Apartment Property Specialists
Apartment Property Specialists
303 Congress St. Boston, MA Corporate Offices developed and occupied by NAI Hunneman Investment Services Group Apartment Property Specialists 2007 WINNER OF BOSTON/SF’S AWARD FOR MULTIFAMILY SALES 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group TABLE OF CONTENTS NAI HUNNEMAN................................... SECTION I ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ The Company Investment Sales & Capital Markets Organizational Chart Partial Client List NAI Global B&T “NAI Hunneman Celebrates 75th Year in the Hub” TEAM MEMBERS.................................. SECTION II ♦ ♦ Resumes Team Members MARKETING PROCESS ........................ SECTION III ♦ ♦ Marketing Process Flow Chart SALES HIGHLIGHTS ............................. SECTION IV ♦ Office Buildings SALES HIGHLIGHTS ............................. SECTION V ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ NAI Hunneman Office Sales NAI Hunneman Industrial Sales NAI Hunneman Mixed Use Sales NAI Hunneman Retail Sales NAI Hunneman Apartments Sales NAI Hunneman Land Sales ALL SALES............................................ SECTION VI ♦ NAI Hunneman Sales Grid 2003-2008YTD 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group NAI HUNNEMAN The Company i Established in 1929, #8 real estate license issued in Massachusetts i 2005 - 61 sales transactions - $250 million sales volume i $1 billion in sales, leasing and consulting volume in Boston and New England i $25 billion in other domestic and international real estate markets i Managing over 5.5 million square feet of space in metro Boston i Owned and operated by real estate professionals active in the markets they serve i Over 100 real estate professionals and staff providing client services throughout New England, 270 other NAI offices in the US and overseas i Client base includes public and private investors, user-owners, corporate real estate managers, institutional owners and investors, developers, REITs i REALTrac™ proprietary transaction management system Investment Sales & Capital Markets i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i Investment property purchase and sale Market research Broker pricing opinions Appraisals and feasibility studies Portfolio research, analysis, and strategy Performance monitoring Due diligence Structured asset and loan sales Real estate advisory services Investment portfolio sales CMBS loan resolutions, defeasances and assumptions Equity and debt placement Work Out and re-capitalization Lender or Borrower advocacy Financing and Joint Ventures 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group NAI HUNNEMAN NAI Hunneman Organization Chart HUNNEMAN MANAGEMENT & DEVELOPMENT NAI HUNNEMAN COMMERCIAL x x x x x x x Downtown Group Suburban Group Investment Group Industrial Group Research Staff Administration Marketing x x x x Lease administration Construction management Accounting On-site property management HUNNEMAN CAPITAL GROUP x Commercial mortgage brokerage x Capital markets 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 617.457.3400 HUNNEMAN APPRAISAL & CONSULTING x x x x Portfolio evaluation Financing Land use planning Consultation services THE COLLABORATIVE COMPANIES x Market analysis x Project design assistance www.naihunneman.com NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group NAI HUNNEMAN Partial Client List Hamilton Company, Inc. 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group NAI HUNNEMAN NAI Global NAI Across the Nation and the World • • • • • • • • 270 offices 36 countries 340 markets Over 3,500 professionals $25 Billion Annual Transaction Volume Founded in 1978, 90-person corporate staff headquartered in Hightstown, NJ Award winning REALTrac™ proprietary transaction management system Offices throughout the US, Canada, Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe and Asia Pacific NAI ASIA PACIFIC China India Indonesia Japan Korea Malaysia New Zealand Philippines Singapore Taiwan Thailand NAI EUROPE Austria Belgium Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Israel Italy Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom NAI LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN Argentina Brazil Chile 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 Colombia Costa Rica Ecuador El Salvador Guatemala Mexico Peru Puerto Rico Uruguay Venezuela NAI CANADA Alberta: Calgary, Edmonton British Columbia: Vancouver Manitoba Nova Scotia: Halifax Ontario: Hamilton, Ottawa, Toronto Quebec: Montreal Saskatchewan: Regina Winnipeg: Kitchener, Waterloo NAI UNITED STATES Alabama Birmingham Huntsville Mobile Arizona Phoenix Arkansas Little Rock Pine Bluff California Bakersfield Burlingame Carlsbad Cty. Fresno Gardena Los Angeles Madera Monterey 617.457.3400 Oakland Oxnard/Ventura Palo Alto Pasadena Sacramento San Diego San Fern. Valley San Francisco San Jose Simi Valley Soquel Westlake Village Colorado Colorado Springs Denver Fort Collins Greeley Pueblo Connecticut Fairfield County Delaware New Castle Wilmington DC Washington, DC Florida Boca Raton Clearwater Ft. Lauderdale Ft. Myers Jacksonville Lakeland Miami Naples Orlando Pensacola Port Richey Tampa The Keys West Palm Bch Georgia Atlanta Idaho Boise Idaho Falls Illinois Chicago Indiana Fort Wayne Indianapolis Iowa Cedar Rapids Davenport Des Moines Sioux City Waterloo Kansas Kansas City Topeka Wichita Kentucky Lexington Louisville Louisiana Baton Rouge Lafayette New Orleans Shreveport Maine Portland Maryland Baltimore Washington, D.C. Massachusetts Boston Springfield Michigan Ann Arbor Detroit Grand Rapids www.naihunneman.com Minnesota Minneapolis Mississippi Gulfport Madison Jackson Missouri Columbia Joplin Kansas City Springfield St. Louis Montana Billings Missoula Nebraska Lincoln Omaha Nevada Las Vegas Reno New Hampshire Manchester New Jersey Northern, Central, Southern N. Jersey Princeton Atlantic City New Mexico Albuquerque New York Albany Binghamton Buffalo Long Island Manhattan Orange Rockland Rochester Syracuse Utica Westchester City. North Carolina Charlotte Greensboro Raleigh/Durham North Dakota Fargo Ohio Akron Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus Dayton Toledo Oklahoma Enid Oklahoma City Tulsa Oregon Portland Pennsylvania Allentown Harrisburg Lancaster Philadelphia Pittsburgh Reading Scranton Wilkes-Barre Rhode Island Providence South Carolina Charleston Greenville South Dakota Sioux Falls Tennessee Chattanooga Knoxville Nashville Memphis Texas Austin Brownsville Corpus Christi Dallas El Paso Fort Worth Harlingen Houston Laredo McAllen Mission San Antonio Texarkana Tyler Utah Layton Provo Salt Lake City St. George Vermont Burlington Virginia McLean Norfolk Richmond Roanoke W. Virginia Charleston Washington Seattle Tacoma Vancouver Wisconsin Reprinted from the issue of November 22nd, 2004 BANKER & TRADESMAN THE REAL ESTATE, BANKING AND COMMERCIAL WEEKLY FOR MASSACHUSETTS ESTABLISHED 1872 Hunneman Commercial Co. Celebrates 75th Year in Hub want to see this firm die, and the best way to make sure that doesn’t happen is to bring in quality people who will take my place,” said Pratt, adding that the arrangement should also ensure solid service T IS SAID THAT THE MORE THINGS CHANGE, THE MORE THEY STAY THE given that those assisting Hunneman clients have a stake in the comsame, and in the case of Boston’s real estate industry, one of the pany’s future. best adherents to that mantra would seem to be Hunneman ComHunneman’s current group certainly has the acumen to service mercial Co. In celebrating the venerable operation’s 75th anniverBoston’s commercial real estate sector, with such longtime staffers as sary last week, CEO Stuart W. Pratt maintained that founder CarSenior Vice Presidents Richard Lundgren and Mark Gottesman, inleton Hunneman’s work ethic and straightforward business dustrial brokerage specialist Wayne Spiegel and Douglas Potter, presapproach laid a foundation still evident to this day. ident of the firm’s active prop“We have a group of very erty management operation. dedicated partners and a philosUnder the guidance of financial ophy of entrepreneurship that expert Mark Hall, Hunneman has allowed us to compete in will trade an estimated $300 this market … and that is strucmillion in troubled loans this turally the same way the comyear, Pratt estimated, while Expany was run 75 years ago ecutive Vice President Peter under Carleton Hunneman,” Benke, who served as president said Pratt, who actually worked of Hunneman in the 1990s, now with the legendary Hub real esoversees the firm’s corporate tate icon for a time upon joining services group and remains a the firm in 1971. valuable rainmaker in his own Even so, surviving to the new