REACHing Out December 2013
REACHing Out December 2013
Rehabilitation, Education, and Advocacy NON-PROFIT ORG. for Citizens with Handicaps Inc. U.S. POSTAGE PAID REACH of Dallas ing DALLAS, TEXAS 8625 King George Drive, Suite 210 PERMIT NO. 2010 Dallas, Texas 75235-2275 Out HELPING PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES REACH FOR INDEPENDENCE Return Service Requested PLEASE HELP US SAVE MONEY! If you no longer want to receive this newsletter or are receiving multiple copies, please call/contact Robin @ (817) 870-9082 or [email protected]. December 2013 - February 2014 817-870-9082, 817-877-1622 FAX Calendar of Events-Fort Worth 2 Calendar of Events-Dallas 3 Calendar of Events-Denton 4 Calendar of Events-Plano 5 AbleRoad Launched 5 From The Director’s Desk 6 All Eyes Support Group 7 Newsletter Notice 7 Advanced Mobility Ad 8 Adaptive Mobility of/SW Ad 8 From the REACH, Inc. Words to Live By 8 Board of Directors Choice Medical Ad 9 and Employees at the Bad Weather Notice 9 Newsletter Ad Rates 9 REACH of Fort Worth, REACH of Dallas, E-MAIL: [email protected] REACH OF DALLAS RESOURCE CENTER ON INDEPENDENT LIVING 8625 KING GEORGE DRIVE, SUITE 210, DALLAS, TEXAS 75235-2275 214-630-4796 , 214-630-6390 FAX E-MAIL: [email protected] REACH OF DENTON RESOURCE CENTER ON INDEPENDENT LIVING 405 SOUTH ELM, SUITE 202, DENTON, TEXAS 76201-6066 940-383-1062 , 940-383-2742 FAX E-MAIL: [email protected] Editor: Becky S. Teal REACHing Out is published four times a year in December, March, June, & September at REACH of Dallas, 8625 King George Drive, Suite 210, Dallas, Texas 75235-2275 REACH OF FORT WORTH RESOURCE CENTER ON INDEPENDENT LIVING 1000 MACON STREET, SUITE 200, FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76102-4527 Vol. XVI. No. 4 REACH FYI on the Move 10 Newsletter Deadlines 10 Lift Aids Ad 11 Just A Reminder 11 Affordable Care Act 12 Service Animal Defined by the ADA 13 Project Ramp 14 Web World 15 Caring to Help 15 REACH of Denton, & REACH of Plano Centers REACH OF PLANO RESOURCE CENTER ON INDEPENDENT LIVING 720 E. Park Blvd. Suite 104, Plano, Texas 75074-8844 972-398-1111 , 972-398-9649 Fax E-MAIL: [email protected] REACH's web site address: Page 16 REACHing Out - December 2013 - February 2014 REACHing Out -December 2013 - February 2014 Page 1 CALENDAR OF EVENTS WEB WORLD Call us if you need any accommodations such as a sign language interpreter, Braille materials, etc. December 2013 4 5 Adjustment to Disability Training @ the center 10:00-11:00 AM Razzoo’s Restaurant , 4700 Bryant Irvin Road, Lunch is on your own. The price varies; please bring a least $20. Lunch will be from 1:00 to 2:15 PM. 11 Adjustment to Disability Training @ the center 10:00-11:00 AM 12 Red Robin, 4800 S. Hulen, Lunch is on your own. Lunch prices are $10.00 and up. Also, if you want to shop at the mall after lunch, please bring extra money. Lunch will be from 1:00 -2:15 PM. 18 Adjustment to Disability Training @ the center 10:00-11:00 AM 19 Christmas Party @ the center 1:00 – 3:00 PM 25-31 Office Closed (Christmas Break) January 2014 1 2 8 9 15 16 20 22 23 29 30 Office Closed (New Years’ Day) No Group Adjustment to Disability Training @ the center 10:00-11:00 AM Dixie House Café, 6200 E. Lancaster Ave. Lunch is on your own. Lunch buffet is $15.00. Lunch will be from 1:00 to 2:15 PM. The cost for the movie is $5.00, not including food, drinks, etc. Please call the day before for times and movie selections. Adjustment to Disability Training @ the center 10:00-11:00 AM Movie Tavern, 6801 Ridgmar Meadow Road, The cost for the movie is $5.00, not including food, drinks, etc. Please call the day before for times and movie selections. Office Closed (Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday) Adjustment to Disability Training @ the center 10:00-11:00 AM Game Day @ the center, 1:00 – 3:00 PM Adjustment to Disability Training @ the center 10:00-11:00 AM Red Box movie @ the center 1:00 – 3:00 PM February 2014 5 6 12 13 17 19 20 26 27 Adjustment to Disability Training @ the center 10:00-11:00 AM Bowling at Brunswick, 3025 Altamesa Blvd. $3.50 per game, if you need shoes, the cost is $2.00. Please bring extra money if you want to purchase items from the snack bar. 1:00–3:00 PM Adjustment to Disability Training @ the center 10:00-11:00 AM Fuddruckers, 5601 SW Loop 820, Burgers starting at $6.00 and up. We will meet from 1:00–3:00 PM Office Closed (Presidents’ Day) Adjustment to