Doing business in Russia:
Doing business in Russia:
Doing business in Russia: Map of opportunities #4 Promising investment niches in Russian regions Economic report Altai Territory Kamchatka Territory Lipetsk region Orel region Perm Territory 15 0 2 Contents Introduction 03 Thoughts of an economist: The era of explicitly conditional forecasts 04 Altai Territory’s investment opportunities 10 Kamchatka Territory’s investment opportunities 14 Lipetsk region’s investment opportunities 18 Orel region’s investment opportunities 22 Perm Territory’s investment opportunities 26 News of growing industries 30 macroecomonomic indicators 34 Disclaimer 35 Acknowledgements 36 |1 Map of opportunities INTRODUCTION Dear colleagues, dear friends! Please kindly be offered the fourth issue of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives’ analytical report Business in Russia. Geography of opportunities in which we have presented attractive investment niches in the Altai, Kamchatka and Perm territories, as well as in the Lipetsk and Orel regions. It is worth to note that the majority of investment opportunities described in this issue are focused on the needs of domestic market experiencing a certain shortage due to economic sanctions (such as pharmaceuticals, electrical and energy-saving equipment). In addition, the devaluation of national currency continues to bring a negative pressure on the purchasing power of the population. In this regard, investments in the development of domestic tourism and food industry look promising. However, on this background, manufacture and exportation of timber industry products may be interesting in terms of yield. As in previous reviews, we publish a commentary on Russian macroeconomic environment prepared by VTB Capital analysts. We sincerely hope that this material will be useful for the development of your business and may help in making investment decisions. Agency for Strategic Initiatives Team |3 Thoughts of a n ec o no m i s t : t h e era o f exp l i c i t l y c o n d i t i o n al fo re c ast s Thoughts of an economist: The era of explicitly conditional forecasts Being an open economy, Russia constantly has to adapt to external shocks, be they volatility in the terms of trade, the spillover of shifts in foreign central banks’ monetary policies or swings in international investors’ risk appetite. The volatility these factors brought about, though at times remarkable, stayed manageable (not least because key indicators, i.e. FX were tightly managed) allowing a baseline scenario to be drawn up. Until recently. The sum of shocks that the Russian economy faces now marks the end of the era of meaningful point forecasts. Hence this report is our welcome to the new era of explicitly conditional interval forecasts – we believe they are much better suited to an environment which, for better or worse, lacks the visibility we used to enjoy in the past. Net exports help external adjustments but are not a reliable growth engine. Net exports are the only component of GDP to make a positive contribution this year (at 7.1pp) as internal demand dwindles. That, however, is a result of the rapid contraction in imports (both consumer but, more deeply, investment imports). In FX terms, exports contract roughly proportionally to the declining trend in oil prices. The decline in the price of energy commodities relative to other export items pushes for a more diversified export structure, but in the medium term exports are going to continue to be dominated by oil and gas. On this front, a range of technological, political and economic factors supports the lower oil price outlook: • Technological advances on the supply side. In exploration and extraction, efficiency is set to push the breakeven oil price lower still with the EIA projecting that the oil market will continue to be dominated by excess supply. • Iran’s entrance onto the international energy markets. The EIA estimates that Iran has 30 mmbbl of stocks and capacity of 2.8mmbbl/d, which is set to rise to 3.1-3.5mmbbl/d. • EM slowdown weighs on the demand side. This could potentially be caused by the spillover from lower Chinese demand for commodities. Thus, the terms of trade will probably keep deteriorating and are unlikely to reverse any time soon. Our scenarios assume USD 60/bbl as a new equilibrium which might be reached either in the near term (upbeat), or approached gradually over a period of time 4| Thoughts of a n ec o no m i s t : t h e era o f exp l i c i t l y c o n d i t i o n al fo re c ast s (central) or not reached at all due to the equilibrium shifting still lower to USD 40/bbl. We do not consider a return to levels above USD 100/bbl. On the longer horizon, weaker REER creates the precondition for an increase in the export of a diverse range of goods, from agriculture to manufacturing. However, this involves entering new markets and, more importantly, creating and adapting local capacities so that they can better meet external demand. That needs to be preceded by a recovery in FAI. In the meantime, a recovery in local demand would push imports (both consumer and investment) higher, which makes net exports a less likely growth engine in the medium term. Fiscal consolidation to weigh on local demand, not support it. The Guidelines for fiscal policy, which contained preliminary estimates of the 2016 budget and was supported by the government back in late June, assumed public expenditure would grow to RUB 15.9tn in 2016, from RUB 15.2tn this year. That implies a contraction (in real terms) of at least 7.3% YoY. However, by mid-August the assumption of Urals at USD 60/bbl had clearly become overly aggressive and required a review, in line with the Ministry of Finance’s practice of offering ex ante conservative budget drafts (spending is casually extended throughout the fiscal year, if the revenue stream allows). The first draft of the federal budget assumed a deficit of The first draft of the federal budget assumed a deficit of decline in the price of Urals to an average of 50 USD/bbl for 2016 corresponds to a shortfall in revenues of roughly RUB 1.0-1.2tn. Keeping that expenditure unchanged would increase the total deficit to RUB 2.9-3.1tn, on our estimates, in the central scenario and even more in the downbeat scenario. Keep an eye on the structure of the adjustment. With a RUB 2.9-3.1tn deficit to finance, the government faces the task of spreading the burden between the Reserve Fund, net debt issuance, fiscal consolidation and increased revenues (through more efficient collection or increasing the tax burden). Government officials have even been quoted as saying that some less standard revenue sources are being considered, such as extending the NPF asset freeze past YE15 (which might shave up to RUB 0.35bn from the transfer to the PFR). The proportion of deficit financing from debt issuance and the Reserve Fund/NWF is also uncertain. Notably, MinFin defends keeping net issuance at RUB 0.5-0.6tn while MinEconomy’s Alexey Ulyukaev argues that there is room to add another RUB 1.0tn of new debt. The remaining RUB 1.5tn could be spread between the Reserve Fund and outright expenditure cuts (which might include <5.5% pension indexation and a universal percentage decrease to other spending). Even in the upside scenario, fiscal policy faces the challenge