Rev. Samuel Doctorian in Etchmiadzin, Armenia.
Rev. Samuel Doctorian in Etchmiadzin, Armenia.
Volume 43 - Nos. 3-4 November 2003 Rev. Samuel Doctorian in Etchmiadzin, Armenia. Volume 43 – Nos. 3-4 November 2003 THE EVANGELIST is published quarterly by Bible Land Mission, International P. O. Box 105, Mansourieh-el-Metn, LEBANON U.S.A. Address: 2355 E. Washington Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91104 Tel. (1) 626-798-7177 • Fax (1) 626-791-0036 email: [email protected] Web Site: Editor-in-Chief: Rev. Samuel Doctorian Associate Editor: Rev. Paul Doctorian Contributing Editors: Rev. John Crouch Mrs. Naomi Doctorian John Ekmekjian Dr. Albert Luka George McRobb Hagop Trachian Assistants: Daan Smits In This Issue “Faith” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3 Rev. Samuel Doctorian What is impossible with men is possible with God PART TWO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6 George McRobb In loving memory of my precious brother, George Doctorian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8 Rev. Samuel Doctorian News from the Vineyard of the Lord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 9 Rev. Samuel Doctorian Patmos 2004 The next Bible Land Mission Conference International . . . . . . . . Page 16 A Photo Album . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 18 The Vision of Five Angels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 30 THE EVANGELIST, sent without charge to all who request it, is made possible through the free-will offerings of God’s people. It is also published in Dutch and German. “Faith” By Rev. Samuel Doctorian FAITH IS POWER. FAITH IS THE GIFT OF GOD. W ithout faith we can never please God. It is only through faith that we can have our prayers answered. We can be saved. We can be sanctified. We are kept by faith. The Bible says, “The just shall live by faith.” In Second Corinthians 5:7 we read, “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” Ephesians 6:16 we read that we can conquer every situation when we have the “shield of faith”. In Second Timothy 4:7, Paul the Apostle says, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” To God be the glory. The Lord Jesus gave us a wonderful illustration of the mustard seed and He said in Matthew 17:20, “If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, 'Remove hence to yonder place;' and it shall remove.” The apostles said to the Lord, “Lord increase our faith.” So our faith can be very small but we can ask the Lord to increase our faith so we can have greater faith and exercise much stronger faith and see all our prayers answered. The Lord Jesus said, “Whatever you ask in my name believing from the Father, He will give it to you.” All my life, from the day the Lord called me to fulltime ministry, at the age of sixteen, I have exercised faith. I have found out, when I have much faith, I have much blessing. When I have little faith, I have little blessing. And when I have no faith, I have no blessing. Lord, help me to have more faith than ever. I thank you for the way you have honored my faith. You've helped me in every situation. You have given me tremendous meetings everywhere. You have given great victories because I have exercised faith. But even now, Lord, at my age of seventy-three, I want to exercise more faith than ever. It's far better to have faith than to have doubt. There is great joy in having faith in your heart from morning till night. In some very serious times of my life in the ministry, I've had tremendous difficulties but the Lord has honored me by faith. I've conquered the impossible. To God be the glory. Only by faith I have started Bible Land Mission in the Garden of Gethsemane as the Lord led me to do it. He showed me all the lands of the Bible where I would minister. Indeed, I have ministered by faith in Jerusalem, in Israel; then in Amman, capital of Jordan; then in Damascus, capital of Syria; then Beirut, Lebanon, where we've had tremendous opportunities to glorify God. There were times it seemed impossible but the Lord Jesus said, “With God all things are possible.” When the Lord led me to buy the buildings of Peniel, from the prime minister of Lebanon who was a Muslim, God gave me faith. I believed I could purchase the buildings from him. The price he asked 3 anger he turned to me and said, “All right, I agree.” You can imagine my joy when he accepted half the price of that great property. I told him, “I will bring the down payment in one week.” He accepted that also. I left Lebanon. I had to go to Jerusalem. I began to gather the ten thousand Lebanese as down payment. By faith, miraculously, the amounts began to come. And the last amount, one thousand Lebanese Liras, came from a widow in Jerusalem, called Miriam. She worked hard to earn money. She had kept some money aside. She gave it to me in an envelope and said, “Don't open it till you leave Jerusalem.” I agreed and thanked her. I started driving back to Lebanon. While going through the Valley of Jordan on my way to Amman, returning to Beirut, I remembered the envelope. I opened it. It was the last thousand Lebanese pounds that I needed. Miraculously I paid the Prime Minister, and we signed the deal. I was able to buy the property, which today is our Peniel headquarters. It's there where we've had our home to many workers and missionaries, home for my own family, and home where we have had the children of the orphanage. It was there where we took care of 156 orphans. It was there where we started the school of Light with several hundred students. And it was there when later God blessed and we were able to have a wonderful church that is still continuing. It's a wonderful living church, called