right. millennium was not always Benke’s hands-on approach guaranteed for Hunneman, was evident earlier this year which Pratt took control of in when he won three awards the early 1980s, a few years from Hunneman’s national affilafter the company namesake reiate, NAI, including the Industired. For a brief time, it trial Best of Class award which seemed Hunneman’s commerrecognizes the best producer in cial group might get swallowed that category. On the investup by NRT Corp., a national ment front, Hunneman has outfit which had bought out Hunneman Commercial Co. officials celebrating the firm’s dominated the middle market Pratt in 1998 to gain control of 75th anniversary include: (from left) Robert Tito, Carl Christie, of late, employing the talents of Hunneman’s massive residential F. Michael DiGiano, Wayne Spiegel, Stuart W. Pratt, David Ross such sales specialists as Robert brokerage network. After a (seated at left), Robert Fitzgerald, Emmet T. Logue (seated at right) Tito, David Ross and Carl spate of uncertainty, Pratt or- and Steve James. Christie to consistently place ganized a buyout of the various near the top in number of transactions negotiated annually. commercial entities in 2000, including its brokerage, appraisal and property management divisions, then offered senior brokers and managers an opportunity to buy into the restructured entity, leading New Opportunities to the current lineup of nine principals. Hunneman President F. Michael DiGiano credits a “bottom-up According to Pratt, the buyout not only provided Hunneman the business development” strategy as one key for Hunneman’s recent local, independent ownership which the company had been built growth, which Pratt said has seen annual revenues increase from beupon, it mimicked Carelton Hunneman’s sale in the early 1980s that tween $3 million and $4 million when the buyout was made to an anallowed his creation to continue on with a new generation. “I don’t continued on page 2 I By Joe Clements 2 B ticipated $20 million in revenues for 2004. Relying on the expertise of its staff on the ground, Hunneman is better able to recognize new trends and pursue emerging opportunities, said DiGiano, who has been with the firm since 1992. “Being adaptable through the years and doing things that other firms have not put an emphasis on has been a big part of Hunneman’s success,” said DiGiano, whose own relationship with the firm was forged in the early 1980s when Hunneman became involved in a Peabody business park that DiGiano was working on for the city. Responding to a slowdown in the commercial market, Hunneman began writing federal economic grants on behalf of communities in the late 1970s and early 1980s, not only generating business for itself, but also infusing local communities with new opportunities to attract companies. The urban redevelopment practice brought such firms as Hyde Athletics, SS Pierce, Reebok and General Dynamics to locations still occupied by them today, with communities assisted by that trend including Boston, Taunton, Revere and Stoughton. Hunneman’s involvement in that arena continues today, with the firm currently serving as exclusive marketing agent for the 4,000-acre Devens Industrial Park in central Massachusetts and the Myles Standish Industrial Park in Taunton. The practice was just one of several notable ideas pursued by the firm over the years, whose history also includes helping on such milestone undertakings as the assemblage of land for Route 128 in the 1940s and 1950s, creation of Boston’s first condominium conversion in the Back Bay and Hunneman’s appointment in 1965 as development consultant, leasing agent and property manager of 225 Franklin St., the first high-rise office building in downtown Boston. Despite the rich heritage, Pratt and DiGiano also cite several newcomers who have helped further bolster the firm’s full-service approach to real estate. Its downtown brokerage group has been aided by the arrival of such veteran players as James Adams and Robert Fitzgerald, for example, while DiGiano said another important piece of the puzzle was solved two years ago when broker Greg Larsen came aboard to beef up the company’s Cambridge presence. On the suburban front, the firm has such stalwarts as A N K E R & T R A D E S M A N NOVEMBER 22, 2004 Lowell Peabody and Steve James, whom DiGiano said brings both “great ideas and a lot of energy.” The firm also has faith in such emerging stars as Ryan Weber and Brendan Carroll, added DiGiano, who said he believes the company is well-positioned for the future. “We’re very happy with the progress we’ve made,” he said. “I think we have developed some new markets we weren’t in before, and we continue to be leaders in many of the markets we are active in.” As with most others spoken with, however, DiGiano pointed to Pratt as the main reason the firm has survived in an oft-volatile environment. While the growth of the residential group into a major force that resulted in its $150 million sale in 1998 may prove to be Pratt’s greatest accomplishment, DiGiano said the company chairman and CEO has exemplified Yankee ingenuity in many other ways, including the very buyout that has brought the firm full circle 75 years after Carleton Hunneman got the ball rolling. Pratt “is frequently the one who sees the new opportunities,” said DiGiano, adding that, “he enjoys the real estate business, and that really shows through.” ■ Reprinted with permission of Banker & Tradesman. This document may constitute advertising under the rules of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group TEAM MEMBERS Resume Carl L. Christie EVP, Principal Scope of Expertise Mr. Christie began his career in the disposition of investment property in March of 1991. For the past 11 years Mr. Christie has been an Investment Broker at NAI Hunneman Commercial Company. Mr. Christie was the NAI Hunneman “Broker of the Year” for 4 consecutive years. Extensive contacts with investors have provided Mr. Christie with an active database of qualified buyers of investment property now exceeding 5,000 contacts. Through the recording of every real estate transaction in New England, Mr. Christie is able to modify this database on a monthly basis. This gives Carl Christie the advantage of first contact with the newcomers to the market place, thus keeping up to date with the most aggressive "hot buyers" of investment grade real estate today. Significant Recent Transactions Mr. Christie has sold over $1 billion of investment grade property. Including: 250 Unit apartment complex in Beverly, MA 211 Unit apartment complex in Hyannis, MA 200,000 square foot shopping center in Keene NH Marketing Program Our marketing program for the disposition of investment property includes in-depth analysis of the subject property, the community in which it is situated, a highest and best use analysis, and an estimated market value. We present the subject property to a qualified group of investors through direct mail, fax broadcasting, email broadcasting and an in-depth marketing brochure. Carl Christie will advertise the product in the appropriate newspapers, journals and through direct contact with investors. For more confidential sales, we implement our “private placement ™ marketing program. Education Northeastern University, BS Professional Affiliations Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) designation. Licensed Broker is Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut and Rhode Island. Mr. Christie is a native of Massachusetts currently residing in Swampscott. 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group TEAM MEMBERS Team Members Robert Tito EVP/Principal Investment specialist in the disposition and marketing of investment grade properties valued between $3 million and $30 million. Mr. Tito has marketed significant properties in eight states, and was co-founder of the Dartmouth Company, Inc., a commercial real estate company located in Boston. He has brokered over $1 billion in sales transactions collectively during his 25 years as landlord, developer, and real estate broker. Carl L. Christie EVP/Principal Mr. Christie began his career in the disposition of investment property in March of 1991. For the past 10 years Mr. Christie has been an Investment Broker at NAI Hunneman Commercial Company. Mr. Christie was the NAI Hunneman “Broker of the Year” for 2002-2005 Mr. Christie has sold over $750,000,000 of investment grade property. Including a 250 Unit apartment complex in Beverly, MA and 200,000 Square foot shopping center in Keene NH David N. Ross EVP/Principal Investment advisor specializing in the disposition, valuation, marketing of investment properties and market maker for real estate debt. He has been involved in real estate and capital markets for fourteen years. In 2000, he was awarded the "Transaction of the Year" award and in 1998, he received the top sales award for achieving the highest sales volume in the commercial company. He has been involved with $1,000,000,000 worth of assets. Jonathan Aron SVP Mr. Aron is a specialist in the sale of retail and net leased investment properties with more than 20 years of real estate experience in brokerage, corporate real estate, tenant representation, and also as a principal and developer. Since joining NAI Hunneman at the end of 2003, he has completed more than 20 shopping center and net leased sales transactions. 