of sustaining expenditures in real terms, while the central and downside scenarios call for nominal cuts in spending which means that any positive real contribution to growth from public demand (both consumption and investment) is off the agenda. Household consumption is under pressure on all fronts. The increase in household consumption can be funded by a combination of i) increasing wages; ii) rising stock of retail debt; and iii) declining stock of household wealth (i.e. selling accumulated FX cash). While there are signs that households use accumulated FX to smooth a temporary decline in real incomes, it can only be a temporary and relatively small fix. |5 Thoughts of a n ec o no m i s t : t h e era o f exp l i c i t l y c o n d i t i o n al fo re c ast s Meanwhile, retail lending is subdued and the retail portfolio is shrinking at 0.65-0.8% MoM SA FX adj. We do not expect the recovery to kick in until at least 2Q16 when brighter signs of recovery appear. Until then, interest and non-interest lending conditions are likely to remain tight. Thus, retail lending is unlikely to support internal consumer demand in the coming years, even after retail deleveraging runs its course. Wage bill growth to remain anaemic, driven down by restructuring in public and nontradable sectors. Wages, the ultimate source of household demand growth (they account for more than two-thirds of total household income), do not provide much ground to be upbeat either. • Fiscal consolidation is to continue weighing on public sector wages. • In the private sector, wages are to track productivity trends in individual industries more closely. In the private sector, wage growth in the non-tradable sector (including finance, construction and hospitality) is set to lag the tradable sector significantly, as employers share profits from RUB weakness with the labour force. The anaemic wage growth in the public and non-tradable sectors will provide more incentive for labour force outflow into the tradable sector, helping to promote the restructuring of the economy. Preconditions for private investments are starting to emerge. The contraction of private investments can only in part be explained by elevated interest rates or tighter credit conditions. Headline investment growth crossed the line back in 2H13 and has stayed in the red since then. Back then, the CBR’s key interest rate1 fluctuated in a narrow 5.0-5.5% corridor and other factors were weighing on the FAI; they included mounting economic policy uncertainty, stronger REER-induced Dutch disease and (in part) the growing disconnect between wage growth and productivity. 1 6| Before the key rate was introduced, the effective equivalent was the CBR’s REPO o/n rate Thoughts of a n ec o no m i s t : t h e era o f exp l i c i t l y c o n d i t i o n al fo re c ast s Figure 1: GDP, % YoY 10 GDP, % YoY upbeat, % YoY central, % YoY downbeat, % YoY 5 0 2010 2015 -5 -10 Source: Rosstat, VTB Capital Research Figure 2: Key rate, %, eop key rate 16 upbeat, % central, % downbeat, % 14 12 10 8 6 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Source: CBR, VTB Capital Research |7 Thoughts of a n ec o no m i s t : t h e era o f exp l i c i t l y c o n d i t i o n al fo re c ast s Despite FX volatility and elevated interest rates which stifle investment activity, the preconditions for reigniting private investments are starting to emerge: • Corporates in the tradable sectors have accumulated substantial liquidity. This buffer, due to weak FX-driven profits in 1H15, means investments are less dependent on the availability of other sources of funding. • The cost of funding is coming down. The 1-3Y corporate lending rate reached 15.4% in July, down from its peak of 17.8% in February. • Momentum in interest rate cuts fades. This created the incentive to delay borrowing and push investment down the road, which made sense when the CBR was delivering 100-200bp cuts each meeting, but the pace of easing has slowed to 50bp and at its most recent meeting the CBR opted for no change. • Shift to weaker REER viewed as a permanent weakness. It is no longer seen as a transitory weakness to be undone by a reversal of the tide on the commodity markets. This is supported by regular verbal interventions from the authorities, and there is virtually no sponsor of a strong RUB anywhere among the expert community or publicly visible figures. Businesses to exploit opportunities offered by cost competitiveness on both the local market (weaker FX provides a natural barrier for imports) and on the external one (due to the attractive cost of labour in FX terms, among others). Furthermore, in the coming years the government’s efforts to promote a more investment-friendly environment are likely to bear fruit. The more visible federal projects are i) a freeze on adding new taxes or increasing the existing ones and ii) creating clusters with special treatment for incorporated enterprises (lower tax rates, less red tape). Although a second-best decision in itself, it is important that the recent government talk of extracting additional fiscal revenues from the oil sector is confined to just that sector since the oil tax system gives the sector a special tax treatment which, with overshooting FX, makes the sector’s P&L benefit from collapsing oil prices. An increase in economy-wide taxes remains a taboo for now. Investment growth is more likely to materialise in tradable sectors with larger liquidity stocks. Private investment is harder to project than public capex, as the former is, by its nature, more sensitive to swings in the outlook and level of ‘animal spirits’. Nevertheless, we believe that the industries which are better positioned to take advantage of the current conditions are those that: • have low or materially improving NPL, allowing for access to bank lending and lower borrowing costs; • see the growth of the loan portfolio bottoming out or increasing, which is another sign of access to borrowing; • operate in the tradable sector, which means lower dependence on local demand (which is to remain subdued) and better chances to diversify into external markets; • are dominated by the private sector, as the public sector is set to shrink in real terms. Thus, the more likely industries to deliver positive real investment growth are, among others, agriculture, autos and electric parts and components producers, fertilizers and to some extent infrastructure. 