Church of God. The pastor is the Director of the Bible Society of the whole Middle East countries. God has blessed Peniel in every way. Today, we have a fine school called Eastwood College. It occupies all the different classrooms in Peniel. It is a very well known school throughout the city. It has a very high standard of education. God is using Peniel headquarters for His glory. God is a great was tremendous. He told me he would sell them to me for five hundred thousand Lebanese. At that time, 1962, that was a great sum of money. I could have lived with only two hundred Lebanese Liras a month. How could I buy property for five hundred thousand? But I believed God. I asked the owner for some time to pray. And that I would come back with the answer. The prime minister was very kind. He let me have my prayer time. The next time as I visited him, by faith, the Lord said to me, “Tell him you want the property for half that price!” I said, “Lord, if I tell him that he might throw me out of the palace” He was living in a huge mansion, with bodyguards and all types of people.” The Lord said, “Don't be afraid... Just tell him that's all you can pay.” He met me graciously and led me to the living room. His son, an ambassador of Lebanon to Austria, was sitting already in the room. I also shook his hand and we sat down to speak. I told the prime minister, “I prayed, and my Lord said to offer you half of your asking price, two hundred fifty thousand.” Suddenly the son, the ambassador, got angry. He turned to his father and with little anger said, “How can you sell such a property for such a small amount?” The father got angry with his son and said to him, “You be quiet. You have nothing to do with this. The property belongs to me. I can do what I like with it.” And with 4 God. He that believeth shall not be ashamed. We read in Romans chapter 5:2, that we have the most wonderful privilege as children of God. We have access to speak with God, our Creator. That access is by faith. In Romans ten, we have wonderful verses where we read, that the word of faith is sown in our hearts by the preaching of the Word. In Romans 10:17, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:8 we read about 'the word of faith' being so powerful. That seed, the Word that falls in our hearts, by faith, bears fruit. As they hear the Gospel, faith is developed in their hearts. And as they call on the name of the Lord they are saved. Romans 12:3, we read about the measure of faith. In our large Salem Evangelistic Center that seats a thousand in Beirut, God is using the place mightily for many congregations to meet together and hear His Word. As we were completing the construction of the sanctuary I had asked for a cross to be placed at the front. My son Paul surprised me with a very big sized cross whose dimensions neared the real thing. I liked it very much. There's only one Bible verse in our Salem Center. On the wall towards the left written with gold letters. My father-in-law was a sign writer who had written over eighty thousand Bible verses in his lifetime. This was one of his masterpieces in Arabic and Armenian. It 5 reads, “According to your faith be unto you.” In Luke 7:50 the Lord Jesus said, “ Thy faith has made the whole.” When we exercise faith it doesn't matter what sickness we have, what disease has come upon us. As we have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord says your faith has made you perfect. To God be the glory. In Hebrews 11, the chapter of faith in the Bible, there are many wonderful verses about faith. The beautiful chapter starts with, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Heb. 11:1 James 5:15, the Apostle teaches that when we have the sick among us, that we would call the elders of the church and let them anoint with oil and pray. It continues, “and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and if there's any sin it shall be forgiven.” Dear reader of this Evangelist magazine, the Lord has led me to write this article about faith and I pray it's a blessing to you. Whatever circumstances you are going through, BELIEVE GOD. God is greater than your problems. God can do the impossible. Have faith in God and let the Lord honor your faith and give you a great deliverance, healing, and rich blessing. This is the only WAY — walking by faith, we will enter heaven by faith. The Lord richly bless you and give you the gift of faith. May He increase your faith in every way. Amen. WHAT IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH MEN IS POSSIBLE WITH GOD [Luke 18:27] PART TWO By George McRobb other disciples in their criticism of Mary of Bethany, when she gave her most costly possession to the Lord. “Why this waste,” they asked. Is it waste to give our lives completely and wholeheartedly to the Lord and to His Service? Read what Jesus says on the matter in verses 29 and 30 and also in the parallel passage in Matthew 19:29. A hundred times more and also eternal life! We need to remember however, that many Christians who are not in full time service are called on to make great sacrifices for the sake of the Gospel. Why do they do it? They do it because the love of Christ constrains them. God will certainly compensate them, if not here now, then in that day when He will welcome them and say, “well done, good and faithful servant… come and share you Master's happiness.” Then if asked how they were able, joyfully, to make such sacrifices, they'll say, “the things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” 6. IT IS POSSIBLE FOR GOD TO FULFILL EVERY PROMISE HE HAS EVER MADE. In verses 31 to 34, we read that our Lord told His disciples about his imminent arrest, trial and death on the cross and He made it clear to them that all this would come to be in fulfillment of the words of the Prophets hundreds of years before. Was He right? Did it happen? Of course it did exactly as he said! This then reminds us that n the previous issue of the Evangelist I shared with you four of the seven points from Luke 18 on what is possible for God. I The seven points were:1. It is possible for God to answer persistent prayer. 