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group TEAM MEMBERS Team Members Dan McGee Financial Analyst / Broker Dan joined NAI Hunneman Commercial in February 1998. He works with the Investment Sales Group and specializes in financial analysis, marketing, and sale of investment grade property. In 2005 Dan was involved in fourteen sales worth over $46 milllion. Gina Barroso Sales Associate/Marketing Assistant Gina joined Hunneman Investment Sales Team in 2000 as a sales/marketing assistance She specializes in the sales, research and marketing of investment sales properties . In the past year Gina has been involved in over 15 sales totaling in excess of $60 million. Amy Szeto Market Analyst Amy joined Hunneman in 2001 as part of the Research Department. She is responsible for developing and maintaining all real estate databases for the company and providing technical support to brokers and staff. In addition, Amy prepares various financial and market analyses and technical material to support Hunneman's new business strategies and leasing, sales, tenant representation and consulting assignments. Marcy Mahoney Marketing Coordinator Hilary joined Hunneman in 2007 and is responsible for creating and developing marketing campaigns for the company. She also works closely with a public relations agency to ensure that Hunneman and its clients gain exposure to a wide audience in the most positive way possible. She directs the work of graphic designers, photographers and printers. 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group MARKETING PROCESS Our marketing program for the disposition of investment property typically includes: i In-depth analysis of the subject property, the community in which it is situated, a highest and best use analysis, and an estimated market value. We will suggest one of three possible scenarios to best market your property. We can use either a “Call for Offers” method, a “List Price” method, or a “Private Placement” method depending on the property type and the market. i NAI Hunneman will begin the marketing effort by presenting the subject property to a selected group of qualified buyers. We pro-actively maintain our investor database to keep correspondence with the most active players in the market. We also are compiling a growing list of 1031 tax deferred exchange prospects. We market properties with a keen knowledge of investor preferences and select a target group of investors who will be interested in your property type. i We use state-of-the-art real estate software programs to analyze rental conditions, locate comparable sales, perform financial analysis and modeling, and run population demographics. Our marketing team uses desktop publishing software to create professional color brochures and packages to market your property. i NAI Hunneman will advertise the property in the appropriate newspapers and real estate journald. In addition to a direct mailing, we have the ability to perform email broadcasts and fax broadcast to a thousands of potential prospects. We can also use the NAI network to e-mail information to approximately 1,700 brokers through the United States. i When investors respond to our initial offering we quickly provide them with a “Confidential Offering Memorandum” - a detailed analysis of the subject property which typically includes: An executive summary, building description, site description, building photographs, site plans, floor plans, aerial photographs, maps, market analysis, comparable sales, rental information, rent roll, cash flow analysis, and demographics. i After sending the “Confidential Offering Memorandum” we will follow up with a phone conversation prior to conducting site tours of the property. i We can also put together a “Due Diligence” package which typically includes: Copies of lease, income statements for the property, and copies of relevant reports on the property of submarket. 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group MARKETING PROCESS Marketing Process Flowchart 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group TRACK RECORD (OFFICE BUILDINGS) NAI HUNNEMAN SALES Totten Pond Office Centre, Waltham x Sold for $33,000,000 x 295,317 ± SF office complex x NAI Hunneman advised on the sale of the Totten Pond Office Centre in Waltham, MA. x The multi-tenant office building was acquired by a local investor x Sold for $9,400,000 x 65,542 ± SF office building x NAI Hunneman advised on the sale of 846 University Avenue in Norwood x The single-tenant Class A office building was acquired by a user for to owner occupy 846 University Avenue, Norwood 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group TRACK RECORD (OFFICE BUILDINGS) NAI HUNNEMAN SALES 450 Lexington Avenue, Newton x Sold for $2,875,000 x 24,000 ± SF office building x NAI Hunneman represented the seller and procured the buyer on the sale of the 450 Lexington Avenue in Newton x The multi-tenant office building was converted into office condominiums x Sold for $4,925,000 x 35,416 ± SF office building x NAI Hunneman represented the seller and procured the buyer on the sale of the 7585 Main Street in Watertown, MA x The multi-tenant office building was purchased by a local investor to add to his commercial portfolio 75-85 Main Street, Watertown 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group TRACK RECORD (OFFICE BUILDINGS) NAI HUNNEMAN SALES 283-293 Second Avenue, Waltham x Sold for $2,525,000 x 18,000 ± SF x NAI Hunneman advised on the sale of an 18,000 SF office/R&D building located at 283-293 Second Avenue in Waltham. x The building was acquired by an owner/ user who will occupy the property x Sold for $6,700,000 x 50,016 ± SF of office in two buildings x NAI Hunneman advised on the sale of the Babson Portfolio in Wellesley x The building was acquired by a local investor Babson Portfolio, Wellesly 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group TRACK RECORD (OFFICE BUILDINGS) NAI HUNNEMAN SALES Great Woods Park, Mansfield x Sold for $6,760,000 x 57,616 ± SF office building x NAI Hunneman represented the seller and procured the buyer for the Great Woods Office Park in Mansfield, MA x The multi-tenant office building was acquired by a local investor x Sold for $12,100,000 x 126,801 ± SF office/R&D complex x NAI Hunneman represented the seller and procured the buyer for 2 building in Centennial Park (9 Centennial Park & 10 Technology Drive). x The multi-tenant buildings were acquired by an international investor Centennial Park, Peabody 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group TRACK RECORD (OFFICE BUILDINGS) NAI HUNNEMAN SALES 36 Middlesex Turnpike, Bedford x Sold for $4,340,000 x 41,472 ± SF office/industrial building x NAI Hunneman represented the seller and procured the buyer x The single-tenant building was fully occupied at the time of sale and was acquired by an investor for cash flow x Sold for $6,300,000 x 53,000 ± SF office/R&D building x NAI Hunneman advised on the sale of 11 Oak Park Drive in Bedford x The single-tenant building was acquired by Progress Software as a partial owner occupant. 