8| Thoughts of a n ec o no m i s t : t h e era o f exp l i c i t l y c o n d i t i o n al fo re c ast s Figure 3: Forecasts often follow oil price swings Urals, b./ MinEc baseline as of May–15, USD/bbl MinEc baseline as of Aug–15, USD/bbl MinEc baseline as of Sep–15, USD/bbl CBR baseline as of Sep–15, USD/bbl 120 100 80 60 40 2012201420162018 Source: Vedomosti, Kommersant, MinEconomy, CBR, Reuters, VTB Capital Research Figure 4: Stylised scenarios frame the likely range Urals, USD/bbl Urals, USD/bbl, upbeat Urals, USD/bbl, central Urals, USD/bbl, downbeat 120 100 80 60 40 2012201420162018 Source: Reuters, VTB Capital Research |9 The in v estment o p p o r t u ni t i es o f A l t a i Terri t o r y Kemerovo Moscow 3617 км Novosibirsk 233км 414км Barnaul Gorno-Altaysk 258км Astana 1201км (289 km to border) THE INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES OF A map of the region and arrows to the centers of adjoining regions and to Moscow with indication of distance on public roads1 Altai Territory 01 Main characteristics of the region DETAIL: For more detailed information on key economic and social indicators, please visit the following links: Investment portal of the region: Investment strategy: iblock/c9e/c9e0c6497e5851431b8250ae1a62a655.pdf Investment agency: 1 2 10 | Population 2 384 812 people Adjacent regions’ population 6 438 308 people Average lease rate for class A office premises 8 400 rub/sq.m/year Average lease rate for class A production and storage premises 2 400 rub/sq.m/year Average sale price of industrial land lots 6 000 000 rub/hectare Average monthly salary 19 456 rub. Between centers of the cities, on the road. Including Pavlodar region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2 The in v estment o p p o r t u ni t i es o f A l t a i Terri t o r y 02 General Macroeconomic Situation Gross regional product (GRP ): Place of the region in terms of GRP: 6 | 34 410,8 bn RUB in 2013 439,2 bn RUB in 2014 +0% Investment contact: Nikolay Chinyakov, Total equity investments: in Federal District Among all regions of the Russian Federation * according to 2013 data Unemployment level: chief of head department of economy and investments of Altai Territory [email protected] +7 (909) 504-00-13 92,9 bn RUB in 2013 102,2 bn RUB in 2014 +3,7% The headline inflation: 7% | 11,2% in 2013 | in 2014 03 04 8,3% | 7,2% in 2013 | in 2014 Manufacturing Inflation: -1,8% | 14,4% in 2013 | in 2014 The key competitive advantages of the region • The profitable economical geographical position thanks to proximity of Altai Republic, Novosibirsk and Kemerovo region, the Republic of Kazakhstan. • The first place in the Russian Federation by the area of fertile acreage. • Natural and weather conditions, promoting development of improving and medical tourism. BUSINESS INCENTIVES PROVIDED BY THE REGIONAL GOVERNMENT • Subsidizing of a part of bank interest rate on the bank loans attracted by investors for the investment purposes. • Granting funds of the Altai Territory’s leasing fund. • Subsidizing to the investor-lessee of part of leasing payments under finance lease (leasing) agreements. • Granting in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and Altai Territory of tax benefits on taxes and fees. • Granting at the expense of funds of the territory budget of subsidies for compensation of a part of costs for performance of works connected with connection to engineering facilities networks. • Special conditions of conducting business activities for residents of a SEZ TRT «Biriuzovaya Katun». • Subsidizing of a part of costs of the subjects of small and medium business connected with acquisition of the equipment for creation, development or upgrade of production. • Developed system of privileges in the agricultural industry. | 11 The in v estment o p p o r t u ni t i es o f A l t a i Terri t o r y 01 Investment niche Production of baby food 01 02 03 04 Main characteristics of a niche Sales volume of baby food in Altai Territory in 2014 1 3,25 billion rubles Share of krai manufacturers in total sales in 2014 2 4,6 % Potential need for products, in a year 3 8,91 billion rubles Competitive environment Currently, the baby foods manufacturers in the Altai Territory are focused on a segment of dairy products. The major player in this segment is JSC Modest. Soon, CJSC Altayskaya krupa will start supplying baby foods for children 3+ years old, produced of grain from own fields. Thus, interesting opportunities for investments appear in the segment of breast milk substitutes (especially taking into account historically high share of import), as well as in the arrangement of complementary foods production. Why Altai Territory • Large volumes of environmentally friendly raw materials. • Availability of the krai program of development of the industry of children’s goods causes a possibility of receiving additional preferences for manufacturers. • Potential of consumer market of all Siberian Federal District. Manufacturing sites Name of industrial park / production site Total area of the park/aite (hectares) Electric power (cumulative power), MW The investment The investment The investment site site in Borovikha of site in Borovikha of in Slavgorod Pervomaysky district Pervomaysky district (2nd Promyshlennaya St.) (2nd Borovaya St.) (2nd Borovaya St.) 46 5 61 Gas, one million cubic m/year (one thousand CBM/hour) 6 2 2 - no, connection to - no, connection to 3 thousand m3/hour 3 thousand m3/hour is possible is possible Water supply / water disposal existence (yes/no) - no, well drilling - no, well drilling - no, well drilling Presence of railway (yes/no) | presence of road (yes/no) -|+ -|+ -|+ In the segment “from 0 to 3 years”. According to calculations of ASI, including the neighboring regions of the Russian Federation, taking into account average rates of market gain. 1,2 3 12 | The in v estment o p p o r t u ni t i es o f A l t a i Terri t o r y 02 Investment niche Hotel complex in Belokurikha 01 02 03 04 Main characteristics of a niche Sales volume of hotel services in Altai Territory in 2014 4 5,73 billion rubles Tourist flow in Altai Territory in 2014 1,6 million people Potential free market capacity, in a year 5 1,15 billion rubles Competitive environment More than 10 health resorts, as well as circa 10 relatively large boarding houses and hotels render their services in the territory of Belokurikha. At the same time, the city lacks hospitality objects of above-average level that, together with the increasing in-Russian tourism flow, makes the resort attractive for international hotel networks. Why Altai Territory • Unique natural potential. • Developed tourist infrastructure, the known brand. • Availability of qualified personnel in the industry of hospitality INVESTMENT SITE 4 5 Name of industrial park / production site Tourist subcluster “Belokurikha-2” Total area of the park/aite (hectares) Electric power (cumulative power), MW Gas, one million cubic m/year (one thousand CBM/hour) Water supply / water disposal existence (yes/no) Presence of railway (yes/no) | presence of road (yes/no) 136 hectares (Smolensk district, 10 km from the resort town of Belokurikha) 10 MW -|+ According to Altaykraystat, including the sanatorium organizations and the organizations for rest. According to calculations of ASI, across all Altai Territory. | 13 The in v estment o p p o r t u ni t i es o f Ka m c h a t k a Terri t o r y Magadan 870км Moscow 11876 км PetropavlovskKamchatsky Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Khabarovsk 1724км THE INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES of Vladivostok 2257км 1320км The map of the region and arrows to the centers of adjoining regions and to Moscow with indication of straight line distance 1 Kamchatka Territory 01 Main characteristics of the region DETAIL: For more detailed information on key economic and social indicators, please visit the following links: kamchatsky/ Investment portal of the region: Investment strategy: 1 2 14 | Population 317 269 people Adjacent regions’ population 6 211 021 people Average lease rate for class A office premises 15 000 rub/sq.m/year Average lease rate for class A production and storage premises 3 000 rub/sq.m/year Average