principal`s reflection - Mount St Joseph Milperra
principal`s reflection - Mount St Joseph Milperra
10 May 2013 Issue No. 06 Mary MacKillop Speaks “We feel our crosses hard at times, but our courage should rise with them.” (1882) Archdiocesan Theme: Lead Others Home to Christ WELCOME BACK TO TERM TWO Monday 13 May-Friday 17 May Year 10 and Year 11 Exams Tuesday 14 May-Thursday 16 May NAPLAN—Years 7 and 9 Wednesday 15 May Year 12 Advanced English Excursion Wednesday 15 May-Saturday 18 May Year 12 EES Field Trip Friday 17 May Year 12 Food Tec Excursion WYD Commissioning Mass Sunday 19 May Musical Rehearsal 10.00am to 4.00pm Monday 20 May-Friday 24 May McCormack Week Monday 20 May-Friday 24 May Year 7, 8 and 9 Exams Monday 20 May Year 10 Visual Arts Exc. UNIFORM SHOP HOURS Tuesdays 12 noon to 4.00pm Fridays 8.30am to 12.30pm PRINCIPAL’S REFLECTION The Season of Easter, The Ascension and Pentecost The Easter season begins on the evening of Easter Sunday and continues for fifty days, ending on the evening of Pentecost Sunday. The fifty days between Easter and Pentecost are a time of joy and thanksgiving for what Christ has done for humanity. The paschal candle is placed in a prominent position in the sanctuary of the church and is lit for all liturgical celebrations. Not many years ago the church celebrated the Ascension on the Thursday which fell 40 days after Easter Sunday, thereby taking literally Luke’s account of events in Acts Chapter One. In Australia and elsewhere the feast has been moved to the seventh Sunday of Easter. The feast of the Ascension commemorates the ascension of Jesus into heaven after his resurrection. One week after the Ascension, on the 50th day after Easter, the feast of Pentecost is celebrated. Pentecost commemorates the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, which empowered them to go out and begin spreading the Gospel. On Pentecost Sunday we celebrate the founding of the Church and the beginning of its mission to all peoples. The Easter season is a time we Name our deaths (small and big) Claim our births or new beginnings Grieve what we have lost and adjust to the new Let go of clinging to the old and let it ascend and give us its blessing Accept the spirit of the life that we are in fact living! Yes! It’s all about our Good Fridays, our Easter Sundays, our Forty days, our Ascensions and our Pentecost lived in, through and with Christ. ANZAC Day In commemorating Anzac Day we recall matters of life and death, tragic events and I thank Ms Barham and all those involved in our commemoration on Monday 29 April. I particularly thank Mr Garry Murray who spoke about his own experiences of service in times of conflict. The Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Honourable Bob Carr as part of his address at Villers-Bretonneux, France on Anzac Day said this; “Above everything, they were all volunteers. The more than 400,000 Australians who enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force, the Australian Army Nursing Service and the Royal Australian Navy, from a population of less than 5 million. All our First World War dead, of some 60,000, more than 46,000 of them here in France and Belgium. They all volunteered to serve. It was by their decision, and indeed, by the decision of the Australian people, confirmed twice at the ballot box. Why did they volunteer? The inscriptions on the countless war memorials around Australia give the official answer. “For King and Country. For the Empire. For Freedom.” These, unquestionably, were deeply felt motives. "Lest we forget". Tenison House Coordinator Ms Foxe will be acting Tenison House Coordinator until December 2013 while Ms Chapman is on maternity leave. Mother’s Day and the Month of May It is appropriate that we celebrate Mother’s Day in the month of May as this is the month the Church sets aside for reflection on, and devotion to, Mary the model of motherhood for all Catholics. In my readings about the Month of Mary I came across some interesting things to note about the history of the Marian month from the Liturgical Commission (2009) and I thought I would share them with you. Until the twelfth century, the Byzantine rite observed August as a Marian month centred on the solemnity of the Dormition (Assumption in the Roman Catholic Church) of Our Lady (15 August). In the Coptic rite the Marian month is kiahk, corresponding approximately to January-February and focusing on Christmas. The first indications of a Marian month in the West date from the sixteenth century. The tradition may have come