Disability Training @ the center 10:00-11:00 AM Red Box Movie @ the center 1:00–3:00 PM Adjustment to Disability Training @ the center 10:00-11:00 AM Game Day @ the center, 1:00 – 3:00 PM Please note: The above scheduled activities may be changed or cancelled As a result of inclement weather, staff absences, or low attendance. – Texas Council on Family Violence. - information for individuals who are new to using a wheelchair. - meals (soup kitchen in Denton County). - North Texas Food Bank. - therapeutic horseback riding. - Christian Community Action (help with food, medical, and clothing). CARING to HELP Honor your loved ones with a gift to the REACH Resource Centers on Independent Living. Donations in memory of a loved one or to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, wedding, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, etc. will help REACH continue its work in providing an array of independent living services to North Texans with disabilities. Enclosed is my contribution of $____________ In Memory or Honor of (Name): _________________________________________ Check one: Memorial ____ Birthday____ Anniversary____ Wedding____ or Other (Explain)________________________________________________________ Send acknowledgement to (Name, Address, City, State & Zip Code): _____________________________________________________________________ From (Your Name, Address, City, State & Zip Code): _____________________________________________________________________ Make checks payable to REACH, Inc. and mail with this form to 1000 Macon Street, Suite 200, Fort Worth, TX 76102-4527. THANK YOU FOR YOUR FINANCIAL SUPPORT. . Page 2 REACHing Out - December 2013 - February 2014 REACHing Out -December 2013 - February 2014 Page 15 CALENDAR OF EVENTS PROJECT RAMP Call us if you need any accommodations such as a sign language interpreter, Braille materials, etc. Do you or someone you know need a ramp built and/or handrails or grab bars installed at your home? REACH Resource Center on Independent Living provides accessible home modifications for low income individuals with mobility impairments who live in the City of Fort Worth. If you meet the following guidelines, you may be eligible for assistance in making these accessibility modifications. Must be a person with a mobility impairment Can be of any age Must be a homeowner, live with the home owner or have a letter from the landlord giving permission to have the ramp constructed. (No apartments) December 2013 3 Holiday Celebration @ the center 12:00-2:00PM 10 Adjustment to Disability Training @ the center 10:30AM-12:00PM (preregister with Kiowanda Jasso.) 10 Diabetes Prevention & Management Workshop-Presented by the American Diabetes Association @ the center 1:00–3:00 PM (preregister with Janie Peachee.) 11 Photography Class @ the center 1:00-3:00PM (preregister with Harvey Spears.) Get ready for Christmas and capture all those fast action shots. Bring your camera to learn about settings to get hard to capture pictures. 24 Adjustment to Disability Training @ the center 10:30AM-12:00PM (preregister with Kiowanda Jasso.) 25-31 Office Closed (Christmas Break) January 2014 1 Office Closed (New Years’ Day) Must provide proof of total household income and must meet federal guidelines for low-income households. 14 Adjustment to Disability Training @ the center 10:30AM-12:00PM (preregister with Kiowanda Jasso.) 15 Financial Empowerment @ the center 11:00 AM-1:00 PM. Start the New Year off right! Learn how to plan for your future income needs? Melissa will present financial adjustments that can be made and the group will talk about deadlines and how to file your taxes. Presenter Melissa Cox, Certified Financial Planner for Fetterman Investments, Inc. (Call office for more information.) Preregister with Mavis Ravin by 1/8/14. Property taxes must be current 20 Office Closed (Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday) (Must provide a copy from each family member living in the household who is 18 years of age or older and provide Social Security numbers.) 22 Photography Class @ the center 1:00-3:00PM (preregister with Harvey Spears.) Come learn about green **FUNDS WILL BE USED ON A FIRST REQUESTED, FIRST SERVED BASIS** If you need more information about this program, please call Amira Salas, Project Ramp Coordinator, at 817/870-9082. screen (Chromo key) technology and how to put any background to your pictures. 