sale price of industrial land lots 4 500 000 rub/hectare Average monthly salary 53 151 rub. Between the airports, by airplane. Average rated accrued salary of employees of the organizations. The in v estment o p p o r t u ni t i es o f Ka m c h a t k a Terri t o r y 02 General Macroeconomic Situation Gross regional product (GRP ): Place of the region in terms of GRP: 6 | 66 131,6 bn RUB in 2013 140,7 bn RUB in 2014 -0,7% Investment contact: Dmitry Korostelev, Total equity investments: in Federal District Among all regions of the Russian Federation * according to 2013 data Unemployment level: Minister of Economic Development, entrepreneurship and trade of Kamchatka Territory [email protected] [email protected] +7 (961) 965-94-62 32,7 bn RUB in 2013 25,2 bn RUB in 2014 -23% The headline inflation: 6,3% | 7,8% in 2013 | in 2014 03 04 5,7% | 6,1% in 2013 | in 2014 Manufacturing Inflation: -2,4% | 11,1% in 2013 | in 2014 Key competitive advantages of the region • A unique natural territory with the richest recreational resources; besides, there is a potential for the development of cruise lines to Kamchatka and across the Arctic Ocean. • Considerable stocks of water biological resources and mineral resources. • Advantageous geographical position and considerable transit potential. • Availability of port with year-round navigation. • Availability of various servicing infrastructure, including ship-repair capacities. BUSINESS INCENTIVES PROVIDED BY THE REGIONAL GOVERNMENT • System of the state measures of support for the investors implementing especially significant investment projects (subsidizing, tax benefits, coaching, etc.). • Providing certain support measures for sector-specific business development and modernization of production according to the Kamchatka Territory state programs. • There has been created an advanced development territory «Kamchatka» that provides an opportunity for receiving corresponding privileges and preferences by the residents. • Support of investment projects by the principle of «one window». • Lease of land lots to legal entities other than by competitive tendering for implementation of large-scale investment projects. • Providing investors with funds from regional investment fund for creating infrastructure on PPP principles. | 15 The in v estment o p p o r t u ni t i es o f Ka m c h a t k a Terri t o r y 01 Investment niche Poultry production 01 02 03 04 Main characteristics of a niche Poultry meat sales volume in Kamchatka Territory in 2014 1 1,33 billion rubles Share of territory manufacturers in total sales in 2014 3 % Potential market capacity, in a year 2 1,680 billion rubles Competitive environment At present there is only one poultry farm specializing in production of egg in Kamchatka Territory, which produces 125 pieces per person a year or a half from the recommended regulation of consumption of food egg and only 1/50 part from the recommended poultry meat consumption rate of (0,6 kg per person a year) – JSC Pionerskoye. Why Kamchatka Territory • A niche, almost completely free from the internal regional competition. • High interest of the Government of the region in project implementation for the purpose of decrease in the general overestimated level of prices for products. • Higher level of environmental friendliness of products can promote emergence of demand from the neighboring regions. Manufacturing sites Name of industrial park / production site Total area of the park/aite (hectares) Electric power (cumulative power), MW Gas, one million cubic m/year (one thousand CBM/hour) Water supply / water disposal existence (yes/no) Presence of railway (yes/no) | presence of road (yes/no) The project on cooled poultry meat production of “Kamchatsky broiler” 20 hectares 1,3 MW 1,68 million m /year 3 - -|+ Including taking into account delivered to the region According to calculations of ASI, only on poultry meat. Proceeding from consumption estimates on average across the Russian Federation and the doctrine of food security of the Russian Federation. 1 2 3 16 | The in v estment o p p o r t u ni t i es o f Ka m c h a t k a Terri t o r y 02 Investment niche Hotel complex in the Paratunskaya resort area 01 02 03 04 Main characteristics of a niche Sales volume of hotel services in Kamchatka Territory in 2014 4 890,5 million rubles Tourist flow in Kamchatka Territory in 2014 60,5 thousand people Potential free market capacity, per year 5 170,5 million rubles Competitive environment Locations in the Paratunsky resort area are provided generally by mini-hotels, or recreation facilities (Antarius, Blue Lagoon, Bel-Kam-Tur, etc.). Besides, in the nearby cities, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Yelizovo, there are no objects of placement of the level above average, and quality of hotel services within the available infrastructure (hotels Avacha and Petropavlosk) does not correspond to price policy. Why Kamchatka Territory • Unique climatic potential. • The status of the territory of advancing development with the corresponding privileges and preferences. • Development of entrance tourism is one of the main objectives facing the Government of the region. Manufacturing sites Name of industrial park / production site Total area of the park/aite (hectares) Electric power (cumulative power), MW Gas, one million cubic m/year (one thousand CBM/hour) Water supply / water disposal existence (yes/no) Presence of railway (yes/no) | presence of road (yes/no) 4 5 Tourist and recreational cluster of “Paratunka” 380,5 hectares 7,1 MW -|+ Including sales of rooms, and also providing other tourist services. According to calculations of ASI, taking into account the weighted average rates of tourist flow gain. | 17 The in v estment o p p o r t u ni t i es o f L i p et s k r eg i o n Moscow 463 км Ryazan 266км Tula 291км Tambov 137км Orel 294км Kursk 347км THE INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES OF Lipetsk Voronezh 123км A map of the region and arrows to the centers of adjoining regions and to Moscow with indication of distance by public roads1: LIPETSK REGION 01 Main characteristics of the region DETAIL: For more detailed information on key economic and social indicators, please visit the following links: Investment portal of the region: Investment strategy: 18 | 1 Population 1 157 865 people Adjacent regions’ population 7 925 185 people Average lease rate for class A office premises 7 200 rub/sq.m/year Average lease rate for class A production and storage premises 3 000 rub/sq.m/year Average sale price of industrial land lots 3 000 000 rub/hectare Average monthly salary 23 406 rub. Between centers of the cities, by road. The in v estment o p p o r t u ni t i es o f L i p et s k r eg i o n 02 General Macroeconomic Situation Gross regional product (GRP ): Place of the region in terms of GRP: 6 | 39 314,8 bn RUB in 2013 347 bn RUB in 2014 +1,9% Investment contact: Igor Malenko, Total equity investments: in Federal District Among all regions of the Russian Federation * according to 2013 data Unemployment level: Head of the Department for Investments and International Relations of the Lipetsk region [email protected] +7 (903) 699-57-43 101,1 bn RUB in 2013 110,1 bn RUB in 2014 +5,0% The headline inflation: 6,3% | 11,9% in 2013 | in 2014 03 04 3,7% | 3,7% in 2013 | in 2014 Manufacturing