from a fusion between popular devotion and the folk festivals of early summer. It was not until the nineteenth century that petalstrewing processions and crowning Mary with flowers became common in English and Irish parishes in May. The Filipino community celebrates Flores de Mayo, a flower festival in honour of the Virgin Mary, in May. Australia’s patronal feast honouring Mary Help of Christians on 24 May usually occurs in the Easter season. In the image of Mary Help of Christians, both Mary and the child Jesus wear crowns, a sign that they share the glory of the kingdom of God. This day should be the high point of St Mary’s month in Australia. The only other feast of Mary in May is the Visitation on 31st. The Visitation calls us to ponder Mary as the woman who believed and obediently accepted the will of God, enabling her to play a most significant role in the saving work of Christ. During the month of May I encourage you and your families to pray the Rosary. St Francis de Sales said the greatest method of praying is to pray the Rosary. A helpful website which explains the Rosary is prayer.php?p=1669. I thank Dr Mark Turkington, Director of the Southern Region for identifying this useful link. PRAYER FOR MOTHERS Gracious God, you chose Mary to be the mother of your Son, Jesus Christ. As you blessed her through her Son, bless all mothers. Grant them patience, wisdom, strength and joy, so that they may care for and love the children you have given to them and placed in their care. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. Jessica Houston of Year Seven has been selected to be a member of the ‘The Panel’ for the new online Catholic Education Office Southern Region publication written by students for students. She was selected for this new initiative at the primary writing day last year where she represented St Christopher’s Panania. We congratulate Jessica on this achievement and wish her well. Enrolment The School’s enrolment period for Year Seven, 2014 closes on May 31. Please note that the closing date will be strictly applied. Late applications (after 31 May 2013) will only be considered after all applications received by the closing date have been fully processed. Any enquiries re enrolments can be directed to Ms Bourke through the School Office. Music Night What a wonderful display of MSJ talent! My congratulations to all students who performed on the night, the CAPA Department and Entertainment students who made sure that the evening ran smoothly. Thanks to Ms Bain, Mr Harris, Ms Dein, Ms Innes, Ms Gascoigne, Mr Ghanem, Ms Lamour, Ms Kermode and Mr Price for their assistance and efforts on the evening. Athletics Carnival Congratulations to everyone for your participation in the Athletics Carnival held on 1 May. It was a wonderful day and it was so good to see all students and staff involved in the day’s activities. Congratulations to the McCormack House and the Age Champions. Sincerest thanks to Ms Craft and the PDHPE Department for their organisation of the day. Year 12 Year 12 are currently receiving their Half Yearly examination results and in a few weeks I will be reviewing their reports. All of the research about academic performance indicates that a teenager who feels connected to home and/or school has the best chance of achieving academically. Parents can play a crucial role in the academic achievement of their children by taking the opportunity to discuss their child’s performance before and after exam/assessment periods. For Year 12 parents this means engaging in a conversation about how the recent exams were and evaluating what might be done to improve. The Year 12 Parent/Teacher/Student interviews will be held on the afternoon/evening of Wednesday 12 June from 3.30pm – 7.30pm. I urge all parents of Year 12 students to make an appointment to see your daughter’s teachers and receive valuable feedback about their performance. Parents will be notified soon by SMS or email when the on-line booking systems can be accessed. Parents are welcome to contact the school office for any assistance if sufficient information is not forthcoming from the students. In Sympathy Our prayers and thoughts go out to Ms Innes and her family on the recent loss of her father and to Bridget Weeks on the recent loss of her grandmother. Please keep these families in your prayers during this difficult time of loss. Happy Birthday to: Rita Khalil, Emma Lovatt, Jessica Tjhin, Georgia Wade, Darcy Waters, Rachel Ely, Emma Lawrance, Kirralee Melham, Vanessa Antoun, Loulou Beydoun, Belinda Jones, Olivia