11 Oak Park, Bedford, MA 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group TRACK RECORD (OFFICE BUILDINGS) NAI HUNNEMAN SALES Southborough Technology Park x Sold for $5,200,000 x 74,535 ± SF office complex x NAI Hunneman advised on the sale of the 2 buildings at Southborough Technology Park. x The multi-tenant office/industrial buildings were acquired as an investment property x Sold for $4,770,000 x 26,296 ± SF office building x NAI Hunneman advised on the sale of 67 Forest Street in Marlborough, MA x The multi-tenant office building was acquired with existing vacancy as a valueadd opportunity 67 Forest Street, Marlborough 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group TRACK RECORD (OFFICE BUILDINGS) NAI HUNNEMAN SALES 63 Pleasant Street, Watertown x Sold for $2,600,000 x 21,696 ± SF office building x NAI Hunneman represented the seller and procured the buyer on the sale of the 63 Pleasant Street in Watertown x The multi-tenant office building was acquired by a local investor x Sold for $5,500,000 x 53,000 ± SF office building x NAI Hunneman represented the seller and procured the buyer on the sale of 100 Longwater Circle in Norwell, MA x The single-tenant office building was acquired by a Charter School as an owner occupant 100 Longwater Circle, Norwell, MA 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group TRACK RECORD (OFFICE BUILDINGS) NAI HUNNEMAN SALES Bank of America, Providence, RI x Sold for $33,200,000 x 350,000 ± SF office building x NAI Hunneman represented the seller and procured the buyer on the sale of the “Superman” building located in downtown Providence, RI. x The single-tenant building is fully occupied by Bank of America x The building offers existing cash flow and upside potential x Sold for $4,500,000 x 30,000 ± SF office bulding x NAI Hunneman advised on the sale of 109 State Street in Boston, MA. The building contains approximately 30,000 SF of office space x The building was purchased by a developer to convert this into residential lofts 109 State Street, Boston, MA 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group TRACK RECORD (OFFICE BUILDINGS) NAI HUNNEMAN SALES 303 Congress Street, Boston x Sold for $8,650,000 x 51,000 ± SF x NAI Hunneman represented the seller and procured the buyer on the sale of a 51,000 ± SF office building located in the Fort Point Channel section of Boston x The building is a multi-tenant office building with mix of local and national credit tenants and was purchased as an investment property by a local Boston-area investor x Sold for $17,000,000 x 149,121 ± SF of office x NAI Hunneman advised on the sale of 51 Sleeper Street in the Fort Point Channel District x The building was acquired by a local investor who plans to upgrade and retenant the building x The building was purchased vacant for $113 / SF 51 Sleeper Street, Boston 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group TRACK RECORD (OFFICE BUILDINGS) NAI HUNNEMAN SALES 184 High Street, Boston x Sold for $11,500,000 x 55,000 SF retail / office building x NAI Hunneman represented the seller and procured the buyer on the sale of the Chadwick Lead Works building at 185 High Street in Boston’s Financial District. x The building was occupied at the time of sale and purchased as an income property by an out-of-state investor. x Sold for $5.3 million x 25,000 SF retail and office building x NAI Hunneman represented the seller and procured the buyer. x The building included group floor retail space and office on the upper floors. 87 Summer Street is located in Downtown Crossing - on a very busy retail street. x The building was purchased as an income property to add to a portfolio 87 Summer Street, Boston 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group TRACK RECORD (OFFICE BUILDINGS) NAI HUNNEMAN SALES 7 Winthrop Square, Boston x Sold for $3,100,000 x 20,000 SF x NAI Hunneman sold the upper floors of 7 Winthrop Square in the Downtown Crossing section of Boston x The building was separated into two condos - one occupied by Walgreen’s on the first floor and one containing the upper office suites. The new owner plans to convert the upper floors to office x For Sale by NAI Hunneman x 20,000 +/- SF medical office building x NAI Hunneman is the exclusive agent for the sale of a fully occupied medical office building in Brookline, MA x Building contains multiple medical office tenants in a fully rehabbed building with parking in a great location x The building is being offered as part of a “Call for Offers” process Brookline Barn, Brookline 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group TRACK RECORD (OFFICE BUILDINGS) NAI HUNNEMAN SALES 71-77 Summer Street, Boston x Sold for $11,700,000 x 57,000 SF x NAI Hunneman represented the seller and procured the buyer on the sale of a 11story office building located in Downtown Crossing x The building includes ground level retail and office space above. x The property was purchased by an investor for cash flow x Sold for $4.3 million x 28,500 ± SF x NAI Hunneman represented the seller and procured the buyer on the sale of a 28,500 SF office building located near Downtown Crossing x The building was occupied by a mix of office tenants and was acquired by an abutting landlord. 25 Kingston Street, Boston 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group TRACK RECORD (OFFICE BUILDINGS) NAI HUNNEMAN SALES 10 City Square, Charlestown x Sold for $11,000,000 x 36,000 SF x NAI Hunneman represented the seller and procured the buyer on the sale of a 36,000 SF office building in Charlestown x The owner did a sale/leaseback for the upper office portion of the building. The ground floor is occupied by Olives Restaurant x The property was purchased by an investor for a 1031 Exchange x Sold for $4,625,000 x 27,260 ± SF x NAI Hunneman represented the seller and procured the buyer on the sale of a 27,560 SF office building located in Brighton x The building was occupied by a mix of office tenants and ground level medical office (dentist). There was parking available onsite 320 Washington Street, Brighton 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group TRACK RECORD (OFFICE BUILDINGS) NAI HUNNEMAN SALES Puffers, 214 Cambridge St. Boston x For Sale: $3,800,000 x 10,000 ± SF commercial building x NAI Hunneman is the exclusive agent for the sale of the Puffers Building at 214 Cambridge Street in Boston x The building is located on the corner of Irving and Cambridge Street at the foot of Beacon Hill. The Puffers Building would make an ideal residential conversion or retail owner occupant purchase. x For Sale: $3,700,000 x 4,000 ± SF commercial building x NAI Hunneman is the exclusive agent for the sale of the Steaming Kettle Building at 65 Court Street in Boston. x The building is fully occupied by a Starbucks on the ground level and a dentist office on the upper floors x Great long term cash flow property Steaming Kettle, 65 Court St. Boston 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group SALES HIGHLIGHTS 25 Kingston Street, Boston $4,300,000 (28,500 SF) 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 SO 71-77 Summer Street, Boston $11.7 Million (57,000 SF) 617.457.3400 LD SO 87 Summer Street, Boston $5.3 Million (25,000 SF) LD LD SO 109 State Street, Boston $4,500,000 (30,000 SF) Bank of America, Providence, RI $33.2 Million (350,000 SF) SO SO LD 320 Congress Street, Boston $8.65 Million (51,000 SF) 51 Sleeper Street, Boston $17 Million (149,121 SF) LD SO LD 184 High Street, Boston $11.5 Million (55,000 SF) SO SO SO LD LD LD OFFICE www.naihunneman.com 201-207 South St, Boston $8 Million ( SF) NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group SALES HIGHLIGHTS 63 Pleasant Street, Watertown $2.6 Million (21,696 SF) 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 LD 450 Lexington Avenue, Newton $2.875 Million (24,000 SF) LD LD SO SO 320 Washington Street, Brighton $4.625 Million (27,260 SF) 75-85 Main Street, Watertown $4.925 Million (35,416 SF) LD LD SO SO LD Heritage Building, Providence, RI $5.2 Million (54,442 SF) Babson Portfolio, Wellesley $6.7 Million (50,016 SF) SO SO LD 7 Kimball Lane, Lynnfield $3.01 Million (30,000 SF) SO SO SO LD LD OFFICE 7 Winthrop Square, Boston $3.1 Million (20,000 SF) 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com 12 Oak Park Drive, Bedford $4.644 Million (40,000 SF) NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group SALES HIGHLIGHTS LD SO 14 Oak Park Drive, Bedford $15.6 Million (165,000 SF) 325 Wood Road, Braintree $6.3 Million (43,700 SF) SO LD SO SO LD LD 100 Longwater Circle, Norwell $5.5 Million (53,000 SF) Fort Point Place, Boston $24.3 Million (350,000 SF) LD LD QBA Office Portfolio $45.25 Million (237,865 SF) SO LD Fox Meadow Crossing, Northboro $2.9 Million (40,000 SF) SO SO LD SO SO LD OFFICE 121 Middlesex Turnpike, Burlington $2.5 Million (18,852 SF) 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 Totten Pond Office Center, Waltham $33 Million (295,317 SF) 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com 76-80 Merrimack St, Haverhill $2.1 Million (35,100 SF) NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group SALES HIGHLIGHTS LD SO SO SO LD LD OFFICE 846 University Ave, Norwood $9.4 Million (SF) LD 333-337 Turnpike Rd, Southborough $5.2 Million (74,535 SF) 11 Oak Park, Bedford $6.3 Million (SF) 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 LD 36 Middlesex Tpke, Bedford $4.34 Million (41,472 SF) SO SO SO LD LD Centennial Park, Peabody $12.1 Million (126,801 SF) 792-800 S. Main St, Mansfield $6.76 Million (57,616 SF) SO SO SO LD LD 10 City Square, Charlestown $11.5 Million (SF) 604 Main St, Shrewsbury $3,200,000 (18,464 SF) 