October 2009 - the Schwaben Club!
For the Kitchener Schwaben Club & Community October 2009 www.kitchenerschwabenclub.com WICHTIGE DATEN 2009 Oktoberfest 9-17-Oct All Halls Halloween Party 30-Oct Schwaben Hall The Golden Keys Ladies’ Auxilliary Gründungsfest 21-Nov Main Hall The Golden Keys Christmas Lunch 13-Dec Main Hall New Year’s Eve 31-Dec TBD Impressum IMPRESSUM Für die Inhalte der aktuellen Druckausgabe: Anschrift der Redaktion Schwaben Club 1668 King Street East Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2G 2P1 Telefon 519-742-7979 The Golden Keys Hauptredakteur Peter Speckner Graphische Gestaltung Catherine Thompson Please forward all newsletter submissions to: Berichterstatterin Wera Dennis Telephone (519) 894-6695 or [email protected] Bericht des Präsidenten Sommer im September, ja ich glaube er ist da. Hoffen wir, dass das Wetter eine ganze Weile schön bleibt. Vielleicht den ganzen September und Oktober. Das wäre schön. Im September hatten wir zwei Veranstaltungen, eine auswärts und die andere hier in unserem Klub. Am 5. 6. und 7. September, dem „Labour Day Weekend“ fand der Tag der Donauschwaben in Sterling Heights, Michigan statt. Ich kann nur sagen „einmalig“. Was für ein schöner Klub und Anlagen. Die Besucherzahl war jeden Tag sehr gut, ich würde auf 1500 bis 2000 Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene schätzen. Der Einmarsch war sehr emotional mit all den jungen Leuten und alle Donauschwaben. Es war einfach großartig. Unser Klub war mit unserer Kindergruppe, den Schwaben Dancers und den Donau Dancers sehr gut vertreten. Der Höhepunkt war natürlich als unsere Schwaben Dancers gebeten wurden die Tanzvorstellung ihrer bekannten „Ramstein“ Interpretation am Ende aller Veranstaltungen der Tanzgruppen zu wiederholen. Es war wirklich eine Ehre und sie haben es vorzüglich geschafft. Der große Beifall von über 1000 am Ende der Vorstellung war die Belohnung. Das ganze Wochenende wurde von freiwilligen Helfern durchgeführt und dass muss man gesehen haben, um es anerkennen und schätzen zu können. Gut gemacht „Carpathia Club“! DieandereVeranstaltungwarunserjährlichesKirchweihfest das dieses Jahr in unserer großen „Main Hall“ gefeiert wurde. Ja, wir können stolz auf die Besucherzahl sein und ich danke jedem der anwesend war. Ich bedanke mich auch bei all den Gruppen und jedem einzelnen der sich Zeit nahm, egal in welcher Kapazität, auszuhelfen um diese Veranstaltung das zu machen was sie war, erfolgreich und unterhaltsam für jedermann. Die nächste Veranstaltung ist das Oktoberfest und wir hoffen, dass wir viele von euch Mitglieder während der neun Tage sehen. Lasst uns versuchen, dies das allezeit beste Oktoberfest zu machen. Bitte kommt doch und genießt die Musik der Golden Keys und der Schwaben 6 aus Deutschland. Zicke zacke, zicke zacke, hoi hoi hoi !!! Phil Neidert Präsident President’s Report 2 Summer in September – yes, I think it finally arrived. Let’s hope it will last for at least some time. Can we ask for all of September and October? Let’s try. Well, in September we had two main functions, one away and the other here at our club. On Labour Day Weekend, September 5, 6 and 7 – Tag der Donauschwaben – in Sterling Heights, Michigan. I can only say “wow”, what a beautiful club and grounds. Each day was well attended, my guess 1500 – 2000 children, youth and adults. The march in was very emotional with so many young people and all “Donauschwaben”. It was simply awesome. Our club was well represented by our Kindergruppe, Schwaben Dancers and Donau Dancers. The highlight, of course, was when our Schwaben Dancers were asked to give a repeat performance of their famous “Ramstein” interpretation at the end of all the dance groups performances. It was in deed an honour and they nailed it. A standing ovation by some 1000 or more at the end was their reward. The overall weekend was completely carried out by volunteers and this too has to be seen so it can be assessed and appreciated. Well done “Carpathia Club”. Ourotherfunctionwasourannual“Kirchweihfest”. This