28 Adjustment to Disability Training @ the center 10:30AM-12:00PM February 2014 11 Adjustment to Disability Training @ the center 10:30AM-12:00PM (preregister with Kiowanda Jasso) 12 Photography Class @ the center 1:00-3:00PM (preregister with Harvey Spears) Come learn about digital editing software such as Photoshop Element 11 and many others. 17 Office Closed (Presidents’ Day) 25 Adjustment to Disability Training @ the center 10:30AM-12:00PM (preregister with Kiowanda Jasso) Page 14 REACHing Out - December 2013 - February 2014 REACHing Out -December 2013 - February 2014 Page 3 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Service Animal As Defined by Title II and Title III of the ADA Call us if you need any accommodations such as a sign language interpreter, Braille materials, etc. December 2013 3 Adjustment to Disability Training @ the center 9:30-10:30 AM 4 General Support Group @ the center, Topic: Winter Preparation. 1:00-2:00 PM 11 General Support Group @ the center, Topic: Last Minute Gift Giving Ideas. 1:00-2:00 PM 17 Adjustment to Disability Training @ the center 9:30-10:30 AM 18 Holiday Party @ the center 1:00-3:00 PM Service animal means any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. Tasks performed can include pulling a wheelchair, retrieving dropped items, or pressing an elevator button. Emotional support, comfort animals, and therapy dogs are not service animals under Title II and Title III of the ADA. Other species of animals, whether wild or domestic, trained or untrained, are not service animals for the purposes of this definition. The work or tasks performed by a service animal must be directly related to the handler’s disability. It does not matter if a person has a note from a doctor that states that the person has a disability and needs to have the animal for emotional support. A doctor’s letter does not turn an animal into a service animal. Examples of a service animal: 25-31 Office Closed (Christmas Break) Guide Dog or Seeing Eye®1 Dog is a carefully trained dog that serves as a travel tool for people with severe visual impairments or who are blind. January 2014 Hearing or Signal Dog is a dog that has been trained to alert a person with a significant hearing loss or who is deaf when a sound, e.g., knock on the door, occurs. 1 Office Closed (New Years’ Day) 7 Adjustment to Disability Training @ the center 9:30-10:30 AM 8 General Support Group @ the center, Topic: I resolve to…... 1:00-2:00 PM 15 General Support Group @ the center, Topic: I’m Freezing. 1:00-2:00 PM 20 Office Closed (Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday) 21 Adjustment to Disability Training @ the center 9:30-10:30 AM 22 General Support Group @ the center, Topic: Volunteer. 1:00-2:00 PM 29 No Group February 2014 4 Adjustment to Disability Training @ the center 9:30-10:30 AM 5 General Support Group @ the center, 1:00-2:00 PM 12 General Support Group @ the center, Topic (“ Be My Valentine”) 1:00PM-2:00 PM 17 Office Closed (Presidents’ Day) 18 Adjustment to Disability Training @ the center 9:30-10:30 AM Psychiatric Service Dog can be trained to perform a variety of tasks that assist individuals with disabilities to detect the onset of psychiatric episodes and lessen their effects. Tasks performed by psychiatric service animals may include reminding the handler to take medicine; providing safety checks, or room searches, or turning on lights for persons with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; interrupting self-mutilation by persons with dissociative identity disorders; and keeping disoriented individuals from danger. SSigDOG (sensory signal dogs or social signal dog) is a dog trained to assist a person with autism. The dog alerts the handler to distracting repetitive movements common among those with autism, allowing the person to stop the movement (e.g., hand flapping). Seizure Response Dog is a dog trained to assist a person with a seizure disorder. How the dog serves the person depends on the person’s needs. The dog may stand guard over the person during a seizure or the dog may go for help. A few dogs have learned to predict a seizure and warn the person in advance to sit down or move to a safe place. Service animals are limited to dogs; however, entities must make reasonable modifications in policies to allow individuals with disabilities to use miniature horses if they have been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for individuals