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com 67 Forest St, Marlborough $4.77 Million (SF) NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group SALES HIGHLIGHTS 10 Pequot Way, Canton $3.9 Million (82,350 SF) 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 LD SO SO 159 Rangeway Road, Billerica $4.5 Million (88,000 SF) LD LD 25 Sycamore Avenue, Medford $5.93 Million (45,000 SF) SO SO SO SOL LDD 105 Andover Street, Danvers $5.1 Million (188,000 SF) 425 Providence Highway, Westwood $5.5 Million (66,675 SF) LD 171 Locke Drive, Marlborough $5.7 Million (97,870 SF) SO SO LD 305 John Hancock Rd., Taunton $9.4 Million (194,000 SF) LD SO SSOO LLDD LD INDUSTRIAL / R&D 39 Olympia Avenue, Woburn $4.4 Million (77,451 SF) 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com 124 Second Avenue, Chelsea $3.5 Million (73,850 SF) NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group SALES HIGHLIGHTS LD SO LD SO SO LD INDUSTRIAL / R&D 80 Wilson Way, Westwood $10 Million (116,908 SF) 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 SO SO LD LD 10 Industrial Way, Amesbury $5.2 Million (70,400 SF) 141 Middlesex Tpke., Burlington $3.1 Million (30,500 SF) 617.457.3400 82 Benning Street, Lebanon, NH $8 Million (156,200 SF) LD LD 176 Grove Street, Franklin $7.4 Million (166,800 SF) SO SO LD 480 Neponset Street, Canton $6 Million (14 Buildings 215,300 SF) 300 Third Street, Chelsea $5.7 Million (66,300 SF) SO SO LD 145 Newton Street, Brighton $9.1 Million (108,000 SF) www.naihunneman.com 41 Lyman Street, Northborough $3.9 Million (64,000 SF) NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group SALES HIGHLIGHTS LD SO SO SO LD 28 Damrell Street, Boston $5.46 Million (100,000 SF) SO LD SO LD SO 10 Centennial Drive, Peabody $19.2 Million (323,000 SF) LD 7-11 Audubon Road, Wakefield $2.8 Million (71,000 SF) 428 Main St., Hudson $4.1 Million (82,000 SF) LD 160 Middlesex Turnpike, Bedford $3.6 Million (50,000 SF) LD LD 45 Bartlett Street, Marlborough $2.2 Million (41,781 SF) SO SO SO SO LD LD INDUSTRIAL / R&D 45 46 45 & 46 Manning Road, Billerica $6.9 Million ( 87,301 SF) 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 14 Linden Street, Allston $4.8 Million (59,000 SF) 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com 580 Pleasant Street, Watertown, MA $6.5 Million (168,000) NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group SALES HIGHLIGHTS LD SO SO LD LD 77 Rowe Street, Newton $4.6 Million (45,800 SF) 320 Hamilton Street, Leominster $3.2 Million (210,000 SF) SO LD LD 75 Campanelli Parkway, Stoughton $4.5 Million (65,000 SF) SO LD LD 11 Forbes Road, Northborough $11.5 Million (211,600 SF) 117 Eastman St. Easton, MA $2.525 Million (50,000 SF) SO SO LD 460 Elm St. Manchester, NH $5.6 Million (109,000 SF) SO SO LD SO SO LD INDUSTRIAL / R&D 77 Green Street, Foxborough $2.5 Million (38,400 SF) 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 616-620 South Street, Holbrook $2.5 Million (97,996 SF) 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com 290 Pine Street, Canton $2.1 Million (65,200 SF) NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group SALES HIGHLIGHTS LD LD SO SO Spencer Avenue, Chelsea 1 Washington Street, Taunton Bradford College, Haverhill 1900 Mass Ave., Cambridge $1.65 Million (11,300 SF Renovation) 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 Beacon & Armory St., Brookline $2.5 Million (Condo Conversion) LD LD $10 Million (352,00 SF college) SO SO SOSO LDLD $4.2 Million (100,000 SF Mixed Use) 1841 Trapelo Road, Chelsea $3 Million (50,000 SF nursing home) LD $2.65 Million (112,000 SF Mill Renovation) SO SO LD $3.2 Million (40,000 SF renovation) SO 2185 Washington Street, Roxbury LD SSOO LLDD MIXED USE / SPECIAL USE Alpine Village, Mattapan 1.5 Million (40,000 SF Nursing Home) 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com Beacon & Centre Street, Brookline $2.6 Million (Renovation Project) NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group SALES HIGHLIGHTS 123 Newbury St., Boston LD LD SO 55 Tower Road, Newton LD 7-17 Charles Street, Boston Lincoln & Walnut St., Newton $2.8 Million (19,623 SF mixed-use) 617.457.3400 $4.5 Million (Mixed-Use /Shell) SO SO 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 157-159 Newbury St., Boston LD $6.5 Million (19,900 SF mixed-use) LD LD SO $2.75 Million (garage/redevelopment) $3.025 Million (vacant mixed use) SO SO LD SO 28 Myrtle Street, Boston $1.315 Million (9 unit Mixed Use) 40 Warren Street, Charlestown 79 Newbury Street, Boston $11.6 Million (256,000 SF - redevelopment) LD $4.3 Million (6,724 SF mixed-use) SO SO LD MIXED USE / SPECIAL USE www.naihunneman.com 961 Commonwealth Ave., Boston $2.5 Million (15,500 SF) NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group SALES HIGHLIGHTS Fine Hotels, Boxboro, Worcester $7.8 Million (285 rooms/2 hotels) 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 LD SO LD SO LD LD 2401 Revere Beach Pkwy, Everett $5.2 Million (112,600 SF - redevelopment) SO Gillette Building, Isleworth, UK 190 Cummins Hwy, Roslindale $5 Million (77,000 SF charter school) 617.457.3400 966 Park Street, Stoughton $2.8 Million (41,790 SF medical office) LD $31.85 Million (300,000 SF redevelopment) SO SO LD 899 Boylston Street, Boston $5 Million (17,808 SF mixed-use) Archdiocese Portfolio, Chelsea $3.3 Million (60,000 SF - redevelopment) SO SO LD $3.125 Million (15,000 SF mixed-use) LD 41-49 Waltham Street, Lexington SO SO LD MIXED USE / SPECIAL USE www.naihunneman.com 867 Boylston Street, Boston $5.9 Million (30,720 SF mixed-use) NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group SALES HIGHLIGHTS Thornes Marketplace, Northampton $6.4 Million (78,000 SF) 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 LD LD SO LD SO Amherst Plaza, Amherst, NH $3.4 Million (44,000 SF) LD LD The Center at Keene, Keene, NH $6.7 Million (100,000 SF) Centre Street Village, Danvers $4.375 Million (27,315 SF) 617.457.3400 Fieldstone Marketplace, New Bedford $15.6 Million (188,946 SF) SO SO LD Flint Village Plaza, Fall River $4.725 Million (45,000 SF) Sports Authority, Braintree $9.7 Million (42,958 SF) SO SO LD Staples, Westerly, RI $4 Million (24,049 SF) SO SO SO LD LD RETAIL www.naihunneman.com McDonnell Plaza, Randolph $2.1 Million (22,072 SF) NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group SALES HIGHLIGHTS Staples at Liberty Tree Mall, Danvers $6.7 Million (30,000 SF) 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 LD SO LD SO SO SO LD LD Wachusett Plaza, West Boylston $3.5 Million (106,036 SF) North Attleboro Shopping Center $17.1 Million (120,241 SF) LD Vinnin Square, Swampscott $3.5 Million (11,844 SF) SO SO LD Oak Village Crossing, Brockton $3.1 Million (30,000 SF) Winchendon Plaza, Winchendon $1.925 Million (30,000 SF) LD SO LD 659 Worcester Road, Framingham $8.2 Million (39,600 SF) SO SO LD RETAIL Colony Mill, Keene, NH $8.5 Million (130,044 SF) 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com 505 Paradise Rd, Swampscott $4.13 Million (21,268 SF) NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group SALES HIGHLIGHTS SO SO SO LD LD LD RETAIL BSC, 475 Bedford St, Lexington $9.75 Million (71,000 SF) 2035 Washington St, Hanover $6 Million (29,476 SF) 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 LD SO LD 325 New State Hwy, Raynham $3.73 Million (20,594 SF) 617.457.3400 16-18 Elliot St, Cambridge $5,19 Million (12,200 SF) LD 74-102 Central St, Wellesley $22 Million (47,790 SF) SO SO LD 171 West St, Ware $6 Million (14,550 SF) 2800 Lafayette Rd, Portsmouth, NH $5.9 Million (39,092 SF) SO SO SO LD LD 1718 Mass Ave, Cambridge $6.6 Million (14,366 SF) www.naihunneman.com 119-215 Essex St, Beverly $2.41 Million (8,400 SF) NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group SALES HIGHLIGHTS 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 LD SO SO SO LD SO Adams Plaza, Malden $2.3 Million (20,753 SF) Walgreen’s Plaza, Greenfield $5.71 Million (13,278 SF) 617.457.3400 880-890 Providence Hwy, Dedham $4.2 Million (20,000 SF) LD 57 JFK Street, Cambridge $7.5 Million (35,000 SF) LD Downtown Crossing, Westborough $4.1 Million (55,727 SF) Walgreens Plaza, Malden $7.65 Million (24,000 SF) LD LD Shaw’s Plaza, Sharon $3.8 Million (103,000 SF) SO LD Monson Plaza, Monson $5.9 Million (60,000 SF) SO SO LD SO SO LD RETAIL www.naihunneman.com Ranger Plaza, Methuen $5 Million (35,000 SF) NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group SALES HIGHLIGHTS LD LD 384 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston $4.6 Million (21 units) Portfolio, Boston $3.4 Million (3 shell bldgs 16,500 SF) 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 LD LD South End Portfolio, Boston $11 Million (47 units) SO LD 44 