year in our large Main Hall and yes, we can be proud of the attendance and I thank everyone who came. I also thank all the groups and individuals who gave of their time, in whatever capacity, to help to make this event what it was, successful and enjoyable for everyone. Next up will be Oktoberfest and we are hoping to see a lot of you members during these nine days. Let’s make it the best ever. Please come to enjoy the music by the Golden Keys and the Schwaben 6 from Germany. Zicke zacke, zicke zacke, hoi hoi hoi !!! Philip Neidert President Manager’s Report “What’s Going On” October 2009 Ticket sales for Oktoberfest went very well. We should be very proud of the fact that the Schwaben Club is considered one of the premier and popular Festhalls in the Kitchener-Waterloo area. The atmosphere, staff, food, fun and bands make us a favourite stop during Oktoberfest. Next up will be the Abbamania & BeeGee’s Show on November 28th. I promise, if you come, you will love this Dinner and Show. Tickets are already selling. So, come in and buy your ticket and pick your table for a great evening out. Till next month. Don Egley Manager Donau Dancers in Detroit Labour Day weekend, the Donau Dancers visited the Carpathia Club in Sterling Heights Michigan, for the annual „Landestreffen“. As in other years, it was a fantastic time had by all of us! The Carpathia Club did a fabulous job of hosting the event, with something for everyone, young and old. Once again we got to reunite with friends from Ontario, to California and parts in between! It was nice to see so many familiar faces from previous years. The dance groups performing over the course of the weekend provided top-notch entertainment, as usual, and were well received by everyone in attendance. We couldn‘t have asked for better weather all weekend as well! Warm sunny days and comfortable nights, made the whole experience that much more enjoyable! Next year, this event moves to Philadelphia Pennsylvania, and our group is already looking forward to participating again! Joel Wideman Secretary Donau Dancers Got it & want to sell it? Need to buy it? Need a service? Check out the Schwaben Classifieds on page 11 Kindergruppe and Jugendgruppe This year our group travelled to Detroit for Tag der Donauschwaben 2009. A special thank you to the families that participated: Beckett Family, Hanke Family, Kahnke Family, McBride Family, Schaadt Family, Speckner Family and Watchorn Family. It was a spectacular weekend with beautiful weather and celebrations. The children got to meet others dancers their age and part-take in a workshop with them. Our group is already looking forward to Philadelphia in 2010. What a fun time our group had at this year’s Kirchweih Celebration on September 12, 2009. The children enjoyed showing off their new “Trachts” to all our members, family and friends. We also had a new dance that the children have been working on since last year. It involves flower arches and is displayed as their new march in. Well done dancers! A sincere thank you to our Frauengruppe for their raffle donation made to our group. I would like to personally thank Johanne Watchorn our Costume/Performance Director and her family for all their help and dedication to our group this past year. Johanne has helped in the organization of our new “Trachts”, flower arches, and Kirchweih Celebration ribbons. Johanne’s enthusiasm and eagerness is admired. Thank you Johanne. Our group would like to wish Jennifer Offak best baby wishes and thank her for all her hard work and patience with our dancers. We welcome Andrea and Lena Adam as our new instructors and trust this year will fun and exciting for our dancers! Kindergruppe/Jugendgruppe Committee 2009/2010 Lisa Schaadt President [email protected] Johanne Watchorn Costume/Performance Director Kathy Beckett Treasurer Tara McBride & Lea Becker Secretaries Our group is looking for more youth group members (ages 8-15). Please let us know if you are interested in joining. Geburtstage Für