Park Lawn School


Park Lawn School
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Outreach ▪ Partnership ▪ Growth
Annual Report 2011
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Dear Friends:
Dear Friends:
As we look back on the past year, we
are really looking ahead. Whatever
has been accomplished sets the course
for what’s next.
The Association Board has been busy on
many different fronts this past fiscal year.
Highlights of these items are as follows:
Despite economic uncertainties and
declining public funding, Park Lawn
remains a vital organization continuingly
adding to its history of accomplishment,
true to its mission, grounded in its
founding principles, concerned about today, yet focused
on tomorrow, always tomorrow....
Park Lawn continues to grow in both the number of
individuals served and the scope of our programs. We
now provide service to nearly 600 individuals and their
families in 11 distinct program offerings, some of which
are highlighted in this report. Our modestly priced
private pay program allows recently graduated special
education students awaiting scarce adult program public
funding the opportunity for full inclusion in Park Lawn
services rather than languish at home.
We are also progressively addressing the challenges of
the future through collaboration with sister organizations,
actively sharing talent and resources for the betterment
of each and the field of developmental disabilities in
general. Park Lawn has been a leader in these initiatives.
We proudly include our affiliation with Community
Service Partners and Intersect for Ability in this report.
Program quality will always be of prime focus as well.
While the State of Illinois unfortunately no longer
requires ‘outside’ credentialing, Park Lawn continues
to operate its programs in accordance with the high
professional standards established by the Commission
on Accreditation for Rehabilitation Facilities, CARF. We
will again look forward to another rigorous 3 year CARF
accreditation survey in 2012. We will be even better
because of it.
Adequate funding to maintain and grow necessary
programs and services will always be of concern. While
our financial profile remains solid, generating additional
private dollars and resources is critical to future success.
As we continually ‘retool’ our outreach and fundraising
efforts, we are humbled by the support so generously
given by so many, every day....
Yes, looking back helps us to look ahead. Advocates like
you have been with us throughout our history and have
helped shape it. We know that you believe in our ongoing
mission. Your compassion and support allows us to
proceed with confidence. We are ever so grateful...
James R. Weise
Executive Director
Protecting Park Lawn operations in the
Ligas class action lawsuit – There was a
class action lawsuit on behalf of individuals
with developmental disabilities against the
state of Illinois in order to access community residential services. While we all want
to provide the least restrictive and most accommodating
residential setting, the original wording would have had a
deleterious effect on funding for our ICFDD facilities.
These facilities include Park Lawn Center and Park Lawn
Homes. These facilities provide more intense services for
the more vulnerable clients we serve. The board and staff
partnered with several agencies across the state to make
sure the final resolution would not hurt Park Lawn and our
Advocating for tax changes for 529 plans – A 529 plan is
a special section in the tax code that allows savings
accounts to be set up for people for future college spending. Individuals with developmental disabilities are generally
not in these plans because they rarely go to college.
However, the need to save for future needs is just as or
even more important for these individuals and their families.
Therefore, we have been advocating to Congress on a state
and federal level in order to make changes in the tax code
to benefit our individuals and our families.
Vocational services center property disposition – Our
workshop at 5040 W. 111th Street is located within a Tax
Increment Financing (TIF) district where the Village of Oak
Lawn wants to use land in the area for economic development. We are working closely with our partners in the village to ensure that what eventually happens will be in the
best long term interest of Park Lawn and our participants.
Collaborations with Saint Xavier University – Park Lawn
as well as our collaborative partners at Community Service
Partners have been able to access the expertise of the staff
and students at SXU Graham School of Management. We
are looking to expand our relationship with the university
and be an asset for them to help them meet their strategic
goals of providing meaningful work and service opportunities for their students.
This is only a fraction of some of the outreach we have
done as a board. Our strategy continues to be one of collaborations with like agencies, community partners, and
governmental bodies. As you can see, we have been busy;
but we will continue to be busy to do the best job we possibly can to make sure Park Lawn remains an important and
viable institution for the people we serve.
Jonathan Perry
Board President
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Park Lawn’s mission is to provide services that promote
independence, choice and access to community living for
people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Fiscal Year 2010/2011 Highlights
䡲 More than 590 individuals with developmental disabilities benefit by
Park Lawn programs and services.
䡲 Around 230 volunteers put in 4,544 hours helping with mailings; direct
assistance to Park Lawn participants and residents; Park Lawn fundraising
events; office work; representing Park Lawn at community events, Park Lawn
Fun Days; and Bingo.
䡲 17 families were at Park Lawn through a low cost private pay structure.
This provides graduates the opportunity to continue in Park Lawn programs
while they await approval for scarce adult service public funding.
䡲 95 people lived at home with their families and 92 individuals resided in
comfort through some form of Park Lawn agency living arrangement.
䡲 Park Lawn added an additional 121 families to the roster of those served in
the Building Bridges to the Future Program collaboration to better understand
options for their student with special needs after high school. Many of the
original families continued to be served which doubled our impact.
䡲 13 companies employed 20 Park Lawn adults with intellectual and
developmental disabilities, which includes 11 males and 9 females.
䡲 While 26 Park Lawn participants volunteered at 10 organizations they
prepared for future job openings.
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Philosophy, History and Services
We believe that people with disabilities earnestly wish to live a normal life. They want to go to
school, hold a job that truly needs to be done, a place to live in comfort, and they want a full and
active social life. Within this context Park Lawn provides adult developmental training, vocational
programs and residential services. All are backed with professional staff support.
Park Lawn was founded in 1955 by a small group of parents from Evergreen Park and Oak Lawn
who decided that their children diagnosed with intellectual and developmental disabilities
deserve better opportunities to highlight their abilities. As their children grew and their abilities
increased, Park Lawn expanded its programs to meet their needs. What began with meeting in
local church basements has grown to 12 facilities throughout the southwest suburbs of Chicago.
Today, more than 590 adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities over the age of 18
benefit from Park Lawn programs and residential services.
Park Lawn’s residential facilities are attuned to the capabilities and interests of the residents.
Whenever possible, under the guidance of caring staff, residents participate in household activities, complete chores, and schedule social activities. Park Lawn Center (PLC) is an intermediate
care facility that provides twenty-four hour supervision and medical services. It is home to fortyone individuals with profound cognitive challenges and complex medical needs. Fifteen people
reside at Park Lawn Homes where residents aided by staff, cooperatively complete household
duties such as meal planning and preparation, shopping, laundry, upkeep of their bedrooms and
planning leisure activities. There are now eight Community Integrated Living Arrangements
(CILA) homes that are owned and operated by Park Lawn which includes the additional CILA
home purchased during fiscal year 2010-2011. An average of five to six residents lives in each of
the single family homes. CILAs provide the greatest opportunity for independent living.
Park Lawn’s vocational services are a tiered program which allows for easy transition from one
level to another. As individuals enter a program and gain skills, dexterity and experience they
move to a job more challenging and suited to their interests and ability.
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For some of Park Lawn participants, their life with Park Lawn begins near the end of high school.
Park Lawn has developed a partnership with local school districts to provide a Transition Program
that trains at day program facilities. This program is open to students ages 18-22. During the
school year students are fully integrated in Park Lawn Day Services. This experience helps facilitate
success for students to transition into the adult workforce.
These students soon find out that there are a lot of opportunities available after high school.
Park Lawn Adult Developmental Training program serves adults with significant intellectual and
developmental disabilities considered to be pervasive and require ongoing supervision and support.
Curricular areas include temporal orientation; activities in dining, hygiene and grooming; movement
and walking; hand use; listening skills; visual stimulation; positioning; art activities; music therapy;
pet therapy; and community outings.
Another option for individuals with developmental disabilities leaving high school would include
being a part of Park Lawn’s Vocational Training Program. Participants learn job readiness skills
such as remaining on task, following directions and setting up work flow. Through this training
they derive a great deal of satisfaction from fulfilling sub-contract work for companies such as
Nordstrom, Murphy Beds, TEC Tool, Dermaide and others. They complete a variety of jobs including
document shredding, packaging, heat sealing, display assembly, collating, sorting and more. In
return, they receive a salary with benefits of paid vacations, sick days and holidays. Classes are
incorporated into the work day and assist workshop participants in coping with daily situations
and relationships. The primary goal for Park Lawn’s Vocational Services is to improve functional
and social skills that lead to greater self-sufficiency and independence.
Some participants take their vocational training out in the community through Park Lawn’s
Supported Employment Program (SEP) and Community Employment Services (CES) programs.
Some positions held include clerical, data entry, food service, janitorial and cleaning, assembly,
mail processing and production work. SEP and CES are mutually beneficial because businesses
gain qualified and dedicated employees; while workers gain self-esteem and the satisfaction that
they are a contributing force within their communities.
Park Lawn is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization providing
programs and services for individuals with intellectual
and developmental disabilities since 1955.
Park Lawn is accredited by CARF: The
Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation
Facilities. (
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Park Lawn Outreach
A big part of the Park Lawn Board of Director’s long term vision is increasing the outreach and
awareness to the community. During fiscal year 2010-2011 this was accomplished through a
variety of avenues including online, in person and fundraising events.
Park Lawn has had a presence online with a website,, since early 2003. In
2010 Park Lawn’s web designing company offered to upgrade the website for a more modern
look and to increase the ease of adding pictures, news information and much more. This has
increased the search engine optimization outreach of Park Lawn. Other
online outreach efforts includes the ability for the community to sign up to
receive informative emails and also registering for events. Also included in
the online awareness plan is a Facebook page (
parklawncharity), a Twitter page (,
and a Youtube page to display the videos made at Park Lawn
( This has increased Park
Lawn’s awareness outside the south suburbs of Chicago and spanning
across the country.
In order to provide opportunities for the community to volunteer
directly with Park Lawn participants diagnosed with developmental
disabilities, Park Lawn implemented a more formatted volunteer policy.
The purpose is to implement a procedure on the recruitment and
training of volunteers that abides with Park Lawn’s mission statement and the
regulations of our various funding and licensing agencies. More information about Park Lawn’s
volunteer policy and opportunities are available at
While Park Lawn participants are waiting for jobs to open up through the Supported Employment
Program, they can strengthen their skills and outreach to the community by volunteering.
Twenty-six Park Lawn participants volunteered at 10 organizations in the 2010-2011fiscal year.
These locations included Alsip Park District, Chicago Ridge Library, Children’s Museum, Palos
Health and Fitness, Palos Library, Park Lawn Center, Share Your Soles, St. Xavier University, and
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the Toy Box Connection. While volunteering they helped clean tables, organize supplies, and so
much more. This also gives some individuals who may not have the opportunity to work a chance
to have that experience. It is also a way to give back to the community which increases their self
In another effort to increase the community’s knowledge about programs and services, “Park
Lawn Awareness Week” became official in seven Chicagoland South Suburb cities during the
week of January 23 to January 30, 2011. The participating cities and villages recognizing Park
Lawn Awareness Week included Oak Lawn, Worth, Orland Park, Evergreen Park, Palos Park,
Palos Heights and Chicago Ridge. In recognition of Park Lawn Awareness Week, facts about
developmental disabilities and Park Lawn were posted online every day and friends in the
community were encouraged to show their support by wearing Park Lawn’s color, blue, on Friday,
January 28. Staff and residents from Park Lawn Homes wore special blue shirts that said, “We
appreciate Park Lawn because…” on the front and on the back it said, “Park Lawn Appreciates
Us!” This was initiated by Park Lawn guardians Charles and Maureen Reilly, whose child Kyle is
enrolled in Park Lawn programs. Maureen is a board director for Park Lawn and is a member of
the Resource Development Committee. Charles and Maureen are active in Park Lawn’s auction
committee, “A Rhapsody in Blue”.