with disabilities. For more information go to or call 19 General Support Group @ the center, Topic: ADA - Are We There Yet? 1:00PM-2:00 PM 28 Game Day @ the center, 1:00PM-3:00 PM Page 4 REACHing Out - December 2013 - February 2014 the ADA National Network at 1-800-949-4232. REACHing Out -December 2013 - February 2014 Page 13 THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT By Tom Schenck, LPC Many members of the Adjustment to disAbility Group have been asking about the Affordable Care Act, sometimes referred to as Obamacare. There is a lot of confusion with this new healthcare law, Medicaid, and Medicare. If you currently HAVE medical insurance then you do not need to be concerned with how the law affects you. You do not need to change your private insurance, Medicaid, or Medicare. If you DO NOT HAVE insurance, you are required to have insurance by March of 2014. Many of us with a disability have difficulty getting insurance because of pre-existing medical conditions. Family members recovering from medical problems also have difficulty getting medical insurance. This will no longer be the case under the Affordable Care Act. You can no longer be denied insurance or be charged a higher premium because of a pre-existing condition. Many of us have very limited incomes due to our medical conditions affecting our stamina and our ability to work long hours. This will qualify many Americas to receive a subsidized premium from the government. A single person making $31,000 a year or less qualifies for a government subsidy that pays all or a portion of the insurance premium. The more members in a family, the more the premium is subsidized. These are rough estimates so please go to the marketplace website or agency listed below to get accurate information. To find out if you qualify for Affordable Care Act insurance and subsidized premiums go to the Internet site "" and answer a few questions and then your premium choices will be outlined for you to choose from. You can get help with figuring out the insurance premium from a trained negotiator whose job it is to assist interested consumers with figuring all this out. Contact United Way of Tarrant County and you will be directed to a person who can assist you. By the way, United Way of Tarrant County received the largest federal grant to provide assistance to people interested in learning more about and/or signing up for insurance under the Affordable Care Act. I do not qualify for insurance under the Affordable Care Act because I receive Medicare. But my wife who is a breast cancer survivor will benefit greatly from the new healthcare insurance. She will save at least $400.00 a month or $4,800.00 a year because her insurance company can no longer charge a higher rate because of her pre-existing cancer condition. Disability has nothing to do with the Affordable Care Act. If you currently have no health insurance, the law requires you to have insurance by March of 2014. The earliest you can be covered is January 1, 2014, but you have to be enrolled by December 2013. If you have insurance, check out the new healthcare premiums for better coverage and lower premiums. The contents of this newsletter were developed, in part, under grants from the U.S. Department of Education (ED) and the Texas Department of Assistive & Rehabilitative Services (DARS). The contents of this newsletter do not, however, necessarily represent the policies of ED and DARS and you should not assume endorsement by either the federal or government. REACH receives a majority of its funding to operate the centers from grants from ED and DARS. REACH of Denton receives 100% of its funding ($256,566) from ED; REACH of Fort Worth receives 100% of its funding ($250,000) from DARS; REACH of Dallas receives 95% of its funding ($491,774) from ED and 5% ($24,559) from DARS; and REACH of Plano receives 100% of its funding ($250,000) from DARS. Page 12 REACHing Out - December 2013 - February 2014 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Call us if you need any accommodations such as a sign language interpreter, Braille materials, etc. December 3 International Day of People with Disabilities event 12:45- 2:45 PM St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Office of Peace and Social Justice 2700 Spring Creek Parkway Plano, TX 75023 Join REACH of Plano staff and consumers as we celebrate with art, music, dance and film this important day! Must RSVP to