Concord Square, Boston 3 Million (16 units) SO SO LD 191 Beacon Street, Boston $3 Million (12 units) 409 Marlborough St., Boston $7.95 Million (40 units) SO SO SO LD LD 65 Hemenway Street, Boston $2.435 Million (10 units) SO SO SO LD MULTIFAMILY 47 W. Cedar St., Boston, MA $1.8 Million (9 units) 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com 314 Commonwealth Ave., Boston $6.1 Million (24K SF) Advisory role NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group SALES HIGHLIGHTS LD LD SO SO SO LD MULTIFAMILY 106 Tremont Street, Brighton $5 Million (55 units) Egremont & Cummings Rd., Brighton $8.3 Million (78 units) 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 LD LD 1200 Mass Ave., Cambridge $11.75 Million (96 units) SO LD 217 Kent Street, Brookline, MA $4.9 Million (23 units) 617.457.3400 20-24 Royce Road, Allston $2 Million (39 units) SO SO 392 Langley Road, Newton $4.8 Million (46 units) SO SO LD SO LD 335 Franklin Street, Cambridge $11.3 Million (40 units) LD Portfolio, South Shore $22.2 Million (300 units) www.naihunneman.com 3 Carol Avenue, Brighton $4.25 Million (54 units) NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group SALES HIGHLIGHTS SO SO Portfolio - Framingham & Westboro $5.1 Million (72 units) 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 SO LD Wood Way, Lawrence $3.104 million (42 units) 617.457.3400 Valley Grove, Manchester, NH $5.1 Million (96 units) LD Town Lyne Village, Clinton $16.5 Million (193 units) SO SO LD 98 Washington Sq,. Salem $2.3 million (27 units) Yorkshire Court, Shrewsbury $14.3 Million / (180 units) SSOO LLDD Portfolio, Lynn $6.2 Million (95 units) LD LD Worcester Commons, Worcester, MA $14.1 Million (278 units + commercial) SO LD LD SO SO LD MULTIFAMILY www.naihunneman.com Edgehill Apartments, Nahant $3.525 million (40 units) NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group SALES HIGHLIGHTS SO Portfolio, Hudson $3.4 Million (47 units) Armory Commons, Springfield $6.5 Million (250 units) Hyannis House Apartments, Hyannis $11 Million (111 units) 853-863 Washington St, Norwood, MA $3.6 Million (30 units) SO SO SO SO LD LD Folly Hill Apartments, Beverly $35 Million (252 units) LD SO SO LD LD 144-148 Stevens St. Lowell $3.225 Million (35 units) LD SO SO LD LD LD MULTIFAMILY Surfside Apartment Lynn $7 Million (68 units) 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 Portfolio Marlboro/Maynard $4.6 Million (57 units) 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com 14 Thompson Drive, Randolph $2.95 Million (24 units) NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group SALES HIGHLIGHTS LD SO LD SO Parkway Manor, Roslindale $3.3 Million (26 units) 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 SO LD 445 Washington St. Brighton $2.4 Million (15 units) SO LD Nazing Court Apartments, Roxbury $9.4 Million (150 units) SO SO LD 56 Gardner Street, Allston $2.25 Million (17 units) Newbury & Greenleaf, Quincy $4.9 Million (42 units / 2 bldgs) LD 54-82 Mt. Vernon St, Somerville $2.5 Million (23 units) SO SO LD 430 River Street, Mattapan $2.32 Million (32 units) LD SO LD MULTIFAMILY 161-171 Salem St. Medford $2 Million (24 units) 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com 1379 Commonwealth Ave., Allston $1.675 Million (12 units) NAI HUNNEMAN Investment Services Group SALES HIGHLIGHTS 646-672 Washington St., Boston Centennial Park, Peabody Numerous Sites (300-acre off/industrial park) Myles Standish Park, Taunton Devens Exclusive Agent (4,400 acre Community) Riverfront Office Park, Lawrence Marketing 3 Parcels of over 20 acres SO SO LD LD 135 acres sold (1998-2001) InWood Park, Woburn, MA $17.5M (55.6 acres - permitted for 480 units) SO SO SO LD LD $26 Million (40,000 SF lot) LD SO SO LD LD S SOOLD LD LAND Freedom Way, Franklin $1.8 Million (17 acres) 303 Congress Street Boston MA 02210 31-41 Stuart Street, Boston $10 Million Marketing (18,589 SF lot + bldg) 617.457.3400 www.naihunneman.com Bradford College, Haverhill $10 Million (47 acres + main campus) NAI HUNNEMAN SALES VOLUME 2003-2008YTD Volume Transactions $1,132,497,478 288 Address City ST Property Type Date Price 53-55 Brook Street Acton MA Apartments 4/24/2008 $4,575,000 Third Ave, Units 300 East & Center Charlestown MA Office Condo 4/25/2008 $1,090,000 Third Ave. Unit # 100 East Charlestown MA Office Condo 4/24/2008 $654,080 38 Third Avenue, Unit #100 West Charlestown MA Office Condo 4/17/2008 $653,120 1100 Pearl Street Brockton MA Industrial / R&D 3/31/2008 $4,920,000 100 State Street, Unit 10 Boston MA Office Condo 3/31/2008 $975,000 679 Broadway & 112 Surtleff St Chelsea MA Apartments 3/17/2008 $860,000 66-68 High Street Charlestown MA Retail 2/27/2008 $1,500,000 1030 Putnam Avenue Marston Mills MA Retail 2/21/2008 $2,295,000 1933 Main Street Brockton MA Retail 2/14/2008 $3,700,000 59 Middlesex Turnpike (Lot 1) Billerica MA Land 1/31/2008 $1,041,225 290 Berlin Street Clinton MA Apartments 1/29/2008 $16,650,000 111 Westminster Street Providence RI Office 1/24/2008 $33,000,000 176 North Street Hyannis MA Retail 1/23/2008 $3,195,000 45 & 54 Bay State Road Cambridge MA Office 1/17/2008 $832,000 135 Chestnut Street Foxborough MA Apartments 1/3/2008 $7,150,000 1050 Hancock Street Quincy MA Mixed Use /Special Use 12/21/2007 $1,300,000 185 Devonshire Street #600 Boston MA Office Condo 12/17/2007 $451,400 629 Massachusetts Avenue Boxborough MA Retail 12/14/2007 $2,400,000 313 Essex Street Salem MA Apartments 12/13/2007 $1,000,000 321 Central Street Hudson MA Industrial / R&D 12/4/2007 $3,226,000 321 Central Street Hudson MA Industrial / R&D 12/4/2007 $3,226,000 425 Union Street West Springfield MA Office 11/30/2007 $2,000,000 585-607 Middlesex Street Lowell MA Industrial / R&D 11/9/2007 $930,000 283-293 Second Avenue Waltham MA Office 11/7/2007 $2,525,000 10 Rogers Road (1A & B) Cambridge MA Office Condo 11/5/2007 $1,100,000 22 Pulaski Street Peabody MA Apartments 10/31/2007 $5,160,000 38 Third Street (Bldg 38) 300 West Charlestown MA Office Condo 10/30/2007 $419,000 185 Devonshire, Unit #600 Boston MA Office Condo 10/19/2007 $1,205,000 222 Elm Street Milford NH Retail 10/15/2007 $1,910,000 185 Devonshire, Unit #1000 Boston MA Office Condo 9/28/2007 $575,000 14 Alpha Road Chelmsford MA Industrial / R&D 9/27/2007 $1,100,000 90 Sutton Street North Andover MA Apartments 9/26/2007 $2,490,000 Information furnished regarding property for sale is from sources deemed reliable, but no warranty or representation is made as to the accuracy contained therein, and same is submitted subject to errors and omissions. NAI HUNNEMAN SALES VOLUME 2003-2008YTD Volume Transactions $1,132,497,478 288 Address City ST Property Type Date Price 5 Suburban Park Drive Billerica MA Industrial / R&D 9/11/2007 $2,200,000 28 Lomar Park Drive Pepperell MA Industrial / R&D 8/30/2007 $600,000 822 Concord Avenue Cambridge MA Office 8/22/2007 $910,000 43 Freemont Street Needham MA Industrial / R&D 8/17/2007 $580,000 1-4 Kingsley Terrace Lynn MA Apartments 8/6/2007 $2,675,000 91 Cedar Street Milford MA Industrial / R&D 7/31/2007 $2,450,000 185 Devonshire Street Boston MA Office Condo 7/27/2007 $1,306,000 1260 Mass Ave. Arlington MA Apartments 7/13/2007 $2,900,000 10 City Square Charlestown MA Office 7/12/2007 $11,500,000 1 Industrial Drive Danvers MA Industrial / R&D 7/12/2007 $2,950,000 74-102 Central Street Wellesley MA Retail 7/2/2007 $22,000,000 185 Devonshire Boston MA Office Condo 6/29/2007 $1,136,450 185 Devonshire Boston MA Office Condo 6/28/2007 $698,250 185 Devonshire Boston MA Office Condo 6/28/2007 $1,306,900 1718 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge MA Retail 6/25/2007 $6,615,816 16-18 Eliot Street Cambridge MA Retail 6/25/2007 $5,199,967 53-63 Parkman & 110 Babcock Street Brookline MA Apartments 6/15/2007 $18,100,000 678 Andover Street Lawrence MA Office 6/15/2007 $1,377,970 109 Webster Street Cambridge MA Apartments 6/12/2007 $2,150,000 38 Third Avenue Charlestown MA Office 5/31/2007 $1,499,316 3 St. Charles Street Boston MA Apartments 5/29/2007 $1,350,000 755 Middlesex Turnpike Billerica MA Industrial / R&D 5/25/2007 $2,066,500 604 Main Street Shrewsbury MA Office 5/11/2007 $3,200,000 10 Rogers Road Cambridge MA Office 5/9/2007 $775,000 Grant Road Devens MA Land 5/8/2007 $73,388 119-215 Essex Street Beverly MA Retail 5/4/2007 $2,412,500 185 Marlborough Street Boston MA Apartments 5/3/2007 $4,650,000 9 Centennial & 10 Techonoloy Drive Peabody MA Office 5/2/2007 $12,100,000 221-251 Crescent Street Waltham MA Office 5/1/2007 $6,000,000 32 Tozer Road Beverly MA Office 4/20/2007 $3,400,000 9-13N-4W NWC Memorial & McArthur Oklahoma City OK Land 4/20/2007 $3,499,670 35 Charter Street Boston MA Apartments 4/13/2007 $1,755,000 Information furnished regarding