Park Lawn’s 1st Annual “A Rhapsody in Blue” replaced the Zazz Singles Auction that was held the
past 21 years in February. The reason for the change was to increase the outreach back to the South
Suburbs and focus more on Park Lawn’s mission to provide services that promote independence,
choice and access to community living for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
A new committee was formed to help organize the event and included Park Lawn family members,
board directors and local community volunteers. The name, “A Rhapsody in Blue” was created
by committee members Maureen and Charles Reilly and Cheri Boublis. They agreed that since
the definition of the word rhapsody means enthusiasm, they wanted to highlight the eager feeling
Park Lawn participants express every day when attending Park Lawn’s programs and services.
They also felt Park Lawn’s blue colors are appropriate for a winter experience and guests had the
option to wear blue to show their support. The 1st Annual Rhapsody in Blue was a success and by
changing the format of the auction the net proceeds more than doubled.
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Park Lawn Partnerships
Collaboration has provided valuable information and resources to Park Lawn and hundreds of
individuals with developmental disabilities throughout the area. Partnerships that were formed
in 2009 had more action and growth throughout Park Lawn’s fiscal year 2010 – 2011. Through
fundraisers, sharing resources, new ventures and more the ultimate goal for Park Lawn was to
grow and succeed.
While many alliances throughout the year benefited Park Lawn’s programs, a joint effort in
fundraising also occurred. Park Lawn and Seguin Services teamed up to allow the community
to help hundreds of individuals with developmental disabilities. The “Building Bridges to the
Future” Raffle raised funds to help special education students with developmental disabilities
establish and implement transition planning services to ensure their future. First prize for the
raffle was a 1965 Ford Mustang. When Park Lawn Residential Director Ellie Crumback heard she
was the winner, she was very excited, but knew what she wanted to do. “I always said that if I
ever won anything significant from a social service agency that I would donate the item back,”
Ellie said in a letter to Seguin Services explaining her actions. The proceeds of the sale were
split 50/50 between Seguin and Park Lawn. An ongoing partnership with Seguin Services is the
vehicle donation program. All vehicles are accepted and do not need to be operable. Park Lawn
receives 80% of the sale of the vehicle and the donations are tax-deductible.
Two Oak Lawn Standard Bank and Trust branches furthered the collaboration fundraising efforts
with Park Lawn by collecting donations to decorate their holiday trees to help complete Park Lawn’s
wish list of hope. The collection was held from November 26th to December 18th at two Oak
Lawn Standard Banks addressed 4001 W. 95th Street and 4700 W. 111th Street. Both locations
gave decorative ornaments for a donation. Each Standard Bank customer that donated towards
a supporting ornament personally placed it on the Standard Bank holiday tree. They exceeded
their goal and raised a total of $1,100 that helped purchase much needed items for Park Lawn’s
Angel Fund, which was created to meet the needs that Social Security and other programs don’t
cover, and to ensure that all residents and clients feel unique, loved and valued.
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Standard Bank Branch Manager Victoria Scanlon mentioned while touring Park Lawn’s day
program facility in Oak Lawn that they anticipate continuing the “Holiday Hope for Park Lawn”
collection drive in future years and hope to include additional Standard Bank branches and
increase the revenue they raise for Park Lawn.
While there was money raised with some alliances, money was saved through
other partnerships. Park Lawn’s collaboration with five other non-profit
organizations with similar missions that support individuals with disabilities
created Community Service Partners (CSP). The goal is that each agency will
be able to use more of their funding on programs and less on administration.
Through creative ways of sharing resources and purchasing power through
CSP, this saved roughly $200,000 total among all participating nonprofits in the first year.
Participating agencies include Charleston Transition Facility, New Hope Center, Inc, Park Lawn,
Sertoma Centre, Inc., SouthSTAR Services, Southwest Community Services, Inc and supported
by Coleman Foundation, Chicago Community Trust and United Way.
The beginning foci were put towards Informational Technology (IT) services and staff training.
The IT services began with a conversion for all organizations to be under one umbrella. This
makes it easier for any IT repairs while saving the membership agencies money. The first step
was to get every agency off Microsoft Exchange and move email to the Google cloud. This is
free for all nonprofits and has shown to be a good spam filter.
The CSP staff training has allowed Park Lawn and participating agencies to hire employees more
quickly and train them faster. Each partner agency has a trainer from CSP that has set up training
every month as opposed to waiting for a big group of new hires to gather every 3-4 months.
That has proven to cut down on overtime because vacancies have been filled quicker and by
paying less in staff overtime, more funds are put towards client services.
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Park Lawn Growth
Through effective outreach and partnership the ultimate goal is growth. Every year Park Lawn faces
the continual challenge of meeting the growing and changing needs of the program participants.
In the Fiscal Year of 2010-2011 Park Lawn had a variety of solutions to that challenge.
For more than 15 years Park Lawn provided sub-contract work to Bio-Industries by packaging their
Christmas tree removal bags. The job for Park Lawn participants involved unraveling long white
plastic bags, folding each one down to size and then inserting into an outer bag. The bag is sealed
and packed in a master carton for shipping. This is a job that every person who attends the day
program can perform some part of the task. Recently Bio-Industries owner Chris Kelley was
refocusing his business priorities and offered that part of the business to Park Lawn. He very
generously awarded us this business opportunity providing his established vendor list and unlimited
support and commitment for Park Lawn to be a success. The customers were already familiar with
Park Lawn and it was a seamless transition. Chris is still a great advocate of Park Lawn and will assist
with any questions or challenges that arise, but Park Lawn now assumes all of the responsibilities
and receives all of the benefits. The bags are ordered in February and Park Lawn participants
start assembling in mid-March for the bags to sell for the Christmas season. More than 350,000
bags were assembled and sold to local nurseries and Christmas tree farms.
Park Lawn purchased a new Community Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA) for female residents.
Park Lawn now has eight CILA residential facilities owned and operated by Park Lawn throughout
the southwest suburbs of Chicago. The new home is located in Tinley Park and is the third CILA
residence in that area. These residents are approved by the Illinois Department of Human Service
CILA 24 hour funding. The home is handicapped accessible with 2 ramps, accessible bathroom,
doors and windows. It is protected by a sprinkler system, fire alarm pull stations, and a full alarm
system wired to the Tinley Park Fire Department. The residents are selected through an intake/
evaluation process and then admitted/moved from one of our existing CILA Homes. Park Lawn
evaluated the compatibility of the individuals chosen and whether CILA services will be able to
meet their needs. The purchase and renovation of the new CILA home occurred during the 20102011 Fiscal Year. Village and State inspections were conducted and the home was licensed for
occupancy in the last quarter of 2011.
Park Lawn was fortunate to increase the amount of families we touch and resources provided
through the Building Bridges to the Future Program, GRACE Project and Supported
Employment Program. The Coleman Foundation grant for the Building Bridges Program was
in year two during fiscal year 2010-2011. This helps special education students with intellectual
disabilities and their families successfully navigate the challenges of transition from school to adult
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services. In Park Lawn’s 2009-2010 annual report, we reported that more than 150 families benefit
from the program. Since then an additional 121 families have benefitted from this resourceful program. The Illinois Office of Education mandates that schools provide a special education program
to children until they reach their 22nd birthday. After graduating or turning 22, there is no funding for these individuals unless they meet the emergency criteria. It is at this time when Park
Lawn and collaborating organizations step in to help. Grants from Arc and Wal-Mart also greatly
benefit the Bridges Program.
Transition and continuous development are integral to life. The GRACE (Generating Resources
for Aging through Collaborative Energies) Project was created to help handle these transitions
in life. The staff working in the GRACE Project works with individuals with advanced age, development
of dementia or a change in health status. During 2010-2011 a training manual was created to
increase the growth of knowledge to the staff working with this aging population. “The GRACE
Manual for Aging Adults with Developmental Disabilities”, developed by a collaboration of six
organizations from the Intersect for Ability Network, is a service provider resource to later life
transitions. More than fifty professionals including QSPs, program staff, and therapists developed
content for the manual’s sections: Staff Training, Day Services, Residential Services and a Resource
The Building Bridges to the Future Program and GRACE are both part of
Intersect for Ability. This is a collaborative network of eleven agencies
located in Chicago Metropolitan area that serve individuals with intellectual
and developmental disabilities. Projects completed by this group have far
exceeded the potential of any single agency, resulting in better outcomes
for the individuals served. Partners include The Coleman Foundation, The Hope Institute for
Children and Families, Barbara Olson Center of Hope, Clearbrook, Countryside Association,
Easter Seals of Metropolitan Chicago, Elim Christian Services, Helping Hand Rehabilitation Center,
Little Friends, Inc., Misericordia Heart of Mercy, PACTT Learning Center, Park Lawn Association,
and Seguin Services.
Also beginning during fiscal year 2010-2011 was the “Step Up” ongoing grant that will help the
Supported Employment Program of Park Lawn and six other nonprofits. The hope of this is to
increase the available corporations providing employment to individuals with developmental
disabilities in Park Lawn’s programs.
The Board of Directors also launched a donation policy that will ensure continued growth for Park
Lawn. This policy includes guidelines to solicit for current funding needs and also planned funding
gift options. Planned Giving (Deferred Giving) is defined as a supplemental, long term type of
fund raising used to build an endowment fund that will have continued benefits for Park Lawn.
Planned Giving options might include a bequest; naming a charitable beneficiary for a retirement
plan or IRA; the transfer of stocks, real estate, or life insurance; the establishment of a gift annuity;
or the establishment of a charitable lead or remainder trust. In order to assist with providing more
information a Planned Giving Task Force was created of experts in the field. They have created
and printed marketing materials, organized seminars for family members to better prepare for
their loved ones future and much more to ensure the future of Park Lawn is successful.
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Current Fiscal Year 2010-2011
United Way
Fees for Services &
State Grants
Earnings from Endowment
& Investments
Contributions & Fundraising
Workshop Income
Program Expense
Fundraising Expense
General & Administrative
Income Tax
To the Board of Directors of Park Lawn Association and Affiliates
We have audited the accompanying Combined Statements of Financial Position of Park Lawn Association and
Affiliates (a nonprofit organization) as of June 30, 2011 and 2010, and the related Combined Statements of
Activities and Cash Flows for the years then ended. These combined financial statements are the responsibility of
the Organization’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on
our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America.
Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the
combined financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis,
evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the combined financial statements. An audit also includes
assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the
overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.
In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position
of Park Lawn Association and Affiliates as of June 30, 2011 and 2010 and the changes in their net assets and their
cash flows for the years then ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States
of America.