Julie by calling 972-398-1111 or e-mailing [email protected]. VSA and REACH of Plano will collaborate for a special art exhibit to celebrate International Day of People with Disabilities. VSA is calling for international entries to be exhibited at the event on December 3, then the entries will be on display at the REACH of Plano center daily from 10:00 AM-3:00PM December 4-10, excluding the weekend. An artist reception will be held on 12/3 at St. Ann Elizabeth’s office of Peace and Social Justice from 12-12:45 PM January 23 is Ed Roberts Day! Call Julie Espinoza at 972-398-1111 for details. AbleRoad Launched AbleRoad, a website and mobile app for finding and rating accessible places; i.e., restaurants, shops, hotels, medical practices and many other venues, was initiated earlier this year. A useful mobile service for people with disabilities and their friends, family members, and caregivers, the app is free of charge. AbleRoad can be accessed at the website or by using the iPhone and iPad apps. An Android App is also available. Go to: or download the app on iTunes. A two-minute video tutorial is on Facebook that shows how to use the app and website. By reading and posting reviews, users can promote businesses and venues that are fully accessible and challenge those that are not, to get into compliance. REACHing Out -December 2013 - February 2014 Page 5 FROM THE DIRECTOR’S DESK By Charlotte A. Stewart Consumers Comment We conducted our annual Consumer Satisfaction Survey of all active consumers at each REACH center in July. Here are the results from the feedback we received: 97% felt that REACH staff treated them in a friendly, caring & respectful manner 89% felt that REACH staff responded to them in a timely manner 75% felt that REACH staff encouraged them to make decisions so they could live more independently 73% felt that REACH services met their needs 77% felt that REACH services gave them enough information to help them make informed choices 79% rated their overall experience with the REACH centers as Excellent or Good LOWERED FLOOR VANS REAR ENTRY VANS Written comments included: “They [the Dallas staff] go out of their way to help. I appreciate all they do.” “The Plano staff is the best.” “They [the Fort Worth staff] are very friendly.” “They [the Denton staff] always go out of their way to help.” “The [Fort Worth] staff is very helpful and very caring.” “[Denton staff] marked my appliances so I can still cook. Thank you.” “If information is not readily available, the [Plano] staff will endeavor to locate it as soon as possible.” “Our son thoroughly enjoys and learns from the [Dallas center’s] activities and events.” Suggestions for services the centers might consider providing include: Speech/public speaking classes Training on life insurance and reading wills More exhibitions on famous leaders with disabilities More art exhibitions by artists with disabilities Retirement planning; banking finances (IRAs & CDs) Men and women’s health classes Training on service animals Dance classes More arts & crafts classes The board, staff and I want to thank the consumers who completed surveys. You’ve given us accolades as well as useful information that we can use in planning future activities and services. FYI At the end of fiscal year 2013, the Denton and Dallas centers were able to purchase some new equipment for their loaner assistive technology/equipment programs. Denton added desktop video magnifiers, portable video HD magnifiers, and LED illuminated magnifiers at three different magnification strengths. Dallas added lightweight transport wheelchairs and a portable video HD magnifier. All four REACH centers have manual wheelchairs available for loan. All of the assistive technology/equipment at the centers is available for REACH consumers to borrow on a first requested, first served basis. Stay Warm, Charlotte Page 6 REACHing Out - December 2013 - February 2014 CUSTOM MODIFICATIONS FULL SIZE VANS WHEELCHAIR LIFTS COME VISIT US AT 1500 WESTPARK WAY IN EULESS ONLINE AT WWW.LIFT-AIDS.COM OR CALL ANYTIME AT (817)835-0035 WE WORK WITH DARS, MDCP, CLASS, CBA, MHMR, DADS AND MANY OTHER FUNDING AGENCIES. JUST A REMINDER REACH generates additional funds to enhance its mission by participating in the Tom Thumb, Kroger, and Albertsons grocery store donor programs. Each grocery store chain allows its customers to register so that donations go to a nonprofit organization that the customer