Inflation: -10,5% | 3,3% in 2013 | in 2014 Key competitive advantages of the region • One of the most developed investment infrastructure objects system: federal special industrial and production economic zone and 10 regional special economic zones. • Developed industrial production, including that with participation of foreign capital, ensures the availability of highly qualified personnel. • Advantageous geographical position on intersection of key thoroughfares and, as a result, advanced transport infrastructure. BUSINESS INCENTIVES PROVIDED BY THE REGIONAL GOVERNMENT • Profit tax rate reduction from 18% to 13,5% for a period of up to 5 tax periods. • Tax exemption on property for a period of up to 8 tax periods. • Special conditions of conducting business activities for residents of a SEZ PPT «Lipetsk»2, special economic zones of the regional level. • Joint financing of construction of state-owned facilities in the Lipetsk region created under concessionary agreements at the expense of regional investment fund. • A system of long-term state guarantees (up to 15 years) • Provision with objects from the Lipetsk region mortgage fund. 2 | 19 The in v estment o p p o r t u ni t i es o f L i p et s k r eg i o n 01 Investment niche Production of the electrotechnical and energy saving equipment 01 02 03 04 Main characteristics of a niche Sales volume within a niche in the Lipetsk region in 2014 4,82 million rubles Share of regional manufacturers in total sales in 2014 17,4 % Import share across the Russian Federation in 2014 1 45 % Potential free market capacity, per year 2 371,2 million rubles Competitive environment At the moment, the main players in the markets of the electrotechnical and energy saving equipment in the Lipetsk region are CJSC Yelets Electromechanical Plant, LLC Software Enerkom, LLC ABB Elektrooborudovaniye. Why Lipetsk region • An opportunity to choose the most suitable site provided with all necessary infrastructure. • Successful experience of the region accompanied by large investment projects. • Proximity of large industrial enterprises – potential consumers of products. Manufacturing sites Name of industrial park / production site Total area of the park/aite (hectares) Electric power (cumulative power), MW Gas, one million cubic m/year (one thousand CBM/hour) Water supply / water disposal existence (yes/no) Presence of railway (yes/no) | presence of road (yes/no) 1 2 20 | Special economic zone of industrial and production type of the federal Lipetsk level 1024 hectares 267 MW 1325 million m /year 3 +|+ +|+ According to calculations of ASI, in the segment of electrotechnical equipment. According to calculations of ASI, taking into account average market gain rates, without assessment of potential effect of import substitution. The in v estment o p p o r t u ni t i es o f L i p et s k r eg i o n 02 Investment niche Production of pharmaceutical products 01 02 03 04 Main characteristics of a niche Sales volume within a niche in the Lipetsk region in 2014 3 4,10 billion rubles Share of regional manufacturers in total sales in 2014 6 % Import share across the Russian Federation in 2014 4 >70 % Potential free market capacity, per year 5 146,2 billion rubles Competitive environment For the present day the industrial complex CJSC Rafarma, the full cycle enterprise, specializing in production of antibiotics and antineoplastic preparations is provided in the Lipetsk region. Why Lipetsk region • An opportunity to select the most suitable site provided with all necessary infrastructure. • Proximity to large sales markets of all Central Federal District. • Forming of a pharmaceutical cluster is one of priorities of investment policy of the region. Manufacturing sites Name of industrial park / production site Total area of the park/aite (hectares) Electric power (cumulative power), MW Gas, one million cubic m/year (one thousand CBM/hour) Water supply / water disposal existence (yes/no) Presence of railway (yes/no) | presence of road (yes/no) 3 4 5 Special economic zone of industrial and production type of regional level “Terbuny” 992,2 hectares 90 MW 271 million m /year 3 + +|+ According to calculations of ASI, on the basis of statistics of sales of medicines (commercial sector) for 2014. According to calculations of ASI, on the basis of statistics of sales of medicines (commercial sector) for 2014. According to calculations of ASI, on the basis of assessment of market gain rates by DSM Group. | 21 The in v estment o p p o r t u ni t i es o f O r el r eg i o n Moscow Kaluga 209км 361 км Tula 192км Bryansk 129км Orel Lipetsk 296км Kursk 162км THE INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES OF The map of the region and arrows to the centers of adjoining regions and to Moscow with indication of distance by public roads 1 OREL REGION 01 Main characteristics of the region DETAIL: For more detailed information on key economic and social indicators, please visit the following links: Investment portal of the region: Investment strategy: 22 | 1 Population 765 231 people Adjacent regions’ population 6 032 239 people Average lease rate for class A office premises 5 300 rub/sq.m/year Average lease rate for class A production and storage premises 4 800 rub/sq.m/year Average sale price of industrial land lots 1 000 000 rub/hectare Average monthly salary 23 240 rub Between centers of the cities, by road. The in v estment o p p o r t u ni t i es o f O r el r eg i o n 02 General Macroeconomic Situation Gross regional product (GRP ): Place of the region in terms of GRP: 16 | 64 164,5 bn RUB in 2013 176,6 bn RUB in 2014 +3.1% Investment contact: Yury Esipov, Total equity investments: in Federal District Among all regions of the Russian Federation * according to 2013 data Unemployment level: member of the Orel region Government – Head of the Orel Region Department of Economic Development and Investment Activities [email protected] +7 (910) 748-42-05 43,7 bn RUB in 2013 44,9 bn RUB in 2014 +2,7% The headline inflation: 7,4% | 12,7% in 2013 | in 2014 03 04 5,8% | 5,1% in 2013 | in 2014 Manufacturing Inflation: 2,6% | 8,9% in 2013 | in 2014 Key competitive advantages of the region • High power security of the region. • Well-developed transport infrastructure. • Availability of highly qualified personnel in the field of agriculture. BUSINESS INCENTIVES PROVIDED BY THE REGIONAL GOVERNMENT • Profit tax rate reduction for a period of 3 to 7 tax periods: • from 18% to 13,5% for the organizations included in the register of investment projects of the Orel region; • from 18% to 15% for the organizations included in the register of programs of production modernization of the Orel region. • Property tax exemption for a period of 3 to 7 tax periods. • Granting subsidies for the provision of manufacturing sites with industrial infrastructure, including land management, registration of the created land lots with the State Cadastral Register and state registration of rights thereto. • Providing state guarantees amounting 50% of the investment project cost. | 23 The in v estment o p p o r t u ni t i es o f O r el r eg i o n 01 Investment niche Advanced grain processing for the food industry 01 02 03 04 Main characteristics of a niche 2559 thousand tons The volume of grain processing in Orel region in 2013 773 thousand tons Potential free