2. It is possible for God to save the very worst sinner. 3. It is possible for God to make Himself known to little children. 4. It is possible for God to deliver from the allurements of the world. 5. It is possible for God to compensate us for any sacrifice we may be called on to make for Him. 6. It is possible for God to fulfill every promise He has ever made. 7. It is possible for God to perform great miracle. Now we turn to number five. It is possible for God to compensate us for any sacrifice we may be called on to make for Him. In verses 28 to 30 of Luke 18, we read that Peter was concerned about the fact that he and the other disciples had left everything in order to follow Jesus. Would they lose it? Jesus then gives them some very reassuring words when He says that whoever leaves family for the sake of the Kingdom of God will inherit much more, even Eternal Life. How we need to thank God for missionaries and others who have made great sacrifices for the Lord's sake. Given up home, good prospects, good salary and in some cases the prospect of marriage, so that they might be freer and more fitted to proclaim the Gospel where the need is greatest. Some with a worldly outlook would call them “stupid,” but they would join Judas and the 6 problem which is so great that you feel it cannot ever be solved, humanly speaking, there does not seem to be a way out: but why use the words “humanly speaking?” Bring God into the picture and relate the situation to Him. He will see you through for “the things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” Before leaving this 18th chapter of Luke, a question. How big is your God? Do we sufficiently recognize His Greatness and his Power? Surely, then, if we do we shall come to Him and prove for ourselves that “the things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” I pray that this article will have in some way, brought all of us close to our Great God by sharing from His Word and that we shall know as a reality in our lives that it is possible for God to answer persistent prayer. It is possible for God to save the very worst sinner. It is possible for God to make Himself known to little children. It is possible for God to deliver from the allurements of the world. It is possible for God to compensate us for any sacrifice we may be called on to make for Him. It is possible for God to fulfill every promise He has ever made. It is possible for God to perform great miracle. I agree that we have difficulty with some of these things, but let's test our faith over the coming days and test the many promises of God as we would seek to work and to witness for the Master. GOT ANY RIVERS YOU THINK UNCROSSABLE? GOT ANY MOUNTAINS YOU CAN'T TUNNEL THROUGH? GOD SPECIALIZES IN THINGS THOUGHT IMPOSSIBLE, HE DOES THE THINGS WHICH NO OTHERS CAN DO! every promise and prediction so far unfulfilled will be fulfilled literally, in God's own time. Some of these relate to the coming again of Christ, to the rapture of the Church, to the Judgement Seat of Christ. All these things may seem impossible of fulfillment, but with God all things are possible. It seemed an impossible thing to the Virgin Mary that she should be the mother of Jesus and when told she expressed her astonishment, “how will this be since I am a virgin?” Note then the end of the Angel's message (Luke 1:37) “for nothing is impossible with God.” Think of the Vision, Prophecy, Revelation given by the Angels to Brother Samuel in Patmos in 1998, some of which has already taken place. Numbers 23:19 “Does He speak and then not act? Does He promise and not fulfill?” Nothing is too hard for the Lord. “Heaven and Earth will pass away, but My Words will never pass away.” The things which are impossible with men, are possible with God. 7. IT IS POSSIBLE FOR GOD TO PERFORM A GREAT MIRACLE. In verse 35 to 43 we have an account of the healing of blind Bartimaeus. he could see nothing, but at the word of the Lord he immediately received his sight. Such a thing is impossible with man, but not with God. How impossible it seemed to Abraham and Sarah that they should have a son. He was 100 years old and she 90 years. Their faith was strong and they were fully persuaded that, what He had promised he was able to perform. The impossible became possible and actual. So then they proved that nothing was too hard for the Lord. Are there some situations which are really too difficult for the Lord to sort out? Are there problems which He can't solve? Are there any sinners He is unable to save? Is there a backslider anywhere whom He can't restore? Is there a Church which He can't revive? Perhaps you are facing some trying situation, some 7 of In MgeemDoocrtoyrian Geor y parents had four sons and two daughters. Four of the sons were born in Lebanon.We were brought up in Jerusalem.Then the Lord gave us two lovely sisters.We lived in Jerusalem for many years. Because of circumstances,we moved to Amman, Jordan and then to Beirut,Lebanon. My eldest brother was George.He was two years older than me.He worked very hard in Lebanon,then Syria,and then back in Lebanon. My brother had the name of our paternal grandfather,who was a surgeon in the Old Country.With the terrible war and the massacre of the Armenians,thousands were killed for their faith in