supports. Then every time a purchase is made, the nonprofit receives credit for the total amount of the purchase. On a quarterly or yearly basis, depending upon the grocery store chain, the chain’s home office issues a donation check totaling 1% of all of the purchases credited to the customer’s chosen nonprofit’s account. If you and/or your family and friends shop at any or all of these grocery stores and would like to make sure that REACH is able to continue providing services to North Texans with disabilities, please call any of the REACH offices for more information on how to get involved in these programs. REACHing Out -December 2013 - February 2014 Page 11 REACH FYI ON THE MOVE By Mel Finefrock & Paula Margeson This summer was an awesome one for the students in REACH FYI! Here is what we've been up to throughout the last quarter. REACH held independent living academies at Naaman Forest High School, Bryan Adams High School, and Duncanville High School, all of which kindly donated space for our educational and recreational endeavors. We got a taste of what it's like to work in the kitchen, learned about caring for our pets, and discussed topics such as good communication and self-advocacy, teamwork and interdependence, the power of positive thinking, and how to deal with failure so that we can succeed. Another really important thing we talked about was finding our “spark”, or our passion, in life, because discovering what we love and are good at can help us to plan our career paths. Before and after each lesson, we listened to songs that were related to the subject matter. It was really neat to hear about communication, togetherness, positive thinking, not giving up, and finding our spark in lyrics that we hear every day! We also participated in fun, recreational activities such as swimming, watching a performance by the amazing Mr. Magic, and getting to have a movie day. The academies are always really great because we get to learn about real-life issues while still having fun. Who can say that they've had fun in summer school? In August, RISE Adaptive Sports generously hosted our fourth annual REACH-RISE Water Sports Picnic. Twenty-one students and their families showed up at Meadowmere Park in Grapevine, and a wonderful time was had by all. The weather was perfect for a day on the lake. We swam, went sailing, cruised on a motorboat, rode on jet skis and floated on inner tubes, and had a delicious barbecue lunch. There were plenty of RISE volunteers to help us out and have fun with us, and we really appreciated it! We always look forward to spending time with our friends at RISE! In September, we went to the Dallas Arboretum to explore the new interactive children’s garden. A lot had changed since our trip there in 2009. There were really neat educational exhibits for us to check out, such as a giant kaleidoscope with amethyst geodes on the back, a tornado machine that we could stand in so that we could feel the breeze without being blown away, and an enormous, hollowed-out tree that some of us could walk through via a winding staircase. We smelled lots of pretty flowers and saw lots of really neat, interactive learning tools that told us about nutritional values in fruits and vegetables. Then it started to storm, so we took shelter in a building that had all sorts of fun things for us to do. There was a wall-mounted touch screen tablet that took us on a tour of all of the planets and constellations, as well as another similar desk tablet on which we could paint and draw or play math, anatomy, or animal games. We also had check-in and told each other what we did over the summer, and then Miss Paula taught us how to play a new game called Pig where you roll a die and rack up the points until you roll a one and lose everything. It was really fun, and the game got really competitive! We loved our trip to the Arboretum; we can always have fun, whether we're out in the sunshine or inside from the rain! We're hearing rumors about one of our infamous Halloween parties and a possible formal coming up in the near future. REACH FYI is always on the move, so stay tuned for more adventures! Deadlines for upcoming REACHing Out Newsletter January 6, 2014 - REACHing Out for March, April, May 2014 April 7, 2014 - REACHing Out for June, July, August 2014 July 7, 2014 - REACHing Out for September, October, November 2014 October 6, 2014 - REACHing Out for December 2014 - February 2015 