Przybylo, Adeline Cabral, Camille Dionisio, Odette Kannan, Elena Karas, Josephine Daoud, Maria Mai, Danielle Rowan, Isabella Spagnolo, Jessie Wilkinson, Koreen Cueto, Natalie Dodds, Annalise Khouri, Phuong Thao Nguyen, Leah Spaine, Claudia Tarabay, Moni Kass Hanna, Lylie Le, Isabella Whitcher, Rosa Di Giglio, Robyn Dionisio, Mikayla Gioulis, Danica Seran, Kym Duong, Stephanie Lloyd, Jasmine Chaar, Sarah Formica, Bella Forti, Isabelle Ly, Mary Agzarian, Caitlin Grove, Amanda Jovevski, Vivian Tran, Denise Youssef, Elise Dean, Bianca Zepina, Emma Bailey, Elizabeth Grant, Kimberley Grant, Ashley McAlister, Vivien Nguyen, Claudia Collins, Alexandra Dahdah, Kaitlyn Riddell, Tiffany Tran, Shannon Burchell, Sharon Nellukottil, Sharon Nyamadzavo, Madeline Spinelli, Lavinia Tupola, Renee Waltho, Cynthia Calaitzopoulos, Sonia Guo, Natahsa Quintal, Jessica Hanna, Elizabeth Quin, Madeleine Thoms, Claudia Venuto, Nicola Briody, Madelyn Cini, Alyne Gollon, MelodyRose Jasmin, Madeleine Silva, Renee Nohra, Melissa Paskoski, Jacqueline Tran-Pham, Lauren Mellor, Cleopatra Kendirjian, Catherine Nguyen, Rachel Parnell, Saada Issa, An Pham, Kiara Asuzu, Stephanie Fagan, Monika Keoasa, Victoria Luong, Abbey Smith, Sonya Crismale, Jamal Moussa, Alycia Patterson, Theresa Uyen Vu, Monika Kuzmanovska, Eleeza Pozza, Kimberly Tran, Julia Vlahogiannis, Grace Earls, Felicity Lee, Teresa Nguyen, Cathy Quach, Charlotte Simpson, Tayla Stralow, Kristen Thomson, Chantal Dalger, Lily-Rose Nyamadzavo and Sarah Vaughan. Ms Janine Kenney PRINCIPAL ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Could I please encourage parents/carers to carefully read the information below regarding the use of electronic devices at Mount St Joseph as provided by the Catholic Education Office, Sydney. STUDENT ACCEPTABLE USE AGREEMENT – Information for Parents/Carers RE: electronic devices (e.g. laptops, mobile phones etc. ) and services – including cybersafety expectations POLICY STATEMENT The use of electronic devices and access to e-mail and internet services (school devices and services) in Catholic Education Office (CEO) Sydney schools are provided to students in order to support their educational and administrative needs. These school devices and services are necessary educational tools and must be used in a responsible manner. This policy can never anticipate all possible advances and uses of technology and therefore students who are unsure about their usage should seek clarification from a teacher as soon as possible. However, acceptable use is guided by the following principles; Students must behave in an ethical manner when using electronic devices to access resources, communicate and interact with others. Online behaviour should at all times demonstrate a Christ‐centred respect for the dignity of each person. It is never acceptable to use electronic devices to harass, bully or humiliate others. This Policy is intended to inform parents and students of our school’s expectations when students are using the devices and services provided by the school and when using their personal equipment to communicate to or about members of the school community. If a student acts in a way that is against the contents of the policy, he or she will be subject to consequences according to the school’s Pastoral Care Policy, this may include the withdrawal of access to services, and if necessary offending material may be supplied to the police. The school reserves the right to capture, store and review all internet browsing and emails across our school network. Devices may be taken or accessed if it is believed that: There has been or may be a breach of the school rules or policy There may be a threat of harm to a student or others or system security. Interaction with school staff on social media sites is only to occur in the context of a formal learning exercise which parents will have been formally alerted to in advance. CYBERSAFETY REQUIREMENTS This policy addresses the particular use of these technologies that has come to be referred to as ‘Cyberbullying’ (See No 3 below). The school will investigate and take action where this kind of bullying occurs in school and outside of school when it causes significant harm to the relationships between students and or teachers, or is criminal in nature. 