Christ,including my grandparents. My grandfather's name was Guiragos,(Cyrus in the Bible).So my eldest brother was called Guiragos.Later he was known as George. He was very healthy all his life.He never used any medications;not even Aspirin! He took good care of himself.He knew what he ate and what he drank. He gave his life to the Lord in Jerusalem.He was married to a lovely Christian girl from Aleppo, Syria.Her name is Mary. The Lord gave them five wonderful children, one son,and four lovely daughters. George and Mary were baptized in the Peniel Church,in our Mission Headquarters.What a great day that was. George was a very active person.He was a hard worker.He was a great helper to people who were in need of help.He served Bible Land Mission wholeheartedly for many years. He was a very generous man.He was a loving husband and father.And later a wonderful grandfather to his nine beautiful grandchildren. M 8 brother Geor With my eldest ge As was he,so is his whole family very active in the church. Suddenly,as we had never expected it,he became very ill.Nothing could save him.Not even surgery. In a short time my beloved brother went to be with the Lord. My dear father had gone to heaven 14 years before,and now my brother had joined him. His death was not easy for my mother and for Mary,his wife. Also it was so difficult for the children,grandchildren,and the rest of the relatives. The Bible says,“Blessed is the death of the saints.” “Absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.” “For me to live is Christ,but to die is gain.” Jesus said,“He that believeth in me shall never die.”Praise the Lord,one day we shall see George. I miss my older brother.I always loved him. Soon we shall be together forever. May the Holy Spirit continue comforting his dear wife,Mary,and all the dear loved ones. Samuel Doctorian The younger brother ery “He was auvs man. genero a loving He was nd and husba father.” News From The Vineyard Of The Lord By Rev. Samuel Doctorian he Lord Jesus Christ, my Savior, said to me years ago in the city of Jerusalem, “I will take you to the nations of the world and use you for the extension of my Kingdom.” I answered, “Lord, I don't understand. My mind is too small. This is a tremendous commission you're giving me, but I believe you.” Until today, by the grace of God, from Jerusalem He has taken me to hundred twenty-six countries of the world. I have traveled literally millions of miles for the Master. T The lord had said to me also, “Go to the whole world and preach the gospel to all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” The same Lord said to me, “Lo, I am with you always even to the end of the world.” The same precious Savior said, “All power is given unto me in Heaven and in Earth.” And He encouraged me with a promise, 9 “Whatever you ask from the Father in my name I will give it to you.” The Lord has kept His promise. He has preserved me from many dangers. He has helped me in all the flights. He's taken me to many countries of the world, giving me health and strength. I've enjoyed the food in every country. He has kept me healthy, kept me from sickness, and He has given me daily strength. Praise His name. Dear Bible Land Mission family, those who are reading these lines in our Evangelist magazine, I want to thank you for all your prayers and your financial support. Because of you, I can do what the Lord has called me to do. May the Lord richly reward you. In the last few months I have had wonderful meetings in the following countries. Between two hundred fifty and four hundred come together and worship the Lord. We also have a small group of brethren who faithfully meet together every Sunday morning in the little chapel next door; we call the “Upper Room”. Beirut, Lebanon In the big sanctuary God has blessed a ministry of a dear young dynamic brother who only a few years ago came asking if he could use Salem Church for evangelism. He only had about a dozen people at that time but I could see the fire in his eyes! I could see the Holy Spirit burning in him. I could witness he had tremendous faith. I accepted with joy his use of Salem Church and I promised to pray for God's blessing on them. Praise the Lord today, he has a congregation of four hundred Lebanese Arab Christians. Young people who are on fire for God. They are full of the Holy Spirit. Also worshiping with them is a great number of Armenian Christians. Today, I only praise God for the number that has grown in such a short period of time and daily is increasing. I arrived in Beirut with the invitation of these churches. From the first Sunday morning, and every night for the whole week we had tremendous meetings. Salem Church was crowded to a thousand people. Thank the Lord we were able to In our Beirut Salem Evangelistic Center, several wonderful churches come together to worship the Lord. There's a wonderful black church, comprised of workers who are in Lebanon from Nigeria, Ghana, and Burkina Faso. They meet together in our Salem Church several times during the week and especially the Sunday morning service is a tremendous one. 10 have the elevator working and being put to use. It was a great blessing. We have our own electric generator now to produce electricity in case the power from the government would go out. In few seconds our own generator would kick in. countries... Now, it is coming to pass. Hallelujah! Every night many came to the Lord and gave their lives to the Lord. Many were restored and reconciled. Many were filled with the Holy Spirit. We prayed for the sick and anointed with oil. The Lord stretched His hand and healed them. We give the Lord all the glory. Dubai, United Arab Emirates A wonderful Christian family that