January 13, 2012
Orland Park, Illinois
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Statement of Financial Position
Statement of Activities
For the Year Ended June 30, 2011
For the Year Ended June 30, 2011
Current Assets:
Cash unrestricted
Accounts receivable
Pledged receivable, net of allowance for
doubtful accounts of $0
Prepaid expenses
Short term investments
Accrued interest
Restricted deposits
Other assets
Revenue from program operations
Fees for services & state grants
Workshop income
$ 7,687,269
Total revenue from program operations
$ 7,848,653
Total current assets
$ 2,298,305
Designated for workshop
Designated for endowment
$ 2,535,601
Total investments
$ 6,965,897
Land, building, and equipment
(Net of depreciation)
$ 8,728,785
Current Liabilities:
Accounts payable & accrued expenses
Residents trust fund
Current portion of long term debt
Miscellaneous liabilities
Total current liabilities
$ 1,196,227
Long term debt
$ 4,717,674
$ 5,913,901
Net Assets:
Unrestricted - board designated for endowment
Permanently restricted
Temporarily restricted
$ 5,502,100
Fundraising and support
United Way
Total fundraising and support
Other revenue, gains and (losses)
Earnings from endowment & investments
Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments
$ 1,202,176
Total Other Revenue
Net assets released from restrictions
Restrictions satisfied by payments
Total Revenue
$ 9,675,244
Program expense
General and administrative expenses
Fundraising expenses (direct & indirect)
Provision for income taxes
$ 7,922,287
Total Expenses
$ 9,429,914
Increase (decrease) in unrestricted net assets
Dividends and interest (net)
Gain (loss) on sale of investments
Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments
Total Revenue
Investment Advisory Fees
Total Expenses
Increase (decrease) in permanently restricted net assets
Support restricted by donors
Capital Campaign
United Way
Support released from restrictions
United Way
Increase (decrease) in temporarily restricted net assets
Increase in net assets
Net assets beginning of the year
Net assets end of the year
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2010/2011 Board
Affiliated Corporations
Professional Affiliations
Engineer, Self Employed
Park Lawn Homes
President, C & S Training
Park Lawn Services
AAIDD – American Association
of Intellectual and
Developmental Disabilities
Certified Public Accountant
Park Lawn Foundation
Park Lawn School and
Activity Center
Executive Staff
Regional Vice President,
One Resource Group
Executive Director
[email protected]
Food Service Consultant,
B.ourguest Inc.
Deputy Executive Director
Broker/Owner, Century 21 Pro-Team
BILL DOWNS, Director
Owner, WS & S Medical
Finance Director
[email protected]
Development Director
[email protected]
Human Resources Director
[email protected]
Attorney & Counselor at Law
Residential Services Director
[email protected]
Attorney at Law
Costume Director,
Lyric Opera Chicago
Arc of Illinois
Suburban Access
Village Clerk, Village of Worth
Trust Administrator, J.P. Morgan
Arc of the United States
Day Services Director
[email protected]
Illinois Health Care Association
National Rehabilitation
Local Chambers of Commerce
Illinois Department of Health
and Family Services
Illinois Department of Human
Illinois Department of
Rehabilitation Services
Illinois Department of Public Aid
United States Department of
Illinois Department of Labor
Department of Public Health for
FRED ZIMMY, Past President
Retired/General Sales Manager
CPA Cocalas, Westberg, Mommsen
Organization Chart
Association Board
Executive Director
Deputy Executive Director
Human Resource
Residential Services
Day Services
Park Lawn gratefully acknowledges the support of the South Southwest Suburban United
Way. This assistance helps Park Lawn empower individuals to reach their fullest potential.
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Thank You to All Donors
This year Park Lawn has much excitement for the future. Thanks to you – our donors, volunteers, supporters
and partners – Park Lawn continues to be a powerful voice for individuals with developmental disabilities.
On the following pages Park Lawn acknowledges the many corporations, individuals, clubs, organizations,
and schools and foundations whose belief and commitment to our work have enabled us to continue to help
individuals with developmental disabilities realize their amazing strengths and their greatest potential. We
apologize for any oversight that may have occurred in the listing of names at this printing. Park Lawn cherishes
each friend who gives, knowing that all gifts are given from the heart.
30,000.00 - 99,999.99
The Chicago Community Trust
The Coleman Foundation
15,000.00 - 29,999.99
Dupage Community
Sis Foundation
Village of Oak Lawn
Volleyball for Charity
10,000.00 - 14,999.99
Aileen S. Andrew Foundation
Circle of Service Foundation
2,500.00 - 9,999.99
Arc of the United States
Mr. Maurice Barger, Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barnes
Bluedog Design, LLC
Ms. Cheri Boublis
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carmody
Central Steel & Wire Company
Chicago Kiwi Club
Ms. Susan Ciulini
Mr. Patrick Cosgrove
Ms. Eleanor Crumback
Mr. Timothy Harrigan
Hawk Ford
Dr. Robert Lauf
Mass Mutual Financial Group
Mr. and Mrs. John McInerney
Menasha Corporation Foundation
Michigan Rod Products
Palos Electric Co. Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Partl
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reilly
Mr. Peter Schroedle
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scuderi
Seguin Services
Standard Bank & Trust Co
T.A. Cummings
Tee it Up for Charity
The Private Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thomalla
Mr. Robert Thomalla
Topline Automotive
Engineering, Inc.
Ms. Ruth Vandoske
Mr. and Mrs. James Weise
1,000.00 - 2,499.99
American Heritage Sertoma
Mr. and Mrs. William Bachman
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Billings
Call One
Carrie Matokar Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carriel
Chicagoland Bowling
Proprietors Assc.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Clark
Mr. and Mrs. John Crumback, Jr.
Dearborn Companies
Dice for Dana
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Dinolfo
Mr. and Mrs. James Dubina
Ms. Donna Dumke
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Erikson
ExxonMobil Foundation, Inc.
Mr. David Forberg
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Forney
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gardner
Gary Goodgear Emergency
Assistance Foundation
Good Shepherd Lutheran
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gorman
Grey Hill & Associates
Ms. Iola Harding
Ms. Mary Harland
Harris Bank- Argo
Mr. and Mrs. James Hollingsed
Hub International of Illinois
Ms. Halima Jabulani
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
JP Morgan Chase
Ms. Jeanne Kamin
Ms. Christine Kitz
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Klick
KOC Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
KOC Monsignor John Farrell
Mr. Anthony Kolosky
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Koncel
Ms. Mary Jo Kurko
Lombard Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lombard
Marina Cartage, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William
Ms. Janet McGarr
Ms. Phylis McGarr
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mines
Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell
Mobility Works
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Narel
Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Connell
Ms. Jewell Perry
Proven Business Systems
Ms. Paula Pyznarski
Rotary Club of Oak Lawn
Roy's Lawn Care, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ruesch
Ruff, Weidenaar & Reidy, Ltd.
Ms. Debbie Schreiner
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schulz
Mr. and Mrs. Chet Staron
Mr. Richard Strainis
The Horton Group
Thomas J. Olofsson, AAL
Thompson & Kuenster Funeral
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Uzzardo
Vantage Mobility International
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Vosh - Illinois Chapter
W. J. Deutsch & Sons
Wm. Wrigley, Jr. Foundation
Mr. Laurence Wynne
Mr. Ed Young
500.00 - 999.99
Ms. Lori Anzine
Assemblies Unlimited
Athletex Physical Therapy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. John Barry, Jr.
Mr. John Barry
Mr. Tom Barry
Ms. Charlene Bates
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Batistich
Ms. Joan Bigane
Ms. Sandra Bury
Chicago Lawn Sertoma
Ms. Colette Ciszewski
Claretknoll Foundation
Ms. Augustina Corradino
Mrs. Betty Crumback
Mr. and Mrs. David Dalton
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dee
Mr. Dan DiBennardi
Ms. Kathleen DiBennardi
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doumas
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dowding
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dubina
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Dunleavy
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eberhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Elger
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Erklin
Mr. Timothy Evoy
Flap-Jack's Pancake House
Foreign Parts Distribuors, Inc
Mr. Scott Foster
Fred B. Barbara Investments
Mr. and Mrs. James
Mr. and Mrs. James Gasser
Ms. Barbara Gulick
Mr. Kevin Hass
Ms. Theresa Hernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
James Himmel Attorney at Law
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Janiszewski
Mr. Michael Janiszewski
Mr. Edward Johler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kane
Mr. Patrick Kiley
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kolecki
Ms. Florence Krcik
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kwilinski
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Larson
Mr. Jeffrey Locascio
Mr. and Mrs. James Mangan
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Manning
Mr. and Ms. Will McDermott
Ms. Linda McGreen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKeon
Mines/Cubs Rooftop Party
Mr. and Mrs. James Mommsen
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mornar, Jr
Ms. Barbara Mornar
Mt. Zion Evangelical Lutheran
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Murtaugh
Mr. Fred Newman
Ms. Betty Noll
Mr. John Novak
Mr. James O'Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O'Malley
Mr. and Mrs. Blas Olivares
Ms. Patricia Olund
Orland Park Pioneers Football
Golf Outing
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Paw
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Pearson
Peterson Electro-Musical
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peterson
Roberts Environmental Control
Ms. Joan Salbego
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Schmitz
Ms. Dolores Schroedle
Ms. Jane Schuetz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schuetz, Jr.
Seguin Auto Center Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stalzer
State Farm - Chicago Ridge
Mr. David Stineman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Supanich
The Lombard Company
Mr. Bill Toman
Mr. and Mrs. William Turk
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wall
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Webber
Mr. George Whitney
Ms. Chesterine Wisniewski
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Woodruff
Mr. Ed Young
1.00 - 499.99
21st Century Chiropractic
Family Wellness, S.C.
A & D Tile
A S M Auto Supply Inc
AB Resources, Inc
Abate of Illinois South
Suburban Chapter
Accent on Excellence Limo
Accord Carton
Mr. Robert Ackerman
Mr. Evan Adams
Ms. Teri Adams
Ms. Linda Adams-Jasutis
Mr. Roger Addison
Mr. and Mrs. James Adducci
Advocate Home Health
Mr. John Aggen, III
Mr. Albert Ahern
Mr Tony Ajster
Mr. Ruben Alarcon
Mr. Tim Albert
Ms. Norine Albrecht
Ms. Barbara Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Alexander
All- Guard Auto Alarms, Inc.
Ms. Irene Altenbach
Mr. and Mrs. John Altenbach
Mr. Robert Altenbach
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Altes
American Heritage Protective
American Legion Glenn Maker
Post #1160
Ms. Carmella Ammond
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Anderson
Ms. Dana Anderson
Mr. L. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Anderson
Ms. Sharon Anderson
Andrew Dental Care. Ltd
Dr. Dominic Andriacchi
Mr. Ronald Angone
Aqua Coolers
Archer Wire International
Ms. Mabel Argires
Mr. Joseph Aristich
Mr. and Mrs. David Arnashus
1243636 PL Annual Report_PL Annual Report 3/16/12 10:37 AM Page 16
Mr. Michael Arnzen
Ms. Sharon Arrigoni
Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Avenue Animal Hospital
Ms. Myrna Babilonia
Ms. Carolyn Bachman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bachman
Mr. David Bacho
Ms. Sandy Backstrom
Ms. Mary Bading
Ms. Betty Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. George Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Wally Baird
Ms. Estelle Bakos
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Baldwin
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Balich
Ms. Nancy Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ballard
Ms. Kathy Ballentine
Mr. Vytas Banevicius
Bank Financial
Bank of America Foundation
Mr. Michael Banky
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Baranowsky
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Baratta
Barcus Pharmacy
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Barella
Mr. Robert Barger
Mr. Christopher Barker
Mr. Carlton Barnes, Jr,
Ms. Barbara Baron
Mr. Anthony Barrientos
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Barrows
Mrs. Emma Barry
Ms. Rosemary Bartkus
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bartle
Ms. Lynda Bartlett
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bartolotta
Ms. Mary Bartos
Mr. and Mrs. James Bartusiak
Bartz & Bartz
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bassett
Mr. and Mrs. Ivaldo Basso
Ms. Christine Baumann
Mr. Robert Baxa
Mr. Thomas Bayer
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Bayless
Ms. Sandra Beal
Mr. James Beatty
Ms. Mary Lou Beck
Mr. and Mrs. William Becker
Mr. and Mrs. David Beckman
Beekman Chiropractic
Ms. Susan Behanna
Bell Management Group, Inc.