1. When using school devices and services students will: ensure that communication through internet and email services is related to learning. keep passwords confidential, current and private. log off at the end of each session to ensure that nobody else can use their account. promptly tell their teacher if they suspect they have received a computer virus or spam (i.e. unsolicited email) or if they receive a message that is inappropriate or makes them feel uncomfortable. seek advice if another user seeks excessive personal information, asks to be telephoned, offers gifts by email or wants to meet a student. keep personal information including names, addresses, photographs, credit card details and telephone numbers, of themselves or others, private. use appropriate privacy controls on social networking sites. ensure that school services are not used for unauthorised commercial activities, political lobbying, online gambling or any unlawful purpose. 2. When using the school services or personal mobile phones (or similar personal equipment) students will not: disable settings for virus protection, spam and filtering that have been applied by the school and not attempt to evade them through use of proxy sites. allow others to use their personal accounts. deliberately use the electronic identity of another person to send messages to others or for any other purposes. enter ‘chat’ or ‘social networking’ internet sites without the permission of a teacher. intentionally download unauthorised software, graphics or music that are not associated with the learning activity as directed by a staff member. damage or disable computers, computer systems or networks or distribute damaging files or viruses. disclose personal information about another person (including name, address, photos, phone numbers) distribute or use information which is copyrighted without proper permission. take photos or video of members of the school community without their consent. 3. When using ICT to communicate or publish text or images students will never include; unacceptable or unlawful material or remarks, including offensive, abusive or discriminatory comments. threatening, bullying or harassing material or make unreasonable demands. sexually explicit or sexually suggestive material or correspondence. false or defamatory information about a person or organisation. the school name or crest without the written permission of the Principal. Further information regarding ‘Computer use – student responsibilities’ can be found on page 16 of the MSJ School Diary. Uniform Many thanks to parents in the transition to winter uniform for this term. Could I remind parents when buying new school shoes to please adhere closely to the guidance given on page 13 of the school’s diary. ‘Shoes: Black leather lace-up school shoes (platform soled, fashion shoes, mary-jane style or high heeled shoes are not permitted’.) Wearing the correct footwear ensures our students are able to participate in many of practical subjects offered at MSJ without the risk of injury. ANZAC DAY – Dawn Service Many thanks to Josephine Canceri, Sophie McGing and Ashleigh Daus for representing Mount Saint Joseph at the Panania Dawn service on ANZAC Day at 4.30am during the school holidays, it was a most moving ceremony. This was followed up by our MSJ ANZAC Day Service held on the first day of this term in the main quad. Many thanks to Mr Garry Murray (President Panania RSL Sub Branch) for attending our MSJ service and sharing his thoughts on what ANZAC Day means with our school community. Mr Stephen Mahoney ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COORDINATOR’S REPORT Year 9 Excursion On Friday, 3 May, Year 9 students travelled to the city. We started off the day with half the grade at St Patrick’s Church Hill and the other half at Mary MacKillop Place in North Sydney. We first had recess then proceeded to St Patrick’s to have Mass. The Church had numerous statues of saints as well as ornate Stations of the Cross and beautiful stained glass windows. MSJ even got a special mention in Mass. The groups then swapped over and we went and had lunch at Mary MacKillop Place. We had a tour through different exhibitions which showed us all about the life of Mary MacKillop. We even saw a number of items that belonged to her and we walked through the house she lived in. We would like to thank all the teachers that helped make this day possible. Overall it was a reflective and spiritual day. Samantha Harris and Samantha Smiley Walk With Christ On Sunday, 2 June, hundreds of school, parish and family groups together with priests and religious, will take part in the annual Walk With Christ event – a procession of the Blessed Sacrament from St Patrick’s Church Hill to St Mary’s Cathedral. It is hoped that MSJ will be represented at