200 100 22700 22700 100 25500 25500 100 26500 26500 100 29500 29500 100 37300 37300 100 41650 41650 100 62000 62000 100 65800 65800 100 152000 152000 741412 642533 75.70% 65.60% 2100213 79.73% 59 1909570 72.49% type of UWWTP III III III III III III III III III III III III III Generated Generated Generated load BOD5 load COD load Nt (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 350.40 381.06 398.58 442.38 497.13 558.45 580.35 646.05 816.87 912.14 1,357.80 1,441.02 3,328.80 21449 700.80 762.12 797.16 884.76 994.26 1,116.90 1,160.70 1,292.10 1,633.74 1,824.27 2,715.60 2,882.04 6,657.60 42899 51.39 55.89 58.46 64.88 72.91 81.91 85.12 94.75 119.81 133.78 199.14 211.35 488.22 3146 57690 115380 8461 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration 222 975 144 912 605 101 999 186 269 227 53 785 9 Total BA(rs) Total BA(rs), % Total BA Total BA, % Generated Discharged load Pt load BOD5 (t/a) (t/a) 11.97 13.02 13.62 15.11 16.99 19.08 19.83 22.07 27.91 31.16 46.39 49.23 113.73 733 1971 17.52 19.05 19.93 22.12 24.86 27.92 29.02 32.30 40.84 45.61 67.89 72.05 166.44 2926 7153 ANNEX_BA_UWW_scII Discharged load COD (t/a) 105.12 114.32 119.57 132.71 149.14 167.54 174.11 193.82 245.06 273.64 407.34 432.31 998.64 8598 20216 Discharged Discharged Emmisions Emmisions load Nt load Pt (t/a) BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) (t/a) 15.42 16.77 17.54 19.46 21.87 24.57 25.54 28.43 35.94 40.13 59.74 63.40 146.47 948 2454 60 2.39 2.60 2.72 3.02 3.40 3.82 3.97 4.41 5.58 6.23 9.28 9.85 22.75 175 487 Emmisions Nt (t/a) Emmisions Pt (t/a) 17.52 19.05 19.93 22.12 24.86 27.92 29.02 32.30 40.84 45.61 67.89 72.05 166.44 8138 37.94% 105.12 114.32 119.57 132.71 149.14 167.54 174.11 193.82 245.06 273.64 407.34 432.31 998.64 19023 44.34% 15.42 16.77 17.54 19.46 21.87 24.57 25.54 28.43 35.94 40.13 59.74 63.40 146.47 1713 54.45% 2.39 2.60 2.72 3.02 3.40 3.82 3.97 4.41 5.58 6.23 9.28 9.85 22.75 353 48.15% 19216 33.31% 44331 38.42% 4229 49.98% 901 45.69% BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomer ation Name of agglomeration Generated load (PE) (Estimated load) 1048 391 607 110 111 45 131 396 827 636 313 623 309 552 326 237 671 134 338 531 291 858 1 495 389 427 442 214 535 87 649 659 126 524 431 Sarajevo A1 Tuzla Zenica Breza Cazin Bihać Bugojno Živinice Travnik Novi Travnik Gračanica Kakanj Gornji Vakuf Sanski Most Srebrenik Goražde Zavidovići Busovača Gradačac Tešanj Visoko Vitez Banovići-grad Lukavac A2 Tuzla Orašje Velika Kladuša Donji Vakuf Jelah Bosanska Krupa Jajce Kiseljak Bosanski Petrovac Maglaj Ključ 400000 187500 95162 57000 41400 36934 30010 30000 28868 24750 24440 23027 22500 21026 20446 16823 15970 15750 15572 15323 15000 14102 13434 13087 12450 12272 12000 11479 11421 10812 10006 9977 9785 9291 9000 ANNEX_BA_UWW_scIII generated load % of generated generated load collected in a load collected collected in a collecting system in a collecting collecting and system system treated(estimate), (estimate) (estimate), PE PE 100.00 400000.00 400000 100.00 187500.00 187500 100.00 95161.50 95162 100.00 57000.00 57000 100.00 41400.00 41400 100.00 36933.75 36934 100.00 30009.75 30010 100.00 30000.00 30000 100.00 28867.50 28868 100.00 24750.00 24750 100.00 24440.25 24440 100.00 23027.25 23027 100.00 22500.00 22500 100.00 21025.50 21026 100.00 20445.75 20446 100.00 16822.50 16823 100.00 15969.75 15970 100.00 15750.00 15750 93.42 14547.00 14547 100.00 15323.25 15323 100.00 15000.00 15000 100.00 14102.25 14102 100.00 13434.00 13434 100.00 13086.75 13087 100.00 12450.00 12450 100.00 12272.25 12272 100.00 12000.00 12000 100.00 11478.75 11479 100.00 11421.00 11421 100.00 10812.00 10812 100.00 10005.75 10006 100.00 9976.50 9977 100.00 9784.50 9785 100.00 9291.00 9291 100.00 9000.00 9000 61 type of UWWTP III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III II II II II Generated load BOD5 (t/a) 8760.00 4106.25 2084.04 1248.30 906.66 808.85 657.21 657.00 632.20 542.03 535.24 504.30 492.75 460.46 447.76 368.41 349.74 344.93 341.02 335.58 328.50 308.84 294.20 286.60 272.66 268.76 262.80 251.38 250.12 236.78 219.13 218.49 214.28 203.47 197.10 Generated Generated Generated load COD load Pt load Nt (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 17520.00 8212.50 4168.07 2496.60 1813.32 1617.70 1314.43 1314.00 1264.40 1084.05 1070.48 1008.59 985.50 920.92 895.52 736.83 699.48 689.85 682.03 671.16 657.00 617.68 588.41 573.20 545.31 537.52 525.60 502.77 500.24 473.57 438.25 436.97 428.56 406.95 394.20 1284.80 602.25 305.66 183.08 132.98 118.63 96.39 96.36 92.72 79.50 78.50 73.96 72.27 67.53 65.67 54.03 51.29 50.59 50.02 49.22 48.18 45.30 43.15 42.03 39.99 39.42 38.54 36.87 36.68 34.73 32.14 32.04 31.43 29.84 28.91 299.30 140.30 71.20 42.65 30.98 27.64 22.45 22.45 21.60 18.52 18.29 17.23 16.84 15.73 15.30 12.59 11.95 11.78 11.65 11.47 11.22 10.55 10.05 9.79 9.32 9.18 8.98 8.59 8.55 8.09 7.49 7.46 7.32 6.95 6.73 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomer ation 1048 391 607 110 111 45 131 396 827 636 313 623 309 552 326 237 671 134 338 531 291 858 1 495 389 427 442 214 535 87 649 659 126 524 431 Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) 438.00 205.31 104.20 62.42 45.33 40.44 32.86 32.85 31.61 27.10 26.76 25.21 24.64 23.02 22.39 18.42 17.49 17.25 17.05 16.78 16.43 15.44 14.71 14.33 13.63 13.44 13.14 12.57 12.51 11.84 10.96 65.55 64.28 61.04 59.13 Discharged load COD (t/a) 2628.00 1231.88 625.21 374.49 272.00 242.65 197.16 197.10 189.66 162.61 160.57 151.29 147.83 138.14 134.33 110.52 104.92 103.48 102.30 100.67 98.55 92.65 88.26 85.98 81.80 80.63 78.84 75.42 75.04 71.03 65.74 109.24 107.14 101.74 98.55 ANNEX_BA_UWW_scIII Discharged load Nt (t/a) Discharged Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions load Pt BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) (t/a) 385.44 180.68 91.70 54.93 39.89 35.59 28.92 28.91 27.82 23.85 23.55 22.19 21.68 20.26 19.70 16.21 15.39 15.18 15.00 14.77 14.45 13.59 12.95 12.61 12.00 11.83 11.56 11.06 11.01 10.42 9.64 20.83 20.43 19.40 18.79 59.86 28.06 14.24 8.53 6.20 5.53 4.49 4.49 4.32 3.70 3.66 3.45 3.37 3.15 3.06 2.52 2.39 2.36 2.33 2.29 2.24 2.11 2.01 1.96 1.86 1.84 1.80 1.72 1.71 1.62 1.50 5.97 5.86 5.56 5.39 62 438.00 205.31 104.20 62.42 45.33 40.44 32.86 32.85 31.61 27.10 26.76 25.21 24.64 23.02 22.39 18.42 17.49 17.25 17.05 16.78 16.43 15.44 14.71 14.33 13.63 13.44 13.14 12.57 12.51 11.84 10.96 65.55 64.28 61.04 59.13 2628.00 1231.88 625.21 374.49 272.00 242.65 197.16 197.10 189.66 162.61 160.57 151.29 147.83 138.14 134.33 110.52 104.92 103.48 102.30 100.67 98.55 92.65 88.26 85.98 81.80 80.63 78.84 75.42 75.04 71.03 65.74 109.24 107.14 101.74 98.55 385.44 180.68 91.70 54.93 39.89 35.59 28.92 28.91 27.82 23.85 23.55 22.19 21.68 20.26 19.70 16.21 15.39 15.18 15.00 14.77 14.45 13.59 12.95 12.61 12.00 11.83 11.56 11.06 11.01 10.42 9.64 20.83 20.43 19.40 18.79 59.86 28.06 14.24 8.53 6.20 5.53 4.49 4.49 4.32 3.70 3.66 3.45 3.37 3.15 3.06 2.52 2.39 2.36 2.33 2.29 2.24 2.11 2.01 1.96 1.86 1.84 1.80 1.72 1.71 1.62 1.50 5.97 5.86 5.56 5.39 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomer ation 399 206 650 1067 568 217 397 549 233 138 327 412 320 402 1069 842 210 490 741 95 164 967 569 492 683 209 511 577 595 961 160 7 504 572 343 Name of agglomeration Dubrave Klokotnica Visoko II Živinice Donje Odžak Drvar Šerići Novi Miljanovci Fojnica Bužim Tinja Gornja Vitinica Orahovica Donja Tupković Donji Mionica Čukle Domaljevac Kladanj Željezno Polje Otoka Stijena Vukovije Svilaj Vareš Donja Lovnica Matuzići Dobošnica Kalesija Olovo Tojšići Pećigrad Podgorje Poljice Novo Selo Zelinja Donja Generated load (PE) (Estimated load) 8756 8171 8042 7725 7500 6854 6750 6728 6539 6503 6138 6107 5625 5490 5156 4925 4860 4835 4688 4571 4797 4437 4405 4341 4126 4071 4047 4022 4001 3988 3878 3822 3794 3779 3974 ANNEX_BA_UWW_scIII generated load % of generated generated load collected in a load collected collected in a collecting system in a collecting collecting and system system treated(estimate), (estimate) (estimate), PE PE 100.00 8756.25 8756 100.00 8171.25 8171 100.00 8041.50 8042 100.00 7725.00 7725 100.00 7500.00 7500 100.00 6854.25 6854 100.00 6750.00 6750 100.00 6728.25 6728 100.00 6538.50 6539 100.00 6502.50 6503 100.00 6138.00 6138 100.00 6106.50 6107 100.00 5625.00 5625 100.00 5490.00 5490 100.00 5156.25 5156 100.00 4925.25 4925 100.00 4860.00 4860 100.00 4834.50 4835 100.00 4687.50 4688 100.00 4571.00 4571 100.00 4796.80 4797 100.00 4437.00 4437 100.00 4404.75 4405 100.00 4341.00 4341 100.00 4125.75 4126 100.00 4071.00 4071 100.00 4047.00 4047 100.00 4021.50 4022 100.00 4001.25 4001 100.00 3987.75 3988 100.00 3877.50 3878 100.00 3822.00 3822 100.00 3794.00 3794 100.00 3779.00 3779 100.00 3974.00 3974 63 type of UWWTP II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Generated load BOD5 (t/a) 191.76 178.95 176.11 169.18 164.25 150.11 147.83 147.35 143.19 142.40 134.42 133.73 123.19 120.23 112.92 107.86 106.43 105.88 102.66 100.10 105.05 97.17 96.46 95.07 90.35 89.15 88.63 88.07 87.63 87.33 84.92 83.70 83.09 82.76 87.03 Generated Generated Generated load COD load Pt load Nt (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 383.52 357.90 352.22 338.36 328.50 300.22 295.65 294.70 286.39 284.81 268.84 267.46 246.38 240.46 225.84 215.73 212.87 211.75 205.31 200.21 210.10 194.34 192.93 190.14 180.71 178.31 177.26 176.14 175.25 174.66 169.83 167.40 166.18 165.52 174.06 28.13 26.25 25.83 24.81 24.09 22.02 21.68 21.61 21.00 20.89 19.72 19.61 18.07 17.63 16.56 15.82 15.61 15.53 15.06 14.68 15.41 14.25 14.15 13.94 13.25 13.08 13.00 12.92 12.85 12.81 12.45 12.28 12.19 12.14 12.76 6.55 6.11 6.02 5.78 5.61 5.13 5.05 5.03 4.89 4.87 4.59 4.57 4.21 4.11 3.86 3.69 3.64 3.62 3.51 3.42 3.59 3.32 3.30 3.25 3.09 3.05 3.03 3.01 2.99 2.98 2.90 2.86 2.84 2.83 2.97 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomer ation 399 206 650 1067 568 217 397 549 233 138 327 412 320 402 1069 842 210 490 741 95 164 967 569 492 683 209 511 577 595 961 160 7 504 572 343 Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) 57.53 53.69 52.83 50.75 49.28 45.03 44.35 44.20 42.96 42.72 40.33 40.12 36.96 36.07 33.88 32.36 31.93 31.76 30.80 30.03 31.51 29.15 28.94 28.52 27.11 26.75 26.59 26.42 26.29 26.20 25.48 25.11 24.93 24.83 26.11 Discharged load COD (t/a) 95.88 89.48 88.05 84.59 82.13 75.05 73.91 73.67 71.60 71.20 67.21 66.87 61.59 60.12 56.46 53.93 53.22 52.94 51.33 50.05 52.52 48.59 48.23 47.53 45.18 44.58 44.31 44.04 43.81 43.67 42.46 41.85 41.54 41.38 43.52 ANNEX_BA_UWW_scIII Discharged load Nt (t/a) Discharged Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions load Pt BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) (t/a) 18.28 17.06 16.79 16.13 15.66 14.31 14.09 14.05 13.65 13.58 12.81 12.75 11.74 11.46 10.77 10.28 10.15 10.09 9.79 9.54 10.01 9.26 9.20 9.06 8.61 8.50 8.45 8.40 8.35 8.33 8.10 7.98 7.92 7.89 8.30 5.24 4.89 4.81 4.62 4.49 4.10 4.04 4.03 3.91 3.89 3.67 3.66 3.37 3.29 3.09 2.95 2.91 2.89 2.81 2.74 2.87 2.66 2.64 2.60 2.47 2.44 2.42 2.41 2.40 2.39 2.32 2.29 2.27 2.26 2.38 64 57.53 53.69 52.83 50.75 49.28 45.03 44.35 44.20 42.96 42.72 40.33 40.12 36.96 36.07 33.88 32.36 31.93 31.76 30.80 30.03 31.51 29.15 28.94 28.52 27.11 26.75 26.59 26.42 26.29 26.20 25.48 25.11 24.93 24.83 26.11 95.88 89.48 88.05 84.59 82.13 75.05 73.91 73.67 71.60 71.20 67.21 66.87 61.59 60.12 56.46 53.93 53.22 52.94 51.33 50.05 52.52 48.59 48.23 47.53 45.18 44.58 44.31 44.04 43.81 43.67 42.46 41.85 41.54 41.38 43.52 18.28 17.06 16.79 16.13 15.66 14.31 14.09 14.05 13.65 13.58 12.81 12.75 11.74 11.46 10.77 10.28 10.15 10.09 9.79 9.54 10.01 9.26 9.20 9.06 8.61 8.50 8.45 8.40 8.35 8.33 8.10 7.98 7.92 7.89 8.30 5.24 4.89 4.81 4.62 4.49 4.10 4.04 4.03 3.91 3.89 3.67 3.66 3.37 3.29 3.09 2.95 2.91 2.89 2.81 2.74 2.87 2.66 2.64 2.60 2.47 2.44 2.42 2.41 2.40 2.39 2.32 2.29 2.27 2.26 2.38 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomer ation 332 319 3 436 968 518 336 686 321 618 681 390 96 347 733 316 515 621 743 398 485 42 161 432 430 540 159 486 449 315 497 48 218 426 2 Name of agglomeration Sladna Stjepan Polje Banovići Selo Sanica Petrovice Gnojnica Špionica Srednja Hajderovići Miričina Nemila Činovići A3 Tuzla Jezerski Vučkovci Donja Dubica Lukavica Puračić Orahovica Begov Han Suha Bašigovci Orašac Gornja Koprivna Hadžići Oštra Luka Šije Šturlić Tarevo Mala Kladuša Džakule Smoluća Donja Brekovica Ustikolina Vidovice Tulovići Generated load (PE) (Estimated load) 3913 3840 3778 3758 3754 3664 3473 3374 3360 3360 3313 3200 3189 3168 3124 3072 2958 2880 2880 2880 2880 2841 2826 2800 2688 2688 2606 2490 2472 2448 2439 2429 2400 2392 2326 ANNEX_BA_UWW_scIII generated load % of generated generated load collected in a load collected collected in a collecting system in a collecting collecting and system system treated(estimate), (estimate) (estimate), PE PE 100.00 3913.00 3913 100.00 3840.00 3840 100.00 3778.40 3778 100.00 3757.60 3758 100.00 3753.60 3754 100.00 3664.00 3664 100.00 3472.80 3473 100.00 3374.40 3374 100.00 3360.00 3360 100.00 3360.00 3360 100.00 3312.80 3313 100.00 3200.00 3200 100.00 3188.80 3189 100.00 3168.00 3168 100.00 3124.00 3124 100.00 3072.00 3072 100.00 2958.40 2958 100.00 2880.00 2880 100.00 2880.00 2880 100.00 2880.00 2880 100.00 2880.00 2880 100.00 2840.80 2841 100.00 2826.40 2826 100.00 2800.00 2800 100.00 2688.00 2688 100.00 2688.00 2688 100.00 2605.60 2606 100.00 2489.60 2490 100.00 2472.00 2472 100.00 2448.00 2448 100.00 2439.20 2439 100.00 2428.80 2429 100.00 2400.00 2400 100.00 2392.00 2392 100.00 2325.60 2326 65 type of UWWTP II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Generated load BOD5 (t/a) 85.69 84.10 82.75 82.29 82.20 80.24 76.05 73.90 73.58 73.58 72.55 70.08 69.83 69.38 68.42 67.28 64.79 63.07 63.07 63.07 63.07 62.21 61.90 61.32 58.87 58.87 57.06 54.52 54.14 53.61 53.42 53.19 52.56 52.38 50.93 Generated Generated Generated load COD load Pt load Nt (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 171.39 168.19 165.49 164.58 164.41 160.48 152.11 147.80 147.17 147.17 145.10 140.16 139.67 138.76 136.83 134.55 129.58 126.14 126.14 126.14 126.14 124.43 123.80 122.64 117.73 117.73 114.13 109.04 108.27 107.22 106.84 106.38 105.12 104.77 101.86 12.57 12.33 12.14 12.07 12.06 11.77 11.15 10.84 10.79 10.79 10.64 10.28 10.24 10.18 10.03 9.87 9.50 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.12 9.08 8.99 8.63 8.63 8.37 8.00 7.94 7.86 7.83 7.80 7.71 7.68 7.47 2.93 2.87 2.83 2.81 2.81 2.74 2.60 2.52 2.51 2.51 2.48 2.39 2.39 2.37 2.34 2.30 2.21 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.13 2.11 2.10 2.01 2.01 1.95 1.86 1.85 1.83 1.83 1.82 1.80 1.79 1.74 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomer ation 332 319 3 436 968 518 336 686 321 618 681 390 96 347 733 316 515 621 743 398 485 42 161 432 430 540 159 486 449 315 497 48 218 426 2 Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) 25.71 25.23 24.82 24.69 24.66 24.07 22.82 22.17 22.08 22.08 21.77 21.02 20.95 20.81 20.52 20.18 19.44 18.92 18.92 18.92 18.92 18.66 18.57 18.40 17.66 17.66 17.12 16.36 16.24 16.08 16.03 15.96 15.77 15.72 15.28 Discharged load COD (t/a) 42.85 42.05 41.37 41.15 41.10 40.12 38.03 36.95 36.79 36.79 36.28 35.04 34.92 34.69 34.21 33.64 32.39 31.54 31.54 31.54 31.54 31.11 30.95 30.66 29.43 29.43 28.53 27.26 27.07 26.81 26.71 26.60 26.28 26.19 25.47 ANNEX_BA_UWW_scIII Discharged load Nt (t/a) Discharged Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions load Pt BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) (t/a) 8.17 8.02 7.89 7.85 7.84 7.65 7.25 7.05 7.02 7.02 6.92 6.68 6.66 6.61 6.52 6.41 6.18 6.01 6.01 6.01 6.01 5.93 5.90 5.85 5.61 5.61 5.44 5.20 5.16 5.11 5.09 5.07 5.01 4.99 4.86 2.34 2.30 2.26 2.25 2.25 2.19 2.08 2.02 2.01 2.01 1.98 1.92 1.91 1.90 1.87 1.84 1.77 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.70 1.69 1.68 1.61 1.61 1.56 1.49 1.48 1.47 1.46 1.45 1.44 1.43 1.39 66 25.71 25.23 24.82 24.69 24.66 24.07 22.82 22.17 22.08 22.08 21.77 21.02 20.95 20.81 20.52 20.18 19.44 18.92 18.92 18.92 18.92 18.66 18.57 18.40 17.66 17.66 17.12 16.36 16.24 16.08 16.03 15.96 15.77 15.72 15.28 42.85 42.05 41.37 41.15 41.10 40.12 38.03 36.95 36.79 36.79 36.28 35.04 34.92 34.69 34.21 33.64 32.39 31.54 31.54 31.54 31.54 31.11 30.95 30.66 29.43 29.43 28.53 27.26 27.07 26.81 26.71 26.60 26.28 26.19 25.47 8.17 8.02 7.89 7.85 7.84 7.65 7.25 7.05 7.02 7.02 6.92 6.68 6.66 6.61 6.52 6.41 6.18 6.01 6.01 6.01 6.01 5.93 5.90 5.85 5.61 5.61 5.44 5.20 5.16 5.11 5.09 5.07 5.01 4.99 4.86 2.34 2.30 2.26 2.25 2.25 2.19 2.08 2.02 2.01 2.01 1.98 1.92 1.91 1.90 1.87 1.84 1.77 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.70 1.69 1.68 1.61 1.61 1.56 1.49 1.48 1.47 1.46 1.45 1.44 1.43 1.39 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomer ation Name of agglomeration 462 Vejinac 324 Orahovica Gornja 966 Miljanovci 516 Devetak 573 Potočani 142 Mrazovac 746 Brankovići 1070 Donji Lukavac 553 Donji Kamengrad 317 Soko 175 Konjoder 401 Lukavica Gornja 738 Žepče 655 Veliko Čajno 530 Kosova 861 Dubravica 434 Krasulje 400 Lukavica Donja 954 Pasci Donji 662 Bilalovac 406 Zukići 960 Kalesija Selo 955 Rainci Donji 689 Divičani 570 Novi Grad 951 Dobrnja 685 Perovići 47 Turija 50 Srbljani 964 Hrasno Donje 395 Dokanj 527 Liješnica 429 Matići 323 Doborovci Total BA(fed) Generated load (PE) (Estimated load) 2214 2208 2185 2178 2160 2154 2120 2112 2042 2035 2018 2016 2000 1990 1968 1938 1925 1920 1915 1858 1840 1826 1790 1756 1754 1746 1738 1694 1689 1685 1681 1674 1656 1610 1654809 ANNEX_BA_UWW_scIII generated load % of generated generated load collected in a load collected collected in a collecting system in a collecting collecting and system system treated(estimate), (estimate) (estimate), PE PE 100.00 2213.60 2214 100.00 2208.00 2208 100.00 2184.80 2185 100.00 2177.60 2178 100.00 2160.00 2160 100.00 2153.60 2154 100.00 2120.00 2120 100.00 2112.00 2112 100.00 2041.60 2042 100.00 2035.20 2035 100.00 2017.60 2018 100.00 2016.00 2016 100 2000.00 2000 100.00 1989.60 1990 100.00 1968.00 1968 100.00 1937.60 1938 100.00 1924.80 1925 100.00 1920.00 1920 100.00 1915.20 1915 100.00 1857.60 1858 100.00 1840.00 1840 100.00 1826.40 1826 100.00 1789.60 1790 100.00 1756.00 1756 100.00 1754.40 1754 100.00 1746.40 1746 100.00 1737.60 1738 100.00 1694.40 1694 100.00 1688.80 1689 100.00 1684.80 1685 100.00 1680.80 1681 100.00 1674.40 1674 100.00 1656.00 1656 100.00 1609.60 1610 1653784 1653784 67 type of UWWTP II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Generated load BOD5 (t/a) 48.48 48.36 47.85 47.69 47.30 47.16 46.43 46.25 44.71 44.57 44.19 44.15 43.80 43.57 43.10 42.43 42.15 42.05 41.94 40.68 40.30 40.00 39.19 38.46 38.42 38.25 38.05 37.11 36.98 36.90 36.81 36.67 36.27 35.25 36240 Generated Generated Generated load COD load Pt load Nt (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 96.96 96.71 95.69 95.38 94.61 94.33 92.86 92.51 89.42 89.14 88.37 88.30 87.60 87.14 86.20 84.87 84.31 84.10 83.89 81.36 80.59 80.00 78.38 76.91 76.84 76.49 76.11 74.21 73.97 73.79 73.62 73.34 72.53 70.50 72481 7.11 7.09 7.02 6.99 6.94 6.92 6.81 6.78 6.56 6.54 6.48 6.48 6.42 6.39 6.32 6.22 6.18 6.17 6.15 5.97 5.91 5.87 5.75 5.64 5.64 5.61 5.58 5.44 5.42 5.41 5.40 5.38 5.32 5.17 5315 1.66 1.65 1.63 1.63 1.62 1.61 1.59 1.58 1.53 1.52 1.51 1.51 1.50 1.49 1.47 1.45 1.44 1.44 1.43 1.39 1.38 1.37 1.34 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.30 1.27 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.25 1.24 1.20 1238 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomer ation Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) 462 324 966 516 573 142 746 1070 553 317 175 401 738 655 530 861 434 400 954 662 406 960 955 689 570 951 685 47 50 964 395 527 429 