Mr. William Benedek
Mr. William Bennett
Ms Linda Bensen
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Benson
Ms. Connie Berger
Mr. Jerry Berger
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bergman
Ms. Marie Berthold
Mr. John Bertucci
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Besbekos
Best Source Parts Corporation
Mr. Rob Betz
Beverly Bank
Mr. and Mrs. John Biedron
Ms. Bonnie Bielejeski
Ms. Caroline Bielejeski
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bielejeski
Ms. Janice Bieronski
Mr. Michael Bigane
Ms. Margaret Bila
Bingo Solutions Inc.
Birk Plumbing, Inc.
Mr. Fred Blaeser
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Blake
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Blau
Ms. Kathy Blazonczyk
Mr. Antony Blessing
Ms. Anita Block
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Block
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Boettcher
Mrs. Laura Bolster
Mr. Scott Boman
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bonaguro
Mr. and Mrs. William Bondy
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bonk
Mrs. Kristen Bonk
Mr. Steven Bonk
Ms. Veronica Booth
Pastor Mike Borcherding
Ms. Florence Bordoshuk
Mr. John Botensten
Ms. Addie Bowden
Mr. Roland Bowker
Mr. and Mrs. Doanld Bowman
Ms. Ann Boyle
BP Foundation
Ms. Martha Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Brady
Ms. Jane Brady
Mr. Ernest Brand
Ms. Bernice Brandau
Ms. Ceil Brannigan
Ms. Ellen Brannigan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brannigan
Ms. Kathleen Branningan
Mr. Eric Branz
Ms. Patricia Bravo
Mr. and Mrs. John Brazel
Bremen High School
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brenza
Ms. Sarah Bresnahan
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Brockman
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brockman
Ms. Ruth Brodzinski
Mr. David Brongiel
Mr. Donald Brongiel
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brooks
Ms. Carol Brophy
Mr. Robert Brost
Brother Rice High School
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Brouder
Mr. Timothy Browne
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bruckner
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bruhn
Mr. Theodore Buchler
Mr. and Ms. Steven Budd
Mr. Ted Budz
Mr. Louis Buescher, Jr.
Mr. Daniel Bulfin
Mr. Philip Bulfin
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bulkley
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bullivant
Burbank Women's Civic Club
Ms. Anne Burgess
Mr. and Mrs. William Burich
Buschbach Insurance Agency
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bye
Ms. Elinor Bye
Mr. William Byers
Ms. Christine Byrnes
Mr. and Mrs. John Byrnes
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Byrnes
Mrs. Rose Byrnes
C. F. Painting & Decorating
Mr. and Mrs. Carmen
Cadillac Man
Ms. Maria Cadle
Mr. and Mrs. John Cahill
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cahill
Ms. Bettina Calich
Mr. and Mrs. John Calich
Mr. Kevin Callaghan
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
Ms. Mary Cannon
Ms. Janet Capek
Capitol Insurance Agency, Inc.
Cardinal Pallet Co.
Ms. Joan Carlson
Ms. Laura Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. John Carney
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carollo
Carpet Crafters, Inc.
Ms. Carol Carr
Mr. Paul Carrano
Ms. Sue Carrano
Mr. Edward Carriel
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carroll
Mr. Thomas Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Casale
Casino Tours and Charters
Ms. Lorraine Cassi
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cassidy
Ms. Loretta Cassidy
Catalyst Consulting Group, Inc.
Mrs. Verna Cavato
Mr. Tony Cawiezell
Ms. Joy Cayes
Ms. Lorraine Cermak
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cerny
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Ms. Shirley Chamberlain
Mr. Robert Chambers
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Chapman
Ms. Mary Chaps
Ms. Valerie Chathas
Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. Robert Chesna
Chesterfield Awning Co., Inc.
Mr. Peter Chiagouris
Mr. Mark Chibe
Chicgao Ridge
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Chikerotis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Child
Children's Museum Oak Lawn
Chili's Bar & Grill
Ms. Carrie Chistopher
Ms. Bernadine Cichon
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cichowski
Ms. Mary Cieplak
Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Cipriani
Citizens to Elect Lona Lane
City of Hometown
Ms. Vicki Ciullo
CIVC Partners L.P.
Ms. Donna Claffy
Ms. Colleen Clancy
Mr. Jason Clancy
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Clancy
Ms. Janet Clark
Mr. and Mrs. William Clark
Ms. Anne Clettenberg
Mr. Bart Clifford
Mr. Nancy Clifford
Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Colitto
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Comer
Complete Vision Care P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale
Ms. Shelia Connaughton
Ms. Barbara Connelly
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Connors
Mr. and Mrs. George Conrad
Mr. Brian Conry
Ms. Jeanne Conry
Mr. and Mrs. James
Continental Motors Group
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Conway
Cook County Sheriff's Office
Ms. Rosemarie CoppolaConroy
Mr. and Mrs. James Corbet
Ms. Ellen Cosgrove
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Costello
Ms. Marian Costello
Ms. Janine Coughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Mrs. Maria Coyle
Ms. Mary Ellen Craig
Mr. Joe Crean
Mr. and Mrs. James Creedon
Ms. Enza Crivelli
Ms. Ameelia Crockett
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Cronin
Mr. Milo Crosswhite
Mrs. J. L. Crowley
Crown Family Phlanthropies
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cuba
Culver's - Lyons
Mr. Albert Cunningham
Mr. Dan Cunningham
Ms. Helen Cuprisin
Rev. and Mrs. Gary Curl
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Curran
Ms. Donna Curtin
Cusack Insurance Agency
Cushing Trucking Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
D & D Printing
Mr. Marc Dal Santo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Daly
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Daly
Mr. and Mrs. James Damiani
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Damm
Mr. J. Daters
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Daum
Ms. Kathy Davey
Mr. Tom Davey
Mr. Orville Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Lou DeBella
Mr. Robert Deisinger
Mr. and Mrs. Tito DeLorenzo
Ms. Maria Delprete
Delre Associates
Demetra Design Ltd.
Ms. Donna DeMik
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dennehy
Mr. Nick DePlaris
Ms. Shirley Derbas
Mr. Vijay Devadas
Ms. Patrice Dewitt
Di Foggio Plumbing Partners
Ms. Judith DiCola
Mr. William Dieken
Mr. Frank DiFoggio
Ms. Geraldine DiFoggio
Mr. and Mrs. James Dignan
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest DiJulio
Mr. and Mrs. John Dillon
Mr. Alexander Dimoglis
Mr. F.J. Dinovella
Mr. Jason DiNovella
Mr. Joe Dinovella
Mr. John DiNovella
Ms. Roseann Dinovo
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Diorio
Dirty D's
Ms. Adele Disabato
Mr. Joe Dockweiler
Mr. John Doczy
Mr. Kevin Doherty
Mr. William Dolehide
Mr. Tom Donohue
Mr. and Mrs. John Dormann
Mr. and Mrs. James Dorner
Mr. Bill Dougherty
Mr. and Mrs. Basil Doumas
Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Dowling
Mr. Bill Downs
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Doyle
Ms. Mary Doyle
Dr. Dennis Dwyer
Dr. George J. Dangles
Dr. Keni
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Drake
Mr. and Mrs. George Drakulich
Ms. Susan Drala
Mrs. Cheryl Dralle
Ms. Penelope Dremonas
Mr. Dan Dresden
Ms. Victoria Drimonas
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Drnec
Ms. Nancy Drnec
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Drumm
Ms. Irene Dubina
Mr. Bob Duffy
Mr. Brian Duffy
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Duffy
Ms. Vicki Dunn
Ms. Colleen Dunne
Ms. Gloria Durkin
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Durling
Mr. Michael Dwyer
Mr. John Dylong
Ms. Grace Dyson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dziekan
Ms. Linda Dziwak
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Eakins
Mr. William Eckman
Edon Construction Co., Inc.
Ms. Jeanette Egan
Mr. Jim Egan
Ms. Julie Egan
Ms. Patricia Egan
Mr. Robert Egan
Mr. William Ehrler
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Eichten
Elks of Oak Lawn #2254
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Emerson
1243636 PL Annual Report_PL Annual Report 3/16/12 10:37 AM Page 17
Mr. and Mrs. John Emery
Mr. Michael Emmett
Mr. Bruce Endzel
Engine & Performance
Ms. Patricia Englert
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Epstein
Mr. William Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Erklin
Mr. Louie Esposito
Eva's Employment Agency
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evanish
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Garford Eveland
Mr. Wayne Evert
Ms. Georgiana Evertsen
Ms. Lisa Evoy
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Ewing
Excel Health Clinic Graphic
Expert Carpet and Upholstery
F. H. Leinweber Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fabrizio
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Falbo
Mr. James Farmer
Mr. and Mrs. David Farnan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Farrell
Mr. Francis Farrington
Ms. Margaret Farrington
Mr. Gregory Fasano
Fast-Way Transportation
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fay
Mr. Steve Feig
Ms. Marilyn Felix
Mr. Richard Ferguson
Mr. Yohan Fernando
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ferriter
Mr. Leonard Fieroh
Ms. Shirley Filipello
Ms. Nelida Finch
Ms. Edythe Findlay
Mr. and Mrs. John Fiorenza
First Merit Bank
First Personal Bank
Mr. and Mrs. William Fischer
Mr. Joe Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fitzmaurice
Ms. Katherine Flaherty
Mr. Mike Flaska
Ms. Julianne Flowers
Mr. Thomas Flynn
Ms. Betty Fontana
Mr. Raymond Fonzen
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Forberg
Ms. Mamie Forberg
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Forman
Mr. Edward Formosa
Mr. Charles Forsyth
Mr. Gary Foster
Mr. Kevin Fox
Ms. Lois Fox
Ms. Marilyn Fox
Fox Valley Fire & Safety
Ms. Sue Ann Fraher
Mr. James Francis
Ms. Diane Franke
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Franke
Ms. Joyce Franko
Franks Pizza
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Frawley
Ms. Verna Fredenberger
Freshline Foods, Inc.
Mr. Jim Fresso
Ms. Debra Frieders
Mr. James Friel
Mr. Patrick Furey
Furniture Outlet
Gabriel & Sons Heating
Ms. Catherine Gacek
Gaelic Park
Ms. Shirley Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gallo
Ms. Jean Galvan
Mr. Brian Galvin
Ms. Violet Gambrel
Ms. Marlene Gannon
Dr. Patrick Gannon, DDS
Ar Be Garage Doors inc
Garden Chalet
Mr. Ronald Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Garfield
Mr. and Mrs. John Gartrell
Mr. Michael Garvey
Mr. Frank Gassmere
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gaughan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gaughan
Mr. Mark Geibel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Geis
Ms. Sue Geis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gembara
Mr. and Mrs. David Geraghty
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Geraghty
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Geras
Ms. Kathleen Geras
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerhardt
Mr. Robert Gerth
Gertie's Ice Creams, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ghan
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Giacchetti
Mr. John Gianoli
Ms. Katherine Gibbons
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Ms. Mary Giermak
Mr. Thomas Gilbert
Mr. Gordon Gilkison
Mr. Patrick Gillespie
Mr. Joseph Glab
Mr. Norbert Glowacki
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Gniadek
Mr. and Mrs. Karol Gnida
Mr. and Mrs. David Golden
Mr. Tom Golden
Ms. Shannon Gonzales-Lynn
Mr. Ron Gonzalez
Mr. David Goodfriend
Ms. Charlotte Goodwin
Mr. Pat Gora
Ms. Rosemary Gordon
Ms. Margaret Gornick
Gornick's Auto Rebuilders, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gorski
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gorski
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gorski
Goulds Pumps Incorporated
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Graefen
Mr. David Graffagna
Ms. Patricia Graham
Ms. Judith Grant
Mr. Chuck Graves
Green Earth Care Corp
Mr. Mike Green
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Greenfield
Mr. and Mrs. John Greenfield
Mr. Carl Greer
Ms. Joanne Gregoire
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Greimann
Ms. Patricia Gresko
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Greune
Ms. Ann Greybill
Ms. Carol Grieger
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Groller
Ms. Julie Grounds
Mr. and Mrs. Aloysius Gruchot
Ms. Linda Grysbeck
Ms. Claire Grzeczka
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Gurgone
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Gurney
Mr. Frank Gurtowski
Mr. Charles Gutfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Haas
Ms. Shirley Haas
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Habel
Ms. Mary Jane Hack
Ms. Gigi Hall
Ms. Jessie Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hallgren
Mr. John Halvorson
Mr. William Handler
Ms. Dorothy Hannaford
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hannigan Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hannigan Jr.