this event this year. All students and their families are invited to attend. Girls in their Religious Education classes will be given the opportunity to write prayers that will be included in the Book of Life which is carried as part of the procession and presented when the group arrives at the Cathedral. For more information, please visit Upcoming Church Celebrations 12 May – The Ascension of the Lord 13 May – Our Lady of Fatima 14 May – St Matthias, apostle 19 May – Pentecost Sunday Mr Chris Nolan RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COORDINATOR CLASS OF 1973 40 YEAR REUNION The class of 1973 will be holding a 40 year reunion on Saturday 19 October 2013. Further details will follow in the next few weeks. The reunion is being organised by Kerry Newdick (Lee). PASTORAL CARE COORDINATOR’S REPORT Crossroads A number of Year 11 and 12 students have participated in Crossroads this year and the last two Hall Nights have been hosted by the MSJ students. Crossroads is an organisation working in fellowship with disabled adults. They meet at the Padstow Uniting Church on the first Saturday of each month for a social gathering where they join in games and activities. There are between 20-30 disabled adults who attend the monthly Hall Nights and to see the students engage with the group is absolutely delightful. The Crossroads and MSJ communities have been connected now for over 7 years. This program is critical to the school’s Positive Relationships/Bullying Policy. At Mount St Joseph we recognise that behaviours which erode respect in our community must not go unchallenged. Any behaviours which stem from intolerance and discrimination are harmful and erode the culture of respect in our school community. The potential harmful effects of bullying, in particular, are acknowledged by staff and students and this program is one proactive way of equipping students with the skills to identify and challenge bullying behaviour in themselves and others. We are very fortunate to have a student body where Respect for Self and Respect for Others is valued in student interactions with each other, however, we are mindful that these values are not always upheld by every individual in every circumstance. The Program aims to give students the skills and confidence necessary to help them respond to situations of conflict which can occur in relationships between girls. Ms Barham PASTORAL CARE COORDINATOR FEES OFFICE Last Saturday the students helped the Crossroaders to make Mother’s Day Cards, write messages to the special women who care for them and decorate a small gift box. The month before the students led a game quest with 50 ping pong balls. Both the students and the Crossroaders enjoy being together for the hour and a half each month. There is a genuine warmth, kindness and enthusiasm exchanged between the students and disabled adults. The Term Two school fees invoices have been mailed out and all families should have a copy. If you have not received your copy, please contact the Fees Office on 8724 6228. When sending cheques to the school, please make the payee: Mount St Joseph Milperra. Thank you to our senior students for continuing to bring joy, laughter and energy to these Hall Nights. It is wonderful that the MSJ community can continue to make a difference to the lives of others in the Crossroads community. I know the organisers of Crossroads are forever grateful to the MSJ community. ESSA RESULTS Year 12: Alexa Callaghan, Madeleine Costello, Monica Crismale, Koreen Cueto, Brittney Finch, Dale Gardiner, Dominica Lovisa, Elise Mulvihill, Melissa Paskoski, Victoria Radosevic, Laura Reyes, Danielle Rowan. Year 11: Katie Aherne, Abby Andrews, Georgia Ayoub, Tayla Campedelli, Cassandra Castro, Tegan Henderson, Caitlin Murphy, Katherine Nguyen, Vivian Tran, Raquelle Wehbe. Thank you also to the staff for their continued support of the students and the Crossroaders: Mrs Jenny Edwards, Mrs Angela James, Mrs Kathy Wilson, Ms Jade Munro and Mrs Hayley Freedman. Mrs Connie O’Connor The MSJ staff would like to congratulate the Year 9 students on their outstanding performance in the 2012 Essential Secondary Science Assessment. Six of our students Hannah Kellert, Lauren Lowe, Courtney New, Emilie Anderson, Alyne Gollon, Claire Lee and Liselle Primrose achieved a Band 6, the highest grade awarded in this Assessment and special congratulations go out to these students for their exceptional results. Our school achieved better than state average in each of the three highest bands. Overall 80% of our students