323 Total BA(fed) 14.54 14.51 14.35 14.31 14.19 14.15 13.93 13.88 13.41 13.37 13.26 13.25 5.79 13.07 12.93 12.73 12.65 12.61 12.58 12.20 12.09 12.00 11.76 11.54 11.53 11.47 11.42 11.13 11.10 11.07 11.04 11.00 10.88 10.58 3974 Discharged load COD (t/a) 24.24 24.18 23.92 23.84 23.65 23.58 23.21 23.13 22.36 22.29 22.09 22.08 9.65 21.79 21.55 21.22 21.08 21.02 20.97 20.34 20.15 20.00 19.60 19.23 19.21 19.12 19.03 18.55 18.49 18.45 18.40 18.33 18.13 17.63 12595 ANNEX_BA_UWW_scIII Discharged load Nt (t/a) Discharged Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions load Pt BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) (t/a) 4.62 4.61 4.56 4.55 4.51 4.50 4.43 4.41 4.26 4.25 4.21 4.21 1.84 4.15 4.11 4.05 4.02 4.01 4.00 3.88 3.84 3.81 3.74 3.67 3.66 3.65 3.63 3.54 3.53 3.52 3.51 3.50 3.46 3.36 2038 1.33 1.32 1.31 1.30 1.29 1.29 1.27 1.26 1.22 1.22 1.21 1.21 0.53 1.19 1.18 1.16 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.11 1.10 1.09 1.07 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.04 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.00 0.99 0.96 425 68 14.54 14.51 14.35 14.31 14.19 14.15 13.93 13.88 13.41 13.37 13.26 13.25 16.21 13.07 12.93 12.73 12.65 12.61 12.58 12.20 12.09 12.00 11.76 11.54 11.53 11.47 11.42 11.13 11.10 11.07 11.04 11.00 10.88 10.58 3985 24.24 24.18 23.92 23.84 23.65 23.58 23.21 23.13 22.36 22.29 22.09 22.08 28.47 21.79 21.55 21.22 21.08 21.02 20.97 20.34 20.15 20.00 19.60 19.23 19.21 19.12 19.03 18.55 18.49 18.45 18.40 18.33 18.13 17.63 12614 4.62 4.61 4.56 4.55 4.51 4.50 4.43 4.41 4.26 4.25 4.21 4.21 4.40 4.15 4.11 4.05 4.02 4.01 4.00 3.88 3.84 3.81 3.74 3.67 3.66 3.65 3.63 3.54 3.53 3.52 3.51 3.50 3.46 3.36 2040 1.33 1.32 1.31 1.30 1.29 1.29 1.27 1.26 1.22 1.22 1.21 1.21 1.23 1.19 1.18 1.16 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.11 1.10 1.09 1.07 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.04 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.00 0.99 0.96 426 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomer ation Name of agglomeration Total BA(fed), % 84 Amajlije 55 Pucile 246 Kotorsko 86 Stanari 226 Miljevina 289 Vecici 384 Priboj 354 Donja Tramosnica 586 Rudo 232 Jezero 917 Glumina 945 Kozluk 202 Cerani 204 Osinja 262 Sevarlije 793 Lukavica 673 Jablan 981 Milosevac 976 Koprivna 860 Donji Vijacani 424 Donja Slatina 33 Krupa na Vrbasu 744 Kriskovci 921 Trsic 100 Korace 103 Lijesce 229 Han Pjesak 812 Kozarac 1036 Strpci 421 Lugovi 80 Trnjaci 1038 Gornji Strpci 30 Kola 802 Boljanici Generated load (PE) (Estimated load) 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2130 2200 2200 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2500 2600 2689 2700 ANNEX_BA_UWW_scIII generated load % of generated generated load collected in a load collected collected in a collecting system in a collecting collecting and system system treated(estimate), (estimate) (estimate), PE PE 99.94% 99.94% 100 2000 2000 100 2000 2000 100 2000 2000 100 2000 2000 100 2000 2000 100 2000 2000 100 2000 2000 100 2000 2000 100 2000 2000 100 2000 2000 100 2100 2100 100 2100 2100 100 2100 2100 100 2100 2100 100 2100 2100 100 2100 2100 100 2100 2100 100 2100 2100 100 2100 2100 100 2100 2100 100 2100 2100 100 2130 2130 100 2200 2200 100 2200 2200 100 2400 2400 100 2400 2400 100 2400 2400 100 2400 2400 100 2400 2400 100 2400 2400 100 2500 2500 100 2600 2600 100 2689 2689 100 2700 2700 69 type of UWWTP II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Generated load BOD5 (t/a) 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 43.80 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 45.99 46.65 48.18 48.18 52.56 52.56 52.56 52.56 52.56 52.56 54.75 56.94 58.89 59.13 Generated Generated Generated load COD load Pt load Nt (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 87.60 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 91.98 93.29 96.36 96.36 105.12 105.12 105.12 105.12 105.12 105.12 109.50 113.88 117.78 118.26 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.84 7.07 7.07 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 8.03 8.35 8.64 8.67 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.59 1.65 1.65 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.87 1.95 2.01 2.02 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomer ation Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) Total BA(fed), % 10.97% 84 13.14 55 13.14 246 13.14 86 13.14 226 13.14 289 13.14 384 13.14 354 13.14 586 13.14 232 13.14 917 13.80 945 13.80 202 13.80 204 13.80 262 13.80 793 13.80 673 13.80 981 13.80 976 13.80 860 13.80 424 13.80 33 13.99 744 14.45 921 14.45 100 15.77 103 15.77 229 15.77 812 15.77 1036 15.77 421 15.77 80 16.43 1038 17.08 30 17.67 802 17.74 Discharged load COD (t/a) 17.38% 21.90 21.90 21.90 21.90 21.90 21.90 21.90 21.90 21.90 21.90 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.32 24.09 24.09 26.28 26.28 26.28 26.28 26.28 26.28 27.38 28.47 29.44 29.57 ANNEX_BA_UWW_scIII Discharged load Nt (t/a) 38.34% 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.45 4.59 4.59 5.01 5.01 5.01 5.01 5.01 5.01 5.22 5.43 5.61 5.64 Discharged Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions load Pt BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) (t/a) 34.31% 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.28 1.32 1.32 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.50 1.56 1.61 1.62 70 10.99% 13.14 13.14 13.14 13.14 13.14 13.14 13.14 13.14 13.14 13.14 13.80 13.80 13.80 13.80 13.80 13.80 13.80 13.80 13.80 13.80 13.80 13.99 14.45 14.45 15.77 15.77 15.77 15.77 15.77 15.77 16.43 17.08 17.67 17.74 17.40% 21.90 21.90 21.90 21.90 21.90 21.90 21.90 21.90 21.90 21.90 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.32 24.09 24.09 26.28 26.28 26.28 26.28 26.28 26.28 27.38 28.47 29.44 29.57 38.39% 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.45 4.59 4.59 5.01 5.01 5.01 5.01 5.01 5.01 5.22 5.43 5.61 5.64 34.37% 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.28 1.32 1.32 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.50 1.56 1.61 1.62 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomer ation 211 302 1033 154 135 283 982 377 590 593 789 31 1009 1007 1041 983 77 167 290 1027 353 375 410 1004 276 21 1022 74 947 27 679 980 72 974 75 Name of agglomeration Donji Zabar Maslovare Potocani Pobudje Crkvina Zabrdje Skugric Donji Koraj Srebrenica Milici Donje Vodicevo Rekavice Cecava Gornja Vrucica Lisnja Vranjak Dvorovi Cajnice Vrbanjci Trnopolje Pelagicevo Lopare Sekovici Blatnica Knezevo Piskavica Omarska Batkovici Jasenica Dragocaj Trnovo Jakes Novo Naselje Branjevo Velika Obarska Generated load (PE) (Estimated load) 2700 2700 2700 2800 2800 2900 2900 3000 3000 3100 3100 3200 3300 3300 3400 3480 3500 3500 3500 3600 3700 3900 4300 4300 4500 4550 4800 4900 4900 4918 5000 5000 5100 5100 5400 ANNEX_BA_UWW_scIII generated load % of generated generated load collected in a load collected collected in a collecting system in a collecting collecting and system system treated(estimate), (estimate) (estimate), PE PE 100 2700 2700 100 2700 2700 100 2700 2700 100 2800 2800 100 2800 2800 100 2900 2900 100 2900 2900 100 3000 3000 100 3000 3000 100 3100 3100 100 3100 3100 100 3200 3200 100 3300 3300 100 3300 3300 100 3400 3400 100 3480 3480 100 3500 3500 100 3500 3500 100 3500 3500 100 3600 3600 100 3700 3700 100 3900 3900 100 4300 4300 100 4300 4300 100 4500 4500 100 4550 4550 100 4800 4800 100 4900 4900 100 4900 4900 100 4918 4918 70 3500 3500 100 5000 5000 100 5100 5100 100 5100 5100 100 5400 5400 71 type of UWWTP II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Generated load BOD5 (t/a) 59.13 59.13 59.13 61.32 61.32 63.51 63.51 65.70 65.70 67.89 67.89 70.08 72.27 72.27 74.46 76.21 76.65 76.65 76.65 78.84 81.03 85.41 94.17 94.17 98.55 99.65 105.12 107.31 107.31 107.70 109.50 109.50 111.69 111.69 118.26 Generated Generated Generated load COD load Pt load Nt (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 118.26 118.26 118.26 122.64 122.64 127.02 127.02 131.40 131.40 135.78 135.78 140.16 144.54 144.54 148.92 152.42 153.30 153.30 153.30 157.68 162.06 170.82 188.34 188.34 197.10 199.29 210.24 214.62 214.62 215.41 219.00 219.00 223.38 223.38 236.52 8.67 8.67 8.67 8.99 8.99 9.31 9.31 9.64 9.64 9.96 9.96 10.28 10.60 10.60 10.92 11.18 11.24 11.24 11.24 11.56 11.88 12.53 13.81 13.81 14.45 14.61 15.42 15.74 15.74 15.80 16.06 16.06 16.38 16.38 17.34 2.02 2.02 2.02 2.10 2.10 2.17 2.17 2.24 2.24 2.32 2.32 2.39 2.47 2.47 2.54 2.60 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.69 2.77 2.92 3.22 3.22 3.37 3.40 3.59 3.67 3.67 3.68 3.74 3.74 3.82 3.82 4.04 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomer ation 211 302 1033 154 135 283 982 377 590 593 789 31 1009 1007 1041 983 77 167 290 1027 353 375 410 1004 276 21 1022 74 947 27 679 980 72 974 75 Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) 17.74 17.74 17.74 18.40 18.40 19.05 19.05 19.71 19.71 20.37 20.37 21.02 21.68 21.68 22.34 22.86 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.65 24.31 25.62 28.25 28.25 29.57 29.89 31.54 32.19 32.19 32.31 22.995 32.85 33.51 33.51 35.48 Discharged load COD (t/a) 29.57 29.57 29.57 30.66 30.66 31.76 31.76 32.85 32.85 33.95 33.95 35.04 36.14 36.14 37.23 38.11 38.33 38.33 38.33 39.42 40.52 42.71 47.09 47.09 49.28 49.82 52.56 53.66 53.66 53.85 38.325 54.75 55.85 55.85 59.13 ANNEX_BA_UWW_scIII Discharged load Nt (t/a) 5.64 5.64 5.64 5.85 5.85 6.05 6.05 6.26 6.26 6.47 6.47 6.68 6.89 6.89 7.10 7.27 7.31 7.31 7.31 7.52 7.72 8.14 8.98 8.98 9.40 9.50 10.02 10.23 10.23 10.27 7.3073 10.44 10.65 10.65 11.27 Discharged Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions load Pt BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) (t/a) 1.62 1.62 1.62 1.68 1.68 1.74 1.74 1.80 1.80 1.86 1.86 1.92 1.98 1.98 2.04 2.08 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.15 2.21 2.33 2.57 2.57 2.69 2.72 2.87 2.93 2.93 2.94 2.0951 2.99 3.05 3.05 3.23 72 17.74 17.74 17.74 18.40 18.40 19.05 19.05 19.71 19.71 20.37 20.37 21.02 21.68 21.68 22.34 22.86 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.65 24.31 25.62 28.25 28.25 29.57 29.89 31.54 32.19 32.19 32.31 55.85 32.85 33.51 33.51 35.48 29.57 29.57 29.57 30.66 30.66 31.76 31.76 32.85 32.85 33.95 33.95 35.04 36.14 36.14 37.23 38.11 38.33 38.33 38.33 39.42 40.52 42.71 47.09 47.09 49.28 49.82 52.56 53.66 53.66 53.85 104.03 54.75 55.85 55.85 59.13 5.64 5.64 5.64 5.85 5.85 6.05 6.05 6.26 6.26 6.47 6.47 6.68 6.89 6.89 7.10 7.27 7.31 7.31 7.31 7.52 7.72 8.14 8.98 8.98 9.40 9.50 10.02 10.23 10.23 10.27 12.13 10.44 10.65 10.65 11.27 1.62 1.62 1.62 1.68 1.68 1.74 1.74 1.80 1.80 1.86 1.86 1.92 1.98 1.98 2.04 2.08 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.15 2.21 2.33 2.57 2.57 2.69 2.72 2.87 2.93 2.93 2.94 3.22 2.99 3.05 3.05 3.23 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomer ation 1000 23 73 1006 889 971 425 642 641 303 605 412 796 172 419 549 582 282 902 1050 584 1059 581 667 929 304 776 222 975 144 912 605 101 999 186 Name of agglomeration Pribinic Ivanjska Crnjelovo Donje Slatina Ugljevik Celopek Obudovac Petrovo Sipovo Kostajnica Laktasi II Sapna Srbac Celinac Samac Novi Miljanovci Pale Kotor Varos Vlasenica Janja Visegrad Prnjavor Rogatica Sokolac Mrkonjic Grad Dubica Novi Grad Foca Modrica Bratunac Zvornik Laktasi Brod Teslic Derventa Generated load (PE) (Estimated load) 5400 5492 5500 5500 5600 5600 5900 6300 6600 7000 8000 8100 8600 8800 9000 8900 9600 10000 10000 10219 10500 10700 11100 12400 12500 15000 15000 16000 17400 18200 20200 22700 25500 26500 29500 ANNEX_BA_UWW_scIII generated load % of generated generated load collected in a load collected collected in a collecting system in a collecting collecting and system system treated(estimate), (estimate) (estimate), PE PE 100 5400 5400 100 5492 5492 100 5500 5500 100 5500 5500 100 5600 5600 100 5600 5600 100 5900 5900 100 6300 6300 100 6600 6600 100 7000 7000 100 8000 8000 100 8100 8100 100 8600 8600 78 6864 6864 100 9000 9000 100 8900 8900 100 9600 9600 100 10000 10000 100 10000 10000 100 10219 10219 100 10500 10500 100 10700 10700 100 11100 11100 100 12400 12400 100 12500 12500 100 15000 15000 100 15000 15000 100 16000 16000 100 17400 17400 100 18200 18200 100 20200 20200 100 22700 22700 100 25500 25500 100 26500 26500 100 29500 29500 73 type of UWWTP II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III Generated load BOD5 (t/a) 118.26 120.27 120.45 120.45 122.64 122.64 129.21 137.97 144.54 153.30 175.20 177.39 188.34 192.72 197.10 194.91 210.24 219.00 219.00 223.80 229.95 234.33 243.09 271.56 273.75 328.50 328.50 350.40 381.06 398.58 442.38 497.13 558.45 580.35 646.05 Generated Generated Generated load COD load Pt load Nt (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 236.52 240.55 240.90 240.90 245.28 245.28 258.42 275.94 289.08 306.60 350.40 354.78 376.68 385.44 394.20 389.82 420.48 438.00 438.00 447.59 459.90 468.66 486.18 543.12 547.50 657.00 657.00 700.80 762.12 797.16 884.76 994.26 1,116.90 1,160.70 1,292.10 17.34 17.64 17.67 17.67 17.99 17.99 18.95 20.24 21.20 22.48 25.70 26.02 27.62 28.27 28.91 28.59 30.84 32.12 32.12 32.82 33.73 34.37 35.65 39.83 40.15 48.18 48.18 51.39 55.89 58.46 64.88 72.91 81.91 85.12 94.75 4.04 4.11 4.12 4.12 4.19 4.19 4.41 4.71 4.94 5.24 5.99 6.06 6.43 6.58 6.73 6.66 7.18 7.48 7.48 7.65 7.86 8.01 8.31 9.28 9.35 11.22 11.22 11.97 13.02 13.62 15.11 16.99 19.08 19.83 22.07 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomer ation 1000 23 73 1006 889 971 425 642 641 303 605 412 796 172 419 549 582 282 902 1050 584 1059 581 667 929 304 776 222 975 144 912 605 101 999 186 Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) 35.48 36.08 36.14 36.14 36.79 36.79 38.76 41.39 43.36 45.99 52.56 53.22 56.50 45.10 59.13 58.47 63.07 65.70 65.70 11.19 11.50 11.72 12.15 13.58 13.69 16.43 16.43 17.52 19.05 19.93 22.12 24.86 27.92 29.02 32.30 Discharged load COD (t/a) 59.13 60.14 60.23 60.23 61.32 61.32 64.61 68.99 72.27 76.65 87.60 88.70 94.17 75.16 98.55 97.46 105.12 109.50 109.50 67.14 68.99 70.30 72.93 81.47 82.13 98.55 98.55 105.12 114.32 119.57 132.71 149.14 167.54 174.11 193.82 ANNEX_BA_UWW_scIII Discharged load Nt (t/a) Discharged Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions load Pt BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) (t/a) 11.27 11.47 11.48 11.48 11.69 11.69 12.32 13.15 13.78 14.61 16.70 16.91 17.96 14.33 18.79 18.58 20.04 20.88 20.88 9.85 10.12 10.31 10.70 11.95 12.05 14.45 14.45 15.42 16.77 17.54 19.46 21.87 24.57 25.54 28.43 3.23 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.35 3.35 3.53 3.77 3.95 4.19 4.79 4.85 5.15 4.11 5.39 5.33 5.75 5.99 5.99 1.53 1.57 1.60 1.66 1.86 1.87 2.24 2.24 2.39 2.60 2.72 3.02 3.40 3.82 3.97 4.41 74 35.48 36.08 36.14 36.14 36.79 36.79 38.76 41.39 43.36 45.99 52.56 53.22 56.50 87.49 59.13 58.47 63.07 65.70 65.70 11.19 11.50 11.72 12.15 13.58 13.69 16.43 16.43 17.52 19.05 19.93 22.12 24.86 27.92 29.02 32.30 59.13 60.14 60.23 60.23 61.32 61.32 64.61 68.99 72.27 76.65 87.60 88.70 94.17 159.96 98.55 97.46 105.12 109.50 109.50 67.14 68.99 70.30 72.93 81.47 82.13 98.55 98.55 105.12 114.32 119.57 132.71 149.14 167.54 174.11 193.82 11.27 11.47 11.48 11.48 11.69 11.69 12.32 13.15 13.78 14.61 16.70 16.91 17.96 20.55 18.79 18.58 20.04 20.88 20.88 9.85 10.12 10.31 10.70 11.95 12.05 14.45 14.45 15.42 16.77 17.54 19.46 21.87 24.57 25.54 28.43 3.23 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.35 3.35 3.53 3.77 3.95 4.19 4.79 4.85 5.15 5.56 5.39 5.33 5.75 5.99 5.99 1.53 1.57 1.60 1.66 1.86 1.87 2.24 2.24 2.39 2.60 2.72 3.02 3.40 3.82 3.97 4.41 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomer ation Name of agglomeration 269 Gradiska 227 Doboj 53 Bijeljina 785 Prijedor 9 Banja Luka Total BA(rs) Total BA(rs), % Total BA Total BA, % Generated load (PE) (Estimated load) 37300 41650 62000 65800 152000 979428 2634237 ANNEX_BA_UWW_scIII generated load % of generated generated load collected in a load collected collected in a collecting system in a collecting collecting and system system treated(estimate), (estimate) (estimate), PE PE 100 37300 37300 100 41650 41650 100 62000 62000 100 65800 65800 100 152000 152000 975992 975992 99.65% 99.65% 2629776 99.83% 2629776 99.83% 75 type of UWWTP III III III III III Generated load BOD5 (t/a) Generated Generated Generated load COD load Pt load Nt (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 816.87 912.14 1,357.80 1,441.02 3,328.80 21449 1,633.74 1,824.27 2,715.60 2,882.04 6,657.60 42899 119.81 133.78 199.14 211.35 488.22 3146 27.91 31.16 46.39 49.23 113.73 733 57690 115380 8461 1971 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomer ation Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) 269 227 53 785 9 Total BA(rs) Total BA(rs), % Total BA Total BA, % Discharged load COD (t/a) ANNEX_BA_UWW_scIII Discharged load Nt (t/a) Discharged Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions load Pt BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) (t/a) 40.84 45.61 67.89 72.05 166.44 2951 245.06 273.64 407.34 432.31 998.64 7918 35.94 40.13 59.74 63.40 146.47 1327 5.58 6.23 9.28 9.85 22.75 300 40.84 45.61 67.89 72.05 166.44 3026 14.11% 245.06 273.64 407.34 432.31 998.64 8069 18.81% 35.94 40.13 59.74 63.40 146.47 1338 42.18% 5.58 6.23 9.28 9.85 22.75 303 40.99% 6925 20514 3365 725 7011 12.15% 20683 17.93% 3378 39.93% 729 36.96% 76 Sava River Basin Management Plan Annex 4 Annex_RS_UWW_2007 Annex_RS_UWW_2015 Annex_RS_scII Annex_RS_scIII SERBIA Urban wastewater disposal - reference year 2007 and proposed scenarios Draft 5.0 Zagreb October, 2011 SERBIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration RS_AG_LAZAREVAC RS_AG_OBRENOVAC RS_AG_NVAROS RS_AG_PRIBOJ RS_AG_VALJEVO RS_AG_LOZNICA RS_AG_SABAC RS_AG_RUMA RS_AG_SMITROVICA RS_AG_SID RS_AG_BBASTA RS_AG_ZLATIBOR RS_AG_LAJKOVAC RS_AG_LJIG RS_AG_UB RS_AG_KOCELJEVA RS_AG Mionica RS_AG_KRUPANJ RS_AG_BKOVILJACA RS_AG_LJUBOVIJA RS_AG_SJENICA RS_AG_PRIJEPOLJE RS_AG_VRDNIK RS_AG_KLUPCI RS_AG_ZABREZJE RS_AG_MAJUR RS_AG_PPRICINOVIC RS_AG_BARIC RS_AG_MZVORNIK Name of agglomeration Lazarevac Obrenovac Nova Varos Priboj Valjevo Loznica Sabac Ruma S. Mitrovica Sid Bajina Basta Zlatibor Lajkovac Ljig Ub Koceljeva Mionica Krupanj Banja Koviljaca Ljubovija Sjenica Prijepolje Vrdnik Klupci Zabrezje Majur P.Pricinovic Baric Mali Zvornik Water Body code RS_KOL_3 RS_KOL_1 RS_LIM_2 RS_LIM_1 RS_KOL_6 RS_DR_1 RS_SA_2 RS_SA_2 RS_SA_2 RS_BOS RS_DR_3 RS_CRZ_1 RS_KOL_4 RS_LJG_2 RS_RIB_1 RS_UB_1 RS_TAMN_2 RS_LIK_3 RS_DR_1 RS_LJUB_1 RS_VAP RS_LIM_3 RS_SA_2 RS_DR_1 RS_SA_1 RS_SA_2 RS_DUM_1 RS_SA_1 RS_DR_2 Population (inhabitants) ANNEX_RS_UWW_2007 Date when the total generated load of the agglomeration will be collected 16,608 8,036 9,891 17,738 39,216 19,035 38,900 21,536 26,310 16,189 7,027 2,085 3,288 1,883 4,608 3,182 2,237 3,464 2,555 3,953 9,822 10,600 2609 4043 2146 2071 2716 2,322 2,994 2015 2015 2 Generated load (PE) (Estimated load) 23673 23625 10408 19694 52644 26045 48829 23147 31308 19777 9699 2788 3460 2985 4789 4529 3188 3857 3823 4366 15072 15410 3720 8421 2279 4470 4514 4298 3941 % of generated load collected in a collecting system (estimate) 70 34 95 90 78 72 70 83 60 97 71 92 95 63 76 68 70 70 40 95 65 70 70 55 80 30 45 35 60 SERBIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration RS_AG_LAZAREVAC RS_AG_OBRENOVAC RS_AG_NVAROS RS_AG_PRIBOJ RS_AG_VALJEVO RS_AG_LOZNICA RS_AG_SABAC RS_AG_RUMA RS_AG_SMITROVICA RS_AG_SID RS_AG_BBASTA RS_AG_ZLATIBOR RS_AG_LAJKOVAC RS_AG_LJIG RS_AG_UB RS_AG_KOCELJEVA RS_AG Mionica RS_AG_KRUPANJ RS_AG_BKOVILJACA RS_AG_LJUBOVIJA RS_AG_SJENICA RS_AG_PRIJEPOLJE RS_AG_VRDNIK RS_AG_KLUPCI RS_AG_ZABREZJE RS_AG_MAJUR RS_AG_PPRICINOVIC RS_AG_BARIC RS_AG_MZVORNIK