Downtown Community Barn Raising Event (May 12
Downtown Community Barn Raising Event (May 12
The Village of Pemberton Rallies Hundreds to Raise a Downtown Barn Experience the barn raising event by speaking to the local and international wood workers who are making it all possible. The Village of Pemberton invites you to experience a dream become a reality. “These projects bring people together in ways you can’t even begin to imagine. We are thrilled by the collaboration that we have experienced so far. Part of what we want for this project is for our volunteers travelling from as far as Germany and the United States to experience all that Pemberton has to offer. We know the Pemberton community will be a big part of this barn raising event” Executive Director of the Timber Framers Guild, Brenda Baker. the Pemberton Volunteer This community had a vision to create a gathering space that would reflect the history and culture of the town. In 2009, as part of a Downtown Enhancement Strategy, Council decided to kick start the concept of building a market barn right in the downtown core, with beautiful Mount Currie as a backdrop. The building will act as a gateway into the Village, connect visitors and residents with the downtown core and provide a much needed venue for farmers markets, festivals and events. Last year, when the Whistler Blackcomb Foundation announced it would provide $240,000 in funding for the project, suddenly the dream became a reality! Honouring heritage, and the Pemberton spirit for adventure, The Timber Framers Guild will lend their time and skill to build the structure in a traditional barn raising fashion. The organization has been involved in multiple community construction projects in North America and abroad. The barn will be raised right in the centre of Pemberton downtown from May 12th- 24th, 2014, with collaboration from 100 volunteers from the Timber Framers Guild of North America and with the Pemberton community. Lynda – Volunteer Working Committee I became a volunteer for this project because I am excited that a vacant downtown lot is going to be transformed into a magnificent and beautiful gathering space. This project is a true gift. People are coming from all over North America to help us build this structure – these are people who do not even know us. I will be organizing all the local entertainment and community celebrations for the event. Other volunteers will be cooking up a storm to provide meals and even more locals are setting up room in their homes to provide the timber framers with accommodation. I’m so proud to be a part of this amazing project and this community! The Timber Framer Volunteers Randy – Project Coordinator Each individual brings a tool box full of uniqueness to the community-building process. Many timber framing professionals from BC, and further afield, will give up paid work to journey to Pemberton in search of training and expertise. All share a desire to learn more about the coalescence of craft, science and art that is timber framing - the core purpose of this artisan’s Guild is education and shared knowledge. Timber Framers Guild building projects improve the communities they work in, they also improve the skills of all the people that get to participate. Q&A Q. Where is the Barn Going? A. The Pemberton Downtown Community Barn will be located on Frontier Street and can be viewed as you arrive in the Village. Q. Who are the Pemberton Volunteers? A. The families opening their doors for homestays, community organizations and local restaurants providing food, tourist opportunities and entertainment for our hardworking volunteers, individual businesses donating their time, equipment and resources for the barn raising event. All those hands will help to raise the barn as this dream becomes a reality. Q. What’s unique about the Downtown Community Barn? A. In days gone by the community came together to raise a barn for their neighbours to help them prosper. This barn raising event, and the Village of Pemberton, will bring back a piece of Pemberton heritage as over 100 volunteers come together for the construction of the new Downtown Community Barn. Q. Who is the Timber Framers Guild? A. The Timber Framers Guild is a multi-national group of professionals and enthusiasts dedicated to the craft, tradition, and future of heavy timber construction practices. 50 volunteer Timber Framers will visit the Village for this highly charged educational and communitybuilding event. The Timber Framers’ Guild will bring the expertise to ensure the best possible structure will be in place for the community of Pemberton. Q. What is happening Q. When is the Barn over the 12 days? Raising Event? A. The Timber Framers Guild will be A. Join the Village of Pemberton on hosting a series of workshops and be available daily to speak about the barn raising activities. The Village will also host briefings to speak about the project and the impact on the community of Pemberton. Stay up to date with daily postings on the Village and the Downtown Pemberton Barn Facebook pages. May 22nd and May 23rd for the exciting final stages of this traditional barn raising event right here in the downtown core. Witness as the many hands that made this project possible work together to finalize the structure and celebrate this new community venue. Follow the Story: Downtown Pemberton Facebook Page VOP Profiles TFG Profiles The Village of Pemberton is a municipal government working to set a stable course for Pemberton, balancing social, economic and environmental goals to ensure the Village maintains its unique character and enviable quality of life. The Timber Framers Guild of North America is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the benefits, beauty, and practicality of a timber frame structure. “The creation of this exciting new community space is an important part of the Downtown Enhancement Strategy and is a continuation of the Village’s commitment to bringing vibrancy to our downtown core. The 2014 Barn Raising Event would not be possible without the support of hundreds of volunteers and the financial contribution from the Whistler Blackcomb Foundation.” Former Mayor Jordan Sturdy. “This project was estimated to cost over $1 million when we first reviewed the design plans. However, when the community of Pemberton came forward with donations of in-kind support, such as concrete and other vital hardware, we can now build the barn for a third of the original cost. It is truly amazing the support we have received from the community – this event on the 22nd and 23rd should be really exciting as we all pull together to raise the structure.” Project Coordinator, Suzanne Bélanger Tourism Pemberton Profile Visit the Tourism Pemberton Media Gateway to learn more about Pemberton: “I think the biggest thing for me is getting to see the timber framers and the local volunteers actually build the structure with their hands – together. What you will see over these 12 days is everyone contributing to raise this massive structure. Just like in times before when communities came together to raise a barn for a neighbour’s industry, Pemberton is coming together with us to raise a barn for the community’s benefit.” Project Coordinator, Randy Churchill. Whistler Blackcomb Foundation Profile The Whistler Blackcomb Foundation is dedicated to providing financial support to registered non-profit organizations whose activities provide benefit to residents of the Sea to Sky Corridor. “We are excited to support this unique and innovative project for the community of Pemberton. It will be a wonderful event for everyone to experience a real barn raising made possible by so much collaboration.” Executive Director of Whistler Blackcomb Foundation, Mei McCurdy. “Tourism Pemberton is very excited about the new community barn as this will be a welcome asset in promoting additional visitor experiences in our downtown core.” David MacKenzie, President, Tourism Pemberton Contact The Village of Pemberton to get details and comment on this exciting project Jennifer Kirk, Communications Coordinator, [email protected], 604-894-6135 (230)
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