market capacity, per year 1 70 % Competitive environment Now the most part of grain crops, produced in the territory of the region is on sale in public markets as raw materials. The large processing enterprises are not provided in the region. All this causes need of creation of regional refinery capacities for receiving an end product with high added value that finally should lead to raise in stability of a regional industry chain: production - processing-implementation. Why Orel region • High productivity of grain crops. • Transport availability of highly capacious sales markets. • Priority of the industry at the region level. Manufacturing sites Name of industrial park / production site Total area of the park/aite (hectares) Electric power (cumulative power), MW Gas, one million cubic m/year (one thousand CBM/hour) Water supply / water disposal existence (yes/no) DETAIL: Presence of railway (yes/no) | presence of road (yes/no) 1 24 | Gross collecting grain in the Orel region in 2013 “Industrial park “”Zelenaya Roshcha””” 140,5 hectares 50 MW 5 000 million m /year 3 +|+ -|+ Taking into account own consumption of the Orel region and sales on the markets of the neighboring regions. The in v estment o p p o r t u ni t i es o f O r el r eg i o n 02 Investment niche Milk production 01 02 03 04 Main characteristics of a niche Milk production volume in the Orel region in 2013 123,7 thousand tons Share of local manufacturers in the market of region in 2013 68 % Potential free market capacity, in a year 2 1,2 billion rubles Competitive environment There is a number of enterprises performing activities for milk production in the territory of Orel region: LLC Jupiter (1046 cattle), LLC Maslovo (1500 cattle), Federal State Unitary Enterprise Streletskoye (700 cattle), CJSC Slavyanskoye (650 cattle), CJSC APK Orlovskaya Niva holding with a dairy complex for 1200 heads of milking herd, etc. However, now the processing capacities of Orel region have deficiency in dairy products that, respectively, causes need of increase in a livestock of milking herd. Why Orel region • Availability of land resources for creation of reliable food supply. • Availability in the region of processing enterprises which are direct and potential consumers and have an opportunity to process additionally up to 200 thousand tons of dairy raw material a year. Manufacturing sites Name of industrial park / production site Total area of the park/aite (hectares) Electric power (cumulative power), MW Gas, one million cubic m/year (one thousand CBM/hour) Water supply / water disposal existence (yes/no) Presence of railway (yes/no) | presence of road (yes/no) DETAIL: “Industrial park “”Zelenaya Roshcha””” 140,5 hectares 50 MW 5 000 million m /year 3 +|+ -|+ According to calculations of Department of economic development and investing activities of the Orel region, taking into account assessment of non-satisfied demand. 2 | 25 The in v estment o p p o r t u ni t i es o f Perm Terri t o r y Syktyvkar 896км Kirov 494км Perm Yekaterinburg 361км Izhevsk 280км Moscow 1442 км Ufa 471км THE INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES OF Distances from Perm to administrative centers of the adjoining regions and Moscow 1 Perm Territory 01 Main characteristics of the region DETAIL: For more detailed information on key economic and social indicators, please visit the following links: Investment portal of the region: Investment strategy: permregion/strategy/ 26 | 1 Population 2 637 032 people Adjacent regions’ population 12 085 694 people Average lease rate for class A office premises 6 000 rub/sq.m/year Average lease rate for class A production and storage premises 3 000 rub/sq.m/year Average sale price of industrial land lots 7 000 000 rub/hectare Average monthly salary 24 716 rub. Between centers of the cities, by road. The in v estment o p p o r t u ni t i es o f Perm Terri t o r y 02 General Macroeconomic Situation Gross regional product (GRP ): Place of the region in terms of GRP: 5 | 13 893,4 bn RUB in 2013 1 066,4 bn RUB in 2014 +19,4%2 Investment contact: Leonid Morozov, Total equity investments: in Federal District Among all regions of the Russian Federation * according to 2013 data Unemployment level: Minister of Economic Development of Perm Territory [email protected] +7 (902) 801-61-75 219,5 bn RUB in 2013 185,6 bn RUB in 2014 -15,4% The headline inflation: 6,5% | 10,4% in 2013 | in 2014 03 04 6,5% | 5,8% in 2013 | in 2014 Manufacturing Inflation: 1,3% | 1,2% in 2013 | in 2014 Key competitive advantages of the region • Rich stocks of mineral raw material resources. • Transit status of the region (2 lines of Trans-Siberian Railway, Moscow-Yekaterinburg federal highway). • High gas provision of the region ensures competitive rates for this type of fuel. BUSINESS INCENTIVES PROVIDED BY THE REGIONAL GOVERNMENT • • • • Preferential profit tax rate, 13.5% for the widest range of taxpayers. Differential property tax rate for different taxpayer categories. One of the most developed mechanisms for investment projects support (‘one window’). Well-developed personnel recruitment system (especially industrial staff) for the investors’ needs. • Targeted assistance in investors’ participation in state programs of the Russian Federation. 3 | 27 The in v estment o p p o r t u ni t i es o f Perm Terri t o r y 01 Investment niche Wood-processing and manufacture of wooden products 01 02 03 04 Main characteristics of a niche The volume of wood procurement in Perm Territory in 2014 > 8 million cubic meters Timber production volume in Perm Territory 2014 1 > 390 thousand cubic meters Paper production volume in Perm Territory in 2014 > 566 thousand tons Market capacity, a year 2 > 2,63 billion rubles Competitive environment At present the wide product range of timber processing complex is manufactured in Perm Territory. The main players in this market are such companies as «Permsky DSK», «Sveza», «Solikamskbumprom», «Kama», «PTsBK». The implementation of several large projects in the field of woodworking, directed on production with high added value is also going in the region. Why Perm Territory • High share of high-quality raw materials (coniferous breeds make more than 61%). • High concentration of wood resources, plans for growth of logging volumes. • Proximity to key sales markets. Manufacturing sites Name of industrial park / production site Total area of the park/aite (hectares) Electric power (cumulative power), MW Gas, one million cubic m/year (one thousand CBM/hour) Water supply / water disposal existence (yes/no) Presence of railway (yes/no) | presence of road (yes/no) 1 2 28 | Industrial land plot Markovsky 281 hectares 22 MW 7500 million m /year 3 +|+ +|+ Statistically on large and medium-sized enterprises. According to calculations of ASI, across Perm Territory, assessment by the cost of bar and paper for writing. The in v estment o p p o r t u ni t i es o f Perm Terri t o r y 02 Investment niche Retail trade (hypermarket construction) 01 02 03 04 Main characteristics of a niche Retail turnover in Perm Territory in 2014 3 487,3 billion rubles Expected annual average rate of consumer market gain 4 8,7 % Share of modern trade format in Perm 5 34 % Competitive environment Perm Territory has the lowest provision of floor spaces per capita, at the same time the modern trade