generated load collected generated load collected in a collecting system in a collecting system and (estimate), PE treated(estimate), PE 16608 8036 9891 17738 39216 19035 38900 21536 26310 16189 7027 2085 3288 1883 4608 3182 2237 3464 2555 3953 9822 10600 2609 4043 2146 2071 2716 2322 2994 0 0 0 0 39216 0 0 21536 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2994 ANNEX_RS_UWW_2007 type of UWWTP no no no no sec no no sec no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no prim capacity of UWWTP, PE 0 0 0 0 50000 0 0 40000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2500 3 Generated load BOD5 (t/a) 518.45 517.39 227.93 431.30 1152.90 570.39 1069.36 506.93 685.64 433.13 212.41 61.06 75.78 65.38 104.87 99.19 69.81 84.47 83.72 95.62 330.08 337.48 81.47 184.42 49.91 97.89 98.85 94.12 86.31 Generated load COD (t/a) 1036.89 1034.78 455.86 862.60 2305.81 1140.79 2138.73 1013.86 1371.28 866.25 424.82 122.12 151.55 130.75 209.74 198.37 139.62 168.93 167.45 191.23 660.16 674.95 162.94 368.85 99.83 195.78 197.70 188.24 172.62 SERBIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration RS_AG_LAZAREVAC RS_AG_OBRENOVAC RS_AG_NVAROS RS_AG_PRIBOJ RS_AG_VALJEVO RS_AG_LOZNICA RS_AG_SABAC RS_AG_RUMA RS_AG_SMITROVICA RS_AG_SID RS_AG_BBASTA RS_AG_ZLATIBOR RS_AG_LAJKOVAC RS_AG_LJIG RS_AG_UB RS_AG_KOCELJEVA RS_AG Mionica RS_AG_KRUPANJ RS_AG_BKOVILJACA RS_AG_LJUBOVIJA RS_AG_SJENICA RS_AG_PRIJEPOLJE RS_AG_VRDNIK RS_AG_KLUPCI RS_AG_ZABREZJE RS_AG_MAJUR RS_AG_PPRICINOVIC RS_AG_BARIC RS_AG_MZVORNIK Generated load Nt (t/a) 76.04 75.88 33.43 63.26 169.09 83.66 156.84 74.35 100.56 63.53 31.15 8.96 11.11 9.59 15.38 14.55 10.24 12.39 12.28 14.02 48.41 49.50 11.95 27.05 7.32 14.36 14.50 13.80 12.66 Generated load Pt (t/a) ANNEX_RS_UWW_2007 Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) 17.28 17.25 7.60 14.38 38.43 19.01 35.65 16.90 22.85 14.44 7.08 2.04 2.53 2.18 3.50 3.31 2.33 2.82 2.79 3.19 11.00 11.25 2.72 6.15 1.66 3.26 3.29 3.14 2.88 361.00 176.00 179.00 386.00 179.66 463.44 846.00 374.00 572.00 351.94 152.77 45.00 72.00 41.20 100.16 69.17 48.60 75.00 55.54 77.00 213.50 230.00 56.72 88.00 47.00 45.03 59.05 50.00 10.85 4 Discharged load COD (t/a) 662.00 322.00 358.00 707.00 529.82 735.71 1550.00 602.00 1646.00 512.69 281.00 83.00 131.00 75.70 183.63 126.82 89.00 126.00 101.82 141.00 391.50 422.00 103.99 161.14 86.00 83.00 108.26 93.00 49.77 Discharged load Nt Discharged load (t/a) Pt (t/a) 53.00 25.80 28.70 56.60 32.97 60.23 124.00 78.00 242.70 66.58 22.40 6.60 10.50 6.00 14.69 10.15 7.10 7.50 7.50 11.30 28.50 33.80 8.30 12.89 6.80 6.60 8.66 7.40 5.92 10.30 5.28 5.73 11.60 17.87 5.24 25.40 15.70 28.06 4.58 1.36 2.15 1.23 3.00 2.08 1.40 1.51 1.67 2.31 6.41 6.91 1.70 2.64 1.40 1.35 1.77 1.41 0.66 SERBIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration RS_AG_LAZAREVAC RS_AG_OBRENOVAC RS_AG_NVAROS RS_AG_PRIBOJ RS_AG_VALJEVO RS_AG_LOZNICA RS_AG_SABAC RS_AG_RUMA RS_AG_SMITROVICA RS_AG_SID RS_AG_BBASTA RS_AG_ZLATIBOR RS_AG_LAJKOVAC RS_AG_LJIG RS_AG_UB RS_AG_KOCELJEVA RS_AG Mionica RS_AG_KRUPANJ RS_AG_BKOVILJACA RS_AG_LJUBOVIJA RS_AG_SJENICA RS_AG_PRIJEPOLJE RS_AG_VRDNIK RS_AG_KLUPCI RS_AG_ZABREZJE RS_AG_MAJUR RS_AG_PPRICINOVIC RS_AG_BARIC RS_AG_MZVORNIK Emmisions BOD5 (t/a) 518.45 517.39 227.93 431.30 433.30 570.39 1069.36 460.18 685.64 433.13 212.41 61.06 75.78 65.38 104.87 99.19 69.81 84.47 83.72 95.62 330.08 337.48 81.47 184.42 49.91 97.89 98.85 94.12 45.37 ANNEX_RS_UWW_2007 Emmisions COD Emmisions Nt Emmisions Pt (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 1036.89 1034.78 455.86 862.60 1037.10 1140.79 2138.73 774.36 1371.28 866.25 424.82 122.12 151.55 130.75 209.74 198.37 139.62 168.93 167.45 191.23 660.16 674.95 162.94 368.85 99.83 195.78 197.70 188.24 118.82 76.04 75.88 33.43 63.26 70.17 83.66 156.84 90.64 100.56 63.53 31.15 8.96 11.11 9.59 15.38 14.55 10.24 12.39 12.28 14.02 48.41 49.50 11.95 27.05 7.32 14.36 14.50 13.80 10.99 17.28 17.25 7.60 14.38 26.32 19.01 35.65 18.57 22.85 14.44 7.08 2.04 2.53 2.18 3.50 3.31 2.33 2.82 2.79 3.19 11.00 11.25 2.72 6.15 1.66 3.26 3.29 3.14 1.81 5 SERBIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration RS_AG_IRIG RS_AG_MMITROVICA RS_AG_PECINCI RS_AG_OSECINA RS_AG_VLADIMIRCI Name of agglomeration Irig M. Mitrovica Pecinci Osecina Vladimirci Water Body code RS_SA_2 RS_SA_2 RS_SA_1 RS_JAD_4 RS_MLAK Population (inhabitants) ANNEX_RS_UWW_2007 Date when the total generated load of the agglomeration will be collected 2,015 2389 804 379 789 Generated load (PE) (Estimated load) 5409 3947 4743 3766 1879 74 agglomerations no SS 294159 698663 TOTAL: % 6 % of generated load collected in a collecting system (estimate) 40 60 17 10 42 0 SERBIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration RS_AG_IRIG RS_AG_MMITROVICA RS_AG_PECINCI RS_AG_OSECINA RS_AG_VLADIMIRCI ANNEX_RS_UWW_2007 generated load collected generated load collected in a collecting system in a collecting system and (estimate), PE treated(estimate), PE 2015 2389 804 379 789 2015 2389 804 0 0 0 TOTAL: % 293440 42.00% type of UWWTP sec sec prim no no capacity of UWWTP, PE 1500 2500 500 0 0 n/a 68954 9.68% 7 Generated load BOD5 (t/a) Generated load COD (t/a) 118.45 86.45 103.88 82.47 41.15 236.90 172.90 207.75 164.94 82.29 6442.08 15300.72 11810.48 29527.77 SERBIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration RS_AG_IRIG RS_AG_MMITROVICA RS_AG_PECINCI RS_AG_OSECINA RS_AG_VLADIMIRCI TOTAL: % Generated load Nt (t/a) Generated load Pt (t/a) ANNEX_RS_UWW_2007 Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) Discharged load COD (t/a) Discharged load Nt Discharged load (t/a) Pt (t/a) 17.37 12.68 15.24 12.10 6.03 3.95 2.88 3.46 2.75 1.37 32.00 6.34 10.03 8.00 17.20 60.00 8.09 19.24 15.00 31.68 3.64 16.05 1.47 1.20 2.53 1.18 7.37 0.30 0.25 0.52 944.84 2244.11 193.26 488.55 5499.21 10596.86 1016.10 180.34 8 SERBIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration RS_AG_IRIG RS_AG_MMITROVICA RS_AG_PECINCI RS_AG_OSECINA RS_AG_VLADIMIRCI TOTAL: % Emmisions BOD5 (t/a) ANNEX_RS_UWW_2007 Emmisions COD Emmisions Nt Emmisions Pt (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 60.43 40.92 96.25 82.47 41.15 116.86 77.25 191.67 164.94 82.29 7.81 21.12 14.12 12.10 6.03 2.13 8.52 3.17 2.75 1.37 6442.08 14382.25 94.00% 11810.48 27733.99 93.93% 944.84 2157.57 96.14% 193.26 480.59 98.37% 9 SERBIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of agglomeration RS_AG_LAZAREVAC RS_AG_OBRENOVAC RS_AG_NVAROS RS_AG_PRIBOJ RS_AG_VALJEVO RS_AG_LOZNICA RS_AG_SABAC RS_AG_RUMA RS_AG_SMITROVICA RS_AG_SID RS_AG_BBASTA RS_AG_ZLATIBOR RS_AG_LAJKOVAC RS_AG_LJIG RS_AG_UB RS_AG_KOCELJEVA RS_AG Mionica RS_AG_KRUPANJ RS_AG_BKOVILJACA RS_AG_LJUBOVIJA RS_AG_SJENICA RS_AG_PRIJEPOLJE RS_AG_VRDNIK RS_AG_KLUPCI RS_AG_ZABREZJE RS_AG_MAJUR RS_AG_PPRICINOVIC RS_AG_BARIC RS_AG_MZVORNIK RS_AG_IRIG RS_AG_MMITROVICA RS_AG_PECINCI RS_AG_OSECINA RS_AG_VLADIMIRCI Macvanski Pricinovic Partizani (Darosava) Name of agglomeration Lazarevac Obrenovac Nova Varos Priboj Valjevo Loznica Sabac Ruma S. Mitrovica Sid Bajina Basta Zlatibor Lajkovac Ljig Ub Koceljeva Mionica Krupanj Banja Koviljaca Ljubovija Sjenica Prijepolje Vrdnik Klupci Zabrezje Majur P.Pricinovic Baric Mali Zvornik Irig M. Mitrovica Pecinci Osecina Vladimirci SABAC ARANDJELOVAC Total load_AG, PE 23673 23625 10408 19694 52644 26045 48829 23147 31308 19777 9699 2788 3460 2985 4789 4529 3188 3857 3823 4366 15072 15410 3720 8421 2279 4470 4514 4298 3941 5409 3947 4743 3766 1879 1976 2023 ANNEX_RS_UWW_2015 % of generated Generated load collected in Generated Typ of load_collected& a collecting load_collected UWWTP treated system (estimate) 70 16608 0 no 34 8036 0 no 95 9891 0 no 90 17738 0 no 78 39216 39216 sec 100 26045 26045 terc 100 48829 48829 terc 83 21536 21536 sec 60 26310 0 no 97 16189 0 no 71 7027 0 no 92 2085 0 no 95 3288 0 no 63 1883 0 no 76 4608 0 no 68 3182 0 no 70 2237 0 no 70 3464 0 no 40 2555 0 no 95 3953 0 no 65 9822 0 no 70 10600 0 no 70 2609 0 no 55 4043 0 no 80 2146 0 no 30 2071 0 no 45 2716 0 no 35 2322 0 no 60 2994 2994 prim 40 2015 2015 sec 60 2389 2389 sec 17 804 804 prim 10 379 0 no 42 789 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 10 Generated load BOD (t/a) 518.45 517.39 227.93 431.30 1152.90 570.39 1069.36 506.93 685.64 433.13 212.41 61.06 75.78 65.38 104.87 99.19 69.81 84.47 83.72 95.62 330.08 337.48 81.47 184.42 49.91 97.89 98.85 94.12 86.31 118.45 86.45 103.88 82.47 41.15 43.27 44.30 Generated Generated load COD load Nt (t/a) (t/a) 1036.89 1034.78 455.86 862.60 2305.81 1140.79 2138.73 1013.86 1371.28 866.25 424.82 122.12 151.55 130.75 209.74 198.37 139.62 168.93 167.45 191.23 660.16 674.95 162.94 368.85 99.83 195.78 197.70 188.24 172.62 236.90 172.90 207.75 164.94 82.29 79.34 81.22 76.04 75.88 33.43 63.26 169.09 83.66 156.84 74.35 100.56 63.53 31.15 8.96 11.11 9.59 15.38 14.55 10.24 12.39 12.28 14.02 48.41 49.50 11.95 27.05 7.32 14.36 14.50 13.80 12.66 17.37 12.68 15.24 12.10 6.03 6.35 6.50 SERBIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of agglomeration RS_AG_LAZAREVAC RS_AG_OBRENOVAC RS_AG_NVAROS RS_AG_PRIBOJ RS_AG_VALJEVO RS_AG_LOZNICA RS_AG_SABAC RS_AG_RUMA RS_AG_SMITROVICA RS_AG_SID RS_AG_BBASTA RS_AG_ZLATIBOR RS_AG_LAJKOVAC RS_AG_LJIG RS_AG_UB RS_AG_KOCELJEVA RS_AG Mionica RS_AG_KRUPANJ RS_AG_BKOVILJACA RS_AG_LJUBOVIJA RS_AG_SJENICA RS_AG_PRIJEPOLJE RS_AG_VRDNIK RS_AG_KLUPCI RS_AG_ZABREZJE RS_AG_MAJUR RS_AG_PPRICINOVIC RS_AG_BARIC RS_AG_MZVORNIK RS_AG_IRIG RS_AG_MMITROVICA RS_AG_PECINCI RS_AG_OSECINA RS_AG_VLADIMIRCI Macvanski Pricinovic Partizani (Darosava) ANNEX_RS_UWW_2015 Generated Discharges Discharges Discharges Discharges Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Pt load Pt (t/a) BOD (t/a) COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) BOD (t/a) COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) (t/a) 17.28 17.25 7.60 14.38 38.43 19.01 35.65 16.90 22.85 14.44 7.08 2.04 2.53 2.18 3.50 3.31 2.33 2.82 2.79 3.19 11.00 11.25 2.72 6.15 1.66 3.26 3.29 3.14 2.88 3.95 2.88 3.46 2.75 1.37 1.30 1.33 361 176 179 386 180 28.52 53.47 374 572 352 153 45 72.0 41.2 100 69 48.6 75 55.5 77 214 230 56.7 88.0 47.0 45.0 59.1 50.0 10.85 32 6.3 10.0 8.0 17.2 662 322 358 707 530 171.12 320.81 602 1646 513 281 83 131 76 184 127 89.00 126 102 141 392 422 104 161 86.0 83.0 108 93 49.77 60 8.1 19.2 15.0 31.68 53 25.8 28.7 56.6 33.0 25.10 47.05 78.0 243 67 22.4 6.6 10.5 6.00 14.7 10.1 7.10 7.5 7.5 11.3 28.5 33.8 8.30 12.9 6.80 6.60 8.66 7.4 5.9 3.64 16 1.471096 1.2 2.53 11 10.3 5.28 5.73 11.6 18 3.80 7.13 15.7 28.1 14.44 4.58 1.36 2.15 1.23 3.00 2.08 1.40 1.51 1.67 2.31 6.41 6.91 1.70 2.64 1.40 1.35 1.77 1.41 0.66 1.18 7.4 0.30 0.25 0.52 518.45 517.39 227.93 431.30 433.30 28.52 53.47 460.18 685.64 433.13 212.41 61.06 75.78 65.38 104.87 99.19 69.81 84.47 83.72 95.62 330.08 337.48 81.47 184.42 49.91 97.89 98.85 94.12 45.37 60.43 40.92 96.25 82.47 41.15 43.27 44.30 1036.89 1034.78 455.86 862.60 1037.10 171.12 320.81 774.36 1371.28 866.25 424.82 122.12 151.55 130.75 209.74 198.37 139.62 168.93 167.45 191.23 660.16 674.95 162.94 368.85 99.83 195.78 197.70 188.24 118.82 116.86 77.25 191.67 164.94 82.29 79.34 81.22 76.04 75.88 33.43 63.26 70.17 25.10 47.05 90.64 100.56 63.53 31.15 8.96 11.11 9.59 15.38 14.55 10.24 12.39 12.28 14.02 48.41 49.50 11.95 27.05 7.32 14.36 14.50 13.80 10.99 7.81 21.12 14.12 12.10 6.03 6.35 6.50 17.28 17.25 7.60 14.38 26.32 3.80 7.13 18.57 22.85 14.44 7.08 2.04 2.53 2.18 3.50 3.31 2.33 2.82 2.79 3.19 11.00 11.25 2.72 6.15 1.66 3.26 3.29 3.14 1.81 2.13 8.52 3.17 2.75 1.37 1.30 1.33 SERBIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of agglomeration Kupinovo Tasevo Jadranska Lesnica Ratajska Guncati Nocaj Ribari Banja Morovic Adasevci Nikinci Misar Sopic Jarak Kukujevci Crna Bara Stitar Maradik Mislodjin Drenovac Glusci Provo Radalj Runjani Lug Lipolist Grabovac Popucke Lipnicki Sor Korenita Bukovik Platicevo Pinosava Stepojevac Stubline Velika Mostanica Name of agglomeration PECINCI PRIJEPOLJE LOZNICA PRIJEPOLJE BARAJEVO SREMSKA MITROVICA SABAC PRIBOJ SID SID RUMA SABAC LAZAREVAC SREMSKA MITROVICA SID BOGATIC SABAC INDJIJA OBRENOVAC SABAC BOGATIC VLADIMIRCI MALI ZVORNIK LOZNICA BAJINA BASTA SABAC OBRENOVAC VALJEVO LOZNICA LOZNICA ARANDJELOVAC RUMA VOZDOVAC LAZAREVAC OBRENOVAC CUKARICA Total load_AG, PE 2047 2061 2088 2088 2102 2120 2131 2163 2164 2166 2216 2217 2230 2235 2252 2270 2285 2298 2313 2345 2346 2355 2497 2525 2555 2582 2596 2607 2673 2680 2743 2760 2839 3019 3099 3210 ANNEX_RS_UWW_2015 % of generated Generated load collected in Generated Typ of load_collected& a collecting load_collected UWWTP treated system (estimate) 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 12 Generated load BOD (t/a) 44.83 45.14 45.73 45.73 46.03 46.43 46.67 47.37 47.39 47.44 48.53 48.55 48.84 48.95 49.32 49.71 50.04 50.33 50.65 51.36 51.38 51.57 54.68 55.30 55.95 56.55 56.85 57.09 58.54 58.69 60.07 60.44 62.17 66.12 67.87 70.30 Generated Generated load COD load Nt (t/a) (t/a) 82.19 82.75 83.83 83.83 84.40 85.12 85.56 86.84 86.88 86.96 88.97 89.01 89.53 89.74 90.42 91.14 91.74 92.26 92.87 94.15 94.19 94.55 100.25 101.38 102.58 103.67 104.23 104.67 107.32 107.60 110.13 110.81 113.99 121.21 124.42 128.88 6.57 6.62 6.71 6.71 6.75 6.81 6.84 6.95 6.95 6.96 7.12 7.12 7.16 7.18 7.23 7.29 7.34 7.38 7.43 7.53 7.54 7.56 8.02 8.11 8.21 8.29 8.34 8.37 8.59 8.61 8.81 8.87 9.12 9.70 9.95 10.31 SERBIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of agglomeration Kupinovo Tasevo Jadranska Lesnica Ratajska Guncati Nocaj Ribari Banja Morovic Adasevci Nikinci Misar Sopic Jarak Kukujevci Crna Bara Stitar Maradik Mislodjin Drenovac Glusci Provo Radalj Runjani Lug Lipolist Grabovac Popucke Lipnicki Sor Korenita Bukovik Platicevo Pinosava Stepojevac Stubline Velika Mostanica ANNEX_RS_UWW_2015 Generated Discharges Discharges Discharges Discharges Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Pt load Pt (t/a) BOD (t/a) COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) BOD (t/a) COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) (t/a) 1.34 1.35 1.37 1.37 1.38 1.39 1.40 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.46 1.46 1.47 1.47 1.48 1.49 1.50 1.51 1.52 1.54 1.54 1.55 1.64 1.66 1.68 1.70 1.71 1.71 1.76 1.76 1.80 1.81 1.87 1.98 2.04 2.11 44.83 45.14 45.73 45.73 46.03 46.43 46.67 47.37 47.39 47.44 48.53 48.55 48.84 48.95 49.32 49.71 50.04 50.33 50.65 51.36 51.38 51.57 54.68 55.30 55.95 56.55 56.85 57.09 58.54 58.69 60.07 60.44 62.17 66.12 67.87 70.30 13 82.19 82.75 83.83 83.83 84.40 85.12 85.56 86.84 86.88 86.96 88.97 89.01 89.53 89.74 90.42 91.14 91.74 92.26 92.87 94.15 94.19 94.55 100.25 101.38 102.58 103.67 104.23 104.67 107.32 107.60 110.13 110.81 113.99 121.21 124.42 128.88 6.57 6.62 6.71 6.71 6.75 6.81 6.84 6.95 6.95 6.96 7.12 7.12 7.16 7.18 7.23 7.29 7.34 7.38 7.43 7.53 7.54 7.56 8.02 8.11 8.21 8.29 8.34 8.37 8.59 8.61 8.81 8.87 9.12 9.70 9.95 10.31 1.34 1.35 1.37 1.37 1.38 1.39 1.40 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.46 1.46 1.47 1.47 1.48 1.49 1.50 1.51 1.52 1.54 1.54 1.55 1.64 1.66 1.68 1.70 1.71 1.71 1.76 1.76 1.80 1.81 1.87 1.98 2.04 2.11 SERBIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of agglomeration Vreoci Putinci Klenak Jabucje Klenje Jevremovac Erdevik Dublje Simanovci Kuzmin Becmen Hrtkovci Martinci Vranic Ostruznica Boljevci Prnjavor Veliki Crljeni Lesnica Rusanj Vojka Golubinci Umka Badovinci Jakovo Zvecka Majur Ugrinovci Klupci Bogatic Loznicko Polje Dobanovci Barajevo Ripanj Surcin Sremcica Name of agglomeration LAZAREVAC RUMA RUMA LAJKOVAC BOGATIC SABAC SID BOGATIC PECINCI SREMSKA MITROVICA ZEMUN RUMA SREMSKA MITROVICA BARAJEVO CUKARICA ZEMUN SABAC LAZAREVAC LOZNICA CUKARICA STARA PAZOVA STARA PAZOVA CUKARICA BOGATIC ZEMUN OBRENOVAC SABAC ZEMUN LOZNICA BOGATIC LOZNICA ZEMUN BARAJEVO VOZDOVAC ZEMUN CUKARICA Total load_AG, PE 3210 3244 3246 3250 3253 3310 3316 3317 3358 3391 3409 3428 3639 3899 3929 4056 4464 4580 4731 4769 5012 5129 5292 5406 5949 6138 6854 7199 7297 7350 7922 8128 8325 10741 14292 18450 ANNEX_RS_UWW_2015 % of generated Generated load collected in Generated Typ of load_collected& a collecting load_collected UWWTP treated system (estimate) 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 0 0 0 no 14 Generated load BOD (t/a) 70.30 71.04 71.09 71.18 71.24 72.49 72.62 72.64 73.54 74.26 74.66 75.07 79.69 85.39 86.05 88.83 97.76 100.30 103.61 104.44 109.76 112.33 115.89 118.39 130.28 134.42 150.10 157.66 159.80 160.97 173.49 178.00 182.32 235.23 312.99 404.06 Generated Generated load COD load Nt (t/a) (t/a) 128.88 130.25 130.33 130.49 130.61 132.90 133.14 133.18 134.82 136.15 136.87 137.63 146.11 156.54 157.75 162.85 179.23 183.89 189.95 191.48 201.23 205.93 212.47 217.05 238.85 246.44 275.19 289.04 292.97 295.10 318.07 326.34 334.25 431.25 573.82 740.77 10.31 10.42 10.43 10.44 10.45 10.63 10.65 10.65 10.79 10.89 10.95 11.01 11.69 12.52 12.62 13.03 14.34 14.71 15.20 15.32 16.10 16.47 17.00 17.36 19.11 19.72 22.02 23.12 23.44 23.61 25.45 26.11 26.74 34.50 45.91 59.26 SERBIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of agglomeration Vreoci Putinci Klenak Jabucje Klenje Jevremovac Erdevik Dublje Simanovci Kuzmin Becmen Hrtkovci Martinci Vranic Ostruznica Boljevci Prnjavor Veliki Crljeni Lesnica Rusanj Vojka Golubinci Umka Badovinci Jakovo Zvecka Majur Ugrinovci Klupci Bogatic Loznicko Polje Dobanovci Barajevo Ripanj Surcin Sremcica ANNEX_RS_UWW_2015 Generated Discharges Discharges Discharges Discharges Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Pt load Pt (t/a) BOD (t/a) COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) BOD (t/a) COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) (t/a) 2.11 2.13 2.13 2.14 2.14 2.17 2.18 2.18 2.21 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.39 2.56 2.58 2.66 2.93 3.01 3.11 3.13 3.29 3.37 3.48 3.55 3.91 4.03 4.50 4.73 4.79 4.83 5.20 5.34 5.47 7.06 9.39 12.12 70.30 71.04 71.09 71.18 71.24 72.49 72.62 72.64 73.54 74.26 74.66 75.07 79.69 85.39 86.05 88.83 97.76 100.30 103.61 104.44 109.76 112.33 115.89 118.39 130.28 134.42 150.10 157.66 159.80 160.97 173.49 178.00 182.32 235.23 312.99 404.06 15 128.88 130.25 130.33 130.49 130.61 132.90 133.14 133.18 134.82 136.15 136.87 137.63 146.11 156.54 157.75 162.85 179.23 183.89 189.95 191.48 201.23 205.93 212.47 217.05 238.85 246.44 275.19 289.04 292.97 295.10 318.07 326.34 334.25 431.25 573.82 740.77 10.31 10.42 10.43 10.44 10.45 10.63 10.65 10.65 10.79 10.89 10.95 11.01 11.69 12.52 12.62 13.03 14.34 14.71 15.20 15.32 16.10 16.47 17.00 17.36 19.11 19.72 22.02 23.12 23.44 23.61 25.45 26.11 26.74 34.50 45.91 59.26 2.11 2.13 2.13 2.14 2.14 2.17 2.18 2.18 2.21 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.39 2.56 2.58 2.66 2.93 3.01 3.11 3.13 3.29 3.37 3.48 3.55 3.91 4.03 4.50 4.73 4.79 4.83 5.20 5.34 5.47 7.06 9.39 12.12 SERBIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of agglomeration Total Total, % ANNEX_RS_UWW_2015 % of generated Generated load collected in Name of Total Generated Typ of load_collected& a collecting agglomeration load_AG, PE load_collected UWWTP treated system (estimate) 108 698663 2226 310379 143829 44.42% 20.59% 16 Generated load BOD (t/a) 15301 Generated Generated load COD load Nt (t/a) (t/a) 29528 2244 SERBIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of agglomeration Total Total, % ANNEX_RS_UWW_2015 Generated Discharges Discharges Discharges Discharges Emissions Emissions Emissions Emissions Pt load Pt (t/a) BOD (t/a) COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) BOD (t/a) COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) (t/a) 489 4272 8803 904 17 175 12824 83.82% 24946 84.48% 1989 88.64% 437 89.42% SERBIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration RS_AG_LAZAREVAC