I had led to the Lord many years ago invited me for two days to that Muslim city of Dubai. I had the most wonderful encouraging two days witnessing Christ, and passing out small crosses with the message that I give everywhere, “As you look at this cross remember God loves you. He died for We were able to install fourteen air conditioning units in the main hall. So in the midst of the Middle Eastern hot summer our Salem church was cool and comfortable! Praise the Lord. Many people were happier to come to church than stay at home! From the first day, the church was crowded. To my amazement there were three huge professional television cameras with a crew of ten young men recording the services. The dear brother who was sponsoring the programs was a brother who had been gloriously saved twelve years. His name is George Khoury. He gave us the good news that he had been able to buy a station off a satellite, calling it the 'Spirit Channel'. It would begin broadcasting Christian programs to the Middle East starting September of this year. He wanted all the messages of that week to be televised to millions in the Arab world. What a prophecy fulfilled. In 1960 God gave me the prophecy that the day will come where I would be preaching to millions on television in the Middle East you. If you believe in Him you will not go to hell. You will go to Heaven.” It was the first time I was in Dubai and I plan, as the Lord leads, I will return back to that city. 11 Singapore, Asia being with us, made all the difference.” To God be the Glory. The night that I preached to twenty thousand there was a tremendous move of the Holy Spirit of God. Many were touched. Many were prayed for. And the From Dubai I was able to go to Singapore. Singapore has been the main heart for my ministry in the countries of Asia. From Singapore I've been able to go to many countries all around that region of the world. We have a wonderful committee there, the “Bible Land Mission Singapore”. They are on fire for the Lord, dedicated to serve the Master and help Bible Land Mission. We had a great gathering on Saturday in the WMCA. The place was crowded and we were able to share with pictures of what the Lord is doing through Bible Land Mission. I was able to share, minister, and preach the Word of the Lord. God was glorified in that meeting. I'm always busy in Singapore. Sometimes conducting two meetings a day, even three! I was very busy preaching the Gospel in many different churches and denominations and fellowships. Holy Spirit glorified the name of Jesus. I've been invited from now for the great meetings on Easter day 2004, in that same church. Lord willing, April 11, is that day, which happens to be my seventy fourth birthday. I'm looking forward to minister in that great church again. Surabaya, Indonesia Bethany Church invited me to Surabaya. They have the largest church building in Asia. Pastor Alec with the church's committee had invited me. The leaders of the Bethany Church Fellowship Indonesia came together — great leaders like pastor Alec, pastor Timothy Areveen, and pastor Nicko from Jakarta. There were twenty thousand people in the seminar. We had four very busy seminar sessions. We started from the early morning seven thirty prayer, to the eight o'clock seminar and continued until the afternoon. Then we came together again for a great gathering at night. The Lord blessed all the sessions and I was so happy I was privileged to be a part of that seminar. The brethren at the end of the seminar wrote me a very wonderful letter thanking me for my presence. They said in the letter, “Your presence, just 12 to be anointed with oil. Many lives were broken before God when the Holy Spirit came upon them with great power. We thank God for every victory in the “Dream Church” at Gold Coast. I flew to Perth, Australia to be the guest of my dear brother and sister Gunawan, a husband and wife team who are on fire for God. They are a dedicated couple, serving the Lord. Although brother Gunawan is a very successful businessman yet the Lord's work comes first in his life. They are true witnesses for the Lord in Perth. He is now the pastor of Bethany Church in Perth. I ministered in their church. I also preached in another church where pastor Australia My dear brother Peter Chan is a wonderful dynamic brother. He is a great organizer and administrator. He also pastors a wonderful church in Sydney. He organized meetings for me in Arabic churches, Australian churches, Chinese churches, and a great wonderful banquet in Chinatown Sydney, with the Full Gospel Businessmen Fellowship. There was great anointing in every service in Sydney. I was so happy that my son-in-law, pastor Terry Workman, my darling daughter Jasmine, and my two grandchildren joined me in Australia this time. Their presence, the singing of Jasmine, and the sharing of pastor Terry were a great blessing in all the meetings. The large church in Gold Coast is now called the “Dream Church”. Pastor Gil Christ and wonderful brothers and sisters are working together there. Also there is brother Steve Asmar, who I call 'my son', and his dear wife Michelle. They gave us a great welcome in that church. I was able to minister several times. Sunday, the day of the Lord, we had three great meetings. Pastor Terry shared in one of the meetings and I also preached the Word. Many came forward for prayer. Many came 13 Daniel is pastoring four hundred very lively young people. It was a great time in Perth, Australia. To God be the glory. After Perth, Australia, I flew via Singapore to come home to California to have a very blessed reunion with my precious mother, who is now ninety-three. My two brothers and my two sisters, all my family and