Page 10 REACHing Out - December 2013 - February 2014 You are invited! Adults in the Dallas area, who are blind or partially sighted, and family members impacted by blindness, are invited to attend the All Eyes support group on December 5, 2013. If you have been diagnosed with an eye condition, been in an accident, or have a disease that has led to the loss of all or most of your sight, or if you are the family member of someone who has, joining a support group may be the most important thing you will ever do. These monthly meetings offer an opportunity to talk to others, share common concerns, frustrations, and stories, and find solutions to vision-related difficulties. You will meet and make friends with people who understand the issues you face and know exactly what you are going through. When attending an All Eyes group meeting, you may often find yourself laughing. In addition to monthly support group meetings, the group has birthday and holiday parties, game nights, and get-togethers at local restaurants. While the participants all know that being blind isn't easy, we promote a positive approach and believe that we still can work, have fun, make friends and live valuable and productive lives. The All Eyes group meets at 10:00 AM on the first Thursday of every month to network and share information on topics relating to vision loss. The meetings are held at the REACH of Dallas Resource Center on Independent Living, 8625 King George Dr., Suite 210, Dallas, 75235. Anyone who is dealing with issues related to blindness is welcome to attend. For more information, call Big C at 972-288-2025. To save money, plans are underway to e-mail this newsletter to interested readers rather than continuing to send it via the U.S. Postal Service. If you’d like to get the newsletter via e-mail, please visit the REACH website at and click on the Contact Us tab. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the webmaster’s email address and send him your e-mail address. REACHing Out -December 2013 - February 2014 Page 7 Choice Medical Equipment Offers an Extensive Line of Home Medical Equipment and Supplies: * Stationary and Portable Oxygen Systems * Nebulizers * Hospital Beds * Manual and Motorized Wheelchairs * Motorized Scooters * Walkers * Ramps * Canes * Crutches * Nasal CPAP * Commode Chairs * Bathroom Assist Devices and Safety Aids * Urological Supplies * Seat Lift Chairs Additional Services We Offer --> Sale and Rental Items Ph (940) 380-0455 > Equipment Repair Services Fax (940) 382-3026 > Delivery > We are Contracted with Most Major Insurance Companies Bad Weather Closing Should we experience any icy or snowy weather in the Metroplex during the 2013 - 2014 fall and winter seasons, watch Channel 8 TV (WFAA) to learn if the REACH centers will be closed, opening late, or closing early. Words to Live By Rates for Advertising in REACH Newsletter When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure. Below are the prices for placing an advertisement in the REACHing Out newsletter. The newsletter is published quarterly in December, March, June, and September. The newsletter is sent/distributed to 2,000+ readers living primarily in Tarrant, Dallas, Denton & Collin Counties and is available online at Author Unknown ADAPTIVE MOBILITY of the SOUTHWEST LLC Jim Chavez, Mobility Consultant- Proprietor 817-235-0670 The REACH Resource Centers on Independent Living Durable Medical Equipment Home Modifications Ceiling Track Lifts Bathrooms - Kitchens Pool Lifts Custom Ramps - Railing Motion Alarms Door Widening Automatic Door Openers Special Requests 817-704-3184 - Fax Insured - Bonded Page 8 ___ Business Card (2” x 3.5”) ONE TIME ADS $ 25.00 1 YEAR ADS (4 Editions) $ 90.00 are members of the ___ 1/8 Page (4.25” x 2.75”) 50.00 190.00 Texas Association of Centers ___ 1/4 Page (4.25” x 5.5”) 65.00 250.00 for Independent Living, ___ 1/2 Page (8.5” x 5.5”) 100.00 375.00 the National Council on ___ Full Page (8.5” x 11”) 200.00 775.00 Independent Living, and the Coalition of Specifications BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL AD SIZES: Texas with Disabilities. If you have any questions, please call Becky Teal, newsletter editor, at REACH of Denton 940-383-1062 or contact her by email at [email protected]. These advertising rates may change without prior notice. [email protected] REACHing Out - December 2013 - February 2014 REACHing Out -December 2013 - February 2014 Page 9