RS_AG_OBRENOVAC RS_AG_NVAROS RS_AG_PRIBOJ RS_AG_VALJEVO RS_AG_LOZNICA RS_AG_SABAC RS_AG_RUMA RS_AG_SMITROVICA RS_AG_SID RS_AG_BBASTA RS_AG_ZLATIBOR RS_AG_LAJKOVAC RS_AG_LJIG RS_AG_UB RS_AG_KOCELJEVA RS_AG Mionica RS_AG_KRUPANJ RS_AG_BKOVILJACA RS_AG_LJUBOVIJA RS_AG_SJENICA RS_AG_PRIJEPOLJE RS_AG_VRDNIK RS_AG_KLUPCI RS_AG_ZABREZJE RS_AG_MAJUR RS_AG_PPRICINOVIC RS_AG_BARIC RS_AG_MZVORNIK RS_AG_IRIG RS_AG_MMITROVICA RS_AG_PECINCI RS_AG_OSECINA RS_AG_VLADIMIRCI Name of Population Total agglomeration (inhabitants) load_AG, PE Lazarevac Obrenovac Nova Varos Priboj Valjevo Loznica Sabac Ruma S. Mitrovica Sid Bajina Basta Zlatibor Lajkovac Ljig Ub Koceljeva Mionica Krupanj Banja Koviljaca Ljubovija Sjenica Prijepolje Vrdnik Klupci Zabrezje Majur P.Pricinovic Baric Mali Zvornik Irig M. Mitrovica Pecinci Osecina Vladimirci 23551 23620 10335 19564 61035 23368 55163 32229 49977 16311 9543 2344 3443 2979 6018 4645 3169 4912 6340 4130 13161 15031 3704 7297 2663 6854 5992 6586 4736 4848 3896 4746 3172 1879 23673 23625 10408 19694 52644 26045 48829 23147 31308 19777 9699 2788 3460 2985 4789 4529 3188 3857 3823 4366 15072 15410 3720 8421 2279 4470 4514 4298 3941 5409 3947 4743 3766 1879 ANNEX_RS_UWW_scII % of generated Generated Generated load load load collected in collected& collected a collecting treated system (estimate) 100 23673 23673 100 23625 23625 95 10408 10408 90 19694 19694 100 52644 52644 100 26045 26045 100 48829 48829 100 23147 23147 100 31308 31308 97 19777 19777 71 7027 0 92 2085 0 95 3288 0 63 1883 0 76 4608 0 68 3182 0 70 2237 0 70 3464 0 40 2555 0 95 3953 0 100 15072 15072 100 15410 15410 70 2609 0 55 4043 0 80 2146 0 30 2071 0 45 2716 0 35 2322 0 60 2994 2994 40 2015 2015 60 2389 2389 17 804 804 10 379 0 42 789 0 18 Typ of UWWTP terc terc terc terc terc terc terc terc terc terc no no no no no no no no no no terc terc no no no no no no prim sec sec prim no no Generated load BOD (t/a) 518.45 517.39 227.93 431.30 1152.90 570.39 1069.36 506.93 685.64 433.13 212.41 61.06 75.78 65.38 104.87 99.19 69.81 84.47 83.72 95.62 330.08 337.48 81.47 184.42 49.91 97.89 98.85 94.12 86.31 118.45 86.45 103.88 82.47 41.15 Generated load COD (t/a) 1036.89 1034.78 455.86 862.60 2305.81 1140.79 2138.73 1013.86 1371.28 866.25 424.82 122.12 151.55 130.75 209.74 198.37 139.62 168.93 167.45 191.23 660.16 674.95 162.94 368.85 99.83 195.78 197.70 188.24 172.62 236.90 172.90 207.75 164.94 82.29 Generated load Nt (t/a) 76.04 75.88 33.43 63.26 169.09 83.66 156.84 74.35 100.56 63.53 31.15 8.96 11.11 9.59 15.38 14.55 10.24 12.39 12.28 14.02 48.41 49.50 11.95 27.05 7.32 14.36 14.50 13.80 12.66 17.37 12.68 15.24 12.10 6.03 SERBIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration RS_AG_LAZAREVAC RS_AG_OBRENOVAC RS_AG_NVAROS RS_AG_PRIBOJ RS_AG_VALJEVO RS_AG_LOZNICA RS_AG_SABAC RS_AG_RUMA RS_AG_SMITROVICA RS_AG_SID RS_AG_BBASTA RS_AG_ZLATIBOR RS_AG_LAJKOVAC RS_AG_LJIG RS_AG_UB RS_AG_KOCELJEVA RS_AG Mionica RS_AG_KRUPANJ RS_AG_BKOVILJACA RS_AG_LJUBOVIJA RS_AG_SJENICA RS_AG_PRIJEPOLJE RS_AG_VRDNIK RS_AG_KLUPCI RS_AG_ZABREZJE RS_AG_MAJUR RS_AG_PPRICINOVIC RS_AG_BARIC RS_AG_MZVORNIK RS_AG_IRIG RS_AG_MMITROVICA RS_AG_PECINCI RS_AG_OSECINA RS_AG_VLADIMIRCI Generated load Pt (t/a) 17.28 17.25 7.60 14.38 38.43 19.01 35.65 16.90 22.85 14.44 7.08 2.04 2.53 2.18 3.50 3.31 2.33 2.82 2.79 3.19 11.00 11.25 2.72 6.15 1.66 3.26 3.29 3.14 2.88 3.95 2.88 3.46 2.75 1.37 Discharges BOD (t/a) 25.92 25.87 11.40 21.56 57.65 28.52 53.47 25.35 34.28 21.66 153 45 72.0 41.2 100 69 48.6 75 55.5 77 16.50 16.87 56.7 88.0 47.0 45.0 59.1 50.0 10.85 32 6.3 10.0 8.0 17.2 ANNEX_RS_UWW_scII Discharges COD (t/a) 155.53 155.22 32.48 58.23 345.87 171.12 320.81 152.08 205.69 129.94 281 83 131 76 184 127 89.00 126 102 141 99.02 101.24 104 161 86.0 83.0 108 93 49.77 60 8.1 19.2 15.0 31.68 Discharges Nt (t/a) 22.81 22.77 9.53 17.08 50.73 25.10 47.05 22.30 30.17 18.49 22.4 6.6 10.5 6.00 14.7 10.1 7.10 7.5 7.5 11.3 14.52 14.85 8.30 12.9 6.80 6.60 8.66 7.4 5.9 3.64 16 1.471096 1.2 2.53 19 Discharges Pt (t/a) 3.46 3.45 1.44 2.59 7.69 3.80 7.13 3.38 4.57 2.80 4.58 1.36 2.15 1.23 3.00 2.08 1.40 1.51 1.67 2.31 2.20 2.25 1.70 2.64 1.40 1.35 1.77 1.41 0.66 1.18 7.4 0.30 0.25 0.52 Emissions BOD (t/a) 25.92 25.87 10.83 19.41 57.65 28.52 53.47 25.35 34.28 21.01 212.41 61.06 75.78 65.38 104.87 99.19 69.81 84.47 83.72 95.62 16.50 16.87 81.47 184.42 49.91 97.89 98.85 94.12 45.37 60.43 40.92 96.25 82.47 41.15 Emissions COD (t/a) 155.53 155.22 64.96 116.45 345.87 171.12 320.81 152.08 205.69 126.04 424.82 122.12 151.55 130.75 209.74 198.37 139.62 168.93 167.45 191.23 99.02 101.24 162.94 368.85 99.83 195.78 197.70 188.24 118.82 116.86 77.25 191.67 164.94 82.29 Emissions Nt Emissions Pt (t/a) (t/a) 22.81 22.77 9.53 17.08 50.73 25.10 47.05 22.30 30.17 18.49 31.15 8.96 11.11 9.59 15.38 14.55 10.24 12.39 12.28 14.02 14.52 14.85 11.95 27.05 7.32 14.36 14.50 13.80 10.99 7.81 21.12 14.12 12.10 6.03 3.46 3.45 1.44 2.59 7.69 3.80 7.13 3.38 4.57 2.80 7.08 2.04 2.53 2.18 3.50 3.31 2.33 2.82 2.79 3.19 2.20 2.25 2.72 6.15 1.66 3.26 3.29 3.14 1.81 2.13 8.52 3.17 2.75 1.37 SERBIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration Macvanski Pricinovic Partizani (Darosava) Kupinovo Tasevo Jadranska Lesnica Ratajska Guncati Nocaj Ribari Banja Morovic Adasevci Nikinci Misar Sopic Jarak Kukujevci Crna Bara Stitar Maradik Mislodjin Drenovac Glusci Provo Radalj Runjani Lug Lipolist Grabovac Popucke Lipnicki Sor Korenita Bukovik Platicevo ANNEX_RS_UWW_scII Name of Population Total agglomeration (inhabitants) load_AG, PE SABAC ARANDJELOVAC PECINCI PRIJEPOLJE LOZNICA PRIJEPOLJE BARAJEVO SREMSKA MITROVICA SABAC PRIBOJ SID SID RUMA SABAC LAZAREVAC SREMSKA MITROVICA SID BOGATIC SABAC INDJIJA OBRENOVAC SABAC BOGATIC VLADIMIRCI MALI ZVORNIK LOZNICA BAJINA BASTA SABAC OBRENOVAC VALJEVO LOZNICA LOZNICA ARANDJELOVAC RUMA 1976 2023 2047 2061 2088 2088 2102 2120 2131 2163 2164 2166 2216 2217 2230 2235 2252 2270 2285 2298 2313 2345 2346 2355 2497 2525 2555 2582 2596 2607 2673 2680 2743 2760 1976 2023 2047 2061 2088 2088 2102 2120 2131 2163 2164 2166 2216 2217 2230 2235 2252 2270 2285 2298 2313 2345 2346 2355 2497 2525 2555 2582 2596 2607 2673 2680 2743 2760 % of generated Generated Generated load load load collected in collected& collected a collecting treated system (estimate) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 Typ of UWWTP no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Generated load BOD (t/a) 43.27 44.30 44.83 45.14 45.73 45.73 46.03 46.43 46.67 47.37 47.39 47.44 48.53 48.55 48.84 48.95 49.32 49.71 50.04 50.33 50.65 51.36 51.38 51.57 54.68 55.30 55.95 56.55 56.85 57.09 58.54 58.69 60.07 60.44 Generated load COD (t/a) 79.34 81.22 82.19 82.75 83.83 83.83 84.40 85.12 85.56 86.84 86.88 86.96 88.97 89.01 89.53 89.74 90.42 91.14 91.74 92.26 92.87 94.15 94.19 94.55 100.25 101.38 102.58 103.67 104.23 104.67 107.32 107.60 110.13 110.81 Generated load Nt (t/a) 6.35 6.50 6.57 6.62 6.71 6.71 6.75 6.81 6.84 6.95 6.95 6.96 7.12 7.12 7.16 7.18 7.23 7.29 7.34 7.38 7.43 7.53 7.54 7.56 8.02 8.11 8.21 8.29 8.34 8.37 8.59 8.61 8.81 8.87 SERBIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration Macvanski Pricinovic Partizani (Darosava) Kupinovo Tasevo Jadranska Lesnica Ratajska Guncati Nocaj Ribari Banja Morovic Adasevci Nikinci Misar Sopic Jarak Kukujevci Crna Bara Stitar Maradik Mislodjin Drenovac Glusci Provo Radalj Runjani Lug Lipolist Grabovac Popucke Lipnicki Sor Korenita Bukovik Platicevo Generated load Pt (t/a) Discharges BOD (t/a) Discharges COD (t/a) ANNEX_RS_UWW_scII Discharges Nt (t/a) 1.30 1.33 1.34 1.35 1.37 1.37 1.38 1.39 1.40 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.46 1.46 1.47 1.47 1.48 1.49 1.50 1.51 1.52 1.54 1.54 1.55 1.64 1.66 1.68 1.70 1.71 1.71 1.76 1.76 1.80 1.81 Discharges Pt (t/a) Emissions BOD (t/a) 43.27 44.30 44.83 45.14 45.73 45.73 46.03 46.43 46.67 47.37 47.39 47.44 48.53 48.55 48.84 48.95 49.32 49.71 50.04 50.33 50.65 51.36 51.38 51.57 54.68 55.30 55.95 56.55 56.85 57.09 58.54 58.69 60.07 60.44 21 Emissions COD (t/a) 79.34 81.22 82.19 82.75 83.83 83.83 84.40 85.12 85.56 86.84 86.88 86.96 88.97 89.01 89.53 89.74 90.42 91.14 91.74 92.26 92.87 94.15 94.19 94.55 100.25 101.38 102.58 103.67 104.23 104.67 107.32 107.60 110.13 110.81 Emissions Nt Emissions Pt (t/a) (t/a) 6.35 6.50 6.57 6.62 6.71 6.71 6.75 6.81 6.84 6.95 6.95 6.96 7.12 7.12 7.16 7.18 7.23 7.29 7.34 7.38 7.43 7.53 7.54 7.56 8.02 8.11 8.21 8.29 8.34 8.37 8.59 8.61 8.81 8.87 1.30 1.33 1.34 1.35 1.37 1.37 1.38 1.39 1.40 1.42 1.42 1.42 1.46 1.46 1.47 1.47 1.48 1.49 1.50 1.51 1.52 1.54 1.54 1.55 1.64 1.66 1.68 1.70 1.71 1.71 1.76 1.76 1.80 1.81 SERBIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration Pinosava Stepojevac Stubline Velika Mostanica Vreoci Putinci Klenak Jabucje Klenje Jevremovac Erdevik Dublje Simanovci Kuzmin Becmen Hrtkovci Martinci Vranic Ostruznica Boljevci Prnjavor Veliki Crljeni Lesnica Rusanj Vojka Golubinci Umka Badovinci Jakovo Zvecka Majur Ugrinovci Klupci Bogatic ANNEX_RS_UWW_scII Name of Population Total agglomeration (inhabitants) load_AG, PE VOZDOVAC LAZAREVAC OBRENOVAC CUKARICA LAZAREVAC RUMA RUMA LAJKOVAC BOGATIC SABAC SID BOGATIC PECINCI SREMSKA MITROVICA ZEMUN RUMA SREMSKA MITROVICA BARAJEVO CUKARICA ZEMUN SABAC LAZAREVAC LOZNICA CUKARICA STARA PAZOVA STARA PAZOVA CUKARICA BOGATIC ZEMUN OBRENOVAC SABAC ZEMUN LOZNICA BOGATIC 2839 3019 3099 3210 3210 3244 3246 3250 3253 3310 3316 3317 3358 3391 3409 3428 3639 3899 3929 4056 4464 4580 4731 4769 5012 5129 5292 5406 5949 6138 6854 7199 7297 7350 2839 3019 3099 3210 3210 3244 3246 3250 3253 3310 3316 3317 3358 3391 3409 3428 3639 3899 3929 4056 4464 4580 4731 4769 5012 5129 5292 5406 5949 6138 6854 7199 7297 7350 % of generated Generated Generated load load load collected in collected& collected a collecting treated system (estimate) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 Typ of UWWTP no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Generated load BOD (t/a) 62.17 66.12 67.87 70.30 70.30 71.04 71.09 71.18 71.24 72.49 72.62 72.64 73.54 74.26 74.66 75.07 79.69 85.39 86.05 88.83 97.76 100.30 103.61 104.44 109.76 112.33 115.89 118.39 130.28 134.42 150.10 157.66 159.80 160.97 Generated load COD (t/a) 113.99 121.21 124.42 128.88 128.88 130.25 130.33 130.49 130.61 132.90 133.14 133.18 134.82 136.15 136.87 137.63 146.11 156.54 157.75 162.85 179.23 183.89 189.95 191.48 201.23 205.93 212.47 217.05 238.85 246.44 275.19 289.04 292.97 295.10 Generated load Nt (t/a) 9.12 9.70 9.95 10.31 10.31 10.42 10.43 10.44 10.45 10.63 10.65 10.65 10.79 10.89 10.95 11.01 11.69 12.52 12.62 13.03 14.34 14.71 15.20 15.32 16.10 16.47 17.00 17.36 19.11 19.72 22.02 23.12 23.44 23.61 SERBIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration Pinosava Stepojevac Stubline Velika Mostanica Vreoci Putinci Klenak Jabucje Klenje Jevremovac Erdevik Dublje Simanovci Kuzmin Becmen Hrtkovci Martinci Vranic Ostruznica Boljevci Prnjavor Veliki Crljeni Lesnica Rusanj Vojka Golubinci Umka Badovinci Jakovo Zvecka Majur Ugrinovci Klupci Bogatic Generated load Pt (t/a) Discharges BOD (t/a) Discharges COD (t/a) ANNEX_RS_UWW_scII Discharges Nt (t/a) 1.87 1.98 2.04 2.11 2.11 2.13 2.13 2.14 2.14 2.17 2.18 2.18 2.21 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.39 2.56 2.58 2.66 2.93 3.01 3.11 3.13 3.29 3.37 3.48 3.55 3.91 4.03 4.50 4.73 4.79 4.83 Discharges Pt (t/a) Emissions BOD (t/a) 62.17 66.12 67.87 70.30 70.30 71.04 71.09 71.18 71.24 72.49 72.62 72.64 73.54 74.26 74.66 75.07 79.69 85.39 86.05 88.83 97.76 100.30 103.61 104.44 109.76 112.33 115.89 118.39 130.28 134.42 150.10 157.66 159.80 160.97 23 Emissions COD (t/a) 113.99 121.21 124.42 128.88 128.88 130.25 130.33 130.49 130.61 132.90 133.14 133.18 134.82 136.15 136.87 137.63 146.11 156.54 157.75 162.85 179.23 183.89 189.95 191.48 201.23 205.93 212.47 217.05 238.85 246.44 275.19 289.04 292.97 295.10 Emissions Nt Emissions Pt (t/a) (t/a) 9.12 9.70 9.95 10.31 10.31 10.42 10.43 10.44 10.45 10.63 10.65 10.65 10.79 10.89 10.95 11.01 11.69 12.52 12.62 13.03 14.34 14.71 15.20 15.32 16.10 16.47 17.00 17.36 19.11 19.72 22.02 23.12 23.44 23.61 1.87 1.98 2.04 2.11 2.11 2.13 2.13 2.14 2.14 2.17 2.18 2.18 2.21 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.39 2.56 2.58 2.66 2.93 3.01 3.11 3.13 3.29 3.37 3.48 3.55 3.91 4.03 4.50 4.73 4.79 4.83 SERBIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration Loznicko Polje Dobanovci Barajevo Ripanj Surcin Sremcica Total Total, % Name of Population Total agglomeration (inhabitants) load_AG, PE LOZNICA ZEMUN BARAJEVO VOZDOVAC ZEMUN CUKARICA 108 7922 8128 8325 10741 14292 18450 741400 7922 8128 8325 10741 14292 18450 698663 ANNEX_RS_UWW_scII % of generated Generated Generated load load load collected in collected& collected a collecting treated system (estimate) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 10741 10741 100 14292 14292 100 18450 18450 2766 412674 361318 59.07% 51.72% 24 Typ of UWWTP no no no terc terc terc Generated load BOD (t/a) 173.49 178.00 182.32 235.23 312.99 404.06 15301 Generated load COD (t/a) 318.07 326.34 334.25 431.25 573.82 740.77 29528 Generated load Nt (t/a) 25.45 26.11 26.74 34.50 45.91 59.26 2244 SERBIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration Loznicko Polje Dobanovci Barajevo Ripanj Surcin Sremcica Total Total, % Generated load Pt (t/a) 5.20 5.34 5.47 7.06 9.39 12.12 489 Discharges BOD (t/a) 11.76 15.65 20.20 1553 ANNEX_RS_UWW_scII Discharges COD (t/a) 64.69 86.07 111.12 4347 Discharges Nt (t/a) 10.35 13.77 17.78 523 25 Discharges Pt (t/a) 1.41 1.88 2.42 92 Emissions BOD (t/a) 173.49 178.00 182.32 11.76 15.65 20.20 7799 50.97% Emissions COD (t/a) 318.07 326.34 334.25 64.69 86.07 111.12 16210 54.90% Emissions Nt Emissions Pt (t/a) (t/a) 25.45 26.11 26.74 10.35 13.77 17.78 1443 64.31% 5.20 5.34 5.47 1.41 1.88 2.42 287 58.72% SERBIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomeration RS_AG_LAZAREVAC RS_AG_OBRENOVAC RS_AG_NVAROS RS_AG_PRIBOJ RS_AG_VALJEVO RS_AG_LOZNICA RS_AG_SABAC RS_AG_RUMA RS_AG_SMITROVICA RS_AG_SID RS_AG_BBASTA RS_AG_ZLATIBOR RS_AG_LAJKOVAC RS_AG_LJIG RS_AG_UB RS_AG_KOCELJEVA RS_AG Mionica RS_AG_KRUPANJ RS_AG_BKOVILJACA RS_AG_LJUBOVIJA RS_AG_SJENICA RS_AG_PRIJEPOLJE RS_AG_VRDNIK RS_AG_KLUPCI RS_AG_ZABREZJE RS_AG_MAJUR RS_AG_PPRICINOVIC RS_AG_BARIC RS_AG_MZVORNIK RS_AG_IRIG RS_AG_MMITROVICA RS_AG_PECINCI RS_AG_OSECINA RS_AG_VLADIMIRCI Macvanski Pricinovic Name of Population agglomeration (inhabitants) Lazarevac Obrenovac Nova Varos Priboj Valjevo Loznica Sabac Ruma S. Mitrovica Sid Bajina Basta Zlatibor Lajkovac Ljig Ub Koceljeva Mionica Krupanj Banja Koviljaca Ljubovija Sjenica Prijepolje Vrdnik Klupci Zabrezje Majur P.Pricinovic Baric Mali Zvornik Irig M. Mitrovica Pecinci Osecina Vladimirci SABAC 23551 23620 10335 19564 61035 23368 55163 32229 49977 16311 9543 2344 3443 2979 6018 4645 3169 4912 6340 4130 13161 15031 3704 7297 2663 6854 5992 6586 4736 4848 3896 4746 3172 1879 1976 ANNEX_RS_UWW_scIII generated load generated load collected in a collected in a Generated Generated Generated Generated Total Typ of collecting system collecting load BOD5 load COD load Nt load Pt load_AG, PE UWWTP and system (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) treated(estimate), (estimate), PE PE 23673 23673 23673 terc 518.45 1036.89 76.04 17.28 23625 23625 23625 terc 517.39 1034.78 75.88 17.25 10408 10408 10408 terc 227.93 455.86 33.43 7.60 19694 19694 19694 terc 431.30 862.60 63.26 14.38 52644 52644 52644 terc 1152.90 2305.81 169.09 38.43 26045 26045 26045 terc 570.39 1140.79 83.66 19.01 48829 48829 48829 terc 1069.36 2138.73 156.84 35.65 23147 23147 23147 terc 506.93 1013.86 74.35 16.90 31308 31308 31308 terc 685.64 1371.28 100.56 22.85 19777 19777 19777 terc 433.13 866.25 63.53 14.44 9699 9699 9699 sec 212.41 424.82 31.15 7.08 2788 2788 2788 sec 61.06 122.12 8.96 2.04 3460 3460 3460 sec 75.78 151.55 11.11 2.53 2985 2985 2985 sec 65.38 130.75 9.59 2.18 4789 4789 4789 sec 104.87 209.74 15.38 3.50 4529 4529 4529 sec 99.19 198.37 14.55 3.31 3188 3188 3188 sec 69.81 139.62 10.24 2.33 3857 3857 3857 sec 84.47 168.93 12.39 2.82 3823 3823 3823 sec 83.72 167.45 12.28 2.79 4366 4366 4366 sec 95.62 191.23 14.02 3.19 15072 15072 15072 terc 330.08 660.16 48.41 11.00 15410 15410 15410 terc 337.48 674.95 49.50 11.25 3720 3720 3720 sec 81.47 162.94 11.95 2.72 8421 8421 8421 sec 184.42 368.85 27.05 6.15 2279 2279 2279 sec 49.91 99.83 7.32 1.66 4470 4470 4470 sec 97.89 195.78 14.36 3.26 4514 4514 4514 sec 98.85 197.70 14.50 3.29 4298 4298 4298 sec 94.12 188.24 13.80 3.14 3941 3941 3941 sec 86.31 172.62 12.66 2.88 5409 5409 5409 sec 118.45 236.90 17.37 3.95 3947 3947 3947 sec 86.45 172.90 12.68 2.88 4743 4743 4743 sec 103.88 207.75 15.24 3.46 3766 3766 3766 sec 82.47 164.94 12.10 2.75 1879 1879 1879 sec 41.15 82.29 6.03 1.37 79.34 6.35 1.30 1976 1976 1976 sec 43.27 26 SERBIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomeration RS_AG_LAZAREVAC RS_AG_OBRENOVAC RS_AG_NVAROS RS_AG_PRIBOJ RS_AG_VALJEVO RS_AG_LOZNICA RS_AG_SABAC RS_AG_RUMA RS_AG_SMITROVICA RS_AG_SID RS_AG_BBASTA RS_AG_ZLATIBOR RS_AG_LAJKOVAC RS_AG_LJIG RS_AG_UB RS_AG_KOCELJEVA RS_AG Mionica RS_AG_KRUPANJ RS_AG_BKOVILJACA RS_AG_LJUBOVIJA RS_AG_SJENICA RS_AG_PRIJEPOLJE RS_AG_VRDNIK RS_AG_KLUPCI RS_AG_ZABREZJE RS_AG_MAJUR RS_AG_PPRICINOVIC RS_AG_BARIC RS_AG_MZVORNIK RS_AG_IRIG RS_AG_MMITROVICA RS_AG_PECINCI RS_AG_OSECINA RS_AG_VLADIMIRCI Macvanski Pricinovic ANNEX_RS_UWW_scIII Discharged Discharged Discharge Discharged Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions load BOD5 load COD d load Pt load Nt (t/a) BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 25.92 25.87 11.40 21.56 57.65 28.52 53.47 25.35 34.28 21.66 127.45 33.71 43.19 39.23 62.92 29.76 20.94 25.34 25.12 28.68 16.50 16.87 24.44 55.33 14.97 29.37 29.65 28.24 25.89 35.53 25.93 62.33 49.48 24.69 12.98 155.53 155.22 32.48 58.23 345.87 171.12 320.81 152.08 205.69 129.94 53.10 14.04 18.00 16.34 26.22 49.59 34.91 42.23 41.86 47.81 99.02 101.24 40.74 92.21 24.96 48.95 49.42 47.06 43.16 59.22 43.22 25.97 20.62 10.29 19.83 22.81 22.77 9.53 17.08 50.73 25.10 47.05 22.30 30.17 18.49 20.25 5.36 6.86 6.23 10.00 9.46 7.10 8.05 7.98 9.12 14.52 14.85 7.77 17.58 4.76 9.33 9.42 8.97 8.23 11.29 8.24 9.90 7.86 3.92 4.13 27 3.46 3.45 1.44 2.59 7.69 3.80 7.13 3.38 4.57 2.80 5.66 1.50 1.92 1.74 2.80 2.64 1.40 2.25 2.23 2.55 2.20 2.25 2.17 4.92 1.33 2.61 2.64 2.51 2.30 3.16 2.31 2.77 2.20 1.10 1.04 25.92 25.87 11.40 21.56 57.65 28.52 53.47 25.35 34.28 21.66 127.45 33.71 43.19 39.23 62.92 29.76 20.94 25.34 25.12 28.68 16.50 16.87 24.44 55.33 14.97 29.37 29.65 28.24 25.89 35.53 25.93 62.33 49.48 24.69 12.98 155.53 155.22 32.48 58.23 345.87 171.12 320.81 152.08 205.69 129.94 53.10 14.04 18.00 16.34 26.22 49.59 34.91 42.23 41.86 47.81 99.02 101.24 40.74 92.21 24.96 48.95 49.42 47.06 43.16 59.22 43.22 25.97 20.62 10.29 19.83 22.81 22.77 9.53 17.08 50.73 25.10 47.05 22.30 30.17 18.49 20.25 5.36 6.86 6.23 10.00 9.46 7.10 8.05 7.98 9.12 14.52 14.85 7.77 17.58 4.76 9.33 9.42 8.97 8.23 11.29 8.24 9.90 7.86 3.92 4.13 3.46 3.45 1.44 2.59 7.69 3.80 7.13 3.38 4.57 2.80 5.66 1.50 1.92 1.74 2.80 2.64 1.40 2.25 2.23 2.55 2.20 2.25 2.17 4.92 1.33 2.61 2.64 2.51 2.30 3.16 2.31 2.77 2.20 1.10 1.04 SERBIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomeration Partizani (Darosava) Kupinovo Tasevo Jadranska Lesnica Ratajska Guncati Nocaj Ribari Banja Morovic Adasevci Nikinci Misar Sopic Jarak Kukujevci Crna Bara Stitar Maradik Mislodjin Drenovac Glusci Provo Radalj Runjani Lug Lipolist Grabovac Popucke Lipnicki Sor Korenita Bukovik Platicevo Pinosava Stepojevac Name of Population agglomeration (inhabitants) ARANDJELOVAC PECINCI PRIJEPOLJE LOZNICA PRIJEPOLJE BARAJEVO SREMSKA MITROVICA SABAC PRIBOJ SID SID RUMA SABAC