format share (hypermarkets, supermarkets, etc.) is the lowest among the neighboring regions. Perhaps, it partly provokes increase in consumer spendings by the population of the region outside the region. Today there are several large networks in the region, including: Magnit, X5 Retail Group, Auchan, Lenta, M.Video and Metro Cash and Carry. Why Perm Territory • Rather higher level of consumer capability of the population caused by character of economy of the region. • Insufficient number of shopping centers of modern formats. • Low level of penetration of federal retail networks. Manufacturing sites Name of industrial park / production site Total area of the park/aite (hectares) Electric power (cumulative power), MW Gas, one million cubic m/year (one thousand CBM/hour) Water supply / water disposal existence (yes/no) Presence of railway (yes/no) | presence of road (yes/no) 3 4 5 133 Lyangasova St. 1 hectares + +|+ -|+ According to Permstat. According to calculations of KPMG. Modern format: hypermarkets, supermarkets, self-service minimarkets. | 29 News of growing industries News of pers p ec t i v e i ndu s t ri es 01 August 26 2015 PHARMACEUTICS Opening of pharmaceutical plant CJSC Verteks took place in St. Petersburg. Opening of the first stage of CJSC Verteks pharmaceutical plant took place at the Novoorlovskaya site of the St. Petersburg Special economic zone. In 2010, CJSC VERTEKS became the resident of SEZ St. Petersburg. In 2013, the construction of new production was launched at the Novoorlovskaya site. In two years, the company has built a pharmaceutical plant with the area of more than 20000 sq.m. Investments into the project made more than 2 billion rubles. Production volume, which the company intends to make at the initial stage, is about 70 million packages of finished medicinal goods, or up to 1 billion units of medicines per year. The production comprises 350 workplaces. The company’s product range includes prescription and nonprescription generics and brand generics. Their share in the company’s portfolio comprises more than 130 positions, including 80 vital items from the VED list. 02 August 24 2015 PRODUCTION OF BABY FOODS The Kemerovo dairy combine has opened a baby food workshop. The Kemerovo dairy combine (belongs to Danone) has reopened the baby food workshop. The workshop was reconstructed, its power has grown twice — up to 40 tons per day. Investments into the equipment and opening made 700 million rubles. The workshop will produce cottage cheeses, yogurts, milkshakes and drinking baby foods of several types from premium high protein milk. The most part of milk for the workshop will be supplied by local farms. The entire Kemerovo dairy combine’s capacity in processing of raw milk is 240 tons per day. 60% of raw milk is bought from local farms. In 2014, all production was completely modernized and automated. | 31 News of pers p ec t i v e i ndu s t ri es 03 August 20 2015 WOODWORKING The new sawing and woodworking complex was opened in the Kaluga Region. Production of timber and trim molding was opened in Balabanovo at one of the leading domestic wood processing enterprises — CJSC Plitspichprom. The amount of investments into the production is more than 1 billion rubles, payback period is about seven years. The Balabanovskaya factory’s own production of timber and profile products from wood is implemented within the comprehensive modernization program, which started in 2014. The new production allows for several technology sections: raw materials storage, round wood sorting section, sawing section, dry and raw timber sorting section. All production sections are equipped with automatic transfer lines. The new production has 60 workplaces. The main range consists of different timber, bar, board trim, block houses, floor board, eurolining and some other products from wood. Plitspichprom, with its more than a half-century history, is a large multi-profile enterprise, the products of which are demanded in Russia and abroad. The company is included in the list of backbone organizations of the region and is a strategic enterprise of the Kaluga region. 04 april 10 2015 HOTEL SERVICE Ufa launches Hilton Garden Inn. Hilton Garden Inn Ufa Riverside — a hotel for 167 rooms was launched in Ufa. It is located in the historical part of the city near the Congress hall, with a view of the Belaya river. The hotel offers free Wi-Fi; a business center and a fitness studio are available round the clock. There are conditions for arrangement of business negotiations, conferences and wedding celebrations. For this purpose, the hotel complex includes four conference halls and a banquet hall with a total area of 478 square meters. The Garden Grille and Bar restaurant and round-the-clock Pavilion Pantry minimarket work in the territory of the hotel. The Ufa hotel became the seventh Hilton Garden Inn hotel in Russia. And it is the second project implemented together with the KESCO company. August 2 2015 a New hotel was opened in Belokurikha. On August 2, a ceremonial opening of the Altai-Green park hotel took place in Belokurikha. The new tourist object is opened within the implementation of the Belokurikha tourist and recreational cluster project. The hotel offers a unique health-improving procedure: antler baths based on natural raw materials. In the treatment block of the hotel, there are 3 bathtubs for antler procedures equipped with 6 boilers for preparation of antler solution. There are 16 standard rooms, 2 luxury rooms and 1 room of the “deluxe” category in which about 34 visitors can accommodate simultaneously. 32 | News of pers p ec t i v e i ndu s t ri es 05 July 20 2015 POULTRY PRODUCTION Sakhalin Region launches a new building of the Ostrovnaya poultry farm. A new building of the Ostrovnaya poultry farm in which practically all processes are automated, has been commissioned in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Initially, it was planned to spend 86 million rubles for the construction and equipping of the object. As of the moment, 57 million rubles have been invested. After it reaches the design capacity, the factory will produce 80 thousand eggs per day. One more similar workshop is to be commissioned in the poultry farm this year. Additionally, a broiler production designed to produce 10 thousand tons of goods annually will be developed on the enterprise’s base. Citizens of Sakhalin and Kurils will be able to buy poultry meat in a long-storage vacuum package. A grain elevator with a feed milling plant will be located here. The facility is designed to accommodate 80 thousand birds; today it will receive two thousand ones. The birds will get vitamins to relieve stress. They will be included in food allowance. The feeding system is completely automated. The eggs collection process is also automated. A system of elevators and conveyer belts brings products directly to the warehouse, which is located within the same facility. | 33 Macroeconomic indicators Region Gross regional product million rub Gross regional product per capita, rub Foreign direct investments (thousand US dollars) 2005 2010 2012 2005 2010 2012 2005 2010 2013 Altai Territory Kamchatka Territory Perm Territory Lipetsk region Orel region 135 686,4 302 900,7 370 554,7 53 812,4 124 955,8 154 205,7 1 543 38 541 554 43 974,3 103 123,2 126 