Mr. Arthur Hannus
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hansen
Mr. Joseph Hapak
Mr. Gene Hara
Mr. and Mrs. John Hardek
Ms. Billie Harmon
Mr. Charles Harnisch
Ms. Marilyn Harris
Harry London Candies Inc.
Mr. Elmer Hartford
Ms. Debbie Hartig
Ms. Denise Hartigan
Ms. Geraldine Hartz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hattan
Mr. Joseph Hauser, Jr.
Ms. Lorraine Havens
Ms. Jennifer Head
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Healy
Mr. Joe Hederman
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Heenan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heffernan
Ms. Janet Heilmann
Ms. Kristy Hendry
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henehan
Mr. Robert Hennessy
Ms. Patricia Hennigan
Mr. Martin Henriksen
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry
Ms. Mary Herbert
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Herbert
Ms. Donna Herrity
Mrs. Kathleen Herrity
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Herrity
Mrs. D. Hessler
Ms. Pat Hettwer
Ms. Carol Hickey
Mr. and Mrs. John Hickey
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hicks
Hicks Investment Group
Ms. Lauren Hijaz
Ms. Jean Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hilliard
Ms. Miriam Hillmert
Ms. Wendy Hinojosa
Ms. Kathy Hirsch
Ms. Yvonne Hirsch
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hoffman
Mr. and Dr. Terrance Holm
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Holmstrom
Mr. Bruce Horek
Ms. Jean Hornick
Mr. Richard Hosack
Ms. Cathyann Hoye
Mr. Evelyn Hrad
Mr. and Mrs. William Hubbard
Mr. Gerald Hubbell
Ms. Colette Hudon
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. James Hughes
Mr. Justin Hull
Mr. David Humbert
Ms. Dorothy Hunter
Mr. Michael Hurt
Hydro-Air Co.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hynek
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Iaquinta
Illinois Security Service
Imperial Service Systems, Inc
Independence Tube Corp.
Mr. Michael Ingram
International Car Care
International Freight Services, Inc.
Mr. Jon Ionetz
Ms. Dorothy Ireland
Ms. Sharon Isler
Mr. and Mrs. James Ivers
J & D Auto Rebuilders
J. P. Morgan Chase & Co
J.C. Newman Cigar Company
Ms. Jamila Jabulani
Jack & Pats Old Meat Market
Ms. Debbie Jacques
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Jaeger
Ms. Jane Jahn
Mr. and Mrs. Randy James
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jameson
Mr. Steve Janiszewski, Jr.
Ms. Patricia Jank
Mr. Ronald Jankauskis
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Janks
Mr. Paul Janovjak
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Janowski
Mr. and Mrs. James Janssen
Ms. Lynn Jareczek
Ms. Carol Jaroch
Jenny's Steak House
Ms. Amanda Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jerabek
JHR Rescources, Inc.
Joe & Frank's Homemade
Ms. Norma Johler
John Q. Cook, MD, LLC
John Williams Interiors
Mr. Christopher Johnson
Mr. Curtis Johnson
Ms. Denise Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson
Mr. Ralph Johnson
Ms. Linda Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnston
Mr. Brian Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Jordan
Mr. Paul Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. James Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jozefiak
JP Morgan Chase & Co.
Mr. Chris Juarez
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jurczak
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kachinsky
Mrs. Mary Kachinsky
Mr. Glenn Kadas
Mr. Ron Kadlec
Mr. Edward Kalata
Mr. George Kalatzis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kaliebe
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kalny
Dr. Mary Kamberos, M.D.
Mr. Jeff Kaminski
Ms. Lori Kaminski
Ms. Dolores Kampwirth
Ms. Cheryl Karas
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Karasek
Ms. Marcia Karge
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Karko
Ms. Barb Karl
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Karlovic
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Karones
Mr. and Mrs. Saurabh Kathuria
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Kato
Ms. Eugenia Kaukialo
Mr. William Kaukialo
Mr. Rich Kauzlarich
Mr. and Mrs. Roman Kazecki
Mr. James Kean
Ms. Beverly Keane
Mr. Wm. Keane
Mr. James Keaveny
Mr. and Mrs. John Kebr
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keehn
Mr. Mike Keenan
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Keller
Ms. Eva S. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kelly
Ms. Maddie Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly
Ms. Dennis Kennedy
Ms. Dorothy Kennedy
Ms. Debra Kenny
Kenwood Liquors
Ms. Dawn Kern
Ms. Stacy Kerwin
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ketchum
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Mr. Dan Kiebles
Ms. Judith Kiely
Ms. Billie Kigin
Mr. Daniel Kijewski
Mr. Joe Kilcoyne
Mr. Michael Kiley
King Engine Bearings Inc
Ms. Sharon King
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kinsella
Ms. Kathleen Kinsey
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kirby
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kirby
Kiwanis Club of Oak Lawn
Ms. Ann Marie Klapacz
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Klotzke
Mr. and Mrs. James Klouda
Mr. and Mrs. William Kluth
Ms. Rita Knaze
Ms. Joanne Knickelbein
Ms. Fran Knieps
Ms. Joan Knight
1243636 PL Annual Report_PL Annual Report 3/16/12 10:37 AM Page 18
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Koerner
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kohler
Ms. Christine Kolaczko
Mr. Jack Kolb
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Ms. Eleanor Kolecki
Mr. Richard Kolovitz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kos
Ms. Karen Kosinski
Ms. Mary Ann Koska
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kostera
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kot
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kowalski
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kowalski
Krahn Family
Mr. Kevin Kramer
Krapil's The Great Steak, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kraus
Ms. Jennifer Kraus
Ms. Judy Krause
Ms. Rose Krc
Ms. Barbara Kreide
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kress
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Krieg
Mr. Inge Krogh
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Krol
Ms. Alice Krusinski
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Krynski
Mr. Robert Kuh
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kuhlmann
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kuligoski
Mr. Randy Kump
Ms. Judith Kurcz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kurent
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kutlik
Ms. Rosemary LaCoy
Mr. and Mrs. John Lally
Ms. Emily Lambert
Ms. Marvel LaMontagne
Mr. and Mrs. Bill LaMorte
Ms. Ann Lampl-Thanos
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lang
Ms. Carol Langer
Ms. Irma Langland
Mr. Craig Lanigan
Ms. Mary Lanigan
Mr. Philip Lanteigne
Mr. and Mrs. John LaPorta
Ms. Margaret Larkin
Larry's Brake Service
Ms. Shirley Larsen
Mr. Carl Larson
Mr. Richard Laushot
Ms. Majorie Lauterjung
Mr. Joe LaValle
Ms. LouAnn Lavin
Lawn Funeral Home
Mr. John Leahy
Mr. Michael Leahy
Ms. Carin Leasure
Mr. Jay Lee
Mr. and Mrs. William Leise
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leiser
Mr. John Lemaire
Ms. Patricia Lenihan
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Lenz
Leonard & Son Construction
Mr. and Mrs. David Leonardi
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lepore
Les Brothers Restaurant
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lesch
Ms. Joyce Leverenz
Mr. Donald Levinthal
Ms. Amy Lewis
Mr. Eugene Lezaj
Ms. Joanne Libfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Linn
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Linnane
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Linnert
Lions Club of Evergreen Park
Lipinski for Congress
Ms. Frances Lipuma
Mr. and Mrs. Kipp Little
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lizak
Ms. Linda Lobianco
Ms. Karen Lochirco
Mr. John Lockie
Ms. Elena Lojo
Mr. Daniel Lombard
Mr. Bradley Long
Mr. James Long
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Long
Ms. Rose Marie Loparco
Mr. and Mrs. Concepcion
Ms. Gladys Lopez
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Lord
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Lorenzo
Ms. Helen Lostarakos
Ms. Doris Lovgren
Ms. Mary Lowery
Ms. Valerie Lowitzki
Ms. Jan Lubas
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lubas
Mr. Michael Luczkiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Luebcke
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lukens
Ms. Lynn Lundgren
Ms. Jan Lurquin
Ms. Jane Lurquin
Mr. Kevin Lynch
Mr. Moon Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lyons
M & O Insulation Company
Ms. Erin Mack
Mr. John Mackowiak
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Madden
Ms. Elizabeth Madden
Mr. and Mrs. John Madden
Ms. Lucille Madden
Mr. and Mrs. John Mahoney
Ms. Mary Mahoney
Mr. Carl Malinowski
Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Maloney
Mancari's Oak Lawn
Mr. Samuel Mancuso
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mann
Ms. Eleanor Mannella
Ms. Maren Mannella
Ms. Mary Mannes
Ms. Catherine Manning
Ms. Margaret Marcks
Mr. James Marcordes
Ms. Mary Marek
Marist High School
Mr. Nicholoas Markionni
Mr. George Marks
Mr. Jeff Marks
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marks
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome
Ms. Yvon Marolt
MarQuinn Investments, Inc.
Mr. Scott Marr
Mr. and Mrs. James Martensen
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Martia
Mr. Tony Martig
Ms. Carol Martin
Mr. Herb Martin
Ms. Maryellen Martin
Mr. William Martin
Mr. and Mrs. John Martus
Mr. Eugene Martyn
Mrs. Pat Martynowicz
Ms. Aide Massini
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Matanic
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mathis
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Matokar
Ms. Cathy Mattson
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mattson
Mr. and Mrs. David Maty
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Maty
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Maty
Maurice Moore Memorials
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Mayer
Mr. Edward Mazeika
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mazukelli
Mr. Dominick Mazza
Mr. William McAllister
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Ms. Beverly McCambridge
Ms. Judith McCann
Mr. Sean McCann
Ms. Catherine McCarthy
Mr. Joe McCarthy
Ms. Catherine McCartin
Mr. Michael McComb
Ms. Teresa McConnell
Mr. and Mrs. Brendan
Mr. James McCormick
Mr. and Mrs. David McCracken
Ms. Eleanor McCrea
Ms. Edith McDonald
Ms. Heather McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Tim McDonald
Mr. Thomas McDonnell
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis
Mr. James McElligott
Mr. and Mrs. James
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McElroy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGaghie
Mr. Randy McGathey
Ms. Barbara McGee
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McGinnis
Ms. Ashley McGivney
Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan McGovern
Mr. Edward McGowan
Mr. and Mrs. John McGowan
Ms. Carol McGrath
Mr. and Mrs. John McGrath
Mr. and Mrs. Mike McGrath
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McGrath
Ms. Isabella McIlveen
Ms. Donna McInerney
Ms. Pauline McInerney
Ms. Winifred McInerney
Ms. Carole McKee
Mr. and Mrs. David McKee
Mr. Thomas McKeon, Jr.