LAZAREVAC SREMSKA MITROVICA SID BOGATIC SABAC INDJIJA OBRENOVAC SABAC BOGATIC VLADIMIRCI MALI ZVORNIK LOZNICA BAJINA BASTA SABAC OBRENOVAC VALJEVO LOZNICA LOZNICA ARANDJELOVAC RUMA VOZDOVAC LAZAREVAC 2023 2047 2061 2088 2088 2102 2120 2131 2163 2164 2166 2216 2217 2230 2235 2252 2270 2285 2298 2313 2345 2346 2355 2497 2525 2555 2582 2596 2607 2673 2680 2743 2760 2839 3019 ANNEX_RS_UWW_scIII generated load generated load collected in a collected in a Generated Generated Generated Generated Total Typ of collecting system collecting load BOD5 load COD load Nt load Pt load_AG, PE UWWTP and system (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) treated(estimate), (estimate), PE PE 44.30 81.22 6.50 1.33 2023 2023 2023 sec 44.83 82.19 6.57 1.34 2047 2047 2047 sec 45.14 82.75 6.62 1.35 2061 2061 2061 sec 45.73 83.83 6.71 1.37 2088 2088 2088 sec 45.73 83.83 6.71 1.37 2088 2088 2088 sec 46.03 84.40 6.75 1.38 2102 2102 2102 sec 46.43 85.12 6.81 1.39 2120 2120 2120 sec 46.67 85.56 6.84 1.40 2131 2131 2131 sec 47.37 86.84 6.95 1.42 2163 2163 2163 sec 47.39 86.88 6.95 1.42 2164 2164 2164 sec 47.44 86.96 6.96 1.42 2166 2166 2166 sec 48.53 88.97 7.12 1.46 2216 2216 2216 sec 48.55 89.01 7.12 1.46 2217 2217 2217 sec 48.84 89.53 7.16 1.47 2230 2230 2230 sec 48.95 89.74 7.18 1.47 2235 2235 2235 sec 49.32 90.42 7.23 1.48 2252 2252 2252 sec 49.71 91.14 7.29 1.49 2270 2270 2270 sec 50.04 91.74 7.34 1.50 2285 2285 2285 sec 50.33 92.26 7.38 1.51 2298 2298 2298 sec 50.65 92.87 7.43 1.52 2313 2313 2313 sec 51.36 94.15 7.53 1.54 2345 2345 2345 sec 51.38 94.19 7.54 1.54 2346 2346 2346 sec 51.57 94.55 7.56 1.55 2355 2355 2355 sec 54.68 100.25 8.02 1.64 2497 2497 2497 sec 55.30 101.38 8.11 1.66 2525 2525 2525 sec 55.95 102.58 8.21 1.68 2555 2555 2555 sec 56.55 103.67 8.29 1.70 2582 2582 2582 sec 56.85 104.23 8.34 1.71 2596 2596 2596 sec 57.09 104.67 8.37 1.71 2607 2607 2607 sec 58.54 107.32 8.59 1.76 2673 2673 2673 sec 58.69 107.60 8.61 1.76 2680 2680 2680 sec 60.07 110.13 8.81 1.80 2743 2743 2743 sec 60.44 110.81 8.87 1.81 2760 2760 2760 sec 62.17 113.99 9.12 1.87 2839 2839 2839 sec 66.12 121.21 9.70 1.98 3019 3019 3019 sec 28 SERBIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomeration Partizani (Darosava) Kupinovo Tasevo Jadranska Lesnica Ratajska Guncati Nocaj Ribari Banja Morovic Adasevci Nikinci Misar Sopic Jarak Kukujevci Crna Bara Stitar Maradik Mislodjin Drenovac Glusci Provo Radalj Runjani Lug Lipolist Grabovac Popucke Lipnicki Sor Korenita Bukovik Platicevo Pinosava Stepojevac ANNEX_RS_UWW_scIII Discharged Discharged Discharge Discharged Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions load BOD5 load COD d load Pt load Nt (t/a) BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 13.29 13.45 13.54 13.72 13.72 13.81 13.93 14.00 14.21 14.22 14.23 14.56 14.57 14.65 14.68 14.80 14.91 15.01 15.10 15.20 15.41 15.41 15.47 16.41 16.59 16.79 16.96 17.06 17.13 17.56 17.61 18.02 18.13 18.65 19.83 20.31 20.55 20.69 20.96 20.96 21.10 21.28 21.39 21.71 21.72 21.74 22.24 22.25 22.38 22.43 22.60 22.79 22.94 23.07 23.22 23.54 23.55 23.64 25.06 25.34 25.65 25.92 26.06 26.17 26.83 26.90 27.53 27.70 28.50 30.30 4.22 4.27 4.30 4.36 4.36 4.39 4.43 4.45 4.52 4.52 4.52 4.63 4.63 4.66 4.67 4.70 4.74 4.77 4.80 4.83 4.90 4.90 4.92 5.21 5.27 5.33 5.39 5.42 5.44 5.58 5.60 5.73 5.76 5.93 6.30 29 1.06 1.08 1.08 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.16 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.23 1.24 1.31 1.33 1.34 1.36 1.36 1.37 1.40 1.41 1.44 1.45 1.49 1.59 13.29 13.45 13.54 13.72 13.72 13.81 13.93 14.00 14.21 14.22 14.23 14.56 14.57 14.65 14.68 14.80 14.91 15.01 15.10 15.20 15.41 15.41 15.47 16.41 16.59 16.79 16.96 17.06 17.13 17.56 17.61 18.02 18.13 18.65 19.83 20.31 20.55 20.69 20.96 20.96 21.10 21.28 21.39 21.71 21.72 21.74 22.24 22.25 22.38 22.43 22.60 22.79 22.94 23.07 23.22 23.54 23.55 23.64 25.06 25.34 25.65 25.92 26.06 26.17 26.83 26.90 27.53 27.70 28.50 30.30 4.22 4.27 4.30 4.36 4.36 4.39 4.43 4.45 4.52 4.52 4.52 4.63 4.63 4.66 4.67 4.70 4.74 4.77 4.80 4.83 4.90 4.90 4.92 5.21 5.27 5.33 5.39 5.42 5.44 5.58 5.60 5.73 5.76 5.93 6.30 1.06 1.08 1.08 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.16 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.23 1.24 1.31 1.33 1.34 1.36 1.36 1.37 1.40 1.41 1.44 1.45 1.49 1.59 SERBIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomeration Stubline Velika Mostanica Vreoci Putinci Klenak Jabucje Klenje Jevremovac Erdevik Dublje Simanovci Kuzmin Becmen Hrtkovci Martinci Vranic Ostruznica Boljevci Prnjavor Veliki Crljeni Lesnica Rusanj Vojka Golubinci Umka Badovinci Jakovo Zvecka Majur Ugrinovci Klupci Bogatic Loznicko Polje Dobanovci Barajevo Name of Population agglomeration (inhabitants) OBRENOVAC CUKARICA LAZAREVAC RUMA RUMA LAJKOVAC BOGATIC SABAC SID BOGATIC PECINCI SREMSKA MITROVICA ZEMUN RUMA SREMSKA MITROVICA BARAJEVO CUKARICA ZEMUN SABAC LAZAREVAC LOZNICA CUKARICA STARA PAZOVA STARA PAZOVA CUKARICA BOGATIC ZEMUN OBRENOVAC SABAC ZEMUN LOZNICA BOGATIC LOZNICA ZEMUN BARAJEVO 3099 3210 3210 3244 3246 3250 3253 3310 3316 3317 3358 3391 3409 3428 3639 3899 3929 4056 4464 4580 4731 4769 5012 5129 5292 5406 5949 6138 6854 7199 7297 7350 7922 8128 8325 ANNEX_RS_UWW_scIII generated load generated load collected in a collected in a Generated Generated Generated Generated Total Typ of collecting system collecting load BOD5 load COD load Nt load Pt load_AG, PE UWWTP and system (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) treated(estimate), (estimate), PE PE 67.87 124.42 9.95 2.04 3099 3099 3099 sec 70.30 128.88 10.31 2.11 3210 3210 3210 sec 70.30 128.88 10.31 2.11 3210 3210 3210 sec 71.04 130.25 10.42 2.13 3244 3244 3244 sec 71.09 130.33 10.43 2.13 3246 3246 3246 sec 71.18 130.49 10.44 2.14 3250 3250 3250 sec 71.24 130.61 10.45 2.14 3253 3253 3253 sec 72.49 132.90 10.63 2.17 3310 3310 3310 sec 72.62 133.14 10.65 2.18 3316 3316 3316 sec 72.64 133.18 10.65 2.18 3317 3317 3317 sec 73.54 134.82 10.79 2.21 3358 3358 3358 sec 74.26 136.15 10.89 2.23 3391 3391 3391 sec 74.66 136.87 10.95 2.24 3409 3409 3409 sec 75.07 137.63 11.01 2.25 3428 3428 3428 sec 79.69 146.11 11.69 2.39 3639 3639 3639 sec 85.39 156.54 12.52 2.56 3899 3899 3899 sec 86.05 157.75 12.62 2.58 3929 3929 3929 sec 88.83 162.85 13.03 2.66 4056 4056 4056 sec 97.76 179.23 14.34 2.93 4464 4464 4464 sec 100.30 183.89 14.71 3.01 4580 4580 4580 sec 103.61 189.95 15.20 3.11 4731 4731 4731 sec 104.44 191.48 15.32 3.13 4769 4769 4769 sec 109.76 201.23 16.10 3.29 5012 5012 5012 sec 112.33 205.93 16.47 3.37 5129 5129 5129 sec 115.89 212.47 17.00 3.48 5292 5292 5292 sec 118.39 217.05 17.36 3.55 5406 5406 5406 sec 130.28 238.85 19.11 3.91 5949 5949 5949 sec 134.42 246.44 19.72 4.03 6138 6138 6138 sec 150.10 275.19 22.02 4.50 6854 6854 6854 sec 157.66 289.04 23.12 4.73 7199 7199 7199 sec 159.80 292.97 23.44 4.79 7297 7297 7297 sec 160.97 295.10 23.61 4.83 7350 7350 7350 sec 173.49 318.07 25.45 5.20 7922 7922 7922 sec 178.00 326.34 26.11 5.34 8128 8128 8128 sec 182.32 334.25 26.74 5.47 8325 8325 8325 sec 30 SERBIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomeration Stubline Velika Mostanica Vreoci Putinci Klenak Jabucje Klenje Jevremovac Erdevik Dublje Simanovci Kuzmin Becmen Hrtkovci Martinci Vranic Ostruznica Boljevci Prnjavor Veliki Crljeni Lesnica Rusanj Vojka Golubinci Umka Badovinci Jakovo Zvecka Majur Ugrinovci Klupci Bogatic Loznicko Polje Dobanovci Barajevo ANNEX_RS_UWW_scIII Discharged Discharged Discharge Discharged Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions load BOD5 load COD d load Pt load Nt (t/a) BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 20.36 21.09 21.09 21.31 21.33 21.35 21.37 21.75 21.79 21.79 22.06 22.28 22.40 22.52 23.91 25.62 25.81 26.65 29.33 30.09 31.08 31.33 32.93 33.70 34.77 35.52 39.08 40.33 45.03 47.30 47.94 48.29 52.05 53.40 54.70 31.11 32.22 32.22 32.56 32.58 32.62 32.65 33.22 33.28 33.29 33.71 34.04 34.22 34.41 36.53 39.14 39.44 40.71 44.81 45.97 47.49 47.87 50.31 51.48 53.12 54.26 59.71 61.61 68.80 72.26 73.24 73.78 79.52 81.58 83.56 6.47 6.70 6.70 6.77 6.78 6.79 6.79 6.91 6.92 6.93 7.01 7.08 7.12 7.16 7.60 8.14 8.20 8.47 9.32 9.56 9.88 9.96 10.46 10.71 11.05 11.29 12.42 12.81 14.31 15.03 15.23 15.35 16.54 16.97 17.38 31 1.63 1.69 1.69 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.76 1.78 1.79 1.80 1.91 2.05 2.07 2.13 2.35 2.41 2.49 2.51 2.63 2.70 2.78 2.84 3.13 3.23 3.60 3.78 3.84 3.86 4.16 4.27 4.38 20.36 21.09 21.09 21.31 21.33 21.35 21.37 21.75 21.79 21.79 22.06 22.28 22.40 22.52 23.91 25.62 25.81 26.65 29.33 30.09 31.08 31.33 32.93 33.70 34.77 35.52 39.08 40.33 45.03 47.30 47.94 48.29 52.05 53.40 54.70 31.11 32.22 32.22 32.56 32.58 32.62 32.65 33.22 33.28 33.29 33.71 34.04 34.22 34.41 36.53 39.14 39.44 40.71 44.81 45.97 47.49 47.87 50.31 51.48 53.12 54.26 59.71 61.61 68.80 72.26 73.24 73.78 79.52 81.58 83.56 6.47 6.70 6.70 6.77 6.78 6.79 6.79 6.91 6.92 6.93 7.01 7.08 7.12 7.16 7.60 8.14 8.20 8.47 9.32 9.56 9.88 9.96 10.46 10.71 11.05 11.29 12.42 12.81 14.31 15.03 15.23 15.35 16.54 16.97 17.38 1.63 1.69 1.69 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.76 1.78 1.79 1.80 1.91 2.05 2.07 2.13 2.35 2.41 2.49 2.51 2.63 2.70 2.78 2.84 3.13 3.23 3.60 3.78 3.84 3.86 4.16 4.27 4.38 SERBIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomeration Ripanj Surcin Sremcica Total Total, % Name of Population agglomeration (inhabitants) VOZDOVAC ZEMUN CUKARICA 108 10741 14292 18450 741400 ANNEX_RS_UWW_scIII generated load generated load collected in a collected in a Generated Generated Generated Generated Total Typ of collecting system collecting load BOD5 load COD load Nt load Pt load_AG, PE UWWTP and system (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) treated(estimate), (estimate), PE PE 235.23 431.25 34.50 7.06 10741 10741 10741 terc 312.99 573.82 45.91 9.39 14292 14292 14292 terc 404.06 740.77 59.26 12.12 18450 18450 18450 terc 698663 698663 698663 15301 29528 2244 489 100.00% 100.00% 32 SERBIA URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomeration Ripanj Surcin Sremcica Total Total, % ANNEX_RS_UWW_scIII Discharged Discharged Discharge Discharged Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions load BOD5 load COD d load Pt load Nt (t/a) BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 11.76 15.65 20.20 2876 64.69 86.07 111.12 5555 10.35 13.77 17.78 1058 33 1.41 1.88 2.42 237 11.76 15.65 20.20 2876 18.80% 64.69 86.07 111.12 5555 18.81% 10.35 13.77 17.78 1058 47.16% 1.41 1.88 2.42 237 48.50% Sava River Basin Management Plan Annex 5 Annex_ME_UWW_2007 Annex_ME_UWW_2015 Annex_ME_scII Annex_ME_scIII MONTENEGRO Urban wastewater disposal - reference year 2007 and proposed scenarios Draft 5.0 Zagreb October, 2011 MONTENEGRO URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of Name of agglomeration agglomeration ME-1 ME-2 ME-3 ME-4 ME-5 ME-6 ME-7 Total % Berane Bijelo Polje Pljevlja Kolasin Mojkovac Plav Zabljak Water Body code Population (inhabitants) 11,734 15,875 21,353 3,033 4,114 3,589 1,940 61,638 ANNEX_ME_UWW_2007 Date when the generated load % of generated generated load total generated Generated load collected in a load collected collected in a load of the (PE) collecting in a collecting collecting agglomeration (Estimated system and system system will be load) treated(estimat (estimate) (estimate), PE collected e), PE 2015 2 15,000 20,000 25,000 3,500 5,000 4,000 4250 76,750 82.00% 21.00% 90.00% 47.00% 75.00% 44.00% 22.00% 12300 4200 22500 1645 3750 1760 935 47090 61.36% 0 0 0 0 3750 0 0 3750 4.89% MONTENEGRO URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of type of UWWTP agglomeration ME-1 ME-2 ME-3 ME-4 ME-5 ME-6 ME-7 Total % capacity of UWWTP, PE no no no no II no no 5,100 ANNEX_ME_UWW_2007 Generated load Generated load Generated load Generated load BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) 328.50 438.00 547.50 76.65 109.50 87.60 93.075 1,680.83 657.00 876.00 1,095.00 153.30 219.00 175.20 186.15 3,361.65 3 48.18 64.24 80.30 11.24 16.06 12.85 13.651 246.52 9.86 13.14 16.43 2.30 3.29 2.63 2.79225 50.42 Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) 269.37 91.98 492.75 36.03 24.64 38.54 20.48 973.78 Discharged load COD (t/a) 538.74 183.96 985.50 72.05 41.06 77.09 40.95 1,939.35 MONTENEGRO URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - REF. YEAR 2007 Code of agglomeration ME-1 ME-2 ME-3 ME-4 ME-5 ME-6 ME-7 Total % Discharged load Nt (t/a) 39.51 13.49 72.27 5.28 7.83 5.65 3.00 147.04 Discharged load Pt (t/a) 8.08 2.76 14.78 1.08 1.97 1.16 0.61 30.45 Emmisions BOD5 (t/a) 328.50 438.00 547.50 76.65 52.01 87.60 93.08 1,623.34 96.58% ANNEX_ME_UWW_2007 Emmisions COD Emmisions Nt (t/a) (t/a) 657.00 876.00 1,095.00 153.30 95.81 175.20 186.15 3,238.46 96.34% 4 48.18 64.24 80.30 11.24 11.84 12.85 13.65 242.31 98.29% Emmisions Pt (t/a) 9.86 13.14 16.43 2.30 2.79 2.63 2.79 49.93 99.02% MONTENEGRO URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 Code of agglomer ation ME-1 ME-2 ME-3 ME-4 ME-5 ME-6 ME-7 Total % Name of agglomeration Berane Bijelo Polje Pljevlja Kolasin Mojkovac Plav Zabljak ANNEX_ME_UWW_2015 % of generated load generated generated Generated collected in a load collected load load (PE) collecting collected in in a collecting (Estimated system and system a collecting load) treated(estimat (estimate), PE system e), PE (estimate) 82.00% 15000 12300 21.00% 20000 4200 90.00% 25000 22500 47.00% 3500 1645 75.00% 5000 3750 3750 44.00% 4000 1760 100.00% 4250 4250 4250 76750 50405 8000 65.67% 10.42% 5 type of UWWTP no no no no II no III Generated load BOD5 (t/a) 328.50 438.00 547.50 76.65 109.50 87.60 93.08 1680.83 Generated load COD (t/a) 657.00 876.00 1095.00 153.30 219.00 175.20 186.15 3361.65 Generated Generated load Nt load Pt (t/a) (t/a) 48.18 64.24 80.30 11.24 16.06 12.85 13.65 246.52 9.86 13.14 16.43 2.30 3.29 2.63 2.79 50.42 Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) 269.37 91.98 492.75 36.03 24.64 38.54 4.65 957.96 MONTENEGRO URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO 2015 ANNEX_ME_UWW_2015 Code of Discharged Discharged Discharged agglomer load COD load Nt load Pt ation (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) ME-1 ME-2 ME-3 ME-4 ME-5 ME-6 ME-7 Total % 538.74 183.96 985.50 72.05 41.06 77.09 27.92 1926.32 39.51 13.49 72.27 5.28 7.83 5.65 4.10 148.13 Emmisions BOD5 (t/a) 8.08 2.76 14.78 1.08 1.97 1.16 0.56 30.39 328.50 438.00 547.50 76.65 52.01 87.60 4.65 1534.92 91.32% 6 Emmisions COD (t/a) 657.00 876.00 1095.00 153.30 95.81 175.20 27.92 3080.24 91.63% Emmisions Emmisions Pt Nt (t/a) (t/a) 48.18 64.24 80.30 11.24 11.84 12.85 4.10 232.75 94.41% 9.86 13.14 16.43 2.30 2.79 2.63 0.56 47.70 94.59% MONTENEGRO URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration ME-1 ME-2 ME-3 ME-4 ME-5 ME-6 ME-7 Total % Name of agglomeration Berane Bijelo Polje Pljevlja Kolasin Mojkovac Plav Zabljak Population (inhabitants) 11734 15875 21353 3033 4114 3589 1940 61638 Generated load (PE) (Estimated load) 15000 20000 25000 3500 5000 4000 4250 76750 ANNEX_ME_UWW_scII % of generated load generated collected in a load collecting collected in a system collecting (estimated), system PE (estimated) 15000 100.00% 20000 100.00% 25000 100.00% 1645 47.00% 3750 75.00% 1760 44.00% 4250 100.00% 71405 93.04% 7 generated load collected in a collecting system and treated(estimate), PE 15000 20000 25000 no 3750 no 4250 68000 88.60% type of UWWTP III III III no II no III Generated Generated Generated load BOD5 load COD load Nt (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 328.50 438.00 547.50 76.65 109.50 87.60 93.075 1,680.83 657.00 876.00 1,095.00 153.30 219.00 175.20 186.15 3,361.65 48.18 64.24 80.30 11.24 16.06 12.85 13.651 246.52 MONTENEGRO URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO II Code of agglomeration ME-1 ME-2 ME-3 ME-4 ME-5 ME-6 ME-7 Total % Generated Discharged load Pt load BOD5 (t/a) (t/a) 9.86 13.14 16.43 2.30 3.29 2.63 2.79225 50.42 16.43 21.90 27.38 36.03 24.64 38.54 4.65 169.56 ANNEX_ME_UWW_scII Discharged load COD (t/a) 98.55 131.40 164.25 72.05 41.06 77.09 27.92 612.32 Discharged Discharged Emmisions Emmisions load Nt load Pt (t/a) BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) (t/a) 14.45 19.27 24.09 5.28 7.83 5.65 4.10 80.68 8 1.97 2.63 3.29 1.08 1.97 1.16 0.56 12.65 16.43 21.90 27.38 76.65 52.01 87.60 4.65 286.62 17.05% 98.55 131.40 164.25 153.30 95.81 175.20 27.92 846.44 25.18% Emmisions Nt (t/a) 14.45 19.27 24.09 11.24 11.84 12.85 4.10 97.85 39.69% Emmisions Pt (t/a) 1.97 2.63 3.29 2.30 2.79 2.63 0.56 16.16 32.05% MONTENEGRO URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomer ation ME-1 ME-2 ME-3 ME-4 ME-5 ME-6 ME-7 Total Name of agglomeration Berane Bijelo Polje Pljevlja Kolasin Mojkovac Plav Zabljak Generated load (PE) (Estimated load) 15,000 20,000 25,000 3,500 5,000 4,000 4250 76750 ANNEX_ME_UWW_scIII generated load % of generated generated load collected in a load collected collected in a collecting system in a collecting collecting and system system treated(estimate), (estimate) (estimate), PE PE 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 15,000 20,000 25,000 3,500 5,000 4,000 4250 15,000 20,000 25,000 3,500 5,000 4,000 4250 76750 9 type of UWWTP III III III II II II III Generated load BOD5 (t/a) 328.50 438.00 547.50 76.65 109.50 87.60 93.075 1,680.83 Generated Generated Generated load COD load Pt load Nt (t/a) (t/a) (t/a) 657.00 876.00 1,095.00 153.30 219.00 175.20 186.15 3,361.65 48.18 64.24 80.30 11.24 16.06 12.85 13.651 246.52 9.86 13.14 16.43 2.30 3.29 2.63 2.79225 50.42 MONTENEGRO URBAN WASTEWATER DISPOSAL - SCENARIO III Code of agglomer ation ME-1 ME-2 ME-3 ME-4 ME-5 ME-6 ME-7 Total Discharged load BOD5 (t/a) 16.43 21.90 27.38 23.00 32.85 26.28 4.65 152.48 Discharged load COD (t/a) 98.55 131.40 164.25 38.33 54.75 43.80 27.92 559.00 ANNEX_ME_UWW_scIII Discharged load Nt (t/a) Discharged Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions Emmisions load Pt BOD5 (t/a) COD (t/a) Nt (t/a) Pt (t/a) (t/a) 14.45 19.27 24.09 7.31 10.44 8.35 4.10 88.01 1.97 2.63 3.29 1.84 2.63 2.10 0.56 15.01 10 16.43 21.90 27.38 23.00 32.85 26.28 4.65 152.48 9.07% 98.55 131.40 164.25 38.33 54.75 43.80 27.92 559.00 16.63% 14.45 19.27 24.09 7.31 10.44 8.35 4.10 88.01 35.70% 1.97 2.63 3.29 1.84 2.63 2.10 0.56 15.01 29.77% Sava River Basin Management Plan Annex 6 Significant industrial pollution sources in the Sava River Basin Draft 5.0 Zagreb October, 2011 SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL POLLUTION SOURCES Legend: BPC D DCE DCM I MC N/A NoT SS UWWTP VCH WB WWTP Biological, physical and chemical processes of wastewater treatment direct wastwater discharge Dichlorethane-1,2 Dichloromethane indirect wastwater discharge Mechanical and chemical processes of wastewater treatment Data not available No treatment of wastewaters sewerage system Urban wastewater treatment plant Volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons, kg/a water body Wastewater treatment plant ANNEX _BP_IPS_2007 ANNEX_BP_IPS_2007 code of Country industrial name of industrial installation/plant installation SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL POLLUTION SOURCES Location SI 11157 Livar d.d., Obrat Črnomelj SI Javno podjetje komunala Črnomelj d.o.o., 83293 Odlagališče nenevarnih odpadkov Vranoviči Črnomelj Javno komunalno podjetje Komunala Kočevje d.o.o., Odlagališče nenevarnih odpadkov 83290 Mozelj Kočevje SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI 83223 Melamin d.d. Kočevje Komunala Metlika, javno podjetje d.o.o., 83291 Odlagališče nenevarni odpadkov Bočka Črnomelj Code EPER main production processes 2.(d) Production and processing of metals 5.