Oktober Allen Mitgliedern des Kitchener Schwabenklubs, die im Monat Oktober Geburtstag feiern Herzlichen Glückwunsch und das Beste im neuen Lebensjahr. Name Kessel, Wolfgang Kiefer, Irma Ewe, Heidi Kremer, Ingrid Preissler, Gertraud Marzinko, Walter Sertic, Helma Adam, Magdalena Harvey, Katherine Engardt, Michael Zai, Maria Altmayer, Franz Gerhs, Henry B. Jr. Kretschmann, Henry Heffner, Willy Schwartz, Josef M. Mayer, Mary M. Stefan, Andreas Neidenbach, Herold Hild, John Meadus, Sylvia Huber, Wilhelm Nowak, Diana Stager, Jeff Schaman, Simon Haas, Hermine Becker, Lisa Zepf, Katharina Schwartz, Lorentz Kunz, Katharina Sieber, Joseph Weiss, Anton Olah, Christine Lutz, Annie Schattka, Hans Wishing everyone a Safe Thanksgiving! See you all at Oktoberfest! Lisa Schaadt Kindergruppe and Jugendgruppe President [email protected] Geburtstag 01 01 01 01 02 04 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 10 12 14 16 17 17 21 21 21 22 22 23 24 24 24 25 27 27 28 31 and Happy 3 Schwaben Dancers 4 This past Labour Day weekend, the Schwaben Dancers were proud to attend Tag der Donauschwaben in Detroit, Michigan – along with the Kindergruppe, the Donau Dancers and other club members from Kitchener. Tag der Donauschwaben is an annual event, where Donauschwabens from all over North America, gather together to share in our culture, dances and friendship. The Schwaben Dancers performed 3 dances on both Saturday and Sunday. Our newer dance, “Rammertanz”, - which is performed to rock music but consists of traditional dance choreography – was received with great enthusiasm. We were asked to perform an encore of this dance so that all of the dance groups could watch – we received a standing ovation by a full house! A number of people videotaped our performance and posted it on YouTube (www.youtube.com). Overall, the weekend was lots of fun – and it was great to see old friends and great to meet new ones! It was exciting to watch the Kindergruppe and Donau Dancers participate as well! The Schwaben Dancers are looking forward to Philadelphia, where this festival will take place next year! On Saturday, September 12th, the Schwaben Dancers attended the Frauengruppe’s Kirchweih. We were happy to help the ladies, by serving the meal, selling raffle tickets and assisting with the rosemary bush auction. It was great to have the Kindergruppe perform and join in with the processional. We performed some of our dances, including “Oma” and “Rammertanz”. The music was provided by the Golden Keys, and there were lots of raffle prizes to go around. The Schwaben Dancers have a special performance coming up, at the Casino Rama Hotel, in Orillia. We will be providing entertainment for the evening, for the Orillia Soldiers Memorial Hospital Foundation Gala Ball. We will be dancing 4 different performances throughout the night, and are excited for the opportunity to share our culture outside of our community. Oktoberfest is quickly approaching, and the Schwaben Dancers are practising, and getting ready for this busy, but fun festival! Our dance group is selling Onkel Hans Lottery tickets, as a fundraiser, so please contact your local Schwaben Dancer for your tickets!! Andrea Speckner Congratulations Grandma & Grandpa!! On Sunday, September 13th, Mary and Jacob Adam celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary surrounded by family and friends. The celebration took place in their backyard - and the weather was wonderful. There was lots of delicious, homemade food and barbecued meat. Eric and Mike Offak (of the Golden Keys) provided great music to dance to, and lots of fun entertainment. Adam Cook accompanied them for a few songs, with his accordion. Mary & Jacob had some of their family from Germany visiting, and we were happy to have them join us for this amazing milestone! Andrea Speckner Heffner Lexus, Heffner Toyota ... moving forward ... our family continues to grow, Be a part of it! 5 Proudly Partnering with our community since 1960 3121 King Street East Kitchener, Ontario N2A 1B1 (519) 748-9666 www.heffner.ca Rezept für schwäbische Tomatensuppe: roter Teller und heißes Wasser Congratulations Hollie Meadus & Trevor Smith They will be married on November 14, 2009 Hollie is the daughter of Sylvia & Paul Meadus and the granddaughter of Ludwig & Hilde Seiler Frauengruppe Kirchweih 6 Tag der Donauschwaben:Detroit 7 More Detroit http://www.cookingwithnana.com/ 8 Nana’s Spaetzle Maker Ltd. Toll-Free: 1-866-868-2820 Phone: 250-868-2820 Fax: 1-250-868-2817 E-mail: [email protected] IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT There are now 2 ways to receive the Nachrichten. 