other relatives were gathered together for a few days of quality time. We had a great time together giving God the glory for the way the Lord is blessing our family. Armenia, a totally day there was no place for people to even stand. The Holy Spirit moved mightily and every night souls cried to the Lord for Salvation. Every night we prayed for the sick. And one night the mighty Holy Spirit came down and filled many of them. I believe revival has started in that part of the country. I want to thank the Lord and all His children from all over the world, the wonderful Bible Land Mission family who did help us financially. You sent us monetary help so we could go to Armenia and minister the Word of God boldly and with freedom. Armenia presently is a poor country. In order to visit there and evangelize, we had to pay our own tickets, our own hotel expenses and many other expenses in the country including renting buses that brought the people to the meeting places. We were able to help many of the pastors and the preachers financially. God gave us our daily bread and helped us to minister with total freedom with no financial burden because many of God's children helped us so we could come and minister in this needy country of Armenia. While I am dictating this report, I'm in Yerevan, the capital city. In Artashat, a neighboring town, few days ago we had overcrowded meetings in the church building that the Lord helped us buy and give it to the church body there. The church building seats three hundred fifty. It's a beautiful building with nice gardens all around it. All the seats were full, air conditioning units were working full blast, a loud speaking system was operational, and I was able to preach the gospel everyday. To God be the glory many new souls were added to the Kingdom. One night I shared the message on the blood of Jesus. The Holy Spirit touched many lives. To my amazement many stood to be saved. They cried out independent country now. After five hundred years under the Turks, and seventy-two years under the Russian communist government, the country of Armenia is now independent. We have great freedom to preach the Gospel. I arrived in Armenia with my dear son, Paul, who is now as an ordained minister also pastoring the Pasadena Armenian Church of the Nazarene, in California. Paul and I were very excited to be back in Armenia. Our first station was to go to the military zone in Mountainous Karabagh. They have had severe battles with Azerbaijan for three years. They were able to recapture that great piece of land with villages and cities that belonged to Armenia. Armenian loss of life was six thousand five hundred in a span of three years. Our first stop was to go to the capital city of that region, Stepanakert. The precious brother who arranged and led those meetings for us had been a general commander in that area. Five years ago God visited him gloriously and he started a fellowship of Christians in that city. It was marvelous to preach in the hall that was packed. The next day it was overcrowded. The third 14 the prayer, repeating words after me, “Lord, I'm a sinner. Lord, I believe in you. Lord, thank you for dying in my place. Thank you for shedding your blood for my salvation. Save me Lord.” I believe the Lord did it. For the Word of the Lord says, “As many as call the name of the Lord, shall be saved.” Now I am busy preaching in another church, in a town called Norapatz, where the Lord helped us also send financial help. They were able to buy a wonderful piece of land. They renovated the building and the Lord really blessed in this new church in a wonderful way. Lord willing, on Saturday and Sunday of this week I will preach in a big hall in Yerevan on the third floor of a building. I know the Lord will bless abundantly. As I leave Armenia on September 15, I will be on my way to South Africa preaching in different churches near Johannesburg, South African churches and also one big meeting on Sunday with the Chinese churches together in Johannesburg. From South Africa, I will visit Singapore for one week. I will be preaching every day, and twice on Sundays. On Saturday 27th of September we shall be having a great get together with the Bible Land Mission committee in Singapore. I know the place will be full and the Lord will give us a great meeting. From Singapore I shall be flying to Delhi and then on to Bihar. Bihar is located in the North of India near Tibet, with Nepal right on the border. Twelve thousand are coming together for a great convention. The people mostly are Hindus and I shall be preaching Christ in that great convention. From Bihar, India, I will be on my way to Holland. There I'll be preaching for three weeks every day. The first Sunday, I start with the Maranatha Church, the largest Pentecostal church in Amsterdam. Two meetings on Sunday morning and then daily services all over Holland. I need your prayers. I rejoice to give such report of what the Lord has done, what He is doing, and what He is going to do. Remember dear reader, I am now seventy-three years old but by the grace of God still going on preaching the glorious gospel. I have no words to thank you for your faithful financial support. Every time you receive a newsletter or you receive our Evangelist magazine, PRAY FOR US. By using the enclosed envelopes, your gifts that come to our offices in California are greatly appreciated. The amount does not matter. What matters is for us to know that you are behind us in prayer and full support. With the thank you receipts, monthly reports are sent to our regular contributors. God bless you. Yours for the extension of God's Kingdom everywhere, The world is my church, Samuel Doctorian 15 ever