(d) Waste and waste water management WWTP type UWWTP, NoT Release to surface water(direct /indirect) I WB code Name of recipient (river) VT Lahinja 0.011 0.003 12.158 0.323 7.374 1.881 0.037 0.604 5.(d) Waste and waste water management 4.(a) Chemical industry UWWTP, NoT Metlika 5.(d) N/A VT Rinža VT Kolpa Primostek – Kamanje VT Rinža Kočevje 7.(a) N/A VT Krka povirje – Soteska Stari trg pri Ložu 2.(f) Productiona and processing of metals N/A 83239 Liv hidravlika in kolesa, d.o.o. Postojna Productiona and processing of metals 2.(f) 3.1/3.3/3. 4/3.5 Mineral Industry N/A VT Jezerski Obrh VT Pivka Prestranek – Postojnska jama N/A VT Krka Soteska – Otočec Novo mesto P total 0.075 10369 Kovinoplastika Lož d.d. 8586 Opekarna Novo mesto d.o.o. BOD 0.287 Waste and waste water management Intensive livestock production and aquaculture 8880 Farme Ihan d.d., Farma Klinja vas COD VT Lahinja Kočevje I Pollution release to surface water, t/a 0.001 83298 ONM ENERGIJA d.o.o. Novo mesto 5.(a) Waste and waste water management N/A VT Krka Soteska – Otočec 83267 Ekosistemi d.o.o., PE Zalog REVOZ Podjetje za proizvodnjo in 10433 komercializacijo avtomobilov d.d. Novo mesto 5.(c) Waste and waste water management N/A VT Krka Soteska – Otočec Novo mesto 9.(c) Other activities UWWTP, NoT I VT Krka Soteska – Otočec 55.702 20.221 Novo mesto 3.(e) Mineral industry NoT D VT Krka Soteska – Otočec 0.574 0.114 8591 KRKA, d.d., Novo mesto CEROD, center za ravnanje z odpadki, d.o.o., javno podjetje, Odlagališče nenevarnih 83284 odpadkov Leskovec Javno podjetje komunala Cerknica d.o.o., Odlagališče nenevarnih odpadkov Rakek 83294 Pretržje Novo mesto 4.(e) Chemical industry NoT D VT Krka Soteska – Otočec 67.690 4.413 0.791 Novo mesto 5.(d) Waste and waste water management N/A Cerknica 5.(d) UWWTP 4.813 2.225 0.009 8942 Farme Ihan d.d., Farma Pristava AKRIPOL proizvodnja in predelava 83246 polimerov d.d. Komunala Trebnje d.o.o., Odlagališče 83231 nenevarnih odpadkov Cviblje TPV proizvodnja in trženje vozil d.d., PE 83265 Velika Loka Leskovec pri Krškem 7.(a) Waste and waste water management Intensive livestock production and aquaculture Trebnje 4.(a) Chemical industry UWWTP 1.797 1.423 0.018 Trebnje 5.(d) Waste and waste water management N/A VT Temenica I Velika Loka 2.(f) Productiona and processing of metals N/A 83242 FENOLIT d.d., Sintetične smole in mase KOSTAK komunalno stavbno podjetje, d.d., Odlagališče nenevarnih odpadkov Spodnji 83288 Stari Grad Borovnica 4.(a) Chemical industry NoT VT Temenica I VT Ljubljanica povirje – Ljubljana Krško 5.(d) Waste and waste water management N/A 11143 Livar, d.d., Obrat Ivančna Gorica Ivančna Gorica 2.(d) Productiona and processing of metals UWWTP 7669 URSA Slovenija, d.o.o. VT Krka Soteska – Otočec I VT Unica VT Krka Otočec – Brežice N/A I D VT Temenica I 0.002 VT Sava Krško – Vrbina I VT Krka povirje – Soteska 3/58 ANNEX_BP_IPS_2007 SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL POLLUTION SOURCES Pollution release to surface water, t/a code of Country industrial installation N total Sulphates SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI Cd Cr 0.450 83293 0.026 0.001 1.770 SI SI As 11157 SI SI Pollution release to surface water, kg/a 83290 1.500 3.151 83223 3.121 2.206 Cu Hg Ni Pb Zn Al DCE DCM Phenols Dibutiltin AOX CN tot F VCH PAH 0.450 0.001 0.001 0.630 0.875 0.026 0.006 3.151 2.206 0.001 5.607 1.062 1.327 83291 8880 10369 83239 8586 83298 83267 10433 0.879 3.752 12.949 25.380 8.272 18.679 7669 8591 14.645 138.368 0.397 1.305 0.029 4.816 138.368 90.037 1.305 0.941 SI 83284 SI 83294 SI SI SI SI SI 0.003 0.386 0.118 0.226 0.868 8942 83246 4.816 83231 83265 83242 0.038 0.185 SI 83288 SI 11143 4/58 ANNEX_BP_IPS_2007 SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL POLLUTION SOURCES code of Country industrial name of industrial installation/plant installation SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI Javno komunalno podjetje Grosuplje d.o.o., 83299 CERO Špaja Dolina Location Code EPER main production processes WWTP type Release to surface water(direct /indirect) WB code Name of recipient (river) Grosuplje 5.(d) Waste and waste water management N/A Krško 6.(b) Paper and wood production processing SS, NoT D VT Sava Krško – Vrbina 83222 Gabrijel AS d.o.o. 10477 Iskra TELA d.d. Javno podjetje Komunalno podjetje Vrhnika, d.o.o., Odlagališče nenevarnih odpadkov 83289 Tojnice Grosuplje 2.(f) Productiona and processing of metals UWWTP I VT Krka povirje – Soteska Škofljica 2.(f) Production and processing of metals UWWTP I VT Iščica Vrhnika 5.(d) Waste and waste water management N/A VT Ljubljanica povirje – Ljubljana 83264 DOGA d.o.o. Krmelj 2.(f) Productiona and processing of metals N/A VT Mirna 83275 Termoelektrarna Brestanica d.o.o. SNAGA Javno podjetje d.o.o., Odlagališče 9970 nenevarnih odpadkov Barje Brestanica 1.(c) Energy sector N/A Ljubljana 5.(d) Waste and waste water management N/A 83254 BLISK d.o.o. Ljubljana 2.(f) Productiona and processing of metals UWWTP 10126 Papirnica Vevče d.o.o. Ljubljana-Dobrunje 6.(b) Paper and wood production processing NoT Ljubljana 1.(c) UWWTP, NoT I 10391 Pivovarna Union d.d. Ljubljana 8.(b) Energy sector Animal and vegetable products from the food and beverage sector UWWTP I 83277 Orka d.o.o. Ljubljana 4.(a) UWWTP I 83221 Perutnina Ptuj Mesna industrija Zalog d.o.o. Ljubljana 8.(a) Chemical industry Animal and vegetable products from the food and beverage sector UWWTP I 83196 JULON, d.d., Ljubljana Ljubljana 4.(a) Chemical industry N/A 83209 Radeče papir d.d. KOTO proizvodno in trgovsko podjetje, d.d. 83248 Ljubljana Radeče 6.(b) Paper and wood production processing NoT D Ljubljana 5.(e) Waste and waste water management UWWTP I 83224 JP vodovod-kanalizacija d.o.o., CČN Ljubljana Ljubljana 5.(f) Waste and waste water management N/A 83274 Javno podjetje Energetika Ljubljana, d.o.o. Ljubljana 1.(c) Energy sector N/A 83234 Litostroj Ulitki d.o.o. Ljubljana 2.(d) N/A 10417 Ljubljanske mlekarne d.d., Obrat Ljubljana Ljubljana 8.(c) Productiona and processing of metals Animal and vegetable products from the food and beverage sector UWWTP I 83243 TCG UNITECH Lth-ol d.o.o., Obrat Ljubljana Ljubljana 2.(e) Productiona and processing of metals UWWTP I 83236 Belinka Perkemija, d.o.o. Ljubljana NoT D VT Sava Boštanj – Krško VT Ljubljanica povirje – Ljubljana VT Ljubljanica povirje – Ljubljana VT Ljubljanica Moste – Podgrad kMPVT Mestna Ljubljanica kMPVT Mestna Ljubljanica kMPVT Mestna Ljubljanica VT Ljubljanica Moste – Podgrad VT Ljubljanica Moste – Podgrad kMPVT Sava Vrhovo – Boštanj VT Ljubljanica Moste – Podgrad VT Ljubljanica Moste – Podgrad VT Ljubljanica Moste – Podgrad VT Ljubljanica Moste – Podgrad VT Ljubljanica Moste – Podgrad VT Ljubljanica Moste – Podgrad VT Sava Medvode – Podgrad 83232 IAK, Industrija apna Kresnice, d.o.o. Kresnice 10957 Jata Emona d.d., Farma Ihan Ihan 7784 VIPAP VIDEM KRŠKO d.d. 7229 Termoelektrarna Toplarna Ljubljana, d.o.o. 4.(a), 4.b) Chemical industry 3.(c) 6.6 Mineral industry Other Annex I activities N/A Pollution release to surface water, t/a COD BOD P total VT Krka povirje – Soteska I 618.028 3.708 0.956 0.063 1.263 0.022 122.682 0.359 1560.115 913.079 14.386 2.970 0.568 0.024 25.313 10.670 0.842 2.436 57.747 33.026 4.039 0.735 414.412 253.832 2.224 38.511 0.016 13.575 0.312 92.540 35.824 VT Sava Podgrad – Litija VT Kamniška Bistrica Študa – Dol 5/58 ANNEX_BP_IPS_2007 SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL POLLUTION SOURCES Pollution release to surface water, t/a code of Country industrial installation N total Sulphates SI SI SI SI Pollution release to surface water, kg/a As Cd Cr Cu Hg Ni Pb Zn Al DCE DCM Phenols Dibutiltin AOX CN tot F VCH PAH 83299 7784 30.285 1116.880 83222 0.029 10477 0.574 35.813 83254 0.031 0.832 10126 7.057 64.343 1116.880 12393.409 483.314 7.059 20.186 24.021 0.115 35.813 15.577 SI 83289 SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI 83264 83275 9970 0.832 0.154 51.128 95.174 0.657 7229 2.218 10391 36.447 100.528 83277 0.446 10.750 83221 3.075 0.049 0.003 54.406 0.580 0.657 100.528 52.129 10.750 1.376 16.732 83196 83209 5.796 83248 2.407 254.800 1.277 0.654 13.844 1.277 193.788 42.119 83224 83274 83234 10417 12.291 12.066 83243 83236 12.066 1.648 6.890 83232 10957 6/58 ANNEX_BP_IPS_2007 code of Country industrial name of industrial installation/plant installation SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL POLLUTION SOURCES Code EPER Location main production processes WWTP type Release to surface water(direct /indirect) Trbovlje 3.(c) Mineral industry NoT D SI 11093 Color d.d. Medvode 4.(a) Chemical industry NoT D VT Sora SI Javno Komunalno Podjetje Prodnik d.o.o., 9241 Odlagališče nenevarnih odpadkov Dob 10328 Goričane, tovarna papirja Medvode, d.d. Domžale 5.(d) Waste and waste water management N/A SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI Domžale 7.(a) Intensive livestock production and aquaculture NoT Domžale 5.(e) Waste and waste water management N/A Domžale 5.(f) Waste and waste water management N/A 83247 TKI Hrastnik d.d. Hrastnik 4.(b) Chemical industry NoT D 83233 Steklarna Hrastnik d.d., PE Special (Opal) Hrastnik 3.(e) Mineral industry NoT D 83261 IGM Zagorje, d.o.o. Zagorje ob Savi 3.(c) Mineral industry N/A 7333 Termoelektrarna Trbovlje, d.o.o. Trbovlje 1.(c) Energy sector NoT D 6245 Steklarna Hrastnik d.d., PE Vitrum Hrastnik 3.(e) Mineral industry NoT D 7450 Lafarge Cement d.d. Name of recipient (river) VT Kamniška Bistrica Študa – Dol VT Kamniška Bistrica Študa – Dol VT Kamniška Bistrica Študa – Dol VT Sava Litija – Zidani Most VT Sava Litija – Zidani Most VT Sava Litija – Zidani Most VT Sava Litija – Zidani Most VT Sava Litija – Zidani Most VT Sava Litija – Zidani Most SI 8809 Farme Ihan d.d., Farma Ihan FI-EKO, Ekološke storitve d.o.o., čistilna 83282 naprava FI-EKO JP Centralna čistilna naprava Domžale83206 Kamnik d.o.o. WB code 7946 Termo d.d., Obrat Bodovlje Paper and wood production processing 6.(b) 3.1/3.3/3. 4/3.5 Mineral Industry Medvode Škofja Loka NoT D VT Sora I VT Poljanska Sora VT Sava Litija – Zidani Most VT Kamniška Bistrica Stahovica – Študa VT Kamniška Bistrica Stahovica – Študa VT Kamniška Bistrica Stahovica – Študa N/A 3.(g) Mineral industry N/A 4.(a) Chemical industry UWWTP 83201 Kemis d.o.o. Domžale 5.(a) Waste and waste water management N/A 10568 Količevo Karton, d.o.o. Domžale 6.(b) Paper and wood production processing NoT 2.(e) Productiona and processing of metals UWWTP I VT Selška Sora 4.(e) Chemical industry UWWTP, NoT I N/A VT Pšata VT Kamniška Bistrica Stahovica – Študa N/A VT Sora N/A VT Sora 83226 Galma d.o.o. 6999 Termo, d.d., Obrat Škofja Loka 6999 Knauf insulation d.d., obrat Škofja Loka Radomlje Škofja Loka Škofja Loka Productiona and processing of metals 2.(f) Mineral Industry EPER_3.1/3.3/3.4/3.5 Mineral industry 3.(f) Animal and vegetable products from the food and beverage sector 8.(a) Intensive livestock production and aquaculture 7.(a) 83280 Meso Kamnik Mesna industrija d.d. Kamnik 10948 Jata Emona d.o.o., Farma Duplica Kamnik 83255 Martin Ambrož s.p. Perutninska zadruga Ptuj PZP z.o.o., Farma 5269 Hajnsko Kamnik 2.(f) Šmarje Pri Jelšah 7.(a) Productiona and processing of metals Intensive livestock production and aquaculture UWWTP I VT Pšata UWWTP I VT Pšata VT Kamniška Bistrica Stahovica – Študa N/A COD BOD P total 47.433 0.021 0.000 0.001 0.737 0.058 0.538 0.077 1.102 VT Rača z Radomljo D 83241 ETI Elektroelement d.d. Izlake HELIOS, tovarna barv, lakov in umetnih smol, 11134 Količevo d.o.o. Domžale 83244 TCG UNITECH Lth-ol d.o.o., Obrat Škofja Loka Škofja Loka LEK farmacevtska družba d.d., Proizvodnja 8483 Mengeš Mengeš Pollution release to surface water, t/a 0.135 0.000 18.839 0.029 6.712 3.339 129.590 11.767 1.096 36.073 21.434 0.184 520.247 318.924 3.261 22.416 15.397 0.035 0.864 0.482 0.014 VT Mestinjščica 7/58 ANNEX_BP_IPS_2007 SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL POLLUTION SOURCES Pollution release to surface water, t/a code of Country industrial installation N total Sulphates SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI 8809 Pollution release to surface water, kg/a As Cd Cr 117.797 Cu Hg Ni Pb Zn Al 43.600 DCE DCM Phenols Dibutiltin AOX CN tot F VCH PAH 3.978 83282 83206 83247 0.044 0.044 83233 0.436 0.436 0.006 1.066 0.000 3.749 137.226 83261 7333 1.097 9.270 0.653 9.270 60.354 74.339 1.776 6245 20.589 4.042 7450 0.848 11093 0.848 0.264 1101.834 SI 9241 SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI 10328 103.981 6.021 7946 83241 8.521 11134 1.179 8.521 4.108 8.142 83201 10568 22.276 135.673 3.982 83244 8483 34.835 22.485 57.397 11.185 174.293 3.982 5.127 57.397 82.459 0.560 1666.000 22.232 30.203 576.734 83226 6999 6999 83280 10948 2.438 4.177 2.940 0.002 0.052 0.027 2.940 0.015 0.168 83255 5269 8/58 ANNEX_BP_IPS_2007 SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL POLLUTION SOURCES code of Country industrial name of industrial installation/plant installation SI SI SI SI SI SI Productiona and processing of metals UWWTP I 83237 Titan d.d. Komunala Kranj, javno podjetje d.o.o., CČN 83268 Kranj Kamnik 2.(f) Productiona and processing of metals UWWTP I Kranj 5.(f) Waste and waste water management N/A 10541 Marjan Grašič s.p. Kranj 2.(f) Productiona and processing of metals UWWTP I I WB code Name of recipient (river) Pollution release to surface water, t/a COD VT Kamniška Bistrica Stahovica – Študa VT Kamniška Bistrica Stahovica – Študa BOD 3.847 1.817 0.591 0.212 P total 0.058 VT Sora VT Sora VT Sotla Dobovec – Podčetrtek 4.050 VT Selška Sora 0.091 0.048 Rogaška Slatina 3.(e) Mineral industry UWWTP 83240 Niko, d.d., Železniki Železniki 2.(f) Productiona and processing of metals NoT 2.540 0.866 83235 Savatech d.o.o. ISKRA Industrija sestavnih delov Galvanika 10355 d.o.o. Kranj 9.(c) Other activities UWWTP I VT Sora 9.577 5.600 0.114 Kranj 2.(f) Productiona and processing of metals SS, NoT D VT Sora 1.123 0.425 0.005 OKP Javno podjetje za komunalne storitve Rogaška Slatina, d.o.o., Odlagališče 10526 nenevarnih odpadkov Tuncovec Rogaška Slatina 5.(d) Waste and waste water management N/A 83219 Aquasava, d.o.o., Kranj Kranj 9.(a) Other activities UWWTP, NoT I VT Sotla Dobovec – Podčetrtek VT Sava Podbrezje – Kranj 5.914 0.577 Komunala Kranj, javno podjetje d.o.o., 9600 Odlagališče nenevarnih odpadkov Tenetiše Kranj 5.(d) Waste and waste water management N/A Javno podjetje Komunala Tržič d.o.o., 9395 Odlagališče nenevarnih odpadkov Kovor Tržič 5.(d) Waste and waste water management SS, NoT Lesce 2.(f) Productiona and processing of metals N/A Jesenice 2.(b) Productiona and processing of metals 0.741 0.448 Jesenice 5.(d) Waste and waste water management SI 83212 CMC Galvanika d.o.o. SI 8255 Acroni d.o.o. JEKO-IN, javno komunalno podjetje, d.o.o., Jesenice, Odlagališče za nenevarne odpadke 9479 Mala Mežakla SI Number IPS - SI HR 080469030 HR HR HR HR 89 PLIVA HRVATSKA d.o.o. Pogon održavanje i energetika Savski Marof - tehnološka jedinica 2540 Sladorana BH (fed) DG2461 BH (fed) DK2960 Savski Marof Županja 4 8 Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemicals and botanical products Animal and vegetable products from the food and beverage sector Zagreb 6 Paper and wood production and processing HEP-PROIZVODNJA d.o.o. TE-TO ZAGREB Zagreb 1 Energy sector INKOP KOŽA D.O.O. Poznanovec 9 Other activities VT Kokra Preddvor – Kranj VT Sava HE Moste – Podbrezje VT Sava HE Moste – Podbrezje kMPVT Sava Dolinka HE Moste D kMPVT Sava Dolinka HE Moste N/A Goražde 4 Manufacture of explosives Goražde 2 Bugojno 9b POBJEDA RUDET DONNIA TRADE doo Manufacture of weapons and ammunition Tanning and dressing of leather 1903.942 27.268 I UWWTP Zaprešič D UWWTP Zagreb I D DSRN180001 Sava 859.400 449.000 1.670 DSRI010001 Sava 783.800 686.800 1.500 DSRN010008 Sava 875.800 396.000 28.700 8.900 DSRN010008 Savica and Sava D DSRN180002 Jezerščak yes D BA_DR_5 yes D BA_DR_5 Yes I BA_VRB_7 5 UNIS GINEX 33.946 3709.010 PAN PAPIRNA INDUSTRIJA d.o.o. Number IPS - HR BH (fed) DC19 WWTP type 2.(d) SI SI main production processes Kamnik 8668 Steklarna Rogaška d.d. SI Code EPER 83263 Cimos Titan, d.o.o. SI SI SI Location Release to surface water(direct /indirect) Drina Drina Vrbas 5.600 1.600 2553.300 1542.300 0.005 3.175 2.700 0.570 0.002 2.050 0.570 0.002 3.170 1.620 0.007 9/58 ANNEX_BP_IPS_2007 SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL POLLUTION SOURCES Pollution release to surface water, t/a code of Country industrial installation N total Sulphates SI 83237 SI As Cd Cr Cu Hg Ni Pb 6.021 83263 SI Pollution release to surface water, kg/a 0.051 Zn 6.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 Al DCE DCM Phenols Dibutiltin 17.220 0.905 AOX CN tot 1.820 0.021 0.318 F VCH PAH 79.630 0.021 5.427 83268 SI 10541 SI 8.098 0.659 8.098 90.029 13.740 0.679 13.740 221.877 45.846 0.007 8668 SI SI 83240 83235 SI 10355 0.468 15.338 2.227 10.875 8.637 2.637 15.338 0.715 SI 10526 SI 83219 2.566 12.226 19.176 SI 9600 SI 9395 SI 83212 SI 114.000 8255 9.070 587.000 4.060 114.000 20.373 34.818 1567.000 SI 9479 Number IPS - SI 301.136 1669.782 0.702 0.026 42.090 170.502 0.003 820.209 70.807 1669.782 13182.815 0.000 0.000 28.353 0.000 2967.157 37.945 1981.186 30.482 1687.585 HR 080469030 37.400 8.900 26.000 HR HR HR HR 8.000 27.000 0.220 37.620 137.000 145.000 BH (fed) DG2461 0.125 3.750 52.500 12.250 BH (fed) DK2960 0.065 16.500 159.250 8.500 BH (fed) DC19 0.128 96.800 Number IPS - HR 8.900 53.000 1.250 76.000 7.500 10/58 ANNEX_BP_IPS_2007 code of Country industrial name of industrial installation/plant installation BH (fed) DC19 BH (fed) DC19 BH (fed) DC20 BH (fed) DE211 BH (fed) BH (fed) BH (fed) BH (fed) BH (fed) Location Code EPER DD za proizvodnju kože Bugojno Bugojno KTK Fabrika krupne kože i krzna Visoko Fabrika Sitne kože Visoko 9b 9b 9 Maglaj 6 CA10 RMU Zenica Zenica DJ27 ARCELOR MITTAL STEEL Zenica E4010 JP Elektroprivreda BiH TE KAKANJ Kakanj DC19 PREVENT GBR LEDER Visoko DA1596 SARAJEVSKA PIVARA Sarajevo 3 2 1 9b 8b BH (fed) DG2413 BH (fed) BH (fed) BH (fed) BH (fed) BH (fed) BH (fed) BH (rs) SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL POLLUTION SOURCES NATRON HAYAT Lukavac 4b DF2310 GLOBAL ISPAT KOKSNA INDUSTRIJA Lukavac E4010 JP Elektroprivreda BiH TE TUZLA Tuzla DA155 PRERADA I PROMET MLIJEKA Tuzla DA1596 PIVARA TUZLA Tuzla CA10 RMU ĐUĐEVIK Živinice DA155 IN MER doo Gradačac DA_15.96 Banjalucka pivara AD Banja Luka 1 1 8c 8b 3 8c 8b Teslic 9a Banja Luka 6 Celex Glinica Birac Zvornik Destilacija Teslic 2 1 Kozarska Dubica 8c BH (rs) DB_17.1 SICECAM SODA INVEST Devic tekstil BH (rs) DE_21.22 BH (rs) DJ_27.42 BH (rs) BH (rs) DA_15.51 Mljekoprodukt BH (rs) DA_15.31 Laktasi Marbo BH (rs) 8b Rafinerija nafte BH (rs) DA_15.51 WB code Name of recipient (river) Pollution release to surface water, t/a COD BOD P total Tanning and dressing of leather Yes I BA_VRB_7 Vrbas 34.560 16.090 Tanning and dressing of leather Yes D BA_BOS_5 Bosna 16.688 8.448 Manufacture of luggage, handbags etc Yes D BA_BOS_5 Bosna 27.720 12.936 0.026 0.072 Yes D BA_BOS_2 447.120 275.650 0.480 Mining of coal yes D BA_BOS_4 Bosna 68.620 39.780 0.329 Manufacture of basic metals yes D BA_BOS_4 Bosna 405.515 196.735 2.373 Production and distribution of electricity yes D BA_BOS_5 Bosna 279.225 12.410 2.482 Tanning and dressing of leather yes D BA_BOS_5 Bosna 98.050 33.655 0.636 Manufacture of beer No I BA_BOS_7 Bosna 330.096 204.672 1.248 BA_BOS_SPR_1 422.670 124.830 2.810 476.325 250.755 0.876 190.890 78.840 0.584 71.750 50.005 0.073 388.800 139.800 0.210 151.840 7.300 0.037 120.231 70.518 0.526 449.570 331.130 16.128 23.474 10.890 0.048 408.114 150.962 0.287 Vrbanja Drina 85.140 22.220 0.506 Velika Usora 74.438 28.938 0.055 341.640 