1. It can be mailed to your home at a cost of $20.00 for 2010. Please call the office at 519-742-7979 to put your name and address on the mailing list. 2. Pick up the Nachrichten at the Schwaben Club at a cost of $1.00 per issue. We hope that our members will help the Club cover the cost of this valuable newsletter. Come to the Kitchener Schwaben Club October 9 to 17, 2009 ate t r b e Cel ber fes o Okt Kitchener Schwaben Club 1668 King St. E. Kitchener, ON N2G 2P1 TEL: 519-742-7979 DAY TIME ADMISSION $ ADMISSION ONLY $ Friday, Oct 9 Saturday, Oct 10 Sunday, Oct 11 6pm-1am 4pm-1am 11am-5pm 24.50 27.00 17.00 14.00 16.50 6.50 Monday, Oct 12 Tuesday, Oct 13 Wednesday, Oct 14 Thursday, Oct 15 Friday, Oct 16 Saturday, Oct 17 CLOSED CLOSED 5pm-11pm 5pm-1am 6pm-1am 4pm-1am FAMILY DAY including meal We recommend that you arrive before 6:30 pm. Tickets are available at the Schwaben Club office during regular hours; Mon-Fri, 9am to 5pm. You can also order by phone with credit card payment; pick up at the office before date or upon arrival on date. www.kitchenerschwabenclub.com E N T E RTA I N M E N T B Y free for children 12 yrs and under 17.00 17.00 24.50 30.00 FAX: 519-742-0004 EMAIL: [email protected] ‘The Golden Keys’ and the ‘Schwaben 6’ 6.50 6.50 14.00 19.50 Free Parking Casual Dress Lang, Barbara (nee Tuerr) 1918 - 2009 Passed away peacefully on Wednesday September 9, 2009 at Freeport Health Centre of Grand River Hospital at the age of 91 years.Devoted wife of the late Nikolaus (1982). Much loved mother of Nick P. Lang and his wife Donna Schill and Marianne Lang. Cherished Oma of Nikolaus J. Lang and Lisa M. Lang. Survived by her brother Paul Tuerr. More Detroit 9 More Detroit Was macht ein Schwabe mit einer Adventskerze vor dem Spiegel? Er feiert den zweiten Advent... NACHRICHTEN ONLINE IN PDF FORMAT Website: www.kitchenerschwabenclub.com / Link: Newsletters/Nachrichten / Click on the month you wish to view 10 More Detroit SCHWABEN CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE BINGO SUPPLIES, Magnetic wand + 100 chips $10; 200 magnetic chips $6; 100 magnetic chips $4.00 Call Cathy Thompson 519-569-7824 To add an item please contact the Schwaben Club at 519-742-7979. or send an email to [email protected] Schwaben Club Keller Restaurant Hours of Operation Friday and Saturday (1st & 2nd weekend) - 11:30am until 11:00pm Sunday and Monday - Closed Tuesday - Lunch Only – 11:30am to 3:30pm Wednesday and Thursday - 11:30am to 10:00pm Full Oktoberfest menu is available Schnitzel Cabbage Rolls, Oktoberfest Special Vegetarian as well as a Kid’s menu. gion e R e h od in t o F t s Be Kitchener Schwaben Club 1668 King Street West Kitchener ON 742-7979 We carry all types of beer including many German varieties. 11 8 Warum hat ein Schwabe eine leere Weinflasche im Kühlschrank? Es könnte ja einmal jemand kommen der keinen Durst hat. Jetzt haben Wissenschaftler festgestellt: „Adam war ein Schwabe!“: Adam sitzt im Paradies. Ihm ist langweilig, und so Schwaben Club 1668 King Street East Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2G 2P1 sagt er eines Tages zum lieben Gott: „Kannst Du mir nicht jemanden machen, der nett, schön und intelligent, und zum Liebhaben ist?“ Antwort: „Ja, klar dafür brauchte ich allerdings deinen rechten Arm und dein linkes Bein!“ Nach kurzen Überlegen fragt Adam: „Was kriege ich denn für eine Rippe?“
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