achieved a Band 4, 5 or 6. Well done Year 9. I would also like to acknowledge our Science Teachers, whose work and effort have contributed toward our student’s understanding of scientific concepts and methods. Mrs D Entwistle ASSISTANT SCIENCE COORDINATOR MPower On Tuesday this week all Year 8 participated in the MPower Program. The MPower Program was born out of a need to address issues of bullying, self-esteem and relationships between girls, and to assist the girls to develop skills to cope with and respond to issues such as: teasing, gossip, exclusion and other situations common among young women particularly cyberbullying. The students worked in small groups with a teacher and participated in activities which highlighted the importance of a positive self-image and the part that they play in building the impression that others have of themselves. Year 7 2014 Applications close on Friday 31 May YEAR 9 CAMP Wednesday 10 April was the day Year 9 had been waiting for. It was the day to leave for camp. When we finally got on the bus, the bus was filled with excitement. The bus ride was the fastest thing because next thing we knew we had finally arrived at Camp Yarramundi! We were greeted with warm welcomes from the YMCA staff and the camp leaders assigned us to our groups. We played different games in the hall and also went outside to play a game of tug-of-war. Then after we separated into our groups and got to know our leaders better we discussed what was going to happen over the course of the next three days. We then regrouped to be assigned our cabins. Everyone rushed to their cabins picking out which bed they wanted and made themselves at home. After everyone unpacked it was time for lunch. Lunch was over and it was time for the first activity. The first activity for the group I was in was rock climbing. We had to work in a team for rock climbing. After that we had afternoon tea. Then we headed to the multi group challenge which was a series of challenges where you work in groups to overcome multiple obstacles – you can see where they got the name from. It started to get dark and it was time for dinner. Half of Year 9 had dinner while the other half were in their cabins taking showers. The dining halls were filled with everyone talking about what they did during the day. After everyone had finished eating dinner we swapped. Then we all met up again to go to the disco. At the disco, we all sang and danced together. Occasionally the teachers or the YMCA leaders would come in and dance too. The night came to an end and the teachers gave us a bed time: 11:30! All of Year 9 went back and “went to sleep”. Day Two. It was the same procedure as dinner for breakfast. Then everyone went to their meeting spot to do their first activity. The next two activities I had were abseiling and then the scary maze. In the scary maze you had to navigate from start to finish through a pitch black maze comprising of tunnels, obstacles and multiple levels. It was awesome. After the first two activities it was time for lunch. After lunch we got ready for the next two activities which were giant swing and archery. It was the same procedure for dinner as day one. However on day two we had a game of trivia where all Year 9 gathered in teams. The teams had to answer a variety of musical questions asked by the YMCA leaders. The night ended and we all went back to our cabin. There was a difference between day one and day two; on day two nearly everyone went to sleep straight away. Day three everyone was ordered to wake up early to clean up the room and pack their bags to get ready to go home. We all had two more activities to do. High ropes and kayaking. After the two activities we all had lunch. Next, everyone gathered in the hall, teachers, student and YMCA leaders. It ended with many thankyous and goodbyes. Finally after the hard farewell, everyone headed to the bus excited to go home. Personally speaking, camp was an unforgettable experience where I faced many fears and got closer to many of my peers. I wish I could relive those three incredible days at camp Yarramundi. Joanne Nguyen YEAR 9 YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD WINNERS As part of the Science course students are required to plan a scientific investigation and conduct it at home. They present their findings in a written report. Every year at MSJ the Science Department nominate several students and enter them in the Young Scientist Award. Their projects are then judged by Science teachers from other schools. The Young Scientist Award