170.820 0.350 94.940 50.170 0.371 5.366 1.810 0.046 430.680 18.486 0.250 Manufacture of pulp,paper and paperboard No D Manufacture of coke oven prodacts yes D Production and distribution of electricity No D Manifacture of dairy prodacts No I Manufacture of beer No I Mining of coal yes D Manifacture of dairy prodacts yes I Manufacture of other inorganic basic camicals no Production of beer; 300000 hl/year Processing of cotton fibber(staining, spinning) no into final product-clothing Treatment of cellulose(deciduous and conifers) and old paper for producing paper product; 22775 t/year of tissue paper; 7347 t/year of toilet paper; 718 t/year of tissues; 2344 t/year of paper napkins D BA_BOS_SPR_1 Spreča BA_BOS_SPR_1 Spreča BA_BOS_SPR_3 Spreča BA_SA_1 Sava BA_VRB_1 D Vrbas Usora D BA_VRB_1 production of Al2O3 no D BA_DR_1 production of charcoal Production of UHT milk, pasteurized milk, cheese, yogurt, milk cream; 33096 t/year of UHT milk; 6704 t/year of fermented product; 902 t/year of pasteurized milk no D no D Production of nibbles/chips from potato by using potato, spices, NaCl, oil ; 1515 t/year no Production of lubricants, paraffin through process of distillation, deparaffining, refinery and bleaching; 9696t/year Bosna Spreča BA_BOS_SPR_1 Spreča BA_BOS_SPR_1 Spreča no BA_UNA_1 Una D BA_VRB_1 Vrbas 1 Brod 1 Production of petrol 8c Production of UHT milk, pasteurized milk, cheese, yogurt, milk cream, whey; 9371 t/year no of fermented product; 399 t/year of pasteurized milk; whey 18t/year Teslic Natura Vita WWTP type Modrica Rafinerija ulja BH (rs) main production processes Release to surface water(direct /indirect) WWTP - MC D BA_BOS_1 WWTP D BA_SA_2 Bosna Sava D Usora 11/58 ANNEX_BP_IPS_2007 Pollution release to surface water, t/a code of Country industrial installation N total Sulphates SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL POLLUTION SOURCES Pollution release to surface water, kg/a As Cd Cr BH (fed) DC19 BH (fed) DC19 BH (fed) DC20 1.709 158.400 0.396 870.672 1.399 233.640 BH (fed) DE211 10.695 BH (fed) BH (fed) BH (fed) BH (fed) BH (fed) CA10 DJ27 Hg Ni Pb Zn Al DCE DCM Phenols Dibutiltin AOX CN tot F VCH PAH 6.570 7.665 E4010 24.455 DC19 29.150 DA1596 7.488 BH (fed) DG2413 160.965 BH (fed) BH (fed) BH (fed) BH (fed) BH (fed) BH (fed) BH (rs) Cu DF2310 31.390 E4010 32.120 DA155 0.438 DA1596 8.700 CA10 4.015 DA155 0.646 DA_15.96 9.072 BH (rs) DB_17.1 0.726 BH (rs) DE_21.22 2.583 BH (rs) DJ_27.42 BH (rs) 2.860 BH (rs) DA_15.51 2.830 BH (rs) DA_15.31 5.440 BH (rs) 1.920 13627.275 0.274 0.157 1.573 2.730 7.708 BH (rs) BH (rs) DA_15.51 0.853 12/58 ANNEX_BP_IPS_2007 SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL POLLUTION SOURCES code of Country industrial name of industrial installation/plant installation BH (rs) TE Ugljevik BH (rs) Code EPER Ugljevik 1 Omarska 3 3(b) Mittal rudnici Number IPS -BA RS RS RS RS RS RS RS RS RS RS Location WWTP type WB code Thermal power Opencast mining; Opencast mining average capacity 53% of 1000t/h, GMS average capacity 67% of 606t/h WWTP D BA_DR_1 WWTP/mech I BA_UNA_SAN_2 Name of recipient (river) Mezgrajica Pollution release to surface water, t/a COD BOD 25.600 0.362 32.885 21.055 0.135 Gomjenica 31 5567.787 2357.265 31.310 Obrenovac 1.c Combustion installations > 50 MW biological, mechanical, chemical D RS_SA_1 Sava 4490.167 Usce 1.c Combustion installations > 50 MW BMC D RS_SA_1 Sava 11051.593 3 AD Vrenje 4 AD Fabrika kartona Beograd 8.b 8.b no I RS_SA_1 Sava 1774.080 1912.378 Umka 6.b 6.b mechanical D RS_SA_1 Sava 860.000 644.000 5 JPPEU Resavica, Rudnik Stavalj 6 Kolubara Prerada Stavalj 3.b 3.b no D RS_VAP Vapa 11.000 Vreoci 1.d 1.d physical D RS_KOL_3 Turija_Kolubara 1247.000 78.400 7 TE Kolubara 8 USSS, ogranak Sabac Veliki Crljeni 1.c Combustion installations > 50 MW biological, mechanical, chemical D RS_KOL_3 Turija_Kolubara 16.070 2.030 Sabac 2.f 2.f mechanical, chemical, biological D RS_SA_2 Cerski kanal_Sava Pecinci 8.b 8.b no I RS_SA_1 Kanal Galovica_Sava Sabac 3.g 3.g mechanical, biological D RS_SA_2 Cerski kanal_Sava open pit for exploatation of coal no D ME_CECH_2 Cehotina 1165.080 96.360 production electric energy no D ME_CECH_2 Cehotina 788.400 639.480 no D ME_CECH_2 no D ME_CECH_2 9 Secerana Donji Srem 10 Zorka Keramika Novi Sad Number IPS -RS 10 Pljevlja Pljevlja 3 1 ME 3 Pljevlja 5 Pljevlja 6 Ash/slag landfill for power plant 4 "Velimir Jakic" 7.900 354.000 216.000 6.400 2.800 19818.211 2855.608 1 Coal mine 2 Thermal power plant disposle of ash and slag from power plant wood factory P total 83.520 1 TENT A 2 TENT B ME ME ME main production processes Release to surface water(direct /indirect) 0.080 0.080 Cehotina Cehotina 140.160 70.080 Number IPS -ME 4 2093.640 805.920 Number IPS - Total SRB 139 33742 9465 62 13/58 ANNEX_BP_IPS_2007 SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL POLLUTION SOURCES Pollution release to surface water, t/a code of Country industrial installation N total Sulphates BH (rs) 8.320 BH (rs) 5.867 Number IPS -BA RS RS RS RS RS RS RS RS RS RS Pollution release to surface water, kg/a As Cd 371.321 1 2 3 58.900 Cr Cu Hg 1380.036 219.615 8304.000 716.000 7212.000 1253.000 Ni Pb Zn 20.750 13628.525 85.073 Al DCE DCM Phenols Dibutiltin AOX CN tot F VCH PAH 67.000 32.558 4 1623.000 5 6 348.000 7 154.000 41.200 8 9 9.260 10 Number IPS -RS 57.870 68.160 15702.558 2010.200 57.870 ME ME 1 2 1585.560 245.280 ME 3 8.200 0.880 ME 4 17.310 1223.000 1223.000 2038.000 2023.560 0.880 0.500 Number IPS -ME 17.810 3617.320 Number IPS - Total SRB 796 20990 2011 0 1567 399 0.003 894 246.160 0.880 14003 2979 2066 14/58 Sava River Basin Management Plan Annex 7 Risk Analyses of Diffuse Pollution Impact in the Sava River Basin Draft 4.0 by Project Team Zagreb October, 2011 Legend - specification of risk no risk low risk middle risk high risk very high risk Subbasins with Pt emissions Subbasins with specific emmisions of Pt (t/km2 per annum) <30 t/a 30 - 60 t/a 60 - 80 t/a 80 - 180 t/a > 180 t/a <0,030 0,03-0,04 0,04-0,06 0,06 - 0,07 >0,07 Subbasins with Nt emissions Subbasins with specific emmisions of Nt (t/km2 per annum) <300 t/a 300 - 480 t/a 480 - 640 t/a 640 - 1400 t/a > 1400 t/a <0,25 0,25-0,35 0,35 - 0,40 0,40 -0,50 >0,50 RA DPS RA1 RA2 risk analyses diffuse pollution sources result of the 1st cycle of RA result of the 2st cycle of RA Landuse in subbasins of the Sava River Basin FREQUENCY 48 245 102 51 253 17 43 50 64 71 58 41 10 94 198 27 57 128 59 29 3 17 4 70 912 113 146 21 9 69 10 112 29 70 10 91 302 1204 33 85 1574 326 113 63 83 297 120 81 260 427 398 133 771 315 ANNEX - BP - DPS Sub-basin (catchment > Area in m2 Area in km2 % 1000 km2) Where no sub-basin name, CLC_2000 is out of the catchment 1 URBAN AREAS - GAP 1256442.2195 1.26 0.00129 1 Bosna 151926868.4400 151.93 0.15577 1 Bosut 119579035.9880 119.58 0.12260 1 Dobra 14800636.6350 14.80 0.01517 1 Drina 89481146.6681 89.48 0.09174 1 Drinjača 8284160.8273 8.28 0.00849 1 Glina 8730768.5594 8.73 0.00895 1 Glogovnica 28841146.2691 28.84 0.02957 1 Ilova 42504812.7584 42.50 0.04358 1 Kolubara 75481202.8163 75.48 0.07739 1 Korana 24464300.7229 24.46 0.02508 1 Krapina 26230583.3681 26.23 0.02689 1 Krivaja 6300935.6476 6.30 0.00646 1 Krka 32743736.1498 32.74 0.03357 1 Kupa(Kolpa) 117724206.8660 117.72 0.12070 1 Lasva 12740000.0000 12.74 0.01306 1 Lim 23412291.6224 23.41 0.02400 1 Ljubljanica 97800179.9270 97.80 0.10027 1 Lonja 45149584.4390 45.15 0.04629 1 Orljava 17329756.0365 17.33 0.01777 1 Piva 980000.0000 0.98 0.00100 1 Pliva 5316175.9322 5.32 0.00545 1 Prača 2152423.0382 2.15 0.00221 1 Sana 37871050.7997 37.87 0.03883 1 Sava direct catchment 833338002.2810 833.34 0.85441 1 Savinja 48447389.1342 48.45 0.04967 1 Spreča 96711260.2651 96.71 0.09916 1 Sutla(Sotla) 8446161.1746 8.45 0.00866 1 Tara 4604555.2449 4.60 0.00472 1 Tinja 24454599.9966 24.45 0.02507 1 Ukrina 10400000.0000 10.40 0.01066 1 Una 46953078.2617 46.95 0.04814 1 Uvac 6872675.7627 6.87 0.00705 1 Vrbas 46437779.0940 46.44 0.04761 1 Čehotina 8666907.7466 8.67 0.00889 1 Česma 42335733.0142 42.34 0.04341 GRIDCODE 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 AGRICULTURAL AREAS GAP Bosna Bosut Dobra Drina Drinjača Glina Glogovnica Ilova Kolubara Korana Krapina Krivaja Krka Kupa(Kolpa) Lasva Lim Ljubljanica 3 6952406.2457 1987071195.0800 1754835600.5100 198707642.5240 2319467366.4200 254552829.7520 647451070.2910 663992094.8010 737566490.0720 2498054513.8500 587749535.3270 555673023.4760 241160942.7360 630759822.3750 1537048115.4000 222209470.6560 934252833.0640 385648181.5160 6.95 0.00713 1987.07 2.03731 1754.84 1.79920 198.71 0.20373 2319.47 2.37810 254.55 0.26099 647.45 0.66382 663.99 0.68078 737.57 0.75621 2498.05 2.56121 587.75 0.60261 555.67 0.56972 241.16 0.24726 630.76 0.64671 1537.05 1.57591 222.21 0.22783 934.25 0.95787 385.65 0.39540 Landuse in subbasins of the Sava River Basin FREQUENCY 31 59 60 135 247 734 1944 581 351 94 167 145 205 654 200 830 313 85 484 823 18 34 665 123 117 80 88 209 156 72 223 360 258 256 441 240 37 86 101 158 241 456 972 590 127 112 156 49 69 632 254 918 142 74 ANNEX - BP - DPS Sub-basin (catchment > Area in m2 Area in km2 1000 km2) Where no sub-basin name, CLC_2000 is out of the catchment 2 Lonja 519412325.4510 519.41 2 Orljava 693524642.8080 693.52 2 Piva 108157436.1990 108.16 2 Pliva 180646962.7590 180.65 2 Prača 155414037.0600 155.41 2 Sana 1564224848.0100 1564.22 2 Sava direct catchment 7909624172.3600 7909.62 2 Savinja 537345811.8520 537.35 2 Spreča 782164944.9910 782.16 2 Sutla(Sotla) 302888582.7840 302.89 2 Tara 195602240.2200 195.60 2 Tinja 648388331.0710 648.39 2 Ukrina 911352337.3420 911.35 2 Una 1423410731.3400 1423.41 2 Uvac 322106328.8910 322.11 2 Vrbas 1639517427.8600 1639.52 2 Ćehotina 329432372.7310 329.43 2 Česma 1038252263.0000 1038.25 GRIDCODE 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 PASTURE AND MEADOWS - GAP Bosna Bosut Dobra Drina Drinjača Glina Glogovnica Ilova Kolubara Korana Krapina Krivaja Krka Kupa(Kolpa) Lasva Lim Ljubljanica Lonja Orljava Piva Pliva Prača Sana Sava direct catchment Savinja Spreča Sutla(Sotla) Tara Tinja Ukrina Una Uvac Vrbas Ćehotina Česma 15685886.1097 390796963.2600 15701037.1367 35095514.3181 386103880.7480 46634299.0120 87696712.4143 139068624.1720 117413429.9270 115953535.7060 226664387.8510 160773647.9890 186732933.8930 173173962.3310 304969908.5340 145838319.4490 364225017.7080 165566067.0300 75746178.0336 63377293.5415 268371324.0390 444954389.3730 174698052.3310 525543873.3250 588018041.4110 173056093.0410 55627418.4197 66992757.4835 365218752.3380 20802198.1098 28130550.1122 866280286.6610 571527843.7230 588383320.3140 132126973.9160 107760121.4310 4 % 0.53254 0.71106 0.11089 0.18521 0.15934 1.60377 8.10958 0.55093 0.80194 0.31055 0.20055 0.66478 0.93439 1.45940 0.33025 1.68097 0.33776 1.06450 15.69 0.01608 390.80 0.40068 15.70 0.01610 35.10 0.03598 386.10 0.39586 46.63 0.04781 87.70 0.08991 139.07 0.14258 117.41 0.12038 115.95 0.11888 226.66 0.23239 160.77 0.16484 186.73 0.19145 173.17 0.17755 304.97 0.31268 145.84 0.14953 364.23 0.37343 165.57 0.16975 75.75 0.07766 63.38 0.06498 268.37 0.27516 444.95 0.45620 174.70 0.17911 525.54 0.53883 588.02 0.60288 173.06 0.17743 55.63 0.05703 66.99 0.06869 365.22 0.37445 20.80 0.02133 28.13 0.02884 866.28 0.88818 571.53 0.58598 588.38 0.60326 132.13 0.13547 107.76 0.11048 Landuse in subbasins of the Sava River Basin FREQUENCY ANNEX - BP - DPS Sub-basin (catchment > Area in m2 Area in km2 1000 km2) Where no sub-basin name, CLC_2000 is out of the catchment GRIDCODE 322 984 121 32 1203 108 255 148 90 755 145 218 148 286 213 123 269 119 68 79 35 124 111 919 2377 468 321 164 48 319 699 846 175 1083 91 109 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 FOREST AND SEMINATURAL AREAS GAP Bosna Bosut Dobra Drina Drinjača Glina Glogovnica Ilova Kolubara Korana Krapina Krivaja Krka Kupa(Kolpa) Lasva Lim Ljubljanica Lonja Orljava Piva Pliva Prača Sana Sava direct catchment Savinja Spreča Sutla(Sotla) Tara Tinja Ukrina Una Uvac Vrbas Ćehotina Česma 20 323 122 8 428 8 1 2 9 8 19 1 253 483 71 47 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 OTHERS - GAP Bosna Bosut Dobra Drina Drinjača Glina Glogovnica Ilova Kolubara Korana Krivaja Krka Kupa(Kolpa) Lim Ljubljanica 5 % 59740151.4335 3858063098.9700 910392466.8590 1176763955.8800 4215650590.1400 780931295.6430 697996408.9580 469471730.4280 853532675.2760 943093889.5570 1445038032.0600 494065848.7520 1060482769.3100 1407014354.0000 3081531146.1500 577400497.7610 3088473122.3000 1191257777.3000 364501532.5260 842887216.2900 741965073.3390 689245486.7140 686165282.0810 2103624737.9600 6294852297.9500 1085920663.2900 997843835.9090 203844973.8330 1399961452.5700 209600121.0250 541968294.4350 3574943267.8100 637035088.3900 2666049058.8000 950395415.4310 746069069.7740 59.74 0.06125 3858.06 3.95560 910.39 0.93341 1176.76 1.20651 4215.65 4.32222 780.93 0.80067 698.00 0.71564 469.47 0.48134 853.53 0.87511 943.09 0.96694 1445.04 1.48157 494.07 0.50656 1060.48 1.08729 1407.01 1.44258 3081.53 3.15943 577.40 0.59200 3088.47 3.16655 1191.26 1.22137 364.50 0.37372 842.89 0.86420 741.97 0.76072 689.25 0.70667 686.17 0.70351 2103.62 2.15681 6294.85 6.45399 1085.92 1.11337 997.84 1.02307 203.84 0.20900 1399.96 1.43535 209.60 0.21490 541.97 0.55567 3574.94 3.66532 637.04 0.65314 2666.05 2.73345 950.40 0.97442 746.07 0.76493 1670125.7699 21148416.6472 11904772.4130 2129189.0083 81613755.4708 230676.7484 6173.1712 650000.0000 44845035.2686 3270268.4113 7509032.9518 19533.0628 7006233.6868 54165794.5980 11145969.2642 22018329.3031 1.67 0.00171 21.15 0.02168 11.90 0.01221 2.13 0.00218 81.61 0.08368 0.23 0.00024 0.01 0.00001 0.65 0.00067 44.85 0.04598 3.27 0.00335 7.51 0.00770 0.02 0.00002 7.01 0.00718 54.17 0.05554 11.15 0.01143 22.02 0.02257 Landuse in subbasins of the Sava River Basin FREQUENCY 14 1 5 11 1 158 578 115 2 6 4 6 2 413 18 159 6 3 TOTAL ANNEX - BP - DPS Sub-basin (catchment > Area in m2 Area in km2 1000 km2) Where no sub-basin name, CLC_2000 is out of the catchment 5 Lonja 1242733.6849 1.24 5 Orljava 58276.4974 0.06 5 Piva 15239811.4866 15.24 5 Pliva 4670000.0000 4.67 5 Prača 86562.2153 0.09 5 Sana 20669656.2562 20.67 5 Sava direct catchment 283545130.2520 283.55 5 Savinja 6820124.5879 6.82 5 Spreča 16290000.0000 16.29 5 Sutla(Sotla) 926398.9664 0.93 5 Tara 787859.7984 0.79 5 Tinja 1068541.4445 1.07 5 Ukrina 8420000.0000 8.42 5 Una 27280350.1986 27.28 5 Uvac 16280000.0000 16.28 5 Vrbas 7497273.9988 7.50 5 Ćehotina 1160000.0000 1.16 5 Česma 17030000.0000 17.03 97534276817.7898 97534.28 GRIDCODE % 0.00127 0.00006 0.01563 0.00479 0.00009 0.02119 0.29071 0.00699 0.01670 0.00095 0.00081 0.00110 0.00863 0.02797 0.01669 0.00769 0.00119 0.01746 100 GAP - difference between all area of land and area counted by subbasins caused by precision of GIS layers 6 Diffuse Pollution Risk Analyses Subbasin of GAPs Bosna Bosut Dobra Drina Drinjača Glina Glogovnica Ilova Kolubara Korana Krapina Krivaja Krka Kupa(Kolpa) Lasva Lim Ljubljanica Lonja Orljava Piva Pliva Prača Sana Sava direct catchment Savinja Spreča Sutla(Sotla) Tara Tinja Ukrina Una Uvac 1 - Urban areas, km2 1.26 151.93 119.58 14.80 89.48 8.28 8.73 28.84 42.50 75.48 24.46 26.23 6.30 32.74 117.72 12.74 23.41 97.80 45.15 17.33 0.98 5.32 2.15 37.87 833.34 48.45 96.71 8.45 4.60 24.45 10.40 46.95 6.87 2Agricultural areas, km2 6.95 1987.07 1754.84 198.71 2319.47 254.55 647.45 663.99 737.57 2498.05 587.75 555.67 241.16 630.76 1537.05 222.21 934.25 385.65 519.41 693.52 108.16 180.65 155.41 1564.22 7909.62 537.35 782.16 302.89 195.60 648.39 911.35 1423.41 322.11 3 - Pasture and meadows, km2 15.69 390.80 15.70 35.10 386.10 46.63 87.70 139.07 117.41 115.95 226.66 160.77 186.73 173.17 304.97 145.84 364.23 165.57 75.75 63.38 268.37 444.95 174.70 525.54 588.02 173.06 55.63 66.99 365.22 20.80 28.13 866.28 571.53 ANNEX - DPS 4 - Forest and 5 - Others, Total area Urban Agricultural Pasture and semi natural km2 subbasin,km2 areas, % areas, % meadows, % areas, km2 59.74 3858.06 910.39 1176.76 4215.65 780.93 698.00 469.47 853.53 943.09 1445.04 494.07 1060.48 1407.01 3081.53 577.40 3088.47 1191.26 364.50 842.89 741.97 689.25 686.17 2103.62 6294.85 1085.92 997.84 203.84 1399.96 209.60 541.97 3574.94 637.04 1.67 21.15 11.90 2.13 81.61 0.23 0.01 0.65 44.85 3.27 7.51 0.00 0.02 7.01 54.17 0.00 11.15 22.02 1.24 0.06 15.24 4.67 0.09 20.67 283.55 6.82 16.29 0.93 0.79 1.07 8.42 27.28 16.28 85.31 6409.01 2812.41 1427.50 7092.32 1090.63 1441.88 1302.02 1795.86 3635.85 2291.43 1236.74 1494.70 2250.70 5095.44 958.19 4421.51 1862.29 1006.05 1617.18 1134.71 1324.83 1018.52 4251.93 15909.38 1851.59 1948.64 583.10 1966.17 904.31 1500.27 5938.87 1553.82 1.47% 2.37% 4.25% 1.04% 1.26% 0.76% 0.61% 2.22% 2.37% 2.08% 1.07% 2.12% 0.42% 1.45% 2.31% 1.33% 0.53% 5.25% 4.49% 1.07% 0.09% 0.40% 0.21% 0.89% 5.24% 2.62% 4.96% 1.45% 0.23% 2.70% 0.69% 0.79% 0.44% 8.15% 31.00% 62.40% 13.92% 32.70% 23.34% 44.90% 51.00% 41.07% 68.71% 25.65% 44.93% 16.13% 28.03% 30.17% 23.19% 21.13% 20.71% 51.63% 42.88% 9.53% 13.64% 15.26% 36.79% 49.72% 29.02% 40.14% 51.94% 9.95% 71.70% 60.75% 23.97% 20.73% 18.39% 6.10% 0.56% 2.46% 5.44% 4.28% 6.08% 10.68% 6.54% 3.19% 9.89% 13.00% 12.49% 7.69% 5.99% 15.22% 8.24% 8.89% 7.53% 3.92% 23.65% 33.59% 17.15% 12.36% 3.70% 9.35% 2.85% 11.49% 18.58% 2.30% 1.88% 14.59% 36.78% Diffuse Pollution Risk Analyses Vrbas Čehotina Česma Total 46.44 8.67 42.34 2168.77 1639.52 329.43 1038.25 35424.62 588.38 132.13 107.76 8194.71 2666.05 950.40 746.07 51047.77 7.50 1.16 17.03 698.41 ANNEX - DPS 4947.88 1421.78 1951.45 97534.28 0.94% 0.61% 2.17% 33.14% 23.17% 53.20% 11.89% 9.29% 5.52% Diffuse Pollution Risk Analyses Forest and semi Total Others, % natural areas, % 1+2+3, % 70.03% 60.20% 32.37% 82.44% 59.44% 71.60% 48.41% 36.06% 47.53% 25.94% 63.06% 39.95% 70.95% 62.51% 60.48% 60.26% 69.85% 63.97% 36.23% 52.12% 65.39% 52.03% 67.37% 49.47% 39.57% 58.65% 51.21% 34.96% 71.20% 23.18% 36.12% 60.20% 41.00% 1.96% 0.33% 0.42% 0.15% 1.15% 0.02% 0.00% 0.05% 2.50% 0.09% 0.33% 0.00% 0.00% 0.31% 1.06% 0.00% 0.25% 1.18% 0.12% 0.00% 1.34% 0.35% 0.01% 0.49% 1.78% 0.37% 0.84% 0.16% 0.04% 0.12% 0.56% 0.46% 1.05% 28% 39% 67% 17% 39% 28% 52% 64% 50% 74% 37% 60% 29% 37% 38% 40% 30% 35% 64% 48% 33% 48% 33% 50% 59% 41% 48% 65% 29% 77% 63% 39% 58% Risk assessment low risk low risk high risk no risk low risk low risk middle risk high risk middle risk high risk low risk middle risk low risk low risk low risk low risk low risk low risk high risk middle risk low risk middle risk low risk middle risk middle risk middle risk middle risk high risk low risk high risk high risk low risk middle risk ANNEX - DPS Pt emissions Pt emissions from Pt emissions from Pt emissions Pt emissions from from agricultural pastures and forest and semi from others urban areas, t/a areas, t/a (0,1 meadows, t/a (0,01 natural areas, t/a areas, t/a (0 (0,1 t/km2/a) t/km2/a) t/km2/a) (0,006 t/km2/a) t/km2/a) 0.13 15.19 11.96 1.48 8.95 0.83 0.87 2.88 4.25 7.55 2.45 2.62 0.63 3.27 11.77 1.27 2.34 9.78 4.51 1.73 0.10 0.53 0.22 3.79 83.33 4.84 9.67 0.84 0.46 2.45 1.04 4.70 0.69 0.70 198.71 175.48 19.87 231.95 25.46 64.75 66.40 73.76 249.81 58.77 55.57 24.12 63.08 153.70 22.22 93.43 38.56 51.94 69.35 10.82 18.06 15.54 156.42 790.96 53.73 78.22 30.29 19.56 64.84 91.14 142.34 32.21 0.16 3.91 0.16 0.35 3.86 0.47 0.88 1.39 1.17 1.16 2.27 1.61 1.87 1.73 3.05 1.46 3.64 1.66 0.76 0.63 2.68 4.45 1.75 5.26 5.88 1.73 0.56 0.67 3.65 0.21 0.28 8.66 5.72 0.36 23.15 5.46 7.06 25.29 4.69 4.19 2.82 5.12 5.66 8.67 2.96 6.36 8.44 18.49 3.46 18.53 7.15 2.19 5.06 4.45 4.14 4.12 12.62 37.77 6.52 5.99 1.22 8.40 1.26 3.25 21.45 3.