Ms. Mary McLean
Ms. Mary McMahon
Mr. Vincent McMahon
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McNally
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McNally
Ms. Mary Rose McNamee
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McNerney
Dr. and Mrs. James McNicholas
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McPartlin
Mr. Adolfo Medina
Ms. Nancy Medler
Ms. Geraldine Meinert
Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried
Ms. Shirley MeKesson
Mr. Mark Melling
Ms. Rosemary Memmesheimer
Mr. and Mrs. Luis Mendez
Mr. and Mrs. David Mercier
Ms. Lynn Merryl
Ms. Margaret Metz
Mr. and Mrs. John Meuris
Ms. Marcella Meyer
Meyer Tool & Mfg., Inc.
Mr. Peter Meyerson
Mr. Ronald Michalak
Ms. Elaine Michas
Midwest Whse & Dist Sys Inc
Mike Rogers Trucking
Mikkelsen, Kelly & Kipp
Insurance Agency
Ms. Kathleen Miklas
Ms. Edna Mikulich
Mr. Christopher Miles
Mr. James Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Minarik
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Mines
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Minnis
Mr. John Minogue
Ms. Judith Mitrick
Mr. Frank Modelski
Mr. Edward Mohr
Mr. Edward Mokos
Mr. and Mrs. John Molton
Ms. Kathleen Moore
Morgan Park Auto Service
Mr. James Mornar
Ms. Beverly Morrey
Ms. Charlotte Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. John Morrissey
Mr. Barry Moschel
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Moser
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mosz
Mother McAuley Liberal Arts
High School
Ms. Mary Mraz
Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Ms. Donna Mrotek
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Mrotek
Ms. Shirley Mroz
Ms. Elizabeth Muentzer
Mr. Mike Mulcahy
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mulchrone
Ms Joan Mullen
Ms. Mary Mullen
Mr. and Mrs. James Mulligan
Ms. Catherine Munoz
Mr. Albert Murawski
Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy
Ms. Mary Murphy
Ms. Pamela Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Murray
Mr. and Mrs. John Murray
Ms. Ailish Murrihy
Mr. Lester Murschell
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Murtaugh
Ms. Patricia Murtaugh
Ms. Marilyn Musch
Mr. Anthony Musiala
Mr. and Mrs. James Nakutis
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Naujoks
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nelson
Ms. Patricia Nemec
Ms. Mary Nevell
Mr. Neil Newmann
Ms. Reenie Neylon
Mr. Timothy Neylon
Ms. Patricia Nielsen
Mr. Earl Nienhuis
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Nolan
Mr. Thomas Noone
Ms. Joan Norek
Norman R. Glass, Jr. Insurance
Agency, Inc.
Northstar Aerospace, Inc.
Ms. Marie Norton
Mr. Lucio Novelli
Ms. Sharon Novickas
Mr. and Mrs. Vinnie Nunziata
Ms. Linda Nyberg
Ms. Marita O'Brien
Ms. Rita O'Brien
Mr. and Mrs. William O'Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Edward O'Connell
Mr. and Mrs. John O'Connell
Mr. Wayne O'Connell
Ms. Gertrude O'Connor
Ms. Carol O'Donnell
Ms. Mary O'Donnell
Ms. Margaret O'Keefe
Mr. Brendan O'Laughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Brian O'Malley
Mr. and Mrs. John O'Malley
Mr. Robert O'Malley
Ms. Sandy O'Malley
Ms. Kathleen O'Marrah
Mr. Raymond O'Neil
Ms. Sharon O'Neill
Ms. Marisue O'Rourke
Ms. Mary O'Rourke
Oak Lawn Park District
Oak Lawn Park District Special
Oak Lawn Patch
Mr. Keith Obiala
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Obiala
Ms. Barb Odette
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Okrezesik
Ms. Barbara Olaska
Ms. Florence Olaska
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Oldenburg
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Olsen
Mr. Zygmund Olszewski
Mr. and Mrs. James Olund
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Olund
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Oprondek
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Orlowski
Ms. Lisa Ortega
Mr. Robert Ortman, Jr.
Ms. Connie Osinski
Mr. Frank Ostrowski
1243636 PL Annual Report_PL Annual Report 3/16/12 10:37 AM Page 19
Otis Engineering
Ms. Priscilla Overgaard
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ozanich
P.J. Nunzio & Associates, Inc.
Ms. Cathy Pacella
Ms. Theresa Pach
Mr. Michael Pacyn
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Page
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Page
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Page
Mr. Joe Palazzolo
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Palenik
Palermo Pizza, Inc.
Mr. Tom Palmer
Ms. Charice Palmer-Flory
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Palmquist
Palos Diner, Inc,
Mrs. Luci Palumbo
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Panczuk
Papa Joe's Restaurant
Ms. Jennifer Paredes
Park Plumbing, Inc.
Parry & Steinborn Agency
Dr. and Mrs. Gene Paschall
Mr. Robert Patek
Mr. and Mrs. John Paternostro
Patrick J. Folliard, C.P.A.., P.C.
Mr. Danny Paul
Paul K. Gerhardt AAL
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Pavilonis
Ms. Maureen Pavletic
Mr. Thomas Paxson
PCS Industries
Ms. Jennifer Peel
Ms. Janet Pelech
Peloza Construction, Company
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Pena
Mr. Timothy Pender
Ms. Robert Perkaus
Ms. Beatrice Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Perreault
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Perrino, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Perry
Ms. Sandra Perryman
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pesavento
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Gust Peterson
Mr. Bert Petro
Mr. Frank Petrokovitch
Petunia Patch, Inc.
Mr. Jim Pfordresher
Ms. Joanne Phelan
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. David Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Piccola
Ms. Annamae Pierce
Ms. Betty Pierce
Ms. Grace Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pierce
Ms. Martha Piet
Ms. Nancy Pignotti
Ms. Arlene Pinkston
Mr. Jerry Pinotti
Mr. Matthew Pisarek
Mr. Charles Plank
Mrs. Angela Plebanek
Ms. Karen Plefka
Plumbing Contractors Assn. of
Ms. Elaine Plummer
Ms. Theresa Poggi
Mr. Joseph Polak
Ms. Josephine Polich
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pontarelli
Mr. and Mrs. William Ponzetti
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Popik
Mr. Frank Portada
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Porter
Ms. Shirley Porter
Mr. Tom Porter
Ms. Liz Potter
Prairie Jr. High School
Ms. Marybeth Pratt
Precise Remodeling, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Prendergast
Ms. Bonnie Price
Ms. Karen Prisco
Progressive Financial Planning
Ms. Joanne Prokop
Mr. John Proper
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Provider Group Inc.
Ms. Lorraine Pulicano
Pump it Up
Ms. Jane Purdy
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Putz
Ms. Jane Pyle
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Quick
Ms. Carol Quinlan
Mr. and Mrs. John Quinn
Ms. Ruth Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. John Quinton
R.J. Schwartzers & Associates,
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Racevice
Ms. Sandra Rakowski
Mr. Kevin Ramp
Mr. and Mrs. William Ramsden
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Randich
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Randolph
Mr. Ghulam Rasul
Ms. Terese Rathmann
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rebora
N & J Body Shop Rebuilders
Mr. Donald Reczek
Ms. Arlene Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Reidy
Mr. John Reidy
Mr. Bill Reilly
Ms. Kathleen Reilly
Mr. Matt Reilly
Mr. Mike Reilly
Reliance Dental Manufacturing Co.
Ms. Marilynn Rhein
Ms. Joanne Rhodes
Mr. Mohammed Riazuddin
Mr. and Mrs. James Ribikawskis
Richard T. Beaty, D.O.
Mr. James Richards
Mr. Russell Ricobene
Ricobene's Pizzeria
Ms. Donna Riebel
Mr. and Mrs. Werner Riesbeck
Mr. and Mrs. George Ringstrom
Mr. and Mrs. John Riordan
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ritchey
Mr. and Mrs. James Ritchey
Ms. Grace Ritter
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roberts Jr.
Ms. Bernie Roche
Ms. Theresa Roche
Rockwood Company
Ms. Carol Rodrian
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rodrigues
Ms. Kathleen Rodriquez
Mr. Richard Rogers
Mr. Donald Rohe
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ronan
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Roney
Rose Importing & Distributing
Ms. Patricia Rose
Mr. Marco Roselli
Mr. Tim Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ross
Ms. Sandra Roth
Mr. Daniel Rowan
RTM Trophy & Award Company
Ms. Kathryn Rubel
Mr. and Mrs. John Rubino
Mr. John Rubino
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Rucinski
Mr. Mike Ruegg
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ruger
Ms. Nancy Runkel
Mr. Ronald Rusnak
Ms. Carol Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Russell
Mr. Joe Ruzic
Ms. Lynne Ruzich
Mrs. Denise Ryan
Ms. Josephine Ryan
Mr. Robert Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Rytlewski
S G Supply Co.
Mr. Michael Sabal
Safety Support Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Salvino
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Salvino
Mr. Michael Samars
Mr. and Mrs. John Saniat
Ms. Coletta Sargant
Sargent and Lundy, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Saving III
Ms. Sue Sawyer
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Scahill
Ms. Angela Scalia
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scalia
Ms. Catherine Scanlon
Mr. Richard Schau
Ms. Virginia Scheckel
Mr. and Mrs. William Schergen
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schick
Mr. Richard Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
Mr. William Schoeneberg
Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. John Schrey
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Schroeder
Mr. James Schroedle
Mr. Robert Schroedle
Ms. Joanne Schroeter
Mr. Daniel Schuemann
Mr. James Schuetz
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Schultz
Ms. Marti Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schutt
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Schwartz
Ms. Susan Schwartz
Mr. Robert Schwartzers
Mrs. Catherine Schwarz
Ms. Ellen Scolum
Ms. Bernadette Seale
Season Comfort Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Sechrist
Mr. Ryan Sellers
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sendra
Ms. Sally Sendra
Mr. Herman Senkpeil
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Senne
Mr. and Mrs. William Senovitz
Sertoma Centre, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Trupti Shah
Mr. Joseph Shannon
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shantz
Mr. Patrick Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sheahan
Mr. and Mrs. William Sheehan
Mr. and Mrs. John Sheerin
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sheputis
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Sherwin
Mr. and Mrs. James Shields
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Shilney
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Shipanik
Ms. Ema Shobrys
Mr. and Mrs. Damian Sichak
Ms. Ruth Sievers
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sifling
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Signore
Mr. Emil Silgalis
Ms. Elaine Silveus
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Simkus
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Simon
Mrs. Joanne Simons
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Simpson
Ms. Roberta Simulis
Ms. Ruby Sinclair
Mr. and Mrs. John Singler
Ms. Lois Skillen
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Slusarczyk
Mr. Grant Smale
Mr. Stephen Smetana
Ms. Catherine Smith
Mr. John Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Smith
Mr. Mark Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith
Mr. Steven Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith
Mr. and Mrs. William Snow
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Snyder
Mr. Nick Soblinski
Mr. Nicholas Sobolinski
Ms. Betty Soffel
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Sokol
Ms. Jean Sokolowski
Solutions 3 Graphics
Mrs. Bamboo Solzman
Mr. Donald Sommer
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Sommer
Ms. Mary Somora
Mr. Dennis Soustek
South Suburban Mitsubishi
Southside Plumbing
Contractors Social Club
Southwest Chicago Christian
Southwest Orthopedics S.C.