acknowledges the best student research projects from around NSW. These students received a Certificate of Commendation for their projects last year: Cathy Do, Joanna Lagos and Monique Scott. These students received a Certificate of High Achievement: Emma Andrew, Felicity Lee, Katie Aherne, Rebecca Woods, Savanna Rehayem, Tegan Henderson and Raquelle Wehbe. The following students received a Certificate of Excellence: Lauren Andrade, Antonia Tahhan, Rebecca Volk and Tayla Campadelli. Tayla Campedelli was a finalist in the Young Scientist Award and was commended at an awards ceremony at UWS Milperra hosted by the Science Teacher’s Association of NSW as her project was especially outstanding. She researched the effectiveness of Electrolytes in Sports Drinks. Congratulations to all of our award winners and we hope this year’s Year 10 cohort can produce some equally astounding Science Research projects. Mr Frank Milic SCIENCE COORDINATOR MODERN HISTORY EXCURSION On Monday 6 May, a group of 30 students and staff gathered together at Panania Station around 7.45am. With many a caffeine “hit” secured via the take -away coffee shop nearby (thanks Gloria Jeans) we boarded the train and headed for the CBD, or more specifically, The Australian Museum, which is directly opposite St Mary’s Cathedral. Alighting the train at (surprise, surprise) Museum Station, this was followed by a pleasant walk through Hyde Park, towards the museum. Upon entering this infamous building, we filed into a lecture hall, and our students were fortunate to listen to some lectures delivered by renowned historian and author Christopher Condon. His lectures were solely focused on Albert Speer, Hitler’s architect. This is the personality being studied for the HSC. As a result of these lectures, which also featured valuable visual support material, students were delivered a comprehensive understanding of the nature of this highly controversial member of Hitler’s inner circle. The lecture day will prove highly useful for students who are preparing for their next assessment task, and ultimately, their HSC Examination in late October. Mr Mogan HUMANITIES COORDINATOR YEAR 10 VIETNAM VETERANS DAY Vietnam Veterans Day is an annual event here at MSJ, and Year 10 2013 were not disappointed. This incursion is organised for students to get a better understanding of the Vietnam War and the outcomes for the Australian Vietnam Veterans both physically and mentally. As a grade we divided into classes and split to do the following sessions: to watch a documentary 'In Their Footsteps', receive personal stories of the experiences of individual Australian Vietnam Veterans, see the memorabilia, go on the “Nambus” and witness a touching personal performance by Brett Hunt. For our class the first session was watching the documentary 'In Their Footsteps' which is a detailed account of the journey of an Australian Vietnam Veteran father and his son. This story follows the efforts of one son to gain an understanding of his father’s wartime service. He visits the Jungle training centre in North Queensland and travels to Vietnam to meet with Vietnamese veterans of this conflict. This moving personal story enabled us to get a better idea of the impact of the war on both individuals and their families. Later in the day, we had the great privilege of being addressed by brave Australian Vietnam Veterans like Leo, Lindsey, Chris and Gordon. The veterans were either conscripted soldiers or regular troops. They shared with us their personal stories and many of us were much moved. For me, their recounting of the lack of acknowledgment they received when they came home to Australia after the sacrifices they made was very emotional. Continuing on with the sessions we went back into our divided classes into the GLS. There was display set up for us by Paul Martin. The display included some weaponry, uniforms, heavy helmets, ration packages, and many other items that would have been used by Australian troops. Interestingly, there was even a North Vietnam soldier’s outfit, and maps of the area which were also informative. At lunch we were encouraged to visit the “Nambus” which was filled with historical items from the Vietnam War such as the shells, ammunition, used grenades, newsletters, model of the Viet Cong tunnel, radio, uniforms, reward medals and other items that would have been used by Australian soldiers. For the soldiers this was equipment, for us as historians, they are sources! Lastly, as a grade we watched Brett Hunt’s amazing performance based on his father’s personal