property for sale is from sources deemed reliable, but no warranty or representation is made as to the accuracy contained therein, and same is submitted subject to errors and omissions. NAI HUNNEMAN SALES VOLUME 2003-2008YTD Volume Transactions $1,132,497,478 288 Address City ST Property Type Date Price 18 Exeter Street Boston MA Apartments 4/10/2007 $3,201,000 177 Newbury Street Boston MA Mixed Use /Special Use 4/5/2007 $3,500,000 236 Newbury Street Boston MA Mixed Use /Special Use 4/5/2007 $6,100,000 325 New State Highway Raynham MA Retail 4/3/2007 $3,737,000 25 Birch Street Cambridge MA Office 3/29/2007 $469,000 66 Myrtle Street Boston MA Apartments 3/21/2007 $2,136,000 792-800 South Main Street Mansfield MA Office 3/6/2007 $6,765,000 195 McGregor Street Manchester NH Mixed Use /Special Use 3/2/2007 $16,003,900 113 Spencer Avenue Chelsea MA Land 2/28/2007 $1,700,000 475 Bedford Street Lexington MA Retail 2/28/2007 $9,750,000 132-138 South Common Street Lynn MA Apartments 2/23/2007 $4,575,000 52 Pelham Road Salem NH Land 2/13/2007 $250,000 33 Upton Drive Wilmington MA Industrial / R&D 2/5/2007 $4,000,000 333-337 Turnpike Road Southborough MA Office 1/19/2007 $5,200,000 2465 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge MA Mixed Use /Special Use 1/10/2007 $2,225,000 7 Midstate Drive Auburn MA Office 1/9/2007 $1,675,000 36 Middlesex Turnpike Bedford MA Office 12/29/2006 $4,340,000 47-53 Baystate Road Cambridge MA Office 12/27/2006 $1,100,000 201-207 South Street Boston MA Office 12/22/2006 $8,000,000 326 Main Street Soutbridge MA Office 12/15/2006 $330,000 892 River Street Hyde Park MA Mixed Use /Special Use 11/27/2006 $5,000,000 Land Sale Devens MA Land 11/24/2006 $3,652,500 Teaticket Highway Falmouth MA Retail 11/17/2006 $1,400,000 259 Highland Avenue Salem MA Retail 11/17/2006 $1,450,000 50 Eastman Street Easton MA Industrial / R&D 11/9/2006 $1,500,000 11 Oak Park Bedford MA Office 11/2/2006 $6,300,000 66 Chester Street Allston MA Apartments 10/24/2006 $1,850,000 171 West Street Ware MA Retail 10/13/2006 $6,000,000 34 & 36 Gloucester Street Boston MA Mixed Use /Special Use 10/12/2006 $6,500,000 2035 Washington Street Hanover MA Retail 10/6/2006 $6,000,000 2800 Lafayette Road Portsmouth NH Retail 9/22/2006 $5,900,000 221 Pine Street Florence MA Office 9/1/2006 $2,137,662 Information furnished regarding property for sale is from sources deemed reliable, but no warranty or representation is made as to the accuracy contained therein, and same is submitted subject to errors and omissions. NAI HUNNEMAN SALES VOLUME 2003-2008YTD Volume Transactions $1,132,497,478 288 Address City ST Property Type Date Price 285-287 Calef Highway Epping NH Land 8/29/2006 $750,000 846 University Avenue Norwood MA Office 8/14/2006 $9,400,000 337 Cowesett Road West Warwick RI Apartments 7/20/2006 $7,500,000 1 Jackson Place Devens MA Office 7/17/2006 $2,675,000 65 Hemenway Street Boston MA Apartments 7/7/2006 $2,435,000 37 MacArthur Devens MA Office 7/5/2006 $218,000 48 Commercial Street Medford MA Industrial / R&D 7/5/2006 $1,700,000 114-116 Mt. Auburn Street Cambridge MA Mixed Use /Special Use 6/21/2006 $3,312,750 8 Charlestown Street Devens MA Industrial / R&D 6/16/2006 $1,025,000 125 Main Street Westfield MA Apartments 6/16/2006 $2,900,000 107 Main Street Monson MA Retail 6/9/2006 $5,900,000 750 Union Street Franklin MA Retail 6/6/2006 $3,575,000 640 North Milford Road Milford MA Retail 6/1/2006 $3,500,000 150 Main Street Northampton MA Retail 6/1/2006 $6,400,000 Philips Road New Bedford MA Land 5/10/2006 $400,000 297 Nahant Road Nahant MA Apartments 5/1/2006 $3,525,000 100 Theodore Rice Blvd. New Bedford MA Industrial / R&D 5/1/2006 $2,400,000 Lot 6B Devens MA Land 4/28/2006 $328,410 356 Lafeyette Road Hampton NH Retail 4/28/2006 $1,725,000 301 2nd Avenue Waltham MA Industrial / R&D 4/28/2006 $4,230,000 60 Tenean Street Dorchester MA Industrial / R&D 4/26/2006 $3,550,000 223 South Willow Street Manchester NH Retail 4/25/2006 $1,875,000 17.9 Acre Site Gloucester City NJ Land 4/14/2006 $1,400,000 67 Forest Street Marlborough MA Office 4/14/2006 $4,770,000 6439 Deere Road Syracuse NY Industrial / R&D 4/13/2006 $4,406,606 65 Green Street Foxborough MA Industrial / R&D 4/3/2006 $3,000,000 Lot 9 Devens MA Land 3/31/2006 $1,221,000 361 Broadway Chelsea MA Office 3/30/2006 $4,000,000 28 Montgomery Street Boston MA Apartments 3/21/2006 $950,000 305 Newbury Turnpike Rowley MA Land 3/2/2006 $850,000 305 Newbury Turnpike Rowley MA Industrial / R&D 3/2/2006 $5,500,000 59-65 Princeton Street Chelmsford MA Apartments 2/28/2006 $1,600,000 191 Beacon Street Boston MA Apartments 2/27/2006 $3,000,000 Information furnished regarding property for sale is from sources deemed reliable, but no warranty or representation is made as to the accuracy contained therein, and same is submitted subject to errors and omissions. NAI HUNNEMAN SALES VOLUME 2003-2008YTD Volume Transactions $1,132,497,478 288 Address City ST Property Type Date Price 526 Meriden Road Watebury CT Retail 2/9/2006 $2,500,000 36 Surfside Road Lynn MA Apartments 2/8/2006 $2,100,000 10 City Square Charlestown MA Office 2/1/2006 $5,944,000 90-94 Park Avenue Belmont MA Retail 1/18/2006 $740,000 7 Winthrop Square Boston MA Office 1/17/2006 $3,100,000 Palmertown Center Palmertown PA Retail 12/29/2005 $2,966,391 460 Elm Street Manchester NH Industrial / R&D 12/28/2005 $5,600,000 200 Boston Road Billerica MA Retail 12/22/2005 $3,625,000 Apartment Portfolio Framingham, Westboro MA Apartments 12/15/2005 $5,100,000 Archdiocese Portfolio Chelsea MA Mixed Use /Special Use 12/6/2005 $3,300,000 320 Congress Street Boston MA Office 11/30/2005 $8,650,000 530 Broadway Providence RI Office 11/29/2005 $2,687,500 Gillete Site Isleworth, United Kingdom UK Industrial / R&D 10/26/2005 $31,850,000 66-72 High Street Medford MA Mixed Use /Special Use 10/17/2005 $1,300,000 117 Eastman Street Easton MA Industrial / R&D 10/11/2005 $2,525,000 5 Pierce Street Greenfield MA Retail 10/11/2005 $5,710,000 140-170 Union St. & 18 School St. Lynn MA Office 10/7/2005 $2,865,000 Hyannis House Apartments Hyannis MA Apartments 10/3/2005 $11,000,000 145-147 Pelham Road Methuen MA Retail 9/29/2005 $5,000,000 41-49 Waltham Street Lexington MA Mixed Use /Special Use 9/28/2005 $3,125,000 Wood Way Apartments Lawrence MA Apartments 9/20/2005 $3,104,000 4345-4351 Washington Street Roslindale MA Apartments 9/13/2005 $3,300,000 2401 Revere Beach Parkway Everett MA Industrial / R&D 9/7/2005 $5,200,000 48-50 Highland Avenue Somerville MA Apartments 8/15/2005 $1,250,000 75 Campanelli Drive Stoughton MA Industrial / R&D 8/9/2005 $4,500,000 2 Lowell Avenue Winchester MA Industrial / R&D 8/2/2005 $1,325,000 144-148 Stevens Street Lowell MA Apartments 7/29/2005 $3,225,000 31 Cocasset Street Foxborough MA Apartments 7/27/2005 $775,000 Crane Avenue Taunton MA Land 7/27/2005 $45,500 84 Independence Drive Taunton MA Industrial / R&D 7/20/2005 $1,330,000 126 Charles Street Cambridge MA Office 7/17/2005 $1,291,557 65 Glenn Street Lawrence MA Industrial / R&D 7/15/2005 $1,555,150 Information furnished regarding property for sale is from sources deemed reliable, but no warranty or representation is made as to the accuracy contained therein, and same is submitted subject to errors and omissions. NAI HUNNEMAN SALES VOLUME 2003-2008YTD Volume Transactions $1,132,497,478 288 Address City ST Property Type Date Price 320 Hamilton Street Leominster MA Industrial / R&D 7/11/2005 $3,200,000 77 Green Street Foxborough MA Industrial / R&D 6/30/2005 $2,500,000 15 Vine Street Melrose MA Apartments 6/29/2005 $1,005,000 Lot 9 Devens MA Land 6/24/2005 $644,000 39-41 Harbor Street Salem MA Apartments 6/20/2005 $1,680,000 South End Portfolio (Tremont & Cortes) Boston MA Apartments 6/1/2005 $11,000,000 11 Forbes Road Northborough MA Industrial / R&D 5/13/2005 $11,500,000 290 Pine Street Canton MA Industrial / R&D 5/12/2005 $2,100,000 616-620 South Street Holbrook MA Industrial / R&D 4/28/2005 $2,500,000 1130 Pearl Street Brockton MA Industrial / R&D 4/19/2005 $1,200,000 318 Main Street Malden MA Retail 4/13/2005 $7,650,000 Surfside Road Lynn MA Apartments 3/24/2005 $7,000,000 853-863 Washington Street Norwood MA Apartments 3/22/2005 $3,600,000 751 International Drive Franklin IN Industrial / R&D 2/15/2005 $7,375,000 320 Washington Street Brighton MA Office 2/7/2005 $4,625,000 842-850 State Road Westport MA Apartments 2/3/2005 $1,525,000 352 Belmont Street Worcester MA Office 1/7/2005 $1,225,000 170-190 Oak Street Brockton MA Retail 1/3/2005 $4,000,000 200 Theodore Rice Blvd New Bedford MA Industrial / R&D 12/30/2004 $1,085,000 25 Kingston Street Boston MA Office 12/17/2004 $4,300,000 427-435 Faneuil Street Brighton MA Apartments 12/16/2004 $1,575,000 1717 Ocean