had. ference we have n co t es b e th e It will b ,Africa,Australia, A, Europe e coming from US ar s er ch re,China, ea pr t ea m Britain,Singapo fro Leaders and gr rd Lo e th of ts ve servan sia,and Australia. and Asia.We will ha bodia, India, Malay am ,C ar nm ia ,M m of also from Vietna itation. Great time retreat,spiritual vis nal al tio tu iri ira sp sp in of e ys bl da re will be Bi he .T rd We will have five Lo e th g sin iping and prai singing and worsh heaven on earth. ies. It will truly be on im st te hn the d an s ge messa ,the Cave where Jo to ot Gr e Th … es ost important plac beautiful,23 km We will visit the m lation. The Island is ve Re of ok Bo e th eat vision of Apostle had the gr . us e where I had the long. Mountaino e will see the hous W h. ija El e world. t he op Pr e Continents of th ountain of th M e m th fro to ls ge go ill An w e We of the fiv cy and Revelation e meetings will be Vision and Prophe ala, near the sea. Th Sc of n w to e th in daily fresh fishes. are staying is us Greek food and io lic de The new hotel we y jo en ill w the Hotel.We held in the hall of June 2004. art on the 8th of st ill w ce en er The Conf on the 8th. .arriving in the ld arrive in Athens on June 8 at 7:00 pm s eu ra Pi of rt • All flights shou po e th e return to ip will take us from the night of 12th w nd ,a os tm Pa in • The Large Sh ys tmos.Five full da . morning at 6 in Pa country on the 13th can return to each s ht lig s.F en th s,A Piraeu . el for 7 more days ra Is to e u n ti n co me. Those who willJune 13. to Athens and ho ck the n the 21st fly ba • Fly to Israel on ys until June 20.O da 7 r fo l ae Isr of Tour oceed. Pray, Plan and Pr CTATION. d with great EXPE Come by faith an PRICE PACKAGE $700*USD BIBLE LAND MISSION th 24 International Conference June 8 - 13, 2004 is The Islandl… Beautifu e It will truly barth. heaven on e * Round trip from Piraeus to Patmos including meals and accommodation. For more information please contact your local BLM Representatives. Salem Beirut, Church, Lebano n. hadi Pastor Sng for translati Samuel in Brother m Church, the Sale Beirut. ucienne Rev. L pastor of Accad, iel Church, the Pen t. in Beiru Peniel, Missio Bible Land n headq uarters. Samuel Brother for souls in praying m Church, the Sale Beirut. in Samuel Brother g session. a teachin During interview a television . m irut Sale The Be ookstore is Bible bfilling its still ful mission. them to Be like over to win them Christ! Brothe preachin r Samuel Stepana g in Karaba kert, gh. e r with th A dinne in Armenia pastors rabagh. and Ka m where A stadiu therings future ga held in could be gh. Karaba Brothe showed r Rudig in Kar us around abagh. Samuel Brother her Rudig and brot for revival praying bagh. in Kara nd Ashod a Brother hip team in the wors kert, Stepana gh. Karaba The wo Artasha rship team in the Lor d praising d. Samuel Brother to his preached ontent in the heart’s c rchased newly pu Artashat. church in filled People ch in r u new ch d, Artasha . Armenia the Brothe brother r Samuel and new cho Paul taught churches ruses to the in Arm enia. n souls, Armenia ywhere like ever seek God’s came to their lives. help in al ing spiritu d a e l e h T the brethren inn Brotherhood Armenia hip in Fellows . Armenia Brothe witnessinr Samuel about th g to Kurds Jesus. e cross of menian The Ar f the Church one being Nazare Gumri, built in . Armenia ibuted We distrn Bibles ia Armen w and Ne nts. Testame Brothe testifyingr Samuel Armenia to n childr en. Paul Brother witnessed sang and nia. in Arme Samuel Brother to students speaking t. in Beiru Brothe brother r Ashod and newly p Garo in the Artashaurchased Armenia d Church in . Samuel Brother eep! loves sh re from These a ! Armenia How to Receive Christ as Your Savior 1 RECOGNIZE YOURSELF THAT YOU ARE A SINNER. The Word of the Lord says in Romans 3:23, “For all have sinned, and have come short of the glory of God.” David in Psalms says, “I was born in sin.” Peter said of himself, “I am a great sinner.” Paul the Apostle said, “I am the chief of sinners.” This includes you and me. We also read in Romans 3:10, “There is none righteous, no, not one.” Because you are a sinner you are under God's judgment. For we read in Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death.” Also this verse in the Bible that says, “The soul that sinneth shall die.” Testament. Not one of them can save a sinner. The only Savior is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is able to save to the uttermost, to all those who come to Him. 3 RECEIVE THIS FREE ETERNAL LIFE THROUGH FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not parish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 In Ephesians 2:8 we read, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.” 4 2 REPENT AND CONFESS. Repentance and confession — they go together. Whenever you repent of your sins, you realize that you're a great sinner. The Word of the Lord says in Luke 13:3, “Except you repent, ye shall all likewise parish.” And in Acts 3:19, on that great mighty outpouring of the Holy Ghost, Peter said, “Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out.” We also read about confessing our sins. We have to confess them to the Lord Jesus Christ with our lips, with our mind, with our heart. In 1 John 1:9 we read, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” We also read in Romans 10:9, “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” REALIZE THAT GOD HAS PROVIDED SALVATION THROUGH THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. In Romans 6:23 we do read, “For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” In Luke 19:10 we read, “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” The angel