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Diffuse Pollution Risk Analyses 53.88% 66.85% 38.23% 0.15% 0.08% 0.87% 46% middle risk 33% low risk 61% high risk 4.64 0.87 4.23 216.88 163.95 32.94 103.83 3542.46 ANNEX - DPS 5.88 1.32 1.08 81.95 16.00 5.70 4.48 306.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Diffuse Pollution Risk Analyses Pt emissions, total t/a 1.34 240.96 193.06 28.76 270.05 31.44 70.68 73.49 84.30 264.17 72.16 62.76 32.98 76.52 187.02 28.42 117.94 57.15 59.40 76.78 18.05 27.18 21.62 178.09 917.95 66.83 94.43 33.03 32.07 68.75 95.71 177.15 42.44 Specific Pt emissions, t/km2 a 0.016 0.038 0.069 0.020 0.038 0.029 0.049 0.056 0.047 0.073 0.031 0.051 0.022 0.034 0.037 0.030 0.027 0.031 0.059 0.047 0.016 0.021 0.021 0.042 0.058 0.036 0.048 0.057 0.016 0.076 0.064 0.030 0.027 Nt emissions from urban areas, t/a (0,88 t/km2/a) 1.01 133.70 105.23 13.02 78.74 7.29 7.68 25.38 37.40 66.42 21.53 23.08 5.54 28.81 103.60 11.21 20.60 86.06 39.73 15.25 0.86 4.68 1.89 33.33 733.34 42.63 85.11 7.43 4.05 21.52 9.15 41.32 6.05 Nt emissions from Nt emissions from agricultural areas, pastures and t/a meadows, t/a (0,66 t/km2/a) (0,22 t/km2/a) 4.59 1311.47 1158.19 131.15 1530.85 168.00 427.32 438.23 486.79 1648.72 387.91 366.74 159.17 416.30 1014.45 146.66 616.61 254.53 342.81 457.73 71.38 119.23 102.57 1032.39 5220.35 354.65 516.23 199.91 129.10 427.94 601.49 939.45 212.59 3.45 85.98 3.45 7.72 84.94 10.26 19.29 30.60 25.83 25.51 49.87 35.37 41.08 38.10 67.09 32.08 80.13 36.42 16.66 13.94 59.04 97.89 38.43 115.62 129.36 38.07 12.24 14.74 80.35 4.58 6.19 190.58 125.74 ANNEX - DPS Nt emissions from forest and semi natural areas, t/a (0,11 t/km2/a) 6.57 424.39 100.14 129.44 463.72 85.90 76.78 51.64 93.89 103.74 158.95 54.35 116.65 154.77 338.97 63.51 339.73 131.04 40.10 92.72 81.62 75.82 75.48 231.40 692.43 119.45 109.76 22.42 154.00 23.06 59.62 393.24 70.07 Nt emissions from others areas, t/a (0 t/km2/a) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Nt emissions, total t/a 15.62 1955.52 1367.02 281.34 2158.26 271.46 531.07 545.85 643.92 1844.39 618.26 479.54 322.45 637.99 1524.11 253.47 1057.07 508.05 439.30 579.64 212.90 297.61 218.38 1412.73 6775.49 554.81 723.34 244.50 367.49 477.09 676.45 1564.60 414.45 Specific Nt emissions, t/km2 of subbasin 0.18 0.31 0.49 0.20 0.30 0.25 0.37 0.42 0.36 0.51 0.27 0.39 0.22 0.28 0.30 0.26 0.24 0.27 0.44 0.36 0.19 0.22 0.21 0.33 0.43 0.30 0.37 0.42 0.19 0.53 0.45 0.26 0.27 Diffuse Pollution Risk Analyses 190.48 40.83 113.61 4147.57 0.038 0.029 0.058 0.043 40.87 7.63 37.26 1908.42 1082.08 217.43 685.25 23380.25 129.44 29.07 23.71 1802.84 293.27 104.54 82.07 5615.25 ANNEX - DPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1545.66 358.66 828.28 32706.76 Subbasins with Nt emissions <300 t/a 300 - 480 t/a 480 - 640 t/a 640 - 1400 t/a > 1400 t/a 0.31 0.25 0.42 0.34 Subbasins with specific emmisions of Nt (tonns/km2 <0,25 0,25-0,35 0,35 - 0,40 0,40 -0,50 >0,50 ANNEX_DPS Assessment of diffuse pollution sources - 1st cycle risk analyses results Subbasin of Urban areas, km2 GAP 1.26 Bosna 151.93 Bosut 119.58 Dobra 14.80 Drina 89.48 Drinjača 8.28 Glina 8.73 Glogovnica 28.84 Ilova 42.50 Kolubara 75.48 Korana 24.46 Krapina 26.23 Krivaja 6.30 Krka 32.74 Kupa(Kolpa) 117.72 Lasva 12.74 Lim 23.41 Ljubljanica 97.80 Lonja 45.15 Orljava 17.33 Piva 0.98 Pliva 5.32 Prača 2.15 Sana 37.87 Sava direct catchment 833.34 Savinja 48.45 Spreča 96.71 Sutla(Sotla) 8.45 Tara 4.60 Tinja 24.45 Ukrina 10.40 Una 46.95 Uvac 6.87 Vrbas 46.44 Čehotina 8.67 Forest Pasture and semi Agricultural and natural areas, km2 meadows areas, , km2 km2 6.95 1987.07 1754.84 198.71 2319.47 254.55 647.45 663.99 737.57 2498.05 587.75 555.67 241.16 630.76 1537.05 222.21 934.25 385.65 519.41 693.52 108.16 180.65 155.41 1564.22 7909.62 537.35 782.16 302.89 195.60 648.39 911.35 1423.41 322.11 1639.52 329.43 15.69 390.80 15.70 35.10 386.10 46.63 87.70 139.07 117.41 115.95 226.66 160.77 186.73 173.17 304.97 145.84 364.23 165.57 75.75 63.38 268.37 444.95 174.70 525.54 588.02 173.06 55.63 66.99 365.22 20.80 28.13 866.28 571.53 588.38 132.13 59.74 3858.06 910.39 1176.76 4215.65 780.93 698.00 469.47 853.53 943.09 1445.04 494.07 1060.48 1407.01 3081.53 577.40 3088.47 1191.26 364.50 842.89 741.97 689.25 686.17 2103.62 6294.85 1085.92 997.84 203.84 1399.96 209.60 541.97 3574.94 637.04 2666.05 950.40 Others, km2 1.67 21.15 11.90 2.13 81.61 0.23 0.01 0.65 44.85 3.27 7.51 0.00 0.02 7.01 54.17 0.00 11.15 22.02 1.24 0.06 15.24 4.67 0.09 20.67 283.55 6.82 16.29 0.93 0.79 1.07 8.42 27.28 16.28 7.50 1.16 Pasture Forest Total area Urban Agricultural and and semi Σ 1+2+3, subbasin, Others, % areas, % areas, % meadows natural % km2 ,% areas, % 85.31 6409.01 2812.41 1427.50 7092.32 1090.63 1441.88 1302.02 1795.86 3635.85 2291.43 1236.74 1494.70 2250.70 5095.44 958.19 4421.51 1862.29 1006.05 1617.18 1134.71 1324.83 1018.52 4251.93 15909.38 1851.59 1948.64 583.10 1966.17 904.31 1500.27 5938.87 1553.82 4947.88 1421.78 13 1.47% 2.37% 4.25% 1.04% 1.26% 0.76% 0.61% 2.22% 2.37% 2.08% 1.07% 2.12% 0.42% 1.45% 2.31% 1.33% 0.53% 5.25% 4.49% 1.07% 0.09% 0.40% 0.21% 0.89% 5.24% 2.62% 4.96% 1.45% 0.23% 2.70% 0.69% 0.79% 0.44% 0.94% 0.61% 8.15% 31.00% 62.40% 13.92% 32.70% 23.34% 44.90% 51.00% 41.07% 68.71% 25.65% 44.93% 16.13% 28.03% 30.17% 23.19% 21.13% 20.71% 51.63% 42.88% 9.53% 13.64% 15.26% 36.79% 49.72% 29.02% 40.14% 51.94% 9.95% 71.70% 60.75% 23.97% 20.73% 33.14% 23.17% 18.39% 6.10% 0.56% 2.46% 5.44% 4.28% 6.08% 10.68% 6.54% 3.19% 9.89% 13.00% 12.49% 7.69% 5.99% 15.22% 8.24% 8.89% 7.53% 3.92% 23.65% 33.59% 17.15% 12.36% 3.70% 9.35% 2.85% 11.49% 18.58% 2.30% 1.88% 14.59% 36.78% 11.89% 9.29% 70.03% 60.20% 32.37% 82.44% 59.44% 71.60% 48.41% 36.06% 47.53% 25.94% 63.06% 39.95% 70.95% 62.51% 60.48% 60.26% 69.85% 63.97% 36.23% 52.12% 65.39% 52.03% 67.37% 49.47% 39.57% 58.65% 51.21% 34.96% 71.20% 23.18% 36.12% 60.20% 41.00% 53.88% 66.85% 1.96% 0.33% 0.42% 0.15% 1.15% 0.02% 0.00% 0.05% 2.50% 0.09% 0.33% 0.00% 0.00% 0.31% 1.06% 0.00% 0.25% 1.18% 0.12% 0.00% 1.34% 0.35% 0.01% 0.49% 1.78% 0.37% 0.84% 0.16% 0.04% 0.12% 0.56% 0.46% 1.05% 0.15% 0.08% 28% 39% 67% 17% 39% 28% 52% 64% 50% 74% 37% 60% 29% 37% 38% 40% 30% 35% 64% 48% 33% 48% 33% 50% 59% 41% 48% 65% 29% 77% 63% 39% 58% 46% 33% ANNEX_DPS Assessment of diffuse pollution sources - 1st cycle risk analyses results Česma Total NUMBER OF SUBBASINS IN no risk low risk middle risk high risk very high risk Total 42.34 2168.77 1038.25 35424.62 107.76 746.07 8194.71 51047.77 17.03 698.41 1951.45 97534.28 1 16 11 8 0 36 14 2.17% 53.20% 5.52% 38.23% 0.87% 61% Assessment of diffuse pollution sources - 1st cycle risk analyses results Risk assessment low risk low risk high risk no risk low risk low risk middle risk high risk middle risk high risk low risk middle risk low risk low risk low risk low risk low risk low risk high risk middle risk low risk middle risk low risk middle risk middle risk middle risk middle risk high risk low risk high risk high risk low risk middle risk middle risk low risk 15 ANNEX_DPS Assessment of diffuse pollution sources - 1st cycle risk analyses results high risk 16 ANNEX_DPS Assessment of diffuse pollution sources - 2st cycle risk analyses results Σ 1+2+3, % Subbasin of GAP 28% Bosna 39% Bosut 67% Dobra 17% Drina 39% Drinjača 28% Glina 52% Glogovnica 64% Ilova 50% Kolubara 74% Korana 37% Krapina 60% Krivaja 29% Krka 37% Kupa(Kolpa) 38% Lasva 40% Lim 30% Ljubljanica 35% Lonja 64% Orljava 48% Piva 33% Pliva 48% Prača 33% Sana 50% Sava direct catchment 59% Savinja 41% Spreča 48% Sutla(Sotla) 65% Tara 29% Tinja 77% Ukrina 63% Una 39% Uvac 58% Vrbas 46% Čehotina 33% Česma 61% Total No of subbasins 1 17 9 9 0 Risk assessment 1cycle low risk low risk high risk no risk low risk low risk middle risk high risk middle risk high risk low risk middle risk low risk low risk low risk low risk low risk low risk high risk middle risk low risk middle risk low risk middle risk middle risk middle risk middle risk high risk low risk high risk high risk low risk middle risk middle risk low risk high risk level of risk no risk low risk middle risk high risk very high risk Specific Pt Specific Nt emissions, emissions, t/km2.a t/km2 .a 0.016 0.038 0.069 0.020 0.038 0.029 0.049 0.056 0.047 0.073 0.031 0.051 0.022 0.034 0.037 0.030 0.027 0.031 0.059 0.047 0.016 0.021 0.021 0.042 0.058 0.036 0.048 0.057 0.016 0.076 0.064 0.030 0.027 0.038 0.029 0.058 0.043 ANNEX- DPS 0.18 0.31 0.49 0.20 0.30 0.25 0.37 0.42 0.36 0.51 0.27 0.39 0.22 0.28 0.30 0.26 0.24 0.27 0.44 0.36 0.19 0.22 0.21 0.33 0.43 0.30 0.37 0.42 0.19 0.53 0.45 0.26 0.27 0.31 0.25 0.42 0.34 Risk assesment 2cycle low risk low risk high risk no risk low risk low risk middle risk high risk middle risk high risk low risk middle risk low risk low risk low risk low risk low risk low risk high risk middle risk low risk low risk low risk middle risk high risk middle risk middle risk high risk low risk high risk high risk low risk middle risk middle risk low risk high risk Subbasins with specific Subbasins with emmisions of specific Pt emmisions of Nt <0,030 t/km2.a <0,25 t/km2.a 0,03-0,04 t/km2.a0,25-0,35 t/km2.a 0,04-0,06 t/km2.a0,35 - 0,40 t/km2.a 0,06 - 0,07 t/km2.a 0,40 -0,50 t/km2.a >0,07 t/km2.a >0,50 t/km2.a 17 Balance of Nt emissions from DPS Nt emissions Nt emissions from Nt emissions from urban agricultural from pastures areas, t/a areas, t/a and meadows, t/a GAP 1.01 4.59 3.45 Bosna 133.70 1311.47 85.98 Bosut 105.23 1158.19 3.45 Dobra 13.02 131.15 7.72 Drina 78.74 1530.85 84.94 Drinjača 7.29 168.00 10.26 Glina 7.68 427.32 19.29 Glogovnica 25.38 438.23 30.60 Ilova 37.40 486.79 25.83 Kolubara 66.42 1648.72 25.51 Korana 21.53 387.91 49.87 Krapina 23.08 366.74 35.37 Krivaja 5.54 159.17 41.08 Krka 28.81 416.30 38.10 Kupa(Kolpa) 103.60 1014.45 67.09 Lasva 11.21 146.66 32.08 Lim 20.60 616.61 80.13 Ljubljanica 86.06 254.53 36.42 Lonja 39.73 342.81 16.66 Orljava 15.25 457.73 13.94 Piva 0.86 71.38 59.04 Pliva 4.68 119.23 97.89 Prača 1.89 102.57 38.43 Sana 33.33 1032.39 115.62 Sava direct catchment 733.34 5220.35 129.36 Savinja 42.63 354.65 38.07 Spreča 85.11 516.23 12.24 Sutla(Sotla) 7.43 199.91 14.74 Tara 4.05 129.10 80.35 Tinja 21.52 427.94 4.58 Ukrina 9.15 601.49 6.19 Una 41.32 939.45 190.58 Uvac 6.05 212.59 125.74 Vrbas 40.87 1082.08 129.44 Čehotina 7.63 217.43 29.07 Česma 37.26 685.25 23.71 SAVA RB 1908.42 23380.25 1802.84 Subbasins with Nt emissions <300 t/a 300 - 480 t/a 480 - 640 t/a 640 - 1400 t/a > 1400 t/a 18 ANNEX _ DPS Nt emissions from forest and semi natural Nt emissions, areas, t/a total t/a 6.57 15.62 424.39 1955.52 100.14 1367.02 129.44 281.34 463.72 2158.26 85.90 271.46 76.78 531.07 51.64 545.85 93.89 643.92 103.74 1844.39 158.95 618.26 54.35 479.54 116.65 322.45 154.77 637.99 338.97 1524.11 63.51 253.47 339.73 1057.07 131.04 508.05 40.10 439.30 92.72 579.64 81.62 212.90 75.82 297.61 75.48 218.38 231.40 1412.73 692.43 6775.49 119.45 554.81 109.76 723.34 22.42 244.50 154.00 367.49 23.06 477.09 59.62 676.45 393.24 1564.60 70.07 414.45 293.27 1545.66 104.54 358.66 82.07 828.28 5615.25 32706.76 Balance of Pt emissions from DPS Pt emissions from urban areas, t/a GAP 0.13 Bosna 15.19 Bosut 11.96 Dobra 1.48 Drina 8.95 Drinjača 0.83 Glina 0.87 Glogovnica 2.88 Ilova 4.25 Kolubara 7.55 Korana 2.45 Krapina 2.62 Krivaja 0.63 Krka 3.27 Kupa(Kolpa) 11.77 Lasva 1.27 Lim 2.34 Ljubljanica 9.78 Lonja 4.51 Orljava 1.73 Piva 0.10 Pliva 0.53 Prača 0.22 Sana 3.79 Sava direct catchment 83.33 Savinja 4.84 Spreča 9.67 Sutla(Sotla) 0.84 Tara 0.46 Tinja 2.45 Ukrina 1.04 Una 4.70 Uvac 0.69 Vrbas 4.64 Čehotina 0.87 Česma 4.23 SAVA RB 216.88 Pt emissions from agricultural areas, t/a 0.70 198.71 175.48 19.87 231.95 25.46 64.75 66.40 73.76 249.81 58.77 55.57 24.12 63.08 153.70 22.22 93.43 38.56 51.94 69.35 10.82 18.06 15.54 156.42 790.96 53.73 78.22 30.29 19.56 64.84 91.14 142.34 32.21 163.95 32.94 103.83 3542.46 ANNEX _DPS Pt emissions from pastures Pt emissions from and meadows, forest and semi Pt emissions, total t/a natural areas, t/a t/a 0.16 0.36 1.34 3.91 23.15 240.96 0.16 5.46 193.06 0.35 7.06 28.76 3.86 25.29 270.05 0.47 4.69 31.44 0.88 4.19 70.68 1.39 2.82 73.49 1.17 5.12 84.30 1.16 5.66 264.17 2.27 8.67 72.16 1.61 2.96 62.76 1.87 6.36 32.98 1.73 8.44 76.52 3.05 18.49 187.02 1.46 3.46 28.42 3.64 18.53 117.94 1.66 7.15 57.15 0.76 2.19 59.40 0.63 5.06 76.78 2.68 4.45 18.05 4.45 4.14 27.18 1.75 4.12 21.62 5.26 12.62 178.09 5.88 37.77 917.95 1.73 6.52 66.83 0.56 5.99 94.43 0.67 1.22 33.03 3.65 8.40 32.07 0.21 1.26 68.75 0.28 3.25 95.71 8.66 21.45 177.15 5.72 3.82 42.44 5.88 16.00 190.48 1.32 5.70 40.83 1.08 4.48 113.61 81.95 306.29 4147.57 Subbasins with Pt emissions <30 t/a 30 - 60 t/a 60 - 80 t/a 80 - 180 t/a > 180 t/a 19 Sava River Basin Management Plan Annex 8 Data Requirements for Mathematic Models of DPS assessment Draft 4.0 by Project Team Zagreb October, 2011 Diffuse pollution sources Legend: Data available Data received Data acquisition initiated - no response from country Data not available "+/-" Sava River Basin Analysis Report Harmonize Worl Soil Database data could be obtained "y/n" partially available data SRBA HWSD ANNEX -BP-DPS_DATA ANNEX - BP - DPS _DATA MONERIS - required data Data group Required data SI Catchment SRBA boundaries River flow net and SRBA lakes Land use map + Tile drained area Digital Elevation + Model Maps Soil Map Geological map Atmospheric deposition map Map of location of monitoring and gauging stations in basin Data from Statistical reports Inhabitants Areable land Nitrogen balance of the agriculture HR BIH RS ME SRBA SRBA SRBA SRBA SRBA + SRBA SRBA SRBA SRBA SRBA + + + + HWSD and National or FAO Soils of the World (FAO, 2000) HWSD and National or FAO Soils of the World (FAO, 2000) HWSD and National or FAO Soils of the World (FAO, 2000) HWSD and National or FAO Soils of the World (FAO, 2000) HWSD and National or FAO Soils of the World (FAO, 2000) + + + + + SRBA + SRBA + SRBA + SRBA + SRBA Measured Runoff Hydro Cemical data DIN-N TN TP + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Long term average percipitation + + + + + Mean evaporation long tearm + + + + + Mean Clay content Soil Information Climate Information Mean soil loss from arable land Mean N content in soil P accumulation in reference year Annual/monthly percipitation Percipitation summer Total inhabitants per catchment SRBA SRBA 3 SRBA SRBA SRBA ANNEX - BP - DPS _DATA MONERIS - required data Data group Urban system Required data Connected inhabitants to sewer system Inhabitants connected to WWTPs and sewers Share combined sewers on total sewers Separate sewer flow length Storage volumen of combined sewer system for each year SI HR BIH RS ME + + + + + + + + + + Discharge Inventory of industrial direct discharge WWTP Inventory Mean annual concentration of loads for TN and TP Location WWTP capacity in PE PE treated in WWTP Elimination rate Size Class of WWTP Treatment stages Total discharge from WWTP Mean concentration TN Mean concentration TP + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - + + + + - + + + + - 4 + + + + ANNEX - BP - DPS _DATA OECD Model - country - required data Data group Land use Animal husbandry and aquaculture Required data Forest Agriculture Wetlands Surface water Other surface SI + + + + + HR BIH Animal husbandry + Dairy cows Fish farms Number of fish farms in basin Location of fish farms Fish production + Wastewater treatment plant Own treatment plant Basic Septic tank, sludge well only, broken People connected to Basic Septic tank, sludge well only, closed sludge well and infiltration tank Advanced wastewater treatment No connection Wastewater treatment plant Industry Own treatment connected to plant Direct discharge Total Nitrogen Nitrogen measured load Chemistry Phosporous measured load Total Phosphorus Any area specific Other polluter pollution Average yearly discharge ME + + + + + y/n + y/n y/n Number of WWTP Sava River and tributaries RS + + + + + + + + + + + + + y/n + + + + + Average discharge + Jun-July- August + + + + 5 ANNEX - BP - DPS _DATA OECD Model - country - required data Data group Sava River and tributaries Land use Required data Average discharge October+ November December SI HR + BIH + 6 RS + ME + ANNEX - BP - DPS _DATA OECD Model - TNMN - required data Data Group Oxygen related data Required data Station Jasenica (starting point Sava river) Dissolved Oxygen Oxygen saturation Suspended matter after drying COD (KMNO4) COD (K2Cr2O7) BOD5 TOC pH Electrical conductivity Total hardness Carbonate hardness m-Alkalinity Hardness and Chloride other substances Silica Calcium Magnesium Sodium Potassium Total nitrogen Ammonia Nitrite Nutrient Nitrate parameters Sulphate Total phosphorous Ortophosphate 7 Station Ostruznica (end point Sava river) ANNEX - BP - DPS _DATA QUAL2K - required data Data group Required data Conductivity Inorganic suspended solids Dissolved oxygen SI HR BIH RS ME + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Total suspended solids + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Slowly reacting CBOD Fast reacting CBOD Organic nitrogen Ammonia nitrogen Nitrate nitrogen Organic phosphorus Inorganic phosphorus Phytoplankton Phytoplankton nitrogen Phytoplankton phosphorus Detritus Pathogen Alkalinity Total inorganic carbon The model constituents Bottom algae biomass Bottom algae nitrogen Bottom algae phosphorus Temperature Total nitrogen Ammonium nitrogen Nitrite nitrogen Nitrate nitrogen Chlorophyll a Total phosphorus Soluble reactive phosphorus Volatile suspended solids Total organic carbon Dissolved organic carbon Dissolved Oxygen pH Alkalinity Specific conductance Tributary Bottom Manning Formula for width each delineated WB in SRB + + + ANNEX - BP - DPS _DATA QUAL2K - required data Data group Required data SI Manning Formula for each delineated WB Side slope Channel slope in SRB Manning n HR BIH RS ME Bottom Algae Coverage Bottom Sediment Oxygen Demand Coverage Air temperature Wind speed Cloud cover Name of Source Diffuse Source Location Source inflows and outflows + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + * mg/L = g/m3; In addition, the terms D, C, N, P, and A refer to dry weight, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and chlorophyll a, respectively. The term cfu stands for colony forming unit which is a measure of viable bacterial numbers. This model was devepoled for specific type of the water bodies - large lowlandrivers and stagnante waters. Possible application only in Sava river. ANNEX - BP - DPS _DATA QUAL2K - required data Data group Required data Soil map Spatial SI HWSD and National or FAO Soils of the World (FAO, 2000) HR HWSD and National or FAO Soils of the World (FAO, 2000) BIH HWSD and National or FAO Soils of the World (FAO, 2000) RS HWSD and National or FAO Soils of the World (FAO, 2000) ME HWSD and National or FAO Soils of the World (FAO, 2000) + SRBA SRBA + SRBA SRBA SRBA SRBA SRBA SRBA SRBA SRBA SRBA SRBA SRBA SRBA + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Land use map Digital Elevation SRBA Model Water delineation SRBA Basin and subbasin boundaries SRBA Daily minimum + temperature Daily maximum + temperature Monthly average + evaporation Daily surface flow Time series Attribute Total annual discharge Solar radiation Wind speed Relative humidity Annual sediment load Monthly average rainfall Soil profile Vegetation Urban Reservoirs BOD5 CODCr Ntot KjN NH4 NO2 NO3 + Ptot Point Source PO43Suspended Solid List of industrial polluters used for point sources input List of WWTP’s used for point sources input 10 Point Source ANNEX - BP - DPS _DATA QUAL2K - required data Data group Spatial Diffuse Sources Required data Unconnected households Point sources originating from agriculture Applied animal manure SI HR + BIH + Chemical fertilizer + Partition of agricultural data over time 11 RS ME