Mr. and Mrs. James Souturas
Mr. Anthony Spalla
Mr. Brian Spalliero
Mr. John Spalliero
Specialized Staffing Solutions
Springer Blue Print Service
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Springer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Squires
St. Catherine of Alexandria
Church Mens Club
St. Helen Women's
St. John Fisher Church
St. John Fisher Women's Club
St. Linus Church
St. Linus Church Men's Club
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stabrawa
Ms. Dolores Stachniak
Mr. John Stachniak
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stachon
Mr. and Mrs. David Stafford
Mr. Ronald Stajkowski
Mr. Ray Standke
Mr. and Mrs. George Stapleton
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Staron
State Farm - Blue Island
State Farm - Orland Park
State Farm - Chicago
State Farm - Tinley Park
State Farm - Oak Lawn
State Farm - Darien
State Farm - Palos Hills
State Farm - Glenwood
Mr. Timothy Steinmetz
Stella's Bar
Mr. William Stenzel
Stephen Sutera, P. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Stienz
Ms. Janet Stifter
Mr. and Mrs William Stockdale
Mr. Ronald Stoeckig
Mr. Gale Stoffregen
Mr. Bill Stolberg
Ms. Anna Stork
Mr. Andy Stott
Mr. Bob Stranczek
Mrs. Kathleen Strand
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Strand
Mr. Dennis Straple
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Strelec
Mr. Mick Strilich
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Strle
Mr. Gerald Struglinski
Mr. and Mrs. George
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stubitsch
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Studnicka
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stump
Dr. R. David Sturgeon
Mr. Derek Suksombut
Ms. Christine Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Sullivan
Ms. Jane Sullivan
Mr. John Sullivan
Mr. Neil Sullivan
Ms. Therese Sullivan
Mr. Shane Summers
Suntrust Nature Coast
Ms. Jane Surma
Ms. Marea Sutton
Mr. Robert Svehla
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Swanson
Mr. Raymond Swapa
Ms. Geraldine Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. James Sweeney
Mr. John Sweeney
Ms. Evelyn Swintek
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sykucki
Ms. Linda Szajkovics
Ms. Ellyn Szarzynski
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Szekely
Mr. and Mrs. John Szeszycki
1243636 PL Annual Report_PL Annual Report 3/16/12 10:37 AM Page 20
Ms. Dolores Tamborski
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Tansey
Ms. Diana Tarandy
Ms. Marion Tatgenhorst
Mr. Frank Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Taylor, Jr.
Telecom Engineering Services
Ms. Judy Terando
Terra Nova Films, Inc.
Terry's Lincoln-Mercury, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Tew
TFW Financial Services
The Financial Resource
The Hogan Law Firm, LLC
The Mechanics
The Private Bank
The Snow Group
The Suds Factory
Ms. Nancy Thiele
Thiernau Financial Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. George Thies
Mr. Jim Thompson
Ms. Judy Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thorsen
Threads ETC
Mr. Brian Tiernan
Ms. Barbara Tippett
Ms. Betty Tobin
Mr. Robert Tomaska
Mr. Eugene Tomczak
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Toth
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Toulios
Ms. Velora Tracy
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Trafficanta
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tranowski
Treloar and Heisel, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Tremaine
Trevarthan Landscaping Co.
Trinity Lutheran Church
Women's Club
Ms. Judith Tripp
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Trosin
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tubay
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tumpane
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Tumulty
Ms. Myra Turek
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Turk
Mr. and Mrs. John Turner
Mr. Randy Turzinsky
Ulbrich of Illinois
Mr. John Ullrich
University of St Francis
Mr. Brad Urban
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Uzzardo
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Uzzardo
Mr. Lee Valeu
Mr. and Mrs. William Van Eck
Mr. Joseph Van Nieuwenhuyse
Mr. Jeffrey Vana
Ms. Harriette VanBeveren
Ms. Chris Vanosky
Mr. and Mrs. Vito Ve Sota
Ms. Manuella Veglio
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Vereecke
Vernon & Maz, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Vervaet
VFW Johnson-Phelps Post
VFW Ladies Auxiliary Post #450
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Vickery
Village of Alsip
Village of Chicago Ridge
Village of Evergreen Park
Mrs. Marianne Vlasek
Mrs. Vicki Vlasis
Ms. Mary Voelker
Ms. Mary Vogwill
Mr. Dean Vollette
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vorrier, Jr.
Voss Equipment, Inc.
Mr. Yordan Vulich
Ms. Eli Wagner
Ms. Sandra Wagner
Mr. James Waitkus
Mr. and Mrs. William
Ms. Janet Waligora
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Kichner
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wall
Mr. James Waller
Ms. Gwendolyn Walsh
Ms. Kathleen Walsh
Mr. Matt Walsh
Ms. Maura Walsh
Ms. Teresa Wankowicz
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wanzung
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Ward
Mr. Larry Warzynski
Ms. Cindy Wasik
Ms. Phyllis Wasowicz
Mr. Julius H. Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Wayman
Ms. Judy Weingartner
Mr. John Weiss
Mr. Bob Weissenstein
Ms. Bettyjo Weisskopf
Mr. Ronald Welin
Mrs. Rita Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wenslow
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Werges
Ms. Barbara Werner
Mr. Robert Westrick
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond White
Ms. Shirley White
Mr. Robert Whitlock
Mr. Ron Wicklund
Wild & Wreckless, Inc.
Mr. Paul Wild
Ms. Nancy Wilhem
Ms. Madalene Willand
Ms. Judy Willhoite
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Willmot
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wilson
Ms. Rosalie Wilson
Ms. Alina Winczo
Mr. James Winters
Mr. and Mrs. John Winton
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wirthman
Mr. Marty Wirtz
Wisdom Financial Inc.
Ms. Helen Witous
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Witting
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wnuk
Mr. Mark Wojack
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wolfe
Ms. Debra Wolowina
Ms. Christine Wood
Ms. Ruth Wood
Mr. Steven Wood
Ms. Edna Wooding
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Woods
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Woodworth
Worn Jerabek Architects, P.C.
Mr. Richard Wren
Mr. Steve Wright
Ms. Dorothy Wrobel
Ms. Deborah Wronkiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wronski
Ms. Vicki Wurman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wyness
Ms. Sally Wysocki
Mr. Richard Yanz
Mr. Steve Young
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Yuska
Ms. Maryann Zabrosky
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Zagorski
Mr. Robert Zajac
Mr. Curtis Zakarian
Mr. Gabriel Zambrano
Zapolis & Associates, PC
Mr. Tony Zartler
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zeiger, Sr.
Mr. Carl Zielinski
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zimmy
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zion
Mr. Thomas Zobak
Ms. Colette Zola
Mrs. Marie Zudyki
Mr. Anton Zupan
In Memory of Chester Barnas
Ms. Chesterine Wisniewski
In Memory of Michael Beger
Ms. Sue Geis
In Memory of Linda Berthold
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eberhardt
Mr. and Mrs. James
Mr. and Mrs. Laura Kowalski
Ms. Phylis McGarr
Ms. Ruth Vandoske
Mrs. Carol Zimmy
In Memory of
Robert Biedrzycki
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Vereecke
In Memory of Ruth Cameron
Ms. Chesterine Wisniewski
In Memory of Babe Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Chikerotis
Mr. John DiNovella
Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Connell
In Memory of
Loretta Ciszewski
Mr. Tony Ajster
Ms. Connie Berger
Ms. Bonnie Bielejeski
Ms. Caroline Bielejeski
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bielejeski
Ms. Joy Cayes
Mr. and Mrs. William Clark
Ms. Julianne Flowers
Ms. Betty Fontana
Ms. Katherine Gibbons
Mr. Charles Gutfeld
Ms. Mary Jane Hack
Mr. Gerald Hubbell
Ms. Kathleen Kinsey
Ms. Helen Lostarakos
Ms. Pamela Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Quick
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Smith
Ms. Dolores Stachniak
Ms. Janet Stifter
Ms. Judy Terando
In Memory of David Clemens
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brenza
In Memory of Kevin Hass
Mr. Kevin Hass
In Memory of
Edward Cosgrove
Mr. and Mrs. William Becker
Mr. Tony Cawiezell
Ms. Ellen Cosgrove
Ms. Donna Curtin
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Jaeger
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keehn
Mr. and Mrs. William Kluth
Ms. Karen Lochirco
Mr. Peter Meyerson
Ms. Marita O'Brien
Ms. Rita O'Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Ozanich
Mr. and Mrs. William Ponzetti
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sheahan
Mr. and Mrs. Sheehan
Mr. Ray Standke
Mr. and Mrs. Stubenrauch
Mrs. Marianne Vlasek
In Memory of Charles Hess
Ms. Chesterine Wisniewski
In Memory of Ross DiFoggio
Mr. Bob Cuzzo
Mr. and Mrs. Basiil Doumas
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doumas
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Durling
Mr. Gene Hara
Ms. Charice Palmer-Flory
Mr. Daniel McLaughlin
Mr. Norman Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith
Mr. Michael Di Foggio
Mr. and Mrs. James Souturas
In Memory of Myra Doig
Ms. Christine Byrnes
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Byrnes
Ms. Katherine Flaherty
Ms. Beverly Keane
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kuligoski
Ms. Patricia Nemec
Ms. Carol Russell
Ms. Coletta Sargant
In Memory of
Isabelle Farrington
Mr. Francis Farrington
Ms. Margaret Farrington
In Memory of Joe Geras
Ms. Kathleen Geras
In Memory of
Ricky Giampaolo
Mr. and Mrs Michael Maty
In Memory of Jean Goryl
Ms. Chesterine Wisniewski
In Memory of
Catherine Hackett
Ms. Sue Geis
In Memory of George Hackett
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. John Cahill
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Turk
Mr. and Mrs. William Turk
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Ward
Mr. Curtis Zakarian
In Memory of Tim Hagan
Mr. and Mrs. David Maty
In Memory of Jay Hasbrouck
Ms. Chesterine Wisniewski
In Memory of Bernard Kelly
Mr. Thomas Bayer
Mr. James Winters
In Memory of Joseph Kitz
Ms. Irene Dubina
Mr. Eugene Lezaj
Mr. and Mrs. George Stapleton
Mr. and Mrs. George
In Memory of Betty Kolosky
Mr. Anthony Kolosky
In Memory of
Mary Ellen Kowalski
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kowalski
Mr. and Mrs. John O'Malley
In Memory of
William Lythberg
Mr. Arthur Hannus
Ms. Lynn Jareczek
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Karasek
Ms. Ashley McGivney
Mr. and Mrs. David Phillips
Ms. Pamela Petrich
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schutt
Mr. Robert OPayne
Ms. Ginny Priestman
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Walker
Mr. and mrs. Howard Walker
Mrs. Carol Zimmy
In Memory of Mary Mannes
Ms. Janet Clark
Ms. Enza Crivelli
Ms. Vicki Dunn
Ms. Shirley Filipello
Ms. Patricia Gresko
Ms. Joanne Knickelbein
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Krol
Ms. Joanne Libfeld
Ms. Mary Mannes
Mr. and Mrs. John Morrissey
Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Ms. Joan Norek
Ms. Patricia Olund
Ms. Susan Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Trupti Shah
Ms. Teresa Wankowicz
In Memory of Les Matanic
Ms. Florence Krcik
In Memory of Joan Murphy
Mr. Laurence Wynne
In Memory of Tricia Ordonez
Ms. Laura Carlson
In Memory of Stella Pisarek
Mr. Matthew Pisarek
In Memory of
Loretta Remblake
Ms. Shirley Gallagher
Dr. Patrick Gannon, DDS
Mr. Debbie Jacques
Ms. Linda Lobianco
Ms. Erin Mack
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ronan
Ms. Joanne Schroeter
1243636 PL Annual Report_PL Annual Report 3/16/12 10:37 AM Page 21
Mr. John Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wilson
In Memory of Rose Schneller
Ms. Marie Berthold
Mrs and Mrs. Ed Carroll
Ms. Mamie Forberg
Ms. Carol Grieger
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kos
Ms. Florence Krcik
In Memory of
Robert Schroedle
Ms. Teri Adams
Mr. and Mrs. David Arnashus
Mr. Maurice Barger
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Casale
Mrs. Verna Cavato
Mrs. Betty Crumback
Ms. Irene Dubina
Mr. and Mrs. Garford Evelan
Ms. Lisa Evoy
Ms. Edythe Findlay
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Habel
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hannigan
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Healy
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kowalski
Ms. Phylis McGarr
Ms. Elaine Michas
Ms. Barbara Olaska
Ms. Florence Olaska
Ms. Patricia Olund
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scalis
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stachon
Mrs. Carol Zimmy
In Memory of Marion Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bulkley
In Memory of Tracy Smith
Mr. and Mrs. George Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Bayless
Mr. and Mrs. David Beckman
Mr. and Mrs. William Burich
Ms. Eleanor Crumback
Mr. and Mrs. James
Ms. Dorothy Ireland
Ms. Amanda Jensen
Ms. Patricia Olund
Ms. Priscilla Overgaard
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith
Ms. Judith Tripp
Ms. Mary Spreitzer
Ms. Mary Voelker
Mrs. Carol Zimmy
In Memory of Popik Steven
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Popik
In Memory of Joseph Strzelec
Ms. Susan Ciulini
In Memory of
Josephine Trafficanta
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Joyce
In Memory of Rita Uzzardo
Ms. Phyllis Wasowicz
In Memory of
Bernadette Williams
Ms. Chesterine Wisniewski
In Memory of
Stanley Wisniewski
Ms. Florence Krcik
In Honor of Cecilia Brannigan
Ms. Ellen Brannigan
Ms. Kathleen Branningan
Mr. Robert Chambers
Ms. Rosemarie Coppola-Conroy
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cuba
Mr. Richard Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heffernan
Mr. Richard Kolovitz
Ms. Maren Mannella
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Mr. and Mrs. Vinnie Nunziata
Mr. Charles Plank
Ms. Alina Winczo
In Honor of
Ted and Marilyn Buchler
Ms. Wendy Hinojosa
Ms. Karen Plefka
In Honor of Susan Daniel
Ms. Mary Herbert
In Honor of Cindy Kriz
Ms. Barbara Connelly
In Honor of
Jim and Linda Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gardner
In Honor of Michael Mornar
Mr. Scott Peterson
In Honor of Kyle Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Willmot
In Honor of Danny Schuetz
Ms. Jennifer Kraus
In Honor of Kathy Sherwin
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Linn
In Honor of
Thomas Sonneveld
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thomalla
In Honor of
Megan Vogelgesang
Ms. Mary O'Rourke
In Honor of
Nicky Vogelgesang
Ms. Jennifer Peel
Gift in kind donor list
A Touch of Ireland
Adler Planetarium & Astronomy
Alsip Chamber of Commerce
American Legion Glenn Maker
American Licorice Co.