said about the Lord Jesus, “His Name shall be called Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” Peter the Apostle said, “For as many as called on the Name of the Lord shall be saved.” Also He said in the great sermon on the day of Pentecost, “For there is no other Name mentioned under heaven through whom we must be saved.” No other person on earth or in heaven can save you. As great as Moses was or Abraham or the great prophets of God and the mighty Apostles in the new 28 5 FORSAKE YOUR OLD WAYS. After repentance and confession, we have to forsake our old ways. The Lord is the one who is going to help you to change your life, transform you, and make you a new creation. Isaiah 55:7 says, “Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and He will have mercy upon Him; and our God, for he will abundantly pardon.” Believing is trusting, trusting is resting in the words of the Lord. Resting is receiving what the Lord Jesus is giving you. And when you receive what Christ is given you, listen to these wonderful verse in John 1:11-12, “He came unto His own, and His own received Him not. But as many as received Him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.” We also read that we are purchased possession of the Lord. I Corinthians 6:19-20, “And ye are not your own? For you are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.” Now we have to rejoice that Christ has made us new creations. The Word of the Lord says in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” Now you have a tremendous new purpose in your life to glorify God in all that you do. When you have become a new creation, you are a member of a glorious, eternal, divine body of Christ Jesus. This is a heavenly body on earth. What fellowship we have now with the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the members of the body of the Lord. Now we have to have fellowship with God's children. The Word of the Lord says 1 Peter 2:2, “As newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby.” Also we read in 2 Timothy 2:15, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” The Holy Spirit that has inspired the word, the Bible to be written. The Holy Spirit that has persuaded you and worked upon your heart and now changed your life is going to be your teacher every day, is going to guide you, provide for you, open your spiritual eyes to see great truth in the word and give you tremendous fellowship with God's children. In Hebrews 10:25 we read, “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another; and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” The greatest miracle of all miracles that can happen to you in your whole lifetime is to find the greatest Savior, the Lord Jesus. To experience the greatest salvation is the Salvation of your soul and to have fellowship with the greatest body of believers is the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. God bless you as you make your decision for the Lord Jesus today. Vision, Prophecy, Revelation Patmos, Greece • May 5, 1998 BROCHURE To read the brochure go to BIBLE LAND MISSION REPRESENTATIVES LEBANON U.S.A. SCOTLAND IRELAND ISRAEL CYPRUS SOUTH AFRICA SWITZERLAND NETHERLANDS GERMANY AUSTRALIA INDONESIA BRAZIL TAIWAN MALAYSIA SINGAPORE Rev. Samuel Doctorian - Founder and Int’l. Director. Headquarters: P.O. Box 105 - Mansourieh-el-Metn Tel. (961) 4-400541, 4-400916 Rev. Paul Doctorian - Bible Land Mission 2355 E. Washington Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91104 Tel. (1) 626-798-7177, FAX (1) 626-791-0036 Rev. John Crouch 2 Hamilton Place, Perth, PH1 1BB Tel. (44)01738-622043 Mr. George McRobb - Bible Land Mission P.O. Box 196 - Aberdeen AB15 9HZ Tel. (44) 01224-734 710 Mr. Fred Stephens Rockyridge, Delgany, Co. Wicklow Tel. (353) 01-287 5013 Mr. Stephen Cardy Curraghbridge, Adare, Co. Limerick Tel. (353) 061-396123 Bible Land Mission - P.O.Box 19010 Jerusalem, 91190 Bible Land Mission - P.O. Box 2784 Larnaca Tel. (357) 04-657956 Mr. Robbie Sadler - P.O. Box 478 Kengray, Johannesburg 2100 Tel. (27) 011 432-1047 Bible Land Mission - Rev. Samuel Doctorian Postgiro Nr. 80-50480, Zurich Mr. Daan Smits – Jozef Israelslaan 1 3931 TV Woudenberg Tel. (31) 033-286-1770 Postgiro 15 19 00 t.n.v. Bijbellandzending Mr. Herold Sahm - Mittnachtstrasse 19/2 72760 Reutlingen Tel. (49) 07121-330433 Postcheck Konto Nr. 702 19.758 Karlsruhe Mr. Steve Asmar - 254 Acanthus Ave. Burleigh Waters Gold Coast 4220 Tel. (61) 075-576-3826, Fax 576-4873 Mr. Adji Basuki - Pusat Pertokoan Semut Megah Jl. Waspada 5 N, Surabaya, Java Tel. (62) 031-3535997, Fax (62) 031-3530986 Pastor Walmir F. Cohen - Avenida Suburbana 4661 - Del Castilho CEP 20771-001, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Tel. (021) 2201-2505 or 2501-7094 Dr. Paulo Brito - Rua Conde de Bonfim, 229, Tijuca CEP 20520-051 Rio De Janeiro - RJ Tel. (55)021-254-5334 Mr. Andrew Chang - Hosanna B1-No 210 Sec. 4, Chung Hsiao E. Rd. Taipei Tel. (886) 2-7416159, Fax (886) 2-7781011 Mr. Edmund Chan - 98, Taman Jesselton 10450, Penang Tel. (60) 4-2288416 - Fax (60) 4-2288416 Mr. Martin Chian - No. 22 Jalan Meldrum 80000, Johor Bahru, Johor Danul Ta’zim Tel. (60) 7-2221122 Mr. Heng Toong Chan - Bible Land Mission (Singapore) Tanglin Post Office P.O. Box 717, Singapore 912424 • E-mail: [email protected] Note: Dial 0 when calling locally. Gifts for the various ministries of Bible Land Mission are tax exempt and may be sent to any of the above addresses. BIBLE LAND MISSION SALEM EVANGELISTIC CENTER Founder and Director: Rev. Samuel Doctorian 2355 E. Washington Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91104 U.S.A. PA I D Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Pasadena, CA Permit No. 91