experience of Vietnam. His father’s unit was involved in the events of the Redgum song “I Was Only Nineteen” and the performance included songs and drama, as well as an insight into the suffering of the families of veterans, such as Brett’s mum and his siblings. Brett effectively gave his audience an idea of what it would have been like for a troop to go out in the jungle with guerrilla enemies and how aware and alert the troops had to be and what sort of psychological impact this may have had. In conclusion I would like to thank Mr Mogan on behalf of Year 10 for preparing the Vietnam Day and allowing us to have such a great experience. No history. No future. Jade Ghabach YEAR 10 FORTHCOMING EXCURSIONS Parents and Caregivers are asked to ensure that permission envelopes are signed and returned to Student Services by the due date. Failure to return notes by the due date may mean that students will not be permitted to attend the excursion. DETAILS OF EXCURSION Year 7 Medieval Day $15.00 Year 7 PDHPE Incursion $5.50 Year 10 CAREERSEARCH $5.00 Year 11 UWS Day (Free) DATE OF EXCURSION PAYMENT & PERMSSION DUE BY 12-6-2013 31-5-2013 5-6-2013 17-5-2013 17-7-2013 7-6-2013 5-6-2013 17-5-2013 22-5-2013 16-5-2013 13-6-2013 30-5-2013 29th to 31st May 15th to 18th May Overdue Year 12 Advanced English “HAMLET” Excursion $25.00 15-5-2013 Overdue Year 12 Food Technology Excursion $43.00 17-5-2013 Due now Year 11 EES Excursion $20.00 29-5-2013 20-5-2013 Year 11 Legal Studies Excursion $5.00 Year 11 Ancient History Excursion $15.00 Year 12 Retreat $250.00 Year 12 Earth & Environment Mid West Excursion $335.00 Overdue THE SPORT REPORT MSJ Annual Athletics Carnival On Wednesday 1 May MSJ held its annual Athletics Carnival at the Crest Athletics Track. We were fortunate the day provided warm and sunny conditions. Competition was tight and several long standing records were broken. We congratulate all students for their enthusiastic participation, in particular we congratulate the McCormack House students who took out first place. SCC Cross Country On Wednesday 8 May 2013, MSJ competed in the SCC Cross Country at Queens Park. All team members trained hard all year, getting up early for training sessions The hard work and dedication paid off with MSJ achieving excellent results. MSJ won both the Junior and Intermediate overall trophy. Place Age Stefanie Aquilina 4th 12yrs Age Champions 2013 Isabelle Campisi 6th 12yrs 12 Years Rylee Towell 1st 13yrs Alana Green 3rd 13yrs Elise Dean 6th 13yrs Taylah Brito 2nd 14yrs Sharneece Antoun 3rd 14yrs Jorji Simpson 5th 14yrs Madeleine Dellosa 2nd 15yrs 1st 2nd – – Kimberley Todorovski Alexandra Stoddart/Anika Cavar 13 Years 1st 2nd 3rd – – – Rylee Towell Jessica Houston Isabelle Ly 14 Years 1st 2nd 3rd – – – Denise Youssef Shannon Burchell Taylah Brito Congratulations to the above girls have made it to the next level to compete at the CCC Carnival at Eastern Creek in June. 15 Years 1st 2nd 3rd – – – Laura Towell Ashleigh Talevski Annelise Colosimo Leah Spaine YEAR 8 16 Years 1st 2nd 3rd – – – Open Cricket Grand Final Samantha Honeysett Ashleigh Daus Akala Newman MSJ vs Bethany Congratulations to the MSJ open team who took out the 2013 premiership. MSJ lost the toss and were sent into bat. Emily Selwood opened the batting for MSJ and teamed up with Rebecca Ranawaka to take the first wicket. The wickets continued to fall quickly for MSJ despite the team dropping a few catches. Bethany finished the innings on 7/35. 17+ Years 1st 2nd 3rd – – – Cassandra Gray Alana Dean Elise Mulvihill Chloe Devlin and Prudence Roebuck opened the batting for MSJ and made a few quick runs before both being caught out. Maddison Bradford and Rebecca Ranawaka replaced the batters and took the team to a quick victory. House Placings 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th – – – – – – Name McCormack MacKillop Penola Tenison Fitzroy Landers I would like to congratulate the team for a great season. Despite the team winning convincingly every week, they managed to remain grounded and continued to proudly represent the school. Records Broken Annelise Colosimo – 15 years 100m Denise Youssef – 14 years 100m Shannon Burchell – 14 years Discuss and Shot Put Cassandra Gray – 18 years 100m and 200m Charbella Nandan – 16 years High Jump Ms Craft PDHPE COORDINATOR Back row left to right: Prudence Roebuck, Rebecca Ranawaka, Emily Roebuck, Emily Selwood, Maddison Bradford. Front row left to right: Chloe Devlin, Louise Aggar, Lauren Towell. Ms Craft
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