Street Marshfield MA Apartments 12/16/2004 $1,935,000 39 Olympia Avenue Woburn MA Industrial / R&D 12/16/2004 $6,250,000 Land Sale Sevierville TN Land 12/15/2004 $100,000 2800 Airport Road Denton TX Industrial / R&D 12/2/2004 $6,600,000 109 State Street Boston MA Office 11/29/2004 $4,500,000 77 Rowe Street Newton MA Office 11/29/2004 $4,600,000 107-123 Main Street Monson MA Retail 11/22/2004 $5,750,000 Folly Hill Apartments Beverly MA Apartments 11/18/2004 $35,000,000 Epping Road Exeter NH Land 11/17/2004 $1,050,000 12 Oak Park Bedford MA Office 11/15/2004 $4,644,000 880-890 Providence Hwy Dedham MA Retail 11/15/2004 $4,200,000 Information furnished regarding property for sale is from sources deemed reliable, but no warranty or representation is made as to the accuracy contained therein, and same is submitted subject to errors and omissions. NAI HUNNEMAN SALES VOLUME 2003-2008YTD Volume Transactions $1,132,497,478 288 Address City ST Property Type Date Price 75-85 Main Street Watertown MA Office 11/14/2004 $4,925,000 14 Thompson Drive Randolph MA Apartments 11/2/2004 $2,950,000 845-851 Route 28 S. Yarmouth MA Retail 10/28/2004 $1,450,000 845-851 (Route 28) South Yarmouth MA Retail 10/28/2004 $1,450,000 31-55 Merrimack Street Lowell MA Office 10/22/2004 $2,300,000 Bancroft & Park Place Worcester MA Apartments 10/15/2004 $14,100,000 445 Washington Street Brighton MA Apartments 10/1/2004 $2,400,000 Selengor Malaysia Industrial / R&D 10/1/2004 $1,975,000 59 Middlesex Turnpike Bedford MA Industrial / R&D 9/22/2004 $8,000,000 39-43 Market Street Ipswich MA Mixed Use /Special Use 9/20/2004 $700,000 49 Central Street Winchendon MA Retail 9/7/2004 $1,925,000 25 Sycamore Avenue Medford MA Industrial / R&D 8/31/2004 $5,930,000 Devens Lot 1A Devens MA Land 8/19/2004 $500,000 131 Route 101A Amherst NH Retail 8/18/2004 $3,400,000 Devens Lot 6A Devens MA Land 8/16/2004 $260,000 450 Lexington Street Auburndale MA Office 8/5/2004 $2,875,000 184 High Street Boston MA Office 7/29/2004 $11,500,000 71-77 Summer Street Boston MA Office 7/29/2004 $11,700,000 55 Temple Street Boston MA Office 7/8/2004 $1,460,000 1589 Beacon Street Waban MA Land 7/8/2004 $1,310,000 79 Newbury Street Boston MA Retail 6/30/2004 $3,025,000 409 Marlborough Street Boston MA Apartments 6/21/2004 $7,950,000 Route 27 Epping Road Exeter NH Land 6/11/2004 $272,000 Springfield Armory Apts Springfield MA Apartments 6/7/2004 $6,250,000 31-42 Warren Street Charlestown MA Office 6/1/2004 $2,750,000 110 Newbury Street Danvers MA Retail 5/18/2004 $4,375,000 124 Second Avenue Chelsea MA Industrial / R&D 4/27/2004 $3,500,000 Lot 77C Myles Standish Taunton MA Industrial / R&D 4/26/2004 $600,000 28-28.5 Myrtle Street Boston MA Apartments 4/25/2004 $1,315,000 208, 210, 214 Washington St Quincy MA Apartments 4/15/2004 $1,500,000 83-87 Summer Street Boston MA Office 4/1/2004 $5,300,000 119 Green Street Foxborough MA Land 4/1/2004 $795,000 Information furnished regarding property for sale is from sources deemed reliable, but no warranty or representation is made as to the accuracy contained therein, and same is submitted subject to errors and omissions. NAI HUNNEMAN SALES VOLUME 2003-2008YTD Volume Transactions $1,132,497,478 288 Address City ST Property Type Date Price 380 Second Street Everett MA Industrial / R&D 3/15/2004 $2,300,000 698 Eastern Avenue Malden MA Industrial / R&D 3/15/2004 $1,375,000 49 Potomska Street New Bedford MA Industrial / R&D 3/9/2004 $740,000 428 Main Street Hudson MA Industrial / R&D 3/2/2004 $4,120,000 933 Pleasant Street Fall River MA Retail 3/1/2004 $4,725,000 1-4 Brightwood Terrace Lynn MA Apartments 2/24/2004 $2,200,000 358 Faunce Corner Road N. Dartmouth MA Industrial / R&D 2/9/2004 $1,800,000 961 Commonwealth Avenue Boston MA Mixed Use /Special Use 1/7/2004 $2,510,000 Wachusett Plaza West Boylston MA Retail 1/7/2004 $3,500,000 300 Third Street Chelsea MA Industrial / R&D 1/6/2004 $5,700,000 7 Kimball Lane Lynnfield MA Office 1/6/2004 $3,015,000 161-171 Salem St. & 6 Washington St. Medford MA Apartments 1/5/2004 $2,000,000 1379 Commonwealth Avenue Allston MA Apartments 1/1/2004 $1,675,000 131 N. Beacon Street Boston MA Industrial / R&D 1/1/2004 $675,000 34 Temple Street Boston MA Apartments 12/30/2003 $1,420,000 82 Benning Street Lebanon NH Industrial / R&D 12/29/2003 $8,025,000 98R Condor Street East Boston MA Industrial / R&D 12/23/2003 $1,882,000 105 Pleasant Valley Street Methuen MA Industrial / R&D 12/15/2003 $3,000,000 28 Damrell Street Boston MA Industrial / R&D 12/9/2003 $5,460,000 157 Newbury Street Boston MA Retail 12/8/2003 $4,600,000 100 Longwater Drive Norwell MA Office 12/5/2003 $5,500,000 149 Emerald Street Keene NH Retail 12/1/2003 $6,700,000 222 West Street Keene NH Retail 12/1/2003 $8,500,000 55 Tower Road Newton MA Industrial / R&D 11/25/2003 $11,682,000 Green Estate Winthrop MA Land 11/20/2003 $575,000 71 First Avenue Waltham MA Industrial / R&D 11/15/2003 $1,630,000 52 Princeton Street Lowell MA Apartments 11/12/2003 $700,000 505 Paradise Road Swampscott MA Retail 10/29/2003 $4,000,000 190 Cummins Highway Roslindale MA Mixed Use /Special Use 10/28/2003 $5,000,000 54-80 Mt. Vernon Street Somerville MA Apartments 10/27/2003 $2,550,000 Industrial Building Athens TN Industrial / R&D 10/14/2003 $256,000 327 Gorham Street Lowell MA Mixed Use /Special Use 9/29/2003 $1,300,000 171 Locke Drive Marlborough MA Industrial / R&D 9/29/2003 $5,700,000 Information furnished regarding property for sale is from sources deemed reliable, but no warranty or representation is made as to the accuracy contained therein, and same is submitted subject to errors and omissions. NAI HUNNEMAN SALES VOLUME 2003-2008YTD Volume Transactions $1,132,497,478 288 Address City ST Property Type Date Price 185,193, 197 Bucknam Street Everett MA Mixed Use /Special Use 9/25/2003 $1,900,000 49 Sumner Street Stoughton MA Apartments 9/24/2003 $1,775,000 722-744 Valley St & 733-739 Grove St Manchester NH Apartments 9/1/2003 $5,100,000 44 Concord Square Boston MA Apartments 8/26/2003 $3,000,000 76-80 Merrimack Street Haverhill MA Office 8/21/2003 $2,100,000 Oak Village Crossing Brockton MA Apartments 8/14/2003 $3,140,000 Cedar Point Apartments Tampa FL Apartments 7/30/2003 $4,100,000 39 Olympia Avenue Woburn MA Industrial / R&D 7/30/2003 $4,400,000 160 Middlesex Turnpike Bedford MA Industrial / R&D 7/29/2003 $3,600,000 80 Wilson Way Westwood MA Industrial / R&D 7/29/2003 $10,050,000 259 Deershorn Rd Lancaster MA Apartments 7/15/2003 $360,000 434 Elm Street West Bridgewater MA Land 7/14/2003 $540,000 Portfolio Sale Maynard & Marlborough MA Apartments 7/10/2003 $4,600,000 9 Lowell Avenue Winchester MA Industrial / R&D 7/2/2003 $724,500 20 & 27 St. Joseph Avenue Norwood MA Mixed Use /Special Use 7/1/2003 $650,000 383 Second Street Everett MA Industrial / R&D 6/27/2003 $1,500,000 384 Commonwealth Ave Boston MA Apartments 6/26/2003 $4,625,000 56 Gardner Street Allston MA Apartments 6/20/2003 $2,250,000 47 West Cedar Street Boston MA Apartments 6/16/2003 $1,810,000 540 Myles Standish Taunton MA Office 6/15/2003 $1,850,000 244 Brighton Avenue Allston MA Industrial / R&D 6/11/2003 $2,425,000 646-672 Washington Street Boston MA Land 6/2/2003 $26,000,000 123 Newbury Street Boston MA Mixed Use /Special Use 6/1/2003 $4,350,000 16 Deborah Drive Sutton/Millbury MA Land 5/30/2003 $625,000 900 Boston Turnpike Street Shrewsbury MA Industrial / R&D 5/27/2003 $1,400,000 Lot 77B Myles Standish Ind. Park Taunton MA Land 4/23/2003 $1,104,000 179 Bear Hill Road Waltham MA Industrial / R&D 3/20/2003 $2,100,000 300 Technology Drive Hooksett NH Industrial / R&D 3/13/2003 $2,150,000 Basin Express Istanbul Turkey Industrial / R&D 3/10/2003 $6,250,000 Village Manor Mattapan MA Mixed Use /Special Use 3/3/2003 $1,500,000 14-20 Linden Street Allston MA Industrial / R&D 2/26/2003 $4,800,000 Staples at Liberty Tree Mall Danvers MA Retail 2/24/2003 $6,700,000 Information furnished regarding property for sale is from sources deemed reliable, but no warranty or representation is made as to the accuracy contained therein, and same is submitted subject to errors and omissions. NAI HUNNEMAN SALES VOLUME 2003-2008YTD Volume Transactions $1,132,497,478 288 Address City ST Property Type Date Price 98 Washington Square Salem MA Apartments 2/19/2003 $2,300,000 12 Dudley Street Chelsea MA Industrial / R&D 2/11/2003 $290,000 181 Spencer Avenue Chelsea MA Industrial / R&D 2/11/2003 $2,650,000 176 Grove Street Franklin MA Industrial / R&D 1/31/2003 $7,400,500 SALES VOLUME (2003-2007 YTD) $1,132,497,478 Information furnished regarding property for sale is from sources deemed reliable, but no warranty or representation is made as to the accuracy contained therein, and same is submitted subject to errors and omissions.