984,3 129 240,8 319 849,2 396 388,6 6 7 642 1 022 327 273,3 623 116,8 897 597,6 119 654,0 235 930,6 340 933,2 12 687 67 775 30 894 145 194,4 248 544,9 294 862,6 121 376,2 211 610,6 253 302,1 27 655 177 679 107 668 53 181,9 106 196,7 146 139,6 64 180,4 134 533,8 187 706,4 17 088 65 131 3 492 Region Population thousand people Average annual number of employed thousand people average per capita income (per month), rub 2005 2010 2013 2005 2010 2013 2005 2010 2013 Altai Territory Kamchatka Territory Perm Territory Lipetsk region Orel region 2 503 2 417 2 391 1 105,1 1 079,4 1 075,0 4 640 11 029 15 979 337 322 320 180,9 189,1 185,9 11 167 27 010 35 371 2 719 2 634 2 636 1 318,9 1 304,8 1 280,1 8 273 19 834 26 054 1 194 1 172 1 160 548,7 544,9 543,4 5 591 15 936 22 222 822 786 770 410,9 391,9 392,1 4 857 13 115 18 262 Region Capital investment million rub Altai Territory Kamchatka Territory Perm Territory Lipetsk region Orel region 34 | Fixed assets in economy (by overall registration cost; at the end of year), million rub share of profitable large and medium-sized enterprises and organizations, % 2005 2010 2013 2005 2010 2013 2005 2010 2013 21 344 54 580 92 930 382 472 712 242 870 401 53,2 68,2 70,0 7 060 32 615 32 607 100 939 194 506 296 821 46,3 65,4 61,8 56 800 139 652 188 719 961 938 1 837 184 2 410 614 62,5 65,0 68,2 30 312 101 600 101 050 330 185 635 096 879 524 59,6 64,5 73,0 9 610 21 451 43 636 135 776 258 382 349 432 60,0 63,3 69,9 Disclaimer The “Agency for Strategic Initiatives” is an independent non-profit organization (hereinafter — the Agency). It is business organization and seeks to establish similar relations with the administrative authorities of the Russian Federation, information about which is available in this research report. Therefore, potential investors and entrepreneurs, both Russian and foreign, should be aware of the possibility of a conflict of interest which might affect the objectivity of this report. When deciding to make any investment decision, potential investors and entrepreneurs, both Russian and foreign, must be guided by a range of factors, not only this report. This publication is solely for informational purposes and should not be construed as a proposal to invest in a particular market segment or in a particular region. Neither the information contained in this research report, nor any other information relating to the topic of this report, which may be disseminated in the future, may be used as the basis for any contract. Information contained within this report and the conclusions based thereon have been obtained from public sources considered reliable by the Agency. Furthermore, data provided by the Federal State Statistics Service, as well as other sources, including data provided by employees of the executive bodies of the state authorities, has not always met the requirements for completeness and consistency. Notwithstanding the due care taken in preparation of this report, no warranties or representations, express or implied, are given by any employee of the Agency and no responsibility as to the reliability, accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this analytical report is assumed by them. We expressly deny responsibility and liability in connection with any information contained herein. Any information contained herein is subject to change at any time without notice. No employee of the Agency assumes the obligation to update, modify or amend this research report or notify readership in any form in the event that any of the facts mentioned in the report, opinions, projections, forecast or estimates change or subsequently become inaccurate, or if research on the subject company is withdrawn. In addition, it should be borne in mind that past performance is not indicative of future results. Investments in the economy of the regions of the Russian Federation are accompanied by a high level of risk. Potential investors and entrepreneurs, both Russian and foreign, should conduct their own due diligence before making any investment decisions. The views expressed in this research report accurately reflect the personal views of the authors for their respective niche markets and investment opportunities, but do not necessarily reflect the position of any employee of the Agency. No part of the remuneration paid to the authors of this report was not, is not and will not be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendations or views set out in this research report. | 35 Acknowledgements The Agency of Strategic Initiatives thanks all who took part in collecting, analysis and preparation of information on potential investment opportunities and market niches in regions of the Russian Federation, and about a situation in the Russian macroeconomic. Without your involvement, responsibility, professional comments and notes, and continued expert support this overview would not be published. Avdonkina Ksenia, chief specialist of the department of investment projects of the Ministry of economic development of Perm Territory Anishchenko Marina, the deputy head - the head of tourism development, tourist product promotion and external relations department of Kamchatka Territory of the Agency on tourism and external relations of Kamchatka Territory Antontsev Sergey, head of investment development division of Department of economic development and investing activities of the Orel region Buchkovsky Ilya, managing director, VTB Capital Golovina Olga, chief specialist of department of coordination of investment activities of the division of investment development of Department of economic development and investing activities of Orel region Grishin Petr, head of the macroeconomic analysis department, VTB Capital 36 | Ivanova Nina, deputy head of department of investments and international relations of the Lipetsk region Koval Nikolay, deputy head of department of investment activities development of the Main department of economy and investments of Altai Territory Kosacheva Elena, leading consultant of investment management and international relations department of the Lipetsk region Kosikhina Elena, head of investment activities development department of Head department of economy and investments of Altai Territory Lelikova Irina, assistant of the investment policy department of the Ministry of economic development, entrepreneurship and trade of Kamchatka Territory Malenko Igor, head of investment and international relations department of the Lipetsk region Nikolaev Roman, senior teacher of department of social and economic geography of the Perm state national research university Surova Oksana, chief specialist of the department of coordination of investing activities of investment development section of the Department of economic development and investing activities of Orel region Chernysh Vyacheslav, head of economy and financial analysis department of the Ministry of agriculture, food and processing industry of Kamchatka Territory Yakovenko Svetlana, chief specialist of department of coordination of investment activities of the division of investment development of the Department of economic development and investment activities of Orel region 36/9 Novy Arbat Street, Moscow, Russia, 121099 +7 (495) 690-91-29 [email protected] 2015
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