Annie's Ltd.
Auction Merchandise Source
Aurelio's Pizza
Avenue Flower Shop
Ms. Carolyn Bachman
Bakers Square
Mr. Maurice Barger, Jr.
Mr. Tom Barry
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Batistich
Beggers Pizza
Bennett-Curtis House
Bespoke Cuisine
Beverly Country Club
Big City Swing
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bisping
Blake-Lamb Funeral Home
Bolingbrook Golf Club
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bonk
Ms. Cheri Boublis
Bradford Exchange
Ms. Katie Bradley
Broken Arrow Golf Course
Brookfield Zoo
Brunswick Zone
Cafe Buonaro's
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carroll
Celebrity Dance Studio
Chi Tung
Chicago Bulls
Chicago Cubs
Chicago Vending Company
Chicago White Sox
Chicago Wolves
Chicagoland Toys for Tots
Children's Museum Oak Lawn
Chinese Palace
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Cimino
Cinder Ridge Golf Links
Ms. Susan Ciulini
Mr. and Mrs. John Clancy
Ms. Patty Coleman
Complete Vision Care P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale
Coopers Hawk Winery &
Mr. and Mrs. James Corbet
Costco Wholesale
Courtyard by Marriott
Ms. Mary Ellen Craig
Ms. Barbara Crotty
Ms. Eleanor Crumback
Danceworks, Inc.
Ms. Kathy Davey
De Paul University--Merle
Reskin Theatre
Dearborn Companies
Double Tree Hotel
Dralle Chevrolet and Buick
Drop Zone
Ms. Donna Dumke
East Bank Club
El Burrito Loco Restaurant
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Epstein
Everything's Relative
Face to Face
Fannie May Confections #203
Fasel & Sons Garden Center
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ferriter
Fireplace Inn
First Evangelical Lutheran
Fleckenstein's Bakery
Flossmoor Station Restaurant
& Brewery
Frank Lloyd Wright
Ms. Lisa Gehrke
Golden Opportunities
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gorman
Great American Bagel
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Greimann
Grey Hill & Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hallgren
Happy Hyundai
Harry London Candies Inc.
Headlines Salon
Heritage Bluffs Golf Course
Hilton Oak Lawn
Mr. James Himmel
Hollywood Park
Illinois Railway Museum
Improv Olympic
Jenny's Steak House & Pub
JHR Rescources, Inc.
John G. Shedd Aquarium
Joliet Junior College
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Karlovic
Kentucky Fried Chicken
Kenwood Liquors
Kingston Mines
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Klaas
Klein Tools
Ms. Karen Kosinski
Mr. and Mrs. Len Kowalski
Ms. Susan Krakowski
Krapil's The Great Steak, Inc
Ms. Judith Kurcz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leiser
Liberty Tax Service
Life Line Theatre
Lucky Strike Lanes
Lumes House of Pancakes
Mr. John Lusick
Lynfred Winery
Magic Restaurant
Mama Luigi's
Manteno Golf Club
Massage Envy
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Matokar
Mr. and Mrs. William
Ms. Phylis McGarr
Ms. Winifred McInerney
Menards, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Egon Menker, Sr.
Merrill Lynch Wealth
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Miller
Ms. Judith Mitrick
Mobility Works
Moraine Valley Community
Mrs. Fields Cookies
Ms. Elizabeth Muentzer
Museum of Science and
New Day Spa Salon
NGM Services
Nick's Barbecue
Nikos Restaurant
Oak Lawn Park District
Olive Garden
Ms. Patricia Olund
Orland Bowl
Palermo Pizza, Inc.
Palos Early Swingers Bowling
Palos Electric Co. Inc.
Palos Health & Fitness
Panera Bread
Papa Joe's Restaurant
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Partl
Patio Drive Inn Restaurant Inc.
Peloza Construction, Company
Pepsi Cola
Pop's Italian Beef
Pottawatomie Golf Club
Prestwick Country Club
Ms. Bonnie Price
PRP Wine International, Inc.
Qu-Bar Inc.
Raffi's on 5th
Ms. Sandra Rakowski
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reilly
Sandpiper Restaurant
Mr. and Mrs. James Ritchey
Rockwood Company
Rotary Club of Oak Lawn
Royal George Street
Theatre/Vicki Quade
RTM Trophy & Award Company
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Schmitz
Ms. Mary Ann Schrepfer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scuderi
Seguin Auto Center Services
Mr. Herman Senkpeil
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Sherwin
Sid's Greenhouse Inc.
Six Flags Great America
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith
Solutions 3 Graphics
Southwest Airlines
St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran
Standard Bank & Trust Co
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Stiegman
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Stienz
Sullivan's Steakhouse
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Supanich
Taylor Rental
TGI Friday's
The Essence Suites
The Fairmont Chicago
The Maids
The Men's Wearhouse
The Next Theatre Company
The Private Bank
The Second City
Tilted Kilt
Tin Fish
Trader Joe's
Ultimate Smile
University of Chicago - Court
Mr. and Mrs. Don Van
Via Veneto il Ristorante
Voss Equipment, Inc.
W. J. Deutsch & Sons
Wagner's Seafood
Mr. Patrick Wampach
Waters Edge Golf Club
White Eagle Golf Club
Whole Beauty
Wild Fire Harley Davidson
Wines for Humanity
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wnuk
Ms. Gina Wolfe
Worlds Finest Chocolate
Zanies Comedy Club, Inc.
Ziegfield Troy Golf Course
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Park Lawn’s Loyal Friends and Annual Events
Park Lawn faces the continual challenge of meeting the growing and changing needs of the
program participants. We are indeed fortunate to have hundreds of faithful and loyal friends of
all ages and backgrounds who assist in our endeavors. They give freely of their time and talent to
help in many ways. They provide clerical assistance; maintenance; help with fundraising activities;
and direct aide. They serve on boards and committees and provide professional services and
advice. They are ordinary people doing extraordinary work.
Annual Events
Signature Auction
Tag Days
Volleyball for Charity
Chicago Kiwi Club Event
Big Bikes, Big Hearts Motorcycle Run
Volunteer / Staff Recognition
A Day In The Sun Golf Tournament
Grand Raffle Drawing
Annual Appeal
Cash Raffle Drawing
Park Lawn Year-Round Bingo
52 weeks – every Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Special Events Coordinated by Park Lawn Families
“Pins for Park Lawn” Bowl
Hosted by the family of Meghan Reidy
Park Lawn Bunco Night
Hosted by the family of Dana Hallgren
Cubs Rooftop Game and Party
Hosted by the family of Tommy Mines
Late Summer
“Tee it up for Charity” Golf Outing
Hosted by the family of Cara Janiszewski
Bears Bash
Hosted by the family of Donean Masokas
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In Your Neighborhood
Park Lawn services reach out to the heart of southwest metropolitan Chicago and suburban areas.
Programs are diverse and address the needs of individuals within a wide range of intellectual and
developmental disabilities from mild to profound, many having secondary disabilities and/or
health issues. Park Lawn provides service without regard to sex, race, religion or national origin.
Program participants are admitted solely on the basis that Park Lawn has personnel and facilities to
meet their needs. Currently over 590 individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities
receive the services they need to lead active and productive lives.
Park Lawn Families Residing In Illinois
Blue Island
Calumet City
Chicago Ridge
Evergreen Park
Hickory Hills
Hoffman Estates
Homer Glen
Island Lake
Merrionette Park
New Lenox
Oak Forest
Oak Lawn
Old Mill Creek
Orland Hills
Orland Park
Palos Heights
Palos Hills
Palos Park
South Chicago Heights
Tinley Pak
Park Lawn Families
Residing Outside of
Hot Springs Village, AR
Phoenix, AZ
Long Beach, IN
Fishers, IN
Annapolis, MD
Dowagiac, MI
Baldwin, MI
Minneapolis, MN
Las Vegas, NV
Somerset, WI
Rhinelander, WI
Directory of Services and Facilities
Business Office
10833 South LaPorte Avenue
Oak Lawn, IL 60453
P: (708) 425-3344
F: (708) 425-3530
Park Lawn Services and
SEP Office
5040 West 111th Street
Oak Lawn, IL 60453
P: (708) 425-7377
F: (708) 425-7899
Park Lawn Homes
12615 South Kostner Avenue
Alsip, IL 60803
P: (708) 385-1982
F: (708) 385-8145
Adult Developmental Training
10833 South LaPorte Avenue
Oak Lawn, IL 60453
P: (708) 425-3344
F: (708) 425-3530
Park Lawn Center and
CILA Office
5831 West 115th Street
Alsip, IL 60803
P: (708) 396-1117
F: (708) 396-1186
CILA Homes
Chicago Ridge – 2
Oak Lawn
Orland Park
Tinley Park -3
Development Office
10833 South LaPorte Avenue
Oak Lawn, IL 60453
P: (708) 425-6867
F: (708) 229-9325
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10833 S. LaPorte | Oak Lawn, Illinois 60453 | 708.425.3344 | fax 708.229.9325